#i went for a run and felt like i was losing my damn mind because my arthritic knee that has popped out of its socket 4 times previously
fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
I did have a productive day tbh. I did all my work shit, I made two appointments and I went for a run for the first time in 5 days :)
#i was on the phone to my friend complaining throughout most of the work shit#she was bored at work (she is a cashier at a failing bike shop) and i was also bored at work (proofreading)#i did find out there was some kind of swat team situation in my town though and 3 people got arrested which is crazy#you don’t hear of this type of stuff happening here. they had 5 ambulances. i didn’t even know we HAD five ambulances available. like at all#anyway so the appointments are dentist because i FINALLY got a permanent filling last week but it SUCKS#i mean he covered the area that needs to be covered but there’s a sharp bit and it doesn’t feel secure and the bite is really bad#like the temporary felt better. if he could’ve just.. repeated the temporary but with permanent materials. i’d be fine!#but he decided to freestyle and i really must ask why#i wouldn’t mind but this isn’t an nhs dentist and it’s going to take me a week’s work to pay for this filling and it’s not even good#so i’m going back there and making them sort my shit out#i just hope they don’t have to give me anaesthetic because it took like 4 hours to wear off last time. and the injection site#was really sore! i think it bled at one point. or my gums did. SOMETHING bled. look i couldn’t work out what was going on but it was bad#it hasn’t happened since. is all i know#oh and i also made a physio appointment because the bone spur on my ankle is fucking killing me#i went for a run and felt like i was losing my damn mind because my arthritic knee that has popped out of its socket 4 times previously#wasn’t giving me any trouble at all; but my stupid ankle WAS#i keep trying to research what to do about this but google results are so full of AI garbage i can’t find anything specific#like okay WHAT kind of insoles or orthotics do i need? what type of shoes? what exercises should i be doing???#when i went to pick up my prescription i thought about asking the people at the pharmacy but they were so rude i just aborted that mission#i don’t know what’s gone on but they look at you as if you’ve just stumbled into their living room and started guzzling their ibuprofen#i’m like girl i just want my allergy pills. jesus#personal
0 notes
shy-writer-999 · 1 month
Embarrassing Confessions: Zoro is a virgin and he's insecure (Part 1)
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Author’s note: Part One is tame angst and pure plot (no smut), ~5,400 words. Part Two will have all the smut, so stick around for that. I have a fascination with the idea of Zoro pining over you in secret and getting flustered and embarrassed about it. In this fic, Zoro’s ego gets bruised and you comfort him. You both get drunk and Zoro runs his mouth too much. It’s a slow burn like my last fic and will also end with smut (◡‿◡✿) Plz note that the reader is sort of giving OC, she (you) gives a brief description of ‘losing’ her virginity to some guy from ‘back home’.
TW: Alcohol abuse – Zoro blacks out; also if you have emetophobia maybe skip this one? There's a brief nod to the usual hangover symptoms.
Embarrassing Confessions: Zoro is a virgin and he's insecure (Part 1)
Word on the ship was that Zoro was still a virgin. It had slipped out somehow, maybe in a game of spin the bottle or never-have-I-ever. But you learned about it secondhand when Sanji made fun of him for it, right in Zoro's face. Sanji said something crude, along the lines of "Zoro's just mad because his virgin ass has never gotten his dick wet."
Zoro was immediately livid. His face turned red and he snapped back with "Shut up Sanji, you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Fuck you." Genuinely upset, he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. When Sanji and Zoro bickered it usually had an element of playfulness, casualness, genuine annoyance, yes, but... you weren't sure that Sanji had said anything this cruel and embarrassing before, outing something that Zoro was, obviously, uncomfortable with and most likely embarrassed by.
You were surprised, both by Zoro’s reaction and the simple fact itself. You had always assumed that Zoro got action wherever he went, I mean, look at him. To think that he had never felt the touch of a woman… you honestly couldn’t wrap your head around it. And you felt like a creep because you were intrigued by it. Truthfully, your intrigue was not arousal but rather an earnest desire to learn more about this man who you had been developing feelings for, for months.
The only person who knew about your feelings was Nami. As soon as Sanji made the remark and Zoro stormed out, you immediately looked at Nami, and she glanced at you at the same time. It was like you exchanged a thought or read each other’s minds, one of those unspoken moments with your best friend across the room. It was a “what the fuck?” moment, a split second, but you knew that Nami would want you to go after Zoro and try to comfort him somehow.
You loved Sanji like a brother, but sometimes he could be a real asshole. “Nice one, Sanji,” you said sardonically, dead-pan and annoyed. “I think that was over the line this time.” You stared him down coldly. He immediately jumped to self-defense, but you waved your hand and told him to “can it,” as you exited onto the deck to see if Zoro was doing okay. You had no idea what you would say to him to make him feel better and you were sure that anything you said would come off as corny and patronizing, but you were damned well going to try. After all, it seemed like no one on the ship could talk about these things with Zoro except for you. There was something about you that made him open up, show a softer side, share things that he would otherwise have kept to himself.
Zoro was nowhere to be seen on deck, so that left only one option. You climbed up to the crow’s nest where he was sitting, scowling, and looking out over the open ocean. He was clearly mulling over Sanji’s comment in his head, turning it over and examining it from different angles, sitting in the embarrassment and trying to figure out why he felt so much shame. He never had put much energy into women, had no urge to ‘lose’ his virginity, as if that was an actual object that one could lose (he scoffed at the thought).
For a long time, Zoro felt like he wasn’t missing out on anything—as far as women were concerned, he couldn’t be asked. But in the past few months he had been feeling differently, no thanks to you. That’s why when he saw you climb into the crow’s nest after suffering that embarrassment from Sanji, he muttered fuck to himself and scowled even harder.
“Spare me the embarrassment,” he grumbled, turning his face away from you. He was starting to blush, but you didn’t notice it.
“That got you pretty worked up, huh?” You sat down on the floor near to him, cocking your head so you could peer more into his face, inspecting his impression, which he obviously did not feel like sharing.
Your observation was met with a terse silence.
“Hey, Zoro?” You said softly. He turned to meet your eyes as your tone shifted and you were caught off guard by how vulnerable and tortured his expression was. “It’s not a big deal. No one on the crew cares or thinks any less of you. Sanji was just trying to get under your skin, he didn’t mean to be cruel or malicious. You know he loves you like a brother.”
Zoro sighed and rested his head in his hands. “I know. I don’t know why I let that jackass piss me off so much… I guess he struck a nerve. I- I’ve been feeling… I don’t fucking know. I guess I’ve been feeling kind of... self-conscious about it, recently…” He trailed off. You were shocked by his candor. You were used to him being honest and more vulnerable with you, but this was more than you had been expecting. He was truly opening up to you. You had never seen him show an ounce of self-doubt or insecurity before.
“Yeah?” You prompted, feeling like he had more that he wanted to say. He turned to you again.
“I never really gave a shit about this kind of stuff before, y’know? I’ve got other stuff to keep me busy. But… recently… I don’t know.” He sighed.
You nodded in response. Zoro was a man of few words when it came to emotional vulnerability, and you could tell that the conversation was coming to a close.
“Well, Zoro, if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here. I was kind of a late bloomer so… I get it.” You looked at him carefully. “Let’s grab a drink later, ‘kay?” He nodded, and that was it.
You didn’t know that you were the main reason Zoro had been reflecting on being a ‘virgin’ (he hated that word). Talking to you about it made him feel some sort of way that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Something inside of him twisted a little bit when you had looked into his eyes so seriously and with so much care. He tried to shrug it off and went back to cursing Sanji in his head, avoiding the actual dilemma he was facing, choosing escapism and mentally berating Sanji instead.
That night, you and Zoro cracked open a few bottles of sake, as promised. You had done this countless times in the past and nothing weird or unexpected happened except a few lingering glances that you both played off. But tonight it seemed like Zoro was drinking more than usual. You got the impression that he was drinking away his sorrows or drinking to forget about how genuinely upset he had been earlier in the day.
You were matching his drinks, as you sometimes did, just for fun. It felt like a kind of silly competition between you two sometimes. But keeping up tonight was hard, you were already getting a stomachache and could feel the dehydration creeping in… you knew the hangover was going to be a monster.
When he got drunk drunk, Zoro could become callous, rude, sarcastic, kind of an ass. He never really sent that in your direction, it was frequently towards Sanji, sometimes Usopp, Luffy, even Nami, if he really was going crazy. It was your least favorite characteristic about him; it was concerning, and it was a huge turn-off. But usually it wasn’t too bad, only mildly annoying. At worst, it gave you a sort of mini-ick.
Tonight was shaping up to be one of those nights, had it not taken an unexpected left turn. You and Zoro were the only crew members drinking, and everyone else was doing their own thing. It was dusk, warm outside, and the stars overhead were already breathtaking. You found yourselves back in the crow’s nest. This was honestly Zoro’s safe space—the isolation gave him peace of mind.
Zoro was laying on his side, with his head propped up on one arm, leisurely facing you. You had been bickering and talking over silly things for a couple hours at this point, like tidbits of sword-making history, or how much meat you’ve seen Luffy eat at once. After a lull in conversation, Zoro finally broached what had been on his mind all day, a nagging thought at the back of his head that he knew that he shouldn’t ask, but he grew bolder as he got drunker. And he was getting drunker.
“Hey, Y/N,” he began. “When did you lose your virginity?”
That was really out of the blue. You were shocked by the question, not expecting it at all. You two had never talked about anything like this. Oftentimes it was Sanji crossing the line and you telling him to fuck off. But for Zoro to go there…? Weird. He was presumably just wondering about it since you said you were a late bloomer too, and you guessed he must be seeking validation. After all, he was obviously embarrassed about the whole thing. A little reassurance and sincerity couldn’t hurt.
“Well, uh…” You hesitated. “I actually had sex for the first time a couple years ago.” That was enough of an answer, right? No point in oversharing.
“What was that like?” He got bolder, locking eyes with you. He was certainly drunk, and you were too. But beyond that, you felt the vibe shift and his eyes seemed more intense. Your voice got caught in your throat for a second. He probably was just seeking some reassurance, right? Everyone always talked about how they had a horrible first time, I’m sure he’s looking for more confirmation or something like that because he’s insecure… you said to yourself.
“Oh, uh… It wasn’t the best first time but also not the worst. It wasn’t as bad as everyone kind of makes their first time seem, if you know what I mean? It was with some guy from my hometown, we grew up together. Kind of like a childhood crush, boy-next-door type of vibe.”
Zoro felt a pang of jealousy. The alcohol pushed him deeper into a grave of embarrassment, rash behavior, and unspoken boundary breaking that he was about to start digging.
“Lucky guy.” He murmured, barely audible, as he shifted onto his back with his hands behind his head, staring up at the sky. He wasn’t looking at you anymore, now staring straight up. You could see him exhale, jaw clenching.
Wait, what did he just say? ‘Lucky guy’?
You had no idea how to respond to that. He seemed to be implying that the man you slept with was lucky. And why would that be?
An unsure “What?” escaped your lips. It was purely a reflex, you weren’t expecting a real answer, you figured he was going to laugh it off, you heard him wrong, something like that. This was like really out of character for him, at least in your experience. You had honestly wondered if he was asexual sometimes because he just never said stuff like this and had never talked about it to anyone on crew. To hear him ask about this sort of thing after all this time was surprising. Maybe there was a side to him that you never knew.
Without hesitation, Zoro responded immediately, doubling down. “I said, lucky guy.” He turned and looked at you and blush quickly flooded your face. He wasn’t smiling, and his gaze was bold and almost piercing, so… it wasn’t a joke. Unless it was? If he was fucking with you then that would be weird as hell.
“Oh, uh… I guess he was lucky! Hahaha…” You tried to play it off with an awkward smile and half-hearted chuckle, hoping he didn’t notice that your face was bright red.
But Zoro kept going. “Were you surprised that I’m still a virgin?” You now realized he was faintly slurring his words. “I’m just curious.”
What was up with all these questions? You sighed. Well, whatever he wants to find out I guess he’ll find out. Looks like we’re playing 20 questions.
“Yeah, Zoro,” you responded. “To be honest, I was surprised.”
“Why?”  He asked forcefully, but this time he sat up from where he was laying and pulled himself a couple of feet in your direction. This would make him maybe a foot away from you, looking at you straight on. Your heart beat quickened.
Ok now this is getting weird. What is his angle? He must be feeling bad about the whole thing and now he’s fishing for compliments. With this conclusion, you rolled your eyes at him and exhaled. You could be playful with him now that you realized he just had a bruised ego, it wasn’t more serious than that. He was being a little pathetic, but that was all.
“Zoro, I’m surprised because you’re manly, strong, and attractive. Is that what you wanted to hear?” You kind of laughed.
And while you thought Zoro was fishing for compliments, you were wrong. He was finally asking you questions that had been burning in his mind for days. He sincerely wanted to know what you really thought of him, simple as that. And he was curious about your sexual life. He certainly was very drunk but even so, he still cringed as he asked each question. But fuck, he just had to know. He wanted to know so bad that he felt like he was suffocating. He had to have answers, but he was getting dizzy, his body felt heavy, all he knew was that he wanted to be closer to you.
He scooted closer again, so that your knees were touching. At this point your heart was beating out of your chest. His face was less than a foot away from yours. He may not have known, but you did have a painfully intense crush on him, and his closeness was having quite the effect on you. It was the same for him, too.
“Do you really mean that, or are you just saying it?” He slurred out again, stronger this time, leaning even closer. Your faces were maybe six inches away now. You were likewise feeling intoxicated, and it made time feel like it was slowing down, slogging along. Your intoxication was making you not only extremely thirsty (in both ways) but it was making you hyper aware and locked in to the blisteringly intense eye contact Zoro was holding with you, almost not blinking.
“I-I really mean it.” You squeaked out, almost as a whisper. Holy fuck, was he about to kiss you?
“Good.” He mumbled, and then he placed one of his huge hands on the cusp of your knee and thigh. He squeezed. You inhaled sharply. His eyes were still glued to yours. There’s no way he didn’t see your blush, it was vivid. He started to lean in, maybe for a kiss, perhaps he was advancing with no goal other than to be closer to you.
Right when you felt like you were about to explode from the blood rushing to your face and your heart beating out of your chest, Zoro’s eyes closed and he abruptly collapsed forward into your lap, letting out what sounded like a groan and then… was that…. Snoring? It looked like the alcohol suddenly hit him like a truck all at once.
Sure enough, you leaned over him and saw that he was passed out on your lap, mossy hair ruffled, and his mouth open ever so slightly. He is prone to sleeping randomly, you shrugged, and God, he looks so good. He even smelled good.
You sat there until you calmed yourself down, feeling his heavy weight in your lap, the warmth of his skin pressing onto yours. He hadn’t let go of your thigh yet. You shook his shoulder lightly. It was time for the night to be over—he needed to get off you so that you could get him water, a pillow, and a blanket. He’d have to fall asleep up in the crow’s nest because there was no way you could pick him up or drag him downstairs.
“Hey, Zoro?” You said softly. “Zoro, you need to wake up a bit. You need to move so I can get you a pillow and blanket. It’s bedtime. Hey.” You shook him again and couldn’t help but notice the hard ripples of his muscles under his shirt. You paused for a moment and patted his head. “Zoro. Wake up.”
“Wha-what?” He groaned, raising his head ever so slightly.
“Zoro, I need to get up really quick. Lay down on your side for me, ok?
He groaned again, making your heart skip a beat. Fuck, that noise was hot. Sheesh.
