#i wanted to try a dramatic pose i was fighting for my life.
boyblundering · 1 month
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”To this everlasting melody, face to face we dance. With our story lost in forever's embrace..“
— 'Cure' , Alien Stage
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terresdebrume · 24 days
"I won't let them touch you" for your dead boy detective agency boys
Thanks for the prompt friend! :D Sorry it took so long, I was at work and then I got plagued with The Insecurities
This fits the possessive side of things slightly better than the dramatic one? Idk. I feel like I've failed to comply with the rules, even though I like the snippet x)
Anyway, thanks again, and if anyone else wants to send a prompt the list is right there
The sun beats down on the town square, bright enough to hide the outside world behind a veil of golden light and turn cousin Katherine's dress into a blinding beacon of virginal purity. Whatever one thinks of the concept, Edwin admits to himself, there is no denying that summer weddings occasionally provide such vivid image as to at least explain how it may have come to be. Nevertheless, he stays away. Of his three cousins, Katherine is the one he always felt the most kinship for, and he would not have missed this ceremony for the world, and yet--Edwin's knuckles brush together, gloveless skin shot through with electricity at the realization, and Edwin jolts his hands apart again. He tries to shove them into his pockets, only to pull them out once more when he remembers not to break the lines of his navy suit. Trying to settle them at his side proves no more fruitfull: the pose feels unnatural and constrictive, as if his hands were pulling against some kind of invisible tie.
"Here," Charles says, stepping between Edwin and the aisle, the lean line of him neatly obscuring the sight of Edwin's hands. "Have at it for a minute, yeah?"
It takes a moment for Edwin to understand, and when he does hit throat immediately constricts with emotion. They have never truly talked about this quirk of Edwin's. Not in the way they perhaps should have, at any rate. It is largely Edwin's fault: for all that he has learned to pursue his interests more openly and unashamedly, there are some areas of his life he has yet to dare confront. Cut and dry is all well and good, but even he can be made to appreciate the value of ambiguity. And so: they haven't talked about it. The way Edwin's fists knead against one another without thought whenever he feels tense, the way he rarely wears less than three layers of clothing if he can help it. The way busy weeks at work make him come home impatient to shed them, the very contact of cloth against his skin so intense as to feel like pain. The way loud noises make him want to stick a pencil in his ears, sometimes.
They haven't talked about it, but Charles took note anyway, and never once expected Edwin to change. Edwin, almost overcome with gratitude, lets out a long, quiet sigh of relief, and leans forward until his forehead can rest against the back of Charles' neck.
"It's no use, you know," he sighs, murmuring to ensure his voice won't be carried out to where his paternal grandmother is slowly walking towards the door. "The minute they see--"
He does not stop himself from pressing his fists together this time. Doesn't try to ignore the tightness of his shoulder, or the beating of his heart--and because he doesn't try to pretend they aren't here, they grow smaller. More manageable, in a way, than they ever were when he was alone. Without quite meaning to, Edwin smiles down at the back of Charles' suit, red in a sea of greys and blues. Here, hidden behind Charles, Edwin knows no one will try to pull his hands apart.
"You don't worry about them," Charles says, quiet but firm. "I won't let them touch you."
Charles once slapped Edwin's father's hands in the middle of dinner at the Ritz, all for the crime of trying to stop Edwin from mashing his fists together. Edwin belives his latest proclamation immediately, and without reservation. Still:
"You cannot fight my entire family," he says, just for the pleasure of hearing Charles put on his cocky voice and retort:
"Just you watch. First one to look a little too close gets whooped on their bum."
Edwin, despite himself, finds himself chuckling, straightening up until he can look at Charles properly. The light from outside lines the edge of his cheek in golden light the hoop in his ear as bright as a halo. He is a flame in the darkness of the church, bright and warm as a fire in the hearth. Edwin, born and raised in the icy cold of a winter lake, can never get enough.
"Surely," he says, "you don't meant Granny Gladys."
"Especially Granny Gladys," Charles retorts. "I'm not gonna turn my back and let her get me with her rollator."
Edwin, with some difficulty, bites down on a burst of laughter. In front of him, Charles turns his head just far enough to flash a wicked grin, sharp and shameless in a way that makes Edwin's stomach expand into the warmest of feelings. Charles must see something in his face then, because he turns serious, hands coming up to frame Edwin's face as he looks into his eyes and says:
"I'm serious you know. If your father tries to slap your hands again, I really will send him down on his arse."
"I believe you", Edwin says, insides turning embarrassingly gooey at the fierceness of Charles' tone.
"Good," Charles says, still frowning in intensity. "There's nothing wrong with you. There's nothing wrong with your hands. I know I haven't been where I should have been--"
"Charles," Edwin interrupts, heart picking up speed with the alacrity of a racing car, "you don't--"
"No, listen to me," Charles insists, hands pulling gently at the sides of Edwin's face until their foreheads touch, "no more hand slaps. No more eye contact. I couldn't be with you these past seven years, and I'm sorry--but I'm here, now, and I don't care what anyone in your family says, as far as I'm concerned, unless you want to, you don't have to look anyone in the eye ever again."
Edwin stares, half feeling like he is about to liquefy. He feels so, so warm here in the coolness of that church, warm like the sun in spring after a long winter. Warm like a nice sweater on a winter evening. Warm like Charles' smile, like the way he only ever takes Edwin's hand in his with love, like the way the only thing he ever did with Edwin's fist was wrap his hands around them like a shield. Edwin stares, and swallows hard, and catches Charles into a crushing hug before he can do something absolutely daft like kiss him right here, where all his family could see.
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schrijverr · 8 months
Jason’s Shitty Day
Jason gets arrested by Superman and Wonder Woman, while undercover as Red Hood in a criminal organization. Problem is that they don’t know he knows Batman and trying to get free only poses more problems. Especially when it’s Dick, not Bruce that comes to break him free.
This work is inspired by Undercover by InvalidStuff on AO3.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jason curses under his breath as he runs for his life through the streets of Metropolis. He can’t believe that this is how he’s going to die for the second time in his life; by the hands of the blue boy scout and his idol.
Okay, maybe he’s being a dramatic, like Bruce they try not to kill their villains, but unlike Bruce they don’t have a strict no killing policy backed up by trauma, so there is a gray area and Jason knows he’s made himself a prime target, being at the top of the Justice League wanted list and all.
Right now it seems ridiculous how he lorded that over the little demon spawn last time they all ate dinner together. The shrimp might not be an assassin anymore, but he still envies Jason’s notoriety all the same.
It’s one of the reasons he told B not to remove him, something he’s regretting now as he rounds a corner, nearly slamming into the building in his haste.
A part of him knows that running is useless, both Superman and Wonder Woman stumbled upon him in an attempt to dismantle the same organization he’s been involving himself in. They assumed him to be the ring leader, because of course they are one of the few members of the Justice League that are actually up to date on their wanted list.
Fucking fuck!
If this were Gotham, he would have had the upper hand, since he knows the terrain and both would be more cautious taking anyone down when Batman forbids metas in his city. However, here in Metropolis he’s more easily confused and the bright city doesn’t allow for him to slip out from under the sight of two of the most powerful people on earth.
So, he isn’t that surprised when Superman’s shadow falls over him, right as he rounds another corner where he comes face to face with Wonder Woman.
He skids to a halt and curses his luck again. His admiration of Wonder Woman never wore off and he’ll likely never live down the mortification of meeting her like this. Right now, he really hates that Bruce is a paranoid fucker, who never let any of his kids near the Justice League. He totally would have made a better impression as the starry-eyed fucker he used to be back as Robin.
However, instead he’s stuck between her and Superman and the only thing he can do is attempt to fight them. Great. B is going to owe him for this.
Jason lets out a roar and charges towards Wonder Woman, whose lasso makes him trip. It forces him to hit the deck and within seconds, Superman is on him, wrestling him to the ground. Of course Jason puts up a fight, never stopping his movements as he kicks and bites, even though that hurts him more.
He knows that Superman is stronger than him, but he also knows that he is stronger than an eel, yet the bastards are hard to catch. So he tries his hardest to impersonate an eel.
A part of him hopes that there are no cameras nearby, because if Barbara or Tim get wind of this, they will get that footage and it will haunt him for the rest of his fucking life. The great Red Hood, wiggling on the ground, being mortified in front of stupid Superman and amazing Wonder Woman and over crimes he didn’t even commit. It’s shameful.
But nothing to be done about that now.
Still, he tries to maintain a little of his reputation, by threateningly growling: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” when Superman reaches out to take off his helmet.
Superman’s hand stills and he cautiously asks: “Why not?”
“Because the explosives will blow and you can say bye bye to my head,” Jason answers, hoping that now that they’ve apprehended him, they’re not planning on killing him.
“What?” Superman chokes, as Wonder Woman demands: “Why would you do such a thing?”
“Pays to be cautious,” Jason shrugs as well as he can while being bound on the floor. And it is being cautious, nothing more. He’s not paranoid like B is, no matter what Dickhead says. When you’re a dead man walking, it’s better for people not to know.
Superman likely uses his X-ray vision, because he’s quiet for a second, before he gasps, his hands twitching. However, Jason has to give him very, very minor credits for swiftly moving on with his interrogation after learning that – though perhaps that’s because he isn’t likely to get blown up alongside Jason, should the bomb go off.
“Your helmet is led lined,” Superman comments, actually sounding a bit miffed about it.
Jason has to swallow a snort and just shrugs again, this time with a bit more little shit thrown in, as he repeats: “Pays to be cautious.”
Wonder Woman apparently has had enough, because she tightens the lasso around his feet, making it glow as she asks: “What are you doing here?”
“Working,” Jason spits out, having trained with Bruce about being able to answer with truths without giving anything away. He is glad for that training now, but he still can’t believe that he is interacting with Wonder Woman and it’s like this.
“What kind of working?”
“Worming my way to the top.”
“You’re not the leader?” Superman asks, sounding surprised. Jason already guessed that they assumed that, but rolls his eyes anyway. Who goes in without doing any research? Do they not know the importance of intelligence?
“No, does this look like Crime Alley to you?” he shoots back.
“So what are you doing here outside Gotham then?” Wonder Woman asks.
It’s a valid question. And a question Jason can use. He’s obliged to tell the truth, but that doesn’t mean the whole truth, so he answers: “Worrying Batman.”
That makes the two heroes pause as they look at each other then back at him, suddenly a little less certain.
Under the mask, Jason grins. He and B still aren’t on perfect terms, but he doesn’t see green anymore whenever they’re face to face and they’ve actually been working on their relationship, hence Jason being at family dinners and out here doing this infiltration mission for the old man.
However, that answer can also be interpreted as him creating chaos that Batman is worrying about, which would make it an issue they’d call him about.
They already might have anyway, since he’s a Gotham rogue and they know Batman likes to deal with those himself, even if they can fall under another hero’s jurisdiction by not being in Gotham. But they also might not have. So, by doing this, he’s implying that whatever he’s doing is linked back to Gotham, which makes it so they’ll have to call B.
Usually, Jason doesn’t want Bruce’s help. Ever. Not when it comes to professional things. He is his own vigilante now, he’s independent and has his own plans. Batman should ask before interfering and Jason is too old and their relationship too tattered for a father figure to help. So, he’d be spitting and screaming whenever the old man even tries.
This time isn’t the same, though. This time he’s in bigger trouble than he’s ever been before and he can’t get out of it by himself. Well, he might, but only if they drop him off at a local police station, which isn’t likely to happen with how high-profile he is.
He can get out of prisons, of being kidnapped, being thrown into a space war, of being discovered as a mole, of nearly all torture. But the Justice League? He knows B grumbles about them being unprofessional, but they still hold a lot of power. He is screwed without B right now.
Still, Bruce has always stressed the importance of not letting anyone know they’re connected. To the League, Robin was never anything more than a rumor and Batman works alone. It’s to protect all of them and despite their past, Jason doesn’t want to endanger them… doesn’t want to disappoint Bruce either. Which is stupid and he’s ignoring it as hard as he can.
Besides, even if he tells them, they aren’t likely to believe him. And Jason doesn’t want the knowledge that he’s a good guy, playing a bad guy out on the streets. He admires Wonder Woman a lot, but her and Superman aren’t great liars. They’d tip people off and he can’t have that.
So, he has to convince Superman and Wonder Woman that they have to call Batman and maybe B can convince them to let him go.
The silence after his comment has dragged on for a bit. To take advantage of it, he chuckles: “Oh, big bad heroes didn’t see that coming? What? Did you think he scared me and I moved out? Tsk, don’t make me laugh. My haunt is still my haunt, all I do leads back home.”
Then he starts struggling again. They haven’t even bound his arms. It would have been better to try when they were still distracted, but they’ll likely capture him again and he has broken his bones enough times already, thank you very much. Better to play at being a flight risk so they’ll move him to a more comfortable place than the dirty street.
Indeed, Superman is played like a fiddle and hauls him upright, saying: “We’ll take you back to base for interrogation.”
Wonder Woman takes the lasso off his legs and instead binds his arms. Smart move on her part, though Jason can’t believe that neither of them question whether bringing a very dangerous criminal back to their base is a smart idea. Didn’t B train them better than this? Have some sort of secondary location for questioning people if you must, don’t bring them home!
However, he doesn’t mention it and lets them take him to a Zeta-Beam, so they can get to the Watchtower. It’s a step closer to B, thus a step closer to freedom, he isn’t going to argue with that. Let Batman rip into them when he finds out.
In the Watchtower, he’s sure to look around. Bruce has never let anyone in here, not even Barbara or Tim, who have to explain how to install the security updates at the Watchtower. God, they’re all going to be so pissed that he got there first.
To make up for that betrayal, he makes sure to look around as much as he can. They’ve of course all stalked the Watchtower on Babs’s monitors, but none of them have actually been, so he’ll have to be able replicate the vibes later.
The vibes are kind of sad.
A bit rude, maybe, but it’s true! It’s all metal and not even that toasty, nor cool, just that gross in between where a sweater is too hot, but you also feel kind of cold. It’s clear B has had input here, because he loves his professionalism.
Jason can still remember the Batcave in its infancy, how much he, Dick and Barbara had to influence before it became what it is now.
All the others don’t remember – except maybe for Tim, who had to pick Bruce out of his self hate spiral – but the Batcave didn’t used to be a little warm for recovering muscle soreness or the cold from outside, there didn’t used to be comfy couches, a fridge with snacks and drinks, or messy piles of works in progress.
He’s going to have a serious word with B when he gets out of here about why he hasn’t implemented anything like that here, when he knows that B naps on those couches and appreciates all the warmth the kids (ugh) brought into the Batcave.
… Well, maybe if he gets out of here, not when. The holding cell they’re pushing him into seems pretty secure and after a second, Jason recognizes it as a Superman containment unit that’s part of B’s contingencies. That makes it also pretty much anyone else proof too.
The shackles he’s locked into are meta proof, however, also Batman’s design, which means that Jason has made it his business to know how to get out of them, because he lives to spite the man most of the time.
Neither Superman nor Wonder Woman have spoken since they started hauling him off to his new little prison and Jason wonders if that is going to change or if they’re going to leave him again.
He also wonders if he should start spouting some sort of monologue to cement himself as a proper villain, but decides against it. It might interfere with a cover story to get him out of here. Anything you say can and will be used against you and all that shit. So, he stays quiet.
There is a chair in the chamber that he’s pushed on and Wonder Woman, starts to wrap her lasso around him again as she states: “We need to know more about this organization of yours. You fought us well and I commend your bravery, however, you posses information we need and you do not seem willing to part with it. But the lasso will make you speak the truth.”
Alarm bells start ringing in Jason’s head, despite feeling thrilled that Wonder Woman just complimented him, so he immediately says: “Hey, hey, hey, can you even do that? Isn’t that unconstitutional or some shit? I mean, I think you need a permit or something to question me like that, I know good old Bats is always up his own ass about right channels and court permissions, shouldn’t you read me my rights? I’ve been arrested enough times to know that’s part of it.”
Red Hood has absolutely not been arrested ever, Jason Todd has, but that’s irrelevant right now. He knows he can’t keep up half truths forever and the actual truth can’t come spilling out. Right now he needs to ensure that Wonder Woman keeps that lasso away from him and remind them that he’s a rogue of Batman, so that they’ll contact him.
Wonder Woman pauses for a second and looks at Superman, who is more versed than her in the world of men.
“He has a point, if this goes deeper than a surface drug deal, then we’ll need to ensure all of them go away for life,” Superman says.
At that Jason would let out a breath of relief, if he hadn’t been trained better than that. He does, however, let his eyes roll, because Supes over there can’t see it and he is allowed to be annoyed that they think it is just some drug bust when Jason has been working for two months to get this neck deep into very fucking shady shit.
“Batman must have some protocol about it,” Wonder Woman says. “I shall look it up, so that we may proceed.”
