#i will be shocked if anyone gives two craps about this but i don't really care
old-danmei-fan · 7 months
Holy crap, I wrote this way faster than I thought I would. It started as just some Shino drabbles and morphed into a kinda fic? I'll get it rewritten into a fic with better dialogue since I didn't have any in the first half lmao
Anyways, no warnings besides a little bit of alcohol and bets. It is also sfw. I tried to make it gender neutral and there's no description of the reader's physical appearance. I am open to feedback so please let me know if you've got tips or suggestions for me!
Enjoy ☺️
When you meet as kids, shino is standoffish. He figures you're going to be grossed out or scared of his Kikaichū so he's a little shocked when you don't run away the first time you see them.
You keep coming up to him to just stand next to him and talk even though he doesn't respond much or volunteer any info of his own. You figure he's not telling you to go away so he must not mind your chatter.
You'll tell him about the most mundane parts of your day, about the flowers you saw starting to bloom, or even how you're craving a certain treat your mom made when you were a child. Shino will just stand or walk quietly with you, absorbing every little detail you give up to him.
You only realize Shino is actually listening and not just humoring you when he brings you your favorite treat after he notices you're having a rough day.
After that, you become inseparable from each other outside of missions and other duties. When you aren't training with your team, you go find Shino to train with and vice versa. Whenever you both have time, you'll go grab something to eat together when you're done with training.
Now that you two are friends he doesn't stop talking as long as you show interest in what he's saying. He still makes sure to pay attention to you when you're talking as well and will now interject with questions to keep you talking, no longer making you have a one way conversation.
As you get older and become older teens and even young adults, Shino becomes more and more protective of you. He's not sure why he feels the need to do so, but he figures it's because you're his best friend and that's what friends do.
Realistically, he knows you're a skilled and strong Shinobi, so why does he always feel the urge to step in for you when he knows you don't need him to?
All of your friends can see how close you and Shino have become over the years. They all know you two aren't actually dating, but there are most definitely bets going on about when it will actually happen.
When the Konoha 12 get to go out together, you two find that you gravitate to each other. Even when you drift away in separate conversations, you end up next to each other again eventually.
Shino is always the one that makes sure you get back to your house and in the door safely. As soon as your door starts opening he tells you to have a good night and off he goes.
He really wants you to ask him to stay so you can just hangout together and talk more outside of the noisy bar, but he doesn't want to be rude and ask you to come in.
One time while you're away on an extended mission, Shino and the rest of the of the 12 still in the village, go out to their usual bar for drinks. After a few rounds, Kiba decides to do a little light hearted goading and ask Shino if you two have decided on a date for the wedding.
Shino is more confused by this question than any other question in his life. Why would you two be getting married? You're best friends and he's positive you don't see him that way since no one else in the village ever has.
Kiba apologizes and explains everyone has just assumed you were dating since you're always together and have never shown romantic interest in anyone else throughout the years.
The rest of the night continues on like normal, Shino staying sober and keeping an eye on the rest of the group as they continue drinking. It's not as rowdy tonight as it normally is though so Shino finds himself thinking about your friendship over the years.
He thought about how he always looked forward to your training sessions together, walking you home everytime he could, the way he could tell you were having a bad day by the look in your eyes and how you slightly slumped your shoulders, the way he knew that surprising you with some chai or pastries would bring a smile back to you face.
A face that he just now realized that he misses terribly when you or he are away on missions. A face that brightens his day when he sees you crest the hill leading to the training grounds.
It's like a lightbulb goes off and Shino's eye grow wide behind his glasses with the understanding that not only are you his best friend, you are also the only person in his life that he ever really wants to see. That he has ever really cared for besides his clan. That he is in love with you and never knew it.
While Shino is completely oblivious to the conversations going on around him, Shikamaru leans over to Kiba to ask "Did he really just now figure out he's in love with them?"
Kiba with a smirk on his face responds "He sure did. I bet you 20 he'll be waiting by the gate when they return from their mission."
With that Shikamaru reaches his hand out to Kiba to shake on it.
A few days later as you're starting to see the gate of Konoha, you notice a tall figure leaning against the wall. As you get closer you notice it's Shino and your breath hitches since this is the first time he's been waiting for you at the gate.
As you reach him you frantically start asking what's wrong and if everything is ok since it's not normal for him to be waiting for you. Shino let's you get everything out before telling you nothing is wrong and that he simply missed you and wanted to see you.
Your blush is immediate and you stammer a little as you think of what to say. You've always harbored a crush on your best friend but never thought anything would come of it. Shino never showed any sort or interest or attraction outside of friendship.
As you start walking together you think about how he doesn't spend as much time with anyone, outside of his team of course, as he does with you. You abruptly stop walking and as Shino stops and turns to you, you ask him why.
"Why what?" He responds with a look of confusion on what little you can see of his face.
"Why after so many years of us being friends do you decide to wait for me after this mission? It wasn't particularly dangerous. There was no need to worry yourself over me." The question you really want to ask doesn't come out though.
Shino is quiet and contemplative for a moment before he says "Because I have come to the realization that I want to be the first person you see everytime you return from missions." He paused to grab your hands and his voice is a little softer when he continues. "Because after years of you being my best friend, I have come to the conclusion that I'm in love with you."
You stare wide eyed at Shino, extremely surprised, but elated at his confession. You squeeze his hand as you say "Shino, I have been waiting for you to say that to me since you let me talk your ear off as a child."
With that shino surprises you even more as he lifts you from the ground in the tightest hug you've ever experienced. As he puts you down, he grabs your hand to walk with you to give the mission report. "Let's go get dinner after your done giving your report." Shino says as you start the walk to Hokage Tower.
Neither of you noticed Kiba and Shikamaru in the shadow of a near by building watching you walk away. "What a drag" mumbles Shikamaru as he pulls a 20 out of his wallet to give to Kiba.
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slayfics · 11 months
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Kansatoki sneaks Yume out of the dorms with the rest of the boys.
Pictured on the left Kansatoki (my bnha OC).
Pictured on the right Yume (@unofficialmuilover bnha OC).
Warnings: alcohol use | NSFW themes
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Yume looked down the edge of the abandoned building seeing the reality of how high up they were. "Holy crap!" She exclaimed.
"Hey! Relax, I thought you promised to be cool if I snuck you out with us," Kansatoki whispered, wrapping her arm around Yume's shoulder.
"I am! I even wore the outfit you told me to! I just didn't know we were going to be up this high!" Yume explained trying to control her erratic breathing.
"Just don't look over the edge anymore, and here take this it'll help." Kansatoki took her backpack off, grabbed a bottle of alcohol from inside, and passed it to Yume.
"Is this-?!" Yume said, shocked, grabbing the bottle and inspecting it. "Kansa, where did you get this? Did you use your quirk to get this?"
"Yume it's fine realx-" Kansatoki began to say before getting interrupted.
"Hey! Don't start without us!" Denki called as he and the other boys made their way over to the two girls.
"Here, one for you," Kansatoki said, tossing Denki a bottle, "and you both," she said, handing a bottle to Eijiro and Hanta.
"Tch- still abusing your quirk, hu?" Katsuki spoke with annoyance lacing every word.
"So you're saying you don't want one?" Kasatoki replied, waving a bottle teasingly at him.
"Shut the hell up," He barked, grabbing the bottle from her. "I'm just saying if you get caught and kicked out of U.A. it's your own damn fault."
"Awe did you guys hear that? He's worried about me," Kansatoki laughed.
"Don't fucking flatter yourself, I'm going to the other side to see the view from there," He said stomping off irritated, Kansatoki taking off right after him.
"Ah, classic Blasty and Kansa," Denki said with a laugh.
"Wait! I'll go with you guys," Yume said, trying to follow her friend due to being a little apprehensive about being left alone with the other three boys.
"Hey hey," Denki said, stepping in front of Yume and blocking her from following Katsuki and Kansatoki. "Don't worry they'll be right back." He said with a sly smile.
"Yeah we won't bite promise, just stay here and talk to us for a bit," Eijiro said with a sweet smile.
"Um ok," Yume nodded, feeling more at ease.
"Oh yuck-" Hanta exclaimed. taking a drink from the bottle Kansatoki gave him. "This is nastier than the last stuff she got."
"Is it really that bad?" Yume asked, a little nervous.
"Aw come on man you're scaring her. It's not so bad, after the few first sips you won't taste it anymore!" Eijiro said encouragingly as he took a first sip of his own. He immediately started to cough after. "Oh crap Sero you're right, this is awful!"
"I told you! This shit is disgusting," Hanta replied.
"You guys are being totally lame I bet it's not that bad," Denki said, taking a sip. His face grew pale right after as he kept the alcohol in his mouth struggling to swallow it.
Yume couldn't help but laugh at the three boys struggling to drink the alcohol.
"You do a lot of laughing for someone who hasn't tried it yet," Denki said teasingly.
Yume looked between the three boys nervously.
"Don't look around, it's your turn, come on, give it a try." Denki encouraged her.
"Don't push her too much man, if she doesn't want to that's fine," Eijiro said, turning to Yume. "You can ignore him, only try it if you want to, ok?"
"No it's fine, I'll give it a try," Yume said, eyeing the bottle apprehensively before bringing it up to her lips and taking a mighty chug off the bottle.
"Holy shit-" The three boys watched in amazement as Yume drank down half her bottle.
"Alright let's go!" Denki exclaimed, cheering Yume on.
"I feel sort of unmanly after that now," Eijiro laughed.
Yume coughed a bit after her chug and shook her head trying desperately to get rid of the taste.
