#i was already out of the dsmp fandom but goddamn
a-non-ymouswriter · 7 months
so hopping back onto tumblr for some lighthearted look around of certain fanart for a certain fandom and such, just got dropped some big news about a mcyt cc that everyone pretty much knew before me. which is fair, i don't come onto tumblr that much and fuck knows if i will ever (NEVER) get on twitter so it's not surprising i didn't find out until now.
i'm already out of the dsmp fandom so it's not that harrowing for me. just extremely, EXTREMELY disappointing. if you don't already know, yes the mcyt cc im talking about is wilbur soot. as just a casual enjoyer of him, i can't imagine the reactions and feelings of those who supported him wholeheartedly.
i'm not deleting my stories by the way, those were always about the character wilbur soot that we all thought about. not the creator himself. if i ever continue my dsmp stories, i'll write for the character wilbur and not the man who caused heartbreak, caused pain and more to others. though i doubt i will return to those stories now.
i hope all of the victims; niki, shelby, whoever else, get their moments of reprieve and heal. i hope they find new ways to flourish and have good days where they don't even have to think of what happened to them, or of days where they think about him and just go 'yeah fuck him, i'm living my best life here.' and feel strong for it. and i hope on sadder days, on days of painful memories, they're comforted by their friends and family and are reassured that it's okay to mourn who you were and to heal, that they're not irrevocably broken.
same to everyone who feels the same disappointment, anger, etc. of the man we once saw as wilbur soot the content creator. i hope you have a better day.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side B Round 2
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
"Two birds on a wire One tries to fly away And the other Watches him close from that wire He says he wants to as well But he is a liar"
Love Like You - Steven Universe
"I always thought I might be bad Now I'm sure that it's true 'Cause I think you're so good And I'm nothing like you Look at you go I just adore you I wish that I knew What makes you think I'm so special"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
This song was EVERYWHERE. If you were on fandom youtube in like 2016-2017 it was inescapable. This song had you by the jugular. Because of the imagery it uses you can sort of project the 'two birds' dynamic onto any duo of characters that have a tragic conflict/separation arc and it will work well, so this song in particular has got to have an animatic for like all the fandoms under the sun. You're laughing. one tried to fly away and the other watches him close from that wire he says that he will but hes just a liar and YOURE LAUGHING!!!
Wlell um um there are these two birds right. On a wire. And one tries to fly away qnd the otther
It is THEE fandom universal fit. Metaphorical enough that it will fit any setting. Swinging from mellow to dramatic enough that it fits any story's tone. It boils down to an essence of conflicted love/loyalty that You Know Fandom Loves To Have Brainworms About. Pick any fandom and I GARE-RON-TEE there will be a relationship it fits if not animatics already made.
it makes me cry every single time
Animatics with the song:
Genshin Impact
The Owl House
Over the Garden Wall
Love Like You - Steven Universe
love like you is the foundation animatics were built on tbh steven universe is like the father of like every lgbt artist it’s too classic not to win. it’s also genuinely a good song the simplicity of only piano, voice, and drums does it so well and it really wrenches your heart out your goddamn chest and bites into it like an onion
Animatics with the song:
Genshin Impact
Good Omens
Heaven Official's Blessing Hualian
Adventure Time
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
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bronzetomatoes · 2 years
hmm ok!! i can only rec for dsmp out of those three fandoms, and you might've read some of these already so sry annika :( but:
the entirety of the blood brothers series by lockergirl is ~81,000 words! youd have to download more, but its all got a happy ending, good humor even with the angst, basically tommy is the blood god and adopts sbi as his patrons and stuff (but really they're all adopting him is their little brother)
ludus by dragonire slays so hard, ~75,000 word clingyduo royalty au where tommy's a prince and tubbo's been hired as his bodyguard. he meets tommy on his first day but doesnt realize that tommy is prince theseus and things escalate lol. it starts off pretty fluffy, then it gets a but more intense, but the ending is happy and sweet so i think this works for you!
when the curtains fall by drhair76 is a ~28,000 word sbi sitcom au oneshot. they're all tv family but tommy wants more and is sort of struggling with balancing the line between onscreen family and real family. im a sucker for actor au's ngl but even if youre not, the angst isn't overpowering! its pretty under your word count tho :/
broken rhythms by areuswritesfanfic(~52,000 words) is pretty bedrock bro's centric in a way, a bit more angsty but essentially techno and tommy got kidnapped when they were little, techno escaped but tommy didn't, and now he's on the hunt to get his little brother back. its also under your word count but its not TOO short so i think it'll be good!
drinks in new york city by moonlight_mist is also under your word count at ~45,000 words (sorry i just have a bad attention span) but i CANNOT RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH!!!! tommy basically gets transported into a video game where he's like a minor antagonist and is also stuck in a time loop. crimeboys enemies to brothers pog, the ending isnt the happiest ever but its still pretty nice.
the into the innitverse series by diapason is ~106,000 words of spiderinnit LETS GOOOO! theres a minor dnf thing going on but thats mostly in the george interlude thing so you can choose to skip and ignore that part if you so wish. manages to keep spider-man's personality while also keeping tommy's in the same character, good angst while still being humorous and not killing you, definitely read it if you like spiderinnit things!
cataclysm by thanotaphobia is ~202,000 words and also it makes me want to eat my fucking hat. GOD its so good and ive never heard anyone talk abt it but NOM. LOTS OF ANGST, ROYALTY AU BUT IT SLAPS!!!! tommy is a boy king and his nation has just been rampaged by emerald duo! they take him in and its a lot of push and pull between all of sbi, things really come to a head at the end and its just so amazing. the end isnt the happiest and fluffiest but its still very good and fairly satisfying (i say this as a hater of long fics ending anywhere near sadly) and its got a hefty word count so you might like if if you havent read it yet!
half moon, high tide by meridies is ALSO under your word count at ~31,000 (i apologize) but GODDAMN ITS GOOD. wilbur's a dropout florist, techno works at a museum, and tommys a new intern that techno HATES. wilbur tries to get rid of tommy for techno but gets attached and Things happen. not crushing angst but its there and its amazing!! highly recommend even tho its like not the word count you wanted.
