#i was also a huge fan of jersey shore
memorymessage · 4 months
the cognitive disconnect when podcasters or youtubers go "why are the kardashians even famous?" and then their audience clap in agreement like seals
something about a pot and a kettle
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garpen · 1 month
Is Starfire publicly dating nightwing if so how does public not connect Starfire to kori and nightwing to dick?
I think you're asking bc she visibly looks not human?
I think in the comics it's sometimes (albiet inconsistently) explained that she is able to make herself blend into human society/alter her appearance slightly (i.e. toning down/turning off the glowing of her eyes) but she rarely changes her appearance completely. And she goes by a civilian persona "Kory Anders"
I also think that the general public is somewhat used to seeing meta-humans, aliens, and other beings that may not look like a "normal" human. Which makes Kori's appearance less shocking than it might be in a more realistic setting like our universe.
So bc of that people just don't make the connections. I also think it would be funny though if they DID make the connections, but everyone just gaslights the public, like-
Random civilian, approaching Kori and Dick: OMG Starfire, I'm such a huge fan!!
Kori: I am not Starfire.
Random civilian: Yes you are?
Kori: No, but do not worry about it-I get that she is what you call my "celebrity look-a-like" a lot.
Random Civilian: You're literally giant and orange and have big red hair. you are CLEARLY Starfire.
Dick, interjecting: She's only 6'4! That is not giant and though it is above average it is perfectly normal thank you very much! And what, everybody you meet who is orange, is Starfire? Does that make the entire cast of Jersey Shore, all a bunch of Starfire's then? Every oompa-loompa? Every red head? My friend Wally is red-headed, is HE Starfire?
Random, spluttering and confused: Well...no! But her eyes are literally glowing green!
Dick: I remember when my itty bitty baby brother Jason's eyes would glow green, is HE Starfire? (he was a red head at some point too but moving on)
Random civilian, successfully gaslit: I...no? Oh gods, I-I'm so sorry for assuming...um...have a good day I guess...um bye?
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the-lone-writer94 · 5 months
So Into You (Part 4)
Rex Brown x Female Reader
Summary: After the semi disaster that was from the night before, will the relationship somehow be salvaged?
Age rating: 18+ mature content *Warnings: spanking*
Word count: 2,229 
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The following evening, after I had cleaned myself up after my shift, I made my way over towards Rex’s. Memories from last night slowly seeped back into me, as the images became clearer in my mind. I hadn’t anticipated getting drunk, although it somehow managed to break down the barrier in me. It was also evident from the moment Rex and I had shared in the car that he too felt the same desire. The sudden realization had occurred to me that Rex and I had skipped the kissing part. 
I had purposely worn a tight white crop top paired with slim fitting booty shorts, and black platform heels. 
My fist connected on Rex’s front door, and within seconds he emerged. 
“Hey.” I said, as I watched his eyes look me up and down. 
“Hey, are you feeling alright?” He asked. He wore a loose fitted white short sleeve shirt, with the ends rolled up revealing his biceps, as my gaze drifted over them as I fought the temptation to reach out and squeeze his arm. It was then paired with light blue jeans, with small rips on the knees and brown leather loafers. There seemed to be more volume in his hair, and I could have only assumed he had just washed and dried it. 
“It was rough this morning, not gonna lie.” I responded, as Rex stepped aside to allow me sanctuary. “Listen, about last night,” I proceeded, “parts of it are a little hazy… I just hope I didn’t come off too strong-” 
Rex shook his head. “I didn’t protest.” 
A whiff of relief washed over me, and I continued, “I also hope you didn’t get into too much trouble with the cops.” 
“Oh, Andy- I’ve known him since high school, plus he’s like a huge fan. He was a little concerned when I suddenly swerved, but I just made up something about the car being off and that I’d get it looked at.” 
“Good.” I muttered. 
“I made dinner.” Rex said. 
“You did?” I asked, and cocked an eyebrow. 
Rex released a low chuckle. “Why do you seem so surprised?” 
“I don’t know, just the thought of you cooking-” I shrugged, and trailed off. 
“I used to be the one doing all the cooking back in the day when the band was on the road.” He explained. 
“Wow, I wouldn’t have thought… I just always assumed you’d be living off of junk food and beer all day.” 
“Some days we did.” He said, and chuckled. 
Rex’s house was still in completion, whilst the living room had more or less been set up, where we sat on the couch, the food being laid on the large glass coffee table before us. I had eased on the red wine, after last night’s events, and only sipped on it every now and then. 
“That reminds me, I’m gonna be out of town for a couple of days.” Rex said, before he placed a roasted potato in his mouth. 
A sudden wave of disappointment washed over me. “Oh, alright.” 
Just when Rex was about to open his mouth to speak, a ringing emerged from his pocket. He groaned, as he sat back and reached into his back pocket. “Sorry, I gotta take this.” He said, as he placed the phone to his ear. “Hello. I’m kinda in the middle of something.” I watched as Rex spoke into the phone. “Alright, just give me a second.” He said into the phone as he stood up, then paused and turned to me, “I’ll be real quick.” 
I nodded as I watched Rex stalk into the next room. After I had finished my meal, I awaited for Rex to return. Out of boredom, I found myself reaching for the bottle of red wine. 
Time had slipped past me, and I shifted uncomfortably in my position. I eyed the remote control just underneath the glass coffee table, as I drew it out and switched on the TV. Images immediately flashed across the screen as I flicked through the channels. 
An old rerun of Jersey Shore was on MTV, but the constant bickering and yelling made me unsettled, and I pressed onto the next channel. Nothing really seemed to catch my attention, until an episode of True Blood flashed across the screen. I had watched the first season several years ago, and had enjoyed it, but never had the attention span to keep up. My eyes fixated on the screen before me, as a series of scenes flickered, and dialogue belonging to a story line I had no idea towards, as I continued to pour more wine into my glass. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but I knew that I had now finished the entire bottle. 
Feeling woozy, my vision began to blur, as I shook my head and straightened my position. Suddenly, the scenes on the TV show shifted to a steamy setting, which made my body ache for pleasure. Once again, letting the alcohol possess me, I pushed myself up from the couch as I stumbled towards where Rex had disappeared off to, as I followed the sound of his voice, which slowly became clearer. 
I emerged into what appeared to be his study which also had several of his bass guitars set up in a row on the side of the room, followed by a few amplifiers. A leather couch was positioned in one corner, with a small wooden table adjacent to it, on top of it was sprawled with hand written pages and an ashtray filled with cigarette butts. On the other side of the room was a large oak desk, with a computer and more papers scattered across, as Rex sat behind it. He leaned back into his desk chair, with his arm hanging on the side nonchalantly. A cigarette in between his fingers, as he occasionally took drags from it, meanwhile, his other hand held his phone which was plastered against his ear. 
Rex’s gaze followed me as I tiptoed into his room. I felt his eyes on me, as I pranced in the room, my fingertip traced across his guitars as I stepped towards him. 
“Yeah… I mean, we could always just push those dates back-” Rex muttered into his phone. 
I jumped and sat on the edge of the desk, as I took off my shoes, raised one of my legs, showing off my carefully painted toenails. I draped my foot on his thigh, and smiled deviously as his gaze met with mine. 
Rex cleared his throat, and shifted in his position. “Is that another option then?” He said into his phone. Just then, my foot grazed higher on his thigh before I paused on his crotch, gently I placed my foot on his crotch. He stubbed out his cigarette into the ashtray, as he placed his hand on my bare leg and stroked it up and down. 
“Hmm- well, he’s just going to have to find a way to get here then,” Rex continued on the phone, as he pulled the chair closer towards me. His hand now rubbed on the inside of my thigh, as I felt my body shudder. His hand draped across my thighs and his fingers hooked into the waistband of my shorts. He stared up at me through his eyelashes as I nodded, then he pulled down my shorts as I tugged at them and cast them aside. 
His hand reached up towards my face, as his hand caressed the side of my cheek, his fingers ran through my hair. I reached up and felt the bulging veins on his hands. And then, he placed two fingers onto my lips. Immediately, I opened my mouth for him as he slipped his fingers inside, he thrusted his fingers in and out of my mouth, going deeper and deeper. The wetness covered his fingers, before he retreated, and stared at me with a devious look. He reached down, as he guided my legs apart, and paused against my entrance, as I felt him pushing away at the fabric of my underwear, and then slowly I felt his fingers enter. 
I gasped. 
He closed the gap between us, as he placed the phone away from his face. “Be quiet, darling.” He whispered into my ear, as he sat back and placed the phone back onto his face. “What was that?” He said into the phone, as his fingers continued to plunge in and out of me. 
I moaned, and Rex cleared his throat. He removed the phone from his ear as he pressed down on the speaker phone, and left it on the desk.
“He just doesn’t want to delay getting into the studio-” The guy on the phone explained. 
Rex stood up and stepped forward, as he placed his hand and covered my mouth. “I said you gotta be quiet darling.” He whispered, as his fingers continued to thrust inside of me, plunging them deeper and faster. 
I closed my eyes, muffled moans were released from my mouth, and I wondered if the sounds were getting picked up from the phone call. 
“I get that, but we’re already considering pushing back the dates, there’s really not much else we can do. Like I said, he’s just gonna have to find a goddamn way to do this.” Rex said in a stern voice. 
Desire rose over me, as I edged towards Rex and reached out as I tried to unbuckle his belt. Suddenly, Rex pushed my hand away. “Not right now, doll.” He muttered, his face only a mere inch away from mine. 
Abruptly, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I drew him closer towards me. His lips crashed down onto mine, as my lips parted for him, and I felt his warm tongue slip into mine. My fingers found its way knotted in his hair as I tugged onto it. 
“Rex… you still there?” The voice from the phone asked. 
Rex drew away from me, as he wiped the corners of his mouth. “Yeah, I’m here.” He said nonchalantly, whilst his fingers were still inside of me. He pulled them out as his fingers went in circular motions. I bit down on my lower lip, as I threw my head back, whilst my hand gripped down onto the edge of the desk, before he slipped his fingers back inside of me again. 
“Alright, let me talk to Ricky, but having him push back the date he returns into the studio, makes more sense.” The man from the voice explained. 
“Yeah, you do that, and let me know.” Rex said, as his eyes remained fixated on me. His fingers continued to thrust in and out of me. 
“Cool. Talk to you later.” 
“Bye.” Rex said, as he pulled his fingers out from me, and switched off his phone. 
“I got bored waiting.” I purred, and then hooked my finger into his waistband, and bit down on my lower lip. “Come on.” I teased. 
Rex released a low chuckle, as he took my hand and removed it away from him. “No, no. I’m in charge here, darling.” He smirked, and said, “you were very distracting just now.” 
“What are you going to do then?” I teased. 
“What do you want me to do to you?” He asked, as he reached up and grazed the side of my face. 
I bit my lower lip. “You could always put me over your knee.” 
Rex raised an eyebrow. “Is that what you like?” He said, and grinned. 
I shrugged. “I’ve never tried it before… my ex-boyfriends didn’t want to do that.” 
He closed the gap between us, as he leaned in. “And I bet none of them can fuck you like I can,” he smirked, and then ordered, “come here.” He gripped down onto my arm as he guided me towards the leather couch on the side of the room, he seated himself on the couch before he pulled me down, as my body draped across his thighs. His fingers gently ran through my hair as he pushed it out of the way so that he could see my face. Meanwhile, his other hand caressed my ass, before he pulled down my underwear. I felt my heartbeat quicken, and utterly exposed. 
His hand continued to stroke across my ass. “Are you ready, doll?” He asked, his voice low and husky. 
I nodded. 
“I want to hear you say it.” He ordered. 
“Yes.” I responded. 
He released a low chuckle, as his hand collided against my bottom, and I squealed as I felt the force against me. “Is this alright?” He asked. 
“Yes. Do it again.” I said breathlessly. 
