#i was soooo good at the ds version
miraclesnail · 1 month
Apollo and Mario Party 8
Part 51 of 1000 Ways to Tell the Stoll Brothers Apart and I Can Name You One (ao3)
Apollo plays some Mario Party 8 with the others before he heads out with Leo. It’s supposed to take his mind off what’s to come, but so far it’s doing nothing but adding more stress.
Apollo — Mario Party 8
Connor (16) 
January 2011
Connor Stoll is unfairly and unreasonably cruel. The worst mortal to have ever existed. An absolute terror to society. A complete asshole. An unbearable dictator. A terrifying tornado of destruction. Practically Godzilla himself with the way he’s rampaging. They had been getting along after Apollo had saved his friends and family, but he fears all the progress he made is getting undone now. 
“GET IT TOGETHER, APOLLO, OR SO HELP ME!” Connor screeches, pressing the buttons desperately on his GameCube controller and leaning so far forward on the chair that a couple more centimeters is enough to topple him. 
Apollo winces under the shrill scream. It’s just a game, a dumb party game… he thinks, but he tries harder. He really, truly is giving it his all. He’s mashing the buttons as fast as he can. He’s praying for Mario to also ‘get it together’ and get back on track. This ‘Rowed to Victory’ minigame is as simple as can be. Row in unison. Then one person rows to avoid obstacles. Then row in unison again until they touch the flagpole island.
But alas it is not meant to be. They flounder in a circle (due to no fault of his own) as Connor squawks instructions at him, “Row! Row! Press the freaking button, Apollo! Why aren’t you rowing?! YOU NEED TO ROW!” before screaming in frustration as their opponents, Ellis and Sherman, reach the island first and win. The two half-brothers high-five in delight. 
Connor sinks to his knees, kicking the chair as he does so, grabs a fistful of the carpeted rug and bangs his head on the floor. Meanwhile Sherman is taunting Connor in a way that is really unwise, jeering all sorts of middle-school insults at the son of Hermes. 
If you ask Apollo though, Connor is being a tad bit dramatic. 
“This,” Connor begins, getting back on his feet and turning to face him with a dreadful gleam in his eye, “Is the sixth minigame that you have made us lose, Apollo. Is this on purpose, huh? Do you like losing this much?”
Apollo looks at his three wonderful children to save him from Connor’s ire, but Austin is hiding a smile behind his hand. Kayla is laughing in amusement, completely unabashed. Will is the only one of the three who has a fraction of concern. But that fraction of concern is for Connor, not for his father who is arguably in hotter water. Will remains silent though and voices nothing for either side. In fact, Will shrugs in apology when their eyes meet and Apollo begs through his body language for Will to save him. 
Which is fair enough. No children should be expected to save their father like this. He’ll save himself. 
Apollo rolls his shoulder to loosen the tenseness and avoids looking at Connor directly. “Of course not! I’m just warming up.”
“We are on our fourth Tag Battle,” Connor says flatly. 
Touché. “I’m still warming up.” 
“Apollo,” Connor begins and he shrivels under the heavy judgment in Connor’s voice. Hermes should be proud. Connor really, truly captures the Messenger God’s competitive spirit when it comes to games and contests. He wonders if it’ll help Connor’s attitude if Apollo told him he once beat Hermes in a footrace. Probably not.
“I was really, really patient in the first game. I know you never played Mario Party before so I was forgiving while you got used to it. The second and third games, I was also really patient and tried to help you the best I could.” Connor really was. Apollo can’t deny that. There were all sorts of tips Hermes’s son gave him in this incredibly patient and considerate tone. “But we are now at our fourth game and you have not approved a single bit! Not a bit!”  
“I was holding back,” Ellis says unhelpfully. “I still am.”
“Want me to blindfold myself? Maybe that would be enough of a handicap to help you guys get some coins at least,” Sherman sneers, fist-bumping his half-brother. 
“Lock in, Apollo. I need you to lock. It. In.” Connor punctuates this with loud claps in his face in between each word before getting back in his chair. Which is frankly unneeded. He’ll lock in! He’s the God of Archery! His aim is always locked on the target.
“Is this helping you destress?” Leo oh so unhelpfully adds, lounging at the foot of the couch and messing with some screws.
“It is. I have never been more stress-free in my life,” Apollo grits out between his teeth as he grabs his controller tighter. 
This turn. For sure, he is turning this whole game around this turn. He is the god Apollo (Well, the former god, Apollo but he’s still mostly himself!) and this is just some kid’s game developed by Hudson Soft for weak-willed, simple-minded mortals to pass the time in their unbelievably short lifespan. 
But the next minigame, some horrible football game called ‘Grabby Girdiron’,  ends once again with their defeat. For some reason, he couldn’t grab the ball. And Sherman was on Connor at all times, stunlocking him while Ellis scored goal after goal. 
The mechanics are the issue. They have to be. Give him a new controller and his incompetence will be solved. Or maybe Hephaestus is interfering here, making sure everything machine-driven doesn’t work for him. Or maybe Nike is under orders from Zeus to make sure he never wins a single thing in his life. There is no way he is this bad. He beat Hermes in a race! He beat Ares in a boxing match! He’s plenty athletic in real-life! 
Connor breathes in and out slowly. And also quite scarily. But he doesn’t say a word as he squeezes his controller just a bit tighter. Maybe he’s holding all his rage in when they get to the end.
Leo nods and says, “Because you suck at this. No offense.”
Everybody's a critic, aren’t they? 
“You are the worst,” Connor agrees with Leo in this calm, terrifying voice as his dice rolls. His character Boo moves forward six spaces onto a blue space. “I have never lost this much before in my life.” 
“Well, if you hate me so much why don’t you go get your usual partner?” Apollo huffs and hits his own dice. His heart shatters when he sees what he rolls. 1. How can it be 1?! All he needed is a 2 to get to the star! Granted, he doesn’t have the coins but still! What kind of luck is that? And he lands on a red space. Of course, it’s a red space. The universe literally hates him right now. First, it was Dad casting him down to Earth as an acne-riddled teenager and now it’s Mario Party giving him nothing but Ls. 
“I want to. I desperately want to trade you for him. But Travis is on the other side of the country,” Connor says as Sherman rolls the dice that gets his Daisy character to the next star and he can definitely afford the 20 measly coins it takes. “We never lost in 2v2 matches.” 
“Maybe if Apollo plays as Dry Bones, it’ll go better,” Percy suggests as he sips on some blue lemonade and rests his forearm against Connor’s shoulder. Guess Percy is taking a break from his studies to watch Apollo absolutely get trashed both in-game and out-game. “Travis always played as Dry Bones, right? Maybe Apollo can channel some of that good energy.”
Connor makes a face like the thought alone of being a matching pair with him is disgusting. And well, same here then! Artemis is the only one he wants to match with. 
“No. Dry Bones and Boo is my thing with Travis. I would rather switch to Luigi. Maybe after this round is over.” 
“We can still catch up,” Apollo says with indignation. They have completely given up on him. How dare they. He’ll show them up. He’ll prove them all wrong. “Trust me. I’m getting the hang of it. Have some faith. We can still win.”
Spoiler alert. They do not.
And even more spoilers, they never do. Not once in the next five games. 
Apollo hopes none of them blab to their parents about this horrible day. 
Becoming a mortal is humiliating enough. He can’t bear it if they all make fun of him some more over Mario Party 8.
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kinokoshoujoart · 5 months
is it really toxic yuri if she doesn’t demand you cut off your fingers for her happiness???
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”You have given me gifts over 10,000 times. Congratulations!” haha happy wife happy life…. (my fingers are stumps)
as some of you may or may not have realized i am powerless to the siren call of the ultimate devilish blond Harvest Moon Scum Man, and given that the Japanese version of DS Cute gives you TWO saveslots and TWO hands and the ability to to be in a literal toxic lesbian best friendrriage with ultimate devilish mischievous blonde Harvest Moon Scum Woman i have no choice but to meet all of the Witch Princess’s super reasonable honey do list!!
so one of those fun little non negotiable requests from majo-sama is that you need to give her presents 10,000 times before she’ll even consider marrying you, even if you meet all the marriage requirements!
i don’t mean 10,000 items total— even if you give her a stack of 99 items, it only counts as +1 towards the “items given to witch” counter. you have to give her 10,000 items individually…
in normal gameplay (giving her 1 gift a day, accounting for the holidays when her house is closed) you’ll eventually reach 10,000 gifts!…in your 95th year!
you COULD give her 100 gifts a day every day and knock it out in less than a year, and this was my strategy at first! i quickly realized adding another tedious daily chore to a pile of tedious daily chores slowed the game loop to a crawl and splitting items out was really fucking annoying actually
on the other hand, in 5 IRL hours, you can just get it all done in one visit to her house and never worry about it ever again.
“wow, that sounds like a really great use of my limited time on god’s green earth! how can i too win my future wife’s heart through button mashing my fingers into a pulp?” you ask?
