#i was going to bake today to at least get my cake done but i just do not have the mental energy
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sovaharbor · 3 months ago
begging & pleading for my mother to leave me alone for just one fucking day please.
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copperbadge · 7 months ago
There's a lot to like about the King Arthur Baking Company -- I like their flours and a lot of their recipes, and I like that they're employee-owned. One of the products I especially like as a frequent bread baker is their Bread And Cake Enhancer, which at least in the breads I bake makes for a softer crust and tighter crumb, and keeps it from molding as fast as home-baked bread tends to.
But it's one of those things you just can't get in stores because it's a specialized product, and if I'm going to order it from the site I might as well order a few other things, so the last time I bought from them I bought enhancer, pizza flour, and bread flour.
I didn't even remember I'd bought enhancer until today, two days after it arrived, and realized I didn't have any. I checked the order and sure enough there it was, and it said it shipped with the flours, so I sighed and went to the customer service page...
Where in literally two minutes they answered my chat request, checked the order, and reshipped the enhancer to me. I said exactly two things -- a sentence explaining the issue, and then "Thank you, that would be great" when they offered to reship it to me.
I know paying upwards of $5 for a bag of flour feels ridiculous but between the quality of the product and the customer service, holy shit. Job well done, do recommend.
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no-goodbyes-no-regrets · 5 months ago
Based on Oliver mentioning Buck and Jee baking together in an upcoming ep.
(I wrote this on my phone so it's not the greatest)
now also on AO3
"Is it someone's birthday?" Maddie asked, running through all of their friends and relatives in her mind, trying to figure out if she forgot a birthday.
"No." Buck shook his head and kept pulling ingredients out of the fridge and his kitchen cabinets.
"Ok... What's the occasion then?" she asked when he didn't elaborate.
"It's for Tommy. "
"Oh, is it his birthday?"
"No, not for a few weeks."
"Right. So this is a practice run?"
"What? No. I found the recipe online, but it's easy enough."
"He likes cake."
Buck sighed and rolled his eyes at his sister before glancing up in the direction of the loft's bedroom.
"He's had a rough couple of days. He had to make an emergency landing because of bad weather yesterday and the ambulance couldn't get to them fast enough and they lost the patient."
"That was him? Josh took that call and he was exhausted from stress by the end of shift."
Buck nodded.
"Tommy too. And he was hurting all over last night. He never takes any pain medication but he took two ibuprofen and a hot shower and crashed into bed."
"Are you sure you're alright to take Jee for the afternoon then? I can ask Mrs Lee or see if she can go play with her friend Emily from down the road. "
"It's fine." Buck told her and turned to Jee. "You're my sous chef aren't you? Are you going to help me today?"
"Yeah!" the girl yelled happily.
"But we have to be quiet ok? Tommy is sleeping upstairs and we don't want to wake him. He needs to sleep because he's sick."
Jee nodded solemnly to show she understood.
"But we're going to surprise him with cake so he'll feel better soon, right?"
"Yeah!" she yelled again, making her mother and uncle laugh.
"At least she's enthusiastic." Maddie tried and bent down to hug and kiss her daughter goodbye. "You be good for uncle Buck, me or daddy will pick you up tonight ok?"
"Ok mommy!" Jee said and climbed up onto the stool next to the kitchen counter.
"Go. We'll be fine." Buck assured her, wrapping an arm around Jee to keep her safe.
After Maddie had left, Buck gave Jee an old shirt of his to wear as apron, made her wash her hands, and the two of them got to work.
He tried to let her do as much as possible while still making sure everything was going to plan and she wouldn't hurt herself.
Before long the cake was in the oven and they started the clean up.
"And when it's done baking, we let it cool off a little and then we can put the icing on and decorate it with these." he showed Jee the assortment of sprinkles he kept in his kitchen for her.
Jee nodded happily and started planning out her sprinkles masterpiece.
Buck looked up towards the bedroom area and listened for a sign of life from his boyfriend.
When he didn't hear anything, he decided to put Jee in front of the TV and go check on him. Tommy was fast asleep, rolled up in the duvet like a human burrito, and didn't seem to have woken up since Buck had made him eat something that morning.
Satisfied everything was ok, he went back downstairs and let Jee tell him all about the cartoon she was watching, until the cake was ready for decoration.
"Which ones do you want to put on first? Pink or gold?"
"Alright, gold it is. Put it on where you think is best." Buck told her. "But not too much, we need to leave room for the other colours. And we can put your name on it. And mine."
"And uncle Tommy." she decided and Buck froze for a second.
Sure Tommy and Jee had met and he'd explained to her that Tommy was to him what mommy and daddy were to each other, and he was pretty sure she'd understood, but to hear her call him uncle Tommy, that was new.
Jee didn't seem to notice just how much she'd just turned his world upside down and was babbling about what colour sprinkles should go where.
"Pink here for the heart." she decided and Buck wondered when they'd agreed on heart shaped decorations.
"Right, yeah, that... that works." he let Jee draw a heart in pink sprinkles and dutifully wrote his and Tommy's names in it. "And where should I write your name?"
Jee thought for a minute and studied the cake but then shook her head.
"No name."
"What? Are you sure?"
"Yeah." Jee said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and put some sugar stars across the top half of the cake, above the heart with their names. "That's the sky. With stars."
"Oh wow, that's beautiful miss Jee, did you make that?"
Buck jumped a little when he suddenly heard his boyfriend's voice behind him and felt a hand on his waist.
"Uncle Buck helped" Jee told Tommy.
"Did he now? I'm sure you did all of the important work." Tommy said and gave her a conspiratory wink before turning to Buck and stealing a small kiss. "Hey." he greeted him softly.
"H-hey... Did we wake you?"
Tommy shook his head.
"It's fine. Had to get up eventually."
"Feeling better yet?"
Tommy shrugged and sat down at the kitchen island.
"I'm alright." he just said, which wasn't really an answer but Buck decided to let it go for now.
"Uncle Tommy, it's for you. You need to come look!" Jee insisted, pointing at the cake.
Tommy met Buck's eyes over her head and mouthed "Uncle Tommy?" at him.
Buck shrugged and smiled.
"Uncle Tommy, come see!" Jee said again, a little louder this time, clearly getting fed up with the adults in her life.
"Why don't you two come here and show me, and you can tell me what you made."
Buck helped her down from her stool and put the cake on the island in front of Tommy before helping Jee back on her stool, this time sitting next to Tommy who immediately put a hand on her back so she wouldn't fall off.
"This is the sky with the stars." she started like she was explaining the mysteries of the universe. "And you can fly to the stars."
Tommy laughed a little.
"I don't think I can go quite that high in my helicopter. But maybe I can show you how high I do go. When you're a little older. And your mommy and daddy are ok with it. Maybe uncle Evan will want to come too."
Jee-Yun turned to Buck and gave him an expectant look.
"Yeah, maybe." he settled on, trying to get his heart to calm down and not burst out of his chest hearing his boyfriend make plans with his niece. Even if she was only three and would probably have forgotten about it by the time she was old enough to even think about going up.
She seemed happy with that answer and turned back to Tommy to explain the rest of their creation.
"It's really amazing Jee, it's almost too pretty to eat don't you think?"
"No. You have to eat it. It's chocolate." she said as if that explained everything.
"Oh really? I do love chocolate." Tommy told her. "But can I take a picture of it before we eat it?" he reached into the pocket of his sweats only to realise he'd left his phone upstairs. "Evan, can you take a picture and send it to me?"
"Sure." he grabbed his phone and opened the camera. "You should be in the picture too, we made it for you after all."
Tommy dutifully posed with the cake, tilting the pan towards the camera so the decorations were clearly visible.
"And now one with the master chef herself." he put the cake back down on the table and moved a little closer to Jee so they'd both fit in the picture with the cake and Buck took a few pictures.
After that Jee insisted on having a photo shoot, and by the time Maddie came to pick her back up, his camera roll was filled with pictures of the three of them.
He showed a few to Maddie at Jee's insistence and set one of Tommy making a funny face at Jee as his new contact picture.
They said goodbye to Maddie and Jee-yun and settled on the sofa together, scrolling through the pictures and laughing at some of silly ones.
"I like this one." Buck said, stopping at a selfie of the two of them where Tommy had kissed his cheek at the last second.
"Yeah. Me too." Tommy said softly, not really looking at the picture. "Thanks. For today. For getting me out of my head."
Buck smiled and kissed him.
"Of course."
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jjscrybaby · 3 months ago
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the birthday boy
daryl dixon x fem!reader | fluff | (cringe, cringe, cringe! i can’t help who i am😖basic gift ideas bc i couldn’t think of anything, kissing.)
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶
One thing you were you would never get back was knowing the date. You’d spent the last couple years in the dark, you had a brief idea of how many years had gone by but dates? Absolutely no clue. It was when you and your group got to Alexandria that you learnt they knew the date, they’d kept track; it wasn’t like they were out killing walkers and fighting for survival, so they had the time to do such a mundane thing.
