#i was struggling with motivation for another drawing and then this came in so thanks
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swasdoodles · 7 months ago
gives u a banan
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wel i do enjoy a banan
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anime-grimmy-art · 1 year ago
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It’s this time of the year again, folks. Time to wrap up the art Ive made in the last 12 months in another Year in Review! I’ve noticed that this is my fifth Year in Review in a row, so I’ll be making an extra post looking back on the progress in those last 5 years!
I've got a lot to say about this year, but purely art wise, I've gone all when it comes to comics, damn! I've kinda found a format that is messy, and therefore more time efficient, yet still looks good. I even made 2 animatics and lotsa shorts/reels! All that on top of opening coms twice, and, oh yeah, MAKING A WHOLE ASS 4MIN ANIMATION ON MY OWN.
How is my hand still alive.
2023 has been….interesting, to say the least. The first half year I was working on my thesis project, aka making an animated short all on my own (in the art department), which makes it honestly surprising how much I managed to churn out between animating. Trigun rly did have me in a choke hold.
Summer was a bit more spotty, esp. with me not being able to draw anything during August as I was writing my thesis (and doing commissions). And towards the end of the year, Kingdom Hearts tried to save me, but alas, Genshin Impact has finally sunk its teeth into me and dragged me to the bottom of the rabbit hole. It all started with me watching a story summary and lore videos while I was sick after my thesis and I was too intrigued to not dig deeper and well, first I fell in love with Kaeya and then the ships started dropping in left and right.
I’m not gonna lie, the last few months have been weird. I finished my masters in October, and have been on job hunt since, sadly without success so far. I’m existing in this weird limbo of still not grasping I’m not a student anymore after 18 years in education, not really being able to accept I’m an adult, yet desperately trying to find something so I can make a routine, cos rn Im too scared to build a rhythm as I know I’ll have a so much harder time readjusting again. It’s left me in a weird emotional state, where most of the time I feel fine, but when it counts, there’s just, nothing. No joy at getting my diploma, no anticipation to finally go to a convention again, neither any sadness hearing my grandfather died. It frustrates me that it extends to my art as well, there’s excitement over ideas and concepts, but no motivation to pick up the pencil, which makes me either not finish art at all or making so many shortcuts and just ending up with sth not satisfactory to me since it’s not the idea I sought after.
Tho, not everything is doom and gloom. I DID finish a whole ass short animation and got my masters degree, that IS sth to be proud of. Also, while Im struggling at drawing, I’ve also kinda started integrating my shortcuts into my style and some stuff I’ve thrown together actually turns out real good nowadays. Also, and this might be a bit of a weird one, I’m so fucking happy to know I can still enjoy gay ships. I’ve been a bit uncertain over the last few years because when I was around 16-18, I had a real big yaoi phase, which mostly came from the fact so much stuff came out that tickled my brain in the right way (Free, Haikyuu, etc.). But over the years, my enthusiasm died down, and I even started to resent some ships because it’s all some fandoms produced. I often found myself liking a hetero ship more than the popular gay ship, which really made me not wanna stick around because I did not care for most fanart and you can only go through a tag with art you don’t care about so long before you lose interest. I think in retrospect that it rly had nothing to do with the ships being gay ships but rather cos the fans just shoved it in your face when you didn’t care (and shipping culture nowadays also can get real scary). But I’m so happy to see I can still get obsessed with a ship and it’s all thanks to Haikaveh/Kavetham. It really just needed the right flavour for me to dig in again. And oh my god, I FINALLY like a ship with a SHIT TON of art and fanfictions, no more scrounging the crumbs from the bottom of the barrel. 
Anyways, enough lamenting. Here’s to hoping I can bite my tongue and get shit started properly in 2024, and that my brainrots may make me obsessed enough to churn out an obscene amount of fanart again.
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nojoyontheburn · 7 days ago
Hey I wrote this a long while ago as part of a larger BO fic with a Noah Sebastian x OFC but lost all motivation to flesh out the plot more than the few chapters already written so here's a small snippet that kinda works as a one shot and definitely hasn't been beta read.
No warnings, just fluff. ✌️
“What do you mean, what's my favorite letter?” she giggled, burying her face into his chest. The pair laid on their sides facing each other in his bed, surrounded by plush white blankets and the smell of warmth and adoration.
“Exactly what it sounds like. What is your favorite letter? Everyone has one!”
“I honestly don’t. Do you?” She peaked up through smiling eyes to see his bright smile looking back down at her. 
“Of course I do!”
“Then share!”
“Not until you go first!” He grinned, rolling onto his back as she playfully smacked his shoulder. He raised his right arm behind his head and slyly smiled down towards her. 
Propping her head up under her right arm, she moved her left to his chest slowly drawing spirals in his shirt. Taking in the worn feel of the fabric under her fingers, the warm feeling under her body, and the red hue casted along the walls from his LED light strips, she was snapped out of it with an, "Angel?"
“Mmmhmm?” her hand paused on his chest. 
“Where’d you go?” his hand came up and brushed her short bangs from her face. 
“Just thinking…” her hand lightly began tracing small soft circles on his belly, “about letters.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. I’ve got a few I like.” She softly said, almost lost in thought. “I like N,” she traced the letter on his stomach and slowly moved her hand tracing each one further up to his chest, “and O,” her exhale lingered, “and A,” his breath hitched when she traced the final letter over his heart, “and H.” He smiled and with darkened eyes, he reached for her arm, pulling her on top of him. Her legs straddled his hips as she moved one of her hands next to his head and the other lightly resting on his side. 
“Those are good letters.” He let out in a breathy tone, placing one hand on her hip and the other on the back of her head, pulling her down to meet for a kiss.
“But not my favorites, sadly.”
His movements stilled at her words. 
“Nope.” she stared at the chest beneath her, struggling to maintain a solid rhythm. She paused, seemingly lost in thought then with a quick dart her eyes moved up and locked onto his. “My favorite letter, I think, is U.
Noah cocked his head to the side and let out a quick breathy laugh. “U? Why?”
“Because,” she leaned over, planting a soft kiss on his collar bone. “It’s under-appreciated,” she planted a kiss on his neck, “there’s nothing in this world like it.” Another kiss landed on his jaw. “Yeah, my favorite is definitely U.” Her eyes softened as she planted a gentle kiss on his lips, then pulled back and looked directly into his eyes that opened to meet her gaze. “I love U.”
Her breath hitched as his eyes went wide and both remained frozen until his head shot up as he pulled hers down, the collision forming a deep, passionate kiss. An arm snaked around her back as the pair quickly flipped and as his hips pushed up between her legs she broke off the kiss to gasp. 
“I think you might be onto something." He planted another but lighter kiss on her neck, “U is a pretty great one.” Another and even softer kiss landed on her lips, “I love U, too.”
Thanks for reading!
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subway-boss-jericho · 3 months ago
(threataning with art anon) yes! Rambles! Also you are so incredibly real for imagining all that stuff in different mediums (I have had similar experience) wish I could make a full animated film. That would be So Cool.
And! At one time or another I think I’ve read through the majority of the aus, but you are so right I freaking. Love the Mech AU. And coupled (uncoupled) looks like it would a verrry interesting character study (in like a “I wouldn’t do this but ingo would. Huh” kinda way)
help I’m reading them all again
also! I am here to encourage prattling I love prattling (it gives me more ideas for drawing-)
Hiii hii welcome back thank you for continuing to enable me :D
:D Yayy I'm so thrilled you like them. I never know if people actually think my wild bullshit is interesting or they just follow me for one thing (wheeze) ((Which, to be clear, is still totally fair and valid. No shame)) Of the AUs I've uploaded, I think the one that has gotten disproportionately ignored the worst is Coupled (Uncoupled). I am fucking obsessed with the coupled twins, and you're exactly right on the money there because holy Shit it's Such a character-study-rich situation to put them in. They were my in my top 3 indisputably Favorite AUs for a very long time (along with Steady Tracks and Spirit Keeper as the other two) and while I feel like I'm not super vocal about them they're still extremely high on that metaphorical list.
Realistically I could never actually list my Favorites, for the same reason why I can't really pick favorite pokemon. I like all my AUs for different reasons, so I may like one aspect of a given AU more than a different aspect of a different AU, but actually Ranking them As Favorites would be virtually impossible. Just know that I'm horribly fucking ill about coupled uncoupled more than most of the other smaller ones. Some day I'll vibe check you all so fucking hard with art or animation or writing out of left field that is about them, and then none of yall fucks will ever be normal again /lh /j
Actually. I've been struggling to write a caption for this thing so I can post it for months. Check this out:
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Slaps top of this guy. He can fit two people's worth of the worst existential socio-emotional crises in him. I love gel pens.
