#shun koshino
(Gives Kazuichi a lollipop with a scorpion in it)
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Huh? A lollipop...? But there's no sweets or even coke on this island, plus don't scorpions live on Yaeyama island?
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Anyway, another question I have; I notice you seem to be moving out a lot of things from the administration building to other parts of the island; where did you place them?
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Oh don't worry, I can answer that; you see, we have re-located a lot of the items out of the administration building and place them either on different parts of the first island so they should be around.
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Plus we helped Nekomaru and Nagito back to their cottages so if you want to visit them, you can.
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Oh so will find everything on the first island, then what about the administration building? What's to happen there?
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Oh well, the thing is that given the Administration building was built to house the Neo World Program, had to return everything back to how it was before it was made into a makeshift hospital including surgical equipment and medicine.
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However, given that my Division is going to be working on it and unless you have permission, none of you can enter the building until it has been complete and re-located.
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Wait so none of us can enter it without permission?
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Exactly and the only person that will be allow there is going to be Hajime, mostly due to his talents in programming.
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So Hajime is the only one allow to be there?
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Indeed, as say; Hajime and myself will be in the administration building to help finish up the last remains of the Neo World Program which shouldn't take too long but I do advise the rest of you to stay away unless you need something.
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Yeah so I'm gonna help them out with the Neo World Program as Izuru's talents in programming and coding is pretty advance compare to others, so we should have it finish in a week.
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Okay, yeah I suppose it does make sense; we did only visit that place because we were waiting for everyone to wake up or those still recovering from surgery.
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Yeah so maybe we should stay away from there.
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You know how I said before that Nagito had plot armor...? I was wrong it's Nagi's plot armor now
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*After a struggle, Nagito grabs the gun out of Hotaru's hand* Got it, now I can kill all of you!
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N-No damnit, sorry I couldn't hold on!
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Oh don't feel too bad, at least now I can finally complete my goal and kill all of you...
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and hey, isn't it good; you all despairs will be beacons for true symbols of hope so maybe accept your roles as Ultimate Des-!
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... *As then Nagito felt something on his back*
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... *drip* *drip*
*As then blood is dripping in his back but a figure stood*
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... *looks over at the figure*
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Wh-what...what is...what's this...? Who... are you?! *Nagito looks over his shoulder as the figure grabs him harshly by the hair*
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*It was Nagi, standing behind him; stabbed him in the back* Ma-Masuyo, shock him...now!
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Ri-Right Nagi! *pulls out the shocker then shoots at Nagito*
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Wa-Wait! *As then Nagi let's go and...*
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*Nagito gets shocked as he drops the gun which Hotaru grabs*
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Everyone, dog pile him!
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*Everyone excluding Teruteru and Hajime dog pile Nagito which they held onto him*
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O-Okay good, I got my laptop and we stopped Nagito... thank goodness for that...
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Nagi, are you alright? We were searching you since breakfast.
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I see then I'm sorry to worry you all, at least we were able to get the laptop and Nagito has calmed down, now did anyone bring the medicine and needle.
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I-I did, here you go... *Teruteru hands over the needle and bottle*
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Thank you, Teruteru - at least now I can deal with this...
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*Nagi walk over to Nagito with the needle, but Hajime's focus was on Nagi's eyes* ... (Was... Nagi's eye colour always blue? What was that just now...?)
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Let’s teach the dingus a lesson!
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*at the base*
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Where did Nagi and Nagito go...?
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Everyone, did you find the 2?
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N-No we didn't find them where the tanks are at, apologize.
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Dark Queen went inside one of them and could not find them...
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I deeply apologize but Nagito and Nagi were not in there, we truly try to look for them.
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What about the rest of you, any luck?
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Sorry but we search where the weapons are made, no dice.
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Indeed, sorry everyone plus I don't like being here, given there are ca-cameras here...
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Shit, yeah I forgot about the cameras - isn't Future Foundation gonna see us all here?
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Nah, don't think so - in fact thanks to Nagito disrupting that Usami bot and it shooting him, the cameras were turn off.
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Turn off?
