#i wanted to do it justice because i love that song. it’s always one of my most listened to songs and the bridge means the most to me
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Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 158 (The Custody Hearing)
Before he planned to travel through time, Felix Psyded, Esquire, found himself inside a courtroom on the outskirts of San Myshuno. Normally at ease inside the hallowed halls of law and justice, today his friends were depending on him. This hearing was more than a case.
Judge Robin Marlow took a seat at her mahogany oak desk, polished to perfection inside the closed courtroom. She would preside over the custody hearing to determine whether Ash would stay with the Landgraabs, or be returned to Heather and Conrad in Brindleton Bay.
The Landgraabs had a pair of lawyers - married attorneys Pete and Laura Sue. Felix thought they'd legally changed their name because their court record with successful lawsuits was astounding. No one that good at suing people could actually be named Sue!
Regardless of their real names, they were real pains in his formerly transparent butt. He was certain they'd withheld evidence from discovery, but the hearing had come up faster than he could dig and he had to trust his instincts. He knew Ash was in good hands with Heather and Conrad on a personal level, he just needed to convince the judge, too.
With the Landgraabs on one side and the Gordons on the other, Ash's fate rested in the hands of the people in this room. Heather had read somewhere that blue was a good colour to wear to court, so she'd ditched her usual yellow and green for a blue pantsuit, and Conrad wore a tie.
As the judge spoke, her voice echoed off the high ceilings of the courthouse. "We're here today examining the existing custody arrangement between Malcolm Chester Landgraab and Heather Lea Gordon, following some very serious allegations of child endangerment. Due to the sensitivity of this case and the notoriety of the plantiff, today's session will take place in a closed courtroom. And before we get started, I just want to say we're not here to determine the worst place for Ash to be, but the best. Will the opposing counsels please state their cases for the record?"
Laura Sue stepped forward with a grin. "Your Honour, thank you. Our clients want it known they only want the best for their flesh and blood. He shares their last name, after all. The custody arrangement that's been in place since Ash was a year old was a good arrangement. It allowed him close access to his mother in the early stages of his development, affording the loving father, Malcolm, basic access to his son. But our clients became gravely concerned after Ash's recent kidnapping turned out to be the result of time travelling cartel members seeking vengeance on Ash's stepfather, Conrad Gordon."
Judge Marlow smiled. "Please clarify for the courts what you mean by 'time-travelling.'"
"I would if I could, Your Honour. Our clients are concerned Ash's head has been filled with fantastical ideas about time travel and ghosts, and their fear is that all of this is due to the Gordons' overwhelming influence on Malcolm's own son."
Heather and Conrad glared across the courtroom, but Nancy wasn't afraid to arch her nasty brows right back, even as Geoffrey tried to quietly chastise her for it. The Landgraabs' second attorney, Pete Sue, stepped forward.
"Your Honour, as the police report submitted to evidence shows, Ash Landgraabs' stepfather would likely just be getting out of prison if not for our client. He wouldn't be a successful police captain, at any rate. The Gordons have always relied on the Landgraabs, and when Conrad found himself in legal jeopardy after his college girlfriend turned out to be a murderous cartel runner, his father Stephen needed help convincing San Myshuno PD to drop his case and send him through the police academy, instead."
"And where did he go for that help?" Laura wondered rhetorically, playing off her husband like a vaudeville duo without the song and dance. "To the then-CEO of Landgraab Corp., Nancy Landgraab. She was pleased to do this favour for someone who worked loyally for her father for decades, but records were sealed. Not even Mr. Gordon himself knew his freedom was thanks to her until discovery for this very hearing, and now he thinks he can provide a more stable home for the Landgraabs' own grandson."
"Our clients vehemently beg to differ," continued Pete. "And they demand a revision to the custody file granting Malcolm Landgraab primary legal and physical custody. They feel their position and security will provide him with the tools he'll need as he approaches adulthood, while his mother and stepfather engage him in fantasy roleplaying as a lifestyle."
Heather and Conrad squirmed from their corner of the courtroom. Discovering that Nancy was more or less the sole reason they'd ever had the chance to meet had been a difficult pill to swallow, but considering the position they were in when they'd discovered it, they saw no reason to thank her.
Judge Marlow nodded, turning to Felix to hear the defendants' make their case. "Your Honour, my clients are as surprised as anyone to be here today. As surprised as they were the night Ash was uprooted from the home he's known since birth. Ash was born in Brindleton Bay, and for more than the first year of his life, his biological father didn't call. He didn't visit. He didn't care."
"Objection!" argued Laura. "Counsel can't know our clients' feelings nine years ago."
Judge Marlow nodded. "Sustained. Facts only, please."
"My clients have been there for Ash day in, day out, for close to a decade. Heather Gordon has provided for Ash from the day he was born, and she did it alone before she met her husband. She's a successful vet, stood as a surrogate for two of her closest friends, and a doting mother. On top of raising a well-adjusted son and daughter, Mrs. Gordon ran her clinic so successfully, she was able to buy out the Landgraabs and become completely independent within seven years of signing the lease."
Judge Marlow listened intently as Felix spoke for his clients. "They've provided a safe and stable home despite Captain Gordon's line of work. Ash has regular appointments with counselors and they've all submitted statements to the record. They attest to him being responsible and emotionally mature. Besides, Ash wasn't kidnapped while under the Gordons' care in Brindleton Bay, but while he was staying with the Landgraabs in San Myshuno."
"Counsel, is it true your clients' met because Captain Gordon was investigating a hack of Landgraab Systems perpetrated by Mrs. Gordon?" Judge Marlow raised an eyebrow and Felix nodded.
"It is, Your Honour. She's a very successful app designer, and Malcolm stole her app code before they broke up. She discovered it months later and orchestrated the hack to delete the stolen files, but the Landgraabs declined to press charges and everyone has moved on. At least, that's what my clients' thought. But perhaps my clients should have known the Landgraabs wouldn't honour a contract. It's not uncommon for Landgraab Corp. to stiff their contractors, daring them to fight their considerable resources in court or take a lesser deal. Now, it seems, they're trying to do the same to my clients, and they're using the well-being of their own flesh and blood to do it."
Across the courtroom, vicious Nancy laughed, as though Felix' words were useless against her influence and wealth. Malcolm and Geoffrey chuckled with her.
"And Your Honour, I'm not a judge, but it seems to me that Ash's own testimony - recorded by Officer Camden Romeo the night he was escorted from Brindleton Bay - should be strongly considered. He said he wanted to stay at the Gordon home with his mother and stepfather."
"Objection, Your Honour," said Pete. "It was an emotional evening and children's testimony can be unreliable."
Judge Marlow shook her head. "Overruled."
Once the attorneys had made their cases, Judge Marlow stepped away to make her decision. The wait for word felt agonizingly long for Heather and Conrad, but they waited eagerly when she called the court back in session.
The Gordons and Landgraabs waited with baited breath as Judge Marlow smiled. "I would like to start by saying, despite events, I don't believe Ash is particularly unsafe with any of his legal guardians. That being said, the testimonies from everyone, including counselors, discussing time travel and ghosts with shocking complacency is alarming. It's an atypical and potentially dangerous way for a young, impressionable person to be raised, and it does raise questions about the suitability of his primary home."
Felix anxiously pulled at the chain on his navy vest. He knew what was coming but he couldn't interrupt the judge.
"Stability is the most important thing for any child whose cases cross my desk, and the Gordons' situation is less stable than the Landgraabs, especially with another child on the way and no way to know what this will do to the family's dynamic. As such, the court sides with the plaintiffs, and I'm ordering a reversal of the current custody arrangement."
Heather and Conrad gasped, their faces pulling in anguish as the judge continued. "Primary legal and physical custody of Ash Neal Landgraab is hereby awarded to Malcolm Landgraab, with visitation granted to Heather and Conrad Gordon at the Landgraabs' sole discretion."
Nancy grinned like a cat who'd slaughtered a mouse while Heather and Conrad suffered, the judge's voice fading in and out as both sides of the courtroom processed the verdict.
"Court will reconvene in a year, at which time, I will hope the Gordons have settled into a more quiet life for the sake of all their children, but for the next year it seems quite clear the Landgraabs' will provide Ash with the best possible care."
The Landgraabs left in a hurry while Felix apologized to his friends. "I'm so sorry. I hate to lose a case and this one...We have a year, but we can try a lot of things to get an earlier hearing. I'll try every single one of them."
Heather and Conrad embraced, fighting off the numbness threatening to swallow them both. "We're going to get him back, I promise," insisted Conrad. "There's no way it's gonna take a year." ->
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Shout out to @matchalovertrait, who said some very nice things about all Heather has accomplished right while I was writing this post. You helped write Felix' defense without even knowing it, so thank you!! I'm sorry it didn't actually help *ducks*
WCIF Poses, Landgraab Attorneys & Judge Marlow? Several of Heather and Conrad's reaction shots were taken with Akuiyumi's Sadness poses, but a lot of this was staged by getting characters to sit or stand in one place and practice singing. They look expressive and it saves me when they're standing or sitting too far away to have a conversation. (Fun fact, I also did this when Conrad met John Brindleton at the prison for his confession, because I could not get them to sit in those chairs and have a conversation because they were technically sitting in different rooms.
I found Pete and Laura Sue on the Sims 4 Gallery by user mgq15, and it looks like they're part of a series, and yes those are the names they were uploaded with! I'm sorry they're playing attorneys for the bad guys but I thought they just had that vibe! Likewise, I found Robin Marlow by Gallery user Beths1990 while looking for a judge and put a robe on her. I really liked them all in the scene and we'll see them again - there's another custody hearing scheduled in a year, after all!
The courthouse came from a redone koomasterpc build by KPOPfan07-09, and I liked that the fourth floor looked a bit like a big city courtroom, different from the courthouse in Brindleton Bay because the Landgraabs had jurisdiction on this one, unfortunately.
#sims 4#sims 4 gameplay#sims 4 screenshots#sims 4 legacy#sims in bloom#ts4#ts4 gameplay#ts4 legacy#ts4 screenshots#sims 4 story#ts4 story#legacy challenge#sims legacy#ts4 legacy challenge#gen 2#san myshuno#felix psyded#nancy landgraab#geoffrey landgraab#malcolm landgraab
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#was literally trying to work on an expensive mistakes edit last night and was having trouble making it look the way i wanted it to#i wanted to do it justice because i love that song. it’s always one of my most listened to songs and the bridge means the most to me#i don’t want to say i’m sad they played mania but i’m admittedly selfishly sad i wasn’t there#i’ll wake up tomorrow and the world will go on and i’ll be okay. but i’m sad tonight#i feel like nobody really understands why i’m so sad too and i just feel lonely about it#hiding under a blanket trying so desperately to remind myself this is a good thing and it’s the healing tour and blah blah blah#telling myself fall out boy wouldn’t want me to be sad#but i’ve spiraled so much that i just wish i could disappear#on a related note i admire fall out boy so much for everything they’ve survived and how open they are about it#pete doesn’t lay under a blanket and think about dying anymore. i hope one day i can say the same. he gives me hope#sorry for the whiny dramatics. i will get over this but i’m letting myself be sad Tonight
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the appalachian murder ballad <3 one of the most interesting elements of americana and american folk, imo!
my wife recently gave me A Look when i had one playing in the car and she was like, "why do all of these old folk songs talk about killing people lmao" and i realized i wanted to Talk About It at length.
nerd shit under the cut, and it's long. y'all been warned
so, as y'all probably know, a lot of appalachian folk music grew its roots in scottish folk (and then was heavily influenced by Black folks once it arrived here, but that's a post for another time).
they existed, as most folk music does, to deliver a narrative--to pass on a story orally, especially in communities where literacy was not widespread. their whole purpose was to get the news out there about current events, and everyone loves a good murder mystery!
as an aside, i saw someone liken the murder ballad to a ye olde true crime podcast and tbh, yeah lol.
the "original" murder ballads started back across the pond as news stories printed on broadsheets and penned in such a way that it was easy to put to melody.
they were meant to be passed on and keep the people informed about the goings-on in town. i imagine that because these songs were left up to their original orators to get them going, this would be why we have sooo many variations of old folk songs.
naturally then, almost always, they were based on real events, either sung from an outside perspective, from the killer's perspective and in some cases, from the victim's. of course, like most things from days of yore, they reek of social dogshit. the particular flavor of dogshit of the OG murder ballad was misogyny.
so, the murder ballad came over when the english and scots-irish settlers did. in fact, a lot of the current murder ballads are still telling stories from centuries ago, and, as is the way of folk, getting rewritten and given new names and melodies and evolving into the modern recordings we hear today.
