#i was out COLD n i finally woke up and it took me like 5 tries just to sit up i kept falling down
Nobody's Darling — 5. The Morning
— PAIRING: Benny Cross x F!Reader
— SYNOPSIS: Benny comes across a girl walking alone in the middle of nowhere and offers her a ride to the nearest town. They stop at a motel.
— WARNINGS: just fluff
— TAGGING: @confessionbrain-writings @fleurdemers
— A/N: Continuation of Part 4.
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She was sleeping. Then at one point she became aware that she was sleeping. Her body was pleasantly sore, her feet a little swollen but cooled by the morning air that slipped into the room, and beneath her was the softest, warmest blanket — only, as she slowly woke she realised it wasn’t a blanket. Her eyes opened to the bleary morning light and the sight of honeyed flesh. Oh… She wanted to get up but her back still ached, and as soon as she braced her arm against the mattress she remembered why she’d opted to sleep on top of Benny instead. The springs squeaked painfully loud.
“Mmmmh… G’mornin’,” he muttered, breathing in and stretching his long body.
“Did I wake you up? Sorry,” she muttered, blushing as the events of last night came back to her.
“No, don’t worry,” he sighed, wrapping an arm more around her shoulder and pulling her back down on top of him. “Sleep well?”
“I think so…”
Benny looked down at her, his eyes quickly losing the haziness of sleep and finally gaining some focus. “You alright?” he asked, his voice sounding fearful of the answer.
“Yeah… Yeah.”
He said nothing, instead merely rubbing his thumb against her shoulder in a way meant to soothe her — or perhaps himself. The timid chirping of the birds outside and the gusts of wind were a stark backdrop to how sad he seemed.
She almost felt sorry for him. He’d been so happy when they went to sleep together, or if not happy… something. It was difficult to remember now between the high waves of her pleasure crashing down, distorting memories, sensations, time itself. Perhaps he thought she’d be the same person when she woke up as the one he knew last night, or maybe he’d forgotten who he invited to his bed, or maybe… Maybe it was useless to wonder what he thought. And she certainly didn’t have the courage to ask in what manner precisely she’d disappointed him in the few minutes they were both awake.
“I should, erm, get up,” she said.
“Yeah. Sure.”
She looked down at the two of them, covered in the meagre blanket grey with stains, and underneath she felt his naked body moving along hers. Strong legs, narrow hips, the softness of his muscled arm behind her… She lay cradled in his embrace and cuddling with him was like sleeping with a radiator. It made her want to fall asleep all over again, and Benny certainly made no move to leave. She blushed and didn’t know whether to get up quickly or take the time to find something first to cover herself with, but as her body slowly woke and caught up with her mind she realised she didn’t really want to go. She felt comfortable and safe, and the thought of returning to her white and cold apartment, to her boring job filled with meaningless little problems every day, and urgent issues, and measly internal politics, made her sick to her stomach. Benny heard her sigh and laid his broad palm flat over her shoulder, and then she felt him nuzzle his face into her hair.
“You sure you’re ok?” he asked. He must’ve thought she was upset with him…
“I just don’t feel…”
“Like leaving.”
She could tell his body stilled as he thought through what she said. He must’ve doubted her, or himself, because it took a while for him to speak again.
“Want me to go to your room and fetch your clothes?”
“No, it’s not that. I mean, maybe you should,” she chuckled, “but that’s not what I meant.”
“Feeling real’ comfy in this dusty ol’ motel room, are you?” he chuckled.
“Hmm… no. It’s horrible,” she laughed. “It’s probably the worst bed I’ve ever slept in… And the best.”
He turned his head to look at her, to catch her eyes and figure out what she meant, but she only buried her face deeper into his chest.
“Is that right…?” he asked.
“It is,” she mumbled.
“You mean it?” he asked after a few moments. “You really mean it, doll?”
She nodded, her damp cheek rubbing against his skin. It was as if his body melted, covering hers even more, and then he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head and the only thing she could do was wrap her arms more tightly around his waist, and curl her leg around his, and let her body sink into the warmth he made for her beneath those threadbare sheets.
Thoughts kept coming back about what happened the night before and how it made her feel. How it shattered her to her core — not necessarily to have a man there with her, naked, with her exposed and vulnerable beneath a bulk of sweaty skin and bulging muscles, but to be with someone who looked at her and really saw her, and liked every little part, even those she’d never considered showing. And then he kissed her, and loved her, and held her, and loved her still in the morning after the flush of passion had long passed.
Benny, meanwhile, kept thinking of what she said. He’d fully expected her to get up and leave as quickly and discretely as possible like he was some mangy mutt she might catch fleas from. He didn’t like it, but he’d expected it, and already had prepared a little corner of his heart to bury that night in. And then she went and turned everything upside down and now he had to hold himself back from going a mile too far and asking her to stay with him forever. She was timid, sure, just like he could be sometimes, but he too easily mistook that for disdain and it didn’t help that she kept hiding her face away from him when he most wanted to see it, to read in her eyes what it was she really thought.
He gently grabbed her chin and eased her face upwards. Her forehead was still a little damp with sweat, her lashes matted, and her cheeks were framed by the wild mane of her hair, but those were the same eyes that had looked at him last night with wonder and with love. He bent to press his lips against hers in a little kiss.
“Want me to fetch you breakfast?” he asked, partly to distract himself from the speed his thoughts were driving at. “I’ll go downstairs and get something…”
“Won’t you eat breakfast too?”
“Ah, I’m… not hungry,” he said, his elbows already braced against the bed as he heaved himself up. “Not really used to it.”
“You mean you don’t — Of course you don’t have breakfast,” she sighed, shaking her head like a disapproving mother. “Well, you’re having it today.”
He rolled his eyes but would’ve lied if he said it didn’t make something warm and soft flutter in his stomach.
“I’ll be right back,” he said as he pressed another kiss to her temple, and then he hopped off the bed with more energy than he usually had at that hour.
She curled up and held the pillow to her chest, partly to cover herself, partly to have his warmth and scent about her a little longer, and looked over her shoulder as he bent for his briefs and socks and the rest of his clothes. Her face heated up again as she traced the length and breadth of his back, the muscles bulging in his thighs, and the soft golden hairs sprinkled across that smooth young skin. When her gaze caught the blushing bulge of his sac hanging soft and silky beneath his sculpted ass she buried her face into the sweet-smelling pillow with a moan.
“Damn, it’s eight thirty-five, can you believe it?” he said as he put his watch back on.
“It’s… what!? Oh no! I have work at nine! I…” She’d never make it home and to the office in time.
Benny had just finished looping his belt around, but that sad and worried look was back in his eyes. “Want me to take you back?” he quietly asked.
She held the blanket around her as she sat up in the bed, one hand trying distractedly to untangle her ruffled hair. She looked at him, standing there all still and quiet, waiting for her, then around them at the room as if she could find an answer among the crooked furniture, the sunken cushions of the armchair, the tilted framed photos on the wall, the bathroom door that wouldn’t close, all of it bathed in an uneven light with the carefree song of birds and lazy traffic seeping from outside. It was, in every way, a beautiful morning.
“No,” she said at last, her voice sounding calmer than it should have.
She looked up at Benny, his fingers slowly fiddling with his white tank top, looking in many ways like a little boy waiting to be kicked out of his parents’ bedroom. She couldn’t place what she felt at the sight of him, this mix of strength and frailty. She wanted to protect him and get lost in his strong arms again, and the more she thought about both options the more distant the prospect of going back to work became.
“No, let’s have breakfast,” she said with a faint smile.
He eyed her warily as if he didn’t expect this change of priorities to last, but he put on the tank top and got his wallet before she could change her mind.
She didn’t even want to think of how it must’ve looked downstairs when he got there half-dressed to fetch breakfast for two, but as she buried her face in the pillow again the shame bloomed into something sweet at the pit of her tummy. She eventually managed to roll out of bed and dress herself in yesterday’s slip, by now wrinkled and stained, but the brief reflections she caught of herself in the dark glass of the windows made her feel more sexy than ever.
“I’m back, darlin’,” he said as he walked through the door backwards, an old silver plate in his arms. “A full gourmet breakfast.”
“Anything is fine,” she chuckled as she took it from his arms to lay it on the bed. “I’m not fussy.”
“Yeah, well, you deserve to be.”
Once her arms were free, she got up on her tiptoes and wrapped him in a loose embrace. Out of some primordial instinct, he had his arms around her waist that very second and leaned down for a kiss. His lips were sweet and salty with an aftertaste of yesterday’s cigarettes and she couldn’t think of anything that tasted better. His arm around her waist tightened, pulling her up a little, while the other went up to cup her head, fingers tangling in the hair she’d barely managed to tame.
“You sure you want to stay?” he warmly asked, and this time he seemed less scared of what her answer would be.
“Yeah,” she smiled.
“What about your work?”
“If they fire me for missing one day, well…”
“Yeah, screw ‘em.”
“So what do you wanna do today, then?”
She looked up into his eyes, and her first instinct was to wonder what he thought. What did he want to do? What did he usually do? And what answer did he expect when he —
“Don’t worry ‘bout me,” he added, cutting her thoughts short. “I asked you ‘cause I wanna know.”
A big smile threatened to bloom on her face, just from the notion that he cared for something as small as her whims. After all, she never cared a great deal about what she felt like doing from one moment to the next. Those impulses came and went, and she usually had better things to do than what she felt like doing. But he struck her as the sort of person who placed great value on his impulses — and, seemingly now, on hers as well. She bit her lip to temper the warm and pleasant feeling.
“Well… I want to eat this breakfast with you,” she started.
“And then I want to take a nice, hot shower…”
“So then, you can’t do that here,” he chuckled. “Maybe back in your room.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t do it in my room either.”
“What was it you said? Not fussy, are you?”
“And I thought you said that I deserve to be,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
“That’s right,” Benny purred, leaning down to kiss her again.
The coffee cooled on the bed beside them, butter melted on the toast, and the scant jam he’d dug up in one of Tex’s drawers was starting to slide right off. They kissed as if nothing was around them, and neither the scent of breakfast nor the singing birds outside could pull them from the comfort of being in each other’s arms.
“Come home with me,” she whispered against his lips. “You don’t have to stay for long if you don’t want…”
“You sure,” he asked, rubbing a thumb against her cheekbone. “I don’t wanna be a pest.”
“You’re not a pest. You rescued me.”
“That’s just cause you were pretty,” he grinned.
“I don’t think so,” she said with an easy smile. “You didn’t see what I looked like when you started slowing down. I think you’d have stopped for just about anybody.”
“Maybe,” he smiled, swaying her gently in his arms. “But I’m glad that it was you.”
She threaded her fingers gently through his hair, the soft strand sliding through like honey, like sunlight, like golden threads in the most delicate tapestry.
“Come home with me,” she asked again. “Don’t say no. Unless… unless you don’t really want to.”
“Oh, I want to,” he sighed, tightening his arms around her with a possessiveness that frightened her in the best possible way. “Just… tell me when you want me to leave.”
“I’ll tell you right now,” she grinned. “Never.”
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tamagotchikgs · 4 months
as it turns out taking a whole bunch of pills u are not supposed 2 sometimes does actually have an effect
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jellyclogs · 1 year
how op men react to you calling them darling prt.2
characters: Zoro, Sabo, Sanji, Marco, Buggy
y/n has she/her pronouns
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“Excuse me?” Zoro laughed.
Your face was suddenly on fire. You hadn't meant to call him darling. You had meant to just ask, “Have you eaten.” you repeated. He looked way too much like the leading man in the romance novel you were reading. It wasn't your fault you called him darling it was the dam books.
“You're missing a part,” Zoro smirked, he was enjoying how flustered you were, it was pretty dang cute.
“Did you eat or not?” you huffed crossing your arms.
“Yeah I did,” he shot you a teasing look, “Darling.”
You thought your face was on fire before… well now it really had to be. You turned and rushed away from him. You might burst into flames from the intensity of your embarrassment. You were going to burn that novel.
“Something wrong darling?” he called after you in a laugh.
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“Hay Darling could you pass me those papers,” you called to the blond as he was passing your desk painting to a stack of paper across the room from you. You were so engrossed in your work that you hadn't even realized what you'd said.
Sabo froze, a smile coming to dance across his lips, “No problem sweetheart,” he said without skipping a beat. He grabbed the stack of paper before setting them on your desk.
You glanced up at him a puzzled look on your face, “Sweetheart?” you hummed, “What with the pet name Sabo?” you quirked a brow
Sabo’s smile grew, “You're the one who started it.” he wished he could snap a picture of the look you had on your face, it was priceless.
You tilted your head to the side. It took an almost embarrassingly long time for you to relize what you had said to him.  You bit your lip before smiling, “I guess your right darling. I did start this,” you purred.
Sabo's face flushed, “Don't use that voice on me, sweetheart,” he leaned down resting his hands on your desk, “and don't start a game you can't win.” his voice had dropped an octave, it was now low and sultry.
“I'm not sure what game you're referring to darling,” you leaned forward laying on the seductive tone even harder, “But if I did I'm sure I'd win.”
Sobo leaned even closer, his eyes were very intense, “Come on sweetheart, you know you'd lose.”
Before the game you two were playing cold get out of hand Kola stepped in. She slapped the back of both of your heads hissing, “Oh cut it out both of you.” she shook her head, a small smile on her lips.
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You smiled to yourself as you baked. You were in the process of making marbled brownies. You made a dark chocolate batter followed by a pumpkin batter before swirling them together. You popped your creation into the oven before beginning to clean up your mess. It was currently 1:30 a.m., so you knew you had plenty of time to leave it spotless. Sanji would not wake up till 5 am
 You knew that using the kitchen without Sanji's approval could be a dangerous game but you just had to. You would ask Sanji to forgive you later. There was no way you could ask him to use the kitchen not when you were trying to surprise him. You were making him a birthday treat.
You spent the 40 minutes it took for the brownies to bake to clean the kitchen till the floor sparkled. You pulled the pan of brownies out of the oven, they were perfectly baked nice crunchy corners and an ooey gooey center. You were no professional but you could bake like one.
You set the brownies on the counter along with a box of expensive black tea you bought him from a few islands ago. You spent the next ten minutes debating whether or not you'd leave a note. Finally, you gave in to yourself and left a note.  “Happy birthday darling,” you wrote out in your nicest handwriting before singing it in the bottom right corner.
Glancing at the clock you read the time was 2:25 am. You skittered out of the kitchen and headed to bead. You sent a silent prayer to whatever god was listening Luffy wouldn't get hungry for a snack before Sanji woke up.