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Yeah I decided to check the cameras and the footage only goes up to when Nagito and Nagi went to the 5th Island, it shot the curcuit breaker that powers all the cameras on the island so it only went up to when they were going to the 5th island.
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It might need some repairs but at least we are lucky that Future Foundation doesn't see us panicking and trying to find the 2.
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'Daaaang, talk about some good luck, huh? Well hopefully it stays off until we take care of this.'
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Yeah anyway, we check also the tower over there and got nothing, so they aren't in there.
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Ye-Yeah... sorry guys, but let's keep searching they had to-.
???: Looking for me, well well what luck?
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*Masuyo jumps back as Nagito appears before* Na-Nagito, holy crap!
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Oh dear, seems I startled you...
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Sorry about that, I didn't mean to but maybe step out of the way along with your younger brother, given you are near Ultimate Despair.
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No way, we aren't doing that... *prepares shocker*
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*takes gun out* Exactly, myself and Masuyo were requested to make sure you all are okay so stop it.
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Exactly Nagito, what you are doing isn't helping at all - your making things worse...
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And why not? I mean, you know what we are, right? We are Ultimate Despair, meaning that we are quite dangerous...
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In fact, I'm doing Future Foundation a massive favor here by killing all of you and then myself.
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Are you seriously kidding me?! No you dumbass, your just making us look worse you nutcase!
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Yeah like what the hell is wrong with you? Nagi, Makoto and other Future Foundation members are investigating this and all your doing is making it worse - as usual!
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Indeed, as say Future Foundation is investigating what happen due to our killing game and what happen to Hope's Peak Academy, you have no idea what's going on!
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Oh great, more of you despairs trying to make up things about a symbol of hope? Why would Future Foundation even do such a thing?
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I can help you, Kazuichi. How about taking the name Kouji? The “Kou” means “change/improve” (what you are trying to do) and the “ji” means “two” (a play on how the “ichi” in your name means “one”). And then you just have to think of a surname. That is, if you like my idea…
*As then Hotaru and the others came back, Kazuichi was with Masuyo*
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No...I don't think so...
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Well you gotta think of something...
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Look, I'm trying okay? This shit is hard... your so loud...!
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Wait I got a name, Yasushi Maruta!
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Your going with that name?
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Yeah, Yasushi is that I hope to work on my stress and Maruta is pretty simple so I think I'll stick with those!
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Well I suppose that's something at least...
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Oh hey, you guys are back now!
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Wow! You all look really cool, I really love Hajime, Sonia and Ibuki's new outfits!
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Thanks Mahiru!
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Thank you Mahiru but remember that we are call Poppy and Kanami.
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'Yeah Hasumi...'
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Oh right right, I nearly forgot!
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Sorry... these names are gonna take a while...
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Well even then, you all look pretty great if you ask me!
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Yeah but at least we got a name for Kazuichi, right Masuyo?
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Yep, got it written down!
Class 77-B’s new names; Izuru: Mashiro Ito Nagito: Teruteru: Shun Koshino Mahiru: Hasumi Peko: Fusako Ibuki: Kanami Murakami Hiyoko: Mikan: Koyuki Tsuyuri Nekomaru: Gundam: Tomohiko Sato Sonia: Poppy Thompson Akane: Mayu Someya Kazuichi: Yasushi Maruta Fuyuhiko: Takuma Noda
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Well aside from Hasumi and Fusako's surnames, the only ones we got left is Nagito's, Hiyoko's and Nekomaru's but they need sometime to recover.
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Right, I suppose that does make sense, we only got those 3 left...
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So are you going to leave Nagito, Hiyoko, Nekomaru and Koyuki be?
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Yeah, as say - we do need to help them recover from surgery so it might take a while.
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But if it helps, Koyuki has started to move around from her hysterectomy surgery so she should be fine by tomorrow.
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Right then she should be up and about by the 29th, alright then.
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So what now?
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Well I'm heading back to the cafeteria and seeing how the names are going...
*Masuyo returns back as she goes into the kitchen as she puts the dishes into the dishwasher, puts in a tablet, closes it and turns it on*
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Hey guys, so how are the name changes coming along?
