#i used 0 rulers for those lines
tentytarts · 2 years
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So that Kaveh drip huh...
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lacebird · 10 months
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Ever thought about subtitles? Want to learn how to make them? Look no further 'cause here's a tutorial all about them! I'm gonna show you my process of making subtitles on Photopea, but these tips can also be useful for Photoshop users as well. I hope you find this helpful!
I use a font that's already in Photopea (yaay no need to download anything!) called Open Sans. It's a pretty neutral font and I really love using it for subtitles. I always set the font to Extrabold Italics. Looks the nicest in my opinion!
Here's how it should look like at the top of your workspace:
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Locate the font on the left tab, then find the extra bold setting on the right tab.
The font size will depend on the width of your gif. For a full-width gif (540px) you can get away with something bigger, but if you have a two-column gifset for example, you'll need to make it smaller. For big gifs, my go-to is either 20px or 25px. Depends on how I'm feeling.
Here's an example to better show you.
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Something you also want to keep in mind when subtitling is to have a nice gap between the bottom of the gif and the text itself. "Oh, but how can I find that?" I hear you asking. By turning on distances!
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By turning on distances, you can see how big the gap is between the bottom and the text. In this example, I have it set to 15.
If you don't want to forget, you can always add a ruler and line it up with the bottom of the text. Then the rest of your subtitles (if you're making more), all go in the same place. To turn on the ruler function (if you haven't already, go to View > Rulers. You'll now see numbers on the top and the left side of your workspace. Simply drag from the top and a blue appears.
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Now any text or shape will snap to that line automatically if you move it around. Now that's neat!
To finish this section off, here are the distances I use for each gif size. As you'll notice, I move the text down a little bit the smaller the gif becomes. But in the end, it's all up to you.
540px — 15
268px — 12
177px — 10
What I like to do is increase the tracking so that there is a bit of space between the letters. I put it at 81%, but if you want the spacing to be wider that's cool too!
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Shadows.... Very scary. But they don't have to be!
Here we have plain text. On its own, can be kinda hard to read. What we need to do in order to fix that is to add some shadows to make the text pop more.
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Right-click on the text layer and open up blending options. Then check the drop shadow box and click on it. Set everything to 0, except for opacity (100%) and size (10px). Now you have a shadow all around the text.
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Next to the drop shadow, click on the + sign to duplicate it. Change the angle to 137° and set the distance to 1px. Make sure to lower the size to 0.
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Now duplicate that layer by clicking the + sign. Everything is exactly the same here, but change the distance to 2px.
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Do this once again, changing the distance to 3px. Don't go over 3px, as the shadows will start to look weird!
Now the shadows are all done! This is how it looks
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Something that's pretty common is to use white and yellow for subtitles (if there are two people speaking for example). You're more than welcome to use those colours, but something I personally like to do is incorporate the subtitles with the gif so that it looks more cohesive. I always pick my text colour after the base gif is finished. Let's take a gif from this Indiana Jones set I made a few months ago as an example:
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he looks so good in this movie aND FOR WHAt-
No subtitles... But that is all about to change (oOoOooO)
Write out your text like normal and select the text layer. Go to the character tab (looks like Tt) on the right side to open up it up. Click on the colour box (in this case it's white) so that the color picker appears.
Here's what the screen looks like after all that clicking we did
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Then you chose... but chose wisely... (lol I'm gonna shut up now)
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After I have my colour picked, I drag the dot around to make it lighter. I don't want it to be super bright, so I drag it towards the top and middle to get a bit of grey. That way, it looks a little muted as well as lighter which is what I personally like.
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My tip here is to find the most dominant colour in your gifset if you want your subtitles to look cohesive! Here I've picked a colour, the brown wall behind him because it pops against the greyish tones on his blazer. Here's the final result!
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We've now reached the end of this tutorial. I hope you've learned something new and that this makes you want to make MANY subtitles from now on. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to send me and ask. Also TAG MEEEE (#userlace) if you make something, I'd LOVE to see what beautiful gifs you make <3<3<3
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nico-esoterica · 7 months
Why Does Megan Thee Stallion LOVE Japan? An Astrological Analysis ❤️
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I've seen two or three posts like this or more and it makes perfect sense because through Astrocartography, we can see that she's got her Jupiter line (while its at home in Sag btw) going STRAIGHT through the country itself sitting on top of her Ascendant. So, not only does she feel SUPER lucky but her energy feels EXPANSIVE and UNTHREATENED. Like, she actually feels SEEN AND APPRECIATED and she has 0 need to prove herself, fight for her life, or be anything she's not. She can focus on feeling the vibes and being happy and abundant. Jupiter can also be associated with 'foreign' things so it being in her first in her relocated chart for Japan (I used Tokyo bc JPN has one time zone) makes sense. It's taking a special interest in what's outside of your comfort zone.
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Because she has a natal Jupiter-Saturn square between her 8H speaking to her 11H, it means that she's used to compromising her boundaries for other people's sake who want to benefit her. Like, her abundance seems to always come at the expense of others being in their feelings or that she has to sacrifice (Pisces) parts of herself around others. Like, she's always felt restricted in some way by her environment. Surrounded by people who never wanted to see her win because they felt threatened or intimidated by it. There's usually someone around her playing a victim. Her history's echoed this.
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In Hollywood, her relocated chart elevates her in the public eye at a cost. With an Aries Rising, it puts her chart ruler under duress in her 5H across from her 11H--Meaning that she's popular but her artistry (5H) is weirdly hated and seen as polarizing. That Sun-Mars Opposition also feels rather violent tbh and we've ALSO seen her history with that. A Sun-Moon and Sun-Mars opposition between Leo and Aquarius with her 10th and 11th in Saturn ruled signs answering to a 12H Saturn reads to me like male figures/patriarchs or industry 'old heads' having an issue with her sexuality being so vibrant and liberating (5H) that they actively suppress and punish her (Saturn joys in the 12th in trad astro and equals isolation and Saturn can equal male figures in power). But even with Chiron in Virgo in her 6H trining her elevated 10H planets, including her Venus, it creates a story of constantly feeling burdened to prove herself to the point where she's taught that numbers and figures determine her self worth, making her ultimately doubt herself. That's exhausting!
But in Tokyo and Japan overall, that Chiron is placed ON her MC at 29 degrees (a fame degree in degree astro) and safely trines those Cap planets that have shifted to her 2H. This means that she literally not only makes money there for simply EXISTING exponentially but she feels more natural in her resourcefulness and sense of self value and worth here with the emphasis placed on the 2H opposed to feeling 'over exposed' by it being in the 10H in the other chart because it means that SHE determines how she's moving opposed to feeling the pressures of it being the other way around. Ultimately, the 2nd, 6th, and 10th are all houses we look to as money potential centers but an emphasis with planets in any of those houses is going to paint a different picture. 2H emphasis will feel more independent and the pressure will come from within, 6H will feel more like a cog in a wheel in trying to find its place but will be very successful at it but potentially overworked/overlooked, and 10H emphasis puts someone on the fast track to success but can become overburdened with always needing to prove or outdo its previous successes.
As someone who has so much Saturn in her (Aqua and Cap), she's used to working everything out on her own so the best thing for her, imo, is for her to be in an environment where people just leave her THE FUCK ALONE and let her do what she wants to do and how she wants to do it. The Sun and the Moon here are in the opposite houses of the houses they find joy in in trad astro (sun likes being in the 9th and moon likes being in the 3rd). From being someone (me) who has their moon in the 9th in whole sign, I can say from experience that it creates a pure joy and love in the unknown and in foreign places. It means you have an insatiable desire to educate yourself about your surroundings and you feel the safest around people who are very different from you bc you feel/experience that they judge you significantly less. Bc she has a natal 4H Moon opposing her Sun in the 10th, that sense of safety is vital and it means she's actually always struggled with that. With having a burning need TO put herself in the public eye and be very visible but weirdly feel attacked and unsafe the longer she's in view. It exacerbates deeper issues, imo, around fearing being vulnerable and may make a person create an outward persona as an armor they can wear to protect themselves.
So when her Moon is in a place that's opposite where it normally feels comfortable but she's USED to feeling uncomfortable, it kind of creates a sense of balance where she finds peace and freedom in what's foreign to her bc she's used to what's familiar hurting her. Then with the Sun being opposite of its joy, she's able to explore her inner child (Leo's ruled by the Sun and = children/joy), and find places that connect her to her early childhood interests (3H = early childhood education/experiences). And for her, that was always anime, among other things. So in this country, honestly, she feels the safest, on every fathomable level, esp on an inner child level, that she's ever been.
She might deadass get an apartment or property in Japan. And she SHOULD. They'll love her and she'll return it 10x over ❤️
For those curious, I offer Astrocartography readings here in my Expanded Services section.
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petra-creat0r · 28 days
Deltarune: Fool's Fate - Dusty Fields
Now that I've got the main/important characters of the attic world posted, time for some of the enemies, NPCs, and minibosses! Starting with the first area of the chapter, the Dusty Fields! A purple plain with some wheat grass and pink trees, with a sub section known as Memory Lane. It's in this area, somewhere before you get to Memory Lane that you encounter Jeanie's tent! Speaking of Jeanie, have a riddle. Can you solve it?
21. I can be a place of fun or a measure of justice, add four letters and I can be viewed as equality yet remove one and you won't see me at all. What am I?
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Let's start with the enemies, hmm? Ssnekmer, Accessa-Ray, and Jazzarunic can all be encountered and fought in the fields proper, though Jazzarunic also appears on Memory Lane. Pirolette is only found on Memory Lane. For what they're based on, Ssnekmer is a ribbon snake, literally, Accessa-Ray are piles of acessories, Jazzarunic are old jazzercise equipment/tapes, and Piroletter are little ballerina figures. Not a lot else to say about them. ... Here, have another riddle. Leave the answer in the comments.