“You’re not going to call him?” Jason asks, a little surprised, because surely that would be easier than going through the thousands of pages of protocol that B wrote.
Superman squints. “You seem eager to get Batman up here,” he comments. “That’s unusual, most want nothing to do with him. Why?”
He’s used to Gotham villains, who regularly kidnap Batman and want him to pay attention to them, not this fear that he has outside of Gotham. It’s easy to forget too, because B is one of the least scary people Jason knows. Hell, even Dick ranks above him in scariness.
Still, he doesn’t let that show, instead leaning back in his chair as casual as he can, smirking: “I guess, I just appreciate the devil I know is all. You two seem a little boring, no offense.”
“Well, that’s new,” Superman comments and Jason wants to throttle him, because he’s horrible at not letting any information slip past the cracks – and yes, personal relations and reputations are definitely information – he’ll have to remember to mention that to Bruce too.
In the end, Wonder Woman goes to contact Batman and look over their protocol, while Superman stays to watch Jason. It’s the first sensible thing they’ve done, not leaving him alone that is. A part of Jason wants to be annoyed, because now he can’t switch on the com with Babs, since Superman will hear, but he’s just relieved that they have a sense of knowing what to do.
So, they sit in silence.
Superman tries to chat a few times, but Jason knows better than that. You don’t talk, not even small talk. Anything is prying when you’re being interrogated, even if they just want to know your opinion on the weather. Which is making the atmosphere quite awkward.
Luckily, they’re freed from the silence five minutes later when Wonder Woman returns. She says: “Batman says he’ll be here in ten minutes and to not touch or question Red Hood until he gets here.”
Jason is too relieved by the news to judge her for saying that in front of him. Soon B will be here and then he will talk Jason out of here and he’ll be home before he knows it. After today, he can probably convince Alfred to bake cookies with him too. Score.
For the next ten minutes, the atmosphere doesn’t get much better. Jason feels a little more inclined to talk to Wonder Woman, but she is taking Batman’s instructions seriously and with Jason in the room, none of the conversations between Superman and Wonder Woman really take off.
Then the door opens to reveal Batman. For a second Jason can feel a weight be lifted off of him, but then he looks again. The figure is not Bruce, it’s Dick.
What the fuck.
If he weren’t wearing the helmet, he could make a face to demand an explanation, but for now his shoulders will have to do. However, Dick has always been bad at reading Jason’s shoulders when he’s chained up and Jason has a harder time with Dick’s face when he’s playing Batman. So whatever information flow there might have been gets lost in translation.
Dick is one of the few that know Jason did theater in High School, so he’s probably counting on Jason’s yes-and-bullshitting. Which is the only thing that prepares Jason for whatever nonsense he is about to pull out of his ass.
He can’t believe they’re going to lie to Superman and Wonder Woman. What a day this is shaping up to be.
“Hi Batsy,” he grins, hoping that him recognizing Dick will strengthen the cover.
“Red Hood,” Dick greets back. “I knew I’d run into you at some point with this. I’m disappointed, you were doing so well last time. What happened?”
“You know me, I never keep my nose clean,” Jason shoots back, because he’s a crime lord and he doesn’t plan on changing that. His family knows that.
Dick fakes a sigh and sternly says: “You were at least staying in Gotham.” Then he turns to the others and asks: “Where did you find him?” like he didn’t know already.
“Batman, I am glad you came,” Wonder Woman greets. “We have apprehended Red Hood in a drug bust in Metropolis, but we need more information from him. He claims his organization goes back to Gotham, if this goes deeper, we need to know.”
Tsk, what ‘his organization’? Jason had nothing to do with this. Terrible reporting. She could have used ‘the organization’, way more accurate and- oh god, now he’s judging Wonder Woman!
Dick as Batman grunts in acknowledgment and Wonder Woman continues: “We found him in the middle of the warehouse district. The others got away.”
Jason notes that Superman hasn’t said anything yet and shoots him a covert glance. He is frowning at Dick. Jason curses. Dick can do a good Batman when he wants to, but when he does that, he is usually not in good lighting with people who work with the actual Batman regularly.
So, he keeps an eye on the man as Dick gruffly says: “Thank you. I have been tracking his organization these past weeks, if I had known he would branch out, I would have contacted you. I’ll take him back to Gotham for proper interrogation and loop you back in once I know more.”
At that both Superman and Wonder Woman start to look more suspicious and Jason just knows that Dick is going to rip into B later, because why the hell are they surprised at him saying thanks?
Superman finally speaks up: “Why have you been tracking his organization, when he claimed he wasn’t the ringleader when we caught him?”
Damn those investigative reporter instincts, Jason thinks. He needs to distract them from Dick, so they won’t ask any more question. So, he calls out: “I mean, I practically was. Gotham branch is all mine.”
Eyes are back on him, great. Or, well, not truly great, because he hasn’t thought much further than that, but great as in, there is a distraction.
“Red Hood,” Dick admonishes, though Jason can see the relief in his shoulders.
So, he shrugs: “What? I like getting proper credit.”
“Well, you can tell the GCPD all about the things you deserve credit for,” Dick says, leaning in close as he growls.
Fuck, Jason is so making fun of him for that later. After he busted him out of here. Because right now, he has an act to play if he wants to see freedom again. And if he’s honest, he really likes his freedom.
However, before Dick can haul him out of his seat and break him out of here, they’re stopped by Superman: “We caught him in Metropolis, I’d like to question him here first.”
“And he’s my rogue, messing in my city,” Dick snipes back. “He’s got his fingers in all types of pies and I’d like to get him behind bars for it as quick as possible. My way. Because that way works.”
Jason studies Superman and Wonder Woman closely. Dick used the pie expressions, B never is one for expressions, much less pie related ones. And it seems the League figured that out too, because there is a tenseness in their shoulders that wasn’t there before.
Dick must have noticed too, but he’s awaiting their response so he can play into it. However, both know for sure that they’re screwed when Wonder Woman says: “I know you have your way, but you have rarely denied the use of my lasso, especially if it would help your city.”
“Yeah, and you would never just take him without getting more information from us first,” Superman adds. “Who are you?”
“I’m Batman,” Dick repeats, though that’s clearly not going to cut it with the way the two heroes start to close in on him. Jason is starting to feel he’s gonna be on his own here again real soon.
“You’re not. Your heartbeat is wrong,” Superman says.
“Rude, my heart could just have been having an off day,” Dick retorts, obviously giving up on the facade as he darts out of the way and ducks under their attacks and out of the door.
Wonder Woman sets off after him, Superman closely behind. It’s reminiscent of earlier today but then with Dick in Jason’s position. Jason takes a moment to be smug that Dick is definitely getting caught on camera, before taking off through the door himself.
It’s another mental note to bring up to B later and he is starting to wonder if he even trained these people, because that’s truly an amateur’s mistake. Though, perhaps they can be forgiven with the shock of someone managing to break in to the Watchtower without detection while pretending to be one of their own.
His arms are still in the shackles, but there is no time to pick them. Jason also has Zeta-Beam access, if he can just reach the terminal, he’ll be out of here. He’s sure Dick can either talk himself out or that he can come up with a better rescue plan than that.
Where the hell even is the actual Batman? You know, Bruce Wayne?
No time to think about that now, he tells himself, putting the thought out of his mind. He is quickly following the route they’d taken when he got here, but in the opposite direction. He grins when the terminal comes into view.
Skidding to a halt, he quickly starts to put in coordinates. Any coordinates at this point. He’s not used to it, never really traveling via Zeta-Beam much. He hopes he remembers the coordinates of the Batcave after B’s insistence they all learn them and he won’t end up in the middle of the ocean or some shit.
However, before he can beam away, Dick crashes into him when he comes flying into the entrance hall, obviously having thought the same thing as Jason. Only he has two heroes on his trail.
“Fucking fight, Dick,” Jason screams, not even caring that he used the real name, because with Dick you can get away with that. As he attempts to type even faster to get them both away.
Alas, it’s not meant to be, because while Dick is a worthy opponent, he’s fighting two of the most powerful people on their home turf and he doesn’t have anything to fight them with, except for B’s gear that he is less familiar with than his own.
So, while he gets a few good punches in, soon he and Jason are dragged away from the terminal and wrestled to the ground. Now Dick in shackles too.
“Way to go, asshat,” Jason bitches as he lies on the ground for the second time today.
“Oh, like you could have done better. I make a great Batman,” Dick bitches back.
Right at the moment, Flash comes running in, confusedly asking: “What the hell’s happening? I saw it on the monitors, but I didn’t know who to go after first and- Wait, why is Batman in chains? Is he brainwashed?”
“See,” Dick exclaims delightedly. “Flash thinks I make a good Batman.”
“What?” Flash asks confused.
Superman says: “It’s not Batman.”
“He’s not?” Flash says, sounding surprised as he leans over to take a better look.
“Ha!” Dick crows as Jason hisses: “Shut your mouth, dumbass.”
“Who are you and what have you done to Batman?” Wonder Woman exclaims, digging her knee into Dick’s back and making him grunt. Jason has no pity after that stupid stunt.
“I’m Nightwing,” Dick answers and Jason tries to send him a ‘wtf’-look, but is ignored. “I’m a vigilante. I work in Blüdhaven. It’s Gotham’s sister city. Batman’s tied up at the moment, asked me to go in his stead. He didn’t think you’d notice.”
“Lies,” Wonder Woman says.
“Batman would contact us ourselves, not trick us. He’s our ally and we know him,” Superman states confidently.
“No, you misunderstand. He’s quite literally tied up,” Dick says and it dawns on Jason that Bruce Wayne must have been kidnapped when the call came through. In enough of a bind that a miraculous escape would put their identities at stake. Just great. Fucking great.
“He’s taken? We must save him,” Wonder Woman says.
“That’s not necessary,” Dick backtracks, realizing his mistake. “We already have someone on it, don’t worry.”
“Who?” Jason asks.
“The day shift,” Dick answers and Jason mentally translates that to Duke. Good for him. It’s very useful to have someone out there during the day for situations like this.
“Wait, is he claiming to know Batman?” Flash asks. “I mean, I know he’s dressed like Batman, but being captured and all, I thought he was kind of impersonating him and hatching some nefarious scheme, not, like, covering his shift.”
“He is impersonating Batman,” Superman says. “And we can’t trust his claims. He’s here to rescue Red Hood and he is one of Batman’s villains.”
“Oh, so they know him from fighting him,” Flash says, getting what Superman is implying.
“Where have you taken Batman!” Wonder Woman demands.
“I haven’t taken him! Batman isn’t taken,” Dick yelps. “His civvie ID is and he is getting rescued.”
“You know his secret identity? We don’t even know his identity,” Flash exclaims, actually pouting.
“Yes, I know his ID,” Dick says, almost desperate, Jason would feel bad, but he’s kind of given up and is just laying there. “You can check the Zeta-Beam logs, I’m Nightwing, I have access. I work in Gotham’s sister city, we team up sometimes. I know Batman, I promise. I’m just helping him out.”
“Helping him out by getting Red Hood out?” Superman asks, obviously not believing it.
Dick knows how it sounds and lets out a frustrated scream. “Yes!” he insists again. “How did you contact him to come here? How could I have known to come?”
That makes them pause for a second, before Superman shakes his head: “You could have intercepted the message.”
“I didn’t, you know how paranoid B is, his shit is unhackable,” Dick says.
“B?” Flash repeats to himself and Jason mentally face palms. It’s sweet that Dick tried to rescue him, but he feels like he only made it worse.
“We don’t know, maybe you could,” Superman says.
“Oh, he could be a shape-shifter, who took on Batman’s identity and hid the real Batman somewhere else to masquerade as him and help his fellow villains in some sort of plot,” Flash spins a theory.
Now Jason groans out loud and thunks his head on the floor, the impact dampened by his helmet, which is luckily still on. “Why the fuck would he then not take the exact form of Batman?” he asks, exasperated.
“Exactly, just check the logs, I’m Nightwing,” Dick backs him up, almost begging at this point.
“You could have faked that, if you intercepted the message,” Wonder Woman says, not letting Dick up for a second.
“It would make sense,” Flash nods.
“It would?” Superman asks and Jason curses. They should have pushed, the boy scout might have believed them, but the moment’s gone now.
“Yeah, if we bought it, then he could pretend to be Batman for forever and we wouldn’t be suspicious if he acted out of character, because he was a different person, but in our perception still a good guy. It’s smart,” Flash shrugs.
Jason really hates his life, because the Flash is making kind of sense and it appears that there not going anywhere anytime soon.
“I’ll contact Oracle again, Batman’s AI won’t be compromised where his phone might,” Wonder Woman says and Jason has to do a double take. They think Barbara is an AI?
He and Dick share a confused look, however when they hear Barbara pick up, Dick takes the moment to scream: “Tell B to get his ass over here.”
Jason immediately joins in: “O, I’ll owe you if you get me out of here in the next 30 minutes.”
Now all of the heroes present are giving the two of them a confused look as Wonder Woman relays: “We have Red Hood here and an impostor claiming to be Batman. Where is Batman, Oracle? Is he safe?”
While he can’t make out what she’s saying from here, Jason can still hear the amusement in Barbara’s voice as she answers Wonder Woman.
However, whatever she said, must be enough, because when Wonder Woman hangs up, she says: “If our friend does not show up within the next twenty minutes, we are free to go search for him.”
That’s quite fast, Jason thinks. If he could have gotten here so fast, why send Dick first? Jason could have waited for actual Batman. Dick must think the same, because he makes a confused noise, which turns into a little yelp, when Wonder Woman drags him to his feet. Jason starts laughing at him, but gets cut off when he gets hauled to his feet too.
They don’t leave for the cells again though, apparently they’ve decided to hang around here while they wait for B to show up. Flash does leave however, having been on monitor duty before the whole drama went down.
While they wait, Wonder Woman reaches out to Dick, saying: “Let’s reveal your true identity, impostor.”
“No, wait!” Dick yells. “The code states that as a hero, I cannot be discowled or unmasked without my explicit approval. I state that I am Nightwing, a hero, unless you can prove that I am not who I claim I am, you are not allowed to do that.”
Wonder Woman stills again, then asks: “How do you know that?”
“Uhm, I work with B, you really think he doesn’t make me memorize those codes?” Dick shoots back. “And if you knew it wasn’t allowed, why would you do that?” Another thing for on the list.
“You’re clearly a villain, that code does not apply,” Wonder Woman states.
“No, you think I’m a villain. Innocent until proven guilty,” Dick corrects.
“You broke into the Watchtower, that’s not screaming innocent,” Superman points out, which is kind of valid, but Jason has sat in enough on court trails against his own men. He knows that shit wouldn’t necessarily hold up.
“I had a good reason,” Dick huffs and Jason ignores how touched he is that Dick thinks that freeing him is a good enough reason to risk getting destroyed by the Justice League over.
After that, they’re all silent. Wonder Woman and Superman do try to talk with them again, but Dick knows, just as Jason does, that it’s smarter to keep your mouth shut. So they wait quietly as the minutes tick by.
It takes a long time.
By the time they hit seventeen minutes, Jason is starting to get worried B won’t get here in time and then they’ll have to deal with Superman and Wonder Woman tearing into Gotham to try and find their Batman.
Whenever they civvie IDs get taken hostage, it’s usually a media circus after and that’s when rescue doesn’t take overtime. He doesn’t know how Bruce is going to duck out of it. Maybe he has already failed.
Fucking fuck, how badly can one day go? How badly can Jason screw up that he hasn’t just compromised himself and his relation to Batman, but also Dick’s connection to both of them and risked Gotham’s entire vigilante population being found out by two metas, who will go into the city without permission.
It’s clear that Wonder Woman and Superman are getting antsy too, continuously checking the time and looking at the Zeta-Beam, waiting for it to come to life.
Just as they hit the nineteen minute mark, the Zeta-Beam whirs and the crisp voice announces Batman’s arrival. The man himself appearing like some water in the desert, dressed in his previous suit, though his arm is in a cast.
“Batman!” Wonder Woman exclaims in relief, as Superman worries: “What happened to you?”
“A minor mishap,” B replies. And Jason curses, it’s going to be a bitch to keep him out of the field like that and it doesn’t help prove their innocence in the slightest.
“I thought you were going to be busy for way longer,” Dick accuses, probably having been as surprised as Jason was that he could get here this fast.
“Signal is getting better and the broken arm helped me avoid the whole media circus,” Bruce explains apologetically.
“You actually know these two, Batman?” Superman asks, sounding a little hurt, betrayed and confused all at the same time.
“Yes, I honestly thought you wouldn’t notice Nightwing running this errand for me while I was preoccupied,” Batman informs them. “If I had known how today would run, I would have waited and retrieved Red Hood myself.”
There is absolutely no apology in his voice and it’s now doubly confirmed that Dick’s thank you had been a dead give away. Why is he being a dick to his friends? They all would have gotten a sorry if B pulled this shit on them. Dick is so going to lecture him.
