#i will give him some benefit of the doubt for the fact they were tired and hungry but that is it
olivsie · 3 months
No, because eurylochus pisses me the fuck off ive been waiting to say this for so long
This man
1. Opened the storm bag which is Ultimately how they got so many men killed by poseidon. ik odysseus is the one who pissed him off but it seems they could have avoided him for a bit if he hadn't OPENED THE DAMN BAG (though lets be real he would've probably still tracked them down but thats not the point)
2. The SECOND circe took their men eurylochus was ready to bounce. It was odysseus who had to be like "hey man, they're our crew, we need to get them back"
But then he has the NERVE to suddenly be really pressed about odysseus Giving up six men to scylla. And I kind of understand why? Id be confused/upset too if my captain went from "okay lets figure out how to conquer this beast" to "shit man nothing i can do about it" but it just rubs me the wrong way that his "lets cut our loses and run" ass is suddenly acting all high and mighty
And don't get me wrong odysseus isnt perfect (mister give a cyclops his social security number) and this post is not meant to be taken at serious level. He just gets on my nerves
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Hi, could you write a reader x Jason Grace sex scene? they were at camp half-blood, being really cute, and Piper gets jealous (I love her sometimes, but I love to imagine her as a little villain), and since she's being inconvenient, they go to Jason's cabin and have sex
Jealous | Jason Grace x fem! Reader
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a/n: Jason is such an underrated character that gets so much hate. Like yea he’s not Percy but like does every character suck just cause they are not Percy? Like bfr! I love both and can’t choose. Any way here’s some smut and fluff for you hun!💕
warnings: smut! Fluff! Jealous!Piper.
Everyone was singing around the campfire as you and Jason snuggled up. Ever since Jason and you made it official, Piper had been annoyingly popping up at the most inconvenient moments.
She started barging in on your couple time, causing the two of you to turn alone time into trio time.
You wouldn’t consider her a friend, not really, she was more of an acquaintance. You knew of the most messing with her mind and making her think Jason and her were an item, but you are also aware of the fact that it was an illusion and when it came down to it, she rejected him. But she couldn’t seem to let go.
Right now is one of those moments.
She appeared next to you two and just helped herself to the blanket cocooning you and Jason.
“Don’t mind me.” She said as she sat next to Jason’s side.
Jason gave you an annoyed look and mouth “sorry.” As he looked back to the fire.
You reached under the blanket and went to hold his hand.
“Jason! Could you fix the feather in my hair? I can’t quite get it to stay put.” She said.
“Sure.” And just like that, both of his hands are occupied. Piper gave you a smirk that went completely unnoticed by Jason as he concentrated on fixing the feather.
You were sick and tired of Pipers ability to get Jason to do what she wanted. Her powers whether she could tell or not, you knew she could but would love to give her the benefit of the doubt, had a clear affect on him. Cause afterwards he’s confused on why he did what she asked, he goes out of his way to avoid her because of it.
You decided to knock him out of it. And an evil little idea entered you head and you impulsively took it.
Jason was almost finished with the clasp on the feather when he felt your hand gently grab his knee. He ignored it but he couldn’t now because it was traveling up his leg slowly.
He tried to keep his breathing steady as he fixed the last little bit of the clasp. He tried to ignore the tightening of his pants as your hand stroked his leg slowly getting closer to his bulge.
“There.” He said as he turns away from Piper, ignoring the smile she sends his way.
He turns to you and gives you a stern look. You smile innocently back and turn to face the campfire.
you hand grabs his bulge hard causing him to quickly get up ands grab your hand, pulling you with him.
Piper gets up and asks where he’s going but he far to gone to listen to her.
He drags you all the way back to his cabin and slams the door shut. Everyone is far away at the campfire for anyone to see you enter his cabin.
“You’re gonna get it.” He says as he rips off your shirt and pants quickly.
Piper followed you. She was concerned for Jason, he had left in a hurry.
She thought something was wrong. He must have had a vision, or remembered something about the prophecy.
She walked up to the Zeus cabin and knocked on the door. No answer.
She could have sworn she saw you guys walk this way.
She was curious and opened the door.
What she was not expecting was to see Jason and you on his bed fucking like cats in heat.
She stared horrified at the scene in front of her as Jason and your moans bounced off the walls.
Jason felt someone watching them and turned around. He quickly fell on top of you and tried to cover you up with his body as he pulled a blanket over his bottom half.
“Piper?!?” He asked as he scrambled to cover you up.
Piper seemed to have come to her senses and snapped out of it. She looked like a deer caught in headlight.
“Shit! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to- bye!” She said before running out of the cabin and slamming the door shut.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Jason said, losing all of his precious confidence and looking away.
“It’s not your fault. She walked in and just had to ruin things.” You said jealously. You played with your hair as Jason turned back towards you.
“I know. She barges in all the time. I’m sorry. Her charm speak whether she knows it or not affects me and then I just can’t focus clearly.” He said as he buried his head in his hands.
“Well,” you start as you push the blanket off his shoulders and trail your hands down his chest. “She’s not here now.” You say with a mischievous smile.
Jason lifts his head and smiles at you too before kissing you with so much urgency.
He picks you up flips you around, putting you on your hands and knees. He quickly rubs his cock through your warmth before thrusting in.
He goes faster, probably scared of Piper coming back, and moans as he reaches a point inside you only he can reach.
He reaches down and runs your clit, causing you to orgasm quickly. You won’t lie, being caught really turned you on.
It must have done the opposite for Jason as he was pounding into you for at least another 3 minutes before finally releasing into you. He whined as he pulled out and laid on top of you.
“I’ll talk to Piper about boundaries.” He said as he pulled you towards him.
“Ok.” You said as you leaned closer to him. “We probably have to head back, so no one in my cabin gets suspicious.” You try to get up but are pulled back down by Jason’s strong arms.
“Not now. Later.” He hums sleepily as he snuggled into you more. You laugh as your eyes begin to get heavy.
Sorry if this is really short!
request are open.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
HELLO!!!! Soo i was wondering if you could do a very strictly platonic COD MW2 141 (or others, whatever u want!) x gn or fem (she/they pronouns or they/them pronouns, both are fine to me) reader 😸 it can be them interacting, or on a mission, or something along those lines!!! For aome specifications, i was thinking of the reader being the youngest in the 141, but still very skilled at what they do. Lots of love!!! ❤️❤️
Hmmm…I believe have just the thing for you, anon! *climbs up the rolling library ladder and comes down with a story*. I was saving this for another time but, here, you can have it.
(It doesn’t have everything you requested in it, and I added a few things here and there, but I think it works. Enjoy!)
“Are they okay?”
“I don’t know, but I think they’re breathing.”
“You sure?”
Soap hikes up his pants and settles on a bench, a few meters away from where your body lies. He tilts his head and squints his eyes, searching for any signs of movement.
“Yes,” he finally says to Gaz, who sits beside him, legs stretched out and back resting against the concrete wall. “You’re right—they’re breathing.”
You all just returned to your temporary base from your latest mission, exhausted but unharmed. It has been a while since you managed to secure a win, and a much-needed one at that, after a string of defeats which began to take a toll on the team’s morale. Fights started to break out, filled with little jabs of what could have been done better, whose fault it was, and pointing fingers instead of acknowledging the team’s effort.
On the outside, you maintained a professional facade for the contractors and the world, but the strain was beginning to show behind closed doors. It was like a house with a pristine front porch, while the backyard concealed a chaotic mess, hidden from view.
But this time, you nailed it—all of you. Whether it was luck, improved communication, better strategy, or the alignment of stars, you managed to come through. And suddenly, the future seemed a little brighter, for now.
“I can hear you, you know.” You murmur, slowly pushing yourself up into a seated position.
“Didn’t mean to disturb you,” Soap says, “we were just making sure you were alright; you took quite the beating earlier.”
You give him a tired smile. “No worries,” you reply, stretching your arms and legs. “I was just doing some breathing exercises to relax.”
“You know,” he says to Gaz, “I read about these breathing exercises, and they’re supposed to—”
“You read?”
Your attention shifts to the corner nearby, where Ghost and Price stand, engaged in their conversation about the mission. Price smiles at Ghost’s comment, but Ghost’s tone suggests he isn’t joking. It’s hard to tell since his voice always sounds the same, whether telling jokes or giving orders.
“Yes,” Soap replies, “and they say it’s supposed to help calm certain edgy, skull-faced boys.”
“As a matter of fact, I think you would all benefit from this,” you state, spreading your arms wide, inviting them to join you. “Lie down.”
“Not my way of calming down, kid,” Ghost replies, “I’d much rather prefer a glass of bourbon.”
“Do you have a glass of bourbon right now, Lt?”
“Then lie down.”
“Order me one more time, you little sh-”
Price claps his hands once and places his right hand on Ghost’s shoulder, giving him gentle pats.
“Come on, brother,” he says, “We have nothing else to do right now—our flight won’t be arriving anytime soon, and my back is killing me.”
You’ve often wondered what makes the Lieutenant so salty, and each time you resorted to blaming that mask of his. Having it on all the time must be uncomfortable, like a bra that you can’t wait to sling across the room at the end of a long day. But you never doubted what brings him back to his senses or at least makes him more accepting—it was Price himself.
