#i used to write prompto
whitexdove · 5 months
@highwindo single sentence starter
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"yeah, no, i understand we ditched them and everything, but are they going to be okay?"
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battleshot · 2 years
Me with my morning coffee, sees a nsfw prompt reply from Cindy. @aurumesque (Dani’s nsfw sideblog 🥲)
Well,,,, guess who has the brain cell today now
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thedreamparadox · 1 year
🎁? If not, 💥 and/or 🏷?
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Not at the moment. I've just started on the next one and it hasn't got much on it yet. My only other project I'm poking at as a side thing doesn't have anything really stand out to share that isn't body horror that doesn't really work out of context, alas.
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Hm. Nothing that immediately really comes to mind in specific? (Not that isn't already in my fics lol.) Probably the "NiGHTS and Reala are related" reveal. That scene was a little. Yeah.
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Not really? I don't usually go hunting for fanfics outside of a handful of tags. Currently that's the general B.endy and the In.k Machine tag on AO3 because I have caught the brainworms, the MT!Prompto tag, and I'll poke into the NiGHTS tag on occasion to see what's in there.
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domdinh · 2 months
Hey, Tumblr!
I'm so stoked to have been apart of this wonderful lil game called Date Everything!, where you can literally date EVERYTHING in your home.
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This game was created by the wonderful minds of Sassy Chap Games, produced by:
Ray Chase (voice of Noctis in FFXV, Neuvilette in Genshin, Roy in Fire Emblem)
Robbie Daymond (voice of Prompto in FFXV, Goro in Persona 5, Dorian in Critical Roll)
Max Mittelman (voice of Ryuji in Persona 5, Saitama in One Punch Man, Plagg in Miraculous)
Amanda Hufford (voice of Ragatha in The Amazing Digital Circus, Spectral Shifter Morgan in SMITE, Haniyyah in Genshin Impact)
This game has it all; 100 dateable characters FULLY voiced by your favorite voice actors, at least 3 endings per character, and as part of the writing staff of this game, I can guarantee you'll laugh, cry, and overall just have a fun time getting to know all of these characters!
I'm so pumped to have been apart of this game and we hope you'll enjoy it when we eventually release!
Watch the trailer on YouTube here!
It's releasing on ALL platforms so wishlist us on Steam, Xbox, PS5, and Nintendo Switch!
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Wish birds When visiting Altissia Noctis takes part in an old Altissian tradition. If you write your wish on a wish bird and throw it into the mouth of the Tidemother statue, your wish will come true. Noctis uses a black ball point pen to write his wish on the bird but what he wrote will remain a mystery as it's too blurry to read. He throws the bird in the air and it glides towards the statue. We don't see it go in the mouth but Noctis exclaims, "Yes!" so I think we can assume he was successful. Looking closely at the statue you can see some wish birds stuck in the metal frame of the statue and others that have landed inside. I hope Noct's wish came true. Edit to add Looking at the game files there are 5 possible wish choices. I don't know what influences which wish is used. Four are unreadable, two appear to be the same wish but written on opposite wings, but one quite clearly says, "Beat Prompto's score on JMV". All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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vee-beeee · 11 months
The Tent
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Okay this is a change from dbh LOL
So im figuring out how to write for these characters, and its going to be harder because its 4 people so PLEASE forgive me.
Warnings: Tents, enclosed spaces with 4 boys
Chocobros x reader (can be taken as platonic)
Im sorry for any spelling errors or plot holess
You woke up
And then wished you didn't.
It smelt like sweaty socks and boys.
Someone had shoved your back into their front, and was snoring VERY loudly. Another person had his socks in your face, sprawled out over what looked to be Noctis himself. So the case of the smelly socks was solved, that had to be Prompto. You didn't see anyone else in your line of vision, but guessing at how strong and muscular the arm around you was...
Gladio had turned you into his own personal teddy bear.
You gently tried to roll out of his grip, but he grunted and held on to you with a stronger grasp. You sighed and searched for another way out, you need air and to be away from this tent.
You briefly wondered if tickling Prom would wake him up so he could help, but you didn't really want to touch his feet.
So you sat, starting at the tent walls and daring to breathe through your mouth.
You thought about falling asleep again but whenever you tried, Gladio's snoring woke you up just as you were on the cusp of the dream realm.
What a terrible way to start your morning.
Finally, FINALLY you heard someone stir. You turned your body as much as you could in Gladio's grip and saw Ignis's hair over a massive leg.
"Ignis!" you whisper-yelled, hoping to get his attention. He turned around, sleep very much apparent on his face, and looked the entirety of the tent until his eyes caught yours.
"Miss Y/N?" He mumbled, raising an eyebrow at your position, Gladio crowding your back and Proms feet in your face. You had also felt Noctis was really close to your knees, you could feel his hair whispering against your skin. It was ticklish and uncomfortable.
Ignis huffed out a laugh, and you proceeded to beg him to help you.
