#i was in the cave and i got out and now i recognize the animals as the little shadows on my old wall
mutsukiss · 2 years
Yesterday I started to watch mgsv gameplay
Miller: What are we here for?
Me: haha just to suffer haha
Miller: Just to suffer?
Miller: Everyday I feel my leg
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critterbitter · 9 months
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The twins and their starters may have grown slightly taller, but their love of shenanigans have tripled, no, quadrupled in size.
On that note did you know Eelectrik has a glow animation?? Perfect nightlight eel. Absolute gold standard for creature. Click here for the masterlist!
Bonus shitpost under cut ft @birdsaretoddlers’s incredible take.
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(plus a fanfic drabble that birds did while we were discussing in chat! Check out their funny writing @birdsaretoddlers) “Lam lam pentttt. Lam.”
“Language. I am not calling them that. This is a civil discussion about the capacity of a 284 Berkshire’s firebox, not a playground argument.”
“Lammm Pent.”
“If you possess my phone I will have to put you in time-out in your ball, and neither of us will like that.”
The argument over a literal online flame war was cut short by the door flying open, one of the hinges breaking off with the force and flying somewhere into the aether, never to be seen again. Or at least, not without a strong magnet.
Emmet stood there, proudly, holding his newly-evolved Eelektrik, his grin a mile wide. Ingo picked his heart up out of his femoral artery, where it had lodged itself, and gently removed Lampent from where she hid, hanging over his shoulder. Emmet stood there, eyes twinkling, clearly ready to perform the coveted Bit. Ingo opened his mouth, got halfway through a word, and his twin took the proffered delight of cutting him off.
“I am Emmet and I discovered something INCREDIBLE. INGO LOOK.”
Ingo looked, because what else was he going to do? He would allow his twin to complete his circus act, it was only proper and polite. Eelektrik trilled with delight. Emmet twirled like the best of Nimbasan runway models, clearly wrestling his eel, cooing platitudes to it as he writhed and squirmed to get it into position.
“Me beautiful slimy baby, my beloved pool noodle, my beeesstt conductor!~” Doing something that could generously be called ‘dislocating his shoulders’, Emmet managed to get his eel flipped up and around his neck. He flopped forwards, bonelessly, tipping his hat and giggling madly. He was grinning harder than normal. Ingo was a little scared.
“But now, Eelektrik can do MORE. OBSERVE.”
He threw his shoulders back, standing up as tall as he could, somehow not throwing himself ass-first onto the floor as the fifty pounds of eel he was currently deadlifting remained stationary over his neck. Emmet’s arms flew upwards and out, rocking back and forth in jazz hands. Eelektrik frilled its fans, made another happy little buzz and-
"Eelektrik boa."
There it was, clear as day. Eelektrik flashed it’s spots in natural bioluminescence, blinking like a neon sign. Bright beautiful yellow and clearly charged, Emmet’s hair stood on end, pushing his hat an inch off his head. They blinked in a rhythmic, pulsing manner. It was almost hypnotizing to watch, in a way. Ingo snapped back to reality, realizing his mouth had dropped open and Lampent had ceased questing for his Pokedex. Recognizing Emmet was looking for a response, he threw his arm out in a thumbs-up so fast his arm hurt, snapping his suspender against his neck.
“Brrravo! Ten out of ten! Majestic eel scarf!” He praised, Emmet’s expression only growing further full of himself and his achievement, which was well deserved. Lampent echoed the sentiment, flashing back at Eelektrik in response.
Now that both Pokemon could glow, they’d never have a problem in the caves again!
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libraryofgage · 10 months
Good Vibrations Three
One | Two
I usually try to throw out updates weekly but I got possessed by the muse for Modern Steve in 80s Hawkins and, like, finished the main chapters for that in a daze hfjdk I still need to write the two epilogues, but needed a little break, so here we are!
Part three has Eddie confirming his suspicions, like two seconds of angst that is immediately thrown out the window, and a little flirting UwU
I hope you enjoy! As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ^_^
Something hits Steve in the back of the head. He'd be upset if not for the fact that he's facing away from Dustin and gave the kid paper for the express purpose of throwing if he needs Steve's attention. After much trial and error, the system finally works for them.
Steve sets down the plate he was washing (the aftermath of Dustin asking for grilled cheese sandwiches and annoying Steve until he caved) and turns, drying his hands on a dish towel. "What's up?"
Dustin's chest and arms are sprawled across the table, looking for all intents and purposes that he'd collapsed from sheer boredom or frustration. When Steve speaks, though, he sits up straight so Steve can see his mouth properly. "Can you pick me up tomorrow?"
"I thought your mom was."
"She told me this morning that she got saddled with a last minute thing."
Steve frowns, slowly parsing through Dustin's mouth movement and trying to find the shape of words. He doesn't get all of them, but he gets enough to understand the problem. "Oh," he says, "yeah, sure. Right after school?"
Dustin shakes his head, pushing his biology homework away so he can lean forward. "Hellfire is tomorrow. Eddie says it's gonna be in the math classroom. Can you meet me there at 4:30?"
Somehow, Steve immediately recognizes Eddie's name. Unsurprisingly, it makes him think of the guy, and his mind happily offers up the memory of Eddie laughing on stage. Steve struggles to push the memory aside, at least moving it to a corner until he can properly reminisce later.
"Which math room?" Steve asks, hoping Dustin doesn't notice a longer than normal delay in his response.
He doesn't, if his relieved and happy grin is anything to go by. "213," Dustin says. He then pauses, as if suddenly thinking of something. "Also, uh, maybe wait in the next hall or something. Don't let Eddie see you."
"Why can't Eddie see me?" he asks. Has Eddie been complaining about Steve lately? Has Dustin spent the past week listening to Eddie insult or make fun of Steve for...something he did at the Hideout? Did he not act normal enough?
Well, it's probably not that last one. Robin is great at elbowing Steve when someone is talking to him. She's saved him from numerous awkward situations with that move. It's almost worth the bruise he'll inevitably get from her sharp elbow.
"He won't, like, shut up about you," Dustin says, his nose wrinkling some in disgust and distorting the shape of his mouth. He waits until his expression is under control to add, "He can't get over you attending his gig or something. Keeps saying it's weird that "King Steve" likes metal."
Steve feels his shoulders grow heavy, a weight pressing down on him. He can't hear how Dustin is saying the words, and Dustin's expression isn't animated enough for Steve to glean any kind of tone. But experience has taught Steve that Eddie is probably complaining, even if Dustin isn't saying it outright.
Now that he's thinking about it, it probably was weird for Steve to just show up to a heavy metal gig. He's never shown any sign of liking the genre to others before. Then again, he's pretty skilled at passing for completely "normal" to other people. That results in him being King Steve, though, and that version of him might be all that Eddie can see, which would make his appearance at the Hideout pretty fucking awkward, huh?
Steve is so lost in his thoughts and the feeling of remorse and embarrassment and frustration that he almost misses how Dustin rolls his eyes, his shoulders jerking with a scoff. He pays attention just in time to watch as Dustin says, "Yeah, so if he sees you, he'll probably grill you on your favorite bands or something. He's, like, obsessed with figuring out all the other freak things about you. His words, by the way."
It's a lot all at once, and Steve ends up asking Dustin to repeat himself twice before he can fully comprehend everything. Despite the slightly annoyed look, Dustin doesn't complain. When he finally understands each word, that weight lifts from Steve's shoulders, the sudden emotional whiplash making him feel a little floaty.
"That's why he can't see me?" Steve asks, raising an eyebrow at Dustin and leaning back against the sink.
"Yeah, it'll take forever. It's like when Mom runs into a friend and just stands there talking for a whole hour," Dustin complains, sprawling himself across the table once more when he's done speaking.
Steve snorts and leans over, ruffling his hair and jerking his hand back before Dustin can smack it. "I promise we wouldn't talk for an hour, but I'm not going to avoid Eddie. If he sees me, he sees me."
Dustin doesn't need to know that a small part of Steve really hopes Eddie sees him, deafness and all. And maybe he'll even like what he sees.
Eddie Munson is not stupid.
Well, his grades and teachers would beg to differ, so he'll rephrase that.
Eddie Munson is a fantastic DM, which means he regularly takes a big plot twist and sprinkles hints of it throughout each session of a campaign. Doing this means being able to put those puzzle pieces back together, too, and ensuring they lead up to the logical plot twist. So, Eddie's brain is great at seeing some puzzle pieces scattered around and putting them together to make a complete picture, and he's definitely been seeing some puzzle pieces.
Like Steve Harrington never looking over when Eddie first speaks to him. And the way Steve stares at his mouth, his brows slightly furrowed like he's trying to decode something (Eddie would love for this puzzle piece to belong to a "Steve Harrington wants to kiss Eddie Munson" big picture, but he's not delusional). And how Steve needs to be nudged or needs to see someone before realizing they're close to him. And how he didn't seem to understand Eddie's words until he looked down at a notebook Robin had scribbled in.
And that's not even counting the stuff Eddie Munson noticed about Steve in high school. Steve Harrington walked through the halls like someone was hunting him, his shoulders tense and his eyes always flitting around from person to person, like he was scared of someone sneaking up on him. He always seemed to ignore people when they called out to him, and Eddie had once dismissed it as him being an asshole. Steve never actually paid attention in class, either; he'd spend the whole time doodling in his notebook or zoning out while staring at the wall. He didn't even look up when the teacher called on him, and eventually the teachers stopped trying.
So, yeah, Eddie has slowly started piecing the puzzle together, resulting in a picture that he never would have linked to Steve Harrington, of all people. But it's the logical conclusion. It's the brilliant plot twist that makes so much sense when you review previous campaign sessions.
He just needs to test it, to see if he's actually right or if he needs to review the pieces once more.
Eddie's chance comes after Hellfire Club on Wednesday. Their session had finished a little earlier, if only because the players had gotten through Eddie's planned journey faster than intended. The next part couldn't be stopped five minutes in, so Eddie had called it a day and gone to the bathroom while the others talked about their character progression.
In the few minutes it took for him to piss, Steve had strolled into the school and started waiting in the hallway next to the math room. He's leaning against the wall, head tilted down as he reads a small book, his lips turned down into a slight frown as he concentrates.
This is the scene Eddie sees when he rounds the corner, and before he can really think about it, he scurries back to remain out of view. He's not scared of Steve Harrington. He just knows this is the best chance he's got to test his theory. Eddie glances around the corner, watching as Steve turns the page of his book, and he suddenly wants to know what has captured his attention so strongly.
Eddie takes a deep breath and slides around the corner again, sticking close to the wall to remain out of sight. "Hey, Harrington," he says, his volume normal and easy to hear.
Steve doesn't react. He doesn't even twitch or give any indication that he heard Eddie and simply decided to ignore him.
"Haaariiiiingtooonnn," Eddie calls, a little louder and drawing the word out.
Still nothing. Well. Steve frowns a little deeper, turns the page back, and rereads whatever part has tripped him up.
"Steve, you motherfucker," Eddie says, the same volume as before, and this time trying something that might anger him. "Your hair looks ugly," he adds. It's a lie, of course. Steve's hair looks fantastic, and Eddie wants to run his fingers through it.
No reaction, and Eddie is starting to feel brave. He takes a few steps closer, still hugging the wall. "Oh, Stevie," he says, getting a slight grin, "big boy, sweetheart, darling, pretty thing." The endearments easily fall from his lips, hanging in the air with Steve none the wiser.
So. Eddie thinks it's safe to say his theory is correct: Steve Harrington can't hear. And Eddie is suddenly, achingly curious to know more. He wants to see how Steve, with his perfect hair and his stupid little moles and his blinding grin, navigates the world when he can't even hear it. He wants to know how Steve experiences music; he wants to know how many other people know; he wants to know if Steve ever gets frustrated and what he gets frustrated about; he wants to know if Steve's other senses are stronger to balance out his lack of hearing.
He wants to know everything.
Eddie strolls over, standing next to Steve and tapping his shoulder. He feels a little bad when Steve jerks in surprise, sliding back a few steps and looking at Eddie with wide eyes. "Don't do that!" Steve says, his gaze flitting around the hall before he forces himself to calm down and look at Eddie.
"Sorry," Eddie says, hoping his expression tells Steve just how much he means it. "You didn't look up when I called you."
Steve blinks, his lips twitching into an almost wry smile. "I, uh, was really absorbed," he says after a moment, idly holding up his book so Eddie can see "The Bicentennial Man" by Isaac Asimov on the cover.
"Heavy reading," Eddie says, trying to remember if he'd ever seen Steve read science fiction in high school.
Steve shrugs, glancing at the cover with a slight frown. "Dustin and Will were talking about it a few days ago. They seemed to like it. Figured I'd see what the fuss was about," he explains.
"Is it worth the fuss?" Eddie asks.
But Steve doesn't answer because he's still looking at the cover. A few more seconds pass before he sighs and looks up at Eddie. "It's kind of confusing," he admits.
And Eddie can't help himself. He wants the satisfaction of truly knowing he was right, and he wants Steve to know that he knows what's up. So, he asks, "Are you deaf?"
Steve tenses, his shoulders hiking up, and he holds the book closer to his chest like it will somehow shield him. "What....how did you know?" he asks, deciding he doesn't need to try bluffing. Eddie's voice wasn't hesitant. He already knows the answer.
"Just noticed things," Eddie says, shrugging as he steps closer to Steve and grins.
The thing is, Steve hasn't tried hiding his deafness lately. Sure, he would have rather died in high school before letting someone discover he couldn't hear, but now? Now he doesn't really care. He's faced literal monsters; someone just innocently asking if he's deaf shouldn't result in the spike of anxiety that shoots down his spine.
At least, Steve thought he wouldn't care. Apparently, his body didn't get the memo, and years of habit had taken over, putting Steve on the immediate defensive. He clenches his jaw, forces his shoulders to relax, and reminds himself of Dustin's whole "Eddie seems weirdly obsessed with you" comment from the day before.
"Is that a problem or something?" Steve asks, relaxing his shoulder and forcing himself to stay in place.
Eddie pauses, frowning like he hadn't expected Steve to ask him that. "No," he says, the word a little drawn out based on how long his lips linger on the "o" shape. "How long?"
Okay. Steve can handle this. He can already see Eddie's questions following the same path as Robin's and Dustin's when they first learned he was deaf. "I started losing my hearing in elementary school. It was pretty much gone by high school," he explains.
Of all people, Eddie should be the most understanding, right? He probably isn't deaf, but Steve's deafness is something that makes him a freak. Sure, it wasn't super obvious in high school, but it still has to count for something, right? It has to help erase the King Steve persona from Eddie's brain, right?