305 such scottish and english ballads were noted and collected into what is famously known as the Child Ballads collected by a professor named francis james child in the 19th century. they have been reshaped and covered and recorded a million and one times, as is the folk way.
while newer ones continued to largely fit the formula of retelling real events and murder trials (such as one of my favorite ones, little sadie, about a murderer getting chased through the carolinas to have justice handed down), they also evolved into sometimes fictional, (often unfortunately misogynistic) cautionary tales.
perhaps the most famous examples of these are omie wise and pretty polly where the woman's death almost feels justified as if it's her fault (big shocker).
but i digress. in this way, the evolution of the murder ballad came to serve a similar purpose as the spooky legends of appalachia did/do now.
(why do we have those urban legends and oral traditions warning yall out of the woods? to keep babies from gettin lost n dying in them. i know it's a fun tiktok trend rn to tell tale of spooky scary woods like there's really more haints out here than there are anywhere else, but that's a rant for another time too ain't it)
so, the aforementioned little sadie (also known as "bad lee brown" in some cases) was first recorded in the 1920s. i'm also plugging my favorite female-vocaist cover of it there because it's superior when a woman does it, sorry.
it is a pretty straightforward murder ballad in its content--in the original version, the guy kills a woman, a stranger or his girlfriend sometimes depending on who is covering it.
but instead of it being a cautionary 'be careful and don't get pregnant or it's your fault' tale like omie wise and pretty polly, the guy doesn't get away with it, and he's not portrayed as sympathetic like the murderer is in so many ballads.
a few decades after, women started saying fuck you and writing their own murder ballads.
in the 40s, the femme fatale trope was in full swing with women flipping the script and killing their male lovers for slights against them instead.
men began to enter the "find out" phase in these songs and paid up for being abusive partners. women regained their agency and humanity by actually giving themselves an active voice instead of just being essentially 'fridged in the ballads of old.
her majesty dolly parton even covered plenty of old ballads herself but then went on to write the bridge, telling the pregnant-woman-in-the-murder-ballad's side of things for once. love her.
as a listener, i realized that i personally prefer these modern covers of appalachian murder ballads sung by women-led acts like dolly and gillian welch and even the super-recent crooked still especially, because there is a sense of reclamation, subverting its roots by giving it a woman's voice instead.
meaning that, like a lot else from the problematic past, the appalachian murder ballad is something to be enjoyed with critical ears. violence against women is an evergreen issue, of course, and you're going to encounter a lot of that in this branch of historical music.
but with folk songs, and especially the murder ballad, being such a foundational element of appalachian history and culture and fitting squarely into the appalachian gothic, i still find them important and so, so interesting
i do feel it's worth mentioning that there are "tamer" ones. with traditional and modern murder ballads alike, some of them are just for "fun," like a murder mystery novel is enjoyable to read; not all have a message or retell a historical trial.
(for instance, i'd even argue ultra-modern, popular americana songs like hell's comin' with me is a contemporary americana murder ballad--being sung by a male vocalist and having evolved from being at the expense of a woman to instead being directed at a harmful and corrupt church. that kind of thing)
in short: it continues to evolve, and i continue to eat that shit up.
anyway, to leave off, lemme share with yall my personal favorite murder ballad which fits squarely into murder mystery/horror novel territory imo.
it's the 10th child ballad and was originally known as "the twa sisters." it's been covered to hell n back and named and renamed.
but! if you listen to any flavor of americana, chances are high you already know it; popular names are "the dreadful wind and rain" and sometimes just "wind and rain."
in it, a jealous older sister pushes her other sister into a river (or stream, or sea, depending on who's covering it) over a dumbass man. the little sister's body floats away and a fiddle maker come upon her and took parts of her body to make a fiddle of his own. the only song the new fiddle plays is the tale about how it came to be, and it is the same song you have been listening to until then.
how's that for genuinely spooky-scary appalachia, y'all?
#appalachia#appalachian murder ballads#murder ballads#appalachian music#appalachian culture#appalachian history#appalachian#appalachian folklore#appalachian gothic#tw violence against women#cw violence against women#cw murder#tw murder#folk music#folk#txt
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Waiting... Waiting...
So... This was inspired by listening to EPIC (FREAKING LOVE ALL THE ALBUMS, SO GOOD) and by @noxcheshire post of Tim being Odysseus reincarnated and Danny (maybe also reincarnated) being his Penelope (Here) so I had to turn it into a Dead Tired idea.
The song The Challenge is the main one here. (Cause I LOVE that song... along with Would You Fall In Love With Me Again)
So WHAT IF Danny IS the reincarnated Penelope, after becoming the Ghost King Danny's memories of his past life as Penelope returns and remembers how before dying/ or being reincarnated both Penelope and Odysseus promised to find each other in their new lives, no matter who they are, what new form they take, they will find each other.
So Danny/Penelope, just like before waits for their Odysseus to return to them, but also tries to find him in their new life (CW is laughing whenever Danny asks for hints and gets a 'In due time, just wait' answer, ugh Danny wants to smack CW for that)
However just like in his previous life with being in a high position of power, Danny is being pressured to marry/take a spouse (now its not just men/males though so its a huge headache, I head canon Ghosts don't care much for gender preference) mostly by the dang eyeballs that Danny is still trying to find a way to get rid of without upsetting the Infinite Realms delicate (but slowly healing) balance even if Danny wanted nothing more than to punch all of the suitors out.
So Danny decides to play the long game again.
And waits for their Odysseus return.
Danny's wait is over when they suddenly feel the Realms shift one day, as if welcoming someone familiar home, and the same feeling Danny had when he had been Penelope and saw the storm that was sign of Odysseus coming home, Danny decides its time to bring out The Challenge once again. (CW gifted Danny a few things from his past as Penelope as a coronation gift, like Odysseus's bow (now enchanted to be unbreakable), a painting of when he was Penelope, with Telemchus, and Odysseus, and the Marriage Bed/Olive Tree, AND the Palace Odysseus made that Danny takes to being in over being at Pariah's Keep)
Tim Drake, aka Red Robin, always had strange dreams as a child.
War, Death, Monsters, Gods, Goddesses.
His dreams were more like nightmares, haunting him and he sometimes woke up in cold sweat.
He hated storms. Hated being in the water for to long. Hated how he felt both tense but also at home when around Greek heroes, as if he was afraid to 'disrespect' them (Cassie was the only one he didn't feel that way around, mostly cause they had been somewhat friends before their heroing since their parents knew each other) but also knew how to appease them should he insult them. He also had a strange hatred for the CoO with a burning passion because he felt like they were mocking real Owls.
The worst part of nightmares that always pop up are of what feels like should be his home is being invaded by unwanted guests (they aren't guests), how they are angry over trying to string a bow and shot an arrow through axes, of the terrible terrible things he hear them saying they were going to do to his loved ones (two names that keep getting muted out).
How it ends in bloodshed with echoing of begging, pleading, mercy, and screams.
However in those nightmares at the end. He also finds himself looking for something in them.
Or rather he always found someone waiting for him at the end of the nightmares. Calling him by the wrong name but it sounds just right coming from them.
The dream always ends with the person asking 'How long has it been?' and before he can answer he wakes up.
So yeah Tim has horrifying nightmares/dreams he could never explain.
And the urge to find someone. To go home to them.
It isn't until he and his friends from Young Justice are hit by a spell from Klarion (who may or may not had a visit from a certain chaos encouraging Time Keeper) and sent to a place called the Infinite Realms in the middle of their fight, that Tim is hit hard with déjà vu when he spots a certain Palace in the distance and overhears some of the 'people?' (they glow and float and some don't even look human?! where are they?) talk about how the 'King' has issued a new 'Challenge' for his 'suitors'.
A Challenge involving a bow, and axes.
And Tim, feels like he knows this all too well and needs to do it.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#crossover#dp x dc#blue rambles#danny phantom dc#writing ideas#random idea#dpxdc#dead tired#Danny is Penelope reincarnated#Tim is Odysseus reincarnated#Danny regains memories after being crowned#but gets 'courted' by 'suitors' again by the eyeballs#Tim is feeling a bit murderous when he hears the gossip#he doesn't know why yet#the urge to go to the familiar looking palace hits Tim hard#He frames it to his friends that maybe this King can help them though#Am I feral for this idea#YES#also wouldn't it be funny if like Dani is Telemchus reincarnated if we go with Dani being more like Danny's child?#Just tossing more ideas out#Most likely going to be my last DPxDC 2024 prompt lol#Tim once he decides to do the Challenge is going to be VERY murderous towards the eyeballs/suitors to LEAVE#Also Danny totally does the 'Can you move the wedding bed?' question just to make sure Tim is Odysseus#And Tim is so taken aback that he answers the same way he did the first time and doesn't realize it. It comes out like second nature.#Rants about it#And Danny just smiles at the answers
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I absolutely love ur writing and ive had this fic idea for a while now and i thought only u could do it justice. So i was thinking a fic based on the song all mine by brent faiyaz, where its the bit "you told me your new man dont make you nut thats a damn shame" and its reader is or was in a relationship and they couldnt make her cum so billies so cocky about it and that she could do it like the bit in the song "you come here ill knock your pussy out the damn frame" so yeah billie making reader cum easily. Dom!billie obvi and some strap action if u wouldnt mind. Tysm ly💖💖. If u need that bit of the song starts at 0:56

All Mine
Billie Eilish x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, dom!billie, strap on
“You told me your new man don’t make you nut, that’s a damn shame”
You and Billie have been together now for about six months now and the only thing yall have really done was make out and be handsy with each other. You knew you wanted more but you were nervous about taking that extra step with her. In past relationships, which were with men, they never got you to cum. It embarrassed you to no end, never having that sweet release that you always gave your exes and never experiencing yourself. So the thought of having sex with Billie was making you extremely nervous.
Which is stupid because you knew Billie was very experienced and could make you easily cum but it still scared you nonetheless. So when things were getting pretty heated you held yourself back and Billie could sense it. She asked you about it and even though you were embarrassed to tell her, you did anyway. Billie’s face contorted into shock then it morphed into sadness and understanding. After she let you explain, she went into her own bad experiences and relationships where they didn’t satisfy her.
You were surprised and shocked that Billie went through some of the same stuff you did but it made you fall for her even more. She reassured you that if you still didn’t want to have sex that it was completely okay, which melted your heart. With Billie reassuring you and telling you her own experiences, you felt a lot better about it and you wanted to share that special moment with her. You trust her more than anything.
“You come here, I’ll knock your pussy out the damn frame”
Billie was pounding into your cunt like it was nothing. She knew she could make you satisfied, she always knew. That’s why she’s always so cocky all the time. She knows that she’s better that your exes and she knows she about to make you cum. It only took her about five minutes to get you this way, your body squirming and your hands clawing at her skin. You were moaning her name so loudly that you wondered if anybody near would hear you. You knew Billie to be cocky, you sensed it but you knew that was gonna get worse as she knows she can fuck you better than anyone who’s ever tried.
“But I’ll love you better if you let me.”
You felt the tightness in your belly and you knew you were about to cum any second. The smirk on Billie’s face grew more and more as she knew you were about to climax. White cum covered Billie’s fingers and you felt your body shake in ecstasy as your orgasm washes over you. Billie pulled her fingers out of your pussy and plopped them in her moan, moaning softly at your sweet but tangy taste. “I’m so proud of you babygirl. I knew I would get you to cum less than five minutes. How are you feeling?” She said softly as she moved some hair from your face, making you smile at her. “Thank you bils….i feel amazing. Like im floating on a cloud.” You replied happily.
Billie giggled at your comment and leaned down to place a sweet kiss on your head. She helped you up and y’all started aftercare which was now one of your favorite things to experience with Billie. She was so kind and gentle with you and made sure to reassure you every second she could. When the aftercare was over, the two of you went into the bed and Billie pulled your body on top of hers. “I love you so much y/n. Thank you for letting me making you feel good and loved.” Billie whispered against your ear and placing a kiss on it. “Thank you Billie and I love you so much too.”
A/n: thank you anon for this request and I hope you enjoy it! I hope everyone else likes it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! Take care of yourselves. I love y’all! :)
#billie eilish blurb#billie eilish fic#billie eilish oneshot#billie eilish x you#billie eilish imagine#billie eilish fluff#billie eilish fanfiction#billie eilish x reader#billie eilish smut#billie eilish#billie eilish x fem!reader#billie#billieeilish#billie o’connell
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Who'd have known? - Shadow's version
A.N: Hello! been in a little writters block and finally pulled myself out of it thanks to @dayoftearsandmourning lovely request so this one goes specially for her (I hope it's what u wanted)I hadn't heard this song before but it's so cute an fluffy so I hope I made justice. Also yes I know Rouge is not (yet) on the SMU (sonic movie universe) but I dont care.

