#i was so close to blocking op and unfollowing the person that reblogged that but i just added ops name to
clownkiwi · 3 months
that "people dont actually care for terf shit in real life. so go outside and touch some grass" post that showed up on my dash last night is so out of touch. im glad You aren't affected by that, but jkr still has power in uk politics. she really still can make life harder for trans people over there with her friends & following. terfs just moved to online spaces and they arent too proud to move into public spaces because they dont feel safe around any man. get it right. thats why theyre not in public/you dont hear about it too much in public. also harry potter is still so popular in public spaces & pop culture that the only way Everybody would be Universally Uncomfortable by any mentions of it is if jkr is revealed to be a pedo
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oldmagpie · 2 years
number 6: tumblr bad
So tumblr is getting you down. That sucks, it should be a fun place to enjoy your hobbies and free time. Funnily enough, tumblr sucks for a lot of people, because of some established misunderstandings of how to use this site we all interact in. Isn’t that fun! Let me explain. 
Tumblr is a platform that endorses and encourages a culture of shame, demonisation and disagreement. That’s just how it is, argue with me if you want. It therefore attracts a lot of people who enjoy that kind of interaction, where punching someone else down becomes a mark of superiority. Purity culture, the rise of the online children, all that boils up and creates a sense of uncertainty and definitely not being safe. Because no one is! If I don’t get angry anon asks for these posts I will be quite frankly shocked, and somewhat disappointed. But don’t despair, there’s always hope. Tumblr itself is akin to a toxic friend with its positives and negatives, and just like with a toxic friend the key is, and always will be, boundaries. On tumblr that means unfollowing, blocking, filtering (google how to use tumblr post and tag filters, if you don’t know how that works yet), closing anon asks, uninstalling the app for time away, etc. You can even just scroll past. All actions that... oh look at that, actions you have to take for yourself. Personal responsibility, the overarching theme of these posts. Learn it and love it, it’ll be vital in the long run.
Actually let’s take a second to talk about scrolling past. It’s a miracle option because literally anyone can do it and it requires no tech configuration at all! Free of charge! Just one finger needed! Takes no extra time! Sarcasm aside, just scroll past. If you don’t like or agree with something, scroll past. If it viscerally offends you, block the tag or unfollow the person, or block the person if you’re concerned about it. And remember this one important thing: in 90% of cases it is not the OPs fault you saw the thing. However, if you had taken all the steps to avoid it in the first place (filtered, blocked, unfollowed, not searched, etc.) and they had not done their own due diligence and tagged appropriately, then yeah, that’s on them. You have three options now. 1. if you aren’t going to unfollow or block then contact them and ask them to change their habits/behaviours, but for the love of fuck don’t just attack them in their reblogs or asks. People don’t do what you ask them to when you start yelling at them. They might have a reason for not tagging or have genuinely forgotten this once, just ask plain and simple and wait for the reply. If the reply is no then you know that option is out and you should probably consider the unfollow button. 2... unfollow or block them. Simple, done. 3. scroll past, and forget about it for the day, or just switch off and go do something else if it’s really bothering you. 
Ah the unfollow button. And the block button, equals in how misunderstood they are. These two are definitively not a hate button. It’s nobody’s business but yours who you follow and unfollow, or who you block. It’s literally just a dashboard curation technique. You are responsible for keeping yourself happy and safe online, so if you aren’t using them out of a sense of not wanting to offend anyone? Then you have failed interneting 101 and also have only yourself to blame for not using the literal actual tools at your disposal to not feel that way. The flipside is true of these buttons too, if someone blocks or unfollows you that’s their choice. You don’t always get to know why, but you do get to focus on... not focusing on it. Nothing you can do anyway, it’s not your choice who does it and you can’t force them to change their minds anyway. Hey what’s that? Oh it’s Personal Responsibility again, here to save the day and remind you to learn it please and thank you. 
Oh and one last thing, if you have infinite scrolling on and you use desktop, turn it off. You’ll thank me. 
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prettygirlseat · 3 years
https://prettygirlseat.tumblr.com/post/660451653176213504 this post-- tradfem is the like? Movement? Idk of being Traditionally Feminine, I believe it's largely Christian, about dressing modestly, believing women should Be In The Home, all that goes along w Traditional (Christian) Femininity (check the tags on OP's post)
Okay yes, so basically (without going deep into my own trauma for no reason): my mother was a single parent who raised 2 girls almost exclusively on her own. There’s certain characteristics that a lot of single mothers have to adopt in order to compensate for a lack of a father figure. That, among other things, has made me incredibly bitter towards men in general and has essentially closed me off from wanting relationships (platonic or romantic) with men. This is something I’m actively trying to work through in therapy. I am queer, so I don’t exclusively interact with cishet men, but healing my internal bias towards men can only benefit me long term.
So, you may see posts that I rb, like the one you’re referencing, that discuss femininity, gender roles, gender as a whole, sexuality — all things I’m actively healing and exploring in real time. I’ve found that as I’ve grown and evolved and explored, this blog has followed me through those journeys. I have some mutuals on this account that I had back when this was a pro-ED/Th*nspo account. If you find that the content I rb isn’t your jam or isn’t what you’re into, please feel free to unfollow! I think we get so caught up in thinking it’s rude or hostile to block or unfollow, but the beauty of this platform (one of the only good things about this hellsite), is that we can accurately curate the content we see on our TL just by who we follow!
This goes for anyone! If you find that my content no longer resonates, I encourage you to unfollow or mute as you see fit! No harm, no foul! It really is just the internet
Addition: I think it’s worth noting that I am VERY much against the Catholic Church and it’s bigotry. I inherently believe women should be whoever they want, regardless of society’s view. Some women genuinely want to be stay-at-home moms, while other women want to travel the world and write novels. Some women want ambitious careers and to make loads of money. Also, it may be beneficial for us to explore what femininity is outside of the cisgender, heterosexual, white, colonization - lenses that we assume to be “femininity”. While I rb posts that resonate with me at any given time, that does not subjugate me to agreeing with every single thing every person I follow posts. I do not blindly accept everything from the blogs I follow, I simply reblog the content that does resonate. Hope this helps! 🤍
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brxkenfaith · 3 years
21+ blog content with triggering content. Major one being religious themes. I am Ash and 29. So that means no minors belong here. I won't write with anyone under the age of 21 or follow anyone who does not state they are 21 or above. Lying about age will only cause problems. Please don't try it. I will find out and block you in a heartbeat.