Ghost sighs and removes the towel he had draped over his shoulder. He places it on the ground and lies down. Soap, Gaz, and Price follow his lead, with Price placing a towel while the others rest directly on the concrete. Ghost mutters something like “ya filthy mutts” under his breath, and you make soothing hushing noises to prevent any potential conflict from arising. The last thing you want right now is a simple breathing exercise to turn into a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu session.
You wait for them to settle in a comfortable position, and with a gentle voice, you begin guiding them through.
“Let’s start by taking a deep breath through the nose,” you whisper. “Feel the air fill your lungs. Hold it in, then slowly exhale through your mouth.”
You continue the guidance, leading them through a series of deep breaths. You focus on the softness in your voice and pair it with the rhythm of your words to create a soothing cadence.
“As you inhale, imagine a wave washing over you,” you continue. “And as you exhale, imagine releasing any burden, letting it drift away with each breath.”
As you guide them through the breathing exercise, everything becomes so serene, even for you, who acts as their guide. There’s some heavy breathing and slight shifting here and there, but that’s much better than the usual arguments, yelling, and complaints. There are no more blame games or defeated postures. You have all worked so hard. Now you and the team can finally find some peace.
You twist your body to look at your teammates, and a smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you find them all asleep, like children at nap time.
Ghost has one hand behind his head, the other resting on his chest. He has finally let go of the tension that usually consumes him. So much for that glass of bourbon, Lieutenant, you think to yourself.
Soap is curled up to the side, with his knees drawn closer to his body. He has formed a pillow with his hands and placed them under his head.
Next to him, Gaz lies on his back, one leg straight and the other bent to the side, like a ballerina caught mid-spin.
Price placed his hat on his face, shielding his eyes from the light. His legs are crossed, and his fingers are interlocked on his stomach.
You continue speaking, but softer now, to avoid waking them. You rise up, careful not to disturb them, and move silently to the door, leaving it slightly open, to not startle them upon closing it.
You step out into the hallway and close your eyes, taking one deep breath of your own.
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biblio-smia · 1 year
reciprocate [ethan landry x reader]
pairing: ethan landry x gender neutral reader
summary: ethan is convinced your flirting is nothing special, no matter how it makes him blush. you're like this with everyone; there's no way you like him how he likes you.
masterlist | requests are open!
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The soft blow of air conditioning and the soft shuffle of feet against carpet where the only sounds of the library at this time of day. The soft chill of the air raised goosebumps on your arms and made your body shiver. Your hands came up instinctively to your arms, trying to warm your skin up through your long sleeves.
You could hear the soft padding of footsteps approach your table and could see a figure grow near out of the corner of your eye. With a slight turn of your head and the movement of the chair beside you, you knew it was Ethan.
You let yourself focus on him for only a moment, eyes flickering back to the sprawl of textbooks and papers before Ethan's eyes could catch yours.
"Did you find it?" Your voice rang clearly yet quietly; it wasn't like there were many people in the library to complain, anyway. Your eyes glanced cautiously at the sleeve of Ethan's sweater; the dark blue one you thought complimented his complexion perfectly.
Ethan shook his head with a small frown. "I'll have to look for it some other day."
You turned towards Ethan, catching his eye with a smile. "So you're done for the day?"
Ethan give you something that resembled a laugh, quiet with a hint of a smile. "I didn't say that," he said lowly, turning his attention back to his laptop.
"Well, I'm pretty much done," you lied, quickly shutting the top of your laptop before Ethan's eyes could fact-check you. "Do you want to go somewhere else? Maybe get some food?"
Ethan shook his head before you could even finish, fingers typing on his laptop again. "No, that's okay. I have to get this done. But you go ahead if you're done."
A strained smile formed on your lips, though Ethan was far too distracted to notice. You'd backed yourself into a corner; you should've just kept quiet and kept working. "Yeah, okay. See you later."
"See you," Ethan called softly after you, half-distracted as you packed up your things and left the library with an embarrassed flush on your face.
「 … 」
After that came the overthinking. The image of Ethan at his laptop, air conditioning softly blowing his hair, eyes stuck on his screen in focus. You held onto the moment for only a few seconds before the frustration began to brew.
You replayed Ethan's rejection of your invitation, his eyes barely flickering to you as he dismissed the idea. Did he really have more work to do? Or was he tired of hanging out with you?
Or worse... Was this his non-confrontational way of letting you down gently?
You let out an audible groan. You were running mental laps trying to figure this boy out, never knowing what it was he actually felt.
You were sure you'd made it clear you were interested without outright saying it. You'd done it all; eye contact, physical contact, always laughing at his jokes no matter how stupid (though there was always a smile on your face when Ethan was around).
Either Ethan wasn't picking up on your signals or he was gently rejecting you over and over.
Should you even keep trying?
You could give Ethan the benefit of the doubt; after all, this was all partially your fault.
You liked to describe yourself as friendly rather than flirty, though most of your friends disagreed. You argued that you just liked to make people feel special. Your friends agreed with this point, though they noted that maybe sometimes you made too many people feel too special.
Between interested, attentive eyes and constant smiles, it was easy to confuse your soft friendliness for something else. Chad even admitted he thought you were into him the first time you'd met.
You'd known Ethan was a little clueless from the beginning (thanks, Chad). You'd refused any more help from your friends, determined to do this on your own. So, while you didn't change your personality, you amped up all the things your friends told you made you come off as flirty to the max around Ethan, growing bolder and bolder until you were positive he couldn't mix things up. Still - nothing.
No clear special treatment or bold compliments were enough. No amount of sitting next to him and bumping your shoulders or eye contact until Ethan broke away with a blush was enough to convey your feelings.
How much would be too much? If Ethan knew, how long until you made him uncomfortable?
A war waged in your head as you contemplated how to approach this. Maybe it was time to give up - though would you really be able to look at Ethan as just a friend?
「 … 」
Ethan definitely wouldn't able to settle for that.
With the way his heart sped up with every compliment and heat rose on his face every time you held his gaze, hanging onto every word like what the was saying was the most interesting things in the world. Ethan got woozy around you, unable to keep his cool for long.
But deep down, Ethan knew that there was no way you were interested in him.
This was just how you were. You were just being nice.
Even so, Ethan would lie awake at night, grinning as he replayed every moment with you. In each memory, he could vividly remember how special you made him feel, warm all over.
The way you touched him that sent a shiver up his spine; whether it was a nudge on his shoulder or grazing fingers as you passed him something.
You’d always look at him and smile when your knees bumped (which was often) as if you hadn’t done it on purpose (not that Ethan caught onto that).
Your body was always turned towards him in some way, and you were always so close - yet so far.
“Ethan! That shirt looks great on you!” (It was heinous).
“Oh, you should come over sometime and look at my collection!” (He didn’t think you were serious).
“Hang on, Ethan, there’s something in your hair.” (There was nothing in his hair).
But he knew you were like that with everyone. No matter if he felt like it, he wasn’t special.
「 … 」
This was it. All or nothing.
With a lot of cheering on by your friends, you came to a decision; you were going to come clean and tell Ethan. No matter how he reacted, you'd deal with it. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. You felt a little better knowing you'd have the support of your friends no matter what.
And yet, your heart was pounding and your palms were sweating.
You and Ethan were in his room, sprawled out apart from each other, but together. Chad had made of show of asking if you guys needed anything from the store half an hour after you got there, avoiding Ethan's eyes as he pointed out Chad had made a trip to the store the day before.
Ethan just laughed lightheartedly at Chad as the both of you heard the front door shut, a silence that was comfortable for Ethan but incredibly tense for you settling.
One of Ethan's arms rested under his head while the other held his phone up, his eyes watching whatever with a relaxed smile on his face.
This was it.
You shifted closer to Ethan, setting your own phone down and leaning closer to watch his screen. Ethan's eyes flickered nervously from his phone to you, his attention immediately broken. He was suddenly incredibly aware of you, your head softly resting on his shoulder, your favorite scent lingering on your skin.
Ethan dropped his phone on his chest and you laughed.
"Here, I'll hold it," you offered before Ethan could react, your hand reaching out to pick up Ethan's phone.
Now your arm was on him.
Ethan bit his lip and hoped you couldn't see the redness he knew was forming on the tip of his ears an spreading down to his cheeks. He swallowed thickly, pushing out a weak, "Thanks."
There was quiet for a minute, or maybe ten (Ethan's mind was spinning with you so close), before you spoke up again.
You took a breath before speaking, heart pounding at the proximity of Ethan mixed with the nerves.
No one had been paying attention to the phone, after all.
"You know I like you, right?"
Ethan’s voice came out strained and high. “What?”
You moved your head off Ethan’s shoulder, face expressing the confusion you could hear in his voice.
“I’ve liked you since forever,” you smiled shyly, a little bit of confidence returning to your voice. “I was wondering when you’d notice.”
“I didn’t- I wasn’t sure you liked me like that,” Ethan began nervously, growing shy under your gaze. “I mean, I thought you were just being nice.”
That made you laugh as you sat up fully, looking down at Ethan. “Ethan, I’ve literally told you I would date you to your face!”
“Well, you guys were hyping me up…” Ethan said, though a smile grew on his face as he dropped his phone, rising to meet you. “Whatever," he mumbled. "Shut up.”
“You’re cute when you’re clueless.”
“Shut up!” Ethan whined, dropping his head on your shoulder.
You were laughing now, as if you hadn't been worrying about the rejection you were sure you'd face ten minutes ago.