"That explains a lot," Eddie says, tilting his head slightly and narrowing his eyes like he's trying to filter his memories of Steve through this new lens. "You don't have hearing aids?"
"I, uh, don't usually wear them in public."
"Why not?"
Steve opens his mouth to answer but stops himself. Saying he didn't want people to know in high school would feel shallow, yes, but it would be true. Besides still needing to actually get new ones, he doesn't have much of an excuse for not wearing them now. He frowns slightly, gripping the book in his hand a little tighter. It must make some kind of sound because Eddie's eyes flick down to it before looking back up.
"I didn't want people to know in high school," he finally says, rubbing his thumb over the book's cover in an attempt to expel some of the nervous energy he feels. "If people knew, especially teachers, my grades and stuff would've been blamed on, you know, my deafness. And then my parents would've put me into a special school for others who are deaf or hard of hearing. I didn't really want to get transferred like that, especially in the middle of high school."
"What about now, Stevie? You're not exactly in high school anymore," Eddie says. And did Steve read his lips right? That was his name in the middle, he doesn't doubt that, but...was it changed? There was an extra movement at the end, Eddie's bottom lip pulling back slightly like a long E was thrown in there.
It's not like he can ask, so he shoves the thought away, thinking instead of his crushed and useless hearing aids. His shoulders slump a little at the thought. "My hearing aids are broken, but I don't have enough for new ones yet."
Eddie's eyes narrow again, and he leans a little closer. "Aren't your parents, like, stupidly rich? I mean, I've been to your parties, Harrington, it's not a small house you've got there. Just ask Mommy and Daddy to buy you some new ones," he says.
Steve blinks, trying to grasp the words while also processing just how strongly Eddie's "cigarette smoke-weed-woodsy outdoor" smell overwhelms him. It's not bad (maybe it should be? Steve doesn't think he's ever liked these smells before), but it makes Steve's head feel fuzzy and slow, like he's trying to wade through cotton balls. He blinks again, pushing through the daze to say, "Can you repeat that? You, uh, you spoke too fast."
The smell recedes as Eddie leans back, his lips quirking up into a smile that's more...indulgent than it is mean. "Your parents are rich. Ask them to buy you new ones," Eddie says.
Okay, that's...significantly less words than Eddie said before. Steve frowns slightly, frustration budding in his chest because he wants to know what Eddie said, not what he asked. He feels like he's being left out of a conversation he's actively participating in, and he has to swallow back his immediate, frustration-motivated response.
Eddie doesn't know, he's likely never spoken to a deaf person before. Steve should give him the benefit of the doubt and a little leeway, right? Honestly, Steve is fucking tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt and leeway, but what else is he supposed to do? Blow up? It would be nice in the moment, sure, but the aftermath? The inevitable apology and the potential indignation from the other person? That sounds fucking exhausting. He'd rather complain to Robin later.
"I want to buy my own," Steve says, knowing his sudden shift in demeanor has been noticed by the confused furrow of Eddie's brow.
Before he can say more, Eddie reaches forward, grabbing the sleeves of Steve's sweatshirt. Based on his surprised expression, it was an impulsive move, but Eddie doesn't let go. He just swallows (Steve should not be staring at Eddie's throat like this) and looks at him. "What's wrong?" he asks, and his face is so expressive that Steve doesn't need to hear his tone to know he genuinely cares and wants to know.
Without thinking, Steve blurts out, "I asked what you said. You just repeated what you asked. I want to know everything you said. Every word. I feel like...like you're trying to dumb things down for me, like you don't think I can actually, I don't know, understand everything. I'm deaf, not stupid."
Eddie's eyes widen slightly. "Oh," he says, licking his lips nervously before nodding. "Okay, yeah, it was kind of mean, though," he admits.
"That's worse, actually," Steve says, frowning and gripping the book tightly once more. "I'll just feel like you're mocking me, or getting off on making fun of me when I don't know. Just repeat yourself, word for word."
And Eddie does. He seems uncomfortable doing so, but he speaks a little slower and makes sure Steve can understand each word this go-around. At the end, he adds, "Like I said, kind of mean. Sorry."
Steve watches Eddie for a few seconds before grinning. "It's fine, Eddie," he says, suddenly realizing how close Eddie has gotten and how Eddie is still holding onto his sleeve. And then, to make sure Eddie knows it's okay, he puts on what Robin calls his Bitch Voice and adds, "Besides, Mommy and Daddy don't need to know I've broken another pair. I'd like to live to see next year."
Eddie blinks when he hears the Bitch Voice and perks up slightly, a grin tugging at his lips and his hold on Steve's sleeve tightening slightly. The awkward moment seems to have passed, and Eddie confirms that by asking, "So, what do you really like about heavy metal?"
"I can feel it. Literally. Heavy metal has stronger vibrations, so I can experience it more easily. I don't really know how the words are sung, but I can feel the beat," Steve explains.
"Then, what did you think of our set?" Eddie asks.
He looks a little nervous, and something in Steve settles, relaxing into place. "Like I said, it was great. Especially your song at the end. I haven't really felt a song like that before. Does your band have more original stuff?" he asks. Maybe he can convince Eddie to record some of their songs so Steve can listen to them. Or, even better, just play only their songs at their next gig.
"Of course we do," Eddie says, standing a little straighter and grinning a little wider and looking at Steve like he's put the stars in the sky. "I'll play them for you next time, sweetheart."
Steve blinks at the word he definitely understood at the very end. Before he can ask about it, though, Eddie glances behind Steve and quickly lets go of his sleeve. Not two seconds later, Dustin shoves himself between Eddie and Steve, looking up at him with an eager smile and bright eyes and Steve has the worst feeling.
"Steve! Can we have a movie night at your place?" he asks as the rest of the kids filter in, pushing Eddie further and further back.
"Sure, but you have to call your parents and tell them when we get to my place," Steve says, incredibly grateful he can't hear when Eddie winces at the cheer that comes from the kids.
And then the kids are pushing him down the hall, undoubtedly arguing with each other about what movie to watch first and not giving Steve a chance to say goodbye, or ask if Eddie was serious about playing for him, or ask if Eddie had meant to call him sweetheart or if that was just, somehow, a mistake.
Tag List (the tag list is completely filled up! There definitely wasn't enough room for everyone who requested a tag orz
Please follow the tag "good vibrations Steddie" or put on notifications for my blog to see when new parts are posted :D)
@hallucinatedjosten, @queenie-ofthe-void, @r0binscript, @jewellthebooknerd, @paintgonewrong, @vacantwatchers, @newagemyth, @gutterflower77, @just-a-tiny-void, @littlebluejane
@whenindoubtb72, @different-tale-student, @sharingisntkaren, @current-steddie-brainrot, @willim-billiam-byerson, @nuggies4life
@lostgurl-12, @anomalygal, @synonym-for-strange, @sani-86, @missmagillicuddy, @ilikechocolatemilkh, @thoughtfulbreadpolice, @harringrieve, @awesomeimportantfan, @fredtheemoplant, @warlordess, @therealscarletpumpernickel, @gsvshsjsbs, @mightbeasleep, @mollymawkwrites
@lil-gremlin-things, @honorarybrit81, @sonny-ray-of-goth, @potent-idiocy, @fandomcartographer, @heartsong18, @lingeringmirth, @ko0kyco0kies, @ccomandercody, @spiderman-stilinski, @l0st-strawberry, @xxsky-shockxx, @stilesstickitinme, @boxsam, @thepansexualsnake, @37-screamingfrogs, @yourmom-isgay, @brainsteddielyrotted, @plasticcrotches, @hannahhook7744
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tzitzimitl-eztli · 11 months
heard you were open for some ideas for Evan and Fredbear comics. i actually got a few! if that's ok with you 1: Evan ran away from home because he couldn't take the abuse from his older brother's torment and accidently going too far into the forest and he finds a cave to sleep in, and accidently sleeps in Fredbear's fur so Fredbear be waking up to a small child on his stomach and just accepts him as his cub with no questions asked. 2: i did thought that maybe having Nightmare being there as well would be interesting. Evan sets Fredbear and Nightmare free from cages and they take him in because Evan didn't want to go back to his home (because his brother's torment) but Evan didn't know that because he did try to run away after freeing Nightmare and Fredbear, and they both want Evan because he's kinda the only human that did something good for them instead of hurting them 3: more complex, BUT Fredbear finds Evan in his backyardcrying because of the fnaf 4 bullies, and Fredbear scares the bullies away, and cares for Evan who was crying and just takes him in. that's all i have for now, but i'll share more if you like! (no pressure in answering this if you don't want to)
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I was going to make it a little long with more story that Fredbear although he can't see him if he recognizes his smell and between CC's visits to his cage some bullies bother him Fredbear scares them and CC gives him his stuffed animal with the excuse of getting it back tomorrow well It was the idea thanks to the ideas you gave me but I accidentally cut my finger and every time I press a little hard with my pencil the jelly comes out :P from my finger
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150en · 1 month
Etho who "picked Kakashi skin because it was the most detailed at the time". Yeah sure he did.
I'm convinced it's the other way around. Maybe he watched Nrt, saw Kakashi doing the copy ninja thing and thought "wow, that's sooo me" then decided to LARP as him forever. (See: trolling people on worms by copying their names+teams)
Maybe Etho wanted to be kks so bad that he looked up Kakashi skins then found the most detailed skin available. And then he got embarrassed about being a nerd, so now he pretends he's indifferent about anime (or maybe he's embarrassed that he can't say sharingan properly). Hence the "it's just a detailed skin + i recognized the character" story.
It's funny how he's still trying to convince people that he's not into Nrt, but he does things like call himself a ninja (copy ninja even, + saying it would be his pokemon abiilty), name his ark dinosaurs ninja storm/ninja striker/ninja dancer etc., and name his sword chidori. I appreciate the commitment to the theme.
I know what you are Mr Copyboy Ersatz... It's okay, you don't have to come out and say it. We understand. <3
Etho the cosplayer
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Video links + timestamps for easier access ↓
Worms armageddon & Ersatz - Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 300: Ender Ender 2.0 [45:18]
Can't say Japanese names - OOGE - Spellbound Caves: Episode 10 [26:49]
Copying noteblocks - HermitCraft S7#31: Welcome To The RipZone [28:50]
Pokemon ability: Copy ninja - HermitCraft S8#8: Yes, The Bees [5:22]
Ninja dinosaurs - ARK Survival Evolved #21: Birds o'Plenty [13:43]
千鳥 ie. chidori (Name above hotbar) - Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 400: Dreary Ville [3:39]
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graceofagodswrath · 11 months
Ok ok ok your "Humans of Transformers franchise are space orcs" rant is out of this world.
I detest with passion when humans are reduced to pets and plot devices when instead the story could be about two alien species finding one another equally amazing/terrifying for their own respective reasons.
Here is my question: do humans and Cybertronians see how eerily similar they are? They have love of music, familial relationships, similar urban infrastructure, societal structure, financial systems, competitive entertainment, organized societies and war, colonialism, recreational intercourse, marriage...
Not to mention, why was it never addressed how similar both species look: bipedal, waists, noses, cheekbones, 5 fingers, chins, facial expressions and sense of aesthetics and beauty? Sure, humans have hair but in rather strategic places.
Veins and wires, blood and energon, metal and flesh, nanobytes and blood cells, Sparks and brain impulses, sexual organs...
Imagine Autobots arrive on Earth for the first time expecting some primitive cave-dwellers, only to encounter a less advanced mini-version of Cybertronian cities (New York, Singapore, London, Rome, Tokyo, Rio, Dubai...) and societies running on scientific, artistic and philosophical development which has no right existing on the ruthless, all-organic planet such as Earth is. Societes run by creatures who 4.000.000 (the duration of their war) years ago were hanging from the trees btw.
Autobots would be terrified.
Lemme make sure this response saves this time, cause it took me a minute to answer cause my first deleted and I had so much written I got unbelievably angry and refused to even look at the tumblr app.
But here we are.
So, this is EXACTLY what I have been thinking about for who k owe how long. It’s also the intro to this wack as fuck universe idea I’ve had in my head a while, and have kinda hinted at in my other works, but I’ve never gone into detail about.
And I still won’t.
Anyways, yes. It’s crazy that we backlit humans so much when any other sentient species is about. Transformers, TMNT, etc (I’m on a one track mind, feel free to jot down any other fandoms I can’t think of). The main theme of these stories? HUMANS SUCK. And that is severely unfair. People want to cry about how much our generation doesn’t give a shit anymore. Have you SEEN the media we feed kids???
That’s why I live Humans are Space Orcs so much. It really puts into perspective how unique and batshit our species is.
So, onto the Transformers vs humans concepts. The ONLY reason (forgoing technoism and general hate towards organics) cybertronians don’t see humanity as an imminent threat, or one in general, is because of size. WE BE SMALL AF. Can’t blame them, I get it. We do the same. Insects? Fuck them mfs.
But have you seen a botfly or tick burrow into your skin? The infection that comes form that? Have you seen ants jump a small animal as a colony and absolutely shred it? Or a spider only biting you, and the horror the venom causes (recluses and huntsman’s specifically). We have a good fucking reason for disliking these mfs.
But transformers? These are organic experiences. Worst they go through are rust infections, spark death, the works. They are not at risk the same way we are. That is why they view organics as small and inconsequential. They have no idea how hard we fight to simply stay alive.
And now the similarities. It’s understandable that they wouldn’t immediately recognize the physical, cultural, and psychological similarities between our species. Transformers are an incredibly diverse race, like any other. But specifically in physical form. Your average cybertronian holds a similar appearance to your average human. We tend to have the same features, just with different names. Eyes, noses, faceplates, ears, two arms, two legs. Sure that’s average for them too. But they are unique because of the fact that they have two forms. Vehicle mode. Their mode decides what they’re second mode looks like, which can create extreme diversity is appearance. Small, large, many limbed or not.
So the immediate similarities probably wouldn’t jump out to them in an odd way. There’s also the idea that because they’re so spread out in the universe, they’ve seen other organic races that are also similar. Pairs of every body part could be the common denominator among species.
That goes culturally too. War, love, music, government, politics, it’s all a natural form of sentient evolution. Another common denominator. It’s how it’s done that makes it unique. And the similarities between human and cybertronian culture is uncomfortably familiar.
I think that’s why cybertronians are seen being closest with humans rather than other species in the shows and comics (obviously because the audience is human and they need relation to characters but shhhh forget that for a sec). This is where the theories start.
Let’s say cybertronians begin to recognize the weird similarities between our species. The really, really weird stuff. The itty bitty details. Like:
- how we also mainstream kissing on the lips as the top tier romantic gesture.
- use verbal tone and cues for our language.