Godmodding is a big no here. Don't control my character. Don't try any op meta gaming. Your character should not know anything about what mine is thinking, doing, intentions without prior discussion. Even if you're a supernatural or muse with some type of power. You need to discuss it with me because having a partner muse just know everything takes the fun out the plot. It leads to a dead end in the thread tbh.
Reblogs for my threads are from my writing partners involved in the thread only. Memes & prompts get from the source. If source is deactivated find another meme blog it's on to reblog from. Reblog karma exists here. Don't make me a meme or aesthetic harvest.
Do not follow me if you do not intend to interact. I don't do follow for follow. If you do not reach out to me within a week or so (dm, sending memes, commenting ooc) I unfollow. I softblock. That is always the way I do it.
Triggers on this blog include: religious themes, demonic content, alcoholism, death, strong language, general mentions of Vatican scandal involving cover ups, priests in general, possession, speaking in tongues, mental illness, to name a few. Everything gets tagged accordingly BAR religious themes, religion because this whole blog IS THAT. That's the character.
Malcolm might be a priest but he has lost his faith. He sinned as a young ordained priest and had a secret family. A major no in the world of religion. If you are offended by his backstory or anything that appears here BLOCK THIS BLOG and move on. I do not censor any writing on this blog. Dark content is here. SJW's and gatekeepers can hit the road. Save yourself the trouble and block, unfollow if anything ever makes you uncomfortable. I will do the same.
Anon hate gets deleted. Do not send hate to any of my friends and mutuals. I find out it's you? I block you no question.
I myself do not have any personal triggers but I will never write out sexual assault.
This blog is super private and selective. This muse is one I am bringing back from a long time ago (originally alive when I dabbled in forum rp) and I want to keep a low follow count. Keeps me sane and helps me focus on major plots.
Inbox is open for questions from everyone. Memes are for mutuals only. I close the inbox when it hits 10. Please DO NOT spam me with countless asks. Most times I will purge if it's overwhelming.
Mutuals only means just that. Do not attempt to bypass this by dming me in my inbox. It will be ignored.
Shipping is complicated. He's a priest. But he also is not really looking for that. He has a lot of personal issues and demons.
MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE. If you're offended by the way Malcolm talks or handles situations I'm not condoning it IRL. That's his character. I am a writer behind the muse. Separate them.
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iinfortunii · 3 years
rules: code of conduct.
Before we start, I would like you to have certain things in mind when approaching me ooc. I am very shy and quite awkward, which results in me not being much of a talker; however, I will always try my best to be friendly to whoever wants to approach. I dislike pet names so please do not use them with me unless we are very close. There will be times when I'm just exhausted, so my wording could sound rude/aggressive, to which I apologize in advance -I never mean to hurt people’s feelings. I also reserve the right to interact with WHOEVER I want, and pestering me about it will only get you blocked.
Updates will be made as required.
A. This blog is: Selective / Independent / Canon Divergent / NSFW / Mutuals only / Singleship / Mostly iconless / Multiverse / AU, Crossover, OC, and Multimuse friendly / Vaguely affiliated with the OP RP fandom.
B. I am a very slow rper for many reasons —school, family, my ever-fluctuating mood —and I would appreciate it if you refrained from pestering me for replies. In return I offer as much patience as necessary. Think of this blog as low activity please.
C. English is not my mother language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes made.
D. I track the tag #iinfortunii, although mentioning me works just as fine.
E. Constructive criticism is always welcome but anon hate will be immediately deleted. I have no problems if you disagree with my portrayal, but it doesn't give you the right to harass me.
F. Mun and muse are both over 18, so there are chances that heavy content will be present; however I won't be writing smut. I can roleplay anything before or after the act if requested, but the moment things get far too explicit, I'll do a fade-to-black. I ask of you to not lie about your age or else you’ll be blocked indefinitely.
G. This is a heavily headcanon-based blog, and changes are likely to be made as more information is revealed about him, though I reserve the right to adjust the new information according to my interpretation of Deuce or simply ignore it, which is why I’m canon divergent.
H. If you'd like to turn an ask into a thread, you can turn it into a new post, or reblog from me, as I won't be using the Tumblr asks anymore due to the problems that come with formatting and such.
I. Ask box is open for everyone ic or ooc, but you aren't allowed to turn it into a thread and nor I will reply to it if we’re not mutuals. Please don't push me, because I won't hesitate to block.
J. No godmoding —only a minor is allowed if it moves a thread forward —or metagaming, please. Don't kill Deuce either, unless plotted beforehand, and most importantly, don't hold your muse back.
K. Discord is available for mutuals upon request.
L. Just because I write something it does not mean I condone it. Please have this in mind and again, do not pester me about it. Any and all nsfw matters will be tagged accordingly. There will be triggering topics present, and you can know more about this on the section below.
M. DO NOT involve me in drama or call-out posts. I’m heavily against both things. On this note, you’ll never see me rebloging a call-out post. This culture is so damaging and toxic, and I firmly believe no one should play the role of the judge for the good of the community just because you had issues with someone or don’t agree with the things they roleplay. Talk things privately, be mature about it, hard-block the person and move on. I am also very aware that a lot of people have done things that can’t be excused, but I like to believe that people can change for the better. If you try to drag me into it, I'll hard block any and all people involved indefinitely.
A. They will be tagged as trigger tw, trigger / and trigger cw.
B. I do my best to stay up to date with my mutuals triggers. Your comfort is way more important to me than you might think, so never be hesitant to approach me via IM, (anonymous) ask or stop following me.
C. Triggers that are likely to appear, although some more than others: violence || blood || death || drugs || abuse || knives || body image || medical equipment || suggestive content || etc
D. I have no triggers, so you are free to go wild with your content. I only ask you remember to tag your nsfw (both written and visual), please.
A. Deuce won't like everyone. He might/will make wrong assumptions about your character. He will insult and bite back. He won't always be nice to those he likes. He does many things that serve his interests. You, as the mun, have no reason to take it personal, because I'm won't follow someone I don't like; if you DO take it personal however, and decide to rouse drama, then I'll be hard-blocking you. Goes for me as well —I have no reason to get angry for any of the things noted above.
B. My bonds page displays the relationships that have been built over time, not necessarily through interaction alone but over plotting as well. Refer to it for more information.
C. Interactions with OCs related to canon characters will only take place as long as said OCs have a detailed about page. Personally, I'm not interested in the idea of an OC being blood-related to my portrayal, so I apologize in advance.
D. Formatting isn’t a big thing across my blogs, save for the small text. Please don’t mix either sup/sub with small text when writing with me, as I have eyesight problems. Don’t use colored text either.
