#i was trying to sleep earlier and could Not
meow-xine · 3 days
Ohhh I am so obsessed with him 😫
Shota Aizawa x Fem reader
Cw: smut, some plot… oral (F! receiving)
Background: Aizawa is your husband but you haven’t seen him in WEEKS due to him being caught up in work.
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Shota has just been so busy as of late. Truth be told, with the two of you sharing so many aspectual responsibilities – many stemming from Shota’s job, you had felt a strain on your relationship. Shota rarely had time for you anymore, him spending more time now than ever at work, trying to make sense of villain attacks and dorms. Sometimes he would be gone for weeks, the only interaction being a text or a late night call. Of course you kept yourself busy, going to work during the day then occupying yourself with small things around the house; cleaning, crafts. No matter how much you distracted yourself though, there was no way to stop the yearning for your husband. You knew it was necessary, and you would in no way ever try to stop him from doing what he needed to, but you just wish he could take one day off. Life just hadn’t been the same.
“I just miss you so much.” you sobbed into the phone resting next to you, laying down curled over a pillow. This had become a sort of routine, Shota calling you up later than he should, knowing that you would be awake and expecting to hear from him. “I know, I miss you too. It’s.. it’s just been so complicated trying to balance everything. Know that if I could come home to you I would.” He sighed. It wasn’t much easier on him, and you knew that. You often found yourself getting off the phone feeling more guilty than anything. He had a lot on his plate, and you were sure your complaining wasn’t of much help. There was just something about the late night that seeped into your words, taking control and slurring your speech. You weren’t used to staying up so late.
“I’m sorry baby.. I just don’t feel good without you here. It’s too quiet and dull.” you continued your earlier recurring thought. Silence interrupted by your small hiccups filled the air. It was stagnant and dense, but not uncomfortable. “You know it breaks my heart to hear you like that honey.” He interrupted the silence, followed by a sigh. “I’ll do what I can to see you as soon as possible.” he continued. “You promise?” “I promise. Now get some sleep love, it’s late.” And with that you hung up and fell asleep, remaining in the same curled position. 
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That was two weeks ago, and since then you had been carefully watching the news reports and attacks against both Shota and his students. It was scary stuff and you constantly had to remind yourself that he would be okay– that they would all be okay. Even with reminders though, you couldn’t help but feel anxious and out of control, sometimes forgetting to breathe until Shota got a break on TV. You followed up with texts and phone calls afterwards too, needing more than just a digital image showing he was safe. 
Finally, amongst the sea of phone calls you had gotten, it was your husband.
“[Name]? Baby?” it was Shota, he sounded happier than he had in a while and you swore you could feel his smile through the phone. “Hi Sho, I’m here. How are things going?” you smiled too, not being able to contain yourself after hearing him. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. Things are going good, especially today. I rarely ever take time off work so it was pointed out that I am long overdue for some PTO.” “Oh yay! Do you know when exactly you might be getting some days?” You stood up from the couch you were sitting on in your shared home. “Well…” He started, but before he could finish his sentence the doorbell rang. “Oh, I’m sorry, give me one moment, someone’s at the door..” He chuckled, “Sure.”
You made your way to the door making sure to hold your phone to your chest before answering. Upon opening the door, the phone in your hand was long forgotten, falling to the floor. It was Shota on the other side, lazily holding his phone to his ear. He hung up and opened his arms, allowing you to run into them.
“You’re here! Oh I’ve missed you so much.. I wish you would have told me you were coming ,I would have worn something nicer.” You rambled feeling embarrassed for just wearing one of his shirts and PJ shorts. Not leaving enough time for you to finish a thought, Shota wrapped his arms around you, one snaking around your waist and the other rubbing your back. “Hi baby..” 
You released yourself from his embrace, taking a moment to look at his face and notice the small differences. He looked tired and weary, no thanks to the battles he had endured. Despite everything, it was still your Shota standing in front of you. Your eyes moved down to his lips and before you could think you were all over them. You pulled back, apologizing, “Oh! Sorry,” you knelt down to pick up some of his bags, “let’s let you get settled in first.” 
The two of you carried his bags to your bedroom, placing them on the floor. Before Shota made an effort to unpack, he walked over to you and brought you in for another hug, this one tighter than the last. One of his hands was wrapped warmly against your head, bringing you closer to his chest. You inhaled, making a mental note to lock his sweet musk scent away for when he inevitably had to leave again. “I missed you so much baby, you have no idea.” he spoke, his voice soft and gravelly. 
You loosely pulled away from him and looked into his eyes, one of your hands holding his cheek and his hands still lingering low around your waist. “I missed you too Sho. It felt impossible without you here. I’m just so happy you’re okay.” He smiled down at you and planted a small kiss on your lips. He deepened the kiss, disentangling your entire being yet somehow making you feel more full than you ever had all at once. His hand was now placed against the nape of your neck, all the while slowly backing you up into the nearest wall. 
Once you felt your back touch the wall you couldn’t help but break free of the kiss and gasp, being too entranced to notice the position you were in until now. Shota wasted no time in returning to the kiss, using the hand on your neck to bring you closer to him. The two of you melted into the kiss, a mix of small groans and whines left Shota’s mouth as he lost himself in you. He broke away from the kiss, taking a moment to look at you beneath his frame before speaking, “Baby I need you right now..” he groaned, searching for approval in your eyes. You displayed agreement through a nod and took a step forward. Shota, before beginning to take off your clothes, gently let his hands run across your body longer than he needed to. It had been so long since he had been able to feel your skin underneath him, he wanted to savor it. 
He took off your shirt, admiring what was underneath as he lifted it above your head. Once he discarded it to the side, he worked on removing your bra. You were now completely bare from the waist up and your dark haired husband couldn’t help but stare. “Oh I’ve missed you so much.” He lowered his earlier kisses down to the side of your neck, bending his knees as he moved down to kiss your exposed breasts, one hand massaging the other as he worked. You let out soft moans, the pleasure slowly surging through you. It was more intense than usual, it had felt like eons since you had been touched by him, yet it seemed he still knew exactly how to please you. 
‘C’mere baby,” he led you to your shared bed, sitting you on the edge. You were almost laying down, your elbows propped up stopping you from doing so. Shota got down to his knees in front of you, sliding his hands on either side of your thighs and he slid your shorts off, your panties being the only remaining article. Upon seeing your wetness seeping through the cloth, Shota chuckled  “Awh baby, you’re soaked.” He looked up at you with lust clouded eyes. “Let me touch you, please love.” It took you a moment to fully process and respond to him, you were far too distracted by the sight of your usually dominant husband kneeling before you, so undone. “Yes-yeah, of course you can.” you responded after far too long of a pause. 
He returned one of his hands to its earlier position, slid against your thigh only now massaging you slowly. His other hand moved up slowly to your clothed pussy and you gasped when you felt him touch you. He used his hands to spread your legs open and teased small traces along your inner thighs, moving his face closer. You shivered as you felt the warmth of his breath close in. He planted a trail of the most gentle kisses up your thighs, pausing once he got just close enough to make you antsy. You whimpered, “please Sho..need you..”
“You know I can’t say no when you ask like that.” he smirked, then slid your panties off, gliding a finger down your slit. He inched his face closer, attaching his mouth to your clit after a few small licks. The wave of pleasure crashed down on you all at once, “Oh Sho…” you moved your hands to grab his head, tangling your fingers in his hair. Once his gentle demeanor faded, he was devouring you like a madman, groaning and mumbling into your arousal. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed this..” he lazily groused, slipping two fingers into you. He curled them up into you, the sheer amount of unfamiliar pleasure was almost overstimulating.
Your grip on his hair tightened, indicating he must have been doing something right. He paused to look up at you, “Yeah? You like that? ‘Course you do..” he trailed off, his mouth finding you again. Your nerves heated your entire body, that combined with the growing knot in your belly was enough to push you over the edge. You bucked your hips, now riding his fingers more than anything. He pulled his face up to look at you again. “Oh baby you look so pretty coming undone f’me right now.” his fingers sped up reaching places you didn’t know could be reached. “So pretty.”
“I’m- fuck.. M’ so close Sho..” you couldn’t control yourself anymore. Rolling your hips at the same speed his fingers were fucking you, you couldn’t help but toss your head back in satisfaction, your release smashing against you. “That’s it baby.. good girl..” Shota spoke, his fingers never once slowing until you were worn out. You whined due to the absence that filled you as he removed his digits. 
He stood up, looming over your relaxed frame. He knelt down to kiss your forehead, grabbing one of your hands to help you sit upright. “You did so good baby.. So good.” He sat next to you, stroking your hair. “Oh I love you Shota, so much.” you whined into him. ”I love you too [Name].” He smiled, honestly not wanting to get up. “Now let's get you cleaned up, it’s late.”
“What about you though? I feel bad not returning anything..” You said, feeling a mix of pleasure and guilt all in one go. “Don’t worry about me, we have plenty of time.” Shota responded. He walked to the bathroom, starting a hot bath with a mix of calming oils; then returned to you and brought you to the tub.
The two of you were slipped in you got comfortable in the middle of his legs, your back resting against his chest. “I love you Shota.” you closed your eyes, feeling relaxed enough to go to sleep right in the tub.
He wrapped his arms around your torso. “I love you too, [Name].”
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hueseok · 1 day
( 16. ) A LOVER’S KISS.
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a friends with benefits relationship never ends on a good note. unless, both parties are not dumb fucks who find themselves falling for each other along the way of their agreement, of course.
and in yours and jeongguk’s case, you should have known better than to think the two of you would be an exception to the so-called curse of being friends with benefits with someone you already hold dear to you, since not even five months since it was agreed upon—the line between being only friends and being a little like lovers only continue to get hazier and hazier.
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━ jeongguk x reader ━ 4.1k words. ━ 18+ ━ smut | angst | fluff | friends with benefits au | idiots to lovers au | college au | yearning? pining? | ft. swimmer!jeongguk, editor-in-chief!reader (small appearances from swimmer!jimin & associate editor!taehyung) ━ warning/s: swearing
note. no smut for this part, but i’m keeping the rating 18+ and have the smut label above since this drabble series overall isn’t suitable for minors !!
[ chapter index. ]
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EPISODE 16. the one with a lover’s kiss !
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jeongguk couldn’t sleep the night before the competition.
it’s not the first time this happened, of course. one can guess that he should be used to it at this point due to the nerves and the pressure and his desire to do great for the sake of the university’s reputation and for his own reputation as well (and maybe because of the expectations of his coach too who often wasn’t that kind in order to push him to the farthest of his limits). 
however, as made apparent by you before you attended class earlier, he didn’t just have the game to keep in mind for tomorrow, no—because as you have explained to him and cruelly reiterated when he called you a few minutes ago just for the purpose of hearing your voice before he tried to sleep—tomorrow was also going to be the day in which you were going to tell him your decision on whether you were willing to fully take him back again or not after the whirlwind of events that happened to your relationship these past weeks.
he wanted to believe that he had a good chance in winning you back; he wanted to confidently say that there was perhaps no way you would reject him, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up too high either. god knows how much that could hurt once you give him your answer and it turns out to be the opposite of what he was guessing. though a part of him was already convinced that surely, you wouldn’t have entertained his sweet gestures this week since making up if it wasn’t going to lead to you taking him back, right?
you possibly couldn’t be that brutal.
though in your defense, he didn’t think he had the right to be angry if leading him on was your plan all along. truth be told, he has been both intentionally and unintentionally brutal to you before to have the nerve to complain, that if you were going to take this opportunity to get the revenge you wanted, then he should just be a man about it and accept it the way it is.
“i don’t see her.”
jeongguk couldn’t breathe. he took a dramatic inhale to calm himself and regulate his heartbeat. “anywhere? you don’t see her with the guys and just—somewhere in the bleachers, maybe?”
“nope.” jimin glanced at him. “why? is ____ not coming? haven’t you two made up already? don’t tell me you did something stupid again.”
“we’re fine.” he rolled his eyes, slightly unsettled by his own statement. “it’s just important that she’s here.”
“yeah, i know, she’s your lucky charm, blah blah blah.”
“it’s not that.” jeongguk huffed. “well, it’s a part of it, but it’s bigger than that. is it wrong for me to want to try and find her before the competition begins?”
“yeah, coach would kill you if he doesn’t find you here when he arrives, so i advise you to just chill and be patient. maybe she’s just running a bit late.”
“yeah, you’re right. i’m just paranoid, am i?”
“what are you even exactly paranoid about?” jimin asked.
jeongguk frowned. talking about it out loud made it too real, and he preferred not to do it because of that, but he figured that he should at least tell someone about it if he wanted more insight perhaps. at least jimin has been a far better partner to yebin than jeongguk ever was to you to not be the person suitable to talk about this with. “she said if she doesn’t attend, that means she’s dumping me.”
jimin’s eyes widened in genuine surprise. “really? i never thought ____ had it in her.”
“she made it clear that she’s not going to see me anymore if i don’t see her today. i’m practically on the verge of death right now—or the start of my emo boy era.”
 jimin snorted. “didn’t you already go through that phase?”
“no, i haven’t.”
