#i will forever headcanon Sonic to be taller
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000marie198 · 11 months ago
All variations of Tails, with the exception of Nine, will eventually become taller than Sonic
They stay little guy c'mon!
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skimmingmilk · 2 months ago
Ur my favorite writer so I'm curious to know if you're on team " tails grows taller than sonic, classic taller younger sibling team " orrr " tails stays shorter forever from severe malnutrition in his early childhood, stunted growth team" ?
Any other takes on this?
Aw, thank you! I'm honored you consider me to be one of your favorite writers! That really means a lot <3
Ah... I should've known one day this question would come for me xD Yeah, I've seen lots of art and headcanons where Tails outgrows Sonic. I don't actually see the reverse nearly as often... I've seen a couple people talk about it, but I don't think it's as widespread a take.
Both have their merits! There's a lot you can do design-wise or storytelling-wise with both headcanons!
That being said... personally I headcanon that Sonic stays taller. For me, it mainly comes down to me not really vibing with the "taller younger sibling" trope in other media and fandoms in general. I think it works in some cases, sure! But I feel like I see it so much for every sib set, I'm just kinda tired of it. Plus, as an oldest sibling who got to stay the tallest, I'm happy to give Sonic the same privilege xD I don't give him much, I can give him that, lol.
I don't think it ends up being a huge height difference though, maybe Tails ends up at 3'4" and Sonic at 3'6" or something like that. And I don't necessarily think it's because of childhood malnutrition on Tails's part that he stays shorter, though that is a compelling reason for it! I just think mobian height isn't dependent on species and that Sonic always had a chance of remaining taller. Someone does need to make sure Tails eats though. I think even with a fully stocked fridge, this kid will work right through meals. Maybe that is why he's shorter xD
I can also see why people think Tails will be taller though! Given that he's already fairly close in height to Sonic (2'6" to Sonic's 3'3"), plus the fact that he's taller than Classic Sonic, too, it makes sense that he'd wind up as being the taller of the two eventually. And long, lanky Tails designs can look really cool!
But taller big bro Sonic is just where I stand. I don't think I'll ever get far enough in my fics where Tails would be old enough to overtake Sonic anyway, so it won't really be relevant, but I'm happy to share my personal thoughts on it! Thanks for asking!
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myymi · 2 years ago
Any popular tails headcannons that you aren’t as keen on?
there's actually quite a few tbh didbjdbd
also, before i do this, just remember that this is my personal opinion, and i am in no way saying you're bad or smthn for having these headcanons!!! don't come at me for this kendjdndn
with that our of the way;
tails growing taller than everyone else when older
like i said, i myself am the youngest and smallest of my siblings, so this is a bit of projection but i do have actual reason; tails went through the beginning years of his life damn near starving to death, which would stunt his growth. he's gonna be a little guy forever imo :]
tails's age being 11+
tails is a child prodigy and, while that age range is still a child, i just don't see him being that old. not yet. he's smarter and more mature than the rest of the cast, but he's still really younger. his voice sounds younger than 11 to me (bonus; one of the writers for idw said kit's 11 because that's how old starline thought tails was, but he was much younger)
tails not being afraid of chaos in forces
no, i don't like tails's characterization in forces, but i don't like how the fandom's doing it either most of the time. people say he shouldn't have been scared at all because he beat chaos 4, but he also watched chaos (+zavok, metal, & shadow) defeat and, supposedly, kill sonic. he's allowed to be scared even if he beat a stronger version of chaos before, especially since he's still a child. (i also wish he would've fought back instead of classic coming in, but you can fight a threat and be afraid at the same time.)
tails being anything other than aroace+enby
nothing wrong with this at all, just not for me :]]
there's definitely more, but i can't think of them rn so didndjdnd
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heyitsoak · 3 years ago
Movie Sonic headcanons! <3
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This is my first time ever writing something for the Sonic movie, so I hope this is alright! This can be romantic or platonic <3
Sonic loves hugs! He just really likes the feeling of being close to somebody and the warmth they give off
He’d probably be hesitant to the thought of cuddling but once you cuddle him the first time he won’t stop asking to cuddle
Likes to snuggle on the couch while watching action movies, bonus if Ozzy joins in
I think he’d really like receiving forehead kisses, he’d try to kiss your forehead in return but he’d have to stand on something taller to reach you
He likes having lazy days where you’d both lay in bed together cuddling
Loves to run to places around the world and give you cool souvenirs he found, yet he’d probably tear up if you gave him something in return. It doesn’t matter if it’s cool rock you found, a pretty flower or even something at the store that reminded you of him, he’d still cherish it forever <3
If you notice any of your hoodies going missing, it’s probably him. He just really enjoys the comfiness of it
Loves to show you places around the world with his rings
That’s really all I can think of for now! Feel free to request stuff to me, I find doing headcanons easier but I’d definitely try doing oneshots :D
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shadamyheadcanons · 3 years ago
Headcanon #273
Amy loved spending time with male friends like Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, but she found that hanging out with them could be a tad overwhelming. Sonic never contained his speed, and his habit of racing around and popping up out of nowhere startled Amy and threw her for a loop sometimes. Knuckles never truly grasped the magnitude of his own strength, so he often slammed doors or set objects down a bit too roughly without knowing it, making her flinch. Tails was fine as a kid, but once he hit puberty, he grew taller at such a rapid rate that he couldn’t keep up with the limits of his own body. He startled even himself by constantly whacking his elbows, knees, and head on things as he attempted to adapt to his longer limbs and the large feet he took forever to grow into. Even his tails got longer, and he knocked things over with them when he wasn’t paying enough attention. His clumsiness threw her off. Though she treasured the time they spent together, the atmosphere around her friends frequently left her on edge, particularly if she was already having a stressful day, and she often had to step out for a break when they hung out.
