#i wanted to make him the cutest possible but he gets dumped anyway
lukellios · 2 years
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My little tiefling cleric, he's going through his villain arc I hope you support him
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zhongrin · 2 years
childhood 🍬❤️
◇ characters ◇ zhongli
◇ tags ◇ death, depersonalization/derealization disorder, misunderstandings galore, but also teeth-rotting fluff, crack at the end
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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you don't even remember when you first met zhongli. he's in every single one of your birthday photos starting with your first.
he's just. always been there????
he's only a year older than you, but acts like he's much older sometimes.
being classmates, he's very close with your older sister guizhong. the three of you always hang out together, and sometimes zhongli's big brother osial even joins in.
naturally you go to the same school too.
and well, like almost all the girls in the school, you might have developed a tiny teeny crush on zhongli. i mean, how could you not? zhongli is so nice compared to the other boys. he doesn't pull your hair to get your attention, he shares candies with you, and he has the cutest smile!
you tell this to guizhong shyly and she laughs, but she gives you a knowing look and tells you to 'go for it' with a wink, whatever that means.
and then, one particular day while you're hanging out without her or osial around, zhongli pulls you closer and tells you that he has a secret to share with you.
oh??? could it be???
your little heart beats frantically in your chest. it feels like a balloon is slowly inflating inside you as the longer zhongli's silence stretches. that same adorable grin stretches his lips, chubby cheeks dusted in pink as he says:
"i think i want to marry guizhong one day."
congrats, your heart just got broken to pieces at the tender age of eight :)
out of pettiness and misplaced anger, you cross your arms and huff.
"you can't!"
"wha- why?!"
"c-cause... cause!! i'm gonna marry osial!!!"
it makes sense to your eight years old brain, okay??? if you marry osial, zhongli can't possibly marry your sister, right?????
as always, you confide to guizhong - because you share everything with your sister and you desperately need someone to vent to - and she's literally rolling on the floor howling with laughter about this whole mess.
great, your sister finds the tragic situation funny.
naturally, things get a little.... awkward, between you and zhongli. you both kind of drift apart and you no longer hang out together every weekend.
so instead, you hang out with osial.
you're not sure what makes him want to hang out with you. you suspect zhongli told him about your "crush". which makes you a little mad, even though you basically did the same thing, ratting his crush to guizhong.
but anyway. you find that osial is a good company, even though he's more rambunctious than his younger brother. he's a different kind of fun, at least.
and then....
when you start high school, guizhong gets into an accident.
it's much too sudden. you waved her goodbye in the morning as she dropped you to your class... and then suddenly you're in the hospital later in the day, watching silently as your parents sob over her unmoving form on the hospital bed.
your chest feels empty.
like someone just scooped a whole section of it off you and dumped it somewhere else.
since then, it's like you're watching a movie.
a really dull, boring one.
wake up. brush your teeth. chew on cardboard-like stuff. school. extracurricular. shower. more tasteless chewing. homework. study. sleep. rinse and repeat.
osial comes over every now and then. and he tries to bring you out, make you laugh like you used to, tease you to get a reaction out of you - something, anything...
.... but the most you give him is an empty stare and a smile that doesn't reach your eyes.
it isn't until when zhongli confronts you at school one day, that you finally break.
you don't know why. you haven't seen him or talked to him properly in months, maybe years, even.
you remember osial telling you that zhongli was in a similar state when he found out about guizhong. 
...... oh, right. he must have loved her all these times.
you don't really remember what transpired, but you remember seeing tears running down zhongli's cheeks, and that triggered your own tears, and that led to these two high-schoolers holding onto each other, crying and sobbing into each other's shoulders.
by the time your eyes hurt, you feel... present. like you're finally seeing things from your own eyes. you're highly aware of zhongli's warm arms around you, the way his wet lashes droop, the smell of osmanthus flowers enveloping your senses-
oh no.
not again.
"do you still love her?"
gods, you really want to hit yourself right now.
he regards you in confusion. after that crying session, that's what you're asking him first?
"of course, she will always be a dear friend to me."
"not like that-" you sigh and decide to drop the subject, "... nevermind."
"..... ah, are you referring to that confession from years ago?" zhongli chuckles as if he's remembering a fond memory, "perhaps i was, back then. but a lot of things have changed since then, so i can confidently say that the statement is now invalid."
you stay silent, and he watches you for a while before saying in a softer tone that sounds.... sad?
"don't worry, i know you still love osial."
............ h a h ?
"y-y-you remember that?"
"of course. and you've been hanging out with him constantly even until now, so it is quite obvious, i'd say. i... thought you were dating, at first, which is why i kept my distance... until that mindless brute hit me, saying i was being delusional and a very bad friend for not being there when you needed it most... i tried telling him that you really liked him, however-"
"zhongli, no, i said that because i was- i dunno- i was a kid and you were my first love and you just had to go and say you wanted to marry my sister- it was out of spite, okay?!"
"....... i was your first love? 'was'...?"
there's a hopeful look in his amber eyes, and you avert your eyes instinctively. but zhongli steps into your field of vision again stubbornly, eyes narrowed in determination as he slowly takes your hand into his.
"i... this might sound inappropriate given our current situation, and what has just transpired, but... [name], i adore you."
you blink and experimentally pinches your hand. pain has never felt so welcome in your brain.
"like- as a- friend?" you stammer, the familiar hope blossoming in your chest, but you're oh so scared.
scared of being disappointed again, of having your heart broken, again-
"my apologies, let me rephrase that. i bear romantic attractions to you."
the balloon pops. tears prick the corner of your eyes once more.
you think you can hear guizhong giggling and patting your back.
"will you... allow me another chance? to make you fall in love with me once more?"
yes, yes yes, a thousand times yes, you want to scream.
but... you've always been a little petty, haven't you?
".... fine," you keep your voice as haughty and aloof as possible, but your smile betrays your attempt at posing an indifferent attitude, "but it won't be easy."
zhongli smiles.
"a battle hard-won is a battle worth remembering. you won't regret this, [name]."
fast forward to twenty years later as you visit guizhong's grave with your children - and yes, you can certainly say you didn't regret giving your now-husband a second chance.
"do you remember the days when we were so young and foolish? sometimes i wish i could rewind time and fix all the mistakes i made... but i fear the butterfly effect will take you away from my arms, so i think i should just savor this moment instead." "husband, i love you and all but can we please go to sleep it's 4am."
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extra 1:
"dear, you are sure you don't want to marry my brother anymore, right?"
"i'm just making sure..."
extra 2:
"i bet my dearest sister is laughing at us right now."
"i believe you would be correct, my love."
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© zhongrin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @paintingsofdragonspine | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @niverine | @silentmoths
ps. if you want to be removed/added from the taglist, just send an ask!
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ellascreams · 1 year
Dannymay Day 3: Blizzard
The supernatural blizzard raged on. The thick blanket of snow made it difficult to see. Snowfall may usually be quiet, but anyone outside at that moment would tell you it isn’t. At least not with such strong winds. In the center of it all was Casper High.
The snow was still falling but it died down around Casper High. Most students were inside the building but the braver ones were outside. They were watching Danny Phantom fight a brand new ghost on the rooftop.
“Just give up already loser!” Shouted the Ice Queen, as she perfectly flipped her long, straight, snow white hair. It was a miracle it didn’t get caught on her crystal crown.
Danny climbed out of a pile of snow. “Don’t call me—“ and more snow fell on him. Ice Queen smiled a delicate and malicious smile. Her teal eyes sparkled like an anime as she shot a cold glare in Danny’s direction. “What was that? Sorry, I don’t speak loser very well.” She said.
Paulina watched as the ghost boy desperately tried not to lose his temper. He was really struggling. Ice Queen must have hit a nerve. Who did she think she was? Coming here and beating up the town’s cutest hero like that. She was pretty and mean, so what? Paulina was too. She was possibly even prettier and meaner. That was when the idea struck.
Paulina almost slipped climbing up the ladder to the roof. She had very high quality gloves, but the ice still made it slippery. She was lucky she managed to make it. When she got there it was the same scene as before. The ghost boy trying to attack and Ice Queen dodging like it was nothing.
“Hey! Ice Queen!” Paulina walked in between the two ghosts. “What makes you think you can come here and try to be some sort of beauty queen? This school is my territory.” Said Paulina. She shot Ice Queen a glare of her own. Ice Queen shivered, and there was no way it was because of the cold.
“Is it now? How fitting. An ugly school for an ugly girl!” Said Ice Queen. It sounded sincere and that only made it worse. “And you’re trying to take it over! How nice. Dreaming big is great and all, but I appreciate a girl who knows her limits.” Said Paulina. Her grin revealed one slightly crooked tooth, but it was the type of imperfection that only made her more beautiful.
Ice Queen dropped the passive aggressive act and grimaced. “Let me guess, you pick on anyone who’s weaker than you? Pathetic!” She snarled. “Yeah, and I’m guessing that wasn’t an option for you?” Paulina looked at her nails. She had gloves on but it had the same effect.
Ice Queen’s pale skin glistened. Paulina’s tan skin had a youthful, lively glow. Ice Queen’s long periwinkle dress flowed in the cold breeze. Paulina’s outfit had a warm and cozy feeling to it, and it made her stand out against the harsh weather. Ice Queen caused a small snow storm above her to give a dramatic and yet gentle look to her pose. Paulina held out a hand and a butterfly landed on it like she were a Disney princess. Where did that butterfly even come from? They were in a blizzard!
Their eyes looked into each other’s with unwavering icy stares. For a few moments, no one moved.
“UGH! FINE! You win, are you happy? I didn’t even care about this dump anyways! Gosh, what a jerk.” Ice Queen kept mumbling complaints as she stomped up to Danny, took his thermos, and used it to capture herself. Immediately the snow stopped, the wind slowed, and the clouds cleared to show a sunny sky. Danny didn’t understand what he had just seen but apparently he had won. At the very least, Paulina had.
“Uhm, thanks.” Danny hesitantly said. “Don’t sweat it ghost boy.” Paulina waved a hand dismissively as she walked away. She climbed down the ladder. It was much easier this time. The ice had already started to melt.
Of course, on the inside she was ecstatic to have saved and been thanked by her crush, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment. She would just play it cool until she got home, then she would celebrate it with Star. She wondered if that was the only reason she felt good. Maybe there was some truth to the stories of kindness making people happier.
Nah that wasn’t it. It was just the crush thing. Definitely.
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cornus27florida · 10 months
Chapter 11 Review - RaS - the CPC fanfic
"My Curse" as referring to the CPC character - "and Tales that Related to it" will gives references correlation of Fictional 'Fairy' Tales
oh, also dark topic about handling the toxic abusive relationship VS forgiveness that born from the love 
Phew! The hardest chapter so far that I write, 6k words!
I initially didn't want to go that long, but this make another example of odd chapter to be ridiculously long while the even chapter is relatively shorter. Welp. Happens. Moving on
The first part is basically the CPC adults learning that Fred's curse is indeed similar with Nell's. Medic!Syrah btw
The second part is the hardest to write but I am satisfied with how it become. In RaS I am kinda role-swapping Gwen and Frederick, as here Fred is the protagonist instead. This make interesting possibility that the one getting confused with romantic feeling is Gwen - instead canon where she's sure about the love but preventing her own feelings because she thoughts Fred didn't wants her. In RaS, the one that sure is Fred because the whole experience at the afterlife (espc ch 2) - but I'm hinting that Fred repressing his own feelings because he didn't deserves Gwen as mainly cuz his existence just dragging Gwen anyway- this also fits with canon (we have Prince Frederick, who starts to worry if he even deserves Gwen. ). Also not Abbi bashing but I write her in extreme antagonizing to Fred that might sounds OOC to her personality-I'm deeply apologize
The third part is interesting canon divergence of "Abbi's wish" episodes mixed with "Prez' lecture". I hope the joke about Lecture VS exam test could be delivered :3
"Ahem, but you are all still need paper and pen thou in this test" - many groaning with the notion. C'mon, not a lecture day - but a sudden test? This is highly unfair, and worse.
The fourth part is the shortest, but actually some of the wishes are planned to be Checkov's gun in the future
The fifth part had so many things going on, I am not sure which part to be talk about - you guys need to read my fanfic hahaha! But without spoiling, I like to extending HC about Blaine used to be anorexic, it's mental issue that often inflicted models that make them didn't want to eat in fear their body not their desired one. Also I mentioning Isolde again, and I like the idea that even thou canonically she looks so distant, in RaS we got mention that she's fighting for the sake of her son (Blaine) to stops anorexic
The sixth part and the last, is my weird attempt to putting the title of the chapter while dumping my OCs of CPC members (basically those that appearing but never named)
well, even thou YES curses related to fairy tales, BUT not every curse - there's many curse that not related to established tales at all, or a curse that actually related to multiple tales at once (the latter, should be obvious who refers to - it's part of the mystery to know the true curse)
In fanfic we could make anything, and I really want Syrah moment teasing Gwen (which in here is jealous, and she has every right to be!) about Fred. I really like that interaction
"Girl, your jealousy is leaking~ You should shoot yours soon, makes Frederick remembers that he's your fiance... Because he didn't realizes how popular and charming he could be, and at this rate the other CPC members will try to steals him from you" laughs Syrah at Gwen, while patting Gwen's shoulder. 
We know that Gwen is oblivious as even without trying, she gets 3 males interested to her romantically. But I find it's interesting to make Frederick also "the oblivious". It's already hinted in ch 8 as declaring him as the cutest Plaid Prince. This obliviousness will become big later on in the RaS
If fredrick was real I'd do anything he fucking asked of me. (a simp comment, and I nearly too if isn't be GwenDerick/FredDolyn hardcore shipper hahaha)
Adios, on my way of writing ch 12 about Princel retelling !!!
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So basically when I go to bed at night I hold my Spamton queen sized pillow (The cutest thing ever.) and I think about this idea I have that I might make into a fanfic. Basically I have this small business and Big Shot Spamton took pity on me and dated me to make me feel better, mainly because I remind him of his past self. Note about Big Shot Spamton in this thing, he frequently dates people in like that “trophy person” kinda way (He dates whoever, usually not for long because he’s just trying to prove somewhat to himself that he’s lovable after his abandonment.) But here’s the catch. This time, he actually falls in love instead of the relationship being something that makes him feel better about his abandonment. (The dating people a bunch and not really loving them thing is canon because of the sweepstakes, seeing as how he cheated on Jevil. I just choose to say “Oh my god this totally looks like searching for people to fill the void in one’s heart after being abandoned.” And the cheating is DEFINITELY a self destructive behavior, intentionally trying to mess up relationships because he feels like he doesn’t deserve the possibility of love.) Anyways the relationship goes on, and Spamton can’t bring himself to telling my self insert that he loves him. This results in an argument with my self insert ending the relationship. Shortly after, Mike leaves Spamton. Spamton becomes friends with, and ends up dating Swatch as a rebound to my self insert. Swatch figures out that it’s a rebound, and dumps Spamton’s ass. (Also because Spamton is self destructive and can’t show his love for people) Spamton, now having no money and no relationship or friendships, ends up falling into acid BUT NOT ON PURPOSE. He got lost when leaving the mansion and tripped into the acid. He got thrown out shortly after that. So now his legs are pretty messed up, and he has no one. So he tries to sneak in, multiple times. It doesn’t work. Meanwhile, my self insert is physically doing well, but doesn’t really open up to anyone anymore. He has a few customers he’s happy to see, but not many close friends. Skipping a few years, my self insert finds Spamton in the alley. Neither of them recognize each other, as Spamton has pretty much been lost to madness and not only has blocked out the memories of my self insert, but looks nothing like how he used to. He hasn’t quite gotten to the “Needs a lightner soul” phase yet, but he is defensive in an aggressive way. My self insert calms him down and takes him home, to which he ends up saying his name. Spamton G. Spamton. My self insert has the realization of how badly Spam has been messed up, and just breaks down because he never stopped loving Spamton, he was just upset that he felt like Spamton never loved him. The two have a moment, and Spamton breaks down too because someone is taking pity on him. They hug, and that’s when Spamton’s memories are triggered. The two just cry and cry before my self insert helps him get clean, and sees him some nicer clothes to wear. They have a heart to heart, and Spamton went to sleep in the guest bedroom, but he got scared and asked to cuddle to sleep instead. My self insert tells Spamton that he loves him, and in the morning, Spamton is gone. He left a note about how my self insert couldn’t love him like how he is now, and how he obviously only wants Big Shot Era Spamton. My self insert, of course, goes on a whole mission to find him. He’s back in the trash, and a Fight ensues. Spamton’s attacks get less and less dangerous as he just breaks into tears, while my self insert dodges not a single attack and just tells Spamton about how he loves Spamton no matter what. He doesn’t care that he’s been hurt, he doesn’t care how messed up he is. He doesn’t care about how rich or famous he is. Eventually Spamton just stops attacking and breaks down. That’s all I’ve got for now.
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archived-kin · 4 years
simeon with a himbo boyfriend
note from kin: once again i am writing for the boys because this fandom doesn’t have nearly enough content for them, especially for Big and Beefy Men. let them be in dating sim fandoms too!!!!!! give them more content!!!!!
anyway i’ve made you an angel since i don’t want to have to think about the deeper repercussions of what simeon dating a human would be (i mean we all know what happened to lilith when she tried it)
fandom: obey me!
character(s): male!reader, simeon, luke, belphegor, beelzebub, asmodeus, satan, leviathan, mammon, lucifer, barbatos, diavolo, solomon
pairing(s): simeon/reader but it accidentally becomes everyone/simeon’s boyfriend at some point whoops (this ended up as a pretty big block of text as a result so please let me know if you have difficulty reading it so that i can try to format it better!)
warning(s): nope!
genre: fluff!!!! fluff everywhere!!!!!!!!!
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simeon thinks you’re the cutest goddamn thing in all three realms
you may be six foot four inches of muscle but to him that is six foot four inches of ADORABLE
you’re very strong so he likes to just run and jump up at you from behind and wrap his arms around your neck because he knows you won’t be fazed by it (physically anyways, emotionally is another story)
the other angels always gasp when he does this in public because it’s so far from his usual ‘poised and elegant’ thing but how is simeon NOT supposed to climb all over you like a koala when you’re so big and huggable???
simeon just really loves jumping at you like that okay
because every time he does you’ll just pause for a second and look very confused as to why your back has suddenly gotten heavier, and then you’ll turn your head, and your smile and excited little ‘simeon!!’ is to DIE for
he has to be incredibly upfront with you about what he wants because otherwise you will not understand
he has to say, word for word, “i want to sleep in the same bed as you every day” before you actually realise that that’s what he meant
the whole exchange kind of went like this:
simeon, being sappy at like seven in the morning: “i want to wake up like this all the time from now on”
you: “??? do you want me to come lie down next to you before you wake up tomorrow morning?”
simeon: “no, for the whole night”
you: “you want to wake up like this for the whole night??”
simeon: [sighs]
he also often has to be the one taking charge when it comes to physical affection  
like you’re always willing to give him hugs and carry him around and let him sleep sprawled out on your chest like a starfish and give him kisses but half the time simeon has to ask you because for some reason you just won’t do it on your own???
at one point simeon starts getting a little insecure that you don’t actually really like physical affection and are just going along with it for him
because he’s a sensible angel, he brings this up with you before jumping to conclusions
he was not prepared for you to reply that you always wait for him to confirm that he wants affection because you’re afraid that you’ll accidentally hurt him with your strength if you go for it by yourself
simeon doesn’t cry a lot but dear god did he come close that day
after that it’s just hand holding and hugs and forehead kisses galore from you and simeon couldn’t be happier
now, it’s time for a bit of backstory
you were created purely to fight during the big celestial war, which is why you are so Beefy and Stupid
the beefy is because they needed you to be both strong and intimidating, while the stupid is because they didn’t create you with anything but fist fighting in mind
during the war you were a force to be reckoned with because you could just run at and headbutt a demon and they’d immediately be flung straight out of the skies and back into the devildom
and, even better, this meant that you didn’t have to kill anyone! you could just punt them so hard that they’d be flung out of the realm where the battle’s taking place entirely
once the war was over though they didn’t really know what to do with you
you were basically just this giant baby who didn’t know how to do anything but war
so they just dumped you in a garden and told you to take care of the flowers
which was how simeon originally met you! he was taking a walk around the gardens and saw you crying over a tree that you accidentally snapped in half with your big clumsy hands
now, simeon wasn’t one to believe in love at first sight, but HOLY FUCK
if he hadn’t already been an angel in the celestial realm he’d have thought you were some divine being from the heavens
anyway long story short simeon consoled you and started helping you take care of the garden, taught you how to live a life in times of peace, spent entire nights just lying awake and thinking about your smile and your laugh and how warm your hands look to hold and how it would feel to hug you, and finally managed to confess to you without you misconstruing it as just a Friendly Act of Kindness, and now you two are the proud holders of the title Cutest Couple in The Universe
granted only asmo calls you two that but you’ll take it
speaking of asmo allow me to segue this to the rad exchange programme era
you get so sad when simeon tells you he’ll have to leave for a year
your face falls when he breaks the news and your voice is all lost and quiet when you ask, ‘does that mean i can’t see you?’
simeon is absolutely devastated
it’s like a thousand puppies and kittens are being murdered right in front of him
he nearly cries (when i say nearly i mean he does)
but he can’t back out of the exchange program now, and one year isn’t THAT much for beings that live for possibly forever, so in the end, giving you a giant hug and about a million kisses to make up for the ones you’ll miss over the coming year, simeon leaves for the devildom
he makes it about a month and a half without you before he starts getting all mopey
and you’re not doing much better up in the celestial realm
michael actually has to message simeon and ask him how to deal with you because you spend every day dejectedly shuffling around the gardens that you take care of and it’s making everyone sad just looking at you
simeon reads that message and immediately decides that either he’s going back to the celestial realm or you’re coming down to the devildom
the authorities are a little cautious about it because you’re one of the purest angels they have and they really don’t want you getting corrupted by demons
but simeon assures them that the few demons that you’ll actually be having contact with wouldn’t do that, and you’ll be under both his and lord diavolo’s protection
so you end up being allowed to join simeon in the devildom for his exchange year!!!
honestly with the way the two of you react when you see each other again you’d think you hadn’t seen each other in years
simeon runs up to you and jumps straight into your arms and you spin him around in a big hug and ahhhhhhhh it’s like a teen romance movie but with an actually compelling relationship
and so you move into his bedroom (because of course you’re still going to share one down here) and take up a temporary position as a gardener to take up time since you can’t really do school
pros: simeon now gets to see you every day again and you look very cute bustling around the devildom’s fancy gardens with a watering can and wheelbarrow. also he gets to watch you lift an entire shed and it’s the best thing he’s ever seen
cons: the others are all basically in love with you now as well
simeon’s torn between ‘why wouldn’t they be, he’s literally the most perfect being ever’ and ‘what the fuck, that’s MY boyfriend’
belphie likes you because you are similar to beel and you’re also warm and big and strong so he can take naps on you and you won’t be bothered in the slightest
one day simeon sees belphie just jump onto your back and start sleeping there while you’re crouched in the garden doing some weeding and he’s so stunned by the sheer audacity that he forgets to be mad about it
honestly you don’t really notice that belphie is sleeping on you until you go to get up and feel something move on your back
and then, being the dumb precious idiot you are, you just lie face first there on the lawn so that he can carry on sleeping without being disturbed
consequence: simeon nearly cries at your sweetness but is also incredibly jealous and belphie is now having Feelings that he didn’t sign up for
beel meanwhile isn’t sure how to feel about you at first because he kind of feels like you’re stealing his twin all the time, but then you make him your special candied fruits (from produce that you grew yourself) and he loves you from that point forward
also PLEASE share your workout routine with him he wants to know your secret
it turns out that you don’t really have a workout routine?? you were just made like that
though the constant exercise and heavy lifting and stuff you do as part of your daily garden-care routine (you take care of basically all of the gardens back in the celestial realm) helps as well
he’s a bit disappointed but he does like that you can pick him up without any effort
one time he asked if you were capable of it and without missing a beat you went ‘let’s find out!’ and straight up swept him off his feet
beel was fucking screaming on the inside but no can’t feel feelings that’s simeon’s boyfriend
meanwhile asmo… okay we all know the way asmo is
boy took one look at you and immediately started drooling (figuratively anyway. physically his jaw just dropped)
kudos to him though, he backs off with the flirting as soon as simeon informs everyone that you’re his partner
asmo may be the avatar of lust but he is no home wrecker (he still finds an excuse to hug you every time he sees you though because awooga, muscles)
(he does know his boundaries so simeon doesn’t mind too much)
asmo also very likes the fact that you have such a green thumb because it means you can grow the prettiest flowers and you’re always willing to trim him a few to use as accessories
at some point simeon accidentally eavesdrops in on a conversation between the two of you where you’re just gushing about what kind of flowers he likes and how you’re going to plant them everywhere in the devildom because you like it when he smiles when he sees them
simeon is pretty sure he combusts on the spot, while asmo is just squealing
thus was the origin of the title ‘Cutest Couple in the Universe’
satan on the other hand is mostly disinterested in you at first
the two of you live in pretty different worlds even if you live within the a five minutes’ walk of each other. he prefers to stay locked up in his room or the library and just curl up with a good book or ten for hours on end, while you’re always outside, digging flower beds and pruning bushes and cleaning fences and walls and basically doing every other little bit of manual labour that none of the brothers could be bothered to do before
he does note that you’re pretty good at what you do but that’s about it
until one day
you’re just pottering about in the garden outside the house of lamentation doing your angelic gardener thing when the stray cat that satan’s secretly been feeding for the past month or so comes by for its usual afternoon meal
satan has the window overlooking the garden so he quickly spots its ginger fur as well as you staring directly at it, and he immediately panics because what if you scare it away with your intimidating stature???
