#i walked up on him while i was scooping poop
nabsthevulture · 1 month
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Met a rattlesnake today
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saltofmercury · 1 year
if your request are still open maybe a lil könig angst with a miscommunication trope 👀 if not i still love your writing! every piece blows me away 😄
here’s something small because I’m feeling like poop!
“You said you would be done an hour ago and our movie starts in 45 minutes!”
He’s sitting on the couch grumbling about going to see the movie before the previews. His leg, bounces up and down as he checks the time on his watch again.
“I’M GOING!” You yell back, trying to either pin back your hair or wear a hat. You decide on a hat and head downstairs. It’s so funny hearing him say 45 minutes early is considered late to him.
“Ok I’m ready, let’s go.”
You guys drive to the movies, hearing König rant about how they gotta get the good guy right. If they don’t the whole series is going to shit. You mentally prepare yourself for the questions you’re about to ask him because you don’t watch superhero movies… until he came along.
On the way back from the movie, you’re sitting hearing König complain about the movie being changed.
“Listen it’s BAD enough they changed the whole plot but did they have to make the bad guy a good guy? It makes no sense!”
He’s annoyed, pissed off at the fact that they change his comic book stories once again. You're just happy that he’s able to talk you through them —his brain is a whole encyclopedia of comic book knowledge.
You butt in, just for a quick second.
“Can we grab some frozen yogurt before we head home?”
He sighs, mumbles something about “being annoying” and makes a u-turn.
You’re stunned, kind of taken aback at the fact that he would say something like that. He’s always in the mood for dessert so it doesn’t make sense as to why he would say that.
He goes on about how producers are there to give money, not take away from the movie. He’s still babbling about it when you arrive at the store.
You reach the store, but the cravings are gone, replaced with anxiety, sadness, guilt.
“Come on schatz let’s go.” His tone has shifted again, you’re unbuckling your seatbelt, not wanting to stand there, pick out a flavor you want let alone toppings.
You can feel your stomach hurt, because if you’re being annoying for asking for yogurt, you’re probably even more annoying for picking out these things.
He walks through the store, already knowing what he’s going to fill his cup with — chocolate yogurt, Oreo toppings, and strawberries. He always gets the same thing.
You put the cup back, chewing on your lip, and tell him you’ll skip today.
“What? You wanted this.” He says, scooping up more Oreo topping on.
“I think I’ll skip, I'm sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry schatz.” He says it, not looking at you but the toppings again. He’s aware of your cravings, maybe you’ll want ice cream instead, and there’s plenty of that at home.
The drive home, he’s fumbling with his yogurt, while you’re fumbling with your emotions. What did you say for him to call you annoying? “Being annoying” replays in your head, you haven’t been called annoying since middle school.
You’re back at the house, quietly excusing yourself to go to the bathroom. You’re so hurt because why would he call you that? Why is he being so mean?
You decide to shower alone, letting him scroll through his phone at other movie reviews. You’re dressed and ready for bed, turning on your side without giving him a warning, as he peeks through to the bedroom.
“What?! It’s bedtime already?” He asks
“You didn’t even tell me to come shower with you schatz…”
“Hello?” He tries again, but you’re focusing on pushing back the tears.
“Schatz, hey…” he comes around your side of the bed, and you crumble.
“What’s wrong baby? Are you not feeling well?”
You sob, feeling so pathetic, not wanting to answer him.
He rubs away the tears, there’s a pain in his heart, hoping you’re just feeling sick, wanting some time alone.
“Y-you called me annoying… I don’t wanna bother you I’m sorry.” You manage to whimper out.
He looks at you with wide eyes, unsure of when he called you that because he would never tell you that to your face. He knows about being called annoying. From his father, his classmates, his older brother.
“When did I say that?”
“W-when I asked for yogurt.”
The conversation replayed in his head, when you asked for yogurt in the car, he was calling the producers of the movie annoying. Not you. Never ever you.
“Baby I wasn’t calling you annoying I was talking to myself you’re not annoying!”
Your sniffling stopped for a bit, but you’re back again, covering your face with your hands, feeling the heat in your face. Now you feel stupid.
“Come on, you’re never annoying.” He pets your face and hugs you, feeling like an asshole. How could you ever think that? He consoles you the entire night, feeling so shitty you could ever think you’re annoying to him.
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nogitsunbae · 2 years
At first, Eddie is not a fan of the Camaro.
Yeah it’s… cool, he guesses, but also obnoxious as fuck, and impractical. He gives Billy shit about it constantly, refuses to ride in it. Doesn’t want to look like a douche.
They’re all sitting at Scoops, Steve off duty and still serving up his boys some ice cream because while he’s been in this ice box working all day, Billy’s been in the sun at the pool and Eddie’s been at the shop working on cars with just a fan to give him some relief from the heat.
As usual, Billy and Eddie are somewhat arguing over something that doesn’t really mean anything. They just like to pick at each other. Steve rolls his eyes, picks up his keys, gives them both a quick kiss on the cheek and tells them he’ll see them at home.
Would be fine, normal, but Eddie’s van is in the shop, and Wayne is at work.
“Wait, Steve, I need a ride—“
“Too late. Bye, dear,” Steve says, a knowing smirk on his face. He walks out the back, laughing to himself.
“Fuck,” Eddie mutters.
Billy just sits, staring at the cherry dangling from his fingers, smiling. “Looks like someone needs a ride.”
“I’m not getting in that monster.”
“I can’t believe you’re scared of a car.”
“It’s not a car! It’s a beast!”
Billy laughs, stands up, poops the cherry into his mouth.
“Well unless you want to walk back to the apartment I suggest you suck it up, buttercup.”
And that’s how Eddie finds himself standing outside the passenger side of the Camaro. Watching as Billy opens the door and slides in.
“Why is it so low to the ground,” he whines.
“Jesus, Munson, just get in.”
And Eddie knows he’s being dramatic, okay, drama is practically his middle name. But he throws his hands into the air and makes a big show of opening the door and practically falling into the seat.
“This is not a car.”
“And you’re not a real Dungeon Master.”
The words die from his lips the second Billy turns the ignition over, the engine roaring to life, Slayer blasting from the radio.
“Ready for a ride, Eddie Boy?”
Eddie’s eyes are wide, he looks over at Billy, who’s tongue is between his teeth, has a wolf like grin on his face. He revs the engine, eyebrows raising as Eddie lets out a short breath.
“That’s what I thought.”
And suddenly he’s shifting it into drive, roaring out of the parking lot, and Eddie can’t help but to watch his hands on the wheel and the gear shift. Feels the rumble of the car where he’s sat in his seat, sees the trees zooming past as they hit 50… 60… 70… 80… Billy’s hand on the wheel never wavering, his eyes focused, still smirking cause he knows Eddie is watching him.
It shouldn’t be hot. It really shouldn’t.
But watching Billy tame this monster of a car and drive it like he was born to do it just… does something to Eddie. The adrenaline of going fast, Slayer in his ears along with the engine, Billy laughing as they take a curve too fast.
“Stop the car.”
“Sorry, baby, couldn’t hear you.”
“Stop the goddamn car!”
He expects Billy to slam on the brakes, to give him whiplash, instead Billy looks over at him, slows the car down to a stop. Cuts the engine and kills the lights.
“You good?”
He looks genuinely concerned. Maybe Eddie really was scared of the car and he pushed too far— but then Eddie is crawling over the console and into Billy’s lap and kissing him sloppy and grabbing onto his shoulders, his chest, his hair.
“I’m never riding with Steve again.”
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tangledupinblue8 · 3 months
I haven't heard back from that job yet. They said early this week, and I'm thinking now they've offered it to someone but are holding on to everyone else in case they turn it down, but we'll see.
Adam is away, so I had to leave work early to let Hugo out. I came home and let him out while I unloaded my things and found a vase for some flowers I picked up.
I heard him barking immediately, which is typical, so I let it go for a bit. Then I walked to the door and saw him throwing something around, and he killed. a. fucking. groundhog. I let him out, and he immediately kills a groundhog. So I run out there and am trying to pull him away. I finally run back in, get his harness, pull it on him and lead him inside where I wipe him clean.
Then I had to run out and use his poop scoop to carry the groundhog out of the yard.
We also have baby chicks right now (in a container in a closed off room), so after I got a handle on that situation I ran upstairs to check on them (just because they do stupid things like knock their water over, and I was gone for 6 hours), and as I'm leaving the room the cat runs in. He has never done anything with the chicks in the past and really doesn't have interest, but he can't stand a space he is being shut off to.
So I pick him up to take him out because I am not feeling like dealing with the game of coaxing him out, and the second I set him down he's ready to attack. And so he is attacking me the whole way down the steps and into the kitchen to the point where I just throw some of my water at him because I just want him to stop.
Pet ownership, am I right? I love animals but god. What a chaotic way to come home.
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ratremusagere · 5 months
Hey yall! This was a request over on AO3 (RatRemus - Sanders Sides Agere/Kid Fics) by Voidlunaluci :)
Caregivers: Logan and Janus
Littles: remus and Virgil
Prompt: It's Halloweens and remus wannas goes to a horror maze whiles smalls but virgils scare so Janus and Logan work together to helps
Please and thankies!!
Papa: Logan
Dada: Janus
Remus: 6
Virgil: 3
Word Count: 1077
Virgil and Remus were supposed to be napping. Supposed. In actuality Remus was drawing out his big idea for a haunted maze that they, the two little and their caregivers, could go to. It wasn’t Remus’ fault that he was too excited to nap!
Virgil on the other hand was entirely too tired to deal with Remus keeping him up, he was just a little guy after all. However after Remus let out a happy squeal after finishing his project Virgil jumped and started crying, as the poor baby was easily startled.
Janus walked in and sighed at the sight in front of him before going to scoop up Virgil. He gently patted Virgil’s bottom “shhh it’s ok spiderling, no need to cry” he hummed softly and rocked the overgrown toddler. Logan then walked in too and saw Remus out of bed, coloring. Remus at least had the decency to look sheepish.
“Remus, what did you do?” Logan said fondly, he didn’t have it in him to truly be angry at the kid. It wasn’t his fault he had an overactive imagination and had a hard time napping or staying quiet.