Sanji got out of bed at Five a.m. sharp. It may have been his birthday but he would not skip out on his job. He was the ship's cook and he'd be damned if he didn't cook them a proper breakfast. His birthday would be mad special when he saw the look of delight on Nami’s, Robins's, and (y/n)’s faces when they ate the breakfast he made.
He pulled on clean clothes before heading to the kitchen. He needed a cup of nice strong black tea to wake him up. He almost slipped into his normal routine till his eyes landed on a pan on the counter. He rushed over to it wondering which member of the crew had left him a dirty dish to deal with.
He stopped in front of the pan when he saw it was full, someone had made brownies he felt confused. He then noticed the box of tea next to it. The tea looked expensive. He picked it up and read over the container. He realized it was a tea that he'd put back after he realized he didn't have the budget for it a few islands ago. His eyes finally landed on the little slip of paper resting on the top of the brownies. 
“Happy Birthday Darling” he read glancing down to the signature. He felt his heart raced as he read (y/n)’s name. When had she had the time to make this? He looked around the kitchen trying to find evidence of her baking but it was spotless. 
He hugged the note to his chest, feeling tears in his eyes. He hadn't expected much for his birthday. This was so much more than what he expected. He decided to not start his prep for breakfast yet. He brewed himself a cup of his new tea, cut himself a brownie, lit a cigarette, and sat down. He could take a bit of time to appreciate the gift.
You were pulled out of bed by Nami at  7 a.m. You were honestly in no mood to be awake, that was until you remembered that it was Sanji’s birthday. You got up stretching and yawning.
You and Nami walked to the kitchen together. You couldn't wait to see how Sanji had reacted to your little surprise. Before you entered the kitchen you whispered into Nami’s ear, “Don't forget to tell Sanji happy birthday.”
 She rolled her eyes at you… hard.
Then the two of you walked in. “Good morning Sanji.” You smiled at him.
Sanj slowly and deliberately walked across the kitchen to stand in front of you. He stared into your eyes for a long moment before hugging you. “Thank you, princess,” he whispered kissing your forehead and walking away, A trickle of blood running from his nose.
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You were sick, you had a fever, your nose was running and you had the chills. You stumbled from the room you shared with Marco to the infirmary. You knew he had to be there since he wasn't in the room with you. You always got needy when you were sick.
You made it there to see Marco working on paperwork. He was slumped over at his desk working like there was no tomorrow. You knew his work was important but at the moment you couldn't care less about it. You just wanted your lover to come cuddle with you and make you feel a little better.
“Darling,” you whimpered as you made it to his desk, “Will you come cuddle with me?” you sounded absolutely pathetic. If your voice alone had not convinced him to come to bed with you then the way you looked forced his hand. You had a pout on your face the comforter of your shared bed wrapped around you. 
Marco looked up from the paperwork he was working on, “You really shouldn't be out of bed.” he said a smile on his lips as he shook his head.
“I don't wanna be alone. Darling, please come to bed with me.” The pout on your face mixed with the flush of fever made you look more than cute.
Marco laughed, you only ever called him darling when you wanted him to do something for you. He wanted to pretend like it wasn’t an effective strategy but couldn't. Whenever you called him darling he was putty in your hands, “OK my little bird I'll come back to bed with you.” he sighed.
Your pout turned into a smile as you heard his words, “Thank you.” Even with your slightly scratchy voice, Marco found your voice soothing.
Marco stood up from his desk and walked over to you. He easily swept you off of your feet, carrying you bridal style, “Let's get you back to bed before you share this cold with someone.” he had no worries about getting sick himself, ever since he ate the phoenix phoenix fruit he was immune to most colds and illnesses.
“If you leave me there I'm gonna follow you.” You leaned into his chest closing your eyes already feeling sleepy.
Marco just shook his head. He knew for a fact you weren't joking. He sighed, for the sake of the crew he’d better stay with you. He tried to be upset about having to stay in bed with you but he couldn't manage it.
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You laid in bed next to Buggy. Your lover had his back to you as he slept You had had a nightmare and couldn't get yourself to fall asleep. You didn't want to wake him up, but you really wanted him to hold you. You didn't need to talk about the nightmare you just needed to be in his arms. You hesitantly reached a handout and shook his shoulder, “Please wake up darling.” you whispered.
Buggy was usually a heavy sleeper but the fear in your voice made him instantly roll over. With sleep still fogging his senses he asked, “What’s the matter, honey?” he looked at you with tired but concerned eyes.
“I'm sorry to wake you but would you please just hold me?” you asked in a soft and apologetic voice.
Buggy studied your face for a long moment before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to his chest. It didn't take a genius to tell you were upset. The look you had on your face was heartbreaking, “Don't be,” he mumbled, “Do you want to tell me what's wrong now or in the morning.” his voice sounded grumpy but you could tell he truly did want to make you feel better.
“In the morning darling,” you close your eyes already feeling like you could sleep again, “please just go back to sleep.” You kissed his cheek.
He grunted in response holding you tighter. He would sleep now, but in the morning he'd find out what had upset you. You were his flashy little partner and he would not neglect you. It did not take him long to fall back to sleep.
The sound of his heart and the feeling of his chest rising and falling quickly calmed you down. You found it much easier to sleep. You found yourself falling back to sleep rather quickly.
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davinashifts333 · 8 months
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THE SECRET AFFAIR (Jason DiLaurentis x Liar!Reader):
⚫️summary; one year after Alison’s disappearance everything in Rosewood went haywire. Y/n, Aria’s maternal cousin & now 1/5 of the remaining Liars, who had either an equal amount or possibly even more secrets than her childhood friends, had been dating her now presumed dead best friend’s brother. That’s right, since before the summer of Alison’s disappearance Y/n & Jason had secretly been hooking up & began officially dating due to her helping him sober up & help him through his toughest nights that now gloomed over his past. She was his main alibi for the night everything happened with Alison but, obviously couldn’t tell anyone why she was with him. So why now, that they’re finally putting Alison to rest does it all go to shit? Because the whole town believes one of the liars did it.
⚠️warnings; swearing, age gap relationship (Y/n is the same age as the girls but one of the oldest, so 5-6 years younger than Jason), adult themes, murder, gore-ish?, PLL shit dude, it’s crazy, 18+ ONLY!
Y/N’s POV (the night of Ali’s disappearance)
I woke up with a blazing headache to my phone ringing a very specific tone that had become all too familiar. Jason. Thunder rolled in as lightning flashed the barn awake. The text from Jason saying to meet him at our spot which was a small bench in the woods behind his house. I head over, carefully leaving the barn door ajar so the girls won’t wake up when I come back but, I notice i’m not the only one who had planned to escape. Ali was gone and so was Spencer. I brushed the thought from my mind as I remember Jason’s text,
‘Garrett and Ian brought over some weed and I have the shakes now, meet up? I’m freaking out. Be safe. xx’
Jason had been trying to get clean, key word, trying. His friend group wasn’t as lenient as I was though, every now and then I had to help clean him up and sleep through the high or drunken daze. He wasn’t the best at being drunk believe it or not, he got drowsier than me after smelling the fumes when filling my car up with gas. Regardless, Jason was there for me when my dad left to hunt down my mom’s murderer. Yeah, Aria is my cousin, our moms are sisters.. Well.. Were.. That was until one night in the winter of 1998. I woke up after hearing glass shatter and walked down stairs, all I remember seeing was a shadow of a tall man standing over my mother’s body. Since then, I’ve lived with my aunt Ella and her family. Jason was our neighbor from down the street and Aria knew Alison, so obviously I knew them too. He always told me that death brought new life and my new life I had to live in honor of my mom. We clicked from then on. Of course being older he always taunted us girls and would do the typical big brother things to Ali. But one night when I was 14, I kissed him. He was shocked at first but then admitted he always liked me best out of Ali’s friends. The only bad thing was, Alison saw us kiss. She held it over my head like a looming sword on the thinnest of threads, threatening to tell her parents that Jason tried to force himself on me. Which obviously was a lie but who would they believe. Little did she know, I had secrets of hers to shoot back with so, we bonded in that way. A battle for dominance as one might call it. But nonetheless we were best friends, and secrets so keep us together.
I walk up to the bench hearing the crunching of leaves coming from the opposite direction, they staggered a bit and I saw Jason stumbling towards me, tripping on a rock and landing right on top of me.
‘Shit, sorry babe. I guess drunk me has two left feet.’ I giggled at his comment as we sat up, backs against the trunk of the tree that stood tall above our bench.
‘Who bought it this time?’ I asked, changing the subject back to the issue at hand. Jason then took position on my lap, my hands running through his hair. He sighed.
‘Ian. As always. But Garrett also brought booze. You know I can’t resist a nice cold beer. Those two idiots are probably still up in my room thinking I passed out somewhere. How was your sleepover?’ I rubbed his temples, knowing he got headaches when he drank.
‘It was okay, had some drinks too, courtesy of your sister. Hanna and Emily knocked out first and well you kno-.’ Suddenly the sound of someone walking by caught our attention. Jason shot up and stumbled a bit before helping me up. I held his waist to help him gain balance and he whispered to me to head back to the barn. That we’d talk the next day. With a swift kiss goodbye we went our separate ways. But, just as I got back to the door of the barn I heard a scream. I quickly made my way inside to see Emily, Hanna and Aria still asleep. Gladly I didn’t get caught by Spencer or Ali. I went back to my place on the large ottoman and curled up, hoping for Jason to have gotten back in one piece. He wasn’t as drunk or high as other times but, he still could continue through the night or worse, be pressured by Ian. God, I hated his “friends”. They only enabled him to fail at sobriety and I knew the truth behind their little club. Ian started it all with Jason when Ian took a photo of the girls and I in Emily’s bedroom. Creep.
An hour or so went by and I couldn’t sleep with all the thoughts running in my mind but, I kept my eyes shut. Spencer had come back but seemed a bit off, her breathing was ragged and stuffy. Like she had been crying or running. I wondered if Ali had gone back home or if she was coming back but, my question was answered when a loud crack of thunder woke us all up. Emily and Hanna huddled together while Aria “woke” me up.
‘Damn Y/n/n. You sure can sleep through anything.’ Spencer joked trying to lighten the mood and we all slightly laughed.
‘Where’s Alison?’ I finally asked and Spencer spoke up.
‘I think I heard a scream.’
That night marked a huge change in our lives and seeing how things were, my Uncle Byron and Aunt Ella decided it would be best to move to Iceland for a while, to get away. But now that we were back, things seemed way different. I hadn’t heard from Jason much after Ali’s disappearance. We kept in tough but after I was forced to move across the world, we decided it was best to be apart. I hoped he stayed sober but, I also knew the loss of his sister was taking a toll on him.
Aria and I had begun to unpack when Mike announced he was hungry. So Aria and I took my car that my mom had when she was my age, to a little dive bar/restaurant near Hollis College to get some burgers. When I waited for our order, Aria snuck off with this really cute guy who was apparently studying to be an English teacher. I let her have some fun while I contemplated texting Jason. Low and behold I folded.
‘Hey, I know it’s been a while since we last spoke but I figured a check in from our old spot in Rosewood could be cool? I just got back today and could sneak away from Aria for a few. If you’re up for it. Hope you’re doing well. xx.’
He read it almost instantly as if he had known I was thinking of texting him.
‘Welcome back to hell. I can meet you there in 10?’ I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of seeing Jason after a whole year and quickly shot Aria a text letting her know what I was doing. During our time in Iceland I confessed to her about Jason and I secretly dating to which she was impressed but mainly saddened by and even wrote a modern day Romeo and Juliet based off of us. It was sweet, Jason had even liked it when I read it to him on one of our phone calls early on. He also felt proud that I was able to trust someone enough to talk about him with.
I drove the 10 minutes to the last secluded park where we had to start meeting after our bench had been compromised by the investigation and waited. A few minutes went by and I heard a knock on my car window. I shut it off and climbed out. He looked good, way better than he did when I left. Healthier, a bit more put together and like his face was hurting from smiling so much.
‘I don’t remember you being this bubbly. Are you sure you’re Jason DiLaurentis?’ I joked and he pulled me in for a hug. His signature cologne engulfed me in the most comforting way.
‘No more red streaks in your hair, you’ve grown up. You sure you’re Y/N Y/L/N?’ He responded and I playfully punch his arm. We walked over to the picnic table and sat down. We talked for what felt like hours but in reality was about half an hour until Aria texted me saying she had the food and was getting dropped off at home. I responded with an excuse she could give her parents and she said she’d have my back. I came back to the conversation at hand and decided to ask the big question.
‘Sorry about that, Aria was just letting me know she’d cover for me back at home. So, truth. How are you?’ I asked, his eyes saddening a bit knowing what I meant.
‘Well, i’m sober. A whole 9 months now. Still dealing with the whole Ali missing thing and just graduated from College. You?’ I felt his hand playing with my rings on mine and sighed.
‘Well, about to start Junior year of High School, still dealing with the whole Ali missing thing and now very proud of this guy I used to date. He was a bit of a mess when I left our hometown so, you know. Surviving.’ He chuckled nodding as I ended my response.
‘He was very broken up. I mean come on, not being able to see your gorgeous face for that long? It was criminal. Poor guy was torn up enough already. You just added to the mix.’ I took notice of how true his comment was, I had left him in a vulnerable moment.
‘Well, I tried to keep in contact with him but, didn’t know how else to help, I was grieving too. Just grieving in a different way and grieving him as well.’ He lifted my chin to meet my gaze.
‘You don’t have to grieve anymore love. He’s never given up that one day you’d make your way back to him. Believe me. He even thought about how if you didn’t come back soon, he’d have to go to Iceland to find you.’ His hand now cupping my cheek as my eyes glazed over with tears. Alison always did tell me she loved how I helped Jason become more human in her eyes. She had seen a change in him from when we started dating.
‘Well, I thought he would hate me for leaving. I know I had no choice but, I still wished I could’ve been there to help him, like always.’
‘Baby, listen to yourself. You were always there helping me. Even when you had to go. You called every day, texted all day long, checked in when you could. You did your part, it was just time for me to do mine and let you move on. I just hoped that if we really were meant to keep going, you’d eventually come back to me.’ At this point I was fully crying and listening to his grief and love pour out of him.
‘I did hound my Aunt Ella everyday in hopes of us coming back sooner. And look at us now. I don’t want to move on, I want us, I want to grow in life with you Jason. I wanna see you be the person you always dreamt of becoming and to let the past stay in the past, all the mistakes were just bumps in the road. You took control of your life, focused on yourself and I couldn’t be happier for you. You deserved to be free from those assholes you called friends.’ He placed his forehead to mine and pulled me into his lap.