(yes, part of the reason satan doesn’t acknowledge you before this is because he was kind of scared of you and your muscles that he heard could punt beings out of entire realms back in your hey-day)
so he quickly dumps his book (though not without carefully bookmarking his place first) and rushes down to the garden in hopes of salvaging the situation, only to find you lying face first on the grass once again, though this time it’s not his little brother on your back
it’s the cat, who is purring like a little motor and aggressively kneading its paws against your back
satan can’t even see your face in this moment but he still basically gets cupid-shot in the heart because this is the cutest thing he’s ever seen
he has to force himself to calm down for a bit before he approaches lest he get overexcited and accidentally incur simeon’s wrath in the process
anyway after that satan makes a beeline for you every time he sees you and learns that you are an Absolute Idiot, but it just makes him like you even more
if satan was intimidated by you at first though, levi is downright terrified
you look like you could snap him in half with a single punch
he doesn’t try to talk to you at all for the first few weeks because how could he possibly find common ground to talk to you about?? you probably hunt dragons and eat rocks or something in your spare time
it isn’t until satan brings you up one day and mentions that you are incredibly dumb of the ass and probably couldn’t hurt a fly even if you tried that levi even entertains the idea of befriending you
he’s still not making the first move though
but it turns out that he doesn’t have to! one day you just show up at his bedroom door holding a giant crate of his latest akuzon haul
turns it got dropped off at the local post office after traffic problems and you volunteered to go pick it up and bring it back
anyway levi thanks you and starts unpacking his stuff, expecting you to leave in silence, but then he looks over and sees you just standing in front of his tv and staring at it
he’d been playing some battle platformer to pass the time before you showed up, and while levi himself doesn’t consider it particularly remarkable, you’re absolutely fascinated
being a gardener in the celestial realm you’ve never really had experience with this kind of thing, and you’re even more tech-illiterate than simeon, so what you’re seeing is basically like magic to you
so levi takes it upon himself to teach you as much about the art of gaming as he can in the short span of the next four hours before simeon gets home from a meeting of some kind and you inevitably immediately run off to greet him
you learn the basics relatively quickly but you’re still pretty awful at it
levi loses count of the amount of times you’ve accidentally run right off the end of the platform and fallen to your death once it reaches thirty two
it’s pretty much the most he’s laughed in, like, forever
congratulations! you have gained a new member in your party! levi will now follow you to the ends of the earth because you are the first person he feels like he can just be totally at ease around without being judged at all and just have fun with
(once, after you leave another gaming session to go cuddle with your boyfriend in the garden, levi catches himself thinking that ‘it isn’t fair that simeon gets to date him’ and has to do some serious self assessment)
mammon meanwhile has none of the reverence for you that his brother does
the amount of times he’s tried to rope you into his money-making schemes (which never work because he fails to realise that you are incapable of doing anything malicious in the slightest) is honestly just embarrassing at this point
simeon has to step in more than a couple of times because honestly mammon could ask you for your wallet and you’d probably just give it to him without another thought
that being said your wallet wouldn’t be much use because you never have any money
you just don’t understand the concept of exchanging money for goods and/or services so you never see any need for it
that being said, simeon does give you some money every time you go out into town on your own because something will inevitably catch your eye and you’ll suddenly realise that you just cannot live without it
the thing is simeon spoils you ridiculously so he always gives you way more money than would be considered a reasonable allowance
which means all mammon has to do is tag along and ask you nicely and you’ll probably buy him anything he wants
he does this a couple of times but then stops because he actually starts feeling bad about it
something just doesn’t sit right with him when he’s walking around with a bunch of shiny new things you’ve bought him with money that was meant to be spent on you while the only thing you’ve bought of your own volition is a pack of chocolate lollipops shaped like rabbits to share with simeon and luke
he may be the demonic avatar of greed but even he has a line that he won’t cross
he makes up for it by buying you things instead
nothing too expensive (he’s still mammon after all), just little things like sweets or bulbs for flowers you haven’t tried planting yet or food colouring for you to use for your candied fruits
speaking of those candied fruits, guess who loves and would probably kill a man for them?
man may not seem like it but he has a hell of a sweet tooth
there was a bit of tension between the two of you when you first met (well there was tension from lucifer anyway) because he’d never met you like he had simeon and luke and had no idea what you were like
plus he’d heard about how you’re everyone’s favourite now back in the celestial realm and the little piece of him that still misses his life as an angel is a little petty about it
but then he interacts with you more and he realises that that favouritism is absolutely deserved
he will not admit it but he has wondered what being carried by you would feel like on multiple occasions
figures out how to read you really well which isn’t much of an achievement when you wear every single feeling you have on your sleeve but it still brings him a bit of satisfaction when he notices something that simeon doesn’t
he may be a pridey mcprideface but he is willing to give up a bit of that pride by pretending he can’t carry something heavy so that he can watch you do it
simeon acts like he doesn’t notice this but he absolutely does and he doesn’t know if he should tease lucifer about it or whack him over the head with a newspaper for it
all that aside though, much like simeon,  lucifer also thinks you’re just the cutest
he comes across you building a pillow fortress in the middle of the house of lamentation’s living room one day and is understandably like “what are you doing in my house and what are you doing with those pillows”
you explain very seriously that satan asked you for help in an apparently pre-arranged pillow fight with mammon and that every warrior needs a well-protected base of operations and offer to show him all the optimised battle features somehow recreated from nothing but cushions and blankets and chairs 
lucifer’s heart goes d o k i  d o k i
he also has experience with Big and Dumb men from dealing with both beel and diavolo (when the three of you are together it’s just himbo3) so the stupid doesn’t bother him much
speaking of diavolo (wow i am nailing all of these transitions from character to character look at me go)
this man is basically just a grown up golden retriever boy and you are a big gentle st. bernard so the two of you get along like a house on fire
you’ve seen how much this man gushes about lucifer. now imagine that times a thousand
that is how he talks about you
honestly sometimes you’d think HE’S the one dating you
simeon would probably get defensive if he didn’t get so much whiplash from their conversations about you
diavolo: “i must say, i never would have pinned [name] as being your type”
simeon, ready to Fucking Brawl: “excuse me?”
diavolo: “though i don’t blame you, have you seen his page in that book about the celestial war? the illustration does his true beauty no justice, of course, but it’s enchanting in and of itself. to be honest i’d have loved to have seen him in action during the war, i imagine it would have been quite breath-taking to see”
simeon: “…what”
barbatos is usually just there in the background during half of these exchanges and he has to seriously stiffen up his poker face to resist just bursting into laughter
the other half of the time the conversation is just simeon and diavolo going back and forth gushing about you
barbatos honestly dislikes you a bit at first
not for any personal faults of your own! it’s just that all your garden work + your very forgetful mind means that you’re often tracking dirt everywhere
it doesn’t help that diavolo keeps inviting you over to the castle for tea and a chat and half the time you leave these big footprints on the floor and he wants to cry because he just spent four hours mopping that
he mentions it to diavolo in passing at one point, who then passes the message on to simeon
barbatos kind of gets concerned for himself because he knows simeon does not take well to you being insulted (one time a demon at the r.a.d. called you an ‘unintelligent buffoon’ and he was ready to start a fist fight right then and there)
not that it was an insult, but you never know how love can blind you to reason
but simeon just assures him not to worry and tells you to remember to clean your shoes as well as changing clothes after doing some gardening
normally you’d forget being told these things within a few hours but simeon offers to give you a kiss every time you remember to do this so now you remember every single time you’re about to enter a building after doing some gardening
after that barbatos holds no ill will to you at all
he teaches you how to bake and is honestly so endeared by how clumsy you get in the kitchen
you knock an entire container of salt into the cake mix by accident because your hands are too big and you moved too fast and barbatos is just like 🥺
he low-key babies you even though he’s like an entire two heads shorter than you
you don’t mind though because getting babied by barbatos means you get given all sorts of cakes and sweets all the time
simeon isn’t sure how to feel about it but it doesn’t seem to be the patronising kind of babying (it’s more of an affectionate doting) so he lets it happen
what he doesn’t let happen is solomon’s relentless attempts to feed you his food
you are both too dumb and too nice to realise just how bad his cooking is, but simeon knows you have a sensitive stomach and are actually a pretty fussy eater - you just tend to stay quiet when something isn’t to your liking because you don’t want to complain
having had a sample of solomon’s food himself in the past, he knows that you’ll probably get sick eating it, and he doesn’t want you to be uncomfy so he refuses to let you try even a bite
it’s like he has a radar in his head that goes off every time solomon approaches you will a bowl of ‘noodle soup’ that looks more like something he’s fished out of a nuclear waste tank
solomon, when he’s not trying to indirectly poison you, is probably the guy you spend the most time with apart from simeon and luke
he’ll just hang around nearby with a spell book while you do your gardening and show you some neat little magic tricks every now and then
he tries to help with the gardening but he’s not exactly physically strong and he nearly breaks his back trying to lift a giant bag of compost
so he decides it’s probably better for him to just watch from afar
kind of wants to conduct an experiment to see just how much weight you can lift before you start getting tired
one time he sees you cut down a whole tree with one hard swat of your hand and just walk off carrying it over your shoulder and he has to take several deep breaths
luke knew you already, so not much changes while you’re in the devildom
he really wants to learn to make candied fruits the same way you do but he can never get the hang of boiling the sugar mixture to the right heat and consistency (plus he’s kind of scared of how hot it gets)
you like to just carry him around on your shoulders and while luke would normally bristle at being treated like a child, you act like this with nearly everyone
(once he sees you running around the garden with diavolo of all people perched on your shoulders, arms raised in the air like he’s on a rollercoaster ride, and he nearly passes out on the spot)
he seriously adores you and acts like a guard dog whenever he feels like any of the others are trying to take advantage of your dim-witted naïveté because NO demons are allowed to harm his big brother like that
he will also chase them off with a stick if he has to if they get too close because no being is allowed to even remotely try to disrupt your relationship with simeon 
simeon himself is no fool, and he’s well aware of the effect you have on pretty much everyone you come across, but he trusts them because they’re his friends
besides (and he isn’t being cocky or anything), it’s not like the relationship you have with them even holds a candle to what you have with him
they’ve all known you for less than a year, he’s loved you for nearly two millennia
they might be allowed take naps on your back while you work or be carried about on your shoulders, but do they get to spend every night snuggled up in your arms, feeling your chest rise and fall with every breath you take? no, he doesn’t think so
in conclusion: one day himbos like you will probably take over the world with their big muscles and unwavering loyalty and clueless grins that could make anyone’s heart skip a beat, and simeon’s pretty sure he’d be okay with it
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localgenius · 3 years
The Romance of the Pear 
Sorry I’ve been mia for the last couple of months! I’ve just finished high school so that has been taking up most of my focus, but in the meantime I’ve been working on this! I don’t really know what it is tbh, but I’ve enjoyed writing it and I hope that you’ll enjoy reading it!
A story about Spencer being in love with the reader, and the reader being in love with Spencer 
tw: mentions of rape, murder, horrific actions towards women, swearing
Spencer Reid x fem!reader (13.2k) (the app might crash, so it can be an idea to read on a browser!)
The sky outside of the windows was painted a gloomy grey, raindrops falling and hitting the glass of the windows, making them the only noise in the otherwise quiet office.
Y/N was sitting at her desk, her hand fiddling idly with one of her pens as she read over one of the cases she was designated to counsel on. The knitted cardigan around her shoulder helped her to not feel the impending chill from the poor weather, and her feet had abandoned the heels and had found purchase under her body on her chair.
“Good morning sunshine,” a voice pulled her eyes away from the details of horrific killings of prostitutes in the case files.
“Morning Emily,” she smiled back, feeling her mood brighten just the slightest.
“Why are you in so early on a Monday?” Emily asked as she dropped her things down by her already cluttered desk, before she made her way over to take a seat on the edge of Y/N’s desk.
“Oh, I had to talk with Knightly down at sex crimes about this case,” she pointed down at the open case file, not protesting when Emily moved to lift it up to have a look. “And he’s going to Texas at nine, so I had to come in earlier.”
“He carves hearts into their chests?” Emily asked with disgust in her voice after she placed the file back down on the desk.
“Yeah,” Y/N dragged out the word, as she leaned forward to rest her face in her hands. “But not before he rapes and sexually mutilates them. Charming fella.”
“Sounds like a real prince charming,” Emily laughed before she moved to the kitchenette.
“Good morning Prentiss, Y/L/N,” a third voice entered the conversation as Hotch made his way through the glass double doors, rain droplets decking his coat, in a way that reminded Y/N of the way flower petals looked after a storm.
“Morning sir,” Y/N smiled at him and watched him close himself into his office for the day. 
“Why hearts though,” Emily said as she came back to reclaim her spot on the edge of the desk.
“I really don’t know,” Y/N grumbled while she leaned back in her chair, “there’s the obvious correlation with love, but the way he treats them screams anything but love and affection. So, my guess is that it has something to do with the view of prostitutes and sex. You know, maybe he believes that sex is a sin, and the only right way to have sex is in marriage, and these prostitutes just throw out their love every time they’re with a new john. But I’m honestly as lost as you are.”
“That’s a good theory,” Emily bounced back, “many people do call it ‘making love’, so if the unsub thinks that the prostitutes are just selling their bodies without a care about love, he might do it to symbolize the love that they could never have.”
“Right,” Y/N was quick to scribble it down on the page as a possible motive for the signature, “thanks Em.”
“Did you know that the shape of the symbolic heart as we know it today originated in the bottom corner of a manuscript called ‘The Romance of Alexander’ dated around 1340?” a voice spoke behind them, as it moved across the room.
“Good morning Spencer,” both Y/N and Emily said, Y/N’s eyes still locked on the file she was scribbling in. “And no, I didn’t know that” Y/N said when she was done writing, letting her eyes meet his across the divider between their desks, as Emily scurried back to her own desk to avoid being a part of the incoming info dump.
“Yeah, and the first illustration of the amorous heart was in 1250 in a picture called ‘The Romance of the Pear’, where a pear, eggplant or pinecone, there is some debate, is an allegory for the heart,” he continued as he dropped his satchel by his desk and sat in his chair before turning on his monitor.
“A pear?” Y/N asked softly, letting her fingers start to mess with the pen again.
“Hm,” Spencer continued, his honey eyes meeting hers. “In western culture the pear is also a symbol of female erotic.”
“Ooh,” Derek’s voice interrupted the quiet moment, breaking the sweet gaze between the two profilers. “Female erotic, my field of expertise.” 
“Jesus,” Y/N laughed and turned away from Spencer to face Derek as he draped his jacket over the back of his swirly chair. “Have you just dropped chivalry all together now, or what?” 
“What?” Derek asked, as Emily joined in Y/N’s laughter, “I’m just being honest. What are you and pretty boy doing speaking about female erotic at 8:30 on a Monday morning anyway?”
“I was just telling Y/N the symbolism of pears,” Spencer said, not removing his eyes from the monitor, where he was checking his emails against his will.
A smile tugged on Y/N’s lips when she remembered him coming back from being called to Hotch’s office and telling her that he was being forced to get an email account by the bureau. Both Y/N and Penelope had helped him set it up, and he had countless times sheepishly asked Y/N to help him write out a reply.
“Ah yes,” Derek teased as he took a seat in his chair, “symbolism of pears. Just a regular conversation topic on this gloomy Monday morning.”
“I don’t even want to know how on earth you got around to that topic,” Rossi added when he came walking past the clutter of desks.
“It was just-“ Y/N started to explain the obscure conversation topic as Rossi moved up the short flight of stairs.
“No! Don’t wanna hear it,” Rossi called back as he closed his office door.
The four agents shared a look of amusement as they all started on their designated work for the day, the raindrops still trailing down the planes of glass of the windows.
After an hour of silence, only occasionally being interrupted by an agent coming or going or a phone call, Y/N felt herself becoming more and more disheartened by the case on her desk. After having worked at the BAU for approximately a year now, she would have thought that she would have gotten used to the evil the team faced on a daily basis. But something about this guy, ruthlessly raping and killing innocent women, hit her a bit different than she had anticipated.
Letting her feet down from her chair she put them back in her shoes before walking over to the kitchenette to make herself a cup of tea as a comforting hug.
As she stood idly twirling the spoon around in the hot water while waiting for the sugar to dissolve, she heard the signature sound of heels thumping against the floor.
“Good morning my dear angel,” Penelope greeted cheerfully as she came in with her pink octopus mug. Penelope had seemingly decided to take it upon herself to be the sun on the gloomy day; her bright yellow dress making Y/N smile and momentarily forget the case that was patiently waiting for her back at her desk.
“Good morning Pen,” Y/N said and leaned against one of the cupboards as she watched Penelope make her daily green tea. “How was your weekend?”
“Oh, it was lovely,” she exclaimed as she poured hot water into the mug, “I babysat Henry which is always a blast, and then I went shopping and I found the cutest earrings in this small shop. I have to take you at some point!” Penelope said, letting her words come out a mile a minute, only making Y/N’s heart grow lighter. 
“I would love that Pen,” Y/N said as they started to make their way back to Y/N’s desk.
“Morning baby girl,” Derek said as he swirled his chair to look at the two girls coming back.
“Morning chocolate thunder,” Penelope said as she perched herself on the edge of his desk. “What did my wonderful Captain America replica do this weekend?” 
As the two of them lost themselves in their daily flirtations Y/N made her way back to her desk, only to find the dreaded file missing from its place. She looked around confused, before seeing the familiar pictures over on Spencer’s desk, where he was writing at lightning speed.
“Spence?” Y/N asked softly, but before she could continue, he closed the file and handed it back over to her. He simply gave her a quick, tight-lipped smile before he turned back to his own mountain of paperwork.
Slowly, not taking her eyes from the genius across from her, she opened the file, and saw how he had completed the file for her. His chicken scratches took over where her handwriting had stopped. The time pressure he had been under was clear in the simple short sentences he had scrawled down at the bottom.
Before she could exclaim her gratitude, a bimble came from Penelope’s cell phone and she let out a sad sigh before getting up from her seat on Derek’s desk.
“Duty calls avengers,” she said as she moved to Hotch’s office, while the others started to go to the briefing room. 
Before Y/N could get up, Spencer had already bounced up the flight of stairs and was quickly making his way to the briefing room.
“We have an icky case on our hands this time, my dear crime fighters,” Penelope said as she stood by the screen, remote ready in her hand. “Last night, a civilian found a leg wrapped in garbage bags when she took out the trash in central Indianapolis. The leg belonged to Louise Obsen, a 28 year old accountant. The remaining parts of her body were found wrapped in a similar way, dumped in various dumpsters around the block.”
The silence stretched across the briefing room as everyone took in the gruesome details of the murder.
“The dismemberment could be a forensic countermeasure,” Spencer said as he glanced over the file, “it’s easier to hide parts of the body than a whole body.”
“Do we know how the unsub dismembered the bodies?” Emily asked as she flipped through the pictures.
“Yes,” Penelope said as she swallowed harshly as she pressed a button on the remote. “The coroner says the limbs were removed with a standard saw, nothing special. But all of this happened postmortem, the COD was a gunshot to the back of the head.”
“Execution style,” JJ mumbled, “is this the only victim?”
“No,” Hotch said, eyes focused on the case file, “two weeks ago the Indianapolis PD found a young woman, Emma Day, dismembered and discarded in the same way. She was 29”
Penelope clicked on her remote, but she kept her eyes looking straight ahead. Y/N noticed the clear look of discomfort in her eyes, and silently reached down under the conference table and gave her hand a gentle squeeze of comfort.
“They certainly look alike,” Derek chimed in as he looked at the two women on the screen. “Pretty girls with black hair in their late twenties; they’re probably surrogates for the unsubs' real target.”
“What did Emma do for a living Pen?” Y/N asked, her hand still wrapped around Penelope’s.
“She worked as a caretaker at a residential facility, by all accounts she was very well liked there. Both of them were, in fact.” 
“Both low-risk victims,” Rossi pondered as he closed his file, “that means that he probably doesn’t appear as a threat.”
“Which makes him all the more dangerous,” Hotch said as he collected his files, “wheels up in 30.” 
The plane ride was mostly silent after the team had gone over the case once more.
Y/N was sitting by the window, book laying open in her lap, but her mind was flying with the fluffy clouds outside of the window.
One of her hands was fiddling with the pendant of her necklace as she observed the way the ground was moving underneath the jet.
“Metamorphoses,” a gentle voice pulled her out from her reveries, and her eyes drifted away from the window to see Spencer take the seat across from her, holding a cup of strawberry tea out to her.
“Excuse me?” she asked softly, still a tad too lost in her own head to be able to catch up with him.
“Your book,” he said, gesturing to the book in her lap. “You’re reading Metamorphoses.”
“Oh yeah,” she laughed, moving to shut the book and rest it on the table in between them. “I uh,” she started as she straightened up in her seat, “I took a class in classics at university, and I found my notes a few weeks back, and I remembered how much I loved Ovid’s writing and his stories, so I went and bought it this weekend.”
“Which one is your favourite?” Spencer asked softly, taking a sip from his own mug, undoubtedly filled to the brim with a concussion of coffee and sugar.
“Do you promise you’re not going to judge me?” Y/N asked, as she teasingly raised her eyebrows as she also took a sip of her mug.
“I promise,” Spencer laughed incredulously, “I would never judge anyone who voluntarily reads Ovid.”
“Okay fair enough,” she said and let both of her hands wrap around the mug to get some heat into her hands. “It’s probably ‘Apollo and Daphne’, very unoriginal, I know.”
“No, no uh-,” Spencer was quick to sit up straighter and lean on over the table while I cleared his throat, “that one’s really good. I love it too actually.”
“You do?” Y/N asked, unconsciously leaning in closer to Spencer.
“Yeah,” he said breathlessly, “I find that there’s something beautiful in loving someone who will never love you back.”
“Yeah, you see, it’s kind of like the oldest story known to man. Unrequited love. And I don’t know, I guess I just know the feeling. To love something that’s so far out of my reach,” he explained softly, letting his eyes fall to the coffee in his mug.
“Spencer,” Y/N mumbled softly, letting her hand creep closer to where he was gripping his mug tightly. “Nothing will ever-“
But before she could finish her sentence Emily popped up and interrupted the two of them.
“We’re landing in ten, Y/N you’re with me, we’re going to go to the different dumpsites.”
“Yeah, okay,” Y/N said breathlessly, as she watched Spencer quickly regain his posture and leaned back in his seat as he fastened his seatbelt, pretending that he hadn’t just shared something that would now be permanently engraved into Y/N’s brain.
“What were you and Reid talking about on the jet?”
The question pulled Y/N out of her thoughts as she was reading over the case fil once more before they arrived at the first dumpsite.
Emily turned her head to quickly glance at the younger agent next to her, her sunglasses covering her mischievous eyes.
“On the jet,” she further went on, “you both looked like you were seconds away from imploding from feelings.”
“Oh,” Y/N laughed awkwardly, straightening up her back, trying to square up a bit unconsciously. “We were just talking about this book I’m reading. He just gave an interesting input on one of my favourite stories.”
“Really,” Emily teased, carefully driving into the parking space next to the alley. 
“Yeah, just talking about books,” Y/N said as she jumped out of the SUV, shutting the heavy door behind her.
The gloomy weather had thankfully stayed behind in D.C., leaving the team to soak up the lovely spring sun that shined overhead in them in Indianapolis.
“What was that about unrequited love then?” Emily continued to press on as they walked over to the group of policemen standing by the dumpsters.