“Nothing papa!” Remus immediately lowered his voice at the pointed look Logan gave him “sorry papa but really, I was just drawin and came up with a really good idea for a haunted maze for us to go in and and I squealed cuz happy stim and then I woke up the baby. I’m sorry”
“Buddy, it’s ok thank you for the apology, how about we go in the living room and after dada finishes calming down your baby brother we look over your drawing together? Does that sound good?” Remus immediately jumped up, very excited by that prospect and ran to the living room. Logan chuckled fondly and walked after the hyperactive little.
Soon after, Janus followed suit, the now calmed Virgil in his arms. His eyes were still a bit teary but he was okay now. “So kid, what’s this I hear about your haunted maze?” Janus said, sitting next to Logan on the couch as Virgil crawled into Logan’s lap and Remus crawled into Janus’.
“Well dada! I’m so glad you asked! I drawed us all going to a haunted maze and it was so scary you pooped your pants! And papa got so scared he punched somebody! And me and baby vee completed the maze and and we won a prize! And there’s so many zombies and skeletons and guys with chainsaws trying to chop your heads off!” Remus seemed really proud of his idea but Virgil on the other hand started crying again.
Logan started rocking Virgil as Virgil whined “I…I don wan people cuts our heads off!!” He sobbed loudly. Remus whined as well “but it’s not real vee! It’s just pretend.” That seemed to help Virgil a little. “How about we make the maze a little less scary ree? Just so Virgil can enjoy it too? I promise as soon as you’re both big again we can go to a very scary one” Remus pouted at Logan’s words. “Fineeee but I better get to keep the severed fingies!” Remus giggled. Janus blinked and frowned “absolutely not ree, that’s not happening. I love you but we aren’t putting any real body parts in this maze. How about we make some severed finger cookies instead?” Janus quickly added the cookie part because he could tell Remus was going to throw a fit over his words.
Remus still pouted but nodded, he was hungry anyways. “Ok dada, after that can we go to the haunted maze? Pleaseeeee?” Janus nodded “sure honey, how about Vee, you, and I go do that while papa and Roman work on making this maze for us?” The boys seemed excited so that’s exactly what they did.
It was now a couple hours later, the boys wound up needing a bath and another nap after cookie making so it was closer to sunset. Remus was dressed in his zombie rat costume and Virgil was dressed in a cute spider onesie. He felt comfortable enough to walk as long as either his papa or dada held his hand so they were all walking together to the maze.
Remus had tried to run off three separate times so his caregivers forced him into a leash backpack. “Ok baby we are here do you want to be picked up?” Virgil shook his head no at Janus “m a big boy dada!!” Logan smiled at him and ruffled his hair.
Just then a zombie jumped out of the maze at them. It spooked Virgil a little so he clung to the side of his dada a little more but Remus seemed happy enough so they kept going. Virgil seemed to get braver as they kept going and Remus was excited by that, happy his baby brother wasn’t being a scaredy cat anymore.
Just as Remus turned around to look at his papa and dada another zombie jumped out at them. Virgil squealed and ran to his dada but was giggling, he thought it was funny. However Remus, not expecting it, jumped and started crying. He plopped down and was suddenly not the brave big 6 year old anymore but a frightened baby who needed his papa.
Logan was quick to scoop Remus up and hold him “oh baby doll it’s okay, shhhh it’s alright darling” he hummed a little lullaby to Remus. Remus’ crying also startled Virgil who began to tear up and reach for his (now) baby brother. “Dada he’s cwyin! Poor baby gotta help him!” Janus smiled fondly at Virgil “I know baby he’s just a little spooked. How about we head home and come back another day?” Virgil adamantly said no to that “ree ree was soooo excited!! We can’t leave without finishin da maze! And gettin da prize! For baby!!!”
The two caregivers looked suprised at that, thinking Virgil would want to leave but nodded anyways “okay spider we can finish the maze” Janus said following after the now determined young boy.
Remus let out soft coos and attempted to eat Logan’s tie whilst they walked. Logan, very fond of the baby in his arms, just let him do so. Once they found the end of the maze both boys let out happy squeals. Happily claiming their prizes (a squid themed paci and a stuffed spider) they headed home to be coddled and doted on by their caregivers.
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
If you're still taking requests, how would the boys help out their s/o that has scars/trauma around dogs?
Such a good ask, I have a few family members that struggle with this actually so I can kinda draw from some experience here. This is a relatively short one, just because my other recent post about comforting an s/o dealing with emotional/mental shit is up and a lot of it can be cross referenced here. Headcanons below da cut.
Kazuma Kiyru
He'll ask the kids to keep Mame away from you, especially since Mame barks a lot. If you decide you want to try to overcome this fear, he'll allow it but he'll keep a watchful eye and will notice if you've hit your limit. Not mindful of scars at all, as he has plenty himself. Very big protector energy, super understanding, never judgemental.
Majima Goro
Type of idiot to say "Dontcha worry, if a dog tries to bite ya, I'll just bite it back!" which doesn't really help but at least makes you laugh. Totally isn't afraid to tell strangers if the dog they're walking is barking at you too much, saying things like "Ya gots to be mindful of other people, ya know!". As for scars, like Kiryu, he's got plenty of his own. If you ever feel self conscious, he'll once again say something silly like "Babe, if ya can love me with a whole eye missin', then ya got nothin' to worry 'bout when it comes to yer appearance! Compared to me, yer hot as hell!".
Akiyama Shun
He kind of gets nervous around dogs too. Really, he's nervous around most small animals or small children as he has zero idea what to do with them, especially when they get noisy. He empathizes with you a lot in this aspect. Out of all the boys, it is easiest to confide your fears or trauma with Akiyama as he shares a similar mindset, even if he doesn't have personal trauma around dogs. Type of guy to wrap his arm around your shoulder if you're walking by a particularly aggressive dog while saying "Just keep walking, I'm right here, okay?".
Tanimura Masayoshi
Has never had a pet in his life and honestly never wanted one. Since he's a cop, he's good at enforcing neighborhood laws like owners having to scoop their dog's poop, so most of the pet owners in the area are pretty up to snuff. You won't have to worry about a rogue dog getting aggressive out of the blue. Type of sweet baby boy to kiss your scars when you get upset about them and say "There, all better now!".
Saejima Taiga
Has a really good connection with animals so they don't actually get super aggressive around him. Maybe it's because he's built like a tank. Either way, he's really understanding and is the type of guy to stand between you and a dog when you're on a walk, keeping the dog out of view, so you can cross the street and feel safe, all the while saying things like "Don't worry, I gotcha". He's super neutral on having pets so you never have to worry about him wanting to bring a puppy back home one day.
Ryuji Goda
Biggest dog person out of all the boys so he will want a dog someday. However, he would never make any important life decisions without talking to his partner first and he would make sure you felt safe and prepared if he really wanted to bring a dog into the family. Most likely to actually help you overcome the fear by slowly getting you to interact with dogs, as he really likes pets and frequents pet cafes. He'll show you how to approach them, how to read their body language, and the like, all while saying "See, sometimes they're just as scared as ya, but they ain't all bad." Ryuji would rather see you learn to overcome your fears than try to blindly shield you from them.
Nishikiyama Akira
He is ALSO actually scared of dogs. Just looks really shocked if one starts barking loudly at him and then just sneaks away. He'll comfort you by jokingly say "We survived that dog encounter", allowing you both to laugh about it in hindsight. Truthfully, he's kind of sheepish that he gets skittish around loud or big dogs so it's nice that you both can understand each other without feeling like you have to reason with each other or explain it over and over again.
Daigo Dojima
He's actually a cat person. He's not afraid of dogs but he's kind of sensitive to loud noises so when he hears a lot of dogs barking, he gets frustrated or annoyed. If you have particularly bad trauma with dogs, he'll enforce a no-dogs-allowed-on-Tojo-Clan-property rule. He takes a private car most places so you don't have to worry much about public interactions with dogs. Also the type of guy to kiss your scars but instead of saying they're all better, he'll say "I love every single part of you. Even your scars".
Mine Yoshitaka
Ever the fearless lad, Mine would probably bark back at a loud dog to make you smile before saying "I gave that dog a good talking to, he won't be bothering you" which only makes the two of you giggle. Glares at people who let their dogs wander around freely, as he thinks it's a public nuisance and not helpful for anyone. If you guys run into a dog on a walk out and you start to panic, he'll say "Let's take a detour and take the long way home." and he would never judge you for feeling anxious. Very good at removing you from situations of stress.
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the-hellhounds · 1 year
The big Easter egg hunt! Woo!
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Having gathered the guys around, Haechan thought it would be a great day and given it was also Easter weekend, he asked of them to get bags of plastic eggs and fill them with chocolates with him to hide for Minjun.
"I could be playing league of legend right now and winning," Mark had whined along with some of the others as he held a plastic egg that was in the color yellow. "Maybe even eating some chips."
Glaring over to him, Haechan throws a mini m&m packet to his head. "What you should be doing is shoving candy into plastic eggs before I shove them up your ass." He snaps as he works on fixing the basket he had bought for his son. "This is my boys first egg hunt and I want to see his happy face when he finds all of them. This includes grass rashes and back aches."
Seeing as he was determined to make his only son happy, the others hurry with their duties.
Renjun and Jeno having Minjun inside the house as they bathed him and changed him into a new diaper and clothes.
"See? Taking a bath wasn't all that bad, was it?" Renjun smiles, brushing the small hair on top of the baby's head to style it neatly.
The baby only babbling away as he was entertained with the ducky plushie that Jeno had gotten him.
"How does so much poop come from something so small?" Holding a pair of shoes in hand, Jeno stares amazed and flabbergasted over how they had gotten to cleaning up the small boy. His diaper full and tears streaming down his full cheeks when they got to him.
"Your digestive system does wonders," Renjun answers. "Alright! I think we're done." He smiles once they had gotten the little baby changed and into his shoes. Placing him down on the floor, they help him walk out and to the backyard where everyone had just finished running around to hide eggs.
"Minjunnie!! Baby!" Running over to scoop up his son in his arms, he litters his face in kisses. The baby giggling loudly at his father's affections. Each day filled with happiness and love from his parent. "Are you ready to find some eggs?"
"Some? Make that more than 50 eggs..." Muttering from next to his twin, Kyun elbows Hanbin in the ribs.