I've decided to keep rambling about whatever the fuck on this topic, but I'm putting a cut here for my sanity:
Anyway! I really did make this AU entirely because I saw a fandom trend and went Whoa! Did we consider The Implications! And then didn't wait for an answer. Considering the implications is actually the Thing I Do the Most as I am writing in general, as any friend of mine can easily confirm. It's how a decent number of my AUs happened. I also have a trend towards either 1. trying to make an AU that doesn't touch on anything I've seen other people doing or 2. is explicitly inspired by what I perceive as trends in the fandom. Coupled Uncoupled is one of the latter, being directly inspired by Diamond Crossing. God I was not normal about diamond crossing. I'm Still Not Normal about diamond crossing.
I'm a HUGE fan of fusion in media, just in general. I don't actually know a whole lot of examples off the top of my head other than steven universe, but fusion as a concept drives me totally crazy. What if you and your friend/best friend/closest ally/rival/enemy/lover/a stranger etc could be the same person through a process so crazy intimate and vulnerable that it forces you to expose your deepest weaknesses, insecurities, emotions and motivations fully and without restraint. Sure I can be normal about that 👍
But yeah coupled uncoupled isn't like, me looking at Diamond Crossing or any other fic for that matter and going "I could do it better/I don't like insert plot point A," it was actually me looking at diamond crossing and going holy FUCK this is the COOLEST SHIT I'VE EVER SEEN. I need to participate in this or I am going to die. Then I came up with a million different ideas of fusion stories I thought would be interesting to tell, identified aforementioned trope of using the b2/w2 DNA splicers as a plot device, and went. ohohohohohohhoohohohoo i could do something silly and fucked up me thinks.
What if fusion was great and cool and awesome and a coping mechanism for a trauma/grief and also not what you thought and also more than you bargained for and also didn't give you the closure you were expecting and ALSO you didn't know how to make it stop.
Fusion as a mistake. Fusion as a regret. Fusion as a character flaw. Fusion as a major conflict (that isn't inherently connoted about?? forms of abuse and toxic relationships?? can we use fusion as a metaphor for other nuanced things too?? pls let me have this /lh)
Anyway their story is extremely complex and just by listing off ^ that I am extremely underselling the level of interwoven conflict and complicated emotional states of all parties involved so please do not misunderstand and think that one of the twins is fucked up and evil. I swear i didn't mischaracterize them that badly 🤣 The main point of the story, just off the top of my head, is actually focused around the theme of vulnerability, conflict resolution, and the strength of relationships founded on communication.
Trying to avoid spoiling The Entire Plot because I really think Coupled (Uncoupled) is going to be my next major fic project but in essence it does get better and this new tool available to them only opens the door for them to be closer than ever before and express care and compassion in new ways unique to them. i might make myself cry if I keep yammering. i care them
God I totally just used your ask as an excuse to go off. I've been doing that every time you send an ask, actually. This is why I love asks. Tysm <3 And I hope you enjoyed reading or if you didn't and TL;DR then basically god i'm so ill about them.
Every day I think about how a friend of mine made an entire animatic for this AU and yet we can't put it anywhere because we both want to remake it digitally. thats going to be one hell of a day when that bombshell drops
Thank you for the ask, and as always thank you for listening!
Coupled (Uncoupled) Masterpost
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digital999placebo · 2 months ago
How do you create visual interest in your artwork? I ask because it's something I definitely struggle with, as pretty much my entire time doing art has been spent on realism, copying exactly what I see as well as I can. But this year I want to work on that more, and your art is some of my favorite specifically for the way you use lines & color in your art. It's incredible, it's defining, how do you do it?
AWEEE THANK U <3333 I think copying and using references are a super solid way to teach yourself how to draw, I did that as well for a few years ^_^ for me it just came naturally from taking in inspirations and combining the aspects that really captured me. Personally I loveeeeeee different line thickness, it gives weight and creates good flow, thicker lines are perfect for a more stylised look combined with fine lines for fun details. Mixing up colours is another thing, using bright colours to make certain aspects stand out such as motion, details or silhouette. TBH I just put on a playlist that matches the mood of what I want to draw and draw a ton of sketches until I make something I feel compelled to render. I mostly draw on one or two layers because I like a little sketchy look?? And it allows you to overwork your piece to hell and back, going over with a final layer to define details etc etc, don’t be afraid to use white or black for contrast !! It’s hard to explain but try to analyse your inspirations and what specifically in the piece are you drawn to, what would you change to make it better ?? Also I believe being horny is a r true and real and underused part of motivation for art, I love men with a busty chest so I be doing my best to do my best on some nice hairy titties….
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sometimesthisdudedraws · 11 months ago
We’re on a roll today besties! (Ignoring the fact I started this drawing about a month and a half ago and it took me until now to want to finish it 🫣).
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I’m a bit early for pride stuff, so I’ll hopefully do another pride drawing with my OCs when June hits. Until then, here’s Cassie and Seymour for Pride together!
I need to say also, I originally gave Cassie a shirt with bi stripes and a fuchsia skirt, and then I came back to it another day and hated it, so instead we went with dinosaurs :)
Cassie has the bi flag and Seymour has the pan flag and the demisexual flag. Then, of course, they’re both holding the trans flag.
I love them and am really glad I finally was able to finish this drawing, because I’ve been wanting to finish it for a while but just have been struggling with motivation (until the last one I posted- thank goodness).
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project-wildcard · 2 years ago
My inspirations!
My biggest inspiration, by far, is Just Roll With It. It's a TTRPG podcast that is just so good at every aspect of story telling! Every single campaign they've done I've cried out of some kind of emotion that they make me feel. The characters are all incredible! Gillion Tidestrider is probably my favourite and everyone after that is just a close second and they're all tied with each other because they're all so amazing in their own ways.
Wildcard specifically was actually inspired most The Trickster from Prime Defenders. The story of exactly how that came to happen is a little silly and for another time. You'd think with the multiple forms and changing personality gimmick that I'd have been most inspired by Vyncent and yes there's a lot of similarities but I want to make the distinction here and now that every form Wildcard takes is still Charlie at heart. They do not become a completely different person, it just changes the way their emotions work. At their core it's still the same person.
Thank you Mutants and Masterminds for being the system I used to create Wildcard's character sheet back when I was in denial and thought I'd just play them as a character in a campaign despite having no friends available at the time to DM such a campaign. I also use those character sheets to get a good idea of building and balancing all the heroes and villains in the world (although there will be plenty of leniency based on what I think is cool and fits the story).
I've also, definitely taken a lot of inspiration from the Spiderverse films, which might come across more once the first part of the story is released. Those movies are perfection the characters are incredible the story they're telling is innovative and fresh while still falling into the feeling of a Spiderman story. I love Gwen I love Miles I love Pav I love Mayday I love Peter I love the Spot I love Miguel and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hobie! One of the characters in my story that I'm yet to speak about yet is very similar to Hobie and I'm so excited and I love the parallels and as I write them I'm definitely gonna be pulling so much from Spiderverse Hobie's personality. Spiderman in general (most versions of them) is my favourite superhero so there will probably be a lot in my head that I don't recognise I'm taking from Spider people stories but I'm just gonna make the sweeping statement now that there will likely be similarities. I will not, however, be going into multiverse or time travel stories, at least not in the main canon story, maybe I'll do a weird little "what if" after I finish telling my story where a "balanced" and fused Wildcard meets a "corrupted" and vibrant Wildcard.
Shout-out to Marvel in general, comics and movies, I've seen a lot of that stuff so again, it'll probably just leak in without me realising.
This helps me when I'm struggling to let myself write
Finally, a big thank you to all my friends who encourage/enable (in the bad way) me. I am on my shit and my shit is telling an intricate story that I am very passionate about with characters who I love and care for. Namely, all 3 of my friends on that one discord server where I first infodumped about Wildcard, Hazel, for helping me build the character sheet and helping me come up with names and also letting me info dump to you, and Mimi, for basically the same reasons as Hazel, as well as being the first person I made a superhero story for (we did an introductory session of DnD in a superhero setting. Her character will be making a cameo at some point most likely). Also everyone who's tried to help me learn how to draw because I'm not gonna lie, my only motivation there was drawing characters for this story.