You’d asked Daryl when his birthday was a long time ago, just after the farm fell and before you reached the prison. The two of you were on watch whilst everyone else slept — or at least tried to — and you wanted to know his zodiac sign. It was silly, but you wanted to talk about something that wasn’t the hell your lives had become. He’d muttered out ‘January 6th’, and then gone silent once again. You kept that information stored in the little Daryl section in your mind, and you hadn’t forgotten it.
“What’re you doin’?” Daryl muttered sleepily, waking up to you sitting on him with a wide grin on your face. He opened one eye, looking from you to the window. “The sun ain’t even fully risen. Better ‘ave a good reason to wake me up.”
“I do,” you murmured, leaning down to catch his lips with yours. He didn’t argue, his arms loosely wrapping around your waist as he kissed you back.
“You alrigh’?” He checked quietly. You definitely weren’t the early riser out of the pair of you, in the morning’s that he had to go on an early supply run and tried to wake you to say goodbye he’d usually be cursed at.
“Yeah,” you reassured softly, running your hand through his growing locks. “Happy birthday, handsome.”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before he let out a soft huh. “Is that today?”
“Yes, it’s today you idiot,” you giggled, pecking his cheek. “Do you want your presents now or at the party?”
“What…” he muttered, eyes widening.
You snorted, swatting at his chest. “I’m kidding. There’s no party. But me and Carol are baking a cake and you can’t say no, I already had to talk them out of finding a birthday banner.”
“Mhm, appreciate it,” he smirked lazily, drawing circles into your thigh. “Can we go back to sleep now, darlin’? I appreciate the birthday wake up, but ‘m exhausted.”
“You don’t want your presents,” you pouted.
“Thought you were kiddin’?” He questioned, leaning on his elbows to sit up slightly.
“About the party, yeah. You really think that I wouldn’t get you presents? Have you met me?” You teased. He smiled softly at you, a quirk of a lip that you were sure no one else was ever on the receiving end of.
“Didn’t even kno’ it was my birthday, so I wasn’t expectin’ presents,” he muttered.
You rolled your eyes fondly, switching the bedside table lamp on before getting off of him to rush over to the closet. You pulled out a paper bag, handing it over to him. “I couldn’t find any wrapping paper,” you sheepishly explained.
“That’s alright,” he chuckled, reaching out for your hand. You sat down next to him as he sat up, looking between you and the bag. “You know you didn’t ‘ave to get me anythin’.”
“I wanted to,” you argued. “Now, open it, please. I’m getting impatient.”
He let out a quiet laugh, opening up the bag. First he pulled out a knife; it wasn’t new, or even very sharp — although he’d be able to sort that out — but there was something on the side of it. Both yours and his initials carved into the side. You knew that wasn’t really his thing, something so cheesy, but you wanted his gift to have meaning. It was difficult to find things for anyone’s birthday in an apocalypse, but Daryl? Well, that’s pretty much impossible.
“Thankyou, darlin’.” He ran his fingers over the messy carving you’d done, a fond look in his eyes. “I love it.” He leant in and pressed a peck to your lips, making your eyes twinkle.
“Really? I know it’s not much…” you said, about to go on a classic ramble.
“Stop. I love it, seriously. I ain’t ever— I’ve never gotten a birthday present before, ‘least not one that I can remember,” he admitted, squeezing your hand.
Tears brimmed in your eyes, but you kept the smile on your face. You hadn’t expected that Daryl had many fun birthday’s growing up, not with the family he had. Maybe Merle took him to a bar on his 21st to have his first legal drink, but that was probably it. You kissed the corner of his mouth, stroking his hair.
“Well, now that we’re not fighting for our lives constantly anymore, expect presents every year. Christmas, too,” you said softly.
“Wouldn’t expect anythin’ less from you,” he responded, caressing your cheek lovingly. He placed the knife on the bedside table, moving to switch the light off.
“What’re you doing?” You asked.
“Goin’ back to sleep?” He answered, looking back at you over his shoulder. “That alright with you?” He teased.
“But… you haven’t opened your other present,” you explained. There was something in your tone, nervousness, shyness, he wasn’t sure.
“Another one?” He looked at you in confusion.
“Don’t be dramatic, Dar. It’s not like I spent any money,” you giggled. You went behind you, opening the drawer and pulling out something. You held it in your hand, not letting him see. “It’s a bit stupid, but I wanted to give you this for awhile. Since you gave me mine, at least.”
You opened your palm and revealed the silver band, a shy smile on your face. Six months ago, Daryl had gone on a week long supply run and he’d returned home with a ring. It wasn’t like you could have a proper wedding, not like the one you used to dream about when you were younger, but you wanted to marry Daryl. You wanted to tell people he was your husband. So, of course, you’d cried your eyes out and said yes. Ever since you’d wanted him to have a ring, too. Your engagement ring would probably be your wedding one as well, it wasn’t like you could go shopping. If you were going to get married, both of you needed proof of the wedding.
It was silent, you stared at him waiting for some sort of reaction. Slowly, a smile made its way onto his face. “You ain’t gonna ask me?”
“I ain’t acceptin’ a ring without a proposal,” he joked.
You giggled, moving to straddle his waist once again. “Daryl Dixon, will you marry me?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, cradling your cheek in his hand as he brought your face down to his. “‘Course I will, baby.”
His lips moved against yours, arms wrapping around your waist to tug you to lie down on top of him. You pulled away first, grabbing his hand to slip the ring onto his fingers.
“Wouldn’t want to spend my birthday’s with no one else.”
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minuino · 3 months ago
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fluff ꕀ husband kirishima! x fem!reader ⸝⸝ established relationship
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husband kirishima! who is always determined to make your mornings special. no matter how tired he is from patrol, he always wakes up extra early to cook you something nice before you head off to work. although he’s not the best cook, it’s the effort that counts—at least that’s what he always tells himself. he’s all about the little things: leaving sticky notes with doodles or loving messages on top of your lunchbox,, which is always paired with your favorite drink. “Don’t worry about the burnt toast, it adds a bit of crunch to it! Good luck at work today, I love ya!” you giggle as you read the cute note, slipping the lunchbox into your bag before heading out for the day.
husband kirishima! who is determined to become a great cook, even if his enthusiasm often leads to chaos in the kitchen. one time he nearly set the oven on fire trying to bake you a birthday cake—the kitchen filled with smoke, the fire alarm blaring, and him flailing with an oven mitt to save what was left of the cake. it ended up completely charred and inedible. now every year, he’s determined to get it right, spending days watching tutorials and hyping himself up. but somehow, something always goes wrong—whether it’s mixing up salt for sugar or forgetting to grease the pan. still, when he presents the lopsided, crispy-edged cake, his face lights up with pride. “Happy birthday, babe! I worked extra hard on this one!” and every year, you smile and reassure him it’s perfect, slicing into it with over-the-top excitement just to see him smile.
husband kirishima! who loves to give you random gifts. he always comes home with little things that remind him of you—sometimes it’s a keychain shaped like your favorite animal, other times it’s a flower he picked during his walk back from patrol. occasionally, it’s a snack that caught his attention while shopping during his break, though it’s often already opened because he couldn’t resist the temptation to try it first. no matter what it is, he always manages to pick things you absolutely adore.  “I saw this and thought of you.” he says with a sheepish smile, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
husband kirishima! who always insists on helping with anything around the house. need help tidying up the living room? done. cleaning out the garage? he’s in there before you can even ask, sleeves rolled up and a determined grin plastered across his face. what about the laundry piling up? he’ll fold it while humming one of his favorite songs. the dishes in the sink? he’s already halfway through scrubbing them, insisting, “You’ve had a long day, babe. Let me take care of this.” even if it’s something he’s never done before—like fixing that squeaky cabinet door or assembling the new furniture—he doesn’t care. whatever it is you need help with, he’s always the first one on the job.
husband kirishima! who is an absolute sweetheart when it comes to helping you through your period cramps. the moment he notices you curling up in discomfort, he’s already grabbing his keys and heading to the store. he comes back with your favorite snacks along with a heating pad, some pain relief pills, and even a plush blanket because, "Comfy vibes help, right?" he’s also a pro at massages—whether it’s your back or your feet, he gets right to work without a single complaint. if you tease him about going overboard, he’ll just grin and says, “Hey, I want you to feel your best. You’d do the same for me, wouldn’t you?” even when you’re cranky or tired, he’s patient and understanding, he always makes sure you feel as loved and cared for as possible.
husband kirishima! who after a long day, loves nothing more than collapsing onto the couch with you. he wraps you in his strong arms and pulls you close, whispering, "This is the best part of my day." sometimes, he falls asleep mid-cuddle, snoring softly into your hair, his grip on you never loosening. other times, he’ll quietly ask about your day, his voice low and soothing as he listens intently. he traces lazy patterns on your back, murmuring how much he missed you while you were apart. if you’re scrolling on your phone or watching a show, he’ll sneak little kisses on your forehead or temple, chuckling softly when you pretend to be annoyed. and when the exhaustion finally catches up to him, and he starts drifting off, he’ll mumble something sweet like, “I love you so much.” his breathing slows, and soon enough, he’s snoring softly.