Shadow felt comfortable, welcoming the warmth in his chest, his muscles relaxing allowing himself to drift away, something that only happened when he was with you, even while doing the most mundane things like sitting next to you watching your favorite show. Shadow had stopped paying attention to the TV, fixing his attention on you noticing every change in your expression, the little smile peeking out of your lips, the flutter of your eyelashes, the way you puckered your nose when the main character got into trouble. He noticed how you hugged your torso, the cold of the night becoming present, without thinking, without planning it, he placed his arm around your shoulders, as if it were the most natural thing between you.
“…Put your arm around my shoulder And it was as if the room got colder”
The gesture did not go unnoticed by you. The warmth flooding your cheeks painting them pink, you enjoyed his company and certainly enjoyed his touch making circles on your shoulder. From time to time you would turn around and explain something about the chapter you were watching, Shadow would listen to you attentively but prayed that you wouldn't ask him what he thought because he would have to admit that he was lost in the sound of your voice just like that first time he saw you.
“I didn't know where this was going…”
Months ago, when Shadow had just arrived to live in Green Hills, at the request of Sonic and his friends, in a quiet morning walk in town he found a small cafeteria, it looked cozy and the sweet vanilla scent mixed with coffee gave him the courage to open the door.
You were arranging the desserts on the sideboard, when you heard the bell announcing a new customer, returning to your place at the counter, finding dark spikes and red tips, you lowered your gaze a little, crimson eyes looking back at you. “Hello! What can I get you started today?” your smile warm and gentle, something Shadow was not so used to since he had come to live with the wackausky.
“Coffe,” he says, placing his hands on the counter.
“Sure thing, what kind of-?”
“Beans.” he cut you off.
“Oh… that's new. Let me see what I can do.” you walked to the back opening a new bag of coffe beans for the machine and putting em on a small plastic bag adding a sticky note to it. “What's your name?”
“Shadow?” he said in a questioning tone, not really understanding why you wanted to know.
“Okay, here you go Shadow, enjoy” you handed him the bag. Shadow took it, leaving a five dollar bill on the counter as he turned to leave “Come back anytime!” you say enthusiastically.
On the way back to the Wackausky's Shadow found his name written in beautiful calligraphy along with a smiley face. At the time he didn't understand why, but his heart had been turned upside down.
“I haven't left you for days now And I'm becoming amazed how You're quite affectionate in public”
It wasn't the first time you had spent time together, much less the first time Shadow had stayed at your house, yet the buzzing of Shadows mind was not leaving him alone, has it always been like this? Being... so close? In his mind he went over all those dates was that what they were? That you had had, the moments you had shared, comparing them with what was happening, however to him it seemed... the same. Nothing had changed between you, so why did he feel that something was going on? Why did the scent of your shampoo feel sweeter than usual? Why did you look prettier than usual under the warm light?
Shadow was in a lot of trouble, he couldn't figure out what had happened to you, why something felt different when he was near you, why his hands were shaking when he was next to you, why he was staring at you so hard when you put balm on your lips? he didn't know what to do, so he did the only thing he could do given the situation. Go to Rouge.
“What could possibly be? Perhaps I'm sick” he said as he paced back and forth with his hand cupping his chin “Nonsense, I am the ultimate lifeform, I can't get sick.”
“In fact your friend said it made her feel sick And even though it's moving forward There's just the right amount of awkward”
“Oh gods” said Rouge smacking his forehead with her hand “You're a fool Shadow, but you're cute so I'll forgive you. You’re not sick but you might as well be blind. You’re in love.
“In… love?” he said in a questioning tone “No, I don't understand what you're talking about.”
“You like her Shadow and it's so obvious to everyone that I'm surprised she hasn't noticed yet. Especially with that little dance you do whenever she's around.” Dancing? No Shadow didn't dance, she barely knew how to move her arms “You know, when you circle around her while she's cooking?”
“But I... I don't-” he said trying to defend himself.
“Oh my... you are really oblivious.”
Circling? What did Rouge mean by that? You and Shadow were... friends, yes, good friends. He liked spending time with you, listening to you talk about the new dessert recipes you would try in the cafeteria and what your childhood had been like in your grandmother's bakery and yes it was true that he constantly found himself walking in circles across the kitchen with you in the middle, but that was just his way of passing the time while you were concentrating on your work, wasn't it? You were just very nice, kind and always had a smile for him. Shadow loved your details like his bag of coffee beans every day waiting for him or the notes wishing him good morning, they made him feel special and he’d be lying if he said he hadn't noticed the recent appearance of hearts around his name on every note. But that's all it was, right?
“You told your friends, they all know We exist but we're taking it slow Let's just see how it goes”
Slow but steady you had fallen for him too. Too scared to accept your feelings, you didn't know if Shadow shared what you did and you didn't want to ruin his friendship over a simple crush. Except it wasn't just a crush, you constantly found yourself thinking about him, buying things just because they reminded you of him, longing for the clock to move faster to the number 9, for that was the time Shadow always arrived at the coffee shop.
The doorbell rang and as if your prayers had been answered there stood the hedgehog you so longed to see. Shadow had a frown on his face, as if he was worried about something, next to him Rouge was whispering in his ear.
“Hey guys!” you said coming out from the counter to greet them giving them a kiss on the cheek as was your custom. Shadow blushed as he felt your lips on his muzzle, averting his gaze to the new decorations you had added to the cafeteria. The painting of a reddish comet streaking across the sky among the stars hung high above their heads. Shadow admired the painting beside you.
“I like it”
“So do I, it made me think of you” you said without thinking. The curiosity present in Shadow “Cause... you were a star lighting up the sky, bringing your brightness to where it's needed.” Red cheeks on your face as you spoke “you okay?” you said as you noticed Shadow hiding his head in his hands, a soft click click click coming from him.
“Are you mine? Are you mine? 'Cause I stay here all the time”
“These two are going to need more help than I thought,” Rouge thought.
That's how we arrived at this moment, both of you sitting on the park bench watching the sunset. A bouquet of yellow and lavender flowers on your lap. He had done just what Rouge had advised “take her somewhere nice, buy some flowers and confess your feelings”, except he was having trouble with the last part. For the first time in his life he felt... unsure, what if it was all in his mind? What if Rouge was wrong? Shadow couldn't bear to lose someone special, not again.
“This feels so good” you said leaning into him, your head on his you felt his body stiffen against your touch, your little finger on his hand seeking to intertwine your fingers with his. Maybe it was the heat of the moment or the dizziness your scent gave him, maybe it was the lavender haze in his mind, but somehow he found the courage to speak.
“I... I like you.”
“I like you too Shadow.”
“No, I mean, I-I think I love you.”
“Who'd have known? Who'd have known? When you flash up on my phone I no longer feel alone Let's just stay, let's just stay”
You looked at him, your face tilted to one side and a slight blush starting to grow as the butterflies in your stomach flutter uncontrollably. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine this would happen but as you tried to keep it cool you couldn't help but let a small smile creep across your face as Shadow confessed his feelings. “I think I love you too” you said intertwining your fingers with his as if a promise had been sealed between the two of you.
“Now let's just see how it goes Let's see how it goes”

#shadow the ultimate lifeform#shadow the hedgehog x reader#shadow x reader#shadow fanfic#shadow the hedeghog#shadow the hedgehog#sonic fanfiction#sth au#mobian x human#sth#shadow#shadow x you#WhodHaveKnownShadowversion
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𝒍𝒆𝒕'𝒔 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒐𝒏 ✶⋆.˚
⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖
💓what you FS does to turn you on💓
-trying something new here-
₊˚⊹ ᰔ౨ৎ₊this is just a reminder that tarot isn’t permanent or set in stone YOU decide how your life goes no one or nothing else now take a deep breath and choose the pile that calls to you ₊˚⊹ ᰔ౨ৎ₊˚⊹
(dont worry i’m still answering asks ill just i’m sending them privately now)
💋 tip ur reader 💋
₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊
₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊
Pile One - Ace of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, Knight of Wands, Six of Pentacles
- Right off the bat your FS is always horny i don’t even know what it is it could be you or it could be that they just have so much pent up energy and you’re the only one he feels comfortable letting it all out with.
- there’s so much wand energy here and i keep hearing that song “thinking with my d!6k” like literally he just cannot keep it in his pants for you.
- to turn you on he gets all up in your space he’ll come up behind you and grind himself on you make sure you feel just how excited or horny he is for you
- your FS will whisper all the things he wants to do to you and what he wants you to do to him he’s very good at telling you what to do. very dominant
- your FS will give you gentle touches all over your body he’ll tell you how pretty or gorgeous you are and how much he’s so in love with you
- he’s very obsessed with being touchy-feely with you to turn you on
- he may even give you long massages to turn you on. he’ll probably want to relax FA you and make you guys feel close he wants you to know that it’s not just about sex when the two of you are being intimate he genuinely just loves being close to you 🥹💓
- to turn you on he’ll hold you very close he’ll definitely loveeeeeee love love having you in his lap. i just keep seeing his hands all over you. squeezing and touching and grabbing at whatever they can.
- i’m also getting your FS is such a freaking tease ! to turn you on your FS will literally touch you all over EXCEPT for exactly where you need him most.
⋅───��༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Pile Two - Page of Wands,Queen of Wands, The Fool, Judgment
- Your Fs is very golden retriever vibes when they wanna turn you on there’s sloppy kisses all over your face and neck they’ll tell you how much they love and miss you and how they want to be near you and in you.
- their hands will be all over you trying their hardest to get your close off when he’s wants you to want him they’ll be so rushed to get you under them
- the two of you will have a very exciting and active sexual relationship and you’ll always be all over each other people around you think it’s gross but you guys are just so physically attractive to each other.
- to turn you on your future spouse will use your kinks and fantasies to his advantage he knows them very well because he knows you very well and use them to get you in the mood
- they’ll use your fantasies and kinks to get in your head and make you melt under him
- Pile 2 your FS will take turning you on as a game (not in a bad way) they’ll think it’s so easy to get you all excited and needy for him.
- they take a really relaxed approach to turning you on he likes to take his time he likes to make you feel as needy for him as he can as much as possible
- i think your FS knows you so so well that they’ll know all the little things that turn you on
- for example if you like his arms he’ll like roll his sleeves up slowly or if you like his voice he’ll whisper random things in your ear you know just to get you going
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Pile Three - Justice, King of Cup, Page of Cups
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
- Your FS IS FINE ASF 😤😤 like literally straight outta romance novels like riding on a white horse shirtless kind hot 🥵
- they’re very equal when it comes to freakin anything you do to them they’ll wanna do to you but 10000x better
- i think you’ll always be pretty turned on when you’re with or around your partner just because of how beautiful they but to get you going anymore they’ll pretty much follow your lead
- your Fs is the type of person to mirror you exactly they won’t do anything they think you don’t like or aren’t 100% into
- Your FS may or may not be your first sexual encounter or partner if so they teach you and show you what kinda things you like and they’ll help you explore your sexuality in all ways
- if your FS isn’t your first time they will definitely be your best and will show you just how good sex can be
- To turn you on your FS they will massage you calm you down relax you.
- you maybe the kind of person that has a specific set of needs before hopping right into bed and your FS will be very understanding about that
- Your FS Will always make sure you’re comfortable and happy and consenting before getting anything started
- Your FS is very understanding about any sort of situation you come from they won’t judge you or make you feel bad for your past or anything you make like or want him to do for you or with you.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
#black tarot readers#tarot asks#leovenuslatina#tarot#pick a card tarot#tarotblr#daily tarot#tarot cards#pick a pile#tarot daily#tarot online#free tarot#tarot love#tarot witch#love tarot free#love reading#tarot deck#tarot reading#love tarot reading#tarot pac#pac tarot#18+ mdni#18+ pac#pac reading#tarot reader#tarotcommunity#latino tarotblr
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Everyone knows that Light and L matched each other's freak but I think their dynamic in the musical (the Japanese ver specifically) is underrated. Like it's not super different from canon but they just had this extra edge of Violence that we never quite saw from the more methodical and careful mindgames in canon death note and I think it's great. Like, yes, they did declare in canon that they will bring each other to justice, yes L says he wants to send Kira to his execution, but in the lyrics of the musical they both outright say multiple times that they just want to straight up Kill each other. It's direct the whole way through. There's more mutual contempt. This game is about nothing more than simply being the first one to Kill the Other (they actually use the word "殺し合い" (koroshiau) or "to kill each other" to describe their game (translated as "murderous ... game")).
