#i was impressed by just how bad this dvd was lol
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exdeputysonso · 1 year ago
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Brad Dourif as Edwards | Brown's Requiem (1998)
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nintendonut1 · 5 months ago
so i
wrote ship fic of my OCs
if you guys are into that sorta thing LOL
Swee/Willow slowburn fic, where they discuss Swee's favorite television program growing up. Includes swearing, small injury, and telenovela-esque drama (thanks to LassDaisy for double-checking my Spanish!)
“What the—dude. What is this lady’s problem??”
Swee freezes mid-slice, the carrot on his cutting board half-diced, and takes a moment to find his center. Were it anyone else, any other time, he wouldn’t hesitate to throw someone who’d dare slander his girl right out of his kitchen. Shutting his eyes, he, oddly enough, finds inner peace in her shrieking voice blaring at full volume from the mounted television.
It’s okay. He dropped in at the season finale of a show that’s in a language he cannot understand. He has no knowledge of her struggles. Go easy on him.
Without a word, he lifts the remote and pauses the DVD, turning to face his guest with his hands clasped in front of his face. “...okay. Do you want the whole list, or just the top ten?”
Willow gives proper pause, blinking, a cracker drenched in cheese sauce hovering just near his open mouth in mid-bite. After the pause, he pops it in, growing nervous.
Swee puffs out a sigh. “Sorry. I get melodramatic about my shows sometimes.” He saunters away from the counter and plops into a chair, joining Willow at the kitchen island and dipping his own cracker in the sauce. He needed a break from dinner prep anyways.
“I can, uh. See why,” Willow ventures with an uneasy grin, one that Swee wants to make go away and turn more genuine as soon as he can. 
“Yeah, heh. This one especially gets me bad. But I can’t help but feel for her, y’know?”
“Swee, she just pulled a gun on these two.” Willow points a chip at her frozen close-up of righteous fury, said gun pointed in front of her. “Like, is she dating one of them? Is that why?” (oh stars, he doesn’t know how painfully heterosexual this show is, that’s so cute holy shit) “Still seems like an overreaction, I dunno.”
“I mean…fair. But,” Swee turns to fully face him, swallowing a cracker. “This is the finale of season ten. There’s been a shitton of build-up to this.”
“So, tell me about it.”
Swee looks straight into those crooked eyes, fresh green and glittering, and finds nothing but sincerity in them.
So, he does.
It’s a bit of a long-winded summary of Hayce T. con Amor, a show near and dear to his heart. He followed its initial airing alongside his mom, and as he traveled around he’d spend hours on the phone with her sharing their impressions of the latest episode, up to its dramatic ending years ago. It follows the tumultuous journey of Hayce T., in her constant pursuit of true love in a sea of liars and cheaters. The first episode opens on her finding her high-school boyfriend making out with another girl under the bleachers, and her luck never, ever seems to lift up from there. The theme was that she’d always throw everything she had into a new relationship, naively hoping that this would be the one, and the boyfriend of the week would always find something wrong with that, each reason more outlandish than the last.
“Hell, last season, Pet T. tried to spin it in a way where she was ‘gaslighting and manipulating’ him by putting on some front?? Bess T., that’s her friend, remember, talked some sense into her, but like, damn, man?”
Willow is absorbing this, taking a thoughtful bite of a small stack of crackers as he considers it all. “So, like.” Oh he’s gonna say it, isn’t he. “When are Hayce and Bess gonna kiss?” 
There it is. Oh god Willow you beautiful soul. I could kiss you right now.
Swee doesn’t, and swallows a blush this time, taking a moment to recalibrate at that interruption to his whole spiel. “...okay, well, I’m not gonna spoil anything later on, just lemme get to right now—”
The star-doll looks almost smug as he chomps another stack. “Hellllll yeah they kiss later, don’t they.”
“Shoosh-shush. Yer throwin’ me off.” Swee shakes himself back on track as Willow chuckles. “So that guy, the one she’s pointing the gun at? That’s Gill T. He treated her like a queen, said he’d never do all the crap she went through, it looked like this was it, ‘tu eres mi unico amor,’ y’know?”
Willow nods, leaning in with interest. He doesn’t even point out how little Spanish he knows this time. “Uh-huh? But then she found him with that other lady anyways?”
“Worse than that, dude. That other lady was sent by him to kill her.”
He slumps back. Poor thing looks defeated, as if he was beginning to understand and it was all thrown off kilter. “Swee. Swee, what.”
“Look, just—I’ll go back to the beginning of the season,” the toad scrambles back to the counter, fiddling with the DVD menu. “And I’ll hit the subtitles, just. I can’t just tell you everything, you gotta watch it unfold, it’s fuckin’ crazy.”
“Aaaallright, okay.” Willow acquiesces, watching the opening credits play out as Swee frantically returns to his prep work, oops, oops, oops—
“Yeah?” Chop chop chop.
“You said you feel for Hayce T., yeah?”
“...are you looking for true love, too?”
In a whirling blur, the toad chef is back at the kitchen island, his hand nestled in a bloodied cloth. Spanish voices fade into the background as he watches Willow tend to the lengthy cut along the top, releasing a sappy healing salve from a digit in his finger and dragging it along the wound. 
Swee’s head is positively buzzing. He almost misses when Willow sighs, “There. Geez. Not as bad as it looked, but still.”
“Thanks. Ugh.”
Aw hell. Now Willow looks away, ashamed, like this whole thing was his fault. Because of course he thinks that. “...Sorry.”
“Shush.” Swee clears his throat, and answers his question. “...yeah, kinda. I mean, I’ve been looking.”
Willow pensively watches him as he continues, “I thought I found it, a few times. A relationship here, a fling or two there…or five.” He cringes at himself. “...when you’re traveling a lot, there’s not any time for much else.”
He feels the gaze of the resplendent star in front of him, and he laughs mirthlessly. “Guess I’ve got that Hayce T. run of luck.”
The silence that follows is thick as molasses, and Swee wants to sink into the earth and vanish— “Well…” Willow’s voice, weedy with nerves, cuts through that spiraling thought, and Swee is greeted with a lopsided grin. “If anyone sends their assassin affair partner to kill you, you at least got me to protect you?”
Oh my god. Willow ventures a small shrug. Oh my god.
A thousand emotions crash into Swee and smash through his walls, and he breaks down laughing. Willow joins him shortly, and they both slump on the table in actual mirth as the telenovela plays above them, the tormented lovers onscreen ignorant of the actual goddamn romance happening here in Swee’s goddamn kitchen.
“Then my luck’s already better.”
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otakween · 10 months ago
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 37
A perfectly decent end to the Cherubimon arc. It was a pretty by-the-book, climactic battle. It's pretty lame that most of the gang just can't contribute now (well they do ~in spirit~ but that's dumb). Hopefully it's not gonna be like that for all big battles from now on? Or if it is, they should at least find something better for the other kids to do instead of cheerleading and worrying.
It kinda feels like this battle just happened but they had to do the "this isn't even my final form" thing. I was a little disappointed that Cherubimon's final form was just...getting bigger. It was so underwhelming that I didn't even notice what happened until they were like "he's a giant!" I didn't have the best concept of how big Cherubimon was in the first place so he just looked the same to me.
I enjoyed Koji being chased by everyone in Takuya's mid-battle dream lol. I thought it was kinda neat that they put that little hope spot in there. It heightened the feelings of danger and determination when Takuya woke up.
So if Cherubimon had won the battle. then what would Lucemon, who is "so close to regenerating," do? Just be like "sike, I'm the real ruler"? (The DVD menu spoiled Lucemon's return for me lol).
I didn't expect the next big bad to look and sound like...a little girl? That was first impression I got anyways. I don't remember what the Lucemon silhouette looked like previously.
Okay they actually sound like a boy in the dub (not that gender matters to digimon lol).
So the core of the digital world is a big egg or something? Trippy...
Excited for the new (final?) arc and baddies but I also wonder if we'll get any sort of respite in between? From the kids' POV they've restored peace so maybe they'll try to return home next episode? I bet Bokomon will be like "ah yes, I new Cherubimon wasn't the final boss all along" lol
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hippo-pot · 10 months ago
American Sign Language media content for receptive skills practice
Made this list because I really could have used it earlier on! My rubric is that it needs to include Deaf people signing, and that SimCom doesn't count (it may be present, but it can't be all there is).
This only includes stuff I've actually seen (or partially seen). Also, I'm including some warnings about what you may *not* want to watch, because again, I really could have used those warnings myself.
