#i want to be excited but i'm kinda dreading it cos like
lys-jeorge · 9 months
I have never looked forward to LEC less, like what do you mean Rekkles isn't in it AND the format is dogshit? I can only handle one of those things
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twomystdunstans · 8 months
As per your recent post, may I ask why the whole Magnus protocol thing pisses you off? No obligation to answer, just wondering.
Yo! Ummmm. Hmm. It's mostly from a personal perspective/my opinion/feelings on TMA?
I really did like how the story ended, I thought it wrapped up well, the thought that we didn't KNOW what happened in the aftermath or what happened to jmart & Co definitively, felt really fitting and a nice full circle close on the story as a whole. It ended where it should've and I was really satisfied with that. It had told its story and that was it. Part of TMA (the whole thing you could argue) is the fear of the Unknown so like. Idk it felt fitting.
Around the same time it was ending/s5 there was kind of a big boom in the Fandom, and there was a lot of new fans who binged the whole of 5 seasons in like. A week or two and then wanted, understandably, more?
I don't really have sources to back me up I'm just speaking from personal experience talking w people who I've recommended the show to post-finale and who listened to it post-finale, and this isn't to be gate keepy or try and bash newer fans like. It's a good show I'm glad that people are still discovering it. Etc etc etc whatever.
Its of my PERSONAL OPINION. that continuing the story that TMA told is a disservice to the story itself. I have a post here that I made back when it was announced that kinda explains a little bit better.
I don't mean to accuse anyone working in it or listening to it of like. Being a cashgrab or pandering to fans or anything like that, I'm just personally dissatisfied and a little disappointed about it.
Im just not excited, I'm sure it'll be good? Johnny Sims has a style of writing horror I'm a huge fan of, im sure everyone who worked on it worked hard and im sure they all did an incredible job and I'll probably. Listen to it someday? Im just. Dreading it. Idk. I'll probably ramble jn the tags a little more and be more incoherent but like. Eh. Not excited, seems stupid. Sorry.
TL;DR it's of my opinion that TMA didn't need a continuation, had a good ending for the story it was telling, and tmagp is a disservice to that story. Whatever.
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sparkliingdust · 5 months
I went on a date that a friend set me up with, and it was disastrous. Long story short, he was a MAGA Supporter disguised as a musical theater/fandom/movie/etc. nerd.
And, what I learned is always follow your gut - a bunch of side shit that made the date super awkward and made me question meeting up might not be a good idea, but I went through with it anyways... Instead of listening to the yick factor, I ended up wasting my time, energy, and money. And he ended up being a dickhead and the food wasn't even good.
While I don't blame my family or co-workers who supported me going on a date and want to see me do more than go to work and go to home, if someone is actively expressing something greater than nervousness about going on a date, and are talking about how they dread being in a relationship all the way to their core, maybe respect that that they truly do not want to go on a date. My family and co-workers were 1000x more excited for me to go on a date and felt like I was making a life-altering mistake. That's not normal. lol
As someone who sees themselves as single for now, and the near future, please respect our choice to be single or on our own. I get lonely. I imagine being in a relationship. I'm open for the right person to come along, but at the same time, I know what I want, and I'm okay with not going through the whole humiliating dating process to get to that other person. Like I'm confident enough to not beat myself up over wandering 'what if I never end up with someone?' because I'm really okay with being on my own.
It's also very frustrating for women at work who are not happy with their partners and constantly tell me not to have kids because they are not happy with their family, to constantly ask me about why I don't see myself with kids, when am I going to go out on a date, aren't I lonely....not really, until you keep making me feel awful about it. There was a time when I was teenager when it was all that I imagined. I really wanted to have a traditional hetero marriage and be the mom I never had and had the family I never did - and RECORD SCRATCH - one day I realized that's exactly what my mom did. She wished to have kids to have the family she never did. And once I realized I only wanted to be a mom if it didn't mean continuing that generational cycle, I decided maybe that wasn't for me. Again, it could be some day. But if I get to that place, it will be my choice - not because co-workers think it's a good idea for me.
I've heard the horror stories from everyone around me settling for someone they don't enjoy spending life with and/or going through the humiliating process of hunting down the right person to be with..and honestly, I want to do other things with my time.... and if I can be that person that I want to spend my life with and do it without a central companion that's not a dog/cat/fish/etc, why shouldn't I be able to??
When I see people doing something by themselves for the first time, and never knew that was possible for them, it makes me kinda sad. Because of the messaging that's out there. Going to the movies, to a wine and paint class, to a museum, to the park, to the coffee shop, to a restaurant, etc. by yourself is okay. You are just trying to enjoy your own company before, or if you ever, decide to pair up with someone.
People just need to respect that shit.
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7ndipity · 9 months
Hi there! I love your works and congrats on 2k ❤️❤️ You work so hard and you deserve all of it. Happy new year hun.
I wanna participate in the shipping game if it's okay. 👉👈 My zodiac is aquarius. I work as a researcher at an university (tryna keep shit vague 😅) i am married to the best guy in the world and I'm as old as Jungkook :D
My personal dressing style is whatever black tshirt and sweatpants is clean in my closet. I don’t like jewelleries and accessories for some reasons and i dread the fact i got stupid ear piercings as a stupid teen in my stupid high school ex's bedroom.
Astigmatism fucked my eyes so i got glasses that i can't function without. I want tattoos but I'm too pussy to get one. My hair is black and has never been dyed before because never had that kinda phase.
Won't call myself a hardcore metalhead but rock and metal have a special place in my heart...and in my playlist. Somehow Rammstein and Blackpink co-exist in my playlist and I'm lowkey proud of my diverse taste in music. Survived teenage with the help of Linkin Park and kpop helps with the adulthood stress.
I got into BTS because white hair RM in 2016 grabbed my attention, only to be permanently bias wrecked by Daechwita era Yoongi.