22. You can not escape me, yet you have the chance to change me. What am I?
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For the NPCs, a good amount of the NPCs you encounter in the Fields are just non-fightable versions of the enemies, but there are a few unique ones. Jewelry Lizard and Gamiguy are both found in the Fields, while Phototy and Scraptrgeist are found on Memory Lane. Jewelry Lizard is just there to brag about her jewelry, Gamiguys (there are multiple) function similarly to the Tutorial Masters in Chapter 1 of Deltarune and are mostly business guys hard on their luck. Photory gives you a piece of armor in the Treasured Photo, which increases D$ earned in battle. Scraptrgeist is found near Photory and mostly just says a few lines. Jewelry Lizard is a jewelry rack/pile of old jewelry, the Gamiguys are old paperwork/origami projects, Photory is a disposable camera, and Scraptrgeist is an old scapbook/photo album
23. No matter what you add to the end, I always come last. Yet replace three of my letters and I am first. What am I?
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Now the minibosses! Chronolion is found in the middle of the Fields, somewhere right before Jeanie's shop. It's based off a grandfather clock and a lion, with it's mane being a gear that was needed to unlock a door halting progression. Once you spare Chronolion, it pushes it's face into the door to let you go forward.
Sir Slinkwriggles is fought at the end of Memory Lane, right before the next area and is based off Broadway's stuffed snake of the same name. Magician traps and uses Slinky to fight the party, against Broadway's wishes, causing her to get mad and betray him. After wards Magician hops on Sir Slinkywriggles and escapes into the forest before CK and Remie run after him, causing a party split.
Slinky does not appreciate all this abuse.
24. What's value is 0 yet journey's through the deck? Is seen as stupid yet can be used as a trick?
And that's all I have for the first area! I'm almost done coloring the Feather Forest characters, so expect that to be out soon. Just need to color the minibosses. In the meantime...
I believe y'all have some riddles to solve.
25. The imprisoned wish to be me, yet those that are me rarely think they are truly. My domain holds no rulers, yet my land is open to all. Many find me valuable, yet I cost nothing. What am I?
26. I'm always a question but never a person, place, or thing. I am the odd one out among my family. What am I?
27. Two on a side, four on a field. A steed without jockey, yet still I don't yield. What am I?
28. To be me you must learn yet the more you have me the less you have me. Put me before a ledge and I am power. What am I?
29. What can take many forms, from canine friend to valiant knight, and can be always seen through support or sacrifice?
30. I trick people yet I am praised, make people disappear yet they give me a stage, can slip a man’s wallet from out his pack, yet when the shows over I’ll always give it back. What am I?
💣︎♓︎⬧︎⬧︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ⬧︎□︎❍︎♏︎ ■︎◆︎❍︎♌︎♏︎❒︎⬧︎✍︎ 💧︎♏︎♏︎🙵 ♒︎♏︎●︎◻︎ ♐︎❒︎□︎❍︎ ⧫︎♒︎♏︎ ♐︎❒︎□︎♑︎📬︎
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
Ramping up to Disability Pride Month: The disability pride flag By-the-Numbers
I made the images of the Disability Pride Flag that are at the end of my Pinned Post in Microsoft Paint (the version with bolder colors, for tee-shirts, physical flags, brochures, etc., are behind a "read more").
So I've decided to put on my grown-up pants, and finally learn to make vector image versions using LibreOffice's "Draw" program. ...It's kind of driving me up the wall, tbh, because the grid lines and rulers are hard for me to read, and I'm squinting at my computer monitor trying to figure out if all the lines are parallel.
In the meantime, I figure there are folks out there who want to make their own Disability Pride art, and would like to use the right colors without copy-pasting from the stuff I made.
So here are the R-G-B values and Hex codes:
Digital / Online Flag (Muted Colors for backlit screens)
87, 87, 87 (Black) 205, 112, 126 (Red) 235, 200, 117 (Gold) 231, 231, 231 (White) 120, 151, 222 (Blue) 57, 173, 123 (Green)
Hex Codes:
#575757 (Black) #CD707E (Red) #EBC875 (Gold) #E7E7E7 (White) #7897DE (Blue) #39AD7B (Green)
For the physical flag colors, I plugged the R-G-B values of my original design into a Convert-to-Pantone™ generator, picked the closest matches that actually look good next to each other, and put those colors back into the "Straight Diagonal" design.
And here are those color codes:
16, 24, 32 (Black) 218, 41, 28 (Red) 242, 205, 0 (Gold) 221, 229, 237 (White) 0, 156, 222 (Blue) 72, 162, 63 (Green)
Hex codes:
#101820 (black) #DA291C (Red) #F2CD00 (Gold) #DDE5ED (White) #009CDE (Blue) #48A23F (Green)
Best Pantone™ color options:
Pantone Black 6 C Pantone 485 C (Red) Pantone 7404 C (Gold) Pantone 656 C (White) Pantone Process Cyan C (Blue) Pantone 362 C (Green)
As for the widths, on a 3 foot by 5 foot flag (a standard size for a 'front porch' display -- at least, in the U.S.), each stripe is 6 inches wide. On a 3 inch by 5 inch patch, each stripe is half an inch. In other words, the width of each stripe is 1/10th the overall length of the flag -- so the band of stripes together is half the length of the flag.
(I hope that's more clear than mud)
And here are the image descriptions:
The Disability Pride Flag in muted colors (for use online). A charcoal grey flag with a diagonal band from the top left to bottom right corner, made up of five parallel stripes (going from bottom up / left to right) in red, gold, pale grey, blue, and green.
(Print media and such)
The Disability Pride Flag in fully saturated colors (for use with physical media). A black flag with a diagonal band from the top left to bottom right corner, made up of five parallel stripes (going from bottom up / left to right) in bright red, gold, white, cyan, and green.
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yersina · 11 months
a linguist plays chants of sennaar (pt 4)
[pt 1] [pt 2] [pt 3] [x] [pt 5]
we're getting close to the end, guys!!
disclaimer: can't promise that i'll have any insights that a layperson wouldn't have, this is kinda just me thinking through the grammar of the language out loud haha.
this post covers the fourth language and will contain spoilers! it also assumes that you know what the symbols mean already.
additional note: i went and added alt text to my previous posts in this series! sorry for not having them before :)
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before i get into anything else, i think i might as well start with numbers, which are the most unique part of this language and really leans into the portrayal of this society as mathematical and scientific lol. like the arabic numeral system, this number system is base 10, which we can see from the ruler. whether it’s base 10 or not isn’t super relevant to the gameplay or the language, i think?? except that it mimics the arabic numeral system, so it’s familiar to us. i am not a mathematician or logician or what-have-you, so i wouldn’t know—my expertise does not lie in this area lol
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we only have evidence in the game for numbers with up to 4 digits (one on each side and end of the center line) so we don't know how the alchemists would've represented really big numbers. however, the placement of the four numerical digits around the central line suggests to me that this language might have a system that counts by four digit placements, rather than three. (to clarify: in western cultures, we often count and represent numbers in groups of three: thousand (1,000), million (1,000,000), and so on, with a new word for each set of three digit places. in many east asian languages, large numbers are represented in groups of four instead (examples that came to mind were chinese, japanese, and korean, but that’s just what i’m personally familiar with; there certainly might be others). in chinese, we have 万 (10,000) and 亿 (100,000,000), single words instead of “ten thousand” and “hundred million”. the word for million is “hundred-ten thousand” (百万).) since this language naturally seems to represent numbers in groups of four, that's my suspicion. unfortunately, the addition-only calculator in lab 2 only goes up to 9999, so we don't know what happens at five digits; my best guess is that the center line changes (maybe becomes two lines instead of just one, since one line also represents 0?), but obv there's no guarantee.
moving on from numbers, this language is relatively consistent when it comes to visual representation of linguistic categories: verbs have an open circle, locations have the sideways u/semi-circle deal, and people have a triangle-plus-line element to them. interestingly, “fear” once again is more of a noun than a verb in this language in terms of appearance. at this point, i’m inclined to think that this a quirk of the developers, rather than the language; even though fear is often used as a verb in the language itself, its appearance denotes that it’s primarily a noun, which may indicate that the game developers also thought of it as a noun first and verb second.
other interesting combinations of elements/radicals in the language include “mine”, which combines the radical for location and the triangular feature of scientific elements/materials (i.e, “the location where you can find materials”). the word for “seek/want” and “laboratory” share a radical, which suggests that that radical means something like “answer” or “curiosity” or something like that. another fun thing i noted is that the word for “alchemist” shares a similar shape to “i/me”, which might be indicative of a thought like “i am an alchemist”, and that those two concepts are linked, culturally or historically. i also think it’s interesting that “fire” and “fear” visually look more similar to each other than the other nouns—again, could possibly indicate something about how the alchemists conceptualize them? they obviously live in an environment where they encountered monsters that were scared of fire, and they in turn were scared of the monsters—i wouldn’t be surprised if it were the case that these were connected in that way.
i’ve been trying to figure out if this language has a particular pattern when it comes to representing words with an open circle vs dot, but so far i can’t find anything. might just be random/artistic choice!
this language once again returns to the pattern of being SVO, with plural suffixes rather than prefixes like the warrior language. in fact, i would say that grammatically, especially in terms of sentence structure, the warriors and the alchemists seem to be the most similar. no verb-initial languages in this game i’m afraid, haha.
one more language to go!!
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shivroyisbisexual · 1 year
one of those things that I find pathetic are those succession fans who make videos and comments on videos where they GENUINELY root for the man with the most “top dog” vibes and have a whole running hierarchy in their minds about it.
It’s one thing to analyze the show for that — I definitely do, and the characters within the show definitely are keeping score within their different information-limited perspectives. It’s important, a key part of the culture and what makes the characters tic as people.
It’s another thing to really buy in and huff top dog farts about it.