devil town by hooray my absolute beloved. ~100,000 words, and by no means the happiest fic on this list, but its AMAZING. not super duper sbi centric, the 3 pov's are techno, tubbo, and quackity, but the entire story is abt finding tommy after he's gone missing so jt counts? very angsty, very eerie (but not actually creepy or scary) and has the exact vibe of a tumbleweed at midnight. this was my favorite fic for so long and that def says smth lol
godling by jk_kat is ~66,000 words and i havent read it in a while but i remember loving it. basically tommy is the youngest child in sbi's god life and he went missing a decade ago, but tubbo KNOWS he's out there. using his compass, he goes to find tommy and then stuff happens but i'm not gonna spoil lmao. its got everything: fluff, angst, platonic soulmates, and magic so i think itll be a fun read if you havent read it yet!
you might've already read guitar strings and key rings are what it takes to build a home but its ~63,000 words and its an sbi foster au. enough said lol. angst, found family, finding trust where you've learned to never search for it before, the whole package. need i say more?
wasteland by empyrean03 is ~90,000 words and its only on this list bc its the fic i downloaded last year while i had no service for a week!! definitely worked for me but its extreme gore and violence (like srsly HEED THE TAGS) and its a zombie apocalypse au but it might be too angsty for what youre looking for. it just felt like a disservice leaving it out so here!
the saturday series by scumbagsimon, yes more downloading bc its a series but also!!! SUPERHERO AU!!! overdone but THIS ONE i swear its not like the other gir- the other fics its different pls give it a chance even if you hate superhero au's :( ~62,000 with all 3 fics combined (its benchtrio) but it kills all 3. angst and crime fighting and found family galore, def read if ur willing to do some extra downloading
sorry for the crazy long anon but i was given the chance to talk abt my fav fics and i also love hearing myself talk. here you go, sry if its overwhelming/under your word count/you've already read it. happy reading!! :D
NO DUDE THANK YOU SO SO MUCH DONT EVEN WORRY ABOUT THE WORDCOUNT THING 🙏🙏 you have done me a great service homie ALSO sorry for the late reply my connection stopped working so I got tired of waiting and went to bed 💀 but TY
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anonymous-dentist · 3 years
Truth in the Tales Episode 1: “The Town That Never Was” and the Shot Heard ‘Round the World
Hello, everybody, I’m Anonymous-Dentist, but you can call me A.D. I’m a history student with a focus on modern American and European history. I also have a background in film analysis and general pretentiousness. As such, I saw it fit to apply what little I know to the only piece of actual DSMP canon I will ever consume: Tales from the SMP. So in this series of posts from me, I’ll be applying real world history to a not-quite-historical Minecraft roleplay series. Yes, this is what I’m doing with my life. I’m doing this for myself as sort of a refresher course for some of the topics involved, honestly, but if I can teach a couple people some history, that would be nice, too. So likes/reblogs would be appreciated. 
I’m using the Tales from the SMP carrd to get these episodes. The carrd is credited to @discduo on Tumblr, but if that’s not right, I’ll figure out who it actually is and link accordingly. With all the credits and citations I’m fixin’ to use, it’ll be a wonder if this makes it into the tags at all...
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(Painting: La Liberté guidant le peuple) So, without further ado, “The Town That Never Was” and revolution. 'Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité!’
First, the episode description as written on the wiki:
The episode follows Karl Jacobs, Awesamdude, BadBoyHalo, GeorgeNotFound, and Fundy as they build Gogtopia, a small settlement in the wilderness of the Dream SMP in one hour. At the end of the hour, Karl blows up parts of the town with TNT and dubs it "The Town That Never Was." He says that they would all forget the town, but the lore behind it would remain. The story of The Town That Never Was mirrors the history of L'Manberg.
Part One: the American Revolution
It’s important for this essay to mention that L’Manberg can pretty easily be compared to the American Revolution. There’s the common fandom joke about the Dream SMP being Hamilton fanfiction, and that’s not entirely inaccurate. 
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(Can you tell which photo is which?)
A brief explanation of the American Revolution for people who don’t know about it: 
A very long time ago, Britain did as Britain does best and colonized someplace that really didn’t need colonizing. This was the beginning of their problems. It took a century or two to get the ball rolling, but after a series of unfair taxes and after the relative success of the Seven Years’ War between France and Britain, several American colonists decided, fuck this, America is going to rule itself. The major argument was over the lack of representation that America got in British parliament, and then over what we Americans call the Intolerable Acts, which were acts established by the British to establish further control over the city of Boston. War broke out in 1775, and Britain was heavily favored to win. They had superior troops and strength, and were, uh, well. The literal goddamn British Empire. American declared its independence in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence. This was over a year into the war, but the Americans had already held these truths:
...in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
Despite that, the Americans were at a disadvantage. It wasn’t until the December of 1777 that things began to turn around. The war ended in 1781 with the British surrender at Yorktown, and we all know what happened to America after that.
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(Map: Territorial Gains by the U.S. through 1853.)
It is important to mention that America had a couple of cards up its sleeve, including the eternally-spiteful nation of France (this is very important), the slightly-less-spiteful nation of Spain, and the Netherlands, who were kind of just there. France ended up giving the most support. It also ended up bankrupting itself, which is where the bulk of this analysis comes into play.
Part Two: France and Its Eternal Financial Ineptitude
(Note: the majority of this segment comes from my own memory, and from my textbook for this semester: Civilization in the West. It’s a good read if you’re bored and boring.)
As established, France and Britain had just ended the Seven Years’ War. Britain had taken the W on that one with its successes in America in the French Indian War (1754-1763). France, however, came out of that... badly. Wars cost a lot, and between that and the enormous expense of helping America out during its revolution added up. Add in the kings’ incredible spending habits, and France wasn’t doing so hot money-wise. And then, on top of that, add the country’s antique social classification system and the liberation of the oppressed in America as seen by France’s own military class, and you have a pot ready to bubble over.
There were three classes, more or less. They were referred to as Estates. The First Estate was made up of nobility. Specifically, the royal family and the aristocracy. The Second Estate was made up of exclusively clergy. It is important to note that neither the First or Second Estates could be taxed. Is is also important to note that the Second Estate, while being made up of clergy, controlled the court system in France. Anything the king tried establishing as law had to be passed by the court system. And then there is the Third Estate made up of everybody else in France. These people bore the brunt of the taxes. 