Evidently a colossal effort, Zoro squeezed your thigh tightly one last time then raised himself just barely enough to collapse onto his side on the floor next to you. You peered at him for a second, thinking he was passed out again, making sure he was ok. As you rose to your feet and started to climb downstairs, he stirred.
“Baaaby,” he grunted out needily. “Are you coming back, baabbbyy? Don’t just leave me up here, Y/N.” You froze and looked at him. He was in the same position, with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. And yes, you had heard him right. Because he had said it damn loud. Holy shit, that made you feel some sort of way. But Zoro was so drunk at this point there’s no way he could have any control over his words. The lights were on but no one was home. He mumbled your name one more time.
“Zoro, I’ll be right back, I’m grabbing you a blanket and a pillow,” you quipped back, and he murmured something nonsensical while you started the quick descent to the deck.
It took you less than a minute to get him a blanket, a pillow, a glass of water, and a bucket, in case he threw up. You grabbed yourself a pillow and blanket, too. You couldn’t conscience letting him sleep up there by himself when he was so drunk. It took you a couple trips, but you managed to bring everything up to the crow’s nest. Zoro looked like he was proper passed out, so you spread the blanket over him and knelt by his head. Again, you shook his shoulder softly. “Zoro, lift your head up. I brought you a pillow.” He complied. He looked so sweet and soft. You wished you could kiss his cheeks a hundred times and run your fingers through his hair so badly.
You dragged your own blanket and pillow to the other side of the nook, giving him as much space as you could. Moments after you curled up and shut your eyes, Zoro stirred again, letting off another string of vaguely suggestive entreaties. “Y/N,” he murmured, “why’re you… all the way over there… you don’t wanna… w-wwanna sleep with me???”
This poor dude isn’t going to remember a thing tomorrow, you thought. In this moment you pitied him. You were sure he just wanted you to come cuddle with him, which was really sweet and all, but he was way too drunk right now to be touched with a ten-foot pole. And you already knew that if he remembered any of this tomorrow, he’d be too embarrassed to look you in the eye.
“Zoro, go to bed, sweetie, it’s getting late.” He did some more grumbling and nonsensical whining in response but soon he was out like a light, and you followed suit quickly.
Sure enough, Zoro woke up at sunrise feeling like absolute shit. He was hungover. Monstrously hungover. He couldn’t remember most of the tail end of last night and that made him uneasy, embarrassed at the thought that he could have said something out of pocket to you. He didn’t even want to think about the possibility of drunkenly confessing his feelings. As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and tried to work the stiffness out of his neck, he realized that you were sleeping peacefully across from him. You must have brought out the pillows and blankets, the bucket and glass of water (which he promptly chugged). His heart twisted a bit when he realized how thoughtful and caring you had been towards him. Fuck.
You were breathing quietly, sleeping on your side facing him. Your hair was messed up, all flopped to one side, your face was soft and sweet. He just watched you sleep for a few minutes, realizing that he was being creepy as fuck but thinking he would not have the opportunity to sit and stare at you like this for a long time. He was taken with you. Anything that you felt even remotely insecure about, Zoro loved about you. On top of that, he thought you were ethereally beautiful; he would muse over how soft your skin must be, how good your hair must smell, how he hoped he’d be able to see the color of your eyes closer, how beautifully your lips turned up into a smile whenever you would see him. He wasn’t merely infatuated with your beauty—it was more than that. He admired you as a person, he thought you were brilliant, smart, and kind.
Fuck. He berated himself. You fucking idiot, what did you say to her?
He remembered asking you when you lost your virginity—or, er… did he ask you how you lost it? It was hazy. He certainly remembered throwing back the glasses of sake like they were water.
He blushed crimson immediately upon remembering that he made some comment like “lucky guy” or “lucky dude” while referring to the first man you had sex with. Fuck, that was embarrassing. And he had a feeling that he took it one step further than that, maybe he said or did something else… he wasn’t sure at that point. He hoped he hadn’t done anything that made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
Zoro rarely ever drank this much—he must have been feeling extra bothered and upset by Sanji’s comment about his virginity. Zoro knew that drinking was a horrible, horrible way of coping with his feelings. But sometimes he felt like he just wanted to self-sabotage or self-indulge in feeling like shit. And alcohol certainly made him feel like shit. But he had never drank this much when you were around.
Zoro wasn’t so sure how Drunk Zoro would handle your presence. He had a sinking feeling that he probably made himself look like an ass. Maybe he got way too loud, maybe he overstepped with his questions, maybe he came off as some huge, perverted creep trying to get a better picture about what it would be like to fuck you. He felt many, many pangs of regret and repulsion at himself. He was being hard on himself.
And while it definitely would have embarrassed him, and he would have felt more ashamed than he already did by knowing everything he said, he would have been surprised to know that the version of Drunk Zoro with only you around wanted nothing more than to be close with you—evidenced by the scooting closer, touching your thigh, staring deeply into your eyes, entreaties to sleep with (or was that by?) him. But he had no way of knowing what he did yet, because you were asleep, and he was prideful.
All this angsty reflection and regret was quickly interrupted by the hangover. He needed to do something about that. It was becoming a problem fast. He refused to make any sort of use out of that bucket while you were around. So, he swiped up the bucket, his empty glass, his pillow and blanket, and shuffled down the ladder steps.
When he was feeling less disgusting and had chugged a few more glasses of water, Zoro wondered what to do with himself. He would normally be up in the crow’s nest around this time of morning. And it didn’t escape him that you were going to be extremely hungover as well, especially because you had been matching his drinks for the most part (he could remember that) and you had way less of a tolerance than him.
He decided that he ought to bring up some water to you and hang out up there until you woke up. Maybe he’d be able to gauge how massively he fucked up by your expression or demeanor. Only one way to find out. Also, he’d take any opportunity and use any excuse to spend some peace and quiet with you. It was a treat that he rarely got.
He filled a big glass of water for you, and something struck him—what if he brought you up some fruit for breakfast? Would that be weird? He knew that you usually had fruit for breakfast, so… why not? He couldn’t think about it too much or else he’d clam up and get too shy. Fuck it, he told himself. Fruit it is. What’s an added benefit was that no one else was awake to tease him about bringing you breakfast or spending the night with you. So he took a couple of extra minutes to wash up and chop some fruit for you. He plated it as neatly as he could and grabbed a napkin as well. It was a simple but wholesome, caring gesture.
By the time Zoro was making his way back up to the crow’s nest, you had been awake for a minute or two. You were stretching as he climbed into the nook and your eyes met his with a sweet smile. “Good morning,” you chirped, feeling like shit from the hangover, but also tickled that you got to spend just a little bit more time with Zoro. You thought there was absolutely no way he remembered any of the advances or suggestive remarks from last night, and you wouldn’t hold any of it against him or treat him any differently for it. You were just happy to be hanging out with him, and the morning was beautiful. You felt no pressure or even desire to let him know everything that he said last night in the pits of drunken belligerence, and you didn’t plan on sharing unless he prompted.
“Hey,” he greeted you and placed the plate of fruit and glass of water next to you. “Here’s some breakfast. Figured it may get me even with you, since you took care of me last night. Sorry if I was an ass.”
Zoro was doing something as sweet as bringing you breakfast? You knew he had it in him. You always thought that there was some softness and sweetness to him, under those tough layers. Gosh, this was really nice of him.
“Thanks for bringing me fruit!” You responded. “You didn’t make an ass out of yourself, you were actually being really sweet,” you smiled again, and his heart skipped a beat. It felt like it twisted a little bit. Fuck, he had such a crush on you. He felt cringey and awkward when you were around sometimes, hyperaware of his every move, wondering how you felt about him. It was so easy for him to blush when you were around, too. He hoped every time that you couldn’t see it. He knew now that he must have been turning various shades of pink and red because he felt the hot blood rise to his face… and this time you did notice. His cheeks took on a pinkish flush, a shade that fitted him so well. God, he’s so cute, you thought to yourself. He was blushing so hard because you called him sweet.
“Oh, uh.. Sweet? What do you mean?” He acknowledged what you said out loud, putting out a sort of rhetorical question. How had he been sweet? Were you referring to the intrusive questions about your virginity, or did he do something else? What on earth could that mean?
You felt like teasing him a little bit with your answer—nothing too serious, since he seemed a little worried about it. “Yeah, you were sweet… you did call me baby a couple of times. It wasn’t too bad.”
Zoro turned crimson. He started to stutter out an apology— “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I-”
“Zoro,” you cut him off. “It’s fine, don’t worry. I know you didn’t mean anything by it. You were super drunk.” He attempted to stutter out another apology and you waved your hand. “Don’t worry, seriously, it wasn’t creepy or anything, it was cute.”
Neither of you thought Zoro could blush any harder, but he did. Cute? He was getting so flustered. He took a beat before hoarsely choking out a response. He expected that he had been a bit weird but… calling you baby? Get a grip, man! He scolded himself. But if that was all… it could have been a lot worse.
“Aghhh… Did I do anything else humiliating?” He asked, shaking his head and covering his eyes with his hand, visibly cringing. He didn’t even think to ask what context he called you baby in. It didn’t matter. He had called you baby, and that was that.
“I wouldn’t say it was humiliating but when you were falling asleep you kind of like… asked me to get in bed with you? It wasn’t creepy though, I think you were chilly.”
Zoro’s jaw dropped. Oh my fucking god. Get in bed with her?! What the fuck? He reprimanded himself internally. This was so much worse than he could have imagined. “Look, I’m so, so sorry I… I don’t know what got into me. I’m sorry, I-”
“Zoro, don’t worry about it, seriously. It was endearing and I didn’t take it any sort of negative way.” You took note of how absolutely vivid red his cheeks were. His fists were clenched. Poor guy was obviously going through it.
Zoro was turning the words over in his mind again and again—sweet, cute, endearing. He had never received any of this sort of praise from you before and it made his stomach flip.
Suddenly a shrill voice cut through the air. “Y/N, MY DEAREST SWEET~~ WOULD YOU LIKE SOME COFFEE MY DARLING?” Sanji shouted up to you in the crow’s nest.
You smiled and rolled your eyes at Zoro, sort of mocking Sanji. “Let’s do this again soon, Zoro… silliness aside… I had a really nice time. You really were being sweet so don’t worry about it. I’m going to get some coffee and take a shower. Thanks for the fruit!” You gathered your fruit and glass and shouted back down at Sanji. “Coming!” You did one last pretty smile and wave and then descended below.
Zoro was still reeling from the revelations of his drunken antics. He could have jumped overboard right about now, had it not been for your repeated description of him as “sweet” and “cute.” Your words rang in his ears—“Let’s do this again soon, Zoro.”
So he had called you baby and tried to get you to sleep with him, but it had been sweet and cute? It didn’t really make sense to Zoro but something inside of him fluttered a little bit. You weren’t totally averse and disgusted towards him after last night, so… that was good, right?
Zoro was absolutely mind-fucked at the whole interaction. He was kicking himself in embarrassment, flustered, bright red, his heart was beating out of his chest, but he was also ecstatic because you said you wanted to spend more time with him again. He was completely ashamed but buzzing at the same time. He hadn’t felt like this in years and years, in fact, he wasn’t sure if he had ever been this worked up about a crush before.
Upon second thought, he realized that he did have a shadow of a memory of him calling you baby, along with a suggestion in his mind of the moment when he groaned your name and begged you to come to bed with him. He had wanted you to curl up next to him and sleep there, to be close with him, to feel your warmth, your skin, your heartbeat. He couldn’t believe that all of this started because Sanji’s asshole remark yesterday about his virginity. And there was that virginity and you, two things that were currently posing a problem for him. He could only let himself fantasize slightly about fucking you, but… he didn’t let himself get too carried away (yet).
Stay tuned for part two: Zoro is yet again sexually frustrated, and you decide to help him solve his problem (smut, smut, smut)!
Update: Here's part two!
And here's my masterlist...
♡^▽^♡ (◕ㅅ◕✿) ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚
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demonpiratehuntress · 10 months
Sanji x F!Reader
Summary - based on Boyfriend by Big Time Rush. Sanji keeps asking you out and you keep saying no, until you change your mind. Could work for both LA and anime Sanji.
Warnings - none, i think?
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"Man, I really need a boyfriend."
You sighed as you rested your chin on the palm of your hand, one arm propped up on the table. Nami rolled her eyes and laughed at you as you gazed longingly at the couple dancing on the far side of the room.
"I didn't know you liked dancing," the orange-haired navigator teased.
"You know what I mean!" You sat up straight and groaned. "I just want someone to hug and kiss and do all that couple-y stuff with."
Nami faked gagging, and you shot her a glare.
"I'LL BE YOUR BOYFRIEND, (NAME)!" Sanji came running, almost knocking down a few chairs. His overenthusiasm attracted attention, and your face went beet-red as some people looked at you.
His jaw dropped at your reply, genuinely shocked. When Nami rejected him, he would usually dismiss it with another heart-eyed stare and say how wonderful she is even when she's rejecting him. But for some reason, rejection from you wasn't sitting well with the cook. He knew why, you didn't.
"Why not?" He pouted, taking the seat next to you. "I'd make a great boyfriend."
"That's debatable," you argued, trying to conceal how you really felt.
Truth be told, you did have a massive crush on the cook. But his gravitation towards flirting with every damn woman in sight was not attractive, and it put you off. You were upset by it, because you knew for a fact that he would not stop even if you agreed to date him. And you wanted someone who was ready to commit to you, and you alone. Someone who wouldn't look another girl's way.
This was not the first time Sanji asked you out. It was more like the...sixth? Seventh? You were honestly losing count. He asked you out more times than the Going Merry stopped at islands. He was persistent, and he wasn't showing signs of giving up.
But you still had a very different idea of the kind of boyfriend you wanted. And as much as it pained you to keep rejecting Sanji's advances, you didn't want to be hurt by him. You were afraid that if you gave him a chance, he would stop acting so nice and sweet to you and instead direct his attention more towards other women. In essence, you were scared to enter a relationship with the flirtatious love cook.
"Take a damn hint, you stupid love cook," Zoro grumbled as he also joined you ladies at the table.
Sanji glowered at him, saying something equally rude back, and the two almost clashed if not for Nami pulling their ears. You laughed, shaking your head as your eyes wandered back to the slow dancing couple, your smile falling just a little bit.
"(Name), do you want to go out with me now?"
You didn't even look up from your book, not noticing the crestfallen look on his face after you outright rejected him yet again. He still hadn't given up, because he was sure he could get you to date him, but you were just becoming colder and colder with each advance.
"Why not?"
"You know why."
"No, I really don't."
You sighed in frustration, snapping your book shut as you glared at him, "I don't want a boyfriend who will go around drooling over every pretty woman that passes by. Is it so bad that I don't want to date you because you can't keep your attention on one woman? If you were really serious about dating me, you wouldn't give any other lady the time of day." With that, you got up and stormed off, hot angry tears running down your flushed, red cheeks.
You were angry. So angry. And frustrated. Why the hell could he not see that his playboy attitude was not attractive to you? You were hurt. Surely if he really wanted you he could set aside his desire to flirt with anything remotely feminine.
But he couldn't. And you weren't going to change your mind. So it would never work anyway...
He sighed, "I really want you to be my girlfriend."
He sighed again, but this time didn't press further. You peered at him over the top of your book, watching him walk away again. The crew had arrived at another island, and he had asked you to take a walk again, but you refused. You were stubborn that way. As much as it was hurting you, you knew you would feel worse if you agreed to date him and then spotted him giving some random woman the heart-eyes.