Easy (i.e. has subtitles and/or voiceover available, IIRC)
Mostly speaking:
CODA (movie; comedy/drama; on AppleTV+)
Kinderfänger (scary movie. Note that it has a 3.7/10 on IMDb. I personally liked it fwiw. not sure if it's streaming anywhere)
CODA (short film; on Kanopy)
Master of None S2.E6: New York, I Love You (TV show episode, currently on Netflix)
Wild Prairie Rose (drama/romance, currently on Peacock)
Queer Eye S8E4: Protect the Nest (reality TV, on Netflix)
CSI S11E13: The Two Mrs. Grissoms (crime show, Hulu)
ANTM Season 22 (the one with Nyle, obviously. I had to get this from the library on a DVD that, get this, had NO captions available. Not impressed. (The ASL was voiceovered))
Running Wild with Bear Grylls the Challenge S2E4: Troy Kotsur in the Scottish Highlands (reality TV, on Hulu I think)
CSI NY S3E12: Silent Night (crime show, Hulu). I found this one pretty ableist/audist (but it's hard to explain why without spoiling the whole thing - here's the summary if you're fine with spoilers: https://csi.fandom.com/wiki/Silent_Night) also the camera work sometimes seemed more interested in making the signing look artsy rather than making it legible lol
Sue Thomas, F. B. Eye (Peacock) - some episodes have lots of signing, some have none or close to it. Honestly it's pretty racist (the show came out 2002-2005. A lot of episodes are about terrorism, and they're constantly justifying racial profiling). If you can stomach that in exchange for surprisingly decent Deaf rep, here's a (probably incomplete) list of the ones with at least one non-Sue Deaf character, with a * if there are multiple: The Signing, The Heist*, He Said She Said, Girl Who Signed Wolf, Homeland Security, Bad Hair Day, Into Thin Air*, The Holocaust Survivor*, Elvis is in the Building*, Did She or Didn't She, The Fraternity*, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Troy Story*, Endings and Beginnings*. But yeah, I can't exactly recommend it, just trying to be honest about the pros and cons.
Switched at Birth - I really don't recommend this one either. I understand some people like it, but I have to give my disclaimer that if you watch a couple episodes and think "Well, I didn't like that, but maybe it will get better," lose that hope right now. To me, it only got worse. There is soooo much SimCom (yes, even later in the show when everyone should have learned to sign. Do NOT think there will be more or better signing later on). Daphne's actress has Meniere's disease; in a Reddit AMA, she said, quote, "Technically I am not deaf," so I really question why she was cast as the main Deaf character. Regardless of how she identifies, she is playing an experience she has not had; she isn't a native signer (she started learning in high school, not at age 3 like her character), and when she speaks in the show, she FAKES a "deaf accent". Also, this show is not as lighthearted as it looks, there are some truly disturbing plotlines that just get brushed over. Maybe you love this kind of drama - power to you. I'm just asking that if you watch a couple episodes and don't care for it, quit. Read some episode summaries on the wiki if you need to satisfy your curiosity, but don't hold out hope and watch almost 2 seasons' worth while feeling worse and worse about it l like I did. Moving on:
All or mostly signing:
Deaf U (reality show, on Netflix)
WHAT? (movie; comedy, silent movie; on Prime)
Blue Apple (creepy short film) https://media.gallaudet.edu/media/Blue+Apple+%281994%29/1_wke1swj2 also like. click around on the website. Gallaudet has soooooo much media available (plays, films, etc)
Scarecrow (creepy short film), also a Gallaudet production https://ssl.gallaudet.edu/videolibrary/?embed=16500 tbh there's not a ton of dialogue in this one, so maybe don't watch it if you don't like slow pacing
Don't Shoot the Messenger (raunchy YouTube series about an interpreter)
Barbie in ASL (On Max. It's the movie Barbie, but with a Deaf interpreter in the corner). There are a couple other ones on Max too I think, including Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
PBS also has some stuff with ASL interpretation. I didn't check everything so I don't know if they're all done by Deaf interpreters, but I recognized Jeremy Lee Stone as the interpreter for (at least some of) the Arthur episodes, and Lisa McBee for (at least some of) the Daniel Tiger ones https://pbskids.org/videos/american-sign-language-full-episodes
speaking of Jeremy Lee Stone, his Youtube channel is a great resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9HZ1JdV1Us
as are Nathie Marbury's storytelling videos https://www.youtube.com/@dawnsignpress/search?query=nathie
other kids' stories and resources for kids: https://www.youtube.com/@RMDSCO from Rocky Mountain Deaf School and https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhbEjnwOPpyIHotZrGLu68OGeEZlTuvbg from Texas School for the Deaf (some of these are captioned or follow along with a book that they show on screen, but some aren't)
a few nonfiction Youtube series: Daily Moth (general news), Atomic Hands (STEM education), Quantum ASL (STEM education - just a couple longer videos, the rest are basically dictionary entries), BEHEARDDC (prison abolition), Joel West Barish (travel), Rogan Shannon (queer topics), Melmira (interviews)
Sign with Robert (available for free on both Kanopy and Tubi): this is mostly just general ASL teaching, but there are some episodes specifically labeled receptive practice where he tells jokes and stories (25, 26, and 29 - for 26 and 29 they play the stories twice, with captions the second time so you can see what you missed, it's actually super nice haha)
her specific channel doesn't have much, but you can just look up Melanie McKay-Cody, who does research about Indigenous sign languages (she is herself Cherokee). Lots of videos from her all over Youtube
SoCal Stories (interviews with folks including Marlee Matlin, CJ Jones, Bernard Bragg...): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8T937th3Qg&list=PLwR2tgM-4_AYjBRvj3GWqWRjjMiZz_w8u this is part of the Youtube channel Convo Communications, which has tons of other stuff I haven't explored
ASL music videos: this list was curated by a Deaf person so I trust it https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx1wHz1f-8J_xKVdU7DGa5RWIwWzRWNVt
Deafies in Drag (Youtube comedy series)
Reverie (short film, drama. Heavy themes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiFWE6Mtpu0
Perfect Match (short film, drama / sci fi) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxE65yzMgyE
The Witnesses (short film, satire) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u9iQ_hjXDg
4 translations of MLK's I Have a Dream speech: Richard Bailey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H2-3O-NJFg (no captions or voiceover), JC Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUmdM965Si8 , Takiyah Harris (rough video quality on this one) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiyG_h1tnZE , Missouri School for the Deaf students https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mmxJByigac
jooux (sexual wellness resource): https://www.youtube.com/@jooux/videos
Mostly Speaking:
Sound of Metal (movie; drama; on Prime) (the late-deafened characters are not played by Deaf actors, but there's still a lot of Deaf actors. Most of the signing is mid-movie, and if I remember correctly, some is not subtitled, while some is)
Children of a Lesser God (movie; available on Kanopy). The signing isn't subtitled (it's mostly voice-interpreted by another character) and also it was very hard to understand - I gather it leaned more toward SEE? So that's why it's in intermediate.
Star Trek TNG S2E5: Loud as a Whisper (on Paramount+): no subtitles; most of the signing is voice interpreted, but not all. All the ASL is in the 2nd half but there's still a good amount, I thought
All or mostly signing:
look up Gallaudet Theatre Arts on Youtube. There's actually a variety of levels here (of the two I've watched, Bunnicula has voiceover, but Midsummer Night's Dream doesn't. The audio/video quality isn't great on any of it). I'm listing it as Intermediate because for e.g. Shakespeare you can just look up the script of the play and have it in another tab to check what's going on.
Sign (short film; some sexual content) https://vimeo.com/157890479 I was able to understand most of this, which means it's a loooot easier than the Shakespeare, but yeah, no subtitles, no voiceover, no help
The Deaf Family (YouTube sitcom) (don't be fooled, only the first episode has subtitles) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1uuntQOPnw&list=PLx1wHz1f-8J9KzkK5lLO3z0wk64eUzo3Y
Deaf Traditions: Storytelling and Poetry https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIpW9QfUw6zwGKJ0N_HGH_8PnF8g7FSmg these range from easy to hard, I would say. No subtitles
Bonus warning categories:
Doesn't have as much signing as you'd think
(ranked roughly from most signing to least signing)
The Circle, Season 5 (reality show on Netflix. I did really enjoy the Deaf contestant but I definitely wanted more)
Fargo, season 1-ish (show; horror? On Hulu) I only watched a few episodes but Russell was only getting like 5 min screen time per episode and i wasn't enjoying the show otherwise, so it wasn't worth it for me personally
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist S1E9: Zoey's Extraordinary Silence (jukebox musical TV show. On Peacock)
Only Murders in the Building (mystery show on Hulu) - through the 4 seasons of the show, the Deaf character (Theo Dimas) is in 4 episodes, then 2, then 1, then 0. 🤷‍♀️
The Family Stone (I did enjoy the movie though tbh. on Hulu)
Curb Your Enthusiasm S12E3: Vertical Drop, Horizontal Tug (TV comedy, on Max) Troy only gets like 5 min of screentime 😭 he's an Academy Award winner...