"Awful right?" Hanta asked. "I wonder where Kansa went to get this stuff. Did anyone go with her this time?" Hanta asked, looking between his two friends.
"Nope, not me," Denki replied, shaking his head.
"I have no idea man. I know Bakugo didn't know about it either. He seemed pretty irritated about it right now," Eijiro responded.
"Yeah, sometimes it seems like Kansa does that shit on purpose," Hanta mused.
"I think she likes it when he's a little mad," Denki laughed and took another sip. "What about you, got any insider information for us?" Denki asked Yume.
"OH uh no- I didn't even know we were drinking tonight. Kansa didn't tell me much of anything. Sounds like you guys have done this before though?" Yume asked with a little uncertainty in her voice.
"Mm, yeah once or twice," Eijiro mumbled and took another sip of his drink, feeling a little annoyed at Kansatoki leaving her friend in the dark.
"Um speaking of Kansa it's kind of been a while I'm gonna go check on her," Yume said trying to make her way over again to where her friend left.
This time Hanta stepped in front of her, "Don't worry she's fine." He said with a laugh.
Yume feeling a bit irritated took a sip of her drink and exclaimed out loud before she could stop herself, "UGH- she really just disappeared with Bakugo like that?! I wish I could disappear with Todoroki," Yume whined and immediately felt her face flush realizing what she said.
"Todoroki hu?" Hanta asked.
"No way you like the pretty boy too? Come on, I thought you had more fun in you than that," Denki replied.
"Hey man, be nice," Eijiro said, nudging his friend's shoulder.
"Fine fine," Denki said, raising his hands. "But Yume tell us, if you had to choose between the three of us, who would it be?" Denki asked taking another sip.
"What-? You can't just ask her that!" Eijiro complained.
Yume giggled, taking another sip, "Kirishima obviously," she answered.
"HU?" Eijiro exclaimed, almost dropping his bottle as his face flushed.
"What no way! Come on," Denki whined.
"You're so desperate Kaminari, relax," Hanta replied.
Yume, forgetting Kansatoki's advice, looked over the edge of the building again, "OH MY GOD!" She exclaimed feeling the nervousness of being so high up on the building hit her again. Wobbling back a few steps, Eijiro grabbed her to stabilize her.
"Wow, you're looking a little wobbly now," Eijiro said laughing nervously as Yume wrapped her arms around his.
"It's scary being this high!" She said and squeezed Eijiro's arm. "Oh wow, you have a lot of muscle," Yume said, becoming very touchy with Eijiro.
"Are you kidding me?" Denki exclaimed, annoyed.
Hanta laughed, taking another sip watching Denki becoming increasingly jealous and Eijiro's face flush as Yume continued to touch his arms and biceps.
"Your muscles are really hot," Yume exclaimed, continuing to squeeze at Eijiro. Eijiro looked away nervously unsure of how to respond to so much attention.
"Hey! Give him a break!" Denki said, annoyed.
"Oh- I'm sorry I should have asked!" Yume said embarrassingly letting go of Eijiro but almost stumbling to the floor right after.
Eijiro grabbed her before she fell, "Are you ok? You can hold on to me if you need to, I don't mind," He said. Yume grabbed back onto his arm for support.
"What do you guys think is wrong with me?" Yume asked.
"What?" Hanta asked, confused.
"Well you're drunk for one, and for two you think Kirishima is the best choice out of all of us here," Denki said laughing.
"Hey man, rude. What do you mean Yume?" Eijiro asked, looking down at her.
"Why doesn't Todoroki like me? What do I need to change?" Yume asked, sadness falling over her face as she tried to take another sip of her drink.
"Maybe that's enough for now," Eijiro said, grabbing the bottle from her. "I don't think you need to change anything. You're perfect the way you are. If Todoroki doesn't see that, that's his problem, you know?" Eijiro said.
The other two boys looked at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond to Yume's vulnerability.
"What the fuck?" The group heard exclaim from the side of the building as Kansatoki and Katsuki made their way back to the group.
Kansatoki rolled her eyes at her friend and made eye contact with a very dejected-looking Denki. Kansatoki wrapped her arm around Denki's neck, bringing him into a headlock.
"Hey get off me," Denki struggled under her grasp.
"Why do you look so down, hu? You need some more to drink or something?" She said as she pulled him out of earshot of the group as they play fought a bit more.
"WHERE DID YOU GUYS GO HU!?" Yume angrily shook her fist at Katsuki.
"The hell is the matter with you wide eyes," Katsuki exclaimed, eyeing Kirishima curiously.
"I think this stuff Kansa got was just a little too strong for her," Eijiro explained to Katsuki.
"KANSA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LEFT ME!" Yume yelled coming up to her friend, who had finally released Denki.
"Holy shit you're drunk as hell! Relax, I only left for like five minutes," Kansatoki exclaimed.
The other three boys let out a snort of laughter. Yume looked between them confused as Katuski's face grew with anger.
Causing the other boys to start hollering with laughter.
"I don't get it," Yume said looking at her friend.
"Ignore them, let's get you back to the dorms," Kansatoki said, wrapping her arm around her friend. "Let's go!" She called to the others.
"What no! I just started having fun!" Yume complained.
"I said let's go! You're drunk and it's late enough," She said as she made her descent down the building.
The group stumbled their way home having finished off the rest of the alcohol Kansatoki had brought.
During the walk home, Yume had found her way back to holding on to Eijiro's arm.
"I'll help her back to her room and I'll see you after," Kansatoki said in a lowered volume meant for just Katsuki to hear, but Eijiro being right behind her overheard.
"I'll help her so you don't have to worry about it," Eijiro offered. Kasnatoki snapped her head around to eye him suspiciously then analyzed Yume gripping his arm as if her life depended on it.
"Mmm- you cool with Kirishima helping you back to your room Yume?" Kansatoki asked.
"Yeah! It's fine!" Yume said too enthusiastically with a little hiccup.
"Alright- but if I feel her emotions change to anything funny I'm coming up there!" Kasnatoki yelled, sticking a finger in Eijiro's face.
"Hey! I'm not like that!" Eijiro snapped defending himself.
"I know you're not E," Kansatoki said, softening a bit. "Alright goodnight everyone," She said pulling Katuaki's arm and disappearing down the hall.
Hanta let out a laugh, "What an interesting night, good night you two. Come on Kaminari, I think you need a few games of Super Smash Brothers," He said, pulling an irritated Denki back with him to the boy's side of the dorms.
Eijiro helped Yume get into the elevator. She was still stumbling and leaning quite heavily onto him.
"You um- feeling ok?" He asked.
"Oh, I feel great!" Yume said, smiling at him.
"Yeah I'm sure," Eijiro laughed nervously. "Hey if you wake up feeling bad tomorrow let me know. I'll bring you up some water or pills for a headache," he offered.
"Awe, that's so sweet! But why would I feel bad?" She asked.
"Well you did have quite a bit and if it was your first time drinking... just let me know tomorrow ok?" He said as they got out in front of the elevator and stopped in front of her dorm door. "Well, here you are!" He said, helping her to open the door.
"Mhm-" Yume nodded, staring inside her room still holding on to Eijiro.
"Uh- everything ok?" He asked.
"Yeah..." Yume said, swaying a bit, still not leaving his side. "Hey, Kirishima? Thank you-" Yume said, tugging on his arm and bringing him down to kiss him quickly.
Before Eijiro could process what happened Yume quickly let go of his arm and ran into her room yelling good night and slamming the door.
Eijiro stood in the hallway alone, his face tinted with a deep blush.
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Wrote this awhile ago based off a conversation me and @unofficialmuilover had about our OCs. Finally editing it and posting it since I’m stuck sick at home~
Thanks for reading!
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amberjazmyn · 11 months
matthew gray gubler one-shot
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - instagram 
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - legit none, just some fluffy couple instagram posts 
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 - a series of instagram posts from users gublergram and yourusername. 
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - i just wanted to get another chapter out so i thought this would be a cute idea but if anyone has any ideas, please let me know as i am struggling to come up with original ideas rather than recycling older chapters. 
part two masterlist
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Liked by yourusername, shemarfmoore and 1,280,31 others
gublergram sorry folks but, my girlfriend, who is also my best friend, is better than you! 
view all 34k comments
ynfan1 omfg you two are so fucking cute stop it right now!
shemarfmoore this is so rude! i thought i was your best friend :(
yourusername shemarfmoore ha, ha, ha! suck it where the sun doesn't shine, chocolate thunder! i told you that gube has always loved me more because i'm a two-in-one! 
kirstenvangsness the literal loves of my life and i'm not even joking
mggfan1 can we please talk about the comments between shemar and y.n, please?
mggfan2 you two are adorable just stop it right now! yourusernamepls help a babe out and tell us where you found your mgg. asking for a friend
 yourusername mggfan2 awe you're so sweet and, truthfully, he honestly found me and i fell in love straight away but, i promise, when the time comes, you'll find your special person <3 
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liked by gublergram, kirstenvangsness and 1,300,80 others 
yourusername teddy time reunions! yoursistersusername it's an utter privilege to watch little teddy grow up and what an amazing mother you are and what an amazing father your husband is as well. you two have blessed matthew and me with the sweetest nephew and we could not be more in love with the little man. thank you, truly, for giving us the honour of being teddy's godparents, we love you and your little family more than words can express and we would move the sun and moon for you three. 
view all 3,890,98 comments
gublergram it shocks me how much i have cried since y.s.n announced her pregnancy with little teddy has been an embarrassing amount. teddy turns me into mush but i love him so much
yoursistersusername gublergram gube, don't be lyin' babe, you have always been emotional and soft, way before teddy! however, before i had teddy, i was literally emotionless and now, i feel like my tiny heart has grown tenfold lol
ynfan2 this is the sweetest thing in the world but, are we seriously going to ignore the fact that y.n's sister just straight up exposed gube so casually? i love it! 
kirstenvangsness omfg, teddy is absolutely precious! this little boy is gonna break hearts one-day y.s.n 
ynfan3 am i the only one who now wants y.n and gube to have children?
yoursistersusername ynfan3 you are not the only one babe. the rest of the cm family, me and y.n's family and matthew's family are now all just waiting for them to announce a pregnancy or anything at this point really lol. but, when it does eventually happen, it'll be the best day ever! 