˚✧₊⁎optimized pro gamer technique for breaking your fingers yuri style!!٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶⁎⁺˳✧༚
you will need
dog (each time you show your pet, this adds +1 to the gift counter the same way a gift would)
the bottom screen should be the map screen (reduces loading time between conversations compared to having your rucksack open)
cast endurance on fingers (wait this is redundant, you saw yuri in the title…)
ideal but not required
sometimes when you enter her house, she’s facing the side and her walk cycle never starts. it’s great if you get this glitch because then you can just stand in place for the entire duration without having to look at the screen, and even like watch a movie or whatever while you do all this, instead of accidentally dropping your dog every time she walks to the other bookshelf
if you’re wondering “wait, doesn’t Witch Princess hate dogs and love cats? why are you showing her your dog?” you are absolutely correct! she yells at you to get that stupid beast away from her every time you show your dog to her! her FP goes down by 3 each time! however, since her response to the dog is shorter than her response to the cat, you end up saving like .6 seconds per conversation, saving over 1.5 hours total, so the dog is what she gets
anyway, in true Karen HM64 tradition, after being repeatedly harassed by having a dog she isn’t fond of shoved in her face ten thousand times in a row for like five hours straight, naturally this makes her want to marry you! who said good old fashioned courtly love is dead?!
* as a small note, if you care enough to keep track and give her an actual gift at the 10th, 100th, 1000th, and 10000th mark, you’ll get 4 of the limited Witch Photos early on, which each give you +1 sweet sweet farm degree points every day… honestly that’s not much, but the pain of being told “your hands are full soooo no reward for you lmaoooo sucks to be you” was too much to bear, so i kept track and used a normal present for the 10th, 100th, 1000th, and 10000th…
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etrosgate · 7 months
Narration Spoiler moments that stuck out to me on my recent replay of 999
(massive true end spoilers, obviously)
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okay im putting my absolute favorite first. this made my jaw drop. akane kurashiki i love you sooooo much.
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if you choose to refuse to give ace the pocketwatch, junpei says it in a really rude way:
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after this (pocketwatchless or not), you get this bit only if you're Not on the path to the true end:
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whenever they mention that a girl died in the past experiment...
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this is in response to santa talking about how in order to access the morphogenetic field, test rats had to be in danger:
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related to that:
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in knife ending:
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this is less direct than other examples, but goddd this bit from safe ending...
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okay last one:
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okay i'm sure there's more but that's all i've got.
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999 soooo good go replay it. *becomes annoying* the ds version. i make my case for that (+against the port) HERE. because i believe that people deserve to know the true extent of the differences between them before making a decision.
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
I has 30 asks! :0
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(Ask in question)
I’m gonna be honest, I took it that way. I thought it was a rude ask that was criticizing my versions of the Wario bros for no reason. Even though they’re still gonna be the flamboyant and comedic gremlins that we all know and love. And even if they weren’t, and they were gonna be completely new and gentle characters, so what? Its just an AU version of them. 
But even so, I’m glad I responded to that ask. So that you had the chance to clear this up with me and so I didn’t have to block someone over a misunderstanding-
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I imagine he likes some friendly company. But not to worry! He’s not lonely down there or anything, he’s got Gregory and Foxy to keep him company!
Also thank you! :DDD
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It doesn’t fit at all actually- 😅
I have no plans for E.Gadd. And when the bros found King Boos mansion they were in, out and over with it in under a day :0
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@pixelinrgb-rebirth (Post in question)
:D Yes! It is! And I’ve actually thought of some ideas already. Making my own ways for how the Iron Golems work, how the villagers work, why this mob does this, etc. But its mostly just been worlds with my OCs in them. Nothing about Steve yet. :/
As for the Power-Up/downs. There are no “power-downs”. Power-ups are supposed to be these items of pure energy, and although they can be dangerous, none of them explicitly exist just to cause harm. Like the poison shroom for example. That one exits but its not a Power-up. Its just a blatantly poison mushroom without any special powers behind it.
And when it comes to what powerups are in the AU, I only really add the ones from games that I’ve played. Soooo Mario kart Wii, New super Mario bro Wii, Mario 64 on the ds, super Mario 3D world.. plus a few others I bet I’m missing. Mostly mainstream games basically. No Paper Mario or partners in time or anything-
As for my AU’s name.. I haven’t thought of one yet ;-; ... 
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Me about to post Kirby OCs that was partially motivated by an ask/request-
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@mister-jedblack​ (post in ask)
Happy Valentines day! And I hope to get back to the AU soon. I’ve been thinking about it everyday and am trying to really iron out Vanessa's storyline atm. Hopefully soon I can finally stitch this this thing back together and continue sharing it!
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I haven’t played those games.. :(
But I wanted to add the wing cap from super Mario 64 on the DS. And I tried to think of ways to add the yellow super cape from the old games too :0 
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I’ve seen some screen shots of it but never looked into it, looks spooky! :0
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I’m assuming you meant this post? If that’s the case I think I went off the idea that Sword was infected with a monster that was intended for Kirby.
A monster that caused crazy hallucinations mostly, and great pain in the eyes and head. I had a mini comic where Blade was trying to talk to him and he saw Blades face as distorted and grotesque. Scaring the crap out of Sword and making him either run or just cover his eyes in panic. Fun stuff! :D
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I’m so glad to hear that you like my content!!
As for your questions, Monty is innocent. But he blames himself for Bonnie’s decommission. Something in Monty golf destroyed Bonnie. And because of Monty, they didn't have enough money to repair Bonnie. And because of Monty, the Glamrock era began. In which Bonnie was left behind.
Monty was never jealous of Freddy or Bonnie, and he still isn’t. He’s was happy with the way things were.. he wasn’t the one who hurt Bonnie. As for who or what did? That’s a mystery to be revealed later :0
Also. Bonnie and Foxy are supposed to be shut down. If workers saw them, they would be shut down again and put back in the basement. Or maybe even scrapped! :0 Also the workers could possibly find Gregory, which would not be good- Its also not up to the workers on whether or not they get fixed. That’s all up to the higher ups..
And the reason why Freddy is keeping Gregory a secret.. is because he thinks if Chica, Roxanne, Monty or the others saw him, they would call security. Which means Gregory would be caught by Vanessa and/or taken away by authorities. Freddy doesn't’ understand it yet, but he loves Gregory. And he wants to keep him safe, and with him. So he hides him from his friends in fear that he will be taken away. :( Also Gregory is terrified of the others so there’s that--
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I haven’t planned out a scenario where Luigi dies and is revived. But if that ever happens? Mario would be devastated. It would just.. it would destroy him. Especially if he witnessed his baby brother being killed or wounded.. it.. it would just be awful.
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I would like for Luigi to find a 1-UP, and then die in some horrible way- but I haven’t thought of anything super interesting yet. :/
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I haven’t actually played those games before.. so I have zero knowledge on them :( But they look really cool! And I bet they’re really fun games :}
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(Also thank you!! :DD)
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AAA THANK YOU!!! Also I’ve been drawing for... basically my entire life XD some of my earliest memories are drawing tails the fox on sticky notes and in old school note books. Ahh those were the days.. where the only thing that existed to me was tails miles prower..
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@bloonmonnie​ (post in question)
Yeah, I kind’a pictured domesticated/home grown Piranha plants (which is what Piñata is-) to have more of an animal level of intelligence. Like maybe that of a dog? She also kind’a just tends to mimic what Waluigi is doing. If Waluigi is angry and defensive Piñata is smart enough to know that she should act angry and defensive right alongside him.
If Waluigi is soaked in blood and is moving oddly slow.. well, she’ll get quiet and move slow too..
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My favorite character from the Anime AND the games is Metaknight! :DD In the Anime he has a deep lore that explains why he’s edgy and it explains motives for his actions and its really cool- also in Super Star Ultra Metaknight was really fun to play as-
As for Kirby? I don’t really have anything outstanding to say about the lil guy. I like him as much as anybody else. He’s just a lil gumball, not my favorite character, but I don’t have any hate for him. :0
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My last submas post was made in July 2022 :x So not recent..
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I haven’t given them much thought actually.. I should look into that more :0
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(post in question)
XD He’s to dumbfounded to speak at this point
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I think they’ll mostly just be doing stuff in the background :0
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I have not actually! :0 Although I’ve heard a lot about that game, it sounds fun!
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Ooooo adding Ashley is a fun idea! :D
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There’s a lot of pain and fear on both sides really.
Bowsers entire world and view of himself was flipped on its head. He was defeated. By this.. person.. no, this thing. He now no longer feels safe in his own kingdom. He no longer feels strong enough to protect his kids..
And for the bros and princess, a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights are had. Mario and Luigi have to sleep in the same room lest they both suffer anxiety attacks. Even Peach, who is royal and posh, and has an image of strength and stability to uphold.. even she was tormented with anxiety. And could not sleep without her advisor Toadsworth nearby..
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I don’t remember much of Villainous, but I remember liking Dr.Flug! 10/10 would recommend the wacky scientist man XD
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(Video in ask)
I have not actually :0 but I’ve heard good things about the game! Maybe I should watch a play through sometime.. 🤔
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XD Oh yeah, it was all fun and games being tall and strong.. until it wore off. And the muscle soreness set in :(
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The only star powerups I have considered is the basic super stars that make the bros invincible. I'm not familiar with those other games and sorta forgot about the big stars from 64--
Basically. Its just the default star power-ups. Mostly because I’m not familiar with the games the other ones are from..