E. Non-romantic pre-established relationships are allowed! Just make sure to talk it out with me first, yeah?
01. Spade / Whitebeard pirates (canon and original characters alike that i am MUTUALS with) will have a pre-established relationship as long as the other mun is comfortable with such idea, though that relationship will be limited to merely crewmates, unless discussed otherwise.
F. You don’t need to match my writing length as long as I’m given enough to work with. If something about my reply bothers or doesn’t work with you, let me know and I’ll re-work it.
G. I really enjoy plotting scenarios or talking out about the relationships my muse could have with other muses, so hit me up if you’ve got any ideas! I’ll try to do the same!
H. Mun does not equal muse, so don’t go assuming I’m a jerk simply because Deuce is an asshole from time to time. I’m set on the idea that I’ll give people the same treatment they give me —which is always nice and kind. Kudos to everyone for this ♡
I. I don’t use a threadtracker because I rely on my memory (terrible mistake, I know), but I try to draft people’s replies as soon as I see them. If by any reason it seems like I lost it, then please let me know / send me a link with it and I’ll be deeply grateful.
J. I don’t do nor reply to greetings starters for matters of my own comfort, so I ask of you to never expect a starter or a reply from them.
A. Singleship, with the spot taken by daadzi, which means Deuce is no longer open for romantic relationships.
01. Under no circumstances, I will accept more romantic relationships once the spot is taken. That being said, I won’t discourage your muse from falling for / hitting on him, although I ask you to understand he will never respond with the same interest or will never react gently if he’s pushed too far.
02. If my shipping partner is comfortable enough, I'll interact with duplicates with the condition that the relationship is strictly platonic.
B. Constant interaction, mutual interest, and chemistry are a must for the sake of better communication (both ic and ooc, preferably).
C. Please do not approach me if you wish our characters to have either a: one night stand or friends with benefits type of relationships. It won’t work out due to the nature of Deuce’s personality, and for that I apologize.
E. My ship has its own tag so you're free to block it if you don't want to see it on your dashboard. In addition, I'll also tag those posts with only the ship name for this very purpose.
F. Please do not force ships on me.
A. First off, I am absolutely terrible at keeping up with dates, and to be frank, I am not the biggest fan of celebrating, which is why I think it’s necessary to say I won’t be partaking in any holidays, not even Deuce’s birthday (not that he has one, to begin with). Obviously I will still reply to any gifts received, and will send out things in return —you know, common courtesy.
B. I won't be sending out birthday gifts every year, and I might write drabbles for people once in a blue moon; it doesn’t mean they will be done for the specific date though, so please be patient.
A. Too much drama / call-outs / vague posts / sexual content.
B. Content makes me uncomfortable.
C. You are a personal blog without a visible rp sideblog. Please make sure it's easy to find.
D. You do not have a proper tag system.
E. Your blog doesn’t have a rules and about pages.
F. You lack the manners to deal with people respectfully.
G. I have no interest / lost interest.
H. I'm constantly / only used as a meme archive.
I. Other reasons may apply. I will soft block so we can both cease following each other and avoid any potential awkward situations. I won’t make a fuss if you decide to unfollow so I expect the same courtesy.
She is not a real person. Her concept as Deuce’s (toxic) pseudolover is my creation and was somewhat inspired from the real life Beatrice Portinari. Do have in mind that Deuce doesn’t talk about her so your muse can’t simply approach him and ask about her unless they can go through his memories / read his mind / any capability alike or he speaks about her, though it won't take a genius to figure out that she's a product of his imagination.
You can read about her by clicking here -link to be added.
She serves as a lie to shield himself from the internalized homophobia he deals with up until meeting Ace.
NOTE: As stated previously, Mun =/= muse, but I too have been dealing with compulsory heterosexuality for far too long, so I'd like to apologize in advance for projecting a bit of that into my portrayal. I'll work so that this part makes sense with what we've been given from Ace's novel.
A. I will never force people to follow me, so if by any reason you have to unfollow/block me, please go ahead. Your comfort matters and have every right to do what you must to ensure your wellbeing. With that said, I will not tolerate and will immediately hard block if you try to police my content.
B. I do not follow back immediately, and it can take me from a few hours to several days to follow back. Do not take it personally if I choose not to.
C. If I follow it’s because I am interested in interacting. I only ask you to be patient because it might take me a while to gather the courage to send something to your inbox or talk to you.
D. I have. ZERO knowledge about medicine. Don’t expect me to go full force and try to be 100% accurate, because I won’t.
E. I practice reblog karma (send a meme to someone if I’m rebloging it from them). If you see something you’d like to reblog but have no intention in sending something yourself, then please reblog from the source.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! As you might have noticed, there’s no password to send. Make sure to check the psa tag for any updates, or don’t hesitate to send an ask if there’s anything unclear! I do my best so as not to post too much OOC posts, but sometimes it just happens. If it's nothing important, then I'll erase it whenever I have the chance/remember.
Keanu Reeves vc: You’re all breathtaking!
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thesoundsofwar · 4 years
code to arms
This blog is 21+ with a 28 y/o mun that goes by Ash. she/her. est And not looking to interact with minors in any capacity. Please respect the age rating of the blog. I am also mutually exclusive and have made this blog a private space. In that regard I will be highly selective with who I follow and who I write with.
War is a horseman of the Apocalypse. That means there will be religious themes present throughout this blog and his story. Biblical and revelations will play a role. If this makes you uncomfortable I would suggest not following as those subjects WILL NOT be blacklisted. It wouldn’t make much sense to tag those if the whole blog’s theme revolves around it. You wouldn’t see much of the content on this blog then.
Also regarding him being one of the four horsemen: Despite his power he will not be portrayed in an OP manner that causes grief for your muses. Everything I write here will be plotted out with my writing partners. I strive for an enjoyable writing experience and ridiculously OP is not something I want. That being said, War is not weak by any means. Obviously he will not be killed by a being lesser than him. I canonically consider Lucifer and God stronger than he. He is equally matched by angels of a higher order ( aka Seraphim ).
No godmodding. Do not control my character. I will not control yours so why would you control mine? Talk to me before throwing anything wild into the mix. Though since we’re dealing with a harbinger of the apocalypse it will take a lot to be crazier than that. 
Shipping is not a priority objective with War. As such I will not autoship or tolerate ship cross. I do not want to be involved in any other ships without my permission. Even then it most likely won’t happen. It is possible for War to fall in love. It will take a lot of pre-plotting and threading it out to see. He is a sole ship muse with ( 1) plotted relationship at the moment but that can change depending on interest. 