I felt his hand slam down onto my behind, again and again, as the excitement and adrenaline continued to rush through me. Meanwhile, his other hand continued to stroke my head, as his finger twirled against a strand of my hair. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” he said, as gently rubbed my ass which was now completely sore. He pulled my panties back up, as he helped me onto standing, as I continued to feel the tingling sensation between my legs. He planted his hands on both sides of my thighs, as he continued to gently caress my ass. 
“That’s going to sting tomorrow.” I commented. 
“Something to remember me when I’m on my trip.” He said, and chuckled.
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milogreer · 4 months
→ redacted audio headcanons ! ↳ blake & bestie edition
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my obsession is obsessing so here i am with headcanons !! this is my first real hc post so be nice to me (/j). bestie is gender neutral but they're still more into oc territory than strictly canon so keep that in mind! i'll probably add to this post as i think of new ones 🖤
-> they both have multiple piercings and tattoos; blake has more tattoos, but bestie has more piercings. ↳ some of his include a snake on his right forearm, his sword symbol on his neck/collarbone area (potentially one that looks like it's piercing the skin but idk), and barbed wire just under his knuckles. his ears are pierced and so is his nose. perhaps also his tongue. ↳ some of bestie's tattoos include a crescent moon + stars on one of their fingers, a broken heart next to their eye, and various witchcraft symbols. they have two piercings in each ear, one on both sides of their nose, a belly button piercing, and a septum piercing that is secretly a clip on. ↳ they also have a "matching" tattoo with blake that they got when they were 18; they got them out of a roulette machine! blake got an open eye and bestie got a switchblade :)
-> bestie's a huge music fan and has like a thousand burned CD playlists to fit any mood or scenario they can think of. they don't get into anyone's car without a CD case that holds at least a hundred of them. they have all their playlists on spotify too, but they prefer physical media. ↳ one of their road trip CDs is titled "blake and bestie's infinite playlist" as a reference to the movie nick and norah's infinite playlist.
-> bestie is very physically affectionate with their friends, from holding hands to kissing cheeks and foreheads. naturally, this doesn't sit well with blake's possessiveness; he'll put an arm around their shoulder when in group situations to ward people off. bestie doesn't realize exactly why he's doing this, they just think he's reciprocating the way they show affection.
-> blake stares. intensely. usually at bestie, regardless of what they're doing, but he's generally more of a people watcher than an active member of conversation. dude had very little charm in high school; bestie was the real social butterfly. ↳ he gives bestie scary dog privileges with the staring. whenever anyone asks bestie why he's staring like that, especially at them, they just wave them off dismissively and say, "oh, that's just blake." ↳ his eye contact during convos with bestie is unparalleled, to the point that sometimes even bestie is like, "why do you look like you want to eat me?? i know i look like a snack, but come on-"
-> blake is a radiohead fan. he listens to "creep" whenever he's on the outs with bestie (whether he actually is or if he just thinks he is).
-> bestie's parents love blake, but their younger sister does not. she thinks blake has "bad energy," but bestie never listens to anything she has to say.
-> bestie and cutie are part of the same friend group! they're closer than most of the others (bestie loves a red flag 👍🏼) and likely get together to have gossip sessions over lunch or go to the mall. maybe not Best Friends, but definitely good ones.
-> bestie has had insomnia since junior year of high school. their parents say it started from stress (they're a whiz so they take multiple AP classes), but personally i think blake had something to do with it... ↳ present day, i have a vague idea that their insomnia is partially influenced by blake constantly fucking with their future, but i haven't thought too deeply about it (yet).
-> they can both be judgy bitches, tucking themselves off into a corner at a party to people watch. bestie's a little two-faced in that regard because they can be super friendly one minute and then turn around and be catty behind someone's back the next.
-> reality show enjoyers 🫵🏻 i’m talking the bachelor, love island, jersey shore, real housewives, anything with DRAMA. they’ll binge old seasons during sleepovers and facetime for weekly releases.
-> bestie's a grouch when they're hungry; blake learned to cook specifically for them after the first handful of times he was on the receiving end of their "grumpy morning face."
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agonydearest · 2 years
Just found of they're filming for Negan and Maggie's new Walking Dead spinoff right next to where I work!
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reversecreek · 3 years
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hi it’s me... clicks across the linoleum of the dash wearing high heels w a spray tan like i’m a member of jersey shore suddenly..... best summary of willa is that she got moira rose as her #1 chara on a What Character Are You Most Like personality test out of thousands of options.... says so much. u can find her pinterest here n her playlist here 😋 like this or hmu fr plots!!
* ashley moore, cis female + she/her  | you know willa deneurve, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, most of her life, on and off? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to watch me by the pom poms like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole sticking gold stars over old polaroids until you can barely see faces, dressing as marie antoinette at your high school prom & delivering fake laughter to a bratz doll you’re pretending is a talkshow host thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is august 1st, so they’re a leo, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt, she/her )
willa ws born to honestly like….. the perfect family not to honk my own tit bt……………. they were jst rly quite wholesome. her mum celeste was this larger than life person who could never b contained by the four walls of any room she was in. she hd the presence of a gold glitter chess piece on an otherwise mundane wooden board. her dad marlon used to always joke that he had absolutely NO idea how he landed her bc he was just this like. rly average guy by all accounts n purposes….. blended into the sea in high skl……. had a few close friends but was never rly Notable or made a proper impression anywhere…… he always retold it as him coasting thru life until he met her in college. kind of like he’d been half awake before. they just Clicked n no-one cld believe she’d chosen him bt she was jst. completely head over heels n didn’t care what anyone had to say bc that was That
willa always very much took after celeste…… there’s this one quote i remember reading that goes vaguely like “my mom and i would sit and listen to leonard cohen and joni mitchell lyrics together. from a young age i remember her being like "i’m playing this song and when it’s done i want u to tell me what’s happening in it” n she would give me a fake glass of wine when i was 8 and i would listen and b like. i think there was an affair.” which so much summarises their dynamic…… she ws just so like. dramatic n fun n always encouraged that in willa too. her mum was like. everything she aspired to be…… got scouted by a modelling agency in college n shot one campaign before blowing it off simply bc she was bored. starred lead in a play. spent a few weeks travelling asia selling handmade candles shaped like koi fish or curled up foxes or elegantly stretched hands. dated a parisian movie star during a break she and her father took n was featured in tabloids on his arm at the premiere. sm fun n exotic stories willa literally cldn’t get enough. whenever she’d tell them to willa as a kid her dad wld roll his eyes like ohhhhh here she goes again but it’d all b playful n he’d smile bc he honestly cldn’t get enough either. the stuff dreams are made of luv (lizzie mcguire stans rise)
(car accident & death tw) so u know when ur walking down a flight of stairs n then out of nowhere u miss a step n u get that lurch in ur stomach like ur in free fall? yeah. i won’t go into it too much but one night they were driving back from getting frozen yogurt and then suddenly they weren’t. she doesn’t rly remember much about it except for completely ignoring the doctors trying to give her the news and just saying “dad chose pecan. who chooses pecan?” n repeating that over n over n over until it didn’t rly register in her ears as english any more.
willa was uprooted from irving at 11 to go n live w her aunt in NY. this was like. a huge adjustment honestly….. her aunt blanche hd always been a little unconventional bt extremely glamorous. she lived in an old defunct theatre she’d bought out n came from a lot of money. willa’s mum’s side of the family hd always been well off bt celeste opted to live a little more Ordinarily shall we say after settling whereas blanche ws jst balls to the walls dripping w eccentric excess…. wld say she was never naked bc she ws always wearing black opium by yves saint laurent…… probably the living embodiment of la vie boheme….. she’d been admitted a yr early to a rly prestigious parisian design school n is an AMAZING seamstress. a corset she stitched a broadway star into got commissioned fr an actress’ red carpet walk at an indie film festival. rly just lived such a life rich w lots of stories n lots of talent too…… had that star quality essence tht her mum had n that was smthn willa found quite comforting everything considered.
(grief tw) u would think maybe a situation like this (one involving so much sudden change) wld cause a kid of tht age to withdraw into her shell bt willa only came out of her shell MORE. she coped w her situation by spinning it into a celebrity origin story inside her head. the tear jerker tale someone tells during their x factor audition to get the judges rooting for them. mentally streamlining things. repackaging all that hurt as a surefire ticket to success bc it had to be useful for something right? there had to b a point to it right? willa decided the point was she’s a star. KFHSGKFHGFKHGKJSFHG. get it girl….. she ws literally just like ok well clearly i’m destined to be famous n i’m the main character of this story. this story called earth. it’s all about me.
rly heavily immersed herself in her high skl theatre scene……. loved experimenting w fashion n literally wore the most outlandish things like. she treated the hallways like her milan f/w debut every new school yr…… a lot of the things she wore were actual like. costumes frm her aunt’s collection…… she has a multi-story closet u have to climb ladders to reach things in like a very rustic library…. it rly wasn’t uncommon for willa to turn up one day corsetted like a pirate with billowing sleeves or sporting the baby blue gingham of a swedish milk maid. it’s like she literally jst…… became a role. always. every day. the world ws her stage. the cameras were always rolling. her aunt only encouraged this tbh n honestly? icon. we love to see it. willa partied a bunch n rly lived a lax lifestyle where responsibility was concerned…. her aunt ws her best friend…… made rly gd friends with performers in the drag club scene n loved the glitz of that….. lots of wild nights turned grossly bright mornings
snagged an agent fresh into her first yr of college (she gt accepted to a pretty competitive theatre program at [redacted] in NY bc i haven’t looked into what that wld be yet <3 i’m merely a helpless british lass <3) n booked a few commercials n things….. when i say willa wld enter audition rooms like she owned the place i’m rly not exaggerating…. once she turned up to a casting call for MEN n just walked right to the front of the line scraping a random chair along the way n then took a seat w her legs crossed popping a bubble in her gum as they all glared at her like wtf is literally going on who are u. she received several complaints n she was just like “ur all acting so jealous of me….”
i feel like she got a pretty big role in a theatre production in her last yr at school. haven’t decided what yet. maybe smthn rocky horror or even mimi in rent. this was meant to b some like huge moment for willa like yes girl finally making it ur on ur way this is what u wanted n she WAS happy abt it but once it was wrapped she jst had this strange like Huh feeling in her chest……. n a la celeste w all her exciting stories was just like well i’ve done that so what’s next? i think she’d graduate n then jst suddenly decide to move to irving in a fit of impulse. to all her college friends she’d be like “ugh a beach retreat is so necessary honestly the city is sooooooooo toxic this place cld literally enlarge my pores if i wasn’t so rigorous with my skincare routine” bt like 🤔 what u seeking girl? results pending.