“I demand an explanation,” Wonder Woman frowns. “That one is a criminal and we have not heard of Nightwing before. Why does he have access here? Why are you helping Red Hood?”
Batman sighs as if he’d seen this coming, but was hoping it wouldn’t happen. Then he says: “I’m here because Red Hood was undercover for me, you blew his mission. I send Nightwing to get him, because I trust him.”
“And not us?” Superman asks, even more hurt than before. “Batman, you thought we wouldn’t notice you being an entirely different person. You tried to trick us and never even informed us Red Hood worked for you.”
“Hey! I don’t work for that asshole,” Jason snaps, already annoyed since B blew the cover he worked so hard to keep, even if he wasn’t likely to get out of this without giving something away. He knows it’s stupid too, especially in these circumstances, but it’s always been a sensitive topic for him.
Superman and Wonder Woman now look between him and B and B explains: “He’s an independent vigilante, but we team up. I asked his help, he did it as a favor. I never told you, because telling you would compromise him. If we can spin this, it might solidify his standing in the organization, if you had known, you might have let him go and they might not have believed you. It was better this way.”
“I’m really starting to feel like you trust them more than us and that you’ve been lying,” Superman frowns. “We have always respected your privacy and not pried. But you’re keeping things from us. Important things. Things related to our work. And that’s not okay.”
Batman is now between a rock and a hard place and Jason would be more sympathetic if it weren’t B.
“There’s a reason I’m keeping this particular thing,” Batman says without offering any further explanation.
“This is no way to treat your fellow warriors,” Wonder Woman exclaims.
“I’m with her,” Dick pipes up.
“Me too,” Jason adds, because like hell is he siding with Bruce over Wonder Woman.
“You and me both know that we right here, are old enough that you don’t have to do this,” Dick says, almost imploring and Jason holds his breath. He can’t believe Dick is asking Bruce to break their non-association vow here.
“What is he talking about?” Superman demands. “How do you know them?”
B is quiet, assessing the situation, then he utters words Jason never thought he’d hear in front of anyone associated with the League. “They are my sons. I raised them. That’s why I trust them and why I’m here to get them.”
It’s deathly silent for a second, then both Wonder Woman and Superman burst with outrage of never having been told, of being kept in the dark with information like this. How did Batman keep this from them? Why?
Letting them rage for a moment, B speaks up again once they’ve quieted down: “They weren’t always adults and I didn’t know you well enough. I wasn’t going to endanger them. What if you were mind controlled or turned against me? They couldn’t become a target.”
“So what about I work alone?” Superman huffs. “We put effort into pulling you into our group.”
“And that is appreciated and it does take effort to learn how to work together, even if you’re already familiar with teamwork,” B counters. “But yes, I did lie. Having a certain persona here helped keep my children safe. I don’t regret it.”
Despite wanting to be better than this, Jason’s still touched that B would go this far for them. It has always been an insecurity of his, so no matter how shitty it is to the League, he can’t help but feel happy that Bruce chose him over them. That he doesn’t regret it.
Dick, however, doesn’t have that as much and has a different reaction. He pulls free from Wonder Woman’s grip, slackened by circumstance, and says: “And your persona is asshole? Jesus Christ, B, the least you can do is apologize. They got suspicious of me saying thank you, Agent A raised you better than that.”
B at least has the decency to look a little sheepish at that, shocking the two heroes and then shocking them even more when he says: “I am sorry for the trouble.”
“Great,” Jason breaks the tension, stepping away from Superman, because he’s had a roller coaster of a day and he is done. “Glad we got that all settled then. Nice to meet you two, let’s not do it again. If your see me, you don’t know me. Now, let’s to get out of here.”
“Wait, we want more answers,” Wonder Woman stops them.
“Wonder Woman,” B says, finally sounding like himself, tired and a little gruff, but not unkind. “I broke my arm less than an hour ago, I’ve been patrolling all week with three separate Arkham escapes and my kids just got chased and locked up. I need a moment. Promise that I’ll explain better tomorrow. Make it a meeting if you must.”
She still looks reluctant, but Superman is already won over. His kindness is easy to exploit Jason notes out of habit.
“Alright, Batman, but I expect you not to duck out,” he says.
With Superman allowing them to leave, Wonder Woman agrees too: “Yes, answers can come tomorrow. But know that I will come into Gotham to find you, should you not arrive.”
Jason sees Dick suppressing a snort. He has to agree that. With the forewarning and all of them there, they could stop her should B not want to go tomorrow. They’re not going to, B can face his own consequences and Jason doesn’t actually want to fight Wonder Woman, but it speaks to both of their naivety about their city.
“Thank you,” B says, probably feeling he’ll worsen Dick’s lecture otherwise.
Then he punches in his code on the Zeta-Beam and they’re in the Batcave before they know it, Barbara and Alfred waiting for them.
Barbara smirks: “You have no intention of letting them know about the others, do you?” Jason guesses she had already been here with Dick as often happens whenever one of them is kidnapped as a civilian.
“No,” B grunts.
Jason rolls his eyes and finally removes his helmet, holding out his shackles for Bruce to undo without a word. He’s going to crash in his room upstairs, eat some of Alfred’s delicious cooking and then come up with some way to make this whole thing work for him. He’s already invested two months in this stupid op, he’s not letting one shitty day ruin it.
While B undoes his shackles, Dick bounces over to Babs to let her undo his, saying: “Do you know the Justice League thinks you’re an AI?”
“Of course, people tell secrets to computers, not people they’ve never met before,” Babs shrugs easily.
“Oh you’re evil,” Dick grins and Jason agrees with a nod.
Now free, he also makes his way over to her and says: “What do I have to do to get the footage of Dickiebird here getting wrecked by Superman and Wonder Woman?”
“Hey, you got destroyed too,” Dick pouts.
“Not in the Watchtower while dressed as B. I looked cool,” Jason counters, half of that a lie. Fuck, he really hopes Babs hasn’t already found footage of his own take down.
“Get me those snacks I like next time you’re abroad and I’ll throw them in the group chat,” she says.
“Deal,” he shakes her hand, before Dick can interfere.
“You two are so mean,” he pouts even more. “You got taken down too, bet you looked stupid.”
“I did not,” Jason protests immediately, his cheeks feeling hot.
“Camera footage says otherwise,” Babs grins evilly, because she’s an evil evil-doer, who is out to get Jason with her evil ways.
“DO not show him that!” he shrieks, jumping to get her hands away from the keyboards, before she can pull it up, while Dick tries to fight him off so she can.
A part of him still can’t believe that today he nearly died for the second time at the hands of the blue boy scout and his idol, nor that Dick broke in to the Watchtower dressed as Batman to come get him.
Later he’ll have to deal with B’s paranoia over the Justice League knowing about him and Dick, write a report about the weak points of the Justice League, then worry about his own mission and all of that will be a hassle. But right now he’s worrying about making sure his eel footage never sees the light of day and wrestling with his brother and Babs.
All in all, today could have been worse.
I don’t think the Justice League is incompetent btw, I think Jason (and the other bats) are just kind of intense with their own security and a little judgmental.
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mouwrites · 8 months
hi hi! can I request some headcanons about the ninja (+pixal, if you're up for it) having an artist s/o? okay thank you, also I love your writing!
Oooh yess!! Where my artist ninjago enjoyers at⁉️ I’ve come to nourish you <3
Ninjago - Ninjas (+ Pixal) with an Artist s/o
Immediately asks if you can draw/paint/etc him
If you agree, he will ask again in the future
….honestly he’ll probably keep asking even if you say no
What can he say? He wants to inspire you ;)
If you have art block, he immediately jumps to pose dramatically or arrange a bowl of fruit or something
He’s equally enamored with the quality of your work and the fact that it came from your hands
He loves all your work, even the pieces you decide to scrap/re-do
“What are you doing?? That was perfect!”
“Jay? How long have you been standing there-”
On that note, he loves to watch you work
Even when you don’t know he’s watching… (he’s a little obsessed)
But the plus side of this is that he knows the exact products you use, and he can see when you’re running low
He makes sure to replenish your stocks for you :) so you won’t ever have to worry about running out mid-project
He also makes sure to flaunt your work as much as possible, especially the pieces he “inspired”
He truly thinks you’re the best artist in the world, and he WILL fight someone over it
I see Cole as a pretty artsy guy himself, so he’d be thrilled to have an artsy s/o
You might not expect it, but he’s really in tune with his feelings, so to me it makes sense
He’s not quite as artsy as you, but he knows how to appreciate it
He’s more into the performing arts himself, but he has no less respect for other types of art
He’ll totally arrange work sessions for you both, which vary depending on the vibe you’re working with
Feeling like doing something a little dark or moody? Dramatic piano. Candles. Wine/grape juice in wine glasses.
Feeling colorful? Open windows. Flowers in vases. Candy and fruit. Maybe some cartoons playing in the background.
Point being: he knows how to get a vibe going
He really loves to work alongside you, even if you’re not doing the same thing
Sometimes he tries to sketch or paint, but more often he’s just watching you work or practicing moves
(You guys totally have a shared studio btw; wood floors and barre for him, easel/supply cabinet/whatever you need for you)
You guys definitely help each other out too
He’ll teach you a few moves so you can be his dance partner every now and again, and he’s more than happy to be your muse in return
He doesn’t really do performances or anything (dance is just a side hobby), so he has all the more respect for you if you publicize your work
He loves all your work, but he’s also a great source of constructive criticism
“I like this one. It’s darker than your other pieces, though, isn’t it? More drab.”
“Yeah, that’s kinda what I was thinking. I think I was just in a mood when I made it.”
He’ll make requests, but mostly for things he thinks would be cool
“What if you did one with, like, a car shooting flames from its exhaust pipes? Oh! And the driver is super handsome with a flaming cape and swords and sunglasses that are made of pieces of the sun!”
“That is insane. …I’m starting right now.”
He really admires your art, and he’s honestly a bit jealous of your skill
He actually has a pretty creative mind, just not the means to express it
So he’ll be shy about it, but eventually he asks if you can give him some pointers
He doesn’t want to keep asking you to bring his sharks flying in jets over volcanoes to life forever, after all
He’s gotta learn to be independent!
So he’ll quietly join you while you work, watching you closely and trying to follow along
He gets frustrated when he isn’t instantly as talented as you, and you have to laughingly assure him that skill takes time
He only gains more respect for you as he tries to stay calm
He learns to truly admire your work this way
And with his admiration came a tenfold increase in support
However you share your art, he’s the #1 supporter
Posting online? He’s already liked, commented, and shared on 7 different platforms. At a showcase? He’s dressed sharply, stationed not-so-inconspicuously in front of your piece(s) and getting others to talk about them
He also has a deep appreciation for art
He doesn’t always understand non-logical things, but art has a way of resonating with him
So to have a partner who makes art…
It adds a whole new level of emotional depth to your relationship
You already make him feel complex things, so seeing art that’s from you is truly an experience
The wistfulness he gets when looking at normal art is only amplified when he remembers that your hands produced it
He likes to be with you when he admires it, squeezing your hand while he takes in the little details
He’s a quiet admirer, but he’ll absolutely attend any events you’re featured in/support any online presence you have
He never gets tired of looking at your work; or looking at you work, for that matter
If you let him, he’ll watch you work
He’s dead silent, which is either a blessing or a curse depending on how easily you get creeped out
Eventually, when you finish, he’ll stand up and join you at your side, admiring the final product
You know he likes it when he reaches for your hand with a smile, letting you rest your head against him
The most you’ll get verbally is “it’s beautiful,” but trust me, he feels so much more deeply about the piece (and you <3)
Lloyd is more curious than anything when he finds out you’re an artist
What kinds of art do you do? Can he see your work? Have you always liked art?
He’s eager to see your work, but he’s not sure he can “appreciate” it properly
You have to reassure him that there’s no one way to “appreciate” art, and however he feels about it, that’s just how he feels
Your response only increases his interest
He ends up getting more into art because of you
The art of appreciation, if you will
He wants to be able to understand your work more so that he knows how to support you
He mostly spends hours just staring at your work, trying to notice the little details
He’d love to watch you at work, too, if you’ll let him
He asks questions all the time, but still tries not to annoy you
He’s actually already a natural at “appreciating” art, but the fact that he’s always trying to learn only makes him better at it
So you can do nothing but smile while he tilts his head, carefully formulating his next question
They’re surprisingly deep at times:
“Do you think this piece uses smoother shapes because you were feeling relaxed, so you moved more slowly? Or perhaps you were just emulating your calmness subconsciously..?”
“That could be it. I hadn’t thought of it like that.”
“Oh, sorry, am I overanalyzing? Sorry-”
“No, no, you’re totally right.”
You’ll ruffle his hair affectionately, and he’ll wrap an arm around your shoulder while he continues to examine your piece :]
I’m gonna be honest, I don’t see Nya as the type to get all deep over the meaning of art
Like, if it’s pleasing to the eye she’ll appreciate it, but she doesn’t think about it too much
It’s just too abstract for her tastes; the pseudo-reasoning of art critics gets on her nerves
But for your work she makes an exception
Well, not really an exception—she doesn’t take to pseudo-reasoning
She knows you, she knows your feelings, so when she sees your work, she sees a piece of you in it
It’s something she doesn’t see in other art pieces; she doesn’t know the artist, so it’s nothing more than a visual piece for her
But with your pieces, she can dig deeper because she knows deeper information
That’s why she loves your work, and why she loves watching you work
You’re the only artist that makes her feel like she really understands art, and for that she appreciates you
(She still thinks that most critics talk out of their asses though)
On that note, she will fight your critics. She will hunt them down and make them regret ever trying to “understand” your work
“Tch, look at this idiot. He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about! He doesn’t know you!”
“Nya, he’s complimenting my work-”
“But he doesn’t understand it!”
Honestly you think it’s a little funny how she’s unintentionally become one of those critics who argue about a piece’s meaning
Only for you though ;)
She has a vast trove of knowledge, but feeling is something she often struggles with
There are few things that actually give her profound emotions
Your art is one of those things
The fact that it came from you, that your hands crafted it…
It stirs something in her, and suddenly the shapes and colors come to life
She asks you about it often, trying to understand
“Why is it… calming?”
“Well, I suppose I used some pretty muted colors, and the imagery is kinda peaceful… I dunno, does it calm you?”
“Yes. It makes me feel calm.”
Obviously you’re proud of her for better recognizing her emotions
And she’s proud of herself!!
Your art helps her understand a part of her that she’s only beginning to explore
And, since it comes directly from you, she credits you with the help :)
She loves to see your finished work, but she also finds herself mesmerized by your creative process
Watching the piece come together, each motion bringing it closer to completion, helps her understand the art itself
She tells herself that it helps her understand her feelings, too
Even though she knows that not every piece is dedicated to her, she always thanks you for showing her your work <3
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Thanks for this request!! And thank you for reading, take care you little rockstars <33
(divider by saradika)
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kissingghouls · 5 months
'leave me behind' and Terzo if I may ☺️ you can chose if you want to break my heart or just let him be the drama queen we know and love 💜
Oh my goodness Cake this took so long! I am so sorry 😭
Here's 1k words of Drama Queen Retired Terzo Fluff 💜 (Terzo x Reader [gender neutral reader, but there is a mention of wearing a dress], established relationship, relatively SFW but suggestive, MDNI, not beta read)
Terzo Emeritus is a magnificent bastard. Magnificent and beautiful. The warm light of the morning shines on your lover’s bare face—a luxury very few are allowed to see even now in his retirement. Trouble is, he’s as charming as he is handsome. The Third has completely stolen your heart and—if you were inclined to search through his room—probably some of your clothes as well.
The suite is just as dreamy and over-the-top as he is, all luxe velvet and silk in the deepest violet built to house royalty. An opalescent gleam dances over every surface thanks to the large stained glass window on the far wall. Touches of gold and marble from the fireplace to the valet where his suit waits for him seem to sparkle at this hour. Even the bed feels softer than the night before—as if Papa Emeritus III would sleep on anything less than a cloud. 
It's hard to leave this place. As much as you’d love to dramatically drape yourself over every opulent piece of furniture in the room and pose like a Victorian woman waiting for a letter, there were things to do. You were happy Terzo was enjoying retired life—even more so that he was spending his leisure time with you—but he’s been pretending to be asleep for a half-hour and you really need to get out of this bed. 
You’ve tried wiggling, huffing, and physically trying to pry his fingers away from you, but Terzo will not let go. Normally you think it’s sweet the way he clings to you, but he knows you have important meetings to attend. And he knows exactly how it will look if you are late. 
“Terzo, please,” you finally try, your voice hitting a pitched whine you hadn’t intended. You hope it helps to make your point.
“Amore,” he whines back. His eyes are still shut tight, but he’s fighting that sweet Terzo smile you usually enjoy.
“You have to let me go, Terzo.”
