#i vote steve or dustin
Put him in the Tardis.
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so...who’d be his companion?
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
so essentially i’m the father (steve), son (dustin), & holy spirit (eddie). iconic
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Steve lowkey earning himself a reputation for liking guys and girls before he even realizes he does because he keeps interjecting and giving his own answer every time someone tries to ask Robin about guys
At first no one thinks anything of Steve’s interruption and answer when Nancy asks “what even is your type?” quite clearly to Robin and Steve immediately answers “I like girls that are way smarter than me” and everyone just assumes he’s interrupting to hit on Nancy and not to deflect
Then later someone insists some guy was flirting with Robin and she should go for it and Steve immediately goes “Are you kidding me? Robin’s way out of his league. Besides, I had a class with him and he mentioned his stamp collection in it like eight times. Do you really think she wants to sit around and pretend to be impressed by hundreds of stamps?” Still no one thinks much of it yet and if anything they think Steve might be jealous or might just have standards for who they should set her up with
It’s not until it becomes a habit of him answering questions meant for Robin that people start to think there’s a reason, but it’s not Robin they’re onto
Like when they’re having a movie night and Max is going on and on about a shirtless character while Lucas is totally unfazed but Dustin complains and El says which character she liked more and then Max turns to Nancy to break the tie and say which guy is dreamier and Nancy casts her vote, then turns to look over at Robin and ask which guy she’d go for and Steve knows who the question is for but hey he’s sitting right next to Robin so Nancy’s looking in his direction and too and she didn’t say Robin’s name, so Steve doesn’t even hesitate before dropping the name of a character and making sure he keeps the focus off of Robin and keeps everyone distracted from dragging her into that debate by immediately backing it up by saying that Max is right and giving even more reasons to choose him
But even after that, that’s mostly forgotten by the time the older group is drinking and Eddie suggests they play a drinking game and normally Steve would be all over any suggestions, but he turns down truth or dare because he knows how uncomfortable Robin would be and doesn’t want her having to choose between awkwardly lying and deflecting or doing dares she’s not comfortable with or potentially outing herself so he at least manages to change it to never have I ever because that’s a safer bet when he knows Robin hasn’t done anything with any girls
But then Steve ends up drinking significantly more than anyone else while Robin and Eddie are hardly drinking so they end up switching games and somehow they end up playing fuck, marry, kill except Nancy has no interest in getting married or discussing it and she says there’s been enough death in Hawkins and it would be more fun to play with the options as sleep with, kiss, slap. And the game is already started before anyone can ask why marry got changed to kiss and before drunk Steve can figure out how to discretely convince everyone not to. The game goes fine at first with Argyle asking Jonathan about three girls from California. It goes alright when Jonathan asks Eddie about three girls. Steve gets a little concerned when Eddie turns his attention on Nancy that he’ll put Jonathan and him in the list right in front of Jonathan, but Eddie is sober enough still that he at least has enough tact not stir the pot and blow things up on her first turn by throwing them both in in front of them
But then Nancy goes to give Robin a turn and she’s looking right at her and lists the three guys there other than Steve (possibly because she believes Robin on the platonic with a capital P thing and possibly because she doesn’t want to find out if that would waver) so of course Nancy thinks it’s clear that she must be talking to the only other girl there. And before Robin can even try to think of what lie would be the most convincing and least likely to start any awkwardness or drama, Steve’s already jumping in with “Well, I already hit Jonathan and that didn’t go well for me, so I’ll give him a break. And this situation” (gesturing between himself and Nancy and Jonathan) “is finally starting to feel normal so I don’t need to make that awkward all over again by sleeping with your boyfriend. So kiss Jonathan.” And Nancy and Jonathan are looking at him so confused and Robin is grateful for the interruption and relieved but also kind of amused by the level of thought he’s putting into it instead of just throwing out names however. Argyle’s not fazed at all and just waiting to see what he’ll get. Eddie goes from deer in the headlights startled to leaning forward with his elbow on his knee and his chin resting in his hand waiting to see where this will go to abruptly sitting up again and trying to look less interested while his leg nervous bounces and he tries to figure out if Steve is giving a detailed answer to this as a joke or because he’s putting genuine thought into the idea of being with a guy
Steve looks between Eddie and Argyle for a moment, then focuses on Argyle and is like “Sorry, I hardly know you and getting dragged into hitting Eddie or standing around and watching Tommy do it without making any move to stop him is exactly the kind of douchebag bullshit I would have pulled in high school. So I guess slap you and have sex with Eddie.” Eddie’s drink goes down the wrong way when Steve adds “Plus, guitar players are supposed to be good with their hands, right?” and he tries to play it off and not react to the fact that Steve Harrington just said he’d have sex with him and that he thinks Eddie would be good in bed even if it was just in the context of some stupid game. Meanwhile Argyle’s just like “Nah, that’s cool dude. I get it. I would have slapped you too if the roles were reversed.”
After that, a few people start wondering a little more seriously if Steve is into guys too and had his guard down while drinking. But Eddie isn’t going to press his luck without clear evidence and everyone else isn’t going to push it so they just silently wonder a little more every time Steve interjects in the girl talk with his own opinion once again
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estrellami-1 · 9 months
First Cuts
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
“Alright, shithead,” Steve says fondly, rolling his eyes at Eddie. “Get here safe, alright? Over.”
“Can do. Over and out,” Dustin replies smugly.
Steve raises his brows at Eddie, who smirks. “It’s his tone, right?”
Steve laughs. “Always is.”
Robin had just left—something about family obligation that she couldn’t and didn’t actually want to get out of—but Eddie had stayed. Steve can’t deny it makes something burn brightly in his chest, warming up his whole body.
Steve turns to the kitchen, moving to nervously start making something. He wants to tell Dustin, but he’s man enough to admit he’s worried about what Dustin will think.
“Hey, Steve?” Eddie asks, just as he reaches the counter.
“Why’d you call me?” His voice is quiet, unsure. “I mean… Robin’s your soulmate, shouldn’t she have been the first person you told?”
Steve sighs and moves to the bar to take a seat. “Maybe,” he admits honestly. “But I called you because you’re a good listener, even when I’m not saying much of anything at all. You know how to read between the lines without going down an anxiety spiral like Robin would. And when I’m already anxious, I don’t need something else anxious to keep me there. And you’re calming. I like having you here.”
“Oh,” Eddie says.
Steve thinks they’re both blushing. He’s not willing to look up at Eddie to find out. “Yeah.”
“You, uh.” Eddie clears his throat. “You can call whenever. If you want. If you’re anxious, or just nervous, or just. Want someone there. You can call me.”
“Thanks,” Steve whispers, and they lapse into silence again.
His fingers start to itch, so he hops down from the stool and moves to open the fridge. “What’re you in the mood for? Sandwich?”
“Sure,” Eddie says, and it feels like an olive branch. “You know what I like.”
Dustin arrives not too much later, dumping his bike on the lawn and barging into the house and nosing around things that aren’t his. “Hey, dipshit,” Steve calls, hands covered in mayonnaise, “nose outta my stuff! Come get a sandwich.”
“Ooh,” Dustin calls back, “Turkey and mayo?”
“And mustard, you heathen,” Steve fires back. “Come and get it.”
No response. A minute later he walks in slowly, looking at a sheet of paper. “Uh. Steve?”
Steve hums, looks at him, and freezes before consciously exhaling, long and slow. “Yeah. That’s why I called you over here.” He wipes his hands on a towel, rounds the counter to Dustin. “I applied a while ago, didn’t think anything of it. But it’s…” he pauses, isn’t sure he can do it. Glances at Eddie, sees his encouraging nod, and takes a breath. “It’s a cosmetology school. I wanna do hair.”
Dustin’s silent for another long minute. Steve and Eddie are eyeing each other, unsure if this is a good or bad reaction. Finally, “Huh,” he says. “Okay, yeah, that makes total sense. I just don’t know how I missed it.”
Steve takes a breath. “Not everything’s about you, kid,” he says affectionately, rubbing his hair and stealing his acceptance letter back. “So, you think I can do it?”
“Well, you’re great with hair,” Dustin reasons. “You helped me with mine for the Snow Ball. And yours always looks great. And it’s actually noticeable when Robin lets you do hers. And you actually do like people, when they’re not being idiots, and you get to talk to people all day too. So yeah, I think this is kinda perfect for you, Steve.”
“Oh,” Steve says, blinking at Eddie, wide-eyed. He can tell by Eddie’s expression that neither of them had expected that. “Well,” he says, voice tight, and pulls Dustin into a side hug. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @mischivarien @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @muricel @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
Fic Taglist: @wonderland-girl143-blog @gloomysoup @finntheehumaneater @lydslove
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
a warm horizon
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this was the second most voted from this poll, hope you enjoy! springtime with steve | fem!reader, 1k
"I'm telling you, it swelled up to the size of a...a...golf ball. No, a baseball. Right on my wrist, which made it impossible to actually play baseball for like, two weeks. " Steve's hands gesticulate wildly as he pantomimes something much larger than a baseball appearing at the base of his thumb. You look down at where his head rests in your lap and she that his eyebrows are furrowed in genuine angst. "And it hurt. So, yeah, excuse me if I swat at a bee when I see one."
"Swatting at them just makes them mad," you tell him, leaning back on your hands and casting your gaze to the blue sky. You should have brought your sunglasses. Silly boy, you think. Afraid of bees, of all things. 
"Swatting at them gets them away from me for long enough to run back to the safety of my car."
The spring breeze blows through the now-green grass of the hill and catches one of the edges of your blanket, flipping it over. You can't bring yourself to move to fix it. "And you'll abandon me?"
"Sorry, babe," Steve says. You look down again to find him grinning at you. His eyes sparkle in the sunshine."They don't come after you like they do me. I'm like honey, or something."
You flick his nose and he swats at you as if you're the offending insect."No idea why, since I'm much sweeter than you."
Steve pouts and you laugh. "Brutal. You're hanging out with Dustin too much."
You lower yourself to your elbows and then your back so that you're just as sprawled on the blanket as he is. "S'what you get for abandoning me to nature, Steve." Huge, fluffy clouds amble across the sky above you. Everything seems more beautiful, more alive during the first few weeks of spring. Everyone laughs a little louder and walks around with a spring in their step. 
"I wouldn't actually abandon you," Steve says. "You might have to defend me, though. I'm serious, I think I'm allergic or something."
"I can do that," you say. "I'll protect you from the big, bad bees." Steve snorts. 
"Alright, alright, I get it. They're just bugs." You reach down blindly to slide your hand into his hair as a somewhat sincere apology for making fun of him. He does handle pretty much every other critter fairly well -- he is a little freaked out by butterflies but lets you stop him when you see one on your walks. He catches fireflies with the kids and even takes spiders outside if you ask him to. But your handsome, brave, incredible boyfriend isn't at his best this time of year. 
"How's your hay fever?" you ask, eyes closing to enjoy the sunshine. On cue, he sniffs. 
"Fine. The new pill I got at the pharmacy last week doesn't make me sleepy, which is nice." But then he sneezes. "Shit." He sneezes again.
"I have tissues in my bag." The weight of his head disappears from your lap and you hear him rummage through your things. He'll be fine in a few weeks when everything stops blooming but until then you try to carry around anything he might need.
"Don't open your eyes," he says. "This is gross." It sounds more like "gwoss" as he blows his nose. 
"Oh, you think I don't find my snotty boyfriend cute?" Steve ignores you and settles back on top of you, his head higher up on your stomach this time. He likes to feel you breathe.
"Spring is bullshit," he says without any real venom. 
"It's not all bad," you chastise him. "The sun is nice. Your hair will get lighter if we spend enough time out here."
He hums. "Well, I do get to see more of your legs." You feel his hand squeeze your thigh. 
"Steve!" He's impossible. You tilt your chin so you can see him only to find him grinning up at you just like before, only now his nostrils are a little red. He is still so handsome it makes your chest ache. "You know very well you get to see them whenever you want."
"Don't I know it." You look away but feel his eyes on you still.