(Sidenote but all those references about wanting to send each other to Hell?? Beautiful)
Yeah this is a battle of justice and ideals, yes that clash is a key part of their final confrontation at the end of the musical, but throughout their duets (or even songs like The Game Begins where they're singing by themselves) there's this near singleminded desire to just fucking End each other. It's fucking Raw and it's great.
Also THIS FUCKING SCENE?? THIS SCENE FROM SECRETS AND LIES. Iconic. Actually Insane. My jaw dropped. Light looks like a crazy bitch it's beautiful.
Um. Also. Obligatory Playing His Game (yknow the gay sex song) lines dump. It basically says everything I just said above in like 9 lines. You see what I mean right.
In canon they're playing a game of mental chess, trying to use everyone around them to finally catch the other as their end goal, but in the musical you really do feel like all they see is each other. They would probably beat each other to death with their fists if it came down to that. Idk they're just so excited and fired up about their little game in the musical and it's so unhinged and fun and special and I love it. It's like the writers for the musical decided to kick their murderous intent up a couple notches and the result is absolutely Beautiful.
I also think that the intensity of their rivalry in the beginning just makes the wind-down of The Way It Ends soo much better. It's such a good contrast to their previous duets where they try to sing over each other (Secrets and Lies & Stalemate) or with each other but basically at the top of their lungs (Playing His Game). It feels like there's both a quiet mutual understanding but also an underlying disappointment that the game is finally over. In canon, L's death Is instead the peak of their game, the moment he gets confirmation that Light is Kira is the exact same moment that he dies. In the jdrama it's almost sudden, how L dies, after the quiet moment has already passed. But in the musical L's death, ironically, Is the one quieter moment in their game. Their peak was the game itself. It was Secrets and Lies and Playing His Game. But the end of the game in the musical is not a victory, it's just (as L says) the end of everything they'd been wanting up until this point.
Uh. Fuck it. Clip from the Kenji Urai version because I just love his delivery here. His tone just goes so well with the silence and the sound of the clock ticking. You see what I mean right.
Their rivalry in the musical may have been more shortlived but like Damn they were really enjoying every second of it. They were truly insane about each other until the very end. (Like despite everything I just said about the ending it was still unhinged as fuck. Light Making L Shoot Him and then Making L Shoot Himself with L's Own Hand?? Holy shit man. What the fuck /pos)
Musical Light and L your game might've been shorter but you'll always be famous <33 Please never inflict what you had on anyone else ever please stay in hell forever thank you
#death note#lawlight#dn#light yagami#l lawliet#death note musical#sorry this just ended up being a musical screenshot dump and also this is Extremely all over the place i'm just in love okay#btw this was all pointed out by my irl either after secrets and lies or playing his game when we watched the musical together a while ago#and i was like “OHHHHH YOURE A GENIUS ”#got reminded of this on a random whim and like. man i Love that for them actually. two freaks </3#usually i'm thinking more about the hidden sincere and tragic sides of their relationship in the other medias#but man their musical dynamic was also something special#coda analyzes stuff
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Okay I may sound insane but could I request a one shot or short story whatever you are more comfortable writing. The premises behind the story is the reader is an apothecary witch from Agatha’s past. Agatha has asked her to join them in walking the road as well as the others. She reluctantly agreed but not without attitude. The problem with going on this journey at least for the reader is that she’s not just a scorn witch from Agatha‘s past, but one that she would have considered a friend along time ago. Agatha would always come to her in order to be healed or for a remedy due to whatever difficult situation she got herself into overtime. They grew closer together, but Agatha made it apparent that she wasn’t capable of the type of relationship the reader was wanting from her. Not to the readers knowledge, but because of everything that had happened between her and Rio.
How the story starts is that they are currently on the road after completing the second trial in the studio and healing teen from his injury . At the campfire while all the different witches are trading their battle stories you listen to Agatha speak and then Rio. Somewhat connecting the dots on your own, but not fully believing it, not until you follow them both and watch the scene that unfolds between them in the fourth episode. It’s then that the reader realizes that maybe Agatha was always capable of feeling that type of emotional vulnerability but the reader just wasn’t worth it. How it ends is really up to you. It could be somehow Agatha figured out that the reader was spying on them and then fixes it in a sweet way to show that the reader is worth it. or it could be Agatha completely denying any change between her and Rio that she was only using manipulation tactics to see if teen was her son, a mix of both. I’m not picky.
Once again, if this is too insane, please ignore it. I do understand it’s completely random, but I do love your writing style and do you think you would do it absolute justice!!!!
Paring: Agatha Harkness x reader
Summary: look at the request ^
Warnings; angst…
Word Count: 2.0k
Part 2
A/n: I hope you like this anon! I know you lowkey wanted a happy ending but angst took over. I’m open to making a part two if you’d like! Also this originally had nothing to do with the song “The Greatest” but then I added a part of the lyrics so…
“Jen! Y/n! Do something please!” Agatha pleaded, holding Teen’s hand tightly. You and Jennifer looked at each other, trying to figure out something that would heal his wound and help him survive. You both quickly made a substance and spread it over his wound. He groaned in pain but the wound healed and he continued to sleep. You all gently picked him up and placed him in a better place to rest. Agatha stayed by his side, refusing to leave and the rest of you went to make a bonfire.
You sat down around the fire for an awkward moment before Alice chose to speak up to start a conversation. She shared her experience with her curse and her scars and soon everyone told their experiences except Rio. You didn’t like her from the second she dug herself out of the ground. You could tell there was immense tension between her and Agatha and you detested it.
“How is he?” Alice’s voice brought you back to reality. You looked up and saw Agatha taking a seat next to Rio.
“Mouthy,” she replied sarcastically.
“That’s a good sign,” Lilia commented.
“Agatha,” Jen started, “Why don’t you show us your battle scars?” Agatha hesitated for a moment before she started rolling up the sleeve of her left arm. Your eyes diverted to Rio who chuckled while she gave Agatha a knowing look.
“Knitting needle to the elbow,” she said, showing off the scar on her elbow, “You ever heard of the daughters of liberty?” of course you knew of them, you were the one that healed said scar but the rest shook their heads having no idea, “Exactly.” All the witches chuckled her light joke and you could tell Agatha enjoyed it. The joyful moment suddenly came to a stop when Rio decided to speak up.
“I’ve got a scar.” All eyes turned to Rio as she spoke. Agatha’s expression changed, her face becoming serious and a bit irritated.
“No you don’t,” Agatha was quick to deny. How would she know that? You thought.
“Yes I do,” she insisted, “…A long time ago, I loved someone,” she side eyed Agatha, “…and I had to do something I did not want to do even though it was my job,” she emphasized the last word and you saw Agatha looked away from the corner of your eye. She clenched her jaw, her eyes fixed elsewhere. The other witches exchanged glances, sensing the tension between the two. Rio continued to speak.
“And it hurt them,” there was a pause, “…she’s my scar.” It wasn’t hard to figure out who she was talking about and it angered you even further. Why did Agatha lie to you? Were they still together when you fell in love? Were you just not enough?
“I’m gonna go stretch my legs,” Agatha said standing and walking away, Rio hot on her trail. Curiosity got the better of you and decided to follow them, the worst decision you could have made.
You watched their interaction, the hug, the loving look, and before their lips touched you walked away. You had seen enough. You fought with every bone in your body trying to keep your sobs at bay. You felt so betrayed but you shouldn’t. Agatha had made it crystal clear that she couldn’t pursue a commitment relationship with you like you wanted. That she wouldn’t. It hurt to hear but maybe it was for the best, especially if she was still messing around with Rio.
You made your way back to the campfire, trying to hide the tears in your eyes. The others looked at you, noticing the change in your demeanor.
“Are you alright?” Lilia asked, her voice filled with concern.
“I’m f-fine,” your voice cracked a bit, “That last trial just had me a little shaken, that’s all.” Alice frowned and shifted closer to you, rubbing your back soothingly.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Mhm…” You gave her a reassuring smile before sitting back down by the fire. Alice didn’t seem convinced but didn’t press further. The others exchanged glances, clearly worried about you but they didn’t say anything. Soon Agatha came back taking a seat next to you with no trace of Rio but you remained silent. Agatha looked at you, noticing your lack of response. She was oblivious to the facts that you had seen her with Rio.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” You didn’t reply and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern. She gently placed her hand on your shoulder, trying to get your attention.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged her hand off. She was taken aback by your cold response. She was used to you being more open and warm, not this.
“Bullshit,” she said firmly, crossing her arms.
“It’s not like you would fucking care,” you spat out, getting up and walking away. She wanted to go after you but Rio appeared and held her back.
“Let her cool off. I’m sure it’s nothing.” She said into Agatha’s ear.
“Yeah…maybe you’re right.”
After everyone was rested, you all continued to walk the road onto the next trial. Usually you would have stayed by Agatha's side but you chose to stay with Lilia and Alice this time. You thought Agatha hadn't noticed, too deep in a conversation with Rio but she did and she was not happy at all.
Agatha’s eyes narrowed as she watched you walk with Lilia and Alice. She tried to keep her cool, but the sight of you ignoring her and choosing to stay away from her made her feel frustrated and angry. She couldn’t understand why you were acting this way and why you were avoiding her. Her fist balled up tightly when she saw you laughing with Alice. Rio noticed Agatha’s reaction and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Calm down, sweetheart. You’re going to give yourself wrinkles.”
“I just don’t understand what happened!” Agatha said, frustrated. Rio rolled her eyes before cupping Agatha’s face, making her look at her.
“Don’t worry about her. She’s probably just throwing a tantrum.” Agatha’s face was filled with irritation as she listened to Rio’s words.
“Tantrum? She’s never like this! I’ve never seen her this upset before, she’s avoiding me, she’s acting like a brat.”
“Relax, Agatha,” she kissed her cheek, “Just focus on me.” Her irritation slowly melted away as Rio kissed her cheek. She looked at her and took a deep breath, trying to push her worries about you to the back of her mind.
“You’re right,” she said, forcing a smile. She needed to keep Rio happy for now, just until they got to the end of the road.
Your eyes had wandered to the two women at some point and you regretted it immediately, seeing Rio kiss Agatha’s cheek. Rio looked in your direction while doing it with a smirk on her face. You wanted to lounge at her but for what? For Agatha? She didn’t want you anyway, you just had to come to peace with that.
Rio caught your eye and noticed the hurt and jealousy in your expression. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She knew she was getting to you, and that only made her more determined to keep Agatha away from you.
You all eventually found the next trial inside another house. You all split up into pairs to find some sort of clue. Alice and Teen, Jen and Lilia and of course, Agatha and Rio. Lilia offered to go with you but you declined and said you could take care of yourself if something happened.
She had looked at you with concern but respected your decision. She nodded and went off with Jen to search the house. You were left alone, walking through the house and looking for clues. You could hear the others calling out to each other as they searched different rooms. Suddenly, you heard footsteps approaching you and you already knew who it was.
“Agatha, shouldn’t you be with Rio?” She appeared from behind you, her expression serious.
“Why are you avoiding me?”
“You seemed busy with Rio, that’s all.”
“You saw that…” she said, realizing what you were referring to.
“Yeah. You know, I thought you said you couldn’t pursue the type of relationship I wanted from you. Now I know you simply wouldn’t do it, with me at least. Why don’t you go back to your precious green witch. I’m sure she’s already missing you.” Agatha’s expression softened and she looked hurt by your words.
“It’s not like that…”
“Please,” you laughed, shaking your head, “Save it. I literally saw you two about to kiss.”
“You don’t understand…” she stepped closer.
“Agatha, what is there to understand? You lied to me. You said your heart was jaded and then I find out you have an ex lover who you seem to still be in love with.”
“Don’t act like you know everything. You don’t understand the situation between Rio and me.” Her eyes flashed with irritation.
“Then lay it out for me Harkness!” She clenched her jaw, her hands balling into fists. She took a deep breath before speaking.
“Rio and I…we have a complicated history. We were together a long time ago, and it didn’t end well. We had a falling out and we haven’t spoken in years. Seeing her again has brought up a lot of old feelings and emotions that I didn’t know how to deal with.”
“…do you love her?”
“No, of course not-” she said without hesitation.
“Then what’s the deal? Does she know that? Because she seems to know the effect you two have on me.”
“My sweet Y/n,” she cupped your face, “I just need her and the rest of the witches to get me to the end and then you and I can be together-”
“It’s not that simple Agatha,” you shoved her off, finally letting the tears fall, “I don’t even know if I can trust you. And what of her, huh? You’re just gonna leave her hanging? How do I know you won’t do the same with me? How do I know you’re not just using me?!”
