#i was lucky enough to get to flip thru this one in person on the land
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photos by J.E.B. • from Women: A Journal of Liberation, vol. 5 no. 2 (January 1974)
#the link goes to Jstor where many editions of this publication are available for download for free :)#i was lucky enough to get to flip thru this one in person on the land#⚢#women: a journal of liberation#j.e.b.#joan e. biren#1970s#women's land#lesbian herstory#photography#pdf
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Venus in the houses Observations 1-7
Venus in the 1st house: I feel like this placement is very lucky & unlucky at the same time. It bestows you with beauty, and financial security and a charming personality but I feel like these people have a hard time appreciating it. They can be very harsh critics on themselves especially when it comes to their looks. These are the girls you always see looking at their reflection thru everything to make sure nothings messed up but in your head you think “this girls perfect how can she be so anxious about her looks”. Looks are very big to them which is why many people consider them superficial. They tend to like to surround themselves with attractive people or people with a lot of clout, they despise ugly. I also notice they can be very envious of others who attract more attention then them they love attractive people but can also be threatened by other attractive people its odd.
Venus in 2nd house: I’ve seen a lot that have amazing artistic ability’s. They usually make the most money when they are being creative or making something beautiful such as ceramics, jewelry, drawings, sculptures ect. They have very charming business personalities when can make them earn a lot faster than most. They tend to have very smooth voices as well. They can convince you to do anything just by using their voice. (Which is why this is considered a sugar baby placement, it’s hard for people to say no to them). This placement is in its home in the 2nd house so these people generally have it pretty easy. They may find love a little later in life tho however when they are financially stable but they are usually patient enough to wait for the right one. On the flip side if afflicted they tend to spend their money as quickly as they got it usually on stupid shit like Grubhub (they are big foodies) or shopping. They can also be very greedy with their money and possessions and become jealous of others who have more money/ are more attractive than themselves. But overall these people give Princess vibes.
Venus in 3rd house: people with this placement remind me of fairies. They are so chatty and fun loving they can make any conversation interesting easily. They have this lightness about them that puts people at ease. In relationships they tend to have partners that are like their best friend ( maybe a little too much like best friends). Sometimes I’ve seen their relationships lack seriousness and depth which can cause their partner to feel like they are just dating a buddy. But on a good note they are usually able to share everything with their partners and their relationships are usually very fun. When afflicted they can be prone to gossiping and being overly chatty which can become obnoxious. They can also be overly flirtatious while single and in a relationship. ESPECIALLY drunk these people will flirt with everyone breathing when they are intoxicated lol.
Venus in 4th house: I’ve noticed try to find partners that give them a feeling of home. I haven’t met a lot of people with this placement but what I’ve noticed in the ones I have met was that they give this big mommy energy. They crave to take care of someone and also for someone to take care of them. However these people can get really clingy and dependent when they are comfortable. It usually takes them a long time however to trust someone enough to be with them. But once they feel safe enough they are extremely loyal. They love the idea of starting a family and long for children. They usually make great mothers. Their mother could’ve been the ultimate caregiver growing up & grew up with many precious family traditions (unless afflicted) the traits of the mother rubbed off a lot on the native. I also notice they tend to look more like their mothers than fathers.
Venus in the 5th house: when I hear this placement I think of Cupid and Valentine’s Day lol no really tho these people love the art of love and seduction. They live for it. These people can get a little too carried away in love however which can cause them to have multiple crushes and talk to multiple people at once. This isn’t considered the most loyal placement (unless something in their chart says other wise). These people have amazing rizz which I’ve stated in other posts but it’s true a lot of people get jealous by how easy it is for them to woo people. I notice they can be love addicts and can’t be without someone to boost their ego. These people can also have very pretty children or they can have a lot of girls. (If one of your parents has this placement your probably blessed in the looks department) people with this placement are usually very physically attractive themselves.
Venus in 6th house: I’ve only met one person with this placement so my description may not be as detailed as the others but I’ve seen it gives a very workaholic vibe to the person. Most of their social interactions and romantic interactions usually happen in the workplace. These people can be extremely timid in social matters however which can make others kinda look over them☹️ they aren’t the most romantic but they are very sensual and the types where if they love you they will spend every day with you. They can also be extremely helpful to their partners (they are big on acts of service) and can usually remain loyal to the same person for a long time. Theirs a certain modesty and naturalness about them that’s very mesmerizing. In the early years they could’ve struggled a lot romantically. Could’ve had a lot of one sided loves. This also can make the native not notice their beauty they could dress down or overly modest because they aren’t comfortable with being seen as “sexy” or “attractive”. This placement is generally a rough spot for Venus to be in but it worked thru it can be fulfilling it just takes a lot of self love training.
Venus in the 7th house: LOVE romantic attention. Even for people they aren’t into like that (similar to Venus in 5th) they get a big ego boost when they find out others have a crush on them. These are the types to believe everyone is in love with them.. and lowkey… they’re right lol. Venus is at home in the 7th house as well so it usually makes them very attractive to the opposite sex naturally. A lot of men really want to commit to these women even if they aren’t seen as conventionally attractive they usually have a “wifey” type of vibe that makes men weak. It’s incredible really how magnetic these people are. They can have good luck in marriage and usually attract very wealthy attractive spouses. If afflicted however they will go through a lot of unstable relationships until they learn how to love themselves properly. This can also cause someone to be very codependent on others. They have a hard time living alone and can act really dysfunctional when they don’t have love in their lives. They need to learn to be more independent and self assured. ( if they have their Venus in Aries or Aquarius they can be more independent).
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I just wanted to say that I witnessed all the dog coded bucky brain rot and its sooo nice to see it come to life 🥲 although i miss the brainrot so muchhhh I appreciate that you're so devoted to the fic bc itsss sooo good (and the affect you had on this fandom is insane bc like I've seen at least 5 fics on A03 referencing the dog coded bucky and from my knowledge you were the creator of that. pioneer shit!!!)
kissesss love youu xxxxxxx
the way this ask came in while i was sitting outside the other day and i teared up so fast i had to flip my sunglasses down off my head over my eyes so i wouldn't get caught lacking SHDGCJK 😭💗
you're so so kind, thank u so very much <3 i feel crazy lucky that y'all were willing to wait and stay interested thru my slow writing process in the like two months i brainrotted ab the dog coded stuff before i finally posted chapter one of the fic– ik attention spans (mine included LOL) jump around lots when it comes to tropes/aus, esp with how much content is created every day and how fast some people are able to write (legends honestly, i am in awe), and it's such a relief to not feel pressured or rushed as i try and get things on the page in a way i picture them and feel happy with and feel comes straight from the heart :')
but i think bucky (or callum's portrayal of bucky lmao) was the dog coded pioneer, like c'mon. look at him. or maybe it was curt, with the "alright, meatball" line in part two, bc that's personally what put the final nail in the coffin for me with dog coded bucky lol <3 but i've said before that if my tumblr legacy (i say, only having made a tumblr like five months ago for the first time in my life) is being the dog coded bucky guy, i'm honoured and feel like i've peaked ig! feel like i've been waiting years to have an excuse to delve into my love for dog/animal motifs in writing so i'm having the time of my LIFE <3
(also aside from one fic i had no idea there were more dog coded bucky fics floating around and i'm tHRILLED, it's what he deserves, i'm so excited to finally get to catch up on my increasingly lengthy to–read list once i'm done writing my fic!! <3 need to return all the love and comments tenfold, i just don't have a brain that lets me simultaneously be in reader and writer mode so i'm v behind on fics, like '10 pages of marked for later on ao3 and a google doc where i've been pasting links to friends fics to catch up on' behind lmaoo)
mwah so much love this was so sweet, made my whole week, sry for being sappy ik i get mushy enough as is in my author's notes but i swear the further along i get in this fic the more sentimental i feel, so thankful this media came into my life when it did, grateful for the friends i've made thru it, etc <33
p.s. i'm not a dog person! i love cats more than anything in the world! what hapepn
#dog coded bucky fic#<- speaking of. holy shit trying to decide how to frame the reunion... i'm stressing so bad (but like in a good way. ykwim)#my brain's telling me i Have to get it Perfect. bc it rly is such a monumental buckbucky moment perhaps even the Most#figuring out how to use the canonical dialogue while also folding in feelings and gale pov?? Hell. but good hell sorta#johnslittlespoon asks#johnslittlespoon yaps
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Under Covers

This fic was inspired by this photo. That leg is my current sexuality.
Tagging my urbabes: @below-average-fangirl @emily-strange @nora-hewlett @to-boldly-nope @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth @pandaqueen7799 @bakerstreethound @portals-to-a-new-world @writerdee1701 @ladyreapermc
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3200+
Warnings: Smut.
Ember had never been more thankful for dark sunglasses in her life. And coffee shops that opened at the ass crack of dawn near the sleepy suburbs surrounding the greater DC area. And six hour car rides to get to their destination. Hopefully her boss would be kind and not go over the operation parameters for the tenth time since yesterday afternoon and she could catch an hour of sleep. Without dreams. Please please please, don’t let me have any repeat dreams that kept me up all night, she prayed fervently.
The last thing she needed was to have a any more vivid sex dreams about her very hot boss while in the car with him.
It was bad enough she had agreed to go on this assignment with him, posing as a couple at some fancy beach resort in North Carolina and she fit the profile of the type of woman their target frequently sought out. There were probably sixty agents with more fieldwork under their belts (or at least more qualified) for this kind of op who fit the profile, but Cooper had chosen her. It was both an honor that he wanted her with him and intimidating as hell because she did not want to let him down.
Her phone pinged with an alert, drawing her from her exhausted stupor.
I’m outside.
Ember sighed. Be down in a minute, she texted back. She slipped her phone in her back pocket, shouldered her purse and grabbed the handle of her suitcase. She mentally went over her Leaving For Vacation checklist for the hundredth time, just as she always did before leaving for a few days. Plants watered, lights off, oven off, thermostat set to a reasonable temperature, all small appliances unplugged, windows locked. Phone charger and keys in purse. Toiletry bag in suitcase. Vibrator and extra batteries in suitcase…
Unfortunately, since they were posing as a couple and would be sharing a one bedroom bungalow, she would have to remove the batteries to make damned sure she wouldn’t embarrass the hell out of herself should she need to relieve any frustrations.
Which there would be plenty. William Cooper was a walking wet dream. Tall. Broad shouldered. Scowly. Sexy. Intelligent. And deep down underneath that frown she was used to seeing on a daily basis he was a softie. That rarely seen soft side only fueled her crush on him that much more.
With a weary sigh Ember set her security alarm and locked the door behind her.
Black Mercedes sedan, Cooper’s next text buzzed through.
Her brow quirked up as she pressed the call button for the elevator. No Porsche?
Didn’t want to look like a man going through a midlife crisis.
She bit back a smile. You’re too young for a midlife crisis.
Ember was not surprised when no response buzzed through. She stuffed her phone in her pocket once more and stifled a yawn as she made her way out to the parking lot.
She thought nothing of it when Cooper climbed out of the car and made his way to the back. But once he cleared the trunk she nearly tripped over her feet.
In the short time she had known William Cooper she had never seen him wearing anything other than a suit. Granted, most of the time the jacket was off and his sleeves rolled up, but suits had quickly become the sexiest thing she’d ever seen on a man (firmly replacing uniforms. She’d always been a sucker for a man in a military uniform or tactical gear up until the first time she’d seen her boss loosen his tie and roll up his shirt sleeves).
But she was woefully unprepared to see her hot boss wearing casual clothes. A blue and white plaid button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, unbuttoned over a light grey tee-shirt and a pair of snug jeans with a hole ripped in the left knee… and a pair of sunglasses hiding those dangerously gorgeous hazel eyes. And the stubble gracing his jaw. Oh sweet heavens she was a sucker for unshaven jaws...
She once again thanked her lucky stars for dark sunglasses hiding her eyes.
The trunk latching shut startled her out of her wandering thoughts.
“Get in the car, Kid.”
Ember bristled at that moniker. She hated being called kid. Hated it. She was twenty-eight years old, barely, what, seven years younger than him. Her eyes began to burn when she jerked the passenger door open. Oh, don’t start, she admonished herself. It’s too damned early and I hardly slept last night.
“Easy there, tiger,” Cooper commented as he joined her in the car. “You okay?”
She carefully shut her door, fastened her seatbelt and took a deep breath before she responded. “Yeah. Sleepless night,” she pasted on a smile as she turned to face him.
His brow furrowed. “Worried about the op?”
“You could say that,” she let the smile fall off as she settled back in her seat. That was partly true, at least. She was worried about her part, terrified she would blow it.
“You’ve got the easy job,” he started the car. “Look pretty, flirt, be coy.”
“You call that easy?” She glared at him behind her sunglasses, blushing at his look pretty comment. “I can’t flirt my way out of a paper bag if I tried.”
His dimples flashed when he grinned. “‘Your tie brings out the gold in your eyes, Boss’ ring a bell? Or ‘You’ve got a bit of powdered sugar on your cheek’?”
Ember flushed beet red. “A compliment and a gentle warning before a meeting are hardly flirting!” She stammered out.
God, she had mentally kicked herself for a MONTH on the powdered sugar incident, brushing it from his cheek with her thumb.
Her palm still tingled from the feel of his afternoon stubble when she had cupped his cheek, as if she had any right touching him in such an intimate manner!
“You were flirting,” his grin widened as he pulled out onto the street. “And the plate of extra cookies left over from your Christmas dinner?”
“Figured your kids would like some cookies, and I had more than enough left over,” she shifted in a poor attempt to hide the blush creeping up her chest and neck and wished like hell she had worn something other than a scoop neck tank top. She was not a pretty blusher when her chest got all splotchy.
“That’s what break rooms are for,” he chuckled. “Pretty sure Sanderson would ask you to marry him if you bring baked goods in.”
She shuddered. “Pretty sure he still lives in his parents’ basement.”
“Yeah, he has that personality,” Cooper frowned thoughtfully, slowing for a stoplight. “Not your type then?”
“Have you ever heard me flirt with him?”
His belly laugh echoed through the car. “No, no, I haven’t,” he managed to get out when his laughter died down. “You can give Wilkes a run for her money in the ice queen department when you’re dealing with him.”
“I hope you’re giving me a compliment and not calling me a frigid bitch,” she couldn’t help but smile.
“She’s the frigid bitch and she wears that badge with pride. She made Sanderson cry a couple of times. You’re at least polite.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t be,” she turned her attention back to the window. “And I don’t flirt.”
“‘You’re too young for a midlife crisis’?”
“Not flirting!” She shifted until her back was to him.
“What is it, then?”
“The truth,” her forehead thunked against the passenger window. “Thirty-five is still young.” She sighed heavily. “Age is only a number, what matters is how you feel inside. Take Grandpa- er, Henry, for example. He’s eighty-five, still working downstairs, running circles around the younger desk jockeys.”
“I need to find out what his secret is,” Cooper mused beside her.
“No,” she squeaked out, remembering something she’d overheard her grandpa telling Joe a few years ago when they went to New Orleans to see her godfather. “You don’t want to do that.” That particular memory would be forever burned into her brain.
He looked over at her. “Wait, he really has a secret? What is it?”
“Nope,” she shook her head. “It was bad enough overhearing it. I’m not telling you.”
If she could lobotomize herself to remove that particular memory of hearing her grandfather say his secret to remaining youthful at heart was masturbating every day she’d do it in a heartbeat.
The thought of telling her hot boss was embarrassing.
But the images popping up in her head of her boss following Henry’s secret to youthful energy?
Ember squirmed a little in her seat. “H-how long of a drive is it again?” Her voice cracked.
“Six hours if traffic isn’t bad.”
Six hours in a car with her hot boss. After a couple of sex dreams and a long, sleepless night with her normally trusty vibrator and her vagina’s stubborn refusal to accept a toy penis to get the job done? Fuck.
She groaned. “Straight through, no stops?”
“I’ll make a couple of stops, I’m not a monster,” he chuckled. “You have breakfast yet?”
She shook her head. “There’s a coffee shop up ahead. They have donuts and breakfast sandwiches.”
“Any recommendations?”
“The omelette sandwiches are to die for,” she stifled a yawn behind her hand. “They come with sausage and cheese. You’ve already had their donuts.”
He groaned. “Might have to order a dozen for this weekend.”
“Better make it two dozen,” she shifted in her seat to get more comfortable. “I’m not crawling out of bed before ten a.m. this weekend.”
“You’ve already claimed the bed, huh?”
A slow, delicious warmth crawled through her veins at the husky, playful tone in her boss’ voice. “Figured it was a given since I’m a woman and you seem like the kind of guy who would take the couch.”
“Sweetheart, my back can’t take sleeping on couches for even a little catnap anymore,” he flipped on the blinker and turned into the lot for the coffee shop.
“The bed’s a king, isn’t it? We could share it,” her eyes fluttered shut behind her sunglasses. “I promise to be on my best behavior.”
The strangled cough coming from the driver’s seat had her eyes snapping open.
“You’re flirting again,” his voice was really husky now.
She frowned at him. “No, I wasn’t. My brain loses its filter when I’m running on very little sleep.”
“Always an excuse,” he shook his head as he rolled down the window. “What kind of coffee?”
“Just ask for the Emberleigh special, they’ll know.”
Twenty minutes later (and some seriously teasing looks from the barista silently telling her that she was going to have to tell him all about the hot guy in the luxury sedan next week) they were on the freeway heading to North Carolina. Cooper set the cruise and shifted to get comfortable.
“Should we go over the parameters again?”
Ember swiveled her head around to glare at him, an “Oh, hell no” dying on her lips when she took in the glorious sight before her.
He had his left arm on the door, elbow bent to hook his fingers along the top of the window, left knee bent to showcase some tanned skin and glorious denim-encased thigh.
A very weak, very breathy “no” left her lips instead of the feisty retort.
He cast a quick glance at her before returning his attention to the road and the traffic around them. “Seat reclines if you want to take a nap,” he told her.
Sleep was suddenly the furthest thing from her mind.
And learning the seat reclined?
That really didn’t help matters any. At. All.
She picked up her caramel macchiato and took a sip. Her vain attempt to put the brakes on the naughty thoughts forming in her mind just from the way those jeans hugged those thighs and that knee…
Stop it, Emberleigh, she firmly reprimanded herself as she turned back to watch the traffic in front of her. Count road kill or play the license plate game. Don’t stare at Cooper’s thighs and wonder what they look like out of those jeans. Or nipping at them. Or how thick he gets when he’s… sonofamotherfuckingbitch...