- have intensely complicated interpersonal relationships in the exact same manner.
- suffer from extreme mental health issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD (I totally headcannon that forms of adhd, autism, and ocd exist in cybertronian society, have y’all not seen my boy rodimus prime??)
- will also destroy each other in the name of our gods, until we have a common enemy.
That’s just the basics I could come up with. The only time I actually saw a moment where a transformer genuinely take a moment to realize that humans can be a threat, was in transformers prime. Episode 6 of beast wars (I think, correct me if wrong), where Miko beats the ever loving fuck out of an insecticon (I think) and upon Megatron hearing this, just goes blank Kubrick stare for a hot second. Man had an ugly realization that did not fit in with anything he had experienced his whole life.
AND THEY NEVER FUCKING ADDRESSED IT EVER AGAIN. Sick of this shit. Could’ve had the most badass character development, where the humans actually proved useful and did something (it would have fit Milo’s character so perfectly too) and scared the utter shit out of the transformers. BUT NO. They continue to be annoying as fuck.
One thing I loved about TF Prime was that it canonically turned Unicron into Earth. And humans came from the earth. Which relates humans beings and cybertronians so hard. Cousins Fr. We are the cybertronian equivalent of organics, and transformers the inorganic equivalent of humans. The individuality, the chaos, the culture, it clicks. There is so much material to really go into it.
But they never do. Don’t get me wrong, I love Transformers lord and just discovering more without humans being involved. We’re just annoying af at this point. But there is so much u tapped potential in transformers actually taking the chance to LEARN about us. But we’re just friends (pets) to these mfs.
That’s why I love TF Earthspark so far. Transformers ingrained into human culture because they’re not from Cybertron, and cybertronians having to adapt to human culture because they have no where else to go. Granted, it’s a kids show. There’s only so much they can do. But I’m excited for where it’ll lead. It really shows how much of threat and ally humans are, and how we are just as diverse as cybertronians.
I need to write another fic about cybertronians meeting humans their size from our world tho. Need to continue my old piece. Would give me so much life. Y’all help motivate me, college draining my ass.
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jplupine · 2 months
Beast of Sunagakure: Part 2
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Pairing: Gaara x AFAB Reader Word Count: ~8k Date Published: July 19, 2024 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Monster!Gaara, Exophilia, Size Difference, Feral Behavior, Underwear Stealing, Marking, Vaginal Sex, Hair Pulling, Vaginal Fingering, Creampie, Getting Caught; Reader is AFAB but no gender is specified, Terms such as pussy/cock/etc. get used.
A/N: The art above was drawn by me! Gotta crop to make it Tumblr friendly </3 If you'd like to see the full image, you can follow the links here or read it on AO3.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Bonus You can also read it on AO3!
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  "Oh, this is just wonderful." Your voice was heavy with sarcasm as you threw your clothes around.
  "What's wrong?" Gaara asked as he watched you from a few feet away.
  "Have you seen my underwear? I left them on that rock to keep sand out of them and now they're gone!" You picked up your bag to search it just in case they had been placed inside and you had simply forgotten. Gaara shrugged before glancing toward the opening of the cave.
  "The wind did pick up for a little while earlier."
  "You've got to be kidding." You went to the edge of the cave and peeked outside. Your eyes scanned the sand to see if the wind had blown the garment away. If it had, you couldn't see it. You groaned in frustration before going back to your bag. "Whatever. At least I have more."
  Pulling out a clean pair of underwear, you then got dressed to finish the journey home. Gaara would be returning with you as the beast to make it seem as if you had found him and were bringing him back. To make it more convincing, he was putting his shackles and muzzle on before he shape-shifted back into his cursed tanuki form.
  He shook out his fur and stretched before you both headed out into the desert and went in the direction of Sunagakure. Gaara used his larger body to provide you shade from the blazing sun crawling across the sky. It was easier crossing the desert with his help and much faster.
  When you could see the village in the distance, you took hold of the chain dangling from Gaara's muzzle. He huffed through his nose but followed your lead.
  Nearing the village, you could hear people yelling and rushing to get out of the way when they saw Gaara coming. A few screamed, but Gaara remained behind you. You swallowed while trying to maintain a calm appearance as you walked through the village. Your grip on the chain tightened.
  Best case scenario, you could get Gaara back to his cage before any elders or other village officials could interfere and have as little fuss as possible. In reality, you didn't make it far before you were stopped by the Kazekage himself standing in the middle of the road. His expression was firm as his gaze was settled on Gaara.
  Panic made your heart beat faster when his eyes drifted down to you.
  "You were taught to control the curse seals? I was not told anyone took you on as an apprentice."
  "Um, no." You cleared your throat. "I-I found him wandering the desert on my way home. He recognized me and thought I would have food for him. Thankfully, I had a lot of provisions from my cousin's wedding to give him." You hoped talking about Gaara as if he were more like an animal would be enough to convince Rasa that you didn't know the truth about Gaara. There was a stretch of silence as you were scrutinized before the Kazekage stepped to the side.
  "Come. We should have him properly fed before he gets the urge to hunt." You felt relief wash over you. "It must have been terrifying being alone with him." Rasa spoke while walking.
  "Oh, yeah." You nervously laughed. "When he charged at me, I thought I was done for until he was shoving his head into my bag to get the food. The muzzle got in the way, so I had to help him." You were quick to spin your story and add details to lower suspicions.
  "You're not going to ask how he escaped?"
  "I wasn't sure I should. I was guessing something must've gone wrong while he was being transported because of the muzzle."
  "I commend your ability to stay calm in such a situation. I'll take it from here. This is where you live, is it not?" The Kazekage stopped outside of your home, and you glanced at it before looking back at him.
  "Yes, sir."
  "Go. Rest. You must be exhausted." Rasa took the muzzle's chain from you only to have Gaara resist. The Kazekage looked Gaara in the eye with a silent, threatening expression.
  "Thank you, Lord Kazekage." You bowed out of respect before turning to go inside. When you looked back, Rasa was dragging Gaara away.
  The next time you saw Gaara was when you returned to your work duties. He looked okay as he could be, alert and with his ears perked in your direction. His bright eyes were a welcome sight compared to when he was aggressive or indifferent.
  "Good morning, Gaara." You greeted him while unloading his breakfast from the bucket you carried. Judging by his behavior, you truly didn't need to worry about being attacked anymore. You got his food through the bars before taking off your gloves as Gaara came over to eat. "I don't know about you, but I could hardly get any sleep last night. I was too worried about what the Kazekage might be doing to you."
  Gaara huffed and started eating.
  "I'm serious!" You leaned against the bars. "I could barely bring myself to leave you alone with him. He looked pissed." Gaara's ears tilted down before he nodded, letting you know the Kazekage had indeed been very angry with him. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" He shook his head. "Good. That's a relief." You sighed.
  Having Gaara finally responding to your idle chatter also felt nice. Talking to yourself before was a bit hollow.
  When it came time to clean his cage, you were more comfortable being in there with him than last time. Gaara also seemed more relaxed while watching you scrub the floor. His gaze didn't feel as predatorial either.
  Rattling came from behind you along with metallic scraping. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Gaara in his human form and pulling the shackles off his ankles. Your eyes widened and darted around to make sure only you two were there.
  "Gaara? What are you doing?"
  "I want to talk to you."
  "I want to help. Show me how to do this." Gaara guided you further away from his bed. You were immediately suspicious as he took the scrub broom from you.
  "What are you hiding?" His eyes locked with yours and he looked like a caught mouse.
  "What? I'm not-"
  "You think I'm not used to you hiding crap in your bed? I have to change out your bedding today, so you better tell me. I swear if I find another slobbery bone-"
  "You won't!" Gaara waved his hand as he blushed.
  "Right." You had a dry tone before going to his bed to look.
  "I'll change the bedding!" He tried to stop you, but you knew exactly where he tended to hide things among the straw. You pulled up the floral fabrics you already knew he had.
  However, with the headscarves was something else you knew belonged to you but didn't know he had. Holding it up, you spun on your heel to look at Gaara who now had a bright red face.
  "Gaara!" You yelled while shaking your fist clutching the garment. "Is this my underwear?!" He averted his gaze while crossing his arms. "You are a pervert! And a little liar! Wind blew them away, my ass."
  "I can explain."
  "Yeah. Explain why you stole my dirty underwear. Pretty sure I can guess." You then looked at the underwear you held as your brows furrowed with confusion. "Wait, how did you even steal these? You don't have any pockets." Gaara lowered his head as his jaw clenched.
  "I....tucked them into one of my shackles." His ears were nearly the same shade of red as his hair.
  "You didn't think this through past doing that, did you?"
  "I won't argue about my actions being impulsive. They were."
  "You need to learn to ask for permission instead of just taking my things." You pointed at Gaara, and he looked at you with wide eyes. "Being a little pervert is one thing, a thief is another."
  "You say that as if you would give them to me."
  "I don't know. I seem to like how you want me so badly you act like an animal." You shrugged. "It makes me feel better about the thoughts I've had about you." He was visibly caught off guard by your words. There were a few seconds of utter silence as Gaara stared at you before you raised your eyebrows at him.
  It was hard to tell what was going through his head.
  Then he took a step closer. His eyes now looked hungry as he was stalking toward you. He only stopped when he stood close enough that you could feel his breath on your skin and his gaze studied your face.
  "You have thoughts about me?" His voice had dropped in tone as he cocked his head to the side.
  "I do."
  "Then in the cave.... That wasn't just a spur-of-the-moment thing?"
  "I'll admit I did have ulterior motives at first. But I meant it when I said that I was coming back to you. I worried about you the whole time I was gone." You were being honest and hoped that he could tell.
  "What ulterior motives?" His brows slightly furrowed.
  "To tell the truth? I was planning to jerk you off so you'd be less inclined to maul me." There was another pause before the corners of his mouth curled up and he laughed. Gaara's laugh was sweet and reached his eyes; it made your heart skip a beat.
  He was a pretty beast and a pretty man. The way his eyes seemed to glitter in the sunlight coming through the barred windows made you momentarily forget your circumstances. Gaara covered his mouth with his hand while still smiling. His closeness and expression had your heart beating faster.
  "I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to be so blunt."
  "Is that smile worth a kiss?"
  "You want a kiss?"
  "Well, it's either you give me a kiss, or I steal one like you've stolen my things." You waved your underwear and headscarves.
  "Is this threat also with ulterior motives?" His question made you lean in closer until your noses were only centimeters away from each other.
  "Yes. To get you to kiss me." You saw his eyes drift down to your lips. "I won't tell if you don't." You whispered with a smirk.
  Gaara closed the distance between your mouths to kiss you. One of his hands came up to cradle the back of your head as his fingers laced through your hair. His other hand grabbed your hip to pull your body flush against his. You tossed the garments you held behind you to drape your arms over Gaara's shoulders.
  As his lips moved in time with yours, you slid your fingers up the back of his neck. You knew you shouldn't be doing this with Gaara given the chances of getting caught being a lot higher than back in that cave. But one little kiss couldn't hurt, could it?
  The way he kissed you was hungry; full of craving as he held you impossibly close. It made your knees feel weak. After tasting this forbidden fruit full of desire, no other man could compare.
  Gaara pulled away only to kiss along your jaw and down your neck. He inhaled your scent and softly growled.
  "You smell sweeter."
  "Stress is bitter." He muttered before grabbing the back of your thighs to lift you. A gasp left your mouth when you found yourself on your back and Gaara on top of you. His face was buried in your neck and shoulder as the straw beneath you rustled. "I've watched you get plumper and sweeter. It makes my mouth water." His lips were on your skin when he pulled your collar to the side. "I tried to behave. But I could never forget your touch or the way you sounded."
  "Tried to behave? You stole my underwear, Gaara." You scoffed.
  "I didn't think I could have you." He grazed his teeth over your exposed skin, his sharper canines causing goosebumps to rise in their wake. Gaara's tone and his mouth on you made you realize keeping it to 'just a kiss' would be harder than you thought; how quickly things had escalated and you were now in his bed.
  You both were dancing on the edge, pushing just how far you would go. It was only supposed to be a one-time thing in that cave, but as Gaara had said, you also could never forget what happened between you two then. It was hard to think straight with him so close.
  "But you want me. That much I know is not a trick." Gaara brushed his nose right under your jaw while slipping one of his hands between your thighs to cup your core. Your eyes fluttered closed as you took in a shaky breath. Your grip on his shoulders tightened from his fingers rubbing over your pussy through your clothes. "That scent doesn't lie."
  Opening your eyes, you pulled Gaara's face away from your neck to look at you. The silence between you was sparking before you pulled him in for a kiss. Your tongue slipped past his lips to caress his, and Gaara yanked your apron off. He pulled at the rest of your clothes to have skin-to-skin contact and threw them to the side.
  You moaned into the kiss while grabbing his hips to pull his body closer to yours. Feeling the warmth of his skin as his palm ran up your side made a shiver of delight go up your spine. His erection was pressing against your inner thigh until you spread your legs more, allowing him to get comfortable while lying against you.
  His weight on top of you was bliss as you nipped his bottom lip. Your hands on his hips moved to go up his back. Gaara's breath faltered before he pulled away from the kiss for air. His deep blush had reached his ears and made his pale eyes stand out even more.
  He lowered his head to kiss down your throat, and you leaned your head back to make it easier. His hands wandered, touching and groping anywhere he could reach. Gaara craved with his entire being, memorizing your body with his hands and lips as his kisses went lower.
  He bit down on your chest hard enough to leave a mark near your heart. Gaara then licked the bite to help soothe it. Something about the bite made your skin buzz with excitement. His desire to mark you, to leave some evidence of his touch that lasted longer made you feel good.
  You watched him kiss and nip more places over your torso. Gaara's lips were so gentle before the sting of his teeth followed, then the soothing wet heat of his tongue. It drove you wild, made worse by thinking of what else he could do with his mouth even in his beast form.
  Gaara turned his face up again to look at you while holding your hips in place.
  "I can't wait any longer." His voice was breathy as he panted.
  "Go on, then." You bit your bottom lip while looking at his hard cock hovering over your core. Your hands were on Gaara's shoulders again as you watched him penetrate you. Being smaller in his human form made it easier, and his hips were soon flush against yours. Your hands on his shoulders moved to cup his face and guide him into another kiss.
  His hunger for you was insatiable as his tongue slipped into your mouth and his hips began to rock. He was slow at first, processing every sensation at once before his hips snapped. Gaara had you moaning into his mouth over and over again just to devour the sound. His chest rumbled with a low growl when your fingers tangled in his hair and pulled, the sound vibrating not only his body but your own as well.