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Well good news is that Teruteru, Gundham and Peko came up with some names for themselves!
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Oh really? Let me see the list then! *Kei gave Masuyo the list of names*
Class 77-B’s new names; Izuru: Mashiro Ito Nagito: Teruteru: Shun Koshino Mahiru: Peko: Fusako Ibuki: Kanami Murakami Hiyoko: Mikan: Koyuki Tsuyuri Nekomaru: Gundam: Tomohiko Sato Sonia: Poppy Thompson Akane: Kazuichi: Fuyuhiko: Takuma Noda
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I see... So Shun Koshino, Fusako and Tomohiko Sato... Interesting choices but Peko, why don't you have a surname?
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Well it's just that I can't really think of one but I do have a reason for Fusako.
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I remember Hisoka mention that name was what parents had call me when I was born, Master Toshiro and Mistress Yukiko decided that I get a different name, Peko Pekoyama to distant myself from my orginal family, that's the reason why...
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Hmm, well okay I suppose will think of your surname later on but at least we got a name for you but still Teruteru and Gundham, nice picks on the new names you have!
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Well of course, I had my reasons to why I change to such a name if curious, I'll gladly tell you all!
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As for myself, I have chosen the names of those that I gain a bond with during my time at that hellish school and wanted to take on their names as tribute!
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Sorry I try to tell him that taking the names of a dead person is disrespectful but I suppose it's at least something...
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Well yeah but still I think this is okay, but I feel you should work on your own name Mahiru.
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Right... I guess I should, let's see...
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Hajime you can see where Nagi got her good looks from, from her hot mama!
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Huh? Nagi's mom is here...?
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Oh right, you guys weren't here for that yet yet but we had some nurses that helped Akane which that's Nagi's mom.
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Oh yeah, I think I saw some dark-hair lady that look like Nagi helping Nekomaru, so I guess she's some nurse?
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We-Well yes, that would be her; sh-she works under my Division, which anyway I'll speak of what is to ha-happen...
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Since most of you are caught up to speed, w-will be helping with your appearance, the cosmetic team that works under my Division and any me-medical care pro-provided...
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Wh-Which after you get your appearances cha-change, will start working on forging new identities for you; m-my Division will change your app-appearances but i-it'll be limited.
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Limited? How so?
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It'll mostly be dental work and fingerprints of those that haven't gotten their briefcases and since we can't exactly perform much surgical changes to your appearance, will change a few details and nothing more.
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I see so does that count fingerprints too?
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Ye-Yes, but will only change your fingerprints after you get the briefcases...
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Oh, alright then; well then what will happen after we change our appearances?
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That will be where my Division, along with the 3rd, 12th, 13th and 15th Divisions will assist with forging identities for you all.
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'Wait, so like what do those Divisions do exactly? Ibuki did get a basic run-down but she's still confused.'
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To put it simply; Koichi Kizakura's Division and Kyoko's Divisions are going to help forge backgrounds and identities for you all which should take a few days, Gozu's Division handles passports while Biju or my Division handles banking.
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Which should be finish by October 1st, so given that you know most of everything; do you all have anymore questions?
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Actually, one more so are you gonna change our fingerprints after we get the briefcases? How long would that take?
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It should take an hour to finish but after that, you'll get your fingerprints printed, so Kei and Teruteru - you both will get your fingerprints change since you got your briefcases.
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Hm, okay that does make sense; then I suppose we should start changing, yeah?
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I think so, I think we can get started then...
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Okay then if that's the case, we can start working on your identities then; Teruteru, Mahiru, Peko, Gundham, Akane and Kazuichi - you all come with me to the old building will start working on your identities.
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Wait, are... are we changing our appearance already?!
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Awesome, c'mon guys let's go!
*Akane rushes to the old building*
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Akane hang on a moment, you can't rush off without Makoto leading us!
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Yeah, hold your horses dude!
*Mahiru and Kazuichi follow after her*
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Gundham...? Do you need some assistance?
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Yes, I'm not sure where they went so do you mind?
