#i use the block button so liberally lol
horrorgay · 14 days
beautiful world where you can block anyone forever
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bookofmirth · 1 year
I’m fairly new to the acotar fandom. Read all the books in January, and am curious as to Elain and Lucien pairing. So he’s her mate, but they’ve never had any interaction with each other until she was forcibly turned into Fae. It’s also been stated in the book that mated pairs are not always the right choice and the bond can be rejected. So why shouldn’t she reject the bond?
Hello! I hope your time in the fandom thus far has been enjoyable. Use that block button liberally though, that's my advice to you lol
This is an interesting question and it’s related to something I’ve been thinking about lately. However, imo the fandom, or some people in the fandom, are approaching this question in the wrong way. So my short answer is:
The real question we should be asking is why will Elain accept it? Because by making Elain and Lucien mates, sjm has already told us they are endgame.
You could stop reading there and get the gist of this whole post, but my longer answer explains why that’s the real question. I'm actually going to put the rest under the cut since it got long. Also to make it harder for the people I've blocked but still stalk me to read my post *finger guns*
Sjm uses the mating bond to tell us which couples were always meant to be together and will be endgame. Any time we learn about a mating bond with main characters, everything clicks into place and we know that that’s it. That’s that, it’s endgame, no more questions or messing around. That’s how the fandom viewed elucien from the moment that acomaf came out. It was a moment of “oh, that’s where she’s going, sounds good then!” It wasn’t until much later that some people got into their feelings about Mor and Lucien and Elain and Az and decided they’d prefer something different. But what a reader wants and what the writer intends are two different things, and because she made Elain and Lucien mates, it’s clear what she intends.
I've made a post about why it's important that the bond can be rejected, which is here, but the tl;dr is that if you know it can be rejected, then the characters still have some semblance of choice and it also creates much needed tension - in every romance novel, you know who is getting together, you just don't know how they will overcome their obstacles. For Elain and Lucien, the mating bond actually serves as an obstacle to their relationship that they have to figure out how to deal with. It's creating a lot of tension for them, which sjm said they will experience.
The thing I’ve been thinking about lately is which came first, the chicken or the egg, where the ship is the chicken and the mating bond is the egg. I think we can answer this one, though. Given the number of mates she writes and the fact that her characters go through multiple relationships before they get there, the ship comes first. She has even said that she when she writes, she decides what relationships are going to happen, and then she figures out how to get there.
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(this is from here, thank you @yazthebookish Yazzy)
So that’s where the mating bond comes in. Sarah decides on the ship first, before anything to do with the world or plot, and the mating bond is one of the tools to get them there. The mating bond is honestly just incidental.
It's not that Sarah decides to make characters mates and then decides if they will stay together. She makes them mates because they will stay together.
Could this change? Sure. Do we have every single main character pairing being mated to make us feel pretty confident that this will remain the case? Yeah. I think it's also important to note that every example we have of an awkward or wrong mating bond is with extremely minor characters (save one example in hosab which is clearly, clearly being painted as a horrible shitty thing, and nothing like what Elain and Lucien are experiencing now, but even then it's side characters).
When sjm told us in acomaf that Elain and Lucien are mates, she was telling us that they are endgame. It’s as simple as that and she’s not a subtle writer. After that happened, she talked about them as a couple at book events because she was like “hey they all know, cat's out of the bag! Clearly I intend for them to be together so I can talk about it.” (I tried to find my post with all the screenshots but the tumblr search function SUCKS. If anyone else can find it I will love you forever.) Here is one post with a screenshot thank you @the-lonelybarricade!
Okay here is the post that has the best breakdown of what sjm has said re: Lucien, Elain, and being mates
I think it’s an interesting conversation to have, why would or should someone reject or accept a mating bond, hypothetically. But in reality, this is how sjm works. So maybe the question of why Elain should reject or accept the bond is an interesting one to ponder, but you don’t see those conversations about nessian and feysand (or rowaelin, or quinlar, or Kallias and Viviane, or anyone else) because we know what the mating bond means. So to me, those questions are interesting in the context of looking at the mating bond as a trope, as it's used by many many authors, but we already know what it means when sjm uses it. On a related note, here is a post with all the ways that characters think/speak about the mating bond in acotar. It's clearly a positive thing, and sjm has no intentions of writing it in a way that would lessen its importance, because that would then lessen the magic of when Feyre finds out about Rhys, and when Nesta struggles to accept that she has one with Cassian.
