#i was drawing this with tears in my eyes repeating to myself Its The Fuck You Brother!!!
senvurii · 2 months
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its the Fuck You Brother
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hackerqueen · 1 year
Another Love
Chapter 1 Heartburn
warnings: this fanfiction will tackle heavy topics such as mental health and violence. there will be sex scenes.
– Fuck!
This word was often repeated every morning in my apartment. I was not an early bird, quite the opposite. I definitely preferred to fall asleep late in the evening, often in the middle of the night, to sleep until noon. Unfortunately, I was no longer a teenager, but a twenty-three-year-old woman who had to go to work every morning to pay the rent and bills. Life was often a bitch, wasn't it?
More curses spilled out of my mouth as my windshield wipers sped faster than Dan making up another shitty joke. Or a meme. His memes sucked, though I never told him that.
Duskwood was usually cloudy and rainy at this time of year. This is the second time I am convinced of this, because I moved here exactly two years ago. At times like this, I ask myself why? I could live peacefully in sunny California, sipping drinks on my balcony. But sometimes life writes its own scripts without asking you.
The pouring rain made my commute a bit more difficult, but I finally made it to the office where I was supposed to stay for another eight or nine hours. My boss threw papers at my desk, which didn't bode well. Halfway through work, I looked at my co-workers. Since I was a child, I liked to observe, analyze and draw conclusions about human behavior. So it was also now. However, the current view made me drowsy boredom. A group of people locked in a glass building, caring only if their shitty paperwork will pay the rent and pay off the mortgage. Will it allow them to go out to dinner at a restaurant at the beginning of the month, or maybe they'll get lucky and they can afford four days away at the end of the year? Corpsrats whose minds were completely closed to the world around them. I was a hypocrite judging them. Because I was absolutely the same. I also chased after money, abandoning my dreams and passions.
Deep, philosophical considerations were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Seeing the name on the screen, I smiled slightly, despite my obvious tiredness. I picked up right away.
– Hello, hello. - greeted a nice, almost singing voice, which finally regained this lovely note – I'm picking you up from work today.
– But..
– Without any buts. We'll be choosing decorations today, you can't be absent! Nobody I know has better taste than you. Besides, you know what Thomas is like. He'll agree with me about everything, even if I pick the worst shit.
I burst out laughing. There was no contact with Hannah for several weeks. She needed hours of therapy, shed tears, and shutting herself off from the world to recover. To understand what happened. Has she come to terms with it? Was there any reconciliation at all in this situation? No one in the group seemed to agree with it. Damn, how were they supposed to accept that their longtime friend, the man who always made them laugh, did something like that? They couldn't even talk to him. Only Jessy had this honor, but I don't know if it didn't affect her even worse. I was just a shadow. A hiding shadow that listened to their conversation.
– Okay, you convinced me. Be there at 4pm – I told her shortly and said goodbye. Maybe this day won't be so bad after all.
* * *
– Thomas, don't interfere. – I grumbled under my breath as I flicked through the catalog with bouquets
I heard his loud protests to which Hannah reacted immediately.
– Babe, you know I love you, but I'll be carrying the bouquet, not you. Unless you want too?
The man got angry and left us alone. I suppressed the urge to comment on her rather dubious choice of husband and rolled my eyes, but a mischievous smirk must have affected my face hearing my biting thoughts.
Did that sperm really win?
I stopped quickly when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
– I can see you're not getting along, but just a little more. It will be better after marriage. Thomas is just stressed out. – she assured me and I nodded – You know, two years ago it all ended. This anniversary has such an effect on him.
I felt a shiver run down my spine. How... how come it's been two years since this nightmare ended?
– Have you forgotten? – she asked, seeing the pale expression on my face
– N-No. – I coughed at my broken tone of voice. – It's just that... it's a bit weird? That, time flies so fast and we live like two years ago?
– Can we do otherwise? I think we'd be best off living for them. – she said, then smiled sadly and squeezed my hand – Have you been at his grave?
I sighed, slowly shooking my head.
– Me neither. I'm not ready for that yet. –she confessed honestly and my heart clenched. Today was the day I had to face my past.
Getting into the car, I typed into the GPS the cemetery, which was located on the outskirts of Duskwood. Half an hour later, I was there. I gripped the steering wheel, letting out shaky breaths. I had no idea how long I sat there, but I finally moved and took out the rose I had bought on the way out of the back of the car. It was intensely red, reflecting my feelings at that moment. My mind was unconscious, my feet led me all the way to the grave. No wonder, my body knew the way by heart. I looked up at the name carved on it.
Jake Donfort
I swallowed. One candle was lit, illuminating this late evening. So Lilly must have been here already. I crouched down and carefully placed the flower on his grave. It may have been two years, but some things haven't changed. My heart still burned as I remembered the black-haired hacker who once meant so much to me. Now my heart squeezed even tighter as I realized something else.
The memory of him was fading, a little at a time and I could feel myself forgetting.
Time passed inexorably, and my upside down life returned to normal. Two years ago, I couldn't imagine my life without him. We had a promise, right? He promised we'd meet. He promised he wouldn't let us be separated. However, his promise was burned with him in the mine fire because he never came back. Even though he said he would.
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forgetminot · 1 year
Hello! I loved your Leon x Reader fics! If you wouldn’t mind may I request some good angst? As in Leon or the reader are injured in the RE4 mission and the other is trying to keep them alive. Ultimately you may decide their fate but I reaaaally love angst and wish to write some fics myself but end up deleting because my brain is like “HEY!!! You’re and artist… you can just draw this!” Which of course takes 90X’s longer😅
And thank you💖
~ Leon Kennedy x gn reader ~
[ Warnings ; character death, ANGST, blood, gun, violence, infected villager deaths, profanities, more angst, ]
A/N : I'm not sorry. :)
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You could no longer see the natural colour of your hands, they were crimson; drenched in blood from the axe wound carved into Leon's stomach. Gun in one hand and Leon's arm slung over your shoulder. You push on through the infected village, killing any people that get too close. "Just a little further!" Leon nods weakly, clinging to you tightly. You push open the cabin door, lowering Leon to the ground and scanning your eyes around the room for something to barricade said door with.
"Bookcase- over there." You turn to where Leon is pointing, rushing over to the large bookcase and dragging it from one side of the room to the other, blocking the cabin's entrance. "Not to rush you or anything, but I'm bleeding out here." He lets out a shaky laugh, his hands placing pressure on his wound. Opening doors and searching shelves you look for bandages, medication, a needle, thread; anything that could help save your partner's life.
"Bleeding out and yet- you still have that amazing sense of humour." You comment; giving Leon a small smile over your shoulder. You let out a huge sigh of relief, because in the cupboard under the stairs you find a first aid kit. You hastily pull the box out lifting the lid. "No... No!" It's empty, completely empty. "Fuck!" You slam the lid down, standing up and kicking the box across the floor.
"Hey, ca- calm down." You turn around and walk towards Leon.
"Calm down? Leon you are dying on the floor right now and you want me to calm down!" You shout, worry covering your face.
"Our luck had to run out- sooner or later." He tilts his head up to look at you and motions with his hand for you to come sit beside him. You sigh, lowering yourself to sit next to him. "Promise me-"
"Don't." You shake your head from side to side, tears streaming down your cheeks. "Don't say goodbye."
"Promise me, you will find Ashley." He coughs harshly, blood falling onto his hand. "Shit..."
"I- Leon-"
"Find her and get her-" cough "Get h- her home safe." His voice is quiet, barely above a whisper and he's extremely pale, blood running down the side of his mouth; blood pooling on the floor from the axe wound. You take his hand in yours looking into his eyes deeply.
"Leon?" He doesn't respond, you sit in complete silence hand gripping onto his. "Leon?" You repeat. He's gone. Your whole body is shaking, your shirt soaked from your own tears. Thud. You stand quickly, taking your glock from its holster and aiming it at the door. The bookcase crashes down; loads of infected villagers flooding into the cabin. You shoot off multiple shots, killing two and then three villagers; but you can't hold them all off and there's far too many of them to even try. You rush to the closest window, prying it open and climbing through. Taking a deep breath you turn and look at Leon; a small smile on your face.
"I promise."
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glazedsnail · 52 minutes
Fanfic closing soon
So there we are. That's the second to last part. AT LAST.
I'm usually way ahead before I post a part but this time the last part is all in my head I can't wait to put it on paper. And I'll try my best to post it tomorrow by the latest cause after that I'm away for a few days. AND I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE ANYONE ON THAT.
You'll see why
Misery Loved Company
ShanexOCFarmer (♀️) 18+ - Mention of suicidal ideation/mention of csa/substance misuse
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9
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Also, finally, this is what Fern looks like.
I'm VERY bad at description and I WILL blame 1st person writing which I CHOSE to write in.
She's tired ya'll. but she cute.
I used the super handy tool by Jaz and Poltergeister linked here ♥ Because I tried to draw her myself and uh, yeah, no, i'll stick to writing. That's how bad my drawing is.
The heavy rain of the afternoon falling on the warm air left the night with a muggy lovechild enveloping the valley.
In his room, Shane blames the weather for his inability to fall asleep. Cover on, cover off. One leg out, two legs. He tosses, turns, grunting and grumbling.
Dinner was a disaster. Marnie wanted nothing to do with him, and so did he. Tension could probably be felt from the mountain top. Marnie was in the wrong. Wasn’t she? He turns.
She cannot possibly believe that Fern would have destroyed him, his effort, his “progress”. She knows herself how that odd new farmer helped with the singular little push to the right direction. So what if she wanted more. He faces the wall. So what if he wanted more. He groans. Their last conversation was a fight. She collapsed in the hospital parking lot and was immediately treated for severe dehydration. He saw her then weakened dark eyes fill with tears as she asked him to leave. He had all the intentions to, he thinks. But not before he knew she was safe. He turns to the messy room. The TV is still on, its crackling noise filling the room. It’s familiar. Comfortable. Did she even make it back to the farm? And what truly happened with this story of “glass shattered in anger”? What even are his feelings for her anyway? A long groan. He buries his face in his hands and sits up. There’s no point fighting it. Leaving the statically singing TV, he heads to the kitchen and walks straight to the adjacent chicken coop. None of the chickens are bothered by the weather, or the rough looking tired half naked man who just walked in. Most are sleeping peacefully, snoring soft “bock” into their wings. Others seem to be snuggling, or walking around in that peculiar chicken gait…
Shane leans against the wall where he had proudly hung his “Fresh Eggs” sign. He slowly slides down to the floor. Immediately, a white chicken runs towards him and jumps on his lap, clucking enthusiastically. 
‘Hey Charlie.’ He whispers, stroking the chicken’s neck. “In another life, I could see myself becoming a chicken farmer” he repeats to himself.
‘I really fucked up, didn’t I?’
Charlie lifts her head to his voice.
‘I didn’t know how to handle it. All this. It was somehow easier when I didn’t have any plan, something to look forward to. I let my guard down, I let her in.’
‘You’ve met Fern, c’mon.’ Shane sighs, shuffling in place ‘Y’know, when she first moved in the old farm I gave her two weeks at most. At her age, renovating an old broken down farm, make it viable again.’
‘I didn’t say she looked old. Lewis had told us she was the old neighbour’s granddaughter, we just did the maths. Thirty’s old.’
‘It is.’ He moves his shoulder, already feeling stiff. ‘No one can just start a new life like that. But she did, and I was jealous of her. I still can’t wrap my head around why she was so… insistent. Why would anyone want to know me? I get it’s a small town and she probably wanted to befriend everybody but… I’m trash.’
‘Yeah you would say that, but that’s only because I feed you.’ 
He starts to truly feel the hard floor on his buttocks, his lower back seizing in a small spasm.
‘Fuck’s sake’ he whispers. ‘Falling into pieces over here.’
He sighs, looks at the wall in front of him.
He broke down many walls in his life, on his own. He never needed help, never asked for help, letting himself fight alone for so long. It was working. Barely. And she came in, told him he could rest, let his bleeding knuckles fall to his sides and stop, when he didn’t even see her bandaged hands.
‘Do you think damaged attracts damaged? That we could have made each other actually worse? She went through hell and was willing to march back in to get me out of it with a kick in the ass.’
He lets his heavy head fall against the wall. On the ceiling, a spider is slowly wrapping its catch, dancing with the breeze on its intricate trap. He sighs.
‘I think I love her’
The door slowly creaks, letting Marnie walk in, wrapped in her nightgown, messy hair easily doubling the size of her head. 
‘You couldn’t sleep either?’ She asks in a low voice. He shakes his head looking up at her. ‘I’m sorry for today, Shane. I realised I’ve never actually said how…how proud I am of you.’
‘That’s ok’ he exhales. ‘I probably wouldn’t have believed you anyway.’
‘Be that as it may, I AM proud of you, Shane. You’ve made progress I had abandoned all hope of seeing. And, I was happy to see you and Fern together…But’
She leans from one foot to the other, slowly shifting weight, looking at nothing at the back of the coop.
Shane raises an eyebrow.
She sighs, and asks him to come into the kitchen. He puts Charlie safely back on the ground and stands up in a grunt. In the kitchen, Marnie had laid out two cups and was busy getting water ready.
‘Have a seat.’
Shane stretches, groaning at his aching muscles and symphony of bones cracking.
‘It’s a bit early for coffee isn’t it?’ He asks.
‘It’s a tisane. Fern… Fern gifted it to me when I mentioned I was struggling to fall asleep. She makes it herself.’
‘Very thoughtful.’
She slowly pours the hot mixture into Shane’s cup. Immediately he is gently wrapped by the soothing scent of lavender, and the warm comforting notes of orange peel. It’s like he’s in her arms again.
Marnie looks down at her cup, silently blowing the smoke away. She gulps several times, as if ready to start talking, but never uttering a word. Her eyes are steadily moving. She’s looking for the right words.
She inhales deeply.
‘I am only looking out for you, doing what’s best for you.’ She starts, fidgeting on her cup. Shane is carefully sipping on his infusion, wincing at the, frankly, unpleasant taste. ‘Like I said, I was happy to see you and Fern, laughing, working together, even blushing like teenagers. Then you came back from that date. What was it again, four, five in the morning? Soaked by the rain and in a state of panic! And your signature evasiveness. Even had that smell of alcohol on you but, I knew you were sober.’
Shane scoffs.
‘Then why did you go off on me for drinking.’
‘Because! You don’t nee…’ she sighs ‘this is not the point just now Shane ok? I remember the panic in your eyes!’
‘Yeah I…I sorta figured out why I was panicking.’
‘Well, I talked to Lewis about it.’
‘I was scared, I wanted some advice. After all, Fern was still…very much a stranger to me.’
‘And you went to LEWIS?’
‘Not by choice really. But..’ She’s having a hard time proceeding.
‘But?’ Shane is tapping his fingers on the warm cup, impatient.
‘I voiced my concerns to him, there. So he told me he had received a letter from Fern’s family, her uncle, I think. A month before everything was settled with the farm. He was contesting the deed of the land, citing some sort of “”guardianship”. There indeed was a guardianship in place but it had been overruled years before after it had become evident he was not a…good guardian.’
‘How do you know all that? Where are you going with this?’
‘Lewis had to make sure he knew who he was talking to. Obviously learning all that he sent a letter back saying he would have nothing to do with him.’
‘Sounds about right for Lewis, instead of fucking ignoring the guy…’
‘He wrote back once Fern had moved in’ Marnie continues, ignoring Shane’s snarky comment. ‘He was saying how Fern wasn’t stable, how she wasn’t fit for living in a community, and how she had tried to…to kill herself.’
‘You knew?’
‘Well, I, yes. It came up. Nothing about her uncle being a creepy weirdo though. Wh…What did you do?’
‘When Lewis showed me the letters I couldn’t believe it. I mean, she looked so full of life, so proper, so adapted.’
‘What does a depressed person look like to you, Marnie?’ Shane snaps.
‘Shane, please. I had to be sure. I was worried about you. What she could do to you.’
‘Do to me?’ he repeats, flummoxed.
‘We…Oh Shane please remember I did this for you.’
‘What did you do?!’
‘We went into Harvey’s clinic and looked through her medical records.’
‘What?!’ Shane screams, standing up. ‘What possessed you to do this?! Does Harvey know?’
‘Keep your voice down, Jas is sleeping.’
‘Marnie, wh…I’m…Shit… What made you think this was a good idea?’
‘I did it for you.’
‘Nobody asked you to.’
‘She could have been a very bad influence.’
Shane starts pacing in the room, trying to understand, taking it all in at once. He slowly comes to a stop. ‘Oh Marnie no…N-no…Don’t tell me you went to see her and actually tell her to leave me alone?’
His hand falls on his mouth as he realises. All the times Fern mentioned Marnie. Moreover, how Fern wanting Harvey to keep them a secret was to hide it from her, not because Fern was ashamed of “them”. Shane takes a step back, almost clutching his chest, his breathing becoming increasingly shallow, eyes wide open under scrunched up eyebrows.
‘It was for your own good, Shane.’
‘Was it, Marnie? Was it really? Do you have any idea what you’ve done? Fuck I need to go see her.’
He bolts toward the door without thinking. 
‘Shane for the love of Yoba look at yourself. Sit down. Sit down! Breathe deeply, please.’
She manages to block him and sits him down. He buries his bewildered face in his hands, struggling to find an adequate rhythm to his breathing. ‘Did she end up at the clinic because of you?’ He asks, muffled by his hands.
‘I thought… I thought once you saw how unstable she was you’d just let her go.’
Shane lifts his head in disbelief.
‘You knew it was an accident and let us all believe she did it to herself?’
‘Well, technically’
‘Marnie!’ he slams his fist on the table, making her jump. But she stands her ground. ‘I can’t believe you and Lewis chose to believe a rotten member of her family instead of seeing her with your own eyes. Since when do you care so much about somebody’s past?’
‘It was to protect you.’
‘From what? How would you react if you learned someone had done research on me to see if I’m “suitable”? To find any black spot in my history? This is fucked up!’
She stays silent, looking down at her thick slippers. She can’t answer, she knows she is in the wrong. The only explanation she’s got for her behaviour is truly from care for her nephew she almost lost.
‘I’m sorry.’ She ends up saying. She stands behind Shane, ashamed. 
His hands run back and forth in his hair, speechless, lost. Millions of thoughts are racing in his mind, the past days disappearing into a blurry mess. His own stupid panic, abandoning her in the coop after being so close to her, Marnie’s revolting and insulting visit.