Anyways, I'm like obsessed with cats. I fucking love black cats but a calico kitty walked into my house and never left, not that I want her to lol. I got two rescue calico kits now and they will kill me in my sleep if I get another cat. *sigh* so no black cats for me. Okay I hope that's enough. Pretty excited to see who you ship me with. :D thanks sweet cheeks! ❤️
I actually think you and Yoongi would be a pretty good match, and to a lesser degree Jungkook!(I can also kinda see the Joon vibe too, but I'm not as sure on that one)
They both give off the same kinda chill vibe as you, and Yoongi would love your music diversity, but I think he'd also appreciate that you both have a more muted fashion/style. (lowkey, I think he'd find the glasses super cute) There's also the cat thing, lol(anytime someone mentions cats, my mind just immediately goes to him🤭)
On the flip side, I think Jk would kinda be into the contrast of all his tattoos and piercings to your lack thereof, but still having slightly similar styles.(Also from an astrological point, Aquarius match well with fire signs, and although his sun sign is Virgo, he has a lot a fire elements in his chart that I've noticed show trough a lot in his personality)
Idk, I hope this was okay!💜
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ginnsbaker · 5 months
Ive been so sick the past few days stuck in bed and just generally dying so imagine my excitement when i saw a new chapter (in my fever ive been very delusional and remembering the date has been the least of my concerns 💀)
no but in all seriousness the chapter was perfect first thing i wanna say mama reader is awesome her advice is so good and i love her i want one but her advice is gonna bite readers ass so hard cos like she said you’ve made your choice and im getting the impression reader’s decision is give it a chance but with Danny opening his big mouth its gonna make leigh unhappy so basically roles reversed 💀(i know ive been wanting him to and i’ll come back to this)
I liked the interaction with jules and leigh they’re not always on the same side but they’re still siblings who obviously care a lot for each other so it was cute especially jules remembering leighs comfort snack - i wonder if later for whatever reason leigh is sad or something and reader brings it to her and it just gets to her a bit that reader took the timt to learn the little things about her 🤔
I thought that reader knew leigh worked at the advice column cos originally i was like how are you this mad you knew she worked there and your submissions are very specific so it was obvious and easy to figure out so why you so mad but im guessing i just misunderstood (which in my current state seems about right) i do like how reader called leigh out on her hot and cold tho and while i do understand her reasons and okay maybe it tugged on my heartstrings just a little bit she did need to hear it not to hurt or upset her but so she can grow from it
HOWEVER can the two of you just call it even you both kept something from the other so call it a tie and start fresh cos you both want each other so kiss and make up cos when danny starts running his mouth i know miss shaw is gonna be mad a small deluded part of me is like maybe she will see the fact that it wasn’t readers thing to tell cos danny should’ve come clean about it but in those moments anger comes much quicker than any rational thought and especially after reader got mad at her for her secret if i was leigh i would get mad too (slight double standards) EVEN THO I WOULD NEVER BE IN THIS SITUATION COS I WOULDVE TOLD DANNY TO FUCK HIMSELF WHEN HE ASKED READER TO KEEP QUIET and i know i said i want danny to come clean but i didn’t mean like this 😭 not when reader was about to make things better (im assuming thats the decision they came to) its literally gonna be reader being all happy and excited and leigh pissed complete role reversal of the fight they just had and im scared
Also i was so worried danny was gonna hit her i was reader to beat his ass
I love your brain for coming up with this stuff but it hurts hopefully not forever tho (i swear im gonna need to reread your other more fluffy stuff to cope)
Actually, on that bit about Leigh working at the website part-time... Reader didn't know about that, just that Leigh used to work at the Beautiful Beast and then quit recently for another job.
Yeah, at first R was upset because Leigh pretended not to know about her feelings for her, but then that fact highlighted Leigh's treatment of her looking back. So she's more pissed about that, the inconsistencies, the hot and cold treatment.. but at the same time, she also remembers now what she went through herself losing her dad and brother. So R's mom encouraged R to extend her patience and understanding.
Yeah, Danny used the secret for his own benefit--again. I mean, he needs to do a lot of growing up, I guess. Or, I don't know. People do stupid stuff when they're heartbroken.
The second season of Sorry for Your loss kinda ended their relationship when Danny punched a wall :) So I kinda borrowed that scene :)
Whew! That was long, and I'm not complaining :D I love discussing the story with you as always :P Thanks for reading my dear!
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neon-blooded · 11 months
Honestly this job has been a blessing for me. I know a lot of people shit on this company and job, and i get it, but its been a great experience for me so far. I'm thriving in it. I love selling games, i love organizing, i like my coworkers, i just really love my job. I dont dread going in to work at all. I dont feel anxiety for it. Thats the wildest thing to me. I just enjoy my time there.
I've been here two months, and it feels like its been longer than that. Partly cause the manager that hired me robbed the store blind and flabberghasted everyone. Like, he easily got away with 30,000 in deposits and merchandise. It was insane. Me and another co-worker stepped up to take care of the store and deal with the fallout. And we did really well!
She got promoted to manager, as a trial, and im really pleased for her. I wasnt considered afterall cause i was still too new to the company, which is totally understandable. That was the only issue. But that said, everyone says that i'll prolly move up into a manager position oncd i get some of my metrics up, and that - im not worried about. I learn frighteningly quick in most things. The only thing i learn at a somewhat normal pace is dealing with people and upselling stuff - and for being there 2 months, my numbers are pretty decent. So im not worried. The District's manager coach is extremely impressed with me and keeps saying so lol. He and I get along really well and he's fun to work with.
As a result of the previous manager's robbery, the four of us kinda bonded lol. We all play minecraft together and its fun. Im at least 7 years older than the rest of them so they've all kinda been looking up to me for advice about work things and dealing with people and its precious. I just want to adopt the three of them, they're too adorable. We act like a really good team and i think there's a lot of respect between the four of us.
Halloween is coming up in a couple of days and im so freakin excited. Its a short work day so i'll be working that day myself and i cant wait! I'm going to dress up as Link from TOTK. Its going to be great - i found a really nice costume. Tomorrow (or today rather since its past midnight lmao) i'm wearing a Witchy Vibes outfit. Im going to see if i can stop by target and get a witchy hat, before work. My outfit is so stinking cute. I got this deep purple/indigo Iridescent blouse, black lacy shorts, and orange/black striped socks. With black boots. So im going to wear acid green eyeshadow to complete the garish halloween look.
My coworkers say i look just like a quirky art or music teacher and i swear, no higher compliment has been paid to my style. I love looking kooky and cute like that.
So yeah, i love it here and im hsving a good time. I dont hate my life and i dont feel constant dread and anxiety running after me. I feel good.
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that-lame-ghoul9000 · 2 years
Ruin Me (Part 1?)- Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
•Idk what direction I want to take this. I have a few ideas. Suggestions welcome. I just kinda felt inspired to write because Eddie occupies pretty much my whole brain right now. I did write more for it. I just realized it was getting pretty long and cut it in half. If you guys like it I can post the rest. But I also left it at a part that could kinda finish it 😅) 
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-gif not mine. All credit to the original creator-
Word count: 2,140
Not edited. Like at all. Probably hella errors. Sorry not sorry, I'm absolute trash 💜
TW: Mentions of issues at old school (rumors and gossip) jackass ex, loss of a loved one (older brother)
New school. New you. Can you outrun your past and make it to graduation with your walls built up high. Or will the infamous bad boy be just the one to tear them down. 