He groans in response, tightening his grip on you.  “I will never.”
“Terzo, darling, I need to get dressed. You know how they get if I’m late for a meeting.”
He sighs heavily and slowly releases his hold. Before he can change his mind, you slip from the bed and gather your clothes for the day. He watches you dress, eyes following the line of your body as you move through the room. He knows every part of you now, loves every part of you. There isn’t a dip or curve he hasn’t traced with his fingers or his tongue. He’s committed each freckle and scar to memory, knows them better than all those songs he used to sing. Songs he’d still sing at your request, but only for you.
Maybe he is a selfish man, but he can’t help but want you to stay in his arms. If not forever, then at least ten—no—sixty more minutes.
“Go on then,” he laments, dramatically throwing his arm over his eyes. “Leave me behind.”
The mattress dips under the weight of your knee as you sigh and climb back onto his ridiculous bed. You straddle his waist, leaning forward to press a kiss against his chest—that perfect pretty space right over his heart. “Terzo?” Your voice is soft, but you know he can hear you. You repeat his name, but he doesn’t respond, doesn’t move at all.  “Terzo, look at me.”
“I can’t,” he pouts, his bottom lip jutting out a little more as he keeps his arm in place. 
“Why not?”
“You’re too beautiful. Like staring into the sun,” he admits with a sigh. “And if I look at you now, you will never make it to that meeting. What kind of man would I be then? Contributing to your delinquency?”
You bite your lip and pry his arm away from his face, pinning it to the mattress instead. “I think you would be the same man you were last night—the same man who spent the entire evening with a hand up my dress.”
“Well, that’s not my fault, amore. You have bewitched me, temptress. I’m nothing more than a possessed man.”
“I wasn’t complaining.”
“Oh?” He asks, his left eyebrow quirked up. “Perhaps you could tell me what you meant, so I can understand.”
“I like you. I like being with you. I like being around you. I would rather stay here with you and let you worship me than sit in that stuffy conference room for even one second.”
“Sì, sì. I like where this is going,” he teases, raising his hips under you.
“But—” You pause to pin his other arm to the bed, holding him firmly. “If I miss this meeting, you better make it worth it—”
“Oh, amore, I—”
“And you are coming up with a much better excuse this time.”
He frowns. “And what was so bad about the last one?”
“Telling you brother I ‘choked on something’ isn’t exactly subtle.”
“Copia? He wouldn’t know an innuendo from his own fist.”
“You know the Siblings call him ‘Fuck Machine’ right?”
“They what—”
“It doesn’t matter, but you should be very proud.”
“Ah, sì, good for him I suppose…Why do you know they call him that?”
“Shush darling, it’s just girl talk.”
“Wait, what do they call me?”
You roll your eyes. “I’m going to work.”
His body shifts and twists until his hands are free. He grabs your waist, easily pushing you onto your back before he climbs over you. He softly traces his lips over your jaw as he speaks. “You said you’d stay.”
“I said if I stay. And that you better have a good excuse.”
“Hmm,” he hums, drawing a hand between your legs. “I don’t know, amore. I think it feels like you might be getting a fever.”
“Mmhmm, Hell Flu is deathly contagious too. We should quarantine for at least a week I think.”
“A week, huh?”
“At least. You may need even longer to recover. I’m afraid you are very, very ill. I’ll call Copia and let him know you aren’t feeling well. You go ahead and get undressed, amore. Let me take care of you,” he says with a wink and hops up to call in sick for you.
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nezz-cringe-crib · 2 months
Share your winsdom with us mortals
ALSO- Some L angst maybe? I like seeing him suffer bc he is my favorite blorbo and I love making my blorbos suffer
(only if you are comfortable with it, ofc. Don't wanna push anything :) )
i always suck at giving hcs off the fly, but here's some i've thought up of before and like to think about instead of sleeping :333 (be warned that they're all pretty vanilla lolz. my hcs are basic. i just like my blorbos.)
Lawlight hcs:
blorbbooo tiiimmeeeee :33 - i personally really like fluffy lawlight things, but a lot of those are usually for aus and everything (since i can't see them being very fluffy in the normal death note plot). but i like to imagine them having stupid teenage-like crush moments with each other. like maybe during the yotsuba arc or something, L wants more sweets but watari is already out doing something, so his dramatic ass is just whining about "oh woe is me....... there's nothing in the vicinity for me to munch on......... how will i ever go on......." and then to get him to shut up, light begrudgingly either bakes something for L (which could probably lead to a lot of silly shenanigans with stupid dorky smiles before light immediately takes it back and starts bickering with L again), or light convinces L to go buy some sweets from a bakery in town (and then L gets distracted because there's multiple sweet-filled stores and his greedy ass has to try all of them so now they're essentially just going on a date trip around all the sweet stores in town). - also to add onto that last bullet, there's this one fic i just read last night that was so stupid and adorable and i loved it. it's called "You can't have my name, but you can have my number" and i recommend checking it out if you like short and sweet fluffy fics. :] (and if you want more fluffy fics, go read everything @rawrlight has made. his fics are so fucking good please read them i am obsessed with them actually pleasepleasepleaseplease) - L is surprisingly good with kids and light won't admit it but he's kinda into it. - L nonchalantly shares food with light and light totally overthinks the shit out of it. - they totally pick at each other for everything. light picks at L for every unsanitary thing he does. L picks at light for having an unnecessarily long and complicated hygiene routine (i like to imagine he has a shit ton of hair and skincare products). anybody who walks past the bathroom while they're in it is bound to hear non-stop bickering. (or, if you really wanna match my freak, have matsuda open the bathroom door while they're getting ready only to see them in the middle of a fight. whether the pose they're in looks compromisingly homosexual is up to you my dear sillies).
uhhhhhh and that's all i can think of for now. awww zoinks.....
but now L angst headcanons yipeeeeeeeee :33333
L angst hcs:
ooougghhhh buckle up boyz... it's angsty tism time..... - i don't think L was ever good at making friends (this is very much a projected headcanon but shshshshshsh ignore that). despite being insanely intelligent and pretty damn good at whatever he sets his mind to, i don't think he ever got the hang of making deep, personal connections. and i feel like he wants to. throughout his whole life, maybe he wanted to make friends but it always just fell flat. maybe as a child there were times where thought he had made a friend, only to realize those feelings were not reciprocated. despite everything he tried, he was just never "human" enough to seemingly make all those lasting connections that he analyzes so deeply. and i think he probably gave up on trying at some point. and all of this is why i feel like his connection with light is so important. even though he knows it'll end in tragedy and that he will die by light's hand, he still can't help but feel... a little more human with light. and i think he'd risk death in order to feel like that one more time. - i don't usually like reading/seeing heavily angsty stuff, but i remember seeing somebody headcanon that they thought L went through solitary confinement as a child in the wammy house, and i always thought that was interesting. i'm not gonna expand on it though since heavy angst isn't really my vibe. (i love making my blorbos suffer, but not too much.) - yeah most of my L angst is him just being incredibly lonely. in the sense of "he doesn't cry about it (he's probably only cried once in his life and that was probably as a very young child), but there's always been some missing piece in his heart that just can't ever seem to be filled". - actually-- loneliness and his inhumanity. that's what i fuck with the most. though they kind of intertwine, so. yeah i kinda just sound like a broken record atp but sshhhhhhhhhhh it pays off (sometimes) i swear. - he also has a lot of religious trauma in my eyes (again, projection). i know he's not religious or anything, but i feel like he'd fit that song "Dear God" by XTC a lot. - oh and he also sulks a fuckton. he doesn't cry, he pouts and goes to stand in the rain while reminiscing on old memories. that's what his emo dramatic ass does and i fucking love him for it.
that's all i can really think of right now. hopefully that's somewhat entertaining. most of my headcanons are very basic compared to other people i've seen, but they are still special in my heart. :))))
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It Takes a Mob pt.8
It took all of Bill’s nerves to keep his eyes strait ahead. Lesser men would be following the boss as he paced around them. The sound of his steel toed boots clanking against the metal floor of the office.
But Bill refused to be one of those men. He has been earning his keep in Gotham’s underbelly since he made it through high school. He has went toe to toe with the bats in too many situations to let himself be scared shitless by a man he remembers meeting in pixie boots.
Red may have changed a lot since then, but he was still the same kid under all that body armor; dramatic sure, but still a good kid.
“Let me tell you guys a story. The big boss of a group of merry men decides to take a couple days off from his job.”
Marv was not keeping his cool as good. Out of the corner of his Bill could see him twitch with each turn Hood took.
“And everything is good! He gets to hang out with his family, catch up on the media read a couple books.”
It felt like a weird time to want to laugh, but Bill was finding it harm not to.
Between a dramatic monologue, a twitchy cohort and the small hands that were shoving themselves repeatedly into his armpit; Bill wasn’t surprised that he was loosing the battle.
‘This is my fucking life’
He tuned himself back in at a growl from the boss as he loomed over him.
‘Christ, what had daddy B been feeding him? he used to come up to my waist…’
“So what’s so funny Overbeck?”
“Oh nothing Boss, just the fact dat if we had really fucked up then you wouldn’t’ve pulled us to the side.”
Bill snarked as he tried to subtly discourage some nosy hands,
“I think we both know that you would’ve just gut us as a spectacle.”
“Is that so?”
“Like a bunch of pigs.”
The brief silence was thickening before the boss let out an ugly snort and let the tension release in his pose.
“Fuck all…”
“If you wanted information you could’ve skimped on the one act.”
With a graceless flop Red hood draped himself into one of the chairs and gestured for the two to do the same.
“Got to keep up the appearances, you know that Bill.”
And leaned forward as the two henchmen got comfortable.
Bill had to resist the impulse to smooth his hands down the kids back. Danny wouldn’t’ve minded if he did but it was best to keep minimal contact with the hidden protrusion less he wanted to bring them to the spotlight.
Red asked his jaw on his knuckle,
“who found the kid?”
Bill time began to crawl as he felt the color try to leave his face.
Marv stood up with a jolt,
“What kid? Why are we bringing up kids?! Boss, you know we would never-“
“Jesus, will you sit down? I’m not accusing you of C.P. or some shit. There’s only so many things we use insulated boxes around here and I’m pretty sure Me-Mah would only be disappointed and mildly pissed if it was something food related.”
Marv caught Bill’s eyes with a panicked little glint,
‘Sometimes I forget that the big man was a detective.’
Bill tried to give a look that hopefully told the big oaf next to him to keep quiet.
‘Alright Red, we’re dancing now.’
“Yeah okay you caught us. There was a kid, we found them the other day while bar hopping.”
Red casually sat up and rolled his shoulders,
“Race, and description.”
“Young, couldn’t be any more than one. Caucasian, looks like one of the birds you know?”
“So why the fuck was I not informed about this?”
Ooh, that’s a dangerous tone. Not loose a kneecap tone but definitely toeing his patience.
The little old man in his head was taking a drag of a cigarette.
“Play it smart Bill or don’t play at all.”
He advised with a puff.
Bill remembered hearing those words a lot when he was younger.
The first time he heard them was after he got the snot beaten out of him in his first fight.
The last time was when he slung a bag over his shoulder and slammed the door on his old man’s face.
“Been thinking about the old guy a lot more than usual. Have no clue what that’s about.”
Bill huffed as he tried to mentally phrase his next words,
“Well quite simply it’s not an “you” problem boss. Listen, what happened to the kid was horrible, fuck whoever did it with the barrel of my gun, but you were taking a couple days off with family. What did you want us to do? Call you in the the middle of the night like “Eyy boss how’s the kids? Yeah well we found one of our own while you’ve been away! Yeah in the trash with no identification or contact information at all! See you next Tuesday!” What good would that have done other than pissing you off?”
Bill crossed his arms to try to hide some of the kid’s squirming. Looks like he got a little worked up as well during his lecture.
Hood let out a mechanical sigh,
“Doesn’t mean I shouldn’t’ve been informed.”
“And you would’ve,”
Bill drawled,
“Do you honestly believe we could hide something from you forever? Might has well tell me the Joker has given up a life of crime to be a hooker.”
Both of the other men choked and Bill mentally patted himself on the back.
It was hard enough as is to get any emotion out of the boss’ when he wears his crimson dome.
‘Alright Bill, distraction successful, bring it all the way home.’
“I’m just saying, it wasn’t like this was an organized crime of dumping babies. There isn’t greasy fucktard hitting in a warehouse goin’ “you know what this city needs? Traumatized garbage collectors.” This was someone making a shitty choice an’ getting away with it. The kid is safe, an’ is goin’ to be well taken care of and isn’t that what matters in the end?”
There was pause in the air after Bill finished.
For a moment it almost felt like he had gotten away with it.
“What’s with the jacket?”
“Fuck.” Bill did not like where this was going.
“I let myself go boss.”
A pause of disbelief filled the air as Bill tried to keep his panic off his face. Red was meeting his eyes behind his helmet, its dead stare giving a sense of deadpan as the seconds ticked by. Marv had the chair armrest in a white knuckled grip as he frantically shifted his eyes between the two.
“A little too much takeout an’ a little less cardio than the doc ordered…”
“You know how it is boss-“
“Take off the coat.”
“Hey now-“ Bill flung himself from his seat “you’re a great guy boss but I’m not that type of worker!”
The boss was sadly was not going to let him get away with a joke.
Marv got up from his seat as Hood began to approach,
“Cut the shit Bill. I’m not mad, just need to know-.”
The hoodlums tags part 1
@boredomfarie , @aconitewolfsbane , @withoutcontxt @onyxlightdragon , @satanicrutialspecialist , @phoenixdemonqueen , @vixen-uchiha , @skulld3mort-1fan , @bytheoldwillowtree , @illusionwolfwriter24r8 , @thewondersoflebanon , @vipower001 , @autumnwulf , @alice-hazelwood , @fisticuffsatapplebees , @f4nd0m-fun , @markus209 , @latheevening226, @dolfay, @basilf1res , @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair , @skirter01 , @bun-fish , @ascetic-orange , @thegatorsgoose , @sunflowershine03 , @ladythugs , @firegirl108 , @glitchedchaos , @rangerhorsetug , @mimilikey , @booberrylizard , @lehana37 , @dragongoblet , @flamey-comet , @mandyne-1001 , @starscreamlover , @moonfirearc, @bae-graphomaniac , @mewzaque , @wolfeyedwitch , @idfk-man10, @demon-cat-goes-woof , @undead-essence , @jaguarthecat
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itsyagurlchip · 3 months
Another ROTTMNT request!!
Platonic, funny hc about the 4 brothers reacting to younger sister reader who has a gloomy/angsty personality who acts like a tragic heroin but in reality everything in her life is completely okay.
She's just a bit dramatic like leo and dee xD
☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・OUr Our YEA~☀︎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
alt title; reader loves a style but does little research on it and uses pinterest as a ref
ᯓᡣ𐭩 warnings: cussing(!) cringe(!) stereotyped emos (!) crack(!)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ngl- i feel reader w/ this one 😭😭 Thank you so much for requesting <33 btw, this is not to make fun of actual emos, you guy's aesthetic is beautiful <3 instead, this is actually written from a 2 day experience by your's truly! There is absolutely no plot in this, so if you can't follow at all I don't blame you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 "Oh god she's blasting SleepToken again-"
kanabo; a japanese weapon similar to a spiked bat, used for offense.
"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!" You screamed as you slammed the door closed.
Raph stood there, stunned and confused.
"I don't get it...all Raph told her to do was to wash the dishes?" He sighed and walked away. Deeply, he was too tired for this shit and the headache he has was forming faster the more he thought about it. He needed a nap.
Meanwhile Leo and Donnie were snickering in the far corner, watching the whole ordeal go down.
"That cannot be real-" Leo said, holding his gut trying not to shit on himself at the atrocity you just committed.
"Of- ha- of course it itz! I caught it on camera!" Donnie waved the evidence in the air.
The two burst into obnoxious laughter, echoing throughout the sewers.
So yea..you're a bit cringe. But who's stopping you?
You truly believed that this wasn't a phase.
And future you is looking down at you in tears.
The group was fighting a tiger villian. Silly cat, he had guns. Tch, that was nothing for someone like you.
"I blast you into the abyss as dark as my soul" You said, raising your kanabo, swinging the weapon in a circular motion, aiming for your target.
"What the f-" And he got blasted. You hated how your weapon was pink...
It all started with the "pick me girl" trend.
You hated those people (despite them not even existing half the time).
So, you wanted to be different 😈
And thus, the color black was an immediate yes
Mikey, not really caring about the sudden change in his sibling's style, used you for his art inspiration! Even if you begged and begged for him to draw you with hair.
(he already sketched it, but won't tell you. he's not gonna let it go that far into your head💀)
"Turn- now pose, ohhhh! Lookin great Pink! Wooo, you got it girl!"
"The only thing I deserve to have is a dirt pit. To put myself in, not your praise."
"Oh- oh."