Here’s my list of red flags for boring dude bro succ commenter (woman inclusive term though it’s usually men)
In honor of it being a show about rich fucks I’m using the little golf red flag emoji
⛳️ promotes and defends Logan’s politics and behavior as great and true right down to repeating his lines on being totally self made, knowing how people “really are”, how everyone is out to get him for no reason, he’s a strong family man, he should be in charge because he’s strong enough to tell it like it is blah blah
⛳️ that fucking “hard times make hard men who make good times that make soft men that leads to hard times” crap or however it goes — they really believe in this shit
⛳️ Logan’s word is gospel, to the point of quoting his views line for line as THE literal truth summary of a situation or character
⛳️ The above is taken as true especially about himself and his kids, but this goes triple for anything he says about Shiv. If he says Roman has no fucking acumen that’s taken to be probably mostly true, but Roman is seen as able to rise up and prove him wrong. If he says Kendall is not a killer, that’s probably mostly true, but Ken is seen as able to “rise up” and prove him wrong. If he says Shiv has no real experience and isn’t as smart as she thinks she is, not only is that unquestionably true but she can never rise above it AND she’s not just not as smart as she thinks she is she’s downright stupid. The worst. Definitely married Tom 100% because she’s a coward and that’s alllllll there is to it because notorious family man Logan is an oracle. Perfect font of wisdom. Interestingly this is also how the wrapped around Logan’s finger grown up abused kids act when stressed — they throw Logan’s take downs of each other in each other’s faces as unquestionable truths
⛳️ has little or nothing to say about Connor other than memeing him or calling him likable because he’s not in the fight for succession really and he’s too on the nose a parody of “anarcho capitalists”/“libertarian” crank leaders whose 1%er (in more than 1 sense) runs for high office these boring dude bros have likely donated to and hyped before
⛳️ succeeding Logan is consistently viewed as an unqualified “win”, as is becoming “a killer” like Logan even if a few flourishes toward how evil he is are made, or how they would be better off cashing out. Commenter still reverts to succession = winning. Adopting Logan’s personality = winning. Except for Shiv mostly, she’s just a cold two faced b*tch especially if she acts more like Logan to Tom.
⛳️ former game of thrones viewer who’s main interest was Who Would Win (tm) mostly adjudicated based on who was confident and powerful with snappy lines or bold moves that day and probably was a dude or could be said to owe her shit to a dude or they predicted she’d win but would be horrible as a ruler and wouldn’t “deserve it”
⛳️ even if they hide it you can tell the vibe is they do think any sign a character is gay or bi is a mark against them like they’re definitely laughing at it in a “haha eww” (mentally deducts points) kinda way
⛳️ super basic conventional dude bro views on the wives, girlfriends and escorts being gold diggers, with 0 introspection on the dynamics of that when true being the fault of the rich man leveraging being rich and choosing it also, not being some poor baby getting taken for a ride by a master manipulator, and 0 interest in the complicated cases where yes the money is the main part of it but also there’s real relationships there in some cases too, or the heartfelt delusions of them at least
⛳️ tends to not remember the names of characters like Sophie, Iverson, Rava, Jess and just call them Kendall’s kids, Kendall’s ex wife, Kendall’s assistant lady
⛳️ hard to quantify or prove but they say the SAME thing like at first you think it’s the same dude but no it’s like 100+ different yt commenters saying the same thing word for word on different succession clip vids. Part of this is for sure yt commenter culture where people get into saying whatever broadly appealing thing gets likes or upvotes or whatever they’re calling it there, similar to reddit
⛳️ switches their views on the likelihood of a character to “win” on a dime with the whole dude bro commenter crowd moving as one, and not really seeming to take time to analyze why they were mislead (if they were) before. Like if they now think something else, they were wrong before, and that raises how and why. Here I’m thinking of the group that was totally all up in arms about Machiavellian Greg now hyping Kendall the Killer After-all. With no introspection on why they were SO easily convinced this other guy was going to get it (more or less because it would be a funny narrative if he did and they saw themselves in him and his “perchance” shit). They just really have a gut reaction to narrative beats that Feel Snappy and either clever or dominant, and therefore significant. But they have to rationalize and act like it’s more than it is.
🪂 Special shout out to a different set of succession commenters who annoy me: those think piece writers who claimed Greg and Tom had more “humanity” for sounding like stilted try hards and brought in academics to try and push that.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
I'm sorry if it was interpreted that you wanted a full natal chart reading. I just wasn't sure which natal chart and in which system I should send you the photos.
I enclose my natal chart and my mc persona chart, only for the analysis of my professional career.
Thank you so much
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part 2: career observation (using natal and mc persona)
your mc is in gemini so we are looking for its planetary ruler. mercury in the 12h (yea, i am working off the placidus charts you initially sent to me).
12h jobs: government agents (working in SNAP, USDA, SSA, BDD, etc), bootlegging, nurse/doctor at a walk-in clinic, working at a shelter or half-way home, working in a crime unit, hospital worker, managing large animals, private duty nurse, psychic, prison guard, and retirement home worker.
noteworthy aspect (tight orbs)
mercury conjunct venus: having to care for others in a semi-compassionate manner. dealing with others needs/wants. making others feel better about themselves and their appearance in society. helping people feel at peace. dealing with clothing - uniforms for the self or others. hearing a lot drama in the workplace. dealing with the social affairs of others.
neptune trine mc: working around medical drugs and antiseptics. working under a pseudonym. working with poisonous things (snakes?). working around a water source (aquarium?). an erotic job. artist freedom within field. able to maintain a face of calm without worrying others. working around a lot of masculine energy. maintaining calm in a place of chaos. working with the confined. making written reports.
pluto opposite mc: working in a place of extremes. working with poisonous animals/reptiles. working with the deadly and the uncivilized. deducing what the problems are on your own. job involving sexuality. dealing with those who are moral. working under a pseudonym. dealing with the waste of others.
mc persona
3h stellium: thought of as an intellectual. transporting others (ambulance?). surrounded by gossip - both good and bad. messaging or sharing notes often. needing to be preceptive and on guard. doing a lot of studying. speaking a lot of the time.
gemini mercury at 0°: bound to talk a lot. could be in advertisement. may need to read a lot and often for your career. could be in broadcasting or something where you need to use clear and precise diction when communicating with others. may need a lot of dexterity / hand-eye coordination. might need to speak multiple languages for the career path. multiple phones or being on the phone / on call often.
sun 2°: a wealth degree. likely to gain more due to ambition. authority. making the correct bets - taking the correct risks. confidence. your consciousness of the future. good for doing vocal entertainment (not singing but talking). could be managing others / telling them what to do.
jupiter 2h (mc ruler): often a money indicator. could be a good indicator of singing for a living. lots of financial freedom. might have an old money hobby that you participated in and are known to be really good at (racket ball, golf, polo, etc).
sun conjunct mercury: being in the spot where people are a bit starstuck when talking with you. people may be a bit uncomfortable in your presence - could be seen as threatening ("yes, boss. no, boss. anything you say, boss."). might be interviewed often.
mars opposite jupiter: needing to be cutthroat to gain money. needing to take action for there to be a lot of gain. might have a dangerous or physical job that pays a lot. might be used to seeing a lot of death and/or blood in your line of work. might be gaining money under the table or in illegal ways. might deal with triage. extreme passion for making money - you'd do ANYTHING to make some. a career where sexuality is prevalent.
my guess: EMT, ER nurse, criminal defense attorney, criminal investigator, large animal vet, prison warden, or magistrate.
hope this helps!
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moonglittering · 2 years
✨ vi's power and planetary transits. astrological placement breakdown.
vi’s a celestial powerhouse, but his power is balanced out by the galaxy. it all depends on transits and aspects and what’s going on up in the sky every second of the day. here’s a little peek into aspects! these are all astrological.
conjunction, good aspect, when planets form a 0° angle.
opposition, disharmonious, 180°.
square, disharmonious, 90°.
trine, great aspect, 120°.
can read about the rest of these here because tbh i just don’t wanna get into ALL the numbers here. anyway, let’s give an example. let’s say there’s a daily transit moon square chiron going on, he really wouldn’t want to do spells that deal with healing. a bad aspect affecting chiron, the asteroid for wounds, would ruin everything, he’d be unable to do it with confidence. on the flip side, if he wanted to do a love spell ( he doesn’t do those tho lmao he thinks they’re rly weird ) then venus trine mars would increase his success.
the moon’s tricky. not an aspect, but when the moon becomes void. it’s like ‘ hhhlflfsjkfd. ’ as the moon moves into a new zodiac sign every couple of days, there’s a little break between signs where the moon isn’t making ANY aspects to any other planet. and at that point vi’s just standing there, looking like a powerless little fool. voids don’t last long, usually a few minutes? on a rare occasion, a few hours.
now, with how planets move into signs, that’s pretty simple. let’s get to planets/signs domicile, exaltation, detriment, n fall babey.
a planet’s domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. a planetary ruler is given to each sign, over which the planet has a more powerful influence when positioned therein. a planet is considered to be in domal dignity when it is positioned in the sign it rules. this is the strongest dignity of a planet.
a planet in a sign of a similar nature, but which it does not rule, is said to be in exaltation. the planet gets strength and energy from its exaltation, and thus, its influence is positive.
when a planet is in the sign opposite the sign it rules, it is said to be in detriment. thus, its action is weakened.
a planet in the sign opposite the sign of its exaltation is said to be in fall. therefore, contrarily to the exaltation, the planet loses its strength and influence.
example, let’s use venus!! venus: domicile in taurus and libra, exaltation in pisces, detriment in scorpio and aries, fall in virgo. so if venus moves into virgo, his love related spells would be pretty weak shit. in domicile signs, they’d be strongest. you can guess how it is with the other signs.
side note: his natal venus is in virgo in his birth chart so that’s something lollll.
also his actual cosmic manipulation powers are insanity.
and, in short, he could obliterate earth *if he wanted.
*if everything in space lines up properly… which is rare. will never ever happen lol.