“If you want to turn the radio on, go for it, I listen to just about anything,” his voice broke through her wayward thoughts, teasing her with that husky tone. “Except for the new crap.”
She blinked. “Yeah, I can’t listen to that stuff either,” she pulled a face before looking at the dash and the stereo. “I can Bluetooth my phone if that’s okay?”
“Go for it.”
Of course her playlist would just have to start off with “Rock You Like A Hurricane” by the Scorpions.
And oh that wicked, wicked grin that slowly spread across William Cooper’s face and his poor attempt to imitate the lead singer’s vocals… of course that would make her squirm.
Both hands were on the steering wheel now, thumbs drumming along to the beat.
The tempo was the perfect rhythm to have sex to. She mentally whined at the images popping into her head.
The thought of Cooper timing his thrusts to the beat of the drum and adding a little rocking motion with the drum rolls nearly did her in. And the fact he was singing off-key only made her that much hotter.
Ember squirmed, pressing her thighs together as she forced her attention on the road ahead of them.
I’m fucked if he does this the entire drive…
She caught her bottom lip in her teeth to hold back the shuddery whine when her boss put his all into the one man, driver’s seat concert. By the time Cooper pulled off the freeway at a rest stop she was a mess.
“You okay over there?”
His husky voice broke through her nearly-fevered thoughts. “Huh?”
“You okay? You’re whimpering over there,” he shoved his sunglasses up to give her a worried look. “You get car sick?”
“No,” she shook her head.
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
She bit down on her bottom lip and shook her head. “God dammit…”
“Ember, do I need to call someone else in on this?” Gone was the light-hearted, teasing tone, in its place the no nonsense, cold tone she was used to in the office.
Ember sucked in a shuddery breath. “No, sir. I can do this.”
“You’re about to crawl out of your skin, Ember,” he shifted in his seat to show her she had his full attention. “What’s wrong?”
“You really don’t want to know,” she cringed when she realized how needy she sounded.
The silence in the car neared a deafening pitch… or was it her heart thundering in her ears… as she waited for his rebuttal.
“Honey, I think I do.”
That one word, the low, guttural way he practically growled it, had even more heat pooling low in her belly.
She must have moaned or whispered his name, something to make his hazel eyes darken. “I… should… get some air…” she blindly reached for the seat belt.
But instead of reaching for the door she leaned across the console.
Cooper met her halfway. His hands slid along her jaw to tilt her head before his lips met hers.
Ember let out a strangled moan when his tongue snaked into her mouth and curled around hers, teasing her, torturing her until she shuddered and pulled away for air. She slowly blinked open her eyes to meet his. “We… shouldn’t…”
“No, we definitely shouldn’t,” he agreed huskily as he tugged her into another kiss. “It’s a damned bad idea.”
One minute she was still in her seat kissing her sexy boss. The next she was straddling his lap with the seat reclined, her cutoffs nowhere to be found. She pawed at his clothing as he tugged the low neckline of her tank top down to expose her lace-covered breasts.
“We can get naked later when we get to the beach house,” he growled before biting one pearled nipple through the sexy bra she wore.
Ember gasped his name as his hands curved over her ass to grind his hips into hers. Any attempts to divest him of that magnificent plaid shirt and tee-shirt were quickly forgotten.
His jeans had to go. Or at least be undone and pushed down so the zipper wouldn’t scratch the shit out of her ladybits.
She curled one hand into his dark hair and shoved her other hand between them as Cooper switched his attention to her other breast. Holy Jesus she never thought getting her nipples sucked through a bra would be so hot!
“Easy, Tiger,” he groaned when she yanked at his belt. He dropped his hands from her hips to help her, thrusting his hips up just enough to shove those slightly snug jeans down to mid-thigh. They both moaned when his erection rubbed against her uncomfortably wet panties.
He hooked his fingers into the crotch of her panties and pulled them aside, earning another shuddering whine from Ember when his knuckles brushed her clit. He palmed his hard length with his other hand and thrust his hips up.
“Oh… god…” she curled her fingers into his shirt as he grabbed her hips to pull her down.
“I’m hardly god, Baby,” he half-groaned, half-chuckled as her tight heat sheathed him. “Fuck… you’re so tight…”
She rolled her hips slowly. “I don’t think I’m gonna last,” she moaned when Cooper’s hands palmed her ass to guide her.
“Me either, Sweetheart,” he rocked his hips in time with hers.
Ember buried her face in Cooper’s neck when the coil low in her belly tightened. She untangled one hand from his shirt and slipped it between them, her fingers seeking out her clit.
“That’s it, Baby,” he growled when he felt her knuckles against his lower belly. His hands tightened into a bruising grip, one she relished, as he thrust up harder and faster.
She quickened the pace of her fingertips on her clit. “Oh… God… Cooper…”
She blinked her eyes open at the gentle squeeze of a large hand on her shoulder.
“Wake up, Sleepyhead, we’re stopping for lunch,” he cleared his throat when she turned her head to face him.
Ember’s brow furrowed.
What the hell?
She was buckled in her seat, fully dressed?
Cooper dropped his hand. “I’m surprised you fell asleep with my singing,” he teased her. “Never worked on my kids when they were little.”
Did he sound a little gruff?
She blinked her eyes to try to focus on him. Was he avoiding eye contact, too? Damn those sunglasses…
“No comment?” His chuckle sounded a tad forced.
“No!” She blushed fiercely, wondering now if her dream had been… possibly a bit vocal. “N-no, I… I guess a smooth car ride combined with a sleepless night put me to sleep.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it,” he slipped the key from the ignition and shifted in his seat to slip it in his pocket. “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.”
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so i finished reading the boys book. i wanted to write down my thoughts about it, so if you've also read it (or just want to know my general feelings about it), feel free to message me !!
also it's gonna be really long bc i have a lot of thoughts. and i'm gonna rate the book at the end if that matters to you lol
so one of the main things that's brought up A LOT in the book is the boys not trying to judge trey and georgia, and honestly it is so annoying to me. idk why gaby wrote it like that, or if sam and colby insisted bc they sounded judgmental thru out the book, but good god the amount of times they talk about not wanting to be judgy, but then going ahead and judging two seconds later is way too much.
there's literally a part in the second chapter where colby says that he hates judgmental ppl, and then literally him and sam judge the rest of the book lmao
i think it's fine that they are judging thru out the whole book bc this situation that they are going thru is foreign to them, so you're gonna be questioning things a lot, i just... don't get why they wanted to say they're not judgmental as if that's the worst thing.
like you literally almost get sacrificed to the dark lord, i think it’s okay if you’re a bit of an asshole, sam and colby
i got annoyed when the boys got really into their philosophies early on in the book, but that's very on brand for them. they don't talk about 'living life to the fullest' and all that shit too much in the book, which is good bc honestly that would have been worse, but they do mention it.
personally, colby's chapters were funnier to read than sam's. maybe it's just bc colby's (kinda sorta) inner dialogue is something i relate to more, but i did find his chapters to be more interesting imo
the nature descriptions in this book are abundant and god knows how gaby was able to describe it as well as she did over and over again. that being said, it happens too many times. like, personally, i don't care about tropical nature, that's not my cup of tea, but if you love that imagery, cool beans and those parts must have been fun for you. but like for me, it was just kinda boring and redundant after a while. bc literally every time the nature was mentioned, it was going from 'oh it's really beautiful. no it's not beautiful, it's gorgeous. no it's ethereal. no it's heaven' and i was just like... we get it.
idk why, but maybe i didn't pay attention well enough, but the drama that happened with trey and colby didn't really feel like it got fully flushed out. like, i got the general idea that trey told colby that youtube was a dumb idea, but i feel like it would have been better to really express how much that hurt colby's feelings, and why that made him cautious to help or see trey.
them physically saying 'this experience is so crazy, we're gonna have to write a book about it'... was a bit too on the nose for me.
highkey, kinda loved the casual mention that sam and colby have smoked weed before, since this is something they both haven't said they've done. (granted we have all seen that one livestream where colby was literally high on an edible or whatever with prettyheartbreak aka my fav livestream of colby’s lol)
also, idk why, but it weirded me out that colby was so hyper-fixated on a mermaid statue of a 16 year old girl... it was just weird to me.
the build up to the spooky stuff took a while to get to, like almost a 100 pages, and i honestly thought half way thru that they were gonna leave the belle estate for good and all the spooky shit would happen afterwards
that being said, i think where the real experience stopped and the novel begins is the first time they left the belle estate. i just have hunch.
not technically book related, but the convo they had to have with alex about turning him into a bad guy must have been a fun lol
like i can literally imagine them asking 'would you be okay with betraying us in our novel?' and alex just being like 'yeah, 100% do it. i'm ready to sacrifice you guys already.' lmao
and my biggest gripe about the book (and also the hugest spoiler):
all the spooky shit they experienced was not real and was just a drug induced hallucination??? i call bullshit.
i think at times it would have been fine to mention that georgia drugged them, or even drugged trey to be compliant (like roofies or something like that), but to literally do the 'it was all a dream' thing except make it drugs... was such a huge let down.
like, it was cool for a moment to be like, 'holy shit it's not real and she's gonna kill them bc she thinks it is, but she's actually just in a drug induced psychosis'. but the let down of all the ghost and spirits they saw were just bad trips??? i hate that. it was such a cop-out. it would have been so much better to just go full spooky and be like 'no, there's spirits but also we're high', you know?
random things that are extremely nitpicky but whatever i want to say them lol:
colby literally saying ‘w-t-f’ when the sacrifice is going to happen was the dumbest thing i’ve read. there were a couple times thru out the book gaby used internet lingo which was fine (i have no room to talk i literally use ‘i-d-k’ sometimes in actual conversation), but if i was about to be sacrificed, i’d be using every curse word i have in my vernacular lol
sam calling trey a ‘lucky fucker’ was not something i could see sam calling someone, but maybe that’s just me.
there were times it was extremely word heavy, which i know sounds stupid to say for a novel. but there were times that it just felt like gaby was trying to reach a word count, so she would just say every word she could think of. also things were just worded weirdly at times. idk how else to describe it, but if you read it, you probs noticed it too.
there was this one moment in the book i literally got lost at what the fuck was happening bc the boys were flip flopping between hallucinating and hating the belle estate and i was just confused as to what was going on. like, it’s fine for them to lose it, but you don’t need the reader to also be lost along the way.
i would have loved an epilogue of some sort. it felt like it ended too abruptly, so it would have been cool to have some sort of ending where maybe they make a video about the experience, no one believes them bc it’s insane, and then they get news that the belle estate burned down and that trey wasn’t found. or like maybe they get a letter that the belle estate was handed down to them or something like that.
kalani explaining everything to the guys felt a bit lazy. i’m not entirely sure how else gaby could have told all of that information to the audience and sam and colby but it was just weird to have some random person we’ve never met before know everything that was about to happen to them and why.
actual positives i have about the book bc i feel like i shit talked the whole thing:
the humor thru out was really good. how all four of the boys joke with each other felt really realistic and it added some nice touches to the darker scenes.
the gore of kalani having his heart ripped out of his chest was fucking terrifying and dope as shit. i literally went into this book thinking no one was gonna die besides whoever the bad guy was, but i was wrong and i’m impressed.
the hauntings and the descriptions of what sam and colby experienced were so cool and i really loved how she wrote it.
the internal monologue of sam and colby felt exactly like what i think they would sound like in their heads. i think she got a really good grasp at who they are and was able to dictate what they would sound like in a situation like this.
the one scene towards the end where colby was saying how much he loved sam... i literally almost cried.
my rating of the book: 3.5/5 stars
overall, there were parts to the book that i really did enjoy, but i have to take a step back and wonder that if i didn’t know who sam and colby were, would i have even read this book? i don’t usually read paranormal stories, but i have a few in my collection so i think i would have been drawn to the book bc of that. however, i don’t know if i would have understood who the boys were as ppl if i didn’t already know who they were before hand. also i feel like at times the story fell a little flat and for it to take almost 40% of the book to get to the actual haunting parts, i’m not really impressed by that. while i did like reading this book, it could have been a bit better.
please let me know what you think !! i would love to hear your thoughts/theories/commentary on all of it too :)
#i would seriously love to talk to someone about this so please message me thx lol#also colby feel free to read this#sorry if i'm a bit harsh#sam and colby#sam golbach#colby brock#paradise island#personal#text#spoilers
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I Pinned You From Across the Zoom
By Tori Frank

When you have them pinned, that’s how you know it’s real. The anonymous owners of @usc.missedconnections on Instagram discussed zoom romance and the seductive mystery of having an admirer behind the screen.
Imagine Gossip Girl, but make it all horny college students deprived of casual touch. That is the drama of @usc.missedconnections. If you don’t avidly stalk their account, you either have an unheard of self-confidence that doesn’t require any external validation, you deleted your Instagram in a fit of quarantine frenzy, or you haven’t heard of them yet, and you’re very curious about the previously stated analogy.
See the bio of the @usc.missedconnections page: “Have a message for the person whose zoom you always pin or saw from 6 ft away? Anonymously send your missed connection below!” Below sits the google form where all the virtual action happens: the flirts, the cat calls, the compliments, and the subtle roasts. It really is a good time, somewhat making up for the lack of classroom banter that would normally occur.
I sat down with the students who began the account, and we chatted about the new sensation that is dominating everyone’s feed.
Tori: My roommates and I have been following your page pretty actively, as I think a lot of people have been recently.
@usc.missedconnections just surpassed 3000 followers in the few months since their origin on September 30th, 2020
T: It’s definitely very entertaining, especially with Zoom making everything a little bit more boring and separated. It’s been really fun to follow @usc.missedconnections and see what’s the tea! To begin, how did you come up with the idea of creating this account?
Connector 1: I was between USC and another school out on the East coast. Some good friends that I went out and visited there showed me the [Instagram] page at that school, and I was like, “Hey that's a cool idea, that looks like a lot of fun.’ I texted _(Connector 2)_. I was like, “Hey here’s some dumb idea, we’ll get 50 people, we’ll get 2 responses a day. It will be kind of fun to just post them,” and we just grew from there.
T: So how many posts do you guys get a day now?
Connector 2: It’s actually ticked up a lot in what, the past like 2 weeks-ish? For a long time we had a solid 100 just in the bank, and then we slowly [opened them], but it's been 200 plus starting just recently, which is weird. We started posting more frequently to catch up.
Connector 1: Yeah I presume we get about 30-ish on average a day.
Are you intrigued yet? About 30 lucky students across the online campus are being called out for some reason another, be it their sexy voice, their mustache, their wall decorations, or the way they eat their oranges. And on the flip side, about 30 people a day are shooting their anonymous shot through the account. With anonymity of course comes a certain audacity to get real freaky over the submission form. I wondered how freaky it could get.
T: Do you post all of the ones that come, or is there some sort of filtering process?
Connector 1: We’ve had a couple instances where people have been mentioned or certain organizations that have been mentioned have requested for us to take the post down, so we’ve always just respected that if we’re ever asked to take the post down for whatever reason.
Connector 2: I periodically will go through, and I’ll be like, “This one’s weird, I don't think we need to post that,” and then I'll delete it.
_(connector 1)_ idk if you know that I do that, but um…
Connector 1: Oh probably. I mean, I’ve deleted one before.
Connector 2: Yeah, when I’m doing them sometimes I’ll be like ‘this is a little weird how can we phrase this in a way that's not exactly… yeah.
T: Yeah, what’s like the line? Because I think a lot of the time some of the things can be kind of… creepy… I mean the whole thing is like…
Connector 1: (cuts in, chuckling) Kinda creepy
T: (agreeing) Kinda creepy, right!
There have been submissions such as:
“To ____, Did you know if you rearrange the letters of Coronavirus you get “carnivorous”? Which makes sense because I want to spend the next 14 days of quarantine eating you”
“____ in BUAD 497, my only motivation for coming to class is being able to pin your video and look at your beautiful face for two hours”
Connector 1: It’s interesting, um, when we first started it, we talked, and the thing we were worried most about was like cyber bullying, and I personally haven't seen many posts. You get the offhand sarcastic comments, um, which are pretty funny sometimes, but I don’t know if we... we don't really have a set filter. If we feel like something’s over the bar, then we’ll kinda edit it out. Of course a lot of the time too if we’re iffy on something we’ll text the other person and be like ‘hey what do you think of this’ so, it's no distinct line, but our goal is never to make anyone uncomfortable.
T: Yeah, I think generally it's been pretty positive, a lot of affirming things. Even sometimes not romantic, like just positive comments which is pretty cool, and it's good to see that that's been going on.
Aw so sweet, fellow Trojans getting along so well. But this is a juicy topic. Playing the role as the reporter, I had to get the inside scoop.
T: Do you ever get messages about yourself?
Connector 1: I’ve had 2
Connecter 2: Yeah he’s had 2, I haven’t had any and I’m mad about it. I want one
Connector 1: I gave you one
Connector 2: You gave me one but I knew it was from you so it didn’t mean anything.
T: So you’re not only the owners of the account. You’re sort of participating in the game as well.
Connector 1: Oh, it’s always a blast when like you’re reading through and you know the person who it's getting written about and you’re just waiting. Yeah, that’s like my favorite part of it, and also the guessing games sometimes are a lot of fun too.
Connector 2: For a long time people were scared to tag people that it was about in the comments, but now there’s no hesitation. People will just tag everyone, which I think is really fun.
Its also fun that we don’t give the full last name because then its kinda funny when you get a really generic “Sam B” or “Lucy J” and 6 different Lucy’s get tagged and half the time we know who it really is because we saw the last name and then edited it out.
T: Why don’t you include the full name?
Connector 2: I think it’s more fun. (shyly shrugs) It’s about keeping the mystery, you know? Who could it possibly be about?
Connector 1: We do get a lot of requests though because of that, where people are like, “Hey, is this me? Can you tell me who sent this in?” and we're like “I don't know.”
Connector 2: Yeah people DM us every day asking for things, and also sometimes people don't understand that we have a forum in our bio and they send it in thru DM, their missed connections, which sort of ruins the anonymity and its sort of embarrassing for them bc we have to be like, “please submit it in our bio,” and they have to be like “oh god now they know”
T: It’s almost like a masquerade.