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poupeesdecirque · 1 year ago
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Travel Blog Anime Festival - Part 2
I never had thought that the second day was about to be exciting as the first one, therefore I had to split the blog into two.
I had started writing it in the hotel, but this one here is done a few days later on, there was so much going on, but I loved every minute.
29. October - 3rd Uniform revival & on stage the 2nd
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Last day of the con, started super early as the daylight savings and my bio rhythm doesn't go hand in hand. But I took the time to note down a few things already which was nice. Also a bit of drawing, didn't came to it the day prior and somehow I was drawing or at least inking something every day in october but not the saturday. Except you count in painting my face :'D
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Checked out of the Hotel and went to Kassel. Decided to take my dolls out for some photos and fetch a hot drink, it was a bit warmer but super stormy.
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Then I fought the make up and got dressed up for the last day. I had not much planned and aimed to head home around 14-15 as well, there was not much to do.
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Walked around the hall several times, went through the park, actually met some people from the day before and talked with them again. Here some more impressions of the vendors and some of the guests/quests they had.
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And then finally met another D.Grayman Cosplayer, an Allen! He told me that on Saturday there was at least two Allens and two Lavis,... I didn't meet any of them *sob* (one Allen could have been me though), a shame.
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As I walked around I got yelled at that the person loves my costume AND my bag, thank you so much it means a lot to me. Also I got called Moyashi. I was like "huh what?!" but the person actually was a former Kanda cosplayer and couldn't resist. I love interactions like this, pls just go ahead with those.
Then I somehow gathered more and more courage, I ordered a bubble tea at a booth I had to speak english at (speaking english in public is always a bit of a struggle for me, I can do it fine but I am so nervous in regards of my pronunciation that I'm like WOAH FULL ANXIETY HITTING) and got told the tapioca pearls I wanted weren't done. Past-me would have went with the other option they offered but no I returned later on and got what I truly wanted.
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Then things got wild. I randomly decided to join "Show your costume"-Contest as I told myself "fuck it now or never" and had no idea what to say. Was I nervous? Yes. But I somehow managed super well and even calmed down other participants.
I went on stage, joked about me not being lost from yesterday and told the audience that everyone who went on this very stage is a hero on their own and that everyone should stop talking themselves down. I got very positive feedback for my little speech and also some more positive for the act I had showed for the main contest. Thank you all. It was a pleasure to meet you all and I feel more connected to the community than I ever was.
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The day went on with me challenging myself more. Like I talked to someone who I somehow see on every con but never had any relation to and we had such a nice talk. Then I went and ordered more food while speaking english.
As I was almost done and heading home another Cosplayer (Della Duck) whom entered the contest and was having almost a mental breakdown on stage came across me and I pulled her aside and told her how amazing she was and I could see how much she was sparkling and thriving. Please keep on going, you were amazing, I know how much a character/a costume can mean.
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The day came to an end as I needed to get make up down and travel back before it got too dark. I snatched another snacky on my way back and arrived very happy at home.
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I can say this weekend was an absolute blast and I am glad I decided to give it a go. Kassel is now connected with positive memories again and I am motivated for next year to challenge myself more again.
And I have to figure out the make up situation, I will change the eyeliner as it smears so much its horrible. It was the first time for me in years wearing make up and getting it off was another can of worms, my eyes suffered several days(!).
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1tsjusty0u · 11 months ago
actually you know what. ganondorf. what can you tell me about him
hehwhwhahahahahahahhhhahahahahahhahHAHAHAHAAHAHQHAHAHAHAHAHA YESS…. YESS!!!!!
ok so. the thing is for the mmain fic? i dont know how he will. fit in. like i have timeloop related ideas which i. need to do eventually. but generally speaking i dont know how to give him a good ending or even how he’ll effect the plot. but also i dont want to ignore him because he is very vital to the plot. honestly i might do a flowey for this in that he interacts sparsely, more to the end of the game. thanks toby fox
BUT ANYWAYS to me ganon really isnt. a twist per say? like with link im making his death be different and the reader is going to have to find out what happened (or immediately Know based on the tags and such and instead of finding out their horror??? only grows i hope because they basically have to watch a guy who they know something bad will happen to. like siffrin in stars and time when you’ve played sasasa). but for ganon his deal is basically almost canon except im highlighting how fucked up it is i guess. we already know hes under the castle, but the devs never expand his motives. so im trying to do that
so. spoilers?? i guess??? also its pure stream of consciousness be warned
ok so firstly totks whole Pre Hyrule thing doesnt exist here. im not doing that. the zonai are non-gods who literally just sailed into the country and happen to know magic. they also dont make the same type of ruins associated with the zonai in totk. their ruins match up much more with the ruins in faron and the animal-esque designs. also theyre extremely vague and none of them become the king. i can draw you some zonais if youd like but the whole zonai thing in totk makes zero sense especially with botw and theres actual contradictory information in this essay i w
because of this rauru and sonia Might exist, but they will be Extremely Different. im not making rauru a zonai if he does exist too, though mineru still might be one just. heavily redesigned. so theres no power struggle to lead to ganondorfs imprisonment- something else is the cause of that.
as to what? i have no idea yet </3. itd probably be similar to the exile of the shekiah when the helped with the calamity, ganon being seen as a threat and something to be exterminated. ganon may not have helped or interacted with the monarchy, but it didnt change what the king and queen viewed of him. though i dont think any prior games or legends “influenced” this- as in they didnt follow any prophecy or something, but they basically ingrained the roles of the past into being completely static if that makes sense. zelda is always the pretty princess with wisdom and powers of the goddess (and hylian), link is always the hero always with the master sword and courage (also always hylian), and ganon? always the oppressor. always the king of evil, king of the gerudo. always a threat. in the same ways these roles hurt zelda and link pre cal, these roles ESPECIALLY hurt ganon, just this time more directly. its almost like how certain laws target marginalized groups and by proxy accidentally hurt literally everyone else. but he was just a “threat to hylia” in some way or form, either due to something or just by existing. or both. but an incident probably lead to his imprisonment. all things considered i should. really work on this..? though thats complicated because if the shekiah just noticed the pattern of the calamity then people would have to deal with two separate events rather than just one, which could work but the “inciting incident” of the 10000 year calamity being beaten is almost null and passed on to another. at that point i might as well do what ive seen other fanfics do before totk came out and wrote about the zonai- grouping them together in the same time period and make the sealing of ganon himself as the person the 10000 year sealing of the calamity. however that wouldnt make sense with the tapestry…unless the tapestry isnt accurate to what happened which Is possible but still why go through all the effort to lie about becoming his calamity form? showing him as not human would fit with how they view him but still they couldve made him look like a monster- like a lynel or his pig forms, not a boar like cloud. so. i almost want to ignore his backstory entirely and only focus on him being well. trapped. i just dont know if this is the right move to make, as much as being trapped under the castle Is a backstory its not really a fleshed out one or one that shows his past connections or who he was as a person. though that does kind of fit with what he is now. uhm so yeah i have no idea im sorry
but to his. not-really-a-backstory backstory. like in totk, hes under the castle. everybody has forgotten this, the rulers being warned about.. Something under the castle, and to not speak of it like zelda says in the intro to totk. theres a locked gate, maybe with some stolen shekiah tech (used by the king/someone when the shekiah were exiled and hunted, getting scrap parts before they were buried) to secure it. or maybe they just like about it being protected by the goddess so no one can open it and because its such an easy lie to check everybody believes it. though i genuinely think its locked extremely well, either with past magic, the triforce when a past zelda or queen had it and sealing ganon was sealing the gate as well, sheikah tech, or something else. i say that because at some point youd think the yiga would literally just walk in if it was a lie. the shekiah tech is a bit dicey because the yiga probably know way more about it than the shekiah (except for purah and robbie), however. i was going to argue they might not actually know that much about the tech which while it would depend on yiga to yiga i feel on some level they could absolutely break into it. (i used to think it was a parallel to botws general amnesia, forgetting their goal of originally helping hyrule, but after reading gboh the possibility of them changing it over time actively is probably a lot better, especially with it adding agency and also them being Rightfully Angry at the monarchy and eliminating those who stand as its biggest supporters? or pawns. and rereading the wiki page for them i cant remember how i thought they “forgot” their goal. ok sorry!! honestly i like to think some sheikah and yiga before being truly separate still made tech in secret, either to prevent something in the future or to help themselves (the sheikah being ok in the rain because of the tech in their outfits.) kind of like a third group that eventually faded out due to amnesia or became a yiga and Remembered. ok anyways) but yeah. on one hand Itd Fit and be such a slap in the face to the sheikah in general, but also the yiga should and probably would know how to break it down. that is if they even know the door exists, and the only reason they dont break into it is because they dont know It Exists because it wasnt built by them and ganon isnt able to communicate with them, or at least communicate with them well. in that scenario they could and Would be able to break down those protections which would actually make sense.