‘Can I kiss you now? I’m dying over here.’ He whispered and I laughed nodding. At that moment, we were in bliss. Not knowing what was yet to come and how insanely twisted our lives would soon become. After our reunion we agreed on meeting up as much as we could and even heading to Philly for date nights. However until I turned 18, we had to stay under the radar for a bit. It was all rose colored glasses until the first text from -A. It was a picture of me in Jason’s lap and a whole album of pictures of us before Ali went missing. Who could’ve possibly gotten these?
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dwntwn-strnlo · 1 year
HEY I LOVE UR WRITING could you do a touch deprived reader afraid of asking for attention or physical touch, and they think matt was angry at them and gave him some space but really he was just very stressed and when matt realized what they wanted he felt guilty and the rest is up to you! Lyy (matt sturniolo btw)
thank you sm for the request! sorry it took so long. love you ❤️
TONE DEAF matt sturniolo
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓎, dwntwn-strnlo.
↳ 𝐀/𝐍. its kinda different from what you asked, but i hope you like it!
↳ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. matthew sturniolo x reader
↳ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. request
↳ 𝐂𝐖! verbal argument, happy ending
walking into matts room, you sit on the edge of the bed behind him. he just got back from filming a personal video, and is already editing the recordings for it.
you were hanging out with chris in his room when matt got home, and he didnt even let you know he was back. which you will admit, it stung a little. you only found out that he was home when you looked out a window, finding the mini van parked out in the driveway.
"hey," you say, watching him replay the same 5 seconds of the video.
"hey," he mutters, repeating your greeting. but not turning around to give you even a sliver of his attention.
you easily frown, "you didnt tell me you were back," finding that he isnt going to respond, you continue. "you were gone for like three hours, i missed you." you let your light words trail off into the slightly too cold room.
"yeah, sorry. i forgot." his voice is low, and almost like theres a slight bite too it.
"oh," you sigh, tucking your knees up to your chest. still not taking your eyes off the back of his head. "well how was your day? i didnt see much of you since we woke up."
he sighs, a tinge of annoyance lacing his voice. "fine."
you pause before continuing. he clearly put a wall up, and youre just trying to find some sort of crack in the bricks. "what did you do, other than film a video of course." you laugh lightly to yourself.
"god, are you fucking tone deaf?!" he groans, spinning around in his chair to look at you for the first time. his expression is overridden with panic. "clearly i dont feel like talking right now."
his words take you aback. your eyes search his as he processes that he just snapped at you.
"oh . . ." you whisper. your voice fading into a void of nothing. the only sound you hear is the faint whirring of the ceiling fan overhead. "ill give you some space then."
"hey, no- honey . . ."
"no, its fine, matt." you frown, standing up and grabbing your shoes before walking out of the bedroom.
shutting the door, you stop and stand there for several seconds. letting his harsh words wash over you before walking over to the couch and putting your shoes on. matts never snapped at you like this before. he'd always been careful with his words when he was mad or stressed out.
grabbing your car keys, you don't know where your headed, or for how long. you just know you want to go.
. . .
eventually, you pull back into your driveway. you had just drove around and listened to music for a few hours, but you knew you had to come home.
finally glancing at the time sitting on your dash in a glowing shade of blue, you find it to be just after two am. with a sigh, you shut off the engine. getting out of the car to be hit by the cool, autumn air.
walking up the ever so familiar steps from your driveway to your door, you slow your pace down when you see the silhouette of someone sitting on the front porch. once they notice you, they stand up; taking a cautious step in your direction.
"y/n?" matts voice rings out to you. a slight hurt in his tone as he mutters your name.
"what are you doing out here?" you sigh, stepping around him to get to the front door.
"you know i couldnt fall asleep until i knew you were safe." his voice is sad and low as he mumbles the words out to you.
"well im safe, so go to sleep, matt." you snap. instantly regretting it, but you don't let your expression falter under the the dim glow of the dying porch light.
"baby, can we talk? please?" he pleads, running his hands down his face. "i feel awful for yelling at you earlier."
you stay silent. darting your eyes across his disheveled face as you wait for him to go on.
"i just - i feel stupid." he whispers, trying hard to not let tears fall. "i shouldve communicated to you that i was stressed out. but i didnt, and i let myself snap at you."
"matt . . ." you frown.
"im sorry, baby. i really am. and i understand if you still want some space and time to yourself, but i wont be able to fall asleep until you know how sorry i am.
"just please dont go to bed upset with me. i love you too much to let that happen."
you gently smile at the boy, walking over to him and pull him into a much needed hug. "its alright love, you dont need to apologize. i understand that your going through a rough time right now."
he nods, nuzzling his nose into the top of your head. "i love you so, so much, darling. i hope you know that."
you smile, nodding against his chest. "i know, honey, i know. love you forever."
matt tightens your embrace, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "forever and always."
@slvt444smvt @thetriplets3 @theboyz-delulu @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic
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mistydeyes · 1 year
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take a walk in my shoes
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summary: With the 141 boys home and relaxing in your embrace, you decide to show them a day in your life. A sequel to opposite occupations.
pairing: 141 x civvie! fem!Reader (established relationship)
warnings: swearing, mentions of tattooing (tattoo guns and needles), but like before all fluff!
a/n: i love our lil squad of civilian significant others and thought a sequel needed to be made for our faves :)
🏷️ @fan-of-encouragement - thanks for giving me some ideas for price and the florist!
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watching love bloom - price x florist!
Ever since you first met, Price had been a tremendous help with the management of your shop. You had been going steady for a year now, "10 years in military time" Price would say. Although, it was as if you both were practically married. Besides hosting dinners and communicating with the other civilian girlfriends (in a group chat called "almost military wives🪖💍"), you lived like an old, married couple. Together, you and Price owned a small cottage placed in the English countryside. It was idyllic as Price could spend his evenings on the porch with a smoke and you could tend to a growing flower garden. Price requested some design choices but overall you furnished the home with items curated for the two of you. Your house was constantly filled with life, a new bouquet always resting on the table, and many thriving houseplants. Price would always joke that the plants were like your children especially when you went to water some and even sang to them.
Upon Price’s return to your shared home, he could tell something was on your mind. The living room was a mess with written notes and sketches as well as many sample flower bouquets.
“Darling I’m home!” he called setting his things down. He wondered where you could be. Suddenly you came from the backyard with an armful of flowers and your phone balanced between your ear and shoulder. When you saw him, you almost dropped your trimmings but Price moved to you and caught them.
“I’m glad you liked the arrangements, I’ll have them ready tomorrow,” you sighed before the other person on the line hung up.
After bombarding him with many kisses, he reminded you that the flowers were wilting with the lack of hydration.
“Who was that before?” he asked as he filled some buckets with water for you.
“It’s a bride from London, she and her partner are getting married in town. Funny enough, they started dating because of my little flower sign.” you chuckled as you began to prune the leaves and trim the stems from your haul. “Ah sounds like someone I know,” he said, gently kissing your forehead.
“As much as I enjoy the celebration of love and business, it’s been a whirlwind. You wouldn’t imagine how many phone calls and test runs I’ve had.” It was no exaggeration, these last few weeks had been a living hell as you helped the couple make their final preparations.
“Let me help you out tomorrow, got nothing better to do” he offered as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist. “You really don’t have to” you replied but he could see the stress this was putting on you. “Darling, there is nothing more that I would love than spending time with you and seeing you at work.”
You and Price woke up bright and early at 5 am. The sun crept on your sleeping face as he gently woke you. After some necessary coffee, you and Price opened your shop. You went to work, grabbing buckets of flowers from the fridge. You loved the brides but this order was shipped to you from a farm, one currently not being met with the cold, autumn temperatures. As you trimmed the summery array of dahlias, hydrangeas, and cosmos, Price helped to move the never-ending buckets and took care of the growing piles of trash. You were in the middle of showing him how to assemble a bridesmaid bouquet when you heard the door open.
"Fuck, can you take care of that?" you asked as you glanced at the clock, the wedding slowly approaching. "Love, what did I tell you when we first met?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I am not a man for flowers" you both said in unison. You continued, "Please John? I have a list underneath the counter detailing the different flowers for occasions. You got this!" you placed a small kiss on his lips, knowing he would do whatever you asked.
He nodded and exited to the front. When he emerged, he could see an elderly woman. "Can you help me pick out flowers? My grandson just got a new job and is moving here tomorrow" she sweetly asked. "Oh and young man, I just need them wrapped. No arranging necessary" she continued and you could hear Price rifling around for your book. Miraculously through your notebook's guidance and some of your aesthetic impressed on him, he was able to help her pick out a colorful array of peonies, tulips, and chrysanthemums - a perfect combination for a congratulations gift. You made sure to shout out from the back that he should include some wisterias and eucalyptus as a nice welcome message. You caught a glance at the bouquet and you were happy to see that the lilac hydrangeas with the orange ballerina tulips were balanced with the magenta chrysanthemums and the bundles of wisteria and eucalyptus. You can safely say, the one thing he was a natural at was tying up the loose stems. You guess his training did come in handy.
As you finished making the final additions to your bouquet, you heard Price making conversation with the older woman. “Young man, I hope you have a sweetheart at home waiting for you,” she said as you peeked and saw him handing her a bouquet. “I do actually, she reminds me that there’s more to life than destruction,” he said and you could’ve married him on the spot. The old woman wished him well as you heard the sound of her exit.
As you exited from the back, you planted a kiss on his cheek. “What’s that for?” he asked. “For being the boyfriend and employee” you smiled back at him, admiring his face that shined in the afternoon light. “Might have to change positions soon,” he joked and while you initially thought he meant employment, you realized it was something else as a more than year later he proposed. Don’t worry, he let you handle the wedding floral arrangements.
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two inked hearts - soap x tattoo artist!
Although Soap had his own home, he always managed to end up at yours when he was on leave. This time was no different but unfortunately, the short notice did not allow you to take off of work. You had two customs the next day and four flash works as well.
As you were enjoying your beer, you heard the front door unlock. Knowing who it was, you walked to the entrance and saw your boyfriend standing there. Although he appeared tired and a bit grimy, his face lit up when he saw you. He kicked off his snow covered boots and dropped his duffle. He held his arms out and you immediately embraced him.
After many kisses, you lightly punched his chest. "I didn't know you were coming home so early!" you said, slightly pouting. "Well is that any way to greet a soldier," he replied and you couldn't help but smile as you missed his loving accent. "I would have called off work tomorrow," you began to say before he interrupted. "Work doesn't have to stop because I'm home, lass. I'll just go to work," he said as you pondered this decision. It was clear, he didn’t want your busy schedule to get in his way and would follow you around like a lost puppy. "I mean if the shop and the patrons don't mind, then I guess," you said back, ecstatic he would see you in your element. "Until then, you're all mine, Bonnie" he laughed before picking you up and sat you both back on the couch.
After a rushed morning, trying to get the man to let you out of bed, you showed up to work. It was winter so to Soap's dismay, you were unable to showcase all your amazing tattoos. He did insist on matching outfits. So emerging from the winter cold, you entered both wearing matching beanies and winter coats. Upon your arrival, one of your fellow artists warmly greeted Soap and commented on how cute you both were. After some catching up, you went to set up your station. Soap followed you and watched as you got your tattoo gun and the inks you would be using for the first customer. He held your waist as you sterilized the area. "My beautiful artist," he cheekily said and you rolled your eyes.
Now you were no idiot, there was no way anyone would let him tattoo them. Although his signature mohawk made him fit in with the shop's patrons. Knowing he would eventually become bored after watching you, you left him with a sketch pad and pens in a corner of your room. Your first client of the day was one of your frequent patrons. They had decided on one of your flash pieces, a hand holding a bouquet of rosemary leaves, on their thigh. As you got them comfortable in the chair, you gave Soap a quick peck and began the process. You would occasionally glance over and see him drawing with a concentrated look. “From strong, protective boyfriend to a child in seconds,” you mumbled and earned a hearty laugh from your patron.
And so the day continued, you tattooing away and Soap drawing in the corner. He would occasionally ask you what the different needle gun sizes were for and how you were able to create custom works for clients. He even conversed with another soldier getting a bicep tattoo of a skull with snakes surrounding it. You thought the idea was badass, complimenting his choice. Almost immediately, Soap interjected to say his tattoo was the best compared to the one they were getting. Eventually, once you were done for the day, you walked to Soap to see what he was drawing. You snatched the paper and in return, he pulled you into his lap.
"Well, what do we have here, my tattoo apprentice?" you asked, holding up the paper. As you looked at each drawing, you could see some familiar faces. You couldn't help but laugh when you say "You have to pay the" with Price's face following the words. He even managed to draw what looked like a depiction of Simon underneath his mask as well as Price in a florist's apron in front of his girlfriend's shop.
Your favorite was the bar of soap he had drawn in the corner with a surprising amount of detail. "You know with this work and the fact they call you 'Soap', I would think you wouldn't be as smelly," you joked. "I thought it was cool at first, they all said it was because I'm good at cleaning house but I see what you mean," he said, slightly embarrassed. You kissed him gently before telling him it was time to return to your warm bed.
Weeks later, you texted Soap a picture of your new tattoo. It was the sketch he had drawn of the bar of soap. You had done it yourself, his drawing placed on your forearm. He loved it, proudly showing it off to the other 141 boys and anyone who listened. He even was sure to text Alejandro and Rudy a picture with the caption "mira el nuevo tatuaje de mi novia!". He did ignore the reply from Alejandro that asked, “¿por qué la chica inteligente se tatuaría una barra de jabón?”
translations: mira el nuevo tatuaje de mi novia! - look at my girlfriend's new tattoo!
¿por qué una chica inteligente se tatuaría una barra de jabón? - why would a smart girl get a bar of soap tattooed on her?
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being the teacher's pet - gaz x teacher!
"You know the kids always ask about you," you told Gaz as you lay leisurely on his couch. It was a Sunday and you both were enjoying each other's presence before the school week. He came home on Friday and you welcomed him home with a cooked meal and his favorite bottle of wine. The entire weekend was filled with cuddling on the couch and catching up about the last couple of months. You laughed when he told you of Soap's girlfriends tattoo. You joked wishing he had a cooler call sign so you could get it tattooed. Since your first date, you both had established a comfortable long distance relationship but you always loved when he was home.
"I could make an appearance," he joked. As you lay on his chest, you could feel him laughing lightly. He would come to regret that statement as you begged him to visit the class the next day. After some convincing, he obliged unable to deny your sweet face.
The next day, you stopped by Kyle’s flat for some morning coffee. As you opened the door, you could see him standing by the hallway mirror making sure he looked presentable. You smiled, noting he was wearing the beige button-up and navy blue sports coat you had bought him. You suddenly felt underdressed in your green slacks and brown blouse.