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a.n —  i had to repost my first fanfic since my main blog has been terminated for unknown reasons (つω`。). but i thank you for reading my first ever post. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed creating it (๑>ᴗ<๑) ! im still pretty new to sharing my work so, im honestly kinda freaking out a little LOLOL !  but it means so much to me that you took the time to check it out. until next time, thank you again for reading XOXO 💕
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hel1nn · 4 months ago
I like him ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎
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⛱ A little moodboard ⤴
𐔌 . ⋮ teen satoru gojo x teen reader .ᐟ ֹ ₊ ꒱
𐙚 : flufff | cursed words | satoru being a cutie | mutual pining | time skips to where your married to satoru | .𖥔 ݁
a/n : im back!! I will finally post and continue my series, but today this is something for my boy torus birthday:)
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"ewww y/n i had no idea your taste in men is so disgusting.." utahime scolds you for the who knows what time. Shoko beside her enjoys the drama,taking a drag from her cigarette. You slump in defeat. Pouting slightly..
"ik sometimes he's annoying but he's also a nice person too-"
"what do you mean by sometimes!?" Utahime yells at you. You groan in frustration, failing to defend satoru again,your not so normal crush on gojo bothered utahime to no end. She hated gojo with every part in her body. Even seeing him makes her eyes twitch in hatred.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Utahime got too much annoyed and left the classroom,shoko left a little later after patting your back. Sulking you lean back in your chair a bit too much, resulting you to fall flat on your ass hard on the ground. You groan in pain standing up, you don't know who's face you saw when you woke up in the morning, since you day is already being ruined. You continue your day,but you weren't able to see satoru since he was sent to an 2days mission but you don't have to worry about it since satoru told you he will come back tomorrow. (On a two hour call with you this evening).
After a long day you're finally able to rest or....bake something for satoru. Since he had told you he's bringing you souvenires..you cringed the way you squeal while thinking about this but you can't help it,you were so in love with satoru. Just like how satoru loved you. You finally entered your dorm, locking it up in seconds. The first thing you do is bringing out the mini electric oven under your bed,yeah satoru bought you that since he loved your cookies,cakes and more.
You were almost done with the cookie dough but then...you hear a knock on your dorm's door. Your body immediately freezes. Who tf was knocking on your door at fucking 3:57 am? You hide away the oven and the almost finished cookie dough since you don't want to get caught now. You walk to your door, hesitantly opening it and-
"boo!" Satoru bursts in, almost tripping over you. You couldn't help but smile.. this has happened before too. Sometimes he would come back from missions early so he could eat spent time with you your cookies. Satoru laughed slightly before closing the door,locking it up. You sigh
"satoru,at least you could have texted me-"
"but i wouldn't have been able to see your face covered in flour" he's cocky tone making you slightly annoyed but you know your face isn't fully covered in flour,
"don't be like that my face isn't full of flour anyway" you playfully poke at his ribcage with your elbow. Making him giggle. The night went on both of you and satoru baked cookies together. Little did you knew next day he ate all the cookies Infront of everyone in class. When you find this out all you do is laughing it off. As always at the sparring session all you were able to focus on was satoru. How he gripped the wooden bokken. How he would tease everyone in the middle of practice, he's cheeky smile thats turns into a soft one when he sees you. You loved so many things about him,his hand brushing with yours or how he holds it whenever he gets a chance. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder, even though it was a friendly gesture your heart raced whenever he did that,his blue eyes softening when both of you are alone,and the list goes on.
୭₊˚🎀 time skips ✿ ·˚ ₊
You groan at the lost feeling of satoru, slightly waking up. It didn't took your husband to come out of the bathroom and lay you down on his chest again,a kiss on the temple as a cherry on top. It was already 6am..you both had to go to the work but..cuddling is way too better. You mumble something before giving his nose a small peck,both of you getting lost in the dreams again.
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A/N : Short n sweet:) English isn't my first language sorry if i made any mistake:)
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You Came In Like a Fire, Burned All I Ever Knew
A long time ago (like five weeks) I went into @exhaustedpirate's inbox with an idea for a fic based on the fact that there's a couple of photos that they reblogged of Orville Peck that we both thought were Oliver Stark for a second. I finally finished it! I finished it a while ago, actually, but I didn't get a chance to edit until this last weekend. Josh Russo drags him out to a club for a Heroes and Villains night, talks some sense into him, and chases off patrons who think that Buck is everyone's favorite gay singing cowboy. At home, Buck listens to the music of said cowboy, gets real sad, and texts Tommy. It's mostly going to be on AO3, because it's almost 6k words. You can find that here.
When someone knocks on Buck’s door at 7 PM on a Friday, he doesn't expect it to be Josh. He definitely doesn't expect it to be Josh in a costume that makes him look sort of like a leather Bond villain with a mask.
“We're going out,” Josh says, pressing a mask to Buck’s chest. “To a club. Because your sister brought eight dozen scones to the office today, and you're fucking up my diet.”
Buck takes the mask and looks over his shoulder where he has a pie crust rolled out. “Okay, but—”
“That looks like something that I can put in the fridge while you put on something that makes you look like a hero or villain, because that's the event,” Josh says, pushing his way past Buck.
He chews on his bottom lip for a second. “Okay, but just—don’t handle the dough too much.”
Josh throws a dismissive wave over his shoulder. “I watch Bake Off, I know.”
Buck goes upstairs and stares at his clothes for a long time. He pulls out a pair of black jeans, a Batman logo shirt that Chris had gotten him, and a black button up. It's the closest he can get to a costume with zero notice unless he wants to break out his cowboy costume from Halloween. But thinking about that makes his skin itch from phantom boils and that feeling he gets when he wants to text Tommy.
When he's done getting dressed, he goes downstairs and sees that Josh is eating a spoonful of raw cookie dough and tapping at his phone.
“I don't want to hear it, I know the risks,” Josh says before Buck can speak. He looks up at Buck and makes a face. “God, you look like every guy I used to hook up with in college who would pretend I didn't exist after.”
Buck smooths his hands over the shirt and shrugs. “I'd have talked to you after.”
“That an offer?” Josh teases, his eyes already back on his phone.
“No,” Buck says with an apologetic shrug. “I don't think I really want to hook up with anyone right now.”
Josh tosses the spoon in the sink. “Yeah, but you can't chain yourself to an oven for the rest of your life. So let's go. I give you full permission to ditch me for a hookup, which is big of me.”
“Thanks?” Buck toys with the mask before putting it on. “How do I look?”
“Devastatingly handsome,” Josh says with a sigh. “Come on, you fucking disaster.”
There's an Uber downstairs already waiting for them, and Buck texts Maddie to find out if she put Josh up to this.
Maddie Uhhh NO because otherwise I would be there, too. Have fun ♥️
“So this is just because of the scones?” he asks, and Josh turns his head slowly to stare at him.
“No, Buck, this is not ‘just because of the scones,’” he says, an eerie calm to his voice. “It's also because of the cookies, cakes, pies, tarts, biscuits, pastas, loaves, bread, and pastries that have appeared in the break room at my job almost every single day for weeks. I have gained four pounds, it would've been more, but I've had to start going to the gym a lot. So I am going to get you laid or at least get you to stop using flour as a coping mechanism. Why couldn't you just start doing K or doomscroll TikTok like everyone else?”
Buck ignores the steadily rising eyebrows of the Uber driver in the rearview mirror. “I—I just miss talking to him. But he doesn't want me to, or he'd be here.”
“Not how that works, but we'll get there,” Josh says, patting his knee. “I need alcohol first. And a bear to squeeze after.”
“You're into bears?”
Josh shrugs. “I'm into everything. Aren't you?”
Buck considers it for a moment. “I haven't really thought about it.”
“Jesus chr—at least tell me you've been watching porn,” Josh whines, and Buck shrugs. “For fuck’s sake. I will tip you double if you get us to this club in the next five minutes.”
It is fun being out with Josh, who orders them drinks and scares off a guy who greets Buck by squeezing his waist and scaring the shit out of him. They dance a little bit, but it's nothing crazy. They keep a respectable amount of space between their bodies and are dancing more with the crowd than anything else. Buck even finds himself laughing more than once, losing himself in the music and wondering if he should've been going to clubs all along. It's fun, even though he isn't looking to take anyone home.
A guy comes up behind him and he's a solid weight but not quite tall enough that Buck thinks he's anything but a stranger. He must be cute, though, based on the encouraging thumbs up he gets from Josh. Buck leans into the body against his and dances the rest of the song, but when he gets turned and almost kissed, he apologizes and backs off.
“Sorry, I'm with someone!” he shouts over the music, and the guy—who is really hot—shrugs before disappearing into the crowd.
“Yeah, okay, now we need to talk,” Josh says in his ear, grabbing him by the wrist.
They end up in a corner with new drinks while Buck spills the entire story, from the anniversary dinner to the break up, and Josh looks more and more confused as he talks.