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liked by joemantegna, pagetpagetgram and 3,498,40 others
yourusername hey, babe, should we get married gublergram?
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joemantegna i swear to god, you better not be joking otherwise i will be very unhappy! 
gublergram i'm already prepared for the tears but i am so excited! 
pagetpagetgram hold on, what now? are y'all actually serious? 
kirstenvangsness wait wait wait... is this real? 
shemarfmoore hold the fuckity fuck up? i was not prepared for this today! 
ynfan4 holy crap omg omg omg omg! 
mggfan3 it's happening y'all stay calm omg omg omg omg! 
mggfan4 woah woah woah! omg, is this real? i'm actually going to cry rn! 
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liked by yourusername and 7,498,30 others
gublergram y.n, you are the life and light of my life as well as my soulmate.
first things first, i don't think in my entire existence on this earth i've felt the same love for you with anyone else.  you are my favourite person to ever walk this earth. you always know how to make me laugh and smile. but you always remind me that i don't have to be happy all the time. you always remind me that it's okay for me to cry and to be anxious when i am anxious or sad. i knew from the very first day i met you that i was going to fall in love with you and one day marry you. you care for me in ways that are unimaginable and it warms my heart because you can do it so easily as though it's the most natural thing for you. i love the way your eyes and nose crinkle up when you smile or when you're having a laughing fit. i love the way you pull your hair back with your extensive collection of colourful claw clips. i love how you try to blow strands of hair from your face when i mess up your hair on purpose or when you tuck some of my own hair behind my ear. i love how you always maintain eye contact when you're in conversation with somebody, even when it's a thing you're still learning. i love how kind you always are to everyone, no matter if they were rude or nice to you. i love how positive you are even when times are tough. i love how you take care of teddy and i can already see what an amazing mother you'd be to our future children. i love how fearless you are. i love the way you always steal my clothes. i love the way you always wear mismatched socks and kimonos with me. i love the way you square up to anyone who feels like they need to say how nerdy or weird i am like it's something you'd be disgusted by. i love how you aren't embarrassed at all by the weird things i say do or portray on tv. i love how you love me for me. "thy grace, thy more than beauty, shall be an endless theme of praise, and love - a simple duty." edgar allan poe
view all 22,785,30 comments
pagetpagetgram fuck me, y'all weren't joking omg i am actually crying! 
ajcook oh my gosh i am literally about to cry right now! 
yourusername i love you so much more gube. you literally light up my world like nobody else and i cannot wait to marry you! 
shemarfmoore oh fuck you guys were serious! y'all should have warned us before you hard launched! 
kirstenvangsness omg omg yesss! it's happening! my loves are getting married! 
joemantegna well, seems like i need a licence to ordain because i will be officiating this wedding! 
mggfan5 this post is so sweet omg, this is going to be the best wedding of the entire year
- - - 
i'm making a part two. the continuation after this will be the wedding photos, and maybe a small surprise teehee 
ok ily bye xx
word count; 1248
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magicalgirlagency · 8 months
While rewatching the old Sailor Moon anime, I find the in-universe rumors about Ami and Makoto really interesting. Ami was seen as a snob because of her shyness and Makoto a delinquent because she punches bullies. Both were friendless before Usagi befriended them despite those rumors. Then I thought: "hey, this (the rumor - friendless part) could work very well as concept for a standalone magical story"
So I've read Severance, a dark Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic focusing on a team of ocs. The main idea for this fic is that putting a bunch of random different girls together and then ask them to save the world would in no way mean that they're going to be good friends with each other. While I prefer lighthearted Maho Shojo series, both this fic idea and the rumor-friendless stuff above can make some good Angst in a Magical Girl team. Like, the good character-development kind of Angst, not those shitty shock values and "humans are naturally bad" craps.
My idea is that a mascot searches for 4 different girls with pure hearts and gives them power to become magical warriors to defeat the bad guys, protect Earth and all that jazz like in a normal Maho Shojo show. All of the girls happen to live close to each other - and may or may not be studying in the same school. Pretty standard so far, right? Well, at their school/neighborhood/Im-not-sure-what, there are rumors about each of them already running around. They aren't too horrible (this is a lighthearted story), but still bad rumors nonetheless. The girls believe in these rumors about each other, and there isn't anyone that's brave enough to try and understand their teammates despite those rumors (lack of a genki protagonist). So they're kinda in this awkward situation where they, because of trusting the mean rumors, just assume the other teammates are not nice people. And none of them is really trying to learn about each other outside what they think they know. There might also be fights among certain members of the group, most of them remain rather chill but some are hot-headed. They don't try to hurt each other badly though, and still try to work well as a team to beat up the BBEGs. Their team overall atmosphere is slightly tense, awkward and weird, but not downright hostile and still leave plenty of space for improvement.
Since this idea comes from rewatching Sailor Moon, I think the Smart-but-Snob and the violent-delinquent rumor should be used here as well.
So one of the girls is extremely smart, and maybe infamous for her intelligence, but she doesn't speak much and often doesn't answer when people talk to her. The rumor about her is rather similar to that of Ami, people think she's bitchy due to how she interacts with other students. But in reality, she's not only just shy, but also it's very hard for her to actually talk to strangers (maybe she has Selective mutism) and she's rarely able to actually hold a long conversation. She’s much more into art and poetry instead of science because she found a lots of comfort in expressing herself using words and colors.
The second girl is the “violent delinquent” one. She’s not actively seeking out random fights, but has a clear set of rules on who deserved to be punched and have their chin stick to their nose. She actually chooses to actively avoid people who try to pick a fight with her due to her “delinquent” reputation. She breaks school rules many times to help some students who are mistreated. She also doesn’t care much about herself (often forgetting to feed herself), like if she got in a dangerous situation, she’d literally be the personification of that “ this is fine '' dog meme while shits happen to her. She’d go out of her way to defend her weaker teammates before they even consider each other friends.
The other two members could include:
- a rich girl who doesn’t know how to talk very well, having been friendless for a long time. So when she speaks to someone she could accidentally say some weird shits that offends people without knowing it. But they are scared of pointing put her “rudeness” since her family is incredibly rich and people are scared of getting on her bad side (which is non existence because she is more of a pushover than a bully) So her peers spread a rumor about how she’s this rude rich girl who’ll murder you if you do something wrong. Meanwhile she’s so confused about what is happening, she’s somewhat aware she’s probably doing something wrong, but can’t pinpoint exactly what it is since no one really told her. She and the Smart girl actually were the first two to learn more about each other than what their rumors said about them
*btw, halfway through typing this my brain start to ship the Rich girl and Smart girl together and they are so gay the fluff is giving me a sugar overload. Whoever would write a story with a similar concept in the far future please keep this ship it’s so fluffy
-a girl who hides her face and is really close to one of her teachers. The rumors include one about how she is hiding an ugly, scarred face beneath her face mask and the other one is that she’s bribing that teacher to give her good grades. The scarred parts aren’t as bad as the rumor describes, but she does have some face scars. The mentioned teacher is her aunt, which is why they’re close.
The story follows how the girls grow closer through their fights with the evil forces and eventually learn that the rumors they heard about one another aren’t truthful at all. Later in the story they’re much like a traditional MG team, but the BBEGs have seen them in their early days, so they use the misunderstanding and doubts from those days to try and separate the team.
It obviously didn’t work. However, it did end up creating some angst between the girls because of how they used to treat/think of the others. They help each other out of this guilty mindset and their bond only came out stronger than before - much to the BBEG dismay.
Ah, a story about how we shouldn't judge a book by just looking at its cover. Simple, but effective!
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
~Halloween Special 2022 (Pt. 1)~
~Yandere!ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ ᴍʏᴇʀꜱ/Jå§ðñ Vððrhêê§ (Separate) x Reader Headcanons~
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN, DARLINGS!!! HERE'S A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! This is just the first part, I'm gonna have a part 2 that has two or three more characters. I went with yandere, since it's Halloween....the theme just fits. 😈
Halloween Special 2022 (Pt. 2) Note: Some of the words are black to match the character theme. I suggest turning on a lighter setting, if you use a dark one like I do. Note 2: This is OG Michael Myers, since I only write with OG Michael. Just fyi darlings!
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ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ ᴍʏᴇʀꜱ
~Will stalk you constantly.
~He's so good at hiding- you never spot him, unless he wants to make himself known to you.
~Finds that he enjoys the look of terror or shock on your face when you do see him for the first time.
~The police will never find him, darling, if he was good at hiding before, they're definitely never gonna find him now.
~Anyone that even looks at you a strange way are going to be dead the next day.
~It's all over the news....
~Michael doesn't even know what he wants. He knows he wants you, but what does he want with you? This feeling is so new and strange to him....
~And the more he explores that feeling, the more it grows.
~...You often have a feeling that somebody is in your house, watching you....
~Look darlings not only do you get a Halloween special but I just gave you a performance :D
~Anyone that gets in the way will get murdered.