“It’s the theme of the story,” Y/N grumbled before swiftly putting on a smile as a young man headed towards them.
“You must be with the BAU,” the man started as he held out his hand for the two of them to shake. 
“Yes, agents Prentiss and Y/L/N,” Emily said as she shook his hand, “Are you the lead detective on the case?”
“Yes, detective Michaels,” he said as he lifted the yellow police tape for the three of them to step under.
“Nice to meet you,” Y/N said softly smiling at him, while Emily softly laughed and shook her head to herself at the young agent when she saw Michaels already developing what the team had dubbed ‘Y/N eyes’.
One of the things that the team noticed when Y/N Y/L/N had joined the team was her extreme kindness. It challenged even Penelope’s something that they hadn’t thought was possible. When they all first had been introduced to each other Y/N had made sure to look at each individual team member like they were the sun, her attention focused solely on the profiler in question. On every case the team had worked Emily hadn’t once experienced Y/N kindly greet the detectives working on the case, and often gave them her sweet smile that made everyone melt in their spot – often resulting in them giving her ‘Y/N eyes’ the rest of the case.
Her kindness had especially seemed to do a trick on the resident genius of the BAU; a fact abundantly clear for all of the team members except for the two of them. While the remainder of the team never was rude or unkind to him, they never seemed to engage with him the same way she did. There was a willingness to hear him ramble on about the most obscure things, a gleam in both of their eyes when they would talk about their favourite books in hushed voices on the jet when they thought everyone else was asleep.
“How long had the leg been out here before it was found?” Emily asked, breaking the detective out of his gaze locked on Y/N.
“Uh,” he said as he started to fumble with the notepad as Emily and Y/N shared a quick smile as they survived the dumpsters littering the area. “The coroner says about 24 hours.”
“So he dumped it in the evening the previous day,” Y/N said as she glanced around the alley. “How many buildings have access to the alley?”
“Three, these two facing this street,” the detective said as he pointed to the street Emily and Y/N had come from, “and then the other one facing that one,” he said as he pointed down the alley to the street at the other end.
“There’s a good chance that he owns a van,” Y/N said as she moved her sunglasses to the top of her head as they got deeper into the alley where her vision wasn’t obscured by the sunlight. “He could back in, get out, take the limbs out from the back and discard them quickly before being on the move again. It would just look like a guy throwing out trash for anyone passing by at that hour.”
“You’re right,” Emily said as she walked back over to Michaels and Y/N. “He discards them like trash, no signs of remorse of any kind.”
“What does that mean?” Michaels asked as they walked out of the alley and on their way to the next dumpsite.
“That he hates women,” Emily and Y/N said in unison, as they continued their tread down the silent street.
“It would be a good idea to have your officers make a door to door on the surrounding buildings of the two dumpsites,” Y/N said as she and detective Michaels walked into the precinct. 
“Why?” He asked while holding the door open for her.
She shot him a small grateful smile as they made their way to the conference room the team had made their office for the coming time. “There’s a chance that some of the residents saw or heard something without knowing its importance, so just have them ask if they remember seeing or hearing anything on the evening of the 15th.”
“Will do agent,” he smiled back at her, and held the door to the conference room open for her as well. 
As they walked into the room, they saw the entire team sitting around it, all with their heads deep buried in their case files, or in Spencer’s case, a map, and a plethora of coffee cups covering the table. 
“What did you get from the dump sites?” JJ asked when she lifted her head to take a generous sip of her coffee. 
At the sound of JJ speaking the entire team turned their heads to see who had joined them in their small room.
Y/N smiled and moved to take a seat in the chair between Rossi and Spencer. “We think he might own a van; the alleys are big enough for a van to back in there and block the view from the street. Emily stayed back to interview a woman that said she remembered a loud noise that evening.”
“That’s good,” Hotch said without lifting his eyes from the case file. “He might work as a carpenter, if he has a van and that his preferred method of dismemberment is with a saw.”
“But wouldn’t that still be a huge number?” Morgan asked as he sat back in his chair while twirling a pen between his fingers. “In a city like Indianapolis the number of carpenters must be quite significant.”
“You’re right,” Rossi mumbled before pulling his phone out, before pressing the familiar buttons.
“The oracle of Quantico at your service sir,” the chipper voice of Penelope blasted through the speakers of the phone, making everyone around the table break out a small smile.
“Garcia, how many carpenters are there in the hunting zone of the unsub?” Rossi asked.
“Uh, quite a bit sir,” Penelope said as she typed her fingers off on her end. “Do you have any other parameters so I can narrow this down?”
“Based on victimology he would be in his late twenties to early thirties, white and would own a dark van.”
“I will do my best sir,” she said as adieu, before she hung up.
The team went back to looking over the case files after Hotch directed Michaels to start door-to-door, silence taking over the room as they all looked over the clues hidden in the papers.
“Guys,” Emily said when she hurried into the room half an hour later, “I talked to a woman who said that she heard a noise the night the unsub dumped Louise’s leg, and she said she saw a dark van just like Y/N theorized, and she said there was a logo on it. So, I called Garcia and she tracked down the carpenter firm to be ‘Better Builders’.”
“Okay,” Hotch said, going up the board before looking over the collected evidence. “Reid, Y/L/N could you go talk to the owner of the firm? Go see if there are any employees that match the profile.”
“Yes sir,” they both said in unison as they started getting up from their chairs. 
Spencer held the door open for Y/N when they walked out of the room, shy smiles exchanged between them as they moved through the precinct. The sun was still shining bright when the two of them exited the station, silence stretching thin between them, leaving them trapped in the space of their own minds.
“Have you gotten something from the geographic profile?” Y/N asked to break the silence between them as Spencer turned on the car and started to drive away from the station.
“Huh?” Spencer asked, seemingly too lost in his own head to having registered that he had been asked a question.
“The geographical profile?” she asked softly, letting her eyes trail over his profile.
“Right,” he exclaimed softly, “and no, not really. Just uh, that he probably lives or works in the area between the two dumpsites, but unfortunately-”
“We won’t be able to be more specific until we have another victim,” Y/N finished for him, letting out a sigh before turning her gaze out of the windshield. 
“Yeah,” Spencer said softly, letting them drive in silence for a while.
Y/N sat with her head leaning against the headrest as she saw the city of Indianapolis pass them by, visions of mutilated women flying through her mind. She thought that after a year of working at the BAU she would have developed a thicker skin, just like the rest of the team. But she was still feeling nauseous every time she saw women being brutally mutilated and felt her heart break and tears press on when a child fell victim to the horrible desires of adults.
“Are you okay?” Spencer asked softly when he noticed how silent she had become on the drive. 
“Yeah,” she mumbled back softly, mind still sifting through the awful images haunting her mind. “Just thinking about what kind of monster could do this to innocent women.”
“That’s the question that keeps us in business,” Spencer joked light-heartedly, trying to get rid of the tension inside of the SUV.
“You’re right,” she joked along, “as always.” She felt the corners of her lips twist upwards when he barked out a laugh. “And I guess,” she continued softly, “I’m just wondering when I will stop being so soft.”
“What do you mean?” he asked genuinely when they stopped at a red light, cars piling behind them.
“It’s just,” she tried to gather her thoughts to the best of her abilities, feeling the pressure of his gaze on the side of her face. “I’ve been with this team for almost a year, and I still feel sick on cases like this. I still sometimes cry in the bathroom,” she laughed, hoping to reduce the melancholy air in the car. “I wonder if I’ll ever develop thicker skin like the rest of you guys.”
Her words hung in the air for a moment too long for her liking, before Spencer cleared his throat.
“Y/N,” he started softly, gently starting to step on the gas again, “you don’t have to develop thicker skin. You don’t have to do anything. Your gentleness and kindness are great virtues, that makes you who you are. Your empathy and love for everyone around you makes you the wonderful person that you are, and I think that they make you such a good profiler,” he explained, never letting his eyes stray away from the road. “I think sometimes the rest of us become immune to the monstrosities that we see, but you, and Penelope,” he interjected quickly, making a burst out a small laugh while her eyes glazed over with tears, “reminds us what it’s like to be human. To just want to make the world beautiful for everyone else.”
She kept her eyes fixed on him as he spoke. His gentle eyes still fixated on the road before them, his hair curling delicately around his ears. His lips had formed a kind smile as he spoke, and his hands were gripping tightly on the steering wheel as he navigated through the foreign city.
“That’s very nice of you Spence,” she whispered softly, “thank you.”
“There’s no shame in being soft,” he continued while he drove around to find a parking spot. “It’s a gentle reminder that you’re human, that we’re all human. And I’m very happy that you are the way you are, and I wouldn’t want you to change yourself for anything.”
He parked the car and the two agents just sat in the car for a moment longer. Each one basking in the softness of the love filled moment, each pair cheeks flushed red and fingers tingling with amorous sparks.
“Can I hug you?” Y/N asked gently, breaking the delicate silence.
“Uh,” Spencer cleared his throat before nodding his head, “yeah, yeah you can.”
She slowly undid her seatbelt before cautiously moving over the centre console and let her arms wrap around his shoulders.
She felt his arms slowly but surely slither their way around her waist, before he let his head fall and rest in the crook of her neck. His hazel curls were tickling her soft cheek, emitting a small giggle from her from the joyous sensation. He started to giggle softly along with her, their laughs dancing together in the vast space of the SUV.
“Thank you for finishing my consultation,” she whispered into the fabric of his cardigan, letting the scratchiness bring her comfort. She felt him scrunch up the fabric of her cardigan, before he nodded against her shoulder.
“Of course,” he mumbled before starting to release her from his grip, “any time.”
“We should go out there,” she said when they had pulled away, dopey smiles painting both of their faces. “And find that monster.”
“Yeah,” he said and opened his side door, “let’s get him.”
“It turned out that there weren’t any carpenters working for ‘Better Builders’ that matched the preliminary profile, yet the owner of the firm could confirm that one of their vans had been stolen about two weeks prior to the first murder,” Spencer said as he and Y/N walked into the room where Hotch and Morgan was sitting. 
“Did they report it?” asked Morgan with his hands resting on the back of his head as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Yeah,” Y/N said, as she took a seat on one of the swirly chairs, “I asked Michaels if he could pull up the report to see if there are any leads.”
“Good,” Hotch said before the sound of his ringtone cut the conversation short, “what do you have Garcia.” 
“Sir,” she started, the sound of her clicking on the keyboard clear through the mic, “I found something funky regarding the two victims. So at first I couldn’t find any connection between Louise and Emma, but then I did some sleuthing and I found out that in the days leading up to their deaths day had both gone on a date. Not so weird you probably say, I say it’s weird when the date is with the same person, and from the looks of it they both met him on a dating app.”
Silence took over the room as the four team members processed the information. 
“Can you find out who the prince charming is, baby girl?” Derek asked as he leaned on closer to the phone. 
“Oh, I’m already ten steps ahead of you sugar, and the prince charming is Sheldon Green, but here’s the kicker. It’s not Sheldon Green.” 
The room was once again silent, the puzzle pieces laying spread all around them, refusing to be put together. The silence was broken when an officer came in and handed Spencer the case file on the stolen van. 
“What do you mean Pen,” Y/N asked, confusion clear in her voice. 
“I’ll tell you what I mean sweetums,” Penelope continued, the tapping stopping on her end of the call, “I did my thing and pulled up the profile from Louise’s phone and quickly matched the person on the profile to Mr. Green, but the actual Mr. Green has a very legit alibi for both times because the first time he was at his boyfriend’s parent’s house for family dinner and the second time he was at a work conference two towns over.” 
“So someone has used Green’s identity to lure the victims onto a date?” Y/N asked, still confused.
“It would appear so. I have successfully hacked into the account, and I have tried to track down the phone the creep has used but have come up blank. He is using some weird firewall, incognito thing that I have trouble working my way around it but trust me I’m trying.”
“Okay,” Hotch mumbled, deep lost within his own head. “Can you see if he’s arranged any upcoming dates on the app?”
“I can’t see any based on the messages he has on this app, but sir he could be on a lot, there’s so many dating apps and websites out there, and I have no way of knowing if he uses Sheldon Green as an identity on those as well, or if he uses another one,” she said already back to tapping away. “And by the way, all the women he has matched with look very similar to both Louise and Emma, so he definitely has a type. They were just the unlucky ones,” she said with sadness seeping clearly through the speaker
“Keep taps on the Sheldon Green profile and let us know if he starts to talk to anyone on there.”
“Aye aye captain,” she said before hanging up, leaving the room in silence once more.
“Fucking creep,” Y/N mumbled before standing up and abruptly leaving the room, an uncomfortable chill running down her back. The precinct was buzzing with phone calls and voices trying to talk over each other. Y/N was quick to move in and out through the clutter of desks and officers milling around, before she finally got outside.
The sun had set, in its place the moon was shining bright over head of her, a few stars visible from the bright lights of the big city. There were cars zooming by; fathers desperate to make it home and kiss their babies goodnight, mothers tired from an evening of soccer matches, husbands buzzing with flowers in the front seat and wives crying searching for refuge at their friends’ houses.
All so blissfully unaware of the monsters hiding out in the night. A blessing she didn’t have anymore.
She let her back rest against the cinderblock wall behind her and let her eyes drift shut for just a moment, letting her pretend she wasn’t in the midst of hunting down a monster. Pretending that she was 19 again, somewhere, still like the rest. Still so wonderfully naïve.
“You okay?” a voice pulled her from her silent reveries, and she quickly opened her eyes to see JJ, Rossi and Emily before her, all three of them with concern in their eyes. 
“Oh yeah,” she brushed their concern off with a swift, dismissive wave of her hand. “Just tired.”
“Well,” Rossi started, moving forward to get a good grip on one of her shoulders, “it’s been a long day, hopefully we can all head back to the hotel soon.”
“That would be great,” Emily said as she and Rossi opened the door to the station, leaving Y/N and JJ out in the open air.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” JJ asked, leaning against the wall as well, hands folded together in front of her. 
Y/N let out a deep sigh before letting her eyes fall shut again. “Penelope discovered that he uses a guy’s identity to get them to go on dates with him via dating apps,” she started to explain. “And she has no way of knowing if he uses the same identity on other dating sites, so we basically don’t have any way of getting to him.”
“But we will,” JJ encouraged softly, her hand rubbing up and down Y/N’s shoulder softly, “just like we always do.”
“You’re right,” Y/N smiled gratefully, before quickly taking her phone out of her pocket and checking the time. “If you hurry, I bet you have enough time to call Henry and Will and read a bedtime story.”
They profilers shared a small laugh before JJ took her leave and moved inside, already pulling Will’s number up on her phone.
She let herself close her eyes for the third time, feeling how exhaustion was slowly making its home in all of her limbs.
“I brought you some tea,” a voice said gently, as if careful to not startle her too much. 
She peeked one of her eyes open to see Spencer standing bashfully by her side, a paper cup filled with tea in one hand, and his worn, wool blazer in the other.
“They don’t have strawberry tea, so it’s just earl grey,” he said carefully as he carefully handed it over to her, making sure she didn’t spill any in the transfer.
“Thank you, Spence,” Y/N smiled sweetly, before giving the beverage a gentle blow before taking a sip. 
“And uh,” he continued, looking down at his converse that seemed to try to bury themselves in the cement beneath them, “Emily said it was pretty chilly so I thought you might like a coat, and I know that you’ve said that yours isn’t very practical for chilly nights so I thought you might like mine, but it’s totally fine if you don’t, I just didn’t want you to be cold-“ he said, his mouth running 100 miles a minute, flustered cheeks blazing under the pale moonlight. 
“Spencer,” she said, laying a careful hand on his forearm, “that’s very sweet of you. I would love to borrow your jacket if that’s okay with you.” 
“Of course,” he was quick to exchange the jacket in his hand for the cup in hers so that she could put on the coat. He handed her back the cup silently, letting himself loose himself in the vision of her standing under a combination of streetlight and the gentle glow of the moon, all the while wearing his coat.
“Did you get anything from the police report?” she asked gently before moving to sit on the curb, he knees up to her chest and the cup resting on one of her kneecaps.
Spencer followed, looking apprehensively at the curb before joining her by her side, with his knees in the same position but his arms wrapped around his legs and his hands clapped together in front of his shins.
“There was a witness that had said that they saw a man lurking around the street for about an hour or so in the time frame of when the van was stolen,” he explained looking at her as she took sips of the tea while looking at the passing cars. “They gave a description, so we have turned that over to Garcia.”
“That’s good,” Y/N mumbled before taking another swig of her tea.
“Are you okay?” he asked gently, scooting an inch closer to her on the dirty curb.
“Yeah,” she sighed, her eyes meeting his gentle ones, “this case is just hitting a bit close to home, I guess. No idea why though.”
“We all get those,” he said, letting his eyes rise up to look at the mighty moon.
“Thank you for bringing me a cup of tea Spence,” she mumbled, scooting an inch closer to him on the dirty curb.
“It helps you calm down,” he mumbled, eyes now no longer on the moon but rather at the shrinking space between their bodies.
“It does?” she asked, breath caught in her throat.
“Yeah,” he said, eyes flickering up to her face, “every time you drink tea you become calmer, and generally when you hold a warm cup, no matter the beverage, you pulse slows down.” 
“I didn’t know that,” she said, letting her eyes flicker over his face. 
Spencer just shrugged with a small smile before letting his eyes fly down to briefly take a glimpse at her lips before they went back to her eyes.
“Is that why you always bring me tea?” she inquired, letting her own eyes fly down to his lips, where his tongue is gently poking out.
“Yeah,” he laughed gently, subconsciously leaning into the heat that was radiating off of her.
She leaned into him as well, their noses barely brushing, their soft breaths mixing together, “that’s incredibly thoughtful.”
He swallowed around the lump in his throat before he dared to speak, “it’s what you do for the people you care about.”
They both leaned in closer, their noses now brushing up against one another, lips only a breath away from touching, “it’s what you do for the people you lo-“
His words were caught short from the sound of the door to the station bursting open, resulting in them pulling away from the moment in time they had created together. The team came bustling out, all of them looking mere minutes away from collapsing on the pavement from exhaustion.
“Y/L/N, Reid we’re done for the night, we all need to get some rest,” Hotch said when he noticed the two young agents sitting together on the curb.
“Oh,” they both said, hurrying to stand up and brush away any dirt from their time on the ground.
“I need to go grab my satch-“ Spencer started to say, already moving towards the door, but Derek was quick to lift up the worn satchel that he was carrying in his hand.
“Nope,” he said, turning Reid around and directing him to one of the SUVs as Emily linked her arm through Y/N’s and led her to the other one holding a bit further down.
“Nice coat,” Emily mumbled into Y/N’s ear, laughing quietly when the young agent’s ears started to turn red.
“Shut up,” Y/N said, hiding her smile behind the paper cup of lukewarm tea, as she watched Spencer pile into the black after Derek, a small smile shared between them, only for them to know about. 
Her boots were clicking against the floor of the station as she made the first stop of the day at the coffee station. A few officers and detectives were there at the early morning hour, and the team was already setting up in the conference room, bracing themselves for the day to come.
She poured four packs of sugar into a cup, quickly dozing it in the hot coffee stirring it as she started to walk through the room to get to the team.
The weight of a blazer was heavy on her arm and the heat from the coffee cup warmed her entire body in the early morning hour as she discreetly opened the door and moved to take a seat next to Spencer as Hotch was talking.
“We need to go over victimology again,” Hotch started, and the team started to list all of the facts of the two victims.
“Here,” Y/N whispered softly, sliding the paper cup over to Spencer.
He averted his eyes away from where Emily was talking about the unsub having had a relationship with a woman that bore a resemblance to the victims.
“Excuse me?” he asked, his eyes drifting over her still sleepy features.
She nodded down to the paper cup between them, steam flying up and dancing between them. “Don’t worry,” she smiled at him, still keeping her voice low, “I made sure to put loads of sugar in.” 
He smiled softly down at the cup, before looking up at her again with his lips pressed tightly together in a smile. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” she smiled back, finally letting the conversation between the rest of the team get her attention.
Unlike Y/N, Spencer’s attention was now nowhere near the conversation about who knows what. All he could focus on was the warmth radiating from the cup between his slender fingers and from the person sitting next to him.
He could still perfectly see her face and her sleepy morning smile as he stared down in the coffee. He could feel a smile pull at the corners of his lips as he went over the sweet interaction multiple times in his head.
An elbow to the ribs from his other side was what brought him out of his daydreams, and he lifted his head to see the entire team staring him down.
“What?” he asked, taking a sip of the steaming brew.
“Have you come further with the geo profile?” Hotch asked from where he stood by the bulletin board.
“No,” Spencer said, sitting up straighter in his chair, “I’m waiting for Garcia to look into the night where the van was stolen.”
Hotch made a sound of approval before he started to give out orders for the team. Y/N and Emily were to go join the officers in the door to door rounds along with the local officers, Morgan and Reid would go and take a look at the crime scenes and visit the morgue to see if they had missed anything and JJ, Rossi and Hotch would stay put and look through the details again.
Spencer caught the eyes of Derek over the table as they all started to move around, a teasing glint in the older agent’s eyes and a mischievous smile on his lips. 
Spencer furrowed his brows in question, which only deepened when Derek nodded to the coffee in Spencer’s hand. Derek simply shook his head and laughed silently to himself as he shared a quick glance with Emily, who was sitting on the other side of Spencer. She also simply just laughed and waited for Y/N to finish the conversation she was in the midst of with JJ.
Derek was quick to walk around the table, grab Spencer around the shoulders and direct him out of the stuffy conference room and out of the station.
“Now,” Derek said as they had made it halfway through the precinct, “is there a reason why Y/N brought you, and only you, a cup of coffee?”
“Uh,” Spencer fumbled over his words as he stopped in the midst of a step at Derek’s words. “What do you mean?” 
Derek simply laughed as he took a stance in front of Spencer, efficiently blocking Spencer’s only escape route. “Now don’t get me wrong, Y/N is a very sweet girl, but in the year that she’s been on the team, she has never brought a coffee for just me, if you know what I’m saying.”
“I don’t.”
“Of course not,” Derek just laughed again, and nodded his head to a thing over Spencer’s shoulder. When Spencer turned his head to look, he was met with the sight of Y/N that was still talking to JJ. “Did anything happen between the two of you last night?” Derek tried to reiterate his question when Spencer turned his eyes back to his friends after a moment off blatantly staring at Y/N.
“No,” Spencer said, brows deeply furrowed.
“Are you sure?” Derek continued, “there was nothing going on between the two of you when we went home last night? When you were sitting on the curb?”
“Oh, that,” Spencer said, a red flush covering his cheeks and ears at the fact that the rest of the team had witnessed the intimate moment that he had thought had been strictly between the two of them. 
“Yeah,” Derek laughed and clapped his hand down on Spencer’s shoulder as he started to guide the younger agent out of the doors.
“She was just feeling a bit out of it, so I brought her some tea,” Spencer started, his mind running faster than his mouth could compete with, “she calms down significantly when she drinks tea, or just generally has a warm beverage in her hands. Actually a study has shown-“ Spencer started to ramble on as they got out of the precinct, the early morning sun shining down on them.
But before he could distract Derek any further, a voice called out behind them, cutting Spencer short.
“Spence!” she called as she hurried out of the double doors, with Emily tailing behind her with a smirk on her face.
“Yeah?” Spencer said and both he and Derek turned towards the other two agents. 
“I uhm,” she started, slightly fumbling over her words, anxiously glancing from Reid to Morgan, who was also standing with a big smirk on his face. “I forgot to give this back to you yesterday.”
She reached her arm out between them, offering him the battered blazer. Spencer looked down at it for a minute before slowly taking it into his hand that wasn’t holding the coffee, images of her wearing it the prior evening flying through his mind. 
“Right,” Spencer said, nodding his head.
“And I just wanted to,” she trailed off, quickly looking at Derek before looking back at Spencer.
Derek seemed to get the hint, because he silently made his adieu and joined Emily, who was standing and waiting by the parked SUVs.
“I wanted to thank you for yesterday,” she said, her voice light and feathery in the spring morning. “You were very sweet, and it made me feel a lot better.” 
“Oh, it was no problem,” Spencer said, the blush returning to his face.
“Still,” she continues, taking a miniscule step towards him, “it meant a lot to me.”
“You’re my friend,” Spencer said softly, letting his eyes glide over her face, letting himself bask in the way the sun made her eyes gleam. “I just want you to be happy.”
“I am,” she was quick to reply, sparing a quick look over to the two older agents that were watching them like hawks.
“I’m glad,” Spencer smiled down at her, tightening his grip on the blazer in his hands. 