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lazyboxart · 1 year
Things you'll need for this part
Thin pen
Thick pen
Heavy book
Something small you can draw on, preferably small paper or a handheld whiteboard
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Step one - write your comic page
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I usually write comics like this, I work by myself so the comic script can be messy. I stay on six panels most of the time so I can reuse pages, but you should also change it up sometimes, especially on scenes where it needs it.
Step two - plan out panels
Use a small piece of paper or a whiteboard to plan out panels after you've written them. Do the most important panels biggest, and more chaotic panels for more chaotic scenes. You could also use a tablet or ipad and use ibis paint to plan out the panels.
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Step three - sketch the different panels
Use a ruler to decide how wide you want the space in-between your panels to be. I usually go to 0 inches because there's some space between the start of the ruler and 0, but you can also do whatever fits the style of the comic.
Draw the lines with the ruler and a pencil, use a heavy book to weigh the paper down straight so it doesn't move. Make a box on your page, then start adding the gutter (space in-between panels) to separate the panels. Make sure you go outside the lines while you're sketching so you don't cover up the entire line with your ruler when you ink.
Step four - inking panels
Use a thin pen to ink the panels with the ruler. Be sure to not go to far off the line, or go too low down below the other lines. Erase all the pencil marks by holding the paper down and carefully erasing (so the paper doesn't bend)
It should look something like this
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Step five - copying
Swipe away all eraser marks before you copy the page on your printer. You may still have some marks on your new copy, but you can edit those away in your art software. I always make a copy of the page to keep incase i need to use it for later. Use plain paper and 8'5 by 11 (if that's the type of paper you're using).
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Extra step six - thick copy
This is an extra quick step incase you need a more hand drawn and thicker look to your page for now or later. Copy the page like before, but afterwards go over the lines with your thick pen (i use a brush pen) and make it as shaky as you'd think fits the style. It's a quick way to make another type of page and i try to do it with every page i make just incase i need it one day.
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Step seven - put away original copies
I keep the original copies of my comic pages in a folder for later use. After a while you'll have a bunch of blank comic templates to use.
I'll post the next part once i finish and scan the finished traditional page.
Also I'm not a professional, this is just how i make traditional comics
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crossoverworldtree · 2 years
The Atlas Empire
Why, When, What:  The Atlas Foundation was properly formed by a Dragon who once advised Genghis Khan, and now seeks to do the same with his descendants.  He chose the name after being tricked by a Genie he fought in the Atlas Mountains which left him trapped for 500 years, but granted him enhanced mystical powers and a vast library of lost knowledge.  Every so often, he has to seek a replacement heir for the Foundation from the many descendants of Khan (literally, about 0.5% of the world's population - 16 Million People) and uses the current ruler to find the next.  The Rulers change, but the Dragon remains constant.  He is not a duplicitous advisory, but molds himself to fit the needs of each new heir.   He just takes a very long view of things.
The Foundation Itself is sustained through many front organizations all under the "Atlas" logo.  This ranges from Atlas Farms to Atlas Semiconductors.  Some of these are fronts for superweapon development, while others are legitimate business enterprises.  Examples include, but are not limited to:
Atlas Nursery: Which raised Triffids
Atlas Mortuary: which was building a Zombie Army.
Atlas Bio-Tech: This was expanding on In-Gen's research to re-create extinct fauna from their modern descendants.
Atlas Orphanage: This was raising a new generation of Psychic hive-mind children for world domination, in the vein of the Midwitch Incident colloquially known as the "Village of the Damned". 
Atlas Records: About what you'd expect - mind control via pop music. 
Atlas Vineyards: Truth Serum Wine. Actually, rather tasty.
Atlas Munitions: Weapons Development.
Atlas Farms: Actually, wasn't a front and was just a regular Dairy farm. 
Atlas Comics: Seems legit, but operative Ken Hale insists it’s a front.  In his words: "They only had superhero books, and all those had crossover stories, so you had to buy the whole line to get one story! Gotta be a racket."
Atlas Novelties: You ever wonder where costumed criminals get a lot of their gag-themed weaponry?  Not all of them have the knack for inventing it themselves.  Between this operation, and foreign powers funding effectively "Domestic Terrorists", it explains a lot of weirdness.
Atlas Academy of Martial Arts: Was training the finest in evil henchmen available outside the league of assassins.
Atlas Famous Cookies: Super Addictive cookies.
Atlas Auto: Auto Parts chop-Shops and weapons smugglers.
Atlas Mining: Guess where all those mind-controlled by Atlas Records go?  Yup, mine workers.
The new heads of the Foundation under Jimmy Woo shut down most of these operations or converted them to more non-lethal or terrorist fighting purposes. It's not as easy as it sounds.
They as signatories of the Unseelie Accords.
Clout: Criminal (4), Financial (5), Governmental (5), Supernatural (4) (36) Quarters: Huge (5), Multiple Locations (10), Physical Security (4), Supernatural Security (2) Gear: Computers (5), Lab/Research (5), Medical Facilities (5), Workshop (5), Occult Archives (5), Training Facilities (3), Vehicles (Military/Exotic) (5), Weapons (Full Metal Jacket, Getting Medieval) (6) (11) Cost: 47 Points (60-18 from Clout)
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Mr. Lao Date of Birth: Ancient Times Motivation: Give Advice, Steer Humanity Critter Type: Dragon (lung) Attributes: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 5, Per 4, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 36, Combat 18, Brains 20 Life Points: 165 Drama Points: 0-5 Special Abilities: Notice +4, Armor Value 30, Natural Weapons, Flight (Advanced), Increased Speed (Flight Only) +30mph, Hard to Kill 1, Increased Life Points +40, Supernatural Attack (Fire), Tail Stinger (Poison 6), Nerves of Steel, Size 1 , Attractiveness -6, Contacts (Supernatural 5, Governmental 5, Criminal 5, Financial 5), Magic 5, Age (Ancient) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Bite - 15 - 57 - Slash/Stab Claw - 16 - 49 - Slash/Stab Pounce - 18 - 50 - Slash/Stab Fire - 16 - 54 - Fire Tail - 15 - 18 - AP 2, Slash/stab + Poison Magic – 25 – Varies – By Spell Deflect – 25 – Varies – By Spell Mr. Lao is the Dragon mentioned previously.  He is the Grand Vizier of sorts for the Atlas Empire.  He remains while the leaders change.  The deal being he gives them advice and extended life spans, so they expand the empire's interests as they see fit.  At the end of the deal, once they find a proper replacement, he devours them.
He thinks Kublai Khan tasted the best.
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Jimmy Woo a.k.a. Woo Yen Jet, Emperor of the Atlas Empire Date of Birth: 1930 Motivation: Do Good, even if it’s with Evil Critter Type: Human Attributes: Str 4, Dex 4, Con 4, Int 4, Per 4, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 16, Brains 16 Life Points: 57 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Ex-FBI Agent, Daredevil, Attractiveness +3, Love (Tragic), Hard to Kill 5, Contact (Supernatural 3/5, Governmental 3/ 4, Criminal 3/4), Status (Heir/Master of the Atlas Empire), Resources (Middle Class/Rich), Honorable (Serious), Mild Cruelty, Tradition-Bound, Anachronistic (1950's mentality) Name - Score - Damage – Notes Pistol – 16 – 16 – Bullet Punch – 16 – 12 – Bash Kick – 15 – 14 – Bash Agent Jimmy Woo has had a long career in the services of UNIT.  He's fought many bizarre adversaries.  He worked under Nick Fury during his prime spy days and as he became the top agent within UNIT.  Jimmy ran operations against Giant Monsters like Gorgo, and in one of his oddest cases, formed a super hero team in the 1950s.  It was more a special agent task force than super hero team and only operated for about half a year, but it was the first one seen since McCarthy's trials ran most underground or forced them to disband.  That it was under Hoover's FBI (even though Hoover hated it and used any excuse to take it down--and did so successfully) made it easier to swallow.  That it operated in secret made it more so. 
Afterwards, he was relegated to largely desk work from the 1970s through the new millennium, eventually reaching the rank of Sub-Director when he got a whiff of his oldest enemy, the Yellow Claw, being back in operation.  He assembled a team in secret and went to tackle it solo. 
And nearly died along with the rest of his team, left comatose without higher brain function and badly burned by the attempt.  That's when the wheels began to turn and Jimmy was restored to health as if he had physically and mentally been plucked from 1958.  Made the case difficult to break down for certain, but he managed to piece it together with the help of his old team.  He discovered that he was the heir to the Atlas Empire, and chose to run it rather than let it splinter like a hydra.  As the new Khan, "Woo Yen Jet" reigns as the fair-handed leader of a once evil organization with occult powers and a benign public face. 
Sounds vaguely familiar…
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Ken Hale a.k.a. Gorilla Man Date of Birth: 1914 Motivation: Action and Adventure Critter Type: Cursed Human Attributes: Str 9, Dex 4, Con 6, Int 3, Per 5, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 24, Combat 18, Brains 12 Life Points: 100 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Curse of the “Gorilla” Man, Ambidextrous, Honorable (Minimal), Age 1, Occultism +2, Acute Senses (Smell), Enhanced Senses, +4 Survival, Hard to Kill 10, Adversary (Several)
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch – 18 – 24 – Bash Big Ass Pistol – 18 – 24 - Bullet Assault Rifle – 18 – 21 – Bullet, Rapid Fire Hand Held Machine Gun – 18 – 17 – Bullet, rapid fire
Ken Hale was a big game hunter in the 1950s who wrestled a Gorilla-monster bare handed and killed it.  He then inherited the "Gorilla-Man" curse from the poor sod he killed.  He fought it for a chance at immortality, and he got it.  As a Gorilla. 
It's been 50+ years since then and he adjusted quite well to it.  Being roped into Jimmy Woo's team of "G-Men" helped break him out of his funk, and operating with unit since the 1960s as a field agent has let him travel around the world and continue to enjoy people freaking out on seeing a talking Gorilla who can quad-wield automatic weaponry if you pick him up.  When Jimmy went after the Yellow Claw again, he jumped at the chance.  He was the first person to make him feel human since the curse was brought upon him. 