"Maybe you should give him a chance," Nami slid into the seat next to you. "I think he genuinely wants to be with you."
"Oh?" You raised an eyebrow. "What happened to the whole 'boys are stupid' thing?"
"They are," she laughed. "But it's different for you and him."
You and him.
You sighed, looking at your hands, "There's no such thing."
"Come on," she nudged you, "You won't even let yourself try it. I mean, sure, he has a very annoying habit, but if he dares do that with you then you know I'll just whack him. And raise his debt."
You laughed at that, shaking your head, "Oh I know. But still..."
"You're afraid to get hurt, I know," her voice softened, "But we're still pirates. Taking risks is part of the game."
You knew she was right. She hardly ever wasn't. But you were stubbornly resisting the idea of giving into the cook's advances, until she suddenly whacked you on the head.
"Fine! Damn, woman."
You grumbled as you got up and left the ship, heading into the small town to search for your blonde crewmate. You assumed it would be easy, since he was the only person in a suit, but it was harder than you anticipated. He just wasn't anywhere. You were about to give up when you heard your name being called.
You turned, to see Sanji running up to you eagerly. He was waving his hand in the air, clutching something you couldn't see but that he was excited to show. He panted when he finally came to a stop in front of you.
"Sanji-" You started to say.
"Wait," he cut you off gently, "Just...let me speak." He took a deep breath. "I know I tend to flirt with a lot of women and just turn into this heart-eyed idiot whenever I see one, and for that I am really, really sorry. I know it hurts you. And I know that's the reason you keep rejecting me. So," he opened up his hand to reveal two necklaces, one with your name on it and one with his. "I thought this might help. And Usopp actually kind of rigged mine, to shock me any time I think of flirting with someone else."
You were too stunned to respond as he kept rambling on about what his necklace would do to him, looking between him and the personalised chains. You didn't know what to say, or how to feel. For once, you were confused.
"Do you not like it?" He frowned, disappointment creeping up on him.
Your eyes widened and you jerked forward to take the one with his name on it, "No, no! I do, it's just..." You looked down at the elegantly-printed name hanging from the chain. "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to get shocked to death, you know."
He laughed and helped you put it on, "I won't. It's not that bad. But even so, I plan to focus all of my attention on you." He kissed your temple, but it was rushed and uncertain, like he thought you'd smack him for it.
"Let's see how long that lasts," you teased him, smiling as you leaned up to press your lips against his.
The kiss didn't last long, because suddenly he jerked away from you with wide eyes.
You sighed, "Sanji..."
"I'm sorry! I was thinking about how I'm going to break the news to Nami..."
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slaybestieslay946 · 7 months
Hey! I love ur blog and I saw ur accepting requests for luke castellan, (I’ve never requested a fic before so I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong lol)
Could I have a fic where reader comes to camp in the middle of the night after getting attacked by monster(doesn’t matter which monster) but after they’re in camp and moved into the Hermes cabin they’re distant and angry because theyre pissed off at the world and the gods. Luke being luke though doesn’t give up on trying to make the reader feel at home and tries his hardest to get them out of their shell. UNTIL reader gets claimed by Zeus and gets moved to the lonely Cabin 1 and can’t sleep so they go back to Hermes cabin and Luke lets them sleep in his bunk w him and fluffy ending of such
Damn that was a lot it’s totally ok if u don’t want to do this!
Thank you!!!
I really love this idea, and I'm so glad you love my blog! Hope you enjoy!
Mystery Girl
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word count: 2700
pairing: luke castellan x zeus!reader
warnings: minor depictions of violence, readers kind of a bitch but like not really.
a/n: reader is so unbothered i kinda aspire to be her
Late at night, you stumbled through the camp's threshold, leaning on Aspen, your protector. He was equally leaning into you, and you couldn’t tell whose blood it was soaking threw your shirt, yours, or his. 
You could see a few buildings at the bottom of the hill, and a few of them had lights on. 
“Help, please!” You shouted, weakly raising your arm to catch some sort of attention. 
Aspen did the same, his exclamations a mix of real words and pained bleats. 
Eventually, people began emerging from the buildings, rubbing their eyes in exhaustion, trying to work out what was going on. You and Aspen continued to shout for help, shuffling slowly down the hill, praying that you wouldn’t bleed out before you reached the bottom. 
Finally, someone seemed to realise you were in trouble, and a boy about your age began jogging up the hill towards you. His face was mostly calm, and he opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, halting when he saw the blood on your clothes and the used spear in your hand. 
You instinctively let go of Aspen, and rushed forward to seek help.
“Please, help me.” You pleaded desperately, losing your balance and stumbling forwards towards him. 
“Alright, alright.” He said, catching you by the arm and holding you steady, before shouting down at the campers below, “These two need to get to the infirmary! Someone wake the Apollo cabin, yeah?!”
He then turned back to you, holding you steady by the arms and trying to assess the damage. 
“It’s alright, yeah? You’re safe now, we just gotta get these cuts checked out, hm?”
You tried to nod, but found you couldn’t move your head, or your body. You tried to speak, tried to tell him that Aspen needed help too, but your mouth couldn’t move either. 
And then your vision went black. 
When you woke up, you thought you were in heaven. It smelt nice, homely. Not that you really knew that home was supposed to smell like. 
It was warm too, and you felt yourself sighing contentedly. If this really was heaven, then you didn’t mind being there all that much. 
After a while, you decided it was time to open your eyes, maybe go and explore the afterlife. 
But when you tried to sit up, you felt a sharp jolt of pain that snapped you back to reality. You let out a small hiss in discomfort, lowering yourself back into the bed. 
Slowly, the memories began to come back to you, leaving school, Aspen forcing you onto a road trip, nearly getting killed by a monster, and finally passing out on the hill of a ‘camp’. 
Heaven sounded preferable. 
You took in the room. It seemed like any old house, a dresser in the corner along with a wardrobe and old floral wallpaper that even covered the ceiling. Until you noticed another bed beside yours, with Aspen asleep on it, and one beside his. 
You remembered the words of that boy who’d run to you, and you figured this must be the infirmary. 
“Hey, Aspen.” You whispered, turning your head to the side and trying to ignore the sting of your injuries.
“Aspen!” You called again, raising your voice, but still he didn’t hear you. He must still be asleep. Lucky bastard. 
You huffed, sinking fully back into the pillows and waiting for someone to arrive. Thankfully, it didn’t take long, and soon enough a young boy was coming in, holding several canisters of liquid. 
“Oh, you’re awake,” He grinned, “How’s the pain?”
“Bad.” You replied, groaning at the thought. 
He chuckled, “Not surprising. You got some nasty scratches from that monster. Here, drink some of this, it’ll fix you up.” 
He offered one of the canisters to you, and you took it, regarding it with a certain amount of suspicion. 
“What’s this?”
“Nectar. It’ll help, trust me.” 
You relented, deciding that it was worth the risk if it would get rid of some of the throbbing in your back. 
And he was right, almost immediately, you felt soothed, and as you drank more, you began to feel energised, like you could conquer the world. 
“What did you say this was? Nectar?” 
“Yep. Food of the gods.” 
“Where’d you get this stuff?” 
“Oh, we get shipments from Olympus every month. You won’t find that at your local grocery store.”
“Woah, woah, woah.” You held up your hands to stop him for a minute, “What do you mean Olympus?” 
The boy's eyes widened, and some kind of realisation struck him. 
“I don’t think I should be the one to break this to you.” 
Just a few hours later, everything had been explained to you, and you were kicked out of the so-called ‘Big House’. Nice of them to do that, considering a centaur had just dropped the bombshell that you were the child of an ancient Greek god. 
To be fair though, you probably should have clocked that something was up when you were being chased by a mythical beast, but then again, you did have your hands full. 
Now, you were sitting on the front steps of the porch, waiting for some kid to show you round the camp. 
“Hey, mystery girl! Good to see you’re feeling better.” A voice called out, and you looked up to see the very same boy who had come to your aide on the hill. 
“Oh, hi. Yeah, I’m all good.”
“Cool. Nice to meet you, by the way. I’m Luke.”
“Right, so, I’ll start the tour.” He declared, flashing you another bright grin which you feebly returned. 
He started the tour off at the dining pavilion, then showed you the amphitheatre, then the strawberry fields, the archery range and the lake. 
Finally, he introduced you to each of the cabins, skipping over the empty cabins 1, 2 and 3. 
“And this,” He gestured to the eleventh cabin, “Will be where you’re staying.”
“Woah.” You said, stepping back, “What do you mean staying? I can’t stay here.” 
He looked at you blankly, “You don’t really have much of a choice, mystery girl.”
“Yeah, I do. I can leave whenever I want, you can’t do anything about it.” 
“You wanna get killed by a monster? Because if I remember right, you came awfully close a few days ago. That’s why you can’t leave.” 
“Well I guess I’ll just have to take that chance. Appreciate the tour and everything, but I’m going.” You then turned on your heel and began to walk away. 
There was no chance in hell you were staying in this camp, and if it had to be over your dead body, then so be it. 
However, your desertion was halted by Luke grabbing you by the hand and pulling you back. 
“I’m not kidding, Y/N. You’ll die as soon as you step past that barrier. Just,” He sighed, seemingly exasperated, “Stay for one night. It’s not that bad here once you get used to it.” 
You glared up at him, weighing your options. He seemed pretty serious about this. 
“And you can’t leave Aspen when he’s still in critical condition?”
That broke your resolve.
“Fine. I’ll stay until Aspen wakes up. Show me my bunk.” 
He grinned, and turned back to Cabin 11, showing you inside. 
Turns out, Aspen waking up wouldn’t be such a close deadline as you thought. As it turned out, he’d been hit by some kind of poisonous claw from the monster, and had been put into some kind of coma. 
So now, as prior to your agreement with Luke, you were stuck here until he woke up. Which could be next week, or next year for all you knew. 
And yeah, you felt bad for the guy ‘cause he was in a coma, but it was seriously messing up your plans of leaving camp. 
Because you hated camp. 
The Hermes cabin stunk, and it was constantly noisy. Probably because there were so many people in there all the damn time. 
You also sucked at most of the stuff around camp. 
You weren’t exactly nurturing, so it was a no to the infirmary and the strawberry fields. You were an awful shot, and when you had a go in the forges you dropped a mallet on your foot. You were still recovering from that one. 
It seemed the only thing you were even slightly good at was fighting, mainly with the staff Aspen had lent you during the fight with the monster outside camp. Still, you weren’t great, unlike Luke who had insisted on taking you under his wing. 
He sat with you at every dinner and breakfast, and always seemed to be there when you turned a corner, or found a moment of peace. 
Yes, it was very kind of him to try and settle you in, but it was pretty futile, considering all you had wanted to do ever since you woke up was leave, consequences be damned. 
The one saving grace to your boredom was capture the flag. Luke had told you about it on your first day, and it was a game you remembered playing as a kid, and really enjoying. Apparently they ran a game every month, and this coming Sunday would be your first time playing.
The day of the game arrived, and for the first time in your two weeks at camp, you were in a decently good mood, and of course, Luke took notice of this. 
“What’s got you so happy, mystery girl?”
“Nothing. Besides, why do you keep calling me that, you know my name now, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but you're just so private and mysterious. I’m surprised you even told me your name.”
“I wish I didn’t, Castellan, maybe you wouldn’t be here to bug me all the time.” 
“Ouch, don’t be like that. You know I’m great company really.” 
You didn’t reply to that, instead rolling your eyes at him and returning to the task of tightening your armour, struggling a bit with the straps. 
Luke quickly came to your aid, much to your chagrin, helping you adjust the breastplate so it fit properly. 
“Thanks.” You sighed reluctantly, quickly stepping away from him to grab your spear. 
“No problem.” 
Soon, the game was well underway, and you quickly realised that you had been given possibly the most boring job, that being guarding the perimeter. Not that you could really blame your team leaders, you were the newest member and logically the most inexperienced. But still, you’d been hoping for something a little more exciting. 
Every now and then you heard the odd shout further on in the woods and raised your spear, but you never actually caught sight of anyone from the opposing team. Or your team for that matter. 
You really had been given the short straw. 
After another hour of standing there, you were about ready to quit all of this completely, throw off your armour and escape camp, agreement with Luke be damned, that was until you heard hurried footsteps, and someone panting heavily coming from behind you. 
You quickly whipped around, to see a girl from the Ares cabin, holding your flag, standing about 50 feet away. 
Then you heard another step of footsteps, and there was Luke, around the same distance away, holding the opposing team's flag. 
You really didn’t want to be caught in the middle of something this exciting. 
They both began to run towards the threshold at top speed, and you stayed standing between them, unsure of what to do. Should you step back and let Luke do his thing, or should you step in to stop the girl. She looked pretty terrifying. 
You whipped your head side to side, continuing to debate, and in the midst of your dilemma, you realised the girl was much closer to you than Luke was. Fuck. 
You had to stop her somehow, but you obviously could just slash blindly at her, you didn’t want to behead her. 
And then, suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree, falling directly in her path, and she leapt back to avoid it, stumbling and also falling to the floor. 
Luke kept running, swerving around the fallen tree and onto your team's territory, cheering as the red flag shimmered and turned blue, and the conch sounded. 
You quickly ran over to the girl, clambering over the tree in an effort to help her up. 
She looked up at you in shock and confusion, but her eyes seemed to be focused on the space just about your head. 
“What’s wrong?” 
She pointed above you, “He claimed you.” She stuttered out. 
You looked to where she was pointing, and saw a lightning bolt shining above your head. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” 
Of course you had to be Zeus’ kid. Just your luck, a forbidden child, with some stupid prophetic destiny. 
If you ever met your father, you’d be sure to give him an earful about his part in your conception. 
Almost immediately after capture the flag, you were announced to the camp by Chiron, and then promptly herded into the empty cabin 1. 
And you never thought you’d say it, but you missed cabin 11. Sure, it was a mess, and the kids in there didn’t know how to shut up, but at least it had some semblance of life, unlike your new home. It was barren, and empty, and you hated it. 
It was even worse now that you had your own permanent bed. Before you’d had at least a pipedream of leaving camp and going off on your own again, but now that was entirely gone. Chiron would never let you out of his sight ever again, not now that you were a child of the ‘Big Three’. You were so screwed. 
You tossed and turned for hours in bed, unable to sleep in the unfamiliar environment, and, strangely, uncomfortable with the crushing loneliness you felt. 
You’d never felt lonely before. Your whole life, you’d been pretty much alone, but that was by choice. This time it was by force, and you felt isolated from everyone else at camp. Suddenly you regretted your refusal to make friends. 
So, your feet naturally carried you to the only person you could kind of call a friend, and you weren’t surprised when you landed outside Luke Castellan’s window. 
You gave it a light tap, and he opened his eyes, giving you a sad smile as he saw your face through the window. It looked like he hadn’t slept at all either. 
“Can I come in?” You mouthed through the window, and he quickly nodded, reaching up to open it and let you in. 
“Thanks,” You whispered, stepping down onto the hardwood floor. 
“No problem. Having trouble sleeping?” He asked, patting the spot beside him. You gladly sat down.
“Uh, yeah. It’s really empty there.” 
“Hm, sure is. You sure you didn’t just miss me too much?”
“Maybe I did Castellan.” You declared, shrugging your shoulders as if it were the most ordinary thing in the world to say.
 “I’m sorry though, Luke. I’ve been kind of an asshole ever since I got here.” You said, looking down at your muddy shoes. 
