#i used to be such as happy kid
im-a-lil-bitch-boi · 14 days
im so sick and tired of my fuckin Ma actin like EVERYTHING wrong w this damn house is my fault. her moemys gone missin? oh its bc i set the money in front of her instead of handin it to her, even tho when i usually try n hand her the money she gesrures for me to set it down. or if she sent me money via Cashapp, she accuses me of not sendin her change back even tho i DO and even if i dont immediately do it(usually bc shes requested me to go to do smth for her after sendin me in this obnoxiously hot weather to the store for her bc she didnt feel like it) i send it to her when i notice. the kitchens constantly a mess bc my bby brother lets his friends in durin the middle of the night? my fault bc ofc im suposed to check the kitchen every. sinlge. fuckin. night. to male sure irs not dirty, even 1 piece of trash will get her wakin me up at 4 o FUCKIN clock in the mornin to "clean this mess up right NOW". the trash can outsides overflowin? ovbiously my fault bc ofc IM the one who tosses trash into it(im not. we dont have and indoor trashcan bc my siblings will let it sit there and not throw it out when needed. my Ma, one of my brothers(oldest of the boys, 2nd oldest of all of us), n i where the only ones to do it n she got fed up n told us to toss the trash into he bin outside). so OFC when she TAKES THE FUCKIN TRASH/RECYCLIN OUTVE THE BIN BC ITS OVERFLOWIN IVE GOTTA BE THE ONE TO PICK IT UP BC IVE MOBVIOUSLY MADE THE MESS bc apparently gettin no job interviews for like 3-5 months means that im a FUCKIN maid in this fuckin house.
she even has the nerve to call me lazy when she sends me to the store to buy her shit she quite honestly doesnt need on account of her shit health. she has the NERVE to order WEED in my name and make me pick it up(no clue Y shes doin it in my name when she HAS the money and an ID of her own to use her own fucjin identity. i dont even smoke weed bc it triggers my asthma, which she usually acts as if it wasnt real even tho ive been diagnosed fuckin twice). she has the audacity to complain about messes when she refuses to actually TEACH her younger kids(or in her words "MY kids" bc she doesnt TRULY consider me her own even tho im her 1st born child) how to actually properly clean and instead makes ME do it bc im actually good at cleanin(havin learn from a mix of trial and error from her and actually bein taught by my Gma(dads Ma) who actually probs hated me bc i would forget to wash my dishes as a 6-9 yr old).
im tired of bein accused of bein lazy, of bein used and abused, of bein unable to say no bc i cant afford to leave this gods forsaken house. i jus want to leave and be left alone. i literally used to fantasize about bein kidnapped and takin away, either by aliens or smth/someone else. im tired. im so tired. i feel like im slowly dyin everysingle day and i cant even say anythin bc my Ma will downplay it like i cant experience pain bc its not like hers. like i cant be depressed bc i show it differently than her. like im not tryin my fuckin hardest to jus survive. im so fuckin tired
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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ashoss · 4 months
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this idea wont leave my brain please help me !! YIPPEE HADES BATKIDS !!!
without the bg and text under the cut :))
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asdhj probably gonna post like,, two at a time because thats ,, a lot,,,, of drawing ,,,,,,, so heres tim and jason! i think i got the hang of it more with jason lol
thank you to those who helped me with the titles for the batkids!! they were all really good :D (all on insta lol)
timothy: the tenured - thomson_at
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meongppangz · 1 month
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CHANGBIN at BST Hyde Park / 240714
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ravenpureforever · 2 months
On one hand, Young Justice is kind of neglected by the actual superheroes that should be looking out for them in a lot of crucial ways and very much failed by the adults around them
But on the other hand Red Tornado straight up hosts a parent-teacher conference where their respective legal guardians all show up, barring Batman who’s in traffic so Nightwing fills in instead because Robin’s dad does not know he’s a vigilante which is objectively hilarious
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Little things adults and older people can do to help younger people and children feel included, safe, and respected as an equal individual:
Ask before touching the young person - even for hugs. Ask before you take pictures of them, and let them see photographs of them before they are printed or sent to others (even family).
Apologize when you are wrong
Ask for a young persons thoughts on a subject, then engage with them after they have spoken
Demonstrate behaviour you want to see from them (see: apologizing). Say "excuse me," say "thank you," say "please" to them
Validate their feelings, even if they don't know how to express them just yet
Remember that this is the first time they've been alive, and that you've had way longer to "figure it out"
These are some things I wish other adults remembered when engaging with young folks. We so often forget what childhood felt like and how unfair it all was because we were often awarded freedoms as adults that we never had as children. These kids are equal to adults, and they deserve the same courtesy, respect, kindness, and understanding we give to other adults.
