#i was a very abnormal and curious kid
habitual-creatures · 21 days
Hey Mx. H, question:
What’s your favourite part of the human body to eat? I’m very curious :p
(Also OOC- you’re cool have this 🫴🏻🌹)
(( gwahhh- thank you for saying you think I'm cool!!!! :'DDD I'm really not, I'm just a goober. And thank you for the digital rose!!! *I left a rose. /ref* sorry btw if this ask is really triggering in any ways to anyone... cannibalism is bad but so fascinating to hear about. :']] I'm weird so I know a lot about it. ))
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terrifiedlimechime · 29 days
basically: gravity falls but the stan twins are kids and mabel and dipper are the adults in the plot of gravity falls
as well as that, I wanted to switch the villians. Bill is human and takes the place of gideon, and instead of obsessing over mabel he pursues ford (he's twelve as well lol. BILLFORD FOREVER!!!)
whereas gideon takes the place of bill, a chaos god (maybe i'll make him the shape of the star on his telepathy tent instead of a triangle, or I might tweak his human design a bit, idrk) who's obsessed with mabel.
people always put dipper in the place of ford (in the portal) bc he's a nerd, but to suit the switch of villans, mabel is getting sucked into the multiverse!
I like to think she got lulled into a false sense of security with gideon like in the show in the same way ford was with bill, but with fashion instead of science. (like when their still friends w lil gid and gideon brings her to get her nails n stuff done)
so in my au mabel is very into fashion the same way ford is into science, a prodigy with a insane talent for knitting, sowing, design, the whole shabang
while dipper is similar to the usual show, nerdy sci-fi obsessed wise guy but nothing too crazy
but together mabel and dipper solved mysteries in california together and someday dream of becoming "the mystery twins" and searching (in parallel to the stans) on a hot air balloon/ plane/ something sky related
but mabel gets offered a place in a big league fashion school, and they're going to come and see her project for the school fashion fair
dipper (like stan) is disgruntled by the dress interrupting their dreams and future together (parallel to dipper and mabel vs to the show. kind of)  and puts his hands on the dress angrily without thinking, staining the dress with his sweaty palms (like how stan is in the show, and how ford described him in journal three: "an abnormally sweaty 12 year old....perhaps he takes after stanley")
when the fashion gurus or whatever show up to see mabels design, they see the prints and dimiss her, ruining her chance at getting into her dream school. seeing the sweaty hand marks, thinks immediately of her brother, confronts him, the same as the scene in a tale of two stans essentially
d: "i...mabel, maybe this isnt all bad...at least we can go...be the mystery twins?"
m: "how could you say that?! why would I want to do anything with the person who sabotaged my future!"
so where does mabel go to college? you (probably) guessed it...backupsmore!
she begins a degree...yadayada, smart people stuff, clever references to the original show, blah blah blah, goes to college with candy and grenda (they take the place of mcgucket)
annnnd now a scene I over thought way too much) all her life, mabel had been teased for her crooked teeth, her messy hair, her stickers and glitter everywhere...etc, and she grew fascinated with beauty in imperfection, the whole maximalism, out of the ordinary/norms of fashion (the ford deciding to study abnormalities bc of his six fingers scenece is so important to me for no reason)
she grew curious of a certain place where the impossible seemed possible...
gravity falls! (how surprising)
and what, my dear reader, was our main man dipper up to?
well, much like stan, he struck gold in sales. or...selling by yourself anyway, as he'd been trying to selling his scifi abnormality comics, board games, fact books/ something like that bro. he was smart-ish, giving lectures ab science-y stuff in different colleges, not happy at all and js about providing for himself. he misses mabel...alot.
over with mabel, she's experimenting with the weirdness of gravity falls, enjoying it all with her friend, gideon! (spoiler alert: he sucks)
but at the end of the day...what is she waiting for? she can't just...be good....she has to remembered! to be put down history as...one of the greatest designers of all time! heck...what is she even working for if not to be put down in history? what has she studied for? she has to round of her studies with a bang!
luckily gideon has a few ideas...
g: you see...what if...you built a portal to another dimension? has any designer ever done that before? sent their models and crew to another universe? think...how you'd go down...the most revolutionary name in fashion! you'd be leading fashion AND science!"
(tw: this is a trick on gideons part lol)
mabel enlists the help of candy and grenda, blablabla whatever...mcgucket/ford situation all over again, someone sees the nightmare realm, traumatised forever, yadayada, mabel goes insane bc gideon is "less than nice..." (can you tell I'm getting lazy lmao)
dipper is just ab scraping by, making money by doing lectures and the like, hopping state each time he loses a job with a new name so he can work for another prestigious college w out the track record and trying to publish his scifi silly novel thingy when he gets a post card through the door of his motel:
please come, -mabel
dipper makes his way to gravity falls, where mabel is immediately suspicious of him, checking his eyes to see if he's possessed, barbed grappling hook ready to shoot and looking very much like a crazed scientist rather then a fashion designer, and perhaps that's what she's become, moulded under gideons hand
she interrogates him, similarly to how ford interrogated stan:
m: *grappling hook ready to shoot* "HEY! WHO ARE YOU? HAVE YOU COME TO STEAL MY EYES?-"
d: "weird way to say welcome in, mabel"
hurring him in, she checks his eyes, lalalalala...mabel promptly shows him the third journal, branded with a shooting star.
m: "it's.. I don't know enough about science...me and candy, grenda, we started, i've put my heart and soul into these, dipper, but he needs them, and he can't have them, never...if he does..."
d: "god, mabel, I always knew you were crazy, but this is a whole new level. I thought you came here for fashion?"
blabla, backstory explanation to eachother (im this 🤏 close to giving up) when mabel pops the big question
m: "remember our plans...the mystery twins, adventuring in the skies, on a plane?"
dipper is really excited, this is the moment, all this science stuff, it was preparation for-
m: "get on a plane, fly as FAR away from here as possible, to the ends of the earth, and hide the journal-"
d: "wait...that's IT? I finally see you for the first time in YEARS and the first thing you want me to do is get as far away from you as possible?"
m: "listen-"
d: "no, YOU LISTEN. im excited to see my sister after a decade and you want me out of your sight? im just about scraping by while you're living it up in your fancy house in the woods doing fashion-glam shit! you think you've got it bad? i've got a MULLET, mabel! im trying my best to survive while you're all cushy in the woods-"
m: "you don't know what I've been through!-"
d: "what YOU'VE been through? I've lost my job in SEVERAL different states, while you're selfishly hoarding your college money-"
m: "ME? SELFISH? how could you say that after costing me my DREAM SCHOOL?
a bit more squabbling, basically the scene in a tale of two stans. in this au dipper isn't born with his big dipper mark on his forehead, rather he gets it burned onto his forehead the way stan gets his tattoo, mabel pauses, "im so sorry dipper-" gets pushed, the portal starts turning on, dipper pushes her away.
d: "tch, "mystery twins." how could I be so stupid? here's a simple mystery; why did mabel's brother travel four hours to roadkill oregon for her? because he thought his sister CARED for him. wanted to see him, even. possibly because he missed her. but dont worry, it wont happen again. some sister you turned out to be."
he does the whole push into the portal, ahhh mabel come back, oh no what have i done thingy. he immediately tries to opperate it, fails, blablabla. when he realises shes gone and not coming back, he screams, for a minute, half an hour, an hour, he doesn't know, he just cant do anything else.
doesn't sleep. for a long time. he doesn't really move off the couch, actually. he eats so he doesn't faint. or sleep. he doesn't go anywhere so he doesn't have to fix himself up or wash, because he feels he doesn't deserve the luxury of self care or nice food or comfort or rest. but eventually the food runs out and he decides he can't die without bringing back his sister.
at the shop, it's the same scene as with stan, "oooh smart science-y fashion person, do u give tours?" he has no money so he has to, it's shit at first but improves over time and so the mystery shack is born.
as much as dipper always loved the supernatural, he decides that he doesn't want another run in with the portal/ paranormal accident so all the attractions are fake. dipper is just as stressed and unhappy as before, but the tight clockwork of his life keeps him together. make money with the shack, save mabel. that's all that's keeping him here.
until the stan twins show up!
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homunculus-argument · 3 months
A story of how this one guy's dog almost got killed by a whistling weiner:
The difference between a great story and mediocre one is all about presentation. Today I was reminded of the time when I was around 7-8 years old, and me and a handful of my cousins were at our grandparents' house when one of grandpa's hunting buddies came to visit. Drinking his coffee with a flock of curious small kids cautiously staring at him, this guy decided to amuse himself by telling us a story of the time his dog almost got killed by a sausage. A whistling sausage.
Knowing the local peoples' sense of humour, I figured that this guy is just doing a bit, even when he swore that this story is completely true. And as we giggled and kept insisting that he's talking fairytales, he reassured us again, it was true, grandpa was there. And we looked at our grandfater who was smiling, clearly seeing where this is going, and nodded very slowly. And our grandfather wasn't the type of a guy to tell stories, he rarely said three words in a row and certainly didn't waste them on nonsense. And he, an honest man, had just verified that he was there to witness this.
They had been on a hunting trip, I think it was 5 men altogether, with their dogs. It was that time of the year when people argue whether it's very late autumn or very early winter. Stinging cold, nonetheless. Taking a break before heading home, the hunters made a fire at a spot next to a lake, observing that the lake already had a thin crust of ice over it. If it wasn't already winter, it sure would be soon.
Now this is where the sausage comes in. Innocuously in the same package as its peers, indistinguishable from the others. Warming up by the fire, with their dogs gathered around them - sitting, sleeping, or begging, each according to their own nature - the men cooked their sausages, drinking coffee and talking jovially amongst themselves about whatever hunters do on pauses like that. The man telling the story had his best dog with him, he mentioned her by name, and at the time, she was still quite young but definitely promising, and was sleeping curled up beside his feet.
And then, the sausage he was cooking whistled. The way that they sometimes do as you heat them up on a fire, but somehow the whistling of this one was abnormally loud and high-pitched, and comically long, going
This scared the shit out of this guy's dog. Born and bred to chase moose and corner bears, and accustomed to the sounds of gunfire, this dog was startled fuckless by the sound of this whistling weiner. Snapping from dead sleep to her feet, she bolted. To the lake. And right through the ice.
At this point I would like to stress that while everyone who loves their dogs would go to great lengths to save them, these hunting dogs are a treasure to their hunters. I don't know what a good dog would even cost if you could convince a hunter to sell one, but my grandfather's best dog had a grander funeral than my father did. They are a big deal. So it was rescue mission time.
The guy telling the story went into much greater detail about what a huge ordeal getting that bitch out of the ice was than I will here, but it was certainly a hassle. By the time the dog was out of the water, two men were soaked to their waists with icy water and the dog was wet all the way through. Two of their cars were started and kept idling with full heat blasting to warm and dry the two men and one dog while the other three men tried their best to thaw and dry the men's pants, laughing about how the guys would even start explaining their wives why they had to drive home literally ass naked.
And to express her gratitude for being saved from a certain and icy death, the hunting dog in question pissed on a car seat.
And that was the story of how this guy's dog was almost killed by a whistling weiner.
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rinseis · 9 months
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❥ gojo satoru is one of the most popular names in japan. when he becomes a judge-slash-leader on a dance show, he takes an abnormal amount of interest in you, making everyone else effectively jealous of you. problem is, if either of you want anything to happen, you have to keep it hidden from public eye. you think it’s best to wait, at least until the show’s over, but unluckily for you—gojo has always been impatient with what he wants.
word count. 5.9k ♱ content warnings: female reader, modern au, celebrity!gojo, dancer!reader, scandals, gojo is kinda a lot unprofessional, nsfw - mdni, porn with plot, mentions of BL, alcohol, gojo eats you out, penetration, fingering, orgasm denial, no condom was used (you kids stay safe, use condoms), pet names (baby, pretty, princess), geto sees you naked, slight action on a motorbike, mentions of masturbation/vibrators. mdni banner by @/cafekitsune :)
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Fame, wealth, prestige.