“yeah, you have. you’ve been moping for a few solid weeks when you and her weren’t okay. can’t say that you don’t deserve it. after what you did, you realize that it’s fair for her to play you around a bit, right?”
jeongguk wanted to strangle jimin sometimes because of his bluntness and desire to always tease the hell out of the people he’s close with (which unfortunately included jeongguk). but at the same time, he couldn’t deny that it was good to have a friend like him who could slap the facts in your face in order for you to see the truth and the implication of your actions—and be sometimes funny with it, for that matter.
“is it really?” jeongguk asked.
“well… i mean, it is in a way that you should see how lucky you are that you’re going to get your answer straight away. if i was her, i would have dragged this winning her back thing for a whole year before dropping the bomb that maybe we should just stay friends.”
“you seriously can’t be that cruel, jimin.”
“i could be, if someone really fucked me up.” he laughed. “but ____ isn’t like that. and i know she has strong feelings for you too. so maybe the best course of action now is to just trust what she decides for the both of you and live with it.”
this wasn’t the pep talk that jeongguk was expecting to receive before the tournament.
“and what am i supposed to do if she doesn’t come and that means we’re really over?” he questioned again.
jimin sighed. “then i guess you just have to go back to your emo tendencies and move on.”
the first time jeongguk personally asked if you could go to one of his matches, you and him weren’t secretly sleeping with each other yet. you were still in that weird phase of being great friends when you have the rest of the gang with you, but suddenly being really quiet and awkward with each other when it was just you two. he never even thought of inviting you alone when it came to his scheduled races, believing that he was doing the both of you a favor by not putting yourselves in a situation wherein you and him will just fall back to the usual cringeworthy interactions that will lead him physically wincing whenever he remembered them.
but that time, you overheard his conversation with taehyung who was apologizing that he couldn’t come for his match that weekend because of a project he needed to work on, and jeongguk, upon hearing him explain, visibly expressed his disappointment at the news because he wanted a friend to be there just so they could take a proper picture and video for him that he could look back after (if it wasn’t mentioned yet, jeongguk was obsessed with always doing a better performance than his last).
“i can go,” you volunteered before, your eyes focused still on the monitor inside the campus publication office but your ears were paying attention to them. “i’m free this saturday.”
jeongguk looked at you afterwards with a look that showed absolute hesitance. he was thankful that you weren’t peering at him to notice. “oh. you sure, ____? i wouldn’t want to bother you.”
“it’s fine.” you flickered your gaze to him. “though, if you don’t want me to be there, that’s totally okay too—”
“what? don’t be ridiculous.” a very very awkward chuckle tumbled out of jeongguk’s lips, one that taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at because of how fake it sounded. “why wouldn’t i want you to be there? of course you can come. i’d be really glad if you do.”
he didn’t know what response he was expecting, but you grinned, nodding in an skeptical manner, and then returned to what you were doing like nothing happened. jeongguk decided to face taehyung again afterwards, the latter staring at him with a similar dubious yet funny look, but he punched his arm and opted to flee from the office, muttering that he was going to be late for class if he stayed any longer.
fast forward to when the tournament came and he finished first place, he was ecstatic, brimming with pride because of his accomplishment—and when he met you outside the locker room to thank you for really coming and taking shots of him that he would review that night, he was a bit startled when you congratulated him with a tight hug, not used to that kind of affection from you.
sure, he always knew you were sweet to your close friends. you were like that to goeun, taehyung, and haru.
to him, though? that was the first.
“i’m so proud of you, guk!” you told him, the smile on your face so bright that he thought he might have to squint to look at you properly. “this is your first win of the season, right?”
jeongguk nodded. “yeah, i think it is.”
from that point forward, things weren’t so awkward between the both of you. your friendship solidified further when he asked if you wanted to help him with something at his uncle’s newly built restaurant, and you agreed, recognizing the same newfound comfort he was beginning to feel that you were eager to foster it more because it didn’t sit right with you how you were alright with everyone else and yet weird with him.
now, he didn’t want to think of the possibility of things being like that again. he barely survived not talking to you that much during the soomi fiasco and the period wherein he purposely avoided you to not cause any more damage than he had after the confrontation. it was one of the driving forces why he made up his mind in truly pursuing you—the realization that he wasn’t fond of the idea of not being able to talk to you every single day, of not being able to tell you the most random things and be certain that you would always know what to say next.
entering the natatorium, jeongguk didn’t appear as if he was hiding the fact that he was searching for you among the crowd. he already quickly spotted taehyung, haru, and goeun at their spot (you weren’t there), and then he tried searching for yebin, hoping that you decided to accompany her instead this time to create some kind of suspense (you still weren’t there when he saw her). so, all he could do after was let his eyes explore the whole venue as fast as he could, his heart hammering harder at every instance he failed to find you.
was this going to be the end of it all?
were you not coming?
was yesterday the final moment he got to hold you?
“guk,” his coach abruptly called his attention, “take your jacket off. it’s about to start,” he said, noticing jeongguk’s stiff posture as he stood there at the starting platform, immobile while the other players he was competing against were already removing their clothes.
jeongguk took one long scan again.
he still couldn’t see you.
and although he has yet to dive into the water, it felt as if he lost the ability to swim and was drowning to the bottom of the pool.
jeongguk could at least afford them a genuine smile as taehyung, haru, and goeun pulled him for a group hug. they simultaneously and continuously patted his back, the two boys doing it in a harsh manner to annoy the hell out of him that jeongguk had to groan and shove them off to prevent them from doing further damage to his aching body, though not without laughing and muttering his thanks for both being here and congratulating him.
“you did great back there,” haru said with a proud grin. “you’re definitely going to be the cover of the next issue again with the victory. i doubt i have to get ____’s approval just to make that happen.”
at the mention of your name, jeongguk’s attempt to seem fine crumbled a little. it didn’t go ignored by the rest of the gang with him; although they weren’t aware of the deal you and jeongguk had, they could understand that your absence today meant that something was wrong.
goeun cleared her throat, the silence insufferable that she couldn’t resist finally speaking up. “well, uh, haru mentioned that he’s also treating us today.” she placed an arm around haru’s shoulders, tiptoeing and struggling in the process. “right, ru?”
haru glanced at her. “i am?”
“you are.” taehyung chimed in, linking his arms with haru as if to lock him in. “you said you would if jeongguk wins first place.”
“i did?” haru’s tone remained confused.
jeongguk had to chuckle at their dumb effort to lighten the mood again. it was obvious that no conversation which involved haru saying that he was going to treat them later if jeongguk indeed won occurred. 
“don’t worry,” jeongguk said to haru, “i already messaged my uncle about the win and he’s gonna cook for us at the restaurant.”
“thank god.” haru exhaled a relieved breath. “because i do not have enough money right now to pay for all of us.” he glared at goeun.
“sorry, but someone had to say something,” she muttered.
“and you thought saying that i was going to treat everybody was the perfect thing to mention?” asked haru.
her shoulders lifted up in a shrug. “you’re the most generous out of us three.”
“no, he’s not,” taehyung butted in, “i think that title goes to me.”
“is it?” goeun asked. “you’re probably the most frugal of us all.”
“sensible is the right term for that,” defended taehyung.
jeongguk was about to join in the banter, to divert the teasing towards taehyung more as some sort of payback for the back slaps he got earlier, but just as he was opening his mouth to get a sentence out, he saw you coming into view.
you were here.
you came.
but you were late. what did that mean?
“____,” jeongguk breathed out.
the group automatically shut up, whirling around to see where jeongguk was staring at.
he was very much tempted to run to you, but his knees stayed put, somehow frozen in place. a part of him perhaps knew that talking to you immediately might be the wrong choice. he was afraid that the reason why you arrived late today was because you were still planning to reject him, that you were just being nice about it by doing it in person instead of text—but that was more cruel, in his opinion. he rather you don’t see his face when give him the news that you’re not willing to be with him again.
“hey,” you said, looking directly at him before diverting your attention to the rest of the crew. “you guys mind if guk and i speak alone?”
a pause.
“yeah, it’s cool.” haru was the first one to say, followed by taehyung, and then goeun.
“thanks.” you smiled.
they awkwardly shuffled and made their way to the exit of the locker room. they gave one last look to jeongguk just as they disappeared into the hallway, as if they were wishing him luck or reassuring him that everything was going to be okay, and looked at you too, as if they were sending a similar message that translated more into ‘please don’t break his heart or else this friend group might turn weird’.
when they were gone and definitely out of earshot, jeongguk finally had the courage to take a step forward. “____,” your name tumbled out of his lips again, “what are you—”
“i told you so,” you cut him off. you were going to lead this conversation, you made that mental note to yourself earlier prior to leaving your place, and you were going to say everything you had to say to him that maybe you never had the courage to do so in the past. “you didn’t need me here to win.”
he frowned. “winning is the last thing on my mind today, honestly.”
“that’s not a good mindset for an athlete.”
“it isn’t.”
you pursed your lips. “still, you won.”
“i guess, i did, huh?”
“without me there too.”
“yeah, you already said so.” although he didn’t appear resentful, he sounded bitter. “are you going to keep repeating that because you want to prove that even without you, i’ll be okay?”
“that wasn’t my intention.”
“then what is your intention exactly? i thought you said that if you didn’t come today, then that would mean that you’re not willing to give me a second chance.”
“and yet… i’m here, guk.”
he raised his eyebrows. “you are, but you were… you’re late.”
“because i chickened out.”
“you chickened out?”
you moved forward and sat on the empty bench across him. it was a lot easier to pour your heart out when doing that was only done through your imagination. “i was supposed to be here earlier. it’s just, uh, i… i’ve been—i’ve been stalling.”
it was true. you were adamant last night that you were going to give him a second chance. you were confident that for the past few days, regardless of how short the span was, jeongguk managed to prove to you that he was serious in wanting to commit to a real relationship with you. you saw that in the manner he always looked after you, in the manner he made time for you, in the manner he didn’t shy away from showing you affection when he felt like it—you were convinced that even though he never said it out loud, he really liked you, because the things he did… you were positive that you didn’t just do that to someone you didn’t like.
but you were also really fucking scared. it dawned to you last night (while you were overthinking everything and talking to yourself) that it indeed hasn’t been that long and that you were being too easy again for jeongguk; you were laying yourself out to him without him struggling that much. and why? because you loved him, of course. because you were afraid that if you prolonged this, he would give up and you were going to be alone and hurt once more.
“hey.” jeongguk placed his hands over yours as he knelt in front of you, hair wet and expression sincere; you didn’t notice him walk towards where you were, you were too preoccupied in your thoughts again to catch it. “you don’t have to…” he struggled with what he was going to say, mostly because it wasn’t what he wanted to happen, “you don’t have to give me a second chance if you’re not up for it.”
his heart dropped. it was only a hypothetical statement; he didn’t expect you to bite the idea.
“um…” he tried to speak, realizing that acting like a martyr isn’t part of his portfolio, but he was willing to act one right now to not make this harder for you. “i mean… it’ll suck ass, and i’ll probably cry for months, and i’ll beg you first not to date anyone else while we’re still studying in the same university—but after that, after i stop being a big baby about it,  i’ll…”
“you’ll what?” you were waiting for what he was going to tell you next. the corners of your mouth were turned slightly upwards at the hint of playfulness in his tone.
he scooted closer to you. fuck his knee; the high probability of it being bruised if he stays kneeled on the ground was the least of his worries. “i’ll stay by your side and i’ll try harder until you get tired of me. it’s what i told you the other day, didn’t i? i won’t ask you to be gentle with my feelings—i’ll let you torture me and walk me around like a dog. i’ll follow you wherever you’ll go, just patiently waiting ‘til you decide i’m worth your time. i’ll let you hurt my feelings, ____, because between us two, i know that it’s my heart that deserves a pretty good beating.”
you snorted at how dramatic his speech sounded. “hurting you is far from what i want. i’m not that sadistic.”
“then what is it that you want?”
jeongguk couldn’t stop the smile from conquering his features. he got the answer he wanted to hear. “i want you too.”
“i don’t mean that in a horny way, okay?” you quickly clarified and he had the strength now to laugh. “i want you to be here for me—all the time—is what i mean. i want you to continue being my best friend, and i also want you to kiss me whenever you feel like it. i want you to annoy the shit out of me, i want you to hug me, i want you to volunteer to do the most random stuff just to help me, and i want you to keep proving that you want us to work, guk. i want you to always remind me that it’s safe to let my guard down and give you my 100% all the time.”
“i’ll do that, if that’s what you want,” he promised. “you can trust me, babe. you can even exceed that 100% and make it 200 or a thousand—” your laughter echoed in the locker room.
jeongguk joined you, laughing as well, but as he did, it was also sinking in that what happened between the both of you left a huge mark that made it difficult for you to trust him. he couldn’t blame you, no, not after what he did, and he was eager to change that. he was optimistic that he could do that—because he knew it inside him that he has strong feelings for you. he could even say that he loved you and it would feel right.
“i’m sorry for being late,” you said.
he shook his head. “don’t be. i kind of deserved it.”
“well, you’re not wrong.”