And yet, she kept laughing, lost herself in his arms, tried despite everything. She had accepted him for him from day one and had worked her way slowly to the rotten core. And she was still willing to…Love him? 
He shakes his head, why would anyone subject themselves to this? He can’t be worth the effort,  he is not worth the effort. Not him. That’s what’s wrong with her. 
‘Fuck’s sake.’ He says, falling in his open hands.
Marnie sheepishly put her hands on his shoulders. Her aching heart beats rapidly at the vision of the broken man that is her nephew. All her life she thought she would never be the one to ever beat his already bruised existence. With no children of her own, no spouse, her found family is all she has, and all she would and want to care for. This pushed her to hurt the man she saw growing through too many hardships and heartaches.
And this one was her own fault.
‘I’m sorry, Shane.’
‘I know.’ He answers in a groan, not removing his hands off his shaking hands. ‘My intention were’
‘I know’ He cuts again. ‘I know, Marnie.’
‘I was scared, I do not want to lose you.’
She sits on the chair next to him. Shane lifts his exhausted face, deeply inhales, and turns to his aunt. She’s distraught. Her usually warm and friendly features are covered in tears.
‘How do you think I felt when I learned you had been brought to Harvey by Fern? That she had found you on the edge of the cliff, drunk out of your mind. That Harvey wanted to send you for psychological help. And that no one, nobody, at all, tried to contact me?’
Tears are rolling on her cheeks like two overflowing torrents.
‘You are more to me than the nephew working on my ranch every odd summer, Shane. I’ve always felt so helpless, so useless. This time, this only time, I wanted to take the lead, I wanted to be prepared, I wanted to finally help you.’
She bursts into tears. Shane realises the weight he’s been putting on her aunt had finally crushed her, the weights he had barely any idea he was stacking on her every damn year. ‘Aunt Marnie,’ he starts, not knowing what to do. ‘I-I’m sorry.’
‘No’ she tries to compose herself, stopping her tears. ‘No, Shane. It was incredibly wrong to do that to you, to Fern.’
‘Marnie, you’ve done so much for me. For me and for Jas. I’m hardly, ever, grateful enough. I take you for granted, and I’ve hurt you so many times.’ Silence falls, punctuated by the buzzing of the old fridge. 
‘Thank you, Marnie. For everything.’ Shane continues, looking down at his feet.
He hears the shuffling of her nightgown as she stands up and slowly wraps her arms around him. He hesitates, at first, but slowly embraces her.
She lets go first and exhales, a smile stretching timidly on her face.
‘What do you say we both go back to bed, and tomorrow, you head to Fern’s.’
‘If she ever wants to see me again.’ He replies. He did leave her at the hospital in Zuzu city after their fight, after all. At her request.
‘I’m sure she will, Shane.’
Mornings feel like a hangover when you have to rise with the chickens and barely spend your nights sleeping. Shane has been sitting up on his bed for the past hour, looking at the clock. Dreading the passing time, equally impatiently waiting for the alarm to go off. 
Thoughts of what he would say to Fern kept him frantically awake. What would she say, how would she react. How her lips pressed on his skin again would feel. These did not help his racing heart slow down.
Should she want him back.
He decides to beat the clock and finally get out of his bed and maybe prepare breakfast, brew some coffee. Something to occupy his mind, other than Fern. Other than the realisation that he, despite all, fell in love with her. 
He groans. Love. At his age. After everything. What a joke. And still. He can’t deny it any longer.
The kitchen is still in the darkness, sun barely in the sky and covered by a thin grey coat. Everyone else in the house is still asleep. If he takes care of breakfast for everyone that would give his aunt more time to rest. Then he’ll feed the chicken, and all the ranch residents. 
Shane braces himself, and opens the fridge, ready to tackle the day. 
A knock on the door. It’s much too early for visitors. Shane ignores it and grabs the pack of eggs. They knock again. Fine.
‘Oh, Shane. Good morning. You’re up early.’
Mayor Lewis' smiles disappeared quickly once the door opened. Shane groans.
‘What do you want?’
‘Is your aunt available?’
‘She’s sleeping.’
‘Oh. Well. I suppose you can help too. I need you and your aunt to take these.’
From the side of the porch, Lewis pulls a caged chicken, sleeping peacefully.
‘W-what’s that?’
‘Those are, ah, were, Fern’s chickens. There are three there, and I suppose you’ll take back in the sheep as well. They’re still at the farm. Shane? Oh de…Be more careful, my foot's covered in eggs!’
No sounds are reaching Shane’s ears. His vision is reduced to a slowly darkening tunnel. He heard wrong. He must have heard wrong. He swallows painfully.
‘Where did you say those were from again?’
Lewis raises an eyebrow.
‘I’ll come back when your aunt is up.’ He clears his throat and tuts. ‘Bit too early to drink, don't you think?’
Shane inhales sharply. He grabs the mayor by the collar and pins him against the wooden wall.
‘Shane!’ He yelps.
Marnie appears behind the open door.
‘Dear Yoba what is this mess! Shane! Shane for the love of Yoba, release him this instant!’ 
She throws herself at her nephew, he lets the mayor go and fails to take a deep breath. His vision blurs instantly, and he almost falls, clutching his chest. He helps himself up against the wall as Marnie lifts his face up to her. 
‘What did you do?’ She throws at Lewis.
‘N-nothing! I just came here to hand over Fern’s chickens.’
‘Fern’s chickens?’ she stutters, eyes wide open. ‘W-why? What happened? Is it her injury? Is she.. Is she…’
Marnie barely manages to voice what Shane isn’t able to articulate at all.
‘No! No! She’s fine!’ A small breath of relief. ‘But she’s not coming back.’
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fictionfixations · 1 year
man im gonna miss the owl house.
its a fucking masterpiece. that ending. Its all wrapped up in a nice and pretty bow and im so happy and im actually crying its precious to me like how gravity falls was, and amphibia (i admit im not the biggest fan of amphibia, with as fear of bugs and also holy shit thats a lot of 'filler' thats technically not filler because they DID have to wait like months to be able to venture outside but eHHH) gravity falls and its entirety was precious and nothing can match watching it for the first time amphibia was pretty and quirky with characters i genuinely cared about and the world building was cool and the owl house is a whole... IT HAD GAY, it had magic, it hAD BOOKS, it had so much stuff that i really liked and im so happy about it. and all of their endings made me cry and im still crying shut up oh my god and i didnt watch the episode like yesterday because i forgot and got distracted (haha sorry) and i want to make something to never forget but i already have the amity necklace, the season 1 poster (because season 2 had sold out by the time i checked sob, huNTeRRR) AghH but its in a pretty bow now and i have nothing to write about it. the perfect show honestly has to be the one that there's nothing that you can add to it because its perfect.
theres nothing that makes me want to add on to it, nothing to build out angsty and sad scenes (i mean it had everything i wanted LMFAO. anything else would have to just be like either a drabble, or like canon divergence and therefore hunter pov. because i am the writer who mainly writes male pov, clap clap) AND IM HAPPY FOR HIM HE HDWUISAHDIUA oh my god i just saw the flapjack grave oh my god it just spawned a new set of tears (I HAVENT FINISHED WATCHING THE CREDITS I HAVE WORDS TO SAY)
OH MY GOD AMITY (THEY ALL LOOK NICE. also can i backtrack and talk about how gus reunited with his father, with the illusions of multiple hims and then his dad was just hugging them all and that made me so happy??) also back track further LUZ WAS ROCKING THAT TITAN STYLE and she still has the litlte marks on her eyes (it was probably makeup though maybe? i dont remember if she had that after she turned back i dont think she did? idk) OH OH OH DARIUS (thats abomination coven guy right. oh my god i forgot what their rank was already LMFAO) NAD AND AMITYS DAD ?????? RAINE YOU LOOK SO PRETTY EM(ira? I FORGOT HER NAME. I JUST REMEMBER ED AND EM NAMES ARE FAILING ME RN) OH MY GOD THEIR DESIGNS next thing you know on youtube: nolstalgic the owl house lofi HOLY SHIT IS THAT GUS?
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YEAH THATS HIS PALISMAN- HOLY SHIT ??? OH MY GOD EDA. AND SHES WEARING RAINES EARRING THING *SOB* AND HER ARMS A HOOK. OH MY GOD I LOVE HER /P AND THE LIGHT GLYPH im rewatching this so many times im so happy, this is like a literal timeless show in my eyes (like how you can watch gravity falls over and over AGHHH)
OH DEAR STEVE--- its just so perfect and im repeating myself and AGHHHH also can we talk about how they taught the collector what mortality was? i think thats the right word (i was about to say morality haha) LUZ JUST BRRR but like halfway through i remembered that papa titan (like the one from. i think it mightve been the first of season 3...? like when they go through theres that waving guy who sounds like hes running and panting and yelling 'hey' in the background, and i remembered 'OH IS IT HIM') and just oh my god *exaggerated hand movements*
oH MY GOD (and i know thats not the actual light glyph we had before- i know this because i tried drawing it once)
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i need to take a moment before i cry again my hands are shaking. im going to miss this show. i really hope i can find out what to write in the future (AHAHA unintentional pun to the episode 'in the future') EDIT: NO ITS FOR THE FUTURE, IM SO DUMB ahhh i want to immortalize it. i have this bad habit of forgetting things easily (on the plus side, YEAHHHH i can finally put my half a semester of spanish classes to use for luz!!)
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 10 months
Master - Chapter 63 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Lincoln," Kalem calls again, making me blink past the anger trying to mount once more.
He sighs as he looks at me.
"You can't hate him this much, Master. It's not good."
I hear myself laugh nastily.
"I've always hated him."
"But not this much," Kalem replies, his heartache evident.
"I can feel it. It's dark and bad, Master. I don't want you to keep such angry feelings inside you."
I sigh, meeting Kalem's sweet hazel eyes, wondering how he managed to be so good when he was hurting so deeply.
Taking a look around, Kalem's expression turns hopeful when he finds the ever-present golden sheet atop my desk.
"Did you read it?"
"Yes," I admit begrudgingly.
"What did it say?"
Kalem had tried to read the letter when I showed no interest in ever knowing its contents but to his eyes, the paper was plain, the scribbled words only appearing to me.
The message was clear, no one else was to read the letter but me.
"That his little mission wasn't anything bad for the clan or us," I say as I recall the worded charade of accountability.
"That he was sorry for the mess he's left behind and a request for me to take care of Malcolm. That fucking bastard."
The hope sputters from Kalem's eyes as his shoulders fall.
"I thought maybe it would explain things."
"Explain things?" I scoff, shaking my head as my glare passes over the letter once more
"What explanation could possibly make up for how he selfishly led Malcolm on for over a year?"
"He didn't lead Malcolm on," Kalem insists, making my temper flare.
I turn, not willing to cast it on him but Kalem kept his hold on me, forcing me to look at him.
"He didn't want to hurt him or anyone else. He didn't."
"But he did," I snap. "He did."
Kalem falls quiet, his head falling and making my heart ache with regret and equal frustration.
"How do you not hate him?" I ask, desperate to know the secret.
"He lied to you, he used you for his own gains and he played with Malcolm's heart..."
"Arias loves Malcolm," Kalem cuts in, arguing the point, not for the first time.
"You can not love someone and do what he did to Malcolm," I grind out, anger burning hot.
"Malcolm can't even repeat the words, Kalem. He can't even..."
I stop short, a lump forming in my throat, saving me from voicing what that Elf had done to the strongest man I'd ever known.
Kalem ducks his head.
"I know."
"So then, how can you not hate him?" I ask, my chest tight and struggling to cope.
"How can you not hate him for being so selfish?"
"Because I love him," Kalem whispers with a weak smile, his lips trembling.
"I know what he did was wrong but he was my best friend in every way and I love him like he loves me."
The tension eases from my body as I stare at my love.
That was it for Kalem and while I hated it, I also understood.
After all, was my love for Malcolm not much the same?
Sighing, I pull Kalem into my chest, not eager to start another argument, especially when he was so emotionally fragile.
Kalem's arms immediately wrap around me, holding me close as a fresh stream of tears dampens my shirt.
Not a day passed since Arias' leaving that Kalem didn't mourn the loss of his friend.
He felt abandoned, which made him angry with Arias and then himself for not spending more time with him while he could.
I could hate Arias forever and I would but I couldn't deny that he'd been the friend Kalem had always needed.
I just wished he had been what Malcolm needed as well.
"You should go see him," Kalem says as he draws back and hastily wipes at his tears.
"I'll make sure everything is okay and talk to anyone who comes looking for you."
My heart fills.
"Would you?"
I hadn't seen Malcolm today and though it was still early morning, it was still too long.
Kalem smiles as he nods.
"I'll take care of everything."
I kiss him quickly.
"Thank you, love," I breathe into another kiss before I rush out of the room.
I move fast, racing to the same place Malcolm had been since we'd brought him back to the castle, the room that had always been his before it became his and Arias'.
I force myself to swallow down my anger as I near his quarters of the castle, knowing it would only cause more damage now.
Malcolm was angry too but more than that, he was hurt beyond measure and he did not need my rage constantly casting down the man he still loved.
He just needed... I didn't know what he needed but I knew I could be there for him.
I'm mere steps away from his door when it cracks open and Wenquie steps out.
"How is he?" I ask as I draw close despite already knowing the answer.
Wenquie shakes his head as he folds his arms over his chest, trying to keep himself together but I could tell he was nearing his limit.
"How long can this go on? It's been a month."
"I took me years," Wenquie retorts, the sadness in his features looking so misplaced.
"You lost your family and everyone you ever knew."
"And Malcolm just lost the love of his life," Wenquie argues grimly.
"It might take even longer."
I curse as I run a hand over my face. I'd watched Malcolm fall in love over the years. He loved hard and he fell even harder.
But every time, he picked himself back up and tried again, believing that it just hadn't been the right one.
This was different.
The tears weren't stopping, his pain was akin to an open wound that our blood couldn't heal.
"Just take it easy with him," Wenquie advises as he rests a hand on my shoulder, offering me a small smile.
"Pushing him will only make it worse."
I nod, staying still long after Wenquie's gone so that I can ready myself for the one thing I never thought I'd have to.
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frostironfudge · 2 years
🎪 house of song
Can’t remember to forget you by Shakira feat:Rihanna + pre-serum Steve rogers
(No Peggy plz in my requests..nothing against her..just no..plz😘😘🌻🌻)
I Cannot Bring Myself To Let You Go
Pairing: Pre-Serum!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader (also includes post serum steve)
Word Count: 2.8k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
warnings: not canon compliant, fluff, angst, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, miscommunication trope, in general its sad-ish?, angst, unrequited love sort of?, they end up together at the end, i don't think i made this out to be a very healthy dynamic but the song warrants for a sort of toxic rship
A.N: hi love, thank you for sending in this request, first time writing pre-serum steve so i hope you enjoy what i came up with and thank you for participating in ‘frositonfudge’s funfair’! it means alot! 
Main Masterlist || frostironfudge's funfair masterlist
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When the morning sun greets you through the small window, your eyes slowly open to bring in the day. Your breath is a slight sniffle reminiscent of the tears flown down the night before. 
Your diary remains open, from when you were reading old entries. Picking it up from near the headboard, the old entry doesn’t have tears brim over again. 
‘Dear Diary,
Remind me not to fall any further for him. He doesn’t reciprocate anything. All he wants to do is enlist. He showed me the small tattered book in which he keeps the fake names he uses for enlisting. 
I shouldn’t follow him.
I shouldn’t fall for him.
But Steve Rogers some how possesses my heart in his grasp.’ 
You shut the book, bounding it in the leather tie. Tucking it into place in your small trunk. 
The day begins ever eventful with the other nurses moving around to get to work. You go through the motions, the war waiting for no one. 
Your first rounds with the doctors complete. Dressing the wounds of the soldiers. Tending to their needs. A part of you is relieved that he isn't here amongst them. Injured or worse. 
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Steve stands watching from the edge of the alleyway. The audacity of the bullies to try to take your purse. 
“Hey, punks!” Steve draws their attention. 
You straighten as the tormentors turn to the small built, man. Scoffing as he raises his fists at them. 
“Come on Rogers, I’ll blow a whistle and you will fly away—,” 
Steve throws a pebble at their quote unquote leader. “Assholes.” He spits at them. 
“Rogers the fuck, you’ve had it.” They run behind him as he takes off. 
“Run! Doll!” Steve calls out and you should run the opposite way but you know these idiots would not leave him. 
You rush through the buildings trying to find Bucky from where he was meeting the sweet brunette girl he had met while out dancing. 
You enter panting and Bucky spots your worry, 
“What is he doing?” Is all he says moving out after apologising to the woman and promises another date. 
Bucky sets a quick pace and you explain on the way. 
Four alleys down from yours you can hear a rattling wheeze. 
Bucky only gives a worried glance before you two enter. 
The two of three are holding Steve, allowing the third to lay punches against his abdomen. Your eyes begin to tear up and Bucky pulls back the guy punching him in the jaw and the other two run. 
You grab the lid of the trash can and one of the runners, slams right against it, falling as the lid comically hits him square in the face. 
Steve grabs another lid and throws it like a frisbee as it hits the other runner in the back. He also falls with an unceremonious thud. 
Bucky turns from you to Steve, then just gives a deep laugh at the antics. Steves wheezing breath turns into a wheezing laugh and you have to chastise him to come along so he can rest. 
“Shouldn’t have done that.” You repeat, patching up the wound on his forearm. 
“They were going to hurt you.” He reasons, covering his hiss with a cough. 
“Buddy, you need to have lungs to be able to pull that off. Could hear ya from a mile away.” Bucky teases him, but the worry is evident. 
Steve brushes it off with a chuckle. 
The small paper drops from his pocket, you grab it before he can retrieve it. 
Bucky grabs it from your hands as well, then rolls his eyes. 
“You know lying on the enlistment form is illegal.” He tuts. 
“Steve!” You almost yell, “You—,”
“I cannot sit by and watch.” He steps down from the table. To leave out the door. 
You bitterly shake your head. 
“I ship out tomorrow.” Bucky announces much to your dismay. You didn’t want your friends hurt. 
“The 107th.” He adds. 
Steve’s mouth presses into a thin line, “I should be with you.” 
“You are doing all you can, here.” Bucky claps his shoulder. 
“Not enough.” The smaller man shakes his head disappointed. When he meets your gaze, he looks away at the bitterness. 
“Come on, it’s my last night. Let’s go celebrate.” Sergeant Barnes says, you take a deep inhale. 