“Wait, so you guys just didn't talk about your relationship the entire time you were together?” he asks.
“I mean, we made plans, just for dates and stuff.” Buck shrugs. “I don't know, I kind of liked not having to talk about everything I did wrong that made everyone walk away from me. I thought maybe it meant he might…not.”
Josh groans and takes a long sip of his drink. “Okay, so the fact that he also seemed comfortable with this—to the point where you didn't know he was ever engaged to a woman—didn’t make you think that maybe he also had a luggage carousel full of baggage?”
Buck pokes at the ice in his drink with the cocktail stirrer. “I dunno. I just liked being around him so much, I didn't really think about any of that.”
“Well, of course you liked being around him, you guys spent six months going on dates and fucking like what I imagine to be two extremely buff and athletic rabbits.” Josh pauses. “Okay, sidebar: is he as hung as he seems?”
He flushes and reflexively looks around like someone he knows might pop up and hear him talk about his ex’s dick, because he'd been yelled at a lot by his friends while they were together. “It's—yeah. I mean, I don't know how he seems—”
“Bullshit, but continue.”
“—but there was, like, a long adjustment period,” Buck admits, then frowns. “No pun intended, I guess. I don't know, but he wouldn't let me bottom for the first month and a half until I, uh, got used to everything.”
Josh presses a hand to his chest and sighs. “Be still my beating vagina.”
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to-thelakes · 1 year ago
cake-related disaster
pairing; frank castle x fem!reader
summary; you wanted to celebrate frank's birthday properly but the world never really was on your side.
warnings; fluff, reader being a baking disaster, very brief mention of frank's trauma, frank being in love
notes; okay! hello this is day 6 of my fluffbruary fics! i wasn't sure whether i was actually going to get this up but it's here, it's out and she's just cute, this can be read as a part two to rainy day but it can also be read as a one-shot just fine! also, this one-shot nearly went in a more angsty way but since this is fluffbruary, i steered away from the angst (though the angst goblin is making an appearance, it wants me to write something heart-wrenching). it's a little shorter than my previous one but i'm starting to love this pairing with frank. i'm used to reader being a little more passive than the slightly more sarcastic and teasing version i've had in this fic and rainy day, please feel free to let me know if you like this kind of reader because i'm honestly loving the challenge. anyway! i'm done rambling, please enjoy <3
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It was Frank’s birthday and when he had told you that he hadn’t celebrated for a long time, you knew that you had to do something for him. After everything he had been through with Maria and the kids, you couldn’t blame him but this was a new chapter in your lives and you wanted him to enjoy a day just for him again. Even if it was only for a day and only this year.
But nothing ever really seemed to go how you wanted. It was embarrassing and frustrating but at least your bad luck had brought Frank to you in a capacity that was more than friendship. You’d always love the rain because of what it brought to you. Today, however, your bad luck just pissed you off. A huff escaped your lips as you stared down at the cake. This was your second attempt and somehow it looked worse than the first.
The first had been dry and yet somehow too sticky after cooking for far too long. You had no idea how you managed it since you were usually an amazing baker. But of course, fucking today of all days your skills would fail you. The second cake looked better and you had even levelled it off, just to find that when you took a bite out of it, it tasted salty. There was no other taste, just salt and you had to spit it out into his bin.
“Are you fucking with me?” You said as you dipped your finger into the jar that you had used. When you tasted the white granules, it was fucking salt. Why the fuck had Frank put the salt in a jar? Your hands ran across your face and you took a deep breath. It was okay. One more time and it would be fine.
You dumped the other cake into the bin and returned to the counter. The icing had already been made hours ago at this point and despite it melting slightly, it looked fine. It was the only thing that had gone right all day. With a deep breath, you double and triple-checked everything as you followed the recipe again. It seemed to be going well and that was good.
But then you heard the door of the apartment close. Your head shot up and you turned back to see Frank standing in the entryway. He was taking his boots off. He knew that you were in his apartment, he had let you in that morning and you had spent the morning eating breakfast before he went off to work at the construction site. He knew you’d still be here.
But when you didn’t say anything to him, he looked up, meeting your shocked and dazed expression. His eyebrows knitted together.
“Everythin’ alright?” He asked softly. You stared at him and then your head twisted back to the half-mixed cake batter.
“Why are you home? I thought you weren’t back till later?” You responded, turning around fully and doing your best to hide the cake better. But the flour, sugar and old cake batter splattered across your shirt exposed what you were doing. Well, that and the rest of the baking ingredients on the counters but there was nothing you could do about that.
“Eh, he let me off early. Said I wasn’t needed,” Frank explained as he walked closer. A smile was cracking across his face as he took in your appearance, “What are you hidin’?” He asked, a teasing lilt to his tone. You looked up at him before you let your shoulders drop. There was no point in trying to change anything now.
“I was making you a birthday cake and I know you said you don’t celebrate so don’t start but I wanted to make you something and I fucked it up,” You explained. Frank tilted his head and his amused grin settled into a soft look. He looked at you, not entirely what to say to that confession, “I made two cakes before this one and they were awful. Why the fuck do you put salt in a jar? What is wrong with you?” You asked, his features making you a little more relaxed. The embarrassment that was creeping up your neck in the form of heat didn’t seem so overwhelming now.
“Y’know, I was gonna give you a kiss f’being so sweet but then ya ruined it,” Frank said as he stepped closer. You chuckled and looked up into his eyes. The adoration in them still scared you sometimes. It felt so new, so terrifying. You had been friends for so long and you thought that he’d never want to admit he loved you. Yet, he had and here you were.
“When you taste the finished product, you’ll want to give it to me,” You muttered in response. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in.
“Mhm, might just give it to ya anyway,” He responded. A grin began to spread across your face as you gazed into each other’s eyes.
“Go on then.” Frank leant down and captured your lips into a soft kiss. Your arms moved from resting against his chest to wrapping around his neck, standing up on your tiptoes to get a better angle. He nibbled at your bottom lip and you couldn’t help the giggle that you let out.
“You need a shower,” You muttered as you pulled away from the kiss. Frank’s eyes reopened and he looked down at you, baffled.
“So hard to please,” He said. You shrugged, letting your hands rest back against his chest.
“Why don’t you get a shower and then by the time you’re done, I’ll have a treat waiting,” You requested. Frank contemplated it for a moment, leaning forward and pressing another soft kiss to your lips. Then he nodded and let go of your waist.
“I’ll be waiting,” He said. You watched him saunter off to the bedroom, biting your lip to try and stop the smile from growing into a grin. You still felt like a teenager every single time he was around you. It was embarrassing but you loved it. You loved him and you wanted this birthday to be special. So, you turned back to the cake batter and continued, determined to get it right.
And you did. 
When you presented Frank with the finished product, he grinned like you had never seen before. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face as you rambled about how long it took and that you wanted it to be a surprise. You also gave him the few presents that you had picked up for him and he seemed to just melt.
It had been a long time since he’d been loved so fiercely and he didn’t even know what to do with himself. And despite being paralysed by the love he felt towards you, he knew that he was going to make your next birthday the best one you’d ever have. 
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anzulvr · 1 year ago
hii could i please request a little hurt/comfort drabble where reader feels sad during christmas season but forces herself to at least pretend to be happy because karma’s birthday is on christmas day :( but karma notices how her smile doesn’t meet her eyes and stuff and asks reader about it!
Summary: You’re sad on Christmas, Karma x reader (except it’s his birthday.) hurt/comfort GN!reader HUGE SPOILER WARNING FOR ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM
(this is so cute I LOVE THIS REQUEST thank u! Had this in my drafts for a while but waited for Christmas to post)
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It had been two years since everything ended. Two years since Korosensei died and all of End class were labeled as victims with some weird-Stockholm attachment to the monster who blew up the moon.
It was strange, seeing everyone care about you when you didn’t need it and remembering how low they thought of you when you were only the reject class of kunugigaoka.
A lot happened in two years, not a long time but considering how quickly everything was moving you hadn’t had time to catch up. Like any special day Christmas wasn’t a good time anymore- something your classmates agreed on. With the impact Korosensei had on your lives it was impossible to celebrate anything without wondering what would have been if you managed to save him. That was only wishful thinking, you couldn’t change the past.
Regardless, today you tried to keep a smile on your face. It was the most important time of the year, Karmas birthday- and Christmas too.
You stared at your poor attempt to decorate the cake you baked with Karma, the frosting written birthday note was almost illegible.
“What’s with the look, you’re writing isn’t that bad.”
You looked up after hearing Karmas voice as if you were pulled out of a trance.
“What look? I know it’s not that bad I was admiring our hard work.”
“More like my hard work, you kept dropping everything! Seriously though, what’s wrong? The whole day I’ve been catching you teary eyed.”
You turned your back to the counter to face him as you set the frosting bag down “I’m fine, today’s your day I’m not going to bother you with my problems. You should enjoy everything to its fullest.”
“I’m not going to enjoy anything if you’re not happy, ‘m not budging tell me why you’re upset.”