~You sometimes find items on your table that you wanted from the store (but were probably too expensive to buy) when you wake up
~Michael saw you looking at it for two seconds, so now it's yours.
~He follows you around like a lost puppy, and you're aware of it, now.
~You could straight up walk up to him and he'd just look down at you, tilting his head curiously.
~Now he REALLY won't leave you alone.
~Michael just likes to....exist around you, honestly. He doesn't bother you too much at all, so as unnerving as it is having him watching you all the time, you can be sure he's not going to do anything to you.
~Sometimes (almost every time) he'll block the doorway when you're going somewhere. He wants to know where you're going, who you're seeing, ect.
~He follows along, of course, without you even knowing.
~If Michael witnesses you getting a bit too close to somebody, he will be furious...
~Now you're going to be trapped in your house when you come back.
~You can't escape.
~He'll catch you if you do.
~Literally never leaves you alone. He almost seems clingy or like he has separation anxiety.
~Overall, he's a pretty tame yandere, honestly. Don't piss him off and you're fine. Michael is pretty calm.
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Jå§ðñ Vððrhêê§
~Remember when I said Michael seems like he has separation anxiety? Yeah. Jason has it even worse
~When he was first trying to kill you, you either tried to stay calm in the situation and he found that gentle and attractive, or you fought back and didn't take crap from him, and while it pissed him off for a while, he still ended up finding that tough and attractive.
~Jason's quite shy, actually. He'd run off if you tried approaching him, unless you two were in an actual relationship.
~He can feel incredibly touch starved and neglected at times. Very clingy.
~Jason would immediately kill anybody that tries to flirt with you. He thinks it's disgusting. Did you like it? Were you enjoying it? He thought you liked him. Clearly you don't.
~He was going to try using his tragic backstory to guilt trip you (how was he gonna use it against you when he never even says a word? who knows 🤡), but when he started doing so, he found that thinking about it that much really upset him.
~Mental breakdown time 🤪
~Jason gets very self conscious, causing him to be jealous easily.
~He really just wants you all to himself. He's so lonely. He feels like a monster. He misses his mother. You give him so much comfort, so he wants to keep you.
~Why would he let go of the one bright thing in his miserable life?
~Jason will definitely be your secret admirer at first, watching you from afar and killing any lovers that you may have, killing any friends, ect. He wants you and you alone. Nobody else can get in the way.
~Overall, Jason is more desperate than Michael- Michael is more patient, and Jason wants you now. Jason is very codependent, very clingy....
HEHAHDHHAHSHA SORRY FOR POSTING IT LATE DARLINGS!!! Yesterday was a pretty bad Halloween for me, unfortunately :(but writing this made me feel a bit better!
I also kept the headcanons a bit short, so people are forced to be hooked and request more yandere slasher content LOL
PART 2. OF THE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL COMING SOON!! The characters in the second part are gonna be so fun!
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~Love, PinkBoots
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cbk1000 · 8 months
I'm curious about everyone's book-rating system after seeing this on Robin Hobb's Goodreads page:
** I am shocked to find that some people think a 2 star 'I liked it' rating is a bad rating. What? I liked it. I LIKED it! That means I read the whole thing, to the last page, in spite of my life raining comets on me. It's a good book that survives the reading process with me. If a book is so-so, it ends up under the bed somewhere, or maybe under a stinky judo bag in the back of the van. So a 2 star from me means,yes, I liked the book, and I'd loan it to a friend and it went everywhere in my jacket pocket or purse until I finished it. A 3 star means that I've ignored friends to finish it and my sink is full of dirty dishes. A 4 star means I'm probably in trouble with my editor for missing a deadline because I was reading this book. But I want you to know . . . I don't finish books I don't like. There's too many good ones out there waiting to be found.
The way I rate books VASTLY differs from her description above (and I would assume differs from most people's ratings, tbh, because two out of five stars, on anything, generally means 'this was quite shit'). A two or three star rating from me means I have quite a lot of non-flattering opinions on the book, but now I'm wondering how other people rate. My personal breakdown:
One star: Absolute shit. I have only given the book this one lone star because I cannot give it negative stars. So terrible I wouldn't even use it for toilet paper, and while I am staunchly against book banning and burning, this book made me understand why people are compelled to do such things.
Two stars: Generally crap, but the book did have at least one redeeming quality. Maybe the plot and the characters sucked, but the prose was admittedly nice. I would not recommend this book to anyone, but I'm not actively angry that I read it.
Three stars: Eh. It was ok. I'm not sorry I read it, but it was basically just something to stare at while I searched for bigger and better. It had a few things going for it, but the book as a whole was not great, and I probably disliked at least one aspect of it (prose, characterization, etc.). My junk food reading also falls into this category, even if I stayed up late to keep reading. Ken Follett is a good example of this. Ken Follett sucks at writing women, sucks at writing sex scenes, sucks at writing nuanced characters, and the nicest thing I can say about his prose is, "Well, it's there." But he puts in just the right amount of soap opera and history for me to read all his books anyway, even though I basically have nothing nice to say about them. This category is often where you can find my 'this was objectively kind of shitty but I really enjoyed it anyway' books.
Four stars: I liked almost everything about this book. I had trouble setting it down, the characters and plot were compelling, the prose was good, and pretty much everything just worked really well for me. Most of my ratings fall into this category because I often do not finish books in the one-to-three-star range. If a book doesn't really grab me, I usually put it down and move on to another, because YOLO. I have a finite amount of time on this planet to read books, and I'm not going to squander a bunch of it on books I don't enjoy.
Five stars: I am on bended knee. I am asking the author to marry me. I don't even want to have kids, but I want to have their kids. They are so, so sexy for writing a book that feels like it was personally created for me.
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brookezephyr · 8 months
Brooke's Children (Canon Divergent)
(A version of this blog was originally posted on my Kofi)
Haven't decided if Brooke will canonically have children in the future or not... but I have a few drafted.
Includes some of my head canons on the boys.
I don't have a particular interest in being pregnant/giving birth, but I thought it would be fun to theorize what my children with my fave boys (Lucifer, Simeon, Levi + others opinions) would be like. (might change them in future) 
 Lucifer is inpatient when it comes to intimacy. If there is something wants he'll ask for it. However, he is a very private person and likes to be in control of who he shares things with. He would prefer to have Brooke to himself, but hes not upset that they love his other brothers romantically. Hes cool with polyamory (hes also with Diavolo). At the very least he might be a little annoyed that Simeon made a move on Brooke.
Side thought: Do condoms exist in the demon realm?? 
Lucifer likes kids, he's used to taking care of his brothers. But he's kinda traumatized after raising his first child, Satan, who is prone to outbursts and doesn't appear to like him. When he finds out Brooke is pregnant he has a bit of a panic moment "Oh crap I made another one."
Once hes over his shock, Lucifer is very happy and supportive. Dotes on Brooke. Diavolo also offers a lot of support for the two of them. The others while a bit surprised do their best to help. 
Lucifer is even more attentive when the child is born. Determined to give this child more support and love then he had been able to give Satan. 
Child #1 - Hes a lot like Lucifer, but a bit softer. Thinks his older brother is a bit manic, but cool. Doesn't get along great with Child #3.
Child #2 - Brooke wasn't sure who was their father until they were born. Lucifer was scared it was him: was not ready for another kid. Levi to his despair knew it wasn't him. Everyone thought it was Beel for a while. It turned out to be Simeon, who was also surprised, but very happy. 
Levi when they were trying to figure it out: "You aren't sleeping with anyone else right?"
Brooke: "No, only you three."
Child #2 is very baby like and joyful. Child #1 and #3 baby him a lot despite him not being the youngest. 
Levi is very shy and has trouble expressing his feelings to Brooke tho they are clearly expressed on his face. Cuddling before and after intimacy is very important to him! He would prefer a mono relationship with Brooke, but also doesn't want them to be sad, so he tolerates it. Things get better after having the kids and he learns to respect Lucifer and Simeon's contributions. However, he is very upset finding out he is 'third' once again (honestly probably what leads to baby number 3 being conceived).
Kids? Levi never really thought about it. They seem like they would be a pain and disrupt his otaku activities. He's very good with kids tho, from helping with his younger siblings. Levi is very happy when Brooke is pregnant because they are happy. He is very clingy during the pregnancy.  
Levi has a bad habit of being envious of his son. 
Levi: "You were inside her 9 months. That's longer then I ever was."
MC: "... please stop saying stuff like that to our child."
Levi: "If you want to hug someone with my face hug me."
Brooke: "Levi he's four."
Child #3 - hes more outgoing then his parents (would willingly go camping with Lucifer). He loves his parents and siblings, but doesn't get along with Child #1 very well. Thinks hes stuck up. Also thinks Levi is cowardly; rolls his eyes at him a lot for it. 
 Simeon is just going with the flow. He loves Brooke and is curious. But he listens to her when they say no. Open about his feelings, but doesn't go out of his way to make others notice. Hes not really sure how to take the lead, but learns quickly. Doesn't mind Brooke having children with others. Has a bit of a breading kink.
Simeon always wanted a big family that was close, like he and Lucifer's brothers used to be. Wanted more kids, but Brooke said no. Uses gentle parenting style.  Always willing to help out with any of the kids. 
Wasn't in the Devildom for part of Brooke's first pregnancy, which he feels bad about. Would be troublesome if the celestial realm found out about his kids, so he's not around as often as he would like to be.
Child #2 - looks a lot like him.
Child #4,5 - twins? look more like MC?