“Stark Expo.” He shows you two the newspaper advertisement. 
Attires are changed, you pin up your hair a hand smoothening your dress. Steve stands outside your door. A single flower in his hand. 
“I’m sorry.” He says, you take the flower. 
“Its alright, Stevie, you know I worry.” You shrug, keeping the flower close. 
You both walk, hands finding each others and you smile at him shyly. 
The night goes on and the marvels are there, Bucky is so excited and Steve is eyeing something in the corner and you follow his gaze. 
An enlistment centre. 
You bite the inside of your cheek. 
“Will you ever stop? You aren’t medically clear.” You tell him off, so done with his sheer stupidity. 
“I have to be at the front lines.” He sends a glare your way. 
“You can barely—,”
“You wouldn’t understand.” 
“Steve.” You pause, how could he say that, after harbouring three condolence letters. Your mother’s ill health due to the shock. The bills. The heartache.
“This war has taken everything from me.” You tell him, “If I want to be selfish and allow it not to take one more person. Someone I’ve been wanting to go steady with, then I am selfish.” You admit, his eyes widen. 
“You, what?” He furrows his brows and you nod. Closing the gap between you two, his lips are on yours. 
Your admission comes after on and off dates you two have been on, he knew his heart held you but he didn’t want to break your heart. 
He knew what he was about to do and it wasn’t just his kiss to your lips. 
It was a kiss that was short, soft and he hums at the lingering taste of vanilla from the cakes you ate earlier. 
“I, I feel the same way.” He says and you blush. 
“Go with me to dinner tomorrow?” He holds your hand and you nod. 
Steve wants to punch himself. He should just tell you. But he can’t. 
So he never turned up at the diner the next night. 
Nor the next. 
When you asked at his home, they said he had gotten enlisted that he left. 
You left with tears spilling down your face and a broken heart. 
Your mother passed away, after another two weeks of her own broken heart. You had no choice and requested your aunt to take in your younger sister. Then enlisted to be a nurse. The most money was from there, it would help set a comfortable life for your sister. 
And yourself, should you return. 
‘Dear Diary,
I need to leave, but I cant stop thinking about him. He appeared today looking unrecognisable. His blue eyes even in black and white photos shine bright. 
Star spangled man with a plan, selling bonds. This was his front line. Surrounded by women.’
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Today Steve was prancing around on stage. A circus monkey. You stood at the back. Watching as he moved across the stage, dancing with the gorgeous women all the men were staring at, you tried finding Bucky in the crowd. 
Somehow you landed up in the 107th and he was elated to have you. When he heard what Steve did, leaving you without reason, without an explanation. He was beyond pissed off. 
You don’t know if that sternly worded letter by Bucky reached him or the letter you wrote explaining your own reluctance but need to join as an infirmary nurse was even held in his grasp. 
You tried not to let the scarce number of soldiers get to you. Bucky hadn’t returned. Steve was here looking completely different, stronger, taller. 
At end of the song he caught your eyes, the smile plastered upon his face gone and lips parted. 
You left to go back to your medical tent, hoping to catch some information. Also you couldn’t allow yourself to look at him more because you would forgive him. When you should not grant him a semblance of forgiveness. 
“Letters of condolences were written.” Nina says as you enter, restocking the bedside drawers with gauze packets and you take a share of your own and begin on your side. 
“They don’t think they are coming back?” You murmur quietly. 
“I’m afraid not.” Nina gives you an apologetic look, knowing the friendship Bucky and you shared. 
You bite your lip trying to not let the tears fall. 
The gravel crunching under boots floods the tent. 
Nina lets out a small laugh and a flirtatious giggle. You look up from where you’ve crouched down to fill the cabinet, Steve.
You look back at your work. 
“Ma’am, I’m searching for Nurse Y/N. I was told this is her assigned medical tent.” His voice is somehow deeper. It doesn’t have the crack in it from before. 
“Yes, she’s right there.” Nina points at you. 
You silently let out a curse. 
There isn’t any point in hiding, you stand holding the remaining basket of gauze packets. 
“Captain America, is it?” You let the harshness drip from each letter. 
Nina excuses herself from the tent. 
“What are you doing here?” He questions, answering your unspoken question. 
“Mum passed away.” You shrug, as if that sentence explains everything. 
“You hated the very essence of war and now you’re amidst it.” He steps closer, only the plinth between you separates the two of you. 
“I didn’t have a choice.” 
“Now you know how I felt.” He says and you glare at him. 
“How dare you compare what I went through.”
“I had to save—,”
“You aren’t saving anyone Steve. Your selling war bonds. You could have stayed back. You could have been there for me. But you left. You left me without looking back. And you’re here now but you aren’t. Whatever they did to you, this isn’t you.” You hate the fact that he is seeing you cry, you don’t want too, not anymore. 
But all you can see is moments with him. Moments untainted that had your heart given itself over. Into his unwilling arms. 
“Doll.” He reaches to wipe the tears. 
“Please don’t.” You request, his hand pauses mid air. 
“You’ve done it enough without meaning.” 
“It isn’t—,”
“Please do not.” You press, turning away from him. 
‘Dear Diary,
His touch is right there, warm. His breathing is occurring easier. He still harbours the same qualities. He only looks different. At least his eyes haven’t changed. Somehow I can still see the love in them that he had promised.’
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It’s a month into receiving the news of condolence for your father. Your mother doesn’t move from the bed still. Your brothers are on the verge of their deployment. 
Your younger sister still asks about her father. When will he return? 
Is he going to be back before Christmas? Why are your brothers leaving?
You the answers but you don’t have the strength to speak the truth. So you find yourself grasping away at the twenty minutes to yourself on the fifth floor of the abandoned building at the end of the street. You sit in the corner. 
“She’s still asking questions?” Steve doesn’t startle you when he speaks, you nod, staring out the large broken windows. 
“It’ll be better, its bad now but it will be better.” His arm wraps around your shoulders, you lean against him. Closing your eyes. 
His lips are soft against your forehead. 
“I’ll be there.” He assures. 
“Promise?” You look up at him.
“I do.” He says and your lips brush against his, just as the gap between them closes a cat hisses loudly drawing the two of you apart. 
“I-,” He shakes his head, “Doll, I think I will enlist as well.”
“Steve…” Your voice makes his heart crack, he needs to do this, needs to keep himself at the forefront so you could be safe here at home. 
“I’ll come back for you.” He promises. 
“My dad said that, Steve.”
“But I will come back.” He presses his lips to yours, allowing himself to finally admit to the feelings for which you both walked on eggshells. 
His lips feel like heaven, he leads the kiss, nipping at your own lips and his hands shakily move along your neck to your hair, your hands stay against his chest. 
All too soon, you pull away, panting and giddy smiles on your faces.  
He wonders if he would break your heart. He doesn’t want to, but this gnawing in his chest would not relent. 
‘Dear Diary,
I was promised by Steve, he’d come back to me. I know he will enlist. I know he will find someway to get in, I know someday he won’t return and I will lose him. I see it in his eyes, the feelings he hides. 
He’s scared he will break my heart.
I’m not scared because I know he will.
He’s scared because he knows he will too.’
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“I hope you enjoyed dancing for the 107th.” You spit at him. 
“The 107th? Where, where is Bucky?” Steve’s gaze softens and worry laces his features. 
“They were sent out, I heard it was an ambush and— and they sent out letters.” You inform him. 
“Where is Colonel Philips?” Steve demands. 
“I don’t think you are wanting to do anything beyond being a circus monkey.” You seethe. 
“Doll,” He steps around standing in front of you. Cupping your cheek. The warning in your mind fading away as he leans down. 
“I didn’t want to leave you.” He admits, voice thick. 
“But you did.” You accuse. 
“I would come back to you.” He brushes his lips against yours. 
“We’re out of time, Steve.” You grasp at his wrist, looking up at him. 
“I’ll carve time out of the fabric of the world for you.” His words hang heavy. 
“I’ll take you, to the Colonel.” You say, he nods. 
Traversing through the base layout, you lead him, watching him argue from outside and huff, and then late in the night he takes off with Howard Stark to board a plane.  A rescue mission, improvised at every step.
It is a losing battle with him, you lay in bed not knowing, hoping for a return. A return you may not get. 
You open your diary again; reading through the older entries of your friendship with Steve. Your eyes gliding across the words which your heart remembers the moments. 
‘Dear Diary,
He came to speak to me in the building a week ago. we’ve gone to the diner a few times together. He makes me laugh and gives me the look I’ve seen people in love hold, will he ask me to go steady?’
‘Dear Diary,
He got rejected again, today was supposed to be when he took me for a film but he only speaks about the rejection. I did my hair up with the pins he had gifted. I feel I am alone sometimes, that I hold no water against his dream for enlistment.’
‘Dear Diary,
Two more letters came, mum got worse. My brothers, they are gone. Steve kept quiet. I saw the rejected enlistment form, his name, age, hometown changed. The red stamp however the same. 
How can he still go, how can he hold my hand and still want to leave? How can he just leave me in tattered ruins?
Bucky got accepted, his enlistment details are yet to arrive.
I saw the flash of jealousy in Steve’s eyes. 
I still believe I’m secondary. 
But in moments when it is just us, he makes me feel like I am first. That the world? His world only moves for me.’
At four a.m the sirens blare, you don your uniform, heaviness left on your bed. The influx of soldiers has you sweating all of them either shaken up or partly injured. All hands on deck and it seems that only hours later does the clamour settle into soft whispers. 
The shift change is about to happen, you have your notes ready to hand off when Steve and Bucky walk into the tent.  
“Y/N,” Bucky’s smug grin sends you rushing towards him. His assurances have you calmer and your worry for him reduces. 
Steve watches, a sad smile on his face that maybe, maybe you are better off with someone stable. Someone who would stay behind, then your eyes turn to him. 
Steve swears he watches you with love, a love he doesn’t want to give up. Maybe, maybe he could. 
“Doll,” He says and both of you meet each other half way, uncaring about the lingering eyes or the hoots of cheer at the display of affection. 
Steve’s lips leave yours briefly, “I’ll follow you, wherever you lead.” 
Your lips back upon his, even though you know somewhere this will end with you in tears, unlearning ready to have your heart broken by him again. 
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permanent tags: @stevesmewmew @pandaxnienke
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pkg4mumtown · 2 years
Through Glass (Ch. 3)
Rating: M
Summary: You finally learn why you’ve suddenly acquired a new roommate.
A/N: Hey! Thanks for all of the love! Guess who wanted to post this yesterday and forgot to do the art? Yea, me, so I rushed this shit piece of art below. Also, I’m fighting with myself about how this fic is going to end. My original ending is no longer feasible to me because of how much this writing has evolved from my notes. So…apologies ahead of time if this thing crashes and burns LMAO.
Warnings: Angst, Eventual Fluff, Feelings of being watched, Multiversal Stalking, Possessive!Stephen, Eventual body horror, Gender Neutral Pronouns for Reader, No Y/N, First Person POV, What If AU where Reader dies instead of Christine, Strange-Supreme just needs a hug honestly, Stephen in Reader’s universe is a big dummy
Catch up with Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
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Just listen to the noises
(Null and void instead of voices)
Before you tell yourself
It's just a different scene
Remember it's just different from what you've seen
-Through Glass by Stone Sour
“Why did you bring him here?” it hissed.
My back couldn’t hit the wall fast enough as reality set in. My chest moved rapidly as I began hyperventilating and still, I couldn’t say anything. But what would I even say right now if I could? This had to have been what Oscar saw, though he had been far more reactive than I was currently.
Annoyed at my lack of answer, the being moved forward in an attempt to touch its side of the reflection only to hiss and draw back as those symbols that Doctor Strange conjured appeared, then disappeared as the monster retreated.
“Cute,” it laughed, sounding like a hundred voices talking over each other at once; flicking its wrist nonchalantly. 
I watched the golden symbol get eaten by flames from the outside edges to the inside edges in an instant. Strange wasn’t kidding when he said that the being wouldn’t fear him by himself. That’s when I truly realized how screwed I was. I gripped the corner of the wall as I fought the tears pooling in my eyes. I wanted to run, but where the hell could I hide in my own house? And if it was so easy to destroy the wards, then what was stopping it from coming through and finding me if I did hide?
“I know you can hear me...” the sing-songy voice echoed in my bathroom, my name falling from its terrifying maw.
“Please, please don’t hurt me—I—,” I was cut off by my own sobs bubbling up out of my throat.
“Hurt you?” The monster asked, taken aback. All at once, the anger it had possessed moments ago vanished, and its shoulders hunched over, “Why would I—? No, my love, please don’t cry,” it seemed to beg. “Not again,” I heard it whimper softly. Seeing my continued distress seemed to snap it out of its own feelings, placing a hand on the glass and urging me, “You need to calm down, you’re breathing too fast,” it pleaded, repeating my name over and over.
“How do you know my name‽ Why does everyone know my god damn name‽” I screamed inching my way toward the door to exit the bathroom.
“Because I know you a—and you know me,” it soothed with its disembodied cacophony of voices.
All of a sudden, it stepped back from the mirror, curling in on itself as if it were in pain and struggling. I soon realized it actually was in pain and struggling as it started howling and contorting its face, as if it was trying to contain something. Bright yellow and red energy swirled around it, along with various other things that I couldn’t quite make out, seemingly coming to a finality until the mirror was empty again.
After a few beats of silence, my name floated through the mirror; more distant than before but growing louder and closer. I was halfway out of the bathroom when a gentle voice stopped me.
“Wait, please,” it cooed.
My eyes closed tightly, refusing to look in the mirror. The voice was no longer disembodied and echoing with a thousand different voices. Fuck, it sounded so familiar.
“I’m sorry for scaring you, I—please look at me,” it—he pleaded.
With my chin still wobbling out of fear, I sniffled my sobs away and cracked my eyes open. In the center of the mirror was a much smaller person—well, smaller than the monster, which had taken up the entire mirror—walking toward the mirror. The mirror warped and shifted around him until it was no longer a reflection of my bathroom, but a glowing, magenta grid behind him.
“Wha—,” the words died in my throat as I got a good look at him.
Two deeply haunted, sunken eyes stared back at me, eyes that seemed like they hadn’t had a restful night of sleep in years. The same unruly brown hair as the monster littered his head and face, though it was much neater now. The off-red tunic actually fit this form, no longer ripped at the shoulders. They were…the same? 
Wait. Those gray streaks. Those cheekbones that stood proudly on his face, albeit on a much slimmer face than I had just seen...
“Doctor Strange?” I whispered in realization.
“By Vishanti, you hadn’t called me that in years but, oh, how I’ve missed it anyway,” he sighed wistfully, letting a longing smile adorn his features.
“W—what do you mean? It’s all I’ve ever called you,” I gulped.
“No, darling. My version of you, my love, they called me ‘Stephen’. ‘Doctor Strange’ was reserved for when I was in trouble,” he chuckled.
“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked incredulously. “Fuck, I—I can’t do this. I’m going fucking crazy,” I shakily admitted, my breathing picking up again. I brought my hands to my head, suddenly light headed, and swiftly exited the bathroom that felt far too small, now.
Doctor Strange or Stephen followed me through the reflections as I just about ran to my bed. I dove into the blankets, burrowing my head in the pillows.
What the fuck was going on? The question made tears well up in my eyes again. The situation was all too overwhelming and unexplainable for me to process in one day. From Doctor Strange telling me some uber powerful being existed on the other side, to finding out that being was him? I did not have the energy to get mind-fucked today.
“Sweetheart…” I heard him whisper, making me turn my head and seeing him out of the corner of my eye in the reflection of the cup of water resting on my nightstand.
“Doctor—Stephen, I’m sorry. I can’t—I need to wrap my head around this,” I managed to choke out before I was reduced to sobs as my emotions got the better of me.
He was silent and for a second, through my emotional haze, I figured he’d disappeared and didn’t want to deal with the crying. I wouldn’t blame him.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” his voice resonated sadly, “If you need—or when you’re ready to talk just…I can hear you so…call out for me.”
I didn’t answer him, my only response being sniffles and gasps for air as I drifted off into a crying-induced sleep.
Doctor Strange woke up with a start, panting and clutching his sheets as he sat up in bed, immediately reaching out but no one was there. Levi bristled at being moved so suddenly, moving up Strange’s torso and applying pressure so he would lay back down. Annoyed, Strange got out of bed and chastised his cloak.
He opened and closed his fists slowly to get them warm and used to movement after waking up. He rolled his neck, grunting at the pops and sighing as he stretched. Strange hesitated as he always did before performing this spell but powered on anyway. He quickly drew the beginning symbols of the spell, watching the spinning disc of what looked like film in front of him. Finding what he was looking for, he yanked out the moving picture and crushed it in his hand.
There was no need for you to see that, he thought to himself.
I walked out of my apartment building dressed to the nines and grinning widely when I saw Stephen standing there waiting for me in a tuxedo with the passenger side door already open.
“Hey, you,” I took his outstretched hand and hummed happily as he pulled me in and pressed himself against me at the same time.
Stephen simply stared with a love-struck grin on his face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, feeling my face get hot at his attention, turning to hide it in his shoulder.
Stephen didn’t let me, instead taking my chin between his fingers and lining our gazes up again,” I think I just had a mild cardiac event,” he teased.
“A heart attack, doctor?” I rolled my eyes.
“What can I say? You’re breathtaking,” He smirked, dropping his head until his lips met mine. 
I wound my arms around his neck, smiling at his urgency.
“Do we have to go?” He groaned as our lips separated. “We can stay in, order Chinese, maybe a little desert,” he hummed, punctuating “desert" with a squeeze.
“Stephen, not only are you receiving an award, but Christine will literally kick your ass if you don’t show up this time—and, I’ll help her,” I squinted at him.
“Oh, will you now, doctor?” He dropped another kiss to my lips before I pushed him toward his car.
The roads were slick and windy as we chatted, so focused on the truck in front of us that—
My body lurched forward out of control, forcing me to sit up without consciously thinking of it. I sat there. panting and sweating with my fists clenching tightly around nothing. My adrenaline was sky high, my eyes looking around wildly as I tried to get my breathing under control. I tried to settle my stomach, which felt like it had just tried to exit through my mouth like I’d just dropped on a tall rollercoaster.
“What the hell was that? So fucking weird...” I finally found my voice, still unsure of what had just taken place.
“What was weird? Bad dream?” I heard Stephen speak up next to me.
I screamed and covered my mouth, burying my face into my hands and scrubbing my face roughly, “Fuck! Stephen!”