ALRIGHT. under the castle isnt the same as totks under the castle, and while it might…??? be the same one in the Trailer, that would require the zonai which, while they have their own mysterious plotline here (they magiced so hard they ended up in the sky), and theyre absolutely Important, i dont know how important they were in ganons sealing specifically. i like the zonai having some secret involvement of it and i also like having more zonai ruins, but i dont think the royal family would tolerate them At All because theyd also be a threat like the sheikah. they built literal labyrinths and actually know about the triforce more explicitly (the sheikah also seem to, or the ancient sheikah). them casting themselves off into the sky makes sense because who else could do that, But Yeah. theyd have their own documented versions of what they did, and i like to think they were fairly involved in hyrule as a whole. anyways sorry i just need to come up with how he was sealed and how it makes sense. god i used to have hopes and dreams about totk. we couldve gotten a new major god. and yet,
OK ONTO THE ACTUAL. PERSON IN THIS. GANON IM SO SORRY. yeah lets just say hes only Mildly Pissed about being under the castle for 10000 years (<- any words i could use now can not describe the sheer anger and hatred he has. like. its like genuinely wanting to kill someone if that makes sense. besides that being half the literal case, its . ok so you know how in totk the hands let out a shrill scream when they spot you, rushing over to kill you and choke you without thinking? its like that. wanting to make others feel the pain he felt for years and years, with an added touch of genuine hate and wanting to Hurt Someone or see them get hurt). hes being forgotten by everyone- his people the hylians, the shekiah, either people who he used to love or people who actively helped and encouraged his imprisonment, it doesnt matter when they all forget and dont even seem to care. its like he never mattered in the first place, what happened to him just something inconsequential and might as well not exist at all. He might as well not exist at all. but hes awake, rotting and tearing apart down at the bottom of that chamber always awake and always there. he cant move on yet, he needs to get out he needs to get out he has to get out
so!! his main focus is escape!! anyone who dies either had to or isnt something he thinks about. something something a means to an end, if people die so be it. plus if hes going down hea bringing hyrule with him, clawing onto it. he isnt mindless, guardians trying to ravish important locations like the temple of time and the akkala citadel, tactical locations. the malice is more of a by product of the original 100 year calamity, but it serves to help ganon keep and Eye out haha but also block and cover things. i like to think theres malice in guardians and thats why the master sword reacts to them. anyways, in botw he has a butterfly esque cacoon, and a spider like body made of sheikah tech. he was probably building a New Body as his means of escaping. why he made it like that? no idea. he definitely wouldnt live a quiet life once he was out and i think its an accidental by product of wanting to kill people/punish them in a sense. maybe he was going to have two bodies, like mettaton EX where the box body would be in this sense ganondorfs “normal” form where his spider form would be his Kill form.
if he wanted to be king of hyrule, this would probably be why. i dont really think he would, but if he did he’d do it both to punish those who wronged him while making sure what happened to him wont happen again, making sure the hylian royal family is never in a seat of power again. but right now he wants people to pay.
this also ties into him being “a calamity”; as hes trapped under the earth, i think he’d have an effect over it as well. trying to claw his way out from under the earth, parting the dirt in which it looks as if its breathing, sand piling over making sounds described as screams (though in real life its described as singing). in a way hes a part of it, but not by choice. hes the very thing you stand on and yet hes dismissed.
but anyways. hes very mad. link would describe him as “actively wanting me dead” in the timeloop au. his blights are described as screaming in the fic and i like to think thats ganon screaming in rage, pain or both. hes also not green here i should mention that. his form down in the dungeon i like to think has ghouls protruding from it like theyre melting into one and other and are reaching out with their hands, grabbing at whatever they can. hes pretty chill but smug post imprisonment, mostly a quiet cocky. less one for dramatics and rather plays it straight. likes pink and also is a fan of the desert right under spectacle rock. in the timeloop au hes also in the timeloop with link which causes problems. speaking of theyre pretty alike, and wreath would be like him in the timeloop au if he didnt already exist like percy jackson and luke. they could be friends in theory, but their circumstances drove them apart (hey like the wind waker post). hes a big fan of water buffalos, bulls, goats, cats and dogs, and sand sparrows. sand sparrows are his favorite animal in general and almost made it a symbol of the gerudo. id like to associate him with moths thanks to queen gibdo (shes not in this au she doesnt exist here). might actually like spiders as well as other insects. kotake and koume exist here :] . i think some of the gerudo havent forgotten, and thats why the hylia statue is way less in use, though it still being there is an act from the gerudo from the present ish. he likes soft and airy clothes. a lot more regal in the presence of leaders of their respective races- like the king or queen of the zora, the king and queen of the hylians, etc. likes hearty soup but also straight voltfruit juice. doesnt like hydromelons. he and zelda would hate each other, zelda Especially and their anger at each other almost cancels each other out. zelda is Very mad at him. chronic pajama wearer, gets a gerudo clothes person to make regal clothes with the same fabric from pajama clothes. sometimes he sleeps in them but other times he doesnt. big fan of the concept of magic, and likes chuchu jelly a lot. hes more prominent in the timeloop au honestly and im sorry for that. id like to give him an actual arc but well. i dont know how i would do that…….. also i want him to have a happy ending for once but i dont know if thatd work with this story. especially because of him killing the champions. him being an omen would be fitting, but still. him being punished narratively for no reason is stupid if that makes sense. his reason for doing what he did wasnt bad, but what he did by proxy was. i dunno death doesnt feel right for him, at least yet. he was happy though, once
ok sorry if this trailed off its. 5:40 am . i need to eat and sleep
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kaluwa-del-conte · 2 years ago
Hey!✨️ Just to let everyone that has left me a art prompt know, I have not forgotten about them! I will get to them, I assure you. I'm sure you'll understand and Thank you for them 💖
I've just been struggling with my lack of enthusiasm and drive, I once had when drawing. (Depression sucks ) Been trying to get back in the mood of creating. It's like I'll have a brief spark of motivation. And I'll manage to make something I'm 'okay' with. Then I'll start on another and everything I put down I just don't like or is total garbage to me.
BUT!! Recently, I'm starting to feel my drive coming back a bit~✨️ So, just wanted to share some random practice doodles with yall :3
The two top right heads are random characters I made up. Ignore. ✌️ The others are of course r&l. 😊
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'You Are Here' Link on bottom right~
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And if you came this far and are still with me. I would love to show you two of my up coming WIPs I'm working on!!~
1984 Rhett and Link:
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Can you guess this meme? Lol
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Thank you for your time and support fam! 💖
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evegwood · 2 years ago
Hi sorry just wanna say seeing your answers to the QnA has been really inspiring and cool! I've followed Inhibit almost since the start, which was a lot of my teenage years, and you were a big inspo when it came to trying to create my own comics. Nae worries if I'm late to the party but if you're still open for AMA qs I was wondering, do you ever have to motivate yourself to make pages, or does it just come easy? If you do have to motivate yourself sometimes, how do you go about it?
This is awesome to hear, thanks so much! There are loads of webcomics that I grew up reading as a teenager, so to know that my comic is that for some people is amazing to me.
I do definitely struggle with motivation at times, particularly since the pandemic started. I'm lucky that I have a really big buffer now so it doesn't affect my posting schedule but sometimes I don't work on pages for months because there's something I reaaaaallly don't want to draw, namely cars or multiple people in one panel or environments that aren't just a box lmao. It can be a real pain in the ass to slog through a page that is painfully boring to draw, but ultimately I utterly love the project and that is what keeps me coming back to it. I eventually go and reluctantly finish up those hell pages because it's for the good of the story. Even when something is a passion project, not everything will be fun. A lot of it will suck ass.
