#i was really anticipating ANY sort of visual or VA reveals
emomanswhore · 2 years
the best thing that came outta the news at the moment, is they’re confirming that shibuya arc is gonna be in included in s2 !! so it’s probably gonna be hidden inventory for the first few eps, then shibuya next in 2023
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SOURCE @twt. !!🌐
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sepublic · 4 years
With what Dana revealed about the Blight parents and they arent what they appear to be in either a good or bad way, do you think she's going to reveal that they arent abusive? Because honestly with the whol thing with Willow and Amity's hair, the fact she never felt close to a parent, that she didnt have a place to go and that she still called a teacher Mom are all red flags. Maybe it will be that not both of them are horrible, maybe Mr Blight is also a victim?
           (TL;DR at the bottom)
           Let me get this clear; Abuse is abuse, intentional or otherwise. That it doesn’t matter if you didn’t realize how much you were hurting your loved one (like Emira and Edric), or if you were doing it ‘for their own good’ (Like Camila and Lilith). Emotional abuse is REAL and nothing can justify that, and after seeing the very elitist, almost disgusted way Mrs. Blight regarded Willow? How she’s so quick to blackmail her own daughter and someone else’s kid, and treats it like it’s all fine, implies to Amity that if she’s upset about the situation then she’s just being a silly little kid?!
           This lady is AWFUL, there’s no room for interpretation. Whyshe’s awful and in what specific ways is interesting… But she’s awful regardless. I’m pretty sure Dana was alluding to the Blight Parents having more nuance than anticipated while still being terrible people, just as Lilith had her reasons for cursing Eda but was still a bad person for never telling the truth, supporting the Emperor’s Coven, mistreating Luz, etc.
           In general, if I had to pull together my current read on the Blight Parents, and combine it with my own personal speculation and ideas…
           Mr. Blight seems like the kind of person who’s at least… straightforward and honest about his abuse. Like he doesn’t bother with the pointless, ‘sweet’ façade, acting like he’s oh-so kind and caring, that this doesn’t REALLY matter… He seems rather blunt with his feelings. Like he doesn’t try to undermine your feelings by gaslighting you into thinking they don’t matter, mostly he’s just saying, “They don’t matter to me.” Which is still, like, AWFUL, but…
           Then we have Mrs. Blight, who seems to be actively smiling at Eda’s misery in the flashback; That or she’s smiling at Lilith, but regardless. She comes across as a lot more willfully sadistic, and more intentional of a gaslighter; Someone who makes you doubt yourself by getting into your head, making you question yourself and if you’re right… Really playing it up like she DOES know best, that you’re just a silly little kid, you’ll learn and grow up eventually… It’s so dismissive and condescending.
Like, Mrs. Blight is the kind of person who when called out bats her eyes and is oh-so innocently like, “Oh, me?” As if she never did anything wrong, that at worstit was some mistake or misunderstanding… That you can still LOVE her, because she totally still loves you and always did! And then you start wondering if you were too harsh with your accusations, if you’re assuming too badly of her, that maybe Mrs. Blight didn’t ACTUALLY mean it, maybe you’re just going too far…!
           …Like let’s be real. They’re BOTH terrible. But something about Mrs. Blight rubs me the wrong way… And it’s even MORE aggravating considering how much she looks like Amity and Emira. I suspect that it’s her way of sugar-coating her abuse, dressing it up in a little bow, that REALLY contributed to the Blight Kids internalizing a lot of toxicity without even realizing it, and thus transmitting it to one another and outsiders as a result, under the impression that they’re not actuallybeing that bad, right? That if they other doubt their harshness, Mrs. Blight’s abuse undermines that doubt by reassuring the kids that they’re totally in the right and that at worst they’re just misunderstanding things!
           In Lilith’s childhood flashback, Mr. Blight doesn’t really seem to be reacting much.
          He seems mostly apathetic, aloof, and chill about the whole thing… Meanwhile, you have Mrs. Blight who very clearly has a much more willfully malicious smile to her about the situation! Though it’s hard to say what him and his wife were reacting to specifically in that moment, as they can be seen glancing at Lilith, who has just been inducted into the Emperor’s Coven…
          But their expressions could also be hold-overs from their reactions to Eda, who they likely looked down upon for being a troublemaker and defying the Emperor’s Coven in that moment, getting cursed. Knowing Mrs. Blight in particular, she was probably smugly vindicated by the moment; Like this commoner dared to spit on the very values and ideals that nobles like her held themselves up to, and was karmically punished by the Isles for this! Meanwhile she’s looking down proudly upon Lilith for actually ‘knowing her place’, for ‘learning to be one of them’, for ascending past her lowly peers and whatnot… You get the idea.
