#i wanna get to at least one of my 'mechs before the end of the month cus its colours'll line up with pride if i can get it to work >:3
happyhyenaminis · 1 year
managed to grind through the last 6 pink horrors in one sitting tonight 😪 ready to be based and join the other 14 from earlier in the year
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deltaclaws · 2 years
Monkie Kid: Creature's Comforts, Chapter 1- A "New" Normal
It's heeeeere! I had a blast writing this and I feel like I'm improving at writing humor. Let me know what you think, and like before you can read it here or on my AO3 page.
When Monkey King got a new phone at the humble, totally not using his puppy dog face request of his successor, he made the firm rule that only MK would have his number. His reasoning being he was already harassed enough through his email address, and he liked to keep a low profile.
That was broken within the first week as Mei somehow, oh so mysteriously got his contact info, and he only made 15 attempts at blocking her number before he gave in and muted her texts- because every convo ended up the same.
[Mei, pls only text me if its important :/] 8:55 AM
[Kk monkie dad! ⊂((*>⊥σ))⊃ Dragon horse’s honor (≧ω≦)ゞ] Mei, 8:55 AM
[Thank you] 8:56 AM
[Link: Top 10 Funniest Viral Videos This Week…] Mei, 9:01 AM
[This is super important] Mei, 9:01 AM
It’s not that he wanted to avoid talking with her, she was a good kid!... It was her erratic schedule of messaging that more often than not came well after Nap o’ Clock, or I Wanna Sleep In AM..
So, with Mei being Mei and his phone number unlisted, Wukong only ever heard from MK when he made the once in a while call in lieu of using Mystic Monkey Messaging.
He was thinking of giving the kid a ring now, as it was almost half an hour past their scheduled meet up at his mountain for their (now mandatory) heart-to-heart talk and training. MK was hardly ever late to their sessions, and if he was, he at least gave a heads-up. It was starting to give the king a small, eensy teensy bit of emotion he couldn’t quite name.
Monkey King checked his phone again, and saw no missed calls or messages from his student, which only made the wiggling crumb of… something, settle deeper into his already hungry belly. No one would blame him for worrying about MK after everything that’s happened, but turning into an overbearing parent- which, no, could he call himself that? Was he allowed to?- wasn’t going to help. A nice snack, however, might do the trick.
Just as Wukong was walking into his kitchen to get some chopped peaches from his freezer to settle his stomach and redirect those thoughts, the Super Monkey Mech theme chimed out from his sash.
“Speak of the demon,” he chuckled with relief as he fished out his phone from the folds of his belt. Wukong flicked his thumb, accepted the call, and went rooting for his snack. “Hey bud! What’s the hold up?” he asked casually. 
“Ah, hey Monkey King,” came a gruff, clipped voice. Wukong snapped straight up, a terrible move as he thumped his crown harshly on the inside of the freezer. Beyond the sudden discomfort as he held the top of his head, sucking in a breath through clenched teeth, was that shred of emotion now knotting his guts. “First off-”
“What’s wrong.” he interjected. The momentary pain was shunted away- now on high alert, he marched out of his house with purpose. He could hear a creaking noise beyond the grumble of Pigsy’s words.
“I’m trying to tell you- yes, MK, we ARE doing this.”
 “Is he hurt?”
“No, he’s not hurt. If you’d both stop-”
“Do I need to-”
“Would you two quit talkin’ over me at the SAME TIME?!” the irate pig shouted. Wukong halted his forward momentum right as his foot met the first step out of his home, only slightly taken aback, and his ears only slightly ringing from the outburst. There was a crackling sigh and a distant cough before Pigsy continued. “Monkey King, the kid’s fine. Sittin’ right next to me as we speak. Now listen before you come flyin’ over here. Please.” he groused.
“Alright, I’m listening.” Wukong deadpanned as he leaned on the railing of his porch, tail swishing.
Another cough met his ears before Pigsy spoke again. “Ok, I’ve got ya on speaker. Kid, say hi to Monkey King, SLOWLY, so he knows you’re alive.” Wukong wanted to jab right back, but for the moment he felt it would be a little tasteless on his part.
“Hey, Monkey King,” MK rasped after another small cough, sending a warning flag up in the monkey’s mind,  “Sorry I didn’t call. I couldn’t find my phone after, uh, I accidentally broke a couple booths at the sh, sh, sha, shop!” His words broke off into hacking, which quickly rose in pitch. What Wukong heard after the “Hu-geugh!” he would possibly describe as someone slapping their hand across a sound board.
There was shouting- probably Pigsy- some crunching, definitely property damage, and what sounded like glass breaking amongst the cacophony. That new insurance money was gonna go fast.
Wukong waited, eyebrows drawn low as curtains, as nothing but white noise and a withering groan came over the speaker. “Ummm,” he drawled after he heard neither pig nor kid speak up, “Eeeverything good over there?” the king asked, halfway expecting to not get a response.
A grunt was his answer. “Eh, not the worst it’s been,” said a very resigned sounding Pigsy. There was a noise of frustration, along with more wheezing that sounded like a laugh, and Wukong could practically hear the chef massaging a behooved finger between his eyes. “As I was sayin’, MK’s sick. His coughing is making his body freak out, and I need you to come pick him up and take care of him ‘til he’s feeling better. You’re gonna be able to help him more than me right now, and I’d like my shop to at least go one month this year without getting a remodeling.”
“Freak out? Like- No, wait- backtrack,” Wukong frantically waved his free hand, totally visible over the audio only phone call, “MK’s sick? Sick with what?” he asked urgently. 
“It’s just a cold,” MK tried to assert, throat sounding strained, before he was interrupted by Pigsy gently shushing him.
“Kid, you’re a bad liar, and you’re gonna bust a lung at this rate.” he chided, though his voice was far warmer than it was before. Wukong waited for the chef to speak to him again, tail practically swatting a quick rhythm now as he listened impatiently to more shuffling. “Monkey King, just, come over. I’m not gonna be able to make MK budge without your help, and I think this is something you gotta see in person.”
At that he heard an overly offended ‘hey!’ that lost all of its power when the kid’s voice cracked. It eased the tension in his shoulders and abated some of the worry that replaced the foreign feeling from earlier. WIth a chuff, he said “You know, there’s this thing you’re using right now that I’m pretty sure can also take and send pictures, if the lens isn’t busted anymore.”
There was another noise of indignation from MK that bubbled off into a grumble, which was almost entirely obscured by Pigsy’s terse rebuttal. “Alright smart guy, I’m hanging up and helping the kid pack. See you in 10.” Monkey King gave an affirmative hum, tucking his phone back into his sash as the call disconnected.
He let himself droop and fold dramatically over the railing, deflating further as he released a long, suffering, groan. Wukong couldn’t see anything past the legs of his pants, but he heard the light tap-tap-tap of one of the monkeys coming around the porch. With a thump and a graceful landing, his subject sat on his back and let out a questioning chitter.
“Well,” he huffed, scrubbing a nervous hand through his mane. “Looks like we’re not gonna catch a break just yet.”
The trip over to Megapolis was as easy as any other day, and the 10 minute window gave Monkey King more than enough time to sort out his thoughts and get into his “Everything’s gonna be ok” mindset. Whatever MK had, it couldn’t be worse than being thrown through mountains, punched repeatedly, having the fate of everyone you know and love be put in your hands. You know, the usual!
Thinking about it now, he’s pretty sure he’s never seen MK actually sick-sick. He chalks that up to his successor being an overall healthy kid… for the most part.
Once he entered the city limits, Wukong hopped off his cloud and turned into a falcon, using the gratuitous amount of air pockets to speed over the neighborhoods and towards the food district Pigsy’s shop sat in.
From what he could see as he was approaching, nothing looked out of place; windows weren’t broken, no obvious holes in the walls, no paramedics waiting outside. There were a couple tables and chairs in a very sorry, never will house butts again state by the dumpster- which lined up with what MK mentioned earlier. Though a few easily replaced $25 chairs is hardly as destructive as rearranging entire city blocks in his opinion.
Opting for the quickest route and least likely to have furniture roadblocks, Monkey King dropped down onto the fire escape to enter via the window, which was conveniently already open.
With a flourish and a burst of light, he announced his arrival. “Alright, I’m here kiddooooooh, whoa.”
The kid’s modest apartment looked like it had been ransacked. The bed had a very obvious dip in it, and was very obviously pushed halfway up the opposite wall. MK’s TV laid morosely on its side, sans glass, and a broom and garbage can sat next to it like mourners- the can was also full of the former glass screen and what remained of the shelves the TV rested on. Books and DVDs were stacked out of the way, and what belongings that were still intact were pushed to the side to clear the floor.
MK and Pigsy were finishing up packing the kid’s duffel when he stepped through the window, which Monkey King now realized was entirely blown out and not actually open. His student perked up a little when he saw him, and offered a sheepish smile. “Monkey King!” he said suspiciously quickly, and wow, he looked like he had been caught in a windstorm. “Great to see you! Thanks for coming out, but you really don’t have to look after me.” he squeaked- squeaked!- while he held up his hands placatingly. Pigsy harrumphed and shoved MK’s duffel into his unoccupied arms.
Wukong leveled an unimpressed look at his student and crossed his arms. MK wilted. “You sure, bud? ‘Cause this,” he gestured to the battlefield formerly known as his apartment, “Seems a little beyond your usual organized chaos. I don’t think a simple cold would cause this much collateral damage.” he added casually.
MK broke eye contact and ran a hand along the back of his head, his face flushing the tiniest bit. That’s when Pigsy spoke up. “About that,” he started, grabbing Monkey King’s attention. “Remember what I said about MK’s body freaking out?”
Ah, right. Wukong nodded, signaling for the chef to continue, when MK put his hand on Pigsy’s shoulder.
“I’ll tell him.” he mumbled, sounding awfully weary. MK straightened up, but kept his eyes trained on the floor. He took in a rattling breath before speaking quickly. “I keep transforming whenever I cough or sneeze. I don’t know why. I was fine this morning, and then when I was cleaning the dining room, I just… bwoosh!” he illustrated with spreading his fingers wide in a mock explosion and grimacing. “And since then-” he coughed, and Wukong saw the ripple of gold light cross over his successor’s body. Pigsy tensed and grasped MK’s arm. His fake grimace turned into one of genuine discomfort and both adults could see him trying to hold back another cough. “Since then, I can’t stop. It’s so annoying.” he finished with a slight wheeze to his voice. That feeling Wukong couldn’t quite place before returned, and sat like a rock in his stomach as he watched MK struggle.