The spring wind was ruffling his hair around, making locks fall into his eyes. Before he could let a hand run through his curls, an unfamiliar hand beat him to it. 
Her hand ran gently through his hair, making the curls fall back into the righteous place. She let the hand glide down to the side of his face, holding gently onto his soft cheek. Before he could fully grasp what was happening, she was throwing her arms around his shoulders, giving him a tight squeeze. She pressed a quick kiss to the cheek she had previously been caressing, before she pulled away from his body, his arms still hanging rigidly by his sides.
“Thank you,” she whispered again, before hurrying over to Emily.
Spencer watched her walk away, eyes following her retreating form as she dragged Emily into one of the SUVs, flipping Derek the bird when he called out a comment after her that Spencer didn’t hear because of the ringing in his ears.
“Pretty boy,” Derek called out, a know-it-all look painted all over his face, as he watched the young agent standing baffled in the middle of the sidewalk. “Are you sure nothing happened?”
Spencer could still feel the ghost of her arms around his neck, could still feel the pressure of her body against his and the softness of her lips against his cheek. His ears, that were a colour of red that challenged roses, were ringing, and his eyes were firmly locked in the place she had previously been.
“Reid!” Derek called out again, a loud laugh on the verge of spilling from his lips.
“Huh?” Spencer was finally pulled out from his reveries, making him acutely aware of the fact that Derek and Emily, and potentially many others, had witnessed the small moment between the two of them.
“Nothing happened between the two of you huh?”
“Shut up,” Spencer mumbled as he quickly walked over to the car, hopelessly hoping for a silent car ride, his mind already drifting back to just a moment before.
The room was cold. 
She could feel her colleagues’ eyes on her from behind the one-way mirror behind her as she leaned back in her chair.
Her heels were clicking on the floor as she tapped her foot as she kept a firm gaze on the man in front of her.
Emily was sitting beside her, flipping through a folder as she was repeating the rights to the person in front of the two of them.
“Do you understand?” she finished, and her eyes joined Y/N’s and looked at the man on the other side of the table.
The silence stretched across the room, the only sound being Y/N’s heels and Emily’s ruffling through the file. 
“Do you understand your rights?” Y/N repeated, brows furrowing as she stared down the man. 
He continued to stay silent, his gaze locked on where his hands were cuffed to the table. His dirty-blonde hair was a mess and the glasses on his face were slightly broken from the run-in he had had with Morgan.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Emily sighed and let the folder drop down onto the table surface. 
“So, Elliott, do you know Louise Obsen?” Y/N asked, her hands folding together in her lap. 
He continued to stay silent, eyes never drifting away from their safe spot as the two agents continued to stare him down. 
His baby blue button-down was wrinkled and the more Y/N continued to observe him the more she thought about how un-special he was. Nothing about him was noteworthy and she wouldn’t give him a second glance if he were to pass her in the street.
A murderer hiding in plain sight.
“What about Emma Day?” Emily took over and leaned across the table to get closer to him. She slid two pictures across the table to him; the faces of the two young, beautiful women staring back at him from where he cowered within himself.
“Nothing?” Y/N asked and stood up to get rid of the restlessness that was starting to sink into her bones and started to walk around the room slowly. 
“Never heard of them before,” he finally grumbled but his eyes remained downcast. 
Emily and Y/N’s eyes met from across the room, both pairs of eyebrows lifting in disbelief.
“Oh really?” Emily prodded.
“Yeah,” he said slowly, and Y/N moved to stand behind him and glanced over his shoulder at the two pictures.
“That’s a shame huh,” Y/N said with her arms crossed across her chest, “they’re two very beautiful women.”
“Oh yeah,” Emily agreed as she leaned back in her chair.
“Actually,” Y/N said as if the thought had just hit her, “they kind of look like you Em.”
“Yeah,” Emily laughed a bit, “they kind of do.”
They waited for Elliott to react. From where Y/N was standing she could see the tenseness in his shoulders. His leg was bouncing up and down with a rapid pace and she was sure she could see a small bead of sweat trail down his temple.
Y/N glanced up at the one-way mirror that was behind Emily and could almost feel Spencer’s eyes catching her from the other side.
“But it doesn’t really surprise me,” Y/N continued and moved from her place behind him to lean up against the chair that she had previously been sitting on, “that you don’t know them I mean.”
“What do you mean?” he asked slowly, taking the bait just like she had hoped.
“Oh, you know,” she sighed, lifting her head up to glance at the ceiling quickly before letting them fall back to the man in front of her. “Why would two young, beautiful women know you? You’re just an engineer at a random tech company.”
“You’re right Y/N,” Emily continued and looked up at her colleague.
“Like, would you pay him any mind Emily? If he came up to you in a bar or something?”
“No,” Emily laughed loudly and glanced at the man that was slowly starting to simmer in his own anger. 
“Not even entertain him for the fun of it?” Y/N continued, knowingly rubbing salt in the newly created wound.
“I have standards Y/N,” she played along, her eyes also locked on the man.
“That’s a shame,” Y/N said as she moved to sit down again, “I think you’re his type.” 
From across the table the two agents could see the way he was gritting his teeth together and how his hands were wringing together in anger. 
“I bet you would love nothing more than to take agent Prentiss home,” she continued slowly leaning across the table to get into his personal space. “Lure her with the promise of a good time.”
“And, when I would turn him down,” Emily started to participate and mirrored Y/N’s pose, “he would spend the rest of the night watching from afar.”
Elliott finally lifted his gaze and was met with two agents fake smiling at him from the other side of the table.
“He would wait until you were alone,” Y/N continued, making sure to maintain the eye contact that she’d finally established.
“But he wouldn’t have the guts to confront me,” Emily drawled on, fiddling with the many papers in the file. 
“So he would attack you from behind,” Y/N took over, “like a coward”
“And he would put me in a car,” Emily said as she pulled out a photo of the ‘Better Builders’ van, “one that wouldn’t be able to be connected to him, because despite being a coward, he isn’t stupid.”
“Then he would take you somewhere isolated,” the other agent mumbled, letting her hands run through her hair. “Like a cabin or something.”
“Something like this?” Emily asked and pulled out another photo, this one of an isolated cabin they had been able to connect with Elliott.
“Yeah, exactly,” Y/N laughed and pushed the picture towards him. “Do you recognize this place, Elliott?”
“No,” he grumbled, eyes refusing to look at the pictures in front of him.
“Are you sure?” Emily asked, “because that cabin belonged to your father, and from what we have been able to find, said cabin now belongs to you.”
He just shook his head as Emily talked, eyes burning holes in the table beneath his hands.
“So he would take you somewhere isolated,” Y/N tried to get the conversation back on the prior path, “somewhere no one would hear you scream.”
“And then he would play around, terrorising me for God knows how long,” any kind of playfulness or teasing had left Emily’s voice and a sadness and anger had taken their place.
“And then, to finish it off,” Y/N said, her voice low and sad, “he would shoot you in the back of the head.”
“But he knows a body is too difficult to get rid of and even though the cabin is isolated the body would be found if he were to just dump it,” Emily continued, hard eyes looking at the suspect. 
“So he would have to cut you up,” Y/N mumbled, “and discard the limbs and only hope that they won’t be found.”
Silence stretched across the room again. The two agents staring down the man before them. The man, who was shaking and whose face had become beat red.
“See Elliott,” Emily said, starting to collect the pictures that were laid out on the table before them, “that’s what we think you did to Louise Obsen and Emma Day.”
“And when we get a search warrant for your cabin, which is in the process, we will find something in there that confirms that you did this.” Y/N said moving to lean back in her chair. “A hair, a piece of a nail or a little drop of blood that confirms that you killed two innocent women.”
“And when that happens,” Emily continued, “you will get locked away for a long time. And trust me,” she paused and leaned in closer to him, “you won’t survive long in a federal prison.”
“But,” Y/N drawled out, “if you cooperate we could do something for you.”
He continued to stay quiet, eyes still not looking at them.
“Well,” Emily sighed and moved to stand up, Y/N following suit, “suit yourself.” 
The two agents moved to walk out of the interrogation room, before a voice stopped them. 
“I’ll tell you,” he said slowly, causing them to turn around and look back at him staring at the two of them. “But only you,” he stared at Emily with intent.
Y/N glanced at her co-worker and was met with a confident nod as she moved to take a seat once again. 
Y/N looked back at the pair one final time before leaving the room to watch from behind the glass. 
Once she stepped out into the hallway she was met with Rossi and Spencer shifting their gazes from the interrogation room to her as she closed the door behind her. 
“Good work kiddo,” Rossi said, walking away from the glass and clapping her gently on the shoulder before moving past her, probably to find Hotch and inform him of Elliot being willing to cooperate.
“Thank you, sir,” Y/N mumbled as she watched him walk back into the hectic precinct.
“You did really well,” Spencer said as she moved to stand beside him and watch Elliott talk with Emily.
“Thanks Spence,” Y/N said, looking up at him as he looked down at her at the same time.
They stood there for a while, just listening to the confession that was pouring out of Elliott. From where she stood beside him Y/N could feel the heat radiating from Spencer. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his dark purple tie matched the light purple shirt perfectly.
Y/N shifted her eyes back to the interrogation but could still feel his eyes on the side of her face. As they stood side by side Y/N could feel a soft motion of a finger slowly moving across the back of her hand.
As she glanced down, she saw Spencer’s pinkie moving slowly across the plain of the back of her hand; she could feel the heat slowly spread across her face.
She slowly manoeuvred her hand around so she could rub her finger against his as well, before a loud voice forced their hands apart.
“Y/L/N,” Derek called from behind them, walking across the precinct and the two other agents turned around to see him approach them. “Rossi said that you got him to cooperate.”
“Yeah,” Y/N coughed as she cleared her throat and moved to fold her arms across her chest to try to delete the prior moment from Derek’s mind.
“How’d you do it?” he said as he moved closer to the pair and stood between Y/N and Spencer as he spied into the room with a knowing grin on his face. 
“We just tried to get under his skin,” Y/N explained as she looked back into the interrogation room again and saw Emily scribbling down notes as Elliott spoke. “Showed him how much of a coward he is.”
Derek laughed and laid an arm around her shoulders and gave her arm an affectionate clap.
“Well, at least this one went pretty smoothly.”
Both Spencer and Y/N hummed their agreement, two pairs of cheeks burning from an erased moment in time.
“Garcia said that you were hungry,” Spencer said, making Y/N’s attention divert from the case file in front of her to the genius standing with a paper towel in his hand, “so I thought you would like this.”
He gently placed the paper towel on her desk, making sure that it didn’t land on one of the many files that were scattered on the desk. The paper unfolded and inside was a pear, cut up in four pieces, just waiting to be eaten.
All the while she gathered the pieces of fruit and tugged the paper towel closer to her, Spencer was standing, more like hovering over her, a nervous smile tugging at his lips. His hands were tangled together in front of his body, eyes following her every move as she started to munch on the cut-up fruit. 
“Thank you, Spence,” she said, half a piece of pear already in her mouth, “this is just what I needed.”
“You’re very welcome,” he said with a big smile on his face, before he gathered a case file from his desk and bounced up the stairs to Hotch’s office.
“He’s never brought me a pear,” a voice pulled Y/N’s attention away from the now closed door, a smile ever so present on her lips as she slowly chewed on the piece of fruit.
“What?” Y/N asked, confused, turning to see Derek and Emily sitting with shit eating grins on their faces.
“Pretty boy,” Derek elaborated gesturing to Hotch’s office, “in the many years I’ve known him, he has never brought me a sliced-up pear.”
“Me neither,” Emily said as she twirled around in her chair.
“Well,” Y/N started to say, very much confused at where the direction of this conversation was going, “maybe he doesn’t know that you guys like pears.”
“I don’t think that’s why,” Derek laughed, throwing the pen he had been playing with in his hand down on his desk.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked unconsciously, reaching for another piece hidden in the paper towel.
“What are we discussing?” Penelope broke into the conversation, a happy smile on her pink painted lips. 
“Nothing,” Y/N was quick to say as she turned her chair back to face her desk, in hopes of ending the conversation before it even began.
“Pretty Ricky had heard from you that dear Y/N was hungry, so he cut up a pear for her,” Derek said, and even with her back to them she could practically hear the smiles on all of their faces.
“I haven’t talked to Reid all day,” Penelope said, happiness practically radiating off of her by the news.
“You haven’t?” At this revelation Y/N was quick to turn her chair around, confusion clear on her face.
“No,” she dragged out the word, letting a giggle slip out at the end.
“Then why would he say that?” Y/N asked as she chewed on another piece, her brows furrowed in confusion.
“Because,” Emily dragged out as she got up and moved to sit on Y/N’s desk, “he needs a middleman.”
“A middleman?” Y/N asked, even more confused.
“Someone to make it seem like he wasn’t noticing that you were hungry based on your behaviour,” Derek explained, sliding his chair closer to Y/N’s desk.
“He’s a profiler,” Y/N mumbled to the rest, “if my behaviour was showing that I was hungry, why would he be embarrassed to just give me something to eat. We’re friends.”
“Actually,” Penelope piped up, finally seeing it as her time to make an input into the conversation, “giving snacks to someone is something many consider a love language.”
Y/N choked on the last piece of pear in her throat and turned around to cough down into the paper towel that was still laying on her desk. Emily laughed as she clapped her between the shoulder blades.
“Guys!” she exclaimed once she had gotten everything under control again, “he just gave me a pear. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Emily sighed as she shrugged her shoulders up to her ears as she looked down at the younger, oblivious agent. “I remember a guy saying that once the pear was an allegory for the heart.”
Silence took its place between the four agents. Three of them with giant smiles on their faces as the fourth was simply staring out in space, trying to solve a puzzle that she didn’t even know existed. Her ears were ringing from the realisation, cheeks heating under the scrutiny from the three others as her mind slowly started to fill to the brim of all of her shared moments with Spencer. 
“You think he likes me?” she asked quietly, only daring to let her eyes fall on Penelope, whose face was almost splitting in half from the giant smile on her face. 
“Oh, I think ‘like’,” Penelope said as she brought her hands up and made citation quotes around the word, “is an understatement.”
“He said,” Y/N started, keeping her eyes locked with Penelope’s as she started to fiddle with her hands that were resting in her lap, “He said that he knows what it’s like to love something that’s out of reach.”
The group fell silent as they took in the revelation, the three of them waiting for Y/N to continue. “Do you think he was talking about me?”
“Duh!” Penelope practically yelled, which gained the attention of the agents dutifully working around the quartet. “That boy has been in love with you since you first joined the team. And I may not be a profiler,” she continued making her way over to stand next to the chair Y/N was sitting on, “but I think that his feelings are reciprocated.”
Before Y/N had the chance to say anything, the sound of a door slamming shut brought them all out of the small moment they had created between themselves. As she looked up to the landing, she saw Spencer walking down the stairs again. 
“What’s going on?” he asked curiously, letting his eyes flicker from Derek’s smirk, to Penelope’s sparkling eyes, to Emily’s suppressed grin and finally to Y/N’s wide eyes.
“Oh nothing,” Penelope was quick to say, “just talking about the upcoming weekend.”
“Oh,” Spencer said as he took a seat in his chair, and let the folder he had with him drop to the desk, “do you have any special plans Garcia?”
“Uh,” she sputtered, clearly not ready to talk herself out of her lie, “yes, I’m going to go antique shopping with Emily.”
“We are?” Emily was quick to but in, disdain clear in her voice from the mere thought of going antiquing.
“Yes! Remember we talked about it a while ago,” Penelope mumbled before dramatically gesturing to the watch hanging on the wall, “would you look at that, I have to go back to my office to do,” she dragged out the words, as the four profilers looked at her with amusement on their faces, “to do hacking things. Bye!”
And before they knew she had hurried out of their eyesight, her blonde hair bobbing up and down as she moved as fast as her heels allowed her to.
“Weird,” Spencer said, sharing a quick smile with Y/N before they all went back to their work. Or, three of them went back to their work. 
Y/N spend the rest of her afternoon sifting through every interaction she had ever had with the young doctor, from the moment they had met in this very bullpen, to the first time she had made him laugh over a joke, to the time she had successfully dragged him out to celebrate a successful case with the rest of the team. In the small year they had known each other they had created so many small moments together, so many fond memories that lived in her heart.
And at some point, in the small year, Spencer had managed to worm himself into a part of her heart that she herself didn’t even know existed. Sparks flew out of her finger tips every time they gently touched him. Her heart started to beat faster every time he would smile at her or she would hear his joyous laughter. She started to get lost in the depth of his warm eyes every time they made eye contact, drowning in a sea of honey that she refused to get saved from.
And, unknown to her, she had made herself a home in Spencer’s heart. Her gentle touch seemed to light a fire in him, making him burn to the bone every time her delicate fingers grazed his skin. His smile had become more frequent, and his laughter more boisterous ever since she had joined the team; her mere presence lightening up any gloomy day.
So, there they sat the rest of the sunny afternoon; a boy and a girl so oblivious about the love that flowed so effortlessly between them. She could still taste the lingering taste of the fruit, and she swore her heart fluttered in her chest every time. He could still see the joyful look she had given him when he had handed her the folded-up paper towel, and his heart sang every time it flowed through his mind.
And without either of them noticing, the sunny day ticked by minute for minute. The bullpen had started to empty out for the day, leaving them some of the few agents left.
She could still hear Derek and Emily typing away on their monitors and have occasional chit chat, and out of the corner of her eye she could still see Hotch and Rossi in their respective offices.
As she was finishing up one of her last files, she noticed how Spencer slowly started to pack up for the day.
After a year she had learned his routine for when he would start to head home. Firstly, he would turn off his computer, secondly, he would stack all of his files into a neat pile, ready for when he came in tomorrow, thirdly he would start to pack his bag, double checking he had everything, before finally rising from his chair, putting on his coat and saying goodbye to those who stayed longer than him.
He was in the midst of the fourth step, coat being ready to be put on when they made eye contact over the divider between their desks.
He slowed his actions, taking his time to adjust the lapels on his jacket and picking up his satchel. It was as if everything that had been left unsaid by the two exploded in that moment. All of the gentle touches and the burning fires. All of the loud laughter and the timid smiles. A year worth of love combined into just a five second glance.
“Have a good night,” she said softly, eyes firmly locked with his.
“You too,” he said as he slowly walked by her desk, “see you tomorrow.”
She smiled at him, feeling all of the air leave her lungs when he smiled back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow as well genius,” Morgan called after him loudly, making Spencer walk faster out of the bullpen, and even from where Y/N was sitting, she could see the tips of his ears turn red.
“Y/N,” Emily said firmly when Spencer was out of ear shot. 
“Emily,” Y/N said back, refusing to give the two cocky agents what they wanted from her. 
“Go after that boy,” she said, walking over and hovering over her with her hands on her hips.
“What?” Y/N asked, still looking down at the paperwork in front of her.
“Are you kidding me? I just saw the two of you practically declaring your love for each other with just one look! And for some reason, you refuse to accept the fact that you two are in love with each other,” she said, one of her hands coming down on the younger agent’s shoulder. “Look, okay, I’m no expert at love or anything, but what the two of you have is something special. And I get it, okay. Love is scary, and with our job we see how easily our loved ones can be torn away from us, so I get it more than anyone that it’s scary to succumb to it. But, and this is just my opinion, it would be foolish to let a love like the one the two of you have go to waste.”
After her monologue Emily made her way back over to her own desk, eyes locked with Morgan, desperate to get him to help him. But before he got the chance, Y/N spoke up timidly.
“If I don’t come back will you finish my paperwork?”
“Yes,” both Emily and Derek said without hesitation, smiles spreading wider and wider when they saw the girl hurrying to grab her back and coat before quickly walking out of the office. 
“Fucking finally,” Derek mumbled, letting his eyes follow the young agent out of the double glass doors.
Y/N stood by the elevator, repeatedly pressing the button in hopes of making the machine work any faster. When the doors finally opened, she was greeted by an out of breath Spencer, who looked like he had just run across the parking lot.
“Hi,” he mumbled softly, slowly stepping out of the box as she took a few steps back.
“Hi,” she said, “did you forget something?”
A moment of silence hung between them, both unsure of how to approach the inevitable conversation.
“I-“ he cleared his throat into his fist before continuing, “I don’t know.”
“Oh,” she said, feeling the burning stare of two pairs of eyes on her back.
“I,” he started, his hands hidden in his coat pockets and shoes shuffling around nervously on the floor, but she was quick to interrupt him before he could go on. 
“Emily just reminded me of something,” she said, her voice small but confident. “Someone once told me that the pear was an allegory for the heart.”
At her words Spencer’s eyes widened the slightest, and a pretty blush started to paint over his cheekbones.
“That someone would be correct,” his voice was low but clear, intending to keep the conversation strictly between them.
“And you gave me a pear,” she continued, her hands wringing together in front of her. “And someone would say that means that you, in some way, gave me your heart.” 
They both stared at each other, oblivious to the gathering that was happening in the bullpen behind them. Emily and Derek had now been joined by Penelope and JJ, all eyes set on the two of them, and even from their distance they could feel the tension between the two almost lovers.
“That’s one way to understand it,” he said, taking a miniscule step closer to her.
“Is it the right way?” she asked, mimicking him and tipping a millimetre closer.
“I think,” he started, letting his hands come up from his coat pockets and let them slowly intertwine with hers. “I think that I gave my heart to you a long time ago.” 
“Really?” she moved closer towards him, letting her fingertips spark at the feeling of his gentle touch.
“Yeah,” he nodded, curls falling into his gentle eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” she whispered, squeezing his hands before removing them from his when he nodded his head nervously. 
She let them slide up his arms before they found their place on his jaw, soft skin meeting her cold fingers. His arms found their purpose around her soft waist, giving him the opportunity to pull her in closer. She let her eyes roam his face for a second, before she leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. His nose was cold against hers, his lips chapped from the colder weather, but none of it mattered. They stood no comparison to the way his hands were grasping at her waist, or the way she could feel a smile on his lips against hers.
They pulled apart slowly, both of their eyes still closed, both of them just existing in the moment they had created between them.
“I gave you my heart a long time ago too,” she whispered to him, letting her arms wrap around his neck and gave him a tight hug. “But I will be happy to give you a pear as well.” 
He laughed at her comment, before he pulled her into another kiss, letting himself taste the sweet taste of pear that lingered on her lips.
“Pears cannot ripen alone. So we ripened together” - Meridel Le Sueur 
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evafrechette · 3 years
I’ll take one large cock..err I mean Coke please
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↠ yoongi x jungkook | smut | drivethruworker!jk | 18+ | 2.7k
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↠ Summary: It’s been the shift from hell and all Jungkook wants to do is go home, jerk off and get some well deserved rest. But the attractive brunette with the deep, raspy voice that gets his cock twitching has just pulled into his drive thru and Jungkook’s night is about to get even crazier.
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↠ Warnings: masturbation, frottage, car sex, awkward crushes, public sex, handjobs, yoongi hates mcdonalds but likes jungkook.
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"Welcome to McDonald's, can I take your order please." Jungkook's voice cracked out of the decades old drive thru speaker while he absentmindedly twirled a straw between his tattooed fingers.
"Uh yeah just a Large Cheeseburger Combo. Uhhh and make the drink an Iced Americano please." Jungkook dropped the straw, which rolled along the ground towards the "broken" ice cream machine. He knew that low raspy voice, the one that was slightly slurred making it hard to understand exactly what was said. It came out of the cutest pouty mouth Jungkook had ever seen.
"Uhh oh y-yes, okay, please drive up to the next window." He hastily brushed his hands through his inky black waves and straightened out the hat that sat lazily on top of his head. Jungkook had a crush. A huge crush. The kind of crush your friends and family would mock you about for years to come. The cutie with the deep voice had been visiting Jungkook's McDonalds drive thru for nearly a year now, always ordering the same thing - a Large Cheeseburger Combo with an Iced Americano. He was the prettiest man Jungkook had ever seen; a soft round button nose, the most breathtakingly stunning feline shaped eyes, pale skin that reminded him of a shimmering full moon, and those lips, small, pouty and Jungkook was dying to know what they would look like wrapped around his cock.
He tapped his foot nervously against the brown tile floor as he tried to push the thought out of his head. He was at work he shouldn't be thinking about his cock and the sweet, pretty little mouth he dreamt of most nights taking him so deep into his throat that tears fell from his eyes as he gagged and moaned around him.
Jungkook let out a small squeal when he noticed the man's car roll up to his window. Hesitantly he opened the sliding glass, "Hi, umm your order isn't ready yet, please park up over there," he pointed towards the waiting area, "and someone will bring it out as soon as possible." The brunette smiled at him as he paid for the order then slowly drove towards the designated parking spot. Jungkook dropped to the floor crouching out of view, his heart was thumping against his ribs. He took a few minutes to calm himself down before returning to his mundane, tedious work.