Oh, and if you do manage to kill Ken, you'll turn into the next Gorilla Man.  People try every now and again, but he either talks them out of it by warning them of the truth in the curse, or he gets a new trophy for his collection.  He IS still a hunter after all.
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M-11 The Human Robot Date of Birth: 1954 Motivation: Follow Orders, Programing, explore free will Critter Type: Killer Robot Attributes: Str 7, Dex 4, Con 10, Int 5, Per 4, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 20, Combat 18, Brains 14 Life Points: 198 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Robot, Ambidextrous, Natural Weapons(Extendo-Arms, 100ft range), Supernatural Attack (Taser Hands, Death Ray), Armor Value 10, Regeneration (con per turn), Increased Lie Points +120, Iron Mind, Shield (AV 20, DC 40)
Name - Score - Damage – Notes Metal Fist – 18/17 – 23 – Bash Taser Burst – 18 – 10 – As Initiative Taser, SL Targets per hand Lighting Blast – 18 – 35 – Eletrical, SL targets per hand Death Ray – 18 – 55 – Plasma , SL targets per blast if they are close together Raise Shield – 18 – None – Energy field covers 1 yard per SL, AV 20, DC 40 The Menacer type 11 robot is an intentional experiment in making a human robot.  Most robots like it from the 1950s were elaborate traps to catch data life forms.  This one, however, was built to ensnare and hold a human soul, giving it true "Life".  The Robot is rather inscrutable in its motives and is extremely intelligent, just not very vocal about it.  Since the 1950s, it's been rebuilt with Yuggothian technology and is truly a menace to the modern world if it so chooses. 
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Aquaria Nautica Neptunia a.k.a. Namora Date of Birth: 1914 Motivation: Protect Undersea Kingdoms. Worship Dagon and Cthulhu. Critter Type: Deep One Attributes: Str 10/14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 4, Per 5, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 26/34, Combat 20, Brains 18, Life Points: 110/136 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Resources/Status (Atlantean Royalty, Sovereign of the Deep Ones), Telepathy 5 (Deep Ones and Cetaceans are the only ones worthy of contact), Vril Belt, Armor Value 5, Natural Toughness, Hard to Kill 10, Lecherous (-1), Adversary (Various), Supernatural Form (Definitely not Human), Charisma +5, Acute Senses (Touch), Combat Visions, Regeneration (Con per Hour), Honorable (Minimal), Contacts (Supernatural 5 – The Atlas Foundation) Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch – 20 – 25/33 – Bash Kick – 19 – 27/35 – Bash Grapple – 22 – None – Impairments vary Break Neck – 22/30 – 46/64 – Survival Test needed
Namora is the cousin of Namor, the Submarriner, and king of the Deep Ones.  She is a powerful warrior in her own right and along with her cousin, lead the Deep Ones against the Axis powers during the war.  Afterwards, she kept mostly to herself, occasionally joining up with other adventurers like Nick Fury to hunt Nazis, but otherwise keeping to the regular business of being a Deep One. 
She and her cousin raise an interesting question to the point of all of the Deep Ones being horrific monsters, worshiping Dagon and Cthulhu, waiting for humanity to die off and so on.  They are honorable and reasonable people--though extremely passionate and known for fits of terrifying violence.  Another interpretation of Deep One behavior can be likened to less jerky Elves.  They have all the positive traits normally associated with the Elven races (advanced art and sciences, more in tune with the natural world and how it works and have an isolationist streak), but see the benefits of interacting with and interbreeding with humans.  Namora herself is half human.  Namora herself was slain by a political rival in the early 1970s, but revived by the actions of Jimmy Woo's Yithian associates in 2005. 
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Namorita Date of Birth: 1958 Motivation: Protect Undersea Kingdoms. Worship Dagon and Cthulhu. Critter Type: Deep One Attributes: Str 10, Dex 8, Con 8, Int 4, Per 5, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 26, Combat 18, Brains 18, Life Points: 97 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Resources/Status (Princess of Atlantis), Telepathy 5 (Deep Ones and Ceteceans are the only ones worthy of contact), Vril Belt (+4 Strength, Armor Value 20, x3 Leaping/Running/swimming speed), Armor Value 5, Natural Toughness, Claws, Teeth, Hard to Kill 5, Lecherous (-2), Adversary (Various), Supernatural Form (Definitely not Human), Charisma +5, Acute Senses (Touch), Combat Visions, Regeneration (Con per Hour)
Name - Score - Damage - Notes Punch – 18 – 25 – Bash Kick – 17 – 27 – Bash Grapple – 20 – None – Impairments vary Break Neck – 20 – 46 – Survival Test needed
Namorita is Namora's daughter, a kind girl who idolized her uncle and mother for their wartime heroics on the surface and trained herself to be like them in that regard.  When she reached her mature age, she went to the surface to try her hand at adventuring.  Things were not as easy as they were in Namor's time, she did some solo work and teamed up with other heroic individuals to fight the more nebulous menaces of the wars on drugs and terror.  She even found herself roped into a reality TV about "Superheroes" for a half-season before it folded. After that, she finally got to reunite with her mother after over 30 years. 
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Venus Date of Birth: Lost to Time Motivation: Spread Love and Joy Critter Type: Siren/Demigod Attributes: Str 8, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 3, Per 4, Will 7 Ability Scores: Muscle 22, Combat 16, Brains 16, Life Points: 400 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Young God, Increased Life Points +30, Hard to Kill 10, Mild Obsession (Spreading Love and Peace), Attractiveness +5, Supernatural Form (Unearthly Air: Mesmerize (Meet My Gaze), +5 Attractiveness, Dual Form), Mesmerize: Hear My Voice, Emotional Influence (Love & Peace), Pacifist (2 point version), Artist, Fear of Rejection, Regeneration (Con per Round),Armor Value 10, Empathy, Ancient, Amphibious, Increased Swim Speed +20, Shape Shifting (Minor), Increased Life Points +300, Magic 7, Hard to Kill 6, Innate Magic, The Seeming, Contacts (Olympus Group) 5 Name - Score - Damage – Notes Dodge – 16 – None – Defensive Action Mesmerize (Meet My Gaze) – 26 – None – Line of Command, Crowds Mesmerize (Hear My Voice) – 26 – None – Line of Command, Crowds Feel the Power of Love – 26 – None -  Magic – 26 – Varies – By Spell Punch – 16 – 20 – Bash
Venus is a Siren, cursed to feel guilt for the pain she caused, it took her hundreds of years, but she eventually found the joy of life again and spent her remaining time spreading it, albeit partly as recompense. So many people mistook her for a goddess, she eventually took the name of one.  She's wandered the world spreading love where ever she goes with her voice and cheerful demeanor.  Nice, bubbly, and a little silly.  She embodies not just Eros, but all aspects of love.  Even providing comfort for the loss of it.    Venus has done a lot of different jobs over the years, from production designer, to magazine head to teacher.  In the 1980s, Ken told her about the troubles he saw in the African lands he was cursed in.  She took it upon herself to end the warfare and strife in at least that part of the country.  And she did.  Supremely.  Jimmy called her out of this role to join the team once again.  Her eagerness to "find a bad guy" was intense, so she hopped along.  After joining the Atlas Foundation, she was also drawn into the Olympus Group as a true inheritor of the role of Aphrodite.  She is defined by love above all things.  She loves purely and intensely.  It's really something to experience. 
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Robert Grayson a.k.a. Marvel Boy, The Uranian Date of Birth: 1930 Motivation: Keep things calm Critter Type: Uranian Experiment Attributes: Str 4, Dex 3, Con 3, Int 6, Per 5, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 14, Brains 18 Life Points: 53 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Super Science Devices (Telepathy Band (level 4)/Mind Control Device for Flying Saucer; Flying Saucer), Hard to Kill 5, Misfit, Space Suit (Armor Value 5, Vacuum Sealed), Misfit, Alien Atmosphere Adaptation (suffocates in earth's atmosphere) Name - Score - Damage – Notes Telepathy – 18 – None – Reads Mind Crush – 18 – None – Forces Knockout Mesmerize: Meet My Gaze - 20 – None – Holds Still Mesmerize: What do you See? – 18 – None – Creates Illusion
Bob's life is rather complicated, mired in inter-stellar treaties between a remnant colony of Ancients, the native L'gy'hx, and Mi-Go. Being raised with the ancients, enhanced by the Mi-Go, and accepted by the L'gy'hx, Bob presses on to help his friends in the Atlas Foundation, as they are the only family he has left. the L'gy'hx told him that he would not be accepted back should he return.  He first appeared on earth as a hero dubbed "Marvel Boy" in the 50s but returned to space due to the interspecies intrigues and his neutral status as a native earthling being important in the dealings.  Things went out of control, and he ended up with the L'gy'hx for years before Gorilla Man contacted him again to help Jimmy.  That was the last he saw of his second home.  It weighs on him sometimes, but he is glad to help his friends.
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Derek Khanata Date of Birth: 1973 Motivation: Give Advice, steer humanity Critter Type: Dragon Attributes: Str 4, Dex 4, Con 4, Int 3, Per 4, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 16, Brains 14 Life Points: 64 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: Minority (Wakandan Native), Obligation (To Atlas, and to the King of Wakanda), Ex-CIA Agent, EX-UNIT Agent, Resources (Middle Class), Contact (Supernatural 3, Governmental 3, Criminal 2), Hard to Kill 4 Name - Score - Damage – Notes Punch – 16 – 12 – Bash Kick – 15 – 14 – Bash Big Pistol – 16 – 19 – Bullet Derek was an agent of UNIT when he was put on the Atlas case, and ended up joining Jimmy Woo's organization not long after a new administration released him from duty.  He acts as a voice of modernity and reason in the group of aliens, robots, demons and beings out of time.  Sometimes he feels in over his head, but then he looks at his paycheck and benefits his family receive and is somewhat allayed. He was dropped from UNIT for not reporting the full details of the Atlas Foundation to them (but he did report them to his King). 
