#i will cry for what could've been
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toastysol · 11 months ago
I wish there was a way to save Aymeric and Aurore because they're such colorful characters. I wish we could've somehow befriended/made a deal with them and got them to help us somehow. I love both of them.... maybe I just have a weak spot for siblings, but they both have so many facets that never actually see the light of day. Plus I think they would both actually get along with V pretty well. I play male V so I don't know all of Aurore's details, but Aymeric is allergic to strawberries. This never actually becomes important for the story or gameplay, but it's a tiny detail and I love those. I just want more of the Cassel twins please
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tzarrz · 9 months ago
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i listen to fog lake too much
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curemi · 9 months ago
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used to be, you and me
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monado-stew · 2 years ago
i really hope every "obsolete" piece of technology knows that it's still dearly loved, and that there are people who deeply cherish it despite its "failure"
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sumayyou · 3 months ago
The experience of watching NatsuYuu is either I cry during the episode, or I cry after the episode just thinking about it.
Oh- or both oc, its both a lot of the time🫠💖👍...
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ratislatis · 2 years ago
',:) Requests??? HEH. Well there's like ten million in my head but actually Rat since you've already blessed the world with yassified Sparrow, how about some yassified Lark? (I remember you mentioning that Lark is your jewelry model! I'm dying to see him!!!) 💜💜💜
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I hope this is what you meant by yassified
pov you get dragged into playing mermaids with your best friend's 5 year old daughter who will not stop talking about fish
(requests are open <;3)
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gojosbf · 1 year ago
with gojo, geto and even kenjaku dead, do you think satosugu's story is completely over? because for me personally, if this is the end of their story, it feels kinda unsatisfactory and inconclusive. i hope we get more content and there are so many questions about their story that still need to be answered. i dont expect gojo's censored last words to geto to be revealed ever but i hope we get at least a somewhat conclusive ending.....
Their story had a conclusive ending, they're not the main characters so no matter how much we crave for more bits of satosugu this is what we have and this is how they ended. I don't necessarily find it unsatisfactory considering both of them served their purposes and we got another top notch satosugu angsty crumb till gojo's last breath (that panel of him saying "my only disappointment is that you weren't there to give a slap on the back" and geto's tears). I don't think we should drag it out or find any other means to insert more stsg when it isn't even their story, sad but true. This is it for us, they happened, it was beautiful and then it ended.
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randomfandomsgobrrrrrr · 8 months ago
Is it really brainrot if you haven't had a dream where you were a character in the show
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fabuladorah · 6 months ago
The moment your evil vilains who eat orphans for breakfast and make tea with their tears start acting like a found family, these aint your evil vilains anymore, these are, in fact, my sweet little babies who never did anything wrong in their life.
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belethlegwen · 6 months ago
The Stranding - Chp 73 - Hidden Duality
I was in emergency for 8 hours last night and never got seen by a Doctor, so have a chapter before I go get myself some more sleep to catch up <3
By the time 2am rolled around it had been over an hour and a half since the last person had been called in to be seen, and we had noticed that only the triage nurse and the registration nurse were still there. My province has a wildly concerning lack of Doctors and healthcare professionals right now, and I couldn't wait another 4-5 hours for the next shift change, so we left and went to bed out of it. Hoping I can stave off the worst of the discomfort with over-the-counter medicine until I see my family Doctor on Monday.
Meanwhile, the gang is experiencing some shifts in dynamics that none of them find particularly comfortable as they assess the wreckage of the Swift Landslide. I hope you all enjoy!
Much love and be kind to yourselves <3
~ Belle
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mifithemuffin · 1 year ago
the grape jewel end is like the Fate is fucking AVOIDED
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the-acid-pear-art · 2 years ago
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Save a cowboy, ride a huge fucking sausage today 🏜️
(i will hopefully get around to making more Peppi pin ups in the future-)
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wannabe-minion-of-chaos · 9 months ago
Thinking about how in that one stick of truth trailer we could've gotten Giant Clyde in the game...not that I'm disappointed at all with what we got because Clyde leading a dark army with the stick was fucking awesome but sometimes I like to think about what that would've been like
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proheromidoriyashouto · 2 years ago
The People VS Gwen Stacy au where Miguel and Jess just picked up the Vulture and left, not stopping Captain Stacy from raising the gun toward Gwen a second time and shooting her on reflex.
Gwen bleeding out on a stretcher to an ambulance, face exposed to the world as a million cameras flash.
Gwen twisted up in the agony of her father choosing to be a cop before being someone who loves her with a bullet in her liver but a hole in her heart.
Gwen Stacy's face posted all over the news before she's even on the operating table at the nearest hospital.
Gwen Stacy arrested for the murder of Peter Parker, handcuffed to the railing of her hospital bed.
Gwen Stacy arriving at the court house in a wheelchair because she is fresh out of surgery and can't walk, meeting her lawyer, Matt Murdock for the first time.