“Hey, I get it. It’s an adjustment, that’s for sure. I’ve dealt with worse from newcomers.” 
“Thanks. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me, even if it doesn’t seem like it.” 
You both fell silent for a moment, listening to the snores of the kids around you before he piped up again. 
“Hey, I don’t mind you staying here tonight if you want?” He said, his voice slightly awkward. You paid it no mind.
“I’d like that.” 
He moved to the other side of the bed as you removed your shoes, rolling onto the bed beside him. 
You were both silent again for a while, until Luke’s voice yet again came from beside you. 
“I’m gonna have to come up with a new name for you now, huh?”
“What, I’m not mysterious anymore?” You asked, feigning offence. 
“Not now that we’re best buddies. I’m thinking… Sparky!” 
“That is god awful.” 
You snickered under your breath at his idiotic sense of humour, and allowed yourself to sink into the bed beside him. 
And for the first time, you didn’t want to leave.
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gojoidyll · 6 months
Imagine being the first Gojo to have both the six eyes and be able to handle such techniques such as infinity and hollow purple back during the Heian period with Sukuna, the one and only King of Curses, being your rival.
Back in the day, during that time period, good and evil wasn't so clear. Sorcerers and Curses alike fought to gain the upper hand to stand at the top of the world.
You and Sukuna, on the other, didn't have to prove anything as you both were already such prominent and powerful figures that all knew of and didn't dare fight.
But eventually you found your weekly fights with Sukuna to be getting worse. You were on the losing end more frequently.
You couldn't pinpoint why you were weakening and why Sukuna was getting stronger still. Well, until it became obvious.
You were growing older.
Back during the prime of your youth, you could keep up with Sukuna easily and bat away any curses or sorcerers who threatened, but now? Your bones ache and fights take longer than they used to.
At first, you didn't mind. Aging was just part of the human process of life. But you did worry. You were strong. Stronger than any of your sorcerer brethren. You feared they wouldn't be able to keep up and you knew that another Gojo to be born like you wouldn't happen for a long long time.
So you cursed yourself and became something akin to Sukuna. A curse with horns protruding from your head, a diamond like crown encircling your brow, a single wing manifesting along your back while a second wing formed in that of black lines to mirror the other.
Many said you went mad and had disappeared and turned into a curse because of it.
And with your disappearance, legends were told on how you created a second plane of existence where a fortress of midnight resides and how the daylight never reaches there.
Many tried to follow after you be to kill you or to seek answers, but none ever found where this so called second plane existed.
Others say that Sukuna visits you quite frequently. They say that is why the earth shakes and the clouds turn dark and rumble. They say that's why natural disasters form and people die. All because you to battle one another for years on end. Your human life no longer holding you back.
And ever since Sukuna was sealed away as a cursed object (the objects being his fingers), the legends of your existence seemed to cease altogether. Until much later ... in present time.
"Who ... are you?"
Itadori fell backwards. His eyes wide and his heart beating fast. His breath quickened. His palms felt sweaty and he couldn't deny the tremble shaking him to his very core. As he looked upon the figure who split the sky open and descended down, he couldn't help but to think ... was this fear?
The person or whatever they were, looked down at him. He resisted the urge to run away when the person's feet touched the ground and started to walk towards him.
"How pathetic. You decide to host such a weak body now?"
Itadori felt Sukuna's mouth form on his cheek, "save it Gojo scum, at least I wasn't the one who decided to become some damn hermit and hide away all this time."
You waved your hand dismissively, "I wasn't hiding away, it's just this world wouldn't be able to handle my cursed energy flowing from my body for long. That's why I made my own plain of existence in the first place. Besides, that didn't stop you from visiting me."
Itadori, in that moment, couldn't help but to feel like a third wheel. Just who were you anyway? And did Sukuna call you Gojo?
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
The reader's first time with Law?
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How Losing Your Virginity to Law Would Be Like(NSFW/FLUFF)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Vanila Smut, Law is awkward, I tried my best to match his character so forgive me if it’s not accurate.
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Allowing Law, a long time friend of yours since childhood to be the one to take something so sacred to you. And choosing him was something he didn’t take lightly.
The conversation was awkward, you both had feelings towards each other but never acted upon them due to the fact that he didn’t seem like the type to want to be in a relationship.
“Losing your virginity to me doesn’t seem horrible to you? Because it is.”
In the back of his mind though, he was malfunctioning, he’s not the most traditional guy, but he did become celibate awaiting for his future wife.
He can’t even remember the last time he had sex and here you are. Beautiful and doe eye’d as ever offering yourself to him because you wanted to rid it to someone you trusted.
Sure he could have just said “no” and sent you on your way, but
Something wanted it to.
He’s a man. He has needs. And he’ll never admit it to you, but on his loneliness and horniest nights. He thinks of you.
He thinks of your pretty perfume, your body, your eyes, your smile, your laugh.
Your possible scent when his nose is landed right above your clit as you sit on him, your thighs jiggling as you are under him, the tears that prickle right when you’ve had enough and are abou to c—
He has thought about you in more ways than one to say the least.
Law doesn’t say yes to you at first, he waits a while. A few weeks even, but if you’re patient for him then you are truly a special girl, because once you tell him you waited he damn near explodes in his mind.
So. Here you are. On your back, fingers running through your captain’s thick scalp of his unkept hair, his lips transfer from sucking and nibbling on your breast and collarbone to your soft plump lips, his already stained with the nude gloss you wore on your date with him.
He of course had to take you out. You deserved it, you both had what normal people would call a “date”, but Law called it an off day between you both. He treated you like a princess, even took your hand a few times.
“Law..” You hummed out of your lips, he finally met the sweet spot on your neck, you felt the tent in his pants bump into your crotch with each subtle grind he gave as he kept his lips attached to your skin.
You felt so smooth to him, his tatted tanned fingers couldn’t stop rubbing up and down your body.
“May I take these off?” His breathing is heavy, index and middle finger looping into your panties to gently pull, he’d be a liar to admit when he seen the way your thighs jiggled when he placed you on your back turned him on so embarrassingly quick.
“Yes, please.” You lifted your hips, and watched him gaze at how your underwear slowly tore away from your skin, he did a small gasp finally seeing all of you “Everything okay?”
“What?—oh! Yes yes you’re fine…you’re..” his touch was so delicate, he treated your body like fragile glass kissing your inners thighs with caution.
You were in awe with your captain, his stoic demeanor now diminished , but his eyes are now softer, his cheeks won’t stop being pink each time he sees you twitch, moan, or otherwise.
He started with slow kitten licks, trying to hide the fact that he never actually went down on a woman so he is careful not to use teeth if anything, your hips buck into his mouth by natural reaction and he immediately latches to your clit.
“Oh!” You moan, hands thrown to his head. This was a new feeling! His beard tickled you a little the same way his sideburns tickles your thighs as you squeeze him in.
You tasted fantastic cumming into his mouth like the good girl you were.
Law finally begins to free himself. He’s a nervous wreck, mouth shinny from your slick, hair frazzled from your grabs and rubs, and constant clearing of the throat and he anxiously takes off his bottoms.
“Wow..” you say in your head. Almost like he read your mind he smirks at you reaction, there’s a little ego boost for him as he puts on the condom in front of you.
He crawls to you slowly not looking away from your eyes, it was almost like he was telling you to lay back and you did as such, throwing the blanket over you both, you’re caged between his arms, finally your nervousness began to show.
“Hey..” he softly holds your cheek, “Just….yell stop if it’s too much.”
He gives you one last reassurance kiss on the lips, it was so slow, gentle and soft. Looking down he slowly inches inside you, immediately seeing the contort in your face.
“Look at me, okay?” Law’s voice is lower, but you can hear the worry in the back of his throat, he doesn’t stop pressing inside you, looking at you and giving more kisses of the face to soothe the sharp sting.
“A-ah!” Your back arches and Law immediately places his arm under you for support, looking down at the small bloody mess in between you both.
When he finally bottoms out he is still making sure you give him the okay.
Once he does, he goes at a decent pace. Not wanting to hurt you anymore than you already are, but once you beg and plead for more you begin to finally hear more than just skin slapping and heavy breathing.
You sounded gorgeous in his ear, his hand creeps to meet yours , your stiff legs have loosened and are wrapped around his waist, it was a painful pleasure for you and you were so grateful Law was the one to give it to you.
“I’m..so…i’m not ganna last…ah..Y/N!”
Neither do you, it felt indescribable, Law’s kisses became needy, rocking you both back and fourth in the creaky bed for a riding out the orgasm.
After sex the tatted pirate is nothing, but a talking mess. Asking if it felt okay, as he cleans you and tosses the condom, letting you know how good you were as he washes you up, telling you the importance of safe sex as he holds you to sleep on his chest.
Law just hopes he made it memorable for you, that’s all.
And maybe.
He can continue to make more memories with you.
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thewulf · 1 year
My Whole Heart || Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Summary: Request - Hi, I'm not sure if it's okay to drop an idea, but I'll try. it would be a Rooster one where you're a happy couple but recently you're feeling unwell but dont tell Bradley. ... Read Rest Here
A/N: This is just cute and sweet! As always thank you for the req anon!!
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Y/N
Word Count: 2.1k +
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You were up in the air training next to your boyfriend when you felt it. It felt like your heart started fluttering. It didn’t hurt but it didn’t feel right either. You felt short of breath as you asked to land using your stomach as an excuse for what your heart was doing.
Bradley ran over to your jet once you parked it in the Hanger, “You okay beautiful?” He asked brushing the loose hairs out of your face. Your normally perfect bun getting jostled by the helmet you had on.
You nodded quickly giving him a lopsided grin, “I think it’s just some bad Chinese we had last night.” You gripped your stomach in excuse trying to make it look semi-believable.
He frowned taking your shoulders guiding you towards the locker rooms, “Call if you need anything, okay baby?”
You nodded quickly feeling that flutter again, “Sure thing babe.” You kissed his cheek before scurrying off into the locker room.
Short of breath you clutched your chest breathing slow. What the fuck? It wasn’t a heart attack; you knew that much. It felt like a butterfly was buzzing instead of the steady rhythm you were so used to prior. Shakily you pulled your phone out calling your Doctor’s office outside of the base. You could go to medical on base, but you’d be grounded, and you couldn’t have that. Not now.
The office told you to come in immediately or head to the closest hospital. Must be bad. You groaned knowing you’d have to lie to your loving boyfriend. Just a little white lie you decided. After catching your breath, you walked out in your changed clothing. Bradley stood there with a concerned expression when the door swung open.
“Feeling any better?” He asked as your wrapped your arms around his abdomen.
You nodded in his chest not really caring if anybody walked by, just wanting to hold him for a second, “Much better, thank you.”
He kissed the top of your forehead, “Let’s get out of here my love.”
You smiled hesitantly before letting him go, “Yeah, I’ll meet you at your place? Need to run a few errands really quick. Mom’s birthday is next week, and I promised Sean I’d mail out her gift before it passes.” It wasn’t a complete lie. You were going to stop by the Doctor and then drop off the gift sitting in the back of your car.
He smiled, “Your brother is lucky he’s got you.”
You nodded in agreement, “He sure is.” He walked you to your car giving you a quick kiss bidding you farewell for a little bit. Your nerves only started to get to you once you pulled in.
“Atrial Fibrillation…” Your doctor went on explaining what it was and what triggered it. You listened taking mental notes. You were hooked up to an IV taking medicant that was knocking your heart rate back into rhythm. It apparently hadn’t been that bad because it only took about twenty minutes before you physically felt better.
“Can I still fly?” You asked, almost terrified for his answer.
He nodded, “I don’t see why not. I wouldn’t go pulling extreme G’s anymore, but you should be just fine. Just remember the triggers.” You nodded. He mentioned stress. That was kind of hard to avoid. You’d have to figure that one out.
You thanked him before heading out to drop off the package. How were you going to tell Bradley? He was going to lose his damn mind at this one. You’d just keep it quiet until you thought of something. Anything.
You snuggled into his side tightly that night making sure to reiterate how much you loved him, “Love you handsome man.” You kissed his chest before nuzzling him. Listening to the steady rhythm of his healthy heart as you drifted off.
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“You feeling alright?” Bradley asked as the two of you exited the gym. Maverick had been in a particularly bad mood after the entire class failed to complete a maneuver. The weight room it was. You were taxed. And now you had to go up in the air again, one more round before you’d be free for the night.
“Mhmm.” You nodded not feeling great. Crap, what were all the triggers? Stress? Was exhaustion one of them? Just focus on your breathing, it’d be alright. Just fine.
“Baby.” He stopped you by placing his much larger body front of you. Gently he placed his hands on your shoulders, “You don’t look so good.” His eyes scoured your pale yet clammy face.
You tried shaking him off, but the lack of energy was making it difficult, “I’m fine B. Mav just kicked my ass is all.”
He didn’t let his hands go as his face fell. He knew you. Heart and soul. That happened after two very happy years of dating. He’d seen you zapped after a particularly hard work out and you’d never looked like this. Your face would go beat red, not ghostly white.
Your heart fluttered. Damn, there it was. It was an uneasy feeling. Like you couldn’t breathe deeply enough. Like air was just a bit harder to grasp.
“Babe.” He stopped you from moving again, “You’d tell me if you didn’t feel alright? I’m here to help you. You know that. Whatever it is.” He was starting to get nervous. Were you pregnant? You didn’t hate kids, but you didn’t want them either. Was it cancer? He’d help you through that. He just needed to know so he could help.
You knew Bradley wasn’t going to let you go unless you gave him something better than that. He knew you way better than that. If there was one thing that was true it was that Bradley Bradshaw was anything but stupid. He was quite intelligent and one of the most observant people you’d ever met.
It probably wasn’t too smart to go up in the air right now anyway. You weren’t feeling great. You were fatigued. Exhausted beyond your limit. You had to tell him. You couldn’t keep it from him any longer.
You sighed before diving into what you knew. He only nodded and frowned letting you know he was listening, he just wanted you to finish before he talked, “… I’m sorry for keeping it from you. I just, I was trying to figure it out.”
He dropped a hand from your shoulder quickly grabbing one of your hands, “Baby, that’s what I’m here for. To help you figure this out. I’m so fucking sorry if I didn’t make you feel like you could tell me. Please tell me these things. Anything. I want to hear anything you think. Anything you feel. I want to feel you. I love you.” He kissed your forehead after making sure the coast was clear.
You shook your head quickly, “Don’t you dare blame yourself B.” You squeezed his hand back, “It’s me. I’m so used to doing things on my own. I didn’t even realize. I’m so sorry. I love you so much.”
He nodded, “Talk to me going forward. I’m here for you.”
“I will. I promise.” You went in for a hug. A hug you desperately needed in that moment.
“I’m going to go talk to Mav. You wait by the car okay? If I’m not out in five give me a call baby, okay?” He raised an eyebrow waiting for your response.
“Sure. Yeah.” You agreed. Who cared? You’d be fine. You’d hold your place. It was an afternoon off.
Bradley was back in three, smiling from ear to ear, “Let’s go home and relax sweetheart, how does that sound?” He asked once the both of you were seated in his truck.
You nodded scooting closer to him on the bench seat, “Sounds perfect B.”
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The two of you spent the afternoon rotating between snacking, sleeping, and giggling. Your absolute favorite way to spend time with the boy you got to love on. Your limbs intertwined as you watched some random season of Survivor. The two of you guessing if you’d be able to do the challenge of not. You promised you’d enter him in for a season since he was Mr. Confident over there.
