#i want to open my childhood like a book and jump right in
chickpea0 · 5 months
Trying so hard not to yearn too hard for the past because maladaptive nostalgia is not something you want to encourage but it's got hands
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yandere-sins · 5 months
Yan-Poll #9
[The Stalker Part 1]
Strange things have been happening to you lately.
It started small with the discomfort of always feeling like you were being watched. Of course, you never met someone's eyes when you turned around, and you tried to brush it off as best as you could. But even when you started minimalizing your time outdoors, unexplainable things started to happen in your own house. Things were moved when you weren't looking, the space next to you in your bed was warm when you woke up, and you found strange devices around the house that you couldn't explain.
You went to the police, but there was nothing they could do.
So you installed cameras, and lo and behold, there he was. The creep that had intruded into your life. It didn't even take him a day of caution before you watched on your computer as the black silhoutte stared directly into the camera, his eyes hidden behind a black mask. He made a heart gesture with his hands before breaking into your bedroom window in the early hours of the morning, seemingly with ease. As if he knew what he was doing. Unafraid.
There was no way you could have stayed in the house. But even when you moved from your childhood home to your friends home, your stalker made sure you noticed that he was still around, one way or another. Worse, even with the footage, the police was still unable to catch him.
Feeling defeated and scared, you eventually mustered the strength to go home. Even with him making his presence known, he hadn't done anything to you, and somehow you had to look forward into the future and reclaim the life that his terror had stolen from you.
Everything was clean and tidy, unlike you expected. You found some things out of place, like books that didn't belong in certain shelves, but it definitely looked like he had tried to arrange them correctly, but wasn't sure where they went. It made you smile faintly as you took out your favorite childhood book. But only for a brief moment before you stuffed the book right back into the actual place it belonged and tried to get used to the old but new enviroment of your own home.
Until the door rang.
You didn't expect any visitors. Up to this point, you two had never interacted. At least, nothing more than the few stare-offs through the camera. Yet... you knew it was him.
You braced yourself, your phone clutched in your hand while you grabbed an umbrella standing in the entrance. Things could get messy quickly, but maybe if you were able to just let him know you didn't want anything from him, maybe he could be reasoned with. With bated breath you unlocked one of the locks you had installed on your door, just enough to open a gap, and gathering all your courage you opened it, only to find...
Nothing. Well, not nothing. Just no one.
You stood there for a while, contemplating what was going on, when your gaze fell to the ground, a stark white envelop resting there. You waited for a moment more, expecting someone to jump out if you weren't looking. But eventually, you squatted down, fishing the envelop through the gap and closing it again. Nervously, you messed with the opening until you could pull out the paper inside.
Welcome home, baby! :) Please wear the clothes I put into the closet for you tomorrow ♥ Can't wait to see you in them!
Feeling a sense of panic, you got up, hurriedly walking into your bedroom and throwing open the closet doors. All your clothes had vanished, only a small, neatly-folded pile sat in one of the shelves, a post-it on them.
P.S. I'm glad my little mishap with the book made you smile. I'll do anything to see you smile ♥
Goosebumps ran over your whole body as you realized he must have just been here if he saw you smile briefly just minutes ago and then placed the note here. Maybe he still was? You stopped breathing, listening intensely if there were any other sounds you hadn't noticed before. Your home was silent.
Hesitantly, you pulled out the clothes he had prepare. Soft, expensive, skimpy. The outfit your stalker put together was much too raunchy for your taste but it would still work even in an office setting. You'd be covered with trousers and a blazer, but the top that was supposed to act like a shirt was see-through and lacey as if it was lingerie. You were sure to turn some heads if you wore it to your job.
Refusing him didn't seem to have any immediate consequences, but at the same time, after already being terrorized for so long, could you really refuse such a small request? Certainly, it would prompt him to get bolder... But at the same time, despite showcasing he could, he never confronted you. There was no saying if refusing him would cause any issues, even if it seemed likely. But maybe you had just become incredible paranoid.
(Reasoning and discussions welcome! ♥)
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crypt-keepers-den · 1 month
I need more of Astarion and his little spawns- You don't understand how much I fucking loved that fic, PLEASE WE NEED MORE DADDY STARION 😭😭😭
𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬 (𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧)
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Astarion never claimed he'd be a good father, but as soon as your little ones arrived into the world he sure was the proudest. When Lyra, your oldest had been born he fainted (can vampires faint idk), and when you announced your pregnancy with your youngest, Caspian, he was elated and told anyone who'd listen that his darling was blessing him with a second child.
when your oldest was born he was too frightened to hold her, in fear that he'd hurt her, but after a long talk from you (and a stern talking from halsin who'd offered to help you deliver naturally) he did hold her, frozen in place however as he did so. "she's perfect my darling" soft silvery tears cascading down his pale cheeks as the new-born yawns, when your youngest was born, he was prepared this time, holding your hand with confidence as you brought a new life into the world, bringing your 1yr old daughter into the bedroom to meet her baby brother, the elf had a grin etched on his face.
becoming a parent is one thing, but a parent to a dhampir baby is another, when lyra started teething you found out the harsh way. One evening you had lifted the infant to breastfeed her, settling back down on the couch with the infant nestled to your chest as she contently latched, your adoring husband sitting next to you a book in hand, his free hand stroking the top of his daughter's head. "star, read that page again i was too focused on lyra" he nods starting again until he heard a sudden yelp from you, "my love whatever's wrong?" he watches you exam the giggling baby's mouth "holy Avernus, star she's got fangs!" his eyes widened at your discovering as he leans over to see what your talking about, your holding the drooling baby's mouth open to allow him to see the two little white points that had pierced through lyra's gum. His eyes widen now understanding what had happened causing him to laugh, earning him a rough slap to the shoulder and a stern glare. safe to say you switched from breastfeeding to bottle and continued to do so with your second born (not that it helped but it saved your poor breasts from being gummed on by your children atleast).
Astarion prided himself in his inability to say 'no' to his children, "papa can i has?" caspian stares up at his father with the same puppy dog eyes you use on him, "caspian no treats before dinner!" you'd call out, the little boy would then pout before looking back up at his daddy, "papa a'peas", oh dear your son has him in the palm of his chubby little hands, astarion cant remember his childhood anymore, nothing but faint smells of what he assumes is his mother's perfume, but he does remember having nothing when he was under cazadors control. And he had made a promise at each child's birth, they'd never suffer like he had and they'd want for nothing. in this scenario its astarion sneaking your son a cookie before dinner, the pair hiding under the kitchen table laughing "our little secret little starling" , "you two know i can see you right?" "quick run!". with choas ensueing as you chastise the pair for ruining their appetite for dinner.
"lyra please stopping scaring your brother with your bat form!", the first time your daughter had found out she could shift scared you shitless, toddler lyra suddenly poofing into a bat mid hiccup causing you and astarion to jump out of your skin, not knowing how to get lyra to turn back until she hiccups again poofing back and landing in a panicked astarion's arms while giggling at her parents panicked faces. Since then astarion had taught her how to use it properly, however she had a terrible habit of scaring her little brother with it, startling the tot causing him to wail and run to the nearest parent crying "a bwat!, a mama! a papa! noo!" earning lyra a scolding, you and astarion made her promise to not use her abilities in the cottage and not infront of her brother, not until he was a little older anyway.
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(hey! im back with some dadstarion stuff! how are we all liking this? i could go on forever about dadstarion scenarios, what would you like to see?)
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
What Was I Made For?
03: Look What You Made Me Do
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
Warnings: the day after, some misogyny:)
a/n: Hello hello!! This time is short one, I think... But is a very important one :) I had a rellay rough weekend because I'm sick and I still had to do some rehearsals (believe me, is not funny having a cold and singing at the same time) I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!
previous part | next part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Something heavy was wrapping my waist. And the duvet is not that heavy.
And it feels warm… So warm… My whole body feels warm.
I groaned, opening my eyes slowly and groaning when the daylight blinded me.
“Fuck…” I groan, feeling an instant headache, probably the hangover from last night.
I looked down at that arm. Those rings… I know those rings. White and blue crystals. And a bracelet.
It can't be.
“What the fuck?!” I scream, turning around and finding him laying next to me. “Get out of my bed!”
“Fuck, Melanie… What the hell…”
I jumped out of bed and immediately noticed I was naked. Just like him.
“No…. No, no, no, no” I mumble, grabbing the first thing I found to cover my body. “Get out of here!”
He groaned, turning around and finally opening his eyes. The shock in his face probably was higher than the hangover, making him fall from the bed to the floor. He was naked. Completely naked. No shirt, no pants. No boxers. Nothing. Bare, completely bare.
“Get out of my fucking room” I said seriously, my blood boiling slowly. 
“You are in my room” he frowned, covering his dick with his hand. “Get out. Where is Melanie?”
“Are you stupid?! This is my room! My things are here, look!”
He frowned, rubbing his eyes with his free hand and looking around. My suitcase was there. My backpack, my makeup bag, my book. 
“Fuck” he whispered.
I clenched my jaw and looked at him. There's no way… There's no way we did it. Why? Why the hell did he come here after what he did last night?
“Get out” I groan. “Did you use a condom at least?”
“I would rather be dead than fuck with you, keep dreaming” he scoffed, grabbing his clothes and getting dressed immediately. “I'm not one of those you can fuck”
“Fucking asshole” I groan. “You know what? You were right! I fucked with Mick! Go on, go tell everyone I did! Oh no, wait. You already did last night”
“See? You don't deserve the seat” he scoffed. “You do exactly what people thought women would do to get in this sport. Fuck your way into a seat. You are a…”
I frown looking at him and then at the shoe that was on the floor next to me. I clenched my jaw and grabbed it, pointing at him with it, threatening him.
“Come on, say it if you dare to. I am a what?” I scoffed. “Get out of here before I call the security of the hotel. Get the fuck out of here before I kill you!”
“You won’t do that” he laughed, collecting his clothes. “You are too soft, you even apologize when you take someone off track. See? You shouldn’t be he-”
The heel of my hand flew to the other side of the bed, hitting him right on the chest. He looked at me with a mix of surprise and anger, rubbing the spot where the heel hit him.
“The next one goes to your eye, you hear me?” I groaned, grabbing the other heel. 
“You are crazy!” he groaned, grabbing all his clothes and running out of the room before I did what I promised.
“You don’t know a shit about me” I groaned right when he slammed the door.
When he closed the door I was still standing in the middle of the room, feeling shivers all over my body, making me run to the bathroom and throw up.
I feel gross, so gross. I barely remember what happened last night, only that he humiliated me in front of all the people that attended the party, then someone dragged me out of the club and brought me to my room. Then hard knocks… And his lips pressed on mine.
Why didn't I stop him? What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I let him do whatever he wanted?
“You are better than this” I said, looking at myself through the mirror, pointing at the reflection. “This is just a bump in the way, a small obstacle to avoid. He won’t get on your nerves, you are better than him. Yesterday you showed it. It is time to show him who you are”
I took a deep breath and smiled at the reflection, nodding. I am better than him.
I grabbed clean clothes and headed to the shower, taking a long time to get ready and relax, washing my body over and over again, needing to erase every mark of his fingerprints on my skin, needing to erase every bit of him.
He will regret every word or thing he did to me. Not only what he said yesterday. I’ll make him regret everything he did to me.
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Driving out of the hotel was as tedious as I thought it was going to be. Maybe even more.
My family probably left to go home early this morning, so I was now on my own, with sunglasses to hide the dark circles under my eyes, music to entertain me, and a long way to my home.My phone was burning with messages and notifications, but since my manager was the one that took care of my social media, I just ignored it.
Until I received a call. 
“Hey, Fred… Everything okay?” I sighed, answering the call.
“Is it possible for you to come to the factory? It's important”
“Eh… Sure, I guess?” I frown.
“Good. It's urgent, so make sure to arrive as soon as possible”
“Alright” I sighed as he ended the call.
Urgent? What can be urgent to not wait some days to let us rest after the race? They normally let us have a free day before doing meetings and interviews.
Now the joy of winning a race is slowly slipping through my fingers, afraid of receiving a warning because I didn't work as a team. 
But why would they give me a warning? I did everything they asked for, I obeyed and listened to my engineer. I was respectful with them and even with the cars around me, trying to make a perfect race without mistakes. 
Before I knew it I was already driving through the Marinello streets, watching their people waving at me and walking towards my car as I approached the entry of the factory.
There was no one there, not as always. And somehow, that surprised me. They knew our cars, they were always waiting for one of us. But the entry was empty.
I parked my car and frowned when Charles' car wasn't there, and somehow that turned on the alarm in my brain.
They are not happy because I won? That's it?
“Hey, Fred” I smile nervously, closing the door of his office behind me. “So… I'm here. What was that important thing you wanted to talk about?”
“I heard that yesterday, during the party, things happened” he said. “That Charles started it”
“Oh… Yeah, that” I sighed, sitting on the chair after he pointed at it with his hand. “It's okay, I want to forget it. He was clearly drunk”
“We are aware of that” he nodded. “You’ll see… We are aware that being a woman in this sport is hard, that the way here wasn't as smooth as a man can have. And we are so proud to have you in the team…”
“But?” I sighed. “There's a but there, right?”
“But…” he nodded, smiling weakly. “Well, I want to know that whatever he said is not true”
“What?” I frowned. Is he really asking that? 
“It's for your own good” he said quickly, raising his hands. “We want the best for the team, and we want to have a good image of our drivers…”
“You want me to tell you that I didn't get my success because I sucked someone's dick” I scoffed. “Right. Well, let me ask you something? You've got this position because you bribed the owner?”