“You look great, Kyle, let’s go get something to drink” you spoke and he looked at you with his charming smile that brightened the room. He took your hand gently and you walked to the local coffee shop. It was spring and you couldn't help but admire the new blooms on the trees. Once you both arrived, you enjoyed your morning brew as he sipped his tea. You wished he could stay home forever as he looked so relaxed in the early morning sun. However, you suddenly were reminded of the time and kissed him on the cheek, reiterating that he should be at school for snack time.
Once you arrived at the school, you went about your typical routine and eventually, it was time to begin your lessons. You went through your plan, teaching your students basic arrhythmic in the morning. As snack time approached, you smiled knowing you'd make your students' day.
“Alright, class! I have a surprise for you” you eagerly said. Gaz was on the other side of the classroom door, smiling as he heard your enthusiastic voice. “We have a special guest today who’s going to join us for snack time!”
With that, you whisked open the door and Gaz walked into the cheers of the children. He had two lunchboxes in his hand and your heart melted. The entire class wanted Gaz to sit with them so you decided to form them into a circle so everyone could enjoy his presence. You opened the lunchbox to reveal a variety of strawberries and watermelon, delicately cut into hearts. As everyone ate their snacks, one of your students asked if Gaz would be teaching them today.
"Well I'm sure Mr. Military Man could teach you some things while we eat," you winked looking at Gaz. The children were giddy with excitement and kept begging Gaz to teach them some military things. Not wanting to expose them to the horrors of his job, he simply taught them the military alphabet and assigned them all code names. He carefully assigned one to each kid based on their personalities as well as some stories you had told him. As you watched your boyfriend methodically assign the names, you softly chuckled to yourself. In another life, Gaz would be an amazing teacher as he was great with the kids.
Once snack time was over, you let the children know they would be doing some quiet reading before practicing some of their writing skills. Gaz sat on the edge of your desk as you answered some emails from parents.
You both then heard a child whisper, "Goose, can we swap books? I finished mine." Her friend replied, "Shhh, Maverick I'm almost done." You let out a small laugh, enjoying the subtle nod to the Top Gun movie.
"Goose, you can get another book from the cubby" you said as the other children continued reading. Looking over to Gaz you gave him a smile. “Thanks for doing this, babes,” you said and placed your hand on top of his. The moment was momentarily spoiled when he whispered, “So when are we going to have our army of kids?”
Upon Gaz’s next return from the 141, he found his apartment filled with framed drawings from the children. You had surprised him with it and all of your students were more than happy to participate. Each one of them wrote their names at the bottom along with their call sign. They all had one theme: “Miss Y/N and her husband.”
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a purr-fect romance - ghost x veterinarian!
"How's my favorite patient doing?" you ask as you see Ghost with Earl Grey in his arms. Simon had come home just in time to enjoy the beginning of summer and the clear skies. He was dressed in a neutral-colored t-shirt and shorts, enjoying the nice weather you recently had been having. He even had put Earl in a small straw hat you had bought. You loved seeing him look like a little beach-goer.
“I’m doing well, love,” he said and gave you a peck on the cheek. As soon as he got close to you, Earl Grey tried to leap on you. “Well hello to you, Earl” you smiled as Ghost gently handed him to you.
In the last two years, Earl and Simon had become your home. You and Simon owned a flat down the street, a lovely commute for you to the office and a place of solace for him. When you began to furnish your home, you were astonished at how little he had in personal items and how much he had for Earl. Maybe it was due to all this spoiling that Earl had a clear love for Ghost. When he would leave for deployment, Earl would find his way to sneak in between you both in bed. One time Ghost snuck out of bed and was able to capture an image of you sleeping on your stomach with Earl resting on your back. Although you said you looked like a hot mess with your sprawled figure and crazy hair, Ghost treasured the photo and printed out a small copy to keep with him at all times. Despite this domestic life, Ghost would always insist on bringing Earl Grey to your office whenever he was home. It would be easier to just have you bring him in with you for his check-up but you secretly loved seeing your boyfriend in your office.
“Just a check-up and vaccine for us today, Doc” Ghost said as you checked them in. It was later in the afternoon and you had sent your assistants home as the only patient was Earl for the rest of the day. Plus, you knew they would love to enjoy the warm evening around town. “Actually, would you like to see what I do?” you asked. He nodded and you could tell he was curious.
You lead him to one of the rooms as you donned your coat and gloves of your own. You gently placed Earl down and went through the motions, showing Ghost how you typically performed an exam. You let him listen to Earl's heartbeat with your stethoscope and described to him what things to look for when examining his coat, ears, eyes, and mouth.
"Well I'm happy to say, Mr. Riley, that your cat is in perfect health," you smiled at him and you raised your hand in front of Earl to receive a high five. "Now just for that rabies shot," you said and you pulled out the materials from around the office.
As you drew up the vaccine, Ghost entertained Earl with one of the many ribbon teaser toys lying around. You laughed as you saw Earl going crazy for the thing. Finally ready, you let Ghost pet him as you found the best area on Earl's right hind leg to administer. Setting him on his side, your heart warmed hearing him purr gently into Simon's arms.
"Alright, Earl, this will be real quick," you said and you quickly administered the shot. Earl whined and Ghost tried his best, gently saying to him, "It's okay bud, the lovely doc is almost done." With that, you finished and allowed Earl to return to his toys as you cleaned up.
Ghost picked Earl back up and you closed up the office. As you walked home in the balmy night air, Ghost was clearly in a cheery mode. "You're so great with animals, when are we-" he began to joke before you stopped him. "We can think about adopting maybe another kitten. I swear if you make Kyle's joke about having an army of them, then you can live in a house with them while his girlfriend and I live in our clean flat." With that, he laughed and wrapped a free arm around you. You wondered how life could be so perfect. You lived with your soulmate, taking care of an animal who loved you both and got to end the night with long conversations over some tea. You smiled up at him, content with your loving boyfriend and his cat child.
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imraespace · 3 months
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Yesterday's chat was just a quick one. Now it was a new day.
As the sun rose, entering your room through the windows and onto your face was enough for you to slowly wake up from your sleep. You completely woke up when your mother entered your bedroom and told you to wake up though!
"I made extra lunch for the twins," Your mother started as she turned around to face you.
"Make sure to give it to them okay?" She ended, handing over the extra lunches.
It wasn't the first time she's done this, you three grew up in the same neighborhood so at a young age you became friends and close enough where your parents often send treats to each other.
With a smile, you took the lunches but then you remembered what happened yesterday in the group chat.
Now you're wondering if you should eat Muichiro's lunch..
"I will don't worry, bye bye mama." You said, stuffing the lunches in your bag and left the house.
Normally, when walking to school, you walk with the twins. You always made your way to their house and waited outside the gate for them and you did just that but today's mood was very much different.
In your eyes, they looked like they really wanted to eat each other's head. Technically, they do fight almost everyday but they normally make up right after, weirdos but it made sense, maybe its a twin thing.. but today they look like they hated each other and it worried you a bit.
"Are you both okay?" You asked as the three of you began to walk.
They simply just ignored you, which caused to to stop in your tracks yet they still walked.
"So much for asking.." You mumbled, rolling your eyes.
You caught up with them but the fun walk you three normally have was now drop dead silent and you didn't like it.
"..Are you both joining the group to visit the cafe?" You asked, hoping that one of them reply.
But all you got was a small nod from Muichiro and a no from Yuichiro.
And it made you sighed.
"Is there a reason to why you both are so silent?" And OF COURSE! You got no answer.
It made your mind drifted back to yesterday. Was it really about that dumb fight? You thought more on it and tried to figure out why it will affect them so much. For the twins it seems too childish to affect them but..
Did it really escalated between them?
You three finally made it to school and you met up with Kanao and Aoi. The only two girls who's around your age that you can talk to.
You separated yourself from the group, not bothering to tell them anything because you already knew what you will get in response, but then ran back because you forgot about the extra lunches.
So you snuffed out the lunches, shoved it at them, because they don't deserve kindness after treating you so poorly, then you made your way towards your friends.
Kanao was the first to notice you and greeted you with a smile.
"Good morning Y/N, did you sleep well?" She asked.
"Of course I did but I don't think thr twins did.." You said.
The three of you turned towards and you noticed that Tanjiro was approaching them.
"They're gonna ignore him.." You mumbled, waiting for it to happen.
You knew what was about to happen, well you thought you did..
You thought your eyes was playing tricks on you WHEN MUICHIRO'S FACE DID A 180 AND GREETED HIS FRIEND. Yuichiro gave him a smile and a small goodbye.. while Muichiro was full on having a conversation with him.
Now it was the girls' turn to and face you with confusion on their faces.
"Um to me they look completely fine.." Aoi said, fidgeting with her bag.
But Kanao was the one to notice the look on your face.
It was a mixture of annoyance, confusion and sadness, all framed as a big frown on your face.
"Are you okay..?" She mumbled.
You huffed a bit and began to complain.
"Tanjiro got a full on conversation while I got a silent, cold walk to school.." You grumbled.
Aoi, trying to reason with it told you, "I mean who wouldn't turn down Tanjiro..?"
"But me.. HIS BEST FRIEND?" You slightly burst out, scaring the girls on accident.
"I know, I'm sorry! I'm trying to figure out why.." Aoi said, rubbing your back as a frown made it on her face.
"Maybe it has something to do with what happened in the chat yesterday?" Kanao brought up, confirming your old thoughts.
"I did thought of it, but I immediately thought of it as being too childish for them.." You replied.
Their eyes made it back on the males who continued to converse.
Your eyes couldn't leave his face, noticing how Tanjiro made it completely switch from a frown to a smile and it made you a bit upset that you failed to do just that.
Though, your thoughts disappeared as you noticed Tanjiro making his way to you three, with Muichiro following behind.
"How are you all today? We have to get to class soon.." He said, making his way towards Kanao to give her a small hug.
Too bad you didn't get a morning hug because your best friend wants to be a sour prune first thing in the morning.
"I'm good!" Aoi told the boy, followed by Kanao nodding in agreement.
Now it was your turn to answer, but all he got was a grumpy look on your face as you looked away.
It was a first! It made Tanjiro double take and ran up to you.
"YOU'RE NOT OKAY?!" He exclaimed, grabbing your shoulders as he forced you to look at him.
The look on his face made you feel bad so you tried to fake it, to make him happy atleast.
"I'm okay Tanjiro don't worry.." You said, forming a big smile.
Who are you fooling.. because it's certainly not Tanjiro.
He rose his eyebrow at you but he digressed.
"If you say so.. but anyways we have to get to class." He said, making his way towards Kanao and grabbed her hand, walking away as the other three, yourself, Aoi and Muichiro, was left behind.
Poor Aoi was stuck in the middle between both You and Muichiro as the gloomy mood was brought back.
All she couldnr done was let out a small sigh and simply said..
"Why me.."
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TAGLIST: @deezy12299 @s0uldarling @cherryblossomly @boogiemansbitch @delusional-mushroom (OPEN)
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 11 months
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Astarion x Y/N - Chapter 1 - 2.6K WC
Chapter 1 (you are here!)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 NSFW 18+
Chapter 6 NSFW 18+
Chapter 7 NSFW 18+
You sat at your desktop and sighed. The clock in the corner of the screen read 2:38 AM. You could feel your eyes throb, the blue light from the screen was going to cause them to be bloodshot tomorrow you just knew it. You should probably call it a day but the Gauntlet of Shar was kicking your ass and you felt beyond dejected. Saving your progress you quit the game. You stare at the screen which had the Baldur’s Gate III loading screen, the green “play” button tempting you despite just logging off. Shutting down the computer you went through your night routine. Shower, brush teeth, pet the cat. You slid into your bed and sighed. Life felt so mundane, you wished you could adventure. Maybe that’s why the game was so appealing to you. You were already thinking about playing tomorrow after a grueling day of work. You set your alarm and slowly let yourself relax before going limp into a deep sleep.
You could feel the migraine in your head before you even opened your eyes. You groaned before you realized you could also smell grass and feel a slight breeze on your brow. Suddenly a swift kick was planted into your side. Your eyes squeezed shut as you curled into yourself, holding your right side and coughing. 
“What the fuck!” You yelled. 
Coughing some more before you felt cold metal against your throat. You finally opened your eyes to see six people standing around you. People is a lose term as some had horns, tails, scales, etc. 
“Give me one reason I shouldn’t slit your throat where you lay istik.” Said the green woman in dazzling armor.
You couldn’t speak. Your heart was beating so fast it felt like it stopped. This was a dream. A fucked up dream. You really gotta lay off the Baldur’s Gate III because this is ridiculous.
You knew everyone looking at you but they did not know you. The blade pressed further into your throat and you let out a whimper. You did the only thing you could think of. You slowly put your hands up next to you head, palms open to show you meant no harm. Lae’zel let up ever so slightly but kept her eyes fixed on you. 
“She asked you a question.” Said Karlach as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking at you with curiosity but also caution.
“Y/n…. My name is y/n.” You squeaked out, feeling the blade start to dig into your neck.
“And how is it that you managed to stumble upon our camp?” Asked Astarion with an unimpressed tone. 
“I - I didn’t… I wasn’t looking for you I swear…. I just woke up here and I don't remember anything else.” Is sputtered out quickly, praying they believed you. 
You felt a sharp sting and a… wriggle? Behind your eye, Shadowheart forced herself into your mind. Just as quickly as she had entered, the pain stopped. 
“She’s telling the truth.” She said.
“Are you friend or foe? Speak now so I may offer you a clean death istik.” Lae’zel spat.
“Friend! Definitely a friend! I don’t want any trouble I promise!” Your voice shook and you could feel tears brimming in your eyes as you felt the blade draw blood.
Karlach gave a “tsk” before pushing past Astarion and Wyll. She stretched out a hand to you. You glanced at her, then back to Lae’zel. 
Karlach looked to Lae’zel before speaking, “They look like a scared puppy you can’t possibly think they’re a threat Lae’zel.” 
Lae’zel let out a huff before withdrawing her sword, your hand immediately flying to your throat only for it to be coated in blood. You looked at Karlach and quickly took her hand, scrambling to stand up before hunching over when you felt the shooting pain in your side.
“Ahhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” you whispered to yourself. 
“Any sign of aggression and I will not hesitate to smite you.” Lae’zel said before walking back to her tent.
You finally straightened out. Looking at Karlach you spoke, “Thank you.” You gave her a smile, or what you could manage as a smile in the moment.
