#i usually get like 1 or 2 notes and this flood of them is kinda making me nervous
skippingseaglass · 4 months
chat i think this is why they say that social media is bad for people
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cboffshore · 4 months
Sorry I know you are not a fan of thinking about it but I’m curious. Is your disgust of Skybound angst baced on a moral problem with Sa being represented and talked about at all? From what I’ve seen of your work you also uses Nadakhan’s canon creepiness that uses the fear that he is going to do worse things. It’s like you’ve drawn a certain line and shame those who write worse. Didn’t Nadakhan kiss Nya against her will? Is it because of jay focus specifically? No shame in staying away from all that of course but it’s strange like Skybound “as it is” so much but also dismiss and explain away things that happened you didn’t like or act like everyone should just not think about implications you’ve acknowledged as there. I don’t see how you could be more upset at fanfic writers than people actually paid to write and produce what clearly caused that kinda fic to be written. Again sorry to bug I don’t usually interact here but yeah.
I've read this over a few times and I think the best way for me to respond is with line by line replies because... this is a lot at once, ngl. Under the cut we go!
Is your disgust of Skybound angst baced on a moral problem with Sa being represented and talked about at all?
No. I should clarify that I'm neutral to positive on angst in general - done well, it's a great way to examine a character or situation. My specific problem with the most representative chunk of Skybound angst is how it misinterprets/misrepresents the themes of the season, usually in a way that comes off to me (key words: to me) as pointless and unfair to the characters and underlying story. It's not a moral issue. I'm just sick of the scene being flooded this way.
From what I’ve seen of your work you also uses Nadakhan’s canon creepiness that uses the fear that he is going to do worse things. It’s like you’ve drawn a certain line and shame those who write worse. Didn’t Nadakhan kiss Nya against her will?
Good point. I do use the canon creepiness factor, it's true, because that's a crucial part of Nadakhan's character. However, I draw that line and try to play within the bounds of what the show would do, because that helps me process it both to understand 1. why it's uncomfortable as-is and 2. how it serves the narrative. 2 there is kind of how I handle any analysis - no point in ragging on the writers or their intent (more on that later) because I'm analyzing the story for what the story holds. I'm not into cranking things up for the sake of angstifying my work, because I believe that with enough analysis of the existing material, I don't need to. I'm certainly not trying to shame anyone, and I understand that it might come off like that sometimes. Genuinely: I'm not trying to shame anyone, and I'm sorry if I've made it sound like I am.
Is it because of jay focus specifically?
Only kind of. (I'm writing this as if "it" in this phrase refers to my discomfort with the field of overblown Jay angst, just so we're clear.) I'm all for Jay character analysis! I like him as a character, and I love his arc in Skybound. What bothers me is when the SA themes that, by all canon means, should be applied to Nya get shuffled over to Jay even though there is zero indication in canon that he experienced it. I'm all for creative license, yes, but it also baffles me when people analyze and write Jay through that "SA was a huge cornerstone of his trauma" lens, because it wasn't. I think there are so many better questions to ask about Jay's arc and experience than "what if he was assaulted on top of all his other suffering?" On a similar note: I also think there are way better questions to ask about Nya's arc, and Nadakhan's, but unfortunately all three of them get shoehorned into reductive roles in this specific type of work, which is a disappointment. I think all three of them deserve focus in different ways, and deep dives into the things they actually did and experienced. Again: nothing wrong with a Jay focus, but I think it's more compelling to dive deep into what did happen to him than to transfer Nya's implied experience to him and crank it up.
No shame in staying away from all that of course but it’s strange like Skybound “as it is” so much but also dismiss and explain away things that happened you didn’t like or act like everyone should just not think about implications you’ve acknowledged as there.
This is where I think you're misunderstanding my position. If I've come off as saying that we should just handwave the problematic elements of the season (both of and onscreen), then please know that has never been my intention. To be perfectly clear, I'm not trying to explain these weird things away - I am simply trying to explain them. Fact of the matter is that those elements are there, stuck in a story I've found unusually compelling for eight years running; I can't get rid of them, so I may as well dig in and see why they're there and how they contribute. Does that stop the uncomfortableness from being uncomfortable? Absolutely not. However, I like to examine what role that discomfort plays in the narrative instead of giggling like a middle schooler asking you to spell ICUP and then saying you're gross for saying that. Yes, I do like Skybound as it is - because it utilizes that discomfort well to say a lot of interesting stuff about the characters involved in it.
I don’t see how you could be more upset at fanfic writers than people actually paid to write and produce what clearly caused that kinda fic to be written.
Once again: I'm not terribly interested in analyzing the deeper motives behind why the story came out the way it did. Of course it's important to consider the origin of the season, and I do that when necessary; however, keep in mind that I'm doing this for fun. I find the story layered and compelling enough on its own, and while its origins may have been questionable, I don't think that invalidates what the story has to say at all. I also find the story interesting enough on its own that I think it's weird when authors ignore all those interesting things in favor of writing hundreds of thousands of words of Jay getting assaulted in every sense of the word. I'm definitely more focused on the fic writing side of it than I am on the canon writing side because, well, the fic side is the one I'm on! These are peers I share a digital space with in a way I can't with the showrunners.
Or, put another way: This is Tumblr. You've heard of the two cakes principle, right? The idea that the audience will appreciate having more art and writing available even if it's not as fancy as the famous stuff? This situation, to me, is like that in a way. This is like me showing up to a bake sale staffed by bakers who I know are talented and have access to the best equipment and ingredients. Except I roll up and the tables are eighty percent supermarket cupcakes. Sure, sometimes a supermarket cupcake hits the spot, and generally they're crowd pleasers - they'll sell well! But this is a bake sale staffed by wildly talented bakers. I know they're capable of cooler things and I know they have access to the time and resources to make those cooler things. Maybe they just care about the bake sale in a different way than I do, and that's fine, truly... but it's still disappointing.
I hope this cleared some stuff up for you, anon. If you've got any other questions, please let me know. (And you don't have to go anon for it if you don't want to - we can even discuss it via DM if you'd like to.)
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
making this a series ig (spoilers, mostly minor, idk well just have to ROLL WITH IT AND SEE)
episode is starting from zero, episode 1 (quick note: i love how excited everyone is aty the beggining for this camoain, so heartwarming) "'for all you audio listeners your about to hear what a man catching on fire sounds like' 'and also a house catching on fire'" "so its like 3 belts? yeah" "this character sucks not enough belts" ok chip hasnt been described and hes already drawn blood "how much trouble does this woman have keeping her pants up holy shit" "anything that looks valueable, take it" "whats a barrel" instant love with this campaine from here "ill carry this" "ok" "but w h y" “this is the fastest I've ever committed arson in a campaign” "ok as soon as we light this ill let them know so they die an honorable death" "but the barrel is terrified of fire" "so this is a barrel" "lets blow up this popcicle place" hes trying guys "grab a barrel as well i need to study" "in you multitude of belts" when did i forget jay had so many and got bullied for it "i hope she didnt find any more belts in there" ok but whenever i hear marshal jon being described the dopamine just floods out "oh! that wasnt the bathroom!" "no it was not, it was the room where we got the explosives" "WHAT ARE YOU GRABBING THE EXPLOSIVES FOR" "to blow up your ship" bro i loved how gill interacted with people before what an idiot /pos "gill make a-dont make anything you told the truth" gotta love grizzly doing a save "and jay you go to kick this man in the back of the knee and you do you realise that his calf muscles are literally built like boulders" "i want to put my hand on his shoulder" and so it begins the convincing! yes gill go!! "hang on let me see that...big j" "JON, ITS YOUR CHOIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE" "as the door is blown off-" "did somebody fart?" ah yes gill you lit the explosive that makes people fart" "BACHOW!" please dont stop this man from making random noises its great "is your skin always wet or is it dry?" GRIZZ ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS!! "you are to learn a lesson from the moisture master!" remember when gill made his title canon now, its 6 seconds to 20 minutes in "THOSE PIRATES!" man knowing him now its kinda strange to hear him hunting them down "i just occasonally grab people and im like 'you can be better'" cant believe gill went from telling people to be better to just immedately trying to solve their problems (like not even 2 episodes later if im remembering right) "excellent jay you are a fog frog" "im gonna steal somebody's hat then run out the door" jay stealing chips job now "im passing the barrel out the window" i remember when hed just be a problem for any stealth kind of movements "MY FRIEND SAID HE DOESNT WANT YOU TO HAVE AN ADVANTAGE" "there is still time" ITS STARTING WOW "you get the sense this guy cannot see very well" i forgot he had sight problems "YOU BLEW A HOLE IN OUR TOWER" "and you blew a hole in my heart" ACCIDENTAL FORESHADOWING AND A GREAT MOMENT FOR SHIPPERS?? HOW MUCH IS CHARLIE FEEDING US WITH GILLION TIDESTRIDER!?!!? (spoiler: a lot) "can i make a persuasion check?" "sure" if charlie never said this we would never have the future pirate jon, IF HE NEVER GOT A 16 THINK WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED "you cant tell if i cry a single tear or if im usually that moist" the fact that he is can make for an angsty hc that nobody really would notice gill crying "jon didnt make it" oh this better not be another accidental foreshadow "you see, a pink frogtupus" everyone being excited for the preztal reveal was also all of us huh dont lie! "i look like a big flounder" fanartists canon gill description /j "god damn it big j" friendly reminder that (from what ive seen) marshal jon is the only character gill gave a nickname, and he had met him like 20+ minutes ago "YA BOY GILL ABOUTA BE FRIED" "ima just grab them both and jump" ngl i cant put my finger on it but calmer gillion probs the chaos control thats needed because of him being feral "jon this is for you" *proceeds to get an 8* (would have been epic if he suceeded that charisma tho) "jon, the power is- eyeh" "i look over wistfully (?) 'but w h y?'"
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deafmangoes · 2 years
Why Legend of Korra Breaks Avatar's Worldbuilding
Part 1: Specialised Bending
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Been rewatching Legend of Korra lately. When it originally came out, I enjoyed Season 1, was okay with Season 2, began to see cracks in Season 3 and utterly hated Season 4. Now I'm older I'm seeing if my attitude's changed.
Well... in some ways. My core issues with LoK are still there. Mostly how it fundamentally breaks the worldbuilding. I'm going to break down why, a little.
(Okay, probably a lottle).
(Blazing hot take on an 11 year old show, woo. Spoilers ahead).
NOTE: I originally intended this to be one post but it turned into a sprawling essay so I'm breaking it into multiple parts!
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Metalbending was explicitly stated in TLA as done by bending small earthen impurities in a metallic matrix. Although we see Toph getting better at it over time, it's still a very imprecise and 'rough' method of bending. By the time of LoK, it's been refined into a much smoother bending art - that's all fine and good, but...
In the finale of Season 3 Korra is poisoned with mercury. For those of you who aren't familiar with chemistry, mercury is a metal famous for being liquid at room temperature. In its elemental form, it is 100% metal and has no impurities. Yet, metalbenders seem to be able to treat it like water. If that's the case, why can't they do this with all metals? This really questions where the line between "earth" and "metal" is, which kinda came up a bit in TLA.
For example, "earth" in the real world is basically silicate rocks or organic carbons. We know that no one can bend wood in the Avatar universe, and "plantbending" was achieved by manipulating the water in the stems, roots and vines. We also see that "sandbending" is possible (though specialised and not something all earthbenders can do), indicating that it's the silicate rocks that 'count' as "earth". This should, interestingly, mean that earthbenders can't do much with soil or mud unless they're affecting the clay in it.
Problem is, we see them throwing coal around at one point, too - so carbon's fine. There's a fundamental inconsistency there. Okay, fair enough, it's a kids' show. But LoK really draws attention to it in a way that makes you suddenly see all the flaws.
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Yes, it's another issue with earthbending. Almost like they didn't think it through.
In Season 3 we're introduced to Guvan, who has the ability to "lavabend". It's never explained why this comes under the purview of earthbending since it seems more like a firebending thing (manipulation of heat and all that) but fine, can accept it... Except that it's done really badly.
Part of it is the way the writers treat lava itself. It has the usual TV problem of Convection Schmonvection where no one seems bothered by the extreme heat of molten rock, but beyond that the writers frequently treat lava as just "very hot watery acid". It's particularly bad in the Season 3 two-part finale where lava seems to just 'eat' through cooler rock and flows down a stairway in a flood, even crashing like waves.
Lavabending as a concept is pretty cool, but it should have been kept more limited - twice in the original series we see how much people struggled with volcanoes erupting, and apparently with Guvan (or even Bolin) around that shouldn't have been an issue at all. Avatar Roku died for nothing, guys.
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Zaofu and the 'Metal Clan'
it's pretty but where the fuck did they get all that metal from? There's five six huge lotus 'domes' that open and close every day (which must take several teams of very dedicated benders), but this seems less efficient than just... building a wall. In Season 4, Kuvira tears these down and although it's not stated, I got the implication that she uses them to build her mega-mech (because where else did she get all that metal from...?) - except the mech itself is stated to be platinum, which can't be bended, which raises questions of what was going on in Zaofu to begin with!
Zaofu itself isn't given a lot of focus as a society but it's actually kinda dystopic if you think about it even a little. The place is ostensibly ruled in a 'benign tyranny' by Matriarch Suyin, and is portrayed as a sort of utopia, buuuut one of the first things we're introduced to is Suyin's vizier, who is so sensitive to vibrations that he acts as a human lie detector. He even states, point blank, "no one has secrets in Zaofu".
It's a bit sinister, no?
Then in Season 4 when Kuvira (herself a former citizen of Zaofu, radicalised into an imperialist dictator) attempts to conquer the city and benevolent tyrant Suyin - who is never framed as anything but heroic, by the way - tries to assassinate her in her sleep. Sure, Kuvira is the villain of the piece but it's not a good look for Suyin.
Dodgy politics aside, we're also told at one point that only "1 in 100 can master metalbending" and then later Suyin boasts that she can teach anyone the skill, and Toph further boasts that her kids never really got the hang of it. Some of these statements are probably lies, sure - it seems like a Zaofu would need a lot of metalbenders just to keep operating, so it can't actually be too hard for earthbenders to pick up: Bolin struggles with it, but maybe this is more like how Aang struggled with earthbending and Korra with airbending; it's a perspective that's different from what they already know.
Buuuut we don't explore any of that so nevermind.
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In Season 1, Mako is shown to work at a power plant in Republic City with a lot of other firebenders, where they... spend their shift channelling lightning into generators, it seems.
Conceptually it's not bad, but like with the metalbending problem, it goes against what TLA established as being a very difficult thing to do - lightning generation and bending is shown to be a skill restricted pretty much to the royal family in TLA, and Iroh states that it comes from a place of careful meditation and calm (although, y'know, Azula seems to still be able to do it even after her mental breakdown so maybe Iroh's bullshitting).
Point being, they took something stated to be a rare skill and made it surprisingly mundane without addressing the contradiction. There's also a point to be made about ethics - Republic City clearly needs a lot of electricity and if it's being generated mostly by firebenders (who don't seem to be well compensated for it), it's shaky infrastructure that's liable to collapse and relies purely on worker exploitation. Woo!
It's pretty likely that Republic City uses fossil fuels and "tops up" with lightning, but we're not shown that explicitly, so it's left to speculation.
Also their battery tech is way more advanced than it ought to be - probably better than our own IRL.
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Empty and Become Wind
Season 3 shows us that airbenders can actually fly if they try hard enough. Not just with gliders or wingsuits, but plain "I don't believe in gravity" cocksure positive attitude.
Just adding this one in here because it actually makes a lot of sense. Flying Bison fly because of airbending, so it stands to reason that humans can do it too. That only two airbenders - to date - have been able to accomplish this is more a failing on the part of the Masters than anything else.
Right, that's all my vitriol for this post. Next time: technology.
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4acoffee · 2 years
Past and Furious p.2
Synopsis: You've been best friends with Prince Bakugou since as long as you remember, and you always will be, nothing could change that, not even a curse that supposedly dooms you with immortality,― right? If only you had finished off that dusty old hag when you had the chance.
Pairing : Bakugou X Reader
Word Count: 1.9k words
Genres & Warnings: fantasy AU!, Angst but they usually laugh it off... >:), Bakugou's potty mouth, mild violence, reader low-key has an existential crisis because of tarts
Notes: So sorry this took so long :/ I'm on break now! so hopefully I can get the motivation to write more lol. Links to my masterlist and Part one of this fic down here!!
p.1 , p.2
I held you close as we both shook
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You woke to the sound of voices above you.
The chatter of multiple people speaking over each other filled the room, but it sounded like your ears were stuffed with cotton, and their words muddled together in your mind as you struggled to figure out where you were.
Opening your eyes for just a moment, you immediately squeezed them tightly shut once again as the blinding light from overhead did absolutely nothing but worsen the awful throbbing in your brain. It felt as if someone had turned your head into a mortar and pestle, relentlessly grinding everything up there into mush. Pain resonated throughout the back of your skull and all the way down to the bottom of your ears. You flexed your fingers at your side, but your limbs felt heavy and stiff against the scratchy material of whatever you were laying on.
The voices in the room became clearer the longer you lay there, and you could make out the resonating voice of Katsuki among the chatter.
“What kinda’ shitty healer are ya’ if you can’t even tell what's wrong with her!”
“Please your highness, I’ve tried everything I know, I’m not sure what else I can do.”
You sat up suddenly in the small cot you were lying in and immediately regretted it as blood rushed from your head, making you feel dizzy.
Several heads whipped your way as you groaned loudly in pain.
Your friends, (where did they even come from?) were by your side in seconds, Mina hugged you tight with tears flooding her big dark eyes. They all began speaking at the same time, bombarding you with their questions.
“You're awake!”
“You alright bro?”
“Man, you look rough.”
“Do you remember what happened?”
You blinked wearily at them, their mixed voices not helping your still awful headache.
It was Katsuki who came to your rescue, — shoving the others out of the way — he placed a surprisingly gentle hand on your arm and watched your face carefully.
“Took you long enough.” He started, “Was beginning to think you would be sleeping forever, princess.”
Your lips twitched up into a half smile. Taking a deep breath in, you opened your mouth to tell him off, but your words came out dry and gravely. You coughed with the sudden strain on your vocal cords and realized just how parched your throat was. You felt like you hadn’t spoken in days.
You watched quietly as Katsuki made a face and twisted his head behind him, barking orders to the young physician that you just noticed standing at the doorway of the healing quarters to bring you some water. She jerked in her spot and nodded vigorously before squeaking out a meek, “Yes, your highness!” and hurried away.
You took another deep breath and buried your face into Katsuki’s shoulder, your head felt so heavy on your neck. You closed your eyes and frowned deeply into his soft tunic.
What happened to you? No one spoke for a while which you greatly appreciated, allowing you to get some rest until the physician returned with water for you in a small bowl. Katsuki moved to the side and allowed her to step towards you.
Gently, she handed you the bowl which you took gratefully. With slightly trembling fingers, you brought the rim to your lips and eagerly gulped down mouthfuls, silently relishing in the feeling of the cool liquid running down your throat. It tasted odd, hints of a tangy flavor you couldn’t quite place invaded your tastebuds.
She watched you attentively and clasped her hands to her chest, “I mixed some Ginseng and Sage essence in there to help you regain some energy m’lady.” Lime green bangs fell in front of her small face as she spoke, which she paused to blow aside. “I’ll also bring you something to eat in a bit too of course.” She offered you a nervous smile, “After being out so long I suppose you would be absolutely famished.”
You furrowed your brow in confusion, “Oh? How long have I been out?”
Suddenly you gasped as a rush of memories hit you, the mission, the gem, the witch!
“Wait, I remember! That witch from yesterday, — she did this to me didn’t she!”
Everyone in the room exchanged worried glances, even the nurse tilted her head quizzically at you. You looked around, waiting for someone to answer.
It was Kaminari who finally broke the silence, “Yesterday?” he asked.
“Bro, — you’ve been out cold for six months!”
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You sighed deeply for what might have been the hundredth time that day.
Six months.
You had been unconscious for six months.
After leaving the healing quarters and extending a thanks to the kind physician (whose name you learned was Miinorin), your hunger had hit you with full force. Now you sat in the palace library, huddled up under a blanket and nibbling on a piece of buttery tart. Every delicious bite of the jam-filled sweet had you nearly crying with joy as the savory flavor erupted on your tongue.
You sat and listened carefully as your friends filled you in on everything that had happened. After the witch cast her spell, you passed out and had to be flown back to the palace on Kirishima in his dragon form, — the witch's whereabouts, however, were unknown. She had vanished right before the light completely faded and everyone could wrap their mind around what happened.
On your arrival at the palace, you had immediately been taken to mages and healers as they tried to work out what was wrong with you. Their healing magic seemed to have no effect, so they had resorted to just waiting for you to wake up. The strangest part was how you managed to survive in a sort of stasis for so long. You hadn’t been able to eat anything for weeks, and yet your body showed no physical changes whatsoever.
Other than waking up with an awful headache and a voracious appetite, you were absolutely fine.
But how could it be?
It simply wasn’t possible to go so long without food or water and experience no negative symptoms.
That’s what you were currently discussing, — Tenya Iida, one of Katsuki’s “advisors” and your closest friends, had you repeat the witch’s last words to him, and immediately took off, disappearing behind one of the library’s many towering shelves.
The others tried to comfort you, assuring you that it was probably nothing and that you would be fine, Katsuki sat with his side pressed tightly to yours, passing you more tarts as you devoured each one.
Kaminari was in the middle of suggesting that everyone forget about this and go visit the pretty nurse from earlier; when you heard a crash somewhere in the library, — Iida then suddenly materialized next to you out of nowhere.
“Look! I found something!”
He had a thick, severely worn-out book open in his hand and gestured with his head for you to come look. Cautiously, you moved closer. The pages he had open, emanated an odd sort of light that seeped directly out of the paper, and the more you looked, the more it seemed as if Iida was struggling to keep the book open, like it was trying it's hardest to snap shut on him. You figured it must be enchanted.