  You quickly forgot about everything else; your chores, your circumstances, and even the risk of being caught was no longer on your mind. Gaara was all you could think about as he pistoned his cock and grabbed the back of one of your knees to raise it higher.
  The new position allowed him to go deeper and grind against your clit. Gaara rested his forehead on yours while moaning and panting, breathless from the kiss. He leaned on his elbow placed near your head while still holding your knee up.
  "You may need to keep my cage locked when you ovulate. I don't know what I might do now knowing how you feel and taste." Gaara groaned while going balls-deep in your pussy as arousal leaked down over your ass. The thought of him driven feral with need for you made you clench around his cock.
  You moaned and let the waves of pleasure wash your worries away. Gaara rolled his hips, putting more pressure against your clit to make you squirm beneath him.
  "Fuck~!" You cried out while tugging on his hair. "Please- Oh, fuck!- Please do that again." Gaara obliged, making you clench around him again.
  You pulled his hair to bury your face in his neck. His grip on your leg tightened as he went harder, making you moan louder into his skin. Gaara growled with satisfaction and maintained his heavy pace to keep hearing you.
  Your nails dug into his skin as your toes curled. Gaara bucked when you began to leave sloppy kisses on his neck. You nipped his warm skin, and hearing the way his breath shook, you bit harder, making him groan.
  Gaara was falling apart on top of you, grinding and thrusting while moaning near your ear. When you bit down hard enough to leave a mark, he couldn't take anymore. His cock was buried to the hilt as he was coming. You licked the bite while smirking and holding him close.
  Listening to him panting, you could feel his racing heart against your chest. Your fingers in his hair loosened their grip and began to gently rub his scalp to help him calm down.
  "I'm sorry." His voice was quiet.
  "I'm sorry." Gaara let go of your knee. "You didn't get to-"
  "Stop. It's okay." You cut him off and kissed his cheek. "If it really bothers you," You grabbed one of his hands and raised it. "you can use your hands." He watched as some of his fingers disappeared in your mouth. His chest rumbled with his eyes locked on your lips and tongue.
  You weren't able to leave until hours later, body still buzzing and delightfully exhausted. Gaara wanted to explore you and had done just that. The fact that you left without underwear also meant you had to go straight home and get cleaned up.
  It was clear things between you and Gaara would never be the way they were before. You began to bring him more gifts, starting with a small potted succulent to put in the window. When asked about it, you would say that it was an attempt to make the place less barren and easier to work in. The elders would roll their eyes but let you keep the growing number of plants in the windows.
  All the while, you would sneak into Gaara's cage to spend time with him when no one else was around. From cuddling and sharing stories to sex that left you breathless, your relationship with Gaara grew. When he was in human form, you loved it when he smiled and clung to those moments.
  "Who would have known this was all it took?" A woman's voice made you look up while you were wiping your hands off on your apron. You had just cleaned up after feeding Gaara and returned to see a blonde woman standing near one of the windows, touching one of the potted succulents.
  "I'm sorry, I don't understand." You said, and the woman looked back over her shoulder at you. You froze when you realized she was the Kazekage's daughter.
  "You've been his caretaker longer than most. He even seems to like you." Her gaze drifted over you before she glanced at Gaara. "I wanted to know why. You don't seem all that special. You can't even control his curse seal." Temari's tone was steady as she spoke. "You also aren't the first to try being kind to him. In fact, the last person who tried to be kind to him ended up unrecognizable. So I couldn't understand what made you different." She then looked at the plants in the window again.
  "I wish I could tell you." You chuckled nervously while shifting your weight on your feet.
  "There's no need. I can see it now that I'm here." Temari crossed her arms. "You actually mean it. I heard you talking to him earlier. You were genuine in asking him how he slept and how he was feeling. Being genuine is something I've never seen anyone do for Gaara." She turned to face you and got closer. "You walked with him right into the village without being attacked or anyone else getting hurt. It has people asking questions."
  "What? Why?"
  "Do you really have to ask?" Temari suddenly grabbed you and shoved you against the cage bars. With one hand on the back of your head, she had your face pressed against the bars. Gaara was snarling with his hackles raised as he paced the cage. "He won't attack you. He attacks everyone if given the chance. My brother and I have scars to prove it. Gaara isn't some stray dog who starts obeying after being fed, and we all know it. People are thinking you're a witch."
  "I'm not!"
  "I know." Her grip loosened as she looked at Gaara. "But you should be careful." Temari backed away from you and moved to leave. "The Kazekage always puts the village first. If what you've done has weakened Sunagakure's greatest weapon, he won't take kindly to that."
  The silence that followed her warning was tense.
  "She knows, doesn't she?" You muttered while staring in the direction Temari had gone. "About you, I mean." Looking at Gaara, you saw him turning into his human form before grabbing the cage bars.
  "Yes. I wasn't always locked away. Hurting them is how I got here." Gaara averted his gaze to look at the ground. "It was harder to control when I was younger. People hurt me, so I hurt them."
  "Then Temari and Kankuro aren't going to be on your side anytime soon."
  "No." Gaara shook his head. "Which means you need to make sure no one learns that you know."
  "Do you never want to leave this cage? You don't have to keep going through this." You cupped his cheek in your hand while studying his expression.
  "It's better that I'm here."
  "How? You're not some wild animal, Gaara." He didn't respond while holding the back of your hand as he turned his face to nuzzle your palm. You sighed through your nose and didn't push the matter any further.
  Your heart ached seeing him remain here like this. He looked at you and softly sighed through his nose.
  "There's more to that story."
  "The last person who tried being kind to me. Temari doesn't know what really happened." Gaara looked away as his grip on your hand tightened. "He tried to kill me. What I did was in self-defense."
  "I believe you." You muttered while brushing your thumb over his cheek. Getting to know Gaara, the real Gaara behind the raging beast, you learned that he was full of pain and had been lashing out his entire life. However, he was always honest about the things he had done even if it hurt.
  After Temari's visit, it didn't seem as if she was planning to make regular appearances. It was like before when she avoided Gaara. It didn't seem as if she told the Kazekage her thoughts about you possibly making Gaara weaker either given the fact that you retained your position as his caretaker.
  And when you stood in front of his cage with another potted succulent in your hands, holding it in front of your face while peeking over the plant, you knew. Hiding your smile with the succulent, you watched as Gaara's eyes softened and a smile pulled at the corners of his lips. He made a joke about how many plants were now filling the windows and spilling onto the floor but it wasn't a complaint. Hearing his light tone and seeing his soft smile, you knew you were in love.
  You also knew that could get you in so much trouble. Had you fallen in love with any other man in the village, it wouldn't be an issue. But you had to go and fall in love with the Beast of Sunagakure.
  What sort of future could you two possibly have? You didn't want to be sneaking around all the time just to be with him. What you wanted was Gaara out of that damn cage.
  Your concerns for Gaara would keep you awake some nights. You would toss and turn, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep, but your mind wouldn't stop racing. On one of those nights, you couldn't take it anymore and got up.
  The silence of the night surrounded you as you walked through the empty village with only a few drunkards stumbling about on their way home. It didn't take you long to reach the building where Gaara was kept far away from the rest of the villagers. Using your keys, you got inside without being seen and locked the door behind you.
  Quietly making your way deeper into the building, you entered the room with Gaara's cage. He was sound asleep and curled up in bed. Moonlight through the barred windows provided enough light for you to find your way to the front of his cage to unlock it.
  Gaara stirred when he heard your key turning in the lock with a twitch of his ear. He tiredly blinked while raising his head to watch you come closer.
  "I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep." You muttered while rubbing the back of your neck. "If you want me to go, I will." Gaara shook his head, much to your relief. His tail straightened out as he was shifting his body as if to get up. "Actually," You stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder.
  He raised a brow in question, and you set the keys on the floor before timidly slipping under his arm while crawling into his bed. Gaara rolled onto his back with you lying on top of him. He looked down at you as you rested your cheek on his chest and heavily sighed.
  The sound of his beating heart beneath your ear filled the silence. You relaxed against him, and Gaara draped one of his large arms over your back while crooning. Running your fingers through the soft fur on his chest, you listened to his heart.
  Gaara nuzzled the top of your head, comforting you as your stress began to ease. Your fingers twirled around his fur, his warmth soaking into your bedclothes and reaching your skin. You wished you could stay like this without having to sneak back home before the morning light.
  You raised your head to look at Gaara with your chin resting on his chest. His head tilted as he looked at you. With a soft smile, you leaned up to kiss the tip of his nose. He huffed through his nose before licking your cheek.
  Chuckling, you grabbed his face to litter it with kisses. On his cheeks, forehead, nose, and temples. Gaara's chest softly rumbled with a growl that nearly mimicked a purr. He was loving the attention and your touch.
  Gaara made a sound like a rolling chirp when you rubbed the base of his ears. His arm over your back pulled you closer to his face. Burying his head under your chin, he was breathing in your scent as your fingers went through his hair and fur.
  "Look at you being so sweet." You cooed, and his tail curled. Rubbing one of his ears, you smiled. "You should've been nicer to me sooner if this is what you wanted." Gaara huffed through his nose again, the warm air hitting your neck and chest and making you chuckle.
  You wanted to be able to do this every night.
  "My lovely Gaara." Your voice was soft as you traced your fingers along his jaw. Gaara gave a pleased rumble as his tail slowly swayed, letting you know that he was still enjoying the contact. "Maybe next time I'll sneak you out to my house." His ears perked up. "Oh, you like that idea, do you?" You chuckled, and he nodded. "I could bring a cloak to disguise your human form. Then I could make us dinner."
  Gaara was quietly listening to your musing as you ran your fingers through his hair. His tail coiling rustled the straw in his bed.
  "After dinner, we could have a bath. Nice and warm. You'd end up smelling like me, though, unless I get you your own soap." You hummed but felt Gaara shake his head. "No? You don't mind using my soap?" He shook his head again. "All right, then. We could even help each other wash up. I often have some trouble getting my back. You'd help me with that, wouldn't you?" You asked as your hand went down the side of his neck and over his chest to his shoulder.
  Gaara nodded after a short pause. His ears were low and his heart was beating faster. Looking at Gaara, it didn't take you long to figure out why he wasn't as relaxed as before. While you were talking, he was imagining.
  "See? You're so sweet." You pretended not to notice the changes in Gaara and continued to talk. "My bathroom is pretty small, so it'd be a tight fit for both of us in there. We can make it work if you don't mind being close to me. Hmm. I won't have to fill the tub as much with you in there, though. If I did, there'd just be water getting everywhere." Your fingers traced lazy circles in his short fur. "And then we could cuddle in my bed. It's not as spacious as yours, but you should be able to fit with me in your human form."
  There was a quiet groan from Gaara that made you scoff in amusement.
  "What? Don't want to squeeze in? Sorry, prince. I can't afford a luxurious house. It's also a good thing you don't think I stink because everything smells like me in there too." You softly sighed but watched as Gaara's ears moved and his breath faltered. "I'm beginning to think you like that idea; being surrounded by me. Well, you'd have to behave for me to be able to sneak you through the village. Think you could be a good boy for me?" Your voice went softer, and his ears turned back as his hold on you tightened.
  Gaara nodded to answer you while turning his face toward your neck. You knew his mind was racing now even if you couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking about. Flattening your palm against his chest, you heard his tail twitch across the straw. His tongue slithered out to lap at your throat.
  "Is something on your mind, Gaara?" You asked as a smile pulled at your lips. He gave a soft whine from the back of his throat. "Are you uncomfortable? I can lay beside you instead-" You moved to sit up only to have Gaara pull you back into him. Chuckling, you kissed his temple. "So if that's not your problem, what is?" He huffed, his warm breath rolling over your skin.
  There was another soft whine as Gaara nuzzled your jaw.
  "Oh, I think I know what it is." Your fingers circled the dark spot on his chest. "You're thinking about me naked, aren't you? Soaking wet from a bath. Skin warm and soft beneath your hands." You purred as your hand went down his torso. "The smell of fresh soap clinging to my hair. Sheets soaked in my scent." Gaara groaned low, making his chest vibrate beneath you. "I can sneak you over tomorrow if you're that interested. But for tonight...." You trailed off while lifting your tunic higher up your thigh.
  Gaara's gaze followed your hand, watching as more of your skin became exposed. When you glanced back, you saw that Gaara's hard cock was already leaking with precum. Looking at him with a smile, you scooted down his torso to press yourself against his erection. He moved his arms to give you more room.
  Slipping off your underwear, you then took off your tunic. Straddling Gaara's hips, you leaned back while placing a hand on his thigh for stability. His cock was pressing against your ass while your other hand traveled over your body.
  His breath quickened as he watched you. Your hand went down your torso before your fingers spread yourself wider. There was a low growl from deep in Gaara's chest as he stared at your pussy on display for him. His tongue hungrily licked his maw while watching your fingers glide through your arousal. You circled your entrance and up to your clit.
  Your breath faltered from how you touched yourself. Gaara couldn't look away, drinking in how the moonlight lit your skin and made your wetness glisten. His eyes were begging for more.
  Letting your head fall back with a groan as you rubbed the throbbing bud beneath your fingers, you bared your throat to Gaara. He sat up, taking his chance to taste your skin with his long tongue curling around your neck. Your hand on his thigh moved to push against his chest.
  "Lie back down." Gaara hesitated with a whine before doing as told. He was eager, needy, and you had been teasing him with fantasies. You made him watch as you slid your fingers into your pussy and coated them in your slick. Gaara looked so close to snapping.
  Pulling your fingers free, you lifted your hips to bring Gaara's cock in front of you. Your wet fingers smeared your arousal along his shaft as he groaned. You hummed while swiping your thumb over the tip of his dick, using his precum along with your slick as a lubricant.
  Placing one hand on his stomach, you lined up his cock, running the head between your wet lips until it slipped into place. Lowering your hips, you felt yourself stretch to accommodate his thickness. Gaara whimpered when you took all of him as his fingers twitched and his claws flexed.
  Closing your eyes with a sigh, you took a few seconds to adjust. Gaara rested his arms above his head to dig his claws into the straw. Raising your hips, you sank back down to the hilt. You set a slow and steady pace at first while readjusting to get a better angle.
  Gaara grunted as his face twisted with pleasure. You rode him with your hands running up his sides. His back arched off the bed when you clenched around him, his sharp intake of breath making you smile. He couldn't keep still beneath you, twitching and groaning with your arousal dripping down his balls.
  You picked up speed after planting your hands on his chest. Rising and falling on his cock, you moaned and panted, feeling his soft barbs from deep within. His head rolled to the side as he panted and his claws left scratches on the bed beneath the straw.