My inbox will close when it hits a max of 10. I want to keep it from overflowing. Also PLEASE continue an ask in a new thread instead of sending in more. This will help keep my inbox cleaner. 
I practice reblog karma. Do not reblog memes and prompts from me. Do not use me as a meme harvest at all. Do not reblog my threads unless you are part of them. 
Personals will be blocked. I have problems with personals not reading rules and continuing to reblog things instead of doing it from the source. RP blogs are not here for that. If you have a side RP blog please tell me or I will just assume you’re a personal without one. 
I will not follow dash only blogs. Personal preference.
Triggering content will be here. Besides the overarching theme of the blog other triggers will be tagged so you can blacklist. Do not police my content. If you can’t separate reality from fiction than you don’t belong on my blog in the first place. 
MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE. Remember this please. The views of my muse are not my own. 
I won’t be following anyone who is known to suicide bait, claim they’re the best version of their muse or are obvious elitists. If you don’t tag the urls of blogs and they happen to be on my personal blacklist I will unfollow to clean my dash. I use blacklists for a reason. If you’re not tagging then I can’t have a safe dashboard. 
Last but not least I practice block back. If I know you’ve blocked me I do the same. I feel it’s mutually exclusive for us to seek comfort in our dashes. I will purge followers to clear them up if there is no interaction or you show minimal interest. Remember I do not give free follows to those who do not write with me. 
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roleplay-salt · 4 years
About; Rules; FAQ
Welcome to Roleplay Salt! This is a blog for roleplayers to vent & rant anonymously about the things that peeve or hurt them in the roleplaying community.
Your submission will always be posted anonymously; no exceptions. (This includes positivity submissions & shoutouts.)
Your submission’s text will be placed in a graphic and then copied as plain text as its caption for accessibility purposes.
Topics must be roleplay-related. (This can, of course, include experiences with partners doing things that may be unrelated to roleplay, but would still be considered relevant if it impacts your roleplaying experience with that particular partner.)
Anyone following our blog will be allowed to leave replies on submissions, whether in agreement or disagreement, and everyone is allowed (even encouraged) to reblog submissions, with or without their own commentary. However, we will delete any spamming comments, including ones that are or are similar to “Why don’t you come off anon and say that?” Such comments provide nothing to the discussion. In fact, they usually shut down discussion and it completely disregards the entire point of this blog’s existence. No one has to “come off anon” nor are they “cowards” for seeking safety behind anonymity. Your aggressiveness with that sentiment only reinforces the reason why they want to be anonymous in the first place. ADDENDUM: We will delete salt replies that involve simply telling others to, essentially, “shut up and move on already” and “stop sending salt replies in about this”. You’re more than allowed to say this things in the comments, but we will no longer be making them a part of any future debates.
We actively edit and restructure the wording of submissions. We read every single one of your submissions and we care about consistency and readability. We will correct any spelling errors, grammar errors, and odd sentencing structure, and we will often lengthen abbreviations and slang, and we will fill out any curse words or sensitive terms that were originally 'censored' in the submissions. Do not take it personally! Again, we aim for consistency. We will never just copy/paste your submission and then post it. That's terrible.  
T Y P E S    O F    S A L T
Vents & Rants
Negative Confessions
T Y P E S    O F    S U G A R
Advice & Suggestions
Positive Confessions
T Y P E S    O F    F L O U R
The “Flour” category is reserved for any submissions that do not appropriately fit under “Salt” or “Sugar”, often involving personal confessions and storytelling.
C A L L O U T S    &    S H O U T O U T S
A callout submission is specifically speaking nastily and meanly about someone else, regardless if it’s the truth or not.  All URLs & names in a callout submission will be marked out to preserve the other party’s anonymity as well.  We are a safe place for you to release your anger, frustration and hurt, even if it’s towards someone and not something. But we cannot and will not participate in the true nature of a callout. That will need to be something that you do for yourself if you believe that it’s important for you, your friends and your fandom community.
A shoutout submission is specifically speaking kindly and positively about someone else.
All URLs & names in a shoutout submission will remain visible, and the person will be tagged & mentioned on the post so as to better the odds of them seeing it.
“Who are the moderators?”
Currently, there is only one operating the blog: Moderator Bull.
“Am I allowed to know your roleplay/personal blogs?”
Unfortunately, no. To preserve our own anonymity (for many of the same reasons as the submitters), we have agreed on the terms to never give out our URLs if requested. If we are interested in your blog, then we will follow you at our own discretion!
“Will you remove a submission for me?”
That depends on the type of submission, what it is about, and what your reasoning for wanting it removed is. The whole point of anonymity is that nothing gets tied back to you. The only cases where we will greatly consider removing a submission is if it’s involving a shoutout about you and you don’t want to be affiliated with us. 
“Will you remove my comments on a submission?”
Of course! However, we will not remove any corresponding responses to you (except in instances where, if yours is removed, the next comment is made to look like it’s being directed to the person prior to your comment. We don’t want to cause unnecessary conflict.) We will also not be relied upon to keep deleting comments you regret leaving behind. If you’re wanting to leave a public response on submissions, then you must be prepared to have others possibly publicly disagree with you.
“Can I ask you for roleplay advice?”
Go right ahead! But we can’t promise the best or most insightful of answers, or that we’ll get to them relatively soon! Chances are, we will post your questions anonymously so that others in the community can help.
“Why did you follow my blog?”
To make our existence known to you and, if you like us, hoping that you will send in a submission of your own or tell your roleplay partners about us!
“How did you find my blog?”
Most likely through the Recommended sidebar feature, a mutual, or just the good ol’ search function.  
“Could you unfollow me?”
If you don’t want to be associated with us, then we recommend blocking the blog so that we don’t unintentionally follow you again!
“Hey, could you do something about the people leaving rude, mean responses on the submissions?”
Unless they are throwing bigoted slurs, threats, or suicide-baiting remarks at the anonymous submitter, they are not doing anything wrong. They have just as much right to disagree with your submission as you had when you sent it to us. We are, first and foremost, a place to vent frustrations or hurts behind the safety of anonymity, and we are also a free-speech blog. We are of the belief that discussions, no matter how heated, is healthy and brings the community together as a whole. Just as your submission may provide someone else with the awareness that they are not alone in similar frustrations, someone disagreeing with your submission may provide a new perspective to you and others that had not been considered before.