Pigsy’s face wore the concern and sympathy they both felt as he gently squeezed the kid’s arm. “It’ll pass, MK. You’ve got your family lookin’ out for ya.” he reassured warmly, and Wukong briefly darted his eyes away. The chef gave a few more comforting pats before he turned back to Monkey King. “MK’s already taken some flu medicine, the rest's in his bag.” he informed him. ”If ya need anything, or something happens,” Pigsy hesitated, “don’t be afraid to call. Kid’s got all our numbers.” Beneath those words, the stone monkey knew there was an unspoken plea.
Monkey King smiled and gave a mock salute. “You got it Pigsy. I’ll make sure he gets plenty of bedrest and doesn’t blow up any more rooms. C’mon bud, it’s time to recover at Flower Fruit Hospital.” That got an eye roll from MK despite the smile tugging at the side of his face.
With goodbyes traded and MK coming to a place of acceptance that yes, he would be going with his teacher, and yes, he will be taking a break, Monkey King stepped back out the window onto his cloud and hefted MK up beside him. He only balked a little bit before his teacher reminded him why riding his own cloud over to the mountain would be a bad idea right now.
Before they took off, MK looked back at Pigsy. “Thanks… both of you.” he mumbled- that sincere, special MK-branded smile on his face.
Pigsy smiled back, and Wukong patted the hand wrapped around his waist. “Anytime, kiddo.” he soothed. Monkey King shifted his stance to better brace against the oncoming wind, wrapped his tail loosely around his student for extra insurance- and in a flash, they were off.
The subtle wiggling at his back let him know MK was watching the noodle shop, until it was too small to pick out from the rest of the buildings and obscured by the low cloud cover that had rolled in.
It wasn’t until they were gliding over the open ocean that MK spoke again.
“Hey, um,” he tried to say over the roar of the wind. “Is your house gonna, you know, be strong enough?”
Wukong glanced over his shoulder and smiled cheekily. “It’s survived you and our friends for over a year, hundreds of years before that, and has wild monkeys living in it. I don’t think it'll be blown down from your super-sneezes now.” The effect of his friendly jab was immediate as MK let out a strange chirpy laugh.
“Heheh, you got a puh- point-” he started to wheeze, the golden light of his powers flashing over his body as he started to hack. Wukong felt his hackles raise with only a touch of mild panic.
“Hold on, kid!” he sputtered out, grabbing his arm and tightening his grip on MK. His student shifted wildly with each cough, making it harder to keep the firm grasp he had. Wukong watched helplessly as MK flipped through the transformations he had mastered so far- flacon, songbird, spider, falcon, spider- and with a disgustingly wet “Hwack!”, he turned into a gorilla.
The sudden weight shift made Monkey King’s cloud rock back violently, and he was forced to lean forward and throw out his arms to compensate- a move that usually would get him back in control, but with how fast they were going, and having huge gorilla hands partially obscuring his view, it only succeeded in tipping their combined weight too far forward. Pitched off the runaway cloud and both of them too frazzled to think quickly- student and teacher plunged into the ocean below, the latter yelling out “MK!” the whole way down.
As Monkey King surfaced with a gasp and a quick shift into a tortoise, he located MK- now back to his normal-ish self- and paddled over at top speed.
‘I was right,’ he mused morosely as he helped his successor grip onto his shell. ‘We are not catching a break today.’
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whatyourusherthinks · 1 month
My Adventures With Superman Review Wrap Up
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Final Summation
Roan, skip it. We know you think this show is good. You only spent god knows how many paragraphs gushing about every single detail in every single episode, and the only things you complained about were things only people obsessed with Superman would complain about. I now know more about you're opinions on a fictional flying man than I know about my wife's political affiliation. You obviously recommend the show, what more do you even have to say? ...Buggnutz, you make an excellent point. So let's move on to...
Episode Rankings
Season One is in red while Season Two is in blue pppbbblllttt...
Olsen's Eleven
My Adventures With Supergirl
My Adventures With Mad Science
The Death of Clark Kent
Two Lanes Diverge
The Machine Who Would Be Empire
You Will Believe a Man Can Lie
Pierce the Heavens, Superman!
Zero Day: Part Two
Full Metal Scientist
Zero Day: Part One
Kiss Kiss Fall In Portal
Let's Go To Ivo Tower, You Say
Hearts of the Fathers
Adventures With My Girlfriend
Adventures of a Normal Man Pt. 2
Adventures of a Normal Man Pt. 1
More Things in Heaven and Earth
My Interview With Superman
Most Eligible Superman (This placement is all your fault Cat Grant)
What I Want From And For Future Episodes
BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING BUGGNUTZ I know this is selfish. I know that this isn't the purpose of reviews, I know that creators shouldn't be hamstrung by the wishes of fans and should do what's best for the story they are making, and I know that just because I'm a big fan doesn't mean that I deserve to have my voice heard in the creative process. I know all of this. But I had some ideas/wishes for things I'd like to see in future episodes and maybe the readers will agree and the creators will take inspiration from. I just wanna have fun and excise some ideas from my head. Okay, anything you want to add? ...You're a massive nerd.
Anyway, the first this I want is for the show to have
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Massive. Nerd. Yeah I know. Actually, I don't want a movie necessarily, I actually just want 10+ seasons or however many the creators want. I feel like so many shows that are beloved are cancelled before the creators are ready to end them, and I really don't like it. This is just hoping everyone gets a fair shake in working on this show and telling the story they want to tell.
Second thing: Lex needs to start wearing more green. Oh god, really? Yes! He is a green villain, he should at least accent his clothes with the color! The guy wears green mech suits and has a green trench coat for Rao's sake! Yes, true, he doesn't ALWAYS wear green in the comics, but it's the color most associated with him. I guess they didn't make Alex wear so much green because they wanted the twist to not be more obvious than it was, but he's been revealed now. Seriously, I want this more than I want him to go bald. Why does Lois Lane wear more green than Lex Fucking Luthor? Actually, y'know what would be a funny way to do it? If Lex steals Lois's coat and just starts wearing it to be a petty bitch. That not only would be incredibly funny, but it would perfectly in character with the version they've presented for the show. AND SPEAKING OF DUMB ASS COSTUME CHANGES.
Third, give Clark his shorts back and Ma also makes a skirt for Kara. I am not ride or die on all super heroes having the "underwear on the outside". Batman looks fine without the black shorts, so does Wolverine without the blue, the Fantastic Four, and whoever else got that costume change. That is, except for Superman. Superman needs the red shorts for his costume. His design just isn't complete without it. Not only does it break the main blue coloring of his costume in a way that looks so much better than the quasi-belt every did, but the illusion to circus strongmen is something I think is essential to the character. And if you do it for Clark, you should absolutely do it for Kara. I was so excited in the second episode when Ma makes additions to Clark's costume, but now with the new costumes at the end of the second season, it just feels like fanservice inclusion that the writers forgot about. Well it wasn't to me, and it should be brought back. You don't even have to change anything else about the design. I've seen some artists draw mock-ups of the new costume with the shorts/skirt added, and it looks great. If the first scene of the third season isn't Clark and Kara standing awkwardly at the farm while Ma takes their measurements for additions to their costumes, I might actually throw something at the screen. Calm down dingus. NO THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Fourth thing, since the Newskid Legion are a major supporting characters, I want an episode with the Guardian. Hell, Cadmus was also introduced in the first season, and how badass would it be if Monsieur Mallah and the Brain met the Newskid Legion? I can totally see Mallah getting concerned about these kids getting into dangerous Superman situations by themselves and coming to the conclusion that what they need is a genetically modified clone to hang around and protect them. Besides, this is probably the closest we could get to having one of the best versions of Superman teaming up with Captain America (who also happens to be one of my favorite superheroes), and that would be awesome. Unlike my other wishes here though, I don't really need the Guardian to be a reoccurring character, I guess, I dunno I would like it but if they just wanted to make him a one-off that's fine too. But it would be awesome.
My fifth thing, and honestly I'm surprised I want this, is I want Krypto and Streaky to make an appearance. See, here's the thing with all the Kryptonians in the comics. It diminishes Clark's status as the last Kryptonian if every other decade they introduce more of them. The comics pull this a lot, and it honestly is kinda dumb. MAWS right now has only Clark and Kara, and they hammer it in the second season that there is not a single other Kryptonian left and that they just have each other. I'd bet dollars over donuts that Zod and his posse will show up if the series continues past season three, so do we really want to just keep saying "Oh... uh... more rockets left Krypton or that other Krytonians were just off planet." or whatever? Not really. But Superboy is getting introduced next season. And it's clearly supposed to be Conner Kent (or Kon-El), the clone made from Clark and Lex's DNA. He's even got the leather jacket and the shades like from the 90s comics, I can't wait to see what they do with him. So here's my proposal. Lex has to test his cloning experiments, and before he moves on to attempting to clone a human, he tries to clone a dog and a cat. And that dog and cat happen to have superpowers just like Superman. The writers could even be cute about it and have a horse and a monkey be previous attempts too. And then at the end of that episode Clark gets a puppy and Kara gets a cat. You can probably already see the potential. This Clark would be adorable with a dog, and there is such an easy b-plot to have Jimmy or Lois or whoever have to pet sit for Kara and deal with an asshole cat with super powers. Yeah you could stick with the comic's origin for Streaky and expand that to Krypto, but that would involve expanding Kryptonite to including a bunch of different types and that's another kinda stupid thing the comics do. Also, if Lex is cloning Superman, Bizarro better show up. I'm dead fucking serious. (Actually how funny would it be if all of next season is just Lex making a bunch of superman clones in various to try to kill him and they all go out of control in various ways. You already got Hank Henshaw as a pre-existing character who already hates Superman. This could be like Reign of Supermen but with the intention of killing Superman before replacing him.)