Although now, Ethan was left with the knowledge that you'd been into his this entire time. And he'd waved you off this entire time.
“I like you too, by the way,” Ethan mumbled softly. "I'm sorry I didn't realize you... liked me."
"Yeah, you should be. I was going insane trying to figure out if you were really oblivious or just not into me.”
“How could I not be into you?”
“How could I not be into you?” You repeated teasingly, smiling as Ethan frowned. “I think you owe me. For being so difficult.”
Ethan scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief with a smile. “Me? It was impossible to tell if you were flirting or being friendly.”
“Well, I had to make the first move,” you teased.
Ethan scoffed lightly, before he gave it a second thought. Yeah. There was no way he would've made the first move. “Okay,” he admitted. “You’re right.”
So he leaned in and kissed you first.
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gamblersdoll · 6 months
angst, hurt to slight fluff, violence and graphic imagery.
“i didnt do shit.” hakari seethed, his hands scrambling for a good reason he was on the spot. he couldnt understand how it had happened, how possibly he had the money but had no transfers from your account to his or vice versa.
“well, how is it in your account!?” you seethed back. sinji had been long gone, which did make you question him, but you were more focused on hakari.
“i told you, i dont know girl!” he shouted, pacing back and forth and in circles.
you were growing tired. so torn in between believing him or giving him the benefit of doubt. a part of you chanted the fact that he had taken money or manipulated you into giving him some money when you were vulnerable, making it hard for his truth. and another part whispered about the past few months he had spent with you, the dates he took you on, the happiness you hadnt felt with sinji, everything. how could you believe him when your money was infact in his bank account ? how could you not believe him and it was a mistake on the transfers end?
you had been in your head for too long, and that worried hakari too much.
“hello?!” he shouted, snapping his fingers in your face. yes you hated when he did that outside of sex, but you needed that snap back to reality. “i didnt touch your money, babydoll. im way past that, dont you realize that?” he asked, tilting his head and looking at you to hope that you came to your senses.
you looked away from him, holding your arms and sighing deeply. you couldnt decide whether or not to believe him. you should believe him! but what if he actually did take the money? what if he didnt? if he didnt, then who did? would you have to start over? what about hakari?
“for now, just leave kinji.” you said, keeping your voice low and gaze away from him. you were definitely shaking, shaking with anxiety and fear, and deep regret. you dont know what exactly you regretted, but that emotion was just present.
hakari sucked his teeth, grabbing his jacket and then you in a fit. he grabbed you ahold by your arm, pulling to his stature and looked down at you. you felt scared for only a glimpse, knowing he isnt the type to beat on women, yet you got startled.
“when i prove this shit false, its gon be me and you.” he said, with somewhat malice and he gritted his eyebrows together. you and him? you wouldnt understand what his version of that was.
and he left without a second glance, slamming the door behind him. he was pissed, most definitely. pissed wasnt the word to use, seething, he was practically melting with rage and revenge. because he wasnt that kind of boy no more that would do that shit. he was grown, grown and well financially capable of taking care of himself, you, and certainly much more. so the fact he was even accused of theft from you drove him absolutely mad.
and the weeks of not talking to kinji were pure fucking hell. you wanted to reach out, you had to. you could actually say that you missed him, contrary to what you would verbalize. you couldnt land a finger on what had happened. and the truth could be right in front of you. hell, you know its some shit when even maki or panda were shocked– especially panda, since hakari was supposedly to exploit him.
and the house was no better. you were alone, but by choice. sinji of course would reach out to you and talk as if nothing had happened, as if he didnt just cause discord between you, him, and kin. you didnt want sinji, you wanted hakari, more than anything. you made the bed, you need to lie in it.
New notification!
you sprung out of your chair, hoping and praying to the gods it was hakari, your hakari, hoping he had texted you about seeing him, anything to show he was innocent like you wanted him to be.
“Sinji: what you wearin? 👀”
you groaned, throwing your head back and choosing to not reply. maybe you wouldnt talk to hakari ever. maybe that was the end of your chapter.
or so you thought.
it was maybe around one in the morning, you slowly drifting to sleep and having just binged watched some show that was trendy.. what was it? love is blind? you got ran the fuck over with that statement. but you felt your phone go off, groaning in annoyance and opening your phone. your heart shot up.
New notification!
“hakari: link @ that coffee shop you like first thing, dont keep me waiting.”
and you didnt keep him waiting, tapping your thumbs together and tapping your foot. he was sitting across from you, not even looking but you can tell he had maybe finally calmed down, he was unreadable at this time.
“hakari i-“ you started, but he interrupted you by putting his hand up, pausing you before you even started. you almost swatted his hand away, just from natural reaction, but you caught it before he caught you. he whipped his phone out, opening his transaction history and having you read it. “read that shit back to me.”
you read it slow, analyzing and gazing at everything. and you had never felt more confused or just slow.
“… what does any of this mean, kin?” you asked, failing to see the bigger picture or maybe you were just slow with a capital “s”.
“hard transaction deposit.” he repeated back, folding his arms together and looking at you. “that means that a third party went into your account, took your money, transferred it to my account, and was using a burner.” he said, he always did his best to not mansplain things but it was needed.
“okay, so.. was it any of your boys?” you asked, “because didnt you transfer money to me when we started talking again?”
“did i send it, or did i take money?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “i have the option to send and transfer money to you, not take it out. and using last time isnt a good excuse ‘cause you sent it to me. neva had the option to take yo money straight from the accounts.”
“okay, thats true, ill give you that..” you said, chewing on your thumb nail, and causing hakari to move your hand away from your mouth. and receiving a ‘stop biting your nail, mama,’ “then who did?”
“the burner traces back to sinji, obviously.” he said, rolling his eyes and sucking his teeth. “the dumbass forgot about IP addresses and shit. i didn’t expect you to know cause numbers dont go good with you.” he jabbed, but thats just how he was. he wasn’t being a dick, though. he just knew the truth.
“im sorry-“
“oh, you will be.” he paused you again, giving a small smile. that scared the shit out of you, the whole saying of ‘fuck around find out’ shit from him.
“hakari chill out!” you said, but one of his clients holding their hand out in front of you to stop you in your tracks, shaking his head at you.
your current position? watching your.. ex? sneaky link? side man? hakari pounding his fist into sinji’s jaw and focusing only on that. sinji wasnt looking too hot.. shit , when did he ever? he was all bruised and purple, also soaked in blood from his broken nose and limp jaw that was clearly dislocated. this had gone on for at least ten minutes. and everyone knew that it was done now, you question how he was able to take a beating like that from hakari.
but for hakari, for one good last blow, stomped his shoulder blade in, hearing a crunch and sinji writhing in pain.
“ill but you a new carpet tomorrow, yall–“ he pointed at the clientele he had hired for his fight club, and shooing them out. “yall leave but be round at arms reach.” he said. “you.” he pointed at you, beckoning his finger at you, “cmere.” and you had no choice to.
“unt unt, no talking, you gon listen to this shit.” he said, putting a hand on your back and one around your throat softly. “you my girl now, no more sinji, in fact he gon watch me while i fuck you.” he said, gritting his eyebrows together and nibbling at your throat. “you and me.” he growled softly. “i fucken love you.”
you cant get a chance to respond, but you were already on your back while he was gripping at your clothes. it made you aroused, not lying to yourself. you needed this, because sinji hadnt dicked you down, and can never now.
“and bitchboy over here is going to hear, and watch me fuck my girl, whether he likes it or not.”
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khruschevshoe · 10 months
Jim and Oluwande got the worst end of the deal. I'd even say they regressed as both characters and partners and anything they had built up in s1 was almost completely stripped away from them. The way they're portrayed together and apart in s2 is not only unlike the characters we saw in s1, but their rich storyline was reduced to extreme side characters used only as plot devices in a way they absolutely did not have to be used. I LOVED them in s1, and I was so disappointed by what s2 did to them and their potential growth, which I think applies to pretty much everything in s2, not only them.
Mind if I piggyback of this ask to go into all my critiques of the handling of Jim/Olu in Season 2? Thanks!
OFMD Critique: Tealoranges, Dropped Storylines, and Wasted Potential
God, the issues I have with the writing of Season 2 extend in so many directions. Jim's character, I felt, was well-handled for at least the first two episodes but then slowly starts skewing wrong as early as episode 3 (I am still chewing glass over the way their reunion scene with Oluwande was written- or, rather, NOT written). Episode 4 was good, but everything after that? Someone said that Jim in the back half of the season feels more like Vico than Jim, and though I do love and appreciate Vico, it's completely true. Jim doesn't feel like the same character we've come to know, whether from Season 1 or even what is set up in early season 2.
And yet, I STILL feel like they're written better than Olu, if you can believe it? So, I haven't talked about this much, but I feel like Olu is done dirty from almost the moment he is introduced in Season 2. At least Jim (through editing alone, but hey, we'll give the show the smallest benefit of the doubt) gets an acknowledgement that they miss Olu during that flashback sequences while they talk to Archie- Olu doesn't even get that. I read about a deleted scene that would have had Pete and Olu desperate to reunite with Lucius and Jim in episode 1 and I feel like that was DESPERATELY needed to make the Season 1 finale -> Season 2 jump make any sort of sense. I like Zheng, but for the love of God, her romance with Olu (which I had my own issues with for the disservice it does both their characters) is not worth destroying the tealoranges build up from Season 1. Just cut something from the first episode or one of the Zheng/Olu scenes from the second episode to make it make sense.
