#i will be a nuisance for as long as i can
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sweetfuchsia · 2 days ago
situationships & scandals ft. itoshi rin , namey name
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prologue . ✦ . series masterlist
itoshi rin has never cared for petty online drama— it has nothing to do with him, ever. until now. . ?
this series probably won’t be too regular.. i’ve been having fun with the ex bf! sae one but i like editing for this one so idk !!
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you have grown sick and fucking tired of the amount of rin dickriders commenting on your posts.
‘stop copying rin!’ ‘give him credit!’ ‘you’re so in love with him!’ ‘rin does it better!’
honestly, you’re tempted to just post a story of you shouting instead of actually replying.
this all started after someone commented something simple; ‘name, can you show us your workout routine?! ♡’
well, thank you so fucking much catlover178. because after you replied to their stupid comment, showing off your workout routine— your comment section on basically every single one of your accounts has been swarmed with people slobbering all over this guy’s dick.
copying a workout routine? get real! you can’t copy a fucking workout routine— are they idiots!?
so, after a particularly long session of scrolling through comments and stewing in your irritation, you decide to view this. . . “itoshi rin” guy’s profile on instagram.
and damn, he’s so hot.
hot, but a nuisance— especially his idiotic fans. where did they even get the whole workout routine thing, anyways? the guy has like… three posts. and none of them show his routine?
so, against your better judgement, you send him a message. you need to get to the bottom of this !
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things-you-may-need-to-hear · 2 months ago
"Are you still sick? It's been so long." "When you're able to eat normally again, we can go to..." "But you're getting better every day, right?" "Do you really want to give up and let your life be just this?" "Why don't you go to take walks in nature? That's good for you." "Jesus will cure you. You have to start praying." "When are you back to being normal?" "When are you back to being normal?" "When are you...?" I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T FUCKING KNOW! I'M SORRY! FUCK.
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lilithofpenandbook · 5 months ago
Sometimes Severus comes up to Minerva. Right up behind her when she's busy. He'll stand there for a good minute as she works on marking assignments and cursing the boy's youthful energy and brilliant eyes- both of which directly responsible for his finishing his work in half the time it takes her.
"What is it, Severus?" Minerva sighs. Might as well get the obligatory nonsense over and done with, she was due a dose of Severus's antics by now (Merlin forbid he go more than three days without bothering her with nonsensical questions or infuriating wit).
"Am I ugly, Minerva?" he asked. Never there was a being with such innocence in their voice.
Minerva took a moment to take in a breath and silently call on all her patience and all her strength. "Yes, very." Her tone was blunter than the knives used to decorate at Halloween- an incident with some particularly idiotic third years had them ban anything sharper than the corners of a book during the Halloween celebrations.
Severus gasped as if stabbed. "What? Minerva, I thought we were friends!"
Minerva snorted. "Any time we interact, it's completely against my will."
"Minerva! you lie so shamelessly it shocks me." Severus made as if to swoon, a hand clutching the right of his chest.
"You must be shocked; your heart isn't where it should be."
Honestly, Minerva had to admire the fact that the insolent little kitten did not falter in his dramatics with her pointing out the key flaw in his act. If anything, he seemed to be encouraged.
"Ay! The pain of the shock, it has spread throughout my chest! Ah, I cannot breathe!" Severus swayed on his feet, leaning against the chair that Minerva was sitting in. "Oh, how your lie shocks me!"
"Well, then, you had better tell me what exactly I lied about," Minerva said briskly, "before you gasp all the air out of your skinny little lungs, laddie."
"You said," the boy said, a sudden glint in his eye and none of the apparent weakness, standing to face her and one of those long, delicate fingers pointed straight at her, "you said, that our interactions are without your will."
"That is no lie, what part of this looks like it's my will?" Minerva replied, knowing full well she wasn't going to appreciate the cheeky answer Severus had prepared for her.
"Why, the part where you remain for my company, mother," Severus replied, his voice light. "Surely, if you didn't want this, you would have, in your infinite wisdom, simply have employed your great power and assumed your famous feline form and just walked away from me."