I think it's interesting to note that any time a character wonders if they have a mating bond, or expects to find out about it any day, they are wrong. Feyre wondered when hers and Tamlin's would show up, Rhys tells us that Az had been waiting for one with Mor, apparently now he's wondering that re: Elain, Lucien was waiting for his with Jesminda, and in ToG Aelin wonders if she has one with Chaol, or had one with Sam. None of those turned out well, though. (thank you @fracturedarkness and @highqueenmorrigan for helping me remember who did this. <3)
To your question though, I do think it would be an interesting thing to explore if Elain did reject the bond, or if Lucien did, and then what their relationship would be like afterwards. Lucien is still Feyre's friend and working with the Night Court. Elain is still living in the NC. It's not as if they would never see each other again, but they will always have the bond between them, even if they officially reject it. It'd be interesting to see how their relationship (platonic, romantic, whatever) developed without the pressure that the mating bond presents, but as it is, the mating bond is creating that tension for them. Which is tension that sjm said they will have in the freaking screenshots I can't find.
For me, them being mated is just a sign from the author that they are supposed to be endgame, and then the rest of it is us trying to figure out how that is going to happen, what it will look like.
Okay sorry this got really long, and tbh it doesn't need to be because I think that sjm is very clear in her intentions and we all know this, which is why you don't see people questioning the other mating bonds in the series, and why you see people trying to explain that canon facts are actually a huge conspiracy theory.
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jonsaslove · 9 days
How do you deal with hate comments on your fics? Some people don’t know how to hit that back button or have manners. Fic writers write for free and we put our hearts into it, but people can be so needlessly mean and entitled. I don’t let it stop me from writing, but it did make me turn off guest comments and only show to reg users. Seeing a new comment email gives me anxiety now instead of excitement.
I have been very lucky that in the nearly five years I've been posting fics I've probably got less than 10 "true" hate comments in the sense of someone just telling me to die or swearing at me or saying that the ship I'm writing for is evil. And honestly those comments make me laugh because the people leaving them are clearly miserable and not worth my time, the comments are deleted and I move on.
However, I will say there have been many comments that I've gotten that are "criticism" veering into hate. I don't necessarily oppose constructive criticism (I know this is a complex topic for fic writers but I digress) however, my biggest issue is that many people leaving those types of comments that don't know how to leave actual helpful criticism.
Comments that look like this for example:
"I really like this fic but I don't understand why you made X happen, that's so annoying because this character is so awful."
It's not helpful at all lol, and it really is just mean at the end of the day. If you don't have a reason for pointing something out besides "I don't like that creative choice" it's probably best to leave it be.
I don't know if you have read my fic, "castling the king", anon, but either way, I got countless comments bashing my portrayal of Robb's grief over Talisa. The fic is very much Robb/Margaery, Talisa is dead before the opening lines, however her presence is very much felt through the story. Obviously this was an intentional decision by me, and her memory is very important to both Robb and the development of Robb and Margaery's romance.
This was not to everyone's taste, and while some comments I could understand, (along the lines of say "I feel like Robb is still in love with Talisa and disrespecting his relationship with Margaery") and comment back with my own interpretation of why I disagreed.
However, overwhelmingly these types of comments were just straight up Talisa bashing or Robb bashing or both or disparaging the storytelling choice with no real criticism beyond, "I personally don't like this".
I won't lie, those emails are hard to get lol, it sucks to see someone comment on your fic and then when you open it it's something negative like that. Luckily, the comments like the one I described are still in the vast vast minority and I have so many lovely readers who leave equally lovely comments.
To conclude, my advice would be that at the end of the day you should write for yourself first and foremost, everything else is a bonus. Block and delete liberally, or use other boundaries like no guest comments! (I apply this principle to my entire existence in fandom and the internet in general btw, it's all about curating your experience to be maximally enjoyable.)
I hope you are able to work through the anxiety, it sucks. Try and remember that the people leaving hateful comments are either misguided (if I'm being gracious) or very sad people themselves and are not a reflection of you or your writing.
Thanks for the ask and listening to me ramble <3
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winterpantsu · 22 days
How do you feel about people who deliberately misgender the canon lamb?
Like they know their identity and everything but still insist on calling them X gender and claiming that gender as canon despite being told multiple times that isn't the case.
Sorry if this is oddly specific lol, it lowkey is.