"You're extra pretty in the spring," he says. "Just...happier. Lighter." Your face feels hot. It's disarming, sometimes, the way that Steve talks about you. Not only to you with compliments, but to other people. He tells old ladies in the grocery store about promotions you get at work and loudly sings your praises in rooms full of people. You took him shopping last week and when you came out of the dressing room in a new pair of jeans he asked the sales girl how she felt to have the prettiest girl in the world in her store. 
He's embarrassing and you love him so much. 
"You're extra pretty in the spring," you fire back. He reaches for your hand. 
You squeeze and he squeezes back. "I guess we're the greatest looking couple alive."
"Guess so." You wonder if you could fall asleep out here. 
"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?"
"We're on pickup duty at 4," you remind him. "But I'm happy to stay here for a little while longer." From your spot on the hill, it's easy to imagine that the rest of the world doesn't exist. It's just you and the boy you love on this blanket, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the sun after a long winter. There are things you have to do, of course, and other people you love who you want to see. But it's nice to pretend, even for just a little bit.
"Me too," Steve says softly. 
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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cherubharrington · 2 years
Here with you
Steddie x reader
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The boys knew something was going on between you, Eddie and Steve. They could see it from a mile away. Lucas was the first out of the bunch to bring it up to the older boys. Maybe they’ll be honest.
“So, you guys and y/n?” He asked, he knew it wasn’t a three way kind of thing. Only that the two boys had a thing for you. But he wanted to milk out as much as he could. Both boys looked at each other then at the younger boys in front of them.
“What about her?” Eddie asked, almost defensively. Oops, wrong way to approach this situation.
“Uh- just we noticed you guys have a-.”
“Jesus Christ, we know you both have a thing for her.” Dustin said bluntly. Mike hit Dustin on the shoulder and Dustin just shrugged. He wasn’t one to hold back and he wasn’t going to do that in this situation either.
“Uh-.” Steve said.
“You don’t have to tell us.” Will said, he didn’t like this. He felt like it was heading in unwanted territory. Eddie had been quiet before this now he felt the need to speak up.
“No no, what are you guys trying to ask? If we’re in a relationship together because we’re not. We just- we don’t know who she would pick if she had to.” Eddie said, he sounded anxious. Eddie Munson wasn’t the anxious type. Maybe in high stake situations but this wasn’t that.
“What do you mean pick?” Nancy and Robin had entered the room and looked between all the boys. Jonathan and Argyle close behind, Steve closed his eyes and put his hand on his temple.
“Pick what? Who’s picking?” Robin asked after Nancy. Eddie put his face in his hands. The younger boys recoiled at the way the older kids reacted. This wasn’t how they wanted to get information on the situation.
Before they knew it, Max and Eleven walked into the room. They were laughing at something they said to each other. Then they saw how everyone in the room looked.
“You guys okay?” Max asked.
“We’re trying to find out who’s picking whatever it is they’re picking.” Robin replied, Nancy nodded staring at both boys then at the younger ones.
“They both like y/n.” Dustin said.
“Dustin!” Steve and Eddie said in unison. Dustin rolled his eyes. “What! You morons wouldn’t say it.” Steve threw a paper at Dustin’s head, Dustin pull out his middle finger.
“What about her?” Jonathan asked, sitting on the couch. Arygle had gotten preoccupied in the kitchen to care about their conversation.
“We don’t know who she would choose if she had to between us.” Eddie said, he was looking down at the table. Nancy sat down next to Jonathan.
“Why not put it to a vote? We put down who we think she’ll choose.” Lucas said, he felt bad about the whole thing already. Maybe this would help things?
Oh how wrong he was, when everyone had written on their little papers and Lucas had collected them. Steve had won overall vote. He looked over at Eddie, it seemed like he knew what the paper said before Lucas said it out loud. Steve didn’t even look over at Eddie, he knew.
“Steve won overall vote.” The look of hurt was written on Eddie’s face. Eddie didn’t speak, he didn’t say anything. Almost like if he knew what the verdict was going to be before he said it. Lucas winced, he didn’t realize this idea made things even worse.
“Uh-.” Robin said. “Who wants to watch back to the future? Yeah, let’s watch back to the future.”
Everyone sat down and didn’t say anything to each other. Eddie had left early that day and everyone in their own way felt guilty.
When you found out about the voting, you were pissed off. You hated when people tried to speak on your behalf. Or tried to interject themselves into your decisions. You stared at the party with anger. Steve stood next to you, the only person you weren’t mad at.
“It was my dumb idea, I’ll take credit for that.” Lucas said, a guilty expression on his face. You looked over at him.
“Look, whoever I decide to “pick” is my business. And my business alone. I don’t need anyone making it for me. And who said I was going to choose anyone.” You said, you felt Steve’s eyes on you as you spoke. You looked up at him, his eyes told you a story about heartbreak. One you’ve known because he told you and one you had to figure out by the way his eyes dimmed as he said it.
“I have to go talk to Eddie. Come on Steve.”
Steve drove you to Eddie’s trailer, silence between the two of you was louder than it usually was. Usually though, it was a comfortable silence. This one was too tensed.
“Uh y/n?” He said, his eyes still on the road.
“Not saying you have to choose, but uh I just need to know. Do you- do you like me?” He asked, you felt his eyes on you for a brief time.
“Of course I do Steve. But I also like Eddie. So you can see how that complicates things.”
Eddies trailer was in sight and Steve glanced over at you. He smiled a small smile at you.
“Choose wisely.”
Eddie was busy trying to tune his guitar to have heard you guys come in. Once he saw you guys at the door. He knew.
“You didn’t have to come all the way here ya know. I can take care of myself. Just fine.” Eddie said, placing his precious guitar back on the wall. You sighed and sat on his bed.
“Stop the shit, Munson. I know when you’re hurting. Right now is not the time for that.” You said, your arms were crossed. Both boys stared at each other before sitting on opposites sides of you.
“Look, I know you and Harrington knew each other longer. I get it. I’m the stranger who barge into your love story.”
You put your hands on your head. Shaking your head slowly.
“Never said I was going to choose. Never asked for people to speak for me, Eddie.” You stared him down until he looked away. You sighed, you turned to look over at Steve. There was a hurt expression on his face.
“I want the both of you. But I don’t know if either of you would compromise.” You went on. Eddies face turned into a mixture of confusion and suspension.
“What are you trying to say? You want us to be a threesome?”
“Polyamory is a thing, you know. And I know you never cared for what other people thought.” You turned to Steve. “You on the other-.”
“I’ll do anything, anything to be with you.” Steve said, his hand now on your back. Eddie looked at him and a smile began to form.
“Sounding a little desperate, aren’t we Harrington?”
Steve glared at him before looking back at you. “So that’s a yes?” You asked.
Both boys couldn’t make it to you fast enough. Both of them ready to devour you whole. They could try and see where it went. That was what they could do. Eddie had you by your back as Steve kissed you.
“You sure about this?”
“No shit.”
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
1, 2 & 6 from the smut prompts with subby jonathan or steve ;) thank you so much!
People voted for subby Steve 🫡
Never proofread. I hope this is what you were looking for
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I’ve never seen you squirm so much
A and B have a code name for a dirty word. While at a social event with lots of people, A casually slips the word into conversation, causing B to choke on their drink and get very red in the face.
A texts B reassuring and flirty texts from the opposite side of the room. A watch in glee as B checks their phone and their face goes dark red.
Steve was always known as a ladies' man, he was the king for a reason. He knew his way around the bedroom and knew how to treat the female body. But there was one girl that flipped him on his stomach and made him feel things he has never felt before.
She was his girlfriend, and he had no idea how he got so lucky. He finally received the love he gave out. And he has never experienced someone desiring him so intensely.
He felt safe with her, he could let his brain disappear when he was around her. Just a puppy dog following her every move.
It didn't matter where they were, he was attached to her side and blindly following every instruction.
It was Dustin's birthday and the group was at the bowling alley. Robin and Nancy wanted to do boys against girls. Steve immediately pouted and begged to be on the team with his girlfriend.
Robin refused to budge, throwing her arms around Y/N and placing a wet kiss on her cheek. Steve pouted at the action, giving Robin a glare as everyone began to search for their bowling balls.
As the game went on, it got competitive. Steve and Robin were tied, and neither wanted to lose to the other person.
Robin knew if anyone could throw Steve off of his game, it would be Y/N.
"Help me out, here. Get him all nervous and twitchy." Robin whispered in Y/N's ear. The boys were already celebrating their win as Steve knocked down eight pins. He had a chance to knock down two more.
Y/N walked over to Steve with a proud smile. Handing him a cup of water. He smiled as he took the cup, taking a small sip as she leaned into his ear.
No one knew what she said, but the way Steve's eyes went wide, and he choked on his drink. He nodded and coughed. He walked a little bit away from her, drinking his water as he prepped himself to bowl again.
"Wow Steve, I didn't peg you as someone who was so good with balls." Y/N joked as Steve set up to throw the ball.
She knew the group would focus on the inappropriate joke and not the fact she said peg with a taunting tone. She watched as Steve lost his grip, the ball being thrown right into the gutter.
Robin squealed as she raced for her turn to bowl.
Steve felt his body blushing as he covered the front of his jeans with his hands, walking over to Y/N with a pout on his face.
She smirked as he moved in her arms, hiding his face in her neck.
"Someone a little excited?" She teased, rubbing his back as he groaned in his neck.
Robin squealed as she beat Steve's score.
Steve suffered as his jeans grew tight. Sitting in a booth across from Y/N. Her eyes locked on her phone as the table shared plates of food. Steve couldn't bother to eat, what he was craving was not an option at the moment.
Steve felt his phone vibrate, confused he pulled it out.
He tried to hold back the whimper as the thread of naughty texts from his girlfriend filled the screen.
He could tell his face was on fire, burning from head to toe.
Y/N watched in joy as Steve shrunk in his seat, shifting over and over. His eyes looked up to her and down to the floor. Switching back and forth.
She could almost taste the beg on his tongue.
By the time they made it back to Steve's house, he had been on her back since. His arms wrapped around her waist, whimpering in her ear, and pouting whenever she gave him attention.
He wasn't sure how much more teasing he could handle. He ached all over and his mind was only focused on getting a release.
"I've never seen you squirm so much." Y/N teased, her arms wrapped around his neck as he looked down at her.
"Can you just have mercy on me already? I can't handle anything more." He whined, no shame in using his puppy eyes to guilt her into being nice.
She did take some pity on him. Leaning up to press her lips against his. Swallowing his whimpers. Her hands played with his hair, causing his knees to grow weak.
He let his body melt, releasing his lips from hers as he kissed down her neck, her chest, stomach, and placing a final kiss above her pants. His forehead resting against her stomach, arms around her thighs.
His neck turning to look up at her, water in his eyes.
"please, baby, just something." He whined.
"yeah? Just need me to help you?" She mocked
He nodded as he sniffled. Rubbing his face against her stomach.
"what do you want?" She asked, her hand running through his hair
He mumbled against her stomach, the words muffled by the material of her shirt.
"again?" She asked, yanking his hair so his head snapped up.
"I want to cum." He said, loud and clear so he wouldn't get in trouble for having to repeat himself.
"there's your big boy voice " she teased, patting his cheek softly with her free hand
He waited for her next instruction. He wasn't sure how he would get to cum, but he wouldn't be picky.
"hump my leg and make a mess in your boxers."
He felt a sob in his throat but kept it together
"can I please be in you?" He asked
She gave him a look, and he knew to back down. Swallowing more of his own whimpers and straddling her leg.
He held on to the back of her thighs as he began to rock his hips against her. The rough material of his jeans scraping against her. He shivered as his cock felt the sensation.
He closed his eyes, embarrassed that he was desperate enough to cum that he'd hump her leg.
He felt like dying in embarrassment when he could already feel the need to cum. He was pathetic.
He tried to pace himself, rub himself to feel good but not cum all over himself.
But she would never miss a chance to embarrass him.
"nah uh, don't pace yourself. You are pathetic, we both know you are. So show me how pathetic you are." She demanded
He nodded his head and began to rub himself faster. Moans escaping his mouth as he clenched her thighs in his hands.
He could feel the build up. Panting as he rubbed himself against her as fast as he could. His jaw dropped as he silently whined when he felt his balls tightening.
"that it? Gonna cum?" She asked, her hands back to playing with his hair.
He couldn't answer, his brain melted. His insides were vibrating and his cock was throbbing.
