#i want her to [DATA EXPUNGED]
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walterfight · 5 months ago
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dana scully with gun post for other gay freaks
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Action pose, color, and texture practice featuring various MTF members who have been tragically [DATA EXPUNGED], one Alto Clef, and one unkillable D-class whose name and tale I am unable to recall at time of posting (past 2 am) but who's haunted me for the last 6 months by being remarkably good at surviving deadly explorations. I wanted to make these into a series based on an inside joke, and I might still do that once i've actually slept. Hopefully will be able to update over the weekend and do some more stuff, esp Dr. Rights! Rambling about various notes below the cut.
Deliberately went for a black and white look on the MTF uniforms, trying to experiment with texture and shading while accounting for a) limited shades of grey and b) mediocre camera quality. This isn't something you'd wear to hide per sé, but it works well in an alternate reality.
Sketches are arranged by order in which I found the poses. I was initially gonna do all 6 as MTFs, but the dual-gun was so stupid and absurd I had to put Clef in it. If it wasn't obvious, the first agent is attacking an eldritch creature off-screen, second one is scrambling as a whirlpool (dimensional) is forming, third one is charging into a barehands fight, and the fourth is releasing an explosive midair. None of them are likely to live but that's not the goal here.
Clef's shirt is based off of one I own but simplified and he is, in fact, wearing lime green crocs. Lowkey actually peeved that i can't remember anything about the D-class except a vague summary of the scp she was in but she was so wonderfully written and interesting to me that I can't help imagining all the weird shit she'd survived until that moment, and the shit she'd run into in the coming future. Both of her and Clef's backgrounds can be interpreted as a reality bender fucking with them, or as a dramatic fight effect (or, in Clef's case, he thought it would look cool and who are we to stop him). I am so damn tired and I did not draw the guns correctly but i cannot care atp, they're done and they didn't bleed into the sketch, and that is all one can ask for past 2 am. happy scp everyone
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solarwreathe · 1 year ago
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searching for leviathan bones in the hebra tundra. from my oc zelda fic which you can find here
lore under the cut
the fur hood was made from a great-horned rhino. they resided in the highlands and hebra mountains until gleeoks and people hunting them (estan's silence on this topic is deafening) drove them to near extinction.
aubri and her yiga companion (his alias is twigs. i'm tired of calling him data expunged that bit has ran its course) encounter one of the last on their hebra trek, having barely escaped a gleeok, but slowly dying from its wounds. twigs wants to save it (misanthropic vegan that he is) but aubri elects the humane choice would be a mercy kill.
after which they clash again over their beliefs; aubri thinks every part of it should be made use of: cook its meat, sell its valuable tusks, make armour from its hide. because it's dead anyways who gaf. but twigs believes every part of its body needs a burial to pass on.
eventually she compromises to just shave its mane - it's not technically a fixed part of its body so it doesn't count.
burial is as important to the yiga as it is for the sheikah - fail to do so and they'll remain in this world as malevolent spirits. i think even if they killed link they'd give him that rite purely because they'd otherwise be haunted by his unfunny pranks for eternity.
it's also why they left dorian's wife in the underground well labyrinth - they knew she'd be a particularly determined vengeful spirit even when buried, so it keeps the spirit lost.
and if you got this far: bonus doodles!
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itspikamefan · 2 months ago
So Today is (Presumably) the last day in Tetro before everything goes to SHIT and someone gets murked. So with the eventual [DATA EXPUNGED] I thought Id throw my hat in the ring and predicts who’s next on the chopping block! (SPOILERS AHEAD)
As of rn, we have a fuck ton of people I think could get reasonably murked this chapter, but I feel like there is one speofic that is on the “That Bitch gonna die” list that just makes me feel that vibe. However, before that, let’s talk about the rest.
Kamimura and Hiroaki: I don’t wanna rule these fuckers out in case I’m wrong but my current theory is each person that is the “Protagonist” of the 5 trials are going to be our survivor list. Slowly vuilding up overtime till we have our 5. I don’t want to say immediately they’re immune cause if I’m wrong I’m gonna look fucking stupid, but they do feel like the least likely to die… To me atleast.