Sixth, and hear me out on this one. I already mentioned Conner Kent/Kon-El Superboy will make an appearance next season. Outside of the comics, most people know this Superboy from Young Justice, and in that show he is dating (or was, I stopped watching after the second season) Miss Martian. But, she's kinda got her own baggage that would be a bit to hard to bring into a show that's exclusively based in the Superman mythos, so here's my pitch instead. After Superboy eventually gets redeemed and joins Clark and the team, he should meet and fall in love with... Martian Manhunter HEAR ME OUT! Out of every DC hero that I would consider to be their own property (i.e. not other Superpeople like Supergirl or Steel) Martian Manhunter is probably the easiest to incorporate into the show. The comics and other animated properties constantly draw parallels between J'onn's and Clark's situation, and there is so many interesting directions you could take this in this particular show. Clark's constant emotional journey is about acceptance on his adopted planet and while Kara being around is great and I'm sure we'll get some great drama and introspection from both characters in the next season, he still considers earth his home. He doesn't remember anything from planet of origin. J'onn does. That's always been a point of contention between the two and it leads to some really interesting drama if the right writers utilize it. Can't you totally see a Clark who, in future seasons, feels more secure in his place on Earth having to help a new alien with a similar but way worse situation with the same problems he had at the beginning of the show? Now I can hear what you're saying... Martian Manhunter has always been a fairly asexual character, and a major part of his backstory is that he has PTSD about his wife and kid. Thank you Buggnutz, and you're right! But MAWS changes every character to fit better with the storyline, and I think the changes are always for the better. So do the same with J'onn. Age him down. Instead of him being rescued as an middle aged adult by a random scientist who then dies immediately, maybe this is teenager or young adult J'onn is accidently rescued by Star Labs, or the Brain and Mallah, or Lex Luthor, or whoever, and his PTSD comes from losing his parents instead of his wife and kid. You can still keep his personality the same, just adjust the anime knob a tad. Everyone already lost their minds with twunk Slade Wilson, can you imagine the pop-off for emo twink J'onn J'onzz? And then he can meet Conner and they can have a meet cute and it can be the new relationship to hope for after Kara and Jimmy inevitably hook up. Plus, DC already changes the sexuality of pre-existing characters, including Superboy (kinda sorta), in the comics so this wouldn't be the first time they've done something like this. And while the show is already a huge diversity win in general, if it's raining why not let it pour hm? This is the only outside hero I want added to the show by the way. No Batman, no Wonder Woman, none of that. Keep it to obscure easter eggs and references. Let the Superman show be about Superman please.
And for sure don't bring in the Doom Patrol. Or, at least, not every member of the Doom Patrol. Who the hell are the Doom Patrol? They are my favorite superhero team. They've changed a lot over the years, but the basic gist is that they are a team of regular people who got into horrible accidents which gave them powers, but also made them freaks in the eyes of society. They've been everything from black ops earth defenders to psychedelic dimensional travellers. Heck, their most recent series makes them a metahuman government support network. The reason I bring them up is that the Brain and Mallah are frequent enemies of the Doom Patrol, so if they were to bring them into the show, they'd probably make them enemies of the crew. I don't wanna see my boy Robotman be evil, aight? However, there is one member of the Doom Patrol that could possibly work as a one-shot antagonist, if they really wanted to do it. That is the Doom Patrol typical defacto leader, the Chief. Nile Caulder, a.k.a. the Chief, is a super smart guy in a wheelchair. Yeah that's it. His big thing in the comics is he usually engineers the accidents that give the various members of the Doom Patrol their powers, as a sort of sociopathic experiment. So he's already evil, canonically. It would be an easy thing to turn into "oh he's a scientist for Task Force X and he specifically wants Brain and Mallah because history or maybe ego" but eh... They're is probably too much history in the comics for it to fit. I'm just asking that the writers not make the Doom Patrol evil.
One final thing... Darkseid is gonna show up eventually, right? There was the lasers in flashback during 'More Things in Heaven and Earth', so there has to be plans way down the line for the New Gods. Right? Well if they do, I hope for two things. One) Mister Miracle is involved somehow. Even if it is in a limited capacity, I'd just want to see him. Mister Miracle is awesome. And two) Only give us sparing glimpses of the big man, at least until the finale of his storyline. Here's the thing, Darkseid is a big deal. He's literally the god of everything evil, and a character like that loses his gravatas if you keep bringing him back. So save him for like the final fight. Which isn't to say never show him or mention him. Darkseid is a force of evil, he has armies of minions on his literal beck and call, and Desaad is just his hype man. Darkseid shouldn't tussle with wannabe heroes unless they attack him first. Darkseid is greater than these lesser being. Darkseid is Omega. Omega is Antilife! ANTILIFE IS DARKSEID! DARKSEID IS-
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sparkly-caroline · 10 months
Android Sonadow lore ayo???
Since I already drew Sonadow with the extra bit of being with a Shadow Android instead, I figured I might as well embrace the cringe and write some kinda backstory/lore for this sort of thing.
Hopefully I don't look back at this in a week and get the need to change it all. Also warning, I'm not a writer, so this thing is gonna be all over the place and it'll make you go "this makes no sense", just letting you know:
Eggman discards Shadow Android because... idk. Outdated robot model or some shit like that. He's got Sage and Metal Sonic at this point, therfore bye bye Android Shadow
Sonic finds said Shadow Android in one of them scrap zone levels, cuz me thinks that's a logical place to put discarded robots.
Sonic at first wants to throw hands, but nah, it doesn't happen. Shadow Android doesn't try to fight Sonic cuz Eggman wants to kill Sonic and Eggman discarded the android, so screw that guy. The android tells this to Sonic, and then the blue hedgehog goes "anyone who hates egghead is a friend of mine! wanna come check out my home?". and thus its the start of a beautiful friendship (lol)
Then because I want something interesting to happen between this part and the part where Sonic takes the android to Tails for repairs, GIANT MECH BOSS FIGHT FOR NO REASON EIII!!!
Also Shadow Android ends up saving Sonic at some point during said fight too, cuz that'd be nice I think
Tails does end up repairing the android, but not before going "uh sonic you do know eggman built this thing right?" and Sonic goes "i don't care he looks neat", and then boom. Android Shadow lives with Sonic now.
As much as I wanna say "oh they go lovey right away", nah, thats a little TOO cringe, even for something like this. I imagine it'd take a while for them to warm up to each other in THAT way. Sonic would be faster, but the android would prefer more time.
The android does listen to Sonic since he's treated better than he was with Eggman. For the first few days he'd probably be mostly the guy that stops Sonic from doing stupid things constantly.
Obviously there'd be some drama with the real Shadow and fighting would happen. BUT, just because I like the idea, the SECOND Sonic gets really injured, Shadow Android would curbstomp Shadow. Real deal or not, Sonic's hurt because of Shadow and it's time to get it back in blood 😆
And then I ran out of ideas
HOLIDAY UPDATE: For Christmas, obviously they'd want to give a gift for the other. I'd imagine that Sonic would get Android Shadow the thing his gut tells him he'd like most, while Android Shadow would spend at least half an hour doing the calculating/processsing beep boop stuff to make sure Sonic's gift was as perfect as possible.
See, I told you guys I wasn't a writer. I made this just because lmao
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night-faye · 3 months
Glad you’re enjoying all this ^_^ don’t worry about straining your eyes, by the episode doesn’t mean every episode, you actually can’t miss the change ;) Between whatever the OP before episode 8 was and those at the end, it’s in the last frame. A couple more trivia for you :D Sorry I keep referencing Macky’s episodes LOL esp this one but S3 Ep 4 that screenshot where he dumps the Skeleton Key in the grass and walks off is reminiscent of the scene where Wukong first leaves his staff in the pilots and walks off. And between two storyboard artists, we’ve seen Red Son being drawn in gender nonconforming fashions, using all pronouns and I quote, “Red Son cannot be contained by one measly gender and will be taking all the genders.” The characters are also given their own Pokemon Team by the artists ;) and although they aren’t stated to have confirmed ages so the fans are able to see them however, they are stated outside of the show to be seen as certain ages. Pigsy is 43, Tang is 41, Mei is 23, and MK is at least 18 but fandom mostly places him at 21. MK has also been thought of as going by He/They pronouns and was shown with the transgender flag. Wukong in JTTW is one of four celestial primates who is described as “knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars.” While Macaque is "a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things." And his name comes from the saying "a secret is not safe between six ears" or "the dharma is not to be transmitted to the sixth ear" which has sneaky dialogue potential. I love playing around with it. Also, the characters are merged with other JTTW characters of similar names. That goes for the entire Brotherhood + Macky, who is merged with the Macaque King who is presented as female in the English translation. This is where the “Great Sage Informing Wind” title comes from for Macky in fics + the wind and shadow magic people sometimes tie together with him. Altho you don’t see his six ears in the show, we get a lot of references through the mech, how sound effects him, and his…unique ability to react as if having heard into the future. You’ll see in the special. But his model sheet does show him with six ears if you ever wanted to know. But fandom draws him with rainbow colorful ears based on another show that has these monkeys :D Lego’s Chinese TikTok (official one) refers to him as “handsome max charisma villain” + mandarin dub calls him “phantom lord” LOL. In a game, he’s very tsundere about admitting he has a monkey king poster in his room. In S4 we like to say he’s homeless. I’m still struggling to verify if it was a show producers tweet I read about him forgetting to pay rent and losing the dojo. Mei’s placeholder name was “mary sue” and it makes me cry, why they do my girl like that 😭 Time passes differently in the Celestial Realm, so a few hours or days on Earth can be weeks or years up there. Might've been why Wukong was rushing in S2 yet seems to have been gone for months :) Lmao, I gotta catch up to where you're at. I've been slowly writing these up since Pitiful Creatures. Ah, it seems you've seen how MK parallels Mei leaving in S3 here! Fun times for everyone ^_^
Glad you’re enjoying all this ^_^ don’t worry about straining your eyes, by the episode doesn’t mean every episode, you actually can’t miss the change ;) Between whatever the OP before episode 8 was and those at the end, it’s in the last frame.
Aye aye cap'n I'll keep my eyes peels. about to go into nine so should be fun! (I missed it on eight because I wasn't looking)
A couple more trivia for you :D Sorry I keep referencing Macky’s episodes LOL
Never apologize for referencing Macky episodes. I wanna go insane over this monkey
esp this one but S3 Ep 4 that screenshot where he dumps the Skeleton Key in the grass and walks off is reminiscent of the scene where Wukong first leaves his staff in the pilots and walks off.
And between two storyboard artists, we’ve seen Red Son being drawn in gender nonconforming fashions, using all pronouns and I quote, “Red Son cannot be contained by one measly gender and will be taking all the genders.”
THAT IS SUCH A MOOD!!!! HOLY SHIT! Red Son I feel you so hard
The characters are also given their own Pokemon Team by the artists ;)
If Macky doesn't have my (second behind squirtle) fave Mimikyu I will riot
and although they aren’t stated to have confirmed ages so the fans are able to see them however, they are stated outside of the show to be seen as certain ages. Pigsy is 43, Tang is 41, Mei is 23, and MK is at least 18 but fandom mostly places him at 21.
Noted noted noted :)
MK has also been thought of as going by He/They pronouns and was shown with the transgender flag.
Wukong in JTTW is one of four celestial primates who is described as “knows transformations, recognizes the seasons, discerns the advantages of earth, and is able to alter the course of planets and stars.” While Macaque is "a sensitive ear, discernment of fundamental principles, knowledge of past and future, and comprehension of all things." And his name comes from the saying "a secret is not safe between six ears" or "the dharma is not to be transmitted to the sixth ear" which has sneaky dialogue potential. I love playing around with it.
Yeee I knew this. hehehehe. I am going to have such fun with this hehehe
Also, the characters are merged with other JTTW characters of similar names. That goes for the entire Brotherhood + Macky, who is merged with the Macaque King who is presented as female in the English translation.
Oh fascinating!