Again, I am imagining Jenny Humphrey wearing her golden mask at the Constance Billard School for Girls Masquerade Ball, prancing around Nate Archibald without him having the faintest idea of who he will be kissing. Maybe this is a little different, but the spirit is there!
T: Looking through your posts of course, a lot of them are, “Oh, I have your screen pinned, I watch you all the time in class” Do you guys do that? Do you think that that's like, Zoom behavior now, or is that still cringe?
Connector 2: Idk if I’d pin for a whole class, but I’ve been known to take a look, and based on all the things we’ve gotten sent it I guess people do. If you’re in a lecture thats boring, fair enough. I can't fault you for that. It’s so weird right now, so who knows?
Connector 1: I think it's really fun also, like, people get really creative too. A lot of them are really general but we just posted one today that had a Kanye reference. We get poetry sometimes. I love the poets. It’s a lot of fun for us and I think other people get to read the more fun posts then, like “hey I saw you”, when saying “hey I saw you” does make it, I guess, easier to match, but it’s less exciting for everybody else
T: To match... going off of that, have you heard of any success stores?
Connector 2: I have not but I desperately want to know. I think if people get married we legally have to officiate the wedding. We’ll go public to officiate the wedding. We’ll break anonymity for that.
T: Do a little daft punk moment
Connector 1: Yeah exactly. The [ones] behind the mask.
T: Do you think you want to continue it next year or post COVID in general?
Connector 1: Yeah, I mean I want to.
They talked about potential future: color schemes, contemplating a purple theme or the classic USC colors. I can tell that the account is only growing from here. It’s not like there is any shortage of desperate college students!
T: That’s exciting. I’m excited to see where the account goes!
Connector 1: Us too
T: I’m also looking forward to hopefully getting a post about myself. I have not yet. I know you guys are hiding it
Connector 1: Oh yeah, well with the 200 post back log I’m sure it’ll come out soon...
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OKAY so i actually have some info on my dumbfuck boy ken, so i’m way more prepared for this intro in comparison to the absolute serving of dust i gave y’all with winona... yikes. anyways ! once again feel free to lms for plots or w/e cos im open to anything and everything ~
ken’s pinterest: here !
content warnings: alcoholism, death, headassery
holy crap, is that THOMAS DOHERTY over there ? nevermind, it must be KENNETH FRASER, that COMMENTARY & COMEDY youtuber. isn’t it crazy that they’re TWENTY-FIVE and already have 3m subscribers? i heard that they’re known to be DETACHED, but also pretty MAGNETIC, just like a typical SCORPIO. ( lazy smiles hidden behind the glint of a silver flask, outlandish stories that you’re never sure are true or not & the longest day of the year )
OK so ! a little disclaimer first: i don’t know SHIT about scotland / scottish accents beyond what i’ve seen in outlander ok ! i really just be faking it til i make it so ! @ me if u want ~
moving on.. im gonna go off my previous setup and start with his personality cos lbr that’s what y’all really care abt ~ he’s a little shit ! a gd moron ! really goes out of his way to be obnoxious & charming UGH id like to strangle him.. think joey tribbiani mixed with cody ko… but with a horrendously unintelligible scottish accent (: he really be like that All The Time smh
not the smartest ?? your boy actually graduated from harvard with honors and yet ?? yeah he’s a little dumb but it’s chill cos he’s p much got .. no sense of embarrassment ? cannot recall a single moment of his life when he felt embarrassed or regretted doing/saying something so .. catch him making self-depreciating jokes on the daily. on the flip side tho .. if someone was gonna like constantly get on him abt it he might 100% get in his feelings and uhhh when he do.. that’s when fists start flying ? most cos he’s always on his way to a blackout binge ;)
on top of that he also has .. little to no sense of self-preservation .. will p much do absolutely anything even if it’s detrimental to his physical, mental or emotional health ! love that for him ! Makes Bad Choices, essentially ( makes rash & not-thought-out choices ). never says no to a dare, p much always dtf cos lbr his libido is .. out of control and i hate him ??? & ALWAYS willing to break a rule or twelve
& now for the fun part … he’s a functioning alcoholic ! Big Time ! at his happiest when intoxicated and will p much always have alcohol on him somehow ? he’s usually got a flask plus a buzz throughout the day sighs so smh ! honest to god he probably can’t remember the last time he was completely sober so uhhh that’s fun ig ?? the big thing is that it’s been going on for so long that his tolerance is so high he keeps needing more and more to stay buzzed .. so it’ll likely eventually … start to cause some real problems ……. would be wild if his subscribers found out *wink wink*
a phat hypocrite tho ! love it ! will literally get annoyed with people who lie and play games when thats .. all he do .. god he’s actually the spawn of the devil i want him dead
SHEW OK onto a little background ! grew up in edinburgh ( obvs, sighs ) with his parents who were both school teachers so his upbringing was p modest ?? p normal ??? honestly .. his life was super normal til he was twelve & his parents died in a hit & run when they were crossing the street :/ from then he had to live with his uncle who was … uhhh.. a Garbage Human Being lmao ! Basic rich businessman on his bullshit .. thinking he’s the absolute god of gods reincarnate.. manipulating women .. talking down to ken .. treating everyone like he was better than them .. yeah, just a general piece of shit tbh. definitely not happy to have a preteen suddenly in his charge so ken was like .. Fine ? i’ll do whatever the fuck i want then ? & basically … did everything he knew he shouldnt have done lol
the only thing he really stayed on top of was his grades in school cos it was his best chance of getting the absolute fuck away from his uncle for good and doing it without having to rely on the bastard’s money/connections blah blah whatever so even as he was acting like a fuckin’ fool, he was getting straight a’s & p much being on a first name basis with all his teachers BJOVN we love duality
it was all fun and reckless until he had a real brush with death when he was seventeen. he was fooling around with his buddies, drunk right off his ass, acting like a piece of shit & making a complete ass of himself when he found himself underneath the motorcycle he was driving so.. he ended up spending a good amount of time in the hospital & came out of it with a nasty scar through his left brow & three shattered fingers that wouldn’t ever heal properly ( he’s left handed but had to relearn how to write and do everything with his right hand after it all ).
after that he decided to get the hell out of dodge ( .. scotland ) and move to the states & honestly thank the lord he got accepted into harvard cos otherwise he’d have had to choose between cambridge and oxford, neither far enough away from his uncle & his past as he wanted to be so ((: my mans lucky ig !
in college he got rly close with the guys in his dorm + rushed a fraternity ( a BUSINESS one, not a fun one so he was not up in there partying and hazing poor, unsuspecting scholarship kids ) & that’s when he rly started to feel content with his life ?? all it took was a move to a foreign country and the power of brotherhood *rock n roll emoji* and yk.. booze !
anyways ~ he started his channel in college as a way to let out the absolute dumbass in himself in a constructive way that didn’t involve getting into fights or doing hard drugs lol it started out as a sort of vlog channel until he got tired of carrying a camera around all day and it just kinda naturally progressed into a commentary & comedy channel as he found sitting in front of a camera and talking absolute nonsense about other nonsense was kinda like his calling, even if he has to write a transcript for subtitles cos everyone complains abt not being able to understand him.. it’s fine don’t worry about it
he’s uhh p much having the time of his life, tho he uhh Does miss home something fierce ( but no worries he just drowns all that shit out with some aged whisky lol ! ) & lowkey wishes he didnt have to continuously drink himself into a stupor to get thru the day but here we are ;)
anyways im super tired of this intro lmao so just mssg me if u want any specific details ONFIJC & i dont have any specific wanted connections ? cos being unprepared is My Brand, so i’m down to brainstorm w/ everyone who wants a crack at my mans kenny ~
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inifnity war spoilers ahead please leave now if u dont wanna see em
you had WARNING
anyway heres a rough outline of my thought process thru the movie from what i can remember
a dude walked in wearing a justice league shirt and it was the biggest power move of the evening
rip heimdall u truly were the hottest bitch in the mcu
i already saw the spoilers that loki died but im still in mourning. my chaotic twink son :( also him tearing up when thor was getting tortured was like, possibly, one of the worst things to happen to me this evening. and his “you will never be a god” and “we will see the sun rise again yet, brother” like i’d rather be dead.
wheres valkyrie you fucking bitches
i know marvel has been trying to make me care about pepper and tony for like.... the entirety of the mcu and in theory i enjoy it but in reality i just heavily do not care
walked into this w out watching dr strange bc i refuse to so seeing him was very unpleasant for me :/
the second that one fuckin... servant of thanos guy showed up that tony called squidward i just burst into fucking laughter bc oh my fucking god. he looks like one of the star wars prequels aliens. i didnt know how i was supposed to react to that??? what the fuck????? kin?
at least this time tony attempted to get peter away from the fight ig??? also like okay i kno its a running gag but did the russos have to make peter reference old movies like what 3 times in this movie and once in their last one like please..... Please. its done. its over!
look...... look. look! look. i have made MULTIPLE posts on this website about how ugly i think chris evans is. especially when hes got his weird short, spiky hair. ive made this very VERY clear. i thought i was clear on this, myself. but let me tell u the fuck what when steven grant rogers showed up covered in complete darkness and caught a spear that moves at the speed of light w no hesitation and then stepped out of the shadows i only had one thought: please raw me
also i still dont care about wanda and vision but did wandas accent get slightly less bad or is this just exposure
drax’s reaction to thor was um. Me. also it was this scene that made me realize that ppl saying that the russos reset thor to his previous characterization and that he was nothing like ragnarok thor i....????? hm???? idk i thought he was p in character from what we saw in ragnarok? like did u all expect him to be super light and happy go lucky immediately after his entire planet died and his brother died too like. what.... did u Want. hes still not as grimdark as dark world and he still has the ragnarok vibes but w added “Lifes a Fucking Nightmare So Im Going to Joke Until Someone Murders Me :)” which is just honest to god me, so
oh also in an above part when tony pulled out a flip phone to call steve the dude next to me loudly hissed “what? a fucking flip phone-?” and his wife shushed him. i wanted to lean over and inform him that it was the phone from civil war and if hed been paying ATTENTION he wouldve known that
things arent going to be in much order after this bc im tired and its all a big jumble in my adhd brain but thats okay. its been 6 years and i still couldnt tell u the entire plot of the avengers, so.
tbh the effects in this movie were really fucking gorgeous like.... all the different planets’ scenery was so goddamn beautiful. like idk how to spell it so im not gonna attempt but the planet that gamora died on was literally so fucking pretty i was stunned into a silence what the FUCK was that beautiful nonsense
not enough steve and bucky interaction bc marvels personally out to get me, a known gay
i cant believe buckys a fucking goat farmer like ohfa sdfhadof ?????? just let the man feed his goats in PEACE
didnt love the whole “thanos really loved gamora” bit but like it makes sense ig. if thats what he thought love was? altho that definitely doesnt mean she loves him or shouldve ever forgiven him bc uuuh Yikes. anyone w abusive parents knows that kind of possessive, overbearing love. and it might be some fucked up twisted form of it but it aint good.
but whoever they casted as baby gamora was spot on?
when red skull lifted his hood i literally whispered “oh my god” and the lady next to me started laughing at me.
also while there was a good amount of fighting i rlly appreciated that it wasnt All Fighting and just there to show off that they had cool special effects. like.... it was mostly story and for someone who doesnt give a shit abt action sequences it was v relieving that i didnt have to parse through 2 and a half hours of watching someone do cool but impractical stunts
man idc abt wanda and dont like mcu natasha bc of the actress but when that chick was like “youll die alone” and natasha said “shes not alone” and then kicked ass i rlly just. hm. thats lesbian.
anyone else agree that when strange said mournfully that there was only one outcome and then said that giving up the time stone was the only way, its basically just telling us that this was all planned and it Will work out fine bc he knew that this was the one path that would lead to them winning. like..... im at least 99% sure thats whats going to happen, here.
steve and bucky may have said 2 sentences to each other but steve reaching out to grab a handful of buckys ashes w a stricken look was literally the worst moment of my entire life and i plan to sue marvel for emotional damages bc that was fucking terrible and i cannot BELIEVE they made me watch that idc if bucky comes back im fuckin pissed
also thats literally every team iron man member to realize that the accords were bullshit and if its 2018 and u still think the accords were right/a good thing i honestly do not know what to tell you
fuckin..... im lookin at captain marvels powers and shes cool and all but hows she gonna save all this........ now im even more curious abt what her movies gonna bring like ???? hello??????
also the only time the theater clapped or cheered was when steve showed up and literally same
i know all the dust ppl r coming back but alsof uc kin......... that was brutal
idk i dont have much 2 add im very sleepy but
i liked it a lot and im excited for the next movie. there were some things that i thought were in poor taste but like..... thats what i expect from every marvel movie, so. im pleasantly surprised by how good this was. idk why but during it it kinda like.... it had the same vibes as return of the king????? like i dont know Why but it has a very.... lotr movie feel to it. but w the staple marvel jokes. idk how to feel about that. i think its good? im not sure. get back to me in a few days after the movie highs worn off and if i still like it then its got my stamp of approval.
#james.txt#iw spoilers#infinity war spoilers#literally do not click on that read more if u dont want major spoilers
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Writing Your Story: Chap. 1 - Took You Long Enough

Summary: When Raelyn Nichols was approached to continue writing the Supernatural series she never knew how her world would one-day flip completely upside down when she meets the characters from her books the famous Winchester Brothers. Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel and Raelyn Nichols (OFC) Pairing: Dean X Raelyn (OFC) Warnings: All the fluff. Word Count: 2621 A/N: Alright ladies and gents, here is the first chapter of my first ever series! I’m incredibly excited and scared pantless. If you find any mistakes please let me know, since I edited this chapter roughly around 2AM EST. I will be updating this series weekly probably on Saturday. Let me any thoughts and opinions you have on this including constructive criticism (all hate can be deposited into your local trash can). Above all, thank you for reading what I write and for all the support. Tagging A Few Lovelies Who Inspire Me To Keep Writing: @waywardbaby @rosethesupernaturalhunter @carryonmywaywardcaptain @anotherwaywardsister @ladywinchester1967
Raelyn Nichols smiled as a mom took a picture of her daughter with her. “Thank you, Miss Nichols.” The little girl said. Raelyn smiled sweetly at her, “You’re welcome.” Raelyn sighed as she sat back down behind her booth. Raelyn’s rise to stardom was unusual and no one knew the true story except for Raelyn, a special angel friend and Chuck Shirley, as known as, God. Chuck was a fan of Raelyn’s novels and asked her to continue writing his series Supernatural. At first, Raelyn, thought it was a joke but once Chuck revealed his true identity who could say no to God. The last three years, she had been cranking out books every six to eight months. Now she did book events along with comic conventions taking pictures and signing autographs.
“Raelyn Nichols?” Raelyn looked up from her phone into the stunning olive-green eyes of the gorgeous man from her dreams. She smiled at him, “Dean Winchester, took you long enough to find me.” He looked at her dumbfounded as his younger brother came up behind him. “Ah, Sam Winchester. Well, now that the Scooby gang is all here I’m assuming you found out that I am writing Supernatural. Can this conversation wait until after the convention? I am kind of working here.” Sam looked to Dean just as dumbfounded. “How do you know about us? Our lives?” Dean’s voice was stern and husky. His voice was just as Raelyn had dreamed it would be.
“Look, I promise I will explain everything to you pretty boy. I’m not running or going anywhere. Here,” Raelyn handed them all access passes, that had been meant for her best friend and her boyfriend, to the convention, “you can go anywhere within the convention. There is quite the spread of food back in reception if you both are hungry.” Dean perked up a bit as Sam looked over to him rolling his eyes. “You will meet us in the reception area as soon as you’re done.” Sam said as Raelyn looked behind the taller Winchester. A line was forming behind them, “Yes, I’m not going anywhere. Chuck told me one day you would find me. That day is today. Now go before my line gets any longer.” The brothers looked behind them seeing quite a few people dressed as them and with Supernatural books in their hands.
Sam and Dean stepped to the side and watched Raelyn as she talked with fans, signed books and took pictures. Sam decided to go walk around the convention since he had never been to one before and saw a few Star Wars actors he would love to meet. Dean couldn’t bring himself to move from Raelyn’s booth. There was something about her that instantly drew him into her. She was beautiful which is obviously what caught his attention first. She had long wavy chocolate brown hair, tall curvy body and porcelain skin. The two features that made Dean weak in the knees were her brilliant forest green eyes that bore into him like no one ever had before and her soft full rosy lips just begging to be kissed.
He watched her interact with fans as she would smile for pictures and even posing ridiculously with some of them. She glanced over to him and motioned for him to come over behind the booth. She pulled out a stool from under her table and patted it. “Sit. I’d rather you sit here and chat than stand there and stare.” He chuckled as he sat next to her. Another fan came up, “Wow he looks just like Dean in the books. That is exactly how I pictured him.” Raelyn laughed as Dean shifted uncomfortably. “I know, me too, that is why I picked him as the winner of a local contest. He won the chance to be with me all day. He’s one of my biggest fans.” Dean gave her a pointed looked as the teenage girl looked to him with admiration. “Wow, you’re so lucky. Would it be okay to get a picture with the both of you?” Dean started to shake his head but Raelyn tugged on his jacket. “Of course, you can, Robert here would be honored to take a picture with you.” Raelyn dragged him in front of the table and the fan stood in between them. Emma, convention worker assigned to Raelyn, took the picture and the fan hugged them both before walking away. Dean was chuckling as they sat back down and no one was at Raelyn’s booth. “So, how long are you usually here at these conventions?” Raelyn looked at her phone, “I’m usually here for three days, Friday thru Sunday, all day. I’ve got another hour or so before I can pack up. A lot of fans are starting to leave now so I may be able to leave early. Why? You got a hot date?” Dean smirked, “Yeah, I do. I have a date with a good-looking author who knows more about me than I do her.”