You fixed Iida with a pointed look as you scarfed down another tart, — books that had been tampered with magic were known to be dangerous, and this one looked like it would eat your hand the first chance it got!
He rolled his eyes at you from underneath his thick glasses and began reading out loud.
“The Spinel Gem of Fate, or the Ruby of Life, as it is more commonly known, — is a mythical gem that was said to be created, when a mage stumbled upon the Fountain of Youth and by chance, dropped a spinel stone into its magical water. The water allegedly merged with the stone, giving it special properties that could grant the handler remarkable powers, — such as exceptional strength, beauty, wishes, and supposedly — the key to immortality. It is heavily sought by humans and creatures that desire to stay young or live forever. Only few who have succeeded in finding it, and witnesses to the Gem’s incredible powers are scarse and spread over centuries of time. Nevertheless, every gift comes with a price, — and every human in possession of the object has been said to be driven to madness by obsession, and grief over losses they do not expect. So beware, as the Gem has its blessings, it also comes with its curses...”
“While its existence is undeniable, no one is certain where it lies in our world today...” Iida trailed off after that. “Then it just speaks more about possible locations of the Gem. Except we already know where it is, — or at least, — where it was.”
It sounded ridiculous. A gem? With that much power? It just wasn’t possible.
... right? For the second time that day you found yourself questioning everything you knew.
You went still, and it struck you.
You thought back to witch’s last words and the writing on the pedestal back in the dungeon.
A gift, and a price, and countless lifetimes. No. It couldn’t be the same as the legend, — could it?
A shiver ran down your spine and your fingers felt like you had just plunged them in ice water.
 Six months.
You had been out for six months with no repercussions. No extra drawbacks for someone who was out for so long.
No change, no aging.
Like a stale tart that had been left out too long.
Suddenly, you felt like throwing up every last delicious pastry you just ate.
You stood up without warning, discarding the blanket on you and brushing the crumbs off your lap.
Ignoring everyone's questioning glances and Katsuki’s yells of protest, you walked quickly out of the library; licking your fingers as you left.
You had a destination in mind, and you wouldn’t stop until you had confirmed what you needed to know. You walked briskly, pretending not to notice how fast your heart was racing or how light-headed you felt.
You felt like a tart — soft and crumbly on the outside, and a mass of jelly on the inside.
In the castle armory, you stepped inside and paused for a moment to look around. The blacksmith sat behind a wooden counter with a book in his hands and his feet propped up on it.
He looked up to acknowledge you, “Hello there m’lady, what can I — Hey! What are you — Hey, wait!” He scrambled off his seat as you ignored him and dashed behind the counter to where you knew the real weapons were.
You reached the very back and pulled out a small wooden box with words in some language you didn’t understand etched in gold on its surface.
Completely disregarding the baffled blacksmith that was hovering over you and almost begging you to leave at this point, you knew he wouldn’t dare touch you, your status at the castle was enough for him to lose his job if you got upset. Carefully, you opened the chest, and gently pulled out the blade inside.
It was a gorgeous thing to behold, — the hilt was made of dark oak wood, that had intricate patterns of gold and silver running around it. The blade, made from pure obsidian, was the color of the night itself, and when you turned it at a certain angle, light filtered through the stone, making it shine a blood red. While obsidian alone was an incredibly strong substance, the most dangerous part of the dagger was the diamond edge covering the sharp side of the blade. Cut and carved out of diamonds, the stone shined and sparkled brilliantly no matter how you held it.
Your marvel for the weapon was cut short when you heard the heavy tell-tale thudding of Katsuki’s footsteps barging into the shop.
Head swimming and feeling fainter by the second, you breathed deeply; ignoring Katsuki’s now panicked voice rushing ever closer to you.
Closing your eyes and willing your freezing hands to stop trembling, you raised the beautiful dagger in front of you.
And plunged it directly into your heart.
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Taglist (lmk if you want to be added):
@inumorph @vibrant-leaf
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foli-vora · 4 years
more than words - pt.1
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A/N: I’ve had this in my head for forever and a half so it feels good to finally sort my thoughts and random notes out. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: The one person who you thought would be happy for you finally getting with someone decent was your best friend. After all, he had set you both up. Who would’ve thought he’d be the reason it all falls apart?
Pairing: best friend!Benny Miller/f!reader, Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/f!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing, mentions of sexual acts/sexual refences (no smut yet but it’s coming so this is strictly 18+)
pt.2 / pt.3 / pt.4 / pt.5 / pt.6
Wednesday nights were pizza nights. A rule established in the early stages of your friendship with Benjamin Miller – a loud mouth, golden hearted ex-spec ops mess of a human being. A chance meeting one stormy day on the freeway, led to something you weren’t expecting – a friendship, and a solid one at that.
“– she damn near tried to suck the life out of me!”
“Jesus Ben, there are kids a table over.”
“So? They shouldn’t be eavesdroppin’ on conversations that don’t concern them.” He grins lopsidedly at your scowl of disapproval, ripping off a mouthful of pizza and humming as he chews it, head swaying to the faint music playing behind the bar. “You’re payin’, by the way.”
You snort quietly, “Don’t I always?”
He recoils, blinking in playful surprise. “Excuse you? I paid last…” he trails off, eyes rolling to the wall as he thinks but a frown soon pinches his brows. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I love you and I appreciate you.”
You laugh quietly, shaking your head as you signal for another round. “Anyways, reverting to our previous topic before you got carried away with your blowjob story.”
He makes a noise, snapping his fingers as he tries to rush chewing and swallowing his mouthful. “So,” he starts, “I’ve got a friend…”
You groan immediately, letting your head lull back. “Ben –”
This wasn’t anything new. Benny took it as his own personal mission to fix you up with anyone he thought could give you a good time and treat you well. Friends, colleagues, Hell – even his brother at one point. Will was lovely, by all means, but not your type. Both you and Will had agreed you were not a match in the slightest early in the evening, enjoyed a night of beer and pool, and then went your separate ways.
Although, now that you thought about it, Ben hadn’t mentioned setting you up with anyone for a long while. Not since before his mysterious trip.
You still didn’t know anything about it, other than he and some old work friends went on an apparent ‘vacation’. It was more than that – you knew it, and he knew you knew it, but you didn’t push the topic. Instead of interrogating him, forcing question after question on him, you let it go, sensing it was something he really didn’t want to talk about.
He had returned from that trip a few months ago, heavy with exhaustion and usually bright eyes dull and weary. You tucked him into your bed, and left him. He slept for hours. It wasn’t until much later that evening that you crept in to see how he was doing, and found him thrashing silently in the sheets, sweaty and incoherently mumbling, face pinched and puckered in pain. You didn’t wake him. Instead, you knelt beside the bed, softly stroking along his forehead until his erratic movements and breathing calmed. You didn’t bring it up.
“I know, I know,” he threw his hands up in defence with a small grin, “but I think you’ll like this one.”
“That’s what you always say.”
“No, I mean it this time. He’s a real good guy – one of my closest. I think you guys would really hit it off. I haven’t tried to set you up before because he was with the chick but she upped and left him alone with the baby and –”
“Sorry, what?”
“He has a baby? Like a… like a child?”
Benny frowns defensively, “You’ve always said you want kids!”
“It’s still a huge commitment, Ben.”
“Jesus, I’m not walking you down the aisle! Just meet him and see where it goes. If it ends in some good sex, you say ‘thank you Ben’ and we move on. And if it ends in something more, you guys take it slow and buy me wings as a thank you.” He shrugs, looking thoroughly impressed with himself, and reaches for his beer, polishing it off in one swig.
“And what if it ends in bad sex?” You challenge, crossing your arms on the table and leaning forward to eye him critically.
He scoffs, “Woman please. I know my brothers. You’ll be in good hands.”
You take a moment to thank the waitress as she stops at your table with your beers. She lingers just a little on passing Ben his, an act he didn’t miss as he shoots her a wink and a honeyed, thanks sugar. She smiles, cheeks flooding with colour before she turns and waltzes off towards other customers, swinging her hips as she goes.
You’re expressionless when he finally turns back to you, “Sugar?”
“Shut your mouth.”
Façade cracking, a snicker falls past your lip and you chuckle. “Alright,” you concede, “you’ve got my interest. What’s his name?”
… what?
“Come again?”
“Francisco – we call him Fish. Catfish, actually.”
“Your age?”
“Bit older.”
You sigh deeply, rolling your head on your shoulders in thought. You were curious, no doubt about it. Despite never being able to make anything last long-term out of the list of men Benny had set you up with, none of them were bad guys. They were all kind, funny and incredibly respectful. One great thing about Benjamin Miller was that he had an impeccable taste in character.
“I don’t know, Ben –”
He slips his phone from his pocket and swipes away at his screen before wordlessly handing you the device. It was a photo, taken from one of Benny’s many weekend trips into the wilderness. Your eyes are dragged from the incredible background of snow peaked mountains and lush green forests to the man standing beside Benny, tucked under his arm. Average build and height, a well-loved trucker cap hiding dark hair. Warm brown eyes, crinkled from a large dimpled grin between dark patched facial hair.
Benny, seeing the sudden spark of interest, grins around his beer bottle. “So, I’ll slip him your number?”
You tighten your jaw and hand his phone back, sniffing impassively as you reach for your beer. “If it means you’ll leave me alone, then fine.” You mutter coolly, ignoring his quiet chuckle.
“Wait, wait – you have a best friend and it’s not one of us? I’m cut, Benny. Cut real deep.” Santiago Garcia was curious, to say the least. For years, he had known the youngest Miller and he had never mentioned anyone beyond their little circle or their families. “She cute?”
Benny huffs a chuckle, leaning across the pool table and lining up the final ball. “Hell yeah, she’s cute.”
“Where you been hiding her?”
“She moved away – only came back late last year.”
Santi hums, “Ironhead – she cute?”
Will half smiles, dragging his attention away from the pool table to shrug. “She’s alright.”
His bait works. Benny snaps it up – hook, line and sinker. He stands abruptly from his shot, cue just skimming the white ball, and points an angry finger in his brother’s direction, “I won’t take that shit. She’s a damn angel and you know it.”
Will chuckles to himself before returning his attention to Santi. “Yeah, she’s cute. Show ‘em.”
Benny briefly steps away from the pool table, opens his phone and brings up your Instagram profile, throwing it to Pope and letting him scroll through your feed.
“How come you’ve met her and we haven’t?” Pope aims his question at the older Miller brother, currently bent over the table and pocketing the black ball.
He half shrugs, straightening. “He set us up. It didn’t work out.”
Santi’s face puckers into a teasing glower, and he pouts at the younger Miller. “So, what? You set everyone else up and just leave me to die alone? What’s that about, Benjamin?”
Benny holds his arms out in obvious exaggeration, gesturing deliberately to himself. “You’ve got me.”
Frankie quietly sips his beer and watches in fond amusement, content to stay in the background and away from the bickering. Like Santi, his interest had been piqued but he was somewhat nervous about the situation. He already had feelings of apprehension returning to the dating scene after the shit show of a year he’d had, and those feelings tripled when it came to potentially dating someone close to one of his longest friends. He hadn’t dated in years. He was rusty. What if he disappointed you and Benny ended up kicking his ass? It could get messy real quick.
“I don’t know, man.” He finally pipes up, crossing his arms comfortably across his torso and reclining in the bar stool after peaking over Santi’s shoulder and at the screen he was lazily scrolling through. Ha. Way out of his league. “This kinda shit never works.”
“You sayin’ she’s not good enough for you?”
Frankie shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “You know I’m not.”
“Sounds like you are.”
“Quite the opposite.”
“I’ll take his spot. Give me her number.” Santi holds a hold out, clicking his fingers impatiently when Benny merely rolls his eyes. Pope grins, settling back into his seat and elbowing Frankie softly. “I think you should go for it, man. She seems great, and you need to get back out there.”
“I can’t, I’ve got Mena –”
“And Mena’s got her tío. Go for it. You’re just looking for excuses – no seas cobarde.”
Frankie chews on his lip as he gives it a bit of thought, wondering what’s the worst possible case scenario that could come from it. A busted lip? His self-image in ruins? Scared off from dating for the rest of his life? All things he could live with.
“… alright.”
Immediately, Benny perks up from setting the pool table with a large grin. “Yeah?”
Fish sighs, long and drawn out as Pope playfully pokes his side. “Yeah. Give me her number, I’ll message her now.” Before he freaks and changes his mind.
Maybe he was just thinking too much. What’s the worst that could happen?
Tags: @anu-simps​
706 notes · View notes
obae-me · 4 years
Tail Wagging Wing Flapping Fun
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This idea is thanks to @astaroth1357​ ! It’s a short guide on how to influence their demon forms to do something...embarrassingly cute. I write this fluff with no regrets. Enjoy. 
Sure, it might be a bit disconcerting at first getting used to the sight of humanoid creatures having unusual things like horns and wings and tails (oh my), but it comes with a benefit. While their words and demeanor might suggest otherwise, their demon forms might involuntarily reveal some of their hidden feelings--or not so hidden feelings. Your new mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out what sort of scenario sets off these uncontrollable actions. Let’s get some tails wagging and wings flapping, shall we?
Note: Difficulty ranges from 7 being the most difficult and 1 being the easiest.
Extra Note: Seems the brothers happened to come across this guide, hopefully they didn’t mess with it...
Difficulty: (7/7)
Hands down, this man is the hardest one to get a reaction out of seeing as he is always aware of how he is perceived, probably due to that prideful nature of his. Not to mention, he’s only ever in his demon form on rare occasions such as parties or political events. Or, most often, if he needs to use it for intimidation, and you’d rather not get a good look at his wings when he’s ready to obliterate someone or yourself for that matter. So, it goes without saying that this might take some planning or some timely good luck. Perhaps begging if you’re not above it. 
When to do it: Your best chance of success is to catch him when he’s either distracted, so sleep deprived he can’t even see straight, or just flat out drunk. If you choose the first option, chances are, once he’s back in his own head he’ll recall the event and make a mental note to never do it again. With the second, he’ll be at the point where he can no longer care as long as he can get his work done, but then there’s the more likely scenario where he’ll decide to kick you out entirely so he can focus. Lastly, if he’s drunk, not only will this be super effective, but he’ll cuddle you all night long. He might not even remember every embarrassing thing he did the following morning--which never happens, just for everyone’s information. Even in an intoxicated state, he’s in complete control with no embarrassing moments to speak of--Anyway, this is your best choice, but even then he only gets really drunk when he’s with Diavolo, not to mention refraining from coming home until the late...very late hours of the night when he knows no one will be awake to watch him stumble to his room. So, you’ll have to be diligent. Maybe take a nap. 
How to do it: You might think it would be praise, him being Pride and all, but Lucifer knows after so many years that words can often be hollow. Compliments and sugar-coated phrases are mostly used as a means of manipulation or getting something in return. Don’t get him wrong, he does like them, might even give you a slight smile and a pleased hum if you tell him how stunning he is, but he will know you probably expect something in exchange. So, for him, the best way to get his wings aflutter is to do something for him. Actions speak much louder than words and are much more precious to him, especially if you do so unprovoked. Make him some tea! Bring him food in bed! Dust his record collection! Sweep the floor in his study! The list can go on, it’s all up to you to decide what to do, but make sure he knows it's for him. He likes to be pampered--I mean, served. 
What happens: It will take him a moment to register. He’s not used to someone doing something for him so freely before. As a punishment, sure, but of your own volition? You did look expecting, no matter how hard you tried to hide it, but the only thing you were anticipating was his happiness and reaction, nothing else. The wings against his back have no choice but to twitch and shift, and he notices you eyeing them each time they move. As they fluttered, you beamed, and all he could do was roll his shoulders to try and keep the infernal things tucked against his back. The more you smiled, the more they were restless, feathers falling from their place as they twitched with emotion, threatening to wrap around you, to shield you, to envelop you, all like he was a hen protecting a baby chick. Depending on how weakened he is, or how much he cares for you, he might do more than just some shifting wings. He does his best to control himself, he really does, but the joy and warmth flooding his body from all his affection for you can make him do the unthinkable. His entire body will shutter, shaking and rattling him like a wet dog. His wings will jut out from his back, quivering in the air. When all is said and done, the black feathers coating his wings are extremely puffed up, a stunned and embarrassed expression hidden behind his new unruly and disheveled countenance. 
Difficulty: (1/7)
If Lucifer is the hardest, Mammon rolls in as the easiest to get a reaction from. He’s very expressive in everything he does, and his demon form doesn’t change that. If it’s not gambling, he has no desire to keep himself under control, and he’s very much an ‘actions now, thinking later’ type of demon. In fact, when you’re around it nearly ends up worsening, he ends up being so flustered and distracted he’s usually unaware of the things he does or says, which gets him in a lot of trouble. However, because of this, it’s so easy to get him to do all the cute things you want. 
When to do it: Honestly, it does not matter. The only things required are himself and you in the same place, and the two of you are already basically attached at the hip. Truth be told, you don’t even need to be near him to get him sheepish, but that’s a secret he tries to keep to himself. You two could be alone in your bedroom, out for a walk in the garden, in Diavolo’s castle, even in the back parking lot of a cheap run-down restaurant. It is not important to him. As long as he has you, anywhere is a party. Public? Private? No matter. Either way his brothers will find out and tease him about it. Getting him in demon form isn’t an issue either. He’ll transform at the drop of a hat if you asked him too. 
How to do it: Much like Lucifer, the most obvious answer is incorrect. You can buy Mammon all the stuff in the world, but his Greed will still want more. Besides, that’s all anyone expects him to enjoy anyway. Everyone thinks just giving him money or gifts will make everything better, but he’s more complex than that! Well, it kinda does make him feel happier, but--oi, that’s not the point, we’re supposed to be gettin’ deep here!--What will really make him melt for you is compliments. This demon loves to be praised, because it doesn’t happen often. Why? Cus he’ll get a big head about it, but that’s Lucifer’s problem, not yours. Tell him how proud you are of him. Let him know how handsome he looks. Assure him you know he’s smart, and how much you look up to him. Tell him how grateful you are that he’s your ‘first’. It’ll get to him instantly and fuel his self esteem for weeks. 
What happens: The skin stretched over his wings will contract, causing his wings to fold into themselves only to burst open again. It’s this strange sort of flapping motion that reminds you of an umbrella opening and closing. Mammon won’t even notice, not until you gush over it. After that, he’ll be so flustered by his involuntary movements that he’ll try to chase his own wings, circling around on his feet while cursing. He’ll do his best to keep them hidden from you behind his back, but you can still hear the fluttering. Pretending like he didn’t hear you, he’ll attempt to get you to repeat what you said. This is your chance to take things to the second stage. If you bombard him with enough sweet words, he’ll have no choice but to bounce from foot to foot, shifting the weight on his feet as joy floods his body. The wings attached to his back will then waggle up and down, waving themselves in the air. You’ll be permitted to watch this for a while before realization dawns on him and he goes back to manhandling his blasted demon form. At one point he managed to grab one of them with his mouth and growled even. You have it on video. 
Difficulty: (2/7)
The second easiest. Just above Mammon in difficulty due to the fact that he’s in his room all the time and does his best to get himself out of humiliating situations. However, he’s truly an open book, and an emotional one at that, which is why he and Mammon tend to butt heads so often. They’re more alike than either of them will ever admit--w-which is not at all! How anyone could--could see similarities between Levi-chan and stupidmammon is ridiculous!--Similar or not, you could simply look in Levi’s direction and he would blush, and so of course when he’s in his demon form, there will be no hiding his emotions there either. 
When to do it: It will have to be in his room, it’s his safe space and so he’ll be more open to expressing himself when he’s in his sanctuary. There’s no real way around this. It will have to be a good day, so try to prepare by keeping his meddlesome brothers away. Keep an eye on how much internet they’re all using, and then try to monitor them so they’ll use less, making Levi’s loading times effortless. Let Levi know in advance that you want to hang out, that way he can get his mental state in check! This should be good enough to influence a happy tail-wagging Levi for when he permits you to enter his room. 
How to do it: Safety and comfort are the name of the game. Let him do whatever he wants and don’t make fun of him for it. It’s hard for him to be passionate about the things he truly enjoys without his brothers picking it apart or ruining it altogether. Let him speak. Be patient with him as he tries to string together a coherent plot with fragmented statements like “Oh, but there was also when-”, or “Oh, and how could I forget this happened! I’ll need to go back a bit!” If he ever says sorry, assure him there’s nothing to worry about. You don’t necessarily have to be interested in the things he likes, but if you listen to him and let him feel safe enough to be vulnerable, you’ll have him in the palm of your hand. 
What happens: It will happen the longer he rambles. His tail will start to slowly sway across the floor, the gentle sheer sound of smooth scales brushing across smooth tile. The more he feels safe around you, the more traction the tail will get, happily snaking back and forth as the glint of light off his scales reflect back on the ceiling. Of course, you can’t help but stare, which he notices. He’ll grab his tail in his arms, preventing it from moving as best as he could while being a mortified mess. Although you can still see the tip of it twitching, rattling, and quivering. If you comfort him in knowing you aren’t there to make fun of him, that you think it’s actually sweet and cute he feels that protected around you, he’ll let his tail drop to the floor. Only because his hands are now being used to cover his blushing face. The pounding in his chest is drowned out by the intense thumping of his tail against the floor. At one point you managed to pet it and could’ve sworn you saw Levi’s tongue dart out of his mouth, but Levi denies it ever happened. 
Difficulty: (6/7)
Right under Lucifer as the second most difficult to provoke a physical reaction from. He’s spent millennia doing his best to keep his wrath under control, so controlling other emotions is even easier for him. Although, he’s second in difficulty only because he doesn’t care as much for appearances as Lucifer does. I mean, if his attire is anything to prove--I mean, of course Satan is the bigger man in this aspect, truly. It’s foolish to be so caught up in how you look to other people. He’s not that vain, so if anything, he’s better than his brother. Your main worry is being able to see these emotions in his demon form. Demon form usually equals violence in Satan’s case. Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that. 
