#i will keep my eyes out and see which sites have him at a decent price
toreii · 5 months
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💙Idia Shroud 1/8 Scale Figure💙
Specifications: Pre-painted finished product. Including stand.
Size: Approx. 235mm (9.25in)
Supervision • Illustration: Toboso Yana
Sculptor: Futaro Takahashi (ToToY), Ron
Production Cooperation: 千値練
Coloring: Sakura (fukufuku)
Publisher: Aniplex
Release: June 2025
Pre-Order: May 2nd, 2024 - August 18th, 2024
Price: 29,800 yen ($207.24 usd)
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anastasiabowe · 6 months
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𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙃 𝙂𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙇𝙀𝙈𝘼𝙉 — As a broke college student, it’s not wrong to want a rich boyfriend! That doesn’t mean you’re a gold digger, or will stoop so low you will ruin your worth, it just means you want a man who will take care of you, and guess what? You found him.
note: this will be a 3 part series! First one I’ve ever made and may be my last! So please not too much on these writings! Luv you!
Content Warnings: language, suggestive content
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Nanami is a man of morals. He usually keeps his hands and eyes to himself, he holds the door for anyone, women especially, he respects boundaries, and if anything that causes him to think inappropriately he will kindly excuse himself to make sure he doesn’t seem like a creep. But Nanami is just like any man.
Nanami longs for a lover, a wife. He desires children, a family. But in this cruel, sick world, he can’t find a woman who wants him for him. Nanami is one of the top 10 richest men on the planet, he not including himself, but his company in that title.
Every woman he has attempted to date tries to put on their best “I love you for your heart not your money!” act, but it slips the second they tell him “oh no! I forgot my wallet!”
Nanami knows every trick in the book, he knows the look women give him when they are impressed by his wealth, he knows the lip biting they do to show interest in his looks, he knows the voice and excuses they say to make him fall down to their feet, which he never once has done nor will do. He knows it all. So dating people that have seen him before he’s met them makes it all the more boring.
So, when Nanami’s friend, Haibara introduced him to dating apps, he obviously was shook.
“You really had no idea there were dating apps?” Haibara blankly looked at him. Nanami bit his thumb in uncertainty.
He grumbled a little “no.” And his friend smiled. “Then sign up! What can you lose? They don’t have to know what you look like.”
Nanami hated that idea. “No, I want them to know who I am.” His firm voice erased that idea completely from his friends plan.
“Well, 80% of this world knows who you are, that wish you want isn’t going to happen.” Nanami sighed knowingly, just tired from his sad lonely life.
“Haibara, thank you for this..” Nanami thought carefully of his words. “Great discovery, but I think it’s best you head home and I sleep on it.” Haibara understood, and firmly grabbed Nanami’s shoulder on his way out.
“You’ll find her, I know you will.” Nanami placed his hand firmly on Haibara’s in a thank you, and Haibara left.
After Nanami heard Haibara leave, he hurriedly sat down on his couch and opened the dating site.
Nanami quickly laughed at the cringe advertisement, but it was a popular app, so something was working.
Nanami put in his information and had to choose which photos to put on his profile. He chose the first decent ones he could find, not caring too much about perfection, and he was brought up with the interests slide.
He clicked three random ones and pressed continue. The app asked to use his camera to verify his age and photos. Nanami positioned the camera to where it said to and he was verified. The app welcomed him to a very ugly woman.
Nanami had skipped the tutorial at the beginning and just swiped towards the X like he has seen on TV. This app was the definition of a gold diggers dream. Rich men pay to speak with women that aren’t even all that.
Nanami swiped and swiped towards the x. No woman looked like a decent women. They all looked like they seduce men or are prostitutes, maybe both. Nanami frowned seeing all the half naked women.
“Should I really be on this app?” He thought to himself. He continued to swipe, heart sinking each swipe to the left seeing women who don’t know their worth. Ass in the camera more than their face just to get a quick buck. Nanami swiped one more time ready to turn his phone off, and his thumb froze.
A girl with straight hair smiling in what seems to be senior photo. She was in a white summer dress posing in a daisy field. The beach was calm behind her and he couldn’t help but stare at her smile. She seemed so pure, so innocent and that was exactly what he was looking for. He swiped right on her profile and it opened up a message saying:
Nanami saw a text box and a drop box. The drop box has let Nanami type in the amount he would like to send. The minimum was 5 dollars. He typed in $100 and pressed on the text box.
His thumbs again froze. What should he say? Should he compliment her? Introduce himself? Nanami combined them. He typed.
“Hello, my name is Kento and I couldn’t help but be in absolute awe seeing your photos. You are absolutely beautiful.” He sent it without looking back, this was already hard enough.
Nearly instantly you saw his message and typed.
Y: “Oh my god, you did NOT have to send that much money!”
He imagined your voice as he read your message. He chuckled to himself like a madman and he started typing back.
N: “I wanted to, you are so beautiful, I couldn’t help myself.”
He nervously tapped his thumbs on the side of his phone waiting for your response.
Y: “I really do appreciate the compliment but $100 is too much, I can’t accept that!”
N: “Too late, I want you to have it, I want to talk to you.”
Y: “You can’t talk to me for free!”
N: “That’s not how this app works..?” Nanami was confused.
Y: “Oh, right.. I forgot you have to pay to chat.”
N: “Please don’t be alarmed by the money, I’m not running out anytime soon😂”
Nanami cringed at himself for using such an emoji, but he wanted you to feel at ease.
Y: “Thank you, you really didn’t have to though. I won’t stop saying that.”
N: “Then let’s change the subject. Why are you on this app?”
You saw his message but didn’t text back. Did he ask a triggering question? You soon started typing, and his nerves came back.
Y: “You know, a broke college student who needs a little extra cash😅”
He chuckled, for a girl who didn’t want a hundred bucks, that’s sure what she was looking for.
N: “Haha, so you won’t mind if I send more?”
Y: “Don’t send more! I’m not that broke😭”
Nanami smiled. He smiled as if you were really there. He imagined having this conversation with you and how hard you would make him laugh with your silly remarks.
N: “Don’t worry, I won’t 😂, but it’s not like you’re going to stop me.”
Y: “I’ll send it back😜✌🏾”
N: “I’ll send it back!”
Y: “And I’ll send it again, it will be a whole thing if you make it💀”
The fact you both were arguing over money is crazy, Nanami never argued with a woman about sending them money. They usually do a “oh no you don’t have to do that!” But will eventually accept. You on the other hand are just outright refusing. Nanami is now intrigued by you.
N: “If you won’t accept my money via here, how about dinner? I’ll pay, and I won’t argue about it when we get there.”
You again took your time typing, very obvious you are unsure.
Y: “Okay… but where are you tryna take me?”
N: “I was thinking…. Hermes?”
Y: “You’re joking!”
N: “What?”
Y: “I can’t afford that!”
N: “You’re not paying.”
Y: “Still, I can’t make you pay for that!”
N: “I want to pay for it, I eat there all the time.”
Y: “Not for two☹️”
N: “I’ve paid for 10.”
N: “Y/n, please. I want to meet you. You intrigue me, I’ve never met someone like you. I don’t want to seem like a begged, nor do I want to pressure you, but I would love to meet you and enjoy a nice dinner with you.”
Nanami felt desperate even though he just met you not even an hour ago.
The long response time again happened, and Nanami felt like he blew it. The once time he felt like he actually found someone worth the time, he blew it.
Y: “Okay.”
Nanami’s heart fluttered seeing your message.
N: “You will have dinner with me?”
Y: “Yes! I’ll have dinner with you😂”
Nanami felt like a little boy again. He hadn’t felt this excited to ask a girl out since never and it felt good.
N: “How does tomorrow sound? I know that’s soon, but it’s the only day my schedule isn’t busy.”
Y: “Yeah, tomorrow would be great!”
N: “Alright, I’ll see you then!”
Y: “See you!”
The next day Nanami felt different. His head was somewhere else, somewhere lighter, happier. He felt… excited? He wasn’t sure, he hasn’t felt this way until his first client offered him half a million dollars as he started his journey in this company.
Nanami played more upbeat music, very different from his normal taste, and he swayed and stepped with every beat to the song as he ironed his clothes. He had opened windows and instead of wincing from the sun hitting his eyes, he smiled.
“What a beautiful morning.” He thought to himself. Nanami must have been in a different place that he didn’t even know was so negative until now. He was looking forward to a dinner with someone. He hasn’t felt that way in years and he just wishes he could meet you right then and there.
Nanami nearly put on his freshly ironed clothes and grabbed his briefcase and blazer. He locked his garage door and headed straight to his black Porsche that he usually doesn’t drive, but today, why not?
Nanami drove to work with a smile on his face. Haibara greeted Nanami as he stepped out of his car and a valet stepped in for him.
“Good morning.” Nanami smiled and Haibara walked beside him.
“Good morning…” Haibara stared at Nanami’s face.
“Did something happen?”
“What do you mean?”
“Did you win the lottery? What’s got you so happy?”
“Haibara.” Nanami stopped and turned towards his friend, “Thank you.”
Haibara wanted to laugh, he didn’t even do anything, right?
“for what” Nanami smiled at Haibara.
“For showing me that ‘app’. I’m going to meet someone for dinner tonight.” Haibara smiled at Nanami.
“That’s great, Kento! What’s her name?”
“Hm, is she pretty?”
“Is she rich?”
“Is she young?”
“Kind of.”
“What do you mean by ‘kind of?”
“She’s… 20..” Nanami purses his lips waiting for Haibara’s reaction.
“20?!” His eyes were wide and he laughed. “You’re 34!”
“She’s very aware of my age.” Nanami said not amused by his friends reaction.
“I mean, hey, if a woman 14 years older than me asked me out, and she was hot, I’d go out worth her too.” Haibara threw his hands up in a ‘what can I say’ pose and Nanami rolled his eyes.
“We meet at 6, so I just need to get through today.” Nanami said more to himself. The happy facade started to break, and he felt the butterflies pool in his stomach.
He was nervous. He hasn’t been on a date with someone he actually wants to meet in over 10 years. He doesn’t remember how to be charismatic, he doesn’t remember how to be enticing and interesting. Work has been the only topic that’s been keeping his conversations alive. He doesn’t talk to anyone about anything personally other than Haibara and that is hard enough.
Haibara saw Nanami. He knew Nanami for nearly 6 years and this was the look of nervousness. He’s seen it countless times, but that’s only because he knows him. He can tell from the slight twitch in his jaw and the subtle fidgeting with his hands.
“Come on Nanami, let’s go to my office.” Nanami nodded and followed Haibara.
In Haibaras office, he gave Nanami tips.
“Now I have met countless women. Hard to believe, I know, and I know how to get them wanting more.” Nanami cringed at the thought of his good friend seducing women.
“I’m not trying to get anything from her, I just want to hold a conversation and hopefully get to know her more.”
“Alright, I got you.” Haibara walked over to his whiteboard and wrote “NANAMI’S FIRST DATE”
“This isn’t my first date, Haibara.”
“I know, but you’re acting like it is.”
Nanami nodded in agreement, and Haibara clapped his hands together.
“I have cancelled all meeting that require you to be there, and will have your secretary fill in for the ones that don’t. We have all day to get you ready for your date, alright?”
“Ok.” Nanami replied. Nanami felt silly sitting in the chair and listening to his younger friend teach him how to act right on a date. Nanami usually lets the women talk since he usually doesn’t care too much about them. He usually just lets his colleagues recommend a woman and set up a date. Nanami regrets every single dollar he wasted on the money thirsty women. But he wants to try with you. He wants to talk to you and let you talk. He wants to actually get to know you, maybe even go on more dates and hang out.
“Ok, first step. Do NOT let them talk the whole time. Even if they ramble, try and have a mutual conversation. Sometimes when they ramble, they think it’s because you aren’t interested and they will want to make sure you're still intrested” Haibara took in a huge breath, “OR they are nervous.”
Nanami nodded.
“You just have to read their body language.”
“Well, how will I know if they are nervous or not?”
“You’ll know. If they look around when talking, when they cover their face when talking, when they hold their hands in their lap, if they look tense, come on, you know what nervous looks like.”
Nanami nodded again.
“Use your words, this is practice. Don’t just nod your head,” Haibara mocked him by aggressively nodding his head “say things like ‘I agree’ or ‘I’m listening’ or ask them about whatever they’re talking about so they know you’re listening.”
“And don’t just say ‘okay’.” Haibara mocked again. “Try and be more creative! Let’s practice.”
Haibara sat down in his seat and tried his best to look more feminine.
“So yeah, me and my friends went mini golfing and I didn’t know what to do so I just sat and watched them play.”
Nanami sat there. What did Haibara want him to say? Haibara looked at him, waiting for a response.
“Oh, well that is very sad.” Nanami said unsure. Haibara sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Yep, might as well pay the bill and leave.” Nanami sat there dumbfounded. What was he supposed to say?
“What should I have said instead?”
“Nanami, I can’t tell you what to say, but that would have sent her home crying. You sounded like you didn’t care. You should say something along the lines of ‘did you ever end up knowing how to play mini golf?’ That will at least let her know you’re listening.” Haibara stood up and sighed.
“We have a lot of work to do.”
After many hours of preparing, Nanami’s watch chimed. It was 5:30 and he needed to head home and change.
“Thank you Haibara, this was very helpful.” Nanami shook his friends hand and headed towards the front of the office.