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Delroy Garrett Jr. a.k.a. Triathalon, The 3-D Man (II) Date of Birth: 1978 Motivation: Heroics Critter Type: Dimensionally Altered Human Attributes: Str 8, Dex 8, Con 8, Int 3, Per 8, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 20, Combat 18, Brains 12 Life Points: 98 Drama Points: 10 Special Abilities: 3-D Sight, Iron Mind, Minority (African American), Contacts (Governmental 3), Hard to Kill 8, Regeneration (Con per Hour), Increased Speed +20, Natural Armor 4, Acute Senses (All), Enhanced Senses, Hatred (Skrulls), Honorable (minimal), Athlete Name - Score - Damage – Notes Jab - 20 - 19 - Bash Punch – 18 – 21 – Bash Haymaker - 15 - 28 - Bash, goes last Sweep Kick - 17 - 12 - Bash, can trip Kick – 17 – 23 – Bash Spin Kick - 16 - 24 – Bash
Delroy is a man split between dimensions.  This gave him attributes three times greater than that of an average human. He originally was an Olympic star, but as his dimensional nature began to manifest, he tested positive for drugs and had his medals stripped. He found himself drawn into a cult which amplified his dimensional nature, but eventually fell out with them after learning their true goals.  The Atlas Foundation eventually contacted him and helped stabilize his dimensional nature, and bring peace to one demon realm with their help. 
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Wip but it's my Thursday
Tagged by @saltymaplesyrup tagging @mareenavee ( I know you're getting space but I said I was still tagging) @thequeenofthewinter @archangelsunited @snippetsrus @gilgamish @tallmatcha @kookaburra1701 @thana-topsy @orfeolookback @caliblorn Low effort 0 expectation, I know there's a lot of chaos running around but feel free to join in if you like. I have been procrastinating on study because I'm changing my major so I am out of steam on that. So I have um...too many wips in both the art section and the writing section. We have been doing SAD WARS and that means a lot of art and a lot of writing. Like I think I wrote 30K in a month XD ART First I have the Erra render that I've been working on. He's coming along.
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Some Josh about to fuck up some Reavers. IDK I kinda just wanted to draw the Dwarven toe prosthesis which will be more visible if I ever line this lol. under the cut for the rest!
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Pic of Yani too idk. Okay, Writing!
Going to post 3 snips because I've been jumping around wips. First is a section from Mortal Chill
Corprus? But…how? I stood and moved to try to pull the covers off of him, I don’t know what I was really trying to do here. I could not remove them myself. I- I guess I wanted those bandages removed so that I could see for myself. The tumours, the growths that twisted and deformed the body. The broken bones the-
Maera he was so thin, was it the wasting kind? All I could remember were stories of mad creatures that would come screaming out of the southern ash wastes at night. That they had a madness, that they ate the cursed flesh of their brethren. The Urshilaku would warn us every few years of another outbreak of blight. That it had started breaching the Ghostfence.  My tribe did not much care for such things. The lore of our ancestors meant little amongst the Erabenimsun. Our Ashkhans were absolute rulers, our focus war and glory. The news of blight usually fell on deaf ears. Our Wise Woman’s warnings would often go unheeded. It was why my father had made that attempt on old Ulath-Pal’s life after all. Some sort of pact between my kin, the Ensirhaddon who bore most of the tribe’s farseers and mages and the Urshilaku and the Ilaba'andul-Sul family, who were the ruling clan of the northern wastes. It failed, and my kin were systematically executed one by one. I had fled the night my twin sister had her throat cut in her sleep. I was fifteen and utterly alone.
I had run into someone afflicted with blight somewhere around Piran. The wasting the growths. She was practically mad as she lashed out at me. I still have no idea how I had gotten away in the end. Maybe it is because I am forgetting so many things but I know that creature haunts me, Kiang.
Is this really to be my son’s fate?
You shuddered, turning to stroke our son’s cheek. Forty-six years since he was twelve. I guess I was trying to do the sum in my head, had never been good at that, resorting to counting the individual sections of my fingers instead. Three, six, twelve-
“Fifty-eight, Yani. He turned fifty-eight yesterday-I,” you let out a breath, shuddering once again, “I tried to summon you yesterday but- I don’t know why it didn’t work or-“
I couldn’t believe it, the last time I had heard your call and walked through the flames he was still a child, barely twenty-two! You reached for me, your hands on either side of my ruined face. Torn and beaten from the rubble that had entombed me. My ear missing, torn at some point. My face ripped from the razor edge of debris that I had not seen. My throat slashed to such a point that the grizzled meat was visible. It is why I cannot speak.
I was only thirty-one when I had died, barely grown myself. Maera I’ve missed so much.
The second is from Ahzidal's Descent
“Greave,” she held out her hand again, “Teldryn I need it to keep the splint in place.”
He grumbled a little as he reached out behind him, handing her the light, chitinous plate. The surface was a marbled green and beige that dully reflected the sunlight. It had something carved into its underside. Something in what looked like Dunmeris but she honestly couldn’t tell. Sydari untangled the netch leather straps and placed the chitin on top of his shin.
“Tel, I’m going to have to lift this again,” she said as she lightly prodded his shin.
“Do I have to wear it?” He groaned, scratching the back of his head, “I’m pretty sure that’s what irritated it in the first place. Thing was fine this morning.” He shrugged.
Sydari exhaled slowly. Of course, he’d blame the only thing that was supporting his leg! It couldn’t possibly be the fact that he chose to scale this dune! She lifted his leg and started securing the chitin greave to his shin, maybe a little too roughly.
“N'chow! Now I know you did that on purpose!” Teldryn protested, he began to fiddle with the leather strap of his goggles.
“You don’t think that maybe you aggravated your leg by climbing up a cliff?” Sydari pinched the bridge of her nose, “You didn’t even bother to properly brace it!”
“It was fine this morning when I took it off,” Teldryn hunched over his left knee and exhaled sharply, “Thing interferes with my prosthesis, I told you. Plus, I really felt fine this morning, Sydari.”
“You’re not supposed to be taking it off yet Teldryn,” Sydari began to search her pack again, pulling out another small vial, this one filled with a red viscous liquid that leaned violet in the sunlight. Tinged by the minuscule edition of Sleeping Tree Sap. It would dull the pain but make his comedown from the stamina tonic a lot harsher.
“What’s that?” Teldryn asked.
Sydari shook the bottle a little, “It dulls pain.”
Teldryn tilted his head, “Didn’t I just take one of those?”
Sydari shook her head, “No, this one is a bit different, stronger,” she handed him the glass vial, “Just don’t drink all of it, it contains a sedative.”
Teldryn raised an eyebrow, “What kind of sedative?”
Sydari sighed, “It’s a type of sap from this tree in Whiterun Hold, it’s um…”
Teldryn chortled, “Say no more hla’Miluth, say no more,” he raised the small bottle to his lips and took a small sip, “tastes like shit though,” he smiled and handed the mostly full vial back to her.
“You think everything does,” Sydari replied as she replaced the stopped and returned the vial to her pack.
She stood up and offered Teldryn her hand, “Come on, let's get you back to the Netch.”
“Aww come on Miluth!” Teldryn frowned, “It’s just over this ridge, we’re so close. Why go back now?”
Sydari pulled her pack over her shoulder and offered him her hand again, “Because you’re not making it up that hill, not in your wildest dreams.”
And finally a bit from Kagrumez Gauntlet
I took a few steps back, dagger still readied…just in case. The specter reached out.
“It is okay, Dumu, I mean you no harm,” there was an echo to his voice as well, as if he was both far away and far too close. I wonder if that is why he never spoke last time.
“Wha-“I stammered, I had no idea what any of this was.
He held up a hand and shook his head, “Does your Ata know you have that?”
I slowly lowered your dagger, putting it away. I shook my head at the ghost.
He sighed, “Nervyna, these places are death traps for the best of us. You cannot be messing around in here.”
I pouted, “Ata said he’d take me down here to help with his research. We were supposed to be here together but he ditched me with my cousins and came here himself,” I folded my arms, “It’s not fair!”
The ghost shook his head, his hair almost floating around him, “Oh Dumu, I am sure he had good reason. It is a new place, yes?”
I nodded, “That’s why we were going to come down here together,” I told the ghost, “then all of a sudden he decides ‘No! It’s time to go visit your cousins!’” I mimicked your gruff tone as best as I could. It made the ghost laugh.
“Ah, I think I know what is wrong, Nervyna,” the ghost smiled, “Your Ata found that down here, I do not think he wants one of these ambushing the two of you.”
I looked back at the metal mer that lay battered and broken, melted to the floor. Did he see this thing and run? I sighed, “So he saw this thing and ran away? It’s dead. Creepy but it’s dead.”
The ghost approached the broken hunk of metal and knelt over it, “Nervyna, your Ata does not run from these things. This is his doing.”
I walked over to where the ghost was kneeling, standing on the opposite side of the twisted metal mer, “how would you know that? I don’t even know who you are?”
The ghost furrowed his brow or tried to, the long scar that cut across his face seemed to make it hard, even in this form, “Nervyna, I have known your Ata for a very long time. More than he would probably care to admit. I know how he attacks these things. I have seen him do it many times. Dumu I know your Ata took down this metal mer because I do not know anyone else who can melt this kind of metal.”
I stared at the thing’s melted surface. It reminded me a little too much of how an ice mer melts during the early spring thaw. Like the ones that you would build with me whenever snow fell on the mountains to the north of the island. You hated the cold but you would take me up there every year so that we could make one. This wasn’t making any sense.
“I haven't seen Ata so much as take down a slaughterfish let alone whatever this thing is,” I stood and stomped back towards the stairs that lead further into the ruin.