Karma was stubborn, you knew him well enough to realized this wasn’t negotiable.
“I don’t know… I was just thinking about how Korosensei can’t spend Christmas with us, and he can’t be here for your birthday. Ever since we killed him, Ive felt so helpless? Like we never did enough.”
He nodded slowly breaking eye contact for a second, “my parents haven’t answered my call today, they’re in Italy right now, all I got was a text saying they were busy and that they’d talk later. I know they haven’t forgotten, it’s kind of impossible when it’s Christmas but still- I hoped they would have time for me today, I know they have more important things to do but It made me think about how Korosensei would’ve been here.”
you nodded in response, “They could still call the days not over… and if they don’t they’ll try to make it up to you…” You could bet they wouldn’t call until the next day but you wanted to reassure him, there wasn’t a lot you could say in this situation that would make him feel better.
“It’s fine, you’re here- and you’re the best company, I had fun today. I just meant Korosensei has done a lot for us he’s proud we pulled that off, he wouldn’t want you to beat yourself up over it.”
“I know you’re right, still I wish I could’ve done more, we should’ve tried harder to save him.”
“We did what we had to. I miss him too, there’s a lot of things I could never repay Korosensei for—”
“Like getting you through senioritis? Or always bringing money in his wallet even though he knew you’d steal it?”
“I meant setting us up together, but sure those were good too.” Karma smiles breaking tenseness of the conversation for moment, “at the time I thought he was being a hassle but without him im not sure id have you right now.”
Suddenly you felt shy laughing it off and covering your face for a moment while you composed yourself, “Yeah he did push for us a lot but I was obsessed with you far before we even ended up in 3-E so you would’ve had me regardless.”
“Yeah? Tell me more.”
“No way in hell, I don’t trust you to not make fun of me. Anyways I didn’t mean to bring up something depressing, we should be smearing cake all over your face right now.”
“Try all you want but it isn’t possible to mess up my face.”
“Wanna bet?” You shake the smile off your face.
“See that’s more I like it, we can enjoy our ugly cake now. And more importantly you can open your gift.”
“What do you mean my gift? It’s your birthday you’re not supposed to buy me stuff!”
“It’s also Christmas … I couldn’t help myself I really wanted to get you something.”
“But now I’m worried my gift won’t live up to yours!”
“[Name] you could give me rocks for all I care and I’d keep them in a safe with multiple locks.”
You gently shoved his shoulder suppressing your laughter, you leaned in to kiss him.
It was impossible to not feel better with him around. This morning you had woken up wishing time could stop for a moment and you ended the day hoping for the same thing but for a completely different reason.
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nogenderbee · 9 months ago
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ not a request
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Happy Birthday to the one and only~ :3 smile boy!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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Rui's birthdays were today... you told him you wanted to take him to some picnic and then to some amusement park or museum if he's prefer! But for now... he was peacefully sleeping in your bed... he warned you yesterday he'll stay up a bit longer due to having lots of work, but you expected him to be less tired...
But you can't really complain! Maybe it's just your dynamic? You're morning bird and he's night owl! Well, at least you have more time and energy to bake something?
You knew this man liked sweets, so you settled on some basic vanilla cake with sweet icing! You'll figure the design in the process, right?
Using the fact your boyfriend is asleep, you quickly got all the ingredients, determined to make it a sweet surprise for him~ The process surely wasn't easy, especially with the thought he might wake up if you're too loud at the back of your head... but you know weren't about to let it discourage you!
You did your best to prepare the best cake for your boy, while also keeping quiet to not wake him up by accident. The smell of vanilla soon filled the kitchen and you were now about to start decorating, but sudden hand on your waist made you jump a bit.
There was no need to turn around, since you already knew well who it's gonna be... especially with that voice you know so well...
"Mmm~ Are you baking something? The smell is so sweet and divine I could already smell it from another room!"
Maybe your idea of surprise didn't work the best but... at least he still has that pretty smile on his face!
And when he was met with silence, he couldn't miss the opportunity to point out his little observations!
"Oh~ Why did you go so quiet all of the sudden? And that look... Did I bumped into my own surprise~?"
"Well... Yeah I guess. Eh... do you at least like it?"
"I'm sure I will~ It's already looking so good... I'm just sad you didn't call me to be your little assistant!"
"Did you wanted to decorate?"
"No~ Simply wanted to keep you company! Is that so wrong?"
"No, I guess not. Well thanks a lot, I'll make sure you'll be satisfied with your cake~"
He finally let go of your waist and leaned back on a counter as he watched you work, handed you few decorations from time to time and rambles your ear off!
But with his help, you actually got across the decorating process much faster! And you were more sure while doing it, since he could just point out things he didn't like!
So when you were finally done with your little sweet, you were more than excited to show it off. Him seeing your excitement could only chuckle, the fact you were so proud of yourself and seeing this lovely smile was already enough for him to absolutely love this gift.
"It's perfect, darling! I'm so happy to have such a talented lover like you~"
"I'm so glad to hear it!! Happy birthday Rui!"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @r4wrclwz @superstar-ethereal @stellas-starry-stories13 @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan @hakulivesformusic @wabatle - come get your crazy inventor~
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autisticalastor · 2 months ago
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wip wednesday!! tagged by @the-flaming-nightmare AND @nottapossum ty both!!! :D
a lil more of my dumb lil lucifer bday idea today <3
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"Get. Out. Of my kitchen," Alastor says the moment Lucifer joins him.
"You're making my birthday cake, I at least wanna watch," Lucifer replies, hopping up onto the counter next to all of Alastor's baking supplies.
"I hear they're wanting you to have a smaller one to smash. Like an infant."
"Yeah, Angel says that since it's my first ever birthday party, it means I'm turning one? And apparently human one-year-olds get to smash a cake? He said I get to eat it with my hands, too, so I'll allow it."
Alastor rolls his eyes. "You might as well be turning one with the way you act."
"Sue me for having a little whimsy!" Lucifer leans over, peering into Alastor's mixing bowl. "So what kind is it gonna be? I couldn't pick a flavor when Charlie asked. I like every kind of cake. How do you pick?"
"Simple! I don't like any of them. So you're getting a classic birthday cake. Deal with it."
"You should put some sprinkles in there, I think. How can you not like cake?"
"Sprinkles go on top, idiot. And I hate sweets in general." Alastor pushes Lucifer back, clearly annoyed with him already.
"But you make sweet stuff all the time? Didn't you and Angel get up super early to make beignets for everyone a while back?"
"That was for Angel's benefit, not mine. If you want to stay in here, be still and be quiet."
To Lucifer's credit, he does try his best to be still and quiet as Alastor requested, but he really wasn't built to be that way. He swings his legs, occasionally accidentally kicking the cabinets below him. He hums softly — really, it's the only way to keep himself from talking. He keeps leaning over to get a better look at what Alastor's doing, and Alastor keeps pushing him back with increasing irritation.
Eventually, Alastor's patience seems to wear thin, and he turns to Lucifer with an annoyed expression. "If I give you something to do, will you stay out of my way?"
"I get to help?" Lucifer asks, visibly brightening at the idea.
"Sure. Here." Alastor combines a few things into another bowl and hands them to Lucifer, along with a whisk. "You can work on the frosting. Whisk this together. It needs to be thick enough to stand on its own. It should take you a good while to do it by hand."
Lucifer gladly accepts, pulling the bowl into his lap and whisking furiously. It does take a rather long time, but he finds he quite enjoys the task. Or maybe it's just that he really likes helping. By the time he's finished, Alastor already has both cakes in the oven and has started to clean up.
"All done!" Lucifer announces, proudly holding the bowl out toward Alastor.
Alastor takes the bowl, testing to see if the frosting is the right consistency. "Hm. I suppose you've done a good job."
Barely a compliment, but Lucifer beams at him nonetheless.
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ehehe the sillies <3 anyways! taggy time :3
i tag @danana-split @small-duckie @goth-automaton if u guys wanna participate!! :3
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husbandograveyard · 1 year ago
It's the thought - Izo x Reader
Look, I know I am supposed to be writing Spooktober things now, but I couldn't really let this pass without at least a little writing. So without any further ado, enjoy a little celebratory blurb for the one true love of my life, Izo! 2nd person. GN reader. Modern AU
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It was a beautiful fall day: the leaves on the trees had been turning all shades of crimson, orange and yellow, and the temperatures had lowered from the scorching summer heat to something more pleasant, without being actually cold. Fall had officially started, and you were absolutely enjoying the atmosphere. 
You were home alone for now, making use of the time you had to yourself to warm up the oven and get to baking. For fall, pumpkin spice everything seemed like the obvious choice- but not today. Today you had an entirely different mission: bake your boyfriend a cake. You had found a recipe online that was beginner-friendly yet ambitious: two layers and a cream frosting, soft pink details and strawberries. They were out of season now, but you knew how much Izo loved them, and you wouldn’t spare any effort for his birthday. 