But at this point in time, the king was running out of peasants to bleed money out of. After hiring an outside consultant from Switzerland, he came to the conclusion that he needed to tax the First and Second Estates. This, of course, did not pass the courts, who ordered a meeting of all three Estates. This meeting, referred to as the Estates-General, hadn’t met since 1641. At the meeting, members of every Estate could come and say their piece and petition for what they wanted. Despite this, only one member of the attending Third Estate was a peasant. The rest was made up of merchants and artisans, later to be referred to as the bourgeoisie. Even still, the Third Estate was almost entirely excluded from proceedings. Unhappy, the Third Estate decided in the Oath of the Tennis Court that they would split off from the others. They became the National Assembly, and that’s where things begin kicking off. 
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(Painting: Le Serment du Jeu de paume)
Modern depictions of the French Revolution usually harken back to famous images of guillotines and violent uprisings such as the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789. And that’s not entirely wrong, really. There is a specific period from around 1793 to 1794 known as the Reign of Terror. Spearheaded by a complete freak named Maximilien de Robespierre, the Reign of Terror is probably what a lot of people think of regarding the revolution. Led by Robespierre’s Committee of Public Safety (kind of an ironic name tbh), the Reign of Terror was meant to suss out traitors to the cause. It was paranoia and panic, nothing more and nothing less. Approximately 17,000 people were executed, and about 10,000 people died in prison, usually without a trial. 
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(Engraving left: "Day of 21 January 1793 the death of Louis Capet on the Place de la Révolution". Painting right: Storming of The Bastille.)
It is very important, though, to remember what these people were fighting for. The revolution’s motto was 'Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité!’, French for ‘Liberty! Equality! Brotherhood!’. These people were oppressed, and it isn’t a coincidence that the first nation to have a revolution of this scale was France’s close ally, the recently-minted United States of America. 
In the end, though, France didn’t end up completely free. See, some shmuck named Napoleon took over in 1799 and tried making himself an empire twice, and another shmuck named Napoleon did the same. But this isn’t about them, because Fuck Them. 
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(Map: The French Empire and its satellite states circa 1812)
Part Three: Conclusions?
With all of that boring shit out of the way, it’s time for the very loosely-connected analysis of the actual episode of Tales that this is about. 
The episode summary above pretty much describes it well. Gogtopia is an approximation of L’Manberg and meets its end in much the same way. It was always meant to end. One hour. That’s it. The Town That Never Was, right? 
I think it’s worth mentioning that this is the first episode of Tales. It isn’t in the past or the future. Rather, it’s the present. Better, it’s canon. Even better, it’s later destroyed even further by some motherfucker named Tommyinnit, who can be seen as a founding member of L’Manberg. 
What does that have to do with anything? Nothing really. I honestly could’ve compared the American Revolution with one of the many attempted further revolutions in America after the publishing of its first attempt at a constitution, the Articles of Confederation. That all culminated in the American Civil War, though, and I really don’t think that this has anything to do with Tales at all. 
France and America do have a long history of allyship and friendship despite France being, well, France. (Sorry, French people reading this, but like... you’re France.) Have you ever considered the relationship between the people involved in the building of Gogtopia with the citizens of L’Manberg? I mean, one of them is a member of L’Manberg- Fundy. And then there’s George, who ended up running with Quackity in L’Manberg’s presidential elections. There’s Sam and Bad, meanwhile, who just kinda... yeah. Badlands things. 
And then, of course, there’s Karl himself, who was a member of Schlatt’s cabinet some-fucking-how and added his little area of Rutabagville to the parts of the SMP under Manberg’s jurisdiction. He wasn’t on L’Manberg’s side of the revolution there until things weren’t going well for the SMP-Manberg side. None of this is to mention El Rapids / “Mexican L’Manberg”. Regarding the original L’Manberg, he was denied entry because he wasn’t British. 
So, again, what does this have to do with two violent, bloody revolutions? Not much, honestly. This series is made up of loose connections, threads not really meant to meet. I’m a history student, not a lore watcher. It’s hard to connect the present with the past, but this episode was necessary to get to the actual meat of this series. 
Next ‘Week’: The Village That Went Mad and the True History of Torture in the Name of Idiocy
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dyketubbo · 3 years
honestly for a fandom so obsessed w defining tubbo by what ppl he interacts with its just a little painful that like sbi stuff Rarely includes him. like old content based just on the streamers sure i get it but like. by now hes practically considered apart of sbi by the others, and his dsmp character is clearly considered to be more than just "kid next door that visits a lot". before phil said wilbur was his only son he said he and wilbur found tubbo in a box and very solidly implied that tubbo was adopted into the family, and tommy being the one to ask only makes it seem as if tubbo was there first.
even without that in mind tommy clearly sees him as a brother, wilbur very much so acts like it often, asking about him and wanting him to join wilbur on his adventures. we know techno and tubbos relationship is currently strained but god they used to be so close, and even if it took word of god confirmation for people to accept it as canon phil and tubbo get along well together. people would rather believe that hes related to schlatt and/or puffy before he could be related to sbi.
but thats very rarely focused on by anyone who isnt actively a fan of tubbo, and yet even ppl who dont care about sbi buy into the family dynamic even without canon backing it up or the streamers having 4/4 content regularly. then theres stuff where he should absolutely be considered and isnt, like all the content of ranboo showing michael to the syndicate and bringing him to meetings without any indication from tubbo, whose literally ranboos husband and michaels other father, that thats okay when tubbo not feeling safe around techno is exactly why techno doesnt know, or people who ignore how much things like doomsday and dream literally trying to kill him in front of tommy effect him, or various situations where his past connections with fundy, eret, niki, etc just arent thought about at all, etc etc.
its like the fandom at large is stuck in a situation where they dont think about tubbo on his own and it gets to the point where even the dynamics he has with others (that arent tommy) are ignored and tubbo just isnt thought about at all, even actively getting cut out of dynamics completely in favor of another (looking at you, people who ignore tubbo for allium/loyalduo content). people keep trying to stick him into neat little boxes that they can easily take in regardless of how true (tommys best friend, the kid who likes bees, feral nuke gremlin, schlatts son, the wide-eyed innocent boy who cant read or pick up on social cues, etc etc), and it fucking sucks. theres so few people who acknowledge tubbo (streamer and character) as a separate person to be respected and even fewer who acknowledge that hes connected to so many people, and i just wish the kid was treated better. hes such a cool fuckin dude, hes extremely talented at so mant things and funny and charismatic and god i just want people to stop erasing him from the goddamn narrative already.