“That's out of context” he frowned.
“No it's not. It's exactly the same” I frowned, standing up. “I succeeded because I never gave up, no matter how many people thought the same as you about me. I gave nothing but blood, sweat and tears for this dream. None of you have an idea of what it is to be a woman in this sport. So please, don't you ever assume I sucked someone's dick to have a seat because it's never and will never be true”
I saw his jaw clenching a few times, looking at me with serious eyes. My breathing was heavy, somehow altered with all the anger I have been feeling for the last hours. 
“I'll make Charles apologize in public” he said. 
“And one last thing” I said, swallowing thickly. “Never make me record things or be in the same room as him to act like friends. What happened last night was enough to test my limits, and he clearly didn't respect them at all. He never did, anyway. Don't make me be friendly with him ever again”
“Sure” he nodded. “He will be punished for his behavior”
“Thank you” I sighed, taking a deep breath and walking out of the office.
What the fuck is wrong with this world?
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Going home was a thing I wanted more than anything. I wanted to lay on my couch, watch my favorite series and cuddle my cat.
“Hey Athena” I smiled, looking at the blue eyed Ragdoll that came towards me, purring and rubbing her head against my legs.
I left my suitcase and bags in my room, throwing myself into my bead and groaning. My cat came, purring and rubbing her head against my cheek, laying next to my head.
“Oh, Thena…” I sighed, kissing her little head. “Men are so stupid… We don't need them, right? They think they can be better than us, stronger than us… But a world only dominated by men would end like something similar to the Wall-E movie. Or even in another war. Uhg… Stupid men”
Athena blinked slowly, purring loudly and licking my cheek softly, making me smile and sigh. 
Life is better when you have a cat. Fuck men.
I sigh and sit on the bed, picking up the white and brown cat in my arms, smiling when she climbed up to my shoulder to sit there. I smiled, rubbing her head softly, and walking towards the kitchen.
“Oh, Nina came to feed you, hm?” I smiled softly. “You were a good girl so she gave you wet food, huh?”
I smile, feeling ber head bumping against mine as I talked with her softly.
My home is my safe space. I can be myself, free of hate and the competition. Free of people that want more and more of me. Here I'm only Dafne, nothing else.
“See? Even fictional characters are idiots sometimes” I sighed, looking at the TV and pointing at Sebastian Stan while rubbing Athena's head. “Look at him, he acts nice at the start and then he ends being in the mafia”
Athena looked up at me, purring and somehow killing me with her eyes.
“Right, we love Sebastian Stan” I nodded, chuckling when I heard my cat's soft meow. 
When the movie ended I sighed, grabbing the plate of my lunch and putting it in the dishwasher. 
I should plan things for this week, choosing outfits for the interviews and events, reserve hotel rooms near the events. I have to do so many things…
The ringtone of my phone made me flinch, sighing softly when I saw Fred's name on the screen.
“Hey” I sighed. “L-look, what I said earlier..”
“Charles refuses to apologize” he interrupted me. 
“As I imagined” I scoffed. “And that punishment? He won't race in the next race? Will you fire him?”
“We will put the updates on your car on the next race” he said. “And we'll prioritize you over him”
“What?” I frown. “Are you for real? Only that?”
“There's anything else we can do, Dafne…” he sighed.
“There is! Is not fair, Fred! He questioned my whole career!” I exclaimed, madly. 
“And we will have a heavy talk with him about this” be frowned. “Is the middle of the season, I can't fire him”
“Right” I scoffed. “Well, I guess this is something that needs a lawyer”
“Dafne, don't do anything stupid” he said. 
“Stupid? Stupid is what you call a punishment! He refuses to apologize? No worries! I'm sure a demand will make him change his mind” I scoffed.
“L-look… If you want I can give you a free week… so you can calm down and disconnect-”
“Calm down?! Oh, believe me, Vasseur. I'm really calm right now” I frown. “I thought that we were on a year where the equality was something real, but I guess that's only for the publicity and to have more followers, right?”
“You are taking this too far, Dafne…” he sighed.
“No I'm not” I said. “You talk about women in this sport but none of you respect us! What do I have to do to gain everyone's respect? Put a warning too? Because it seems that winning a race is not enough”
“No” he sighed. “No, I'm sorry, okay? I'll make everything to make sure he understands that what he said is wrong”
“Don't worry. I'll do that my way” I said. “I think it's about damn time for him to know that I'm not one of those girls he can play with”
“Just…” he sighed, taking some deep breaths before talking again. “Don't fight. Not physically, not verbally. Things are already messy”
“Sure” I sighed, ending the call and clenching my jaw.
Athena walked towards me, jumping on top of the table and looking at me with her big blue eyes. Of course she knows something is wrong.
“It's time to show him what he have done, Thena” I said, rubbing her head. “He said I am a bitch? Then I'll be a bitch. A really bad one”
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05 @theseerbetweenus @vizzzashley @auawdo
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ashwhowrites · 4 months
could you do a Robin fic where reader forgets her diary at Robin's house after a sleepover (they're childhood best friends) and Robin decides to take a peek when she sees what reader wrote about her and all the things reader wants Robin to do to her, and then Robin does those things to her. Idk if this is a good request so if you don't like it don't do it. Anyways, love your fics!! 🩷
I love my baby Rob
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Dear diary
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YN and Robin had been best friends for years. They met in elementary school and haven't been apart since. They told each other everything and nothing was a secret when it came to each other. Except for one little thing, Y/N never told Robin. Y/N never came out to Robin or told her she was in love with her. Y/N knew Robin liked girls, she knew before Robin told her. Y/N wished she had come out when Robin did, but she was scared.
Watching Robin grow into an attractive and mature woman was hard for Y/N. She always wanted to call it a small school crush, but it was past the crushing level.
Y/N didn't have other friends she wanted to share the information with, so she wrote it in her diary.
After the sleepover Y/N had with Robin last night, she had a lot to write about. She unpacked her bag and kept an eye out for her diary. She felt panic seep in her bones when the bag was empty and the diary was nowhere to be seen.
"I'm always amazed by how blue her eyes are. It gets hard to follow what she says because she is so distracting."
"We watched another movie tonight. It was her pick so I didn't understand the movie. But I loved listening to her reviews."
"We walked through the rain and I only thought about kissing her."
"I need to stop buying her rings. It's getting too attractive."
"I love the way she holds my hand through the store."
"I love it when she picks on Steve, sometimes he deserves it."
"I wish she'd kiss me."
"I wish she'd rent a horror film and let me hide in her arms. Baby me and slip me on her lap and take my breath away with her body."
Robin slammed the diary shut as she felt guilt rushing through her. She knew all of her best friend's deepest thoughts. Stuff she never guessed Y/N thought about. But Robin couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach. Her best friend liked her, and really liked her.
Robin chewed at her bottom lip as she weighed out her options. She wasn't sure if she should admit she read it or not. Would Y/N be pissed?
Yeah, probably Robin! You read about her secret crush on you
Robin jumped as she heard the phone ring. She set the book down on her bed and walked out to the kitchen. She answered and tried to keep her breathing normal.
"Hey Rob, did I leave a book there?" Y/N asked, nervously chewing on her nails. She hoped Robin didn't open it, or noticed that it was a diary not just a book.
"Um yeah, it...was on my floor! Yeah right there on the floor. Do you want me to bring it to school tomorrow? Or I could bike there right now. I think it might rain but I ha-"
"Tomorrow is fine, Rob. I'll see you in the morning," Y/N laughed as she hung up. She was used to Robin's rambles so she didn't think twice about it.
"I'm fucked," Robin said to herself as she slammed the phone on the wall.
Robin burned fire on her driveway as she paced. Y/N would be here any moment and Robin was horrible at seeming nonchalant. Her brain kept seeing the words written on the paper.
Robin took a deep breath as Y/N pulled up. She got in the car and tried to focus on being calm.
"Morning, Rob" Y/N said with a smile
Robin sent her a smile and handed over the book. Robin felt her stomach get tight as Y/N looked up and stared into her eyes. Was she thinking about how blue they were?
"What is it? It doesn't have a title or anything" Robin asked, not sure if she was making herself suspicious or in the clear
"Like a little journal. Nothing important in it," Y/N shrugged and tossed it in the backseat.
Robin nodded and left it at that.
Now that Robin knew about the crush, she wanted to do something about it. She has had a crush on Y/N since she could remember.
"Horror? for Y/N? Since when?" Steve asked as Robin checked out the film.
"She happens to want to watch one," Robin said, as she rolled her eyes. "Which I know because I'm her best friend. Just two girls watching a movie...together as friends. Sure, we might hide under a blanket but it's all just as friends!"
"You okay?"Steve asked, he eyed Robin with suspicion. He watched as her face got red and she stuttered a little more.
"What is with the investigation? It's a movie date! Not a date! It's not a date, just a movie with a friend"
"Movie with a friend sounds fun," Steve said, still worried about the girl as she raced out of the shop.
Robin might have covered her fingers in pretty rings. And she might have applied a clear gloss and sprayed perfume on her neck.
"Steve recommended this movie so I thought we should give the dingus a shot to be right for once," Robin said as she clicked play on the film. Both girls under the same blanket as Y/N picked at the bowl of popcorn.
Y/N laughed at the dig at Steve, but she was excited it was a horror film.
As the movie played, the closer Y/N got to Robin's warm body. The bowl of popcorn was moved to the table as Y/N launched herself into Robin's arms and hid her face in her neck.
Y/N silently purred to herself as she smelt the perfume on her skin. She smelled addicting.
"You don't have to be scared, I got you, sweetheart." Robin cooed as she wrapped her arm around Y/N.
Y/N felt her heart race, she could feel her heartbeat pounding in her ears.
"Thanks," she whispered shyly
"Just a movie, I'll protect you," Robin said, she looked down but couldn't see her face. "Would you want to...sit in my lap?"
Robin felt herself hold her breath as the question hung in the air. She prayed Y/N wouldn't think too hard and connect the dots.
Before Y/N could answer, Robin's arms were already yanking her over. Y/N felt her stomach flutter as she slipped on Robin's lap. She sat face to face with Robin, the movie lost in the background.
"What are you doing?" Y/N whispered, her eyes lost in the ocean blue of Robin's eyes.
"Taking your breath away," Robin whispered as she leaned in
Y/N felt pounding in her chest...and in between her legs as Robin cupped her face. The coldness of her chunky rings sent shivers down her spine.
Y/N held her breath as Robin closed the space between them. Her glossy lips were delicately pressed against hers. Y/N moaned as she kissed Robin back. Y/N's arms moved up to wrap around Robin's neck, deepening the kiss.
Robin kept one hand on her face and the other one moved down Y/N's back and slipped underneath her shirt. The feeling of Y/N's bare skin on her hand made Robin burn with desire.
Robin licked Y/N's bottom lip, asking to take the kiss to another level. Y/N happily agreed, opening her mouth as their tongues touched.
Y/N couldn't help but rock her hips against Robin, her hands moved into Robin's hair. She yanked and tugged as Robin growled.
Needing air, they pulled back. They panted as they looked at each other. A shy smile on Robin's face as Y/N looked shocked it all happened.
"I read your diary. I know that it was wrong, but I read too much. I know you like me and I like you too. I'm sorry for invading your privacy but I couldn't ignore what I read. I've liked you for so long and never had the right words to say." Robin explained, still a little breathless.
"I feel like I should be mad, but I got what I wanted." Y/N smiled
"I've always wanted to kiss you too," Robin confessed, her thumb softly pulling on Y/N's bottom lip.
"What do we do now?" Y/N asked
"I ask if you want to be my girlfriend? I think? I'm not sure most of Steve's stories end at the kiss and he doesn't see them again." Robin said
"Girlfriend sounds perfect," Y/N smiled
They shared a smile before their lips smashed together.
Maybe Y/N should leave her diary around more often.
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speedycoffeedelight · 7 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery: You recently moved to a cabin in the woods for some peaceful time alone. But that is ruined when somehow a wide variety of different animals invade your space out of nowhere. Was this your Disney princess era or is there something more to it..
Also a crazy killer seems to be also on the loose as of now. And this guy who seems to be your new neighbour seems suspicious. Is there any connection?
(I kinda just had some scenarios made in my mind with the hazbin crew as animals so I decided to write them(◕ᴗ◕✿) )
Master list
CH-1: The fluffy and the winged friend
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As you turned the key,the door opened with a click. A gust of dusty air left the cabin as you opened the door. Coughing a little you started to look for the light switch with your hand. Soon you found it and turned it on as light filled the room. It was the kitchen from the looks of it. There was an old stove on the left side of the room,followed by a sink and a countertop.
On the right side was a wooden sofa. It look to be in bad shape as some of its parts had been eaten by bugs.You took a mental note to fix that later. There was a small stool beside the sofa which looked pretty okay. There was also a window above the sink. You went there and opened it to let some fresh air in. There was two more room to explore. You went in the right one.
This time it was a bedroom. There was a queen sized bed on a corner. Alongside it was your wardrobe and on the other side of the room was a chair and a table, all of which you made sure to be moved here before you came. There was a door in there too which you guessed was the bathroom. You went to the window above the table and opened it to let the sunlight in.
The other room was a bit spacious with a small fireplace and some old books with shelves in a corner. There was a lounge there too. Everything looked pretty neat for now.After finishing your tour of the cabin you took a big breath.
You used almost all the money you saved up till now to buy this cabin around the woods. You really wanted to settle down in a quiet place close to nature from your childhood and it just seemed perfect.