This is where the “Great Sage Informing Wind” title comes from for Macky in fics + the wind and shadow magic people sometimes tie together with him. Altho you don’t see his six ears in the show, we get a lot of references through the mech, how sound effects him, and his…unique ability to react as if having heard into the future. You’ll see in the special. But his model sheet does show him with six ears if you ever wanted to know. But fandom draws him with rainbow colorful ears based on another show that has these monkeys :D Lego’s Chinese TikTok (official one) refers to him as “handsome max charisma villain” + mandarin dub calls him “phantom lord” LOL. In a game, he’s very tsundere about admitting he has a monkey king poster in his room.
>*Taking notes very quickly*<
In S4 we like to say he’s homeless. I’m still struggling to verify if it was a show producers tweet I read about him forgetting to pay rent and losing the dojo.
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Mei’s placeholder name was “mary sue” and it makes me cry, why they do my girl like that 😭
Time passes differently in the Celestial Realm, so a few hours or days on Earth can be weeks or years up there. Might've been why Wukong was rushing in S2 yet seems to have been gone for months :)
Time passes differently you say 👀 oh I could Do Things With That
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Lmao, I gotta catch up to where you're at. I've been slowly writing these up since Pitiful Creatures. Ah, it seems you've seen how MK parallels Mei leaving in S3 here! Fun times for everyone ^_^
I'm in pain :)
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mokadevs · 1 year
Recently finished fgo’s olympus so here are some bleary unorganized thoughts on it and my frustrations before i drift off to sleep
i think my biggest problem with olympus is that it over promises.
I think that the set up is amazing. Not referring to atlantis, though atlantis was great as everyone and their mother has said, but the whole sequence of a) entering olympus and b) exploring olympus is incredible. I think its one of the peak examples of fgo constantly being able to make you feel like their are Actual stakes in the narrative despite you as a player knowing that the tree will inevitably be cut and you’ll see the cosmos denied screen flash by again. Running through the city
Hell, Demeter’s entire entrance was bone chilling. I think she has the best mech design of the olympus gods in my biased opinion, and seeing her drop down before the animated screech she lets out that destroys the city was incredible. Truly the first time i saw it i went Holy Shit.
Then… i wont say the lostbelt flops after that but there were a few key areas that it left me wanting.
Personal preference out of the way, ill say the constant deus ex machinas - whether it be for the good guys or the bad guys (if the bad guy has a deus ex machina, is it called that?? Anyway) - started to get a little irritating after a while. The stakes were so, so high at the start, and demeters victory felt so barely clawed for with so many bits and pieces coming together that certain other fights felt like. “Well, okay then.” The twins revealing caligula and then saying “we didnt wanna say we had him for dramatic effect!” was really eye roll worthy, for example, and to be honest i dont really understand how we were able to shmoove our way out of aphrodites mind control hellscape, which was annoying after again i loved demeters fight So much
ill note there that these are things that didnt work for ME, in MY OPINION im sure other people feel other ways about it and i am happy for them for it :]
I think that parts of the lostbelt felt… rushed, and i didnt feel like the power scaling of chaldea matched narratively. With how much trouble we had for a single fighter at the start, i felt like in universe things got too easy with too little justification.
I was really disappointed with dioscuris writing, and also weirded out by the fact that there were twin humans and twin gods but very little was drawn about their connection…?? I was so certain that they would have some sort of relationship, or at least a cool narrative foil, but all we got was the twin humans hating the dioscuri because they killed their friends, and a cheap line about adele criticizing the girl twin for always following what her brother said.
I feel mixed about chaos, because in the moment i was emotionally moved but in retrospect it feels like a bit of a cheap non-foreshadowed reason for musashi to die epicly. Though maybe it was foreshadowed and i missed it; ill have to reread, but for now it just feels Too out of the blue to feel good.
But i think the thing that i think i disliked the most was “actually zeus was going to fuck off in the end and abandon the humans here letting them die so this lostbelt was evil from the start and gudako is objevtively right for this”
And like. Thats so AGGRAVATING for the lostbelt that was drummed up to be the one that would give us the most trouble, the lostbelt that was supposed to be the model one.
What i really wanted out of this lostbelt was a lostbelt that was objectively better than earth. That really? The only reason we could justify destroying it was for our own survival. Not because the lostbelt was in some way flawed, but because we have no other choice. With how sickly killing the first lostbelt felt, i really wanted lostbelt 5 to blow me out of the park with the emotional weight of killing a world and it just. didnt even try. It threw in some half assed line about why this lostbelt was well and truly evil
Which like! Honestly if it had been done well enough i couldve been fine with, couldve been happy with. But the twist that zeus actually was going to fuck off? That chaos was going to destroy all the humans anyway?? That zeus brainwashed the other gods to his side anyway????? I felt zero sympathy in destroying this lostbelt and i wanted to, SO badly
And i am All Here for a more in depth take on how humans have twisted robots into gods. How these ronots thought they could love humans but didnt hold the capacity for it!!! Honestly that concept is super cool!! I liked it!!! But like. The way it was delivered left a bad taste in my mouth. I wanted to care more about the tragedy it had wrought.
I wish that zeus’ defeat was something like… in attempting to defeat zeus, chaldea accidentally/maybe on purpose? Endangers the people of olympus. And through the motions of protecting them, zeus burns and falls to ruin. And as he lays there, he realizes that as much as he wants to care for these people hes protecting, he doesnt. And hes dying for what he feels is nothing.
If i put more thought to it i could come up with more ways the god plotline couldve been bettered on. But like. A third act twist where the reader is reassured that this lostbelt is undeniably evil is really one of the worst options they couldve taken at that point. Basically everything else i can forgive but that felt really sour in my mouth
And finally . I loved kirschtania and caenis i did cry. I could say more on them but itd be fairly incoherent especially when im this tired. Just know that i really really like them
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thegeminisage · 1 year
okay, i had to leave farosh and grab my lightroot before she could light up again, but i also got to hit a yiga camp. now i need to figure out how to find kohga OR start looking for those signs. i think the gerudo highlands is both with one stone
got the sign in the highlands! there was actually only one. got four more near hyrule ridge and one in the desert and i think that's it?!
oh no jk two in the desert. rip
bars on the yiga clan hideout from this side (side where kohga fell in botw)...BOOOOO let me INNNNN
cackling. went up to the front door in my yiga threads and this npc thinks im one of them
ok, THIS is what i thought i was doing earlier when i found all those frogs
i wonder what happens if i take off my mask...?
saving first lol
damn i get my ass beat is what lol. it wasnt a hard fight but three guys at once plus all these sages makes for a hectic time
omg theres like stores in here!! lol including a banana store
i like the music as well
all these guys trying to sell me vehicles...whats up with THAT lol
omg the lightning helm!!! "our" sacred treasure THAT BELONGS TO THE GERUDO YOU JERKS...yet another lore breaking moment.........
earthwake technique!!!! yeahhh this is what i got spoiled for. im gonna keep fighting until i get it >:(
i got it that quickly?! but i can keep going for the helm i think...
"if youre this talented you might be a match for link" LMAOOO
oh i see. apparently this thunder helm is a yiga COPY. whatever nintendo
that's that i guess! really didn't take long...i'm gonna hit this chasm and grab a lightroot, then warp back to the tower and take the other chasm to get closer to gerudo town so i can go get kohga
oh damn landed right on top of one
ohhh i can see several more way in the distance...FAR too tempting and also they're in the wrong direction, i gotta book it right now lol before i can look around anymore
ok, down the new chasm, already see a lightroot in the correct direction. i'm coming for his ass
i forgot what it was like when the depths was truly dark. i see lightroots in every direction bc ive never been anywhere close to here. crazy.
man i seriously need to trade in some poes. i've got over 900
MINER'S MASK!!!! cool..............
at least you can use mineru to walk over gloom. i'd be bummed if she wasn't good for SOMETHING
oh hey i can go over 999 poes! what a relief...
oh theres the man himself!!!!
GOOD LORD WHAT IS HE RIDING NOW..........it flies AND has wheels. i want one
god this fucking music fucking slaps
i wish i hadnt killed those yiga earlier...i really want to steal one of their planes now lol. i dont wanna build something myself...
i built a rocket platform, but it's kinda one use only :/
oh my god i'm eating shit!!!
i'm actually having more fun using the spring in this area to fly up, shoot him in slowmo, and then kick his ass lol
incredible. got him again. this is so fun
oh, this about a weapon again...they're usuaing crystalized charges to replenish something for ganondorf...i bet it's the secret stone
this is the most fun i've ever had in my entire life. i love this dude
it's wild though. same fight, different music, it might feel less fun? score has such an impact...
alright, NEXT UP...the mine under zora's domain. happily i can simply fast travel to this one
SCREEEEAM the super bright headlights are SO good. every time. like those douchebags in the pickups irl
back down he goes. i kinda wish i had done these earlier and spaced them out more...he's a fucking blast. i didn't know there were multiple fights! i figured there was just one rematch and i'd wanna do it near the end/when i got to the gerudo region, lol
oh wow. they found the demon king himself...a bit sinister actually
HEBRA??? oh no.......
oh no wait!!! it's just under rito village, i got that already. whew
a weapon to the demon king...REBORN?? GHIRAHIM??????
i know it's not ghirahim. let a girl dream
omg he's being kinda serious rn...girl...
A MECH????????????
bro. i could be doing a mech fight rn. im not gonna bc i dont like riding the mech but i COULD BE.
he put up a shield. guess i have to summon mineru to knock him into the electrified fence...tho i wonder what would happen if you had got this far and didn't have her?!
oh man i miss these fights already. soooo fucking good and fun
k......kohga rocket???
ok truly. stellar work. he went down a hole last time and up a hole this time. sorry for saying hole like that
(for some reason i had to break here. apparently there is now a 4096 character limit on text blocks???)
ugh sexy i got so many crystalized charges for doing this...i have GOT to upgrade my battery
nice, i FINALLY started on my second battery meter
swinging by lookout landing to talk to the poe statue but i'm NOT talking to purah. i'm not ready for all that yet
ok. now im gonna see if i can grab a few more hudson signs before bed, so tomorrow i can get right to it...
frankly, i'm not fucking around. i'd love to explore the desert properly someday but for now i'm just gonna fly there with the bike
both desert signs done! man, i didn't even hit the nearby cave but i got shit to do. one more thing before i leave the desert, though...i wanted to see the corner of the world <3 where the great fairy used to be lol
great skeleton CAVE? what happened to the skeleton???
oh. there it is. wtf is it doing in here...
all one big room...i can even see the frog from here
apparently there's a korok seed INSIDE this cave?????? that is NOT how that's supposed to work lol
and finally, off to hyrule ridge.......
not a tower or anything really close to this area...i'll start at lindor's brow and do the best i can
first one: mt rhoam!! easy to get to from the tower. i'll glide for the next and then maybe bust out the bike
this second one i was most worried abt because its near ACTUAL hyrule ridge which contains Hands. but irony of ironies when i got close i'd already done it early on and never marked it!! two left...
god it feels sacrilegious not to stop for some of these seeds lol. DIRECT PATH ONLY.........
lol i'm down by tamio river directly under washa's bluff and. the framerate of this river rn. rip
like everything is fine. it's JUST the river
omg omg omg okay LAST ONE.......
it's by a shrine. should i get that one first?? no, i waited too long.....