Then, moving onto later in the season- I've posted about how Olu and Jim deserved the grand, epic reunion otherwise 1x10 and everything set up with them in Season 1 doesn't make sense. Could the writers of the show have possibly redistributed some of the glorious cinematography from Ed and Stede over to Jim and Olu? All I need is one shot of their reunion (a proper, emotional one, not played for laughs or friendship or whatever) framed by the sun to parallel Ed and Stede's being framed by the moon and I would have been happy on that front.
And then later in the season...I was down for the poly elements if they could have been executed better. Fanfics have shown that the Archie plot could have been executed well. But the fact that Zheng is straight up NOT MENTIONED until 2x7 by Olu? And then Jim says that he's been pining for her the whole time? I'm sorry, but it doesn't compute. Show, don't tell. There's a reason why I'm down for Jim/Archie/Olu (if executed well), but can't see Zheng/Olu at all.
But of course, 2x7 comes along and we get the "family who fucked" line. And the implication that Olu could have ever left the Revenge without Jim, when in Season 1 he became a wreck because Jim left for A FEW DAYS, much less was FORCEFULLY SEPARATED from him for MONTHS. Then in the finale, at the lupete wedding, they were separated out, him with Zheng and them with Archie, and, well, at that point...I was tired. I'm not gonna lie. Because this wasn't questionable or problematic writing, it just fundamentally DIDN'T MAKE SENSE.
And this is just on a romantic relationship POV. I hated seeing Olu lose his leadership arc from Season 1 and his loyalty to Jim and his nuanced emotional level-headedness/sense of logic. Season 1 really felt like it was slowly building up the idea that the ideal Captain was neither Stede nor Blackbeard but someone a bit more rational, a bit more grounded, a bit more communicative with his crew- someone like Olu. And he gets shoved into the back in Season 2 and reduced to the guy who can't sort scrolls or know that the BOATS ON A MAP MATTER. He gets no influence on plot or major decisions when he was often the voice of reason in Season 1 (we all remember Lucius being a romantic voice of reason in Season 1, but rarely remember that Olu was a major supporting deciding factor in a number of decisions made on the Revenge).
And as for Jim, I wanted more exploration or even just acknowledgement of their trauma post episode-4. I wanted an actual organic continuation of their character arc post-vengeance quest and post-Blackbeard, not just them getting defined by "funny knife thrower with a girlfriend and an ex-boyfriend who they want to get with his crush." They were so much more than that, and it killed me to see the two people who were basically main character 3 and 4 in Season 1 get shoved aside for unneeded subplots about Ricky and Zheng or Gentlebeard's three separate breakups when Jim and Olu's plotline had so much more potential than any of that. They weren't just star-crossed lovers- they were a slow burn ship built of absolutely interesting, complicated, and well-developed characters who brought out the best in each other with a DEVASTATING midpoint to their arc and it honestly would have made a better season not just for them as characters, but for the show overall if someone had just realized that the parallels between a couple that fights and claws to stay together no matter what (tealoranges) and a main ship that was still figuring itself out (Gentlebeard) would have SLAPPED.
(I am now picturing a version of this season where instead of the Izzy fakeout death/Gentlebeard reunion in the beginning of the first episode, we get an Olu/Jim reunion in episode 3 to parallel whatever reunion the writers wanted to slap together for Stede/Ed. I would have actively cried over the Olu/Jim reunion and it would have drastically improved the season.)
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statementlou · 3 months
Literally EVERY artist who played festivals tagging them (and posting on THEIR account) because it’s a cross-promo 🤦🏻‍♀️ but oh well I guess Louis want to lose even more fans during the festivals instead of gaining some so idrc anymore cuz I’m tired of wasting opportunities
Literally how would not tagging a festival lose him fans LMAOOOO WHAT. Are you suggesting that people who were fans of him, who like his music, might be like oh no he didn't tag a festival he played BYE!😂 Let's say the rest of the artists tagged the fest (I very much doubt this is true but I will not be looking up every artist that played it and checking... and no way did this anon either)- SO WHAT. Louis is a fucking STAR, he's a HEADLINER, he doesn't need to suck up and trade off publicity, they'll beg him to come back! And precisely how would tagging a fest gain him new fans? Literally come back and explain this to me in detail, seriously. I'd love to discuss.
But! I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that what you actually mean is that the fest posting about him on their socials where people who don't follow him might see it would gain him fans (which has no relation to this so I am REACHING to give that benefit here)- well that is NOT the same thing, and whether they do that is NOT dependent on being like oh guess we'll just repost the artists who tagged us! If they didn't oh well lol gosh hope I didn't forget any! And in fact I went and had a look at the festival in question's insta and what do you know; they posted about Louis along with the rest of the artists playing the fest (only he got TWO grid posts unlike most) and they are not reposting these supposed other artists' posts tagging them. So again: tell me how him tagging a festival gains him fans (and not doing it loses them!). Spell it out. Show me your work, don't just throw fandom buzz phrases around and think that means something. You know what gains him fans at festivals? PLAYING THEM. Which he IS DOING. Oh and by the way you know how playing them gains him fans? By getting the attention of new people who weren't necessarily gonna watch his set or caring about his set- like for example by PLAYING SONGS THEY RECOGNIZE. But sure, he's failing to gain new fans (fact check: he REALLY isn't, literally look at the numbers) and it's because.... checks notes... he doesn't tag shows that have already happened and no longer need promo. SURE!
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layraket · 6 months
Hunters - Creatures Gang
Some hours ago they all ended up running in a group of hylians, normally the ones who are more familiarized with them will make sure to get them away from the rest. 
Sadly their luck had other plans.
They suddenly appeared and tried to take down first the bigger ones, Warriors being one of the principal objectives. Hunters? It’s very likely as they are walking through Legend’s era.
Their second main victim for some reason was Hyrule. They all knew that being a fairy is hard just for the fact that they’re small and vulnerable, but he was never a worry when they found themself attacked.
The hylians had tried to keep the fairy of the group inside a bottle, the rest keeping all of them away. If it wasn’t for Sky and using his wings to distract them, Hyrule will be trapped there for who knows what amount of time. 
After getting them all away and finally scaring them with one of Wild’s bombs—They all were sure that it wasn’t only to threaten them— The little fairy was already on top of a tree, hidden in some empty nest inside the wood. 
This is why he stays away from hylians! He doesn’t understand why some of their group swear that they’re friendly. They don’t understand being hunted just for own benefit your whole life. 
“Hyrule! They’re gone! you can get down now!” That was Four, the mouse kept his distance with hylians, but not for the same reasons. Still, he was one of his closest supports.
But, right now? He prefers staying there.
“Rulie! Just get down, we need to keep going!” That was Legend, he was already wondering where the rabbit went when the hunters appeared. “I doubt that Wind will be able to get there without hitting himself with the tree four times.”
He should get down, this wasn’t the big deal. They’re gone and it is not probable that there are more of them waiting for him. But if he gets down they would come back, they were so determinate to keep him in that bottle, maybe-
“I’ll ask Sky to get me up there if you don’t come here!” 
“Okay okay! I’ll go” Legend wasn’t fond of getting close to the bigger ones, and he doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable. He flew out of the nest and in a flash of light he was already next to the bunny and the mouse. “We can go now.”
Legend frowned, got closer and put his head lower. “Get on, you can stay here”
The fairy looked at him a little confused, he used to stay on top of his head a lot for low energy, but now he was so much better! He doesn't need this. 
“Four can stay with you” Before the mouse said something he pushed him, making him nod in response.
He wasn’t tired, he could fly without problem the next few hours, but if Legend was offering… He flew and sat on top of the rabbit’s head, a little later the mouse getting there for himself. 
They got back with the rest of the group, and even where he sat it wasn’t impossible to miss how Legend ignored how all of them saw them. This was a little unusual with their rabbit, but everyone was polite enough to not point it out.
Hyrule grabbed some of the pink fluff, testing if it bothers Legend, and when not seeing a response he just let himself sink in the furr. Four stayed next to him and started chatting with himself and giving random facts to keep the silence away.
The hunters now were the last of the things inside his mind, his wings were less tense than before—When did he tensed them?— and Four’s company is really nice to have now.
The rest of their trip continued without interference and they all got safely to Legend’s home, and Legend had to get help from Wild and Four to take a sleepy fairy off of his head.
I told you there was gonna be more of Hyrule!
AU masterpost
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 10/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Notes at the end!
Lucifer should've known that even in his sleep, his torment would not stop.
He should have been wiser, but exhaustion dulled his senses, making him lower his guard.
He thought that maybe, maybe, the universe would give me just this little moment. And at the beginning he really thought that. He felt weightless. Like he's not the Morningstar, the fallen angel, the King of Hell, the Sin of Pride, a father or a lover. Like for the first time in a millennia, he simply existed.
So forgive him for his surprise when darkness swallowed his dreams before he could savor them fully.
Roo: Hello, fallen. Been a while, hasn't it?
Lucifer: Roo.
Roo: Don't look at me like that. Our deal is still in effect, you know. I can't do anything more than this even if I wanted to.
Lucifer: You saying you want to do more then? Like harm me?
Roo: Ugh, you silly creatures, always so pessimistic. Can't someone just chill and have fun?