Raelyn felt her cheeks burning. “Why Dean Winchester are you flirting with me?” She looked at him above her black rimmed glasses. She watched as a devious smirk came across his handsome face. Seeing Dean Winchester in her dreams or visions was one thing but him in person was a whole another story. His sandy brown hair looked soft and his broad muscular body was hidden under layers of denim, cotton and flannel. She watched as he ran his large hands over his muscular thighs driving her crazy. However, it was his eyes, his olive-green steal your soul eyes, that made her lose all train of thought. He noticed her sizing him up and his smirked turned into a smile. She was staring at his lips now as he ran his tongue over the bottom one trapping it under his teeth. Her eyes got wide and he saw her breath hitch. “What if I am, Raelyn? Is that okay with you?” he asked as she fidgeted with her hair twirling it between her fingers. “I wouldn’t hate it, but I’m not really your type.” Dean looked down at his hands nervously quickly being reminded why he was there next to her in the first place. “You really do know everything about us, huh? Every thought or feeling we have?” Raelyn sighed, “I can’t read your mind if that is what you’re asking. But yeah, I know pretty much everything about you two. Including that you tend to go after ladies who a few sizes smaller than I am and wear more provocative clothing.” Dean’s smile faded as he ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, I’m not really a great guy when it comes to having something more than a one-night stand.” Raelyn looked at him about to say something when he spoke again, “Probably best if you just stayed away from me, Raelyn.” He got up walking away from her table. Raelyn sighed as another fan approached her. Raelyn finished up the last few autographs and pictures then she packed up her personal items walking towards reception.
Raelyn found the brothers sitting at a table waiting for her. Sam was holding a few pictures that were autographed as Dean was giving him a disapproving look. She walked up to them, “Come on. We can go back to my place and talk. It’s warded against… well everything so it’s safe there.” Sam and Dean followed her outside where it had started to rain. “Well, where’s your beautiful Impala at? I don’t feel like walking in the rain even if it is only a few blocks.” Dean pointed across the street and she smiled seeing the car. “Oh Baby, you are more than I could have ever dreamed.” She said admiring the car. Dean could not help the smile on his face as she admired his pride and joy. “She’s unlocked.” He stated simply as they all got in. As he drove down the street, Raelyn was humming her praises to his Baby. Her humming was driving him crazy. Sam turned to her, “Do you need a moment alone with the Impala?” Raelyn looked up at Dean through the rearview mirror, “Sure, just park it and leave it running. I’ll be done in ten minutes.” She laughed as she watched both men’s shocked expressions and subtly smile on Dean’s face. She directed them to her condo and lead them up to it. She sat down her bag and curiously watched Sam and Dean look around her home. “You have quite the collection of comics and memorabilia.” Sam said in awe as he looked over her collectables. “Thank you, I am quite the nerd. So, please make yourselves comfort.” Raelyn went into her kitchen to grab a couple beers from her fridge for Sam and Dean. She also grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a glass for herself. She walked back into her living room seeing the boys had taken off their jackets and were sitting on her couch. She handed them the beers and then sat in her favorite chair pouring herself a drink.
“Before we get this started we need one more person to join us.” She picked up her phone and sent a text message. A couple of minutes later, there was a knock on her door. “Come on in!” Raelyn shouted. A tall man came walking in with dark brown hair and blue eyes like the ocean wearing a trench coat. “Cas?!” The brothers said at the same time as Raelyn chuckled loving it when they spoke in unison. The beautiful angel nodded as he sat on the couch next to Dean. “You two know each other?” Dean asked looking pointedly at Cas. “Yes, Dean I was asked to watch over her when Chuck left. How did you two find out about Raelyn?” he asked as Dean scoffed. “Claire found her books online and then passed it along to us. Better question is why didn’t you tell us about this?” Sam asked. Raelyn poured herself another drink as Dean whispered over to her, “You got another glass?” She snickered getting up and getting him one.
In the kitchen she could still hear all of them talking. As she walked back out she poured Dean a drink and then shut them all up, “Alright! Let’s just get this over with.” The three men looked up at her and nodded. Dean downed his drink and quickly refilled it. “Start from the beginning, Raelyn.” Sam stated as she settled into her chair. “I knew Carver Edlund or Chuck Shirley from different conventions and our agents were from the same company. Anytime we would talk he would mention how he loved my novels and I equally loved his.” She paused for a moment taking a drink. “A few years ago, he showed up here and asked if we could talk. He explained he was leaving for a while and would love it if I would continue writing Supernatural. Of course, being a huge fan, I agreed and he had all the rights transferred to me. That is when he told me the truth about the books.” Raelyn poured another drink for Dean when he finished the second one. “He was God, the books were real life events, Sam and Dean Winchester were real brothers saving people and hunting things.”
Sam scoffed, “What made you believe him?” Raelyn chuckled thinking back on the day that changed her life forever. “He touched my forehead and suddenly I saw everything that had happened in the books. I saw your lives from the day you were born. He showed me his true face bright light and all. He told me that I would have dreams of what I needed to write. Kind of like Sam’s premonitions but not as painful and no psychic powers.” She noticed Sam flinch and Dean gave him a weary look. “Look, I didn’t ask to have all of this. I thought I would just be writing a series of books based off his notes not the real-life tales of ghostbusting. I know I wouldn’t want someone knowing my entire life story and airing it out to the world.” Dean turned towards her, “Then why do you continue to write the books?” She sighed finishing her drink and setting the glass down. “The main reason is because God… literal God told me too. I think it’s important to follow what he says, don’t you think? Also, your story brings a lot of hope and inspiration into millions of lives who believe they are hopeless and meaningless to this world. I believe if my books or your story can impact one person’s life then it is worth continuing to tell the story.”
“How did you meet Cas then?” Castiel smirked slightly as she chuckled, “It was a rough start. At conventions I have some enthusiastic fans which Cas thought were trying to harm me. First time, I ever saw him, he ran off a bunch of fans that were cosplaying as demons.” Castiel shrugged slightly, “I followed Raelyn for weeks before then. I believed she was in danger and did not know humans would dress up for fun as demons.” Sam and Dean started laughing. Raelyn loved seeing them laugh since most of the time she only witnessed them fighting or hurt in her dreams. “Are you working on a new book now?” Sam asked as he finished his beer. Raelyn looked from one brother to the next and shook her head, “Not currently. I am just promoting the current book ‘Tombstone’ which was a bitch to get titled since there’s a movie titled that as well.” Raelyn nervously looked up at the three men to see if they bought her lie. Castiel was the only one looking at her curiously but Sam and Dean took her word for it. “So, now what?” she asked. Dean stood up stretching his tall, muscular body. Raelyn bit her bottom lip admiring the way his muscles contracted as he moved his arms above his head.
“Now, we leave our numbers for you and if you have any more dreams then you call us.” Dean took out a piece of paper from a journal he kept in his jacket pocket. He wrote his and Sam’s numbers down handing it to her. Briefly, their fingers touched and she felt an electric current run up her arm. A wonderful chill ran down her back and looking up she could see he had felt it as well. His eyes wide and darken as he gazed down at her. He opened his mouth to say something but simply trapped his tongue between his teeth driving Raelyn crazy. She shook her head slightly as Sam cleared his throat, “Alright, well we should get going.” Raelyn followed the brothers to her door waving goodbye and closing it once they were down the hall. She took a deep breath in and slowly released it as she leaned up against the door. “Raelyn, why did you not tell them about writing a new book?” Castiel asked as she cleaned up the boys’ bottles and glass. “No one should know too much about their own future especially the Winchesters.” She looked sternly at her angel friend, “You won’t tell them about it as well. You know how they will react and there is no need to add fuel to the fire.” Castiel nodded apprehensively. “Good, now pop out here so I can take a shower, write and go to bed.” With a whooshing sounding Castiel was gone and Raelyn settled herself at her desk. She powered on her laptop and pulled up her newest manuscript entitled, “Wayward Sisters”.
#waywardnerd67#Writing Your Story Series#chapter 1#took you long enough#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester fanfic#dean fanfiction#dean fanfic#dean x ofc#dean x ofc raelyn#dean winchester#raelyn nichols#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural fanfic#fluff#supernatural fluff#dean fluff#dean winchester fluff
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Jay Park: One Smile
x Jay Park x
Note: Read at Your Own Risk ~~ (ง⌐□ل͜□)ง Type: One Shot Word Count: 1,881 [ masterlist ]
You arrived from work, drained with all the work. You checked your watch when you settled your self on your couch.
It was only five in the afternoon, at least you still have an hour to spare before your best friend will be there to pick you up for dinner at the usual place.
You're about to close your eyes while massaging your temple when suddenly you heard your door know twitching and not long after that the door vomit your best friend - Cath.
You remained your eyes shot.
"Don't you think you're an hour early?"
"Ohmooo Y/N! You won't believe what Imma 'bout to say!" she said.
You opened your eyes and you can see her squealing, and almost forcing herself not to scream that she really failed to do so.
Maybe she caught Minsik on one of his live again. Or he liked her comment on his post. You smiled with that thought while you continue watching her.
"Just spill it out Cath so I can understand why you're like that." you send impatiently. You are tired and hungry so your brain can't really handle more of this mind games.
"Well, you remember the contest you and I entered when we learned that Jay Park will be having a gig here in London together with his crew?" she asked.
"The one with backstage passes?" you confirm if your thinking is correct.
"Yeah, yeah that one!" she replied. "And guess what ~ YOU WON!" she shouted and screamed.
You were unsure about what she just said for all you understand was her screaming. But then again, did she just said that you won?
That means... you can get to see Jay Park, up close and personal?!
'As in Park Jeabum?! Jay Park?! The one you only sees thru your monitor and mobile screen?!'
"You're playing with me, aren't you?!" you said, almost shout at her with a mixture of excitement in your voice.
"I am not!" she said.
"What the fudge! I wasn't dreaming, right?! I can't be. Or if I was, hell I don't want to wake up!" you said as you join her jumping all over your living room.
"You sure aren't. We're going to see AOMG and H1GHR MUSIC!" and the both of you screamed some more.
Never in your life that you ever wished for a day to past by so fast until now. You just can't wait for the next year.
Till now, out of thousands of screaming fans who entered their name on that contest, your name was picked.
Beside the backstage pass, you also have VIP tickets for the show itself. You can't help but scream all the feels inside you.
Usually, they do the meet and greet before the show, but they announced that it will be after. Unlike you, Cath seems bothered about it, its something about her not looking fresh anymore and you just laugh.
"Ain’t a party without us
Ain’t a party without us"
You and Cath sang along to the song. That would be the last song for the night.
The crew thanked everyone who came and went off stage.
The staff of the event guides us on our way to the backstage. As we went inside, you notice that there're only a few of you - less than 10 who are picked for the backstage.
Thinking that you can be in the same room with Jay Park and the others made your whole body shaking. You were excited, yet nervous at the same time.
As your group made your way, you can hear laughs and someone speaking on Korean. You're heart starts beating fast when you recognize that high pitched voice in the end.
"Hello there," Cath greeted them, that made them turned to where you'll stand.
You almost can't believe that Cath manages to draw the first word in front of them. You're really proud of her since she can form a sensible sentence, unlike you who remains quiet.
"Here they are! The nine lucky girls," Minsik said.
They all came together to give us a handshake and hug.
'Am I dreaming? Am I dead somewhere? Really? The AOMG crew with H1GHRMusic crew are hugging me!'
You're not trying anymore but you're forcing yourself not to scream and keep all your fangirling inside you and just enjoy the moment.
"You guys are amazing!" the other girl said.
They all replied with 'Thank you'.
"Hey," a familiar voice greeted you as you were left alone standing while the others are busy talking to the crew.
"Hello Jay Park," you managed to say.
"Hi there, and it's Jay. Thank you for watching the show, and you are?" he said.
'OMFG! The Jay Park was asking for my name!'
"Y/N," you replied simply.
You turned to his eyes. He was staring back at you. Those eyes that you always admire. His lips that you always find the most adorable you have ever seen.
He held your left hand and dragged you to the nearest couch not far away from where the others are.
The both of you chatted about random things for a good fifteen minutes that you really didn't notice until one of the staff called their attention that they needed to go.
"Can I have your number?" he asked.
You looked at him in shock. 'Is he asking for my number?'
He reached for his phone and handed it to you when he saw that you're not responding with a smirk on his handsome face.
You can't remember how you manage to place your number on his phone, but you remember how your hand was shaking.
"Thank you! I'm going now, I'll text you some time!"
Before he went off and join the others, he flashes you the smile of his and without any warning, he shot you with his deadly wink.
Months later.
"You've been glancing at your phone for like every minute!" Cath stated when the both of you decide to chill at your place since it's a Saturday afternoon.
"What? I'm waiting for an important message, so butt off."
"From who?" she asked with her eyebrow arched.
Jay and you have been texting for the past month. You haven't told her that Jay got your number. She might just die if she knew.
"From work." you lied, and she rolled her eyes as a response.
Just then, your phone lightens up, you reached for it right away, and before you was able to check who it was, Cath grabbed it from your hand.
"Oh, my bloody hell! Jay Park just texted my best friend!" she said in amusement.
"Shut up. I promised him not to tell anyone," you told her.
"Well technically you didn't tell me, so you'll be fine. But," she looked at your phone again. "Apparently, he's asking you to mee -- DaFudge! He's asking you to meet him!" she said, with squeal on her voice.
You took your phone and looked at it yourself.
**You free? Meet me at the part @ 7PM. See you there.**
You and Jay haven't met since the show, he tells you all about their tours and you knew how he plans to drop by to see you before they finally go back to Seoul.
Butterflies were roaming on your stomach. You still can't over the fact that Jay just asked you to meet him.
You glanced at your watch.
"It's past 5pm?!" you said in shock that made Cath stop with her own squeal.
"It's fine, what's the use of me being here. You have to prepare now." Cath said with a smug on her face.
She dragged you to your room and opened your closet. She flipped through your clothes.
"What do I wear?" you asked her as you sit on the edge of your bed.
She looked at you and rolled her eyes. She then pulled out a dress which you haven't worn for almost a year. It was a thick strapped blue dress that ends just right above your knees.
She quickly helps you to prepare yourself, she advises you to match the dress with the flats you bought last month. She even manages to curl your hair.
"You're bloody gorgeous!" she exclaimed upon seeing your final getup.
"Uhmm, thanks?" you said with an awkward smile. Still can't believe what's about to happen.
"You better go now. You'll be late!" she said, she seems more excited that you were.
You smiled at her and grabbed your purse and headed out. You decided to just walk your way to the park to calm yourself.
Suddenly you felt the cool breeze hitting your skin.
You arrived at the park almost 20 minutes late.
'Where on earth was he?'
You roam around, passed through the playground where cute little kids play. This is really a large park.
'Why would he want us to meet here?'
You're about to pass by some mini stage where some performers do their stunts for the public when something caught your eye.
You looked at the side of the stage where some of the people gathered. Your feet seemed to have its own mind and walk towards the stage.
"It’s just you and me
I don’t ever wanna
let u go no no"
You don't know how, and you're sure you didn't tell him that what he's singing now is your ever favorite songs of him.
As you walk closer, you can see that his attention was on the little kids who are all smile watching him.
'So he's singing for the kids... how lovely,'
You remind standing not far from where he was. Then as if he felt your stare, he gazes at you. And the both of you smiled at each other.
"Having a concert at the park?" you teased when he manages to come near you.
"I can do it every day... if it was for you," he replied, making you blush.
He took your hand and lift up your chin, you're looking directly at his eyes.
"Y/N, I'll only say this once, so please listen," he said softly.
It was as if you were hypnotized by his gaze, you just nodded.
"You're beautiful. Everything about you is. I know I haven't given much time for you, wait let me rephrase that – I’ll spend every minute for you, but not with you. If you ask me, that doesn't matter at all. What matters is that I like you - I really do. Please, give me a chance, and I assure you, I'll spend the rest of my life proving that to you."
You just stared at him. How can you possibly form any sensible sentence right now?!
"Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with me?" he then asked still eyes locked on you.
"O—of course. I would like to." you manage to say in a low tone, enough for him to hear.
His eyes widened and his lips formed a smile.
That perfect smile. That smile you always wanted to wake up to. That smile you always adored. That smile that can lighten up your day. That same smile that you only dreamt to be shared just for you. That smile which made you fall for him since day one.
[ masterlist ]
A/N: Hope y’all like this guys.. just to make out for the delayed update on Christian Yu’s Whats On Sight. I’ll update it as soon as the misa de gallo finished i guess hahaha ~
#Jay Park#park jaebum#park jaebeom#jay park scenarios#jay park fluff#jay park imagine#jay park smut#aomg scenarios#aomg#h1ghrmusic#roc nation#khh#khh scenario#krnb#khh imagine#khh fluff#jay park fanfic#fanfic#fiction#khh fic#oppatxtme#oppa#fake text#khh fake text#one shot#jay park one shot#jay park short story#short story
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SUMMARY: Harley, Selina, and Jonathan fight The Court of Owls. They also go to Batburger. TRIGGERS: Violence. WRITTEN BY: @harlsquinns, @fromselinakyles & @thegooddoctorcrane
Selina: Selina hated cars but it was the only mode of transportation that would get them to Gotham efficiently. Motorcycles were her preferred method and as she sat in traffic, she confirmed the reason why. "Imagine if they were expecting us? God..." She ran a hand through her hair, the other on the wheel, eyes on the road. They had all been relatively quiet which was nice but also strange. She was used to a chatty Harley and well, when she was alone with Jon, they had plenty to talk about. She looked over her shoulder and beside her with a small smile. "The GPS said it should be another twenty minutes. Are we doing okay?"
Jonathan: Johnathan sighed from his place in the backseat. He, unfortunately, got shoved in the back by Harley, who called shotgun before they even saw the car. Which goes against the rules, but who cares. He slumped over, not happy to be confined in the back as if he were in the BatMobile. It was awkwardly silent in the car, despite Selina's attempts to start conversation. "I'm doing just dandy." Jon said from behind his mask, happy neither of the other people in the car could see him roll his eyes.
Harley: Harley was content to be in the front seat, sitting next to Selina. It was probably unfair to call shotgun and make Jon go in the back, but she was still feeling a little bitter towards him for not immediately telling her he had kissed her best friend. She smirked when he spoke up, knowing that he was probably suffering some severe leg cramps, and was not feeling dandy at all. Turning her head, she smiled at Selina. "I'm doin' just fine. There's so much leg room here in the front. In fact, I think I'm gonna put my feet up on the dash," she said, then did exactly that. "Let's play a game. How 'bout two truths an' a lie?"