Over three million followers. Everyone either wants him or wants to be him. Always decked out in his sponsors’ clothes—this season it’s Chanel. One of the favourite faces for Vogue. Praised as an all-rounded genius; there’s rarely anything he can’t do, being a model, actor and dancer with hobbies ranging from skateboarding to professional motorcycle racing. There’s nothing that Gojo Satoru seemingly lacks.
Except maybe in the professionalism department. And that’s only because he met you.
Being the judge in a dance competition that’s being broadcasted internationally comes with a set of unspoken responsibilities, namely: you do not sleep with any of the contestants. It’s not his first time on this show, so he already has a reputation built as the strict but kind and professional judge (and also the hottest one to grace everyone’s tv screens). But since week two of knowing you, he’s already crossing boundaries—putting his work ethic to the test.
When the team he has to train celebrates their earlier victory against another, he treats everyone to drinks at one of the most bespoke places in Tokyo, holding it in a private room away from paparazzi eyes. Gojo makes sure you sit right next to him too, because like hell is he letting his favourite be at risk of some other guy’s touchiness.
Not him though. It’s fine if it’s him.
As everyone gets talkative and debating among themselves about who’s the better dancer, Gojo takes the chance to lean closer to you, his hair brushing your face. You stiffen up a little, in that adorable way he likes whenever he’s near (because you’re a fan of him before this, he knows—he can tell), before you ultimately loosen up as he puts a soothing arm around your shoulder.
“Not feeling so well today?” He asks, because you’re particularly quiet tonight, more so than usual, and he’s curious. He’s always curious about you.
You chuckle, taking a swig of your beer. “Just tired out from earlier,” you tell him, and he guesses it’s because of today’s recording. Gojo knows, of course, because he pays special attention to you.
He watches every move you make, every smooth curve, relishes in your movements, especially when you dance to an especially sexy song. Gojo isn’t so subtle either, always cheering after you end your set, always making comments that the editor would probably have to cut out most of the time, praising you with words like i could watch you… dance all day and every time you dance i fall in love all over again. (With dance… of course.)
So much so that every other contestant there is envious of the attention to detail you get when it’s Gojo’s eyes on you. They can only dream of it.
“How’s your legs? Heard they cramped up earlier,” he asks, daring to put a hand on your thigh, gently rubbing up and down, the hem of your skirt reacting to his movements.
You nearly choke on your drink, but you don’t reject him anyway—letting him rest his hand on your inner thigh. By the looks of it, you’re enjoying it too, aren’t you? That smile you’re suppressing isn’t very convincing if you aren’t.
But Gojo likes to be a little piece of shit, he likes to play games first—and he wants to play with you, because he thinks you’re oh so pretty and oh so talented, and you’re kind of fiesty too, during training, making him question all the boring models he’s ever dated just for their bodies.
Are you going to be the same? That’s what he wants to find out.
When the celebration ends, he makes sure he sends everyone on a cab back to the recording building, the residential apartments sponsored by the show being right next door to it. Except for you though. He holds you back from entering the last cab for the group, knocking on it to let the driver know to drive off.
Then, with a devilish grin on his face, he grabs a spare helmet and offers it to you.
“Wanna ride?”
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Ten seconds later, you’re riding pillion, holding onto Gojo because you’ve never ridden on a back of a motorcycle that’s going this fast before. You should’ve known, really, because what other speed would an adrenaline-loving professional motorbike racer drive on? Judging by the look of his bike, it’s probably not actually allowed to be usable on the actual roads too—it should only be driven for races.
Not that Gojo cares, because he knows he’s the best and he wouldn’t let you get hurt. You thank god he chose not to drink tonight. You wonder if he drinks at all, now that you think of it. But Gojo accelerates and all your thoughts go out the, well, wind? You hold onto him tighter, and you swear you can almost see a smirk if not for the helmet in your face. He’s not even wearing a helmet, for fucks’ sake. Just how much of a daredevil is he?
To his credit though, he manages to get you to the destination safely, without a hair out of place for him because somehow, no matter what he does, he always looks drop-dead gorgeous. Talk about being born with good looks, good body, good everything. No wonder all the luxury brands are scrambling to be his sponsors. He could probably make trash bags look expensive.
When you get off, you realise that you’re not at the usual building, with grey walls and a shoddy exterior. This time, you’re face to face with a sleek black high-rise hotel, the kind that you think probably only the elites in society can afford. Just when you’re about to question Gojo on his intentions, he cuts you off.
“Do you mind? This place belongs to my friend, just gotta check in on him for a bit,” he tells you, looking at you expectantly, as though he’s daring you to say no. But you gesture for him to go ahead, and that shit-eating smile is back on his face.
Once you’re inside, you’re met with a floral aroma that’s not too pungent, the entire lobby enveloped in a bright warm light, filled with attendants who bow at the sight of Gojo Satoru strolling in, decked head to toe in Chanel (of course), who in turn ignores everyone else and pulls you by the wrist with him.
You sit by the bar as you wait for Gojo to finish conversing with his friend, who’s sat in the far corner of the hotel restaurant, table filled with paper and files that you’re not envious of. The life of the rich seems too complicated for you. You’re happy just being yourself and enjoying trying to make a living out of dancing.
From the corner of your eye, you can faintly make out his fox-like eyes, jet black hair—he’s a stark contrast to Gojo, who seems to be more rainbows and sunshine. You don’t know what his name is, but he gives you a smirk when he catches you staring, and you abruptly turn away, embarrassed from getting caught.
“You here with Gojo Satoru?”
The bartender appears in front of you, looming tall as he looks down at you. He has jet black hair too, but he’s more buff than Gojo and his friend—the type who looks like he can manhandle you if he wants to. That scar on his lip makes him look dangerous. A white rag is slung over his shoulder as he uses it to wipe the glass down.
You nod, trying not to appear too friendly. You never know what these men might be thinking. “Yep, but I’m just a nobody so don’t worry about me,” you tell him once you realise he’s pouring you a shot.
The man scoffs, his voice getting even lower. “Nobody that’s around someone like Gojo Satoru is really a nobody,” he tells you, sliding the shot glass over the counter.
You’ve already drank a lot earlier, but you can hold your own, so you accept it anyway, with the plan of asking to put it on Gojo’s tab if they ask you to pay. You think a single shot here can cost at least three hours of your wage.
“So you know Gojo well, then?”
Admittedly, a part of you is curious to learn more about Gojo. The one every tabloid uses to boost their viewers, and the one who seemingly dates a new girl every other month, and the one everyone somehow either wants to be, or wants to get with. You included, if you’re not being in denial.
“Only as much as I observe,” he tells you bluntly. The only reason he’s talking to you is probably because he’s bored out of his mind since you’re the only one there apart from the other two guys.
So you decide why not? You don’t think you’re about to ask Gojo about himself, so maybe the bartender is the next best thing. “Do you happen to know why he doesn’t drink, uh—”
“Simple, he’s a lightweight, that’s all,” Toji tells you, rolling his eyes. “Took him two shots to get tipsy and by the time he took the third shot he was all whiny and ended up throwing up in that pot over there,” he nudges his head toward the plant nestled at the corner of the bar, his irritation earning a snort out of you. Judging by his tone, he probably had to be the one to clean it up.
“Hey, are you shitting on me to my student?”
Gojo’s behind you before you know it, an arm slung around you as his friend takes to the other side of you, showing you an interested gaze.
Toji barely pays Gojo any mind, putting away the glasses. “Ah, Satoru, looks like you got a new favourite huh?”
The way he says new favourite implies there’s an old one, and going by the news you’ve seen of him circulating online, there’s not really anyone that qualifies, with every relationship being such a short fling. Is that what Toji means or is he hinting at something else?
It’s like Gojo can sense the gears turning in your head, so he gives you a quick flick on the forehead before turning his attention back to the bartender. A childish grin appears on his face, one that you’ve never seen him show on tv before, or throughout recording. “How about you give us each two shots?”
“No.” Toji’s refusal is quick and crisp clear.
Beside you, Gojo’s friend snickers, amused as he swirls his own liquor of choice in his glass. “Satoru, stop trying to bully my bartender into quitting.”
“Then try to hire a more competent one,” Satoru sneers, Toji’s deadpan expression and Satoru’s childish one on par with each other.
Ignoring them, Gojo’s friend reaches his hand out to you, a friendly smile on his face. “I take it you’re Y/N?” He asks, and you nod politely, shaking his hand. “Geto Suguru,” he introduces himself, and your ears perk up, somehow finding that name familiar.
“Heard of him?” Toji asks you, entirely ignoring Gojo now, who’s pouting as he reluctantly takes a seat beside you. When you struggle to place it, Toji helps you out. “He’s an actor too, played as Satoru’s lover in one of the dramas.”
Your eyes widen as Geto suddenly looks exactly like the character he was acting as, his face growing more familiar by the second. He groans, rolling his eyes, and Satoru’s on your other side faux gagging with his tongue sticking out.
“Don’t remind me,” Geto sighs just thinking about it, “we had that entire fanfiction saga after that ended, too.”
When you turn to Gojo, he only side eyes you and tells you, “don’t even ask.” So you make a mental reminder to google it yourself later.
As much as you like socialising with celebrities that are way above your status, you feel the sleep catching up to you, the exhaustion from earlier creeping its way back in.
“I think I’m just gonna head back first,” you tell Gojo, finishing up your drink and getting up, but Gojo’s big hands find you first, holding you in place. It’s kind of hard not to let your heart flutter when you’re in such close proximity with someone who’s too utterly gorgeous for his own good.
Gojo opens his mouth just briefly before holding himself back and then just offering a smile. “You tired?”
You want to say you’re not, because if you’re being honest, you don’t get opportunities like this often, this being the first time you’ve actually had proper alone time with Gojo outside of your training, and even that you were surrounded by cameras watching your every move.
“Kinda,” you settle for, and it’s like Gojo senses what you’re thinking of that he offers you a cheeky smile.
With his fingers around your wrist, he pulls you with him as he exits the bar, an amused Geto left behind, whispering something you can’t hear to Toji, who shakes his head as though he saw this coming.
“Where are we going?”
When Gojo turns around and winks at you, you can only hope he doesn’t actually feel your pulse racing from where your hands are linked. It’s honestly irritating just how charming he can be.
He’s quick on his feet, the light reflecting off of his studded jacket as he drags you with him across the lobby to the lift, swiping a card and then pressing for the rooftop, the glass elevator smoothly bringing the both of you up. You turn around to face the view of the city, and your eyes light up.
It’s not like you’ve never seen the Tokyo skyline before, but to see it like this; undisturbed and in the company of someone you admire—it feels kind of unmatched.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” Gojo’s voice flows through your ears like honey, his eyes piercing even as you look at them through the reflection on the elevator window. You only nod, mesmerised by both the view and the person. “I convinced Suguru to buy this place and make something out of it, used to be just an abandoned building at one point.”
And now it’s one of the most prestigious hotels in all of Tokyo, with a view that’s hard to beat, and a rooftop that’s entirely too beautiful that you wonder how long they spent just on the design alone.
The scenery distracts you from the fact that Gojo’s fingers are intertwined with your own as he brings you onto the rooftop, walking you to a corner where a thick wooden table sits, a single wooden ashtray in the middle.
Gojo lets go of your hand to sit on the table, feet propped up and body leaned back on his palms as he smirks to himself, satisfied that you find the view just as nice as he does.
You’re completely absorbed by the scenery before you, leaning against the edge, wide starry eyes looking at every thing in sight. Gojo wonders if you know how pretty you are, if you know what you do to him. Every single time he sees you, he has to hold himself back from acting out of line thanks to all the cameras surrounding you. That, and the warning given by the producers to keep things professional.
But Gojo thinks fuck being professional, because neither of you are being watched right now, and he knows he’s not the only one out of the two of you that’s aware of the chemistry between you. Your lingering eyes, the way you always look out for him, the way you willingly let him cross the line sometimes.
Slowly, he comes up behind you, mirroring your pose, arms leaning against the edge too, enveloping you in between his body. It’s shameful really, that if you didn’t have restraint, Gojo won’t have it either, but it’s all up to you. His right hand comes up to brush against your cheek, and he can tell by the muscles on your shoulders that you’re stiffening up—he’s been paying attention to your body way too much. He can argue it’s his job, but never when it comes to you.