Lucifer: I highly doubt the root of all evil and chaos embodiment just wants to 'chill'.
Roo: Believe what you will, fallen. I am many things, but I am no liar.
Lucifer: Your sister surely is.
Roo had to laugh at that. 
Roo: Yin in every Yang or so they say.
Lucifer: What? You're telling me you have good in you?
Roo: I would think the fact that you get to keep your soul was a sign in and of itself.
Lucifer: That's less than the bare minimum.
Roo smirked and rested her head on her hand, a gesture that grated Lucifer's nerves. He couldn't help but think he should take a page from Adam's book and wipe that shit-eating grin off her face.
Roo: Had the old man never told you to not look at a gifted horse's mouth? 
Lucifer: Enough. Why are you really here?
Roo: If you must know, I merely wanted to ask how you are doing! After all, meeting The Fates must have been quite the experience.
Lucifer: You were looking?
Roo: I wanted to see if my vessel works well. It's not my fault I can see everything you see, hear every thought you think, feel every pain you wish never happened but also desire to inflict onto yourself. I wanna ask, does your pity party ever stop?
Realistically, Lucifer knows that Roo is messing with him; she was deliberately provoking him, reveling in his inner turmoil. She's luring him in, and he's taking the bait.
There's a creeping cold that's getting worse the longer they talk. He thought nothing of it at first but he's now starting to feel it under his skin.
He's well aware of the threat in front of him but doesn't mean he's not going to bite back with force.
Lucifer: I think you're forgetting who delivered the final blow in the first war. You know, the blow that led to your defeat?
Roo's nonchalant and playful facade cracked just a bit that Lucifer knows he struck a nerve.
Lucifer: Hell, shouldn't you be more thankful to me? Without my actions in offering the fruit to humanity, you wouldn't have gained the power you so desperately craved to rise again. And now, here you are, benefiting from my influence once more.
The Sin of Pride couldn't fathom where this sudden surge of confidence came from, but he refused to cower any longer. Roo had expected him to tremble in fear, to bow before her as if she were someone superior to be revered on.
He's sick and tired of everyone assuming he should be the one on his knees, begging for mercy.
Lucifer: How are you the root of all evil when I'm the one who started sin. You should be worshipping me! Now that I think about it, in some twisted way, I was your creator-
His mockery was short lived when the dreamscape glitched and suddenly it wasn't Roo in front of him; it's The Root of All Evil.
Laughter erupted from the shadowy figure, a grotesque sound reminiscent of a rabid hyena's. Refusing to be intimidated, Lucifer continues to put oil in the fire.
Lucifer: Bringing out the big guns for a little comment? Insecure much?
He's bullshitting at this point but damn him if he's going down without an ounce of victory. He also thinks he's lucky to have said as much at all.
The abrupt stop of laughter sent an involuntary shiver down his spine, and then gravity seemed to solidify around him, pressing down with an oppressive force.
Michael: All you had to do was listen.
Lilith: You're exhausting, Lucifer.
Charlie: He's defending this hotel! How come he could have faith in me but my own father can't.
Y̵̛̞̝̳̥͍̏͛͊ö̴̼̭̜̖́͗̒͝ü̴̩͚͆͑ ̵͎̉̒̄̄ả̶̭͈͍̟̳ṙ̵̡̲͙̼͎è̸̮̳̲̊͂̔̍ ̴̠͔̯̘̬̑͝s̵̜̪̗̯̚è̴͇͌̇ṅ̷̘̝̀t̶̛̹̝̄͘ẻ̶͓̱̬͔̅̉ͅn̵̥̽̋̌̓ĉ̴͜e̶̯͇̤̺̤̅̀̅d̵̝̰̬̗̋ͅ ̶̝͕̩͇̱̎̋͝͝ẗ̶̢̊͠õ̶̡̦͖͒̈́̍̍ ̸̧̏F̸̧̬̪̂̋a̸̞͈͍͇̔̓͘͜l̶̬͙̤͈̝̑̕l̵̼͂.̴̱̘̣̽̏̕͜
Lucifer screams. But instead of despair, he feels anger bubbling within him. What the hell is happening to him? He's been snapping more. Why did he snap at Michael? Why did he tell him that he can't wait for Heaven to be destroyed? He never wanted that. All he wanted was to give Eve free will. All he wanted was to love Lilith. All he wanted was for Charlie to be safe. All he wanted was for everything to STOP!
Roo: What's the matter, little devil? Never seen real evil before?
The cold is becoming unbearable now. The lake is frozen and all the greenery had been turned into crystals, consumed by the creeping frost that made them look like solid darkness.
Lucifer gritted his teeth, feeling the chill seeping into his bones, threatening to overwhelm him. He refused to give Roo the satisfaction of witnessing the King of Hell tremble; regardless if it's in fear or not.
Roo: Let me show you just how good of a person I can be. 
Then she's suddenly up on his face and brings a finger to his forehead.
Lucifer can feel Roo's corruption going further inside him and at the same time, a lot of somethings are coming out. It must be his remaining divinity because that's the only reason he can think of on why his Father's tether is screaming and clawing at him. 
He feels himself choke from everything happening all at once but he can't move. Roo has him locked in place and he never felt so helpless.
'Am I going to die here?'
No. Roo said that she won't be the one to deliver him to his demise. Nevertheless, he thinks that this is it.
Roo: Remember these words, fallen. A message from The Fates that you did not get to hear.
Charlie. He wants Charlie.
Roo: With the first soul's ascend, all began to unfold.
Tears begin to form in The King of Hell's eyes. Be it from the pain or fear, he doesn't know. 
Roo: It will end at a star's fall, as the threads have foretold.
Michael! Where is he?! He promised Samael he'll always protect him!
Roo: Trumpets will sing, as the sky recites a prayer.
'Father. Help me.'
Roo: An instrument of Heaven shall come down and be the devil's slayer.
He struggled to remain conscious; he fights to stay awake but he can't even move a finger but his efforts were in vain as he collapsed to the frozen ground, utterly drained. Through hazy vision, he can see Roo staring down at him with a gleeful smile.
Roo: See you soon, my fallen~
He wakes up to the smell of Marigolds.
In Nifty's voice: How was that?!!
You have no idea how long I spent making that rhyme prophecy thingy.
As always, your kind words and actions are greatly appreciated!
My DM's are always open for theories and introspections <3
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
Holy shit you actually read my post thank you. And sorry for what I will throw out here:
Hello again! I guess I should use some label but I always forget. Let's just go with 💭 anon because I think way too much for anyone's liking. And Yes, I did finish Chapter 6.
So Chapter 6 actually gave a LOT of information for us and yes MC finally did stuff that actually helped them gain some merit. Their abilities still feel pretty dormant, I guess they wanted to show off just a small taste of what MC could be capable of in the near future. Hopefully. If they don't relapse back. Your move PB and you don't have a lot going for you atm.
But...that's about it. I think after this many chapters and most of the summaries of the L card stories...I don't really have a lot of expectations. In fact anything with the MC is very low expectations for me. But I say I will give them a slightly lighter sentence for CH6, only a smidge but I'm just that hard to please. In the end, I still don't see why the devils like MC. Like I get the devils have no shame and stuff but if the MC is supposed to represent like "us," then it's not really like, blank slatey enough for me to want to make an MC OC because it's like the game tells you that you have to be a frigging pervert which to each their own, I don't really function that way enough to want to fuck every single devil. If I want to make someone crazy I'd make a demon instead. Heck a powerful demon MC makes more sense than a rando human watching porn who happens to be the descendant of someone important? I mean I expect more to their background but it's "descendant of Solomon this and that." Too much emphasis on the Solomon part(be quiet, Sitri) too.
And honestly agree with you when they decided to go gaga over the angel. Heck during the Foras confession bit I'm just going. "Foras you're so sweet, but..seriously? -scoots him over to Astra/OCs- You can do better." I guess PB is making them consistent of them going stupid over any pretty face, and honestly I think everyone's gonna have to just deal with(and I'm sure they are) MC being...well MC I guess.
I accepted it, but I won't like it. It gets tiring when I have to go: "Oh they did a cool thing good for them--aaaaannnnnd we're back to them being a perverted degenerate. Great. Moving on."
Props to PB making a H game and all that, but maybe I'm silly and want to some more meat on those bone(rs). I don't even bother with the unholy boards anymore because I reading the first parts I'm not really invested to throw in all those candies.
I'll let you in on my inbox strategy 💭 anon. There's literally no organized way I answer asks. I do in fact read every single one, and see if my brain has an answer for it, if I do and I can churn it out without getting distracted it gets posted quickly. If not it takes a few days 😭 (or longer as most of ya'll can clock) So yes! very slow reply rate, but I do read every single one at least once so I can keep track of what I need to answer when I get to it.
SO YES glad you finished chapter 6 so we can talk about this better.
MC really made me wanna smack them when they were doubting the devils because I'm like, hello??? the only good angel you've seen is Leamas and even then he was lying to you for his and Nina's benefit while almost getting ya'll killed in the process. Plus, Gabriel killed your bestie/future husband if he has anything to say about it, every devil's backstory should have you convinced, especially Belial's. His damn vocal cords are damaged, you think he did that on purpose?
"I only heard one side" true. But the angels haven't really given you any reason (main story wise) to believe that they should be trusted and shortly after Camael definitely proved that point by getting frustrated when they wouldn't believe him.