“wow. you’re not a sadist, huh?”
you snickered; jeongguk grinned. he thought that he could stay in this moment forever, just you and him staring at each other, this unexplainable yet gooey feeling in your chests making it seem like everything was going to turn out fine.
and then he asked, “can i kiss you?”
your eyebrows rose. you remembered the last time he asked you that, when you were both in the middle of sex and you were hesitant to grant him that kiss because you were afraid of the repercussions that would soon come after once you did. yet, thinking more about the moment, he didn’t really ask you before, really; it was more like a demand, a plea, and it was different from what he was doing right now because despite appearing like he could beg just to get that kiss, it was still so sincere and was done out of—
love? he hasn’t said that out loud before. you didn’t want to assume. but the way he was gazing at you…
you placed your palms on his cheeks while he didn’t hesitate in extending his arms so that they were circled around your waist, pulling you closer that unconsciously caused you to open your legs to make space for his upper body. 
“doesn’t your knee hurt?” you whispered.
jeongguk pressed his lips together. “it’s tolerable.”
there you were again, with that infectious laugh, leading jeongguk to be tempted further to just kiss you without waiting for an answer. “okay, guk.”
he gave you a questioning look.
you rolled your eyes. “yeah. you can kiss me. but if you do...” you trailed, “that would mean that you’re taking the lucky opportunity of being my boyfriend.”
“i’ll make sure to thank you every day for that wonderful honor.” he allowed himself to push forward and kiss your lips. it was what he was dying to do for the past week; it wasn’t enough that he was only close to you or had the permission to hug you every now and then—his body craved to have you close, not in a manner that was horny like disclaimed just seconds ago too, but for all the reasons that you illustrated as well. 
kissing you gave him the signal that you were close. and god, did he always want you close.
“i’ll be better,” he murmured, kissing you continously. “i’ll treat you better, ____.”
you didn’t answer. you just smiled and kissed him further.
when for the past months, having your mouth on his was the thing you had to avoid the most, finally having the liberty to do it now just drove you to do it over and over again.
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note. hehe surprise? this update took so long that i think it took two whole damn years before i got the motivation to write again and finish this 😭 apologies for that lmao. life has been a whirlwind but since i'm now in a much happier state, i decided to try continuing this and i'm glad that it ended up with me finally concluding the story :D
honestly, i'm not too sure if got the vibes / essence of the story still since i haven't touched this mini series in such a long time. nonetheless, i did reread it and i hope that i brought justice to what you might have thought the ending was going to be! (also, i might edit this later on for improvement bc i just realized that my writing perhaps did not improve lmao but for now, this is what i can only offer >.<)
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taglist (1/3): @fan-ati--c @marknee @sexymenandcuteanimals101 @jiminisnotavirgin @joondala @afangirllikeme-blog @jxxvk @this-is-seriousbusinesz @swga-ficrecs @apollukee @bloopkook @jaerisdiction @thisartemisnevermisses @koolvrr @wearenot7withu @brilliantmoon7 @naturules @betysotelo18 @jinyoungie0922 @codeinebelle @minimoni7 @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @moonchild1 @taeshuworld @daydreambrliever @lilyflowerguk @rjsmochii @namjeonii @drownforryou @sugapiie @emeriroth @xius-exos @sw33tnight @lunaoceanchild @outropjmm @dojacandy @brit97 @abyjil @haruharux23 @haniiii @callmejimmeo @itsalyssa15 @hinawariinoue97 @libra04 @gukkmoans (striked means tumblr won’t let me tag them!)
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tootiecakes234 · 2 days
Katsuki Preparing for the Proposal:
*if you want to read the Part 1 you can click here
“Can you for once just do what I ask you without questioning everything Pinky? I’m offering a spa day full paid and you’re acting like I’m holding you at gunpoint!” I said exasperated.
Ive been on the phone for 10 minutes for what should have been a 2 minute phone called. I’d called and told Mina that i would pay for y/n and her to have a spa day. Massages, nails, hair, the works. What i didn’t expect is for the this woman to put up a fight about it.
“ I’m just trying to make sure a villain hasn’t taken over your body and is impersonating you! But fine, twist my arm. I’ll take your card AND your girlfriend and go do some damage on your dime. I’m tired of going back and forth. What time should I be there to get her?” She asked cheerily now that she’d accepted to “gift” being offered to her.
“Around 11 in the morning. You guys can go get lunch or something. And again I say, big mouth, do not tell her that I’m apart of this. Do you understand?” I said in the most threatening tone possible.
“Sir yes sir.” She mocked at me. “I’ll text her to set up it up now. Oh and I hope whatever you’re planning goes accordingly to plan, Mr. Inconspicuous.”
The gurgle that came out of that my mouth had Mina laughing on the other end of the phone.
“Shut up idiot. I’m not planning anything. Bye!” And i quickly hung up the call.
Dammit. She’d better not know anything. Eijirou better not have run his mouth and Pinky sure as hell better not run her mouth. Putting faith in any of my shitty friends to keep a secret was like trying to sweep sand at the beach… hopeless.
I had no other way to guarantee that y/n would stay away from the house long enough for me to get everything set up.
I’d gone into my office and locked the door to call Mina just to make sure she didn’t overhear anything.
When I finally made it back to the bedroom, she was in bed on her phone and didn’t LOOK like she suspected anything so that’s as good as I could hope for right now.
“Mina just randomly texted me and said she wants to go to the spa tomorrow. Isn’t that weird? It’s 8 o’clock at night and I just saw her earlier and she didn’t mention anything about it.”
“Mina’s weird all the fucking time anyway so no more than usual I guess. You should go though…. I mean you’ve been saying that works been stressing you or whatever.” I know I’m a shit liar, but this insane technically lying, so I’m hoping she buys it.
Ever since I’d decided to propose to her, everything I say sounds like something rehearsed or scripted and it’s putting me on edge. I’m either gonna give this woman this ring or have a goddamn heart attack trying.
“Hmmmm, you’re right. She said she’s going to cover it so why not.” She texts back and then sets down her phone on the nightstand score she turns to me. “I have the best friends in the world, don’t I?”
“Yea… just fucking terrific” I said frowning
“Katsuki, baby, don’t be jealous. I’ll tell Eiji to get you guys a spa day for your birthday. It’ll be a cute little outing.” she says all cheeky.
“No way in hell. I’ve gotten massages with E before and that bastard groans and moans while he’s getting his. I’ll be damned if I suffer through that again.” That makes her giggle but I’m being completely serious.
She does that a lot, finds humor in my honesty. One of the reasons I can’t wait to marry her. She’s one the few that I can be myself with and never feel like I’m saying the wrong thing or being the wrong me…. Fuck.
“Hey, where are you right now? You’re looking at me but you are not in the same space?” And I feel her warm hand press up against my cheek.
“Nowhere, just thinking. I’m tired, long day. You ready to go to sleep?”
“Mhmm.” She leans and presses 3 quick kisses to my lips before she turns to turn off the lamp next to the bed.
The time she snuggles down into the sheets my arm is wrapping around her and pulling her back flush against my front.
“Goodnight princess”
“Night Kat-daddy”
The last thought before I drift to sleep is that hopefully by tomorrow night I’ll be sleeping next to my fiance instead of my girlfriend.
*ok, so I don’t like writing super long fics soooo this is going to end up being part 2 of 3 or 4. I haven’t decided. But I feel like all this filler is super cute and important because Katsuki is actually such a simp and such a nerd underneath all that attitude and I wanted to showcase that soooo please don’t be mad that this isn’t the actual proposal🥺
Katsuki Masterlist
Tooties Tags: Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @jays-adventure3 @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @tippy-toes @superlegend216 @liliththeunqualifiedsimp @burgvndy @yoyolovesdaiki @zaiban2989 @citrustsuki-2 @queenpiranhadon @mikestuffffs @gold24fish @getou0309 @djlance-rock
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themore12 · 9 hours
The First-years sleepover!
Now that the Onboro dorm had been renovated and cleaned and everything, Ace decided to take advantage of that and have a sleepover there with the other 1st years!
Word count: 1092 words
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"Yo, Prefect!"
You sighed as you heard the ever-so-familiar voice behind you.
You turned to the nearest person beside you who so happened to be Dorm leader Vil Schoenheit, and tried to hide from the troublemakers behind you.
With a hint of exhaustion, you asked for a small favor from the worldwide model. "Hide me Vil...please I just want a moment of peace."
With a raised brow and an amused smile on his lips, he glanced at the one-brain cell trio, who were arguing as they made their way towards you. "I'm afraid they are already making their way here Prefect."
You can only sigh as you catch sight of the familiar red and blue-haired duo in the corner of your eye.
(more under the cut)
You already knew Ace would suggest troublesome with how he smiled at you.
"Prefect, we should sleep over at your dorm." (Ace) (events after book 7)
"Don't we do that every now and then already?" (Deuce)
With an annoyed smile, he continued, "Now that it's been renovated and all!" (Ace)
Before you could even begin to say anything, Grim said what you had in mind.
"Why would me and my henchman want you two in our dorm, each time you guys stay there our dorm gets wrecked!" (Grim)
"It only happened a few times!" (Ace)
"It shouldn't have happened in the first place?!" (Yuu)
In the end, you could only watch helplessly as they barged into the Onboro dorm with snacks at hand, a Happy Epel, and a Jack.
You sighed, "You didn't drag Epel and Jack here without their dorm leaders not knowing, right?" With that, the red and blue-haired troublemakers stopped in their tracks.
You can only sigh yet again, as words can't seem to convey the migraines that are starting to form in your head.
"I'm sorry Yuu..."
"It isn't your fault Deuce, I know Ace is the mastermind behind all of this."
"Hey! I'm right here!"
Without noticing it, the sun has begun to slowly disappear from the horizon and the moon from earlier seemingly becomes brighter as time passes by.
"Ace, Deuce, Grim, stop trying to kill each other."
"Epel and Jack can you help me set the table up?"
After a look at your annoyed expression, the three troublemakers raised their arms in defeat and (with a bit of guilt -Deuce) silently walked towards the dining table and sat quietly as they waited for the food.
Knowing that they might cause more trouble if they tried to help.
"Jack, could you please pass the salt?"
"Here Yuu."
After deciding who washes the dishes with Rock paper scissors, after an intense match between Epel and Ace, the loser (Ace) begrudgingly lurched to the kitchen.
Feeling bad, you decided to stay in the kitchen while he watched the dishes.
You might feel bad, but you're not that kind to take do his task for him.
The others, seeing you stay in the kitchen to provide moral support to their dishwasher, decided to join your little pity party.
"Since when have you guys been this nice..." (Ace)
"If Yuu wasn't here we wouldn't have stayed here." (Deuce)
*Nods along* (Grim, Epel, and Jack)
Grim the ever-competitive raccoon suggested playing something in the Wonder Link, sponsored by Idia.
"I bet I could score higher than you guys in Star Rouge!"
"Oh you're on, you talking raccoon!" (Ace)
"I'm not a raccoon!" (Grim)
Grim lost 2 times in a row.
"Fngha, Henchman! Win for me!"
You won those 2 losses back.
"Stop acting as if you won." (Jack)
"We count as one student, so I can say I won!" (Grim)
"That's not how that works..." (Epel)
"I can't hear losers!" (Grim)
"From what I heard you have 10 steps to do before you sleep in Pomifiore?"
"Yeah..." With a seemingly heavy heart, he sighed after he answered. "Don't get me started in our morning routine..."
As you were gossiping with the others, until sudden loud knocks and a familiarly loud voice yelled out. "Human!" Catching the other's attention with his ever-so-loud voice.
"Isn't that Sebek?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Sebek."
With a sigh, you decided to drag your tired body to the front door. "yow, what do you need Sebek?"
Long story short, he was tricked by Lilia to be part of the pajama party.
"Ace you cheating!-" (Epel)
"What is Wonder Link?" (Sebek)
"I honestly don't know too, man." (Yuu)
"I think it's something you can play games in?" (Jack)
(Literally in front of them)
"It's like our parents watching us, trying to understand what we're doing." (Ace)
(Glances behind them) "Yeah lol." (Epel)
"Epel, calm down!" (Deuce)
"GRAHHHHH!" (Epel)
After everyone joined Epel with his skincare routine(bonding), everybody seemed to have lost all their adrenaline from gaming earlier.
With the moon high up in the sky, almost all the first years seemed to have tired themselves out, since some of them had even passed out in the living room with their bodies littering the floor. Seemingly not caring how they are literally on the floor.
"Jack, can you help me carry them to their beds?" You asked as you pointed to the two passed-out idiots on the floor as you hoisted Grim up, making him grumble a little but after readjusting himself in your arms he continued to sleep like a log.
Jack nodded as he tried to keep his eyes open, seemingly a bit sleepy after all the trouble his friends made him go through.
"If you're tired, just let them lay on the couches." You said as you chuckled at him shaking his head and following you to their rooms.
"Thank you, Jack."
You covered Grim's ears as you shouted for the other two who were barely awake at this point. "Epel! Sebek!"
You hear a very weak "Yeah?" from Epel as he lies on the couch with no energy left in his body,
"Come on, you guys have rooms."