The sound of her mocking giggle sent him over the edge. Whining loudly as he coated his boxers in his cum.
Slowly riding out his orgasm. Gasping as each movement of his hips made his cock sensitive. His tip hit the puddle of cum that now rested in his boxers.
His ears were red and burned. His face flushed in embarrassment.
"my good boy" she teased, dropping down to his eyesight. Smirking as her hand ran over the wet spot in his jeans. Loving the way he jumped and shivered.
"round one is done."
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ladykailitha · 2 years
The Eddie Munson Guide to Dating an Oblivious Jock Part 4
I actually got it up today, holy crap. Today has been so wild I wasn’t sure it was going to happen. Also thank you to @chaoticlovingdreamer and @yellowdevilkitten about the cramps. I am feeling better now.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part Seven: Hand holding
Once you’ve established that he likes you back, the first step is hand holding. You aren’t necessarily dating at this point. Though you could be. For same sex couples this will have to be discreet and sneaky, but for straight couples this can be used as a way to declare your couple status.
“I hate that you can’t hold hands with Steve in public,” Max said. “It’s stupid.”
Eddie cocked his head ruefully. “It is what it is. Some day it won’t be like this, but for now, we do what we can.”
“Still stupid.”
It was movie night sleepover. It was something that all of them did once in a while. And by them it meant all of them. All thirteen of them. Steve’s basement was perfect for it. They could all stretch out and still have tons of space. Not that they did that. They tended to puppy pile in smaller groups.
El, Max, Erica, and Lucas was one pile. Jonathan, Argyle, and Nancy were another. Mike, Dustin, and Will were another. Which left Eddie, Robin, and Steve as the remaining pile.
But that was a problem for future Eddie. Current Eddie was content on the sofa with Steve sitting next to him, their bodies pressed together in a seem from shoulder to knee.
Robin was on the other side of Steve curled up under his arm and Eddie was fine with sharing at the moment.
The hardest part of the night was deciding on a movie they all wanted to watch. There was always someone that didn’t want to watch whatever it was they decided on. So Eddie and Steve came up with the idea of ranked voting. They would grab five movies and everyone would list them in the order they wanted to watch them in and whichever one got the most votes at number one was the one they watched first.
Tonight they were watching The Dark Crystal. When the beetles came on, chittering above the Skekis Robin flinched and buried her head into his shoulder.
“I thought this was a kids’ show!” she whined to Steve.
“Come on,” Dustin said. “They aren’t that scary. They’re just giant bugs.”
Eddie kicked him in the thigh. “Everybody has different things they’re scared of, we don’t mock people for that.”
“I wasn’t mocking,” Dustin defended. “I just don’t think they’re scary.”
Fizgig started wailing and Eddie jumped back. “What the fuck! Why does it have so many teeth?!” Then a warm hand took his and he looked down at the joined hands and back up to Steve.
“Wait a damn minute!” Max cried. “You’re telling me that the first time you guys held hands Steve initiated it?”
Eddie grinned. “I was so proud. Though, he thought he was just being a good friend at the time. Remember this is oblivious jockus. Even though it was pretty clear he liked me back, he wasn’t reading the signs that I liked him.”
“But he still reached out to you?” she asked.
Steve smiled softly at him and Eddie’s heart just melted. Eddie gave Steve’s hand a squeeze, but instead of letting go like he suspected Steve thought he would do, Eddie held on to it for the rest of the movie.
When the movie ended, Eddie wasn’t the only with sniffles from the sacrifices of Kyra and Fizgig.
“But that won’t work,” Dustin said.
“What won’t work, bud?” Eddie asked as he dried his eyes on his sleeve.
“You can’t rebuild an entire race with just two members,” Dustin complained. “Because otherwise you get inbreeding and trust me when I say that’s gross and not just from moral stand point but a medical one, too.”
Max rolled her eyes. “They aren’t trying to rebuild the species. It’s just a love story.”
Dustin grumbled, “Well, it’s a stupid one.”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance and shook their heads.
Steve dislodged himself from Robin, reluctantly letting go of Eddie’s hand. “All right, gremlins, get your bed stuff and set it up downstairs. You don’t have to go to sleep right away but I want you at least in your sleeping bags.”
There was some grumbling from the younger kids but they all packed up and went downstairs, Jonathan and Nancy going down with them to make sure they didn’t start fighting over spots.
The remaining adults started cleaning up the mess that only thirteen people can make.
Robin got bored about half way through and wandered downstairs to see what was happening there.
Argyle tilted his head. “Does she always do that?”
Eddie and Steve looked at each other and shrugged.
“Not always,” Steve said. “Her mind just goes a million miles an hour and sometimes cleaning fulfills that need and other times not. I guess today was a not.”
Argyle nodded sagely. “Do you think she would benefit from the purple flower?”
By now they were aware that that was a brand of weed Argyle had brought over from California.
“She doesn’t like smoking,” Eddie said with a grimace.
Argyle lit up. “Brownies, bro! I bet she’d love my brownies.”
Steve chuckled. “You are more than welcome to ask. Just know she might still say no.”
Argyle smiled his dopey smile. “Never offended by that.”
They finished cleaning and went back downstairs to find that the usual piles were divided differently.
El, Max, and Nancy were doing each other’s nails. While Argyle, Robin and Jonathan were discussing weed in a corner. Mike and Will were snuggled up together as were Erica, Lucas, and Dustin.
“You know I always wondered about that night,” Eddie said. “Why you and Lucas weren’t snuggled up like you usually were.”
Max scoffed and rolled her eyes. “It’s the whole reason for this little guide I’m forcing myself to sit through.”
“What happened?”
She put her head in her hands. “I thought we were on again and he did not.”
“He is an oblivious jock, though right?” Eddie grimaced.
“Yeah, but I didn’t realize how much until that night,” Max said with a small whine of frustration. “He said that it was great how we had remained friends after Vecna and then asked me if I was dating anyone at the time.”
Eddie rubbed his eye. “Are you serious?”
“As Vecna.”
“Looks like it’s just you and me, big boy,” Eddie said looking around the room at all the different groups. When Steve didn’t reply, he backtracked, “Unless you want to hang out with Robin and the stoner boys?”
Steve’s head snapped up. “No, no. She looks like she’s having fun. I’d be happy to be your puppy partner.”
Eddie groaned. “Can you not say it like that?”
“Snuggle buddy?” Steve suggested. “Snug bugs? Puddle pals?”
Eddie shoved him playfully. “Knock it off, man.”
“Oh,” Steve said with a wicked gleam. “I see how it is. Maybe I will join one of the other piles. You think Mike will mind if I join him and Will?”
Eddie laughed. “Only if you want to be murdered in your sleep.”
Steve winked. “So I guess that means you’re stuck with me.”
Eddie bit his lip nervously. “I have an idea!” He walked over to the girls.
“Hello, ladies,” he greeted warmly. “May I inquire if you have any black polish among your bounteous plethora of polishes?”
El lit up. “Yes, I have three kinds in fact.” She went digging for them. “I have glitter midnight, death becomes her, and blackest black.”
She held them up for him to see. He looked at each one carefully and chose blackest black.
“Now, my fairest maiden,” Eddie said. “I need a blue for Stevie.”
Steve, Nancy and Max all stared at him in shock.
“You’re going to paint Steve’s nails?” Max asked.
Eddie nodded. “And he’s going to paint mine.”
El giggled. “That’s sooo cute. I have just the color.” She opened a small drawer in her kit and pulled out a sparkling dark blue.
Eddie kissed her forehead. “It’s perfect Supergirl.”
El blushed. “You’re welcome. Have fun.”
Eddie sat down cross-legged from Steve and set the two bottles down between them.
“Can’t have a sleepover without painting your nails and talking about boys,” Eddie said, grinning from ear to ear.
Steve laughed. “All right, Eds. You got me there.”
“I thought I would paint yours first, so you can watch me do it,” Eddie said. “And then you can do mine.”
Steve nodded and let Eddie take his right hand.
“Judd Nelson or Rob Lowe?” Eddie asked, delicately painting the thumb nail first.
“Ooh,” Steve said. “Going straight for the bad boys. Robert Downey Jr.”
Eddie looked up at him and tsked. “Wasn’t an option, but interesting.”
Steve laughed and Eddie swatted him. “Stop moving.”
“Sorry,” Steve said, but he was grinning unrepentantly.
“And people say I’m a menace,” he mumbled under his breath.
Steve leaned in close. “Oh, you absolutely are. But I’ll let you in on a secret. So am I.”
Eddie blushed.
They continued to banter back and forth about their favorite actors and singers.
“You take that back!” Eddie protested.
Steve tapped the back of his hand. “Don’t move!” Eddie stopped struggling. “And I didn’t say it was a bad thing you look like John Bon Jovi, I was just making an observation.”
“His sound,” Eddie murmured, “I wouldn’t even deign to call it music, is trash Steve. Literal trash.”
Steve laughed. “Well there you go, menace. All done.”
Eddie held his hands up and admired them. “Not bad, Stevie. Not bad at all.”
“Not as good as yours,” Steve said softly, ducking his head.
“True, but since this was your first time, you did one hell of a job.”
El came over. “Can I see?”
Steve handed her back her bottles of nail polish and then showed her his hands.
“Eddie did a wonderful job,” she said with a gentle smile. “It makes your hands very pretty.”
“Thanks, El,” he said kissing her cheek.
Eddie showed her his and she nodded. “A couple of mistakes but an easy fix.” She went back over to her kaboodle and got out another bottle and a Q-tip. She scooted back over to Steve and Eddie.
“Here’s what you can do when you accidentally paint outside the nail,” El said and dipped the Q-tip into the bottle.
It smelled horrible. She picked up Eddie’s hand gingerly brushed the sides of the nail where Steve had missed and then it was gone, looking for all the world like Steve hadn’t fucked it up.
Steve picked up the bottle and read the label. “Polish remover?”
El nodded. “It’s great for touch ups or when you want a new color.”
“You’re the best El,” Eddie said with a dimpled grin.
She smiled shyly and went back to Max and Nancy.
And if that night found Eddie and Steve holding hands in their sleep, no one noticed. Or at least cared enough to mention it.
“You smooth mother fucker!” Max said. “It was all an excuse to get Steve to hold your hand for long periods of time!”
Eddie laughed. “It worked, didn’t it?!”
“There is no way Lucas is going to let me paint his nails to hold hands,” she said bitterly.
He shrugged. “So bake bread or make cookies. Something that requires your hands. Like I keep saying, your jock is going to be different, but you find things that work for you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she muttered darkly. “What happens once he gets use to hand holding?”
Part 5 Part 6
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astronicht · 10 days
i become a difficult creature when i'm not writing enough. vote for the wip you wish to see in the world
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harringtonstilinski · 6 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Three: E Pluribrus Unum (Bonus Scene)
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,169 Warnings: angst, mentions of blood, steve getting his ass kicked, steve and robin being drugged, italics is steve hearing liv's commentary, tiniest bit of foreshadowing 👀 ?, non-canon hallucinations (not mentioned in story after this), Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! Y'all voted for a bonus scene, and I'm here to deliver! Main focus is Steve and Robin's scenes. If you like this bonus scene, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Steve’s Pov
As soon as Liv, Dustin and Erica were out of sight, Robin and I were flung through the air to the wall next to us at the door being shoved open. Once we got our bearings, we raised our hands, Russian guards standing in front of us with their guns drawn. Ahh, crap.
They hauled us to our feet, essentially dragging us to separate rooms. My only thought as they kept asking me questions and punching me when I gave them my answers was that I was super glad Liv wasn’t here to hear or witness this. She’d be losing her shit.
As they punched me in the face, yet again, I groaned in pain, again thankful that Liv wasn’t here to try and kick the shit out of these Russian assholes. After we confessed our love to each other, my need to protect her increased tenfold. I’m sure her need increased, as well.
Feeling blood dripping from my mouth, I groaned, “That one stung,” before gasping for air.
What I’m guessing is the main head honcho for these buttwipes asked, “Who do you work for?”