Since his terrifying revelation in my bathroom mirror, I had been ignoring Stephen for a few days, refusing to acknowledge his presence with words, not that I didn’t see him all over my house anyway. I didn’t know how to process his presence, hoping it was a shitty dream, but as I continued seeing him pop up more openly the last few days...maybe Iwas the shitty dream. Though, apparently, I had forgotten that he didn’t need me to acknowledge him for him to speak. So, when he finally decided to stop being ignored and make himself known, just now, it’s safe to say I was a little startled. 
“I—I don’t know,” I admitted, glancing at Stephen’s human form in my glass of water on the bedside table.
“You don’t know if it was a bad dream, or you don’t know what was weird?” He pressed with a twinge of disbelief.
“I don’t remember the dream…” I muttered, trying my best to recollect what was a hyper-vivid dream as I experienced it. I should be able to remember it. It felt so real.
“Uh, if it made that much of an impression, you have to remember something—.”
“I don’t remember, okay!?” I snapped, groaning into my hands once more before sighing. Lifting my head up so quickly that I felt a crackle, I turned toward him with an annoyed frown, “Were you watching me sleep?”
“No,” he said all too quickly. “Yes. Not really,” I raised my eyebrow at him flipping back and forth between his words. “Only because you screamed in your sleep. I was worried,” he finally settled on his story with a shrug.
“Gee, thanks,” I huffed and got up to wash the sweat and sleep off of my face.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” his voice followed me all the way to the bathroom. “You’ve been ignoring me for days and I’ve given you your time to think about what’s going on. If you let me explain, it will make much more sense.”
“Can I, like, feel human first?” I snapped, reaching over to turn the shower on. “Preferably without your prying eyes?”
“Not the first time I’ve seen you first thing in the morning, love,” Stephen smirked, dropping his gaze to my oversized t-shirt.
I stopped what I was doing to throw a glare at the mirror.
“Okay, okay. You’re not a morning person in any universe, I guess,” he conceded with his hands up.
I flipped the mirror off and got ready for my shower.
With caffeine finally in hand, I plopped myself on my couch after making sure all my blinds were drawn to avoid anyone seeing me talking to my TV. As soon as I sat, Stephen appeared on my TV with the same magenta glow behind him. With a disgusted, insulted scoff, he crushed the ward on the TV as easy squashing an annoying bug.
I held my finger up to silence him, chugging a decent amount of the drink in my hand. Once I swallowed, I turned my wrist and flashed him a thumbs up.
“What do you know of the multiverse?” He questioned.
“I’m gonna have to stop you there and ask you to dumb it down. I barely know about my own universe, buddy,” I interrupted, something he was most certainly glaring at me for. “It’s like—the theory that what? Like there are multiple alternate universes existing together at the same time?”
“Sure, close enough,” Stephen shrugged. He sighed, pondering how to start, so he decided to go with an introduction. “I understand that I scared you before and I’m so sorry for that. It takes a good amount of effort to keep my natural form these days. I came in too hot and it was extremely overwhelming. So, with that…I’m Doctor Stephen Strange, but from a different universe—”
I raised my hand right away, making Stephen sigh begrudgingly, “Yes?”
“Thank you for the apology, one. Two, why is your universe geometric and hot pink?”
Stephen knitted his brows together in general confusion as to what kind of question that was. He turned, looking behind him and back at me, “First of all, it’s not hot pink. Secondly, I’ll get to that later.”
“I’m just sayi—”
“Anyway!” he interrupted. “Back to the explanation so you can stop ignoring me like an annoying spam call.” 
I rolled my eyes at his comparison but waved for him to continue. 
“I know how this is going to sound, but in my universe and so many others, you and I are together—I’ve checked. And in universes where we aren’t, it’s because one of us died early. It only led me to conclude that we’re drawn together across universes, almost like—.”
“—Soulmates,” I finished.
“Something like that. It’s a bit much to call it that, I know…”
“I’m talking to an alternate version of a sorcerer through my TV. There are stranger, more far-fetched ideas than soulmates,�� I waved my arms in emphasis on “soulmates". “So, what happened in your universe, then? Where am I?” I asked him.
Stephen was eerily silent, taking in shaky breaths with closed eyes; clearly trying to remain in control. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it…”
Without warning, he clenched his teeth groaned in pain as blood-red scales flitted across his face, making him clutch his cheek in pain with red, scaled claws. As fast as it happened, it disappeared, ending with Stephen back to human form and pressing his hands into his face and fingers into his eyes.
“Your hands…” I set my drink down on my coffee table and approached the TV to get a closer look.
“What about them?” He questioned, still breathing abnormally but relatively under control now. He pulled his hands away from his face to examine them. 
“Okay?” He asked slowly.
“Strange, my Strange—ew, that’s weirdly possessive of someone I don’t know—whatever, his hands are scarred badly, and they shake constantly.”
“Nerve damage?” Stephen hummed, smirking to himself at your dismissal of your universe’s Strange.
“I heard that he was in a car accident and couldn’t be a surgeon anymore.”
Stephen scoffed, my eyes narrowing in to where his eyes were watering.
“What?” I pressed.
Stephen sniffled, shook his head, and wiped his eyes with his thumb and middle finger, “Where do you work? What did you go to school for?”
I was annoyed at him ignoring my question but humored him anyway and told him, “Why?”
“We ended up at Columbia together for med school and, oh, did I fall hard,” he smiled. 
“Well, now I know you’re lying. I’m not smart enough to be a doctor. I changed majors because of it,” I snorted.
Stephen growled softly, “I hated it when you doubted yourself like that in my universe, so I won't allow you to speak about yourself like that in this one.”
I bit my lip in an effort to keep my mouth shut, clearly having said the same thing to him a bunch in his universe enough to tick him off.  
He gathered his thoughts again and continued, “I was an arrogant prick when we met, and you wouldn’t put up with my bullshit for a second. You begrudgingly accepted my friendship after a while, and then we started something physical during our residency at New York Presbyterian. We finished our residencies at roughly the same time since you specialized in—.”
“—Pediatric surgery,” I interrupted.
“How—how do you know that?” He looked taken aback.
“I don’t know. Well, when I was younger, I entertained the idea of becoming a doctor in pediatrics but like I said…things changed.”
“But you said pediatric surgeon, just now. How did you know that specifically?”
“I—I don’t…”
“Do you dream?” He interjected.
“Like while sleeping? Yea, I think so. I have trouble remembering my dreams now, even some that I held onto when I was way younger, but I know it’d be easier if I wrote it down immediately when I woke up. I kind of attributed it to getting old,” I chuckled. 
“But remember, you couldn’t even tell me what you dreamed about this morning. And dreams…dreams are the window to alternate universes. You should be dreaming about us in every other universe. I know I do, and if I do, then I know he does.”
“I just…when it’s happening it’s so vivid that I know I should remember them, but I just can’t.”
Stephen was silent again and I knew, now, from experiencing two of him that it meant he was problem solving. Stephen scowled before erupting into a flurry of cycling creatures around his body, the energy seeping out of his body as he failed to contain himself, “That. Fucking. Snake,” Stephen growled, baring sharp, jagged teeth. 
I jumped back from the TV like something was going to come through, walking quickly backwards until my legs hit the couch; wanting to sink into the pillows. We made brief eye contact and then the TV suddenly went dark, leaving me in silence as I wondered what in the hell had just set him off. 
“Stephen?” I called out softly, sitting up straighter on the couch in curiosity. 
No response.
When he didn’t return on his own for a few minutes, I was standing back up and making my way to the TV. I pressed a hand to the screen, not caring about the inevitable handprint I’d have to clean later.
“I’m sorry,” reverberated throughout the room.
“It’s okay, come back. It’s okay,” I whispered.
The TV rippled, revealing Stephen coming back into focus, still absorbing the last of his creatures. His eyes fluttered shut, neck stretching to the side as a stray tentacle absorbed into his neck and shoulder.
My mouth suddenly went dry at the sight of his softened features and full lips as the last of the creatures disappeared with a dull glow. Strangely, the more glimpses of his creatures I saw, the less scary it became. Plus, if that tentacle was part of the same curious one that liked to follow me around the past few weeks, we were too well acquainted for me to be frightened of it at this point.
Stephen’s eyes flitted open, “If you keep staring at me like that, you’re going to drool.”
My mouth snapped shut as that arrogant, flirty smirk flash across his face; the same one I’d seen from the other Strange. 
“Shut up,” I mumbled. “Are you good?”
“I’m…okay,” he answered cautiously. “They’re very reactive to emotions.”
“And that was not a good emotion, I’m guessing?”
“Definitely not. Um…” he cleared his throat, “…I have a theory and I can’t really test it without him finding out about it. I can cloak my presence in various ways in your universe but the second I try any other spell, especially like the one I’m thinking of, he will know something big has arrived. Cloaking spells are generally hard to detect for a reason.”
“And your theory?”
“That he’s erasing your dreams of our alternate universes together. For what reason, I don’t know, but he clearly didn’t want you to know him. It’s aggravating and highly unfair to you,” he snarled.
“The universe had other ideas, though, because I, quite literally, ran into him shortly after you ‘moved in’,” I held my fingers up with air quotes.
“You can’t escape fate,” he droned ominously.
“Why—um—why is it aggravating? I mean it’s invasive and totally not ethical without my permission. And I feel grossly taken advantage of, but why were you ready to unleash hell for it?”
“He’s directly avoiding the plans the universe has for you both and if he and I are the same, I’m sure it’s some self-righteous bullshit. But I lost everything for you and while I probably wouldn’t do it again because of the ramifications I know of now, it is deeply insulting to me that he won't even keep you in his life,” he growled, his emotions—and by association, his creatures—seeping through again as his voice took on gravelly and hissing undertones.
“What happened, Stephen?”
He took a second to reel his monsters back in, his voice evening out, “I—the reason—the reason he has scars, and I don’t. The scars and his hands had to be why he became a sorcerer in the first place. Me, I—I had you in the car with me and y—you—,” he stopped abruptly, chin wobbling as he avoided crying, but it didn’t work. Slowly but surely, tears trailed down his cheeks; prompting a tentacle to poke out from his neck and wrap around his neck and torso comfortingly. “—you died in the crash. But you didn’t have to, he’s proof that you didn’t have to die!” he wailed. 
I let him take his time and regain his composure so he could continue.
“I moved on for years, became a sorcerer out of grief and the Stephen Strange curse to want to fix everything. One of the nights of the anniversary of your death, I went back and tried to prevent it. I watched you die over and over,” his voice shuddered. “My mentor tried to stop me because your death couldn’t be changed, it had to happen in my universe, and I couldn’t accept it. I escaped to the far past and sought out the power to break an absolute point. As it turns out, she split me into two Stephens. The other half of me never sought out to fix your death.”
“So, the creatures? That’s how you got your power?” I wondered.
“Correct,” he shot me a watery smile, proud of how quickly I caught on, “I found myself at an ancient library run by Master O'Bengh, who nicknamed me ‘Armani’ upon meeting me. I absorbed them, so many of them, for a long time. I didn’t even realize I had been slowing time for myself until I came out and saw O'Bengh on his death bed. When I felt I was ready, I wanted to go back and O’Bengh told me I still had to absorb the other half of me. And I did,” Stephen paused, mournfully silent for the side of him who knew better than to attempt what he’d done. “I broke the absolute point and brought you back, but I had destroyed the universe as a result.”
My hand flew up to cover my mouth at the realization that he had destroyed his entire universe for me—well, his version of me.
“I had to watch you die—but terrified at the sight of me—one last time in my arms. That image of you will haunt me for the rest of my life. I created this hot pink sphere to keep the dying universe from consuming me, too,” he hoped the little joke would bring a smile to my face, but his own smirk fell when he saw how concerned and shocked I was. “I’ve done awful things and I’m not excusing that. I’m trying to be better. I prevented the destruction of the multiverse just recently, and I know that doesn’t mean much, but I—I just wanted to see you. I thought I deserved that much,” he sighed.
He destroyed an infinite amount of matter for one more minute with the love of his life. I should be horrified. I should lock myself away in a non-reflective room for the rest of my life. I should. I should. 
I felt bad for him. He was right about one thing. He did everything he could to save the person he loved, meanwhile this other version of him was invading my mind and deleting himself from it. It was infuriating. Who was he to decide what I could and couldn’t see?
“Stephen,” I whispered, bringing my hand up to the screen where his cheek was. His eyes were glossy with tears. “I’m here.”
At my words, his face crumbled; fighting the sobs wracking his body. The TV rippled like before and I was afraid that he would disappear again until the screen gave way. I gasped, fearing something had broken. My hand passed hesitantly through the screen like water, eventually landing on the side of Stephen’s face. He jolted in surprise, opening his red, swollen eyes with a sharp pant. His bubble was cold and his hands even colder as they wrapped around mine and pressed my palm firmly against his face. His face nestled into my warm skin like a touch starved puppy.
“I’m here, Stephen. I’m here.”
A/N 2: For clarity:
Stephen = Strange-Supreme
Strange = Dr. Strange in reader’s universe
Chapter 4
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inertflouride · 2 years
The Heist- Part 19
You know the drill now... For previous updates, go here! I might have finished the task you all were snowballing hehe<3
"Hell the fuck no!", I shriek at the flashy red 1968 Ford Mustang gracing the shitty background view, and I make a leap towards it, sprawling over its hood. "This is what they call a 'wet dream'!" I move back from the hood and take the majestic vehicle in once again, disbelief radiating from my eyes.
"Certainly", he lets out a small laugh in response, "I suppose our definitions of 'wet dream' vary a lot."
Thank goodness my back is towards him since I can feel the heat creeping out from my cheeks, most probably tainting them a deep red. I find myself pressing my thighs together subconsciously, trying to subdue the building heat between them. Ever since our little make-out session, I have now officially lost count of how many times did I repeat that scenario in my head. God knows where it would have led had we not been interrupted.
I get too busy with my thoughts that I seem to have not noticed Jake moving up and now standing behind me. Too close yet not enough.
"I know what you're thinking MC. No point hiding your face from me", he coos in my ear, one of his hands gently squeezing my butt. A little sigh escapes from me before suddenly he spanks my butt, and reminds me of the task at hand.
"Goodness, Jake!", I squeal at him and try to smack his tummy but he catches my wrist before that and gently twists it. I whine and try to free it from his iron clasp but to no avail. Then, suddenly, he brings it closer to his lips and gently kisses my inner wrist which makes butterflies flutter in my belly from the delicacy of his action.
"Everyday I find myself thanking whatever Gods that exist in this world for bringing you in my life. Whatever I say to describe my feelings towards you is still insufficient and an 'I love you' does no justice to the amount of love and respect I have for you MC. You gave a reason to my life even back then and you seem to do that now as well. I just hope that once all this ends, I'll be able to provide you a life you deserve. That I'll be sufficient enough to protect you, the way I should right now too."
Tears try to well in my eyes from the sudden declaration I receive from him. "Yeah well, you can call me your majesty from now as a token of gratitude", I sniff out a bit from the heavy emotions that stir inside me and try to lighten the air between us. Jake lets out a laugh and motions for us to start our journey.
"Okay well if not that, at least lemme ride this beauty?", I ask him, batting my eyes like a 3 year old in the toy section of a supermarket, "Pweeeeez(please)?"
He gently pinches my nose, saying, "Cute but no. Now no tilly-tallying about that and lets go."
I drag my feet to the car from the disappointment and slump in my seat, throwing my backpack to the backseats. Jake follows the same, except he 'keeps' his bag instead of throwing it back. He turns the ignition on and the engine purrs deliciously, almost making me drool over it.
As we finally start with our journey to Berlin, I realise that this has to be one of the calmest and optimistic moment in a while. We found Kyle! Unbelievable for me at least since I always had this feeling that Mark Wilson or whatever his name is, would have killed him already or something. The fact he managed to stay afloat regardless of probable bounty worth several dollars for his head is remarkable.
As for calling this moment calm, I say so because maybe ever since I met Jake, we never had a peaceful moment to ourselves like we do right now. Jake drives the car with his one hand managing the steering and the other takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers in each other, his thumb drawing those little circles on the dorsal side of my palm. I throw my head back from the fatigue by the last few days, imagining how Jake spent years living a life worse than this and yet managed to stay a little fun with me at times during our chats.
"You know, you should take some rest while you can right now. The past few days haven't been very kind on you", he suggests me while glancing at me sideways for a few seconds.
"So haven't for you Jake. You can let me drive just so you know, if you get tired and need a break too", I soften my eyes at him, trying to reciprocate the mutual care.
"I will, once you get your quota of sleep in."
"Pfft, you and your obstinate ass", I roll my eyes at him and shift my weight on my left, leaning my head against the cool window pane.
As I shut my eyes, my mind wanders back to our foe at hand, how he oh-so-conveniently got rid of and silenced ANY further investigations regarding the cold blooded murder of Michael. How powerful is that guy? Somehow I still do not seem to know the answer to that question.
It still baffles me how we ACTUALLY got rid of Michael, how we tricked Mark to believe that his loyal servant was two-timing him, and the way James and Jake laid out the whole plan, and executed it...
Two days back when the three of us were bewildered over a dearth of ideas as to how to get in the farm where Mark was hiding. We knew he was at the farm only because of the intel we discovered on our own so sending James with the files would definitely be suspicious and abrupt, and it would make us lose out at an important chance if Mark sniffed something out.
"Well, what if James gets invited to the farm?", I subconsciously mutter, thinking deeply about the faint idea flashing in my head.
"What do you mean?", James lifts his head from the files and looks at me to elaborate further.
"Well, the best way to infiltrate an area is to get invited", I say in a matter-of-fact way. "If a rumour spreads in your organisation suggesting Michael is guilty of whatever is written in those files of yours, and then it reaches the inner circle that you were the one to discover that, I guess Master will himself call you in to clarify that. Then you take the files with you and show him everything. BAM, instant kill."
"But why would I be the one to throw light on Michael's deeds? Wouldn't it be suspicious that I suddenly bring up proof to get him out especially after Michael tried to attack you guys?", James tries to reason back.
"Oh. Then tell him the truth. Michael had the audacity to check on your personal space, suspecting you of hiding us and it hurt your ego. Plus you are loyal to Master, and you would never let anyone screw, whatever you guys call yourselves, over", I explained as I took a seat on the bean bag, flipping my hair backwards.
"Fuck, that would actually sounds honest and authentic. God, you are a genius MC", Jake beamed and kissed my cheek.
"FUCK, MC GET UP!", Jake exclaims in a loud voice, making me jerk from my little recapitulation.