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katyspersonal · 4 months
Can you make headcanons you have about Gundyr aka belated champion 🥺
Mine has always been how yknow, his prisoner chain is the ring of the embedded, and it says how the people wearing it become slaves of their own pleasure
So i think damn that man is freaky
Also the theory that ocelot= gundyr (ocelot was bred into being a champion, and gundyr's pus of man is also different from the others we see in game) just implies that gundyr is so ugly without his helm it made Gwynevere leave 🚬
Hey! Yeah I must admit that my Dark Souls loredigging is still a work in progress, especially considering in how many ways to connect the dots it offers! With ER and BB I always found a "more apparent" way to answer a lore question quickly, but as for DS trilogy I am soooo lost in opportunities fhhddffd So take most DS things I suggest as a 'draft'!
As for the chain detail: really good eye! It IS the same item!!!
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You can certainly tell that it had some context change by the DS3 time! But I really think that using basically the same item is not coincidental! So think of this: why would those weak ass pathetic chains, with the links apparently small enough to be used as rings, hold back THIS guy? He is so huge and strong, so would not he be able to break them easily?
So the thing is.. he did. But it was a bit too late. In DS2 version this kind of chain did have connotation with "pleasure", or "temptations of flesh" like it was put in Key to the Embedded description, but it can mean variety of things. In the end, holding Gundyr back with this kind of chains likely made him not want to proceed with his duty (or what he believed it was, but I'll get to that later)! It was mental restrain more than physical making him limp, like being drunk, or a dream so comfortable and happy that you don't want to wake up from it. He broke them when he was able to overcome whatever brain fog and "temptation to stay" they inflicted on him. It was a willpower effort that he was eventually able to recollect, because from physical standpoint, again, these chains were nothing. Still very commendable that he broke through their effect; I think it is rare that anyone is able to do this!
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Japanese original also says 古い王, so, ancient or old king more specifically! This is to nitpick that the emphasis here should be placed on how the mentioned king was relevant long time ago, rather than 'he was a king but not anymore'! It is about time passage. As for the helmet itself, I think it is the same as Marais Mask in ER: it depicts Gundyr's royal ancestor, not himself! As for why Gundyr was not included in my and @val-of-the-north's draft of the royal family across the games then....
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BEFORE I CONTINUE My current idea is that he is not Ocelotte, but in fact, likely older than the twin princes! He might have been a generation older, or a collateral relative to the three children of Queen of Lothric! Also, without going on a tangent I want to specify that for now I do not think that Queen of Lothric IS Gwynevere! Gwynevere is mentioned in description in DS3 and mentioned by Yorshka, so refusal to namedrop her would be odd since her name is certainly not obscured! As for Queen of Lothric being connected with Gwynevere's item, same can be told about Rosaria who is not Gwynevere being connected with Gwynevere's miracles! Basically, I think Rosaria and Queen of Lothric are just descendants of Gwynevere! I am yet to decide the exact specifics but yeah.. Guess I have to write a whole character my darn self, but I don't mind fsdhfdh
That being said, I am not opposed to the idea that Gundyr might be 'hideous' under his helmet xD Whether it is result of corruption or just how he is! All appearances are valid! Just that it would be something special for him, not connection to Ocelotte 🤔
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I am trying to double-check through Japanese script, and it seems to be more directly stated as 'the lenght/eternity of his mission was probably decided on from the beginning'! () (Tbh Japanese script being less vague IS the reason I can't loredig without these anymore) But regardless, yeah, I think whoever sent Gundyr to link the flame was setting him for the failure and a role of the judge! My current idea about it is that it was his own family that done him so dirty!
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I think them being the variants of one another is not coincidental! Before Lords of Cinder, the method to link the fire was to nurture some randos into becoming strong champions, but it probably proven being ineffective! Heck, the Unkindled are those who failed to link the fire! They switched to "find some really powerful guys and burn them", but as they started to shy away from their duties (Melina shames Lothric for skill issue in the distance fdhfhds), the old practice with firekeepers and leveling-up randos became relevant again!
It was someone from the royal family. I consider maybe Queen of Lothric herself! She was like, 'hey Gundyr good news, Lothric refused to link the fire so now YOU can save the world :))))) HAHA TROLLED YOU LOOSER YOU ARE ACTUALLY NOW THE STEPPING STONE TO RESTARTING CHOSEN UNDEADS THING LMAO' ....okay I am trivializing hhfdsd But basically deceiving him, chaining him, letting him see the result of "his" failure and being stuck in the timeless dark until he is defeated for the first time was the plan to shape him into everything any "worthy" Unkindled would face and have to overcome! I have not decided if they really hated Gundyr so much they decided to throw him away like that or they saw his outstanding personality qualities and believed only he could do something so important out of twisted 'love'. That they chose him BECAUSE only he was in their eyes good enough to overcome all those traumas and become a perfect test. Leaning more towards the latter...
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Okay, and I think not only he was deceived in this shit machiavellian way, but also someone else! Someone likely from within their walls too!
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Not only Shrine Handmaid is strangely the only NPC still present in the 'dark' Firelink Shrine instead of being replaced by like, corresponding item, and not only she weirdly looks same as retired Firekeepers from Dark Souls 2 (!!!).. but ALSO she is notably blinded, whereas blinding the Firekeepers specifically became a thing in Dark Souls 3 time (!!!!!)
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AND she strangely drops this item:
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I think it is safe to assume that she is the person tasked to be a Firekeeper that never met her champion! Needless to mention that it is, after all, FROM Lothric Castle HOW you access the Untended Graves! Yes, what they promised to Gundyr was being a Lord of Cinder, not the leveled-up "chosen undead", so her own tragedy is connected with the state of 'dark' Firelink Shrine. And maybe with us the player. Gundyr went from Champion to Iudex after being bested "by an unknown warrior" and since WE fight him outside of time as a Champion, it is probably us who set him on this path. Same as how in Dark Souls 1's DLC area WE are the one who sealed the Abyss in the past. When it is not us, metanarratively, it is any other player xd
So yeah, the two characters are not connected as Firekeeper and the "chosen" warrior because it was simply not what was promised to Gundyr, but they are connected as part of the same plan to restart the old practice after the authorities took collective L with Lords of Cinder idea! (Though if Gundyr himself is of royal blood, it is a cute idea that maybe Handmaid was Gundyr's wet nurse in the past.. ;-; )
So yeah, it is less headcanons post and more pinning down my interpretation post! I am very bad with headcanons actually as I don't have imagination hshdsd If I forgot something I want to hear it, like I said there is too much Soulsborne information and my brain is starting to fall apart from it! But yeah, I think Gundyr was a person of many virtues from the beginning, and unfortunately he was just good enough to be used like this. (also cunning Queen of Lothric character ftw lol)
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megabuild · 5 months
please keep going no one appreciates mysims enough
ITS SO SO GOOD ive never played the pc version but i played kingdom for the wii soooo much growing up it was not even funny... and the ds one... that stupid fucking tennis minigame had me in a chokehold
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solar-tl-27 · 1 year
You said you have a collection of old electronics, can you show some?
I can! It’s very small and not that impressive but i’m a bit of a nerd. (It’s…. It’s all Nintendo lol and not old old)
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I personally own
An original gameboy i recently got from a family member because they were clearing out stuff and knew i liked old stuff. It’s coroded and needs a good clean for it to properly work again but I honestly just want it for show because i own the gba sp which hurts my eyes less.
My gameboy advance sp i have owned since i was little this thing is a champ! It doesn’t power on normally and i have to do a whole start up ritual but she’s strong!
Then we have my ds lite. Iiii used to own like 3 of these but my last remaining one recently decided it had seen enough and …. Snapped in two. It survived a very rough life for a while i was an extremely clumsy kid and that thing got dropped… so often. I actually managed to score this new one for like 25 euro’s at a con. Cuz it didn’t come with a charger or stylus, but thankfully i own plenty of stylus’s. And another fender SOLD THE CHARGERS FOR CHEAP! I also got 2 games and ended up with a whole new ds lite for like 50 euro’s!
And finally my baby my problem child… my new 3ds xl. I was originally gonna get a 3ds for my birthday but when at the store the guy told us that if we waited just a little the new 3ds would actually come out so waiting for that would probably be better (and more expensive) so we did! This bad boi has survived sooo long. The paint on the back started to chip so I actually got an accessory that works as a stand and a hand grip so your hands don’t cramp up. and it has had a screen replacement and a joystick replacement. But he’s still going strong!
I also own a switch but it’s not really old and didn’t have it on hand.
Next up the games
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I got these with the og game boy i got from family so tbh they aren’t my choices tbf
Out of all of these I’m probably the most interested in kirby. So these are also more to look at in comparison to my other games.
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Then we have my gba games! And Pokémon silver but I couldn’t find it.
First up my copy of Pokémon fire red! I got it for cheap plated it a bit then restarted and for a second I thought my screen had finally quit life because i was face to face with a yellow ratata THANKFULLY I actually like ratata and raticate on my team so i threw a ball at it… only to be transported to the pokedex menu and go…. Wait a minute…OH MY GOD! So I accidentally caught a shiny 😅 i named her Shimmer and haven’t touched that save file since.
Then we have 2 games I bought PURELY for nostalgia
A barbie game to get hyped for the barbie movie
And disney princess royal adventure I LOVE THAT GAME honestly if anyone wants to just play a feel good cozy walking game with little minigames this is such a nice game the graphics are fantastic and it’s just soooooo cozy (it is a glorified walking sim though…. It’s mostly walking walking and more walking)
A true delight tho!
Next up
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DS GAMES here my true personality shows!