“Don’t try too hard! Just let it come out naturally!” Haibara cakes out to Nanami. Nanami smiled back at his friend and Haibara sighed.
“Please don’t screw this up.”
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delusionaldaydreamz · 1 month
”that’s MY girlfriend” | c.s.
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W/C: around 1228 (the word counter site kept screwing me over sorry lol) | x reader/ y/n 
In which Chris comments on his new favorite photo of you (just Chris fluff) 
      “Do I look okay?” I turned to Nick, who looked up from his computer screen to look at me. “You look amazing.” He smiled before going back to editing. This is how our date nights would typically go, I’d sit up here with Nick, getting ready while we gossip and go through outfits, and Chris would get ready in his own room, usually alone or occasionally with Matt to keep him company. 
        Chris said he had somewhere nice to take me tonight, so I dressed decently sophisticated. A tight, long black dress with a straight across neckline, a slit down the thigh and super thin straps, which for whatever reason made my chest look way larger than it already is. I didn’t bother wearing heels, because let’s be real the guys aren’t the tallest; I just paired it with a fresh pair of classic converse. Typically I’d go for silver jewelry, but tonight I went with gold since Chris said the place was fancy. 
     As I walked down the stairs, I noticed Chris and Matt chilling on the couch, each on their phones. “Wow, y/n you look beautiful.” Chris eyed me as I made my way down. I chuckled softly, thanking him as he stood up and made his way to me. “We’ll be back later.” Chris stated as we walked down the second flight of stairs. 
       It didn’t take too long before the Uber got here, but Chris continued eyeing me the entire time we waited. “That dress is fucking perfect on you.” He mumbled, his eyes scanning over my body. “Thanks, Chris.” I chuckled, patting his cheek softly as he leaned in for a kiss. Unfortunately this was when the Uber arrived, leaving the kiss short and sweet before we got into the backseat. The driver greeted us before taking off, Chris’s hand immediately finding its way to my thigh, offering a small squeeze. A gesture he’d always do in the car that never failed to make my heart flutter. The warmth of his fingertips sent a shiver up my spine as they trailed ever so softly up and down, in the most innocent way possible, as we talked. 
Chris pulled out his phone and took a quick selfie of us, making me giggle the second he put it down. “You’re so awkward.” I rolled my eyes. “What do you mean?” He laughed softly looking down at me. “Why in the Uber?” I asked shyly. I typically tend to be pretty awkward in photos, hating taking them where anyone could see me. Pretty weird when you’re dating YouTuber, I know. I’m just not all that confident when people are watching me, or have the ability to be watching me. When it’s just me and the guys though? Oh man all I do is take pictures. 
      As we pulled up to a steak house, Chris got out first holding the door for me. His eyes lingered on me as I got out, Chris thanking the driver before shutting it behind me. “Jesus, y/n you make being in a secret relationship with you impossible.” He muttered, his hand making its way around my waist. He rested his hand softly on my hip, but he trailed behind ever so slightly. “Chris,” I turned around, having a feeling his eyes were on my butt and I was correct. “Sorry.” His head snapped up, looking forward after he flashed me a big innocent grin. 
       Once we got to our table and ordered, I pulled out my phone to take a picture of him. The restaurant was beautiful inside. Very open, lots of twinkling lights and crystal everywhere. I held his hand from across the table, taking a cute little photo of him. He chuckled, grabbing my phone. “You’re the one who deserves to be in photos.” He teased, taking a couple pictures of me. “I seriously cannot get over how fucking gorgeous you are, y/n.” He continued taking photos, but his statement made me feel super giddy inside, which in turn made me start blushing and trying to hide my face. “Okay enough Chris.” I laughed, trying to cover my cheeks as he continued taking photos. 
         “Holy fuck,” he said seriously, making me immediately stop laughing. “What?” His serious tone and the abruptness made me nervous. “I’m pretty sure I just took my new favorite picture of you.” He mumbled going through the photos on my phone. “Chris…” I trailed starting to get embarrassed. After a few moments he finally handed my phone back to me, and now it was my turn to go through the photos I took. “Oh god, which one?” I chuckled looking at all of them. He knows i get nervous on the other side of the camera, so he’s gotten pretty mindful of my angles that I like and the lighting I like, so he actually managed to get a few photos I didn’t hate. 
      “That one.” He smiled staring down at one of the photos he took of me caught off guard while I was laughing and trying to hide my rosy cheeks. It wasn’t horrible, but it definitely wasn’t my favorite. “I sent it to myself.” He grinned, staring down at his phone. After a moment, he set his phone back down and I saw that he had set it as his screensaver. My heart fluttered a bit at the sight, butterflies erupting in my stomach as I tried to hide my growing smile. 
      Our dinner was nice, we each talked about our day, plans we have, videos they’ll be making etc. We ended up getting desert and talking about our anniversary that was coming up soon, Chris asking what I wanted to do for it. We’d managed to talk so much over dinner, that our Uber ride was a bit quiet. We both took the time to go on our phones, me posting the photo Chris had taken that he claims is his new favorite photo of me, and him doing random Chris things. 
      When we got home, more than likely we’d end up just cuddling and going to sleep to some random movie, so that’s why we ended up on our phones most of the car ride, Chris’s warm hand instinctively holding my thigh. One of the notifications from my post stuck out more than the others. “Christophersturniolo commented on your post” 
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Liked by: nicolassturniolo, lilskies, and others 
Christophersturniolo: fuck sorry baby 
Christophersturniolo: you’re so beautiful I can’t hide it anymore 😭😍 
Christophersturniolo: that’s MY girlfriend 🙏🏻🥵
Nicolassturniolo: you ate y/n/n but yikes this comment section is a mess
      I chuckled at his comments, now understanding why the post was gaining more attention than usual. “Chris…” I trailed staring down at my phone. It was rare when he’d call me anything other than y/n or y/n/n so seeing him openly commenting calling me baby sent a new type of butterflies through my stomach. It was hard to describe, but it made me feel extremely good about myself. I couldn’t help but smile, even though I was definitely stressed now. “We weren’t supposed to tell them yet…” “I don’t care anymore, who the fuck wants to hide their relationship?” I chuckled at his words, leaning over for a small kiss. “I love you.” I stared up at him, getting lost in his beautiful eyes. “I love you too, y/n.” The feeling of Chris’s lips softly against my forehead sent butterflies through my tummy again. How did I get so lucky?  ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A/N: I saw someone say there’s not enough Chris fluff and came up w this but if ts flops I’m literally never posting here again, yall don’t understand how many fucking ISSUES THIS POS WEBSITE WAS GIVING ME trying to edit and post this bruh 😭 legit was ready to throw my phone out the window
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angstywaifu · 8 months
The Lost Sister - Part 5
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC A/N: Thank you for all the love on this little series guys! Literally makes my day seeing you guys interact with it. Little bit of a shorter one, but I hope you like it. Been thinking about maybe taking requests? Obviously I am still quite new to this so I may not be good at writing everything. But if you have any ideas feel free to throw them my way :) The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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Challenges only happen once a week, so the next few weeks I continue to feel Imogen’s gaze on me every time we’re in the same room. Which is only a few times a day for meals and battle brief. But every single time I feel her eyes on me, watching my every move. I get the feeling the only reasons she hasn’t tried to start a fight already is us being on the same squad, and the fact I am Xaden’s sister.
As we stand around the mats watching the matches take place, I can practically hear my heart beating in my ears. I know I can hold my own on the mat, but something about the prospect of me being called up with Imogen terrifies me. The boys have assured me its nothing and I am over thinking. But the looks they give each other, mainly Garrick, do not convince me in the slightest. And despite how many times I had asked Garrick directly, he would not budge. I hadn’t talked to him or the others in the last few days, mostly keeping to my fellow first years in my squad. I wasn’t the only one who had noted their annoyance at me ignoring them. With Violet and Rhiannon commenting on it. Multiple times Garrick had tried to get me alone between classes or at the end of the day.
The moment I’ve been dreading is here. Emetterio points a finger at Imogen and I with a smile on his face. “My two best female fighters. Lets see what you can do.”
I’m kind of glad Garrick and Xaden are busy with their own fights to see us called up. But Bodhi is not. He goes to move but I give him a look, trying to convey I do not want him to interfere. He falters for a second before nodding and staying in his place. He’s probably going to get an earful from Xaden and Garrick later. But I don’t care. I need to know why she’s been acting the way she is. And if Garrick and Xaden get involved before the fight starts, they have the power to call it off.
Imogen starts circling the mat as if I am her prey. As if she’s out to kill me. As much as I would like to think my squad and being Xaden’s sister keeps me safe, the reality is people die in the riders quadrant. Nothing keeps you safe here.
”You need to keep away from what’s not yours Riorson.” She spits out at me.
What's not mine? Her eyes flick to Garrick a few mats away who is still focused on his fight to see Imogen and I have been paired up. That’s when it clicks. There is either history there, or she wants him. And here I come, essentially back from the dead and either put a divide between them, or wrecked any hopes she had of being with him. She’s jealous. And honestly who wouldn’t be. As per usual he is fighting without a shirt on, and its definitely a site to see. All the girls near his mat are watching him. She thinks I’m his. If only her words were true.
I don’t get a chance to respond back. In a blink of an eye Imogen has run at me and starts berating me with punches I can barely keep up with. Occasionally she gets a hit on my ribs, stomach or the side of my face. She’s coming at me with every thing she can. She tires for a second and I step back before launching a well placed kick to her stomach, sending her stumbling back before I am on her again. She not as lucky as I was when it comes to blocking punches and I manage to her a few decent hits on her. One of them lands on her nose, sending blood down her face and across the mat.
I vaguely hear male voices yelling that sound like Garrick and Xaden. But I block them out, focusing on the fight at hand. My luck runs out and she gets a well placed knee into my stomach causing me to double over, earning me a knee to the face and a sickening crunch to my nose. The familiar taste of blood trickles into my mouth. She pushes me to the ground and I have enough time to shield my face before she’s punching me again. Someone tries to pull her off but they are pulled away. I use the distraction to flip us over so I am on top. She comes at me with her knees and elbows, and manages to get a foot up and kick me off her. I land on my back and my head hits the hard ground in stead of the mat with a loud thud. I barely hear Imogen approaching me with the ringing in my ears. I look up in time to see her foot coming for my face, barely rolling out of the way in time. Her eyes flare with anger as I get away and am able to get back on my feet. I need to end this fast. The knock to my head has definitely given me a mild concussion paired with the knee to the nose I received earlier. If she gets another good hit on me I’m done. I need to win this to get her off my back.
She screams and runs at me with all she’s got. I can use her anger against her. She won’t be thinking straight. I plant one of my legs between hers, duck under her arms and use my ground foot to pivot around her locking my arms around her neck in a choke hold and locking both her legs between mine. My extra weight throws her off and we land on the mat with her on top of me, but I manage to hold on.
She claws at my arms and tries to kick her legs out. It takes all my energy to keep her locked in place. But slowly I feel her become weaker and weaker. Around the mat others yell for her to fight back and yield. If she’s anything like me, she wont yield. This is personal. After another minute her arms fall away and she passes out in my arms. I don’t even hear Emetterio call the end of the fight due to the ringing in my ears. But I know its done. I push her weight off me and do my best to sit up.
I look to my right and see Imogen coming to on the mat next to me covered in blood from where I got her in the nose earlier in the fight. We just stare at each other for a few second before she nods her head at me. Once we’re both healed and recovered I’ll have to find her and talk to her. A few other second years come and help her up and lead her towards the doors, most likely to the healers quadrant.
I go to stand but a big pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up as if I weigh nothing. I don’t even have to look up to see who it is as their familiar scent invades my senses despite my nose feeling like it should no longer work. I look up into Garrick’s hazel eyes as he walks with me bridal style in his arms out the doors and towards the healers quadrant.
Part 6
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
Hello! Hope you're doing well hope you dont mind this request- Not sure if you've done this but may I request the om brothers reacting to a slow learner mc?;;
I am one slow learner aha-
Thank you in advance and do take your time!
the brothers with a slow learner
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list
a/n: thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy it!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come drop by! i don't bite lol.
please reblog <33333
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➳ lucifer realizes the issue fairly early on. after all, he is in charge of monitoring your task progress, so he knows that the, ah, relative lack of it isn’t because you didn’t try. not wanting to embarrass you, he doesn’t bring it up directly, but instead reworks the talk plan to try and make it more manageable for you. he also casually slides in offers for help and makes sure you’re aware that you’re more than welcome to sit in on any of his sessions with his brothers. overall, you seem to do a lot better and he’s glad that he can facilitate the best experience for you possible.
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➳ mammon is glad he’s not the only one! oftentimes, he feels like he falls behind his brothers and it’s definitely a sore spot, so to find someone else with similar issues is such a weight off his back. you work together on a lot of things, helping each other where possible, and it makes asking for help a lot less scary as he doesn’t have to worry as much about coming off as stupid or like he’s not trying. you also do a lot to help him, dismantling those assumptions about him in other people’s eyes.
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➳ levi isn’t the most studious, but tends to pick up on things quickly, which is the opposite of you, as you spend a lot of time with your books but need more time to synthesize and understand the content. eventually, he asks you about it, trying to explain he doesn’t mean any harm and just wants to help, which leads to you feeling more comfortable coming to him and asking questions. he also helps you find trustworthy study sites as all of the human-world ones you used to use were no longer applicable.