SO basically i feel like she finally moved back to irving little over a yr ago. she hd a brief stint starring on a reality tv show tht filmed in one of the larger beach houses where her dog gained a handful of fan accounts dedicated to him……. u maybe will see why in the first bullet point of her personality section………… FKGHKSHFGGKFSHKHG. honestly she ws received pretty well too (mostly bc she’s so fking dramatic n like a caricature of a person) bt it wasn’t anything to warrant actual Fame (despite what willa herself might think). she’s mostly jst like. chilling honestly. accepting scripts n flying out fr auditions still. she’ll nab the occasional part bt she’s looking for that One Thing that rly feels like her big moment….. otherwise i cn just imagine her treating irving like a little dollhouse compared to the roaring mansion of NYC n having fun playing around in it. strikes a pose w a hand on my hip…. and now to personality.
got a very large n lithe greyhound n named him marlene dietrich bc she was a black n white hollywood starlet famously known for her affairs n “bedroom eyes”. willa was like ugh. icon status instantly. didn’t rly foresee the responsibilities tht came w owning a dog tht loves exercise n complains abt him being like “ugh he wants to run soooooooooo much 🙄 like where are u literally going”. having said tht loves him dearly n he can often be seen wearing little clothes. a baby’s bonnet. a quilted leather waistcoat. a custom dog boa. he’s very glamorous. willa calls him a gay icon despite no evidence to support this theory. she also says he can sniff out evil in ppl so she brings him sometimes when she’s first introduced to a friend’s new bf n if his nose quivers a certain way she’s like “marlene has spoken. it’s done”. her friends r like omg? what’s done? willa gets up n walks away without elaborating. marlene’s little paws clicking along the floor w attitude.
literally dressed as marie antoinette for her high skl prom even tho there was no theme pertaining to this. jst loves the spotlight. can fake cry and WILL to get out of a parking ticket or teach someone to watch their tone or even simply for the theatrics of it all. the Most dramatic………….. rly fits being an actress like when people find out what she does it’s very like oh that makes sense.
says she doesn’t get hangovers. she’s just like “i revoked that it doesn’t happen to me”. alludes tht this is bc she’s an all powerful deity that was Chosen to be Blessed bt really she’s jst great at bouncing back n acting fine even w a blistering headache. it’s about believing the performance so much that u even convince urself.
has an extremely elevated sense of self importance bc this is kind of the equivalent of several layers of bubble wrap to cushion her frm the world. strives to b extraordinary bc ordinary honestly feels like a death sentence n there’s nothing she’d want to b seen as less. despite this weight she puts on that she rly doesn’t tend to let ppl’s opinions affect fr the most part like she’s quite firmly set in this I’m Literally The Most Gorgeous And Beautiful Angel Star Creature To Walk This Narsty Little Earth view
probably an incredibly big fan of dramatic short lived love affairs. she wants the glamour of it all. the scandal. the randomly breaking up w someone in a public place n sliding on sunglasses after delivering the words over a freshly ordered coffee (tht she’ll leave without drinking bc that’s star power babey she waits fr no man or no hot beverage)…….. has no preference gets w any n all regardless of gender……… romanticises things so they hv a better spin or story in her head n doesn’t rly take things seriously like jst has fun in her fantasy world…. she’s like ugh chuck i know u wanted to marry me but i’m a beautiful bird in a cage n u literally need to undo the latch n set me free……. the guy’s like……. my name’s chase n we’ve only been on two dates….. willa’s like…… please don’t take this so hard i can tell ur besides urself but people r starting to stare……. gets up n leaves. no-one was staring. chase is confused n honestly probably semi concerned fr her welfare.
always has to b the hottest n most glamorous person in a grocery store…. probably goes to them when she doesn’t even need anything jst holding a basket nonchalantly over her forearm glancing over at a cashier in her wizard of oz corset seamed interpretation on a dorothy dress thinking he wants me soooo bad it’s not even funny….. seduces him over the check out counter jst for him to ask her to come back to his so she can lean back scandalised n cry “IS THAT THE KIND OF WOMAN U THINK I AM, PAUL?! YOU’RE A GHASTLY LITTLE MAN, YOU ARE….” with all the gusto of a telenovela. attracts the shocked glances of all surrounding elderly.
speaks fluent french. probably on her brief stint on tht reality show i mentioned earlier was like “ugh can you believe Deneurve of this guy?” n in her head was like this catchphrase is sensational it’ll catch on fast the twittersphere is abt to implode but it didn’t become a thing except for in a small isolated community. despite this she’s like “yeah it went viral….. go figure. just another day in the life.”
honestly like a lot of fun bt also a huge handful at the same time. keeps her real Serious emotions in a locked box bt is always overflowing w melodramatics n rly giving her all at the drop of a hat where Performing is concerned. probably Loves parties n sees them as another form of production in which she wants to b the lead. rly just. loves herself. except does she? 🤔 lifts my hand up like rihanna n winks. find out next time. lucky by britney plays as i slowly disintegrate in spiderman rp…..
unrequited flame: willa burns thru people like matches. bright n fast. honestly i feel like she struggles to take romance seriously so it cld be fun to play around with someone who’s been singed by that in the past…. mayb they hd actual feelings whereas willa was just messing around n having fun…. living la vida loca so to speak…….. we can discuss a time frame or specifics to expand upon this but. sexy angst perhaps.
those she knew from childhood: willa moved to NY at 11 n i feel like it was very sudden n soon after the accident. maybe she didn’t even say goodbye. maybe they were rly close n all of a sudden she didn’t show up to school the next day n when they rode past her house on their bike the sign said sold and that was that. honestly very dramatic of her even at a young age. we love a disappearing act. houdini who?
acting rival: honestly jst feel like this cld be funny. willa’s so dramatic she’d be like i literally want them dead they’re a despicable little gremlin fr trying to steal my spotlight. cld be as simple as having auditioned a few times fr the same parts or something.
childhood sweetheart: i think it cld be rly cute n sad if there was someone that kind of echoed the dynamic her mum n dad had except she was the celeste n they were the marlon…. (open to any gender)…….. so like. willa was always very larger than life commanding attention in a room n they were more to the sidelines but they just kind of got each other n brought out the best in one another. added angst to the fact tht willa wld maybe want to avoid them as much as possible now bc it dredges up feelings she doesn’t want to confront where her parents r concerned n also in a way any possibility of them winding up together feels like sellotaping an expiration date to both of their foreheads in willa’s brain
someone who was either a fan of or also on the reality show willa was: i imagine it like a reinvention of the hills honestly except based in these irving beach houses…. probably didn’t run that long bt there was a bunch of drama on it mostly staged…… maybe they were willa’s love interest bt it was all fake fr the cameras…… it wasn’t like. a huge deal n didn’t rly catch flight so much where popularity’s concerned bt. cld be fun to play with <3
patti frands: jogs in high knees to translate that into party friends as i adjust my spectacles. willa’s very sociable bt she’s also like kind of full of herself n obnoxious so do with that what u will. KFHGKSHGKGHFSKG. she knows hw to have a gd time tho like growing up she was rly into the gay club scene n the drag scene in NY so like. let’s hear it fr the gays who know how to do it right <3
someone equally over the top: i luv the idea of willa having someone who just like runs with made up scenarios n roles she makes up on the spot n them hanging out is like a 24/7 improv session tht they reel random surrounding strangers just fr the fun thrill
the other woman: willa is quite detached n selfish so she wld easily be the other woman in a relationship n not care about it n this cld make for good spice <3
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houseof-harry · 4 years
What Happens in Jersey Pt. 2 | G.D.
A/N - hey guys!!!! Here’s part 2 of What Happens in Jersey! Let me know what you think, I’m always looking for feedback. Read the first part here
Word Count - 5.6K
Warnings - talk of abortion
Summary - Now you’re pregnant with Grayson Dolan’s baby and you have no idea what to do.
“Your pregnancy test came back positive.”
Suddenly you felt nauseous again, but not like all the previous mornings.  How could you be pregnant?  He pulled out, you’re on birth control.  And that’s when you remember.  You didn’t take it a for a couple days after New Year’s Eve because you had run out of your current pack and your next pack was at school.  You hadn’t noticed your missed period because your birth control had made it almost non-existent to start.
The doctor continues to speak but you only hear the blood rushing through your ears as pure panic sets in.  You don’t even have Grayson’s number.  He’s a fucking LA YouTuber, he wasn’t even on the same coast as you.  You weren’t even friends.
As soon as you get out of the doctor, you call Jessie.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?”
You’re blinking back the tears as you walk to your car.  “I need to tell you something.”
You’re full on sobbing by the time you actually reach your car, opening the door and getting in.
“Y/N, you’re scaring me, what’s going on? What do you have to tell me?” You can hear Jessie practically screaming through the phone, but it sounds like gibberish.  Maybe you should have waited until you calmed down to call anyone.
“I – I – I’m –“ you can’t seem to get enough air in your lungs to say what the doctor had just told you.
“Hey, Y/N, listen to me.  Breathe.” He exaggerates his slow breathing so that you can hear it through the phone.  You do your best to match your inhale to his, and exhale with him too. He always knew what you needed in order to calm down.
Eventually you are able to actually breathe a bit without sobbing and shaking.  “Do you wanna tell me what’s up?”  You can hear the concern in his voice.
“I just went to the doctor,” you rush out, scared to actually say what’s going on.  Once you say it out loud to him it becomes real.
“Why? Are you good? Is this about your stomach?” You can hear movement from his side of the call. You can only assume he’s getting ready to come meet you wherever you are.  This is all super out of character for you. Yes, you’ve had anxiety and even panic attacks, but nothing so bad you couldn’t speak or manage to calm yourself down. The fact that you called him unable to even speak probably made him scared enough to not be able to sit still.
“I’m, uh, I don’t even know how to say it,” you shake your head.  He was gonna be so disappointed in you.
After your night with Grayson, something had shifted slightly with you and Jessie.  It almost seemed like he wanted to protect you from Grayson.  He wasn’t a huge fan of the fact that you had slept together. It felt like you both just kind of put it to the back of your minds and moved past it when you had gotten back to school. However, that would be impossible to do now. Grayson is the only person you’ve slept with the past six months.
“Hey, you can tell me anything, you know that.” His voice softens significantly. He’s trying to make you comfortable, something he always tended to do. IF you think about it, this is the first time you’ve been scared to tell him something.
“I’m pregnant,” you cover your mouth as soon as you say it as if it will take it all back.  Your eyes squeeze shut, waiting for a response.
After about a minute, you hear him take a deep breath. “Jess?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m here.”
You wait for another few minutes as he continues to process what you just told him.
“Can I come to yours?” You ask.  You don’t want to go home right now. Being in your apartment would mean being with the girls and they will be able to tell instantly that something is wrong.  Jessie is the only one who needs to know right now.
“Uh, yeah.” He sounds hushed and distracted.
“Okay, be there in ten.” You hang up and buckle your seatbelt.
The drive to Jessie’s feels like two minutes, not ten.  Your mind is going a mile a minute, trying to go over everything the doctor told you so that you’d be able to tell Jessie more once you got there.
You’re six weeks pregnant.  You’re sure it’s Grayson’s.  You have to set up an appointment with your doctor at home next month when you’re on spring break. You have to stop taking your birth control and start taking prenatal vitamins.  You should also probably start eating more vegetables or something. Because you’re fucking pregnant. Oh god.
You park in a visitor spot at Jessie’s apartment complex.  You text him that you’re there and walk up to his door.
When he opens it, he has a bit of crazy eyes going on.  You can’t tell if he’s scared, mad, excited, or anything. Maybe that’s how you look too.
You open your mouth to say something, but the tears come rolling down again. He reaches out and pulls you into a tight hug, closing the door in the process.  You wrap your arms around his middle and shove your face right into his chest.  You start to sob again and he rubs your back to try and soothe you.
“I’m sorry,” you say. You don’t even know why. It feels like you need to apologize to someone, though.  Maybe yourself.
“Hey, woah. No apologizing. Everything will be okay, we can figure it all out. What did the doctor say?” He puts a hand on your cheek to lift your face from his chest. You’re grateful he seems a bit more responsive now than he was on the phone. He looks you in the eye while he rubs his thumb over the redness on your face due to your crying.
“I’m six weeks. She gave me a bunch of papers and stuff about what I should be doing and all of my options.”
“What options?” He had to have known what you meant, but he wanted to be sure.
“If I don’t want to keep it,” you look away when you say it.  You felt some guilt even saying the words out loud, even though there’s nothing wrong with that. It was hard to think rationally right now, though.
Jessie nods and rubs his hands up and down your arms. “Is that what you want?” He asks.  He seems to be walking on egg shells, just as unsure as you are.
You shrug. “I mean we graduate a little over three months. I wouldn’t be able to start a job until after I had the baby, and getting hired as a new mom fresh out of college with no experience would be next to impossible. How am I supposed to take care of a child when I won’t even have a place to call my own and a job to feed us?” You word vomit, your hand resting on your stomach. It was obvious to Jessie that those were excuses for yourself, not for him.