Minerva fought her smile. His cheek was infuriating while his logic impeccable. "Perhaps I am simply conversing my energy, you arrogant wee rascal."
"You? Too lazy to avoid a nuisance?" Severus scoffed. "Minerva, you wound me. Don't you know how I know you? You've done much more to avoid the mildest of annoyances, do you truly think I believe that you are here against your will merely to converse your energy?"
Minerva let him see the flicker of a smile disgusted as a smirk, letting the bothersome raven have a little treat for his cleverness, hinting to him that he had essentially won this particular argument. "At my age you no longer have the patience to waste on annoyances. You learn to value your peace. You will understand that some day, I hope, little one."
"And if I die, my hair still black and my skin still smooth?"
Merlin, did the child have a turn towards the morbid. Minerva ignored the voice in her that told her that this would have been a retort of her own had she been in a similar conversation.
"Then you'll die a fool."
"A fool, perhaps, but my funeral will be the biggest," he replied, moving to sit on her desk and grabbing the biscuit jar. Minerva intercepted, lifting it from his grip and replacing it with a towel. His protests died in his confusion at the towel, and Minerva huffed and began to wipe his hands as if he was a child. She did not trust him to correctly clean his hands after handling goodness knows what when experimenting with his potions and she didn't care if he knew it.
"Aye, and how did you figure that?" she asked.
"Surely if I die young, I shall be the first. Therefore you all will be part of the funeral-"
"What makes you think I would want to attend your funeral, you little rascal?" She let go of his hands, almost satisfied that they weren't contaminated.
Severus ignored her and instead took a biscuit from the jar. "You will all be there, therefore I will have the biggest funeral. If I die old, you all shall be gone, so my funeral will be the smallest."
Minerva tried not to think of how depressing that sounded, how lonely it seemed. For a brief moment she felt guilty for being so old and he so young. She involuntarily could see him in her mind's eye, going through their funerals until he stood alone. She and the others- Rolanda, Pomona, Poppy, even Fillus and Hagrid- they were all of an age, weren't they? They could expect their lives to reach the end around the same time, surely? Severus was but a child next to them, he'd stand alone one day.
Minerva tried to ignore the ache in her chest at the thought of him standing alone. Merlin, no. He was far too young. No.
"You truly are besotted with the morbid and the miserable, you melanchonic masochist," she said, her tone just a trifle too sharp to be a simple retort.
Severus paused, swallowing the biscuit. Then he answered. "Ah, but the morbid is much more fascinating, the forbidden has a certain thrill, dear mother." His voice was a little softer, and his fingers, slightly coated in crumbs, were gentle when he tapped her forehead. He was sorry he upset her.
"You and your thrills," Minerva scolded, "yet you cannot even eat a biscuit without making a mess of yourself." Yet even as she spoke, the hand that she used to swipe the crumbs away, was gentle, almost tender, in its movement. She had quite forgiven him.
How could she remain angry? At this boy who looked at her with a scowl of indignation yet whose deep, dark eyes twinkled with mischief and cleverness and brilliance, who stood taller than her, yes, yet was far more delicate in his build than she had ever been, whose hair was as dark as hers had been in her youth, carelessly falling across his forehead. No, she could not remain angry.
If only he had been in Gryffindor, perhaps then she would have noticed him sooner. Or rather, if only her eyes didn't only open for her Gryffindors. How this boy could ever look at her without resentment and anger, she didn't know. Then again, he had been so incredibly isolated and lonely, was it any wonder he let go of his rightful grudges and instead accepted her friendship?
Minerva blinked as if soot from the fireplace got in her eyes. She didn't want him to notice the tears that almost inevitably formed whenever she thought about him. Who would have thought that she'd cry so much for the little devil?
"I'll leave you to your work, dear mother," Severus said cheerfully, hopping off her desk.
"Aye, after you've cleared out my biscuit jar, you villain" Minerva grumbled, looking into the empty jar. Severus shrugged.
"You ought to see it as a compliment towards your taste, really," Severus said. "But I see I have taken the last of your patience"- for indeed, Minerva looked ready to strangle him- "so I shall take my leave. Good night, my good Headmistress, and may you have peace in the silver embrace of the moon!"