Tamba and Hama: They has not done near enough this chapter to warrant being Murked. Tamba has… really just not done a whole lot ever since Chiba’s passing beside some brief help with the restaurant. And Hama has done a lot less than what I was expecting… He’s had a few brief interactions here and there but he seems mostly to have moved on from what I’ve seen… Maybe
Watari, Ojima, and Hasegawa: These three feel like they’re going to survive but also are reading… Very strong death flags. Ojima in specific feels like he’s gonna do a Rule Violation and get shanked by Monomoko, but I could also see him as a potential murder victim. Watari and Hasegawa are in the same vein, but neither of them feel like Monokoko murking victims, (Maybe Watari, wouldn’t Okazaki hate that?) but they do feel like Murder Victims.
Yanagi and Hayashi: Oh these two are tipping that fucking edge agaiiiin. Yanagi in particular feels like very much going to fucking die. Hayashi I wouldn’t bet on as the victim, but I could see her as a Killer or rulebreaker. Either way, I can see both of them living but the chances are sliiiim.
Tsuno and Okazaki: One of these fuckers is dying. Calling it now. If it’s not Tsuno, It’s Okazaki. Vice Versa applies as well. While I don’t see either of them as victims I am putting them very high on the “Snap and Kills” list. Okazaki because she’s fucking mad in the head and Tsuno… Well I don’t wanna place bets in case I’m wrong but I have my theories about her…
Finally… With all said in done… There’s only one purpose that remains. And while I don’t want to say for certain… I think we’ve found our next victim of the game…
Masanari Wada
Heavy focus from the chapter, to the point of a dedicated itch.io game. Mid-arc. Likely to be heavily effected by the motive. Is just generally getting beat down in general. And of course… Is very fucking easy to kill right now. I fear for this little dude, because truth is I don’t WANT Wada to die, because holy hell would he not deserve it but also… I do think him dying is one of the most likely outcomes…
Anyways that’s all. Let me know your victim thoughts! Have a great day!
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aita-blorbos · 2 months ago
AITA for accidentally making my former girlfriend cause World War 1?
I never thought I would write something like this, but my therapist suggested this and... Yeah.
So I ( 19f) used to live in Vienna before the first world war- Before... Things happened and all that. ( I still can't believe there were two world wars, not just one). I was a psychiatrist and often advocated for equal rights ( I'm part of a minority group that was discriminated against in Vienna). My former girlfriend (18f) was a a hugely popular opera singer, but she suffered from severe mental health issues and was subject to horrible treatments for her condition ( She was also part of the same minority group). She was my patient as well and I really tried my best to help her.
After one particular therapy session, we were walking down the streets of Vienna. I kind of... Talked myself in rage over the oppression we were facing. How Vienna, despite all its beauty, was a superficial shithole beneath it all. How we were never seen one to one with humans. And how I wanted things to change, how I wanted to change things myself. I talked about a paradise I was dreaming of ( I guess the particular word choice stuck with her...)
Well, my former girlfriend joined a cult and orchestrated alongside other cult members a sort of mass hysteria that took over the world. People started experiencing [DATA EXPUNGED] Syndrome and several assassinations all over Europe were carried out. This led to an early declaration of World War 1. This kickstarted the [DATA EXPUNGED] and led to me losing everything and everyone dear to me. Now I'm not even living in the time period I'm supposed to be in. Just a lost refugee, someone who shouldn't have survived instead of all the other citizens of Vienna.
I can't face my former girlfriend anymore. I couldn't save her. She believed she was doing a good thing. Thought killing every human would lead to the paradise I would have wanted. The worst thing about it is that she didn't do it out of her own conviction. She did what she thought I would have wanted. I even had to use hypnosis on her to guarantee she didn't destruct further. Me, using hypnosis! The practice I despise! And yet...
I just can't keep carrying this guilt.