“How does name-calling and swearing and being mean add to a discussion? You and your blog are what are wrong with the roleplaying community!”
Just because someone isn’t being nice to you as they give their side of the argument, doesn’t mean that it cancels out their actual argument. You’re choosing to be offended and distracted by how abrasive they are, and that’s no one’s problem to deal with but your own. You have the ability to block anyone so that you no longer have to see their comments on future submissions. Why would we police what people say, the endgame of which would be to ban them from ever reblogging or commenting on submissions again if they don’t listen to us, if you’re not even willing to try solving the problem first by just blocking them? Wanting to have the last word or being upset that your submission didn’t receive the feedback you wanted is not a reason for us to step in and step on someone else’s right to speak, rudely or otherwise. If you’re not going to block them, then why should we?
“Could you not post submissions on sensitive topics like noncon, incest, and pedophilia?”
We have started tagging posts that we believe might be sensitive and controversial in nature with the tag “#twcontroversy”. We recommend blacklisting this tag. If that is still not enough, then we recommend unfollowing/blocking us. These are topics just as relevant in the roleplaying community as anything else.
“Could you promote me?”
Certainly! But only if you are another community-involved blog (a blog that provides a ‘service’ to the community, such as advice, roleplay help, a place for confessions, etc.), and it must be relevant to the roleplaying community to some degree! If you want to promote a roleplay blog, then we suggest sending in a shoutout submission!
“I sent a confession in weeks ago. Where is it? How long will it take for it to get posted?”
It’s either sitting in the queue or sitting in our drafts, waiting to be queued. We have 1,200+ followers so far, and on average we’re sent 15+ submissions a night. We only post between 5 to 8 submissions at night. Your submission is on a wait list. That’s all we can tell you.
“Why don’t you just close your submission box until all the current confessions are posted?”
Because we’re a vent blog first and foremost. If we close our ask/submission boxes, then we’re no longer an option for people who might desperately need to vent or talk about something that could have happened to them that day but have no other options. We want to be a healthy alternative to just bottling it up or possibly lashing out at the wrong people.
“I don’t believe you! I think you deleted my submission because one of you didn’t like it! You’re not unbiased at all!”
We’ve posted submissions about highly controversial roleplay topics like noncon, racism, transphobia, and pedophilia. We reassure you that your salt submission about OCs, theme trends, blog selectivity, etc. is not on that same level, least of all to the point that one of us would delete it. The only submissions that we have deleted, so far, are the ones that have included racial and homophobic slurs.
“[insert OP/commenter] is obviously a rapist/pedophilie!”
If we find that you have accused someone of being a rapist, pedophile, or apologist of either because of their defensive views on noncon/pedophilic ships or roleplay, your comment will be removed and you will be blocked. These are serious accusations that you shouldn’t be throwing at people over fictional content and we refuse to to let you use this blog as a platform to spew such slanderous accusations.
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deathlygristly · 4 years
I don’t know, maybe I’m too old for the internet now.
I saw this post going around Simblr about “oh tell me if I am interacting with your bullies and abusers!”
On one hand I can kind of understand that between close friends, because if a close friend reblogs from and interacts with people from back in the day....these days I would just silently unfollow, but a few years ago it would cause nausea and shaking and general horribleness, and of course then I feel like I can’t trust that person anymore.
On the other hand, I checked the OP’s blog, and I saw a TON of airing that kind of thing in public and being dramatic about it and just, really, in general....acting like high schoolers about friend group issues. I guess because they are high schoolers.
And I HATE this, but it’s true - the more people make a big deal about it in public and get into big discussions about it with hateful anons that they refuse to block and getting support from other anons and being all Tumblr purity politics police about it, the more I find myself sort of wondering if, you know, it’s possible that they are doing it for the drama and the attention.
Or maybe it’s just that they’re very young.
It’s just...yeah, I used the ex-best friend’s name in public a few times when I was in the ragiest stage of recognizing what had happened and healing, but I don’t know.
Group pile-ons and public shaming just make me really really uncomfortable, and I wouldn’t want even the ex-best friend to be a target of that sort of thing. I’ll unfollow and block anyone who I know interacts with him or with his flying monkeys, but it’s not something that I really want to go around sidling into people’s inboxes and being like “OP and I had an unhealthy toxic friendship almost a decade ago, so you should probably rip him apart in public and perform your “support” for “victims” for me now!” about.
Also I think I feel weird about it because in my experience, people who are very loud about that sort of thing in public are the ones being awful and bullying and trolly. Like is it really supportive of “victims” to round up a mob to harass and bully someone else off the internet? That’s just making more victims.
I don’t want the ex-best friend to be harassed and bullied. I never wanted that.
Not that anyone cares, but what I would want is for hateful secrets to not be allowed anymore, for the community to condemn any sort of hateful anon type blog, for the community to support targets by including them and supporting them, not by attacking others, for the community to realize that people on the internet are real people, and to not form up hate mobs and to not believe gossip and rumors and to just...be kind.
Just be kind.
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littleaquaa · 4 years
I never expect a callout post about me to be posted on Tumblr in my 5ish years of roleplaying.  While I will confess, that some things in said post are accurate, there are a few things that are simply false, or misworded to make things sound worse.  (There are some triggering things: mentions of pedohpila, suicidal thoughts, and lesbophilia.)
*Yes, I used to draw that kind of nsfw of other peoples’ furry ocs.  During this time I was also involved with a group of people that fed me the “fiction doesn’t affect reality, they’re lines on paper!!!111!” spheal and I believed it back then (not now), so I saw nothing wrong with it since I’m a very impressionable person (as are many people with my disabilities, not excusing just explanation).  I realized later after a reality check that drawing said content, was a mistake and is not okay.  So I had deleted everything to try and move on from a 4+ year old mistake I’ve since changed and moved on from.  I have not participated in those activities since then (again 4 years ago!) and do not condone those actions.  I AM SORRY.
*I did realize some time ago that treblogging trauma-related posts and tagging them as Musings was not okay.  I had nobody to teach me these ‘hidden’ rules of RPC etiquette and was on my own.  In addition, I had seen several of my mutuals reblog said posts themselves (thus how I found them) and assumed it was okay to reblog them.  I should not have assumed reblogging said posts was okay.  It was my mistake.  And for the individual whose ask reply concerning it I posted publicly instead of continuing the conversation privately, I am sorry.