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Of course, just hold my hand and will walk together...
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Well don't want to be left behind, let's be off...
*Gundham and Peko walk together while Teruteru follows after them*
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Well... I got my work cut out, excuse me...
*follows after them...*
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Teruteru get bonked and go to horny jail!
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Don't worry, I was just kidding! I swear!
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Yeah yeah, keep talking there Shun...
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Which outfit would Kazuichi wear? I think this will go good one you Kazuichi! (Gives him a Kirby shirt)
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???: Hey guys, sorry for the wait!
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Oh hey, look who's here!
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Oh my, everyone look at you all!
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And here they are, good to see you all...
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... *Fuyuhiko was staring at Peko*
*As then 6 people walk in*
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Sup guys, good to see you all, eh?
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Indeed, it's good to come out and be reborn a new, don't you think?
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I mean yeah, it is but still; it did take a while to return my teeth back to normal...
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So what do you think guys, cool eh?
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I mean yeah, it looks okay I guess for what your going for...
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But yeah, hello everyone; we finally got to change out of our school uniforms, they look good, right?
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It surely does look nice, doesn't it?
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I got to agree, you surely do look lovely Peko; say do you see have black panties?
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Ki-Kidding, I was only kidding!
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So uh... Kyoko and Byakuya, do you think these would be okay?
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Indeed, you all blended in very well; nicely done.
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Indeed, but we still need to forge some documents for you all tomorrow which our Divisions should be able to work on them.
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Right, I suppose that does make sense...
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Yeah but at least you got some disguises, it should make it easier to move around the mainland now.
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Akane you’re supposed to blend in, not kill Batman!
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Ri-Right, anyway - I suppose we should get started then?
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Yeah, again follow me; Makoto, you can go now, I can take care of things from here.
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Alright then, I'll leave the rest to you then, good luck...
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Alright then, once we are done; be sure to inform the others about it.
*Makoto walks towards the exit*
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Well, since I'm done; I suppose I should try and do something...
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I... did hear from Nagi that Nagito was giving her some trouble and Kyoko show me those files, maybe I can talk with him...
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*Makoto walks over to the cottages and head to Nagito's cottage*...
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... *Nagito was stuck in his bed, looking down at the bed and contenplating everything...*
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... (I guess he's still not sure what to think of all this, yeah... can't blame him...)
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Next task?
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Okay, so let's go to-.
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Wh-What was that?! That sounded like Kazuichi!
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Ye-Yeah it is, I wonder what happen...?
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We better go check, let's go.
*The 3 rush over and follow the voice...*
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I wonder what Akane and Kazuichi are doing, must of been urgent...
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Right... we better go see what it is then.
*Then Kaori, Makoto and Gundham follow after the group and came across a sight in the make-up room...*
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Wh-What the-?!
*There, standing was Akane with hap-hazard make-up on and Kazuichi freaking out...*
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Hey, how do I look?
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Dude, are you trying to look like a monster?! Seriously, how can you mess up this bad?
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Wow, I only went to the bathroom for a few minutes and come back to this mess. How do you mess up eye contacts, that isn't how it works?
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Hu-Huh?! But I thought this was how make-up is put on, I remember my mom puts on quite a lot to cover up wrinkles and the little ones put it on like that.
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Then your mom sucks at it, remove it before you piss off the nail lady any further!
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Indeed, remove it...now.
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Okay okay, hold on - I'll wash it off, excuse me...
*Akane walks out of the room*
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Oh hey, sorry but excuse me I gotta wash this off... *Akane walks pass the group*
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Su-Sure, go ahead then...
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What happen exactly? How bad was Akane's face...?
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Pretty bad if you ask me...
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And now I see why myself and Mrs. Hara were brought here.
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Yeah I'll let you guys deal with them...
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Kazuichi playing with make up?
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No, more like he's stopping his buddy from doing anything weird...
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I see, so what is going to happen then? Are we going to put on make-up first or dye our hair?
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Well not exactly, first off you'll go to the clothes room, pick out some clothes you want to wear, then you'll get your hair dyed and also get hair extensions if need be, you'll get some make-up then you'll change your clothes.