You stared out your car window at the school in front of you.
in big, bold capital letters from hell splayed across a brick building. You mentally dreaded what awaited you should you choose to leave the safety of your car. Starting a new school when the year was nearly over. Starting right before Spring Break. But you had no other choice staying at your old school wasn't even an option. By the grace of some cosmic being your dad was able to convince the department to let him transfer to the Hawkins Sheriff's station months early. A job your family was once excited for, a job he was suppose to transfer to AFTER summer began. Now an excuse to get your family out of the town gossip and you as far away from the hell you'd been dealing with. Rumors suck. They suck even more when you're already in the public eye of the high school hierarchy.
You could start your car back up. Drive and just not stop. You could. You doubt with recent events anyone would look for you. You'd be wrong. You knew your parents would. Literally your fathers job description. But alas you release a breath you didn't know how long you'd been holding, grabbed your backpack and opened the door.
As you approached the school you heard someone, presumably a teacher or someone who worked for the school ushering everyone into the gym.
"Everyone to the gym! Pep rally in the gym! Mr. Evans that's the girls locker room. You've gone here for 4 years. You know where the gym is."
Great. Pep rally. As you're beginning to make an immediate U-turn to retreat back to your car you hear your name called
"Ms. (Y/l/n) just the person I was looking for, I hope we can make your ease into a new school as easy and painless as possible. I was hoping to see you before lunch to talk more. I know it's not easy starting a new school. And even harder at the end of the year."
Yup. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. You thought to yourself. As long as no one did that awkward thing where they made you stand in front of the class and tell the class a bit about you, you'd be fine. Just sink into a chair. Blend in. And spend the next few months to graduation as invisible as one could possibly be....you were fucked. And you didn't even know it yet. Because Hawkins had a few things up it's sleeves. You'd come to find that out.
As far as Pep rallies went it was relatively painless. Something about a basketball tournament. Followed by a Moving speech. And a ton of GO TEAM GO. Once upon a time you loved pep rallies. You were Co captain of your school's cheer team. In the past. You had to remind yourself it was in the past. With the crowd dissipating and everyone heading to their respective classes you decided to head to the Counselors office before they had a chance to yank you out of class further drawing attention to you.
You knock on the wooden door making the counselors office.
"Come in!" They yelled. "Ah (Y/n) I'm glad you decided to stop by. My name is is Miss Kelly, I'm the guidance counselor here at Hawkins. How are you feeling? Probably a lot of mixed emotions? I see in your file I got from your former school that you were in many school programs. It's never to late to pick them back up here" she said with a smile. "I also see you had a few issues at your former school, with a, ah Mr. Matthew's. Would you like to talk about it?"
"No not really. It was a misunderstanding that blew way out of control. And I'd really rather not speak about my ex." You didn't mean to sound stand offish. You just never wanted to hear his lying, asshole-ish name uttered ever again.
"I also read that your older brother passed away recently. I'm very sorry to hear about that. If you'd ever like to ta-"
"I'd rather not. But thank you." Sore subject.
"Okay well we have issued you a student to show you the ropes of the school. A little program I'm trying to get going here to help students get a footing when starting here. If it works with you who knows maybe next year we can assign a senior to every freshman to help ease the process." She said almost to joyfully.
With a fake smile you hoped read as sincere you grabbed your bookbag only to hear a knock at the door.
"Hey Miss Kelly, I'm here to help with that new student."
Shit. Shit. Shit shit shit shit. You mentally said as Hawkins own golden boy entered the room. Not the low profile you wanted at all.
"Hello Mr. Carver. This is (Y/n) and she's the new student I was telling you about. I hope you make her feel welcome here at Hawkins High."
He looked you up and down as you walked past him to the hallway. He broke the silence first.
"You. Don't exactly strike me as a freshman."
"Reasonable deduction. I'm not. My dad got a job transfer that brought us here. Leaving me no choice but to finish my senior year here." Half true.
He nodded. "Well my name is Jason. I'm captain for our schools basketball team. And I'm here to make sure you have the best experience Hawkins can offer."
"Thanks, I'm (y/n). And yeah I caught your speech. It was very...moving. I'm sorry to hear about the loss your town has had."
"Honestly it's become the normal lately." He said with a frown.
You felt bad. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. But you wanted nothing to do with anyone in that crowd. And you needed to distance yourself from them as quickly as possible. Being the shiny new toy. Was not what you wanted or needed. Last thing you needed was someone trying to find anything out about you.
He walked you through the halls. Pointing out where each of your classes would be. Where the library was, the gym, and lastly stopping at the cafeteria.
"Welcome to the jungle." He laughed as he ushered you into the room. He began mapping out the cafeteria. Drama kids at this table. Art kids over there. Then you had the mathletes and debate team over in that corner. Stopping at a table he joyously proclaimed
"Here's where we sit. Hawkins finest here." He smiled leaning down to kiss the blonde girl who was smiling up at him on the head.
"He's not scared you off already has he?" She smiled. She seemed for all intensive purposes like a really sweet girl. Blonde, pretty smile, kind eyes. "My names Crissy." She smiled at you and shook your hand.
"I was just showing (y/n) here the ropes of this mess we call a school. Which reminds me, I have one more area to show you." And he just looked thrilled to have to do it. Rolling his eyes he walked you over to a table. Where six people sat discussing who knows what. But they seemed pretty into it. He placed his hand on your back waving the other out front like someone at the zoo when touring the different habitats.
"This is the...unfavorable group of satanic worshiping weirdos. And that is their head satanic worshiping, freak of a leader." He said through gritted teeth. "If you know what's good for you avoid them like the plague."
Every member of the table had now ceased all conversation and were staring directly at you. Great. Especially the one at the end of the table who eyed you up and down.
And then it hit you. The most idiotic idea of a lifetime. But you couldn't be dragged into the popular crowd again. As nice as they seemed. (Minus this excessive dick move)
"You said this is where the school weirdos sit correct?" You said.
Killing any social standing you had in 3...2...1...GO.
"Okay. Thank you. You can go now."
As you sat down at the table every jaw was now visibly on the floor. You pulled your lunch out of your bag and sat it on the table.
Unsure of what happened, Jason walked back to his table of ultimate hierarchy." And you opened your water bottle.
Looking up you gave everyone a look like *can I help you orrrrr?* before one spoke up. The one at the end of the table still visibly assessing the situation that just unfolded as no one saw that coming.
"I don't know what kind of joke you're playing but you don't just *sit* at Eddie Munsons table without being invited over here."
You gave an annoyed look at the boy and stated
"OH NO I'm at Eddie Munsons table?!" With a sarcastic fake act of utter shock.
You inch closer to the boy and with a whisper just loud enough the table could hear it you say with stance "Well I just did. You can move me if you'd like, but I don't know if you've noticed. I have feet. I'll just walk back. And we can do this all day."
You heard a small chuckle and looked up. You hadn't exactly looked at everyone during your last ditch effort to shirk the populars off your back, but if you had to guess this was the infamous Eddie Munson. And he was looking directly at you. You studied him for a minute and he seemed to do the same to you.