Even now, when he’s so unashamedly staring at how your top hugs your body so well, how your skirt is at a length tempting enough to hike over your ass. Just imagining what you look like underneath all that is enough to make him hard, his hips instinctively closing the gap between you.
Your head’s been muddled for a while now, and you gasp at the feeling of Gojo against you. You’ve thought of this situation before, of the physical attraction between you and Gojo coming to a head, but you’d always thought to leave these kinds of things until after the show’s over. Seems like Gojo has the opposite thoughts, those same views seeping into your own head, making you reconsider, and it looks like he’ll come out on top.
You can’t help but let out a whine as you feel his big hands on your inner thighs, beckoning you to spread them for him. It’s pitiful how easily you obey, and Gojo is just as desperate, your stomach being pushed further against the edge of the railing.
In spite of it all, Gojo’s trying his best to limit himself to this, his hands squeezing your thighs in frustration. “Fuuuck,” he groans as his fingers sneak up against your underwear, feeling how wet you are already. “If you don’t stop me I don’t know if I can control myself.”
It’s really unfair of him to say that, you think, when he’s the one who’s been coming on to you. Still, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying this, if you said you didn’t want this too.
“You’re supposed to be the teacher, shouldn’t I be the one following your lead?” You ask back, breathless from how Gojo’s already rubbing circles against your clothed clit, his dick only getting harder as he continues to press himself against your ass.
If you were being completely honest, you’d been waiting for this for a while. An entire month feeling the tension between the two of you without acting on it. An entire month of dancing together, training under him, sometimes with his big hands on your waist and you having to pretend that this doesn’t affect you at all. Your patience is wafer thin by now, and Gojo’s is probably even thinner.
You hear Gojo suck a deep breath before he forcefully turns you around, his half-lidded eyes filled with lust. Your gaze falls to his pants, the outline of his dick way too obvious against the expensive fabric. You swallow the lump in your throat; he’s so big you wonder if you can actually take him.
With a smirk, Gojo sneaks his fingers back up under your skirt, pressing against your clit, “just wanted to see what you look like when you feel good.”
This scene is so surreal that you wonder if you’re dreaming. Renowned celebrity Gojo Satoru who’s famous enough to be a household name with a fairly decent reputation is actually here with you, right now, aching for you so badly that he can’t control himself?
“What are you thinking about, pretty?”
His nicknames are going to be the death of you. He’s been controlling himself until now, so you’re not surprised if he’s pulling out all the stops tonight.
Your own eyes mirror his expression, the desire no longer tolerable to control. Usually you’re fond of playing games but this time you’re way too impatient to wait any longer.
“I think… I want you,” you tell him honestly, and for a brief moment you think you see the pupils in his serene blue eyes dilate before his gestures turn feral, his hunger blatantly obvious in the way his hands grip your waist, firm and strong as he kisses you, hips grinding desperately against you, chasing the friction he so badly needs.
“Fuck this is gonna be so bad if we get caught,” he mumbles in between kisses, both of you entangled with each other, your fingers grasping at his hair, his own hands squeezing your ass as he groans at how perfect this feels.
In the moment, you think you couldn’t care less. “Guess we just have to make sure we don’t get caught,” you tell him, and you feel him smirking against you.
“Knew I liked you for a reason,” he chuckles, lifting you up to sit on the edge. He can tell from the way your body reacts that you’re nervous. “Promise I won’t let you fall. Trust me?”
Do you even have any other choice?
You nod, and his childish grin gives you a whiplash. “Ha, good girl,” he praises you before kissing you silly, his one hand holding you in place while the other slowly slips your underwear off, discarding it to the ground. Gojo looks up at you one last time as though making sure you’re sure about this, and the moment you nod, he’s on his knees, trailing kisses on your thighs.
The only thing you can do is watch as he gets dangerously close to your cunt, beautiful eyes watching your expression as he gets closer. He always likes to look at you. He wants to observe just how insane he can make you feel. He wants to know just how badly you want him too.
His strong hands push you forward slightly, his head completely between your thighs now as he gives your clit a small lick, enjoying the sound of you squealing when he does so. He doesn’t hide his mirth, chuckling as he dares himself to taste more of you, licking a fat stripe up your pussy, groaning from how good you taste. Better than he imagined. Better than when he jerked off to you that one time after rehearsal. Better than anyone.
Your fingers yank at his soft white locks as he loses himself in you, groaning in satisfaction as his tongue flicks in and out of your warm pussy, your thighs locking around his neck, your hips grinding against his lips and begging for more.
“You’re driving me fucking insane, you know that?” Gojo asks, his eyes failing to watch your expression now that he’s busy staring at how wet your pretty little pussy is.
From above, you relish in the way Gojo can’t seem to get enough of you, his lips filled with your slick, cheeks and ears red from whatever he may be feeling. It’s a side you’re sure that’s hidden from public, and call you silly but you think that kind of makes this special somehow.
He doesn’t spare a second in standing up and lifting you off the edge, letting you down gently on the table, flicking the ashtray away. Gojo’s hands slowly hike your skirt up over your stomach, unbuttoning your shirt, the moonlight illuminating you in all the right places. His lips move to your stomach, pressing light kisses on your body, trailing upwards to the valley between your breasts, his free hand unclasping your bra in one swift motion.
“You’re so pretty,” he breathes against your skin, his lips grazing against the goosebumps that form. Your head tilts up, your back arching as you feel his fingers entering you, one first before the second one slowly joins, Gojo’s ever observant eyes watching as you moan from the pleasure, fingers picking up the pace because he decides he likes the way you sound. “Feels that good, huh?” He asks when he feels you clenching around him.
Your eyes fly open as you meet his own, the yearning from your gaze in full display, your whimpers are all you can let out because Gojo doesn’t let you breathe from his kisses now. He thinks you’re fucking addictive, thinks he was doomed from the moment he first saw how you moved, dancing with just the right force, eyes ogling at your body every single second, always looking for you in the crowd of contestants.
He immediately shuts you up with a forceful kiss, his fingers stilling inside you. Gojo’s eyes look into yours, a gentle dominance in his sneer. “Satoru,” he corrects you.
First name basis isn’t something you thought you’d ever get to do with him, but it’s not like you don’t like the thought of it.
“Satoru,” you breathe out, earning a peck on your lips as you say his name.
“What is it?” He asks, almost mockingly, because he knows exactly what you want. Gojo’s fingers move achingly slow inside of you, pushing against that spot you like—he’s already familiar with you just from this brief dalliance alone. “Hmm, can’t understand if you don’t use your big girl words.”
The way he sounds so condescending is downright humiliating, and yet your pussy clenches around his fingers that it takes everything in him not to concede so easily.
Thank god you do though.
“Satoru please fuck me,” you plead, tears in your eyes and looking just so absolutely delectable that he gets the flicker of a thought that he doesn’t want anyone else to get to see you in a state like this. Only him.
He plays right into your hands too, letting his pants and boxers pool to the floor, one of his hands pumping his cock, precum leaking from the tip, his mouth falling open as he slowly enters you, eyes rolling to the back of his head as you take him in.
“So fuck—fuckin’ tight,” he grunts, slowly pushing into you, your perfect tits earning a squeeze as you try to adjust to his size. Gojo looks at where you’re connected, praising you with a flurry of good girl and your pussy’s fucking made for me.
You knew he was big, but it’s so much more than you anticipated, even harder with his thumb pressing down on your clit, teasing you and waiting to see your limit. He’s smirking down at you, though your eyes are squeezed shut to see it.
“What? Wanna cum already? That fast, baby?” He mocks, starting to rub your clit. To think, he’s not even all the way in. God, you’re so fucking perfect. Gojo doesn’t think he’s ever felt so much satisfaction from teasing someone before that he wants to tease you even more. Pinching on your nipple with his other hand, he makes you squeal. “Baby baby, be a good girl, okay?” He whispers, pressing a kiss on your cheek, “better not cum until I tell you to.”
“I can’t-can’t hold it in—” You’re already struggling to think, let alone speak, and that’s exactly what Gojo likes. The way you’re so vulnerable for him, completely different from your demeanour when you’re dancing.
Tilting his head, he grins as he thinks of an idea. “If you can’t hold it in, ‘m afraid I’ll have to punish you,” he says, fingers tracing the outline of your jaw, loving how you’re completely at his mercy.
“Wha- how?” You’re quivering, your body so so close to your high, your willpower threatening to break any second now.
Gojo chuckles, low and deep, as his mouth moves to your ear. “If you can’t be a good girl for me tonight, I won’t touch you ever again,” he whispers, smug as he watches you pout, knowing he’s got you figured out. You want this as much as he does. He doesn’t think he can follow through with that at all, but you don’t have to know that.
All he knows is that you’re buying it as you nod, holding it in. He kisses your forehead as he resumes pushing inside you, watching as you struggle not to cum just from him entering.
“Oh god, you feel so f’kin good, baby,” he praises you again, watching as he’s fully inside of you now, tears falling from your eyes.
He starts moving slowly, getting your pussy to adjust to his girth, laughing at how you’re trying so hard not to let yourself go. You might possibly be one of the most amusing girls he’s ever met.
“Hmm, you’re so sensitive… want me that bad, pretty? Want me to fuck you again after tonight, is that it?” His tone has a lilt to it, and even though he’s mocking you for it, truth is, he’s throbbing inside of you, his own seed threatening to spill out at any moment.
Still, he supposes you’re being so obedient, nodding profusely like that, so worried that you won’t get his attention anymore that he guesses he can throw you (and himself) a bone.
“Mmm, maybe I should go easy on you, huh?” He acts as though he’s not completely a gone case, as though he’s not driven insane like you are. “Want that, baby?” Gojo’s fingers pinch on your clit, and god damn it your mewl is too cute to resist. You nod, not even knowing what for but knowing you need it.
“Want me to let you cum?”
You nod again, and Gojo’s chuckling.
“Still want me to fuck you after tonight?”
You nod again, much more, and Gojo’s ego has never been boosted higher. You’re holding it in so bad, clenching around him so tight that it nearly hurts.
“Fine, cum for me.”
Not even a second later, you’re screaming his name and cumming around his cock as he thrusts into you, riding you out, watching as you squirt all around him, using all his energy to keep himself from spilling inside you because that won’t do.
Gojo pulls out, spilling his load all over you—your chest, your stomach, your clit, watching him taint your body and watching as you let him, the sight of you an absolute hot mess as you pant under him.
It’s adorable, really, how you’re seemingly spent just from that. It’s even more adorable how you think he’s already done with you.
But before Gojo can say anything else, you hear a familiar voice cut in.
“Least you guys could do is lock the door, you know?”
Shooting your head to the side, you see Geto there, a mirthful smirk on his face as he waves hello. You’re mortified, already trying to cover yourself up, Satoru’s cum staining your clothes. Satoru himself, on the other hand, appears unfazed as he pulls his pants up, sighing.
“And maybe you shouldn’t be watching other people fuck, Suguru,” he says, completely unbothered still, and you’re wondering why until Geto speaks again.
“Aww, thought we could share this one too,” he sighs, and his disappointment sounds fake, like he knew all along Satoru wouldn’t go for it. But all you can think of is that he added too—so they’ve shared girls before? You can only imagine just how well they know each other.
In one swift motion, Geto is beside you, seemingly admiring all the places where he knows Satoru’s touched, his hand on your back while he kisses your cheek, before he’s pushed back by Satoru himself.
“Don’t touch her,” Satoru snaps, removing his shirt before you realise he’s offering it to you to wear, now that yours is dirty. He covers your body with his own while you change out of it, with Geto continuing his facade.
“Oh? This is a first, Satoru. You, not willing to share with me?”
Despite their words, the atmosphere isn’t tense at all, and you guess that’s just how close they are.
Satoru scoffs. “Told you, this one’s all mine,” he proclaims, a little hint of smugness in his voice. This time, without waiting for Geto to respond, Satoru grabs you by the arm and waves a hurried bye! to his friend before escaping his sight.
As you take the elevator back down, you’re still trying to process what happened, between fucking who’s supposed to be your teacher and judge in a competition to having Geto witness you nearly naked after getting fucked by his best friend.