It’d be super annoying if it was my version lamb that was getting misgendered. But if we’re talking about the canon lamb, like in game lamb, then I don’t really care? Cause while the lamb has a canon gender expression/pronouns, they’re also meant to be blank for the player to project onto. Now without player interference they’re a they/them. But ultimately i don’t wanna waste my breath correcting people misgendering a character that’s an intentional blank slate. Like I used to get annoyed by it and honestly, I still kind of do in a sense because it’s still really rare to have like canon nonbinary characters. But honestly, honestly, when those people come around and try to correct me and go ‘erm AC-SHUALLY’ to me, I just ignore em, if it gets super annoying, I block. I feel like I’m much more liberal with the block button and then I used to be. So yeah, my answer is I think it’s annoying but at the end of the day, there’s nothing you can really do about them except like block them.
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gxldencity · 1 year
4, 7 & 24 for the 🔥🔥 asks!
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Tbh I don't have a last straw anymore. I use and abuse the block button liberally. If I see an annoying opinion, I block. Sometimes, I don't even finish reading the post because you usually can tell it's rancid from the first 2 lines.
I've blocked half a fandom at this point bc of the constant negativity. I simply don't care anymore. I'm here to have fun. If you take personal offense to that then that's your problem not mine.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Alngksgnw as you're said hate IS a strong word and I don't hate characters really unless there is a good reason for me to hate them.
So when I say I began to dislike Dorian Pavus after seeing how the fandom acted towards him, I don't hate him. I guess I do find him fascinating and relatable to an extent but I also don't think he's written perfectly as some people act like he is. Revisiting Dorian's quest as an adult with a fully developed brain and way more comfortable about my own queerness made me realize that I dislike how Dorian didn't really have agency whether to reconcile with his father or not. I know it's the point of The game to have a choice but Idk a bit more dialogue about the choice could've easily solved that problem for me.
I also have issues with Dorian's Indian coding lmao and have since felt like I was duped. It just feels like a cop-out? Like Gaider and team knew about the complaints people have about his comments wrt Asians in Thedas so they made him Asian—only mentioning it in a forum post or Twitter I think 🫠 so to this day ive seen people still surprised that he's Asian—without considering how to code him as Indian in the game.
Things like his clothing having some influences from the cultures in India or family structures and mannerisms. I mean it could be as simple as Indian coding the people of Quarinus so you don't just have this one Indian coded family in the entirety of Thedas. The Alexiuses could've also been Indian coded.
(An aside there's more layers to this like the unfortunate implications of coding a group of people who own slaves as poc but I could write a whole post about Dragon Age's attempts of trying to put Asians in this game)
Anyway, that's canon lol. Fandom makes this all worse. I could just point at the Orientalist depictions of Dorian in fanart and just end it here but nope it goes deeper. Somehow, Dorian attracted the worst kind of fandom. Like the Solas and Cullen stans maybe louder but I was there Gandalf. I was in the trenches. People were forming cliques around this one BNF and their friends. I was in the clique and it was all good until Tresspasser dropped.
You see this clique hated that Tresspasser ended with Dorian and the Inquisitor being in an LDR—because Dorian was off trying to fix a country—to the point where some of them acted like they broke up. Hello? Okay 1) That is such a poor reading on long distance relationships 2) Dorian...got a phone crystal for the Inquisitor, u know a tech that didn't exist in Thedas so they can stay in touch.
It also isn't enough that they didn't like it. Others have to Not like it as well. I remember talking to the BNF about my Inquisitor and Dorian, how they stayed in touch as Dorian was y'know trying to fix a country and the BNF told me that it was a depressing situation for my Inquisitor and Dorian...even though it isn't and they're perfectly happy.
(An side, not from this clique but I wouldnt be surprised if some of them also held this opinion but I saw some accusations from folks that Bioware is homophobic because Dorian and the Inquisitor are in an LDR. This is how batshit this fandom is).
Anyway, to keep it short, I was 19-20 when all of this happened. I probably said some stupid shit around that time but I should tell you these people were in their late 20s to early 30s. They were affected by a 19-20 year old with just a handful of followers saying stupid shit. They were so affected by the barely adult saying stupid shit that one of them stalked me, vagueposted about me and when I found out they were vagueposting about me, proceeded to gaslight me and told me I was the one stalking them. :)
Not only that, they also harassed one of my friends to not posting their fics ever again, harrassed a friend of a friend for trying to steal the BNF's spotlight 🙄. Come on some of you have fucking children.
I don't think I could look at Dorian in the same way which is a shame because for a time he was important to me but like God, it was rough.
I also have not forgotten nor forgave :) hence why I have the studio behind that chorus game or whatever it's called now blocked :) and would not be playing it. Do not care if David Gaider is the one writing it. I mean he kinda was the weakest link in that writing team imo (and I also hate his prose).