"What happened Jake?!", I try to rearrange my mind, desperately in an attempt to understand the sudden commotion.
"They caught onto us. Master's men are after us. Look at the rear mirror", he mumbles so fast that I barely catch onto what he's saying. I look at the concave mirror beside me and find 4 black SUVs chasing us.
Jake tries to lose them, making sharp turns and twists which would have thrown me across the car if I didn't have the seat belt on. I feel a distinct buzzing in my pants and find Christopher calling me on my burner phone. I pick it up without further ado and stick it to my ear, so that it does not get tossed to some unreachable corner of the car.
"MC! Get to a safe place immediately! I heard some chatter in the FBI while I was there and demanded to know what was going on. Finally they spilled that the cyber criminal, who you are to help the FBI with, had caught onto your trail. Please tell me they haven't yet!"
"Fuck, they are right after us Chris. Jake is trying to outspeed them but I don't know what's there for us."
"I'm sending you... Just...there and call at... They will take you... help you too."
"What? I can't hear you Chris!", I try to re-communicate with him when suddenly a bullet hits the rear glass of the car, making me lose grip on the phone and duck down in response.
"Shit, shit, shit. MC, get my bag from the rear seat and open the front zip", Jake orders me, still zipping around the deserted road.
I flap open my seatbelt and try to reach the rear seat but misbalance as Jake takes another sharp turn. I push myself forward and somehow manage to grab onto the bag before seating myself back on the passenger seat. I open the bag and find a revolver staring back at me.
"What in the actual fuck Jake?! Where the fuck did you get this?", I ask him in utter disbelief though realising the situation right now isn't the most perfect one for Q&A. "Scratch that, what do you want me to do?"
"I'm gonna hit the gas really hard now, which will temporarily make them lose sight us of. Then we get out and hide, I'll do the shooting don't worry. Just stay with me and DO NOT let even 1 feet distance between us. Understood?"
"Okay", I nod, more to myself as I try to prepare myself for the task at hand.
Jake then speeds the car so fast that I find myself being pushed back to my seat, unable to even lift my head. I scream at seeing a dead end ahead but Jake jerks my hand and screams, "Jump now!"
And I do. I open the car door and jump down on the grass which maybe does break my fall but my body stills rolls down and when it finally stops, I look back and find the car jumping into the deep ditch.
"NOOOO! JAKE!!!!!", I scream my lungs out on not seeing him anywhere. He didn't jump with the car right? "No no no, this can't happen." And I start running towards the ditch to figure shit out when suddenly...
@a-glimpse-of-fantasy here you go lovely! <3
Sorry, I ain't as active as I was when I joined but ehh, life took over my steering so... <3 Hope you enjoyed tho haha!
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poptod · 3 years
Will You? (Rami Malek x Reader)
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Description: Meeting Rami in the back alley behind an awards show.
Notes: ugh ive been having writers block for the first time in like two years so ive only been writing short stuff. i have a couple fics backpiled for various rami characters so thats coming up! gender neutral as usual WC: 1.5k
How quickly it all became too much. You wondered, clutching your aching head, why you even came here; large parties were never your scene, public events even less so. A world-wide broadcasted movie awards event was nothing near anything you'd done before. Earlier in the day, as you were dressing and readying yourself for the evening, you stared into the mirror and wondered then, as well, what you were doing.
Maybe––probably––it had to do with the fact that one of your favorite actors' presence was assured, and you rarely ever visited New York, making this the first time you'd been in the right place at the right time to have the opportunity to do this. You steeled yourself then and you steeled yourself now, digging into your clutch bag to pull out a carton of cigarettes.
You fumbled with the cigarette as you reached back in, searching for your lighter. A frustrated grumble grew in your mouth and came out as a curse. With a harsh sigh you yanked your hand out, throwing it up into the air, and sitting with a thud on a wooden box laying by the side of a large trash bin. You rubbed your face harshly, attempting to wipe away the irritation. To no avail––you had no lighter, and your nerves were itching, teeming with aggravation that crawled like bugs beneath your skin. You needed this and the world didn't like you.
The door you'd left the building from opened once more, swinging shut with a loud clanking sound that seemed to echo in the vacant alleyway. Drops of water fell into the puddles at your feet, still present from the earlier rain, and now filled with bits of trash. The very same water almost splashed onto you as a car passed by, its' wheels revving and spinning away through a massive puddle. It must've been midnight, but assholes were still awake as well, and the city lights showed no sign of stopping.
This was why you only visited New York City.
"Here," someone with a deep, rough voice spoke, and you looked up to find a vein-filled hand balancing a blue lighter between the second and third fingers.
There weren't any active lights in the alleyway, but the puddles reflected the street lights that stood a few meters away. That was enough to recognize him when you glanced to his face.
Rami fucking Malek.
He turned almost the second you looked up at him, meaning he didn't catch the sudden, stumbling recognition that flooded your expression. Thankfully, you had the time to calm yourself before he sat down across from you on a dirty (and probably wet) stool.
"Thank you," you said, lighting your cigarette and breathing in the sweet smoke before you said anything else. "You're a lifesaver."
"No, I just have a smoking problem," he said.
You both laughed, softly, and looked away.
You took another drag.
"You're Rami Malek, aren't you?" You said through the smoke that escaped you. It was rough on your throat, but you didn't especially care anymore. Somehow, you remembered a flask of water––just not the lighter.
"Yeah," he said with another soft, bashful, chuckle.
"I like your work. Or, your style," you mumbled as you tapped the ashy end away. He might've been a star of your dreams, and mere images of him might've taken your breath away, but you would treat him like a regular person. "It's.. unique, but familiar."
"Thank you," he said, nodding, a charming grin on his face. "May I ask your name?"
"(Y/N)." You shifted in your seat as you looked down. An ounce of humor came to you once you said, "you won't recognize the name."
"No, but I'm happy to recognize it in the future," he said, tilting his head in your direction.
You broke out in a laugh and a wide, blushing grin, shaking your head. God, he looked good in a suit––all black. Silver in his lapel. His neck revealed colored veins that led up to a jawline that would surely cut you. Why was he talking to you? Why was he being nice?
"You're a charmer," you finally said through your giggling, continuing with, "do you want some?" before he could say anything.
You handed the cigarette to him and he took it, pursing his lips and letting go with a puff of smoke. Even in the hot, humid air, those clouds coalesced and drifted away just as usual.
"You're not an actor," he stated, his eyes fixed on the cigarette as he tapped the ashes away. "Not here for that, so why are you here? Just out of curiosity."
"That's... a very good question," you said with an exasperated laugh. "I'm a teacher, I don't know what I'm doing here."
"Teacher?" He repeated. "My brother's one of those. What d'you teach?"
He handed the cigarette back to you.
"Third graders," you grumbled. He sucked in a sharp breath in a wince. "I usually do first graders, but not this year."
"That's rough, I've heard those are demonic years," he said, earning a laugh from you.
"Yeah, that's a good way of putting it," you said as you doted on the cigarette. "I guess this is just the first time I've visited New York when an awards show is happening."
"How do you like the big screen life so far?"
"Not very much, but I never thought I would," you said quietly, but he still chuckled. "I... I did think about being an actor, when I was a kid. I think a lot of kids do these days, though. Actors are.. like the new Gods. You know, in ancient times people would worship idols, and that's what people call you now..." you met his gaze and couldn't tear yourself from it, "... idols. Images of something to strive for."
He nodded, his brow creased in deep thought.
"After a while the world shows you what celebrity life is really like, and you read all sorts of things, see how people change... eventually you don't really want it anymore," you said, shrugging. "Or you decide you want it, or want part of it despite the other stuff."
He nodded again but had little to say despite being a celebrity himself.
"Which was it for you?"
A spell broke over his eyes and he appeared to return to normal, having not heard or comprehended your words.
"Did you become an actor because you wanted all of it, with the bad parts, or you wanted a specific part and still became an actor despite all the other things?"
"... complex question," he said after a moment, rocking his balance back and forth awkwardly as you laughed. "I wanted to become other people, transform myself into characters. I was attracted to the job. Not the other things attached to it."
"Well I'm glad you became an actor anyway," you said, relighting the cigarette with a quick drag. "That way I could meet you."
"And I could meet you, as well," he said in that same, deep voice he used when he first spoke to you.
You could do nothing but chuckle and cast your eyes down, shaking your head.
"Yeah, I guess you could," you mumbled.
He reached forward, snagging the cigarette from between your fingers. That made you look up, drawing your attention back to the subtle lines marking his face, and the glow of fire that revealed cool, green eyes behind thick lashes.
A loud wave of cheering came from inside the building, and the both of you looked back at the steel door. Still unopened.
"I should probably get inside, the cameras might notice my seat's empty," he said in a similar mumble.
The cigarette, now nothing more than a filter, dropped from his lips and fell to the ground, squashed beneath his shiny, black shoe.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Have to be," you said as you stood. "Not wasting a fifty dollar ticket on my damn social anxiety."
He chuckled and said, "I'd invite you to sit with me, but there aren't any free spots. How about..." He'd been opening the door, but he paused, causing you to misstep and halt yourself only when your chest was an inch from his. Your eyes darted up to his. "Come see me after the show. I have a '97 bottle of Montalcino at home that I think you'd enjoy."
You nearly choked on your own spit, but fortunately for you, it only came out as a cough and a clearing of the throat. 'What', almost escaped your mouth in the most astounded tone before you bit it back.
Was he propositioning you? Was this a friendly invitation? Why was, again, Rami fucking Malek asking to spend anymore time with you than he had to?
You realized a silence had spanned between you when his eyes flickered down to your lips, at which point shock fully brought you back into your body.
"Will you?" He asked hopefully.
"Yeah," you murmured. "I'd like that."
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kakyoingdom · 3 years
hey i found out how yo ask:D now my request is praise kink,daddy kink and orgasm denial +3+ madara and hashirama
The Lucky Ficlet, 08
this is the last one! and, anon, i hope you like it from the bottom of my heart! i wrote that with a fucking smile and it made me soooooooooo happy! i mixed Hashi and Madara into the same scene and yeah, threesome. sorry if you don't like to read it tho :(
but thank you for asking it, all of you that helped my with my first event! mwah <3 <3
it seems i don't like following my own rules omg but
your surprise ficlet match is: madara and hashirama + daddy kink and praise kink + 3: bedroom floor | 4,416 words
warnings: nsfw. unprotected sex, praise kink, belly bulge, daddy kink, "babygirl" used, oral (both f and m receiving), creampie, madara is a respectful man to hashi's wifey, face sitting, doggy style, that one position i can't remember the name that feels so good but hurts so bad.
“Are you sure both of you are not going to think of me like a whore after it?”
“You trust me, don’t you?”, Hashirama murmurs, his chin resting on the top of your head, holding you tight against his chest. He is so tall over you, protective and lovely. His hands caressing your high back and nape, you feel small and a little bit relieved. “I know he seems to be mean, but he’d never disrespect my darling. Neither would I, I was the one who came up with that idea and I’d never ask you if I wasn’t sure of you well-being”.
“Hmm”, you nod, still concerned about sharing your room and bed and body and— with Uchiha Madara.
It all started the day Hashirama, by your side on your bed, late night, looked at you with hesitant eyes. He held your soft hands, kissing your face and neck like every night, but he was too silent. Maybe something was wrong with the Leaf Village, or with his Hokage tasks, so you didn’t press him to speak. At his time, he’d tell what he wanted to. It worked like this for a couple of years and was good enough for you.
But Hashirama said his day was great. His job is quite tiring, but he loves to see his dream becoming true. Nothing seemed to be wrong or different from the other days besides that strange silence from him. He asked your questions and, after making sure you were good and had a nice day too, stopped talking. You could only hear his breathe, his nose on your neck, like he loved to do before falling asleep.
“My love?”, he called when you were already with closed eyes, wondering about nothing important. “I know you are very open-minded and everything but, oh”, you could bet his cheeks were rosy against your skin. His fingers traced incoherent draws on your collarbone, a shiver going down your spine. “Would you consider letting Madara join us one day?”
Your hands started to shake. You wanted to say a casual yes — how could you deny? You did have an open-mind, never getting too astonished about sexual things that Hashirama (or even you) wanted to try every once in a while. Yet you hesitated. Was this a kind of test? Why this suddenly? You couldn’t even imagine Hashirama ever thought about sharing you with his friend, so you got a little confused.
“Don’t need to answer me now”, your husband said when you opened your mouth to say you didn’t know and needed to think about it. To be honest, you never thought about it, Hashirama being the only one for you was more than enough. Madara was nice and everything, but you didn’t know if you could handle the fact of those scary eyes watching your naked body, you didn’t know if you would be attracted to that man. Your eyes were Hashirama’s only, nothing more.
You did hope to try a threesome one day — for experience? — though you didn’t want to mess everything up and be the third wheel between the other two. The more you thought, the more confused you got. Hashirama could feel your tension about it and was on his way to tell you to forget about it when you finally said you’d give it a chance. Just a nod and a casual “okay, let’s try it”. Nothing more. He got amazed by the lightness of your words, the tiny small making him trust you even more. You looked so brave and carefree that when the day finally came, your nervous eyes really made him wave and ask if you really wanted to continue.
And you did. It was nothing, right? Just taking clothes off in front of your husband, but he’d share you for a few moments. It was so dirty, but this only made you more excited, yet your concerns kept in your mind, ghosting all your thoughts. It would be good, Hashirama promised you and you trust him with your soul.
“Hm, right, what do we do now?”, you look up to face his gentle eyes, pretty mouth in a casual smirk. You touch his chest under his robe, the firm muscles making you way more vibrant about having him. You are not thinking about Madara anymore, letting things just happen. Hashirama doesn’t answer you, kissing your parted lips after pulling your body next to him. He kisses you deep, his tongue exploring your mouth as his fingers squeezes your waist and pulls you in his direction, and you’re now on tiptoe. He presses his thigh between your legs and you rub yourself on his flesh covered by the light fabric, letting a whimper out of your mouth.
“You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”, he mumbles, moving his leg between yours. You nod with a pout, needy eyes that he loves to see and can’t just ignore. Hashi knows you need his fingers, his tongue, his cock, and he is eager for giving all you want. But you knew you’d have to do what he wanted to, obedient and submissive. He gives you another small kiss. “Behave when Madara comes, can you do it for me?”
You make a face at his words, but nod again. You body tenses a little when you hear steps coming from the door of your and Hashirama’s room. Hashirama caresses your inner thighs over the fabric of your blue nightdress, your skin burning wherever he touches. You left a muffled mewl, putting your forehead on his chest, not wanting to look back and see Madara. But soon you feel an extra pair of hands on your waist. Madara doesn’t walk forward, you notice. Was he waiting for a sign from his friend? You look up and Hashirama is moving his lips, “come on, she’s a good girl, she’s not going to push you away”. You feel tempted to chuckle with the thought of Uchiha Madara actually hesitant to something he wanted.
Then he seems to agree with Hashirama, because his hands reach your boobs, pressing them together. You exhale in surprise, your orbs looking for Senju’s at the same time. He kisses the top of your head and gives you a comforting smile, his thigh close to your panties rubbing your skin softly. You know Madara is approaching, his firm body against your spine causing to tense even more. He sighs loudly, taking his hand to your collarbone and lower neck, surrounding it in a very daunting way. You gulp and hold both of Hashirama’s shoulders, almost uncomfortable. You never got any man touching you besides your husband and it was weird as hell, though his rough strokes were making you a bit interested on what he could do to you.
“I thought you had her open to our ideas, Hashirama. I can only see a scared girl. Didn’t you train her well?”, he says, playfully.
The thought of relaxing soon left your mind, his words sounding so mean you had to look back and stare at Madara with stoic eyes. “Fuck you”, you say back, your voice firm and neutral. “I’m not scared. Haven’t you learned that you can’t just hold my neck like I’m your whore?”
Hashirama presses you tighter against his body, his leg no more touching your inner thighs. You feel like complaining about it, but keep in silence as he stares at you with those joking eyes, but his mouth is in a serious line. You roll your eyes discreetly as you man answers Madara, almost happy with your words.
“Go easy on my baby”, he puts his hands on your neck as well, both of them stroking the sensitive skin. “I did train her to behave, but she’s used to being only my whore”, he completes, talking as if you weren’t there. You get wetter with his words — you aren’t that into degradation, but sure he knows how to use bad words and yet make you feel like a queen. You enjoy his other hand petting your head, waiting for a kiss that never comes.
Instead, Madara laughs and takes your nightdress off effortlessly, Hashirama lifting your arms so he could throw it away. You instantly feel the cold wind of the night, the window open helping it and cross your arms in front of your body.
“So, Hashirama, control that tongue of her”, he pinches your nipples over the thin fabric of your bra. He was absolutely pleased to see you from behind, though he couldn’t wait to watch your boobs wiggling while your cunt is fucked deep by him. Your ass looked so good, the skin ready for having his palm print. “Or I’ll do it myself”, you whine when he presses his hard cock between your booty cheeks and pushes your nipples with no mercy, as you stare at Hashirama, waiting for him to do more than just help you to keep on your feet.
“Do you want something, baby?”, he puts one of his fingers on your lips and you get it with your tongue, sucking slowly. He knows those eyes of yours, so pitiful and needy. You shake your head, ready to speak, but he puts another finger into your mouth. “Tell me, then”, his words are so, so mean. When did he become so bad? You knew that if you stop to suck his fingers he’d make you beg for it once more, but he was telling you to answer! What are you supposed to do?
Madara squeezes you tits harder as his mouth finds its way to your neck, licking your skin. You moan against Hashi’s fingers and begin to mumble “I want you touching me, daddy, not him”, your breathy voice making your sentence way rude. His nails reach your throat and you almost choke, a few tears filling up your eyes.
“Repeat it for me?”, the Senju says. You don’t do it, so he takes his touch off you and walk backwards, a playful smile ghosting his lips. His lips, you want them so much, why is he acting so mean with you? You feel a little bit sad when he says he’s disappointed. “Didn’t you say you were going to behave? I’m not seeing it”. You pout, but accept what he is saying with a sad look.
“What can I do to—”, you begin, but Madara decides it is a good time to make you kneel. You sit on your legs to counteract what he wants you to do. Hashirama sighs and tells you to kneel and stay quiet. Madara chuckles devilishly. “So she just obey daddy?” You nod, but he is not looking at you. His friend, you husband, is agreeing and adding mean, mean words. You can’t help but complain about it in your mind, since a loud complain would leave you with lots of trouble.