One of my most foolproof ways of motivating myself is to listen to my Inhibit playlists, of which I have.. just.... so many. If there's a scene with a particular character I'll listen to their playlist and get hyped up thinking about their character arc and that will give me the energy to sit down and just fucking draw the page with that shitty stupid Urquhart van. My other favourite method is to just let myself move on to the next page; for Book Two I've tried to work on pages in chronological order, even when the entire chapter will be thumbed or pencilled so theoretically I could jump ahead to whatever page I want to draw. But that way lies only more suffering. If I drew all the fun stuff in one go (like I would do for a lot of Book One near the end) then I'd just be left with the boring stuff and would have a worse time of it. But sometimes, if the motivation is reaaally low, I'll let myself have a little treat and draw that one goofy face two pages away.
Most of all, you do have to let yourself be demotivated sometimes. Your body and brain need time to rest from projects. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and maybe you need to go and work on another project for a bit to recharge, or pick away at a different part of the story so you're still technically working on it. If I really, really don't want to draw, I'll look over the script or do a bunch of admin like uploading pages until the urge takes me again. It's a marathon not a sprint, so take your time and accept that periods of low or no motivation are part of the creation process!
I'm doing a little Q&A right now to celebrate the launch of the Inhibit: Book Two Kickstarter! If you have a question about Inhibit, comics in general, or anything else, shoot me an ask 🔥
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foundationhq · 1 year ago
Hey admins~ while I like you guys give a lot of freedom I'm a bit stuck with all the choices 😂 I'm indecisive what can I say lol. Any way you guys can give us hints on your vision for the opens? I'm struggling 😭
hello, thank you for your inquiry! i understand where you are coming from, since we have more of a sandbox approach to character creation. i imagine that there would be doubts if a character would fit the verse, especially if you're hesitating on a muse you've put your heart into. :< rejections are never fun and i will stress that during our review process, what we mainly look for is team composition, not what a muse "should be" about.
i avoid prescribing roles because i've ran a "skeleton" rp before (truth be told, it was more of a "bio" rp with detailed backstories) and it was really successful! however, in the end, i felt disappointed in myself because while i was able to see my vision come to life, i did not feel i had done enough to elevate the creativity of my players. i always want to improve not only as a writer, but an admin too in facilitating a supportive writing community.
however, i see lately that people want a little more guidance! so i hope no one minds if i draw the curtains on how we came up with these skeletons below. please feel free to use these as a guideline, but if you have another idea for your muse, go with what calls out to you! i sincerely hope this motivates the writing process for those working away on their apps.
every skeleton is, in a way, tied to an exploration of ethics and morality. each raises a question on how can one enact the concept of justice, when all the parameters for justice and fairness is wholly a social pact with an idea of "good."
[𝐶𝑂𝑊𝐵𝑂𝑌 𝐺𝑅𝐸𝐸𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺]; what happens to the victims of the choices the foundation makes to keep the peace? is it right for them not to know what happened? how does the foundation know they're not leaving ghosts of people by forcing them to forget?
[𝐻𝐼𝐺𝐻 𝐹𝐼𝐷𝐸𝐿𝐼𝑇𝑌]; science is rife with historical and current-day ethical conflicts, all for "the betterment of society." what research goal are they pursuing that they feel justifies the experiment? how far will someone go to "advance" science? what personal reasons come into the mix?
[𝐾𝐼𝑁𝐺'𝑆 𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐵𝐼𝑇]; how far is too far when pursuing revenge, even if it would be justified? who should atone, and in what way? how does one measure vindication? at what point does the pursuit of justice become tainted by wrath?
[№2 𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐶𝐼𝐿]; in the act of wanting forgiveness, the desire of exoneration usually does not come from the victim. what are the pressures on the innocent for providing "absolution" to the guilty? what are the consequences of turning the other cheek? how can those who were hurt heal during the process of forgiveness?
[𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐹𝐸𝐶𝑇 𝑆𝑇𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐺𝐸𝑅]; how do those in a lower standing of "power" deal with the inequality they often face in their lives? what causes apathy in those affected the most by these unjust circumstances? is there anyone who is allowed to "look away" to keep going?
[𝑅𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆𝐸 𝐸𝑁𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝐸𝑅]; how does a moral exemplar deal with a huge mistake? can a single misstep overturn all the goodwill they've created? additionally, what ethical issues arise in the field of academia? whose efforts are recognized, whose work go on uncredited? what biases do those in power have when creating a "canon" of academic work?
[𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸 𝐻𝑈𝐺𝐺𝐸𝑅]; what code of ethics do we as humans abide by? is that line of justice skewed by our anthropomorphic lens? what are things that exist in nature that conflict the interests of people? can one advocate for something that may harm people if it protects "the other"?
[𝑉𝐸𝐿𝑉𝐸𝑇 𝐺𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸]; when negotiating opposing sides, what constitutes a "right" compromise? who are the people making these promises, and how do they represent the people they're making deals on behalf of? additionally, is it right to judge someone's social climb when they came from nothing? is it morally wrong to want to serve one's self-interests if those actions also help others?
[𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸 𝑈𝑁𝑄𝑈𝑂𝑇𝐸]; where does liberty and freedom coincide and clash with the ideas of justice and equality? how does one navigate what to restrict and what to allow? who makes those choices for everyone? how does the dissemination and suppression of information influence public perception?
in conclusion, thank you for your feedback and i hope posting about our process when creating these skeletons helped you in your choice! i strongly suggest reaching out in dms with what you're envisioning so that we can assist you with resources or musing for your app! :>
> 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚛 🅟
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pumpkin-spice-whump · 2 years ago
yellow! its me again!! its much earlier now than the last time i messaged here😗 (though it is still admittedly late🤡) i think i am going to sleep soon but i wanted to tell you that i had begun reading your story for Kensington!
i am currently at Bonfire (i think that was the name? im sorry if i butchered or mistaken it for other fics i have been reading😖) and like your stories for Jesse, Kensington's story is also incredibly painful to read😭
i think its the fact that unlike Jesse, Kesi has (arguably) even less dignity as his status as an ouright slave rather than at least a pet or boxboy coupled by the fact he also has (definitively? at least in my interpretation) much much less external reason/s to continue struggling and living (i guess there is Miss Ashley🥺 but Jesse at least got to spend so much more time with the three sweet Bakeman daughters)(i dont want to spoil much to not ruin the others' experience)
i know the two squishy whumpees arent exact copies of each other but i still find it so deliciously heartwrenching that Jesse is much more submissive mostly in part because of the bbu brainwashing or mind/memory wiping (i think this is common in bbu whump so i think its okey for me to mention it explicitly?) while Kensi who (i understand/interpret) was born and raised and lived his whole life as a slave is much more stubborn and defiant.
again i apologize if im missing or misinterpreting something also i know i cant or at least maybe shouldnt draw direct parallels between the two because theyre from two similar but still different worldbuildings with their own set of messed up rules and hiarchies.🤸‍♂️💔
again again it is late and i hope to fix my sleep schedule soon so i can read your works and message you when my braincells can organize my brain goop into something more coherent. i really hope you understand that all this word vomit is laced with love🤕💗
When i tell you that yesterday and today's asks both made my crappy days instantly better --
First of all thank you so much for reading both of my boys' stories and I'm so glad you like them
Yes, Jesse is extremely submissive in part because of the brainwashing WRU does, but also because Joshua was like that too. His dad passing away when he was younger gave him pretty severe OCD and anxiety that made Josh an unassuming, nervous boy, so his already quiet disposition was only worsened when coupled with the torture he had to face. One thing that always stuck with him though is his protectiveness over those he cares about. WRU did not give that to him, that was just Jesse.
Kensington's story takes place in a different universe where they do have a slavery system where slaves are born and raised that way. I like that you mentioned that Kensi is more stubborn and jaded, because that was not how I meant for him to turn out originally! I meant for him to be more submissive like Jesse, but the more I wrote the angrier Kensington got until I really came to a head in his story (can't wait for you to read the next few parts!)
Never apologize for analyzing my characters! I live for it, and I actually appreciate you drawing parallels between these two. They may be from different worlds, but they both come from me and I enjoy seeing them compared to one another actually! We're to a point in both stories that I have been very excited to come to and this gave me the motivation to keep writing!
(Sorry if my response doesn't make sense or isn't what you were looking for!)
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normal-thoughts-official · 1 month ago
Una probadita de tu conchita - Endless Summer fic
Three facts that are true: 1- In México, “concha” is a type of sweet bread covered in a crunchy topping, typically eaten during breakfast. 2- In Colombia, “concha” means pussy. 3- Varyyn is trying to learn Spanish. No problems whatsoever could arise from this.