When to do it: Make sure it’s a day he’s calm, obviously. Ideally, you’ll both be in a quiet place like his room or the library. If you can, make sure it’s a day where there are no distractions and no noise, which in the House of Lamentation unfortunately only comes by once every century. So, if that means paying Mammon to go on a little shopping spree, making Asmo go with him since coincidently he’s run out of his favorite perfume that you totally didn't use for this excuse, informing Beel that there’s a special going on today of his favorite snacks, bribing Belphie to go along since he’s about to get the show of a lifetime, and then ‘accidently’ letting Lucifer know Mammon stole his credit card, well then, that’s what you’re going to have to do to get some peace (sorry Mammon). Just pulling that off alone will get you some extra brownie points with Satan. 
How to do it: Be inquisitive! Ask him about anything, and it’s likely he’ll know the answer. In fact, he’s almost amused when you treat it like a game, quizzing him about any obscure and specific topic and seeing what he knows of it. If there happens to be something the two of you are unsure of, he’ll find the book and you’ll both learn together. In return, he’ll have you talk about the human world, about cultures, about topics you’re interested in. Asking questions is your ticket into getting him into demon form as well. If you simply tell him you’re dying to get a closer look at demon features because you’re so fascinated, he’ll be inclined to transform for you. Satan encourages and rewards curiosity. Of course he knows your plan already, but all your efforts just because you were eager to note how his demon form would react? Well, he’s willing to give in just to observe your feedback as well. It’s also worth noting that bringing up Lucifer in the conversation will immediately ruin your plans. Satan wants to feel special, so give him your full attention!   
What happens: You had to first coax the tail he so often kept wrapped around his leg to come loose. Once it did, it enjoyed flicking itself back and forth every so often when he was amused, the end curling up and down when you said something particularly enjoyable. They were small simple gestures, but you wondered if you could draw out more. You threw out a sudden ‘psst psst psst’ like one might do to a cat. His tail shot up straight in the air before he glared at you, albeit with a slight smirk. With a new playful expression on his face, his tail whipped back and forth harder, sharper, convincing you that he might pounce were you not careful. Although, he still seems very aware of his movements, which defeated the purpose of the involuntary aspect. So, acting like there was something on his face, you stepped over. You struck by scratching the underside of his chin. His entire tail quivered, trembling, the bony skeleton-like structure of his tail rattled. Pushing you away, he’ll marvel at his own demon form which seemed to have a new mind of its own. It tucked itself between his legs for a few seconds after the initial embarrassment, then continued to shiver and shake anytime he looked at you. This is exactly why he keeps it wrapped around his leg in the first place. 
Difficulty: (4/7) 
Amso is another expressive individual, in fact almost more so than Mammon. However, Asmo is a master of the body, and is absolutely aware of how he moves and acts in front of other people. Every movement he makes is completely intentional, it adds to his charm, to his popularity. Every eye flutter, every finger curl, it’s all purposeful. He can’t accidently slip up in his body language! Who do you think he is? He can’t afford to do anything embarrassing, it’ll ruin his reputation. However if you get him alone--not like that, this is a wholesome guide--he might not have to worry about his image so much. 
When to do it: This part isn’t hard, just tell him you want to spend time with him, in private. After thoroughly getting it across to him that, no, it’s not as dirty as he’s making it out to be, he’ll still be happy to squirrel you away for himself. His brothers are running you ragged, they’re such brutes. He’ll make sure to take good care of you...Sometimes you wonder if he can’t control the way his suggestions sound. Perhaps interest him in the idea of a self care day. He’ll be more than happy to paint your nails, style your hair, whatever you feel comfortable doing. You might have to continuously lead him away from the idea of letting him bathe you, but he truly just wants to treat you. However, the more you spend time alone together, the more he acts a bit more like himself. When he’s around you and not in the public eye, he can let himself relax a little, instead of always needing to live up to those social expectations. 
How to do it: This is the trickier part. As Asmo is the demon of lust and a certified social media star, he gets compliments daily, several gifts from potential lovers, and all the physical touch he could ever need. At a glance, he gets enough attention than any one person should ever need. However, he secretly craves quality time together, and no not like what you’re thinking--Unless you want it to be, and then he’ll happily oblige~-- He needs time to destress, to wind down, to spend time with someone who doesn’t care if he’s perfect all the time. Make him feel comfortable in his own skin, and I don’t care what he says, because there’s a hidden part of him that isn’t. So sit him down for a movie night, convince him to take off his makeup. Let him relax in his demon form since not only is it truly him, but you’ll need it for your plan. Brush his hair while he tells you about his day. Get him away from social media as best you can so he can “detox”, making sure it’s simply you and him. He doesn’t need Likes to be Asmo, he doesn’t need to be perfect to be worth it. 
What happens: He will act like he has no idea what you’re talking about for sure. Imperfections? He doesn’t know them. Truly he’s not so insecure as you think he is? Like Levi? Please...But your words have gotten through to him. The soft actions and...chaste time together that you’ve shown him throw him for a little loop. It’s like aftercare but...all the time with you. His wings can’t quite contract like Lucifer’s or Mammon’s, so they just bob up and down, flapping occasionally which messes up his hair. He looks on in confusion. Since when had he been so focused on you that he forgot how to present himself? It drives him insane, how embarrassing! And of course, the more you convince him he has nothing to be worried about, how it’s actually adorable, the more flustered he gets. You always knew how to compliment with no other motives. Instead of a wagging motion, his wings will move from side to side, hitting against each other. It sounds like light clapping. Asmo hates how his wings move like this, striking against each other when he’s pleased. He’s worked so hard on controlling it, and now he’s doing it in front of you. He’s immediately going to go hide, but it doesn’t prevent you from hearing the adorable sound of tapping. 
Difficulty: (3/7) 
The third easiest demon to get those special demon form movements from. He really cares for you, like a lot, and he’s the only one who isn’t afraid to say it and show it. In fact, the only reason why he isn’t ringing up at number one is due to the fact that he’s not overly flustered by his movements, he’s doing them on purpose to show you he cares, which is kinda what you’re going for here. Getting a reaction out of him without him being in full control is going to be a little bit harder, which is why he’s coming after Mammon and Levi. You want to catch him off guard, making him do things he wouldn’t normally do.
When to do it: You don’t have to try to sneak and lie and trick him into doing anything. He’s not worried about a ruined image or anything like that. Just make a day to spend time with Beel, tell him you’re bringing snacks, and tell him it would make you the happiest human in the Devildom to have him be in his demon form. That’s all you have to do, Beel loves your honesty, it lets him know you trust him and in return he trusts you. Super easy. 
How to do it: Bringing him food will definitely achieve putting a smile on his face and getting him in a better move, but it won’t bring out the soft side of him, and you want maximum softness. Beel is always taking care of his brothers, being the backup when Lucifer cannot, and just generally doing his best to keep the peace in the family. He’s the big strong bodyguard, the protector. So, to really throw him for a loop, to make him act beside himself, you’re going to protect this boy. Let him feel small even though it’s physically impossible with how large he is, especially in demon form. Let him be weak and vulnerable and safe in your arms even if they’re half the size of Beel’s. Give him snacks, make him sit on the floor and tilt his head back into your lap. You can try to have him sit in your lap-- Just be careful, the last thing he wants is to hurt you, seeing as how you’re so fragile…--He rarely ever drops his guard, so it’s a nice change of pace for him. Plus, he finds it absolutely adorable trying to be his protector, attempting to act three times your size. But he truly appreciates what you’re going for, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel nice to be taken care of for once. 
What happens: You’re able to hear the deep buzz of his wings as they flutter against his back. He frowns, immediately causing the noise to halt. He still doesn’t particularly care for these new ones compared to his older ones. However, the pleased look on your face along with glimmering eyes causes a touch of pink to grace his cheeks. Alright, he can’t deny you what you want. So he lets his wings do what they want. They vibrate intensely, a small whirlwind kicking up in your bedroom, the buzz turning into a deep hum. Your eyes go wide, at least until the intense winds almost knock you to your feet. Then the air stops and you’re wrapped up in his arms. You have to squirm out of his arms to prevent him from becoming the shield again. He’ll try to tell you that he’s not cute, so persuade him he is. Sometimes he wishes he had wings like Lucifer’s so he could wrap you up in them, but he supposes his arms will have to suffice. Every so often now, he lets his wings buzz for you, grateful you accept him for who he is. Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try, he always goes back to being the one protecting you. Although, every so often now he’ll come to you to feel safe. 
Difficulty: (5/7) 
The demon of sloth is far too lazy to even walk most of the time much less moving his tail. A lot of times, when he is in his demon form, it ends up dragging itself across the floor. Not to mention he’s got a nearly indestructible emotion wall built up around him in the form of apathy and a bit of bratiness. Getting him to become so physically and emotionally moved by you to lose control of himself is going to take some work. 
When to do it: He’s asleep during the day mostly, so if you attempt to do it during normal hours, you’ll need to have a crazy amount of luck. So, it’s suggested you approach this demon at night, very late at night. So late, you know you’ll have regrets in the morning, or hopefully no regrets if you manage to pull this off. It will have to be past curfew, because if there’s anything Belphie loves more than sleeping, it’s opposing Lucifer. Get him alone where the sky is full of stars and the house is plunged into slumber. 
How to do it: Let him feel validated. Of course, there’s a lot of...grey area around him for some things, but in the here and now, just listen to what he has to say. He has seven older siblings, it’s easy for his voice to get lost in the clamor. Maybe if someone had just listened to his woes before taking action, things wouldn’t have gone the way they did. And, he did spend a lot of time alone, where he wasted countless nights hoping someone would just talk to him. So he appreciates how you can sit there, staying quiet--which nearly every one of his dumb brothers seems to be incapable of except his twin--letting him be heard. Who knows, if you feel vulnerable enough to share some of your deeper problems, he’ll find a newfound respect for you. There’s something about being able to relate to someone, to be able to spend hours just going back and forth where each party just makes them feel accepted. Of course, he’ll act like it’s no big deal, that this isn’t special, that this means nothing to him. 
What happens: It’s slow, like almost everything about him. But, you can see his tail lift itself up off the ground, the end curling. It likes to slowly sway, the furry end gently dangling back and forth in a soothing motion, like it was being blown by the wind. That’s all you can really get out of him, since anything more would be too much effort. It’s very subtle, but you notice every detail. Like most things about him, it makes you sleepy somehow, the placid rocking motion. It takes a very long time till he realizes what he’s done. Then his tail will hit the ground with a faint thud. If you ignore it long enough, out of the corner of your eye, you’ll watch it drift back and forth against the ground, a barely noticeable pink hue to Belphie’s cheeks. The more you look away, the more it’ll curl around to where you’re sitting, making the demon of sloth blink, attempting to tug his tail back away from you. It’ll crawl back, moving so slowly you can’t notice the changes anymore, but he does, and he can’t tell why it keeps trying to protect you from behind. Oh well. Best to not think about it. Right? 
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lunaastoir · 3 years
cute things i think the genshin characters would do
characters included: diluc, kaeya, venti, and albedo 
****minor lore spoilers for diluc!****
an: i’m thinking of making this into a series bc this was such an adorable concept to write so lmk if you’re interested 👀 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sorry kind of starting off with something a little sad 
i think diluc would have a habit of rubbing his vision 
ok seems kinda dumb at first but let me elaborate: 
after the death of his father, diluc was quite obviously devastated 
he basically withdrew into himself after letting all the grief, pain, and rage flood his senses
i think during this time of grieving, he would’ve developed this habit of running the pads of his fingers across his vision to calm himself down 
(v similar to katara from atla) 
since his father had always been proud of diluc’s vision, the thought of touching something that reminded him of his father has always been able to bring him some sort of relief no matter how short lived
it serves as a constant memory of his dad and i think being able to have that kind of connection - no matter how small would hold a significance to him 
stressed? you’ll see his fingers dance across his vision as the crease between his eyebrows gradually loosens 
ok here’s a bonus habit (bc the previous one was sad) 
whenever he’s bartending at angel’s share, he always flips the bottles in this cool bartending way before pouring the drinks 
like the whole shabang - flips in the air, shakes it in a way that the drink foams just right 
people are usually v surprised when they see this bc woah mans has got some sKILLS 
but also bc he’s known for being pretty serious and reserved so seeing a “trick” is kind of breaking the stoic image they have of him 
after he’s done pouring the drinks he’s also really precise about closing the bottles 
he makes sure that the caps are on tightly and that nothing is leaking (which ig is another reason why he does flips with them so he can make sure that the bottles are tightly closed) 
yes he’s rich but he also wants to make sure the drinks don’t go bad bc 1) kind of a loss if they do and 2) his customers deserve the best 
sweet man pls protect him <3 
when he’s sitting down at his desk, he brings his legs up so he can sit on his chair criss- cross applesauce 
since he’s in his office and the only other person who’s in there with him is jean, he feels like he can drop the suave, charming cavalry captain facade he puts on when he’s in public and just dial it down slightly to who he really is in that moment 
jean doesn’t say a word the entire time even tho she quite obviously notices 
don’t get me wrong, he’s still the smooth talking kaeya but just,,, more relaxed and comfortable?? if that makes sense 
so since he’s a lot more comfortable in his office, he usually folds his legs into his chair bc damn they hurt from walking around all day
this is kinda dumb but i also think he has a lot of ink stains on his hands from writing so whenever he sees a fresh one he just likes to stamp it onto a piece of paper 
usually that piece of paper ends up being an unimportant report that goes to jean 
dw he also has a bunch of pretty small towels in his bottom drawer that he uses to wipe his hands on bc the public can’t see the pretty cavalry captain w ink stains!! the world would end!! 
oH kind of a side note but i also think he would keep a small folded up picture of something klee drew him in his pocket 
he thinks it’s very sweet and he periodically takes it out just to look at it soft for this man 
last one for kaeya but since he wears boots that have the little lip on the bottom (not really a heel but enough to make some noise) he makes sure to always try his best to walk quietly around the streets of mondstadt at night 
if anyone catches him doing it he’ll wave it off and say something like “oh me? i’m just practicing my stealth - it comes in handy when you have to sneak up on enemies you know?” but in reality that’s just bs 
he really just doesn’t wanna risk waking people up <3 
this adorable man is obviously notorious for drinking 
he loves alcohol!! i mean he’s the anemo archon of the city of wine and freedom so is anyone really surprised 💀
anyways venti always jokes abt not having any mora (he really doesn’t he’s not wrong) but he always makes sure to pay his tab at angel’s share 
the only reason diluc lets him drink sm is because at the end of the day, venti always comes through w the mora 
he really is a talented bard so everything he makes in singing and composing music for other people to listen to always goes straight to angel’s share (debatable if that’s for the best or not but i’ll leave that one to you) 
so yeah <3 basically venti pays back his tabs even tho he’s an archon since he doesn’t want people to experience a loss bc of him 
it’s the archon nature coming out but also the venti nature bc he’s a sweet boy 
anyways getting onto the actual habit 🕺
he has a tendency to skip/hop regardless of wherever he’s going 
he uses his anemo elemental skill a lot while doing this just he can feel a light breeze whenever he skips around 
i also think he carries around extra bard strings in his hat bc he thinks it’s a cool party trick to take them out and be like tada i have extra strings no need to worry!!! 
people are usually not that amused but he does it anyway 
also yeah uh those strings sometimes fall out when he’s skipping 💀 
he’ll be hopping and suddenly bOOM they fall out, he loses them, a kitten by the name of prince takes them, and he has to ask for help to find his strings (i believe this is exactly how venti lost his strings to prince during the windblume festival and no i will not take any criticism and if venti says something different he is lying 🔪)
also has a habit of putting his hair into a bun sometimes!!! 
he loves his pigtails but he finds that he gets bored of them occasionally and his hair needs a break from its wavy tresses so he just plops it into a bun instead 
so so cute 10/10 hairstyle he can do my hair 
anyways love this man thanks for coming home <3 
i had a feeling i would kind of have a hard time w albedo since he is a little hard to read so i hope this is ok LMFAO 
he has paint stains. everywhere. no you cannot change my mind. 
they are subtle tho i will give him that 
you can’t notice that anything is amiss until you really pay attention and then you’ll start to see the pretty pastels and greens of the sunset he was painting up on dragonspine softly smeared across his clothes 
very rarely you’ll see a cute swipe of paint across his cheek or neck and it’s honestly adorable 
he was probably pushing his hair out of his face while he was painting and some excess paint on his finger landed on his cheek :,) 
he doesn’t really care tbh he thinks it’s just a part of him and it really isn’t that noticeable so he just leaves it 
also!!! since he is a big alchemist and he’s constantly working on labs and experiments i think he would accidentally misplace a lot of his written work 
he seems very organized but w someone as intellectual as him w his brain running miles a minute, i’m sure he has definitely forgotten where he’s put stuff away 
so!! in order to help him remember, he has little notes across his lab detailing where everything is 
if he was working on something and he immediately has to put it on hold bc something came up (klee came in demanding attention or sucrose needs help) then he’ll quickly jot down a note and stick it to his desk so he’ll remember when he comes back just in case he forgets 
sucrose as a result has noticed A LOT of notes across the lab and it’s simultaneously funny and endearing 
“started experiment with sweet flowers to try and turn them into a youth elixir: papers --> on the desk right next to klee’s photo” 
final point: he lets klee braid his hair sometimes if she wants to 
she doesn’t really know how given how young she is so she ends up messing up but albedo always walks her patiently through the steps again 
always makes time for klee no matter what bc he really does care a lot abt her :,) 
i love him sm pls 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ devil i know ✦
this chapter pairing; incubus!seungcheol&incubus!dino x reader
genre&warnings; incubus!au, threesome, anal, dirty talk, dom!seungcheol, dom!dino, blowjob, creampies, sex toys, degradation/dumbification/name calling, spitplay (honestly this ones just pwp hhrhdkhs).
notes; off the bat, this incubus!au in monster mash doesn’t follow any of the drabble game posts! also thank you for all of you interest in the first chapter 🥺💕 that one was def one of the ones I knew I'd struggle with since half the damn draft was from 2018 ☠️ LOL (altho ch13 draft is from 2013,,,,) anyway djkfhdks enjoy! 😉 and see ya’ll in tomorrow’s chapter! 🎃💕
word count; ~2800
chapters; 1 - 2 - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
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you tell me, ‘eat the whole cake’, it’s what i deserve.
every time i take your lead, feels like a curse;
and every time i try to stop, feels even worse.
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You bite your lip, fingertips on the spine of another summoning book.
This is the third one.
A sigh escapes your lips as you flip through the thick book; maybe this wasn’t the right answer?
You turn to the exact page that you’d used the first time you’d summoned an incubus; the spells rolling off of your tongue as you wait for anything to happen. You give it a second, letting the words sink in.
Glancing around the room, you notice that absolutely nothing has changed and that you were still, very much, alone.
Why was this so fucking hard!?
You sigh frustratedly, slamming the book shut as you place it back onto the bookshelf. It was Halloween night; if there were any night it would’ve been easy to summon an incubus, you would’ve thought it would be tonight. And it was usually never this hard to get in contact with Seungcheol, or even Chan, for the matter. Your brows furrow as you blow out your candles, fully intending on taking care of your issues alone even if they didn’t want to show up.
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A loud moan rolls off of your tongue as you press the vibrator harder against your clit, heels digging into the sheets as you spread your legs wider to the empty room.
You would’ve much preferred Seungcheol or Chan, but maybe you also shouldn’t have told them both to show up less.
That was definitely your biggest mistake.
You had started to feel a growing attachment to them both, despite neither of them knowing you were seeing them both. A sense of guilt washed over you in an instant and you begrudgingly told them on two separate occasions that it would’ve been better if they didn’t show up for a while; that you needed time to think about what you were doing.
That had only been three weeks ago and you were already feeling yourself going through withdrawals without either of their touches.
“Mmh… S--Seungcheol…” Whining, you raise the setting on your vibrator; back bowing off of the bed as you imagine Seungcheol fucking you hard and fast, his lips curled into the cocky smirk you’d grown to love.
Gulping, you let your mind wander, adding Chan into your mental fantasy.
Now that you’d thought about it, you never thought of them at the same time before.
Seungcheol was always much rougher with you; hands locked in your hair when he fucked you from behind or body bent in half when he held you down in a mating press. He liked it messy too; cum dripping out of your spent pussy or dripping past your chapped lips after you’d choked on his cock and he had cum down your throat.
Chan, on the other hand, was much kinder and softer, almost romantic in the way he fucked you; fingers interlocked with yours while you rode him or soft flicks of his tongue while he ate you out for hours. And unlike Seungcheol, Chan liked it clean; lapping up the dripping cum from your pussy until you came on his tongue again or taking care of you and getting you cleaned up before he left.
A dreamy sigh escapes your lips as you start to imagine both of their hands all over your skin, toes curling when you think about them both fucking you at the same time. Chan underneath you, whispering soft praises with his cock in your pussy while Seungcheol left bruising kisses on your shoulder, balls deep in your ass.
“O--oh, fuh---fuck!”
Your legs clamp shut as your orgasm washes over you, trapping your hand between your thighs as you keep the silicone toy pressed tight against your clit. Both Chan and Seungcheol’s names roll off of your tongue in alternation, aiding to the pleasure that floods your body.
“Awww, would you look at that, Chan? Dumb little cocksleeve must’ve really missed us.”
Their soft chuckles mix together, sending you upright on the bed as you toss the wet toy to the side.
“Wh---what? Wait, hold on but I---”
“You what? Tried to summon us earlier? Yeah, we saw. You looked so cute, so pathetic on your knees trying to summon us. It was really somethin’.” Seungcheol licks his lips, crimson eyes trained on the wetness on your skin. “Who were you wishing for more, baby. Me or him?”
Chan watches with a dreamy stare, lips curved into a tiny smirk of his own. “Yeah, baby, who were you thinking of?”
You feel a shiver up your spine as you sneakily try to rub your thighs together. “I--I don’t k-know...”