She looked you over before smiling brightly at you, “No worries soldier! I’m Karlach, pleasure to meet you.” She said while vigorously shaking your hand.
“Y/n.” You said softly while looking around. “I’m sorry, do any of you have a mirror?” 
“Not even with us for more than five minutes and you’re already preening for a mirror. Petty vanity will get the best of you darling. Besides, not much to admire if you ask me.” Astarion said with a sassy yet disinterested tone.
You scoffed. Karlach pulled out her sword, you went to take a step back, ready to book it, before she held it horizontally in her hands. She looked at you before glancing at the sword. You stepped closer. 
“You’ve gotta be shitting me…” you said, feeling your face and hair. The reflection looking back at you was your Tav from Baldur’s Gate III. You pinched and pulled at yourself not believing what you were seeing. 
“Something wrong?” Asked Shadowheart whom you made eye contact with in the reflection.
“I - I ummm… I’m um….. I’m not myself…” was all you could manage. Karlach sheathed her sword and you turned to finally face everyone. “Come find me when you want your bedroll y/n, I should have an extra one somewhere…” Karlach said before walking to the bonfire. 
Shadowheart looked you up and down before shrugging “Lady Shar’s blessings upon you stranger. Please join us, you must be in want of a meal.” she gave a soft smile before going back to her tent. 
Gale and Wyll introduced themselves. Gale healing the cut on your throat after mumbling a quick apology about Lae’zel stating she was the definition of overprotective and outrageously homicidal. Everyone had seemingly returned to their tents or the bonfire in the middle of camp. 
You sat back down in the clearing you woke up in. This was not real. No damn way. Maybe you’ve had a severe psychotic break. Maybe you have a brain eating parasite (literally). Maybe you ate a cordycep and this was the end for you. Literally anything else would make more sense than “Oh my ass got Jumanji'd”. You stared off into space, trying to keep your shaky breathing consistent. You felt the air chill around you as the sun fell behind the horizon and Shar’s embrace consumed the night. 
“You know it’s rude to stare.” said Astarion without looking up from you from his tent, the closest to your clearing and the direction you just so happened to be honing in on. 
You slowly shifted your eyes down, resting your head against your forearms as they rested on your knees. You just wanted to curl into a ball and disappear. “Sorry.” was all you could whisper. 
“Ugh gods, Karlach was right, you look like a scared puppy. Honestly, I don’t know how you’ve survived this long if you’re so…. fragile.” he continued his tone laced with a tinge of venom. 
Your eyes started to water. You stood up, your joints yelling at you as they snapped and popped. You walked into camp, trying to make yourself as quiet and invisible as possible, walking swiftly to Karlach’s tent. You took your bedroll silently and found a spot in a clearing under a tree opposite to the clearing you woke up in. Leaning your head against the trunk you closed your eyes, crying silently until you fell asleep. 
Astarion gazed at you from his tent for a large chunk of the night. Everyone else was fast asleep and he had just returned from a hunt. He could hear your heartbeat: soft, steady, calm. He heard your heartbeat when you arrived in the clearing, he’s the one who called the others to investigate with him. He was surprised you were so still when he found you. Your heart was beating hard, fast, endlessly. Terrified. He hadn’t heard a heart beat like that in a while. It was how all his victims' hearts sounded after he gave them to Cazador. He pushed the thought out of his mind, which wasn't hard as it was overtaken by another, more overwhelming thought. Why had he only heard your heartbeat and felt the immediate urge to find you and protect you? He felt something stir inside his chest when he laid eyes on you. That wasn’t allowed. That wasn't his purpose. He didn’t get to feel his own feelings. Everything was consumed by Cazador and the looming threat of him returning to Astarions life. He shuddered. He could smell the faintest scent of your blood that was dried on your hand from earlier. Gods it was sweet, even thinking of it made him salivate. His best option was to avoid you enough and reject you enough that the feeling inside him would cease. It was easy. You were already distressed. How much more could you fall emotionally? And yet, as he watched the gentle rise and fall of your chest he couldn’t help but think of anything else beyond how soft you looked. How peaceful. Your face relaxed, your jaw unclenched, your eyes puffy, fly aways clinging to your face, eyelashes still wet, short breaths being exhaled from your mouth. You were… cute. 
You awoke just as the sun started to rise. The sky is a beautiful mixture of blues, pinks, and purples. You sat up as if it would get you a better view of the heavens. Astarion walked up behind you quietly. “You’re up early.” he stated. You jumped slightly before facing the sky again. “Early riser.” you said back. Astarion hummed back before walking down the hill of your clearing. You followed him swiftly, not wanting to be completely alone in a camp full of sleepers. Astarion bent down softly into the small stream, gathering the water in his hands and gently rubbing it into his face. You sat silently next to him, gently letting your fingers dip into the rushing stream. 
“What is that?” Astarion asked, glancing at your boot. You looked at him confused. He leaned over and pulled out the object.
There, in all its glory, your phone. You quickly snatched it from Astarion, his voice fading into the background. You turned your phone on, it had no service but it still worked and that was a great comfort. Suddenly it was ripped from your grasp.
Astarion stood up, holding the phone up and away from you. “What is this? Must be important.” He teased with a sneer. “Is it powerful?”
You stood quickly, putting your hand out “Please give it back its mine.”
“Oh I don’t doubt that it is yours. You need to answer my question though before I’ll consider giving it back.”
“I… I don’t know how to explain it… they don’t have these devices in your world…” you trailed off.
Astarion rose an eyebrow at you, “My world? So you’re from another world? Now I know you’re lying.”
“Wait! Maybe… maybe I can show you something with it.” You said in a small voice, reaching your hand out once again. “Something you’ve wanted for a long time…”
He eyed you up and down repeatedly before tossing your phone at you, “This better be worth it.”
You opened your phone's front-facing camera and stood next to Astarion, gently turning the phone in his direction. You saw his face drop then he just… stared. You started to bring the phone back down before his hand caught your wrist. His hold was gentle and cold, “Just a moment.” he whispered.
You nodded and let him hold the phone. He gazed at his eyes for ages before opening his mouth. He licked over his fangs, gently tracing his lips with his fingertips. “What is this thing? Why can I see myself?” He spat at you, suddenly angry. He tossed the phone at your feet before storming off to camp, leaving you alone at the stream.  ____________________
The sun was now high in the sky and you had enough of sulking by the stream. If you were going to be stuck here for a while, better start working on making some friends. You walked back to camp before seeking out Gale.
“Morning! Is there something I can help with, you have an inquisitive look on your face.” he smiled at you. 
You gave a small smile before asking, “I was hoping you could help me… enchant something? It needs power to survive, usually electric power but I don’t think that will work right now… can you try?” 
Gale looked away as if thinking about what he could do; he snapped his fingers, “Ah! Yes, I think I might have something for that, Mystra willing and all. Can I see what you are talking about?” 
You nodded quickly, shoving the phone into Gale’s hands. 
“This little thing?” he glanced back at you. You nodded and gave a pleading look. 
He nodded and sent you a soft smile before speaking strange words over it. Colorful beams of misty light enveloped your device, now floating in between Gale’s hands. He finished his incantation, all the beams shooting into your phone before he caught it as the spell seemingly ended. He smiled brightly and handed it back to you before crossing his arms over his chest. “Well… did it work?” he asked you, unsure how the device worked he was iffy about his magic in this instance.
You turned your phone back on, full battery that seemed unchanging for now. You smiled back at Gale “Yes! Thank you so much…. I appreciate you and your kindness towards me as a stranger.” 
“With pleasure friend, bring it back should it start to falter, I’d be more than happy to fix it.” he said.
You smiled at him one final time before walking towards Karlach who was currently accompanied by Shadowheart and Lae’zel. Slipping your phone back into your boot, you quietly walked up to them. Their conversation died down once they saw you walking over. Lae’zel shot daggers at you, her gaze alone felt violent. Shadowheart and Karlach sent you small smiles. 
“If you are going to travel with us we need to know your strengths. How are you useful to us and our endeavors?” Lae’zel questioned “You’re obviously no warrior, so what are you?” she gritted out. 
“I’m a cleric… I practice under Ilmater… though I haven’t seen a battle before.” You spoke, picking at your nails instead of focusing on the women in front of you.
Lae’zel spat on the ground, “Not only have we taken in another mouth to feed, we have taken in a useless cleric with no combat experience. We may well have taken in a child.” she went back to her tent, wildly slashing at the poor practice dummy as if to further demonstrate her displeasure. 
You winced watching, imagining every blow aimed at you. Shadowheart put her hand on your shoulder. “Perhaps we should go see Gale. He’s a follower of Mystra and I of Shar, I’m sure we can teach you a few things. Do you know much about Ilmater?” she asked, leading you by the back of your arm towards Gale. You shook your head no. “Well, my knowledge is limited, but if I recall correctly he is the protector of the persecuted and oppressed. There are worse gods to be in service to.” she chuckled. You smiled and gave her hand a squeeze as a soft ‘thank you’ for her simple kindness. 
“I overheard, let's get to work shall we?” Gale asked you both before conjuring the weave, creating a safe, fragmented reality to practice in without causing any real damage. 
Hello! This is my first ever public fic so please be gentle lol I'd love some drabble requests in the mean time before I send out chapter 2. I hope you enjoy! :)
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chaotic-mystery · 1 month
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x reader
Summary: You meet Frankie for a date and reminisce about your relationship.
Content Warnings: MAJOR character death. No movie AU but fuck Tom. This is overall angst heavy and please take care of yourself. Grief & loss, sadness, memories, I think that’s it? It’s just overall a bittersweet and tragically lovesick story. There’s no physical descriptions of reader other than wearing a black dress at one point and having hair that tickles Frankie’s nose. no y/n used
Authors Note: hello my babies I am finally dropping this. It’s been an idea I had for months and I almost scrapped it but then I thought, no! Post it anyway! So here we go. It’s heavily inspired by Tim McGraw by Taylor Swift but it’s not required to listen to it to read the story. (Although if you’re like me and love a good cry, i recommend listening) I’ll meet you at the end of this with tissues and candy, okay? 🩵 thank you @pr0ximamidnight for beta reading this for me and I’m sorry for making you sob. || wc: 1.3k|| beautiful divider by @/saradika-graphics 🩵
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“Hi honey, I missed you. Hope you aren’t too mad I’m runnin’ late.”
You smile and sit next to Frankie on the ground right on top of the red picnic blanket, food spread out from corner to corner. The assortment of favorite sweets and dishes makes you smile harder, getting comfortable right next to him.
“Finally went out shopping today for the first time in a while. I hadn’t seen my friends in so long, I’m surprised they answered when I offered to go out. We took the backroads home and it reminded me of when your truck used to get stuck back in high school, those long ass nights we should’ve been home studying but you wanted to go for a drive. You’d take us out to the lake and dance with me. Remember that? It was fun before my dad caught us and chased us back to the truck.”
You giggle and rest against him, blinking a few times as a breeze of cold and crisp October air rushes by you. Licking your lips, you continue.
“I found a note from years ago when I was looking for those one pair of shoes you know I hate wearing, the ones I have to wear when-”
You cut yourself off, not wanting to bring up that day. Not yet.
Pulling the folded piece of lined paper out of your coat pocket, you sniffle from the chilly weather and begin to read aloud the note. “This was from the day you were shipping out for basic and god was I pissed at you. We woke up and realized summer was gone, we were adults.”
“Frankie, when you read this you’ll probably be on the way to Texas, and I’ll be in Georgia, right where you left me. I told your mama I’d write to you every chance I got, and I mean that. That also means when I’m mad at you for leaving. I hope when you’re lying awake in your cot at night, you look up and our song starts to play, that one Tim McGraw song. You remember what I was wearing, the perfume embedded in my skin, the way my hair tickled your nose when you’d hug me.
By no means is this a goodbye letter. I’m in it forever with you, Frankie. I want you to come back home safely so we can start the family we’ve always wanted. Why did you have to leave me? Why was this the best solution for us? We were making it, we were fine. We were good. I was happy with our little apartment and my shitty 9-5 job while you worked on cars. Promise me you’ll come home safe. I need you here with me.
I love you endlessly, you have no idea. You make it hard to be mad when I remember how you’d tell me my eyes put the stars to shame every time I looked at you. That’s still a lie to this day. I’m already counting down the days until you’re back with me and I thought it would somehow make it easier but it doesn’t. I’ll be waiting right here for you, wearing that little black dress you love so much.
We’ll start our family and get that house on the outskirts of town like you told me we would. I already have dog names picked out for the dog we’re gonna adopt too.
P.s. the ring doesn’t have to be too expensive.
Love you always.”
Taking a deep breath in, you wipe your tears on your corduroy brown pants, looking around at all the people walking by in the distance. Grabbing a green grape from the plate next to your leg, you chew it up and rest back against your hands, the soft blanket shielding you from the cold ground.
“I got a new job a few months ago, I forgot to tell you. I'm in HR now which is fun. I get to listen to people complain about who ate whose lunch, hire more clowns who hope to climb the social ladder, that kind of thing. It has its good and bad days. Honestly though, it makes me forget about all the shit I have going on in my head. I get to focus on everyone else but myself for a day. I know, I know, an office job?”
You sit up straight and cross your legs before continuing.
“I needed something to pay the bills and I couldn’t stay a waitress forever. The tips were good but I couldn’t afford our apartment on that alone. Robert still calls me from time to time asking if I want a Friday night shift. I didn’t think he’d remember how I used to love those. You’d come in after being with Santi and Ben all day and want beers while you stayed until we closed, always wanting to be near me with what little time we did have. Just seeing you sitting on that barstool watching college football, eating those disgusting cheese sticks was enough to make me keep going for the night.”
And it was.
Frankie being there when he was off duty meant a lot to you.
You kneel down in front of him and you can feel the tears pricking your eyes once more as your scarf blows to the right a little.
“I left a note on your mama’s porch the other day. I know she doesn’t live there anymore but I just, it was the first time I’d gone back to your street since, ya know. By now I’m sure you know what I wrote in it, but just in case you don't. I hope you still think about me when you think Tim McGraw. It’ll bring you back to that place of us out there by the lake with my head on your chest, dancing all night like two lovesick teenagers. I hope it makes you happy, Frankie. I hope you know it means everything to me, still. After all these years.”
You finally crack and break down, leaning your forehead on the picnic blanket, the tears soaking into the fabric immediately. Muffled and choked out sobs leap from your lips and you clutch your throat, trying to calm yourself down enough to breathe.
“I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to you, Frankie. You left me here with n-nothing.” You fiddle with your fingers and rub the spot on your ring finger where a ring should be sitting. Yet only a faint line from the ring Frankie won you out of a quarter machine was left. It didn’t feel right wearing it without him so you gave it back on that terrible day in September when the entire month seemed flooded out by tears. You tucked it right in his jacket pocket before you left.
