#i was reading this book for class and this sentence knocked me out. we’ll never be free
roseworth · 7 months
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from alan moore’s book about writing comics…. alan help something terrible has happened
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spaceyaceface · 2 years
History - Chapter One
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!Reader
Warnings/Cliches: Steve’s dumb dad, yelling, fighting (pretty brief), tiny bit of bullying, popular boy and nerdy girl, slow burn, strangers to lovers (eventually)
Story Summary: Steve Harrington remembers Y/N from high school. He never intended on her getting mixed up with all of his monsters. He never intended to fall in love with her. 
Chapter Summary: In junior year of high school, Y/N is assigned a project with Steve Harrington. Maybe he’s not as bad as she thinks. 
A/N: Hello all! I’m starting this series and I’m SO excited for it!! Shout out to my bestie @multi-obsessed-fanfic-writer for motivating me to write it lol. It’s going to be a pretty slow burn, and after this chapter, I’m going to start integrating it more into the main storylines of the show. Let me know if you want to be tagged in any future chapters!
W.C.: 1.7k
Steve Harrington and Y/N L/N had history.
It wasn’t long—it would hardly be a sentence in a textbook if anyone would bother to record it at all. But for better or for worse, it was there.
It had started in the beginning of junior year. Y/N was a good student—not perfect like Nancy Wheeler, but good. She turned stuff in, passed her tests, and most importantly, she kept her head down.
She was sure most people considered her a loner. It wasn’t completely true; she had a couple of friends who operated similarly to her. Lorraine was her closest by far, but Y/N still rarely hung out with her outside of school. She didn’t mind it that way.
Parties and popularity had never been her thing—reading overdue library books and observing people who thought no one was looking were her favorite pastimes.
Imagine her dismay when the king of Hawkins High himself had been assigned as her partner for the year’s first group project.
To his credit, he didn’t look any more thrilled. But Tommy and Carol had this class with him, and they had paired up immediately, leaving him scrambling with the leftovers until Mr. Chase had told him to quit holding up class and take the one open seat that remained—the one to Y/N’a right.
He plopped down with a sigh, arms folded over his chest without sparing a glance at her. She would have been hurt if it wasn’t entirely expected.
Mr. Chase droned on about the ins and outs about the project. It was pretty straight forward—a History presentation with sort of visual aid, due a week from then. He stopped talking the last few minutes to let people discuss with their partners on times to meet.
Steve finally looked over at Y/N. “I can’t fail this assignment, my dad’s been on my tail about this class since it started.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Is this your way of telling me I’m doing all the work?”
“No, I just—you better not make me fail, alright?” He took her pencil from off the desk and scribbled his phone number and address in her notebook. “You can come over after school and we’ll figure it out.”
“Okay,” she said slowly. “Do you—“
The bell rang and Steve shot out of his chair. He pointed a finger at her. “My house, 4 o’clock. Don’t be late.” And with that, he turned back to Tommy and Carol.
Y/N rolled her eyes as she finished packing up her things. This was going to be a long week.
The Harrington’s house was pretty much what Y/N expected—big, nice, and nothing like where she lived. She was sure her ancient car was an eyesore just parked on the street.
She trekked up to the front door, backpack slung over her shoulder. Her knocks seemed to echo down the street. After a couple of moments, the door swung open.
“L/N,” he said simply, leaning against the doorframe.
He opened the door wider. “Well, come on in. We can go upstairs.”
She followed him in, trying not to seem hesitant. She’d never been to his house before, and he was clearly aware of that fact. Despite all the parties he had thrown when his parents were away, she’d never bothered to show up. She’d never really been invited, either.
He led her upstairs into his room. It was what she had expected—just as everything else she’d seen of Steve Harrington so far. Some clutter around the room, posters of girls in swimsuits, cans of soda on his dresser.
Steve plopped down into the middle of his bed. Y/N elected to sit on the chair by his desk.
“Ok,” he said. “So I was thinking, like we need to get at least a C on this, so—“
She let out a small snort without meaning too.
He shot her a look. “What?”
“Nothing. Just… a C? Shouldn’t you aim higher than that?”
He shrugged, unfazed. “I’m just trying to pass. Keep the grades up just enough for swim team.”
Y/N tried not to roll her eyes. “Ok, fine. I promised we’ll get better than a C.”
“Good. Anyway, what did you think—“
A door slammed downstairs. Steve swore underneath his breath. “They weren’t supposed to be home until tomorrow. Just--hold tight, I’ll be back in a second.”
He got up, closing the door behind him and leaving Y/N alone in his room. After a few moments, she heard voices talking; Steve and another man. She assumed it was his father. 
It only took a few moments for the words to get heated. 
She couldn’t tell exactly what was being said, but it was several minutes of loud back and forth. She heard steps coming back up the stairs. 
“Get back down here!” the man yelled. 
“And listen to you scream at me for crap I didn’t do?!” Steve threw the door open and he slammed it close behind him. He was fuming, hands trembling. His expression softened when he saw Y/N sitting there. 
His shoulders dropped, releasing some of the tension as he sat on the edge of the bed. He cleared his throat. “I’m um... Sorry you had to hear that.”
Her lips pressed together in a tight smile. “I’m sorry it happened.” She was surprised to find that she was completely genuine in saying it. 
A sigh escaped his lips. “Well, it’s pretty normal around here. Since they’re home, we’ll probably want to go to your place to work on stuff.” 
She nodded. In the next moment, Steve changed the subject to the project. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about it--it was something that he had never intended Y/N to see. The next hour or so passed uneventfully, and soon Y/N was on her way out. 
As she left the house (quietly, as Steve had insisted to not disturb his parents), she couldn’t help but feel she understood Steve Harrington a little bit better. 
The next day, Steve came over to her house right at 4 o’clock. He hadn’t acknowledged her at all at school--not that she had expected him to. 
She motioned for him to come in. He took off his jacket as he did, setting it on the chair by the door. 
“Um, I heard some... yelling or something next door?” he said. “You don’t live next to a pyscho murderer or anything, right?”
She chuckled. “No, that’s just the Hendersons. Dustin probably has his crazy friends with him, playing Dungeons and Demons or whatever. They get pretty worked up about it.”
“Oh, of course. Should have known.” 
If she didn’t know better, he might have been a bit worried for her for a second there. 
She led him over to the kitchen, sitting down at one of the barstools. He took the one next to her. 
“Alright, so I’ve been working on the visual aid, it’s not much so far but it’s a work in progress.” She gestured at the diorama she had built since they had talked over it the night before. 
Steve laughed. “Not much so far? Are you kidding me? It looks pretty much done.”
“It’s not done yet, I mean, the scaling is all off, and the coloring--”
“Did you seriously work on that all last night? That’s what you spend your weeknights doing?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Look Harrington, I promised you better than a C, but I want to get an A on this, so sue me if I’m taking it seriously.”
He put his hands up defensively. “No, no, it’s fine. I appreciate it, really, but don’t you ever do anything fun?”
She glared at him.
“I mean, come on , L/N. You’re a junior in high school and I’ve never seen you out on a Friday night.”
“I don’t really like going out, Harrington. And besides, if I ever want to get out of this hellhole, I’ve got to work my tail off to do it. Not everyone has daddy’s money to use.” She covered her mouth with her hand as Steve raised his eyebrows. “I’m sorry, that was probably too far.”
He shook his head a little bit. “No, you’re right. I shouldn’t be poking fun at how hard you work. But... it couldn’t hurt to have fun every once and while.”
“Yeah. I guess.” There was quiet for a moment. Y/N grabbed her notebook, flipping it to her page with notes. “Well, I guess we can get started, then.”
Once again, the night passed. And so did the night after that. And the next one. By the end of the week, they had a project they both could be proud of. Steve seemed a bit surprised at himself with it. 
It wasn’t the until the day after the presentation that Steve Harrington did something unexpected. 
She was kneeling down to gather the books that had been pushed out of her hands. She usually managed to avoid these sorts of things--it was the reason she kept her head down in the first place. But despite her efforts to fade in to the background, there was always the occasional observant bully that found themselves an easy target. She went to grab her last book, but a hand was already holding it out to her. Confused, she looked up to see the hand belonged to no other than Steve Harrington. 
Taking the book from him, she stood. 
“Thanks?” The word came out more like a question than she had intended. 
“Yeah,” he said. He folded his arms. “They do it because you don’t stand up for yourself.”
“Right,” you said slowly. 
“I’m just.... yeah.” 
“Okay.” He head turned over his shoulder as he heard Tommy calling his name. 
“You can do better than them, you know,” Y/N blurted out. 
His head shot back toward her. “What?” 
“You just... forget it. Thanks.” 
And without another word, she turned heel and headed down the hall. 
Since that week, a silent understanding had passed between the two. She didn’t know quite how to say it, but her and Steve Harrington understood each other a little better now--maybe better than either of their groups of friends did. When they passed in the hall, they didn’t look at each other. But no more bullies taunted her. And she wouldn’t let her friends talk to harshly about the King of Hawkins High. 
Her and Steve Harrington had... something. It was small. It was brief. It was insignificant. But it was there. 
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Laisse tomber les filles 3
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; tags to be added as story progresses
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: Lee’s slowly creepin’ and I hope you’re ready for it.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You slurped the last of your shake through the straw, the paper cup damp in your cold hands as the heater blew out hot air. The foamy dregs of the drink were overly sweet and made your cheeks twinge. Lee popped the lid off his cup and offered it and you slipped yours inside. He pulled the straw out and stacked the lids, squeezing both straws through and setting it on the seat beside him.
He stretched his arm over the leather, his hand just behind your head and you listened to the deep voice of the narrator recount the eerie words of HP Lovecraft. You fidgeted and looked at your watch. The sky was dark and the stars twinkled down ominously.
“Um,” you uttered, “I think... uh…”
He looked at you and his hand hovered close to your shoulder, “what is it, honey?”
“I think I should get home,” you finished.
“Oh, why’s that? You don’t got class tomorrow, do ya?”
“I don’t but… well, I’m tired,” you rubbed your neck and sat up so he couldn’t touch you, “I had an early morning.”
“Well, of course,” he retracted his arm and straightened up, he pulled the car into gear and slowly pressed down on the gas, “you should get to bed, little girl.”
You scowled at the venom in his last two words. He’d been nice but he had no right to patronize you. You hated that most. People thought because you were quiet they could just treat you like you were dull.
“I’m not… not a little girl,” you eked out.
“Ah, I didn’t mean nothing by it,” he said as he pulled out of the lot, “you are little though, ain’t ya?”
You felt a peculiar heat creep up your neck and cheeks. You were short but you’d met a few people smaller than you. People came in all shapes and sizes. You didn’t comment on his stomach or the wrinkles around his eyes. Yet, the humour in his voice kept you from rebuke.
“I guess, I…”
‘I don’t mean it as an insult, you see?” he chuckled, “kinda cute you can’t reach the floor.”
“Mmm,” you inhaled and pursed your lips. You pulled the collar of your pea coat closed and wiggled your foot nervously.
“I see,” he said, “you got your friends waitin’ on ya, huh? Yeah, young girl like you don’t wanna be hanging around an old man all night.”
“I didn’t say that,” you said.
“Hey, I’m not stupid, I was only bein’ nice,” he interrupted, “you looked lonely and I… I got carried away.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t…” you scrambled as he passed by the college entrance, “I was… I don’t know.”
“Well, you’re in such a hurry, honey, you can’t wait to be away from me,” he ranted, “actin’ all sweet and shy but you just like the rest of them.”
“What?” you grimaced and watched the buildings pass by, “no, I’m not. I…” you felt guilty as if you’d done something wrong. All you wanted was to go home and lay down, but it felt like a personal affront. “I… lied.”
“What?” he asked as your voice fizzled.
“I lied, sir,” you confessed, “I don’t have any friends. Not really, just… classmates.”
“Nah, that can’t be true,” he scoffed, “who wouldn’t wanna be friends with a pretty girl like you?”
“No, no, please, I… I’m sorry, I just want to go home, okay? I’m tired,” you cupped your cheek and slumped in defeat.
He was quiet for a moment as he drove along. He turned along the line of residences and streetlights flashed over his profile as he stared at the road. He flipped into park as he stopped in front of your building and nodded. 
“Alright, I believe you,” he said at last, “I don’t wanna keep you up and I didn’t mean to get so upset. It's just, well, I like being with you.”
“It’s fine, thank you… for everything. The milkshake was good.”
“No, I mean it, it’s a pity no one else can see it,” he went on, “you’re real smart and nice. You got a pretty smile too when you show it, too.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly as you gripped the door handle, “that’s very kind. I should go--”
“Wait, wait,” he caught your arm, not tightly, but kept you from getting out as the door opened an inch, “can I come back? Next week, we’ll have another shake and listen to the show. I’m really curious what happens.”
“I don’t know, I… I have lots of work to do,” you looked at his large hand on your arm. He dropped it and wiped his palm on his brown pants.
“You bring your homework, honey, you can study and listen, I don’t mind,” he offered, “if you don’t want a shake, we can get some burgers and fries. Have a nice dinner?”
You smushed your lips together and thought. He hadn’t done anything bad enough to warrant that feeling in your gut. You were overthinking things just like you always did. Besides, he had to be almost fifty, he was just being friendly, he said it himself. 
And what else did you have to do? You didn’t have any friends and it was too late to start making them.
“I… okay,” you said softly, “my book club ends at seven. It’s over at Clover Hall.”
“I’ll find you there then,” he smiled, “now go on, before I keep you out any later.”
You got out and scooped out your bag with you. You closed the door and headed up the path without looking back. You got to the door and focused on unlocking it. Your hands were shaking and your mind was reeling. You always lamented being little more than a fly on the wall but it was completely overwhelming to be noticed.
You clacked away on the keys of your typewriter. Your dorm room was small and stuffy as dry heat rose from the dingy old radiator. You could hear your roommates in the kitchen as they gabbed and laughed loudly. You were jealous yet too intimidated to try and ingratiate yourself. You always just ended up in the corner as everyone else had fun.
Your assignment was to write a review of a primary resource borrowed from your visit to the archive. You carefully looked over the laminated manuscript between sentences. Your small radio played in the background and you couldn’t help but nod to the full tones of the jazzy music.
You were drawn from your entranced study by a knock at your door. It was unusual to be disturbed unless there were chores to dole out. You didn’t have time to wipe up their messes again. You got up and went to the door and opened it an inch.
“Hi,” you said meekly as Gina stood with a box in her hands.
“This is for you,” she held out the package, “it was down at the residence office.”
“Me?” you let the door fall open and took the box, “I don’t…” You looked it over but there was no address, only your name, “thank you.”
She left without another word and you nudged the door shut with your elbow as you turned. Your parents only sent you letters, they didn’t like to pay the pricy postage for a whole package. You put the box down on your single bed and peeled back the brown tape. The flaps came open and you peeked inside curiously.
You took out the skirt, a yellow plaid piece shorter than anything you’d ever owned. It was the new style found on the cover of Vogue. You put it aside and reach for the blouse, a pure white thing with bell sleeves. Lastly, a pair of knee high heels to top off the mod look.
There was an envelope amid it all, the note inside short and scribbled.
‘Saw this and thought of you, honey.’
You stared at the paper and folded it back up. It was a nice gesture but you couldn’t wear that. You couldn’t accept the gift either, it was too much. Every garment you owned was second-hand and you’d seen the prices of these clothes in the magazines. 
And, you wondered as you packed the box and shoved it against the wall, why would the sheriff buy you all that? His friendliness made you uneasy. It was suffocating and yet, you could find no fault in someone being too generous. 
You realised too, how little you knew about him. What if he had wife or even a family? What if he didn’t? What if he was only doing it to fill in some gap in his life? Maybe he was playing out some father-daughter relationship he never had.
Well, you could ask him next time you saw him. Or try to.
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darylsgirl · 4 years
The Farmers Daughter                       Daryl Dixon Smut 18+
Request: Hey i really love all your stories. Could you do one where, the reader is Hershel's daughter and she has just turned 21 and she has a massive crush on Daryl. She is tired of being babied by the entire family ( they won't let her out of prison gates cause she's young) so she asks to go on a run with Daryl as her 21st bday gift. On the run she kinda seduces him and smut ensues.
Also she has kinda tried to seduce him at the prison before too (just subtle hints)
Please please take my request 🥺🥺🥺
Hey guys! Here’s my first ever story written for a request! Hope you liked the way it turned out Anon! And i hope your all having a lovely day <3
Love Jen x
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You had to admit it was a beautiful day. Looking out across the prison yard, If you ignored the walkers groaning at the fences and well... the whole end of the world thing it might have been a perfect day. Everyone was feeling safe and relaxed for the first time in a long time and enjoying the day as you would have before the end. 
Approaching your dad seeing the relaxed look on his face, You’d thought this would be the perfect opportunity to ask him to let you go out on a run, You were the middle green daughter and he didn’t let you forget it. It was so unfair! He always let Maggie and Beth do whatever they wanted but kept you close by at all times wanting to teach you all he could about medicine, Treating you like nothing more than a baby even though you had just turned 21. 
As always when you asked to go with Daryl his face turned to stone. “You know my feelings on this Y/N, Your much too young, Everyone has a job to do and yours is here” 
“Dad please! I’ve been training, I can take care of myself. You let Beth go! She’s younger than me! Stop treating me like a child” 
“Y/N that’s enough, I said no” 
Knowing you wouldn’t get anything further out of him you stormed off it probably didn’t help things that you were maybe acting like a bit of a child right now. But you couldn’t help it, you were so mad! He had to know you were no longer a child. Most middle children get ignored but not you, He was more strict when it came to you, Babied you constantly. Even before the end Maggie and Beth loved it of course it meant they got away with more because he was always so focused on you. 
Part of you understood why. There had been a nasty incident a few years back with a boy from school which ended in your dad having to pull a shot gun at him to get him to stay away from you. Smiling you remembered the prick’s probably dead now, You’d definitely gotten the last laugh!
Ever since then Hershel had been extremely protective of you, He’d let you attend self defence classes and even taught you to shoot, Which is why it was so mind boggling that he wouldn’t let you do your part. You felt useless just sitting around all day reading old medical books and occasionally helping fix someone up. 
You wanted more than anything to be out there, Pulling your weight helping feed this family! You needed to be out there….With him.
When Daryl had appeared on your family’s farm that day on his motorbike, Your knees almost went weak. That was a man, He was sheer perfection. Unfortunately for you he was a bit of a standoffish man. 
You tried for weeks to get his attention shyly moving closer to him whenever he was around, Whenever he even looked at you he caused the blush to rise in your cheeks.
When he had fallen onto his arrow you were there mopping his brow as he slept. Sadly when he woke he only gave you a grunt of acknowledgement. But still it was more than he had before. 
Still you persisted, He had started warming up to you more since the trip to the prison. You were the one to make sure he ate and cleaned him up every time he managed to get another wound. It was slow going but before you knew it muttered thanks had turned into longer sentences from him. 
He still wasn’t much of a talker but at least he noticed you now. Not in the way you wanted him to but it was better than nothing.
You raised your hand in welcome to him as you saw him making his way across the yard to you.
“Hershel say no?” He asked when he came and took a seat with you on the grass. 
Nodding you sighed, pulling your knees to your ample chest.  Nudging you slightly “Ya don’t wanna be out there anyway, Get’s too dangerous” 
Rolling your eyes “Oh please not you too? How many times do i have to say i can handle myself! I just need a few hours out of here!”
An idea coming to your head you turned to him putting your hand on his shoulder, He froze slightly at this as he seemed to every time anyone touched him. Deciding to ignore it you turned his torso slightly to face yours. 
“You could convince him! You said yesterday there was a pharmacy not too far from here that looked untouched!” 
Shaking his head at you “No Y/N I ain’t goin against Hershel, He’s a good man” 
“Please Daryl, You could consider it a birthday gift to me? And i could be useful! I know what medicines to look out for” 
“Who said i was gonna get ya anything?” He grumbled. Moving closer to him and putting your hand on his chest. 
“Please Daryl, He’ll listen to you” You purred hoping it came across sultry. 
His eyes met yours very briefly, His eyes wide when he saw how close you were. Standing to his feet suddenly “Alright fine, If it’ll get ya to quit harpin on”
He turned leaving you on the grass before stalking off towards your dad. You waited there for what felt like forever watching the corner he had disappeared behind. 
When he finally reappeared you got to your feet meeting him halfway.
“Well?” He gave you a short nod of confirmation. Jumping up at him excitedly you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Thank you!!” He froze in place again before relaxing into your hug. 
Patting your shoulder once “Go on then, Get ya stuff we leave in 10” As you pulled away you saw a slight smile on his lips before running back to the Cells to grab a bag. Packing two bottles of water and some protein bars leaving the rest empty to carry anything you might find. Slinging it over your shoulder before strapping your pistol to one side of your belt and your knife on the other. 
Running back out you saw your dad waiting by the step. You almost knocked him off his crutches hugging him tightly
“Thank you Daddy”
He hugged you back “You be safe Y/N Listen to everything Daryl tells you!” Pulling away from him you nodded gratefully. 
“Ready to go?” Smiling you turned and started to walk away. Hearing your dad call “Take care of my little girl Dixon!” Daryl just raised an arm in response before leading you over to the bike. 
Swinging his leg over her motioned for you to do the same. Smiling happily you jumped on the back wrapping your arms firmly around his chest, Your fingers desperately wanting to touch all of him. 
“Ya don’t need to hold on so tight!” He grumbled at you. “Oh sorry!” You moved your hands slowly from his chest favouring every second until they were resting gently on his waist. As he pulled out of the main gate you put your chin on his shoulder grinning.
He hid the bike a few blocks away from the pharmacy before continuing on foot. On the way you only encountered one walker. Putting your hand on his arm as he raised his crossbow. 
“Let me do it” He nodded to you, letting you charge ahead with your knife drawn. Easily taking the walker down, Swiping the walkers feet from under it you plunged your knife into his head before turning back to Daryl “See i can take care of myself”
Handing you a rag from his belt you cleaned the blood off your knife before handing it back to him. 
“Never said you couldn’t Y/N” he said before continuing on to the pharmacy. As you reached the shutters Daryl Raised one slightly looking underneath before knocking on the shutter a few times making a racket.
“Daryl! What are you doing” You whispered urgently. 
He put his finger to his mouth while he listened for a moment before pulling the shutter fully open stepping behind it motioning for you to follow. Stepping in you noticed the door to the pharmacy was still closed and your bodies were pressed tightly together. 
Your breath was stuck in your chest, Your heart pounding as you felt his body on yours. He looked at you confused for a moment before moving his arms around you to the open shutter. Pulling it back down again, You felt as the muscles in his arms rolled down your entire body pulling the shutter. His head was at your crotch when you let in a sharp intake of breath as his head brushed you core. 
He darted upwards to you again “You ok Y/N? We can go back if ya scared”
His words snapping you out of it, You felt the blush rise in your face “m’not scared”
You were dying for him to kiss you, As you looked up you saw his lips were only inches from yours, Surely he had to feel this too? You closed your eyes inching closer till your lips were just about touching. You could feel his hot breath cascading over your lips. The world paused for a second while you waited to see if he would close the gap. 