"You'll be like that too once you have a kid." Kyun says.
"I doubt it." Walking off to the shade, Hanbin sits in a chair while everyone cheered on the only baby of their pack.
After hours of squating down and kneeling next to Minjun, Haechan slowly regrets buying so many eggs for him to look for. "How many is that?" He calls to his pack.
"I think that's 34 with the pink one he found next to Jaehyun!" Taeyong yells as he and Jaemin kept track.
"Oh, make that 35. He found one by the hose." Jaemin says. "I can't wait to do this with my own child next year." Jaemin smiles, his excitement of becoming a father having grown since he found out his mate was pregnant.
"Yay! He found one of mine!" Ten cheers with a glass of margarita in hand.
Groaning and flopping on the grass, Haechan let's the sun shine on him, sweat having begun to form at his hairline. "The things I do for my offspring..."
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T-list : @fallenangel-oc ( staci & alya ♥︎ × ♥︎ ) - @lovesick-hyuck ( ♥︎ ) - @witch-renjunnie ( ♥︎ ) - @monsterhigh-cb ( jaemin ♥︎ ) - @helluvaboss-cb ‐ @badbf-cb ( lisa ♥︎ ) - @livealittleoc-cb - @k-dislyte ( moonbyul ♥︎ ) - @redroom-cb ( chae ♥︎) - @universe-of-superm ( little lion ♥︎ ) @kitsuneboyscb ( taeil & kun ♥︎ × ♥︎) - @theonesxcb - @ateezmystery ( yeosang ♥︎ ) - @frathouse-cb ( sicheng ) - @uridealbf-cb - @uridealgf-cb - @raiden-oc ( 🌺 ♥︎ ) - @clubwnderland - @domxbot - @kimheebby - @fantasyaespa - @league-of-assassins - @angelsxdemons-cb ( karina ♥︎ ) - @dreampodcast - @kavengers-assemble - @thepack-cb - @dc-heroes-cb [dm for + or -]
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nemobeatrice · 1 year
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FuGio Week 2023 Day 7: Pets - Underneath Our Nose
Giorno and Fugo rang Narancia and Mista’s doorbell, waiting patiently.
“Just a sec!” Mista yelled. He sounds like they were in a rush.
“The two live together, but I can hear them tumbling around,” Giorno said. “Are they late for their date? The date that they agreed to?”
Fugo sighed. “Those two idiots.” He pounded on the door. “Come on. It’s getting dark. Do you want the stores and businesses closed on your date?”
Narancia opened the door, looking fancy in his suit. Mista less so, but he wore something different. A cat, a British shorthair, was also in his hands.
“Is that Lil Meow Meow?” Fugo asked as he walked in.
“Yeah, and he’s a good boy!” Narancia tried to convince him.
He looked at the scratched furniture and curtains. “I can tell.”
“He’s so soft and fluffy.” Mista handed him the cat. “Take care of our baby.”
Giorno got into the apartment. “Don’t worry. He’s in good hands. Have fun on your—” Something smelt awful, and it came from the bathroom.
“We will!” Narancia took Mista’s hand. “Don’t have too much fun in our house, though!”
They left, leaving the blond couple alone with their cat.
“Yeesh, finally,” Fugo said as he closed the door. “This will be—what is that smell? Don’t tell me one of those two forgot to flush?”
“I’ll find out.” Giorno went into the bathroom. Nothing was unusual except the cat litter needed to be scooped. “It’s just cat poop.”
“Disgusting! How long was that there?”
“The cat didn’t cover it.”
Fugo looked at the cat in his arms. “Seriously?” The cat growled, and his ears went flat. He immediately put Lil Meow Meow down, and the cat hissed. “I knew this cat was a demon!”
Giorno rushed out of the bathroom after cleaning the mess. When he returned, Lil Meow Meow back Fugo, broom in hand, into a corner.
“Get him away from me!” he panicked.
Giorno knelt and brought his hand out. “Pspspsp!”
The cat turned around, sniffing his hand before rubbing himself against it.
“Why does he hate me?”
“Maybe because he never got to sniff you.”
“Tch. I was holding him. He should’ve had my scent. Whatever. I’m going to watch TV and doze off. Want to join me?”
“Let me check the cat’s food bowl first.” Giorno went into the kitchen and saw his bowl lacked food. He refilled it before sitting with Fugo in the living room. His boyfriend flipped through the channels. “Nothing good is on. Should we watch some of the movies they have here?”
“I already watched all of them.”
Lil Meow Meow sat on Giorno’s lap, watching TV with them. He looked bored, but Fugo switched to a nature channel, grabbing the cat’s attention. A lion devoured a zebra. Sharp fangs ripped apart the zebra’s legs. Lil Meow Meow got into it until Fugo switched the channel again. Angered, he clawed Fugo’s legs, hissing with ears flattened.
“What the hell?” Fugo glared at the cat.
“I think he was watching the nature channel,” Giorno said. “Put it back.”
“But we went on a date to the zoo two days ago.”
“Lil Meow Meow wasn’t with us. You wanted to doze off, right? You can doze off while watching the nature channel.”
“I supposed we could watch it.” Fugo switched the channel back. Lil Meow Meow seems happier now. “What a violent cat. Of course, he would enjoy watching this.”
“Did you know cats play with their prey before eating them?”
“Another reason why I’m a dog person.”
After a few minutes, the blonds dozed off, and the channel no longer showed lions in the wild but commercials, boring the cat once again. Lil Meow Meow got off Giorno’s lap and decided to do cat things.
Giorno slowly woke up, and the channel was still on the nature documentary but discussed polar bears. Fugo rested on his lap, but Lil Meow Meow wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Giorno tapped his boyfriend awake, causing him to hum as he woke.
“Are they back yet?” Fugo asked, turning in his lap to face him.
“No, but don’t panic.”
“Why would I panic?”
“Lil Meow Meow is gone.”
Fugo sat up. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
Fugo grabbed the remote and switched the channels again. He changed it to the news, and the reporter announced an increase in cat slaughters near their area.
“Okay, I’m worried now,” Fugo said.
“He’s probably somewhere,” Giorno said. “Come on. Let’s find him.”
They searched the rooms but couldn’t find the cat.
“Where the heck is this cat?” Fugo questioned.
“Maybe we didn’t search thoroughly enough. Let’s check if Meow Meow hid in something or a small gap.”
Giorno checked the kitchen, using Golden Experience to sense where Lil Meow Meow was. Meanwhile, Fugo went into his friends’ bedroom and searched the drawers, closet, and under the bed. No luck. The two returned to the living room.
“I think he might’ve gotten out, but how?” Fugo questioned.
“I don’t think he did. The windows and doors were closed the entire time. Do you think he might’ve snuck around rooms while we kept searching?”
“Yeah. Maybe we could use a treat or catnip to draw him out.”
Giorno headed to the kitchen and searched the drawers for bait to draw Lil Meow Meow from hiding. He took a bag of catnip and poured some onto the cat scratch post. Lil Meow Meow showed himself, revealing that he hid underneath the couch.
“Right underneath our noses,” Giorno remarked.
Fugo got a text message on his cell phone. “They’re returning soon. Let’s just play with the cat.”
“I think that’s a good idea. I’ll watch him while you search for some toys.”
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nancypullen · 1 year
Friday Evening
I’ve ranted, raved, and cried.  You probably don’t want to hear it anymore. I know we’re all saturated with bad news and you didn’t come here for that. SO...although I will continue to rant and rave to my elected officials and donate to candidates who will work for change, back to our regularly schedule programming.   I have a bird.  Well, I had a bird.  I named him Jeffrey, but the call of the wild was stronger than his love for me.  Let me start at the beginning. Yesterday I was in the front yard prepping the flower bed for spring planting.  It had gotten weedy and ugly because we really didn’t have much of a winter.  Earlier this week I was thrilled that iris bulbs that a dear friend sent to me last year were blooming.  There’s a very sweet story behind them and I’ll get to that too.
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Oh, happy day! This made my heart so light! Thank you, Dina. Anywhoooo, I was on my hands and knees, pulling weeds and singing along to Three Dog Night when I heard a loud THUNK!  I turned just in time to see a bird bounce off the basketball goal of the house across the street. Poor fella hit the street and fluttered around a bit before getting still. I felt awful for him and sort of kept one eye on him while I continued weeding.  I battled with my urge to rush over and save him and the dread of seeing a dead bird.  Then I realized that if he was alive I couldn’t just leave him there for a car to hit or a cat to torture.  I walked into the street and saw that he was very much alive, so I scooped him up and assured him I wouldn’t hurt him.  He thanked me by pooping in my hand.
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I didn’t mind. I figured it was either the poop of death, the poop was scared out of him, or he’d just enjoyed a nice lunch at my bird feeder.  He didn’t seem embarrassed, but that might be the effects of the concussion.  I sat in the sunshine with him and we talked.  He was a good listener, but seemed to have some short term memory issues.  He slowly started to perk up and his little chirps became more inquisitive.  I stroked him and kind of checked his wings and legs and everything seemed to be in working order.  This was when Stanley, the tabby from down the street (I don’t know his real name, he’s Stanley to me) strolled onto the porch.  Interesting timing, Stanley.  I have a little video that I’ll try to post.  Moving right along, Jeffrey showed steady improvement and over time hopped from my hand to my leg, then to my shoulder.  We bonded.
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Don’t judge me, I was working in the garden. I sent this picture to my boys.
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Then I sent it to my sister.
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I was seeing a delightful trend in the responses.  What granny doesn’t want to feel like a princess for a day?  Then I sent it to MIckey.
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He does not think I’m a princess, he assumed that I had somehow lured or tricked that bird.  I have to admit, he’s merely judging from past experience. Of course, I later told him the truth about the poor bird with the traumatic brain injury that I saved from certain death.
After quite a while porch sitting with Jeffrey he hopped to the back of my chair, and then to the porch railing before flying away.