Estela was a little jealous of how quickly the Vaanti learnt languages. It had only been a few months since Varyyn started learning Spanish and he could already communicate pretty well - sometimes the way he phrased things was a little awkward, but otherwise he had great grammar and perfect pronunciation. Estela was far from having any problems when it came to grasping other languages, but the remarkable ease the Vaanti as a species had was not something she thought any human could match.
It did work out in her favor, though. Because Varyyn was very eager to train Spanish as much as he could, and that meant that she got to speak Spanish when it was just the two or three of them, which was a relief.
Not that she struggled otherwise - her English was perfect, thank you very much. It was simply more comfortable that way. What did Diego tell her Varyyn had called it… “The language of his heart”. Speaking in Spanish made her settle into a conversation in the same way she settled into her own skin. It just felt right.
All of that is to say - even though they weren’t exactly close, she felt very at ease right then, talking to Varyyn in the kitchen as they prepared to make food for Diego. He had spent the week in California, visiting abuela Claudia and having some last-minute meetings that the editors insisted couldn’t be done remotely. He would be back in La Huerta in just a few hours, and Varyyn, the romantic that he was, wanted to welcome him with homemade food.
The problem, of course, was that Varyyn was not even particularly skilled at making Vaanti food, nevermind Mexican food. But since Estela was the only Catalyst at the island by then and she was well used to cooking for herself, she offered to help. Also, she had been to just about every country in Latin America, aiding in a revolution or another; she might not be an expert in Mexican cuisine, but she was probably the best help Varyyn could get.
(Well, except for Raj. And probably Milagros, who seemed to be able to draw infinite knowledge out of thin air. She still wondered how the hell Vaanu created him with the ability to drive a jet ski. But Milagros wasn’t there anymore and Raj was busy with his TV show, so Estela was the best realistic option.)
So in short - Estela was feeling very at ease, very confident in herself, peaceful even, maybe just a little sad, but mostly alright, when she calmly and unsuspectingly asked Varyyn what he was planning on making. A normal and predictable question that would, in an ideal world, lead to a normal and predictable conversation.
But there were few adjectives that applied less to La Huerta than “normal” and “predictable”, so naturally Varyyn responded by scratching his head and saying, “I was wondering if you knew how to make, ah…” he paused for a bit, as if trying to build the sentence in his head, “los Colombianos también tienen conchas?”
Do Colombian men also have pussies?
As Estela’s soul left her body, she contemplated her options. She would have been more than happy to stick with option one - set something on fire and stage an escape - but there was some merit to the idea that she could be mature and normal. She didn’t have many flammable items at her disposal, and it had been a pain for them to build this house for the Catalysts, anyway.
And anyway, apparently someone had to have this conversation with Varyyn, and better her than- actually, she couldn’t think of anyone worse to handle this conversation. Where was Michelle when you needed her? Estela was sure that she would have been able to handle this remarkably.
“No. I mean, yes. Well, some of them,” this was why she let Tío Nicolas handle the whole talking and motivating part of planning revolutions. “It’s not- okay, so did Diego explain to you what ‘trans’ and ‘cis’ mean?” Varyyn nodded, cocking his head curiously. “Okay, great. So, hm, there are trans and cis people all over the world, anywhere. It doesn’t really have anything to do with where they’re from. There are plenty of cis men in México, and plenty of trans men in Colombia. Diego just happens to be trans and Mexican.”
Varyyn looked at her in confusion. “And only trans men have conchas?” he asked, like he couldn’t wrap his head around the concept.
That… Was a question she didn’t see coming. What else did he think being trans was about? Maybe the Vaanti’s gender system has nothing to do with genitals. Maybe their genitals are completely different from those of a human. Maybe Estela doesn’t want to keep pursuing thoughts of Varyyn’s genitals. “Yes, only trans men.”
“I see,” Varyyn said, nodding thoughtfully. Estela was just about to pat herself in the back for how she handled this conversation. And then he added: “so you don’t have a concha, then?”
Why is this happening to me, Estela wondered. She didn’t believe in god or karma or anything like that, but she still believed that she never did anything so bad that she deserved this. Well, except for all the murder. But that was justified. If anything, surely she had already had her lifetime’s fill of psychological torture, what with her mother being killed and the entire summer of 2017. And yet, this was her terrible reality: standing there alone in a kitchen with Varyyn, being asked about her genitals, too shocked to do something like launch herself through the window and roll down the cliff and into the sea - anything but answering him.
“Uhm, that’s not- I mean, uh. Well I guess I, I do. I am a woman and… That is to say, cis women have them too,” she said, eloquently.
“You look red,” Varyyn noted.
“Yes. It’s the blood.”
Varyyn looked alarmed. “Blood? Where?”
“In my. Mind.” Estela shook her head. “Let’s start this over.”
“But you said there was blood!” Varyyn replies, frantically searching Estela for injuries.
“No. Well, I mean, yes. But that’s normal. We all have blood.”
Varyyn looked at Estela. Estela looked at Varyyn back. They both looked at each other.
“Anyway.” She continued, “I was just, uh, a little taken aback by your question. I mean, the Vaanti blush too, don’t they? Seraxa looked very purple during the whole ‘Grandma’ incident a while back. I thought she was on the verge of death or something, but then I remembered that red and blue equals purple,” she was kind of rambling by then, and suddenly she realized that she probably should change the topic of this conversation. “Anyway, we should get to baking. This is gonna take a few hours, and Diego is going to board the plane soon.”
As always, the mention of Diego successfully distracted Varyyn. “Yes. Of course,” he nodded.
For a few seconds, she thought there would be peace. She should’ve known that concept would remain as foreign as ever to her, because right after-
“Have you ever tried Diego’s concha?” Estela wondered if it was too late to convert back to Catholicism and ask god to come to her aid. Why did Varyyn keep coming back to this?
“I’m a lesbian,” she answered, because she really didn’t know how else to reply to this question.
Varyyn nodded, but he also frowned slightly. “I’m aware,” he replied, like that didn’t mean anything.
Estela just looked at him, stunned. Was Varyyn… Transphobic? That didn’t seem to make sense. She knew the Vaanti had a sex binary, of course, but they didn’t seem to particularly care about gender, and Diego had told her many times that it was a relief to see how no one cared about that. But maybe they didn’t care because they saw only sex. Maybe Varyyn still saw him differently.
“Diego is a man,” she said, her voice like steel.
“...Yes.” Varyyn was looking at her like she was fucking stupid, which was pretty unfair, considering he was the one who wasn’t making any sense.
“Lesbians… Are not attracted to men.”
“Diego has informed me of the human titles regarding one’s sexual preferences,” he even had the gall to act like he was confused.
“So why would you think I would do that?”
“Why wouldn’t you?” he shrugged, “Diego’s concha is delicious.”
I am dead and this is hell, she thought. That wasn’t true, of course. She wished she was dead. She wished for many things. She wished she had never learnt the Spanish language. A lifetime of cultural displacement would have been worth it if she didn’t get to experience this. She wished it was socially acceptable to shove her head into the sand to avoid awkward conversations. Actually, thinking about it, she didn’t really know how the Vaanti would see that. Maybe they would be perfectly fine with it. Maybe it was time someone put that to the test.
“You look troubled,” Varyyn observed.
God. How could she even begin to explain this to him? “We just, hm, don’t really talk about stuff like this,” she replied, rubbing the back of her neck, “it’s taboo. You know what taboo means, right?” Estela waited until Varyyn nodded. “Right. So it’s best if you don’t go around telling anyone about conchas, or-” she suddenly realized that she really didn’t want to say ‘verga’ to Varyyn, or in front of Varyyn, or within a hundred mile radius of Varyyn, or possibly to anyone ever, “-anything like that.”
Varyyn's eyes looked very wide. “Oh, really?” He said, his voice a bit too awed and vulnerable for this conversation, “I had no idea. It was the first thing Diego showed me.”
Slutshaming is bad, Estela reminded herself, but she really couldn't help but wonder how Diego managed to meet Varyyn pussy first. His clothes were a little torn when they rescued him but it was nothing that bad. Then again, she wasn't exactly checking for crotch tears.
“How taboo is it? You seem like close friends, so is that… Family only?”