Queer as Folk S1E4: F*ck Disabled People (on Peacock) (Nyle is in it but I don't think he even ever talks to anyone else who can sign? He's mostly communicating via writing)
Not Worth It
What the Bleep Do We Know: attempted to watch this "doc" without realizing beforehand that it was all pseudoscience. Honestly, I'm not even sure there was signing in it? I think there was a little
Wonderstruck (2017). There are multiple Deaf actors on the roster. But not one of them gets to sign *anything* as far as I could tell. (One plays a character who hasn't learned to sign, I think at least two were playing hearing people (I do support Deaf actors taking hearing roles, but not if you're gonna take that as an excuse to do the reverse.... which this movie did.....), and some must have had barely any screentime). Two hearing actors get to sign (also the signing doesn't start til like the last 20 min of the movie), and two other hearing actors briefly fingerspell. 👎
Intentionally Didn't Watch (the summary was that bad)
These included Deaf people despite not really wanting them to exist!!!! (think along the lines of forcing ppl to get cochlear implants)
Scrubs S6E16, "My Words of Wisdom" https://scrubs.fandom.com/wiki/My_Words_of_Wisdom someone described this episode to me in a bit more detail than the summary here, and yeah. not good
House S5E22, "House Divided" https://house.fandom.com/wiki/House_Divided legit infuriating
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tamago-silly-thesis · 1 month ago
First impression about Teenage blue by Eve
⚠️ Repost from my Twitter account and on teenage blue official audio comment section.
Original date : 09/11/24
More contexte to better understand my thoughts : I didn't liked the song, and also I was very anxious about UnderBlue album release :0
Silly Eve thesis number 1 : Teenage blue
To start, I want to say that I don't like this song so much unfortunately. I am going to talk about this song in positive and negative ways. It does not means that the song is bad, its Just my opinion and if you like this song I am happy for you :]
Its not because Eve is my favorite artist and one of the most important thing of my life that I have to like and agree everything they do and say.
So, about teenage blue, (I'll start with the negative you can skip to the postive if you want 🐸) to me this song sound a little Boring and not interesting, the melody seems a little to much common and I feel like the intrumental of the studio ver. Is a little superficial.
Its in many Eve songs and almost every music internationally released but the drums are not real drums but à syncronized beat. In my personnal opinion, real drums sounds really better but I know why and I undertand why peoples use beats instead of real drums. In this song, the sound of the beat, even if the beat programmation is done by Eve's band drummer Hori-san sound quite Boring.
Same for the bass line, instead of being a complex and powerfull musical line like in other songs, this time it is just the fundamentals (the base line of the music dunno if I express myself well).
I guess its Eve and their team of artist and musician who made this musical production choice and I will not blame them for that if I don't like it (you know, its taste lol) I Just found this song quite "easy to hear" like some kind of product. (In fact, this song is made for "Blue box/Ao no hako" anime ending I'll talk about it later)
But even if I don't like the song I'll talk about everything I found cool :
First of all, Eve's vocal and lyrics are cool.
I'll talk about the lyrics (I'll do an analysis) next week :)
I like the global meaning of the song and Eve's vocal are very good in the way that it feel like coming from the heart. Also, Numa's guitare riff is also interesting and gives a dynamic energy (same for the little sound that echoes it, yk it goes "titililitilili, owowow" if you undertand what I'm talking about).
I also like the bridge, when the melody goes high. This part has a kinda unique and surprenant melody that is to me, very interesting :] (its my favorite part)
I also want to talk about the mini-accoustic ver. Eve shared on Twitter. So this ver. Was made by Eve to share the guitare tab of the song for peoples who wants to learn it.
Honestly, I found this guitare accoustic ver. WAY MORE cool than the studio ver.
Lemme explain why :
In the guitare ver. There are only guitares, Eve's voice, and a beat made from the guitare (dunno how to explain it in english help go listen to this ver. If you want to undertand). The instrumental that I found superficial are replaced by these sound that feel more real and more honest to me, and give to this song something more, I dunno how to explain its something like, more emotionnal impact and humanity inside of the song.
In fact, this song is energetic and to me, it is full of humanity, but in the studio ver. these feelings are lacking. That's why I believe it's a song that will be way better live, when Eve is close to the fans and give them the energy, the emotion and the humanity of this song, and where the fan also give energy to Eve and the band members. (Like gunjo sanka, I didn't liked the song so much before hearing it live in the Budokan Zingai DVD)
To finish, To add that this song is made for the anime "Blue Box/Ao no hako", I didn't watched the anime (Cuz I have no time to rn but I think I will) but I've read the two first volume and the song Eve made for the ending fits really well to this story. About the story of the manga itself, I found it cooland someway interesting even if it stays easy in the two first volume. About these kind of slice of life/romance/highschool mangas, I prefer "Blue flag/Ao no flag" (the titles sound similar 😭) by Kaito who is in fact, my favorite manga of all time. (It has no anime unfortunately).
English is not my native langage lol sorry for the mistakes
Feel free to comment you thoughs about the song, why and what you like and dislike in it, what this song means to you in your life and all the emotions that it gives to you I'll be very interested and happy to read :]
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ggitty · 2 months ago
(JN anon) Heh, rediscovering my love for the series, it's a miracle the flash games from the promo shorts and movie prologue survived. Oh, the fact he had a THANKSGIVING balloon before SPONGEBOB. An Orlando Studios ride. (Even saw old drawn promo art and newspaper-like comics on auction sites. It's so funny things kept weaving back and forth between his movie design and his show one) Jimmy was a Rugrats/Spongebob-tier MASCOT in his day.
Speaking of 3D, I get this show hasn't aged the best, but if we're talking bad animation {NOT art-style, which I think most usually mean when referring to it}, this show ain't it and it's kinda sad some often point to Jimmy as an example. It's from the start of the 2000s, 3D stuff was still finding its footing. Even Shrek. I could tell even back then, this series had a lot of heart and effort put into it. You can see a clear improvement from Johnny Quasar to the 3rd season. (Imagine how it could look TODAY.)
It took to 2020 for Nick to be like "Oh yeah, people liked Jimmy, right?". Here's a complete series and movie DVD, some game appearances including Roblox, Portal Chase cameo, shirt and cup merch, a Funko [with more on the way], and two Youtooz plushies. Oh, and a reboot that didn't happen, that should be enough for the fans, right? :P
Yeah, Red Acres was supposed to about some fast food guy that ended up in space, right? But Nick said no to adult [human] protagonists cause they think it wouldn't work. (Though I've also had read that Planet Sheen had a more serious plot initially than what it ended up being. Had they went with it, might have fared better.) To be honest, wouldn't surprise me if Planet Sheen is why Nick is so paranoid at the thought of investing in Jimmy again. (If a reboot does happen, I wonder how they'll handle acknowledging Planet Sheen. It could go so many ways)
I wouldn't mind them experimenting with a 2D-animated episode; I've always envisioned that if such a thing were to happen, it clearly would NOT have the FOP-artstyle from the Power Hours. (A New Wish is basically what FOP would look like done in [stylized] 3D. JN characters are modeled like a figure that can be viewed at any angle. It's like the Peanuts Movie vs Puss in Boots 2.)
True, but if there is a silver lining, a lot of the old crew has expressed that they're willing to come back to work with Jimmy again just like old times. Should they [finally] have their way, the main concern is how much free-range they'll have. (Cause I could see certain elements not coming back, or be changed to accommodate modern times.)
It's really a miracle that this survived lol, usually these things fall first. I remember finding it and being like, “Oh no way this survived,” but it did! It was nice to find a part of JN's history that I couldn't directly touch at the time of its life
I'm not from the US or an English-speaking country, so my first experience with this franchise is quite different. I found out about the movie's promo shorts only years later lol (imagine how confused I was by the scenes from the movie in the first opening, I just couldn't understand where those scenes came from and why I never got to that episode lol) But yes, it turned out to be a BIG show for the network at the time
Exactly! We can talk about outdated textures, rendering or questionable visual choices, but the animation itself, the way the characters are rigged and the details in the animation and body language, especially by the time of season 3, still hold up and, as troubled as the production was as rumored, I can't say that those who worked on it didn't give a damn because oh they did a fantastic job, ESPECIALLY for a show from the early 00s with a TV budget and a tight schedule.
It IS impressive how much they were able to squeeze from the powers of the early 00s CGI on publicly available 3D software! And JN is absolutely not deservedly put down just because a show from the 00s doesn't look like a Pixar of that time. Well no shit geniuses!
“Oh well, throw them something" content lol I never even heard about Roblox collab (because the only thing I played there was Warrior Cats Ultimate a few years ago and some dragon simulator) but it was such a big deal that I found a whole one video about it, and it's on TikTok, in Spanish lol
Yeah, I mean Nick has been kind of paranoid in recent years about anything that doesn't reach the highest standard of viewership and payback (and unfortunately this trend has been airborne or something, considering how many good shows are being canceled)
So I really wouldn't be surprised if every time someone brought up the topic of a reboot/another season of JN, somewhere in the Nick's heads collective corporate minds the opening of Planet Sheen starts playing ominous lol
(You know that clip from Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated where they acknowledge the existence of Scrappy-Doo? I would die for this lol This show is a blueprint for the concept of “Old media with a new twist and a more mature setting done right” )
Absolutely! Like, give it your spin, experiment with it, but I definitely can't handle intentional or not weaving JN into FOP any further. I love these shows like Cake and Mashed Potatoes, as separate meals lol
True! In the end, it always comes down to the people responsible for the creative process and their never-ending fight for vision in the face of the networks “safe content zone” (although I agree that if the show returns, some elements just haven't stood the test of time for one reason or another)
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grandpasnailgroovy · 1 year ago
okay so im gonna take that literally heres a couple paragraphs of my thoughts on the film. (spoilers)
like i said this was the second time ive watched it. i watched it once when i was younger but all i remembered was when kida floated upwards, i remembered nothing about the plot just about how milo looked!