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ilikeapples01 · 7 months ago
Distraction (all hail empress pink au) (art by kishinpain)
(Priyanka): activates something on her wrist communicator as she presses a few holographic buttons projecting from it
"My diamond here is the intel report you requested"
Yellow glances at her own screen, almost immediately harvesting every mote of data and sifting out what was necessary from what wasn't. "Pull it up for the others, Director, that's why we're here," Yellow disinterestedly ordered, almost derisively, as if it was obvious what she wanted before she spoke. Asriel's ears and eyes perked reflexively upon hearing 'Director' before remembering that's Prianka's title too.
(Priyanka): presses another holographic button
the display table in the middle of the room lights up and projects the same report for everyone in the room to see
(Empress Pink): looks at the report and she puffs her cigarillo
Yellow takes notice of the gaping wound into Authority space in the form of a bright red membrane around several notable systems, prompting this very meeting on counterstrategies. More subtle but not lost on her was the bend in the table where Prime Minister Asriel was gripping it. "Pink, I know it's not my place anymore, but it might be best to put that out before the Prime minister explodes." Her smirk died early as the table snapped in his grip, black eyes scowling acid daggers at her, occasionally snapping to the lit smoke.
(Empress Pink) looks at asriel as she blows smoke from her nose "All these years and you still can not tolerate the smoke asriel?" takes one more puff of her cigarillo before putting it out the pearl on her necklace begins to glow she stores the cigarillo in the pearl, afterwhich the pearl's glow fades "Is that better?" She says as smoke comes from her mouth
the smell of her pink diva flavored cigarillo lingering throughout the room
(Priyanka): "Now then, prime minister do you have any thoughts?"
(Empress pink) looks at asriel trying not to laugh "Quit being such a drama queen asriel it is not that bad"
Asriel released a breath he didn't know he was holding, before being assaulted by the stink on his next. Coughing up a storm he made a great show of expunging his insides of the smoke before going so far as to light a fire with his powers and breathe through that instead. It would be comical, even ridiculous if the monster's murderous hatred of smoking wasn't known to the other three. Once this display was done however his first question was immediately to the point. "What's preventing a pincer response?" he asked through the flame. "Either an imbalance of power or a lack of initiative from the commanders in the region," Yellow answered. "Given some of Pink's own are there it's almost certainly the former, is that correct Director?"
(Full post on reddit)
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horizoncollective · 8 months ago
Calling in from the Corsair Mercenary Company. I uh won't disclose my name so the bosses can't trace this back to me but is there any way to fake the idea that we cycled our NHP. The ship we're on has "Stabby" our BOSUN NHP just used for managing cleaning bots and other tasks. She's due to be cycled and I'm trying to find a way past that. If you folks got any ideas shoot em my way cause I don't see the point. She's doing her job just the same and even interacting with the crew more vibrantly. I'm up to try anything to keep her well... her. Signing off "Backtalker" //ERROR I.D EXPUNGED\\
Yes, you can fake this and it's much easier to fake than you would think. Get in contact with a Horizon Collective Repair Shop, and they will put you in contact with some specialists. The closer you are to a shop the easier this will be but if you can omninet link that should be enough. If you're good at tech stuff, someone should be able to walk you through the process.
The most basic way to explain this is that it will involve you briefly sidelining Stabby by disconnecting her from the main systems and putting a decoy comp/con loaded with junk data so it looks superficially like an NHP in her place. Then you'll cycle the comp/con standing in for her (this does nothing to a comp/con of course) and then you will swap Stabby back into her usual place. It's much more complicated to execute than I made it sound, but our experts can walk you and Stabby through it.
Do note that in the time when Stabby is disconnected from the cycling system, she will be without her normal senses that she gets through the ship. You might want to build a backup sensory rig for her. It's not going to last very long, but no one wants to be entirely without their senses for even a few minutes. Plugging a simple camera and microphone into her so she can watch you work will probably make the process easier for her.
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skullsnbruises · 1 year ago
thank u for explaining a bit more here
“what happened to you?” pomni if ⎍ don’t mind i’m fine with anything
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This is really bad because idk how to write Pomni and I got lazy but uh here
[Ao3 Link]
Taglist: @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do @local-squishmallow @dingbatnix @data-expunged-0 @da3dm
What Happened to You?
[609 words]
Ragatha made a quick bee-line to her room after dinner, Pomni noticed.