Clearing his throat “Looks empty, Let’s go in” You opened your eyes as you heard the tinkle of the bell signalling the door had been opened. And just as quick as the moment had come it was gone. 
You stood frozen at the door for a moment trying to gather your thoughts. Could he really not see what just being in close proximity to him did to her? 
You walked after him further into the pharmacy jumping behind the desk “Jackpot! This place is completely untouched!” 
“Grab what we need, We’ll come back for the rest with more people” 
You filled your bag as Daryl went around the aisles picking up other essentials. 
You closed the pharmacy back up adding a lock to the shutter as you left, Hopefully no one else would stumble across it before you had a chance to come back. 
Daryl agreed when you asked to walk back through the woods. It was far too hot to go all that way in the sun. It was still hot under the trees but at least you were being protected from the sun, Daryl stopped and waited for you as you dropped your bag pulling off the loose over shirt your father always made you wear. 
You saw his eyes wander over you as it came over your head showing your curves to him for the first time in your tight white vest. 
His eyes were dark, You couldn’t tell if he was angry with you or if it was something else. 
Looking away from him now “Sorry, I just need some air….Wait what’s that?” He darted forward pushing his body in front of you looking for danger. 
Rolling your eyes you stepped around him picking up the bag and heading to the cabin you had seen. Stopping in the doorway you copied Daryl’s previous actions knocking on the doorway. 
All of a sudden his arms were around you lifting you from the ground pulling you inside the cabin, Closing the door behind you both his hand was over your mouth, His mouth to your ear “Shh, There’s a herd bout 50, Don’t think they saw us” 
As he put you gently back down you both made your way further into the cabin to check for threats, After searching the bedroom he pulled you inside before blocking the door with the set of drawers. 
He made his way to the bed before lying down “might as well make ourselves comfortable gonna be here awhile” You sat on the bed not facing him for a moment before taking a deep breath and lying down on the bed. 
You saw him looking at your chest before he sat back up “Almost forgot” He grabbed his bag. “Happy birthday 21 right?” 
Pulling out a bottle of whiskey and handing it to you. You looked at it nervously taking a deep breath and just going for it. You ripped the cork out taking a deep swig, Dropping the bottle back down you scrunched your nose a little in disgust
“What girl ya never had whiskey?” 
“Never had any alcohol, Dad never let us with him being in recovery and all” You shrugged taking another pull on the bottle. 
He snatched it from your hands then “Didn’ no it were your first. Ya can’t drink it like water, Gotta take it slow” 
You chuckled slightly at his words laying back down on the bed with him following you. 
“What’s so funny kid?” 
“Don’t call me that” You said as your eyes narrowed. 
He looked at you amused “It’s what ya are” 
Lurching forward you pressed your lips to his, feeling him freeze under you, You held your lips there urgently, Pulling your hands to his face and pulling it to yours. You pulled away slightly when he didn’t return the kiss.
“I aint a kid, I saw the way you looked at me earlier. I know you know that too” You said breathlessly. 
Looking down at your lips he replied “Ya still Hershel’s Kid he wouldn’ like this” He ran his hand through his hair.
Feeling angry again Your hands were still on his face “Does it look like i care what he thinks? Right now Daryl all I care about is this. Feeling you against me. I need it. I’ve needed it since the moment i saw you” 
His eyes darted up to yours seeing only the truth in your eyes. “Kiss me Dixon” 
His tongue licked his bottom lip slightly. Pushing your lips back to his you took his bottom lip in your mouth tugging on it slightly with your teeth. 
You heard the low growl coming from his chest as you tugged harder. 
“Fuck it” He muttered against your lips before flipping you onto your back kissing you back harshly. 
You let a moan escape your lips as he settled over you arching into his chest, He nudged your knees apart before putting one hand behind your thigh and lifting it around his hips. The other hand was on your waist. Both hands kneading your skin harshly. 
His hands felt like they were burning through your clothes. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, Moaning again you ground your hips upwards desperate to feel his heat against yours. 
He pulled away panting resting his forehead against yours. 
“You sure Y/N” Grinning at him you pulled your hands to the neck of your shirt ripping it open slightly. 
“Never been so sure Daryl” His eyes watched growing darker, pulling his hands to the rip you had started already he ripped the shirt from you with ease, hands going to the front of your bra tearing that too. 
You could feel his breath on your chest as he ducked down taking one of your nipples into your mouth and biting down on it. You moaned louder now reaching down, you pushed the vest from his shoulder before turning your attention to his shirt groaning as you realised you couldn’t reach the hem to pull it up. 
He chuckled watching you sitting up over you he pulled the shirt off himself. Glaring down at you now with his dark hungry eyes. Moving from you he stood next to the bed. 
“Take em off...Now” His thick southern drawl made your already wet panties soak. 
Your hand slowly went to the button on your jeans not wanting to take your eyes off him, His glare grew darker.
“Ya aint fast enough” He lunged over you gripping the pants at your sides and tearing them down, You gasped now realising you were fully bare for him, His eyes met yours as you looked towards his pants, Your thighs rubbing together in delicious anticipation. 
He untied the cord of material holding his pants up letting them drop to the ground. 
Licking your lips you stared at his huge length. Walking over to you he pressed his cock to your lips gently.
“This what you want?” 
“Mmm yes please Daryl” You stuck your tongue out tasting the tip of him, God he tasted good. You opened your lips intending to wrap them around him, When you felt a hand in your hair pulling your head back. 
“Say ya want my cock Y/N in that dirty little mouth” Looking at his eyes now you could see he was serious. 
Pushing him back from the bed you climbed off sinking to your knees in front of him. 
“Mmmm let me have your cock in my dirty….little….Mouth…..Please?” You breathed
His fingers caressed your face for a moment He murmured “Better Y/N….Go on take what ya want girl” 
Reaching your hands up to his length you held it gleefully smiling as you brought it back to your mouth. Swirling your tongue around the tip you let your eyes fix on his again as you sunk him deep into your mouth, As it hit your throat you let it choke you slightly moaning around his length. 
“Shit Y/N” Daryl let his mouth drop open and his head hang backwards enjoying your lips around him, Putting his hands back in your hair he pushed you fully down his length until your lips met his pubic bone, You choked again, Breathing through your nose you held yourself on him getting used to the feeling of him stretching your throat. 
Moaning on him again he pushed and pulled you over his cock until you felt it throbbing, Pulling you fully off him he looked back down at you wildly. 
“Shit, Ya too good at that. I almost -” You cut him off pulling him back into your mouth with determination bobbing faster over him until he fell over the edge spilling his huge load into your mouth. You heard him cry out your name whilst he fucked your face harder letting the last of his orgasm roll out. 
Once he slowed you pulled him from your mouth swallowing before licking every inch of him clean drinking every drop like it was life or death. 
He wrapped one hand around your throat now pulling you back up to him. 
“Get back on the bed, Knees up legs wide. Now” He growled. 
Still catching your breath you did as you were told. He kneeled on the bed between your legs rubbing his still hard cock up and down your folds. Grinning at you mischievously he pulled completely away, Watching you squirm from the lack of contact. 
Leaning over your body he whispered in your ear 
“Ya aint ready for that...Not yet anyway” He roughly pushed your chin upwards pushing your head back into the pillow. 
Kissing his way down your neck he moved to your chest, Lifting your breast he sucked just underneath your nipple hard enough to leave his mark, Moving down your sternum he left three more identical marks from your breasts to your belly button. Marking you as his. As he reached your dripping heat you tried to grind up towards him.
Using his hand over your hips he held you down, 
“Ya gotta wait Y/N You’ll get it when im fucking ready” He growled again before sinking his teeth into the inside of your thigh, You let out a loud mewl trying to stem the noise biting down on your forearm. 
He bit harder now before letting go and glaring up at you, “Dont ya dare stop it, I wanna hear ya”
Panting for breath you looked down at him “But the …...Mmm shit...The walkers..will hear us!” 
“Let them fuckin hear, I’ll kill everyone of those dead bastards if they try to get between me and this sweet pussy” He ran one finger softly down your folds to accentuate his point. 
Moving your hand back down onto the bed you gripped the sheets with both hands as he sucked and bit the inside of both of your thighs leaving multiple love bites. 
“Please Daryl! I can...ntt take it anymore”
Seeing the need in your eyes he harshly took your clit in his mouth sucking and nibbling on it before moving his tongue down to your entrance, He lapped at the juices flowing out of you for a minute before replacing his tongue with his fingers, Pushing two inside he rocked them in and out of you bringing his lips back to your throbbing clit. 
“God Y/N you taste so fucking good” You could feel the pleasure building higher and your moans getting louder as you were rapidly reaching your high. You could feel your walls clenching on his fingers as he started moving quicker. 
“Ahhh, Shit Daryl” You screamed letting your high crash around you, You could feel him moaning into your clit as you screamed his name. Pushing another finger into you as you rode them blissfully feeling him stretch them inside you before pulling them out, Leaning back over you he pressed his fingers to your mouth. 
“Clean em” You sucked on them happily feeling the slickness in your pussy coming back as it did every time you saw him. 
Once he had deemed them clean enough he dropped his hand back to you.
“Mmm ready for me again so soon?” You bit your lip gazing up at him with your best innocent face. 
“So ready baby, Please...Please fuck me Daryl”
“Ya only needed to ask Y/N” He quickly pumped his cock a few times before pushing it slowly into you, Gasping a little in pain he stopped. “You ok?” 
“Yeah….Its just so fucking big” He grinned as he continued pushing into you until he reached his hilt grunting as he felt your walls moulding around him. Staying still for a moment he let you get used to his length. Pressing his lips back down to yours he tugged at your lower lip with his teeth parting your lips before diving back in with his tongue. 
Your tongues danced together fighting for dominance, He moaned into your mouth as he started moving again slowly at first building his speed until he was pounding mercilessly into you. 
Rolling back till he was sat back on his legs he pulled your legs over his shoulders gripping them tightly using them to drive himself even deeper and harder into you. Your hands wound your way into your own hair pulling at it gently letting the pleasure of his relentless pounding completely take control of your senses as you feel yourself letting go to him again. 
You back arched high as you felt your high building. 
Daryl let one hand fall to your aching clit rolling it with his fingers. 
“That’s it Y/N cum for me, Cum all over this cock” He growled loudly. You felt him pulsing inside you and it sent you straight over the edge. 
“Fuckkkkk Daryl!!” You screamed bucking your hips against him as you rode out your high. 
Daryl couldn’t take it anymore watching you buck wildly against him screaming his name, He exploded thrusting deeper into you letting his hot cum wash over your walls. 
He let go of your legs letting them crash to the sides of him, Your entire body was trembling now as he collapsed forward on top of you, Both gasping for air. 
When he rolled off you, You looked him straight in the eyes “Told you i could be useful” You giggled. 
“I think we may need to convince ya dad to let you on more of these runs Y/N. Very fucking useful” he said pushing his lips back to yours for a sweet kiss this time. 
Putting his arm around your shoulders he pulled you to him letting your head lay on his chest. You could definitely get used to this. 
You sighed before continuing in awe “Happy fucking birthday to me” 
He chuckled kissing your hair. You lay happily in his arms until the sun started to go down, Only breaking the happy stillness to let your lips meet lovingly.
Looking out the window he murmured “C’mon best be getting back. Dont need em sendin out a search party and findin us like this” 
Groaning you let him pull you up, Both getting dressed. Daryl picked up your ruined shirt and bra stuffing them into his own bag with a wink, Thank god you had worn two shirts today. Daryl then pulled the draws away from the door running through the cabin to check it was still secure. You followed him out of the cabin and back to the bike. 
Happily putting your arms around him and running your fingers across his chest, Enjoying the last moments of your freedom as he drove you back to the prison and through the gates.
You sisters came running to meet you as you returned checking you over before giving you hugs in turn, Maggie took a step back staring into your eyes for a moment before leaning back into you whispering so only you two could hear
“I see you got your birthday wish lil sis” Your eyes went wide in panic, Grinning at you she whispered again. “I know the scent of cum when I smell it. It’s all over your breath, That and you're definitely no longer wearing a bra” 
You flushed embarrassed hoping no one else would notice looking back at her with a panicked whisper “Don’t tell Daddy!” She nodded at you looking behind you to the guard tower “Looks like it's time for round two” She nodded towards Daryl who was standing there staring at you drinking you in with his eyes again. 
“Don’t worry ill cover for you, Just go” She winked. Running over to the tower you slipped in closing the door as you felt his hand at your throat again. 
“Ya all mine now Y/N”
“So you don’t think I’m a kid anymore” You asked playfully. 
“Nah, Your definitely all fucking woman” He growled back before pulling you back into a room and fucking you till you were mewling all over again for him.
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eclipixels · 3 years
Saving Kaneki from going on that date with Rize
The first time I had met him was at the school library. He had stumbled into my life, quite literally stumbled. He had tripped and fallen on top of me, knocking over most of the books from the fantasy section.
There he was, all shy with shining silver eyes and dark hair. He groaned and rubbed his head before immediately standing up and apologising, running back to an orange haired boy whom I assumed was his friend.
The next day, a Monday, it was going back to classes again. Most people were taking a break from everything and just going out since it was the weekend but I stayed in and read some fanfiction to release some stress. Dazai is good and all but sometimes you just need a brain break from all the high vocabulary and just read some cheesy love story written by a delusional 16 year old.
I had arrived to class early since it's nice when it's all silent and nobody is here. I sighed before taking out my textbooks and reading Sen Takatsuki's newest novel. I rested my chin on my palm as I engrossed myself into the pages of the book.
Suddenly, I noticed something from the corner of my eye, there was someone else here. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was the boy from the library yesterday.
He had 2 cups of coffee in his hand with one nervously held out towards me. I was a bit shocked since nobody had ever done a gesture like that to me before so I froze for a second before accepting the warm beverage.
"I'm really sorry I ran into you yesterday, I really didn't mean to, it was an accident and I didn't know where I was going, and um, I'm Kaneki Ken."
"It's alright. I didn't mind and you didn't have to get me this but thank you." I smiled politely.
"You're welcome and it really was no trouble. It's the least I could do to excuse my clumsiness." He shyly spoke.
"Would you like to sit down?" I asked as I noticed he was still standing in front of me.
"O-oh sure!" His eyes widened. He sat down next to me and pulled out his textbooks, mimicking the actions I had done prior to him arriving.
"Hey, is that Takatsuki's newest novel? How'd you get that? I didn't think it'd be out 'till next week!" The smile that lit up his face was something I'd never get used to and unbeknownst to me, would be the one I would slowly fall in love with.
"Oh, most shops have already had them shipped to them and are keeping them in storage until next week. A bookstore owner I know really well managed to sneak one out for me." I explained.
"Aw, no way! You're so lucky! Do you mind if I borrow it? I promise I'll give it back to you by tomorrow!" He exclaimed and I can swear I think I saw sparkles in his eyes.
"Um, Here, you can take it now since I finished it earlier in the morning." I handed the book to him.
Thus was the start of our friendship. Even though he was often busy with school more than me, (since he took more complex classes) he still had time to spend with me. It'd be small things from sitting silently next to me and doing his school work while I read any book that he had recommended to just going out for ice cream together in a nearby park.
Everyday he would seem to bring me a beverage whether it'd be my favorite coffee or something else. If he couldn't meet with me, he'd always have it delivered to my doorstep. It became a tradition for us.
Soon enough, I had met the orange haired boy that I had seen with Kaneki the day that I first met him and not long after had we also become friends.
Somehow, Hide and Kaneki managed to get me out of my apartment and took me out to get lunch with them. The three of us had become quite close.
Although I enjoyed my friendship with both of them, it had seemed that I had fallen in love with the dark haired boy and might I say fallen really hard. Like, cupid got drunk and shot me in the back, sending me flying into Kaneki's heart, face first into his adorableness.
His eyes told stories that I found familiarity in. It held the same gleam of a painful past, the same feeling I found in mine. It didn't take long for me to accept the fact that I had drowned myself in his aura, becoming truly, madly deep in love with Kaneki Ken.
Unfortunately Hide had figured this out and of course he tried to get me to confess and after what felt like centuries of persuading, he finally got me to go and confess.
Well, that was before now. Now, he had come to me with pitiful eyes, telling me that Kaneki had fallen for a shy, purple haired woman that he had met in a coffee shop, and that he had asked her out on a bit of a date, and that she had said yes. I couldn't process what was even coming out of his mouth.
Kaneki asking out a stranger? Impossible–
–But.. after awhile I looked up at Hide and saw that he still had the same downcast look on his face. I knew then that he wasn't lying, and that he was serious. I guess that Kaneki does not feel the same way I do. we'll, obviously he didn't. I felt myself go numb as I was being pulled into a hug by Hide but I didn't respond. He kept apologizing over and over again, telling me that Kaneki is an idiot to have chosen a stranger over the the girl who was there for him through the difficult times and shared almost everything with each other but, in my eyes, I was just the girl who was foolishly in love with a boy who would never look at her the way she looked at him.
Hide went on about how Kaneki must have been crazy not to like me back, and that kaneki and I were perfect for one another, and that Kaneki was just making a mistake but everything that came out of his mouth just felt like lies that only reminded me more and more of the reality, stomping harder on my already shattered heart.
Hide decided to take me to get some food to cheer me up. It wouldn't work but I accepted his kind request since I can at least try to get my mind off of it.
"Don't worry about it, Y/n! We're gonna have the bestest day you've ever experienced!" Hide exclaimed determined.
"Give it your best shot." I shrugged my shoulders.
"Just wait and see Y/n, it'll be fun. Now let's go!" Hide shouted.
Once we had arrived, Hide's face looked distraught and he immediately said we should go somewhere else. I found that very weird and out of the ordinary for him. That's when I noticed him staring at something and I followed his gaze only to be met with the shattering view.
"Oh." I muttered.
"That's why" he let out a sigh. "I'm sorry." He apologized.
There was Kaneki, across the street with a tall long purple haired girl who I assumed was the girl who he asked out.
"What do you mean? That doesn't matter to me. Let's just go inside anyway." I lied straight through my teeth, doing my best to seem unbothered by it.
"Are you sure? You don't seem like you're okay." Hide asked with worried eyes, concern evident on his face.
"No no, I'm fine" but my tone contradicted my words.
"Look y/n, you're hurt and upset but you don't have to force yourself to do this-" Hide gripped my shoulder only to be interrupted by my voice.
"I said it's okay, Hide. C'mon, I can handle this." I smiled.
I don't know why I'm doing this but it can't get any worse, can it?
Shit.. yes, yes it can and it's happening right now.
Kaneki sees us and makes his way over. His expression was shocked to say the least.
"Y/n? What're you doing here?" Kaneki asked.
"Oh um, Hide and I just decided to get some food." I stumbled the words out.
"..with Hide?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yea." I pressed my lips together and rocked on my heels.
"Huh, interesting." He hummed. "Are you two out on a date?" His expression changed to bitter.
"Wait what? No way." I laughed, actually finding it funny he would think that. Even Hide snickered.
"oh.." He muttered.
"So, who's that?" I chocked out, referring to the violet haired girl.
"This is Rize." He introduced.
"Well it was nice to meet you! Excuse me I have to go now." I ran to the bathroom. Fuuuuuck that was so embarrassing. I wanna cry and scream at the same time.
I could overhear Hide and Kaneki still talking. I focused to hear a bit clearer and I immediately clasped my hands over my mouth as I heard Hide passive aggressively say, "Have fun on your date while y/n and I hang out and have fun all day. Bye Ken!"
Hide huffed before sitting down next to me. "Someone looks pissed." I mumbled.
"Who wouldn't I be pissed? God, he's so fucking dense. This is like when your two favorite characters who you ship don't end up together and one of them ends up with some other bitch." He ran his hand through his hair sighing.
"What did you say to him?" I asked.
"You'd scold me if I told you so I'm not telling you. Ugh, I can't believe I'm best friends with such a-" I stopped him mid sentence.
"Let it go, Hide." I put a hand on his shoulder.
"I won't talk about it anymore but I'm not letting it go." He huffed.
"Whatever but, did you notice something weird about her?" I asked.
"Uh, not really. What do you mean by weird?" He asked.
"Bro, I swear there's something fucking weird about that girl!" I exclaimed.
"She doesn't seem weird.. I just think he's ways out of her league." He explained.
"No no, there's just something.. I don't know. She gives off weird vibes." I stirred the straw in my drink.
"Hm, are you sure you aren't acting like this because.." Hide trailed off, smirking.
"I just care about him, it's not about how I feel and- stuff for him, y'know? It's not about that. I'm just worried about him." I expressed my concerns trying to not include my feelings into the equation.
"Call it whatever you want but you're jealous." He snickered.
"I've got an idea!" I exclaimed.
"Oh no-" He widened his eyes.
"I'll go with them!" I said.
"I don't think they'd let you." He furrowed his brows.
"I'll just sit at another table so they won't see me."
"I PROMISE I won't ever do it again. Just this one time and if everything goes ok I'll never do it again." I put my hands together before Hide sighed in response.
I sat at a table far away from them but enough for me to see. They were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying.
Kaneki was mostly likely rambling on about his favorite books. He's so cute when he makes those little gestures. Honestly, he could talk about where hot dogs come from and I'd still drool over how adorable he is.
Seggsy lesbian bitch- I mean Rize on the other hand was just doing the debby ryan and not even eating anything. That's kinda suspicious. Is she a vampire or something? Holy shit what if she's a ghoul?!
I almost didn't notice them leaving but I somehow catched up to where they were going. It was already a but dark out. They came to a stop and Kaneki was blushing furiously.
Oh no
They leaned in..
Are they going to kiss? I don't think I can bear to watch that.
What happened next almost gave me a heart attack. She opened her mouth and was about to bite his shoulder. My fight or flight response immediately activated and before I knew it, I grabbed Kaneki's hand and ran.. His eyes widened in pure shock.
From the corner of my eye, I could see in the reflection of weird tentacles coming out of her as she wailed and chased after us. I didn't notice at first but soon enough I felt the blood trickle down my leg.
She managed to cut my leg. I wasn't that good at running and the gash made it even worse. I felt my legs giving out and I collapsed onto the concrete sidewalk. Everything felt kind of foggy and I barely remember what's even happening right now but I could feel that Kaneki somehow managed to carry me on his back and he ran to the nearest public area.
"Y/n! You're bleeding! We need to get you to the hospital right now!" Kaneki said as he frantically looked for his phone.
"Are you okay? Did she bite you?" I asked.
"No, I'm fine! You're the one hurt right now! Why are you worrying about me?" I could see the fear and concern in his eyes. For some reason I felt guilty for it but I felt warm inside knowing he cared.
"I'll be fine, it's just a cut. She was going to eat you! What was going to happen if she did?" I squeezed his hand.
"I'm okay now, aren't I? Thanks to you." He smiled, wiping away splattered blood from my cheek.
"You're welcome, Kaneki-san"
"I called Hide to come so he can help take you to the hospital to get your wound treated." He assured me.
"Its not a big deal." I tried to pretend I wasn't in extreme pain.
"It is" He sternly voiced.
"It's not" I spoke with the same tone.
"Don't argue back. I owe it to you after you saved my life."