I got Atlantis in a 2nd hand dvd bundle of films almost a year ago but i thought i might as well watch it since i had nothing else to do.
The first thing i noticed was the animation. it was so fluid and satisfying to watch. the 3d and the 2d went really well with each other. i love the way the mechanics and large objects were 3d, it shows the animators put in so much effort to make it perfect. The animation was so good i didnt want to look down at my food to miss it. Every frame was like a star, you can see how much thought they put into small scenes, and the fight scenes and impressive scenes were so well done i can't even put it into words
The next thing i noticed was the character design. They were all so different and familiar. and drawable! I loved their hair, I like milos hair because it looks like french fries. and i like kidas hair because the layers are pretty. The way they animated her hair in the water and when she was floating was so pretty. Not one character looked dull, they all had something special about them. You can tell that people poured their heart into designing them and animating them. this movie has so many hearts and souls in it.
Next, the dialogue was funny. i didnt have captions on, because when i use dvds i either dont know how to turn captions on, or by the time the film starts i cant figure out how to go back to the main menu, so i missed quite a bit of dialogue lol but some of the lines caught me by surprise, and It's nice to be surprised! The script has been really carefully made and it seems like they made part of a language for it!
Then the character personalities. Milo milo milo i love milo hes so nerdy and cute. hes so passionate about atlantis and so excitable. Kida was such a good match for him, shes passionate too and they both rely on each other. she needs him to read the secrets, and he needs her because shes outgoing and confident and tbh he prob doesnt have any friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved how they gave every character a little story :) I also like how towards the end the characters turned against the bad guy (i called it for him to be evil the second i saw him!) but thats just because im a sucker for that kind of thing! I quite like how they killed the bad guys off since its just fiction :) but i literally cannot remember anyones name apart from milo and kida, but i plan on rewatching soon!! im gonna watch the bonus features as well! I loved the rock protectors because they reminded me of the iron giant (which i need to rewatch as well) while i was watching the scene where they put up the forcefield, every frame was just so impressive and well thought out. the lava flow, and the rocks cracking through the light was just so great. I cant wait to watch the sequel, i hope it isnt awful!
but yeah it was perfect
12/1- i also need to acknowledge that it wasnt perfect at all becuase of certain elements like milo being a white saviour and kida being needed to be saved. someone put it really well here
Atlantis the lost empire is a really great film and I just watched it for the second time after like ten years and I will not shut up about it
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kittyball23 · 2 years ago
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Welp, happy 1-year anniversary to this movie! While not the best, it still exists 🤷 Honestly the best parts of it for me was seeing the Ericka and Mavis moments. I also was kinda hoping there would be a DVD out by now so I could complete the collection I have at home, but I’m sure whatever contract is needed for that is floating in limbo somewhere too. Anywho, I’ve put some of my answers to a 20-question game from the Amino App that was made for the first movie’s 10th anniversary (didn’t see that post until a couple of days ago, lol) under the cut in case you wanna know more about my thoughts on Transformania and also the rest of the franchise! :D
Thoughts on the franchise as a whole
Ah yes, Hotel Transylvania. To have sparked 4 movies, a show, shorts, some video games, and graphic novels, I’m guessing it was popular enough among folks xD For me, the movies are cute enough as they go, and entertaining with its cartoonish interpretation of classic horror icons. There are memorable moments and characters, maybe even good life lessons at times. Overall enjoyable films, and a fun watch :)
2) Favorite character
Ericka Van Helsing. She’s a bad@ss 😎
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3) Favorite movie
3rd movie, hands down. A lot that had to do with how entertaining the Van Helsings were and also for giving us the Drericka ship ^_^
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4) Favorite song
3rd movie had a lot of great songs, but if I had to decide my favorite it would be “Love is Not Hard to Find” from movie 4
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5) Favorite video game
Don’t play video games, so N/A
6) Favorite actor/actress
Kathryn Hahn ✨
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7) Thoughts on the TV series
Well, I only saw a handful of episodes from the TV series… and then stopped xD Idk, I guess it just wasn’t what I thought. Characters felt a little OOC, and just didn’t hold my interest :/ Honestly, what I would have liked would be a show taking place post HT1/HT2 since it takes place in about a 8-year time period give or take and could potentially have stories to tell with humans and monsters getting along, looking more into how they’ve each adapted at the hotel, and also just more of the characters we’re familiar with from the movies themselves
8) Favorite episode of the TV series
Like I said, haven’t been dedicated to watching the TV series, so can’t really say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9) Favorite character from the TV series
From the episodes I did watch, I’d say Lydia was most entertaining
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10) Favorite graphic novel
Motel Transylvania. I like the concept of expanding the hotel, and Johnny’s efforts in trying to make that happen xD
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11) Genndy or Derrick (Director)
Probably Genndy
12) Adam or Brian (Dracula’s voice actors)
They’re both great, honestly
13) First impression of this franchise
The first movie came out when I was in like 6th grade, and I do recall classmates taking about wanting to go see it. But it didn’t really catch my interest, even when I did watch it for the first time in 2018. I felt it was too childish, and the fast movements bothered me
14) Latest impressions of this franchise
I think it’s kind of losing its steam a bit, because plot-wise 4 wasn’t the best it could be (which I guess was also part of the reason that led to the decline of the fandom…) but guess I can still appreciate what we have
15) How did you discover this franchise
My little bro got interested back in 2018 after seeing trailers for the third movie
16) Favorite zing
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17) Favorite moment of all time
Transformania’s smoochy time scene (I mean hey, it’s pretty much the closest we got to an on-screen liplock from Drericka, plus I just can’t get enough of how clearly in love these two are with each other 😍 And how grossed out Mavis is as a result of that xD)
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18) Did the finale satisfy you
Err… it was okay. Nothing more, nothing less. I do like the idea of Drac retiring and giving up the hotel to Mavis and Johnny, but the execution of the rest of the film’s plot I felt didn’t do it as much justice as it could have. I guess with all the switching around with the release date for this movie going further and further out, I was anticipating something worth the wait (also, January 14th?? The October release date I think would’ve been ideal since it’s spooky month. Even this January would’ve made more sense since it has a Friday the 13th in it)
19) Do you wish for more
At some point, yes, but maybe in 5+ years as a breather. If it does come back, I think an animated special of some kind would be cool, or a 2D show that takes place after part 4 with the brand-new hotel
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20) Would you recommend this franchise
All in all, I would say yes! If you want just some silliness to pass time, with a mostly likeable ensemble of characters, then this is it :)
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nick-close · 3 years ago
Ok now that I’m done being bright eyed over the finale I’m gonna be mad again- I don’t take back that it was the best finale it could’ve been I’m just ALSO so. GOD. This might come off as in a harsh tone, so if that’s not your thing you can skip this lol. I do still love the show with all my heart, don’t let my rant make you think otherwise.
Just. Everything with Glenn. EVERYTHING WITH GLENN.
I don’t know how many times I can reiterate he lost fucking EVERYTHING. To come to WHAT? The conclusion he wanted to be in nicks life more? and didn’t wanna be like his dad? Yeah no that seems a lot easier when he’s not,,, a single fucking parent raising a child without a support system huh!
Glenn could’ve come to that same conclusion, fought to get more time with Nick and stuff- without losing over a decade of his life, an eye, his kid, and now having to see the face of his dead wife fucking constantly.
The main problem was Nick idolizing his dad and them acting more like friends than a parent and child- but guess what? You know how they solved that?
It wasn’t confronting the issue or genuinely making both characters understand and improve their relationship.
It was getting rid of one of the characters. It was exchanging Nick for somebody else because hey!! Nick can’t idolize Glenn if Nick doesn’t fucking exist!
The problem wasn’t fixed!!! They didn’t LEARN from that!! Glenn being away sucked, but it wasn’t their issue! I mean again he was gone for Christmas, as a Christmas cover band. That sucks, but it was his JOB and probably the date they would make the most money so he could support his kid. Working on Christmas feels IMPORTANT for Glenn if his career surrounds that. Touring, and y’know- DJing- were how he was keeping them standing financially. And he fully hid one of those jobs for Nick so that Nick would think he was cool. He wanted Nicks approval just as much as Nick needed his.
I’m not saying Glenn’s ONLY issue was the nick and him being friends instead of family and like. The pressure nick felt to be like him- but I’m saying that that SEEMED to be the main issue that Glenn was supposed to be focused on fixing. That was what was laid out alongside Darryl’s communication issues and Henry’s lack of discipline- they all have other shit. But they had a MAIN issue.