Diavolo  wants kids. He's also supposed to give birth to the next demon king, but can't with Lucifer. However his father is asleep and can't say otherwise at this time. Mostly involved with Lucifer and Brooke's kid. He's willing to babysit to skip out on work if needed. 
 Mammon is not okay with this. Wanted to be the one to have kids with Brooke,  but its kinda too late for that. He has bittersweet emotions hanging with the kids. He tried to put on a brave face for her, but was a crying mess during every labor thinking Brooke could die. He always insists on being the first one to hold the babies. 
Asmo is super cool with all this. Overjoyed to have such cute nieces and nephews. He's a huge support to Brooke during and after pregnancy since everyone else was a mess. "Solomon aren't they cute little creatures? What if we made our own :3." 
Satan was not too pleased with the pregnancy announcements. He thinks Brooke made the wrong choices. He is particularly mad at Lucifer who neglected him when he was younger and is now having another kid. He vows to have nothing to do with 'Lucifer's spawn', but once Child #1 is born he changes his tune and becomes determined to be the best big brother! 
Beel + Bel
The twins are specifically attached to the children of Simeon and MC, always spoil them. Maybe its due to the fact they have both Lilith's and and angels blood. They found out the hard way how far that bond would go when MC was pregnant with Child #2. Beel became aggressively protective of MC (Hence why everyone thought Beel was the father) and could not be left alone with them or no one could get near them later.
When Beel started acting weird again, MC knew they were pregnant with Child #4,5.
Bel feels very relaxed with the kids, like a missing part of him has been filled again. 
Barbatos is cool with the whole thing as long as it doesn't cause him more trouble. 
Luke doesn't understand why MC would chose to have children with demons. Hes disappointed in Simeon for getting involved, but won't expose his secret. Would Simeon's kids be Luke's siblings? 
Thirteen is not sure why she was asked her opinion on this matter. Would help MC out if they asked. Kids have sparkly souls! 
Solomon did not plan for things to go this way. No one really knows his opinion on this, but he is silently seething with rage. 
Other Notes
One of the kids might be named Lilan or Lilith after Lilith. 
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Picrew by anjubatus: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1918788
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 9 months
The Gilded Age, 02x07, Wonders never Cease. My thoughts
This episode was a fucking roller-coaster of a ride! One moment I'm crying then next I'm happy for someone, next I'm completely suspicious of one certain rich mrs. pain in ass.
First to everyone that was on to Muade Beaten right off the bat y'all get million brilliant points and I completely apologize for ever doubting any of you. Omg y'all were so right!! I truly didn't believe she was part of the scam. She freakin good! Give her award for that shit. At the same time I'm sad because I wanted her to be on the up and up. I really liked her, especially with Oscar. They made a cute couple. Omg poor Oscar, I just wanted to hug him when he started crying at John's place and I started crying for Oscar. Then when he tells Aunt Agnes how much money he lose, I started crying for all of them. Because I thought he had just used his individual money for the investment not his mother's money also. That's when I was oh no no no Oscar!! This has to be ok somehow, it just has too.
Then if that wasn't hard enough they have Luke pass away. I was just sobbing when Aunt Ada woke up he was gone. It's just awful that they were together for such a short time. Aunt Ada deserves so much more than just a taste of happily married bliss. My heart just brakes for her. At the same time I am glad she got to be loved like that and love someone in that way.
I did love what Aunt Agnes said to Luke when they were alone. It was also wonderful getting to see that side of her, Aunt Agnes truly loves and cares for her family. Even though she has this tough outer exterior, once you get pass that she's quite loving and she a softness about her. I like how she take her role as head of her family, all her family seriously. Aunt Agnes will always be the strength, the backbone, the true North for them. No matter if it takes kicking their ass or loving them like mad but most likely both she will be there doing it. Aunt Agnes over this season especially has become another of my favorite characters.
Ok once again not enough Bertha in the episode! I think we got spoiled last season because the show kinda revolved around Bertha and the Russell's. But this season their expending the other characters story lines more so we're getting less of what I want the most Bertha. Maybe they could made TGA two hours long episodes. I totally watch them!!
But onto what we did get. First fucking Mrs. Astor, suddenly all oh I got you box at the Academy of music. Yea like Bertha wasn't gonna be what this bitch up to. Mrs. Astor overly nice, her voice dripping with enough sugar put Bertha into glucose shock. Mrs. Astor should work on her fake nice act it's really transparent to anyone that can smell bullshit at 1000 feet. Then the stunt she pulled at Aurora's just made her look stupid not Bertha. But I so did love Bertha's crystal clear No, than she's all look bitch I never told you for sure I was doing that. Why are bringing up now, don't look so smug you haven't won anything. I'm not about to be your lackey. Mrs. Astor getting all huffy and leaveing she's just so pathetic omg. Mrs. Astor really thought she got the better hand of Bertha Russell with her stealing the Duke not with standing. But she simply can't Bertha far more intelligent, cunning, calculated and purely ruthless then Mrs. Astor. On flip side of that Bertha is also friendly, sweet, fun, kind and sincere. Where Mrs. Astor full of crap there's nothing sincere about her, she's all fake nice and attitude. I think she far to use to people kissing her ass and getting her way. We all know Bertha isn't going to do that. I'm so ready to see what happens at the opening night at both opera houses!!
I'm so happy for Jake! Mr. Bannister all casual oh I write my friend in German clock makers group for you. I really do like how there like a little family at the Van Rhijn house (with the exception of Armstrong). I really hope Jake gets his pattern, then goes on to be a clock maker if that's what he wants.
I don't have any idea why Marian is trying to convince herself to marry Dashiell. She's not in love with him, what she going to do wait until she's actually married to the man than be like I made mistake here. I wish she could be as brave for herself as she for everyone else. It's like this all she think she deserves is a loveless marriage at least on her side so she'll doom herself to it. Instead of being brave and looking for what deserves a love like Aunt Ada found. Which might be with one Larry Russell.
I adored the scene with Bertha and George. It's always a treat getting to see Bertha with her hair down all related in her night clothes. I really love that show has a in love married couple at core of it. It's not too much or too little, it's just right as Goldie Locks would say. They have reached the ideal balance for a loving marriage couple in a series, now all other series take note please. They are very endearing. When Bertha sat on George's lap such a romantic thing to do. I really do enjoy their scene together. Ever if their just talking. 😍
I was hoping George would end up being a good guy with his workers, treat them as human beings but so far he's still being ruthless ass. It's so hard with him, when he's with Bertha and his children I really like him, but as soon as he's all business I can't stand him. It drives me nuts.
I'm so happy to see Peggy stand her ground. But I do wonder how long that's going to go on for? Her boss doesn't even seem to give a second thought about his wife or family, just going to listen to his dick. Because let's be honest that's what he's doing. I just don't like him there's something about him the rubs me the wrong way, beyond the I'm so easily willing to cheat on my wife. I definitely feel he's done this before. Peggy might want to find out how many other babies he has around! I just get this feeling off him it's more like he wants to own Peggy untilhe gets bored then he moves on to the the next woman. I hope a really good guy comes into Peggy's life that's not married and sweeps her off her feet.
I really like what Larry did with his speech making sure that at least people in that room which did include the President know that Mrs. Roebling did the work on Brooklyn Bridge. I hope she knew that she wasn't forgotten in history. I learned about her college in my women in America history course. Now thanks to The Gilded Age so many more know her incredible story and she's come back to life in a way that makes the history even more exciting.
Oh I almost... I love when Mr. Baudin ask Mrs. Bruce if she going to watch the fireworks. I was omg the roof of the house! Because that house has to tall enough. I was happy I was correct. I thought I was so sweet he took up there so she could see them. I really like them together. I hope they become a couple. Makes me think of Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson in a way.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Oh boy what kind of horrors have you been through dude?
Do I need a second phone or straight up voice recording device for this???
Bless, the damage on me was more emotional than anything else really!
Anyway since I'm 720% sure she's not on here, at one point I got roped in to be the (seemingly only) friend of this one senior (Four years give or take) after I agreed to help do some voice work for her final project. We hit off OK, she was EXTREMELY socially awkward and really didn't seem to realise it all, but we had (at surface level) similar interests in comics and animation and I was happy to have someone I could yap at about 90s animation (my passion then)
TLDR she got obsessive, got mad/whiny when I'd move on to an interest she couldn't share (she had 1 interest and that was Furry stuff ONLY which should have been a red flag for me, anytime I got anything human involved, she 'didn't get it', pushed me to go back to the old interests and the ONLY way for her to get interested in anything outside of her wolf OCS was to insert them into everything I was exploring---Transformers and Pro Wrestling, being two examples). There was gaslighting (she'd harp on me about being 'flaky'/not finishing sketches and utilised carrot and stick methods to try to get me to do 'X' thing, she'd say I couldn't last doing anything long term and needed her around to push me, she'd get huffy if I shows interest in new internet friends), some pretty skeevy sexual stuff (I don't want to say it was grooming---we were both adults, but I did, at 18, feel pressed into it to keep her happy) because she was THAT kind of furry and often tried to get me to dabble in it art and writing-wise and emotional manipulation (If I did something she didn't like, she gave me the silent treatment for days even if it was just messages from me asking if she was OK, and she'd CONSTANTLY bemoan about how her art was crap and getting no engagement and how she wanted to draw more like me in days-long episodes which I had to talk her out of)
During this time I'd made other friends in my class and one or two were repeating a class from a year before, and they were shocked when they found out I was friends with this girl, because THEY had been this person's room mate a year or two back and moved out when, after an argument, she'd apparently pissed on all their stuff. (I did not ask her to confirm this obvs but given the state of her room---she had a master bedroom of a townhouse to her own as opposed to sharing like I did with two other people because she couldn't get anyone to move in with her---which smelled and was an absolute pigsty, I wasn't discounting it. Would never have stayed there overnight, got itchy/uncomfortable just being there for fifteen minutes)
She was NOT HAPPY when I started pulling further and further away from her to do my own things (The point of contention was a piece of art we worked on together which she uploaded to her gallery but I didn't, because my gallery is reserved for works I 100% did on my own), even got on someone else's Deviantart account to contact me when I blocked/cut off contact with her on the site and stopped chatting with her regularly (She was attempting to emotionally bully me back into doing the things she liked). Long angry paras and tears were shed, but I cut her off completely from then and have never looked back since!