And with a laughing twinkle in his eye and a boyish bow, Severus Snape left the room.
Minerva sighed. She wasn't sure if it was out of relief, or because she may have felt some sorrow at his departure.
The door opened again, and a rather meek Severus poked his head in.
"Er, Minerva?" he asked.
"Yes, Severus?"
"Er." Severus stepped in, looking away from her, walking with the awkward gait of a newborn foal, and the nervousness of a deer. "Er, Minerva?"
"Yes, Severus?"
"Am I really ugly, mother?" His voice was a whisper. His raven hair curtained his face, hiding his shame at asking such a pathetic question, and his fingers picked at one of the cuticles of a nail.
Minerva smiled, and walked to him. Softly she brushed the boy's hair out of his face and gently tucked it behind his ear.
"Only as long as you let yourself believe it, dear heart."
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eruhamster · 4 months ago
was thinking about how hua cheng was a violent menace to society pre-3rd ascension - like the rumors weren't wrong or just about the 33 gods, cuz even just in the early reverend of empty words arc as he's going through the list sqx gives xie lian, he's like 'oh no yeah i killed this guy, this guy, this guy, he xuan killed this guy, i killed this one too... ....like they deserved it tho gege. you'd get it if you were there'
and he's always been a little psychotic, like he as a small child survived a whole assault on the battlefield -in front of xie lian, ie didn't just survive by basis of xie lian being so strong- and was like, slaughtering what had to have been grown men. he killed people(and we know he did, he never got the face disease despite coming in direct contact with the first victims and also becoming a nurse) and didn't even seem fazed by it, even while xie lian himself was trembling afterward about having killed people for the first time, 7 years his senior and having grown up with a sword in his hand.
so like. do you guys think he ever gets like that now. like after the honeymoon phase ends and xie lian insists on going back to scrap collecting because he can't just stay idle forever (and we know he still does this given the bedtime story extra), hua cheng starts causing trouble if his gege's not around.
half of me feels like he wouldn't wanna make his gege disappointed in him so he wouldn't get too bad but i can't shake how funny it would be if the heavens have to beg xie lian to take hua cheng with him on scrap collecting trips, like an unruly child that cannot be trusted alone and won't react well to babysitters
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months ago
as an apology for being gone for a month, have a uquiz i spent a week making! pls feel free to reblog with which character you got, i worked way too hard on this silly little thing. there are eight different characters you can get that are varying levels of unknown, with comic recommendations for each character <3
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chibishortdeath · 6 months ago
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I just realized that I have a TON of picmix gifs I haven’t shown yet : O. Lydie’s gets to be her own separate post because I love her she’s so bestie and I’m very proud of this one :3.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months ago
everything about millie would make her such a great candidate for being an angel vessel except for the fact that she would be a massive cunt about it
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frogshipping · 27 days ago
🍎 🍇 🧅
Hi, Rebecca my beautiful mutual. Thank you for the ask as always <3
I'm answering for just one f/o today I think (feelin lazy lol)
🍎 - How easily does your f/o get sick? How stubborn are they about getting themself treated, or having their wounds taken care of?
Goku rarely gets sick, but when he does he can be quite stubborn! It's not that he doesn't want to be treated; it's that he doesn't like medicine, or having to lay in bed all day for multiple days. He will try to exercise or train while sick, and it can sometimes end up in an argument. Because he shouldn't be doing that! He needs rest! He's gonna make himself feel worse! But Goku doesn't care, 'cause he doesn't like being idle for more than a day. Goku also isn't the biggest fan of doctors, especially when sick. He's terrified that he might be given a shot instead of oral medicine, especially when he resists taking them. He's fine with getting wounds/injuries treated though, whether by a medical professional or Viti, as long as no one points a syringe his way (same tbh)
🍇 - Is your f/o more generous or more selfish?
I feel like Goku leans more towards selfish, though not terribly so. He doesn't always consider others feelings, however that's more out of ignorance than anything else. He wants what he wants, and it's not easy to change his mind when he's locked onto something. Even if it gets in the way of others or anyone's plans beyond his own. But he does care about others, and is around when it matters the most. He gives people the benefit of the doubt, even when they don't deserve it.