HE'S ALL OUT OF SIGNS.........................
aww i got some fabric. but more importantly he finally gets to go home...shrine, and then i'm warping to tarrey town to say hi, and THEN going to bed lol
omg its a trick shrine lol. wet thorns
i can't find addison :( he's not where hduson is...don't tell me he's not actually here?!
ok, i googled it, and apparently no matter what he just hangs out at stables?! dude, you should get to go home!!!! i'm gonna go to a stable to find him...dueling peaks stable, of course
lol on googling this btw. i got a theory on reddit that says he's hudson's illegitimate child (head shape, hero worship). hilarious but also sad
aw. wait. wait...
he's standing in the same sign holding pose!! maybe they didn't have time to animate another one lol. or no he definitely stands normally sometimes. they did it for the bit
he's supporting the stable trotters and he doesn't need my help to do it 🥺 im happy for him but he deserves to go home!!!!!!!!
"why are you bothering me"?! AFTER ALL THE GOOD TIMES WE SHARED.....this is so hilariously unsatisfying. this game and completionist quests. i bet the reward for korok seeds is poop just like last time
ok. good grief. im going to BED!!!
tomorrow, the END......................
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Armored core 6 spoiler posting ! This time for the ng+ run and the ending I did, and my thoughts on ng3 thus far:
This time the ending I got for my second run was “the fires of raven”
Pretty hardcore name for recreating the apocalypse and simply leaving the planet, but I get why Walter and Carla wanted it done. They’re the kind of people where the ends justifies the means. Eliminating all life on this planet, for the sake of containing and destroying an organic energy fuel substance that was on its way of leaking out to the space, spreading to other planets, more corporate wars fought for this fuel, and in the end leading to more fires of ibis situations on other planets
Or would it?
The game intentionally never (or at least hasn’t) explained WHY the first fires of ibis happened, and I’m just gonna go ahead and guess allmind is behind this, the group that’s been the most IN GAME but with the least story impact, and my second guess is the group that the original raven is from, killed that lil bitch twice don’t show your face around me again unless u wanna talk >:|
I doubt it’s ravens group tho. A mission I did on the side made it sound like the original raven leaked the information about coral LEADING to the corporations even knowing about rubricon. And it’s giving government leak/Edward Snowden vibes which to ME is a good guy position, now ALLMIND…..
They got some scary descriptions for the allmind arena. Yeah, AllMind exists for mercenaries (aka me) but.. the descriptions include stuff talking about fusing mech with the human mind to make some sort of link, make the body of the mech feel like the body of the pilot? Weird stuff, Also the allmind lady called me a “humanoid”, what’s that about???? Rusty seems to know my true identity since the second he met me (Walter suggests this), and Ayre suggests we’ve met before? So I’m thinking 621 was involved in the fires of ibis situation somehowwww
Then there’s all the hidden notes about these 2 scientists? And their sons that pick up that their scientist dads are losing their minds? There’s a lot im not piecing together at the moment, but there’s a lot of things that haven’t been explained fully, not that they need to, but I can feel an “aha” moment coming. I’m taking a break from the game tho I speed ran the game to get the second ending over with for this upcoming ng+ 3 run that I started (😭 I’m tired)
Back to the ending tho
She was SOOOOO annoying the whole run. I’m so bugged by her doting girlfriend, yelling at me to survive WHILE all I’m doing IS surviving, her character is shoved on you, she hardly has offers any insight into coral other than coral is alive (you call them your brothers and sisters but can you get the mechs powered by coral to stop killing me????), ayre get a life!!! I hate mascot characters and I hate bitches (whiny girls) SHOVED ON YOU in any game, sorry!!! And u know what? she did actually get a life, I was so happy she fucked off, got in a robot herself, and started doing shit for herself even if it meant the first thing she did upon gaining autonomy was going in to kill me. Go girl!!!!! now what hurt was putting down rusty, but I killed him too fast, so fast that my monkey brain outsped the sad feeling I was supposed to associate with doing that, and I was glad they gave him two health bars.. because the first one I kinda mowed down and I felt semi bad about it and then when he got back up I (in full video game enjoying mode) went all chuuni and yelled “I LIKE THAT AMBITION OF YOURS RUSTY” and Then mowed him down again. So now I’ve gotta go to YouTube bc I didn’t save the fight to fully process what Rusty was yelling at me because when I’m under high stress I don’t hear anymore I just get the job done 😫
Gotta take a break tho, ng3 gave me a mission that wasn’t in my first 2 runs of the game and in that mission they shoved in those wheel skeletons from ds1 on me (😡😡😡) and THAT was the hardest mission I’d had in a while, so much so that it drained me of wanting to play after that (that and I had been doing nothing but play the game for the past 2 maybe 3 days) 💤
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neon-pink-leitner · 2 years
How would you rank the main male voice actors for Cyberpunk? Vic, Johnny, Kerry, River, Jackie and Smasher?
I'm sorry this took me forever to get to but I promise I didn't forgot about you
Ranking wise I honestly don't think I can do because the voice acting in this game is damn near flawless but I can talk about my thought on them.
Despite the fact that I will reblog thrist stuff for Vic I see his voice as perfect for a father like figure. You can tell from his voice that the dude has prolly seem some shit but has managed to get away from it and now is happy and content with the life he has.
Keanu did a great fucking job with Johnny. Its not uncommon for people with PTSD and trauma to speak in a flat, monotone voice and we get that from Johnny. Its a subtle way to hint at his mental state. He still shows emotions with his tone and his inflections but manages to keep this monotone draw.
Kerry has just the touch of an accent that I love. A small bit of gravel that shows he's smoked for a long time but not overly so much that it makes it hard to understand him(I have auditory processing issues thanks to ADHD). Fun fact about Kerry, the voice actor did voices for some the Raiders in Fallout 4 so if you ever wanna hear Kerry threaten your life, go play Fallout 4 and keep your ears open.
I don't really have strong thoughts on River's voice. I like his character and that side quest of his is....well...it sure fucking is. But I just don't have strong thoughts him really. I've only romanced him once and while I like him, he's just not a character that takes up alot of space in my head.
Back again with the accents with Jackie and he's another one that I listen to talk for hours. Jackie is so goal driven that shows when he speaks. He gets excited and he's not scared to show that! In the last scene with him, even though he's dying there's still hope in his voice. You can hear that he believes in V no matter what and its tragic beauty.
Listen, if you'd ask me about Smasher six months ago I'd have a different answer but there's something real sexy about voice that I cannot explain even a bit. I always liked Borg from Star Trek even before I admitted to myself that I'm a monsterfucker and he's got Borg vibes. His voice has a mech tone to it, because, well duh, with pretty much all humanity gone. Its interesting.
Looking over everything if I had to rank them I think Johnny and Kerry probably have my favorite voices. If I had to pick a least fave I'd say River just because I'm not as attached to the character. Everyone else just falls some where in the middle. Jackie being on the higher end of that middle with Vic and Smasher prolly on the lower end of the middle.
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redrosesartcabin · 1 year
12.Scenario: Real Love makes your lungs black, Real love is a heart attack
Sorta Pt.2 to “Unexpected Visit from the Past” (that’s the fifth scenario!”)
Title comes from a song called “Real Love” by Big Thief
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723018023104036864/11scenario-at-the-mountain-lake?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: (Will be inserted as soon as there is one)
A bit of an Angsty fic with some swearing that ends in hurt/comfort though because I’m too weak for real pain
It was on a usual late morning when you walked into the kitchen only to find Miko sitting at the dining table, enjoying a cup of coffee, not even flinching when you let out a piercing scream.
“Miko!”, you exclaimed after you took a deep breath, recovering from your shock, “You can’t just break into people’s houses!”
“We had a deal”, she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Excuse me where in the deal did it say that you could break into my house?”, you asked, putting your hands on your hips.
“I’m a secret agent, you think I knock?”, she quipped back and sadly, you had nothing cooler to counter this, so you opted for an eye roll and instead just sat down opposite to her.
“Ok so; What do you wanna know?”, you asked.
“Well- I have to admit what I want to know this fine morning is more of a personal thing”, Miko said, “You must’ve at least guessed that much, otherwise I could’ve just gone into the barn.”
“You know that he hides there?”, you asked.
Miko laughed loudly at that before she answered, “It’s incredibly obvious, besides, where do you think I’ve inquired about information with and from Megatron before?”
“Fair enough”, you mumbled, before you continued, “And so what is this personal thing you want to know about me?”
Miko sighed, “Well”, she began, “I vowed that I would never care about things like these, but it’s just too fascinating not to inquire about: What is it like? Being with Megatron? I want to know everything!”, Miko’s eyes widened further and further as she asked and inquired, leaning forward towards you slightly, curiosity plastered all over her face.
Now you were the one who burst out laughing.
“Oh, the cool, grant Miko Nakadai is curious about the awesome robot romance, hm?”, you teased.
“Hey! Can you blame me?”, she asked, slightly offended at how amused you were by this, “I mean: Is it similar to human romance? And what is Megatron like? Is he always nice now?-“
“Breathe Miko, one question at the time”, you chuckled.
“Ok alright it’s just- every time I tried to ask Megatron he really didn’t want to talk about it… which is understandable”, Miko explained.
“I thought as much”, you smiled, “Megatron is still very apprehensive even with me to talk directly about what we are. He does a lot of nice things for me and we have… some fun time-“
“-Which is something where the information can stay scarce”, Miko interrupted you. You grinned at that.
“Oh you don’t want to know everything?”
Miko sighed, “Please continue”.
You laughed again shortly before you picked up your red thread again, “-So anyways: Megatron is a very good, kind boyfriend, but he still definitely has his moments as you can imagine. It gets better and better with time, but his pride is sort of still there and sometimes he feels the way he behaves is too much unlike him and that it’s below him. It’ll take a lot longer for him to truly get used to it I feel-“
“Why are you talking to her about this?”, you suddenly heard Megatrons voice ask beside you.
Unfortunately for both you and Miko, the door to the kitchen was placed exactly so both of you couldn’t have seen him coming and for some reason, the Mech was very quiet on his pedes, especially when mass displaced.
You knew looking at him that he was more than furious with you. Both Miko and you didn’t know what to answer so you both just stared at him, bodies frozen in place.