*Yes, I was upset when people I had considered friends, some for a year or long were unfollowing and/or unfriending me because I posted that I liked the Hazbin Hotel pilot.  I did vent about it publicly instead of keeping those feelings to myself.  Over the course of a few days I had lost at least 4 people I had considered friends, so I was very upset by this.  And yes, because of this happening so quickly, I did in fact feel suicidal and want to take my life over it.  It may sound ridiculous to many of you reading, but this did drive me to a dark place mentally.  It was never my intention to come off as guilt-tripping in this vent post. *I have had suicidal thoughts since I was in middle school due to a very traumatic life event that happened to me during that time.  I have 0 reason to lie about my mental health on the internet.  Since I posted said vent post because I needed to get my feelings out instead of penting them up inside.  
*As for guilt tripping claims.  I do not pick up on social cues very well, if at all.  This is made a thousand times worse since online I cannot see your facial expression, nor hear the ‘tone’ used when one is typing their words.  I genuinely had no idea that that was how I was coming off to some individuals.  So to those people, I am very sorry.
*The ‘ic vagueblogging’ claim is false.  That is a roleplay taking place between myself and my good friend, and we were plotting that Black Star would corrupt herself and it would delve into more angst, since Cat and I both enjoy angst with our ship.  Black Star is an S//U oc, and it was revealed by S//U’s creator herself that gems can corrupt themselves if they’ve been through enough trauma.  So I got the idea from that alone to try it with my muse, nothing else transpired me to want to rp that thread.
*I have never once stated anywhere that I ship Aquamarine with male characters.  So the lesbophilia claim is also false.  I only posted in my rules that I would be open to her interacting (as in, having normal rp threads) with male gem muses since some people are not fans of male gem ocs.  So I think this might be where OP of my callout post is mistaken.  I have only ever had her headcanon’d as homoromantic/lesbian and asexual.
*As for not responding to you, (callout post maker).  I had no idea how to respond to your words since I was shocked by what you were saying, nothing more.
For months I have been trying to move on from when another tumblr user put me in their Blocklist.  And I had mostly gotten better.  But seeing your post today (3/27/20) made in a public tumblr post, is extremely hurtful.  I just want to move past this blocklist/callout drama and write with my friends again before all this stuff started.. when.. 3ish months ago?
I just want to be left alone and for the pretty obvious stalking to stop (I mean really, going 4+ years into my internet happenings when I was a younger adult?!)  It’s not only causing me physical pain, but mental and emotional pain as well.  I am a complete wreck, trying to fight off anxiety as I type all of this.  I am not saying this for any kind of sympathy or to change minds, I just want to be honest with everyone with the effects these posts have done.
Now this, I just want to say to everyone I have hurt in the past.  I don’t want to name names or tag you guys out of respect (and I don’t know if you’d all even be okay with it or not).  But if you are reading this then yes, I am addressing you with this apology (even if you might not be on tumblr anymore).  The posting publicly instead of answering privately, the guilt tripping (that I highly stress I did not realize I was doing this), and the vagueblogging.. I am sorry.  You do not have to acknowledge or even accept this apology, but it is what you guys deserve and I want to make it right.
To close, if anyone, friend, acquaintance, or person I never got to interact with but follow(ed) no longer feels comfortable interacting with me based on this knowledge of me and my past that is okay and I ask you put yourself first.  Unfollow, soft block, hard block, please do whatever you need to do.  Your comfort matters.
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Anonymous said: so… i’m not the op but seeing the hostile reply to /post/187279463654 that called op a dumbass for having a kin they didn’t support the actions of now because they should just “drop it”? not cool. uncalled for. crappy thing to read over my morning cup of coffee. i hope you can address it somewhat, mod party cat. thanks. Anonymous said: user name on post/187279463654/fickin-you-cant-choose-your-kintypes-me-im seems to think spiritual kin can drop kintypes, that calling people dumbass over a kintype is acceptable, and that villainkin are not allowed to discuss their past lives even though, as I stated in my kinfession, I feel guilty about that life and am trying to learn from that life and become a better person. Is this considered acceptable conduct on this blog? Anonymous said: hey mod party cat. i’m not the person who sent in the original ask, but someone in the comments is insulting the person who sent it in a really rude way /post/187279463654/fickin-you-cant-choose-your-kintypes-me-im
“user name said: drop the kin you dumbass, just stop identifying with that kintype in particular. its still there but you dont need to broadcast it to the world”
No that’s not something that’s ok to leave in post replies! I wouldn’t post that as an anonymous or non-anonymous ask response either! It’s something specifically prohibited in the ol’ Ask Responses Guidelines [ https://fictionkinfessions!tumblr!com/ars ] ! It’s shitty and unwarranted, and if someone feels like leaving that nonsense on posts, just unfollow or block this blog! It’s fine! You can always refollow later, or still send in kinfessions of your own! You can’t do that if you get blocked for being a jerk! So don’t be a jerk!!!
I'm sorry you had to see that on your kinfession! That's not the kind of behavior I'd want to encourage on this blog! To the point where even kinfessions that are obvious invalidating responses to other kinfessions aren't posted! I just don't think that's how confession blogs should work! Nobody wants to send something in, only to see a reply of 'ha that's dumb and wrong op ugh.'! I sure don't!!
And just as a refresher:
Ask Response Guidelines and FAQ
#1 Don’t be a jerk.
The one hard, unbreakable rule! Please remember you are speaking with a stranger. Perhaps your close friend is fine with hearing “holy fuck are you out of your mind? jfc get your head out of your ass lol??? There’s no way that this happened, that character was implying this, etc etc.” But complete strangers on the internet may not understand if you are joking or mean that in a casual manner. Especially since emotions and tone of voice can be difficult to discern through only text, without additional body and vocal language and so on. Assuming you are able to read body language since that is kind of difficult for some people. :u
Simply avoid using disparaging words and insulting tones!
I think we’re going to take a break from having post replies on for a little while! Let’s chill out!
Please use ask responses if you want to reply to something anonymously! It would be good to refresh you’re selves on the Ask Response Guidelines on what will get posted, and how not to be a jerk!
Feel free to also reblog with comments, just for the love of jellyfish don’t be an ass about it! [Or to ask people to contact you, that’s honestly the best way, lest they miss you reaching out to them!]
Ask yourself, does this contribute something to the conversation? Am I being rude or snotty? Is there a chance the other person would find this hurtful or insulting? Remember, most kinfessions are anonymous, and therefore they are stranger to you! Not close friends who would understand you’re jokingly badgering them!
Thank you to you two anons who were the only ones to say anything! I hope that anon sees this and knows they have a posse that’s watching their back!
Mod Party Cat!