Selina: Selina bit her lips, eyes on the traffic, wishing it would clear out soon. She had a feeling this wasn't going to go well and Jonathan's retort coupled with Harley's truly cemented that. "Did you guys maybe want to get something to eat? I can get off at the next exit?" And then Harley spoke of a game. It would be a terrible idea especially with everything Harley now knew. "I--don't know..." She changed lines when she got an in and flipped the bird at someone who tried to cut her off. "I know, asshole! I was here first. yeah yeah!" She kept her middle finger up as the guy next to her continued cursing at Selina. "Yeah, sure. Two truths in a lie."
Jonathan: "I could go for some food. And I don't want to play a game." Jonathan scoffed and set his leg on the back of Harley's chair and put his weight on it, trying to make her ride as uncomfortable as possible while expending the least amount of energy. He didn't even bat an eye at Selina at Selina's road rage, having been used to it since he moved here many years ago.
Harley: Harley nodded when Selina mentioned food, suddenly feeling very hungry. She'd skipped breakfast in order to get ready for this little adventure, so she needed to eat before she ended up getting snappy. "I'd love food. How about Batburger?" she asked, then scrunched up her nose when she felt Jon pushing against her seat. It was making her very uncomfortable. While Selina was distracted with road rage, she unbuckled her seatbelt, turning herself around and half hanging over the front seat. "Ya wanna go, Jonny?" she asked a little too aggressively, then smacked down his leg with her hand. "Keep ya big ol' tarantula legs ta yerself!" She didn't even care about her game anymore.
Selina: Selina was glad they had both agreed on food but she was already frazzled by the man that kept egging her on. "I'm going to kill him." She murmured, gripping the wheel. Once traffic began to move a bit more, she pressed on the gas to try to avoid this guy but he kept following and Selina watched him from her mirror. Harley and Jon were already at is and she knew exactly why. When Harley smacked Jon's leg, she looked over her shoulder and glanced at him, pleading with her expression to try. "Guys. Please. Let's try to make it through the last 15 minutes before we get to Batburger." She sighed when the car sped up beside her and told her to roll her window down calling her every name in the book. Selina just smiled and tilted her head. "Are you done?"
Jonathan: Jon used his other leg to push Harley back into her seat, with some difficulty. He muttered a few select curse words under his breath as he slid to be behind Selina so Harley couldn't reach him. Jon glared at the man cursing her out from the safety of his car. "I could do something about him." He said as Selina tried to pass him, but failed. "I refuse to respond to you Harley. I'm not going to fight you." You said as he returned his legs to their uncomfortable place, where they belonged in his limited amount of leg room. "We're villains, Selina. We can do something about this jackass tryin' to run us off the road. That's reckless drivin'. We're helping the community."
Harley: Harley kept swatting at Jon as he pushed her away with his leg, feeling very stressed that his shoe was touching her expensive jacket. It did amuse her to see him swap sides, though. She glanced out of the window at the guy that was causing Selina trouble, then back at Jon. "Oh, you refuse ta respond ta me?" she asked, turning herself to sit properly again, and fastening her seatbelt. "Sounds like yer backin' down ta me!" Even if she wanted to sucker punch Jon right then, she did agree that the guy being rude to their friend needed to be dealt with. "If he ain't payin' fer our gas, or ridin' in our car, he needs ta get wrecked," she said with a shrug. "Next time we pull up next ta him, I can get out and slam his face into his steerin' wheel?"
Selina: Selina, at this point had drowned everyone out, nodding without thinking and not realizing she had just agreed with Jon and Harley. She didn't want to cause a pile up and she certainly didn't want to get them killed. After everything, all the planning to get Dick back and the good night she had with Jon, she really didn't want to ruin any of that by landing everyone in an ER but this guy deserved at least a hit to his bumper to scare him off. "he thinks he can scare me because I'm a woman. Yeah, jackass, pull over! PULL OVER" really she just wanted his license plate number but her friends had something else in mind
Jonathan: Jon scrunched his face and looked back at Harley. "No. I'm just refused to go along with your childlike games.". His face then flew out in surprise as Selina yelled at him to pull over. They probably had the perfect timeline to drive to the restaurant, and then to the meeting point. Brawling with some idiot in the street was not part of the plan, but Jon didn't care. Selina knew best. He readjusted the fear canisters lined on his chest, ready to throw one through the idiot's window. Not for insulting his... whatever him and Selina was. But for being an asshole. And wasting his time.
Harley: Harley was seething when Jon said the word 'childlike'. She was not a child, and she was perfectly serious about fighting him. There was more to her anger than just him pressing his leg against her seat, but Selina would be mad at her if she told him that she knew about the kiss. But she would find the right time to mention it — maybe when they were at Batburger. She grinned when her friend told the guy to pull over, and took the lid off the wooden box at her feet. It had been forever since she'd used a cupcake bomb, and she'd changed the way they worked. Instead of causing a huge explosion, they now had just enough power to blow up something small. If the guy was lucky, he'd survive with a couple of major injuries. "Alright, Sel... I'm gonna need ya ta floor it when I do this," Harley said, grabbing one of the bombs. "1... 2... 3!" she yelled, then leaned over Selina to throw the weapon through the wound down window, and into the guy’s car. "Go, go, go!"
Selina: Selina was ready to write down the number, satisfied with being right in knowing the guy would stop. Of course. He was a dick. She rolled her eyes but before she could even begin jotting it down, Harley and Jon were already doing their own thing and without hesitation, she floored it, stepping on the gas and getting off at the exit for Batburger. "Holy shit." She smiled widely , winding through the roads, finding an alternative way that didn't put them on a main street. "I really hated that guy! Whoo!" She gripped her steering wheel, tires screeching as she pulled into the drive thru. She ordered what she wanted and waited for Harley and Jon to do the same before parking the car in the lot. A bit into her fry and she felt a lot better. She messed Harley's locks with a grin and then looked over her shoulder towards Jon. "How's your shake, Jonny?"
Jonathan: "Fine. Despite them bastardizing my name." Jonathan as he offered the cup to Selina for her to take a sip. He tried not to make his newfound relationship with Selina hidden. Not that he was ashamed, but rather didn't want Harley sticking her nose in his personal business. This was all so scary and new to him. He realized he was just a stand in for Ivy on their little team, but he didn't mind. It was quite nice to be in a team. He was about to be in a even larger team full of people that have probably tried to kill him at some point. Well, no different than hanging out with the rogues.
Harley: Harley was happy to see that Selina was pleased. She had tried so hard to remain on the good side of the law, but sometimes you had to be bad. It was just the way things were. When they pulled into the Batburger drive-thru, Harley ordered a Bat-Mite meal, along with a Harlequinade. When asked if she wanted to Jokerize her fries, she shrunk back into her seat and declined. Once the food was given to them, she immediately felt calmer. "Heeeey!" she said with a grin as Selina messed up her hair. Nothing could've prepared her for the sheer shock she felt when Jonny offered Selina his shake. "Swappin' spit again, I see," she said with a mischievous smile, then dug around in her box for her toy. "Aw, look! I got a mini Riddler!" she said, kissing the little figure and putting it on the dashboard. "Anyone want a nugget?" Considering they were about to go and take on the Court of Owls to save Dick Grayson, Harley was feeling pretty good about life.
Selina: Selina watched her best friend with a smile, glad to see her calmer. Of course all they needed was some food. She felt herself feeling better too, wanting to move forward to help save her son. When Jon offered his shake, she took it from him with a smile,her fingers brushing against his. "Thanks." She sipped from the second straw she had placed in it and closed her eyes. "Okay, that's so good." She grinned. "And next time I'm getting a Bat-Mite meal. I want a mini Riddler." She laughed softly and leaned back.
Jonathan: "Again?" Jonathan repeated and looked at Selina. Did she go around and tell the whole world about what they were doing? "Also no one wants a mini Riddler. I can barely stop myself from strangling the one we have now." he said, leaning back and taking up the entire back seat. He cracked his knuckles loudly as he stared up at the ceiling, peeling off the top of his mask as he did so. He never knew it could get so hot in New York City. Gotham was in a eternal state of drowsy weather. This, was bullshit. "Can we go over what we're doing exactly?"
Harley: Harley couldn't help but laugh when Selina put another straw in the milkshake, as if she were making a point. "Yeah, Jonny. Again. It's okay, yer secret is safe with me." She had no intention of telling anyone else what had gone on between Scaredycat, because it wasn't like anyone she knew would care all that much. Plus, it wouldn't have been fair to them, and she was trying this new thing where she tried to respect people's privacy. She gasped dramatically when Jon talked badly about Eddie, and grabbed her Riddler toy again, sliding it into her jacket pocket to keep him close — she was a little worried her friend in the back would try and melt it with a lighter, or throw it out the window. "Eddie is the best, Jonny. Please don't ever strangle him." When he asked if they could go over their plan, Harley nodded in agreement, and took a sip of her drink. "Yeah, let's talk about it one more time. We can't afford ta make any mistakes. This is the Court of Owls we're dealin' with... They'll come for us in our sleep if we screw this up. An' we won't stand a chance against 'em all alone."
Selina: Selina smirked at the banter between Harley and Jon. She knew that Jon liked Harley and he was just being moody, really. "Thank you, Harley. I appreciate that discretion." Though she didn't know what they were covering up. They hadn't discussed details and that was fine considering she never knew what she was with Bruce. This thing with Jonathan was nice though and it was fine they were going at their own pace. "Please don't strangle our Eddie, Jon." Selina finished off her fries and turned in her seat so she could address the two of them. "Right. Well, I told Oracle we'd go in and cause a distraction. Do what we do best Mayhem. The Titans will be waiting not too far behind us and swoop in for the rest. According to her, there is someone who will be going after Dick. I think the main mission is to get these guys distracted. We'll go in there, ruffle some feathers and leave and we have to take some guys down, well we crush them." She had no problem with taking down the Court to save someone she loved but she also did not want to put Harley and Jon in any danger. "We stick together. I can't have either of you hurt. Understood?"
Jonathan: "Understood." Jon said. Causing mayhem was something he did well. But the Court of Owls was... strange. An unknown variable in their little experiment. He herd about them a few years after he started living in Gotham, from a kid in his class who later disappeared. As a whole, Rogues messed with each other a lot. But never the Court. In his long pause to consider his course of action (throw in fear canisters and kill anyone that tried to break from the norm), they had started driving to the meeting point. Jon could tell Selina was on edge, but she had every right to be. A lot was on line.
Harley: Harley nodded when she was thanked for keeping the kiss a secret, and leaned back, putting her feet back up on the dashboard while Selina talked about the plan. She was a little worried about taking on the Court of Owls, now that they were talking about it. They were a powerful group, and extremely feared throughout Gotham. It seemed a little suicidal to take them on, but they had to do it. Dick's life depended on it, and he'd saved Harley's life enough times for her to care about his. There were times when he could have easily killed her, along with Batman, but he never did. She owed it to him to go against these people, and set him free. "Okay. We stick together, an' cause mayhem. Got it. I'm perfectly okay with a lil' murder if it gets Dick home."
Selina: Selina tried to put up a front for Jon and Harley but it was getting more and more difficult as they approached the warehouse. She felt the lump form in her throat, zipping up her catsuit and gripping her bullwhip. "So do we just...go in?" She mumbled. So much for being a fearless leader. She pressed the earpiece into her ear. "Oracle? Do we just barge in." And then the redhead told her to go through a side entrance. The security cameras had already been taken out by a virus. "Side entrance. Let's go. Stick together. Promise?" She turned around to face her friends one last time. She had been in the grasps of a Talon before, saved by a fellow Rogue. What if she didn't have that luck this time around?
Jonathan: "We'll be fine. Dying for a good cause is for the good guys." Jon said as he made sure his mask was situated over his face before stepping outside, electing to stay close to Selina to hopefully give her some semblance of comfort. And, after looking around at the people nearby, hopefully she could protect him. He already knew Babs from throwing her off a building, so suffice to say they had trouble seeing eye to eye. She did trust Selina, so he was somehow invited. He stuck near Selina's side, not wanting to wonder off now.
Harley: Harley waited until Selina got the go-ahead from Babs, then got out of the car. She made sure that she had enough bullets to take down an army, and attached two cupcake bombs to the belt hanging off her hips. "If we get separated, then we do our best ta get back ta each other, okay?" She twirled her baseball bat in her hand, then followed after her friends. Out of all of them, she was probably the least scared about fighting alone, if she had to. There weren't many things she feared when it came to mass chaos — she did of course have a higher sense of danger now that she was saner, but nothing would ever take away her thirst for a good fight. In fact, she was getting quite excited now. If the three of them hadn’t been practically holding hands, she'd have probably already wandered off to clonk someone on the head.
Selina: Selina led the way, following the directions in her earpiece. "You're cutting out." she whispered, looking around and realizing they were probably so deep into Jersey that it was hard to stay in contact. She knew this would be a possibility and right when she was about to say anything else a sound coming from behind them made her turn around. They were surrounded by at least 15 others and he took a few steps back. "Ok. change of plans. Spread out." She grabbed the handle of her bullwhip, raising it up and letting it fall to the floor with a hard crack. She took one good look at her friends before snapping the weapon out of a Talons hand.
Jonathan: Jonathan opened a canister of tear toxin to flow through his glove, and unsheathed his scythe. Finally, there were seeing some sort of action. The blood pumped through his ears as he carefully made his way towards the group, glad he chose a longer-ranged weapon. He did not want any of these creeps to get closer than they had to. It was time to end this conspiracy once and for all. He wondered what a court of owl member's greatest fear was. Swinging his weapon and sinking his claws into whichever member dared to get too close seemed like a viable option for now.
Harley: Harley was surprised when Selina told them to spread out, but when she turned around, she saw why. Her heart pounded in her chest, and a grin spread across her face as she unholstered her gun. "It's playtime, freaks!" she yelled, then fired her gun, her bullets piercing through the chests of a few Talons. It was stupid to use so many bullets so quickly, but she couldn't take any chances. As a member moved closer to her, she backflipped through the air and landed in front of them. This was such a rush! She used her bat to hit them in their freaky owl face. "Are you guys okay?" she shouted as loudly as she could, looking around for her friends.
Selina: Selina gripped the end of her whip and she tried to come up with a strategy. She's dealt with these things before and her first encounter wasn't a pleasant one. She snapped her whip against a Talon's face if they wanted to call it that and kicked another straight in the chest. "Come on." She whispered, egging them on despite the fear she felt. Out of her three friends, she was probably the least prepared. No guns, no bombs, no toxin. She relied heavily on her combat skills and these guys were even more trained than she was. "Two? That's it?" She cracked her whip again, about to answer Harley's call when one picked her up by the neck. Selina felt the air cut quickly from her lungs and Babs screamed in her com, pleading for her to get out. "I would if I c-ccould, Oraclee. Tied upp." Her legs dangled in the air as she tried to break away from his hold and once she kicked him in the abdomen, he dropped her to the floor. Selina tried to crawl away but there were already four more on her tail. "Oracle give me something. There's too much. It's like they multiply..."
Jonathan: Jonathan looked back in time to see Selina surrounded. He went over and beheaded 2 of them in a row to hopefully give Selina some time to stand up and get her act together. He looked at both of his weaponed hands and made an executive decision. He yelled "Catwoman, catch!" before tossing his scythe at her. he would be fine with just her glove, plus they needed to hurt these guys, and he could tell Selina was losing faith in her whip. He stabbed another member in the next with his glove, and watched as they fell screaming to the floor. He has glad he remembered to pack the quickest version of his toxin, not any of the slow release stuff he's been studying so intensely for the past few months. And he packed enough toxin to scare a whole nation.
Harley: Harley spotted Selina getting picked up, and immediately tried to get to her. The last thing she wanted was to lose her best friend. Grabbing a cupcake bomb from her belt, she threw it at the group coming towards her friend. It wouldn't stop all of them, but it'd keep away at least three or four — but it still didn't stop the others rushing towards her. It was hard to keep fighting while she knew Selina was in danger, but she continued to put her gymnast skills to good use, dodging and jumping, and using the walls to her advantage. It was easy to parkour off them, due to her lithe frame and skillset. Eventually, she was close enough to Selina to help her. With Jon's scythe she'd be a little safer, but Harley didn't trust that these people wouldn't group up on her friend again. She knew that Jonathan would be fine, because she could hear the bloodcurdling screams of his victims. "Sel, are ya okay?" she asked, pressing her back against the other woman's as she continued to shoot any owl that came towards them. She only had one bomb left, and she knew she had to save it for if they got into really bad trouble.
Selina: Selina caught the scythe, giving Jon a quick nod and did the same when Harley came to her, giving her best friend's arm a quick squeeze. "The comms went out. I can't get Oracle." She took a few steps back and swung at a Talon. "Hey, Scarecrow, I like this. I'll be borrowing it in the near future." She grinned, gaining some confidence and going after a few more. "We're surrounded. Where are those Titans?"
Jonathan: "I have no idea. I'm not the one with the communicator." Jonathan said as he kept on stabbing the members. He definitely had some sort of bounty on his head with how many of them he was taking out. They were surrounding them, which never seemed like a good idea. Soon, he found himself back to back with Selina and Harley. He never really liked the Titans before, but now he was almost praying for them to swoop in.
Harley: Harley felt Jon bump into them, and it was clear now that they were going to lose — but she never did like losing. Adrenaline paired with excitement was coursing through her, and she kept shooting as she spoke, using her bat with her other hand to keep Talons away from her. "Okay, we gotta stay safe until the Titans arrive. Once they're here, we're good to book it!" She took the last cupcake bomb off her belt, trying to figure out where to aim it. "I'm gonna take out the ones directly in front of me. Jonny, you take the left. Sel, you take the right. Then we just... We fight like we're playin' Mortal Kombat until we can leave." She pushed her friends back a little, then threw the bomb. "Alright, let's do this!"
Selina: Selina nodded at the instructions and when Harley called out the okay, she went running, stabbing a couple of Talons on her way towards an area where her friends could follow. "There." She pointed and pressed the earpiece to her ear and right when she was about to call for help, she heard the Titans swoop in. "That's our cue! Let's get out of here!" And she got rid of a few more assailants, choking one with her whip and letting them fall to the ground. Once they reached the outside, she looked over her shoulder to make sure they were both there. "Oh God. We just did that! We did that!"
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One Year Later
New Year’s! 🎉
A/N:Happy New Year’s! I wanted to write something for fun just for New Year’s Eve. I hope y'all enjoy it. This fic is Gender neutral and POC friendly and no specific body type. It’s important to me that every is included in the fandom. Enjoy! And Happy New Year’s!