"Why of course, Dear Y/N. However, I believe Gladio is going to kill me in his sleep if I remove you from his hold. I can help with Prompto and Noct however."
You sighed, sad he wouldn't even TRY not to get killed by Gladio. You watched him as he harshly rolled Prompto off of Noctis, and you were briefly worried that he would awake.
He just snorted and continued sleeping.
Ignis next went to Noctis to gently move his head away from your leg. Of course, Noct slept like a corpse so he didn't even notice. You took your chance to thank him, and ask a favor
"Can you leave the tent flap open I need air please."
Ignis nodded, and exited the tent, leaving the flap open. You started to bask in fresh air and morning light, but then the world turned upside down.
Gladio was rolling over, treating your body like you were an actual teddy bear.
He was now slightly under you, both arms surrounding you with the literal strength of a Titan.
And you were suffocating in his chest.
In ANY other scenario you would have been like "nice" . But in this one you could not breathe. And that was a problem. So you started gently saying his name.
Gladio groaned, but stayed asleep. You tried wrestling your arms out from his iron grip, but no use.
So you did the only thing you could think of.
Loud enough for him to clearly hear you, you poked the bear
"Ooo this book of gladios looks so good, im going to read it while eating chips and wipe my fingers on the pages and fold the edges to mark where i am. Surely he wont mind"
Suddenly you were shoved as his eyes shot open and he released you, sitting up to look around huffing.
"NO THATS MY COLLECTORS EDITION!" you breathed and rolled over as he looked around and found his book by his belongings.
Then he turned to you, brows furrowed and irritation clear on his features for 1. being woken up and 2. having his most prized book threatened.
"What the hell was that for?"
You moved onto your back and stuck your tongue out at him
"You were suffocating me in your pecs, I had to get free some how"
His anger faded into an embarrassed smile, and then a smug smirk.
"A lot of girls would pay real money to get suffocated in these pecs."
You rolled your eyes as hard as you could and he let out a hardy laugh, which accidently woke Prompto.
He snorted as he awoke, leaning on his elbows before asking "uh whats slo funmny?" and then promptly fell flat on his face, going back to his dreamless sleep.
You and Gladio stayed quiet before looking at each other and chuckling quietly. Gladio winked at you and turned to leave the tent. You watched his huge shadow as it moved across the tent, and then it disappeared.
After a couple of minutes, you heard Gladio and Ignis in the camp talking, and saw an opportunity to get more sleep. So you found your original spot and comfy sleeping bag, and settled in.
(A couple hours later)
You woke up, blinking your eyes slowly, feeling that you had gotten a good rest. You looked around and saw the Prompto had seemingly left, and you didn't see anyone else so that must mean Noct left too.
You closed your eyes again, resting them for a moment before you felt something moving around your front. You jumped and accidently smacked your elbow against the something. And that something groaned.
You looked down to see a mess of black hair nuzzling into YOUR blanket.
"Noct?" You leaned on your elbows and he looked up at you sleepily before groaning out a response
"you have the good blankets."
and then he was gone. But luckily, you had help to wake him back up.
Ignis had heard your surprised yelp, and knew it was time for Noct to get up. He had been chatting with Gladio and Prompto about how to pay for more car renovations, but that conversation could be put on hold.
Ignis grabbed a pot and one of his spatulas, before leaning down into the tent flap.
And then he started hitting them repeatedly together.
He saw you cry out and put your hands over your ears, and Noct just sat up slowly and glared at him.
Ignis smirked and left the tent when he saw Noct leaving, and you followed shortly after.
You watched Iggy put his utensils away and you went straight for the middle of the circle of chairs you all had put together the night before. Noct had just slumped down his camping chair when you started talking.
"Why do you guys love piling on me so much when we sleep? Like I wake up and your all over me."
You stood stalk still and waited for a response. You heard groaning and looked over to see Noct open one eye and looking at you.
"Smell nice and warm"
and then he was asleep.
Ignis sighed and walked over to shake him awake and you turned to see Gladio and Prompto nodding their heads. Gladio was the first to say something.
"I think he's right. Your a little babe space heater." You flushed, and he and Prompto laughed seeing your face.
"Yeah and you uhh, kinda smell a lot like roses." was Proms response, and now you watched him go red. Gladio slapped him on the back and Ignis chuckled quietly, continuing to try and wake Noctis up.
So your consensus was to buy more blankets, and an air freshener.
Fair enough.
I dont know if this is cringe or how I did, but I hope I did good on my first time writing these guys.
Hope you enjoyeddd
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sageteapost · 9 months
hi hi this is @banananami !!! you said to send anything to you so ^_^
i’ve been thinking about how it must be sooo hard to do anything alone with the chocobros significant other???? like trying to flirt or go on a date or anything like that because the other guys are there or will try tag along or something like that 😭😭😭 i feel like this would happen to ignis the most idk why 😭😭😭 i was gonna write something on this but i couldn’t portray it right 😭
❝Hmm, I see..❞
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[(A/N): OMG ABSOLUTELY HAHA. And I totally agree that it would happen Ignis.]