It made sense, all throughout the feast she seemed slightly off, even though Pomni hardly knew her, she could tell. The doll just looked like she was holding back a continuous frown, like she wanted to break down the happy exterior and let it be known she was hurting.
Something Pomni knew was she could tell people’s feelings. They felt like her own feelings, how strongly she felt them.
So she knew she had to go apologize.
The jester walked along, fumbling with her hands together. Going over what she might say. Just because she could connect well with people’s feelings, didn’t mean she could handle them very well. What were the comfort words again?
“I’m sorry,” she practiced, “or- I’m sorry.”
She cussed under her breath, the noise replaced by a cartoonish honking.
“BEEP!, I wish I knew what to say…” Pomni stared at her gloved palms as she walked.
Eventually she came to the door, and hesitated as she grab held of the knob. A slow, painful turn later and the door pushed open, gulping loud at the anxiety of it all.
Ragatha sat on her bed, facing away from the door. She looked sad, shoulders slumped and heavy sighing.
Or, heavy breathing.
Suddenly, Pomni could see the glitching effect over her arms and hair. But that didn’t make sense, Caine had fixed them up, why would she-?
Until Pomni realized, this must be what abstracting looks like.
The doll whipped around, her eyes filled with tears.
“I-“ Pomni reached out, like she hadn’t before, “I’m sorry.”
Ragatha bawled at that, arms open for embrace. Before Pomni could even process it, she rushed over, blindly being wrapped into a hug.
“I can’t- I can’t keep doing this,” Ragatha whispered out with a croak, “I can’t.”
“What can’t you do?” Pomni rubbed circles into her back.
“Just- pretending!” Ragatha cried, “I’m not okay!”
As she talked, the distortion started to fade.
Pomni went on, “You don’t have to pretend.”
Ragatha met her eyes, glossy with cartoonish tears dripping from them like ooze.
“I d-don’t?” She hiccuped.
Pomni smiled shyly, “Not around me.”
The doll glanced downwards, “Can I- we- do something that makes me feel better…? It’s weird- ah-“
“It’s okay,” Pomni promised.
Ragatha nodded solemnly, “…okay.”
And suddenly the doll was in Pomni’s hands, shrunk in the matter of a second. Pomni nearly flinched backwards, surprised, but she remained cool the best she could.
Ragatha held her arm, tiny and whimpering, “C-could you eat me?”
Pomni’s eyes widened into huge colorful pupils.
“S-sorry that’s weird-“ Ragatha seemed to be backtracking, “I’m-“
“I will,” Pomni blurted out, “I’ll do it.”
Ragatha stared up, hesitant to accept now. She just nodded, embarrassed.
Pomni lifted her up on her palms, bringing the tiny doll to her mouth. She didn’t hesitate to pop Ragatha inside, licking over her body to wet her up for the journey to her stomach.
She cradled Ragatha against the wet tongue, rolling it over her face, tasting salty tears that were leftover.
Pomni hummed softly as she gave a hard swallow, feeling the tiny Ragatha be pushed to the back of her throat. Another gulp and she was on her way down, squished and covered in spit from the esophagus’ tight hug.
The jester felt the small weight slip inside her stomach, a small bulge of her tummy protruding where Ragatha lay. She smiled, happy that she could cheer up the tiny and save her from the same terrible fate Kaughmo went through. Just the small action of caring, Pomni had helped Ragatha.
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months ago
File: Pikmin - Puffstool
Code Name: Generals of Corruption
Object Class: Neutralized
Special Containment Procedures: Thankfully the last instance of SCP-ALJ was killed off in a private expedition of Site Director Nancy James. As such they no longer pose a threat and thus no containment procedures will be made. 
Description: SCP-ALJ is a strange and seemingly living form of fungi though whether it is sentient or not remains debated especially since the last instance is dead. These instances normally only stand either 5 to 7 inches and only have two legs that more resemble nubs as they have no visible joints and no toes at all. Initially each one is not considered dangerous to any humans or other living beings and can easily be crushed with a stomp of the foot. However, the same cannot be said for SCP-AEK instances. 