That was the worst day of your life.
You sigh deeply and touch the cold granite headstone, the smallest picture of Frankie looking back at you.
“I love you so much. I’ll be back tomorrow to change your flowers. It’s my first winter without you here and I can’t stop thinking about how cold you must be, baby. I wish you were back in our apartment in my arms how you used to let me hold you.”
Laying down until your face was pressed against the ground, you sniffle again and whimper out as you think about him being cold.
“Frankie, I'm so sorry. I’m sorry I can’t get you out of that wooden box. I hope wherever you are in the universe, you’re safe and warm and can feel all the love I still have for you. There’s just too much left over and I’m not sure what to do with it, honey. What do I do with it? What do I do with all this love that was supposed to last us forever?”
You never did get the ring but you got an endless supply of memories from knowing him and loving him. Truly loving him.
You curl up into a little ball and hold yourself while you continue to cry, twiddling a leaf between your fingers. Eventually the whimpers turned into soft and broken hums of that one Tim McGraw song.
Hugs and kisses and tissues are complimentary 💚
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riniworld · 8 months
YANDERE!mafia x VICTIM! f!reader pt.2
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warnings//alot of skipping time,violence,kidnapping,spelling mistakes??,curses,mention of killing/torturing
reference: you,little girl,she/her,y/n
a/n: so quick? yeah i know
if the sentence is "like that" then it's mean the character is thinking.
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5 A.M.
it's fucking five in the morning when orson woke you up
you swear he want to torture you because it's been TWO DAMN HOURS and he kept saying 'we'll start soon'
"when it'll start again?!"
"stop saying that!"
"saying what?"
he didn't even look at you,so busy with a punch of papers.
suddenly the door opens to reveal a man look in his thirties.
"i hope I'm not late,master"
orson stands up and walked to the man "no you're not" he said with a smile as he put his hand on the man's shoulder
"that's the new member,y/n" orson said and turn to you
"it's a pleasure to meet" He extended his hand to shake
"the pleasure all mine" you shake his hand
orson heads back to his chair "listen now chester,i want you to train her. start first by setting her mind on how or business work then train her on using weapons"
"as you wish,master...please follow me Mrs.y/n"
"mrs?? " you thought
after that you've been training everyday early in morning,if you didn't wake up orson would pour water on you.
it was killing you especially in winter it was so cold, the snow covering everything and you stand still in the cold waiting for your training before two hours everyday.
You have seen all kinds of torture and the dirty work of the mafia, you won't say you wasn't terrified or you didn't break down in your room crying in the middle of the night.
you wasn't yourself anymore
but you have to do this for your life, you know for sure after all that if you wanted to back down now they'll kill you so you have to.
and when it's finally the turn for you to be trained to use weapons you wasn't ready, you don't want to do what they do, you don't want to kill people and hear them screaming.
and orson knew it all.
why was he enjoying treating you like that?
did he want to hear you beg?
he did want to hear everyone beg for his mercy but he had this feeling in a different way now.
what was so special of you that he couldn't get you out of his mind?
all he did was watching you train a few times
was it your innocent self? your bravery? your intelligence? your beauty? he didn't know all he know is that he wanted to keep you
yeah You don't know how to do anything related to the mafia
but you sure have something else right?
even if you don't no one will dare to ask him why he kept you with him
after 7 months
you're panicing.
orson has called you to his office
your training has ended and you didn't improve at all,you don't want to anyway.
but what if he won't accept you?! what if he killed you now?!
"no stay positive y/n! "
You arrived at orson's office
knock knock
"come in"
you took a deep breath then entered
"you wanted me?"
"you still didn't learn to say'master'?"
he still didn't even look at you
"what is it?" you tried to be strong but your voice betrayed you, the anxious was noticed in your voice
"your training ended yesterday....but from what i see you didn't learn anything at all...you did not reach my expectations"
now you're really nervous you couldn't even keep your head up anymore.
"however...Although you do not possess any physical strength or mental stamina, there is something positive in your report...mm..you're surprisingly good with technology,and you have a high IQ for an average person"
you rise your head in surprise. where did all that come from?? you didn't even take tasks about IQ or technology how did he even know??
"You will be useful to me in making plans or hacking some devices and websites"
"so that's mean..?"
"not too fast, yeah I'll accept you but it doesn't mean you've reached my expectations. our deal wasn't counting that,but because I'm so kind I'll do one of your request.....I'll forgive your relative but you won't be my right hand person."
"but I'll be save?"
"of course darling. I will not kill any of my followers if they do not make a mistake so watch yourself"
well things didn't go as you wanted but you'll stay alive right? that's good atleast.
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wooohoooo finally!!
it's 11 P.M. and everyone is sleeping.
I'm satisfied with that more than the first part
hope you liked it
have a good day/night♡
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theawkwardsiren · 3 months
Toxic - Veneer x F!Reader (angst/fluff) part 5
summary - in this conclusion to the series, Veneer does everything he possibly can to love you up so you don't have to think about what happened. part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4.
warnings - none
a/n: i actually had so much fun writing this series! thank you guys for showing interest in it <3
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"You lied to me."
When you were finally ready to pull away, you and Veneer turned to (Random Name). He was rubbing his neck, inching away from Velvet and (Friend's Name), who looked like they weren't done - just taking a break.
"Oh, you really thought I'd let you keep her?" Veneer responded in fake sympathy, clearly mocking him.
Your ex grit his teeth, "You know what? Fine. She's damaged any-"
You cut him off when your palm hit his cheek, the slap causing everyone to fall silent. Velvet looked mildly impressed, (Friend's Name) cheered, and Veneer looked stunned - but also impressed.
"Shut up already."
He didn't get a chance to respond, because the police finally arrived and cuffed him. You watched as they took him away, calm returning.
"Come on, let's go home."
Veneer took your hand and gently led you to the limo he and the two girls had arrived in, making sure you got inside first. He followed suit, sliding in next to you and instantly pulling you onto his lap. You leaned back against his chest and got comfortable as his arms encircled your waist.
And you knew then...you were safe now.
You shot up in bed, eyes wide in terror with cold sweat dripping from your forehead. Beside you, Veneer jerked awake at your exclamation, sleepy but worried.
"Hey, what happened baby?" He pulled you against him, rubbing your back soothingly, "Another nightmare?"
You just swallowed thickly and nodded, leaning into him as you tried to calm yourself down. Images flashed through your mind; his face, laughing at you for thinking you could escape him, his couch, swallowing you whole, the door chained shut. His taunting voice filled your mind again, reminding you of the threat from your nightmare: that he'd be back soon.
"He's gone," Veneer promised you, moving you to lay on top of him so you could listen to his heartbeat - something you found comforting. "He can't - and won't - ever hurt you again."
You knew he was right, and as he held you and whispered promises to keep you safe and other words of comfort, you found yourself slowly calming down. You relaxed into him and buried your face in his neck, your mind and body now only focused on him.
"Thank you."
You were answered with a soft, gentle kiss to your head, "Take as much time as you need, I'll be awake until you fall asleep."
Your lips curled up into a smile at that, and you snuggled against him more comfortably before closing your eyes again. You didn't fall asleep immediately, but it didn't take you long to, because of him.
You woke up to the smell of something burning.
When you turned to tell Veneer, you noticed he wasn't in bed anymore. Or anywhere else in the room. Now you had a sneaking suspicion of what that burning indicated, and you got out of bed.
Smiling all the way, you tried be as quiet as possible while going downstairs to the kitchen. You'd been staying with the twins for a while now, by Veneer's insistence. And before that, you'd come over a lot, so you moved around by instinct now.
Sure enough, Veneer was in the kitchen. As you stood in the doorway, you watched the boy run around the kitchen, trying to get the smoke out and salvage the food he'd been making.
"Is that (favourite food)?"
Veneer jumped three feet in the air at the sudden sound of your voice, turning quickly and trying to hide his failed attempt.
"Hi baby," he smiled nervously, "I didn't hear you come in."
"Oh you weren't supposed to," you giggled, going over to him. "Wanted to see what my cute boyfriend was up to now. Because I smelled something burning and you weren't in bed."
He opened his mouth to say something, then stopped and sighed before speaking, "I was trying to make you breakfast."
You melted at his words, heart swelling with love and adoration for the male singer. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly.
"I really appreciate the thought baby, you're so sweet."
He gave you the cutest little smile at that, becoming proud of himself again, "Really? You're not upset it got ruined?"
"Nope," you grinned, "My amazing boyfriend tried to cook for me even though we all know he can't cook. Frankly, that makes me so so happy. You're so adorable Ven, I honestly think I dreamed you to life."
Your words almost made the boy faint. He was not used to being complimented, and surely never received such high praise ever.
His cheeks turned bright red, "Only the best for you."
You offered to show him how to cook after that, and it was a morning well spent. You both had so much fun, goofing off while making the food and just being the silly teenagers you were. It was more romantic and sweet than any date you've ever been on.
"I think I'm glad I couldn't cook before," he told you as you finished your meal, his smile warm and loving.
"Me too," you mirrored his smile. "I love being with you."
"And even the simplest activities are more fun with you," he agreed.
He spent the entire day with you, putting whatever he had planned on hold. After your nightmare, he was determined to get you to forget it and, hopefully, what happened that caused it.
Sometimes it was hard to believe that just a few months ago, he had no idea you existed and you were just a fan. You couldn't wrap your head around the fact that you were dating the boy you'd been fantasising about since he gained fame, the boy who had dozens of girls screaming his name at concerts and wanting to date him.
"Hey babe," you turned to him during the movie you were watching, "What made you decide to answer my DM? You never told me why."
"I thought it was cute how you asked," he admitted, taking your hand and tangling your fingers with his. "i had the day off that day, and you were so cute, I couldn't resist."
You blushed, looking at your intertwined fingers, "Really?"
"Really. And it was the best decision I've ever made."
Your blush darkened and lovestruck smile formed on your lips, "That's so sweet, Ven. I could say the same about sending the DM."
"Yeah?" His smile brightened, "You mean that?"
"Of course I do," you brought his hand up to kiss the back of it, "I mean every sweet, kind thing I say to you. None of the bad ones."
He chuckled, turning to fully face you, "Nothing you could ever say would make me stop loving you." He seemed to then realise what he said, and his eyes went wide as he tried to backtrack, "I-I mean-"
Your own eyes widened, your heart skipping a beat. He loved you? For a moment, panic set in because of who last said that to you, but then you looked at his face and remembered who you were with now, and before you knew it you had leaned in to crash your lips against his. You kissed him deeply, hand sliding to the back of his neck to pull his head closer. He instantly kissed back, setting his hands gently on your waist as he met each passionate movement of your lips against with equal fervor.
"i love you too," you told him breathlessly as you parted. "So, so much...I was scared to say it at first, but you've shown me that there's nothing to be afraid of. Everything you've done for me recently, especially during that incident, has made me realise what actual love looks like. And it came to me in the form of a sassy, sarcastic but super sweet and talented singer."
Veneer looked like he was about to cry. And maybe he would, because his eyes started glistening seconds after you realised just how much your words impacted him. He pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his spindly arms around you, so tightly you almost couldn't breathe. His face met your shoulder a he held you, his words coming out muffled when he spoke.
"Thank you, (Name). That means the world to me..."
You just smiled and held onto him just as tightly, stroking his hair soothingly and pressing featherlight kisses to the top of his head.
"(Nameeeeeee), wake upppp!"
When you opened your eyes the next morning, Veneer's face was right in yours. He was beaming eagerly, his pretty blue eyes shining with excitement.
"Yes baby?" You answered groggily, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"We have to go!"
"Go where?" You slowly sat up, "You said I could sleep in!"
He laughed at your complaint, leaning in to kiss you sweetly, "Well I just found out that the aquarium just finished its renovations and I thought you'd want to go, since you've been talking about it so much."
"Wait, really?" You sat up straighter, sleep leaving you immediately. "We can go?"
That's all it took for you to get up and out of bed, the sound of Veneer giggling like a kid trailing after you as you rushed into the bathroom.
"You're so cute, babe."
"Hey!" You protested. "That's my line!"
Half an hour later he was driving the two of you to the aquarium, and you were bouncing in your seat with excitement. He chuckled when he saw this, one hand moving from the steering wheel to grip yours.
"Excited?" He teased.
You were out of the car the second he stopped, and he had to jog to catch up with you when he finally got out.
But he was happy you were so happy to be here.
"Wait up, princess," he grabbed you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Don't leave me behind now." He kissed your shoulder lovingly, making you giggle.
"Sorry, I've just been waiting for this,"
"I know."
Veneer's eyes were mostly on you as you both navigated the aquarium. He was content to just watch how your eyes lit up at the sight of every marine animal, no matter how small. It warmed his heart when you gasped and grabbed his hand and pointed to a sea creature excitedly, babbling facts about it.
"Really? That's amazing babe."
He didn't really know what you said, but he was admiring how happy and eager you looked. He was adoring your enthusiasm, hooked on the sight of your smile and the sound of your laugh.
This was how he wanted to keep you - smiling and laughing.
"Babe? What's wrong?"
He snapped out of his reverie when you touched his arm, a strong blush crossing his cheeks, "Nothing, princess. You're just so cute."
With flushed cheeks, you smiled and led him off again.
"Oh, Ven look!" You gasped.
The green-haired singer turned to see what you were gasping at, and was awed by the sight of two dolphins nuzzling each other and displaying what was clearly love an affection for one another.
"That's us!" You smiled, feeling warm inside saying it.
"It sure is."
And then he kissed you. Right then and there. Slow and sweet, enjoying the feeling of your lips moving against his. Revering and worshiping the sweetness of it, letting himself get lost in your enchanting touch. It was just you two in the world at that moment.
And you knew then that you'd be okay. As long as you had Veneer.
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A Mothers anguish-A father's punishment
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Warnings: DDDNE, main character death, allusions to r@pe, child murder, death, suicide, unborn child killed and other possible triggering things
don't like then please don't read
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y/n pov
I've been trapped here on this stupid ship for years and it only feels like yesterday that he took me here after he killed my children……..
“Oh my sweet luke and leia….” I sob out into my hands before looking up and out the window and seeing the part of the galaxy where we've stopped at. I remember it so clearly it was 5 years after order 66, with the help of obi wan i was able to birth my twins, luke and leia and help me settle down on tatooine. Obi wan also told me anakin had fallen into the dark side, something i thought impossible of anakin. We also had to pursue him to confront him and only for him to force choke me to unconsciousness and only woke up when the battle between obi wan and anakin's fight was over. Luke and Leia were adorable and looked like Anakin so much and the years flew by and my children were 5 and so full of life and HE came.