He got serious after a commercial interrupted the gameplay the two of you were so focused on. Placing bets on your favorite players, “You know I’d rip my heart right in half and give it right to you if I could?” he asked looking down at you with all the love dripping right from his eyes. Your very own heart sped up at that look that you’d grown to adore over the years you’d been together. Each and every time he gave it to you it only felt more right. How lucky were you? To be in love with your best friend.
You nodded nuzzling your head into his chest, “I know. Trust me B, I know.” You kissed his chest never growing tired of the close physical contact he’d granted you so long ago. That was your love language, physical touch. Bradley knew it and let you have it, all of it. As uncomfortable as he was with it at first he’d grown to love the quick touches and soft caresses you’d always seem to give him. You’d broken down every last wall he so perfectly constructed after both his father and then mother died on him.
“You’re my whole heart Y/N.” He kissed the top of your head while running his spare hand down your spine. He relished in the goosebumps that erupted underneath the flimsy tank top you’d had on. Your eyes closed as you took a mental snapshot of the precious moment you shared between the love of your life. Special moments you cherished beyond belief.
You lifted your head from his chest to look back up into those big beautiful brown eyes, “And you are my whole heart too. Defective as it is.” You giggled already wanting to make light of the situation. It was treatable. You’d be fine. You were loved and cherished. You had the love of your life holding your hand walking the path with you. What more could you ask for?
He tisked, leaning down and kissing the tip of your nose, “I love your perfectly defective heart.”
You snorted shaking your head gently, “That’s an oxymoron Bradley.”
He rolled his eyes, “Who cares. You’re perfect the way you are sweetheart. I love you. Pease don’t ever hide something like that from me again though, I’m here for you every step of the way.” He leaned down giving you a sweet kiss on the lips not daring to take it any further in fear of kicking your heart into A Fib. You’d never hear the end of those jokes if he did though.
After he backed off you nodded in response, “I’m sorry. I just freaked out. It was so dumb.” You sighed embarrassed for your own actions. It sounded so stupid out loud.
“’S okay baby.” He lazily grinned squeezing you at the hip, “I get it. But you have to remember it’s not just you anymore. I’m here. For the good. The bad. The ugly. And your worst. All of it baby.”
Your smile could light up a thousand rooms that’s how good he made you feel, “I don’t deserve you Bradley Bradshaw.”
He shook his head wrapping both his arms around your middle pulling you as close as you could be to him, “Hardly sweetheart. You’re everything and more. All that I want and need. More than I could ever ask for. It’s you and me.” He kissed you once more letting your hands wander all over his body. As much as he wanted too he knew he couldn’t. Not until your heart was figured out. He refused to be the reason you were hurting.
Reluctantly, he pulled back admiring your stare. You too were deeply in love with the man. All the love seeped out of your eyes through those blown out pupils and deeply blushing cheeks. Bradley got every emotion to bubble right to the surface exposing you right down to your core.
You leaned your head to his chest listening to the steady rhythm of his chest. A sound you’d grown to find comfort in over the years, “I love you Bradley.”
“I love you too baby.” He kissed your head once more, “Now sleep. Doctors’ orders.”
You nodded letting the darkness take over, “If the doc ordered it, guess I have to.”
You fell asleep the soft vibrations of the gentle chuckle that left his body. No matter what state you were in you never ceased to amaze him. He couldn’t wait to take the next step with you. To make you his wife. That was next. Certainly soon.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @mayhemmanaged
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mefiman · 1 year
I got another Bowuigi story idea inspired by Super Mario Sunshine.
Mario and Princess Peach went to Isle Delfino for their honeymoon/anniversary. Luigi tagged along as a chaperone and the couple wanted to show Luigi around the island. While the red plumber and the princess enjoyed themselves, Luigi felt that he was being watched by something... or rather, someone. It was a dark figure with spikes resembling... Bowser. Despite voicing his concerns to his brother, he was either interrupted or minded dismissively.
Eventually, the green plumber decided to investigate by himself and followed after the figure. He soon found out it was Bowser Junior, disguised with the help of his paintbrush. The little Koopa prince told Luigi that he, his siblings and his dad were having their vacation there as well. He was planning to surprise his dad by bringing Luigi over to see him (Both Bowser and Luigi are secretly dating). Taking hold of the tall plumber's hand, Junior led Luigi to where the others were. One of Peach's attendant toads who was running an errand, saw that and informed Mario and Peach.
Assuming that the prince was kidnapping Luigi as retaliation by Bowser's order, the duo searched around the island and eventually found Luigi... relaxing in the hot springs with Bowser, Jr and the Koopalings. The taller twin was cuddling on Bowser's chest, enjoying the hot water.
"What are you a-doing here hanging out with Bowser and his horde of brats?! We were told one of them kidnapped you!"
"Language, fratello! First of all, I wasn't kidnapped! I'm sorry for not informing you earlier about where I a-went! Second of all, there are bambini here so please watch your tone and tongue!"
"B-But, why would you hang out with him," Mario pointing a finger straight at Bowser. "Instead with a-me and Peach?"
"Because I like them, okay and when I tried to tell you about what was going on before I left, you and Peach were too busy canoodling with one another to listen!"
Mario and his wife were stunned. Damn, they realized Luigi wasn't wrong about thay.
"...Sorry, fratellino about ignoring you. We'll make it up to you. Come on, let's a-go." Mario took hold of Luigi's wrist.
"So soon?" Mario looked at Luigi when he heard that as if he grew a second head. "Well, yeah. You spent enough time with them. Let's a-go!"
"I don't want Mama Luigi to go now!" Junior grabbed onto Luigi's leg.
"Mama? Kid, he's my brother, not your mama! Now, let go!" Mario picked the little koopa off his brother's leg, Junior nearly slipping.
"Junior!" Luigi managed to catch Junior from falling.
Bowser roared, royally pissed.
This escalated into an argument between Mario and the Koopa King. Luigi noticed some of the younger Koopalings and Jr were soon tearing up from the loud volume and certain choice of words coming from both arguers. He tried to stop the argument but was drowned by the angry shouting ongoing. Eventually, he lost patience.
A clap of green lightning cracked, putting the fight to a end. Peach could only stand with her mouth agape like the Koopalings and Jr as they witnessed Luigi scolding Mario and Bowser for making a big scene and doing so in front of children. Just about everyone was stunned. They had never seen Luigi lose his top that hard before...
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
HIII I want to say i love your OCs and your writing that i binge reading them everytime 🥰, especially i love your Yandere Jock story cause I weak for sweet himbo man but actually scary, lol.
If you don't mind , can i ask for a scenario where Damon is playing for tournament, but his team losing by a lot now cause Damon not feeling great at that time, so his coach have to use their ultimate card, bring Y/n here to cheer. Therefore, in middle break, the coach had to snatch Y/n from library, using their authority as PE teacher that Y/n has to follow. Damon shock at seeing Y/N in the tournament , even sitting at the team seat. He asked why is she here,
Y/n grumpy said "I got brought here because you stupid playing today, why are you suddenly so bad?? I thought you were the best player in this school!!!. Fine!! If you don't even win this tournament, then no point in giving you a kiss" . Damon heart stopped at that sentence. Y/n promise him a kiss if he win this??? Afterward, he went back to the tournament feeling full energy and totally annihilated the rival team. After tournament end, with everyone gone wash up and went to party to celebrate the win, only Damon and Y/n in the shower room, hungrily kissing Y/n and make out 🫣
Unbeknownst to everyone, the reason Damon was not in the mood to play was because Y/n rejected his invite to his tournament to focus on her exam lmao
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! fem! reader everyday tidbits: encouragement
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"What the hell, Damon?!" One of Damon's teammates screamed at him, exasperated by this usually amazing jock turn into this... Dunce.
"Come on, Damon. What's happening with ya?" One teammate also whispered, patting him on his shoulder. "We need your head in the game here, man. You're our MVP, please, don't be like this."
Damon only frowned, annoyed and sluggish. He really wants to lash out, but he knows he can't due to being this nice guy, so he gave a sheepish smile.
"Sorry..." He whispered, trying to get into the zone, but nothing.
The coach noticed this and frowned.
"What's happening to the guy?" The coach asked the member who got benched earlier.
"Dunno. He seems distracted coach." The guy muttered, looking around the bleachers. "Huh... Maybe the reason is that y/n is not here?"
The coach looked at the usual spot you would sit on. And he's right, you weren't there at all.
"... Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" The coach whispered, and the other members nodded.
"You, you watch the game. I gotta go fetch someone." The coach pointed at his assistant before running towards the library, hoping you're there.
He bursted open, earning quite a handful of jumps and yelps, and earning the ire of the librarian and staff.
"The basketball coach? What are you--" The librarian was about to nag when he waved him off.
"No time, I gotta find a student."
Then, he found you, just reading a book that you were too busy with to notice him.
"You, come with me." He said, getting up to your face and frightening you to nodding.
You got dragged to the court and paused when you saw the scores.
"What the hell..?" You whispered under your breath, before narrowing your eyes when you saw Damon looking so off his game.
Pursing your lips, you got to your usual seat and leaned on the railing.
"Oi! You damn dingus!" You yelled, making the whole stadium look at you. The referee was about to charge but the coach made him stop. "What's with this pathetic display? What happened to your skills? Gone? Fine! If you don't do good... No kisses!"
The whole stadium bursts in awe, squeals and blushes of bashfulness.
But Damon was the only one you're looking at, and you watched his face go from bewildered to horror.
"No! I want my kisses!" He yelled, suddenly getting energized and making a mad dash towards the hoop and dunking, earning a three points.
The stadium cheered, making you calm down as his a-game rose.
"Finally..." You grumbled, annoyed but felt good that he got energized when you got here.
Sure, you were also the reason why he's distracted. You did say you won't be attending the game since you're busy with studying...
But come on, he's been thriving before you...
You watched him suddenly getting shot after shot, and hiding from the University journalists trying to cop a pic from you.
After the whole thing, Damon completely annihilated the whole rival team. Looking scary as steam emitted from his body due to his body temperature and the stadium temperature difference.
You sighed in relief before finally going down and back to the library.
Surely, he would go celebrate his victory with his teammate right?
You walked moderately, and when you passed by their locker room, you suddenly got pulled in.
The door locked.
"So, where's my reward?" Damon, freshly showered, caged you between his arms before capturing your lips in a hungry kiss.
Yeah, he's hungry. But not for food, that's for sure.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Take Me Dancing -
Stiles Stilinski x Plus size!Reader
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(Because my boy can dance 😭...fuck)
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
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Warning: Smut! Stiles got a obsession with asses! Because in my mind he’s an ass man or legs man!
Description: Malia made you buy a dress you aren’t so comfortable in...she’s taking yes as an answer only. Grin and bare it you guess...until you finally got the boy you like to notice you.
However before you could change Malia bust into your room without so much as a knock, looking you over with a satisfied smile. You shook your head, your eyes widening as she grabbed your arm.
However before you could change Malia bust into your room without so much as a knock, looking you over with a satisfied smile. You shook your head, your eyes widening as she grabbed your arm.
“Nope! I need to change!” You screamed dramatically as she dragged you out your room with ease, god damn werewolf strength, your size clearly didn’t faze the wolfs when they flung you around like you were a size 6.
“Nope you need to get in the nice expensive car Peter bribed my love with.” Malia deadpanned as she opened the passenger door to her car.
“Malia I look like a big red marshmallow!” You screamed childishly as she was wrapping the seatbelt over your body clearly not taking any chances with you running back into your house.
“Stop. You look sexy and if he doesn’t see that, find someone better. I heard that Brett has a thing for curvy girls.” Malia supplied and you rolled your eyes at her words like she was lying through her teeth.
“You mean fat?” You supplied bitterly and she shot you the deadliest glare she could muster, her eyes flashing at you in warning.
“Listen to me now woman you look so fucking good so when we get there you’re going to get a drink, then we’re going to dance and ignore everyone else? Okay?” She demanded as we started pulling up to the loft.
“Fine. I do love dancing… also does Derek know we’re using his loft this time?” You asked with a raised brow as you stared at the glowing light coming from the loft.
“It was his idea since he’s away he said we could use it as long as we cleaned up and replaced whatever gets broken.” Malia shrugged as she turned off the car.
You stepped out of the car, looking down at the red, long sleeved wrap dress that came to the middle of your thighs and your black heels with a sigh before taking a deep breath. You put on your best fake confidence and linked arms with Malia who was in a plain tight black dress.
The second you walked into the loft your eyes widened at the sight of all the bright lights flashing on the make shift dance floor, there was a make shift bar in the corner too making you cheer happily. You dragged Malia to the bar in desperate need of alcohol to loosen you up.
You ordered your favourite drink, taking a few heavy gulps, your throat burning as it went down and you finished the drink and looked at Malia with a wide grin as she laughed at your antics.
“Happiness, ain’t something you sit back and ya wait for.” Selena Gomez’s voice sounded through the speaker and your arm shot in the air happily.
You cheered happily as you dragged Malia to the dance floor swaying your hips as you went, the beat rippling through your body as the body’s mushed together dancing along to the beat.
You and Malia danced closely, resting your hands on each other as you danced, getting lost in the beat. You were enjoying dancing, it had been so long since you felt this free you were shocked when someone started dancing behind you, their hands on your hips but Malia just nodded so you went with it, not looking who is was.
You could feel they were tall, their muscles pressing against your back and your best guess was Brett which made you laugh softly as you danced, he was a friend so you had no problem with it and you were very single. However since you never looked back, scared you’d lose your nerve, you couldn’t confirm it was Brett.
You danced for the rest of the song pressed against Malia and the unknown guy behind you until the DJ announced he’d had a request from someone called Stiles and your eyes widened as Stiles came to the side of you glaring at the guy behind you making Malia chuckle.
“Don’t mind if I steal Y/N do you? Of course not.” Stiles stated sarcastically as he drug you away from, who you now saw was indeed, Brett who looked beyond amused by Stiles as he continued dancing with Malia.
As Jason Derulo’s Take You Dancing came on you raised a brow at Stiles who just shrugged as he took you hand with a suggestive brow wiggle as he did a little bow, making you giggle softly. He suddenly spun you outwards before bringing you back into his chest as started grinding your body together his leg slightly between you leg.
“When did you learn to dance?” You chuckled awkwardly as you felt you face heat up being this close to the man you liked so much.
“Last year when I was living in Washington. I went to a few clubs and I met an older woman who took pity on me. She taught me how to dance telling me it was a waste that I had such a pretty face. She was an old dance teacher.” He huffed shyly into your ear before pulling away at arms length encouraging you to dance for him.
You shook your head at his confidence but for some reason it only seemed to boost your own. Right now the boy of your affections is showing you attention whether it was only for tonight or not, you were going to enjoy it.
“Well you do have a very pretty face.” You agreed casually, a mischievous grin taking over your face.
“So does Brett.” Stiles muttered childishly but you caught it, his words instantly made you feel elated.
“I prefer yours.” You purred in his ear as you rolled your body against his, his hand tightening on your hip as he pulled you closer, his forehead rest against yours.
“Wanna get out of here?” Stiles whispered, his hot breath hitting your lips as he spoke causing your breath to stutter so you gave him a nod letting him know you wanted to.
He intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling you towards the loft door not caring who saw which shocked you but what shocked you more is he approached Scott his hand still in yours clearly not ashamed of you which made your eyes widen.
“Scott I’m leaving with Y/N can you get a lift off Lydia?” Stiles shouted from a respectable distance.
“Okay man. Use protection!” Scott shouted with a smirk and you flushed instantly.