🧅 - What are people’s initial reactions to your f/o, and what have you learned about them now that you’re close to each other?
A lot of people think that Goku is dumb, or way too naïve, but that certainly isn't the case. He can be an airhead, sure, even ignorant at times, but he's definitely not stupid. He's very knowledgeable about his interests, strategic, observant when he wants to be, and aware of himself and his surroundings.
Viti discovers that he's also more emotionally aware than others believe. He doesn't always show it, because he doesn't think it's any of his business when people are upset or bothered. He'll offer an open ear or a shoulder to lean on, but won't press. He comes off as more nonchalant as a result. But he can tell when something's not right, or when somebody is excited but hiding it, or when the mood switches because of poorly spoken words. He knows, he just doesn't show that he does. Though with Viti, he will. With her, he makes the effort to.
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itsalwaysdark · 3 months ago
i think itis funny in the past when i would list my interests as if i post abt them i donot post abt the shit im into rly Mainly bc im not rly Into Into anything anymore i occasionally watch or read or play something but i dont do fandom stuff rly much.... just sometimes i get brainworms
#do i still list my interests somewhere i dont knowwww#i just stopped rly being into fandom a few years ago combination depression antipathy + bad experiences in fandom spaces#but idk. me listing my interests didnt rly accomplish anything for anyone bc it was just like anddd just so you know i was crazy abt this#video game for a rly long time it probably wont ever come up again but it might maybe one day. yk. ig its just sharing info Which is one#supposes the point of all of this but idk#its not that im cagey abt my interests except that one which i cant talk abt publically bc its a triple a game and im embarassed abt it. no#anything bad im just embarrassed . its not anything any of my oomfies have ever posted abt either so its just for me. and lamp . and when#the third game comes out i might post very very very vaguely abt it ......... possibly.#but ya its like. idk i think you guys have to find out abt my plague tale obsession on your own through lived experience. aka just me seein#like the word king and randomly collapsing to the floor and going KING HUGO 😭😭😭😭😭 oh god hugo guys oh god . please play plague tale#i wish i had finished that tw thing i started making but then i got too focused on the color palette and making it look nice and i stopped.#umm tw child death animal death The plague some gorey stuff theres some cult things in the second game ummm. yeah ..... its rly special to#me tho i love those games PLAY PLAGUE TALE!!! and if u need more indepth tws ill give them to you even if i have to replay both games to#refresh my memory... lamp wont play plaguetale with me (not their speed) so im all alone </3 but i miss it i might replay soon... i wish i#was in like discord servers so i could play it on call w ppl or something <- is in discord servers but is shy and Also i feel like playing#game on call is like a level like 2 friendship thing and i cant even do level 1 friendship things like i feel i need to at least be talking#regularly in a server b4 i like try to do Calls in the server esp for plague tale bc its like a 1p game so wed need a rapport to like have#shit to talk abt and etc ..... i could just infodump abt the game but again i feel doing that to like strangers/oomfies would b weird. ik i#come on here and talk abt whatever i want but its like you guys dont Have to read this and its not like a server where Yeah im not talking#to one person but im still like Oh well ive sent a message and its in the channel and everybody just has to look at it and whatever.#but on here i post i nobody cares and it just gets pushed down and its Fine bc its not like anybody has to feel obliged to respond#which is fine. you know.. i just hate being like a nuisance i hate . idk how to phrase. imposing myself on others ig.. which is dumb bc the#i turn around and whine abt how i have no friends and its like Maybe that is bc you donot talk to anyone bc yr scared they will be annoyed#with you and you dont leave the house and have no interests to bond with ppl and etc. but basically the difference is ive written all this#and you guys can just not read it or you can just read it and ignore it and its different. even tho i am like addressing you and i do have#like. weird parasocial thing with My followers or whatever where i talk directly to you YES YOU! reading this. IDKK im rambling so much i#dont know what im talking abt anymore. i proooooobably need to go to sleep im hungry tho but im not but i am. but i think my sleep is getti#off schedule again i had trouble sleeping yesterday too... ugh
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lanternlightss · 4 months ago
missing venti hours