Tags: Nothing major, just some banter. I decided to make this a little drabble if that's okay. (It's mostly Ignis though.)
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Ignis would try to tolerate it at first. Keyword, try. He truly cares for the guys to death and if you're okay with it, he probably won't bat an eye. I mean, if you wanted them to tag along sometimes, he probably will allow it.
But he does have a limit, after all he does want to spend time with his significant other by himself. And definitely the kind to voice it to them with max composure.
As for the others, Gladio is kinda similar to Ignis. He'll tolerate the others for a bit but will eventually be like "Hey, do you mind?"
I think Noctis will lose it after a bit. Again, he loves the guys to bits but jeez, let him have some privacy with his significant other, damn it!
Poor baby Prompto may have a hard time saying something for a while. But since the guys usually do everything together, he's kinda used to it.
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esamastation · 9 months
FFVII x FFXV - Episode Prompto (and Cloud)
In which Prompto isn't the clone of Verstael Besithia and Cloud is sick of waking up covered in goo.
Another version of clone Cloud, ala Soul of The Stone. Wasn't gonna post this because there's a good chance I will use this for something but I'm sick and my brain don't function so I thought I'd post rather than force myself to write today.
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boxfullaturtles · 1 month
Once upon a time, I had an idea for a Rise x FFXV fic. I'm not going to write it because I'm not THAT crazy, but here's a bit I wrote for it at the time because I still think about it sometimes.
Mostly for the silly hahas and the angst and how now everyone has to ride chocobos because the party no longer fits in the car lol.
Anyway, here's this. Uh, lead up? Someone was stealing supplies from the campsites while the Chocobros were out. Manage to track the thief down and it's two turtles? And one of them's really hurt? Would it be a lie to say stranger things have happened to these guys?
“So, what are you guys anyway?” Prompto asks the question through a mouthful of meat, looking Mikey up and down with unashamed curiosity.
“Dude, really?” Noct elbows Prompto in the ribs, almost tipping him over, “They’re obviously turtles.”
“Hey!” Prompto aims a sloppy kick at Noct, missing by a mile, “I meant why are they turtles walking on two legs and talking!”
Ignis loudly clears his throat when Noct and Prompto start kicking at each other. They immediately settle down and tuck back into their dinner.
Mikey hides a laugh as he answers, “Weelllll, we’re mutants! We used to be regular turtles, but then we got combined with some ooze and human DNA and BAM! Instant mutant turtle, baby!” He shrugs at the blank looks he gets from the four humans, “It’s kind of a long story. And complicated.”
When he doesn’t continue, Prompto raises his eyebrows expectantly. But Mikey just takes another bite of food and doesn’t elaborate. Noct trades a glance with Gladio and then with Ignis. The crackling of the campfire fills the silence.
“You mentioned earlier,” Ignis finally tip-toes carefully into the awkward space, “That you believe you and your brother to be...lost?”
“Brothers,” Mikey corrects and it’s the most solemn he’s sounded all day. He lowers his fork so it rests absently on the edge of his plate, staring into the fire, “There’s four of us. Me, Leo and Donnie, and our big brother Raph. I don’t...I don’t know how we got here. It’s all messed up in my head, just confusion and light and…” He takes a deep breath, “I don’t know what happened. I just remember trying to grab onto my brothers but we all got ripped away from each other and then,” He shrugs absently, gaze distant, “I dunno, I woke up somewhere I didn’t know. Wandered around until I managed to find Leo.”
“Leo, he say how he got hurt?” Gladio asks, “It looks like a real nasty voretooth bite but—”
“Yeah, and how come you guys were in a cave instead of a Haven?” Prompto interrupts, “Can’t believe you weren’t attacked this whole time!”
Mikey blinks, “A Haven? What’s a Haven?”
“This is a Haven,” Ignis explains over Noct hissing things at Prompto, “They are safe places that protect travelers from the dangers of the night. Their blessing keeps evil at bay.”
“Oh,” Mikey looks down at the gently glowing runes beneath his feet. It’s darker now, the only remains of the sun a pale red stripe along the horizon, and they blue glow is brighter, clearer, “Huh.”
He’d felt something whenever he set foot on the runes, some kind of tingling warmth washing over him like a gentle tide. But he’d never lingered long enough to chase the feeling or find its source. He’s about to reach out to it with his Ninpō, just to see what would happen, when there comes a sound from the darkness beyond the Haven.
Something flares in the night, darker than black, a frothing void of pitch and foul tar. It yawns open, boiling at the edges as the world crumples to make way for it, and a grotesque creature unfolds from within it, spilling out into the night. It’s yards away, barely visible, but Mikey can just make out the writhing tentacles from the starlight alone.