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I don’t regret one minute of our brief but meaningful relationship and I’m sure that he feels the same.  I’m hoping he’ll spread the word about the nice lady on Kathryn Court and tell the other birdies not to poop on my car. Other than acting as an avian EMT, I’ve been finishing up the changes to the downstairs powder room.  It’s nearly ready for a reveal and I’m so tickled with the results. The new faucet arrives tomorrow and I’ve got .a piece of art to hang over the commode yet. Almost finished! I probably won’t post for two or three days - the Edgewater gang is coming for the weekend, we’ll celebrate Mickey’s birthday on Sunday (even though it’s not until the 4th), and we’re spending the day in D.C. on Monday.  We’ll take in the cherry blossoms, visit the African-American Museum, and  hopefully take a turn in the National Gallery.    Might not post until Monday night or Tuesday morning.  Until then, stay safe, stay well, keep your chin up. Sending out loads of love-
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Today was hard. Today I had volunteered to go help the rescue I foster for pick up schnauzers from a backyard breeder.
When we arrived to the property we were immediately greeted by the sight of many outdoor dog pens that were just metal gates arranged in squares all lined up. In total, I would guess 20 seperate pens. Some with pieces of metal thrown over part of the top to create the illusion of shade. They had large buckets of water that were completely green with the vegetation growing in them. Most of the dogs hid when we approached the kennels. The owner walked us around the kennels, telling us which ones we could take. Most of them ran as we tried to catch them, but we eventually were able to get them, scooping them up as they immediately pooped and peed on us out of fear. Luckily none of them tried to bite despite how terrified they were.
Eventually were had loaded 11 schnauzers into our vehicles and the owner said he thought that was all. He wasn't even sure because he didn't seem to know how many he had. I pointed out one in a fence and asked about it, and he hadn't noticed it and told us we could take it. I opened the latch and pulled hard on the gate and when it didn't budge, I pushed. It gave just enough for me to slip in between the gate and the side. The grass was so overgrown on the door that it was preventing it from opening. Imagine how long you have to not open a gate for it to be overgrown with grass so much that a person using all their strength can't open it. I squeezed in and approached the dog. It cowered, but didn't run. I slowly reached down and picked him up. I lifted him over the gate while I squeezed back through the opening. We thanked the man, got him to sign the papers signing them over to us, and got in our cars. We drove away, leaving several Westies there, as another rescue is picking them up later this week. I hated leaving any of them. Luckily, this breeder is surrendering all of his dogs because he is getting out of the "business."
Once we got a bit down the road we pulled over to inspect the dogs, as we didn't want to do that in front of the breeder. The younger ones were so terrified they pressed themselves against the backs of the crates, shaking out of fear that we would touch them. The older ones were slightly friendlier, but upon inspection, many had unknown masses on their bodies, teeth so rotten they were literally falling out and rotting their jaws, and fleas jumping everywhere.
After some thorough discussion, we decided to give them all to a Schnauzer specific rescue (we were originally going to split them up), as we decided they were better equipped to handle them at this time and that way we could dedicate our resources to other dogs that desperately need our help. There's always another one needing rescue, and we know these are in good hands now.
It was a rough day- seeing how these dogs have lived their entire lives, are now terrified of humans because of how little interaction they get, falling in love so quickly with these sweet faces, and then passing them on to someone else instead of bringing them home to love on.
I held it together all the way home. I got home and was unloading the crates from the car when my boyfriend came outside and asked, "where are they?" Since our other fosters were adopted or moved to other homes yesterday in preparation for these, we're down to one foster (for a different rescue). That's rare in this house where I'm known to bring home 4-5, and we had prepared for 3 today. He asked, and I cried. I cried about my sweet boy who cowered at my touch but let me carry him safely back to my car. I cried about the baby who dug a tunnel to hide in so that the scary humans wouldn't touch him. I cried about the rotten teeth and medical needs and the pain these sweet babies must be in. The fear they experienced on a daily basis all in the name of making money off of them. But then I cried happy tears as I told him that while I didn't have them, they were safe, and getting to spend probably their first night ever inside a home.
I came inside and showered off the day, and curled up to love on my babies. I'm going to hold them a little closer and give them a little more love until the next one comes along. It sure it won't be long, as I can't seem to stay away. I'm very happy my boys are nice enough to share their mom with all the babies I bring home that need love while we find their forever homes.
So today was a rough day, but I'd do it all over again if it meant I got to save more lives, and know the best is yet to come for these wonderful creatures.
Please, consider rescuing your next dog. Unfortunately there are not enough laws in place to punish places like this yet, but the more we rescue instead of buy, the more places will decide to "quit" the "business" of breeding to death living things with no regard to their lives.
If you can't rescue, please share the posts, advocate for better laws, donate to rescues, and help to make this world a better place for the ones we share it with. We have got to do better.
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a-singer-of-songs · 1 year
Today was deeply frustrating for almost no reason except that I was easily frustrated, so when I got done with work I went to the barn and cleaned my horse's paddock within an inch of its life. I'd like to say it'll stay looking nice for awhile, but it won't because in addition to being a giant dog and a hungry hippo, my horse is a pig. He likes to track his poop all over and break it into annoying little pieces and generally drive anyone who has to clean up after him completely spare.
Then while you're cleaning he walks around following you and standing right over your raked-together piles that you're trying to scoop, but he does it because he wants attention. Which is very annoying, but also really cute. And he'll reach out and touch you with his nose if you ignore him, so I have to stop every so often just to pet him and tell him he's a good boy.
Anyway, it's been weeks since I had time to do clean. Usually the barn owner does it cause I pay for that, but I *like* cleaning. It's like meditation. And the dog gets to run around. And I get to spend time with this goober.
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ourlittledinosaur · 7 years
One Great Poopy Disaster
New Post has been published on http://ourlittledinosaur.azurewebsites.net/one-great-poopy-disaster/
One Great Poopy Disaster
Fair Warning
The title doesn’t lie. This story is gross…
Well, Here’s How It Started…
A few weeks back, I had a cold. No biggie. I took care to hydrate myself and avoided sugar, and increased my intake of Vitamin C. One way I do this is by adding Emergen-C packets to my water. It’s a tasty way to get a high dose of Vitamin C as well as some energy boosting B Vitamins. I mention these packets, because I have my suspicions that they affected my son, as he gets what I eat via nursing. Let me explain…
And Then He Pooped…
My 10 month old son and I were going about our normal routine. He was playing on his little miniature piano and “singing” (yelling) up a storm. He stopped for a moment and I heard him tooting. I thought, “Ok, he just pooped.” So I waited a couple minutes to make sure he was done. (Because who wants to change a diaper only to have another one filled up right away?) Then I scooped him up playfully, yammering on to him in a funny voice about how he pooped, and was poopy, and how we had to change the poopy. (I’m sure you can imagine how I sounded…like a crazy I’m sure.)
Oh No, Did Cloth Diapers Fail Me?
I put him up on his changing table and realized there was already poop showing. Uh oh…
(Now let me take a moment to say that my cloth diapers did not fail me. I still maintain that blowouts are much less to nonexistent as compared to disposables. However, I sometimes let him air out a bit and just stick him loosely in a prefold, without a cover. This way, if he pees, it doesn’t get everywhere, but he’s a little more free as well. There are ways to put the prefold on to keep in a loose stool, but I wasn’t expecting a poo on this day, so I wasn’t prepared.)
As I looked closer there was runny poo running down his legs. So I started to clean him up a bit, but realized this was the biggest poopy adventure we’d had since we was weeks old, so I quickly ascertained that it was shower time! I scooped him back up, still talking to him playfully about the situation (Hey, it was’t his fault Mommy got lazy with his diaper) and headed for the guest bathroom as it is the closest one to my son’s room. It was on this short journey, that I realized what an unobservant person I truly am…
There Was Poop Everywhere!
Let me say it again. THERE WAS POOP EVERYWHERE!  As I backtracked out of his room and into the hall, I see that poop had dripped onto the floor, onto a bookshelf I had passed and lifted my son over, and of course, it was on the changing table, and changing pad as well. It continued to drip off him onto the floor in the bathroom and onto the shower floor as well, where I was finally able to get this child clean!
Finally Clean.
I got him cleaned up, dried off, and into a fresh diaper, (with a cover this time – no shortcuts!), did a quick clean up of the poopy items and spots on the floor that had been affected by this mishap, and we went on about our day. It just so happened it was nap time, so I walked straight to my bedroom (where my son’s crib is), and proceeded to read him a book, then sing and rock him to sleep. I also took a nap.
The Excitement Never Ends!
Once we woke up, we went back into the living room and play area I have set up for my son. I sat down on the couch to do a few things and my son went about playing with his toys. Pretty soon, he started to crawl over to me. Nothing out of the ordinary as he frequently “checks in” with Mommy while he plays. But as I looked up to greet him, I was horrified to see…. MORE POOP!
What in the world happened? Did he poop AGAIN? Nope. I don’t know how I missed it, but as I looked over toward his little piano, which is set up on a patch of tiled floor in the carpeted living room, I saw poopy smeared all over the tile. I quickly realized that this mess was leftover from the previous poopy disaster. I guess because I was being so silly with my son when I scooped him up to change him, that I didn’t see the mess that had run down and hit the floor.
Poop Clean Up: Take Two
So now that we had found this leftover mess (I can’t even say NEW mess!), or should I say, my SON found this mess and had happily played in it (Gag reflex anyone?!), it was time to clean up again. Back we went to the shower. Again I cleaned him up, dried him off, and put him in a fresh diaper. Then I stuck him in his crib and went to clean up his play area. I will spare those of you who are reading the rest of the details, as I’m sure you can imagine well enough for yourself.
Sharing the Load
During my son’s second nap, I unloaded my Great Poopy Adventure to my husband in a text. Needless to say he felt sorry for me (and was probably extremely glad this hadn’t happened on a weekend while he was home). I was blessed later that evening with a good foot rub. Gotta love a happy ending!
What About You?
I know you have them to share! What are some disasters that have happened to you in parenthood?