“For the millionth time, I work at Scoops Ahoy!” Bringing my head up, I breathed out, “Scoops Ahoy,” doing my best to gear up for the next hit to the face… that didn’t happen. That hit went to my stomach, a pained groan coming from my throat before I yelled out, “What the hell?! ”
Bending over, I said, “Look at my outfit! Look at my outfit! My girlfriend might think it’s hot, but look at it! You think I just wear this?! Think I’m a spy in a sailor’s uniform?” Another punch to the stomach.
I can hear Olivia now saying, “You assholes! I’m gonna kill you!” or “I’ll take his place!” while struggling against another guard.
With a stone face, the head honcho asked with an uninterested tone, “How did you get in?”
Gasping for breath, I was bent over as I grunted, “I already told you,” before sitting up to say, “I told you before.” I gasped for air again, hearing Liv’s voice in my head saying, “Lie again,” before repeating my words from earlier. “My delivery didn’t come, and my friends and I, we thought that it was left at the loading dock, so we went into the room, and it tuuurrrrned into an elevator, and then…”
“You have to be a better liar, Steven,” her voice said.
“And then we dropped and then next thing we know, I open my eyes and we’re in this… wonderful facility.”
“Oh my god. Shut up, Steve.”
“But I swear to God, nobody knows about us, nobody saw us. You could just let us go, alright? And I’m not gonna tell anybody about this, okay? Shit happens, life goes on. And uhh… ice-ice cream. Ice cream, okay? You guys know what ice cream is.”
“They’re Russians, not aliens from space, Steven!”
“Everybody loves ice cream. I don’t know if you have Russian ice cream or if that’s considered gelato-”
“That’s Italians, Steve!”
“I don’t know what’s what, but whatever you guys want, seriously. USS Butterscotch, I mean, you gotta try it. It’s out of this world, I’m telling ya!”
Head honcho and the guy that was repeatedly hitting me just started… laughing? So, I joined in, as well. More nervously, of course.
“I like this guy!” Head honcho said. “USS… Butterscotch.” He laughed again, it turning into a chuckle as he bent down a little, resting his hands on his knees.
All I could do was look at him nervously, scared for what was to come next as the room fell quiet.
“Who do you work for?” he enunciated.
Well, shit. “Oh, come on,” I all but whined, eyeing the other guard. “No, no!  No, seriously!”
Black was the very next thing that I saw as that douchebag hit me in the face… yet again.
I don’t remember much else after literally being knocked out, but what I do remember next was waking up to Robin’s voice calling out for help. 
“Hey,” I said, groggily. “Would you stop yelling?”
I could feel her relief from just hearing my voice as she said, “Steve! Oh, my god!” before panting out my name. She was leaning back as I was leaning forward as she asked, “Are-are you okay?”
“My ears are ringing, I can barely breathe, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, and Liv’s voice is running through my head, but ya’know, apart from that, I’m doing pretty good.”
“Well, the good news is that they’re calling you a doctor,” Robin said.
“Jesus, you two are idiots.”
I looked around the room, which looked liked a… ya’know, a doctors room. “Is this his place of work? I love the vibe.” Robin chuckled as I added, “Charming.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. So, okay,” she said. “Do you see that table over there to your right?”
I turned my head to the left. Don’t ask why. 
“Babe. Your other left.”
“No, your other right,” Robin said.
Turning my head to my correct right, she added, “Yeah, okay. Do you see those scissors?”
“Uh-huh,” I confirmed.
“Yeah, well, I think that if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap.”
Picking up what she was putting down, I said, “And I could cut the binds.”
“Yeah, and we could get out of here.”
“Gotcha. Okay, yeah, we can do that.”
“Those morons. They left scissors in here?” I asked, turning my head side to side.
“Yeah, morons,” Robin added.
“Total morons,” I added to my own statement, adding with determination, “Okay.”
“Okay, so, on the count of three, we’re gonna hop.”
“O-okay, good, hop on three. I gotcha.”
“Alright. One.. two.. three.”
We both hopped towards the table, a little happy that this plan was actually working. Robin and I counted to three again, our excitement building at the fact that we were almost to the table… and I was almost to the point where I could hug and kiss my girl again.
Counting to three again, we hopped for a third time… only for our fucking luck to bite us in the ass because we ended up falling, our heads towards the table, our feet towards the door.
Robin and I both groaned at our heads and arms hitting the ground before I heard her crying.
“A bunch of fucking geniuses.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t cry. Robin.” Instead of hearing her cry, I heard her… laughing? “Are you laughing?”
She laughed harder before saying, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. It’s just… I can’t believe I’m gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington. It’s just too trippy, man.”
“We’re not gonna die,” I reassured. “We’re gonna get out of here, okay? Liv wouldn’t let us die anyway. She’d kill every single Russian down here before they could kill us. Just– you gotta let me just think for a second.”
It was quiet for a moment, my thoughts running through my brain before Robin asked, “Do you remember, uhm, Mrs. Click’s sophomore History class?”
I lifted my head, shaking it a little before asking with an annoyingly curious tone, “What?”
“Mrs. Clickity-Clackity,” she said. “That’s what us band dweebs called her.”
Sighing, I pressed my forehead into the floor, remembering when I was an asshole to everyone, the guilt eating at me in this moment.
“It was first period, Tuesdays and Thursdays, so you were always late.”
Even though we weren’t as close during that time, Liv had ended up scolding me more than a few times for always being late. “Goodness, Harrington. Don’t you own a fucking watch?”
“And you always had the same breakfast. Bacon, egg and cheese on a sesame bagel.”
“I know we’re not close anymore, but you could still bring me a freaking sausage McMuffin!” Since Liv scolded me the last time, every Tuesday and Thursday she’d find a Sausage McMuffin in her locker. 
“I sat behind you, two days a week for a year,” Robin said. “Mister Funny. Mister Cool. The King of Hawkins High himself. Liv being your Queen.”
“Ugh! Don’t bring that up!”
“Do you even remember me from that class?”
I didn’t know what to say because… well, I didn’t remember her. I didn’t care about anyone else or anything during high school. Other than the girls I’d bang, being in basketball and on the swim team, or being with Nancy… or being friends with Liv again.
Robin’s chuckle brought me out of my thoughts before she said, “Of course you don’t. You were a real asshole, ya’know that?”
Feeling incredibly bad, I said sadly, “Yeah, I know.”
“The biggest asshole, babe.”
“But it didn’t even matter,” Robin continued. “It didn’t even matter that you were an ass. I was still… obsessed with you.”
I could hear Liv’s scoff as she said, “Everyone was.”
“Even though all of us losers pretend to be above it all, we still just wanna be popular… accepted, normal.”
“If it makes you feel any better, having those things isn’t all that great,” I said, sniffling. “Seriously. Liv can tell you that… even though she… didn’t grow up the same as me.” Taking a deep breath, I sighed it back out as I said, “It just baffles me. Everything that people tell you is important, everything that people say you should care about, it’s all just…” I lightly chuckled before adding, “...bullshit. But I guess you gotta mess up to figure things out, right?”
“I hope so. I feel like my whole life has been… one big error.”
We both chuckled, a smile crossing my face for the first time since yesterday. 
“Yep,” I agreed, a small smile on my face. 
“At least it can’t get any more messed up than this,” Robin said.
“Ya’know, I wish I’d known you in Click’s class,” I said. 
“Really. I do.”
“Olivia humbled you,” Robin whispered.
“Yeah. She did.” I smiled a little, thinking of my girlfriend and how grateful I am of her. How happy I am that she gave me a thump on my head when I needed it most. “Maybe you both could’ve helped me pass the class. Maybe instead of being here, Liv and I’d be on our way to college right now.”
“And I would have no idea that there were evil Russians beneath our feet, and I would happily be slinging ice cream with some other schmuck.”
We chuckled, I guess because we’ve accepted our fate.
“Gotta say, though,” I said. “I liked being your schmuck.”
“Uhm, hello?!”
I chuckled lightly at hearing Liv’s commentary in my head. “So did Liv. It was fun while it lasted.”
“It was.”
Our come to Jesus meeting was over at the sound of the buzzer and door opening. We looked up, seeing the Head Honcho walk in with three other people… and then he chuckled.
“Where were you two going?” he asked, brows raised and arms out to his side for a moment.
“Ugh! Just go somewhere, asswipe. You’re kind of annoying.”
He clicked his tongue before the two guards lifted us up, setting the chairs back on their feet. I could see it now; Head Honcho holding Liv back, struggling to get out of his arms. “Don’t you fucking touch them, Russian bastard!”
Head Honcho bent in front of me again as I felt Robin’s head leaning on my neck as he asked, “Try telling the truth this time, yes?”
“He is, you ignorant freak!”
“It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful,” he continued, stroking the side of my face.
Again, I could see Olivia struggling in my mind, yelling at the doctor. “Don’t fucking touch him, you sick bastard! I’ll fucking kill you!”
Touching a sore on my chin, I winced, once again, seeing Liv in my mind struggling against the guard, her hair all around her face as she cried in sadness and anger. Head Honcho chuckled again before nodding once to the doctor.
I turned my head to watch him walk around me, a big ass needle in his hand, with blue liquid inside of a small vile. Fear started showing through as I looked at it, saying, “Wait a sec, wait. Hold on. Okay! Wait, wait, wait! What is that thing?”
The ‘doctor’ was standing next to me with the needle gun thing as he said, “It will help you talk.” He grabbed my hair and tilted my head to the side.
“Did you even clean that thing?!” I yelled, before screaming at the needle being punctured into my neck, the liquid seeping into my veins.
After they had done the same thing to Robin, Head Honcho and his pack of bastards left the room, leaving Robin and I by ourselves for a moment. What was weird was that I couldn’t still see Liv, but not hear her in my mind anymore, my brain feeling more fuzzy than ever, almost like I’d smoked a joint.
Robin moved her head against mine a few times, as I just stared at a spot on the wall, seeing Liv every now and again as she paced in front of me. “I’m gonna kill them. I’m gonna fucking kill them.”
“Honestly, I don’t really feel anything,” I said. “Do you?”
“Really, Steven?”
“I mean, I… I feel fine,” Robin replied. “I feel normal.”
“Yeah, I feel-I feel fine,” I agreed, before slurring, “I kinda feel good,” before we both chuckled.
I wish I could say I actually  felt Liv’s hands on my cheeks, but in my mind… I did. “Steve. You’re high as a fucking kite. Keep your mouth closed. Don’t say anything.”
“Wanna know a secret?” Robin asked.
“What?” I asked.
“I like it, too! And I’ve been seeing and hearing Liv!”
“Me, too!” I said, laughing.
“I feel good.”
“Morons! They messed up the drug.”
“Oh… my god.”
“They messed it up!”
As Robin leaned her head back, I tilted mine forward. “Morons,” she said.
Robin and I looked at the door as I loudly said, “Morons!”
“Hey, morons!”
“Moron! Mor–” she said at the same time I said, “Hey!”
“Whoa-oh!” I was still smiling and laughing, closing my eyes for a moment. 
“Oh, no. There’s definitely something wrong with us.”
Amused, I said, “Somethin’s wrong.”
“Ya’think! Fucking idiots.”
That damn door buzzer sounded again, but I kind of didn’t care because of how good I felt as the Head Honcho and the Doc walked into the room. What did grab my attention was watching Head Honcho walking around Robin and I on her side just for him to stop and stand in front of me.
I turned my head after looking at him for a moment, watching the Doc mess with his bag at the table. Whatever he sets down makes Robin chuckle a little as he grabs a freaking medical bone saw from his bag.
“Would now be a good time to tell you that I don’t like doctors?” Robin asked.
The image of Olivia hastily walking around to Robin flashed in my mind, her hushed voice saying, “Robin, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ll send you to the Upside Down for a full-ass week!”
“Let’s try this again, yes?” Head Honcho said.
I licked the inside of my tongue, feeling to see if it was still there as I nodded and murmured out something while nodding my head. 
Without missing a beat, he asked, “Who do you work for?”
“Scoops,” I said, looking at a random spot as Robin chuckled, my own joining. “Scoops Ahoy.”
Robin’s giggles were quiet as he asked, “How did you find us?”
I looked up at him, saying without missing a beat, “Totally by accident,” before lightly laughing… again.
He said something in Russian as I looked down for a moment, picking my head back up at the sound of something being open and closed, the Doc making his way back to us. “What is that shiny little toy?”