The day seemed to drag on longer than usual for Jungkook, anything that could go wrong did. The coffee machine in the café side broke down, his coworker and best friend Jimin was burnt by hot oil in the fryer and had to be rushed off to A&E and Jungkook had slipped on some melted ice bruising both his knees during impact. By the time his shift was over he was well and truly over the day, but he had agreed to cover Taehyung's night shift (and hey, extra pay wasn't anything to scoff at)
He had a quick break, scoffing down some chicken nuggets before washing them down with a large Fanta, then fit the microphone headpiece back in place and waited for the craziness of the dinner rush. As expected the next 3 hours were insane, car after car seemed to flow past his window. His feet were burning from standing all day, eyes feeling heavy from exhaustion but he still had 4 more hours before closing.
With only an hour to go the staff that remained locked the front doors, the drive thru now the only option for anyone with a late night craving for greasy burgers and burnt fries. Jungkook was able to finally rest his swollen feet, laying down in a booth hands folded under his head. He had just started to feel himself drift off when the static of the speaker box vibrated in his ear, the telltale sign of a car pulling up dragged him from his near slumber.
"Hello Welcome to McDonalds," a yawn broke free, his hand automatically rushing up to cover his nose, "Mmm sorry, can I take your order."
"Yeah, one Large Cheeseburger combo with an Iced Americano please"
Jungkook's eyes were as large as saucers as he flung himself out of the booth and ran towards the drive thru window. It was that delicate, ethereal man again, he'd never worked nights before so hadn't expected to see him again.
"I'm sorry, b-but the McCafe is closed, you'll have to order from the soft drink menu." He checked himself out in the reflective metal bench in front of where he stood, he was sure he looked like hell but there was little he could do, not that he could see anything anyway the bench was scattered with serviettes and spilled soft drink.
"That's okay, I'll just take a large Coke then."
"Sure thing, please drive up to the next window."
The car arrived within seconds, the only vehicle in the drive thru so late at night. Jungkook stood awkwardly, eyes darting between the man in the car and the crew in the back taking their sweet ass time to get the order ready. He huffed and slid the window open.
"Do you mind parking up and someone will bring your order out for you?"
"Yeah, thanks." The man paid then pulled up into the vacant waiting area. With his headlights turned off the car was invisible in the dark of the night. Jungkook let out another yawn and rubbed his tired sleepy eyes. He walked into the back just as his co-worker was folding over the brown paper bag.
"Can you take this out to him, I really need to use the bathroom." The bag was thrust into his arms as the night manager Namjoon ran past him towards the toilet block. He sighed, obviously he had no choice but to deliver this meal to the most gorgeous man to walk the earth. God was really testing him today.  Jungkook removed his headpiece leaving it by the cash register, unlocked the front door and stepped into the chilly night.
He shivered before running towards the only car in empty space. He knocked gently on the driver side window and shifted off each foot while he waited for the window to be rolled down. There was no response. He tried to peer through the tinted glass but was unable to see anything so he knocked once more, this time a lot louder. The window rolled down part of the way and Jungkook could see the top of the man's face.
"Thanks, just slip it through." His voice was strained and a little pitchy.
Jungkook shifted his weight onto his left foot "Yeah, that's not gonna work you need to lower the window more."
A panicked no was the man's response. Jungkook was getting a little pissed off, he had been working non stop all day and just wanted to go home, have a quick jerk off session and then sleep.
"Dude, you need to open the window or I'm just dumping your shit on the ground." Jungkook didn't mean to snap, and not at the man he'd secretly been in love with for so long. But he was just so over his day.
Slowly the window lowered and Jungkook was able to see the man's face. Just as soft and perfect as always, except he had a pink tinge to his cheeks. Jungkook thought it looked beautiful, a gorgeous contrast to his pale skin. He went to pass the bag through when his eyes flickered downwards. Jungkook choked when his eyes fell upon a very thick and very hard cock peaking out between the man's legs. His jeans were pushed halfway down his legs and his right hand was clenched around the base of his shaft. Jungkook wasn't sure what to do. He'd been picturing the man's cock for months and now he was seeing it in the flesh, he was turned on and slightly overwhelmed.
The man used his free hand to grab the bag and nonchalantly threw it on the passenger seat. Jungkook was unable to remove his eyes from the brunette's cock, his tongue flicked out as he licked along his lip. When realisation set in of what he had just done, his face turned beetroot red and he spun around to run back to the safety of the store.
But before he could the man spoke, "Do you like what you see?"
Jungkook froze, it was pretty obvious he did, but he couldn't say that . . could he?
"Y-y-yes." He replied, his stutter making him cringe internally.
"Get in." It was more of a question than a demand and Jungkook felt a little better to know he wasn't the only one affected by what was happening. He walked to the door directly behind where the man sat and slowly opened it, he quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching before climbing into the back seat. They sat in silence for a while, Jungkook twisting his hair around his finger - a nervous habit of his and the man stared at him with those intense piercing eyes through the rare view mirror.
After a few minutes Jungkook heard light whimpers come from the front and leaned forward between the empty space of the two front seats. The man was stroking his length slowly, cautiously watching Jungkook's every move in the mirror. Jungkook sat quietly and watched with attentive eyes at the scene unfolding in front of him. He longed to reach out and feel that soft translucent skin, to see his cum dripping all over the tattoos that were etched into his skin. But his body couldn't move, glued to the spot he was in.
Jungkook watched as the man's chest rise and fell, how his cock twitched every time a low moan escaped Jungkook's lips and at the precum that was leaking from the tip, helping to lubricate the man's slide.
"You are so fucking pretty," The deep mumbly voice broke the silence reverberating around the stifling space, "The first time I saw you I thought you were the prettiest guy I've ever seen. I fucking hate McDonald's, it tastes like shit. But I keep coming back because I want to see you."
"What the fuck." Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing, his dream man thought he was pretty? And only ordered food to see him? No wonder he had never seen him order inside the store. He shifted in his seat, his cock starting to ache from how hard it was. The man was still watching through the rare view mirror and had noticed.
"Get it out if you want, bit weird for me to be the only one with my dick out."
Jungkook quickly unzipped his trousers and yanked them down letting them land on the floor with a soft thud. He leaned into the back seat and spat onto his palm, wincing once he finally felt the tight grip of his hand relieve some of the pressure building up inside of him. He felt a little silly, legs open wide, knees bruised, white socks, black sneakers, McDonald's work shirt and hat still on, but the man staring back at him didn't seem to mind one bit of his appearance. Maybe he had a uniform kink?
Together they pumped their cocks, eyes locked onto one another's via the mirror. Their hushed breaths synchronised, the thrill of what they were doing drew Jungkook closer to his release. "Shit, I'm gonna c-cum soon. C-can I feel you? Please, I've wanted it for so long." The eyes staring back at him flashed a desire Jungkook had never seen in anyone before.  The man pushed his pants off fully and scrambled into the back with Jungkook. Jungkook reached out hesitantly and stroked his fingers along the man's face, along his strong eyebrows, down his cute little nose, along his soft jawline and of course his sweet lips.
"So what's your name anyway? I'm Jungkook." he asked as he leaned in and started to kiss the man's exposed neck, hands hovering over his creamy white thighs.
"A pretty name for a pretty little thing. Perfect." Jungkook continued to suck deep purple marks onto Yoongi's neck, he hadn't given a hickey since he was a teenager, but he wanted to mark the man up so badly. He could feel Yoongi's hands knead at his soft ass, squeezing the flesh, running his finger along his crack, teasing at the entrance of his hole.
Without warning Jungkook detached from Yoongi's neck and pushed his smaller body against the backseat. He straddled Yoongi's thighs, shifting so their cocks were centimeters apart. He reached down between their bodies and held his cock in one hand and Yoongi's in the other, then pressed them firmly against each other. Jungkook whimpered, Yoongi was so hard and warm against his cock, which was now throbbing and leaking a small amount of precum. Jungkook ran his thumb over his slit, collecting as much of the clear fluid as he could before rubbing his thumb over the tip of Yoongi's cock, his fingers traced around the head, slowly moving down his length, with feather light touch. Jungkook closed his fingers around Yoongi's girth and moved his hand up and down covering him with his arousal. He stroked him a few times before taking both cocks into his tattooed hand and pushed them together. They both cried out at the contact of their pulsating cocks against one another.
Jungkook jerked them both off, squeezing and pumping eager to see Yoongi come undone under him. Yoongi arched his hips grabbing on tight to Jungkook's thighs and started thrusting in time with Jungkook. In response Jungkook ground his cock against Yoongi's even harder, his balls slapping against the large pair that hung below Yoongi's thick cock. They rocked and rutted against each others warm, smooth lengths. The windows of the car were fogged - evidence of something seedy taking place inside, Yoongi's burger and fries no longer warm, but neither took any notice too focused on chasing their climax.
Yoongi came first spurting ropes of hot cum all over his shirt while he choked out a deep, vibrating sob. Jungkook looked down and saw the creamy white fluid dripping down his fingers and over the faded black ink, his cock pulsated in his grip. Jungkook's gut tightened and his vision went blurry, he spilled his release all over his and Yoongi's cocks.
Jungkook's heart was racing just like it had been earlier in the day, he couldn't believe that the man he had be fantasising about was laying under him cock out and covered in his cum. Yoongi flashed him a gummy smile, one he had seen many times from the other side of the drive thru window. Up close it was even more lovely his perfect little teeth lined up straight, eyes crinkling in the corners.
"Jungkook! Jungkook! Where the fuck are you man?" Jungkook's head snapped towards Namjoon's booming voice echoing throughout the carpark. He looked at Yoongi panicked but the smaller man didn't seem worried in the slightest. Yoongi pulled his T-shirt up over his head and used it to clean the sticky mess off Jungkook's hand.
"Put your pants back on and act like nothing happened. Just say I'm an old friend and we were catching up or something. I'll come and see you tomorrow . . errr later this morning on my way to work. You know my order right?"
Jungkook quickly did what Yoongi told him and gave him a fond smile before climbing out into the bleak cold night.
"Namjoon-ah!!" Jungkook yelled into the darkness not quite sure where his manager was. The sound of frantic footsteps alerted him and he turned to face a very pissed off Namjoon. His jaw was clenched and his mouth was turned downwards. Jungkook had seen this face only once before, when Namjoon had lost his shit and fired someone on the spot for trying to deep fry a soft serve cone.
He gulped hard, "Sorry Namjoon that's an old friend of mine," he motioned towards the car, "I guess we lost track of time."
Namjoon sighed "You're lucky no one has showed up in the last hour besides your friend over there. Come on, it's time to clean this place for the morning crew and then we can get the hell out of here and get some sleep."
As Jungkook walked back to the dimly lit building he couldn't help but smile with the knowledge that Mr Cheeseburger and Iced Americano would be rolling up to his drive thru window in just a few hours to see him. He was lovin' it.
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
saint. || soobin💦
a/n: ya’ll forgive me someone requested soobin smut and I could not find the request on my page lolololol so whoever requested this i hope you enjoy!
saint m.list
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🖤┊𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱 . ೄྀ࿐ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙/𝖆𝖚 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖆? 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖆’𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙. (𝖑𝖊𝖙 𝖒𝖊 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜) 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙; 1893.
he was tall. sorry for stating the obvious but that was the most noticeable thing about him. I mean if you got really close maybe you could see his deep dimples that waded in both of his cheeks when he talked. Or if you were paying close attention to him you’d notice the way his eyes enveloped when he smiled or laughed. but enough of that though, choi soobin was nothing to admire. 
well, at least personality wise. he’d come to school in his snazzy maroon sweater vest and suit jacket and wore his hair in the side part that drove all of the girls crazy. you had to admit, it was reasonably so. he was a good looking guy. so why wouldn’t they? 
if they hadn’t been obsessing over him maybe they’d see him dump their textbooks in the trash when they weren’t looking or him cutting their ponytails or even worse, him lying to the priest about the sluts they were at the confessionals. poor father benjamin. 
luckily though you stayed low on the radar. I mean you weren’t completely invisible but at least your were the person who rather keep your head inside the book of Ecclesiasticus than choi soobin. you were one of the few at least. he even had the boys all over him, wanting to be him, wanting to act like him and dress like him. if this wasn’t a catholic school you’d think they’d rather be his girlfriend, too. but you couldn’t hold your school to a high standard I mean Melissa Mccarthy’s sex tape was floating around the school for months. And she was so called one of the most ‘attractive’ girls in school before she got expelled of course.
but back to choi soobin. he was a shit head. you knew in your heart of hearts he was. this is what mainly infuriated you when sister helena assigned him as your partner for a video watching. yeah a video watching. in which she’d pull out that big fat old tv and put on a black and white movie and expects you to write down the answers based on events that were happening in the film. she always assigned partners though because she thought two brains could capture better details than one. 
anyway he slides in the seat next to yours in the back of the room with a snarky grin on his face. he always had that dumb snarky grin. you pull down your plaid pleated skirt a little more over your knees. sister helena smiles at the both of you while passing out the question sheet and a couple of pencils. Soobin grabs it before you. not that you were racing to get it anyway. You saw him concentrating to write, must’ve been hard for him since he does little to no work. Then you realized he was writing his name and you wondered if how he even made it to senior year. 
it was your turn to write your name on the paper so you did so quickly before the movie started. you weren’t even 10 minutes into the movie before soobin began laughing and goofing off with his friends in the front of him. Sister helena shot you a severe look signaling the fact that she wanted you two to tone it down. but why did she address you and not soobin?
you nudge him on the arm. 
“hey quit it. sister helena is going to give us an F if you keep going”.
“and what does that have to do with me?”. soobin snarls you roll your eyes. 
“it has a lot to do with you because if i get a bad grade over you It’s going to be a serious problem”.
soobin laughs as if to say, ‘yeah right’. it only made you angrier. soobin tilts his head at you. you were kinda cute in a way. he never really looked at you before like he had now. he acted as if he were looking elsewhere and placed his hand on your knee. you flinch.
“soobin?-- what are you doing?”. 
you ask pushing his hand off. he does this sheepish grin that makes him the cutest but you didn’t want to admit it. 
“come on. we’re in the back of the room. don’t you want to have some fun?”.
“we have an assignment to do you idiot”. he places his hand on your knee again, only he raises it a bit more, dragging up your skirt a little. you had to admit, his hands felt nice. 
“you’re so worried about this assignment. trust me. I’ll make sure we have the answers even if we weren’t paying attention”.
your nerves ran endlessly as he dragged his fingers higher, now reaching the top of your thighs. you were grateful that you two were in the back of the room and that the table you two shared was enough to cover his movements. 
“s-s-soobin i don’t think we should”. you stuttered. it was weird how you forgot all the bad things about soobin as soon as he started touching you. He leans in your ear, 
“just relax. I’ll make you feel good i promise. have you ever been touched before?”.
no. and you would probably be the envy of the whole school if everyone knew who was waiting to touch you. 
“no i haven’t”. 
he ghosted his finger tips at the front of your panties, rubbing your slit lazily. you closed your eyes, feeling sorry for father benjamin and your confessions in advance. 
“you’re actually pretty cute”. soobin flirts with his lips still to your ear. you ignored his compliment letting him slip his fingers inside of your panties. he teases your clit with his fingertips before he touches it softly. 
you twitch and tap your foot so you wouldn’t be too suspicious to sister Helena. Not that she was paying you two any mind anyway. you don’t know what the hell gotten into you, but it was too late to stop it now. 
soobin scoots his seat closer to you and uses his other hand to grip his pencil in. He wanted to make he looked like he was doing as much work as possible. He pulled your panties back a bit more, using his finger to gently rub your clit in small circles. you shuddered. this was your first time experiencing something as mind blowing as this. 
with your priest of a father and religious mother you never had time to...explore. you finally saw what you were missing in life. soobin pauses his actions to spread your legs a little wider before he kept rubbing you. With each rub he’d do it more forcefully than the last. you bite your lips trying to detain any noises. it was hard though. 
“you’re so cute. you like getting your virgin pussy touched don’t you?”. soobin speaks in your ear with a low tone. he fastens the pace of his fingers feeling your puffy clit slick up in excitement. surges of electricity sprints through you. you pull your skirt over his hand. 
he casually pretends he’s watching tv and you’re suffering. If you don’t whimper, or wail, or anything you felt like you were going to explode in the next two seconds. He rubs you faster and you could feel your hips grinding against his fingers desparately. 
“don’t do that. fuck--you’re going to make me hard”. he warns in a casual whisper. you ignore him of course and clutch the table. you close your eyes and let his fingers slide through your pussy as you grinded. you opened your mouth hoping nothing came out. but you were in for a surprise when you created a small squeal by accident.
luckily though, no one but sister helena looked at you. With her pointer she pointed to the tv, meaning ‘pay attention or you will have detention’ . you’d sure liked to see her contain herself if she ever got fingered in the back of a classroom by a cute boy. but then again you wouldn’t like to see that, because  for a 50 year old woman that’d be fucking gross. 
soobin is chuckling lowly in your ear like the menace he was. “your pussy is so fucking wet holy shit”. 
you continue to bite your lips while he swiped your clit from side to side aggressively with three fingers. your heart pounded in your chest. you wanted to shriek, you wanted to scream but you couldn’t and it was killing you. 
you decided it was best that you left your small cries in the lowest volume as possible, only audible enough for soobin to hear. you were sopping through his fingers though. you panicked when you felt yourself pulse intensely. soobin grinned. he knew your were close. 
“that’s it, cum for me you little fucking saint”. he groaned in your ear. with your stuttering hips a wave of pressure came over you and you felt something leaking out of you. with your heavy breathing you had to come to terms with the fact that that was your first orgasm. 
holy shit.
the bell rung and classes ended and somehow someway you and soobin’s paper was full of answer by the time he turned it in. “Hey, you. come here I need to have a word with you”. sister helena grumbled looking directly at you. your heart raced. soobin gave you a small smirk before walking out the classroom. as almost if he was wishing you good luck. 
“I want to say that choi soobin is very misbehaved. But i am so glad I paired him with you. I’ve never saw him complete a whole paper his whole time here and this is his senior year here. hey, if you don’t mind i think i’d like to pair you two more often. Is that alright with you?”. she smiles. 
you blink. not believing what the hell you were hearing. 
“yes why not?”. you blurt out laughing playfully for good measure. 
“good good! I know what to do now. Have a nice day!”. you bow to her hoping she does as well. you walk out the classroom to see soobin standing on the wall next to the door smiling down at you like an idiot.
“what?”. you scoff. 
“have you ever had sex before?”. he asks casually as if he were asking you what your favorite cereal was. you shake your head no. 
“no. why?”. 
“do you want to?”. 
“what makes you think i’d want to do it with you? you’ve probably had sex with the whole school by now”. 
you scoff again walking away. he chases after you. 
“if that’s what you think then boy you’d be surprised by the truth”. 
“why are you even bothering? I’m a virgin it’s not like i’m some slut who can pleasure you and actually know what I’m doing”. 
“I can teach you”. he says confidently. 
“It’s your senior year. I’m sure you don’t want to be a virgin for long. I mean, you can agree to let me teach you or i’d just might have to tell poor father benjam--”.
“alright! soobin. no need to go that far”. you adjust your backpack strap. 
“I’ll let you teach me. but where?”.
“my parents are having a church meeting tomorrow night. Meet me at my house around 7″.
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ilovebeing-weird · 4 years
Dickinette February
Day-1 Spell/Potion
First day of commitment, let's see how this goes. I don't know what I am writing. So let's wait and watch. Yayy!!
Marinette was stressing out. Why? Her boyfriend has turned into a baby. Curse the Scarecrow, he has created a new spell that de-aged people. Nightwing came into its contact while saving a civilian.
"It will take only one day to fade away, but we will try to speed the process as much as possible." Bruce or Batman told her. "Till then can you take care of him? Our house is not child friendly." That's true but what do you expect from a house full of vigilantes
"Please take him!! He saw your photo and won't stop crying!! We don't know how to take care of him!!" Red Robin told her almost crying himself.
*TT* "Take the heathen." Always the grumpy Robin told her annoyed. Nothing new there.
"We are not trained enough for this!!" Red Hood says pleadingly while the 5 year old Dick Grayson in his arms is crying and making grabby hands towards Marinette. It was a odd science, not only because he was a baby, also because he was sad and crying.
"Give him to me." She said looking at her boyfriend, she was the most adorable thing she has ever seen, and she has seen Tikki. His big blue eyes were glazed and his chubby cheeks. Marinette was going to die of cuteness.
"Awwww, aren't you the cutest thing ever." Mari said cooing over him and making him calm down instantly.
"I wissed ou." Dick said looking up in her eyes
"Okay we will leave him in your care, and start finding the solution." Batman said taking out his grappling hook as the younger vigilantes followed suit.
"Let's take you inside, shall we?"
It shouldn't be so difficult, she had taken care of kids before. It's true they were older but taking care of a five year old shouldn't more different or difficult.
That kid was extremely energetic and flexible and knew gymnastics. He loved to drain Marinette's energy. Marinette was tired to the bone. She finally sat him to eat. It will be easy now, except he was throwing a fit while eating.
"Dick, please eat it. I will give you candy after this." Hearing candy made his face light up. She knew how much her boyfriend loved sugar.
"Yes, promise. Now eat it for me?" He nodded his head and ate whatever was on his plate. "Very good. Now as promised, here is your candy." After having his sugar, he was even more energetic, so that meant, no rest for Marinette.
"Let's do something!!"
"Okay, what do you wanna do?"
"Ooh, ooh, let's go out. To the zoo or....... The Zoo?"
"Fine let's go," She knew he loved the zoo. Their first date was at a zoo too. They tried freeing the animals, and almost succeeded if it wasn't for Batman. "but first we have to get you dressed accordingly." he was in a loose T-shirt. Mari was lucky that she was working on a toddlers clothing line.
"Buh, I like this. Smells like you."
"But you gotta wear something else if you wanna go out."
"Can't wear this?" He asked his eyes pleading. Damn it! How dare he be such cute, and have those big blue eyes that she can't deny to. But she has too so she uses the little courage left in her and finally says....
"Good boy Dickie, now I am gonna get you some new clothes and then we'll go to the zoo."
"Mari wook, I can do like this mokey!!" Dick said, dressed adorably in a bunny onesie.
"Really? show me!" She had no doubt that he could impersonate the monkey. There was nobody who could do it better.
"Yeah" Dick said trying to climb into the monkey's cage
"Dick, what are you doing!?" Marinette exclaimed lifting him in her arms
"If I wave to do like mokey, I weeb to get in. I weeb the bars to swing."
"Why" He said his eyes watering. Why God?!
"Because we don't want to disturb the monkeys"
"Ohhhh" Dick made an understanding face
"Why are tey in the wage?"
"So people can see them"
"It's bad"
"Yeah, it's bad"
"Wemove them?" He asked cutely tilting his head to the side
"We can't"
"Because...... We just can't"
"Let's go?"
"Yeah, let's go"
"I wanna mawwy you" Marinette smiled in return
"You do?"
"I wanna marry you too." It wasn't a lie, she wanted to, to the adult version of him of course. "When do you wanna get married"
"So soon?"
"I wanna do it soon"
"Okay then, let's get married tomorrow"
After coming home she changed him into his T-shirt, which was way too big for him, but ge wore it without complaining.
"So did you like the zoo?" Marinette asked a sleepy Dick
"Yea, it was fun. You were ith me" Hearing those words made Marinette's heart fill with warmth. She went into flashback when he said those words on their third date.
-- Flashback --
"Do you like this? I knew that you didn't want something to fancy, so I went for something basic, if you don't like it we could do something else. Of course you don't like it, I mean-" Dick silences Marinette's rambling by a light peck on her lips
"I love it, I would love any place if you would be with me."
-- Flashback ends --
"I had fun too" From the side of her eye she saw him rubbing his eyes
"Let's get you to bed shall we?"
"Hmm" That's all he said before he passed out in her arms
"Why are you so cute" After putting him to bed, her phone rang
"Hey Mari"
"Oh, hey Tim"
"We are so sorry we dumped a baby on you for almost a whole day. We hope that it wasn't much of a problem. Sorry, but we couldn't find a solution to change him back soon."
"It's okay Tim, it wasn't a problem at all. I was happy to spend a whole day with him. And take care of him."
"Are you sure, if you want we can take him back"
"It's okay Tim, I can take care of him. He is sleeping anyway."
"Okay then, call us if you need us"
"Sure, bye"
Dick felt warm, he was in pain but also warm.