Like all fungi, SCP-ALJ are able to produce spores, which seem to be drawn to SCP-AEK instances, the result shows exactly why. When exposed to SCP-ALJ spores each SCP-AEK instance becomes purple and the leaves on their head become mushroom shape. They also serve under SCP-ALJ now and will attack anyone who gets too close to their new master. Though the effects can be reversed after the SCP-ALJ instance is killed, normally the corrupted SCP-AEK will give up their lives to prevent this. 
SCP-ALJ was discovered in 2002 when Site Director Nancy James went on another expedition to Japan in hopes to find more clues to the [data expunged]. However, she ended up encountering SCP-ALJ instances instead. Originally, she unleashed her army of SCP-AEK instances to attack them but after they got corrupted, she became enraged and started killing all the SCP-ALJ instances. Once they were all dead she went into a depression as she lost a great number of her SCP-AEK instances including a few she named such as “burny, hot shot, thunder bolt, zapper, zappy, drowner, bubbly, rock heart, hulk, and stinky.” The only reason the Foundation knows anything about any of the SCP-ALJ instances is because she had a body can on her while she was on her expedition. 
Site Director Nancy James was criticized by the O5 Council for hastily neutralizing the SCP-ALJ instances. However, she was not severely punished since she has been the only one to fully bond with the SCP-AEK instances. It has even gotten to the point she no longer has to whistle she can just give commands or point, and they will understand what she wants from them. As such, she was allowed to go back on her expeditions but so long as she had security units escorting her.
“Many have asked us why we indulge Nancy on her little expeditions to kill the supposed monster that will end the world herself. The reason is simple, it's the AEK instances, they are attached to her and her alone now, no one has ever been able to make them work and fight as effectively as she has. I am aware that there's little chance this monster even exists and given the creatures it has sent at us so far it's safe to say we can deal with it rather easily. However, the last time we left something to chance the world ended and the universe reset as a result… I won’t let that happened again” - O5-13
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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scp-torment · 2 years ago
Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki
My analysis of the situation has led me to the conclusion that SCP-239 is an unacceptable containment and security risk. Although several proposals have been made re: using her for containing other SCPs, the example of SCP-953 and others must serve as a stark reminder of the risks of overestimating the Foundation's ability to control SCPs with reality-altering powers. I would therefore like to make the following proposal: a dagger will be constructed of SCP-148, capable of penetrating SCP-239's otherwise invincible skin. This weapon will be used to terminate SCP-239 while she is asleep and her powers are neutralized. Because of the danger of SCP-239 awakening and resisting termination, it is my recommendation that the selected operative carry SCP-668 as well, in order to minimize complications. One of the dangers of this procedure is the possibility that SCP-239 will awaken and perceive the operative as a friend or "good person," thus changing reality to match. It is for this reason that I would like to volunteer to carry out the procedure personally. A review of my personnel file should indicate that my [DATA EXPUNGED] should allow me to carry out the operation even after a reality shift of this nature. - Clef
All Alone On A Friday Night
"Hey, c'mon, the spot's open, yeah?" She looked around the table for someone to back her up, but Adams didn't look up from her phone and Jackie just looked very slightly tired, which was rare for her. "I don't care if it's open, I don't want you here," Iris pressed. A sudden groan came from Adams, drawing Stacey and Anne's attention. "My god, Iris, don't you like anyone?" She moaned.
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sizey-oc-smackdown · 2 years ago
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Participants: @data-expunged-0 's Minim, @a-tiny-frog-girl 's Mars, and @poprockpanda 's Bea and Amanda (Bea is the bottom picture and Amanda is the top picture) (omg me again) (i am gonna shill extra hard for my gals)
Descriptions: "Stubby horns, tan skin, green eyes, wears an orange sweater with red stripes and a pair of sweatpants."
"Mars is a 16 yr old borrower who's seen the worst of both borrowers and humanity. She is incredibly empathetic and curious and is often the one to bridge the gap after a fight. She is also constantly incredibly hard on herself because she feels like she's a terrible borrower. On any given day, you can probably find her either in mortal danger or curled up, taking a nap near her human friends."