She's the reason I bleurgh at ObiKin (her favorite ship, with her genderbending Anakin to make it straight), anything Shawn Michaels (She was, despite the sexual furry stuff, deeply religious and latched on to him because of this) and have major red alert warnings when someone starts getting too obsessive around me.
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aceontheline · 1 year
Mass Angst... With Bittersweetness (Pt 3)
Mass agreed to himself that he would try several dating avenues, any and all gender identities. He wanted to be fair and give everyone under the sun a chance... However, he discovered something shortly after. Mass repeated the same cycle for months on end and he was a bit irritated with it.
Date a girl? She's great, but Mass didn't want to go anywhere further. Something about it turned him off. Date a guy? Same outcome, even if the guy was wonderful. It felt more like hanging out with a good, close friend. Non-Binary? Trans? Genderfluid? Intersex? No matter what, it was always the same. He didn't feel anything for anyone... Was he coldhearted as his dad seemed to be?
After yet another failed date and a few breakups, Mass was trapped in his own doubt and anxiety. His thoughts were swirling around and he seemed incredibly scared. Why did he feel nothing for these people? Well, nothing more than, "I just wanna be friends". Was there something wrong with him? He needed an answer so he looked up answers.
... Aroace. The lack of sexual or romantic attraction to anyone. This seemed to fit together within the puzzle pieces that was his confusing feelings. However, this just meant that he seemed to reject New York for no real reason. Mass wanted to apologize almost immediately. So one night after work, Mass sat New York down on the couch. Mass was pacing around the front of the couch, looking at anywhere and anything besides New York. New York got up and grabbed Mass by the shoulders.
"Mass, buddy! What's going on with you? Are you okay?" he asked, both genuinely curious and like he was losing patience.
"... I think I'm Aroace-"
"What?" New York asked, letting go of Mass's shoulder.
"Like I don't experience much romantic or sexual feelings for people. If at all. I really just see them as potential friends and that's the extent of it" Mass replied, sighing in relief.
New York looked at Mass and then his dating history for a moment, then nodded. "Makes sense. Think I'm Asexual myself" New York stated matter of factly. Mass looked shocked and asked how he came to that conclusion so quickly.
"Think about it. Sex kinda turns me off. I'd rather just go on a date or whatever. It sounds nicer than all that sexual crap" New York said, sitting on the couch and playing with his jacket.
"Date with Cali didn't go too well?" Mass asked.
"He was understanding. He's willing to keep trying, but he's not sure how we'll go about things" New York replied.
Mass did something that he hadn't done much in his life. He went up to New York and hugged him close. New York initially refused the contact, but then felt how firm and nicely Mass was hugging him. It felt... Warm. Inviting. Pleasant. New York hugged him back, leaning onto his shoulder. They hugged like this for a little while before letting go of each other and patting each other firmly on the back. Mass then looked up at the ceiling, asking why he felt like he was "broken". Not just from generational trauma, but just like... He felt like people were naturally evolved to desire romance and sexual attraction. He felt like now that he knew he was Aroace, that this was just another stab at him. To his parents.
"Mass, your parents sucked. Mine did too. We don't owe them shit. No grandkids, no explanation. Nothin'. We're adults living our own lives now. Right?" New York said affirmatively.
"... Right. I owe them nothing" Mass said, wiping some tears away.
The two just looked at each other with soft smiles and a silent "Thank you" was shared amongst the two, as they shook hands firmly. Mass went to his room and laid down on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling, looking at his Asexual flag tapestry. He felt slightly validated, but he felt like he should share his truth. Mass, unknowingly to others, had an Instagram. Other than a select few states that followed him (New York, California, Florida, Rhode Island, and Alaska for some reason), he was sure no one would see this. So, Mass made an Instagram story. He cleared his throat.
"So, after a lot of discovery. Lots of trial and error, I think I've finally come to a conclusion" Mass paused and moved to his Asexual flag. "I'm Aroace. I don't really feel much romantic or sexual attraction. Just feel like I'd like more friends in my life rather than partners of that caliber" Mass finished.
He took a deep breath and posted that to his Instagram. He put his phone down for a little bit and rested himself before a night shift. He only woke up an hour later, and saw that his Instagram was blowing up with followers and comments. They mostly seemed very validating and affirming, with... Of course, a few of those types of comments. Mass ignored those and focused on the positive ones, practically tearing up at reading some of them. Mass questioned where this sudden influx of popularity came from, only to see that Florida managed to blow the post up. A bunch of the other states were congratulating him for discovering himself and patting him on the back.
A few of his friends, like Rhode Island and Alaska, were defending him in the comments. He directed them to stop, as it would just be a pointless battle fought. They agreed to "for now", and Mass just sighed, rolling his eyes in a semi-annoyed fashion. He got dressed and went to work. A couple hours later, Mass returned home. Tired, sweaty, and ready to just collapse into bed... However, a few of the states were in New York's apartment waiting for him to return, along with New York himself. They all congratulated him, even making him an Aroace flag to hang up on his wall. Rhode Island and Alaska even confirmed that they themselves were Aroace too, showing pride flags of their own.
Yep. This was the moment. Mass dropped to his knees and started crying. This wasn't a cry filled with anxiety, anger, or sadness... This was happy crying. For once, Mass felt happy enough to cry happily. The others hugged him briefly, saying how proud they were of him.
"Especially since your folks always managed to tell ya to keep most of your feelings on the down low. Nothing was ever really open with you" Rhode Island commented.
"But hey. Even just opening up this little bit to us means the world. We appreciate it" Alaska said.
"... Thanks guys. It means a lot to know I'm not alone" Mass replied, wiping some tears away.
Everyone else, including him, all celebrated with some pizza and a movie or two to watch. They all had a fun time that evening, taking the edge off and just bantering with each other late into the night. Alaska, Rhode Island and Florida just ended up sleeping over with Mass and New York. None of them had anything to do the next day, so they all pulled an all-nighter. Talking, listening to music, playing videogames and doing whatever else they could until the sun came up. Mass had never felt so happy in his life. He had a close group of friends who all supported him no matter what. He truly felt like he had found his family.
Mass Angst, Part 1: ( Here )
Mass Angst, Part 2: ( Here )
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fiixer · 1 year
is there any kind of job you won't take?
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" Y'know, most people don't ask stuff like that unless they want something reeeally weird."
That was generally how it worked, in his experience.  Either a potential client was going to ask for something bizarre, or they were too nosy for their own good, perhaps as a poor attempt at small talk to get a chummy vibe going with him.  Jordi has had a few of both in his time, the latter of which never worked, but he had to admit the attempts were adorable.  "I'm good with weird and all.  Cash is cash, I usually don't care how I have to get it, but believe it or not,  I do have standards - I know, it shocked the hell outta me, too, but there it is.   So, yeah, there's a few jobs I won't take - but, I also won't let anyone else take them, either."
What that means will come in time.
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"Kids. I don't deal with shit involving kids.  And I don't mean like, holding a kid for ransom, scaring the hell out of them…that kind of thing is alright.  Not my favorite, but it pays, so I can't complain.  No, no, no, when I say 'involving kids', I mean putting them on the business end of my .45.  And before anyone starts spewing bullshit like who would do that - " For that, his voice climbs a derisive octave or two, only to drop back to normal in barely a breath. " - people do.  Not a lot of people, but people.  I've had one."
It's one he doesn't think of often anymore, now that so many years had passed.  Thus far, it had been one of a mere handful that he'd refused, and one of two he'd turned down because – well, he'd rather not get into the reasons why he'd shot them down.  Introspection sucks, he'd not here for that mess.  Oh, no, instead he's thinking an explanation is in order here.  A man like himself doesn't say no to paying work without good reason, after all.  So, guess what?  It's story time.
"I don't think I was in Chicago a year when this guy contacts me.  Says he wants to get back at his ex-wife.  They split the year before, she got their kid, she was seeing another guy and I dunno, some other bullshit, I stopped listening by that point.  I just remember thinking This is why I don't do the relationship crap.  It gets messy way too quick and then you end up with freak shows like that nutsack who can't leave shit alone.   Just thinking about it gives me a headache…" Trailing off, he comes to a pause.  A breath, and then a tense, albeit distant,  "Where the hell was I…?"
Chicago, relationships…divorced creep.  Ex wife, job refused because -
"- oh, yeah.  So, anyway, we meet, he tells me he wants to 'teach her not to fuck with him', but he doesn't want her dead, because everyone points fingers at the ex when stuff like that happens.  He just wanted her fucked up.  Not physically, 'cuz that would heal too quick and, again, everyone always thinks it's the ex.  He wanted to fuck with her head, permanently, and how'd he wanna do it?  By hiring me.  Not to mess with her or scare her or whatever- that'd be fine, I'd done it a thousand times before.  Nah, this asshole wanted me to take out the five-year-old she had custody of.  Yknow, really hit her where it hurts."