"Fine but only because you said so."
After we arrived at the hospital, the doctor said it was just a small gnash, nothing severe. They patched me up and Kaneki insisted on coming along with me.
"You didn't have to come with me, Ken. I can manage on my own." I said as we entered my apartment.
"Oh and also, what're you doing?" I asked as he tugged on my jacket trying to get it off which he somehow managed to do.
"Y/n, you're my friend and you saved my life, I already told you I owe you." He sighed hanging up our coats.
"A friend, huh?" I smiled sadly. Back to pain it was again. Heartbreak isn't a hobby for me, it's a lifestyle. :')
"Y-yeah, well you're my friend aren't you?" He peered at me with doe eyes.
"Kaneki I really need to tell you something." I blurted.
"What is it?" He gulped.
"I.." I started but choked up.
"Uh?" He stepped closer. Dammit why is this so difficult.
"I love you." I whispered averting my eyes away. I couldn't dare to look at his face. After a moment of silence I looked up to see.. nobody? Where'd he go?
"Kaneki?? Where are you?" I shouted. Did he leave? Wow, couldn't he at least say it that he doesn't like me. I suddenly tripped over something and fell onto the floor, thankfully on top of a rug.
I groaned feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen from landing on something underneath. I slowly get up and look to see Kaneki. Kaneki. On the floor. wut.
"Eh? What the-???" I yelled in confusion. "Why are you on the God damn floor??" I frantically shouted.
"And are you crying? And texting Hide?" I ask seeing his lit up phone screen.
"N-no" He sniffled, turning his head so I couldn't see.
"Why are you crying, though?" I raised an eyebrow, wiping his tears with my thumb.
"It's just that I never thought you'd ever like me. Do you know h-how long I've had feelings for you?" He teared up even more.
"Why are you getting emotional?" I held his hand tighter.
"Oh my bananas y/n, I'm crying tears of joy! I'm so happy you like me back! I just thought you'd never like me back, that's why I went out with Rize to try and forget these feelings." He looked away from me with pink tinted cheeks feeling shameful.
"Kaneki! Why didn't you say anything?" I scolded light heartedly.
"You know I'm shy. How come you didn't?" He scrunched his nose.  Adorable.
"Well I was! In fact I was planning on confessing on the day you asked that girl out" I glanced down while frowning, having a sour taste in my mouth.
"Y/n.. do you want to go out on a date with me?" He looked up at me.
"Of course I do and I wanted to be the one to ask!" I crossed my arms.
"Beat you to it." He smiled.
"Can I at least pick the date?" I asked.
"Errr sure but I want to go on a book date 'cause Hide said they're lame and I wanna prove him wrong." He narrowed his eyes.
"Sure." I sigh.
"Thank you, Y/n!" He launched himself at me, hugging me tightly.
"What for?" I laughed hugging him back.
"For saving me and for agreeing to going on a date with me" He whispered.
"I didn't have a choice when it came to liking you though, how could I not?" I replied back.
"May we.. stay like this." He requested while staring up at me with sparking glossy doe eyes. I gazed at his soft pink face and planted a cheste kiss on his cheek causing his breath to hitch.
The moment was innocent, delicate and serene... until Kaneki's phone dinged with a notification of a text from Hide. Y/n made a mental note to ask what he texted Hide behind her couch while Kaneki made a mental note to ask how the hell did she show up at the right moment when Rize tried to eat him.
—But only Hide knows the answer to those questions 💅
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Ok cool beans, I just wanted to check first! I wanted to request something with a socially anxious, real hates giving presentations and trying to talk to new people(but one that opens up with time)type person. It's Valentine's Day and they work up the nerve to give him honmei choco. I though this would be cute!
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a/n: yess!! this is super cute, i did touch base so this request is for bakugou, thank you for the lovely request, i hope this is good since valentines day is right around the corner!!
summary: you’re shy and rarely open up, but with time, you came to get closest to the polar opposite of your personality, bakugou. and on valentines day, you decide to give him some honmei choco
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 1.7k
;cut for length;
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Bakugou Katsuki. Loud, obnoxious, egotistical, bold, abrasive. The complete opposite of you, quiet, small friend circle, and socially anxious. 
But despite the differences, and the vast contrasts of your character, you opened up to him. 
You had been paired together on a project, and though you’d both much rather work alone, you toughed it out and headed to his dorm to work. And through minimal to soon a never-ending conversation, you became friends.
The following week, everyone was astounded that you’d begun talking and ‘hanging out’ regularly. Now when you were paired together, you got your work done first and spent the rest of the time chatting.
Bakugou hadn’t really known much about you before the project that started your friendship, all he knew was that he thought you were pretty cute. You were quiet, and based on your rather shy personality, he’d half expected you to avoid him at all costs due to his rather loud personality.
But you weren’t scared of him like he thought you would’ve been. Still, he’d steal a few glances in your direction during classes, or when talking breaks during training.
Valentine's day was coming up. You’d been thinking about confessing your feelings to Bakugou for a while, and if all went well, you’d be hopefully closer than friends. And if it all went south, at least you’d have yummy chocolate to eat.
Trying your best not to think of the negatives, your first goal was to hunt down Sato. You figured everyone was going to buy their chocolates and gifts, but you knew better than anyone that homemade sweets were always the best.
You were good friends with Sato, for more than just his amazing cooking. You’d passed the entrance exams together and when you found out you were in class 1-a together, it kind of further moved that friendship along. He was a pretty sweet guy, pun intended, and his food was always a plus.
Hunting him down was easy, he’d been just where you expected him to be, beside the kitchen reading a book on pastries. You leaned over the table and smiled.
“I know that look. To what do I owe my cooking services?” Sato smiled, marking the page in his book by folding the corner in. You smiled and cupped your hands together.
“I’d like to make some honmei choco.” You expressed quietly. You didn’t feel exactly confident in letting the entire class know you were making ‘true feeling chocolate’ to give to someone. You’d prefer if Mina didn’t know because as much as you loved her, she’d pry until you told her who it was for.
“To whom do i owe my cooking services?” Sato changed the context of his sentence with a devious grin. You rolled your eyes and sighed.
“I’d like to confess to someone, I can buy all the ingredients if you can help make them.” You offer to pay for all the supplies. Sato nods and glances over at where Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Sero sat on one of the couches, Kaminari and Sero having a Beyblade battle.
“I’m sure Bakugou’s gonna love them.” Sato’s comment slips past you as you begin to speak.
“Yeah, I think he will too-wait!” You freeze and look at him, your face is hot and red as you stare at Sato.
“Please tell me-”
“I knew it.” Sato grins and hops up, walking into the kitchen to compile a list of all the things you’d need to buy that wasn’t already there.
“Just spare me until Valentine’s.” You sigh, following after him.
The list was fairly simple, so you were off to the store when it had been made while Sato prepared everything back in his room.
When you returned, you were stopped by Sero, one of your closer friends.
“Whatcha’ doin’ with Sato?” Sero asked, helping you with your bags up the stairs. Sero was really there trying to get the inside scoop for Bakugou who had been rather grumpy after seeing you with Sato.
“We’re baking!” You smile, thanking him for helping you carry your bags. Sero nods and pauses for a second.
“You gonna ask him to be your Valentine?” Sero asked bluntly. You freeze and shake your head.
“No! We’re just friends, where’d you get that idea?” You try to play it cool. You’d just friend-zoned one of your friends and now you felt kind of awkward.
“You guys seemed pretty closer earlier, was just curious. So do you have a Valentine at all this year?” Sero’s question was personal for sure, and it made your heart rate quicken.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to ask me-”
“No! Relax, no offense.” Sero laughs, you pat his shoulder and sigh.
“None taken. But I uhm, do have an idea. Just kind of nervous about it.” You were stopped down the hall from Sato’s room chatting.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll be fine, just be confident! You’re totally badass, and if they decline, we’ll play Mario kart and eat pizza and snacks and I’ll knock some sense into them later.” Sero jokes. You giggle at his suggestion. You nod and take the bags from his hand and continue down the hall, feeling way better about what the future was to hold. You had this in the bag, you’d be fine. 
Making the chocolate was fun. Of course, there were some fails, but the ones that turned out good were the ones you decorated and wrapped carefully, making them look pretty. The fails were still incredibly delicious, and Sato was rather impressed for the outcome considering it was his first go at making them.
“So you and Bakugou.” Sato wiped his mouth with a napkin after eating one of the first attempts. You sigh and nod.
“I didn’t think I’d like him. We’re polar opposites! He’ll kill me for saying this, but he’s really sweet.” You confess, staring down at the wine-red heart-shaped box you’d just set the chocolates in, carefully tying a matching red ribbon around it.
“You anchor him. I think he’s got a pretty big crush on you, but that’s just cause I’m observant.” Sato was reassuring you. He knew you were nervous, tomorrow was either going to be really good, or terrible. He respected Bakugou, but he didn’t know if his cooking was going to be able to console you if Bakugou didn’t like you back.
“What does that mean?” You question, staring at him quizically. Sato begins to elaborate.
“You’re the perfect amount of humble and quiet that shows him how peaceful things can be. He needs you to be the calm and serenity in his life.” Sato’s words drifted around in your head as you sat quietly, processing what he’d said.
“Thank you, for helping me make these, and for making me feel better.” You were confident. You were ready. The most nerve-wracking part was going to come tomorrow, when you stood before him and asked him to be your Valentine.
“Please, he’s going to ask you first, I know it.” Sato laughed, offering you one of the failed attempts. You quickly reach over and pop one into your mouth, smiling at the delightful taste.
The following day, you woke up early, took a shower, and put on an outfit you’d picked out the night before. A cute top along with a pair of cute pants to really make you feel good, you were hyping yourself up. Sato and Sero had both texted you telling you good luck, excited about how the day was going to turn out.
Bakugou had woken up fairly early as well. After Sero confirmed that Sato was in fact not your Valentine, he’d felt better about asking you. Sero had also informed Bakugou that you were planning on asking someone. Bakugou was nervous.
That was new.
He put on something casual, his plan was to ask you out to the park, maybe take you to lunch and buy you some flowers if you wanted. He’d been really stuck up on asking you out, not just to be his Valentine, but to be his altogether. He was going to do it. He had to ask you before-
A knock on his dorm room door interrupted his thoughts. He quickly jolted over to the door, buttoning up his shirt save for the top two buttons, leaving just a little bit of room for him to breathe.
You stood in all of your beauty, hair fixed nicely, your lips glossy and pink and perfectly kissable, your outfit something out of a daydream he’d had about you. In your gentle hands sat a red heart-shaped box.
“Hi, Bakugou.” You said softly. Bakugou’s eyes widened as he stared down at the box.
“Hey.” He replied, swallowing the lump in his throat. Were you-
“Will you be my Valentine?” You asked, offering him the box. Bakugou’s eye began to twitch. 
You were asking him? 
“I was supposed to ask you first dumbass!” Bakugou placed his hand on the top of your head carefully as to not mess up your beautiful hair.
“Huh?” You stare at him.
"Will you go out with me?” Bakugou asked. You bit your bottom lip and nodded, a smile slowly growing on your lips.
“Then yes I’ll be your Valentine.” Bakugou hummed, taking the box that sat in your hands. Opening it revealed the yummy honmei choco you’d worked on with Sato.
Taking a bite of one, Bakugou was thoroughly suprised. It was much better than anything store-bought. He offered you one.
“I made them for you, not for me!” You giggled. Bakugou admired you as your hands laid against one another, happy that he had enjoyed his chocolates.
“Let’s go out, come on.” Bakugou set the chocolates down in his room and grabbed a jacket, tugging you along down the hall.
Your hand slid into his and you wrapped your fingers around his. Bakugou tried to hide his blush by tilting his head down, but as you walked out you could hear the cheers of Mina, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sato, congratulating the two of you.
The date went well considering the hoards of people out spending time with their significant others. The park was beautiful, and surprisingly, not packed. You’d suggested to stop and admire some of the scenery.
Pulling you into him, Bakugou tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Happy Valentine’s day, beautiful.” Bakugou’s lips collided with yours, his hands resting on your hips. You melted into his touch and his kiss, smiling as your hands rested against his chest.
The kiss was warm and sweet, his lips tasting vaguely of the dessert you’d shared at the small cafe you ate at.
Pulling away you nodded, resting your head against his chest.
“Happy Valentine’s day, handsome.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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Prompt: DID SOMONE SAY ENEMIES TO LOVERS FRED WEASLEY SMUT??? NO??? Well here you go anyway! You and Fred have hated each other for a while, you’re constantly getting on each others nerves, and constantly bickering, it doesn’t help that you’re on the same quidditch team. One day during practice, you accidently get hurt because Fred wasn’t paying attention, which ends in a VERY sincere apology
AN: I suck at writing smut so I apologize in advance :)
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: SMUT!!!! Enemies to lovers, Fred being a jerk for a second, mentions of reader getting hurt, swearing, did I say smut?
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To say you hated Fred Weasley would be an understatement. You weren't sure what it was, whether it was his obsessive need to constantly annoy you, or make you a victim or one of his pranks, or just his existence, it didn’t matter, you hated him, and he hated you. 
It was early in the morning, you had gotten up early for quidditch practice, which you unfortunately had with Fred seeing you were on the same team. You practically dragged yourself to the pitch, your uniform askew due to you only having woken a few minutes earlier, only having time to brush your teeth before you were on the field.
“Jesus Y/N what happened to you?” Fred asked sarcastically. It was too fucking early for this, so you just rolled your eyes and flipped him off, not giving him another glance as you walked by the bleachers, throwing your bag and broom down, lightly stretching before Oliver arrived.
You looked to your right to see your best friend Hermione sitting on the bleachers reading a book. It wasn’t uncommon to find her out here reading or doing homework, since its usually empty this time of day. You walked over plopping yourself next to her, letting out a dramatic sigh.
“Yes Y/N?” she asked not looking up from her book.
“I’m going to kill him” You said, leaning back so your elbows were resting on the seats behind you.
“You say that every day” She said, putting her book down to give you her full attention.
“I mean it. Today is the day” You mumbled, causing her to laugh a bit.
“Why do you hate him so much again?” She asked,
“You know why, he’s annoying as hell, he’s constantly making fun of me, and I’m still picking glitter out of my clothes from his last prank. He’s the worst” You stated, causing Hermione to stifle a laugh beside you, causing you to glare.
“It was a little funny” She said
“Say you, you weren't the victim” you shot back, causing her to roll her eyes, she opened her mouth to continue her conversation, but just then Oliver walked in, signaling the start of practice.
A few hours later and you were completely awake, it was a pretty easy day, just running some chaser drills as the beaters worked with the keeper and so on, well it was supposed to be easy. It was a little hard to focus when Fred was constantly trying to bug you.
“Y/N!” Fred suddenly yelled, causing you to jump, almost dropping the quaffle you were throwing to your teammate.
“What!” You yelled back, looking over to see the tall red head smiling at you.
“Nothing, just wanted to see if I could get you to miss” He said, turning back to his own round of drills. You rolled your eyes, looking back at your team mate to see her trying not to laugh.
“Its not that funny, just throw back the-” You started but you weren't able to finish your sentence,  a blunt object hitting your shoulder with enough force to send you falling off your broom. You weren't that far off the ground, so it didn’t hurt to much when you landed, but you still had the wind knocked out of you for a second, having landed on your back.
You quickly shook out of your dazed state, taking in a few deep breaths before looking on your right to see what hit you. A quaffle ball. And of course, who do you see when you look up to find out who hit you with the bloody thing. That fucking idiot.
“Y/N are you ok! Is anything broken?” Hermione said, having watched the whole thing, running over to you. You however were already getting up.
“No I'm fine” You said, Hermione’s eyes widening at the tone of your voice, which came as a surprise, until she saw Fred fly down to meet you on the ground.
“Sorry, the ball got away from me and-” He started, getting off his broom to stand in front of you.
“You fucking asshole!” You yelled, lunging at Fred and shoving his chest. He may have been quite a bit taller than you, but you were still able to catch him by surprise and send him falling back a bit.
“What, constantly tormenting me and making me feel like a fucking idiot every day isn’t enough? Now you have to knock me off my fucking broom?” You stormed forward, going to shove him again but before you could Oliver and Hermione grabbed your arms, holding you back and causing the new pain in you back to flare up.
“Y/N, go cool off, you’re done for today” Oliver said sternly, causing you to look back at him angrily.
“I’m done for today? He hit me!” You defended.
“It was an accident Y/N jeez just relax” Fred said, and if Oliver wasn’t still holding your wrist, you were sure you would have punched him right then and there.
“Shut it Weasley you’re off too! Both of you go cool off and figure out whatever the hell is going on between you too because I can’t have two of my best players constantly trying to kill each other!” Oliver yelled, finally releasing you before storming off to the rest of the players, who had all started watching the fight.
“Here I’ll walk you back” Hermione said
“I said I’m fine” you grumbled, shaking her off your shoulder before storming off to the women's locker room to change.
“I didn’t mean to hit her” Fred said once you were out of ear shot, surprising Hermione. His voice wasn’t as confident as it usually was, but it still had a hint of sarcasm.
“You better go apologize, I mean it” Hermione said, stopping when he opened his mouth to interject, before turning and walking back to where she was originally sitting, gathering her stuff so she could go back to her room.
“She's right you know” George said, having landed behind Fred to see the incident. “You gotta stop whatever this is, the both of you” He said, before getting on his broom and flying off to the rest of the players, leaving Fred dreading the conversation he needed to have.
Meanwhile in the locker room, you had taken off your shirt, leaving you in leggings and a bra to examine you back, where a deep purple bruise was starting to bloom on your shoulder blade.
You moved your arm to get a better look, and pain shot up you shoulder, not enough to really affect you, but it was sure as hell annoying.
“Merlin that looks bad” A familiar voice suddenly said from behind you, causing you to jump out of you skin.
“Fucking... Fred this is the girls locker room get out!” You yelled, throwing the closest thing to you at his head, which happened to be your shirt, which hit his chest before falling to a heap at his feet.
“No can do Y/n, I’m here to apologize, and I am not allowed to leave unless I’m forgiven.” He said crossing his arms and leaning on the wall next to him, trying not to let his eyes wander off your face.
“Great, guess we’ll die in here” you said, going to your bag to get your shirt, back now facing Fred.
“You should probably get that looked at” Fred said, coming farther into the room to sit on one of the benches.
“Wow, fucking brilliant, I would have never thunk it!” You said sarcastically, finding your shirt, moving to put it on but as you lifted your arms that pain was shooting down your shoulder again, making you chuck it on the floor frustrated.
“I said I was sorry!” Fred said, not understanding why you were so mad.
“Actually, you haven't Fred!” You shot back causing his eyes to widen. Had he really not actually apologized.
“Well I’m sorry” Fred said, keeping up his sarcastic façade
“No you’re not!” You suddenly yelled, finally coming to your breaking point. “You weren't sorry for all the pranks you played on me, you weren't sorry for humiliating me in class, you weren't sorry for constantly teasing me, and you most certainly aren't sorry for this!” You yelled, throwing your things in your bag so you could leave.
“You’re such an idiot!” Fred said, suddenly standing and storming over to you. “You think I want to hurt your feelings? I started pranking you because it was the only way to get your attention! Before it was like interacting with a fucking wall!” He said, causing your face to heat up.
You were going to be honest. Before you two started hating each other, you may have had a teeny tiny barely there crush on the older twin. You would never admit it out loud, especially after everything that's happened, but still, there was some little piece of your heart that wished things had worked out differently between you too.
“Well gee Fred, I didn’t realize I was such a bore to be around” You said, trying to hide the hurt his words left behind.
“That's not what I meant” Fred said, his voice suddenly softer than before.
“Than what do you mean Fred? Because I’m honestly sick of playing whatever sick game you’re tying to pull me into” You shot back
“Would you just shut up and listen!” Fred said
“Or what Fred? You gonna prank me, or knock me down again or-” Your yelling was suddenly cut off when Fred closed the space between you two slamming his lips to yours. 
You were expecting a lot of things, some more yelling, a lot more swearing, pretty much anything than what just happened. But suddenly, he was pressing his lips to yours, and all you could think of was how badly you wanted to kiss him back. So you did.
The kiss was intense, lips sloppily moving against each other before you were suddenly feeling his tongue against your bottom lip, opening them to allow him to explore your mouth.
Fred suddenly bent his knees, allowing him to grab the backs of your thighs and lift you up, your legs instantly wrapping around his hips before he backed you into the wall, causing a jolt of pain to shoot through your shoulder, but you barely felt it. All you could feel was Fred. His tongue in your mouth, his red hair in between your fingers, and his now obvious hard on pressed against your core.
Your hands moved from his hair to the front of his Jersey, running your hands beneath it to feel his toned stomach, pushing up the fabric to get it off. Fred quickly broke the kiss, quickly removing his shirt before re attaching your lips, his right hand holding you up while the other went to squeeze your breast while his lips moved down your neck, marking the skin there.
“Fuck Fred, stop teasing” You said, wanting him to do something, anything to help the friction between your legs.
“Tell me what you want and I’ll do it” Fred mumbled, lips barely leaving your skin. The cheeky fucker.
“Please, just fuck me already!” You practically yelled, causing Fred to stop the attack on your neck and meet your eyes, smiling wide.
“As you wish” He said, before suddenly putting you down, grabbing his wand and casting a spell to lock the door.
“Wouldn’t want to get interrupted” He said cockily, before going to work on taking off his belt, you following suit and pulling off the rest of your clothes leaving you in your panties, while Fred's pants were pulled down just enough to let his cock spring free.
“These need to come off” He said, grabbing the waist band of your panties before pulling them down roughly, allowing you to kick out of them before you were suddenly against the wall again, with Fred’s lips attaching to your neck once again.
You suddenly felt Fred's hand move down your stomach before reaching your core, dipping a finger in your entrance and causing you to throw your head back.
“So wet for me already?” Fred teased, moving to suck a mark just behind your ear. You only nodded in response, not fully trusting your voice.
Fred hiked up your left leg to wrap around his waist, pressing his cock between your folds before slowly pushing in, giving you time to adjust to his size as he filled you up completely, staying like this for a few seconds.
“You ok?” Fred asked, his soft tone throwing you a bit off guard, but you quickly moved past it, nodding your head.
“Yes just... god please move” You moaned, causing him to smirk before he slowly pulled out half way, before ramming his hips into yours, causing you to gasp.
Fred hiked up your other leg, you now fully off the ground with your legs around his waist once again before reconnecting your lips. He thrust upwards into you, knowing exactly how to hit that one spot that made you roll your head spin. You moved your hand to grip onto his back trying to find something to hold onto, leaving marks running across his back from your nails and making him groan into your mouth, moving his lips to attack your neck and collar bone. 
Fred began to pick up the pace, gripping your left thigh tightly as he used his hand and the wall to keep you up, his other hand moving between your bodies to start moving circles around your clit, almost sending you over the edge and causing you to gasp, which only made Fred move his hand faster.
“Fuck Fred... I’m gonna... fuck” you tried to say, coming close to your orgasm but your couldn’t find the words.
“Come for me, I’m right behind you” Fred said, suddenly thrusting into you harder, making the tension in your stomach to release, your orgasm washing over you and causing you to see stars.