  His mouth hung open from his heavy breathing as drool dripped from his fangs. Gaara's gaze drifted down, his muscles twitching as he watched your body move. His eyes settled on his wet cock you were busy bouncing on. He groaned as his keen ears picked up the slick sounds coming from between your thighs along with your shaky breaths and moans.
  He could see how your body stretched around him and felt how it clenched and squeezed. You liked how lost he looked. He could easily roll over and mount you if he wanted, but he was instead letting you ride him as he squirmed.
  Gaara bucked, driving his cock deeper when his tail smacked against the bed and floor. You moaned as your nails dug into his fur. His chest rumbled beneath your hands, sending vibrations up your arms.
  "Does it really feel that good, pretty boy?" You purred, and Gaara's ears turned back as he whimpered. You knew that if he was in human form his blush would be spreading down to his chest from how he was acting. He managed to nod before licking his maw with a groan. "I can't believe just talking about- Ngh!- spending the night together got you this riled up. You're so cute." One of your hands slid down his torso, fingers ghosting over his abdomen and around his belly button before going lower.
  His body arched toward your touch as if seeking more of it. Gaara rocked his hips up, giving more of an impact when you sank down on his cock. You cursed through a moan and leaned back to place your other hand on his raised knee. Gaara continued to thrust his hips in time with your movement while gripping the edge of the bed above his head. Your hand that had gone down his torso now went up to your clit.
  Rubbing circles over it, you felt yourself clench around Gaara's dick. His entire body tensed as his lip curled into a snarl to bare his fangs. He watched your hand work while trying to keep his hips moving steadily.
  Your grip on his knee tightened. It was difficult to focus while seeing the way Gaara looked at you and hearing his sounds of pleasure as his cock filled you. You could feel your orgasm building and added just a little more pressure to your clit. You bucked, Gaara's name spilling from your lips with a breathy voice.
  Gaara's grip on his bed was harsh enough to break a piece off in his massive hand. The damage wasn't enough to make either of you stop, so close to the high that nothing else mattered. Your thighs burned and clenched around Gaara's hips. Your blunt nails were digging into Gaara's thigh when you finally climaxed.
  Your orgasm was the last straw for Gaara, his head rolling back as he bellowed. You were locked in place by his barbs while feeling his cum flooding your core. Your body was buzzing and sensitive, feeling every twitch of his cock buried inside you. He groaned as his body relaxed, and you let your gaze wander over Gaara.
  The rise and fall of his broad chest, the drool leaving a sheen on his jaw, and the way his fingers spread and closed into a fist as if to keep himself grounded. When his cock and barbs began to soften, his body began to shrink from him shifting into human form. More of his cum spilled out and dripped down his balls before he propped himself up on his elbows to look at you.
  Seeing the little smile on your face was all it took before he reared up and grabbed your face to kiss you. It was sweet and hungry, his arms wrapping around you to hold you against his chest. Your fingers slid into his hair to deepen the kiss, but then you caught a glimpse of the chunk missing from his bed and began to laugh.
  Gaara was confused for a second before realizing what you were laughing at. His lips curled upward with a laugh bubbling up that made your heart flutter. His pretty eyes glittered in the moonlight as you both laughed together over the broken piece of the bed discarded on the floor.
  Until Gaara suddenly stopped and his head whipped in the direction of the windows. He tensed, making you follow his gaze to see what he was looking at.
  Never did you think someone other than you would come to see Gaara in the middle of the night. He was feared by nearly the entire village; who other than you would possibly dare come here in the dark? And yet, despite everything, someone was standing outside and looking in through one of the barred windows with eyes wide in shock.
  Dread settled in your gut. How much had this person seen? You were naked in the arms of a man in the Beast's cage; it wouldn't be hard to figure out what was going on.
  "Gaara, what the fuck?!" The man outside whisper-yelled before looking away as if to check his surroundings. Gaara quickly leaned over to grab your tunic and shove it into your arms.
  "Get dressed." He rushed to move you off him before getting up. You did as told, pulling your tunic over your head before searching for your underwear. Gaara remained in human form, and it wasn't until the man outside came inside that you recognized who he was. Seeing the man's face made you feel even worse.
  "What in the fuck is going on here?!" Kankuro hissed while standing outside of the cage. The silence that followed was deafening. Gaara grabbed your wrist to pull you closer as if he was worried something might happen. He stood straight with his shoulders squared and a serious look on his face.
  "We were having sex."
  "No shit."
  "Then why ask?"
  "Are you kidding me? We all know what you're like, Gaara. I'm asking how the fuck this happened." Kankuro waved his hand.
  "Do you seriously want me to answer that?"
  "I became aroused, and then they took my penis-"
  "Are you stupid?! I don't need you to tell me how sex works!" Kankuro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose while his other hand was on his hip. You had to cover your mouth to keep from laughing. You weren't sure if Gaara was trying to frustrate his older brother on purpose or not. "You nearly took out my eye once, so finding you giggling and balls-deep in someone is the last thing I expected to ever see. Temari said you took a liking to your caretaker, but I didn't think it was to this degree."
  "What are you doing here anyway?" Gaara asked while crossing his arms.
  "I was coming to talk to you about what Temari told me. Wasn't sure you'd talk to me, but clearly, I got my answer regardless." There was an awkward silence as they looked at each other. Even if they were brothers, they were not close, and Gaara stood unmoving and unspeaking like a statue.
  A naked statue with bits of straw sticking out of his hair.
  "Could you at least cover up?" Kankuro sighed, and Gaara lowered his hands to hold them over his crotch. "You know this is going to cause problems."
  "Don't push me, Kankuro. I won't waste time with threats if you put them in danger."
  "Look, I'm not saying I'm gonna tell. But if you two plan on fucking next to uncovered windows, I'm not gonna be the only one seeing something. Now can we backtrack to how this even happened to begin with? You're not exactly known for being the cuddly type."
  "....It's complicated."
  "I got that already." Kankuro glanced at you. Your hands were clutching the sides of your tunic as you kept quiet to let Gaara handle whatever this situation was developing into. It was looking as if Kankuro was going to keep your and Gaara's secret.
  You just couldn't figure out why. With the brothers not being close, what reason did Kankuro have to keep what Gaara was doing hidden from the Kazekage?
  "Just tell me what you want." Gaara's tone was steady and cold.
  "We can talk about that in private." He then looked at you again. "I can walk you home."
  "They're not going anywhere with you until you tell me what you want." Gaara remained firm. He was suspicious and acting with caution. Should you worry about what Kankuro might do?
  "Gaara...." He trailed off before sighing with both of his hands on his hips now. "Seriously?"
  "Fine." Kankuro paused while looking at the ground until he finally looked at Gaara again. "I'm next in line to lead the village, but I have no desire to do so. I want you to find someone to take my place when the time comes."
  "That's a lot to ask of me. I wouldn't think you'd entrust such a task to me either."
  "Well, I've got quite the bargaining chip now. Even if I don't want to tell our father about your secret little nighttime visitor doesn't mean I can't." Kankuro raised his eyebrows, and Gaara glanced at you from the corner of his eye.
  "I'll do it."
  "Good." The sealed deal left you a bit confused, but you weren't going to ask Kankuro why he didn't want to be the next Kazekage. Not at the moment, at least.
  "It's late. You should go home." Gaara turned to you before cupping your face in his hand to kiss your forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow." He then kissed your cheek before whispering to where only you could hear him. "I'm sorry you have to clean up the mess by yourself." Your cheeks burned, well aware of what he meant since his cum had been soaking into your underwear the entire time you patiently stood by as he and Kankuro talked.
  Kankuro did indeed walk you home after leaving Gaara. It was quiet and awkward given the circumstances. What were you supposed to say to the man who caught you having sex with his younger brother?
  "So....why don't you want to be Kazekage?" You asked after turning a corner.
  "I'm just not cut out for it. I've seen what it's done to my father trying to manage everything all these years. I know I couldn't do that." Kankuro heavily sighed while putting his hands into his pockets. "So....you and Gaara?"
  "What about it?" You averted your gaze, not sure what he was going to ask next.
  "How did that happen? I know you're his caretaker and all, but I can't see how you decided a beast was a good idea for a lover."
  "Gaara's more than just a beast." You muttered. "Like he told you, it's complicated. One thing just seemingly led to another."
  "I'm kind of jealous."
  "What? Why?"
  "I'm still single, and yet Gaara who spends most of his time snapping and growling somehow got you." Kankuro sighed with slumped shoulders. You couldn't help but laugh at his pouting but tried to hide it behind your hand. "Yeah, laugh it up. At least I'm not dumb enough to have sex next to open windows."
  "At least I am having sex." You popped off without thinking and immediately regretted your words. If you angered Kankuro, he could go back on his deal with Gaara and tell your secret.
  To your relief, he burst into laughter.
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  Entering your house, you went to get some light in the dark room. Gaara slipped in behind you, shutting the door and locking it before he reached up to pull back the hood of his cloak. He took in his surroundings as you walked to the cupboard to get out ingredients for dinner.
  "I think you're right."
  "About?" You asked while setting out food.
  "Me leaving the cage. For good." Gaara's words made you look at him.
  "I want to...." Gaara glanced away for a second before locking eyes with you. "I want to be the Kazekage. But I'll need your help." You froze while processing what he'd just said. "Will you help me?" There was some uncertainty in his eyes until you gave a reassuring smile.
  "Of course I will."
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simon-cctv · 5 months
The human's been wading through the swamp for hours now in search of his new cat. The thing ran off after Simon was surrounded by zombies. Herobrine leans against the same tree he did three hours ago, watching in cold amusement as the human continues to frantically search.
Herobrine glances over to the black kitten sleeping peacefully on the ground beside him, then back to the human. How many hours until Simon notices the cat's been on this hill the whole time?
He's waiting for the man to abandon his lost pet like he's seen all the others do. The travelers. He'll go and tame another, forgetting he ever had this cat. She doesn't even have a nametag yet, that alone is a promise of abandonment.
"I'll take you in." He mumbles to the poor thing. "You can join the others."
Simon's leg snags on something, and he falls face first into the water.
Even if he believes this one won't last, at least this human's entertaining to watch. This is where he gives up, he thinks. It's pitch black out, the man's stomach can be heard from a mile away, and he's now freezing cold and drenched.
And yet...
He continues searching for hours more. He searches until he collapses of exhaustion in the water.
The entity laughs out loud, the plants around him roaring to life along with him. He's never seen someone be so stubborn while being so pathetic going about it. If it were possible for his kind, Herobrine would have thought Simon were harmless. After all, he's yet to see him kill anything at all yet. It's only been 14 days. It may be longer than the other human's lasted before proving their cruelness but it doesn't mean it's not coming. He's like all the others, and he'll show it one of these days.
For now, though.
Bubbles dance across the surface of the water. The air is escaping Simon, he'll probably drown at this rate.
Herobrine glances at the young cat again. The splash must've awoken her. It watches the body of her owner being tugged by the current. She meows, distraught.
For the cat. He thinks, frowning as his hands finally find Simon in the muddy water.
A long lost emotion jabs at Herobrine when he pulls the man out of the water easier than a weed from the ground. It's natural to be concerned. Normal to be.
Simon hasn't taken from the village he lives beside. He doesn't kill the animals. His crops are too small to sustain himself. He knows nothing of farming. It's an insult to Herobrine's profession, honestly. This man is going to starve before his crops even grow.
Simon's chest feels like it's caving in when he snaps back to consciousness, lungs heaving to take in air.
He doesn't remember how he got home. Oh my god, I left without Pluto. What a monster he is.
A meow echos in the cave he's attempting to make a home and relief washes over him. Relief, then chills.
She has a nametag with her name on it and a blanket to lay on that Simon's never seen in his life.
Beside Pluto sits a small box.
Someone brought us home. Somebody... helped me? Simon's confused. He was near no village. Why would somebody help an outsider like him? A part of him hopes it means they're recognizing his efforts. He'd like to think the village helped him.
The box contains a hearty serving of potato stew over rice. Simon looks over it carefully.
Whoever did it knows he doesn't eat meat.
The gesture should make his blood run cold more than it warms his heart.
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hypersomniagame · 21 days
HYPERSOMNIA AUGUST DEV LOG : “The last one for a little while unless you're reading this like 4 years in the future and the game's still being made but I didn't do anymore dev logs so it's pretty clear that I stopped here so if thats the case, it was a good run and thank you for reading! AKA the Clerks one.”
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Hey! Hi! Welcome to the last (for now hopefully) dev log! I'd like to be completely clear with why they're ending here for now, I am not going to be able to work on HYPERSOMNIA as frequently for like, the next year. I'm starting college next week, and I'm also starting work tomorrow, which is going to eat up a lot of my time. I'll be graduating in April, as my course is only 8 months long. This means that I'm not going to be able to make monthly dev logs like this with the time I have going forward. Now, this doesn't mean im stopping work ON HYPERSOMNIA, I'll be working on it when I can, because it's a passion project for me and once I'm working, I can invest more money into it. Ideally this could continue alongside everything else in my life, but I just don't have that kinda energy or time.
As a parting gift though, I did do some stuff this month after I settled in from the move, so I hope you enjoy it, thank you for reading these logs!
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First off, I've done more mapping for the forest north of Pigeonville! I've been struggling with this area a lot recently. Forest areas are kinda hard to map because you want to place things in a way that makes them natural, but you also want to convey to the player where to go. I've got a few more of these maps to make for the area and then I can move on to the caves that I've shown off before.
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Here's a few areas from the map that I really liked making. There's some item boxes around the area for players who do some exploring. I haven't decided on what I'd like the item boxes to be yet, so for now they're just base asset chests.
I also redid Ross' special attack sprite. The lighting on it I'm kinda tied on, because all of the other characters have static shading while this animation has more animated shading. I'm leaning more for static but we'll see, maybe I'll do different shading for everyone else.
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Also! I mentioned that I would talk about this in the previous dev log;
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Debra was given a crowbar! I thought it'd be fitting 'cause she works in a port-town. Lots of fish, gotta open crates, y'know? It's like that and 25% because of Half-Life.
I'd also like to talk about our new trailer that came out! If you haven't seen it, you can watch it here:
This trailer was insanely fun to make, and as of right now it's my favourite trailer I've made for the game.
The biggest things I wanted to improve on with this trailer were the editing, and presentation. I've been showing off HYPERSOMNIA for a few years but I feel as if outside of the synopsis, people don't know much about HYPERSOMNIA.
The trailers have lacked a lot of the attitude and feel HYPERSOMNIA has, and I wanted to make it more apparent which seemed to pay off!