~ Shay
It seemed like fate actually. And you really didn’t believe in it you’ve had plenty of bad breaks over the years. You had meet him exactly a year ago to this date and if someone one told you that drunken strangerould become your fiance you would have laughed it off and told them they could go to hell but here you were looking into those exact same eyes a year later.
You moved back into the small town you fought to get out of. Your grandma was sick and being that it was only you and her left the responsibility for caring for her fell on you. But you didn’t mind she raised you and you be damned if you were going to stick her in a nursing home and watch her fade away.
So when you got off the phone with her doctor you decided right then and there you would move back home and care for her. That had been two months ago. The small town hasn’t changed much over the years. The corner store was still there, the county fair was still small and the only bar in town was busy as usual. It was New years eve and you planned on staying with your grandma to watch the ball drop but she instead you go out tonight.
“Y/N honey I’m not asking you to go out I’m telling you. I’ll still be here when you get back now go out and try to have some fun.” You’ve been caring for grandmother 24/7 never leaving her side and she wouldn’t tell you this but your where honestly suffocating her. She knew you just wanted to help but you became overbearing. Even to the point where you tried to feed her once. That didn’t go over well with her you didn’t hear the last her fussing at you about and that had happened a month ago.
You decided to listen to your Grandmother and go out. The town bar was small but you decided to dress up anyway even if only twenty people saw you. You put on one of your favorite outfits opting for something that was comfortable and also made you feel good. You bid your grandmother goodbye and she made a point in saying. “See ya in the morning honey” you laughed about it on the way to the bar. Was she telling you to try and get lucky tonight.
You made your way in the bar. It was small but they still tried to decorate. You found a empty stoll and ordered a drink. You saw a couple of people you knew and chatted with them for a while. It was close to midnight and the bar had become quiet vacant. You wehere ready to pay your tab and get back home under the covers and sleep the night away. You waited for the bartender but he was still down at the other end. He had been making whiskey neats for someone down there all night.
You walked down to the other end and waited for him to finish up. You sat and tapped your foot to the song that was playing it was one of your favorites “Carry on Wayward Son”. you didn’t even notice the drunk man next to you staring holes threw your head. You paid your tab and gathered your stuff to leave. You finally notice the man next to you . As you stood he wasn’t shy about looking you up and down drinking in your appearance. You could tell he was hammered and he didn’t look like he wa a local.
“Hold me please I would love to be touched by an angel” he slurred out. You had began laughing how could he be this rammed you wondered. You could tell he was harmless though and had to much to drink. You asked the bartender if he knew if the man next to you had drove himself here. He gave you his keys and stared telling you he was gonna call him a cab. But you weren’t too sure about that. He had passed out on the bar counter. You being the person that you are didnt want to leave him drunk and disoriented. So you dug through his pockets and called the last number he had dialed.
The phone ring until the line picked up “Dean.. Dean where are you. You’ve been gone for two days.” the man on the other line sounded frantic.
“Sorry uhh this isn’t Dean he here at the bar passed out drunk.” you tried to stay calm since the guy on the other end was flipping out.
“I’m sorry what bar are you talking about.” the guy cleary didn’t know anything about this bar.
“Heckless you know off 64 west.” you were hoping he would know but he didn’t. He told you that he was his brother Sam and that Dean had gone missing two days ago. He hasn’t answered his phone of texts. You told him that you would take him back to his hotel since you found the key in his pocket and it was the only one in town make sure he was safe. Sam thanked you and told you e would make the drive to your town to get him.
You told the bartender you got a hold of his brother and where going to take him back to his hotel. He helped you lug him out and get him in your car. He worked up on the drive to the hotel and you explain to him what happened and told him Sam was coming for him. He nodded his head at you and smiled and thanked you for helping him. You all made light conversation and he seemed nice plus he wa cute. You got to the hotel and helped him out your car. You open the hotel room only to see it was trashed.
“Sorry Y/n he slurred I wasn’t expecting to be bring anyone back.” after looking around and seeing the hotel was barely livable you made a rash decision and decide to bring Dean back to your place. You called Sam And told him what you were doing and got Dean back in your car.
You pulled into your driveway and got Dean out. You made it to the kitchen before he collapsed in a chair. You were searching for pain meds when he yelled out.
“Ohh shit I think im gonna be sick.” you grabbed him and rushed to your bathroom where he spent fifteen minutes vomiting in your bathroom. He had been so loud your Grandma got up. Once you told her what happen she found the pain meds and went back to bed. Dean had finally finished and he looked like death itself. You figured it would be easier to let him lay in your bed so you gave hima change of clothes and told him to lay down. You gave him two pain pills and the next thing you know you hear a loud snoring. He was out like a light.
You heard soft laughter the sun was just coming up and you had crashed on the couch that night. You threw your robe on and walked to the kitchen to find Dean and your Grandma chatting over breakfast.
“Happy New year Grandma.” you bent down and kissed her check. You looked around to see that there were fresh bacon, eggs, and coffee. You looked up yo see Dean hand you a cup and pull a chair out for you. “Thank you for taking care of me last night. No telling what I would have done if you hadn’t swooped in and saved me.” he spoke he had a faint smile on his lips.
You all sat down and ate together your grandma making hints at you on how cyte Dean was and how you never really go out on dates. And you telling her that he was just passing thru grandma went to lay down to take a nap. You spent some time talking to Dean finding out he lived in the next town over and just wanted to get away for the night. You al talked until Sam pulled into your driveway. You were actually sad to see him go you didn’t get out and socialize much but thar as your choice. You washed Deans clothes from the previous night and gave them to him. You walked kim down your driveway and were preparing some basic small talk in your head when your thoughts were interrupted.
“I uh.. I uhh know this may sound a little strange but can I have your number I uhh. I really would like to see you again.” he kept scratching the back his neck his face growing a deep red. You laughed and grabbed his phone and told him to text you sometime. He threw his fist in the air and left.
You go back in the house only to find your grandmother smiling and saying “Good job he’s a cute one.”
Here you where a year later at Deans place preparing to have a quiet New years eve in. you all texted constantly from that day and went on a date a week after he left your house. Your relationship grew quickly and you knew you were in love. You had been so lost in thought you didn’t even hear him call out for you.
“Y/N..Y/N did you hear me the food will be here soon.” he had been staring at you from the doorway for the past five minutes wondering how he got so lucky with a beautiful stranger like you exactly a year ago tonight.
“Yeah sorry I was just thinking about something.” you spoke quietly
“Hopefully it was about me or my feelings might be hurt.” he said in a joking tone. You threw a pillow at him and motioned for him to come snuggle up with you in the bed. If someone would have told you a year ago about the stranger that changed your life you would have told them go to hell. But being here snuggled up with your now boyfriend exactly a year from when you ment. You might be crazy enough to believe them.
This was just for fun. I hope you liked it! Leave some feedback!
~ Shay
#dean winchester#dean x reader#dean winchester x reader#dean fluff#dean x poc reader#dean x gender neutral reader#gender neutral fanfic#dean x woc reader#dean winchester x poc#dean winchester x poc reader#dean x y/n#spn fanfiction#spn fanfic#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural fic#gender neutral fanfiction#dean x poc!reader#dean x woc!reader#dean x plus size reader#dean winchester x plus size reader
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Smoke Rings
As promised here is part 7 to A Touch. I have been thinking about this chapter for a long time. I think that’s why I’m not to happy about it but whatever :P I hope you like it anyway. I love hearing from you guys on what you think so please let me know :)
Reader and Negan leave Alexandria only to end up having car troubles on the way home.
Negan X Reader
Warnings: Language I think. This is the fluffiest story of fluff haha
@dead-head-joker @cryinersaved
Let me know if you want to be tagged would be happy to :)
I sat on one of the couches Negan’s men carried outside. Negan sitting to the left of me and Olivia sitting to the left of him.
Negan agreed to give Rick time to find the guns so here we sat waiting on him while Negan’s men showed him stuff they found.
I yawn loudly it breaking the silence that has set around us for the past minute of so.
“Tried Angel?” Negan asks looking down at me.
My response is another yawn with me rubbing my eye. The lack of sleep from last night catching up to me.
I think at most I slept three hours. With the warm day and the repetitive back and forth chatter between Negan and one of his men I couldn’t fight the sleep that overtook my brain. The last thing I remember was laying my head on something warm and hard.
Negan’s POV.
I took note of Y/N laying over on my shoulder but I didn’t move her. I knew it would get under Rick’s skin plus I enjoyed having her close. She was fun. I sit on the couch turning Lucille over in my hands the girl sitting to the left of me was looking at her lap no longer shaking.
“Oliva is it?” I ask looking at her.
She only responds with a nod.
“Seeing as we are the only ones here for a bit why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind.” “Nothing.” She says quickly.
“Oh come on!” I say throwing my arm around the back of the couch behind her head making her jump.
“There has to be something.”
“You don’t have to talk about yourself why don’t you tell me about little Y/N here.” I say smiling at her.
“I uh..”
“Oh come on now. Let’s start with something simple. How well do you know her?”
“Umm not much. I mean she is not really close to anyone.”
“That so?” I ask a bit surprised.
“Yeah she doesn’t talk to anyone much. It’s honestly shocking to see her asleep. I have never seen her with her guard down.”
“Well that’s doesn’t sound like my Y/N at all.” I say watching her almost flinch at my voice or tone I don’t know.
“Go on.” I say waving her on when she stopped talking.
“Oh right… She uh.. Has just always been a loner I guess. I mean she talks to Rick and she was friends with Maggie I think but other then that she just stayed in her own space.”
“Well that’s very interesting indeed.” I say looking down at Y/N’s sleeping face.
I didn’t get time to think over what Olive said before Rick walked up to me guns in hand.
Readers POV
I jump up from the sound of gunfire and breaking glass. Snapping my head to the right I see Negan holding a gun aimed at the window a huge grin on his face.
“What the hell Negan?” I ask getting him to spin around and face me.
“Aww I’m sorry sweetheart did I interrupt your nap?” He asks teasing me.
“Why are you shooting windows?” I ask yawning as my heart rate slows down.
“Just wanted to test my new guns and they sound beautiful don’t you think?”
“By beautiful you mean loud then yes they sound beautiful.”
“Aww come on now darlin’. You know I’m just playing.” He says holding his hand out to me while handing the gun to Tim.
I catch myself placing my hand in his without thinking. Realizing I’m very comfortable with Negan. I ignore it when Negan starts talking.
“Think you can forgive me?” He asks leaning down to where our noses almost touch.
“Don’t shoot guns around me when I’m sleeping?”
“Deal.” He says winking making blood rush to my cheeks and my stomach do flips.
“Now onto business. I think we are about done here.” Negan says spinning around and grinning at Rick.
“Not unless you have anything you would like to say?” He says making me feel like I was missing something.
I watch as Rick’s gaze shifts off to the side to one of the empty houses.
“I need to go to that house.” He says surprising both me and Negan at the sudden topic change.
“Just trust me. It’s important that you let me go over to that house alone.”
“Hmm well I’m gonna need to think about that. Hmm I simple can’t decide.” Negan says messing with Rick.
“What do you think angel?” He asks moving to throw his arm around my shoulders.
“Should I let dear pal Ricky wonder alone to do something we don’t even know about?” He asks peering down at me.
“Yes.” I say honestly, seeing shock cross Rick’s face out of the corner of my eye.
“I trust him.”
“Well there you have it. You have five minutes. Don’t keep me waiting or I’ll have to put a bullet in one of your people's heads.” Negan says grinning from ear to ear I couldn’t help but move out from under his arm though he didn’t seem to mind or noticed.
It didn’t take long for Rick to return this time with Michonne behind him a deer on her shoulders.
“She was out hunting I didn’t know she had it.” Rick says handing the rifle to Negan.
“Well lookie here! See now that’s what I like to see. You be upfront with me I be upfront with you. Now that’s something we can fucking build on.”
“Well I guess that’s almost everything. Oh yeah. I want the deer. It was killed with my gun after all.” Negan says smirking.
“Negan-.” I start but quickly stop when he looks at me.
He wasn't in the mood to be pushed.
I watch Michonne push the deer off her back and two men quickly load it in the truck.
“I love when a women buys me dinner and doesn't expect me to put out afterwards.” Negan says making me roll my eyes.
“Well that’s it. Boys let’s roll out!” He yells making all the men start moving back to their trucks.
“Wait.” Rick says earning every eyes in ear shot on him.
“Can’t Daryl and Y/N stay?”
“Oh no sorry Daryl gets to stay with me. As for Y/N she is a big girl she can make her own decisions. What’s it gonna be angel?” Negan asks meeting my gaze.
I knew he was testing me. I knew what it meant if I went back with him. I knew what he looked like to Rick if I left. But I also knew what it meant for the group if I stayed.
Wrapping my arms around myself to hold myself together I take a look back at the place that could have been home.
But what was home? In this place it was just somewhere you got ripped away from you over and over.
Taking a deep breath I only answered by walking towards the truck I road here in. I could feel Rick’s eyes dig into my back as I passed him. Negan falling into step with me.
He quickly stops and turn around.
“Oh I almost forgot.” He says leaning down to take Lucille from Rick.
“I doubt you want her around. I mean she would be an awfully big reminder of what happened.” He says smirking when Rick clenches his jaw.
Smiling he takes a step back just enough to see Rick’s face.
“You sure there is not anything else you need to say?”
“Thank you.” Rick says his jaw so tight I was scared he would break his teeth.
“You see what I just did there?” Negan asks leaning his mouth down to Rick’s ear.
“I just slid my dick down your throat and you thanked me for it.” He says pulling back to give Rick that ear to ear grin.
“I’ll see ya next time Rick.” He says moving past me and climbing behind the wheel of the black truck we were in earlier.
Climbing into the trunk I kept my eyes straight ahead. I didn't want to see the anger and betrayal in Rick's eyes.
I looked out the window when we were out of Alexandra trying to keep myself from crying.
I shouldn't be the one upset I didn't get stabbed in the back by someone I trusted for years. But here I was feeling sorry for myself.
I was pulled from my thoughts when the truck stopped suddenly making me fly forward.
I would have slammed into the dashboard if I didn't catch myself at the last minute making a sharp rush of heat go up my arm from my wrist.
“Alright what the fuck is wrong with you?” Negan asks turning off the car and looking at me.
Instead of answering I watching the rest of the convoy of Negan’s men continue to drive past us. As if they were not passing their leader leaving him behind.
I snapped my head towards Negan when he let out a sharp whistle.
“Over here doll. What is going on with you?”
“Nothing.” I say looking back out the window wondering if my eyes looked as red and puffy as they felt.
My throat hurt from holding back tears but I ignored it.
“Oh no you are not going to pull the braty act on me. I will shut the shit down right now.”
I didn’t bother answering him.
“Can we just go home please.” I say after a moment of silence which I knew how rare that was with Negan.
I didn’t look at him knowing he was most likely seething with rage.
“Not until you tell me why you are mad at me.” He says surprising me by how gentle he was.
Turning to look at him I didn’t see him enraged or even his happy go lucky self like I expected him to be after humiliating Rick.
Instead he sat with one hand on the wheel and the other holding his head up as he lend on the rolled down window.
He looked normal. He looked like someone before everything got flipped upside down. His face was for the most part blank.
Letting me see the laugh lines around his mouth and the little wrinkles by his eyes telling me he must have always been a cheerful person.
I caught myself wondering what he was like before the dead starting eating people. I had this stupid knot in my stomach I would get when a new person came in the hospital. The knot I got when I wanted to take someone apart and fix them.
But there was no fixing Negan and I guess that’s why I felt relaxed around him. I knew what I seen was what I got. I didn’t have to tiptoe around him.
“Are you gonna answer my fucking question or stare at my face all day?” Negan asked looked at me pulling me from my thoughts.
Taking a breath I pushed it thru my nose and turned to look out the windshield.
“I’m not mad at you Negan.” I say honestly.
“Then what the hell is going on with you?” He asked almost sounding normal.
“I just betrayed everyone that always had my back. I took there kindness and turned it to ash.” I say looking back at him.
“You made the smart choice. Rick will thank you one day.”
“You don’t know Rick.” I say under my breath.
“You think I’m some monster don't you?” He asks smirking a spark in his eye telling me he enjoyed being that way.
“No. I think you and Rick are similar. I think you would honestly work things out if one wasn't trying to dominate the other.”
“See I’m still the fucking bad guy in that picture how is that fucking fair?”
“I don’t see you as the bad guy.” I say looking over at him.
“What do you see me as then?” He asks lifting an eyebrow smirking.
“An overly cocky man with one to many wives.” I say trying to lighten the mood I was never one for deep conversations.
“Well we all see that.” He says laughing and starting the truck.
Well trying to. All the could be heard was the revving of the engine.
“Oh you got to be shitin me.” He says trying it again only for the starter to grind but never turn over.
“Fucking hell!” He says smacking the steering wheel.
“Want me to look at it?”
“What the hell do you know about cars angel?” He asked looking at me.
“About this much.” I say holding up my hand my pointer finger and thumb only a half and inch from touching each other.
“Guessed as much.” He says opening the door and jumping out of the truck.
“Stay here.” He says moving around the truck.
“Where am I gonna go to?” I ask sticking my head out the window.
I earn one of his belting laughs making me giggle.
Shaking my head I lean back on the seat and close my eyes. The only sound was Negan mumbling curses to himself.
We were parked next to an overgrown field the wind making it sway and dance from side to side. The air was muggy and sticky making me welcome the breeze
Guessing we were going to be here a while I decided to enjoy myself. Opening the door I prop my feet on the rolled down window.
Leaning my head back I close my eyes and sing softly to myself.
I was just starting to drift off when Negan slammed the hood down and let out curse.
“Well she is fucking fried.” He says climbing into the truck.
“What’s wrong with it?” I say pulling my feet back into the car and shutting the door.
“The hell if I know.” He grumbles crossing his arms like a toddler not getting his way.
I couldn’t help the laugh that left my mouth.
“What the fuck are giggling about?”
“You.” I say honestly putting my feet in the dash figuring we would be here a while.
“Care to explain?”
“Nah. I think I’ll keep it to myself.” I say not fighting the grin on my face.
“Y/N.” Negan says making me open my eyes and look at him.
I jump when I find his face only an inch from mine.
“Tell me, or I’ll make you.” He says smirking down at me. His eyes bright as if he was planning something.
“Make me?” I ask lifting an eyebrow.