She would assume he was doing this on purpose if it weren't for the absolutely wondrous look on his face. “Uh, you probably won't want to show that to your family either. It's more of an intimate partners thing,” seriously, did the Vaanti just show their junk to anybody? Estela thought she would have probably noticed that. Then again, Diego had a 6 months headstart to take the brunt of the cultural shock. Did he get them to cover their stuff before the rest of them were back? Because if so, Estela had a lot to thank him for. Maybe he would appreciate a fruit basket.
“Truly? Did he… Did he really trust me that much, even back then?”
The look on his face was so awed and sweet, Estela even felt her embarrassment ebbing away. As much as she didn't want to know the details of their sex life, the way this obviously meant a lot to Varyyn tugged at her heartstrings. Cultural shock could be awful sometimes, but the two of them always made it look wonderful.
“Well, I can't really speak for the circumstances, but- yes, I do think so. Especially considering that he's trans.”
Varyyn nodded. “If this is a sign of intimacy, I should see to getting Diego some as soon as possible.”
was this happening to her?
“It's not… I mean, I don't think it's about the concha itself. More… The act,” she was pretty sure she'd never been this red before, “that is to say, I'm sure what you've been giving Diego is just as good.”
Varyyn cocked his head curiously, so, in a desperate attempt to avoid further questions, she made a vague gesture towards him that she hoped would convey that dicks were not lesser lovemaking appendages or… Something. Varyyn frowned, then turned towards the counter behind him, still full of ingredients, and she supposed that was at least enough to distract him, because he looked even more concentrated on finishing Diego's meal. He nodded.
“Well, I can see this subject is bothering you, so we shall speak of it no further,” suddenly, Estela understood, clear as day, why Diego fell in love with this man so fast. “Let's focus on what you're comfortable with instead. What kind of desserts do you usually make in Colombia?”
Bit of a non-sequitur, but okay. Desserts were fine, desserts were safe. Estela could work with that. Desserts certainly couldn’t lead to that kind of awkward conversation.
“Well, there’s a lot. Dulce de brevas, postre de natas, flan de coco, enyucada…” Varyyn nodded politely, but he kept glancing at the table, and suddenly she understood. “But I don’t think those will be very familiar to Diego. I was thinking we could make churros.” Not exactly Mexican per se, but popular enough in… All of Latin America, really, that she knew how to make them.
Besides, she was pretty sure Varyyn could give him raw rice and Diego would still be grateful. Emotional even. He was a big fan of single tears running down cheeks and stuff.
So she showed him the steps, and he only mildly fucked it up (a good portion of the first batch was nearly lost because he gripped the piping bag like he was trying to strangle a tiger), and they continued working on Diego’s meal - chilaquiles with frijoles refritos and huevo estallado, nothing fancy but good and simple enough that they have time to fix any mistakes they (Varyyn) might make.
It actually went smoothly.
Until Diego arrived.
Varyyn immediately dropped the last churro into the hot oil, nearly hitting Estela with the skin-melting droplets, and dashed towards the cabin door. “Diego!” he exclaimed in joy, as if he thought he was dead, or something.
Diego laughed. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of reuniting with you.”
“Mhm,” Varyyn replied, sounding suspiciously like he had his face buried in Diego’s hair, “your editor meetings are very long.”
“You have no idea,” Diego sighed, finally making his way inside, before a wooshing sound made him yelp. “Oh, you really missed me, huh?”
“It’s not that. Although I did,” Estela could practically hear his smile, “it’s just, I was talking to Estela…”
She emerged and waved. She did pride herself on her good entrance timing, and the churro had already been removed from the frying oil. “Hey, Guito.”
“Ohh, is that why it smells like food in here?” He grinned. “You know, as opposed to burning charcoal?”
Varyyn smiled slyly. “Estela has been a great help.” Then his face suddenly turned serious, “but that’s not what I wanted to say. Estela told me that conchas were something you only share with an intimate partner. I just… Thank you, Diego, for trusting me so much.” He sounded way too emotional for such a… Well, she'd have to think of qualifiers later, conversation.
Diego flushed in a way that would make Estela feel vindicated if he didn't look so pleased. “I mean… I never really thought of it that way. Is it for weddings in Colombia?”
Was Diego asking her if Colombians save themselves for after marriage? Did he think they were in the Middle Ages or something? “We're notthat old fashioned, Diego, Jesus.”
“Woah, okay, didn't think this was a sore spot,” he said, raising both hands as if Estela was about to put him in a headlock. “It's just not really like that in México? It's pretty casual. A breakfast thing, mostly.”
“A… Breakfast thing?” What in the actual hell was this conversation? Were Mexicans partial to morning sex? And if so, why must she learn about it?
“Yes?” Diego looked puzzled. “Why do you look so shocked? When exactly do Colombians eat conchas?”
“That's- we don't have a set time for it!” God, please, if you're real, smite me now.
God, once again, proved to not be real. “Alright then. Guess I'll avoid serving you conchas in the near future, just to be sure.”
Estela truly prayed that “serving conchas” meant the same thing in México that it did in English, because if not, then what the hell?
Actually, even in that context, what the hell?
“What the hell?”
“What?” Diego asked, looking like he was the one having a conversation that’s completely insane.
“I just, why is everyone so sure that I'd like to eat your-” God, she could feel the red crawling up her face, “just, yours, of all people?”
“Well, now I can't help but be offended. What's wrong with my-”
“Nothing! I mean, I wouldn't know! I don't want to know! You're handfasted to Varyyn anyway, why would you want me to eat your-”
“Again, it's seriously not that big of a deal for us. You can let anyone have your conchas, it's fine-”
“Diego, my love, I feel you're being culturally insensitive. This is clearly important to Colombians, maybe we should just let her be. More for us, anyway. And your other friends, if they're alright with that.”
What. “Are you guys looking for… Threesome partners?” Her voice sounded a bit squeaky.
“What's a threesome?”, asked Varyyn.
“Don't worry about it,” the two of them said in worryingly perfect sync.
“Weird thing to proposition out of nowhere, Estela, Jesus. Like, no offense, but we're happy together. Also, I thought you were a lesbian?”
Estela endured years of training to withstand the worst kinds of conditions, which was the only thing keeping her from falling to her knees in agony. “That's what I've been saying!”
“Okay, I can't help but feel like we're having wildly different conversations. What's the deal with conchas in Colombia?”
“There’s no deal-”
“Then why are you being so weird about sweet bread?”
They stared at each other.
“I believe we are all lost,” Varyyn said solemnly.
“You know, conchas? Sweet bread with crunchy toppings, usually shaped like shells?”
“...Oh,” Estela said, feeling this moment brand itself into her brain to be revisited every time she tried to sleep for the next thousand years. “Oh, god,” she said, crouching and hugging her knees. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or mortified. Varyyn and Diego weren’t asking her to have oral sex with him in the middle of the kitchen. They wanted to make sweet bread.
They were talking about pastries the whole time.
She buried her face in her knees and willed La Huerta to regain its time-messing properties to propel her to the past and keep this from ever happening, but the universe, as ever, didn’t listen. No gods, energies, or saints had ever come to her aid. She had nothing in this world but herself, and it was up to her to deal with this situation.
“Pussy,” she said, miserable.
“...What?” Diego looked like he was going insane.
“Concha,” she said, in English, gritting her teeth and willing herself to withstand the agonizing embarrassment, “means pussy. In Colombia.”
“Yeah,” Estela agreed.
“Oh, god.”
“Yeah,” Estela agreed.
Diego also slid into the floor and buried his face in his knees. Faint groaning could be heard from his general direction.
“So when Varyyn said he had my concha, you thought he meant-”
“And when I said you should try mine, you thought I meant-”
“And when-”
“Oh, my god.”
“I believe I’m still lost,” Varyyn said. “What’s a pussy?”
“Varyyn, no,” Diego exclaimed, making exact the same face he did when they found Varyyn in the Observatory, “it’s not too late for you. Save yourself.”
“Vagina,” Estela said immediately afterwards. “Pussy is a crass word for vagina.”
“Oh,” Varyyn said, suddenly turning purple. “Oh.”
“Oh,” Diego agreed.
“Oh,” Estela groaned.
They contemplated the truth of those words, each from their spot on the floor.
Varyyn eventually cleared his throat. “So, to be clear, there is nothing special about baking someone conchas? You were talking about making love?”
“Try to look less upset, we're literally married.”
“I was feeling very special,” Varyyn smirked.
“Yeah, I bet you were.”