“Fuck you Scotty! I know how to wrap up okay!?” Stiles shouted back his tone full of playful hate.
Stiles took out his car keys and dragged you to the elevator in the loft, pressing ground floor and as soon as the door closed you looked up at him and his eyes were flickering so quickly between your lips and eyes you lost track as he started bouncing in his spot like he always did when he was nervous.
“Fuck it.” He whispered before pinning you against the elevator wall his lips on yours, one of his hands cupping your cheek as his other rested on the wall at the side of your head.
He seemed hesitant to deepen the kiss so you ran your tongue along his bottom lip begging for entrance and he let out a husky groan, the sound going straight to your core. His lips were so soft and pliable it made you feel so confident and in control.
The elevator made a small rattle when it reached the bottom floor and you pushed him back, allowing your hands to drift down his abdomen as you pulled away. You walked out of the elevator swaying your hips as you went not stopping, even when your dress rode up your thighs, until you reached the jeep.
Stiles scrambled to unlock the vehicle opening the door for you, and you couldn’t help the smirk on your lips as you noticed his shell shocked expression. He practically ran to the drivers side of the jeep, hopping in the seat before slamming the door, his gaze drifting to you as he turned the keys starting the jeep up surprisingly easily.
“My p-place or yours?” He asked nervously earning a chuckle from you.
“Mine.” You answered easily knowing you didn’t have roommates or parents living with you so you’d be free to do what you wanted without worrying someone would be home soon.
He nodded shakily, his face flushing as he started driving towards your home barely 10 minutes from Derek’s loft. You were starting to lose your nerve as silence of the drive took over you, your anxiety spiking as you glance at Stiles’ jittery fingers drumming on the steering wheel of the jeep.
“If you’ve changed you mind you can just drop me at home and leave Stiles.” You offered softly and he looked at you in panic.
“Do you not wanna do this?” He ask in worry.
“Stiles I want to do this.” You snorted and he nodded suddenly relaxing against his seat as he pulled up outside your apartment block.
“I really wanna do this.” Stiles confirmed, making you smile at him happily.
Stiles got out the vehicle before running around to yours, opening it and holding out his hand for you. You took his offered hand and stepped out of the jeep gracefully. Stiles locked up roscoe with a nod before allowing you to drag him inside the build straight to the elevator.
You got out at the 3rd floor making your way to you apartment pulling Stiles with you, who had yet to say a word. You were nervous but you ignored it in favour for the excited feeling you had for having finally gotten Stiles’ attention. He was always too concerned with Lydia to notice anyone else at least until Malia but when that ended you were to scared to tell him how you felt, scared of rejection from this beautiful man.
You opened your apartment door, letting go of Stiles hand allowing him to come in at his own pace. However the second you closed you door his lips were on your again with more confidence this time, his tongue wrapping around your as he dominated every inch of your mouth. You moaned into his mouth, the sound clearly pleasing him because he let gripped your hair, that was tangled in his longer fingers, tightly.
He pulled away, his lips wet and swollen as he stared down at you with a look you’d never seen on him and you could swear he looked hungry. Your cheeks flushed as his hands tugged at your hair so you were looking up at him, not allowing you to look away from him as he pinned your gaze.
“This dress is sinful Y/N.” Stiles whispered darkly against your lips.
“It’s amazing what makeup and a short dress can do.” You chuckled jokingly but instead of a laugh he frowned softly.
“Let me rephrase that. YOU look sinful in that dress.” Stiles growled uncharacteristically assertive, as he started backing you up towards your bedroom.
“I’m seeing all kind of sides of you tonight Mr Stilinski.” You giggled as you slipped out of your heels once you’d reached your room.
“You have no idea baby.” Stiles growled playfully as he grabbed your ass, squeezing both globes with his hands earning a gasp from you.
“Then educate me Mr Stilinski.” You moaned softly, grinding against him teasingly.
“Hands and knee’s baby.” Stiles instructed with a smirk and you raised your brow challengingly before doing what he asked, crawling onto your bed before looking back at him over your shoulder.
“Good girl.” Stiles praised as he got onto the bed behind you, his hands sliding up your bare legs as he went until he got to the hem of your dress. He paused for a few seconds however before you could check on him a hand came straight down onto your thinly covered ass cheek making you jump slightly at the confidence Stiles wash clearly holding right now.
“Fuck you feel so good…” Stiles groaned as he clutched your hips, grinding his jean covered cock against your ass. You felt like he had all the control which was making you uneasy so you pushed back grinding your ass against him teasingly.
“You gonna fuck me or should I kick you out and do it myself?” You said with fake confidence as you looked back at him in a challenging way and his eyes darkened as they narrowed at you.
“Well I was gonna be nice and take my time but clearly you’re too impatient, huh baby?” Stiles taunted seductively, his hands tugging your dress over your ass exposing the thong you had on and all you could do was moan in response.
His hand came down onto your lace covered ass earning a louder groan of pleasure from you, pushing your ass against him once again. He moved back a little on the bed making you look over your shoulder to see his stripping off his t-shirt leaving you to stare at him and you wouldn’t be surprised if you were drooling as your eyes flickered up and down his body.
“Fuck…” You moaned as he started pulling his cock out of his jeans.
“I intend to kitten.” Stiles chuckled darkly, a smirk taking over his face as he took out a condom from his back pocket.
He tore the packet open with his teeth before slipping the condom onto his rock hard length with slow movements clearly knowing him touching himself was effecting you. He suddenly pulled down your lace panties down your thighs and instead of his cock his tongue was on you in seconds.
“Sh-Shit! S-Stiles!” You moaned as his tongue pushed into your wet entrance.
“Mmm you taste good baby.” Stiles groaned against your fold earning another moan from you.
Your breathing was beginning to quicken as as tried to resist pushing your pussy against his face. Your hands gripped the cover as below you your moans growing louder the more the coil in your stomach built up. stomach started building with every lick and nibble.
“One of these days I’m gonna have to have you sit on my face and ride my tongue.” Stiles teased as he pulled away as you were about to cum.
You wanted to complain about him pulling away but his words stopped you. That meant he wanted this to happen again and the thought of that turned you on even more especially when the imagine of sitting on Stiles face popped into your head.
“P-Please…” You pleaded breathlessly.
“Please what baby?” Stiles taunted as his right hand slid down your spine, pushing your head into the bed roughly.
“Please fuck my pussy Stiles…I need your cock.” You moaned desperately against the covers beneath your face.
“Such a good girl for asking no nicely.” Stiles praised into you ear before pulling away.
You felt the tip of his cock brush against your entrance and before he could slowly enter you you pushed back onto him, taking his full length the stretch leaving a burn but you reviled in it. You heard Stiles curse behind you so you looked behind you to see his eyes closed in ecstasy and the sight made you clench around his member.
“Well here’s me thinking you were a good girl…looks like I’ll have to punish you.” Stile growled as he bent over you body, his lips brushing against your ear as his cock pushed into you as deep as he could go.
“Bad girl.” Stiles whispered and if that wasn’t the dirtiest two words you’d ever heard in your life you didn’t now what was.
It effected you that much you came around his cock and he lost it, pounding into you so suddenly you let out a scream from the over sensitivity but he kept mercilessly fucking into you. His cock was bigger than the very little amount you’d seen and it made you feel full to the brim. He pulled back again too watch you fall apart beneath him.
His thrust started getting more frantic as you felt him sweep up bigger inside of you, knowing he was close you started pushing back against his cock meeting his thrusts, your ass bouncing off his hips. His eyes never left your ass, almost like he was mesmerised but what shocked you more was when he stopped thrusting to watch you continue you fast harsh bouncing on your ass.
“Fuck…your ass looks so good…that’s it baby finish me off…maybe I’ll let you cum again.” He moaned huskily, his eyes never leaving your ass.
You moaned at his words but started practically twerking on his dick like you were a needy porn star and Stiles couldn’t get enough of it. You felt yourself building for the second time but you held back until you finish Stiles.
His moans and grunts of pleasure filled your dark bedroom as you worked to finish him off. This was the hottest sex you’d had and honestly even if this ended up casual you thought maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
“Hey eyes on me kitten. I’m close…” He groaned demanding my and you obliged happily your y/e/c eyes boring into his amber ones.
“Cum for me Stiles…” You moaned dirtily as you sped up you hips, your eyes never leaving his as you did and then he threw his head back and let out the sexiest moan that sounded almost like a growl.
“F-Fuck.” He stuttered as he thrust into you desperately a few more times before coming to a stop.
When he started pulling out you figured that was it but suddenly he rolled you over and started eating your pussy like it was his favourite snack. Spreading your lips, he licked and sucked at your clit, making your legs shake as you came closer to your end.
Two of his fingers were thrust inside of you before you could even comprehend what was happening, curling up to press against that special spot. Your toes scrunched up and he starting moving his finger across that spot as he tongue sucked on your clit and you came with the loudest noise you ever made as you felt liquid literally gush out of you.
“Stiles! Fuck I’m still cumming!” You cried out as he continued thrusting and sucking.
“Shit…I was gonna finish you off and then cuddle but now I’m thinking I wanna do that again as you finally stopped cumming.
“Y-You’re gonna have t-to give me a minute Stiles.” You stuttered as you tried to stop you body twitching.
“Fuck I’ve n-never cum that hard in my life.” You whimpered your mind drifting.
“Baby you didn’t just cum you fucking squirted. I thought that shit only happened in porn. Yeah no can’t wait sorry babe.” Stiles exclaimed darkly as he delved back down and started back up his finger back inside of you rubbing at that spot all over again.
After two more times cumming Stiles fucked you again and it must’ve been about three in the morning when you finally both collapsed from exhaustion. He laid next you staring at the ceiling as you did the same, his breathing coming out in puffs of hot air.
“Best…” Stiles huffed out, his heart racing still.
“Sex…” He added his voice rough from the hours you’d spent in your bedroom.
“Ever…” He finished with a satisfied grin and you couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“Yes it was…very surprising considering I’m not a petite red head.” You joked and Stiles didn’t seem to like that because he frowned at you.
“I wanted YOU not HER. Otherwise I’d of shown HER my improved dancing skills however I didn’t I came to YOU. Because watching Bretts hands all over you was torture and if he wasn’t a giant meat head wolf I’d of punched him for touching you— He sat up to look down at you, showing you everything he was saying was the truth and you couldn’t believe what was happening…Stiles…the man you have wanted for so long…is confessing to you.
—I’ve liked you for a long time Y/N and I never made a move because I figured someone so sexy and full of sass would want someone like Derek Hale or Brett Talbot…a manly big man who can sling you around…not some skinny hyperactive boy that has little experience with girls and even less with women.” He stated seriously and you sat up to look him in the eyes.
“I like you too…I have for a while tonight was about either getting your attention or moving on for good…” You replied softly and his eyes widened.
“You had my attention already…I wish I’d said something sooner…” He whispered sadly and you shook your head.
“This was the perfect moment. We both felt ready enough to make those moves and we finally pulled our fingers out…well you did.” You jokes at the end and he started laughing as he pulled you into a kiss.
“You know people are gonna call you names if you’re seen with me…I’m a big girl Stiles…” You stated sadly as he pulled away.
“No you’re perfect. Plus real men like a little cushion for the pushing baby. Ask Hale he’s always staring at your ass, fucking just as creepy as his uncle sometimes.” Stiles snorted as his eyes narrowed at the mention of Derek.
“One, cushion for the pushing really? That saying is outdated and some people take offence and two, Derek? Really? Hmm strange I never noticed.” You mumbled sceptically.
“Yeah well if he does it again I’m gonna rip HIS throat out with MY lovely human teeth.” Stiles grumbled against your neck, nibbling on yours neck as if to prove it somehow and the though made you chuckle.
“So possessive MR Stilinski.” You gasped playfully.
“Damn right. You’re my woman.” Stiles growled before he started sucking on the skin under your ear.
“I like the sound of that…but you know what I like the sound of more?” You moaned softly.
“What’s that baby?” He asked, his voice full of dirty promises.
“The sound of you fucking me.” You purred seductively making Stiles jump into action. This night couldn’t of been more perfect.
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retromotherfuckers · 2 months
If You Win Or Lose
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morgan winchester (OC), john winchester, sam and dean are only mentioned, will mciver (OC)
after the death of the boy she loves, morgan runs away. but nothing lasts forever.
SPN typical alcohol abuse & violence, themes of mental illness, parental abuse, MAJOR gaslighting, character death. please let me know if i missed anything
Word Total:
you don't need to read When The Sun Sets to understand this. this is a one shot within that universe, but it predates that series, and also the show itself
it is of my humble opinion that john was an abuser, even if the show refused to acknowledge that. this is essentially an insight into his and morgan's relationship
so yeah, this one ain't too happy. i don't think i'm capable of writing happy shit 💀
morgan may have fallen in love w a dude but our girl is not straight
italics are flashbacks or thoughts
dean: 19, morgan: 18, sam: 15
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Four fingers of whiskey fill and drain over and over. In the shitty hotel bar, she sat up against the decaying oak wall in a flimsy chair. A hazy world surrounded her, everything moving in slow motion. The few other stragglers had no notion of what was brewing in her mind - the darkness that shrouded her eyes, making colors look muted in the small neighborhood. It seemed no one knew how much she depended on the amber liquid to keep things still.
Morgan had been around people all her life, but she'd never once felt a real kind of companionship with them. She knew her brothers cared because they had to; she knew they tried. She just wished that when they asked if life was okay, they'd somehow know her answer was bullshit. That they'd somehow cut off the lies spilling from her lips and just say that they know.
But Sammy was only fifteen. He wasn't old enough to really be able to tell, and if he could, she was the older sister. What she said was what he believed. And Dean was Dean. Not the best emotional support person.  
They never did catch it, and that was the point. As long as she said she was fine, they believe it because that's what they want to hear. They didn't want to know that she hadn't felt like her home was her home in years. Even if that home was the rumble of an engine and cassettes so loud, she couldn't hear herself think. 
They didn't know that she had done things only the lowest of the low would even think of just to keep moving. They don't want to know that the only reason she got out of bed was so she could ease the hangover from the night before. They didn't want to know how hard it was to ask when it was her turn for anything better than this and to keep getting ignored. They didn't want to know that her real reason for living was gone but that his dying wish was for her to keep going. 
"Just promise me you'll try."
They didn't want to know that sometimes she could hurt so bad that she stopped feeling anything at all. That she knew her heart was still beating, but her lungs had stopped pumping oxygen. That waiting for her eyes to stop feeling so heavy while she watched the world spin was worse than actually being a part of it. And even with all that frigid emptiness, there was a widening hole in her chest where a person used to be. And now that he was gone, the ceiling was about to cave in, and all she had left to hold it up was a little white bag and a bottle.
"Where the hell have you been?" The familiar voice broke her from her thoughts, the same that had been repeating for months, on and off, like a scratched record. She didn't have to look up to see who it was. She knew that voice. It's half of the voices that raised her, but not the one who deserved the credit.
She didn't acknowledge him, stuck staring at her drink. His voice made her shiver, and she was too much of a damn coward to face him. "Around."
"Really?" John said, his tone hardening with her one-word response. "'Cause to me, it looks like you ran away and went missing like a child. For. Two. Months."
She took a large gulp of her drink, almost downing the whole thing in one go. She had rehearsed this conversation countless times, waiting for the flash of civilian life to end and for him to find her. But now that it was happening, she felt like a fishing boat in a storm, tossed around by waves of fear and wrath.