There was also that point where they attacked poor Ppyong, so it's clear that they haven't gotten to that level of being able to handle all of the kings powers. Nor be able to take on multiple contracts.
I love how you mentioned scooting Foras over to other OCs, but yes Foras please look elsewhere.
And to brag about Astra for a bit, if you don't mind me doing so, while Astra does have the "hot girl summer, th0t" personality it's literally because she's allowed to do so in Hell, so why not? back with Minhyeok she doesn't want to further embarrass him by acting out, saves that energy for her job, and comes back home and chills out with him. But also, there's a sense of "I have to fight with them otherwise what I am here for?" which is why she tried to beat up Gabriel when she was attacked by him in the first place lol I had to put that for her because I was like, nah we're not gonna have a character that doesn't fight that doesn't sit right with me.
And other's OCs also seem to have their amazing personalities and some are even fixed on one devil and that's it. I love how realistic that can be, and how everyone's characters differ from MC. That's also why I agree that while they aren't blank-slate enough for self-insert, they are made to where we all can just insert our own characters in place and it would still work to some degree.
And for making a demon OC, I'm starting to think I should bring mine over. Nova is half-demon, but I think my demon OC would fit here too (couldn't really figure out how to get him to fit in the OM universe)
I know there's some MC fans out there that don't really see anything wrong with them, (which is why I have my tag on here) but sorry ya'll MC just ain't doin' it for me. Male MC acting this way too just makes me feel like I'm reading this one BL that I won't mention or we'll be here all damn night....lmao
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c2-eh · 3 months
It's quite interesting to see the reaction of most charlos fans here, because whenever it was carlos saying shit or doing shit on the race I don't remember half of this reaction.
carlos had a bad behavior on track, causing contact and risking a dnf, overtaking out of track all when they had previously agreed to use that beginning to save tires. the way carlos reacted to lewis overtake on him is how he would react if charles was the one doing the move today instead of him. So for him to go on and say charles always complain too much, when he himself spend half of the race complaining about Lewis move (that wasn't even as bad as carlos move) is hilarious. But I don't see any charlos speaking of any of that.
Now with charles words is an overreaction, calling him manipulative bitch, pissy spoiled, saying carlos family was right for saying he has no honor. I'm honeslty in shock with this reaction for what he said. I do think what he said was mean and unnecessary, but honestly? In 4 years together there where countless times where carlos did whatever he wanted and prejudiced charles (like the multiple times last year in quali when it was charles weekend to have priority and carlos didn't respect) and charles barely would say anything. Which some of you guys would use to show that everything was well because "look charles is not even mad!!! ". So maybe he got a bit tired of always smiling and waving and being the pr good guy while carlos could do and say whatever he wanted in post radio interviews.
But hey I think you guys are just proving people when they use to said most charlos fans are only carlos fans and charles is there just to be the other hot guy on the ship.
All in all I'm just sad with all of this because I will have a hard time ever enjoying charlos again after seeing the words charlos fans here were using it to call charles.
Okay now that i slept on it, I am gonna summarize my thoughts and this is the last time I am gonna talk about it, because I want to move on.
The thing with what happened yesterday in comparison to other times when Charles or Carlos were shady or rude to the media, is that it never felt personal. It was always a little comments here and there, but never such a dig. Imo, this wouldn't be such a big deal and people would maybe just shrug any other time, because it is all about the time and place. That is extremely important, because all this happening after Monaco (no, i am not saying Carlos helped Charles to win, it is purely about the difference in their attitudes and the striking contrast that makes most people really upset), it happening at Carlos' home race and him saying that during the situation in Carlos' career that is very delicate, so yeah in this case the comment was out of pocket. I saw people saying Charles said it to salvage and soften the blow of Carlos actually ignoring what they agreed on, and if that was a case then okay, could be! But it was very poorly executed. Going with a quote alone it was already eh, but the tone in which he said it was condescending. I did try to give him benefit of the doubt, he is a human being that makes mistakes and there are times you fuck up and hurt people (with or without realizing). I think he and Carlos will talk it out. This is their 4th year together and they are two grown men, I do not think that takes away from the fact they really seem to get on well off track. It is gonna be fine...
I like Charles and I won't turn against him for this one thing, it is just disappointing when I think about it and it will take a few days to digest, but it's okay! Is it really so wrong to be upset with something your fav did, you did not find nice? There are many instances and proofs Charles is very lovely and nice, and yeah he blew up yesterday and talked about the situation as if no one else mattered, but that happens. I hope he will reflect on it and yeah, that's that. He was on edge the whole weekend ngl.. maybe he truly didn't mean it and it just came out wrong, but that we will never know.
That little contact was insignificant and didn't change anything, so I wouldn't act like that was world breaking, but I guess it could have impact on how Charles felt, but as it was later confirmed there was no damage as Fred said it on the interview, and that touch did not cost him P4. That also comes into play with the whole situation, as it looks like Charles was lying and putting all blame on Carlos when in reality P4 was the best they could achieve (i'm saying looks like he was lying, because I am sure he just didn't see the data so he went with what he thought was true). Carlos saying Charles always complains was a reaction to him hearing what Charles said and imo you can see it quite hurt him to hear that. Could it be taken as him being mean too? Totally, however I think it was more of a defense mechanism... I do not really care about any complaining or whining on radio, from neither driver and I think hanging onto what is said in the car will never do anyone any good. You do not know a friend in that situation. And no, Carlos is not saint and they both have had their fair share of shitty situations and they will probably have more, but regarding the comments in media, I do not really remember Carlos being that condescending, even when pissed. A lot of Charles' own fans agree it was a bit too much.
I have never called him pissy, manipulative and I would never condone to liking hate tweets and I know many of other charlos girlies wouldn't either. Some for sure (e.g. those that were already pissed with monza '23), but not all... The majority of people I saw saying that was mostly Carlos' fans on twt, that have nothing to do with Charles... There is a difference in "dropping the pr" saying what you want and being respectful vs saying things that reflect poorly on you and make you look disrespectful, but it is done. It is understandable the fans are not happy with that.
Now, I am sorry, but I am so fcking tired of that argument, because if you wanna say things like that, I guarantee you that there are quite a lot of Charles' fans that like charlos only bc Carlos is a fuck toy. Do I complain about it 24/7? No. And this all is so stupid, bc the point is somewhere else. THIS is not about ships and fics, can we please differentiate that. This is about real people. This is not a ship war and this is not a time to be like "haha charlos' girlies downfall" "they were weird either way for liking the duo". Spare me.
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me personally, I THINK we should know more about samantha
like,, how did she and sunni meet? what’s her deal with jesse? what roles will she play in the story? ect ect
i just love your ocs :D
...but, there's not too much to say about her just yet jhfdgfd. Still, let's come up with some basics!
I haven't drawn her yet, cuz my art brain hasn't been working lately, but she's got long blonde hair, heavier-set, green sweater, blue jeans, and currently pure black eyes unless I decide to make her a Descendant when I finally do draw her, but I dooon't think I will—
She's actually based on the blonde minifigure girl with the Green Ninja sweater from the Ninjago City Gardens set, but I guess that minifig is named Christina and not Samantha, sooo....Christina is now Samantha's older sister hgfdhgfd
She's a vocal Lloyd Garmadon hater at first (and she keeps forgetting about Zane's warnings about it, rip), even when Sunni tries to convince her to give him the benefit of the doubt—it's also highly ironic considering she's also a Green Ninja super fan, so. She's gonna have some thoughts to process down the line hjgfdsagfd
She and Sunni have been friends since they were young children, with both of their somewhat wealthy families running in similar circles (and their older sisters being friends as well). Sunni was always the 'smart' one while Samantha was more of the 'social' one.
She keeps warning Sunni about why it might be a good idea to move on from any thoughts of grandeur about Jay, but Sunni assures that it's just a casual, fleeting crush and nothing is probably going to go anywhere with it..............
...Not that Samantha is any better when it comes to Jesse shgfdghfd
She only started noticing him after the Talent Show (despite the fact that Jesse points out that he's been sitting next to her in Student Council for months before then and nothing happened then), so he's convinced that her following flirting and whatnot is purely superficial and will fade eventually.
But she's seen Jesse at his finest and now can't get him out of her head, even if she too knows she probably doesn't really have a chance. Also mostly unlike Sunni, him dating Cole doesn't stop her lmao
But there is a lil scene during the school dance shenanigans where Jesse and Jay do (ONE) dance with the girls and their nights are made <3
Anywaaaay, Samantha's real point for existence is to give a 'face' for the Non-Cabinet Student Council members (cuz I got tired of them all being nameless soundboards, but I didn't want to make a ton more characters, and I didn't want every/any already prominent character to be on the council when it wouldn't make sense, sooo...Samantha!)
She's also a part of the newspaper club with Antonia (that'll become more relevant Post-S4 when we get Nelson), she'll join the volleyball team (if I go through with my volleyball!harumi plans because it's funny, and she also apparently reads Harumi's fanfics hjgfgfd), and she's essentially Sunni's 'voice of normality' when Sunni starts getting tangled deeper in Ninja shenanigans, buuuut I don't really have plans for Samantha to be a major player in any way herself (...I said that about Sunni too though, and look what happened :V)
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cookinguptales · 1 year
Girl you have already made three mistakes in your rants I've seen in the tags; you should rest, watch again with a cold head and then talk because it's getting embarrassing how much you got wrong. If after all you still think the same, go back to fanficland.