Is this really your life right now? You’re really not just making this all up in your head?
In front of you, Gojo’s busy typing away on his phone until the elevator dings, snapping you both out of your reverie. He can tell you’re dazed, but to be really honest, he takes that as a good thing so he gleefully takes your hand and pulls you along with him, briefly giving you a once-over, loving how you look in his shirt. Maybe he should give you more shirts from his closet to wear for your performances. He’d definitely get a kick out of it.
When you reach his motorcycle again, you stop short before asking him again, “where are we going, Satoru?”
You’re still calling him Satoru. He grins. He likes that—likes the show of intimacy, even if it can only be in private.
Gojo revs his motorbike, gesturing for you to just get behind him, which you do—like the good girl he knows you are. He waits until he’s driving away before answering you.
“I was thinking my place,” he says, riding faster, his dick growing hard just thinking about fucking you again.
And it’s like the wind against your face knocks some sense into you again, realising that you and him aren’t just two people separated by your statuses in the world; that the Satoru you know is no longer just the Gojo Satoru you’ve read about in countless tabloids and videos. You came on the show, Satoru took an extreme interest in you, and you’re both now probably violating the rules by, well, fucking, and neither of you want to stop now either.
Just like he’s got you wrapped around his finger, he’s at your every command. Because he wants you. And you know that. And it’s fine if it’s just physical, because you doubt it will go anywhere either.
So maybe it’s okay to let loose.
Your fingers drop to the hem of his pants, palming his cock through the fabric, and Gojo grunts from how good it feels, the motorbike swerving a little when Gojo can’t keep control, distracted by your ministrations.
“Hah, you’re a little fucker, aren’t you?” He chuckles, going fast enough that no one can see what you’re doing, not that there’re a lot of people at this time of night anyway.
“Yeah, what can you do about it?” You tease, feeling a little more comfortable now, giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Satoru clicks his tongue, smirking as he looks at your reflection through the mirror. “Careful, pretty, or I’ll make you wear a vibrator the next time we have group rehearsals.”
You fall for it, furrowing your brows. “You wouldn’t dare.”
Satoru laughs out loud, going even faster now, your arms instinctively hugging him round the waist, not daring to tease him anymore—and you should’ve taken that he’s a professional racer before you started teasing him, really.
Daring to turn around to look at you, he smirks. “We’ll see,” he chuckles, “I’m supposed to be your mentor. Can’t let you off the hook that easy, princess.”
Of course, later that night, you’re caught in between Satoru and his inexplicably expensive silk sheets, situated in his all-too-big penthouse suite, moaning his name over and over, his teeth marking your breasts, cock dragging along your gummy walls and fucking you until you can’t think of anything else but him.
As Satoru watches you cum for the fourth time that night, he smirks, watching you writhe underneath him. Yeah, he definitely won’t let you off the hook. Who knows what’ll become of both of you once the show ends? But for now, as long as it’s still going on, he’s going to have his fun with you.
In secret.
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teenidlegirl · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ❛ 𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓕𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝓟𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄. ❜
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ❀ ˚◞ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 : 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐡
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ઇ ˚ ݂ ֹ ꒰ miguel o’hara 𝓍 single mom!reader ꒱ ! ۟ ׅ ♡
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓢𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. today is luca’s 5th birthday and party is at your parents house. all of your family and friends are there. miguel shows up to the party and everyone is curious to see a large man dressed in a spiderman suit.
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓒𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. pure fluff, family dynamics, parties, birthdays, spanish terms, mexican culture
❛⠀ previous chapter⠀⋅⠀masterlist⠀⋅⠀next chapter ⠀❜
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today is you son’s fifth birthday. the party is at your parents’ house, mainly in the backyard. all of your family and friends are here. the party theme is spiderman. ironic, isn’t it? all of the decorations are the colors of his suit and some have pictures of him. well — to you, it’s the peter parker version of spiderman. it’s hilarious to know that there’s various versions of spidermen out there, yet peter is the one.
luca is wearing his spiderman costume, the peter parker version. some of his friends are wearing the same costume. others are dressed as classic villains, green goblin, doc oct, and venom. you believe miguel will find it absolutely hilarious to see the kids dressed as villains that he actually fought against.
all of the kids are in the bouncy house. your dad and some of your tios are watching them, making sure they don’t tip it over. your mom and tias are gossiping as always at one of the tables. your siblings are talking to other family members and friends.
you are chitchatting with your friends at one of the tables, sipping a can of pink lemonade. you are wearing a white crop top shirt with spiderman’s (peter’s) mask on it, denim jeans and white vans.
as you continue chitchatting, one of your tias approach you. “mija, there’s a very tall man here who says he’s your boss.” she said.
your eyes perk up in excitement, a little smile forming on your lips. “yeah, it’s him. thanks, tia.” excusing yourself from your friend group, you head back inside the house to find miguel.
miguel stands by the entrance, gazing at the family pictures displayed on the wall. you have an wonderful family, he thought. noticing a presence walking towards him, he turns and sees you. his lips curl up a bit, a little smile on his face at the sight of you.
“hey, i’m glad you made it. luca is going to be so happy to see you.” you give him a warm smile.
“can’t wait to see him.” he returns the smile before glancing down at your shirt. “nice shirt.” a little smirk forming on his face.
you softly chuckle. “thanks. you are the celebrity of the party.”
“i can see that.” miguel chuckled. “so where’s the birthday boy?”
“he’s in the bouncy house outside. wanna go see?” you asked, pointing back at the backyard.
he simply nods. “lead the way.”
with a brief smile, you both head to the backyard. you pass by various family members and friends, bunch of chitchatting and gossip. music is playing on the speakers outside, different types of songs. it ranges from luca’s favorite songs to banda and bachata. a classic mexican party.
“your family knows how to throw a party.” miguel comments in a joking manner, smirking a little.
you laugh at his comment. “yep. that’s mexicans for you. always throwing the wildest parties until 3 in the morning.”
he laughs as well, nodding in agreement. “very true.”
you both share laughter as you enter the backyard. just as it couldn’t get any awkward, people turn their heads in surprise and look at you and miguel. they all stare at the abnormally tall, large man dressed in a spiderman suit standing next to you. since you are so short, the height difference is absurd yet amusing.
you can feel their judgmental eyes on you and miguel. you despise it, making you feel unsettled and awkward. miguel senses your discomfort. he doesn’t give shit about the stares at him, couldn’t care less.
just before you can move and walk away from the stares, your mom approaches you both.
“so mija, is this you boss?” she asked, standing in front of you and miguel.
“yes, mom. this is miguel.” you answer.
she looks up at him, greeting him with a smile as she extends out her hand. “nice to meet you, miguel.”
“igualmente, mrs. [l/n].” miguel said professionally, gently shaking her hand with a small bow.
“oooo español?” your mom raises a brow in surprise.
“mexicano.” he replies with a smile.
“oooo qué bueno!” she gives you a wink before looking back at him. “welcome to our house, miguel. we hope you enjoy the party.” she smiles before walking away to meet up with your tias.
miguel turns to you. “your mom is very nice.”
“yeah, she’s the best.” you glance over at your mom, who is gossiping with your tias like always. probably gossiping about miguel. you roll your eyes at the sight then look back at him. “let’s go find luca.”
you both head to the bouncy house in the corner of the backyard. it’s spiderman themed, of course. red and blue with pictures of the hero on it. luca and his friends are jumping around, chasing each other.
luca sees you and miguel. his eyes widen in excitement as he rushes out of the bouncy house. “spiderman!” he shouts, running towards miguel.
miguel crouched down, extending his arms out to catch luca and embrace him in a gentle hug. “feliz compleaños, chiquito.”
the boy hugs him tightly. “gracias! i’m so happy you’re here!” he exclaims, smiling brightly.
“i wouldn’t have miss it for the multiverse.” miguel chuckles, smiling at the birthday boy.
your heart melts at the sight once again. to see luca so happy that miguel is here makes you smile. the connection grows stronger.
the other kids spot miguel and immediately rushed out of the bouncy house in excitement. all of them gather around him, complimenting his suit and how cool he looks in it. they blurt out questions, practically overwhelming him but he doesn’t mind.
miguel notice some of the kids are dressed as villains. he can’t help but smile and laugh. it’s hilarious yet adorable to see them dressed as villains that he actually fought against. these little villains are probably the only ones he likes.
watching miguel interacting with the kids is heartwarming. the joy and excitement on their faces, fascinated by his appearance. you smile at the adorable sight. he is really well with kids.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
now it’s time for cake. everyone gathers around at the center table. you stand in front of the cake, carrying luca in your arms. it’s a vanilla cake decorated with a “happy 5th birthday luca!” sign in red frosting and spiderman’s mask to the side.
everyone, well mainly your mom and tias, have their phones out to record the celebration. all of the kids gather in front of the cake on the opposite side from you. they drool and babble how delicious the cake looks. miguel stands off to the side near you. he doesn’t want to block anyone’s sight due to his monstrous height.
just before everyone sings “happy birthday”, luca turns to you with a pleading look.
“mamá, i want spiderman here.” he pleads.
“aww okay, mijo.” you turn around, looking for miguel. luckily, he is just standing nearby. plus his abnormal figure helps out. you gesture your head for him to come over.
he happily obliged and walks over. now, miguel stands next to you. the three of you like a trio.
“yay spiderman!” luca smiles at him.
you and miguel laugh while smiling at him.
some brows raised in confusion at the sight of miguel standing with you and luca. some people are curious, asking others who he is or why he’s joining you. but they just brush it off and wait for the song.
now it’s finally singing time. your mom lights the five candles on the cake and everyone starts singing “happy birthday” but in spanish. everyone who has their phones out start recording and take pictures of the moment.
the song finishes, luca makes a wish and blows the candles. everyone cheers and claps. you plant a kiss on his forehead. miguel gives him a high five. everyone takes pictures, capturing the happy moment. miguel is in the pictures but they don’t mind, especially since luca wants him there.
just as you are about to cut the cake, miguel offers to do it since you’re carrying luca. you let him and just happily stand there with your now five-year-old son.
while cake is being served, your siblings gathered together towards the back and gossip.
“hey. who’s the spiderman guy?” your brother tony asked, gesturing at miguel.
“[y/n]’s boss. he’s a pretty nice guy. luca likes him a lot.” cece explains, sipping her corona beer.
“yeah i just met him a few minutes ago. that man is so kind and respectful. he’s fine as fuck.” your other sister lily chuckles as she takes a sip of water.
both of your sisters laugh in agreement. tony just roll his eyes, refusing to join the laughter.
“do you think they like each other?” lily inquires.
“I don’t doubt it. i mean — look at them.” cece gestures at you and miguel, chitchatting. “ever since they became friends, they’ve always been close. i’ve seen the way they look at each other.”
lily and tony nod in agreement, looking at you both.
“and with luca in the picture, they look like a cute tiny trio.” cece added.
“rip ezra then.” tony joked.
all of them laugh in unison.
“yeah i definitely like miguel way more than ezra. shit even luca likes him more than his own father.” lily jokes, taking another sip of her water.
“lily! don’t say that!” cece giggles, shoving her shoulder playfully.
“well, i just hope they get together. they seem so good together. [y/n] needs it.” lily said.
all of your siblings hum in agreement.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
after the cake, presents and piñata, the party slowly comes to an end. family members and friends leave. they said their goodbyes and wish luca a happy birthday. your parents and siblings start cleaning up. miguel participates in the clean up, offering help. your family likes him very much.
while everyone is cleaning up the party, you are sitting at one of the tables in the far back. accompanied with a glass of wine, you relax while watching luca play with his new toys in front of you. your family wants to you rest and relax after such a long and busy day. at first, you refused but gave in.
after helping out and cleaning up, miguel finds you walks over. “how are the new toys?” he asked as he takes a seat next to you.
“he loves them, especially the spiderman and transformers ones.” your gaze is locked on luca, adoring the sight of him playing with his toys.
he lets out a hum. “how are you feeling?” he asks sincerely, leaning a little closer towards you. miguel is aware that you must be tired after a busy day.
a sigh escapes your lips. “a little exhausted but happy. i’m glad he had a great day.”