After what felt like an eternity (for them) all of them have finally gone to their respective rooms in the Onboro dorm.
"Thank you, Prefect..." You hear Epel mumble before he crashes onto his bed.
"Goodnight Prefect..." You hear Ace mumble as he subtly tries to drag you down onto his bed with him.
"Thanks, Prefect" You hear Deuce weakly mumble as he buries his head onto the pillow.
"Thank you and goodnight, Prefect." Jack said before he nodded and closed his door.
"I appreciate you for letting me in...Prefect." Sebek said although you could barely make out what he said at the end before he closed the door on you.
"I can't believe I hang out with these losers."
"But at least they're your losers!"
You glanced at the mirror in your room as you set Grim down who grumbled and reached out for you.
"You're right, they're the best losers I never asked for."
"Goodnight Mickey."
The dorm leaders honest reaction to the sleepover:
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Authors note: Its been weeks when will i ever post this?
AUTHORS NOTE 2: not proofread at all.
Authors note 4: reblogs and comments are appreciated ehe
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cheolaholic · 18 hours
ring of love; csc (06)
summary; agreeing to join vernon spectate an underground boxing match wasn't how you'd expect to spend your friday night. you also didn't expect to see seungcheol, someone you've lost contact with for years, become a part of the ring.
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modern! au • boxer! au • hhu focused • multiple kinds of tropes • fluff, angst, smut
chapter warnings: brief mentions of crimes (drugs, robbery, abduction), brief mentions of sex and hormones
a/n;; i have risen from the dead, everyone. I know it's been a while since I last updated (4 months 💀) But, please enjoy this chapter and hope that I do not disappear for another few more months until the next update lmao. Also posting this update while I'm on my lunchbreak lmao
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You didn’t think that figuring out a place to meetup with Seungcheol would be difficult, but alas, it was. The places Seungcheol had initially suggested were either too far or the price range of their menus could amount to at least a month’s worth of your rent. Maybe it was the years of not seeing him that you had forgotten his parents had their own businesses, which obviously, means money is never an issue for Seungcheol.
After telling him you had to commute to some of the places or either needing to Uber or have Vernon pick you up, Seungcheol found a decently priced cafe near your place with a cosy looking interior design. Having finally settled down on a place to meetup, you now began to stress about an outfit.
You tore through your entire wardrobe before finally panic-calling Aki who agreed to help, on the condition that you tell her everything that will go down at the meetup. You agreed and after hours of outfit try-ons, you settled on a brown oversized sweater, a black pleated skirt, paired together with doc martens loafers.
“Are you sure this looks okay…?” your voice full of uncertainty as you stared at your reflection. Aki, who was on video call on your phone that’s propped up on your dresser, rolls her eyes at your question. “Babes, you’re literally so pretty right now that you could be someone’s gay or bi-awakening. Don’t worry, okay? I'm sure he’s equally nervous of finally seeing you again after what? Almost half a decade?”
“That's a dramatic way to say almost 5 years, but okay.”
“Just be your normal self, ___. Even if he’s changed appearance or physique wise, I'm sure he’s still the same ol’ Seungcheol from more than a decade ago. Well, at least for you, it’s more than a decade.”
“That is true… thanks for helping me out, Aki.”
“Anything for my bestie. Now, go and see your prince charming!”
“Can you and my parents stop calling him my prince charming?” you whined, only for Aki to shoo you through your phone.
“Tell me the deets afterwards! I want all the nitty-gritty - don’t you dare leave anything out!”
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Seungcheol got to the cafe an hour earlier than the agreed meeting time. He tried to get some sleep but the adrenaline of being able to see you again kept him up. Sitting at the booth and occasionally glancing at the door, he would try to come up with things to talk about. Of course, he knew he had to explain why he dropped off the face of the earth for years without contacting you. But, he still needed to think of other ways to fix the rift between you both.
When he hears his name being called, he lifts up his head and it was as if time had stopped. There you were, shyly standing in front of him as you fiddled with the hem of your skirt. A few seconds after he realised he was staring, Seungcheol snapped back into reality. “Have a seat, __.” Ushering to the seat across him, flashing you that gummy smile that still sent your heart running for miles.
You did as told and after placing both your orders to the waitress who came over, Seungcheol nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “So… I didn’t know you were friends with Vernon…” he began, “Let alone a best friend since, y’know, Aki.”
“Yeah, I didn't really have a choice when he came up to me with that awful tie-dye during orientation. I was so glad when he got rid of it with how much my eyes were hurting.”
“That's Vernon for you,” he chuckles, “When he said he invited a friend, I was expecting maybe a classmate since Mingyu did the same with him.”
As you fidget, Seungcheol takes notice and leans his elbows on the table, reaching out a hand. “Hey, no need to be scared, okay? I know it’s been years and you’re most likely overthinking things right now, but I'm still me.”
“Where did you go…?” you asked in a shaky voice, “You just… ghosted me and later on, I found out you’ve been in Seoul for a while. Why… why didn’t you try to reach out?”
Withdrawing his hand and thrumming his fingers against the surface of the table, Seungcheol was silent for a moment before explaining himself. “That weekend when I headed to Seoul to check out Pledis, they had told my parents I qualified for one of their pre-u programmes. But, the slots in Korea were full, and if I did want to join the programme, I had to join their partnering unis abroad. They had Carat University in Japan and An Ode University in Melbourne.”
You quietly listened to Seungcheol as he continued.
While he wouldn’t mind waiting for an empty slot to be available in Pledis but, his parents had encouraged him to enrol into An Ode as they had an apartment in Melbourne. In the event he didn’t want to stay on his own, they’d be more than willing to pay for his dormitory. “They said the enrolment opportunities for pre-u programmes like these are rare… And, since I was given the opportunity, they encouraged me to take the chance.”
“… And you did…”
“I missed you like crazy, _. But, I couldn't get your calls or texts, not even reply nor call you back because I had to wait two weeks to be able to get a new phone and sim card. When I finally did get them, you had changed your number…”
Your face went red with embarrassment at the memory. A few days after your return from Jeju, your parents had brought you to go shop for a new phone and you’ve decided to change your number in the process. Since Seungcheol had dropped off the face of the earth at the time, you thought it wouldn’t matter anyway if you had changed your number since what were the chances of him calling you?
Turns out you were wrong.
“When I finished the programme, I stayed in Melbourne for a year and a half for their business course before transferring back to Korea to finish it in Pledis.”
“That was… that was at least two and a half years ago. Seungcheol, are you… are you telling me within those two years you never bothered to even look for me?”
“I begged them not to tell you!” he defended, “I wanted it to be a surprise! I wasn’t expecting our first meeting after years to be you witnessing me boxing!”
“I did! I went back to Daegu to look for you, but your parents had told me you went to Pledis! I tried finding you all over the place, but for some reason you were never in my line of sight!”
“Wait, wait,” holding up your hand in disbelief to stop him from talking, “you went to see my parents? They never told me anything!”
“How did you get into it in the first place though?” you asked, the waitress arriving with a tray of drinks and some cakes, “I heard you’ve been underground boxing for a year now.” Taking a sip from his drink, Seungcheol stared out the window, watching random cars and pedestrians pass by.
“I’ve been underground boxing for two years, actually, when I was back in Melbourne.” he answered. “A senior saw me during one of my Taekwondo matches during pre-u and invited me to try boxing. A few months later, he introduced me to this trainer who was looking to coach someone for a boxing match and everything just kinda fell into place.”
As a blanket of silence fell over the table, you muttered out a small “I missed you…”. Seungcheol gives you a smile, reaching out his hands to hold yours as he brings them to his lips, placing a kiss on your knuckles – an action that causes you to blush. “Well, I’m here now. I’ll make it up to you, alright?”
“I expect good food.”
And he replies with a sentence that has the butterflies you thought had died start fluttering again.
“Anything for you, pup.”
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“No… You’re lying…‘
“___, I swear on my life, I am not lying.”
“Ew, Cheol, that’s gross!” You whined, pushing at his shoulder with a disgusted expression, “I don’t need to hear about your sex life – much less a three way you had!”
Seungcheol laughs at your reaction, “Hey, if you think mine’s gross, you sure hear Mingyu’s. Who knew models were so… hormonal.”
“Lalala, I’m not listening!”
After your catch-up lunch at the cafe, you brought Seungcheol to the park near your apartment. The area enroute… was sketchy, to say the least, and that was putting it lightly. If you were to remove the sugarcoating, it looks as though you could get mugged or abducted if you lady luck was having a bad day and decided to take it out on you.
“No offence, pup –”
“Non taken.”
“But, at least three blocks of your housing area looks like they’re being used for drug operations. I know you can fight for yourself – I mean, I taught you how to defend yourself when we grew up together. But, have you ever thought about… y’know, moving to a safer area?” 
You had thought about moving out, but with the current rent prices being equivalent to a monthly mortgage payment, the dingy area is the best you got.
“I mean… It can’t be that bad, right…?”
“___, look at the place… I know you value your independence but, surely there are studios or apartments for rent that are safer and more… well lit, y’know?” Seungcheol notices how you began to pick at your nails, a habit he’s noticed when you both grew up and a sign that you were either anxious, nervous or both.
“Budget restraints?”
“Yeah… This is the best I got, Cheollie… Anywhere close to campus is expensive, and a decent apartment is… well… if I had a mortgage, I could pay that off, y’know…? I have a part-time job – I work as a barista at one of the cafes near campus. It pays decently, kind of higher than the usual amount part-timers get per hour but, let’s say I move out and rent an apartment near campus – I wouldn’t be left with much money after paying for rent and the utility bills…”
“Ever thought of getting roommates?”
“In case you’ve forgotten, Mr Choi, I am not a people’s person. Ask Hansol, it took me a year to actually open up to him, even after he’s been introducing me as his best friend for months.”
“Your parents should have property in Seoul, right? Why don’t you stay there instead?”
“Because I’m an only child, Seungcheol. My parents will pay the bills even if I was willing to fork up my own cash!”
Adding on the fact that you had no transport of your own, the dingy little apartment area really did seem like the best option for you – at least, for Seungcheol he was still… iffy (rightfully so, he wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you).
“Any public transport nearby?”
“There’s a bus stop that’s a 5 minute walk away from my place.”
What you forgot to mention however, was the lack of reliable or functioning light source of said bus stop to your apartment’s lobby. But, surely, it wasn’t a detail worth mentioning to Seungcheol, you thought to yourself.
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“Y’know, I thought your crush on Seungcheol would actually die down within those 5 years of no-contact.” Aki confessed as you typed on your laptop, phone propped up against one of your pen organisers. “I mean, it kind of did? But, instead of you being over over him, it’s more like… it’s more like your feelings weren't as obvious as back then.”
“Was it that obvious though?” you asked, turning your head to look at her as she shrugged her shoulders, “Not gonna lie, you’re pretty good at hiding it. I only noticed it after spending more time with you and noticing the subtle signs. If anyone was observant enough, they’d notice. But, to those that just look over the surface, not really.”
“...Do you think Cheol noticed…?”
“___, I might offend you and almost all the male species out there with this statement but, boys are dumb.” Aki moves her position from her desk to her bed, lying down on her stomach. “You both have been friends since you were kids so he should be picking up the signs. If he doesn’t then he’s either dumb or playing dumb.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you before you asked, “Do you think he knows I like him and he’s just playing me?”
“You and I both know Seungcheol isn’t like that,” Aki began, “Your well-being is a priority to him – you’re a priority to him. Maybe he’s never thought about it, y’know? You both grew up together, maybe the lines were blurred to him.”
Aki could still see the uncertainty on your face, which by all means, you had every right to feel that way. After all, Seungcheol had gone no-contact for 5 years and a person can change a lot within those 5 years. Who’s to say he actually is just a bastard who would step on people’s heads just to get what he wants. “Why don’t you start spending more time with him? Like the good ol’ times!” Aki suggested.
“But… what if he is, and he’s just really good at hiding it?” you asked again, the anxiety and nervousness eating you up as you thought about Seungcheol taking advantage of your feelings.
“___, darling, you and I both know Seungcheol always puts his loved ones above him – he makes them a priority. And, he’s always put you first, even up to the point he dropped off the face of the earth!”
“Rekindle the friendship, y’know? Sure, you both had a catch up session today, but you and I both know that isn’t enough. 5 years worth of catching up – and not to mention, I need to kick his ass.”
You let out a small laugh, “You’ll need to fly over to do that, Aki.”
“Hey, don’t tempt me, ___.” Aki playfully warns, narrowing her eyes at you and pointing a finger at the screen, “I have the money to do so, and I will.”
“God, Aki…”
"Hey, Seungcheol isn't the only one that would do anything for you and has the money to do so."
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[0212] cheollie: hey, ik it's pretty late rn [0213] cheollie: but, i just wanted to text you this before i forget [0213] cheollie: thanks for agreeing to meet up with me today and hear me out about my whole disappearance and lost all contact [0213] cheollie: and i'm really, really, really glad that you still see me as that boy you grew up with all those years ago [0214] cheollie: and i really had a great time catching up with you today [0214] cheollie: and i'll always be here for you if you ever need me, ok?