Honestly, I probably will have a lot more thoughts once I've rested and watched again, but the profound disappointment I feel now won't go away. Like "girl", I'm not just some child that will agree with you after I've gone down for a nap. (And like... what's the weird slight against fanfic at the end there...?)
This finale feels like an extreme ass-pull. This idea that "oh, just the time since death will pass and that's why they'll die" doesn't mesh with what they said in s3 about all vampires (including baby vampires) dying if The Sire dies. Laszlo searching for a "cure" the entire season when apparently it's known knowledge that they could've just killed Derek doesn't make sense. Seeing Nandor swapping from "we will accept him as equals" to "clean up this corpse" is bullshit, and it's not a good thing and shows a regression of character growth. The fact that everyone's storylines all pretty much went back to where they were before Guillermo was bitten is absolutely infuriating.
I could accept a couple understandable changes in canon, like the zombies being capable of attaining sentience (despite the older ones not showing signs of it when Topher joined the sweatshop) but come on, this is ridiculous.
God, I'm tired of this show introducing interesting ideas and then explaining them all away. It makes it hard to get invested in any of the storylines when you know they're gonna just hand wave everything. The djinn wishes, the club, Baby Colin, the year-long break between s3 and s4, Guillermo being bitten, the vampiric tests on Guillermo, Nadja's Little Antipaxos thing, none of it ever matters. They just make some joke to lampshade things like "hey, we remember that it happened!" and then never deal with it. I always think they're going somewhere with things and they don't.
I feel like the entire season I watched was pointless and I'm frustrated. I feel like I've been giving the writers the benefit of the doubt for a couple years now, and honestly, I'm tired of it.
I was actually hoping that Guillermo would have to make hard choices between vampirism and humanity. I didn't want him to become a vampire. But for him to just be like "PHEW glad I'm back on dead body duty" is so fucking frustrating.
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Smosh confessions:
1) I'm so bored of Shayne and Amanda being paired together. They're fun, but their vibe is the exact same in EVERYYY video and they're in soooo many videos together. Especially ones where it's just them two. I wind up skipping those because I already know it's going to be them riffing off each other and saying "wait wait" for 40+ minutes.
2) I don't think Noah is the mustache-twirling cartoon villain fandom makes him out to be. He had a passionate reaction very early on, like almost everyyyyone did before we all learned of the propaganda of it all and who the real terrorists were, but his message has always been about peace above all else. I understand wanting to make sure you're not actively supporting someone who supports genocide, but there's zero indication that he does. And I think the fact that he's still in Smosh videos is less of "they can't fire him, it would be discrimination!" and more "hey, these people actually know him as a human being and not Guy Who Liked Those Tweets on Oct 7th." Everyone who has been vocally pro-Palestine in the cast has ALSO been buddy-buddy with Noah. He was at Shayne and Courtney's freaking wedding party. So either the cast are morally corrupt hypocrites, or there's nuance here.
God you guys are making some valid points so far. I don’t wanna say I’m personally tired of shaymanda but I could see why you would be based on your reasoning. It does kinda seem most of their dynamic is just Amanda not knowing certain things and in your words, Shayne saying “wait, you don’t know about ____?!??” It can be somewhat tiring at times but aside from that I do like their friendship. It’s definitely grown since they share having a podcast/a game to play together so that’s the better part of their dynamic.
Now onto Noah, I understand what you’re saying but I feel a lot of people are mad at Noah because I don’t think he’s apologized yet or shown any sort of growth from the whole ordeal. And it does make sense that the other Smosh cast are still friends w/ him because at the end of the day, they may not share the same views on certain things but as you said, they know him personally and maybe he’s a phenomenal friend and that overpowers what his views. I’m not saying I agree with that but I tend to notice a lot of people don’t mind what their friends think, as long as they’re good to them. Does it make it right? No. But it’s normalized within a lot of friend groups. And I don’t think unfriending Noah is as easy as people think. This is someone a portion of the cast has known for almost a decade so it’s gonna be hard to not be close w/ him, especially if they still work together. Lastly, I think everyone has the power to change as long as they actually make an effort to. So maybe since Smosh is advocating for Palestine now, they’re trying to show him what way is right. Not defending him but since he’s Jewish, he probably has 2 decades worth of hearing a bias so he’s not gonna change overnight. So idk I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m on his side, I’m not. I just have a problem giving everyone the benefit of the doubt until they really give me reason to not and I try to see everything from both sides.
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lewmagoo · 2 years
Leah I have a Rhett thought that I really wanna share with you but I dunno if you'll like it or not.
Rhett x wifey!reader adopting Amy as a baby after Perry left her in the Wabang General Store (Royal and Cecelia were probably rip-shit after they found out) and ever since then, Amy calls Rhett x wifey "mommy and daddy" instead of Perry.
rhett had tried to give his brother the benefit of the doubt. he'd tried to understand his grief. tried to put himself in perry's shoes. how would rhett feel, if he lost you? he couldn't fathom the thought of you not being in his life. the thought was nearly more than he could bear. he supposed he could cut perry some slack. but there was a nagging in the back of his mind. a feeling that something just wasn't right. part of him didn't trust perry. and he hated it. hated the fact that he had to question his own brother's morals. hated that it was even a possibility in his mind that perry had done something to rebecca. but it was there just the same, because he knew how perry could get. knew how terrifying he could be when he went into a blind rage. rhett had been on the receiving end of that rage many a time.
it had only gotten worse since rebecca disappeared. and now, perry was essentially a single father, with a little baby to care for. if he didn’t have his parents, and you and rhett looking out for little amy, it was almost certain that she would suffer from neglect. and that was what really angered rhett. when he looked at that little one, he was filled with only love. how could anyone disregard her existence? how could anyone neglect to give her the care she needed? it took everything in rhett to keep his mouth shut. he was tired of fighting. tired of riding perry’s ass over it, because his words always fell on deaf ears. perry was too wrapped up in his own grief to focus on his child.
but it made rhett so angry, because in the midst of it all, was you. you wanted a child of your own so badly. but your body would not allow it. no matter how many times you tried, no matter how many specialists you saw. your womb remained empty and your heart was heavy. rhett knew that you would be a wonderful mother. you would love and care for your child so deeply. so to him, it wasn’t fair that perry got to have a child that he didn’t even care for, when that was all you’d ever wanted. rhett saw the way you handled amy. you loved her like she was your own. except, she wasn’t. and the one line that you didn’t want rhett to cross was trying to take custody of that little one. “she should stay with her daddy,” you insisted. but even you could see that her daddy was not capable of being the father she needed.
but as time went on, it seemed that perry was slipping further into madness. he essentially stopped taking care of amy altogether, leaving you and cecelia to mind her. and the more time you spent watching over her, the deeper your bond with her grew. you were so attached to her, she might as well have come from your own loins. but she wasn’t yours. not truly. she was still perry’s child, and there were times when he insisted on taking her on excursions with him. you didn’t like it, but you had no choice but to allow it. you couldn’t very well bar him from seeing his own daughter. but then came the fateful day when perry left her behind in the general store in town.
you and rhett were the only ones home that day when the store owner, mrs. alban, called the house phone. you were just sitting down to eat the lunch you'd prepared after a long morning of guiding one of the animals through birthing a calf. when the phone rang, you were tempted to ignore it, but when it started ringing again just after you let it go, you groaned and stood to your feet, shuffling over to the phone and lifting it from the hook. "mrs. abbott?" she spoke. "yes. younger mrs. abbott. rhett's wife," you answered. "ah, well, i'm calling because it seems that perry left little amy all alone in my store. just walked out empty handed without a care in the world. i tried to find him but he was gone."
you turned to rhett, your eyes wide. placing a hand over the receiver, you hissed, "perry left amy all alone at the general store." he stood abruptly from his chair, sending its wooden legs scraping against the old linoleum. "what?" and that was how you found yourself in his truck, speeding toward wabang. "i can't believe he'd fuckin' do this," rhett growled, white knuckling the steering wheel. "well, i can believe it, i just don't want to." he was vibrating, rippling with rage that he kept in check, waiting to let it out at the right moment. you knew that moment would be whenever perry decided to show his face again. but for now, his only priority was to make sure amy was safe. and she was, mrs. alban had many children, and was perfectly capable of caring for the little babe in the time it took for you to get there. that didn’t stop you from running into the store and immediately taking amy out of her carrier, hugging her close to your chest.