Fred thrusted into you a few more times before he came undone himself, grunting as he emptied himself into you. You both stood like that for a moment, your head resting in the crook of his neck while he softly peppered kisses along your shoulders. 
After a moment he let you down, helping you find your footing so that you wouldn’t fall, your legs exhausted from holding onto him. A silence fell over you two as you went to put your clothes back on, wincing as you went to secure the hooks on your bra, having forgotten about the welt on your back from earlier. Fred noticed your grimace and walked over to you, gently resting his hand next to the mark.
“Let me” He said, moving his hands to gently clasp the fabric together, before moving his hand to rest near the bruise, his cool fingertips helping to ease the pain.
“I’m so sorry” Fred said, causing you to turn around, smiling up at him softly as you read the guilt on his face.
“Its ok, I know it wasn’t on purpose” You said, leaning in to hug him, which he accepted, wrapping your arms around you.
“I’m actually kind of glad it happened” you said, pulling away and digging through your bag to pull out your shirt, putting it on. “If you hadn’t knocked me on my ass this probably wouldn’t have happened” You said, causing Fred to chuckle.
“Remind me to knock you over more often” Fred joked, pulling on his shoes before standing next to you.
“Or we could just keep fucking, not in the locker room though” You said causing the both of you to laugh.
“Ok, what about... in twenty minutes when we get back to the school?” Fred asked, causing you to slap his shoulder playfully.
“You could at least by me dinner first! I’m not that easy” You joked, causing Fred to chuckle before turning to face you, putting both of your hands in his.
“I could... this weekend? Hogsmeade’s?” He asked, causing your face to heat up, before you smiled brightly.
“Its a date” You said
“Good” He said smiling back, letting go of one of your hands so you could walk out of the locker room. “I mean its the least I could do, seeing I just made you scream my name for the last twenty minute. I am a gentleman”
“Shut up” You said, but you were smiling, and you could not wait for the weekend.
You walked back into your dorm room, a stupid grin still plastered on your face as you went to sit on your bed. you still had a few minutes before your next class so you could shower and get a new change of clothes.
“What are you so smiley about? Oh god, did you kill him?” Hermione asked, sitting across the room on her own bed, having been reading a book before you entered.
“Hmm?” You asked, not fully paying attention “Oh no, we just... Talked” you said, trying to come up with something on the spot.
Hermione narrowed her eyes, not believing your story before her eyes landed just above the collar of your shirt. “Y/N... Is that a fucking hickey!?” She practically yelled, causing you to quickly run to the mirror on the side of the room, moving your shirt to see your neck more clearly, and sure enough, there was a purple spot right below your ear.
“That fucker” you mumbled to yourself, causing Hermione's head to practically explode.
“When I told him to apologize I didn’t mean like that!” Hermione exclaimed, causing you to laugh. The bruise on your back may not have been nice to receive, but this one, this is one on your neck you could live with getting more often.
Fred Weasley walked into the common room finding an empty couch before plopping down into it, laying back with a grin on his face. He barely noticed Oliver and George sitting on the couch opposite of him, having interrupted some conversation they were having.
“Hey Fred, you alright mate?” Oliver said, looking at the older Weasley who had a happily drunk look on his face.
“Never better why?” Fred asked, looking over at the two, who looked back at him with the same suspicious expression.
“Because you were supposed to apologies to Y/N almost half an hour ago and... wait” George said, suddenly putting the pieces together “Did you and y/n-” George yelled, before quickly getting cut off by Fred.
“Keep your voice down you git! I don't want all of Hogwarts knowing... well... yet” Fred said, causing George to grow a giant smile on his face, and Oliver's eyes to basically roll out of his head.
“So, are you two good now? Like I don’t have to worry about you killing each other” Oliver said after a moment, collecting his thoughts while George giggled like a school girl.
“No were not going to kill each other” Fred said, rolling his eyes at his friends dramatic reactions.
“Well its about damn time you told her, I personally would have waited for more romantic timing but still, nice effort” George teased, earning a whack to the shoulder from his brother.
“Shut it” Fred said, but he didn’t have the energy to stay angry, too excited about the events that just happened, and for the upcoming weekend.
A/N: Heeeeey! This is my first time writing Fred Weasley smut so pls be gentle, also feel free to leave me any critiques or feed back or whatever. Hope you enjoyed!
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hyukmoon · 3 years
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Class trip.
Synopsis | you're a teacher going along on a trip for a week with your class and a colleague you despised for a good amount of time now. Things turn around and you don't know what to think about him anymore.
Teacher!Xiaojun x Teacher!gn!Reader
warnings | kissing is the most rated things happening in this, all over awkwardness from you, terrible humor, pretty much just fluff and a there's only one bed situation
word count | 2.2k
things to note | this is the first thing I wrote here, so I'm open to constructive criticism, also [P/A] means prefered form of address bc you're a teacher and all that (not proofread yet)
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Let’s preface this. You never really wanted to go onto this trip. You genuinely loved the children in your class, but to go onto this trip for an entire week seemed to be a compromise in the least. Neither were the other teachers your preferred ones nor was it your say where the class trip was going to take place. To be honest, you even found the colleague you were going with a bit annoying.
“It can’t be this bad, you might even enjoy it there. Our fellow colleague is pretty to look at and the worst that could be happening on that trip is that one of the children puts their finger into a pencil sharpener again.”, your friend Yasmin and also, teacher said. Your tired face was working, she shut up. Of course, your fellow colleague was incredibly handsome.
You would and could never argue against that, yet every time you heard their kind and expressive voice you felt like you were blinded by the sun. He just seemed to exude everything you lacked. It is not that you weren’t a good teacher, every time you were out of breath or already done with everything only half through the day, he almost smiled compassionately at you sometimes even winked for that matter.
Xiao dejun, who also went by Xiaojun was the topic of your discussion, a man that handsome you wouldn’t be able to make up in your dream and smart enough to make up for every “inconvenience” you faced with him.
Well, he was that smart to bring you coffee every morning into teachers lounge, share his chewing gum with you and sometimes write you notes if you seem stressed. “Jeez, what’s your problem in the first place? I’m kinda sure he is into you. Every time he looks at you, he literally has heart eyes and bringing you coffee every morning? Please.”, she rolled her eyes at you.
“I don’t think so, I just subbed some of his classes a few times. You know how nice he is.”, nervously you now shy away from looking into Yasmin’s eyes.
Xiaojun didn’t like you, you would feel terrible if he did. Tweaks of shame overcame you; this trip was not going to work out.
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Fully packed and all over suspiciously you started counting again the fourth graders on the bus while also having a very good view of the chocolate brown hair of the teacher going along on the field trip. This time his hair didn’t fully cover his forehead, his glasses eyeing you as well. Suddenly his hands tapped on the seat next to him. Heat rose up to your cheeks gradually making it harder to move forward to sit next to Xiaojun. “Mila’s parents called me, she’s sick so don’t worry about her. Just sit down [Y/N], I brought some tea.”, he smiled while pointing at his thermos can. “Uh, sure. I have some cookies with me if you want.”, the last sentence closely sounding like a question as you quietly took the seat next to him.
Not only were you now stunned about the fact that there was a possibility for him to view you in a light like this in spite of you being so passive towards him in the past. Yet there is still the lingering feeling far, far up in your head that you were only imagining things and Xiaojun read everything wrong. “Are you feeling well? We can also sit farther in the front if you feel better there- “, he worriedly stroked your shoulder. “No, it’s completely fine. Just fine.”, you interrupted his ramble and put up your mouth into a cramped smile. His eyes returned that favor, crinkling up into a smile as well.
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The bus drive didn’t take as long as you might have thought, your counterpart on the excursion was more than enough to keep you on your toes. Casual glances along a few accidental brushes over your hand kept you in your seat. Now counting again all the children in the lobby of the youth hostel you anxiously eyed Xiaojun again. The amount of children matched up, so your job was done for now, you were most likely only seeing them for dinner. The only thing to do for you now was to go up to your room and contemplate how to not have a physical reaction every time your favorite colleague called your name. Very obvious, you had of course no crush on him or anything like that. He was just blessed with beautifully shaped eyebrows and a voice that could make the worst words you knew sound like a ballade. You moved up from the hotel lobby with some of the grade schoolers to the elevator.
"[P/A] [L/N], do you think when I make Lasagna with my mum it’s the same as cake?”, Xia, a girl from Xiaojun’s music class asked while her classmates giggle about her question. A few loud no’s were to be heard with the occasional high pitched laughs from her friends. “That is a very good question I have never thought about before”, you stopped for a second, what exactly does it mean to be a cake? It is still baked in an oven with layers and contains the tomato sauce as frosting? “I am pretty sure it is. Even though I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow though, I am not a baking expert. I promise I’ll look it up for you, yes?”, you were pretty content with your answer. “Hmmm. Okay. They wanted me to ask.” Xia answered while pointing at the three boys in the back of the elevator which earned her some distraught faces from her classmates. The familiar sound of the elevator bell ringed. “Anyways, if you have as burning questions as these please come to me or …, we’re happy to help. Also, if you feel homesick or sick, I’m always in my room, just knock.” As soon as the last syllable was said stormed the children to their respective rooms and left you there looking at their body shaped dust cloud remembering the cartoons you watched at their age.
You walked down the long corridor towards the light brown lacquered door which showed in golden numerals written the 420. Your shoulders visibly sank down, finally you were able to take a nap. The door opened and closed maybe a millisecond later. Seeing a wide back heaving some shirts on to the rooms ear chair made you catch your breath. His glasses missing and his usually kempt hair was now chaotically drifting across his forehead into separate directions. More importantly though, he was most likely about to put on a fresh shirt, and you stood across the dark brown carpet in the door with a perplexed face.
“Sorry!”, you yelled and closed the door to just sink down with it in your back. Xiaojun packing out his suitcase along his pullover wasn’t what you were expecting to after talking about lasagna and wanting to fall asleep for at least good 30 minutes to then decide if it’s worth it to start to watch a movie. Yet you were barely discussing the fact that he was in your room. Neither did it make sense nor were you able to really comprehend the situation right now.
The door opened and you jumped up onto your feet. “[Y/N]? Why were you in my room?”, Xiaojun quiet voice slid through the gap of the door. “I swear there’s an explanation to this. I think they might have given me the wrong keys or something like that, I didn’t look at you or anything-”, he interrupted your nervous chatter to push the door open and face your confused state. “It’s fine, we’ll figure it out together.”, the usual quirky smile you normally saw when he was trying to cheer up one of his students appeared on his face. Your breath stopped at the together while a comfortable warm feeling churned in your stomach.
“Then let’s go downstairs and work it out with the staff!”, he gifted you another wink which not only gave you the final confidence to grab onto his arm before heading again into the elevator but to for the first time give him a wink back.
“The school only booked one room for the teacher. I can’t really do that much about it, most rooms are already full and other guests will arrive tomorrow, so I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.”, the hotel worker returned to the computer in front of them. “What are we supposed to do now?”, you sighed and gazed at the visibly pondering man. “Honestly, no idea. There isn’t much we can do, so I guess we could talk about it in my room?”
The walk to his room had to be filled with an uncomfortable silence, neither you nor he were able to say something that made the current situation less painfully horrendous. Almost as if the newly gained confidence left your body, you didn’t even dare to make more than an unfunny joke about your nonexistent room or more like transferred room for another alone soul. His room was already coddled with the scent of freshly washed clothes along his close to quiet cologne. “So here we are.You take the bed and I’ll sleep on the ground.”
“This is so inappropriate, dear god.”, you started to sigh again caressing your temples. “Also, no, please take the bed, the school probably forgot to book another room because I said yes to this trip so late.” Even though Xiaojuns throat seemed to struggle a bit with his next proposition, it was still loud and clear what he said. “We can also share the bed... We’re two grown adults.” He laughed awkwardly; you were pretty much speechless.
“Yeah, of course. Two adults. Nothing to worry or think about.”, you tried to brush off any thought you could possibly have about your opposition. No thoughts about his warm breath in your neck while holding you loosely in his sleepy state to waking up to his beautifully messy bed hair in the morning.
“I’ll take a shower if you don’t mind, some of the children were kinda fussy today and I just need a few minutes.” You nodded and unpacked your suitcase, followed by changing into some comfortable shorts and large shirt.
The second you were done; you sank into the still cold sheets of the large bed. He didn’t make you wait for him very long, barely noticeable however his eyes rested on you when he entered the small apartment again.
Neither did it take too long to sit along with you on the bed. “Are you sure you’re comfortable with us doing this?”, his soft voice hit you unexpectedly. “I can also sleep on the floor, or we switch everyday to do it.” You shook your head simply and crawled up the bed to make yourself comfortable under the duvet. “I’m so tired, just don’t steal the blanket, okay?”, barely able to keep your eyes open you sank even more into the mattress.
You really thought it would be easy to sleep next to him, yet the thought of holding his face in your hands didn’t leave your mind. Even asleep he had a stunning presence around him. “[Y/N]? Do you like me?”, Xiaojun turned around to see your surprised expression. “Of course, I do. I just thought that because you were so good at everything, you did all of these things just to spite me.”, you quietly confessed. “[Y/N], I wanted you to like me. You’re a wonderful teacher and I really admire you. You’re so funny with the other colleagues and generally so, so gorgeous.” Xiaojuns eyes lingered on your lips. They stayed there.
“Can I kiss you?” You nodded. His lips brushed softly across your bottom one. You took the opportunity to gain closeness to his warm side before shifting your hands onto his back. Slowly you began to pepper small kisses along his jawline resulting in a small whine from his side. His hands started to wander across your waist to rest on your lower back and pull you in even closer.
Not a lot longer after he started to skim your neck with his teeth. You rested your head now in his freshly scented neck. Again, his lips on yours moving over to just behind your earlobe, nipping on it and breathing into your ear: “Do you want me to continue?” Still resting his soft lips on your ear goosebumps rose up your spine. Waiting for another hint of pressed lips against your skin your arms lethargically crawled up and grazed his cheeks.
“Ah right, the children.”, your voice hitched he was still so close to you. “We could discuss this maybe on a date?”, he looked almost hopeful when his dark and strangely staring eyes met yours in the dim lit room.
“Us kissing and almost doing the deed? Sure. I’m much better at physical presentations though.” You pressed a delicate kiss against his lips. “Since when so provocative?”
“You bring it out in me.” “I’m glad it’s me and no one else then.”, he smiled into the kiss he gave you now. Not long from this you actually found the peace and quiet to fall asleep in his embrace.
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For fab Friday! I just started a new WIP (horror/romance) and I am obsessed with the main couple. Their names are Blair and Alex, and I haven't gotten a chance to write much for them yet (I'm only on page 46) but I did get to write a few scenes of them. This is my favorite so far :)
(Sorry it's so long)
It’s two weeks before Halloween, and I’m eighteen years old, frowning at the list of colleges on my laptop. The screen is too bright in my dark room, and there’s no end to the names and choices, and I don’t know if I’m smart enough for any of this. For any of these schools.
“Knock, knock.”
My head snaps up as my laptop screen snaps down. Force of habit. I don’t want my parents to know that I’m looking into college. Not because they wouldn’t let me go, but because I’m not sure I have it in me to disappoint them when I inevitably choose not to go.
The voice came from my window, though, not my door.
When I see him, grinning at me through the glass, I hop up immediately and yank the window open – because being cool is overrated and I’m glad for the distraction. “God, it’s cold out,” I say, pulling him inside. His fingers are chilly when I grab them. They’re always chilly. He has ice water instead of blood, I always say.
“Yeah,” he puffs, sticking one frozen hand under the hem of my shirt so the cold makes me jump.
“Dick!” I laugh.
He grins. “Wasn’t this song in Twilight?”
I pretend to listen to the music coming from my phone speaker, as if I’m not sure. (I am sure.) (It is from Twilight.) Then I shrug. “It’s a good song.”
He snorts and collapses on my bed, uninvited. “Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?” he asks, grabbing one of my pillows and stuffing it under his head.
“I’m team ‘don’t mess up my bed’, actually.”
“Ha-ha.” He looks at my laptop, then gives me an eyebrow. “What were you looking at?”
My pause is probably suspicious, but really, I’m just not sure I want to talk about college again. Not to my genius boyfriend who thinks I can do whatever I set my mind to – because I can’t. Some things just aren’t achievable, and that’s life.
Clearly, his big brain doesn’t automatically go to ‘college applications’ when he sees his boyfriend snapping his laptop shut. He bolts upright, a scandalized look on his face. “Blair Zachary David!”
“Oh, no – I wasn’t—” But before I can even finish my sentence, he’s got the laptop open. I cross my arms and wait for him to look at me. At least if I look mad, he might have the decency not to mention it.
When he does look at me, though, he takes in my frown and my folded arms, and the fact that I’m still standing here instead of crawling into the bed next to him, and he sighs.
“Can I just say one thing?” he asks, closing my computer and pushing it away.
I press my lips together but nod. “One thing.”
“If you do decide to go to college…” he says, enunciating the ‘if’ so I know he isn’t pressuring me. “It won’t change anything.”
I make a face. “Isn’t that what college is supposed to do? Change everything?”
He rolls his eyes and tugs at the bottom of my tee-shirt. “With us, I mean. It won’t change anything about us. We’ll still see each other. It won’t hurt us.”
“I never said it would.” Even as it comes out of my mouth, cold and clammed-up and far too angry, I know I’ve screwed myself. He reads me so well I might as well be one of the millions of books in his room. And that wasn’t exactly subtle.
He tilts his head down and looks at me from the tops of his eyes, like, ‘caught ya.’
“It won’t. It won’t touch us.”
“How do you know?”
He stands up and pulls my shirt again. He’s always doing that, doing these little pestering things. Pokes, and pulls, and touches. He’s all hands, I swear.
“I know,” he says seriously. “Because it’s us. You and me. And nothing touches us, Blair. We’ll be okay.”
I step around him and climb onto the bed, grabbing my phone and scrolling further down the playlist. “Anyway, that’s not why I’m not going,” I mutter. And it’s true. My fears about our relationship are only a drop in the ocean of reasons why I can’t go to school. In a way, I know he’s right about us. We’re time-tested. We’re fireproof.
“Then why not?” he asks, sitting on the floor by my legs.
“You said one thing.”
“Blair, come on…”
I shake my head and look at the ceiling, at the fake popcorn ceiling and the familiar crack that’s been there my entire life. If I look anywhere else, if I look at him, my resolve will crumble and I’ll tell him it’s because I’m not smart enough or confident enough to do this, and we’ll have to go through the whole argument again, and I don’t want to. I don’t want him to look me in the eye and say I’m smart, and talented, and amazing. And I don’t want to see how much he believes it himself.
I can’t go. And that’s that.
“I don’t want to talk about this right now,” I say. “Please.”
He exhales deeply, and then I feel him climbing into the bed and laying down beside me. “Okay,” he says, giving in. (For now.) “Okay.”
“Thanks.” I grab his hand and squeeze it gratefully. Cold fingers.
He rolls over to face me. “Oh. What happened in gym today?” he asks, like he just remembered something. “I wasn’t there, but Cath told me you almost got into a fight?”
Ah, the other thing I don’t want to talk about. It’s like he has a gift for this. “Almost being the operative word.”
“Blair!” He pokes me in the rib. I swat his hand away and rub the spot where his bony, little finger jabbed me.
“What?” I huff. “Nothing happened.”
“Luckily. We’re eighteen, you know. Adults. Fights can be serious shit now.”
“Tell that to Jamie Buck.”
“Jamie Buck?” He wrinkles his nose like he just smelled something rotten. “The homophobe?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Oh. What did he—”
“You don’t want to know.”
We lay in silence for a while, both of us pensive and frowning at the ceiling. The song changes again. Lana Del Rey. One of her slow ones.
Out of the blue, he blurts out, “I wish I had been there when Jamie opened his dumb mouth.”
I actually laugh. It’s probably rude, but I can’t help it. “What are you going to do, five-foot-five?” I ask, still giggling. “Bite his ankle?”
His mouth falls open in offence. “Et tu, Brute?”
“Et tu brute. Julius Caesar?”
“Julius Caesar, the—the Roman dictator? Got stabbed like a thousand times—”
“I know who Julius Caesar is.”
“Well, when he was dying, he said ‘et tu, Brute’ to his best friend, Brutus. Who also stabbed him. It means like, ‘even you, Brutus?’ Like, I can’t believe you, of all people, would betray me.’”
“How do you even know that?”
He stares at me. “It’s—I don’t know! It’s a thing! Even if it wasn’t a thing, it’s a meme. How do you not know?”
I shove him. “I’m, like, two years behind on memes. You know this about me.”
“That’s because you spend all your time in here, brooding. And anyway, Julius Caesar was stabbed to death, like, two thousand years ago. So…”
“Shut up.”
“Just saying.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.” He pauses. “Hey.”
“Yeah?” But he doesn’t say anything. Not until I turn to look at him. Our noses are almost touching. I wouldn’t even have to move to kiss him.
I’m seriously considering it when he says, “We would be okay, you know. If you decided to go.”
“Yeah.” He kisses my forehead then, and his lips are warm and soft. How can his lips be so warm when his fingers are so cold? “We could be that annoying couple everyone hates but is secretly jealous of. The ones who are always on video calls, even in class, wearing headphones so the professor doesn’t notice.”
“That’ll be easier for me than it will be for you,” I point out. “I wear hoodies every day.”
“My point exactly.”
It hasn’t escaped my notice that we are, most definitely, talking about it again. But I’m looking at him now, at his shaggy hair, and his button nose, and his pink mouth, and my resolve has crumbled. As I knew it would.
“Just think about it,” he asks. “Please?”
“Yeah, yeah. Okay.”
When he smiles at me, I swear my heart is an electric thing trying to zap its way out of my chest.
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fantastic job!!!!
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randomoranges · 3 years
the first half of this is like haha oupsee and the second half is like But Also
Dress Shirt
Étienne mindlessly tugs on the sleeve of his sweater, as his second group of the day trickles in. It’s Edward’s class and he’s always privately amused when he has his boyfriend’s group. They don’t know, obviously, but he does and the knowledge amuses him.
 He’s busy giving out instructions when one of the students’ comes up to him and says, “Hen, M Étienne, vous avez le même chandail que M Édouard?!”
 He pauses, mid sentence and looks down to the shirt he’s wearing underneath the sweater and feels a split second of anxiety.
 It is, indeed, Edward’s shirt. Kids can be so – observant when they want to.
 There’s a perfectly good reason for the shirt.
 Kind of.
 Not one he’s about to share with the kids, who’ve now noticed that their art teacher has the same shirt as their teacher and who are making a Big Deal out of it.
 Last afternoon, like every other afternoon, at the end of the school day, Edward had set out to drive him home, like he does nearly every afternoon and as he’s been doing for the past year and a half. However, halfway through the ride, after their discussion on what they were each making for supper, Étienne had made a comment about how much better Edward’s supper sounded, and his boyfriend had asked him if he wanted to stay for supper.
 Étienne had said yes, obviously, and supper had turned into watching some television together, which had turned into making-out on the sofa, which had led Edward to pull Étienne to his bedroom, which had turned into more fooling around, which had culminated in Étienne spending the night on a weekday night.