“Where are you going with that, Doc?” Robin asked.
Even in my high as a kite state, fear jumped through my body as he brought the clipper looking things to my fingers, grabbing onto my fingernail. “Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. Wait! No! Wait! Wait!”
“There was a code! There was a code! We heard a code!” Robin shouted as I jumped and tried to get away from the Doc.
“Code,” Honcho said, walking around to Robin. “What code?”
“The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. Blah, blah, blah. You broadcast that stupid spy shit all over town, and we picked it up on our Cerebro, and we cracked it in a day. A day! You think you’re so smart, but a couple of kids who scoop ice cream for a living cracked your code in a day, and now, people know you’re here.”
“Who knows we’re here, suchka?”
“Uh, well Dustin and Olivia know,” I said, looking off into space.
“Shut. The fuck. Up.”
“Hey, Steve?” Robin said.
“Yeah, Dustin and Olivia, the Henderson’s, they know.”
“Dustin and Olivia Henderson,” Honcho said, walking around to stand in front of me. “Is this your small, curly-haired friend? As well as your short, curly-haired girlfriend?”
“Oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small. Kinda like a ‘fro, yeah,” I said. “Where are they?”
“Oh, they’re long gone, you big asshole.” Little did I know. “And they’re probably calling Hopper, and Hopper’s calling the US Calvary. They’re gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin’, and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You’re gonna be two pieces of toast.” With the drugs in my system, I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah,” I said, matter-of-factly, before Robin and I laughed, Honcho joining in.
It all stopped at the sound of an alarm going off, all of our heads turning to the door. At the sound of Russian’s yelling, I turned back to Honcho and shrugged my shoulders, as if I were telling him told ya so.
Honcho left the room, telling the Doc to stay put… I guess. I don’t know. I don’t speak Russian. A couple of minutes went by before the door slammed opened, Dustin charging through with a zapping device, putting it against the Doc’s chest.
Olivia and Erica walked in after him, my eyes following all of them before landing on Liv’s, seeing her stand between Dustin and Erica, her eyes on the doc that fell to the ground. She turned to face me, seeing my eye bruised and swollen.
“Hey! Henderson!” I said, excitedly. “That’s… crazy, I was just talking about you.”
Sighing, Liv undid the bonds that were around my arms, hands and legs before putting her hand on my cheek. “What happened to you?”
“Oh, my god,” Robin said.
“Get ready to run!”
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
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*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
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Posted on April 4, 2024
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loveinhawkins · 2 years
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 ao3
It’s quiet for the whole day. Eddie wakes up mid-afternoon, sees that a doughnut has been left for him in a paper bag on the coffee table. It takes a few minutes more for him to realise that it’s still just the two of them in the house—that Steve must’ve told everyone not to call, not to come over.
Eddie’s chest almost hurts at the thoughtfulness behind it—but he’s not surprised by it, not now. Not since he saw Steve in the RV keep the volume of the radio down low, even as the clock in his head grew ever closer, just so his friends could sleep a little longer.
And the quiet means Eddie, too, can just… stay. Rest.
He’s glad of it, even though a part of him thinks it’s stupid—that save for that terrible night, this might be the most exhausted he’s ever felt. He’s not even done anything, but his body still aches, like he’s only just finished running from the trailer park.
There’s the ghost of pain at his knee, as if his brain has finally remembered a past hurt. He thinks of Nancy telling him that he fell. “I was so scared you wouldn’t get up again.”
Steve seems to understand implicitly. He does most of the fetching of food and drink, and when Eddie tries to protest, he doesn’t make it a big deal, just says that he wants more practice on the crutches; he phrases it in such a way that it sounds like Eddie is doing him a favour rather than the other way around.
“Hey, check it out,” Steve says, halfway from the couch to the kitchen. “I can really move on these things now.” And he very briefly swivels in place on the crutches, as if he’s leaning on dancing canes instead.
Eddie snorts, feels a rush of fondness. “All right, cool it, Fred Astaire.”
For dinner, they eat defrosted spaghetti bolognese from Joyce. Eddie teases Steve when he notices that he can twirl the pasta perfectly around his fork.
“Sorry, what the hell is that, Harrington? We in a goddamn commercial right now?”
Steve elbows him. “Shut up or I’m stealing your portion.”
It’s kind of unnecessary, for them both to be sharing the one couch. Neither of them bring that up.
When clearing away some of the VHS tapes, Steve finds a notepad that doesn’t belong to him. He scans it with interest, then chuckles.
“Oh my god, look at this.”
He beckons Eddie to look at one of the pages.
Eddie leans in. The page is covered in writing, to the point that the white of the paper is almost invisible. The handwriting keeps changing, too, never the same on each line…
And Eddie realises that this has been written by the kids—all of them.
It acts as a log, of sorts: them recording their impressions of each musical watched while staying here. El has drawn a wonky cluster of five stars for The Sound of Music—has signed it with her name and a smiley face.
In the margins, Eddie can see them voting on whatever they want to watch next, laughs as he comes across Dustin and Erica bickering:
Erica picked last time! You’re not allowed an opinion, Dusty-Bun
But there’s more than just talk about the movies. Part of the page has been separated by solid lines in pen, forming a box. What’s written inside is much neater: updates on Steve’s progress in the hospital. At the bottom of the square, Eddie recognises Dustin’s handwriting instantly—cramped and hurried, like when he’s excitedly jotting down details during a campaign.
He can come home!!!
When Eddie glances over at Steve, he’s still looking down at the paper, smiling like it’s some art project he wants to stick on his fridge.
“They’re so stupid,” he says, and so clearly means something else. He carefully sets the notepad aside. “I kinda want to frame it.”
They lie on the couch in comfortable silence for a while. The sight of the kids’ writing reminds Eddie of the pencil marks he saw in Steve’s poetry book, evidence of him underlining particular lines.
“Hey, did you—uh, did you always like poetry?”
Steve gives him a sideways look, smirks slightly. “What’s up, you doubting my credentials? Did your ‘Munson Doctrine’ say I can’t read, either?”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “No, I was just…” He leans on his elbow, turns further towards Steve. His voice quietens in sincerity. “Just curious.”
Steve scratches the back of his neck. “Um…”
And huh, there’s that thing you do, Eddie thinks.
It’s like Steve has to prepare himself for honesty, work up to it. He thinks of that walk through the woods, being startled at the sound of Steve running up to him. “Eddie. Eddie. Hey, man. Uh… Listen, I just, uh… I just want to say thanks.”
Eddie remembers not knowing what to do in the face of an awkwardness that he didn’t expect, not from the likes of Steve Harrington. But more importantly, he was struck by the fact that Steve was so genuine. That once he got past the stops and starts, he meant every word, felt it deeply.
“It was in class, actually. It was… uh, we were looking at a Sylvia Plath poem?” Steve’s voice rises uncertainly at the end even though he’s not asking a question, and Eddie somehow knows then and there that he’s never told anyone this before. “Can’t remember the title, but um. Honestly? It stuck with me, ‘cause… kinda reminded me of my parents. Like, their marriage.”
Eddie opens his mouth. Shuts it. Then says, delicately, “Not the best omen.”
Steve snorts. “Yeah, no kidding. Uh, that aside, there was like, a rhythm to it. I like when stuff… repeats, y’know? Hold on, think I can remember the last…” His hand reaches up to bat the top of the couch in time with his words as he recites, a touch reserved, “My boy, it's your last resort. Will you marry it, marry it, marry it.” A tense little shrug. “Guess I’ve got a thing for last lines.”
Eddie thinks of I was much too far out all my life/And not waving but drowning. 
In the ensuing silence, Steve looks like he’s very subtly holding his breath—as if waiting for Eddie to show one hint of discomfort. Like he’s ready to instantly regret speaking.
So Eddie keeps his tone light, says, “That’s… kind of fucked up, man. Very niche though, I approve.” And he feels Steve relax—his good leg touching Eddie’s, thigh to knee. He senses that it’s safe enough to joke a little more, adds, “You should start a support group or something.”
Eddie mimes holding a microphone, affects a news reporter’s grave tone. “If you have been affected by poetry, we advise you to call—”
“God, you’re so dumb,” Steve says, grinning. “You know when you did those, like, bits at lunch, y’know, all the voices, I used to think, Who does this asshole think he is?”
Steve’s voice is warm, so Eddie just tries to quip back, “Pretty sure you and half the damn school thought that.” He’s joking, he really is, but he can feel a little wisp of bitterness slip through despite himself.
And Steve must catch it, because he suddenly looks a bit contrite, replies quietly, “Not like that.”
Steve’s eyes flicker down to the left in thought—and there he goes again, Eddie thinks. Working up to something.
“I knew part of your deal with D&D was, like, storytelling, right? And you… I dunno if you remember, but the school used one of your short stories as… an exemplar? It was anonymised, in one of those study packets they’d—”
“Oh, those,” Eddie says. “Never read ‘em.”
Steve chuckles. “Well I could tell it was you. ‘Cause it was freaking nuts, man, all these like, myths and heroes, and it just… God, I kept thinking it came so naturally to you.” He shrugs again, more bashful. “Guess I was jealous.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “You were?”
Steve smiles as if to say Well, what can you do? “I applied to college, like, for writing and stuff.” His smile turns self-deprecating as he says, “Didn’t get in, obviously.”
“Huh,” Eddie says thoughtfully. “What did you wanna write about?”
Steve laughs. “Uh, don’t think it was your scene, man. No dragons or… Just kinda. Ordinary stuff? Like, basketball games or—”
“Basketball games,” Eddie echoes with an impish little smile, and Steve elbows him in the ribs.
“Not just basketball, you dick.” But he’s still smiling as he says it. “Or, I s’pose, yeah, basketball but, like, it’s also about something else…? Normal things, but… more, I guess. I don’t know, man, you’re better with words, I just—”
“You know, I don’t think that’s true,” Eddie says quietly, privately recalling, “Whenever I looked at you… all that shit… never touched you. You just stayed… you were so… lovely.”
“When all of The Upside Down stuff started,” Steve continues, as if he’s not even heard Eddie speak, “for a while, it was… it was all I could think about. Y’know, it was like one of your stories, just… like, fantasy. Unreal. And obviously, I couldn’t just… like, can you imagine if I filled my college application with all this shit? Just asking for someone to…”
Steve makes a slashing motion across his neck, and Eddie winces slightly at how his fingers graze the scar there.
There’s a lull, and then Steve gives a little sigh, speaks again.
“I don’t even think I finished my application properly, it was kind of a blur. Just sent it off ‘cause, well, I had to at that point.” He crooks an arm behind his head, blinks pensively. “Guess all of… uh, everything, sorta… stole my words.” He huffs with another one of those self-effacing smiles. “God, that sounds dumb.”
Eddie tilts his head from where he’s resting on the arm of the couch. Looks at Steve, his side-profile, the thoughtful curve of one eyebrow. Thinks that he gets it; that sometimes there are no words for something like this.
“No,” he says honestly. “It doesn’t sound dumb, Steve.”
Steve breathes in and out, relaxed and easy. His chest only stutters a little, a remnant of… before. His knee presses further against Eddie’s, as if in silent gratitude.
“Do you remember…” Steve starts, and there’s already laughter in his voice; he’s still looking up at the ceiling as if whatever memory he’s thinking about is being projected on there, like a private cinema. “Remember when… y’know, that English class, last period. When we had to read, um, a play. Williams something?”
Eddie thinks. “Oh. A Streetcar Named Desire?”
Steve clicks his fingers. “That’s the one. We were made to read it out loud; it took forever. And you—” He laughs up at the ceiling again, joyful creases around his eyes. “You kept talking over the girl that got Blanche’s part, do you—?”
“Didn’t know I made such an impression,” Eddie teases. He vaguely recalls completely overselling a breathy Southern Belle accent—definitely remembers getting sent out of class for being ‘a disruptive influence.’
Steve turns his head to the side, glances at him. Grins. “Hey, I thought you were a riot, man. Least you made it come to life with how you, like, delivered everything. Everyone else made it sound so boring.”
“Well.” Eddie manages an imperious flick of the wrist, feels a sudden heat to his cheeks. “Guess no-one else appreciated my talents, huh?”