“I’m not using you! I care about you, Y/n. You have to believe me.” She reached out to touch you but stopped herself.
“How can I?! You have a reputation, Agatha!” Her face fell, hurt by your words.
“You don’t trust me because of my reputation? I thought you knew me better than that…”
“So did I...” your voice broke at the end. She was speechless. She knew you were right. She had hurt you, and now you didn’t trust her. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks.*
“I…I don’t know what to say…”
“Then don’t say anything,” you tried to walk past her but she quickly grabbed your arm, stopping you from walking away.
“Please, don’t go. We need to talk about this.”
“What is there to talk about? You’ve made your choice and it clearly isn’t me.”
“That’s not true! I do care about you. I just…I don’t know what to do. Seeing Rio again has brought up all these memories and feelings that I thought I buried a long time ago. I don’t know how to handle it all.”
“Then come back once you’ve figured it out,” you roughly freed yourself from her grip and walked away to find Lilia and Jen. You didn’t want to walk away. You wanted to cling to her but you couldn’t get yourself into a situation where you would eventually get hurt…again.
Agatha watched you walk away, her heart breaking. She wanted to call out to you, to beg you to stay, but she knew she had messed up. She felt a mix of guilt and regret, knowing that she had hurt you deeply. She sank to the ground, her head in her hands. She replayed the argument over and over in her head, regretting every word she said. She wanted to make things right with you, but she knew it wouldn’t be easy. As much as she cared about you, she couldn’t deny the history she had with Rio. She was at a crossroads, torn between two people who both meant something to her.
Taglist; @oh-no-bummer @wandasreallover @polaris-likethestar
Agatha Harkness Taglist Sign Up Sheet
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no surprises - ʟɴ⁴
based on this request from @jxnellat - thankyou lovely!!
in which, lando's bias opinion regarding the open red bull seat proves to stop a new friendship blossoming - until he proves himself wrong.
contains: unconscious bias, smallest bit of angst, shit-talking, carlos not to red bull (NOO), justice for logan because i give him an extra year in f2, mentions of christian horner (AH), social media, fluff, lando admitting he's wrong, mentions of struggles with mental health, williams not being shit.
platonic lando norris x named female character (senna hamilton)
carlos sainz jr's first choice was always going to be red bull. why wouldn't it be? the team was dominating the formula 1 world, and he was sure they wouldn't fuck him over like ferrari had many, many times.
but, tough luck for him.
before he could even think about getting into talks with christian and helmut - the world was rocked with the news of formula one's first female driver, moving to her dad's previous rival team.
senna hamilton might as well have broken the media. she was currently racing for williams alongside alex albon, but had no word from her superiors as to whether they were going to extend her contract with williams or whether there was any interest from mercedes.
so, she looked elsewhere.
and honestly, it came as a shock when her manager explained that christian horner wanted to arrange a meeting to discuss her seat for 2025 - due to sergio perez's less-than-admirable performance in the first half of the 2024 season.
either way, it was safe to say, that the hamilton family had given the world yet another reason to look forward to the 2025 season, and also given them all aneurysms in the process.
lando norris wasn't one for commenting on other driver's situations, but when it came to carlos sainz jr, he didn't hesistate as much as he usually would.
"so, lando, as we know you're good friends with carlos, and well, there's now one less team for him to go to - with senna going to red bull next year - can we just get your thoughts on that?" the blonde woman asked him, steadily holding the microphone out in front of him.
"well, obviously i think carlos deserves the best available seat possible, and that would have most likely been the red bull seat - so i think he should be in the red bull - but, i do think it will be interesting to see what senna can do in the red bull alongside max, but i'm just hoping that carlos can also get a good seat for next year." lando nodded, slightly stumbling over his words as his PR manager side-eyed him.
"okay, so you think that carlos deserves to be in the red bull?"
"yeah, i do - not that senna doesn't deserve the red bull seat, i'm sure she does, but i'm just going off how well i know each of them. obviously carlos and i have known each other since 2019, i've only known senna since 2022 and well, we don't really talk much." lando shrugged, pursing his lips.
"okay, thankyou lando." the woman nodded, before he and his PR manager headed back toward the mclaren hospitality.
his PR manager looked at the interviewer as the two walked away, she had a bad feeling about this.
meanwhile, the joyful tune of 'taste' by sabrina carpenter blasted out of senna's driver room in the mercedes garage, as the british girl bounced around her room, dancing to the song - when her PR manager, cameron, walked in.
"i've got some interesting news, sen."
well, as hard as lando tried not to give them that headline they so badly wanted - he somehow still did.
'senna doesn't deserve the red bull seat claims star formula 1 driver, lando norris.'
now, senna wasn't usually a confrontational person, but this was bang out of order, and she definitely didn't expect it from someone she didn't know that well. therefore, she requested a meeting with lando and his PR manager.
"so, would you like to explain this headline please?" senna asked as she slid a piece of paper over to him, the headline printed along with the article - she felt like she was interrogating someone in a james bond movie.
"what about it?" lando said gruffly, not entirely sure how to react to this situation.
"this is the equivalent of me saying you didn't deserve your win in miami, and then everyone agreeing with me, lando." she pursed her lips, earning a side-eye from her own manager.
"i don't really know what you want me to say?" the mclaren driver furrowed his eyebrows. "i never explicitly said that."
"i know, i watched the interview, but you might as well have." a soft scoff left her lips. "i don't actually care if you think i deserve the seat or not, i would just like you to undo this. i face enough prejudice and discrimination as it is, but i certainly didn't expect it from a fellow competitor, i'm disappointed quite frankly, lando."
her words hit like a tonne of fucking bricks - how could he be so fucking blind? lando thought that she'd asked for this meeting to have a go at him and tell him how wrong he was, but once again, he was wrong.
suddenly, he felt almost... sympathetic for her? yes, he also experienced a lot of hate online and he knew how much it affected his mental health - but if one of his competitors had said something like he had? he'd be a fucking wreck on the inside.
"oh, um, okay, yeah." he said, a little quieter as the realisations hit him. "yeah, i'm sorry, senna."
"i don't want an apology, lando." she shrugged, a small smile on her lips. "i just want this to go away."
liked by georgerussell, charlesleclerc, maxverstappen33, and 421,294 others. sennahamilton ... strong weekend in belgium, another good haul of points with alex in P8 and myself in P7. time for a much needed break after a great first half of the season, see you all in zandvoort!!
view comments ...
alex_albon ... williams are washed who???
user1 ... double points!!!
user2 ... she better not get P7 in a red bull next year
↳ landonorris ... i'd like to see you try and finish a race?
↳ liked by sennahamilton
mercedesamgf1 ... things we love to see - roscoeee!!
user3 ... red bull are seriously desperate after the first half of the season, aren't they?
↳ sennahamilton ... why wouldn't you be desperate for me?
↳ liked by landonorris
landonorris has started following you!
sennahamilton has started following you!
"good morning miss hamilton." a recently familiar voice chimed in her ears, and then the unmistakable bright papaya hoodie appeared in her peripheral vision.
"good morning lando." she smiled, sounding a little tired of his recent apology antics.
"i have an urgent question for you." he said, falling into step with her as they walked past the haas hospitality.
"go on." she nodded, walking straight past the williams garage.
"would you be so kind as to accompany me back to monaco this evening after the race?"
"what?" she furrowed her eyebrows, stopping in her tracks.
"you live in monaco, correct?" lando stood in front of her, maybe a foot or so away from her.
"yes." senna nodded, wetting her lips briefly with her tongue.
"and i also live in monaco, i've got a few extra spaces on my jet, and was wondering if you'd like to join me." he explained. "it'd be me, you, max, daniel, charles, and carlos."
"ah, okay, i see." she nodded. "what's brought this on?"
"well, since we're friends now, i thought- well i don't really know i just wanted to know if you wanted to come with us or not."
"uhm... yeah, okay." senna knew she was a little unsure at this sudden gesture, but she went along with it regardless. "i'll let my dad know, but yeah, thanks."
"cool!" lando smiled, trying to sound as nonchalant about it as possible - he failed miserably. "uh, we're meeting at the airport at eight in the evening, and there'll be food on the plane."
"right, okay." she responded as they began to walk again. "not to sound fussy or anything, but the food... there won't be any fish, will there?"
"ew, of course not, i hate fish." he almost grimaced at the thought, but then his brain immediately clocked onto the fact that she sounded as equally as disgusted as him at the idea. "i'm assuming you don't like fish either?"
"i'd rather skin myself alive than eat fish, lando."
why hadn't he ever bothered to talk to her before?
liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, maxverstappen33, and 513,482 others.
sennahamilton ... the whole point of this post is so i can show everyone how weirdly adorable lando and daniel are together - that's all.
view comments ...
landonorris ... i fly you home and you call me weird? last time bitch
↳ sennahamilton ... woah i also called you adorable so shut up
↳ user1 ... lando and senna are friends??
maxverstappen33 ... how come you always say no to me when i ask you to fly with me??
↳ sennahamilton ... i don't want to be friends with you :)
↳ landonorris ... this means you want to be friends with me??
danielricciardo ... i have no recollection of taking those photos
user4 ... i feel as if we might see a group-grid holiday this summer
liked by sennahamilton and carlossainz55
"miss hamilton!" lando exclaimed loudly as he skipped up to her in the quiet airport - making her cheeks grow pink in embarrassment.
"lando, shut up." senna groaned, internally praying people around her hadn't noticed that it was, in fact, her and lando.
"sorry, where is your positive attitude?" he teased, a sharp edge of sarcasm to his voice.
"in the plane." she mumbled, dragging her pink suitcase behind her as they walked toward their gate together.
"come on, sen, we're going to disneyland!" the brit cheered, making an amused smile creep onto senna's lips, mostly the mclaren driver's child-like excitement. "actually, i have something to admit to you."
"oh god, go ahead."
"i never thought you didn't deserve the red bull seat, sen." he shrugged, his tone changing but a smile still on his face. "and if anything, i knew you deserved it - maybe more than carlos."
she laughed with a small wink, "i won't tell him you said that."
ah i actually really enjoyed writing this!! the social media parts especially, so maybe i'll start doing more social media fics??
#whorelandonorris#fanfiction#f1 fanfic#formula 1#formula one#lando norris x reader#lando norris imagine#lando norris x you#lando norris fanfic#lando norris fluff#f1 2024#mclaren
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Emily’s Follower Appreciation Event 🌷 ⤷ 💝 I GOT YOU: a f.r.i.e.n.d.s playlist
when colors turn to shades of grey with the weight of the world at the end of the day, oh, what would I do without you?
for @userlaylivia ♡ playlist / songs ↘
Friends is a show about friends who become your family, so this is a playlist of songs for those people; songs I hope would bring comfort, reassurance, and strength.
SATELLITE CALL by Sara Bareilles / "this is so you'll know the sound / of someone who loves you from the ground / tonight you're not alone at all / this is me sending out my satellite call." Starting this playlist with a reminder that no matter where you are, you're not alone—I'm reaching out with my heart, sending out a satellite call to you anywhere you are, reminding you I'm here.
PLEASE STAY by Lucy Dacus / One of my favorite parts of this song is when she sings "call me if you need a friend or never talk to me again, but please stay." It feels like such pure, unselfish love—if you need me I'm here, or if you choose to never talk to me again, that's okay as long as you stay.
CALL YOUR MOM by Noah Kahan & Lizzy McAlpine / "Don't let this darkness fool you / all lights turned off can be turned on / I'll drive, I'll drive all night / I'll call your mom." Whatever you need, I'll do it, as long as you get through this with me.
BE STILL by the Fray / This was sent to me by someone when I was having a really hard time, and I remember crying on my bed, listening to this song as though it could surround me in a hug. To me, it's a hug in song form.
SURROUND YOU by Echosmith / "Wherever you are / whenever you need me / just crawl in my arms / oh, and I'll hold you beside me / I want my love to surround you."
HAS ANYONE EVER WRITTEN ANYTHING FOR YOU by Stevie Nicks / This is another song that was sent to me by someone and I'm so glad; I probably never would've heard it otherwise. The lyrics are so beautiful. My favorites are: "so if not for me then do it for yourself / if not for me then do it for the world." Find a reason to keep going... no matter what it is, it's enough.
YOU MATTER TO ME by Jessie Mueller & Drew Gehling / Even though this song has some romantic undertones, it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic. And it's one of my favorites because the message is so simple and so profound: you matter to me. What you say matters, your very existence matters to me.