“Nervyna! Wait!” the ghost called back as I descended the stairs. I replenished the light I had summoned with some of my magicka, just like you showed me. ‘Imagine you can make the light stronger with just one touch,’ I had finally started getting the hang of doing that.
The ghost reformed in front of me as I entered a colossal chamber. The whole place buzzing and whirring with that magical steam you always talked about. He frowned at me, bow gripped tightly in his ethereal fist. 
“Please do not run off like that. I can not protect you if you move too far away from me,” he cautioned, though his tone was even and calm, I could tell there was a slight hint of annoyance there.
“I never asked for your protection, ghost. I don’t even know who you are,” I grit my teeth, I never summoned any ancestor ghost. I don’t even know that spell yet!
The ghost blinked at me before sighing, “That is my fault, I forget that you do know what I look like. I am Erra, I was-“
“You’re Aya’s uncle!” I interrupted, I had heard of him before. I had heard of him a lot, in fact. You had called him by the same words that you used for Alma.
For a brief moment, I thought I saw the ghost frown. He smiled again and nodded, “Yes, that is it.”
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jonathankatwhatever · 11 months
Strange reversal, appropriate measure on 2 Nov 2023. I looked at the open tab for pseudorandom graphs, which led me to Erdos-Rényi graphs, which led me to percolation theory, and thus to Kolmogorov’s zero-one law, which easily translated into 0-1-0. Rather than chasing threads of not understanding, looking for something to grab which might be used to pull apart the confusion, I’m following paths of understanding to their roots. The 1-0-1//0-1-0 counting is a root, is Irreducible both at a location, at a 1 or 0 and over certain chains, meaning prime chains. As in, 1-0-1-0-1 is 5 and thus 1-0-1-0-1-0 splits to 1-0 and to 1-0-1 and 0-1-0, while you see that is not true with 5. Look at 9: 1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1 splits into 1-0-1 twice and 0-1-0, which has the effect then of being a 1-0-1 of the smaller forms. Not prime.
The idea behind this is like the twin prime conjecture. You can see the form: 1-0-1 and 0-1-0 define a twin prime, so that form must exist, must exist in potential and since the counting is infinite then it must exist in counting, so therefore it must be an infinite count of twin primes as well because that’s one of the gs prime forms. All those conditions hold. Or you can say: twin primes are the result of 1-0-1//0-1-0 , and thus reflect fundamental structure. That is the importance of the conjecture, which we’ve proven true. To believe otherwise means you insert some reason why the form doesn’t hold after some n count, which is the same as saying the process halts when that requires an intervention into the process for that to happen, some additional reason why 1-0-1//0-1-0 takes on different values. That’s a contradiction because all values are calculated using this simple method of 1 and 0 where we count the places. Note that what’s required is that we start counting: the label doesn’t matter as long as we count in Alternation. Why Alternation? Because we’re simply counting 1-0Segments like we’re going back and forth on one. It also turns into a Greek key scroll in which one step is 1 and the other 0 so it goes up and down counting sideways by the same unit 1, meaning in xK, as yK varies 1 and 0.
You can then see 1 and 0 as Between along an axis which counts probability at and above or below the midline, the 50:50 line which translates into fCM from Triangular as Triangular over gs. That generates the 1 and 0 law: it takes iteration and segments that over the 0 to 1 space. That connects the structures, the contexts, etc. to the statistics.
So this version of counting, and the way it generates gs primes, is the counting back and forth of a 1-0Segment. You can thus see why a counting can be equivalent to a 1: it’s the identification of the number of states, to the existence of those states in that count, as being that same 1-0-1//0-1-0 where you can flip the labels and the result is still that this is the one form in both cases. That is primal 2:1, which is essential Triangular.
You have to admit that is lovely mathematics. Been up since 4AM and it’s now 5:30. The cat went back to sleep. I have a few more notes.
You can extend the work done yesterday to any rational. It just takes building in both directions. Take something really basic like root3/2. Then we have a 3Square over a 2Square and we treat the szK as the dividing line. That means we can invert to root2/3, even though that generates a different result. That’s 0Space: the result is what it is, while the inversion potential is 1Space. You can see the inversion in gs: if we take 3/2, then we have that rectangle in each direction, and we thus can compare like with rulers and compasses and the like, meaning we can construct because we can see that 2 fits into 3 this many times just by laying one down on top of the other.
This also fits to pigeonhole, of course, since that is a direct representation of I//I: holes and objects, 1’s and 0’s or other way round. We can see this in a count as basic as 1-0-1-0-1 or 5. We can fold this at the 1, if we can fold the 1. If not, then we generate 2 halves and an extra. The halves are 1-0 and 0-1, which means they can be matched as 1-0 and 0-1 if you put either in front of the other, meaning you construct a second count, the other chain or Extent, behind the first, so you have a 1-0-1 line running in front of or behind a 0-1-0 count. In other words, if you’re cooking pigeons, you may be able to cut one in half to split the number of boxes among the birds. Otherwise no because that bird embodies the Kolmogorov zero-one law we generate and explain.
This means a rational has another level of calculation. I mean that there are 2 orientations in a 3Square made by shifting root2 to a side so the 3Square appears orthogonal to the hypotenuse of that rectangle. And there are 2 of those counts in a rational, so we have that tree relationship. What if we write a 3Square as a 3/1Square? That enables the 1/3Square, though the result is different, same as above. And the orientation flips of xK with yK make the exact same picture: you just need to look at the hypotenuse at the count you’re at as being the side of the count that’s next, and vice versa with the side being the earlier hypotenuse.
Note this is another example of the shift when you notice something: you see it as a pairing, meaning a 1-0Segment, and when you shift to look it’s like you’re now in the game and that shifts you the view across the fD, across the hypotenuse. This connects directly to how logic forms and thus how logical arguments form chains and how things can be analyzed to their forms. It’s hard to express but when you shift to being the player, to being on stage, to being the character, then it becomes something like the Kipling poem If because now the context which you could ignore or minimize becomes the context you can’t ignore or minimize. This is the mathematics behind the criticism we developed of policy planning at the government or corporate level not fitting the ground facts except in idealized manners which count great as long as you aren’t actually in the game. You don’t have to approach the actual ground for the counting at that level to be way too idealized to work. One way that expresses is failure to gain traction because you’re essentially spinning your wheels, meaning you’re isolated from the system you’re trying to reach, which gets back to the Kolmogorov thing again.
I like mixing metaphors. So do you. Their usage here reflects that this ‘flyover’ mentality is equivalent to mixing metaphors: you need to select which attributes of each metaphor connect to make the chain which fits the policy and its intentions, and that becomes more and more unlikely.
What about algebraics? Well, we’re generating to the szK. That’s what counts the 1’s and 0’s as places or labels. So when we draw those rectangles like for an integer, then we combine at that level. If we have a rational with more calculation than 1 into n (and thus n into 1), then we see those levels appear, each being a chain built out of and down to the root2 of the 1Square which is a grid square. And when we create something more elaborate like some x to the n and some root, then we can build that process too so it Injects as well. That Injection maps the pole to the szK count or counts because we are using variables.
Then remember we defined a transcendental number as those which are pure 1Space and those which are mixed 1Space and 0Space calculations. Maybe get deeper in that if we can. Look at root2: how would you say it is formed knowing it’s label? It’s irrational because it’s gs process constructing a value which reads at the Bip, so when it reads at any End, any gs corner End, then that becomes the Bip in the gs(m) layer to that End’s gs(n).
That constructed End connects to algebraics, meaning we extend to roots of polynomials. Roots because those are the base count of that number form, of the values generated by that polynomial, and thus where they lie on the big segment across the big 1Square of the enclosing gs frame. Transcendentals beyond that generate values too, because they’re forms too.
It’s now just after 6AM and I need some sleep.
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moonspower · 1 year
✨ vi’s power and planetary transits. astrological placement breakdown.
vi’s a celestial powerhouse, but his power is balanced out by the galaxy. it all depends on transits and aspects and what’s going on up in the sky every second of the day. here’s a little peek into aspects! these are all astrological.
conjunction, good aspect, when planets form a 0° angle.
opposition, disharmonious, 180°.
square, disharmonious, 90°.
trine, great aspect, 120°.
can read about the rest of these here because tbh i just don’t wanna get into ALL the numbers here. anyway, let’s give an example. let’s say there’s a daily transit moon square chiron going on, he really wouldn’t want to do spells that deal with healing. a bad aspect affecting chiron, the asteroid for wounds, would ruin everything, he’d be unable to do it with confidence. on the flip side, if he wanted to do a love spell ( he doesn’t do those tho lmao he thinks they’re rly weird ) then venus trine mars would increase his success.
the moon’s tricky. not an aspect, but when the moon becomes void. it’s like ‘ hhhlflfsjkfd. ’ as the moon moves into a new zodiac sign every couple of days, there’s a little break between signs where the moon isn’t making ANY aspects to any other planet. and at that point vi’s just standing there, looking like a powerless little fool. voids don’t last long, usually a few minutes? on a rare occasion, a few hours.
now, with how planets move into signs, that’s pretty simple. let’s get to planets/signs domicile, exaltation, detriment, n fall babey.
a planet’s domicile is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. a planetary ruler is given to each sign, over which the planet has a more powerful influence when positioned therein. a planet is considered to be in domal dignity when it is positioned in the sign it rules. this is the strongest dignity of a planet.
a planet in a sign of a similar nature, but which it does not rule, is said to be in exaltation. the planet gets strength and energy from its exaltation, and thus, its influence is positive.
when a planet is in the sign opposite the sign it rules, it is said to be in detriment. thus, its action is weakened.
a planet in the sign opposite the sign of its exaltation is said to be in fall. therefore, contrarily to the exaltation, the planet loses its strength and influence.
example, let’s use venus!! venus: domicile in taurus and libra, exaltation in pisces, detriment in scorpio and aries, fall in virgo. so if venus moves into virgo, his love related spells would be pretty weak shit. in domicile signs, they’d be strongest. you can guess how it is with the other signs.
side note: his natal venus is in virgo in his birth chart so that’s something lollll.
also his actual cosmic manipulation powers are insanity.
and, in short, he could obliterate earth *if he wanted.