And Glenn’s WAS NEVER SOLVED. WE HAVE NO PROOF HE HAS LEARNED THAT LESSON. Sure, he brought the minions DVD! But again- Glenn not showing interest in things nick liked was NOT THE ISSUE! Even the asmr mention- “Nick liked asmr-“ showed he does listen to things nick says he likes- Nick didn’t TELL Glenn about liking minions until the TRIAL. AGAIN, PART OF THE PROBLEM. HE DIDN’T WANNA MENTION IT CUZ HE KNEW HIS DAD DIDNT LIKE IT. THATTT IS THE PROBLEM.
The problem was ‘I don’t wanna harsh the vibes’. The problem was ‘nick doesn’t wanna talk about his problems incase it ruins Glenn’s mood’ and ‘Glenn doesn’t wanna confront about how he’s feeling incase that ruins nicks mood’. The problem is ‘I’ll do it if it’ll impress you!’
The problem was never ‘Glenn isn’t in Nicks life enough’ or ‘Glenn is too much like his dad.’ Again- those are partially problems as well! But they are NOT NOT NOT what Glenn was meant to get out of whatever sad attempt of an ‘arc’ he got.
No, Glenn got trauma. Glenn got replaced. And Glenn got the message that he was such a bad father to his kid he deserved to either DIE, or spend a lifetime in prison and let his kid go to someone else- and y’know what he did? He fucking chose to let Nick at least grow up with a dad.
And then Glenn was basically comparing himself to a married man with a stable career who... nick...idolized....and...wanted...to..be...exactly...like.... as if the issue was actively NOT Nick wanting to impress him constantly- with another guy that’s fine! No the issue was he was... a single man... with two unstable careers..... (ofc im leaving out details like the weed shit and stuff like that- ik thats bad, I’m not here to defend that- it’s just not the point.)
Glenn was basically told he fucked up SO irrepairably BAD that- he couldn’t learn different like Henry or Darryl or (arguably tbh) Ron- no, he did such a terrible job his son would be better off NOT EXISTING. Narc isn’t Nick. Lil Nicky ISNT NICK. NICK DOES NOT FUCKING EXIST. Glenn spent 12 years of his life raising this fucking kid, even if he wasn’t the best at it. And he has nothing to show for it.
God. I’m actually pissed thinking about it- the cherry on top being bringing Morgan back ofc. Because now he’s not even learning to coparent this kid, or have a fucked up messy little family- he’s just not NEEDED as someone in nicks life. He’s a weird third party invading on this other family he was never a part of because it’s the closest he can get to having his own. Nick has 2 loving fucking parents. Demon Nick talking to Glenn sounds like, PITY. Like it doesn’t sound like he views Glenn as any sort of figure in his life- it sounds like he feels bad so much shit happened to him. And I get it! Nicky has no attachment to Glenn! He’s just trying to be nice to someone who lost fucking everything.
Glenn wasn’t given a chance to change for his kid. He didn’t make the conscious choice to try and better himself. Glenn was put in the corner and told ‘improve’ while the person the improvement was meant to affect stopped existing. Glenn developed- but he sure as fuck didn’t become a better father. Because at the end of the day? He isn’t one. Because at the end of the day, he appearently doesn’t deserve to be one.
I don’t believe every story has to have a moral. But if Glenn’s did, it would be a fucking awful one.
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yakocchi · 4 years ago
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Our Prenuptial Nightmare // Eisuke
hooray, finally the end to this dumb season LOL but i like this one a lot…… maybe it’s even the one from this season only worth reading (i havent read all of them tho)
well this one is actually kind of refreshing bc as i posted before, it’s abt the MC losing her memories. she’s not just a season 1 blank slate… she doesn’t remember anything after getting a job at the Tres Spades, so she barely remembers her own friends as well. yikesu
my rambling behind the cut
so eisuke honestly treats her the same as he always does, just obviously more distanced (im gonna read the His POV after this so idk rn). shes pretty spooked about this scary guy, maybe even more than she was in season 1 since he’s way more caring about her health or w/e despite being a CEO and all. for a pretty long time, he keeps her stuck in the hospital. he brings her a dvd that contains a media appearance of him publicly introducing her as his fiancée and she’s like “tf, is this a prank???” and all sorts of ppl visit her and stuff. shes still pretty much in disbelief about the whole thing until her parents come visit and they clearly know who this weird guy is
eventually she gets stuck in his penthouse instead. tbh she’s probably not “healthy” enough to work rn given that she doesn’t remember anything about her job, but she can’t even step one foot outside the room without soryu and his goons (appointed by eisuke) being like “HEY WAT U DOIN” so it’s kind of dull and jarring for her haha. later she finds a diary that she wrote in before her memory loss and she’s like “oh wow……. i was simpin that hard for this guy huh” (ok more like “wow, i really love this guy huh”… but i mean same thing). she also wants to make food for him and cooked up a risotto but since eisuke’s been busy af, she ends up falling asleep before he comes home (late) to eat it.
then eventually she presses forward about learning more bc she feels that eisuke is hiding a lot about himself, esp. in terms of what he does. and shes right abt that bc hes purposefully not saying anything abt the black market auctions, etc. eventually eisuke gives in and explains to her the whole 20m bid thing that started this whole romance. she tells him she wants to learn more, and so eisuke turns it into a whole date. They have a date that’s the “type of date for a first date”, and then it concludes with the inn at Kobe.
PART 2 eisuke makes it sound like hes gonna bone her but obv the guy is just teasing for the most part and it ends p cute bc he’s sweet (sweet for his standards) about it. later they go to that same petting zoo or w/e with the cute bunnies. lol eventually the same bunny that doesn’t seem to hate him shows up too. they end up bringing the rabbit home (the rabbit’s name is Maron, as in “chestnut”) to take care of. i guess maron is their animal bebe now it’s been like a month, so she returns to work eventually. hikaru notes that she’s doing pretty well for someone who doesn’t remember how any of this works. but then later, she passes out while remembering the strange discussion she overheard the day she lost her memories. eisuke goes WAH MC and then when she eventually wakes up and he’s like “it’s ok, dw abt it” while she’s like “bro i got something to tell u”. next day he tells her that he’s made her the Floor Leader of the eventual “Tres Spades Maldives”, but then she realizes during the flight that the man with her is not Eisuke, but Yuuma sent there to comfort her and also to do the Maldives business stuff. it’s obvious eisuke’s trying to separate from her. after all, it’s been a month and there’s no sign of her memories returning. he’s pretty blunt about organizing all of it without her realizing (wow what’s new). she’s really sad about it but relents and goes with it anyway. i mean eisuke is obviously pretty sad about it too since he parts with her with that genuine smile and says along the lines of “Don’t forget… that I’ve always loved your dumb face.” why i QQin BRO
well hikaru and yuuma are here in maldives so not too bad. also the penthouse bedroom is pretty good, it’s an aquarium lookin thing anyway so obv eventually the “generic gangster model” guy has to show up and kidnap her. well yuuma comes to the rescue and blahblah they want to murder her bc eisuke knew too much abt business nonsense going on again and then she dives into the sea. before she drowns, the real eisuke miraculously shows up to save her blahblah everyone else comes to save the day (2) and then they return to the Maldives suite. eisuke is like “smh i should’ve taught u how to protect urself” (…) “swear to me that u will not behave like an idiota ever again” and her memories come back after she goes “I can’t promise that (…) if you put yourself into danger, then I will continue to do the same” and has a flashback of his confessions from various seasons. HUGS lol that cg really has him going :I before a : )
everything goes back to normal, she finds a ring on her right hand and they’re wearing like… couple rings..... boi you guys are supposed to be married soon, just wait for those well fin. i skipped a buncha stuff in this “ramble” but yea my first impressions and all
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iheartgod175 · 3 years ago
Thoughts on The Roman Holidays… (UPDATED 12/01/22)
Since I’ve been watching the series over the last few days, I feel that I can articulate my thoughts a bit more here.
First Impressions
For starters, I can completely understand why the show was cancelled. There are moments where the show’s attempts to stay “hip and current” with the times (the 70s) were not only flat but also pretty darn cringe, not to mention the animation here is worse than some of the strangest H-B cartoons of this time period.
The fact that the template used for the Flintstones was hardly changed to give the Holidays a chance to stand on their own two feet (ie. Gus works at the marble quarry, is a cheapskate, has a horrible boss and enjoys bowling to de-stress) is a huge detriment. It even takes the family template from the Jetsons, but it switched out Judy and Elroy.
But in spite of all this…it DOES have its own kinda charm. That’s why I’ve been watching it for this long, lol. If it didn’t have “The Flintstones but IN ROME” thing attached to it, it MIGHT have been better.
I won’t lie, though. The theme song is a total bop. It sounds to me that Precocia’s voice actress was the only one with some singing talent, though, since it was done by the cast.