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cregla · 3 years
/rp I can see the appeal with the "Dreamon" storyline, the one where it has possessed Dream since at least Manberg vs Pogtopia. I really see it. Because Dream, even when he was against Tommy and Wilbur, was still... Dream. Their dynamic is wonderful. Fun and amazing. You can still see it in Exile when Dream is faking a friendship with Tommy in order to manipulate him more - and that's because while they're still acting, CC!Dream is friend with CC!Tommy and THEIR dynamic is wonderful. It automatically translate in us having a good time whenever they're on screen together (well... we didn't have a good time during exile or the prison, but you know what I mean). People want it back. They want Dream to be able to roleplay alongside the other like he did before, and I undertstand it! Dreamon!Dream is the easy way out of it. And I can totally see it in fanfictions and fanworks. In canon, however? It would be so harmful.
A very long post, please follow me.
C!Dream is an abuser. It's a completly different character from what his CC actually is (duh), in a way no other characters are in this SMP. C!Dream is an abuser, a murderer, and someone who did REALLY bad things and still thinks he was right all along. A person like this NEEDS to be punished (and I'm not entering in the "prison" discourse. Regardless of the prison conditions, Dream still deserves to be imprisoned) and the story NEEDS to give him consequences for his actions. People need to know that he's the bad guy and what he did was wrong, regardless of our own appreciation of the character (appreciation, not apologism). And the character especially work because he's a REALISTIC representation of abusers. Sure, he as an axe and potions and there's the whole PVP and Minecraft gaming system to take on, but in the end? Dream is just a guy. When Dream abused Tommy he did it with isolations, gaslighting, threats of death and beatings and actually beating him, lies. It's something any abuser in the real world, even without potions, could do. It's something abusers do.
To say that Dream was "possessed", to give every fault to a "Dreamon", is to erase this. Because it's not a person anymore, it was a demon controlling that person! And demons don't actually exist in real life. It's not Dream's fault anymore, guys! ("But Nate, stories shouldn't only educate people! We can have bad things in our stories if it makes them good!" While that is true, DSMP is a medium followed by very young teen and even children and the CCs themselves said that they had researched about real life abuse to be more accurate possible, therefore it's not the same as, I don't know, a fanfiction or another media that wasn't made with this intent)
And what about Tommy? He already feels guilty for things that are not his fault. Putting a possessed, innocent Dream in prison? That would break him. Knowing his personality he would totally, 100%, believe himself to be at fault because he "had" to realize what was really going on. He would feel so guilty near Dream while it should be the exact opposite. And then what? He couldn't, of course, blame Dream anymore. But he would still be fighting his own PTSD - do you believe he would be able to start a friendship again with Dream? No, no he wouldn't. And both characters and viewers, who are so critical of Tommy for ANYTHING, would give him hell for this, not realizing how PTSD works.
One of my favourite fanfiction in this fandom, if not my favourite one, has Dreamon!Dream. And yet, let me show you a paragraph of one of the last chapter (here is the link to the story, btw.)
Then he shakes his head and Sam asks the question he’s been dying to know since he first saw Dream in his little museum, “is that why you destroyed your family? Why you turned on all of us?”
And suddenly, Dream is laughing that horrible, broken laugh, one of pain and malice. It hurts Sam’s heart and he wonders if he can go back to his mother, if her arms will warm the ice spilling down his neck.
“No, Sam,” Dream says and the voice is harsh, hoarse. “No, that was all me.”
The story explain Dream's motivations. It gives him a backstory and an explanation on why he ended up like this and why he did so many bad things. But it never justifies him. And, above all, specifies that even if Dream may have a "redemption arc", it will be something personal, or connected to his friends. Tommy, Tubbo and all those he has harmed are not forced to accept his apology, whether it is sincere or not.
That's the only way I could see a Dreamon storyline in canon, honestly. Handled with care and never used as a way out of Dream's actions. And even there, we know how most of the viewers are. We know how Dream's apologists are, how everyone's prone to victim blaming in this goddamn fandom. The CCs may handle it PERFECTLY. And yet people would still misuranderstand it. I'm 100% on with Dreamon in fanfiction and fanworks. Even if you're using it to have Season1!Dream back, even if you want to completly excuse Dream like this. But in canon? No thanks no. I dread the day we might discover that's the storyline. Please, no.
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Aqua’s Live Reactions: “Las Nevadas”
Once again, despite knowing when exactly the livestream would happen, I decided to pull a Ge0rgeN0tF0und and slept through the latest lore event... though in my defense, the stream started at 5am in my time zone. Since the official vod still isn’t uploaded, I’m watching an unofficial one, so thank you to my friend Emily from Discord for uploading it.
As usual, a few things before we begin:
I basically don’t know what happens during the livestream, even though I woke up at 8am or so. Sure, I’ve seen a few minor spoilers through browsing Reddit and Tumblr (I’ve refused to interact with major blogs I follow to avoid them actively), but overall, I know next to nothing.
No one’s updated TV Tropes yet, so thank God I don’t have that as a source of spoilers. I might update them after watching the vod, though.
This whole post is within the context of the SMP, so /rp and /dsmp applies to everything under the cut.
If you don’t know what happened, be warned, as spoilers go unmarked. I’m only adding the spoiler tag because it’s within the first 24 hours of the stream.
I have a bingo card for this stream, actually! You’ll see it filled out at the end of the post.
0:08 -- Why is there a countdown? Is this plot-significant in any way? *asks* No, apparently it’s not, so let’s skip the first 12 minutes, I suppose! Considerate man lets us grab the popcorn and be prepared to choke on it
12:05 -- LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOO... wait a minute, he said he was going to kill Techno on the notification? HOW DOES THIS PLAY INTO THE PLOT--
12:18 -- “all recorded in Minecraft” guess no more real life smash cuts like on March 16th, then? also, is this a desert?