"Welp,time to get some unpacking done"
You rolled up the sleeves of your shirt and went to the balcony where all of your stuff were left in a pile of boxes. You crouched down and picked up a box labeled 'kitchen' and started to work.
You took a break at noon to whip something up quick for lunch and rest. The rest of the unpacking was almost done by afternoon,as you didn't have much anyway. You went to get one last box that was left on the balcony. It was a bit bigger then other ones. You went to open it up,but suddenly it started to violently shake.
"What the-"
You quickly took a couple steps back. You don't remember placing something moving or vibrating in that box. At least nothing that would start moving by itself like a blender. Gulping down you you slowly inched to the box again. As you were close to touching the lid, it opened by itself. Being startled,you quickly retrieved your hands as a pair of horns poked through the box.
Suddenly that something with horns jumped in front of you from the box. It was a sheep, a small fluffy adorable sheep. Following its jump, an ashy moth also flew out from the box and sat on the sheep's horns.
You were confused as hell. How the heck did a whole ass sheep and a big moth get inside your box? It didn't seem like the boxes were open beforehand. But swatting away that confusion,you focused on what to do with the two little creatures in front of you right now.
Your cabin was surrounded by woods on one side and it was far from safe for a little sheep like it. Plus you really wanted to pet it for some reason. Deciding you'll keep it with you for however long You can. You slowly started to get close to it holding out your hand.
The sheep was looking at you curiously and started to walk over to your hand. While the moth seemed to be tensed by you almost.
Slowly the sheep was under your reach. You softly put your hand on it head and began to pet it. The sheep closed it eyes which you think meant it was enjoying it. The moth seemed to be comfortable too now. Looking closer, you noticed the moth was missing one of it's eye. There was a cross where it's left eye should be.
Normally you weren't a big fan of moths. But this one really looked pretty. You mentally cursed whichever thing that made such a cute creature look like this.
Now you slowly tried to pick up the sheep so you can carry it to your room. You had some vegetables left over that you could give to the sheep.
"Hey there darling,come with me. Let's get you some food alright..?"
You spoke in a soft voice attempting to reassure it. But then it hit you that they wouldn't understand your language. You mentally facepalmed yourself right then for your stupidity. But to your surprise,it came closer to you and let itself be picked up. Even looking a bit happy in the process if that was possible. You heart absolutely melted at the sight of it and the soft fur. The moth flew and sat on top of your head.
"Well then, let's get going,shall we?"
You said as you walked back into the cabin with the small sheep in hand and moth on your head. At least you wouldn't feel lonely in this cabin tonight.
(A/n: just trying to get the environment figured out in this chapter and I'm not really good with it:') )
(Also this is already published in both ao3 and wattpad under the same name. But I wanted to publish it here too and see how it goes. The artwork isn't mine!!)
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georgeclarkewifey · 4 months
Inconvenience | g. clarke
Chapter 1 - Moving out
Word Count: 1.2K
summary: time for Noa to get out of her apartment, with the assistance of Mr Christopher Dixon
Warnings: extremely mild angst / sad undertones
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liked by chrismd10, arthurtv and 10,373 others
noamurphy no bc why is packing the worst
comments open
chrismd10 you haven’t finished packing?
⮑ noamurphy perhaps not
arthurtv you’re moving in an hour you do realise?
⮑ noamurphy yes very aware thank you. and it’s more like in five minutes and not 1 hour
⮑ arthurtv so stop replying and get packing
fan1 omg is she moving in with the boys??
⮑ noamurphy never they’re too messy x
⮑ arthurtv I refute this comment
⮑ noamurphy okay lawyer
⮑ glambyflo god i can't wait for you to be here xx
⮑ noamurphy can't wait to see you!!
fan2 praying this means more Noa content with the boys
⮑ fan3 please!!! just having her occasionally appear in Chris’ videos isn’t enough
gkbarry_ everyone shut up my girl is moving to London
⮑ noamurphy all for you babe x
maxbalegde I need to meet you immediately as soon as you’ve moved in
⮑ noamurphy consider it done x
Noa felt on the verge of crying. On the one hand, she knew this was exactly what she wanted, moving out of her cramped apartment and away from her tormenting job, to a significantly better apartment and a small position at her dream architecture firm. Still, it was all very terrifying.
The move from Jersey to Edinburgh for university was hard enough, followed by a slightly rushed decision to do a masters in Cambridge meant that Noa never really felt settled wherever she went. So, when an apartment in the same building in which her childhood friends Arthur and Chris lived became available, she jumped at the chance. It wasn’t that her apartment was bad, it just didn’t feel like home - as hard as she tried, her room felt more like a dorm and office rolled into one, with plans and building ideas scattered around.
She rubbed her face, trying to stave of the feelings of exhaustion as more books were piled into one of the many half filled moving boxes. Regretting the four hours of sleep the night before, Noa reached to the side to grab her can of Monster, cursing when she found it empty.
"Knock knock! It's you're favourite person!" a voice called in the hallway, followed by the small pitter-patter of hobbit feet.
Noa rolled her eyes and stood up, grimacing at how her joints cracked as she stretched. "Either Arthur has dramatically shrunk, or something isn't right here."
Chris chuckled as he pulled Noa in for a hug, his eyebrows raising as he took in her state. "I see you've had an ample amount of sleep."
She chuckled, turning away from him to start closing the lids on the packing boxes. "You know I thrive off practically no sleep. That's how I did A Levels. And most of university." Noa shrugged.
"I'm aware. So how much packing have you got left to do? Because I'd preferably want to be on the road before it gets too busy." Chris asked, nervously glancing at his watch.
"Calm your tits Dixie we’ll be fine.” Noa grinned, walking into her cardboard box of a bedroom to grab her last couple of things. “But thank you though, I appreciate the help.”
Chris smiled, as he began stacking boxes in the hallway. “You’re welcome Noa, plus now that we’re living in the same building, I can just borrow all your stuff. And your food.”
“I thought the four of you were good at cooking? At least, when you have the right utensils and ingredients.”
“You weren’t the one who had to try those pizzas.” Chris shivered, trying to suppress the memories. “So it’s just these boxes yeah?”
“Sure is!” Noa called, emerging from the bedroom with a backpack and duffel bag. “One of the pros of renting a furnished place, don’t have to move all the furniture when you leave.”
“Are you gonna miss it?”
“Jesus no the mattress was horrible.”
“Not the furniture you idiot, the place in general.”
Noa shrugged as she did one last sweep of the kitchen, checking that she hadn’t left anything behind. “It was nice, but it just felt like the right time to move on.”
Chris nodded, picking up one of the lighter looking boxes, helping Noa ferry them into the hall.
As he grabbed the last box from the living room, curiosity got the better of him and he had a quick peek inside (Noa had written a note on the box telling him to specifically not look). His heart tightened at the sight of the blue football boots inside, mud streaks and grass stains still evident across soles and laces. The leather was deeply creased and the colour was worn around the eyelets of the laces, they used to be used frequently, but the small layer of dust that had collected on them proved that they’d been hidden away for a while.
Rifling around in the box more, he found the matching shin pads, as well as a collection of dog eared photos. Chris smiled fondly, holding the Polaroid up to the light so he could clearing see the people in the image.
It was himself, Noa and Arthur as kids - all grinning at each other. Noa’s hair was pulled up into a ponytail, which was once probably neat, but in the moment it was a mess, flyaways everywhere and her baby hairs sticking to her forehead. Arthur and Chris looked significantly younger, baby faces prominent, with a definitive lack of facial hair. Chris felt his eyes water with emotion, remembering the ecstasy of the moment. Even as an adult, the unbridled joy of seeing someone you cared for win their football league was contagious.
Though he couldn’t help but sigh sadly, knowing how much everything had changed.
“Christopher! I specifically wrote a note on that box for you not to rummage through that!” Noa sighed, taking it from his hands and repacking it quickly.
“Why not?”
“Because you’d get all like…this.” She replied, gesturing her arms up and down at him.
“You just gestured to all of me.” Chris said indignantly, screwing his face up in confusion.
“I’m aware.” Noa answered, pulling the front door open with a grunt, pushing some boxes with her left foot to hold it open. “Now let’s get this show on the road yeah?”
“You’re not even gonna acknowledge it?”
“Acknowledge what Chris?”
“Don’t do this Noa, c’mon.” He sighed, moving to block her view of the boxes that she was busying herself with. “You’ve still got those boots.”
“Sure do.” She replied shortly, piling a small valuables box on top of one marked ‘kitchen - don’t drop’. “Got all my football stuff in there.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Noa huffed. “What’s left to talk about? We’ve talked about it many times, I think we’ve covered everything. And it was five years ago Chris.”
Chris raised his eyebrows, not convinced. “Okay, okay, but if you want to talk, me and Arthur are here.”
“Very aware of that, thanks.”
author speaks: welcome to the first proper chapter! Hope you enjoyed it :)
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aurorawhisperz · 1 year
ethan x fem!reader who smokes 🤭
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“What are you doing?” You jumped slightly at the sound of Ethan’s voice. He frowns at the sight of you on the ground and holding a lighter. “Am I interrupting something?” He asks.
The curly-headed boy raises his eyebrows and looks around, “Doesn’t seem relevant enough to be interrupted.” He grins. You quickly hide the cigarette and sit up, feeling a bit embarrassed by being caught. “Go back to Chad or something.” You roll your eyes.
Every party you had went to, you usually snuck behind the frat house to smoke. Every. Single. One. You liked it when nobody came to look for you.
To your surprise, Ethan appeared next to you, looking a bit out of place.
“So, what are you doing here?” You exhale a puff of smoke. Ethan wasn't exactly known for attending these kinds of parties, so seeing him here was unexpected.
He hesitated for a moment, then finally took a seat next to you. “Mind if I join you?”
You shrugged, taking another drag. “Not at all. Enjoying the party?” Ethan glanced around, a faint blush tingeing his cheeks. “Yeah, it's... different from what I'm used to.”
You chuckled softly. “Well, these parties can be a bit of a shitshow. People usually come here to let loose and rub up against each other.”
“Rub up against each other.” He repeats, chuckling. “I just realized we don’t really hang out, since you’re always with.. my sister and stuff.”
You look at him, surprised that he's addressing the elephant in the room. Your mind races for a moment as you try to figure out his intentions.
Ethan’s voice seems a bit nervous, and he avoids your gaze, focusing on his fidgeting fingers.
“Yeah, you're right,” You reply with a soft smile, taking another drag from your cigarette. “We're usually caught up with the whole friend group dynamic.”
Ethan lets out a relieved laugh, his shoulders relaxing a bit. “Yeah, exactly. It's like we're all connected through each other, but I've been curious about getting to know everyone better.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by his sudden openness. “Well, what do you want to know?”
He looks up, his eyes meeting yours for a moment before he glances away again. “What do you like to do when you're not at parties?”
Considering his question, realizing that you don't often talk about these things with anyone. “I'm a bit of a book collector, actually. I enjoy reading, and I'm into photography too.”
There’s something about him that feels magnetic this time, being this close and looking at him. It almost feels like a need instead of a want.
The night air starts to feel chilly, and you can't help but shiver slightly. As you take another drag from your cigarette, Ethan glances at you, concern evident in his eyes. “Hey, are you cold?”
You chuckle softly, the cold breeze getting to you. “Guess I didn't dress for the weather.”
Ethan hesitates for a moment, then shrugs off his jacket. “Here,” he offers, holding it out to you. “I don’t really need it.”
You look at him, a bit surprised by the gesture. His jacket seems to be a comforting cocoon of warmth, and you hesitate for a moment before accepting it with a grateful smile. “Thanks, E.”
The nickname made him turn all shades of red and pink.
He smiles back, a touch of shyness in his expression. “No problem. It's better than you freezing out here.”
As you put on his jacket, you're met with its familiar warmth and a faint hint of his cologne. It's a surprisingly intimate gesture, one that makes you feel closer to him in this quiet moment. The chilly night no longer bothering you.
The conversation continues, Ethan seems even more at ease, a genuine smile lighting up his features. The two of you talk about everything from ice cream flavors to childhood memories, each exchanged feeling more comfortable than the last.
Ethan glances at your cigarette and chuckles. “Let me try.” A sheepish grin on his face.
You smirk playfully. “Well, if you're curious, I guess you can try it. But Quinn would go crazy.”
Ethan chuckles softly, his eyes lighting up mischievously. “Actually, I don't think she would care.”
You notice that Ethan's gaze lingers on your plump lips for a moment, and your heart skips a beat. Without fully realizing it, you lean in slightly, drawn by an invisible string between you.
His eyes meet yours, his breath hitching as he leans in as well. It's a moment frozen in time, one where everything seems to hang in the balance.
Just as your lips are about to touch, a loud crash echoes from somewhere behind you, and you both startle, pulling away from each other. You turn to see a purse rolling on the ground, having been thrown out of a frat house window.
You can't help but laugh. “Definitely not the most romantic timing.”
He chuckles nervously, running a hand through his brown curls. “Yeah, I guess not.”
The party had started winding down already, and you find yourselves by a streetlight now. “I had a really great time talking to you, (NAME).”
“Unexpectedly fun.” You joke, and look down. Your phone lights up with Quinn's name. “I have to, um, go.” You manage an awkward smile.
But before you can continue, Ethan's lips are suddenly on yours. It's a gentle and fleeting kiss, a promise of what could have been. His touch is soft, his intent clear, and just as quickly as it happened, he pulls away, his cheeks flushed.