Seungcheol stared at the text he's about to send out.
i'm always going to be right by your side no matter what
After silently debating with himself, he deleted the draft and set his phone on his nightstand, laying in his bed as he stared at the ceiling of his dark bedroom - contemplating as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
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taglist (unable to tag a few ㅠㅠ)
@yoonclip @1004luvangel @catjunhui @mystikha @spk93 @tinkerbell460 @yoozuku @dnylwooo @christinewithluv @limbomoon @plutoxxxworld @i-give-up-1234 @m1ngyuc0re @yunloyal @leclercloverbot @bettybeako @billboard-singer @ocyeanicc @krupyadoorrahe @seobinnieshi @xcynthiaaa @k411z @disneyprincesshuri @sunnyapp @khxsh @staygenezy @loufi8iepuff @ursweetener @noisypapergalaxy @wonwootakemyheart @sugainpinksweater @leah-rose03 @thisisnotthelastofus @yearnoclock @kwonhoeshi @minhui8966 @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @ru-lin @deobiforever @belladaises @cheoliekkuma @duskunt1ldawn @hyneyedfiz @marshmallowshouse @ak6ko @chwevernonlover @jejuboo-s @tsukinluv @atinytinaa @gyros-cum-sock @soupbinlily @jungwoos-luvr @ener-energy @watermelon-sugars-things @cyberpunkhwx @ddaengpotate @nightwingsrobbinhoods @chaerrylov3r @joshuaahong @wonussmile @uliceeeeeeee @wonwoo24 @shinetogether17 @simplejihoon @luvkpopp
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kvetchlandia · 3 days
The racist, nationalist, Islamophobic and antisemitic National Front (or whatever stupid, slightly less terrifying name they're giving themselves this month) is set to be the largest single party in the French parliament after next week's final round of elections. Italy is already governed by a party that's the direct descendant of Mussolini's Fascists. The neo-fascist Alternative for Germany was the second largest block in the recent German elections to the European Parliament and is expected to grow significantly in next year's elections to the Bundestag. Geert Wilders's reactionary party in the Netherlands took nearly 50% of the Dutch seats in the European Parliament (6 of 14). In the 2023 national elections in the Netherlands, Wilders' party took a whopping 37 seats in the Dutch House of Representatives, making it the largest single party in the Dutch legislature. Fortunately for the Dutch, they don't have another national election scheduled until 2028, but one could be held earlier should the government fall. It's hard for me to grasp that these countries, each of which was either conquered and occupied by the nazis and betrayed by collaborators, or was directly governed by nazis and fascists, is now electing precisely those same nazis and collaborators. Of course, we here in the United States, are facing the bizarre choice in the two "official" parties of American capitalism, of one candidate who's clearly cognitively impaired and another who is a dictator wannabe; a man already convicted of numerous felony charges and facing many, many more; a racist and misogynist; a man millions of dollars in debt on account of the fines levied against him after he was found liable for the civil sexual abuse of a woman and then libeling his victim and a man who has made it clear that if/when he's re-elected he's going to go after his political opponents and that he's also going to dismantle what little bit of social safety net we have in the United States. It looks as though Mushroom Dick, as Stormy Daniels referred to this monster, with whom she shared a brief and forgettable sexual encounter, is going to win the election in this country. This world is rapidly becoming an even sicker and sadder place than it's long been. I guess we should take a teensy bit of hope that Britain is bucking the trend and that Labour is expected to trounce the Tories in the upcoming election. Of course, this doesn't reflect that Britain is immune to the tide of the racist fear of immigrants that's sweeping over the rest of Europe and the United States but rather, it reflects the fact that the tide hit Britain first and that the British people have been suffering under the effects of Brexit for several years already, and that the long-term rule by the Tories has devastated the British working class and sucked much of the life out of the National Health System, which used to be a model for the world until the Tories slashed its budget to the bone. I guess all I can say is we're really screwed. The world is entering an ugly time and things are going to get worse before they get better.
OK, now I've totally depressed myself. I'm gonna pour myself a stiff drink and then stick a pillow over my head and try to go to sleep. I'm not in the mood to engage in my usual late night Tumblr silliness. Maybe I'll get back to posting tomorrow?
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peppermintquartz · 3 days
Eddie arrives earlier now and leaves later for his shifts, and he is focused at work. He doesn't smile as often, but he does smile - usually at Buck explaining something he's recently found out - and he still teases his colleagues, he's still focused, he's still working together with Buck to protect Chimney, Hen and Ravi from Gerrard as much as possible.
(Ostensibly, they're not on Gerrard's hit list: Gerrard doesn't know them well enough to try to target their weaknesses. Buck has even brought out the clipboard, except it's now wielded as a shield: the two of them triple check everything to make sure that no fault can be found.)
It's Hen who first notices the thousand-yard stare when Eddie's alone at the weight bench or when he's seated at the table. Like he's waiting for something that he can't name. She's seen that look before, in the mirror, when she was much younger and the future seemed to run right into a wall. She's felt it recently too, when she and Karen return home and they're in bed and the lights are out, and the emptiness spills out in an aching silence. (Karen tries, how she tries, but it isn't her and her decisions that led to Mara being taken from them.) She shares some of her pain with Eddie, and he shares a little of his, and they find time to have brunch or lunch together on their days off.
Chimney isn't the most perceptive regarding Eddie, but after seeing Hen reach out, he also makes the effort to invite Eddie over for meals more often. It's easy to cook for one more hungry firefighter, and Eddie likes teaching Jee some basic Spanish. Sometimes they play ball at the station before their shift begins, and Chimney sees how it helps Eddie to lose the tension in his shoulders to have that time to unwind. If it keeps Eddie from getting stuck in his head, that's good for the team. Chimney tries really hard not to be too obvious about his checking in, but Eddie pats his shoulder one day and says that he'll take care of himself, he has a duty to stay safe.
Maddie has a way of getting Eddie to open up about Christopher whenever they play with Jee, while Chimney manages the older kids. One time Eddie accepts the offer to sleep over, and even told a bedtime story to Jee in Spanish. Later that night, Maddie and Chimney listened to Eddie talk about reading to Chris, how the best sound in the world was Chris' laughter. Maddie held his hand and squeezed his fingers, and told him that it would be very good of him to let his son know all of that in a written letter, so that Chris would be able to keep Eddie's words with him in a physical form, that even apart, the love could still be felt.
Buck and Tommy do their best to include him. In fact, they gang up on him: if Tommy's available for basketball or muay thai or karaoke night, he grabs Eddie along; if Tommy's working but both Buck and Eddie are free, Buck enlists Eddie's help in furniture shopping or recipe tasting. They even start a movie night thing at Eddie's place. They show up with beer and snacks, and they have a jar with a selection of titles to pick from that they each contribute to. Eddie puts his foot down on them cuddling on his couch, however.
Bobby visits Eddie, a couple of times, "just to catch up on news". He asks about the prayer book, and guides Eddie through a couple of devotionals that helped Bobby through his darkest patch. "I'm not saying that you must return to practicing religion," he tells Eddie sincerely, because he wants this promising young man to keep out of the mire, to become a light for others. "But you and I know that sometimes, when we're stuck at the very lowest, it takes a bit of faith to begin climbing out again."
"A bit of faith?"
"A bit, as small as a mustard seed."
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Ghost Of You
[jungkook x reader] [2.3k+ angst, supernatural-ish!au??]
A/N: I've been MIA for months and while I've been logging on from time to time to read fics, I never really had the energy to write one. But I'm back with the second part of Bad Omens. I just hope I was able to write something worth reading! Not proofread—whoops.
Anyway, part 3? >> Read Bad Omens
Your husband complains at the long drive, stretching to ease the building fatigue in his muscles.
You knead his thighs. "Why don't you let me drive for a while?" Jungkook turns to look at you with stars in his eyes and shakes his head. You smile back with a nod and look out to the road.
"Did we take this highway this morning?"
"Yeah, I think so. This is the fastest route to the city." Jungkook briefly looks at you with a worried expression. "Something wrong?"
"Huh. That's weird..." You pull up your phone and open the web app.
Eyes glancing back and forth between you and the road, he asks you again what's wrong.
"Just.." you trail, thumb still scrolling through your search results. "I don't remember seeing the gasoline station we just passed this morning."
Jungkook hums, "Wanna stop by? You were probably asleep when we passed by earlier," he offers as an answer.
"No. I just got this strange feeling of like..," you mumble, trying to think of the right word. "Like deja vu." Brushing it off despite the gnawing strange feeling.
Jungkook extends his arm across the console to cup your cheek. Affectionately, you lean your face—the warmth of his palm is a welcomed comfort.
"We'll be home soon," he assures you as you close your eyes.
"Hey, sleepy head," Jungkook teases—lips centimeters away from your ears and his thick hot breath tickles you awake.
Your lips stretch to a smile, but your eyes refuse to open. "You're up early," you groan.
He chuckles. You feel the right side of the bed dip as Jungkook moves around you. "Baby, it's 11 A.M. already," he coos. Alarmed, you shoot up from the bed before he could finish his sentence, your shoulders almost hitting his cheek.
Regret quickly follows as you feel a sting of pain in your neck. "Fuck, I think I slept on my neck wrong." You stretch your limb sideways, trying to ease the tension.
Jungkook's warm hands were quick to help. His fingers gently run in circling motion as he noses at your shoulder. "Where are you rushing off to, anyway?"
"Uhh, work," you respond as if stating the obvious. But you're met with a raised brow from Jungkook.
"But it's Saturday today."
You mirror his confused face as you quickly search for your phone on the nightstand.
"What? Nuh uh, it's Friday." You shake your head as your legs swing off the bed.
Jungkook jumps to cross the bed and snatch you by the waist, pulling you back under the covers. Soft gasp and giggles erupt from your mouth as he tackles you in a bear hug, restricting you to leave again.
"C'mon, I'm going to be late for work." You pry his hands on your waist, but he refuses to give. And so, you wiggle around to face him.
"Hi," your husband chirps before kissing your lips.
Between your kisses, you call his name in broken syllables. You tap his shoulders, "I really have to go," you insist.
Jungkook's brows furrow in mixed confusion and mirth, "Baby, it really is a weekend," he insists and shows you his phone.
And he was right. Sure enough, the bold SATURDAY on the screen glares back at you.
Disoriented, you free yourself from his hold. You suddenly feel like the walls are closing in on you. Did you sleep through the day? You swore yesterday was just Thursday.
"Everything okay?" Worried eyes assess you and you feel even more anxious.
"Yes-no. I don't know. I think I'm having a deja vu?" You press the heel of your palm to your eyes. You think you feel an oncoming migraine.
"Deja vu?" Jungkook asks as he stands. "Like you've already experienced today?"
"No, not exactly," you stutter. Your brain lags to find an explanation. How do you verbalize the missing feeling inside of you?
"I feel like..." you trail off and see Jungkook's eyes are fixed on yours, patiently waiting for you to explain. "Like I skipped days? You know whenever I whined about the weekdays and hoped it was already the weekend? It's like I got my wish? But like today had already happened."
At your poor explanation, Jungkook giggles. His bunny teeth peeking and it was hard not to awe at his bright face.
"I think you're just hungry," your husband teases. "How about we get breakfast and go for a drive? Nothing too far, just until the scenery changes."
You hum in agreement. "If today's really Saturday, I might as well do something relaxing, right?"
Jungkook kisses your cheek before dashing away to the bathroom.
"You joining me in the shower?"
The moment you awaken, you feel the warmth of the sun rays piercing through your windows and a light breeze sweeps in every second and so. Yet, as perfect as the morning seemed to start, you're bugged by the feeling that something was amiss.
You couldn't shrug off the feeling that you're forgetting something. Jungkook's not beside you and you assume he's in the kitchen. You call for your husband and soon hear his footsteps padding across the wooden floor. Jungkook's head pops through the door frame, "You called for me?"
You meekly nod in his direction, "What day is it?"
Jungkook laughs, his obliviousness from your predicament has him amused in your state. "It's Saturday. Do you have plans for today?" he answers as he enters your room.
"How could it be Saturday again today?" You ask your husband, though the question was meant to be rhetorical, he didn’t miss the panic in your voice. "It was Saturday yesterday, and now you're telling me, it's still Saturday today?"
Confused eyes scan your face. "What are you talking about, Y/N? It is Saturday today and yesterday was Friday."
"No, Jungkook!” You exclaim as you jump off the bed. Your misdirected frustration directed at him. “If this is one of your pranks, you better own up now. It isn't funny."
"What? It's not," his hands quickly engulf your face. Yet somehow, the action gives you no comfort. "I swear, it's not."
You tear up out of frustration and your hands grip the table for support. You hear Jungkook call your name but somehow your mind is floating away.
Something's wrong.
Something's very wrong. You're forgetting something important. And anger and frustration rises inside you as you struggle to pinpoint what it is.
Next thing you know, you're hyperventilating. "I'm scared," you force the words out of your mouth.
Jungkook rushes to your side, quickly soothing you. "Breathe with me, Y/N. Focus on my breathing and follow, yeah?"
You still hear Jungkook talking, but everything is muffled. It isn't until you spot the mole just below his lips and focus on it that you regain your control.