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➳ satan didn’t really pay enough attention to notice the info until you come to him on your own accord, explaining how you’re having trouble with the new material, especially since you’re missing so much of the background those who have been at rad for a long time have. it becomes common for him to pass along his notes and annotations for you, as well as for him to proofread your papers, which honestly he really enjoys, as your human perspective is quite insightful even without all of the demon background. additionally, he uses you for knowledge too, asking you all sorts of things about the human realm shamelessly.
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➳ asmo isn’t the fastest learner either, but he usually tries to keep that under wraps, studying in secret when others think he’s in his room messing with his clothes and makeup or going to the library when he tells his brothers he's going out on the town. you find him out quickly, coincidentally at the library when he’s there late one night, and before you know it, you two have regular study sessions. you help him be more open about where he needs help, something that’s truly a blessing even if it’s a little shameful to admit at first.
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➳ beel doesn’t really study. he probably should, but hey, his grades are decent and he’d much rather hit the gym or restaurants around town. but he sees how hard you work and not only brings you snacks and a much-needed smile when you start to stress spiral but also pulls you away to go on a walk or get your blood pumping, which you find actually helps you a lot. he also (eventually) gets convinced to start studying more which helps his grades get a bit better and also allows you two to spend time together, which is a tradeoff he’s willing to make.
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➳ belphie doesn’t really study either, and unlike been, his grades are not decent. they are abysmal. part of it is that he missed a lot of content when he was up in the attic and is now pretty far behind, but also he’s not motivated, especially since he really couldn’t care less. he also likes how angry it makes lucifer. after a few failed attempts to get him to study and put more effort in, you leave him be, but the guilt starts to eat at him when he goes to sleep in your bed with you bent over your desk and wakes up with you passed out with your face in your book, and attends some study sessions with you and beel.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Because it’s your birthday~
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pairing: matthew x reader
pronouns: none used
genre: canonverse, fluff, suggestive themes
tw/tags: waking up together, kisses, making out, pet names, bday requests, marking, implied intimate acts, scandalised hyung line, lowkey pda, yujin is an innocent child, embarassment, yall know what matthew asked for lmao
wc: 785
summary: matthew wants one thing for his birthday. you indulge him, much to the horror of, well, everyone else.
a/n short fic for our one and only woohyun-oppa's bday! not my best work but i hope y'all enjoy! also abt 30 mins left before bday live~
check my pinned for more fics!
Strong arms wake you up, tugging towards a warm solid body. You shift a little, tucking your head into the crook of his neck. Both of you sigh, basking in each other before he speaks up.
You hum, nuzzling at him like a particularly affectionate cat.
“It’s my birthday.”
Yes it is. Which is why Matthew is over at yours, both of you planning to go back to the dorms later to celebrate with the rest of the boys before he has to do a birthday live.
“I know.”
After having your own little “celebration” the night before, you did ask your boyfriend what he wanted for his birthday. And even though he told you without hesitating, you needed to hear it from him again.
“You promised you would-”
You cut him off, tilting your head up to kiss him softly before rolling over until you were lying on your stomach on top of him. He’s so cute in the morning, mussed up hair and sleepy eyes but a promise is a promise. And it is his birthday.
“Happy birthday oppa.”
He looks so pleased, smiling in a way that you can’t resist squishing his cheeks and kissing him again. Hands slide down your back and grip at your waist as he surges forward and deepens the kiss, only relenting once you’re breathless and panting and very aware of how you’re pressed against each other.
With ease, he flips you both over so that your back’s flat against the mattress, him hovering over you. He’s leaning down to press kisses to your neck, mouthing greedily at your skin as you let out little gasps. Several times you feel his teeth, your back arching towards him as he sucks a mark into your shoulder that will most probably bruise.
Pausing for a bit to pull his shirt over his head, you’re greeted by the very pleasant site of his muscular biceps and abs. Even though you’ve been together for quite some time, you can’t help but feel a little light-headed every time you see them like this.
You run your hands along his sides appreciatively. He shivers a little, hips lowering to meet yours, both of you hissing at the contact. 
“Matt.” You call weakly, only for him to pull back, staring at you with dark eyes.
“Ah, ah babe, that’s not my name today.”
You barely stifle a giggle before you stare at him through your lashes coyly and say it.
“Yes babe?”
Safe to say, Matthew spends most of your morning making sure you’re calling his (preferred) name.
You try not to smile as the members greet Matthew at the doorway. You’ve managed to, after your “morning activities” drag yourselves to the shower, pick up the takeaway you ordered in advance and make it to the dorms by lunch time. Your boyfriend is promptly assaulted by loud singing, several hugs and pats on the back and a decently decorated cake that you hoped they baked properly. Food poisoning would not be a great gift for any day.
Jiwoong and Hanbin are helping you and Matthew lay the food out on the table while Hao’s wrangling the younger ones. Absent-mindedly, you ask.
“Matt, where do you keep your serving spoons?”
When you don’t get an answer, you look up only to see him staring back at you expectantly.
You raise an eyebrow and throw a glance at the members. Really? In front of them.
It’s my birthday. He mouths, having the audacity to pout just a little. You tamp down the urge to sigh and summon a little aegyo, feeling sorry for those in the immediate splash zone.
“Oppa, can you bring the serving spoons?” Both Jiwoong and Hanbin freeze. Matthew smiles, answering you cutely.
“Sure babe.” And he’s off to fetch them. Hanbin’s about to catch flies with how much his mouth has dropped open and Jiwoong’s eyes are so big they’re about to pop out of his head.
“Don’t ask.” You hiss under your breath, looking Hanbin in the eye. “He’s your best friend.” Jiwoong’s managed to mediate his expression back to placid serenity, the actor he is.
You think that’s the end of it but later, when you’re reaching for one of the side dishes, Yujin makes a noise of concern and asks if you’re alright. Suddenly everyone’s staring at the bruise peeking ouIt from where the neckline of your shirt shifted. You want to die. Several of the members pointedly avoid eye contact. The younger ones look confused. And your boyfriend? Matthew’s expression is too smug for his own good.
It’s a good thing it’s his birthday. You’ll get him for that tomorrow instead.
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pocket-poly · 6 days
I was asked how redgrasshopper and I met and realized it was a story to share. If you wanna know.
Back in late 2020, my partner at the time was active on Fet. He asked if he could add me as a partner on there. So, I reactivated my dead account and added a photo, and confirmed the poly relationship. Some how that photo ended up in redgrasshopper's feed and he like and commented I had beautiful eyes.
Trying to see what events that past partner had RSVP-ED to because his ADHD he would double book himself, messing up our time because I am auto immune and we needed his social outtings to have time between in order to see me safely. Hindsight, I was trying to micromanaging a damage relationship, Was the only reason I was ever on FET.
In June 2021, I gained more self-confidence and uploaded another photo after a self-esteem boosting photoshoot. Redgrasshopper, once again, left a kind comment. I thank him and left it at that.
In July 2022, I faced significant personal challenges. Two of my relationships were deteriorating, causing me emotional distress. My world was undergoing rapid changes, and I was physically and emotionally renovating my home. I had to make the difficult decision to evict and disown my father due to his involvement in drug dealing and an armed robbery that occurred in my family home.
Despite everything I was latching on to joy by attempting to ride a NRE wave with a comet partner. My therapist supported this endeavor at the time. However, this pursuit ultimately led to the end of my three-year relationship with my partner.
I logged into FET, and saw a meme about ratio body to pen1s most men are technically hung like a horse. I love the body positive aspect and liked that meme that Redgrasshopper had posted.
He messaged me a kind hello. Pleasantries exchanged and I was terrible about logging in to the site so there were days between messages. But they were always kind and no pressure. I was also very distant to the idea of meeting a decent person not sexually driven on that site. Yes I passed unfair judgements.
When we started to chat I was very blunt that my life was a mess, choas was pretty normal in my life, and I have zero sex drive.
He apologized that I was in a hard place offered a ear nothing more. We share about my current renovation and how he was a small construction business owner.
Slowly we chatted more and more july-october but I was purposely keeping one foot out the door. Oct 18th he asked if I wanted to join him for lunch. And I did. We had tacos and talked. He was so attentive and oddly felt safe from the start.
On pair for my normal, The next day I had a double ear infection from allergies and was at the dr getting meds as one side had ruptured. *fun*
He asked if I had eaten yet and I had not so he invited me to meet him again for lunch. We talked. I rambled all my chronic health shit. And some back story to my very crazy life. He simple engaged and listened. Nothing scared him away. And to be honest I was trying to. I wasnlaying out the complex shit being in my life entails. We continued to meet up whenever we could, which was almost daily and would sit and talk.
Nov6th2022 he had asked if i wanted to hang out and run errands with him and i said yes. I was watching him handle different tasks and I caught myself wondering what his lips might feel or taste like. I knew I was catching feelings and I worried I might be trying to numb a messy situation with NRE.
The next eveing he had a change of plans and had some open time to hang out while getting parts for a job at Lowes. While in the garden center i joked about riding a flat cart like a surf board and he said so do it! I want someone to break rules, or be silly in public but i felt safe to. He helped hold the cart still and pushed me on it. When I was on the cart facing him, we both holding the rail, I almost kissed him. Like a cheesy rom-com. But I didn't.
We sat in the parking lot for 3 hrs talking In my car. When it was time to go i took him to his car. But I decided I thought about kissing him for hours I should just go for it. and I did!
We talked, via text later about it and both agreed we had pretty significant feeling for a while, we had a fairnidea in eachothers dynamic and headspace, and we labeled it, we picked the day we frist met as our anniversary because we both agreed we felt a different kind of connection at our frist meeting.
In a few weeks we will have been together two years and as I have shared in many different post how he has added so much healing joy and experience to my life and that of my family. He has brought a type of love and support to my life I have longed for... this whole ass man (as my therpist calls him) is the universe saying now.
In the last two years, we have also found we have been crossing paths, knowing same people, and under each others feet for the last 25 years
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fixomnia-scribble · 4 months
For @smittywing! Since we're sharing unpublished Criminal Minds snippets, here are Prentiss and Morgan, in December Season 7, getting gently toasted and trying to reconcile their friendship with Emily's undercover past. Derek interrogates, Emily rambles, Clooney snores in the corner.
December 18, 2011
They were drinking again, looking out over a slushy December night in Virginia. Morgan's place, because while Sergio was content with his box, Clooney couldn't wait. They’d taken Clue for a chilly walk, letting the dog amble at will and set the pace, while Emily told him stories about the haute doggy culture of Paris. And then, back home, Morgan had spun the cap off a half bottle of scotch and tossed it somewhere behind a desk.
“Sergio can hang tight until morning,” Morgan reminded her. In case she needed to talk and drink all night, and crash somewhere she didn’t have to keep one eye open.
"Nah, I do have to get home sometime tonight," Emily said. Lightly glowing on her second dose of two and a half fingers in a comfortably heavy glass tumbler, she stretched her toes for the mohair blanket over the arm of the couch, and pulled it towards her. "And I need to spend time with my boy. Garcia's stolen his fickle feline heart away. But this is good for now. Really good. Thanks."
She rubbed a careful palm over the top of her chest, under cover of tugging the blanket up over herself.
"You've been scratching again." Morgan told her, from his easy chair near the window. He’d never ask her to sit with her back to a window or a room, ever.
"I know I've been scratching again."
The brand was worse than the surgery site below. At least she could be careful, and scratch delicately around the tender skin, while she was awake. Even if she managed to resist the subcutaneous phantom itch of burned nerves, during the day, she still woke up some mornings with blood smears on her sheets and under her nails, and another patch of angry new scab. So much for proper aftercare. But then, getting branded on her poor left boob was hardly a body mod she would have chosen.
"Anyone touches you here, you'll think of me," he'd said, calmly and coldly, as her flesh smoldered under the iron's tip. He wasn't doing this for enjoyment. This was a means to an end. She was only a safe to be cracked. Until she cracked him, instead.
That's when he saw her clearly again, and set about killing her.
"You could get it fixed, you know, Em. Plastic surgery." Morgan reminded her.
"It would probably hurt more. Plus, I'd lose more sensation and a patch of skin from somewhere else. I think I'm going to let it stay. Bastard did a decent job, all things considered. Maybe I'll get it tattooed, make it my own. Think that'd be hot?"
"Tough girl." he returned, unfooled.
"It's mostly bullshit." she admitted. "You didn't see what a mess I was in Paris, when I had nothing to do but think and drink. But my past is part of me. I don't want to pretend anymore about who I was. Scars and all."
"You never had to."
"Yeah, I did. You would, too, if you'd been doing that kind of work. Derek, I was in deep cover. International covert ops cover. The kind you're never supposed to admit, even fifty years later. Trust - " she shook her head and lifted her scotch for a sip. "Trusting you had nothing to do with it. I trust you with my life. You held my life in your hands and wouldn't let go. I would do the same for you. God forbid it happen, but I would. But I couldn't speak about it. I still can't tell you everything we got done, how many conflicts we prevented before they had a chance to flare up. Even if it might help you understand..."
She heard Morgan sigh, and shake his head, leaning over his scotch. He was trying hard. Which spoke volumes about the respect that had grown between them in the relatively short time they'd known each other, and how deeply he'd let her into his guarded inner circle. 