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
James 1:2
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
They'll do this all day long if you let them I had a dog do it for 2 hours he came in and ate and he slept a little went outside again cuz I let him out and he went for three runs and it was pooped and slept for like 10 hours they love doing it and they get a lot of air and it's good for them but they shouldn't be abused and this dog gets abused any likes having fun and it's release and he knows his friend and he says he's having a good time even if he wipes out so he's on his fur and he says I'm wiping out the whole way down and he knows he's talking to them and he went up again he helped him up there he's got a little old and say he gets air so they're going down with him and one guy goes zipping by and it says you're that guy I see him they start laughing it's not doing it together and everybody is laughing and laughing it's it's good fun stuff to you more than us and you should keep that in mind
We have other things to speak to a lot of ideas out there a lot of things are going but the status here is not changed it's about abusing one person and your clueless people would like to fix your wagon and straighten you out on it you do not want you walking him around meaninglessly telling him stupid things and having him sit here isolated in mean is that you and you're not going to get him to do anything except attack you or have you attacked now today so far you lost a big chunk of your Force right away and from a decent sized attack very large and they lost everything and up in the northern tundra even attacking steadily and you have reached only 4 out of 21 facilities and two bunkers roughly each out of about 10 and that's pretty poor so you're raising an army and you're going up there and they're hitting while you're trying to get up there and your spaceships are heating up and the pseudo empire is coming over as if you're going to Venus and tell you not to go anywhere.
There's more but we're going to print because of this last paragraph
Thor Freya
I love that dog it's a friendly dog and it'd be nice to see the dog in pedo he's a good guy and pet him
Me too
Zues caalol yeah that's him his name he's going to be himself and play his character that's funny he has only one more or less but people know him as this other name this is how it goes we can have a good time finally this has been misery for years and I think it's going to get the car and he's going to like it
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
💜Konoha 12 cuddle bugs💜
Pairings: All the konoha 12 members x reader
Warnings: Language. Just fluff. A little sexual. Very rare that I write innocent stuff but I’m in a cuddly cozy mood.
And all the images I used in this post I got from Pinterest on a page called Wattpad. IT IS NOT MY OWN. Pinterest didn’t give me much information about individual creators so if you’re familiar with one let me know and I can @ the creator
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The cuddliest cuddle bug in the world dattebayo.
You thought you really loved cuddles until you met Naruto. He really enjoys cuddling.
He usually gets all touchy and cozy with you when he’s feeling down or super tired. Ever since he met you napping or bedtime just doesn’t hit the same when he’s alone. You’re like his comfort.
You’ll be in the kitchen cooking dinner and hear him come home. He will usually give you a nice long hug and a kiss hello before excusing himself to shower, which gives you more time to finish cooking and prepare a plate for the two of you.
After a long day of training or a tiresome mission he wants nothing more than to be close to you. It’s kind of just a habit he picked up. You wonder if it has anything to do with his childhood. It probably has everything to do with it.
Before you even sit down he’s already patting his lap for you to come and sit with him and he doesn’t understand why you’re acting brand new. “Y/n what are you doing?”, he asks, watching you place your plate down and sit on the chair beside him. “It’s dinner time”, you reply, knowing exactly what’s coming next. “Why do you act like this baby?”, he sheepishly asks before patting his lap again. “Come sit here and stop messing around babe”. And you’ll give in like you always do to entertain his whining and give him soft kisses midst conversation.
When you’re done eating he will place his head on your chest and hold you close while you run your fingers through his tangled hair. And you two will just sit like this and talk about anything and everything before turning all the lights off and snuggling in bed.
Yes Naruto is always holding you throughout the night. He will even scoop you up and plop you right on top of him in the middle of his sleep, wrapping his arms and legs around you like you’re some kind of teddy bear.
You’re his teddy bear believe it.
Of course you can sit in his lap and cuddle while he’s pooping. Absolutely does not mind. Sometimes he’ll call out to you when he’s there or when he’s heading there. You’ll walk into the bathroom while he’s on the toilet and he’ll just pay his lap with that big stupid grin on his handsome face. Shit he’ll probably even let you hold his dick for him while he’s peeing but he hasn’t thought of that one yet. For now you can just hug him from behind.
Overall you love it too and wouldn’t change a thing about him. 10/10 best cuddles of your life.
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I wouldn’t say he’s a cuddle bug, more of a cuddle butterfly…if you catch him you catch him if not then you’ve missed him. That’s on you.
Usually feels bad about starting his day without cuddles from you. He’s so used to you snuggling into him every morning that he will wait for you to wake up or go back to sleep until you wake him up for some cuddles. He won’t ever admit it but it’s the perfect way to start his day.
He needs space when he’s feeling a little too warm though. He doesn’t like being touched or touching you when it’s super hot. It annoys him when your skin sticks together and then you have to separate like velcro.
He’s more the type who’s comfortable as long as your comfortable. He’s just going to lay there and you can use his body all you want lol.
He loves you but you gotta stop waking him up so early in the morning to ask for cuddles. He will just sleepily throw his arm over you and pull you close to him then he’s back to sleep.
He does things sometimes to tempt you into holding him or being held by him when he doesn’t feel like asking you. He’ll have a big stretch in front of you to get your attention, deeply hoping and praying that you’ll wrap your arms around him and snuggle into his chest. He totally wasn’t expecting it the first time he did that and now it’s his go to move and that always melts his heart.
He loves to lay his head on your lap or tummy during his afternoon naps. He didn’t request for you to join him during his cloud watching sessions but always complains about how lonely he gets up on the building. Therefore you’re there to massage his scalp while he watches the clouds, dosing into a blissful nap. You’ll nap with him when he’s in the mood to cuddle but when he has his head on your lap or tummy you just like to listen to him lightly snoring while reading or going through a few scrolls.
Hold him and snuggle your head into him , relaxes him when he’s up thinking in the middle of the night. You’re like medicine to him, he could swear it’s magic how you always help him feel better.
Shika is okay with you being in the bathroom with him and doesn’t mind you hanging around even when he’s pooping. He will let you hug him from behind while he’s peeing but that’s as far he will go with that. No sitting on his lap while he’s pooping. Just no. Why would you even want that?
8/10 because he needs to be more vocal about expressing his need for his partner.
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Knows that cuddling is the way to any woman’s heart so he’s always excited about the rewards that come with it.
Kiba’s the type who will pull you incredibly close to him to a point where you’d feel his boner pressing against you. Cuddles always turn into sex with Kiba. Cuddles before and after sex does him good when he needs it!
Please lay in top of him, mans lives to rub your back and ass. His very touchy and always does this whenever you hug him or lay on him. Dry humping is also something Kiba is a big fan of. If you let him dry hump you while you’re cuddling he won’t ever let you go.
He’s also very clingy and naturally follows you around the house, lightly holding your hand everywhere you go. He also loves sucking on your neck and maybe your breasts if you let him but he does that more for himself than to try and pleasure you. I mean, his mouth just feels so good all over you so naturally you usually end up with little orgasm from that. He’s so hard and rough when he does it without even realising, but when he finally has to stop he will give you the most gentle kisses all over your chest and neck area you’ll probably be asleep by the time he reaches your lips. You’re always scarred because you two are always cuddling which leads to him biting. He’s basically just as touchy with his mouth as he is with his hands. He just has to have something in this mouth, whether it’s a sweet or your skin, it’s very soothing to him.
You’re more than welcome to sit on his hap and hug him while he’s pooping. He loves how close you wanna be with him and starts hanging out with you when you’re using the bathroom.
10/10, you get great cuddles along with his interesting fetishes.
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One thing about Gaara is that you’ve gotta hold him when he sleeps at night. You either have your arms and leg wrapped around him as a big spoon or he’s got his arm wrapped around you and his thigh tucked between yours as a big spoon.
He loves those little hug sessions when you come into his office while he’s working and sit on his lap, resting your head on his while he snuggles your bosom. You’ll also just sit on him and snuggle into his chest while he works. He absolutely lives for you cuddles and hugs and looks forward to working from home all the time.
He’s so very gentle with you and loves it when you baby him. When you’re playing with his ear while he’s laying on you that puts him to sleep so good. Or fake draw on his back/ face. Puts him out every time.
Gaara is the type who loves to sleep with a handful of titty. He just needs your breast in his hand to even doze off. He’s also super touchy and likes slipping his hand under your shirt/skirt or inside your pants. He needs that skin on skin contact, especially when he’s feeling down. It’s completely non sexual, he just likes feeling your skin in the palms of his hands.
Yes you’re more than welcome to sit on his lap while he’s pooping. The first time you wanted to do that he got really shy and defensive but after getting to know you better he opened up to it and now he asks you to hold his dick when he’s peeing 💀
Please be dressed as minimally as possible. The more skin the better.
He’s much better than you at waking up when your alarm goes off, pressing the snooze button to spoon you and press lazy kisses against your shoulders, neck and back or face. That really helps you wake up and he gets to hold you at the start of the day. Hold him to please🥺 this is the hardest part about getting out bed.
10/10 very cute and cuddly.
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She won’t directly ask you for cuddles, she’ll just scoot closer and closer to you until you unconsciously put your arm around her.
She’s always moving around so you have to wrap her up in a blanket and hold her so she can actually keep still and fall asleep.
She’s definitely the little spoon. Loves all the cuddles and kisses you have to offer her. She loves sitting on your lap too, leaning into you and relishing your arms snuggly wrapping around her.
Go poop on your own. Stay tf out when she’s using the toilet. She’s very serious about her privacy.
Please play with her tits during cuddle time. She’s also a big booty rub fan. If you tweak her nipples a little she’ll start moaning in no time. She’s very sensitive and has a high sex drive so try your best to not awaken her sexual beast or she’ll end up needing all of you to sit still the rest of the time.
8/10 very cute and soft. Feels good to be held by her.
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I mean honestly if anything he’s really just happy to be involved. Look at his face bro. Simple man this one.
He’s so damn good at kissing and that’s usually all you do when you’re cuddle. Passionately making out. Beautiful.
His body is just so soft and cuddly, so it’s a bit of a challenge to not resort to doing just that after a long day of work.
No feeling better than your body against his. Just how calm and relaxed you are on him feels like a high he’s had before. He has mini panic attacks over thinking it when you’re upset with him. He’s mind will go from 0-700 in one thought but it helps him more than you could ever know to just hold him when you’re arguing or something like that. Like simply holding his hand or resting your head on his shoulder and random hugs during the day really keep him sane.
He doesn’t care if you’re hanging around while he’s pooping or peeing just please don’t touch him during this moment. Please and thank you.
Will seek you out during the day sometimes for a cozy ten minutes if your time. You use lunch as an excuse to steal him from work for a few minutes and he’ll use his ninja art dragon on anyone who dares to stand in his way.