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cerulean-tea · 5 months
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happy 413!! to the webcomic that changed my life 5 years ago ⭐️
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inkskinned · 1 year
for a while i lived in an old house; the kind u.s americans don't often get to live in - living in a really old house here is super expensive. i found out right before i moved out that the house was actually so old that it features in a poem by emily dickinson.
i liked that there were footprints in front of the sink, worn into the hardwood. there were handprints on some of the handrails. we'd find secret marks from other tenants, little hints someone else had lived and died there. and yeah, there was a lot wrong with the house. there are a lot of DIY skills you learn when you are a grad student that cannot afford to pay someone else to do-it-for-ya. i shared the house with 8 others. the house always had this noise to it. sometimes that noise was really fucking awful.
in the mornings though, the sun would slant in thick amber skiens through the windows, and i'd be the first one up. i'd shuffle around, get showered in this tub that was trying to exit through the floor, get my clothes on. i would usually creep around in the kitchen until it was time to start waking everyone else up - some of them required multiple rounds of polite hey man we gotta go knocks. and it felt... outside of time. a loud kind of quiet.
the ghosts of the house always felt like they were humming in a melody just out of reach. i know people say that the witching hour happens in the dark, but i always felt like it occurred somewhere around 6:45 in the morning. like - for literal centuries, somebody stood here and did the dishes. for literal centuries, somebody else has been looking out the window to this tree in our garden. for literal centuries, people have been stubbing their toes and cracking their backs and complaining about the weather. something about that was so... strangely lovely.
i have to be honest. i'm not a history aficionado. i know, i know; it's tragic of me. i usually respond to "this thing is super old" by being like, wow! cool! and moving on. but this house was the first time i felt like the past was standing there. like it was breathing. like someone else was drying their hands with me. playing chess on the sofa. adding honey to their tea.
i grew up in an old town. like, literally, a few miles off of walden pond (as in of the walden). (also, relatedly, don't swim in walden, it's so unbelievably dirty). but my family didn't have "old house" kind of money. we had a barely-standing house from the 70's. history existed kind of... parallel to me. you had to go somewhere to be in history. your school would pack you up on a bus and take you to some "ye olden times" place and you'd see how they used to make glass or whatever, and then you'd go home to your LEDs. most museums were small and closed before 5. you knew history was, like, somewhere, but the only thing that was open was the mcdonalds and the mall.
i remember one of my seventh grade history teachers telling us - some day you'll see how long we've been human for and that thing has been puzzling me. i know the scientific number, technically.
the house had these little scars of use. my floors didn't actually touch the walls; i had to fill them with a stopgap to stop the wind. other people had shoved rags and pieces of newspaper. i know i've lost rings and earring backs down some of the floorboards. i think the raccoons that lived in our basement probably have collected a small fortune over the years. i complain out loud to myself about how awful the stairs are (uneven, steep, evil, turning, hard to get down while holding anything) and know - someone else has said this exact same thing.
when i was packing up to leave and doing a final deep cleaning, i found a note carved in the furthest corner in the narrow cave of my closet. a child's scrawled name, a faded paint handprint, the scrangly numbers: 1857.
we've been human for a long time. way back before we can remember.
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chiquilines · 2 months
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Public garden study date!!
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christakisbang · 1 year
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bixels · 6 months
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Some pieces from my art final last quarter.
I haven’t returned to Taiwan/China in a decade. My family, my cousins, have grown up without me; I don’t even know what they look like anymore. This series superimposes cartoon self portraits onto real photos taken by myself and my mother during my last visit ten years ago. The photos have been collaged with elements of childhood. The series reclaims my memories of Taiwan/China and reckons with the passing of time and the changing of space, flattening my experiences into a fictional, digital world where I never left.
The bottom piece is a timelapse of my old family house from 2009 to 2023, now an apartment block.
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sualne · 4 months
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snakeman luffy
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piko-power · 5 months
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"I never knew you were a hugger..."
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"No body protects nature better than you, sweet Amy."
Whoa, he's bisexual! I didn't know that!
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hyunpic · 6 months
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For those who are unfamiliar with Deltarune
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This is Kris, they're the main character of nutdealer 2
(their skin's not usually blue. it just does that sometimes)
we know almost nothing about them. However, we do know this:
They are nonbinary
They like (most of) their friends
They do NOT like us
They enjoy eating moss
They are going to touch the cheese
that's it that's all we know
Other additions:
They play piano (probably) courteousy or @/mystykmarigold
They are "normal" courteousy of many people
They like to flush bath bombs down the toilet. Their mom doesn't like that courteousy of @/sacrificialcat
They are a knife enjoyer, as well as a chocolate enjoyer
They like(d) to mess with their childhood friend both courteousy of @/the-beasts-have-arrived
They use apple shampoo, and apparently smell enough like apples that a friend associates it with them courteousy of @/spyret-the-shitposter
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kwillow · 2 months
What kind of sound are Theo's... noises... intended to be? Snorts? Mouth sounds? Choking sounds? Stuffy nose sounds? I feel like I imagine them as a different thing every time I read them lol
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Almost all of the above, really! Nasally grunts, snorts, whines, growls, guttural noises that sound like he's clearing his throat or choking on his own air... Theo makes all manner of noises. Not on purpose.
His "noises" are unconscious vocalizations most of the time. They're akin to vocal tics.The utterances are louder, more pronounced and more frequent the more stressed he is. It takes quite a bit of effort and discomfort to suppress his noises once he feels the urge brewing (if he even catches it in time, because most of the time he isn't even fully aware that he's doing it). He does his utmost to keep them choked down, but to his embarrassment, some grunts and gags always slip through.
Also, often his laugh can sound like "a noise" since it can be more of a gargling wheeze than a proper expression of mirth. His smoking habit hasn't helped the, er, phlegminess of its sound.
A counterpoint to his common stress-sounds is his habit of making quiet humming noises when he's feeling contented and relaxed. He only does it when in exceedingly good spirits - so as you might imagine, he hasn't had much cause to hum in many years.
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