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Hm, I see then what are you going to do about our school uniforms?
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Well we are gonna either throw them out or burn them, we gotta make sure your identities aren't uncover so we are gonna do that.
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Then are we still going to wear our bracelets...?
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Well we can remove them if you want so you can put on the new clothes and put them under your sleeves if that helps.
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Ah well, okay then - at least it'll make showering a bit easier, thank you.
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No prob, after all will help you all through it, cool?
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Yeah it is, thanks again for the help Kaori.
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Kaori!! Fancy seeing you again, how ave you been doing girl?
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Been well, just did some secertary work, running Seiko's Division since she isn't good at social situations and taking calls so not much. Anyway, I'm gonna be talking with the Remnants of Despairs.
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Which speaking of which, here they come.
*As then the door opens which Akane rushes in*
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Oh hey uh, do you know where the make-up stand is?
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Oh it's down the hall, first door pass the bathroom on your right.
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Oh sweet, excuse me! *Akane rushes pass her*
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He-Hey, hang on a sec! I haven't explain anyth-...!
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Geez, how annoying...
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Hey Kaori, seems you met Akane, huh? I brought some of the others here. Everyone meet Kaori Uemada, she was the former Ultimate Make-up Artist who is going to help with your appearances.
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Yeah yeah, look I'll go and grab Akane so excuse me... *Kazuichi walk pass Kaori*
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Yeah just head to the 2nd door down the hall by the bathroom.
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Hey uh, sorry about our friend here; seems she really wanted to try on the make up - anyway, I suppose your going to help with our appearances.
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Eh, don't worry; I got a lot of back-up make up so it's cool and yeah, I am.
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So then, are you the one that's going to help us dawn new appearances?
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Yeah, something like that; the thing is that we are going to help with eye contacts, hair colours, clothes and things to make you blend in.
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So are you sure it's going to work...? No one would recongize us.
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Yeah a bit, but as say; you'll need some surgery to get that stuff taken care of but my make-up work does pretty good wonders on anyone and make them unrecongizable.
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In fact, I even remember being ask by one of the Branch Heads to make a dummy look exactly like Makoto here, it was... really weird but at least the crowd fell for it...
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Really? That's impressive...
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Yeah I saw the footage as well, it... certainly was something to say the least...
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Yeah but hey, doing this isn't the weirdest request I got so it's cool.
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Who else is here?
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Oh hey look guys, here they are!
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BOTH: ... (I guess will finally figure out what's going on.)
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Hello everyone, thank you for your patience and waiting for us to talk with you all about this.
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Now I'm sure you all are aware that there is an investigation going on and you may have notice some members of Future Foundation on the island.
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Ye-Yeah, I did notice that; I even notice they move a lot of stuff from the administration building, why is that?
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Plus where are we going to eat and what's going to happen?
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As say, all of it will be explain, I promise you all.
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Now I will let Makoto Naegi, the Ultimate Hope along with Kyoko Kirigiri, Byakuya Togami, Miaya Gekkogahara and Seiko Kimura speak with you all about what is to happen, Makoto - take the mic.
*Nagi walks to the side and Makoto walks forward*
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Hello everyone, it's good to see you all are alive and well, I'm Makoto Naegi - Class 78-A's Former Ultimate Lucky Student now Ultimate Hope.
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Hey Makoto, it's good to see you again.
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Indeed, it has been quite a while since we last spoke, have you been well?
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Well I am, just happy to see that you all made it out alive and well, I thought you all wouldn't have made it but I'm happy to be proven wrong. Honestly I really do have to owe Kyoko, Byakuya, Nagi, Masuyo, Hotaru and a lot of them for helping you all while I was under house arrest.
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I wish I could of helped you a bit sooner but because I defy Future Foundation's orders, I was put under house arrest for a month so I couldn't offer any health, so my apologies for that...
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It's fine... it does seem like you wanted to help us, so it's understandable that none of you could help us out.
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'Yeah man, don't be too hard on yourself; we do get it, Future Foundation wanted to remove us or whatever, so it's no big deal.'