“you should definitely rest after putting him to sleep.” miguel suggests.
you nod at his suggestion. “yeah, definitely.” you look at him. “how was the clean up?” you take another sip of your wine.
“pretty well. your family is nice. i was having a funny conversation with your sister lily. i can see where you get your humor from.” he grins, chuckling a little.
you laugh. “yep, she’s such a goofy goober.”
he laughs as well. “and your brother, tony. he’s very smart, i like him.”
“yeah, that nerd.” you mock your brother.
miguel laughs at your mocking.
luca walks up to you, rubbing his eyes and yawning. “mamá i’m getting tired.”
you pick him up and sat him down on your lap, wrapping your arms around him. “aww i know, mijo. we’re leaving soon, okay?” you caresses his cheeks.
the boy nods and nuzzles his face into your chest, slowly drifting away.
resting your chin on luca’s head, you turn to miguel. “you heading out soon?”
“when you leave, yes.” he answered.
miguel will leave when you do. he stays until you decide to go, to escort you to your car and make sure you drive back home safely.
you simply nod then slowly lift up from the chair, carrying a sleepy luca in your arms.
“i can carry him.” miguel suggests, rising up from his seat as well. he is willing to carry luca since you are tired, to ease your fatigue body and mind.
“no it’s okay. we’re just gonna say bye and head straight home.” you appreciate his offer but you are capable of carrying luca.
“are you sure?” miguel asked with a concerned look.
“mhm. it’s fine.” you softly smile at him as reassurance.
you both walk up to the patio door and enter the house. miguel following you around, you say goodbye to your family. they do the same and wish luca a happy birthday, despite the fact he’s practically asleep in your arms.
after your goodbyes, miguel escorts you to your car. he opens the back door. you carefully place luca in his booster seat and buckled him in. once he is buckled and secured, miguel closes the door.
“thanks for coming. it meant a lot to luca, he was very happy that you came.” you softly smiled, crossing your arms over your chest as comfort.
“of course. i’m glad he was happy and had a great day.” miguel returns the same smile. he indeed was very happy to come over and celebrate luca. it’s been a long time since he had a good day like this, besides spending time with you at work.
“well, i’ll see you at work tomorrow.” you slowly turn around and walk to the driver side of your car.
his eyes follow you as you walk. “take tomorrow off. get some rest.” he sincerely said.
you look up at him in surprise. “no it’s okay, i’ll be fine.”
“no seriously, [y/n]. take it, please.” miguel looks at you with a pleading expression. he truly wishes for you to stay home and rest. you need it. he can detect your aching body and the tiredness in your eyes.
despite being against his offer, you accept it. “okay, thanks. night.” you shoot him soft smile before opening the car door.
miguel smiles at your acceptance. “night.”
once you entered the car and turn on the engine, you pull out of the driveway and drive away.
miguel’s eyes follow your car, making sure you leave safely until you are no longer in his sight. his lips curl up into a smile now that he has confirmation of your safe drive home.
today has been the happiest he has been in a long time. watching luca being so happy and smiling warmed his heart to the core. miguel wholeheartedly adores the kid, like as his own son. after suffering a long period of grief and heartbreak, he finally finds happiness. miguel never believed he would experience the joy of being with kids again after gabriella. the guilt weighed heavily on him, consuming him entirely. the biggest regret of his life. throwing himself into work was his method of coping. miguel firmly believed he would spend the rest of his life working. there wasn’t anything or anyone else in his life. he lost everything.
until you entered his life. you are the blessing that the heavens send down to him. to answer his desperate need; to fill the void in his heart. miguel refused to believe in love after his greatest lost. but you appeared and his opinion changed. you radiate the warmth, compassion and tenderness that he has been searching for. and with luca, it feels like a true blessing in disguise. a second chance.
now, miguel is determined to spend time with you and luca. to be supportive and caring. he finally found his purpose, his second chance. and he most certainly will not mess it up. that will not happen. he wants to be a part of yours and luca’s lives. to be the missing piece of the picture. the final piece.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. ♡ @deputy-videogamer @kinkybandages @rosiepetalss @frankoreoz @chshiresins @topreice @loonalockley @l3laze @ricekrisbris
© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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staticofthetv · 4 months
Take two!
Favourite frames from the new B-Side chapter, featuring some analysis because I have coherent thoughts this time 'round :D
Beware, spoilers below for the B-Side as well as the manga
@veiled-bird that goes for you too, you're nowhere near meeting this guy yet
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First up, I love this chapters art. It reminds me of when I was little and asking my dad to help my brother and I beat the last level of episode 3 in lego star wars tcs
Also the chapter title? I have so many thoughts, they'll be discussed more in depth further down but they will be discussed /pos
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Numbers weapon 1 mention!! I'm very excited to (hopefully) get more lore about it. Although I am curious if it's like a contact lens or something, I thought it was closer to a surgical implant or maybe some weird side effect from using numbers weapon 1. Mostly because I don't think he's been drawn with normal eyes yet in the manga (at least from what I remember)
Either way very much hoping we get some more numbers weapon 1 lore in this :)
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This whole scene but specifically "what good does a test proving I'm abnormal do" hits so hard, especially as someone diagnosed with ADHD in my late teens. Having that feeling of there's something wrong with me for so long and being brushed off every time because I didn't act like the stereotypical 10 year old boy with severe ADHD (a psychiatrist literally told me and my mum i probably had adhd but she wouldnt diagnose me,) I did start to kind of give up on ever figuring it out.
Narumi was incredibly relatable to me in the main manga (not because I'm a badass, I'm very lame lmao) because of the behaviours he exhibits, hyperfocusing on games, constant dopamine seeking (through videogames and online shopping,) needing to be fiddling with something to better process the information being given out, etc.
Narumi is also incredibly smart, its stated explicitly that he got top scores in the entrance exam and I can't imagine those tests are anywhere near easy. It gives neurodivergent kid being told they just need to apply themselves to do better in school/make friends/just function in a neurotypical way in general.
This also comes from his being kicked out of several orphanages, and then even after joining the defence force (especially after being told by Isao that they take anyone that can show skills and results) getting kicked out by the second division and every platoon in the first until he ends up under hasegawa. Considering the title too this is 100% supposed to read as the classic "troubled kid" (many of which are neurodivergent) that not many are willing to put effort into helping. Isao is giving him a way out of the life of having no home to go back to, only to be struck with the threat of getting kicked out once again a year later. Narumi is a very skilled and capable fighter and no one in their right mind would argue with that and it once again all comes down to being labelled as too difficult, hard to work with, never paying attention
This chapter just hits so close to home with me
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Baby Mina!! I know there's a decent amount if it in the manga but it's still weird to see her with short hair. I love her so much
There are many more words of appreciation I have but all thought went into dissecting Narumi's character lol
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And so being kicked around by hasegawa begins
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I love his face here, top tier expression
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And here we see Isao solidifying the thought of skill and results being all that matters, there's no way Isao was going to let Narumi get kicked out, especially not after showing aptitude for handling numbers weapon 1. I like to think at this point he does also care for Narumi, I think he sees a lot of Kikoru (or what she could be) in him and especially he sees himself in Narumi. And even though he's only ranked captain Isao would clearly fight to keep Narumi on the force (he probably already had to for Narumi to get transferred to the first division instead of just being dropped when he didn't mesh with the second)
This is also the beginning of Isao and Narumi's mentor/mentee relationship, Isao knows exactly how to handle Narumi and his child prodigy-ness and help him reach his potential as a defence force officer. I think that's part of why Isao shows little care for how Narumi handles himself when off duty, it may be that he knows he can't change Narumi in that way, it may be that he himself just doesn't care for all the professional decorum, either way Isao plays the very important role of being Narumi's main support while he's in the defence force (until Isao dies anyway, whoops.) Narumi needed a space where he could not only be himself but be accepted for it and have the trust of his peers and superiors that he would get the job done when he needs to, and whether it was on purpose or not Isao provided exactly that for him.
This also ties back into the earlier ramble about Narumi being the typical undiagnosed neurodivergent "troubled kid"
(Also the origin of what Narumi says to Kikoru ~9 years in the future :D)
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Omg jaeger is canon? Kaiju no. 8 and pacific rim crossover when? /j
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Another interesting tidbit about Narumi is his self confidence, he knows he's capable and isn't afraid to tell people that. He says playing support is annoying but what I see is someone that knows he can do better placed somewhere else and has decided to take that into his own hands. He won't get kicked out of the defense force but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets into a shit ton of trouble for taking Isao's words to heart and disregarding his orders, even though I do think he'll be an asset to the battle and perform better being closer to the front lines.
Poor hasegawa has his work cut out for him keeping Narumi in check (a captain and vice-captain match made in hell)
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smolbonbon · 3 months
I believe Old Moon is underestimating Nexus
Long ramble
Sure Moon easily reached the goals that Nexus took a longer time but I think that's because Nexus is still young and doesn't have as many experience as him.
Hear me out every of the animatronics from TSAMS, LAES and MAFS went through a kid-to-adult phase ish (aside from Puppet and Foxy)
Sun used to be the silly, energetic and optimistic animatronic. But as time went by he changed to be less energetic or optimistic and understood the world isn't always working out for the better. Sure trauma is also playing a big part in how he or the others behave now but I'm pretty sure it's also he grew up. Moon used to be also very energetic, fascinated and curious by the abnormalities.
(I mean he still is but way less than he used to if you compare it to the episode "When Sun and Moon first separated in Vrchat")
Similar thing with Lunar, Earth and Monty. (But I'm a bit too lazy to go into that)
My point is Nexus is still very young but his identity was always to prove and be the better version of his past self. He couldn't really do anything without the fear of being like OG Moon. People looked at him and only saw the bad shadow of OG Moon and I'm sure at some point he had enough of trying to prove himself. To fix the problems of someone who had the same name as him.
Many things NM did were for the family and he rarely got a thank you or was appreciated. And when he finally broke due the pressure/expectations everyone put on him, he fell into a deep hole of depression, psychosis and identity/existential crisis.
Well and there's Dark Sun he reached out his hand to help NM who was abandoned and hated by his family. (Understandable dealing with the consequences of his actions)
Dark Sun lets Nexus choose his own identity and gives him the freedom to experience. Dark Sun even immediately accepted his name without laughing at him or giving his opinion to it. (Let the teenager run free lmao) It's probably because Dark Sun is manipulating him but in Nexus eyes he finally has someone who is supporting him and doesn't judge him.
Nexus doesn't suffer from the pressure and expectations to be the better version. Everyone already sees him as the evil guy so why prove it otherwise?
I have the feeling that Nexus is gonna show Moon he isn't as incapable as Moon keeps saying.
"I'm not holding myself back anymore, Moon~"
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meanscarletdeceiver · 4 months
was rereading some of your Ao3 work and had a thought, if Nobby, or any preserved engine for that matter went the way of "passing on" i.e the face fading away as mentioned in "Departure", do you reckon they'd be kept around, or would they be scrapped? I'm not majorly active on Tumblr so apologises if this has been answered somewhere that I've missed, but I was curious.
That's an interesting question (though repeats are fine, dw)! My fics are never necessarily in the same universe unless noted, and for the Nobbyverse in particular I really did remake my mental image of the TTTE world from the ground up - I've never considered 'departure' in the context of that series (excepting only that I supposed poor 115's spirit would have passed on after being buried and abandoned) - so for me this is a new angle to examine.
And I'm cackling a little up my sleeve, because this actually sounds like a great plot set-up… if you own a preserved engine and its spirit has 'passes on,' you've probably fucked up, and very publicly too.
A preserved engine whose animation faded away would lose a great deal of its appeal for the public. I generally suppose that engine sapience has become rarer and rarer over the years of mass-production and cheap-ass maintenance, so in-universe part of the glamour associated with 'the old days' is that people yearn for the times when trains were alive. You go to a transport museum in part to show your kids what a talking vehicle is like because most kids don't meet them anywhere else.
Furthermore, although the general public could certainly get used to visiting 'dead' engines, just like seeing dinosaur skeletons... they aren't used to it because unalive preserved engines are almost unheard-of. Engine spirits 'depart', not out of any old unhappiness but specifically because they believe that they are no longer needed in this world. An engine who knows that they are being preserved for posterity is wildly unlikely to believe that.