He sighs. “Y/N, people will help you if you want this for yourself. Who’s the dad?” He bites his lip.
You roll your eyes at him. “Come on Jess, you know its Grayson.”
He sighs and nods. He grabs your arm lightly and guides you to sit on his couch.
“What?” His lack of a response plants a seed of anxiety you hadn’t even thought of before.  How will Grayson react. Does Jessie know something you don’t?
“Nothing. What do you wanna do right now? Movie? Shop for anything you need? Let me see what the doctor gave you,” he reaches for the papers and you hand them over.  You sit there quietly, arms crossed, lost in your thoughts.  Would Grayson want you get rid of it? Or would he just not be involved? It wouldn’t surprise you, him and his brother have been so successful since they moved to LA.  Jessie would tell you about how when they left they went all alone so young, but they managed to not only survive but thrive. All this baby would do is throw a wrench in that plan.
“What if I just don’t tell him?” You wonder aloud, almost more to yourself.
“What?” Jessie looks up from the papers, confusion all over his face again.
“I don’t know. His life would probably be easier if I just don’t tell him. Then he won’t feel the pressure.” You nod along as you like the sound of it more and more.
“Y/N,” he rubs his hand over his mouth, clearly thinking hard about what to say next. “You can’t do that. It’s his responsibility as much as it is yours. You shouldn’t go through any of this alone.”
“I’m not! I have you, and I won’t be able to hide it from any of the girls for more than a few weeks, and I’ll tell my parents and my aunt.” You list off, trying to convince him of your plan. Or more yourself, if you’re being honest.
“It’s his baby, too. If he finds out after the fact no matter what you do, that would be so much worse.” Jessie almost seems reluctant to defend him, but that’s how you know he’s right.
“Well, I don’t even have any way to contact him. Maybe I should wait a bit, make sure it’s real or something.” You refuse to look at him, knowing how ridiculous you sound. He laughs a bit.
“Pretty sure the doctor’s note makes it real. We can call him together if you want,” he offers. Suddenly, you’re breathing fast again.
“Right now?” You squeak out.
“I mean what better time than the present, right? You’re only getting more pregnant the longer you wait.” He raises his brow at you.
“Oh god I’m getting more pregnant every day!” You lean forward, elbows on your knees while your hands cover your face. “Can I wait until the weekend?” You mumble, only peaking one eye open to look at him.
He smiles softly at you. “Yeah. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” He puts the papers on the table and pulls you into his side. He rubs your arm as you get comfortable next to him, wrapping an arm around his stomach.
“Thank you. Let’s watch a movie now.”
The weekend comes much quicker than you wanted it to. You spent Friday night in with the girls, convincing them that you were just still sick but still wanted to hang out with them and have a bit of fun. They all got wine drunk and you watched Jersey Shore, because trash TV is only better when you’re three glasses in. Or I guess, they all were. You were one glass of cranberry juice in, without your usual vodka.
“You’re sure you don’t even want a glass?” Your roommate, Payton asks you while holding the wine bottle out to you.
“Nah, it’ll just upset my stomach more,” you shake your head, grabbing your water bottle. It wasn’t even a lie, you bet.
You meet the rest of them in the living room and settle in for your night. It felt good to be normal knowing that things were about to change soon.
A couple hours of Pauly and Vinnie and you’re ready to go to bed. You had managed to escape your friends’ questions about your sickness and lack of drinking for the whole night. Or so you thought.
As you’re getting into your pajamas, there’s a knock on your door.
“Yeah?” You call, just as you’re pulling your shirt over your head. Payton walks in.
“Are you good, Y/N?” She sits on your bed, watching you as go through the rest of your bed time routine.
“Yeah. Why?” You’re putting toner on in the mirror, so you can’t look at her directly.
“You just seemed off tonight. And you’ve been sick for a while. Have you considered going to the doctor?” She asks.
“Uh, yeah. I think I’ll go this week,” you lie, regretting it instantly. Now she’s going to ask how it went and you’re going to have to lie again. Payton was usually good at reading you and you weren’t sure how long you’d be able to keep it up.
“Okay, just wanted to make sure. I’ll come with if you want, I know how you feel about needles.” She gets up and smiles.
You look at her and smile back. “Thanks.”
She leaves and you get into bed. The only thing worrying you more than keeping this from Payton was telling Grayson tomorrow. And the fact you were pregnant in the first place.
You wake up to your phone ringing. You answer without checking to even see who it is.
“Hello?” You answer groggily.
“Hey, I’m here.” You hear Jessie’s raspy voice. It’s clear he just woke up, too.
The plan was to call Grayson and then hopefully be able to go to breakfast after to lift your spirits. That is, if you don’t puke.
“Oh, okay.” You sit up, rubbing your eyes.
“Dude, it’s 11:30, we were supposed to be doing this a half hour ago,” he laughs. “I could get used to not being the latest one to everything.”
“Hey, I’ve been sleeping more because I’m sick and pregnant. You’re just late.” You chuckle.
“Just come get me, I’m at your door.” You can hear the smile in his voice as he hangs up. You rub your eyes and go to the door, opening it for him. “Did you literally just get out of bed?” He looks at your pajamas.
“Shut up. We have some emotional preparation to do.” You let him in and shut the door behind him. You both walk back to your room and he jumps on your bed.
“Where are the ladies.” He wiggles his eyebrows jokingly as you begin to get ready.
“They’re at a pregame, they decided to darty because they didn’t go out last night. No one to eavesdrop, if that was your concern.” You’re deciding how much makeup to wear. What is the appropriate look for telling a guy they got you pregnant?
“I didn’t think they’d eavesdrop, I just didn’t want anyone to know if you didn’t feel comfortable with it.” He watches your ceiling fan turn. You can tell he’s not really present.
“What should I say?” You ask as you finish up your makeup. You decided a more natural look would do. If anyone has something to say about it instead of focusing on the pregnancy, that sounds more like a them problem.
“’Hey, remember that one time we hooked up? Well I’m pregnant and it’s definitely yours. Surprise!’” He jokes, sitting up. You role your eyes.
“I’m scared I’m gonna see him and just freeze.” You stand and pick out a t-shirt and leggings. “I’m gonna change. Text him to make sure he’s up.” You say as you leave.
When you come back from the bathroom, he’s got his phone propped up on your pillow so that you could both be in view.
“He’s waiting for me to call.” Jessie turns to you, smiling.
“Cool, call him.” You say as you throw your pajamas in the hamper, climbing on the bed next to him and fixing your hair a bit.
As the ringing continues, your anxiety worsens. Before you can get too into your thoughts, Grayson’s smiling face is on the phone.
“Hey Jess! Y/N? What’s up guys?” He sounds so cheery for it being almost 9 am where he is.
“Hey Gray. We’re, uh, just hanging out. You know, typical stuff. What’s up with you? Are you with Ethan?” You sit there quietly, biting your li, letting them lead the conversation.
“Nah, he’s still asleep. I just finished my breakfast.” He shows his empty plate, also showing his shirtless chest off. You can feel your cheeks flushing and you try not to think about it. Or, more specifically, the last time you saw his naked chest.
“Good stuff,” Jessie nods, not really sure what else to say. He looks at you while Grayson brings the phone back to his face. He’s also waiting for someone else to say something.
“So,” you shuffle uncomfortably next to Jessie, not really sure how to start.
“You didn’t just miss my cute face?” Grayson laughs, making you smile a bit. When he doesn’t get the reaction he expects, he realizes this is serious. “Is this about our agreement?”
Your eyes widen. He thinks you gave him an STD. “Oh my god, no its-“ you catch yourself about to say worse, but you don’t know if you mean that. “I’m still clean.” You nod.
Jessie looks between the both of you confused, shaking his head a bit before he looks at you again.
“What’s up then?” He also has his gaze on you, reminding you of how intense it can feel.
“I went to my doctor because I’ve been sick all week,” you begin. This feels ten times worse than telling Jessie. Grayson is nodding along, looking confused.
“I’m pregnant.” The phrase hangs in the air all over again and it doesn’t feel good. You and Jessie are both looking at him for his reaction, and he seems quite calm.
“Whose is it?” He asks. A laugh bubbles up from your chest before you can hold it back. Before you know it, Jessie is laughing, too.
“Yours, dumbass,” Jessie laughs out, shaking his head. That’s when you see the panic in his features. You start to freak out too, feeling like you’ve ruined his life. And his brother’s.
“I’m sorry.” You say, rubbing your hands up and down your legs to try and calm yourself down.
“Hey, don’t apologize. I didn’t have a condom either.” He breathes out, almost like he’s choking.  “You’re sure it’s mine?”
Your cheeks turn red as you nod. “There’s, uh, there’s been no one else.” He coughs, covering his mouth and what seems to be a bit of a smile before he gets serious again.
“What did the doctor say?” He looks at you guys again, and it looks like he might cry. It tears your heart up. “Are you guys healthy and stuff?”
You nod. “Yeah. I’m six weeks along. Well, I guess almost seven. She, uh, she told me about all of my options.”
“What options?” Oh my god, no wonder him and Jessie are friends. You look at your wall, not wanting to look at his face while talking about this.
“Options for if I want to end it. Or, I guess us. If we want to end it.” It felt weird to talk about you and Grayson as a collective group making decisions together. You still barely know the kid.
“Jess, can we talk alone?” He asks. Jessie nods, getting up and rubbing your shoulder before he goes to your living room.
“How do you feel? About these options, I mean.” He sounds almost resistant to say it.
“I don’t know, I didn’t really want to think about it until I spoke to you. Didn’t want to get stuck on one decision just for us to decide something else.” You mumble, you voice sounding weak and quiet.
“Y/N, look at me.” He waits for your eyes to meet his before he continues. “It is your body, you get to make any decision you feel is best for you. I would never try and change your mind or make you do something you don’t want to.” He pauses, waiting for a response from you.
You nod, debating what you should say next.
“Do you want me to get an abortion?” You ask. His immediate reaction is for his eyes to widen. He didn’t expect you to be so blunt, but you thought it would be better to just say it instead of dancing around it like you had done all week with Jessie.
He rubs his face, opening his mouth a couple of times but not actually saying anything. You nod, taking that as his response.
“It’s just two pills because I’m only six weeks along.” You tell him.
“Woah – Y/N – no.  That wasn’t me saying I want you to do that. I just didn’t want to scare you. I’ve always felt like I’ve been put on this Earth to be a dad. I don’t want you to make any decisions based off my wants, though. If we did keep this baby, I would support you the whole pregnancy and we would raise a baby together.” Your eyes glaze over the more he speaks. You’re continuing to stare at him wordlessly and he gives you a concerned look. “Y/N?”
You shake your head. “I just wasn’t expecting you to say that,” you shrug, whipping under your eyes to catch any tears that had started to fall.
“Hey hey hey, don’t cry. It’s going to be okay,” he brings the phone closer to his face as if that will bring you closer. You shake your head again.
“How is it going to be okay? I graduate in May. What do I tell the places I apply for jobs? ‘Oh hey, by the way, I’m going to be needing maternity leave in a couple months.’ Grayson, I’m already going into a male dominated field, it’s going to be so hard to find a job but I can’t have a baby without a job and I don’t have a house but you also can’t have a baby without a place to live and I-“ a sob cuts your rambling off as you cover your mouth. You look back at the phone and see the pain in his eyes as he watches you break down. “I’m just scared and I don’t know what to do. I’ve been so independent my whole life, but I just don’t know what to do. And now I’m crying on the phone with a stranger-“
“Hey woah, okay. Y/N, breathe.” You sniffle and try to calm your breathing down. “First, I’m not a stranger, I’m your baby daddy,” he chuckles. You smile a bit at that, which makes Grayson actually able to take in a breath. “Second, if you weren’t terrified, that would be way more concerning. The only reason I’m not panicking either is because I genuinely think I’m in shock.” He shakes his head, rubbing a hand over his face. “What do you want to do?” He asks, only after your breathing has regulated a bit.