You’d been a little sad to be hearing he’d still be working today, as you had hoped he’d maybe take the day off for his birthday, but he’s never made a big deal out of it. 
“When you’re my age, y/n, it truly doesn’t matter much anymore. It’s just another day. But, if you’d like, we can go out to dinner, the two of us?”
You had -of course- agreed, but since you were home anyway, you had decided that you wanted to surprise him as well. After all, he made such an effort of surprising and pampering you throughout the year, with little thoughtful gifts, flowers to make your house an even more beautiful place, takeout of your favorite meals whenever you were too tired to cook… 
So you had gone out, purchased all the ingredients for a cake (and some more, just in case something went wrong), his favorite flowers, and put those in a vase on the table. You had made a card with a handwritten love letter earlier, and had now put it next to the vase and a little box that was neatly wrapped with a rose gold paper. Inside was a watch you had seen him eye a couple times before, but never purchasing it, because he felt like it was too expensive for a watch, especially since he still had one that was working perfectly fine still. 
The oven signaled that it was done preheating, and you practically jumped from the sound, already confused how time was flying by so fast; you had barely set the table with gifts and hadn’t even started measuring and weighing the ingredients. You let the oven sit like that for now and got to quickly prepping the ingredients. Once preparations were over, it didn’t take too long for you to actually do the recipe. You made sure to follow the recipe to the letter, knowing that baking was more of a precision job than cooking usually was. 
When the cake was finally in the oven, you cleaned up the counter and prepared the frosting. After that, you let the cake cool down on the counter while you tidied up the house. You opened up a window to let the room air out, and went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for your dinner date already. That way you could focus on cake decorating until Izo got home, and leave for the restaurant whenever he was ready, You didn’t want him to have to wait for you. 
You put on your favorite music while washing up, loudly singing along and already imagining what the evening was going to be like. You were getting excited when- 
You heard some noises downstairs, and even though the shower was running hot, you suddenly got cold shivers. 
You then heard some yelling, and were ready to panic until you recognized the voice. 
“Izo?” you walked downstairs carefully, nothing but a towel wrapped around your frame, still dripping wet, being careful not to slip. 
“Y/n?” You sighed in relief when you realized it was in fact Izo who had come home much earlier than anticipated. Your relief was short lived when you realized your surprise was a little ruined now, and then replaced by worry when you saw his face, confused and not at all the way you had expected him to look when he saw what you were preparing. 
“What was that sound?” You walked up to him, giving him a brief kiss, whispering a happy birthday against his lips. “Well… I will assume you were preparing a surprise for me?” You nodded, and he chuckled. “Did you by any chance leave food out and a window open?” You closed your eyes, cursing as you realized what had probably happened. “I think the neighborhood cat was just as surprised as you were to find me home early.” You walked into the kitchen with him, only to find little pawprints in frosting all over, and the cake that was cooling down ruined with tooth marks and paw- and clawprints and more frosting smeared all over. At the very least it looked like the creature hadn’t ingested too much, so you were sure it would be fine. You looked over at the table, relieved to see that at least your gift setup wasn’t bothered by the cake thief either. 
Still, your relief was replaced with sadness, as you did put in all the effort. You felt your bottom lip tremble as you took in the view, only to be pulled out of your thoughts by a strong arm around your waist. Izo pulled you into his side, chuckling softly. 
“I wanted to surprise you. You seemed a little deflated that I didn’t want to celebrate beyond going out for dinner, so I wanted to see if we could maybe have a fun afternoon. I got off a little early, only to see that you were preparing something as well” 
You nodded.
“It was going to be a strawberry cake, your favorite” “Does that mean you have fresh strawberries in the fridge?” You didn’t see it, but you could hear the smile in his voice. “Yes”, you smiled as well. “And you got my favorite flowers,” he said, walking up to the table, taking you along with him with one arm still wrapped around your waist, the other softly touching the flowers, studying the arrangement. You looked at his face, admiring him instead of the flowers. 
“Thank you.”
He turned to you before even opening the card or the present, and you smiled, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed about the whole situation: the failed surprise, the mess that the kitchen was, the fact that you were not ready, standing there shivering in your towel. 
“You’re welcome, I wish it was mo-”
He shushed you with another kiss, effectively taking away most of your worries and otherwise negative feelings. He had that effect on you, immediately making you feel better with nothing but a loving gesture. "It's perfect” 
You had no choice but to replace your frown with a smile as well. 
“let me get dressed then, and then… we’ll celebrate”  "And maybe clean up a little as well"
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spartanguard · 1 year ago
an important date
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it's Friday and it's Colin's birthday....I had to do something!! Just a bit of a post-canon Captain Charming scene, inspired by this prompt: "We both meet at the bar at a birthday party but we don’t even know who’s birthday it is. I think it’s yours, you think it’s mine." 1.1k, rated T | AO3
The Rabbit Hole was…well, the Rabbit Hole—its usual divy self. It wasn’t where Killian would typically expect to find David, least of all on the prince’s birthday.
At least—he thought that’s what Emma had said? She’d all but shoved him out of the station that evening, with the direction to meet her father here for a “birthday drink”. Of the birth dates he’d memorized (and would never forget—Emma’s, Henry’s, Hope’s), he realized he was severely lacking when it came to his in-laws.
But perhaps David’s would be easier to remember, given its proximity to his own. Or, rather, when he thought his own was; the actual date was long since lost to time, realm travel, and changing calendars, and it had been centuries since he’d actually done anything to mark the date, but he remembered it being in spring. 
Really the only fond memory he had of the day was picking fresh wildflowers with his mother, the light scent filling their small house, and the sweet taste of the modest cake she’d baked. When the hyacinth began to bloom in Storybrooke, he was always taken back to that day, and generally used that milestone to mark the passing of his years—but he’d lived enough of them that he needed no extra celebration or recognition.
As it was, the first shoots of spring had only just begun to emerge, so by his math, that put David’s birthday—or whatever today was—a few weeks ahead of his own. Good to know.
He scanned the bar for his mate—squinting a bit harder than he’d like to admit in the dim light (further evidence of the passage of time, he presumed)—almost missing him at the far end of the counter, until David waved at him.
“Evening, mate,” he greeted as he slid onto the barstool next to his father-in-law. “Not your typical scene, eh?” he added, nodding towards the rest of the bar, where all manner of seedy goings-on (well, as much as ever happened in Storybrooke) were happening—things the deputy sheriff should probably be concerned with, but he was off the clock (and had no room to talk).
David shrugged. “I’ve been known to pass the occasional night here—cursed and not cursed. Having royalty around seems to keep things calm.”
“Aye, but you’ve never been here with a pirate,” he winked back, even if it had been ages since he’d anything resembling a rowdy night. The most exciting his had been lately were the times that they managed to get a teething Hope down early enough to squeeze in some intimacy, but he wasn’t going to admit that to Emma’s father.
“No,” David agreed. “But I figured I could manage for one night. To mark the occasion and all.”
“Aye; it does warrant that. My apologies for not knowing the date sooner—happy birthday, Dave.”
But instead of the customary thanks, David just tilted his head at him, brow furrowed in confusion. “Huh?”
Bloody hell—had he misheard Emma? “We’re here to celebrate your day of birth, are we not?”
“No; my birthday is in July—so now I kind of am offended,” David replied, though his tone was light. “Wait—did Emma not tell you?”
“She told me to meet you here for a birthday drink—I assumed that meant it was yours.”
“No, man—it’s yours.”
“Come again?” He’d never so much as commented to anyone, including Emma, the whereabouts of birth date; so how would either of them, least of all David, have known?
David explained, “Remember near the end of her pregnancy, when her magic was kind of overpowered and she was trying to release it?” How could Killian forget? He spent a whole week with blue hair, and trying to keep Pop-Tarts from flying around the house. “Apparently during that, she was trying out a bunch of easy, informational spells; there was one about revealing birthdates. Turned out mine was off by a couple of days. But yeah, she did yours, too; she never mentioned it?”
Killian was momentarily speechless. Not out of betrayal or anything—things were rather chaotic leading up to Hope’s birth, so he didn’t blame Emma for letting it slip her mind—but moreso that it had been able to be determined.
And, despite the last several years being filled with things such as True Love, marriages, and more family than he’d ever imagined having, he was still touched by the idea that anyone cared enough about him to know the date he’d entered this world (or whichever world it was)—and even more that they wanted to acknowledge it. 
“Uh, no,” he said, his voice suddenly thick with emotion. “I seem to recall her pregnancy brain was pretty bad then,” he quipped, hoping to lighten the moment. “So—really? Today?”
“Today,” David confirmed. Killian thought back to the wildflowers—then recalled that he grew up in a far warmer climate than Maine’s, perhaps the reason for his miscalculation.
(Also: he now understood why Emma had woken him with morning sex that day. That was never something he’d question, though—and also something he wouldn’t dare mention in present company.)
The barkeep then set two glasses of amber liquid in front of David. He slid one across the worn wood to Killian, then raised his own. “Happy birthday, Killian. To the best son-in-law—best friend—a man could ask for.”
