#i want a bartylus band au so bad
Fleetwood Mac but it's Bartylus in a band, they are Stevie and Lindsey.
and it's the year 1997, and Regulus is singing Silver Springs to Barty for the first time after their 6th breakup.
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limetimo · 2 years
RAB fics I read (26Jul-6Aug)
The Past is The Present, The Future is The Past by DearOurMoony I. am. in. love. with. this. concept. bye. bye. Regulus lived and Regulus died but mama Black raised no quitter. From the space between lifes, 18yo Regulus ambushes 16yo James Potter in his dreams and asks him to change the future by befriending 15yo Regulus. There's like, uuummm, so much going on.
Until You're Home by AmeliaDarkholme Aaaaaaaaaaaaa angst but also a mindfuck, Sirius feels, canon was truly one of the darker timelines, very beautiful very powerful
Turned Tides by rsbarelle Regulus steps in to protect Sirius, gets crucioed for his troubles, and is dragged off to the Potters with Sirius. Bartylus with Jegulus endgame.
The Marauders and the Prisoner of Azkaban by SilverShadow1 Alternate universe MArauders + Regulus + Lily are reading the Prisoner of the Azkaban
to the dark lord by justwhatialwayswanted Regulus doesn't want to serve the dark lord or join the order, so naturally the next logical step is to start building his own, cooler club. That boy is playing 5d chess every waking moment and I love him your honour also Peacock Evan Rosier my beloveds. Very good if you're looking for Slytherin friendships!
Trans-figuration by Quietlemonhush It's wolfstar anniversary and Regulus gives them something he thinks they both would very much appreciate. He isn't wrong, but he didn't know how far in denial and fear Sirius was about his gender. It all works out tho, Wolfstar has hot anniversary sex and Sirius accepts his genderfluidity for the first time in his life.
Meetings That Start In The Dark by writingamarie :)
unbreakable heaven by battlehamster Regulus is deeply traumatised after a really bad relationship and can't allow himself to fall in love. Which sucks because he's pretty much gone on James Potter already. Casual sex it is! Meanwhile James is head over heels for the younger Black and willing to take anything Regulus gives him, even if it's killing him inside.
Rest In Peace? No, Live In Peace by A2idB1u3 Regulily had a baby and Barty used to date Sirius and canon stuff happened and Barty was raising Harry till like 9 or 10 when the aurors caught up with them adn akdkj I need to know what happens next
Drugs and surgical scrubs by anauro no need for introductions 10/10
Rock 'N' Roll, Baby! by bugsbabe Jegulus Wrong number Marauders band AU I'm pumped up
A (somewhat unconventional) Black Family Getaway by Trex_patronus wonderful inspired gorgeous showstopping, if you want some top notch black brothers dynamics, Trex is your guy gal pal!
Oaths Kept & Oaths Broken by Trex_patronus everything I said before ^ in angsty flavour
The house of discord by Petite00 for AryaCahill I love itttttttt Buckbeak my beloved, Reg and Sirius reverting to children in 0,1 secs of meeting each other
Madness by any other name by AtomicMint Regulus agrees to tutor one (1) Hufflepuff, gets an army of Puffs teaching him the importance of human connections and the true meaning of love ♥
A Full Guide To Gardening For Amateurs by aphrsditea James is bipolar and ADHD and his flowers are DYING. Thankfully his new mysterious hostile neighbour Regulus knows a thing or ten about gardening and agrees to save James' poor roses from demise.
Stowaway by Propheciesanddreams (propheciesanddreams) Regulus runs away to the Potters'
The Secrets of Regulus Black by Josiem Secrets. Regulus has them. It'S necessary to keeping Sirius safe.
The Break and the Fall by allalrightagain screaming Regulus/Peter Pettigrew
Art Heist, Baby! by otrtbs I am destroyed, I will never recover, I will forever hold this fic dear to my heart
You Belong With Me by lolregulus for sigme7 Regulus just wants to go home back to France; modern boarding school au with wolfstar and jegulus and ohmygod they were roommates
Elective Affinities by Caecelia author didn't update anything since 2012 but fuck me the story is so intriguing. Time traveler Harry rooming with Snape
Lead The Way by thissucks Walnut and Onion die in Sirius' NEWT year and Sirius is now responsible for his lil brother. He doesn't really want to, but Dumbledore would much rather have Regulus in the Order than with Death Eaters...
All You Need Is 20 Seconds by thissucks After Sirius got disowned Regulus was sent to france so that he couldn't die or something. He got married, has two children, and it's 1995 and the little family is moving back to England to kick some ressurected butt. I love his wife so much I cannot even
career goals: tyrant by justwhatialwayswanted like to the dark lord but instead of playing 5d chess with his surroundings, TerminatoReg tells reality what he wants it to be, and it becomes it :D Funtastic
Diptych by pansysnarkinson Lucius gave Regulus the diary to unleash the Basilisk. Once Regulus figured out what was happening he set out on a lotr-esque journey to hide the Diary until later notice. That plan has some serious holes but I'm blaming Dumbledore for those
My Own Private Blackpool by LadyVisenya a girl OC from Percy's year has a friend who turns out to be a very traumatised REgulus Black. They set out to hunt horcruxes and defeat VOldemort together
Selective blindness by Shadowmun Severus/Regulus
I thought I was “dead to you” by Jegulussun Regulus wakes up with amnesia, to find out he's on good terms with his brother and married to James Potter of all people.
What it is that makes me run by catastrophizemoony ♥♥♥
Stan Shunpike by JuliaDaviesMcdonaldFraser one v short chapter but it looks promising!
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