“Oh ok, now you’re quiet”, Megatron retorted to that, “Couldn’t have shut up when it mattered”
“Hold on now a second”, you said, voice dangerously raised as you found it again where before it had gotten caught in your throat like a big, fat lump. Still, yet again, you didn’t know what else to say, your thoughts racing a thousand miles an hour.
“Hold on and what?”, he asked, “Have to witness how you belittle me in front of my former enemy?”
“I’m not belittling you!”, you now screamed.
“Really?! And what do you call telling Miko all about my personal issues?”, he yelled back.
“I’m not freaking telling her all of your issues asshole! I’m just telling her a little about us because who else can I talk to?! HUH?! Nobody else can know about you and when I try and tell you anything about yourself you just shrug it off or mope like a child!”
“So that’s how you truly feel? I’m just a burden to you is that it?”, he asked, now not screaming, but sort of whispering.
But you were still blind with rage so you screamed, “Sometimes you are! And it would be nice if I could just relieve it sometimes!”
Megatron only nodded at that and as fast as he appeared he was gone again.
For a few seconds you stood there, unmoving, staring where he had stood and with every second your world shattered more and more to pieces, then rebuilding itself again to reveal an ugly image of the consequences of your words.
“Shit”, you whispered, “I fucked up”
“It’s ok”, Miko said, more gentle than you had ever heard her speak, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you sunk to the floor and quiet bitter tears, “It’s not only your fault. You both were fighting”
“But I shouldn’t have said that he is a burden. Not even sometimes. I didn’t mean it like that it’s just- a part of me was so happy when you asked and I felt like I could finally tell someone about us. Not only the ugly parts but also all the nice things.”, you sobbed, breathing heavily, before you whispered to Miko, “I love him so much it hurts and it hurts even more that I can’t share it with the world”
Miko nodded at that, rubbing your arm in comfort, “I understand… I understand”
Later on you both went to the barn to check on Megatron, but he wasn’t to be found there.
“No no no… he didn’t run away, did he? God no”, you mumbled to yourself, terror filling your limbs, “I knew it, I said too much, I said too much…”, you repeated again and again, the panic attack taking over you until you only heard your heartbeat for a while and your body shook and nothing made sense.
As you were slumping down, now laying there on the floor, obviously not seeing or hearing anything really of your surroundings anymore, Miko tried to calm you, telling you to breathe over and over again until she heard very familiar footsteps behind her coming into the barn.
“Thank fuck!”, Miko exclaimed, “You came back!”
Megatron just looked at her at first as if she grew a second head, and then said “Of course I came ba-“, but the last syllable got lost in a nowhere-space as he detected you, curled up on the floor.
His spark ached at the sight.
“My sweet?”, he asked gently, “Do you hear me?”
You shivered but didn’t really stir. At that Megatron decided to mass displace again, walking carefully towards you to lay a couple of his long digits on your shoulder. Miko shifted back a bit as you launched forward rapidly, sitting up to look at Megatron in pure terror for a while, before your breathing became even again and you began to cry once more.
“Please, don’t scare me like that again”, you only managed to breathe out, wrapping your arms around his right one.
“I was just out, punching some trees”, he explained, “You have new firewood now”.
That coaxed a little sniffled giggle out of you that made Miko happy and relieved Megatron. As Megatron enveloped you in a bigger hug Miko motioned to him that she’d go back into the house to give the two of you some privacy.
“I am so sorry”, Megatron said after a few minutes, where you let out the last hiccups and heavy breaths.
“No, I am”, you said.
“We both can be”, he answered, giving you a gentle kiss on the head, “I… am still not the biggest fan of Miko being around you know? She used to want me dead, which is fair enough since I wanted her dead first, but it makes things a little awkward, even after the couple of normal conversations we’ve had. But after being out for a bit, letting my anger out and feeling unfairly treated by you, I realized that is not the case at all. You aren’t a therapist and I realized it must be hard to take all my burden and try to make it right.”
You smiled, giving him a kiss on his chassis, “Thank you. But I also will respect your privacy and understand your wish for your problems not to be shared like that with Miko.”
“Maybe we can say that you are allowed to vent to Miko, but to keep it as undetailed as possible. Not dive too deep in what I tell you and such.”
“That sounds good”, you agreed, “Though you know: After you went away, I also said to Miko that I lament not being able to share my love for you with anyone else. It’s not just pain I can’t share, it’s also joy. Sometimes I feel like I will burst, not being able to scream about how much I love you.”
Megatron chuckled lightly, before he said, “But you can… come! Let’s scream together!”
“Megatron! I’m not in the mood right now, also Miko is still-”
“Not that kind of screaming my love, get your mind out of the gutter”, Megatron laughed and you had to laugh as well at that.
“But what do you mean then?”, you asked.
“Come on”, he simply said, took your hand and dragged the confused you out of the barn.
Miko was drinking a glass of water, patiently waiting for you two to return, but suddenly, instead, heard yelling outside.
“God, are they fighting again?”, she asked herself and walked out to protect you if must be. Maybe your relationship wasn’t so good after all… But when she stepped outside, following the voices through the forest, a couple of meters away from your cabin and the barn, she came upon a clearing that was a little cliff from which viewpoint you could overlook a valley with more patches of the forest as well as parts of the mountain range and a small lake, resting in its center. And there you two stood, screaming into the wilderness, letting your voices travel over the valley. Megatron screamed your name again and again and then “I love you!”, and then you screamed back, “Megatron, Megatron, Megatron I love you!”, over and over, laughing and giggling as you did.
“Oh yes, the whole world should know!”, you both then yelled in union, “I love you so!” and then you began to sing it in an unidentifiable, ancient melody, dancing to it round and round until you fell to the floor with laughter and kisses.
Miko returned to the house then, deciding to leave you two for today.
 When Megatron and you returned to the barn you had spent the entire day screaming, laughing and making love, assuring each other of your importance. You felt a little bad not letting Miko know but figured she had gotten the gist herself.
When you walked into the kitchen again in the evening you found a little note on the table, signed by Miko that confirmed that thought, and revealed even more.
It read:
“I know now what your love is like, it’s like in the lyrics of a song I adore: ‘Real love, real love makes your lungs black, real love is a heart attack.’ The song sounds a bit depressing, but I always saw it as a beautiful description of how much pain in brings, but also about how wonderfully intense it is, how much emotion there is.
Your love is true love, heart wrenching, red, an exchange of breaths, the raw truth, so ugly but mesmerizing as only the raw truth can be. And I am blessed to know you were given that and that you brought Megatron to build that with you.
May the whole world have love like yours someday.
Don’t forget to keep in touch,
Your friend and perhaps one day even Megatron’s friend,
Miko Nakadai”
 And there you knew; you had gained a friend for life.
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multiverseofmisfits · 2 months
Déjà vu in Unworldly Encounter
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Do you believe that all lights in the sky are STARS and that your FATE is written in them?
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"You're not actually going to that world on your own, are you? You do know that ever since you left the Dai Gurren fleet, you can't just go into other worlds on a whim."
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"So what? I have my way to get there. It's not often I hear you concerned about me."
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"Knowing how reckless you are, I doubt you'll even get there safely. I doubt that your immortal ass can save you from that."
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"Sure, mom. Do you really need to sound like Lala? I know what I'm fucking doing. It's not like I'd go there without a reason anyway."
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"With those reasons you told me, they don't convince me enough to let you go on your own. Do you really have to do this anyway?"
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"If that witch is in that world, then yes. I may not be part of the crew anymore. But I still have some unfinished business with that bitch."
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A few days passed. The beastman, in his mech Enki, managed to reach his destination. Though it may not be the exact location he expected to land on, ending up in what seems to be a mysterious forest.
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"Damn. This is one creepy-ass forest. I should probably adjust the coordinates next time. Anyway, what's with the damn are-"
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"You smell strange. Not from here."
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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The beastman was startled when that boy suddenly appeared from the bushes. Perhaps he didn't expect anyone in this forest? "Sure. I smell strange and I ain't from here! Thanks, young Captain Obvious!" Of course, there was sarcasm in his tone.
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"Fuck? Captain?"
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"Kid, that sounds weirder if you word them like that." At least that gave him a hint that the boy struggles with vocabulary. "Whatever. I'm guessing you live here, even though this whole forest smells like there were rabid dogs around here."
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"This forest where wolves live. I live with them. They're my lupical." Due to how he struggled with his words, it was difficult to tell whether he was offended or was just explaining things.
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"Lu-what now? Sounds like you're the same as that guy in old fairy tale books, except he grew up with monkeys instead of wolves." It even made him wonder if the wolves in this world were like those in his homeworld. "I gotta say that story was ape shit."
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"Ape... shit? What's that?"
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"Oh, it has lots of meanings. If you really wanna know, you gotta tell me first where the fuck we are and maybe what's going on around here."
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"Okay. You don't smell like bad person. I help." He didn't actually trust the beastman that easily though, right? "Are those claws? So big. You must be strong too."
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"Yeah, these are real big-ass claws- hey." He got interrupted when the boy seemed to be inspecting his clawed hands.
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"Really? Not seen people with claws before. Wish I had big claws too."
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"Wow, kid. You must be into big claws, huh? Can't say if you'll have them when you grow up. Enough of that for now though. You still need to tell me where we are... wait, do you even have a name?"
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"I am Razor. This forest is Wolvendom. Wolf family lives here. Not too far from city."
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"That's some lazy-ass name to call this place. Also, I bet you have siblings named Blade and Scalpel. Well, it's not like my name's any better. Anyway, you can just call me Viral."
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"Oh, Viral. Nice to meet you. Do you hunt too?"
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"Heh. You're asking me if I hunt? With these damn claws, I do. Not a single prey can get away with these." That may be an exaggeration though, for the inescapable part. "You know what, you got me in a good mood now. So how about after showing me around, I'll teach you some moves I know?"
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"Really? I work hard then. Want to learn from you."
"You mean it, General? I'll work hard for the crew then. I'd also like to learn more from you."
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"What the fuck was that?" That voice he heard for a moment wasn't from this boy. It felt familiar, yet he couldn't recall who it was. Was he mishearing things then? Shrugging off what he thought was just his imagination, Viral looked back to the wolf boy.
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"Damn, you're easy to convince. We might as well need to work on that too. Anyway, don't tell anyone about me being here either. Got that, Razor? Otherwise, we'll both get in trouble."
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"Okay. I won't tell."
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"Good. Now that it's settled, lead the way around here. After that, we start our little training."
0 notes
deltaclaws · 2 years
Creature’s Comforts- Preview
Really jazzed with how this is coming along, so here’s a preview of the first chapter for my next LMK fic.