In summary:
someone was being a jerk in post replies
don’t be a jerk and leave shitty comments or reblogs
read up on the ask response guidelines [ https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/ars ]
post replies are turned off for the time being.
post replies will be turned on later [not this week]
please stop being jerks thats not nice
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giantchasm · 5 years
1, 8, 9 and 10 for the salty thingy?
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
This is the part where I’d say J.oshn.eku, but I’d get anon hate. True story.
Uhhhh I’m not too particularly big on Ed/Winry, Asano/Ren, Homura/Madoka (Bite me) or Kazuma/Bishamon, all of which I know are fairly popular. But I wouldn’t say I “don’t get” any of them. I’m just not super big on them for. Differing reasons.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
You want the beans about the J.oshne.ku thing? I’ll SPILL THE BEANS about the fucking J.oshn.eku thing.
I’m gonna put this below the cut (Haha. Below the cut. That’s part of the story) because it’s LONG
Back in the day in the TWEWY fandom, I was a part of the RP community. Mostly a great place! But I... Was 14. I’m not exactly going to call myself a saint, ‘cause I was a total passive aggressive brat, but I was just a kid.
Enter Not-Neku-Kin and Not-Joshua-Kin.
As you can imagine, Not-Neku-Kin and Not-Joshua-Kin roleplay Neku and Joshua. They are borderline kindating. Let’s be real here. 
For the most part, I get along with these two! I don’t like their ship, and make some admittedly VERY IMMATURE comments about not liking their ship, but remember: I was a literal middle schooler. They were over 17 at this point. They were well aware I was 14.
(*As a note here there were some other borderline ableist comments I made here, but they were never once directed at real people, but rather fictional headcanons. I don’t want to go into explicit detail because this involves extreme trauma for me, but it was about a mental illness I have, and never once left the realm of “Ahaha I’m not really comfortable with that headcanon”)
So they have every right to be annoyed by me, but maybe not to make claims of being “traumatized” by me?
Enter the porn.
This is back in the days of yore and Tumblr not being a functioning website. Tumblr did not have a “below the cut” feature! 
Not-Neku-Kin starts roleplaying porn. Fetish porn. (With a fifteen year old character, mind you, but that’s besides the point, uwu) Me and my best friend are deeply uncomfortable with this. Not-Neku-Kin does not put any of this below the cut because “Wah! I’m stuck on mobile!” Despite the fact that they KNEW they had a large amount of minors following them.
This is the part where if they were a mature ass person, they probably would have decided to move their porn to something private like Skype (Once again: This was before Discord. If that puts into perspective how long ago this was), or perhaps passed up roleplaying porn at all until they could properly hide and tag it. Nope! Explicit NSFW on our dashes!
My best friend sent a polite anon something along the lines of “Unfollowing because of the porn. Sorry! ^-^” I don’t remember if it was any more aggressive/passive aggressive than that, because it very well could have been genuinely sort of rude: But remember: Putting uncut porn on the dashboard of a bunch of middle schoolers.
Sometime or another I unfollowed them for a different reason and told them in the public TWEWY roleplay community skype server. They and Not-Joshua-Kin FLIPPED THEIR SHITS. Best friend admitted she sent the anon. They flipped their shits on the both of us and left the server.
We thought that was the last of it. 
No, lmao.
Two or three years later, I make a post ON MY MAINBLOG that’s like “Considering coming back to the TWEWY roleplay community. How active is it?”
Not-Joshua-Kin sends me an anon saying something along the lines of “The TWEWY community doesn’t want you”
OOOOKAY, then.
Around this time one of them (I don’t remember who) also got in contact with a friend of mine (Who can back this up, for the record,) and sent him a VERY passive aggressive anon along the lines of “I like your content, but I’m gonna have to unfollow :/ You reblog from an ableist abuser” (REMEMBER. ONE OF THE REASONS THEY FLIPPED OUT ON US US AN ANON ABOUT UNFOLLOWING)
Obviously when said friend asked they specify he was told it was me (And once again I’m deeply uncomfortable with their willingness to namedrop me like this, alongside seemingly stalking my blog). He got in contact with me and I told him the full story. He was like “Oh, okay.” And that was the end of it.
Two more years later. Now I’m a Senior. This drama went down when I was in 8th grade. These people are like 21 now. The TWEWY remix comes out. The fandom is blooming!
Not-Joshua-Kin makes a fandom discord.
Quite frankly I don’t even realize it’s them. I join. Insta-kicked without any information or contact given as to why. I get in contact with them, realize who they are, and we decide to maturely talk about it like adults.
I write an extremely long apology, both detailing how immature my behavior was at the time, and disclosing some of my very personal trauma behind my actions. I also express worries that they’re smearing my name in the fandom by barring me from spaces like that. 
They reply and say that A) They would never smear my name in the fandom, and would never spread gossip, even if they don’t like me. B) They’re still not sure if they and Not-Neku-Kin are comfortable inviting me in, but they’ll keep me updated.
Radio silence.
They don’t even have the balls to tell me directly “No, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.” They downright block me. Okay! That’s comfortable, considering all I just shared with you!
Annoying, but I’ll survive.
Few months later, I learn from ANOTHER friend they HAVE been gossiping about me. And not “some person.” “Sack.” They’re namedropping me in the TWEWY roleplay community, directly calling me annoying and ableist out of context. This is stuff they’re bringing up completely unprompted, too. So alongside being a liar and a gossip, they’re dragging my name across the mud and effectively exiling me from a fandom because I...
A) Didn’t like a ship
B) Didn’t like their one (1) autistic headcanon
C) Am closely associated with someone who told their S/O to stop putting creepy fetish porn on my dashboard in MIDDLE SCHOOL.
That’s EXTREMELY comfortable considering, once again, I really genuinely opened up to this person about my trauma and was 100% willing to try and make a new start with them. But now for all I know they’re STILL actively gossiping about me and sharing my trauma.
And THAT’S the story of how I got my first anon hate.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Kazuma can eat my fucking boots.
Additionally I’m not fond of any of the bad guys in Assclass (In particular Yanagisawa, Takaoka, Gakuho, and Hiromi make me VERY uncomfortable), Homura PMMM (Eat shit bitch), or Lusamine Pokemon (Abusers Die Challenge)
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
I don’t think it’s bad persay but the entire mood of the current arc of Noragami makes me so deeply uncomfortable I’m literally having to take a break from reading it. It’s very well written, but seeing the characters take such steps backwards in their arcs makes me feel a little sick.