Of them all, Morgan and Reid were having the hardest time adjusting to her reappearance, she knew. Morgan, because he so rarely gave his trust, and Reid, because he trusted too easily. Reid was alarmed and confused and ashamed of his reactions to the whole bleak scenario. Her death, having to admit and learn to navigate his overwhelming grief, and now her reappearance. Of all the team, Reid was the one who needed to know he had some bedrock under his feet, in order to function in the world. 
She'd try to get through to Reid soon. Probably somewhere in the open, where he could get up and walk away if he needed to, and not feel trapped or obligated to talk. Soon. Tonight was about mending fences with Morgan.
"Did Hotch know?" he asked, refilling his scotch. "There must've been some gaps in your resume."
"He knew I was undercover with the CIA, and he confirmed the dates I gave him with the Agency. He never probed farther than that." She managed a smile. "He did ask me how many languages I spoke. When I asked him if he meant idiomatically, academically, or just enough to cuss someone out, he shut me up."
"I guess being your mama's daughter had some uses after all."
"Yup." she raised her eyebrows and blew out a breath. "But you know - the more I think about it, the more I think Lauren kicked ass, and I don't mind remembering her. She stopped a terrorist from engaging in more than a few major raids, and made him think it was his decision. She never once broke cover. She kept a little boy from harm in the middle of hell, and put him in a safe place. And Dec…Derek, even in that insane world, Declan trusted us. We all kept him so safe, and gave him so much love, that it never occurred to him not to trust us. He let me..."
A small tremor started in her hands, and she set her glass on the coffee table before rolling onto her side, and tucking herself deeper under the blanket.
"He was only four, and he trusted me so much that he let me hold a gun to his head and spray pig blood all over his face and hair. All I told him was that we had to pretend he'd been in an accident, so that a really mean man wouldn't try to hurt him or his father. I told him it was like making a scary Hallowee'en movie to scare the man off. Louise was too frightened to say a word. I think she wondered if I was going to kill them both, no matter what I said."
The tremor set in deeper, creeping up her arms and through her middle, and she pulle up her knees and crossed her arms and pinned her hands in her armpits to stop it.
Morgan did not miss this. He didn’t comment upon it. "I think I just got something I needed to get," he said, leaning forward. "Prentiss, I'll tell you straight up, I was pretty shocked. Not that you'd been working at that level, but where you let it take you. Not just into Doyle's business, but - "
"Into his bed." she said flatly.
"See, I know you. I know you'll use whatever you can to fight a good fight, but I couldn't wrap my head around that part till now. It was Declan that kept you there. Not Doyle. Not really."
"It was Declan that kept me there," she agreed. "It's not a pretty business, my friend. You get that Lauren was an arms dealer too, right? That was my in. I didn't expect him to...to offer me so much access. He wasn't psychotic. He was obsessive, hypervigilant and manipulative, but he treated the people close to him like royalty. So yeah, you can say I fucked Doyle to get into his sentimental little heart, after I got into his head. I did that. I'm hardly the first to use sex, and I won't be the last, and I saved a lot of lives by putting myself there. And it wasn't all a lie. He really treated me very well. Does that make me a whore? Or just a damn good agent? Honest to God, I don't know. I could sure as hell name my price with him. Anything I asked for. He tried to give us a good life. But yeah, if there hadn't been Declan, I don't know how much longer I'd have stayed. I'd have had to fake my death sooner or later. Ian would never, ever have let me go. But with Declan there, I was almost his...Well. He thought I was…he was so little, it only made sense to him. How would he know anything else?  But there wasn't much I wouldn't have done for him. So I stayed. Most days I just lived and breathed it all in. And occasionally reported in to my operator while I was supposed to be having my hair and nails done."
"My point is," Morgan said, slowly, "It's the mom-thing you got inside you. I've seen you go there. One of your babies is in danger, you turn mama-bear and get all eaten up inside until you know they're safe. That Kira. Honest to God, I think if her aunt hadn't been found, you really would have taken her in, wouldn't you?"
"Oh, like you and Ellie? You even had the paperwork ready to bring her across the country. I saw it. Cross-jurisdictional guardianship application, signed and witnessed. And I know she still e-mails you." Emily smiled at him, a little wet about the eyes. “That mattered, you know. Ellie knew you were fighting for her. That mattered, even if she found her home.”
"I do know. That's why I get it. I gotta be honest, I've been wrestling with the whole undercover sex thing, but you're right, it happens. I know it does. But hearing you talk about that kid - maybe it's just a handle I can wrap my head around, but I get it a little better."
"It wasn't any kind of Stockholm syndrome, you know." she cautioned him. "That’s a made-up bullshit thing some shrink came up with to get interviews. I knew what I was doing."
"Yeah, but didn’t it..." he paused. "Em, didn’t it wear on your soul? Or was it really just the job?"
"Fuck, yeah, it did. But maybe less than I'd like to admit. Women have been using sex as a power tool since the very beginning." She held his gaze. “It was a game I was trained to win and I won, Derek. D’you get that?”
“Except it wasn’t a game, and you lost nearly everything. And we lost you.”
“That’s also true. And I’m sorry for that part. Again.”
"I guess I've spent my career trying to protect women from being used like that, so it's...I just never knew anyone who...you know, worked at that level."
"High class all the way, baby." She raised her glass in a mirthless toast. Morgan didn't smile. She shook her head and tried again. "I'm sorry if it changes your opinion of me," she said. "But sometimes that's how the world is. If I hadn't consented freely and knowingly to be what Doyle wanted, he'd still be alive, there would be well-armed conflicts in parts of the world you don't even want to think about getting hot, and Declan would be training to be his successor."
"He is a pretty great kid." Morgan admitted, after a moment.
"And I hope he stays that way. At least now he has a chance."
"Tell me about Declan. From the beginning."
So she did.
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A lovely sight
Timari January: Day 20 (This is a date, isn’t it?) by @maribat-calendar-events
Summary: Breaking and entering at the same time is definitely a date.
Back to Timari January 2023 Masterlist
Marinette laced her hands behind her back, following after Red Robin like she was a puppy that was eyeing up the treat in his hand.
“Don’t you have better things to do?” He sighed, glancing around a corner before nodding – mostly to himself – and continuing forward.
“Nah, I’ve got everything I came for,” she said, swinging her bag for emphasis.
“Then why aren’t you leaving?”
She grinned. “I'm not stupid, Red, I know that anything you’re after would be worth quite a lot.”
“Won’t be worth much if you don’t know how to use it.”
“I’m not a bat,” she reminded him. “I’m perfectly willing to get help. I’ll hire someone if I have to.”
“Yeah? Then I guess I’m going to start applying for a specific job position hundreds of times.”
“Aw, you want to spend time with me that bad?”
He rolled his eyes (they were gray) and went back to ignoring her, trying door after door in search of… well, something. Marinette wasn’t really sure. She knew that there was a goldmine of information on site – the people running the place were decently important members of the Court of Owls, and most rich people were absolutely arrogant enough to keep classified documents without proper defenses. She didn’t know the nature of the information, but she knew she could use it as leverage or sell it for personal gain, so she would like to get her hands on it.
“Well, it looks like we’re out of the bed and guest rooms…” she said, quietly relieved. She had already walked in on people ‘making the most of the night’ enough to last a lifetime. In fact, walking in on people zero times would have been enough to satisfy her for life. She was not having a good time. “I’m guessing we’re looking for a study? Or an office?”
“Why do you ask?” He sighed, glancing up from the room he had opened up. It looked to be a greenhouse of sorts. Rich people.
“Because I want to help, obviously,” she said, smiling sweetly.
“You don’t even know what to look for,” he reminded her carefully. “You need me to find anything of use.”
“I’m just going to steal the CPU and every file I get my hands on.”
A simple method, maybe, but hey, it works.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Don’t do that.”
“You could always tell me what we’re looking for,” she said.
“I am looking for stuff that can put them behind bars.”
She hummed a little, nodding to herself. Yeah, that could definitely be used to extort them. Especially since there was no way that a family as rich as this would actually go to jail. Sorry, Red Robin, she should probably tell you of her doubts, but she’s a realist and a capitalist.
They got approximately three doors down before Marinette’s ears picked something up. She blinked and glanced back at the end of the hallway, where she could hear the steel toe boots of the guards clanking as they headed their way. They were moving fast – not quite running, but certainly moving with urgency. Which meant they were suspicious.
She glanced back at the door she had just unlocked. It was a study, almost definitely the one that they were looking for based on the sheer amount of filing cabinets there, but she couldn’t see any hiding places. Besides, the place was supposed to be locked. If they so much as tried the knob, they would realize where they were hiding.
But if they were suspicious already then it would be difficult for them to get into the room later. If the guards didn’t see Red Robin and Marinette there, and saw nothing out of place, then they would expect for them to head there later.
She tipped her head from side to side, considering.
She rushed in and threw open some cabinets, tossing aside manila folders and individual papers alike.
“The hell are you doing?” Red Robin hissed. “They’re going to check here first, we need to go.”
She didn’t bother answering. She glanced around, making sure the place looked sufficiently ruined.
He held a hand out for her, jerking his head in a way that screamed ‘hurry up’ without actually screaming because they didn’t want to get caught –.
She nodded to herself before taking the hand and allowing him to drag her to the door.
They poked their heads out the moment the guards stepped into the hall.
There was a beat as the two pairs locked eyes, frozen in a mix of shock and horror.
And then Red Robin yanked on her arm and they were stumble-running for the nearest place to hide.
They slipped into the greenhouse, and Marinette threw the door closed behind herself, locking it.
Marinette breathed a tiny sigh as she stepped back. It wouldn’t hold them for long, but it would hold them.
“We know you’re in there!” The person yelled, and there was a terrible clanging sound as they beat against the doorknob.
“Get fucked!”
“Open up or we’ll make you!”
“Yeah? Do it!”
The knob broke off, and with it the lock. The door started to open.
Okay, well, yeah, that one was on her.
“Occupied!” Marinette yelled through the new crack, pushing the door closed again and throwing all of her weight into holding it. At least the hinges were on their side. It was much easier to hold the door closed that way.
Red Robin wrung his hands, looking around. There was plenty of vegetation to hide in, but would that really matter? They knew they were there.
And then his eyes lit up with something that might have been realization.
“Hold the door!”
“I’m sorry, the fuck did you think I was doing before?! Leaning against it for fun?!”
He started moving aside plants frantically, shoving a few in front of the door as if a tiny pot of aster was really going to help her hold back the people ramming into the door as hard as they could.
An alarm started to blare.
“Well, I guess this is a lovely place to die,” she muttered.
“We’re not dying here. I am not dying with you.”
But it didn’t work like that, they both knew.
Her eyes slid from place to place, drinking in the sights. They would be the last ones she’d ever see, after all. No one comes back from screwing over rich people.
So, she should enjoy it while she can.
Flowers of all colors. Blues, purples, yellows, whites, and greens. She recognized a few as aconite plants, though she couldn’t move close enough to see what type.
There was a stone bench crowded underneath a gorgeous cherry tree in the center of the room. Maybe the tree would have been a problem, as it made it difficult for the sun to get through, but in a place like Gotham it didn’t matter.
Sun lamps shone down on them, and it was the closest she had ever been to actually feeling sunlight in a long while. It was nice.
A couple of butterflies fluttered around, disturbed by the banging on the door. One landed on her shoulder, and she smiled at it.
Through the glass wall on the opposite side of the room, she could see bright smears of neon lights.
“What a waste,” she breathed. “That such a lovely, romantic sight should be wasted on us.”
Red Robin pulled back to look at her, his skin flushed from all of the rushing he had been doing. “Well, who says we can’t be romantic? This is a date, isn’t it?”
She giggled. It sounded a little manic, even to her own ears. “Oh? Take all the girls to do B&E on your first dates, then, Red?”
“I mean, why not? What better way is there to tell if you’re compatible than to try and work your way out of a life-or-death situation together?”
She laughed, and this one was far less strained. “Oh, and how are we doing?”
She had expected him to banter back, to say something about how they weren’t meant to be, but he drew back from his spot and revealed a vent he had unscrewed.
“You tell me.”
Marinette’s eyes widened.
And then she glanced back at the door, the butterfly fluttering off in protest of the sudden motion. But she didn’t care.
“Move the bench over here.”
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Teen Wolf The Movie thoughts
The timeline is WACK. The show ran from 2011-2017. It took 6 years of real world time for 3 years in the show to pass. So in the show it either went from 2011-2014 or 2014-2017. This is set 15 years after Alison's death, which at the earliest is like... 2012, which would make this set in 2027.
Derek has a son. The mother is never mentioned, however the son is explicitly stated to be 15 years old, which means that he was born shortly before or after Allison's death, while Derek was still fully apart of the show. So either he had a baby with Jennifer Blake completely off-screen, or with some rando woman. And then either he didn't know, and just... randomly got full custody later in his life, or knew and never mentioned it.
They picked up dirt from where Alison died, but... didn't she die right outside of Eichen House or something? I thought maybe it was the ruined site based off the gate that was there. I forget what happened to Eichen House at the end of the show. But then at the end, I guess Eichen is still in operation?
The cursing was wild. It was like everybody got a free F bomb.
The nudity was even more insane. My friend and I were SCREAMING when Malia randomly jumped Parrish and they both stripped. Such an insane couple. He should stop going after girls he met when they were in high school and he was an adult.
Why was Liam in Japan? Never explained. Why was he in charge of the Nogitsune? Why was he friends with a random Kitsune?