“What was that? Speak up.” Seungcheol teases; rounding the bed until he’s on the side where you’d tossed the silicone toy. He picks it up, tongue already peeking out as he licks the drying wetness on it.
“I d-don’t know… I--I just wanted… someone…”
Chan walks to the other side of the bed; his two toned hair falling into his eyes when he leans over you. “Just wanted someone? Anyone? Baby, that hurts me…” Pouting, he takes a seat in front of you, fingers already undoing the buttons on his suit jacket. “You know you’re the only one for me though, right, baby?” He shoots you a beaming smile, throwing his jacket to the other side of the bed as Seungcheol watches your interactions. Chan leans in, licking his lips before he kisses you, soft and slow just like you were used to. He moans into the kiss; fingertips locking into your hair as his tongue licks at the seam of your lips. You part them with ease, melting under Chan’s soft touches.
“Isn’t that cute? Like two lovers, all nice ‘n vanilla.”
Seungcheol laughs, stripping himself of his suit jacket and neatly pressed button up before he, too, joins you and Chan on the bed. “That’s not what we’re here for tonight though, is it, Chan?”
The grip in your hair tightens in an instant as your eyes flutter open to meet Chan’s crimson ones; a mocking smirk on his lips when he tilts your head up to meet both of their stares.
“You’re absolutely right Seungcheol-hyung, it’s not.” This time Seungcheol leans in as well, his face only centimetres from yours. “Did you really think we both wouldn’t find out about each other? That all incubus are just loners? Tsk, to think you were trying to save our feelings out of all the things. Kinda cute, right Chan?”
Chan runs his fingers through his messy hair, careful of his sharp black horns. “You must’ve forgotten we feed off of sexual energy, huh?” He leans back in, right next to Seungcheol as he smiles.
“Don’t worry, baby, we’ll remind you.”
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Chan holds you down onto his cock for almost exactly fifteen seconds before he tugs you by the hair, soft chuckles on his lips when you sputter and cough.
“Look at our cute ‘lil cumslut. All her cute ‘lil holes are filled up just like she wanted.” Seungcheol nods in agreement, already easing a finger past the tight ring of muscle as his eyes flit to the silicone dildo already stuffed base deep into your pussy. “S’okay, that’s what she’s good for, right? Being our dumb ‘lil cumdumpster that only knows how to take cock.”
You moan at their filthy words, clenching around the dildo pressed snug against your cervix and Seungcheol’s finger in your ass. “P--please… more, fuck m-me harder…” You whine, pushing your hips back as you try to get Seungcheol to move quicker.
“So goddamn impatient.” He grumbles, collecting more spit in his mouth before he leans over, letting it fall onto your puckered hole as he positions another finger. “Why don’t you choke on Chan’s cock, huh? Keep that mouth of yours busy.”
Chan guides you by the hair, grinning at the precum on your lips, “Open wide~”
This time you gladly let him use your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks around his cock as Seungcheol finally gives you what you want and fucks your ass open with two of his fingers. You moan around Chan, eyes rolling to the back of your head at how full you felt.
“It won’t be the same after this, will it, baby?” Seungcheol asks, scissoring his fingers to stretch you and get you ready to take his cock. “Now all you’ll ever crave is both of us stuffed deep into your holes, begging us to keep you filled.” He thrusts his fingers into you harder; his free hand reaching for the dildo as he starts thrusting it in and out of your pussy. You whine, abdomen tightening as the pleasure builds up even quicker than usual.
“Fuck, I think she’s gonna cum. She’s getting so fuckin’ tight around my fingers and this fuckin’ toy.”
“Cum, now.  Let Seungcheol-hyung feel how tight your ‘lil ass gets for him.”
You whimper around his cock, eyes clamped shut as you cum on Chan’s command. The vibrations of your moans around him have a shiver running up his spine; a soft moan of his own floating through the air. “Ngh, fuck, your mouth is so fuckin’ tight around my cock. But I don’t wanna cum down your throat, baby.” He tugs you off of him; a trail of precum and spit connecting your lips to his cock. You inhale deeply, riding out your high as Seungcheol continues to fuck you through it.
“No, I wanna cum in your cute ‘lil pussy while Seungcheol-hyung cums in your ass.”
Seungcheol slides the dildo from inside of you, tossing it to the side as he pulls out his fingers as well. You let out a small mewl at the sudden emptiness, “I--please… I--I want you both to fill me u-up with your c-cum…”
Chan lets go of your hair, letting you slump over in his lap. “Okay then, come sit on my cock.” You nod against his thigh, willing your still shaking body to position yourself into his lap. Seungcheol comes up behind you in a flash, hands on your waist as he guides you.
He holds you up as Chan guides his cock towards your entrance, a smirk on both of their lips when Seungcheol starts lowering you down onto the younger male’s cock. The stretch alone has your eyes rolling back, toes curling when Seungcheol lets go of you and you slam down onto Chan in a single motion. “O--oh, god!”
Seungcheol doesn’t wait another second before he presses a hand down onto your back, making you lean over Chan.
“Your fuckin’ cunt is already stretched so prettily around Chan’s cock. But now your cute ‘lil ass is gonna be stretched open by mine.”
Garbled noises spill from your lips, muffled against Chan’s warm chest. “Shit hyung, I think we fucked her stupid already.”
They share a teasing laugh just as Seungcheol positions himself at your puckered hole. “Let’s just turn her brain into mush so that she’ll really only know how to take our cocks.”
“Oh? See? She’s asking so nicely, hyung. She wants to be our dumb ‘lil cocksleeve.”
Seungcheol ever so slowly starts to ease his cock in, letting another glob of spit fall down onto the shaft of his cock as it disappears into your ass. “Fuck, she’s taking me so fuckin’ well. Maybe we’ll have to reward her for being so good.” Chan laughs lightly and you can feel the vibrations in his chest.
“Isn’t us cumming in her a reward in itself?”
“Mm, that’s true.”
It takes a few more tense seconds before Seungcheol is completely seated inside of you and you can feel the breath knocked out of you with how obscenely full you felt with both of them inside of you, finally.
“Hmm, we’re really stretching out your pretty ‘lil holes, huh? I can feel Seungcheol-hyung pressed up right against me. How do you feel, baby?”
You let out a choked cry, easing yourself up and slightly off of Chan’s chest. “Mmh, ‘m suh--so fu--full… feels, ngh, s-so g--good…” Feeling yourself already close to another orgasm, you start squirming. “Fuck m-me, please!”
Seungcheol places his hands on your ass just as Chan places his on your waist and plants his feet firmly down onto the sheets. They share a knowing look just as they both start fucking you at an alternating pace.
“Oh--oh my g-god, oh my god!”
Your cries and mewls are music to their ears; food to their being as they feed off of your pleasure. “Takin’ our cocks so well. Such a good girl, aren’t you?” Seungcheol coos. You nod frantically, biting into your bottom lip with how good they were making you feel.
“Look at me, baby. C’mon.” Chan uses a hand to tilt your head down until your bleary eyes focus on his soft crimson ones. “So pretty filled with our cocks. We’re gonna fill you up nice ‘n good with our cum. Get you good and satisfied since you haven’t seen us in a while, huh?” He beams up at you and you see the soft Chan that you were used to.
Chan licks his lips a second later, eyes glinting something different this time. “Spit in my mouth, baby.”
He laughs airily, watching as your face contorts in pure bliss when Seungcheol fucks into you harder. “Lemme see you do something for me.” You nod shyly; a pale blush on your cheeks as you collect the saliva in your mouth. Chan parts his lips for you, sticking his tongue out as you lean over and let the spit fall from your lips, directly onto his waiting tongue. He draws his tongue back in, laughing at your shy expression.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ cute.”
Seungcheol thrusts into you hard as you slump against Chan’s chest again. “Aww, baby, don’t forget about me~” He teases; nails digging into the skin of your ass. “She plays so coy but look at her, fuckin’ suckin’ our cocks even deeper.”
“Mmh… I---I wanna c-cum again…” You mumble, hips moving on their own as you meet their thrusts. “Please… please c-cum inside me…”
“You want us to cum inside you? Let us hear how bad you want us then, baby.” Chan murmurs.
“A-ah, please, I’ll--I’ll be, hah, your--your c-cocksleeve for--forever, please just--”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, sweetheart.” Seungcheol teases.
The two of them start fucking you at the same pace, filling you with their cocks at the same time until their names are rolling off of your tongue in a hurried mess. Chan’s cock grazes against your cervix; your mouth opening in a silent cry as he growls, “That’s right, cum with us, baby. Fuckin’ soak our cocks while we fill up your holes with our cum.”
The ringing in your ears becomes unbearable as your orgasm hits you fast and hard; drowning out the sound of their praises as you drool slightly at the feeling. You clench down onto their cocks in a vice grip, and it’s Chan who follows first, unloading him cum into your tight pussy.
Seungcheol lets out a growl, cock throbbing as he, too, cums hard. “Fuck, fuckin’ take all of it, cumslut.”
You let out a sharp whine, body tingling as they continue to fuck you; cocks covered in their cum and your wetness as they fuck it deeper into you. “Oh, fuh--fuck, please, I---mmh!” Biting your lip, you swivel your hips as you try to fuck yourself onto their cocks as well. “Fuck, it--it feels so g-good! ‘M so full!”
The two of them bask in your post orgasm glow, soft groans on their lips when they can still feel their cocks twitching inside of you.
“Mm, shit, baby. Look at you, still fuckin’ yourself on our cocks, huh? You want more?” Seungcheol goads.
You nod desperately, still feeling the arousal coursing through your body. “Y-yeah…”
They pull their cocks out of you at the same time, both watching from different angles as the cum drips from your spent holes.
“Hmm, how should we take you next then, baby? Want us both stretchin’ your cute pussy out at the same time? Or is that too much for you tiny ‘lil cunt?” Chan offers.
You feel your throat go dry, pussy clenching around emptiness. “I--y-yes, I---I want t-that....”
They lick their lips, already feeding off the desperate sexual energy you were exuding. “Whaddya say, Chan? It’s Halloween, after all. We have all night to play, don’t we?”
The younger male grins up at Seungcheol; both of their eyes twinkling with wickedness as they move to switch places.
“You’re most definitely right, hyung. It’s what she deserves.”
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A Loki TVA/Lokane fic. Rating T.
Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (of 6)
Shine a Light, part 5
He is aware that the love of his life is digging her fingers into his arm and saying his name.
He is aware of Stark standing to his other side, visor off, speaking to someone on the phone. His voice is hard.
But most of all, Loki is aware that all their lives were just changed by a great big terrifying rip in the seam of reality.
Neither Jane nor the Avenger could possibly be completely sure of what they saw. Loki, as much as he desperately wants to, harbors little doubt.
The man he held in a death-grip only minutes ago and who just now disappeared through a doorway conjured out of thin air was somehow … himself.
Another him. Just as the man had said.
After witnessing from afar the double kiss Jane, Loki, who was coming back from a swim, had been more than ready to skip past introductions and just sever the intruder’s head from his body.
But as soon as he had laid hands on him, a torrent of images had flooded his mind – chaotic, confused images that seemed to span past, present, future and beyond.
The shock had made him lessen his grip and the double had used his (his!) magic to throw him off.
With some distance between them and Stark suddenly there as well, Loki had tried to let his rage quell the dizzying realization. Unsuccessfully.
He is still shaking, clutching a dagger in each hand. He drew them instinctively as the other made for the door.
He should have caught him!
“Loki! What did he say?!”
“What?” His thoughts are racing in too many directions to hear her.
“The … man, what was he saying to you?!”
Jane is looking up at him with those beautiful brown eyes, worry and urgency all over her delicate features. Though not fear, Loki notes. His ever-brave wife. Both her hands are now clamped around his wrist.
That thing kissed her.
The daggers disappear and Loki wraps both arms around the mother of his unborn child, almost crushing her to his chest while still staring at the spot where the double vanished.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, love”, he murmurs. He suspects things are very much not okay.
So does Jane, of course.
“Loki, was it … oof, not so tight … “
She wriggles against him, and he remembers his amor. And her condition. He immediately relaxes his arms a bit while letting the leather and metal melt back into the clothes he wore before: Black jeans and a fitted, dusty green t-shirt (his “rockstar outfit”, Jane had called it, when Loki first started switching up his human wardrobe some years ago now). Drops of saltwater still cling to the ends of his slightly curly raven locks.
“Tony! Jane, Loki! What on Earth was that?”
Pepper jumps out of the car parked in front of the house and runs towards them. She must have seen everything as she drove down the road following her flying husband.
“The verdict’s still out, Peps”. Tony nods at Loki. “You wanna chip in here? I just called the boy-scout at headquarters and told him to be on guard for one of the magician’s interns playing a prank”.
Loki shakes his head slowly.
“Unfortunately, I don’t think Stephen had anything to do with this”.
“You’re right, I didn’t”.
All four of them turn around to see the sorcerer step out of a swirling ring of light, his cape billowing around him. The mahogany floor and paneled walls of his Manhattan mansion are briefly visible behind him before the portal closes with a hiss of little sparks.
Strange is wearing an even sterner expression than usual which only adds to Loki’s growing sense of dread.
Tony, however, groans loudly.
“Dude, really? Couldn’t you at least have let us have dinner before party crashing? Not shaming your bachelor lifestyle or anything, but this was couples’ night!”
“Tony!” Pepper hits her husband on the arm.
Strange ignores him.
“I’m afraid the arrival of your surprise visitor indicates that a set of … unfortunate events have been set in motion”.
As always, his voice is as even as if he was reading the weather forecast, but by now Loki has learned to differentiate the (very) subtle nuances between scorn and sincerity. Strange places his hands behind his back and regards them coolly. “I’ve had Wong reach out to Doctor Banner and director Fury. They should be here shortly. Stark, you may want to-”.
Tony narrows his eyes, lip twitching.
“Hey, Bleeker Street, you know I have low tolerance for you showing up and barking orders without giving two f**** for context. How did you even know that something was going down here? By all means, don’t keep us in suspense until the cavalry gets here”.
Strange doesn’t answer, but the way his eyes dart to Jane sends needles through Loki’s heart.
“Let’s go sit down, shall we?” With one eyebrow raised, Strange puts on a suave smile and gestures towards the house. The effect is a little startling.
Jane ducks out from under Loki’s arms. “Jane, don’t you want to-“. She brushes him off.
“Yes, good idea, Stephen. Let’s go sit down”. She motions for Strange to follow. “Welcome to our home. I was actually making drinks before, but I think I need to add a bit more kick to them…”
Her voice is oddly calm, and Loki fights the urge to grab her and magic them both far, far away, not caring that she would be furious with him for making decisions on her behalf.
He’s brought back to the present by an even odder sound as Strange actually chuckles.
Loki is not sure he’s ever heard it before. Then again, it’s not that he really knows Strange when it comes down to it. Like Tony, Loki finds the wizard exceedingly arrogant.
Pepper is the first to follow Jane and Strange across the lawn while Loki and Tony hang back.
“Real ladies’ man when he wants to. Who would have thought”. The billionaire superhero scoffs. His suit has folded itself off and into a briefcase next to his feet.
“Uh oh. First name basis. So this really is an emergency”.
Loki faces his friend. Often in the past years, as they’ve grown steadily closer outside of “work”, he has secretly marveled at how long they’ve come since someone threw someone else off a building after being called a diva.
And attacking a city with an alien army.
Jane always insisted the two “hotheads” (her word) had a lot in common when not trying to murder one another (be it with weapons or sarcastic commentary), and Loki has to admit she was right. The metal man is fiercely intelligent, and Loki has been enjoying the quick-witted snark between them infinitely more than he ever valued the company of Thor’s band of gullible warrior groupies on Asgard.
“Well?”. Tony is regarding him with eyebrows raised, expectant. “Give me your take on this cause I’m starting to put together some rather outlandish theories myself here that I’m kinda hoping you’ll thwart ASAP”.
Loki draws in a deep breath.
“That thing with Banner at the tower two years ago-“
“Fuck!” Tony exhales, exasperated. “I knew you were gonna say that”. He squints into the distance towards the ocean, his mouth a tight line. It’s a rare day that Tony Stark is caught under a clear blue sky without sunglasses but for once he doesn’t seem to notice.
Loki takes a step closer to him and lowers his voice so they won’t alert the others just yet.
“I told you then and you didn’t want to listen! Everything about Bruce’s story was off. I know he didn’t remember much after Steve took him down, but you all pretty much accused me of trying to get back at him for, well, you know what, and I kept telling you I thought someone had gotten to him! Now-“
Loki searches for the words. It’s beyond absurd.
“That man was a version of me, Tony. I have no idea how, but I felt it. I saw into his mind. It was filled with images from my past and then … other, recent memories. Dark ones. He came from nowhere. Literally. It didn’t feel like a place. I tried to discard it as a trick, you saw that, but…” Loki runs his hand through his moist hair. “Stephen obviously felt something tear open too. And that is not a good sign”.
He has Tony’s full attention.
“Tear open? Could this other you be associated with your old boss? With Thanos?”
Loki winces.
“No, I don’t think he’s involved”, he says sharply. “But I can’t be sure …”
Tony catches his tone pats his shoulder. “Okay, okay. Shake it off. Didn’t mean to suggest anything. Let’s say he’s not. I’d much prefer that, at least until the wizard presents us with an even uglier imminent threat to the universe. Which, judging by the fact that he’s even here, willingly sipping cocktails in your kitchen as we speak, he probably will”.
Tony throws his hands up with a dramatic air.
“And here I thought the most challenging part of this weekend would be to convince you two to come see Hamilton with us in the city next week!”
“Never mind. Did you get a look at that gadget your guy was holding? Boy, he looked like an office slave who’d slept under his desk for a month before getting fired, didn’t he? Were you ever into accounting yourself by any chance?”
Loki shuts his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. Immediately he sees the image of the double kissing Jane, his arms wrapped firmly around her supple body. Rage rushes right back through him and his eyes snap open.
“Stark - I can’t. But yes, I did notice the device. It looked like a phone”.
“Yeah, somehow I don’t think it was the new iPhone”.
Tony shakes his head.
“The two of us and we didn’t take him down. Fury’s gonna have our badges”.
The director of SHIELD and Bruce Banner arrive barely 15 minutes later through a portal in the middle of the meadow-like lawn, following Wong and both looking grim and out of place as they weave around patches of wildflowers to reach the porch.
“Gentlemen, I trust you’re well”. Loki greets the trio with an only vaguely sarcastic nod as he holds open the screen doors to them, like a good host. Despite what some may still think, he can behave.
He could have just used magic of course, but he figures Banner is freaked enough as it is just by being here. The scientist hasn’t spoken more than five words to him since 2014 and at least three of them were expletives.
Once inside the small living room, Bruce goes to stand by the window and busies himself polishing his glasses with a little too much vigor than seems warranted.
He avoids Loki’s eyes but looks up and smiles wearily as Jane comes over to say hello.
Fury leans against the doorframe to the hallway and crosses his arms, face a closed book, and, by the sound of it, Tony is going through the cabinets in the kitchen trying to find something to spice up Jane’s pre-dinner cocktails.
Pepper is talking to Strange and Wong on the blue IKEA couch (assembled by magic after the attempt to go at it “as a team” turned into a shouting match), and Loki is about to politely ask Strange to please spit it out right this minute, when Jane is next to him, taking his hand.
“We need to talk. Now”.
Her voice is low and steady but her eyes insisting. She squeezes his fingers.
He squeezes back. “Come”.
Loki looks to Fury but he’s focused on Strange who’s listening very closely to something Wong’s saying.
Not letting go of Jane’s hand, he turns towards the kitchen. In the doorway they pass Tony who’s now holding what appears to be a glass of scotch. He must have given up on the gin and tonics.
“Hey, where are you two going? Forget about playing hosts okay, let’s just get started with part two of the evening’s entertainment”.
“In a minute”.
Jane pushes past him, ignoring Tony’s look and dragging Loki with her.
She closes the door behind them.
“Okay, so…” Jane looks around nervously in the small kitchen with the rustic white fronts and old brass handles. She loves that kitchen. They haven’t changed a thing since moving in. Loki reaches for her, but she takes a step back. “Jane, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should have gotten there faster. Did he …“
“I need you tell me exactly what he said to you”.
She is absentmindedly opening and closing her fists in the way she does when that brilliant astrophysicist mind of hers is working out an intricate problem in the lab.
Or, Loki knows, when she’s about to deliver him bad news.
He clears his throat. “He said he was me. And that something big was happening”. There. “And then he said he was sorry”.
Jane studies his face.
“That he was sorry? For what?”
“He didn’t say. He stepped through the door”.
Jane is quiet and now it’s Loki’s turn to try and read her expression.
“What did he say to you? I assume he pretended to be me …?”
Jane holds up a hand and bites her lip. Loki swallows.
“Loki, when we were staying at the flat in London, after we defeated Malekith…”
“What?” Loki furrows his brow in confusion. “Why are we-“
“The poison from the monster’s blade, it had you slipping in and out of consciousness for days. You were so feverish…”
“Yes, I know. I was there”. Loki’s blood is slowly turning very cold, but he musters a smile. “And you were amazing, love. Although some might say you took adv-“
Jane interrupts him in the middle of his blossoming smirk. A slight blush appears on her own cheeks.
“Yes, um, it’s not about that day”. She gives him a stern look. “The other day, later, when Thor left after you two went and had your, um, talk … there’s something I need to tell you …”
The door to the living room opens behind them.
“Actually, if you don’t mind, Doctor Foster, I would very much like to hear this too”.
Stephen Strange steps into the kitchen. The door closes behind him.
Part 6
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 19, part two
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff) (Previous Post)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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The Man Comes Around
Over at the Wen Indoctrination Tower, which seems to exist just to torture Lan Wangji with stair climbing, Lan Wangji is climbing the stairs. Too bad his cultivation level is too low to be able to just jump up. At least this time his leg isn't broken.
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This is the first vengeful stair-climb in the show, but not the last. (Parallel gifset here).