“Call him daddy too and obey him, right, sweet girl? If you do it as he tells, he is going to be gentle”, he lowers his voice. “If you want to stop you know the sign”.
You frown and don’t answer. Madara walks and stop in front of you, his tall silhouette making you lean backwards. He pulls your hair gently — you feel genuinely surprised with his slow moves — until your face is almost touching his bulge under his pants. His thumb caresses your red cheeks and you enjoy it, before his palm softly hit your face. You inhale. Why are you feeling aroused by him? Fuck, the only man you’d ever let slap your face is Hashirama, but why your clit pulsed and your wetness grew?
Madara freed released his cock from his pants and underwear and you bit your lip, kind of nervous. You did want to have your tongue controlled but Hashi should do it! Not him, not his cock. You cried a little when you saw his dick, but the arousal grew up once more. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You didn’t want to think about how good it must be to have him inside you. Or call him daddy too.
No. No way will you do it.
It takes less than a minute to make you change your mind. Madara doesn’t seem to care about your stoic ass face or your mouth closed. He knew and could bet you are dripping to feel his length inside your mouth, to take him and let his tip reach your throat.
“Suck it, little one”, he uses the petname with a smirk you can hear. You try to deny, but you want it as bad as he does, so you think twice. You block guilty thoughts when Hashirama, his voice making you melt and stop acting like a brat, tells you to do your best. “I promise you’ll get your reward before finishing it”.
Reward is a good thing, always. Pretending it is the reason you’re giving in, you let his cock enter your mouth slowly, licking every inch of it like a good girl. Like his good girl, you think and close your eyes. No. You’re doing it because Hashirama said so. You trace his veins skillfully, easy to get to a point you can’t get more, his red tip deep into you. Madara groans as his hands guides you softly, in and out of your mouth.
It doesn’t last, though. He is too aroused to keep it easy, besides all Hashirama’s warnings. He wants to make you cry with his cock, rough and unstoppable. Madara would never let this opportunity run through his fingers — he didn’t think neither Hashirama nor you would accept it so easily. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, seeing that face of yours struggling to take his flesh. Madara could see anger in your eyes, but lust as well. His finger strokes your eye, getting a tear that was threatening to fall.
“Now I see why Hashirama is so proud of his girl”, you hear him praising, his hips violently making his cock go in and out of your mouth. Your legs shake a little more when you have to stop and breathe deep so you don’t choke for real. “Her mouth is a small piece of paradise. Bet her cunt is way better, uh?”
You don’t usually like it. Having him speaking as if you are somewhere else, not right there, sucking him off, should have made your ego hurt and your heart break. You don’t like to be ignored. However, listening to it made your cunt pulse and stretch against nothing. It is driving you crazy, Hashirama and his friend gladly praising and using you.
You don’t know when he got there, but you felt known lips against your full cheek, still receiving Madara’s length. Hands perfectly squeezing and pressing and printing its mark on your ass, on your thighs, on your tits, everywhere. You couldn’t help but moan loudly when Hashi’s fingers unkindly reach your panties and, pushing the fabric aside, one finger enters your cunt.
“Keep sucking him off, you’re doing great, baby”, Hashi whispers on your ear. You like the way it sounds like a secret of both of you. Happy, you put your hands on Madara’s strong thighs and lick all his flesh, kissing and making it wetter with your saliva. The Uchiha sighs loudly and groan when you whine against his dick. He can hear Hashirama’s digits going in and out of you, lewdly noises coming off it and his own cock being worshiped by your precious mouth. Fuck, he is going to feel jealous to the rest of his life — you have a pretty face, gorgeous body, a fucking nice mouth that fits him so well. You’re just fucking perfect.
Hashirama knows it. It’s so exciting for him to see Madara almost angry because he knows you can’t be his. You are being shared with him, but the man that gets your velvet tongue every day is the Senju leader. Hashirama’s fingertips abuse your sensitive spots inside you, his curled fingers driving you mad. It is too much, you think when it becomes too difficult to keep giving attention to Madara’s cock with all the pleasure you were feeling.
You don’t when it happens. You feel dizzy and fall back to Hashi’s lap, your fingers pressing Madara’s skin as he seems to look satisfied? And you look up to see your husband’s face, his fingers slowly fucking you, your clit being stimulated by your inside walls. Too sensitive, too painful, too good. You had that especially dumb ability of not knowing if you had come or not, so he had to show you his fingers — white, wet and going to Madara’s mouth. You mumble incoherent words when you see his fingers being sucked by the other man. He is… Tasting you. “Tasty cunny, girl”, Madara says. It felt illegal to watch, so you close your eyes just to open them again as another pair of fingers invade your cunt.
You whine immediately. Those fingers are thicker than Hashirama’s, calloused and rough. A finger — you know it’s Hashi’s now — rubs your clit as fast as he was doing when you were sucking off Madara. The floor is not comfortable, but you can’t ask them to stop. You don’t want to — it is feeling so good, your body falling down until your legs are around Madara’s body.
“Daddy”, you whisper, hoping Hashirama answers you. “Let me suck your cock too… I miss it fucking my mouth, daddy”
Your voice tone makes both Madara and Hashi stop suddenly. You cry, but soon Madara holds your body carefully bringing you to your bed. However when you are about to cry another phrase, your ass is up to the air, your tits pressed against the mattress. You couldn’t help — being all on fours is the way Hashirama loves to see you when you’re crying over his cock.
“Good girl”, is Madara that praises you, yet his voice is tough. “Sit on my face, now. I want to hear you calling my name while I taste you”, he puts his head under you and pulls your hips down. You try to keep your eyes open as you watch Hashirama takes off his clothes. It is the most damn beautiful thing in the world, his skin exposed, his strong chest and abs, his arms, his thighs, everything. Is there a way you can love him more?
You roll your hips against Madara’s mouth, conscious of his tongue licking your juices shamelessly, but he grabs your body and makes it hard to move. “Be quiet for daddy”, his voice is breathy, raspy and implies a punishment if you don’t obey him.
And you don’t try to move again, whimpering lowly, even when his touch leaves your hips and goes to your ass, grabbing hard. At the same time, you look down to Hashirama’s cock — hard for you only, his hand slowly stroking himself as you stare at it with pleady eyes. Hashirama grabs a fist full of your hair and forces your head down. You tease him a little, sucking the tip as your hand jerk off the length that isn’t in your mouth. He pushes your head up and gives you a smile that make you shake and moan loud. Madara is also craving for your attention, uh?
“Do it properly, babygirl. Daddy really wants to fuck your pretty mouth, but you gotta help me”, he doesn’t wait for you to reply, and you put the maximum you can of his dick inside your mouth. You curl your tongue against his hard flesh, appreciating in a different way you were with Madara. There’s passion on sucking him, letting him control all of your moves and thrusting his cock with no mercy.
You feel the most loved woman in the world.
At the same time, Madara keeps sucking your clit, forgetting about your dripping cunt. He is really focused on making you moan loud with Hashirama’s cock inside you, stimulating you until your limits. You let your head moves being commanded by Hashi’s hands, feeling weak. You notice you can’t fucking feel your legs, the touch of the Uchiha man being the only thing that makes your body firm enough so you don’t fall on his face. Not that he’d complain about it.
You finally give in — moaning loud, this time you know you’re having an orgasm. Numb head, messy moves, your teeth even hits the cock in your mouth by accident. Madara enjoys the sound of your struggled cries, heavy breathe and his name. Madara-sama, he could swear it was what you said. His hard cock felt a little bit harder, painfully eager for being inside you.
If it wasn’t dangerous territory, Madara would have taken you that moment.
“Stop now, babygirl”, Hashirama tells you. You obey him and look at him with dizzy eyes, not knowing where to focus on. “Madara, fuck her cunt the way you prefer. But wait for her to beg for it. Wait her words, and then she’s your doll”
Madara raises an eyebrow, devilish smile on his lips. Hashirama smirks too and you see both of them in a secret conversation. Madara gives in with a sigh.
“She’s my wife, Madara. What would happen if she gets pregnant and the baby born an Uchiha?”, he justifies and you make an ‘o’ face. So he wanted to cum inside you? Your cheeks become hot with the thought and Hashirama sees it. His hands are soft on your cheeks. “Though I think she’d love it. Don’t worry, right? Daddy is going to fill you up until the last drop”.
“Shut up, Hashirama. How do you think I can tease that lovely whore?”, you feel his tip threatening to enter you, but the moment never comes. You know what you have to do. Call his name, beg for his cock, lets him use you as he pleases. However words don’t come. You can’t think properly, just look at him with big doe eyes.
“Put just a few centimeters inside and let her beg for more”, Hashi suggests, so mean. You pout. “It never fails”.
It is true. Whenever he wants to punish you a little, or even just listen to your shaky voice crying for his full length, he does it. Madara’s tip enters you with much effort of his, fighting against the reflex of going deep and fucking you dumb. You close your eyes and bite a lip so you don’t speak anything. Hashirama is not happy about it, so he continues.
“Rub her clit.”
You feel it right after his sentence. You exhale and look at Hashirama.
“Daddy, please, stop teasing me”, you whine. His finger points to Madara. “I’m not able to change it”.
“Hm. Madara-sama, please, stop teasing me”, you say, but your voice is not convincing. You roll your hips.
“Oh, I think she doesn’t want me, Hashirama. I’m offended”, Madara pushes him inside you a little more. You moan and cry his name once more. “Please, please, please, fuck me until I can’t remember my name, I just need it so bad”, you cry, low voice. You feel a smack on your face, gently, as another, rough, goes on your ass.
“Louder”, Madara says as his cock goes deep into your wet cunt. His hands go to your waist and pull you. You moan loudly, but seeing Hashi, you call for his name. You receive another slap from the two men, and you smirk. Good, good, so good. You could cum just with that lustful glance deep in your eyes. You are feeling hotter than never, having the most powerful men fucking you in different ways. His pace, after you calling the Senju’s name, is fast and hard. Roughly he takes his cock out of you and pulls it back into with a delicious moan.
As he uses you, you lay your head on your husband’s lap, his cock by your side. You continue to suck him off but with all your body trembling and shivering, you can’t do much more than passing your tongue against his flesh. You love the feeling of being stretched by Madara’s cock, yet thinking and remembering about Hashirama.
That’s why your walls squeezes Madara’s cock so strongly. He moans loud as he buries himself into you. “You have a delicious whore here, Hashirama”, he whispers, taking strength of nowhere to stop fucking you. You cry a little when he gets out of your needy cunt, too weak to form a decent phrase.
“Calm down, babygirl. This time is daddy that is gonna fuck you. Ready?”, Hashirama says, pulling your body and being on top of you. He puts your legs on your shoulder and enters your cunt rapidly. He has no time for teasing or joking, but he looks to Madara by his side. “Learn how to end with this girl”.
It hurts when he goes that deep into you, though is good as hell. His tip abuses your g spot then go further as he kisses you messily. Your nails on his back almost hurt him, yet he sees as a way to make his hips moves faster. Your muffled moans against his mouth are making Hashirama goes deep inside you, with all the strength of the shinobi god. Fuck, fuck, fuck, all you can think of is the feeling of your walls burning, probably his cock evidenced on your belly. And he knows it too, pressing it just to test something, he thinks.
And you’re done after less than five minutes. Hashirama feels his dick firmly squeezed by your cunt, as if you wanted him to stay like this forever. And you do want this. “Daddy”, you mumble, happily. “I love you. Thank you”, you look at Madara and thank him too, Hashi’s cock still into you. Madara uses one of his hands to enjoy and press your tits, the other one rubbing your clit just the way he did before.
You are going to die, aren’t you? Why does it feel so painfully good? Orgasm after orgasm you feel your voice giving up, raspy moans being the only thing you can do to make sure they understand you’re having a good time.
When Hashirama finally comes, his seed into you, and Madara jerks himself off on your tits, you have no strength to look at the men in front of you. Just a tired smile and you fell asleep. You’d thank Hashirama for it later.
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 years
Ever since he and Nie Mingjue broke up, Jiang Cheng has only been going through the motions. He’s still fulfilling his duties as a Sect Leader—his pride in his Sect won’t allow him to do anything else—but that’s about it.
There’s nothing in life to take enjoyment from anymore and Jiang Cheng feels a lot like he did right after the war, except with less existential dread. But he’s lost and unmoored and he doesn’t know what to do.
He hates it a little bit that Nie Mingjue still has this kind of power over him, but mostly he’s just fucking devastated.
Now he understands his sister and her tears and her sad smiles a bit better.
Getting your heart broken really is the worse and Jiang Cheng guesses it doesn’t help that at least he knows that Nie Mingjue felt the same for him.
Jin Zixuan was a complete asshole to his sister, which must have made it a little bit easier Jiang Cheng hopes, because he wishes this for no one.
When he realizes that he lost himself yet again in his own head, he scoffs. It’s been happening a lot lately, and usually all of his thoughts turn to Nie Mingjue but he can’t afford to slack off.
No matter what his second in command keeps telling him on a daily basis.
If Jiang Cheng would take a day for himself, he wouldn’t do anything but wallow in his misery anyway, and he prefers working over doing that.
So he goes on, and on, one letter after the other, until he made a considerable dent into the stack that built itself up during his last weeks with Nie Mingjue.
Jiang Cheng grinds his teeth together when he realizes that he’s yet again thinking about the other man and he slams his hand on the table in his rage.
He really wonders just how long this will go on; how long he will be haunted by the thought of Nie Mingjue. Right now, he hears Nie Mingjue’s laugh echo in the hallways they frequently walked together, he feels Nie Mingjue’s phantom touch on his shoulder whenever he sits hunched over some work for too long, and he still feels all the love Nie Mingjue had for him.
But duty comes first, Jiang Cheng understands that. He doesn’t have to like it, but he understands.
“You can’t just—no, wait,” Jiang Cheng suddenly hears from outside and he lifts his head a second before someone barges into his study.
“You fucking asshole,” is what Nie Huaisang greets him with and Jiang Cheng knew that the break-up would throw a little bit of a wrench into their friendship, but he didn’t expect this.
“Huaisang,” he still greets his old friend, but he figures he shouldn’t have when Nie Huaisang glares at him, clearly too agitated to even get his fan out.
“Do not even dare,” Nie Huaisang hisses. “You absolute fucking asshole. You said you would love him!”
“I do,” Jiang Cheng says with a sigh, getting up to close the door behind Nie Huaisang, hoping that not all of Lotus Pier heard him yet.
“Yeah, I can tell,” Nie Huaisang sarcastically gives back. “It’s so very evident in the way you broke up with him.”
“Don’t be unfair,” Jiang Cheng whispers, but he can’t meet Nie Huaisang’s eyes.
It still hurts too much.
“Unfair. Unfair! The only one being unfair here is you!”
“Huaisang,” Jiang Cheng snaps, now slowly getting angry himself.
He can understand the protective instinct of a sibling, but this is really going to far. It’s not Jiang Cheng’s fault, and he didn’t actually want to break up with Nie Mingjue, but since it was what Nie Mingjue had wanted, he had done it.
And it seemed unfair to be attacked over this now.
“No. I’m going to ruin you,” Nie Huaisang lowly says and while usually Jiang Cheng wouldn’t give much thought to a threat like this, he knows that if Nie Huaisang really wants to, he will.
Going by the glare Jiang Cheng gets, Nie Huaisang really wants to.
“Why? It’s not my fault,” Jiang Cheng snaps at him and Nie Huaisang laughs right in his face.
“Right, not your fault. Of course not. How could it be? You’re just the guy who broke up with my brother.”
“Because he wanted to!” Jiang Cheng shouts at him, his heart still hurting so damn much and that at least is enough to shut Nie Huaisang up for a few seconds.
“He wanted to,” Nie Huaisang lowly repeats. “That’s what you’re going with? Really?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jiang Cheng asks, suddenly drained of all energy and he goes to sit back down at the table.
He doesn’t want to fight with Nie Huaisang and he doesn’t want to do it while standing up, and all he really wants to do is go crawl into bed with Nie Mingjue and curl up against his chest, but it’s not like he’ll ever be able to do that again.
“My brother finally opens up to you about the qi deviations and your first instinct is to run away and break up with him? And now you’re trying to twist it like it was actually his idea? You’re really something else, Jiang-zongzhu. I thought better of you.”
“That’s not what happened, Huaisang,” Jiang Cheng says with a small frown, because Jiang Cheng remembers that conversation a lot differently, and he was actually present.
“Then enlighten me,” Nie Huaisang hisses. “What did happen?”
Jiang Cheng desperately doesn’t want to speak about it—the pain still too near and fresh—but Nie Huaisang is levelling him with a look that promises pain and absolute ruin if Jiang Cheng doesn’t start speaking like five seconds ago and so he sighs.
“He told me about the qi deviations,” Jiang Cheng says, because so far they are on the same page. “That he’ll die soon and young and violently.”
“And you left him for it,” Nie Huaisang says with a nod, as if there could be no doubt about it.
“I love him. Do you really think that low of me?” Jiang Cheng asks, a new kind of hurt finding its place in his chest.
Jiang Cheng thought he was long over being hurt by people being disappointed in him, but it seems like he was wrong.
“Seeing as he is back home, absolutely devastated and you’re going on like nothing happened, I think the only possible answer can be yes,” Nie Huaisang sneers at him and Jiang Cheng sees red.
“I have to do this,” Jiang Cheng yells and shoots up. “I have to because if I don’t keep busy, if I don’t distract myself, I’ll be a fucking shell. I want to do nothing more than to crawl into bed and cry for a good week but what good is that going to do me? It’s not going to get me Mingjue back and my Sect actually still needs me. I was miserable all through the war and for a good while after and I don’t want to feel like that again. And besides; he made his choice. What use is there for me to cry after him.”
“He made his choice? The audacity you have! And don’t raise your voice at me like that,” Nie Huaisang gives back, clearly unfazed by Jiang Cheng’s explosion and it cuts all of Jiang Cheng’s strings.
It doesn’t matter what he tells Nie Huaisang, he realizes. He has his mind already made up.
“He told me about the qi deviations and that his Sect must come first,” Jiang Cheng still mutters. “He needs an heir.”
Jiang Cheng barely gets the words out, and he hates himself a little for how his eyes well up almost immediately. It’s been almost a week by now and the words still hurt as much as they did when they left Nie Mingjue’s mouth.
In front of him, Nie Huaisang freezes.
“He said he needs to prepare, that he needs someone to take over eventually. It’s not that hard to understand his meaning,” Jiang Cheng whispers.