I was in the kitchen humming an old lullaby only to hear my children scream out in fear. I rushed outside only to find lukes’ neck in the hands of darth vader struggling and leia with a still slightly smoking wound in her chest. 
“M-mama” Luke choked out, his little hand reaching out and eyes pleading for me, only to go limp and lifeless with a sick crunch and let go to fall next to his motionless sister. I scream out in agony and rush forwards, dropping to my knees scrambling to clutch my lifeless children. The last thing i had of anakin, i weep desperately into my childrens bodys’ as vader watches unmoved before im struck in the back of the head, vision going dark.
Flashback over
It's been 18 years since then and ive had one more child with another on the way. I love my new children but still weep for my long lost ones. Atlas my son with vader, he has my deep (e/c) and my (h/c) and there are other qualities that mirror anakins and that's how i found out that vader was anakin but sick and twisted, a shell of a dutiful and loving man i knew. If I was honest I did not want any more kids but Vader cared very little about my opinion and forced me to have atlas and soon another on the way. I had nearly thrown up when I found out, to know he had killed his own children without mercy. As I stare out the huge window still lost in thought to be snapped back to reality to a knock on my door.
“Come in” my tone authoritatively turned my body to the door, the long dress twisting with my body. Incomes a stormtrooper and he bows before speaking and as the words escape his mouth my eyes widen and my fears have come to fruition yet again
“Empress, i'm here to report to you that prince atlas has been killed in battle” and after he finished he bowed again and walked out of vaders’ and my chambers. I stand there frozen in agony and anguish of losing yet another one of my babies. I clutch my growing bump before falling to my knees and let out scream from the back of my throat, one only a mother grieving her child could let out. I fall forwards onto my hands, tears leaving small puddles on the gray steel floors. My mind races with thoughts and worries for the only remaining child I have, the one in my womb and My mind spiraling into a dark place.
“ I won't let him take my last child, not my little  juniper” I whisper out protectively, eyes wide and full of tears still, searching my room for something and I finally spot it. I get up and stumble over it. I reach my hand forwards and wrap my hands around the cold steel handle of the dagger and lift it up to my eyes before turning around and walking to my bedside table to retrieve one last thing. Opening my drawer to the bedside table I fish out anakins and my old wedding rings, his a silver band with my (e/c) as the jewels around the band and mine with a silver band as well with a good size steely blue gem as the centerpiece. I look at them lovingly and smile sadly, I slowly shift my eyes to the new wedding band Vader gave me. It's black and red, it screams sith, I reach up and rip the vile ring off and throw it at the wall. I return to the window and I kneel onto my knees and raise the dagger up to align to my womb before thrusting it into myself and I bite my lip to muffle my scream, I pull the blade out to then thrust it back in again in a different area of my womb. After a couple more thrust the dagger falls from my hand and clatters to the floor. I fall to my side hugging my belly, shedding tears that slide across the bridge of my nose to land on the floor, I bring my clasped hand to look at me and Anakin's wedding rings before placing a final kiss upon his ring and resting my hand against my chest. I slowly feel myself dying from blood loss and whisper out one last thing unknown to me the force carried it to the shell of the man i said it about and go lifeless
“Anakin……i-i love you forever and always my dear sun…”
Vader pov
I stand in my throne room facing the wide window that shows the galaxy as i think of atlas when i hear a faint whisper in my mind
“Anakin……i-i love you forever and always, my beloved sun…”
My eyes widened behind my mask and realized she sounded weak. A chill runs down my spine and a pit of dread forms in my stomach. Worriedly I turned around and pushed myself as fast as I could down the halls of the ship to my chambers, doors sliding open to reveal my wife laying on the ground in a puddle of her own blood, her once white dress now red and clinging to her form. I rushed towards her dropping to my knees beside her to turn her onto her back, seeing the blood had come from her belly. I moved her into my arms and cradled against my chest and began rocking back and forward. My breathing comes out patchy through the vocoder and tears fogging the lenses of my mask. My mind wanders over the last 18 years and everything happening, I realize I was cruel and vile to her and the death of Atlas must have been the tipping point. I have taken her against her will, killed my own children and isolated her from everything. I let out a muffled scream as it all hits at once, I rest my head against her looking into her dull lifeless eyes and bring a hand up to close them. Here i sit and wallow in my regrets and grief
All I have done was for not, I'm alone again and it's all my fault 
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eclipsedrgn · 8 months
𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐩, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐩, 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
you are the daughter of the dark knight, the batman, and all your life you've been trained to make a difference in the world. you made a lot of sacrifices and felt pain you shouldn't have. you were darkness... that until you met marc spector.
⚠️ swearing, mentions of death, mental health, DID
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The world called it The Blip, the snap of an alien that made half of the population disappear within a blink of an eye. Families lost their love ones as did the heroes, lost themselves.
We called it The Split, the combination of two worlds with their own heroes. A split between their reality and ours. As the Blip gave back their love ones after a sacrifice of a beloved hero, they gained us, new heroes. Darker, unlovable, dangerous.
All heroes of both universe, the big ones anyway, gathered at the UN to talk responsibilities. They both agree to stay within their cities, like for example no one can enter Gotham without Batman's permission. Something the Avengers argue for, but completely agreeing after seeing the horror of the city can offer.
During the Split (5 years before Tony Stark snapped his fingers), I decided to travel to the deserts of Egypt for a little relaxing trip. The two worlds colliding took a toll on everyone's mental health, and wanted to take a break. As much as a hero can. Luckily for me, my family took my shift. I joined a group of archeologist on a dig site, searching for missing tombs and temples.
Then I met Marc Spector.
His face was covered as him and his partner held everyone hostage. Our hands tied behind our back, all of us on our knees. Marc tugs down his scarf, that was covering the bottom part of his face, I see the sharpness of his jawline and the stubbles of his beard starting to grow. He looks depressed, angry, worried. Like he didn't want to do what he did.
It was the final shot to the guy next to me that caused me to duck and roll under the jeep that's parked behind me. Marc tackled his partner trying to stop him when I hear two shots. A shot that ended his partner's life and a shot that would end Marc's. You stayed hidden under the jeep, gasping for breath as your anxiety spikes. You hear the sand crunching under someone's feet, turning your head you see someone with white, bandaged shoes walking around the jeep.
"Come out" he said, "Your safe"
Slowly, you trusted the man and scooted out. You see him standing there dressed all white, wraps around his body with a cresent moon sported on his chest. He wore a mask that covers his whole face and a hood with glowing red eyes.
You slowly stood as the mask from his face dispersed showing his true identity. "Y-You won't kill me?"
"No. I'm done killing inoccents. Now, come on we have to go" he mutters cutting the ropes around my wrist. "I'm uh... I'm Marc by the way. Marc Spector"
"I'm Y/n... Y/n Todd" you lied through your teeth.
And that was the story of how my life changed forever.
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"I'm worried Marc" I mumble into the phone, "It's been months, a year even- I don't care if your out and about but I need to know that your okay. At least let me know your alive"
The beep on the voicemail made me sighed.
A year ago, Marc left in the middle of the night. I woke up to an empty, cold bed with no note and half of his clothes gone. I thought he got a job and didn't say anything, then I realize he truly left when he didn't say anything after a week. Of course I was angry at first, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"Still not answering?" I hear my brother Tim ask from behind me.
"I don't get it. Did I do something wrong?" I depressingly asks. "I know we all have our secrets but-"
Tim grabbed my face with both of his hands, "Sis you are extrodinary. He's a dumbass for not seeing that. I still have the divorce paper on my desk. Just say the word"
"I actually need his signature" I muttered and pulled away.
I was about to make my way up the manor when my phone rings- no, not my phone. It was the burner phone between Marc and I. I look at Tim, rushing towards it and answered.
<<; "Yeah?" >>
"What do you mean "Yeah"? Where the hell are you? Fuck- Thank god you're alright" I practically raise my voice.
<< "Yeah, alright" >>
"That's it?" I said in disbelief, "That's all you have to say. A year of no contact, no call, no note. All you have to say is "Alright"?"
<<; "Uh..." >>
"Marc-" I sighed rubbing my forehead, "Please, just tell me your alright"
There was silence on the other side.
"Hello?- Marc, baby please tell me your okay?" I stressed out, giving Tim a look at the corner of my eye. He nods and went into typing into the Batcomputer, tracking the phone call, it pinged to London.
<< "Sorry, I just found this phone in my flat and I'm just trying to figure out whose it it" >>
I paused hearing the distinct English accent, "Marc, why're you- why are you talking like that?"
<< "What?" >>
"The accent, Marc" I insisted, sweat slowly forming on my forehead.
<< "Sorry. Who do you think I am?- Why are you calling me Marc?" >>
I hung up the phone. I looked at Tim, who pinged the phone to the exact address where my husband is.
"Thanks Timmy, tell Dick and Jay I'm headed to London tonight" I said kissing the top of his head.
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leafyaa · 1 year
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"What do you mean we're breaking up huh? Was I not good enough for you?!" You yelled as tears streamed down your face.
Kunikuzushi, your boyfriend- now ex-boyfriend of 3 years decided to break up with you. And did he have a valid reason? No, of course he didn't.
"Just shut the fuck up Y/n. Don't make this any more harder than it is. You're being so loud. I already told you we just don't get along together so that's final." Kunikuzushi's cold gaze watched over you as he walked past.
You clenched your fists in anger, wanting to follow him and punch him in the face for just suddenly leaving you. But you couldn't bring yourself to do that.
After all, hurting the one you loved the most was something you would never do. Even if the love was broken.
Kunikuzushi already left your apartment so you sat on the ground in silence. Feeling too hurt to even move around.
"Don't worry baby... It's- it's gonna be alright..! I'll be here for you and never leave you.." You cried out as you caressed your stomach.
Today was supposed to be a happy and eventful day. It was the day you were supposed to tell Kunikuzushi that you were pregnant. But instead it was the opposite of happy..
What happened to the words ‘I will take responsibility if anything happends.’ ?
"I'll never let anyone hurt you baby.." You promised to your unborn child of 3 months.
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That's what you pledged 6 years ago.. But it seemed like fate decided it would be different.
"Hikari? Hikari! HIKARI!" You fell on your knees as you had been running for hours now. In search of your 5 year old child.
Multiple passersby looked like you were crazy as you ran down the road frantically but you didn't care. Hikari somehow left your side for a few seconds and now she is gone. But how? You taught her the dangers of strangers so why would she walk away?
You return back to the playground where you've seen her last and break down on a bench. The sun was going down and no kids were at the playground anymore.
You were all alone crying and having a panic attack. You were trembling and feeling dizzy as well as irregularly breathing.
You wanted to stand up and call the police to report Hikari missing but you stumbled forward and fell on the cold pavement.
Luckily someone was nearby to watch it happen and quickly sprinted towards you to help you up.
You couldn't see who it was that helped you because of your blurry vision but could make out that it was a male, judging by their voice.
"Miss? Can you hear me miss? Please-" The voice abruptly stops.
Or was it you that passed out?
A few hours later you wake up in a hospital with a stranger sitting next to you in a chair. He seemed to be asleep.
He had burgundy hair, tied into a low ponytail and wore a white tank top and some jogging pants.
For a minute you admire his beauty but you quickly change expressions as you realize what happened hours ago.
You frantically get out of bed and search around the room for a phone. Apparently, making so much noise that the male woke up from his slumber.
"Woah miss, calm down-"
"Don't tell me what to do!" You yell as you swat his hand away in a panic.
"Please wait- don't stress yourself, it isn't good for your health right now!" He quickly restrained you from moving around any further.
"Don't touch me!"
"What's going on?" A new face enters the room and looks at the male in annoyance.
"She's in a panic, so I tried to restrain her in order to calm her down, Sara."
"Let her go Heizou." 'Heizou' reluctantly let go of you and you glared at him. Still frantically looking around for your phone- or any phone.
"Miss, please tell us what is wrong. We can help you.." 'Sara' said as she looked at you gently.
Her eyes looked genuine as well as the words coming out of her mouth, causing you to break down.
"My- my child.. She.. She's gone.. Someone- someone took her..!" You started to sob and both Heizou and Sara looked at you in surprise and shock.
"Oh shit.." Heizou muttered out and Sara glared at him, mouthing him the words 'not the right fucking time'.
"Please give us the description of the child, last seen place and time and we'll help you out." Sara said with a serious, but gentle voice as she walked closer to you and held your hand.
After calming down you tell the two what happened and Sara scribbled down everything.
Sara left shortly after you finished telling your story while Heizou stayed with you. You found out the two were coworkers, but more importantly, from the Tenryou police department.
You were still somewhat emotional as you lay on the bed, staring mindlessly at the ceiling, not uttering a single word.
"I'm sorry what happened to you, miss.." Heizou suddenly says.
You still looked at the ceiling with a sad expression but heard what he said.
"I know it's hard for you right now.. But please don't blame yourself. I can see you're a good mother.."
Your head slightly shifts to his side and a tear falls down your cheek.
Heizou notices it and quickly wipes the tear away with his hand.
"Don't cry, miss. We will do everything in our power to find your daughter back. I swear.."
"Thank you.." You mutter words for the first time in a while.
Heizou sadly smiles at you and holds your hand to comfort you.
"I swear we'll do our best."
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⇠ previous ⭒ masterlist ⭒next ⇢
You've dated Scaramouche in your high school and college years but just as you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him he broke up with you without any reason. He left you to be a single mom for 7 years. But now that your daughter has been missing and abducted for a year and you've not been doing well and out of a sudden he showed up into your life again trying to apologize for his past mistakes..?
@swivy123 @kichiyoshi @wwwrizchan @k1t0 @killumeo @pinkdreamerbailifflawyer-blog @samarill @xiaotopia @aqualesha @eattingshits @omoriaddict
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Tiny Peach (Loki x Reader)
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(Credits to GIF owner. I love how it fits to the story lmao)
A/N: Hey loves! I was feeling horrible today and I needed this kind of comfort and it inspired me to write. I'm kind of happy with this and felt a lot better the more I wrote. I hope you'll enjoy! I'm sorry if I have any grammar mistakes!
WC: 930+
Warnings: Pet names, reader is on her period, mention of a shitty ex. Let me know if I missed any!!
It was a cold and dreary day in New York when you woke up feeling a dull ache in your lower abdomen. As you got up to start your day, you realized what was causing the discomfort – your period had arrived. You groaned inwardly, knowing that the next few days were going to be a challenge. What made it worse, the god of mischief, Loki, was constantly on your butt, teasing and pranking you.