The Wen guards are stationed all the way at the pinnacle of this tower to guard...what? Why are they not at the bottom of the stairs? What is this location for, actually? This is further up the stairs than the scenes with the indoctrination lectures. Anyway, it's been three months since Wen Chao threw Wei Wuxian into the burial mounds, so naturally these guards are talking about that exact thing as Lan Wangji approaches.
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Lan Wangji knocks them all down with a blast from his guqin. Did you know his guqin is named Wangji, by the way? It is. A guy who is that lazy about naming his quqin maybe shouldn't feel so superior to a guy who named his sword "whatever." 
(I'm suddenly remembering a plush lamb I had as a child, whose eyes were orange, that I named "orange eyes.") (I, however, was three. And I had a lot of plush lambs. Little ones. Grown-ups found it hilarious to give them to me.) (Native speakers of English can probably guess what OP's real name is. Hint: it rhymes with Canary.) (Everybody else: there is a kid's rhyming song called Mary Had A Little Lamb. OP's name is Mary.)
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Anyhoo, after Lan Wangji is finally finished with his dramatic entrance, Jiang Cheng comes flying in from wherever he's been hovering for the past 20 minutes of stair time. A bunch of Lan sidekicks also flood into the frame from wherever they were hiding during the wide shots of LWJ on the staircase.
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In case you hope that CQL Lan Wangji is as much of a top (offscreen) as MZDS Lan Wangji is (on the page), here's a gif for you.
(more after the cut)
He uses the patented Lan string attack to choke this guard.  Lan Wangji doesn't have to hold a guqin string in his hands to choke someone with it. He doesn't even have to tighten it, judging by how absurdly not-tight this string is.
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Or maybe this guy is choking on the chin strap of his helmet. This is exactly how OP's son reacts when OP sticks a bike helmet on him. (Note: it's GOOD that they are following choking safety protocols on set. Very good. However, they could have just left the string out and pretended, and it would look better, in this instance)
The Wen guard tells Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng about the whole "thrown into the burial mounds" thing.  Team Let's Find Wei Wuxian is not happy to hear this.
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A Vengeful Ghost
Meanwhile, in some Wen office somewhere? Where the hell is this? Yiling, we get an ominous shot of the rooftops where Wei Wuxian is lurking and then we see Wang Lingjiao trying to sleep and having a nightmare.
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Wang Lingjiao has gone to sleep with a full face of makeup on instead of washing her face before bed. She has forgotten the important maxim, Go To Sleep Pretty, Wake Up Zitty.
She leaps out of bed to go cling to Wen Chao and freak out about Wei Wuxian's ghost. Wen Chao is trying to read the sports section and has clearly had enough of this crap. This has presumably been going on for a little while now.
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Wang Lingjiao is in a new outfit, which is...pajamas? It has the feel of a 1930's French peignoir set, and it's much more softly colored than her usual bright red-purple combo. If this is her pajamas is it weird that her day clothes are a lot more aggressively sexy-looking than her nightgown? A freak in the streets but a lady in the sheets.
Wen Chao rants about the Sunshot Campaign and talks some smack about Wen Qing, and then leaves to go to the bar and watch the game with Wen Zhuliu. After he leaves Wang Lingjiao freaks out for a bit and then looks at the notice he was reading.
The notice basically says that the Sunshot Campaign is kicking their ass. She should be proud for inspiring the name of the campaign with that kite-shooting bullshit she made up at Lotus Pier. Before slaughtering everyone.
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No Matter What You Do, I Only Want To Be With You
Back at the Indoctrination Tower, Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng are having feelings about Wei Wuxian. Jiang Chang does all the talking but Lan Wangji's thoughts are louder because a sad violin is playing Wangxian while they talk.
Jiang Cheng tells Lan Wangji about their meetup plan and says he thought WWX had dumped him to go find Lan Wangji in Lanling. Lan Wangji telepathically indicates that this didn’t happen. This means two things: 1. Lan Wangji has been hanging out in Lanling, where Jiang Yanli has been hanging out, so maybe they have bonded over the past 3 months and 2. This is the first time Jiang Cheng has talked to Lan Wangji since Wei Wuxian disappeared. 
Much as my fic-loving heart would like to believe these two spent three months on the road together looking for Wei Wuxian, in fact they are both important high-level fighters in an active military campaign, and Lan Wangji was busy taking back the Cloud Recesses while Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were having elective surgery. They probably both were assigned to the "Indoctrination Bureau" mission and this is the first chance they've had to talk about Wei Wuxian.
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Is it heartbreaking that, while Wei Wuxian was helplessly getting his ass beat because he'd sacrificed his golden core for Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng believed Wei Wuxian had abandoned him for Lan Wangji? Yes. Yes it is.
For some reason Jiang Cheng is hesitant to believe that Wei Wuxian really was thrown into the Burial Mounds. I mean, I understand not wanting to believe Wei Wuxian is dead, but given that Wen Chao is the dude who oversaw the massacre of all of the people at Lotus Pier, including kids, why would Jiang Cheng think his guards are wrong? Maybe he just feels like Wei Wuxian is invincible, since so far he kinda has been. 
The Sword is Mightier Than Not Having a Sword
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While they've been chatting, the Lan disciples have found their swords. One disciple is holding Bichen (LWJ's sword), Sandu (JC's sword), and OP consults wiki Suihua (Jin Zixuan's sword). Another disciple is holding Subian (WWX's sword).  
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Jiang Cheng grabs Sandu while the Lan disciples, who apparently know their gongzi’s heart, offer Wei Wuxian's sword to Lan Wangji. 
Lan Wangji takes Subian (Bichen: What am I, chopped watercress?) and immediately tries to draw it. Like you don't do. It's sealed itself, which apparently means that it's upset. It's unclear if it's upset because Wei Wuxian is dead or if it just misses him, however.  
Lan Wangji definitely misses him, and wonders, out loud inside his own head, where Wei Wuxian is. Um, he's in the Burial Mounds, dude, they just told you. Well, I guess he's actually in Yiling proper at this point, haunting Wang Lingjiao as he promised her he would.
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Twa Corbies
The scene shifts to Qinghe, where there are about 12 dead bodies lying around, which in this show means that there are really a few hundred. In fact, per Jiang Yanli's statement "nothing can be seen but corpses covering the plains." The camera can't see most of them, is all.
Wen Xu's head is hanging in the doorway, and the Jins talk about how Nie Mingjue killed him, cutting his head off with just one swing. Is this foreshadowing anything, like perhaps someone else's head being cut off by Baxia in just one swing? Nope, definitely not.
A couple of crows are perched on a body, totally not eating it, but Jin Zixuan gallantly zaps them with a talisman to make them fly away anyway.  It might be noteworthy that nobody used to use talismans but gradually more and more people are using them - particularly people who have spent time with Wei Wuxian.
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With mony a lock of his golden hair-o, we’ll theek our nest when it grows bare-o
Asshole cousin Jin Zixun says “scavenger rights,” so Jin Zixuan puts him in charge of collecting all the bodies. 
Since OP just finished watching fur-collar-happy Nirvana in Fire, these crows look to me like they are wearing luxurious fur collars. Where OP lives, crows are not this fancy. 
A Romantic Corpse-Filled Interlude
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Disaster het Jin Zixuan goes to help Jiang Yanli get out of the carriage but she rejects his hand just like he rejected hers back in Gusu.
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Jiang Yanli is extremely shocked when she sees Wen Xu's severed head, and turns away in horror, preferring to calmly rest her eyes on dozens of crow-pecked corpses.
Jin Zixuan tries to comfort her and she tells him she'll be going now, thanks for the hospitality. He tries to say that he has to personally deliver her to a representative of the patriarchy one of her brothers, but then one of her brothers shows up.
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Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng arrive, having presumably flown there from Qishan. They show that they are flying by blowing a fan on the ground and then jumping off of a box, which is better than the effects we were subjected to earlier in the episode.
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Jiang Cheng rushes over to have an emotional reunion with Jiang Yanli, while Lan Wangji rushes over to have an emotional reunion with Wen Xu’s severed head. Jin Zixuan kind of spoils it for him by talking about Wei Wuxian's absence while Lan Wangji is trying to have a moment.
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The whole time Jin Zixuan is talking to him, Lan Wangji appears to be gazing into the middle distance but in fact he is staring at Wen Xu's severed head. This is the guy who led the burning of Cloud Recesses, killed a bunch of disciples, and personally broke Lan Wangji's leg. Lan Wangji stares at his head for more than a full minute before glancing away.
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Jiang Yanli hasn't seen Jiang Cheng since they were in Wen Qing's clinic, and she is happy he's recovered. When she asks about Wei Wuxian he gives her the bad news in the classic Jiang fashion, which is to say nothing, but look stricken until your interlocutor figures out that something is horribly wrong, but not precisely what.
Four Angry Men
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Inside the fortress, Nie Mingjue is slapping the table and saying, this bad boy can hold so much resentment and vengeance. They're having a mini war council and we're getting a better sense of Nie Mingjue's anger management problem. Note for those who don't get the gif reference: this is a The Godfather joke, not a sex joke, but it can be both, if you like.
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We're also getting a little more info about Baxia, who seems to be eager to go fight even without anyone wielding it. (Her? Him? Them? do swords have gender? I don't know). Well done, person below the camera frame whose job is to rattle Baxia in a menacing manner.
They've got a giant model of the battle targets, which looks like it was carved out of real rock (I mean, as much as any of the rocks on this show look like real rocks) and has its own table and everything, decorated in Nie colors. Where was this before they took Qinghe back? Has Nie Mingjue been traveling with it? 
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Anyway, I'm assuming Nie Huaisang made it, because it's pretty nice. Hopefully they will keep it around for tabletop gaming after the war is over.
Jiang Cheng is upset but is using his anger management mantra to help control his temper while Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji talk with Nie Mingjue. 
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Lan Wangji talks by leaning forward meaningfully, mostly not by using any words, but he asks for a battle assignment and Jiang Cheng immediately joins in. They both want to go find Wei Wuxian. 
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Nie Mingjue says Yiling is too difficult of a target, but Lan Wangji puts on his determined face, which is apparently very persuasive.  
After Team Find Wei Wuxian leaves, Nie Mingjue asks Jin Zixuan to hang back so he can ask him how Meng Yao is doing. This is the first time he finds out that his ex didn't go to Lanling. Jin Zixuan tries to delicately remind him that Dad's got, like, SO many bastard children, they really don't have space for all of them. Nie Mingjue dismisses him immediately and abruptly. 
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Nie Mingjue might invite the straights to his party but he isn't interested in actually socializing with them.
Unconditional Soup is Only for A-Xian
Jiang Cheng can't sleep, and takes some time, now, to be sad about Wei Wuxian. Presumably he spent the prior 3 months being mad, not sad, because he really thought he just buggered off without saying anything for all that time. Which is sort of fair, but sort of not. One thing about these two bros is that for as close as they have been and as much as they love each other, their mutual understanding has some big, messy gaps.
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Fortunately while he is feeling sad, Jiang Cheng does not try to draw Subian from its sheath, because wouldn't THAT be awkward.
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Jiang Yanli can't sleep either, and comes to sit with him. Jiang Cheng feels bad that she's wearing herself out with worry and she says "As your sister, I have nothing to do but to worry about you." Jiang Yanli isn't one to complain but she doesn't like being inactive or helpless. In Lanling she was far from the war, but now that she's in Qinghe she'll make herself useful by tending the wounded, and later she'll help Jiang Cheng shoulder his responsibilities as he takes over the Jiang clan.
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At the moment, however, all she can do is fret and make soup. As she gives Jiang Cheng a bowlful she reminds him that he absolutely has to rescue their brother who has, according to his captors, been reduced to bone dust.
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With all the impossible shit that Jiang Cheng is expected to achieve - and in many instances, does achieve - he is absolutely the embodiment of the Jiang Clan's motto. Fuck his father for disrespecting him because he hadn't figured out how to do everything by the age of 16.
Definitely Not Chilling in Yiling
Back in Yiling, Wen Chao is hearing the news that the Qishan Indoctrination Bureau has fallen and that he's being called back to Nightless City. Wen Chao says he shouldn't need to go back because his dad has a new right-hand man. That new right-hand man, we will eventually learn, is Meng Yao. Wang Lingjiao, meanwhile, is hiding under the bed covers and deciding it's time to dump Wen Chao.
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She locks the door and goes to pull out her jewelry box, which is locked and hidden under the bed. Maybe this is Wen Chao's jewelry box, because she acts kind of squirrely about opening it. Upon opening the jewelry box, she doesn't find jewelry but a pair of bloody fake eyeballs staring at her.  She screams and freaks out and then the wind picks up and we hear the sound of a flute, playing the "I'm here to fuck your shit up" tune that Wei Wuxian likes.
Wang Lingjiao runs to the door and pulls down the protection talisman that's pasted above it, and pastes it directly to her chest instead, which is, we will learn in the next episode, the worst idea she could possibly have at this point.
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Then she uses a poking stick to go flip the jewelry box open and finds it's full of ugly-ass jewelry again, plus an improbable number of weird round paper-mache biscuits that have been painted gold. None of this jewelry looks anything like the exquisite accessories people wear in this show, which means this stash was put together by the practical effects department, not by the costume department.
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Anyway, Wang Lingjiao apparently thinks she can sell this fakeass stuff for a good price, so more power to her. But then we get a short glimpse of the menacing eyeballs again, this time on the floor, having moved out of the box and brought their little blood pool with them. Screeching ensues.
Next episode: Lady in Red!
Soundtrack: Twa Corbies, by Steeleye Span
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goddessofmischief · 3 years
Blue Monday, Chapter Thirteen - Loki x Reader
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TW: Mention of the word ‘suicide.’ Not discussed in graphic terms.
Author’s Note: It’s been a long journey! There is still so much more story to tell, so please send me questions or feedback if you liked this chapter!
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The last day of Amora Freyadottir’s life had begun like... well, almost any other.
Loki had woken up next to you. His Amora.
The pair had risen in synchronization, methodically buckling up armor after armor, sword after shield.
And when you were both ready, you’d descended down the stairs together, one perfect unit, marched down to the castle courtyard, where Odin and several other highly-trained soldiers were assembled. He’d instructed you on the mission-
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to escape the flood of memories that had suddenly fallen into your mind.
"I’m... I’m what?”
“You,” said Mobius. “You’re Amora. You always have been.”
“Loki, I don’t... I don’t understand,” you stammered. “You lied to me, you swore you knew I wasn't her, you swore it-”
“I didn’t,” Loki promises. “You aren’t. These lies are simply a diversion to distract us from Mobius’ misdeeds.”
“Oh, Loki,” said Mobius. “Poor, poor Loki - if only that were true.”
He gestures, and a T.V.A. guard rushes in, restraining you both.
“Our story begins in Asgard, I think,” Mobius spoke, sipping from a tumbler of whiskey that had magically appeared. “Yes, that’s the one. Asgard. You and Loki had just marched off to the battle of Vanaheim... a terrible, terrible battle. Oh, they found you in pieces, Y/N. You died a warrior’s death.”
“Not me,” you said, stubbornly. “Amora did.”
“Yes, well... Loki got kinda despondent after that... not all that surprising, since he obviously loved ya-”
You glanced at Loki. He paled.
“And, well, Loki usually gets what he wants... and he decides he wants you back. Only problem is, he wasn’t sure how to do it. You were about as dead as it gets, sweetheart. So he studies, right? He studies for months and weeks, until he finds the plan that works best for him... that he’s going to reincarnate you.”
“No,” you argue, stubbornly. “No. No, that’s not true, it’s not true, it can’t be-”
“Crazy, right? I thought so, too. But I saw potential, in his failures, cause, the thing was... I’d started to see where things were going, even then.
The Earth was on the verge of nuclear war. The stars, divided by piracy and battle. In the middle of all of it... the two of you. I’d been trying to leave this universe for a long, long time - only problem is, the Watchers have kept me here. Something truly cataclysmic would have had to happen in order to let me destroy it - and, well... this little Romeo and Juliet story was a pretty good disaster-in-the-making, if I do say so myself. I knew if I stoked the fires of it, Loki would find a way to make the universe burn.
Soon enough, our friend Loki here uses a considerable amount of dark magic to reincarnate your soul into that of a mortal. He’d thought... well, I imagined he thought that once you reached a suitable age, about the age you are now, he’d give you your old memories, and find a way to make you immortal again. But you just couldn’t stay away, could you, Loki?”
“What does he mean?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” Loki stammers, and Mobius snaps his fingers - and suddenly, Loki’s eyes glow bright green, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.
“I visited you,” Loki whispers, slowly. “In your dreams, I -”
He paused, removing his glove and resting his palm on your forehead. You couldn’t see everything, not just yet - so many of your memories were still blocked out.
But you saw him. You saw him... throughout your life. Long walks, chess games, dives into swimming pools. He’d appear in your dreams, even. You were never alone.
“You didn’t have any friends,” Loki said. “And... I didn’t want you to be alone.”
“But if you were there, for everything... why can’t I remember any of it? Why can’t you?”
“Well, you can’t remember much of anything, can you?” said Mobius. “Only... the moments without him. The moments with your father. And, of course... your would-be death. But you never could remember what drove you to make that choice, could you? Only that you did, that cold Monday morning, and that I saved you, and swept you away to a life with us. You have wondered, haven’t you?”
You had.
“That was my work. I needed you to get to a point of desperation, so that the T.V.A. would seem the perfect option for you, so that you’d feel you had nothing else left. The thing was, when I made Loki forget... I kinda altered his memory two years before yours. So I doomed you, you see. I left you for two years, without him. He abandoned you... or, so you thought. And without your protector, well, you were a mess, weren't you?”
You had been.
“And without him to stop you, you made the rashest decision you could. You made an attempt upon your own life - and thus, my plan fell into place.”
“So it’s my fault,” said Loki. “If I’d never visited you... none of it would have happened. You’d never have thought I left you. Mobius never would’ve been able to manipulate us. It’s my fault you... died. Or, almost did.”
This was almost too much for you to comprehend. You were Amora? Loki had known you all your life? His leaving caused your depression, and set Mobius’ plan into motion?
But something more important stood out, too -
You loved Loki.
And he loved you.
Somehow, that had to mean something.
With a growl, you kicked Mobius across the room.
Loki turned to you, and without wasting a moment -
The two of you ran.
“Loki!” you found yourself shouting, tempted to shake him and make him listen to you.
“We can’t just run!”
“Why ever not? I’ve used this strategy - it’s worked for me, many times.”
“Because your last enemy didn’t have access to every timeline in existence! We can’t hide - he’s just gonna follow us there!”
He considered this.
“Fine,” Loki said. “How about this - we’ll fetch some back-up.”
You had to admit, your heart began to pound a little faster about the idea, just imagining the heroes you and Loki could recruit.
Alternate Iron Man. Alternate Black Widow. Perhaps even Thor himself-
“I’m sure me, being me, would be more than willing to help.”
Just like that, all those hopes came crashing down, all at once.
“Uh... what?”
"Well, in this scenario, I can really only trust myself, darling. You of course can understand. We’ll simply locate a variant of me... and enlist their assistance.”
You shrugged, helplessly.
“I... I guess.”
By this point, you figured you were going to die, anyway. You may as well just give in to his flawed logic and see where it would lead you.
“But I’m not dealing with another Lady Loki,” you insist, as Loki started to focus his energy on programming the tesseract with coordinates. “Not again.”
“No, no, of course not... then again, we would have gotten along, had I not possessed something she wanted. So, it seems to me... all I have to do is find a ‘me’ that hasn’t yet lost his Amora.”
“Okay, how do we do that?”
Loki focused on the tesseract.
“There,” he uttered, after a moment. “It’s... it’s programmed. It’ll take us somewhere, I know not where... to me. A me who has a version of Amora with him. That me will have no need for jealousy, and I’m sure I can reason some way to tempt them to aid us-”
“And... we’ll take her with us, too? The other Amora?”
“Jealous already, darling?”
“No,” you said, raising your gun to blast an approaching T.V.A. soldier. “Never.”
He grinned, and takes your hand.
And together, you both disappear into the icy-blue light of the Tesseract.
@bepo-is-sorry @the-obelisk @buckybarnes1982 gorgeourrific-nerd @suwupremeleader​​ @sserpente​ @tripleyeeet​ @kcd15 @rorybutnotgilmore 
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt.4
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
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Ep. Warnings: cursing, small angst
Summary: after getting caught by dabi, Y/N’s been extra cautious ESPECIALLY with Bakugou. She’s still trying to figure out her feelings about..well, EVERYTHING and so to cope, she blocks out everything and isolates.
Pt.1 Pt.2 P.3 P.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
A/N: Kinda short, Sorry :P
Bakugou’s POV
After spending all that time with Y/N, I could definitely say I like her. Like...LIKE HER like her. She’s..amazing. She has to be one of the top fighters in our class, she’s beautiful and has an incredible body. Her voice is like honey and she has this smile..that’s just..wow. Besides her physical, her as a person is incredible. She’s a good listener, she’s so open minded, she’s respectfully honest, and she brings out the better me.
I’ll admit, I’m pretty strict on following rules. I need to make a good name for myself out in the hero world. But Y/N has a delinquent past. She teaches me to risk it with the stupid rules and just enjoy life as a teen. Not only that, but considering she’s a little rebel herself, she can get out of hand sometimes. So she has me to keep her from going over the cliff. We’re a perfect balance for each other.
.....We’re perfect for each other.
No one’s POV
The morning after your little rendezvou with Bakugou, you woke up in heartache. You were so confused on why. Was it because you were something you’re not to everyone? Was it because you were doing this for the league more than for yourself? But you weren’t dumb. You knew the answer. Or rather, answers. Firstly, it’s because you knew you weren’t enjoying yourself by going through with this plan. It didnt feel right. Second, Bakugou. As scared as you were to admit it..you liked him. You really liked him.