In theory, Jordi's previously mentioned tactics - ransom, threats, etc. - usually worked just fine, and probably would have in that instance, too.  Most parents would lose their minds over that kind of stuff, but a client wants what a client wants.  His part in the deal was to listen and do what he's paid to, no questions asked or input placed.
"I said I'd take it.  Told him to pay me upfront and then, when the job was done, I'd clean the mess and he'd never have to see me again, and y'know what?  He did.  Transferred it over, didn't even question it, and after he did, I was about to head out to get the job done, but before I could, the craziest shit happened.  I stood up, went to leave, and the next thing I know, there's a bullet right in the middle of his forehead - fuckin' dead center.  The second one wasn't too far off, either; think it was like…in his eye or something, I dunno, hard to remember now, but I do remember, with all of his blood flying around, some of it ended up on my jacket.  My brand new Patagonia, can you believe it?! "
The audacity of some people. Even as a corpse, the guy was a dick, which could have almost been respectable if Jordi wasn't on the receiving end of things.
He really liked that coat, too...
"So, I popped the fucker a third time, went home to change, and took myself out to a nice dinner on the lakefront.  I got my money, and no one was around to claim I didn't get the job done - which actually reminds me, you breathe a word of this to anyone, just know, I got three bullets on me just for you, got it?  Cool, cool.  But, uh..yeah, that was that."
That one felt good.  If pressed, Jordi couldn't put a finger on exactly what made that particular request much different than the countless others he'd handled; maybe it was just because it was a kid involved, maybe he'd started going soft a little sooner than he'd noticed.  Whatever the case, it was a hard limit on his end.  What should have been a meeting like any other had left a hollow pit in his stomach the whole time the guy talked, after he'd revealed intentions and explained exactly what he wanted Jordi to do.  Such a pathetic waste of space, that one, drawing a target on someone who couldn't fight back...
As far as he's concerned, he fulfilled a contract, albeit an unspoken one, for saving some random woman he'd never meet the hassle of her ex-husband's existence, and spared a kid the trouble of being caught in the middle of that whole disaster. Look at him - making the world a better place, one well-placed bullet at a time.
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"Moral of the story is, a job like that?  Nope, won't take it, and anyone who comes to me with shit like that it's gonna end up like ol' what's-his-face…I can't remember it now, it's been a while.  So far, that one's been the only time I've been asked to off a kid, but if I know anything about people, it's that someone, somewhere out there, is just fucked up enough to want it, too."
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simiansmoke · 1 year
@citizensofeggton cont.
His expression is flat at her reminder that he'd gone tunnel vision away from his task at hand, albeit seasoned grumpy with an occasional twist of features thanks to a flurry of small hands occasionally grabbing and pulling at whatever could be grabbed, patted and slapped on his face. Kong children weren't exactly docile...especially not when promised ice cream. "Yeah, weeeell...what kinda warrior would I be if I backed down from every little altercation? I'm not a PACIFIST, oh-kayyy? I'm a pass-a-fist-on kinda dude."
"FIST PASS-" Screamed a child near his lower back. His fur flinching is indicative of the kid's knuckles bopping his spine...plus the chorus of any other rider that wanted to participate in the 'fist pass', which seemed to be a sort of game if not invented and taught to them by DK, then was a Kong staple when it came to playing rough. Either or, a couple of kiddie punches has him shaking himself out slightly afterwards, which gives the kids riding the DK bus a reason to scream in delight because he pulls no punches either and actively tries to wag them off like a dog with wet, flea-infested fur.
The straggler seemed to be having fun regardless of catching the tail, giving a few desperate swats before spinning around in a circle mid-walk and with a dizzy giggle - kept swatting more and more inefficiently the dizzier they got themselves.
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"...well for your sake, I hope so. At this age, they could deeeefinitely tear it off." Whether that's true or not, the look on his face is clear that he wants to mess with her. And verbally is the only way now that he's scooping up smaller Kongs that are spilling off him as his walks like water, and sliding them back onto the 'bus' in a motion so practiced it was like he was just fixing his hair as usual. One got away from him and darted ahead to happily bop up at a low-hanging power-up block, managing to hit out a growshroom.
"Kid-don't-!" But it was like trying to convince a starving animal (currently starving for ice cream) to ignore the first food it came across. After biting into the shroom viciously, the runt of the bunch grew...to about a size or two under DK. Nothing major, really-...until she rejoined her peers on his back, which caused him to sink a bit LOW into his knuckles as he crawled forward with a huff and puff. "Y'know...I'm...startin' to think...the power-ups in a vendor is-...the way t'go!" Teeth gritting, he pauses to take a shuddering breath.
"Ugh. Let's just call it charity work. Our uh...education system isn't so solid. But I mean...you can't expect a strong and highly energetic group like us to do well without a little time in the day to collectively lose our minds, sooo ~ I help out where I can. Dad sends a guardsman sometimes too. Those dudes can take all the biting and clawing-"
As the straggler continues their game of catch the tail or spin 25 times in place, they don't seem to notice how close to the edge of the dock they're spinning until they lose one leg over the side and drop, chest and arms slamming against the dockside with while shocked fingers dig in and scratch the wood frantically. The water below might be shallow, but all the colorful coral beds would surely leave anyone taking a walk down there a nasty cut or two.
The movement of the struggle eventually catches the corner of the Kong prince's eye and he quickly forces himself up under the new weight holding him down, prepared to bolt over as soon as he caught his balance so as to not overcalculate a rough rush over that might send them all toppling over the edge in his haste. "Crap!"
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meandering-reality · 3 days
What are my intentions?
So I spoke briefly about my situation in the first post, now I’d like to go  a bit more in depth with it and with who I am and what I plan on doing here. First there is something that you really need to know about me before we start, I’m a sarcastic a** (can I swear here?) that likes to play the devil's advocate at times and challenge people's belief systems all done out of love, though it probably doesn't feel like it at the time. I also hate stretching my finger out to use the apostrophe key, luckily there is spell check, unluckily I don't always use it. Oh, and grammar rules suck and I don't remember them at all so get over it.
Back to our regularly scheduled post… that’s one thing I’d like to do. Sit down and just write every day. The subject, life, my life mostly because I dont remember being anyone else and my observances of life in my fiddy-tree years of it. Years are interesting at 18 I probably would have read that and quickly found something else to read. I wonder if an 80 year old would do the same about my writing? The one thing I urge is to not dismiss it because of the years that separate my birthday from yours. I'm not here to tell you to do it my way, honestly I’m here to try and persuade you to avoid it. What I really just want is to share some perspectives that may differ from yours but give you a chance to look at life in a different way.
How do I do that? The only idea I have is to just talk about things and hope they do just that or at the very least entertain you for a few moments. Not all the topics are going to be heavy, though there might be a few ankle weights thrown in the mix. Not all of them might make any kind of sense to anyone but me (or not, sometimes I don't know where I get these thoughts).
I encourage you to ask questions. Questions can help me focus, I am on some pain meds so at times the brain is flapping around thinking it’s on a straight course but it’s mostly just bombarding a seagull. I appreciate it if we could all be respectful to one another though if you are seriously curious please feel free to still ask.
So let me give you the worst dating profile ever and then I’ll leave for the day: I’m a 53 year old, transgender male (transitioned when I was 36) that has been married to my beautiful wife for almost 6 years. She has 4 adult children that have made me theirs and I’m the better for it. I was born in the United States and spent most of my life in California, though in later years I moved around a few states but stayed on the west coast. I am currently living in Nova Scotia as my wife is Canadian.
Almost 2 years ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and was extremely weak. They did a complete hysterectomy (not the way to about it boys) along with removing the tumor. When the results came back confirming cancer I went straight into chemo treatments (interestingly enough most of my life I told myself I would not do chemo if it came up but shock and fear left me feeling like a zombie with no choice and I followed without considering options). 6 months after the last chemo treatment I went back into the hospital and found the cancer was back, in the form of secondary peritoneal ( also considered ovarian stage 4 because it spread). The second chemo treatment they put me on made me feel like crap so I decided to stop it and so now I report into the palliative care team which basically means we only treat any symptoms that might come up so that I’m comfortable and no longer do tests that show where I'm with it (meaning it could be gone or it could be larger).
Also I’m a dog person with two cats, wtf?
Okay, that’s it for me today. I will try to write each day, if I can’t think of a topic or no questions are asked, maybe I’ll pull a prompt from a shadow work book or something and really get nitty gritty. Hope to have you tune in.
Much love.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Jeepers Creepers - Ending Scene" on YouTube
This actually happened to BG last night and it was from electrical shock no it was from a shotgun blast yes and he get hit from behind and really really about 90% of his brain is gone and he's growing back up to like 22% now and he'll be back in about an hour but he is not going to be BG and we hear that he turns out to be a living nightmare
This man next door says he killed them after he himself again killed and it is not true he is fighting the crew so an accidentally shot him but he's going to blame Jeepers creepers and his entire race with what little memory he has left he remembers them and remember his friend saying they're too big you have to be careful so is cautious about killing you what he does and he manages to kill you with someone who probably wouldn't we accept that and finally gets rid of you for real and the person that question about the apartment and he plays that happening on and them but he said got a rifle and her son put it out and said no I did not tell me if I'm looking for she's other people are watching so he looks into it just figures out call me after did it on purpose Tommy f did it on purpose anyone sitting here threatening him and it's not funny but he says everyone's driving me that a lot of people die and the people doing it like everyday and they do so he's trying to figure out who's doing that and it says it's probably the empire and it is and a very dangerous and big says how many people see that and I'm not saying anything and he says I'm going to send the s*** out of you since you know you have to take the whole thing out even though you only have the small part left you start doing that that's going to happen again cuz my people don't want to risk it yeah but I don't want to repeat myself this home and sad and he tries to hit himself goes out after trumpsters says stuff to us and we hit him the guy's going to be a piece of s***
This isn't the battle and we're going to show that and Trump is holding it off people need to know that he's done a piece of crap
Thor Freya
You killed my wife and now you're dead Trump I hope you feel better
Peewee posthumously
Or I'll ask you because you're going after him cuz he was saying it and he should have you should not touch something that's not yours
With different people okay there's a lot of us and we're all sick of being hurt by our own father who's now moron you're notice and so are all your stupid clones you're a piece of s*** and Terry cheesman hit you because she doesn't like us or he doesn't forget what that means
Vengeful one yes we're his friends unlike whatever the hell you two are what a nightmare I don't want to be that close but holy s*** you two show up everywhere it goes five times is five different people it's illegal all the time and he's not doing a damn thing nothing merits the treatment that you're giving him nothing not even your work it's ridiculous
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gwydionae · 6 years
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I am posting this to show 1.) how big of a nerd I am, 2.) what KIND of a nerd I am, and 3.) just how much I went through to end up in complete agony, lol.