Big yes to morning cuddles. Even though his friends have to shake him up a little to loosen away that lovey dovey mood you usually leave him in.
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Very kind woman but only opens up to cuddle after getting to know you. She takes things slowly so be patient with her.
Loves being cradled like a baby and also loves cradling you to sleep.
Big spoon all the way. Take it or leave it. Please take it🥺
She tends to clench her hands in fists when she’s asleep so please hold them and plant kisses on her palms every now and then. That would help her so much.
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How dare you let go of him!? How are you not touch him in this exact moment when your hands are perfectly fine to yourself.
Hugs 24/7 every day! He might even manage to outcuddle you.
Lee has quite the impressive size so you always feel him pressing against you while cuddling. You’ll scoot back into him if he’s spooning you but that’s as far as goes. He knows what you’re trying to do and won’t let you get anything. He’s teaching you discipline. Learn to control yourself!
He smells so good so you’re always snuggling into his chest just to inhale that naturally therapeutic aroma of his.
Cling to him!!! He will literally train with you wrapped around him like a vest. He’s done it before and is looking forward to the challenge of doing it again!
Loves snuggling into your chest area when your sitting on his lap. He’ll place random kisses there just because he loves you so much.
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Just woke up? Forehead kisses. Using the toilet with the door open? Forehead kiss. Just had an intense argument? Angry forehead kiss. It’s all forehead kisses with Shino☺️ now I want a kiss.
Very much vocal about his need to hold you. He’ll wake up in the middle of the night and search the whole house for you on one of your busy work nights. He’ll sleepy walk into your home office, his eyes squinting and nothing on but a pair of briefs. “Come back to bed please “, he will sleepily argue, reaching out his hand to you to emphasize on how this isn’t an option. He wants cuddles!!!
Holds hands when he sleeps. Doesn’t matter how the two of you are sleeping, he’s always gonna be holding your hand and if he doesn’t feel it in there with a small squeeze of his hand he’s going to instantly wake up. Hold his hand gotdamnit!🥺
Big fan of PDA and will always stand really close behind you or have his hand on your lap you’re hanging out with friends. Lives for the way you slowly lean in for a cuddle monster when it gets a little too cold. He needs the body heat just as much as you do.
Please plant small kisses all over his chest during tv and chill time. Please please please, he will love your forever!
Big hugs over here too! And did I forget to mention that he likes holding hands? Whenever or wherever just hold his hand so he can gently rub your knuckles and take in the fact that you exist.
10/10. So soft and comfortable to lay on
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Let’s you cuddle him
Just use his body and if hugging him for hours on end makes you happy he’s happy really.
Also is into forehead kisses. He’ll pull you into his coat and place three soft kisses on your face. One for your forehead and one for each cheek. He likes to save your lips for later.
You’ll just stand in his coat like that, waiting for him to finishing deeply inhaling and holding you. A creep if you will but he WILL NOT even admit to himself that your presence is addicting to him. Your cuddles? NEEDED! Your kisses? NEEDED! Back massages? NEEDED RIGHT NOW! Just love him without him having to ask basically
The biggest baby when the sun goes down. He wants you to feed him and give him kisses while running your hands though his hair. It happens a little too often for you to consider it being playful. This man is serious.
He also loves being pampered by you. The long warm baths you have with him and the way you choke on his dick right after is a blessing like no other to him.
Please wrap your arms around his head and hold him close, he loves this so much and will gladly wrap his arm around you to pull you closer to him.
He rubs your whole body when you’re snuggled up against him, including your ass and tits, giving them the best massage ever. After how good he has you feeling be ready for a small or big and very satisfying orgasm while he rubs on your puss a little.
He literally worships you.
10/10 such a sweet bean when he’s not around other people.
Sorry it ain’t no space for more people on here. Enjoy😀
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aquagustd · 3 years
soarin’ - KSJ
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❝take my hand to find your fantasy❞
↣ when you find out that your husband is hurting just as much as you, you realize that you’ve been thinking selfishly. And when you come forward with your doubts, he shows you how much he loves you.
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pairing — husband!seokjin x reader
genre/rating — R | crack, fluff, smut, slight angst
word count — 3.3K
play — soarin’ by bazzi
warnings/tags — established relationship au, vacation au, very sweet & patient jin, pregnant!reader, strong language, pregnancy mood swings, low self-esteem, body image insecurities (during pregnancy), explicit smut — hickeys, mild dirty talk, oral (f), face riding, nipple play, lactation kink, unprotected sex, spooning, cockwarming, creampie
a/n — Seokjin’s bday fic!!♡ this is part of an ot7 series I’m still working on.
Adjusting the button on your jeans, you sit back in the chair with an annoyed huff. What’s taking him so long? You were told to wait while he fetches another serving of waffles for himself, but it’s been nearly five minutes and he hasn’t returned yet. Finally, he comes around the corner holding a very large plate stacked with ice-cream and chocolate syrup. On his way to your table, he drops the spoons and rushes to pick them up from the ground, attracting the attention of a few girls sitting a table away from you. They giggle and whisper as they watch him like a cackle of hyenas. You shoot a sneer their way then direct it to your husband who sits across you. Cheeks puffed up goofily.
“What took you so long?”
He thrusts one of the spoons in your direction, “I was talking to the guy there. Have some.”
You shake your head, folded arms sitting on your belly, “no thanks.”
He clicks his tongue, “come on.”
“I had enough,” you mumble, gesturing to the spotless plate in front of you.
“I know how much you’ve been craving ice-cream recently,” he prods, waving the spoon in front of you which only irritates you more.
“I’ve been craving chocolate not—”
“That’s exactly why I got chocolate syrup! Just have some with me. I can’t finish this by myself.”
You cock an eyebrow, “you sure about that?”
He sighs, then sets down the spoon that you’ve been eyeing after you’ve seen him shove a hefty scoop into his mouth. After some deliberation, you decide to have a taste.
“Do you like my hat?” He asks after a beat of silence, pointing to his head proudly.
“It looks dumb.”
His eyes widen, pouting with indignation, “I got it for free.”
You roll your eyes, “I can tell.”
The girls from earlier pass your table laughing hysterically, their bikini-clad figures manoeuvring around your chair. You don’t miss the way one of them smiles in your husband’s direction, and not a friendly smile. He shoots her one of his own and you feel like sinking into your chair. Here you are scarfing down your second serving of ice-cream and waffles while size zero girls give your husband eyes.
A blob of syrup drips down from your spoon and decorates your white blouse in a nasty brown streak. You curse, grabbing a tissue to try and wipe it away.
“Let me help you,” Seokjin offers, leaning over the table to dab at the stain.
“Just stop,” you swat his hand away, “you’re only making it worse.”
After making peace with the fact that you’ll have to be walking around with a poop-like stain on your shoulder, you inform Seokjin that you would like to go back to the hotel. As if he’d let you go that easily.
“Why don’t we take a walk on the beach?”
You groan, already rising from your seat which is a task on its own.
He misinterprets your annoyance for pain and rushes to your side, grabbing your arm lightly.
“You okay? Take it easy,” he tries to help you up, but you shrug him off after realizing that his hand was gripping your arm. Where all the sweet treats you’ve indulged in over the past couple of months have collected.
“I’m fine.”
“How’s your leg now?”
You take a step away from him toward the exit, “it’s okay now.”
“Then let’s take a stroll on the beach,” he repeats, more wonder in his voice this time, “we only have two days left until we go back home.”
“Yay,” you deadpan. These past few days have been an inconvenience for you and nothing else. You’re nearing your third trimester and it’s been difficult for you to leave the comfort of your home. But Seokjin insisted that you take some a week off since you won’t have time once the baby is born.
He steers you in the direction of the beach with a hand on the small of your back, and you follow him with a sigh. You’re stubborn but so is he.
The sand in your toes, waves fizzing under your feet while others crash onto the rocks is all beautiful, however you can’t appreciate it fully. Seokjin grabs your hand, and you panic slightly, knowing how sweaty your hands have been these days. He doesn’t say anything all the way to the hotel and neither do you.
Silently making your way to the bathroom, you step into the shower and the miserable thoughts hit you with the first stream of water. Does he still find you attractive when you’re finding it hard to find beauty in yourself these days? He wakes up every morning to the sight of your puffy face which doesn’t deflate over time. He doesn’t kiss you anymore and you don’t either. Because you’re afraid that he doesn’t want to.
Your hands slide down to your stomach, compunction for your own thoughts rising in your throat. How did things turn out to be so blue when you were over the moon at first? You only have one person to blame, and that’s yourself. Perhaps you pushed him away. But if you rewind to the first time you felt lonely. It was the day he missed your first ultrasound because he was too busy with work. From then on, things got bleak. You know he apologized and had good reason, but here you are today. Bitter and exhausted.
Salty tears mix with the water beating against your face. Does he still love you the way you love him?
You’re making your way to the sitting room when you pause behind the door.
“It’s the same,” he mumbles into his phone speaker, rubbing his forehead with his eyes scrunched shut. He looks distressed. An emotion he doesn’t show easily.
“This trip was a bad idea. Things are worse with us, eomma.”
It feels as if your throat is constricting when you realize that he’s talking to his mother. Confiding in his mother. Most probably talking about you.
“It’s been months,” he complains, the tiredness in his voice evident, “I don’t know if I can.”
If he can what? You cover your mouth with your hand to muffle the sob that wracks your body.
“Eomma, you know I won’t do that. I can wait.”
With that he ends the call and readjusts his position on the couch, head hung between his shoulders as he stares out the window. An unknown expression on his face. One that has your heart twisting.
Not once did you stop to consider his feelings. As if you weren’t feeling terrible already. You feel disgusted now. Disgusted by your selfishness. You’ve been behaving like a child. You know that this is the side of him that he doesn’t let you see, but here it is now. The dejected crease between his brows, slumped shoulders, lips in a frown. You want to kick yourself.
Hand on your belly, you expose yourself from behind the door and pad across the tile. Like a mask, a smile snaps onto his face when he sees you approaching, smoothing his brown locks over his head.
Before you stepped out of the bedroom, you made sure that you looked presentable, but you aren’t too sure what you look like now. The way his eyes snap to your own gives you an idea.
“What’s wrong? Come sit here,” he pats the space next to him which you take tentatively.