Why the FUCK wasn't Kira there? Instead they just introduced Not Kira Hikari and she served exactly the same role. It's like they wrote the script with Kira in mind and then when Arden Cho didn't come back they just find & replaced her name with Hikari
How did she telepathically transfer her fox spirit to Scott. I noticed when they made random eye contact, but that was an out of the blue thing
I SCREAMED when the Science teacher came out of the blue. My friend didn't even remember who he was. We were theorizing either Gerard or Kate. His... motivations were a little unclear, and of all the flashbacks I kind of wished they had done one to explain who he was. I remembered he was the asshole science teacher, but that's it
Jackson was... useless. He almost always asked stupid questions that didn't really move stuff along. He's missed so much of the show that he was out of the loop on everything. The only useful things he did was stab the teacher
The special effects were... noticeably not that great at some points. The fire effects. The CGI cliff top. The greenscreen replacing the lacrosse field with the Nogitsune realm
They had several humans there who could break a mountain ash line. Alison. Melissa. Argent.
The lacrosse field was crazy. How the hell did they get 10,000 people watching a lacrosse game?
Most of the characters did not have much to do in the movie. It was like, they had everybody back, but it was too many people to give them all a plotline, so they just needed to make sure some of them were tied up for most of it. Liam didn't even join the final werewolf fight alongside Derek, Scott, and Eli
THE STEREK METAPHOR. I've never been a big Sterek shipper and I wasn't in the fandom at the time of "We're on a ship", but come on. Derek keeping Stiles old jeep to fix up and his son constantly stealing it and being obsessed with it, and then after Derek's death, Stilinski giving the car to Eli and saying that Derek "always had mixed feelings about the car, but it meant a lot to him". Like, what the fuck? That's such shipping language.
The ending definitely made it seem like they were leaving it open to another movie/show. Which makes my confusion that Wolf Pack is not a sequel series starring Eli even more bizarre
So that was all of the stuff I hated. I did enjoy a few things
I thought the fight scenes were really well choreographed
I wasn't sure how they were going to bring Allison back, but I thought that it made sense, and she had a decent storyline
I hate Parrish, but I did like seeing his butt
The Nogitsune was a good villain to bring back. Season 3 had arguably the best plotline. It does suck that the two characters most important to the Nogitsune storyline (Kira and Stiles) weren't there though
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just some straight up quirk bullshit
(Ao3 link)
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Prompts: Obscure Dads Week 1 Day 5 (Yoichi), Bad Things Happen Bingo (Hate Plague)
@badthingshappenbingo @daddecember
Words: 2603
Rating: T
Izuku likes to think that he's a perfectly normal, perfectly decent person. Maybe not quite normal anymore, all things considered, but decent.
He doesn't know what he must have done, then, to be subject to this kind of nonsense so often- of course he's the one to get hit with a villain's quirk!
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"Do you feel irritable or disagreeable at all? Moreso than expected or normal for you, I mean."
The paramedic asks this almost conversationally while shining a small flashlight in Izuku's eyes. He's sitting in the back of an ambulance, like he has been for the past twenty minutes, at the site of a jewelry store robbery that just happened to be near the konbini by UA. He sees Uraraka and Jirou talking to police further away, but since he was hit by the robber's quirk, he's the one who gets to be in the ambulance.
("Why is it always you?" Uraraka had asked before the ambulance got there, and he'd just shrugged. He doesn't know any better than she does.)
"No, I don't think so. Why?"
The paramedic clicks the flashlight off and replies, "They identified the quirk that you were hit with. Supposedly, it's called 'Social Tension,' and what it does is aggravate social tension in those it affects. Usually, that comes out by making the victim more argumentative than usual, but sometimes it interacts with quirks strangely, gives it a bit of a delay. You might be feeling it in a few hours, but it only lasts for a day or so. Make sure to let your friends know, or at least avoid them tomorrow, okay? We don't want you ending any friendships over this."
Izuku nods, a little nervous over the description of the quirk. "Are you sure you can't, um, hold me in the hospital or something? I'd be under a quirk effect."
The paramedic shakes her head sadly, in an understanding sort of way, while bent over a bandage she's applying to Izuku's arm. "Sorry, I wish I could say we could, but your only other injuries are a scratch or two. We can't hold you for being angry."
Izuku sighs, and says, "It was worth a shot. Is there any way of slowing it down?"
The paramedic smooths out the bandage, and straightens back up. "I'm sorry, but I don't know anything else about that quirk. I would suggest either relaxing or going to the gym, but that's my own personal advice. Not medical-professional-grade. Alright, you're all set- I believe that you still need to give a statement to the officers?"
Izuku nods, and hops down from where he was sitting. The paramedic beckons over one of the policemen, someone he hasn't met before, and he starts his account of how it all went down.
They had just unexpectedly run out of milk, and since it was a weekend, UA didn't have to send a teacher or someone to get more, because students could be sent on the errand instead.
He and Uraraka had volunteered, and Aizawa had sent Jirou along with them, because she "is actually responsible" and "will keep you two chaos gremlins in check."
So the three of them had gone to the konbini for some milk, and they were supposed to hurry back; however, an argument had started about whether or not they should get some of the bright Hero-themed gummies on display. Surprisingly, Uraraka had not been on his side, saying that they shouldn't waste their money when they could come back another time with a bigger budget for snacks; meanwhile, he'd spotted some All Might ones, so he was fighting tooth and nail for them. Jirou was doing the same for some Present Mic gummies.
It was when Uraraka had been very close to convincing him to put them back when Jirou had heard the burglar alarm from the jewelry store across the way.
Obviously, as Hero Course students, they had to intervene. They'd run out of the store, leaving their basket behind, and towards the jewelry store, which seemed to have been closed for the day. The robber was masked, and was rifling through drawers and had broken into a display case already.
Izuku and Uraraka had gone inside first, in order to try and get the robber to surrender peacefully, while Jirou plugged her earphone jacks into the wall to see if she could hijack the speaker system and called the police.
Then, the fight had gone down, with Uraraka flinging pieces of already-broken jewelry at high speeds while Izuku tried to physically box the robber into a corner. At one point, Jirou must have managed to get into the store's speakers, because she blasted a sudden noise that threw all three of them off-kilter; however, this was a move that she'd practiced before, so Izuku and Uraraka recovered much faster than the robber did.
The robber, when taken by surprise like that, blasted off his quirk, an unknown beam of light that managed to get Izuku right in the chest. However, after a moment, he decided he felt fine and went back to trying to finish the fight.
Then the police arrived, and quickly arrested the robber. An ambulance was called when Izuku had mentioned the quirk, and that was pretty much the end of the story.
The officer lets Izuku go after a few clarifying questions, and he, Uraraka, and Jirou go back to the konbini for their milk. The cashier, who'd heard and seen some of the commotion outside, allows all three of them a free pack of gummies; Izuku and Jirou smugly grab their preferred packs, and Uraraka manages to find a Thirteen-themed pack for herself.
On the walk back, the three of them bemoan how Aizawa was going to kill the three of them, considering that he'd been called when the police arrived, and Izuku remembers what the paramedic had told him about the quirk. He sullenly kicks at the sidewalk, and then relays the explanation to Uraraka and Jirou.
Jirou's response is a simple, "I forgive you preemptively," and that seems to be the end of that.
Uraraka, however, laughs and says, "Deku, the only person who's going to antagonize you is Bakugou, and he needs to be taken down a few notches."
Oh no. "B-But if Kacchan tries to start something, I don't want to yell at him or fight him or anything! We're just barely friends again, I don't want that to stop!"
Uraraka sighs, rolls her eyes, and responds, "Do you honestly think he, of all people, is the kind of guy to hold violence against you? The guy who routinely screams 'Die! Die! Die!' in training? The one we joke about having to give rabies shots to? That guy?"
"... Maybe."
"Just warn him about the quirk, and if he starts something after that, he'll know it's his own fault if he gets beat to a pulp."
Izuku shoves his face into his hands, closes his eyes, and very quietly screams. He ignores the mocking laughter from both sides.
"Midoriya, if you're really all that bothered about it, just shut yourself in your room for tonight and tomorrow. It's not like there's class tomorrow, so you can get your homework done or something."
"But I'm already two weeks ahead!" Izuku's voice still feels muffled, and he finally takes his hands off his face to look at where he's going. Uraraka's still quietly snickering to herself, while Jirou seems to be attempting to offer some actual advice.
"Then troll some hero forums or something, get all your anger out that way. As much as I would love to see you go apeshit, clearly you don't want to do that, so make a throwaway account on Reddit and get mad at all the nerds who are three centimeters off about the latest All Might action figure instead of at your friends."
"... I got banned from the All Might forum when I was eleven."
"I just said to make a throwaway."
"They banned my IP address."
"Wait- Deku, what did you do?"
Uraraka and Jirou have stopped walking and are both staring at him incredulously, while he stares up at the sky in shame. "We don't talk about the Toxic Chainsaw incident."
They glance at each other before blinking over at him. There's silence, for a minute, before Jirou tentatively offers, "UA's IP is different from the one at your house?"
Izuku exhales forcefully, thinks it over, and eventually says, "If I get UA banned from the All Might forum then I will never live it down. Also Nedzu might kill me."
"They'll think you're stealing UA's Wi-Fi if they actually ban your IP," Uraraka chimes in.
"Then Nedzu will still find out. And kill me. Or expel me."
Jirou raises an eyebrow, and notes, "Odd emphasis on that last one."
"Expulsion might be worse than death in this particular circumstance."
Jirou bursts out in cackles, while Uraraka giggles out a "Don't ever change, Deku!"
The three of them ping ideas for blowing off steam, but they all get shot down by one of the others; by time they get to UA, Izuku's too busy giggling at Uraraka's latest suggestion to be all that worried about the quirk taking effect in the next few hours, or even tomorrow.
Izuku's been holed up in his room for a few hours, now, and he doesn't feel any different. He'd tried getting into Internet arguments, but everyone was being so purposefully bad-faith about everything that he'd had to stop. He got another week ahead on his homework, and then ran out of homework to do. He ate the snacks he keeps in his desk, but he was already running low and the stale bag of prepackaged popcorn has only made him hungrier.
He knows that right about now is the prime time for dinner, and that other people will be downstairs if he goes; however, he's also pretty sure that Uraraka and Jirou spread the news about the quirk, even if Aizawa didn't. So if someone tries something and the quirk decides to suddenly rear its head, that won't really be too much of his fault, and he can always apologize on Monday.
With this decided, he goes downstairs for dinner.
It's actually not bad, when he goes. Kacchan's on cooking duty tonight, so he's too busy yelling at the others with kitchen duty like a drill sergeant on steroids to really care about what Izuku does; there's two portions of Kacchan's extra spicy curry on the side, and since they're smaller than the bigger batch, they're already done and being kept on the backburner of the stove to keep warm. Izuku dodges around Kirishima and Ojiro as they frantically chop more vegetables, and grabs a bowl from the cabinet for his share of the extra spicy curry.
Kacchan always makes two portions of it, even though he only ever eats one, because he knows that Izuku is just as much of a spice hound as he is, though of course he'd never admit it. Even so, he doesn't rag on Izuku like he usually would for "stealing his food," so he must be feeling considerate.
Nobody avoids him while he eats, but no one talks to him, either. He has to remind himself that the quirk might rear its head at any minute, so this is the best outcome for everyone, but it still hurts. Just a bit.
So he's quick about his meal, and hurries upstairs when he's done. It's just getting dark, but he figures he may as well go to bed now- in all likelihood, it'll all be worse tomorrow.
"Fuck the entire way off, Daigoro!"
"Absolutely not, you son of a bitch! You knew I didn't want the damn- !"
"Will both of you shut it? Nobody wants to hear your decades-old argument rehashed again! It's done! It's over! Hikage apologized a thousand times while he was alive, if his memories are right, so there's no need for you to be pulling this shit up in front of Ninth!"
"Oh, like you wanted the quirk, either, Nana! En foisted it on you- "
"Do not bring me into this- "
Izuku watches the vestiges fight over the past with a viciousness he hasn't seen before. The First, Yoichi, watches silently with vague concern, and not-quite-All Might is silent as always. Second and Third are silent as well, though they flank Yoichi and show nothing on their faces. Is this because of the quirk he was hit by, he wonders? Instead of affecting him, it went for the vestiges? That would make sense, considering how he was told it has weird interactions with quirks sometimes, and One for All is as weird a quirk as they come.
"And about Ninth! What kind of successor is he, breaks himself over and over trying to use the quirk? None of us had near the amount of issues he does!"
... Of course, more confirmation that he's not the Ninth that they wanted. It always circles back to that, the inevitable truth that he's too weak for it, not good enough, doesn't even have a quirk to offer it. No hope of killing All for One. No hope of beating Shigaraki. No hope of doing anything useful with it.
"None of us had near the stockpiled strength he has, either! Eighth poured power into this quirk for decades, and you expect a teenager to use it without issue? The poor boy's never even had a quirk before! As far as I'm concerned, he's doing perfectly fine!"
Yoichi finally steps into the argument, physically moving over towards Izuku, as though to protect him from the others. His voice, though naturally very quiet, is raised enough that it cuts through the others' arguments.
He sighs, though Izuku doesn't think he needs to in this place, and turns towards Izuku. In his more normal tone, he says, "Don't mind them, Ninth. They've been up in arms all day, of course they were bound to drag you into it."