He had layers upon layers on. Some t-shirt reading "Hellfire Club" on it, a theme around the table. Noted. A leather jacket with jean vest covered in band patches, over that. His fingers adorned in all sorts of clunky rings. Hints of tattoos. Peaking out. But notably his long dark brown signature '80s metal hair. Actually kinda cute.
No. No he's not. You internally yelled at yourself.
He stood up and walked over to you. Straddling the lunch room chair looking you directly in the eyes.
"Listen sweetheart as much as I love the enthusiasm, you radiate 'Popular' and if you walk over there now you might be able to claim temporary insanity. And then whatever joke you and your new friends over there were thinking about playing can stop before anyone's feelings get hurt. Whatcha say?" He grins at you.
Now overly confident in having to clearly win over this obstacle you do the most insane thing a person could do in this situation. You scoot a bit closer. Grab him by the chin and guide his head to the direction of the very confused table of kids who clearly thought you were one of their own and say to him,
"Do those look like the faces of students who look like they have a rats ass clue why I sat here? Or do they look just as confused as you and your little table of misfits? I sat here because I wanted to. And the jury is still out on where my sanity lies. Now what's Hellfire Club?"
You let go of his face and he looks a bit taken back. Like no ones ever had the balls to pull such a stunt before in his life. And apparently no one at the table can believe the scene that just unfolded in front of them as the look of shock and pure horror are planted on all five of their faces.
You look back at their fearless leader and raise an eyebrow. "Well does he speak or is he to stunned for words?"
As if snapping out of a trance his lips curl up into a smirk as he reaches out a hand.
"I'm Eddie. Welcome to the mystical band of satan worshiping misfits."
With their fearless leaders seal of approval everyone slowly began introducing themselves.
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Alright. TMI! When my periods are bad, they are baaaad. Debilitating cramps. Night sweats. Crazypants emotions. And the obvious, Aunt Flooooo. Why do I bring this up? Aside from personalization is honestly, I think Bo thinks his partner is kinda badass for just making it through most months. But when it's bad he's needed, desperately. You know he loves it! He loves they can't get all big and bad for him, they're needy for attention, and he gets to eat all the gross food he wants to because they have cravings. I just feel like all them boys would be great at dealing with it honestly. But I crave Bo. Hehe
Big sis!!!💗So, you know why I offered to write you a personalised blurb (👀), and I'M SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS FOR YOU!!!! You and Bo always flow so beautifully when I write the both of you and I'm more than happy about diving in once again! Hopefully this piece lives up to the last one I wrote you! And if not, please don't be shy about letting me know and I'll happily write you something else!🌸 I love you lots!
Been working on this for a while but I figured your birthday was the best day to post it!! (Hence my question about timezones...👀 didn't wanna miss the day!!!) Hope you're having a wonderful day (one as lovely as you or I'll square up to the universe!🔪) and some goodness!! You deserve it all and MORE!!!!💖
So, warnings! THIS IS NOT A READER INSERT PIECE; she/they pronouns, "you" and Bug used, talks of periods, blood, pain, taking unprescribed painkillers, strange emotional patterns, Bo is My Brand Of Soft™ (so you KNOW I made myself cry writing it😂), swearing, possessive language ("his Bug"/"your Bo" etc.), canon typical depictions of co-dependency between the beautiful and terrible twins.
Word count: 2, 153 (😳)
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Every month, you dreaded the inevitable. Every month, you had to mentally prepare yourself weeks in advance to experience debilitating pain, night sweats, the cravings which changed every time you thought you had it satiated, emotions on such a rollercoaster that you wanted to get off the ride even before you were fully boarded, and the blood... who needed horror films, when you got to deal with a massacre in your underwear every few hours for days on end? God, if it wasn't for the fact that you experienced periods so you were used to it, Bo would wonder how the fuck you were able to stomach the sight of all the blood he and his brothers occasionally came home caked in. Sometimes, he still marvelled at how well you handled yourself when Aunt Flo came to visit... he could never fuckin' do it.
Shit, even if he could, he wouldn't want to. Neither did you, but you dealt with it anyway. A blank stare or a teary eye roll and a, "for fuck's sake" would be your only reaction before you took your stained clothes and sheets to cold water. No matter how well you prepared yourself, you were almost guaranteed to leak and to ruin at least two articles of clothing. You fucking hated it. You were a constant mess throughout, no matter what you did or didn't do to help yourself along the way. You were always able to get the majority of the blood out before you tossed the clothes in the washer to salvage the material from whatever your bare hands couldn't remove, and your intimate knowledge of bodily stains and how to remove them was just one of the many, many things Bo admired and appreciated about you. He had learned so much just from watching you take care of yourself, and he was a quick study. He could take just as good care of you as you could after just a few months of witnessing your periods and what it did to you; before, during and after the bleeding stopped.
So, in fact, could his brothers.
It wasn't unusual to find you curled up in bed or on the sofa for much of the time you were menstruating. Bo had taken to leaving your favourite blanket always slung over the back of the sofa for times like that; sometimes he couldn't - wouldn't - move you from the sofa to the bed for all the pain you were in. Sometimes it was best to leave you where you had found a comfortable position, even if, to the brothers, it looked extremely awkward. Still, when you were found there but stretching hurt you, one of the brothers would throw the blanket over you, adjust any pillows, and make sure that the pad of paper next to the sofa was updated with what medication you had taken to help with the pain - if you took anything - when you had taken it, and how long it took for it to kick in. The living room almost seemed to become an at-home hospital room for the clinical attitude with which Vincent approached taking care of you. If you voiced how unnecessary it was - for, indeed, he was known to be overprotective - then he would simply glare at you through his mask. A clear message to let him take care of you; he was going to, whether you wanted him to or not. It felt like being stabbed with a shard of ice to the heart, so you kept quiet. If Vincent was anyone else, you wouldn't have done, but you had learned to appreciate the... strange ways with which Vincent showed his love and support to other Sinclairs.
If you questioned his methods of self-expression, he would clam up so fast that you would never again be able to peek over the top of the walls built up so high within him that even Vincent had to stand up on the very tops of his toes to see over the broad edge. He was so much like Bo when it came to his emotional unavailability, among a great deal of other traits, or perhaps Bo was like Vincent in that way. It was hard to tell, even now, for their ways of taking care of you were so similar. They fed off each other, co-dependency fostered, festered, between them from so young a age that there could have been any other path for them but the one they had been on for decades before you had come into their lives.