Pony friend and professor layton I owned since i was little and I finally completed professor Laytona few years ago! I’m not a puzzle person but godddd i love prof layton games!
Furthermore lps beach friends, lps garden and style boutique are recent purchases!
I got back into lps a while ago and am very excited for the new 2024 peta but they made me soooo nostalgic for the games so at a local con I basically ordered my friends to help me look for the games! I ended up finding lps beach friends together with style boutique another franchise i adore and later purchased lps garden online! The games are great! You also may have burned down a bakery in the friend’s series BUTTT THATS NOT IMPORTANT lol
Style boutique I purchased because i am on a quest i’m on the hunt TO OWN EVERY VERSION i own 1 and 3(technically 4) so i just need NEW style boutique and new style boutique 2!
And finally
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The 3ds games (i also used to own Skylanders trap team 3ds but I LOST THE GAME)
Not including tomodatchi life and new style boutique 3
I was a Pokémon guy i loved it a lot
Pokemon x y is definitely my favorite from the 3ds era… not cuz it’s good…. But because lysandre and sycamore are just the best characters pokemon has eve made lol and i can see the potential in it (also furfrou my favorite Pokémon)
Oras is definitely the game i replay the most because it is a really good game
I love moon and ultra moon a lot aswell!
Zelda actually funny enough i … ended up bugging the game so hard in the first 30 minutes of playing…. I hard locked the game and I couldn’t progress 😅 that’s ehen I knew I wasn’t a zelda guy
And monster hunter story OMG ITS SO GOOD the anime was better at the execution of the story BUT THE GAMEE OOOOOOOOOO i wanna replay it so bad BUT I’M SO ATTACHED TO MY CHARACTER I JUST CANT RESET he’s my boi! MY SON!! I love the game and I’m playing 2…. But i never finished it due to reasons but from what i did play ITS GOOD but it destroyed the ending of the first anddd i dont like that.
Also i’m so excited for fashion dreamer to come out and i will get it(probably for Christmas as a little treat) and i will be super inspired and use it as outfit inspiration forrr my winx stuff! So that’s exciting!
I would own a lot more old old stuff if it wasn’t for the fact that static hurts my ears and my eyeballs also don’t like old screens SO MOSTLY JUST MY NINTENDO STUFF cuz i was the Nintendo kid from my town. My brother had a playstation my neighbors a pc and a close friend and xbox the great divide!
My favorite playstation game was tony hawk pro skater 2 lol
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everydaydg · 1 year
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This game rules!
Meteos is one of the most unique puzzle games ive ever played
On the surface it just looks like another version of panel de pon
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but then you realize that you cannot move blocks horizontally. only vertically.
And thats when the fun starts
Meteos is a vertical block puzzle game where you send thrash to other planets.
The main idea is to create lines of 3 blocks of the same color so they can shoot to the skies like rockets and act as thrash for your oponents.
The gameplay is frantic and fun! It forces you to look at EVERYTHING on screen as to send more thrash to the oponent or to counter attacks from other players.
Countering is the best part of this game.
Attacks are represented as grey blocks that come from the top of the screen. All those blocks are counted as one big mass while they are in grey... soooo if you send a few rockets to elevate said mass, you can get rid of it immediatelly!
Its easier said than done as it requires propper planning and speed. you cant send every attack you have at hand because then you wont have anything to counter others and when you do recieve an attack you need to think fast in general or the big mass of blocks will turn back into regular colored blocks. which are harder to deal with.
Its extremely satisfying sending back a whole screen of things and seeing your oponents lose a stock.
While it might be a bit much to get used to at once, it becomes some of the most fun you can have with a DS puzzle game and (in my opinion) it even replaces the actual puzzle league game on the DS.
So! The game is pretty darn good on a gameplay front, what about the presentation?
Man they put alot of efford in and it shows.
The game has a pretty small story that ties together everything, that being that a bunch of planets are in war with planet meteo, they create a space ship called the Metamo Arc to finally put an end to the fight and defeat the evil planet.
Its simple but it does the job! The most important part about that is that its a conflict between alot of planets.
Alot of planets. Alot of playable planets.
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Every planet has a unique design with a unique species and a unique description and its all presented in such a cool way!!
You can tell they had some fun with this!
Hell! Selecting planets even has strategy! Every singular one has a different drop rate for certain blocks! some planets get more block types than others!
So you have this fun puzzle game with a wonderful presentation and a great soundtrack (forgot to bring up the soundtrack but its good) and you have one of the best puzzles games out there!
Even if it does have a high entry bar due to it being alot of things to learn at once.
Its a joy of a puzzle game, a must try for any DS owner.
and for anyone that just wants to replace planet puzzle league- thats another topic entirely but god damm I hate that game
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browniefox · 3 years
speaking of asks and pokemon, im curious! what Pokémon games have you played, and which were your favorites? are there any starters that you particularly loved, or any characters?
Ah, yes, my pokemon journey, you could say. Come with me as I take a trip down memory road of every (or most) pokemon games I've played.
LeafGreen - while technically my brother let me poke around on his FireRed, LeafGreen was my own game! Incredible! I'm not sure how literate I was when I got this game. Probably not very lol. My starter was charmander - which started my 'fire starter' lifestyle - and I don't thikn I ever finished it? Eventually, after I got my next game, I gave LeafGreen to my sister, and so it's now hers.
Emerald - My favorite game, my beautiful fav, my home town, my besties live in this cartrige. I restarted the game a few times, but my final and current playthrough I have a team of Blaziken, Gardivoir, Mightyena, Castform, Peliper, and Absol. Yes, a very poorly rounded team. I could read by now but that doesn't mean I knew how to make a good team. Blaziken and Gardivoir carried. Steven was so cool, I wanted to write a fic about him. I don't think I ever finished the game until I was like 13 or something? Again, I wasn't very good lol, but I did enjoy it.
Diamond - My brother's game he let me play after he got Platinum. I think I got stuck at one point and never finished, but my starter then was Piplup. If I replayed it, my starter would be turtwig bc i now love torterra <3<3
Pokemon Dungeon: Explorers of Time - I can't say when I played this, but it was sometime before I was 13. I didn't finish it, but I did love it. I was a skitty and my partner was a chikorita, and it was us against the world!
Pokemon Rangers: Shadows of Almia - THIS WAS THE SHIT! I haven't played through this entire game in ages, and in general I dont' think I ever finished, but would play around on my brother's finished version? I think I got as far as the desert when i had it, and now it's my sister's, who just recently replayed it and finished it. The characters and writing are soooo much fun, highly recommend. I love different takes on the pokemon world.
HeartGold - was my brothers, he let me play after he got a new game. My starter was cyndiquil. I got to Whitney, struggled against her for ages, fucking finally beat her, and then my ds died and I hadn't saved and I never picked it back up. I think my brother has it now, that or it's lost lol
Pokemon Rangers: Guardian Signs - swapped Explorers of Time for this game with a kid I knew. I remember it being pretty fun! But it was a bummer that ukelele pichu is stuck as your partner and you can't swap him out for a different but cool partner pokemon. Other than that, can't remember much. I do know that my friend wanted to trade back, but he lost my game, but I gave it back anyway. I can't remember if he ever found my copy, but I defo haven't seen Explorers of Time in years.
White - Good game, great game. Again, I got to play this game after my brother got Black/White 2, and I remember enjoying it well enough. I just replayed it a couple weeks ago, though, and holy shit do I love this game. I love the characters, the themes, the usage of the gym leaders. I love N! SOOOOO MUCH!!! So much fun, 10/10 would recommend. Emerald is my favorite, but this is a close second.
Omega Ruby - my brother bought this for me for my birthday! I liked it well enough. I liked a lot of the redesigns, and it was a lot like Emerald, but I do think I liked Emerald a bit more. I think i was enough at this point to be aware of 'oh... maybe they could've put a bit more effort into this :/' I had a fun time playing it, but not as fun as Emerald (but I was young and exploring was so exciting) and they got rid of the battle frontier??? All in all, good game, but not my fav. Hm, maybe in a later date I'll make a tier list of these games or something.
Pokemon Picross - I told myself I wasn't going to go into all the apps, but just know I played a lot of this, even though I was very frustrated with how much microtransactions are expected of you. That goes for almost all pokemon game apps, tho.
Pokemon Go - also I played and still play a lot of pokemon go. I was so excited when I was announced! I didn't have a phone, so I convinced my mom to download it and I got to play it for like a day. Then I got a phone and I was a little disappointed. Now, it's a lot better than it used to be, but I still think it can still be better. Pokemon Go Summer was so great.
Moon - Again! My brother bought this one for me! I had a great time playing this game. I thought the storyline was really engaging, I loved my team sooo much, and the graphics weren't bad! Not that I say them too much - I played like 25% of this game on my 3ds with a broken screen that had a big black hole in the middle of the top screen. I really enjoyed the characters and their motivations and how terrible Lusamine was lol. Would recommend. My starter was litten bc I was like 'I always go with fire'. If I replayed it, though, I'd go with rowlet. When you pet incineroar, you, like, just rub his chest??? it's very weird.
Let's Go! Eevee! - I played this in the sense that I had a joycon in my hand and threw pokeballs while my sister played. It was just kind of an okay game, but being able to play it to any degree with my sister made it fun :)
Pokemon Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - I have explorers of sky! I bought it, desperate to play a pokemon dungeon game. I bought it off of, like, amazon or something, and damn this game made me cry. Definitely one of my favorites - if you can, play it! Play it and cry!