12:27 -- “the start of las nevadas” LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
13:02 -- That explains the title, the hit list! He’s got Dream already, and hence the title! He’s going after Techno... again.
13:10 -- Visiting Dream every day, as demonstrated in the last stream!
13:47 -- OH MY GOD HE’S ACTUALLY DOING IT HOLY COW (another one bites the dust)
15:00 -- oh so the torture WAS partially revenge-motivated........................
16:50 -- the fandom be coming to a halt at this... techno visiting dream? people have been speaking of this interaction in the fanfics for months. this could be life-changing 
17:47 -- if this is what you promised him, then you’d do your goddamn best to keep that promise, okay?
20:11 -- JESUS CHRIST MAN..............
20:53 -- I’ve heard rumours about Exile... oh boy....... I don’t like this thing one bit. Not at all. Can’t we just get this over with? (props to the content creators though)
21:20 -- watching this shit is actually slightly distressing. actually does make me slightly uncomfortable here in the studio.
21:32 -- we’re done, I hope. we’re done? are we done? (oh no there’s gonna be so much apologist discourse over this because I myself actually feel a little bad for c!dream over this shit)
21:38 -- I hear rain?
21:56 -- chapter 1? so we’re finally done with the prologue that’s gonna spark so goddamn much discourse?
22:19 -- is that an alleyway? with a campfire?
22:39-23:10 -- “easy job, no innocents, big reward, easy money, peaceful heist” oh and was there a horseman? I couldn’t see clearly who it is, but there’s someone there and a horse? and an enchanted... pickaxe?? and what’s that massive crackle-tearing sound?
23:10 -- someone shot an arrow and the sound stops? new scene?
23:20 -- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT RED SHIT??!! the nether?????
23:35 -- there’s someone in armour? black? lots of lava?? q, is that you in that new skin of yours? and... why do I hear distant screaming???
23:51 -- the loud thunder actually makes me slightly uncomfortable, I feel
24:05 -- FOOLISH?!!?
24:29 -- “the pursuit of peace”... why did it just blink out like a malfunctioning security cam?? and time is ticking?
24:43 -- hey! it’s morning in las nevadas!
24:48 -- SAM!!
24:53 -- yeah, why’s there a villager back there? a cook?! a gourmet chef for the gamblin’ city?
25:21 -- stop talking over people, Q. it’s impolite. also, you showing him dream’s note... that you made him write under threat of death? (oh, apparently not!)
25:48 -- *silence* shit, we got the fiances angst alright
26:04 -- “why are you so worked up? calm down” because they broke his heart and he’s still not over it, I think?
26:23 -- FOOLISH!!
26:57 -- “he’s a good fighter” FOOLISH LORE?!!?
27:30 -- “everything we’ve done, we’ve done it for justice” ooh boy
28:00 -- FOOLISH LORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28:49 -- “and now he’s wasting his days away building” no, he’s not, he’s said it’s like his healthy coping mechanism, don’t do this to foolish of all people
29:53 -- I’m with you on this, Sam. Q, don’t drag the old man out of retirement, because you’re gonna get zapped istg
31:15 -- the banquet gets mentioned!! he cares!!!
31:56 -- yes, he does know kinoko. he’s still evidently heartbroke over it. please don’t do this. why is this the way fiances angst manifests. why. you literally see his facial expression fall, right?
32:59 -- “it’s a big country” yeah, five whole maps’ worth, iirc
34:08 -- does this shit count as miscommunication? I think it might. if it does, another one bites the dust...
34:36 -- don’t let people’s pasts define them. define them by their present. and that’s to the “fans” bashing on content creators for “not knowing better” as well.
35:47 -- from one tactic from another, huh? blackmail to fuckin’ real estate?
36:13 -- yeah, that’s one MASSIVE build... Q, don’t do this, let him have his peace
36:43 -- oh for fuck’s sake........................ at this rate, I’m becoming a foolish apologist
37:33 -- so you’re going the fuckin’ capitalistic pragmatism route, I see what you did there, haha art major useless, hahahaha /s
39:38 -- oh great, manipulate mansplain malewife be on the case again. as much I love the phrase, please stop. please no. and when the time comes, explain to the fandom, the pain and heartbreak you put us teenagers through. when will you learn, that this is your legacy, your lore is your legacy. as they twist your characterization... 
40:09 -- holy FUCK he went off on the wilbur route. he took the cynicism and pragmatism and goddamn ran with it to the logical extreme of capitalism. sir... I live in the most capitalistic city in the goddamn world, but even I think you’ve gone off the deep end. it’s getting harder to defend you from the haters, ya know, as someone who heavily sympathizes with you.
43:29 -- chapter 2! oh, and I think... foolish probably just realized that q kind of fell down the rabbit hole... just like he himself did, ages ago. it’s such a weird dichotomy we have here. so weird.
43:33 -- old style camera countdown stock footage!
43:49 -- THE SLIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
44:04 -- “rest in peace Tommyinnit LOL” of all the slime chunks you could have used, you had to use THAT?!
44:25 -- “...slime children. gross” I thought slimes reproduced asexually?? like you kill a big slime and two smaller slimes are produced???
44:58 -- “so all around us, the environment, everything, it’s all slime?” “always has been.”
45:21 -- that “unless” is so fuckin’ ominous
45:38 -- mysterious dark figure?
45:43 -- oh! it’s Q in his new skin! I can recognize those eyes’ positioning anywhere! and no, I’m not making fun of your “condition”.
45:53 -- WHY IS HE USING AN ELYTRA???!!!! I thought it was banned?!!! or is this winged!Quackity confirmed???
45:59 -- *flying* *land harshly and lose half his health* “FUCK” LMFAO HE TOOK A MASSIVE L RIGHT THERE
46:41 -- sanitary conditions?? what are we on now??
47:11 -- did he just murder charlie?! canon life lost?! and what is this beeping?
47:23 -- interrogation scene?
48:04 -- 300 bones? are you a child? it’s 206 bones in an adult human, sir, unless minecraft anatomy is different?
49:25 -- slimecicle lore. also suspiciously specific denial.
49:50 -- “something about a purple guy?” PURPLED?!!?