No Sinclair was easy to read, and that was why love and gratitude hit you as hard as they did when Bo was sweet on you and took care of you. He thought that you were such a badass for being able to get through each month as it came; your periods knocked the absolute six out of you and it was all you could do to keep the space between your thighs and your clothes, bedsheets and anything else you touched clean of blood (it got everywhere), let alone handling your daily responsibilities and duties on top of your cravings, emotional whiplash, and everything else which plagued you as your body went through a mini birth to expel the uterine lining. It was amazing how you were able to function as if you weren't bleeding non-stop, and Bo couldn't help but to shake his head in wonder at you as you, yet again, moaned your way off the sofa to help him with something which he had already told you thrice was handled by him and his brothers. All he wanted was for you to rest, especially when it was so bad that you could only lay down, staring blankly at the television, tears rolling down your face from the pain despite the regular doses of painkillers which Vincent gave you.
"Would ya' quit movin' around? Y're starting to bug me," Bo's minute smile at his pun, just a small upward quirk of those sinful lips, died just as it was big enough for someone else to notice, because you looked rough and he so hated seeing you looking every inch as miserable as you felt. But, still, you were gorgeous, beautiful, and he loved you dearly. "Makin' y'reself hurt more, s'not right, darlin'. Keep still, yeah?"
Bo's hands hovered on either side of you, as if to stop you from getting up, but you were in too much pain to notice. When you needed Bo, you needed him badly, and he would lying if he said that he didn't love this one part of your period. Your need for him and for his comfort only increased, as did your dependency on his brothers to help take care of you, though you could and would take care of yourself; they just liked to support you and you let them because you loved them. If they overstepped, you told them. If they didn't do enough, you would tell them. You were very communicative; you had had to learn to be from too young an age.
You wanted Bo's attention more than anything right now, you needed his touch, his voice, his smile, his eyes, the very particular way he tucked your feet in with the blanket and made his way up your body by tucking you in at both sides at the same time, then making sure you were able to move around if you needed to, his hands delving under the blanket and searching for the heat pad, fingers rubbing at your belly as he did so. You needed Bo and he played into it as much as possible, not just because he needed to be needed by you, but also because he wanted to thank you, in his own way, for showing such vulnerability in front of him. It wasn't easy for you to be strong but it wasn't easy to show the true extent of your pain, either. You loved Vincent and Lester, you did, but you craved Bo.
It was the one craving you could never satiate; the more you had of Bo, the more and more you wanted him. It was a sweet torture, the most delicious burning, and he was aflame right beside you, for a flame shared is a flame doubled. Bo seemed to reward you for loving him by returning that love to you tenfold, especially when Aunt Flo, the callous bitch, was in town. She could give Trudy a run for her money for all the pain she put you through each month.
"Bo ~ " You practically whined as you lifted your arms up to Bo, as if to say, 'pick me up'. "Hurts." Oh, but even that small movement caused you pain and you winced, that frown Bo hated deepening on your face. Immediately, Bo straightened up and grabbed the notepad left on the side table, icy blues scanning the page to see when you last had some painkillers. Two hours ago, he could say with confidence, thanks to Vincent's meticulous and thoughtful record keeping.
"M'sorry, darlin'," Bo sighed, his lips turning down in a genuine look of sympathy, "Can't give ya' anythin' for at least another hour."
You shrugged. It wasn't the pain bothering you. It was the lack of Bo cuddles. "Don't want medicine," You held your arms up again and this time, Bo leant down, down, until he could gingerly wrap his arms around your middle from where you sat on the sofa, his chin resting on the gentle slope of your shoulder, "Want my Bo."
"Your Bo, huh?" The smug tone Bo was trying to achieve was utterly ruined by the more than obvious affectionate expression. He turned his head and pressed a series of kisses to the side of your face; starting at your temple and moving down to the corner of your jaw. "I got'cha, darlin', y'know I ain't gonna' say no. Not when yer' like this."
"Or ever."
Bo nodded in agreement as he eased himself down beside you, lifting an arm up so you could curl right into his side, practically sat on his lap. "Right." A pause and then, "C'mere, love, get in real tight. Make ya' snug as a bug in a rug."
Lester's fond chuckle in response to his brother's penchant for shitty puns (where else did Lester inherit his sense of humour from? The twins had practically raised him) coming from the other room made Bo smile, which in turn made your heart melt and you smiled, too, a sweet reprieve from the constant pain you were in. Seeing you relax into Bo's body made Vincent happy from where he was painting across the other side of the room, and sweet Jonesy, spread out on the kitchen floor, wagged her tail slowly as she took stock of all her humans under one roof together. Mama Vincent was her favourite, though.
You hissed in pain and Bo cooed. The sound was devoid of his usual mockery as his hand slid beneath the blankets, fingertips quickly finding and then brushing against the skin just beneath the waistband of your trousers. Your navel tingled with the ghost of his touch as Bo rubbed small circles into your skin, the pressure just right due to how carefully you had taught him to look after you; Bo loved you just as much as you loved him, and he was eager to learn, wanting to please, needing you just as you needed him.
"Shush, darlin', s'okay," Bo pressed a tender kiss to your forehead and let his lips rest there, as if his kiss could sink into your skin and ease your pain from the inside out. He certainly wanted it to. "Bo's got'cha."
He did. Come hell or high water, Bo would always protect you. And if he couldn't, well, he'd stay right beside you until whatever it was passed, even if that was your body carrying out a very natural and normal function. Especially then, for he so hated seeing you in pain. His Bug.
With that, he turned the television on, put the volume on low, and you fell asleep to the feeling of fingers in your hair, lips at your temple, arms and a blanket around you, the distant sound of a paintbrush over a canvas, the quick sounds of a knife whittling away at a piece of wood, and the quiet thump of Jonesy's tail against the tiled kitchen floor. You found your rest in Bo's embrace and as for Bo, well, his rage was stilled by your presence, but his nerves amplified.
Your birthday was coming up, and he had a ring in his pocket with your name on it. Quite literally; it was a personalised pre-emptive congratulatory touch from Vincent.
You and Bo were practically already married; what was making it official?
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dvlwthn · 4 years
“  we’re  one  with  the  sea  .  ”
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Is that NOAH CENTINEO? No, that’s just ATLAS LAVEAU. They were born on 09/05/96 and are a MERMAID living in Northknot Town. They work as a SWIM INSTRUCTOR at Good Vibrations Gym. Some say they're PROTECTIVE and INTELLIGENT, but I’ve heard others say they're EMOTIONAL and BLUNT. When you think of HIM, don’t you think of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN, OCEANS SO BLUE YOU CAN’T LOOK AWAY, LOYALTY SO STRONG IT CAN’T BE BROEKN?
swimming  to  the  bottom  of  the  ocean  .  peace  in  the  silence  .  the  sound  of  clicking  from  a  keyboard  .  mind  always  wondering  .  leaving  words  of  poetry  behind  everywhere  .  carrying  a  notebook  around  for  no  one  to  see  .  stopping  in  the  middle  of  something  to  write  something  down  .  unbreakable  loyalty  .  kind  smiles  ,  forgiving  nature  .