Pokemon Gold - my brother bought this for me, I haven't finished it. I really should pick it up again - I think I'm only like a gym or two in?
and that brings us up to present :) I like pokemon a lot! I can't wait to play more! I'd love to play b2/w2 someday in particular, I'd love to see my boy N again.
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carelessflower · 2 years
Helloo anh!!
I decided to, well, manifest the MoM au... with a few song recs 😁
I don't know if you're good with non English songs, but, since I don't have any English songs that scream "my lover died and I'm going mad with rage and grief" - well technically this doesn't scream that either but it gets the rage and heartbreak soooo
And this one's just my go to dark Magnus song:
AND, obviously, I recommend all the Mirai Nikki OST songs, but ESPECIALLY this one:
This is an English cover - the official Japanese version is only on youtube I'm afraid :')
If I have any more song recs imma let you know! Mwah, take care! 😘
omggggg i love your recs so much especially the first one i already catch a vibe and i already picture it in my head this scene ds;lgljljlj congratulation now i add double blood into the angst lmaooo. confession time rec my songs is definitely the way to motivate me. the first snippet of the MOM!au is because i was listening to madness, dont blame me and dark side on repeat like. something was going in anh's brain circa months ago
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lovewillthaw-j · 4 years
Tribute to A Perfect Night by Mari Mancusi
A Perfect Night is the new short story by Dangerous Secrets author, @marimancusi​​ . Just like DS, I loved reading APN so much! The writing was so warm and intimate and so real! And this story focuses on happy times with Agnarr, Iduna, Elsa and Anna! Mmm...warm fuzzy feeling. Little Elsa is so pure in heart and has good intentions. And Mari captured litte Anna EXACTLY as we know her from both movie prologues!
Also, Mari is truly a Frozen fan first, author second! She effortlessly weaves in soooo many little references to the rest of Frozen-verse, just like she did for DS! And just as I wrote two mega posts on the references in DS, here is my tribute post to APN! Long post filled with screencaps and gifs.
Spoilers, obviously. And go read the short story here if you haven’t! 
I groaned as Gerda cheerfully pulled open the bedroom curtains, sending blinding rays of light into the room. I was about to pull the covers over my head to hide from them when suddenly I remembered why I’d asked her to wake me up.
The ladies of the royal family certainly love their beauty sleep!
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It was our anniversary day! I shot up in bed.
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I’d been planning the day for weeks, carefully orchestrating the most perfect night for Agnarr and me.
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APN has SO much Frozen Fever vibes, if you picture Iduna as Elsa and Agnarr as Anna. Both Iduna and Elsa plan extensively for a special event for Agnarr and Anna (her birthday). And later on, the celebration goes awry, but Agnarr and Anna reassure them with their love that what they want most is to be with them.
I smiled. Little Anna had convinced her big sister to use her magic again. Elsa could never deny her request.
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And then there was my dress. I’d managed to purchase some luxurious silk from overseas and had spent weeks sewing a new gown. It had a silver sash, and the dusty-blue skirt drifted to the floor like a cloud. All that was left to do was sew some tiny pearls onto the bodice to make it sparkle in the candlelight.
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I recently came across this comic/Fanart by Ponzu and it depicts the headcanon that Iduna had a dress that Elsa modelled her F1 transformation dress on. I like that headcanon, and I would like it if the APN dress was THIS dress.
There were mountains of snow, an ice-skating rink, and, of course, dozens of snowmen of various sizes. (Was that my mother’s scarf wrapped around the crooked one’s neck?)
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A little edit I made and previously posted!
The sisters exchanged looks. “Chocolate!” they breathed in perfect unison. I laughed. Like mother, like daughters. And father, too.
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I wish I had the skills to animate the little ones saying Chocolate! in unison. Well, the next best thing I can do is find this and pretend they said Chocolate then!
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“So romantic!” Elsa swooned. “Sooo womanticked,” Anna agreed, attempting her own swoon that almost landed her on her bottom again. Her big blue eyes locked on me.
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Awww Mari! Getting Anna to cutely mispronounce her words! Just gets me everytime. And big blue eyes! Here I have a screencap of Anna swooning in F2. You know what I’d really like to see? A picture of little Elsa swooning!
“Ooh!” Anna clapped her hands.
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I bit my lower lip. (occurs twice in the story)
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The girls certainly take after their mama! There are lots more times that Anna and Elsa bit their lower lip, I didn’t capture them all but others have!
“I’ll take care of it, Mama,” Elsa said. Then she peered at me closer. “Are you all right?” she added, her brows drawn in concern as she caught my face. 
“Poor Mama!” Elsa said, putting a hand to my cheek, as if I was the daughter and she was the mother. 
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Awwwwwww!!! I love that little Elsa is so mature and so affectionate. And caressing Mama’s cheek!!! Mmmmmppphhhh!!!
..a florist fussing about the nearby lutefisk stand smelling up her shop
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..a kindly old man greatly concerned about the growing homeless-cat population, demanding the crown provide food and little sweaters.
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Sweaters for little kittens? Provided!
“But it still tastes really good!” Anna chimed in, patting a section [of Iduna’s souffle] that had clearly been nibbled on.
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Here we have the first of two times that Anna was like Olaf in FF, making a mess of things!
My eyes flew open. “My dress . . .” “We fixed that, too, Mama!” Anna said excitedly. “Wait till you see it.” I watched, filled with dread, as she ran to the wardrobe and threw open its doors. There, on a peg, was my once beautiful dress—the one that had taken me weeks to sew. Now it was covered in messily glued-on pearls—and a few chocolate handprints for good measure.
This scene just reminds me of Olaf messing up the letters in FF! Out of good intentions.
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“Isn’t it just the beautifulest?” Anna declared, sighing dreamily.
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Beautifuller, Beautifulest!
As I stepped through the doors, I drew in a breath. The room was gorgeous. Gerda had clearly worked overtime to set up the fancy silverware and china plates and goblets filled with wine. There were fresh roses spilling out from baskets. Candles flickered in the dim light.
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Good old Gerda!!
And then I burst into tears. Agnarr was beside me in a second, pulling me into his arms. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asked. “Why are you crying?”
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Agduna hug! Ohhhh so touching!!
“Oh, sweetheart,” Agnarr whispered into my ear. He took my hands in his own, squeezing them tight. “This night is already special. Because I get to spend it with you.”
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Anna/Agnarr taking Elsa/Iduna’s hands into their own
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You didn’t screw up! I LOVE YOU!!
His lips pressed against mine, and his hands found my hips. Then he quickly yanked them away, realizing they were covered in chocolate. I blushed hard, but he started to laugh, bringing his fingers to his lips. Maybe tonight could still be romantic after all. . . .
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That’s a steamy excerpt from Dangerous Secrets. An overtly sexual scene!!! Iduna is weak with arousal...Wink Wink...chocolate covered fingers really turns them on!! Ahem...forkanna cakefic anyone? 
I gasped as my eyes fell on a spectacular sight in the center of the courtyard: our special tree, now covered in crystals of ice, sparkling brilliantly under the full moon. “Do you like it?” Elsa asked. “I did it myself!” “It’s . . . beautiful,” I whispered, so in awe I could barely speak.
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Oh Mari! So beautiful that you referenced the make-out tree, now lit up with crystals of ice! Now I wonder if Elsa was the one who lit it for F2 in the scene above!
I raised my eyebrows at Agnarr. We both knew chocolate was a big deal to our youngest daughter. The fact that she was willing to give hers away . . .
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Om nom nom!!
Elsa smiled proudly. “Of course, I might have changed it around a little. Gave it a happy ending.” “She gets married!” Anna burst in. “She marries the prince!” Elsa groaned. “Also, she gets to keep her legs and has the freedom to do what she wants in life
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A little nod at WDAS’ version of the Little Mermaid! XD
“It sounds perfect, sweetheart,” Agnarr said, picking her up and twirling her around. “Happy endings are my favorites.” He pulled her into his arms, hugging her close. Elsa beamed.
Awww I wish I could see an animation of Agnarr hugging little Elsa like this!!
Then I walked her to Elsa and Agnarr so we could have a family hug. “I’m crying because I’m happy.” “Thank you, girls,” I said, nuzzling my face against Anna’s auburn hair before setting her down. “You did good.”
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Family hug! I’m so sorry I do not know who created this edit, I saved it ages ago. I love this! And Mari I loved the description of Iduna nuzzling her face against Anna’s auburn hair. Awwwww my heart!! It’s SO REAL!!!
“But someday is a long way away!” Anna sulked, still not moving. “You know I don’t have that kind of—”
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You know I don’t have that kind of patience!
“Hey, Anna,” Elsa broke in. “Do you want to build a snowman?”
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Elsa asked Anna!!! Elsa asked Anna!!! AAaaahhhhhhh!!!
I watched as she ran toward the door at full Anna speed.
Anna Speed! Oh Mari even in the last few lines you throw in a reference! In Frozen Fever (again) we can see Anna Speed in action! When Elsa gives her her birthday dress, Anna RUNS from the bed to the changing area SO fast that she hits the wall with a BANG! And behind the screen we hear a loud GRUNT from her as she rips off her nightgown rapidly!! I can’t add a video to this mega long post but I did post it here previously! Turn on your sound!!