“I don’t know Gray, I already told you that.” You sigh, bringing your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them.
“Come on, that’s not true. What’s your gut tell you?”
You bite your lip as tears slowly start to pour out of your eyes. “I wanna keep it,” you mumble, barely even audible. Your eyes widen. You didn’t even expect yourself to say that.
“What was that?” Grayson asks.
“I want to keep the baby,” you say, lifting your head from your knees, a bit more confident this time. “Nothing good in my life has come easy, it’s no shocker this isn’t any different.” This makes him smile a bit.
“Me either. Conventional isn’t really my style.” This makes you giggle as you nod in agreement. “So…” he bites his lip as your eyes meet. You raise your eyebrow. “Are we having a baby?” He asks.
“I- “ you shake your head, looking at the wall, another tear falling down your cheek. “I’m scared to say it.”
“Because every rational part of my being knows that logistically this is not what I should be doing, but the rest of me knows I’m going to. I can’t not, you know?” You turn to look at him. He can see the pure fear in your eyes and he just wants to be there and hug you.
“Yeah. Wanna say it together on the count of three?” He chuckles. You start laughing and shake your head.
“That’s stupid, we don’t have to do that,” you look back at him and he’s already smiling at you.
“Yes, we do. It’ll make it easier. It can be the first thing we do together.” You instantly feel your heart warm and the tears are suddenly falling again. “Hey, don’t cry again. What, doing things with me makes you that upset?” His tone is light, you can tell he’s just trying to make you smile.
You shake your head. “No, that’s not the problem. What you said was just really cute,” you giggle as your cheeks go a bit red once you realized what you said.
“So you’re down?” You nod. “1,2,3-“
“We’re having a baby,” you whisper, like it’s some big secret.  Well, it is.
Meanwhile, Grayson screamed it, instantly making you crack up. You grab the phone, hoping it will make you feel somewhat closer to him.
However, your moment of happiness disappears as the anxieties crawl right back into your brain.
“Grayson,” you get his attention. He looks at you and immediately can see your off again.
“Hey, what’s going on?” His eyebrows furrow.
“How the fuck are we gonna pull this off? You literally live on the other side of the country. How am I going to pay for all this?” Your free hand covers your face because he’s seen you cry for literally half an hour at this point.
“Don’t worry about that. We will figure it all out. I’ll figure it out. Your job is to be happy and healthy,” he shakes his head at you, concern written all over his face.
“Oh, so you’re a sugar daddy? Yeah, alright. I don’t take handouts.” You had been raised to be an independent person. Your dad didn’t come from much and worked hard to be where he is now. He had always told you to make your own ends meet, because you could never rely on anyone else.
“It’s not a handout when it’s for my kid and their mom.”
“Why are you so nice?” You groan, making him laugh.
“I’ve never had a complaint about it before,” he shines his pretty smile at you, making your lips turn up too.
“I just don’t get how you’re so down. We’re young. And we don’t even know each other,” you bite your lip.
“Yet. But we’ll talk every day and go through all of this together. We’ll definitely be well acquainted at the end of that,” he chuckles, “and, I’ve always said I was meant to be a young dad. If this is how it’s meant to be, then this is how I’ll do it. We’ll do it. That’s how we’ll do it.” He winks at you.
“It’s the size of a blueberry, you know. I googled it,” you smile at him. He immediately covers his eyes with his hand, his smile growing bigger. His hand slowly slides down his face.
“A blueberry. A fucking blueberry. We have a blueberry,” he shakes his head. “Y/N, I will do anything you and our blueberry need, okay? When’s your next appointment?”
“Over spring break with my doctor back home.”
“Text me the dates, I’ll be there,” he pauses. “Where do you live?” He bites his lip to try to hold back his laugh. It hits you both that you don’t really know each other at all. At least he’s able to find the humor in it, it makes you feel better. Otherwise you probably would have freaked out more.
“New York.  Well, that’s where I grew up. My parents moved down south when my brother graduated high school, so I kinda live with my friends and family all over. My doctor is about 45 minutes from there so I’ll probably spend my spring break with my best friend from home.” He nods along to your explanation.
“How far is that from Jersey?” He asks as he stands, walking into another room.
“Like an hour from Jessie’s.” He sits down at a desk and starts typing when he nods again. All of a sudden you see his door open and you hear another voice.
“Gray?” Ethan calls. “Who’re you on the phone with?” He asks. Grayson turns to him, stuttering over words that won’t come out. Ethan leans in to see you. “Y/N? Hey.” You smile at him.
“Hey Ethan.” If he couldn’t tell your cheeks had dried tears all over them, he could tell you’d been crying by your voice. He looks back to Grayson and then at you again.
“Well. I’ll be heading out now,” he waves awkwardly. He gives Grayson a questioning look before leaving the room. Grayson turns back to look at you with a sympathetic smile on his face.
“Sorry about that,” he giggles while shaking his head.
“It’s okay.  I’ll be seeing a lot more of him anyways.”
“Am I allowed to tell him?” You bite your lip, thinking about what the doctor said.
“I mean technically we’re not supposed to tell people until the first trimester is over, but I already told Jessie and I am definitely going to have to tell my best friend when I go home. Tell the people who you’d want to support you if something goes wrong, I guess,” you watch him as you speak. He nods.
“Can I say something without sounding like a douche?”
“Seeing as you said it like that, you’re definitely going to sound like a douche but say it anyways,” you laugh and so does he.
“Can we try to, like, keep this off the internet for as long as possible?” You raise your brow at him.
“Oh, me and blueberry are gonna hurt your image?” You smirk, just trying to push his buttons.
“No, more like I’m worried the fans will try to hurt you and blueberry. That’s why Ethan and I try to keep our relationships out of it anyway. I wanna go through this with the people who are most important to us so that we can make it as normal as possible before we introduce you and blueberry to the internet.” Hearing him call the baby blueberry makes you tear up once again, and hearing him want to protect the both of you made you feel warm inside. Suddenly you were missing a person you barely even knew.
“Oh my god, sweet girl, I gotta stop making you cry,” he laughs. If you weren’t already blushing, you definitely were now. “I promise I’m not trying to.”
“I know,” you wipe your eyes. “And yes. We can pull a Kylie Jenner. Except it will be a lot easier because you’re not the one who will look like they taped a bowling ball to their stomach.” This makes him laugh harder.
“You’re right.” He calms down a bit.
You hear your door open and you turn around to see Jessie walking in timidly.
“Is everything okay?” He asks gently, like he was scared of the answer.
You smile softly at him. “Yeah, we’re okay.” He comes and sits on the bed with you again, looking at Grayson.
“You good too?”
“Yeah man,” he shrugs. “You know how long I’ve been waiting for a dad.” Jessie looks at the both of you, shocked.
“You’re keeping it?” He looks down at your stomach.
“Yeah,” you look down too, putting your hand back on your stomach.
“No shit. Alright. You’re having a baby. Damn,” he laughs.
“It’s a size of a blueberry, you know,” Grayson pipes up, watching the two of you interact. You both look back at the phone.
“This is so fucking crazy,” Jessie exclaims, shaking his head.
“Make sure she takes care of herself, Jess.” Grayson’s face seems a bit somber watching the both of you together.
“Oh my god no. Absolutely not. I am still a functioning human being. Me and blueberry will be just fine. I eat my fruits and veggies, I’m gonna get prenatal vitamins, the whole nine. I absolutely do not need two men trying to care of me while I go through something they’ll never understand,” you cross your arms.
Grayson looks a bit taken aback, but Jessie just smiles at you.
“There she is. As long as she’s got that fire in her, she’s doing well, Gray,” Jessie tells him, looking at him on the screen.
“Good. Ethan keeps texting that we have to start filming. Y/N, text me if you need anything, okay?” It feels like he’s looking directly into your soul sometimes.
“Yeah, of course,” you nod.
He smiles and waves at the both of you before hanging up. You look over at Jessie.
“You’re having a fucking baby. You are having Grayson Dolan’s fucking baby. Jesus Christ,” he laughs while covering his face, laying down on your bed. You lay next to him.
“Yeah. Are him and Ethan, like, really successful? I knew they were doing well for themselves, but he literally told me he would ‘take care of everything.’ That takes some dough,” you turn your head to look at him.
Jessie looks to be contemplating what to say next. “Have you looked them up before?” He turns to you and you shake your head no. “I’d recommend not doing that, then. He can definitely figure out everything you’ll need, though. Just don’t want you to get caught up in that part of him without getting to know him first.” You take a big breath in, not really sure what to think of that answer. “Don’t freak yourself out, though. He’s a good guy,” Jessie sighs. You rub your hands over your stomach, getting lost in your thoughts. That’s when you remember something very important that you don’t know about Grayson.
“What’s his number?”
“Grayson’s?” Jessie laughs out.
“No, my other baby daddy,” you joke.
“I’ll give it to you and then we’ll head to breakfast?” You sit up and nod.
“Thank god that’s over. Things can only get better from here, right?”
Part 3 is up!!!!
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aphimagining · 5 years
What would be the Axis(+romano and prussia if you want) favourite shows/anime?
I don’t wanna name any specifics just because…I’m not really a movie/TV show buff. I don’t watch a whole lot of it. I tried to give a few specifics, but mostly it’s just the kind of shows/animes they might like. I hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt
Not really into anime. He really enjoys true crime shows and is an avid lover of the history channel. Anything that’s “real” is interesting to him. Not that he wouldn’t enjoy the occasional non-real movie or TV show, but for the most part, he likes to keep what he’s watching factual, or at least in normal human reality. I think he’d probably most enjoy Breaking Bad. It’s got action, drama, law-breaking, and even if it’s somewhat unrealistic, he reasons that it’s not. He’s totally sure there’s just some average Joe out there making drugs in a trailer in the middle of nowhere. 
North Italy/Feliciano Vargas
Reality TV. Jesus Christ, it’s AWFUL. Ludwig hates watching TV with him. He watches all the most popular reality TV shows. Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Jersey Shore, etc. He finds them funny and feeds off the drama. Can’t see him being huge into anime, what he does watch is usually cutesy. Something like Ouran High School Host Club. 
Japan/Kiku Honda
Anything that makes him think. The world is a matrix? Ok, maybe he can get on board with that. Kiku also really enjoys horror. It very rarely actually scares him. He’s not really sure what attracts him to it, but he has a ridiculously huge collection of horror movies. He watches really any kind of anime. He’s not picky, although he prefers to watch it in his native language and read the manga first. Death Note is one of his favorites. 
Prussia/Gilbert Beilschmidt 
Like his brother, he is a fan of Breaking Bad. He loves the action in it. Anything with action, lots of fire and explosions attracts him incessantly. Gil also loves things that are completely on the other end of the spectrum. Goofy comedy shows like The Office are also some of his favorites. He finds them hilarious and they play into his sense of humor. Huge fan of anime! Like Kiku, he watches a wide variety of anime. Surprisingly, he is more geared towards cutesy stuff. One of his favorites is actually Attack on Titan. He thinks the ODM gear is rad and really wishes he had some. 
South Italy/Lovino Vargas
Like his brother, he’s also way too into reality TV. He and his brother talk about it over lunch a lot of the time. Kim’s new baby is cute and Kourtney is really absent from the show, what’s new? Not super into anime. Even if he watches reality TV, he finds a lot of mainstream animes cliche, and it’s very annoying. Loves watching soccer! He gets really really into it and yells and throws things. Antonio finds this very funny and usually does the same thing. Feli is terrified. 
-Admin K. 
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slasher-asks · 5 years
Oh man, could i please get some headcanons for Bubba and Jason celebrating Christmas with their s/o? (I KNOW ITS BARELY DECEMBER BUT I JUST LOVE CHRISTMAS) Thank you in advance!