And even though Eddie’s being flippant, Steve replies, with all sincerity, “No. They really didn’t.”
Eddie doesn’t know what time it is, when it happens. Just knows that it’s growing late, that Steve’s quietly flicking through a magazine next to him—that nothing is happening, but his mind has apparently decided to freak out anyway.
He reluctantly gets it, though; has kind of suspected that perhaps he’s just been staving off the panic from last night, that maybe that’s why he’s felt drained all day.
He grits his teeth against the feeling, tries to keep quiet.
But maybe Steve notices precisely because of his attempt at silence. Suddenly the magazine has been dropped, and Eddie feels a hand around his wrist.
“Hey, are you—? Shit, your heart’s going like crazy.”
Eddie screws his eyes shut. “Yeah, m’fine. It’ll pass. Th-think it’s just—” He shudders out a breath as Steve’s fingers stroke over his pulse point. “Just. Last night, it was—the first time I’d driven… there. Since. Y’know.”
“Oh. I’m—”
“If you apologise one more time, I’m gonna push you off the goddamn couch, Harrington, and then where will we be?”
“Uh. Well, I’d be on the floor?”
Eddie laughs shakily—from the way Steve squeezes his hand, knows that that had been his aim.
It does pass, eventually. Eddie manages a deep, proper breath in and out—feels, embarrassingly, a bit like he’s run a marathon.
Steve finally lets go of his hand to pick up a thicker blanket from the floor, drapes it over them both. The warmth gradually makes Eddie sleepy. He loses track of time. Doesn’t know when his eyelids become too heavy to open.
He hazily feels a hand in his hair, Steve’s fingers working in little absent-minded circles, like he’s not even aware that he’s doing it.
“Gonna f’ll ‘sleep,” Eddie mumbles, “if y’keep tha’ up.”
Steve’s hand stills for just a moment. He hears Steve sigh out a soft, “Oh, you’re so tired,” like he’s fretting a bit. He resumes playing with Eddie’s hair, and this time, while it’s still gentle, there’s more of an intentionality to it.
Eddie thinks he turns his head into the touch, but he’s honestly not sure. Feels somehow both weightless and heavy. Wants to lie on this couch forever, so long as Steve’s here. 
“Tell me something,” Eddie says, does his best to enunciate. He wants to linger in this cosy in-between for just a little…
“Hmm? Like what?”
“Um… wha’ kinda…” Eddie yawns. “Wha’s your favourite thing to read?”
Steve is silent for a little while, long enough for Eddie to jolt out of an unintended half-sleep when he does say something.
“What were your stories about?” Steve asks.
Eddie yawns again. There’s so much he could say, but long, rambling sentences feel far out of his reach. So he settles for, “S’bout… coming home, in the end.”
“Oh,” Steve says, then, “I like that.”
“Steeeve,” Eddie sings through another yawn. “Wha’ ‘bout you?”
“Oh, um… I s’pose… I like stories where people are… lost, I guess. And then they’re… not anymore. Or maybe, they’ve been… like, searching for something without realising it.”
Have you found it? Eddie thinks, his thoughts slipping away on a wave of sleepiness. Have you found what you’ve been looking for? 
He drifts off before he can ask.
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lonesome-witching · 7 months
I'll Still Love You If You Don't
A new anonymous prompt. This one was so much fun to write. In this episode of 'another day, another prompt' we get post flayed Nancy struggling with the things she did when flayed. And of course, Robin is there. Hope you enjoy!
Do you have any prompts yourself? Or do you want to dive into what I wrote before? You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
Nancy’s arms were wrapped around her knees. She vaguely registered that her hands were shaking. She just didn’t care much. It seemed preposterous to even sit here. Mike had insisted. And when she still refused, Robin had insisted. So, Nancy came down and joined them. Them being her brother, Robin, Lucas, Will, Dustin, El, Max and Steve. Too many people. Too many people she had hurt.
“Nance? What do you think?” Mike asked. He had turned his body to face his sister.
“Which movie should we watch?”
She could see Robin looking at her. It wasn’t entirely new. Robin had always looked at her. Nancy had first noticed it in the library, and it had never stopped since then. But now Robin looked at her differently. There was more worry in her eyes.
Nancy couldn’t really blame her. Not after everything that happened. Not after everything she’d done. Maybe Robin was worried she’d snap at any moment now. That she would attack her or Steve or even Mike. Nancy worried about the same thing.
“What— What are the options?” Nancy’s voice was shaking too.
“We could watch Star Wars or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off or Jaws or The Breakfast Club. But does anyone really want to watch The Breakfast Club?” Mike held up each tape as he said the name of the movie.
“Oh, I don’t know. What do you want?”
“I’m voting Jaws. Lucas and Max voted Ferris Bueller, Dustin, Will and El voted Star Wars and Steve and Robin haven’t voted yet.”
“I’ll vote Breakfast Club, right now,” Robin chimed in.
“Why? You don’t even like John Hughes,” Mike protested.
“But I do like annoying you.”
Mike groaned.
“I’ll follow Robin,” Steve said from his corner of the couch.
“Of course.”
“Nance?” Robin poked Nancy’s arm.
“I— I— I don’t care!” Nancy jumped up from her spot on the couch. She watched as the semi casual smiles turned sour. Everyone looking at her. She hated it. She hated the frown on Robin’s face and the way Mike flinched when she stood up. She hated the feeling that was crawling under her skin. As if worms were slithering under her skin. As if Vecna was still controlling her, still inside of her mind, making her go insane.
“Nance—” Robin leaned forward as she whispered that name.
“No, stop. I just—” Nancy waved her hand around herself and then rushed away. She couldn’t be here. She couldn’t sit in this room of the people she loved and just forget about everything that she had done. She needed to get away.
It was hard enough to deal with the trauma and the guilt when it had been an unforeseen consequence of her teenage rebellion. It was a whole other thing when she could remember it being her own actions. She wanted to rip her skin off.
She fell down on her bed headfirst, screaming into her pillow. Why couldn’t she just get rid of those pesky images. Those horrendous… memories.
“Nance?” The name was followed by a soft knock. “Nancy, are you alright?”
“No,” Nancy muttered into her pillow. She wasn’t even sure Robin actually heard her. But she didn’t seem to care, simply stepping into Nancy’s room, her personal space, and sitting on the bed.
“I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel right now.”
“Robin, stop. Please just stop. Stop being nice to me. Stop trying to comfort me. Stop! Stop! Stop!” Nancy pressed her hands against her ears. Just like she used to do when she was a little kid. She felt like a little kid. Complaining about the fact that her own actions had consequences.
“Why should I stop being nice to you? Nance, I care about you.”
“Why? After everything… How?” Nancy finally sat up, her hands dropped in her lap as she kneeled on her bed.
“It’s really not that hard.”
“It should be. Robin, I strangled you.”
“You nearly strangled me.” Robin had a smile on her face.
“Robin,” Nancy complained.
“It wasn’t you, Nance. You’d never hurt me. You’d never hurt any of us. We know that.” Her hand reached out, stopping halfway to Nancy’s bare knee.
“But it was me. Don’t you understand? It were my hands that wrapped around your throat, Robin. It was me looking at the life being drained from you.” Nancy could still see it whenever she closed her eyes. She still saw the image during her long, painful nightmares. She could still hear Steve shouting for her to stop as he rushed toward them.
“No. It wasn’t. It wasn’t you, Nance. It was Vecna. You were the one that pulled her hands off me. That kept me safe even when you couldn’t keep yourself safe. Nance, you weren’t in control when Vecna attacked us, but you made sure we’d all make it out alive. At risk of yourself.” Robin’s hand creeped closer, but despite her words she was hesitant to touch Nancy.
“If I’m a savior to you, why don’t you dare to touch me?” Nancy scoffed. She could feel the tears pool in her eyes.
“That has nothing to do with you,” Robin whimpered. She pulled her hand back entirely. Nancy wanted to cry.
“Then what is it? What is your reason for always keeping your distance if you’re not afraid of me?”
“It’s the opposite.”
“The opposite?”
“The opposite.”
“Please explain to me how you feeling the opposite of afraid is a reason to stay away from me.”
“Isn’t it obvious? I practically let you strangle me,” Robin sighed.
“Oh, so now it was me who strangled you?”
“Nancy, stop!” Robin jumped from the bed as if burned. Nancy crawled into herself. She wanted to vanish. To just be erased from the face of the earth. She couldn’t face Robin. She couldn’t take seeing fear in those beautiful blue eyes. “I’m not afraid of you, Nancy. I could never be afraid of you. Even if you wanted to hurt me, even if you truly wanted to kill me, I still wouldn’t be afraid. Because the mere thought of your hands wrapped around my neck, even if controlled by Vecna, don’t fill me with disdain, but with the gratitude of knowing you touched me. Knowing Vecna chose me to hurt you. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to care for me.”
“Of course, I care for you, Robin. Of course, I care.”
“No, Nancy. You don’t get it.”
“What don’t I get?” Nancy felt a sense of irritation bubble up within her. One that frightened her more than she’d like to admit. One had never felt towards Robin before. She wasn’t sure she felt it towards Robin now.
“God, Nancy, I’m in love with you.” The words escaped Robin with an air of despair. Her face having scrunched up in what could only resemble pain.
“You’re what?” Nancy breathed the words as if she had forgotten their meaning. Almost as if she was learning a new language entirely.
“I love you,” Robin admitted once again.
“Even after—”
“Yes, Nancy. Even after everything. Because none of that was your fault. You might have some rough edges, but you are so good. You’re so good.”
“No, it’s alright, you don’t have to say anything.”
“Alright.” Nancy allowed the silence to cover them. Maybe she was buying herself some time to think. Some time to process everything that was said. Robin was in love with her. Robin. “I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“You never did,” Robin replied swiftly.
“I’ve been wondering… I’ve been wondering why he made me attack you. Why not El? Or Will? Or even Max? Why not the people who have escaped him? He had easy access through me. El might have been able to but she would never kill me. And I know, I know I did hurt them. But I never tried to kill them. It was never like it was with you.” Nancy wasn’t sure where she was going with this. She hoped she’d figure it out before reaching the end of her speech.
“I know,” Robin interrupted, maybe trying to save Nancy from having to relive everything she did. But Nancy relived it anyway.
“I think he wanted me to kill you because it would have hurt me the most. It would have left me a broken shell of myself. I would have stopped fighting and he would have had complete and utter control of me. So, he tried to force me to kill you. And even when I had fallen under his control with barely any sense of myself left within me, I still couldn’t. Maybe if he had tried to get me to shoot you. But strangling… You are forced to watch the life fade from someone’s eyes. And when I looked into yours, Robin, when I saw the life begin to fade from yours, I was forced to fight. To protect you.”
“I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to say, Nance.”
“That makes two of us,” Nancy laughed softly. It sounded foreign even to her. She got up from her spot on the bed. Took a few steps toward Robin, hoping she wouldn’t flinch. She didn’t flinch. “I think what I’m trying to say is that… I might feel something for you too.”
“You might?” A smile slowly grew on Robin’s face. It was a beautiful sight.
“I’m quite sure of it, if I’m being honest,” Nancy admitted. “And if you think you could still love me after all that happened, then I think I could very well love you back. Do you think you can do that?”
“Yes, I can totally do that.” Robin nodded her head.
“Frankly, even if you can’t love me anymore, I still could probably love you,” Nancy admitted before slowly leaning in.
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
wip wednesday
So, final results from yesterday's poll?
Tumblr media
🦇 familiar!Eddie 🦇
I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not, lol. We love us some bats in the Steddie fandom. I'm not sure if you 34% were hoping for vampires, but I hope you're pleasantly surprised regardless.
I had a lot of fun with the poll idea, and I hope you all did too! As you can tell, I didn't actually vote myself because I wanted to be surprised by the results, so I've spent the last 24 hours bouncing off the walls lol. Thanks to everyone who voted!! I might do this again next week, we'll see :)
I promised a synopsis and a snippet, so here you are! Snippet is under the cut!