As for Assclass I... Don’t think the 2.0 arc is excellent. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Irina and Karasuma’s developments during it, but 2.0 is just suchhhh a bad villain. He’s too OP to the point of bending my suspension of disbelief. It ends up not being fun, and instead just downright FUNNY to read. “How did he do that? Oh my god! DID HE JUST DO SHADOW JUJITSU?” It totally takes you out of it.
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osberend · 7 years
The numerous layers of frustrating, stupid, and morally wrong created by Tumblr's block system
A cowardly asshole can reblog your post with hostile commentary, and then block you before you can respond. Whatever happened to the concept of right of reply!?
A cowardly asshole can even do that on a post for which you are OP.
In fact, Tumblr even lets someone who had blocked you keep reblogging your posts after doing so!
And you still can't respond.
AFAICT, Tumblr does not even notify someone if they're doing (3), so if they're not being a cowardly asshole — if they just blocked you over one thing, and then months later got in a discussion with a third party on a post you started on some unrelated topic — they won't even necessarily realize that they're doing (3). (See: @fierceawakening's interaction with my "how i know what SJWs consider triggers" answer.)
Tumblr doesn't tell you when someone blocks you. (Which would be perfectly fine if blocking you simply hid your content from them, but is fucked up given that being blocked limits what you can do.)
Not even if you're following them, and their blocking you causes you to automatically unfollow them, WTF. (It took at least a week of "huh, wonder why Ozy hasn't posted anything lately, that's unusual" before I tried to reblog something and discovered (after further tests, because (8)) that they had blocked me; I still don't know why.)
Tumblr also doesn't give you any way to distinguish between "the person I am trying to directly reblog from has blocked me," "OP has blocked me," and "Tumblr is being glitchy today"; they're all just "this post cannot be reblogged."
The Tumblr app actually lies to you by saying "there's nothing here" when you try to view a post by someone who has blocked you, implying that the post has been deleted.
Even when it's a reblog from you, or of a post for which you're OP.
And it does the same when you try to view all the posts by someone who had blocked you, implying that they simply haven't posted anything. All of which comes pretty close to . . . not gaslighting, exactly, but something close. Tumblr is actively trying to present to you a reality in which anyone who had blocked you no longer exists. It's not fully successful, because it's staff are incompetent as well as terrible, but it's still incredibly fucked that it's trying.
Something that IMO crosses the line into actually being gaslighting: You cannot see posts for which someone who has blocked you is OP on search results (neither in the app nor on the website) even when searching your own blog! Tumblr hides your own words from you, in its quest to show you a reality that isn't true.
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Alright, I'm on my lunch break right now and only have so much time to make this post, but it's important so hopefully it comes out okay. Here's what happened last night, as honestly and clearly as I can put it. In the span of an hour or two, I ran across at least a dozen dogwhistle LGBT conversation/positivity posts being put on my dash by good people who I know would not appreciate the shit OP was implying with their rhetoric. In the past I've tried to message my Mughals privately and directly to deal with this, but a dozen in a couple hours is way too goddamn many to do that with and I was exhausted and fucked up and had been for weeks and so I thought "you know what? The next one I see, I'm gonna check the source, see if there's a pattern to the posts on the blog, and if so, I'm going to reblog it with some commentary explaining exactly what the ideological origins of the dogwhistle red flags are so that maybe instead of me having to expend ridiculous amounts of energy trying to keep my dash safe or unfollowing good people who I like, my mutuals will slowly start to learn what to look for themselves and some of the burden of avoiding that shit will shift off me". I also decided I would immediately block the OP of whatever post this was because a) my purpose was education (exclusively of my followers, not the OP), not a fight, and b) I have enough bad history with this rhetoric that people who are willing to espouse it are not people I want to be around anyway. Unfortunately for everyone, the next post that came up on my dash was the latinx//junkrat post and it turned out really badly. I immediately failed in my goal to restrict myself to education by speculating about OP's beliefs based on their close ties to the community who espouse's them, which was a huge mistake and something I should never have done. This, I think, is my biggest regret out of the whole event and I'm sorry it happened. I do not stand by this action. However everything I said about the rhetoric being used in the post remains true, and I ~do~ stand by my analysis of the ideological origins of the examples, buzz-phrases, and perspectives being centralized in that post. What happened is that, whatever the OP's actual beliefs may be, in the time I spent on their blog prior to writing my response to their post, I came across dozens of urls and hundreds of posts, all recent, whose OP's WERE, in fact, central and primary members of the anti-ace-inclusion movement and who I know for a fact believe all of the things I made the mistake of assuming LR did. Many of them are people I have watched lead harassment and abuse campaigns, and many of them were specifically blogs made exclusively to talk, in violent terms, about the anti-ace-inclusion beliefs. LR's use of that rhetoric in their own post may honestly come solely from the fact that English is not their first language and their massive exposure to the ideologies that spawned the rhetoric. It may or may not reflect any actual opinions on the question of ace-inclusion. However, if that is the case, it's a perfect example of why dogwhistle rhetoric is so dangerous. People completely removed from the actual problem still become active in perpetuating and spreading the harm done by the original creators. And of course, I immediately got flooded with hate mail (plus one supportive post that still made me uncomfortable), not to mention alerts that LP had taken to screenshotting my blog in order to belittle and insult me in order to get around the fact that I had blocked them. This is something they never apologized for, privately or publicly, instead choosing to simply delete the posts a few hours later while making excuses to me about why they had every right to make them. This response was wildly inappropriate and unsafe and indicative of the behavior connected to the group that spawned this rhetoric in the first place. LR will remain blocked because of their behavior ~after my post, as will all of the people in their circle who sent me hatemail. This whole thing became all manner of fucked up and emblematic of a lot of things I fucking hate and want to stop being subjected to/forcibly involved in. I'm not going to try to hide the parts of this where I fucked up, but I also want to make it clear that reblogging from/using the rhetoric of people whose sole goal is to demonized a group of people is still dangerous and upsetting and damaging. I will still be making a point to identify the ideological origins of any such posts that end up on my dash, but I will make sure to never again allow my commentary to have anything to do with the person, only the language used. I will continue to block people who I do not feel comfortable allowing to interact with me. And I will continue to tell people not to treat me or my posts like "callouts" or "take downs" because THEY ARE NOT and should not be and anyone who uses my words as a way to look down on/abuse/harass people is also going to get blocked and reported because that is still wildly inappropriate and I will do everything in my power to prevent it. I have only gotten more tired and irritable as this continues and I am HARDCORE done with a lot of things that are happening.
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