Gwen Stacy villified by J. Jonah Jameson and the police union to the point other heroes, like Daredevil, have to come out of the shadows to protect her from a public lynching.
Gwen Stacy, abandoned by everyone she should've been able to trust.
Spiderwoman alone against the court of public opinion.
#across the spiderverse au#gwen stacy#i ahve been having thoughts about the movie#i've watched the opening a hundred times and im still as insane as i was the first time#like what if her dad shot her because miguel and jess being consummate professional just bagged the anomaly and left#what if it was after he'd seen her face and thus she was forced to face the world maskless#her father appears to be a bad cop in general#conflicting orders and escalation#wouldn't his testimony conflict with any autopsy done on peter's body#matt murdock and foggy saw/heard the breaking news and broke so many traffic laws getting out to Chelsey NY to take a case probono#in light of the mobs of people outside the court house and hospital Matt convinces a judge to release Gwen on house arrest#Daredevil briefly granted custody of Spiderwoman for her own safety#gwen breaking down and crying in the bathroom of his Hell's Kitchen apartment#miguel looks in later and while he feels bad this is the canon of her world#he adds Earth-65 to patrols for other spiders while Gwen is on indisposed and if he happens to lead them well he's the boss#he visits gwen and apologizes but doesn't mention that he could've stopped it#miguel struggling to understand how gwen's father shot her after seeing her face and knowing it was his precious child behidn the mask#gwen clinging to matt murdock and miguel o'hara and the other heroes who come by and offer support and love and let her heal#INSIST that she heal under their wings#gwen's found family#idk who else i'd have in this jsut want my girl to go through it and come out stronger and more loved than anything
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sweetangelanon · 5 months ago
Stir Crazy Au; Part: 2 Birds of a Feather Flock Together
This is Henry's introduction to the lore and also his wife WHO plays a much bigger part then before and will need her own post oh god mary ann im sorry girl we are we are going through it tonight.
Meet Henry Emily, local 12 year old boy who's just one of the many outcasts in a big city school (insert whatever state I pick later Maybe Missouri) Meet Henry Emily's history teacher who is about to change this kids life forever. Debatable if it's for the better or for worse. As you can expect Henry is bullied, and bullied hard. It's the 50's and his last name is Emily so ofc he's having all the slurs thrown at him along with rocks. He doesn't know what he did wrong, or how he can change it, he tries to change it but things just seem to stay the same no matter the age. So, his history teacher in a form of support points Henry, and his parents to a pen pal program. This is where Henry meets his best friend, maybe even some (I am some) would dare to say platonic soulmate, William Afton.
Unlike what this opening suggests they are far from friends when the letter writing first starts out. Will is being forced to write these letters for an English project, and does what every pissed off 12 year old does when they are forced to do something they don't like. He complains about it. A lot. Basically baiting Henry into an argument as a way to try to make up an excuse for why he can't do the project. (can't do the project if the person writing you is mad an uncooperative, right?) and boy howdy do words fly. This time it's a mix of biting witt, (as much wit as you can get from kids) Slurs (its the 50's idk what you expected not to mention kids don't know how deep slurs are they're kids repeating stuff that they just know is bad words to get a reaction out of someone an to be seen as grown up) the most baseless name calling and idiotic reasoning for a grudge you have ever seen. Now, dear reader of this post you may ask... "But- but why would Henry keep writing back, he was looking for a friend. Wouldn't he just quit and try to get connected to someone else."
To that I say simply this: William just so happened to be the straw that broke the camels back. As you can imagine this is YEARS of pent up rage and upset coming out of him after so long directed at a person who can take it and still comes back. (Granted he's forced to write back in these beginning letters but I digress.) During one of their many letter fights William mentions something that Henry has never heard of before (some British slang probs) which stops him in his tracks leading him to ask questions. Will replies in turn and suddenly this argumentative back and forth letter writing that had been going on for at least three months turns into a civil conversation. They simply seem to forget what they where doing lost in the interest of just how different the other's life is.
They both really want to meet each other in person but both parents are hesitant for different reasons. Also it doesn’t help the cost of tickets either way is expensive… So the two just have to be content with writing one another and sending pictures of each other. Now while the two aren’t on similar levels of…. Freak. Henry does have some less than stellar traits himself like the fact he finds no issue in recording someone who isn’t aware as long as it’s deemed for their safety. He’s pretty much able to wave some morals/respecting privacy if he thinks what he’s doing is way more important and will actively protect the other. Maybe a tad bit of stalking, but not as bad as William. He is NOT climbing through unlocked windows to get to his romantic interest. But, he would be following them around work/campus and constantly trying to talk to them, writing down notes of things they liked. Henry please….. Will and Henry probably talk about their lovers document- well actually more like Will does because when Henry talks about the doc he has on Mary Ann Will gets weirdly quiet and it gets weird (it’s because he hates that it’s not him </3) Mary Ann obviously doesn’t know Henry has this doc about her and she would most likely throw up and cry if she did. Now, to the bit I have been dying to write. Hehheeh- So, unlike Will who basically dropped everything and got married to his... 'girlfriend' is a questionable title since they weren’t dating before they decided to get married but okay… (They don’t get married until they reach America but forget all that we are here for MARY ANN.) Henry, has been dating Mary Ann ever since High School. They were high school sweethearts (church sweethearts) and before he left for college he proposed. She said yes, and the two agreed to get married after he finishes school. The issue? Henry had some… eye opening experiences at college, one of them being he realized he likes men. (Bisexual king) This weighs heavily on him since he’s not sure what Mary Ann would think about it. He lives on his own in an apartment and is going through said life crisis until he ignores it in favor of the fact William just showed up on his doorstep. But, even after the joy of meeting his best friend in person the issues still stand and it can’t be ignored forever.