FOR GOOD by Idina Menzel & Kristin Chenoweth / Nothing I could say could ever do this song justice, and the lyrics really say it all.
WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU by Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors / The featured lyrics in this gifset are from this song, and it has such a beautifully simple message: what would I do without you?
LET YOUR HEART HOLD FAST by Fort Atlantic / "This too shall pass" in song form.
CALL ME ON YOUR WAY HOME by Emily James / There are so many was to say "I love you," including "text me when you wake up" and "call me on your way home."
SOMEONE WHO LOVES ME by Sara Bareilles / Some of the most beautiful lyrics I've ever heard and what I hope all of my friends feel with someone in their lives, whether it be me or someone else.
I GOT YOU by Leona Lewis / "For better, for worse / I got you."
FEELS LIKE by Gracie Abrams / One of my favorite songs to begin with and all the more so when I found out it was written about her best friend. I love the feeling of wonder it describes—"met you at the right time / this is what it feels like."
I'M ONLY ME WHEN I'M WITH YOU by Taylor Swift / Such a beautiful way of describing friendship and a beautiful type of friendship to experience, one I hope all my friends experience.
WITH YOU by Colorfire / This song always reminds me of friendship because when I graduated middle school, one of the friends in my friend group made a video of us to this song. I like how it says "keep turning, turning;" there's a feeling of time passing in the song, but that friendship and relationship stays constant.
SWEETER THAN FICTION by Taylor Swift / "I'll be one of the many saying look at you now, look at you now / I'll be one of the many saying you made us proud, you made us proud."
RAINBOW by Kacey Musgraves / A final hope for this playlist: hope that you'll make your way to the other side, that you'll be able to see the rainbow that's been there, maybe hidden out of view. A promise that when you can't have hope, I'll have enough hope for the both of us until that hope—that rainbow—is once again visible.
#my gifs#fae#song recs#tvarchive#friends#friendsedit#f.r.i.e.n.d.s#filmtvcentral#usersitcom#fourteenthofaugust#iwonderifyouwonderaboutme#renegadesstuff#singinprincess#teddywestside#tuserkers#userairi#usercate#userjessika#userkayjay#userspencereid
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prompt: your best friend John Doe hacked you into a universe where hell is much different in your mind

“OOF-” you said as you press the buttons on your ps5. A portal opens as blocky person with yellow skin exits out of the portal looking at you. “JD!” You said with a “:P” face. “noob…you get to get out the house more…” John Doe said with a static voice as he picked up your bloxy body and thrown you into a portal as you kept smiling
“:) yay I’m falling.” You said out loud as you felt yourself fall in the air. You fell but landed on your feet like always. You look around to see that it smell like must, ass, and most importantly fire. You walked around just smiling as demons and sinners looked as if you were some weirdo…..
You came across the hotel and applied for a job to be the schedule manager. You got a red outfit to match vaggie and Charlie as you grab a flat board and started to write who gets to do what.
Noob! Reader is the type to pull out a cannon out of fucking no where and fuck someone’s life up🦆(a/n: pinkie pie type shit)
I can see Alastor watching you do a r6 dance as he just looked at you weirdly with a strained smile. You literally said out loud “/E DANCE!” And started to dance 😭
Lucifer got scared because he accidentally let you dove off a roof…but you respawned with a blue force field around you making Lucifer think you were an angel.
You love the egg boiz as they love you too! You do color sheets with them as Pentious brings you guys some cookies like a mom💗
You had onetime pulled a chainsaw out because husk said he needed to get a haircut on his fur. You literally pullled it out of no while husk jolted looking at your crazed face as you reved it up.
“You said you needed a hair cut!!” “I SAID HAIR CUT! NOT END MY LIFE YOU FUCKER!” Husk yells back as you chase him smiling like “:D” with the chainsaw. It was giving scooby doo as you kept chasing him.
Lucifer would be weirded out with Noob as noob just sticks their tongue out like the :P face while Lucifer pokes you curious about your game like box body.
I imagine noob! Reader showing Charlie a picture of bacon hair boy who is doing orange justice in the back. “Oh is that your friend?” Charlie says with a nervous smile at how your friend’s hair literally looks like bacon or is. You nodded excitedly as you wave your phone happily at bacon hair boy.
You blasted “it’s raining tacos” outside of the Vee’s tower when learning your friends had opps in there. So you wanted to annoy them.
This lasted for 2 days until vaggie had found you and took you home as you screamed out the song LOUD AND PROUD
I can imagine Lucifer making you a duck hat that says “don’t duck with me!” It’s so cute 🦆
I headcannon noob!reader to be the most dangerous being in hell as they literally been to every other gun and fighting game of the roblox universe.
You know those badass Roblox games with those cool combat moves? That’s what you use. 🤨
You grabbed a sinner’s face and run dragging their body in the ground with a smile. You lifted your arm and swing them around as they flew to who knows where as the crew behind you had an either shocked or entertained face.
One time Charlie and you were shopping in a mall and you peaked over the boarder to keep people from falling. “I wonder if I can die from this height.” “NOOB NO-” that’s when you had to get a kid leash on you anytime you go out with the staff.
It was a nice day as Angel was throwing knives to increase his skills. You walked by him curiously grabbing two knives and throwing them at the same time. Making it hit the bullseye as Angel looked at you shock.
“Whoa kid, how did you learn to do that?” Angel asked pulling out the knives you made in the bullseye. “I was murder once!” You said with a happy smile as you walked away. Angel dust has the most confused face ever(picture below)

I headcannon noob!reader to be like Kirby. So like noob pulls out a knife to be murder, and then they could pull out a gun as Sheriff✨🦆
“Pew pew pew” you said as you stood on the balcony of the hotel as you shot at random sinners. Alastor appeared behind you confused but laughs at the misery of the sinner running when a missed shot almost killed them.
One time Angel gave you a Tommy gun not suspecting you know how to use it….you literally started to blast sinners away-
yeah Angel never gave you his Tommy gun ever again.
As you stayed in hell, you didn’t know that you would be spied on by the angels as Adam laughs at how chaotic and naive you are.
You’re so use to bullshit in Roblox you just stand there like “🧍🏾” as shit goes on. Literally when Charlie was panicking when the extermination was due in 6 months
During a uno game you ate a card as husk was trying to win but forfeited in anger as you screamed out uno. Leaving the missing card out of your mouth….it got quiet so quick as husk chased after you.
Niffty finds you amazing as you both have crazed tendencies. You both literally cause made chaos around places 🤭
The overlords are confused when they see Lucifer bring you to a meeting for once. You just sat there eating a taco. “Ello.” You said waving your blocky arm at them.
When watching the horror movies with the crew, you don’t react at all with Alastor as you been in lots of horror games with that one guy named Guest…you miss home and him.
I headcannon that you once accidentally summoned John Doe because you sneezed and he literally stood there as you hugged him. The rest of the crew was confused thinking he was your brother.
#roblox noob#noob x reader#Roblox x reader#Roblox#noob! reader#hazbin hotel x Roblox#hazbin hotel x noob#hotel hazbin x noob! reader#crossover#hazbin hotel x female reader#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel x male reader#hazbin hotel headcanons#hazbin hotel imagine#hazbin hotel lucifer x reader#hazbin hotel x platonic!reader#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel x you#hazbin hotel adam x reader#hazbin x you#hazbin alastor#hazbin angel dust#hazbin lucifer#hazbin charlie#hazbin husk#hazbin vaggie
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hi love 🫶🏻 could you write spencer x reader inspired by taylor's "renegade"? there is one fic like that but spencer is as the one taylor sings about there and i was thinking you could maybe do the opposite where reader is the one who this song is about? idk if my explanation makes sense 😭 anyway, have a nice day!!
Messy - S.R
a/n: okay i wasn't sure if this is exactly what you wanted but i hope i did it justice and im so thankful you sent me this request <3 im so sorry it took soooo long for me to get to it, ilysm i hope you're having the best day
also this one is so near and dear to my heart like i choked myself up writing this hahahah so i hope you all enjoy
pairings: spencer reid x reader
warnings: depression, unhealthy coping methods, hopeful ending <3
wc: 1.5k
The clock on the wall ticked quietly, a soft sound that somehow seemed louder in the silence of the apartment. The hour hand had long since crept past midnight, but you stayed where you were--curled up on the couch, knees pulled to your chest, a forgotten book spread open in your lap. This is where you had been for an amount of time that you were embarrassed to admit.
The words on the page blurred together, your eyes tracing the same sentence for the fifth time. You weren't really reading. Not anymore.
The sound of Spencer's footsteps broke the relative quiet as he appeared out of the darkened hallway. You didn't need to look up to know he was watching you, a concerned crease in his brow and sleep tousling his hair. You could feel his gaze--soft, searching and damningly knowing.
"You're still awake." It wasn't a question.
You shifted, turning the page like you were engrossed in the story, even though you hadn't absorbed a word. When you glanced up at him, you shot him a smile--a practiced one that didn't quite reach your eyes.
"Couldn't sleep."
Spencer didn't say anything right away, but you could hear him moving closer, the creaking weight of his steps seeming hesitant--like he wasn't sure whether you wanted company or space.
You weren't sure either.
The thought of him sitting next to you wrapped around your lungs like a too-tight band, the way it always did when someone got too close. And yet, the thought of him staying away constricted something deeper, something you weren't sure you could name.
Finally, the corner of the couch dipped as he sat beside you, close enough for the invisible wall you had built to feel less solid. It felt like something similar to sunlight filtering through a curtain's tear.
"What's on your mind?"
You blinked, fingers picking at the worn edges of the book's pages as if they might pull apart and reveal something you weren't able to put into words.
"Nothing." You said it too quickly. Brittle. Then, because you could feel his eyes on you--seeing through you--you added, "It's silly, really. Just overthinking.
You tried to make it sound dismissive, punctuating it with a small laugh that you were sure came out quiet and hollow. "You don't need to worry about me, Spence. I'm fine."
"Fine," he repeated softly, like the word tasted wrong on his tongue.
His voice was so gentle, but you could feel every last bit of unspoken concern wrapped inside it, the way it always was when you said you were fine. You hated that--hated that he could see through the cracks you worked so hard to hide. You wanted to tell him it was better this way, safer for both of you. You didn't want to scare him or worse drag him into the parts of yourself that felt sharp and broken.
You could almost hear the wheels turning in his head, cataloging your body language, the way your smile faltered, the way you fidgeted with the book like you needed to keep your hands busy to avoid cracking open.
Spencer tilted his head, continuing to study you, but he didn't call you out on the lie. He never did--not directly. Instead, he adjusted his posture, sinking further into the couch like he intended to stay.
"What are you reading?" He nodded towards the book in your lap.
You glanced at the cover and felt the heat creep up your neck.
"Oh, um... something I grabbed off the shelf earlier." You flipped it shut, careful not to let him see how little progress you'd actually made. "It's good. Just... taking my time with it."
It was such a small thing to lie about, but you were clinging to any shred of normalcy. You didn't want him to see this version of you--the one who stared blankly at pages, lost in spirals you couldn't quite explain.
"That's okay, you know," Spencer said quietly. "Taking your time."
You knew he wasn't talking about the book, not really. Before you could deflect, his hand moved gently across the space between you, his fingertips brushing up and down the length of your arm.
The touch was so soft--barely there--but it distracted you. You exhaled, a breath you hadn't realized you were holding, and let your eyes flutter shut for just a moment. It had been so long since you let yourself be in his presence, let yourself lean into him without pulling away.
“Did you know that depression physically changes the brain,” Spencer said suddenly, his voice low and conversational, like he was talking about a science fact and not you. “It affects the hippocampus, the amygdala—the areas responsible for regulating memory, emotion, and stress.”
You swallowed, opening your eyes again, fingers still fussing with the book. “Spence…”
He continued, his tone gentle, as though he were easing you into the truth. "The hippocampus actually shrinks during prolonged depression. That's the part of the brain responsible for processing memories, for distinguishing between what's important and what's not. That's why it feels so hard to concentrate. Why sometimes everything feels... too much, even the little things."
You stilled under his touch, gaze focused on the closed book. The words he was saying were clinical, sure, but the way he was saying it made your heart clench.
"And the amygdala?" he continued. "It's the emotional center of the brain. In people with depression, it becomes overactive, and the body starts reacting to stress like it's always in fight-or-flight mode. Even when there's no threat. Even when you're safe."
Spencer paused, letting the words sink in, his fingers tracing slow, soothing lines down your arm. You could feel him watching you, but you couldn't look at him yet. You weren't sure you wanted him to see the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
“I’m not trying to analyze you,” he added quickly. “I know it probably sounds like that. But I'm telling you this because I want you to understand that it's not all in your head."