Dramatis Personae (The Characters)
Our leading man, Gus Holiday, is my favorite character alongside Evictus. He’s not as loutish as Fred, and more snarky than George-and similar to those two, his own get-rich-quick schemes kinda fall flat on his face in ways that are utterly hilarious. Plus he’s got an “I don’t get paid enough to deal with this ish” face and it is PRICELESS. I’m gonna draw it one day and post it to my blog. That being said, I DO wish he had a foil to balance off of him, like how Barney bounces off of Fred. The show attempted that with Herman, Groovia’s dad, but, eh, I wasn’t really feeling it.
Speaking of Herman, he and his wife were annoying.
Brutus is a third fave, although I’m disappointed that we didn’t get to have Daws Butler use the full extent of his talent—he would’ve stolen the show if he did, no doubt. Happius “Hap” Holiday, the teenage son, is not bad as a character either.
Evictus is my second favodrite character, in part due to his unlikability being so cartoonish that it’s great. Everybody literally everyone drags him through the show, while he gets to drag the Holidays and anybody around on occasion. I love it.
Not fond of Mr. Tycoonius, probably because he barely showed up. He’s basically like Mr. Slate 2.0, but didn’t have much of the charm (or hateable characteristics) that Slate had. In fact, the blurb on the DVD mentions him as though he has all this importance, only for him to show up in like four of the show’s episodes. Like, really. On the other hand, I didn’t like him when he did get an episode that focused on him, so I guess H-B did their job right.
The female characters of the show are kinda…eh. Laurie, Precocia, and Groovia do have their strong points, but they just aren’t as memorable as Wilma and Betty or Jane and Judy.
If I had to say who was my favorite female character, I’d have to go with Laurie. She not only keeps things on an even keel, but also seems to work with Gus and will go to bat for him (more on that below). And yes, while she does fall into the same shopping crazy habits that Wilma and Jane had, it doesn’t dominate her personality like either of those two (well, not really Wilma. Jane, though, yes.).
Precocia’s snarkiness is hilarious, but the show really underutilized her character, other than she’s supposedly a child genius. Like, she literally gets one episode, and it doesn’t really do much for her as a character—in fact, it’s more focused on Gus, than anything.
Groovia is okay, though her occasional gullibility gets on my nerves.
Honestly, though, how the Holidays haven’t been evicted yet despite LITERALLY BREAKING THE RULES OF THE LEASE (and occasionally causing other screw ups because of Gus’ schemes) is beyond me. They are coated with so much plot armor, they should’ve been in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
The Worst of the Worst
You know you’re in for a special kind of treat when the show makes you cringe in the first episode. I mean, there were some funny moments, especially when Precocia snarks at Gus’ cousin and everyone makes fun of Gus for his crazy idea, but I’m not kidding when I tell you that the whole scene where Gus has to pretend to be a teenager is one of the most cringeworthy things I have EVER seen. And this is coming from someone who genuinely likes the Galaxy Goof-Ups.
The episodes with Hap and Groovia were a bit more grating, though. “The Big Split-Up”, which featured them at their stupidest AND their worst, was a sour point for me.
Another episode I wasn’t terribly fond of was “Star For a Day”. Two reasons—one, the animation was HORRIBLE. Two, the music really, REALLY got on my nerves. H-B cranks out some good tunes majority of the time, even in their worst works, but this…ugh, this was just BAD. Add in the basic “Prince and the Pauper” plot, and yeah, a pretty generic episode.
The Best of the Best
One of my favorite episodes was “Switch is Which?” In it, Gus stays up all night working on a project for a big client, and Laurie has to pretend to be him in his place to both save his job and the project. The ruse works well (somehow) until the big client invites himself into “Gus’” home, forcing Gus and Laurie to dress as each other. In addition to the hilariously bad disguises and the ribbing that both Laurie and Gus get from their kids about them (and said client flirts with Gus in his disguise!), there’s a great moment in the end where their disguises are revealed, and the big client, rather than shutting down the whole thing like Tycoonius was starting to do, asks to get the whole story from “the man of the house”. One would assume he’d turn to Gus, but he actually turns to Laurie and she explains without hesitation. Seeing their devotion to each other, the client takes on the project, and Tycoonius doesn’t fire Gus, and Evictus doesn’t evict him; said client OWNS the bank of Rome, meaning Evictus has to answer to him. Laurie went to bat for Gus here, even though she admits that she knows nothing about his job or what it entails, and did so without shaming him OR bragging about it. In today’s times, such things would be seen as “woke”, but kudos to Hanna-Barbera for handling it well and not making it cringe.
“Hero-Sandwiched” was also a really good episode. True, Gus allows the attention to get to his head, and the other half where he’s arrogant and intolerable is really a dream, but his initial response to being hailed a hero is commendable, especially since most episodes featuring “accidental heroism” features the main character creating a world of lies only to have it blow up in his face. Gus just wanted to set the record straight before it got out of hand, and I have to give him props for that.
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ihopesocomic · 3 years ago
While Zira is clearly an awful mother- I do like her reaction in Nuka’s death scene. I like seeing scenes where we see villains as not just ‘the villain’; the way she yelled no and shoved Kovu aside to find Nuka then comforts him. It shows she did love her children in a way but it makes me feel more bad for her children as well- she loves her children but not enough to put their needs above her desire for vengeance; she uses them and makes them believe she’s doing it for their own good. That Simba ruined their lives by killing Scar and exiling them- that they, mainly Kovu, needs to make sure he pays for it. She barely gave Nuka any attention until he got hurt then died because of her.
She doesn’t even put any blame on her- she immediately shifts the blame onto Kovu even when Kovu stands up to her, making him feel guilty for something he didn’t do. She then puts the blame on Simba for corrupting Kovu. Zira is a pretty well written villain for me- it kind of impresses me how well of a villain she is for a straight to dvd sequel.
You're right, Anon. She's honestly the best thing about Lion King 2 for me, which is saying something cuz I really don't like the movie as a whole LOL Who woulda thought a Disney sequel would've made a really good villain. - Cat
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otakween · 2 years ago
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Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 - Disc 5
This volume is called "The legendary power of the digimental," so I guess we'll be getting an armor evolve? Also...what the heck is Taichi wearing on the cover. Looks kinda silly...
Ch. 29
-We get a Taichi-free chapter where it's Leomon's turn to shine! Of course he dies, because Leomon always dies lol. I felt bad for the baby digimon who lost their mentor :'c
Ch. 30
-Oh oops, I guess Leomon wasn't dead. Coulda fooled me! This time it was HolyAngemon/Seraphimon's time to shine. I thought it was interesting how HolyAngemon digivolved by removing his "seal." That's a new one.
-The "Super Ultimate" digivolution is confusing since "Ultimate" means something different in dub vs. sub of the anime. I guess they're going for the Japanese version where ultimate is usually the final digivolution.
-Seraphimon unleashes his attack!
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(Does anyone else remember that show? I never watched it but it used to be on all the time lol).
Ch. 31
-They did the whole "this is my REAL body" thing with Venom Vamdemon. Still one of my least favorite digimon designs. It felt a little anti-climactic that Zero ended the whole thing in one blow, especially after Leomon and Holy Angemon struggled. Kinda sus power-levels there.
-They reveal that Neo needs to find a digimental to get Arkadimon to "super ultimate," which threw me off. I thought Arkadimon was a special, artificially created digimon that was special BECAUSE it could reach super ultimate. Now they're saying that any digimon can reach super ultimate via a digimental? Okaaaay...
-Hideto enters the scene with his Omegamon. Another digimon that feels weird to be partnered with a tamer. It also feels weird to demote these boss-level digimon to mid-bosses. Kinda makes them feel less impressive.
-Never heard the name "Hideto" before, but a quick Google suggests it's normal...sounds kinda weird to me.
Ch. 32
-So I uh...literally got spoiled about the siblings twist right before I read this chapter because I looked something up in the wiki and saw Rei's last name. D'oh! I guess it's not that shocking when we know next to nothing about her anyways...
-I found it kind of interesting how the gang question if they're on the right side or not since Omegamon is supposed to be "a force for justice." It's a little annoying that this franchise keeps flip-flopping on whether some digimon are just innately good or not. They also kind of implied that Omegamon being a vaccine digimon means he's good too...I just want some consistency.
Ch. 33
-So we get Hideto's backstory in the chapter. The fact that the first 2 Alias characters were all quirky and he's just some normal, cool guy tells me he'll be a little more fleshed out.
-They really thought "Warg" and "Melga" were good names for Digimon (I get that it's from WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon but still...I guess everything sounds better in Japanese).
-So Neo's main motivation for taking over the digital world is to cure his sister's paraplegia? Uhhh...pretty sure wheelchair bound people still live very fulfilling lives, so that's weak.
Ch. 34
-A very interesting explanation of how digimons' lifespans work. Essentially, digimon express themselves by rapidly overwriting their data and digimon that process these overwrites at a faster rate have the downside of have a shorter lifespan. They used the analogy of how overwriting DVDs/CDs can degrade them. The part that threw me off is that Hideto was like "that's right, Zero has a short lifespan, meaning he can't digivolve any further." I thought they meant short lifespan as-in, he'll die soon, not a digivolution limitation? (Do digimon die of old age in this universe?)