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I know and I have to thank you all for being patient and understanding of what happen, but due to recent revelations; now I'll be sure to help you all from here on out.
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So if any of you have any questions you want to ask, then go ahead and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities.
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Who else joined the island adventure?
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*the 4 walk over and see a group of people standing there*
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Okay so wait here while we go inside, Nagi and the others will speak with you shortly.
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Yep so just sit tight...
*After that Masuyo and Hotaru walk into the hotel*
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Greeeat, more waiting - this is getting kind of annoying.
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We-Well, at least they are being quite acommidating, hm?
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Well yeah, I suppose they are...
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But don't some of these guys, look... different to you?
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I wonder what they'll talk about?
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Not sure either honestly, I did see a bunch of people in suits and lab coats; the Usami bots are even starting to move things out of the Administration building.
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I hope Nekomaru is okay, given he did just get heart surgery pretty recently.
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'Wait, what about Nagito? Shouldn't we worry about him too?'
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And are you seriously worry about that asshole? You do remember what he did just a few hours ago, yeah?
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Yeah but after that, I don't think I want to be near him.
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'Yeah... I suppose that is true, still those Future Foundation guys would need to move him...'
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But moving on from that, did you notice that they are moving everything that was in that building to different locations?
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Yeah I do wonder what is happening, you think that it won't get in the way of us trying to work on our future careers?
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It likely won't, mostly Nagi will re-educate us on this matter so will leave it to her.
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Indeed and she did say that that Makoto, Kyoko and Byakuya are going to talk with us about a few things.
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Yeah, hopefully it doesn't get in the way...
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Yo Hajime, did Nagi tell you anything about what's gonna happen?
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Well I did speak with one of the Branch heads and ask if I can help with the Neo World Program, which Nagi offer me to help with programming.
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Oh... is that so? So you'll be assisting them, correct?
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Yeah, I think so but as say; will need to wait until then.
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Ri-Right, seems some of them have change their appearance, I guess they are all doing the same thing...
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Seems so, huh?
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How could things possibly get worse?
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Nagito, look - they are telling the truth; Future Foundation is investigating Hope's Peak Academy.
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Exactly, hell members of Future Foundation are going to arrive in a few hours and they can tell you!
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So cool it and stop doing this, you have to believe us.
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Ah perfect, if Future Foundation is going to be here then I can be able to take you all down since I did set up some bombs!
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'Wait what?! Bombs, is that what he say!'
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No - he's clearly lying as Hotaru and Masuyo told us that you can't get into security.
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Well... even then, I'll be sure to kill you all!
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After all, this is for the sake of hope and if I am to kill the Ultimate Despairs, then I will!
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After all, if I am to be Ultimate Despair then true symbols of hope must wipe out all of us! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!
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Holy shit, guys do something!
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*Shoots at Nagito* Shut up, your freaking everyone out!
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*ducks as Hotaru is shooting* Holy-!
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Ow...that hurt...
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These are only warning shots, unless you settle down then I'll aim for your shoulder; you've been warn...
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Yeah so unless you behave yourself, we are gonna make sure your beated up and this time there is no simulation crap to protect you!
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*gets up* Da-Damnit, how...how can this be? Why did you trick these 2 to side with despairs?
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Because we know Yukio wouldn't want this; given you were his best friend.
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Wait, we...we were...?
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Yes, he spoke about you pretty positively and wanted to help you but he never got to; he wouldn't see you like this, I know that for a fact.
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So Nagito, just stop - just listen to us...
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...I see, I never thought you be that ingrain into despair...
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It makes sense, now I see what I have to do...
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I have to kill you 2 along with them, your too far gone! HAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAA!!!
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Wa-Wait hold on!
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*Nagito rushes over to Hotaru as trying to grab his gun* He-Hey let go!
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No I-I'll make sure that none of you survive, you hear me! I'll kill all of you!
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Oh my god, he's going to kill us! So-Somebody stop him!
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Nagito let go of Hotaru! *rushes over as grabbing him*
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Should we give Nagito drugs?
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Well I am getting some if asking.
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