Some people in the live chat nailed the Scott Pilgrim influence, as well as the general punk undertone the game has. It's something I've strived for the game to give off since 2022. So I'm happy to see people recognizing it from this trailer.
And with that, that's all I've really got to share for this month. There's more work being done, but it's not stuff I'm ready to show you all yet.
Again, thank you all for reading these, I had a lot of fun with them! I hope sometime in the future I'll be able to come back to these with more content and further progress in the game.
Until then though, take care! And keep your eyes PEELED!!!
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If this is your first log you’re reading, or even your first time seeing ANYTHING relating to HYPERSOMNIA, I got a whole bunch of links for you to check out if you wanna know more about me and my stupid little game.
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veryimportantsparkles · 4 months
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"I really like her!" whispers Bitey with a smile. "I think we're going to be vampire sisters!" "I thought you wanted to hunt vampires now, not adopt them," Onmund whispered back sternly. He was wary of this girl. He had given up on pleading with his headstrong wife to stop raiding Nordic tombs, and now she's finally unleashed an undead terror she can't put back. "You know it's not so simple, honey!" the Orc giggles, "This is the first vampire I've met who wasn't rude! And anyways," she strokes his hair like a pet, "I kill disgusting ugly stupid Nords all the time but I keep you around. It's the same thing." "Y-yes dear," he looks at his feet and tries to look polite, all the way to Solitude.
At long last, Bitey got all the special missions and new merchants in the Thieves Guild, and her final reward was to be named Guildmaster. But uh, she kind of thought she already was the Guildmaster? After all the nonsense she's put up with, only now do they recognize her as the boss? What, does Guildmaster just mean 'best errand boy' or something? She was trudging all over the country for these idiots. The ceremony didn't even have a cake.
Anyways, Bitey has become restless and ran off into the wilds once more. There's a cave near Riften that she hadn't found the time to peek into yet, so she headed out east and stumbled into...the main Dawnguard questline.
Bitey was enamored with the architecture of Fort Dawnguard and, despite being a cured vampire herself, has no problem killing other vampires. In fact, killing vampires is how she became a vampire in the first place. Every single vampire she's ever met has been hostile, except maybe one, and even she was rude.
And then Bitey opened up Dimhollow Crypt and met Serana. She wasn't super friendly, but she didn't attack, and sometimes that's enough. Bitey's spent her whole life retaliating for one cruelty after another, so even the slightest ounce of peaceful behavior makes her enamored. That's how she got entangled with the College of Winterhold, how she became so attached to Onmund, that's even how the guys in the Thieves' Guild have managed to stay alive. You don't even really have to be nice to her. There are about a hundred random caves and ruins in the forsaken country of Skyrim where you get shot at just for looking at a guy. But Serana just wanted to go home, and Bitey didn't really have a reason to refuse.
Out of character, I had planned out that I was going to re-infect Bitey with vampirism, but once I got in and was looking around, I wasn't sure I wanted to pick the Volkihar faction over the Dawnguard faction. I read up on the questline, and if you refuse to join them at the beginning of the story you can still get turned into a vampire lord later on. So I figured I would leave it up to Bitey to decide. When we got to Serana's home, her dad didn't seem very loving, and Bitey picked up on that a little. But it wasn't until she saw the vampire lord transformation animation that she made her decision. Because the red fleshy texture on the transformation is fucking gross, Bitey noped out of there. Dawnguard it is!
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tanis-fics · 7 months
When Ash Jr. is trapped in a building shift incident and begins to freak out about his imminent death, the person who aids him is the least one he expects. The least helpful, too, but at the end of the day, Ash could really use a break. (A musical break, even)
Pairings: Theodore Ash Jr. & Ahti, Theodore Ash Jr. & Ahti & Oldest House ♦ Words: 1117 ♦ Notes: For the @februaryficletchallenge, prompt Trapped In An Elevator
[on ao3] ♦ [on squidgeworld] ♦ [read on site]
 When Dr. Theodore Ash Jr. first felt the elevator shake under his feet, and then stop menacingly, he immediately assumed he was going to die. Of course he was going to die after making the discovery of a lifetime, the cruel irony of it almost made him crack a smile; the fact that he could at least see the twisted beauty of the Oldest House in all its glory unlike his father before him almost brought him peace of mind, in those grim final moments.
 He took it in stride at first. Face it proudly like the bearer of his name should.
 Seeing the concrete surrounding him ad infinitum outside his fancy metal cage ever so slowly closing in, however, eventually panic began dawning on him.
 He couldn't die. Not now, of all times. He still had so many things to research, so many caves down in the Foundation to find and study. His friends, the Id, he couldn't just leave them all alone while the rest of his team (or, God forbid, Director Northmoor) probed the place without a care in the world.
 Breath began coming shallow as death started breathing on his neck. Trapped like an animal. No. Trapped like so many members of the Bureau by the shifting chimera of the building. Ash had been researching the energy leylines from the pillar, coming up with ways to stabilize it's uneasy entrails to avoid these senseless deaths, but maybe he had been far too late.
 As his windpipe closed in panic, Ash would have wanted to say that he hoped someone else took his investigations and finished his work for the Bureau. But he was just a coward, and his mind screamed for someone, anyone, to realize where he was and came help him.
"...Yksin sankar yöhön syvemmälle matkaa pois,
Se taakka hänen harteillaan kuin lupaus aina ois,"
 Jerking his head up, Ash recognized that faint melody before recognizing the accompanying voice. He couldn't see anything past the concrete, but the song came from a point somewhere above him. Swallowing, his throat hurt horrors, but he still croaked.
 "J, Janitor, is that you?" He cursed at himself for not remembering his name, despite his appreciation to the mysterious man. The singing stopped, and he felt panic rising again. "Are you there? Can you hear me?"
 Silence followed his many questions, until he heard his voice again, closer this time.
 "Doctor?" His thick accent brought a smile to his face, relief washing over him for a second. "Were you running with your head as your third leg, and got stuck in the walls?"
 He had no idea what that meant.
 "More or less, I suppose." He yelled back, voice breaking a bit at the end, and was met with a candid laugh. If it were anyone else, Ash would be enraged and humiliated, but the Fin's idiosyncrasies put his mind at ease, or as much as it could in that situation. The man had a surprisingly vast knowledge of the building, either inherent or learned, and if he could laugh in the jaws of danger maybe it wasn't as bad as he originally thought it was.
 Still, he was no God either.
 "Friend," he tried again, grabbing the metal curtain and facing the darkness from where the voice came from, "there was a shift in the building and I happened to get caught in the middle! I'll need you to call Security to get me out of here."
 "Yes, yes, do not worry, an emergency does not look like this. Ahti will make sure you get out of there, loose like a grandma's tooth." He sounded very sure of himself regardless of the wording, and Ash thanked him for that. Regardless, time started passing, with only the sound of the mop against the floor and the whistling of the man to fill it. Had... had he even called for help? He couldn't help but wonder, anxiously. Did he misjudge the strange man, misjudge Ahti? Or was he testing him? Could that be a test? "Eh. So nosy." The man called again, sounding... annoyed? Offended? "Don't wait as if waiting for the raising moon. You will not die. Not in an elevator, at least."
 Ash froze, but then sighed. Fine. If the Janitor said he wasn't going to die there, he couldn't possibly die there, he guessed, bittersweet.
 The walls stopped closing in, though.
 "That's right, perkele." He heard him say, proudly, yet probably to himself, before stating louder, in a way that seemed less and less like a suggestion. "Take a rest. It will do you good."
 Odd. What an odd fellow.
 Two peas in a pod, he supposed. The Janitor and the House.
 The Janitor and him, too.
 Resting his back on the opposite wall and sliding to the floor, Ash could swear he felt a rumbling on the elevator, and despite every logic and every alarm ringing on his mind he actually felt his fear slowly melting away, as his breath eventually slowed down too. The Fin's words ticked him, but he was tired, he couldn't remember the last time he took a break. The last time he allowed himself to take a break.
 Maybe he was safe. Call it good luck, or affinity, maybe the house wasn't going to swallow him alive. Not that day, at least.
 "Ahti." He called eventually.
 "Could I ask one thing of you, at least?" Since you're clearly not calling anyone.
 "What is it?"
 "Could you sing to me that song you're always singing to yourself?" He heard a surprised noise.
 "Sankarin Tango! You like it?"
 "As a matter of fact, I do!" And then, to himself, somewhat feeling like the compliment will reach his ears regardless. "I've always found it quite lovely, actually."
 Ahti sounded extremely pleased, speaking to himself in Finnish with an audible smile on his lips, and Ash couldn't help but smile too as the last traces of fear left his mind and body. As music filled the air around him his worry was replaced instead with the low rumbling that now enveloped him, louder. Did it came from the elevator? From the Oldest House itself? Was it, and could even be a reaction, let alone a positive one? Was it a response to Ahti's singing? First drafts of theories rose and fell like his calmed down breathing, like the melody carried by the air, as he waited to be rescued. Or, as it eventually will come to happen, for the walls to open and for him to meet his janitor friend, standing alone on a recently cleaned room.
 For now, Theodore Ash Jr. simply sat there, enjoying the choir in peace.
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x-soapbox-x · 6 months
Sigh. Once again random posting about an anime that I binged on my day off but. I just want to talk about it!!! This is about Kaguya-sama Love is War. Anyways.
Aside from how much the humor of this show really got to me when the slapstick-esque humor typical in anime isn’t usually my favorite, and how the romance itself is so!! Sweet!! Like it’s obvious from the beginning that they’re perfect for each other just by the fact that they’re playing these mind games with each other knowing the other is also playing, and it’s so much fun watching these two characters have insane mental chess games about following each other on social media and misunderstand each other while also being the only other person that really gets each other. The drama and tension doesn’t come from wondering if one will succeed in winning the others heart bc from the beginning you know they’re already head over heels for each other. The drama all comes from dramatic irony and the narrator himself is in one the joke with the audience and it’s GREAT. But I just want to talk about two specific really small moments I really loved.
The first one is when our lady lead, Kaguya, paints her nails. She worries all day about it-will he like them? Does it go against her identity to cave to girly things just for this stupid boy? She wants him specifically to notice that she painted her nails. It’s such a big deal to her. And of course, because we are privy to both of their internal monologues we know that he notices right away and spends the whole time she’s wishing he’d say something, wondering if it would make him a creep to say something, calculating the likelihood she’d accept a compliment, wondering if it’s a big deal. And at the end of the day he says nothing and she’s walking home staring at her hands disappointed, just a tiny heart break. But then he rides up next to her on his bike and points at her and yells. “Your Nails!”. He doesn’t even compliment them. He rides off before he can get the whole compliment out. But it shows he noticed, and then she’s floating around on cloud nine. It’s so cute and it just feels so…true. Like that’s what it’s like to have a crush for the first time-all this fragile hope, all this heavy anxiety. I love what it says for these specific characters! Like he’s so attentive to her and puts so much work into pretending that he’s not but it becomes so important that he lets her know that he thinks she’s pretty in all these little changeable ways and it’s pretty much the first time in the series that either one of them attempts to be earnest in their interactions instead of straight up doing psychological warfare.
The second little moment I really like is when Miyuki, our fella, has stepped down from being the student class president and as a result has gotten enough rest for multiple nights for the first time in the show, and it changes him. Like physically, he’s suddenly much more youthful looking and approachable and handsome. Everyone is into the well rested former president- except Kaguya. She LOVED his tired eyes, his exhausted and kind of mean glare. He gets all this confidence from being more handsome now and attempts to flirt and it’s completely ineffective. She was so attracted to his ‘death glare’ partly bc of the actual appearance, but also bc it represented his dedication and his work ethic. And then she has this spiral bc she’s not as attracted to him (most people who were young girls attracted to boys might recognize this exact spiral in their history if the object of their affections ever got a haircut) and she wonders if this means she doesn’t actually love him the way she thought. Luckily it’s resolved pretty quickly, but what I loved about this was that her favorite thing about the way he looked was a physical aspect that manifested bc of something intrinsic to who he is as a person, and it was a thing a lot of people actively thought made him look worse. I might be biased bc I also like tired looking eyes on a person (and kind of sport them as well-I am writing this at 2am). But this just seemed so sweet and loving and once again indicates just how much they pay attention to each other.
I guess what I love about this show is that it’s the slowest burn to ever slow burn but they use all that space to explore the hundred little ways to notice and care for another. Love is stored in the attention to detail!! I love how they agonize over every little thing!! I love how much courage it takes them to get over that, I love the hypervigilance of self. I can’t wait to see where it goes next, now that I’ve gotten to the end of season 3 and OOF what an end!!!!
Also it’s just very funny but maybe we can discuss using comedy as a bait and switch for earnestness in some other post. ❤️
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candyrockpop · 1 year
A Deep Dive
      Merfolk!Eddie Dear x GN!Reader
                  CW/TW -- Cussing, mentions of the ocean, swimming, deep diving, being stranded, near death experience via drowning, unknown sea creatures, possible large sea creature, mermaids
                             Summery:   You are participating in a deep sea exploration when something goes terribly wrong. You black out and when you wake up you're on an island, stranded, and are now in the company of a merfolk who doesn't speak your language. The sun is setting soon and you desperately need shelter, but this merman seems to have a delivery for you...
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       “Gods, why did I sign up for this?” I thought as I descended into the deep waters of the ocean. I was about 1737 ft (about 529.44 m) down and counting, and my body was hurting pretty bad from the amount of pressure. It’s a miracle that my gear has survived this long and this deep. Hell, it's a miracle I've survived this deep! “Come in diver, are you alive and safe?” Echoed the earpiece in my ear.  
       Somehow, three years ago, someone invented an earpiece and oxygen tank duo that allowed someone to dive to extremely deep waters without damage to the equipment. Some believed that it was a witch that made it, others thought it was a hoax, but it didn’t matter since it worked.  
       That was how I got here, far too deep in water that could potentially kill me. “I’m here. All seems safe, I think.” I spoke, but of course, I jinxed myself. After I spoke a low rumble began, and I swore I could feel it in my chest. All a sudden the chord above me snapped, sending me deeper into a seemingly bottomless ocean.  
       I panicked and tried to swim up to the surface but my oxygen tank was running low and if I went up too fast it could kill me. I was stuck. I couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of me, either. I tried to look around, maybe there was a cave nearby? I didn’t find anything and I couldn't help but think, “Is this how I'm gonna die? Stuck in the ocean where no one will ever find my body?”  
       I heard the beeping of my oxygen tank. It ran out.
       I couldn’t breathe, there was no air left.  
       I blacked out.
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       I woke up coughing. Did I drown? Is this the afterlife? I reached up to check my pulse, but I still had a heartbeat. I must still be alive, then, right?  