His throat closes and he’s on his feet, his nunchaku in his hands. A terrified, dizzying nausea is making his gut churn, heart racing so hard its like it’s trying to tear from his chest. He swear he can feel the thing’s eyes on him in the dark, just at the edge of where the firelight can reach. Rage and terror boil inside him, his mind racing. Can he protect everyone here? Can he keep Leo safe? He doesn’t see a metal suit so maybe—
A hand presses on his shell and Mikey starts badly, nearly swinging his nunchaku up to hit whoever touched him.
Ignis doesn’t even flinch at Mikey’s aborted movement, just keeps a calm expression, patient as he looks out into the dark, “A mindflayer. Rather nasty foe and one I would not recommend facing alone.” He turns back to Mikey, keeping a steady hand on the curve of Mikey’s shell, “It’s quite all right, Michelangelo, daemons cannot come near Havens. As I said, they are warded against evil. For one to spawn so close is unusual, but it won’t be able to get any closer. There, see,” Ignis nods his head as indication, “It’s already drifting away.”
Mikey glances from Ignis back to the thing that had crawled into existence—the mindflayer. It’s no longer facing them, already disappearing into the shadows of the trees and fading out of sight. Mikey tries to steady his shaking breath and lets his arms fall to his sides, ends of his weapons knocking against his legs.
They’re safe here. They’re really, actually safe.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
hi hello okay i’m back because i just heard that FINAL FANTASY 16 IS COMING OUT AND IM SUPER PUMPED BC LIKE AHHHHHHHH! but with that being said, can you write hcs for the chocobo boys (if not just prompto is fine💕) with a medic s/o? they are kinda witchy but love cooking and handling animals but they also are the medic for the team bc the squad can’t all rely on noct😭😭 gaaahh tysm and BIG CONGRATS ON THE MAGAZINE THATS SO FRIGGIN COOL!!!💕💕
Chocobros with a medic s/o
notes - I HAD TO GET TO THIS ONE BECAUSE IVE HAD A SECRET FFXV BRAINROT AHHHH. And omg I am also super excited for FFXVI!!!! <33333 I just love this idea too so thank you so so so so much for sending it in <333 AND OMFG THANK YOU FOR THE CONGRATS IT MEANS THE WORLD I AM SO EXCITED TO SHOW YOU GUYS!!!
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this man is so grateful to you
like you are his saving grace
we all know this little dummy will find his way to fall in a ditch and hurt his arm by accident
without you, he'd probably be dead LMFAO
he will always walk up to you and in the cutest little voice be like... "y/n, I hurt my arm again"
and you'll just jokingly sigh and fix him right up
he always asks you about how you do it and all that and finds it really cool that you are able to fix him up with herbs and stuff
and when you cook for him??? he would never tell iggy, but he loves your cooking more ;)
also the fact that you're good with animals makes chocobos love you which means they are always just around you and that makes prompto love you more <3
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you two definitely were the enemies to lovers troupe
like you were competing
you both could cook and take care of the others so it was immediate competition
you were always pushing each other around in a kitchen or whatever
but then you realized it was easier for you to deal with stuff as a team
and ofc you fell in love <3
he thinks you are very talented and honestly, when he's hurt, he will come to you and always feel bad lol
like he will feel like a burdan
please remind him that he isnt <3
he will love to learn how you use your herbs and stuff <3
overall, he just loves how amazing and talented you are and is so thankful about how you help the rest of the group
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this man trusts you with his life
he is always getting beat up and needs you there by his side to help
he appreciates it a bunch
and you'll always call him a big dummy when he gets hurt and then get straight to working on him, but that always makes him blush
make him ramen
like homemade stuff
please stop this man from eating cup noodles
but yeah, he is always getting hurt so to watch you work on him and help him out means the world to him
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this man gets too embarrassed to tell you he's hurt, so you always have to spot it
omg what a child
you will always get on his ass about that and he'll just be blushing as you work on him
ignis gets mad because you are super nice about Noct being picky and will make him food he enjoys instead of trying to make him something he doesnt like lol
you will baby him a bit because he is the king and he needs to be protected <3
he gets blushy when you do and act like he doesnt like it, but we all know he does <3
final fantasy masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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sasouken · 4 days
here is a list of muses i want to write a little more, so like for a starter ! if you don't specify which muse you'd like, i'll randomize it ! if you have any questions, feel free to reach out ! i will also be queueing them !
jester lavorre - critical role
mollymauk tealeaf - critical role
mabel pines - gravity falls
evie grimhilde - disney's descendants
hawks / keigo takami - bnha
hoshi kimura - soul eater oc but primarily used in bnha verse / open to other verses
scaramouche - genshin impact
kaveh - genshin impact
yuji itadori - jjk
tsumiki fushiguro - jjk
megumi fushiguro - jjk
satoru gojo - jjk
yuuta okkatsu - jjk
dean winchester - supernatural
tohru honda - fruits basket
vesper arlo - voltron oc
rayne storms - fandomless oc ( has a number of verses )
rovian thalias - vampire/elf oc
prompto argentum - ffxv ( canon divergent )
kairi - kh
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corviiids · 5 months
i’m here to play legos, 4, 5 and 30 for the fic writer asks!!
hi!!! tips my legos all over the floor
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
i think my favourite right now is lawlight au of that specific australian mermaid show h2o. light uses his merman powers to drown criminals on the gold coast but he's not called kira because it's australia and he was first identified on nobby beach queensland so everyone calls him THE GHOST OF NOBBY, or NOBBO, for short, which is a stupid name that he hates so much.