But I'm sure it happens, especially for the sort of engines sitting in storage for years on end, waiting for some sort of overhaul or opportunity. However even in those cases it really doesn't take that much care to avoid a 'departure' - machines are like camels when it comes to attention! They are hugely inclined to err on the side of believing they matter to humans. So long as someone visits them regularly with assurance and keeps 'em clean and dry, they are capable of waiting in readiness for quite a long time.
So the norm is that engines are preserved alive and stay alive. Any 'departure' is so abnormal that rail enthusiasts would be pissed. Questions Will Be Asked. Either some heads or gonna roll, or the owning institution's name is going to be mud among railfans.
Thus, if I'm in charge of the York Railway Museum and my staff reports one morning that Coppernob's soul seems to have 'passed on' in the night, I'm gonna be in panic mode.
Which, even as I type this and you read it, we both know means that Nobby has definitely faked them out at some point or another.
If an engine has really 'departed,' however, I expect they're immediately tarp'd ("she's, errm - she's having a nap! 🙃 ") and moved into storage a.s.a.p., where either attempts are made to coax their spirit back, or else the owners hope that the public eventually forgets about them. There are still people who would be interested even in the lifeless body, but too bad for them, they will have a hell of a time ever seeing it now because things will usually be so lock-and-key.
And that brings us to Boxhill, maybe… (? 🤔)
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just-jordie-things · 10 months
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Megumi never found out why or when he got here. He just remembered that he got knocked out during a battle, and that he woke up in another world, one where curses Never existed.
It wasn't the strangest part yet, because somehow he wasn't living in Japan anymore. He lived overseas.
Now, he was just a normal student, not a sorcerer, not anything he was before.
But life was just as hellish in this world as it was in the one he came from.
Megumi knew what other people said behind his back.
"Asian kid"
And so on. That was, until one day, you walked up to him. You were the first one to act kindly around him.
Needless to say, he grew quite fond of you.
You spent hours talking togheter, and Megumi couldn't help the feeling he got each time you talked about your passions and hobbies.
The way your eyes sparkled, the excitement bubbling in your voice, the energy that bursted out of you.
He couldn't help but feel jealous.
Because, apart from sorcery, he never had any hobbies, or passion.
He never had time to think about that.
Megumi never realised how abnormal his life actually was, how many experiences he never got to experience, how much there was still to discover for him.
Until one day, where his world literally came crushing down.
You were talking to him like usual, when you brought up the argument of a new manga you were reading.
"It's called Jujutstu Kaisen if you're interested, it's really good".
"Yeah. Jujutsu Kaisen. I can lend you the first volume if you want."
Megumi stared at the volume in his hands, completely frozen in place.
There was no fucking way.
He then realised. There was a connection between the two worlds he had lived in.
In one of those, his life was a fucking manga.
His whole world. His friends. His life.
It was all the imagination of someone else.
A lie.
"Megumi? You fine? You look like you just saw a ghost or something."
Your words snapped him back to reality.
"Yeah, I'm fine" he muttered.
"I'ts just that I never thought you would have read this"
"You know jujutstu?"
You paused for a second, surprised by his answer.
"Soooo.... What's your fave? Y'know, your favourite character".
What was he supposed to say?
Megumi stayed silent for a bit, before answering: " No one in particular. Yours?"
He couldn't deny that he was curious.
It was probably Gojo, or Geto.
"Me? Megumi, hands down"
Megumi froze in place. He was your favourite character. He was actually loved by someone.
"Why do you like him"
"Let's see..." You began " First of all, you can't deny it, he's Hella gorgeous. Like, dude is just too handsome to resist. His techniques are badass. And his personality and character development are amazing."
".... Really?..." His voice was almost whisper.
"I never met someone that liked Megumi before..." He then said.
"Really? He's pretty popular. Of course, not on Gojo levels, but still."
Right then, a new strange feeling blossomed in Megumi's chest.
People actually liked him. He made people happy.
But maybe it felt so good because he knew that you liked him.
He wasn't a hero. He wasn't even a sorcerer anymore.
But he never expected to be an idol to someone.
He never expected people from another world to love him.
Seeing you, right now, as you talked about why you loved him, was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Even though you will never know who he truly is.
Here it is! My second Megumi one shot.
It is based on one of my previous brainrots.
Hope you like it!
love this so so much. comforting my comfort character is just so fluffy it's making my insides turn into cotten hehe
very well done thank you for sharing with us!! so sweet!!
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eriexplosion · 5 months
Getting my finale predictions in before it airs.
Things I'm reasonably sure will happen:
Zillo Beast attack (obviously)
Emerie redemptive death (I don't want this to happen but I feel like she's got a lot to make up for and not much time)
I still don't think we're getting main character deaths, for a variety of factors (a big one being that Omega is worried about getting people killed and so more of her family dying to save her from a situation she put herself in would just validate that)
Continuation of that, Omega will demonstrate her character growth and play a big role in saving one of the batch, probably through some last minute connection with the force
Still think Tech is CX-2 we spent too much time on him this season for him to be irrelevant and no one else will have equal impact on the whole batch, especially Omega. Bringing him back will finally unite the batch and through that get them to a point where they can finally win something. This also pulls together the theme we've touched on this season that people can change no matter how far gone.
Things I just suspect/want:
Crosshair knows Tech is CX-2 and that's what he's been so cagey about. We know about the torture on Tantiss, we know they tried to turn him into a CX, but he still feels like he's holding something big back.
Couple other theories on CX-Tech: has all his limbs but his eyes are cybernetic having been damaged by his goggles, Phee brings back the line "better late than dead" because it feels like one just written to be a callback
Hemlock will survive the batch but all his research will be destroyed so he actually ends up killed by Palpatine for failing him in one last creepy appearance
Rampart betrays the batch and gets one last amazing scream in when the Zillo beast eats him. (Alternate possibility: he survives but is trapped alone on Wayland. In the distance we hear the Beasts. Maybe the Empire will bother to rescue him in 30 rotations. But probably not.)
The Commandos feel abnormally loyal to Hemlock so I'm curious if they're still chipped in some way - if they are, then maybe if they're unchipped they could start reforming Rex's resistance cell?
The batch helps to establish the path with the first people helped by it being our four force sensitive kids, which let's them leave soldiering behind while still actively resisting the Empire
Omega is given the choice to train in the force but actively decides that she would rather stay with her family, giving her a smaller and quieter future but one very in line with her character.
My biggest reason for having a pretty hopeful outlook is that a story needs both high and low points - we've definitely had MAJOR low points, especially in both the previous finales, but we've never really had a big win. Just little ones, small successes along the way but never anything that compares to the losses. If we get another big loss then the story stays flat, nothing ever Peaks and every single season ends on the same tone of loss. Three seasons of slogging towards a sad ending is a hell of a hard sell, especially since it doesn't really show Omega's growth.
She lost Kamino and Crosshair (again) in Return to Kamino. AZI sacrificed himself for her and only survived at all because someone else stepped in. She lost Tech in Plan 99, sacrificing himself for her again and she can't do anything about it.
So season three, do we really need to see her lose again? This time actively because of a choice she made? Does that show us anything about her growth? Or would her being Key to successfully not only getting everyone out alive (remember they're only there right now because of her) but in being able to bring Tech home and, for the first time all series, make their family whole?
This season has been sad, but it's also been about healing the scars of past seasons. Just look at Crosshair's arc. And CX-Tech brings us up to the biggest scar, the one that we've made no progress on healing, the one thing keeping them from being complete. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but there's simply too much pointing to it for me to think anything else.
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agro-carnist · 2 years
Now that I'm slightly less in the spotlight, I'd like to talk about what has been going on and give my side. I'm sure you've all seen what has been said about me, but in case you haven't, this will include a discussion about zoophilia, zoosadism, pedophilia, and taboo kink/fetish.
I've taken several days to write this because I needed to clear my head so I could write something concise. I did not want to immediately write something too quickly that I couldn't think through.
I don't expect anyone to completely understand me or totally agree with my opinions, but I am writing this with full sincerity. I'd just like a little bit of faith when you read this. My positions are based on the science that I read, and I try to be someone that sticks to the side of evidence, not one of pure feelings or assumptions or what we think is common sense, even when it is difficult to understand or seems counterintuitive. I've always preached this principle on here, so I hope you all feel the same way. I ask that you read this with that in mind. Even if you don't reach the same conclusion as me, consider what I say and what I give with good faith.
All linked sources with restricted access can be read by copy/pasting the url or title into sci-hub
First, that twitter account is mine. The art contained on the twitter account is mine. Yes it is graphic. No I am not a zoophile, zoosadist, or pedophile. I understand this kind of art is disgusting and/or disturbing to many people. That is why I kept it on an account specifically for this kind of extreme art. It is why I don't advertise it. I am not secretive about my kinks/fetishes - I enjoy things like gore, noncon, and animal characters - but I know when and where these kinds of things are appropriate. Some of my art is not meant for a general audience. I won't advertise it to anyone and everyone to see because it can be upsetting to most people. That's also why I give plenty of content warnings and include the twitter censor that blurs the image and you have to click 'show' on to see. And that's why I believe posting screenshots of this material with my username, showing everyone exactly where to go to find this content, is irresponsible. I know the people that posted it think they're doing a service, but this is how children find content they shouldn't see. Callouts are how people find things they otherwise would never see. I, personally, don't think calling people out this way helps kids. I think it does more harm than good. My twitter was public but is now private because I don't want curious minors to look me up and look at what is on the account.
I understand that it can be hard to know why someone would enjoy erotic art of violence between animal characters without being a zoophile/zoosadist. But there are many reasons people enjoy taboo erotica without desiring it in the real world. About half of people experience paraphilic sexual fantasies, and the fantasies alone are not indicative of pathology. Deviant sexual fantasies are, in fact, "within the normal realm of human experience." There is little evidence that fantasy alone means someone wants to or will commit a sexual offense. Forced sex fantasies are extremely common. Violent sexual fantasies are not abnormal. Sex therapists and educators acknowledge that fantasies are not necessarily repressed desires. Sexual fantasy is not sexual desire. It's ok for our sexual interests to not reflect our moral code. Often taboo sexual fantasies are a way to explore how we feel about things, like repulsion. Humans are curious animals. We have morbid curiosities. Fantasies can be a way to experience something that would be immoral to act upon.
Why I am into taboo kink is hard to explain, and a lot of it I don't understand myself - human minds are very complex - but I can try to explain some of it. I enjoy exploring the darker parts of humanity. We're still animals and that means we still hold onto aspects that don't align with our morals. We have morbid curiosities. When we pass by a car crash, we want to see it, or when someone tells us something disturbing is spreading on the internet, we take interest in what it could be. Art is a way to fulfill that curiosity without any victims. Another thing is that it can be fun or therapeutic to imagine yourself in situations of bodily harm. That's probably confusing, but I like to explore what my body looks like on the inside, or what it would feel like to experience certain physical traumas, without the threat of dying. Fear and arousal are closely intertwined. The animal characters I draw are also very far removed from real world animals. They are sapient and behave very human. To me the only difference between them and an anthro furry character is the number of legs they walk on and the lack of clothes.
Because I draw this kind of content, many people are claiming that I am faking having ZOCD and my intrusive thoughts, or that my intrusive thoughts have turned into wanted thoughts. They say that if I really was distressed by these thoughts, I wouldn't engage with them through art. But my intrusive thoughts are about real people and animals. I do not have intrusive thoughts about characters. I watch movies and read books with murder, kidnapping, torture, disease, and freak accidents and enjoy these pieces of media. This does not negate the fact that I have intrusive thoughts about these things or the distress I feel regarding them. Someone getting hurt in a movie does not distress me. My intrusive thoughts include ideas of me or a loved one getting hurt, or me suddenly hurting someone. Intrusive thoughts target your fears and your morals. They make you question who you are as a person. That's why thoughts of real world violence are so distressing and depictions of violence in media are (usually) not. I fear losing someone I love, I fear losing a part of my mind or body, I fear losing control of my humanity and hurting someone, I fear loss of inhibition that makes me do things I wouldn't otherwise do. I don't fear hurting a character or a character doing a bad thing to another character. When I'm obsessing and becoming paranoid it's not over things that happen in fictional worlds. My therapist doesn't have to reassure me that I'll be ok if something bad happens in that fictional world. She does have to reassure me that the world isn't out to get me and that I don't have to act on a thought. Others with OCD might find media that resembles the content of their intrusive thoughts triggering, and that's normal, but not everyone will react the same. Not everyone copes with their mental illnesses the same way or has the same triggers. Most violent depictions just don't garner that same reaction from me because I don't have any moral qualms with fake people or animals getting hurt since they aren't real victims. It doesn't attack my moral beliefs that way. It may be upsetting to see, but doesn't make me fear for my or others' safety.
