#i used mellon soups pose for a ref
metallicmikus · 8 months
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THE OC BRAIN ROT IS SO REAL YOU GUYS!!!!! Have more of Jason and Hector, in their lovers era this time!!! I’m super proud of this one!
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d-0gstar · 28 days
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My second prompt also had Marlene! Prompt 341 "dorlene - your choice" by @prongsie711 ! This prompt was also very fun, I had so much freedom with it! I went through about 5 ideas before landing on this one and I'm very happy with how it turned out!
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0dd-ingram · 6 months
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The file name for this was just "TOXIC YAOI!!!!"
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glitchy-creations · 10 months
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I couldn’t sleep so I did a little drawing of my Blood of Zeus oc and her hubby Hermes 💕
(The pose ref is from Mellon Soup on Instagram! The @ on the side is for my instagram btw 😉)
More info under the cut!
So a little info on my bby 💕
First and foremost she should not be taken seriously to actual Greek Mythology! While I did try to use elements from theories about aspects from the mythos, she shouldn’t be taken seriously as a legit goddess! That’s my little disclaimer! ALSO; if I have anything wrong (such as names) please let me know! I’m more than happy to change anything that needs to be!
So I was looking up ambrosia and nectar a while ago just for funsies (I wanted to see what the actual mythology said about the food/drink) and saw a few times that it was theorised to have been honey. Or more specifically a really sweet kind of honey. This makes sense since honey can be consumed as a food (honey combs) and drink (mead). In typical me fashion this turned into me making an entire character based off this idea.
First off her name is Ambrosia and she’s a minor goddess known as a goddess of secrecy, mystery, magic (b/c we can never have to many of those lol), and she’s the maker of ambrosia and nectar. Her name is pretty straightforward.
She has two known epithets; Ambrosia Chrysus (meaning “Immortal Gold”) in reference to created ambrosia and nectar, and Ambrosia Mysterion (meaning “Immortal Mystery”) in reference to her being a goddess of secrets/mystery.
She’s also sometimes called Aigoklima (meaning Honeysuckle) because of her use of honeysuckles in creating the “divine foods”. That last one is similar to how Hades is sometimes called Aidonus.
I’m a big ol’ sucker for irony so against popular belief, Ambrosia is actually a chthonic goddess! She was born in the underworld and lives there most of the time. I haven’t decided if she’s an offspring of a goddess like Nyx or if she was born similar to Aphrodite and the sea foam. It should be noted that the whole “creator of the divine food” thing was given to her later in her life.
You maybe wondering how she creates the divine foods. Well let me tell you! First off she doesn’t make them in the underworld, what use is magic food if the Olympians can’t eat it right? So instead she has this little garden tucked away in a cave that she uses to grow her flowers and care for her bees.
So far I have a rough idea of how she creates ambrosia and nectar. For the nectar I imagine it’s a mix of nectar from her honeysuckles, honey from the hives, and Ichor (that’s how it become “divine”). One can either drink this mixture straight or it can be mixed with wine or other beverages. Ambrosia will usually set aside some to make into mead.
For ambrosia (the food) she essentially pours the Ichor-flower nectar mixture over a honeycomb and lets it soak in. For both of these processes she will mix everything in a larger pot, though because it’s simple enough to make she can make “single serving” amounts directly into a honeysuckle (great for on the road use lol).
It should be noted that in Blood of Zeus I believe the gods have red blood, not golden blood like in the myths or other media retelling. In this context, Ambrosia is special in she has the golden blood simply because of her extended time experimenting to create the foods. Literally a drop of blood from any god could theoretically be enough to make ambrosia or nectar since that’s where the divinity come from, her blood just looks different because she been at this for so long. Likewise i imagine her hair’s golden colour is also a result of over exposure to ambrosia/nectar.
Hebe also still holds her place as cup bearer! Think of it as; Ambrosia makes and delivers the goods and Hebe serves it. They work together.
As for her other work, Ambrosia is very organised. Because she has dominion over secrets and such she literally keeps records of secrets she finds important or interesting. Like she home in the underworld is full of scrolls and things. Her favourites are Zeus’s affairs mainly because she finds it entertaining to watch his come up with excuses to tell Hera 💀
While she claims to have no responsibility in keeping peoples secrets she would never reveal them unless given permission. She may be a god but she has morals.
Ambrosia herself is a very kind and even tempered goddess. She’s pretty chill and doesn’t really get offended easily. She’s pretty introverted so she’s content with tending to her garden and caring for her bee friends. She doesn’t have time for Olympus’s shit 😤
In terms of her relationship with Hermes, they are very loving to each other, though their relationship is kind of unconventional. Ambrosia is ace and has no desire for sexual intimacy, though she is very understanding of her husbands needs. While Hermes (at least in BoZ) doesn’t seem like he’s quite as promiscuous as his dad, he does travel quite a bit.