#i am having thoughts . but i am not too confident to make them their own posts#mmmost notably#about how nice of a thought it is — to imagine a bard that ven can get to hold again. to hear again#but . the idea that in canon . the best he could do to replicate that feeling is either holding himself and pressing softly or perhaps#gathering a long pillow in his arms and pretending#because mortals do not last long (not without consequence). and as said so much — time is merciless. it matters not how the clock ticks away#for you. whether it be by seconds or minutes. hours or years. it marches along regardless of anyone’s feelings to it#and you have to grasp at what lingers in between : the bonds that you make . the joy and sorrow . the laughing and silence#and you have to hold them close close close. to preserve them for another day#there is no getting back what was lost#but that’s a bit too bittersweet so anyways#first and foremost ven is a nuisance and we love him for that#secondly and much more importantly than the first point is that ven is full of love and care that it surprises me how it does not burst out#from him. ven puts others before himself A LOT. he wants everyone to be able to live peacefully. happily#to find that they can live another day with a smile#and if that means assuring them of what’s to come. or offering them a shoulder to cry on. or making a fool of himself#then by the heavens himself will he sign up for the task#he is not !!! a lazy archon i refuse this notion#he cares deeply for his people !!! he watches and he will help if they stumble and will back away when they wish to walk forwards on their#own !! and they will make mistakes and they will learn from them and he will be there …!!!!! to see them grow !!!!!#besides mondstadt doesn’t particularly ?? seem like they want a god to truly rule over them . tbh#and this is disregarding the fact that mond . fucking killed their first god . ven is not going to risk that ???#so what use would it be — to start randomly showing up as a god and guiding them that way ?? that would be pressuring !!#does this . am i making sense . im very tired#it’s 2am#lantern says stuff
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superm4ks · 6 months ago
are we back
It's Baku bro even if we're back its joever ykwim
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miazeklos · 7 months ago
As it turns out, there are still few things that make me as happy as posting a fic/chapter hour(s) past midnight, switching off my laptop and basking in the glow of my silly little creation the next morning at work. <3 I will not be depriving myself of it again.
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momochiiee-reblogs · 1 year ago
Being screamed at for things that aren't my fault seems to be a norm in this house
There's cookware scattered an dirty? Guess who gets blamed for it? The exact one that almost never has spoons for cooking in the first place
I live cleaning the trail after me so they won't have any reason to scream at me, but my brother leaves absolute messes behind him and the screams are for me
Fuck off
#momochiiee mussings#then people ask why it's almost impossible to hear me walking around#I've grown used to avoiding at all costs being noticed and leaving anything that can tell I was through there#when I get up from the table I'm always told to put their dishes in the dishwasher as I am putting mine#then the days I'm not around no one fucking cleans the table after themselves and I am still the one that gets called dirty and messy#my room is a mess YES. but the rest of the house isn't my room and therefore Isn't my living space and I must make sure I do not litter#I clean my own room when I have the spoons for it and refuse for anyone else to do it for me. it's my mess and I must deal with it myself#why do they insist I am to blame for their own mess of the kitchen when I barely have the energy to cook once a month???#and it's not like they don't entrust other chores to me#but I digress I'm just mad because I've been blamed for the mess my dad and brother did and blamed on me just because I went there#every time I happen to have the energy to cook they complain about my cooking or blame messes on me even if I handwash & put away everything#it would be nice if they spared a fucking word of appreciation every now and then#I'm not asking them to call me endearingly but at least to not spit on any tiny effort I manage to make... or blame me for their mistakes#I'm starting to see how as soon as I am rendered jobless mid December I'll start to get screamed at again more often#and get the I'm a nuisance treatment because I can't afford basic stuff anymore#it's going to be a long year for sure... but I must put my all on the intensive classes so I can score a good job#If I manage... I will finally be able to get out of here and have my own space without any more screams#and without them brushing off my sensory triggers every time I try to explain how certain things and situations get me anxious af
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lilyliveredlittlerichboy · 2 years ago
it's funny how my outlook has shifted from
"i got basically the best start in life, being born to white, academically educated, loving parents, in West Germany in the 90s"
"there was literally no way i wasn't gonna emerge out of that life traumatised, as a neurodivergent, queer, and sensitive person"
and i think honestly 2 things can be true at the same time. i grew up in privilege and it fucked me up in a delicate and difficult to articulate way. my parents did the best they could with the information they had at the time; they still messed me up.
as I've learned about trauma and trauma responses, I recognise a lot of my behaviour as trauma response, even behaviour that's been a key part of me since before I started struggling in school. (The onset of my more visible, more obvious trauma.)