Her father's gaze was oppressive, cold, and unyielding. Green eyes cut into her, making her feel like he was staring right through her. She always felt small around him. He had always known the right words to use to humiliate her.
"Let's go," He ordered, not even sitting down. It was like he knew this wasn't even a discussion to be had. She would obey, and that was the end of it. "The boys are waiting."
"Dad," Morgan began, her voice shaky and horse. "I'm not going back."
She could imagine John's lips curled into a sneer as his eyes bore into her. Daring her to defy him more. "You don't get a choice. You're coming. That's final."
Morgan felt a surge of anger. "Why can't you just let me be? I know what's good for me more than you do."
John stepped closer, his face inches from hers. "You belong with your family, not out here alone when we're not there to protect you. I taught you better than that."
It wasn’t praise. John Winchester wouldn’t know praise if it bit him in the ass. He did teach her better than that, and since she’s deliberately not following orders, she’s less than worthless.
She recoiled slightly, the familiar pang of anxiety twisting in her gut. "This isn't about family, dad, it's about-" She fumbled over her words, unsure if she could say it, but hoping for some surge of courage she hadn't had her whole life. "It's about how you can't stand that I'm walking around without you making my own decisions. You just wanna control me-"
John's hand lashed out, slapping the counter beside her, making her visibly flinch and effectively cutting her off. "After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me? I don't need to control you; you need me to do it. To keep you alive," he sneered. "And the running away from your shit and pretending we don't exist just proves it."
Morgan's eyes welled with tears, but she refused to let them fall. "Everything you've done," Her voice shook as she spoke. "You've done for yourself and your twisted little fantasy of finding the thing that killed Mom."
He grabbed her wrist, his grip like a vise. "Oh, yeah? And what do you think you can do to stop me?" She yanked her arm free, the skin already bruising. His eyes narrowed, and for a moment, she thought she saw a flicker of doubt. But then his expression hardened, and he took a step closer, his shadow enveloping her. "You're making a big mistake, Morgan. You'll regret this."
She took a deep breath, her resolve wavering. The sooner she got away, the better. "The only mistake I made was not getting out earlier."
As she turned to leave, John's hand shot out, grabbing her shoulder and keeping her still. His voice was low and twisted with fury. The deep growl and the warmth of his breath in her ear made chills run up her spine.
"You think you can just walk away from me?"
Morgan's heart sank into her stomach. It wasn't a threat, but she could feel one coming. Her strength was slipping away, the familiar terror clawing at her mind. She'd never be able to hide from him for too long. Just look at her now, it had only been two months.
She was smart. But John was smarter.
"You're coming home, whether you like it or not." He took her stunned stillness as his queue to spin her around, forcing her chin up to look at him. She'd probably have marks on her jaw from how tight he was holding her. "You're really gonna leave us to fend for ourselves? You're so damn selfish-"
"I haven't been selfish a day in my fucking life-"
Her father scoffed as if that was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. "Well, by your logic, you're picking the wrong time to start." He got closer if it was even possible, and he looked at her like she was the dirt he loved to walk over. "Will's dead, Mo, and it's your fault. I told you not to go on that hunt alone, but what did you fucking do? You ignored me, like always. When are you gonna learn that you need me? Boy-Toy's not coming back, you saw to that. Stop wasting everyone's time and get over it."
Boy-Toy. That's all John saw him as now. Even though he liked to call Will's parents the closest people he had to friends besides Uncle Bobby. 
Will had been with them for a year and a half when his parents died. They were helping him look for his aunt, the only family he had left. Only problem was they only knew her first name and that she was his mother's sister. So Will, Morgan and Sam searched for his aunt, while John and Dean searched for the demon.
For a while, things were okay. John was slightly more neutral when Will was around, starting fewer arguments and hitting them less. But when he walked in on them hooking up, Dean had to haul her father off of the boy. And then off of Morgan, too.
Two months ago, Morgan was desperate to prove herself to her father. Dean had already completed three solo hunts as a trial run. John wanted to see what he was capable of. Dean surpassed his expectations, as he always did. A rougarou, two vengeful spirits and a vampire taken care of in three weeks.
Will hadn't wanted to go on that hunt without help, but Morgan was frantic. She had to show her father what she was made of, but when Will discovered her plans, he was not going to let her do it alone. 
The air is thick with tension, each step bringing them closer to the lair of the wendigo they've been tracking for days. The forest is dense, moonlight barely piercing the thick canopy above. The silence of the night is broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl.
"Are you sure about this?" Will whispers, his voice barely audible.
Morgan turns to him, her blue eyes fierce and determined. "Yeah! We can do this, I swear."
They press on, the beam of their flashlights cutting through the darkness. Suddenly, a chilling growl echoes through the trees. Their hearts start racing as they tighten their grip on their chosen weapons. They're close.
The wendigo lunges out of the shadows, its eyes glowing with a malevolent type of starvation. Will fires his shotgun, but the creature is too fast. It knocks him to the ground, claws slashing through his shirt.
"Will!" Morgan screams, rushing to him. He struggles beneath the wendigo's weight, blood pooling from his wounds.
"Go!" He shouts, but his words are so garbled she hears her name, like a plea. "It's too strong!"
And Morgan can't leave him; he knows she would never. She swings her machete with all her strength, striking the creature's back. It howls in pain, momentarily distracted. Will uses the opportunity to push it off him, but the wendigo retaliates with a vicious swipe, its claws sinking deep into his chest.
"No!" Morgan drops to her knees beside Will as the wendigo retreats into the shadows. "No, no-"
Will's breathing is ragged, and he squeezes his eyes shut in distress. "Mo... I'm sorry..."
"Don't talk like that," she says, tears already streaming down her face. "You're gonna be okay, you'll be fine. We'll get you back to Dean. He'll know what to do."
Will reaches up, his hand trembling as he gently touches her cheek. His eyes are wet, too, but he quickly tries to hide the pain he's in. He graces her with a smile, but it's gone as fast as it appears. 
"Remember when Dean was giving me shit for how long my hair is?" He waits for her to nod. It doesn't take her so long to react because she doesn't remember. She takes a few extra seconds because she can't figure out why he's bringing that up right now. "You shut him up so fast," he says with a strained laugh. "You definitely liked me first."
Morgan chuckles through her tears, but the light memory doesn't last too long in her mind.
He's dying he's dying he's dying
"But I love you, Mo...please...remember that."
"Stop it. You don't get to say that as a goodbye," she demanded, but her voice didn't have the force to make it believable. "You're not allowed to tell me you love me and then die. It's not fair."
"I'll be okay," he rasps. "Just promise me you'll try. Promise me…" His voice fades from there. He has more he wants to say, Morgan can tell, but he used up all his strength.
"Will, please," She begs, her words cracking. "Don't-"
But Will's eyes flutter closed, his hand falls lifelessly to the ground, and Morgan screams.
She doesn't have it in her to set up a pyre. Will doesn't want that. He says it feels barbaric to him. He came from a hunting family and knew it was to prevent the possibility of becoming was a vengeful spirit, but he’s never wavered. He wants a real burial, like normal people have. He wants his family and friends there; they don't have to say anything, just be there.
"It just doesn't feel right, you know? We should be returned to the earth and all that crap. It's more…I don't know, peaceful."
Hours later, as dawn breaks, she buries him under an oak tree. She stands alone - yet another way she's letting him down. Her heart and mind are in tatters, her tears mingle with the soot. She can't face her family, not after what just happened. She can't bear her father’s inevitable punishment. Or her brothers’ pity. Or the possibility that they hate her for letting their friend die.
With one last look at the makeshift grave, Morgan turns and walks away, the shadows of the forest swallowing her whole. She doesn't know where she's going, only that she has to keep moving.
She looked into her father's eyes and saw the unyielding force of his will. In that moment, she knew she had lost.
Defeated, she lowered her gaze, closed her eyes and barely whispered, "Okay."
John's grip loosened slightly, a triumphant smile creeping across his face. Harder than necessary, he slapped her shoulder in appreciation. "Good girl. Now pack your shit. We're leaving in a half hour."
As Morgan turned towards the exit, she felt the weight of his victory settle over her like a cloak. The life she thought she might have wanted crumbled away, leaving only the cold, harsh reality of her father's world. She walked slowly, each step feeling like a surrender, her heart heavy with the knowledge that, for now, he had won.
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brainrotcharacters · 2 years
COD boys x Falcon!Reader
I was rewatching mcu stuff so guess what.
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tags: situationship because I like my men emotionally inept, Redwing, gender neutral reader, Ghost x reader, Alejandro x reader, Soap x reader, Gaz x reader,
the respect he has for your skills are unsaid, and more powerful for it
if the current mission requires aerial forces, he'll have less worry on his mind knowing you're up there too
although he does acknowledge the concerns of his men, he always says “Falcon is up there” as if that’s an answer (it is to him)
one time, you were making hardware changes on Redwing
Ghost arrived and sat down nearby, handing you tools and bits that you needed
you give him a critical, teasing glance, "How do you know which ones I need?"
"I learn." was all he said
"There's not exactly a lecture room at base to discuss my tech."
"I learn from watching you."
you stare at him for a second longer, toes curling inside your boots, and then accept the piece he handed you "Does that mean you are interested?"
at that, Ghost moved to leave "I came here for some peace and quiet, but if you insist..."
"Hey, come on Ghost. I'm just messing with you. Sit down."
he chuckled as he returned to his seat
you ignored the way your gut dropped thinking of your poor chances at something with him
you cleared your throat "Soap being annoying again?"
"What's new?" he sighed, exhausted and fond at the same time
he is responsible for your other title "Anghel de la Guardia"
at first, he wanted to have a turn at the wings
mainly to find new ways to put his life at risk smh Alejandro, meaning you tease him by constantly refusing
one time, your equipment was compromised and as Colonel, he had to make snap decisions to help you land as safely as possible
as soon as your harnesses from the flickering, sparking technology were removed, Alejandro practically ripped it away across the floor to check your safety
the nearly-childish awe he felt for it was reduced to nothing if it meant he would lose you
Rudy had the equipment moved, then urged everyone else to take inventory and leave the colonel to you
Alejandro joined you on the floor, one hand on the side of your neck, and another hand to your hip, demanding "are you okay?"
"I'm okay," you forced yourself to ignore how warm his touch felt through your suit. "Relax, Colonel. I survived."
"Barely!" he snarled through his teeth. He was trembling. "I thought we agreed not to be stupid without each other, ah?"
Alejandro didn't have you grounded, but also kept a closer eye when you returned to the air
"Careful. You're beginning to act like an overprotective lover." 
"You need someone like that." 
"Are you offering?" 
"Are you going to say yes?" 
any traction made on the unnamed thing between you and Alejandro was interrupted by the next mission, and it went to the back of your minds once again
everyone else, from Gaz to the medics to the other lads at base have mentioned how Soap doesn't shut up about the Falcon and their barrel rolls and close shaves and smooth banking...
he is in awe of your flight training and damn it he'll make everyone appreciate it
with you, he manages to keep things more or less professional, and never asks about your specialty unless it directly influenced the current objective of the team
he's always your first responder on comms and the last person to check on you after a successful mission
Johnny is so endearing to the point that you offered a test run with him, but he politely declines, teasing "you look prettier up there than I ever could"
during one mission, Soap talked his way into the bad end of several guns outdoors
he recognized you hovering behind their heads and began to boast "Your time is up. 141 is here."
naturally, his hostage takers looked left and right, deciding Soap was a delusional liar
"Look up."
You've gotten close enough to throw two good kicks, grabbing Soap by the arm as your wings reformed into a shield against the gunfire
"My hero." Soap grinned
"You're good at this damsel thing." you quip back. "Injuries? Guns?"
"No injuries. One handgun." the bullets began to grow less and less
"You'll survive." when they began to reload, your shield returned to its default form, and Soap rushed around you to start a counterattack
considering Gaz's rather complicated relationship with helicopter crashes, things changed a bit when you were added to the team
You easily developed a habit of swooping in to save him that it reached a point where you coded a program specifically for Gaz's accidents he jokes that it's because he's your favorite
Gaz would say that he's become more careful with himself, but the rest of the team vehemently argue that he's gone more reckless than usual
The madman tossed himself over the tumbling, screeching body of the chopper and into the air before allowing you time to lock in on his location
tiny, reliable drones immobilized the propellers of the helicopter as you tackled Gaz
"You're an absolute jerk!" you laugh over the comms, your thrusters increasing in power to reach him faster. "Redwing, propellers!"
The usual, relieved "Falcon's got him" is heard over the comms
Gaz seems like the type to be genuinely interested in the details of a technology such as this, and has gone on for hours bouncing ideas back and forth with you
It was this interest and curiosity that positively influenced Gaz's perspective and affections for you
plus, he's the type to ask nicely to help in a test flight... and make those wings look good
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creweemmaeec11 · 2 years
Jealous of the stars
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"So why were you acting all weird this morning?" Villain asked as they lounged on the rooftop, gazing at the stars.
"What do you mean? I wasn't acting weird,"
"Yes, you were. We were talking about superhero and you suddenly got quiet and fidgety," they rolled over onto their side, supporting their head with hand as they looked at the other with a raised eyebrow.
"I just had something cross my mind, that's all," they tried to deflect.
"Yes, I could see that, I have eyes believe it or not," villain replied sarcastically, "I'm asking *what* that 'something' was,"
They mumbled something under their breath.
The hero groaned, throwing their hands up to cover their face for a moment, "It really isn't that important! Honestly, I barely even remember what it was! Something about-"
"And *that*" villain interrupted, "was too conflicting statements, if you remember enough of it to deem it unimportant," they raised an unimpressed eyebrow.
Having had enough, villain shifted sideways, climbing over the other to straddle their hips and gaze down at their quickly reddening face.
"What are you-" the hero sputtered, stopping when the villain grabbed their wrists, pinning them close to either side of the hero's head and using it to support themselves as they leaned over the hero blow.
Before the hero can attempt to ask what they are doing, the villain leaned down, dragging them into a dizzying kiss.
When they parted, the villain stayed hovering close above them, "What was bothering you, hero? Really?"
Hero blinked, trying to get the motor in their brain running again. Damn villain and their stupid effective disarming tactics.
The hero instinctively went to cover their face again, but their wrists were still being held by the criminal on top of them.
The hero only kept getting redder.
The silence was almost worse than the accusations. Now the villain was simply hovering, their expression somewhere between a genuine gentle smile and an amused grin as their eyes drifted over the hero beneath them. Their eyes wandered as if trying to memorize all the details, tracing every curve and angle of the hero's face so well they could draw it with their eyes closed.
It made the hero's heart roar in their ears. They would never get used to being looked at like that. Like they were worth so much. Worth examining like an art critic might the mona Lisa. Worth the time to savour like you might a really good meal.
That was half the reason hero didn't want to admit what was actually wrong with them this morning, because it was so silly, so juvenile and unimaginable with the way villain was looking at them now. But in the moment...
The hero's thoughts got cut off with another kiss, bottom lip caught between gentle teeth in a way that made them shiver. Their arms strained to reach up and link behind the villain's head, to pull them in for more or at least tangle into their hair.
Based on the way the villain smirked into the kiss, they could feel the hero's arms trying to move. This was torture in its own right, because the villain kept pulling back just enough before the hero could fully catch their lips in their own. Teasing.
"Come on," the criminal cooed when they pulled back slightly, "tell me what I want to know,"
"Or what?" The hero asked, trying to deflect to something, anything else. They would swear up and down that their voice didn't shake while they asked, but they would be also be lying.