-I like that Hideto seems to have some compassion while battling and tries to get Taichi to give up. He's a nice contrast to Neo who's always in crazy villain mode.
This volume felt really short and like not too much happened, just a bunch of battles with some backstory peppered in. It seems like the whole Neo Saiba thing won't go on for 4 more volumes, so I wonder where the story will go after his defeat? Maybe Demon would be next? I honestly keep forgetting about him because he never shows up lol.
P.S. I still don't know what Taichi's wearing on the cover lol
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stormblessed95 · 3 years ago
Memories 2015 Disc 4 Pt. 1
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So I asked awhile ago when I said I was going back to watch every memories DVD they have released so far, if you would be interested in commentary from me as I did so. There were a lot of people who said yes, so here we are! I have officially watched BTS Memories of 2015. Here are my thoughts as I went. There were only 4 DVDs in this one. Part 1 and 2 with the first 3 discs is already up and on my masterlist. Reminder that these aren't going to be smoothly written out thoughts. You get these like I'm live reacting, texting my bestie or live tweeting. Lol it'll be in like bullet point format sort of, just... a commentary post as I go. Lol Hope you enjoy anyway! Let's go! This will be the final part to the Memories 2015 portion.
Disc 4:
화양연화 (HYYH) PT.1 Jacket Shooting:
Omg, they are freezing their butts off! This was filmed in April of 2015 at the ocean. They would pose beautifully and then scramble into jackets and huddle up. Aww. JK took a photo of Tae while he was posing for an individual shoot and was blown away by his jawline and how fashionable he looked. Lol I get it, JK. I do.
Jihope huddled up behind a wall to hide from the wind, but um... Jimin was freezing cold before this and now all of a sudden, he is in Jungkook's jacket. JK who doesn't like to share clothes. But wants to keep Jiminie warm.
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Taekook always playing. Lol they were trying to juggle the hot packs instead of using them only to end up throwing them at each other too.
So they moved inside for unit/solo shoots and I KNOW they are acting and are supposed to acting sad, but it worked. Because they look so sad and it's making me sad and want to give them cheer up hugs. Lol also I haven't seen anyone else come sit and watch someone else's solo shoot.... but Jimin was watching JKs solo shoot with the flowers and looking impressed!
Lol Jungkook fell asleep for real on the bed he was supposed to be having his unit shoot on with Tae 😂 and legit slept through like half their poses. He was leaning over on Tae and the editors are like "um he is really sleeping right now..." 🤣 and who decided that Tae should have his solo shoot IN A BATHTUB?! And Joon in the shower? What was the concept here?! Lol Taekook wrestling over the camera and being crazy. Jhope literally sleeping through the chaos as they wrestle practically over him. He must be so used to it. 😂
Hope, Jin and Yoongi being in a unit under cherry blossoms looking SO CLASSY. During the group shot the photographer goes "Oh Jungkook is doing this really well. Good job" and all of BTS turns around and breaks their own poses to look at JK and the staff is like wait no, don't move lmaoo. And the Jikook unit shoot in the flowers is so soft. So so soft.
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I Need U MV Making Film:
This MV was also filmed in April of 2015. JK called Tae Chingu during their scenes 🥺 to be fair, it was in a much more of a taunting manner because Tae had just called his acting bad... lmfao but still
Suga, I slept in and came late while the other members were shooting. Also Suga, sleeps through the first group shot of them at the bon fire. Lol
The way Jimin fell and sat down on the mattress they had outside to jump on which resulted in Yoongi and then Tae jumping on top of him followed by it turning into a giant BTS puppy pile 🥺 they had so much fun shooting those having fun with friends scenes for the MV. It's literally just like getting a shot of serotonin watching them enjoy themselves. "They don't need to act. They are just happy when they are together."
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Whenever they need someone to be driving in the MVs it is always Jin. Lol responsibility of being the eldest I guess. Jin said it scared him to drive so recklessly. And TaeJoon laying in the parking lot for their scene saying "we are on a date. This is Romantic." HYYH taejoon crimimal boyfriends and I love to see it. Lol Vmin starting a skit up about being bad boys and speaking in Satori only to end it with Jimin sprinting away away Tae on his back. Lol
JK enjoyed filming his fight scene so much. They slammed him into the wall so many times but everytime the camera cut he was giggling and smiling so big. And J-hope watched Jimin film his scene in the bathtub after he finished his. "Oh. You will see some of Jimin's skin" lmfao he called Jimin sexy like every other sentence during that scene 🤣 Jin was all giggly and bubbly but acted sad so well. "Do I look okay?" Always Jin. Always.
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Tae is worried about acting his scene and complains about everyone acting things they've already experienced, ending it with "Jungkookie. He's beaten up. I beat him up often." Lmfao he was nervous but Jimin stayed and watched him do his whole scene and kept complimenting on how good he did. I love best friends 😭🥺 Tae really did do an amazing job.
Suga was so happy to get to shoot his scene on a comfy bed. Lol but he did it so well and looked SO COOL doing it. And the way they had legit flames all over the room. He went from freezing to too hot and back again. But wow did it turn out well. RM shot his scene last at the gas station and he was excited to get to open the gas tank for the first time. Lol
Dope MV Making Film:
Jin being excited and happy to be dressed up like a real business man and carry his ID card on his neck. That was so cute.
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Jimin trying to assert his claim over the business man role and saying "no listen to me" and yoongi going "life you up" and immediately going to go pick Jimin up 😂 and the way they introduced all their new hair colors. Jimin new the red hair was getting attention from ARMY too. Lol
Yoongi and JKs cute little dance for the cameras whenever he ran off the main filming set. And JinKook imitating literally everyone, whoever was being filmed had those 2 off to the side mimicking them.
They are checking choreo and Tae says to Jimin "it seemed like you were going too fast during xyz move. I can't really tell from this clip, but it looked like that from behind." (their positions during choreo had Tae behind Jimin) And Jimin then turns and replies "I think you were confused from behind because of my butt." Lmfao okay vmin. 🤣🤣
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Jikook have spent every filming break together, just hanging out and talking. At the end of filming and before getting ready for their jacket shoot, everyone is saying goodbye to the camera. JK says something and then we have a small cut and he is again at the back of the line to say something again with Jimin this time. And while they are telling us to look forward to the MV, Jimin is repeatedly reminding us that JK is NOT underage. Lmao okay Jimin... I hear you... I got it.
화양연화 (HYYH) PT.2 Jacket Shooting:
This is one of my favorite concepts of theirs. I love this shoot. Suga with the butterfly tattoo and mint hair 🥰
This was filmed in November 2015. And opens up with Jikook running around and playing in the parking lot together, Jimin waiting with basically an out stretched arm for JK to run into and join him before they greet the camera. It was cute!
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While others are shooting, RM is doing sprints and working out in the parking lot. Lol reminds of him randomly running and working out before ON in memories 2020.
Vmin were doing a unit shoot for this one. Jimin was explaining that concept was just to have fun and that one of them needed to carry the other one. And he was wondering who would have to do the carrying. And the editors (Jimin got picked). Lol they were sweet though. And when Tae said he didn't like his pink jacket, they switched and Jimin says "I look good in anything" I'm so glad he is aware of this! 😂
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Were NamGi pretending to be drunk in their unit shoot?! Lol either way they looked amazing with the mint and pink hair together! And 2seokKook had probably the most fun shoot with their bikes and JK is crazy, standing up on the back of Jins bike as he is riding it.
Hobi telling us how much Jimin grew into his looks and how he was so awkward and they were a little awkward together when they first met as trainees. Lol and now they are the bestest of friends ever 🥺 Hobi saying how Jimin is so handsome now and how good his hair looks. Jin piping up "well I always look good." You are absolutely correct Jin. I'm loving the confidence from everyone in this shoot!
Yoongi describing their concept. "We are running. It'll be great" 😂
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I'm going to end this one here and finish up Disc 4 in a part 2 post because I love all these shoots so much I want to be able to include more photos/gifs. So the first 4 videos in part 1 and the last 3 videos in part 2 and each section gets more photos to go along with it! 💜 thanks for letting me share!