You’re welcome! Also, I completely understand, Halloween starts in September and Christmas starts the very moment the clock strikes midnight on December 1st!
Christmas is observed in the Sawyer household, though it may be nontraditional. Considering the location, the isolation, and the family themselves… gifts get weird. 
Nubbins gives dead animal pieces he’s made “pretty”, Bubba tends to make “clothes”, and if you’re lucky Drayton might give you something that is traditionally considered normal. Like a key chain he stole off some poor girls body.
Bubba is a huge fan of most holidays and that becomes very apparent to you as soon as the first one crops up. He always makes gifts, he always decorates the house (best he can), and he always hopes it will snow because that’s what all the cards and Christmas ads have in them.
Unfortunately, Texas doesn’t get white Christmas’s, but there’s no need to dash his hopes like Drayton always tries to. 
When the day finally comes Bubba is the first one up, I mean, he still believes in Santa after all so he might not even have slept. You get to be second, because he makes sure you are too, he’s just so excited. 
Presents are opened, thanks are… exchanged as well as the Sawyer family does, and you end up wrapped up in Bubba’s arms most of the day because… well it’s kind of cold for a Texan but also, you’re still his favorite thing.
It’s cold this time of year in New Jersey, freezing in fact, so it’s good one of the cabins is air-tight enough to keep put the worst of the chill. Jason keeps a constant supply of firewood on hand, braving the elements whenever he thought you’d be needing more soon, certainly overdoing it but better safe then sorry!
No one came to the camp this time of year, so it gave him the perfect excuse to be around you 24/7 instead of patrolling- not that he really needed one, but even the undead giant could get shy.
To be honest, he doesn’t know what day it is at any given moment, and certainly didn’t celebrate much of anything (besides his mothers birthday, which he always remembered) before you came around.
If you surprise him with a gift he’s impossibly grateful, first of all. It could be a really interesting stone you found on the lake shore or something from town, it doesn’t matter, you got it for him. He loves it. 
Immediately followed by the panic of having not gotten you anything. He scrambles around the room, then through all the others, and eventually comes back with a… something. It looks like a piece of wood tied in string with a jagged smiley face drawn on it. It’s the best he could do, with or without time, so you’d better like it!
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nadiafm · 5 years
( camila morrone, cisfemale ) hey ! have you seen NADIA PEREZ around ? they work as a ICE SKATING INSTRUCTOR at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 21 years old & they’ve been working here for 11 MONTHS. they tend to be +AMOROUS & +CONVIVIAL, but can also be -LICENTIOUS & -WARY. the other employees have labeled them THE ROMANTIC. thanks a lot ! gold hoops , floral mini dresses , pink lipgloss , overly dramatic eyeshadow , freckles specked across your nose , mascara running down your cheeks , tequila shots chased with salt and lime , lana del rey blasting in your headphones , mirror selfies , golden hour , glitter and rhinestones , blue raspberry dum dums , piled up books you keep forgetting to read.
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hey y’all !! i’m so excited for this wow. i’m sam, i’m 22, and i live in pst !! i’m a sucker for cooking shows and dogs and candles. but more importantly...this is my freaking baby nadia, an absolute idiot with a heart of gold ! i already know this intro is going to be too long but bare with me i will include a tldr at the bottom i promise. also hmu on discord to plot ! capricornmom#1278
here is nadia’s pinterest & here is her playlist
aesthetics : gold hoops , floral mini dresses , pink lipgloss , overly dramatic eyeshadow , freckles specked across your nose , mascara running down your cheeks , tequila shots chased with salt and lime , lana del rey blasting in your headphones , mirror selfies , golden hour , glitter and rhinestones , blue raspberry dum dums , piled up books you keep forgetting to read
character parallels : jackie burkhart ( that 70′s show ) rachel green ( friends ) , cassie howard ( euphoria ) , brooke davis ( one tree hill ) , bianca stratford ( 10 things i hate about you ) , april ( palo alto ) , erica vandross ( flower ) , gigi & triple a ( booksmart ) , snooki ( jersey shore ) , jessica day ( new girl )
full name : nadia paloma perez
birthday : july 23, 1998
zodiac : cancer sun , pisces moon , pisces rising . god help this emotional ass girl
nationality : american 
religion : roman catholic
sexual & romantic orientation : bisexual , biromantic
hometown : aventura , florida ( 20 minutes outside of miami )
languages spoken : english ( fluent ) , spanish ( fluent ) , french ( still learning , takes it in school , somewhat conversational )
likes : candy ( sour punch straws , lollipops ) , watching soccer games ( messi stan till she dies ) , rex orange county , writing , magazines , making empanadas with her abuela , romantic comedies ( her fav is how to lose a guy in 10 days ) , tequila sodas , sex , lana del rey , chipotle burritos , iced chai lattes with almond milk from starbucks , gossip girl , craft beer , margaret atwood
dislikes : quinoa , nuts in things like salad or cookies , star wars , watching golf , oatmeal , church , screamo music , california ( a grudge ) , spoiled rich kids , condescending business majors , quentin tarantino ( and his avid fans )
Born and raised in South Florida, a little aways from Miami ! Her mother, Paloma, was an Adventura native while her father, Santiago, was an immigrant from Argentina. Her parents met in college when Paloma was studying abroad in Argentina. They fell in love, rather quickly, and the rest was history. They had planned on moving back to America together, but Santiago’s visa was denied. So, after only four months of knowing each other and 2.5 months of dating, they got married. 
Turns out sometimes you should know your partner better before getting married !! shocker right. It wasn’t so bad at first, though. They were young and in love and their honeymoon phase seemed to last forever, until it didn’t. 
By the time Nadia was born, they’d already begun to realize each other’s faults and flaws. Santiago was a good looking guy, and with his thick Argentine accent, he tended to come off as overly friendly and at times overtly flirty. Paloma was jealous and needy. It never seemed to mesh well when she thought her husband was flirting with every other mom in the neighborhood. 
So, for the majority of Nadia’s childhood, all she remembered from her parent’s marriage was them fighting. She had a close relationship with the both of them, though, and she was particularly close with her father. He was her biggest supporter !! Always hyping her up. He was the one signing her up for sports like soccer (they’re a huge soccer family, the only time her parents weren’t fighting was during Argentina games), gymnastics, dance, and ice skating. Her favorite was soccer, and her for most of her adolescent years, her dad coached her team. They formed a really close bond because of it. 
The marriage was sort of non exinsistant at this point, but in some sort of last attempt to salvage any love they might have had for each other, Santiago and Paloma had a baby. It was more Paloma’s idea than anything. Santiago, at that point, was only sticking around for Paloma. She was seven when her little sister was born, Caterina, and Nadia absolutely adored her. They may have been seven years a part, but they were the best of friends. 
When Nadia was twelve, she woke up with a note on her bed side table. It was from her father, and it read: “Nads, I’m so sorry I couldn’t say goodbye to your face. I wish I was stronger. I am so proud of you and I promise I will be in touch. Te amo. Papa” He hadn’t left anybody else a note, and not even a word to her mother. As close as she was to her mother and sister, she couldn’t help but blame them for her father leaving. Still, she was pretty certain she’d hear from him soon. That he’d come back once he cleared his head. Only, he didn’t. 
Word spread pretty fast around school about what had happened. Suddenly, Nadia was a charity case. PTA moms were coming up to her and offering to bring her lunch or dinner, if she needed it. She was the girl who’s dad left them high and dry. It didn’t help that on top of that, her body was going through changes much more rapidly than any of her friends. She already had gotten her period, and by the time she was in seventh grade she was wearing a D cup bra. So in addition to the sudden spotlight as the girl without a dad, boys started treating her differently. Boys that had never talked to her previously suddenly wanted to be her friend. In eighth grade, Hayden Walker rolled up a small piece of paper and shot it like a basketball into her cleavage. He high-fived his friends after and thanked her for the backboard.  
So middle school was rough. And while Nadia had had one or two boyfriends during that time, she’d never gone past kissing them. That’s not how the rumors went, though. That was the part that hurt the most. The things people said, especially the things girls said about her. Girls she thought were her friends. 
At the end of eighth grade, during the summer before high school, she got a text from her dad. The first one in 2 years! She’d idolized him her whole life, so obviously she was ready to forgive him as soon as she heard from him. He told her he was living in California and Nadia was like, I’m sold! Let’s go! Only her mother was like...are you fucking insane you are not going to California to visit that man. Long story short, she found a cheap cross country bus ticket and essentially ran away from home to see her dad! He was shocked she had come at all, despite his text message leading her to believe he wanted to see her. Apparently it was more of a courtesy text, a text so he could let go of the guilt of leaving an entire family behind. Because in the two years he’d been gone, he managed to start a new one. He had a new wife, and two newborn twins. 
Nadia was pretty furious, but she stayed the summer anyways. She had full intentions of starting high school in California and not going home to Florida. Things were tense at her father’s, though. Her “step mother” obviously didn’t like having her around, and though her bond with her father was slowly rekindling, there was still a sort of distance between them. But they were trying to make it work, at the very least. 
Then came the end of the summer. Nadia had made a few friends around the neighborhood, and was invited to an end of summer kickback with a bunch of high schoolers. Naturally, she lied about her age at the party. She was 14, but told everyone she was 16, and everyone seemed to overlook her baby face thanks to her ass and tits. At the end of the night, a boy drove her home, and the two ended up hooking up in the car. Apparently she had misjudged how much her father actually cared, because he’d waited up for her to come home, and after seeing car headlights out front, he’d stormed outside to find her in the car with a high school boy, half naked. After allowing her to gather her bearings, he essentially humiliated her right there on the front lawn, screaming about how irresponsible she was amongst other things. The majority of the conversation has since been blacked out from her mind, but she’ll never forget the look on her dad’s face when he said, “you’re nothing, you’re just like your mother, and i don’t want you anywhere near my family.”  whew !! ya girl was hurt.  
So, obviously, she was back on the way to mom’s ! Honestly at that point her mom wasn’t even mad at her for leaving she was just thankful she was back. 
GODDD okay this is getting long so I need to wrap this up. I haven’t even gotten to personality KJSHG Okay let’s wrap up high school in one bullet point. Basically she sub consciously searched for every man’s approval because she lacked the approval she needed from her father! This meant lots of boyfriends and never saying no. In her four years of high school, she was maybe single for a total of like ... seven months. not seven consecutive months lmao, 7 months in between relationships. 
one of those boys was connor perch, her first official boyfriend freshman year ! they were really sweet n young and nadia really thought she was in love. but then she gave him a blowjob and this mf recorded it ! and nadia found out after the fact, asked him to delete it, he said it was just for himself to look at, only to find out he’d sent it to his friends a few days later. so that basically set the precedent for how she’d be treated the next four years of high school ! she tried to act like it didn’t bother her but dang. high schoolers can be very mean !
oh my god i seriously have to wrap up okay this will be quick. basically when she was a senior in high school she went on a ski trip to big bear and met a boy named ethan, who she like fell in love with so fast like literally a week give it a rest girl. he was from Colorado but when she left they kept in touch and basically talked every day for the rest of the school year and throughout the summer. She’d decided to apply to Boulder University to be closer to him because this time it really felt like the real thing ! SURPRISE AGAIN ! She got to school and found out he had a girlfriend. She was really mf heartbroken over that. But did she learn her lesson? No. Does she still fall in love with anyone who looks in her direction? Yes. 
Okay and lastly she has been working all sorts of jobs throughout college because her mom is helping her pay for tuition and rent so she’s gotta cover spending money ! She ended up getting a job at Big Bear Resort during her last winter break as an ice skating instructor because she used to do ice skating back in the day. Now she works at Big Bear during her school breaks and on some weekends ! 