 It had been a really good night, though. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had sex on a school night.
 Therefore, seeing as he hadn’t been prepared to spend the night and seeing as they’d gone to bed past their normal bedtime and had rushed in the morning, Étienne hadn’t really thought anything when he’d asked Edward if he could borrow a shirt for the day. He’d picked his favourite one, Edward had driven them to school, and all the while Étienne had thought that maybe he should leave a change of clothes at Edward’s – in case this happened again. He’d like for it to happen again. Especially the impromptu version.
 “Ah oui?” He plays dumb. Thankfully, the shirt is a simple button down in powder blue. “J’imagine qu’on a du l’acheter au même magasin. C’est drôle, hein?” He laughs and the students giggle as well, before he ushers them to their seats so that they can start the lesson.
 No one else brings it up and the rest of the period goes off without further incidents.
 There’s half an hour left before lunch, when he happens to see the light blinking on his cell phone, alerting him of a message. His third group is busy working on their projects, and so, even though he’s not supposed to, he checks his phone and sees that Edward has sent him a text. Curious, he opens it up, wondering what it says.
 “Can we do lunch?”
 They hadn’t discussed eating together, but Étienne is never one to say no, unless he legitimately can’t.
 “Sure : )”
 He doesn’t bother to wait for an answer and goes back to his lesson.
 Edward shows up to the art room ten minutes after lunch started, after he’s brought his own kids to the cafeteria, and knocks on the door as he always does. Étienne looks up from the paint pucks he’s been setting up and grins, before he motions him in. He walks over to the door and makes sure to lock it behind Edward, before he pecks his boyfriend’s cheek in greeting.
 “Nice shirt,” Edward offers and Étienne lets out a semi-embarrassed laugh.
 “I guess you heard?”
 “It’s all the kids were talking about.”
 There’s a point of seriousness to Edward’s voice and Étienne wonders if maybe his boyfriend is bothered by this. If he hasn’t had a change of heart.
 “I’m sorry if I made things weird – I promise I didn’t tell them anything – just that we must have gotten it at the same store.”
 They both take a seat on the couch at the back of the room and Edward lets himself slump over with a deep sigh.
 “No – it’s fine. You didn’t do anything wrong. I played along as well and it’s fine, but – is it stupid that I got scared for a moment? That they’d figure it out and react?”
 Étienne blinks, confused for only a second and then it hits him. What it could mean. What it could look like. What it could lead to.
 “It’s not stupid,” Étienne says after a moment, a quiet little admission of defeat. “This is still school. People like us have been fired for less.”
 It’s a sobering fact to remember. It leaves a chill in the room that even the coziest of sweaters can’t whisk away.
 “I don’t know – maybe it would be easier if there was a precedent. Some queer kid in the school. Queer parents. Something that would let us know it’s okay,” Sure, the union has an ally branch – but for the kids. There’s never really anything mentioned for staff. Even when he tried to look, he’s found nothing.
 Edward picks up, “Yet, in all my years here, I’ve never heard of a student having queer parents. Or even mentioning a queer family member or friend. I mean, I get we’re in elementary. Kids coming out happens more frequently in high school, but still. It would help. Would ease the tension and the anxiety.”
 He remembers hearing stories growing up. He remembers the fear he had felt, even then, without knowing. The sleepless nights afterwards. Wondering, always, how would it impact him, even though this was a new millennium. It’s always easier to say that one is tolerant, another to apply it when faced with the facts. Would the school accept two queer teachers? Would the parents turn on them? Would the school ask them to leave, politely, before they caused more damage? Because parents would talk? Would they even?
 Étienne reaches out and gives his knee a squeeze. “I hate that I get what you mean,” He sighs out and spares him a glance, “And that we have to choose – between being ourselves or going back into some proverbial closet. Potentially losing a job and causing a scene, or keeping our heads down and passing by.”
 “Yeah...” He’s relieved Étienne gets it. He would, obviously, but he’s relieved regardless. If anything, at least, he’s not alone. He’s not going back home to some other boyfriend who doesn’t have to worry about this one issue and who won’t understand. He’s been there before.
 “I know it’s not ideal, but I’m not – I don’t think I’m ready. To be out. Here.” He casts a worried glance around the room and then to Étienne, afraid his boyfriend will get annoyed. They’ve only been dating for a few short months and he knows he should have brought this up over summer, but – he’d forgotten. “I know you’re more – out than me. In your style and way of dressing... and I know it’s asking a lot.”
 “Hey, no, I get it – I really do.” Étienne says and tugs at Edward’s body until his boyfriend is leaning on him, using his chest as a pillow, “The school institution in itself is still a very conservative place full of archaic rules. I’m fine with playing it safe and testing the waters. Not rocking the boat and all. I might be the art teacher and get away with some things, but believe it or not there are still things I keep to myself as well.”
 They’ve spoken some about this over the summer, once they’d started dating. Of certain things they both enjoy doing that wouldn’t be accepted by the school’s dress code. Certain hobbies that might be frowned upon by more conservative minded people. It’s exhausting, really and they both hate it. Yet, even if they decided to take up arms to fight the stigma, it would take a lot of time and they’re both uncertain they have the drive in them for it.
 “Sometimes, I wish I had a different job. One where I could – dress the way I wanted and just be me. No one would question it.” Edward admits, his head on Étienne’s shoulder where it’s nice and safe. “I mean, I know that there are issues everywhere and that even if I worked at a bank a client could decide not to touch money I handled because I’m gay, or something, but I feel that there’s an extra layer in a school. Because of the kids.”
 He’s heard stories – on the news, online, of parents accusing teachers – hell, even more open-minded straight teachers of turning their kids “gay” because of class discussions or certain books they’d make their kids read or some other stupid thing. He knows they live in a pretty tolerant and open-minded city, but it doesn’t mean everyone is on board and there’s no way of knowing which parents would be on their side and which ones would want them out. Unfortunately, there is no survey that’s sent out at the start of the year along with photo authorisations.
 “I hate that I always have to fucking lie and pretend.” Edward concludes with another frustrated sigh.
 “Me too,” Étienne adds.
 They fall quiet for a moment, lost in their own thoughts, imagining what their lives could be like if there wasn’t this constant stress, simmering in the back of their minds, dictating their every move – watching and waiting for them to tumble and fall.
 “I don’t know if it makes things easier or harder that we work in the same place and that we’re together, but I know I’m glad I’m not alone – that if anything, we can at least get support from one another and maybe, hopefully, with time, we’ll find out who the allies are.”
 Edward looks at him and scrubs a hand over his face, before he offers him the smallest of smiles. It’s not much, but Étienne will take it.
 “I guess you’re right,” He pauses and then looks over to Étienne, “Okay, but what were the actual odds that in a job composed mostly of women, the only two male teachers would not only be queer but end up together?” He huffs a laugh and Étienne grins, joining him.
 “Probably very little, but I don’t regret it.”
 He means it, truly. He’d obviously enjoyed being friends with Edward, but he likes where their relationship has been going and he hopes that – even if it’s a little unconventional, that they’ll manage to overcome whatever hardships and insecurities will come their way.
 “Me neither.” They might have to make concessions because of their work, but Edward has vowed to himself, years ago, that he wouldn’t stop himself from being happy and living his life because of what others might think of him. He might not be willing to go to battle over every issue, but he’ll find ways to make this work. They both will.
 “For the record, you can keep the shirt – it looks really good on you.”
 Étienne laughs, this time for real, and it’s closer to his usual carefree laugh, before he playfully hits Edward on the shoulder.
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dreaming of love in everlasting friendship [ ✿ ] hanahaki!reader x leviathan
Warning: angst, blood, hanahaki
“ dreaming of love in everlasting friendship “
[ leviathan x hanahaki!reader ]
[ ✿ ]
You thought it was fictional.
You thought that there’s no way a disease that’s only existed in media and nothing else could exist. But then again, you’re living with a group of the strongest demons. So who were you to say what was in the realm of fiction and what isn’t?
But even if it was, you wish it didn’t exist.
It started when you left Leviathan’s room after a gaming session. You vividly remember his grin, and what he said with it, “Thanks again for helping me get that SSR card! You’re a true best friend!”
And that’s when the petals flourished.
Such small little things got you leaning on the wall in the hallway for support. Initial shock got to you. It wasn’t every day that you coughed up bloody petals after all. A thought came across you, but you couldn’t believe it. . .right?
But perhaps you needed more evidence to back that up.
A visit to Satan’s room and vaguely explaining if you could borrow a, ‘book about Devildom and human diseases’. With only a few questions that you shrugged off, you returned to your room with two armfuls of books.
And now here you are, sprawled across your bed with books messily scattered around. At least the scent was nice. But finally, and unfortunately, you found what you were looking for.
“Hanahaki,” the passage reads, “is a disease manifesting in the respiration system, where it takes form of a flower sprouting inside the organ. Hanahaki is not a contractible disease, and the infected can only get it if they are in the receiving end of unrequited love.”
Your eyebrows pulled to a frown. A frown that would go deeper and deeper as you read on.
“The only way to a cure of this disease is either getting the other party to return said love, or get a surgery done to remove the flower.” The book explains, “The latter is paired with the consequence of forgetting everything about the other party from the moment the infected fell in love, and onwards. These includes every memory they have of the other party, from direct encounters to mentions of their names and everything in between.”
The moment you fell for Leviathan. . .when was that? It felt impossible to pinpoint exactly when. In fact, you felt it was more of a long term process than just ‘boom! in love’.
So how much would you forget about him then? That thought itself scares you.
“If Hanahaki is not cured, then the infected would die.” As if on cue, a series of coughs racked up your throat, with a gentle flurry of bloody petals falling in your hands. Tears stared to blur your eyes, tears you only wiped and continued reading. “Life expectancy of someone with Hanahaki is approximately two years. However, when the infected comes in contact with the significant other for more than 6+ hours a day constantly, the time would be cut short to one and a half years.”
Your hands were shaking. You didn’t notice that before, but it was something you expected. The blood on your hands seem to taunt you. One and a half year of life expectancy, huh?
At least you’d be gone out of their lives by then.
Just a little bit more, you pushed yourself to read. “There is no deadline, so to say, of when the infected can get cured. As long as they are not dead, at any point in Hanahaki they can take the measures mentioned previously to remove it.”
You’ll stop there. Taking several deep breaths. You closed the books and put them in the mess of other ones around you. Hopefully Satan doesn’t mind you borrowing these for a longer time.
With a heaved sigh, your body fell onto the bed. Despite your mind muddled as it is, with your drooping eyes, you fell into slumber.
【 ✿   ∙    ✿ 】
It’s now a week before your depart from Devildom.
You haven’t really visited him much, Leviathan noticed. Actually, it felt like you were. . .avoiding him? No, it can’t be, right? You were his true best friend! But then again, he’s a yucky otaku, so of course there’s a reason you might avoid him. . .
Each breakfast and dinner, you’d hurry up and finish your food to scurry off to class. Each time you saw Leviathan down in a hallway, you pretended to not see him and go the other way. Each invite out for lunch, if Levi was involved, you’d turn it down instantly.
Where did he go wrong in the friendship?
That question plagued his mind for a long time now. And he decided he wants answers. At least to get you some closure of sorts before you leave for the end of the program. . .
“Hey!! There’s an event going on in Mononoke Land, and it’s a co-op one. You gotta help me with it.”
The text stood in the message box silently. His finger hovered over the send button but. . .hesitancy found itself within him. He huffed, and pressed the button with a small ‘ding!’ coming out of it.
You’ve read it. Levi knows because of the symbol next to his text. With a few seconds pause, the dots finally appear on your side.
“Okay! I’ll come to your room in a bit.”
A smile surfaced itself on the demon’s face. Thankfully someone else in this house has Mononoke Land—albeit it took some nagging on Leviathan’s part for you to download it. But still! It felt nice to have another person to share your passions with. Levi was unapologetically himself no matter what, but for someone to get it? It felt nice.
Soon, a knock sounded from the door. “Come in!” Leviathan exclaimed, followed by the click of it opening.
“So,” You started, pulling your D.D.D out of your pocket, “What’s the event about? I haven’t seen any co-op needed ones from Mononoke Land of all games.”
The demon noticed you opening the game to check it out. He grinned, “The devs are trying new things. This one has it that there’s two rare monsters that you gotta catch and trade with someone for their evolution. Both forms are saved in your MonoDex and you get your reward!”
He sees your eyebrows raising in a bit of curiosity as you checked out the event in the game. What he didn’t see was that your eyes were clouded with focusing on anything that involved him.
“Yeah I could’ve just asked someone on an online forum to trade with me, but—“ You hope he didn’t notice your breath hitching,”—it’d be more fun to spend it with you.”
Your clutch on your D.D.D. grew tighter. You hope he didn’t notice that too. “Thanks,” was all you could breath out for a moment, “So I’m guessing we’ll be searching around Devildom?”
“Well, someone mentioned that they’d spawn from The Fall to The Mausoleum.”
“Cool.” You offered him a smile. You feel a choked feeling grow, but you ignored it. “Should we get going?”
“Yeah! I gotta be at the top rank!”
【 ✿   ∙    ✿ 】
Devildom had an atmosphere way different from the human world; that much wasn’t hard to see.
Not only had the gray sky been a huge change of aura, but the streets alone gave a sort of mystical feeling. Like you’d see in a movie. But then again, you couldn’t say you expected anything less, nor more.
But everything seemed brighter with Leviathan around, you’ve noticed.
While you spent most of your time in his room, in R.A.D., in the dining room—the roads you’ve grown familiar walking on lit up in a way you’ve never seen before.
Too bad he didn’t feel the same effect.
“Hey!” Leviathan himself called out, dragging you from your thoughts, “That’s the other one over there! In the Royal Library!”
At this point, you’ve already caught one of the monsters for the event. It’d resembled a flower, and judging by the name—which was so wisely named “Flowermoon”—it was a Moonflower. Now you had to catch up as the demon ran into the building.
It was rather rude to barge into a library while running loudly, you thought. But oh, what joy it brought you to see that smile on his face.
Thankfully, Levi hadn’t caused as much as a commotion when you caught it (it resembled another plant, named Arborvitae, but it didn’t matter) . It didn’t take him even a millisecond to ask to trade right away, to which you obliged. Now the event was done, with you and him placing at the Top 2 to finish it.
Shaking himself off of his euphoria, he looks at you with a smile, “Thanks for coming with a yucky otaku like me on something like this,” you wanted to refute it, but flowers almost came up instead, “I really had fun. Even if it mean being around a bunch of normies and going outside.”
Your heart clenched.
“It’s no pro—“ That sentence couldn’t be finished as you finally broke. He just had to be so. . .him. Unbelievably dorky. As a result, you doubled down coughing to the nearest wall. The world was spinning, the blood was clear on your tongue.
But. . . he can’t know.
Before the petals had a chance to slip out of your mouth, you kept it all in with the help of your hand. Fortunately, none came out. Unfortunately, the blood was clear on your hand.
Leviathan called your name in shock. You snap your head at him. “That’s. . . That’s blood, isn’t it. . ? Are you okay?!”
The flower tastes bad in your mouth, and yet you forced yourself to speak, “Y-Yep, am just fine.”
He looks at you inridiculously. Not that you can see him as your head hung once again to fight a wave of coughs. “N-No you aren’t, I’ll bring us back to the House—!”
You forgot what happened next. Everything just went dark.
【 ✿   ∙    ✿ 】
The memory after that was a bit distinct. You managed to convince the others that you were fine (how you did it, you’ve forgotten. You just knew it involved some yelling). And finally, the day to return had arrived. The day to return back to the human world.
Simeon and Luke had gone ahead, leaving you and Solomon. You secretly hoped the two of you could somehow have a meet-up in the human world, but you still had his contact in your D.D.D., so that was a matter you’d settle later. With a wave, a smile, and one final goodbye, Solomon stepped through the portal.
Now. . .
You turned around to face all the demon brothers. All you’ve grown to love. Each of them gave their own special goodbye message to you, with words that you’ll hold close to your heart; you’re sure of it.
Then came. . . Levi.
Your lungs tightened up. Just a bit more, you urged, until this is over. The feeling hit a great boost as his arms wrapped around yours in a hug.
His words were static now. You wished you could hear it, just one last time. No matter how you tried, you couldn’t. . . you couldn’t discern whatever he was saying. You just nodded and hoped no one saw tears almost spilling from your eyes.
He pulled away. You did too. The world was spinning, you noticed, but you had to pretend it didn’t. With a last wave, you stepped through the portal yourself.
As the glowing door from two worlds closed, the first thing you do was collapse on the floor coughing. Flowers and petals were the last thing you saw that day.
【 ✿   ∙    ✿ 】
The summer break passed by like a breeze.
The flowers never stopped, just less intense than before. Made sense, you no longer hung around Leviathan as much—or at all, really. Each message he sent you—other than in the groupchats—you just tried to ignore. It probably hurt for both of you, but. . .
Either way, the letter still came like last time. The invite letter for joining yet another exchange program, this time, for a new year of school. You smiled faintly, threading every word in your mind. It’s a little different from the last one, you’ve noticed.
However. . .
You crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash can. The action left a bitter taste in your mouth, but it’s a choice you’ve arrived to for quite some time.
You wouldn’t be back for another year. And the year after that. And the next.
For the sake of both of us,
You thought, hacking up another round of petals and flowers,
I’ll be gone out of your life.
11 notes · View notes
jay-m3 · 4 years
Death Note x Male Reader
Warning: read at your own risk. Will contain smut, manipulation, homophobia and so much more.
The class is so boring! I already know English, ugh… You sighed, watching as the teacher goes on and on about God. You look at the book in front of you and trace over the letters to keep you busy. “Listen to the voice of God then follow it and know that in time you will find your salvation.” The teacher reads the line that you're tracing. If God was real...will people change their behavior? You thought, shrugging your shoulders. You’ll find out once you're dead. “Yagami, are you still with us?” You look over your shoulder to see your best friend being called out. “Can you please translate the following sentence into English.” You cover your mouth to hide your snort and quickly look back to the book, not wanting to be called out. Light is smart, no question asked but sometimes you always see him in la-la land these past couple of months. He might be going through the stage like every teen has where they are stressed and anxious about what to do next with their lives since this is their last year here in this dump. Like you! Your anxiety has risen since you don’t know what can come next and if you can make it in this cruel twisted world but thankfully, Light has got your back and has been helping you sort out your life. 
You want to do that too with Light but...he never lets you in. Even if you were best friends since kids, it’s hard to get the boy to talk about his feelings. You know that it isn’t the ‘what’s next in life’ since you know that he wants to be like his dad in joining the police. If it’s not that then what’s bothering him? Is it about his sexuality? He came out to you three months ago that he’s bisexual. It’s hard to accept your true self and sometimes figuring out what you like and are is very difficult. Nothing is easy. Hell, when you came out to Light a year ago, you thought that you were Pan or bi. It’s been rough but you finally know that you’re gay. It’s hard when you came out to Light but you put your trust in him and now you're glad you did since he was accepting and he also came out to you! 
“What is that big brain of yours thinking about?” You gave your toothy smile at the tall brown-haired boy. “Huh? Oh nothing, just hungry.” Light smiles at you, his hand rubs his stomach. You nod your head and point at him. “You got it! I’ll buy us something in the cafeteria then, be right back.” You take out your wallet and start to make your way to the cafeteria. You will do anything in your power to make him happy as much as he makes you happy. Quickly getting the food you run to Light who puts something in his bag. “Hey, whatcha got there?” “That was fast, (Y/N).” He says grabbing the chips and water bottle that you got for him. “Hey, don’t distract me. I see you be sneaky and I want in! Is it money?” You both make your way out of the school gates. “Oh, I just found a notebook. Nothing special.” “Bet. Must be someone’s dairy...is it mine?” Light laughs at your joke and shakes his head. “I’ll show you when we get to my house.”
“You should start learning how to drive Light. I can’t be your taxi all the time.” You lock your car once Light and yourself get out. “Not my fault you turned 18 first.” ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, don’t sweat it. It’s probably the one thing that I can beat you with, Mr. smartass.” You both walk into the Yagami household. “I’m home!” Light calls out. Both of you head to Light’s room and you shut the door and look over to Light to see him take out a notebook with ‘Death Note’ written across it. “Okay, that’s something else.” You say sitting down on his neat clean bed. “Yeah, wait till you know what it says inside of it.”
“...if someone does write a name in that book, does that make them a murderer?” You ask rereading the text carefully, flipping the pages. “No way. Either way, it’s probably a dumb prank.” You nod, giving back the cool looking notebook and grab your bag. “Welp, I gotta go home. I have to be there before my mom chews me out for not taking out the trash this morning.” You say, giving Light a hug. 
“Tell your family I said hi.” You called out to Light who nods and closes your car’s door. You watch him get inside and start making your way to your work. It’s nothing special but you love it since it's self employed and you love the outdoors. You get out of your car and park it and make your way to a customer’s front door. Knocking, you can hear a dog barking inside and the owner trying to shush it. You smooth down your shirt when the door opens and you see a female with a German Shepherd on a leash. “Hi, here is Lady and I’ll pay you once you return her like always.” She smiles and gives you the leash. “Like always.” You repeat and start making your way to the next house. Being a dog walker has it’s up and down like any other job. But being around the animals gives you peace and watching people go up to you to ask if they can pet them always brings a smile to your face. It’s nice having human interactions other than your family and the Yagami family. Having six dogs always overwhelms you but it gets you paid well. Stopping in front of a shop that has TV's stacked on each other with sound. You unzip your bag and pull out two water bottles and four plastic water bowls, once you get the dogs settled down, you look at the TV's to see that it was the news. 
"The same assailant who attacked 6 people at a busy shopping district in Shinjuku yesterday has struck again, taking 8 people hostage at this daycare center. His captives include both children and teachers. The police have now identified the suspect as 42-years-old Kuro Otoharada, currently unemployed. We expect negotiations to begin immediately." 
Wow, I wonder how this is going to turn out. You tune in more.
"At the present time, that’s all the police are telling us." Newscaster 1 informs.
"You can’t help but feel concerned for the safety of those hostages." Newscaster 2
"You’re absolutely right. We’ll continue to monitor the situation from here." Newscaster 1
"Thank you for that report. What do you make of this, Mr. Hashimoto?" Newscaster 2
"Well, one can only hope for a quick resolution to this situation." Mr. Hashimoto
I hope everyone turns out okay…
"Wait, we’re seeing something here! Looks like there’s movement at the front entrance!" Newscaster 2
"The hostages are coming out, and they all look to be unharmed! The Special Forces are taking action; they're moving in! We don't know if the suspect's been arrested. Huh?... Yes?... Ok, we now have confirmation. The suspect has been found dead inside! I repeat the suspect is now dead!" Newscaster 1 informs. 
“Oh, shit…” You mumbled out, watching on. The whole thing intrigued you but you snap out of it when the dogs start pulling you away. All you could think about how karma bit him back. What a coincidence, really. 