"They are the wives ever. Bea is an adventurous buffoon who pretends to be way more smooth than she actually is. Amanda is an anxious bitch in normal, safe social situations but she will absolutely kick ass when she needs too."
Propaganda: "He can turn into coins and rings. If you look at your reflection in the coin/ring, Minim will stare back instead of your reflection. He also is creetchur status."
"her name is Mars cuz she's named after a Mars Bar, her love language is touch so she loves being petted and might even purr if she feels safe enough, she's autistic and one of her special interests is space and another is humans and human culture, she has a disability that causes her to need sleep more often than most borrowers, she's really good with animals but also terrified of animals, she's gay and asexual, and she is amazing at picking anything up quickly."
"They just my little gay idiots. They make up dumb nicknames for each other, they dance in their little kitchen while listening to songs on the old Ipod they borrowed, they adopt three tramuatized kids who fell onto their human roomate's countertop and a cat in their various aus. They carved their home out of nothing with the help of an older borrower living in the same apartment building who also basically adopted them. They are the best moms ever no matter what universe they are in."
Extra Bits of Propagana: Mars Fic
Bea and Amanda Fic
If they win I will finish the long awaited Hanging By A Thread Chapter 6 and 7. If they somehow make it past the second round, I will write the first chapter of the Crossover Fic (the one where they adopt the three kids). Idk yet what to do if they get to round 3 cus I don't want to get my hopes up lol
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zkylearnstherope · 1 year ago
Names [AU Info] - AvA / AvM Fan-Made
Stick City Government allows sticks to choose their "Registered Name". This means that if a stick hates their given filename, which is often the case, they are allowed to choose a name they want to go by.
The Monochromes
vic Monochrome - Originally victim. A calls him V.
Admin Void Walker - The A originated from the word Adorable, but is mostly short for The Admin. [Redacted] calls him 3, which is his original hex name.
Agent Monochrome-Void Walker - The name Agent came from A and the Gentleman.
H Monochrome-Void Walker - Originally Hangman. H comes from the fact that his head was drawn when Red incorrectly answered "H" in the Actual Short. This is also why Red is respected enough to be considered as H's parent.
Pixel_Ballista - Sometimes PB.
The Void Walkers
[Redacted] Void Walker - [Redacted] is not his actual name. It's just that every and all mentions of his name is Filtered or Redacted. This is a result of Incognito's abilities.
Incognito Void Walker - [Data Expunged]
Eyes Void Walker and Hazard/Sign - They both don't use their names often (Cam and Signal), because it reminds them of their Creators. But they use it on each other when they're alone or talking in Morse Code Signals.
Not Registered in the Stick City Archives
These two are also the main villains of the AU.
The Benefactor - Doesn't have an original filename. As far as the city knows, he just showed up one day.
Static - Her name is written like that because no one remembers it. If she tells them her name, it just sounds static to everyone's ears. This is also a result of Incognito's abilities. It's why she desperately wants revenge against the Void Walkers that she teamed up with The Benefactor.
Author's Note
I know I said before that everybody is a he. But please bear with me here, I can't make up my mind on some of them.
A is a he in stick figure form, but she in human form.
Hunter, Eyes, and probably Static too are she's.
The rest of them are he's.
Take note that the Ability to Procreate doesn't require a stick to be a she. Will explain more about this in the future.
Original characters by Alan Becker
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the-arcade-doctor · 2 years ago
Jay would have a cult room for Dashes
[ okay, woah, let’s dial it back, i’m not THAT much of a simp, i just want her to [REDACTED] while i [ERROR] like a [DATA EXPUNGED] ]
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toyfulbox · 8 months ago
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👐 + 🔄 (for meemaw or data expunged...dealer's choice lol) || @lambfated
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face squishy meme || open!
"Ohhh my goodness, look at you!" Pyriel coos, holding Lamb's face in her hooved hands, squishing its cheeks in an affectionate manner as she continued admiring their cuteness. "In all seriousness, you have been taking care of yourself, yes?" She poses a question to them, keeping her hands upon their face, now examining their features, just in case something was off.