Hopeless romantic with major daddy issues
Will overanalyze every interaction she has with anyone because she thinks they might like her
Probably will have a crush if you are even remotely nice to her 
Really dumb but means well. Literally no common sense. Complete bimbo
Cries A LOT. Complete crybaby. Happy or sad she’s probably crying
Heart of gold!! She really always means well even when she fucks up so bad I SWEAR her heart was in the right place 
Can outdrink anyone. She would drink a 6ft5in, 200 pound man under the table any day
Tequila is her choice of drink, but vodka is for her #sadgirlhours
Obsessed with Rosalía, Lana Del Rey, & Rex Orange County. And also 2010 bangers. Anything she can shake her ass to !
She pretty much used to exclusively wear mini dresses because when she realized everyone was just gonna sexualize her anyway, she was like FUCK IT, i’ll show my ass n titties n legs. Except it’s fucking like negative degrees in Colorado so she can’t do that ! Bummer. (she’ll still probably find ways to wear mini dresses)
Obsessed with makeup!! She loves doing adventurous things with eyeshadows and lipsticks  like ok euphoria 
Kinda crazy. Major crackhead vibes especially when she’s drunk! She loves going out, she’ll go out on a Tuesday, she just likes to have fun ok and dance on tables and make out with cute people
She’ll have a one night stand but just know for HER she’ll probably get attached. I’m so sorry it won’t last that long but she’ll pine for at least a week
ok that is all i’m so sorry for this shit show of an intro but here is a messy list of wc !
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foxydivaxx · 5 years
Even More AOT Reality AU shit
Some more headcanons for y’all
- Prior to the show, Eren was part of another very well known reality show which serves as a prequel to this one called Tokyo Kids (which is anime Jersey Shore xD) where he and Armin were part of an ensemble cast. (Yup now you know how the Trost show actually came about.) 
- Mikasa was salty about not being in the Tokyo Kids show and shoehorned herself in there using her dad’s connections much to Levi’s horror.This is part of why Eren and Armin act like bitches towards her both on and off screen
- Eren’s rival from Tokyo Kids is Kaneki Ken ironically and said boy happens to be Eren’s main chart rival
- Kaneki himself also scored a spinoff centered around himself and his hometown called Anteiku 
- Both Anteiku and Living in Trost fanbases have a heated rivalry just like the two main protagonists themselves
- The other rival is Lelouch and he too has his own show called Life of Zero which is also thrown into the mix. These shows are referred to as the Big Three of Reality TV. The three protagonists are referred to collectively by the media as The Three Heavenly Kings of Pop.
- One thing that everyone from all these shows can agree on is that Mikasa is a menace. So expect crossover episodes with all three shows with Lelouch, Kaneki and Eren putting aside their differences for a while and come up with complicated plans to take down Mikasa to varying degrees
- Yup almost everyone hates Mikasa and later Gabi.
- One person all three hate even more than Mikasa that occasionally causes problems for all three of them is none other than Light Yagami
- Light was the resident torublemaker on Tokyo Kids hence the animosity. 
- The occupations of the gang in this verse (Pretty much everyone is involved with the entertainment industry in some shape or form):
Eren: reality tv star, actor, pop star extraordinaire, badass dancer, occasional supermodel xD
Levi: rock god, actor, the other supermodel
Erwin: Actor/Singer
Hange: Actress
Petra: Model/ Fashion designer
Oluo: Loud mouthed Actor
Mikasa: model with diva like tendencies
Armin: Actor, model and yet another famous reality star
Jean: Yet another divalike model
Marco: Yet another model 
Annie: Former wrestling superstar cum actress
Reiner: Football superstar trying an acting career
Bertholedt: Same as Reiner
Historia: (as mentioned earlier) Famous pop princess
Ymir: Her bodyguard and bestie and lover plus a famous athlete 
Sasha and Connie: Stand up comedians xD
- Photoshoots are a big must especially for the vain kids like Eren and Jean xD.
- Expect a gazillion of selfies especially from Ereri and Jean
- Beach episodes are another excuse for fanservice
- One of the most memorable episodes is the special karaoke episode where the artistes amongst the cast have to sing their own songs. Historia is a bit embarassed at first but after some coercing from Ymir, Eren and Levi, she finally agrees
- The most talked segment is obviously Eren’s performance where he pulls some sick Michael Jackson moves with a fedora and jacket xD. Mikasa was so pissed that she snatched the microphone and tries to sing but fails because she cannot sing at all, earning a lot of laughs from everyone and literally embarrassing herself in front of everyone
- The entire DC and Marvel verse particularly the Batfamily are huge fans of the show. So imagine the kids especially talking about the show during patrol
- “Guys did y’all see that episode where Historia beat up Mikasa?!”
“OMG!! I saw that!! Bitch deserves it though!!”
“Wait...so the Big Three are teaming up huh? About fucking time!!”
- Bruce won’t admit it but he binge watches the show secretly when the kids aren’t there and occasionally discusses it with Alfred
-Damian won’t admit it too but he also likes the show particularly the way Eren fires back at those that try to piss him off. He can relate with that. 
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Danielle Cohn... Stop Playing These Games
Hello everyone, Optimus/Sherlock Prime here. I apologize for the lack of posts on my blogs, I’m at South Dakota in my grandmother’s house, on my mother’s chromebook at the time of writing this, but something came up in my feed that I felt like needs to be addressed. 
Danielle Cohn…. Now I know what you’re all probably wondering “Optimus, you run an anti-Onision blog, why are you talking about a teen girl?” Well, that is a good question, first off, she’s rubbing me the wrong way, I don’t know why but she does. Second, she’s a young girl in LA acting like she’s on a mid 2000’s MTV reality show, like Jersey Shore (damn I am old). Thirdly, her actions as of recently need to be discussed, bit let me give a quick rundown of who Miss. Cohn is. 
Danielle Cohn is a young influencer who got famous on Musical.ly (now Tik Tok), for her lipsyncs, dancing, and sometimes live performances. She also got famous for lying about her age, see, she claims she’s 15, but due to contradicting evidence, records from years ago when she was in child beauty pageants as a contestant, to a video of a former classmate of Danielle’s showing her school picture in a yearbook when they were in fourth grade. But due to recent events, Danielle got exposed for actually being 13. Now, let’s talk about her recent stunt. 
Around 3 months ago, in May of 2019, Danielle and her then boyfriend at the time Mikey Tua, an Instagram model, announced to the internet that they were having a baby. At the time, Mikey and his parents thought Danielle was 15, Mikey is 17, this will come to play later, but bear with me. Anyways, Danielle and Mikey released a 4 part series on their pregnancy journey, they told their parents, who rightfully were concerned and pissed off, they went to a “gynecologist” for an ultrasound when in reality they went to a dentist’s office, and then finally the grand finale was the gender reveal party. Then Danielle and Mikey revealed that the pregnancy was fake, it was all a huge prank. Oh um excuse me a “social experiment” meant to raise awareness on the dangers and risks of teen pregnancies. 
Needless to say, the Internet was pissed. But that’s not all, after this stunt, Danielle’s real age was exposed to Mikey’s parents. Now, I have nothing against them, they are lovely people and they acted as parents by cutting off their son’s relationship with Danielle. Danielle and Mikey were heartbroken over not being together, and Mikey tried to file for emancipation from his parents. 
What is emancipation? That’s a good question, we all know the word ‘emancipation’ due to the Emancipation Proclamation that President Lincoln made to end slavery during the Civil War. In legal terms, emancipation is when a minor wants to be legally recognized as an adult by the state they live in and want to no longer be in their parent’s/guardian’s custody. In order to earn this they need to prove they can provide for themselves, make money and hold a job, and be a contributing member of society. 
Now this is bad for Mikey if he was granted emancipation from his mom and dad, if he stayed with Danielle, and he turned 18, and Danielle turned 14, he’s breaking the age of consent law. In California, the age of consent is 18, and Mikey if caught, would have to go to trial as an adult, since he’d be seen as an adult legally by the state. And if proven in a court of law (unlike Twitter’s kangaroo courts) that sexual intercourse happened between Mikey and Danielle, if the courts could prove that they had sex, regardless it was consensual or not. Mikey would be forced to sign into the registry and be a labeled sex offender. And that ruins lives if wrongfully convicted. 
Mikey later ran away to Danielle whose mother named Jen helped him hide in a hotel when they were found by the LAPD on July 3rd. 
Now onto the most recent event involving Danielle and Mikey, Danielle seemed to get over the forced breakup quick because she seemingly hooked up with a boy named Diego, I don’t know his age, but I’m guessing he’s 15 or 16. Anyways, he went on the record to say he and Danielle were not dating, but were just collaborating together for a music video. Him and Mikey are good friends, and hang out a lot. Danielle uploaded a video to YouTube where she and her “friends” (I’m guessing they’re either paid or her yeswomen) played a game called “kiss or diss”, where they choose a handsome looking guy and see if they either want to kiss (smash) or diss (pass). Danielle said Diego’s and Mikey’s names and said “Diss.” 
Mikey and Diego were not happy. They wanted Danielle to stop bringing them up in her videos and to not say their names. They were together on an Instagram livestream and were telling her to stop lying and manipulating her fans. Mikey proceeded to call Danielle on his cell, put her on speaker and him and Diego confronted her. She reacted negatively, doubled down and then said to Diego, “Go back to your own country.” 
Now here’s my thoughts on this, all these players involved in this game are young teens who don’t know any better. Here’s what I’ll say to all three of them. 
Danielle: You need to apologize, stop being the victim on Twitter, own up to your mistakes and be a big girl. You’re 13, when I was 13, I was handling my problems like a champ. I owned up to my mistakes, I said sorry. Saying “Go back to your country” to a boy who is Hispanic or an immigrant is inherently racist and hateful. Don’t claim you’re Spanish to get away with it, you’re whiter than Wonder Bread. Own up to your shit, and put the phone down and go back to class. 
Mikey: I know you’re going through a lot. You found your girlfriend lied to you about her age, lied to her fans, she lied to your parents. If you go through with the emancipation, you better look out for yourself, because if you and Danielle do have sex and you turn 18, you’d be going to jail for statutory. I’m proud you realized how much of a manipulative brat she is. But you need to be more careful, your stunt with the fake pregnancy is not okay, teen pregnancy is not a joke and it has ruined lives, for both the parents and the children. 
Diego: I don’t know that much about you, but you seem like a cool kid, thank you for standing up and calling out Danielle for her racism. 
Sorry this one is super long, I had a lot of time to plan this one out and I have a lot of time to write this down. 
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highschoolharrier · 5 years
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Damon Godfrey is the head boys and girls cross country coach at Holmdel High School in New Jersey.
High School Harrier: Last year your team finished 3rd at the New Jersey Meet of Champions (a school best) and 7th at NXR NE. What were the expectations going into the season and how did the team feel the season finished?
Damon Godfrey:  Last year, we felt we had the potential to be a top 10 team in the state of NJ. We had finished 13th the year before with a very young team and felt like top 10 in 2018 was a realistic goal. The highest finish any Holmdel girl's team had at MOC's prior to last year was 9th place, so we were shooting to place above that. We were extremely pleased with our 3rd place overall finish. The girl's had finished second the previous 2 weeks at both the sectional and Group championship meet to a very strong Metuchen HS team. Many people did not think that they would be able to respond after 2 tough losses back to back but they really responded with their backs against the wall on the biggest stage.
HSH: How big of a motivating factor is NXN in the training and lead up to the season for these girls?
DG: Going into this 2019 season our #1 goal as a team is to try to win the NJ Meet of Champions. We are trying not to focus on NXN and feel like we need to handle things in our own state before we can start thinking about Portland. There are so many great teams in the state of NJ that it is going to take a monumental effort to win Meet of Champions. If we are lucky enough to be in a position at the regional meet to have a chance for 1st or 2nd and make it to nationals then we would be ecstatic, but we are going to try to not focus on that until after MOC's.