“  you  must  always  remember  this  :  have  courage  ,  and  be  kind .  you  have  more  kindness  in  your  little  finger  than  most  people  possess  in  their  whole  body  .  and  it  has  power  .  more  than  you  know  .  ”   –  brittany candau. “  i  see  myself  forever  and  ever  as  the  ridiculous  [ person ]  ,  the  lonely  soul  ,  the  wanderer  ,  the  restless  frustrated  artist  ,  the  person  in  love  [  with  love  ]  ,  always  in  search  of  the  absolute  ,  always  seeking  the  unattainable  .  ”   –  henry miller. “  i’m  with  you  in  rockland  . . .  where  we  are  great  writers  on  the  same  dreadful  typewriter  .  ”   –  allen ginsberg .
M U S I C    P L A Y E R
“   and  i  can't  sleep  .  i'm  up  at  night  ,  you're  in  my  ear  and  i'm  alright  .  i’m  trying  not  to  put  it  on  the  line  .  and  i  am  so  tired  of  losing  sleep  .  i  just  want  to  keep  you  around  .  you  make  me  feel  alright  .  you  make  me  feel  alright  .  you  make  me  feel  like  everything  is  gonna  be  just  fine  .  ”   just fine by spookyghostboy. “   je  veux  de  l'amour  ,  de  la  joie  ,  de  la  bonne  humeur  .  ce  n'est  pas  votre  argent  qui  fera  mon  bonheur  .  moi  je  veux  crever  la  main  sur  le  cœur  .  allons  ensemble  ,  découvrir  ma  liberté  .  oubliez  donc  tous  vos  clichés  bienvenue  dans  ma  réalité  .  ”   je veux by zaz. “   sometimes  there's  bullshit  that  don't  work  now  .  we  all  got  our  stories  but  please  tell  me  what  there  is  to  complain  about  .  when  you're  happy  like  a  fool  ,  let  it  take  you  over  .  when  everything  is  out  ,  you  gotta  take  it  in  .  oh  ,  this  has  gotta  be  the  good  life  .  ”   good life by onerepublic.
+ intelligent, protective, and kind
- sometimes too optimists, blunt, and emotional
atlas has been through a lot of hurt. however, unlike most people he hasn’t let it change him. people take his kindness as a weakness but he see’s it as a strength... that he won’t let anyone change him no matter how cruel they can be. he wants to believe that people aren’t all bad, sometimes he tries a little too hard to believe that. but he isn’t naive either when it came to what he expected from other people. the man isn’t oblivious, he just likes to try to have hope. to not expect the worst from people until they give him no other choice to. sometimes, he also can’t help himself and is a little blunt. he never does it to be rude or hurt anyone’s feelings... it’s just he is protective and will call someone out on something in order to protect them. also the little pretentious writer in him sometimes makes him unable to stop himself from just saying certain things as they are. 
001. atlas henrik laveau never knew his father, not that he ever cared about that. the boy was a huge mama’s boy. his mother was the strongest person he knew. growing up with only his mother, and his two step sisters. . . atlas grew up seeing the strength in women and couldn’t be prouder of his family.  002. however, being the only boy, atlas did always want a little brother. and he found that in a young boy whose family lived near his. it started with him just being asked to watch the young boy (eric) but eventually turned into him adoring the kid like his little brother. his family and friends all know how atlas saw the young boy and welcomed him themselves as well. 003. atlas prided himself on learning as much as he could on anything and everything. about his world under the sea and the world above. human, vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. he wanted to be ready for when he moved to the land above, it was always part of his plan. plus, he wanted to help his hybrid best friend as much as he could. 004. when he was younger, atlas’ favourite thing had always been writing and telling stories. he was always a creative person and enjoyed sharing all of his ideas. due to this, atlas was known for always thinking outside the box. 005. he ended up going through a hard time when eric was killed. it had been a day that he was asked to go watch the young boy, but he couldn’t do it. so eric’s parents moved their day around and stayed with him. atlas had finished his day early was was going to go surprise the boy and maybe offer to help out so the parents could do whatever else they could. however, when he arrived, he found the entire family had been murdered. atlas took it really hard and blamed himself. he even stopped talking for a couple of months. he spoke to NO ONE and the only person who could get some type of reaction out of him had been his best friend. 006. at the right age, atlas wasted no time in getting his ring so he could travel above land. he didn’t make the move just yet, cause he wasn’t fully ready to leave his family. but mars and him traded off on who was visiting who. he loved the land and wishes his family felt the same, but they loved the ocean too much. so he stayed for awhile longer before eventually making the move all together. though he does visit his family still. family is everything to the man. 007. he’s currently working at the gym as a swim  instructor, but he only does that while working on his book. everything is looking well for him, he already has publishers who want to work with him. he just needs to make a choice and small changes to his book that he feels he didn’t write correctly. he’s very excited about what’s to come.