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Very cliche but anything to do with the mages and templars
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starlightkun · 6 months
hello! do you perhaps have any tips/advice for those starting their first writing blog?
my tips r mostly gonna b mindset/writing tips rather than like "hacking the tumblr algorithm" type stuff so if that's what ur into then read on:
first up, let's get the few "notes/numbers" tips i can give u out of the way:
from what i can tell, most readers read from the tags rather than their dashboard, so pay attention to what tags people actually use for fics (throwing your tags in the general tags for groups/idols generally isn't as helpful for getting people to actually READ them than putting them in the actual fic tags bc people go into the general tags more for visual content [pictures/gifs] or updates from my experience. when people want to read fic, they go into those fic tags)
this is just a courtesy thing: please tag your stuff correctly! if your fic is, for example, a reader x taeyong fic, only use taeyong, nct, nct 127, or nct u-derivative tags, do not use any other unit (wayv, dream) or any other member tags, even if those other units or members are mentioned or have substantial roles! (a proper love triangle is different, u can include both legs of the love triangle). i assure you, if you spam tag, and put your stuff in places it doesn't belong (god forbid in completely unrelated fandoms or groups), the people who went in those tags looking for content actually about that thing, are just going to be annoyed at best, and pissed off and block u at worst so they don't have to see ur work in their tags ever again. some ppl use the block button very liberally (as is their right. spam tagging fics is annoying as hell)
also, try to keep up with what tags readers are actually going in to read. i've been reading & writing fic for 10+ years now, and have seen the evolution of language in fandom and around fic writing, primarily on tumblr and i've had to uh, keep up with the times to make sure my fics were following wherever the readers were. this shouldn't be hard if you're an active reader yourself but it was something that caught me off-guard when i realized we stopped using "imagine" at some point (dont even get me started on the change from lemon to smut)
post formatting! figure out how you want to format your actual fics on tumblr and stick with it! (trust me....it's exhausting changing ur formatting across dozens of posts.............. but if u rlly hate it after a while just commit and change it lol);; take inspo (dont just copy and paste bc that's tacky) from some of ur favorite writers, figure out what u like to see in a fic (heading text of the title, picture header, indentation, small text, word count, genre tags, content warnings, pairing info, preview, summary, dividers, etc.), and decide what u want to include in urs!
and now my more "mindset/writing" tips:
this is literally in my pinned: i write for fun and for free. i write things that i like, and because i enjoy doing it, and i post them on the internet for free. it is not my job, and coming online should not be stressing me out. and i've been able to keep that up for a year now since my comeback after an unexpected hiatus, and it's honestly been one of my best years of writing as an author.
i think that figuring out a way to write in a way that's sustainable and fun for you is the most important part. people will stick around if you can find that. i've been able to create a community around my works no matter what fandom i was in, for 10 years, and that includes 10 years ago when i was literally like 12, 13, 14 years old writing things that 12, 13, 14 year olds write. and i do think it's because i was always having fun, and interacting with the people who stuck around. and when i stopped having fun, i was done. nct has officially been the longest fandom i've written in, even discounting my year hiatus, which is crazy to think about btw
when you get someone who follows and interacts and is a recurring reader/reblogger/asker/commenter, i'm sure u will already be like '!!!!!' bc that's what my brain does anyway, but make them feel welcome. don't just focus on the tags and the numbers and the notes. what really makes me feel good at the end of the day is seeing the same few people come back and talking to them and knowing that they like my stuff so much they wanna read more. to me, the tags are a means to an end. the tags are a way to hopefully get a few more people like that to find my blog and follow and stick around for more in the future.
small blog org tip: make your blog easy to navigate for people who are checking it out for the first time from finding a fic in the tag or from someone else rbing it or smth! i always link my masterlist at the end of every fic, it's in my pinned and description, and i just try to make it very easy for people to find more fics of mine if they want to :)
i think that compared to other social medias, you'll find that it's slow but steady growth on tumblr (or at least, that's been my experience), but as long as you're writing what you like, it'll make the rocky start feel a little less rocky (i know it sucks when ur not getting any notes. i know. i promise. it's like bringing a cake to a party and nobody eats it. but sometimes u just have to have a piece of ur own cake and go home and bake another one bc u like baking and hope maybe next time everyone will see it)
and just remember that this is your blog! post stuff you like! don't be afraid to let people see the personality of the person posting all these fics that they're reading. most people like knowing that kind of stuff, even outside of stuff like ur bias or fave unit or wtv. i make all my unhinged posts (which, admittedly, have ended up costing me some followers but if u can't handle me at my unhinged perfume jungwoo posts then u don't deserve me at my buzzer beater sungchan) and post pictures of bread and complain abt work or whatever in addition to all my stuff about my wips and then the final fics. i think treating ur blog like an actual blog does a lot to make it feel like there's a real person behind the acct
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skull-keeta-art · 1 year
Hello, hello!