When Monkey King got a new phone at the humble, totally not using his puppy dog face request of his successor, he made the firm rule that only MK would have his number. His reasoning being he was already harassed enough through his email address, and he liked to keep a low profile.
That was broken within the first week as Mei somehow, oh so mysteriously got his contact info, and he only made 15 attempts at blocking her number before he gave in and muted her texts- because every convo ended up the same.
[Mei, pls only text me if its important :/] 8:55 AM
[Kk monkie dad! ⊂((*>⊥σ))⊃ Dragon horse’s honor (≧ω≦)ゞ] 8:55 AM
[Thank you] 8:56 AM
[Link: Top 10 Funniest Viral Videos This Week…] 9:01 AM
[This is super important] 9:01 AM
It’s not that he wanted to avoid talking with her, she was a good kid!... It was her erratic schedule of messages that more often than not came well after nap o’ clock, or I Wanna Sleep In AM..
So, with Mei being Mei and his phone number unlisted, Wukong only ever heard from MK when he made the once in a while call in lieu of using Mystic Monkey Messaging.
He was thinking of giving the kid a ring now, as it was almost half an hour past their scheduled meet up at his mountain for their (now mandatory) heart-to-heart talk and training. MK was hardly ever late to their sessions, and if he was, he at least gave a heads-up. It was starting to give him a small, eensy teensy bit of emotion he couldn’t quite name.
Monkey King checked his phone again, and saw no missed calls or messages from his student, which only made the wiggling crumb of… something, settle deeper into his already hungry belly. No one would blame him for worrying about MK after everything that’s happened, but turning into an overbearing parent- which, no, could he call himself that? Was he allowed to?- wasn’t going to help. A nice snack would though.
Just as Wukong was walking into his kitchen to get some chopped peaches from his freezer to settle his stomach and redirect those thoughts, the Super Monkey Mech theme chimed out from his sash.
“Speak of the demon,” he chuckled with relief as he fished out his phone from the folds of his belt. Wukong flicked his thumb, accepted the call, and went rooting for his snack. “Hey bud! What’s the hold up?” he asked casually. 
“Ah, hey Monkey King,” came a gruff, clipped voice. Wukong snapped straight up, a terrible move as he thumped his crown harshly on the inside of the freezer. Beyond the sudden discomfort as he held the top of his head, sucking in a breath through clenched teeth, was that shred of emotion now knotting his guts. “First off-”
“What’s wrong.” he interjected. The momentary pain was shunted away- now on high alert, he marched out of his house with purpose. He could hear a creaking noise beyond the grumble of Pigsy’s words.
“I’m trying to tell you- yes, MK, we ARE doing this.”
 “Is he hurt?”
“No, he’s not hurt. If you’d both stop-”
“Do I need to-”
“Would you two quit talkin’ over me at the SAME TIME?!” the irate pig shouted. Wukong halted his forward momentum right as his foot met the first step out of his home. There was a crackling sigh and a distant cough before Pigsy continued. “Monkey King, the kid’s fine. Sittin’ right next to me. Now listen before you come flyin’ over here. Please.” he groused.
“Alright, I’m listening.” Wukong deadpanned as he leaned on the railing of his porch, tail swishing.
Another cough met his ears before Pigsy spoke again. “Alright, I’ve got ya on speaker. Kid, say hi to Monkey King, SLOWLY, so he knows you’re alive.” Wukong wanted to jab right back, but for the moment he felt it would be a little tasteless on his part.
“Hey, Monkey King,” MK rasped after another small cough, sending a warning flag up in the monkey’s mind,  “Sorry I didn’t call. I couldn’t find my phone after, uh, I accidentally broke a couple booths at the sh, sh, sha, shop!” His words broke off into hacking, which quickly rose in pitch. What Wukong heard after the “Hu-geugh!” he would possibly describe as someone slapping their hand across a sound board.
There was shouting- probably Pigsy- some crunching, definitely property damage, and what sounded like glass breaking amongst the cacophony. That new insurance money was gonna go fast.
Wukong waited, eyebrows drawn low as curtains, as nothing but white noise and a withering groan came over the speaker. “Ummm,” he drawled after he heard neither pig nor kid speak up, “Eeeverything good over there?” the king asked, halfway expecting to not get a response.
A grunt was his answer. “Eh, not the worst it’s been,” said a very resigned sounding Pigsy. There was a noise of frustration, along with more wheezing that sounded like a laugh, and Wukong could practically hear the chef massaging a behooved finger between his eyes. “As I was sayin’, MK’s sick. His coughing is making his body freak out, and I need you to come pick him up and take care of him ‘til he’s feeling better. You’re gonna be able to help him more than me right now, and I’d like my shop to at least go one month this year without getting a remodeling.”
“Freak out? Like- No, wait- backtrack,” Wukong frantically waved his free hand, totally visible over the audio only phone call, “MK’s sick? Sick with what?” he asked urgently. 
“It’s just a cold,” MK tried to assert, throat sounding strained, before he was interrupted by Pigsy gently shushing him.
“Kid, you’re a bad liar, and you’re gonna bust a lung at this rate.” he chided, though his voice was far warmer than it was before. Wukong waited for the chef to speak to him again, tail practically swatting a quick rhythm now as he listened impatiently to more shuffling. “Monkey King, just, come over. I’m not gonna be able to make the kid budge without your help, and I think this is something you gotta see in person.”
At that he heard an overly offended ‘hey!’ that lost all of its power when the kid’s voice cracked. It eased the tension in his shoulders and abated some of the worry that replaced the foreign feeling from earlier. WIth a chuff, he said “You know, there’s this thing you’re using right now that I’m pretty sure can also take and send pictures, if the lens isn’t busted anymore.”
There was another noise of indignation from MK that bubbled off into a grumble, which was almost entirely obscured by Pigsy’s terse rebuttal. “Alright smart guy, I’m hanging up and helping the kid pack. See you in 10.” Monkey King gave an affirmative hum, tucking his phone back into his sash as the call disconnected.
He let himself droop and fold dramatically over the railing, deflating further as he released a long, suffering, groan. Wukong couldn’t see anything past the legs of his pants, but he heard the light tap-tap-tap of one of the monkeys coming around the porch. With a thump and a graceful landing, his subject sat on his back and let out a questioning chitter.
“Well,” he huffed, scrubbing a nervous hand through his mane. “Looks like we’re not gonna catch a break just yet.”
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cloudraker · 2 years
Oh oh! Can I request something a little dark,
So, mtmte megatron and bot s/o have been captured by one of those needle surgeons (cannot spell it for the life of me) and the surgeon is giving s/o a choice of who gets the needles/who's mindgets messed with
Now let's say as is canon megatron is wealthy afraid of the whole needles in brain stuff, but what if s/o is too? And megatron knows that, so obviously this disiciusn if rather difficult to make,
But, just as the surgeon gets fed up s/o chooses themself? 👀👀
I just wanna see megatron reactions to this 🫡😂🥺
I'm gonna be honest I'm not sure how to format like, headcanons or a formal writing piece for this as I've only got some rough ideas, I hope that's okay!! Maybe down the road if I can get my thoughts together I can write a longer piece cause I really do like this heheh
Thank you sm for requesting this btw!! It's a super interesting idea and I'm totally here for it :D
CW//: mind alteration/manipulation
Under the cut!
Right off the bat I think the whole ordeal would be an absolute mess. The mnemosurgeon having a vendetta against Megatron for One Of His Various Deeds and taking it upon themselves to get some sort of revenge isn't out of the picture, and I think that's probably how it would go
Reaction wise, he's obviously afraid. I wouldn't go as far as to say incapacitated with fear, but very much nearing a state of desperation he'd really rather not be in, as in pulling at any restraints and shouting various and increasingly creative threats. It's a bit unfortunate to admit, but his S/o might have slipped his mind during the heat of it only to be reminded of their presence when told to make a choice
It's then when a different fear takes over; instead of the red-hot burning fear made of anger, it's a sharp cold that grips his spark and unlike anything he's used to. No sound comes out of his mouth as he gapes wordlessly between you and your captor
When said captor reaches the end of their patience and you make the decision for him and offer yourself, he doesn't volunteer to take your place. There's no heroic shouts of "take me instead" or "I'm the one you want" or anything like that, just a quiet apology from an old mechs mouth
[Insert rescue scene here]
Depending on what was done to you, he'd react in different ways
If you come out of the ordeal hating him, he distances himself and only contacts you out of professional necessity as co-captain. He becomes a lot like he was when he first joined the Lost Light, reclusive and a shut in
If you seem to be the same, he's of course relieved you seem to be okay. But there's always going to be some nagging voice at the back of his head asking if you're really the same, saying that maybe you're you but not the same you that he fell in love with. He wants to trust you, but afterwards he finds it hard to. He never voices this outright, at least not to you
Either way, he does some poking around to see if there's anything that can be done to check for damages, even going as far as to talk to Chromedome before being shooed off by Rewind
He absolutely blames himself for what happened, but deep down he knows that even if he was given a do-over, he still wouldn't volunteer to take your place
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Brooooo my favourite let's player just reached Sonic Unleashed in his Sonic marathon and I forgot how great Eggman is in this game. That's what I get for not playing it in a very long time.
YEEESSS I adore Unleashed Eggman so much 🥰💜💕💘💖
It already started off strong with the amazing intro cutscene, not only for the visuals that I endlessly praise but the awesome event and Eggman success too. How he lured Sonic in, played up an act with talk of turning over a new leaf and then struck when he least expected it, to drain him of all the emerald energy and use it to power the beam that would break the whole planet apart and awaken Dark Gaia. It was an epic move, seeing how cunning and calculated he was and the crazy amount of destruction (and death let's be real) that he willingly caused to unleash Dark Gaia. Throwing out the emeralds with Sonic is considered an oversight to people but I defend that because I can't think of what else he could've done in that situation to prevent them from falling out into space with Sonic.
Plus, it's not like he didn't do anything about it. He tried to track down the Gaia temples before Sonic could restore the emeralds and benefitted from the Dark Gaia guardians too. He also brought out mechs like the Egg Cauldron, Egg Beetle, Devil Egg Ray, and Egg Lancer in hopes of stopping him and at least slowing him down while waiting for Dark Gaia's pieces to come to him instead of trying to gather them after they scattered. I also like how, in the PS2/Wii version, he pilots the Egg Beetle, Devil Egg Ray, and Egg Lancer himself, instead of Egg Fighter hands and SA-55 in the latter two in the 360/PS3 version. I always like getting more Eggman and it's like damn he gets around and is really fighting to stop Sonic from ruining this lol
And on top of all that, he manages to make a part of his biggest dream come true by building Eggmanland, right on top of the last temple. And it's just the most fucked up place ever and he knows and loves it and it's hell in both versions of the game and I fucking love it. XD The Egg Dragoon fight is also amazing and one of the most thrilling bosses. His threats and aggression and how daring he was despite the danger was so gripping and intense. You can really tell how he was desperate and determined to fight as hard as he could in both his actions and words, to the point Sonic tried to tell him to simmer down. He might have gotten fucked up by the strong Werehog in the end but he put up a good fight with his awesome looking mech with super cool abilities.