That fact terrified you. You didn’t grow up around love. You grew up around hatred, bloodshed, violence, and fear. For your entire life, everything was all about survival. Even when you had a “steady” home with the league. But Bakugou came into the picture and threw you off. With him, he gave you a sense of security and peace. A warm feeling inside your heart that became more addicting than any drug. Yes, you enjoyed it but at the same time, it confused you. You weren’t sure how to deal with these emotions. You weren’t even sure if you deserved to be blessed with these emotions. With Katsuki.
You were and are a villain. You are the high ranking villain, Titania, and you are on a mission to take down UA from the inside. You were a villain, and you knew your place. A killer, a criminal, a thief, a menace like you didn’t deserve these feelings of..love. You didn’t even know how to handle them. So you did what you thought was best no matter how bad it hurt you.
When you walked into the hallway that your dorm opens up to, you were gifted with the surprise of Katsuki being there, waiting for you.
“Hey Princess,” he began but looked down to your side. “Princess and Rumor.” He said as he chuckled and petted Rumor’s head. Rumor smiled up at the familiar blonde and barked in happiness. Those two got along so well. “So I was thinking we could walk to class together.”
“Sorry...but..no. Come Rumor.” You said and turned away as you cringed at yourself in regret. Rumor followed you, along with Bakugou.
“Heh..sure princess. Try again.” He said thinking you were just messing around. Except, you didn’t answer him. You just kept walking with a blank look on your face, as if he wasn’t even around. Your entire persona was just..off? No playful remarks, no sass or attitude, no teasing mannerisms. It wasn’t you. “Hey, Y/N.”
He tried to put his hand on your shoulder but you sped up and walked out the doors with Rumor leaving Bakugou in confusion and hurt.
‘Did I do something wrong?’ Bakugou released a quiet whine to your behavior and just shook his head and continued to walk to school.
When he arrived in the class, you had already been seated. Thankfully, your desk was next to his so he could try speaking to you then. He firstly walked to you and tried getting some sort of conversation out of you.
“So..what do you think is gonna happen today?” He asked. Even he thought it was a pathetic question but at least it was something.
“Not sure.” You blatantly replied.
“Oh...okay well, uh, Shitty hair and I were planning on getting a workout in later, do you wanna join us?” He asked again.
“I’ll be training with Rumor today and thats all.” You said.
“Nice....you uh, mind if we join you?”
“Uh....okay. Cool...........Y/N, listen I-“
“Take your seat Bakugou. Class is starting.” Mr. Aizawa said. Bakugou reluctantly took his seat but not before looking towards you with desperate eyes for at least something more than what you were giving him. But nothing came.
Class went on and Bakugou tried to focus as best as he could, but with the girl he was falling for completely brushing him off, he was in a silent frenzy. Bakugou and you had a thing during class hours. When you guys were dying to talk to each other, you would pass little notes to each other’s desks and continue with that. So he did his usual notes with you and passed one your way. It’s said ‘are you doing okay, Princess?’ But when he tossed it onto your desk, you left the crumpled piece of paper there as you continued listening to Mr. Aizawa.
Since you didn’t reply, he sent another one your way. This time, making sure it hit you a little bit to get your attention but once again, nothing.
‘Wtf’ Bakugou thought. He assumed you were just having a bad morning so even though it hurt him, he left you alone to cool off. I mean, it’s not like he was the only one you weren’t speaking to. You were practically ignoring everybody’s existence.
Lunch rush came and Bakugou was a little relieved. Y/N always say next to him no matter what happened. Even on those quiet days where she didn’t speak a lot during that time, he was glad she was still there and would occasionally join in on the conversation just like he did. But you didn’t come this time. Bakugou waited and when he finally saw you walking towards the table, he smiled and spoke.
“Hey Princess! About time you-“ but before he could continue, you kept your head straight and kept walking, not even sparring the table a glance. He watched you walk on and sit at a lonely table. No one was there. It was just you and Rumor. Bakugou stared from afar and after waiting for a few minutes and giving you multiple concerned stares every now and then, he finally got up to walk to you. Before he could even leave his seat though, Kirishima held him back.
“Don’t man, give her some time. She needs a break.” Kirishima said.
“From what exactly? If you know something, you should tell me now! Cuz if there’s something messing with her, tell me so I can kill it.” Bakugou replied. He was a little hurt thinking that you told Kirishima your problems and not him but he was really more concerned with what’s bugging you. What the hell was bothering you so much? Whatever it was, he’ll make sure it stops.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with her, but it’s obvious she doesn’t wanna speak to anyone right now. Just let her stick by Rumor and be at peace for the day. Or at least until she’s feeling better.” Kirishima explained. And Bakugou knew he was right, so with a stubborn groan he sat back down and just continued to stare.
The day went on and Bakugou let you be. But it was definitely killing him on the inside. He struggled to hold himself back whenever he saw you in a room but he did restrain himself. Once in the common rooms, he noticed you didn’t even bother to stay for a minute. You went straight to your dorm even though Rumor stayed to play with Kaminari and Sero. You spent all day in there and only opened the door to Rumor. When you finally came out, it was to grab a plate of dinner for you and Rumor. You didn’t even stay to eat, you brought the food to you room and that was the last time Bakugou saw you that day. This whole thing was killing him, but what he didn’t know was that from the privacy of your room, your own tears fell much heavier than Bakugou’s.
When Y/N entered her dorm room and placed the plates of food on her table side, she sat on the side of the bed with her head hanging low, casting a shadow to fall over her face. She gripped her bed sheets and she held back sobs. Her teeth grinding against each other in frustration as her eyes squeezed shut to attemp to stop the flooding tears but to no avail. As her hiccups left her voice, Rumor came to place his head on her lap to calm her down. She placed one hand over her mouth to silence herself and calm down as she rubbed Rumor’s soft fur. She eventually gave in and sat on the floor, hugging and holding onto the giant wolf-dog.
“T-This isn’t our place Rumor...this isn’t where we belong. We’re v-villains....we don’t deserve the good they’re giv-ing us.” You sobbed out as you cried into his side.
“I d-don’t belong here!” You cried out. You sobbed into your mattress as Rumor waited for you on the side. He didn’t know what to do with his best friend being so distraught. Your continuous sobs went on for a few hours into the night. Rumor stayed right by your side through it all. The silence that filled your room was so loud and head ringing, it was almost torture. In a quiet voice, you whispered only to remind yourself a fact that Dabi had told you.
“I don’t deserve him.”
“ARGHHH!” Bakugou screamed as he snapped his pencil in anger. Y/N and Rumor just walked passed the group and went to Y/N’s dorm in silence. The Bakusquad looked at the ash blonde in concern. They knew how this boy felt. Y/N’s been avoiding him like the plague and Bakugou can’t get her off his mind.
When you completely ignored his presence, it put Bakugou into a state of sadness. Whenever he tried to talk to you, he was given brief answers followed with your dismissal. He tried doing favors for you, making time to hang out again, and asked to train with you which resulted in him getting rejected each time. It was driving him mad and he just wanted to be around you again.
“I still don’t get why the hell she’s acting like this! When we hung out, everything was perfect! What the fuck is going on with her?!” He shouted in anger. When Y/N is around, Bakugou gets this warm feeling inside that he’s learned to love. Now the girl is never around and he’s bursting in anger at every little thing. Can you blame him? He’s kind of hurt. The girl he’s in like with doesn’t even acknowledge him when she passes by anymore. He misses you. A lot.
“Well why don’t you ask her?” Kirishima questioned.
“Because I-.........actually, that’s a good idea.” Bakugou said as he dropped everything to run up to your dorm and talk. How could he have been so dumb? Listening to Shitty hair. All that hair dye is messing with his brain and local advice. He couldn’t believe he had really left you alone in pain for a whole day. Now, he was gonna get to the bottom of this one way or another. When he made it there, he began banging on your door without even giving it a second thought.
“Y/N! Open up, c’mon! I know you’re in there.” He said on the other side. In the comfort of your bed you poked your head out of the covers and reluctantly got out. You knew he wouldn’t stop till he got his answers. So you went to open the door and put on the best smile you could.
“Hi Katsuki,” you said with a huff. “Look, I’ve been having a really bad headache so if you don’t mind-“
“Nope,” he interrupted and just pushed open the door to get inside. How charming. He walked in and you just rolled your eyes and sighed. You shut the door and turned to him. “You can’t lie to me about some headache Y/N, I know it’s not the truth. You’ve been avoiding me and I wanna know why.”
“It’s nothing personal, I just..needed some time.” You said, looking everywhere but at him. A silence entered the room. Not the comforting silence it usually is with you two, more of the nervous kind. Bakugou thought about what he would say next..he didn’t even know if it was okay to say. But he did it anyway.
“Is it...me? Did I do something wrong?” You looked at him with a shocked face as he continued, “‘cuz if it was me, then... I’m sorry. I’m new to this whole..whatever we have going on, but I’m really trying here and I-...I don’t know, I thought that night we went out was pretty good, but I can do better if you jus-“
“Katsuki, hey no, stop that,” you said as you walked up to him. “This has nothing to do with you messing up or anything. That night was amazing, you are amazing, and everything that’s happened between us so far has been..amazing.” You confessed.
“So then...why? Why all the distance? Why do you avoid me?....what happened?” Bakugou asked as he got closer. If something was wrong, he genuinely wanted to help you out of it. You just laughed a little before you spoke, realizing how cliche you were gonna sound.
“Look, it’s not you, it’s me. I’ve just been going through something..life changing, and I don’t really know who I am yet. I just..needed a break from everything. Especially you.” You said as you looked him in his eyes.
“Especially me? Why?” He asked. The amount of nerves that hit you all at once was ridiculous. You could confess right here right now and rip off the bandaid. Or you could lie your way out and save yourself the embarrassment. You bit your lip and tilted your head towards the ceiling for a second in exhaustion before speaking.
“Because.....Ugh! I like you, all right? A lot. You..you’re really cute, and fun, and there’s just all these amazing things about you annddd..” as you spoke you looked at his face and he started to grow a small smile as he looked at you with that cocky look and a slightly raised brow, “stop doing that!” You said and smacked his shoulder.
“Ow, what?” He laughed out. “Stop doing what?”
“That! That stupid face that you do when you look at me with that smile and face when you just...and..you....you just-.....Umm..uh..” you trailed off from your sentence as Bakugou leaned down into your face, resting his forehead on yours.
“And..?” He asked.
“And...and no free compliments!” You said as you pushed his shoulder and turned to your side. He chuckled at the way you pouted and crossed your arms. “Look, we’ve established that I like you Katsuki,”
“Keep going, I like what I’m hearing,” he said with a grin and his hands in his pockets.
“And that’s the problem.”
“Okay, stop. I don’t like it anymore.” He said and looked to the side with a grouchy face. You laughed and walked up to him and pulled at his arms.
“No, seriously,” you said with a laugh, “I like you, but that’s the problem. Where I’m from...it’s..different. I never really got to explore emotions like this..so..I don’t really know how to handle them. It’s confusing. I just thought, if I isolated and took some time to myself, they would go away...but they haven’t. They’re still here, they’re still strong, and I still don’t know what to do.” You said with a heavy breath. The weight finally came off of your chest after your confession but something was still poking at you and you weren’t sure what. You didn’t let it bother you for too long though, you finally felt like you could breath again.
“So..what? You’re emotionally constipated? ‘Cuz if That’s the case, then I’m the same way, princess. We must come from the same place.” He joked.
“Oh no we don’t. If anything......it’s almost like we’re from two different worlds,” you said with a slightly sad demeanor that Bakugou detected. He picked you up, sat on your bed and got comfortable while placing you on his lap.
“So then explain. Talk. Tell me about this ‘different world’ you claim you’re from, princess.” He said with air quotes as he kept one arm snug around your waist.
“I can’t,” you sighed and looked down at your hands in your lap, “if I told you everything, I know for a fact you’d just drop me outta your life...I know it’s selfish but I don’t know if I could honestly handle that,” you quietly said. Bakugou tilted your head so you were facing him.
“Nothing you say could ever make me want to get rid of you..I promise.....something about you just..makes me need to have you around.” He said caressing your cheek. You both stared at each other, enjoying the warmth you both radiated. The atmosphere changed into something some would call love, and if this was what it was, you didn’t want it to stop. It became something so comforting and addicting the both of you didn’t want to lose it.
Once again, the world around you fell away, as you and Bakugou became the only two people in the world again. He leaned in closer, and you mimicked his actions, until the soft feeling of his lips pressed against yours. Fireworks went off in your head as you met in the middle in the softest way, and what started as a passionate kiss turned into a sweet makeout. Your lips danced across one another and you both could savor the taste you were experiencing. While the flavor of caramel and spice came onto you, the delicious taste of strawberries and scent of vanilla invaded Bakugou’s senses. He adored the way you tasted and craved it even more after every second. When you both finally separated, you stared at each other with starry eyes and heavy breaths as you leaned against each other in a loving way. Blush adorned both your faces as the comforting silence filled the air once again. Bakugou was the first to speak.
“Y/N...whatever it is you need..assistance, time, comfort, I’ll always provide. Just please don’t push me away ‘cuz I won’t go.” He said with his head against yours.
“Yeah..heh, I believe you,” you softly said. Bakugou pulled your head down to lean against his shoulder as you cuddled into him, enjoying the moment. Until you realized, you might just have to tell him everything. Bakugou seemed to sense your little nerve and settled you down. He kissed the crown of your head before speaking.
“Tell me everything when you’re ready, princess.” He said. You felt tears of joy fill your eyes, but you didn’t let them fall. You just reveled in the comfort and love Bakugou was giving you. Love. How amazing. Something many people had told you, you didn’t deserve. But Bakugou came in and changed all of that for you. He came into the darkness and provided the small amount of light you needed. You were so thankful for him. You smiled before speaking in a sweet voice of appreciation.
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tsumtsumland · 4 years
“for me?”| o.tooru x reader
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genre: fluff
warnings: none
author’s note: here’s my first entry of my and @honeybunny-sawamura​ Valentine’s event! Hope you guys enjoy some sweet Oikawa fluffiness!
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Being in love with Oikawa Tooru was an experience, sometimes good, sometimes bad, full of adventure, laughter, some tears, soft lips, tender touches, the occasional alien stakeout, you know, normal relationship stuff…
The repetitive motion of your wrist is precise as you whisk together the chocolate and heavy cream. It’s a delicate task to get the perfect consistency but after years of practice, you knew how to do it now to avoid destroying the truffles.
You smile fondly remembering the first time you made these very same chocolates for the boy with hair and eyes to match the sweet treats. It was during the last semester of your first year of senior high school, February 14th. You stood in front of his locker fidgeting uncertainly at the sight. Dating Oikawa Tooru meant accepting that he would always be the centre of attention, the one that stood out in the crowd, the one who shined the brightest.
Despite dating him for months at that point, it still unnerved you to see tons of presents flooded outside his locker, all looking more extravagant than yours. Clasped in your hands was a pink box wrapped with ribbons of a brighter shade, full with homemade milk chocolate truffles you’d stayed up most of the night making for him. 
When a familiar, “Yahoo~ y/n-chan!” sounded from close by, you hastily hid the box behind your back, embarrassed to present him, your boyfriend, the school’s heartthrob, something so mediocre.
He never missed a beat though, stretching to see behind your back, “Is that for me?”
“No!” you blurted out, eyes widening after you say it.
A pout formed on his face instantly at your words. “You’re giving a present to another guy on Valentine’s?”
You sighed heavily knowing there was no escaping at that point. You couldn’t meet his eyes when you hesitantly offered the box to him, “It’s not much but…Happy Valentine’s Tooru.”
He had accepted with so much gusto that you wanted to disappear when he opened the box. Some were lopsided, quite a few were partially melted, overall, it was not a pretty sight. They weren’t perfect that first year, but he ate them all anyway.  
You vowed to perfect the recipe the next year, and they were better that next year, but not yet perfect. He still ate them all anyway.
In your third and final year of high school, they were close to perfection, but not yet there. When you told him that, he looked at you with one of his rare, real smiles.
“Kinda like me huh?”
His question caught you off-guard and you weren’t sure what to say.
“Ah, I just meant they were the right fit for me y/n,” he pops one into his mouth and hums contentedly, “just like you...”
The eruption of butterflies in your tummy is inescapable.
Being in love with Oikawa Tooru meant always being surprised, in the best way possible.
Your hand reaches for a spatula to mix together the biscuit flour and the chocolate-cream. You meticulously fold the mixture then cover it with some cling wrap to refrigerate for 20 minutes.
In the meanwhile, you busy yourself with doing some dishes, and labelling a few boxes strewn about your apartment. Your hands stop short over a box of old polaroids and purikuras, documenting years of your relationship. Gently, you tuck them back into the box, except for one that keeps sticking out. When you take it out, the irony has you laughing, it’s a polaroid from another Valentine’s Day, one from your college days. Back when your rising star athlete boyfriend had a minor addiction to boba, oh what a moment in time.
“Tooru, how much of those have you had this week?” you questioned, slightly concerned.
He gives you a look, you know the one… O_O
He’d dragged you to the boba place on campus during your short period of free time on Valentine’s Day, claiming it was his ‘right’ as it was a special occasion. Of course, you gave in.
“We can share this one,” he smiles cheekily at you, waving an extra straw in your face.
You groan but plop down next to him and stick the straw in anyway. You completely failed to see the sly look on his face as he inched closer to you with his own straw, until his lips replaced the straw in your mouth.
The polaroid was taken at the exact moment by one of the students in the photography club. You two made the cover of the Valentine’s edition of the school newspaper that year.
The timer on your phone goes off and you sigh at the time, 11:24pm. You take the chilled truffle mixture out of the refrigerator and wet your hands.  It takes about another hour of scooping teaspoon after teaspoon of the dough and rolling it into roughly the same sized balls, then covering them with assorted sprinkles, cocoa powder, and coloured sugar. You smile at your handiwork and put them to chill again before preparing for bed, they’d be perfect in the morning.
Being in love with Oikawa Tooru was a whirlwind of emotions that sometimes nothing could prepare you for.
There’s a lump in your throat when you lie in bed that night.
“I’m moving to Argentina…”
The words stopped you in your tracks, your phone slips from your hands and lands with a clatter on the hardwood flooring.
“You- what?” the words are wobbly, your voice sounded foreign coming from your own mouth.
“Come with me,” his voiced tinged with hope, and a little desperation.
 He explained it all, but the white noise in your ears made it hard to hear, far less process, or understand.
Eventually you came to terms with it, accepting his path, knowing fully well that his raw talent, potential, and hunger to succeed would take him far no matter where he went.
The airport was busy as usual, swarming with people from every walk of life, teeming with excitement, anxiety, sadness, happiness, a concoction of emotions.
Yet the only sound you could hear was that of your heart breaking.
“Come with me,” he pleads one last time. He knows your answer.
The boy with the chocolate hair and eyes looks at you, really looks at you. He memorizes your features, imprints them in his mind and heart. He turns to walk through the gates then, and doesn’t look back.
You look at the date on the arrival/departure board, February 14th.
The memory almost brings you to tears, but you fight them off and force yourself to sleep.
When your alarm goes off you rush to shower and get ready. On your way out of your apartment, you grab the truffles and take one last look at the place you called home for two years, bidding it a silent farewell.
The airport is busy as per usual, but this time you see it, the buzz, the excitement, you feel it, the anxiety, the exhilaration. There was truly no place bearing more emotions than airports. Clasped tightly in your hands is your phone, the truffles, and a one-way ticket to Buenos Aires.
1 day and 2 flights later, phone and truffles clutched in your hands, you step off the plane. Your ears are immediately accosted by the voice across the loudspeakers, jabbering rapidly in Spanish. You’re a bit startled, but carefully make your way through the process of exiting the airport.
The baggage claim is the last stop, and you feel it before you see him, the rush of butterflies.
“Is that for me?” his velvety voice pierces right through you.
This time you answer immediately, “Yes. Happy Valentine’s Tooru.”
Being in love with Oikawa Tooru was an experience, but being loved by Oikawa Tooru was untouchable.
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Taglist: @kiyoo-omi @mitzuya @vs-redemption
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nbrook29 · 3 years
love you to the moon and to saturn
This is part 4 of my Sander in NYC ‘verse. I posted it on ao3, but recently I’ve also been posting my fics on tumblr so here it is 😌
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 
Warnings: mild sexual content
* * *
Saturday, 10:00
His sleep was anxious, mind too preoccupied with stress to allow him to get a proper rest. The wake up was even worse as mere seconds after he blinked the sleep away from his tired eyes the memories of last night crept back in, flooding him with worry and making his brain replay the argument over and over again like a broken cassette. And then he checked his phone only to find a string of messages and missed calls, all from Sander, causing his stomach to twist with nerves at what they were going to say. 
His abrupt leaving had been a dick move and if Sander was pissed, Robbe knew he couldn’t blame him. So he stalled, finger barely swiping at the screen as he was unsure whether to unlock it and face the consequences or maybe throw the phone back on his bedside table and bury himself under the covers to wait for his courage to come back and for his nerves to settle.
Heaving a sigh, he chose option number one because it was the only rational one. 
He tapped Sander’s photo, holding his breath without even registering it.
Two seconds later he knew.
He didn’t need to worry.
 Sunday 13:00
Robbe hides another smile into his glass at the thought of yesterday’s evening, trying to focus on what Marie is saying. She’s talking animatedly about a guy she met at her new internship, hearts almost flowing out of her eyes as she swoons on the wooden stool and sips her black coffee. She’s the kind of girl who falls in love quickly and falls out of love just as quick. Across from where he’s sitting, he sees Fien and Lucas rolling their eyes at her exaggerated lovesick sighes making him snort in his marshmallow latte.
“Weren’t you obsessed with that lanky guy from Starbucks last week? What happened to him?”
Marie shrugs, tossing her long brown hair back from her shoulders. “I decided he was too old for me.”
“Didn’t you say he was 21?” Robbe interjects with amusement, remembering their group messenger chat he caught up with this morning.