He didn’t get a chance to try before the sound of loud groans filled our ears. I looked thru the dash expecting to see a walker close to the truck. I was mistaken by a small horde coming straight for the truck.
“Damn it.” Negan says reaching for Lucille I stop him by placing my hand on his forearm.
“Don’t there are too many for us. Roll up your window.” I say turning to do mine.
“Darling I don’t think a piece of glass-.”
“Negan just stop arguing and do it! Leave a crack in the top though so we don’t suffocate.” I don’t know if it was my tone or the look on my face but Negan turned to roll up his window only leaving a inch gap at the top.
Climbing in the floor I looked up at Negan to see him looking at me like I grew threw heads.
“Are you coming or do you want to be zombie food?” I ask pushing myself as from from the seat as I could.
I knew what it was like to share a floor with someone.
Moving to get in the floor with me he kept a tight grip on his beloved bat him clearly not trusting my plan.
“Relax they can smell fear.” I say trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah whatever the fuck you say angel.” He says just as the first walker bumped into the truck.
It was soft and barely noticed I knew it was one of the dead because it walked right by our heads. Only blocked by a door and a sheet of glass.
“Please don’t look down.” I whispered to myself but Negan was so close he heard me.
Meeting his gaze I blush realizing how close we were. Every inch of our bodies was pressed into each others.
Negan having a half a foot on me made my feet come to his shins. His hips digging into my belly and our chest pressed together. I bite my lip and look down when I realize I can feel his heart threw his t-shirt. Knowing he could feel mine.
His was pounding just as hard as mine but mine was not just from the monsters outside the window.
As if on cue on the dead smacked into the window pushed by one of the others making me jump and close my eyes tightly.
Just because I knew how to kill them didn’t mean I liked them. I seen what a horde could do to a house let alone a truck.
“Relax.” Negan’s soft voice fills my ears making me open my eyes.
I look up to meet his hazel gaze worry and something else in them. Adrenaline, excitement I don’t know. But he wasn't as scared as I felt. I welcomed the feeling of finding comfort in that.
“I hate those things.” I whisper my voice barely audible.
I don’t think Negan heard me. He only smiles softly.
Hearing another bash into the side next to our heads I flinch. I close my eyes tightly when the sound of breaking glass can be heard it followed by a crunching noise.
I can fill my heart pounding in my head not caring if Negan can feel it as well. All I could think about was one of them busting the window or ripping the door off and tearing into me.
I was pulled from my nightmarish daydream when I felt something smooth and warm touch my hand.
Looking down I see the wooden surface of Lucille being pressed into my hand.
Looking back at Negan he winks at me as if to tell me to take it. Wrapping my fingers around the bat I hold it tightly wondering why Negan would give up his only weapon.
It’s not until I feel him start to shift.
I’m sure my eyes grew the size of saucers because Negan makes a face as if he is fighting back a laugh.
“Don’t.” I whisper knowing how loud his laugh is.
“Shh. My arm is numb.” He mumbles is followed by a walker bumping into the window by our feet and standing there.
“Well shit…” Negan says to himself.
Both me and him hold our breath and Lucille until the walker follows back instep with the rest of the group.
“That was way too close.” I whisper at him.
“Not as close as we fucking are.” He whispers making not know if he went it in seductive way or an annoyed way.
I was surprised to know that I actually wanted it to be the first one.
‘Not the time!’ I think to myself.
“Lift your head.” He says after a while of us just laying there. Walkers still walking past us.
Much like Negan my arm was numb along with my foot. It being pushed into the petals it lost circulation first. It didn’t help I had a sore neck.
“Why?” I ask looking at him and then at the walking dead outside.
“Trust me.”
Biting my lip I wait till there is not one pushed against the window and lift my head slightly.
I have to bite my lip to keep myself from reacting when I feel Negan’s hand run up my side slightly to brush across my shoulder and go under my head.
He smiles at me as if he proved a point. Rolling my eyes I lay my head on his arm the ache in my neck already starting to subside.
I tense up when I feel his hand on my thigh. Last nights events of Nick filling my head. Even though he didn’t get far the ache in my arm and the sound of his belt still fills my head.
As if reading my mind Negan lets go of my leg and softly touches my cheek.
“Just trying to make you comfortable angel.” He says softly his thumb rubbing my over my temple.
I swallow and open my eyes ignoring the stinging behind my eyes. Feeling the same bugs under my skin as last night I burry my head under Negan’s Feeling his fingers brush mine on Lucille I let him take the bat pulling my arms in between us. I close my eyes to try to block out the thoughts only making his blue eyes and grin show up in my mind.
I open my eyes and stare at Negan’s neck. I watch him swallow. Making me wonder what he is thinking about.
“Where did you learn how to do this?” He asks softly clearly trying to distract me.
“We found a car pile up… While we were looking for supplies… a horde came threw… Dale told everyone to get down… To hide... I didn’t want to be in the open….. I laid in the trunk of a van….” I say taking a pause every time a walker was at one of the windows. Me remembering back to the day Carol lost Sophia
“Smart girl.” He says I could practically feel him smile it making me smile and my face hot.
“Who’s Dale?” He asks after a moment of silence
“He use to be a part of our group…. Walkers got him…” I say softly the thought of Dale death a sad memory.
“Sorry.” He says sounding sincere.
I shrug as respons it being so long now I barely remember what Dale looked like. It’s funny how in the apocalypse everything seemed longer.
Me and Negan stay that way. In silence him wrapped around me Lucille’s barbs pricking my back when Negan wrapped his arm around my middle.
It was dark before the moans and growls stopped but neither me or Negan moved from where we where.
We were safe in our bubble and I didn’t want to leave it any time soon.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
#the walking dead negan#twd negan#negan fanfiction#negan fic#negan#The Walking Dead#the walking dead fic#the walking dead fanfiction#the walking dead imagine#negan imagine#negan fluff#negan x reader#negan x you#negan x y/n#a touch
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Let me introduce myself i was born and raised in the good ole US of A. When you think of an American I am what you would picture blond hair blue eyed white boy from small town USA population 7,000 three traffic lights a pigglie wiggie and two gas stations. I grew up the typical American life conservative Christian background Roman Catholic to be exact my grandma was strict and staunch go to church or burn in hell. My parents not so much they believed in god but never forced a certain religion on me honestly later I learned from them they believed in god but not in religion I wish I knew that then it would have saved me a lot of pain over the years. I grew up playing outside with my friends running the neighborhood and swimming in the local swimming hole things that small town boys do. As I started to grow up it was then I was exposed to organized religion and at the time standing in a corn field in Georgia with a redneck with a shotgun cradled in his arms preaching god and Jesus to me that only his religion is the chosen one and all others that don’t believe in his way will burn in hell and die! Needless to say for a twelve year old boy it scared the shit out of me and till now I believe it started to shape me to the mind set I have now.
More to follow.....
Growing up I was the typical all American boy playing baseball football and volleyball chasing girls and drinking beer (When I can get it) smoking a little wacky tobacco it was an amazing childhood even today I think back on my years growing up and I realize I caught the tail end of the days when being a kid meant being a kid. Mom and dad never forced religion on me actually they tried to keep away from it realizing that I should make my own choices in life and that someone else shouldn’t tell me how to live my life by what a book written thousands of years ago tells me I should and I shouldn’t do I appreciate that their mind set is find out yourself if that’s how you want to live. If I only could have realized that they were doing it for my own good and well being I wouldn’t have been thru the hell I have been thru or current predicament I’m in now.
I had a childhood roll model my uncle I’ll leave his name out of this due to fears of my identity being discovered. He was a true blue all American born in raised in the Deep South total Christian till end enlisted in Army voluntary when the Vietnam war was raging on served honorably highly decorated on the battlefields of SE Asia and continued to served till he retired from active duty at 35 yrs in uniform. He inspired me he motivated me and I made my mind up my senior year to join the military and serve my great nation like my uncle.
More to follow.

Senior year in high school and let me tell you what a year it was! I had really bloomed into a man I was working out every day and sometimes even the night I was 6 foot and 220 lbs of solid muscle had a few of the local girls I went to school with on each arm was popular in school and one hell of a football player but I was barely making it thru school. My parents decided to get me a tutor to help me pass I’m not stupid or dumb I just hated school I hated learning about things that I knew I would never use in the outside world Algebra 🤣 please when have we ever used that? Maybe if you were an engineer or scientist but me I had only one goal in life get into boot camp and get my hands on a M16 rifle.
As the year progressed my first report card came out well it wasn’t pretty a couple of B’s in subjects I liked namely social studies, English, History and our extra curricular classes like PE and auto mechanics. Math and Spanish I barely passed D in both. My parents sat me down and told me if I didn’t start passing these two subjects I either had to quit my part time job ( That meant bye bye truck ) or agree to being tutored in both subjects once a week. Ok that’s easy I loved my job and my truck so let’s do this and I’ll get a tutor.
My math tutor was this sweet lady former math teacher at our local high school well liked throughout town and well respected she whipped my butt in shape with math and there was no cheating or half ass processes it was show her how you did it and you better get it right the first time or your butt was doing it over and over again till it’s burned in your brain and she would keep me there till pass ten at night sometimes till I got it right!
Hey sounds tough but I passed!!
Spanish same thing one of the local ladies from town Rose was her name her mother came from Havana Cuba fled the country as Castro and his his rebels were beating Batista’s army back to the sea. Her father was a Major in Batista army and fought against Castro’s rebels. When Santiago fell to Castro’s forces he traveled to Havana mainly hitchhiking rides and if that didn’t work he would jam his service weapon in their face and make them take him. He was a total badass soldier and after two months finally made it to Havana as much of the country was in Chaos. He went to the airport trying to find a flight out of Havana but to no avail. As Castro’s forces encircled the city and people started to grow desperate namely Government, Military and the richest of Havana he caught a lucky break he heard of a freighter anchored off Havana buying up as much rum cigars sugar as they could get their hands on. He as a Major in the Army still had some power so he contacted the freighter and made a deal take me and my pregnant wife with you and I’ll help you raid one of the government warehouses on the wharves. They agreed the crew and him raided the warehouse at midnight and even convicted the army guards posted there to help in the raid in exchange for safe passage to the states. Christmas Day 1958 the ship pulled anchor and steamed towards Miami Jan 1st 1959 Cuba fell to Castro. Her father ( My Tutor ) was a legend in my eyes so I studied my ass off with them to pass my Spanish and got a B! And he presented me his his Cuban issue Army cover as a gift and shared a shot of rum. I will always respect that man. Rest In Peace Armando you were a true badass soldier and family man. More to come........

Work and I guess you can call it lust love.
Once my midterms were finally over and I got sort of good grades my parents were finally off my back. I didn’t have to go to the tutors during midterm break and was able to work full time at my high school job. Most kids my age in school were working at Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Blockbuster and some of the other popular places. Me on the other hand I wasn’t like the normal kids I found that flipping burgers and asking for your order too boring and meaningless so I went to work at one of the local boat yards. Being surrounded by water there was a boat yard almost on every street most of them catered to tourists renting boats or the snow birds that migrated down to warmer climates every years. I got hired at one of the smaller but nice boat yards that had slips for rent or own that people lived full time on. Boats everywhere and of every type nice multi million dollar types with more luxury than the Hilton to small sailboat types that a single person could live on. We did the maintenance around the yard the occasional maintenance on the slips and boat maintenance when paid enough.
I was hired for one purpose only that’s to dive in the harbor and to not only clean the pillions on the piers but the harbor it’s self. And let me tell ya’ll that’s some nasty ass work and quite honestly dangerous. Visibility sucks mud silt seaweed and harbor trash everywhere and the local sea life which includes things that sting things that bite and things that can and will eat you if they have a chance. Next to the harbor was a canal and there are residential homes and condos on that canal and almost all of them had boats and they loved to fish not in the canal but out in the ocean and they would bring their fish back clean them fillet them and throw their carcasses into the canal which created a god awful nastiness in the canal and attracted predators.
Barracudas- imagine a silver arrow underwater full of teeth and a bad attitude that is a Cuda. They could be small as 6 inches or as long as 6 feet. I ran into all the sizes diving the harbor and most just left me alone but sometimes there would be one that would follow me and in that inky darkness it’s not a good feeling.
Sharks- Yup they were there too every time you say shark someone would think of Jaws lucky that where I grew up there were no white sharks but there were others.
Bulls- Meanest damn things you can imagine honestly I think they are more dangerous than any other sharks and they have a bad temper too. Ran into them a few times while scouring the bottom and one chased my ass right up the boat ramp.
Tigers- bigger than bulls but equally as dangerous but not with the attitude of a bull they are the types that check you out first before they attack ran head on to a big one while removing a palm frond from the bottom he was probably around 9 foot long and I almost shit myself he swam right past me and I’ll never forget that tail it was so strong I moved when he swam by me. I was lucky three yrs after I enlisted a guy that lived on the canal where the recreational boats were lost a leg to a bull shark when he jumped on top of it by accident.
I loved my job I had a great time with a great group of guys. Mr. Smith he was my boss he was the nephew of the owner of the boat yard from Buffalo NY he was a hard ass worker day and night he had a wife and two kids a boy and girl and he was a family man even though he worked 7 days a week he always made time for them.
Mr. Mark- Army veteran served in Nam ground pounded in the rice paddies he saw some pretty hardcore action there but he never acted weird and crazy like some do after a few beers he would be back in the rice paddies chasing the Cong quite a few nights we had to carry his ass back to his truck take the keys make sure there was no guns nearby and let him sleep it off.
Mr. Jaime- Young guy 22 served in the Air Force got out had no goal in life but to work and live in a warm climate I asked him onetime what did you do in the Air Force and he said as little as possible.
The Boat yard people
They were a mixed bunch there were two types the year round residential ones they had the Beverly Hills of the boat yard the far end docks with the shore power and potable water hook ups. They were the ones who had more money than they knew what to do with and the multi million dollars live aboards most of them were really likable and easy going they were all pretty much retired with nothing really to do all day but ride around the boatyard on their bikes or electric carts most would start drinking at noon and by 6 pm were pretty shit faced. There was this nice couple from New York Ike and Fran they were Jewish but not very religious Ike used to say that why should we follow a book written 3000 yrs ago by a group of sand people living in the most inhospitable place on earth that thought when water fell from the sky (Rain) it was a gift from god. Ike make a ton of money in the real estate industry up north and they would always meet me at the docks before I would start diving to clean the basin and would always tell me what ever shellfish (Crabs and lobsters) or snappers or groupers I catch they would pay me for. Ike was scared of the ocean he served in the Navy and had a bad experience while swimming in Guam he told something dragged him to the bottom he swore up and down it was a giant shark ( Personally I think Ike was drunk and imagined the whole thing) I used to bring them conches stone crab and lobster every dive I did and he would always give me 25 dollars for my catch no matter how small or large. Ike didn’t believe in the whole kosher thing he thought it was a scam and a way for religious Jews to make money off people who believe that they will burn in hell if they don’t follow the ways of sand people 3000 yrs ago. They were good people and later on I found out they had both passed on and I hope the Rest In Peace. There were the Domingo brothers Hector and Juan two Cubans ran away from Cuba when Fidel took over these two practically swam in money both made their fortune by running dope from the Bahamas to the keys and Miami they had fast cars tons of gold and after Federal agents raided their yacht in the marina they had an arsenal of high powered military type weapons I remember a DEA agent bringing out AK’s M16’s UZI’s and all sorts of handguns. I didn’t have much dealings with the brothers they kept to themselves most of the time from what I read later on they both got twenty years in jail and the feds confiscated their boat and cars.
Terry and Trish
Well picture this two old party hard lesbians that was Trish and Terry they were in their 60’s made their money in hair dressing salons in New Jersey and they were always the life of the party they would start drinking at 1200 pm then they would start smoking weed around 3 pm and by 8 pm both were so wasted I had to make sure they got on their boat and in bed before one of them fell over and drowned or eaten by a damn shark. They were good people never found out what happened to them they were always against me joining the military they couldn’t understand why I wanted to go to war and die for someone else.
Karen and Tony
These two people were the youngest ones in the Beverly Hills in the marina Tony was 55 and Karen was 48 Tony served in the army during Vietnam as a MP I suspected there was much more to that story I’ll explain why later on. Karen who would alter my life and have a huge impact on me was a former teacher in Pennsylvania and a former hippie girl Tony and her met when he was on leave from the Army in the late 60’s. Tony made his fortune in boat batteries and had offices in Florida, Belize and Thailand Tony used to split his time between them two months in Belize and two months in Thailand and the rest in Florida they lived aboard a very nice yacht custom made job with all the luxury and comfort you could ask for. They both liked to work out in the local gym same place I worked out in and when tony was around they would bike ride around the island. Karen was an attractive woman between the bike riding and the gym she kept her self in shape and she always wore a two piece bikini either black or white and she liked her wine a lot she would usually start drinking after her morning or early afternoon bike rides. Tony hardly drank only once and awhile he would have a beer or two but other than that he kept himself sober most of the time.
The ghetto docks
The Beverly Hills section is the high rent district of the marina the upper shelf of the place the lower dock slips were the low rent section they were the part timers usually the drifters who floated in or snow birds from up north escaping the winter. Their boats well let’s just say from small sailboats to regular fishing boats with a small cabin with barely enough room to move around. The low rent docks didn’t get the service like Beverly Hills did they were responsible for their water their power and garbage removal and sewage removal no pumping into the basin they had to call the local honey pot to come pump them out. Beverly Hills they had power and water and sewage removal provided by the marina and garbage removal three times a day they just had to place it in the trash bins placed at the foot of the dock plus they had twenty four hour service if their power went out or water they could call Ralph and he would have one of us reset the breaker or restart the water pump. There were some interesting creatures in the low rent district for sure just a quick list.
The felon-
He was on the run from the law in Maine from what we found out later he shot his brother in the chest and fled he was halfway to freedom when he ran aground off the lower part of Florida and had to dock till repairs were done. He almost made it to South America the Panamanian coast guard caught him illegally fishing in their waters and arrested him. He was deported back to America minus his sailboat and is serving a 30 yr sentence for attempted murder.
The gay pedofile named skip-
The name same says it all he drugged and raped a 16 yr boy in NC and fled from the police he kept a low profile till one night he invited me over to his place to watch porn and have a beer of course. I declined and he left the marina a week later he didn’t make it far his boat caught fire off an reef at 2 am and he had to abandon ship and was never seen again. Police found the wreckage and identification number on the boat and declared him lost at sea.