          Given the way Mrs. Blight was smiling at Lilith in that flashback, I have to wonder if in general she approved of Lilith was one of those few ‘humble beginners’ who became acceptable for the Blights to hang around, which coupled with her status as Belos’ head enforcer, led to Amity being her apprentice…
          Though I have to wonder how Mrs. Blight reacted to the Covention Incident and what Amity had to say, especially since she knows firsthand that Lilith and Eda –sort of- had their feuds in the past? I wouldn’t be shocked if she believed Amity about Lilith resorting to the Power Glyph, but still punished her daughter anyway because she’s an abuser…
          So, when you combine this with what we’ve heard from Dana herself, about the Blight Parents appearing in multiple ways that could be ‘good or bad’ for our protagonists, and Mr. Blight being an interesting person to write for…
          …I think it’s likely that Mrs. Blight was born into the family. She’s the one who has power, given how she dictates that Amity have green hair like her… She definitely has the more elitist look to her in childhood, and her VA was specifically mentioned as a guest-star and everything!
          (Getting into some baseless speculation, we know the Abomination Head can’t be the Blight Parents as they were appointed when the Coven System began, when clearly the Blight Parents were kids in its earliest years… Dumb idea, but the Abomination Head’s hair is tied back in a bun, like Mrs. Blight…?)
        �� So in all likelihood, Mrs. Blight is probably the one who wields the power in the family, and I have to wonder what her husband thought of it when she prioritized making Amity look like her, in the process removing the main visual connection his daughter had with him! Did he have any doubts, did Mrs. Blight have to reassure her husband that it was all in good-nature, that surely he understood as an outsider? Or…
          In Amity’s flashback, Mr. Blight specifically states that Blights only associate with the strongest of witchlings. If he did marry in as a technical outsider, this would obviously be a very conceited thing for him to say, that he considers himself worthy and strong enough to have joined the family… But after seeing his generally aloof expression, slightly unruly hair, and what Dana said? Amidst my observations of Mrs. Blight having the power, and Mr. Blight seeing more like an enforcer what his wife has to say?
           …I have to wonder if Mr. Blight was like, perhaps. The FIRST person that his wife abused and began to take control of. Like, Mrs. Blight WAS interested in him as children because Mr. Blight was genuinely charming and also pretty strong… But somewhere along the way, she used her greater social status to be in charge of him. Maybe Mrs. Blight began dictating how her significant other acted and behaved, to make sure he was ‘worthy’ enough to be a member of the Blight household. And while some of this could’ve been motivated partially by a genuine desire to see him fit in with her, as well as her own conditioning…
           …It’s still kind of an awful way to treat your beloved. Maybe Mrs. Blight intentionally abused and gaslit or him, or maybe Mr. Blight was always used to being in a position taking orders from her, out of a genuine sense of loyalty and love… And one way or the other, that twisted into him only caring what she had to say. That to him, his self-worth hinged entirely on whether or not he matched the Blight standard, if his beloved wife would approve…
           Perhaps Mr. Blight was someone who was also indoctrinated into the Blight family, not allowed to become one of them until he changed who he was? Like his relationship with his wife as kids was similar to Boscha and her friends, just sort of a follower who got roped in… But with a dash of genuine love and you’ve got him unquestioningly carrying out her orders, helping Mrs. Blight abuse their children together because can’t you see your beloved mother knows best???
           Maybe he has experience with what they’ve gone through, albeit from a more sympathetic angle from Mrs. Blight… And regardless, to Mr. Blight, he’s someone who survived the abuse and came out better, stronger for it! He knows it’s a good thing and pays off in the end, those children of theirs just need to understand…!
           Because it’s worth noting that he has brown hair. So to Mr. Blight, his wife may be the world to him in a rather toxic sense… That HER lineage matters more, that SHE graced him and his ‘humbler’ backgrounds… I have to wonder if Mr. Blight purposefully cut off ties with the rest of his family to be with his wife, either because his wife specifically demanded it or simply as a side-effect of absorbing her elitist, classist attitudes over time.