Estela groaned, mostly to remind them that she was still there. The last thing she needed was to end up… witnessing… something again.
The world keeps spinning and waits for no one, and humans (and Vaanti) need to eat. So after making the two of them promise to not tell this to anyone else and double checking that Varyyn was not crossing his fingers, they marched to the table like warriors, intent on finishing the day on a positive note.
Estela was surprised to find that the conversation moved smoothly, mostly thanks to Diego’s unwavering talent at running his mouth, and Varyyn’s appreciation of it. As frustrating as editors' meetings were, he was very proud of his book, and the fact that he already knew it would be a bestseller didn’t hurt either. Estela wasn’t exactly familiarized with most of the media he talked about, but when he talked about it, she suddenly understood how magic stories could be. His excitement was contagious, his insights were unique, and the stories filled the room like they once filled his ever-so-lonely heart.
All of that is to say, Estela was feeling fine, recovered even, maybe still a little embarrassed, but mostly alright, when-
“Wait,” Varyyn said. “When you said that what I was giving Diego was just as good, you meant-”
Estela screamed.
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cephalofille · 3 months ago
The pain of my soul in HD: the more I try the less success I have I feel
I feel like the more I try, the more I struggle to keep motivated to reach my goals, the less I can do the artwork I'd like to do, folks.
For me making art was never difficult, the inspiration to make my art was something that came from my soul!
It was a flame that used to shine brightly, and gused forth fiercely and spectacularly, like lava from a volcano, in the form of art.
But I no longer have it....
I feel like that inspiration for me to do art it's gone from my heart since the that fateful day I met...
....une certaine personne...
.....mon ex-petit copain, qui a ruiné ma vie....
It's the end of the semester for my students whom I teach French classes to, and I've been busy reviewing assignments and putting in grades on them. Giving my students one by one, some personal notes where I give them feedback about their works, what they've done good and what I'd suggest to them to improve their french and learn faster.
I posted a tiktok about my cat, taking the chance he was being quite, cos I thought it was cute and people were going to like it, and that would help to cheer me up a bit today, but it wasn't popular.
For the rest of the day, I helped my mom doing house chores and I made meal. Then we ate together, and I started to tell her about my school and how my students are doing, because I wanted to hang out with her, but she didn't pay attention to me.
She was very busy with her cellphone, sending tex messages to talk to my sister, to my brother, to the landlord, to her neighbor and friend...with everybody but me. Plus! she was worried that about my sister and her baby. Since she got pregnant all the attention it's for her (and it's usually like that already, so imagine it, it's even more now!) So even if I wanted to cry, I contained myself, forgot the talking and just ate.
After that I sat down back to finish reviewing assignements.  I've took some of the time in the afternoon to try and make the animation I talked about on twitter some days ago, but I wasn't able to do much. So I started to browse pinterest for inspiration to draw, and I didn't find any.
I wanted to draw emma from one of my favorites series, Lou...
...a funny comic strip about a bee, a christmas pinup of a cool cartoon girl to post here, a new character desing of a character for my sci-fi saga of comic books (that I've left aside like for 7 years lol), more of Jupiter the gecko (other of my original characters, of other of my original comics that's also in hiatus) Ice Bear (from the cartoon show) saying mon dieu while he...well, if you've seen the art I post here, then you know what I mean XD
I also wanted to draw Tsuyo and Legoshi (from their respective animes) cos I think they're cool characters! And also I tried to make a drawing of one of my oc's giving chocolates to my dear friend LordValdarox, cos he have given me a lot of support and encouragement since we've met, and it was going to be an artgift to thank him.
...But I wasn't able to draw anything.
Nothing came out.
 All of the sketches I did were awful. And that made me feel even more sad and lonely than how I usually feel everyday due the fact nobody in the country where I live now talk french, or understands french. And I can't talk french with anybody!
So you can imagine, right now while writting this I have the impression of being worthless, unapreciated by my mom and the rest of my family too, for not being "sucessful" cos I don't earn a lot of money money. I feel like a waste on place in this beautiful planet that we call earth, and that today, it has been just another day of my mediocre, boring, french-less...purposeless life.
Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying all in my life is bad, there were good news in my family this week that gave me happiness and...some motivation to improve as a person and as an artist, to be a better person, to be a good role model for this little angel that have just came to this world.
And it's cool, teaching french it's cool, I'm not complaining of that either hein!
I just wish I could art the same way I used to do when I was younger, or some time ago....why I'm not able to?!? Why I can't recover my mojo with art anymore?
It's very frustrating to sit in front of the computer (or paper) and that your hand can't do what you're imagining in your mind! Is one of the most heartbreaking things for a visual artist.
Some of you fellow artists have any advice?
If you have done something that worked to recover the flame for making art I'd like to know.
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fenimores-book-nook · 3 months ago
A Jesus focused update <3
December 5th and 6th, 2024 ~ Thursday/Friday
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Hello and welcome back to another Book Nook blog post! It's been a while since I last posted and that is thanks to lack of motivation. But we're back, using the good Holy Spirit to drive us! :)
I've been working on putting more focus on Jesus and my relationship with Him-like always, and honestly, that's something we're always working on-so that also may be a factor in why I haven't written in a while; I've been busy digging into His word. ;) But I love to spread His love and truth in some way (which I also do a bit on TikTok) so here we are!
I hope all is well with you, dear reader. I hope December has been a great month for you so far and if it hasn't been...the hurt is only temporary. Your weakness is made perfect in God! (2 Corinthians 12:8-10) There's this quote I saw yesterday that goes along with this and with what I was journaling to God about. "The hurt you feel right now is nothing compared to the joy that is coming." Which also came to mind when I read Isaiah 55:13, "Cypress trees will grow where thorn bushes grew. Myrtle trees will grow where briars grew. This will be a reminder of the Lord's name and an everlasting sign that will never be destroyed."
Cypress and Myrtle trees are so pretty. I think it's so cool and poetic of God to choose a type of tree that can grow in swamps or ponds. (Cypress, and a type of them, anyways.) It's kind of like Him saying, "I'll keep you afloat." <3 And then Myrtle trees are just gorgeous. Like, look at them:
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So pretty. :)
Anyways, more on the update side of things...I've been getting back into drawing which is making my soul so happy. :,) I have drawings to do for Christmas gifts, so I think that helped kick start it, but then I've been doing ones that I just want to do too. Earlier today-on Thursday-I finished one for a close friend that I talk about Jesus to a lot and I incorporated that in it too! (Maybe I'll share it when I'm done adding color.) We always have the greatest Jesus chats and I love it so much. <3
For other Christmas gifts, I'm doing drawings for my siblings too, and, not to toot my own horn, but they are turning out awesome. I'm doing silly animals and have been going off of ones I've found on Pinterest; they're so cute. Those, I've really been enjoying to draw as well. :)
As you know, it's the Christmas season, the advent season (basically, the lead-up to Christmas), and for that I wanted to do some advent Bible reading. Which is usually the book of Luke, because it talks about Jesus' life, His birth, ministry, death, and resurrection! I had seen a reel on Instagram talking about starting off advent season with reading Luke and one thing that was said in it that I really liked was, since there's 24 chapters in Luke, you read one a day starting on December 1st. Then, by the time December 25th rolls around, you've read about Jesus' life and understand better the reason for the season: Jesus! And I'm all about learning more about Jesus and who He was and is. <3
Gonna be honest, though, I haven't really been feeling the Christmas feels very much. I haven't really for the past couple years. (Thank you, depression and anxiety!) But like I said earlier in this post: God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Also, putting more focus on the Reason this holiday exists, during the holiday time, I believe will help with those "Christmas feels." They might just turn into "Christ feels." ;)
Before I move from this point, I want to say something else as a Christian who has and is struggling with mental health. God made us just as we are supposed to be for a reason, mental health issues and all. In Him we can find true peace, rest, and acceptance, how awesome is that? We have such a loving God that chose us first, loved us wholeheartedly, unconditionally, first, and will do amazing work and change in us. <3
"God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7. :)
I know that God is proud of you. Something that helps me when I feel like the opposite is true, is remembering that you can never let God down. Because you were never holding Him up. I heard that saying for the first time while listening to "Jireh" by I AM THEY and Chase & Co. The lyric goes like:
"I'll never be more loved than I am right now. Wasn't holding You up, so there's nothing I can do to let You down."
So, I hope you remember that you're amazing and you've got great things ahead of you!
With love,
Thalia <3
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