Slowly, you feel his hands on your cheeks.
Then, your eyes travel from his lips to his eyes. Gradually, you register his voice, then his words. And you breathe with him.
You lean on each other as seconds turn to minutes. When you think your emotions are stable, you ask your husband again, "Jungkook, please just tell me now if this is just some stupid joke of yours."
A beat passes then another.
Jungkook looks like he's internally struggling with something, so you squeeze his hands to let him know that if it is a prank gone wrong, it's okay. You're not mad.
Jungkook visibly gulps and you worry. "It's really not a prank, but…” he cuts himself off. As if he was unsure of what to say. The look of confusion on his face slowly morphs into guilt.
"But what?" You urge. Confusion, anger, and fear are starting to rise inside you again. If it wasn't Jungkook standing in front of you, you would have already been impatient.
He remains pensive and quiet. And yet, his eyes look at you so lovingly, as if he yearns for you.
"Jungkook, please," you whisper. "What is going on?"
"I also don't know what's happening. But that Friday night after Jin hyung's party, something happened.”
Your anxiety grows as you see your husband start to tear up, his eyes downcast as he tries to hold back his tears. “Y/N, we got into an accident. Right after our stop by the lay-by..” Jungkook—your husband, the love of your life, the man who always toughened up for the both of you was suddenly crumbling to your arms. His words are barely coherent as he holds back sobs and tears. “I got better but..”
Your intertwined hands catch Jungkook's tears and somehow you know. He didn't have to say anything but his pained sobs told you what his mouth could not utter.
"At first, I thought I was dreaming or that the accident was a dream but I had cuts and bruises and when Jin hyung visited me he couldn't see you..."
You stumble back into the bed as you try to process what Jungkook just told you.
"Are you saying I'm—"
You couldn't even think of the word. Tears were quick to return and you looked up to your husband.
"Am I? What do you mean Jin couldn't see me?"
Jungkook kneels in front of you, his body slotting between your legs. "I tried to look for an explanation but I just accepted that this was a cruel blessing. It didn’t matter that they thought I had gone crazy and maybe they’re right. But baby, it doesn’t matter to me because you’re here. So please…” Soft hands firmly grip your own as if he was already pleading you to stay; accept your situation as it is.
Jungkook hated it when you cooed at his eyes, but he always knew when to use it to his advantage. And right now, as two doe glistening eyes plead for you and his lips pouty as he begs you to understand, you feel yourself melting to his whim despite being lost.
Still, you can’t help but cry at everything—it’s too much. And as always, Jungkook hastens to wipe your tears. He leans his forehead towards yours and hopes he can take whatever unwanted feeling you’re having right now.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he apologizes and starts to softly graze his nose to yours for an eskimo kiss—one of his ways of silently apologizing.
And it works. It was Jungkook. It was your husband.
Despite being more confused and agitated, you accept his apology. You get the feeling that he must also share the fear you feel right now. But overcome with your need to know you ask, "How long?"
Jungkook pulls away, just enough to look properly at you with furrowed brows.
"How long have I been in...limbo? Or whatever the fuck this is."
He gulps. Ruminates if he should lie or be honest.
"A year."
You recoil and scamper away from his hold. "For fucks sake, Jungkook. This isn't right. We need to get help or find someone." By now, you’re full-on panicking. You don’t know how this was possible. In all of the weird conspiracy and shit you watched when you were…alive, none of those could explain what is happening to you now.
"No," Jungkook was quick to reply; his tone was indignant. He's not letting you go—a decision he made months ago. He lost you and he believes this is a second chance for him. He shut himself and pushed everyone away to stay here with you.
And he can't let that happen.
Struggling to hold your hiccups, you at least try to make sense of your situation. "And what about the days? Why do I feel like I'm reliving or skipping days?"
A tattooed arm stretches across the bed to tuck a tear-soaked stray hair behind your ears. Jungkook's voice has that lilt he uses when he answers his six year old nephew’s questions when he answers you. "You never seem to remember anything new. You always think it's Friday, always before the accident.."
"This is so fucked up," you hiccup. Your forgotten habit of biting your nails resurfacing. "What about you? Your job? Our friends? Jungkook, you can't seriously think it's okay to be holed up here with me."
Jungkook moves closer again towards you. His sweater sleeves pulled around his fist to wipe your cheeks. "It's fine, baby. It doesn't matter if we relive the same day over and over again, you're here with me and that's all that matters. We're together."
At his sentiments, you sob. Your heart is in pieces for the man in front of you. You love Jungkook, you truly do and the thought of leaving him shatters you, but you can't keep him here with you. He said it's been a year. You look around and sure enough you notice things—the wine stain on the rug turning faint over the months passed, your basil by the kitchen window sill has grown taller, and what shatters the pieces of your broken heart is the absence of photos of your friends on the shelf.
You think about your friends. Jungkook's family. You cry harder.
Jungkook said Jin visited and thought he was crazy. You assume the worst happened.
And what about your other friends? Did they share the same sentiments?
Your wail at the thought that Jungkook not only lost you that night, but his friends, too. And it’s all your fault.
"You have to let me go," you plead. Your voice weary and hands shake from being overwhelmed. "You have to live your life. Please, Jungkook,” you plead.
"I am, Y/N. I am. As long as I’m with you, I am," your husband insists repeatedly. "Please don't leave me."
Your heart aches from his plea. How can you leave someone like him?
You’ve only been married for a few years. You barely did all of the things you said you would do—roadtrips to the country, backpacking across continents, and fuck, you wanted to build a family together; grow old together.
You curse at no one in particular; desperate for someone to blame. In the seconds that ticked, you grew spiteful.
Maybe Jungkook was right.
This was a blessing. Yes, it was cruel to live this way, but a second chance, nonetheless.
And so, you allow yourself to be selfish. You'll stay.
You'll stay with Jungkook. For Jungkook.
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beom-s-author · 1 day
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txt reactions- you fell asleep on their laps
Warnings: fluff, soft, whispering, pet names
Choi Beomgyu
It was a long day for you and him. You were sitting on the couch which is in the practise room and waiting for Beomgyu. He was still practising for his stage which is on Saturday. He was dancing again and again. He was trying to be flawless but it was almostly 1 a.m. You were trying not to sleep because the time was already late for you. You were tired as hell with achy back and tired eyes which are almoslty closing with every single second. You were yawning and rubbing your eyes. You were checking your phone and sighing and wondering if Beomgyu will go to your dorm today. He was so tired but still determined to be flawless. You could see the sweat drops on his forehead. His shoes are getting dirty with the dust which is on the floor. You were getting impatient and sleepy again with his dancing moves. You replied softly. "Please take a break..I am just tired from watching you constantly doing it again and again." Beomgyu sighed with your words and nodded. He sat on the couch and you laid on his thights. He smiled how clingy you are. He grabbed a bottle from the floor and started drinking the water from it. You were yawning softly. He strokes your hair slowly. It was so relaxing. You closed your eyes softly. The way he is stroking your hair, the way how you are on his lap, the way how his Versace perfume smelled, You fell asleep quickly. You were in your dreamland in a quick way and Beomgyu didn't noticed until when he tried to get up for continue. As he realized that you are asleep, He chuckled softly. He decided not to wake you up..You both fell asleep on the couch which is on the pratic room. Until the morning, You slept all night peacefully. The members woke both of you while chuckling softly. Hueningkai was taking photos of you and him..
Choi Soobin
You guys are at Txt's dorm. Soobin and Yeonjun were playing video games while Hueningkai and Beomgyu were eating dinner. You came out from the work and visit Soobin. He hugged you and you both sat on the comfortable couch. Taehyun was in the gym like he always was in. You were feeling so tired and hungry. You decided to eat with the guys. You finished a cup of ramen already and drank plenty of water. You started to watch Soobin and Yeonjun. Yeonjun was almostly winning and he was making fun of Soobin. Soobin was angry and he was deciding to throw a pillow to Yeonjun. They were all laughing. You yawned and you didn't notice you were that tired until now..You put a pillow on Soobin's lap and put your head on the soft pillow. Soobin saw you and he can't explain what is going on with his heart. It was beating so fastly to see you crawled on his lap with your messy hair and tired, tiny figure. As the time passed, You fell asleep peacufully on his lap. Soobin noticed it and chuckled softly. The guys are chuckling also how cute you both are looking. Soobin decided to leave you asleep peacfully on his lap until the day end.
Choi Yeonjun
It was a rare free day for Yeonjun. He decided to have some time with you. You spent all day laying down on your large bed. Watching films which are from 90's and cringy but still you found yourself comfortable watching them. Eating fruits and snacks in the bed and giggling about how they tasted. It was like comforting zone. To be near of your boyfriend and be away from all worries. It was almostly 7 p.m. You guys decided to eat dinner. He ordered chicken burgers and spicy ramens to your dorm. You picked them from the door and run to the kitchen. Yeonjun and you ate it too quickly and went to your bedroom again. It was like 10 p.m. You yawned softly and put your head on his lap. He chuckled softly and stroked your hair. You smiled at him while cuddling with him. He turned on the TV and started watching another show you both watched together earlier. You found hard to keep your eyes opened and fell asleep on his lap. It was like the most perfect thing in the world you can imagine. He chuckled how you are curling in a Ball, how your head on his lap and sleeping soundly. He turned off the TV and decided to sleep with you.
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another part of At Least Out Loud
Chilchuck lay on his bedroll with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed, as if he was actually capable of falling asleep right now. But the truth was, sleep was about as far from him as they were from the entrance to the dungeon. He looked over at Marcille and Falin curled together and briefly smiled. It's good to have Falin back. I've never seen Marcille so happy. Or Laios. Then he glanced at the light still spilling through the open door and the smile fell from his face. He thought about it for a moment, before sighing and slipping from his bed to quietly pad out of the room, waving off Senshi’s questioning look when the dwarf looked up from where he was taking stock of their inventory next to his own bedroll.
Laios was still at the table, bowed over his armor, polishing out the most recent dents and scratches. Without a word, Chilchuck crawled into the chair next to him, bringing his legs up to sit criss-cross, rather than letting them dangle from the tall seat. Laios looked over as he sat, but otherwise didn't acknowledge him and went back to his task. Rather than say anything, Chilchuck simply propped his chin on his hand and watched Laios. He was patient and two could play at this game.
Every so often, Laios peered up at Chilchuck from under his lashes. Each time, he squirmed in his seat a little more when he looked back down. Finally, he carefully set his tools aside and nervously asked, “Chil, did you need something?”
Chilchuck was quiet for a moment more, perhaps enjoying watching Laios squirm just a little too much, then he nodded his head in the direction of Laios’ sword. “We gonna talk about that? Properly?”
Glancing guiltily at Kensuke, Laios made a sound halfway between a whine and a sigh. “Yeah, I suppose we have to,” he answered, hanging his head.
Seeing the apologetic way Laios curled into himself, Chilchuck gave a sigh of his own and chewed on his lip as he thought. I was already pretty tough on him earlier. And he did tell everyone. Maybe… gods, I’ve gone soft.
Out loud, in a tone even gentler than he’d intended to use, he said, “I just don’t understand, Laios. You’re the one who said all monsters are dangerous. So why?”
When he realized he wasn’t being lectured again, Laios slowly sat up and looked from Chilchuck to the sword. “I mean, okay, first of all, I needed a sword.”
Chilchuck gave him a disbelieving look and Laios was quick to add, “And it was because I thought it was really cool. A sword with a monster inside! A monster I’d discovered! But then we found the treasure insects and Kensuke warned me about them and I thought…”
“You thought he wanted to help you,” Chilchuck finished, trying to let only his exasperation through and none of his fondness. He wasn’t very successful.
Laios shrugged. “Yeah, basically. Turns out, not so much,” he said dejectedly.
I guess that’s reasonable. I might have thought the same thing, if I’d known. But at that thought, Chilchuck frowned. “If you thought he wanted to help you, why didn’t you tell us about it?”
There was a beat of silence, and then Laios sat up to his full height and stared at Chilchuck with a raised eyebrow.
Suddenly Chilchuck was laughing. “Yeah, okay, fair – we definitely would have made you get rid of it. Or, Marcille would have, at least.”
Laios chuckled, too. But after a moment, he sobered and stared at the sword where it rested against the wall. “I really didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt because of it. Especially not you,” he whispered.
I know, Chilchuck thought, unable to look away from the regret on Laios’ face. You don’t mean for a lot of things to happen. But you’re just so reckless, and someday it might get you ki – He bit off that thought before it could fully form and shook his head with another sigh. This would get them nowhere.
Standing, he walked over to where Senshi had set the remains of their dinner and grabbed the last bottle of wine and two glasses. Back at the table, he stuck the bottle under Laios’ nose and shook it. “Want some?”
Laios looked up, smiling gratefully at the change of subject. “Sure.”
Chilchuck poured them both a glass, then raised his in a toast. “To not keeping monster secrets anymore?” he asked with a teasing smirk.
“To not keeping monster secrets anymore,” Laios agreed, grinning.