BEST FRIEND. these two grew up together and have always been close. they’ve always seen each other as family and don’t keep secrets from one another. atlas knows he can tell mars anything and never be judged, just like she can do with him.   [ TAKEN ; marcelline ]
CLOSE FRIENDS. these would be the people he goes to that isn’t mars. probably someone who is a little more like him. at least in the sense where they are more kind and forgiving compared to most of the people in town. they could meet when atlas got to town and kind of just hit it off. or just sometime since he’s been around and just grew close kinda quickly. i just want him to have a couple of people he’s really close with.   [ 1/2 (could be down for three) ; tabitha ]
CO-WORKER. ever hear of a work wife/husband? that’s what this person is to atlas. they are very close and are always there to help each other. their other co-workers tease them about acting like a married couple at work, but it really is just a platonic friendship.   [ OPEN ; xx ]
EX GIRLFRIEND. i would really love one of those obvious jealous exes who broke up with their boyfriend due to him being so close to their best (girl) friend. so this person, whom atlas loved so much, really didn’t like how close atlas was to mars and grew tired of people making assumptions about him and mars. it eventually got to the point of them telling atlas to pick between them and his best friend. they didn’t realise how much atlas actually LOVED them. now, however, atlas can’t see them the same and they act very bitter toward each other.   [ OPEN ; xx ]
CRUSH. someone atlas has a bit of a crush on. they don’t need to return the feelings. this is just someone he really admires but never acts on his feelings because he doesn’t want to ruin their friend ship. *bonus points though if they do return his feelings and they are thinking the same way he is. that they are worried about ruining the friendship too.   [ OPEN ; xx ]
EX BOYFRIEND. they were friends first and things kind of just happened. it was one of those relationships that just made sense. however, after a few months, this person decided they just wanted to be friends. while it hurt atlas, he understood and agreed. yet since then, the two are just awkward around each other. atlas still has a soft spot for this person and wishes they could actually be friends again.   [ OPEN ; xx ] 
DISLIKE. atlas tried to get along with everyone, he really does. but this person just DOESN’T like him and atlas isn’t too upset about it. they rub him the wrong way anyways. or maybe it’s vice versa. . . atlas can’t stand them? they rub him the wrong way and he just CAN’T see past it.   [ OPEN ; xx ]
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Ali & Carly
Ali: Heyo boo Ali: thanks for Rocky wrangling with me today, you're now also his fave so, add that to your tally Carly: its k i had fun Carly: hes a cutie & cool kid Ali: me too Ali: yeah, he's alright, but cocky enough so I ain't telling him Ali: dunno where he gets that from 😏 Carly: ha Carly: yea idk Carly: no clue Ali: i'm sorry Ro was being off btw, I'm working out why but trust it wasn't you, babe Ali: been neglecting her lately, everyone wants a piece of me Ali: hard life Carly: idc its me too Carly: nobody wants a piece but you Ali: I just told you that ain't true, and Rocky is ruthless, he called one of my customers a 'big bum witch' the other day Ali: no tip for me, thanks dickhead Ali: but I want all of you regardless Ali: willing to throw hands Carly: aw Carly: this town is full of big bum witches tho Carly: my ma back for one Carly: but are you willing to use those hands for good too or Ali: awks if that was your Ma, like hey gurl, I think you rock it Ali: your daughter ain't bad either Ali: you know it, IOU 'cos we couldn't make like we were in the backrow of the cinema Carly: unless she been lying about where she at i think youve avoided meeting the in laws again Carly: k cuz you kno i need to collect soon Carly: bored Carly: just back and zoned out so fast Ali: ain't even got exciting stories from their galavanting? fucking rude Ali: at least when we go AWOL we also go wild Ali: make things happen, lads Carly: my ma's good for nothing but hairspray and peroxide Carly: only use if i get beat up again Carly: my da's good for cash tho if you wanna get wild w me Ali: or you wanna single white female me Ali: which would be a disappointing outcome to say the least Ali: can't tonight babe, I've gotta have some sister time Ali: go hard for both of us Carly: k Carly: try not to miss me bad when shes talking about me Ali: oh babe, she will not, and if she does I'll set her straight Ali: gonna let the world know you're my 😇 Carly: whatever her issue shes gotta air it and youre her sister so you gotta hear it Carly: idc shes not gonna hurt me w it Carly: and setting peeps straight is the opposite of how you do, babe Ali: true Ali: idk what issue she could have though, you're a literal ray of sunshine Ali: true again 😏 Ali: ugh, imma miss you Ali: maybe i can sneak out when she's gone to bed, the 'rents too Carly: i miss you now Carly: cant hear my parents say shit Carly: i just wanna talk to you Carly: dont tell me maybe & keep me waiting tho Ali: i will Ali: promise Carly: i dont wanna make trouble for you Carly: w anyone Carly: you can stay w her if you need to stay Ali: You won't Ali: I can do both Ali: be back before first light Ali: even if I'll miss watching the sun rise on your face 😔 Ali: we've got the night, baby Carly: but you kno if ive got you for the whole night youre gonna fall asleep Carly: thats what im good at Carly: feel free to tell your sister thats why you like me ha Carly: fun & tiring its magic Ali: hmm, we'll see who wears who out first, babe Ali: and if I am that husband, then you'll just have to wake me up with morning sex like the good little wifey you are 😘😂 Carly: always bringing that confidence i like it Carly: k but if my parents wake up too you can explain its a duty thing yea i had to like Ali: i like you Ali: for so many reasons and imma show you all of 'em tonight Ali: fuck that Ali: stay out with me, its warm enough Ali: i'll trace all the constellations out with my tongue so you won't ever forget Ali: educational Carly: my ma is asking me what im blushing about Carly: i told her what you said but she's not a believer Carly: support my education bitch Carly: ha Ali: i mean, i'd offer to let her see the benefits for herself but Ali: not gonna win me any brownie points 'cos she won't take me up on it Carly: she dont kno what she's missing but i do Carly: wish you were here Ali: me too Ali: start the party without me babe, i don't mind Carly: too late if you do Carly: gotta get through this reunion some way Ali: they aren't making you watch a slideshow, are they? Ali: fate worse than death Ali: Maybe you could go to Ronan's? Lmao, he's been up in my pussy way too much since he found out about us...didn't think we were THAT loud but ok boy Carly: yea Carly: might do cuz same Carly: but what if i miss you he can really make a night of it when he wants Ali: Nah, I won't let you face that disappointment, babe Ali: my spidey senses will tingle like not on my watch, fuckboy Carly: aw Carly: you gonna come get me? Carly: thats no way to get him out your pussy babe fyi Ali: yeah Ali: I know but I like the idea of showing you off as mine Ali: but no sharing, he only gets to watch and be mad he fucked it up Carly: i like it too Carly: youre hot when youre oneupping fuckboys Carly: i thought i knew how to do it best but k youre flipping the script Ali: as long as i'm besting them i'm doing my job right Ali: gotta keep you on-board Carly: speak of the devil Carly: how he know i was alone & horny Carly: my parents have only gone to the shops its uncanny Ali: know your neighbours but bit stalkerish, pal Ali: i'll text him to fuck off, freak him out Ali: how does she know, ha, two can play this game fucko and I'm more committed Carly: ha Carly: you gotta Carly: hes smoking im gonna bum one see what line he tries to lay on before the text sends Ali: On it Ali: gotta let him know there's a queue to court the princess now and he's at the back, soz Carly: he likes hitting it from the back he wont be put off Carly: im gonna show him some of the hot pics i took of you tho Ali: when is he ever tbf? 