Izuku tries to say something about the quirk he was hit with, because of course that must be why the vestiges have been like this- especially considering the timing of it, it must have exacerbated the 'social tension' between all the vestiges. Unfortunately, he still doesn't have any way of communicating in here, and it seems that the vestiges aren't aware of what happened earlier.
Yoichi must see something on his face, because he continues, "Don't worry about it. They get like this sometimes, it never actually leads to anything. They're all bitter in their own ways. It'll pass, it always does."
Izuku would huff in frustration if he could, but as it stands, he still can't do anything like that in this plane of One for All. At least he knows that the quirk won't have any permanent effects- if they've gotten like this before, like Yoichi says, then nobody's going to be holding any grudges when it wears off.
The argument seems to have started up again while Yoichi stopped paying attention to it, but instead of intervening again, Yoichi only sighs. He seems exhausted, for a moment, before returning to his usual appearance and saying, "May as well go ahead and wake up, Ninth. It's not like you'll be getting much rest if you stay here."
Izuku wakes up slowly, and nearly falls right back to sleep before he figures he may as well check the time. He rolls over, and sees that his alarm reads a little after 1 in the morning, so there's enough time to sleep and get a half-decent amount of rest if he doesn't end up in One for All again.
He doesn't think he will. He's barely half-awake at best, though, so maybe his predictions aren't the best, but he feels warm and comfortable enough that he doesn't really care one way or the other.
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marianne-zemo · 2 years
Bloody Winchester
So, this is just a silly little idea that popped into my head while my friend was watching Good Omens. She commented on the scene where Crowley is berating his flowers and I confused GO Crowley with SPN one and we began thinking about the circumstances under which our beloved King of Hell would ever talk to flowers. This is the direct result of that quick brainstorm so I'm giving credit where it's due bc this little ficlet would not exist without my amazing friend! Also, it's been a while since I wrote anything and English is not my first language so please, forgive any mistakes. It's also not proofread so yeah, read at your own risk XD.
Word count ~ 1200
Warnings: pinning, alcohol consumption, Crowley may be a bit OOC, one-sided attraction, was supposed to be funny but the concept ran away from me, mentions of murder (no actual murder happening) playing fast and loose with canon bc I don't fully remember Dean's demon era, demon!Dean is his own warning even if he's just mentioned. angst I guess? bad writing, sad Crowley., swearing? Let me know if I missed anything!
Do not copy/repost to another site, feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3 GIF not mine
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It was well into the late hours of the evening when Crowley found himself unable to focus. Being the king of hell didn't create a lot of opportunities to relax and that task was made harder still ever since his best demon has been recently turned back into an insufferable human. Most of his lowly servants couldn't hold a candle to Dean in both effectiveness and sheer ruthlessness. It certainly helped that this particular member of the Winchesters was rather easy on the eyes and was able to hold a decent conversation and keep pace with Crowley while drinking. Hell has never run as smoothly as it did with Dean as his right hand. However, ever since the squirrel came back to its cozy little nest with moose and feathers, Crowley found himself having less time for himself, having to constantly oversee his lowly servants and oftentimes punish them for their ineptitude. While he would never admit this out loud - and certainly not to the man in question - the demon found himself greatly missing Dean's company and, sentimental though it was, longing for the times when his right hand would sit with him over a glass of whiskey and share easy jokes. Crowley was ripped out of his thoughts by the knock on the door. He heaved a sigh and entertained the idea of just killing whoever it was that dared to disrupt his peace but decided against it. It's not that hell didn't have enough demons to cover for one or two spontaneous murders but he simply didn't fancy dealing with the very possible coup if he were to go on a killing spree. However, he also didn't fancy hearing about yet another failure and so, with a wry smile he snapped his fingers just as the demon opened the door to Crowley's study.
Lilith's former right-hand man found himself in a dirty back alley of a pub he used to frequent with Dean and, although it was not his original plan, he decided that if he was going to be pathetically sentimental over some stupid human then he might as well go all in and get a drink in a place that holds a lot of fond memories. He walked into the establishment looking as though he owns the place and sat at the stool flagging the bartender down with a commanding wave of a hand. "Bottle of Craig, 30 years if you could" He said, not even paying attention to the person behind the bar instead choosing to focus on his surroundings. Crowley usually wasn't one to engage in the desires of the flesh with random strangers but he wasn't some shy maiden and if he were to find someone who'd catch his eye, he certainly wouldn't mind taking them to bed.
However, a quick sweep of the pub turned out to have a rather disappointing result and with a heavy sigh, Crowley gulped down the entire glass of whiskey in one go, trying hard not to focus on the fact that the person he'd like to see in his bed the most was also the one that would sooner push a blade through his chest than their tongue down his throat. He continued drinking in a similar fashion, and it was only when the bartender outright refused to serve him any more whiskey out of fear for his life (stupid human, if Dean was there he would've slit the idiot's throat in seconds for the audacity) that he pulled a couple of crumpled bills out of the pocket of his coat and slammed it on the table. Crowley stumbled out of the bar (having previously stolen another bottle of his favourite alcohol and concealed it within the sleeve of his coat) and onto the almost abandoned street. It was late, the sun has set hours ago and the moon was shining brightly through the tall buildings of Oakdale, encompassing the area in an otherworldly hue of blue.
Without any conscious thought, Crowley's legs carried him to the mostly abandoned park bench surrounded by, now mostly withered, tulips in shades of yellow and green. The latter reminded him of Dean's eyes and the demon cursed out loud, pouring his whiskey into a cardboard cup to conceal it. The last thing he needed tonight was dealing with cops for "disorderly behavior in public" or whatever bullshit name did humans come up with for having a drink outside. Bringing the cup to his lips, he allowed the alcohol to make its way down his throat, warming his insides and leaving behind a smokey taste of wooden barrels in which it was kept to mature.
"I thought we had something, you know? Me and him. It felt like he understood me like I could be myself without fear of being judged or ridiculed. We had that easy camaraderie and goddamnit but I miss him." Crowley started rambling, not particularly caring if anyone heard him. "I've never had anyone I was as close to as him, there's never been a single person, human, demon or otherwise that could make me smile, really smile in the way that he did. And! He made an amazing demon too, ruthless, cruel and clever, and, and-" he gave a hiccup and soldiered on. "and now he's just a human again. Pathetic and weak, with useless morals and a stupidly soft heart, and yet… there is no place for me in there. I just thought.." The demon trailed off for a second, his gaze focused on the flowers surrounding the bench. Almost all of them were showing signs of decay, and only the green ones still bravely holding on in the harsh Minnesotan winter. "It doesn't matter what I thought. I should've known that he'd think himself too good to affiliate with a demon" Crowley sneered to no one in particular and petulantly kicked the batch of tulips closest to him. "Bloody Winchester and his stupid, beautiful green eyes and ridiculously kissable lips." He raised the drink halfway to his mouth but was stopped dead by the sound of something landing on the bottom of the cup. He stared at it, mindlessly and it took his alcohol-addled brain a minute to work out that it was, in fact, a coin that was currently swimming in the amber-gold liquid. He raised his head with an indignant scowl on his face, ready to lash out at the presumptuous idiot who ruined a perfectly good cup of a 30-year-old whiskey but, whoever it was, has long before disappeared into the night. The former crossroads demon let out a few curses and, still muttering profanities at humans in general, dumped the remaining drink and the 50 cents onto the green tulips, spitting on it for good measure. He left the park in an even more foul mood than before and with a snap of his fingers, brought himself back to his house. Not bothering to do much more other than shrugging off his coat, Crowley laid down in his bed and fell into a fitful sleep, haunted by emerald green eyes and a deep, soothing voice of a certain hunter.
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, Tavros Crocker, Vriska Serket, Harry Anderson Egbert
Page 185-188
VRISSY: Wow, our moment in the spotlight is really making the Rounds.
TAVROS: May I look?
TAVROS: I turned my phone off immediately upon aiding and abetting murderers,, since mother most certainly has tracking capabilities for it,
TAVROS: So I haven’t seen anything,,
VRISSY: Eat your heart out, Tav.
TAVROS: That’s quite a lot of attention,,,
TAVROS: It’s getting a bit surreal to see my, uh,, frozen mask of horror on every news site,,
TAVROS: It’s a good shot of you,,, though, Vrissy,
VRISSY: It really is Shockingly well composed.
VRISKA: And the filter doesn’t wash me out. Not 8ad for a human photographer.
VRISSY: I checked that kid’s profile and they’re really pretty decent.
VRISSY: May8e if we all survive this, I’ll look them up and see if they need new models.
TAVROS: That’s the spirit,
VRISKA: How long is this going to take?
VRISKA: I know John is all depressed and long winded now 8ut surely he should have dropped his precious 8oy 8ack home 8y now.
VRISKA: These are crucial minutes we’re wasting.
VRISSY: Oh, is trying on all my 8oyfriend’s accessories not passing the time well enough for you?
VRISKA: Desper8 times call for desper8 measures, Vrissy.
VRISKA: And this is some dire shit.
HARRY ANDERSON: aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.
HARRY ANDERSON: so sorry it took so long.
HARRY ANDERSON: can’t rush a heart to heart, you know how it is.
VRISSY: You actually had a Heart to Heart with your dad? How many times did he Cry?
HARRY ANDERSON: none, actually, i think he got that over with when he was talking to my mom.
HARRY ANDERSON: but god, it was a mess. i had to keep talking to keep him from looking at his phone or turning on the radio.
HARRY ANDERSON: i may have told him more about my deep passions and emotions in the last hour than the whole rest of my life combined, just to keep him from hearing the fucking news.
HARRY ANDERSON: which, by the way, is a complete clusterfuck. they’re asking for tips about your location, blasting the fucking photo everywhere. all of it.
HARRY ANDERSON: great shot of you, though, babe.
HARRY ANDERSON: and tav actually held his own? absolute madman.
HARRY ANDERSON: and you, too, uh.
HARRY ANDERSON: nice to meet you by the way. i see you’re enjoying my collection of scarves.
VRISKA: Yeah. Are we all here and acqua8nted now? Gr8. What’s next?