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ilhoonftw · 3 years ago
I think it's hard to stan btob and not feel superior about it... it amuses/frustrates me to no end to see people squabbling over idols' lipsynced backtracked heavily mr-ed vocals when, like... btob is right there. them and their piles of raw singing in beatcoms, musicals, radio and random interviews n shit, not only music shows (since people will argue those are pitch corrected and edited, ok sure). but btob is hardly ever part of the convo, lol.
and can I rant about how it's somehow a thing to say that technically good vocals are "boring"??? apparently only mediocre breathy singers have "unique vocal colors" smh, way to discredit those who've worked hard at their craft?? the mental gymnastics to argue that certain idols aren't bad vocalists, damn. sorry, I have nowhere else to vent, vocals x kpop is such a loaded topic for me and you just get it lmao
there's this weird stigma around pointing out 'hey this stage isn't live'. i have perfume concert dvds, they lipsynch 90% of the material due to the style of music, but i don't mind bc their lives are visual shows. if idol lipsynchs, i expect them to put their whole pussy into choreo. at least! but how many idols think looking 😑 on stage makes them look full of charisma 🤔 even when the concept isn't dark or girl crush or bad guy, that's all you get sometimes. it's wild how 1st gen stages were often lipsynched but tide turned with 2nd and early 3rd, mics were On. but now it's back to square zero... idk if it's the fault of people being ready to scrutinize idols who are off-key or choreos getting heavier and heavier... maybe it's the ghost vocals? when i said i want retro concepts, i didn't mean That.....
btob are all what people seem to want... then why they never get the recognition they deserve... that's weird, that's suspicious. changsub did that big musical last year, last empress, with a director that doesn't praise anyone but... not only she casted subie but also praised him. may sound funny but it made me proud of that funky little gremlin. seeing him grow from making raps about pimples to full-fledged Singer... yea
yea... there's always this debate, how good vocalists with supposedly boring tone are less than medicore singers that sound ~unique~. but those unique singers usually strain their voices in order to sound like that.. 2 more years and their throat will give up. i prefer stable vocalists like jinho or eunkwang. it feels like you are swimming in a calm sea, warm blanket all that, pen that writes smoothly. some singers make me feel like i'm trapped in a whirlpool, fighting to breaths and for my life lmao. or singers who have really good technique are less enjoyable than emotional type of singers?? you can have both, sohyang being a good example. immortal song is full of stages where people licherally strain their own voices to win that one stupid prize... kbs edits sound but even then you can still hear the cracks and poorly sustained notes. how many understated stages, barren of high notes didn't win because for some reason people just don't impressed by low notes... what about them, what about baritones... there instances where high notes in songs make sense both stylistically and lyrically (ptg's basquiat) but more often than not, they are just embellishments ... sm used to put random high note highlight in every damn song... and still makes their idols lipsynch lmao
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smells-like-mettaton · 4 years ago
Perhaps Toriel and Alphys interacting?
Gift of Truth
Rating: G Word Count: 1310 Prompt: #23 weight of the world (randomly generated) Read on AO3: here Notes: Pretty sure this was for an art request a long time ago but I never got around to it, so I hope you don't mind that I did a fic instead! (If you even remember sending this ask lol)
There was no right way to do this. Alphys had talked herself into and out of it endless times, ever since they reached the surface four months ago.
It was too soon. It was too late. It wouldn’t make a difference. It would make too much of a difference, crush the former queen’s newly healed soul into dust.
Alphys probably would’ve put off the decision forever, but Undyne had started to worry. And everyone knew what happened the last time Alphys had tried to keep a secret of this magnitude. Everyone would’ve been better off if she’d just told the truth about the amalgamates from the beginning, right? So if she told the truth now… even though it was late… it would have to be better than not telling it at all.
Gosh, she hoped it would be better.
Alphys didn’t have to open the lab doors for Toriel. She’d had automatic doors installed in her new lab, just like her old one. It saved her a lot of hassle when she brought armfuls of old parts up from the dump—or, in more recent times, when she hauled new equipment or DVDs in from the nearest electronics store. Just one more incredible thing about the surface.
“My apologies, Alphys. I had to stay late to talk to a parent,” Toriel said as she strolled elegantly to Alphys’s desk. Even in slacks rather than her royal robes, she cut an imposing figure.
“I-it’s fine!” She had just panicked for the past thirty minutes, slowly driving herself insane, but that was about what she deserved for keeping this secret for so long. “I, um, why don’t you sit down?”
Toriel raised an eyebrow.
...Right. There was only one chair. The one Alphys was sitting in.
Alphys hopped up, offering it to Toriel, who now looked more bemused (and maybe a little embarrassed) than anything.
“It is quite alright, Doctor Alphys. I am no longer your queen, nor have I ever been. I apologize if I gave you the impression of expecting such formalities.” She sighed, her gase sweeping across the ground. Her paws folded in front of her. “I should also apologize for how I treated you before. Even if you did terrible things under Asgore’s direction… you were able to heal families wounded beyond repair.”
One paw brushed something off of her pant leg. Alphys would’ve recognized that white-gray goop anywhere.
“You—you met with Snowdrake’s mother,” she realized. Crystal was the only amalgamate who had a school-aged child.
“Yes.” Toriel smiled fondly. “She is a wonderful, sweet woman. She cares for Snowdrake deeply, and has been willing to volunteer at the school any time we need help. Just today she was discussing plans to organize a talent show for the children. She believes it would help Snowdrake—oh, excuse me! I am rambling.”
She chuckled, and Alphys gave a nervous little laugh in response. This was… good? Toriel didn’t hate her? Well, Alphys knew she didn’t hate hate her, because Toriel let Frisk come over and watch anime sometimes, but—well, Toriel had never used her title before. Toriel was the one who revoked the title of “Doctor” in the first place, even if she’d technically lacked the authority to do so. It didn’t really matter, because humans didn’t acknowledge monster degrees anyway.
“What was it that you called me for?” Toriel returned to the point. Her expectant gaze weighed on Alphys like an anvil in one of those ancient human cartoons.
“I-I was just, you know…” Alphys tapped her claws together, but even the rhythmic clicks couldn’t soothe her. Sparks started to fly between her fingers unbidden.
Toriel’s brows lifted in sympathy, and suddenly the weight wasn’t so unbearable.
“Is something bothering you, my—” Toriel cut herself off, but Alphys could guess what she was about to say. My child. It was how she most often addressed Frisk.
“No! I mean, y-yeah, but it’s—it’s my own fault.” Alphys’s claws dug into the back of her hand. The magical sparks finally went out.
Toriel waited patiently. Alphys really did feel like a child, trying to squeeze the words past the tightness in her throat.
“I-it’s about Flowey. I… you should know, he’s…” Alphys swallowed. Best to just rip the bandaid off, metaphorically speaking.
“He’s your son. He’s Asriel.”
Alphys looked up with a wince. She wasn’t sure what expression she expected to find on Toriel’s face. Horror? Confusion? Disbelief?
At first Toriel just looked blank. Slowly, her mouth flattened to a thin line, her fangs jutting out from under her upper lip.
“That… does explain some things.”
“W-what?” Alphys gaped.
“He has always known things I couldn’t explain. My favorite snail recipes. How my oldest human child would fill their water to the brim of their cups. And he is rather averse to the idea of me dating anyone but Asgore, no matter how clear I have made it that we will never get back together.” She gave an affectionate snort.
Alphys forced a grin. Well, there went one folder full of fanfiction. But! Other than that, this was—this was good!
“W-well! Then! Glad you’re, um...”
“Not ‘freaking out’?” Toriel asked.
“I certainly am. Freaking out, I mean.” She chuckled. “For all of their similarities, Flowey is also far less… civil, than Asriel used to be. Unless he… well, I suppose I never did truly understand my children.”
Tears leaked from Toriel’s eyes. This time, when Alphys slid the desk chair behind her, she collapsed into it.
“I—I am sorry.” She sniffed. “I am not usually a crier. And truly, this is wonderful news. My child… reunited with me. However you accomplished Flowey’s creation, I must thank you for that.”
Though her eyes were still wet, her smile was sincere.
“I’m still sorry,” Alphys said quietly. “I didn’t know what the determination would do to him. I didn’t know it was a him at all. I was just—trying to break the barrier without hurting anyone. And I… I didn’t know Asriel’s dust was on the flower, on Flowey, and, I-I messed up so bad! Your son doesn’t have a soul, Toriel!”
It was the wrong thing to blurt out, but Toriel took it gracefully.
“I know. He truly has matured despite his condition, has he not?” Her lips curled wryly.
“Doctor Alphys.” Toriel placed a hand on her shoulder. “We all changed while trapped underground. We suffered pains that no one should have to bear. You felt tasked with the same responsibility that my children did—the responsibility of breaking the barrier on your own.”
Alphys’s eyes widened. Toriel knew? Had she seen the videos of Chara and Asriel that Alphys had found? Alphys hadn’t taken them to the surface with her; anything could’ve happened to them. It didn’t seem like Toriel to go through someone else’s things, though… even if they were technically her things.
“I cannot imagine the stress that Asgore placed on you, or that you placed on yourself. You hurt many monsters, truly. But you also healed many. Including my son.”
Tears pricked Toriel’s eyes again, but this time she smiled widely, a bleating laugh escaping her.
“My son is alive!” She exclaimed again, as if just realizing for the first time.
She scooped Alphys up in a hug that threatened to crush her.
“Uh—! T-toriel—!”
Another laugh, and then Toriel set her back down. Alphys’s face was still hot.
“S-so, you, um, forgive me…?” She asked quietly.
“Yes, Doctor. I forgive you, and I thank you.”
With those words, the weight of the world lifted from Alphys’s shoulders.
“Now if you will excuse me, I must be getting home to my children.” Toriel beamed again. “My children! Hee hee!”
Alphys watched the automatic doors slide shut behind Toriel, and she finally allowed a real smile of her own.
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