Looking through pinterest you found your first outfit inspo and fell in love.
While not actually having any problems, mentally or physically (from what you know), you felt like you fit into this category so well!
Your scales were black, check
You love eyeliner, check
Your siblings force you to do things that you didn't want to (chores) , check
You were all set.
All it took was a few hundred dollars from Donnie's bank and you were ready to show the world-
"we are literally just asking you to go on this mission-"
They just let you sort your feelings out, poor baby.
No one actually knew when it really started
But suddenly you started to ask April for her makeup and nail polish for the first time.
And April, bless her, did so each and every time.
"Of course honeybun!"
Worst part was, you never gave it back.
"Hey, have you boys seen my makeup bag? I can't find it no where."
The boys sighed, already sick of the shenanigans, and pointed towards your room where every light was off.
Walking inside, April came in to see a singular lamp shining, with you underneath it writing inside of a black notebook.
"Hey Pink! Watcha doin sweetheart?" April nervously said, "It's pretty dark in here-"
"Writing down the names of my enemies. They need to suffer the pain I go through everyday, not only the physical- but the mental."
April wasn't really sure what you were going on about, but she spotted her makeup bag and dipped.
Donnie walked into your room, music blasting at goddam 3 in the morning.
"ARe yoU inSane!?!?" Donnie yelled as Ely Ottto raged over his voice.
"THIS IS THE REAL ME DONNIE! DEAL WITH ME!!!" You flipped him off, head banging as you jump up and down on the mattress. The plushies that were sitting on the bed even had black marker scribbled all over them.
This was too much damn noise! And quite frankly, very much overstimulating for this time of night for anyone to experience.
"YOUR NOT MY DAD BOZO!" Like a child (*cough cough*) you blew a raspberry at him and turned the music up louder.
Donnie was twitching in anger as he disabled your speaker with a tap of a few buttons.
"I HATE YOU" You yelled, stomping towards him and pushing him out. Slamming the door, you screamed into your pillow (as if that would muffle the sound.)
Dear supreme pizza in the sky-
Oddly enough your behavior would also vary between people.
For example, you wouldn't take shit from Donnie, even if he was trying to help you, you would even go as far to make fun of him for no reason.
You would talk about your woes and suffering with April and Mikey, even when they didn't understand it half the time because it was ever on subject???
You simply just ignored Raph when he told you to do something.
And Leo, pray for his soul, would play along. Or even worse, bully you *kindly*
Leo was walking you to the park, walking with a crip like those bloxburg characters when you don't take a bath. His head was facing the concrete, set in a mock scowl, mimicking your own.
You rolled your eyes and walked faster, flipping the wig you bought.
Good thing it lasted for another two days, or everyone (not including Leo) would've blown their tops.
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Man- had to get the rest of that brainrot out. phew~
heres part 2 btw
૮₍˶• .•⑅₎ა tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl
૮₍˶• .•⑅₎ა @ziipzeepzop-eez @wheezdostuff @spongejuice @cyb3r-st4r @nuncscioquidsitamor-14
if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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jedibinx · 2 months
Fic Masterlist - JediBinx 💜💚🖤
Here it is! The masterlist - I had no clue where to even start so I've organised them into Series and One-shots and linked each one with a short (very short!) summary of what it's about hope this helps! ^_^:
When Darkness Calls, Who Will Answer? - vampire Jere with gender neutral reader. Creepy, strange and murdery.
Sweater Paws - Jere/Bojan - good old fashioned smutty smut smut.
It Started Out With A Kiss, How Did It End Up Like This? - Jere/Jukka post on-stage kiss.
Slender Wrists and Gentle Kissed - Jere/Security Man Veikko - Veikko has to comfort Jere after a traumatic incident.
The Will Of The Unconscious - Jere/Bojan - Bojan's POV, we find a struggling writer discovers the perfect inspiration... or did the writer create the inspiration?
Flash Fiction Picture Challenge - I take ten photos and create two sentence stories based on them
Just Once - I angsted up the onlyfans content. Because I could and I live to torture lol
Ask Me To Pose, I'll Be Your Doll - inspired by this lovely artwork. Nace/Jere fluff love.
Tell Me I'm A Good Boy - J/Jere smut. This is the fic that started it all with J.
Scratch The Itch - request for a friend - Kris/Nace smut
We Will Prevail - Bojan/Jere. Bojan surprises Jere for Valentine's day but not everything goes to plan and Bojan ends up playing the man card and being a stupid stupid head. Will he be able to save everything he ever wished for?
Parasocial Investigations - Kris/Jere. Kris is a social media influencer focusing on mental health and positive mindsets. Jere is alone, mentally unwell, and clings to Kris' videos and every interaction he has with him. When Jere convinces himself that Kris wants to come to stay, how will it turn out?
Wine, Dine and (Gory) Sexy Time - Tommy/Jere. Vampire gore and smut.
Save Me With Death - Bojan/Jere. Bojan is dying and stumbles across Jere, a starving vampire all but desperate for food. What will happen?
Daddy J and his Famalamadingdongs - my crack fic where Bojan joins Jere's religious cult where he's referred to as Daddy J.
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend - Tommy/Jere. Tommy is a voyeur and Jere is all too happy to help. Smut.
Laid Bare - Jere. Stripper AU. Angsty, sexy, dramatic and traumatic.
Perhana - Bojan/Jere. Even more traumatic. Death and sadness.
Multi-Chapter Stories (Non-Series):
Wake Up - Bojan/Jere - A psychological thriller where we see Bojan, an ex addict try and patch things up with Jere but all the while Jere is falling further and further into a set of diaries that he has found... but all is not as it seems. What will happen when one slowly starts to fall apart and the other desperately tries to keep them together? What happens when things aren't what they seem, or are they just a dream within a dream? Can we really trust our own senses to tell us the truth?
Love and Be Loved, Kill or Be Killed - Jere/OC Female - Mara is a busy GP living her life as best as she can spreading kindness wherever she goes. She can't help it; she's just nice. When her town is plagued by a spree of murders on local women, she becomes anxious and a little paranoia takes hold of her but she carries on her day to day routine as best as she can, refusing to allow fear take over her life. When her good friend, Jere, asks for help with his sick mother, kind, caring Mara... how could she refuse? Little does she know that there's a side to Jere that she hasn't yet seen, but she's read all about it in the papers... and she's about to see it first hand...
Skylar - Regular life AU. Skylar is eighteen and being let loose into the world after spending his entire life in foster care. Kris has been assigned to be his counsellor after social services recognising he needed some assistance.
(UNFINISHED) Till Death Us Do Love - Vampire AU. Jere/Damon - After a freak accident that rocked the world by creating mutated humans not unlike the vampires seen in the Hollywood movies, humans fight back and reluctantly live besides them. Hatred is rife between the two species (and even that term is a stretch as technically they are still humans, just mutated). Jere is a vampire, the same yet different from the others, fleeing from Finland with his brother Mikke. Damon is a human who just wants to live his life the way he wants to but is met with nothing but resistance. How will the world cope when two unsuspecting people's lives run into one another, creating a cataclysmic explosion of a celestial fate that will create a ripple effect that no-one will be able to stop?
(UNFINISHED) Let Go - regular life AU - Jere/J. Jere is a stressed out married man seeking professional services from a Dom sex worker by the name of J. J is an aloof sex worker/dancer who holds everyone at arms length in order to protect themself. He/Him during work, They/Them during personal life. What happens when both people reach a breaking point and come clashing together in a destiny meant for two? Will they be able to let go, grab hold, and trust?
Jere/Nace One Shots - Porn with Feelings and Plot - 6 one shots - set in real life AU.
Kinktober Universe - Jere/Nace regular life AU. 4 multi-chapter stories. Jere and Nace have a marriage on the rocks and have 31 days to save it. (the subsequent stories are prequels - Holiday where they first meet, university and the letters during university)
BoJere Fluffy Fluff Fluff - regular life AU where Bojan and Jere have both moved to the UK and meet. All fluff no smut super sweet and delicious. 2 multi-chapter parts.
Writing Requests - 30 one shots requested by my lovely tumblr friends! ^_^ Includes, smut, gore, fluff, comedy, drama, angst everything you could ask for. All different pairings, polycule and even fantasy in there too.
Soulmate AU snapshots - Bojan/Jere - Bojan is immortal and Jere keeps reincarnating, forcing Bojan to fall in love over and over again.
(UNFINISHED) Finding NetherRealm Series - Fantasy AU. Lexi is a doctorate student, on her way to becoming the next member of the Horrorlogical Society. All she has to do is complete her placement at the Zoo of the Otherworld and not get too attached to the creature she is meant to study. Easy, right? Käärijä has been captured, stuffed inside a wooden box. He's in pain, he's scared, he's been taken from his family and he doesn't know where he is. All he has to do is make himself as scary as possible, for as long as possible, and they'll leave him alone. Easy, right? If there is one thing that they will learn rather quickly is that nothing in life, no matter who or what or where, is easy.
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gust-jar-simulator · 3 months
Saw a thumbnail calling Ghirahim the "creepiest Zelda boss" and. First of all, no. Numerous other bosses have him beat on both body horror AND interpersonal drama. Ghirahim is functionally more of a rival, and also mostly using Link against his will as a stress toy/rubber duck style therapist, he doesn't really fully commit to taking the kid gloves off until about a minute before he gets defeated.
But! I digress.
Calling Ghirahim the creepiest boss relies on, whether the viewer realizes or not, recognizing Ghirahim's mannerisms and behavior as disturbing. And yeah he does some disturbing stuff. But thematically he was, as far as I can tell, intentionally designed by the devs to use queer behavior to trigger repulsion in the player, and I think that HAS to be acknowledged before you commit wholesale to just calling him Creepy.
He does do creepy shit. But they decided to convey that creepiness through some very unfortunately queer design. And he's not even actually queer, so it reads as this... gutless, sourceless, mismatched parody, where what should be backing up this threat is some sort of genuine want, whatever that might be, and there's none whatsoever. He's a peacock flashing his feathers but for pure threat reasons.
I do like the idea of a living weapon learning about politeness and manners and the kind of body language that flesh-and-blood beings would find threatening, and I could make some headcanon assumptions about that, but we really have no information on why he behaves the way he does so we just have to take it at face value. Ghirahim postures and poses and soliloquizes but exhibits no genuine desire until, I think, those couple of minutes at the very end of the game.
It's really hard for me to be genuinely scared of him because there's just nothing behind his threatening gestures. Like yeah damn sticking your tongue in my ear is kind of rude, and summoning monsters to kick my ass is annoying, but it's also not really outside the expected patterns. SkSw Link has a bully (Groose) and kicks demon ass anytime he's on the surface. And, sometimes, Ghirahim is there voguing and bitching about his love life job, beating me to my goals.
If you mean specifically boss battles, though, then the final fight against him is definitely one of my favorites because you see an incredible amount of character development for him, direct acknowledgement of Link as something powerful and terrifying, and also the visuals/setting are really fucking cool. To some extent I think you can ONLY fully understand Ghirahim as a character after that boss battle, because that's the only time it's actually genuine and personal for him.
We all know, of course, that the actual scariest things in Skyward Sword are the sacred trials.
Tl;dr Ghirahim isn't actually scary until the last minute because the only serious threat he poses either physically or psychologically is Summon Thing, Stab Link, Spill Tea, and Kidnap Princess, two of which are par for the course, one of which is a nonissue, and one of which we are actively trying to solve. Most of his stylistic scare factor is just him behaving like a dramatic gay queen. The sacred trial guardians are 100% scarier.
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
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Hunter in NRC Pt. 2
Divus leads her to the clinic where he pulls out a measuring tape along with a sketchbook. Her companions settle on the nearby beds and chairs.
“I must say, I thought that old crow was hit on the head when he contacted us about a young lady with a big dog and a talking cat that came from somewhere unknown… I almost called in the asylum to throw him into a padded cell but looking at you and your companions… I can’t deny that it’s convincing enough.”
He signals her to drop her weapon and do a “T” pose so that he may take her measurements properly.
She placed her weapon down on the floor with a loud thud. Divus can’t help but flinch slightly when he heard just how heavy it was when it made an impact.
Honestly, he didn’t expect this young lady to be capable of wielding such… outrageous weapon.
The colors are quite gorgeous though he has to admit. The craftsmanship on the mechanism was delicately placed yet they looked sturdy to last and cause a lot of damage.
If he were to describe her image in one word, it’s valiant.
Her gaze held the experience from many life or death scenarios no doubt. Very much like a soldier…
Divus gets to work on taking down her measurements. He can’t help but be intrigued at the armor she wore.
It certainly had a style that was not familiar to him, those tribal patterns on her skin make the outfit look quite chic along with the armor pieces covering her shoulders and knees.
But those armor pieces clearly aren’t meant for aesthetic purposes entirely, he can see that there were scales upon closer inspection.
Meant to protect the wearer’s joints as she swings that outrageously large weapon around. A “gunlance” she calls it.
Speaking of joints, he felt a bit of muscle when he adjusted her shoulders. She was suited for bodybuilding than modeling with a figure like hers.
‘I’m sure Vargas would be over the fence if he ever sees her muscles. Though, it makes sense from what she just told us before… Still, for a world filled with monsters, she sure made the effort to dress up her furry companions’
Looking at her mutt and feline companions who also wore armor/outfits of their own, Divus applauds whoever came up with such a design.
Talk about being stylish on the battlefield.
As soon as he was done, he sits down on an empty chair and takes out a sketchbook to jot down her measurements, and immediately started sketching ideas of a suitable outfit.
While he sketched, he figures he should get to know her better since he’ll be seeing her every now and then as a teacher’s assistant.
“By the way, that crow was supposed to find you accommodations but he suggested moving you to a dilapidated dorm without even trying to fix it BEFORE you move in. Honestly, this is why he’s never taken seriously…”
“Wow…” Fraena looks unimpressed at the mention of where she’ll be staying.
Divus flicked his wrist as he continued to drag his pencil across the white surface of the paper.
“Take my word for it, don’t try to buy into his gracious act. He may wear a literal mask but he’s quite terrible at facades”
Divus huffs as his hand swished dramatically as he dusted off bits of eraser.
Giving Fraena a glance, she looked stoic but he can see from her tapping foot that she was nervous.
“So, care to enlighten me on how your world works?” he asked casually.
Fraena wasn’t expecting that. He seemed like someone who wouldn’t be interested in small talk.
“What would you want to know about?” she figured to just answer his inquiries.
Awkward silence makes her nervous anyway.
“How about telling me if you bring your companions in battle, I know the cat doesn’t do fighting from what you said earlier, your canine on the other hand… I’ve seen dog owners teach their pets tricks but nothing comes close to having them face a hulking beast”
Divus looks at Draken who is being brushed by Meowdame while they wait.
Fraena took notice of how his gaze lingered on them.
One can assume that he has quite the obsession with dogs, actually, obsession is an understatement… he’s a total maniac about dogs.
Divus has seen a fair share of dogs and almost every single breed, he adores all of them. His favorite is the Dalmatian breed, of course!
But the one a few feet from him was larger than a wolf and had a lovely shade of scarlet. The armor the dog wore was also exceptional, it gave off a militaristic vibe.
He’s tempted to dress models' dogs the same way in his next fashion show.
“It’s normal for hunters to bring Palicoes into battle, they’re quite capable of combat despite their small size. But Meowdame is retired and assists at camp during a hunt. As for my Palamute, Draken, his breed is used to travel through areas faster but they also provide aid in fighting monsters as well. he has his own weapon.”
Divus could clearly see a small double-sided knife on the belt of the Palamute.
“Oh? Out of context, that seems quite dubious…” the man’s brow raised.
“I… I can’t disagree, but it’s a common misconception to think that hunters force felynes and Palamutes to fight. They are required to be compensated for their hard work. I’ve heard about felynes who hold a high position in the guild…”
The conversation went on for half an hour before Divus finally stood up from his seat and showed her his sketch.
“I’ve done your uniform sketch, let me know if there are any adjustments I need to add, there would be no trouble at all I assure you”
He hands her the sketchbook and Fraena’s scans the drawing.
It was a uniform that looked similar to the guildmarms back home but the color palette fits the dark aesthetic of the academy and had more black feathers.
The outfit also had a skirt that wasn’t too long to allow her mobility, though she hopes the outfit comes with shorts because she tends to run around a lot.
Short skirts in a place full of nothing but boys going through puberty are the last place for that type of fashion.
Looking back at the page, she can see that even Draken and Meowdame got new outfits as well.
Though most of it had at least a black feather, obviously to fit the raven logo. And the outfits were not entirely covering them because they’re animals.
In all honesty, it was kind of adorable, what a considerate man, Divus is to make clothes for them too.
“The outfit is fine… though since you did offer to include any changes. Can it be possible to put this symbol on all our clothes?” her hand started to sketch the guild emblem in a blank space.