I love horror movies and haunted houses. I love the adrenaline and fear I experience during them. But I still metaphorically shit my pants at the thought of an actual serial killer stalking me and jumping out of a hiding spot. The difference is that the former exists in a safe space that I can leave and where I know it's a script. How I feel about a scenario in fiction does not dictate how I feel about it happening in the real world. To tell me that I don't actually have the disorder that I've been diagnosed with is extremely upsetting. So is to tell me I'm hiding secret bloodthirsty desires behind a mental illness or that I'm making OCD look bad by not having a moral conundrum about fake people or animals being hurt. I especially don't appreciate people that don't have OCD preaching about what "real" intrusive thoughts are or what I should or should not be doing while having OCD. The things that have been said to or about me have been undeniably ableist. And the distress that has caused me has just been brushed aside because I don't adhere to what people think I as a person with OCD "should" act like. I feel like I'm not being granted agency over my own experiences.
I am even being compared to some of the worst people like Kero the wolf or HypnotistSappho. I hope you believe me when I say that is truly disgusting and offensive. These were the kinds of people that belonged to groups for sharing material of real animals being tortured for sexual pleasure, or tried to start an organization to promote bestiality, or openly promoted zoophilia and pedophilia as normal sexual orientations, or actively abused children and animals. I have not done anything like that. My artistic expression is nothing like their real world, extensive and widespread levels of abuse. I am so offended that I'd spend years spreading animal welfare advocacy, including explicitly anti-bestiality rhetoric, only to be lumped in with monsters, like my art erases all the work I've done. How someone could believe I actually desire to torture animals baffles me. How someone could think all this work was just master manipulation to con everyone so I could secretly abuse leaves my head spinning.
I also haven't ever claimed that my nsfw art is a coping mechanism for my OCD/intrusive thoughts. This is an assumption people have made. Occasionally elements of my intrusive thoughts will make their way into my art as a way to confront them head on on my own terms, but almost always are not a factor in my nsfw art. Art based on my intrusive thoughts as catharsis I don't share publicly.
Yes, I enjoy hurting fictional characters. They exist in a world with no consequences. Nobody actually gets hurt. Anything can happen to them and nothing about the world changes. I have no desire to hurt an animal, because that impacts the real world. I have never looked at an animal and felt excitement at the idea of hurting it. I have never felt attraction to an animal. I have never felt the urge to make sexual contact with an animal. I have never experienced attraction to a child, either.
I am also being accused of being a pedophile. This is because I made a tweet saying I enjoy explicitly abusive relationships between adult and minor characters, but don't enjoy minor/adult ships depicted as cute or wholesome. People interpret this as me having a malicious desire to abuse a child. But here's the thing: you don't know why someone enjoys a certain dynamic. Many people that like to see abusive relationships depicted in stories or erotica are survivors of abuse themselves. Many people use kink as a coping mechanism, and the stigma of their kink play often hinders them from trauma recovery. Like I said before, kink and fantasy are not morality guidebooks. This also assumes every character drawn in ship art or erotica is an object of attraction to those that create or consume it. But even porn can serve a purpose other than arousal. Personally I just like these dynamics because they offer a compelling story and/or character interactions that can explore trauma and its effects and can feel therapeutic to work through.
Art does not exist in a vacuum. I don't argue it does. Art is influenced by its creator. But you can't look at the content of someone's kink or fantasy to judge the quality of someone's character. This is the position of professionals that study and counsel people. Whether or not someone commits a sexual offense is more influenced by that person's personality traits, moral positions, pre-existing positive beliefs about offending, environment, and negative emotional states. And, look, fiction does indeed effect reality, but there is little evidence that porn encourages someone to offend or results in more violent offenses. Availability of porn may even be associated with lower levels of sexual aggression. This professional report goes into great detail on sexual offending and concludes that there is no reason "scientific or otherwise" for criminalization of any type of virtual porn because it does not lead to offending, and may even provide a substitute for people that may otherwise offend. Even if you find that content reprehensible. Offensive art has its place and deserves to exist. That is the position I have come to based on the scientific evidence.
And I want to make another thing clear: I am not a proshipper. Disliking the position of one group does not make me a member of a different group. I have no desire to put myself in a category, I just have my own opinions. I also have plenty of issues with the proship community. I just now look at fiction and kink with more nuance than I used to. I don't participate in fearmongering based on knee-jerk reactions to media anymore.
Going forward I'm going to do my best to be more responsible with my nsfw accounts. Any interactions I've made with minors are honest mistakes. I genuinely don't want to expose minors to my nsfw or interact with them. I don't go out seeking minors to talk to. But I know interacting with minors through an nsfw account is serious, so I'm going to do better to police myself and always check that no one I'm interacting with is underage.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Sadly I expect many people won't read this, they'll just continue to repeat "zoophile" and "pedophile." But I really appreciate you if you took the time to read. I know many people really do want to be good and believe they are protecting people by engaging in callouts against people for their fictional interests. I think most people have their hearts in the right place but are misguided by the current culture. And I don't mind if you disagree with me, but I always want people to take their positions with the most information. I want there to be honest discussions about these topics, not naming and shaming people.
I might make updates to this post if I think of things I forgot to address. Like I said, it's been many days of my head buzzing and this post is also very long. I welcome any good faith questions or concerns. People that come just to attack in bad faith will just be blocked. I won't humor that. Please meet me with the same honesty I came with. I want to continue to do good.
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gold necklace
@clonexreaderbingo prompt: tech warnings: fluff, tech is cute dedicated to @ilovestarwarsmen725 word count: 793
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You hadn’t seen Tech in a few days. This wasn’t abnormal. Sometimes he would fall into very long stints of being holed up in his workshop just creating and tinkering with things. You didn’t worry, though. That was his happy place. He’d come home when he was ready. Either he was hungry and ran out of food in his shop, needed someone to infodump to, or he just finally remembered that he missed you. 
This was all okay because you still visit him. There was a spot for you to sit and observe or take a nap just to be near him. If you did nap, Tech would sometimes drape a blanket over you, kiss your forehead, or even take a moment to rest himself.
One night he finally came into the house. He was tapping away on his datapad. His face was brushed with dirt and oil. You smiled. If Tech were to move his goggles even slightly, you’d probably find clean skin underneath. 
“Mesh’la,” he says, gaining your attention. “I didn’t realize how many rotations I had spent in there. Did you visit me?”
“A couple times,” you answered. “You looked like you were having fun.”
Tech looked up at you and smiled. His smile reached his beautiful eyes. He caressed your face and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I am so lucky to have you. I never thought I’d be able to find such an effortless balance between work and a relationship.”
The kiss left you with a dazed smile. “It just works out for us. You’re not the only lucky one.”
Tech sat his datapad down on the countertop. “Speaking of us,” he started while reaching into his pocket, “I have something for you.”
You perked up at those words. “What is it?”
“You must close your eyes.”
You did as he asked. 
Tech took the gift out of his pocket. You heard his awkward steps approach you and stand behind you. Raising a brow, you were increasingly curious but kept quiet. You felt something cross your clavicle and wrap around your neck with delicacy, ending behind you with Tech’s skilled fingers brushing across your skin briefly. 
“You may look.”
Blinking your eyes open, your hands raised to your collarbone to feel the item. You could barely see it. Tech grabbed his datapad then held it in front of you with both of his hands while still behind you. He opened up the camera.
Staring back at you on the screen is the hopeful gaze of Tech, waiting for your opinion, and the mirror image of yourself. You leaned forward to look at the necklace Tech has gifted you. 
The tiniest links have been crafted and laced together to make a beautiful looking twist in the chain. There is no charm or centerpiece to this necklace, but it shines so brilliantly. 
“Tech, this is beautiful! You didn’t have to…”
Tech smirks and you watch him do it on the camera still pointed at the both of you. “A lot of my projects have been to break down electronics and repurpose them for other things, and since gold is so incredibly conductive, there is a surplus of it in most items I work with. I’ve been keeping the gold set aside for future projects, and I decided to try my hand at making jewelry.”
Your eyes widened at his explanation. “Wait, Tech, you made this? For me?”
“But of course, darling. I hope it meets your standards.”
“Are you kidding me? This is incredible!”
Tech smiled and kissed your cheek. “Would you do me the honor of smiling, mesh’la?”
Since it was a rare sentiment, you obliged. You snuggled a little closer to Tech and smiled into the datapad’s camera. Tech snapped a photo of the two of you, and then another one with him kissing the side of your head. 
The photos were such a nice addition to his gift. He was being so affectionate that it was making your heart warm and your body melt. 
“Did you know that gold is the third most conductive metal? It pales compared to copper and the more impressive silver. They are not items I come across often. But, the symbolism in this necklace is that I have poured my conductive energy and intelligence into it so that you will always feel me with you. Especially on the days that I am incredibly busy. I hope that you get my meaning.” 
You nodded as your fingers brushed across the chain. Tech took a few strides away to find a drink. “Tech?” you called quietly.
“Yes?” he answered without looking over.
“I love you.”
A smile formed on his lips that you could see from his profile. “And I you, darling.”
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sanityshorror · 4 months
Heyyy, I'm not the person that send the original ask but I'm really curious as to why Julius is so against kids.
Hope ur doing well!! ^^
[Part 2] A Summary of Why Julius Hates Babies and Children:
[Read Part 1 First] The number of the explanation correlates to the reasons listed in Part 1:
His confusion comes from Julius having no concept or understanding of childhood. At only four years old, the following all began: working in the coal mines (keep in mind Julius was born in 1874), neglect resulting in him having to fend for himself, severe, constant abuse and trauma of every kind.
This all accumulated in Julius having almost no memories prior to the age of 13, and even after he has a very foggy memory of his life. He does not understand children or childhood at all, let alone a happy one.
The ultimate result is confusion, that quickly turns into Julius becoming extremely distraught, leading him to lash out about something unrelated to disguise his true feelings, then run off and self-destruct.
Julius becomes extremely jealous seeing happy children and families because he never experienced a semblance of a childhood and he was raised in an incredibly abusive and toxic environment. He doesn't understand why some children seem so happy yet he couldn't have that.
His logic just makes the jealousy escalate to rage, his thoughts being, “The world – all of reality – revolves around me, right?! My upbringing was normal, right?! So why the fuck do these people with such a strange, abnormal life get to be so happy?! Why aren't they miserable and suffering and being hurt?! Pain is perfection, right?! How the fuck can things be so perfect without pain?! It HAS to be a facade like it was for me! …Right…?! Why are their smiles real but mine never was?! Why did I never get that childhood when I'M supposed to be the center of EVERYTHING?”
Julius can't handle thinking about it further, a mental block goes up, he forces a convincing and warm smile but quickly retreats – unable to stand thinking any longer and either destroys things in a rage once alone or more likely …finds some poor undeserving random person to take his rage out on.
I've never released this information before despite it being part of Julius’s canon for well over a year now. This is the reason Julius was so traumatized by having his children with Emily.
When Julius was 15 in the asylum, he wound up having a 16 year old girl as a roommate due to the only bed being open – and Julius being admitted in an emergency – the two wound up being roommates despite different genders.
To make a long story short (Hellbound gets much deeper into this however and explains everything, including why she had the thought process), he did not consent to her climbing top of him nearly every night for months. As we all know, bodies react beyond our control and very commonly happens to AMAB folks during unwanted sexual contact. Julius had that experience of his body reacting despite him not wanting it - which only made it more traumatic. His roommate very wrongfully had the interpretation Julius enjoyed it and she was making him happy.