"Or you might never fully lose the red tint to your face by the time I'm done with you tonight,"
The hero's face already felt like it was on fire, and that statement, paired with the villain's grin only made it worse. Which had been the intention, of course.
At this point, it seemed like the hero was choosing between embarrassing themselves now, or losing half the night and embarrassing themselves later.
The hero sighed, looking anywhere other than the villain's eyes, "okay, okay, fine- it's just- Iwasjealousofsuperherookay?"
"What was that?" The villain asked innocently.
"I said I was jealous of the way you were talking about superhero," they bit out through grit teeth.
Above them, the villain blinked owlishly, processing what they'd heard, before they burst out laughing. They sat up fully, releasing the hero's arms.
"Don't laugh at me!" The hero snapped self-consciously, "You can't force me to tell you something and then laugh at me! Why do you think I didn't want to tell you in the first place!?"
"No, no, it's not-" the villain replied as their laughter started to die down, "I spent all day so worried it was something terrible, and then you tell me it was just over that,"
Finally, the criminal's chuckles died down, "I mean, don't get me wrong, it *is* absolutely adorable. I didn't know you were so possessive,"
The hero was fairly certain they had never blushed this hard "I'm not... usually,"
The villain gave a light laugh again, "but I can assure you, there's only one hero that's won my affections, and it certainly isn't superhero,"
The hero beneath them simply nodded, feeling silly.
"Stop pouting," the criminal hummed, leaning down to give them another gentle kiss, "and don't feel ashamed either; we're all human," they smirked, "I just happen to have the cutest one pinned underneath me on a rooftop late at night,"
Before they could say anything to fluster them even more, the hero yanked the villain on top of them down for another kiss, for teasing them earlier. They wondered what they were so worried about this morning. Sure, maybe Superhero could fly, but they certainly didn't have *this*.
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alexsoenomel · 2 years
Fuck Away The Pain (Sub!Dean Winchester x Reader smut)
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Summary: Sad reader is a horny reader basically
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: sexy times with Dean
Word count: 1578
Note: First person fic because I was sad and listening to THIS song. It inspired me.  Like/ reblog or both if you like it :)
I tossed and turned as my mind went into an overdrive. I didn't know what was going on I just knew I needed him. I was craving his touch, his scent, his ability to calm me down when I would lose myself in my own mind. It was like sometimes I would enter a maze and get lost in it.
At this point I was crying and also trying to understand why. I was happy with him, hell, I haven't felt like this in a very long time. This life I was living was dark and twisted but he was the light at the end of the tunnel, not only him, but also his brother. Sam was a brother I never had and Dean was the love I have never experienced. As long as I had them I had it all.
Then why was I crying?
As I was whipping my tears in complete darkness, I heard him open the door of the room we shared. We collectively had a day off, that day, no hunts, no cases, just drinks and laughter. I got so drunk I passed out on our bed at God knows what hour. I woke up after few hours, took a shower and drank something for pulsating head of mine with lots of water but I couldn't go back to sleep. The headache was gone, but my soul was sad.
Now I had to pretend. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down, but to no avail. I heard the sound of his belt as he took his boots off and seconds later his jeans. He laid next to me and hugged me as I was lying and fighting the urge not to burst into tears. The thing that finally gave me off was the sound of my nose sniffling.
"(Y/N)?" He whispered. "Are you okay?"
"No." I whispered. "Not really."
I turned around whipped my tears and kissed him as hard as I possibly could. He kissed back immediately, cupping my face with his hand as I climbed on top of him, my lips not leaving his. I could still taste the alcohol on his lips but I didn't mind. I just needed him.
I broke the kiss as his silhouette was looking at me, inches away I could feel his alcohol filled breath on my face. I think he was quite confused by my actions but didn't protest. He moved my hair behind my left ear as it was falling on his face.
"Shhh kiss me!" Before he could speak I placed a finger on his full lips only to move it seconds later to kiss him again. The kisses turned into a full blown make out session, making me hungry for more. My hands were exploring his body until one settled between his legs, feeling the hardness which turned me on even more. I was eager, needy and pathetic. I knew that but didn’t care. I just wanted to feel him and forget, forget my existence and to be sucked in pleasure by the man I loved the most. 
A moan left my lips as I felt his fingers underneath my panties, feeling my already wet and pulsating core. 
“God, I love that sound!” He whispered as he moved my hair and buried his lips  in the crook of my neck, knowing damn well it will drive me mad. 
And it did. My patience was running out as I took his face by the chin forcing him to look at me. His eyes were like two green emeralds shinning in the darkness studying each line of my face.
"Will you make me cum, Dean?" I whined. "I." I positioned myself on his dick as I slowly started to rub myself against his hard dick. "Really." Each word that left my sinful lips was a thrust.
"To." .
I could see Dean slowly losing himself in me. Everything I did he liked, but telling him what to do he liked the most and praising him made him lose his damn mind.
"Can you do that, please Dean?" I asked him before kissing and biting his lower lip. I loved biting every inch of him, leaving my marks but making his lips sore and sensitive was my favorite.
"I-I can do that." His whispers became heavier as I kneeled between his legs and took off his boxers and I positioned myself on him. I didn't sit just yet, his tip was touching my entrance making him grow impatient and needy for me just the way I liked it. I leaned in and kissed his neck whispering how good he is.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked him inches away from his face. 
"I want you to sit on me." He barely managed to say.
"Beg me! I wanna hear it!" I demanded. The only thing better than Dean's moans was him begging me to satisfy him. I enjoyed seeing him in that state, all hot and bothered being desperate, especially since he had such a strong presence as a person. It turned me on knowing no one can make Dean plead and boss him around, besides me.
"Please, (Y/N)! I'm going insane, do something!"
"Oh really?" I teased with a smirk on my face, while rubbing myself on his tip a little bit more. God, he was hot.
"Ye-yes please!"
"God, I love when you beg!"
I slowly sat down while my hand was holding his dick, feeling just how big he was. He was stretching me as I moaned feeling a wave of pleasure going through my whole body. I could never get tired of that. I loved feeling him inside of me.
"Fuck!" He moaned.
"Do I feel good?" I bit my lower lip as I slowly started to move up and down establishing a pace. "Do you like when I'm riding you?"
"Yes, I do!" He said holding on to my hipbones as my pace became faster. I desperately wanted to cum. I needed it.
"You feel so good Dean. Fuck!"
I was feeling every inch of him inside me, it was euphoric, intense and I could feel my orgasm approaching. I was slowly starting to lose it completely. I leaned in and kissed him, biting his lip again as he took my head with his hands forcing me to look at him. We stayed like that inches away breathing each other and moaning each other's names over and over again.
"I love you!"
"I love you too!" He said it back.
I couldn't help but smile. The feelings this man made me feel...No human has ever made me feel. I trusted him with my life and loved him more than anything else in this world. He was my person.
I was getting closer to coming undone and completely falling apart. I saw the same in him.
Without saying anything I took his thumb and put it in my mouth as I started rubbing myself on his bare skin while riding him. He loved when I sucked his fingers and I wanted him to be satisfied too.
"You are crazy (Y/N)!" He said as he took out his thumb and kissed me hungerly practically wanting to devour me whole. We both moaned into the kiss before it hit me.
"I'm close." I managed to say. My pace was fast and steady. He was hitting just the right spots.
"Me too."
I could feel it. My whole body shaking, his name never leaving my lips as I balanced myself on his legs with my hands, back slightly arched. I came all over him.
I didn't want to end there. I wanted him to cum too. So, I didn't stop moving, not until he came too. He dig his fingers in my flesh even harder as his orgasm came and was as intense as mine. Since I was on the pill I didn't mind him filling me up every now and then, I actually quite enjoyed it.
When we both came down from our highs a little bit, I collapsed right next to him.
"What was that?" Dean asked me trying to catch his breath.
"That was I was sad and I wanted to fuck the sadness away."
He turned on his side and placed an innocent kiss on my shoulder. "Why?"
"Why what?" I asked looking at him. He was so beautiful...
"Why were you sad?"
"I have my weak moments." I wasn't much of a talker sometimes, especially when it came to my feelings. Sometimes I felt like I blocked that vulnerable part of me. I trusted him, but I didn't trust myself talking about my demons. Turning them into words would make them real and I didn't want that. Usually, I would just sleep it off.
It was his time to take control and take care of me. "Spill it!"
"I just get overwhelmed sometimes. I feel like drowning in my own thoughts for no God damn reason. And I don’t even know why I was sad. It just hit me like a brick."
"I get it. You do know you can talk to me about that, right? You don't have to keep quiet, whatever it is."
"I know. Well I'm not sad anymore so that's a plus."
"I love you (Y/N)!" He smiled.
"Forever and always Dean!"
I laid on his chest as he played with my hair in silence.
Like I said, he was all I needed. His presence, his scent, his soul...
My soul was lost without his.
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Hii!! Would you be able to write a Sanemi fix where they get into an argument but then it’s super fluffy 🤭 like groveling and stuff! Thank youuu 🫶🏻
# sanemi shinazugawa
tags : gn!reader, sanemi is harsh with his words, tiny bit of angst, fluff, r gets injured but it’s nothing too serious, my gf shinobu makes an appearance, not proofread bc i wrote it late at night lmao.
a/n : hello! it’s taking me so long to catch up to all the reqs but i was in a mood for something like this so here we go! hope you’ll enjoy it <3
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“dumb as fuck!” his voice was harsh. maybe more than usual. “the fuck is wrong with you?! you’re completely out of your mind!” you were used to sanemi reacting like this, so it didn’t exactly hurt you hearing him talking like that.
“i was trying to help!” you explained, stopping the bleeding with a clothe. it wasn’t too bad, consider to most injuries it was a simple scratch, if you know what i mean. “i’m a hashira! i don’t need help, i can handle myself!” he spat at you, his gaze hard. “i know you’re stronger than me, thank you for the reminder! but you didn’t noticed there was another demon so maybe you did in fact needed help,” you tried to reason with him, your eyes focused on your wounds.
sanemi nervously walked back and forth in front of you, visibly stressed. the kakushi were taking longer or maybe he was unusually impatient.
“i’ve been killing those monsters since i was a kid, i was fine on my own,” he crossed his arms and sighed loudly, still going. “oh right, lemme get you a special medal for your service, mister! i forgot we’re talking about the killing machine of the demon slayer corps!” you were sarcastic at this point, you had enough of his snappy personality for now. he was being exaggerated.
you two eliminated all the demons nearby, you simply jumped in to help him while he was fighting the stronger one and that’s how he was repaying you. dipshit.
“i’m not in the mood, y/n. cut that shit,” he sent you a glare, visibly angry. as always. “you’re not in the mood? i save your ass, you thank me saying that i should have minded my damn business because you can handle yourself and you’re the one not in the mood to talk?!”
you got up, wanting to get away from him. his eyes were on you, ignoring your words completely. “you’re injured, sit back down,” he warned you, his tone was still the same. “fuck you,” you snapped and went sitting away from him, hoping the kakushi would get there soon.
shinobu just finished stitching up your wounds, cleaning them and providing you with some medicines. she checked sanemi too, but he was fine. she could feel the tension between you two but didn’t push herself in. you thanked her and watched her leave before lying down in your bed, sighing.
sanemi was still there, staring at you. you could feel his eyes burning onto your back and it was starting to fuelling your anger towards him for the way he treated you.
“sanemi, i swear i’m not—”
“i’m sorry for the way i treated you.”
you two spoke at the same time. you turned around and glanced at him, surprised.
“i was scared alright? i saw your blood and lost my mind, you were careless because the demon you were fighting was still aiming at you, but you had to run to me and watch my back,” his tone was surprisingly calm, as if the previous anger never existed. you let him talk because you knew it was hard for him. “i can’t bear the thought of losing you.”
“nemi…” you felt bad for treating him in such manner, but part of you knew that even if his intentions were good, the way he acted was the worst ever. “i know what you think, i do the pull the same shit with genya but… i don’t know how to behave in that case.”
he slowly walked closer to your bed and sat down next to you, his hand grabbed yours and he held it tightly. the gesture was sweet even if his face still showed his hard expression. “maybe don’t treat us like shit, huh?” you tried to joke, offering him a kind smile. “mhm… i’m sorry, for real.”
you knew he was. he always felt bad whenever he acted that way. you sat up and squeezed his hand, before moving to kiss his lips. it was a quick but meaningful kiss, you both knew that. “i know you’re sorry, nemi,” you assured him and he timidly smiled at you, looking down a bit embarrassed.
“you were amazing before, you know that?” his words made you chuckle, because his praise was a way to hide his embarrassment, but it was okay. deep down, you knew sanemi thought very highly of you, not only as a lover but also a slayer.
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reblogs & comments are super appreciated! thank you for taking your time reading it, i hope you enjoyed it. have a good day / night <3
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tubbypeddle · 3 months
Ghiaccio x reader one shot: Memories
you know who i'm talking to, you 🫡
since you were so wonderful as to send me that damn cute one shot with me and Maggio and lulu 😤
i'm gifting you this one :)
(author's note: creds to gif owners yes yes we know this. YOU. you little angel you, i'm not letting this wonderful gift to me go unpaid. hope you enjoy 🤭)
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My camera roll is getting full, you think to yourself with a frown, flicking through the pictures on your camera.
"What are you frowning for?" you hear your boyfriend grouch from behind you.
His hand comes to slip around your waist and drag you closer to him. He smells sharp, like the smell of cold. "I'm running out of film. And I don't want to delete any of these."
Each picture in that camera was a memory you'd hate to erase.
Like the one you took during Ghiaccio's birthday celebration. Your poor boyfriend looked so grumpy in the photo, with his cute little party hat, sat in front of a birthday cake, complete with candles and everything. But you knew, moments after that photo had been taken, he swept you into his arms and kissed you silly. Saying he didn't need to wish on the candles because he had everything he wished for in you.
Or the one you'd taken at Gelato's militia commemoration. Gelato was beautifully decorated in all of his old military medals, uniform and all. Sorbet hadn't been able to keep his hands off of him at all, and it was obvious in the picture. Even though Gelato was stood at attention, Sorbet was hanging off of him still.
There was another of one of yours and Ghiaccio's dates. At an ice rink! You'd spent the day racing each other, practicing tricks, pushing each other over. You'd felt so warm that day that the cold of the ice rink hadn't bothered you once.
Or! Or the one you'd taken the day of that disastrous mission! Everyone had been called in at the last minute after something went wrong, and you'd taken a picture of the whole squad together. Covered in blood and tired and messy, but alive.
It was moments like these that you couldn't bear to lose. The squad was your family, for all intent and purposes.
Ghiaccio snaps you out of your thoughts by hooking his chin over your shoulder and pointing to the camera. The photo that was open was of when it had been Risotto's cousin's death day. Everything had been so somber...
"We could make a photo album."
His suggestion opens worlds for you. You could keep all of your pictures! Not keep them on a hard drive that held the risk of being compromised, or worse, deleted by accident.
"We should!"
Ghiaccio's breath fans across your neck when he chuckles. I'm surprised you haven't made one yet."
You snicker quietly. "Yeah, I don't know why I never thought of doing one before."
"Well, you've got more important things on the mind."
You spin around so you can pull him forward for a surprise kiss. "Yeah. I've got you on the brain."
"That's such a stupid saying. I'm not on your brain. I can't even physically touch your brain or you'd die." Despite his frustrated little grumbles, his face was burning red with a flustered blush.
He was too cute, really.
hehehehe.....@lady-of-endless 🫂
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