She presents him with a symbol of the guild’s four swords, Divus looked at the pattern with intrigue.
“This quite an ancient-looking symbol, is this your religion of some sort?”
Divus inspects the emblem with an inspired gleam in his eyes.
“It’s more of a sacred rule, not just for hunters but for everyone. We follow these rules to properly live in harmony with nature, not to take advantage of it”
Divus can tell from her tone that she takes these rules seriously, the puppies could take notes from her and be a little less rowdy in his opinion.
Plus, it was refreshing to have an assistant that wasn’t infatuated with him.
There are two reasons why those who applied for the teacher’s assistant position weren’t able to stay for long in this godforsaken academy.
Firstly, because the workload shoved onto them was too much to handle, it’s all Crowley’s fault by the way, they couldn’t handle the stress and just quit.
Second, those who applied are well aware of the one and only Divus Crewel, Fashion Tyrant who is a very, VERY wealthy man who happens to be single, mind you.
Not to mention his devilishly good looks, he is quite proud of himself for taking care of his appearance, but in this case it was a double-edged sword.
He can’t believe how many applicants had perfected the façade of “professionalism” that dropped quickly once they got accepted.
Skipping assigned work to “chat” or to try and invite him for a coffee. Those previous applicants were dealt with by shoving more of Crowley’s workload onto them or Divus would point out so many flaws in their work performance that their rose-tinted fantasy of an co-worker romance would shatter.
He never felt bad about being brutally honest, and it’s not like they could sue him because he was KNOWN for being harsh.
But Fraena wasn’t like the other assistants, though that may be because she hasn’t heard of him at all.
She was militaristic in her mannerisms and had a no-nonsense attitude about her. Something that Divus wished he could find in the previous ones.
Guess the great seven decided to grant him his wish in the form of a person from another world with a walking cat and a dog with near-human intelligence.
And he wasn't going to reject such an opportunity.
 “I look forward to working with the school’s new teacher’s assistant, Miss Fraena. I hope you can handle that crow’s demands. I would’ve preferred people refer to me as ‘Master Crewel’ but seeing as you are to be my co-worker, you can refer to me as you see fit!”
He holds out his scarlet gloved hand to her, she firmly shakes his hand.
“I look forward to working here as well, Sir Crewel. I’m pretty sure whatever Crowley asks of me, I can handle.”
She says with a steel gaze that made it clear she wasn’t backing down.
This is definitely refreshing, the previous ones who shook his hand had this weird face that looked nearly lewd, Divus may have interests like adults do but he knows there was a time and a place for that!
He is looking forward to teaching in this new school year.
He walked past Draken and Meowdame, Divus didn’t hesitate and brushed his palm on the Palamute’s back, to which Draken responds with a startled yelp.
“Ar!? Grrrr!!!”
Draken growled at Divus who didn’t even flinch and just grinned. Before he exits the door, he looks back to Fraena and company for one last message.
“Now, you are free to use this clinic as temporary accommodation. You’ll move into your new place after I blackmail- I mean, convince Crowley to fix that ramshackle of a dorm… out of his own pocket of course~ Ta-ta, darling~!”
He sounded jovial as he left the clinic with the click of his expensive leather shoes.
Fraena collapsed on the bed as a lot has happened. Draken occupied another bed due to his huge frame.
‘That man certainly was an eccentric character…’ she can’t help but think.
Meowdame plops next to Fraena and unravels the ribbon on her hair. Unweaving it with her dainty paws, Fraena groans either out of mental exhaustion, disbelief, or a combination of both.
“We’ve had quite a day, meowster~ But we shouldn’t take this as a bad o-mew-n, we ought to take this o-paw-rtunity to try something mew. Though we can’t get our answers now, we can still try to adapt, no?”
When she finished untying Fraena’s hair the felyne settles next to Draken who was already asleep.
Giving it some thought, Meowdame had a point. There was no use beating a dead Aptonoth after all.
“You’re… right. It’s just that this is all so sudden and I have no idea what this place even is or what kind of system they have here!” Fraena threw her hands up in the air in defeat.
“All the more reason to observe and study, right? That’s what hunters do after all~”
“…. Hunter, huh…”
Fraena drifted off to sleep with many thoughts in her head. Meowdame did have a point, she can always learn to adapt to this alien-like place. It’s the most basic skill every hunter knows, adaptability.
Yet she feels like she is no longer right for that role. Not after the mixed feelings that continue to haunt her.
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The sea of students walked into the main campus building to start the new school year. Though the only thing that was on their minds was about that mysterious woman that appeared during the welcoming ceremony.
Much to their shock, the students encountered the woman in several different places on the campus. Alongside her were that large red wolf-dog and the bipedal cat.
Her armor was now replaced with a custom-fitted uniform that gave off a ‘strict secretary’ image.
The gunlance was propped on her back, making the students gasp in awe as she manages to walk fast despite carrying such a heavy load.
Divus was able to quickly create the uniforms and sent them to her in such fancy packaging, when asked how he managed to make it so quickly he simply replied…
“Magic, of course”
Right, she forgot this place had magic.
It was almost like a cheat code for an easy living. That man had done what could have been two weeks’ worth of sewing overnight.
She patrolled the campus as part of her “morning duty”, or so Crowley says.
“I wonder if this headmeowster didn’t think of hiring an actual guard if this place was so purrs-tigious…” Meowdame spoke what she was thinking while Draken huffs in agreement.
Fraena can’t help but find something fishy with this routine too. She may not have worked as an assistant but she’s been around the guild long enough to know how guildmarms function.
And they certainly did NOT need to do patrolling, those were the guild knight’s jobs!
But she can’t exactly complain when Crowley is the thread that’s keeping her and her entourage from getting sent into an unknown land where she has no identity nor the idea of how their laws work.
No doubt that Zenny can’t be used for purchasing goods here either. For now, she’ll play along with his demands.
She stopped by the statues in the middle of the Main Street, making sure that any tardy students are notified to the staff handling their classes.
Draken yawns and plops himself down next to her.
Meowdame glanced at the statues curious about who these people (and creatures) were. She inspects the one closest to them.
It was a plump woman with her head held high, her hand holding a heart-shaped fan and she wore a dress befitting a ruler.
“Are these their champions, purr-haps? Wonder what kind of meow-gic they have to be great enough to have statues made in their honor?” Meowdame wondered.
Just before Fraena can respond, she heard two voices that called out to them. From the distance, she can see two boys running in her direction.
“That’s the woman from the entrance ceremony! Whoa, they weren’t kidding when the seniors said she had a wolf-dog and a weapon. That’s so badass!” a red-haired boy strode towards them with an eager expression.
“Hey, Ace! You can’t just approach her like that!” a blue-haired boy scolds his companion who pays him no mind as he approached.
Draken stands up immediately and growls at the two boys who are scared stiff when they realized just how big the Palamute really was.
“Draken, heel!” Fraena commands him with a stern tone.
The Palamute ceased his growling and laid down again. The two boys were in awe at the authority the woman held over such a large canine.
“Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to mess with creatures you have no idea of? And why are you wasting time by trying to start small talk with me, you’re not planning on skipping class are you?”
She scolds them with an upset gaze, crossing her arms.
The blue-haired boy bows his head to her immediately.
“We apologize! Ace wanted to see your dog but I tried to stop him, honest!”
She looks to the red-haired boy called, “Ace”, who doesn’t seem apologetic at all, he was pouting at his friend instead.
“Boo, Deuce you’re such a stickler for rules like the dorm leader! Learn to live a little!”
The boy is now known as, “Deuce” shot up and glares at Ace.
“We can’t just approach people like that! She’s one of the staff here and if we get in trouble then…”
The two proceeded to bicker right in front of her.
Good grief, these boys are a handful. Fraena has met boys their age that were the same level of rowdy but at least they got their heads straight sooner or later.
But that’s probably because they were mostly hunters who took the job seriously, maybe that’s why…
“Alright, that’s enough. No need to argue out here… I can’t deny that my Palamute, Draken, here is tempting to pet but he’s not exactly social with strangers. If you guys really just came up to me to pet my companions, then would you be satisfied with shaking hands with a Palico? Would that satisfy you enough to move your butts into class?”
At that, the boys stopped and stared between her and Draken a few times.
‘She named it Draken? That’s really cool! But what the hell is a Palamute and Palico? That a new breed or something?’
Ace thinks to himself as he glanced at the Palamute who was ignoring the boys.
The two students looked confused about the terms used to label a “dog” and “cat”.
But she was right that they, more like Ace, wanted to pet the cool-looking dog.
But since said dog looked ready to munch on their hands if they try, they’ll gladly take her to offer to shake hands with a bipedal cat.
A cat that willingly offers to have its paws squished, who would say no?
“Lovely to meet mew gentlemewn~!”
"I-It talks!?" Deuce gawked.
Meowdame steps forward and shakes Deuce’s hand first. His eyes went wide as he felt the soft beans gripping his palm in her small paws.
“S-so soft!”
Was he crying? Yep, those are tears.
When it was Ace’s turn, he too marveled at the texture of the paw pads.
“You’re right! Aww man, my mom would’ve loved a cat like this!” giving the paw a few squeezes.
“Quite a charmer, aren’t mew? A pleasure to meet such enthusiastic young lads~!”
“All right, you boys had your fun, now get to class before the professor turns you into chow!”
After the handshaking, Fraena ushered the boys to class seeing as how the other students stopped to look while possibly hoping she would invite them to shake hands with Meowdame too.
She sends an ice cold stare at the forming crowd of students.
“The bell’s going to ring soon, you all get moving!”
That got the crowd to disperse quickly. And just as she said, the bell rang moments after.
When there were no students to be found and the area was completely empty, Fraena took that as a sign to head back into the building to start actual teacher’s assistant work.
Meowdame parted ways when they reached the cafeteria because Crowley decided to put her skills as a cook to use in the kitchen. Fraena can’t wait to see how rowdy it will get once they taste the legendary platter.
“These boys may not be hunters but I’ll give them a meal they’ll never fur-get!” she winks at her before heading inside.
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Wouldn’t you know it, her first task was to assist Divus with the freshmen in handling potion ingredients. How lucky it was for her that Ace and Deuce were also there for the class as well.
‘It’s her!’
The two thought as Fraena enters the room and stands next to their professor like a soldier with the way her posture is ramrod straight.
Draken stood guard by the door, his back straight and ears twitching for the slightest sound. The students can’t help but divert their attention to him out of curiosity and awe.
“So, you lot are the newest litter of puppies enrolled here… let’s first get introductions in order- hmm?”
Divus paused when he noticed that the students were distracted.
The students were solely focused on Draken and could barely pay attention to their professor until they heard a snap from his teaching stick.
The boys flinched and instinctively fixed their gaze on him.
“You strays will listen when I’m speaking! Any lollygagging will get extra homework as punishment!”
That got them to focus on today’s lecture. While Divus was explaining the hundreds of herbs and fungi, Fraena simply looked at the clipboard of the ingredients the students had on their tables, and to check if they were the correct ones for today’s lesson.
‘There’s plenty of plants I’m not familiar with… But they might seem useful, I wonder if there’s a way to do these recipes without any magic…’ She thought to herself.
Though this world had no large monsters coming for them on a daily basis, she would like to put her skills to use. She’s done a lot of manual combining on and off the battlefield.
And besides, these boys might get into an accident that needed first aid.
Maybe she can bring this new knowledge back home to combat monsters easier too.
Then she hears a loud sizzling, turning around to see one of the cauldrons bubbling with dangerous chemicals overflowing the brim.
Before anyone could start panicking, Fraena whistled to Draken, who immediately dashed to their aid.
“Draken, fetch!”
The Palamute dashed through the room with agile speed and grabbed the back collar of the two students nearby and dragged them to safety. All while managing to avoid the shelves full of bottled chemicals.
This allowed Divus enough time to cast a bubble spell to keep the explosion contained.
There was a rumbling as the concoction exploded in pink and purple foam.
A harsh sizzling can be heard as it slowly dissolved away. When the foam disappeared, the students flinched when they saw the cauldron was partially melted.
They dread to think what would’ve happened had it exploded onto them without the bubble.
Draken lets go of the boys’ coats and returns to his post, Fraena gave him head pats before going to check on the students who were responsible for the disastrous experiment. The two of them seem dazed from what occurred mere seconds ago.
“You boys alright? No burns or cuts?”
She checks if there were any chemical burns on their lab coats or if their goggles were broken, thankfully they weren’t harmed.
The boys blushed when she helped them up from the floor, maybe it’s because Fraena, despite her serious expression, actually has a certain beauty to her (or is that they were being looked over by a female).
Not that she would know because she never pays attention to things like “beauty” when her lifestyle is basically hunting.
She would have no time to look pretty!
Divus walks up to the cauldron, undoing the spell he has cast to inspect the damages. Everyone in the room held their breath as he walks with an agitated gait.
Fraena could hear the students murmuring with a fearful tone.
“Oh shoot… They’re dead”
“It’s only the first day but they’re gonna be slaughtered!”
“I heard from a senior that Professor Crewel is merciless at the slightest mistake…”
He looks in the cauldron for a few seconds before smacking his teaching stick on his gloved hand.
“It seems that a few puppies were too distracted to heed my orders. I said to listen to my instructions carefully, but instead, you lot decided to play around!”
He held, from what Fraena could guess, a melted black mirror with gaudy-looking décor, and one of the students paled at the sight of the object.
So, it was his belonging?
Fraena wondered if the boy was a narcissist and loved to look at himself to bring a mirror to class.
“Ah! M-my phone- eek!”
He shrieks when the professor looms over him with a hardened gaze, clearly displeased after finding out today’s incident happened because of a “phone”.
“Let this be a lesson to you pups… one wrong procedure then you might as well have lost a limb or a chunk of your flesh!”
The students winced at the thought of experiencing something as painful as that. Divus continued on his rant.
“Be thankful, Miss Fraena was here to keep you all safe! You two, sit quietly in the back until the end of class. I’ll give you for punishment later…”
The two gulped anxiously before heading to the seats in the back with their heads hung low.
He tossed the “phone” into a bin and proceeded to continue the lesson. As if he was never furious in the first place.
Fraena has seen quite strict commanders, Divus would’ve been a frightening commander if he was ever in her world.
But why was he so worked up over a black mirror they called, “phone”? Did they hold some kind of magic?
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After alchemy class was over and all the students filed out of the classroom, Divus puts a hand on Fraena’s shoulder. A smug grin was present on his handsome face.
“Excellent work today. Despite your canine being bigger than a wolf, I am surprised he was quick enough to get those pups out of danger. He hasn’t bumped into a single shelf either!”
“Oh, that’s because Draken’s quite agile on his feet and he can easily make his way through rough terrain as well as avoid any obstacles...”
At the mention of his capabilities, Draken’s face lights up with pride as he sticks his nose into the air.
Divus grins and proceeds to pet the Palamute who didn’t expect it and yelps before growling with a warning.
The man didn’t seem intimidated and just grinned smugly.
“I usually don’t let animals in the lab but if your mutt can keep these pups in line then I can make an exception. Ah, it really is refreshing to have an assistant that actually does their job~! Your next class is with Trein, isn’t it? You best be going now”
Fraena is escorted out of the room and into the hallway before the professor closed the door. She looks to Draken who wore an annoyed look as he tried to use his paw to fix his ruffled fur.
‘Is he really that relieved? Just how many assistants did he have to go through?’ she wondered.
She has seen a fair share of humans and wyverians with a certain beauty to them, Divus himself could give them a run for their zenny.
A lot of them had to deal with people who liked their looks but they can’t do their job? She’s hardly known about incidents like those.
Guess being attractive can be its own disadvantage huh? She can’t help but feel bad for the guy.
Poor guy was trying to work and someone would be pestering him for attention. If it were her, she’d be annoyed too.
‘I need to get to the next class…’
Not wanting to waste any more time, she heads for Trein’s class.
The man was in another classroom and sat at his desk with his cat, not wanting any trouble she has Draken stand guard at the door.
Palicoes and Palamutes usually get along and if they ever fight it’s usually over little things but they get over it quickly.
Lucius is clearly not happy with Draken if he ever so much as put a paw into the classroom.
“Draken, you can go take a walk in the meantime… I won’t be long”
Though Draken seems a bit anxious to leave his hunter, he didn’t want to start a fight with the weird Palico hissing in his direction.
So, he obediently heads out to wherever his paws take him as Trein starts the class.
Needless to say, Fraena finds the lesson quite confusing because most of the terms being explained are not familiar to her at all. She merely assisted him in handing out course outlines and reference sheets when he tells her to.
Though she did find it a bit rude for some of the students to be getting drowsy. Though she doesn’t have schools back in her world the information was valuable.
Not to mention it was disrespectful to ignore the person whose job it is to educate.
Lucius made sure to remedy that by swiping at their noses, the students comically flinched at the feline. Barely avoiding the sharp claws that would have made red lines on their skin.