Supernatural Creature AU. Dustin is a witch whose familiar, a bat named Eddie, is not as cooperative as other familiars he’s met. The little creature has a big personality and isn’t afraid of doing whatever he wants, and Dustin is more than used to dealing with how sassy the bat can be. It would also be good if Eddie didn’t go off on his own every chance he got, although he seems to have a built in homing-beacon for locating one Steve Harrington, a Merman adopted into Dustin’s little friend group that the witch not-so-secretly adores.
When Dustin tries to cast a spell that lets him communicate with Eddie, it backfires and turns his familiar into a human. He knows that Eddie can’t stay at his house - he’s not even supposed to be using magic on his familiar, not until he gets older, so his mom will flip if she finds out. The witch begs Steve to keep an eye on the new human while he figures out how to reverse it and Steve agrees, completely oblivious to the fact that he’s going to fall head over heels for the man in the two weeks they spend together. 
And then Dustin's mom finds out. 
She’s upset, of course, but she knows how kids can be. She says she can fix it, she knows what Dustin did wrong and is able to reverse it. But because Eddie is human now, he has human rights, so he gets a choice: does he choose to return to being a bat, to being what he’s always known? Or does he choose to stay human, to exist as something other in the world?
(We all know he chooses Steve, in the end.)
Steve is lounging by the pool, basking in the sun warming his skin and scales alike, the fin of his tail floating lazily in the salt water. He's on the verge of falling asleep - he put on enough sunscreen that it wouldn't be any worry, and it's so tempting with how quiet it is right now. No kids bugging him, nowhere to be any time soon. For once in a while, he's free to just chill.
The relaxing atmosphere is ruined when something crashes into his chest, and - yeah, he screams, but it caught him off guard, okay? He grabs at the object, intending to throw it away from him, but immediately releases it when he hears an annoyed squeak. Startled, he looks down to find- 
"Eddie! That’s the third time this week, you little monster!"
The bat looks up at him from its position with its wings splayed across Steve's chest and makes another, much happier noise. Steve can't help but smile even as he whips his tail out of the pool, flicking water onto the creature who lets out an affronted squeak and quickly crawls up to bury itself in the crook of Steve's neck.
The Mer chuckles softly and brings one hand up to gently scratch at Eddie’s head, and reaches over with the other to dig his walkie free from where he'd wrapped it in a towel to keep it dry.
"Dustin, this is Steve. Come in, over."
A brief pause, then a soft crackle. "This is Dustin, what's up? Over."
"Your familiar got out again, over."
"Shit. He must have got out when I left for Mike's. Is there any way you can bring him to me? Over."
Steve frowns at the idea of having to get up and get dressed when he had planned to do absolutely nothing but lounge around all day. Eddie gives a soft grumble and Steve starts up his idle scratching again, and he feels the bat practically melt into a puddle at the gentle affection.
“I can, but do you mind if I bring him later? This is the first chance I’ve had to sun my scales in like, two weeks, over.”
Dustin gives a long suffering sigh that makes Steve roll his eyes, before giving a disgruntled “I guess. Just be glad I don’t actually need him today.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault that your familiar likes me so much. I’m not even a witch but he latches on to me any time he sees me.”
“He’s a familiar, Steve! He’s attracted to magical energies or something, I dunno!”
“I mean, you can just admit that I’m Eddie’s favorite-”
Eddie gives a soft chirp at the sound of his name, but for Steve it almost feels like an agreement. He coos softly at the creature as the walkie crackles to life again.
“Just- Get him back before dinner, okay? I don’t want my mom to worry about where he is.”
"Roger that. Over and out Dust Bunny."
"That's not my-"
Steve clicks the walkie off, something he knows he'll get an earful for later, but right now he sets the device to the side as he shuts his eyes again, enjoying the heat of the sun and the soft noises from the bat cuddled in the crook of his neck.
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hawkinsincorrect · 5 months
Vickie: I was voted “friendliest classmate” in high school.
Steve: I was voted “most likely to become a clown”...
Dustin: You think that’s bad? HA! I was voted “most likely to get rabies”!
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
🎻You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me🎻
Pairings: Eddie Munson x UndiagnosedAutistic!PlusSize!ViolinPlayer!Orchestra!Harrington!Reader (Goddamn thats a lot)
Plot: When Dustins 15th birthday comes up Eddie is set out on a mission to get Steve to help. Unbeknownst to Eddie, Steve has a younger sister, a very strange, very mean sister. Theres something about her, he needs to understand how she became to be so different from her brother, so hes set out on his next mission to get the answers to his questions.
Summary: Eddie seeks out Steve and is introduced only briefly to you.
Chapter warnings: Practically absent father, slightly abusive mother, unfair treatment between Steve and Reader, Steves kinda mean, swearing, use of Y/N. Read series masterlist for storys warnings, tropes and Reader description, dw they're not major just a few)
Wordcount: 3.7k
A/N: This is the first chapter for You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, thank you to everybody who voted for a series! This first chapter is short but they'll be longer in the future :)
Love yas!
Check out my other works! Series Masterlist
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Dirty white Rebocks pattered against the gravel as Eddie hopped out of his van and made his way across the fading white lines littering the parking lot outside of Family Video. Looking around at the surrounding businesses littering the industrial area on the outskirts of town. All built with weakening concrete, mustard yellow and cream whites turning darker and blacker with age, just as the video store was. Hints of pink and purple painted the horizon as the sun and heat were starting to ease up from summer 1985 now that September was approaching. 
He was thankful for it as he started wearing his jeans again, leaving his worn down cargo shorts to gather dust under his bed till he had to dig them out again next summer. He had never been a fan of those cargos, but he had trouble finding any other article of clothing that could strife away the scalding temperatures, so he had been stuck constantly pulling at the hem by the waist, forcing them to stop sagging from under his belt, he felt ridiculous walking around in the, hanging off him as if he’d dressed himself in a trash bag, but now he was back in his comfortable skin wearing properly fitted jeans. 
He was on a mission after he’d been told by Mike that this was where the infamous King Steve worked and was given precise instructions on how to approach the subject, instructions which went in one ear and out the other as Eddie fought with the gamestick playing Pacman at the arcade only one day prior.
A greening gold bell rang above his head as he opened the glass door and stepped foot in the building lined with dark brown wooden shelves sporting various movies from a stingy amount of genres, the shelves depicting a confusing maze within the wallpapered walls. Whoever was in charge of planning how to best utilize the space, clearly had no idea what they were doing. 
He shimied around shelves placed too close together and far too close to comfortably open the door, navigating to a counter placed in the middle of the room as You don't have to stay forever, I will understand was heard through the tinny speakers, Elvis Presley's You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me occupied as the only sound in the room. The desk connected to the back wall where a relatively large box television hung silently playing Police Academy 2: Their first assignment. Eddie recognised the faded people moving about the screen but barely remembered the film, he knew he had seen it and from what he could remember he concluded that he was probably laughing his ass off with Gareth, completely out of it as they passed joints back and forth for hours on end.
Having Gareth over so often for weekly sessions was probably the biggest reason as to why his room smelled like skunk whenever someone entered it, smoke attaching to the fibers of his curtains, bed sheets, and clothing all dumped out onto the floor. Had they been at Gareth's house more often he might not get in trouble with his teachers quite as much as he did, being sent to the principal's office to be scolded and threatened with police by a strong whiff of weed lingering on every clothing item he had in his possession. 
The store wasn't exactly busy but stray patrons roamed the isles, selecting movies to gawk at for their perfect little family movie nights or possibly to numb the pain of living in the sleepy town of Hawkins on a friday night, that's what Eddie would do anyway. 
He’d never been close enough to see Steve Harrington in proper, only ever seen him roaming the halls when he attended highschool or picking up Dustin from hellfire but it was undoubtedly him as he laid eyes on a lemon yellow polo shirt fitting tightly over a muscular figure slouched at the counter flipping through some comic with his head resting flat on his palm, even more so certainly judging by the golden brown hair flopping over his eyes, the same hair he overheard girls fawn over as he walked past. Gag. 
Even though he had never even attempted to get to know Steve he still felt a distaste for the man, writing him off the instant he noticed him. Popular, jock, boring, basic and probably a complete asshole just like the rest of the school. He did sometimes find himself wondering how on earth he had managed to befriend Robin Buckley of all people, a grade below him and on the complete opposite side of the social spectrum. He himself knew Robin in passing and from what he had gathered she was far from the type to associate herself with the populars. That was a mystery no one could figure out. 
“Steeeeve” he said in mock excitement throwing his arms out as if he was meeting up with an old friend he hadn't seen for a while. Steve looked up, confusement painting his face as he locked eyes on the metalhead before him. Long brown wavy hair cut into a shag, ripped jeans, ratty band tee with a fading print of a metallica album, softening leather jacket and silver chains and jewelry adorning his body. They were polar opposites. “Do I know you?” he asked unamused. “Funny” Eddie sneered as he sauntered over, placing his hands on the linoleum surface. 
Eddie may not be popular but he would like to think he made himself well known as a town pariah, devils worship, selling drugs, petty criminal, trailer trash and all that. 
“What do you want?” Steve closed his comic which Eddie noticed being Albedo Anthropomorphics issue number 7 as Steve straightened up on the stool, squaring his shoulders to give Eddie his undivided attention. “You're Dustin's babysitter right?” He was intentionally getting on Harrington's nerves, because it didn't matter how annoying he was, he knew Steve would help, despite Mike and Lucas’s warnings. A fact that that was proven as he remembered Dustin ranting about the exact same comic Steve was reading. 
Unamusement turned to disgust as he glared at Eddie. 
“NoO, I am not” he corrected, the second vowel raising in pitch as if correcting a child who he was very impatient with. “Yes you are” Eddie grinned, “Anyway, I need your help” he smirked, slanting his body to the left and cocking out his hip as his firm hand on the counter supported him “And why exactly would I help you?” boredom laced Steve's words as he narrowed his eyes in annoyance. 
“Aren't you supposed to be in customer service?” he gestured towards the fact that Steve was sitting at the checkout counter in a literal store “Show me that customer service smile” his grin widened but in response all he got was a deep scowl. “Anyway” he straightened his back to watch Steve intently “It's Dustin's birthday next friday, he is under the impression that his lovely sweet mother is taking him out to dinner, but in reality he’ll be getting a surprise party” Steve couldn't help but let his scowl ease slightly “-and that's where you come in” Eddie continued as he pointed towards the video store clerk. “-we need some help planning.” 
After some convincing and some very weak pleading from Eddie, Steve gave in although making it very clear the only reason he would endure Eddie's presence was because of Dustin and Dustin alone. His shift ended at 5 pm sharp and informed Eddie he could come by at 5:30 to plan. “But you're not staying past 6:30, I don't want you in my house” he had crossed his arms, eyes staring at Eddie as he scoffed “Relax, I wouldn't want to be surrounded by your mothers ghastly interior for more than an hour at a time anyway.”
And that was where they were now, sat in Steve's kitchen, bickering about the theme of the party as they faced each other at the round table. As expected Eddie had made faint remarks about the previously mentioned interior when he entered the Harrington home, much to Steve's dismay. As Steve began going on a rant about how Eddie was in under no circumstances allowed to bring alcohol Eddie glanced out the window in boredom. But the only thing to entertain him was a round figure walking lazily down the sidewalk, back straight and arms swaying, head held high and confident, so he found his eyes drifting back in to the kitchen and was brought back to the argument at hand. “You think I'm that irresponsible that I would bring Alcohol to a birthday party for a 15 year old?” 
“Oh shut up” Eddie's upper lip curled in displeasure at the accusation.
Steve seemed unbothered when the door clicked and swung on its hinges in the next room over, and continued with his assignment on planning. Taking it upon himself to start writing a shopping list, not yet sure if he trusted Eddie with the responsibility of following through with getting all the things they needed or if he should take care of it himself. 
That same round figure showed up in the open doorway drawing both of the men's attention. Eddie barely got a chance to look at her, only registering her face as she leaned halfway over the threshold with a simple “Yo”. Her face looked slightly annoyed he registered, cupid's bow pulled up almost as if in disgust while a slight furrow showed between her brows. “Hey” Steve returned before she turned promptly and made her way down the hall, he heard as footsteps led her up the stairs and out of earshot. 