They sat together, talking quietly and drinking for, well, Chilchuck wasn’t sure how long. But he could feel his eyes getting heavy as he relaxed for the first time in days. He wasn’t quite ready to head for bed yet, though, and without really thinking about it, he leaned into Laios to keep himself upright. There was, perhaps, a small hitch in Laios’ breathing as Chilchuck fell against his side, but not enough to make him realize what he was doing. Soon, he felt his eyes slipping closed, lulled by the rhythm of Laios talking, the warmth radiating from him, knowing he was safer with this tall-man even inside the dungeon than he would be with most others outside it.
He slept.
The next thing he knew, he was back on his bedroll, awakened by the thunk of Laios’ sword falling to the floor – and Falin was missing.
my god there's so much left to write
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sachirobabe · 3 days
Chapter 11
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Gojo Satoru x reader
Wc: 4512
Curseless au
Summary: Amidst the zombie apocalypse, your courage shines as you not only saves lives but capture the heart of Gojo Satoru. Together with his first-year students, you all embark on a perilous journey, not only for survival but in a quest for a cure that adds a poignant layer to the unfolding romance.
<— Previous | Masterlist | Next —>
Taglist: @spindyl
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"Shoko!" Satoru helplessly says, trying to do everything he can to keep you awake, but you're not. "I-is she—"
"She's alive." Shoko determines by checking your pulse, "It was likely a sedative."
"We need to go. Now." Nanami clenched his jaw, watching the two that attacked now leave with their leader, Geto.
"I can't drive, I need to—" Satoru motions to you in his arms, saying he won't leave your side.
"You will drive. I'll keep an eye on her." Shoko assertively tells Satoru and opens the car door, Satoru lays you on the back seat. "I'll monitor her. Drive as fast as possible." She says and gets in, shutting the door and checking your vitals as best as she can.
Everybody piles into the two cars, you were adjusted to be laying over Maki, Nobara, and Shoko since there was no way the rest were going to fit in Nanami's car. Satoru steps on the gas, following Nanami and going faster than ever.
He looks at the mirror way too often, wanting to see if anything has changed. He feels a little better after Shoko says you're just sleeping and there were no major damages to your body during the fight.
The drive was made in an hour, quicker than before, but this was the longest hour of Satoru's life. As soon as Satoru parks in the garage at the base he's got his hands on you not even a second after.
He carries you bridal style into the lab, there were beds and monitors and he chose the closest one. The place had electricity and water, so Shoko quickly followed behind and turned all the machines on.
"Give them space. She needs to work." Nanami says, "start taking down our things." He tells the first-years, "You guys make sure the place is empty, I'll work on getting security up." The second-years nod at his demand.
You can briefly hear voices, you can't move or see anything. You're just...stuck. Your brain is replaying the events from earlier on loop. Your heart rate picks up and Shoko eyes it, not sure why it's going up suddenly.
You're able to calm down by yourself, imagining other things that weren't related to the incident. You remember your laughs with Satoru, how annoyingly cute he can be.
Shoko's worries die down as she sees your heart rate go back to normal.
"How long will she be out?" Satoru asks, pulling up a chair to be by your side.
Shoko sighs, "I'm not sure what or how much he injected, but effects can last anywhere from 10 minutes to 6 hours."
Satoru runs a worried hand through his hair and Shoko can't do anything but give him a half smile, knowing he's worrying like crazy about you.
"She'll be okay, it's just a sedative." Shoko reassures him.
"I should've been there quicker, maybe I could've—"
"If you're going to stress me out, you can leave." Shoko kills his advances in worrying. Satoru frowns, but stays quiet. His mind going crazy about the 'what if's'.
He never once leaves your side, he's praying to whoever is above in the sky to wake you up and make sure you're safe. He can't help himself and he grabs a hold of your hand, it weirdly calms him.
Shoko sits and eyes the monitor, writing things down in a notebook, Satoru is confused as to how she can be so calm and he's shaking like a leaf in worry.
You feel yourself go out again, your consciousness fading as you enter whatever realm the sedative was taking you. There were brief moments where you could see a light, you question whether or not that was the light at the end of the tunnel as people say when they die.
You're afraid. If that light leads you to your death, you'd rather stay far from it. Now you see yourself in a long dark tunnel. On one end it's bright, but on the other it goes on endlessly.
This was all so confusing to you. You can't feel anything, you tried pinching yourself to see if it was a dream, but nothing came from it. You aren't even sure you moved.
You sat down in this tunnel, not moving from your spot, but the bright end of the tunnel seemed to be getting closer. Your anxiety was telling you this was the end.
"Please be okay." You briefly hear. It was so quiet, you're contemplating whether or not you imagined it or not.
"Wake up, please." You hear again. Your anxiety dies down as you recognize it as Satoru's voice. Anytime he spoke the light at the end came closer.
'Should I go towards it?' You think to yourself.
"Cmon, Y/n." There was his voice again, you watch the light come nearer to you. You finally decide to go walk towards it. You can actually feel yourself move.
You completely emerge yourself in the bright light, listening to Satoru's voice.
You open your eyes...you realize you actually opened your eyes...you're in your actual body. You turn your head slightly and see Satoru holding onto your hand, his head is down and you feel his soft hair tickling your skin. You look to your other side and see Shoko, you look around the room and don't recognize where you are.
At the sound of your heart rate picking up, Shoko turns and sees you awake. "You're okay. You're okay." She tries to calm you down.
Satoru whips his head up and sees you're awake, before he can even do anything, Shoko stops him. "You might freak her out. She did take some head damage, but we don't know the extent." She says, "I think it's best you leave—"
"Fuck no, I'm not leaving." Satoru glares and his voice deepens and he squeezes your hand slightly.
Shoko knows there's no arguing when it comes to you, "Careful, then."
Shoko monitors your vitals and tells you where you're at and that you're safe. You start to calm down, heart rate going back down. "I'm going to check your breathing." Shoko says, and you steady your breathing for her.
Breathing helps you calm down, you don't feel much anxiety anymore. "Can you tell me your name?" Shoko begins to assess your alertness.
You nod, "I'm Y/n L/n."
"Who's next to you?" She asks.
You look at Satoru and your eyes soften, "Satoru." He smiles at the way you softly say his name.
"What did you go to school for?" Her final question to test you.
"To become a doctor." You say.
"She's going to be alright." Shoko smiles to Satoru and he breathes out in relief. She does a few more vital tests to ensure you don't have a concussion. "Drink up." She hands you a water.
You take a few sips, glad that your mouth wasn't dry anymore. She also hands you a few crackers to nibble on, to make sure you have no trouble eating or drinking.
"Do you feel any pain?" Shoko asks, knowing you're fully aware now.
At the mention of pain, you feel your entire body ache. "My back mostly." You grunt, she nods and finds some painkillers, handing them to you. "Satoru, I'm sorry—"
"Don't. You have nothing to be sorry for." He begins, glad to see that you're okay. "I should be apologizing, I should've came faster—"
You shake your head, "I shouldn't have waited to shoot. He was right there." You feel your eyes water and Satoru swears his heart rips in two.
"We'll get them." He assures you, "Right now you need to rest."
"Okay, doctor." You tease, wiping your tears quickly.
He chuckles and throws his head down for a few moments, "I'm glad you're okay." You nod and run your fingers through his hair lightly. "How long does she need rest?"
"At least for 2 days." Shoko responds, letting Nanami know you were awake now.
"How long was I out for?" You sit up slightly.
"Too long. I was dying over here." Satoru smiles at you.
"About 5 hours, almost 6." Shoko deadpans at how dramatic Satoru can be.
"Damn." You mumble, "So it's like mid afternoon now?"
Satoru nods, he frowns when he sees you yawn. "You're tired?" He chuckles, "You were just out for 6 hours."
"I need rest, don't I?" You raise an eyebrow and try to get up from the bed, Shoko and Satoru stop you immediately. "I need to go to the bathroom." You frown.
"Careful. I'll take you." Shoko offers a helping hand.
"You gonna wipe for me too?" You click your tongue, but knew you were weak right now. Satoru laughs, he's so glad you're back.
After you finish up there were more people in the room, making you smile. "We're glad you're okay." Itadori says and the rest of them nod.
"You feeling alright?" Nanami asks.
"With rest, I'll be okay." You asnwer and lay back down, feeling your eyes get heavy.
"You should've seen Gojo—"
"Alright that's enough! She's tired so everyone can go bye bye now!" Satoru interrupts Maki and she frowns. They all whine as he kicked them out, sending them off to do other things.
"I'm sleepy." You say to no one in particular. Shoko knows you'll be alright so she tells you to walkie her for anything and leaves the room. "Lay with me." You ask Satoru.
He smiles, not passing this up. "I'm glad you asked." He says and turns off the lights, the only light being the one from the monitor. He shimmies his muscular self in your bed and firmly wraps his arms around you.
"I thought you died." Satoru mumbles in your hair.
"I thought I did too. I saw a light." You explain to him everything you had seen. "But I followed it cause I heard your voice."
"My voice?" He questions, he feels you nod softly, sleep taking over you quickly.
"Yeah..you were telling me to come back." You finish and Satoru feels your head land softly on his shoulder. He hums into you, pressing a chaste kiss on your forehead. He closes his eyes and knows he's never been this happy before. Ever since he met you, his spark has come back, despite the circumstances.
But he's still afraid. Afraid that it'll pass and this is just puppy love for him, riding the wave until it crashes suddenly and quickly. He has you in his arms right now, but there's no crash yet.
His chest does weird things when he's around you. But he thinks he might be coming to the terms that he likes you...a lot. He thinks this'll kill him if he indulges too much, so he tries to push it all down and tell himself excuses.
He eventually falls asleep, thinking too much about endless possibilities for countless of things. But for right now, he's just going to hold you and fall asleep, feeling calmer when you're around.
The next morning you wake up feeling more refreshed, Shoko walks in and softly smiles at the sight, "Good morning, how're you feeling?"
"Better." You mumble, squirming to get out of Satoru's death grip.
"Think you can get up by yourself?" She asks, sitting down on a chair.
You nod and were finally free from Satoru's tight embrace, you let your legs dangle off the bed. You felt almost normal, you shiver as your feet touch the cold floor. "Yeah, I think I'm good." You smile at her and walk freely.
"No physical activities until at least tomorrow. She reminds and you hum.
You're suddenly hyper aware that you hadn't showered before bed and you feel gross. "I'm going to take a long shower." You grab a toiletry bag and head off.
Satoru stirs awake, his arms were loose by his side. He's wide awake now, looking for you. The sudden jolt makes Shoko squeal and she glares at him. "She's showering. Calm down."
He sighs in relief, still quite affected by what had happened. He rubs his face, "What time is it?"
"About to be 7:30." Shoko hums, admiring the machines around her.
"I'm going to find Nanami." Satoru yawns and ruffles Shoko's hair. He leaves the medical area and makes his way back to the main living area, where breakfast was typically eaten in the military base.
"I was just looking for you." Nanami says, softly pushing forward a cup of coffee for Satoru, he gladly takes a long sip and sits down. "How's she doing?"
"I haven't seen her since we fell asleep, but I'm assuming a lot better." Satoru says, smiling at the second-years as they pass by.
"I've looked at the inventory and it's safe to say we won't have to catch food for a long time." Nanami says.
"That's good to hear." Satoru chuckles.
"Obviously it won't last forever...We left a lot of stuff at the old base." Nanami starts then pauses, "I think we should go back to get our remaining things."
Satoru nods, "That's fine. We left a lot of food there, too."
"I'd like to go today." Nanami says.
Satoru frowns, "I'm not leaving Y/n. Not today." He shakes his head. "What if Geto and his gang are there waiting?"
"We injured two of them. I doubt they'll be there when they're this weak." Nanami counters, "Y/n won't go for obvious reasons, but I'd like for you to accompany me."
"Who's going to stay here? Just Y/n and Shoko?" Satoru frowns again, "Y/n not in any shape right now to protect herself, and Shoko isn't the very best body guard."
Nanami sighs, knowing both of those things were true. Shoko did lack in combat, but she made up for it and more with her brain alone. "I'd want to take two cars."
"Either we leave a different day or I stay here." Satoru proposes.
Nanami thinks for a moment. Playing out a ton of scenarios in his mind, trying to choose the one with the least amount of causalities.
"Have one of the second-years drive the other car." Satoru suggests, "I'd trust them."
"I guess it can't be helped, you've given me quite the predicament." Nanami chuckles.
"It'll help with our exposure, too. Driving the cars and such, we need to make ourselves more present." Satoru says.
"This whole time I've been trying to lay low," Nanami smiles, "But I think it's time to solidify our position."
"We'll most likely get attacked soon by gangs." Satoru sighs.
Nanami rubs his face, "Depending on their intentions...we might have to eliminate some of them."
"We're strong enough to take anyone." Satoru finishes his coffee in one swift sip.
"Let's hope everyone else is smart enough to stay away. We've got the biggest base." Nanami nods along.
You finished your shower and walk back into the room with Shoko, she seemed occupied with writing things down. "Satoru's awake." You voice.
Shoko hums, "He went to look for Nanami. How was your first shower here?"