Ambrosia is totally okay with the idea of Hermes sleeping with others; she’s very comfortable and confident in their relationship, paired with her calm nature she really doesn’t care. She trusts Hermes whole heartedly 💕
Her only condition is that he doesn’t hide any potential “affairs” from her. As the goddess of secrecy it would be a huge offence for someone to think they could hide something from her. Like she’d get more pissed at the fact he tried hiding it than the affair itself. She’d rather hear it from Hermes then find out through her powers.
Ambrosia is also rather kind to the occasional mistress. Unlike Hera, Ambrosia doesn’t hold any animosity or hostility toward these women (for the reasons above). She doesn’t really have the time or energy to go killing random people.
Likewise, Ambrosia loves kids! She’s very motherly and would proudly wear that “I’m not the stepmom, I’m the mom that stepped up” shirt! She lives by the idea that the sins of the father don’t reflect the son; just because the parents had an affair doesn’t make it the child’s fault.
I actually have another character that’s one of Herme’s few demigod kids and he pretty much becomes Ambrosia’s helper in the garden. She very much adopted the child immediately upon seeing him 🤧
Her colour palette is primarily purple and yellow. Not only are they complimentary but they also show her status as a chthonic goddess (the darker colours) and her ability to create ambrosia and nectar. I also accented her with silver so it wasn’t fighting her already golden hair.
Sorry for the long post, when I have ideas like this I kinda just go ham 😅
Like I mentioned before if anything needs to be tweaked or changed (such ad names or little details) let me know and I’ll fix them! Also, if there’s anything you want to know about Ambrosia feel free to ask! I think I have my inbox set up 🤔
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Wanted to practice with different poses, and I found a few from Mellon_Soup that gave me OC vibes, so I drew Scout and Bea, using the below photo as reference (I did not trace, dw,) but yeah! Go check out @mellon-soup for that ref, more references she made, and other art that they have made!!
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glitchy-creations · 1 year
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WIP/concept for a second spidersona idea I had!
I recently had this idea for a vampire themed spidersona, one more inspired by vampire lore and that’s different from Miguel and his vampiric similarities. I’m also a big fan of Assassins Creed Syndicate (it’s one of my favourite games) and thus Pietra Parker/Blood Weaver was born!
I haven’t had time to fully flesh out Pietra’s design or time line but the premise is;
Her universe is like if AC Syndicate met vampire lore. So her universe is set in 1868 England where vampires and other mythical creatures are real.
In a very watered down analogy: vigilantes/heroes are the “assassins”/“brotherhood” of this universe while the villains/nemeses are the “templars”. I think each hero and villain combo is a different sect, so the avengers and their normal villains are separate from the spider people and their villains.
Norman Osborn would be the leader of Blood Weavers “Templar” villain sect with the other villains following under him
Since the Osborn of her universe pretty much controls the government, Pietra would get along with Pav and Hobie.
Pietra’s costume is 100% based off Evie’s Bloofer Lady outfit from the game but without the neck piece or all the lace. I am also tempted to incorporate some elements of Ezio’s costume but I’m not sure yet.
Pietra Parker is the daughter of two lower ranking but long standing noble families (likely either counts or viscounts). Pietra is English-Italian and a Dhampir/Half Vampire.
Her mother was an Italian noblewoman and human while her father was an English nobleman and a vampire.
As a Dhampir Pietra has “all of the strengths of a vampire and none of the weaknesses”. She can go out during the day, has no adverse reactions to silver, garlic, or religious symbols, and she doesn’t need to consume large quantities of blood.
Pietra can eat human food but still needs blood to keep her energy up. She prefers human blood to animals and she tries to be as humane as she can when feeding. Pretty much she doesn’t was to kill the individuals she feeds from. She just takes what she needs and let’s the person go.
Likewise, Pietra is immune to most diseases, has longevity meaning she can live far longer than most human, and she has an accelerated healing factor meaning she can heal from most wounds.
Abilities like her healing factor and standard spider person abilities can be heightened if she drinks human blood.
A friend asked me if Robin/Spider-Nova would be recruited into the Spider society. I think Nova would be yes because their powers are so versatile.
Pietra on the other hand would promptly refuse any sort of recruitment because Miguel’s over all philosophy would remind her of the Templars. She would, however, help Gwen and the others in helping Miles
This is all I got for now! Since Weaver’s timeline isn’t 100% complete I’m open to suggestions or ideas for her! For other things like updates and memes for my spidersonas they will most likely be posted to my main blog @glitchy-anime-fan
Edit: I completely forgot to add that the pose reference I used was from Mellon Soup on Instagram! 😭😭 please go check her out she has a ton of awesome pose Refs for artists to use!
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