They all start bickering about the appropriate age difference in relationships, Robbe watching them as he munches happily on one of the soggy marshmallows he fished out from his cup, trying not to giggle at Lucas’ scandalized face at Marie calling 21 old. Robbe knows from the many stories Lucas has shared so far that his own boyfriend is a senior at college so his reaction is even more entertaining because of that.
It feels good to be around them again, Robbe thinks to himself. He’s been canceling on them way too often those last few weeks and he still feels guilty about it. They’re a fun bunch, their bantery dynamic established since day one when they all chose the middle row to sit in during their morning classes, and then promptly spent half of it bonding over the outrageous occurrence that was the absence of a coffee shop on the campus. Not long after, Robbe also discovered that apart from the passion for filmmaking, they all also like skateboarding. After that, the rest was history.
They were for sure a nice distraction from Robbe’s intrusive thoughts in the beginning of the semester. He lucked out, finding his group, his people, so early on in his college journey. But at some point even their goofiness and honest attempts at cheering him up weren’t enough. Not since the news from Sander came that he’s staying in New York until February and since the thing with Jens.
Now, observing them from over his half-drunk coffee, lips twitching at some of the more creative but still lowkey insults Marie and Lucas throw at each other, he realizes he has really missed them. They’re like siblings, the two of them, constantly bickering and teasing one another, but it’s all good-natured and amusing to watch. 
“Oh my god, let it go, children, for the love of god,” Fien cuts in abruptly, before turning her big expectant eyes on Robbe, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger and adding innocently, “I’d finally like to hear about Sobbe’s makeup.”
Heat rushes to Robbe’s cheeks and he scratches at the back of his neck, bashful all of a sudden. She’s the number one fangirl of his relationship, he has learned recently, but in a cute way, not creepy like Aaron sometimes used to be with his invasive questions. She always moans about being forever single, pouting at Robbe for some fluffy snippets and claiming in faux-seriousness that he owes it to the world to share them with others for being lucky enough to have a fairytale-like love story. 
Robbe has never disclosed to them how unfairytale-like some of the details are because it’s not his story to tell. But he really likes her so he always indulges her, usually after a bit of teasing. And, sue him, but he’s proud of his relationship and the fact that he of all people can call Sander his boyfriend, so even if he brags a little, he thinks he has good reasons for it. 
(He’s still kinda smug when he thinks about the time when he showed the three of them a photo of Sander, a pleased little smile on his face at their reactions and playful threats of stealing him for themselves.)
“Oh yeah, I wanna know too,” Marie agrees excitedly, scooting her chair closer to him. “You’ve been all smiley ever since you came over here so I’m guessing that hottie of yours did something right,” she ends on a teasing note, her waggling eyebrows leaving Robbe no doubts she expects some saucy details.
“Oh my god, stop,” he groans as he hides his face in his hands, his friends giggling at his embarrassment. “It wasn’t like that! We just… finally talked things out.”
 Saturday, 18:00 (flashback to last night)
Robbe’s been gnawing on his bottom lip relentlessly, completely unaware, to the point it’s a few bites away from drawing blood. He can’t help but feel nervous, the cursor hovering over the 'accept' button as he's rolling his eyes on himself internally, telling himself to stop making a bigger deal out of this that it needs to be. There is a bit of embarrassment clouding his logical reasoning to be honest, embarrassment about his overreaction last night.
Was it an overreaction? He's still not completely sure, but it's not like avoiding the situation is going to magically fix everything between them. Even though he'd really like that. It feels so awkward to be in this position. Robbe doesn't know what the protocol here is. They bicker, quite often even. Fight a little too, stomping off out of each other’s room grumpily but only over stupid stuff, nothing like this.
He's walking on an unknown ground just hoping he's not going to make things worse. He desperately needs their dynamic back because he's already over it. 
Not being able to share the most mundane every day stuff with each other over texts to joke about it, rile the other up or just vent about something stupid like their coffees not being hot enough on a given rainy morning sucks.
So he takes a deep breath and clicks on the button before he works himself into a never-ending second-guessing.
When Sander says a soft hi and smiles at him with the usual warmth in his eyes, something akin to relief courses through him from head to toe. 
He gives him his own tentative smile and a short hi, pushing himself higher against the pillows. Before Sander can say anything more, he lets go of what has been weighing down on him the entire day.
“I’m sorry,” he starts, contrite. “About yesterday. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just logged off like that without explanation. And then ignore your messages,” he adds after a pause because that’s what he feels most guilty about. He knows he’d freak out if Sander just cut him off without giving him an opportunity to talk things out, would worry himself sick. 
Sander looks conflicted, brows knitted together, like a part of him wants to reassure Robbe because it's in his nature, but the other part is genuinely hurt. Robbe doesn't want compassion. Not for that, because he knows he doesn’t deserve it. Causing Sander distress is the last thing he wants.
"Yeah, it did suck," he finally admits after a moment passes, and Robbe finds comfort in his honesty. It’s a good start. They won’t get anywhere with false niceties and pretending everything’s fine. Robbe tried pretending, yesterday and most of their calls before that, and it got them where they are now.
“I mean, I know you didn’t want to talk about your problems yesterday,” pausing, he scrunches up his nose a bit, “but maybe next time just don’t log off so abruptly so I know you’re okay?” his voice tilts on a hopeful note.
Robbe just nods, feeling shameful, hating that there’s not much more that he can do when he’s talking to him through his computer, and can’t exactly reach out to cuddle up to Sander’s side or kiss the underside of his jaw as a silent apology to then stay close for the rest of the evening as they heal together. 
It’s frustrating and disheartening, but it affects them both the same amount and Robbe needs to remember that. Because the truth is, Sander didn’t exactly give him a legitimate reason to doubt him or to think he didn’t miss him. Those full of hurt eyes Sander gave him yesterday at the suggestion have been eating away at him all day.
Robbe just got swallowed by his own insecurities and let the little things that bothered him consume him all instead of, well. Communicating.
Sander was right yesterday. Of course he was.
He knows he has some more apologies to give.
“I’m also sorry for not telling you earlier how I felt,” he keeps pouring his heart out, “and for, you know, assuming you don’t miss me much, and-”
“Woah, hey,” Sander stops him before he can get himself deeper into the spiral. “Robbe, I fucked up too, don’t take it all on yourself.” He adjusts his laptop and Robbe can see his face clearer now, his eyes bloodshot and tired, a clear sign of a sleepless night, and the guilt clogs his throat even more now.
“I should have seen something wasn’t right.” When Robbe shakes his head and goes back to apologizing, Sander shoots him a pointed look that makes him shut up. “I should have, don’t deny it. You know, I took a long walk yesterday after you hung up, to clear my head, but also to get a perspective on our latest talks. And I felt so dumb for not realizing you were not doing okay.”
“Sander, I don’t expect you to read my mind,” Robbe tries to joke, but it falls flat even in his own ears. But he can’t bear those big regretful eyes on him. He doesn't deserve them.
“Baby, I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you the way you needed me to. Please tell me now? What’s been bothering you, hmm?” 
Robbe scrubs his face trying to collect his thoughts, to find a concise way to get everything out of his chest, but he doesn’t know where to start.
“It may take a while.”
Sander makes a show of fluffing the pillow he placed against his back and getting himself more comfortable on his bed, sighing with contentment for a better effect. 
“Look, I’m in my comfy clothes, got an energy drink on my nightstand, the computer battery is full and I told everyone I’m busy so they won’t nag me with anything. I’m all yours today.” He gives him an encouraging smile, fondness etched into every crevice of his face.
Robbe’s heart does a little skip at his words, Sander’s demeanor so comforting that he feels the last pieces of apprehension ebbing away, the need to vent overpowering the hesitation of showing his vulnerability. 
“I think I just found myself overwhelmed with some things,” he admits quietly, picking at his nail, an absent-minded habit when he’s nervous, as he’s trying to find the right words. “A lot has changed in those last few months, almost all at once, and I kinda have trouble coping. And like,” he scoffs at himself, “I’m angry with myself ‘cause I should be enjoying most of it, being in college and majoring in something that I actually like, and it’s great, but I can’t help but focus on all the things that are different now, things that are not so great.”
Before continuing, he flicks his gaze to Sander for a second, only to then cast his eyes back to his lap. “The last two years with you were the happiest of my life, you know? After years of bullshit and constant misery and pretending to be somebody I wasn’t I-,” he sighs, bittersweet smile on his lips,”I finally found my person, you know?”
Sander mirrors his smile, but he’s frowning a little. “But you still have me,” he reminds him softly.
“I know, but it sucks when I can’t just, I don’t know, snuggle up you and forget about stuff. It’s all your fault, by the way, you’ve been too good to me and now I have withdrawal symptoms,” he pouts, and hears Sander chuckling on the other side of the screen.
“You have no idea how much I wish virtual hugs were a thing. And kisses, oh my god, kisses too. I’m so kiss-deprived. Once I finally get my hands on you, I won’t let you go for a week.”
“I promise.”
For a short moment, Sander manages to bring a genuine smile on his face, but it quickly disappears when the reality sets back in. There are still almost four long months to get through. He watches Sander’s smile slipping off his face slowly and he knows they’re both thinking about it.
The boy sighs deeply. “You know, sometimes I feel like it was a mistake to-”
Robbe’s eyes snap to him. “No, no, no, don’t think that, it wasn’t a mistake. Please don’t feel guilty or something, that’s the last thing I want you to do,” he stresses. Sander still looks conflicted, and fuck, this is exactly what Robbe wanted to avoid.
“Hey, I’m serious. Look, you not being here is tough, but like I said, it’s just things piling up, changing. Shit like school work that has been piling up and me getting so stressed about the end-of-the-semester project because I still haven’t figured out the details. Plus people moving away, all of that makes it difficult for me to adjust. So don’t go thinking it’s because you’re the center of my universe or something,” he ends his rambling with a feigned-offended huff and Sander easily lets them slip into their usual banter.
“I’m not?! Wow, the things a guy finds out after being such a devoted and doting and loving boyfriend.” He wipes the imaginary tear, letting out a long-suffering sigh. “Such a menace, breaking my heart in half on this lovely Saturday afternoon.” He purses his lips in offence and Robbe is grateful for Sander’s attempt to lift the mood, trying to be upbeat.
He feels a tug in his chest thinking about how if Sander was here, he’d be tackling him to the nearest surface to shut him up with tickles and loud smooches and playful jabs in the sides and how they would make much more noise than necessary, acting like the rambunctious teens they are.
That’s going to have to wait too. But he discovers this thought doesn’t hurt as much as it would have yesterday because their conversation right now, this opportunity to vent and Sander’s texts last night, all of it makes him feel better, helps him see he’s not alone.
“I love you,” he blurts out all of a sudden, and it’s something he’s wanted to say since he read his heartfelt texts this morning that almost made him cry in relief.
Sander blinks a couple times, surprised, but then his previously playful face melts into such a fond look it makes Robbe blush like it was the first time he said it.
The I love you too comes right away, soft and quiet, like he’s telling a secret, and it’s heart-stoppingly precious.
To keep himself from drowning in fuzzy feelings, he shoots him a private little smile and steers the conversation back to his friends, telling him how it sucks that it’s they all now live away and how unexpectedly difficult it is to meet up. Robbe’s used to basically having everyone at arm-reach.
“We do video call, obviously, but you know, Milan is all loved up with Ralph in Amsterdam and not that keen on leaving their love nest and Zoe and Senne keep traveling between Genk and Ghent, which with Zoe’s coursework and internship is already a struggle. I don’t think they’re doing that well, actually,” he winces, remembering their last conversation.
If during freshman year somebody had told Robbe who his best friends were going to be, he’d looked at them as if they had grown two heads. Because for real, Jana’s new friend and her roommate? And school’s fuckboy? 
But life’s funny like that sometimes. Moving into their apartment in his sophomore year has been one of the best decisions he’s ever made. His number one best decision is currently frowning at him from his dirty screen.
“Oh, that sucks. Do you think they’ll work it out?” 
Robbe sighs deeply, propping his chin on the heel of his palm. “Senne has been thinking about finding a job in Genk so I hope so.”
Sander huffs a laugh suddenly, shaking his head. “Wow, I wish I was in his place and there were only 2 hours between us, instead of a whole ass ocean.”
“Yeah, I think once you’re back we’re gonna have a master's degree in that long distance bullshit,” Robbe smiles at him wistfully. 
“Ugh, never again though. You’re not getting rid of me, it sucks without you, Robin.” He sounds so grumpy Robbe can’t help the short giggle that escapes him, but deep down he’s happy they both share that sentiment.
They’re staring at each other now, enjoying the moment before Sander shoots him a knowing look. “You haven’t mentioned Jens.”
That sobers him up enough for the fuzzy feelings to disappear from his stomach. 
Jens. There’s not much to talk about really. And isn’t that a punch-in-a gut kind of truth considering it was his best friend? Isn’t it heartbreaking that Robbe didn’t even feel like fighting for that relationship and there’s a nagging voice in his head telling him that Jens didn’t either? Just a regular heated argument was enough to finally cut that last string, to put a stop to a friendship that had been hanging by a thread long before. Not that they had noticed.
He felt awful, afterwards. More alone than ever before. But deep down he knew it had only been a matter of time. He just wished Sander had been there to pick up the pieces.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” Robbe winces, going back to apologizing once he translates his feelings to words the best he can, hoping he made Sander understand.
The boy pulls a face at him, eyes narrowed as he pretends to give him a stern look. “Enough with apologizing today, okay?” He waits until Robbe nods, albeit begrudgingly, because it’s in his second nature to keep saying sorry when he knows he messed up.
He nestles against his pillows to get more comfortable as he glances to the window, registering that sometime during their call it got completely dark outside, November days getting shorter still. He can feel tiredness starting to creep into his bones, the nervous anticipation before their call he had endured all day wearing him down significantly. 
There are still some things he needs to get out of his chest and Sander coaxes them gently one by one, listening to him moaning and groaning about his school course load and how he thinks he’s not skilled enough to come up with interesting ideas and being quick to cut him off and reassure him when Robbe’s words get self-deprecating. He’s so attentive and so patient with him, not even an ounce of judgement in his eyes that Robbe feels the pressure and stress that have accumulated over the last few weeks finally letting go with each word he pours out.
When the conversation eventually steers to Robbe’s uni friends and he admits sheepishly that he kinda ghosted them lately, feeling too blue to go out and have fun, Sander interrupts him mid-sentence.
“You should reach out to them, tonight.”
At Robbe’s unsure look, he continues, “If they’re as cool as you made them out to be, I’m sure they’re gonna understand you needed some time to figure things out.”
He then proceeds to cover his ears and whistle, refusing to talk more until Robbe caves and shoots a text to the group chat, trying to keep it short, but explaining things along the way and making amends. Sander’s very pleased with his persuasion skills, beaming at him when Robbe reads him the replies he gets from Lucas, Marie and Fien, wearing a small smile himself as he rolls his eyes at Sander’s smug face. 
Sander then asks about his mom and it’s so sweet because he always makes sure to ask, and Robbe falls for him even more each time he does. He’s a bit reluctant when Robbe tries to make him talk about his recent days, keeps saying this call is not about him, but he gives in before Robbe gets upset about it.
Watching his eyes light up with excitement when he talks about his classes works like a balm for Robbe’s yearning heart, Sander’s genuine happiness making his own struggles worth it. It’s a nice reminder that he’s there to make his dreams come true and that it’s everything Robbe has wished for him.
When Sander talks about shenanigans with his friends, Robbe recalls the TikTok video he watched some days ago.
“Nice Michael Jackson moves, by the way,” he comments, trying to sound innocent, but it ends up coming out a little coyishly as he bites at his finger to hide his smirk. 
Confusion clouds Sander’s face but only for a second. Then, his lips stretch in a wide grin and he looks very pleased with the confession. “Have you been stalking me, Robin?”
Robbe shrugs, a picture of innocence as he keeps peeking at him from under his lashes. “I might’ve seen a video or two. They’re all so thirsty for you in the comments though,” he adds, putting a note of faux-jealousy in his voice. He quickly noticed that Sander’s new uni friend is semi-popular on the app so his videos always get a fair share of comments. Ever since Sander appeared in them, the hoard of the guy’s fans has been declaring their love for Robbe’s boyfriend under every video. They mostly make him laugh, but sometimes he’ll roll his eyes at some of the raunchier ones, possessiveness that he didn’t know he had activating in his brain.
He waits for Sander’s cocky comment, but to his utter delight, he blushes deep red and scoffs.
“Shut up, it’s so embarrassing,” hiding his face in his hands, he adds, “All of my friends have been teasing me about it constantly.”
“Aww, poor you, being fawned over must be such a hardship, how do you cope?”
“Oh I don’t know, smartass, you can tell me from experience ‘cause I saw those comments under your old vlogs.” 
Robbe huffs a laugh. “They were nowhere near as detailed as yours!”
“What can I say, I’m irresistible,” Sander quips back and yeah, there he is, Robbe’s favorite (cocky) dork. “If I’d known you’re my TikTok fan, I’d have sent you those videos right away so you wouldn’t have to waste your time searching for them."
Robbe sighs. “They are a nice window to your life there,” he replies offhandedly, not even registering the implied double meaning to his words, but the immediate change in Sander’s amused expression makes him aware of the slip.
“So you noticed. That I’ve been texting you less.”
Robbe drops his gaze, pulling the cover further up his body, feeling awkward again. He doesn’t want to make a big deal out of this.
Sander shifts on his bed, scratching at his head. “I felt like I was too much, you know? I wanted to share every silly thing with you, but then, well, it was something Josh said that I should,” he waves vaguely trying to find the right words, “cut back on my ‘running commentary’ ‘cause it’s probably annoying.”
“Tell Josh he’s stupid,” Robbe cuts in with a huff, grumpily beating his pillow into submission to make it more comfortable. 
The corners of Sander’s mouth twitch at his comment, but his face remains sheepish. “I think he was mostly joking, but it got stuck in my mind and made me question every message. In the end, I didn’t send like half of them,” he explains softly, voice colored with poorly hidden self-consciousness. “I didn’t want to give you the impression I don't have time for you, I’m sorry.”
And, fuck. They’re both idiots.
Sander’s brows shoot up when Robbe bursts into giggles out of the blue, clearly surprised with the reaction. But at this point, it feels like the only proper thing to do.
“So basically we could have avoided this whole bullshit if we just talk about all this sooner,” he groans at the realization, burying half on his face in his pillow to hide his heated face because he’s a little embarrassed he blew things out of proportion.
There’s a visible relief on Sander’s face too, eyes crinkling as he regards him with a dopey grin, and Robbe knows.
They’re gonna be fine. 
“Here I thought we were masters of communication,” Sander sighs with a faux-disappointment, leaning back to smile at the ceiling. “Fuck, no more of assuming shit, what do you think?”
And that sounds like something Robbe can get behind one hundred percent, more than ready to leave their misunderstandings in the past and just do better. So he nods, chin digging into his collarbone uncomfortably with the position he’s lying in, but it doesn’t matter, he’s too preoccupied with staring at his happy face and swimming in his fuzzy feelings.
“Prepare yourself for an onslaught of photos and messages, I’m not messing around,” Sander warns, smiling at Robbe’s soft okay. “You know, just a few days ago I ended up at Pebble Beach, it was cold as all fucks, but the view was just,” he imitates an explosion over his head and Robbe giggles at his childlike enthusiasm. Then, Sander’s face softens and becomes a little sad. “That place is so romantic that it made me feel like shit without you there,” he sighs, and Robbe can relate. “I’ll take you there one day.”
“You’re gonna take me to New York?” Robbe asks, doubt lacing his voice as he cocks his brow which makes Sander scoff in indignance.
“Hell yeah! You don’t believe me? What do you think I’m doing here everyday? I’m scouting the best places for dates, finding the best skateparks and checking out all the museums so I can be the perfect guide for you!” Sander throws his hands, a duh expression on his face, but there’s a wide smile brewing on his lips letting Robbe know he’s not really offended or anything. And, honestly, Robbe just melts with his words.
“I can’t wait, baby,” he sighs dreamily, rubbing his cheek against his pillow as he gazes at him with what he’s sure is the softest look. 
Sander narrows his eyes playfully from above the can of Redbull he’s been sipping on. “Don’t ever doubt I’m gonna go out of my way to impress you.” 
Robbe blows him a kiss that morphs into a huge yawn, eyelids growing heavy, forcing him to blink repeatedly to stay away which prompts Sander to tease him a little about boring him, but it quickly dies out and he’s just looking at him fondly.
“You should go to sleep.” He ignores Robbe’s melodic neeees, giving him a stern look that was probably supposed to be intimidating, but he looks too amused to keep it up. Once Robbe gets his promise they will see each other tomorrow, Sander sends him several virtual kisses and goodnights before logging off.
Robbe falls asleep with Sander’s beaming face flowing through his mind.
The sleep that comes is unsurprisingly the calmest he’s had in weeks.
 Sunday, 18:00
Sander: And?
Robbe: And what?
Sander: Was I right?
Robbe: About?
Sander: About your friends
Robbe: Kinda
Sander: So it means I was 😎
Robbe: :):):) yes
Sander: Thank you sander
Robbe: Thank you sander 
Sander: See, you're so precious everybody's in love with you and forgive you in seconds 
Robbe: 🙄 
Robbe: Precious srsly?