*if everything in space lines up properly… which is rare. will never ever happen lol.
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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➡𝐈𝐌-𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐀, 𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐒, 𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐒. a theory. ⚡ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ. ᴏᴘ ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ Sᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀs
So, since last week when ch. 1060 was released I've been thinking of something. As I adressed some days ago here. So... Many have said that Im’s weapon was something similar to a spaceship while I do not see that AT ALL. In my opinion that thing looks pretty much like a snake or a dragon. So, many people in the community thought -as well as I did- that that weapon can be no other than Uranus, right? And it makes a lot of sense that Im has an ancestral weapon since what could give them such power if not something that scary? How could they be the king of the world if they don’t have an extremely powerful tool so nobody can defeat them?
Ok, so, let’s say that that thing that destroyed Lulusia was no other than the third ancestral weapon, Uranus. Right? It would make so much sense since we know that Pluton (Ruler of Hell) is buried under Wano, Poseidon (God of the Seas) is Shirahoshi who can control the sea kings and Uranus is meant to be the God of Heavens (Zeus)… so, where should Uranus live if not in the sky? Then it would be logical to think that, that thing that sent 16 destructive (that number is hella important, too. But I will discuss it later) presumably rays from heaven to the earth is in fact Uranus.
Now, back to what Uranus might be: - Pluton is probably a machine since it has plans (those Franky burned and memorized during Ennies Lobby), - Shirahoshi, a person, is Poseidon. - What could Uranus be? Probably a creature. And… do you remember what Roger had on his ship when we saw the flashbacks of him getting to Laugh Tale? The damn EGG that we only saw but had 0 info about it. So, what kind of animals hatch from eggs? Birds, and reptiles. REPTILES…. Snakes… dragons… Oh, and do dragons fly?
Surely they do, right? And… do you remember who lives over the fucking red line? YES, the CELESTIAL DRAGONS… Oh, and what is the celestial dragon’s mark? Yes! No other than “the Hoof of the Soaring Dragon”! That mark used to identify their slaves, as if the hoof of a dragon over their backs was their superiority putting a step over them. But wait… there is more! do you remember Punk Hazard? There were dragons, that were created by Vegapunk… but for who? So… what if VP who works for the WG has been asked by them to create dragons that would be similar to Uranus?
Good good, now let me show you WHY everything made sense now. So, I was scrolling through twitter where I saw someone posted a cropped photo of Zoro and Chopper. That photo came from Volume 82’s colour spread. Let me show you…
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Now, take a closer look at Zoro’s clothing… doesn’t it look like a snake? Somehow like a dragon? And isn’t he looking UP? The light comes from the hanabi up in the sky! Usopp is pointing at it, they are all beautifully being illuminated by it… so, does this reminds you of something? It does for me… I don’t know but you, but what Zoro’s yukata has printed in it seems pretty similar to the silhouette over Lulusia…
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But, you could say, Sashi… wtf has Zoro to do with this? well I don’t know, but we don’t really know a lot about Zoro either… so, let’s discuss what we DO know and why it might be linked to it then:
He is linked to Ryuma in some way. Not only he looks exactly like Ryuma when he was young, but he also fought him and the samurai gave Zoro his Shusui.
Shusui, the katana that killed that DRAGON attacking Wano, for which Ryuma became a Wano heroe.
Zoro, who defeated King (with Enma, let me tell you about this later pls) USING THE SAME TECHNIQUE. Both panels from when Shimotsuki Ryuma defeated the dragon (you can read it in Wanted) and Zoro’s cut King’s DRAGON attack are EXACTLY THE SAME.
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also... for some reason, Dragon the leader of the RA visited Koshiro while Zoro was just a little kid training at the Shimotsuki village… why? Maybe they know something else about Zoro. Specially because we know he arrived to the village all of a sudden (that said by Koshiro to him when he thanked Zoro for being Kuina’s friend)
Cool, now, let me address something that’s also linked to Zoro, and it is about Enma and AME NO HABAKIRI. Both Oden’s swords. Enma, given by Hiyori to Zoro, and Ame being now on Momo’s hands. I have a theory that -of course wasn’t a prediction, but still is related- speaks about this… do you know what Ame no Habakiri means? Feathery Cutter of HEAVEN/ SNAKE-SLAYER. Snake… heaven…
So, we could say Zoro is related to dragons a LOT, and, even if it might be just a coincidence (at this point, there aren’t coincidences in Oda’s drawings but let’s say there are) I wouldn’t be surprised that he used our precious marimo to give us some kind of foreshadowing there… maybe a little hint of his past? Who knows, maybe he will be the one who slays that snake during the ultimate war…?
But wait… there is even more. Let’s go back to the look of that silhouette in the sky… what if it’s not some kind of snake related to Japanese culture but from Mayans? Yes! Do you know Quetzalcoatl? The feathered serpent? Let me show you a little bit of this beautiful creature!
You have the FEATHERY SERPENT (ame no habakiri) form and the God form… also the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacan (moon and sun pyramids) , Mexico (I’ve been there several times and it’s AMAZING)
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Awesome so, does this remind you of something? It does to me… SKYPIEA! So, you probably remember Skypiea’s snake, don’t you? And also their architecture… pretty similar to these ones, right?
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Cool. That’s good… now, who was the bad guy in Skypiea? Enel, right? And which was Enel’s power? RAYS! And didn’t he create the “Raigo” (Advent of Thunder)? That ball was pretty similar to the thing that destroyed Lulusia!
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The dragon and snake pattern KEEPS repeating!! This is a plain parallelism with Skypeia (not to mention Nika being first addressed RIGHT THERE WITH FUCKING DRUMS! You know, now we know Luffy is in fact Nika)
But, even if everything looks "similar" we have to get something in consideration... there has been a little bit of confussion regarding those "rays" destroying Lulusia. Many people -myself included at first- thought of them being lightining like Enel's. However, if you take a closer look at how Oda draws lighting you can see how different those falling from the sky to Lulusia are to Enel's.
While lighting is always depicted with zig zag motions, Imu's attak look different. They are straight and have no continuation. (YES, IT IS ODA, IT'S IMPORTANT)
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And so I thought of... if those are not lightings... what could be "spitted" by a dragon then (if not fire?) well... do you remember Kaido's attacks? Bolo Breaths look pretty similar, huh? Isn't Kaido a Dragon?
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But wait, please, I know you are actually hating me RN for this… BUT I have more.
You know Enel did manage to get to the moon, right? Yep, he did. So, look what he found when he arrived to the moon? YES, THOSE CUTE CHOPPER LOOKING HABITANTS! And look what they are showing him? OH HELL YES.
A sun with SIXTEEN swirls (swirls that look like Luffy’s eyebrows when in gear 5th), Humans (that look pretty much like Mayans and Quetzalcoatl itself in his God form), probably… Lunarians? An ARC (Noah), Sea kings and AND THAT THING THAT LOOK LIKE A FUCKING SNAKE.
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So can we please PLEASE start thinking URANUS IS A FUCKING SNAKE/DRAGON? Thank you.
Now, I promise I will shut up after this… You know Uranus, the planet? (jokes aside, please)
So Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun (16 rays ➡ 1+6= 7 -also remember Doffy’s attack 16 HOLY BULLETS? I mean that man knows the secret of Marie Joise after all-)… and it is called that way of course because of the God Uranus, but… do you know that Uranus is an ICE planet?
Do you remember where does Im-sama have that GIANT strawhat? YES, FUCKING ICE.
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So tell me… does Im come from the outer space? Which is their connection to Uranus? Do they have the ancestral weapon Uranus? What is their connection? Idk, but I’m sure all of this has to hide some kind of hint.
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raxistaicho · 2 years
This isn't an ask so much as a vent— I wish people would engage with Edelgard's merit reforms in good faith and by actually considering the society of Fodlan as it is in the games.
Edelgard's comments are all around setting up a merit-based system for responsibilities. She is not proposing a capitalist meritocracy where those who aren't "useful" are discarded. A merit-based responsibility system is fully compatible with a welfare structure where people with disabilities are supported, where they are accommodated so that they can excel at what they enjoy doing (see: Linhardt).
Pre-reform Fodlan is a feudal/hereditary society, and you have effectively a 0% chance of becoming a lord or government official unless you're a merchant with preexisting wealth/cutthroat or unethical practices that allow you to somehow marry into peerage. Any support provided to commoners are totally dependent on the whims of the lord of the territory where they live, and it's a total gamble whether that person is charitable or even competent or not. And even if that lord is inclined to aid those in their area, there's no guarantee the next person to rule the place (due to inheritance, marriage, or conquest) will be. Because crests are oftentimes the main or only deciding factor on who inherits, it's pretty much a gamble what you'll get a few decades down the line. A ruler who simply tries to teach or encourage their lords/officials to do the right thing will not address a) incompetent people who've inherited a role, or b) malicious or greedy people who are like "yeah, sure, I get you want to look after the weak but I'd prefer to just fill my coffers, thanks."
This is not a space where people with disabilities or other marginalized individuals are supported. At best, I suppose you could hope the church would take you in, but heaven help you if they see you as unworthy, inconvenient, or dangerous (see: Hapi).
Edelgard's reforms would help get the most capable people carrying out roles and duties that impact large groups of people. Optimistically, this creates a system where "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." And even if that can't be fully accomplished immediately, at worst it at least sets up these improvements as possible, rather than keeping Fodlan at the static mess it was before. Anyway, I kinda wanted to ramble to someone who would listen, so thanks for letting me do so!
Outright socialism is far beyond Edelgard's reach, lol, but her new system is a definite improvement from the feudalism Fodlan's currently under.
It's far from perfect, but it's finally getting the continent moving in the right direction.
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