I just keep thinking about my personality being in close proximity to my parents, as a tiny baby, their first, when they were younger than I am now and likely overwhelmed and stressed out. I was an "easy baby", I would let them sleep through the night early, I was happy and smiley often from early on.
It could just be that that's who I am as a person, intrinsically. Passive, sweet, not wanting to be a nuisance.
But, knowing my brain, (not remembering early infancy stuff but still knowing that this is the same brain with its ridiculous ability to learn things extremely fast and hold on to the lesson for life) I can very easily imagine a situation where I cried for attention and noticed my parents being annoyed at that. A situation where I noticed patterns, for example mum is always annoyed if I cry late at night so I'll suck it up until the morning.
Can babies do that? It doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility, given the frankly stupid amount of control I have over my impulses, especially as someone with ADHD. Knowing how sensitive I am, knowing how fast I learn. Knowing how much I thrive off positive responses, how early did I learn that smiling gave positive responses and crying didn't?
It's a whole clusterfuck. Someone like me could have ended up on the receiving end of much worse abuse. Someone like me in a more destructive household could have either turned tough and uncaring, or died long before they reached my current age.
I still got probably one of the better starts in life, all things considered.
But damn, it hurts to think about this in detail.
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soupis4ever · 1 month ago
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updated oc "family tree" because the last one sucked majorly and did not specify what the hell any of those creatures were. also now we have god lore. and a very long tag rant apparently
#the gods have always existed but it seemed right to put them on the family tree this time around#anyway. now we can specify what individuals of each species may look like which was a great exercise because i was genuinely struggling to#figure out what the difference between dragonfolk and faeries was. turns out the answer was really easy#also tried to specify physical attributes and not magical ones#magic of course plays a huge role in this world but it does not define a creature#specifying that satyrs typically specialise in earth magic becomes redundant when 1. not all of them do that and 2. some have weak/no magic#like calvin! yes he does specialise in earth magic but it is weak to a degree that he is functionally magicless for a long time#and the 'dragonfolk usually spec into fire magic' becomes doubly redundant when pesky only knows ONE fire spell#because they have an inclination towards earth and an unwelcome shove into spirit#also switched the rodent role into just beasts. means that we can have everyones fursona here if we please#anyway note that gods are literally incomprehensible in form and angels are beings of pure magic#describing them as liquid and gas is a very mortal way of doing it. well that one looks wet so it must be liquid and that one is defo clouds#but they show up so infrequently in the mortal realm that a lot of people think theyre fake#speaking of fake - any god being worshipped that is not listed on this tree is either a false god or just straight up fakd#*fake#example of a false god is the wyrm that controls the mountain dragonfolk. it isnt a god but it sure as hell thinks it is#fake gods function a lot like santa. like yes they were based on a real dude but that guy is extremely dead and we have misinterpreted what#really happened so now we think they were a god who just. went back to the astral realm#oak and holly would be considered fake gods. they were once rulers of kingdoms who fought for every square inch of land#but give that a few thousand years and suddenly youre responsible for the changing seasons#which is awesome but unfortunately only two gods exist in this world#this is basically my blueprint for every fantasy story in my mind. things will change over time of course but this is a good starting point#and the typical inclination towards magic types based on species is getting scrapped due to natural variation#individuals are inclined but species often means environmental pressure. it is considered more conventional for satyrs to choose earth#doesnt mean they have to or that they have a drive to based on species. but they are often pressured to choose certain paths#anyway that is far too much tag rambling. back to our regularly scheduled programming (dashboard nuisance)#aureation
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gooutandtouchtherain · 2 months ago
just cut off 40cm/15“ of my hair ✂️
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