And thanks if you read till the end of this mega post!
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bokujo-monogatari · 2 years
🍋 🍒 🍐 for the ask game
🍋(Lemon) - Least favourite character
I wouldn't say I have a least favorite character, but I have a few that I don't like. For some reason I can only think of characters from AWL/DS. Marlin, Carter, and Rock.
Marlin - I never liked how possessive he seemed of Celia. I haven't played AWL in a while, so this is based off my memory. Also, I don't have a strong opinion on the Marlin in DS. He also just seemed like a jerk lol
Carter - This is based more on his DS version because I don't remember much about him from AWL. I remember not liking how he treated Flora, but it might have just been him not liking her cooking. The Harvest Moon Wiki says he never tells her this, though. Soooo, maybe he's not so bad and I just didn't like this one little thing.
Rock - Honestly, I don't dislike him that much anymore because I think he's kinda funny. But back when I played AWL and he was one of the only three options, him and Marlin made Gustafa seem like the only good option to me. Reasons why I disliked him is because he wouldn't work and I think he was kind of a freeloader. Also, he might have been a bit sexist idk
Soo, I don't have any characters I really hate and the ones I do dislike are just based off my opinions from when I was young so take that as you will.
🍒 (Cherries) - Rival marriages - for or against? And would you want them to return in future titles?
Sorry about not having strong opinions about anything, but I'm not particularly for or against. I would say for because it adds a fun matchmaking element to the game, but there aren't many rival couples that I really care about or like. Also, I know that even with same sex marriage being added to recent games, all the rival couples would be straight.
🍐(Pear) - Favourite rival pairing (Canon or non-canon)?
Like I said, I don't have any that I really like, but Gray and Mary seem cute, and Selena and Luke is fun. For non canon, Vivi and Gale might be cute, Sephia and Ignis could be a fun dynamic, Kasumi and Komari <3, Hinata and Yuzuki, and Selena and Kathy because I guess I see friendship and want that to turn to romance lol
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
The Lana Shipping Meme!
This is a meme made by @swtor-legacy-sitcom​ who very kindly tagged me to fill it in, thank you! :D This was super fun, I’ve been in a bit of a writing rutt lately so this was a nice way to sort-of dip my toe back into it :P I TOTALLY forgot this was in my drafts and forgot to schedule it to post, I’m soooo sorry it took so long lmao 😳😬
I’m not sure if we’re supposed to tag other people with this one so I’ll just leave a general, open tag here: if you have a Lana ship and want to fill this one out, feel free to yoink the meme and say I tagged you! Yes, I promise I mean you <3
Spoilers for KOTFE/KOTET, and slight spoilers for the Subterfugeverse “version” of said events, will be discussed below, so be aware of that before proceeding! There’s also some midlly nsfw questions so you might wanna skip those if they’re not your thing! :D Under a cut because it’s long, but no trigger warnings need apply.
Is Lana Beniko absolutely done with their shit?
Oh yes, absolutely. Nearly always. At any given time, BUT Lana wouldn’t have it any other way. Saarai may be a reckless, overly-heroic idiot with seemingly no self-preservation, but she’s Lana’s reckless, overly-heroic idiot, ya know :’D
Do they make jokes together?
Fairly often, yes! Theirs is very much a flirty/fond banter type of relationship. Lana tells her she’s insufferable, Saarai rolls her eyes and snarks back, so on. See:
Saarai: Well this was a stupid idea Lana: Considering it was one of yours, I’m not surprised Saarai: Why didn’t you say something? Lana: I did and you did it anyway. And what have we learnt from this? Saarai, quietly: I’m a dumbass and I should listen to you more.... Lana: Good. I still love you, though. Saarai: :’D
Lana, two minutes later: You’re going to do it again, aren’t you? Saarai: Yeah, probably.
as well as that little cutscene “You’d better come back blah blah blah” “Well I have you to rescue me, that’s all I need~” is their default pre-dangerous battle banter :P
Who’s hornier? (who initiates)
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Saarai is definitely hornier, and while she’s not always the one to initiate, she’s definitely the one to ask more often. (if I had to give it a number, prolly something like 65/45 lol) One of these days, Lana’s going to buy a spray bottle /jk
Kinkiest they’ve been?
Not awfully. Saarai’s a biter (Lana likes it, don’t worry 😏) and she loves it when Lana pulls her hair, but other than that, and making use of connections within the Force to heighten the sensations during such activities ;) they’re pretty vanilla
There was a post going around a while back about an alternative to a praise kink that was like, a “reassurance” kink, instead. I can’t find the actual post to link to it and I haven’t pinned down any specifics for them yet but I definitely think that’s a Saarai thing to look into later 😏
Has Lana ever covered up something your OC did as Minister of Intelligence?
In a roundabout way, yes. Technically, Saarai’s entire existence on Rishii. Since, teeechhnically, as far as the Empire’s concerned at that point, Rai’s supposed to be dead. Lana doesn’t know the technicalities of why that is (and Saarai isn’t comfortable telling her, even now), but she knows it’s important, so she does it for her even if she doesn’t know why.
Favorite non sexual downtime activity?
Cuddles! Saarai is a cuddlebug, and while Lana enjoys them she’s definitely not the “if I don’t get cuddled x times a day I can’t go on” type (in my headcanon, ofc, I’m not saying she can never be that way!) but, Saarai’s also very warm and cuddling her is cozy, so it’s something they both enjoy, whether Rai’s the big spoon, or - and this is Rai’s favourite thing ever - Saarai putting her head in Lana’s lap so Lana can play with her hair, it’s something they always do at the end of the day when they’re both done with work.
Mushiest thing Your OC has ever done for Lana?
So, I’m too impatient & lazy to do the actual HK missions in-game, but I know you can technically get another HK unit, so because ✨it’s my fanfic and I get to make the rules✨ Saarai sent Aria (my DS! Jedi Shadow, very good at stealth) back to Zakuul and though it was a bit battered up, she managed to retrieve HK’s processor. They had to get him a new chassis, but Koth and Ty managed to salvage the rest of his “important” bits and they rebuilt HK for her after they settled on Odessen :’3
Most Embarrassed Lana has ever been because of your OC?
In the middle of an important meeting, in front of everyone on the Alliance High Council, including Theron, Senya, Ni’kasi, Vano, etc.
Lana, sarcastically, after they’ve been disagreeing on how to handle a particular matter for ~1 hr: hahaha bite me.
Saarai, dead serious: Okay, where? 😏
Lana was mortified, to say the least XD
That thing that happened that they vow to NEVER speak of?
Saarai’s reaction when they went to Nathema. Rai’s psychometric, and in hindsight she realises putting her hand on that wall as she ducked into the building was a mistake. She was bombarded with flashback after flashback of what had happened on Nathema when it was still Medriaas, the planet where she was born and where most of her family died, it was not a pleasant experience for her and Rai actually collapsed at one stage because it was all too much for her ;w;
Lana had to bring her back around and herd her back on the ship, where Rai had to wait because she just couldn’t go any further, and Lana and Vano had to go on alone. Lana agreed not to tell anyone else about what had happened, because Saarai didn’t want any of them to worry about her, or think she was “weak” because of it.
The Angriest they’ve ever been at each other?
There’s actually two instances that come to mind for this one
1) Koth’s betrayal/stealing of the Gravestone, Lana was pissed at Koth and wanted to take it out on him, Saarai was pissed at the situation and got between them and chewed Lana out for taking it out on him. (Subterfugeverse is kinda complicated, there’s two Commanders calling the shots for different parts of the Alliance, Koth took issue with something Vano did and made the reckless, kinda stupid decision to still steal the Gravestone even tho Saarai didn’t do anything. (also for anyone new to the blog, all three of them are dating, they’re polyam ;)) Lana took it personally, Saarai was more upset that he was upset and didn’t say anything before he did something stupid. Rai and Lana butted heads about how to deal with it, Lana got salty cause she got yelled at, but they ofc fix it later :3)
2) Torian’s death. Saarai had tried to warn Lana what would happen if they split Vette & Torian up during that fight, Lana brushed it off and told Rai to “stop overreacting, it will be fine”. Obviously, it was not fine. Rai was very angry at the result because, I quote, “I WARNED YOU! And you wouldn’t listen to me!” Saarai refused to speak to Lana for a few days after that, it was kinda a rough time for Lana, she’s only seen Rai get that angry a few times, and only once at her so it shook her a bit. 😢
How does both Lana, and your OC initiate the ‘fade to black’ ;)
For Saarai, the “indicator” is usually when her kisses start to become 50/50 between kissing and biting/nibbling. That’s the universal “ok I want to” signal for Rai. Usually very quickly followed by a soft “yes?” or “are you sure?”, either against her skin or into her ear, depending on where she’s kissing at the time; because she’ll always check first, and if Lana says “no”, it’s off, because Lana’s consent is more important than any of her feelings.
For Lana, it’s when she’ll let Rai pick her up and/or usually to pin her to a wall. There’s a decent height difference, Saarai’s 6 ft 3, and I headcanon that while Lana’s not necessarily “short” at around 5 ft 8, she’s considerably smaller than Rai, as well as being more “reserved” with PDA, she’ll hold hands, or kiss her on the cheek etc. in front of other people, but otherwise Lana tries to keep somewhat “professional” while they’re at work. So when she starts climbing her like a tree, Rai knows she’s about to get some. XD
Do they have kids?