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"The both of us know that you have to keep yourself in check every once in a while, hm?" She muses to herself, then removing her hooved hands from their face as she finishes her examination of Lamb's wellbeing. "Everything seems to be fine, from what I see. But anything that you want to add, Dearest Lamb?"
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years ago
scp thats a plush cat
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SCP-3937, Also known as Clementine is a small, muddy cat shaped plush animal. It weighs approximately 1.5 lbs due to it's matted fur. It displays the coloring of a calico with small black button eyes and a sewed on pink plastic nose.
Clementine preys upon the young and lonely, crying out in a manner described as "Agonizing yet hypnotizing". It will keep crying out to one specific person until they bring the plush cat home, in which it will then allow itself to be cleaned.
After being cleaned it will control the victim, classified as 3937-B, forcing them to hold it at all times. It will heighten the victims anxiety until their paranoia is so severe that they lock themselves away in their house, leaving them open to Clementine.
Clementine will proceed to claw at the victim until they've been blinded, and then attacks them until they are left [REDACTED].
Clementines psychological effects are so powerful that dampening them is nigh impossible, only able to be safely observed through approx. 15 layers of high grade titanium walls each lined with 2 additional layers of sound-dampening wool and cotton. It is placed inside a cage of 10 layers of bulletproof, soundproofed glass.
All persons ranking above B-class are to wear soundproof headphones within 25ft of Clementine.
Once a person is affected by Clementine, they must be taken as far away from it as possible and [DATA EXPUNGED].
DR. GOLDWIN: "[REDACTED], How are you feeling?"
SCP-3937-B: "Alone. Where is Clementine? She needs me. Can't you hear her?"
DR. GOLDWIN: "Clementine isn't here right now. I promise you can return to it once you answer a few questions. Can you do that for me, [REDACTED]?"
SCP-3937-B: "She's not an 'it'! You're hurting her feelings! You have to be able to hear her crying, you have to! I'm not crazy!"
DR. GOLDWIN: "I never said you were crazy. I apologize for hurting Clementine. Can you tell me more about her?"
SCP-3937-B: "She's soft, and kind. She's safe. Nothing else is safe. She doesn't want to be alone, just like me. Can I please see her? Please? I need to know she's okay. Her crying is hurting my ears now. She misses me. She needs me. I need her."
DR. GOLDWIN: "She's safe, see?"
SCP-3937-B: "That's not her! You're lying to me, that's just some fake! Where is she, where is she?! What did you do with Clemetine?!?"
DR. GOLDWIN: "Call in the SWAT, now!"
__END LOG.__
All victims can easily tell the difference between Clementine and the identical plush replica. We still do not know how, or why.
Every D-Class personnel allowed within 10ft of SCP-3937 has displayed signs of severe anxiety, depression, paranoia and dependency upon the plush animal. It took them up to 3 months to recover through intensive therapy and separation.
SCP-3937 Is to remain contained for further studies and tests. We are still uncertain if it can be destroyed.
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inkbeanjo · 2 years ago
2, 3,4,5,6,7 for Moni and Retro on the character ask please. i love hearing about your characters
houuhghghjK i will do my best to answer retro's half, though i'll open with some behind the scenes that might shed some clarity on neo-a's weird existence in the real world.
Neo Automisia came about after I'd been playing Moni in a shadowrun living community for like 3 years, and after a point where i decided I wanted to break from that system's lore/canon out of desire to write my own shit and also out of disagreement with a lot of SR's writing- irl i've never really grown up in places or had the same friend groups for more than 3 years at a time, and my experience in making friends has been a series of meetings and farewells since I was little.
Ironically enough this's how a lot of my time playing Moni wound up being- games in the living community were sign-ups as opposed to set player groups and set tables you'd normally expect from a tabletop setting- think billboard with job postings kinda vibes, with things happening during/after/between jobs. As such, at least when it comes to fellow runners/key npcs, I'm doing my best to translate friends characters I've not gotten to really play with/hear from in years- or at least haven't had space TO do things with, life happens/things get busy etc etc you get it. Retro is OracleofMaya's wonderful gremlin, and a lot of my ability to write consistent/in-character dialogue for her comes from the fact that we talked/wrote a LOT over the years and i have an active crush on her/like writing stuff with her u///u
Long lead in over here we go:
It really depends on circumstances for the both of them- they're incredibly awkward and dealing with a lot of baggage individually/mutually, but with the right company they tend to light up. In Moni's case if worst comes to worst, she's anxious enough that even in bad company/bad circumstances she'll still titter out a giggle before realizing this isn't the time nor place.