The mentaposal married drug addict-
She was a trip OMG that woman was something I will never forget she was hooked on something and she didn’t care one way or the other about anything her old man was locked up in jail awaiting trial for drug dealing and looking at a lot of time. She was high almost 24/7 she had no money she couldn’t hold a job she would get fired after a a few weeks she always had the shadiest characters coming in and out from her boat she was trading sex for drugs and had no cares in the world. Jaime used to give her 20 dollars for BJ’s in the work shed after hours and bragged how he used to make her throw up by rough throat sex she was finally evicted from the dock she didn’t pay her rent for 6 months we had to call the sheriffs department when she started throwing things into the basin. She died after I joined the Navy overdose of cocaine.
More to come.......

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Drabble/Sneak Peek
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted a fic or drabble (mostly because I’m still working on the big bang thing that’s 4.5 chapters long thus far).
But as tonight two amazing hashtags were born, I want to share a sneak peek to a smutty thing I’m working on for @sceoweek2018
Title: Entertainment Rating: Explicit Ship: Scott McCall/Theo Raeken Summary: Scott is on the road with Chris and Theo trying to warn unsuspecting packs about Monroe and her people. They stop for the night at a Motel, Scott catches Theo entertaining himself with...wait is that his sweatshirt?
Scott’s flipping through the selection of local stations on his small motel television looking for something to occupy himself with when it makes a hissing sound and goes suddenly blank.
He sighs and flops his head back onto his pillow in frustration. They’d picked this just off the highway two-story strip motel out of convenience, but now he’s kind of wishing they’d been a bit more choosy.
He picks up his phone to look at the time.
7:08pm. Chris had left only a few minutes ago to pick up some dinner. It had been a long day, with more fighting and driving than he’d ever thought could be possible to fit in before seven o’clock, but he’s still a bit restless waiting alone by himself.
There’s always somewhere he has to be these days. Every time he closes his eyes to get some rest he can’t stop his brain from thinking of all the people out there that might need his help at that given moment. The only way he’s ever able to get some rest at all is by reminding himself that he’ll be no good to anyone as an overtired insomniac.
A bit of television would have been a nice distraction. Even if it was just re-runs of Wheel of Fortune on a tiny grainy screen.
He groans and pushes himself up off the bed and moves to pull the long, slightly musty curtains back from his window.
On the second floor he has a nice view of the highway and the miles of desert stretched out behind it flooded with the orange and gold rays of sunset.
Not that different to what he’d been looking at for days riding shotgun next to Chris.
The only other item of note is the blue glow of a soda machine down at the other end of the balcony.
A Pepsi doesn't actually sound that bad. Maybe Theo wanted one while they waited for Chris to get back with Chinese food...
As he’s making his way to the machine he can’t help but think about how if someone had told him a year ago that he’d be spending his days in an SUV driving across the US with Chris and Theo, fighting side by side with them, finding people and protecting them...he would at least have looked at them with a raised eyebrow.
Even now, he’s surprised at how functional a team the three of them make. Theo in particular, has come so far in such a short period of time.
Earlier today Scott had watched him take a bullet for a small girl. He didn’t blink, didn’t think about it, just grabbed her and shielded her. Thankfully the bullet hadn’t been laced with wolfsbane, and Theo is already on the mend. Even if he does heal slower than a normal werewolf.
He still has to keep an eye on Theo, to watch for any potential regressions, but there’s been a trust building between them for weeks now. He knows Theo has his back in a fight, and he hasn’t missed the glances Theo sends his way every so often, seeking Scott’s approval.
Even outside of fighting and strategizing, Theo’s company isn’t unwelcome. With Stiles back at Quantico, the sarcastic humor every so often is much appreciated.
Thus Scott doesn’t hate the idea of sharing a soda with him while they wait for dinner.
* * *
In his room with the blinds drawn tightly shut, Theo is entertaining himself in a very different way.
It had been a long day. It started bright and early with a two hour drive that lead to them defending an unsuspecting pack from an ambush, during which he’d gotten shot, and ended with a second, much longer drive.
But none of that was what got Theo frustrated.
What got Theo bothered was what had happened directly after the fight, and before the second length of travel.
His back against a dirty brick wall, he’d been struggling to pull a bullet out of his leg when Scott had found him. Before Theo could even object Scott had knelt down in front of him and was pushing his hands away from the bloody wound just above his knee to survey it himself.
“It’s not that bad...” Theo had panted through the pain. “I’ve got it...”
But Scott had ignored him.
In a moment he was running his palm up Theo's forearm, taking his pain as his fingers slowly worked the bullet out. Scott had held his gaze through it, and there was a warm comforting approval in his eyes that made Theo feel like all the bones in his chest were slowly being rearranged.
When Scott's hands left him, he ached to feel them again.
If Scott only wanted him he'd have thrown his pants off and let the alpha wolf take him against that dirty brick wall in bright daylight.
It wasn't the first time Theo'd wanted his (maybe sort of?) alpha to lay him out and fuck him. In fact, nearly every day Theo is stuck in the backseat of the car, watching the changing light of day and night hit the contours of his body as they travel.
He's not sure when it had started really, but he knows it was sometime after he'd been brought back above ground. Hour after countless hour he'd spend alone in his truck, contemplating the wrongs he'd done.
He wanted Scott’s forgiveness, he wanted Scott's companionship and approval (something he'd previously tossed away like an idiot), and he wanted Scott's thick swelling alpha dick ramming into his ass like there was no tomorrow.
He'd never wanted someone like that before. He’d never craved sex so badly, and certainly not from one specific person. It wasn't more than a few days after he'd realized what he wanted that he'd first pushed a few fingers into his ass to see what it might feel like.
Turns out, it felt awesome. Way better than he'd thought it would, though not half as good as he'd expected it would feel with Scott.
He has to think about Scott to get off these days. Nothing else does it for him.
Any attention Scott pays him, be it a glance in a conversation, or eye contact when Scott asks him what he wants from the drive thru menu, sends Theo's hormones rushing over a cliff.
That moment with Scott staring into his eyes, one hand on his thigh the other on his arm, a connection between them as Scott absorbed the pain from his veins, that had utterly wrecked him.
And then he'd had to pretend as though it hadn't for the next eight hours.
Nearly every night on this trip, the second he'd been by himself he would wriggle out of his pants, slick up his fingers, and pass the time with his hand between his legs and Scott's name on his lips.
But tonight is different. That moment on the battlefield was too much. He was already planning to really go at the second he was alone when fate offered him an unexpected opportunity in the form of Scott leaving his hoodie strewn across the front seat of the car.
Theo respects Scott. He really does.
But he wasn't about to kick a gift horse like that in the mouth.
He knows he’ll never get to be as close to Scott as he wants to. He doesn't have the right to tell Scott how he feels or what he wants. He knows he's lucky that Scott is willing to let him somewhat back into the pack at all.
He wouldn't dare try to make a move on Scott physically. Not even he is shameless enough to try something like that with their history.
But “borrow” some of Scott's clothes to rub his face into while he furiously jams his fingers in and out of his ass?
Theo's come a long way, but he still isn't above that.
His quick fingers plucked the red sweatshirt up and stowed it in his own bag so fast not even an alpha werewolf (or an Argent for that matter) could see it.
The second the cheap motel door had clicked behind him he was kicking off his shoes and wriggling out of his tight jeans. He unzipped his jacket and tossed it onto the floor, but didn’t bother removing his shirt as he retrieved the stolen article of clothing and a bottle of lubricant out of his bag.
In a moment he was laying on his side, breathing in the pleasant scent on the soft fabric, and pressing his fingers to his entrance. It was all too easy to imagine what it would be like to have Scott crawling on top of him with his warm earthy scent, like shaved wood and cinnamon, invading his senses.
He groaned into the hoodie as he felt the burn of his fingers pushing into himself and imagined it was the thick blunt head of Scott’s cock.
From there he lost track of time, or any sense of where he was. In the dark he was free to imagine a scenario where he wasn’t an undeserving wretch, or a touch starved insatiable slut desperate for something he knows he’ll never get and shouldn’t even have the audacity to want. He could imagine what it would feel like to have Scott want him in return, to feel the alpha wolf between his legs, ramming into him, to have his ass loosened up with each thrust, absorbing Scott’s tension and providing him with release. Having his own needs filled deeply and completely by the only person he can ever remember wanting to feel inside of him.
His body turned and twisted, as he rammed his fingers harder and more harshly at his insides. There was a rushing growing in his ears as he imagined the sound of Scott’s skin slapping against his own and the hot breath of the alpha on his face. He dug his nails into his neck fantasizing about having the alpha’s teeth gnawing at him.
He’s so deep in the fantasy he doesn’t hear the sound of someone approaching his room.
“Uh...fuck...Scott...fuck...please...” he pants, his fingers driving in and out of his ass in the shallow imitation of desperately desired thrusts.
* * *
With both his hands full, Scott doesn't think much of tapping the door to Theo's room with his foot. He'd only done it hard enough to make a thudding sound to signify his presence, and isn’t prepared for the cheap lock to slip and the door to fly open unannounced.
But what he really isn't prepared for is the scene he finds himself intruding on.
Theo, naked from the waist down, head thrown back, panting, his hair and brow damp with sweat, one hand wrapped around his throbbing length, the other just a few inches below, fingers burrowing deep and furiously as far as they could fit into the tight entrance of his voluptuously curved ass.
In the split second that he’s frozen in place, he can hear his name being uttered in long raspy moans and he feels every inch of his body snap to aroused attention. Any thoughts of what had transpired earlier in the day or what pressure they would be facing tomorrow are blasted to the farthest corners of his mind.
It doesn’t take long for Theo to realize that he’s no longer alone, but it’s already far too late.
#sceo#theo raeken#scott mccall#Scott is weak for fuckboy Theo#Theo is weak for Alpha Scott#drabble#teen wolf fic#Theo has an alpha kink#but really#Theo has a TRUE alpha kink
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Chapter 7 - A Promise
“AAAOOOOOOWWWW” the Hollow Aki made another sickening scream. She. It? You did know what to think anymore. You just knew you needed to run, to catch up with Aki, ….. and Jushiro.
He seemed to float on the rooftops. Jumping over the gaps between houses with effortless agility, focused solely on hunting his prey. the Hollow Aki made her way thru the streets, Slinking forward and back between buildings. You were grateful it wasn’t day time, not many people were out right now.
You followed at a human’s pace, slower, plagued by fear. You a witness and an architect to the horror unfolding before you. The reason Aki stayed so long in the world of the living and the reason she became a Hollow. What could you do knowing this?
You could fight. You could stand up, vow that no one would know the pain that you had, that no one would suffer.
Your run picked up speed. Matching the Hollow Aki, catching up, you were so close, so close you could hear her run, hear her breath as she huffed during her run. You couldn’t let her hurt anyone, you wouldn’t forgive yourself. Jushiro had told you that she turned because of you. You couldn’t let her cause any pain.
“AKI!!!!” you screamed, “Don’t do this, you’re a good person!!”
“y/f/n! what are you doing!” Jushiro yelled from a rooftop, “you’re going to get yourself hurt!”
You didn’t care, all that mattered in your brain was the Hollow Aki. You could……almost……..touch her. You stretched out, fingers brushing against her skin.
“AAAOOOOOOWWWW” She screamed, quickly turning to face you. “y/f/n, you smell…”
Her statement was cut off. Jushiro stood in front of you, sword out, an arc of light between him and the Hollow Aki. She screamed, clutching her shoulder before turning away from you and Jushiro.
Jushiro turned towards you, concern etched on his fair features.
“Y/f/n, what do you think you are doing? You need to let me handle this, Aki is not what she was before. You can’t do anything else”
“Jushiro! You said that this was my problem, that I caused her to be this way. I have to help her! I have to make sure that she doesn’t go away. She is good, I know she’s doesn’t look it right now, but she is! She is a child, you can’t kill her!”
“Y/f/n! I am not going to kill her, I’m going to release her. She is in pain, it’s my job as a soul reaper to help her. Let me do this!”
The Hollow Aki stood and began to run again, trying to gain as much space between the three of you. You and Jushiro ran after her. Jushiro effortless and agile, you struggling and out of breath. You caught up with her again. Jushiro leapt into battle, swiping and striking at the Hollow, she, giving an equal amount of attacks. You stood helpless, not knowing what you could do.
If you could only make the talisman work again, having access to that kind of power but unable to actually make the transformation happen was maddening. You watched the delicate ballet again. Jushiro was keeping his own against the Hollow Aki, until she made a blind strike, a lucky punch
He flew, lifeless thru the air, landing in a building. Smoke and dust. Aki stalked towards the rubble,
“AKI!” You screamed, “Don’t do this, you’re good, you’re not this……this thing! You can be better, AKI!?!”
She turned, “That’s not my name anymore, little human. I AM THE HUNTER, I exist to end those that caused me pain, FEAR ME, COWER BEFORE ME” She punctuated this declaration with another yell.
Tears formed on your face, to hear so plain a decree, it broke your heart. Flashes of the girl you knew came in front of your eyes, the sweet girl, the sad girl. You sank to the ground, fearing there was nothing that you could do.
“You smell good,” Ak- no the Hunter stood before you, “I think before I’m going to visit my family, I’m going to deal with you, after all you did take such….good….care….of….me.”
You cried in earnest as the Hunter came closer, pressure pushing down around you, you’d never see Jushiro again, you’d never see Aki again and it was all your fault
No, you would, you had too, it wasn’t your fault. You would make this right. You had too. You looked up defiantly at the creature looming before you. Tear stained face hardened and resolute in the face of certain death.
“Aki, I will not let you hurt anyone else, you will stop this…..right….now!” A spark inside of you came alive, the knowledge of what you were became clear, how to access your powers. Tears and blood, that’s what triggered your transformation, that’s what gave you access to your powers. You ripped the talisman from your neck, tears overflowing your eyes.
Blood, you needed blood. You looked at your hand, without thinking bit your thumb. Mixing blood with your tears,
The familiar and terrifying power came over you again, filling you with its warm light. You raised your fist, the sword forming again. You swung at the approaching hallow. Force and illumination igniting the air.
The Hunter staggered back, clutching it’s side, sticky black blood dripping from between her fingers and dropping to one knee.
You rushed to Jushiro, shaking him. “Jushiro, are you okay?”
“Y/f/n? What happened, why are you a Saisei again? Where’s Aki?”
“You got hit, I figured out how to transform, and Aki’s calling herself The Hunter now.” You did you best to not sound too panicked as you spoke in the ancestral voice again. Jushiro stood shakily, leaning on you for support.
“Jushiro, how can I touch you? How is any of this happening?”
“Y/f/n, I don’t have any answers, but we can figure them out together, later. Right now I need you to go back home. I can finish this, you needn’t do anymore.”
“I’m going to help you!” Your face was set with determination. Jushiro sighed, he knew that there was going to be no convincing you that this was something to leave for him.
“If you’re going to come with me, you’re going to have to do as I say, and only as I say!”
Both of you turned towards the Hollow Aki again. She was struggling to get back on her feet, your strike causing her more pain than would she had expected. She looked at you and screamed,
“AAAOOOOOOWWWW!!!! THEY SENT ME AWAY!! THEY DIDN’T WANT ME!! THEY WANTED TO KILL ME!!” With each statement she punctuated the air with a swipe of massive claws.
You and Jushiro easily dodged the attacks, deflecting them with your swords. Jushiro struck and took an arm from the Hunter, you capturing a hand. The Hunter screamed, pain and torment mixed together to make a soul-wrenching sound. She sank before you, in pain, in despair.
Jushiro arrived next to you, you turned “What do we do now?” You asked, tears forming once again. Hoping he would have some magical way to avoid what you knew was coming next.
“Hollow Cleansing, the purification of souls. Aki will be at peace”
“Break her mask from top to bottom, breaking the hold of the Hollow, allowing her to move from this place”
“To where?”
“The Soul Society, a place of peace, where Aki can be free again, no more pain and no more strife” Jushiro flipped his sword around, he raised his arm,
“STOP!” The words came from your mouth before you had a chance to think of why you were say them. “Let me do it,” you paused, “Can I?” You looked at your sword, hoping for some indication it was similar to Jushiro’s
“You can do it, y/f/n. You did it the first time we met, with the Hollow that was attacking me”
You moved towards The Hunter, who was struggling to breathe, you knelt. Bringing the sword over your head, you cut down with all the strength you had, wishing it would be enough. “Forgive me, Aki” you whispered. You brought your arms down.
That sound…..that sound of bone being sliced, and then……then it was quiet. You opened your eyes, shimmers around you.
In the center, Aki, pink haired and smiling. “Thank you, Miss y/f/n.” she walked up to you and placed her arms around you, you were shocked, you could feel her, feel the sensation of arms holding tight to you neck. You let go of your sword and hugged her back fiercely.
“Aki, I’m so sorry, so very sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I didn’t want you to become this” You stroked her hair as you spoke.
“It’s okay, I am so glad that I got to know you, and you are a really nice lady, Miss y/f/n. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. But, I have to go now”
As you spoke with her, the sky broke open and a ray of shimmering light poured out. A sign, and a welcome for Aki, her time on this plane was over.
“Aki, do you remember your promise to me? Please tell me you remember!”
Aki looked confused, “I’m sorry I don’t remember. What was it?”
Your heart became lead, “Don’t worry,” you faked a smile, “it doesn’t matter now anyway. Go, be at peace”. You let go of Aki, pushing her slightly towards the light.
Aki walked apprehensively to the light, turning to you when she got to the edge, “Miss y/f/n, will you come and play with me there?” Fear was evident in her eyes as she looked to you to be her support right now.
The tears would no longer be held back anymore,
“I would like that.” With these words, Aki walked into the light, as the light began to shimmer and fade around her, she turned to you and mouthed something. Something you couldn’t hear but knew what she was saying all the same.
“I won’t forget you”.
With that, Aki disappeared from this plane and from your life. You screamed, falling to your knees, allowing all the pain, hurt, and anguish wash over you. Jushiro knelt beside you, Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. Clove and vanilla. You cried in his arms for what felt like an eternity. As the sun began to break over the horizon, he wiped your tears away. Jushiro’s gentle voice broke the seemingly unending silence,
“y/f/n, let’s go home.”
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