Shadow was completely different. Though he was proud of his speed, he didn’t overuse it in confined spaces like Sonic did. Although Shadow could flip an 18-wheeler with ease, he naturally kept his strength in check and treated both inanimate objects and Amy herself with care, always handling them gently and never once hugging her too hard or patting her too hard on the back like Knuckles unknowingly did. And as for his coordination, Shadow and clumsiness couldn’t even be used in the same sentence. Even his steps were light and quiet. Amy spent more and more time around him as she got older, finding his presence was therapeutic after a day spent with her lovable but raucous boys.
When she mentioned this to others, they seemed confused, claiming they didn’t find him to be out of the ordinary in demeanor. A baffled Amy asked him about it one day during their weekly chat over tea.
Shadow’s eyes widened slightly. He took a silent sip of his tea, not slurping it as Sonic sometimes did. As he set his teacup down, he subtly braced his pinky on the table so he could put the cup down without a sound.
“I never thought you’d notice,” he admitted. “I saw Sonic startle you one day when he carelessly ran into a room. You tried to brush it off, but I could tell it scared you.”
“Yeah, that happens,” Amy agreed, grinning sheepishly. “He doesn’t mean to, he just has so much energy. It’s...”
“It’s not okay.”
His tone was stern, but he still kept his voice low and smooth--the same way he always did when they spoke, she realized. She stayed quiet.
“If there’s something that’s obviously bothering you, he should be making a concerted effort not to do it.” He averted his intense gaze. “I’m not the most experienced...when it comes to...friendship,” he continued haltingly, “but I would never want you to feel on edge around me like that. It’s important to me.”
He met her eyes again. She shyly lifted her shoulders and took a sip of her tea. “...Yeah. I know he doesn’t do it on purpose, but...” She bit her lip and looked away, then asked, “How do you do it? You’re so powerful, but you’ve always been so gentle. Even I didn’t know my own strength for a while once I started training.”
“It helps that I’ve always been strong. I never had to train or go through puberty and get used to my own body like everyone else.”
Amy pouted. ���Way to rub it in!”
He let out a rare snicker. When her pout turned to a grin, he continued. “But it was mostly Maria. She was always...” He pursed his lips and paused, searching for the right word.
“’Delicate?’” Amy suggested, remembering Maria’s illness.
Shadow nodded. “Maria was tiny. Her fingers were like toothpicks. Everyone had to be careful around her, especially me.” His eyes grew distant at the memory. “Gerald kept us apart for the first few weeks until he knew I understood. If I hugged her too hard even once, I could have seriously hurt her...but I never did.” He turned back to Amy. “And I’ve always done the same with you. I don’t think you’re ‘fragile,’ I know you can look after yourself. I just want you to feel safe and relaxed around me.”
Amy’s heart pounded at his admission. Her face spread into a wide smile, and she took his hands in hers, surprising him. “Well, you’ve done a great job. There’s no one I feel safer around.”
Shadow’s stern, almost nervous expression softened. His ears flattened, and he looked away bashfully. “Th-thanks.” She felt his hands squeeze hers, just as warm and gentle as always.
Once the two started dating, Amy found his gentleness extended to all forms of contact. As much as she loved feeling tough, there was nothing like the caring, tender, loving way Shadow kissed her, cuddled with her, or carried her up to bed when she dozed off in his arms, and she never slept better than when he was holding her. Even when she grew old and her bones weakened, she knew she never had to worry around him.
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fleetways · 7 years ago
metal sonic and tails? (for the headcanons thing)
Metal Sonic
Sexuality Headcanon: GayGender Headcanon: nonbinary of course! A ship I have with said character: Uhh metadow is cute?? They have a lot in common and would make a kickass team and coupleA BROTP I have with said character: Metal really doesn’t have many friends being killer-robot and all but in theory, id love to see him hang with AmyA NOTP I have with said character: wasn’t breezie/metal a thing in the comics? Yeah, the robot is gay sorry I don’t make the rulesA random headcanon: After the events of heroes, Eggman implanted a device into him designed to inhibit his learning capabilities, free thought, and overall strength. Even with this, Eggman still keeps him under lockdown at most times, preferring to use copies of him instead. The difference between the copies and him however, is none of them possess his unique AI, which is what makes him so deadly in the first place.General Opinion over said character: 1 FAVE BOY FOREVER!!! I cannot begin to describe how much I freaking love this dude
Sexuality Headcanon: He’s too young for me to sayGender Headcanon: TBH, I can’t decide whether I like trans girl or trans boy tails moreA ship I have with said character: nopeA BROTP I have with said character: TAILS AND SONIC OF COURSE but also his relationship with Knuckles is super underratedA NOTP I have with said character: sontails romantically. Like please dieA random headcanon: this one is pretty common but…tails grows up to be way taller than knuckles and sonicGeneral Opinion over said character: He’s fricking cool and cute and honestly a joy in whatever he’s in 
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kisaki-yazmin-motou · 11 months ago
O bueno, me alegra (?) saber que no soy la unica que prefiere que Tails se quede pequeño...
¡Dejen que Sonic sea mas grande!
All variations of Tails, with the exception of Nine, will eventually become taller than Sonic
They stay little guy c'mon!
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