“poor baby,” you hummed, kissing the top of her little blonde head. “i’m here, i’m right here.” you weren’t quite sure why you were moved to tears, but the emotion of the situation caught up with you, and you closed your eyes, trying to keep it together. you thanked mrs. albany, and then grabbed amy’s carrier and headed back outside, while rhett remained in the store for a minute more, asking a few questions about the situation. while you waited for him, you walked back and forth along the sidewalk, bouncing amy in your arms. she seemed entirely unbothered, in that innocent way that only babies can be. “i’m so sorry, sweet girl,” you whispered. “i’m sorry your daddy doesn’t care for you like he should. i’m sorry your momma is gone. i’m sorry…i’m sorry that i’m not your momma.” and that was what brought those repressed tears forth.
just as rhett came out of the store, you turned to him, the tears streaming down your cheeks. “this isn’t fair! i should be her momma! i would never do this to her. never! how come perry is allowed to have a child he doesn’t even care about, when all i’ve ever wanted is one of my own?!“ you wailed. those deep blue eyes you loved so much welled with his own tears, and he rushed toward you, pulling you into his arms. one of his large hands rested atop amy’s head. “i don’t know, baby. i-i don’t know.” then he pulled back, tipping your chin up. “but i do know that this ain’t gonna happen ever again. i’m not letting him put this baby in danger. we’re going to take custody of her.” before, you might’ve disagreed, might’ve told him it wasn’t right to take amy away from her father. but now, you didn’t care. something had to be done, and fast.
that decision plunged you into a drawn out production. although perry could not care for amy, he adamantly refused to allow you to take her. he went off the rails, to the point where you feared for your own safety, and rhett had to intervene to see to it that his brother didn’t hurt you. that moment in time was horrible. it scared you, and only solidified the fact that this man was not fit to be a father. the court recognized this as well, and soon, you were granted full custody of amy. that day was one of mixed emotions. but ultimately, when you went home at the end of the day, holding that little one in your arms, your little one, a sense of peace washed over you. she was not your child by blood, but in your heart of hearts, she was still yours. and she was safe, loved, and cared for by two people who wanted only what was best for her.
together, you built a life for your little family of three. you were able to take on that role of motherhood like you’d always wanted. and rhett? he relished in being a father. he protected and nurtured amy as if she was his own. although you had gone through so much to get to this point, it all felt well worth it in the end. as amy grew, so did your love for her. and you swore, along with rhett, that love was all she’d ever know. she would never experience a raised voice or a harmful hand. she would know gentleness and peace. and that was a promise you would keep for the rest of your life.
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prettyiwa · 1 year
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I do not authorize the translation or reposting of my work.
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Relationship: Miyuki Kazuya x F!Reader Rating: SFW Content Tags: POV Miyuki Kazuya, Childhood Best Friends to Lovers (it's really hard to define these two), Soulmates (if you squint), Frenemy OC Who's Known Kazuya Too Long, Mentions of a Less-Than Stellar Home Life (not as bad as it sounds), Light Insecurity, Two Ships Passing Summary: Kazuya's search for you during his final New Year's break turns up empty, leaving him to reach out to your friend who never really liked him. Word Count: 1,540
A/N: Man, coming up with tags for this is difficult because their relationship is a little difficult to describe (it could also be that it's almost 3 AM and I am tired). Anyway, this intro isn't that great of a mood maker, but it sets up the "present" rather well. A grand thanks to @tyga-lily, as always, for being my sounding board and encouraging my bad ideas ♡♡
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It was just as he was leaving for Seidou. Your anxiety was plain to see—for him, anyway. Shifting weight from foot to foot as you fiddled with your pencil in one hand while gripping your sketch book too tight in your other. It was one of those times when you two were on the same wavelength, not because you two just got each other like that, but because you two felt the same. He threw his arm around your shoulder and felt your annoyance aimed at his face and felt the moment it disappeared.
I’m coming back. It’s not like I’m not going to see you between now and graduation. You’ll be here when I get back, right? 
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Age 18 | January 3
Funny, how quickly his excitement to see you is replaced with anxiety upon hearing your name. How quickly anticipation to reconnect properly since first attending Seidou sours into confusion and something a little too closely related to fear.
Akari repeats your name and Kazuya nearly flinches at the way she says it—like she’s talking about someone who’s died, someone long gone with no hope of returning. It comes out like a question, one with an answer she’s tried to forget. He watches as your name sits on her tongue, flavoring her thoughts as she considers her answer. 
With a sigh, she shrugs. “I honestly haven’t seen her in a bit. I mean, I see her at school, but she hasn’t been around the neighborhood in some time.”
“Seriously? She still lives here. What do you mean, you haven’t seen her? Where else would she be?”
Annoyance flashes across her face and her fingers tighten where they hold the door open and he’s sure she’s waiting for the chance to slam it in his face. “Really, Miyuki? You of all people can’t be surprised.”
Her frown deepens as she watches him, realizing he has nothing to say—despite her conviction, he of all people is surprised. It’s been a little bit since you two spoke, but… c’mon. You wouldn’t leave. You told him you’d wait for him to come back, even if he’s a little late on the “coming back” part. 
“Okay, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt because you can be dangerously obtuse at times. Ignoring the fact that her dad can’t work anymore and that she’s working to pay the bills, what did you think would happen when you left? You thought she’d be hunky-dory? Actually. That sounds about spot on for you, Miyuki.”
“Hey, now. You don’t need to be cruel about it. She hasn’t told me any of this.”
“I can’t tell if you’re being serious. She tells you everything.”
“She hasn’t told me anything for a couple of months now. Did something happen? Maybe she got a new phone?” Even as he asks, he knows that slim sliver of hope he’s searching for is bullshit. You’d still have his number memorized and it’s not like changing phone numbers is exactly easy. 
“You sound awfully upset. Are you worried that she stopped wanting to be your friend?”
“I’m not upset,” he bites, only serving to make her laugh, the sound sharp and unnecessarily harsh. 
You wouldn’t just leave him like that. You wouldn’t leave without talking to him first. At the very least, you’d give him a fighting chance. 
“Sure, you’re not upset. You’re so dramatic. It’s nothing like that. She didn’t get a new phone or a new number. It broke the last time she went home but she hardly ever used it in the first place.”
“Got it. Thanks.”
He’s not that worried about whether you got fed up with him—it’s been nearly three years since he’s seen you, but he still knows you a helluva lot better than that—but being in Akari’s presence is becoming increasingly grating. How you ever do it for more than thirty minutes at a time, he’ll never know. She stops him as he starts to turn to leave, too exacerbated by her attitude to bother with propriety. 
“Wait. Fine. You’re nowhere near as fun as you usually are.” Glad to know this is a game to her, though maybe it’s deserved. “She doesn’t go home at all, as far as I know. She bounces around between our homes as she needs, usually asking the day of if it’ll be fine, but it’s been a while since she’s asked me.” 
What the hell’s happened in the time since he’s left for you to get to this point? To not bother going home? What kind of friend is he if he didn’t even realize—? 
“Even if I don’t like you—”
“Yeah, you got that message across loud and clear.”
“Even if I don’t like you, you should at least know that she told me she doesn’t see a point in coming around if you’re not here. I personally don’t get it, but you’ve been friends with her for twice as long as I have so maybe it makes sense to you.”
“... Thanks.”
The door clicks shut behind him and he’s sure that both he and Akari are disappointed it wasn’t a slam, that there was something else at the end of this interaction other than a mutual dissatisfaction and vague helplessness. Frigid winter air brushes past him, reminding him of just how cold he actually is. With the afternoon sun beaming down, everything still feels devoid of warmth. No matter the sure and steady movements that should supply some heat, no matter the layers of clothing he wears, your absence is making everything much colder than it is. 
She doesn’t see a point in coming around if you’re not here. 
That’s no surprise. Of everything he learned today, that’s something that strikes him as genuinely you. You two’ve always been close and would always tuck your promises and the like in blunt explanations and blasé phrasing. Never would he have imagined that you would leave without an explanation to him and, yet, this is where he finds himself.
Is it because he’s barely come home? 
Since starting at the school, he’s only come home for the New Years’ celebrations. This is his third one, but the other two were packed with recovery from the winter training camp and making sure his dad was okay. He figured you’d be okay, too, even if the New Year traditions that existed between you two were put on hold. You never said anything, but was it stupid of him to make an assumption? Had he gotten too caught up in his desire to play and win that he missed something as big as this? 
Home's in sight, but he can’t return just yet. On top of trying to find you, he came out to grab some food. Honestly, he was hoping that you’d be able to come over tonight and hang out with him in the kitchen like you used to. He wanted to know whether your skills had improved at all or whether he was doomed to cook for you both until who only knows when, but that’s definitely not happening. 
At this point, he’s tired and there’s a new weight on his chest that he would like to rid himself of but, with what little ingredients are available at the house, he can’t skip this trip. But so long as he and his dad have something to eat tonight and tomorrow morning, things should be fine. He turns on his heel to hit the 7-eleven instead of the market and it strikes him just how different everything seems. 
Kazuya can’t tell—nor does he care to differentiate—whether it’s caused by time passing, by the start of a new era fast approaching or whether it’s caused by your startling absence. Either way, his ears ring with the trill of your laugh from years past, the light teasing and the stupid jokes you both would make. It’s impossible to walk these streets without the shadow of you beside him. It’s a shame that it took this to understand the weight behind your words, but, yeah.
Knowing you’re not here makes this visit far less pleasant than it would have been. 
As he nears his destination, he tries to ignore the bustling of the bus, preparing to carry away the majority of the would-be crowd at the convenience shop, but there’s this minute, inexplicable urge he gets to look again. It’s once he’s crossed the street does he give in, only to meet your stare through one of the passenger windows. 
Your eyes widen in surprise, same as him, and he takes a step in the direction of the bus, though you both know he won’t make it. The surprise melts away and you give him a smile and a chuckle that he hears despite the barriers. Your hair is shorter and you look more mature—though he’s sure he looks different to you, too—but it’s the familiar intimacy of your smile that steals his breath.
He’d like to run, to stop the bus and get on, but it’s already leaving before he can finish the thought. Kazuya misses you more than he believed possible, but the near-miss only serves to lighten that newfound weight on his chest, even if just a bit. 
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