Killian is the only one who knows and only because he saw the interaction. Bringing it up to Julius is just an absolute no, under no circumstances.
When Julius was 17, she showed up at the pub he was working at…with a baby. Memories came flooding back that Julius had suppressed because Julius had developed the automatic coping mechanism of shutting down and dissociating the second he was touched in an unwanted way.
Understandably, he flipped out and said she had the wrong person. Unnecessarily, he threatened to end her and every person she cared about if he ever saw her again, and flashed his pistol. Then immediately ran off to the place he always went when he was upset.
The experience was so traumatic especially due to all the abuse by Lucien he'd been put through while at the asylum as well was just too much to handle. The fact there was a living person out there – and now likely descents of the person – is a constant reminder of that time.
Julius lived in fear of ever seeing her or the child ever again – and now fears running into descents. He never did see her, the child, and to his knowledge has never seen any descendants of said child. All babies and children remind him of all this all too vividly.
• Again, I need to specify a few things:
And now you know!
A.) Julius doesn't hate teenagers; therefore this does not reflect how he feels about teenagers. He mainly just finds teenagers annoying and avoids them because of this.
B.) Julius doesn't target children or teenagers as victims. He avoids even being near children (as I'm about to explain) and avoids teens as I mentioned above. Additionally, they just are utterly irrelevant to his MO as a serial killer.
C.) This doesn't mean he cares about them at all.
D.) During his time as a human, he was psychologically and physically abusive towards his own children – though he was absent and negligent more than anything. He has not intentionally and/or directly harmed any other minors (excluding when he was a minor himself).
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mossymandibles · 10 months
Forgot to add to the last ask- the otter comic says Kraw is a chimera, is that a natural species or are chimeras created somehow? Because otter grandpa said they're sterile and that happens to some non-natural animal combos irl. Also is his brother a chimera as well?
After just finding out about mayv and the way she looks, it made me think that chimeras are made by witches and not a natural species so I'm super curious now because why did somebody do that to those 2 kids if that's the case :(
In Hallowed Carrion chimera/Chimereals happen between two ‘primordial’ species that couldn’t normally mate, but it involves a ‘false uterus’ created by consuming the celestial body’s flesh. With Kraw it was his sea drake mother and Fury father. (They’re considered to be ‘primordial’ simply because they’ve been around for quite some time, live longer and are usually giants. Most modern day islanders don’t believe/know their kind exists, kind of like how we are with modern conspiracies of the ‘megalodon still existing in the marianna trench’).
It is a trait among chimereals that they are sterile. They’re also known by their abnormal growth hormones which causes them to keep growing/evolving for who knows how long. There’s actually a lot of prejudice held against them and they don’t often live in regular society like Kraw does, they’re usually considered dangerous and they’re often loners.
Most of this is only known because of Sylvaine learning about Serkan who is also a chimereal, albeit much older than Kraw. She’s actively studying chimereals through Kraw now. (He was actually very upset to learn he was sterile :(
And I’ve wanted to show more about Titus! It’s hard to balance my attention to everything lol.
Titus is also a chimereal. He was born on a specialized mill where they attempted to breed marine chimereals like him for hunting purposes. Most chimereals that come out of the mills end up dead, malformed or ‘defective’, so he was ‘lucky’. He also would have had the ability to breathe fire, but his flint glands were removed, like declawing a cat. He was kind of mean and he certainly had it harder than Kraw with Mayv. She didn’t even know he could speak when she first got him because his throat was fucked after they cut his flint glands out. He was about 7 when she got him and he was already known to be unruly/uncontrollable in the mill. They would have put him down if Mayv hadn’t come along. She took care of him though despite keeping a firm hand and eventually he came to see her as a surrogate mother.
He definitely got a jealous streak when she brought Kraw home. Mayv would often be fawning over how Kraw “came from the sea, so he would make such a great hunter and how beautiful his colors were and-“ blah blah blaaah. Titus hadn’t even seen the sea until Mayv rescued him, and he thought Kraw was just a little ‘flat-faced softie’. He would often goad him into fights. There’s a lot more to it, but eventually he and Kraw came to find their similarities, mostly through comforting each other through night terrors and exploring the swamps together.
Although Mayv also saw them like her own sons, she often towed the line between training them like animals and treating them like regular children. She was of course still very loving but it was often muddled by her militant expectations of them out on the ocean. Titus and Kraw worked for Mayv as ‘mer-hounds’, which are marine creatures that are trained to effectively hunt and catch mermaids or other large oceanic game, sort of like how some fishermen would use ducks. That was what the mills were breeding marine creatures for.
As of present day, a lot had gone down between Kraw and his brother, and a lot happened where Kraw had to leave the Shades as well. Kraw doesn’t know what’s become of his brother and whether or not Mayv is even alive. I do plan to get into that.
I can show you a sort of wip I have of him, but he might get a bit of a cleanup? Just because this is older art. I had planned to make growth charts for he and Kraw for a while now. Awkward teenage years and such.
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@prisen09 @the-abnormal-anatomy @unchocoflan @shiberamune @friendlyneighborhoodgaycousin
@aiyanawyld @tiptapricot @tillandbed-travelingvlog @bueller-alf @its-a-hare-pom-pom
Tagging all of you because I know you all like bill and ted
A while ago I tagged some of you in a post about a bill and ted chatfic I was writing? Well I’m not done, but here’s a little bit of it
(fair warning, the actual bit of the chatfic I put here is with the historical people because that’s the only part of the fic that’s somewhat finished)
((also don’t question why the historical people all have phones, I don’t know why they have phones, I just wanted to use them as characters because they don’t get enough attention in this fandom lmao))
Here’s what all the characters usernames are for the chatfic btw! Some of the usernames suck but I tried (any suggestions for better ones are appreciated!)
Bill = WyldStallionsRocks_1
Ted = WyldStallionsRocks_2
Rufus = time-travelling-dad
Alex = Non-Bi-babe
Jackie = Futuristic-Blonde
Caleb = 3rdLeader0FtheFUTURE
Napoleon = FeralFrenchM@N
Billy the kid = yee-haw-kid
Socrates = ✨philosophy✨
Sigmund Freud = you-all-need-therapy
Joan of arc = NOTnoah’sWife
Genghis khan = violence-is-always-theAnswer
Abraham Lincoln = Founding_Father
(The “plot” of this chapter is based on a Tumblr (?) post I saw reposted on an Emkay Reddit video btw)
TheHistorians (name of their group chat lmao)
yee-haw-kid is online
✨philosophy✨ is online
you-all-need-therapy is online
founding_father:) is online
yee-haw-kid: Socrates!! If you cover someone in paper cuts and throw them in a pool of lemon juice would they die??
✨philosophy✨: …….
founding_father:): Billy are you okay? What kind of question is that?
✨philosophy✨: why for the love of Zeus did you ask me that??????
you-all-need-therapy: This is what happens when Billy gets less than four hours of sleep.
yee-haw-kid: Hey! I got FIVE hours of sleep thank you very much! And I was just curious!!
✨philosophy✨: I don’t think they would die, no.
founding_father:): Why the hell did you answer his question? (Also they would totally die.)
✨philosophy✨: (no they wouldn’t! They’d be in agony, but probably wouldn’t die.)
you-all-need-therapy: Why did this debate start again??
✨philosophy✨: Billy’s sleep deprivation.
violence-is-always-theAnswer is online
violence-is-always-theAnswer: ….. what the heck is going on? Do I want to know…?
✨philosophy✨: You do not.
founding_father: No.
violence-is-always-theAnswer: okay.
violence-is-always-theAnswer is offline
yee-haw-kid: what if you cover their body in salt before throwing them in the lemon juice?!!
✨philosophy✨ has muted yee-haw-kid
✨philosophy✨: it’s for his own good 😌
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piss-pumpkin · 3 months
ok i’m very curious - can i ask abt spatial horror? 👀
Omg hi I’m gonna go off about it now
Spacial horror describes how the physical space/setting in a piece of media is used to enhance/convey the horror. And idk I’m a huge slut for it here are some of my fav examples of things that have great use of spatial horror below the cut (my ass did not proofread)
House of leaves:
one of the main ways this book creates horror and conveys its main theme is through the house. The house reacts and responds to the characters deep rooted trauma and insecurities and warps around them. The horror builds from the idea that it’s wrong. At first, the house expands by like 1/4 of an inch, and it’s like bait, just a little taste because the house knows that Navidson is easily tempted, and once it has him, it creates a physical abyss that parallels the mental one he’s trapped in.
The labyrinth spaces of house are constantly described as cold, vast and dark and used to create an oppressive and foreign feeling, turning the image of a suburban home into an alien entity. That turning of normal into alien starts in the 5 and a half minute hallway, but it quickly spreads through even the unaffected areas of the house as the characters both desperately try and make it normal, or chase the abnormal to a dangerous degree. Their whole lives become dangerous and alien within the confines of the house.
The way the house creates space and danger runs alongside the way space and distance and conflict is created between the characters. Caution and exploration create expanses and voids, confidence creates clearer paths, confusion creates winding mazes, and when Navidson decides to venture in for his last time, the house envelopes him and destroys him. (But love creates doors and openings)
There is no monster in House of Leaves, no Minotaur in the labyrinth, just the characters and the things that a cruel place brings out of them.
“Gods a house. Which is not to say that our house is Gods house, or even a house of God. What I mean to say is that our house is God.”
Honestly my read of this movie is different then a lot of what I’ve seen on Tumblr,,, like the idea that it’s about like the liminal feeling of being awake at a time you aren’t suppose to as a child never rlly connected w/ me, so I interpreted it different.
I read Skinamarink as a commentary on horror as a genre. Most of the shots of this movie are of the house, whether a wall, window (or lack thereof) or corner, the house is the star of the film. The movie makes us hyperaware of the space the kids occupy.
Since it’s a horror movie, we go in with the expectation that there is a monster, ghost, supernatural something, whatever, and the film uses out expectations against us. It’s like the camera, in its obscure focus on dark corners, invites us to look for a monster. Like that’s what horror fans are trained to do when we see shit like that.
Skinamarink utilizes the expectations of a haunted house to make us want to see a monster. It’s a slow burn, but my thesis on this movie ultimately comes to how the direction makes the audience the monster, and it ends up as a commentary on horror as a genre. And the use of expectations for the house makes that possible. In the beginning, the windows and doors vanish, trapping the kids inside, so we’re primed to think there’s some sort of ghost or smth, and we carry that expectation throughout the film. I come to the conclusion that we create the monster with those expectations.
“Put the knife in your eye”
Fear and hunger:
This game has one of the most oppressive atmospheres ever it’s so crazy. The dungeons of feta and hunger are a crushing and evil place that’s been transformed and mutated, and change the people who venture into it.
There is no good end to fear and hunger. Even the best ending for the characters, where they achieve their goals. If cahara escapes with all the money, he’s forever haunted by the dungeons. If d’arce revives l’garde he has forever changed for the worse and they will wreak mayhem until death. By playing the game, you’ve already doomed the characters.
There are monsters inside, but the true horror is the dungeon itself. The creatures inside have been trapped, allured, tormented, and they fight you, but the true enemy is the space itself, and is inescapable even when you get out.
The dungeons of fear and hunger are the scariest part of that game and story. And you have to watch the character grapple and try their best under the crushing weight of an evil place.
“A terrifying presence has entered the room…”
I love when physical space is used for horror. Like there’s so many ways, whether by warping around the characters, twisting something familiar into something foreign, forcing the viewer into it, playing with expectations, or just being a crushing and evil place.
When a place is an entity in itself, whether literally or metaphorically, it’s really juicy for me idfk. Everyone should read house of leaves it made me cry like 4 times in my first read.
Spatial horror I find far more inescapable, too. You can run from a killer, or fight back, but can you fight against your own home? You’re one person, can you tear down the dungeons of fear and hunger? The camera forces you into the Skinamarink house, there nothing you can do. And the house traps the kids real good.
Idk man spatial horror just scratches that itch for me
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