How could this boy be so hot and awkward at the same time?
Ethan steps back, a shy smile on his face. “Sorry about that. I couldn't resist.”
Your heart races, and you can't help but smile in return. “No need to apologize.”
As you fumble for your phone, Ethan's expression becomes playful. “You might want to answer that. Don't want Quinn thinking you're avoiding her.”
You step closer. “Well, this was unexpected, but I'm really glad we had this chance to talk.”
Ethan's smile becomes more assured, his gaze steady. “Me too. We should do it again sometime.”
Before he can continue, you lean in and places a quick, soft kiss on his cheek. “Goodnight.”
This night, this boy, this connection, this memory. You were never gonna let it go. It all just happened with a cigarette.
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joenotexotic99 · 1 year
Hi honey, I have to say I love your stuff. You write absolutely great. Could you do a headcannon on BoB and what type of love would you give them? I mean love at first sight, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, etc. I'd be happiest with Winters and Nixon and Speirs, but do what you will. Thank you.
A/n: here you go my love. When I finally re read the request I realized you might have wanted the pov's reversed but it was too late. Hopefully it's not too bad. I will happily switch it to reader pov if you wish.
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Richard winters
-friends to lovers. I don't think that this man thought of romance when he first met you. Attractive? Most definitely. However he had bigger things preoccupying his mind. Yet somehow at some point, you wiggled your way to being one of his best friends. Don't tell nix. Something about you practically scrambled his brain. He doesn't know when in the friendship he fell or if he fell in the very beginning. But when he realized just how much he loved you it was like he jumped off a cliff without a parachute. He knew right then and there you were it for him. He probably felt nervous telling you due to the fact that he never gave off the impression that he likes you. But let's just say the feelings were reciprocated.
"Dick, I have been flirting with you this whole time."
Lewis nixon
- love at first sight. This man took one look at you and said yes. He may not immediately start flirting with you out of respect, but he will damn well be tied to your finger. Will always open doors for you, and give you his coat when you're cold. So many acts of services. At one point you two were at a bar and some private made his way to your side to start a flirty conversation where he swears he got to hands'y. He knew that you were single but he was extremely jealous nonetheless. Eventually he had to leave to get some air. You followed shortly to catch up with him. You confronted him asking what has gotten into him as of late. He never wanted it to come out like this but it sort of just spilled out of him. He rambled on about his feelings before you cut him off with a kiss and a huge grin on your face.
"Shut up nix and take me on a date"
Ronald speirs
-Distance attraction, I don't know what to call it, this is the closest I can get. It just feels right. Basically, Speirs isn't quite love at first sight, he's the guy who needs to really get to know you to start building a relationship like that. However this man has a MASSIVE crush on you. But he's too prideful to say anything seeing how simping for someone isn't exactly in Ron's profile. He just admires you from a distance while simultaneously stuffing his emotions deep down. Much better in his book. Yet he still does his very best to be by your side at every moment possible even though he spends a lot of time trying not to think about how perfect you are. It's you who makes the first move. You obviously like him and you know he does too. It's obvious to everyone but no-one says a single word. And before you can finish telling him if he wants to go out some time, he's already agreeing.
"You free Friday?"
Carwood lipton
-childhood friends to lovers. He was the boy next door. You two were friends from first grade through college. Sharing secrets, sleepovers, getting into mischief. Car started crushing on you when you two were teenagers. Said crush continued all the way until you two volunteer to join the paratroopers. War was hell but you seemed to make it just a little bit more manageable. His life in the war picked up significantly and he had a freight train worth of responsibility placed on his shoulders. Yet you never left his side. It wasn't until Austria that he confessed his feelings. He almost felt sick when he told you in fear of losing his best friend. It was short sweet at straight to the point. You were silent for what felt like an eternity. Lip almost took off in fear of rejection. He was stopped in his tracks by the sound of your laughter. He turned to hear you laughing with the biggest smile on your face.
"Clifford carwood Lipton, do you know how long I've been waiting for those words"
Joseph Leibgott
-Enemies to lovers. Your relationship started off Rocky. Your personality clashed and having a civilized conversation was seemingly impossible. Every time your paths crossed it was filled with banter, insults and tension. Sometimes it got to the point where someone needed to intervene. When you would walk into the same room that Joe would be in it's like the air seemed to thicken. The cold stares and passive aggressive comments. As the war progressed your comments never faulted but the tension you ask? It could be felt by an entire room. And all that hate seemed to not leave as bad as a taste in your mouth. Joe knew from the start that he hated and loved you. You know the type of enemies to lovers where it's like 'she's mine' and 'who did this to you?' It's giving that. He got so fed up with replacements trying to whisk you away so he simply grabbed you by the waist and kissed you.
"Don't lever leave with one of them alright sweetheart?"
"Wasn't planning on it"
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mercurytojupiter · 8 months
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the labyrinth - prologue
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a/n: i'm going through an archie madekwe phase no one look at me
warnings: farleigh being farleigh, which includes underage drugs, drinking, cigarettes and sex 18+
fic summary: ariadne gavin and her childhood best friend turned enemy return to saltburn for the last time
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Ariadne Gavin wishes she could say the first Catton she met was Felix or even Venetia. She would have loved to explain to people how she had tripped into Venetia at the airport when she first landed in England, or how she had been greeted by Felix's already tall, grinning face.
Instead, the truth was, the only reason the Cattons held their arms open to her as they did was because of Farleigh fucking Start.
Ariadne had met Farleigh when she was seven. Her father, Laurence Gavin, was a new money tech mogul who was making a name for himself selling computers. He had dragged her along to a fundraising gala, and it was there that Ariadne found herself forever enamoured with the Cattons.
Ariadne had never met another child before. Her upbringing was limited to her Nanny, Lilian, the house staff, Douglas, Marcus, and Tyrone, and her mother, Vienna. Ariadne had only even known that white people existed because of her storybooks.
"Hello," She whispers politely. "My name is Ariadne Marie Gavin."
"I'm Farleigh." The little boy shrugs.
Ariadne tilts her head. "How old are you?"
Farleigh looks at her strangely. "Seven and a half."
Ariadne pouts. "Oh. I'm just seven."
Farleigh's eyes widen in panic. "That's okay! Don't be upset! It's okay to be smaller than me! Normally I'm the smallest person."
"Youngest." Ariadne corrects.
"M'kay," Farleigh says, but makes no move to say the sentence correctly. He jumps down from his chair and squishes her cheeks. "Do you want to play hide and seek?"
"Won't the grown-ups be mad we're gone?"
"They never notice." Farleigh smiles.
That smile got Ariadne in more trouble than she could count over the next thirteen years.
At some point between seven and a half and fourteen, Farleigh stopped being her only friend. Or, more accurately, Farleigh began to make friends and it meant that Ariadne was going to be alone unless she made some of hers.
Or, that was, until Saltburn.
Ariadne didn't like the person Farleigh was becoming ever since they'd become teenagers. He'd been mean, and flaky, and worst of all, he kept hitting on her friends.
And yes, perhaps she was a little jealous, but she had always been territorial, and Farleigh was hers, not Ashley's or Jessica's. Besides, Farleigh grew like a beanstalk, and all her friends only liked him because he was tall. They didn't spend Sunday evenings conditioning his hair or laugh at his terrible -and slightly mean- jokes.
Overall, they had begun to drift a tad, but a crack was not a canyon, as her father liked to say.
But that didn't mean Farleigh wasn't still the only person her age she truly trusted, so he still came over to her house every Sunday to do homework and complain.
"Did I tell you my mom's family wants me to come to England over the summer?" He sighs, stretched out on her floor.
Ariadne has her nose tucked into her copy of Pride and Prejudice for her book report and looks up suddenly. "Excuse me?"
"I know, right? Like, why would I waste my summer-" Farleigh starts.
Ariadne shushes him. "Shut up, Far. Doesn't your mom's family pay for all your mom's shit? And yours, for that matter?"
"I mean, yeah, but they always said I'm out after eighteen." He shrugs.
Ariadne grins. "Because they don't know you. But if, say, you went to England in the summers, made connections with them, flashed some puppy dog eyes," she trails off.
Farleigh raises a brow. "You want me to go to them like some kind of homeless kid asking for spare change on Alameda Street?"
Ariadne kicks him. "No, I want you to use your brain. You're going to be my business partner once I inherit, obviously, but it's going to be obvious that we're only working together because we're friends if you don't at least have a college degree. Now, imagine, we get into some fancy British university, we network with like a billion people, and suddenly we have investors lining up at graduation."
"All it'll cost me is my pride." Farleigh grumbles.
Ariadne purses her lips. "Not if I come with. Then, it's just going to be us, two rich kids, going and being rich on a different continent over the summers."
Farleigh sits up. "I'm going to hate this, aren't I?"
"Not in the long run." Ariadne grins.
Ariadne wishes she'd never suggested going to Saltburn. She and Farleigh were one change in conversation away from escaping the Cattons and she'd never forgive herself for it.
Maybe it's the new money, manifest destiny, red-blooded American in her, but she never liked the look of Saltburn. She missed her modern, sleek home in Bel-Air, and from a single look, she knew Farleigh did too.
Saltburn was cold and ancient. There was no carpet, only million-year-old Persian rugs. No many-buttoned showers, only antiquated tubs. They didn't even have a bidet, which Ariadne thought was borderline uncivilized.
But they adjusted, slowly but surely, to the famous, trademark brand of Catton Madness that had sent his mother running for the hills all those years before.
Farleigh hadn't known that Felix and Venetia were their age, but they certainly were, and they were wilder and more English than anyone Ariadne had ever met.
She also found that they took to calling her demeaning, patronizing pet names like "Pet" or "Girlie." Farleigh got about the same treatment, only, in her opinion, worse, because there was no way to spin "Boy" or "Dog" as respectful.
Vee liked to call her "Newmo", short for "New Money" and Ariadne knew this was an insult, but bit her tongue.
She did that a lot, after Saltburn.
She starts at St. Mary Magdelene's Secondary Academy for Girls with Venetia that year, and Farleigh attends St. John's Secondary Academy for Boys with Felix. Twice a year, the adjoined schools have huge dances and dinners where they exercise their best manners.
The Gala is poorly chaperoned, as it is also the only time the faculty gets to mix and mingle. The dinner is mostly manner-based, but by the time the dance begins, most adults turn their heads away from the teenage drama and illegal activity.
When their first Fall Gala comes around, Ariadne looks around excitedly for Farleigh, peering through the crowd of white faces. She wants to tell him everything that's happened since they separated at the start of the school year.
Unfortunately, all she gets is Felix's stupid face. "Where's Farleigh?"
Felix rolls his eyes grinningly. "Smoking outside. Again."
Ariadne blinks, takes a step back, and laughs disbelievingly. Farleigh had gotten more rebellious since they'd become teenagers, sure, and maybe England was rubbing off on him, but he never smoked. "Are you kidding?"
Felix snickers. "He said you'd be pissed off."
That was another thing Ariadne hated about the Cattons. Everything was a fucking joke to them.
"No fucking shit!" She whisper-shouts. "He can't- He's going to ruin his lungs! This is my fault, I knew it was a bad idea for us to go to different schools!" She bites her lip, flicking her wrists in and out.
It was a terrible nervous tick. Lilian had always said it was unbecoming. Ariadne couldn't shake it.
Felix steadies her by the arms, charming doe eyes staring right into hers. "Farleigh will be fine, everyone smokes once in a while. Besides, he's finally letting loose, isn't that worth something?"
Ariadne wants to spit that it is not something, because Farleigh doesn't need to let loose, he needs more structure. He'd already been let loose his whole life and Ariadne had spent most of hers cleaning up the debris.
She doesn't yell at Felix, just shakes her head mutely.
"Well, maybe you need to let loose too. Vee's got weed or shrooms or something in the bathroom, go try that."
And, shockingly, Ariadne lets Felix lead her to the door of the Girl's bathroom, where a small puff of fogged-up air escapes.
"Have fun, Pet!"
He shoves her inside and lets the door swing closed.
Vee offers her a joint, grinning, and for the first time, Ariadne's thoughts cease.
After Ariadne is introduced to weed for the first time, she no longer worries about Farleigh. Still, the worst does not come until the Spring Gala, when she walks in on him losing his virginity to Arabella Vaillancourt.
All the jealousy she had felt in middle school hit a breaking point then. This wasn't flirting or even a kiss on the cheek. Arabella had claimed Farleigh in a way Ariadne would never be able to compensate for.
Ariadne turns her head away from the sight of them, sweating and naked and wholly consumed by each other and goes back to her dorm.
Vee sees her tears and offers her a line of coke, and from that point on, Ariadne and Farleigh are no longer friends or even allies.
When the summer break retrieves them again, she hardly looks at him in favour of making jokes with Venetia and walking Felix through the process of getting girls to like him. While Felix was pretty, most of the girls their age couldn't stand him because he was so boring to talk to. She pierces his eyebrow so he has something interesting to talk about. Felix is horrible at flirting, too. Not like Farleigh, she thinks, recalling the many girls he had wooed bitterly.
Soon, everyone at Saltburn forgets that Ariadne and Farleigh were ever even a pair. Or, in their respective cases, at least pretend to forget.
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kitthepurplepotato · 1 year
MWRMI Part 2
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My Weird Roommate, Midoriya Izuku!
📦 Week 0.5 - Let’s get settled! 📦
Previous part Master List
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of Deku’s “peach” and other parts in a non-cheeky way. I also made Deku look like a sugar daddy by accident but I swear that was not my intention, he just loves to share his money with his friends, he’s just nice like that!