You quickly dodge other students from left to right. You’re sure you're not late for cram school because you set the timer on your radio earlier so you can meet up with Light but like always, you’re a little behind in time. Light wanted to talk to you, and said it’s important. ‘ASAP’ his text read which he only uses with you since your ass knows English. Finally seeing the door to your classroom, you sigh in relief and quickly get in, which was a bad idea since you bumped into one of the schools bully, Sudou. You instantly recoil in fear but kept your head held high. “Sorry.” You mumble out, not even looking at him, even if he cursed at your stupidity. One of the advantages of being best friends with the top student that’s also popular with everyone is that no one really messes with you and acts all buddy with you to get a chance to speak with Light. It’s a curse and a blessing. 
You make your way to Light’s desk since the class hasn’t started. You stood in front of it with a sheepish smile when you noticed that he watched the whole commotion. “If he dies, will anyone miss him?” Light mumbles to you which has you scrunching your face in confusion. That was a weird quest-OH! The notebook. Snorting you play along. Leaning close to his face, you whispered, “You shouldn’t kill people you know. You’ll get busted for sure.” Light doesn’t say anything. You don’t say anything. A second goes by and you both start to chuckle. Your (e/c)  eyes catch his brown eyes and there’s a glint of life in them. Oh, how you missed that special look. It’s been a while. Your face is close to his… You could feel the warmth rising on your cheeks. Your breath falters and the speed of your heart increases. You knew that you have a crush on Light. You don’t know when it started, you just embraced it. It’s stupid really, you know that Light will never see you like that so you never opened your heart to him. The crush was big but now you can easily ignore it since you trained yourself to quickly exterminate feelings for one. It’s just part of being gay. Falling for people that you shouldn’t. Finding someone else gay is an accomplishment, finding someone that’s gay and have feelings for them is amazing and rare. Especially here in Japan but hopefully it will get better. You only had one relationship with a guy and that was the hardest to maintain since your both were closeted. You’re still in the closet sadly, you want to tell your mother who you really are. 
Light Yagami, the boy that befriended you when you moved here. The boy that found you heartbroken when your ex-boyfriend dumped you. The boy that excepted you when you came out and also told you he’s bisexual. The boy that was there for you when your father and brother got murdered. The boy...Why is he getting closer? Light leans close to your ear. His hot breath tickling your exposed skin which sends a shiver down your spine. “It worked.” His voice low and raspy, which gets your blood pumping when he tries to whisper-wait. “What worked?” You stood straight, tilting your head in confusion. “Kurou Otocharada.” He says which has you reeling back in memories of today and finally connected the dots from the man that died to the conversation you two have been talking about. Your mouth instantly dropped and you look at Light wide-eyed. His eyes bore into your soul like he’s expecting something, your reaction of course. You know that he knows he reads others well by what he knows. He knew you for years and he knows how you react from stuff that he imprinted in his head. This is no different. “How...I want to see.” You slowly say. He was about to say something until the teacher walked in. “Everyone, sit down in your seats.”
You tapped twice on Light's desk with your forefinger. A sign that you both came up with as a secret code for; later, yes, be quiet and your favorite, I’m so gay. The last one, of course, is from you. Light only agreed because it amused him when you both go somewhere and get served by a hot dude when you both decide to eat out. You went to your assigned seat and glanced at Light to see him tap his own forefinger twice. You guess it's either later as conformation or to be quiet. Quickly, you turn your attention back to the front. Light already knows you, you know what Light expects from you. Of course, you will be quiet. 
“I’m still in a space in my mind where I can’t believe it.” You say, walking next to Light to a convenience store. “To be honest with you, I’m the same. I need to know if yesterday was a coincidence or not.” Light sighs out, slowing down his pace since your short legs can’t keep up. You can’t help but swallow a lump in your throat that just formed. Is he really thinking to use that thing to actually see if it’s real? If it is then, what’s next? You look at Light from the corner of your eyes and breathe in a shaky breath. Light trusted you by letting you know what he thinks happened yesterday. He trusts you, you should trust him also. “Same.”
“Hey, baby where are you going?” You and Light both glance at a man on his motorcycle with his peers bothering a woman. Light nudges you to the door and you quickly walk in. You split from Light to go to the chip aisle and guiltily pick out your chips. You wish you can help that lady out but the guy has his gang around him. Even if one person steps up, no one will follow. That’s how bad the world is. “Takuo look out!” You quickly look up and see a truck hitting the guy that was molesting the girl at full speed. You gasp and drop the chips and make your way to Light that was standing in front of the magazine aisle. You look over at Light to see his surprise and shocked face. His hands gripping the Death note. Your heart dropped and your breathing came out labored. 
“What a nice surprise! I wasn't expecting you home so early.” Light’s mom greeted her son once he stepped into their house.  Light smiles at his mom, the memory of (Y/N) having his family car for the night instead of his mother came to mind. “Yeah. Hi mom, it’s because…huh?” When his mother extended her hands, Light knew what she wanted. “Oh, the results of the nationwide exams.” Light pulls his bag in front of him to fish it out. “I’ve been waiting all day.” She says, excited to see what her brilliant son brought to the household. “Here. (Y/N) says hi by the way.” Light gives his exam scores to his mother and starts making his way to his room. “Goodness! Number one again! These are the highest scores you’ve had. Is it because you started to study with (Y/N) so much?” His mom asks, even though she knows the answer. The last couple of days (Y/N) spent so much time with Light to study and she would hear them, more like (Y/N), laugh. “Yeah. I'm going to study in my room so please don't interrupt me, ok?” Light says, heading up the stairs. “Where is (Y/N)?” Light turns to his mother and tells her, “He took the car to cram school and his mother called she was needed in the hospital for a shift so she needed the car fast.” And with that, he went inside his room and locked the door. 
He immediately grabs the Death Note, grabs a pen and starts writing names down. For a while, he stops and starts to examine the names he has written and starts to laugh. He can’t believe he holds something so surreal. “You’ve taken quite a liking to it.” Light looks behind him and instantly yells and falls down when his eyes meet with a monster. “No reason to act surprised. I am Shinigami, Ryuk. That used to be my notebook. Judging by your laughter, you've already figured out that what you have is no ordinary notebook.” Ryuk, the Shinigami says, watching the human in front of him stand to his full height. “Shinigami, God of death, huh? Well, I’m not surprised. In fact...Ryuk, I’ve been waiting for you.” Light gets up from the floor. “Oh?” Ryuk gave a surprised face, watching the human with interest. “I've already figured out that this Death Note that I've found is real. It didn't take me long. And now that I've witnessed the proof of its power, I only feel more confident in what I'm gonna do.” Light says, taking in the Shinigami in. He never has seen a God of Death. “That's interesting. I certainly wasn't expecting this. Several Death Notes have made their way into the human world in the past, but you're the first to have written this many names. Look at how many people you’ve killed in only five days. Most are reluctant to write this much.” As Ryuk says this, Light is thinking of a male that has pointed out many things about the Death Note. ”I've already prepared myself, Ryuk. I used the notebook even though I knew it belonged to a Shinigami, and now that Shinigami has come. So what will happen to me? You're here to take my soul, right?” 
“Hmm, what do you mean? Is that some fantasy you humans came up with? I'm not gonna do anything to you. The notebook becomes part of the human realm from the very moment it touches the earth. In other words, the notebook is now yours.” Ryuk explains, looking at Light Yagami's lifespan. “This...is mine?” Light asks, surprised that the Death Note is starting to get his life more interesting. “If you don't want it, just give it to someone else. But if you give it away, I'd have no choice but to erase your memories of the notebook.” Light scoffs in his head, who will give up a Death Note? Even if he did, Light knows no one to carry out his plans. (Y/N) might be a choice if Light was there to push him. He knows the other male will follow his lead. “So, then, you're saying I can use the Death Note all I want and I won't be punished?”
“Let's just say this, you will feel the fear and pain known only to humans who have used the notebook. And when it's your time to die, it will fall on me to write your name in my Death Note. Be warned, any human who's used a Death Note can neither go to heaven nor hell for eternity. That's all. Now you have something to look forward to after you die.” Ryuk laughs at the end, knowing well how humans have died. A knock sounded behind the door to his bedroom and Light let out a confirmation that he heard the other person. “Light?” His mother calls him. Light looks at Ryuk to try and figure out how to hide the 8 foot Shinigami. Apparently, Ryuk saw the annoyed look that the human had on his face. “It’ll be alright. Answer it.” Ryuk eggs on, watching as Light slowly makes it to the door. “What is it?” Light asks, making sure that the door isn’t open enough to see the death god in his room. 
“I thought you'd like some apples the neighbors brought them over for us. Why on earth is it so dark in your room? You'll ruin your eyesight.” Light looks over his shoulder in surprise. What’s going on? Mom can’t see him? He didn’t say anything, just grabbed the basket of apples from his mother and shut the door. He places the apples down and sits down on his chair by the computer while watching the shinigami examining the apples. “That notebook you found originally belonged to me, and since you're now using it, you are the only one able to see me, and of course, my voice can only be heard by you. In other words, the Death Note is the bond between Light, the human and Ryuk, the Shinigami.” Ryuk takes a big bite out of the delicious smelling fruit. “Yum.” He says, tasting the juices exploding in his mouth. Light looks at the notebook that was on his desk. 
“I just have one more question I wanna ask you. Why was I chosen for this?” Light looks back at the tall figure only to see Ryuk shoving down more apples down his throat. “Hey, are you even listening?” Light’s jaw clenches. “Apples in the human world are worth the trip. What's the best way to describe these? Juicy?” Ryuk mumbles out, more to himself. “Just answer my question.” Light asks, well more like demands. Scoffing, Ryuk looks at the human, “I didn't choose you. Don't you see? This is all just an accident. You actually thought you were chosen because you're so smart or something? Don't be so vain. It just happened to fall around here, and you just happened to pick it up. And that's all there is to it. That's why I wrote the instructions in English, the most popular language in the human world.” “Then why did you drop it in the first place? You even wrote down specific instructions, so don't try telling me this was an accident!” 
“You're asking me why? I did it 'cause I was bored.” Ryuk answers, not bothered by the human’s anger, more like amused. “You were bored?” Light deadpans, bothered by the shinigami's truth. The mind of the human racks for an answer but all in all, boredom leads to two different things. Happiness or depression. “The truth is Shinigami haven't got much to do these days. Most of the time we're either taking naps or gambling. If you take the time to write names in your Death Note, the others just laugh at you for working so hard. Even if you wrote the name of another Shinigami, it'd be pointless because they wouldn't die. And since we live in the Shinigami Realm, it brings us no amusement to kill those in the human world either. So I figured I'd have more fun if I came down here myself. Anyway, I'm surprised at how many names you've written, but I wanna know why you only wrote the cause of death for that guy who was hit by the truck.”
“If you don't write down the cause of death, the victim dies of a heart attack, and that's probably the best thing about the Death Note, Ryuk. You see, I've already exhausted the list of the world's major criminals, and eventually, I'm going to get rid of them all.” Light answers the Shinigami, not only for the guy that was hit by the truck but for all the names that he written down in the Death Note. “What's the point of doing that?” Ryuk questions, eating all this information up in his mind. “It's only a matter of time before people figure out that these criminals are being eliminated by someone. I want the world to know of my existence. That there's someone passing righteous judgement on the wicked!” Light can feel excitement pass through his body once more. The adrenaline kicking in. “Why even bother? What are you trying to achieve by passing judgement on them? I mean, why do you care?” Ryuk questions further, who knew watching a human do something passionate be so entertaining? “Because… I've been bored too. I wasn't ready to believe it at first, but it's obvious now. There's something about the Death Note itself that makes humans want to try it out at least once.” Light starts to have memories of all the times he just watched people do horrible things. How a boy by the name of (Y/n) got bullied because of his race. 
-Flash back after Taruo’s death-
He remembers how (Y/n) pulls him out of the store and into an alleyway. His mind whirling with thoughts. His body was in a state of shock of not only just the guy that was harassing the lady but also the guy that was holding hostages. “I killed them both. I really… I killed two men.” He mumbles out, leaning on (Y/n) for support. “I...it worked.” (Y/n) mumbles out, disbelief written on his face. “Those were human lives, Light! You can go to jail!” (Y/n) gasps out, letting Light lean onto the wall behind him so he can ground himself. It won't be overlooked. Besides, who am I to pass judgement on others? Uhh… no, no wait. Maybe I'm wrong. This is exactly what I've been thinking about lately. Light thinks, looking over at a shaking 18 year old. “This world is rotting, and those who are making it rot deserve to die.” Light says, getting the attention of the smaller male. “What are you talking about Light?” “Someone has to do it, so why not me?” Light straightens out, catching his breath from the adrenaline coursing through his body. “Light, this is…” He can see the other thinking it over. Can see the fear in his eyes. He doesn’t want to see that. “You're sacrificing your mind and soul!” (Y/n) whisper yells, looking at the alley's exit, in case someone hears. “It’s worth it.” Light spits out, watching the fear of the older decrease. “Because the world can't go on like this.” Light ends the conversation, watching the fear clear from his friends eyes and something new awakens Light when the fear gets replaced by amazement. 
-Flash back in the classroom-
I've wondered… what if someone else picked up this notebook. Light scans the room, watching teens his age talking to each other. Is there anyone out there, other than me, who would be willing to eliminate the vermin from the world? If I don't do it, then who will? His eyes land on his childhood friend who gets up from his seat and makes his way over to Light. The (e/c) eyed male slips a piece of paper on his desk, leaning close to Light so no one can see them. He turns over the paper to show letters that form words. Toki Kark… Realization crosses Light’s eyes and he looks over at the short male in front of him. This person is the one that killed (Y/n)’s father and younger brother.
-Flash back in Light’s room-
Both Light and (Y/n) look at the notebook. Both came in here without any conversation. Slowly, Light picks up a pen and writes down, ‘Toki Kark’. He lays down the pen and both pairs of eyes tune on to Light's watch that you gave him for his birthday. That's just it; there's no one, but I can do it. After a minute passes by, Light looks at (Y/n) who has tears running down his cheeks. The older boy gets up from Light’s bed and gets on his knees in front of Light. Hands gripping Light’s thigh, (Y/n)’s eyes met with Light’s. “Thank you, Light… I owe you my life.” The boy whispers out, bowing at the taller man’s feet. I'm the only one who can. I'll do it, using the Death Note, I'll change the world.
-Flash back ends-
“At first, I wrote the names of the worst criminals I could think of. Like I was cleaning up the world, one name at a time, so that eventually no one will ever do anything evil again. And while the truly guilty ones who deserve to be punished for their crimes die of heart attacks, the people who are less guilty but who still make trouble for others will slowly be erased through disease and accidental death. Then and only then the world will start moving in the right direction. It'll be a new world, free of injustice, and populated by people who I've judged to be honest, kind, and hardworking.” Light explains, closing the Death Note. A shiver runs down his back, remembering how good it felt to see (Y/n) on his knees, hope in his eyes looking at him. No one else, but him. “But if you did that, it would make you the only bad person left.” Ryuk counters, watching a gleam cross over the human’s face. “Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a hard working honor student considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest. And I… I will become the God of this New World.”
It's just as I thought, humans are so interesting. Ryuk chuckles to himself. 
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Thirty One
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
November 21st, 1987
“There, you see, Emile? It’s as easy as that,” his dad said, helping Emile stir the noodles in the pot.
“And when this is done we’ll have mac and cheese?” Emile looked up at his dad.
With a smile, his dad nodded. “We’ll have dinner, and we’ll have spent time together. And both of those things are extremely important, and good for the soul.”
Emile nodded sagely. He didn’t always understand what his dad was saying, but in this case it seemed really, really important. He hoped that one day soon, he would understand what “good for the soul” meant.
  May 26th, 2001
Remy was laughing with Emile’s dad, and Emile was watching them both fondly. He was really glad that Remy had jumped on the chance to cook. He definitely knew how to slice and dice, and Emile was impressed. Now whether he could cook the things he was cutting up was another story entirely. “You don’t think we have stuff to make half a dozen cupcakes, do you?” Remy asked.
“We might, why do you ask?” Dad replied.
“Well...we kinda forgot to celebrate Emile’s birthday due to an...unfortunate situation up in town.”
“A...situation?” Dad asked.
“Yeah, we had so much of a situation we accidentally forgot about Emile’s birthday and didn’t get to celebrate,” Remy said sheepishly. “And then it came time to pay rent and we just...never celebrated. But I really want to fix that.”
Dad nodded. “We’ll be making cupcakes then,” he said simply.
“That’s...that’s really not necessary, Dad, we don’t have to celebrate,” Emile said.
“Of course we do, you’ve turned twenty! That’s plenty of cause to celebrate!” his dad declared. “Two whole decades on this planet!”
“You turned twenty? Not nineteen?” Remy asked.
“I was held back in kindergarten,” Emile waved off. “I hadn’t yet learned to read, believe it or not.”
“You didn’t know how to read when you were five?” Remy asked skeptically. “You?”
Emile shrugged. “Took until I was six for everything to click properly. Once I figured it out, I was quickly moving to the top of my class.”
“Ah,” Remy said. “You would have an origin story like that.”
Emile frowned. He had no clue what that was supposed to mean. “What?”
“Just...your brain seems to operate like a supercomputer, sometimes. You went from knowing virtually nothing to knowing virtually everything you asked about within the span of a year. You would. Because this is you we’re talking about, and you’re nothing if not extraordinary.”
“That’s gay, Rem,” Emile said, a smile tugging at his lips.
“We’re gay, Emile,” Remy pointed out.
“You’re gay. I’m bisexual,” Emile teased.
Remy rolled his eyes and shook his head, and Emile laughed, heart warming. He loved having little domestic moments with Remy, it made him think that they could stay together forever. He moved closer and kissed Remy’s cheek, and Remy turned red. “Stop!” he said, playfully swatting Emile’s arm. “That’s not playing fair!”
“Who said I intended to play fair?” Emile asked with a wink.
“If you’re not playing fair, you can leave the kitchen,” Remy said. “Because I need to focus on cooking.”
“Okay, boys, one of you grab a pot and fill it up with water, will you?” Dad asked.
Emile went to grab a pot, and Remy looked at the bowl they were using to mix ingredients for their meatballs with a frown. “The meatballs are missing something,” he mused.
“We added everything in the recipe,” Dad said.
“No, no, I know that,” Remy said. “But that won’t give the meatballs an extra kick in the tastebuds. It needs something else.” Remy stared at the bowl intently before saying, “Olive oil. Do you have any olive oil? I think we’ll only need like, two tablespoons.”
Dad silently passed Remy the bottle of olive oil and Remy poured in what looked to be about two tablespoons, mixing it into the meat in the bowl. Emile watched curiously. “You know, if this goes wrong, all the blame for the food tasting weird is going to land on your shoulders. Jokingly, of course, but still.”
“It won’t go wrong,” Remy said. “Let’s get these suckers in the oven and start cooking the rice.”
Emile pulled out a cookie sheet they would use to bake the meatballs on and watched in fascination as Remy near-expertly rolled the meatballs in seconds, putting them on the tray just so. Dad whistled. “You never told me your boyfriend knew his way around the kitchen, Emile.”
Remy was grinning as he worked. Emile said, “Dad, he only eats granola and instant ramen at home. I didn’t even know he knew how to cook.”
“Never judge a book by its cover, Emile. I would have thought you lived by that philosophy,” Remy teased.
Emile rolled his eyes. “I never said you couldn’t cook. Cooking wasn’t brought up between us until the day you agreed to come home with me.”
“You doubted me a little,” Remy said, squinting at Emile. “You were skeptical.”
“So I was wrong, what’s the big deal?” Emile asked.
“Nothing much, I’m just happy to know you’re not perfect,” Remy said. “Lowers the bar for my expected performance just a bit.”
“You know, no one expects you to be perfect, Rem,” Emile said.
Remy scowled. “My parents do.”
“No one who matters, then,” Emile said before he could stop himself.
Remy froze and rounded on Emile, hands coated in flour still as he crossed his arms. “Are you saying my parents don’t matter?”
“Are you saying that you still want to meet their standards after they made it very clear that they’d rather have you dead than happy?” Emile asked.
Dad choked and Emile winced. “That...I would say it’s not as bad as it sounds, Dad, but I’d be lying,” Emile sighed.
“Hey, my parents may be a little controlling, but they’ll come around,” Remy said. “Once I make it clear that this makes me happy, they’ll see that I can handle myself, and they’ll be glad I’m happy.”
Emile knew that wasn’t true. In all his twenty years of existence, people who he had met that were like Remy’s parents didn’t rest until they saw you as perfect, by their standards and not anyone else’s. Emile would treat them civilly, and with respect, but to him, their opinions meant jack. Clearly, though, Remy was clinging to the hope that his parents might come around.
Emile didn’t want to dash those hopes, but he also didn’t want Remy to be let down when his parents failed him again. And they would fail him again if they didn’t get their act together. Emile doubted they would even make an attempt to fix the rift they had created. To them, everything was fine and Remy was the problem child. He didn’t know how to respond. “If you say so,” Emile said.
“You don’t believe me,” Remy huffed.
“No, I don’t,” Emile admitted. “But there is always a chance, and if you want to hold onto that infinitesimal chance, then I can’t exactly stop you.”
“Infinitesimal,” Remy repeated. “You really think...you haven’t even met my parents properly!”
“I met your mother at the police station after they put you in holding,” Emile said. “And I was not a fan.”
“I take it this is the ‘incident’ in question?” Dad asked.
“Unfortunately,” Emile said. “Remy’s mother claimed he was a runaway staying at our apartment so that she could drag him back to his parents’ house and they could continue to dictate his life.”
“You’re making it out to be way worse than it was!” Remy protested.
“You were put in a holding cell, Rem!” Emile snapped back.
“Boys, please,” Dad cut in. “Clearly, this is a touchy subject for both of you. Take a step back and regroup before you try and resolve this, okay? Shouting at each other will get you nowhere.”
Emile huffed and Remy just silently turned back to the meatballs. Dad looked at Emile and arched an eyebrow, decidedly unimpressed with Emile’s behavior, and Emile wanted to hide his face in a sweater, or else just go to his room until he cooled off. But he couldn’t leave Remy alone, so Emile scowled back at him. Dad didn’t know the context of the situation, he couldn’t understand what the big deal was!
Dad just gave him that level, thousand-yard stare back. Emile hadn’t been on the receiving end of that one for a long time. It was usually his last warning before he got a talking-to. Inwardly, he scoffed. A talking-to. Like he didn’t know Remy better than his dad or even his mom did. They had known Remy all of two hours. Emile pat Remy’s shoulder twice and left the room. He was not having this discussion. It just wasn’t worth it. He didn’t want to explain why he was so angry, especially considering that he would have to go into Remy’s family life, and Remy didn’t like anyone doing that.
Emile stalked all the way to his room, and flopped down on his bed. He really wasn’t up for this as much as he thought he was. Maybe coming here for the weekend was a bad idea.
He stared at the ceiling for an indeterminable amount of time before there was a knock on his bedroom door. He flipped over onto his stomach and buried his head in his pillow. “Not now, Mom.”
“Emile, you haven’t stormed out of any room since you were fourteen years old. Something is wrong, and I know you’ll feel better if you talk about it sooner rather than later,” Mom said.