If Lucius was too lazy to swat at the students, Trein’s famous glare can send chills down their spines.
It almost seems like he was cursing them with his eyes.
Fraena did feel a bit of shiver herself, reminds her of the time a newbie screwed up and the Elder Fugen was already having a bad day.
Not a pleasant encounter… for the newbie that is.
It wasn’t a very eventful lesson other than taking notes. Fraena never really needed to go to school.
In a world like hers, “schools” are usually just taught in the village by the veteran hunters and the lessons were mostly about the basics and how to wield weapons, crafting among other survival tactics.
And if they had to take notes, it was usually out in the field. Which is a hard thing to manage if you’re spotted by your target.
Most times it ends up with the hunter kissing the floor after getting tackled by monsters.
Placing schools in another area where kids themselves have to venture to, is dangerous. Considering the kind of ecosystem they have, a school like this would never work out.
Once class was over, she had to stay behind to fix the papers and clean out the board.
While she was putting papers away and cleaning chalkboards, Trein made small talk.
“Most of your duties in my class would be to mark papers but… what extent is your education, if I may ask?”
“Well, mostly anatomy but it’s how to find breakable monster parts. There’s a bit of alchemy but it’s just mixing raw materials to make useful items. That’s about it… I can read and write like everyone else but I doubt I can do that with the different alphabet here…”
Fraena can’t help but feel a bit inadequate, she never had to learn these kinds of subjects before because they weren’t necessary.
“I see, I could teach you a few things if you want…”
“Huh?” she wasn’t expecting that.
Trein’s stern face softened a bit as he pulls out a bunch of handwritten notes and gave them to her. These were all notes on the various subjects!
“I can start tutoring you on weekends if you would like…”
She should take this offer, after all there was no telling when she would be getting back home.
“That would be nice… it’s hard to adjust when everything is so different all of a sudden…”
“You remind me so much of my two daughters, you know” Trein smiles fondly.
“I do?”
She didn’t even know he was married and had children.
“They are strong and proud girls, though they tend to keep their issues to themselves at times, but as a parent I can always tell” he chuckles fondly at the memory.
Seems like his strictness and cold gaze was just his way of showing how he cared about their education, he has a surprisingly soft side to him.
“Though, I am quite curious about your world too. Maybe we could make a deal, in exchange for tutoring you please do tell me about the world you call home. I just find it fascinating that your world has intelligent cats…”
There was a small hint of amusement in his tone, well he is a cat person after all.
Learning about a world where cats can be the perfect company who can do most things a person could, was practically paradise to him.
Fraena agrees to his terms, who is she to deny the man? Hunters can’t help but melt at the sight of Palicoes. She can admit that Palicoes are kind of the best.
Draken would whine if he heard her say that though.
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After Trein’s class, she has a PE class that she needs to overlook with Vargas. Though when she got to the field, she could spot Draken who looked like he was ready to kill someone.
No doubt, someone messed with him.
“What’s the matter, boy?”
Then she noticed that his fur was fluffier in a messy sense like someone had just given him so many pets that it stuck out.
And from the looks of it, he got a whole lot of affection.
Can she blame them? No, because every hunter loves to give affection to their furry companions.
Who can resist? But this may be too many pets.
Then she heard the loud, booming voice of Vargas. What she saw nearly made her have whiplash.
That man was flying… on a broom of all things?! He noticed her stunned expression the moment he landed.
“What’s the matter? Have my outstanding flying skills made you speechless?”
He flexed his muscled arm in pride.
“H-how do you fly… wh-what is happening?!”
“Oh, it’s natural for anyone to fly using a broom, given that they have enough magic and control. Haha! You should close your gaping maw unless you want to eat flies!”
“F-forgive me, I wasn’t trying to be rude it’s just… back home, people usually took flight on a Flying Wyvern and not a tool for cleaning- oh Gogma-dammit…”
She regrets saying that the moment Vargas’ eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of people riding monsters.
Before she could escape, he puts an arm around her shoulder as he gives her a huge grin.
“You mean to tell me that not only do you hunt monsters… but you also ride them into a glorious battle?!” his eyes were practically sparkling.
“W-well, riders are the ones who ride the monsters and hunters do the, you know… hunting…”
Fraena wants to put a boot in her mouth because Vargas won’t pass up on wanting to hear any more stories about “glorious hunts”.
Thankfully, she is spared momentarily when the students started to pile into the field.
She took notice of how some of them had features of animals, she can’t help but stare.
But she soon realized that she gazed at them for too long when a student with dusty blonde hair and hyena ears looked her way.
Vargas blew his whistle and signaled the students to start lining up on the track field for a good 100-meter run.
Fraena watched as the students ran around the large field. Some quickly succumbed after running a short distance and got Vargas shouting for them to regulate their speed.
While there were others who were running quite a distance before they even worked up a sweat. The majority of those were beastmen, she can guess why.
Even wyverians tend to be more athletic and have better endurance compared to humans.
Vargas calls out to her holding a thermal bag filled to the brim with cold water bottles.
“Hand these out to the kids struggling to run, they look dehydrated. Tsk, tsk, those boys ought to work their muscles more! A little bit of exercise won’t hurt every now and again!”
He flexes his muscles to prove a point, Fraena admits that he’s as buff as Elder Fugen. Just not able to match the height… that little detail is kept to herself.
She motions to Draken who immediately figures out what she needed him to do. Fraena rides on his back as the Palamute ran to the students at the far end of the field.
The same hyena boy was sweating quite a lot after running around almost half of the field, he hears rustling grass nearby and he nearly stumbled at the sight of the Palamute.
He looks to the rider to see it was the lady who was standing next to Vargas earlier.
She tossed him a cold bottle which he immediately takes to drinking about a half-full of its contents before dumping it on himself.
“Man that hits the spot! Nothing beats a cold drink on a hot day, shi shi!”
He turns his attention to the lady and his nose catches a confusing array of scents, he can smell some form of an animal? Or at least he thinks is an animal on her.
But also a bit of blood. Ruggie didn’t realize that he was backing away the moment he got a whiff of it. Fraena thought he was afraid of her Palamute and tried to remedy the awkward situation.
“Oh, no need to be tense. Draken’s just not used to strangers…”
“Ah! T-that’s not what I was…”
Before he could try to come up with an explanation, she was already running off to another student who was suffering from this sweltering heat.
Ruggie kept his gaze on her, he’s met his fair share of people who smelled like blood. Usually, they’re troublemakers and street thugs who had a history of violence.
Of course, he and his fellow hyenas fought back with their bone-crushing teeth.
But the thing is... the smell of blood on those thugs can always be traced back to other people.
But this lady… the blood smelled close to a beast of some kind. Nothing like he’s ever smelled before.
It was like the scent of an untamed jungle. Where everything is out to get you and won’t spare you any mercy.
And he can tell just by the way she carries herself that she’s not someone who hunts for the trophy.
More like she was the prey and she fought back whatever tried to devour her.
He felt his fur stand on end at the thought. Seems like the new teacher’s assistant wasn’t someone who lived their version of a “normal” life.
‘That headmaster hired another eccentric one, huh?’ he thought to himself.
He goes back to running his laps, trying to shake the lingering scent off his nose.
A few students got distracted by Fraena riding Draken all over the place which caused Vargas to add pushups to their exercise when they bumped into each other.
He thought they were being ungentlemanly and were gawking at the only female staff in this school.
Vargas won’t allow these boys to disrespect the lady who gained his respect!
After the period ended and almost all of the students were gasping for air while feeling the ache of their sore muscles, Vargas dismissed them. Stating how only a few were able to keep up with the assigned exercises.
This is unacceptable in his view, he reminds the boys that he’ll make sure they’re almost as good as he is so they won’t fall back next time. Most of them shuddered at the thought of having more than just the torment they experienced today.
“Those youngsters think that sitting on the couch and scrolling through their phone is all they need. I’ll show them the awe-inspiring revelation of muscles soon!”
He turns to Fraena with an expression that clearly states that she’ll be held here for more chit-chat.
“By the way, Fraena... I noticed you’re quite muscular yourself though. Considering that you carry around that huge weapon and the fact you hunt down behemoths on the daily…”
‘Oh no… please don’t tell me what I think you’re about to tell me!’
She pleaded to whomever deity was sympathetic enough to hear her cry for help.
But alas… no one answered.
“You’ve got to show me some of those moves, little miss! I’m always open to spar you know, no need to worry about hurting me! I’m built like a tank!”
“A-ah… fine… someday”
Not like she had a choice in the matter. She never really liked sticking around people for too long. She found it awkward despite the reputation she got back in Kamura.
Unfortunately, her small talk and distant attitude contributed to her “coolness” or so the rumor goes.
The moment Vargas gave them an out, the two booked it out of the field faster than a sliding Lagombi.
“Ugh, could this place get any weirder?”
She paused when her stomach growled, at least she’ll have some sort of familiarity once she goes to the cafeteria. Knowing Meowdame, she’ll whip up some home cooking.
“Let’s go see Meowdame for now…”
“Arf, arf!”
Draken couldn’t agree more, this strange place was starting to stress them out. Some food would remedy that.
Little did she know, that the day was about to get weirder once a certain fire-breathing melynx managed to sneak into campus and is now being chased by two first years, Ace and Deuce.
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chaoticgoodthief · 4 months
A Gem for The Princess
Written for @feline17ff using the prompt of Oblivious x Smitten! Hope you enjoy! 😄
“And her eyes, oh her eyes are like the distant ocean, roaring with power and beauty yet always so far out of reach,” the Hero moaned, slumped dramatically on the closest surface for the fifth time that day. “I could drown in those eyes and thank her. But alas, I find myself surviving off nothing but the raindrops of her gaze. But this gem! I am sure that the Gem of Burning Passion will let her see the love in my heart!”
“Can someone please shut him up?” the Barbarian pleaded, groaning when nobody responded to his request, “Come on, I even said ‘please’ this time!”
“You wouldn’t understand! You have never felt the coldness in your heart of a love unrequited!” the Hero cried out, finally moving out of his dramatic pose in the Rogue’s trembling arms. And like Cinderella at midnight, he dashed away into the darkness.
“Ten coins on him getting lost,” the Barbarian laughed, throwing down the coins in question onto their makeshift table.
“This is not a joking matter, Barbarian,” the Wizard scolded, before letting a small smirk make its way onto their face. “Make it twenty, coward.”
“R-Rogue?” the Cleric hestiantly called out, snapping the Rogue out of his trance. “You’re n-not usually this… q-q-quiet.”
“Don’t worry about me, pipsqueak,” the Rogue laughed back, flashing a fake grin with practiced ease. “I’m just scheming what I should buy with the coins I snatched from Hero back there.”
“You haven’t paid for a single thing in your life,” the Wizard deadpanned back. “I don’t expect you to start now.”
“You wound me,” the Rogue gasped, heart over hand in a perfect imitation of Hero. “When have I ever been anything other than the most handsomely noble hero with any of you?”
“And you didn’t even steal anything from him.” the Babarian added, drawing the shocked gazes of all of the other members. “What? I’m dumb, but even I know you always make the same stupid face after you steal something.” To his side, the Wizard blushed a furious red and stared at the Barbarian like they wanted to break their vow of celibacy.
“He’s right. You didn’t steal anything. Then why did you catch him when he-”
“I’m going out to find Hero,” he snapped, storming in the vague direction that Hero had disappeared.
“Hey! That wasn’t part of the bet! That doesn’t count!” he heard the Babarbian yell out behind him. The Rogue ignored him, heart pounding.
“Hero? Hero, if you’re dead I’m going to get a necromancer to bring you back to life and kill you myself!”
“Have you ever been in love, Rogue?” the unnaturally soft voice of Hero asked. He followed the noise, finding the other man sitting against a tree, gaze staring mournfully in the distance.
“Nah,” he lied, sitting down beside the Hero. Well, sitting was probably not the right term for it, but it was at leasy in the vague resemble of a sitting position. “Too much trouble.” Hero laughed, and he smiled.
“You are trouble, my dear friend. Trying to avoid it would be like trying to stop the sun from shining.” But his good humour faded as quickly as it came, and he returned his gaze to the distant horizon. “She will never even notice me, will she?”
“What the hell do you mean?” the Rogue snapped before he could stop himself. “You’re… you! You would spend years grow a rosebush so that you could shape it in her image! You would thank someone for stabbing you if they painted their blade your favourite colour! If she can’t see-” He forced his mouth shut before he could go any further.
“...You’re right!” the Hero declared, smiling bright enough to blind someone. But the Rogue was too used to shiny things to be affected. “I shall fight the gods themselves if it means gaining a mere fraction of her time!”
“Woah, woah, woah, how about you just stick to finding that magic gem for her? Sometime this week, maybe?”
“The gem! How could I have strayed so far from my goal?” The Hero pulled the Rogue into a tight hug, with he accepted with awkward stiffness. “Thank you! Thank you! I don’t know what I would do without you!” And just like that, the Hero was gone again, off into the darkness.
The Rogue stared at his retreating form, completely frozen. A tratorious part of his brain began telling him how good of a rogue the Hero would make with the right training. He shook his head, forcefully dispelling the thoughts. He had one rule. Never steal people. And the Hero? He knew far too well that the Hero would never belong to him.
With a sigh, he made his way back to the campsite and tried to stop thinking about shiny things.
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quodekash · 2 years
OKAY it's now the morning so it's time for me to share all of my thoughts from this episode. prepare yourselves, its gonna be a lot. also a lot of it isnt gonna be very coherent. you have been warned.
tinn calling gun 'darling' over the phone 🥺
photjanee why must you be heteronormative and assume tinn likes a girl
istg pat calling yo 'bro' was the funniest thing ever (maybe i was just tired lmao)
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look at this style gay man. this icon. this king. i love him with all my soul.
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this man's face is one of the most precious things on this planet
i thought we were ten minutes in and already getting a soundwin moment, but then sound freaking rejected win's offered seat and sits at the front???
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poor win is so confused
why was tiw getting in the bus van thing with the pool toy still around his waist
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sir what are you doing
THEY ALL LOOK SO HAPPY IN THAT GROUP PHOTO (por can you send me that group photo pls?)
i deeply appreciate the tiwpor crumbs
i do not, however, appreciate being catfished bY A CUTE SOUNDWIN BEACH MOMENT
yay for cute tinngun beach scene tho
even if it is ruined multiple times by people
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(i cant explain how much i want this ice tea)
(i love ice tea)
why is tinn making out with the ice tea
and then gun made out with the ice tea so that they indirectly kissed and this is not at all what i was expecting from this product placement but honestly i love it
naturally yak had to destroy everyone's hope and happiness and freedom
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he is, however, deeply iconic.
tinn: how did my honeymoon turn into a music practice camp? tiw: my situation is worse tiw:
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tiw, i love you, but that's not worse.
TIW CHOKING ON HIS DRINK WHEN YAK ASKED THEM IF THEYRE CRUSHING ON HIS JUNIORS AND HE IS IN FACT SECRETLY DATING ONE OF THEM (well, hopefully. maybe. if hes not yet then he will be eventually. he has to be. i need canonical tiwpor in my life)
i understand the cover dancing. but why must you make music kids run and do squats and stuff. music kids dont want to exercise. leave the music kids alone. (i feel personally attacked from this. most of my friends are music kids. i dont want to be hanging out with them and relaxing on the beach and then suddenly forced to *terrified shudder* exercise)
yak telling por and pat and win and yo that theyre lacking something. idk about the others, but i know what win's lacking
he's lacking a boyfriend
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i have the not-yet-disproven understanding that por has a magical gift in the art of somehow-becoming-gayer-every-single-time-he-comes-on-screen (ill make this its own individual post one day with evidence and stuff)
"Dont you want to try a love song?" "Oh, please. A love song?" "i'm just saying. if youre not into it, thats okay." "its not that im not into it. but im more afraid our members wont be into it. look at them. none of them is romantic. none, none at all" "But there are many types of love. let's say puppy love or sweet love, im not into them either. i prefer the tough kind of love *he's smiling and thinking fondly now*" "right. i like that too. in the beginning, we just didnt stop fighting. in the end, i blushed for him without knowing it."