49:51 -- “you broke his ufo” PURPLED!!!!!!! F IN THE CHAT FOR THE UFO THOUGH
50:48 -- he was about to take a canon life but then-- wait what? is something happening?
51:14 -- IT’S SNOWING!!
51:25 -- “this is called coke” no it’s not :] (affectionate)
52:00 -- thank you, charlie slimecicle. VERY specific. /s
52:07 -- “red shirt blond guy” TOMMYINNIT?!!?
54:03 -- “a spy” “a friend” MY HEART MY HEART AHHHHH
54:11 -- CHAPTER 3!! I also looked slightly ahead and is that... Fundy? Wilbur?!
54:44 -- PURPLED?!?! also, what’s this rule about no minors in the gambling country, made ages ago?
56:28 -- are they using a walkie talkie? is that why it all sounds so... crackly? the audio? and there’s the ufo... with disgusting blood vines growing all over it... is this where it goes kaboom?
56:44 -- now that you’ve said it, he’s probably gonna show up any second now
57:02 -- you get his attention... by making his old home go kaboom?!
58:43 -- he’s really goofing off by breaking a shroomlight in the wall to make a window, huh? (affectionate)
58:52 -- LOOK WHO’S HERE!!!!!!! IT’S HIM!!!!!!
1:01:54 -- so THIS is how he got purpled on his side for the banquet... wonder if it also goes into him recruiting techno as well
1:05:22 -- THE RED BANQUET!!
1:05:37 -- it still doesn’t resolve the problem of how he’s been getting money from though.... like we know it’s based in las nevadas. we KNOW. but anything concrete behind that? no! people didn’t even know it existed back then! how were you supposed to get your cash? unless you’ve been... heh... mining off camera
1:06:11 -- after the red banquet, and that’s a good question, sir!
1:06:45 -- “where’s my money?” LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO
1:09:25 -- it starts thundering the moment q gives out the new proposition. this is textbook ominous stuff. don’t make a deal with the devil. i see how fundy’s lore gets roped in here. because he has less than good intentions...
1:10:07 -- “potential” seems to be an arc word here
1:10:37 -- “if you join me then that won’t be the last piece of evidence you were ever around” YOU DESTROYED HIS LEGACY, YOU DIPSHIT, AND YOU COME IN WITH THE PROPOSITION THAT YOU CAN BUILD HIM A LEGACY?? A NEW ONE????? BRUH........ WHAT THE HELL?! guess dream saw the minors and said “is anyone gonna manipulate that” and didn’t wait for an answer... forgot purpled... and then mr alex quackity shows up and says “i’ll finish the job for you” and goes and manipulates the last minor. great job.
1:12:00 -- says the man planning to use people for their abilities and skills...
1:14:21 -- ...fundy?
1:14:49 -- he’s ready to go to bed... nightmare time?
1:15:43 -- he woke up... in the mesa?
1:16:09 -- it’s him alright! I didn’t watch his March 30th lore stream, but I’m starting to get where he’s coming from...
1:16:44 -- not only is he still in the mesa, but he’s greeted by a man who’s very evidently shown to be spiraling badly. this is NOT going to end well.
1:18:15 -- is that... a tower? w-his tower? I don’t know Fundy and his lore very well tbh...
1:18:32 -- the ruins of l’manburg... the walls... what has happened? are we still in a nightmare?
1:19:41 -- the camarva-- oh. oh. the lore stream. of course... shit......
1:21:45 -- he’s... recruiting. ‘”he” had horrific intentions despite a good-sounding premise’... the march 30th lore stream...
1:22:06 -- why is his voice getting echoey?
1:22:48 -- “if you think about it, you don’t matter” BITCH WE PULLING THAT CARD NOW. WHY? WHY. WHY.
1:24:10 -- dude you’re acting like a stereotypical supervillain... fundy... resist the call... please... 
1:25:26 -- the music is acting up...
1:26:19 -- revivedbur! how’s it been?
1:26:24 -- wait, that’s an old clip, if a subscribe thing pops up....
1:27:19 -- it’s a sign!
1:27:31 -- revivedbur ran off to las nevadas! he joins the casino gang!
1:27:51 -- the beanie duo crumbs........................
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(there may be future amendments on the bingo card)
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spacetwiga · 4 years
leave c!phil out of bullshit 2k21 -- a not so tiny post by a new enthusiast
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As someone who finds both common fanon and actual canon to be quite fun, I really think the general DSMP fandom would benefit greatly from a few things in general: the greatest, in my opinion, is learning to accept that popular fanon won’t usually be the canon you receive. Another, of course, is that POVs are golden, but with these two things being flimsy in being accepted, they are the major flaws that cause about 90% of the absolute messy takes that gain traction, oftentimes poisoning a canon character's ability to exist in the story.
My biggest beef regarding this comes from how y’all treat c!Phil, so here I am, being annoying on main side! 
TL;DR... Just because someone acted like like a guidance to others, doesn’t always mean that they'll want to be the father figure role for everyone that breathes. Similarly, pinning down a character on a single trope is wack, so don't be surprised if they grow away from it.
Baby’s first little dsmp rambling below!
(Warning: it's long as hell)
The Dream SMP plotline is not written out like most popular media. With so many moving parts in the form of daily streams and the wonderful tool of live improvisation, it makes perfect sense that such a giant cast would not always be on the same page. Adding onto that, it also makes more sense that a vast majority of the cast will be placed into supporting roles, as the story needs to have characters that serve as narrative anchors and others that function as the links in a chain, all weathering the storm that is the plot.
Screentime, of course, plays a major factor into canon exposure -- in terms of the Dream SMP, POV matters equally, if not more, too. 
It’s a pretty neat way of showing things, but in the end, the fanbase has a lovely (read: godawful /lh) way of analysing characters, particularly when it relates to how they interact with others from their fave character’s POV. The tendency to analyse things from a single character's POV is fine, but not when attempting to critique the greater whole of a conflict. Both sides, no matter how wrong they may seem to be, matter.
Adding onto the fact that everything is live, there are things that will spiral out of control, casual words being skewed and thus having the potential of a single line seemingly contradicting the entire ‘story’ that the fanbase has made. If it directly affects a fave's POV in particular, one is more likely to take offense, as bias immediately bars one from trying to see the other person's side of things.