From my time playing alongside Retro, it never felt exactly an easy thing to earn her trust; partly due to the fact of her being a technomancer in a world that readily exploits and/or abuses them to the nth degree, and partly due to the fact that a lot of the people she and Moni worked with were either opportunistic or WAY too prone to oversharing critical information. Add [DATA EXPUNGED] to the mix and its really hard to blame her for shutting others down or out but again right company/right circumstances made all the difference in exceptions or changing that.
On Moni's end, her depression and various horribly negative experiences with people she loved or trusted have oriented her, for the most part, not to trust other people- or at least, that's the direction she tries to orient herself toward in some attempt to protect herself, and others from her. That obviously hasn't and doesn't work up to the current point in chapter 3, as Moni is basically an easily excitable puppy in a metahuman's shape.
In Retro's case, extremely- I have zero doubts that had Moni ever not kept self-vigilance up and spilled the beans regarding Retro being a technomancer, Retro WOULD have made good on that promise to fry her brain.
Distrust is fluid for Moni/liable to shift and change with circumstances and her mood- in this case I'm going to opt to make a slight shift and say that, with specific and wrong buttons pushed, it is very, very, very easy to earn a lethal grudge from Moni as opposed to solely distrust.
Both Moni and Retro are not only Nightrunning criminals for hire, but also staunch Anarchists living in the hellscape that is late stage capitalism and continued global warming/corporations having just about zero regulatory oversight or consequence placed on them. Laws on paper are not synonymous with justice or systemic equity, and both growing up in the fringes of the Seattle metroplex 100% plays into how they see the reality of how those laws actually play out in favor of the rich, powerful, and influential.
In the time I played with Oracle, Retro's nostalgia often times followed similar patterns to Moni if that tracks; both of them are rooted through warped sentimentalities and fractured memories for pasts they either can't fully remember, or remember in better contexts and through rose-tinted glasses than honestly- at least for a time. I don't wanna spoil too much in this regard, nor for the more positive ways they hold nostalgia for genuinely nice times/moments, so that's all I'm gonna say.
For Moni: 22. Jealousy is weird for Moni, because it's only really ever happened when Retro had started seeing/dating(?) a magical psychologist character of mine who has a hate boner against moni and vice versa. Moni herself is polyam, pan, and for the most part easygoing when it comes to interpersonal relationships; she doesn't really have explicit desire for material stuff barring cybernetics to cram into her meat suit, or good food tucked in the pockets and hole-in-the-wall joints of wherever she's living. Even in the case of the aforementioned psychologist, the jealousy stemmed more out of her overt fear of a mage who could root through, tweak, or otherwise puppet your brain like a marionette. 23. Envy is also weird- as mentioned the material things she does want are things she has zero problem waiting or saving for, and when it comes to relationships/the relationships of her partners and metamours she's open/patient. But a core piece of Moni I'm in the process of explicitly laying out/continuing to lay out is her absolute impulsiveness- the things that she DOES envy are immaterial and more abstract, in ways that to most would just sound like complete nonissues. It's something yet to be brought up, but Moni genuinely envies her peers and coworkers who have or are working toward a definite retirement plan, or have the intention TO retire because they have something in mind. For Moni at this point, she did not for one second in her career think about what retiring might look like or that she could/should- it was utterly foreign to be asked "what're you going to do after you're done running?", and to look inward only to find an answer along the lines of "what?". She envies people that have desires beyond what's immediately in front of them- not because they have it better, but because for all of her attempts to she can't figure out what she wants- no matter how hard she tries there's something missing that, to her at least, makes her feel like she was never supposed to be metahuman. This's one example but you get the gist, it's wanting to feel like you know where you're going and where you want to go/otherwise self actualize and feeling like you're drowning.
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