🐶👅💦 Carly: true Carly: that fucking cute tho aren't i Ali: you know it babe Carly: hes talking to my da now Carly: kill me Ali: how fucking dare he Ali: knowing he has the upper hand with the man bants Ali: i know how to change a tire too! love me! Carly: if my ma invites him in for tea im out of here Carly: she will think hes hot under the collar for her & bitch thats my groundwork Ali: Run baby run Ali: what kinda moron is he tho Ali: coulda had a private show if you just waited, now its all saturday night telly and flat lager Carly: you kno i have nowhere to go if you dont want me babe Carly: facts Carly: he likes me now he cant have me what a fucking Carly: like i wouldve fucked you but im not getting w you Ali: i do, is this full sos crisis mode though? 'cos i need to be good for a lil while longer yet Ali: such a typical bloke move that Ali: bet he ain't the only boy in ur inbox, not a pun Ali: 'cos he ain't in mine like 🙄 Carly: its k your sister needs you Carly: i can keep walking Carly: loads of other lads on site as well as in my inbox Carly: & they arent trying to say hi to me before we get down to it nevermind my parents Ali: 😾 Carly: why so sad blue eyed boo Ali: i don't like how lads treat you Ali: i'm not jealous, like swear to god, even though i obviously want you all to myself, i get it Ali: but i'm not about how shit they are to you, even if you don't care, they should care to be decent humans Carly: thats not lads its everyone Carly: youre the only one treating me different Carly: they dont know how else to be Carly: made my bed babe Ali: nah Ali: you don't deserve half the shit you get, that's bullshit Ali: and even the rest, people just don't wanna try to understand or be good, heaven forfend they inconvineince themselves for one second, like Carly: if im a slag im a slag i dont get to put conditions on it Carly: if it was a film maybe Carly: but theres no romance coming my way from theres and i dont want it Ali: why can't you just be you? someone who likes fucking, among other things Ali: not romance just like...not being a cunt Ali: idk Ali: pisses me off Carly: cuz you don't run the world even tho you strut it like you do and i love it Ali: not yet, babe Ali: one day, and you can be my right hand woman Carly: yea? Carly: take me w you & ill take you to all your fave places k Ali: k Ali: we'll be fun forever, I promise you Carly: gotta be Ali: you know i like you even when you ain't tho Ali: don't tell Carly: who would i Carly: ronans got enough for his wank bank & nobody else is chatting to me rn Ali: exactly, ruins the illusion and fantasy when they realise i care about you Ali: so unsexy of me Carly: youre sexy to me Carly: idc what they think Ali: good Ali: me either Carly: i like you too you kno Ali: yeah Ali: i had my suspicions Carly: i dont have any subtlety sorry about it Ali: Don't be Ali: I love it Ali: not enough people say what they mean or want, ever Carly: waste Carly: k i wasnt shouting how bad i wanted to kiss you before i did but not cuz i was bothered about me Ali: agreed Ali: sometimes you can't know you want something until you've got it Ali: i get it Carly: you get me Carly: its weird Ali: 🔮 Carly: ha Carly: k what am i thinking now Ali: wouldn't be proper to say Ali: tut tut bad girl Ali: like how you think though Carly: fuck Carly: youre good Ali: 🤷 don't mean to brag but remember that phrase you'll be screaming it later Ali: such a Ronan line, I can't 😂 Carly: but true Carly: not like when he says it Ali: 😍 Carly: what you doing w your sister Carly: gotta live through that cuz bored Ali: Fixing my weave Ali: getting into a white girl dread territory over here Ali: then gonna do some 🔮 forreal Ali: get ready for me to be even more of a know it all baby Carly: cute Carly: tell me my future i got some shit from another neighbor & im waiting for it to kick Carly: hows it gonna treat me Carly: needing a good trip Ali: we'll see who gets the answer first Ali: you got anything for me? Carly: yea Carly: they mystery but i kno you arent scared Carly: & you got me doing a test run rn lying on here on the grass Ali: 🌌 be there before it fades away my space explorer Carly: if you find me at a bad end prob dont take it Ali: is one of the lads trip sitting you Carly: so he reckons but hes drinking so theres no trust Carly: & he gave me it Carly: his game could be me lights out idk Ali: keep texting me, okay babe? Ali: if shit gets too real, tell me and I'll come early Ali: my sis is cool now, she gets what we're doing, she was just confused Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Carly: you told her you like me Ali: 'course I did Ali: I ain't ashamed Ali: I'm proud Carly: youre gonna make me cry Ali: You're special, Carly Ali: You're gonna see Carly: I just wanna see you tho Ali: Me too Ali: I'm gonna make her some chamomile tea and then I'm coming, yeah? Carly: but thats not fair to her Carly: she's not gonna be a fan of me Ali: I've promised her more time tomorrow Ali: You need me rn Carly: but what if i want you to stay Carly: what are we gonna do then Ali: i'll stay until you're ready for me to go Carly: you mean that? Ali: yes Ali: promise, imma take care of you Carly: but theres nothing in it for you Carly: youve already got me you dont have to Ali: i wanna keep you Ali: and not just selfishly Ali: you gotta stick around, you're too cool to go anywhere, okay Carly: k Carly: im here & if you wanna be im not stopping you Ali: good Ali: i wanna be wherever you are Carly: i kept you pills back the lads didnt want me to but idc about them & you can follow me in now Ali: fuck them Ali: just me and you Carly: yea Carly: ill look after you too Ali: 😇 Ali: i know, i trust you Carly: idk if you should Carly: but i like it Ali: willing to take my chances Ali: you're worth it Carly: thats you Ali: i'm so glad i met you Carly: me too Carly: not that i met me thats weird Carly: you know what i mean Ali: i got you Ali: not high yet 😉 Carly: id seen you around before you guardian angel'd me that night Carly: thats weird too Carly: that i didnt see you how i do now Ali: it is Ali: you were always cute but Ali: idk, i can't claim to have seen this in my crystal ball Carly: thats cuz i wasnt cute i was a state Carly: & youd have more likely seen me sucking ronans dick Carly: look away babe you dont need to have that image in your mind Ali: don't need him reckoning he plays part in any of my fantasies, nah Ali: you can't not be cute, no matter how you try, soz babe Carly: you can't not be so sweet to me can you Ali: dunno Ali: not tried Carly: idk what id do if you did Carly: i got used to it Ali: got no plans to stop Ali: unless you ask me to, like Carly: thats not gonna be what i ask you to do Carly: trust me Ali: you can tell me all about it Ali: 5 minutes, tops Carly: okay
0 notes
suggers-got-dingled · 7 years
Overdramatic Anon 🙊 - Hi glad ur feeling better enough to be back. Like you said the horror keeps coming I HATE what they've done to Robert 😩. It's like I want robron back cos I miss then but also I'm dreading the reveal and whatever hell IM throws at us. But if Robron dies fully(so will I) then I will join u in ranting over our hate of their destruction and just be full on drama queens over it deal 😋 ? Hope u have a luvly time at the BSAS hope u meet Danny & Ryan ❤️💃Give them a hug frm me X
I apologise I’m such a bad partner in over dramatic-nessI vanished again but this time for my own reasons not because I needed to escape from a fictional nightmare (I mean that’s still present but I’ve talked about that enough to write a full novel so I won’t sustain). All I can say is PREACH GIRRLLL, I’m with you all the way. I’ve been conflicted throughout the entire process but especially now, it feels like the longer we wait the more anxious I get but as soon as they’re back on screen I know I’m gonna be having some kinda mini breakdown again. I’m eager to see the next stage but I can’t say I’m confident, I never will be because I know it’s the throwing hurt at couples that Iain finds entertaining. 
Buttttt... I am so excited for the BSA’s!! Just over a month to go now we’ve moved into May and I’m kinda internally screaming bout it ngl. Seeing Danny and Ryan together, in suits, away from a fence, would be the dream tbh hahah and of course the rest of the fabulous fandom who are travelling from all over just to be there. I love us, it’s gonna be such fun!
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