POV is important. 
Which brings me to c!Phil, and how critics tend to ignore his perspective to prop up another character, or justify the tearing down of another.
Improvisation is both a blessing and a curse; the fanbase, however, loves to test out the latter. With it, the fanbase starts crafting tales to justify it...And so begins the mess that is c!Phil discourse.
Say it with me, folks: c!Phil is not supposed to be your fave’s fluffy father figure... unless you’re c!Wilbur!!!
😃☝🏾Dadza is good...👉🏾😎👉🏾 But fandom wants the excessive, idealized version.
-- birb 2k21
Family dynamics are generally loved for their potential for comfort, particularly those of a found family nature. Fandom in general tends to lean into them wholeheartedly, with most major bases having at least one prominent group present; SBI, of course, is no different. From fanart to popular fanfiction, it's arguably the biggest group dynamic alongside the Dream Team, and for that, a precedence was set. 
c!Phil, if he ever joined, would fix everything! All of the ‘kids’ would turn to their new mentor and everything would turn out fine! This all knowing, morally just character will chuckle at their antics and wacky hijinks will follow! Fun times, right? /s
The hope for it, however, has long since been shattered, and frankly, good for him!
To go a little ooc, cc!Phil has stated multiple times that, while he was friendly with a lot of the cast as c!Phil, his only paternal link (at least biologically) lies with c!Wilbur. Simple, right? It should be -- there are multiple clips of him saying this -- but fans choose to ignore it in their critiques, generally citing favouritism or downright neglect for the character’s flaws. From 'favoring' Techno (who, in canon, holds the highest link in friendship outside of c!Wilbur's familal link) to 'neglecting' to visit Tommy (who he barely knew, and also assumed, like many others, that he was fine), these critiques weigh heavily on the scale that judges Phil’s so called father figure trope. 
The story, however, has only leaned into (and persisted with) that for c!Wilbur alone, and adding onto it, there is an established acknowledgement from both ccs. That confirmation should hold the most weight, especially since both Phil and Wilbur seem alright with it. Even so, that familial has yet to be explored much for both characters, particularly regarding c!Phil, who has his debut (at least narratively) in a scene that feels opposite to the classic fatherly role.
c!Wilbur denounced accepting that helping hand to fall entirely into his explosive end, setting a precedence unlike most fatherly types arriving to save their kid. Usually, fandom narrative would love a close save, father and son uniting to heal and build up what was broken, but c!Phil’s entrance inks his story in failure. Angsty, right? We love angst!
And yet, as the story ticks on, the bad takes pile up.
Why? Well, I’l used to think that it is a “funny haha” type thing; a way to grieve for a character that was lost, as Alivebur was genuinely a great character. However, with the plot slowly progressing c!Phil’s story to evolve away from the ‘mentor the kids’ trope , I should have seen a storm on the horizon.
It should have been seen from the moment he stabbed c!Wilbur in the chest, but optimism is one hell of a smokescreen.
Built up fanon, however, is probably the greatest fog to ever exist.
There are lines before the button room confrontation that paint a picture of Wilbur seeking out the approval of his father (who seemed distant, at least from his POV), as well as hints to the SBI dynamic, but with the countless dismissals/retcons from CCs involved, as well as little to no consistent canon acknowledgement of this team dad role...Why base an entire hate piece of c!Phil just because popular fanon isn’t real? 
Why, for the sake of building up a well rounded character, would one place the title of a communal parental figure on a grieving father who has little attachment to the community involved, especially when most of them are too busy delving into their own issues?
Furthermore, why go for Mr. Philza Minecraft: Angel of Death, CEO of KEKW, Functioning Immortal????
It’s madness, luv, and frankly, antis cannot let c!Phil process any of his grief (or flesh out his character) without his contributions being fatherly. His role has been idealized to the point where he is not a character on his own, but an accessory to the happiness of other characters. That is not how the world works, and in a conflict riddled server like the dsmp, arguing that it should be like that is counterproductive.
c!Phil had his own shit to deal with, and as he slowly uncovers how fucked up the server actually was, he merely adapts to it. He learns to play the game by his own rules, and people become mad that he’s succeeding in his own way. It's as simple as that, particularly when referencing his initial exposure to the world he now inhabits.
c!Phil is a man who used to hear of his son’s success from the letters he received, words spinning tales of won revolutions and newfound friendships. To a father, those letters are more than enough to assume that all is well, and with it, he had no reason to check on his son, who was already old enough to be carving his path alone. For him to arrive and see just how broken his son actually was, and then, in front of faces he only vaguely knows, kill said son... There's a lot to take in.
He shouldn't have had to care about L'Manberg in those moments, not when he had his son in his arms, dead by his own goddamn weapon; his son who, to his knowledge, was doing pretty well up until he caught wind of his plot. Yet, he does.
He gives them the benefIt of the doubt, even ignoring the one person he has shown to have deep history with (c!Techno) to assist the nation in defeating the withers and rebuilding what was lost.
c!Phil stays in a nation that has seemingly brought his son right into his demise, holding in that grief to help people who he assumes have the chance to rebuild, to reform. For a moment, he trusts that the system can turn into something positive, offering to hunker down and do what he can to help. That’s the start of a fatherly type role for most -- with many expectations rising from fans to ‘fix’ all these traumatized characters.
In another plot, perhaps critics could have gotten the tropes they want from c!Phil, but to blame the character for reacting negatively to a world he barely knew, right after seeing it ruin his son and target a friend...Maybe the need for a "father figure" only stems from making their faves happy.
Characters that don't directly support your fave are not inherently awful characters. Critique based on that alone is...flimsy, really, but honestly, you can use to to show how they process things.
Which brings me to the events leading up to Doomsday, and with it, the steady rise of c!Phil’s defining traits.
Say it with me, folks: c!Phil is one of the most loyal members on the server, but loyalty doesn’t mean he's blindly following along!
😃☝🏾Butcher Army take this L👉🏾😎👉🏾 Found it in the L’Mancrater
-- birb 2k21
The butcher army arc, while nestled among the mainline story of Tommy’s exile (which I will not even mention, because those dadza takes about visiting may deserve a post on their own), allows for c!Phil to see into the minds of those who had once been with (or even against) his son’s plans. Sure, he may be witnessing them after the eve of their newfound traumas, but this is an important observation to make when comparing how easy it was to denounce his affiliation to them and side with c!Technoblade.