Killian clinked his glass against David’s and quickly took a sip, hoping it might wash down the lump that had formed in his throat. Alas, it didn’t—but at least it was there with good reason. “Thank you, mate; and, uh, the feeling is mutual.” It wasn’t often words escaped him, so hopefully his father-in-law picked up on the weight of the emotion in his voice; he tried to find David’s eyes, but was overcome with an odd bashfulness he hadn’t felt since youth.
David just gave a gentle chuckle and a solid, brotherly thump on the shoulder, before attempting to down his own shot of rum—which brought on laughter of a different kind, but it broke the bit of tension. 
They shared another drink after (whiskey; far more palatable to the prince), before leaving to their respective princesses—and sharing perhaps a stronger embrace than Killian had originally intended, but it was certainly called for. 
As sweet as his memories from childhood were, it was nice to add this one to the collection of birthday remembrances—the first in so long. (And, as he eventually found, not the last—not by a long shot—in the many years to come.)
(However, he still refused, in all those celebrations, to tell David the way Emma preferred to mark the occasion.)
[thanks for reading, and happy Captain Charming Friday! tags below cut]
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desceros · 1 year ago
Hellooooo I’m 20 todayyyy it’s my birthday 🥳 (12/23) and I’d like to request a birthday sex one shot with Raphael idc which era but I like his personality the best in bayverse (can’t remember if you write for them) but basically reader has a bad day at work or school and goes down to the lair to chill with Raph their boyfriend he realizes he has never asked when readers birthday is and when they say today he drops everything and immediately makes the day about them he takes them back to their apartment and draws a relaxing bath cleans and makes a simple cake (with premade mix he found in the lair kitchen) then maybe he uses the frosting as a kind of worship for reader and licks it off their body doesn’t have to fit that at all if you want to add some pizazz then go ahead but thank youuuuu ❤️❤️❤️
(Symphony is so damn good btw)
ahhhh i just got this like. an hour ago bc i've been offline all day but!!!! happy birthday!!! it isn't exactly what you asked for since i wanted to get it out today on your actual birthday, but i hope you enjoy this lil thing :D raphael/reader; gn!reader; rated m
The moment he hears you telling Leo it's your birthday, he panics.
"What are you doing?" Donnie asks, coming into the kitchen in sniffing at the air. "Are you... baking a cake?"
"I'm focusin', Don, not now," Raph grits, frantically searching through the cabinets to find the icing. Thankfully, it's inside, untouched by icing-licking brothers, so he tosses it off to the side. "Can you, uh, go distract 'em for a bit?"
Donnie rolls his eyes. "You know they're going to ask where you are?"
Raph waves him off, so off he goes.
The cake itself is done before you come sniffing around, thank goodness. However, no one ever told him about waiting until it was cool to put the icing on, and it is in the middle of his near-meltdown at how it keeps oozing down the side that you enter the kitchen, miffed to have been kept away.
"Raph, what are you—?" you ask, only to pause when you see him glaring fiercely at a very sad-looking cake, his eyes going wide when he sees you coming in. God damn it, Donnie! "...Is that for me?"
"Uh," he starts, looking at the very sad, sad cake. Straightening from where he'd hunched over to try and fix the icing, he rubs at the back of his neck. "It was supposed to be. But, uh, this one doesn't look so good, huh?"
Laughing, you come up to stand next to him, trailing a finger through the melted icing and popping it in your mouth. "It might be the ugliest thing I've ever seen. But it tastes good!" Turning to face him, you smile, getting close and tilting your mouth to his invitingly. "Plus, you made it for me. That makes it the best."
Warm, Raph bends down and kisses the sweetness from your lips. He chases after you when you go to pull away, his fingers holding your jaw to keep you close.
"Tell you what," he murmurs, pulling away only when he feels you go pliant in his hold. "How's 'bout you 'n me go back to your place. Let me give you somethin' real nice?"
"Oh, yeah? What do you have in mind?" you ask, voice warbling a little even though you try to put on a brave front. It makes him smirk to hear the weakness he can so easily put into your knees, makes him feel like he's allowed to spew all the filth he wants into your ears.
"Well first, we'll stop by someplace nice and get you a proper cake," he says, tipping your head back and placing his mouth on your throat. "Then, I'm gonna take you home and get that nice big bath of yours goin' with all those pretty smellin' things in it you like that drive me crazy."
He feels you swallow against his mouth, prompting him to sink his teeth in until you whimper. Blood rushing in anticipation, he crowds you against the counter, licking at the mark he knows he's left there now.
"Then, when you're done, I'll fish you out, and use you as a plate for us to eat a slice of that pretty cake and lick the icing off you until you come at least three times. Maybe four if you're good for me."
Trailing his hands down your front to the hem of your shirt, he lets his fingers glide along your skin as he rubs his beak down your neck to burrow his head in your shoulder, nipping along the skin the whole way before he comes to whisper in your ear. Then, with just a hint of promise, he slides his thigh between your legs, pressing up, teasing, giving you a taste of what he wants.
"That sound like a plan?"
When you nod rapidly, hands desperately clutching at the counter behind you to help keep you upright and your breath coming too-fast, he pulls away and smirks, grabbing a finger of icing and dabbing it on your cheek before he licks it off in a heady promise.
"Good. Go say goodbye to the others. 'S gonna be a day or two before you leave your apartment once I get started with ya."
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whollyjoly · 11 months ago
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for some reason i can't explain i know saint peter won't call my name
nothing that lives, lives forever - an immortal soldier!alton more au
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(1.1k of snippets from my old guard(ish) au where alton more is old, too old, and has been living and fighting far longer than anyone should. full description/other thoughts at the bottom. tw: blood, violence, mentions of death)
Alton clicked the lighter closed, running a thumb over the silver case. The night was warm, sticky in a way that he never could get used to. He sucked in a breath from the cheap cigarette, letting his head fall back against the rough side of the barracks.
It was quiet. Typically, there would be no end to the commotion coming from the small building, one of many that littered Camp Toccoa. The wall of sound was ever-present, no matter if it was shouting or laughing or snoring. But whatever the cause, there was always noise. 
No matter if it was a blanket of noise he knew well, unchanging except for the language and the scenery. Soldiers are soldiers, and some things are a constant. It could almost be comforting, if it didn’t also mean that the need for soldiers was a constant as well.
However, tonight was a Saturday, and it was one of the few weekends that Sobel had allowed Easy the use of their weekend passes. Almost every man in the company had jumped at the chance to get off base, to travel home if they could and spend time with loved ones. The ones with farther-flung hometowns had spirited off to Atlanta, happy to spend their time drinking and dancing and fucking instead of slogging through another run, three miles up, three miles down.
Normally, Alton would have joined them in their carousing - it was easier to pass the time with the effortless camaraderie built during a training camp than bored and alone. 
But today had been a bad day. The sound of swords and the shift of sand beneath his feet followed him out of his nightmares, the humid summer of Georgia morphing itself into the baking, dry heat of the desert. 
His shouts must have been real, because when a hand came to shake him out of his dream, the first face he saw was not that of a grouchy NCO, but of a blood-caked Saracen, eyes alight with righteous fury. 
Alton didn’t think. He had grabbed the knife from under his pillow, an old thing that had been sharpened more times than he could begin to count, and was on the man in less than a breath, pressing the blade into the side of his neck. The familiar thrum of blood beat against his fingertips, the grit of sand scratched his gums. He knew what he had to do, had done it a thousand times, a thousand thousand times, what was a little more bloodshed spilled across his feet-
Alton had blinked, and came to himself in a rush.
Instead of an unnamed Saracen, the ashen face of Johnny Martin stared up at him, eyes wide behind the knife.
Alton drew back his hand, retreating almost as quick as he had lunged earlier. He mumbled a quick curse and apology as he stepped out of arm’s reach from the man. It wasn’t until Martin’s eyes widened even farther that Alton realized his tongue was slipping out Arabic of all things.
Usually, Alton was better about remembering himself, who he was almost as important as where he was. But for whatever reason, his demons had decided to catch up with him that night.
After a quick smile and some quip about the Krauts in his dreams, he managed to wave an only-slightly-mollified Martin off. The shorter man apparently hadn’t forgotten it though, if his watchful eyes during chow that morning were anything to go by.
Alton was just glad that no one else was awake to see it, at least. That was the last thing he needed.
And so, instead of joining in on a weekend of broads and booze, Alton found himself waving away the invitation by an eager Smokey and bemused Alley. When the horde made their way out of the barracks, fantasizing in bawdy terms about their planned misadventures, he felt like he could breathe easy.
Fucking finally.
Alton took another drag from the cigarette. He watched the smoke curl, up and up until it faded into nothing amongst the darkening sky.
The lighter was a welcome weight in his hand, grounding him to this time, this life.
The design was worn by now, details barely visible after a half century of worrying. It still managed to amaze him, sometimes, what people could do with the smallest of canvases. Alton didn’t feel the same wonder however, wasn’t as mesmerized by the beauty man could create as he once was.