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
i have two almost-completed wips i just never get around to posting so here's both
ffxv - promptis 'crazy rich asians' au where prompto and noctis are in a long-term relationship but noct's never mentioned he's the heir to the lucian throne or that he's betrothed to lunafreya until he decides to invite prompto to his own wedding:
"You have a family?" Prompto asks, after he's done sheepishly mopping cheese off the table.
bg3 - wyllstarion divorce fic where they get divorced
"What brought the two of you to your end?" asks Lae'zel. "Wyll was smitten with you. It surprised me, but I thought you were as disgustingly devoted to him."
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
it will ALWAYS be p5 akechi palace fic "as you like it" which i have been pouring my heart and soul into for years <3 the planning doc for this fic is so god damn long and so much of it is just me planning out what this palace would look and play like if it were a playable palace in the game. i even went so far as to start writing a palace theme for it based on akechi's leitmotif in the anime, like... just for funsies (sorry it's an incomplete phone recording). anyway heres some of it
“So does this mean he’s alive?” Don’t know. Couldn’t tell you. The answer, Morgana says, is yes—he thinks. “You think?!” Well, no one who’s dead has had a Palace before. And Shido’s Palace collapsed when he’d done that dead-not-dead thing (join the club, Ren thinks, not that he’d like to have anything in common with Masayoshi Shido nor let Akechi share in the same), and he’d clearly done so with intent, so the answer appeared to be—well, they’d find out. But the outlook was good. “Good,” Haru murmurs. “Depending where you stand.” Nobody answers this. Nobody feels they have the right to. Ren gets the feeling even Haru doesn’t know where she stands, and he doesn’t blame her. Honestly, he doesn’t feel like he’s standing at all. “So?” asks Ryuji to Ren, trying to exude bravado but looking about as tired as the rest of them. “What’re his keywords?” You could start with his name. “I don’t know,” says Ren.
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raven-6-10 · 4 months
Right, after some deep diving through FFXV wiki and some research into hereditary titles, inheritance laws and various historical and fictional courts, I think I have a general idea of what I want the Niflheimr court in general and the Aldercapt dynasty in particular to look like.
Let's start with the inheritance laws.
I settled on agnatic-cognatic (male-preference) primogeniture i.e. the throne goes to the eldest son, then his brothers by order of age, then his eldest sister and so on. And since the Aldercapts don't have Bahamut artificially pruning the family tree to one child per generation in recent centuries, there are actually people related to the Emperor with a legitimate claim to the throne.
(Side-note: some pruning is still happening as a result of children competing for the throne. Iedolas' brothers and one sister had died before he even came to the throne.)
The issue here is that Iedolas is an ambitious man - even if he's not obsessed with reviving Solheim (at the moment) - and wants to leave a legacy. Which means he wants his heir to be his child/grandchild.
You raised a valid point about Iedolas having children before that point. Which. Uhmm. Canon doesn't exactly help here. The only thing we know for certain is that he had at least one son (b. 720 ME) who died at the earliest in 748 ME (because that's the birth year for Solara Antiquum) but was definitely dead when the game kicked off in 756 ME. Considering Iedolas is from Mors' generation that's kind of late to have your first child.
I'm gonna make an executive decision here.
Iedolas did have children before that with his wife. Specifically two sons and a daughter. Possibly some grandchildren even. However they all died due to combination of illnesses, accidents and deliberate action. At that point he tried for another child with his wife, which canonically ended up with her death from childbirth complications within a year. In this au, the son in question was born early - resulting in underdeveloped lungs plus host of other health issues - and died as a young teenager due to pneumonia.
Hence, the order for Besithia to create an heir for him.
Situation at the Imperial court is surprisingly stable at the moment.
Just because the Emperor has no children doesn't mean he has no heirs*. The current heir presumptive is his younger sister but since she's rather elderly, the throne is actually probably going to be inherited by his great-niece. The woman in question is from a high-ranking house, married to a man from similarly titled house, has a range of useful political and military connections and a daughter of her own at the time of Prompto's birth.
(Iedolas had been planning to betroth Prompto to his great-great-niece and name the mother a regent just in case he dies before his son is an adult.)
So most of the politicking is currently about getting into the good graces of the imperial heiress and discrediting the rivals. The most opposition is from warmongers (Ulldor) as she's much less militant than the current emperor, so will likely focus on consolidating the imperial gains in Tenebrae and addressing social issues instead of continuing the conquest.