"What" He saw his girlfriend beside him sleeping soundly, no worries of the world. "How did I come here? Not that I am complaining, but how?" Suddenly all the memories came rushing back to him. From how he became a baby, to how they went to zoo. He proposed!! He wanted to propose, but properly, with a ring, a speech.
"What happened, Dick? Dick!!" Mari jumped on to him happy to see him turned back into an adult. He hugged back with an 'oof'
"You, you need to be more careful. What if something happened, do you know how awful it would've been"
"I know, I know. I am sorry"
"It's okay. Do you need food?"
"Yes please"
"And please, wear some jeans"
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lunaverseimagine · 4 years
Die a Happy Man
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Prompt: The song Die A Happy Man by Thomas Rhett (would recommend playing it when it’s mentioned in the fic)
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Moodboard by the incredible @schlongbottom​, thanks again, it’s so gorgeous <3
Summary: Fluffier than my whole stuffed animal collection.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: Alcohol, mentions of feeling self conscious
You stood at a very obscure angle in front of the mirror to study the way your red dress clung to certain parts of your body and hung loose at others. Sighing, you made the decision to dump the dress onto your growing pile of rejects and search for another one, but before you could someone caught your eye in the mirror.
“Rem,” you smiled shyly, feeling very self-conscious, “I know, I’m gonna change, just give me fi-”
“Change?” Remus walked over from where he’d been leaning on the door frame and stood behind you with his hands on your shoulders. You met his eyes in the mirror. “Y/n/n, I just-” he paused, trying to frame his words in a way that would make you believe what he was saying. “If only you could see what I see, you’d know exactly how beautiful you are.”
You leaned back into your boyfriend as he wrapped his arms around you, placing a kiss on your head. You held onto him, appreciating the way he always encouraged you to have confidence in yourself.
After a few moments Remus spoke up. “Right, I think it’s probably time to get going.” 
The dinner had been delightful. You’d chosen your favourite muggle restaurant, and you’d had delicious main courses accompanied by a bottle of wine, before sharing an extra large ice cream for dessert. Both you and Remus didn’t want the night to end yet, which is how you found yourselves strolling along the pavements of your suburban village at a quarter to midnight.
“Rem, look.” You came to a stop, head tilted back, eyes focused on the gorgeous expanse of stars filling the sky. He wrapped his arm around your waist as he joined you in stargazing, pointing out various constellations. You smiled fondly when he pointed out Canis Major, the constellation which Sirius belonged to.
Throughout the conversation you noticed some of the stars disappearing as they were slowly covered by clouds. Then sure enough, you felt a drop of rain land on your head. You hugged yourself, trying to fight the shivers suddenly threatening your body.
Without a word Remus took off his blazer and draped it over your shoulders, making eye contact with you the whole time.
“Aren’t you going to be cold?”
He chuckled, holding you close to him. “I always feel warm when I’m around you.”
You admired the crinkle at the corner of his eyes as he smiled down at you. You inched towards him until your lips were pressed together, your fingers laced in his hair. His fingertips grazed circles on the small of your back as the kiss deepened, you on your tip-toes to get as close as possible.
Eventually you pulled apart, breathing heavily, your hands now cupping his neck.
“Rem, dance with me.”
Remus shook his head, but he was wearing a big grin. “It’s raining, and there isn’t even music.”
“I don’t need music when I have you.” He pressed another kiss to your lips as you started swaying together. The rain became heavier, sticking your hair to your face, but you were so full of happiness and love that it didn’t matter. Then Remus started twirling you around, and the two of you were laughing, and Remus thought that he was the luckiest man in the world.
The following day you’d had a lie-in, resting your head on Remus’ chest as the sunlight shone through the curtains in your bedroom. Your legs were tangled with Remus’, and he ran his hand soothingly through your hair.
When you’d finally got out of bed, you made pancakes together. Some syrup had got on your nose, which Remus was more than happy to remove with a kiss.
Remus had suggested that you have another date night, but staying in this time. So for the second day in a row you found yourself stood in front of the mirror, feeling more and more frustrated at the growing reject pile. As you were desperately fishing for something to wear in the back of your drawers, you found the black dress that you’d bought just before the war but never had the chance to wear. You were a few years older now, sure that it wouldn’t be flattering anymore, but you were running out of options so you put it on anyway. 
When you looked in the mirror, you let out an involuntary gasp. You felt a voice in your head say Remus is right, you are beautiful, and you smiled at your reflection. Standing up straight, feeling happy with how you looked, you made your way downstairs where Remus waiting for you.
His eyes moved up and down your body as his jaw slackened. “Y/n, you’re… well you’re…”
“Beautiful, I know.” You rested your hands on his waist, looking into his eyes. “Thank you for helping me have confidence in myself.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “And you’re pretty handsome yourself, you know.” He just chuckled, averting his eyes from your gaze. You frowned slightly, wanted to give him the same confidence he’d given you. “I mean it Rem. You’re beautiful.” You let your fingers trace the scars on his face. “Every bit of you.”
After you’d eaten dinner (you’d ordered food because neither of you wanted to cook), you cuddled on the sofa in front of the fireplace.
“I- I wanted to show you something, y/n.” Remus said, hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
“What is it?” You asked curiously, laying a hand on his leg to show your support.
“It’s just this silly thing that I’ve been working on, you probably-”
“I bet it’s not silly.” He chuckled and murmured a response, before reaching down the back of the sofa and lifting up a guitar. 
You sat still for a moment in shock. “You play the guitar?”
“I’ve been practising a bit while you’re at work, nothing impressive. I just- well I’ve written a song for you. I hope that’s ok?”
You felt tears well in your eyes. 
“Of course that’s ok!” 
Remus cleared his throat and started strumming softly.
“Baby, last night was hands down One of the best nights That I've had no doubt”
You’d had no idea how gorgeous his voice was - so smooth and heartfelt.
“Between the bottle of wine And the look in your eyes and the Marvin Gaye Then we danced in the dark under September stars in the pourin' rain”
You felt a huge smile on your face as you shook your head in disbelief. You’d had such a wonderful night, but you didn’t realise it meant so much to Remus that he would write it in a song.
“And I know that I can't ever tell you enough That all I need in this life is your crazy love”
As Remus sang these lyrics he looked you straight in  the eye, and you let the tears fall down your cheeks as you looked right back at him.
“If I never get to see the Northern lights Or if I never get to see the Eiffel Tower at night Oh, if all I got is your hand in my hand Baby, I could die a happy man”
The love you had for this man before you was indescribable. You’d never felt so whole, so complete, so full of joy.
“Baby, that red dress brings me to my knees Oh, but that black dress makes it hard to breathe”
You had to summon a tissue to wipe away the tears. Remus loved and accepted every bit of you, even when you struggled to accept yourself. You were the luckiest witch in the world.
“You're a saint, you're a Goddess, The cutest, the hottest, A masterpiece It's too good to be true, Nothing better than you In my wildest dreams And I know that I can't ever tell you enough That all I need in this life is your crazy love”
You put your head in your hands as you let his words sink in, feeling so overwhelmed with emotion.
“If I never get to see the Northern lights Or if I never get to see the Eiffel Tower at night Oh, if all I got is your hand in my hand Baby, I could die a happy man”
Remus’ eyes didn’t leave yours for the whole of the last chorus, and you could see the tears glistening in them to match your own. When he’d strummed the last chord you threw your arms around his neck, crying freely.
“Rem.. that was- that was perfect. You’re perfect.”
You shared a kiss full of passion, guitar now on the floor as you closed the space between you and Remus. He broke away and looked at you with a sincerity and determination that you’d never seen on anyone before.
“You’re perfect too y/n. Which is why-” he paused as he got off the sofa, reaching into his trouser pocket. Your eyes widened as he got down on one knee and held a gorgeous diamond ring out in front of him.
“You make every day a privilege to live, you make me want to be a better man, and you fill my world with colour and beauty and sheer joy. If you’d let me, I’d love to spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you’ve already made me. Y/n y/l/n, would you do me the honour of being my wife?”
Tears were streaming so fast down your face that you could barely get words out, so you nodded as vigorously as you could in response, and you and Remus both jumped up. He held you and spun you round and round, before sliding the ring onto your finger. It was a perfect fit.
Ahhh this is my first full fic in a while, I hope you enjoyed it!! Honestly I was almost crying while writing 😭 but hopefully this makes up for my evil angst drabble of a Remus proposal... (sorry @l0ttadreamz 😆)
If you did enjoy this then please feel free to leave feedback or check out my other stuff. Thank you so much for reading 💖💛💖
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uwua3 · 4 years
hi bunnie! can i first just say that your name and blog are both so dang cute aaaa 🥺 can i request a best friend!izumi hc? 🥺👉👈 thank you so much 💛
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! YOU ARE THE CUTEST PERSON EVER~ i am in Love With You !!! also omg IZUMI ♡u♡ she is the Best Girl ever but #AllGirlsAreBestGirls !!! i love her so much, i’m so glad this was requested!!! i am so happy to write this ♡ PLEASE LOVE IZUMI!
summary: together, you and the currian are unstoppable! watching the cooking channel with your best friend just got even better
author’s note: i hope you love this 🥺 i am genuinely so soft over izumi she deserves the whole world
count how many times i say curry, it isn’t even Funny at this point T___T anyways, i was a bit nervous over this because i hadn’t watched the anime, so i didn’t know izumi well as a character! if all else fails, use the traits you know to the best of your ability! i love our curry queen regardless, though~
word count: 2,001
music: good as hell – lizzo ft. ariana grande
my best friend.
🍛 tachibana izumi
you, funny enough, met izumi at the grocery store in the spices aisle
you were unable to decide between which spices were necessary for the curry recipe you were about to attempt, staring at your phone screen with obvious confusion
what was the difference between each type of curry? which one was better? you scrolled down, reading off the countries,
“india, thailand, malaysia, china, south africa, japan...” you mumbled inaudibly before you heard a very distinct crash in the next aisle over. someone must’ve just hit their cart into a display or—
you saw a girl with long brown hair and pink eyes with... wait... were her pupils heart–shaped? you stumbled back as she approached like she was on a mission, standing a mere few feet from you as she smiled pleasantly at you like the situation wasn’t out of the ordinary at all
(oh no... was she one of those pyramid scheme scammers?)
“are you making curry?!” she questioned, leaning forward to glance at your screen only to squeal in excitement at the confirmation. you gulped, nodding with a tinge of doubtful fear
if you said yes, were you about to be attacked right here and now in the middle of a grocery store? you just wanted some curry...
“i’m so happy for you! do you need help? i know the perfect combination of spices for any type of curry! i can make a different curry for each day of the year!” she offered to help, putting her hands together with a pleading look like she was dying to talk about curry
you nodded again and her entire face lit up again, going off on a rant without taking a moment to breathe
she was so knowledgable on all types of curry! you took notes diligently, deciding on japanese chicken katsu curry as the meal for tonight
when you told her, she clapped her hands and giddily jumped up and down. it was honestly refreshing to see someone so enthusiatic about food!
“i’m sorry for randomly talking to you, but i just love curry! do you need help looking for the rest of the items?” she offered to help, already with an armful of the spices you needed and dumped them into your cart
you pondered, thinking as you looked at the girl. she was nice enough, and clearly wasn’t much of a threat if she was willing to approach a stranger without any discomfort
why not? you smiled, offering your hand out to shake as you introduced yourself. she took it quickly, enthusiatically shaking it up and down as she giggled
“izumi! glad to meet you!”
from that point forward, you two became best friends for life!
izumi was the life of the party and brought happiness wherever she went. not only that, but she was incredibly polite and kind! it wasn’t everyday you met a girl that was full of life and always determined to overcome any obstacle in her path!
izumi would go through anything and everything for her friends despite how busy she was 24/7. she juggled being the mankai director (which was babysitting 20 boys), helping other acting troupes, and cooking at night but still made time to see you at least every week
you weren’t surprised when you were encouraged to come over for a company dinner one night and saw so. many. variations. of curry set up at the table. like the other boys, you attempted to hide your grimace (but very poorly, you weren’t a trained actor like the rest of the entourage was)
“what’s wrong? are you okay?” izumi’s motherly instincts kicked in as she hurried to put her hand against your forehead. you had to pretend like you were coming down with a cold the rest of the week and forced the curry down your throat
(the boys secretly gave you water under the table, whispering advice on how to bear it and grin as they made up fake situations to pass your chair)
(the high schoolers just looked relieved to not be the victim that night)
(seriously... so. many. variations.)
(every time you were invited to a meet–up, you texted the groupchat named “stop the currian” to see if izumi was making curry)
(she always was. you still ate it because you loved her too much to say no)
but other than curry, izumi loved cooking! she was subscribed to sooo many culinary and baking channels on youtube. she loved sending you links with a follow–up text that said: “wanna make this tonight? i know you want to eat it! ;)”
(you complained about how it always ended in a minor food fight you had to clean up. you still let her in when she knocked on your front door with bags of groceries)
(after so many visits, izumi was beginning to be proficient at other forms of culinary like baking since you enjoyed it so much)
one time, you even convinced izumi to make her own youtube channel. you had set up a camera omi loaned on a tripod, acting as the best cameraman ever of course
(you had a clapperboard that had the production titled, “izumi is replacing bon appétit’s claire” with take 1 freshly written)
“you got this, izumi!” you encouragedly put a fist in the air, “fighting!”
izumi nodded cutely, wearing her favorite striped shirt with a pastel pink apron. she held a automatic whisk in her right and was already posing with a mixing bowl in her left, ready to demonstrate how to make your favorite dessert
(maybe you suggested the idea because you wanted food, who knows?)
counting down vocally, you watched as your fingers dropped down to a zero and the red light on the camera started blinking. it was go time, and izumi immediately got into action
“hello, everyone! my name is tachibana izumi and today we will be making—”
the camera fell off the stand as izumi’s whisk flew out of her hand and smacked the lense directly in the middle. a sickening thud echoed through the apartment as you two stood in shock, staring at the expensive camera with unease. it didn’t look... uh... functional?
you quickly put your finger on your nose since it was an unspoken rule that touching your nose automatically meant opting out. you were a second earlier than izumi as she gasped like she was offended
“i am not telling omi!” izumi freaked out, running over but the damage was already done. the camera definitely didn’t turn on anymore
(you and izumi bought the same camera that day and switched the memory cards) (omi raised his eyebrows at the sudden newness of his trusty camera, but didn’t say anything as he just took it and thanked you for bringing it back safe)
(yeah... omi definitely knew. but, he wasn’t too bothered to say anything about it)
(“izumi? what did you spend so much money on last month?” sakyo reviewed her financial statement, watching as she nervously sweat and glanced at omi. he just shrugged like he had no idea)
so you two stuck to mindlessly watching the cooking channel on the tv. it was the usual weekend: becoming insecure over the unreal and extremely talented kid bakers who made a whole 3–tier cake in two hours, making fun of america’s worst chefs when they didn’t know how to cut a chicken, and yelling at cheating cooks who were way too competitive on chopped
it was better that way, anyways. maybe going viral on the internet wasn’t meant for everyone. you still got your dessert, much to your satisfaction
(“yeah, yeah. it’s only because you’re my best friend.” izumi laughed, shoving the plate with extra servings as you stuffed your face. she just fondly rolled her eyes as you tried saying thanks with your mouth full)
(“gross!” izumi squealed, throwing the kitchen mitts at you as you fought back, nearly hitting her with one of the pastries. you already know what happens next. izumi stopped baking for you for a long time [a month] as punishment)
speaking of baking, izumi loved making the most ridiculous cakes you’ve ever seen in your entire life
on random days, she’d make the most creative cupcakes ever with individual designs with meticulous attention to detail
(izumi always had to slap masumi’s hands away from the white box she’d set aside specifically for you. he’d pout, hurt, wondering why she didn’t make any food other than curry for him)
(“masumi... you really need to look at other girls.” you remembered advising him, sympathetically patting his back as he angrily accused you of being in love with izumi, too! to this day, it’s still awkward on your end when you see masumi and he thinks you’re his lifelong competitor)
but on important celebrations like your birthday and anniversaries, her cakes were... something. they’d be the most delicious things on earth, but the design would be comically ugly. she’d put the most bare minimum art ever and write the words way too big and it wouldn’t fit. there were always misspellings. maybe it was a curse for being so well–rounded?
another fun fact was you and izumi were the ultimate power duo! whenever you two went to hang out in public, you always made sure some creep wasn’t staring at her and she did the same for you all the time
as friends, it was your job to make sure you two were as safe and sound as possible
(one time, an absolute douchebag tried to wolf whistle her and izumi had to stop you from getting into a fight in broad daylight)
izumi was way too nice. she was such a selfless person and often acted like the big sister you never had. she was always ready with the most agreeable advice and showed up with her arms open. she was so giving, it was easy to see why everyone loved her
but you liked giving back, too! (much to her surprise) you even tried your hand at making some new form of curry by throwing in random spices and calling it a day, but you realized she was the most critical judge ever for any type of curry
(you stopped making curry for her. she would narrow her eyes and push her imaginary glasses up like an anime character. it was terrifying, she always appreciated it but... you shuddered, izumi was scary)
once, you even rented that curry truck to come by for her birthday! you never saw someone look like they were this close to passing out from maximum happiness
(you even bought a director’s chair for her with izumi bedazzled across the back)
(she now sits in it to get that extra confidence boost before a big show)
but the most important gift that kept on giving was spending quality time with izumi when she needed it most
when the anniversary of her father going missing came back around, you were the first person at her room. with curry you knew she liked from that really one obscure place and all the time that day to make sure she way okay
(she was such a big sister! izumi always claimed she was fine and it was just another normal day, but you were always there to provide comfort she didn’t even know she needed)
you took time out of your day to help her with all her mudane tasks after you saw she once physically fainted from tiredness
(it almost gave you a heart attack the first time, but then you noticed tsuzuru also did that too so it must’ve been something in the mankai dorm air)
you then became a well known figure in the theatre community as “izumi’s best friend”
(you were not upset with that title at all, in fact, you hoped it never changed)
who knew you’d meet your best friend forever at a grocery store? over curry nonetheless?
(yes, you’re izumi’s best friend, but it doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the spices rant)
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eerythingisshaka · 4 years
The Bodyguard
Tumblr media
[Jason Momoa x Reader]
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: no smut, but does discuss an attempted drugging
His fingers dig into your arm painfully as you try to release yourself from the stranger’s grasp.
“Fuck off and let go of me!”  you yell at him as loud as you can but the club’s music drowns your voice out from others around you being able to hear your distress.  
When he takes you past security up  front, he gives them a smile that at first won you over.
“Can you believe chicks these days?  Wanna party all night long when their kid is up waiting for them.  Let’s go hun!”  The brawny security guard looks from him to you suspiciously but lets you both pass without incident.  Out on the street, you kick him in the knee, finally getting freedom as he bounces off rubbing his bruised joint.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”  he shouts at you with anger in his eyes.  
You root around your clutch for your phone, shaking to open it up.  “I’m not the one with the problem.  I know you put something in my drink.  I’m not stupid!”
This catches the attention of the security guard you passed in front of the club.
“Hey Carlos, come work the door, I have a disturbance to check out.”  He walks up to your side.  “Is he causing your problems, ma’am?”
You hold your phone to your ear waiting in 911 to pick up.  “Yes!  He is a fucking pervert who wants to fuck unconcious women!”
The guy looks nervous;y around him.  “Hey, shut up!  I don’t even know you for you to accuse me-”
“He bought me a drink and thought I wasn’t looking but something was floating in it when I almost took a sip.  I gave it to the bartender and had them call the cops.  Fuckface can’t stir, stupid bitch!”
The guy walks up to you pointing at your face.  “You’re gonna quit fucking talking to me like that or-”
The security guard, lays out a long strong arm in front of you, cutting him off.  “You wanna try that with me first man?”
He looks up at security with annoyance.  “I’m not talking to you, George of the Jungle, I’m talking to this b-”
Just as 911 began to ask what was your emergency, security had him by his throat, walking him away from you.
“You talk a lot for a little guy.  And I don’t have a lot of patience for talk.  So since my shift is ending soon, I’d like to end it without incident.  Do you wanna create one?”
Security drops him to the ground to writhe like a slug on salt.  
You hang up on 911 and run up on the pervert, kicking him for good measure.  “How you like not breathing when you want to BITCH!  You’re a damn piece of shit, stay down!”
Security pulls you back gently but you rear back from his touch, causing him to retreat.
“I’m on your side.  But you can’t beat his ass here, plus cops are on the way.”
On cue, you hear the whir of sirens far off, but getting louder by the second.  
“Shit!  I can’t get a ride in time before the cops get here.”
Security looks back at his buddy Carlos working the door and gives him a thumbs up, which he returns.
He looks back at you tentatively.  “Feel free to say no but-”
“Can you give me a ride?  Just to get me out of here before the cops get here.”
He blinks a couple times taken aback but mutters in agreement.  You turn back to the pervert and kick him once more before running off ahead.
“Hey!  My truck’s around back!”  he yells after you.
Riding passenger to his pick up you sit closest to the window as possible, nearly facing him.  He’s clearly unnerved as he drives, gripping the steering wheel tight.  You notice the geometric tattoo poking from under his leather moto sleeve, snapshotting it in your memory.  Brownish hair with some scarce light pieces grown naturally throughout.  You lean over slightly and notice a scar in his brow that is a unique identifier-
“Could you stop looking at me like that?”  he asks coarsely.  
You squint at him suspiciously.  “After the night I’ve had?   It’s just a precaution.”
“You know where I work, they know me and that I’m with you.  You have a paper trail, I wouldn’t risk shit like that dickhead back there.”
You raise your chin defensively.  “So if I didn’t have a paper trail, you would consider it?”
“What?!”  he looks at you incredulously.
You pop a finger in his face.  “So you can take me home and just do whatever!  They say the most likely serial killers are the good looking ones.”
He rolls his eyes.  “A backhanded compliment, thanks.  And you haven’t told me where you live yet.  I’ve been driving for 15 minutes and you refuse to give it to me.”
You turn to face the road now.  “I don’t want you to know where I live.”
“Trust me, I’d rather not either, but I’m trying to be nice here.”
“How about I go to yours, just for the night?”
You feel the truck jerk off the side of the road as he parks it abruptly.  He turns to you, glaring with fire in his eyes.  “You can catch a cab right here, I don’t have time for this.”
“No wait!  I don’t mean like that!  I just can’t go home!  Please!”  you say pleading with him.
“What do you mean you can’t?”  he asks.
You fall back into your seat pitifully.  “I dropped my keys back in the club...swinging my purse at the guy who spike my drink.  I can’t call for a replacement until the morning...”
Security leans back, looking toward out his window you can’t read his expression but his body read tired as his broad shoulders melted down from their defensive mode.
He starts the truck back up.  “Fine, but daylight is in four hours: you call a cab and you’re out of there.”
You breathe a sigh of relief.  “Thanks!  I won’t impose on a thing.  What’s your name by the way?”
He sits there quietly, streetlights rolling over his face ominously.  “You need that for your police report?”
“Well maybe…”
“Come on!”
“No I mean with the guy spiking drinks back there, not you and what you’re possibly capable of but I’m not accusing you.”
“Jason,”  he says.  You share yours with a handshake.
You enter his apartment hesitantly.  It has a rustic feel with a lot of old metal works decorations and natural wood furniture.
“You live alone?”  you ask.
“Yes, so you can have the couch.  Do you need anything before I break myself down for the night?”
You plop on the couch, taking off your shoes.  “Got any bottled water?”
“Plastic is ruining the environment and its inhabitants.”  He digs into the fridge and hands you a can.  “Aluminum is much  more sustainable.”
You open the can and take a sip.  “Thanks but isn’t plastic recyclable?”
“Not nearly as much as aluminum.  Now if you’ll excuse me…”  He walks off to the back room as you settle into the sofa sipping your water.  Your phone beeps warning you that it needs recharging.  Your eyes catch a vacant cord in a corner outlet.  Luckily it fits your phone as it beeps happily.
Sitting back down you finish your water and look around your surroundings. 
“No TV?”  you say, judging his choices.  He probably has a big ego to match his huge stature.
You look through your phone a little bit to mindlessly scroll social media until you feel an urge to pee.  Jason hasn’t come out of his room, he might be asleep.  Not wanting to wake him, you tiptoe to find which door most likely led to the bathroom, turning a promising knob.  
Opening the door, your nostrils are hit with a sweet smell of bath oils and the sight of a man reading in his bubble bath with pink scrunchies catches you off guard.
“What are you doing?!”  he howls.
You can barely compute as you slowly smile at the picture in front of you.  “Your pigtails are the cutest!”