       I looked around, noticing I was on a beach. It seemed like an island since there was no sign of life other than animals and a person peeking out of the water.
       ...A person peeking out of the water? My head jerked towards the ocean, eyes skimming the surface before landing on a man's head above the surface of the water. “H-Hey! Can you help me? I don’t know where I am!” I shouted to try and get him to talk since his attention was already on me. It didn’t work. He turned and swam away, leaving me alone. I sighed and my shoulders slumped as my head fell into my hands.  
       I heard a splash and quickly looked up. The man...was back...
       Holy shit, he's a mermaid. “Holy shit you have a fucking tail!” I exclaimed without thinking. He looked at me hesitantly before nodding. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself a little before looking him over. He seemed to have some sort of seal tail, but I didn’t recognize the species. His tail was white with grey freckles, though some colorful freckles, too. His upper half was orange with red hair, too. Not any sort of human, or at least a subhuman species, then.
       He made a series of clicking noises and looked worried. I must've zoned out. “Uh, do you know how I got here...?” I were hesitant to ask, but it had to be done. He nodded and made some more clicks, pointing towards himself with a grin. I looked at him, surprised and confused, “So, wait, you saved me? You didn't just see me here and decide to say 'hi!' or something?” He nodded again. He seemed to understand me considering he was answering me okay.  
       “Okay, so am I near any sort of human civilization...?” I questioned. He shook his head with a frown. I sighed and tried not to laugh out of something akin to frustration. I groan, “Right, I was exploring the deeper waters of the ocean before the chord snapped. Wait,” I paused to look at him cautiously, “how did I survive if I was that deep with no oxygen...?” He at least looked sheepish before clicking more.
       He seemed to blush before getting too flustered and jumping back into the water. "Great, now I'm alone, there’s no shelter, and its beginning to get dark." I stood up and exhaled. “Alright, let's see if I remember anything from those TikTok videos, I guess.” I walked to tree line, swatting bugs out of my face and making sure to pay heed to my surroundings and where i stood.
       I didn’t walk much further, not wanting to get lost. I made a makeshift tent out of sticks, leaves, more sticks, and broken tree limbs with the leaves attached. “Gods, I hope this works, or that it doesn’t rain...” My thoughts trailed off as I heard more clicking noises in the distance. I groaned quietly, turning around and walking back towards the beach. I made sure to mark the entrance, or at least where I walked, to get to my makeshift tent.  
       The merman was back, and he seemed to have a sort of messenger bag with him. It was an array of colors, and I don’t know how it was so many different colors since it looked to be made out of seaweed. I mean, I can understand the greens, reds, and maybe the yellows. The blues and purples on the other hand... “You know what? I'm just gonna stop asking questions right now...” I muttered under my breath. The Mer tilted his head. I shook my head in response and he just started pulling things out of his bag.  
       Were...were those fucking boxes?!
       “What the actual hell...? How do those even...? I...” I was so confused. How in the hell did they even fit in there? Was it a magical messenger bag? I wouldn’t be surprised if it was considering mermaids exist. He pushes the boxes towards me with a smile. I cautiously look at the small label on it. It is addressed to me.  
       Okay, fuck this, this is creepy! I stare at the box for a few minutes, just contemplating on opening it or not. I don’t know whats in that box, for all I know it could kill me! Then again, what if it's somehow something useful...?
       I cannot actually be considering this...
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Hello! Happy pride month! I'll take this moment to say I'm a proud gender-fluid omnisexual! 🏳️‍🌈
I hope everyone is doing good, and if you aren't I hope that it gets better soon. I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you for doing so. I have a hard time writing Eddie normally so I tried something else instead. And one last thing, this is 1,064 words. It doesn't look like it, but it is.
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canaidliafail · 2 years
curse that ravens fire
eivor x f!reader 🌿 PART 1
reader is Petras Younger sister who just arrived at the settlement. [ 2k words ?]
[ warnings : will eventually have sexual content. for now theres only mentions of hunting animals / not too gory but might still be upsetting to read] Its also a little enemies to lovers type of deal
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The tip of your arrow was perfectly aligned with her throat just like the edge of her axe with yours
You could feel her breath, hear her heartbeat and you saw a bead of sweat roll down her forehead. Neither took initiative to move forward or pull back not trusting each other’s intentions
“Eivor Wait! That’s my sister!” You heard Petra call out and you both pulled back the tension you shared falling flat to your siblings cries. She ran towards you and stopped few feet away bracing her hands on her knees breathing heavily
“Gods! I can't believe you got in trouble already” She mumbled worried and Eivor sheathed back her axe
“This is your family that was visiting?” She asked looking distressed
“Yes!” She yelled more so to cover up for her lack of oxygen than to scold anyone.
You looked at the stones on the ground and scoffed,kicking one with little force to show your despair. This was a horrible first impression you were leaving on someone you assumed to be important for the settlement.
“Thought you all only hunted animals”
“We do!” You yelled and she growled looking at you “Do I look like a stag?”
“You could with that mug of yours!” You spat back enraged. You weren't even pointing at her. She just happened to be in your line of sight when you were waiting for a wolf to come out of a cave only for this crude norsewoman to turn up.
Naturally, the timing was off and then things escalated without the two of you realizing
“Calm down, please! EIvor excuse my sister's behavior. She's probably just tired from her trip” She said and yanked you from your arm. You decided to stay quiet knowing her tone indicated you weren’t getting away without a harsh scolding
Eivors upper lip twitched and she took a long sigh.WIping the sweat of her brow and scarred cheeks she looked away “Take your time getting settled. I should go to the longhouse and speak with Randvi”
And with that she took off. Petra glared at you “What were you thinking?!”
“That I found the mythical wolf!”
She shook your head “Gods, what an awful misunderstanding that must have been then. Come. You’ve embarrassed me enough” You frowned, crossing your arms and slowly walking behind her.
“Is Wallace here as well?”
“No. He went to sharpen arrows. Might be back for the featbuff though. Don’t worry youll catch him tomorrow morning at worse”
You nod deep in thought. Four days of walking,eating dry rabbit meat and sleeping in cold,wet,murky caves. Depending on who you offended today you would have to prepare yourself mentally to go through that all again, should they decide to send you back home
“So…Who’s Eivor?”
“The Jarls sister”
Maybe you could pack some soup and hopefully steal a better coat.
“Don’t worry. She doesn’t hold many things to heart. However your loud mouth might make her eventually” She said, her tone heavy with a warning
Watch your tongue or Ill cut it for you
Petra lended you a fresh set of clothes , rich in color, The blue and sea hues that royalty usually wore, with the soft fur of a rabbit decorating the edges and shoulders giving a nice fullness to your structure
“Did you just get this?” Recognizing it must have cost a fortune, you felt bad being the first one to wear it. She smiled “You can make it up to me by sewing me a new one tomorrow”
You felt out the leathers of the belts and the edges admiring the craftsmanship “Who… did this? Its form is crude but it looks nice”
“Our blacksmith. Has a fine set of hands,right?” She said with a wink and you shook your head letting go of the fabrics.
“Let's just go to this feast. I’m starving for some decent food” With a small nod she walked out of her hut. Quickly snatching a small knife and sliding it beneath your coat you followed “You live very close to the Longhouse”
“Our services were deemed important to the clan. Comes with it I guess. Which by the way, don't relax too much. Tomorrow you'll have to talk with Randvi and Eivor.tell them what you will provide if they are to let you stay”
You thought. Which is why you were so eagerly hunting down that wolf. If you truly found that legendary creature, its fur would’ve been the final addition to the armor you were planning to present as an example of your skills. Now you need a new plan. Curse that raven
You gritted your teeth in spite.
when the two of you walked in the hall you saw faces warm up to your sister's presence greeting her and exchanging handshakes “Petra! Tell us a story!” One yelled across the room and she raised a hand motioning that she’d join them soon
“First, formally apologize to Eivor. Ill be waiting for you over there” She ordered and you looked at her like a kicked cub
“You’re joking?”
“Don’t be difficult”
“Don’t be ridiculous then!” You hissed and she glared at you. Her eyes left yours to see Eivor exit the map room “There. Go” and with that she turned you around grabbing your shoulders and giving you a push forward as she went the other way to go find her companions
Curse these traditions and formalities that your families followed. You stepped around the dancing Vikings and tried to avoid bumping into any drunk ones who chugged on ale making your way closer to the throne where Eivor leaned against the wood,deep in thought.
You stopped before walking up the stairs hoping she would notice you first. To your relief she did. Cocking a brow she gathered herself and made her way to you “Yes?” She asked and you felt sweat run down your spine. You started pushing at the skin on your fingertips with your nails trying to come up with something to say.
She smirked, baring her fangs almost as she took a step closer “For all that barking you surely came with the tail between your legs now” She bit in what she thought was playful banter which you, took horribly wrong
“Excuse me?!” You stopped fidgeting suddenly feeling the gravity pull at your feet
“Petra sure knows how to handle her siblings. With Wallace often running off, she does a good job keeping you two in place” You suddenly felt like she was referring to you like some dog that needed a leash and you’ve never felt more enraged by a woman
“Fuck you and your spineless clan” You hissed and turned away not bothering to hear what else she had to say knowing you would be soon sleeping on the streets.
The winter breeze hit your cheek, in a soft caress, soothing the heat that burned your skin.
Your head jolted the other way and you saw a door.
The longhouse had more than one exit
You smiled, all tension and anger evaporating immediately. You could go hunting now and apologize in the form of a well crafted coat the way you initially intended. If you couldn’t get in Eivors good graces anymore you were certain the Jarls wife would consider you.
You pushed some men around and made your way to the door finally leaving the suffocating building
You stopped right out the doors and took a second to catch your breath, the whole gathering spiking up your anxiety. What you had in craftsmanship you lacked in social skill. You tried to reason with yourself that you wanted to make a good impression and that you weren't sneaking out from embarrassment alone. Out of shame for letting anger so quickly get the better of you.
You saw a stack of bows and arrows lodged by the entrance, damp by the snow.It would have to do. You grabbed a set and began your short journey to the snow and stone covered entrance of the wolf cave. You were sure you heard the crunch of another pair of footsteps behind you. You turned to look. Someone must have been following you
However, not wanting to risk the idea that they were after the same wolf you picked up your pace and reached the cave sliding first and looked around. It was eerily quiet, your pants disrupting the peace.
Trying your best to watch your step you climbed the walls trying to reach the other end of the path which would hopefully lead to a makeshift home by the animal.
You heard rumbling in the distance. Wet and filled with aggression. You were noticed.
You pulled an arrow and your bow in haste but were ultimately thrown to your front when you felt four pairs of heavy joints push at your back.
You yelped in fear realizing how greatly you miscalculated the size this beast would have.Not ready to give in you pushed your weight against the ground abruptly covering your exposed neck with your hood and trying to roll over on the other side.
Knocking it off balance wasn’t as easy and your thoughts were starting to get cloudy from the grim realization that you might die after all. You tasted copper and the stuffiness of your nose clearly indicated you were bleeding.
Well. I did land headfirst
“Duck!” You heard a heavy voice command and you did. The next thing you heard was the weighty thud of something crashing with the wolves ribs and thrusting it on the other side. It howled in pain and you quickly rose to your feet running to the other side of the cave pulling out your knife which seemed unnecessary when a figure landed in front of you covering your line of sight.
Eivor wolf kissed
Oh the irony of it all
“Must be dead” she mumbled and you finally took a careful look at the wolf. That something that made it clash with the rocks behind it, was Eivors sharp axe.
Oh the poor creature never stood a chance
“That was barbaric!” You whined and she glared at you “Is that how you thank someone for saving your ass?” She mocked and you rolled your eyes “Oh I was doing fine”
You quickly tried to wipe your bloody nose probably smearing it across your face and hopped over to the wolfs side
“This is awful. How am I to properly get its fur now”
“Yes. I am a tailor. It's what I came to do here seeing as you clearly lack those. Seriously, how old is that vest you are wearing?” You said and scoffed in disgust to which she took little offense
“It does the job!”
“And I” you pushed against the wolf's skin and with the other wrapped your fingers around the hilt of the axe “Can make it do an even better one” and pulled it out of its skin making sure it wouldn't rip it any further
You gently held its head in your palm and connected your foreheads whispering a thank you for its sacrifice and with one deep breath pulled it up and mounted it on your shoulders
“Do you only show respect to animals?”
“They are the only ones who have earned it out of me” you stopped and looked at her, or what you could make out of the woman since the Caracas was blocking your vision
“Did you follow me?”
“I wanted to Say some things. Next thing I know you are getting yourself into trouble under my clans watch” she grabbed her discarded axe and made her way next to you helping you carry the animal by sharing the weight. You studied her face, noticing how the lines on her forehead softened and deepened. Her jaw tense.
She tried to blow a few loose strands of hair out of her face in a very child-like way and she refused to meet your eyes. Her breathing was uneven not from fatigue but from nervousness. All of that made you truly reconsider her character
She struggled with normal interactions as much as you did. This was her way of trying to get close to you and apologize . With actions
You smiled, earnestly now, wanting to impress her more than ever “Oh you'll learn to love me”
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littlemacarons · 7 months
Hello SPG enjoyer! I was inspired by someone new to a different fandom I was in reaching out to people on Tumblr to get to know them. So now I’m doing something similar since I’m new to SPG!
Have you ever heard of/listened to the Mechanisms?
What is your favorite album/song?
Which bot is your favorite?
What is your favorite photo?
Do you have a fanbot?
If you could go anywhere in kazooland, where would you go?
- @steambot-sparky
hello new friend! i'm mostly a lurker but i like to crawl out from my cave to post something SPG-related once in awhile!
1.) i have heard OF the mechanisms, but i don't recall having listened to anything of theirs on purpose (nor would i recognize it).
2.) ghost grinder #1 for sure but the pulls and bad days on the horizon music videos really pop for me lmao
3.) my favorite bot is gg
4.) i was looking for the gif of gg from shine bright like a diamond to answer this but found this animated gif of ollie i made in the gif list and got distracted lmao
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i can't find it in the gif search anymore or on google but its the part at like minute 3 in the music video where she's waving her arm in the air lmao
5.) i DOOOOO have a fanbot sort of kind of technically but also not i have Sonnie the solar-powered failed idol bot who is just a robot that's a fan of the silly robot band and has absolutely no lore association tied to them because i was too lazy to do (back then) 10 years worth of lore reading
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6.) to reiterate, i am too lazy to do 15+ years worth or lore reading and just like the band as artists, musicians, and goofy goobers
fun fact, this was supposed to be something little and silly i did in 5 days and now it lives on spg's youtube channel forever:
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Masked Menace (Part 1) - Yunobo x Reader (NSFW)
Warning ahead: there are some Tears of the Kingdom spoilers with characterization and setting the scene for Goron City past this point, please take heed!