Kiiiinddd of? It’s complicated. Saarai has a son, Ty, from a previous relationship. Lana & Koth both sort of step up to help co-parent, but since Sith Purebloods age differently (i.e. they’re adults at ~20ish the same as humans, but after that they’re more like elves and their physical aging slows down, so they’re more long-lived), even though Ty’s very young by Pureblood standards, he’s still 60 years old, so he’s technically older than Lana and it’s kind of awkward for him to actually call her mom even if she kind of acts like one. He accidentally called her “mom” once, it was very awkward for both of them XD
What has been the most protective Lana has ever had of said kid?
I sat and scratched my head for ages trying to think of something to answer this question with, but I’m very sad to say that right now at the time of answering this meme, I don’t have any specific scenes planned out to tell you about! :( But rest assured that Lana absolutely would rush to help Ty if it was ever necessary :D
House pets? Is your Lana a dog person, or Cat person?
Funnily enough, they don’t actually have any pets! I’d like to think of Lana as more of a cat person than a dog person, in my personal opinion. But they have yet to get any pets of their own, maybeee later on, I dunno. Haven’t hit on any solid ideas for them yet, but I feel like if they happened upon a cute kitty they definitely could adopt one at some stage :’3
Do they get freaky on the Alliance Base or in the Shuttles?
They’ve done both, to be honest lol. Thankfully, Saarai’s sneaky enough that they haven’t gotten caught doing it, yet. Thank the Force.
Are their Sparring Matches Flirtatious? Hardcore?
They could go either way, it depends on what kind of mood they’re both in. If Lana’s particularly annoyed (usually not at Rai, but sometimes) then it’s more likely to be a hardcore spar, Rai’s a pretty tough cookie so she’ll often offer to be Lana’s punching bag in order to spare them some repair bills so she doesn’t rip apart the training dummies irrepairably, it’s okay, Rai can take it ;)
But if they’re both in an otherwise good mood and are just sparring for practise sakes, then yes, they often very quickly devolve into flirtacious banter and some of the classics, you know, “okay you win, you can let me go now” “mmm, nah” “I thought we were sparring” “do you want me to stop” “...don’t you dare.” etc. :’D
Class Specific things that play into their relationship?
Saarai’s a Juggernaut, and I headcanon Lana’s probably some sort of Sorcerer, so they tend to fight as such. They cover each other in more ways than one, if you want to get to Lana you have to go through Saarai first (and good luck to you, that woman can take and give a fucking beating lmao). Lana picks off whatever Saarai’s saber misses, usually with Force attacks but sometimes with her saber, too. Saarai takes bullets for Lana so Lana doesn’t have to get hurt. Lana yells at Rai for doing that and then fixes her up with Force healing afterwards, rinse and repeat. :’D
When they do argue, Lana tends to spontaneously manifest Force lightning, Saarai’s used to it and doesn’t bat an eyelid, she knows Lana’s not actually going to throw it at her and she’s more than prepared to dodge any stray bolts that do come her way.
Lana’s the tactician and the ground support, Saarai’s the battering ram/the bigass hammer used to clear space when Lana needs a bit of extra “oomph” (and trust me, they’re usually never far apart. The other one will be there and then you’ll be in trouble lmao)
Describe a time your OC went ‘Full beast mode’ to protect Lana, instead of the other way around?
"Kriff. Koth, what happened?” Three words was all it took, and everything made sense: “They hurt Lana.”
That scene in the Endless Swamps on Zakuul, just before they pull the Gravestone out of it and Lana and the Commander get ambushed. Saarai went with Lana & Koth to break Vano out of carbonite (since Saarai was still on Rishii at the time, she doesn’t get frozen, only Vano) so when they split up, Saarai goes with Koth to look for ship parts while Vano goes with Lana to look for water.
Lana and Vano get ambushed by the Knights/Skytroopers, and Lana’s hand gets busted. It takes Saarai and Koth a little while to rush over there to help them, but when they do
Saarai. Goes. Fucking. Feral. It’s the scariest she’s ever been in front of Lana and Lana will never forget it, they almost didn’t really need Senya’s help for that part, Saarai basically had it covered. I imagine Lana later described it as “kind of hot, but also kind of terrifying, actually”
Saarai’s considered Chaotic Good, so generally speaking if there’s a peaceful, non-violent solution to a problem, she’ll opt for that, but she has a few buttons that you just do not want to push, ever. And hurting her partners is one of those buttons. She will go apeshit and that’s exactly what happened in the swamp lmao
Little things couples do to annoy each other. What does Lana do? What does your OC do?
Saarai likes to wake up early and hide Lana’s kaf mug in increasingly ridiculous places. Once, she even got Koth to help her stick it to the top of the Gravestone’s hull. It took Lana half the morning to find it, Lana was not amused. XD
Saarai and Koth also have an ongoing “terrible puns” contest where they basically see who can annoy Lana with the most ridiculous puns possible, see this post for an example :P Lana wonders where/how they keep coming up with these puns, she really does.
Does Lana get jealous in your headcanon?
Not really! In Subterfugeverse, both Rai and Lana are polyam, so generally speaking, jealousy isn’t a problem for them, and when it is it’s more of a case of “hey. Hey. Hey, I’m not getting enough attention, pay attention to me.” and then it’s usually dealt with and all is well ;)
When Lana meets Anri, the only thing Saarai does is tease her about “when she’s going to make the move”. 😜
Story that is prominent in their relationship?
I was gonna draw a little doodle for this but the poses kept not coming out right so I gave up, sorryyy qAq
I haven’t gotten very far into planning the SoR onwards+ segments of Subterfugeverse, just bits and bobs like this, but I’d say for now the most prominent is probably their first meeting on Rishii. Basically, meet-cute but with a lightsaber involved too hahaha. There was a lot of posturing and flirty subtext right from the get-go with these two, even if Saarai was particularly suspicious at first (see the earlier question about her being technically dead to the Empire). At first, when she noticed Lana tailing Ty (because Lana was extremely confused about why a Pureblood was so far from Sith space ;)), Saarai assumed that something had happened to her twin and the Empire had A) found out she and Ty were still alive and B) Sent Lana to track them down and kill them for good. Several tension-loaded hours later and Lana managed to convince Rai that actually, Ni’kasi was fine and speaking of, she was trying to avoid being killed too so maybe, actually, they could help each other. And that was all she wrote <3
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jon-astronaut · 4 years
Hey so do you think you’ll do a ranking thing about who thinks the best actors/actresses are? :)
heyyyy! thanks for asking this dhdahadhda i have only been answering people’s opinions all day!
actually somebody else asked my fav and least fav portrayals of skamverse characters and i am trying to write that but here i will just list who i think are the best actors/actresses in the skamverse. i am usually with the general opinion.
from the og : tarjei, iman and lisa. since they were mains they had a lot to play with and they didn’t disappoint. i think their power came from how real their characters felt. i seriously believe we are where we are because lisa started the whole series so powerfully. and tarjei manages the most nuanced acting.
from skam italia: ludovica, ludovico and federico. i think these three also had crazy chemistry as a trio and in twos and since they were also talented i loved watching their scenes. also they all added something to the characters from themselves marti being the purest isak, gio and all his care, eva and her comedic timing...
from skam france: axel, lula, paul, marilyn + flavie. i said + flavie because as much good as she was i had to get used to her acting. axel is axel not much to say. lula not only did a great job in s6 portraying daphne’s pain but also she did a perfect job in capturing her bubbly personality. paul has THE BEST comedic timing but he also did so good with the dramatic scenes in s5-s6.
from druck: ah the whole cast? jk okay a lot of people michi, anselm, tua, milena, lea, chris. tua and milena really played all of the dimentions of their characters so well. michi really showed matteo’s pain. anselm added soooo much to jonas it’s amazing, he has this softness. lea showed the character development so well, chris had amazing comedic timing but also showed the coldness.
from skam espana: irene, hajar and nicole. i feel like i keep saying the same thing but irene did so well showing cris’s soft and harsh sides. that’s really a 3 dimensional character. nicole just showed how much nora lost herself through the season even with her posture. and hajar is crushing it with the heart eyes.
from skam nl: suus! + zoe. suus was so amazing in s1 she felt real but also authentic like isa was a character of her own. and she showed isa’s doubts and fears so well. her chemistry with reiky was also great. zoe i think did a good job but she is + because she had more potential i believe i didn’t buy all her scenes.
from wtfock: nathan, veerle, willem h and willem ds. nathan is so amazing because without much change to the storyline he managed to create his own version of william. veerle honestly grew on me i didn’t like her much in s1 and when s2 came around she was amazing and through s3 too. honestly with the problems i had with wtfock s3 only willem h and willem ds’s acting got me through. the minute by minute scene!
IN CONCLUSION, my top five actors in the skamverse in no particular order is:
ah thank you for letting me answer this dhhadhadh now onto the fav/least fav versions question!
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elcorhamletlive · 5 years
MCU Rewatch: Spider-Man: Homecoming
(Doctor Strange isn’t making my life easy and I can’t wait for him right now lol so Spider-Man it is! I WILL include DS in this rewatch, though. At some point)
It’s really cool that the drawing tips us off that the Vulture has a daughter right on the first scene.