As for where that would leave Prompto (or whatever Iedolas would rename him)?
I'm headcanoning that Niflheimr royals don't introduce their kids to public until they are at least 10. Before that there might be rumours, especially if the Empress is obviously pregnant, but nobody will confirm anything outright.
There's a bunch of historical reasons behind that, but mostly it's very useful if you need to, erm, adjust the family tree.
And right now it means that Aldercapt still has time to get his kid back instead of writing him off as a lost cause and trying again or just formally declaring a new heir from among his relatives. Because nobody will bat an eyelash on the boy not being seen before his formal introduction.
If the Nifs actually recover him, he will be raised in a secluded estate on the outskirts of Gralea with staff being responsible for his upbringing and Iedolas visiting often to check on him.
*I was inspired by the House Arryn. Somebody once joked that even if you are five generations removed from lordship, you can still end up being the Heir Arryn. A peasant sneezes in the Vale and they've lost half their house members.
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So, I'm falling back into the FFXV kick, and I have decided that I disapprove of how little complex character development Square Enix has given the guys?? Like where is the emotional depth beyond surface-level cutscene angst?? So I took matters into my own hands and have compiled a handy little list of headcanons / expanded canons that I think make sense.
Noctis: Has clinical insomnia and frequent lucid dreams (sorta a given, but bear w me bear w me)
Feels the weight of having to take so much on from such a young age much, much more than he lets on
Loves to argue
Would've been happier if he and Luna stayed as childhood best-buds rather than betrothed fiancés (controversial, ik, but it just didn't seem like he cared that much for her romantically to me?? Like he obviously cared about her, but it seemed like a really strong penpal vibe rather than a "We're-gonna-get-married-and-be-the-next-hotshot-couple" vibe. If you disagree, coolio, I'm not gonna debate w you on this one)
Has a natural sadness to his eyes regardless of what he's feeling
Went through an anime phase (possibly still in his anime phase, idk)
Social anxiety for the win
Severe RBF
Prefers tea over coffee (black tea is best---particularly lavender earl grey)
Can play the cello (practicing tho?? Don't know her)
Writes the most beautiful poetry when The Motivation™ strikes him (usually when he's home sick and half-delirious)
Prompto: Has ADHD and clinical anxiety, but is undiagnosed and doesn't take any meds for either of them.
Is legit like SO SMART, but can never focus, so not many people take any notice
Wears contact lenses (he had glasses as a child and I refuse to believe he had some high-tech corrective surgery to eliminate the need for them when lenses are cheaper and less risky)
Doesn't drink caffeine because it makes him jittery
Doesn't drive the Regalia when the guys are around because having other people in the car distracts him from the road. Also he tends to drive like a speed demon, which worries Ignis to no end.
Sunburns insanely easily
Could legit become a hitman if he wanted to with the amount of gun-knowledge he has. It doesn't matter what firearm you put in this boy's hand---pistol, SMG, sniper, rocket launcher, you name it. He can and will hit the target every single time.
Addicted to adrenaline
Has a lot of self-loathing (we see a bit of this in Ep. Prompto) and talks with an online therapist about it via text whenever his lows hit him. He's making great progress in learning how to heal and how to accept himself for who he is beyond the mask he wears for others
Ignis: More than a little bit of a control freak, and works very hard not to be too overbearing or critical about his friends' misgivings
Wants to protect everyone all the time and mentally kicks himself when he doesn't get there fast enough
Is SO PROUD of Noctis's journey and felt a stronger hatred towards Ardyn than anyone else in the group for what he forced Noct to go through (he stayed up at night sick to his stomach with hollow rage and baked nonstop to take his mind off of it)
Can verbally obliterate a man, but only rarely chooses to do so bc he's classy like that
After losing his eyes, he notices so much more beauty in the world than he used to (the sound of rain on the Regalia's roof, the specific gait of each of his friends, the smell of salt on the wind in Galdin Quay, the flawless feel of one specific silk tie he has in his repertoire, etc)
His internal compass is never wrong
Regularly takes antacids for his stomach
Has the straightest teeth you've ever seen
Gladio: Hates being wrong: it's his way or the highway
Actually so much smarter than the musclehead jock front he puts up
A little vain and easily jealous (this man has a Jealous Face like no other)
Thunderstorms are his favorite; his ideal place to be is at a campsite, during a storm, with a well-worn book and a mug of Irish coffee in hand
Would throw himself in front of a bus for any one of his friends
Would beat up kids for the folks he cared about in middle school and spent the time he wasn't training to be a Crownsguard sitting in detention with the most unrepentant, smug, and-I'd-do-it-again look scrawled across his face
Can make a better smoothie than anyone (except maybe Iggy)
Spotify junkie
Had a dinosaur phase as a kid and can still name random facts about them whenever the opportunity presents itself
Avid technology-hater and only has a phone to make calls and join the others in playing King's Knight since they begged him so profoundly (he's sure the thing's going to be his downfall)
Gets most of Prompto's pop culture references
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aer1ths · 1 year
FFXV Fic Recommendations
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Hello! I thought I’d share some of my favorite fics from my most favorite game. Will update with more when I read more. Thank you!