Alright, bout time I finally made this one (which I was very excited to do 🥴). I want to preface this with: Keep in mind of what that mask did to Yunobo, so he is not acting like himself at all! Also, just an fyi: reader is written female here.
“Phew, the hike to Death Mountain never gets easier…” you sighed, exasperated. Even with your travels going as far out into the Gerudo desert, you still struggled to acclimate with the trip to Eldin. Six months kept you away from the volcanic venture as you explored the other parts of Hyrule, researching plant life and exchanging goods along the way to bring home souvenirs for you and your beau. Upon your walk up to Goron City, you couldn’t help but take notice of strange magenta slabs stacked endlessly in your path. Gorons, who you’d made friends with due to all your time there, didn’t seem to recognize or even acknowledge you really. The constant crackling and crunching at their purpled rock roasts being their only focus. You had an overwhelming suspicion that something was horribly wrong. Trekking carefully into the central city, you took in the sight - a gigantic mass of the same marbled earth standing tall and terrifying in the middle of the normally bustling area.
Yet…bustling wasn’t the word you would’ve used right now.
No, around you elder Gorons and the children of the city seemed downtrod, quiet and keeping to themselves even as they saw you pass. Any of the adults, or worse yet, your mining friends, seemed completely dazed - entranced by whatever this new culinary cobblestone dish this was. Eventually you caught sight of the boss Goron, Bludo, scolding one of his workers.
“Boss,” you approached him slowly, taking in the sight of one of your friends spread out on the ground, eyes splotched a dark reddish-purple as he droned on about marbled rock roast, “…What’s going on? So many Gorons are stuffing their faces but they all look…sick.”
Your nickname for him caught his attention, only for the sigh that left the patriarch to lean on the heavy side. A large finger scratched at his head, “What a time for you to come back, I’ll say…I don’t even know where to start.”
Your head tilted, gaze shifting about the city in search of someone in particular. His absence gave you some slight unease. Trepidation filled your chest as you feared to ask,
“Bludo…where’s Yunobo?”
That got the boss fired up, “Oooooh that crag-craniumed wisecrack! This is all his fault!” You were taken aback by such an animated response from the patriarch. Normally he was a soft worrywart over the Goron champion, to hear him say something negative only added to the notion that something definitely wasn’t right. Bludo growled, his fist thumping into the ground, thick eyebrows turning downward in anger, “When I get my hands on that boy, I’m gonna- AUGHH!” a sickening crack sounded from behind him before he yowled in pain, his hands shooting to his back. After a few moments of groaning and trying to stabilize himself, the boss Goron pointed a shaky finger to one of the higher peaks, closer to the mines.
“Just…see for yourself” he creaked out.
Checking to make sure Bludo was going to be okay with his sore back was your priority before you headed off. When he assured you he’d be fine (especially with one of the younglings fetching him his pain medicine), you quickly zipped to the next mountainous area that the Gorons frequented. At the end of the cart’s destination stood YunoboCo HQ, the main cave systems that Yunobo and his team not only mined in, but addressed business matters. You remembered being incredibly proud of your boyfriend, building a whole new empire of mining services and blue collar trade for Goron City while using his reputation as a champion to generate revenue tenfold into the village’s economy after Death Mountain had completely cooled off. Business quite literally boomed at the birth of YunoboCo. So what could have possibly happened for even his mentor to speak so illy of him? Trying to wrap your head around any possibilities just deemed impossible for you, leaving you with little choice other than to confront the source himself. Thankfully, or rather, unthankfully, you were alerted by the sound of an ill-tempered voice hollering not too far off.
“Offrak! Slergo! I thought I asked you two to move this supply of marbled rock roast out to the shipping carts?”
The two little Gorons looked at one another in timid confusion before the lighter Goron, who you recognized as young Offrak, shakily spoke up, “B-But President Yunobo…you said those shipments weren’t going out until tomorrow…”
The champion leaned forward, narrowing his eyes, “Looks I changed my mind, now didn’t I?”
With a stomp of his foot he shouted, “Now get these roasts to the shipping carts or I’ll make slab stew out of the both of you!”
“YUNOBO! THAT IS ENOUGH!” came your angered yell. The Goron turned to face you, slight surprise adjusting his previous pout. Slergo and Offrak’s faces dropped in shock at your sudden appearance. They’d never seen you so angry before! Your gaze took in the appearance of your beloved: the gaudy outfit sticking out like a sore thumb on him. His sturdy fingers were covered in large gold rings, a leopard print pelt vest covering his back and shoulders, and worst of all - a golden mask covering the lot of his face. Six months and he’d completely changed his entire appearance? That didn’t make sense to you - all you remembered him adding to his wardrobe was his company chestplate. But for the moment that mattered little to you as your eyes quickly shifted over to the two frightened Goron children behind him. The disappointment and fear on their faces was blatant, they were scared of him.
“You leave those boys alone! I can’t believe you’d ever raise your voice to them like this!” your index finger shoved into his chestplate, “This is NOT the Yunobo I know - what’s the matter with you?!”
Yunobo’s mouth turned up in a sneer. His hand jutted out, as if to signal to the younglings behind him, “Boys…watch the door for me. Seems like the lady and I needta have a chat in my office.”
You shot him a confused look, “I don’t understand what’s happening, wh-” Suddenly your arm was snatched up in his vice-like grip, “We’ll talk in my office. Not here.”
Trying to yank your appendage from him did very little other than to cause yourself grief. You reluctantly followed him as he pulled you toward his designated cave. He was careless in how he handled you, not even allowing for you to properly get your full footing as you both walked. When you finally arrived at his office, his grip loosened just enough for you to take your arm back from his clutches. There was anger inside of you that you’ve never felt towards him before, you were stunned at how easily he pulled you around like a mere rag doll - he never tested his full strength on you like that. Rubbing your arm you seethed, “You have some serious explaining to do, Yunobo.”
“Me?” his arms crossed over his chest, “You’re gone for six months and the minute you get back, you’re over here makin’ a scene and yellin’ at me!”
Your hands slotted on your hips, “The way you’ve been acting SINCE I got here, I think you deserve it!”
“You know what I think?” grumbled Yunobo, who was steadily stomping his way over to you. Before you could retort, he had backed you up against his giant slab of a “desk”, his arms slamming at your sides, effectively caging you in, “I think your president deserves a proper greeting.” His close proximity shook your originally stern position, and your hands flew up to his chest to try and create space between you two. His roughened disposition unnerved you, and yet you were falling so weak to it.
“Y-Yunobo, please, you’re too close…” but he would only press closer still. A large hand swooped you at your lower back, forcing you to sit on the hard stone. The Goron shoved your knees apart, sliding his sturdy body between them. You had very little to keep your body shielded from the cold steel on his chest, having disposed of your heavier travel wear before climbing the path on Death Mountain’s trail. The mere tank top, bra, and shorts combination was all you had left on you. So when the solidity of his chest presses against your own, it takes a considerable amount of force to bite back the pleasure just that contact alone gave you. Six months alone really did take a toll on you as you were starting to find out. Trying to close your legs proved to be obviously ineffectual as well, Yunobo made sure of it. A knuckle took under your chin, pulling your gaze upwards to meet his.
“Look at you…don’t you even realize this is exactly where you belong?” His thick fingers tangled into the locks of your hair, and then suddenly gripped tight, directing your head backward. His face buried into the crook of your neck, a sharp inhale sounding before you. You whined, slight pain blooming at your scalp at first, but deafened by the sensation of his wet tongue dragging up the length of your neck. He held you in place as about as flush to him as he could get you. Hyper aware was your body now, your thighs being seized open by the mass of him, nipples pebbling against the slowly warming metal adorning his chest. Yunobo’s lips blazed a trail of love bites down your neck while his other hand busied itself with grasping the front of your tank top. Your first thought was that he was going to shove the straps off of you - but to your surprise, his fist bunch into the fabric, twisted, and shred the thin covering off of your body. A shout of annoyance and protest bubbled at your lips, but it would never surface. Yunobo slammed his mouth over your own, his tongue sliding past your lips with surprising ease. Your instincts fought with your morals, wanting to equally stop and scold him for mistreating you so far AND finding yourself melting under his touch. He unfurled his hand from your hair, dragging it slowly down your body before cupping around the roundness of your breast. Feeling your barely clad nipple rub against his palm had you pressing your thighs harder against his torso.
Another inhale into your neck. His voice held a touch of softness as he said, “You smell incredible…I hated having you so far from me. I waited every day for you.”
That heart of yours, so in love with the Goron above you, thumped with guilt. Your eyes fell away to a random corner of the room, your fingers curling into the fabric of his pelt, “Yuno…I…” your voice trailed away, emotions welling into your throat. Before you could will yourself to continue, you were unceremoniously flipped over, your stomach and chest now pressed against the desk. Peering over your shoulder, you watched as Yunobo stripped himself of his leopard pelt and began untying his chestplate - your cheeks lighting up with such a macho display.
“I’m tired of waiting.”
The thrumming in your loins was becoming too heavy for even you to ignore. You took a deep breath, your fingers fumbling with the buttons of your shorts. You’d beat him to it if it meant saving you a set of pants from being torn in two as well. This wasn’t the sweet and tender Yunobo you knew - this aggressiveness, this ‘total dominance’ attitude was unheard of for him…but you’d be lying if you said you hated it at the moment. Despite something being incredibly off, you couldn’t pause your feelings for him if you tried, both emotional and physical - and when you looked up, that face was still his after all. There were a billion questions you needed answered, and you swore you’d make him pay for the loss of your shirt, but right now, you needed him.
Six months too long were you without his touch, and today you recognized how it made you ache desperately for him.
You slid off your lower garments entirely, leaning fully forward now, your ass on full display. There was a pause behind you. Deafening silence that kept you waiting and wondering. Your lashes sat heavily over your eyes when you looked back at him. “C’mon, Mr. President,” you goaded, a mix of want and mockery in your tone, “You wanted to see me, didn’t you?”
His chest was hot against your back, one of his big hands now weaving fingers with your own and holding you down against the desk. You spread your legs, arching ever so slightly to give him what he was looking for. Over the cheek of your ass came the caress of his opposite hand, “Don’t forget exactly who is in charge here.”
A sharp smack stung your backside, you had to nearly bite your tongue so as not to squeal. He rubbed the affected area, the grin in his voice prominent, “Hope you’re ready for me.” You shot him a slight glare over your shoulder, though the reddened cheeks of your face registered more embarrassed than anything. Deliberately you pushed back, your ass rubbing against his length to tease him. The rumble that sounded behind you was your last warning. Yunobo grasped himself, lining up with your slit and shoving forward. You hissed, your forehead baring down into the stone beneath you - the stretch, how he filled you, you swore you were already so close to cumming. His hand slid over your ass once more and up to the small of your back, flattening out against it. A slow withdrawing slide out - a quick thrust back in. His hand smoothed over the length of your spine, keeping you still while the Goron worked inside of you. The pace he set already had you whimpering: slow, but hard and very deep. You grasped at the stone under you, desperately trying to find purchase. With your feet planted, you shoved your hips back on him, his thrust filling you all the more as he met you halfway.
“Y-Yunooo” was your wanton whine. Shoulders heaving, your hair beginning to stick to your forehead as the heat of being fucked was beginning to overwhelm you. Yunobo grunted harshly above you, hunger evident in the grit of his teeth and the way his eyes roamed over your frame. Your ass bouncing off of his thrusting hips, the obscene sounds of your pussy taking every inch of he had to give. The Goron Champion felt for you like no other - love of his life that you were; but ever since you came back, something coerced him to stake claim to you. He didn’t understand this need, but his body moved on its own. There was something primal in his chest that made the growl in his throat surface when you cried out, “Oh! Ohhh god, Yunobo!”
You were his.
“You’re mine, understand?” he echoed into your ear, his chest caging your body to the desk. Yes, he had to take you. It was him you wanted. Him you needed. You came back to see him after all. His sight was blurred with flurries of red but still he drank the sight of your ecstasy in. What he was doing to you.
It only made sense.
You belonged to him.
“You belong to me,” he repeated over your dampened skin, his hips picking up speed. Your throat was drawing horse from your constant panting and whining, and you felt yourself clench tightly when Yunobo’s tongue traced the curve of your shoulder.
“Yuno, please nghh, I can’t ! I-I’m gonnaaa” you sobbed out.
His hands slid down to your hips, pulling you back onto his cock harshly, the series of grunts and groans above you giving you the impression that he was getting closer. You were teetering over the edge yourself, one of your hands clasping onto his at your hip for purchase. With no warning the Goron above you closed his mouth over the junction of your neck and shoulder and sucked hard. The prick of pain flowed into a tsunami of pleasure as the scream of Yunobo’s name echoed all throughout the cave - your orgasm slamming into you at full speed. Yunobo clapped his hand over your mouth as you came, silencing your pleasured sobbing behind his thick digits. He fucked you mindlessly now, thrust after thrust after relentless thrust, chasing his own end as your pussy milked him. He came shortly after - his teeth sinking into your flesh, not enough to break your skin, but definitely enough for you to feel it. You gasped, hot liquid heat pumping you full as your boyfriend finally slowed his hips. Yunobo’s mouth left your neck with a hum before he finally easing off of your overstimulated body. He drank in the sight of you: sweating and spent, fucked out and trying to find the strength in your legs. Just how he wanted you.
You felt his eyes on you, and though your legs trembled, you mustered the will to turn and face him. His dark blue hues were almost purple - a reddish hue swimming in them. This concerned you, you knew your gut instinct was spot on - something was wrong. Your hands reached for his face, “Yuno…what’s hap-“ but as soon as your fingers touched his golden mask, your hand was smacked away. Yunobo clutched his head, groaning in pain now as he backed away from you.
Puzzled, you looked around, hoping to understand or catch sight of what your beau was talking about. But before you could ask what he meant, Yunobo was already pulling his leopard pelt back on and rushing to the entrance of his headquarters. He left you alone, confused and half naked. After some rummaging around his office you found his champion’s scarf with which you tied around your chest. You heard a cart descending back toward Goron City; you felt it in your best interest to wait for him at his home then - at least this way you could get to the bottom of what was going on in private.
Suddenly you winced, pain and soreness scattering across your shoulder. Your fingers found the indentations of broad marks on your shoulder blade - the remnants of your beloved’s lust ridden bite. Rubbing the aching skin you looked over to the window, some structures of Goron City visible from where you were standing. Worry panged in your heart.
Yunobo…what’s happened to you?
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