Henry comes to the bright (no it’s not) conclusion that while he’s learned something new about himself he still very much loves Mary Ann and still wants to marry her. Just, maybe not right after college. William is cheering his head off (mentally) while Mary Ann grows more annoyed, and a bit scared of the thought of Henry leaving her. Not out of a place of love, though she tries to trick herself into believing it is, but from the fear of being seen as impure, as a woman thrown to the side, someone used where it will be harder for her to find a husband because of it. So, this turns into eight years where the church and his and her family are annoyed by it, and Henry keeps finding ways to push it off. (William tries to sabotage their relationship and fails) Mary Ann during these long eight years gets twitchy, worried that her perfect wedding, with a house an white picket fence an 1 child will be dashed away. What’s not helping her anxiety is the fact that everyone at church has something to say about the situation. There's an equal mix of people being blunt while others are passive aggressive with her to tear down her self esteem and belittle her. The pressure she’s being put under is mounting, she keeps getting treated badly at church for her unmarried status to the point she does something DEEPLY unthinkable to speed up the process. It goes against her religion, and everything she was taught. She has sex with Henry out of wedlock. She grieves after it, she feels tainted, impure. (There is so much to unpack from that babe) But, it had to be done in her eyes. Her plan was to claim she’s pregnant to rush the wedding as no one wants to have a baby out of wedlock. Her plan goes on without a hitch and the two finally get married. William hates every second of the ceremony. <3  The only issue was the pretend miscarriage but surprisingly William helped in that regard. And, by helped I mean he was a clingy little asshole and kept drawing Henry’s attention away from her (which he felt suuper guilty about post her ‘miscarriage’ feeling like it was his fault but babe it’s all fake I wonder if I should let him find that out that’d be pretty cool) Of course she can’t stay childless forever but the idea of having children is… daunting.
She won’t admit it to herself, but she doesn’t want to have any children.
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howthesleeplesswander · 1 year ago
“My love—! You were right.”
Magnifico burst through the doors on his loud proclamation. “You were right.” He nearly bounded across the room to reach his queen's side. “You were right.” Dropping down in front of where she was seated by the fire, his palms cradled her face, steered her attention out of her book and to his admiring gaze.
“You were so, so very right. I've done it! The mess is...” Hesitation dripped into his words, though promptly overpowered by an excitement coursing his veins. “Well, the mess isn't quite cleaned up just yet—it's a work in a progress that I will be managing myself; don't go in my office—but the important thing here is the spell finally worked.”
His grin became fuller as his thumbs ran along her cheeks. “Have I told you recently how remarkable you are?”
// I told you he was going to be an excited puppy 🥺
Answered! || ((hhngnhhg don't look at me while I sob over how adorable Magnifico is 😭 THEY ARE TRULY THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER ASFLASDF))
It was a rare day in Rosas when the queen could spend the evening alone with a crackling fire and a good book. Miraculously, the kingdom had managed without her for the final hours of twilight...which also meant it had been a while since she'd discovered the latest magic-induced disaster quite literally painting her husband's office.
A few hours was usually as long as he needed. Just as Amaya began to ponder if it was about that time, the door to their bedchamber burst open. Perhaps even Magnifico's timing had become magical at this point. She indulged a private smile at the thought.
The excitement in her beloved's voice earned a laugh before she even looked up. She mentally marked her spot on the page just as Magnifico's tender hands drew her attention to meet an expression more dazzling than the wishes he treasured. Even after so many years her heart still melted beneath that look.
"I knew I was," she agreed, the playful dance of the fireplace reflected briefly in her gaze. But the hearth's warmth replaced it soon enough as she tilted her cheek into his palm. "And I knew it would." Truly, he was the remarkable one—especially when given the proper motivation.
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"Only half as often as you praise yourself, my love." But he wouldn't be her Matteo if he didn't; a fondness which was spoken by her eyes. "You'll show me your successful spell soon then, won't you? With no mess this time?" Softer now, her bubbling laughter filled the space between them: meant only for their ears, for this fire-lit moment of simple, perfect happiness. "Honestly, I thought the red and blue spots on the walls worked rather well with the room. Very regal."
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