Sander: So precious 🥰
Robbe: Omg
Sander: Haha
Robbe: We're good 😊
Robbe: But I don't think they are in love with me 😂
Sander: They better not be 🤨 I'll fight them all! 🗡💀🧟🤺
Robbe: Dork ❤
Robbe: I think they a little bit in love with u though 🤔 
Robbe: They've been babbling all afternoon about how cute you are 🙄
Robbe: A g a i n *yawn*
Sander: They have good taste 🤷♂️
Robbe: Nah they just don't know your annoying habits so that's why
Sander: 😮 I don't have any how dare you badmouthing me like that
Robbe: 🥴
Robbe: You never wash your coffee cups right away so they lay around
Robbe: You always tickle me when you want sth
Robbe: You're full of corny jokes
Robbe: You eat my fries when I don't look 
Robbe: You hog the covers
Robbe: And I still remember that Wednesday when you ate my last bag of chips 💔
Sander: Okay first of all
Sander: Wow
Sander: Don't hold back 🥺
Sander: Second of all
Robbe: That's what they all say 💔
Sander: You're unfair, I thought I made up for that lil mistake 🍆
Robbe: Well you did 🙈 but I still remember 😝
Sander: Also you love my jokes
Sander: They're awesome 🤧
Robbe: I'm just messing around 😘😘
Sander: 🥰
Robbe: But I swear to god if I have to listen one more time to Marie waxing lyricals about your 'perfect moles' I'm gonna 🤮
Sander: What haha 😂
Robbe: I mean they are but like
Robbe: Chill girl he's not your man 🤨
Sander: That's right cause I'm your man 😏
Robbe: And don't you forget that
Thursday, 3:48
Soft knuckles brush his skin, body arching into the touch that turns his muscles into jelly and sends liquid fire rushing through him. He’s overheated in the best way possible, seeking out Sander’s tongue, but the boy denies him access, smirk well in place as he pulls back, green eyes cloudy from lust. He’s staring at him like he wants to eat him whole and Robbe almost whimpers, bones melting and lids closing when Sander takes the tender flesh of his neck between his teeth and bites at it ever so gently, but just enough to make Robbe see stars. 
He sighs as he feels a ghost of touch on his nipple, Sander leaving a trail of kisses down his sternum as he’s moving so teasingly slow to his final destination, and he doesn’t even hesitate, spreading his legs wider around Sander’s hips in a blatant invitation, blushing hot pink when Sander sends him a fox-like grin, mouthing at his inner thigh.
The details get fuzzy for a few seconds, Robbe blinking rapidly to get his surroundings and finding himself on top of Sander, and there’s an inkling at the back of his brain telling him something’s messed up about the logistics here. He decides to ignore it, focusing back on the moment and Sander’s glistening, kiss-swollen lips, on his eyes transfixed on the place where they’re connected, and he leans down, his tongue sweeping over his Sander’s bottom lip before he starts pressing soft, spit-slick kisses into his mouth. He pushes Sander’s hands up over his head and intertwines their fingers, arching his back as he takes over, the rush of pleasure almost overwhelming him.
“Ohmygod, Sander,” Robbe breathes into his mouth. His hands are trailing all over Sander’s chest and stomach now, squeezing and rubbing almost like he’s his personal plaything.
It’s not long before Sander’s warm hands draw him back towards his chest, lips ghosting along Robbe’s, teasing, always teasing, but not granting permission to properly meet, making Robbe impatient and whine in desperation only for Sander to grin wickedly at him. He feels nails dragging along his spine, leaving goosebumps in their wake, stopping at his cheeks, massaging them to his heart content while Robbe can only pant, rocking back and forth and biting his bottom lip to keep from coming.
He’s an oversensitive, blissed out mess, trying to keep his eyes open to take a mental snapshot of Sander’s lust-blown pupils as they watch each other, Sander fucking him slowly and punching the prettiest sounds out of Robbe’s mouth.
Hips stuttering, he drops back down on his elbows to crash his lips against Sander’s, feeling his body tensing he’s so close and-
Eyes shot wide open, blinking harshly against the darkness of the room. His first instinct is to reach out to the other side of the bed, snuggle closer to the source of heat lying next to him, but his brain catches up with his hands quickly and he stops himself mid-reach, groaning as he flops back on the bed, disappointed. He kicks his covers down grumpily, letting cold air hit his overheated skin, frustrated and too awake to go to sleep now.
 Thursday, 13:08
*photo attached*
Sander: Good morning x
Robbe: Heeyy sleepyhead 😘
Robbe: You look cute
Sander: I had very interesting dreams last night 
Robbe: Oh yeah? 
Sander: Yeah I'm still affected by them 😏
Robbe: Stop it I'm at a coffee shop with the guys!
Sander: I'll have to tell you about it tonight then 😈
Robbe: Can't wait 😘
Sander: Today at 16 my time right? 
Robbe: Yep :) 
Robbe: You know
Sander: Hmm?
Robbe: I might have some of those dreams too last night
Sander: 🥵🥵🥵
Sander: Do tell
Robbe: 🙈
Sander: Now I’m super intrigued 😈
Robbe: How about I tell you tonight 
Robbe: With details
Robbe: Lots of them
Sander: Tonight can't come fast enough 😩
Sander: Looks like I will though 😏
Robbe: Omg you're such a dork 😂
Sander: Did it get u hot
Robbe: No wtf 😂
Sander: ☹🥺
Sander: Kay
Sander: I have to get up now
Sander: I'm late 🙄
Sander: Robin it's raining I don't wanna go out 😩
Robbe: Haha get your pretty ass out of bed and go be a good student!
Sander: Ugh fine 🙄
Sander: I love you ❤
Robbe: ❤
Sander: Hey no, not an emoji, tell me you love me ☹
Robbe: Haha
Sander: Come on
Robbe: 🤐
Sander: Robbe
Robbe: Gotta go 😌
Sander: Okay then 😔💔
Robbe: I love you too idiot ❤❤❤💯
Sander: Yesss 🥰
Sander: Hey that's my emoji 😏 so you like it after all
Robbe: 😂 go to class!!! 
Sander: I'm going I'm going
Friday, 19:00
Robbe checks his phone for time again, not wanting to be late for his call with Sander, but there’s still about half an hour until he should get going. It’s been a pleasant evening and a while ago he would have never called any time of the day spent with his father ‘pleasant’, but there he is. Enjoying his dinner not only with him but also with his girlfriend of six months that he met in July when the first attempts to salvage the relationship with his dad have been made. 
And it’s all because of Sander. The fact that he’s even here speaks volumes about his skill of persuasion. If it hadn’t been for his boyfriend, Robbe would have continued to stew in his own juices and ignored his dad. 
“How is Sander doing? New York is a jungle.”
Robbe huffs a laugh. “He’s good, he fits in well in the city vibe. But, um, he needs to stay a bit longer, till February actually ‘cause the school postponed the art show.”
He goes for another bite, frown on his face at the mere reminder of the change of plans. 
“You probably hate it, huh?” his father questions. 
His only response is to throw him a duuuh look, making his dad snort.
“You should visit him.”
Robbe looks up from over his spaghetti, expecting to see his dad laughing or winking at him, but both him and Margaux are looking at him with unsuspecting smiles, like the suggestion is the most obvious thing in the world.
He exhales a short dad in a laugh, glancing at them back and forth. “I don’t have a spare several thousand euros lying around waiting to be spent on a trip to New York,” he explains, slight exasperation in his voice. 
“Oh I don’t think you’d need that much, Robbe,” Margaux smiles at him as she puts away her fork and reaches for her phone. “A few months ago I was actually backpacking with my friend through the East Coast and, wait, let me check, I have everything saved on my AirBnB account.”
Robbe gets back to his dinner as she scrolls on her phone, trying to squish the building hope in his chest away because even if it’s cheaper than he thinks, there’s still no way he can afford it; his equipment and books for school have eaten all of his savings.
“There it is! Look,” she scoots her chair closer to him, his dad peeking at the phone from the other side. “We stayed in Brooklyn for 98$ a day for a double bed, in Bedford to be exact and the conditions were really nice, plus the train station was close by. I’m sure you could find something half as cheap since it’s just you and the room can be tiny, just to sleep really.”
“That’s a reasonable price, I think,” his dad joins in, and then proceeds to ask her questions about her other expenditures while in the city and the flight prices, debating whether it’s better to drive to Frankfurt and take a direct flight from there or maybe decide on a layover flight from Brussels. 
They are so into the planning and discussing the best options that they both jump slightly when Robbe speaks again, clearly forgetting he’s sitting right next to them, a picture of confusion. 
“Guys, guys, wait. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1500 euros, or even 1000 euros because that’s still a 1000 euros more than I have to spend on a trip anywhere.” 
His dad is so enthralled into checking different flights that he barely raises his head from above his phone, replying offhandedly, “I’ll pay for it.”
And, okay, no. Robbe gapes at him like he grew two heads, spluttering, because hell no.
“No way, I won’t take your money, dad.”
His vehement tone finally makes his father properly regard him and he sighs after a second. “Robbe, please don’t treat it as an attempt to buy you or your feelings.”
Straight to the point, his dad, always has been. It definitely is one the reasons for his refusal, but it’s not only that.
Robbe takes a deep breath to calm down. “Look, dad, it’s still lots of money. I can’t-”
“I’m many things, but irresponsible with money I’m definitely not. So if I say that I can pay for it, it means that I can afford it and it won’t affect me.” He gives him a pointed look. Before Robbe can argue again, he continues. “We can treat it as your Christmas gift. And next year’s birthday gift. And last two Christmases gifts as well.”
Robbe thinks about the packages he received from his father those holidays, and how he sent them back without even opening. Then, it definitely felt like buying his affection.
“You’ve been doing good at school, got into the university you wanted, you’ve been more responsible those last few years that I could’ve ever asked from you. Then you worked during the summer because you were adamant about paying for school stuff yourself. I think you earn it, Robbe. If you don’t want to go for other reasons, then that’s fine, but if it’s just about the money, please let me give you this.”
“New York is the kind of place everyone should visit at least one,” Margaux says gently. She has a warm smile that immediately made Robbe like her, despite really trying not to for obvious reasons. “And I think Sander would love for you to come visit too.”
Robbe has been torn before she spoke, but the mention of Sander reminds him of their videocall a while back, Sander telling him about places he was going to show him one day, being his guide and taking him to his favorite spots in the city. He can see it all vividly now when the opportunity is at his fingertips, can’t stop the excitement filling his body at the thought of seeing Sander before that dreadful February, even though he’s still now sure what to do.
While he’s been lost in his thoughts, trying to come to some conclusion, Margaux has been typing away at her phone. “Dates around Christmas are very expensive, but what would you say about, let’s say, December 8th? Til December 17th?”
Robbe wouldn’t even consider Christmas because there’s no way he would leave his mom alone for the holidays, but… the dates Margaux offered seem kinda perfect. His main project is due on December 4th so he wouldn’t have to worry about that and it’d be fine if he missed classes for those several days. Completely unaware, he finds himself making plans in his head before he even made a decision to accept his father’s money, but when his eyes snap to his dad’s, the small smile he gives him lets him know he already knows Robbe’s answer.
 December 7th, 22:00
His excitement has been uncontainable the entire day, making him so giddy he had to cancel his regular call with Sander because his boyfriend would figure him out in seconds. And that’s the last thing he wants. 
He’s still in shock that he somehow managed to keep it from him, planning a surprise in his head ever since he agreed to his dad’s help and working extra hard at uni to afford missing those 8 days of school. There’s apparently been one close call when Younes almost spilled the beans to Sander during their Zoom, but thank god for Yasmina who managed to effortlessly salvage the secret, improvising and coming up with an easy lie, leaving him unsuspicious of any ploy going on.
And Robbe just. He just can’t wait. He’s been counting hours since last week, his lips yearning to be kissed by his favorite person, body pining for touch and caress. 
Lost in the dreams of their reunion, Robbe’s startled by a ping from his phone, lips stretching in a wide smile when he sees a notification from Sander’s instagram. He opens it, curious, melting when he’s greeted with a graffiti sign saying ENKEL LIEFDE, Sander’s style easily recognizable to him. Underneath, there’s a heart and his own handle and that shit never fails to make Robbe heart stutter. There’s a DM from Sander waiting for him as well, the same photo, but Sander’s caption says The High Line needed its own version of my love declaration for you, but unfortunately I couldn’t find enough space for a redo of your gorgeous face Robin :( So I did this :) You like it?
He replies with a bunch of red hearts, likes the post and adds another heart in a comment because there’s never too many of those. Then he flops back on his bed, a smile glued to his face.
Nineteen hours.
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Angel in Hell Season 2 part 1
Angel in hell season one -
Part 1 | part 2 | Part 3 |  Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
  Previously on Angel in Hell:
Satan destroyed half a building.
You are an angel and came to hell as an exchange student. You had to stay in Human Mc's old room. Human Mc died in a tragic accident.
All the demon boys are being very weird.
Somehow you have a pact with the brothers?
Ultimately it's revealed that you were the human Mc before you became an angel.
On top of that, Simeon is your mentor/friend and Lucifer proclaimed that you have to stay no matter what. Lucifer is basically ready to declare war just for you. 
  Now you will have to decide what to do.
Will you go back to heaven? Will you remember your past life and risk becoming a demon yourself? Who are you even? Is Lucifer serious about his threat? What are the other brothers going to do now? 
There also might be a romance here somewhere.
  Gen. reader insert.
  Words 2k
@gothjuulpod  ; @purgatoryhall ; @sibit360  ; @a-personnamed-ace
  You wake up. For a brief moment, you feel almost normal.
Until the memories from yesterday start to flood your mind.
It still feels very raw. “I was human…” You whisper to yourself.
You shake your head. It's no use staying in bed and pondering over this. 
  The overwhelming urge of just being normal again rushes over you.
You stand up and take your usual shower; the hot water feels pleasant on your skin. It feels like it washes all of your pain away.
You dress, somehow it feels strange to have your usual angel clothes on your body.
You sigh and keep your hand on the doorknob. How will you face everyone today?
No! You have to eat at least, even when it's going to be awkward. 
You open the door, only to almost fall over a tray. It's filled with food. You see a note on top of it. Undoubtedly written by the brothers.
  Hey, we hope you are okay.
Text us when you are done eating!
We just want to know if you are okay. 
You got the whole week off, so please rest.
Text us if you need anything. I will bring some books later.
I bring some mangas or games or umm well whatever you want.
You're not alone, no matter what.
P.S.: Lucifer is stupid.
  This note makes you smile, you can tell that they all fought about what to write and that some of them just added some stuff.
You take the food inside. They really are good people. 
Despite everything, they still did their best for you. Maybe it was only because of your past with them? This thought hurts.
You start eating but can only finish about half of it. Despite it being all of your favorite foods. 
It makes you feel pretty guilty. 
Then you hear the notification sound from your phone. 
It's a message from Luke. You can only see half of it. He is asking if you are okay. 
You feel tempted to answer no, but just put the phone away.
  Next, you lay on your bed for a while. Thoughts start to swirl endlessly in your head. 
So many things at the same time cross your mind. You yell out from frustration. This won't bring anything. 
You get up from your bed and decide to go for a walk. 
You just quickly text the brothers a thank you and Luke a brief message informing him that you need some space.
  Then you leave the building.
It feels good somehow. You don't have a clear goal in mind and just wander into town. 
All this noise helps a bit, the random things in the windows distract you. 
This almost feels normal, even if a bit lonely. 
You are engrossed in an outfit when someone addresses you.
  "It's lovely, isn't it? I bet it would look lovely on you." You know this voice very well. It's Asmo. 
"Hey, Asmo…" You have talked often before, but right now it's kind of awkward. 
"I know there are a ton of things that we all need to talk about, but you know what. I just really want to go shopping and forget about everything right now. So how about we just pretend all of this stuff didn't happen and have some fun?" Asmo seems to have a lot on his mind as well. 
He must be equally hit by everything. He looks like he didn't get a wink of sleep. You don't mention that. 
"You know what. You are right. I was feeling a bit lonely anyway." Somehow it feels good to run into Asmo like this. His offer just seems like what you need right now. 
“In that case, it's a shopping date!” Asmo is suddenly very giddy.
Seeing this makes you smile a little.
You both head into so many stores and Asmo finds so much that he wants you to try on. It's very exhausting, but in the end, you both find something.
  “We should go to that new coffee shop before heading back home.” Asmo seems to just want to rest a bit.
“I'm pretty beat and having something sweet sounds great.” The image of fresh cake pops into your head.
Asmo offers you a cheerful nod.
You go to the coffee shop, and your table is in a secluded corner. 
After you get your coffee, Asmo is suddenly very gloomy. “I know I said I just want to forget about everything, but I just have to say it: I'm very ashamed of what I did. I brought you to the club and caused this whole mess since I didn't watch over you. I'm truly sorry.” Asmo is guilt written. This must truly weigh on his mind.
“I don't blame you for what happened. I'm not a small child anymore, and while that demon was a creep, you can't constantly watch me.” You feel glum, but you know Asmo did nothing wrong.
“I was also a big butt when Satan rightfully called me out. It only made it worse. I also feel extremely bad about lying to you. Not only that, but I mean you were back. That was all that was important to me.” Asmo groans and sways his head. He must feel very remorseful.
“I'm not back, though…” At least not as far as you are concerned.
Asmo smiles ruefully at you. “You're right. They have lost their life…but you are still so similar… That makes this even harder.” It seems hard for Asmo to admit this. “At the start, I was just so happy to have my friend back. It wasn't important to me that you had lost your memories or that you are an angel now. That just meant I could persuade you with my charm and that we could just make new memories together…” Asmo takes another deep breath, deep sadness reflects in his eyes. “I now realize I was mistaken. It was unfair to you and o your former self. I was a terrible friend, and I can only hope you will forgive me and trust me that I will do better from now on.” Asmo looks like he is about to cry.
It hurts to see him like this.
You take a sip of your coffee, letting his words sink in for a moment. “I can't even imagine what you have been through. Seeing a loved one that died… I don't know what I would do in a situation like that. I like spending time with you, and could use some support.” You know there are many difficult decisions that you will have to make.
  Asmo gently puts a hand on top of yours. You look puzzled.
“I will always support you no matter what.” He smiles at you. This seems to be the first time he undoubtedly looks at you.
“Thank you Asmo.” You smile back at him, feeling like a weight has been lifted from you.
Then you both talk about various topics and finish your cake and head back to the dorm. 
  You feel much better.
  “Yo…umm…are you doing alright?” You run right into Mammon in front of the gate.
He seems extremely uncomfortable.
“Not really but I'm working on it. Asmo helped me to feel a bit better.” You give him a slight smile.
Mammon glares at Asmo.
“We ran into each other in the city.” Asmo lifts his hand in defense. 
“Is that right?” Mammon seems a bit doubtful.
“Yeah, I was just kinda walking to clear my head, and that's when we met.” You aren't certain what the issue is.
“Ah…well, umm, do you have some time now?” Mammon shifts awkwardly around.
“Aren't you just being cute Mammon? Asmo giggles.
“Come on, I just have to talk about some important stuff.” Mammon huffs.
"Alright, I will give my big brother some space. Have fun you two." Asmo waves to you and walks to the dorm. 
Mammon mumbles something. 
"Anyway… Do you have some time?" Mammon asks again.
"Sure." You can tell it's urgent to him. 
Mammon looks relieved. "Great, let's go to my room."
When you arrive at his room, you can see it's a big mess. Mammon just realizes this with slight panic. 
"Aghhh… I-I should've cleaned." Mammon seems frustrated. 
"It's alright." You don't care right now. 
Mammon just makes some space for you two." Well…okay just come sit here."
  You sit down on the sofa beside him. 
"First I want to ask how you are… Though I kinda can imagine you must be upset and feeling all kinds of things. This whole mess really shouldn't have happened. We should have been honest. I mean I know we couldn't, but we are demons, there is no need for us to follow the rules, right?" Mammon gets pretty worked up and takes a deep breath. "No, never mind that." He shakes his head. "I just want to make sure you know that I want you to be happy. I know it's a lot to ask for right now.” Mammon takes a deep breath. “It's all messy and I don't even know how to feel either. I just want to wake up and feel normal again. Ever since you… they…died everything is just a huge mess.” Mammon pauses for a moment. “We were never a normal family, and we lost Lilith before. That messed us all up. Then when we lost the one thing that was important to all of us, and we never recovered from that.” Mammon shakes his head. “I never recovered at least. It was like I got punched and gutted every day.” Mammon's hands are trembling. “Seeing you was just like that too, but kinda worse. It was nice to see your face, but you are a different person now but not really. It's just… I-I can't understand it… I'm sorry it's just so confusing." Mammon just puts his face in his hands. He starts crying, which really surprises you.
  Mammon is filled with grief, confusion. 
You place your hand on his trembling back.
  "I'm sorry you have to see this…" It sounds like Mammon wasn't expecting all of his emotions to just break out like this.
“It's alright Mammon. Thank you for telling me this.” Seeing him this distraught hurts you. You feel like crying too, you gently caress his back, to console him. There are no words that you two can even share.
It's almost like Mammon is finally truly weeping for what he lost.
You can only be there and watch over him.
You don't know for how long Mammon is crying, and it doesn't really matter.
  Then a knock on the door makes you both almost jump up.
“I'm busy!” Mammon yells, trying to mask his hoarse voice.
“I need the book you stole.” Much to your surprise, it's Satan's voice.
“I know nothing about some books.” Mammon looks caught.
Satan opens the door, seemingly done with this. “I'm done playing games Mammon…”
His eyes meet yours, silently sitting on the couch, next to the red-eyed Mammon.
“What in the devildom are you doing?” Satan narrows his eyes.
“We were just talking.” You don't want any more misunderstandings.
“Yeah, none of your business anyway.” Mammon is pouting.
“I thought we agreed to leave them space and why are your eyes red?” Satan isn't sure what happened, but it bothers him. 
"I tried this new deodorant and got it in his eyes. I was just helping him." You can tell Mammon is uncomfortable about crying. 
Mammon just nods and goes along with it. "Yeah exactly, what are you even thinking? Accusing me of crying? Get a grip…and I got no books at all." Mammon is huffing. 
Satan only makes a fed up motion with his hand and grabs a book right from the floor. "Whatever. You should come with me. I have a few things we should discuss." Satan pays little attention to Mammon and looks at you. 
"Sure." You assume that Satan had some thoughts about yesterday. 
"I am done here anyway." Mammon is slightly pouting, but he also seems to be extremely tired. 
You think he will need space to come to terms with everything. 
Satan is not even looking at Mammon. You wonder if they fought.
All these lovely comments finally got me to write this. 
I hope this will be a great ride.
  Also, if anyone wants to be added/removed from my taglist, please contact me.
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