Set Thy Hidden Stars On Fire by MYuzuki (16k words)
This time, when Prompto wakes up to start a new loop, it’s raining.
Normally, this wouldn’t be a cause for concern (or even a blip on his radar, really) but this time he wakes up outside for some reason, which means he’s in the rain.
And as his luck would have it, it’s something of a downpour.
If you love Prompto, you’ll love this fic. It’s relatively short, but managed to have me still think about it nearly a year after reading. MYuzuki is a great author!
Salvation by cassisluna (11k words)
Nyx Ulric lives and accompanies Lunafreya across Lucis to wake the six. Written for the 2021 FFXV Reverse Bang.
As she travels to wake Titan and Ramuh, Luna is grateful for the time given to her to see the land of Lucis with her own eyes and feet.
Nyx promised the King that he would see Princess Lunafreya to Altissia, and it seems easy enough—until he learns the Oracle's price for forging the covenants. After that, it's just a matter of... maybe going off-route for a while to let the princess sight-see for a bit.
I love anything that expands upon Lunafreya’s character or Kingsglaive. This fic did not disappoint with that at all.
Worth The Risk by Asidian (6k words)
It's captivating. Prompto's probably going to have thirty-eight photos of it for them to relive the experience, in vivid detail, later on.
But Prompto's not taking pictures anymore, Noct realizes. The camera's stopped.
And when Noctis looks over to see what the matter is, Prompto's just staring through the view-finder, head angled up. He's gone absolutely sheet-white – looks like he might pass out. He says, "Noct," very softly, like it's a plea.
Then the world explodes, and something slams into Noctis with the force of a subway train, and everything goes dark.
I adore Asidian’s writing, especially for Prompto. This, and any of their other fics you should absolutely check out!
Honor Bound by The_Asset6 (125k words)
It’s still hard for Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto to believe that Noctis has been gone for a year. However, when an old ally appears to tell them that what is gone might not be lost after all, that spark of hope they kept alive during their ten years apart is rekindled. Their only question: what will they have to sacrifice this time in order to bring their brother back alive?
This fic focuses more on the bros rather than Noctis himself, and it was really nice to see from their POV how far they’d go to get Noct back. A longer read but didn’t drag, great fic!
Somnus Ultima by The_Asset6 (349k words)
King Regis and Queen Aulea’s desire for a child has finally been fulfilled, as well as their kingdom’s need for an heir to the throne. However, when a dark mage with a vendetta against Lucis blesses the young prince with a deadly curse, they realize that no sacrifice is too much when it comes to someone you love.
But too much, it turns out, is never enough.
A sleeping beauty AU! I won’t lie, this one is long, but it’s so worth it. I don’t typically like AU fics, preferring canon-compliant work, but I gave this one a chance and didn’t regret it. The author made great use of the characters and created a lengthy but not hard to read story that was very enjoyable.
Reliance, Resolve by Gnine (13k words)
"Where are you?"
Noct. Voice controlled, each word precise and even. In other words, pissed off to the point of seething. Prompto had obviously screwed up. Again. Seemed about all he was capable of doing lately when it came to Noct—and just about everything else.
Prompto's self-reliant streak kicks into overdrive, sending his life into a tailspin.
A nice pre-game fic centered around Prompto, giving some insight to his and Noct’s relationship. Author tagged as pre-slash.
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So, I'm writing a fic bc I read a fic and now I'm having THOUGHTS.
So. We fuck with the time table. Instead of Noctis being 10yo, Ignis being 12, Luna 14, and Ravus 17 (how old I normally hc them to be for the attack), they're about 2 years younger (Ravus is 16 but only has been for like 3 weeks). Noctis and Regis went to Tenebrea with Claruas, Ignis' uncle, and Ignis because they thought it would be a good idea for Noctis and Luna to get to know each other. Obviously this falls to shit and the Empire attacks. However, the kids make it out and Queen Sylva doesn't die. I have an oc (her name is Kendra and ill explain her more at the end) who ends up going with the kids because she's friends with Ravus. The kids end up going to Galahd to hide, and of course change their names.
So now Ravus is 'Ralin' but not really because they chose that sense it shortens to Rae, and that's Luna's nickname for him. Kendra just shortens it to Ken. Luna's now Lily. Ignis is Edward because Eddy sounds like Iggy. Noctis is Nathin because Nat sounds like Noct.
So they end up in Galahd, which is mostly open to the Tenebrain refugees, so long as they contribute in some way. They don't really need to worry about money because due to the war the government has all the money, and people just use trade. The kids end up on the largest island (will use map we see in ep. Ardyn and put screenshots at end), and they wander around for a few days before Ravus finds somewhere for them to stay. This is a slightly rundown inn with 5 floors and a basement, each floor has two apartments.