“No,” Emile repeated, burying his head in his pillow further.
His mom tutted. “You know, you’re acting an awful lot like how you described Remy in the beginning of your relationship,” she said neutrally.
Emile pushed himself off the bed, pacing and running his hands through his hair. “Yeah? Well I understand where he was coming from, now, so maybe it’s normal to act like that after meeting his fu—”
“—Think carefully before you finish that sentence,” his mom warned.
“He’s clinging to a hope that’s completely unrealistic! I’ve met people like his parents before, and all they want is for you to meet their expectations, no matter how impossible it is to reach them! He’s setting himself up for failure, and I don’t want to see him get hurt!” Emile growled.
“Then tell him where you’re coming from,” his mom said.
Emile laughed incredulously. “Don’t you think I would have already tried that?! He’s completely closed off to feedback!”
“Yeah, well, given your delivery of this little rant, it’s a small wonder he listens to you at all,” his mom said. “You’re not exactly being gentle.”
Emile scoffed. “Every time I try to be gentle, he shuts me down! He hates sugarcoating, but he also won’t listen at all when it comes to those two idiots he has the misfortune to call his parents!”
His mom stepped in front of Emile, and forced him to stay still. She gazed up into his eyes and smiled softly. “Emile, you can’t save everyone. Not everyone wants to be saved. And you have a long way to go before you know almost everything about helping people through past trauma. Have you ever considered that, maybe, he doesn’t like sugarcoating because he feels lied to? Furthermore, maybe his parents are a sensitive topic, one of the few where no matter what you do, you have to be gentle. Sugarcoating might not be the way to go, but you can’t just storm in and expect him to listen to you, especially when you’re acting the way you are right now.”
“Why can’t he understand that wanting them to be there is hurting him? He’s the reason he’s setting himself up for disappointment. And if they don’t change and he lets them back in his life, he’s going to get hurt worse,” Emile said.
His mom gave him a hug. “Honey, you can’t save everyone. No one expects you to. And if Remy wants to believe his parents can change, let him for now. It means he isn’t ready to accept your view on the matter yet.”
“What if he’s never ready?” Emile asked. “What if he continuously tries to convince himself his parents will change their mind?”
“Then you let him believe that, honey,” his mom said. “And if you can’t stand to watch him get hurt, then you walk away.”
Emile swallowed, but nodded. He didn’t like that prospect, but he knew that his mom was right. If watching Remy get hurt was going to hurt Emile, then clearly he couldn’t stick around forever watching Remy get worse and worse, over and over.
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emisfritish · 4 years
Our gift to the world - Episode 4
Summary: Episode codas of an established Pang/Wave in The Gifted Graduation. Episode 4- This is set after part 1 of the episode when Pang asks Wave to look into the news students... but before all the rest of the episode happens basically. 
Previous parts : Ep.1 /  Ep.2 / Ep.3
Next parts : Ep.5 / Ep.6 / Ep. 7 / Ep. 8
Series on Ao3
Notes : Well this is super late, so my apologies ! But I wanted to get it out before watching the new episode, and before episode 5 can come and potentially crush all of my cute PangWave headcanons. 
Also... will you believe me if I say this was initially supposed to be a light hearted/fun piece ? Yeah... I know. But because I’m apparently incapable of writing these boys any other way than having deep emotional talks, here it goes. 
Wave walks into Pang’s dorm room, intent on convincing his boyfriend that hacking into WeTV in order to see the new season of a show that has yet to be released is actually not really all that illegal and not that big of a deal, only for him to stop as soon as he crosses the doorway.
The eyebrow he lifts in judgement towards Pang when he sees him sitting on the floor, surrounded by the books and documents scattered around him goes completely unnoticed by his boyfriend, who seems far too focussed on what he’s reading to pay any attention to what’s going on.
“Hmm… Hello ?” Wave asks, prompting Pang to finally look up at him and smile quickly in answer, before he looks back down on the sheet of paper in his hand. 
Trying to discern what could have caught his boyfriend’s attention so fully, Wave walks closer and upon looking down, he recognizes the documents in Pang’s hands to be the information on their junior students’ gifts that he had asked him to look up earlier. 
“Pang… what exactly is going on here ?” Wave asks, lifting his eyebrows once again when Pang finally looks up towards him. 
“Check this out, I thought Time’s gift was one of the best ones. But this guy… he can actually extract the information that is in your head and he ca--” Pang starts explaining excitedly, before Wave cuts him off. 
“Pang,” he says quietly, sitting down on the floor in front of his boyfriend, looking down at the years-old yearbooks that are spread around his boyfriend and contain all the information of past classes of Gifted students, as well as the sheets of paper from Wave’s research on the newest Gifted class. 
“Listen Wave, I know that you don’t really care about the younger students,” Pang starts to say, and Wave only shrugs his shoulders in answer. It’s true, after all. “But I think it’s important to understand their gifts, and I want to know more.”
“I can see that, but why ?” Wave wonders, truly puzzled as to why his boyfriend is bent on finding out all of this information about past and future gifted students. 
“It’s just… Don’t you find it strange ? That the school does everything they can to try and prevent us from interacting with each other ?” he asks, and Wave once again just shrugs his shoulders in answer. 
He’s never really thought about it before, and it doesn’t particularly bother him either way. He’d never planned on getting close to any other Gifted Students apart from his friends and Pang, after all. 
“Not really,” he finally replies softly, and Pang deflates at his answer. 
“I think something fishy is going on, and I want to find out what it is,” Pang says determingly, when Wave keeps silently studying him with his eyes. “And I know you and Ohm don’t agree, but I hate the idea of all of our efforts going to waste now. Aren’t you curious ? If it wasn’t for us fighting against the school, none of us would have gotten as close as we are today, and doesn’t that thought sit wrong with you ?”
Wave can’t help but nod in answer to this, because it truly does. 
He never imagined that he would meet this group of people and that he would actually make friends while in high school. But now that he has all of them in his life ? He has a hard time picturing a world where he would be without them, especially Pang. 
“I guess I just worry,” Pang continues after a few seconds. “If the school doesn’t want Gifted students to interact and if they’re trying to keep us apart, what does that mean for all of us ? I know you all have better things to think about, what with college being right around the corner, but I just…”
Pang trails off in the middle of his sentence, and Wave frowns at his words.
Why is Pang suddenly talking about college ? Wave isn’t sure what yet, but he knows that something else is bothering Pang.
Even after everything that happened last week, even after they won, his boyfriend still seems afraid, and Wave hates that he has no idea what he actually fears, or how to ask him about it.
He doesn’t have Pang’s way with words, and he’s never been more frustrated at himself and his inability to communicate properly. 
“Pang, do you really care that much about not knowing the other Gifted students ?” he asks after a few seconds, trying to understand. 
“No, I guess not really. It’s just that… Now that all of this has been solved, what happens ? What do we do ?” he asks in a small voice, and Wave frowns deeper at the answer. 
“We do exactly what you said earlier, we move on. We adapt to the new system, like you were telling me to do, and we move on with our lives.”
At the words, Pang’s breath catches in his throat and his head bows down. Wave tries to bend forward to catch his boyfriend’s eyes, but Pang evades him and Wave feels a tug in his heart at the thought that he’s hurt his boyfriend, without even knowing how he did it.
“Pang, what exactly is going on here ?” he questions quietly. 
He’s starting to think that this has little to do with knowing their juniors and fellow gifted students, and everything to do with… them. And the thought truly scares him. 
“It’s stupid,” Pang replies softly, and Wave moves a little closer to him before nodding his head, even if Pang can’t see him with his eyes still riveted on the floor. 
“Maybe, but tell me anyway.”
“Ever since all of us met, we’ve always had this greater evil to beat, and this fight that we had to all take on together. It’s what allowed us to grow this close. Hell, it’s half of the reason why you and I got together,” Pang trails off and Wave waits him out, still not fully understanding what his boyfriend is trying to say. 
“I know that all of us are going to evolve, and change. To move on. Punn has universities from all over the country that are already knocking on his door, Ohm is looking at a couple universities that offer entertainment degrees, Claire and Korn already know where they’re studying, and I know you have your eyes on a couple different universities with advanced engineering degrees….”
“That’s true,” Wave states. 
He thinks he’s starting to understand what Pang is trying to tell him, but he waits him out, wanting his boyfriend to voice out all of his thoughts to be certain that he’s not misinterpreting or missing anything. 
Talking has never been his strong suit, but if this is going in the direction he thinks it is, it’s never been more important for Wave to actually understand everything and say the right thing in return. 
“Well I’m not like you Wave,” Pang continues self-deprecatingly. “We came together fighting the director and fighting for our rights, and that’s what I’m good at. If we don’t have to fight anymore, then what do I have left ? Take that away from me, and I just go back to being a stupid kid from class 8 that has little to no future.”
At the words, Wave feels his throat tighten and his heart drop to his stomach. 
More used to being the one that needs reassurance in the relationship, Wave doesn’t quite know what to say to help his boyfriend. The only thing he does know right now, is that hearing Pang say those things about himself hurts. 
He has to find the right words, no other option is imaginable. 
“Pang,” his voice breaks on the word. “That’s not true. Thanks to you, that’s not true. You made sure that every student here has a fair chance at a future. So even if you weren’t a part of The Gifted class, which you are, this still wouldn’t be true. Your grades or class aren’t the sum of you, Pang. You’re so much more than that. And people, universities, will see that.”
At the words, Pang finally looks up at him and Wave sees a silent tear run down his boyfriend’s cheek, ripping Wave’s heart out on the way down. 
“Maybe you’re right,” he pursues. “But even if that’s the case, then what happens to all of us ? If we don’t have anything to fight against, and if the school tries to keep us apart, then where does that leave us ?”
“Together,” Wave immediately answers with finality.
He sees the surprise draw itself on Pang’s face, and fondness towards his boyfriend swells within him. 
God, Pang really has to be blind if he thought even for one second, that Wave would somehow leave him behind. Not when Pang is the best part of him in the first place.
“It’s true. We’ll all change and evolve,” Wave explains, hoping his boyfriend can read the sincerity in his words. “Every year, new computers come out and older models need to be updated to remain relevant, it’s the cycle of life.”
In spite of the heavy moment, Wave sees the amused and fond smile on Pang’s face, and he feels his cheeks heat up, realizing that he went back to using tech metaphors like he often tends to do when talking about greater ideas and subjects, which Pang teases him for every single time. 
“Point is,” he continues, clearing his throat. “We’ll change and we’ll evolve, but I was kind of thinking we’d be doing all of that together.”
Quiet follows his statement, and the longer Pang remains silent, the more doubt starts to overtake Wave. 
Had he read all of this wrong ?
Even after highschool, he never imagined for one second that he and Pang would part ways. Not after everything they’ve been through together, and not after how much happiness Pang has brought into his life since they got together, in spite of the circumstances. 
But does Pang actually see things the same way ? Maybe Wave had been too hasty in his assumptions.
“You really mean that ?” Pang finally asks, his voice shaking, and Wave feels relief rush through him, the hope shining in his boyfriend’s eyes at the words erasing the doubts that were plaguing him a second ago. 
Getting up on his knees from where he was still sitting cross legged on the floor, Wave crawls towards Pang, until he is close enough to cup his boyfriend’s cheeks in his hands. 
“Of course stupid,” he reassures him. “I can’t speak for the others, although I doubt they would disagree. But Pang… you and I ? I kind of thought we were a package deal. And I’m not going anywhere, not without you.”
At the words, Pang drops his head down until it’s resting on Wave’s shoulder, all of the tension leaving his body at once.
He can’t remember a time in his life where he’s ever talked more than he just did and he honestly doesn’t know how everything that just came out of him made an ounce of sense.
But even though he can already feel shame crawling within him at everything he just said, Wave knows that Pang is worth it. Pang will always be worth it. 
“A package deal, ok,” Pang finally replies from where his head is still resting against his boyfriend’s shoulder. “That sounds nice.”
Wave’s arms round his boyfriend’s frame, bringing him closer to him, in an intimate gesture that still feels somewhat foreign to him and yet feels so right at the same time. 
“Is that what all of this research was really all about ?” he asks after a minute of them hugging each other, and he feels Pang nod his head against his shoulder.
“So stupid,” Wave says fondly, and Pang knocks one of his hands against his chest, prompting him to laugh at the gesture. 
“For the record, I still think something fishy is going on, and that we should look into it,” Pang states when he lifts his head up from Wave’s shoulder.
Wave feels relief when he sees the tears have completely dried from his boyfriend’s eyes, and he recognizes that Pang seems more at ease than he has in days. 
“Ok, we can look into it,” he replies, and Pang looks at him in surprise. 
“You believe me ?”
“Of course. I trust your instinct, it’s proven time and time again to be correct in the past,” Wave declares.
Before he has the time to say anything else, Pang cups his cheeks and pulls him towards him, pressing a light kiss against his lips. 
“Can that something fishy wait until tomorrow though ?” Wave whispers when their mouths part for a second, and he feels Pang smile against his lips. 
“Why, what did you have in mind ?” his boyfriend asks teasingly. 
“Well…” Wave trails off, before he reaches for his boyfriend and pulls him closer to him, deepening the kiss they were sharing a few seconds ago. Right now, there’s really nothing else he’d like to do except make out with his boyfriend for a little while.
WeTV can wait, really. 
Tomorrow, they’ll have to dig deeper into Pang’s fear that something bigger is going on. Tomorrow, they’ll have to deal with college placement exams, finding a place to live, and all of the other issues that come with growing up, with evolving.
But for today, though ?
Today, they’ve just won a major battle against the director and the school. Today, he just wants to take a moment to be happy, and enjoy this moment of making out with his boyfriend like the teenagers they are. 
And all the rest ? Well, the rest can wait.
When it’s time to deal with all of this, they’ll deal with it like they have everything else, together.
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axwalker · 4 years
Tears in Heaven 1: Beginnings
Synopsis: Alexis O’Brien is about to get married but memories of her old life are coming back to haunt her.
Pairings: Liam x MC Drake x MC (TRR)
Warnings: This story will deal with very dark subjects such as death, severe depression and suicide attempt (among others) if you’re triggered by any of those issues, please do not read this story.
A/N: The story will go back and forth between three different periods of time (2009 / 2015 / 2019) 
Word count: 4,800
Songs inspiration: Tears in heaven by Eric Clapton
THANKS TO: @mskaneko​ for the beautiful edits in the mood board. to my awesome beta reader @pedudley​ and to @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ for helping me figure some things out. Love you girls 💕💕
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Tagging: @mskaneko​ @pedudley​ @burnsoslow​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @lauzales​ @yukinagato2012​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​  @loveellamae​ @nomadics-stuff​ @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria​ @flutistbyday2020​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​ @ladyangel70​ @kimmiedoo5​ @debramcg1106​ @ao719​ @msjr0119​  @ac27dj​   
If you want to be added or removed from the list, please don’t hesitate to ask ;-) 
March 2015
Maxwell and Liam arrived at Alexis’s apartment and ran through the stairs. Maxwell knocked on the door several times, but no one came. He threw a worried look at Liam; she hadn’t answered any calls or messages for two days.  
“Olivia gave me the spare key” he screamed through the door “We’re coming in Alexis, I’m sorry”
Liam opened the door and saw an impossible mess. Dozens of wine bottles, pizza boxes, and piles of clothes were scattered everywhere. She wasn’t in the living room, so they went to her room where they found her on the bed. She had her back turned to them.
They exchanged another concerned look.  Maxwell sat next to her and rubbed her back “Lexie, we were so worried”
She didn’t turn her head, but Max felt her crying silently.
“Go away. I want to be alone”
Liam’s chest tightened “Alexis we can’t leave you like this. Come with us, please”
Her sad, hollow voice was barely recognizable “Where?”
Liam gestured at Maxwell to stand up so he could sit next to her. “To Valtoria. You know how big the estate is, you won’t have to see me if you don’t want to, but I want to take care of you, Alexis, please”
Alexis shook her head, they didn’t understand. How could they get her pain, the emptiness in her chest, the despair that never left her? She needed to be left in peace with her memories, that was everything she had now.
She sat up on the bed, her face was pale, almost grey with deep purplish rings encircling her eyes. Liam noticed that she was gripping a photo album.
“I don’t need you or anyone else. I lost everything” She bawled at him “Everything!  Just leave me alone”
Maxwell’s eyes watered too “It’s been five months, Blossom, maybe we could get some help”
She scoffed bitterly “Is that so? Five fucking months? So, I’m supposed to forget everything? I’m supposed to just move the fucking on?” Tears ran through her cheeks “Just leave !”
“Darling, I-“
Liam stood up “We’ll leave now, but we will come back later with Olivia and every single day after that, Alexis. You may want to die but I won’t allow it” He didn’t dare touch her, even if he wanted nothing more than taking her in his arms and comfort her, he knew he couldn’t help her right now.
After they left, Alexis gathered the little strength she had and stood up to pour herself another drink. More tears came to her eyes when she remembered how he used to tease her for her love of pictures and old photo albums.
She opened it and saw the first one.  It was a picture of a dark sky illuminated by hundredths of bright stars, with the legend “August 2009” scribbled underneath. Next to it, there was a picture of Drake smiling, and then another one of both of them smiling at each other. She was unable to look more photos knowing that dozens of other memories were waiting for her in that fucking album. Memories that were happy once, and that had become excruciating after that day. The day he had… died.
She couldn’t understand why everything was so incredibly unfair. They had so much love. He had so much life left to live. An uncontrollable rage overcame her, and she threw the album across the room.
Then she went to her drawer and took a bunch of sleeping pills. She needed some rest.
August 2009
Alexis shut the door behind her and hurried to the bar where she had been working since last summer. She lived with her family in a suburb outside of Cordonia city. It took her one hour and a half to go to work or college, but Cindy, her stepmother, insisted on moving there because it was a neighborhood “where rich people lived”. It didn’t matter that her father was an ordinary accountant or that she had to work to afford college. Appearances were everything for her and her father.
She arrived at the bar five minutes late and panting, but she didn’t have time to catch her breath. She changed into another t-shirt and put on her apron, as soon as she finished tying it, two men entered the bar. They seemed completely disparate, one was wearing a jean shirt and Timberlands while the other one had an expensive jacket and loafers.  
She went to their table noticing how handsome the man in the denim shirt was. He looked angry and brooding, not her usual type but he made it work.
“Hi, guys. What can I-?”
“Waitress, the menu!” The other man interrupted her.
Alexis cocked her brow, as used as she was to the rich kids on campus and their poor manners, some nights she just didn’t have the patience to deal with them.
She smiled widely before answering “My name is written on my tag, it’s Alexis. I also work faster when people add please or thank you to their sentences” Fuck! There goes my tip.
Drake was suddenly interested. He turned his face to look at her for the first time and his heart skipped a beat. Even wearing a horrible green apron, and with her hair in a messy ponytail, he could see how pretty she was. Shiny eyes and a flirty smile. Fuck, a beautiful smile.
He cleared his throat “We apologize, erm… Alexis. Can we start over?”
Alexis felt his dark eyes penetrate hers and she bit her lip feeling slightly nervous. “Of course, that’s fine” She smiled again “what can I get you?”
“We’ll get three burgers and three glasses of whiskey, please” He added smirking.
She looked puzzled “Three?”
Drake nodded behind her, so she turned around and saw a tall, blond man smiling at her.
“Hi, I’m Liam” He looked at her tag “Alexis?”
She smiled at the impossibly handsome man in front of her. “Hi, Liam, yes, that’s it”
“Nice to meet you, Alexis. That’s Tariq and Drake” He said pointing at the men on the table.
She grinned back at them “Nice to meet you too, I’ll bring your order in a few minutes”
Liam watched her leave for the kitchen “Damn she’s pretty”
“The waitress?” Tariq arched his eyebrows in surprise
Liam smiled “Yes, she’s very cute” he looked at the main counter where she was animatedly talking to the bartender. “I’ll go talk to her after diner, maybe she’ll accept to come out with us”
Drake didn’t bother to say anything, Liam wasn’t only kinder than him, he was also much richer and a noble. He didn’t stand a chance with her, not that it mattered anyway, he was only looking for another fun night.
After dinner, Liam went looking for her, when he came back to the table, he had a huge smile on his lips. “She agreed to come with us. Let’s wait for her outside”
Fifteen minutes later she came out with the same black jeans and sneakers than before but without the apron and the t-shirt she used for work.  Instead, she was now wearing a white tank top that highlighted her tanned skin and hugged her curves. Her hair was down, and she wasn’t wearing a lot of makeup, but it didn’t matter, she was completely natural, one of the most beautiful women Drake had ever seen.
His mouth went immediately dry and he couldn’t avoid blushing as a loud “Wow!” escaped from his lips.
She smiled flirty at him “Wow?”
He cleared his throat and said the first thing that popped into his head “I almost didn’t even recognize you”
She laughed “He! Thanks? I guess?”
He laughed too, a bit embarrassed but didn’t take his eyes off of her and something intangible seemed to pass between them for a second until Liam spoke.
“I booked a table at Kismet, is that alright with you, Alexis?”
“Isn’t that a super fancy club?” She looked at her simple clothes and sneakers.
Liam grinned at her “A woman as beautiful as you would go in spite of what she’s wearing” He winked at her “but I know the owner too”
She blushed “Thank you Liam and I supposed it’s okay then”
Liam offered her his arm and walked her to his Mercedes Benz, Drake was getting more and more annoyed at them, at least he had his jeep and wouldn’t have to ride with the new happy couple to the club.
Kismet was a trendy club at the heart of Cordonia city, when they arrived the manager himself took them to their table upstairs in the VIP section and asked for their order.
Liam talked with a kind but assertive voice “We will be drinking the same as usual, Terence. And you, Alexis?”
“I would love a glass of whiskey, thanks” She smiled at him.
Drake looked at her even more intrigued than before but didn’t say anything. Liam was captivated, so he was already talking to her and making her laugh.
After a while, Alexis turned to the other two friends. “Liam tells me he just finished his MBA. Were you in the same class together?”
Tariq answered fast “Yes, we were, but I still need some credits to graduate”
Drake snorted “The understatement of the year, you were drunk the whole semester”
Alexis chuckled as she turned to Drake “You did an MBA too?”
“No, I hate that kind of shit”
Liam shook his head amused “Drake is in Vet school”
“Wow, that’s interesting” She looked at him “Is this your last year?”
Drake shook his head no and took a sip of his whiskey without adding anything else. He hated her feigned interest; it was obvious that she was only trying to impress Liam by befriending him and Tariq. After years as Liam’s best friend, he knew all their tactics.
Liam sighed “No, he still needs two more years to graduate”
She cocked her brow “And does Drake speak, or does he need you to translate for him?” Liam chuckled. 
Drake shrugged “I just hate small talk”
“Suit yourself then” Alexis scowled; he was infuriating so she wasn’t to lose any more time with him, no matter how handsome he was.
Tariq let his eyes roam over her body as discreetly as he could, she was a simple waitress but certainly a very hot one, maybe he could have a chance with her when Liam got tired. “And you?” He asked, barely listening to her answer.
“I’m an English literature major, I start in the Fall”
He frowned “How old are you?”