“Get out!”  he growls, adjusting the bubbles to ensure he is at least modest in front of you.  You close the door and giggle to yourself until you remember your main goal.
“I’m sorry, but I have to pee!”  You knock on the door so he knows you’re serious but you’re glad there’s no glass because you are still clearly amused.  A big man in a bubble bath is just too rich.
“Give me a minute!”  he says.  You hear water sloshing around and silence until the door opens on you.  Your face lands on his soft pink tshirt covering his firm chest.  
“It’s all you,” he says in a monotone, letting you by as he made his way to his kitchen. 
When you come back out, he is sitting with beer, looking up at you.  “Want one?”
You shake your head.  “I had enough to drink today.”
He takes a healthy glug from the stein.  “Well, I haven’t started yet.”  
You sit across from him, feeling awkward.  He looks at you curiously.  “So what happened with that guy anyway?”
“At the club?  Just same old stuff.  Guy says hi, gives a compliment, and offers a drink.  He was a great conversationalist, just rattling on about what he does and how beautiful I am but then he tried to say he knew the owner and pointed him out to me.  I looked behind me but I didn’t know what he looked like, so when I turned back to ask, he looked like he just moved and was posed unnaturally.  I asked him what the owner looked like but he brushed off my question to raise his glass up with mine, cheersing to a good night, but this film was on top of my drink and all hell broke loose.”
“Fuck that scum,” he says, taking another drink.
“Exactly.  So I hand it to the bartender and told them to save it and call 911.  He may not have heard me but when the bartender didn’t dump it, he got pissed, grabbing my arm asking what I said.”
“Where was he taking you?” Jason asks.
You shrug.  “I don’t even want to think about it, I have no idea but I wasn’t going to go no way.  Thanks for stepping in when you did.”
Jason wipes his beard of the excess beer.  “I’m just glad you spoke up and got attention on him.  If I wasn’t on the clock, that guy would’ve been in the dumpster with the rest of the trash.”
You think back to the moment, getting dragged and the pain in your arm.  You lift your arm and see some purpling form on your bicep and Jason notices.
“Let me get ice for that.”  He makes an ice bag with a dishrag and loads it up with cubes.  You lay your arm down on the table for him to place the ice on your inner arm.
“Hold it there.  Does it still hurt?”
You shake your head.  “But I’m sure in the morning it will.”
“Yeah that’s gonna be nasty, but the ice will lessen it.”
“Thanks again, for the help.”
“Please don’t mention it.  I just wish there were less dipshits on the street messing unsuspecting people.”
You nod, and feel a yawn coming on.  “I think it’s about time I try to catch some Zs.  I have, what, 3 hours left?”
Jason puts his stein in the sink.  “Don’t worry about it.  I don’t work until night again so just rest.  I was high strung back there when I said that.” 
“I get it, but really, I’ll be out on time.”  You get up, adjusting your dress and head for the couch.
“Do you want a shirt and shorts or something?  You’ll be swimming in it but it has to be more comfortable than your night look.”
You mull it over.  “Uh, a tshirt would be good.”
Jason goes back to his bedroom for a minute,coming out with a black Slayer tee.  
He tells you good night, closing his bedroom door as you peel off the hot pink bandage dress that peels slowly off your body like a second skin.  You feel like a new woman slipping on the tshirt, fitting you perfectly loose for comfort, smelling Jason’s musk embedded in its threads.  You lay out on the couch with the ice under your arm as sleep swept you away.
You wake up slowly to the smell of food wafting in the air.  You stretch, inhaling the heavenly smell, almost forgetting until you opened your eyes that the place you slept was not your own.
You wince at the awareness of your arm as you sit up and see your burly friend over the stove, 
“Good morning!  Breakfast is about ready,”  he says in a jovial manner.  You get up and take your phone off the charger, reading the time as 11:47 am.
“Shit!  I overslept!”  you say, gathering your dress and shoes.  “I’ll give this shirt back.  I need it for the ride back to my place.”
Jason looks disappointed as he lays out some eggs on a plate.  “No, I said you didn’t have to worry about that!   You need food, come on, eat.”
He sits down, shoveling a forkful into his mouth waving you over.  
“It does...smell great.”  He smiles, handing you a plate to help yourself to eggs, sausage and toast.
“I didn’t get this size by skipping meals, little lady.  And breakfast is best after a night out.”
You reach over for a piece of toast but the ache of your arm holds you back.  Jason takes your wrist gently, rolling up the shirt sleeve to study your bruise.  
“Yeah, they look worse as they get better.”  He gives it a gentle rub before returning to his plate.  “So you survived the night?”
“Yeah, that is a good couch.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
You swallow some juice, taking a couple bites of egg.  “Sorry again for imposing.  I’ll blame my previous drink on that boldness.  I don’t do this often.”
He shrugs.  “I don’t bring strange women home after work either, just so you know.”
You smile.  “Well luckily I’m not strange.”
His eyes widen as he locks his jaw.
“You think I’m strange?!”
He lifts his juice glass.  “I meant that I don’t shit where I sleep.  I respect boundaries.”
You feel slightly disappointed with this information.  “Oh, well thank you.  I am glad I got a glimpse of the man behind the leather and toughness.  Bubbles and pigtails, I just can’t!”
“And I’m not apologizing for it lady, so tough shit!  A man can enjoy the finer things in life.”
“You bet your ass you can.  You earned it.”
You fill up no breakfast enough to get you going and get ready to go.
“I’m ordering my car now...coming in 2 minutes.”  
Jason stands at his front door with you, hands dug in his black and white horizontal striped pants.  “Ok, I’ll just see you off.”
“You don’t have to.  You’ve already done a lot,” you assure him.
Jason shakes his head.  “I want to.”
Silence passes through the two of you as you wait.  Seeing him in the daylight for the first time, he doesn’t look so serial killer scary as you once thought.  His wavy brown hair looks heavenly and less wild man.  Even the scar above his eye has character.  
“How’d you get that?”  You point at his face.
“What?” he asks, rubbing his face.  “Is there some egg on my face?”
“No, here.”  You step up to him and reach his brow carefully.  “Right there.”
The softness of his brow welcomed your touch as you lightly stroked the area.  Jason’s eyes glisten innocently at you, never once flinching under your hand.  He doesn’t say anything, and you’re glad.  You willed him in your mind to take hold of your hips and pull you to him-
Beep Beep
Your notification ring tolls that your ride has arrived.  You look at your phone and into the parking lot.  
“I guess that’s my cue,” you say in a monotone, walking off slowly.
“Hey wait!” he calls after you. 
You turn to him quickly.  “Yeah?”
His mouth hangs on some words he wants to say but blurts out, “Make sure to keep some ice on that arm.”
You nod as your heart falls. 
“And if you happen to collect numbers, any chance you would want mine?”
You bite your lip running up to him to slap his arm.  “You think you are so sly, don’t you?”
“Like the Family Stone.  And I need to contact you for my shirt back, so don’t think you’re getting away that easy.”
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sagesparrow394 · 4 years
One Night of Normalcy
This is my @sanderssidesgiftxchange gift for @anyarally! I wish you a happy New Year, and I hope you enjoy the fic!
Ship(s): Analogical, background Moceit
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve, and Virgil is spending the evening around his boyfriend’s house, and meeting Logan’s parents for the first time. All he hopes for is one night of normalcy, and to stay out of yet another of his parents’ fights.
Warnings: This fic contains domestic abuse, both physical and verbal. There is a gay character who is heavily implied to have been forced into a straight relationship.
Virgil took a deep breath, adjusting his flannel shirt in the mirror. Today was the day: Christmas Eve, and he was meeting his boyfriend’s parents.
Virgil knew there was no reason for him to be nervous. When planning for the day, Logan had frequently reassured Virgil that his parents were kind and warm-hearted people, and they truly were according to Remus and Roman. The two twins had worked with Logan on a science project once and, having gone around Logan’s to complete it, knew Logan’s dads well.
Virgil went to his dresser, checking his reflection in the mirror, before reaching for his make up. After putting on foundation, he reached for his black eyeshadow, only to pause. Would black make him seem too angsty and edgy? He didn’t want Logan’s dads to think he was some evil bad boy - what if they thought Logan could do better and convinced him to break up with him? Maybe he should go for his purple eyeshadow… But what if they thought the bright glitter was too much? Maybe he should just not wear anything. But his face looked so bare without it!
He groaned, holding his head in his hands, before reaching out. If he grabbed the black eyeshadow, he'd use black, if he grabbed the purple eyeshadow, he’d use purple, and if he missed both, he wouldn’t wear any.
He felt something in his hand and opened his eyes. Purple it was.
When he finished applying it, he pulled on his hoodie, before heading to the door of his room. He gently pressed his ear to the door.
Things were quiet. Goo-
Never mind. He stood corrected. He stayed listening, trying to work out where in the house his parents were going as he heard their voices yelling.
“I can’t believe you!”
“It was nothing-”
“Nothing?! NOTHING?! Thomas, I told you one thing, one rule! And you fucking broke it!”
“Nico and I are just friends, we ran into each other in the food court, we were just talking. I don’t see what’s-”
“Just friends?! That’s not what it looked like! And by talking, I know you mean flirting, you fucking slut!”
Virgil winced as he heard the sound of a sharp slap. Maybe he shouldn’t leave. It would be safer to keep his door shut and not risk passing his parents. He’d text Logan, telling him plans were called off and apologising. Then, he’d curl up in bed and hope his dad was okay, and that his mom wouldn’t come and take his wrath out on him instead.
And that’s when there was a vibration in his pocket from his phone.
Logan: Dad wants to know what your favourite cookies are - I’m assuming he’s planning on baking some. I’m warning you in advance, he is very excited about tonight
And then another message came through.
Logan: Though I must admit, I am too. 💙
Virgil couldn’t help but smile a little. Okay, he’d risk it. He’d have to be quiet, but he’d sneak out and would make sure he got to Logan’s right on time.
He responded to the message and then pocketed his phone, before slowly pushing his door open. He tiptoed down the hall and then down the stairs, making sure to avoid all of the squeaky floorboards and steps. Then he tiptoed towards the front door. As he went, he passed the kitchen and couldn’t help but peek through the doorway. His mom was still screaming as his dad, who was nursing a red bruise on his face. He held his breath, quietly tiptoeing past, and heading to the front door. He opened it as quietly as possible, stepping outside, before closing it equally silently. He paused for a moment, and then quickly hurried off.
Knock knock!
Logan looked up from his book at the noise, before hurriedly placing his bookmark in and putting the book on his bedside table. He got up from his bed, before running downstairs, where he caught his dad just about to open the door. “Dad, wait!”
Patton turned around. “What is it, kiddo?”
“I… It’s just… I don’t want you to come on too strongly. No offence, Dad, but you are… a lot. And I don’t want Virgil to feel overwhelmed straight away. So, maybe just head back to the kitchen for now, and I’ll bring Virgil in to meet you and Pa, okay?”
“Okay, okay, kiddo. But don’t leave me waiting too long,” Patton said as he began heading back to the kitchen. “You know how excited I’ve been to meet him!”
“I know, Dad.” Logan nodded. He turned back to the door when Patton was gone, opening it. “Hey, Verge.”
“Hi, Lo… I’m not too late, am I?”
Logan chuckled. “You’re early, actually.” He stood up on his tiptoes, pecking his lips to Virgil’s. “Come on, you can dump your stuff in my room, and then I’ll introduce you to my dads.” He took Virgil’s arm and gently pulled him along, heading upstairs.
When they stepped into Logan’s room, Virgil found it to be almost exactly how he’d imagined Logan’s room to be. There were glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling, arranged to form constellations. He had a bookshelf against one wall that was crammed with books - too many to fit properly on there. He had a desk, his laptop resting on it along with a bunch of papers strewn around and quite a few empty jam jars. A telescope was set up by his window. The sheets of his bed had a pattern of planets and stars.
Logan sat down on his bed. “You can put your bag down anywhere. By the way, if you want to wait a bit to meet my parents, I don’t mind. You can take as long as you need.”
Virgil smiled, dropping his backpack on the floor after getting something out. “Thanks. I think I wanna just spend some time with you for a bit.” He sat down beside Logan, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy before pulling him onto his lap. “Hey, Lo?”
“Merry Christmas.” Virgil handed a present he had gotten out of his bag to Logan.
Logan smiled, before reaching over to his bedside. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a wrapped gift as well. “Merry Christmas to you too.” He handed it to Virgil. “You go first.”
Virgil pulled open the wrapping, chuckling as he saw what was inside. “Oh my gosh, I love it…” It was a plush spider with cute little fangs, and purple patches that matched his hoodie all over it.
“I made it myself. Well, with some help from Roman and Remus as well,” Logan explained. “They’re much better at arts and crafts than I am. Though Remus did almost stab himself in the finger with the sewing machine…”
Virgil pecked a kiss to his cheek. “It’s perfect. Thanks, L. Now go on, open yours. I’m sorry if it isn’t as cool as what you got me…”
Logan rolled his eyes, tearing the paper. “Virgil, I’m sure, whatever it is, it’ll be perfect.” He pulled the last of the paper away, eyes lighting up as he held up a soft blue turtleneck sweater. “I love it! Thank you so much, Verge.” He pulled the sweater on. “How does it look?”
“Perfect.” Virgil hugged Logan close, smiling. “So soft… I love how you act so stoic and smart in front of everyone, but you turn into a cute little soft teddy bear when it’s just the two of us.”
Logan’s face burned a little. “Oh, hush…”
Virgil pressed a small kiss to his neck. “Love you.”
“... I love you too.”
They stayed there together, cuddled close. Virgil’s hand slipped under Logan’s sweater at one point, tracing the stretch marks on the other’s stomach, and Logan nuzzled gently into him in response. Unfortunately, however, the moment was ruined by Virgil’s phone blaring his ringtone - I’m Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance. Virgil pulled his phone from his pocket.
“What is it?” Logan asked.
“My dad…” Virgil frowned at his phone. He didn’t want to get involved if his parents were still arguing… His mom might be even angrier if she’d found out he’d sneakily left. He declined the call. “It’s probably nothing.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “You just hung up? My dad would freak out if I declined a call from him. He’d get scared I’d been kidnapped or something.”
Virgil shrugged. “Eh, it’s fine. It’s probably nothing. Anyway, I don’t want our time together interrupted.”
Logan flushed. “Sap.”
“You love it…” Virgil grinned, pinching his boyfriend’s cheek lightly, causing Logan to gently shove his arm.
“Me being chubby does not entitle you to be able to do that kind of stuff.”
“Hm… I think you’ll find that’s exactly what it means.”
Before Logan could react, Virgil’s hands slipped back under his shirt, pinching his love handles. Logan let out a small squeal, erupting into giggles. “Virgil!! Stop!”
Virgil grinned. “Ticklish, huh?” He continued tickling Logan’s sides, the other quickly going red in the face as he collapsed back on his bed.
“Virgil! Stop!”
“But your giggle’s so cute… I rarely get to hear it. Let me have this? Please?”
Logan frowned. “‘M not cute…”
“Sure you’re not.” Virgil leaned over and pecked his lips. “Definitely not the cutest guy I’ve ever seen.”
Logan raised an eyebrow as his face burned even redder. “Is your goal for today just to fluster me as much as you can?”
Virgil shrugged. “Well, it wasn’t until you said that. Now, maybe it is.” He ran a hand through Logan’s hair.
“You have to be careful, Virge. If you make me look all flustered and unruly, my dads will get the wrong idea when we go down and meet them.”
“... Good point.”
Logan chuckled as Virgil leant back, and he sat up. “So, do you want to go down and see them now? My dad will probably combust if I have to keep him waiting much longer.”
“... Sure.” Virgil paused. “You won’t leave me alone with them at any point, right? Nothing against your dads, but I just-”
“It’s okay, I’ll be with you the whole time.”
Virgil stood up, before offering Logan his hands, pulling him to his feet. The two left the room, starting to head to the kitchen.
“By the way, you know how your dad asked what cookies are my favourite?”
“Yeah. He wouldn’t trust me when I told him chocolate chip, and insisted I ask you to be sure and show him your response.”
“Well, you might be happy he didn’t trust you.” Virgil smiled. “I lied and said my favourite was Crofters cookies, since I know you love them. Surprise.”
Logan smiled back. “You didn’t have to do that…”
“I know, but I wanted to.”
The two arrived at the kitchen. Logan took Virgil’s hand, squeezing it comfortingly as he led him inside.
And there Logan’s parents were. One of them was standing at the kitchen counter, humming to himself happily as he made the cookies. He had ginger hair, freckles across his face, and was wearing a light blue polo shirt, khakis, round glasses, and had a grey cardigan tied over his shoulders. Sitting at the table, Logan’s other father was drinking a cup of tea while reading a book about Immanuel Kant and his work in philosophy. He was wearing a yellow button-up t-shirt and black pants.
“Dad, Pa? This is Virgil. Virgil, meet my Dad, Patton, and my Pa, Janus.”
“Hi…” Virgil awkwardly waved. 
Janus gave him a gentle smile, nodding in welcome. “Hello, Virgil. I like the eyeshadow.”
Meanwhile, Patton eagerly turned to face Virgil. “Hey, kiddo! It’s so nice to finally meet you! Lo’s told us so much about you!”
“He has…?” Oh god, what kind of things has he said? What if Logan made him out to be really bad? What if he was about to be kicked out or, even worse, hurt-
No, Virgil, calm down. This is Logan, your boyfriend who loves you. He wouldn’t make you look bad. Not to mention, Patton looks excited to meet you, so it’s unlikely Logan has said anything that would make them hate you.
“Yep! He’s always talking about fun things you’ve done together, and things he loves about you. It’s so nice for him to have someone - he’s been a lot less closed off since you two started dating.”
“Dad…” Logan muttered, face burning red.
“Oh, it’s okay, you know I’m just teasing you. Anyway, you two came down just in time! The cookies are about to go in the oven and I was thinking, while they cook, we could play some board games. Just some nice family Christmas Eve fun!”
“Family?” Virgil could help but repeat that in disbelief.
“Yeah, kiddo. You’re part of the family now. So, any games you like in particular? We have Clue, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Sorry, The Chameleon, Spyfall… and quite a few others! We always get at least one new one each Christmas, so we’ve gathered quite the collection.”
“I’ll show Virgil the shelf of games and we’ll pick one out together.” Logan took Virgil’s hand, before leading him from the room. He led him into the living room and to a bookshelf in there. He opened cupboards at the bottom, revealing board games stacked upon the shelves inside. “Take your pick. Personally, my favourites are Clue and any trivia games.”
“I, um… I don’t really know board games too well.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “You don’t?”
Virgil shook his head. “My family aren’t exactly the, uh, sit and play and have family time kinda people… I only really know the games that the YouTubers I watch play. But I have a feeling your dads aren’t really the types to play Cards Against Humanity.”
Logan chuckled a little. “No, they are not. Well, maybe Pa would, but Dad, definitely not. But are there any games here you recognise from YouTube that you would like to play?”
“Um, I’ve seen people play Clue, the Chameleon and Spyfall, and they looked cool.”
Logan nodded, picking up the three games. As he did, Virgil rubbed the back of his neck. “Um, you really, like, see me as part of the family? I mean, your parents barely know me…”
“Of course.” Logan stood up straight, the games in his arms. He paused. “It doesn’t make you uncomfortable, does it?”
“No! No, the opposite actually… It’s nice.”
Logan smiled. He gently pressed a kiss to Virgil’s cheek. “Let’s head back to the kitchen. Then we can set up the games, and I can wipe the floor with you all and win them all.”
Virgil smirked. “Oh, I’m not so sure about that, L. I’ve watched enough videos to know the strategies. You’re going down!”
“We’ll see about that.” Logan grinned, heading back to the kitchen. Virgil was about to follow when his phone rang yet again. He pulled it from his pocket, frowning at his mom’s name. “Sorry, Mom, I’m having a fun night. I’m not getting into a fight with you.” He declined the call, before putting his phone on silent. Then, he headed to the kitchen.
Playing board games with Logan, Janus and Patton was so much fun! Virgil had honestly never felt so comfortable around a group of people.
They played the Chameleon first. Janus had little to no competition, winning every single time he was the Chameleon, no one suspecting him at all.
“How are you so good at this?” Virgil had asked.
“I’m a lawyer,” was Janus’ only response.
Then it was Clue. Logan had been the winner of this one. He had gone full Sherlock mode, using deductive reasoning to slowly whittle down the options until he had the murder, the weapon and the place. All three games of Clue they played, he had won.
“You’re so good at this,” Virgil had sighed, staring at him admiringly.
“Elementary, my dear Watson,” Logan had replied, before pecking a kiss to his cheek.
Then, finally, they played Spyfall. Somehow, he didn’t know how, Virgil was the winner of this game. He expected to be a terrible spy due to his very clear nervous fidgeting. However, he was able to blend in pretty well - mostly due to the fact he was equally fidgety when he wasn’t the spy, fearing that his answers weren’t as convincing as they should be. Therefore, no one could tell the difference in his body language between games.
The whole evening had just been so fun. Virgil didn’t want it to end. He got to spend time with the adorable and smart love of his life, and experience what it was like to have parents who actually loved each other through Janus and Patton. The two of them had such a pure, loving relationship with the quick hugs and kisses they shared as they passed each other.
As they’d been playing, the cookies were baked and then left to cool. Once the games were done, Patton placed the cookies on a plate and put them on the table.
“Dig in, kiddos!”
Logan didn’t hesitate to take one, and Virgil did the same just after. He took a bite and his eyes widened. “Whoa, these are really good.”
“Aw, thanks, kiddo! My very own recipe. Logan asked me to try making cookies with Crofters, and he was my taste tester as I tried different recipes.”
Virgil chuckled. “I’m not surprised with his sweet tooth.” He smiled down at Logan, who flushed a little.
And then Virgil felt his phone vibrate in his pocket yet again. It had done so a couple of times while they were playing, but now Virgil was getting sick of it. Why were his parents so desperate to drag him, their teenage son, into their bullshit?! What was he supposed to do about it?!
He pulled his phone from his pocket, going to turn it off. Only to pause. It wasn’t his dad’s number, or his mom’s. It was an unknown number. Usually, he declined unknown numbers. Talking to people he knew on the phone was scary enough. Strangers? No way in hell. But… something about this felt different. Weird.
He gave Logan, Patton and Janus a look that said “excuse me for a moment”, before standing up. He pressed a quick kiss to Logan’s head, before heading out to the hallway.
Once he was gone, Logan turned to his parents. “So… what do you think?”
“Oh, kiddo, I’m so happy for you!” Patton smiled. “He’s such a sweet boy.”
Janus nodded. “And anyway, it doesn’t matter what us two think of him. The two of you seem very happy, and you clearly love each other very much. And that’s all that matters.”
Logan smiled. He got to his feet, walking around the table, before hugging both Patton and Janus close. “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank us, Lo.” Janus reassured as the two fathers hugged their son in return.
As they were hugging, Virgil came back in. He was as pale as a sheet.
“Verge?” Logan pulled away from his fathers, frowning. He went up to his boyfriend, who was trembling in the doorway. “Are you alright?”
Virgil swallowed the lump in his throat, looking between the three faces staring at him, concerned. 
“My dad’s in the hospital and my mom’s been arrested.”
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cami-chats · 3 years
Cats Get Dates
Fandom: Marvel, The Umbrella Academy (TV)
Pairing: Five Hargreeves/Tony Stark
Warnings: None
On AO3 or below
Tony didn't think about it too much before putting up the sign in his window. He felt kind of stupid as he did it-- and also like he was in that one Taylor Swift music video-- but also, that cat was super cute and he wanted to know its name. Calling it 'the stupidly cute, fluffy cat' when he was telling Jim about it was getting a little lengthy; not to mention Jim had thought he was talking about more than one cat for about six months.
Your cat's really cute. So white and fluffy, I love them was what the sign said, but it was enough. With the way windows and floors worked in these weirdass apartment buildings, he wasn't risking much by admitting the cutest cat in the world was, in fact, the cutest cat in the world to a bunch of strangers other than the one stranger he had in mind.
The next day, there was a sign in the window with an arrow pointing down to the cat's favorite lounging spot: Mr. Pennycrumb (yes, really).
Tony wasn't the best artist, but he did a pretty good rendition of Mr. Pennycrumb in a suit, with a monocle and a walking stick. I love him. He didn't hesitate to put that one up either, and he thought that would be the end of it.
He should've known that the universe would decide to throw him a nice little curveball. The next time he peeked across the street to see if Mr. Pennycrumb was taking a nap or licking his paw, he instead saw a handsome man with a criminal jawline sitting in the window, writing in a notebook.
Tony was just tired enough to sit at his own desk and stare an unreasonable amount.