16 + because of the joke in the last part of this chapter.
Summary: Y/N meets pro hero Deku’s mysterious cat and gets to know Midoriya a little bit too much for her liking. (That’s a lie, she secretly loves it.) Bakugou gives Y/N a flattering nickname.
There is an ugly attempt of a blueprint by the end of the story about Deku’s flat if the layout gets too confusing!
It has only been an hour since your world has turned upside down. You’re staring at the ceiling in your new room; which is absolutely massive by the way; your bed is extremely comfortable, even with the lack of sheets and pillows. Your room has two massive wall-to-wall windows; one facing the garden area with the pool and the hot tub, the other one facing the city; the view will be absolutely stunning when all the city lights come to life.
You hear a rustle outside your door and a thump of a cardboard box being placed in the hallway; that’s when you realize you are being an absolute prick right now.
You kind of forgot about the van outside the building stuffed to the brim with all your boxes and old furniture. Deku must have went down to tell them where to bring the stuff up. Knowing this guy he probably did all the work for them.
You jump up from the comfortable bed and make your way to open the door a little bit too aggressively. The side of the door meets a fluffy green head. Well, now you’ve really done it.
“I’m so sorry, Deku-san! Are you hurt?” You crouch down to the poor guy, trying to access the damage. You heart makes a few somersaults when you touch the ridiculously fluffy and soft curls. That counts as a damage, right?
You, Y/N, 23 years old fangirl, touching pro hero Deku’s hair, like it’s no biggie. How is this all real? Oh, your face is really hot. And so is pro hero Deku in his fucking joggers and oversized all might thank top.
“You don’t need to be so polite, just call me Midoriya.” The hero giggles. - Jesus, why is he so adorable?! - “Also, I would be a pretty lame hero if a single door would be able to hurt me. Try throwing the whole building in my face next time, that might make me a tiny bit dizzy at least.”
Your embarrassment fades away with your loud laughter after hearing Deku… Midoriya making such a joke with such a straight face. You look around the hallway, seeing a bunch of boxes already placed next to the wall.
“I’m sorry, I forgot about the boxes, I’ll get the rest! It’s your free day, you deserve to chill.” You really don’t want him to do all the work for you, even though you know it’s probably not a big deal for him.
“No worries, there’s only 10 boxes left, I can bring them up in one go!” Midoriya exclaims, like it’s an absolutely normal thing to be able to hold 10 massive boxes full of heavy books on one shoulder. The hero world is amazing.
“I need to see that.” You accidentally say your last thought out loud, which only makes the green haired hero giggle out loud, again.
“Well, what are you waiting for then?” A mischievous smile spreads on the hero’s face, his eyes shining with challenge. He takes your hand and pulls you forward to the main entrance like you’ve known each other for ages; it’s the complete opposite of the high school version of him, at least if Jirou’s old stories were true.
Back in his first year of high school, Midoriya Izuku was a shy boy, really lanky and really awkward with everyone, especially with the ladies. He was severely bullied by his childhood best friend, Bakugou Katsuki, who somehow became a close friend of his during his high school years, like the terrible bullying on Dynamight’s part has never even happened. There are a lot of foggy gaps in the story, parts Jirou didn’t want to share for the sake of the other person, but eventually, Midoriya has changed; he’s become stronger, a man full of confidence but his empathy towards everyone only grew stronger as the time went by. His heart is big enough to love every single living, breathing thing, without a limit.
You let yourself be pulled towards the door, down the hallway and into the elevator, your heart full of anticipation to see your favorite hero do something so domestic, just for you.
Ahh, you are such a fangirl, goddammit.
Midoriya goes all out to show off, just to make you laugh; he puts 9 boxes on his shoulder and spins the tenth one on his fingers like a basketball. You can’t help but giggle, your eyes shining like the fangirl you are, absolutely fucking smitten with the man opposite of you. Midoriya takes one glance at your face and laughs with a hint of a blush on his chubby cheeks and gives you the box. All your muscles strain from the weight of it, and you can’t help but wonder how the fuck did he not break his finger. “Team work makes the dream work!” Midoriya grins as he steps into the elevator to go back to his apartment….
…Which is also your apartment.
You’ll never stop fangirling about this. Never.
After putting the boxes down in the hallway, you hear a rustle from one of the open boxes; by the look of it, the tape didn’t hold properly and snapped, leaving the box half open.
Two beige ears stick out from the small space between the two flaps of the box, alert.
“All Meowt! Get out of there!” Midoriya giggles at the intruder and takes it out of the box; a massive cat with beige fur and barely visible leopard print on his back. You almost choke on your saliva from trying not to laugh at the obese cat. His mismatched eyes; one blue, one dark brown; look at his owner angrily, clearly not amused by being taken out of his new “home” so abruptly. He moves his chubby arms to attack the “offender”, but makes his mind up in the middle of the movement; it’s too much bother to raise these fluffy paws! After a few seconds, the cat just lets his body go limp in Midoriya’s hand, making him look like a sack of potatoes.
“He’s so chubby!” You cry out, but by the look of it, this wasn’t the right thing to say as Midoriya puts the cat into his arms and covers his little ears with a pout on his face.
“Don’t say that, Y/N! He’s self conscious!” He tries to reprimand you and you swear you try not to laugh even harder than you already are, but it’s impossible. “Don’t laugh, Kacchan called him a fat bitch a few weeks ago because he tried to get some food out of his plate and he started throwing up right after!” Midoriya looks so sure of his reasoning and you don’t have the heart to tell him that the cat probably threw up because he actually ate some of the food which knowing the fiery hero was probably full of sriracha or something definitely not good for the poor cat’s sensitive stomach.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” You try to get some air into your lungs after all the laughing.
“So…” Midoriya puts the cat down who runs into the bedroom opposite of yours. “Can I help you unpack? I’m not sure when I’ll be home properly again, so… I want to tell you more about the flat? Get to know you, and stuff…” the hero scratches his fluffy head, embarrassed. “I mean, you don’t need to say yes, I understand if this is too much for you, I mean, when I met my idol for the first time I was about to pee myself and even after months of being together almost every day I still managed to freak out every time I remembered who he is, I still freak out sometimes when he comes over and plays with All Meowt…”
Oh yeah, you were so busy laughing you kinda forgot the name of the little rascal. It’s a really fucking ridiculous name.
“Please, breathe.” You snort while you look at Midoriya’s face; he’s flushed and out of breath, thanks to him trying to get all that rambling out without taking any air into his poor lungs. “I’ll accept your help, thank you.”
This is how you end up in your room with pro hero Deku, who’s extremely busy right now with handling your Deku merch with utmost care. Thankfully, the room has quite a lot of shelves so your hero merch can be displayed nicely; Midoriya tried to persuade you to have your merch in the living room, but after 5 minutes of back and forth arguing you compromised by having 1 Deku figurine and a few other hero ones in the living room, while the rest stays in yours.
It’s a really fucking weird thing to be able to argue about such a silly thing with your favorite hero. You wrote so many fanfictions about your daydreams of living with the Number 1 hero, but the real thing is so different, you are actually not sure you know this hero at all at this point.
The base of his character is the same as the one in your fanfictions; kind, understanding with a heart full of love, but in real life, he is so much more than that; he’s less of a hero and more like a nerd, a super hyper and excitable person who’s overprotective and just so fucking lovely it actually hurts your brain and your heart.
After the argument is settled, Midoriya tells you about the stuff you might need to do in case he can’t make it home; feed All Meowt, pet All Meowt, water the plants, make sure there is bread and rice in the house in case he actually makes it home and basic things like that. It’s really not so different from the way you lived until now. Your old roommate was an unviable peace of shit who would have starved if it’s not for you, so having cheaper rent for all your hard work this time is a gift from God himself.
You end up cleaning up the mess until later in the afternoon and you both decide to order some takeaway as you are both too tired to actually make food tonight. Midoriya pulls you out of your room to show you around flat properly; apparently pulling people around is a thing Midoriya does, or at least it is now; then Midoriya stops by the massive wall-to-wall window in the living room and points at a big fake plant in front of it.
“So this is my favorite plant, the only one who didn’t die on me yet.” He shows you the plastic plant with a proud face. “I’ll get some more now that you are around! It only needs water once a week but I once forgot to water it for a month and he was still okay! So don’t worry about it too much!”
This is a fucking plastic plant. And he doesn’t know. This is…
“So how long have you had this plant, Midoriya?”
“Two years. I got it from the squad after I started to cry about accidentally killing all my plants when I was drunk.”
… absolutely ridiculous.
This man… this pro hero… this legend… has been watering a fucking plastic plant for two fucking years and no one had the heart to tell him that it’s fake.
This man is fucking precious. Oh my god, he is so fucking precious, you can’t even.
His friend are also absolute legends, because you are quite sure they had to “water the plant” while he was away to the US and they probably did it for him, out of pure pity.
You keep a straight face and pet the leaves of the plant to make sure he knows you’ll take care of it properly. You’ll go to the nearest garden center tomorrow and buy all the fucking plants in the word for this precious little boy and you’ll make sure they don’t die on him.
The living room is absolutely massive by the way; it has a corner couch that’s big enough to seat at least 15 people, it has a super dark green color and looks super expensive; there is also a massive TV (or rather a home theater), a massive drink cupboard, a coffee table, several shelves full of limited edition hero figurines (the price of these figurines is something you don’t even want to think about right now) and there are several cute Polaroids hung up on a fairy light on one of the walls. You’ll take a closer look when he’s not around, you don’t want to creep him out… yet. The kitchen/dining area has an arched doorway instead of a actual door, making the space feel even bigger than it is; the room is full of handy gadgets and different types of coffee machines, a super expensive looking rice cooker, and in the corner you can see the cat’s feeding bowl, which of course, is fucking automatic. Why is the cat so fat then?!
The oven is super fancy as well and absolutely huge, the dining table is big enough for your whole family tree. Everything is… oversized. Now it makes sense why the greenette said that the flat is way too big for one person. This flat could hold a party with half of the city without it being too crowded. Midoriya mumbles through the whole flat, telling you random stories involving the room then excitedly pulls you through the hallway again to get to the massive door leading to the pool. The outside area is - wow, what a surprise! - massive, the pool is bigger than some of the public pools in your mom’s city, there is a hot tub connected to it on the left side, bubbling vehemently as you walk next to it to get to the garden area, which is the only part of the flat that looks abandoned and uncared for, but you are already planning on planting several fruits and vegetables on one side and super cute flowers on the other, so needless to say, you really don’t mind that he doesn’t care about this area. Hm, you might even get a little cute picnic table so you can appreciate the sunrise with a hot coffee in your hands. You could draw your manga here, in the sunshine! Oh, you are really excited.
“Hey, Y/N, are you with me?” Midoriya waves his hands in front of you; you probably ignored the poor guy’s excited rambling by accident.
“I’m so sorry, Midoriya!” You bow apologetically. “I was just thinking about cleaning up the garden and have some tomatoes and flowers in there? A picnic table? Sorry, I really shouldn’t be reorganizing someone’s garden when I’ve only been here for a few hours…”
Midoriya’s eyes sparkle with excitement, looking as happy as a baby golden retriever.
“You want to take care of the garden too?!” He chippers, but he gets cut off by a really loud ringing noise coming from his bracelet. It flashes in red aggressively until he taps on it twice; suddenly, a holographic Bakugou Katsuki appears on the top of the bracelet, in the size of a hero figurine.
“Code red shit nerd, meet me at the usual corner. Group C made a move, all units are needed.” Dynamight suddenly moves his head to your direction. “Yo, freeloader, nice to meet ya or whatever.” The call cuts off and you just stand there like a dumbfounded idiot; what’s with all the high tech stuff? And what’s up with that nickname?!
“Don’t mind him, he gives everyone a nickname.” The hero smiles, but he’s clearly really antsy to move. He takes out something gold from his pockets and puts the golden thing in your hands without giving it a second thought. “Here’s my bank card, buy whatever you feel like we need in the flat and also feel free to use it for your garden shenanigans! It’s my garden, so I’m paying! Also, let’s do your fingerprint quickly because I really need to go.” The hero gives you a sad smile and it breaks your heart a bit; he clearly wants to stay for longer and chat about your plans, but oh well, this is hero life for ya’.
Midoriya takes your fingerprint at the door in only a few seconds then runs into his room to change; after a minute he comes out the door and heads towards the garden.
“See you soon, Y/N! Sorry I can’t stay and celebrate your new life with you! I’m heading out!“ The hero runs out to the garden before you have time to appreciate him in his hero costume/freak the shit out because fuck, this really is the Number 1 hero Deku you are living with; then jumps off the 43. Floor of the building without hesitation. You are frozen in place in front of the back door as you stare at the hero’s silhouette getting smaller and smaller in the distance, bouncing from one building to another.
You come back to your senses after a few minutes and move towards your room to finish up. Midoriya doesn’t seem to be coming back soon.
The next morning. 🥦
You wake up at 5 am to a really loud splash coming from outside of your window. You look at your limited edition Deku clock and let out a low whine; it’s way too early for this shit.
It takes you a few minutes to move to the window to investigate the weird noise; you are still half asleep and probably not even aware of your new living situation yet. As you stare into the distance with your eyes unfocused, the splash of green and yellow becomes a full picture… and that’s when you realize you are staring at the pro hero’s NAKED ASS moving from the pool to the hot tub to get warm.