           …Like, what if Mr. Blight dyed his hair green, too?! To match with his wife… Like he’s the one always making concessions for her because SHE is the noble Blight, and he doesn’t even realize or consider how toxic it all is; Because to Mr. Blight, he takes a personal pride in serving his wife, because there really IS a genuine love there… But that real love is unknowingly hindered by Mrs. Blight needing to enforce some elitist hierarchy within the family. To Mr. Blight, he’s just repeating his wife’s mantra, he sees himself as serving his rightful place in the world, no doubt thanks to Belos and his Coven System encouraging such a viewpoint…
           And, like. There’s still some genuine, legitimate trust between these two. I wouldn’t be at all shocked if Mrs. Blight had indoctrinated her husband without either of them realizing this, because they were both kids and this is how she’d always lived! But alas, it’s worrying… That too much of his self-worth is directed towards his wife and neither of them consider this, that Mr. Blight would gladly lay down his life for her because she showed him kindness… But he’s still dependent upon her, and conditioned to be so like many others with the Emperor’s Coven!
           I also have to wonder if Mrs. Blight will be an extreme version of Lilith; Someone who legit thinks she knows best and casually gaslights others into doubting their objections without even thinking about it, without even self-reflecting upon it… Like a part of her is willfully ignorant of the harm she’s causing, or she’s taught herself to be outright dismissive of it in the end; Because surely she knows best, right? Perhaps she’s someone who casually steamrolls over what others have to say because while there’s some genuine love and interests she’s also very elitist and patronizing, and was taught that she’s the one who should be in charge.
           Then there’s my speculation, half-joking, on the idea of Luz being wholly accepted into the Blight Family, because look at this clever human who managed to wound Emperor Belos! Clearly she’s VERY powerful… Not to mention, Luz is very friend-shaped! So we could have Mrs. Blight trying to assimilate Luz into the family, dye her hair green, make Luz hang out with her kids more and more…
          And Mr. Blight is just watching it all, and when Luz expresses doubts he pulls her to the side, explains that he understands and empathizes… But then he tells her to keep going with it, because who wouldn’t want to be where he is now? That obviously it’s worth it in the end to be with your beloved Blight… Not for social status or anything, but simply to serve a higher cause, and someone you love.
           So this could be a very ‘twisted’ form of acceptance, kind of like how Lilith initially loved Eda but more the idea of her up until the season finale… Of the Blight Parents wanting Luz, but wanting a specific version of her that’s fully integrated into the family! I can see them using their influence to cut off Luz’s ties with her other friends and family, to make her more entrenched and dependent upon the Blight household…
          And naturally, Eda and Lilith and the rest, have a lot to say! Amity definitely has reservations, she wanted to keep Luz from her parents for this and other reasons… While Emira and Edric possibly take it in stride, because they don’t quite realize what’s going on, or they’re just too thrilled at having Luz be accepted to consider the implications of what’s happening! Maybe they think it’s okay because they can teach Luz how to still be her own person, or they’re just glad to have her and don’t think much of it, because while those two certainly try, they’re not always self-aware of the toxicity their parents passed on.
          Either way, Luz is inevitably going to have to make a stand and insist on still maintaining her own connections and who she is, Amity will stand up for her… And things will get messy, because I REALLY do not want to see the Blight Parents be angry! Maybe the Twins stick up for Luz and Amity or just stay to the side, because they didn’t really see the issue beforehand? Either they’re neutral and/or they take Amity’s side, there’s no story where they side with their parents!
          And, there’s the possibility that. The Blight Parents just REJECT Luz, immediately! And we’ve already seen plenty of speculation on how THAT will go… Such as the idea of them sabotaging Luz’s enrollment at Hexside, even if Belos himself doesn’t care about persecuting her as of the moment.
          TL;DR Mr. Blight was an outsider and got fully-indoctrinated into the Blight family mentality and dutifully serves his wife. While he’s still a victim of toxicity, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s now complicit in it as well, something the show addresses with characters like Lilith or Amity. Mrs. Blight is elitist and definitely more of the ‘mastermind’ who has the final say in things, but whether or not she’s actively, intentionally spiteful or is just devoid of self-awareness (or both), I can’t say!