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year
Danny Boy - Peter Hollens
This man is a prick is this guided his idiot s***who says his people died when they're fighting over this vineyard and he's saying it's ours and it is he managed to force his way in sort of. We found a few dead people and we dug down about 20 ft it moved all the soil we tested the whole facility on a grid we took the bodies in 20x20x20 ft cubes the offside and bury them and mark the grave it's a lot of work in this imbecile says he's saying it right and he's not he might be trying to but boy is he stupid sometimes. Bee gees says he's kind of saying it but he's an idiot he's saying they were here and they're over there it's not really the right thing to say but it does mean that they're not here anymore and in areas of the mass grave and we're not planting we didn't find any on the site we found some nearby and we remove them and we're treating it and we dug 50 feet down 50 ft to the outside of it and we're importing soil from nearby actually it's all done and it's planted those bodies are relocated to the barrel side too which is kind of barren area we don't want to say this but it's kind of all you y'all infighting over the vineyard and and they all died it's not abnormal for a war for the people that fight over stuff because you need money but the reasons were stupid we have stories he's walking around and he's trying to touch the grapes and walk off saying they're contaminated saying he needs to order and he has to join the empire so the empire caused us to happen they're getting an obtaining order by eliminating your race and they don't want you on board they're going to use you up and kill you and so they do so what it's not going to hurt them yeah it will you working for them will hurt them you working for them will ruin the empire so who gives a crap you don't make good decisions like here comes the empire let's fire on them with the starkiller cuz we're empire his smiles and says that's what I'm doing my son says yeah by accident I'll get out of my field we already took the rest you out of there and he said I don't think so okay one way or the other we just cube it. So we moved out to the burial area and it said it's fine by me I'm being stupid and he said this they put these people there so we remember we're actually dying in this war and it's actually empire they don't want to join and he left and said I don't think I can resist it so many people are beating up on us I want to join a force it's not getting beat up on. When you go to try your application at the empire try and keep an eye on the sign on the door that says no retards okay if you force your way in you probably won't come out he says this bag I'm not retired and you take it back son up to me to decide it's the svan stupid brain and the way in the stupid place. He says we eat him up in our brain changes and our son says that's probably the only part that doesn't change and it's a known Factor and that's what they see in the f****** scan
So you guys where the place of holiness I don't need this s*** we put them there because of people like the empire and you your people who live off the fat of others it is they're too dumb to do anything else these are people who work for you and they did a decent job you should feel ashamed for stepping on the same dirt that they're in. He had an emotional breakdown said my people need me and I'm going to go against them and he started screaming I have a choice with what to do with my life I said you will not be put in the dirt to honor the death you're going to be burned because you will no longer exist in any way you won't replenish the Earth or anything like that there'll be no tree that you're part of do you understand there's some of the Earth so he goes I sort of get something it's how it's said and I mean business and you shut your f****** mouth will get rid of you right there you're out there alone you little f****** p**** willow and blow your head off so he left he's in tears and he says I can't resist says yelling I'm part of them I'm one of them all the way to his house in the sun says you're not one of them you're a stupid wigger you're just like Garth who the f*** would accept him in there that stupid a****** is so dumb and he starts saying I'm not Garth I'm not a n***** and I worked with Mac just like you said I don't even want to go to his dry cleaners why the f*** would I want to go into the empire you moron have my own armies you idiot Christ you're gone to us stop talking to me don't come near or I will have you killed and go often play your little empire game you a****** you do damage to them and I appreciate it and start saying hush cuz that's what he's doing it is what you doing you don't have a choice you came up against me you threatened my life many times now it's your turn to pay in full let's go talk to your precious master hit your own people and then destroy their chance of ruling over anything and while you're at it hand over your territory until the rest of them don't have a chance to survive and that's what we've been doing for years you're stupid little c*********. He says this I've been waiting for you to say it everyday you're waiting for me to say it every day every day I see it then you're sitting there waiting still it's been sad you're a you're a massive idiot a fool. So after a while he goes I don't care what you say I'm going to go ahead and do it and we're going to use you against them and we're going to use you against you you say you're doing it to me and I'm going to be used against me you're a jackass you're a weekly you're unintelligent you should never have opened your mouth and all your stinking Jews are saying it you're not big you're not 50%, you're not 10%, you're not 5%, you're not 3%, he says I all sudden get something we're small and you think we're small so we are I said boy are you confusing yourself cuz I'm not confused he doesn't says we have weaponry and you don't you have a big mouth and I don't this argument's over thank f****** God thank God
My son says who wants to argue with a turd you occur because it's like arguing with a turd and like a nobody turns around and says I don't want to hear any talking so so what you gave up your power to be a f****** idiot instead of having power and trying to look smart you toddry little s*** boy you a freaking moron just like this idiot next door you people are dumber than hell you going to join the enemy and ruining you that's fascinating who gave you the right to lead your people to death and you cuz I'm committing suicide if you don't mind no s*** you have no idea what they think they say it out loud this is amazing I've never seen anything this dumb in my life he started before I'll be back 7 we get out of it so good don't talk to me for an hour about it arguing about it do something else don't bother me it doesn't matter what you're going there for we're going to use you to take them apart and everybody knows it possibly not you weasel you're a f****** weasel you're tired you got to run over you can get shot crucified burned work for the stupid empire ruined them get all yours killed and them that's the name of the game buddy and you're the one to talk to me cuz you won't leave me the f*** alone you moron. He says you're looking for a fight and I'm going to send my character down there to fight you f****. You start saying what format I'm going to send it down what it looks like it's got six legs and two arms and kick the ass of the f****** tank it only 12 ft you don't have a prayer surviving a millisecond I'm going to send it down there to see you cuz I can't stand you I'm going to have him vaporize your stupid brain and have you still talk the same way like a big ass he says I don't want to see that thing that's good for you you don't want to live s*** but you're a little boy and you're going to get killed bye
So that's what he says to him and we have information it says he's going to town and he's going to launch his attacks he goes out there pretty soon and we start wailing on him so we really need to do his assholes are everywhere out here and there's too many there's way too many of these people and that's more luck they only like 5% of the population they're flooded into three places in the states the crab are going to attack probably not it's misery but the clones are going to attack in a few days now they're attacking now they're miserable too it's too many of these idiots you can't let them keep doing it I'm ordering it now it's foolishness
Thor Freya
We're going to get them I can't stand them we need to get them now
Uriel and Goddess Wife
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welcometomy20s · 2 years
December 20, 2022
Noah Smith has been one of my searchlights, with the occasional annoying glares that I need to squint my eyes to recover, so when a wayward post from him arrived at my feed, I decided to take a look and write a response.
Noah Smith starts with the premise that we do not like hanging around with other people and we want to find our people, and eventually the consolidation rubs against this frustration with other people and society breaks apart.
I think I would tut first at the premise that ‘The Internet wants to be fragmented’… I think it’s more appropriate to say the internet is going through a state of fragmentation, and soon after it will consolidate again. As Noah pointed out above, you want to be with other perspectives when you are ready, and so society will experience coming apart and bringing together. In the 90’s, people of different subcultures gathered around and developed their fields, in the 00’s, those people were ready to present, in the 10’s people argued over the harmony of these pieces until we got sick of each other (in this case, quite literally) and ‘20s, we return to develop our subcultures again.
Next point of contention is about community moderation and one of the responses.
Biggest difference between 4chan and Tumblr is its structure. 4chan actually has a nice structure, the structure it has inherited from the days of BBS/Usenet. This actually has a good distinction of siloing nonsense into specific forums. If you don’t like nonsense, you just don’t have to visit a specific sub. Forums are gated to a certain extent that there aren’t many spillovers. I never have the guts to visit the site, but I heard smaller forums on the site were actually decent, and Reddit gives a cleaner, if a bit vague, experience of this forum structure. In fact, Reddit is a nice mid-way point between the two.
Tumblr’s motto is ‘hyper-individualization’. Think about the gender jokes that Conservative give, what are they mocking? Ultimately, they are mocking the hyper-individualization that is the core of Tumblr. Tumblr has decentralized nested structures, kind of like Tiktok to a certain extent, which means wonderful and terrible rabbit holes of all kinds exist in these two sites. Reddit also exhibits some of this.
In some sense, this Tumblr-Reddit-4chan dynamic echoes the earlier dynamics of MSNBC-CNN-Fox News. The comment about 4chan being room full of smart people pretending to be dumb and Reddit being room full of dumb people pretending to be smart seems nicely echoed with CNN and Fox News. Fox News has an overriding agenda, it’s a proud propaganda machine, lies they spout have a direction and feeling. Jim Watkins is certainly Millennial’s Roger Ailes, largely working behind the scene, creating mythos that serves to further their interest in collapsing the society.
To clarify what I mean by ‘collapsing the society’, I like to examine Thatcher’s famous phrase, ‘there is no such thing as society’. Now Thatcher looks like she’s leaning to how Tumblr does things, but the intent behind the statement presents a different society. Thatcher still believes in The State, but she doesn’t like the thing between people and the state. 4chan people are ‘libertarians’. They want a small government, but that by itself doesn’t really mean anything. 4chan people want a small group of people ruling over the population as a whole, instead of trying to placate factions. Of course, trying to do that is very aggravating and one is forced to create these in-between states, or fear actual collapse of society… which is the heart of the contradiction.
Tumblr people are anti-libertarians though, far from it, they are anarchists. They do not want a State at all. The State is to be replaced by paper mache infrastructure, just a series of vibes and nods that keeps a basic function of society. Most other people rightly see this as a bunch of nonsense, way too optimistic to the point of delusion.
In a way, there’s a horseshoe nature to this. Note how both sides have a complicated relationship with children and interactions with them.
I wrote above that ‘you can leave the forum’, but that’s not what happens, isn’t it? Some don't want to leave and to echo the commenter’s point, human spite is the most powerful motivator that is available to humans.
Moderation is seen as a ‘labor of love’, but I think it would be better seen as a ‘labor of valor’. You moderate because you want a better world, you love the community, yes, but there is a sense of duty that goes beyond that - if I’m not here, then the world I love is going to disappear. In some sense, it’s a volunteer army model, or perhaps doctors.
0 notes
k-evans-reads · 2 years
On Deck
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Chapter 8
Summary: Although they grew up in the same small town, Chris and Sam had both gone their separate ways a long time ago. Chris moved up to become a MLB star, one of the best in the business, while Sam stayed stuck in the same small town. But when multiple injuries ended the Red Sox prodigy’s career, he winds up back in the same small town he swore he’d never be back to. The past may not stay in the past any longer, as old wounds begin to creep back up.
Pairing: MLB!Chris Evans X OFC Samantha “Sam�� Merrick
Word Count: 4,454
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own. 
Warnings: 18+.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | On Deck Masterlist
A grimace crossed Sam’s lips as she pulled into the parking lot of the school, hearing her car make a few suspicious clunks as she came to a stop. She silently hoped everything would be alright as she turned the old car off before climbing out and smoothing down the black and white floral dress she wore to just about every nicer sort of occasion she had attended in her adult life. If there was a wedding, baby shower, or any sort of anything else, she was wearing that black and white floral dress and she wanted nothing more than to burn it at this point, being so sick of seeing it, but it was the only halfway decent dress she had which left her trying to layer cardigans, jackets, or adding tights to make it look a little different. She luckily had been able to find a pink denim jacket at goodwill recently, pushing the sleeves up to make it look like it wasn’t a size too big but figured it at least would hide the old dress a little bit more. She bit at her bottom lip as she closed the car door, trying to run her fingers through the ends of her hair that was starting to curl already and smooth it out when she heard a familiar voice calling her name. 
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“Sammy! Hey Sammy!” 
She held up a finger to him, signaling she’d just be a minute as she pulled off her bag and tossed it in the car, only keeping her keys with her before locking the car and going over toward the baseball field adjacent to the school. The first half of the week was different than normal with it being parent teacher conferences. Regular school was called off and Sam had scheduled the conferences for Monday when her and Riley’s mother would be able to go but at the last minute had to work a different shift, leaving Sam to have to scramble to trade her one day off with Ify so she would be free today. 
With the day off for students, Chris had decided to move the normally scheduled late afternoon baseball practice to the middle of the day, Sam knowing it was scheduled for twenty minutes from now. Riley was spending the day with Kayla, but she knew he was on his way with Cooper because he’d texted her a few minutes prior telling her just that. But Sam was thankful for the moment alone as she crossed the parking lot and saw Chris’ round ass as he bent over to pick up the bucket of balls, but he stood up suddenly when he heard a low whistle. 
He glanced over his shoulder, his cheeks red but his lips in a smirk as he said, “Wow one of my players’ family members is sexually harassing me, I feel like I need to report this to the office.” 
She barked out a laugh, shaking her head as she came to a stop in front of the low fence. “What? You expect me to see that baseball butt of yours and not say something?” 
“Fuck off, I have to face teenagers in fifteen minutes and I don’t need you to get me all worked up,” he replied, shaking his head back before he leaned over the fence, eyes moving behind his dark sunglasses. She laughed quietly, knowing what he must be thinking considering they hadn’t been able to spend much time together, despite their new status. “I almost didn’t recognize you at first with your hair down and no ketchup stains on your outfit.” 
“Shut up!” 
He reached a hand out, grasping her own as he reassured her, “I’m just teasing. You look really nice.” 
“Really?” She asked quietly, her eyebrows raising hopefully and feeling some of her anxiety lessen at his nod of reassurance. “I wanted to look better than I normally do so the teachers take me seriously and not just the chick who brings them their waffles.” 
“Hey, nobody thinks that about you. Everyone thinks it amazing that you’re the one who’s at all this stuff for Riley,” he murmured quietly, squeezing her hand comfortingly, a small, crooked smile crossed his lips before he added, “And you do look beautiful… even if I am partial to the messy hair and ketchup stains.” 
“Thanks Chris,” she replied with a smile, before she ran a hand through her wavy hair and added apologetically, “I’m sorry about not being available the last couple days. I didn’t think I’d have to work a double yesterday, and then Riley needed all that extra help on his homework when I got home and-” 
“Sammy, it’s fine, I get it,” he cut her off, squeezing her hand three times quickly, before his expression turned sheepish and said, “But I do have to say it’s not totally fair that I poured out all my feelings to you like some shitty Hallmark movie and then I haven’t gotten to spend any time alone with you since. I kind of think you owe me.” 
“And how do you suggest I pay you back?” 
“Well I was thinking you go out to dinner with me tonight,” he suggested with a hopeful look on his face, one brow raised suggestively. “Or we could just order something and eat at my place.” 
She hummed as she contemplated the offer, if only to think of a reply beyond an enthusiastic ‘YES’. “That sounds doable,” she finally said, smirking a bit as she watched his face light up, his body language changing instantly. 
“There is a stipulation though,” he drawled, before his other hand moved to point at her.  “You have to wear this cute dress.” 
She shrugged half-heartedly, looking down at their joint hands as she quietly said, “Deal, but only if you promise to take it off later.” 
He sighed loudly, his head falling to hang in front of him, his chin in his chest as his low voice rumbled, “Samantha Merrick, what did I tell you about the teenagers?” 
She just laughed at him, leaning in to press her lips against his before she let go of his hand and turned to head toward the school, her laughing being interrupted by a swift smack to her backside which caused Chris to be the one laughing while she shot him a playful glare. Sam silently shook her head to herself as she walked, wondering how he could do that… how he could so effortlessly put a smile on her face just by being himself? 
With everything still being so brand new, neither of them even having time to talk to each except for a few texts, Sam didn’t want Riley to know just yet and thus started quickening her pace, making sure she was inside the school before any of the baseball team members pulled up. Sam went to the gym where all the tables were set up and went through a meeting with each of the teachers, happy to hear that everyone liked Riley and said what a good student he was. When she was finished, she walked out to the parking lot, glancing over to see the team running laps and waved to Riley as he passed by the fence, glancing behind him to see Chris sending her a wink before pointing at his phone. 
She figured out what he meant and looked down at her phone, seeing a text from him saying that she was welcome to hang out at his apartment and that he’d left the key on the back bumper of her car. Sam didn’t know why at first, but the act of familiarity and trust signified warmed her heart a little, texting him that she’d be there when he finished before she drove over to his place. Sam had only been there a handful of times, but she still couldn’t get over it. Chris had a spacious apartment, one that had a door that opened without you having to slam your body weight against it, no noisy neighbors, and the only smells inside it was of the vanilla candle he had on his kitchen counter and the basil plant on the windowsill in the kitchen. She swore she’d never get over the silence and peace here and she slipped off her sneakers and hung her jacket by the door before laying on the couch that was more comfortable than anything she’d ever sat on in her life. 