He hesitated, then nudged you gently, his hand squeezing your arm as if to reinforce his words. "This isn't some character flaw or something you've invented. Your brain--your body--feels this, physically. It's real."
You blinked, and the first tear fell. His words cracked something inside you--not because they hurt, but because you hadn't realized how badly you needed to hear them.
"It's like..." Spencer searched for the right words, brow furrowing. "It's like being stuck in a room with a broken thermostat. You're freezing, and everyone else is telling you it's warm because they can't feel what you feel. But just because they can't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. You're not imagining the cold."
"You're not a problem that needs solving," he murmured. "You're not too much. You're enough, exactly as you are."
Something snapped in your chest--sharp, small, and unexpected.
"I'm not trying to save you," Spencer continued, like he could sense the thought forming on your tongue. "I just... I want you to let me stand beside you. Even if it's messy. Even if it's hard."
You sniffled, swiping quickly at the tear trailing down your cheek, and glanced up at him with a small, wobbly smile.
"Even if it's messy?" Your voice trembled slightly, but the hint of a laugh broke through--soft and fragile, like glass. "You hate messes."
Spencer's lips quirked into a smile, and for a moment, the tension in the room shifted. The air felt a little lighter.
"That's true," he admitted. "But I'll make an exception. For you."
You let out a watery laugh, the sound catching somewhere in your throat, and it startled you--how good it felt to laugh, even through tears. Spencer smiled wider, like seeing that microscopic spark of light in you was enough.
He shifted closer than, his hand sliding from your arm to cradle your cheek, his touch soft and careful, as though he were afraid you might pull away. "Even if it's messy."
And then he kissed you--soft and slow, his lips brushing yours with infinite gentleness, as though he were trying to tell you everything he couldn't express aloud. For a heartbeat, you tensed. The instinct to pull back, to close yourself off, flared up like it always did. But Spencer didn't push; he simply stayed, giving you a choice.
So you let yourself lean into him.
The tension melted from your shoulders as you kissed him back, the faint taste of salt lingering between you where tears still clung to your lips. His hand stayed against your cheek. When he finally pulled back, his forehead resting against yours, you finally let out a shaky breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding.
"Do you want to go to bed?"
You glanced at the book still resting on your lap. The Bell Jar. Your hand hovered over the book's spine, the instinct to cling to it, but you let your hand fall away.
"Yeah," you said softly.
The book stayed on the couch, closed, forgotten as you rose from the couch and let him guide you toward the bedroom.
And maybe, just maybe, the glass was beginning to crack.
taglist: @readergf @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @broadwaytraaaaash @r-3dlips @m-indkiller @sunfyyre @sleepysongbirdsings @trulycayla @reiderrambles @averyhotchner @hbwrelic @sky2nd @messylxve @alexxavicry @doigettokeepyou @pleasantwitchgarden @kodzukenmaaa @hiireadstuff @dilflover-3 @spenciesslut @phoenix-le-danseur-de-pole @c-losur3 @theylovemelody @alahnizamolo @oliver-1270 @ssahotchbabe @savagemickey03 @justanotherbimboslxt @imoonkiss @spiderladyleah @estragos @khxna @spencerssoup @de-duchess @raysmayhem-72
join my taglist here!
#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid angst#spencer reid fic#spencer reid x you#spencer reid#criminal minds angst#criminal minds fic
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dating Martin from modern world hcs

Author Note : I’m still so rusty at writing but Martin has definitely awaken something inside of me, I hope I did him justice. Feedback is appreciated and requests are open for him, Aemond and aegon.
Trigger Warnings : Martin might be ooc, no use of {y/n}, written with afab in mind, allusions to smut, pussy slapping, spanking, bondage, use of spreader bar.
Martin is fairly observant. He noticed some of the snacks you like to eat and started stocking up on them, he made a place for them in his pantry so when the both of you have a sleepover, you'll feel like you're at home.
Before Martin asked you out, he made a playlist of all of the songs that reminded him of you, out of the blue one night he sent you the playlist and you've been drawn to him since.
He takes you out for late-night dinner dates at his favorite rundown diner. Not many people dine there anymore; mostly, it's the older folks, but that makes it quiet. Every time, both of you order the same thing: blueberry pancakes with a side of oatmeal.
Martin doesn't start conversations much; he much prefers to sit back and paint while you tell him about the day you had at work or college or whatever you were doing that day. He relaxes this way.
When he is unable to sleep, he finds solace in taking walks under the moonlight at the park near his apartment. After spending a few months together, he invites you to join him one night. It was a balmy summer evening, with warm air and a peaceful atmosphere. As you walk together through the park, the moonlight lights your way, creating a soft glow around you. The gentle rustling of leaves and distant of the town sounds add to the tranquil ambiance.
Martin may not appear to be the type, but he is a hopeless romantic and, to add to that, he's touch-starved. Whenever you're together, he finds subtle ways to touch you, even if it's not obvious to those around you in public. For example, if you're reading, he might softly stroke your thigh, or when you both decide to watch a movie, Martin will lay his head in your lap.
Martin is accustomed to receiving strange looks; he knows he's the outcast. As a metalhead with even more exotic pets, he embraces his uniqueness. This doesn’t bother him—he doesn’t feel a need to fit in with everyone else. However, he doesn’t want you to endure the same treatment he does. He would do anything you wanted or needed. Want to wear that outfit? Go for it; he can fight. Want to dye your hair? Go ahead, he’ll stand by you and protect you from everything.
Martin will get you anything you want, he's down for anything. Tickets to your favorite concerts, or maybe a fair you'd like to go to. Never worry because he'll always try to be there for you.
We can all agree that Martin is a freak in the sheets, #1 number one pussy eating champ™. Martin loves to eat you out, he'll have you sit on his face, the edge of his bed, or the bathroom sink. Just anywhere.
He loves bondage, loves to make intricate patterns with you. Loves different color ribbons, rope. Speaking of bondage, he loves to use his spreader bar. Martin had surprised you with it one night, after a long day of work. You felt a bit nervous about the contraption, but Martin, being the loving boyfriend he is, reassured you that if you didn't want to, you didn't have to.
Definitely has a praise kink, he loves to be told that's he doing a good job. He praises you a lot too, his favorite phrases are "his favorite girl, his good-girl, and his favorite cumslut."
Wax play is a must for him, Martin enjoys to mixing the wax. He loves to make you his muse, and your body becomes his canvas. Blue candles are a favorite of his.
Brat taming, he's quite good at it. He likes to feel like he's in control, and will spank you as punishment.
Size kink, need I say anymore
Postion wise, he's simple taste. He enjoys missionary and reverse cowgirl. If you wanted to do something spicer he's down, to try everything once.
It's easy to turn Martin on, wear his band shirt with your just your panties underneath. Listen to his reptile facts, he'll meet you in the bedroom.
#martin in the modern world#martin ewan mitchell#ewan mitchell#Martin#aemond#Martin (its amazing to be young)#Martin lafaff x reader#Martin in modern world x reader#ewan nation#Ewan mitchell crumbs#fontaine#Martin lefevre x reader#Martin lefevre#Martin lefevre x you
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masterlist / rules / requests & talks with me!
SUMMARY౨ৎ Loving Lando is like how the Earth circles the sun. In absolute awe and admiration. But the Earth is slowly destroying itself in the presence of this star. The rays of this sun are burning away at this Earth’s ozone layer, maybe even going as far into this Earth’s core.
PAIRING ౨ৎ Lando Norris x Fem!Driver!Reader
FACE CLAIM ౨ৎ Amna Al Qubaisi
WARNINGS ౨ৎ fighting, misogyny (not by the grid or lando), reader is self conscious
A/N ౨ৎ God. Whenever I hear this song and think about Lando, all i think about is him and Luisiha. :( Again, I made this not in a SMAU format i’m used to. I decided to make the reader replace Daniel for the fic (I STILL LOVE HIM I PROMISE 😭😭)I hope you still like it! Tbh, I feel like I didn't do this request justice. If I have a chance some point in time, I might rewrite it.
1.3K words!

f1 ✔︎
♡ liked by mclaren, maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, and others
f1 Lando wins it in Miami, winning his first race! Congratulations! 👏
tagged ; landonorris
username1 LANNNDOOOO
username2 lando has finally landed 🥹
username3 HE FINALLY DID IT!!
carlosainz55 ✔︎ congratulations cabrón! Welcome to the winners side 😉
→ landonorris ✔︎ glad to finally be part of the club 👊
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ lando nowins no more 👏
→ landonorris ✔︎ haha funny 😒
georgerussel63 ✔︎ congrats mate!!
username5 has anyone noticed that y/n hasen’t liked or commented? :(
→ username6 ik!! usually she is always the first or second person to do both whenever he gets podium…
username7 no because did anyone see how y/n was staring at Lando with his trophy??
→ username8 I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. → username9 she looked at him like he was ripping her heart out 🙁 → username10 I mean, y/n has been in f1 for what, 2 more years than him and still no win. I know it's just eating her up inside. → username11 I hope she gets her win soon and shuts up the misogynists. → username12 it sucks that the team did a absolute shit strategy when the safety car stopped her and made lando gain her stop.. but I’m still happy for him!!
y/n_l/n ✔︎
♡ liked by visacashapprb, yukitsunoda, sophiafloersch and others
y/n_l/n Miami ? Done ✅
tagged ; visacashapprb
username13 she didn’t even post her podium photo :(
→ username14 if i were her i wouldn’t either.
username15 can she idk, be happy for lando?
→ username16 no way you are suggesting this girl be happy after she lost her chance to overtake lando because of the safety car, taking away what may be the second woman to win a f1 race next to Desiré Wilson, after years of misogyny, and men telling her she doesn’t have a place in motorport along with other women. → username17 god how i love you @ username16. SOMONE ACTUALLY USES THEIR BRAIN
visacashapprb ✔︎ wonderful work as per usual!
→ username18 for someone who has been in f1 for 8 years? hell no. → username19 someone is jelly → username20 they aren’t jealous they are just stating a fact 😂 → username21 the fact that they are saying how she should be winning stuff after 8 years? → username22 obviously. since she came she hasn’t won anything → username23 lance stroll, kevin magnussen, and nico hulkenburg are calling buddy and they are saying your misogyny is showing. 💀 → username24 LMAOOAOA YOU GO @ username23

In Person
Saying that the end of the race was a disappointment was an understatement. For the past eight years, it only felt like the world was out to get you.
The constant criticism, misogyny, the occasional car failures, Lance Stroll's grotesque driving skills, and now, Lando winning his first Grand Prix but with the cost of you losing your position due to a shitty strategy mistake. It's frustrating, to say the least.
Being in love with Lando has its ups and downs. And as of right now? A hard low. As his partner, you want to kiss him all over his sunkissed face, going over each birthmark with tenderness. Congratulate him. Tell him how proud you are of him for finally achieving what he has been aiming for years. Ruffle those chestnut curls that you love dearly as you both stand on the podium, covered in sticky champagne as the fizzy liquid cascades over you, creating a tingling sensation on your skin you both embrace, the rainbows of confetti dancing in the air to the ground, trophy in his hands.
Yet, as a driver, you despise him. That haunting smile that glances over now and then, that sterling silver trophy dazzling in the light, blinding you as if it were the shining teeth of someone laughingly mocking you. God, how you hated it.
After closing the door to the driver's room, you swiftly remove the carbon fiber helmet, peeling off the balaclava that clings to my face, leaving my hair matted against my skin. With a surge of frustration, you glance angrily at the helmet before flinging the helmet to the ground, the sound reverberating through the room. Your breathing quivers as you gaze at the floor before ultimately slumping against the wall adjacent to the door, back against it. Running a hand through your damp hair, you rub my temple, feeling the weight of the day's events.
How did you get to this point?
“Where in the world have you been, you muppet? You just up and left after the national anthems.” Lando's voice broke you out of your trance as he stood by the door, remembering you didn't lock the door. "I didn't even get to spray the champagne on you like usual." He adds with a frown.
"Not now, Lando." You stated looking down at your hands as you picked the skin around your nails to cope. His face still held a frown, yet he raised a brow at your tone.
"Not now?" He repeats, almost confused by your comment. "What's wrong? Talk to me."
"I said not now, Lando," You repeat, my voice growing more insistent. "I just need some space right now."
Lando's expression softens as he takes a step closer, concern evident in his eyes. "Hey, come on. You can talk to me. I know today didn't go as planned, but we can work through this together."