“Nineteen. I took a year to save for college”
Before Tariq could reply anything, he saw Alexis jumping off the table to greet someone.
“Blossom!!” Maxwell’s shout could be heard despite the high volume of the music “What are you doing here? I called you like a thousand times. Olivia is here too, she’s downstairs.
Alexis hugged Maxwell. Maxwell, Oliva and her had met each other in High School. Maxwell and she were almost soulmates and had become instant best friends while Olivia and she were completely different so their friendship had taken longer to build but she couldn’t imagine her life without either of them.
“Come, I’ll introduce you, Max”
He giggled “I know the Rhys, Blossom. They’re my brother’s friends” He got closer to her and whispered in her ear “Remember the guy I wanted to set you up with?”
She nodded
“Well, It was Liam” She smiled but her eyes went to Drake, which didn’t go unnoticed by Maxwell.
“Forget it, Blossom. Bertrand says that he and Leo, Liam’s brother, are only interested in one-night stands. Liam is more like you, a romantic”
I gotta feeling (here) started playing on the speakers.
“Our song, Lexie!” Maxwell screamed “Come on guys! Let’s dance”
Liam grabbed Alexis’s hand and took her to the dancefloor, Tariq followed them to talk to a lonely blonde by the bar and Drake stayed alone at the table. Finally.
He poured himself another whiskey and changed seats to watch the people dancing. His eyes instantly drifted to Liam and Alexis.
Liam was a decent dancer, but she was mesmerizing. Her hips moved in sync with the music, and a playful smile never left her lips. He had never seen anyone enjoy music so much, or be that joyful, that full of life.
He must’ve been staring hard at her because she suddenly locked eyes with him and he felt the same intangible energy passing between them that he had felt earlier.
He held her gaze for a few seconds, feeling his heart beating much faster, and his mind running wild with thoughts of him with her on the dance floor ravaging those lips.
He shook his head, breaking the eye contact, she was there with Liam, his best friend.
He needed a distraction, so he went to the bar for another whiskey. While he was waiting, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Hi, there!” She was standing in front of her, grinning at him.
“What do you want, Alexis?”
“Aren’t you a real charmer?” she laughed “Come dance with us”
He shook his head. “I don’t dance”
“As a rule?” She gave him an adorable grin, that made him smile almost against his own will. 
 “Well, I’m a man of principles.” They both chuckled.
She Will Be Loved, started playing. 
“Oh god! I love this song. You’re not going to let me like this, are you?” She said as she offered him her hand.
Drake shook his head smiling but took her small hand, almost nervously. He had no trouble engaging with women almost anywhere except for a dancefloor.
Beauty queen of only eighteen she Had some trouble with herself He was always there to help her, she Always belonged to someone else
She grinned bashfully at him “This song is meant to be dance closer than this”
He smiled as he put his arms around her waist and she settled her left hand on his shoulder and her right hand on his waist. “Just feel the music”. She winked at him. He was instantly charmed. And damn, she felt good in his arms.
She was delicate and tantalizing and had a fruity scent, cherry maybe, that was driving him insane.
He felt her move against him, her hips swaying with the rhythm of the song, and her eyes fixated on his. She was the sexiest woman he had ever held before. She had her head turned to him, so he could finally watch her face freely. Her eyes were black and bright with long eyelashes and they were looking at him in a way he had never been looked at before. Her lips were pink and full, and she had the cute habit of biting her bottom lip when she was nervous.
He felt an irresistible need to feel her even closer, so he pulled her against him as they danced. He smiled when he saw the pretty blush coloring her cheeks. She looked away so he took her chin between his fingers and turned her head back to him without a word. He couldn’t get enough of those eyes.
Tap on my window, knock on my door, I Want to make you feel beautiful I know I tend to get so insecure It doesn't matter anymore
Alexis’s heart was beating so hard she couldn’t believe it, a few minutes ago he was driving her crazy, and now she felt like melting in his arms.  
His chocolate eyes were looking so intensely at her, that she was having trouble breathing normally. Suddenly, she felt his big hand on the small of her back pulling her impossibly close to him, getting her knees weaker too. She looked away but his calloused fingers raised her chin to him again, and she saw that he was smiling at her for the first time that night. He was incredibly handsome, with cute dimples and kind eyes that made her feel instantly safe.
Please don't try so hard to say good-bye I don't mind spendin' everyday, out on your corner in the pourin' rain Please don't try so hard to say good-bye
They didn’t notice when the song was over, completely lost in each other, Drake was about to tell her something when Max interrupted them to take Alexis to the bar for a shot drinking competition.
Drake let her go reluctantly, he could’ve stayed on the dancefloor for hours just holding her. He went to the bar as well and saw Liam talking and flirting with her. Maybe it was the whiskey, but just looking at them was making him feel nauseous. And even if he knew he didn’t stand a chance, not if Liam was really interested, he couldn’t help himself, he was drawn to her.
Liam arched his eyebrows seeing his usually brooding friend come to the noisiest corner of the club, where the bartenders were offering free Jello shots.
He hadn’t taken his eyes off of Drake and Alexis while they were dancing. Just a few minutes ago, they appeared to really dislike each other but while they danced, they both seemed…smitten. It was out of character for Drake to be so captivated by someone. He was used to seeing his best friend taking off with a different woman every night but never acting like that. It was a pity because he really liked Alexis too.
He turned his head to watch her and saw her eyes looking for Drake’s. He shook his head; it was clear that she was captivated by his best friend too and he had no interest in a twisted love triangle. He smiled to himself, the cute blonde in the bar had been flirting with him, maybe he should give her a chance. He checked his phone before talking to her and saw a message from his father, he was going to have to cut the night short.
“Drake! I need to go home earlier, Father wants to speak to me about something tomorrow morning, and I better be rested. Could you take Alexis home?”
“Of course, I mean if you don’t mind” He turned to Alexis.
She smiled at him and was about to answer when Maxwell spoke for her “Don’t worry about it, Lexie. I can take you”
Drake and Alexis’s locked eyes with each other, she bit her bottom lip trying to find an excuse.
Fuck, those lips are going to kill me. Drake cleared his throat. “It’s ok, Max. I don’t mind”
“Well, we’re neighbors so it’s really not a prob-. Auch!” Maxwell grabbed his right arm, where Alexis had discretely pinched him.
She gave him an innocent smile “Are you okay, Max?”
“Uhm, yes, but I remembered that I can’t take Lexie home because… because I have, uh, something to do”
“That’s settled then,” Liam said good-bye to everyone and left, after a moment Maxwell went back to the dancefloor, leaving Alexis and Drake alone.
Drake turned to her “Do you want to stay here?”
“What do you have in mind?”
He locked eyes with her as he tugged a strand of hair behind her ear “Do you trust me?”
Inexplicably, after only a few hours of meeting him, she did “Yes, I do”
He smiled. Normally, he would ask her if she wanted to go back to his place, but there was something special about her. For the first time in his life, he wanted to take his time first. And he knew exactly where he wanted to take her.
They got into his jeep, and debated about movies, music, and tv shows while he drove.
After an hour of driving and laughing they arrived at the beach. Drake’s favorite spot.
He took a blanket that he kept on the trunk of his car and extended it on the sand, remembering that he had bought a bottle of whiskey the day before, he put it on the blanket so they could share it.
“It’s a beautiful beach” She took a sip from the whiskey feeling the warm sensation burn her throat.
“It’s more beautiful if you lie down” He nodded at the sky. It was full of stars.
“Fuck! That’s gorgeous”
He grinned “I told you”
“I need to take a picture of this” She took an old camera from her purse and took a picture of the sky, then she turned the camera to them.
“Smile, Drake, I mean if you know how” She stuck her tongue out.
He chuckled shaking his head, he was loving the way she teased him. She took two or three pictures of them and put the camera away.
“Do you come here often?”.
“I do, whenever I can. It’s calm, quiet and far away from everything”
She smiled “I have a similar spot close to home. We live on the other side of the shore. And there’s this little cove, next to the house. I go there when I want to escape”
He frowned “Escape what?”
She shrugged “My father, my stepmom. My life”
He took her arm and rubbed it with the tip of his fingers “Why, Lexie?”
“My family is very strict, very religious. My father would kill me if he knew I’m here. He thinks I’m with a friend”
“I’m sorry”
She shook her head but didn’t answer anything else.
They stargazed for a few minutes, their silence only interrupted by Drake showing her a star or teaching her the name of a constellation. Alexis was fascinated.
“How do you know all this?”
“My father was a bodyguard, but he loved nature and was an amateur astronomer. He learned by himself and taught me everything he could”
“He was?”
There was a short silence.  “He died when I was twelve”
She took his hand and squeezed it. He smiled feeling strangely comforted.
Drake turned to look at her “You have a stepmom”
“My mom passed when I was ten. I had to go live with my father and his new wife in New Jersey, in America. We moved to Cordonia five years ago because he got job here in an American company” She paused “I miss her”
He cupped her face with his hand and gently turned her to him. “I’m sorry, Lexie”
She shrugged “It’s okay, I’m used to it” He looked at her mesmerized. Under the light of the stars, her skin was almost glowing, and her eyes seemed intensely bright.
He was still cupping her face so he left his thumb softly brush her lips, the air rapidly becoming heavy between them. She closed her eyes enjoying the touch of his fingers on her mouth. She had never felt such an intense desire to be kissed before, he made her excited and incredibly aflutter. Drake pulled himself up and leaned towards her, inhaling her delicious cherry scent.
He growled “Fuck, I’m dying to kiss you Lexie”
She managed to mutter “Me too, Drake”
As much as he was dying to ravage her lips, he sensed her nervousness, so he peppered her face with soft kisses first. He kissed her cheeks, her nose and the corners of her lips, as he stroked her neck with his thumbs, and she put her arms around his own neck.  It was soft and deeply tender, but also extremely charged and Alexis felt a warmth sensation pooling between her legs. Finally, he moved to her full lips, and kissed her pouring all the desire and the passion he was feeling. He crashed his mouth with hers again and again softly biting her lips, and letting his tongue explore hers. Alexis had never been kissed like that before. With such passion and tenderness mixed in the same kiss. She knew right there that she wanted to spend the rest of her life being kissed like that. Drake had never felt a kiss so intensely before either, he had never felt his heart beating hard as he kissed someone. He wanted to spend his life kissing her.
Finally, the need for air became urgent so they parted panting. Drake smiled seeing her pink lips swollen and the blush coloring her cheeks.
She looked at her phone “Shit! I have to go back to my house now or my dad is going to kill me”
“Don’t worry, Lexie, I’ll drive you fast enough” He stood up and help her to stand up too, pulling her against him. He kissed her forehead “When can I see you again?”
She bit her lip grinning “If you manage to take me to my house in less than twenty minutes, I’ll put my phone number in your phone”
He smirked “Deal”
2019  (NOW)
Alexis chose a red dress and nude heels for her engagement party. The last few weeks had been hectic at work and she hadn’t had time to shop for a new outfit, but it didn’t matter, Liam loved that dress. It was tight, mid-length and left her shoulders bare, perfect for the party.
She finished dressing and placed in her neck a few drops of the same perfume she had been wearing since high school, the same Drake loved. The cherry scented one. It didn’t matter how many times Liam teased her about it, or how many expensive bottles of French perfume he gave her, she couldn’t bear the thought of smelling like anything else.
“Hi, love” Liam’s voice startled her. She had given him her key three months ago and was still getting used to his presence in her apartment
“Hi, Li” She turned to him as she put a pair of golden hoops on her ears.
He smiled at her “You look gorgeous” He rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand before kissing her “Are you ready, darling?”
“Yes, let me just grab my purse”
They had chosen to host their engagement party in a cozy but exclusive Italian restaurant. Their wedding was going to be similar, elegant yet small with only their closest friends. It wasn’t the first wedding for either of them, so they preferred to keep it simple.
They arrived with a slight retard, Liam knew his fiancé had trouble being on time, he shook his head trying to forget about old times, about someone else teasing her incessantly about it.
Everyone was already there. Liam squeezed Alexis’s hand knowing that she would be feeling anxious, she gave him a grateful smile in return and gripped his hand.
“Alexis, darling, you look stunning” Olivia smiled “A glass of champagne?”
“You too, Liv, Red is definitely our color” They both laughed “And Yes some champagne would be nice”
Liam looked at her with a concerned expression on his face “Are you sure you want to drink today, love?”
Alexis glared at him “Yes, I’m sure. Please pour me a glass, Liv. If you’ll excuse me, I need some fresh air. I’ll be back in a minute”
“Why are you offering her a drink, Olivia?” Liam’s voice had the cold tone he used when he was angry.
“I don’t see the fucking problem, Liam. She’s doing so much better, and I’ve seen her drink wine with you plenty of times” She looked at him questioningly “Didn’t you went to visit the vineyards near Bordeaux together?”
“That’s not the point, Olivia. Her anxiety peaks in events like this. And you know that around this time of the year it always gets worse” He looked to one of the balconies of the restaurant where Alexis was standing. He smiled thinking how beautiful she was and how much he loved her and wanted to protect her.
“Li, if you’re going to marry her, you’ll have to learn how to trust her. If you continue to coddle her like this, you’ll both get tired very fast. She’s a strong woman, she has been through hell since he died, but she needs to find herself again”
“I just don’t want her to relapse” Liam sighed
“So, stop smothering her”
Liam gave her a surprised look “Well, Jin has really changed you, Olivia Nevrakis. Thank you” He smiled at her mockingly “Now, I know who to ask when I need some romantic advice”
“Don’t you dare, Rhys”
Alexis needed a moment alone. Everything was happening so fast that sometimes she had trouble dealing with it. She looked at her diamond ring. It was beautiful, elegant and expensive but non-ostentatious. Much like Liam himself.  However, no matter how perfect the ring was, she would always prefer the simple ring Drake had given her ten years ago. The one she had lost. She took a deep breath and tried to think of something else. She couldn’t go back to those memories.  
Liam walked to the balcony where his fiancé was standing.  “My love, it’s our engagement party. I want you to have anything you want” he encircled her waist and placed a kiss on her bare shoulder “you deserve the world and I want to give it to you”
She smiled “I know you get worried about me, and I understand, I do, but please don’t try to control me. You don’t need to. I’m doing better” She turned around to face him “I promise”
“I believe you, my darling” He caressed her face “I love you, Alexis. You mean the world to me”
She smiled at him, at the man she owed everything to “I love you too, Liam”
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 2
The Boy Who Lived
Lily stooped down, and picked the book up slowly, gazing hard at the year before slowly looking around at the others. Then she marched back down to the dungeons.
"Evans, what are you doing!" James protested as he followed her. "We should stay together, we have no clue what's going on-"
"As if he's ever needed a reason to be around her," Peter muttered to Remus as the whole group followed, Sirius and Regulus trialing at the back reluctantly.
They entered to find Lily already fast at work, with James still talking at her more than anything and Peter and Remus hovering uneasily behind him and still looking anxiously around like they were expecting an attack. Alice and Frank were shifting anxiously in place just as uneasily behind Lily with absolutely no clue how they'd gotten involved in this but deeply regretting whatever this was.
Sirius just perched on a stool as far from everyone as he could while Regulus slumped against the wall even further away, feeling even more out of place than the couple.
Lily ignored them all, running back to the still empty cauldron. She dropped the book back in it and turned to the student supply cupboards and began pulling ingredients out.
"Lily, what are you doing?" Alice decided to try since Potter was being so thoroughly ignored.
"Reversing this," she said flatly.
"You're insane," Frank pleasantly informed her, he knew fellow Ravenclaws who wouldn't dare try such a stunt as reversing this problem without a teacher present.  His claim was backed up by Pettigrew.
"He's right, we have no clue what got us here. You're good Evans, but even you're not good enough to create the counter potion for something that more than likely was just invented!"
"Well I'm certainly going to bloody try rather than standing around here doing nothing," she hissed as she began cutting up some roots.
James snatched the book out of the cauldron before she could dump anything on it, and huffed, "well fine, you do whatever you like then. I'm going to see what all of this is about," and he began the iconic first line of the series. The moment he had, the next appeared. "The book's called Harry Potter, and it starts with something as lame as Muggles," James pouted as he again checked the front cover.
"You think anything not about you is lame," Remus rolled his eyes at how this was starting.
"What are you doing anyways?" Alice decided to ignore the boys commentary on how boring this muggle life sounded in favor of asking Evans, who seemed the only one keen on getting them out of this.
"Retro Diebus," she answered without looking up from the spiel she was carefully inserting into a fruit Alice couldn't identify. Then again, she'd never been as good at Potions, or Herbology for that matter, a great disappointment to her head of house she was sure. She would be quite glad to drop both classes if not for her Auror training. It was a good thing she'd found Frank to tutor her, and well...
"I have no clue what that means," she confessed aloud before she could get lost in thought.
"It's going to reverse what Lupin did," she said with utter confidence.
"Are you still blaming this on me?" Lupin couldn't help but yip in protest. "It's not my fault you didn't banish your potion like everyone always does. You're as conceited as you accuse us of being, always keeping samples of your own work to try and improve upon them."
Lily flashed him a look that lesser men would have shrank away from, but James was still ignoring them all and continuing, as well as he really didn't want to see this fight progress. Lily's work thankfully kept her attention as she began stirring ingredients in her very precise method and so didn't take the opportunity to shoot back at Lupin.
She was being diligent as always in this class, even Potter reading about all these mysterious happenings revolving his name or whatever mess was going on. Admittedly she did look up with the same hope the rest of the room felt at the mention of You-Know-Who being gone, but then she dismissed this as whatever insanity was going on with the rest of this castle. Things would make sense if she just finished her work.
However, her hand slipped on her knife she was using to chop up a Nether Wart, and she sliced her finger deeply at the mention of Petunia, and a sister.
"Evans, you okay?" Frank asked in concern as she sucked in a breath and waved her hand frantically to rid the burning pain.
James had instantly dropped the book and rushed to her side, genuine concern in his eyes, but she snapped at all of them, "don't mind me, it's just a cut."
She pulled her wand and prodded the angry flesh, which sewed itself up nicely thanks to her advanced charms work, but then she made a guttural noise of frustration at seeing her brew ruined, smatterings of blood turning what was once a bright white potion now pink.
"You sure you're alright?" Alice insisted after Lily banished her wasted attempt and kept using other curses that weren't magically related.
"I said I'm fine," she snapped, causing Alice to raise her hands in surrender and back off and Frank to scowl heavily at her.
"Hey, don't snap at her just because she's trying to help. No one needs Snape in here."
Lily fearlessly matched his scowl and looked ready to go for her wand again at what she deemed as an insult to her friend. She couldn't understand why Frank would say such a thing, but then to her shock Potter came to her defense first.
"Lets everyone just cool it, we're in an odd situation here." He spoke first to Frank, but then turned to Lily and offered her more roots to begin again. "Here Evans."
She took them carefully, as if fearing they'd take off her fingers next. "I don't need your help, or defense," she snapped at once. Then, she glanced again at Frank who was heavily rolling his eyes, and honestly just to prove him wrong about her and her best friend, as an awkward form of an apology she didn't seem able to spit out, she finally explained herself instead, "err, that was my sister's name. I just, wasn't expecting it to show up-" she stopped herself abruptly and returned to her cutting table, only pausing to say to Frank and Alice, "sorry," before starting her work again.
James simply looked elated at having learned something new about Evans, that she had a sister. He found the idea fascinating, and exchanged a happy look with his mates, but then he remembered why Sirius wasn't quite meeting his eyes and quickly kept going through the awkward silence.
"Knew there was something about that cat," Peter interjected, even if they had already figured this out for themselves. "Not sure why McGonagall of all people is hanging around though."
"If Dumbledore's there, I'm sure we'll get answers to everything," Remus said a little wistfully, wishing their headmaster was here now so they could be getting that sooner.
James read eagerly through the rumors and oddity surrounding his son, Harry. He quite liked that name, he decided, though he wasn't keen on all this talk about what some possible kid of his could have to do with Voldemort. He skipped right over Dumbledore saying the name and ignored everyone else flinching around him like they always did, he found it ludicrous to be so afraid of something like a name, even if he'd yet found anyone to agree with him. Even his best mate, rebellious in all the same ways as him, had it far to ingrained from his parents and still twitched uneasily, though James still refused to look at him now just to mock him like usual.
All of this news was trumped though, when McGonagall said a very simply sentence that meant the world to him.
"Prongs, you okay," Remus prodded him when he just stood there, frozen. "I know this is probably more words than you've read in a lifetime-"
"He's probably overloaded himself," Peter snickered indulgently.
Still there was no reaction, and so Remus once again took it away and easily read up to the part James had stopped, then he too couldn't seem to spit it out with a comically torn expression in place. "Well, err, I'm confident we now have proof these have no bearing on our life."
"What's this?" Peter asked eagerly.
Remus shrugged and tried to read the passage, but James snatched it back and declared as if saying his vows, James and Lily Potter.
Remus gave him a pitying look though, ignoring Lily's splutter of protest and Sirius falling off of his stool from laughing so hard, and asked him, "did you read the rest of that?"
"Eh?" He said in confusion, before finally finishing the sentence and under other circumstances the juxtaposition of his expression would have been hilarious.
"Okay stop, just," Evans raised her hands up as if the motion alone would do this, and it was clearly working. "You've done many insane things man, but claiming us to be married and dead in the same sentence is a new one for you."
"He's not making this up," Lupin defended, while Black was still laughing and Pettigrew looked just as gobsmacked as Potter to be doing anything.
Lily just kept staring at them like she was waiting for a punchline, until Regulus spoke up.
"I can see it."
"Excuse you?" She spluttered.
Regulus shrugged without remorse as he tried to address her, though he was looking just slightly to the side of her, likely from the awkwardness of going from never having spoke to someone to explaining why he'd believe a love story. "I just, I can see you finally caving into someone like Potter, you two are quite the same."
He gave a sideways look at Sirius and didn't elaborate. Sirius' humor had dried up some and he gave his little brother a loaded look right back, he felt there was something off in Regulus' delivery.
Evans just looked scandalized now. "Well I'm so bloody glad you approve!" She missed the look on his face that starkly said something otherwise as she turned back to shouting at Potter. "I however am going to get us out of this insanity and stop fantasizing about Potter knocking me up!"
James honestly looked a bit hurt she wasn't giving this a second of consideration, and turned back to the book miserably. All he could hope now was someone popping up and explaining this mess better than whatever Dumbledore's next tosh was about no one ever knowing.
The only good thing left was Hagrid's arrival and mentioning Sirius, on a motorcycle of all things but that was the least surprising bit he'd heard of lately. He was honestly just happy to even hear of one of his friends in this mess of a story considering everything else that was going on.
James finished the final sentence just as Lily was moving to dump the final ingredients into her cauldron. The pot sizzled for a second, then this time there was a bright flash of light, and all eight of them felt an extraordinary tug upon their very soul and were flashing through nothing, and everything.
So yeah, hope you guys liked! Hope I established everything alright? Any questions you have ask away and I'll likely answer them so long as I feel they're not spoilery for future plot points of this. Can't wait to keep going with this!
As a fun game, I'd love it if you all predicted where the next chapter was going to be, it would greatly amuse me!
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