They are on the second room on the second floor. This inn is run by a woman, Miss Erica, and rather than paying rent they just kinda work for her. So she'll send Ravus out of run errands and teaches Kendra to cook. Because she is teaching them how to cook and clean. She also has a school on the top floor.
Their version of school is set up different and I will explain that in another post, but they all have to go to school at different times of day.
Nyx and his family also live here. Nyx ends up becoming friends with Ravus. Nyx's mom helps watch Luna, Ignis, and Noctis. And everything is good for about 2 years, then the Empire attacks again. Ravus protects Nyx's sister and motjer, and losses his left hand and about half of his left forearm. Kendra was hiding in the inn's basement like she was meant to be doing. Ignis and Noctis were out in a field not to far away and get attacked by a Maralith (giant 6armed sword welding snake lady). Ignis dies, but Noct doesn't know that so he accidentally brings him back to life. Iggy is now blind. Noctis has about the same ingury that would have sent him to Tenebrae in canon. Luna panics and ACCIDENTALLY SUMMONS A GODDESS.
She's also an oc, Ifrit's younger twin, goddess of molten rock. Her name is Agyua. She puts everyone in a pocket dimention of sorts, and kicks the Empire the fuck out of there. She did not send Luna away, and sort of goes through Luna's head to figure out where to put people when she puts them back. Like putting Ravus, Ignis, and Noctis in the hospital. Luna passes out, ends up in a coma to regain her strength. Same with Noct. Kendra has to help with cleanup, and Ravus and Ignis help each other relearn how to walk. (Ravus doesn't get a prosthetic for a few more years because unlike most healthcare in Galahd those aren't free.)
Now Agyua gives Galahd's solders and medics her blessing, and now you have the Glaive only not loyal to Lucis. These abilities do change a bit based on where you're from, like Tenebrain's are very good healers.
About now Sylva makes a deal with another oc, Miyako, goddess of the dead, and also Ardyn. Miyako was imprisoned by Bahumut and whipped from history, and is pissed at him. Cor also adopts Prompto around now. Kendra joins the hunters.
Another four years Regis still hasn't been able to track down Noct, and make Cor the heir. Regis keeps a group to secretly look for Noct (Gladio, Aranea, Cor, eventually Iris) Prompto has been online buddies with Noct for a while now, figures out who and where he is, and tells Cor. Cor sends him with Gladio, Aranea, and Iris to go get him. He's not home when they get there but Luna is, and she thinks them sus so she stalls until Noct does get home. Noct knows Prom, nobody else. And trusts Prom, but nobody else. Hence more stalling until Ravus can get beck, because he's been in charge from day one, Ignis isn't n town today and neither is Kendra.
Ravus has Prompto call Cor to better explain the situation, basically goes 'I'm not dragging us over that hell hole of a war zone to get to Insomnia' and now Gladio is mad at Ravus because Cor put Ravus in charge and Glado was supposed to be. Another year, and Miyako uses an army of dragon ghosts to drive the Empire out of Tenebrae. Miyako and Agyua are dating and have Tenenbrae and Galahd make an allince. Somewhere in there Ravus and Ignis get together. Also almost all of them end up fighting on the front lines at least once. Luna and Ravus (bc he also can heal screw u) fix up Noct and Iggy so Iggy can see in one eye and Noct's only issue is he now accidently shares him magic with Ignis in ways he's not supposed to be able to. Libertus and Crowe move in down the street, become friends with them.
Ardyn kidnaps Sol, kills her dad who was the heir the nif throne, and gives her to Sylva because that man doesn't know how babies work. Now the Empire is starting to self destruct.
Two years later, and our group gets to go to Insomnia. (Also Noct and Luna are a thing now.) They tell a few people about who they actually were, and Nyx is flabbergasted lol. After a bit Luna and Ravus have to go home, which isn't fun because by now they all have some level of seperation angxity and codependency issues (pls ignore bad spelling).
They figure out the whole Prophcey, go f*ck Bahumut, fight him with Agyua and Miyako, win, and Ardyn ends up ruling Lucis with Area after Miyako brings her back form the dead, while Noct and Luna get married and run Tenebrae. happy ending but Nyx dies only to come back during fighting god. so. just don't always trust that the dead are really dead.
Anyways! Kendra! She's 15 at the start, has long brown hair she likes to dye random colors, is pretty smart, and strong, basically the dad friend while Ravus is the mom friend. Also sarcasm.
Map screenshots! 1. what gods rule where, 2. map of Galahd as best i could, 3. Altissia, 4. Insomina in the light and the rest of Lucis, 5. the weird cost above nif is tenebrae, 6. full world map, 7. the other islands above tenebrae are where demons first popped up & are uninhabited, 8. nifelheim.
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