My frustration boils over, and I finally look up to meet his gaze. "You don't get it, do you? This could have been my chance. My chance to finally prove that I belong here. Actually- no, not me, but every woman. That we won't be not some- some girls here for some representation to make F1 seem better but to show that we belong here! That we are as good as men! And that shitty strategy screwed me over, and now it seems like I am a shit driver..." You snap in exasperation.
“I never tried to say that I understand.” Lando glared. His expression hardens, and he takes a step back, hurt evident in his eyes. "You know that's not true. You're an incredibly talented driver, and one bad race doesn't define you."
You scoff, feeling the weight of his words but unable to fully accept them. "Easy for you to say. This ‘one bad race’ has been multiple races. You've had your moment of glory today. You got the lavish celebration you’ve been wanting.“
You scoff, feeling the weight of his words but unable to fully accept them. "Easy for you to say. This ‘one bad race’ has been multiple races. You've had your moment of glory today. You got the lavish celebration you’ve been wanting.“
Lando shakes his head, his frustration creeping into his voice. "This isn't about me. It's about us! I want you to succeed just as much as I want to succeed. We’re a team, even if we are on other racing teams. But pushing me away and shutting me out won't solve anything. What’s with all this?“
“Don’t you get it, Lando?! You’re perfect now! You have fans who love you, you have a secure seat, and you have a win now Lando! All you need is a championship! You don’t have people telling you that you don’t belong here because you have talent. You have people who support you even when your team makes a stupid mistake and they still defend you! The second I do something wrong, even when it's team orders, I'm belittled and told to go back to do my "role" as a housewife! God, I can't even get time to be with my boyfriend or friends before getting screamed at by middle-aged men that I'm a 'grid fucker' and that I had sex to get to where I am!"
Lando’s face falls at your words, a mix of offense and hurt flashing in his eyes. “You think I don’t understand pressure? I get it, alright? I get that it’s different for you, and it’s unfair. But pushing everyone away, pushing me away, isn’t the answer.”
You stand up, your body tense with the weight of your frustration and sadness. “I’m not pushing you away, Lando. I’m trying to cope with the fact that no matter what I do, it’s never enough. And seeing you succeed, seeing everyone praise you, it just… it just makes it harder.”
Lando steps closer, his voice softer now. “I want to help you, but I can’t if you won’t let me in. We’re supposed to be in this together. Isn’t that what we promised each other?”
You look at him, your heart aching at the sight of his earnest expression. “It’s not that simple. I can’t keep pretending that everything’s okay when it’s not. And I can’t stand beside you, smiling, when I feel like I’m drowning.”
He reaches out to touch your arm, but you pull away. “Please, don’t. I need to find my way through this, Lando. And I can’t do that if I’m constantly comparing myself to you.”
Lando’s eyes widen with realization. “You’re breaking up with me.”
A lump forms in your throat, tears welling up. “Don't put it like that..” I start. Lando tries to talk but I beat him to it. "I'm... not necessarily breaking up with you. It's more of a... "Goodbye"."
"That's technically still breaking up with me," Lando mutters, a tiny, barely noticeable smile cracking through onto his lips at the light attempt at a joke to ease the growing tension. I let out a tearful giggle.
Lando’s smile crumples into a frown and he takes a shaky breath. “I love you. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You aren't losing me... I love you too,” you whisper, your voice breaking. “But right now, love isn’t enough. I need to stand on my own two feet, without always feeling like I’m in your shadow.”
He looks away, blinking rapidly, trying to hide the growing tears in his greenish-blue eyes. “This isn’t how I wanted today to end. I wanted today to be happy. For us both.”
“Neither did I,” you say softly, placing a hand on his cheek, moving his head to look at you while you skim your fingers over his birthmarks. “But sometimes, things don’t go as planned.”
There’s a long, painful silence between you, filled with all the things left unsaid. Finally, Lando nods, his eyes shining with unshed tears, leaning over to press a tender kiss onto your forehead.
“Goodbye, then,” Lando whispers.
In response, you bend forward, placing your lips against his own, kissing him softly, both our lips brushing lightly as if savoring the moment for what may be the last time experiencing such a feeling.
“Goodbye.” You replied, voice narrowly above a whisper.
𝐀/𝐍 2 : Ending tbh is kinda cringey but oh well it felt right in the moment 😫
#☆゚ user ↳ theyluvkarolina ◝#f1 x reader#formula 1#f1 fanfic#formula one x reader#f1 imagine#f1 smau#formula one x you#lando x reader#lando norris#lando norris x reader#lando norris fanfic#lando#f1 fandom#f1#f1 fic#formula one imagines#formula one scenarios#formula one imagine#formula 1 x reader#formula one#f1 angst
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x : QUIET LOVE :*+゚
in which: neuvillette doesn't understand human emotion, but a quiet night after a bustling gala with you might help him.
warnings: fluff, gn!reader, pining neuvi but he doesn't know it, quiet walks along the beach at night, gentlemanly flirting bc it's neuvillette, hand kisses lol
a/n: sacrificial fic because neuvillette is not coming home, so i poured my blood, sweat, and tears into this, even if it's not all that. ALSO, this was inspired by a wip on @gum-iie's page (hi gumiie >_<), so i hope you all enjoy !! i tried my hand at the vision i saw.
Gatherings in Fontaine are nothing short of magnificent. The nation of justice will never shy away from a party that reeks of grandeur and extraordinaire, with crystal chandeliers dripping from the ceiling, flowing gowns, and slicked-back hair. With an archon as dramatic as Furina herself, what else can the citizens of Fontaine expect?
Except for a long life such as Neuvillette himself, he has seen this scene one too many times. Gazing out amongst the sea of people, there is an ocean of unfamiliar faces, a sight that doesn’t bring him much peace. It’s not that Neuvillette does not enjoy interacting with humans- even if he’s not so good at doing so, but being amongst so many at once is the unpleasant part.
Despite his distaste for these kinds of bustling environments, he still thinks it’s good manners to attend, even if he will leave after an hour or two.
Yet, it has been half an hour past the two hour mark, and yet the Iudex still has not seen himself out because there is a particular someone that he is hoping to catch the eye of. Someone who is worth all this extra trouble and socialisation.
The melusines frequently run back to Neuvillette, concern and curiosity animated in their expressions as they ask their beloved father figure why he is still present. Their questions get brushed off by the Chief of Justice, who merely thanks them for checking up on him before telling them that there is no need to be worried, he is merely waiting for something. Or rather, someone.
Only at the third hour since the party’s commencement, does he get what he wants: your attention.
“Monsieur Neuvillette!” A voice cuts through the crowd and straight to him, causing him to turn around, eyes dancing wildly around the room to search for the source. He effortlessly finds your gaze and watches as you come closer to him, outfit flowing behind you and he decides that the crystals of the chandelier are no match against the ones that dance in your eyes. You are more radiant than the purest diamond and Neuvillette can’t find it in himself to glance away.
You are perhaps the most ethereal being he has ever seen in his long life.
What Furina promised him has arrived. Neuvillette can enjoy the night happily now.
“Y/n,” he greets, curt and polite, but the smile on his face speaks volumes. It tells a tune of subtle delight and enthusiasm mulled over for the sake of appearances and composition, and it is a melody that you are deaf to. In fact, the melusines are perhaps some of the only souls who can read his silent song of adoration but instead of meddling, they have resigned themselves to the corner of the hall, watching their beloved Chief Justice.
“I did not expect to see you tonight,” you murmur, placing your empty glass of wine onto the plate of a passing waiter. “What a pleasant surprise.”
He wants to say something charming, perhaps something like telling you how lovely you look tonight or how absolutely magnetic you are, but the words fall short and Neuvillette panics briefly, scrambling to continue the conversation. “It is important to keep up social relations, after all. Not attending would be problematic.”
“An utmost scandal for the Iudex, no less.” There is a teasing glimmer in your eye, one that most people keep away from him but you are an exception; you always have been with how you regard him. Many respect him but also fear him, he is revered but avoided by the public, people speak of him but never would do so causally to his face. It is a particular dance that Neuvillette has become accustomed to, and you have slotted yourself in a position that none usually take: right beside him.
He doesn’t completely understand human emotions just yet, but you evoke one that he cannot describe.
“How has your night been?” Neuvillette asks.
“Tiring, fleeting, boring,” you murmur, expression melting into something more fatigued. “I want to leave, monsieur, is that too frank of a confession?”
“No, not at all,” he sees an opportunity and scrambles to get the words out, “may I accompany you or will I be overstepping?”
You blink at him before a small, cheery smile pulls on your lips. “I would love your company, but I only ask that we leave at this very moment because it is getting far too stuffy in here.”
“Then time is of the essence.” Neuvillette extends his arm for you to take and he relishes in the feeling of when you do.
Leaving the venue and helping you down numerous flights of stairs, the lighting and allure outside is far more romantic than it is inside. The street lamps of Fontaine were made for functionality so that no citizen could walk around unassuming and unaware of the darkness, and never were they made with the intent of illuminating anyone’s beauty. Yet here you stand before him, radiant under the warm tones of the lamp with the evening breeze flowing through your hair.
Moreover it is quiet out here. There is no one to bother the two of you, no melusines, no meddling Archon who lives for drama, no loud music and chatter, just you and him, together. It is a contrast so stark that he fears reality will shatter any second.
Naïve to his internal turmoils, you tug at his arm gently. “Let us go for a walk along the river,” you propose. A muted feeling of enthusiasm flows through Neuvillette and he readily agrees to your suggestion, more than happy to indulge in the gentle kisses of the sea breeze on his face.
The stroll is peaceful and quiet, neither of you speak too much but it is not awkward in the slightest. Your gowns trail behind the two of you with each step, dancing in sync with the wind as your slow pace allows the two of you to bathe in the light of the moon.
Although Neuvillette does not want the night to end nor to let you go, the amount of yawns you’ve suppressed since leaving is alerting him of your fatigue, and he’ll feel bad if he keeps you from your sleep any longer.
Finally, with one long yawn that you were not able to shut away, he stops you in your tracks. “Tired?” The Iudex asks.
You look up at him with eyes forced open, wider than they usually would be. “Just a little, but the night has been lovely so far, I’d hate for it to end.”
“Please, if you need the rest then you should rest.”
“Thank you for your concern, however-”
“There will be no objections. Let me walk you home.”
The moonlight casts a shade of melancholy over your features and the last glance you give to the ocean is nothing but full of longing. You surrender reluctantly. “Alright.”
You two make it back to the last aquabus just in time, and you’re the only passengers onboard. There is occasional chatter with the conductor, as well as private conversations, but Neuvillette has no qualms just spending the ride in silence, admiring you whilst you gaze out at the beautiful landscape of Fontaine.
“There are so many stars out tonight.”
He glances away from you. “So there are.” Then he makes a brave leap. “There is one right beside me, too.”
“Me?” Your voice is strained with disbelief and your hold on his arms tightens just a little. There is momentary silence before laughter- a quiet sort of laugh, shy and not at all mocking or condescending. “Thank you,” you whisper, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. “I’m very flattered you think so highly of me.”
It becomes quiet again after that but your hand never leaves his. If anything, Neuvillette feels you even more now, your warmth pressed up against his side is addicting, he cannot help but want more of it; he cannot help but want more of you. He wants more nights like this with you, days even- just as long as he can spend some more time with you, he’ll be grateful.
Humans and the complexity of the emotions they feel are something Neuvillette still can’t get a grasp of, but you fill him with something so inherently humane. Sitting beside you on an aquabus that is minutes away from its end is a bittersweet reminder of how little time there is until the evening ends, and this mesmerising evening becomes nothing but a memory. How irrational it is to yearn for something so temporary, but that is what makes it beautiful.
The walk back to your neighbourhood is quick, too quick for Neuvillette’s liking, but the smile you give him when you stop before your door is heartwarming. “Thank you dearly for walking me home, Monsieur Neuvillette,” you begin. “You have been the best part about this lively evening.”
The Chief Justice has never had a way with words, rather, they have always been his enemy, so instead of speaking to convey what he feels, Neuvillette takes your hand instead and places a kiss on your knuckles. A gentlemanly act to many, but he holds and kisses you with such firm intention that it makes you dizzy. It makes you think deeper about whether or not there are underlying intentions to address, and it’s exhilarating questioning what exactly you are to the Chief Justice of Fontaine.
For now, you’ll find contentment in the moonlight dream that was this evening, and he’ll engrave the feeling of you so close to him into his memory.
© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
#neuvillette i am on my knees pls come home#neuvillette x reader#neuvillette fluff#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact fluff#genshin x reader#genshin fluff
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