Unlike the new Administration, slowly dipping deeper and deeper into their own form of power hunger, c!Technoblade’s base desires had never wavered. His trust in others, however, had, still nursing the sting of a betrayal, but with no conflict in sight. He is reforming, finding comfort in his solitude, and still maintaining contact with those he trusts.
Techno's Compass, for one, is a major example of their mutual trust. Despite being on opposing territories, they are civil enough to trust each other, just like old friends.
Thus, when you take two old friends who are more than used to conflict -- one grieving and one betrayed, but both seeking neutrality -- it shouldn’t have surprised the antis that c!Phil would place c!Techno’s whereabouts (and life, mind you) over some government he barely knew. 
And yet, above all else, c!Phil starts off as a neutral party for everyone's sake, forgoing potential conquest for peace.
To c!Phil and c!Techno, it’s like fighting back to back, knowing that one can always trust the other to fend off those just waiting to take advantage of your blindspot, while also quelling the need to imagine your partner turning around and doing the same. That sort of friendship is forged through many, many hardships.
They betray what little trust he had built in them. That’s on them.
c!Phil is aware how untrusting c!Techno is, and while c!Techno feels safe enough to give his all for c!Phil, he never exploits it to get ahead, which is something L'Manbergians felt okay with doing.
They take a book out of the playbook used on c!Techno, for c!Techno.
They went after yet another person who was close to him, using their power and influence to hold an execution under the guise of seeking justice. If c!Wilbur, at least pre-corruption arc, sent letters to his father, one would at least expect some of his old ideals of freedom and fairness to leak through into his friends, right? To see those c!Phil assumed would hold similar ideals immediately skew towards a darker, brutal side, particularly in threatening others to get what they wanted...Well, shit hit the fan.
c!Phil does not have that strong relationship with any former L’Manbergians, and despite there being potential for such, it didn't work out that way; instead, however, those characters manage to mistake his kindness for weakness. They take his preferred neutrality as a way to exploit him, to gain in such a way that he lost agency...
No more Mister Nice Dadza, and honestly, he’s justified in that notion.
They’ve lost his trust, time too short to have gained that strong link like c!Techno’s or c!Wilbur’s, and with it, came the inevitable association with Doomsday.
c!Phil knew c!Techno’s intentions from the beginning -- which had only wavered into dormancy because he had grown tired of fighting, understanding that the cycle he wishes to break is not worth his efforts -- so the agreement in participating is effortless. 
c!Dream was there too, of course, but in their mutual quest for eradication, it’s made canon that c!Techno and c!Phil hid away most of their arsenal, despite seeming overprepared. They have no loyalty to c!Dream; they’re smart enough to play along, however. He was a means to an end.
There’s no lies present in their relationship; c!Phil needed someone who didn’t try and pull wool over his eyes, and c!Techno let him see.
c!Techno needed someone who wouldn't stab him in the back, and c!Phil stayed true as his hidden sword.
Which is why, as the two joined forces, ideals aligning and power synergized, they didn’t think twice about nuking the nation to bedrock. Mutually agreeing that the system needs to die, they did what they could, and they succeeded.
How cool of them, tbh LMAO.
New L’Manberg tugged too hard at the sleeping tiger’s tail; they shouldn’t have expected it to roll over.
Their openness to each other was known.
There was no need for underhanded plays, for hidden betrayals, for undisclosed words.
Their loyalties were strong.
They were in sync.
In conclusion (maybe, maybe not...this shit is long holy heck)
😃☝🏾 I may hate this analysis in 30 minutes👉🏾😎👉🏾 Or I may make a part 2. Fuck it!
-- birb 2k21
And that’s what makes c!Phil an interesting character: He tends to be critiqued in reference to chatacters who have very well wronged him, have no affiliation to him or get associated to him through popular fanon. There's a lot to cover that I haven't (from Ghostbur to the whole Tommy 'dilemna') but overall I'm digging what I have now and if I ever get more energy, I'll continue!
c!Phil enthusiasts, I hope I did you proud LMAO. It's my first forray into this side of tumblr 👉🏾👈🏾 I'm a lurker.
c!Phil antis, you can either act respectful or go argue with a wall. I got experience dealing with antis on Tumblr; I am immune to BS.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed. Signing off!
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rosysugarr · 2 years
c!Wilbur is honestly one of my favorite characters in recent memory-- honestly, a lot of dsmp characters are. It's amazing what you can make with just creativity and friends who you can work together to build off of each other's stories. So, I'm gonna miss c!Wilbur terribly, every single fucking day, but... I'm really glad that I got to see any part of his story play out.
Like. I got into the fandom in the wake of November 16th; he was already dead by the time I started actively watching live content. But an interesting side effect of this is that his revival was one of the most exciting fucking things to happen to me in the entire story. I had literally NEVER seen alivebur in action before-- only in VODs and clips and Wilbur and Tommy's official videos. It felt almost like what Ranboo mentioned in character once before-- c!Wilbur being a historical figure within the fiction. I was quite literally watching a dead president return after spending ages hearing stories about him.
I remember I was physically shaking in real life as Tommy dug through the wall after seeing Wilbur's nameplate. It felt fucking UNREAL. It's a feeling a fandom has NEVER given me before. My stomach was tied up in goddamned KNOTS.
I don't really have a goal of where I'm going with this post. I've just been thinking a lot about my experience in this fandom and what it's been like watching this story play out, and how the point at which I entered the fandom had a serious effect on my perception of c!Wilbur as a character, but I don't think it was in a negative way. I think maybe one reason I latched onto c!Ranboo is because we experienced the story in very similar ways-- actually, the day I count as my dsmpversary is, I learned later, the exact same day he was whitelisted. We both kind of came into the story in media res, wandering into the carnage of an event we had no framework to understand at the time, but gradually learned more about. We ended up coming to very different conclusions about it, of course, but, y'know. He's a fictional character with all the restrictions that includes, and I'm a real ass human who watched from the outside and had the full context for everything.
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