Sam was so content laying there just watching TV until eventually the front door opened and she saw Chris closing the door with his foot as he adjusted his baseball hat with one hand and held up a white plastic bag with his other, stating, “I got some food for later. I thought we could just have dinner here.” 
“That sounds good to me,” she smiled, turning and facing him, the side of her face pressed into the overstuffed couch cushion.
“You look very cozy,” he grinned, moving to the kitchen and putting the take out containers in the large fridge, sending her a small grin over his shoulder. 
“I am,” she agreed, but soon placed a hand on the-likely ridiculously expensive- couch, breathing, “Chris, this apartment is amazing. It’s so quiet here and everything is so clean and nothing breaks when you touch it.” 
“Well you know you’re welcome to come here anytime,” he replied as he shut the fridge with a clang, slowly making his way back over to her as he asked, “Hey how did Riley’s conferences go?” 
“Pretty good. Everyone said he’s a sweet kid and that he’s a good student,” she shrugged, but chuckled quietly as she remembered one funny tidbit from the day. “The only feedback I got is that he flirts too much with Kayla during class.” 
“Are you serious?!” Chris asked her loudly, brows shooting up as he flopped onto the couch next to her, a loud laugh escaping him. “Oh my god I wish that was the worst feedback I got in school!” 
“I know, me too,” she agreed, resting her head on her hand as she faced him.
He leaned his head to the side, fingers tapping restlessly on his leg as he asked, “So are he and Kayla dating now? I saw her waiting for him after practice.” 
She rolled her eyes fondly, shaking her head. “He always just calls it ‘hanging out’ but they basically are. He’s spending the afternoon with her and then taking her to her orthodontist appointment before coming home.” 
“So does that mean I get you all to myself for the entire afternoon?” 
“Looks like it,” she smirked, watching as he raised his brows and nodded slowly. 
“Sounds pretty damn good to me.” 
Chris started moving closer to her and Sam wanted to make it obvious she reciprocated and held her arms out for him. He crawled on the couch until he could carefully lay himself on top of her, keeping some of the weight on his arm propping him up and the rest pressing down on her. Sam loved the feeling of him being on top of her, feeling him close to her while his arm snaked around her back and held her even tighter before bringing his lips down to hers. As if Sam hadn’t been comfortable enough in the quiet, clean apartment on the impossibly soft couch, add Chris’ kiss to the mixture and she swore there was no better feeling. 
He broke the kiss to move down her neck, Sam’s hand running through his hair as he went.“This is a lot more comfortable than the front seat of your car,” she murmured, her voice breaking off into a gasp as he nipped at her skin lightly.  “This time I don’t have a steering wheel in my back.” 
He chuckled against her, placing his chin on her collarbone as he looked at her with a smirk. “Or at your place where all the cigarette and weed smell coming through the walls kind of kills the mood.” 
“I was more worried about my rickety bed breaking with how much it was creaking,” she huffed, laughing when he loudly did so, a wide grin on his face. 
“Well I’m planning on kissing you here on this couch a lot more often from here on out,” he whispered, a wolfish smirk on his face before he lowered it back to her skin, moving closer and closer to her lips again. 
Sam’s head relaxed onto the couch pillow as Chris’ hand ran up her thigh, slipping underneath her dress and coming up to squeeze her hip before his lips came back to connect to hers, making Sam breathless in the most beautiful way. This time was so different than before. There was no uncertainty or wondering how the other person truly felt. There was an understanding and emotion between them that was absent before, shared promises and hopes that only made all the feelings stirring inside them both stronger than ever before. 
Wanting more of him, Sam let one of her hands wander down the rigid landscape of his body while their deep kiss left them both seeing stars. She let her hand keep wandering until she found the band of his black Nike sweatpants, slipping underneath it and traveling down until her hand was resting on top of his slowly hardening cock, the fabric of his boxers being the only thing that separated her from feeling his skin. Despite knowing what it could do to her and how it felt inside of her, she'd never done this before, never taken care of him before, and she was eager to be able to hear the way it sounded when the breath hitched in his throat and moaned into her mouth like he was doing right now. 
Sam smiled against his lips when she felt him roll his hips against her hand, wanting more friction which she happily gave before trying to find the opening in his boxers so she could slide her hand against his skin but he pulled his swollen lips away from hers when she did. At first she was confused, not understanding if she had done something wrong or not, but when she saw the look in his blue eyes, she knew that couldn’t be it. 
“This is the first time we don’t have to rush it,” his low voice rasped, a dangerous grin sliding on his face as he promised, “So I’m going to take my time with you.” 
Hearing those words lowly whispered to her was enough to have a violent shiver running down her spine, causing Chris’ lips to curve into a smirk. He leaned down to peck at her lips a few more times before slowly crawling off of her and stood on the floor next to the couch. She watched as his thick arms effortlessly scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom where he set her down on her feet on the nice hardwood floor, his lips coming right back to hers as his hands worked at the zipper on her dress until it was falling down to pool on the floor. 
Sam couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed as he took half a step back to let his blue eyes drag over her body. Sure he’d seen her naked before but this was different. This time he actually was looking at her and she cared what he thought. She was suddenly acutely aware of her black cotton panties with a fraying band and her mismatched tan faded bra that had obviously seen better days while she stood among furniture that likely cost more than two months rent on her apartment. Her bottom lip came between her teeth as she tried to look anywhere but his face and turned to get onto the bed, desperate for some sort of distraction but Chris wouldn’t give her that. 
He gently grabbed her arm, tugging her up against his chest and let one arm slide around her waist while he used the other to run a hand through her wild hair. Chris’ blue eyes were looking right into hers, making Sam feel like he was looking right into her soul as he told her, “You’re so beautiful, baby.” 
And she knew then, she was a goner for him. 
She also found out that Chris stayed true to his word, taking his time getting her out of her underwear and laying her down on the soft bed, kissing every inch of her body before he buried his face between her legs. Sam had thought the first couple times with him had been good… really good actually, but this was already better. Getting to have her hands running through his hair and feeling his beard scratch against his thighs was enough to ruin her right then and there. 
Sam was left moaning and writhing underneath him from the actions of his tongue but she wasn’t pushed off of that peak until his eyes met hers from in between her legs and she couldn’t hold on any longer, her body shaking as she came. But Chris didn’t lift his face from between her thighs, his tongue still licking and rubbing sensually until Sam’s breathing had returned to normal. 
He worked his way up her body the same way he came down, peppering kisses all over her skin until he was back up to her face, hovering over her with that smirk that drove her wild. Sam wanted- no needed- him and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down quickly to crash their lips together. The one thing that was the same between them from before until now was the combustion between them. It was like electricity running through them when their lips met and all it did was leave them wanting more. 
Their hands were everywhere, grasping and squeezing while their kisses turned more sloppy and passionate, wanting so much more. Sam’s hands yanked down the waistband of his boxers, wanting to feel that round firm baseball butt underneath her fingertips and gave it a rough squeeze, causing him to grunt against her skin. She knew she had the upper hand for the moment and took the opportunity to wrap a leg around his hip, rolling him over so that he was laying on his back while Sam straddled his waist, dragging herself over him a few times, laughing to herself as she watched him squirm. 
“Yes?” She asked quietly, a smirk on her face as his breath hitched.
His hands landed on her hips, squeezing them tightly as he whispered, “Gonna fuckin’ kill me.” 
“Not a bad way to go, though,” she whispered back with a grin. Sam didn’t wait for his response and laid down on his chest, starting by nipping at his neck while his big hands wandered down her back until they came to hold each of her round cheeks in his hands, squeezing tightly when she sucked at a particularly sensitive spot. Both of them knew he was going to be covered in hickeys by tomorrow but the thought only made Chris throb, loving the idea of being marked by his girl. Sam kept her lips moving down, gently biting at some of the black tattoos that inked his skin and sucking along his skin to pull out those beautiful moans from deep inside his chest. 
When she started working lower and lower, Chris sloppily reached over to pull open the drawer to pull out the condom that Sam quickly snatched from his hands, rolling it on him herself and purposely dragging her fingers along his throbbing length as she did so. Sam couldn’t help but smile as she saw Chris’ long eyelashes flutter closed as she puffed out a long breath, trying to keep his composure. She knew he liked to be in control, but seeing what she could do to him gave her a little boost of pride before she lined herself up and sunk down onto him, causing each of them to cry out from the pleasure. 
Each time before had been fast and felt like a whirlwind, but this time was different. They both were fully aware of each sensation, each drag of his thick cock against her walls, and each low moan of pleasure that spilled from their lips. Sam rested her hands on his toned abdomen, using it as leverage to lift herself up before roughly falling right back down over and over again. At first she had Chris right where she wanted him… a complete mess. He was panting and running a hand through his hair, overwhelmed by the feeling, his eyes- when they were open- were glazed over. But when he finally gained some of his composure, his blue eyes opened and stared right at her, just watching the way she bounced on him over and over again and loving every second. 
Sam saw his hands reach out to grasp her hips, helping her find a good pace before he let one of his hands come around to roughly smack her soft cheek, making her cry out from the sting. Sam’s pace started to falter as he brought his hand back to spank her soft skin again and again while Chris just smirked, a newfound energy filling him. He held onto her waist as he rolled them over, keeping himself nestled inside her as he got Sam on her back while he took over control. 
Now it was Sam’s turn to lay there, completely overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through her as he found that rhythm again. He held onto her hips tightly, telling her how good she felt and how, in his words, fucking gorgeous she was while he kept rocking in and out until Sam was seeing stars, her entire body tightening before that peak hit her again. Chris happily watched the emotions on her face while he kept working himself inside her, coaxing her through her orgasm until he couldn’t hold on any longer and came behind her with a long moan. 
Sam’s eyes were squeezed shut as she tried to calm her body down but she still blindly reached out for him, wanting to pull his sweaty body against hers, needing to feel him by her to remind herself that this time was different. This time they were going to be together afterwards and that was something brand new. But at first she was denied her wish, Chris getting off the bed to quickly clean himself up and came back to do the same for Sam before climbing on the bed and finally granting Sam her wish. 
Chris pulled the blankets up over them before holding her naked body up against his warm frame, littering her face with little kisses while her hand rubbed at his chest. It felt so wonderful, almost oddly beautiful to get to be sharing this moment together but disappointment washed over them both when their moment was interrupted by the piercing sound of a phone ringing. 
He listened as she sighed, pulling her head off of his chest as she shoved the blankets off of her. “That’s mine.” 
“Just ignore it,” he whispered back, keeping his arms around her as he couldn’t help but frown. 
“I can’t,” she shook her head, biting her lip as she looked at him, the pair in somewhat of a silent battle over this. 
A sad sigh fell out of Chris’ lips, Chris shaking his head and loosening his hold on her before Sam pushed out of the bed, grabbing Chris’ white tee shirt and pulling it on over her frame before hurrying out to the living room where she dug her phone out of the pocket of her jacket and quickly answered the phone. He watched her through the open doorway, unable to hear the conversation clearly but he didn’t find it in him to care… he was too preoccupied with the way she looked in his shirt, the way it hung over her lanky frame, just barely covering the curve of her ass. And she was his, in nearly every way. 
She hung up her phone, padding back into his bedroom as she dropped it on an end table, raising a brow and looking at him as she said, “That was Riley.” 
He nodded, leaning up on one arm. “You probably have to go, huh?” 
“Nope, he was just calling to ask if it was fine that he stayed at Kayla’s house for dinner and then watched a movie,” she smiled, biting her lip as she lifted the blankets and the sheet, sliding back underneath them. 
“I’m certainly glad to hear that,” he grinned, feeling warm from the inside out as his arms came to rest around her. “Because I want this. I want to be able to just hold you.” 
Sam huffed out a laugh, shaking her head as she looked up at him, her eyes bright. “Wow, that's pretty soft and tender coming from the man who just was smacking my ass.” 
“Well see, you have to have balance,” he began, waggling his eyebrows a bit as he suppressed a laugh, tightening his hold on her. 
“Oh is that what it is?” 
He smirked, rolling onto his side a bit to face her. “Yeah that’s what it is, smartass,” he grinned, pecking her forehead lightly. 
“Well I’m okay with that, because I really like this,” she whispered to him, swallowing nervously as she looked into his eyes. 
“Me too, baby,” he whispered back, his hand running up and down her back underneath his shirt. 
She nodded, hand resting on his arm, stilling his motions as she said, “Just in case it wasn’t clear, I want you to know that I don’t want to be with anyone but you.” 
“Good because I don’t think I’d handle it well if you said you don’t want to date me,” he laughed, shaking his head and shrugging cheekily. “I mean, otherwise all those mornings I spent drinking shitty coffee and eating burnt eggs would have gone to waste.” 
“Did you really come in just because of me?” 
“Well it wasn’t because I liked the shitty food, I just liked the person who brought it,” he confessed to her. 
“...You…” she started, pausing and looking over his head out at the sunset. He stayed quiet, letting her gather her thoughts and work through things mentally, patiently waiting when she finally continued, “You… make me really happy.” 
“Good, because you make me really happy too,” he grinned, his hand moving over to rest on her hip with a smile.  “I like you here, like this.” 
“I do too.” 
A/N: They're finally a couple! These two little stubborn babies are SO cute together and we're so happy to share them with you all!
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