Nie Mingjue needs an heir. And for that he needs a wife. It’s as easy as that.
“Did he say it like that?” Nie Huaisang asks and Jiang Cheng nods miserably.
“That fucking idiot,” Nie Huaisang mutters and finally sits down himself, slamming his fan on the table. “Listen here, Wanyin,” he says and Jiang Cheng wonders when he switched back to being Wanyin again.
“I’m listening,” Jiang Cheng says because clearly Nie Huaisang is waiting for a response from him.
Though he’s not quite sure he can take any more accusations today.
“My brother is an idiot,” Nie Huaisang solemnly says and Jiang Cheng fights the immediate urge to defend Nie Mingjue.
He’s not sure he still has that right.
“Why?” he asks instead, because it seems like the safer option.
“I am his heir,” Nie Huaisang tells him and Jiang Cheng goes very still. “When father died and da-ge decided to not take a wife, they wrote that down somewhere. I’m to inherit the Sect should anything happen to my brother.”
“He—it didn’t sound like that when we talked,” Jiang Cheng carefully says.
It makes no sense. Nie Mingjue had looked sad as he had said that he needs to prepare. Why would he look sad if he already has an heir.
“There was sadness on his face when he said it,” Jiang Cheng weakly goes on, because he still remembers that look and it cuts him just as much as it did then.
“It was probably regret. Da-ge wanted to give me an intensive few months of Sect Leader training, so that he could hand off the reigns sooner, before his qi deviations get really bad. He resolved himself to not see you during those months, because he said you distract him too much.”
“No, he—” Jiang Cheng starts, putting his head in his hands. “That’s not how that conversation went.”
“Clearly, it’s not,” Nie Huaisang says drily. “But we both know da-ge and we know you. Both of you tend to draw your own conclusions. Da-ge thought he made himself perfectly clear—asking for a few months with nothing but letters for contact—and you thought he was breaking up with you. I can see where you would get that idea from, don’t take me wrong—da-ge is horribly bad at wording things—but it’s not what he wanted. He’s moping and heartbroken at home. I didn’t even get any training yet.”
“You hate training,” Jiang Cheng mutters, his head spinning.
“I like logistics and getting people to do what I want,” Nie Huaisang corrects. “And I would like my brother to be happy again,” he tacks on, with a raised eyebrow.
Jiang Cheng swallows.
“He doesn’t want to take a wife?” he asks, just to make sure. “He doesn’t want to sire an heir?”
“He does want to adopt a kid with the guy he had been courting for a while,” Nie Huaisang says, absolutely nonchalant as if it’s not blowing Jiang Cheng’s mind to hear that Nie Mingjue thought about a little family of their own.
“Really?” Jiang Cheng asks, his voice full of hope and his heart hammering away in his chest.
“Really,” Nie Huaisang assures him, finally picking up his fan and flicking it open with the by now so familiar gesture.
“I think I have to cut your visit here short, then,” Jiang Cheng says, already scrambling to his feet.
“You go on ahead,” Nie Huaisang waves him off, draping himself over the table. “The flight here was way too exhausting for me.”
“Sure,” Jiang Cheng says, rolling his eyes, but not actually bothering to convince Nie Huaisang.
If he flies alone he can push himself as much as he wants, and then he gets to see Nie Mingjue sooner.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t bother to announce his arrival and Nie Mingjue’s disciples clearly don’t deem it necessary to do it, either, it seems, because Jiang Cheng simply barges into Nie Mingjue’s quarters without anyone telling him.
“What are you doing here?” Nie Mingjue asks him, his voice rough and Jiang Cheng sees the dark circles under his eyes and how pale he is.
It seems they both didn’t deal well with the temporary break-up.
“Huaisang invaded Lotus Pier,” Jiang Cheng tells him and Nie Mingjue immediately draws himself up.
“Whatever he said, don’t listen to him. I respect your choice,” Nie Mingjue reassures him and Jiang Cheng wants to go to him and hug him and kiss him, but for now he simply rolls his eyes.
“He said there was a misunderstanding.”
“A what?”
“You said you need someone to take over the Sect. You never mentioned Huaisang. I thought you meant you want to take a wife,” Jiang Cheng explains in as little words as possible, because he is dying with the urge to finally get his hands on Nie Mingjue again.
“A wife,” Nie Mingjue repeats and blinks. “If anything she would be the second wife, because I intent to marry you.”
Jiang Cheng flushes bright red at that, but his heart is dancing in his chest. With happiness, for a change.
“Yeah, I should hope so,” Jiang Cheng says and dares to step closer. “But I understand duty to your Sect and so when you said it like that—”
“You thought I would ask you to step back so I can focus on my Sect. You would have allowed me to take a wife?” Nie Mingjue asks and Jiang Cheng shrugs.
“Duty comes first,” he says because if he learned anything in his youth then it’s that. “I understand that. I didn’t like it, but it sounded sensible to me.”
“Nothing about that is sensible, I love you, what the hell would I ever do without you?”
Find someone else to love, Jiang Cheng wants to say, but Nie Mingjue doesn’t let him, because with two big steps he’s right in front of him and he doesn’t hesitate to crush Jiang Cheng to his chest.
“What would I even do without my heart?” he whispers again and Jiang Cheng’s resolve is broken.
He slings his arms around Nie Mingjue and presses himself as close as he can get, his breath leaving him in shuddering bursts.
“I didn’t like it,” Jiang Cheng chokes out. “I missed you so much. I love you.”
“Never think something like this again,” Nie Mingjue begs him. “I would never do that to you, not for any duty in the world.”
“Okay,” Jiang Cheng weakly says and Nie Mingjue presses a kiss to his head.
“Not for any duty,” he repeats and Jiang Cheng nods.
“Okay, alright,” he gets out, his voice choked up with tears.
For once they are tears of happiness because he’s finally back where he belongs.
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king-of-knives · 2 years
I don't know what the hell is wrong,
But god damn its 3 am again,
And sleep seems dead.
Skin crawling,
Head hollow,
Eyes red.
Why am scared?
When there's nothing frightening,
Why the hell am I crying like I've seen the dead?
Am I fucking insane?
Or is something driving me insane?
God I can't tell the difference anymore.
The voices are gone,
And I'm not alone,
Then why the hell does everything still feels wrong?
Why the fuck am I falling apart?
There's nothing tearing me down,
Nights like these reminds me how I'm insane.
Am I insomniac?
Or schizophrenic?
Or just a general socio manic?
God help me,
I wish I could set fire to my brain,
Squeeze out my lungs,
Carve out my veins,
Claw out my skin,
Draw out my soul,
And trap me in void.
Take this emotions apart,
Sort them into fucking pills,
And lock them away,
But fuck God he made numb more than worse.
So I sit here in the dark,
Looking up on empty ceiling,
For nth time in my life,
Repeat again and again,
I'm not fucking insane.
I know I'm odd,
Kinda bit of a social freak,
Who lives on a impulsive streak,
Doesn't think about normal important things,
But I sit here alone convincing,
I don't know who the fuck,
No I'm not crazed.
Repeating words in my head,
Which I left unsaid,
Dad I'm trying,
Don't look at me like I can't be helped,
Like I'm something beyond repair,
Mom please I beg,
Don't look at me like you can't understand,
A single thing I say,
And to everyone else,
Dont look at me like I'm unknown,
I swear I'm the same.
The more I write,
More I seem insane,
They say don't say something about yourself,
The world will take it as a fact,
But how else do I describe myself,
When the only thing I've felt since forever,
Is just kinda insane?
And with that I repeat to myself,
No I'm not insane.
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bradtomlovesya · 3 years
Ⓦⓗⓔⓝ ⓣⓗⓔ ⓢⓗⓞⓦ ⓔⓝⓓⓢ (Part 1)
Summary: After seeing Brad using that red shirt on that concert you become oddly horny. (I suck at summary, sorry)
Clarifications: This is part 1, Part 2 will be posted tomorrow.
Thank you for the idea, baby @brad-is-my-dante Ily <3
Warnings: Smut +18, dom!Brad x sub!reader, Spit kink, Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), English is not my first language.
Word counter: 2k +
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We were in the car going to the hotel. The first concert of the tour had started and Brad was more than happy about it and so was I. I really wanted to hug him and hold his hand as normal but I had to keep my distance the rest of the way or I would end up sucking his dick right now without caring about the driver or anything else.
That perfect red button-down shirt only made the moisture in the middle of my legs grow more and more. I wanted it, I really needed to get to the hotel room and make him fuck me like only he knew how.
“Are you okay? You haven't said something all the way” he said, getting me out of my thoughts.
“I'm fine, I'm just a little distracted, sorry” I responded with my gaze on the car window. Couldn't we get there faster?
“Okay…” He answered not very convinced.
The rest of the way was complete torture, I could only feel my desire growing and growing every time he breathed or moved his legs and let me see his perfect cock marked in his pants. Got damn! I could swear that I had never been so wet in all my life as I was now.
The moment we entered the hotel room and he closed the door, he couldn't hold back and chose to speak.
“All right, tell me what's up? You've been distracted since the concert ended and I'm worried, did something happen and you don't want to tell me? Didn't you like the concert? Believe me I can handle the criticism but I really thought you liked it”. He said as he pried more buttons off his shirt and pulled them out from inside his pants.
I swallowed hard and took my gaze off from the bare part of his torso "I-It's not th-that" I stuttered.
“What is it then?” He crossed his arms and his muscles were perfectly marked on his shirt. Some veins on his arms stood out and his scowl only made him look sexier.
“I can't take it anymore, sorry.” I ran my hands through my hair. “But this is your fault for wearing those pants, that red shirt, and those fucking rings. Fuck! your fingers.” I complained. “I've been distracted because I was trying not to give in to my urges but my panties are already too wet so could you please fuck me at once?”
The brown boy was only silent for a moment and then he laughed out loud. "It was that?" He asked. "You made me worried, Y/n! I thought you wanted to break up with me or something and apparently you just wanted sex." He laughed in denial. "Tell me what you want" he approached me "Tell me what you want and I will do it." He murmured with his lips brushing my cheek.
“Sorry, but seriously it's your fault for being so fucking sexy”. I felt his hands on my waist and my legs shook, I had never been so desperate. “I want your dick in my mouth, please.” His lips kissed my neck. “Please.” I repeated pleadingly.
“It's okay sweetheart. If you want to do it so much…” He acted difficult. “Sure you can.” He brought his hands up to his belt and slowly took it off, lowered his pants and directed her gaze to mine. His eyes were full of desire. "Come here" He held his member over his boxer shorts. "On your knees.” He demanded.
“On my knees” I nod and he puts a sofa cushion on the floor so my knees wouldn't hurt and I kneel in front of him.
“Go ahead, all yours.” He brought his hands to my hair and pulled it up so I was looking into his eyes. “I know we're both going to enjoy this, Y/n.” He said my name slowly and that only made me warmer.
I wasted no more time. I pulled his boxer down and his hard erection hit his stomach. There was some pre-cum that made me lick my lips as I watched him. I took his member in my hand and went up and up and down slowly while running my tongue over the tip. It tasted salty but coming from him, I loved everything.
“Damn, princess! That pretty mouth really knows how to do its job.” His face contorted with pleasure and his mouth parted as he felt my tongue on the tip of his penis. “Open your mouth.” He said seriously. I obeyed and closed my eyes waiting for him to introduce his big member into my mouth but that never happened. A hoarse laugh in his throat made me open my eyes again. “Did you expect my member? No, darling. If you want to, you will have to do it yourself.” He lowered his head and spat into my mouth. “Swallow.”
“Thanks.” I mumbled as soon as I swallowed her saliva.
“What did you say?” He asked with a frown.
“Thank you, sir” I corrected immediately and bit my lip. “Can I go back to work?” My pussy lips felt completely wet and sticky, there was no way I could stop it and I didn't plan on doing it. I was finally going to have what I was waiting for all night.
“Yes, sweetie. You can continue.” He nodded with a beautiful smile. I took his member again in my hands and this time I put it in my mouth taking what I could more. At least what my gag reflection allowed me. “Fuck!” He moaned loudly. "That's it, that's my girl.” He spoke between gasps with his head thrown back in pleasure.
I went up and down my hand with a cautious speed and used my saliva as a lubricant to make it easier. I thrust his cock down my throat and moved up and down deeply until I felt the need to breathe. I pulled it out of my mouth with a pop sound and a trickle of saliva still connecting us.
“Oh... Babe”. He sighed. “You look so innocent all the time in front of my friends and family. Everyone could swear that you are a total and complete angel”. He held my face by my chin with his thumb and forefinger. “And the truth is that you are an angel with the wishes of a demon. You make me sin but you make me touch the sky, isn't it strange?” He bit his lip. “Now be a good girl and open your mouth so daddy can fuck that pretty throat of yours.”
I opened my mouth and his member slammed into my throat making me have a gag reflex but I controlled it. My lashes bathed wet from my tears as I watched the muscles in his abdomen contract due to the force He was doing. The buttons he had unhooked gave me a perfect view of his god-sculpted abdomen. His eyes were closed and tight as he continued saying obscenities and fucking my mouth like there was no tomorrow. His veins pulsed and his dick felt harder than before so I assumed he was going to come and he did. He hit the back of my throat and painted everything with his cum. I waited for him to finish and swallowed it all so as not to waste anything. Also, I wiped his cock with my tongue and when he pulled it out of my mouth with a loud growl, I put my hands on the ground to breathe and steady myself.
“Are you tired?” He asked me with his heavy breathing and now his eyes looking directly at me.
“A bit.” I muttered. “But I'm fine.” I smiled with my eyes on his.
“Good because I'm not done yet.” He smiled and reached down to gently take me by the arms and lay me down on the bed. “Do you think you can handle it?” he asked as he kissed my neck and took bites.
“Yes, I can.” I gasped when he positioned himself between my legs and squeezed my butt tightly pulling me towards him. His hands lifted my dress and yanked my underwear off. “Bradley!” I looked at him with wide eyes.
“I'll buy you new underwear, I promise.” He murmured her with his face tucked between my legs and kissing the inner part of my thighs. “Love, I've never seen you so wet.” He spread my legs and ran his tongue between my folds in a slow way to collect as much of my fluids as he could.
My hands instinctively went to his hair to tug at it and my back arched in pleasure. His fingers found my entrance but they did not enter. He patted the area with four of his fingers and two of these he moved around the entrance.
“Bradley, stop teasing…” I moaned loudly when his thumb pressed my clit and he began to draw circles on it, keeping enough pressure to make me see stars and wanting to close my legs but he pressed them with his free hand to avoid it. The cold from his rings was felt throughout my core and many moans escaped my lips.
“I love the sound of your moans, especially when I'm the one causing them.” He slipped two of his fingers into my vagina and bent them a little to touch my G-spot.
“Fucking hell! Bradley..”. I moaned his name and closed my eyes. One more finger slid easily into my femininity thanks to how wet it was. His fingers moved fast and hit every point that made me moan and feel like an orgasm was forming in the lower part of my stomach. My forehead was sweaty and my hands were tugging at his hair getting several grunts and moans from his part that sent vibrations right to my center. One of his hands went up to one of my breasts and squeezed it with a little force causing me another loud moan and that my nipples went hard under the fabric of my dress. “Don't stop, never stop!” I cried
“I won't, baby” he murmured, licking and sucking on my pussy. His fingers were soon replaced by his tongue moving in and out of me quickly and deliciously.
Once again two of his fingers entered and moved roughly inside me. Her tongue squeezed and sucked on my clit and her other hand squeezed my other breast. That was the last thing I needed to cum on her lips with a loud moan of his name.
My vision turned white, my eyes slammed shut and my legs shook like Jelly. I held my breath for a few seconds trying to normalize it but it wasn't long because I felt something slide into my vagina all of a sudden making me moan even louder due to the over stimulation.
“I'm sorry my love. But I had to go in now or I would end again but this time on the room floor thanks to your exquisite moans.” He held still as I got used to his length.
His hands were on my waist and lifted my body so that his cock could fully enter me and contort my walls as only he knew how to do it. "You can move." I fixed my eyes on his.
"Finally!" He groaned, digging his fingers into my hips and starting to move with slow but rough speed. He came out halfway and entered me completely again in one fell swoop. "This cunt belongs to me and absolutely no one can make you feel as..." A heavy thrust. "As good as I do!" He exclaimed as the speed of his thrusts increased. "Take off that dress, please" he begged me with parted lips.
I took my hands to the buttons of my dress and took them off and then pulled it over my head. I also unzipped my bra and his eyes immediately went to my breasts. His eyes were pure pupils, they were completely filled with lust.
He lifted my legs over his shoulders and managed to go even deeper with each thrust. He lowered his face to my height and kissed my lips with pure love and ferocity. "Fuck! You don't know how much I love you!" He hid his face in my neck and sucked on my skin leaving a hickey that would be visible later.
"I love you too!" I exclaimed. At that moment I was a sweaty, moaning mess. I changed our positions so that he was under me. I inserted his member into my wet cunt and jumped over and over again, inserting his member into me just the way I liked it.
"Shit shit shit! Y/n!" He dug his fingers into my ass hard and covered my walls with his cum. It didn't take me too long to reach my ecstasy and I ended up on his cock doing a mixture of our cumshots.
"This was a thousand times better than I expected" I mentioned with my face hidden in the crock of his neck and his collarbone. "I didn't remember you were that huge!" I giggled.
"You have a bad memory then" He teased and kissed my head. He came out of my vagina and went for wet towels to clean us up.
Once we were clean, we crawled under the covers completely naked.
"I'll have to wear that red shirt more often. I like the effect it has on you." He put a lock of my hair behind my ear and kissed my lips sweetly.
"I'm Y/n and I approve of this message" I teased and bit his lip. I closed my eyes and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I love that red shirt, I really do.
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
You’re my Treasure (Mammon X MC) Pt11
The Blue Lotus petals (series)
As a fan of Beauty X Beast pairing, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers. Heads up each brother’s Story is long as fuck. So, I’ll be posting them as parts and finishing one brother before moving on to the rest of them.
(spoiler for lesson 1-60)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8 Pt9 Pt10
Warning: Swearing, Demonic nature, Mention of blood, Past events, Unwanted hate towards a family member, and Attempted murder.
Note: I am really bad at warning.
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The sound of coins being step on quietly filled the cavern, as someone pick up the old book on the ground and return back to sleep.
“So, you don’t want to control my body?” Mammon asks the beast reflected in the lake.