It’s not just the bottom you had a glance at; oh no… there was the ding and the dong and everything you kinda never wanted to see; okay, that’s a lie, you are a veteran in the cheeky section of Tumblr, but man, you’ll never be able to write a fanfiction again without feeling like you’re about to expose Deku’s intimate secrets.
If the situations isn’t terrible enough, after Deku is settled he waves at you with a smile on his face, absolutely unaware that you did indeed see his ding and his dong while he crawled into the hot tub, and for some weird reason, he’s absolutely not freaked out by you staring at him at 5AM in the morning while he soaks his sore muscles and enjoys the lovely sunrise.
You: Who the fuck uses the pool naked?!
Jirou: I did not want to know that.
You: Me neither.
Jirou: Stop lying to yourself.
You: …
You’ll never leave your room again.
… Next Part!
Fun facts:
- The “chubby cat” conversation has actually happened in my real life, it was a legit conversation with my mother-in-law. She’s precious.
- I’m quite sure I accidentally stole the name “All Meowt from someone else’s ficc, so if it’s you, send me a comment or a message and I’ll tag you as the original author or something! Thank you!
- I tried to make a little thingy to show you the layout of Deku’s flat, don’t judge me, please 😂😂😂
(It’s a masterpiece, I know.)
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The secret room will be revealed eventually. (Stop thinking about dirty things, we are talking about Deku.)
Feel free to try and guess what the secret room is, can’t wait to see your answers!
See you in the next part!
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated 💚🥦
Taglist: @porusuniverse (want to be added? Just ask!)
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analogwriting · 9 months
Childhood Crush
Chapter 2: Steel
Killer x gn!reader
word count: 2.7k
a/n: A sheòid means my hero or valiant warrior - again i just googled scottish terms of endearment so idk how trustworthy that sauce is lmao next
The front door to the house opened, then it shut, followed by hushed whispers. Immediately, you were on edge. That wasn’t normal. Usually your brother announced his arrival very loudly and very annoyingly. You were currently in your bedroom, doing some studying for work. Slowly, you closed the book, getting up from your bed. 
Killer and Eustass were passing your door when they realized you were in your room. They both froze in the doorway, Eustass’ eyes wide and a guilty look on his face.
Eustass looked like he had gotten into one nasty fight. He was beaten and bloodied - was that a missing tooth? You felt your blood boil. “What the fuck happened?” You demanded, heading over to them. Eustass looked away, avoiding eye contact so you looked at Killer. He might have been taller than you, but you still made him step back with your sheer presence at times.
“I-I don’t know. I found him like this…” Now that you got a good look at him, he didn’t appear to be injured in the slightest. You turned your attention back to your brother.
“Who?” You headed into the kitchen, retrieving the first aid kit. You waved them in, Eustass sitting in the chair while you handed the first aid kit to Killer. He grumbled before answering you. “No one…”
“Eustass Kid.” Not very often did you pull out that tone, but when you did, it made Eustass flinch. The parental tone was something you didn’t like using because you didn’t like to treat your brother like a child, aside from teasing and typical sibling behavior.
Your brother sighed, slumping his shoulders in defeat. “The Delmark brothers,” he mumbled. “Just some stupid kids who formed their own stupid gang.” You handed the first aid kit to Killer. “Start patching him up.” He nodded, following your instruction. “Just do what you can and I’ll fix it up when I get back.”
“Did they jump you?” You looked at your brother as you started rifling through the hall closet. “Ah, no. They…” He paused, seeming to hesitate. You found what you were looking for, pulling out your trusty baseball bat that you had enhanced yourself over the years.
“They what?” You rested the bat on your shoulder as you looked at him from the kitchen doorway.
Eustass sighed. “They were making fun of me, which doesn’t bother me - you know that but…” You narrowed your eyes. “But…?”
“But they started making fun of you.” You blinked. A frown set into your face and you walked over to him. “Mo laochain,” you started and but he interrupted, “I’m not little anymore.” 
You paused, nodding. “A sheòid,” you corrected and he just rolled his eyes, but didn’t argue this time. “I appreciate your valiant bravery, but you shouldn’t fight on my behalf.” 
He frowned, looking at you. “But, what they were saying was awful and unacceptable! Like hell if I’m going to let them run their mouths without consequence!” You sighed, ruffling your brother’s hair gently - you weren’t sure if he had head injuries.
“Where are they at?” you asked, heading for the door. “Bigs, please,” Eustass began but you held up a hand to silence him. “Location.” You looked at him and he stopped, groaning. “Behind the convenience store on Steel Ave.” You nodded, grinning. “Good thing I have my lucky steel bat.” You waggled your eyebrows, causing Killer to snort in amusement, but earning a groan from your brother.
“I’ll be back in time to make dinner. Killi, make sure tungsten doesn’t do anything stupid. Tungsten, don’t do anything stupid.” You grinned, heading out the door without another word.
The moment the door closed behind you, rage settled in. You were honestly barely keeping it together right now. You wanted to destroy everything in your path. You were feeling a new type of wrath that ran so deep it almost scared you. 
“How fucking dare they?” You seethed as you began to walk. You were beyond pissed. Words could not express the pure anger you felt. You weren’t about to let some snot nosed kids get away with fucking around with your brother. They were about to see why they shouldn’t fuck with the Kid family. 
Sure, kids fought, but this seemed to be more than that. This was more than a scruff between kids. Not with injuries like that. They went a little too far…or maybe you were just being over protective, either way - you were kicking some ass.
You might have also felt a little guilty. Your brother had gotten into a fight on your behalf and now he was suffering for it. You were aware that all kinds of rumors started about you ever since you dropped out of school. You, personally, didn’t care what people said. As long as there was a roof over you and your brother’s heads and food on the table, you couldn’t give two shits.
You knew that your brother was also protective and earnest. He defended the honor of those he cared about and you admired him for it. Even if he had gotten in trouble a lot because of it.
As you rounded the corner, you heard voices. They seemed to be boasting about something. You didn’t hesitate as you entered the alleyway, heads turning as they heard you walking. You tightened your grip on your bat, feeling extra fightey. Maybe this is what you needed. An outlet.
“Who the hell are you?” one of them demanded. You guffawed. “You’re talking shit on me and you don’t even know what I look like?”
“Oh, shit. You’re that little punk’s older sibling, aren’t ya?” 
“Bingo, dickweed.”
“Excuse me?” He stood up from where he had been seated on some cardboard boxes and walked over to you. You held out your bat and pointed at him, making him stop. “I wouldn’t come closer if I were you.”
With a quick glance, you noticed there were six of them. The ringleader, two girls, two boys, and two kids cowering in a corner? You weren’t worried about them, but you assumed they were roped into whatever pathetic excuse of a gang this was and now they were stuck. Probably some errand boys. They all looked to be around you and your brother’s ages.
“Oh? Maybe you’ll put up a better fight. You think you can take me on? Take on all four of us? I’m Nathan Delmark. You can’t touch m-” Your fist collided into his jaw, sending him reeling back. “Oh my fuck, I do not care,” you said, shaking out your hand as you steadied yourself again.
“Boss!” The others went to run to him and you held out your bat to stop them. “Ah, ah. He brought this upon himself.”
You looked down at this ‘Nathan’ character. He seemed like some rich kid being rebellious or just thinking he’s hot shit. You didn’t care. “How dare you do that to my brother you bastard,” the other boy hissed, turning to you and you just looked at him. “Do you know who our father i-” You swung your bat straight into his gut, sending him backwards with sheer force alone.
“I don’t give a shit who your family is. All I know is that you hurt mine.” You clenched your jaw. You heard footsteps behind you and sidestepped, watching as one of the girls flew right past you. She reeled back around and glared at you. You saw the glint of a knife in her hand. “Sure you can handle that, kiddo?” You smirked.
“Calling me a kiddo? You don’t look any older than me.” 
“I’m not.”
She glared at you, seeming to not have any kind of comeback. You didn’t expect her to anyway. She cried out, running at you again at full speed. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. You side stepped once more, swinging your bat at the same time. You heard a couple of cracks and the scatter of her knife. She cried out collapsing to the ground immediately.
“A few broken ribs. Should be fine if you don’t move around too much and seek medical attention. If you do move around a lot, you could puncture a lung and definitely die.” She stared at you in horror, not making any sudden movements.
You might have picked up a few anatomy books. You felt like if you understood how the human body worked, that could come in handy in fights. And you could patch up your brother easier since he had been getting into more fights.
Also, if smithing didn’t work out, you could try being a doctor of some kind maybe.
You heard someone shout from above, blinking as you saw a body barrelling at you. An aerial attack? You weren’t expecting that. However, you were able to move out of the way, only for someone to throw a knife at the same time. Probably the girl from earlier. You didn’t dodge that one in time. You felt it drag across your face, but nothing too bad. You’d have a nice scar, though. 
You heard the person drop to the ground and shift their feet. You turned around in time for them to lunge at you. You dodged, catching their arm. You planted your feet and heaved them over your shoulder - essentially throwing them. They crashed into a bunch of wood rotted boxes, seemingly unmoving. 
This was exhilarating. It gave you a sort of excitement to fight like this that you hadn’t felt in a long time. You spend every day working and not doing much else, it was nice to get some fresh air and have a good ol’ fight. That might not be a good thing. This shouldn’t be getting you excited.
You suddenly felt two arms wrap around your own to hold you in place. You tried pulling away to no avail. Must’ve been one of the brothers. Nathan then stood in front of you. You saw the glint of a knife in his hand. Just how fucking many of these things did they have? Who is just giving out knives to children? 
“You’re going to regret coming here.”
“Ha, doubt it.” He grimaced, running at you only for you to jump and kick your feet up, planting them square in his chest and sending him flying backwards into the wall. “Brother!” the one holding you cried out. Once your feet were on the ground, you planted them well, readying yourself. You dropped slightly, causing the boy holding you to slump over you in surprise. You then heaved his whole body forward, sending him crashing into the ground and freeing yourself from his grip. 
You picked up your bat that had fallen when he grabbed you earlier, kicking him in the stomach for good measure. You weren’t here to kill anyone - just send a message. 
You looked around at the aftermath, noticing the two kids still cowering in the corner. “Get outta here while you still can.” They just looked at you. “Go.” They skittered off without another word and you sighed, shaking your head.
You noticed Nathan grumbling from the wall. “Don’t fuck with my brother again, ya hear?”
Then you went to head home, only to stop in your tracks as you saw your brother and his best friend standing at the mouth of the alley. They wore matching expressions - their mouths agape and eyes wide. “Huh?”
“Bigs, where the fuck did you learn to fight like that?” You shrugged. “Nowhere.”
“I’m serious. You know me. When the fuck do I have time to learn to fight?”
Eustass just stared at you, shaking his head. 
“Tungsten,” your voice softened. “You should be resting anyway.” You looked at Killer. “You were supposed to be watching him and making sure he didn’t do anything stupid. You put your hands on your hips, glaring at the two of them. He squirmed under your gaze for a moment before he spoke up.
“I was going to see if you needed any help since I wasn’t exactly injured,” Killer mumbled, shifting his weight. You sighed.
You looked back just in time to see a gleam of something. Your instincts took over, reaching out to catch what was flying - only for your hand to close around a blade. You stopped it but fucking up your hand in the process. You hissed, flinging it back wherever it came from.
“Let’s get out of here,” you grumbled, heading out of the alleyway, the other two following after you. Eustass once again badgering you with questions you didn’t have the answer to.
Once you crossed the threshold of your home, your legs nearly gave out. All the strength seemingly leaves your body as the adrenaline dissipates. You sighed, heading into the kitchen and plopping down in the chair. 
Home sweet home.
You went to grab the first aid kit when Killer beat you to it. “Allow me.” 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “I can do it just fine.”
“Your hand is all fucked up, it’s not gonna go well.” You pursed your lips as he spoke. He had you there. “Fine,” you grumbled, letting him do his thing.
“I’m telling you, Bigs! You gotta tell me where you learned to fight like that!” You frowned as Eustass spoke. Honestly, at this point, you couldn’t even remember half of the fight. It was like you were a different person.
“I was just pissed off. It was all instinct,” you grumbled, looking down.
“Ah, ah. Face up.” You felt Killer lift your chin to face him. Silently, you thanked whatever was out there that your face was covered in blood because you were blushing like a madman. “Sorry,” you grumbled. You also weren’t used to being the one taken care of. You were always the one taking care of others. It was weird.
“C’mon, Bigs! Teach me your ways! We should spar ‘n shit! I wanna be a badass like you!” You watched from the corner of your eye as your brother threw fake punches and you rolled your eyes. “Fucking fine. Whatever gets you to shut the hell up - I have a migraine.”
“Eh, quit yer bellyachin’ you’re fine.” Eustass guffawed towards you. You turned your head to glare at him.
“Tungsten, I will literally kick your ass into next week if-” 
“Y/n,” you heard Killer’s voice and immediately stopped talking as he guided your face back to him. There was a warning in his tone. Man, your heart was absolutely racing. 
“Like hell you will! You just got beat up!”
“The fuck you mean! I fucking won! You’re the one that got your ass kicked in the first place, tungsten!” You turned to glare at him once more only to feel Killer place his hands on both sides of your face and turn you towards him. You gasped slightly, staring at him with wide eyes.
“Stop moving.”
You swallowed hard and nodded, your heart running a million miles an hour. There was something about that commanding tone he was using that you definitely made you excited. “Sorry,” you squeaked out. Killer just sighed softly, going back to tending your wound.