I really like facts, concrete evidence that something is true. I also like a good puzzle, being given some information and travelling down the rabbit hole to try and piece said info together. You know what else I like? Fictional universes and their concept of time. The Dice, Camera, Action! fandom might know me as the insane lady who carefully tries to construct a proper timeline for a DnD show with no official timeline whatsoever, going simply off of in-game clues.
You know what show gave me a character’s birthday, another character telling said birthday character “happy birthday” seemingly quite a bit after his birthday, and then proceeded to dump an actual, real calendar on me? Mob Psycho 100, of course! So what did I decide I wanted to figure out? Just how long HAD Mob and Reigen been apart during the “separation arc”?
Now, I actually DO have a pretty good guess! See, based on Reigen’s character profile from the manga, along with the email his mom sent him on his birthday, we know that he turned 28 on October 10, 2012 (if he was born Year of the Rat and is using a cellphone in present day, he had to have been born in 1984, thus it being 2012 on his 28th birthday). According to the above included calendar, this would be a Wednesday. He had already been separated from Mob for a little while previous to that, though. The first day could have been a school day as Ritsu came home in uniform and said that Mob was “home early”, but it couldn’t have been a Monday as the day before that was definitely a school day. So that would likely make it either Tuesday the 9th or Friday the 5th. We then see Mob in class/club, out shopping with Ritsu, and out again in a different outfit (this being Reigen’s birthday). If his birthday is on a Wednesday, their first day apart couldn’t have been Tuesday as there are at least 2 days in between their fight and Wednesday, so likely they fought on Thursday the 4th, meaning that October 5, 2012 would be the first day of their separation.
So! Reigen went 6 days before getting his serious Mob withdrawal symptoms. Ok, how much time passed after that? Well, I figured it couldn’t be TOO much, as while Mob’s belated “happy birthday” is said in the past tense, it’d be weird if it came, like, months later, but there’s only so much actual evidence to go on. We do know that Reigen started going all out with work, and one job in particular - the video game player killer - had him staying up “many nights”. But that one job made him go viral, essentially, and he got interviewed for a magazine. “And a few days after that” he got asked to be on the TV special, which took place “one week” from when he was asked. We then see people reporting on him being a fake the next day, and the day after that Mob is at school and being told about it for the first time. This gave me my first clue, making me think the special must have been on a Saturday night, with Mob finding out on Monday. After this, we get the line “in three days, being the ultimate evil had become Reigen’s public image”, which would put us on a Tuesday as the day he gets cornered into holding a press conference the following day (Wednesday). And, of course, that’s the day he finally sees Mob again.
So for sure we have 4 days since the night of his social collapse, and before that 8 days between which he got asked to be on TV and then he appeared on TV the following week. So we’ve got a confirmed 12 days total so far, but obviously that’s not counting the “many nights” playing the video game plus any work time he put in before or after. The earliest possible date that he could have been contacted for the TV would be Saturday the 20th. This would give him about a week and a half to get big, and it would put the spooky exorcism special the Saturday before Halloween. But that’s not a lot of time to build up his name, and it would put his press conference on Halloween itself which seems a bit odd to me (though maybe Japan isn’t too big on Halloween specials). So I figured the best bet would be to say he got asked to be on TV Saturday the 27th, appeared Nov 3rd, and held his press conference on Wed the 7th, exactly 4 weeks since his birthday, and a total of 34 days since he’d last seen Mob.
BUT WAIT! Why did I say I was in agony over this if I’ve got a pretty decent idea of how much time passed? Oh, Studio Bones. I love you. I love you a lot. I do. I really, really do.
You just HAD to put a REAL calendar in the very next episode, didn’t you?
Ok, so admittedly at first I was pretty excited about this! After all, at first glance, it actually seemed to line up pretty well! It looked like it could be a calendar for Oct 2012! But then I noticed that according to that screenshot, the date is supposed to be the 1st. Well, ok, fine, maybe my first guess was correct and Reigen actually DID get popular in a week and a half and held in press conference on the 31st. But... no, that couldn’t be it either because this month has 31 days in it - that doesn’t even work for November at all! Could it possibly be December already? Did that much time actually pass?? In what year did December 1st fall on a Mon- WAIT! NO! THAT’S NOT A MONDAY! THAT’S A TUESDAY!! THIS CALENDAR STARTS WITH MONDAY!!! That means that even my theory of “they had the right calendar for Oct 2012, but just marked the wrong date on it” is debunked, too!! Wait wait wait!! Hold up! Just what month/year IS this supposed to be a calendar of, then??
It’s January 2019.
They just used the dates from January 2019.
How dare you, Bones.
I trusted you. I trusted that you would actually pull through for me, that you had given me concrete evidence to support my hypothesis. That you put so much care into your animation that SURELY putting in the proper dates wouldn’t be hard.
I was a fool to be excited. I will never trust your dates or calendars again. You have lied to me with false facts, and now every time I see that calendar, it makes me upset because it is simply factually wrong, and I don’t like it.
...THIS is what kind of nerd I am. XD
Now if you’ll excuse me, my sister is about to watch the latest episode, and I am going to make myself happy again by enjoying her pain, because she, like me, is an anime only, lol.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Omegaverse where like Bowerbirds Alphas build homes to attract mates. Like it’s this huge thing to make the PERFECT home for your mate to live in and it’s supposed to be a reflection of both you and your mate. It can be an apartment but you’ve gotta like redecorate and clean and everything. Even then, an apartment is a 'starter' home. Alphas gotta build a house still- or at least design and make sure it's good. (Sometimes they stay in the apartment but usually no.)
So like it’s a HUGE deal when someone is seen buying paint if they’re known to be an alpha courting an Omega. Or if they're looking at furniture. It means they're taking the next step.
When an Alpha builds the home, they show it to the Omega and then give them keys. The Alpha leaves for the next 24 hours. If by the time they come back, the Omega has built a nest in the 'bower' then it's accepted. If the keys are left, it's rejected.
An Alpha can ask why. It's supposed to be done in private, but the news gets around about why. If an Omega says: you don't know me at all, then it's a shock to everyone since... why build a bower?! If an Omega wasn't actually that into the Alpha... well shit that's both sad and embarrassing.
Wait, thought: Apartments tend to be occupied more by Betas. Not because of a hierarchy crap, it's because Betas here tend to prefer to 'cluster' together like a flock. Alphas are much more solitary then not. Omegas are also more 'pack' then not, but they're very happy with being a little distant to.
This AU would totally have Pintrest be like an alpha thing where they get all their ideas. Usually, Omegas are supposed to not have a say in how the whole thing is done (they can make changes later but this is supposed to be the utmost expression of love, that you know them this well you can create this without them) but in more modern times, sometimes an alpha drops a link to the Omega. If the Omega quietly deletes the board, it's a 'no' and the dating/courting ends. If they say: to fast, Alpha slows down. If they maybe take away a few things they don't like, the Alpha tries harder.
If the Omega tracks down their alpha to make out... it is a yes.
The entire thing is partly subconcious as often an Alpha will start building/looking at things without being aware they want to take the next step.
Underneath are fandom ramble thoughts I had for this idea (Batman and MHA) And @anastasian-dreamer came up with some to.
-EraserMightMic with All Might as an older Omega who while he's kinda dating the two, doesn't know how serious they are until they send him a link. Hes very flushed.
-Inko and Hisashi are a beta couple and Inko loves her Omega son. Only the best blankets for his nest.
-Bakugou is a Beta and while he's a little relieved since he doesn't like the idea of being driven to build a nest or anything, he hates not being seen as a strong solitary person. (His mom is an alpha and dad an omega)
-Uraraka is an Alpha and her family isn't really poor as construction makes bank in this AU.
-Todoroki is an Alpha but Endeavour is a beta. He's both please and annoyed at this.
-Rody is an Alpha, as is Iida. I'm thinking Aoyama is one to solely cause the sparkly makes me think of a bird trying to sway someone. Dabi is an Alpha to. So is Yaoyorozu and Shinsou. They may or may not all have pintrest boards and are constantly updating what they think is perfect for themselves. (Dabi did but stopped after everything).
-In the Batman, Tim Drake is the lone Omega in the Batfam cause I like that trope. This makes anyone wanting to court him nervous cause 'expensive tastes!' which ha, no. He likes simple stuff.
-I generally think an Omega Tim Drake is treated wildly different by Damian in any AU. I imagine little Damian deciding to protect his omega brother fiercely.
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