I feel like the second scene, though... is unnecessary. Like, seeing the Vulture with his suit kind of kills the impact of seeing him during the movie. We already know he’s up to no good - we didn’t need the extra scene.
Peter’s vlog is really cute.
“I don’t know how jobs work” is such a great dialogue. lol
Ok, I have a lot of... mildly negative feelings about several choices in this movie, but it’s hard to complain about the casting because of all the racist backlash it got for being diverse, and I don’t want to add to this chorus by any means. Still... the fact that Flash just doesn’t look like a popular douchebag really kills the effect of his scenes, to me. Like... couldn’t they find an actor that was, I don’t know, a little bit taller than Tom Holland? He looks like someone who would totally sit at Peter and Ned’s table at lunch, not like a bully that’s been harrassing Peter for years. There certainly were ways of keeping these aspects of the character and still having a non-white actor, I think.
Just... stop making people point out Aunt May is young and pretty. I get it, it’s a meta joke because we’re used to having her be an old lady, but boy is it annoying.
I do love the detail of Peter saving the cat.
This is the movie where my Happy annoyance goes off the chart. Shut up, Happy. He’s doing the best he can and all you do is dismiss him at every turn.
May totally thinks Peter and Ned are fucking, doesn’t she? lol
Laura Harrier, otoh, is perfect casting. She’s so pretty and she just really has the air of Liz’s general high school archetype. 
See, this Vulture arrival could have been so cool if we hadn’t been shown the suit in the first few minutes of the movie.
I feel like the fact that Tony handles Peter in the worst possible way in this movie (”because I said so” is soooo not an argument you should throw in a discussion with anyone, but especially not a teenager) is both something I like because I feel makes sense for his character and that frustrates me because it’s another thing his fandom just ignores.
“I thought it was the anti-gravity gun” really dude? Isn’t this scene supposed to show us how ruthless you are? This... is such a weird line that kind of totally undemines that.
“I just wanna thank you for letting me be a part of your journey” Ned is my favorite part of this movie. lol
Thinking about Flash... I feel like maybe the thing is that Flash here isn’t supposed to be cool at all, and it’s just that this version of Peter Parker is not an unpopular bullied kid, but a regular kid who’s actually well-liked by most of his classmates except this one asshole dude who no one else really likes? Which, sure, I mean, it’s a valid story to tell, but it’s just... not that appealing to me. I feel like Peter is not enough of the underdog in this movie, most of the time.
The scene where he stalls with Karen is really fun, though. lol
The scene at the Washington Monument is also really great. Lots of tension and really fun.
I fucking love how awkward Steve looks in those PSAs. I also love that he straddles the chair, because it’s such a non-Steve thing to do, so it really seems like he’s just trying to be cool, like “this is how kids sit these days, right?”.
Also, the director is Morita’s descendant, right? I hope the government was like “stop playing these PSAs” and he was just like “fuck that noise” and kept playing anyway in Morita’s memory.
“I got a nephew who lives here” I’m waiting, MCU.............. give us the pay off we deserve.
I have so many mixed feelings about the scene with Tony. On one hand, I get that this is supposed to be low point of the movie, so Peter screwing up makes sense, but... Tony, couldn’t you have TOLD him you had called the FBI? Why did you just say “yeah yeah, whatever, someone else will handle it” and then not update him about serious shit that HE had discovered? It’s weird, because I feel like Tony is framed as correct here by the narrative, and I really don’t think he is.
I do like the “and I wanted you to be better” line.
Peter and Liz are super cute. And the montage of May preparing Peter to prom is also adorable.
The Vulture reveal still works. It’s a GREAT moment.
“prototype for Cap’s new shield” is a line the Stony fandom has absolutely not taken enough advantage off. Tony just sitting around making Steve new shields? Even though they’re not talking? I live.
I... really dislike how Peter’s Big Hero moment is made to be about the whole “being nothing without the suit” thing. This... just isn’t his narrative? It just feels like the movie is taking Tony’s narrative and imposing it over Peter, and it feels like something we’ve already seen.
And the last scene... Part of me likes that Tony is like “that was totally a tough love moment that you needed, right? right????” because it shows a little how he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but I wish he had apologized. And the fact that he’s got the reporters room ready to go, when, by the Accords, he’d NEED to make Peter remove his mask... I don’t know, I really don’t like a lot of the narrative choices made with Tony in this movie. I think on this aspect, it’s worse than Ultron.
LOL AND THERE IS THE PROPOSAL. The world’s most awkward, anticlimatic proposal. Honestly, as a Stony shipper, I kind of love it, because it’s so bad it becomes incredibly easy to write around.
 Aaaand it’s over. Ngl, this is among my least favorite MCU movies. It just... doesn’t... touch me in any particular way? Like, I like a few things about it, but the overall narrative just doesn’t grab me. It’s not a BAD movie, but it’s a little... Meh.
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lazaruspithottub · 6 years
Anon asked: DW vs. PC
I hate this.
DW at least they had levels/didn’t sit on their asses. (They were always more ‘athletic’/tricky/a sad version of a circus-y than skaters though) Charlie and Tanith are cute. I liked Scott and C’s friendship and am vying for Scott to win their ongoing ‘who can do better in life’ competition. Vancouver was super cute and I’m a soft like most of the time. I appreciate my suspicions that there are teeny tiny parts of Charlie that know that VM deserved to win over them every time.
No. I hate this.
They’re super bouncy and up and down and not in a good way. Sometimes they remind me of the little Russian girls and not in a good way too imo. I hate their Phantom program with a passion including the fact that this means that we will never get what would actually be a good Phantom program from VM (rip phantom). Their Scheherazade program is one of the strangest constructed programs ever and seemed to be designed to make me hate their skating right down to the bizarre M.eryl bejeweled stripper dress (don’t @ me) all except for that one lift but even then I’m still like ummm but is that ice dance(?) I would roast Giselle but I’m not putting myself through that again. Notre Dame made it so so clear once and for all that they just fundamentally don’t understand how to play characters on the ice. Their compulsories are so clearly inferior when you watch especially when you compare them to other teams like VM or even DS. They kind of did the shorts but never the style. They’re really no more versatile than PC, just better at pretending that they are especially to the untrained eye (I’m not trained lol). They have a very distinctive free style which is basically: how can we hide that M.eryl’s secretly a robot and Charles is dying inside. Usually through a very stiff/cold Waltzy or a failed character program.
Some of the stuff in the media particularly after VM won 2012 worlds was kind of tasteless and rude and still rubs me the wrong way even if they were just letting the media run with it it was still not kind or sportsman like and VM never ever did anything like that even after Sochi where they had every right to. (FYI there were articles about how DW had won the 2011 GPF over VM and therefore deserved to win 4CC and worlds and how VM we’re being suddenly favoured ya da yada — which completely ignored the fact that that happened bc VM had a fall in the GPF SD — and how DW were really scared and concerned or something that they wouldn’t get the scores at 2013 worlds because it was gonna be in London and. VM would have a ‘home advantage’ and how that would set them up unfairly for the Olympics or something, that kind of bullshit). I’ll never be over the fact that they ‘beat’ VM at VM’s home worlds and I still hurt.
Summary: there’s no way that they should’ve been competitive against VM who are perfectly superior in almost literally every way imaginable. They were ‘consistent’ and like nothing else. They really really remind me of E vgenia. The og genia of ice dance.
So I guess that just leaves...
PC. At least they actually skate. What they do is still simpler but *sigh*. I wish they were less bitter people about everything though, do you really not understand why you lost?!!! Their stans are super frustrating and clueless and annoying.
DW vs. PC stans. FIGHT. (I would pay to see this)
I choose neither 🙂
PC. Fine. Urgh. They do have quite a lovely knee bend and I maybe don’t hate everything they do. But like 90%. But at least 10ish% is watchable which is 9.999999999999999999% more than DW soooo. I also have a soft spot for To Build A Home and will forever hate M-F for doing that to me.
They don’t deserve literally any of the scores that they get, though.
I wish they would like... actually get better and earn their scores argggggh. Likeee:
a) Gabi get a core
b) gui get a personality on the ice (and maybe off honestly idk welp)
c) get better and more difficult lifts
d) use the limbs instead of looking all gangly all the time fking EXTEND and stop being waifs and get posture.
e) have your post Olympics struggle seasons and try out and work on other styles. I’m too tired to be bitter and I actually just want them to put all that they have at their disposal with the fed and the judges and the coaching and everything to good use far out.
f) basically be better because they’re not thattt good and only better than DW by default because they actually skate and pretend to express and have one good program and DW didn’t so
g) if they had been super gracious about the Olympics and pretended to be VM stans they would be very popular by now and honestly they are super dumb for not doing/trying this 🤷🏻‍♀️
They’re a little like the Satoko of ice dance but presumably not as nice and also with way worse interpretation and improving less and if she actually had fed support. They’re also like the E vgenia/A lina of ice Dance in terms of superficial interpretation.
But if they won at the next Olympics then they would be more decorated than Anissina/P and I don’t like that and that feels wrong bc AP are my fav French ice dancers so
Send me skating asks!
Eg. Favourite from a competition, whether I agreed with the results of a competition, skater/team vs. s/t, favourite jumps, steps, twist, spins, landings, patterns etc., favourite programs from a year, program swaps, highlights from an Olympics, your hot takes........
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