“Oooh, Bigs got in troooouble.” Eustass stuck his tongue out at you and you glared daggers at him - not daring to move anything else. Though, part of you wanted to test Killer to see what he’d do, you decided against it.
“Anyway,” Eustass said, reaching into his pocket. “I stole that Nathan guy’s wallet earlier when I fought him.” He pulled out his wallet. “We should get take out.” He grinned widely and you snorted. 
“Shithead. Fine, go find a menu.” 
Your brother cheered, running off to the living room where your desk was. One of your drawers had several different take out menus in them. 
“Should you be condoning theft?” 
You turned your attention back to Killer and you just gave him a lazy grin. “That would be very hypocritical of me.” You reached in your own pocket, pulling out three more wallets. “Considering I did the same thing.” 
Killer’s movements stopped as he started between you and the wallet. Then he busted out laughing and you felt your heart race. Man, you loved that laugh of his. You followed suit not long after, snorting and laughing with him.
“What’s so funny?” you heard Eustass ask as he appeared in the doorway. 
The two of you glanced at each other before bursting back into laughter.
“Hey! Don’t leave me out of this! You better not be laughing at me! Bigs! Killer!”
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hey! So if you're writing ghostbusters things right now (apologies if you arent, my Tumblr is acting up and it's not letting me see some of the fonts its just squares 😑) anyway I would love to request a podcast x reader of you're up for that because the dude does not get enough love 😔😔
I was thinking like the reader was childhood friends (mayyybeee first crushes?) but the reader moved to NYC and is now a regular at rays occult and now meets the reader again? What do we think?
Anyway hope you write this and have a GREAT day/night 😊
it's okay!! my requests r open as long as my mailbox is available haha, can't rlly stop ppl from requesting if it's still up so yeah dw ; but yeah of course! this actually sounds rlly fun to write lol ; have a good day/night to you too! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy :) ; also since we don't know much about podcast I kinda made some stuff up, I've watched both afterlife and frozen empire at least 3 times each so... hopefully I gathered all the canon podcast lore idk ; also reqs back open! gonna post the rest of the queue then work on anything yall send
PODCAST ; i think we're alone now
summary ; a little childhood best friends/first crushes reunite at rays occult books
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; we don't know a whole lot about podcast so I made some a lot stuff up lol ; also I'm just using Logan's name as podcasts legal name bc idk what else to call him + I just use actor names to fill in names in other movies/shows
track ; i think we're alone now ; tiffany
word count ; 1k
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Your first crush was silly and dumb, being on your at-the-time best friend, Logan, or Podcast, as he was now mostly known. He always had a fascination for film and commentary, no wonder he had his own podcast.
You'd recently moved to New York, surprisingly, where Podcast also lived these days. You reconnected over social media and found out you'd be living near each other again like the good old days, and decided to meet up once you got comfortable in the new environment. And that's what had happened. You now await his arrival at Ray's Occult Books, where you skim through the bookshelves, reading each spine to see if any title jumped out at you.
The bell above the door jingles, causing you to look up to see who it is again. Him, thankfully.
He scans the store, looking for you. Ray nods his head toward you, leading him right to you.
He smiles as he approaches, stuffing his phone in his jorts pocket. "Hey"
"Hey," you reply, a soft smile pulling on the corners of your lips.
"Uh, how are you?" He asks, clearly struggling to make conversation.
"Good, I like your outfit," you reply, pointing out his colorful collared shirt. Even now, it reflected his curious and extroverted personality.
He glances down at his shirt, having forgotten what he was even wearing, "Oh, thanks! Uh, do you wanna go walk around or something?" He asks, glancing over at Ray, staring you two down at the counter.
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You end up strolling around the city, catching up and talking about life until you retrieve to the basement of Ray's Occult Books, where Podcast was currently living for the summer. He already told you how he was supposed to be at summer camp and how he'd been consecutively lying to his mom. You already knew that was pretty in character for him. He wasn't great at fitting in and would've rather stayed with people he knew and his other actual friend, Phoebe.
You let some of the mini marshmallow pufts climb all over you, using you like a giant stool. A few use your arms as little slides. Logan takes a picture, framing your goofy smile while another mini puft jumps off your head and onto your shoulder.
A few slide down your left arm back onto the desk, then use your right hand as an elevator to go again. As you hoist a little group back up to your shoulder, Logan is now recording on his phone, laughing behind the camera.
"They're so cute," You happy-pout, looking at him for a moment.
Oh, how he wanted to pull the Uno reverse card on you with that, but he couldn't. He thought about it far too long, then backed out because he was too scared, but told himself it was just to late.
You look around his room, two of the little pufts sitting on your head like Remy in Ratatouille. You note all the posters and little trinkets and things around the room, making a weak assumption that he just liked collecting little random things.
You notice the orange lava lamp sitting on his bedside table, turned on, and providing an orange glow throughout that corner of the room. It shines off the side of Logan's face, creating an omniscient kind of glow that you can't look away from.
Denying you still had a crush on him would just make this even worse.
He looks back at you after saving the video to his photos and putting it in his Friends and Shenanigans folders, catching you quickly looking away. He raises an eyebrow, seeing your slightly jittery movements as you use your hand as an elevator for the mini pufts again. They don't keep it a secret though, 'oo'ing and 'ah'ing and bouncing on your shoulders and head.
You can feel your face flushing, attempting to hide it by not looking back at him.
The mini pufts land back on the desk, skattering behind the array of glass jars. You look back at him, seeing he's already looking at you. He's close, closer than you remembered, you felt closer to him, really.
You look down at the mini pufts at your feet, wondering if you'd zoned out as they slid you across the floor. You look back up at Logan, giving you that same soft look you were giving him.
Look, what a funny, simple word. There was no other word for that almost hypnotizing gaze shared between the two of you. There was so much tension. So much so that it was killing the mini pufts. They wanted to shove you into each other to just kiss already.
"I think we're alone now," He quietly speaks, glancing down at the desk where the mini pufts had flee'd from.
The beating of your hearts was the only sound as you pressed your hands against his jawline, his hands slinking down to your waist. You press your lips to his for a moment, then again and again before properly pulling away.
He opens his eyes, a grin painting his face. He pecks your lips once more before he knows you'll say that you have to leave.
"I have to go, I think my mom's waiting outside"
He watches as you stumble up the basement stairs, your face flushed. A smile still tugs at his lips, cheeks a light shade of pink.
The mini pufts come out from hiding and cheer him on, then flick the lights off to reveal colorful LED lights and a disco ball. He sighs with a pout, unable to hide the joy behind it.
"Okay, okay, party's over. We have an episode to record"
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blithesharem · 10 months
9 Days of Solomon
Day 2: Nostalgia
In which Solomon is reminded of his childhood.
I've wanted to write this fic for a while now. It combines a personal headcanon of mine with a bit of angst/comfort (more at the end of the fic). Nothing too intense. I want to hold and comfort sad boys. Nooo don't be sad Solomon ur so sexy...
A storm was crawling over the Devildom, slow and furious. It had started slowly, just a trickle in the morning, before bursting into a gale by noon. Outside of Cocytus Hall, wind whipped leaves across the yard and howled through narrow alleyways. Inside, however, you were far more concerned with another matter entirely.
“You definitely have a fever,” you tell Solomon, trying to keep the ‘I told you so’ tone out of your voice. Your hand presses to your sorcerer’s forehead, frowning when you feel the heat that pulses against it.
“Really? Ha ha how interesting,” he chuckles, voice a little thick from the congestion in his chest. You huff, not appreciating how glib he was taking things. He’d been sneezing all day yesterday but insisted that he never got sick. It wasn’t until his magic started fritzing this morning that Solomon finally admitted he may have picked something up.
“Don’t look so worried,” he said, giving a bright smile that was somewhat diminished by the pale pallor of his skin, “You know I can’t die from something like this.”
“I don’t have to be afraid that you might die to worry about you,” you scold, making him laugh again as he leaned back into the pillows on his bed.
“Alright, alright. Don’t look at me like that,” he relented, knowing better than to admit out loud just how much he enjoyed having you concerned for him, “I’ll be good and stay in bed, okay? See, I have my books right here.” He patted the stack of books he’d brought from his study which you gave a dubious glance. You had a hard time believing Solomon would consent to bed rest so easily, but you couldn’t think of a good reason to hover and keep an eye on him.
“Good. I’m going to go make some soup and tea, okay? And don’t even think of getting out to try and help me,” you tell him, standing and moving to turn on his bedside lamp before heading out of the room.
“Ohhh, so forceful…” His teasing coo made you roll your eyes with a smile, though you noted that as soon as you’d shut the door, your sorcerer fell into a brief coughing fit.
Well, nothing some good soup couldn’t fix. Determined, you head to the kitchen, putting on a record and gathering veggies to start sweating in the pot. Soon the kitchen is sizzling, the sound joining the furious pelt of rain hammering the window. Every so often you pause and listen to see if you can catch Solomon sneaking around, but he seemed to actually be behaving himself.
You stir in some herbs, musing on whether you wanted to use human or Devildom world stock, when the lights flickered. You pause, wondering at first if you imagined it. But no…another flicker, and then –
There was an electronic exhale as the power failed, and the house was cast in darkness.
“Dammit,” you hiss, looking around in the glow of the gas range for your phone. You’d just been looking up the recipe so where had you set it…?
A sudden bang and the sound of something breaking made you jump, your heart leaping into your throat.
“Solomon?” you called, anxiety spiking when you didn’t get a reply. Abandoning the hunt for your phone, you feel your way down the hall, finding his door and opening it.
“Solomon? Are you okay?” you ask again, squinting to try and find him in the darkness. He doesn’t answer but you can hear him breathing, the sound rapid and tight, like he can’t find his breath, and you follow it until you find him on the floor at the corner of his bed. He tries to say your name but it only comes out as a gasp.
Finally, he finds you, grabbing your arms and clutching at you as though he’s just pulled you from the sea, not the hall.
“Sol, you’re shaking!” It’s true, the mage is shivering, his fingers pressing into your back as he tries to take a deep, shuddering breath.
“Sorry…I’m sorry…just...it’s dark…” he pants, trying to get out a coherent sentence, face burning with shame even as his legs are weak with relief that you’re here, you’re here, he’s not alone, not like it was…
All at once you realize what has happened. Solomon has always kept light in his rooms. He sleeps with a magical fire flickering in his hearth, or a candle burning at his bedside. You never really thought much of it, to be honest. But now, with his magic reserves sapped by his cold and the light taken by the storm, Solomon had been plunged into a darkness he’d been fleeing since his childhood.
Your throat tightens as you wrap your arms around Solomon and hold him tight, moving into his lap so you can press your bodies together.
“It’s okay. I’m here. The light will come back. We’re okay,” you murmur softly, stroking his hair as he presses his face into your neck and breathes in your scent.
He feels stupid. Childish. A grown man, perhaps the most powerful sorcerer of the three worlds, afraid of the dark.
But it’s not just the dark, is it? It’s what the dark brings back. That tiny room in the basement of his childhood home. The chill that always permeated, the smell of mildew and wood rotting, the darkness that seemed to press in on all sides like it was just waiting for the chance to swallow him. The sound of laughter, connection, people, coming from over his head, sounds of a life he was never allowed to touch. The deep, gnawing loneliness that promised that no matter how hard he ran, eventually he would end up alone in the dark again because he was other he was wrong he was –
“Solomon…shh…” Your voice snaps him back out of his spiral, and he recenters himself in your arms. Your pulse beats against his cheek, rapid from the fright but steadying now as you hold him. He’s probably dripping snot all over your shoulder, he thinks, pulling back at last to give a sniffle that’s entirely due to the cold. Entirely.  
“Silly, isn’t it?” he finally says weakly, trying to laugh at himself.
You don’t answer. Instead, you cup his face, gently trailing kisses across it until the storm begins to wane and the light returns once more.
I think Solomon was a lot more affected by his childhood then he'd like to admit. I could see how such deep trauma would create a lifetime phobia of the dark, even if Solomon knows logically that he's safe. If I remember correctly, one of his first spells was creating fire/light. As long as he has his magic, he can keep a fire burning, light an orb in his palm, keep the shadows at bay. But if he doesn't, he's brought back to that helpless place of fear and abandonment.
I know technically its been stated that Solomon getting sick is incredibly rare, hence his amusement. I don't care. It's fun <3
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rottenroyalebooks · 9 months
Love Drunk - 0.2
Pairing: Eddie Munson x older sister!Harrington reader
Also includes: Steve Harrington x sister!reader (siblings)
AU: No Upside Down.
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Y/N Harrington left Hawkins as soon as she turned eighteen with her boyfriend to follow her dreams of being a Rockstar. Three years later, she returns to Hawkins alone and scarred. Now, she has to repair her broken relationship with her younger brother, all while trying to prevent herself from falling for a cute metal head who plays at the Hideout, where she works.
Warnings: None.
<;- Prev Next ->
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I didn't sleep at all that night.
I wasn't sure if it was the nerves of being in my childhood bedroom after so many years or the looming anxiety of recent events following me to Hawkins. Still, either way, I couldn't sleep soundly like Mr. "I probably wouldn't wake up if you're screaming bloody murder," Baxter.
After a few hours of tossing and turning, I gave up, turning to one of my old books for comfort until Seven O'clock rolled around and Baxter stirred awake, making me close my book dramatically, "I knew Saint Bernards were a sloth-y breed, but come on man!"
He just stuck out his tongue as he panted,
I removed the covers from my legs and climbed out of bed, "Alright, let's go. You need to go outside, and I need to make some food." He perked up at the mention of food, jumping off the bed as I made it and waited not-so-patiently by the door.