HSH: Compared to last year, where do you see your program this fall?
 DG: We are extremely excited for the upcoming season. We have added some very talented girls to the mix of our team to go along with the entire group that competed last year. We had no seniors on the 2018 team. All of the girls back this year were able to get some great experience last fall in some really big races that we hope will benefit and prepare them this year for the challenges ahead. 
HSH: Do you have any athletes you believe are ready to have a breakout season?
DG: We have several girls that I think are ready to have breakout seasons this fall. We are led by seniors Emily Levonas and Claudia Zhang as well as Junior Caitlyn Joyce. All 3 are returning All-State runners and primed for a big season. We have also added 2 very talented and strong runners to the mix that are new to XC. Junior Julianna Brown and junior Margaret Wojie both have played soccer the last 2 years during the fall, but both have done very well for us on the track. Both young ladies are training extremely hard and I believe both will make an immediate impact as top 7 runners for our team this season. 
HSH: Do you have any big regular season meets your team will be participating in this fall?
DG: We have several meets this season that we think will be extremely challenging this fall. In addition to our ultra competitive Shore Conference Championships and NJ State meets we plan on competing in the Bowdoin Invite as well as the Manhattan Invitational. 
HSH: What is your philosophical approach to coaching that shapes how you run your program? 
DG: My philosophical approach to coaching is that I put great emphasis on culture and relationships. With the amount of information available today to coaches everyone is knowledgeable and everyone has the ability to come up with great workouts. I strongly believe that the best coaches have a culture in place where everyone wants to contribute and everyone is vested in the outcome of the season. Finding out what motivates kids on a personal level and trying to push those buttons each day to me is the most important thing for team success.
HSH: What is a sample week of training for your program during the cross country season?
 DG: During the XC season a typical week for us consists of a mixture of strength focused base runs and interval work. We are extremely lucky that we have Holmdel Park, which is the best park in NJ, to train at every day. I try to implement 2 harder efforts a week that involve both hills and speed. The other days of the week we focus on running together as a group at a solid pace and strengthening and lengthening the size of our pack. I am a huge fan and proponent of the motto often talked about by great coaching legend Frank "Gags" Gagliano. Strength + Speed = a champion.  
HSH: How different is your track training versus your cross country training? 
DG: The difference between our track and XC training is based around the type of workouts we do. We spend much more time doing faster interval work on the track during the winter and spring as compared to the fall. We try to keep similar mileage season to season but the winters in NJ can sometimes throw a wrench into that scenario. We try to focus much more on dissecting the different parts of Holmdel Park in the fall as well so that we feel we are comfortable and ready for the championship season there. 
HSH: Do you have a staple workout you like to do with your program?
DG: A staple workout we love to do in the fall is mile repeats on the second mile of the Holmdel Park XC Course. The second mile is where the "bowl" is located.  We will do 3-4 mile repeats at 5k race pace with only 2-3 minutes rest between each. This is a really challenging effort that we do a few times per season. 
HSH: What type of ancillary training does your team do?
DG: Our team has really focused on strength training throughout the summer to prepare for the long grind of the XC season. Many of our girls work multiple times per week with a trainer where they focus on improving core strength and flexibility. We also try to use our weight room at school during the season to try to maintain the strength that we have built up during the summer months.  
HSH: What do you think is the most important aspect of your training program?
DG: I think the most important aspect of my training program like so many others is consistency. I feel confident in myself and my staff's ability to turn kids into better runners as long as each athlete is willing to commit to our program and show up every day. If they are willing to be " all in" and work hard then I think each athlete will see tangible results that they can be proud of no matter their place on the team.
HSH: What was the most influential book or coach that helped you get to where you've brought your program?
DG: I have been very lucky to have been around some great coaches in my life that have had a major impact on me. My high school coach John Gundry, who coached NJ legend Janet Smith, was a major influence on me and helped form my desire to be a coach. My college coach at Lynchburg College, Dr. Jack Toms, also was a great mentor for me. More recently I have been extremely lucky to form great friendships with Jason Vigilante (Head Mens XC Coach at Princeton University) and Brad Hunt (Head Womens XC Coach at Princeton) Both of these incredible coaches have taken me under their wing and have been invaluable resources for me the past several years. I am always looking for their input and opinion on team related matters and feel very fortunate that I can call them friends. 
HSH: What is one habit of your athletes that you wish you could change?
DG: One habit I wish I can change of my athletes is their lack of attention to sleep and rest. I am constantly reminding them how important rest and recovery is for performance but unfortunately I feel like sometimes it falls on deaf ears.
HSH: If you could improve one area of your training program what would it be?
 DG: One area of my program that I wish I could improve is our participation numbers. Holmdel is a small Group 2 school and we are challenged during the fall season getting new athletes to join the team from the middle school level. It is difficult to compete with many of the larger Group 4 schools in NJ when they have upwards of 80 girls on the team and we have 16 or 17. It makes our margin of error very slim and forces us sometimes to be very conservative with our training.
HSH: As an aside from XC, you put on a very competitive 3200 meet in the spring. Can you say a little about that?
DG: The Holmdel Twilight meets that we put on in the spring are something we are very proud of. We try to attract the best runners not only in NJ but from the east coast to take part and we try to put on a high quality and fun meet. We are very lucky to have formed a partnership with Hoka One for our Twilight meets and they add a different level of validity to the events. We also have great partners in the owners of  Runners High Shoe Store in Freehold, NJ, who do a phenomenal job helping us market the events to the local community. 
Photo from the Holmdel XC Twitter
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highermagic · 6 years
Ahhhhh okay well I REALLY want to talk about my NaNo so:
It features ex-camboy!Will, and Hannibal, and a bunch of the other favorites locked in a house a-la Big Brother/Jersey Shore/the like, and the premise of the show is that they have found a bunch of very observant people who are tasked with finding out the others’ Big Secrets. Hannibal is the host, they’re in his cabin on the Bay for it, and he’s also the resident psychiatrist and Will Hates Him. Like, really doesn’t like him, but he’s told that someone posted on a forum about his old camming life, and the producers (Freddie and Chilton) are worried others might find out about it so he needs a new secret (as the fan favorite, they don’t want to let him go).
His secret? He and Hannibal used to date.
SO we’re getting a ‘Not together but pretending to be exes and then Will actually finds out he Likes Hannibal when he’s not being all bristly, and for reasons he has to pretend they actually are together, so you get fake-exes turning into fake-dating turning into maybe-real-dating turning into a huge ass mess. and that’s just ONE part of the plot.
Also features BFF!Alana, creeper!Matthew, and Bedelia who is another psychiatrist that gets introduced to stir the pot, and a lot of mystery and intrigue and just a whole lot of mess. Plus, murder :D
Ask me for a director’s cut of my current projects or about something I’ve been dying to talk about.
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dollhandinfection · 6 years
I want to know you more cuz I have had a crush on you for so many years
I love being stoned, I love getting pierced and tattooed, I love being drunk with a friend. I’ve recently started getting into horror movies. I really want to move out of Kansas and start a new life. Somewhere pretty so I can take pictures. I have a special connection with trees. I really wanna get a French bulldog. I’m constantly feeling like I’m in a video game and this reality doesn’t really exist, but who really knows right? Big fan of conspiracy theories. Purple is my fav color. I loooove to dance, even tho I’m not the best at it. I feel very alive at concerts. I am not afraid to travel long distances by myself. It is very hard for me to be in public. I’m romantic af it’s ridiculous. I’m very lonely, currently I only have one friend who I see about once a month, my family lives in another state, and I have no romantic relationship with anyone. It gets really lonely. I collect comic books, I have a huge stack full of Buffy and Angel. Yes, I’ve seen every episode of the Jersey Shore. I haven’t found my purpose in life yet, I’m definitely a work in progress. I think it’d be neat to travel with a boy for like 6 months or a year in a van and just visit beautiful places and smoke weed, drop some acid or shrooms somethin, make love, yaknow the works. I just wanna start living. I have been told I’m soft and smell really nice. I constantly reference Spongebob. I fuckin love vegan food. I love going to the thrift store. I’m physically clingy af, and sometimes unknowingly emotionally clingy I’m workin on it. My talent is being able to literally fall asleep anywhere. I loooooooove physical contact. I don’t like the 4th of July, or thanksgiving, or Christmas really tbh since none of my family’s around. I’m really nervous but I wanna start like going to 21+ parties yaknow, like sexy stuff and explore myself. I love pasta and rice. I’m not having kids until I’m in my 30s, I want to adopt. I want to connect to nature and I want someone to connect with me. I’m not good at video games but I’m cool with watching. You can trust me with the aux cord. I can’t drive, and I really can’t see myself getting a license within the near future because of how much anxiety I have about it. I am full of love but I also don’t know how to react to someone loving me. I love faeries and mermaids and unicorns. I am very openminded. I got a goth heart. Hmm, I can’t really think of anything else atm, but there’s a little about me
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tonguetiedmag · 6 years
music: shadow of the city
Taking the idea of a hometown show to an entirely new level, Shadow of the City was created four years ago by Bleachers frontman Jack Antonoff simply to celebrate the state of New Jersey and all of the incredible people who come from it. For me, attending the festival this year meant that I would be having my first real encounter with the intense loyalty that natives of the state feel towards it, so I have to admit that I was a little nervous about sticking out as the Midwest-raised, recently converted New Yorker that I am. Yet, from the moment I stepped off my NJ Transit train at the Asbury Park station last Saturday, I too began to realize just how great the Garden State can be.
The festival was hosted right off of the Jersey shore (which is nothing like how it looks on the show, by the way) at the Stone Pony Summerstage. As the name would suggest, the grounds were located just outside the famed venue that is most well-known for helping start the career of music legend and New Jersey native Bruce Springsteen. This historic location was the perfect addition to the already present theme that came up in everything from festival merch plastered with the state’s silhouette to constant mentions of its importance during Bleachers’ headlining set at the end of the night.
           SOTC included a lineup of some of today’s best up-and-coming acts as well as a few added twists along the way that really made it stand out from any average festival. Here are a few of the highlights:
Ally Coalition Dunk Tank:
Audience members who donated to the Ally Coalition got to have a shot at sending Antonoff and other members of Bleachers into a frigid, chest high pool of water straight out of a hometown carnival. Enough said.
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Mario Kart Tournament:
After emerging victorious from a group of over forty competitors, three guys got to sit on a couch onstage alongside Antonoff and battle it out for some massive bragging rights and a huge prize pack during the Mario Kart Tournament. A crowd of hundreds gathered around for the final showdown, yelling and jumping around in support of whomever they adopted as their favorite competitor right up until the very end.  
Julien Baker:
It’s truly not an exaggeration when I say it took Julien Baker mere seconds to captivate every member of the audience during her set that was full to the brim with melancholy vocals and echoing guitar parts. Falling just at the cusp of a golden sunset that seemed to just engulf the entire landscape behind her, everything about Baker’s performance had an almost cinematic feeling that everyone couldn’t help but be entranced by.
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Hayley Kiyoko:
Coming off of her VMA win just a week prior, Hayley Kiyoko’s energy was definitely something to note. As an outspoken member of the LGBTQ+ community, it also was obvious that she couldn’t have been more excited to be performing at the Ally Coalition centered event, declaring this year “20GAYteen” and even signing the pride flag of a fan in the audience while on stage.
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By the time 8:30 came around, everyone was obviously anxious for Bleachers’ headlining set. From singing along at the top of our lungs and jumping around to “Let’s Get Married” to being almost in tears during “Like a River Runs,” we all were in for quite the emotional Rollercoaster (pun intended). Taking a few breaks just to talk to the audience about what the show meant to him, Antonoff really made it clear that this show was a pretty special one. Speaking on behalf of everyone I saw around me in the crowd, it’s safe to say we all definitely felt the same.
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Article by: Kasey Gelsomino
Photos by: Allison Nugent
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