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"Gun." GUN IS CONFUSED. HE LOOKS OVER. HE READS SOUND'S EXPRESSION. "hey!" "you just said… don't tell me…" "wait, no-"
"HUHH????? YOU LIKE WIN???" "keep it down! people can hear" "you like win?" "i do." "ah! youve been avoiding him lately because of this?" "…yes. when im close to him, i just dont know how to act. when im near him, i feel so freaking awkward." sound, babes, its okay. you're allowed to have feelings
"should i just tell him honestly?" UMM??? YES????? ABSOLUTELY YOU SHOULD, YES PLEASE
gun why are you changing the subject. sound is asking for advice. dont just leave.
i love the way they were hiding behind a rock and spying on sound omg
side note: tinngun's height difference may kill me one day
sound and gun are sitting on the side watching the dance that the others practiced, and sound cant stop looking up at win he's so whipped i love him
"something im really into?" *proceeds to stare directly at win for a number of seconds*
win is asking whats up with sound recently
sound is aggressively avoiding eye contact
"im on mars looking back at earth and can still see you're mad. what are you mad at me about?" sounds thoughts: for being so bloODY HOT WHY MUST YOU BE LIKE THIS
"i said nothing. you should go now. im continuing to write the song" SOUND BBY DONT PUSH HIM AWAY HES ALSO IN LOVE I JUST DONT THINK HES REALISED IT YET
"you said you would write a song about chasing a dream. why did it turn into a sweet love song?" "well- im- exploring different types." suuuuuuuurrreeee. nice cover up story there, sound. subtle. he'll never figure it out.
"...do you feel anything after reading that??" POOR BBY IS DESPERATE HE NEEDS A HUG (i volunteer as tribute to give sound a hug)
win looks down at it. reads it again. looks back up at sound.
"i do"
"i feel like this doesnt suit you at all"
"give it back. a dumba** like you will never understand" :[[[[
"what a waste of time" excuse me sir. the last time you said that you kissed him. now you're walking away.
(thats probably a thing i can analyse at some point. sound and his usage of 'what a waste of time' and an insight into his thoughts and his character. ill do that at some point)
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sound is now sitting on the beach. he is sad. that makes us sad.
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look at this sad boi, he nEEDS A FREAKING HUG
tinngun are approaching him to provide words of comfort
"i saw everything. its okay. if i were you, id be ticked off too. dam it. you wrote a song for him, and he badmouthed you back." and sound has this tiny sad smile on his face "actually, i wasnt that surprised. even if i told him directly, he wouldve turned me down anyway. you saw it. we're too different." HES TRYING NOT TO CRY DANG IT "it's good we ended it this way" SOUND- PLS- STOP- NO- WIN DIDNT KNOW WHAT YOU WERE SAYING, HE DIDNT REJECT YOU, HE LOVES YOU
"you can put your mind at ease now. no one is breaking the club rule." tinn is literally standing like three metres behind them. sound trusted gun enough to tell him that he likes win. i swear, if gun doesnt tell sound about tinn RIGHT NOW (or at least soon) IM GONNA TELEPORT INTO THE UNIVERSE AND SMACK HIM
"im sorry. im the first to break the club rule." YES. GOOD GOOD GOOD
"what??" "actually, im seeing tinn" G O O D. YOU SAID IT. WELL DONE.
sound is like rly confused and he looked behind at tinn and tinn kinda shrugged and nodded and sound says "how's that possible? when??" "my couple is no different than yours. tinn and i have nothing in common." YES YES YES YES BRING HIS HOPE BACK PLS TY GUN "but our dissimilarities got us to this point. just because you and win are so different, doesnt mean you two cant be together" YESSSSSSSSSS comforting hand on shoulder "trust me"
okie now hes smiling and nodding yayyyyyyyyyyyy
(btw im getting all this from constant commentary i messaged to my friend (who hasnt seen the show but basically has through my bad explanations and screenshots and screen recordings) and i started watching the episode as soon as it was out, and at this point through the episode id been watching for an hour and a half. i have too many thoughts and comments grbhbrhbrhb)
"i changed my mind. i will finish this song." YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
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excuse me gun??
im sorry, i love you, but that position is TAKEN
by TIW
he smelt it before either of them even KNEW
gun can be, like. the guy that hoists the mainsail or something
this next scene killed me
win knows sound's favourite bread
win's apology is to give bread
that's so in character for reasons i cant explain
and he bought the gay-moment water
and win unscrews the lid and it's mirroring that scene from last time and my HEART
and gun didnt let him, but thankfully tinn is a walking green flag and isnt getting mad or forcing himself upon gun. i love these two so much.
Gim. please. rest. you dont need to work every hour of every day. you're over-exerting yourself
many more of gim's little accidental clues and photjanee's gonna figure out who it is that tinn likes
gotta love that perfectly-timed phone call tho, dam
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pat's shirt is the mood of the week
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they all look so Normal™️
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and then there's freaking por with his freaking rich-kid-twink-ness i love him
OHHHH THE DANCING PERFORMANCE IS WHERE THIS CLIP IS FROM (the one of pat doing the worm. i kept vaguely wondering what it was from. and now i know)
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look at this little happy proud gay man
i know i probably shouldnt call him little cos he's 20cm (nearly 8 inches) taller than me, but idc, that's not the point
look at this little happy proud gay man
i know i probably shouldnt call him little cos he's 20cm (nearly 8 inches) taller than me, but idc, that's not the point
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theyre gonna do so goooooood
also satang is probably grateful to the ends of the earth that he didnt have to do this dance lmao
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omg he managed to un-twink for 0.5 seconds
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my gender is win's poofy sleeves
also if you're familair with @ashedddaisy's red-yellow soundwin theory, win is wearing orange here. orange is literally the middle of red and yellow. he's getting there.
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the first to approach him was por. i repeat, tiwpor crumb alert, we got a code violet, code violet
"im not much of a talked, so im using this song to represent my feelings for someone" you know, im surprised yak didn't pick up on that. youd think he'd like, try and stop that, cos that's a love-related distraction
i cant even describe my thoughts on the song
i made an earlier prediction that this would kill me
i was right. i might currently be dead. the song killed me.
"why do i feel like you just yelled at me through that song" BECAUSE HE DID
"how do you know i wrote it for you?" "it's so obvious. i can see that from mars" MY FREAKING HEART-
"why did you ask then?" "seriously, since when?" "remember when we practiced badminton together?" and win has this tiny smile and sound has this tiny relaxed smile and theyre actually killing me
also the track is behind the umbrella scene too
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i refuse to believe that win doesnt actually like sound yet
he just hasnt identified/confronted the feelings yet
and sound's reaction was the saddest thing ever, like i could smell the tears he was holding back when he said 'then we stay as friends'
BUT THEN WIN FREAKING SAYS "for something i dont know, im willing to try"
and if you're thinking 'WHAT DOES THAT MEAN????' then you would be correct
"c a n y o u c o a c h m e" i am dead
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also side note: win is now wearing a yellow shirt under a yellowish-orange jacket thing. back to the red-yellow soundwin theory, he has feelings for sound, he's got the yellow shirt. and on the outside, he's still kind of hiding it, still trying to figure it out. the jacket is almost like it's been stained more and more yellow over time, and win wants sound to turn it pure yellow, he just cant figure out how to get there, which is why hes asking sound to coach him. over time, he'll wear colours that get closer and closer to sound's shade of yellow, to show him finally realising his feelings more and more. :]
"no pressure or anything, but our club's future is in your hands" jeez yak, that's a little intense dont you reckon???
omg gemini finally gets to do music-related things
i can see him jumping for joy in his mind
he gets to sing and play guitar
probably cos last week we didnt get any songs
but WOW
"wow. did you write that?" "no. you wrote it. you wrote it in here *tinn points to his own heart* i just sang it out loud." WHEN I SAY THAT THESE TWO ARE LIFE GOALS, I FREAKING MEAN IT
and now tinngun are kissing with a notebook between them
WHY do they have to ALWAYS get SO FREAKING CLOSE and then DONT??????
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theyre really cute tho so i cant rly get mad
it's not quite what i was hoping for, but they're definitely aiming towards getting soundwin together, so its okay, theyll get there eventually
final thought/conclusion: this is my new favourite episode cos its like 50% soundwin
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sorcerersandskillusers · 10 months
Here's an extract of an old fic I wrote years ago, writing Dazai was and is one of the most fun/hard things to do ever
Context: Atsushi just found Dazai floating in the ocean with a crab in his mouth there are other people there, but they don't matter for this part “Damn it, he got away.” He muttered as he crawled around franticly searching for something, until he came face to face with Atsushi’s legs.
“Atsushi-kun, fancy seeing you here. This must be the third time we’ve met like this, remind me to have Kunikida get you an ice-cream as a prize” his tone was friendly and perfectly normal as if he hadn’t just nearly drowned but was instead meeting a friend in a café.
“Dazai-san… I thought you’d stopped doing suicide attempts by yourself?” Atsushi said with a mixture of disapproval and resigned sadness in his voice
“Ugh, Atsushi you think I would try to pass on from this world all alone? You doubt my honour as a suicidal maniac? It breaks my heart to hear my own college say something so cold.” Dazai replied in an overly dramatic tone, completely ignoring the sudden shift in atmosphere.
Looking unconvinced, Atsushi sighed and asked, “then what were you doing in the ocean? Were you just ‘having a relaxing float’ again?
His tone clearly indicated that this kind of thing was not new to him, and probably happened more often than any of the others could have imagined.
“Ah…” Dazai said, a smile slowly creeping its way onto his face, “so you want to hear about my grand hunting mission.”
“Grand hunting mission!?”
“I shall call it”
‘Dazai Osamu Adventures!: The Terror Beneath The Harbour’
He then posed dramatically, which might have looked impressive… if he wasn’t still soaking wet and covered in bits of seaweed.
It all started at the office, I was studiously working on some reports for the president after having wrapped up my 3rd case of the day-
Studiously working? I don’t think i've seen you actually finish a report since I joined the agency, you always just give them to me to do
Do you want to hear the story or not? As I was saying. I sat at my desk when I overheard Kenji say something very interesting.
“The best food is always the food you kill and cook yourself; I remember when I made my first beef bowl from the cow, we’d been rearing that year, it was like heaven in my mouth.”
I was inspired, I wanted to taste that heaven myself. So, I decided to hunt down my own meal and cook it for the agency. Of course, I chose to hunt the most delicious creature in the whole world the king crab, so long had I enjoyed the canned crab from the supermarket, now I would finally feel the thrill all great crab hunters must feel to give us such an amazing food.
I don’t think that’s a real job-
I immediately started researching and quickly found that there was a perfect crab hunting spot not too far from the city, and after collecting my supplies, I set out on my great hunt. I walked to this spot and dived straight into the ocean.
After searching the dark, cold waters for a while, I was beginning to give up hope, but then I spotted it. A horned shell as red as blood and two claws that could tear through a tank with ease, my quarry was here, and I was ready to fight. I pulled out my weapons, (a crab fork and a knife I stole from the kitchen). And dove towards the beast, we clashed in an epic battle, steel against shell, claws against bandages. But in the end, he managed to disarm me.
I knew I stood no chance against such a mighty foe without a weapon, it was hopeless, I would have to abandon my mission and run.
But then…
Dazai’s voice rose to be even more dramatic as he slowly raised his hand to his chest.
I remembered my colleagues, how much trust and faith they put in me as the most respected detective at the agency. How many trials they had overcome for my sake, and I knew that couldn’t fail here. I would have my home cooked crab even if it cost my life.
I grabbed the crab's claws with my own hands, there we wrestled back and forth, neither willing to give in, two warriors locked in mortal combat. then I thought of you, Atsushi-kun my loyal and faithful student and like you decided to solve my problems by biting them-
Hey that’s not-
-AND so with my prey defeated, I triumphantly celebrated, which was interrupted when I remembered I hadn't taken a breath for 15 minutes and promptly passed out.
"And that's when you found me," Dazai finished with a smile.
This was from a chapter draft for my very first fanfic, it's crazy how much has happened since then. Since ill probably never update that fic again, I figured I'd share this with you guys.
(side note; It's weird how much this feels like a bsd wan, considering I wrote this before I knew what bsd wan was)
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drgarrisonandpaul · 1 year
My Issue With Mask De Masculine...
The issue is that I'm obsessed, and now I'm gonna dump headcanons on you in hopes it gets me in the mood to write for other characters
Under his mask is the same bright, baby-faced dude but with freckles, and I wanna say cerulean blue eyes. Just a nice vivid, mid-toned, same shade as gatorade-type of blue.
He has THIS hair. Short, messy mohawk, and in the back there's a little star shaved into it
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Mans loves fighting but hates conflict, why be so dramatic about it? Just fight me!! I think that's why he (SPOILERS) gets so pissed and drops his act at the end of his fight with Renji. Renji is just DOGGING him, both verbally and physically, so much that it feels personal and he is NOT up for that
Mask and James sleep in bunk beds and treat their room like a college flat, that room is MESSY. I mean- sure, the floor is clear of items, but there's crumbs everywhere, it's darkened because they don't bother taking off their shoes, and the dresser, desk, and nightstand are very casually covered in dishes, papers (like the documents he doesn't read), and little items and trinkets that James brings around. The dishes get taken out once every few days, but that's the most of the cleaning that happens
Big boy loves a glitter beard (or rather, a glitter mustache), he does one every holiday. There is always going to be glitter on his bed, clothes, walls, carpet, everywhere. It is an eternal curse, and he finds it hilarious
Mask prefers a partner with chihuahua energy. Short and short-tempered, doesn't matter the gender. (because we love an Omnisexual king) This way, he can feel like a big, strong, masculine man, but also have someone fight his verbal battles for him (because again, he hates conflict but loves a fight)
More likely than not, he's gonna fall in love at the gym or during any sort of training. Seeing and hearing a small, angry person beat the ever-living shit out of their opponent just turns on the cheerleader in this man, which is more likely than not what he's gonna want in a relationship. You're his cheerleader as is he is yours
However, that's not to say that falling in love is required. I can imagine Mask being pretty promiscuous when he wants to be because it inflates his ego and makes him feel wanted and attractive. If you show a certain amount of interest, dangling the proverbial line in his face, he's gonna take it HOOK. AND. SINKER.
Due to the aforementioned glitter-mustache obsession and the extension of his room and bed being constantly shimmering with residual glitter, if you sleep with him, everyone will know. There's only one class of people in the Silbern that shine brighter than the rest, and those people are just Mask's previous lovers
He likes to grip and grope. He feels like a very grabby person, not constantly, just randomly throughout the day, during sex, or during snuggling. He'll adjust rough/gentle depending on the partner, but either way, you best believe you're gonna get grabbed
AHEM. Size difference kink.
Speaking of size, I think he's average, between 4-5 inches and very proud and confident about it. You don't want this? Cool. Byyyyeee~
He likes it when his partner power-bottoms, getting to sit back and watch them do their thing with that big, stupid grin on his face
He especially likes it if said power-bottoming partner is inexperienced and clumsy, trying to climb over him and hoist themselves up by gripping onto his shoulders for dear life. It's cute
At the end of it, when it's more sloppy and tired, Mask is probably gonna hold you down for leverage, pressing your face into the pillows and letting out happy, growling chuckles at the sound of your muffled voice
Likes to make a show out of stripping down, flexing and posing around like a big goofy idiot as he shows you the real 'star flash'
Probably not great with his hands, but definitely good with his mouth. Again with the gripping thing, holding your thighs firmly around his face and laughing at the sight of your melted form once he's done
Definitely not serious in bed. It's just a funny act to him! Especially with all the sounds it can make and how cute you look when he makes you beg for it
Ok, that's all of my depravity, BYYYYEEE
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fandom-queen-13 · 1 year
Hi there! I saw your Isabela headcanon reply on @catastrouge's post ("Isabela's gift also has a downside...") and I tried to reply, but Tumblr seems to have eaten it? Anyways I just wanted to say that headcanon is SO COOL and even more horrifying when you consider that Isabela is likely regularly expected to grow large amounts of plants for events and celebrations. I also wanted to ask if you have any specific details about that headcanon concerning severity, extent, how many plants constitute "too many", does variety vs many of the same change anything, are certain flowers linked to certain locations or species of the internal flora, that sort of thing, if and only if you actually thought about it that much and want to answer of!!! If the answers are "I don't know" or "no comment" are acceptable answers! Also it's a really really cool concept that I think would be really cool as a fic, so I also came to seek permission to try my hand at building a story around the concept.
Anyways, I very much adore your headcanon, and also your pfp and header image are delightful! (Kate flopping on the ground against her luggage I find particularly amusing; the pose is dramatically bored and very in-character) I wish you a lovely week! Thank you for reading this!
Hi! Sorry for replying so late.
In my mind, it's less of a variety of plants (though some speed up the process) and more of the amount. If the number of flowers she grows per day was only enough to cover a few buildings, she would definitely have some trouble breathing but would survive in the meantime. Basically, after Antonio's ceremony, it would suck for her, and she would definitely start seeing blood and flower petals but she would live.
The only time it would get life-threatening for her was if she grew a shit ton of plants, enough to cover the whole Encanto twice. Rest assured, though, this would only happen if she had to single-handedly have to:
a. Fight off a large army, and when I say large, I mean HUMONGUS.
or b. Grow enough food to feed five Encantos.
Heaven forbid if she had to do both in the span of a few days *cough* angst idea *cough*.
Anyways, that's just my interpretation of a downside to her gift! I also like the idea that she's vulnerable to cold, dry places, but that's another headcanon altogether.
Thank you for sending me asks!
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