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stuartkerrsposts · 3 years
How to Determine Who to Hire To Be Your Next Ideal Web Developer
Critical Advantages and Downsides You Should Understand About Distinct World Wide Web Developer Type-S
 I have asked todo internet site quotes lots and at times it really is down right dreadful to learn about the fights and troubles internet marketers and small business people confront when seeking to discover the proper web programmer.
 Too often times I hear people who believe that they certainly were scammed with their own prior web master and therefore are quite loath to employ some one fresh for concern with the exact same happening .
 Several of those folks chose they do all of the task , struggled terribly attempting to virtually master a completely new livelihood. They wind up phoning me outside from utter frustration which nothing's doing work and matters are far worse than previously squarespace store.
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 1 moment that I had been getting a dialog with some one about a wholly irrelevant theme and he asked me exactly what I did, even once I replied he blurted out,"I despise web programmers"
 I cringed.
 I am convinced this occurs in most industry at which you will find individuals that are great at what they perform, a few people who really do sufficient to get through, and also others who just THINK that they are aware of what they are accomplishing!
 The internet development business is the same.
 If you're not pleased with your present web programmer or ' are at the practice of obtaining some one you may expect and rely to satisfy your internet development requirements, this guide will offer some invaluable guidelines which can assist you to locate the ideal match for your own team.
 First point to find crystal clear on is strictly what sort of assistance that you require.
 When Choosing an Internet programmer, very first Find clear on the Kind of Assistance you'll need:
 You can find several different sorts of"internet programmers" available and which makes the incorrect choice might be quite high priced. Thus make certain that you know"that" you might be hiring early and subsequently your pick procedure is likely to soon be a lot simpler out there.
 Listed below are just four common Kinds of Web programmers:
 The WordPress VA (Virtual Assistant)
 This individual has guessed out how WordPress quite nicely. They understand howto put in a WordPress motif (both purchased or free ) and certainly will get some alterations compared to this subject that will help fit your new colors. First, they are going to have fantastic comprehension of exactly what plugins are all readily available to coincide with your preferences too.
 Positive aspects: Normally hiring some one with this particular job charges much less than an entirely qualified programmer. Piecing collectively small-sized internet sites are the specialization.
 Downsides: Frequently WordPress is that they understand and how infrequently do that they understand HTML or even CSS to personalize your own internet site for absolutely any additional whistles and bells you would like .
 Frequently purchased topics are therefore stiff that moving a part in 1 portion of this webpage to the following is not possible to complete using such a limited understanding.
 When to employ themYou would like to seek the services of a WordPress VA once you're uninterested at an entirely branded/customized internet site. You recognize any personalization alternatives are confined and also you get exactly what the motif preview reveals apart from a shade, text and graphic varies.
 You'll likewise desire to get this alternative in the event that you're well versed in marketing and advertising plan, copy writing, and advertising and also certainly will certainly educate your VA exactly what should be accomplished. Expect them with small wisdom in certain or every one these regions.
 The Developer
 This man or woman is exactly what I call a"techno geek". We've got a couple of those people in we and we'd maybe not have the capability to become successful because we all have been with them!
 The huge benefits: They understand programming indoors and outside. They still live, sleep and eat .
 The downsides: '' They could definitely assemble you a completely operational site, not a issue. But do not anticipate it to check rather! Branding, copy writing, design and style layout and promotion have been infrequently seen inside their listing of skill-sets.
 You may most likely have to employ somebody else to aid with all those are as in the event that you aren't fully educated on yourself.
 The Way to employ Them: You'd like to engage the services of a programmer with this quality for those who are in possession of a complicated web site at heart that should be personalized to meet your wants. When it is an e commerce motor, membership internet site or some database-driven tool, then an entirely seasoned and knowledgeable developer can be the best choice.
 The"All Of Spherical" programmer
 This is one individual that has assembled enough internet sites to really truly have quite a very good grasp of greater photograph. They know exactly what can be referred to as"that a Generalist" at which they've got ample abilities to become in a position to create and produce a nice site.
 The huge benefits: Getting oneperson possess comprehension in different areas required for webdevelopment is just a huge also.