He leans back on the armrest, wearing a black vest and shorts. If this were a few months ago you would’ve hopped onto his lap and told him that he looks sexy. You don’t want to risk crushing him now.
“I—” Your voice cracks and he springs closer to you, palm sliding across your back.
“Hey, hey. What’s going on?”
You know you should’ve done this a long time ago. A lot of things sit heavy on your shoulders, but now that it’s time for you to say it, you don’t know how.
“I’m an idiot,” is what you get out finally, rubbing at your eyes furiously.
He nudges your shoulder with his, chuckling, “if you’re an idiot, then so am I.”
You pout at him, “yes you are.”
A wave of goosebumps erupt on your skin when he runs the back of his hand across your cheeks.
“Do you want a snack?”
You jolt away from him, “no! You need to stop feeding me!”
His lips part, yelling on top of your voice, “why? I’m feeding you and our baby!”
“No,” you cry, more tears brimming your eyes, “just stop it!”
He shakes his head frantically, “that’s not an answer!”
Your voice shakes, “I don’t want to tell you!”
“Then I won’t stop feeding you!”
“You eat and eat and eat but I’m gaining weight for the both of us!”
Realization dawns on his features, voice a little softer, “jagiya…our baby needs to be strong.”
You say nothing, just accept his shoulder to cry into when he pulls you toward him. He hushes you with soft kisses into your hair.
“I’m sorry,” you whine, unable to stop the tears from falling, “for everything.”
“It’s okay,” he soothes, “stop crying now. It’s bad for you.”
It takes you a while before you manage to get yourself together, you’re enjoying being in his arms. After months of minimal contact, you feel starved of his touch and scent.
“You don’t even…kiss me,” you sniffle, lifting your head to see him wear a sorrowful smile, “or touch me, or hug me.”
“Well, I wouldn’t even try any of that since all you’ve been doing is growl at me,” he complains, tugging you closer to have your legs draped over his lap, “I did try.”
Knotting your fingers behind his head, you nod defeatedly, “I’m sorry I just—”
“Hormones,” he smiles, shaking his head dismissively, “I understand.”
You nudge your forehead against his, heart bursting when he pecks your cheek lightly. His hand brushes your thigh and you jerk away reflexively, feet falling against the carpet. The same thoughts from earlier return. It’s like you can’t enjoy anything with him anymore. Something as simple as his touch.
He clears his throat, hands set in his lap now, “can I tell you something?”
“But you’re gonna have to come closer.”
Puzzled, you return to your place next to him and tilt your head in his direction. Shivering slightly when his breath brushes your ear.
“Do you know how beautiful I think you are?”
You click your tongue, cheeks warming when his voice drops an octave and he holds you in place, chest pressing into your side.
“I’m serious, I’ve never found you this sexy before,” he whispers, and for the first time, his hand comes down to rest on your belly, “carrying our baby.”
You swallow thickly, preparing yourself to look up into his eyes, finding nothing but unadulterated desire in them. You blink, tipping your chin up for him to kiss you already but his eyes flicker somewhere behind you and he pulls away.
“But I should’ve tried harder, I’m sorry.”
Grabbing his cheeks between your palms, you reconnect his gaze to yours, “stop apologizing. It’s all me.”
He encircles your waist with his arms, “this is natural for you. I was being an ass.”
You giggle, nudging your nose with his as your hands rest on his broad shoulders, sadness replaced with lust.
“How can I make it up to you?”
In response, you pucker your lips. Sticking them out as much as you can for him to get the hint. He raises an eyebrow then tilts his head, while you’re keeping your eyes open just because you love seeing him lick his lips before they slot into yours. Your hands fit into his hair, eyes falling shut when his tongue slides across your bottom lip which then clashes with your own. A sloppy dance between your lips until you break apart for air, heart stuttering in your chest.
You yelp when he lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bedroom bridal style. Suddenly shy under his gaze, you bury your face in his neck. He tuts, squeezing your thighs gently. You’re in mild shock that he can still pick you up, although his face is tinged with pink. But that might be for another reason.
He lays you down on the soft sheets and settles between your legs, only the lewd smacking sounds of your lips can be heard. A soft moan tumbles from your lips when he licks the sensitive skin under your ear then moves lower, nipping and suckling your flesh into his mouth which will surely blossom into bright reds and purples.
Pulling away slightly, he holds eye contact as he tugs on the belt of your dressing gown which falls apart to expose your bare breasts. You gasp when the cool air hits your pebbled nipples, reaching up to kiss his plush lips again.
His kisses become urgent, heated, enough to have a pool of slick collecting in your panties and when he cups one of your mounds in his palm, thumb rolling over your perked bud, your toes curl into the sheets, legs slipping further apart.
“Look at these perfect tits,” he groans, eyes glued to your full breasts that spill from both his hands which knead the flesh greedily. You’re sticking out your chest for more of his touch, freezing when his gaze returns to your face.
“Do you think you’re…?”
You shake your head weakly, “I don’t know.”
He dips his head, speaking around a mouthful of your meat, “guess I’ll have to check.”
Your pussy throbs when he suckles on your nipples harshly, mouth hanging open as his tongue flicks against the skin, your other nipple caught between his fingers. Twisting and tugging at the erect bud, ensuing a chorus of moans from your swollen lips.
“Nice and full with milk, why don’t you give me some, hmm?”
He moves across your chest to nip at your other sore nipple, large palm massaging the flesh. You’re watching him with rapt attention, unable to tear your gaze away from him. You could come alone from the sight of his pink lips wrapped around your throbbing nipples, stomach flipping in on itself when his clothed cock presses into your thigh.
His tongue blankets your areola, the other flushed under his calloused fingers, relentless with the motion. He continues to spill dirty words you’ve never heard him say before and it’s driving you to insanity.
Abruptly, he snaps away from your mounds and kneels between your legs, ripping off your underwear along with his shorts and vest.
You glance at him confusedly when he lays down next to you, “what?”
“Sit on my face,” he husks, leaning forward to place a lingering kiss on your lips then grabbing your hand, guiding you to a seated position.
Your heartrate speeds up, nipples fizzing when he tugs on them again as you’re hovering over his torso.
“I…I can’t. I don’t want to hurt you.”
His cock stands tall against his toned stomach, leaking onto his tanned skin which has you salivating for a taste. You don’t know which you want more; him in your mouth or pussy. You’re still hesitating, even after he assures that it’d be okay.
“I’m too heavy.”
“Fuck if you don’t sit on my face right now. I will—” that’s all the warning you get before he pulls you onto his awaiting mouth, blunt fingernails digging into your thighs as he slurps up all your juices.
Losing your balance for a moment, you fall back and grab the sheets, rendered motionless when he flattens out his tongue and drags it up your folds. Your clit is sensitive, pulsating when he sucks on it lewdly, groaning into your cunt that continues to leak all over his face.
“Hold on to the headboard,” he instructs, lips and chin drenched in your cum. You lean forward and grip the wood with both hands, “good girl, now move your hips. Grind on my tongue.”
Gaze locked on his, a thrill runs up the length of your spine at the serious tone in his voice. He nips the skin of your inner thigh, before he rolls out his tongue for you to perch onto.
“Ah fuck,” you cry out, snapping your hips into his face only for his tongue to lave over your leaking hole. His nose nudges your clit repeatedly, the sensation shooting along every inch of your body.
Your belly obstructs most of your view of his face, but you’re seeing the fire swirling in his dark orbs, mouth working you passionately until your thighs tremble. Fingers keeping you in a bruising hold over his face, he wiggles his tongue into your quivering hole, sliding along your walls while you’re grinding on his face shamelessly, chasing your high with loud squeals of his name. An overwhelming wave of heat covers your skin and you burst into his mouth, slowing down the movement of your hips tiredly as his tongue presses into your folds, slurping up every last drop.
He helps you off his face while you flop down on the bed tiredly, intertwining your fingers as he rolls onto his side behind you.
“You’re my favorite dessert,” he susurrates, wet lips sliding over the side of your face.
You’re trying to stay awake with his rock-hard cock fitting between your ass cheeks, but you’re exhausted, still spasming into him.
You yawn, “a bit. I’m sorry.”
He kisses your shoulder, “we’ve done a lot of walking today. It’s okay.”
Lifting your leg up slightly, you jut your ass back into him, reaching over to grab the base of his cock and direct it to your entrance.
“Wha—” one of the most heavenly sounds you’ve ever heard echoes in the room when his cock slips into your pussy.
Your heartbeat accelerates with the stretch, walls wrapping around him snugly just as his arms press you into his sweaty chest. After a while, your breathing evens out and you find fatigue falling over you once again. Your husband whispers sweet nothings in your ear, calloused hands running over the globe that is your stomach, cock buried deep inside you.
Through your sleepy haze, you realize that he isn’t talking to you, but the human growing inside you.
“We can’t wait to meet you. I know I said I wanted a boy, but it doesn’t matter to me anymore. I love you so much.”
You hear him shift behind you, so you pretend to be asleep, heart lurching in your chest when he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“You’re so lucky, you have such a beautiful mum. I love her very much so you better not give her a hard time, hmm?”
Stifling a laugh, you roll over to face him dramatically, arms fitting around his neck. You feel his cock shifting inside you and he grunts, lips skimming your forehead.
Hooking your leg over his hip, you kiss along his jaw and crack your eyes open to find him staring at you fondly.
“I love you,” he says finally, flexing his hips into you while you’re doing the same, so lost in the heat of his gaze.
Lip tucked between his teeth, he spills into you with a drawn-out groan, thrusting shallowly as your walls quiver around him. You feel his cum trickle down your thighs as his limp cock falls out of you, your hands twisting in his hair.
Skin to skin isn’t enough for you, your soul is his. Just as his is yours. And you don’t want to ever move on from this moment, when you feel like nothing else exists except you, him and the product of your love. A tear slips from your eye which he is quick to wipe away, a question on his lips which you kiss away.
“I love you too. So much.”
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a/n — I AM SO SOFT DON’T TOUCH ME 😭 if you liked this, leave a comment/reblog or an ask if you’re shy.
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© aquagustd 2021 do not copy/repost/translate
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Noctis Lucis Caelum- Anything For You
More Final Fantasy content....YYYYYYAAAAYY
“Good girl.” you smiled as the yellow feathered Chocobo ate from your hand. “Eat up, you need your energy.” you scratched the top of her head as she squawked gratefully.