No....I have seen how your brothers treated you, and frankly I think you should fight back!
Mammon pouts at him, not likely the way his saying this.
“Hey! They might be a pain in the ass, but that all family are. Sure, we are at each other’s throats, but we have each others back when we need the most.” The beast huffs at that.
Name one time, you all agree to do something!
“The reaper’s cave”
“We might not say it out loud, but we truly wanted to help Beel in anyway possible. Hell, it was a miracle that y/n was there. If was for them giving some of their candle to Beel, we would have made it a regular thing to go back to that cave for Beel.” He starts playing around with his ring, to distract himself from missing his brothers.
It seems that the human choice you out of your brothers why is that?
“y/n is not just a human! And why would you care if y/n choose me?”
I don’t know Mammon, why least you been repeating it in your head over and over causing me to wake up!
Suddenly Mammon felt a lump in his throat, he wants to respond but hesitant for a moment, then he spat it out.
“I haven’t done any of that”
Really? Let me refresh your memories
The last part the beast voice changes into his voice as he starts talking into it.
“I failed as protector and a guardian!” “They deserve better than me!” “Why they have to choose me to love” “Why settle with a weak and pathetic demon like me” “I SHOULDN’T BE SECOND OF THE AVATARS!?!”
Half way of the beast speech Mammon covered his ears, shut his eyes, and grinned his teeth with a snarl coming out of him. But he just keeps repeating his thoughts over his mind. Until Mammon scream.
“OKAY I GET IT!” he drops down it all fours as pant like he was exhausted. “I-I can’t be the demon they all want me to be”
Because you keep letting them to fill your mind with those thoughts, but what you should be doing is SHOW THEM!
Mammon looks back to the lake and asks “What do you mean?”
Kill The demon who attack our mate
“I can’t do that; the bastard knows and what I can do. Even if want to kill him, he’ll just move one location to the other”
Not unless you change into me…...
“I can’t…...” Mammon clenches his hands, digging his talons into his palms drawing blood as his body to tremble in the thought of changing back to that form the memories flood back in his mind, all the fights, the wounds which heals but the mental scars remain, and watching Levi and Asmo change right Infront of him. Their scream of agony rings in his ear as tears and blood drip down in to the ground as he starts to sob.
Are you scare after killing Basto, you’ll go and killing your brother while they’re in those forms?
Mammon quickly nods while his looking down at his bleeding hands.
You don’t have to worry about that
The beast spoke with a softer tone causing Mammon to look back at the lake.
Look you and I are the same being, when I tell you that all you have to do is stay away from them for a week or two, to have better control over yourself and your instinct you might be the first one out of the seven of you to able to turn into your demonic form without the resist of killing your brothers.
Mammon is done founded about the beast just said.
“How are you sure that I can do that?”
Simple you and Asmo are the only ones that didn’t attack y/n when you get angry and threaten them. And you are the only one who never use violence against them by changing into your demon form. You might be a hothead but you never or will raise a hand to your brothers or to our mate.
Mammon is left speechless, the thing that he been scare of knows him well to the point of trusting him for being himself. He was right as much he hates being the first one to be targeting with name calling because of his sin, is not like his the only one, Asmo calling him a horn dog, Levi with his weird obsession with things and getting emotional, Beel with eating all the time, Belphie with out of nowhere naps and sleeps, Satan with his anger issues, and Lucifer being too proud for his own good.
Their demons now, is something they should be use to. But him have the most control out of the seven of them, makes him fill warm inside. That he should be proud of, and why he should let his brothers tell him that he has no self-control when anger.
But his sin oh yeah! He can’t argue with that, I mean he was willing to help Solomon to forge a pact with Lucifer for the Midas crest, and immediately takes all back when Asmo points out that once he gets the crest, he won’t able to touch you due to the crest make everything he touch turns into gold. It had to take Asmo to point it out, who just said it to openly admit that it will be less competition for him. To realize that he could have made one of his biggest mistakes of his life, for what gold!
Looking back at his hands and/or talons then his wings, looks back at his newly grown tail. It too late, he’s far along of the transformation as he his. If he agrees with the beast’s plan, its going to take some time, means that you need to go back.
“Hey, before I agree to yer plan, let me take y/n back to my brothers”
Mammon…. their better with us then back with your brothers
“Yer crazy!?! What if I kill them!”
MAMMON The last thing we want is our MATE DYING. AGAIN! I’m still a little mad at Sloth for what he did! He’s luckily that y/n forgave him, because if they didn’t rest assure, I would’ve wakened up that day!
Mammon flinch and snarl at just remember that day. Holding your past self in his arms as you choke on your blood causing Belphie. If he’s being honest with himself, sometimes he gets piss off whenever Belphie took a nap at your lap and asks pat his head like, he didn’t try to kill you long ago.
That reflex he just did, get angry when you get hurt or someone trying to hurt you. Maybe his beast does have a point.
“Okay, I’ll do it……I’ll-I’ll change, IF!! You make sure that y/n safety is my-our one goal! Go it!”
Even with a beak the beast smirk at Mammon
You have my word…… also you might feel A LOT of pain!
“Huh?...... Wh?”
Before Mammon can say anything else, he felt a pain in his abdomen, he wants to scream but he bites his lips muffling the scream. As he dug his talons into the ground dragging his hands closer to him. Then the pain slowly got worst by each heart beat and panting.
Soon the he couldn’t take it anymore and let out an agnosies scream.
Then a faith voice calls out to him.
Mammon wakes up from the dream by someone grooming his tail, he slowly opens his eyes and lifted up his head and let out a wake-up yawn. And turn his head to whoever is touching his tail.
His eyes narrows and he groans at the sight who it was.
“Morning Mammon, have a good night sleep” Asmo flash he cheerful smile as he fixes the feathers of his tail. “When is the last time you check your tail feathers, look at them some of them are uneven and others stuck together see….” He points at feathers with the vane split apart with dry blood.
“Oi! I didn’t have a chance to clean myself and beside y/n usually brushes and cleans my feathers so, back off” Mammon squawks at Asmo who just giggle at him.
Right, no one can hear him, well no one expect Lucifer who is close to what he is now. He just has to have you use gestures and his eyes to convey what he’s thinking.
“What a pain in the ass, ya all don’t listen to me when I was normal. Now I have to deal with this crap!?! Tch whatever, the herd must be at the lake at this time. Might as well get some food……. Oh shit! Beel’s here…. Great……”
“I know that you’re not a morning demon, so I know that your cranky. But maybe not try to be loud so you won’t wake up y/n” that snap Mammon out of his train of thought.
Surprise to what Asmo said, Mammon looked down in his arms to see your sleeping form curled up next to his chest as you nuzzle your cheek into in with a smile on your face.
He faces softens as gently rub your face with his, as a soothing cooing and purring comes off from him, causing you to let out a satisfying hum as you fall more asleep.
Then Mammon reaches out with beak for a thick fabric from the nest. Then he slowly and gently lay you on the nest and place the fabric under your head serving as a pillow as you continue to sleep.
Then he stood up leave the nest as Asmo let go of his tail and gazing at his brother’s action. Once out of the nest Mammon stretches bending down then stand back straight shake body ruffle his feathers and once finish the feathers fixes themselves as Mammon being his daily routine beginning with leaving the cave. And Asmo got up and follow his big brother.
“I-I don’t believe it. There’s no SIGNAL HERE!!!” Levi is basically reaching for the havens on top of the tree trying to get a signal for his D.D.D, but to no avail.
“Levi! Get down from there” Lucifer yells at Levi causing to flinch almost letting of the branch he was holding to keep himself balance.
From afar Satan and Belphie watches the two older brothers, with Beel who is cook breakfast inside the cave.
“Its just me or is Lucifer losing~”
“His cool? Yes, I’m all for it” Satan is gleefully smile at the sight of Lucifer completely abandoning all of his calmed and serious demeanor, for an anger, short tempered and animalistic one.
Then suddenly they heard talons being drag through rock behind them, they turn around to see Mammon walking out from the cavern and heading outside with Asmo not far behind him.
“Mammon, your awake you got to see this Lucifer is blowing a casket at Levi~” Mammon just keep on walking out ignoring Satan.
“Wait where you going? Breakfast is about to start” Beel got up from he sits next to the campfire and chase after Mammon.
Once outside, flap his wings and start flying, grabbing the attention of Lucifer and Levi.
“MAMMON!?!” Lucifer calls out to him, as he flew after him grabbing Levi’s arm towing along.
As Levi scream for help fade, Satan look at Asmo with a questionable look on his face.
“What did you do”
“Hey! Don’t look at me like that. I was just cleaning the feathers in his tail; I mean you saw him covered in blood of that bastard. You would have done the same thing” Asmo huffs and walk back inside.
“Oh, before you go, Lucifer was looking for the book that he used. Have you seen it?” but Asmo shook his head, not even looking at Satan as he went in to Help Beel with breakfast.
“Clearly one of us is lying about the book” Belphie said it looking at Satan.
“Obviously, but the question is who is lying”
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doyumacy · 3 years
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ʏᴜᴛᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ᴍᴀʀᴋ ʟᴇᴇ
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴅʀᴀᴍᴀ, ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴋ, ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ꜱᴍᴜᴛ (f. ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ)
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2,1k
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @coffee-prince-kyungsoo@xcharlottemikaelsonx@marksquare@tomorrowxforever@yoongsicles @neococo7 @angels-from-california@ahgastayzen@hiraarri @uhyikesbro
being around yuta is awkward since last night's event. He spends most of the nights ohn your house telling jisung and you the plan and going over it again and again. and you can feel the tension between yuta and mark every time they look at each other. mark still doesn't know what happened and you’re not sure if you’re gonna tell him because the last thing you need right now is a scene.
one night, johnny and jisung go to pick up the chinese food they ordered leaving you alone with yuta. although johnny likes mark, you know he’s deep down rooting for yuta.
yuta is sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone. you clear your throat. “you want some water or something?”
he slowly shakes his head without looking at you. you sigh. “yuta, can we talk?”
“we talked already. there’s nothing to discuss,” he mutters, eyes still focused on the screen. “you made it pretty clear you chose mark.”
you stand in front of him and take his phone out from his hands. “this is exactly what i didn't want to happen. i thought you were dead! didnt i have the right to move on?”
“you have all the right to do what you want,” he nods, eyes locking with yours. “but i’m back, and you’re my wife, y/n. and i also have all the right to fight for what i love.”
“and i had the right to know the truth and not to be lied every fucking day we were together,” you spit, cleching your jaw. “so you’re not in position to fight or ask for shit.”
yuta stands up, looking down at you. “why is it so hard for you to understand that i would rather lose everything than you getting hurt?”
“because i was still hurt! i am hurt.” you glance at him and then sigh. “i simply can’t understand  how you slept next to me knowing you were lying to me…” you gasp. “i try but i can’t understand it.”
“i know what i did was wrong, but i did it because i wanted to protect you,” he gently cups your face. “i’m not excusing myself, y/n. i love you and you’re the only woman i’ll always love, and if i have to do it again, i’d do it.”
you bite your lip, stopping it from trembling as you feel your eyes fill with tears. “i know that words will never be enough for me to ask you for forgiveness and show you how sorry i am.”
yuta rubs your cheeks with his thumbs and you look at him. “and if getting your forgiveness means i have to lose you, then i’ll take it because i’d rather live without you than living knowing you hate me.”
his eyes lock again with yours and you gulp.
the feeling is there. your love towards him is there, you can feel it too, but your feelings towards mark are there as well. it’s so confusing and there are thousands of thoughts going in your head that you can’t even listen to one.
well, except for one.
kissing him.
unconsciously, you slightly part your lips and yuta holds the back of your head as he leans closer, his lips softly brushing yours. “ask me to stop,” he mutters, his lips keep brushing yours.
you need to, but you don’t want to. and you don’t do it.
you slowly shake your head and yuta leans closer again, heat rising up from your stomach. when he brushes his lips on yours, you feel your heart jumping out of your chest. your hand rests on his back as you feel his hands grip your ass but then slide into your jean pockets, pulling you closer to him so you're pressed against him fully. you let out a small moan.
yuta parts your lips then darts his tongue to taste yours. you pull him closer and a throaty groan escapes his lips.
you are breathless when he pulls out, your cheeks warm and lips cold. “i love you,” he whispers against your lips. he then plants a kiss on your forehead and cups your face again. “tell johnny and jisung i couldn’t stay for dinner.”
he grabs his jacket and you take his arm, making him turn around. you look at him, still holding his arm. “stay with me.”
yuta takes your hand and without releasing it, he pulls you closer again kissing you.
your feet are no longer on the ground as he picks you up by your ass and starts carrying you to your bedroom. once you two are inside of it, he stands between your legs, looking down at you laying on your bed.
you sit up on your elbows and watch as he unbuttons his shirt. yuta grabs your ankles and pulls you towards him at the edge of the bed. "let me show you how much I've missed you, baby girl." he gently grabs your jaw and kisses you.
yuta runs his fingers over your bottom lip before kissing you again, his body hovering yours. he kisses your neck as the same time his hand finds its way between your legs. he unbuttons your jeans, tugging you out of them.
yuta pulls out from you so he can place himself between your thighs. he nips at the skin of your inner thigh causing you to get wetter. his eyes meet yours as he takes the hems of your panties, taking them off. he sticks his tongue out and licks between your folds. you let out a moan feeling his mouth on your pussy. “oh s-shit,” you arch your back a little.
a sound of thumbs snapping startle you. you shake your head and fix your gaze on yuta, who's standing in front of you.
"you okay?" he asks, looking at you.
"i uhm... i-i need to go," you mutter, turning on your heels.
yuta grabs your arm, making you turn around to face him. "just say you don't want me anymore and i'll go. you'll never see me again."
then you remember the conversation you two were having before fantasizing over him and the proximity that you two were.
'and if getting your forgiveness means i have to lose you, then i’ll take it because i’d rather live without you than living knowing you hate me.' those words start replaying over and over in your head.
"give me some time to think," you murmur, looking down. “it’s so messy right now. i think about you and then mark and… ugh! just… i need time.”
yuta nods and kisses your temple and rests his chin on top of your head. "see you tomorrow night, then."
"right, tomorrow..." you rub the back of your neck. "the race."
"everything's gonna be fine," he assures you. "i promise you."
you try to spend as much time as possible with your brothers the rest of the day. things can end up going in the wrong way and as positive and optimist you want to be, a part of you knows that tomorrow night might be the last time you see them.
you watch your favorite films with them, eat their favorite meals and do what they like. johnny and jisung know why you're doing that, and as much as they hate the thought of it, they don't say no because they also know it could be the last time they see you.
and then, when midnight comes, you drive to mark's place. you two are laying on his bed, your head resting on his chest while he strokes your hair, moving a strand of your hair away, tucking it behind your ear. you're drawing circles on his clothed chest and he looks down at you.  "i know what you're thinking."
you stop drawing circles on his chest but your eyes don't meet his. he carefully grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at him. "let me be the one who races tomorrow night."
you abruptly shake your head. "no. you're gonna stay in the warehouse making sure yves doesn't get away and tell doyoung."
mark groans. "how can you ask me to do nothing?"
"because i don't want you to get hurt, mark!" you glance at him as you sit on the bed.
mark rests his back on the headboard as he keeps looking at you. "at least let me be in the crowd. i want to be there."
you sigh, frustrated. "no, mark. stay at the warehouse and johnny can keep you posted."
mark clenches his jaw. "i'm gonna be there whether you like it or not."
you growl, upset. "why can't you understand?!"
"because what you're asking me is stupid, y/n!" he spits. "the woman that i love might die tomorrow and you're asking me to stay seated doing nothing?"
you shut your eyes and cover your face with your hands. "i'm sorry."
mark sighs and crawls to you, pulling you close for a hug. "you don't have to do this alone, y/n. you got me, your brothers and... yuta."
"i-i just don't want anyone to get hurt," you sob, snuggling into his neck. "i got a bad feeling, mark. i always do it when i race, but it’s worse this time."
mark takes your face in his hands and looks at you. "let me race tomorrow." he repeats.
you shake your head and hug him again. you two are quiet for a while. "if something happens," you say, breaking the silence. "if doyoung do something and i don’t get out, you take care of jisung. you make sure that he's okay. he can still get a better life."
"nothing’s going to happen."
"if it does. say you’ll take care of him."
"you know i will." mark nods
“ha!” taeil beams with pride. “told you it’s here.”
after days of searching, taeil finally finds where do jisung hides his car. doyoung takes off his dark suit jacket and leaves it on the hood of the car. he crouches down carefully, watching his men do the job well. he smiles tilting his head to the side. “do you like funerals, taeil?”
“oh, i love them.” taeil leans against the car.
“well,” doyoung looks up at him. “we have one coming very soon.”
one of doyoung's men hands him a piece of metal and doyoung smiles. “no brakes four our little jwi friend.”
taeil smirks. “engage the emergency brake cable as well, so he will have no chance of survival after a terrible accident.”
“ah,” doyoung nods. “didn’t think of that. well, that’s even better.”
“so, the boy will die in a terrible car accident, but what about the girl?” taeil inquiries.
doyoung hums, rubbing his chin. “i won’t be bullshiting around, i’m just gonna kill her, but i want her to suffer first. i want her to see how his little brother dies out there.”
“yeah well, that teaches a lesson to pretty much everyone,” taeil says as he rolls his sleeves up. “we should get going before someone sees us.”
“yeah,” doyoung nods. “see you tomorrow? drinks’ on me.”
taeil laughs. “you’re a penny-pincher, let’s see if you really pay for them.”
“i only pay when i want to take someone to bed and you ain’t my type, buddy.” doyoung rolls his eyes.
“so glad to know that.” taeil chuckles. “have you heard from your red haired?”
“nah,” doyoung walks out of the garage. “and i don’t care, she gave me the info i needed and i don’t need her anymore.”
“what was her name again?”
“eve?” doyoung frowns. “dude, i don’t remember.”
taeil laughs. “now i see why women hate you.”
doyoung and taeil walk to doyoung’s car when taeil snaps his fingers. “yves!”
doyoung turns to him. “yves, yes, that’s her name.”
“of course,” he nods. “oh doyoung, you might have gotten fooled again.”
“what do you mean?”
“she’s friend with the canadian boy.”
“lee? he’s a loser anyways,” doyoung shrugs.
“a loser and who’s fucking jwi’s sister,” taeil cocks an eyebrow at him. “if i were you, i’d watch my back.”
“i think it’s too late for them to come up with something,” doyoung says, nonchalantly.
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