 Ordinarily this individual has programming acumen in order to take care of many customizations and obstacles which develop and won't require a plug in for every single features (that can bog off your internet site's efficiency ).
 Additionally they are proficient enough concerning visual and branding design your readers may delight in the adventure to be .
 Even the disadvantages: Although they may possibly appear to know much about internet creation, it truly is not possible for a single human being to become very good whatsoever. It really is uncommon to chance upon a excellent designer additionally be described as a fantastic programmer (they really do exist however they're a scarce strain.) That means you'll nonetheless have to become, or have somebody else in your own team that isversed in online marketing and advertising and training to greatly cancel any flaws the individual who you employ has.
 The Way To Employ Them: In case you're fortunate enough to locate somebody that has those skill-sets and it is reputable, then you definitely are going to have excellent advantage in your own workforce. You need to become conscious of exactly what their limits will be that you can offset those are as with different folks in the workforce.
 The Web-development Agency
 There a few diverse sorts of internet growth bureaus and also for the interest of the this piece, I will revolve around the type that individuals have been a boutique internet development and electronic marketing and advertising bureau. (In case you are searching to get a significant name bureau which just multi-billion greenback corporations utilize, you'd not need finished reading this guide for the aspect any way!)
 The huge benefits: An internet boutique webdevelopment service isn't just a only real demonstrate. They're a group of pros that may present, being a collective set, each one the different regions of experience your company wants from the marketing viewpoint.
 These regions normally comprise:
 Model Identity Style
 Website Design and Style and Format
 On the Web Advertising / Prospecting
 Video/Audio Modifying
 Search Engine Optimisation
 (Notice several bureaus just need a couple people in the team therefore don't forget to ask queries to learn which every one's skills is of course, whether every other skill-set is missing which you simply need )
 One other huge benefit of utilizing an internet development service will be they are quite knowledgeable on your own brand, your own placement and also the information you need communicate for the ideal customers.
 With each petition you provide themthey know exactly what will become necessary and also certainly will discuss selections with one personally to make some thing for you personally which is the ideal match for the demands.
 This prevents you from needing to learn what exactly is demanded and in addition have to guarantee different folks in your own team stay in keeping with your new content and layout therefore that you may focus far more about which you're doing most useful.
 The disadvantages: Determined by that which you see, the purchase price line may possibly be out your financial plan. Do your own search ask for and speak to testimonials that will assist you to select whether they'll send the things that they claim. Should they really have a fantastic standing if you are in time and on budget, then then your excess prices will balance in the lengthy term.
 When to employ themHiring a boutique webdevelopment service could be 1 among many most useful things that you may perform as being a fresh organization. Doing so will ensure your brand new venture will probably end up moving about the most suitable foot straight from the bat. You may spare a great deal of cash and time in the future in case you create this very first small business expenditure.
 In the event that it's the case that you previously possess an existent firm and internet site however area prepared to measure upto the following degree, here really is enough opportunity to earn within a service which will be able to assist you with not the"accomplishing" but the strategizing to guarantee you obtain into the place you really are interested in being devoid of wasting plenty of time, energy and money.
 You'll even desire to search for an service if you would like some one in your own team for continuing, steady service. Following your web site is assembled, you are going to want somebody who you may speak to at any moment for blog upgrades, producing fresh campaigns, undertaking search engine optimisation work .
 My last parcel of information is usually to make certain that you need to do your exploration who you would like. Now you are searching for some one with skill and experience that you will associate one to simply help you assemble your company.
 Unless that really is what you are on the lookout for, then you ought to steer clear of developers and programmers that just perform just what you let them know. Having some body who are able to offer suggestions and hints and become part of one's workforce to become an important resource if needed can be ideal for you personally.
 References are quite essential within this particular industry: Consistently question to speak with your own customers to find out exactly what their expertise has been dealing together with this programmer.
 Know about the ones that assert to become programmers when actually, they all heard was just how touse a"diy" applications such as WIX or even Weebly.
 The level of one's site - each in style and design and at the way that it's coded - is also important on several stages. Verify the individual who you hire knows just how to plan and assemble an excellent merchandise for you personally. In any other case, you'll probably be confronted by moving right on through the complete process yet again at a quick time period as soon as you comprehend that your internet site does you more harm than good by turning away your clients rather than bringing them!
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