“Whoa trouble with the missus?” Eddie chuckled, leaning back in the fancy intricate wooden chair that matched the rest. “What? That's my sister” Steve frowned, a frown similar to yours but more deep set. “Really? You look nothing alike” he marveled, within the few seconds he laid eyes on you he could only distinguish the fact that your hair was a shade darker, and that your body was very clearly the opposite of Steves. His lean form and sleek muscles were obviously something that he had not inherited or something that ran in the family. “All siblings don't look alike you know” Steve breathed as he sat back in his chair, one leg crossing over the other to rest his ankle on his thigh. 
“Why does she look like that then?” it wasn't a comment on your body but on your expression as you appeared by the open frame, Steve had already anticipated the question, he knew it was coming the second you stepped through the door.  “I dunno, she has like a permanent frown, shes fuckin’ unapproachable, hence why she has no friends” Eddie looked surprised as Steve rolled his eyes “Well in school anyway, even if she was approachable shes too i hate everyone to even make an effort” he made bunny eared quotation marks in the air as he described your personality. “Wow, didn't know easy breezy perfect King Stevie ‘The Hair’ Harrington had a sibling so different from him, or well one at all actually” he felt a surge of annoyance at Eddie's words. “She your older sister then?” Steve only rolled his eyes again, you were clearly invisible to everyone around you .“She's a senior at your high school, shouldn't you know everyone by now? Seeing as it's your second year as one?” he felt slightly proud at his jab at the man across from him who'd been getting on his nerves all afternoon. “She is?” Eddie ignored the latter.
“Told you, she's unapproachable, sticks to herself” that was true but he couldn't help feeling slightly sad for you, even if you were in his parallel class he would have hoped at least someone would know who you were, you weren't all that different from Eddie, both weird. “She used to be in band, with Robin” he squinted his eyes slightly to gather information on whether or not Eddie knew who Robin was, he continued when he got a single nod of confirmation “But now she's in some orchestra in New Castle, so she doesn’t like stick around after school” he explained, giving Eddie another reason as to why he had never heard of you. “Her? In orchestra?” from the brief look he had gotten of you, you did not look like some nit picky orchestra person. “Yeah she plays the cello” “The cello?” Eddie asked, utterly baffled. “Yeah the-” he held his hands up by his neck, pulling an invisible bow back and forth “That's a violin man” 
“Yeah whatever” 
The conversation surrounding Steve Harrington's sister and how you were so unlike your brother died there and the topic of Dustin's party was brought up again, to the slight disappointment of Eddie.
“Mm?” was your answer to the knock at your bedroom door, allowing Steve to open it and peep inside, finding you propped up against your headboard, a paperback copy of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote in your hands. “I’m having some people over” he jumped straight to the point, hand resting limply on the doorknob while the other found its place on his hip “For that party planning thing I was telling you about so please don't like, play your weird loser music or that stupid viola.”
“First of all” you sat up to glare at Steve “Elvis Presley is not weird loser music, second it's a violin you dick” you scowled, the frown which Steve said you wore constantly, tightened. “Yeah yeah, just shut up for the evening ok?”
“I was done with practicing but just because of that, I think I might continue” an ill intentioned smirk formed on your lips.
“You are so fucking annoying” he breathed.
“Tell me something I don't know” you rolled your eyes, lying down and turning away from him. Even though you utterly sucked he still had to inform you “We're eating alone tonight by the way, Mom's at the country club playing golf and Dad's staying late at work” 
“Great” you answered sarcastically before Steve shut the door. 
You weren't necessarily complaining, it was a regular occurrence that Charles Harrington stayed late to handle the law firm and you would rather Sharon Harrington was far out of sight when he was. Bad blood simmered between you and your mother, her constant criticism for your behavior, style and eating habits were not something you particularly looked forward to when you came home especially in comparison to Steve who had always been mommy's perfect little boy. 
Eddie, Mike, Lucas, Will and Steve sat strewn across arm chairs and couches in the off white pristine living room of the Harrington residence. They had only just sat down, notebook on the ready for budget planning and fresh coca colas from the fridge in their hands when the undeniable sound of a bow slowly brushing over hard metal strings was heard throughout the house.
The second you heard Steve welcome them in on the Sunday afternoon you got up and kept your promise to continue practicing on your instrument. Steve audibly groaned below you, its volume traveling up the stairs and through your open door only egging you on further as you began playing Symphony n.5 by Beethoven moving your bow up and down the strings. 
Sure Steve had taken on his brotherly duty to play nice and explain the situation for tonight, not that it was any different from any other night, and he was on occasions friendly with you, but that didn't change the fact that he was a fucking ass to you. During your 18 years on this earth Steve had bullied you, pestered you and made your life almost as miserable as your mother did, she claimed it was Steve's way of showing love but you didn't accept that fact as true. You may have, however, if you actually knew what Steve did for you, multiple times he had gotten into fights with classmates to defend your honor, both in his childhood years up until the end of high school, only easing up when he was no longer in contact or around to hear the crude remarks about you. But, you didn't know, so you had no issue with creating a slight hell for him as he did for you. 
With each 8 beats the chord changed and you only increased in strength. “Is that Y/N?” Mike asked as he listened in on you upstairs “You knew he had a sister??” Eddie piped up, turning towards him “You have a sister?” Lucas was shocked “Of course I know he has a sister, doesn't everyone?”
The vigorous strumming and skillful fingerwork slowed to slower notes, slowly building as Steve started to get annoyed, rising from his comfortable seat in the armchair and preparing for battle. “She's gotten really good since I last heard her, damn” Mike awed as Steve brushed past him and out into the hallway, following the sound of shorter notes echoing throughout the house. You were clearly interrupting but Eddie couldn't help but feel amazed at the sounds, so different from the instruments he usually heard in his music or the music he listened to, a whole different genre but from what he gathered you were very good with the violin. He listened in a daze, as if your bow and strings cast him under an enchantment as Steve stormed down the hall and made a loud show of him coming up the stairs, giving you one last chance to back down. You did not. 
Eddie was torn from his enchantment as the music suddenly came to an abrupt hall. 
“Give that back you fucking asshole! That's a ten thousand dollar instrument!” 
He had ripped the fragile maple wood from your hands in anger. 
“I told you not to play it while I had people over!” 
“And I told you I dont give a shit!”
The shouting match had begun.
“Of course you don't! Because all you care about is this stupid fucking thing!”
“Because it's my life! That thing is my whole life! That is my ticket to a degree! Don’t go giving me shit because you’re too fucking stupid to even get in to community college!” you screamed but within an instant your voice softened to an insulting hiss upstairs “You couldn't even pass the PSAT’s at a respectable grade.”
“I would take having a life over whatever your sad excuse for one is anyday! Locked up in your room every waking hour studying, oh unless you're in school where you don't even have the human decency to talk to people or be in any way polite” Steve was no longer shouting but spewing words with pure venom.
“Because they’re all fucking pieces of shit! Who don’t give a flying fuck about anything other than mindless sex, popularity and LYING to themselves that this fucking Hawkins Indiana is the place to be!” he heard you scoff before an exasperated shout “LIKE YOU!”
“And if you're not at school you’re at fucking orchestra practicing for shows-” his voice became firm and short of a temperfull whisper as he interrupted your speech “-who no one ever comes to”. It seemed a shame, your playing had been amazing, from the short snippet he heard you had some intense skills, it must be wasted to play for only a few people.
Eddie couldn't have known that Steve had the urge to throw your precious violin that disturbed his peace every day of the week in to the wall, maybe even thrust it onto the ground and smash it to tiny pieces under his sock clad foot, but a part of him in the back of his mind knew that would both leave you heartbroken and that he would never come back from doing such a cruel thing to you, so instead he tossed the violin onto the soft plush of your bed before storming out with a “Fucking bitch” muttered under his breath and slamming the door behind him. Eddie heard you shout a “Sanctimonious piece of shit!” back at him and then footsteps down the stairs. 
The group scattered around the livingroom sat awkwardly as Steve emerged from the hall and back to them, they didn't know what to do or say and it was clear on their faces. Steve breathed a heavy breath before apologizing “Sorry about her and that you had to hear that” Eddie raised his brows at him as if to say Are you kidding me? Steve saw it and was quick to announce “Trust me, we’re fine, we fight all the time”
Even though you were upset you would not back down, you were quick to retrieve your violin and find its place resting atop your shoulder and under your chin. 
“She's gonna start playing again any second, she's fine” Steve sank back down into plush leather just as the music started up again. He gestured his hand up at the ceiling to prove his point. 
Eddie was experiencing a mixture of feelings, all reeling around his head as you began playing again, a new found interest for the classical genre, sadness for you who had to go through that, anger at Steve for saying such hurtful things but also surprise at how even though you had been insulted so harshly which would have left the girls he knew, granted only a few, crying, you continued playing, as if it didn't bother you. 
And it barely did bother you, Steve was right, you did fight all the time, and through years of bullying from classmates and close family you had become tough, strong, learnt to deal with feelings, push them as far down as your mind would allow you and move on. It was even the moments after the horrible fights that you had learnt to cherish, just as you did when everyone had left for the evening. Steve didn't verbally apologize but you knew he was sorry, and he showed it by becoming your friend again and ordering pizza for dinner, paying with it from his hard earned money (your parents didn't give him allowance since he got a job) and sat with you, watching soap operas on the couch. 
It was a destructive and toxic relationship, being bullied and only fighting back when no parents were around to hear it and then instantly becoming friends, but it was your destructive and toxic relationship.
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
WIP Writing Poll
Oh boy here we go again, the number of WIPs just keeps getting bigger! 😬
Thank you @hbyrde36, my dear, for the tag. 🖤
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips and then for whichever wins, write one sentence for every vote it gets (but you should also write 1 sentence for every vote each of them gets!)
I think I'll do the same and post the snippets here after I get them written so watch this space! All will be posted under their respective tags that are tagged here too. I'm currently vacillating between debilitating burnout, writers block and an idiosyncratic want to write at the same time. So hopefully this will help me get my head on straight again.
Fic blurbs below the cut:
Return of The King - Part 8
Steddie vampire fic with vampire!Steve. Last chapter there was an earthquake, Wayne got the cliff-notes of the Upside Down, a car chase van chase, feral Steve, and they approached the gate to the Upside Down.
The kids (Dustin) try to meddle in Steve's love life though they've been warned not to. Everything starts falling apart and they get their comeuppance.
Through The Valley
Post-Apocalyptic AU set roughly fourteen months after spring break. Eddie, Dustin and Nancy have a nice little community of survivors outside of Hawkins that they take care of. They're the ones who know most about this stuff after all, since the military abandoned them. They don't talk about it, but each of them hopes they can find the others again soon. But it's been so long already.
Unnamed D&D AU
Step right up! Step right up! We got a fantasy AU here! Necromancy! Enemies to lovers! Religious cults! Murder husbands! Who did this to you? Featuring Paladin!Steve and Bard!Eddie who won't stay Bard!Eddie for very long...
And They Were Roommates!
Bitchy queers Steve and Eddie don't like living together and they do not like each other. They snipe and bitch and complain. But Eddie hasn't come home yet and it's not like Steve is worried or anything... he's just... concerned for a fellow human being... that's all.
Unnamed Spies/Secret Agents AU
Containing both an established relationship oneshot and a getting together prequel. Similar to others above we've got enemies to lovers, bitchy, sexy, flirting while trying to kill each other, murder husbands, protective Eddie and maybe just a smidge of Steve getting duped. As a treat.
Unnamed PStobin+RSteddie Baby AU
Steve and his husband had always wanted kids. Except apparently Albert wasn't quite so up for it as he'd previously said. Robin is just standing there, 37 weeks pregnant with Steve's IVF baby having just punched Albert in the nose and oh god why is she leaking everywhere?? Is it happening?? IT'S HAPPENING, OH JESUS! TAXI!
Before He Cheats
I swear to god it sounds so much worse than it is. Steddie boys DO NOT cheat on each other in this fic or ANY of my fics EVER, you can be assured of that.
It's a songfic.
I'm just gonna drop this here.
Zero pressure taggy tags. @augustjustice @artaxlivs @i-less-than-three-you @xenon-demon @every-aj-needs-an-angel @mentallyundone @scoops-stevie @nburkhardt @steves-strapcollection @outpastthebrakers @hardboiledleggs
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