Mr. Pennycrumb's owner looked up after a while and saw him. He raised an eyebrow.
Tony reached for the poster that had his drawing of Mr. Pennycrumb in a suit-- which he kept by the window simply because he wanted to keep the drawing but didn't have any other place to put it-- and held it up. Then he set it down and put his hands together in a pleading fashion.
The cat owner smirked in a very self-satisfied manner, then disappeared for a moment. When he came back, he had Mr. Pennycrumb in his arms. He plopped him in front of the window, where the cat was happy to stretch out and roll onto his back.
Tony blew him a kiss, and he was glad when the other man chuckled before turning back to his writing. Cause otherwise that would've been really awkward. Mr. Pennycrumb was unfairly adorable, and definitely worth a little embarrassment for, if the situation ever called for it. Plus, if the cat's owner had figured out that Tony was checking him out, he might've decided to close his shades, and that would've been a real tragedy.
Their first real, face-to-face contact came sometime after three in the morning when the two of them were the only people with both their lights on and their shades open.
Mr. Pennycrumb's owner was the one to initiate it with a note in his window that read, Do you have coffee?
Tony wrote back. Yes.
Can I have some? Everywhere's closed. And it was true. Everywhere was closed, but fuck only knew why. There was a college in this city; surely there was at least one cafe that could turn a profit from running twenty-four hours. There were grocery stores that were still open, but the closest one was two blocks away-- considerably further than across the street, and a lot more of a pain.
In response, Tony wrote down his apartment number. Someone with a cat that cute wouldn't murder him after asking for coffee. If there were two good qualities a person could have, it would be liking coffee and loving their cat. Or maybe it was loving coffee and liking their cat. Either way, it was good combination to have. Not to mention that Tony was infinitely more likely to be kidnapped, not murdered flat out. And the kidnapping type had the same look about them, which Mr. Pennycrumb's owner did not have.
When he saw the man's light go off, he got up to make a new pot of coffee. He still had some in there for himself, so he dumped the rest of it in a spare mug and started a new one. He had a huge ass thermos around here somewhere-- a gift from Jim, and he'd made sure it was big enough for a pot of coffee plus all the cream that Tony liked to add, because Jim was the best gift-giver in the entire world.
As Tony crawled in a cupboard to find it, he wondered why he didn't use it more often. Usually, it was to avoid questions. If people asked him one question, they took it as an invitation for more conversation, which was pretty much the opposite of what Tony wanted when he was carrying around a pot of coffee.
It was only after he unearthed it that he remembered Jim had sort of taken it away for a week when Tony had decided to brew his coffee with an energy drink instead of water. It had tasted like shit, but it had kept him awake enough to keep up with his coursework while also finishing off the designs for the upcoming expo and giving his notes to Howard about the latest prototype. Now that that horrible time had passed though, he should be able to start using it again.
Someone knocked on the door as he was halfway through pouring the coffee into the giant thermos, so he put it down to answer the door. As expected, it was the neighbor-- if neighbor could be used to describe someone that lived in a separate building on the opposite side of the road. He was even more handsome up close, which was a dangerous thing to be noticing in the middle of the night when his self-control was wearing thin. He didn't have much of a filter to begin with, and it only became thinner when he was tired.
"Hey," the possibly-a-neighbor but definitely-the-cute-cat-owner said. "Thanks for this."
"Yeah, no problem. I can't make it a day without coffee." Tony sort of forgot to invite him in, but he turned to go finish pouring the coffee and figured that his sort-of-neighbor would either follow him in or stay in the doorway. Tony would be very tempted to ask him to stay forever if he had remembered to ask him inside in the first place. As he started to pour the remainder of the pot, he heard the door close, and a second later, the guy walked into the kitchen. "I'm Tony, by the way."
"Five. Yes, like the number."
"Your parents weren't very imaginative."
"Actually, I only have one sibling."
"That's even worse."
"I've always thought so," Five said mildly.
"Is there a story there or are they just weird as shit?"
Five snorted. "If they had reasons, they never bothered to share them with me." Then he tilted his head curiously. "Does that thermos fit an entire pot of coffee?"
"That's amazing. Where did you get it?"
"It was a gift, so I don't know."
"Hm, shame."
Tony screwed the lid on and held it out to him.
"No problem."
"I'll try to have it back in a couple days."
"Sure. And if you forget, I can always add it to a sign when I'm asking about Mr. Pennycrumb. How is he anyways?"
"A pain in the ass," Five said, rolling his eyes as they walked to the door. "He was playing with a plastic bag, got his head caught, flipped out, and ended up shredding it over half the apartment."
"And that's why I admire other people's cats from afar instead of getting my own."
"A wise decision," Five said flatly, but with a hint of a smile across his mouth. Tony had the strong urge to kiss him, but he was too far away for Tony to do it as an impulse decision. "See you around."
"Yep, see you."
Having a crush from a distance had been weird and a little creepy of him, but he didn't think the one minute of conversation with Five really justified it. If anything, it made it worse. Jim would probably tell him to be a normal neighbor and not make contact unless they were passing each other on the street-- but then, Jim was also convinced that Tony was going to be murdered horribly in the middle of the night because he hadn't been looking where he was going, so Tony took everything he said with a grain of salt.
Tony got back to his apartment one day to find a bag hanging on the door. He peeked inside and saw that it was the thermos he'd loaned Five, so he picked it up and brought it in with him.
He forgot to put it away for a while, so it was almost a week later when he grabbed the thermos to use it and a picture fell out. Curious, Tony reached for it, then he laughed. It was a polaroid of Mr. Pennycrumb. He was sitting up straight, fluffy tail curled around the front of his little feet and looking intensely at the camera-- or, rather, the person holding the camera, but it was the same effect. On the white bottom, Five had written 'Thanks' in sharpie, in all caps like he was an old man.
Tony hung it on the fridge, then went back to putting his bag together for the day.
The next contact came when Tony was settling in for the evening, ready to stay up all night writing code, only to realize that he didn't have enough sugar for his coffee to last all night. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, and fuck some more, he was not going to make it through the night unless he had caffeine and sugar. He glanced out the window automatically and saw that Five's light was on, and he was sitting at his desk.
There was no guarantee that he'd look up, but Tony had to try.
Do you have sugar?
Five looked up when he held the sign in front of his window. He reached to the side and wrote, and a moment later, Tony was reading what he'd written. Only if you'll come over here to get it.
Tony nodded vigorously. He could definitely walk over there. No way in hell was he going to ask Five for a favor and then expect for him to walk over to Tony's place.
Five flipped over his paper and wrote his apartment number.
Tony got up, shoved on some shoes, and hurried over. It was a good thing that it was a short walk, because it was kind of cold out, and he hadn't grabbed a jacket.
It was barely five seconds after he knocked that the door opened. "How much sugar do you need?"
"I don't know, maybe a cup?" Tony said. "It's for my coffee."
"You put sugar in your coffee?" Five asked, raising an eyebrow judgmentally.
"You don't?" Tony asked, mirroring his expression. "I guess that's fine, if you want to be miserable."
Five rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen, pouring sugar from a large bucket to a smaller container. "Is that enough?"
"Yeah, thanks."
Five put the lid on and handed it over. Then, scarcely after Tony had his hands on it, Five put a scrap of paper on top. "That's my number. You can use it the next time you need sugar instead of hoping I look up at the right time."
Tony's heart decided to be a traitorous little bastard and started beating faster, but he hoped it didn't show in his voice when he said, "Cool; I'll do that. Thanks again," he said.
He made it back over to his apartment, saved Five's number in his phone, then sent him a text.
This is Tony, so you have my number too.
He tossed his phone onto the desk and went to pour some sugar in his coffee. On the desk, his phone buzzed with a new message.
Good to know, was all Five said. A minute later, he sent a photo of Mr. Pennycrumb. It was obvious that he'd just taken it, and the cat was glaring at him as it sat atop his laptop keyboard. The King of the universe says hello.
Tell him I love him.
And have it go to his head? But your message has been passed on.
Things continued in that vein for a while. Five would send him pictures of Mr. Pennycrumb in various poses-- Tony's favorite was the one where the cat had climbed into the filled bathtub and then squalled about it like it was Five's fault-- and in return, Tony would gush about how cute Mr. Pennycrumb was.
After a couple weeks of that, they started complaining about their class work, which rapidly turned into helping each other. It's not that either of them was stupid or refused to do their own work, but Five's grasp of physics was much better than Tony's (to say nothing of his understanding of chaos theory), and in return, Tony helped him with the finer points of chemistry.
And since they were helping each other with work, they might as well meet in person rather than halting texts back and forth whenever they remembered to check their phone. Tony didn't think anything of it until it was leading up to the end of the semester and he went to Five's favorite coffee shop to buy him a cup before he headed over-- instead of just letting him brew coffee like normal. Since when did Tony go out of his way to do something nice? The answer used to be: hardly ever. Now, it looked like the answer was: for about three weeks. Because he'd been doing things to try and be nice to Five for a while, even if it inconvenienced him.
With his usual tact, Tony knocked on the door and as soon as Five answered, he asked, "Are we dating?"
"We won't be if you don't hand over the coffee," Five said, his eyes going straight to the cup with laser focus.
Tony handed it over.
Five took a sip, savored it, then brushed a kiss over Tony's cheek. "Come on, I ordered your shitty pizza, and it's useless if it goes cold."
Tony walked in, closing the door behind him. Well, the kiss answered that question. Or maybe it was the way that Five had answered his question. Either way, Tony now had a boyfriend, and that was wonderful. "It makes a wonderful snack four hours into studying," Tony argued. He knew this for a fact after a dozen times of doing it. "You can shove it in your mouth without tasting it, and you don't have to wait for something to be delivered."
"Congratulations," Five said flatly. "I'm not trying it."
"Fine, suffer then." 
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
HOSTIS, Chapter VII: Partium, The Party
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Previous Chapter (VI: Venerum)
Member: Lee Hyunjae (tbz)
Genre (by chapter): comedy, drama, angst???
Category: Short Novel/Long Series
aphrodite was talking to ares, but it was the wrong ares. 
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five days of being a real doctor.
patients to take care of. medical records to keep up with. 
for awhile, it seemed so quiet; life was nothing but tranquil for the last five days. even lucifer next door seemed so cooped up in his own patients to deal with that he hadn’t really had the time or energy to come and annoy you. 
maybe it was zeus’ way of telling you that he was done making two areses play a never-ending war. all the two of you really needed was a reminder that you were both finally in a place you wanted to be. you’ve spent most of your life studying and drowning in words and science to get here; why waste that effort by throwing yourself into a wrestling ring with him?
but zeus also seemed to be petty with how much aphrodite he was offering you. 
since eric sent you home last week, you haven’t seen him since. doctor kim hasn’t emailed you or told doctor choi that you were needed in the research department, neither were you available in any given point of time to even go to the research department to look for the intern. 
you felt like a young girl who just realised she had the biggest, fattest crush on the cutest guy in school, and not being able to see him was arguably one of the most heart wrenching things you could possibly feel, even at this age.
he was kind, cute, not to mention lively and enthusiastic, and god, those eyes.
your scheduled rounds were about ten minutes away, so letting yourself fall back into the pillows and feathers and wedding bells in your head wasn’t so difficult. you’ve learnt to treat ten minutes like precious treasure despite being a full-fledged doctor for only five days. 
the gentle ripples of the piano playing from the stereo behind you loosens all the knots in your shoulders, and your head falls back into the seat with your eyes fluttered shut. 
eric son young jae...
one of your eyes open upon the duty call from the office computer, and you notice the newest email coming from another staff member you don’t recognise. giving yourself a little shake, you sit back up and click on the newest email, the contents of it surprisingly not as important as you were predicting it to be.
from: lee sang yeon (asst. head of dept)
to: the neurology dept, the neuro-research dept
subject: the NRD quarterly party
dear all,
every three months in a year, the neurology department (NRD) has a strict tradition of throwing a party to celebrate and congratulate the hard work all the doctors in our department have put in. 
in these quarterly parties, we sing cheers to successful operations with high-risk, prestigious achievements and research findings, and new doctors after their 2-week-mentee period has ended. 
this year shall not be any different. 
despite the NRD’s unofficial events management team having some trouble finding a location to throw our party, we are pleased to share our gratitude to our new doctor, lee hyunjae, for offering his home for this grand celebration. 
the party will be held this friday (two days from now) at the following address attached to this email. 
do inform either me or doctor choi young joon if you are unable to be present.
thank you, and we see you there!
oh, for fucks’ sake.
of all places?
a soft sigh exhales through your nose and you minimise the window, gathering your pens and patient files to begin on your rounds. 
the hallway of the ward spaces come into view once you exit the lift, and you were just about to turn into one of the wards that had three patients in them. 
“good morning mrs kang.”
the voice halts you in your tracks, and you back up against the wall so nobody in the ward sees you.
“good morning doctor lee, how are you doing today? your rounds are never this early,” the frail lady, who was your patient, sounded so calm and relaxed; you could almost imagine the look on her face. 
you remember the first time you met her. mrs kang was previously doctor choi’s patient, so she first saw you when both you and lee hyunjae were trailing him. she was initially cold and reserved, even to doctor choi, but with the both of you, she looked at you like she was looking at her own children. 
“i decided to pop by my patients earlier today to chat with them, see if they understand why they’re really in the hospital,” you hear the clacking of the clipboard that was slotted into a holder at the end of the bed, and for a moment you wonder why he was even bothering himself with your patient. “sometimes older patients don’t really grasp the importance of their health and they just go along with the flow while their kids admit them to the hospital.”
a pause.
“how is mr yoon over there? he’s your patient, right?”
“mr yoon’s doing alright, but he’s definitely had better days,” the clipboard slides back into the slot at the edge of the bed, and you hear his footsteps shift around in the ward. “how are you doing? how’s doctor l/n treating you?”
“oh, she’s wonderful, sometimes i wonder why i couldn’t have two doctors because i’d definitely have the both of you to take care of me in my time here.”
that last line pulled on your heartstrings, and you know it was terribly unprofessional of you to even feel it, but your heart shattered upon her words. 
mrs kang was a amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patient and she was only deemed as low-risk because doctor choi gave her another year to live; all you had to do was make sure her condition didn’t spiral.
yet, it was difficult to swallow that she was aware her time was limited, and there was nothing she could do about it. if lee hyunjae has read her patient records, then he would know why she said that. 
you hear a chair get lifted off the ground and it sets down barely a second later, a soft shuffling motivating you to angle your head into the ward, keeping most of your body outside.
the sight of him sitting by the hospital bed, by your patient, with absolutely no clue you were standing right outside, rippled gentle chills throughout your body. the view was so rare and unfamiliar, the disbelief that filled your chest was almost difficult to contain. 
“rest assured, we will stay with you for as long as you need. if doctor l/n or doctor choi isn’t around to attend to you, then i will, alright?” 
mr yoon coughs loudly, and lee hyunjae’s attention gets snatched away. 
“give me a moment, would you?”
the chair doesn’t make a sound as he carefully gets up and returns to his patient, and you grasp this chance to walk in to avoid creating an awkward situation. 
“good morning, mrs kang,” a polite smile automatically surfaces on your lips, and you pick up her records to tally with the one you had. “how are you feeling today?”
“i’ve had better days but definitely better than yesterday. how are you?”
“i’m going to a party on friday night, jealous?” 
she scoffs before bursting into soft laughter, the sound of her happiness when you teased her making your heart feel so warm and at ease. your eyes and hands start to wander around her iv drip and her medicine schedule located by the side of her bed, and you could feel her eyes follow your every move while she comes down from her high. 
“i met my husband when i went to the craziest party i had in my life,” the little story hugs your heart with warm arms while you click your pen and jot down some routinely checks. 
“maybe you’ll meet yours this friday,” her eyes were glistening with such wonder, you had to physically restrain yourself from souring your nose. 
“i pretty much already know everybody who’s going to the party this friday,” a pout on your face causes her to chuckle.
“staff party?”
“maybe you’ll find out that someone you already know is the right one for you.”
“oh, god forbid that happens. i’m fine on my own and i always will be,” a scoff rumbles in the back of your mouth and you side-eye her as you finish up your checks.
“that’s what everybody says until they find the right one.”
you provide her with a small smile, swiftly double-checking all her needs. your pen was jotting down the last round of checks before her attention rides past you.
“goodbye, doctor lee!”
“bye, mrs kang. rest well, and i’ll see you tomorrow when i come to check on mr yoon.”
how was it that the grin on her face was given and caused by lucifer? watching him interact with her so carefully and kindly made you think you’ve just been fighting with a twin brother instead. 
there was absolutely no way that it was the same person. 
but you couldn’t deny the admiration for his professionalism and his dedication to his job. he didn’t need to care or have such a candid conversation with mrs kang, especially not when she wasn’t even his patient. 
not just that, he didn’t even say anything horrible about you. 
he could’ve, but he didn’t.
it made you feel slightly guilty, but where there was guilt, there was resent; there was a reminder that he spent half his life trying to mess with yours. his professionalism didn’t warrant any change in attitude from you.
friday comes by in a flash, and the sudden realisation that you were going to be stuck in hell the entire night, pretending like you weren’t, made you want to hurl your lunch. 
eric was going to be there, and you haven’t seen him in almost a week. you weren’t entirely sure why though; firstly, because you didn’t ask anybody why you weren’t needed at the research department -- there was no reason to. secondly, doctor kim looked like he was having fun dumping a lot of the tinier pieces of research required on him. so while you were making your rounds and being the doctor you were now, eric was probably suffocating from the mounts of research information doctor kim was allocating him.
you couldn’t remember the last time you decided wearing jeans and a one-sleeved top was a good idea, but you did it anyway. your face was caked with more makeup than you usually wore to the hospital, only because you were ready to let yourself go and really soak yourself in the idea of a party, not caring that everybody there was going to be a qualified neurologist or research officer. 
you had one goal tonight, and that was to win your aphrodite over. 
the house looked like a set from a horror movie; you know, the one where you walk in thinking everything would be perfect but everybody dies.
maybe it was just your hatred for the owner.
“HEY!” the door swings open when you knock on it, and the unusually loud music was literally making eric scream over the bass thumping throughout the walls of the house. “was just wondering when you’d get here!” 
your ankle boots give you an extra height boost, so eric was just slightly above eye level now. he takes the pack of beer from your hands and nods you into the house, a couple of other neurologists you recognise from regularly walking past them greeting you. 
“where’s doctor lee?” your voice was literally inaudible, but you could hear the strained vibrations in your throat as he places the pack of beer on the kitchen counter. 
“who? oh!” his eyes dart behind you and he tip-toes, craning his neck to look for the person you asked for. “i think he’s in the living room talking to someone!”
the first reaction to his response was to turn around and search for lucifer, wondering who in the right frame of mind would even want to entertain him. but you remember all the love letters he received throughout school, so it wasn’t a surprise when you see him chatting with a female doctor. 
his lips were moving, and he was nodding every other second, looking like she was pi telling the story of being stranded in the middle of the ocean. 
he suddenly looks up, and your eyes involuntarily lock for a moment. the non-physical contact drills shivers down your spine when you realise the last time you even looked at him was a week ago, when you saw him in the carpark before and after you tripped into eric’s arms. 
eric’s voice tears your attention away from lee hyunjae though, and you lean your torso over the kitchen island to watch him fill two cups with punch. 
“are you alright with punch?” his eyes look up at you through his lashes, pushing one cup across the table to you. “i normally don’t offer beer to girls.”
a chuckle pulls your lips apart, and the punch washes down your throat easily. “‘normally’, huh?”
he notices the mockery in your voice and he smiles, that gorgeous sight forcing butterflies into you. 
"doesn't it feel like it's been forever since we last met?" he gestures for your cup and you slide it back to him.
"it's been a whole week," you pause and walk around the kitchen island so that he wouldn't need to risk spilling the drink all over the surface if he wanted to slide it over again. "my duties officially started this week and doctor kim didn't need us over at the research department."
"ohhhhh, so that's why..."
"you sound disappointed," you rest one hand against the kitchen island, barely keeping an arm's length distance away from him.
"i was looking forward to hanging out with you more, and i considered going over to the neuro department to look for you but i was afraid i was going to be disruptive," he hands you the cup, and you lean one hip on the edge. the drink in the cup was swirling in circles while you watched him fill his own, and from the corner of your eye you catch lee hyunjae talking to another female doctor, this time right at the foot of the stairs near the entrance of the kitchen.
"actually--" he pulls the cup away from his lips just as he was about to take a sip. blinking at him as he whirls around the kitchen before returning with a napkin, pulling out a pen from a drawer that you didn't even know why it was there, he begins jotting down his... number?
"here's my number," the blue ink on the napkin was a little pathetic, but it was adequate for all the digits to show. 
you do a little imaginary punch of triumph into the air, your chest feeling a little weightless when he pushes it across the counter to you. "drop me a text and we'll hang out. even after my intern ends, we can totally get a drink together!"
blood and shyness rush up to your face, and you thank the house for having the worst lighting ever to hide your blush.
"my phone's dead and it's rude to ask for someone else's phone to save my number in."
"aw, you're such a sweetheart," the coo that comes off your tongue was packed with innuendo and you push yourself away from the table so you could shove it into your pocket. but the friction between your shoes when you make a misstep pushes you off your balance, you fall again, straight into eric's arms.
because of the slight change in height, eric now has his arm wrapped around your waist. his chest becomes your landing space for your palm, and your legs become softer when you look up through your mascara coated lashes at him.
"you really need to work on your balance."
the butterflies in your stomach intensify their movements when he pulls you up, and your arms were the only thing keeping the two of you apart.
"i do, don't i?" the blaring noise of the music gets cancelled out, and you catch the moment that eric hesitates before he leans forward into you. his chest starts to push your hands over his shoulders and the kiss becomes like a dream.
subconsciously, you start cancelling out the loud music, and for a moment you were grateful that everybody else was probably too occupied screaming at whoever it was they were talking to. 
neither of your lips move, making the kiss so soft and warm and fuzzy. 
it didn't last very long, but it was long enough for you to taste the bit of beer he probably had before you came.
eric slowly pulls away, his eyes immediately searching for yours to make sure you weren't in any way uncomfortable.
"oh," the realisation sinks in, and his hold around you loosens. "i'm sorry, i didn't--"
"no, no, it's fine," he releases you, and you suck your lips between your teeth, slightly desperate to taste the rest of him in your mouth.
"i'm... i'm gonna go catch up with the other... people," the effort to try to mask his embarrassment was so astoundingly adorable, you couldn't resist the large smile that broke out on your face. "i'll catch you later."
he gives you an awkward wave as he runs off, and you turn your body to look for the pack of beer you brought. your mind relentlessly throws you back to that kiss and you replay it a billion times in your head, the alcohol in the beer only making you fall more in love with something that was already over.
"hey, doctor l/n, right?"
the voice was unfamiliar, and you look up to see someone you've only seen in pictures in doctor choi's office.
"oh, yes, i am," hurriedly gulping down the beer in your mouth, you put the can down and pat your palm on your jeans. "i'm guessing you're... doctor lee sang yeon?"
he nods and offers to shake your hand, which you gladly take. there was a can of beer in his free hand as well, and it felt like he deliberately displayed it to you so you wouldn't feel too awkward.
"mhm, my apologies that i haven't been around to welcome you and... doctor lee hyunjae, was it?"
"oh, right, yeah."
"i was away the last two weeks because i was hired as a short term lecture in a local med-school."
“that’s so cool,” the beer can finds your lips again and you take a big gulp. 
you spend easily the next hour talking to sang yeon, who you found out was the hospital’s youngest assistant department head. 
not only that, he even praised your research work. apparently, doctor kim had already read both yours and lucifer’s research reports and both provided him with fascinating results. 
but what was even more gratifying was that lee sang yeon never said a word about lucifer’s report. drinking beer while listening to sang yeon talk about your report was like eating sugar or a tub of ice cream. 
most of the night was reserved for talking to lee sang yeon, looking out for eric and seeing his bright smile whenever he catches you looking at him. occasionally, doctor kim would come round the kitchen looking for more beer, but doctor choi was always around to stop him. 
the night slowly settles in, and you could tell it was getting late when some of your colleagues who you just met began to leave the house. 
you would’ve too, but eric was still here. 
worry and displeasure start to creep up on you like mike on halloween when you spot lucifer talking to eric, but judging by the smile spread across his face, lucifer wasn’t doing much besides making the little puppy happy. 
one of your colleagues was going off about one of her patients the previous year, so your attention felt so oddly torn. 
nonetheless, it was slightly sickening to know that though aphrodite was talking to ares, it was the wrong ares. 
Chapter VIII: Invidia
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