You grin, "It was amazing. We don't have to boil the water and wash ourselves that way.
"Yeah, I had to stop myself from staying too long." She chuckles.
"What're you working on?" You lay back down in your bed, needing to rest for a little, your body was incredibly sore still.
"Still refreshing myself on some terms from years ago." She sighs, "I'm trying to see if I can come up with any hypothetical ways to find a cure or something."
"Read some of them to me." You encourage and she says a few ideas. Some were more logical than others. "We need to fully understand the pathogen responsible."
She nods, "We'll need blood samples from infected and non-infected."
You sigh, "That's going to be really hard."
"Then we'll need to understand the pathogen. It will take a while." She groans.
"We'll figure it out." You nod. Satoru comes in the room and sits on your bed.
"They're going back to the old base today." Satoru says, "Don't worry, I told them you needed a big, strong man to stay and make sure you're safe." He grins.
"Oh, is Nanami staying?" Shoko says, wanting to get a rise out of him.
He huffs, "Not funny."
You laugh, "So it'll just be us three?"
He nods, "You should eat something, are you up for a walk to the kitchen?"
"Yeah, I need to be up for as long as I can." You grunt and sit up. "C'mon Shoko, I know you haven't eaten." You say and she groans, but walks to the kitchen.
Satoru smiles proudly at his breakfast, "Uh sorry Shoko, I didn't know you'd come with us so I didn't make any for you."
"Really?" She deadpans.
"Satoru." You warn.
"Kidding! It's in there." He points to the kitchen, "I just didn't plate hers." He guides you to sit down. "I want you to eat all of it."
"Okay." You breathe deeply, not really having an appetite, but you knew you needed to eat. You slowly took a bite, "You don't cook terribly."
"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much." He smiles widely and digs into his food.
Shoko finally sits down, glaring at Satoru the entire time she eats her food. She even mutters a comment about how it was a bit bland for her liking.
"Y/n!" Itadori excitedly says, "Glad to see you out of bed."
"Thanks, Itadori." You smile, "You guys heading out now?"
Maki nods, "We need someone to open the gate for us." Inumaki and Panda are by her side.
"I'll be up there in a second." Satoru says and quickly finishes his food, he wipes his mouth on a napkin and throws it on his plate. "You mind washing that?" He grins.
"Absolutely not." You laugh.
"Please?" Satoru pouts, he's already getting up to go open the gate for the others.
You roll your eyes and sigh, reluctantly having to wash his plate. "Yours too?" You eye Shoko who's finishing up her food.
"Oh no, it's okay—"
"I'm already going in there," you motion towards the kitchen, "it's okay." You smile
She nods and hands you her plate, she finds Nanami and talks to him for a little before his departure.
You hum softly as you washed the plates, feeling a lot better and energized already. The soft rumbling of the cars engines pull your attention, they slowly descend and the sound becomes barely audible the further they go away.
"What're they getting?" You ask Shoko as you finished up with the dishes.
"Anything we left behind at the old base." She answers, toying with a cigarette in her hand, contemplating on whether or not she'd step out for a smoke.
You hummed, "We're staying here permanently, right?"
"That's the plan." You turn your head and see Satoru coming down the metal steps. "Thanks for washing my dish." He smiles.
"What's our food supply look like?" You ask, taking a seat back where you were.
"It'll last us awhile, we don't gotta worry about that." Satoru says, easing your worry.
"I think it would be smart if we grew some of our own food." You say, "I'm not the best, but we're looking at long-term survival. What if we get more people along the way?"
"That's not bad." Shoko nods and lights her cigarette.
Satoru clicks his tongue and frowns, "Not in here." He waves his hand in the air trying to get the smell to go away.
"Relax, I'm going." She rolls her eyes and takes a long inhale, she then blows it in Satoru's face and steps outside.
Satoru coughs and glares at her, "Bitch." He mumbles. "Where would we find seeds in good condition a few months into this mess?" His features soften as he looks at you.
You sigh, "Farms, stores, wild plants; those would probably be our best bet."
He hums, his eyes roaming your face, he feels his heart pick up and reluctantly looks away. He's oddly quiet, you wonder what he's thinking about.
You don't mind that the conversation dwindled down, it felt nice to just be in his presence.
"You wanna cut my hair?" Satoru breaks the silence and grins at you.
"What?" You chuckle.
"It's too long, keeps getting in my eyes." He explains. "I used to have an undercut, now it looks like how it did when I was in high school." He blows the hair from his forehead.
"An undercut?" You look at his hair, it had grown out a lot, but he still looked good.
He hums, "Yeah, small fade." He smiles, "Cmon." He urges you up and you follow him to the bathroom.
"I've never cut hair that wasn't my own." You say nervously, he's putting a lot of trust into you. "I barely even know what a fade is."
He laughs and pulls some clippers out, you wondered where he had found these, but you knew in the military they had to have their hair buzzed, so thinking about it more seeing the materials here didn't surprise you.
"Oh my god, don't tell me you want to buzz your hair!" You look at him with widened eyes.
"You don't think it'd look good on me?" He smirks.
"I-well, but..why?" You laugh.
"Calm down, sweetheart. I'm not buzzing it." He chuckles, "I can give myself the fade, I just need you to hold the mirror for me and trim the top." He instructs. His skillful hands grab the machinery and he finds everything's he's looking for.
"Just like this?" You ask and hold the small mirror he had given you.
He hums, "Mind getting me a chair?" He says, "No offense, but you're not exactly near my height and I know your arms are gonna hurt holding the mirror like that." He looks down at you.
You frown and find him a chair, "Better?" You playfully glare at him and he gives you a wide smile. You watch him take off his shirt, you weren't expecting it so you look away.
"It's okay," He lets out an airy laugh, "I hate when my shirts get hair on them. Makes me itchy." He tosses it to the side and sits down. You try your hardest not to let your gaze roam his beautifully chiseled body, but it's kinda hard not to.
He sees your eyes on him and a sense of pride fuels him, he likes that you're looking at him. He likes knowing you're checking him out—and not so subtly either.
He turns on the machine and gets to work, you watch him cut his hair. Slowly the hair falls onto the ground by your shoes. You can tell he's done this many times, he moves with confidence.
"Does it look alright?" He asks.
You hum, "Best haircut in the whole world I bet." You laugh and he shakes his head, a smile never leaving his face.
"Alright, your turn." He hands you the scissors and you grab them nervously.
"Are you sure?" You ask, twiddling your fingers in his long strands. "I think it looks good like this."
He shakes his head, "It gets in my eyes."
"Why don't you cut it?" You huff.
"Where's the fun in that?" He grins, "Cmon, I'll show you how and then you do it for the rest." You had no choice but to listen. You watch as he shows you how it cut it, he makes it look so easy. "Just trust me, okay?" He says and you look at him confused.
One of his hands pat his lap and the other softly guides you closer to him. "It'll be more comfortable." He says. You swallow and nod at him, you sit on his lap, the proximity killing your heart.
Satoru pulls you closer to him, "Don't be shy." He grins, but the blush on his face gives him away.
"You sure this is okay?" You ask again, "If you're not comfortable—"
"I'm great right here. Just do what I showed you, yeah?" He says.
You nod and begin to cut slowly. Making sure each strand fit in place and blended in nicely with the others. He lets one of his hands rest on the small of your back to keep you balanced, and the other on your knee, rubbing small circles on it.
It's been a very long time since you've been this close with a man before. Your mind plagued with survival, but it felt so nice to have this right now.
He, on the other hand was struggling to compose himself and not let his body react so much to you. He likes this with you, a little too much as he lets his mind wander a little more...suggestively.
"Okay, I think I'm done." You say and comb his hair with your hands. He fights everything in him to not groan blissfully as the sensation. You sit up from his lap and he quickly readjusts how he's sitting, knowing his arousal might show.
"Looks good." He smiles and clears his throat, his body is buzzing from all your small touches on him.
"I'm going to find the broom." You say and walk off, oblivious to the way he's acting right now. He lets out a sigh of relief as you've gone down the stairs. He stands up and sure enough his pants were tight around him.
His hands move to turn on the sink and he splashed water on his face to calm him down. Sure enough, after he let his mind wander off to other things, his breathing went back to normal. He put his shirt back on after wiping the excess hair off of him.
"Found it." You smile and begin sweeping up the hair.
He checks himself out in the mirror, "Looks a lot better now, right?" He asks.
You hum, "I think I did a good job."
"You sure did." He smiles back at you. "Feels great, now I can see."
You laugh at him, "You know who needs a haircut?" You say, "Megumi and Itadori." He laughs at the mention of his students.
"They sure do. Megumi's hair is crazy right now." He feels himself get back to normal, thanking the gods that you hadn't felt anything while you were on his lap.
The two of you cleaned up quietly and found Shoko, she looks in surprise at his sudden change in appearance.
The rest of the day was filled with Shoko and you discussing medical terms that Satoru can't even wrap his head around, while waiting for the others to return. He watches as you talk animatedly about it, seeing how much you enjoyed being in your element.
Shoko glances at her friend, noticing his love-struck gaze. She makes a mental note to tease him later, but deep down she's secretly happy that in this mess; this has been the happiest he's ever been.
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verdantmeadows · 10 months
Watched a video where they basically said "marketing towards nostalgia doesn't work in anime/nostalgia pandering isn't a thing for anime" I want you to tell me some of the most popular anime in the past few years and take a shot every single time one of them is a reboot or related to a classic old series.
Trigun Stampede. Fruits Basket. Tokyo Mew Mew. Yashahime. Rurouni Kenshin. Urusei Yatsura. Shaman King. Devilman Crybaby. Dororo. Sailor Moon Crystal. Kino's Journey. THEY'RE EVEN REBOOTING BLACK BUTLER!!!!
That's just off the top of my head. Listing MORE RECENT THINGS. Anime reboots have often always been super popular and done super well. You know. Hunter x Hunter. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Hellsing Ultimate. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Like, anime absolutely does nostalgia marketing and rebooting anime has been more popular than ever. I do think that a large part of this is because reusing old IPs is easier and less risky when it comes to making profits, but also because there are a lot of really good older anime or older manga that had an anime adaptation that wasn't as good as it could have been, or didn't get finished!
Oftentimes, anime is used as an advertisement for the manga, so if manga sales are good enough after a season, they won't always renew it for another. But I think that's been changing in the anime scene for the past few years. Anime is often continued because the audience enjoys the anime, and it isn't just based off of being an advertisement for the manga. Reboots for series like Fruits Basket allows the entirety of the manga be told as a beautiful animation (the original anime didn't cover the whole series) and introduce classic animanga stories to newer audiences.
I absolutely do want more new stories, but I feel like that's still happening in anime, whereas other mainstream media formats in other countries (such as movies in the USA) are primarily reboots or sequels and squashing out the chances for newer original works or series. I think that, as of right now, there has been a really good balance of reboots or related to reboots to original series. And that makes me really happy! I hope that doesn't change, because I don't think reboots are inherently wrong, and are often beautiful and give classics a chance to be revived and reimagined.
Regardless, my point is that nostalgia absolutely is a huge factor in anime, and it's kind of ignorant of the state of anime to say that "nostalgia marketing isn't a thing" for anime/animanga. Because it is. It's an incredibly huge thing for it, actually.
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a-s-levynn · 5 months
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moeblob · 2 months
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You know, when I kept getting asked "so you didn't ever have severe pains before now?" in the hospital and I kept replying "I have a high pain tolerance" I meant it. However, there is only so much pain my tiny 4'9" body can hold... (aka I am sweating and in agony bc I'm getting told to use LESS severe pain meds so I don't rely on them too much and it is AWFUL)
#moe talks a lot#i was shaking earlier and despite the fact i sound like im gonna cry#and the fact that my mom can pick out im about to cry from pain bc im trying to take less pain meds#LIKE MY MOM IS INSTRUCTING ME TO DO#shes like well why arent you taking any pain meds#BECAUSE THERE ARE TWO AVAILABLE OPTIONS AND ON A SIX HOUR TIMER#i cant take both at once or else what happens to me if i hurt before the six hours is up#i have to manage them in a way that allows me to benefit from both and being told im doing it wrong#after being told well its your fault it got so bad because you never complained about pain before#YEAH NO JOKE? REALLY? I NEVER DID? because everyone acts like im too young to feel that kinda pain#oh youre hurting? just wait until youre older#and its currently agony to breathe again but that i guess is also my fault bc im trying to use pain meds#holy moly i just want to not get dizzy standing up cause wow dang#sure would be nice if the multiple incisions in my stomach didnt THROB every time i sneezed or coughed or cleared my throat#but since i didnt use much pain meds before because i would be mocked for being too much of a baby its like#welp damn now i could really use some and im being called out for being too reliant#anyway time to sleep more because that means im not noticing my pain#im literally smaller than most children and so i do understand my body size makes people worried about the medication intake#but can i please just go a day without being asked how much im taking or when i last took it or if im gonna cry#anyway sorry for the excessive rant today never really had surgery or anything so this is brand spankin new suffering
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slumbergoblin · 1 year
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That's 2/4!!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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b4kuch1n · 6 months
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took a mock ielts test today
30 notes · View notes