Only part I don't like is him randomly getting knocked aside by Dark Gaia as it was unnecessary for him to get fucked over by another bad guy again but besides that I adore his role. I like the different stages, steps, and ability to adapt in his plan and it doesn't feel like he sat back and did nothing, he knew the best times to act or wait and seemed eager and determined to make things work one way or another, even when things didn't go exactly as planned. But where's the fun in having his plans succeed without any challenge? He was also entertaining all the way through as usual but I especially enjoy Eggman's animation in both the CG and in game scenes and it's one of my absolute favorite performances from Mike Pollock, he was incredible. 💜🥚
Also there's the breathtaking Eggman CG that's the real Sonic movie in my heart and will never fail to leave me in awe and joy because he's GORGEOUS
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And there's this unforgettable glorious sandwich and his champion level demolishing of it in just seconds
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What's not to love? XD
I really wanna do my annual replay of both the 360/PS3 version and the PS2/Wii one already. If only my TV wasn't broken. :') I highly recommend everyone to play or replay it again if they haven't for a while. Both versions are good but the 360/PS3 version is an absolute must!
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sweetest-honeybee · 3 years
Hey you do commissions right? This may be a strange question but would you have any advice for somewhat hoping to start commissions?
I do! I’m not the greatest with advice but here’s some stuff I’ve learned anyways
Get a platform going for yourself (probably more than 1k followers to ensure a better likelihood of getting people interested in your work).
Look around at other artists in your skill level and their sheets. While I’m one for wanting y’all to charge what you think your art is worth, it’s good to see what people are already charging for something similar.
Get a trustworthy payment method going. PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp are the most often used. Thing is, you gotta connect to a bank account or be 18 or older to keep the money in those places to spend it, I think. PayPal does for sure, not sure about the other two. I use my mom’s bank account :)
Start small and work your way up. This is a little hypocritical because I didn’t start very small and probably should have. Your prices can also depend on your audience. In a fandom/art space with a lot of 13-20 year olds? Might wanna charge less, at least at first.
Have your terms and conditions ready and don’t be afraid to tell people that’s just how you roll.
Get your process in mind. I.e. Client asks for commission, I send a rough sketch, they pay, then I color. Sometimes people have to pay upfront before the whole process even starts. All based on your personal preference.
I recommend having a slot system to avoid burnout but even I’m a little on the fence about it lmao. I’ll be trying it out when they open up in March.
GET EXAMPLES OF YOUR BEST WORK. Make sure it’s up to date too! Even if it’s just a few.
Make sure you know what you can and can’t draw. Can’t draw women? Say that. Can’t draw children? Say that. Can’t draw mech or animals? SAY THAT. The amount of times I’ve bitten off more than I could chew because of this. If you can’t draw it, that’s FINE. Might need to expand a bit but the right people will come willing to pay for the limited stuff. Don’t worry.
And my number one thing
DO NOT BE IMPATIENT. Do not shove it in peoples faces 24/7 that you’re doing commissions. Like I said, the right people will come. But don’t just assume you’re a bad artist or something because people won’t commission you. Hell, even I don’t get people to commission me that often right NOW. Don’t be bothered, it’s just a side job. Not the end of the world.
Oh and when in doubt, learn how to draw furries.
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anon-e-miss · 3 years
What if Polyhexians had a culture/tradition of taking high-ranking enemies as spoils of war after winning a war. Not to treat them badly, but as a sort of ‘proof of victory’. Praxus and Polyhex go to war. Polyhex wins and Prowl finds himself being taken as a spoil of war.
Prowl wore chains to his bonding ceremony. When he had contemplated such an event, chains had not been the uniform he had imagined he might wear. He was a prize, one of twelve and the highest ranking of the captives Polihex had claimed as their due.
Though they call it a bonding, Prowl was aware that no sparks would be involved. It was more the matter if his specific ownership being given to one mech who had earned a great reward for their part in the miserable wore. The Rites of Repayment would begin any moment. Prowl was bare save for the gold chains that began at the welded loop around his neck, fell between his wells to hook to bangles in his wrist and then down to his ankles.
Standing behind him, the other Praxian prizes were similarly garbed, amongst them was his half brother. Though he was also the creation of the Duke, Barricade had emerged illegitimate and thus held no rank but what he had earned. As a but a Major, his was the lowest rank and by rote he would be rewarded to the Polihexian least deserving of a prize. Whether that was a benefit or a no, Prowl could not say.
Music trumpeted Prowl in a large tent. Sitting in a high backed chair was the young Warlord if Polihex, little more than a mechling, Jazz had taken the helm of his uncle, the puppet prince Windbreaker had originally installed over his vassal state. Polihex was no longer a vassal of the empire, they had crippled Praxus, made allies of old enemies. There was no question who ruled the resource rich desert or the lush coast. In a moment there would be no question who owned him.
With a single digit the Warlord beckoned and Prowl obeyed. He saw other prizes, ones from passed battles. Some wore armour as they sat to the left of their masters. Some were bare with clamps and chains on their nozzles. Some had forges round with righteous restitution. The Praxian prizes had been warned that they would have to earn the right to wear armour. Prowl hoped he would and quickly.
"Sit," the Warlord ordered, gesturing to his lap. He was not hard yet but Prowl knew he would be soon. Before the end of the dark-cycle he would have this mech's sentio-metallico within his frame for the first time. Prowl did not ask how he was to sit and made the choice to turn his back to the Warlord before he sat. The mech's servo came around to Prowl’s smooth belly and he pushed him back is that his doorwings were flush with the barbarian's chassis.
It was a mistake to sit like this. Prowl watched as each prize was awarded and he waited with growing dread for the moment Barricade entered. The Warlord cupped Prowl's array and softly ground the heel if his palm against Prowl’s array. Despite his embarrassment at the situation, Prowl's nozzles stiffened with arousal as his valve became wet. A husky moan broke from his vocalizer as the Warlord slowly slid one and then two digits between Prowl’s slick valve lips, before crooking them inside of Prowl. They stroked against Prowl's gamma cluster, they seemed to vibrate and Prowl arched his back as his legs fell open. He panted and then rasped a whine as a torrent of lubricants surged out around the Warlord's digits.
"Lovely," Jazz praised him, cupping his well with his free servo and ratcheting his nozzle between two digits. Prowl's helm fell back against the Warlord's shoulder as the mech brought him to ruin with only his digits. "I knew from yer optics ya'd burn hot."
"Stop!" Barricade screamed and Prowl lifted his helm in time to see him struck down. The guardb wrenched up his helm by its chevron and held a vicious blade to his throat. .
"Please!" Prowl cried. "My brother."
"Yer brother is he?" Jazz asked. Leaning his helm so he spoke directly against Prowl’s audio. His digits were still as the stayed buried within Prowl's heat. Fear for Barricade had Prowl's charge plummet. "Are ya sure he ain't lover?"
"My brother," Prowl insisted and he gasped as Jazz pinched his nozzle. His valve rippled over the stilled digits inside him. "Sired on the Duke by one who was not bonded to him. My brother..."
"Ricochet," Jazz called and a gold-faced Polihexian rose from the next chair.
"Take yer prize," he ordered. "A brother for my brother. It's only proper."
"Ya claim to love me 'n ya gift me a frothin' cyber-dog," Ricochet said.
"Stroke 'm right 'n he'll show ya his belly," Jazz replied.
Ricochet walked across the tent to where Barricade was pinned. He threw Barricade over his shoulder and then tossed him, perhaps playfully on one of the banquet tables, then he stood between Barrcade’s legs.
"I do not want see," Prowl moaned as the vibrations returned and he stained the Warlord's lap with more of his slick.
"'N if I want ya to?"
"Since ya asked nicely," Jazz chuckled.
He made Prowl stand and turn to face him. If Prowl held his doorwings high enough he could not see Ricochet with his mouth against Barrcade’s neck and his legs between his thighs. Jazz was leering up at him, appreciating the view. As Prowl watched he slid his panel aside and stroked his spike as it pressurized. It was large, curved and ridged. Prowl held his legs together as still more slick leaked from his channel.
"Prepare my spike for your sweet valve," Jazz ordered and Prowl knelt at his peds, he wet his lipplates and his mouth watered. Before he could close his lipplates around Jazz's spike the Warlord caught his chin. "I don't think I trust your mouth yet."
"I will not bite," Prowl promised. "I would be foolish to in a room of your subjects."
"'N y're not a fool?" Jazz asked.
"Ya wanna suck my spike bad, Sweetspark?" Jazz asked.
"You would not be disappointed," Prowl replied. "I am very good sucking spike."
"Since y're eager for it," Jazz said, and he released Prowl's chin.
Before Prowl sucked the Warlord's spike, Prowl took his time licking it, tracing the ridges with his glossa. Jazz stroked his helm and murmured his approval. He flicked his glossa over the Warlord's transfluid duct and tasted the faintly bitter mechfluid. Prowl did not mind the taste over much, he had tasted worse transfluid. As Jazz continued to stroke his helm, Prowl took his tip into his mouth.
The crown of the spike was highly sensitive, Prowl sucked it as his glossa swirled under it. He was rewarded with a groan. Prowl took pride in what he did, and he did believe he sucked spike well. Certainly Crosscut and Chromedome had not complained. The Warlord did not let Prowl swallow him to the root and Prowl contented himself bobbing his helm up and down as he hollowed his cheekplates and flicked and twirled his glossa. Before he could make the mech come, Jazz pulled Prowl off his spike.
"Tryin' hard to get me to come down your throat," Jazz hummed as he stroked Prowl's neck. "There's somewhere else I'd rather overload."
Prowl squeaked with surprise when the Warlord kissed him, he still had the mech's own transfluid on his glossa. It did not seem to perturbed the barbarian at all as he swallowed the squeak and the moan as he laid claim to Prowl’s mouth. Prowl braced his servos on Jazz’s chassis as the Warlord hauled him up by his hips and lined his spike up with Prowl's core. The spike opened Prowl, he gasped as his rim was drawn taunt as the crown of the Warlord's spike ground against him. His resistance gave way and several centimetres of Jazz's spike breached his valve. It had been some time and Jazz had a lot of spike. Prowl moaned as his lining strained and the segments of his valve were cleaved open. There was some pain, there was also a vent stealing fullness and pleasure as his nodes were abused by all those ridges. His legs were shaking when his aft struck the Warlord's thighs. Prowl was, still panting when Jazz made him look him in the optics.
"Ride me," he ordered. Prowl obeyed.
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