I opened the door, followed Baxter down the stairs, guided him to the kitchen, and let him outside through the sliding doors. I opened the fridge and hummed, looking through it for something to cook.
I grabbed the egg carton and the gallon of milk, deciding to make some eggs and bacon for breakfast. It was the easiest thing to do in the morning.
I found the bacon and took out some slices, hearing someone walk into the kitchen.
"You're cooking?" Steve's voice met my ears, a joking tone erupting, "Are you really my sister, or are you a clone that was sent to kill me in my sleep?"
I turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow at his low blow, "I've been cooking since I was twelve, remember?" Then, I turned back to the pan to focus on what I was making, "I made you dinner all the time until mom hired that Nanny who made amazing lasagna."
I heard him snap his fingers in recognition, "Yeah! I remember her. They fired her after I turned thirteen; they thought we could start caring for ourselves."
I scoffed, "Yeah, leaving us all the time with a credit card was a great idea. I bought so much booze with that thing; it was ridiculous. Want some breakfast?"
He made a noise of acknowledgment, and I nodded, turning my body to talk to him, "So, catch me up on the fantastic life of Steve Harrington."
Steve chuckled lightly, running a hand through his hair, "Well, I was pretty popular in high school after you left; I was captain of the swim team and then became a babysitter to some incredible kids." He spoke so fast that I couldn't get a word in, "After graduation, I met my best friend working at scoops ahoy, a nearby mall until it burned down, and now my friend Robin  and I work at the family video."
I hummed, "No furthering your education? You have a chance not to follow in the footsteps of your big sister, you know."
"I'm taking some time off." He scratched the back of his neck, "I honestly don't know what I want to do."
I shrugged, stirring the eggs in the pan as they cooked, "That's fine! We all go through life at our own pace; for example, I'm right back where I started. This is just a setback." I turned around and put the eggs and bacon onto a plate before walking to Steve and placing it in front of him.
He mumbled a thank you as I gave him utensils, and I returned to the stove.
I remembered that I didn't see his car anywhere when I pulled in during the early morning hours, "Hey, where's your car? I thought Dad would take you to pick one out on your sixteenth birthday."
When I was sixteen, Dad did the same for me. I saw an old 65' Caravan at a junkyard my friend's dad owned and became obsessed with the thing. He found one in good condition and bought it for me; mom was apprehensive about letting her sixteen-year-old daughter drive around in a Caravan, but I still have it.
He took a second to respond, "The break-line snapped, I have a friend who is a mechanic, and he's fixing it up for me."
I hummed, "Need a ride to work? The caravan is old, but she still runs beautifully."
His lips formed a thin line, glancing down at his food before nodding, "Can we pick up Robin too?" 
"Yeah, that's not a problem."
"Cool, let me go call her." He stood up with his plate and moved to the other room quickly.
It was an awkward silence.
I knew getting to know the brother I hadn't spoken to in three years wouldn't be easy, but I had hoped we'd be more civil than this.
"So, any girlfriends?"
I heard him scoff, "No, I dated Nancy Wheeler for a minute in school, but that ended, and she's now dating Jonathan Byers."
I rolled my eyes, "You talk as if I know these people."
I graduated when Steve was finishing his time in eighth grade, and as soon as I got my diploma, I ditched town with some less-than-lovely company. I wrote him a goodbye note and left.
"You would've known who they were if you stuck around."
I was taken aback by that response, "Whoa, dude -"
"I mean, you didn't call or write or come visit. You just left a note on my bed, and I never saw you again."
I kept my mouth shut and let him continue his speech.
"Mom and Dad were pissed, by the way. Tried to go to the Chief of Police about your "disappearance," but since you were eighteen and clearly stated you didn't want to come back, there wasn't anything they could do." He huffed, running a hand through his hair.
"Turn here."
I followed his instructions.
"I was worried about you until I heard from a repeat senior that you had skipped town with Ryder Daniels, who everyone told you was bad news, but for some reason, you loved him enough to run to god knows where with him."
There was a beat of silence, "Are you done?"
He paused, sighing lightly, "For now."
"I get you're upset, but this town is suffocating," I pulled up to the address he had given me.
"Then why come back?"
I saw a cute girl with short brown hair exiting the house, and I turned to Steve, "Get in the back."
He whipped his head to me, "What, why?"
"You know how to sit in the back, and she doesn't."
"But I'm comfortable -"
"Just get in the back, Steve."
He groaned, unbuckling his seatbelt, and climbed into the back of the campervan. He sat on the dining bench where Baxter loved to sit during rides and got comfortable as Robin opened the passenger door.
I smiled at her, giving her a once over, "Welcome to the Van; you get the music selection in the glove box."
"Please pick something decent; I can't stand the music she picks." Steve groaned, and I rolled my eyes.
"I-I'm Robin," She said, buckling her seatbelt as I drove off.
"Y/N." I greeted, watching her from the corner of my eye as she opened the glove box and picked through the selection of music.
"So, are you Steve's new girlfriend?" She asked me, and I jumped, nearly driving us off the road.
Steve and I started gaging dramatically in unison. Both were equally disgusted with the question.
"God, no," Steve said, shaking his head.
"Gag me with a spoon! No, like I'm his sister." 
Robin whipped her head around to look at Steve, "You have a sister? And she's crazy hot?"
I smirked, "I'm the attractive sibling."
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gyuletters · 2 years
playground love. | beomgyu valentine's day special
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♡ pairing: beomgyu x female reader.
♡ summary: you and beomgyu have been friends for so long. how to tell him your feelings changed to such an intense emotions?
♡ genre: 60's fluff.
♡ warnings: none.
♡ note: english isn't my first language. so excuse any mistakes. <3
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january 27th, summer of 1968.
"y/n! there is a letter for in the mail, sweetie!"
"i'm coming, mother!"
my father had to go in a bussiness trip to France almost two months ago. he promised me to mail me a letter every month with updates. he knows how much i miss him. i wait every beginning of month for his letter to come in.
"here it is, dearest." - my mother hands me the letter.
i open it so fast that i almost rip the writting paper apart.
"dear, yn ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ red roses are starting to bloom everywhere. the photography i'm sending you, was taken from the garden close to my hotel. the owners are a very respectful family, who lives in the South. they told me that one of their houses here in Paris is avaible for buying. it's a lovely house to live. i can already imagine you living there, my daughter. it's close to the most famous places and full of people, just like the pictures you have, dear. my work here is almost done. in a few more weeks, i'm going home. can't wait to give all the gifts i brought for you. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ with love, your very much loved father.
i jump out of the couch and run towards the kitchen - "mother, father is coming home in a few weeks!"
"oh my god, y/n! i can not believe it!" - she says almost crying. - "i have to call him right now!"
i run to our backyard and start to call for my childhood best friend.
"beomgyu! beomgyu! beomgyu! my father is coming back!" - i say through the fence.
beomgyu moved to the neighborhood ten years ago. i was 6 years old when i saw a brown haired boy, who is two years older than me, taking boxes from a big truck.
"jesus, y/n! it's saturday! there is no need to scream." - he says coming towards me with a very sleepy face.
"were you asleep? it's almost eleven!"
"there is no school today, mom." - he says sarcastic - "i was hoping to sleep until 1PM, but apparently you had other plans..."
"i'm sorry, beomgyu. it's just that father is coming home after two months!"
"no way! he is even earlier than you thought!" - beomgyu replies while getting excited as well.
"i know! i can't wait for him to tell me everything about the trip. the stores, the cafes, the people... ah, it seems like a dream."
"you're so cute when you get happy."
i laugh a little. i can feel my cheeks getting blushy and try to hide it with my hair.
"doesn't it deserve a hug?" - beomgyu says with his mischevious face.
i jump the fence and wrap myself all over him.
"i'm so happy for you, y/n." - his voice is closer to my ears. his breath tickles my neck and give me a warmth in my stomach.
little by little through our friendship years, i found myself falling in love with beomgyu. at start, i thought it was just a confusing thing. me not knowing how to distinguish my feelings for him.
but, as the time pass, i can only feel my heart calling for him more hopelessly. it's a vicious feeling. i just want more and more of beomgyu to myself.
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february 12th, summer of 1968.
"where beomgyu is taking you on valentine's day?" - my friend asks.
"what do you mean?" - i laugh while putting my books in the locker.
"oh, right. i forgot you still didn't tell him that you love him."
"i don't love him. it's just a normal romantic feeling towards a friend... it will go away."
"you have been saying that for 2 years, y/n."
"i know, right?" - i smash my forehead in the closed locker. - "i just can't tell him about it. if i ruin everything? if he thinks i'm crazy?"
"well... at least you've tried."
"you are terrible at helping people."
"look" - she hufs - "he's already going to college. do you really want to wait until he's far away from you?"
the problem is, beomgyu is more than a friend. he is family. we had grown up together through each others eyes.
i remember when he just looked like a silly boy - picking up insets to throw at me and laugh after seeing me scared, spending the whole day together at the pool in a hot day, having sleepovers where we would sneak for my leaving room and try to watch a horror movie.
all of sudden, he became the beomgyu. not just a friend, but a man.
a man i would look and ponder when did he started to get muscles. a man that when was shirtless, i coudn't look directly at. a man the has the most kissable lips i have ever seen. a man who has all the girls falling for him. a man who probably wouldn't look at his friend next door as a possible lover.
he is breathtaking. he looks as angelic as a human should.
keeping my feelings to myself just seem the right thing to do. i can't face rejection coming from him.
he is my first an only love. i know it's silly... i just can't see myself with anybody if not him.
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february 14th, summer of 1968 - 02:00 AM.
"hey, y/n? are you awake?" - beomgyu taps on my bedroom window.
i come out of bed and open it. i'm welcomed with his beautiful face in the middle of the night
"it's so late." - i say looking at the clock with a sleepy face - "what are you doing here?"
"get up at 5:00AM. let's do a little summer trip"
i laugh a little taken back by his confident state. - "beomgyu, are you crazy? i can't get out this early!"
"i just want to borrow you for a few hours. it's going to be fast. i promise! i even have my father's car!"
"i don't know, beomgyu... if my parents come looking for me?"
"they won't, y/n. i promise. just come with me."
when he looks at me with those shining eyes, speaking so confidently, talking like i'm already his... i can't resist it.
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february 14th, summer of 1968. - 5:30 AM.
song's are blasting through the radio. the breeze hitting myself. i never felt more alive.
"i knew you would like it, y/n!" - beomgyu speaks louder than the radio.
"thank you for bringing me!"
i can sense a different smell in the air. something salty and beachy...
"wait! you are taking me to the beach! OH MY GOD!"
beomgyu laughs and says - "i know you love the beach. so i thought of bring you before i went to college."
"oh, right." - i think. - "in a few weeks his moving away and going to college."
"look at the waves! they are so pretty today!" - beomgyu speaks but i can't hear a thing.
how is it going to be without him? i'm so used to see him everyday, to just jump the fence and knock on his window whenever i need him, to the sound of his voice, to the feeling of home around him.
there's going to be plenty of pretty girls there? maybe he's going to find his real love while i'm still here, just paused on time. remanescing our moments as a way to tell my poor heart that we couldn't work out of my fantasies.
"please, don't forget about me." - i pray to lord.
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february 14th, summer of 1968 - 5:50 AM.
"i'm going to catch you, y/n!
"only if you want to be soaked!" - i say running to the water.
"i'm not scared of water!" - beomgyu comes right after me.
his laugh sounds like a song i could put on replay. the sun rising light coming little by little iluminanting his golden skin. splashing water on each other. i've never felt more young, more in love.
"i got you, y/n!"
we are laughing so hard that it takes a while to realize we're so close. our faces just inches away.
he has a little mole on his face... i can see it now.
has he been always this handsome from upclose?
"y/n..." - he calls me almost like a whisper. - "you are so beautiful."
my heart sinks. time stops. i don't know if the goosebumps appering on my skin are from the cold or from his sweet and raspy voice so close to me.
"beomgyuithinki'minlovewithyou." - there it is. i said it.
"what?" - he laughs while looking confused.
after taking a deep breath, i repeat it. this time slowly - "i think i'm in love with you. i have been for so long."
a little pause... i can do this!
"you don't need to respond to it. you don't even need to love me back. i know you only see me as your friend, probably like a little sister. but, i can't hold it any longer. i just love you so much, beomgyu-" i'm interrupetd by his kiss.
it takes a minute to understand what is happening. but when i do, there's no reason to hold myself back anymore. i want him, i need him.
the kiss is intense, almost like we're battling for see who can takes full control. he picks me up and i tangle my legs around him.
we are running out of breath but we can't stop. all feelings are been spill out. finally, after years of holding back, i can say how much i need him. even if it's just through a kiss.
the beach waves are cold but his body is so warm. beomgyu keeps hypnotizing me with his lips, with his body, with his hair, with his everything
i don't want this moment to end. i want to engrave the way his lips feels on mine. the way his strong arms are hugging me so tight, almost telling me to never run away. i want to scream to the whole world how much i love him.
"i love you, y/n. i'm yours. my love, my heart, my body. i'm all yours."
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♡ a/n: it's my first time writing a fic longer than i actually do. idk if it's good since i've never done it b4. but, i really hope u like this valentine's day special. <3
i tried to mix a little with my personal favorites. also tried to use a different style of writing, but i think it didn't change much lol. anyhow, always remember, luvies: ILYSM!! 💗
© gyuletters, 2023.
do not repost it.
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