But in the quiet moments, he could still appreciate the time some French craftsman took to transform a hunk of metal into a small token carried around by a dead man.
Luz had spied the lighter one weekend, and laughed at him for using something so old-fashioned. Alton just shrugged, not caring to admit that he was still getting used to having a light at his fingertips. It wasn’t all that long ago when he was still lighting a pipe with a flintlock pistol, and not so long before that when he would carry around a flint and steel.
Time was passing all the more quickly these days, technologies changing and advancing, and everyone was obsessed with needing things to be quicker, cheaper, simpler. Alton scoffed. He could hardly find it in him to care.
He glanced down at the lighter in his hand, shifting it back and forth in a practiced motion and watched as the light skittered across the sides. 
It had shown flowers, once. A veritable garden of carnations, daffodils, and lilies of the valley, with leaves spilling across the front panel onto the back. They represent good fortune, he was told. Good fortune, luck, and hope. 
When the merchant described it to him, eyes ablaze with a passion known only to those with wares to sell, Alton didn’t try to hide the snort that escaped his throat. 
Fortune and Luck had abandoned him long ago, and hadn’t returned since waking up in a battlefield abandoned by all but the dead, sword in his chest and blood in his mouth. 
And what the fuck was Alton supposed to do with hope?
It was the quote on the back that had caught his eye, all those years ago in a street market in Reims. The beveled edges had faded with time, the familiar letters Alton traced were more memory by now than any physical mark. Une vie honorable est une vie éternelle.
An honorable life is an eternal life.
Alton couldn’t help but stare at the message, both then and now. He hated that goddamn word. Immortal. Unending. Eternal. 
They were such flowery words, used by people who craved what they couldn’t have, what they shouldn’t. The romanticized idea of the everlasting, the fountain of youth, the gift of life! Alton was sick of it.
This wasn’t life. He was a fucking dead man walking. And he sure as hell didn’t do anything honorable to deserve it.
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months ago, while thinking about the absolute insanity of the almost...cavalier? attitude we see alton more have over the course of the series, an idea hit my brain: what if there was a reason nothing seemed to phase him - not panzers, not being a breath away from a car wreck, not bastogne, not speirs? what if this wasn't his first war? that thought spiraled me into a minor insanity that is this: my immortal soldier!alton more au, loosely inspired by the movie the old guard (2020). the idea is that, once upon a time, there was a soldier in a land many centuries ago. one day, he died in battle. and then, he woke up. and then he died. and then he woke up. over, and over. drawn to countless battles, conflicts, and wars, each one etching itself into the core of his soul. a never-ending cycle...until one sweltering summer, where he found himself at a training camp at the foot of a mountain. anyways. at some point, i plan on writing this as a full story, but that is admittedly a long ways away. however, in celebration of alton more's birthday today, i wanted to post my favorite scene that i've written for this au! it's set sometime at the beginning of the story, in the early days of camp toccoa. mostly, it's just a character study of this version of alton more. hope you enjoyed! and of course - happy birthday alton more!
(song insp.)
taglist: @sweetxvanixlla @coco-bean-1218 @bucky32557038ww2 @georgieluz @samwinchesterslostshoe @xxluckystrike @next-autopsy @ronald-speirs @land-sh @ronsparky @panzershrike-pretz @theredrenard @kyellin
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eletricheart · 10 months ago
Hi request time I bet you have no clue who this is :)
So I was wondering, to complete the Donna beneviento x daughter series, in which SOMEONE killed her daughter, what if donna gets desperate and asks mother miranda to revive her child and a fluffy ending? Thank youuu!
Oh also maybe remove the scissors from her forehead or something that looks a lil uncomfy but idk :D
(Donna Beneviento x daughter!reader)
part 1
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*from my spotify
Word count: 1109
my oh my i wonder who sent this🤨
TW: google translate italian
ps: fluff today, fluff tomorrow, fluff forever
ps2: pls lmk any mistakes, not proofread
ps3: florence's song at the end
The knocks on the door at the Manor became more insistent as the minutes went by. Donna, still frozen attached to your cold figure, did nothing to acknowledge the noise, hoping it would cease and reunite her with you.
Tired of being polite, Mother Miranda broke the handle and walked in, quickly looking for the dollmaker, expecting for at least one of her children to be alive.
The priestess found Donna sitting on the ground holding you, the bloodied scissors long discarded on the floor.
The older woman sighed and kneeled to be at eye level, gently touching the Lady’s shoulder. “It’s okay, let’s go to my lab. We’ll fix this.”
Donna turned to look at the priestess with an exhausted expression and shook her head. “It won't work, it never does.”
The dollmaker started to cry again, pulling your body closer while Miranda stared in unusual sympathy. “We’ll make it work, come with me and I’ll bring her back to you.”
Donna knew that most of her promises were false, only a way to seize control. But what did she have to lose? So she nodded and allowed Miranda to carry you to her laboratory.
The dollmaker didn't leave your side, not even when the priestess made it clear on how annoying her presence was. She stayed, held your hand, and waited.
You awoke three days after the operation, Angie was sleeping beside you in (surprisingly) Miranda’s guest room. It didn't take long for the dollmaker to come running into your room, relieved that you were alive. The next few weeks were mostly ensuring your well being but soon enough you and Donna were off to a cabin near the village, at least until the Manor gets properly cleaned and fixed.
Month 1 of recovery
You and Angie were elbows deep into the soil trying to plant a tree during winter, even building a roof around the designated space so that snow wouldn’t fall into it. Of course Donna reminded you both that the soil would freeze due to the low temperatures, and you ignored her.
Obviously the tree plan was a failure once a snowstorm began. You were sitting inside the house watching snow cover your small branch when Donna tapped on your shoulder.
She was holding a trail with gardening tools and Angie beside her holding a pot with dirt. “It’s not gonna grow into a tree, but it’s a start. What do you think?”
You smiled brightly at her and quickly nodded.
Month 6 of recovery
You were attempting to make a two tier cake after watching a movie and hearing Donna say how pretty she thought it was.
You had spent six months showering the dollmaker with gifts as a ‘thank you’ for her embracing you as family. However no amount of trinkets and cleaning felt like enough, so you believed the cake was the best idea ever.
After two hours your resolution was starting to fall. You were covered in flour surrounded by failing tiers.
The baking was easy, having done it multiple times with Donna. However, decoration and setting it up was not in your strength traits.
You were close to crying when Donna stepped into the kitchen, taken back by the mess but rushing to your side once noticing your tearful face.
The dollmaker was gently wiping your tears with a clean napkin. “What happened? Why are you crying?”
You shook your head with a pout. “I didn't mean to make a mess, I just wanted a cake.”
Donna smiled. “You could've called me, we would've made it together.”
You looked down at the floor, suddenly interested in the floor patterns. “It was supposed to be a gift for you.” You mumbled.
The dollmaker nodded and lifted your head. “You do know it’s not my birthday, right?”
You laughed and shrugged. “I just wanted to repay you for everything you've done for me.”
Donna sighed and hugged you.“Oh mia bambina, you do not need to repay me, you being alive is the greatest gift I could ever want.”
1 year
Angie was in charge of distracting you at the garden, not a very difficult task since you loved bird watching. Even so, the doll was taking her job very seriously, not even allowing you to glance at the Manor.
Donna, on the other hand, was decorating along with the other dolls. She knew how much your death had an impact on yourself so she decided to make it a special day, so at the very least you could forget him for a day.
The Lady already had all the balloons and confetti ready, even Mother Miranda sent a blood test result stating you were healthy. A weird gift but Donna just assumed the other woman didn't know what presents were.
Noon was nearing when you decided to go back home. Angie knew that the dollmaker was still finishing the cake so she impulsively started a game of hide and seek. Therefore, after an hour of trying to find the doll and ten more minutes of trying to kill her, you both went back home.
You opened the front door, uneased by the darkness and silence but relaxed once seeing two dolls with shining outfits asking you to follow them.
You were positively surprised with the kitchen’s decoration, multiple blooming flowers were surrounding the walls, an only now noticed path of confetti leading to the table with a two tier cake.
Donna was fidgeting in the corner, observing your reaction when you ran to hug her.
The dollmaker had the biggest smile while holding you. “Do you like it?”
You nodded excitedly. “I love it so so so much. Thank you, thank you, really.”
Donna laughed. “Any time.”
After Angie’s demand for cake you moved towards it in order to cut it. You carefully cut a piece and placed it on a plate, holding it in your hand and turning towards the dollmaker. “So…um…I read somewhere that in some places there’s a tradition that when you cut a cake…you give the first piece to someone special for you…so.” You took a deep breath, presenting the cake to Donna who smiled tearfully.
You smiled nervously. “I-I know we’re not really family…but if it’s okay with you…I just want to say that you’re the best mother I’ve ever had. So thank you.”
Donna could feel the tears streaming down her face, quickly pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head. “You are and you will always be my family. You’re my daughter, okay? And I love you so so much.”
You smiled. “I love you too”
requests are open: masterlist
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