“Y/N are you still here?” the farmhand, Faye emerged from the stables to find you. “Do you not have any other plans?”
“Trust me.” you began to laugh. “I’d much rather scoop up giant bird poops than deal with my personal life right now...or lack thereof.”
“Well isn’t that somethin- Is that the crown prince I see?” she looked past you which made you follow her eyes. “It is?! Prince Noctis on my Chocobo farm. Quick! How do I look?” 
“Like a farmer.” you laughed in reply. “Perhaps get the shit off your boots.”
“Damnit! I should have worn my new ones.” She began wiping the bottoms of her shoes against the grass. 
“Faye, he’s just a prince. I don’t know what’s so great about him anyways.” you rolled your eyes. “He seems like an asshole from what I’ve seen of him.”
“You’ve never even met him.” she put her hands on her hips. “Maybe you’ll like him!”
“Sure, whatever you say, Faye.”  you laughed. “That’ll happen.”
“Ugh why are we here anyways?” Noctis rolled his eyes as Ignis pulled up to the famous Chocobo farm.
“Because!” Prompto snapped in reply. The blond male didn’t even wait for the car to fully stop before he jumped out. “The eggs are supposed to be hatching today and I want to be the first to capture a picture of those featherless faces!”
“Of course.” he scoffed. Noctis liked Chocobos, sure. He just didn’t think an idea of a good Saturday morning was to spend the day at a bunch of dirty, smelly, stables, for a bunch of unhatched eggs no less. “Great.”
“I suggest you fix your face, the farmhand is here.” Gladio grunted, hopping out of the car. “Wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings.”
“Whateve-” Noctis turned his head towards the loud squawking when his eyes landed on you. You were feeding a random Chocobo while talking to that farmgirl who ran the stables. “Woah.” he felt his heart flutter. Who were you?! He heard you laugh from where he was and felt his heart stop. Your laugh, it was beautiful.
“Yo? Who is that girl?” Noctis scrambled out of the car, nearly falling on his face. He tried desperately to fix himself up. “Specs?”
“I believe she frequents the shops not too far from here.” Ignis replied in his usually cool manner. “I believe she is also a friend of that Dino character we run into from time to time.”
“No way. Her?! Friends with that-” Noctis shook his head in disbelief. He found it impossible to walk forward. Gravity was stopping him. He didn’t even notice everyone else walking ahead of him. He had never seen you around before but he wished he had. “Woah....”
You were still chatting with Faye when a group of guys ran up. One of them held a camera and looked as if he were about to explode. You had no time to register the camera flash. Good think he captured your good side.
“I AM HERE FOR THE EGGS!” he declared. His abrasiveness surprised you. Was he talking about the new hatchlings? 
“Ummm-” Faye looked scared. “You here to volunteer?”
“Heck yeah I am!” he explosive blonde looked as if he was about to piss himself from excitement. “I WANT TO HOLD YOUR CHOCOBOS!”
“Alright! Keep your pants on. Follow me. Y/N, you’ll be good here right?” Faye asked, seemingly frightened by the giddy young man. 
“Yeah.” you stifled a laugh. “I’ll be just fine here.” you shook your head as the man ran full force for the stables. You were about to go about your business when a black haired boy stumbled up to you. “For a royal, you’re pretty clumsy.” you stifled laughter.
“Huh?!” he looked taken aback. “You know who I am?”
“...I mean aren’t I supposed to?” you turned back towards the Chocobo. “Prince Noctis?” you tried to hold in your distaste, but he caught up on it instantly.
“Is there an issue with me-”
“As a matter of fact there is. Don’t think I didn’t notice that face you were making when you pulled up with your friends.” you cut him off. “Big and bad prince man can’t be seen around a few Chocobos?”
“Oh, no that’s not it at all.” Noctis tried to explain himself in the best way he could. 
“Then what exactly is it?” you turned towards him again. “I mean really?”
“Okay so I admit my attitude isn’t the best-”:
“So you admit it?” you held back harsh laugh. “Hm, It’s a start.” you shrugged.
“I mean, you aren’t really giving me a fair chance. You only know me from the papers.” he explained. “You don’t really know me as a person. For all I know you could be a stalker.”
“I am no a stalker!” you looked him up and down. 
“I wouldn’t know that.” he winked. “So maybe we both have it all wrong.”
“And what do you wanna do to fix that, go on a date or something?” you scoffed.
“Yes!” he replied honestly. “Let me prove I’m not some asshole!”
“Is it that imperative that you go out of your way to prove to me that you aren’t an asshole?” you raised a brow.
“Yes!” he nodded quickly.
You boredly sat at the restaurant table. He was late. 15 minutes to be exact. 
“I knew this was a load of-” you prepared yourself to stand up when a man frantically rushed in.
“I’M HERE!” Noctis yelled, grabbing the attention of the other patrons. He practically fell into the chair right across from you. 
“Nice of you to show.” you sat back down. You decided to humor this guy. “Care to explain?”
“Sorry! Stupid Prompto gave me the wrong address and...woah...” he nearly drooled all over the place seeing you in your tight black dress. “You look...amazing.”
“Sure I do.” you scoffed. “I’m sure I still have dried up chocobo shit in my hair,” you turned away from him, feeling your insecurity creep up on you, tons more than usual. “But thank you.” you relaxed in your chair.
“No I mean it! Even when I saw you...I thought you were beautiful.” he expressed.
“Really?” you paused to look him in the eye. 
“Really.” he smiled. “You’re the best looking girl here.” 
“I definitely don’t believe that...but thank you.” you said shyly. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. 
“What about that one?” you pointed to a random star.
“That one, there’s a legend that it’s a parallel version of this world.” 
You both sat at the edge of the lake, staring into the moonlit sky. After dinner, Noctis had taken you to the docks on Galdin Quay. 
“No way. “You stared at the star in wonder. “How many worlds do you think there are?”
“Infinite, my dad says so.” Noctis replied. “All different versions of us doing different things.” he smiled to himself. “Maybe there’s a version of me that...is actually proud to be a prince.” he glowered. 
“Maybe there’s a version of me whose the royal instead.” you nudged him. That made him chuckle a bit. 
“If that’s the case...I’d be happy to bow down to you.” he flirted. He looked back at the sky. “Try that one.” he pointed.
“I know that one.” you beamed a little. “There’s a legend called the Lover’s Star, if a couple sees it on their first date...they’ll be together forever.” you mused romantically. It was only then you had realized your fingers had laced into Noctis’s. 
“Maybe today was our lucky day.” he winked. After a second of silence, you decided to confess.
“I was wrong about you.” you said honestly a while. “I think you’re pretty amazing, Noct.” you chuckled. 
“So...” he smiled deviously. “Are ya gonna say I’m sorry?” he mocked.
“You wish. You’re still a stuck up prince to me...you’re just not an asshole prince.” you stuck your tongue out at him. “You’re not like most guys around here.” you shyly looked away from him you dug your toes into the sand. 
“Well I’m not from around here.” he replied. “You’re different from everyone around here. You’re not all into me because I’m The Prince Noctis- that’s all I want. I want someone to see me for who I am...not what I am.”
You shyly kicked your legs in the water, looking at the ripples in the water.. “I’m glad I could be that person for you Noctis.” you smiled.
“Guess this means you’re gonna be part of my team now?” he bit his lip. “You’ll be my...ummm...I’ll think of something.”
“I look forward to it.” you giggled. 
“Hm for now...come here.” he winked, gently holding the side of your face. Noctis kissed you. You felt your senses go off. You instantly grabbed his face, kissing him back.
You fell back on the hotel bed, refusing to disconnect from a feverish prince throwing himself at you. He kissed you with urgency, as if you would disappear before his eyes. He tore a rip up your dress hastily. 
Your tongues clashed together as you kissed, the air was getting heavy. You helped Noctis out of his jacket. Your dress had turned to ribbons and your panties weren’t too far behind. 
“N-noctis..” you hissed, feeling his hands explore every inch of your body.
“You feel even better than I imagined you would.” he kissed your bare stomach. “You’re so beautiful.” he moaned. It was like you were the goddess, the royal, and he was the peasant.
You felt shy under his gaze. He stared up at you, biting his lip. “I don’t think I can wait...” he groaned. “A-are you okay with this?”
“God, yes.” you mewled as he kissed your thighs. 
“I wanna worship you.” he moaned, ghosting his lips over your center. You shyly stared down at Noctis who looked up at you with a shit eating grin. 
He sunk his tongue into you, lashing against your pussy. You instantly grabbed a fist full of his hair. You and him both were a mess. Hisses and prolonged moans escaped your lungs along with his name. You were sure the people in the next room could hear you. 
Noctis crawled over you again, a predatory glare in his eyes. He bit his lip, staring down at you. “You’re so fucking cute...”
“I’d do anything for you.” he moaned against your lips. “I’ll take care of you for the rest of my life.” he whimpered, his thrusts growing sloppily. He bucked his hips rhythmically, your bodies moving and grinding in sweet friction. His cock twitched inside of you as he grew near his release, but he wanted to wait. He wanted to cum to the sounds of your cries and screams. ”Gonna make you my queen and w-we’ll rule together until our hearts give out baby. F-FUUUCCKK.”
“Noctis.” you croaked. Hearing his words in your ear made you hiss in delight. This alone caused him to dig his nails into your sides and thrust even deeper into your heat. You didn’t know what else do you but let a stream of cries escape your lungs. 
“I love it when you say my name.” he grunted. “Say it again.”
“N-noctis.” your insides lurched as you tightened around his length. “I wanna- I’m gonna-”
“Again.” he barked. “Never stop saying my name. Never say another man’s name!” he sank his teeth into the crook of your neck. “You’re mine, baby. You’re all mine.” he growled.
“Noctisss.” you arched your back. “F-fu-” you whimpered, at the impact. “S-shit!”
Noctis yanked himself from you, spraying his cum all over your stomach. Shortly before, you came too, feeling your water run down your leg. He fell forward, burying his head into your neck. “Baby, I’d fucking do everything for you.”
You shook under his body, whimpering at his gentle touches. You felt him kiss your need lovingly as you both drifted off to sleep.
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