Loki had been in the compound for over a year now. Despite his mischievous nature, he had a soft spot for you even though you didn't know. You were so caring and forgiving to him when he first came to the compound. He was secretly grateful when someone finally didn't judge him and actually gave him a chance. So he tried to make you happy by using this greateset area, mischief. You didn't hate his pranks, quite loved them actually. They were even better when he involved you in his plans to prank others. But today was different. The pain in your stomach was terrible. You just wanted to have an easy breakfast and sleep for 5 days straight until your period is over. You hoped he didn't prepare a prank for you.
Loki arrived to the kitchen, a soft smile on his face as he entered the room. He took one look at you. You were curled up in a high chair with a hot water bottle, waiting for your breakfast to heaten up in the microwave. You seemed off, didn't even realised he was there. Your face was pale and you seemed grumpy.
You suddenly felt a presence. You looked around the room to see Loki, standing in the door frame with a concerned look on his face.
"Are you alright?" he asked, looking at you with a genuine concern.
"I'm fine," you replied, trying to shrug off the discomfort. You could see Loki wasn't convinced. He could sense that something was wrong. You knew it was matter of time he would try to read your mind to see what was wrong about you.
"Are you sure? You seem a little bit...off? Has someone done anything wrong to the tiny peach of mine? Was it Thor, you know I would gladly to stab him-" you raised your hand to cut him off.
"No, Loki. Nothing happened. Please let me go back to my bed in peace?" you said, already feeling done with this conversation.
"Oh, I see. Is it the lady time of yours?" he tilted his head, now obviously reading your mind. He reached out to you placing a hand on your shoulder. You felt a warm feeling spread through your body at his touch.
"Yeah," you admitted, can't help but feeling a little embarrassed.
His expression softened. "Ah, that can be tough as I heard. Is there anything I can do to help you my lovely mortal?"
You were taking aback by his kindness. Your ex boyfriend used to find it disgusting so you always hid it when you were with him.
"Don't you find it disgusting?" you dropped your face, avoiding eye contact. You felt his fingers under your chin, forcing you to look at his eyes.
"Why would I feel disgusted by one of the the most natural things on a body?" He looked kind of disapointed. "Is this about that shitty ex of yours?"
You broke the eye contact again and nodded. He took a deep breath, trying to not lose his temper. He absolutely hated your ex, he was so happy when you two broke up. "He was teribble person, peach. I'm not like him," you opened your mouth to object but he stopped you. "I know you don't think that way. I wouldn't blame you even if you did, that's what a trauma does to people. I'm mad at you. I just want to help you, alright? Why don't you go back to bed and I'll bring you some tea?" he smiled, hoping you would accept so he could make you feel comfortable. You nodded and went to your bed, feeling tired a lot.
When he returned to your bedside, he found you in tears, clutching your stomach. Loki's heart broke at the sight of your pain. He sat down on the bed, placing the mug of tea on the nightstand before wrapping his arms around your. "Shh, it's okay," he murmured. "I'm here for you."
You buried your face in Loki's chest, taking comfort in his embrace. "I hate this," you muttered. "I hate feeling like this."
"I know," Loki said softly. "But you're not alone. I'm here for you, and I'll take care of you."
Over the next few days, Loki went out of his way to make you feel comfortable. He brought you hot water bottles and blankets, cooked your favorite meals, and made sure that you had everything you needed. He even went to the market to buy you supplies when you ran out.
As you started to feel better, you realized just how lucky you were to have Loki by your side. He may have been mischievous and playful at times, but when it came down to it, he was a kind and caring partner friend who would do anything for you.
One evening, as you cuddled on the couch watching a movie, you turned to Loki and smiled. "Thank you," you said. "For everything. You've made this so much easier for me."
Loki grinned, pressing a kiss to you forehead. "Anything for you, my tiny peach," he said. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
A/N: Likes and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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heavenlycloud · 1 year
the veil~ ღཾཿ༉ ༘჻ღཾཿ჻
three: the face of a cold blooded killer ‧₊˚ ⋅ ༘☆*.゚
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warnings: swearing
pairing: huh yunjin x aespa 5th member! fem reader
summary: IT HAPPENS...yunjin and y/n have their long awaited movie date that's not a date that is a date that isn't. yunjin realizes something about y/n and y/n learns something she didn't know before. they realize they're alike in more ways than one. and of course, both girls being useless gays. keep your eyes open for the small details i don't mean my typos and run on sentences
author notes: i tried to make this update a little lengthy because i'm not sure how much i'll be able to write this upcoming week (i'm nearing finals). my taglist is still open for those of you all who want to be added in, just comment or drop an ask in my inbox! lastly, feedback, comments, reblogs, questions, literally anything but hateful speech is welcome and very much appreciated!
̟ ̇ ˖ಎ˚˖࿔ masterlist 𓂅୨⊹ ₊˚๑
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you flopped onto your bed and let out an relieved exhale that your day had finally come to a close. with a comeback only days away, you and your members had been finishing work around 2 AM just to get back up around 5 AM. however, for the next three days, work days were finishing early so that you didn’t look tired when the showcase and other activities began. you opened your text messages for the first time since this afternoon, just to see your friends blowing up your notifications. 
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you set your phone aside and opened your laptop to log into the streaming service website that was connected to your Veil app. it took a few tries before you correctly put in your password and found Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. you checked the time again and saw it change to 9:00 PM. not even a second late, your laptop chimed and you saw the video call icon lighting up indicating that your match was calling you. the excitement you had was replaced with anxiety as your finger hovered over the answer button. not wishing to miss the call you answered and immediately your camera turned off and the voice filter was activated. 
there was a beat of absolute silence on both ends of the call until you both burst into laughter at the awkwardness. despite the voice filter and the girl’s blurred camera, you could see her silhouette double over before flipping her long hair over her shoulder when she sat back up once her laughter subsided. she was the first to speak, the smile evident in her voice, “hi jasmine.” you shyly replied, “hi lyra.” silence fell over the two of you once again before you blurted out, “i’m sorry this is so fucking weird!” the girl nodded in agreement and said, “this reminds me of like high school on the zoom calls when you had to ask a teacher a question after class, y’know?”
you let out another laugh and added on, “wait did you ever fall asleep during class on accident or something and you woke up and it was just you and the teacher?” yunjin snorted and said, “not me but one of my friends did and i knew because we would text each other during the class. so when the class ended i kept asking questions to the teacher so i had a reason to stay on the zoom call. but i was also calling my friend’s phone at the same time.”  you admitted between laughs, “you’re better than me because i would have left the call so quickly.” the girl laughed even harder then said slowly, clearly distracted by typing on her laptop, “let me just log into the streaming service-” 
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yunjin hummed to herself as she made her way through the different movie titles that were on her watchlist until she found the one she needed. you both went to press play and just then someone else entered her room and loudly whined, “unnie!!!! i need help with my math homework.” yunjin motioned to her laptop that was very clearly on with you on the other side of the video call as a polite, “now’s not a good time” reminder. eunchae pouted and explained, “i know you’re on a date right now but i don’t know how to do this and it’s due tomorrow. also everyone else told me to ask you since you got into university.” yunjin felt her breath hitch when the maknae said ‘date’ but she tried to brush it off, hoping that if she pretended she didn’t hear it then maybe you didn’t either you totally did. 
eunchae held up the worksheet that she was assigned which had three unanswered math problems on it. yunjin pushed her glasses further up her nose and skimmed them over, not recognizing what any of the instructions were asking. she sighed and said, “i haven’t taken a math class in like 5 years.” eunchae stared back at the paper and tried to make the instructions sound easy, “i only need help on the last one. all you have to do is find an equation of the line tangent to the graph of f at x equals 1.” yunjin looked over the last math problem then said simply, “um…the limit does not exist.” you failed to hold in your laugh at the movie quote while eunchae was far less amused, “unnie, you can’t just quote that lindsay lohan movie at me and expect me to accept that.” yunjin was genuinely stuck because she didn’t remember a damn thing from her calculus class she took in junior year of high school. the american brought her hands to her head and raked her hands through her long black hair, “well i- i don’t know.” eunchae pleaded desperately, “unnie please, anything you remember.” 
you watched the entire conversation unfold before you and honestly you could feel for both parties. when you were in high school, your family was no help when it came to the assignments that troubled you. even now minji came to you for homework help and sometimes you didn’t know the answers when she really needed them. finally you decided to just see if they’d let you help, “hey i know this might be out of place but i might be able to help.” both girls responded in unison almost immediately, “yes please.” there was a smile on your face as you instructed, “yeah sure just send me a picture of the problem. when you looked over the function you felt a slight burst of excitement at the realization that you knew exactly how to solve the solution. 
you grabbed the journal and pen off of your nightstand and spoke as you began working through the problem, “looking at the function, you’ll note that f(1) equals (7/4)e which means the tangent line passed through the point x equals 1 and y equals (7/4)e. also you’ll see that f isn’t raised to a variable power which means the ordinary rules of differentiation do apply. and because this problems is so algebraically complicated, you’re gonna want to apply the natural logarithm first so that differentiation will be easier. now apply the natural logarithm to both sides of the equation and use the algebraic properties of logarithms then tell me what you get.”
on the other end of the call, eunchae was frantically writing away while yunjin peered over her shoulder trying to understand what you were talking about. the younger girl read off her answers and you approved, “right. so now differentiate both sides of this equation, and note that both sides need the chain rule.” once again you waited for eunchae to read her answer and when she did you praised, “perfect so now i want you to differentiate it and read me the answer again.” this time when she read the answer you paused, “mmm look at the last part of the equation one more time. watch the signs.” a smile spread across your face when you heard the younger girl correct herself, “oh it’s plus 2 over 3-x.”
you hummed in agreement and said, “okay now multiply both sides of this equation by f(x). eunchae murmured aloud as she wrote more down and you prompted once more, “now the slope of the line tangent to the graph of f at x equals 1 is?” eunchae read her answer off, and asked, “(7/4)e (53/7- ln5) .so does that mean the equation of the line tangent to that is y-(7/4)e= (7/4)e (53/7- ln5)(x-1) ?” you beamed, “yeah that it! good job, that was a really complicated one honestly.” the younger girl tried to give you credit which you quickly told her, “i might have helped but you did all the hard work on your own.” yunjin stared at the smile eunchae had on her face, one that she hadn’t seen all night because of this exact homework assignment. 
the younger member hugged yunjin for the night and exclaimed, “unnie, your date is so cool!” yunjin blushed at the comment and you felt a small raise in your heart rate at this being the second time you’d been referenced as the girl’s date. before yunjin could try to play it off, eunchae leaned over her member and waved to the camera, “thank you unnie! Byeeee!” you laughed and said, “bye bye.” eunchae skipped out of yunjin’s room with her journal tucked under her arm before closing the door behind herself. 
yunjin apologized, “i’m sorry about that i didn’t think she was gonna come in my room.” you laughed and waved it off, “it’s no big deal really, my little sister does the same thing to me.” yunjin asked curiously, “you have a little sister?” you hummed in confirmation, “yeah she’s 19 right now.” yunjin gasped in genuine surprise, “no way- me too! that’s so crazy.” you agreed and then she asked, “wait- how are you so good at math?” honestly you didn’t know how to answer her so you just shrugged, “i don’t know i’ve always been better at science and math instead of history and languages i guess? like with math and science everything has an explained answer for the most part, and finding the answer is pretty standard. so nothing is really up to individual interpretation, it just is what it is and it’s pretty much the same for everyone.” yunjin leaned on her fist and teased you, “how poetic.” you sucked your teeth and rolled your eyes, “oh hush.”
although you knew time was slowly slipping, you wanted to bring it up while it was still relevant, “she said you got into university?” the american leaned back against her headboard and explained to you, “i didn’t think you’d catch that…but yeah i was supposed to start university in the fall after graduation. then i got a call from my company saying they wanted me to be a trainee for a girl group, and i had to come to korea immediately.” she waited for the typical reply of disapproval she got when she explained the past situation to people. it always led to her explaining far more than she wanted to about herself. however, she was surprised when you asked genuinely, “did you know what you were going to study?” yunjin laughed a bit to herself as she answered, “business.” before you could answer yunjin asked you, mostly as a way to learn more about you, “did you take the college entrance exam?” she was partially expecting you to say you didn’t bother because that’s how most idols ended up. 
she was pleasantly surprised when you admitted, “i finished my second year in university before i had to drop out.” she let out a gasp and whispered, “no way- jasmine-” you laughed and rubbed the back of your neck, “yeah…i was exactly half finished. i managed to balance school and being an idol pretty well but then work picked up faster than i thought it would so school went on the back burner."
yunjin was even more intrigued so she asked, “what did you study?” you answered simply, “gerontology and neuroscience.” there was a beat of silence before yunjin whispered, “what is germontology?” her cheeks grew pink when you laughed a bit before telling her, “gerontology. and it’s basically studying old people problems and neuroscience is brain science. i planned to study parkinson’s or alzheimer's disease.” you paused and realized the weight of the topic so you jokingly added on, “and now i get paid to wear high school uniforms and bark for fans.” yunjin snorted and tilted her head back as she laughed at your unexpected comment. 
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yunjin and you managed to get through the first movie without problems and most of the second one. however, right as there were thirty minutes left you started to fall asleep and yunjin could tell clear as day. you fought to keep your eyes open as you watched the scene play out on your laptop but yawning every few seconds made things all the more difficult. the american asked you quietly, “jas, are you falling asleep on me?” you refused and sleepily insisted, “no, ’m awake.” only for you to begin dozing off a minute later, soft soft snores falling past your lips as your breaths grew deeper and slowed down. she made a mental note of the timestamp so she could rewatch the part with you another time. yunjin knew that you had been working hard on top of it being well after 1 AM so she didn’t mind at all. the fist that you weren’t leaning on was wrapped around your other wrist with your grip slowly loosening as you slept. suddenly, your hand fell onto your keyboard and you accidentally turned your camera on. yunjin’s breath caught in her chest as she stared at her screen, paying no mind to the ending scene of the movie. she panicked and frantically ended the call with her hand over her mouth, holding back a shout since all of her members were also asleep. she sat and stared straight ahead before letting out a breath,
 “oh my god-”
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bonus: tweets from yunjin and y/n +their moots (ft eunchae and her friends)
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♡‧₊˚˘͈ᵕ˘͈‎ 彡♡ ༘*.゚ .·:¨༺ ʚ♡ɞ༻¨*:·.﹢࿐ ☆
taglist: @https-f4iryjin @awkwardtoafault @seungspolaroid
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