I might as well properly introduce myself, now that I've posted quite a bit now. I'm Keeta, but you can call me Skull if you want, or combine the two, it doesn't matter to me lol.
I go by she/he/they pronouns, use them however you want. You'll probably notice I bestow the honor of using any of those pronouns interchangeably to a select few my favorite characters as well.
As of right now, I've been drawing mostly Sonic art, but I also draw a good bit of Kirby and Mario art as well. Every once in a while I'll draw something not from those things.
Things I'm working on in no particular order:
1. Future married Sonadow AU
2. Born of a Star Sonadow AU
3. Random Sonic fan art
My DNI is already on the top of the page so I won't repeat it. I use the block button very liberally, even for minor things so don't take it too personally if I block you.
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spicy-lefaiye · 1 year
pinned post
hi this is my very cool very swag spicy sideblog, because i personally wanna keep my main blog more like. pg-15 or so i guess. idk. but i also do write spicy stuff <3
basic info about me:
they/he (transmasc)
it'd take a long fucking time to explain my orientation so just know i'm acespec and arospec and i love men <3
this is a sideblog. i will not be following from here. <3
aaaaaand i'm not gonna make a full dni b/c i'm not really into those (as in, i don't personally think they work lol), but just know i use the block button very liberally and that's just how it be. the only hard line is that absolutely Do Not interact with this blog if you're a minor, i am not kidding.
anyway just Some Things to keep in mind:
i like writing about trans characters specifically having a fun sexy time so a lot of my smut on this blog is probably gonna feature them.
however, there will be *some* cis characters. like uh.... some. we'll see.
i'm not gonna make a list of kinks or anything lmao but any writing or art i post will have content warnings as needed and also just like. tags for kinks.
this is gonna be a pretty kink-positive space. as long as no real people are getting hurt and everyone involved is a consenting adult, i genuinely do not care what you're into in the bedroom.
that being said, i do have some kinks i'm personally not comfortable with! not gonna list them here but yeah <3 i'm not going to judge you if you like them, but they're not for me.
i'm a furry lol. there will be furry porn here. if that's an issue then idk what to tell ya
i do not take requests at this time. i do, however, take commissions :) yeehaw
i write a mix of fandom content and oc content, but i most likely won't be putting any fandom content in the main tags. if anyone i don't know looks at this blog i might throw up /lh
i doubt this'll come up, but just know i don't fucking care about ship discourse. i have my personal boundaries and things i will and won't write, but i'm not interested in discourse.
okay idk what else. if i need to add anything else here i'll add it.
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passion-punk · 1 year
Updated Pinned For A New Year
Hello once again who ever is reading this
you can call me Passion
25, he/him, gay trans man
sub/bottom Unsure now lmao
Not looking for partner of any sort
Aus based
For expanded version of above please see my about page
Now For Fun Stuff:
(More Commonly) Featured Kinks:
Terrato / exo
breeding (rarely any actual preg)
mild humiliation
mild degradation
(consensual) rough stuff
May be present:
more hardcore humiliation 
sadomasochism (ya boy is a big ol' masochist lol)
(consensual) free use
hentai / ahegeo adjacent stuff
Very Very Rarely:
dub con
actual pregnancy stuff
heavy drool
anything to do with saliva beyond drooling
the use of “daddy” (never in an age play / ddlg/lb way)
blood (very unlikely to be in a knifeplay sorta way)
For expanded version of above please see my Into or Nah page
DNI (aka I will block you on sight)
minors/ageless blogs (Note: If you don’t have your age in your bio / pinned post on the blog you follow/ like / reblog from I will block you)
people solely attracted to women (I am a gay man, this is the focus of the blog why are you here?)
"Men DNI" blogs (again I am a man, why are you here?)
any brand of transphobe (this includes Truscum/ transmedicalists as well as TERFs etc.)
(related to above) misgendering / detransition kink blogs
homophobes, general lgbtphobes
DDLG/LB, age play or anything similar, paedophiles/pedophiles, anyone allowing minors in kink, incest fetishists
feeder/fedee blogs
General bigots too obvi
(All in all I am very liberal with the block button lmao)
I will tag stuff if people want it tagged, just shoot me an ask. That said I’m shit at social interaction so sorry if I don’t respond very well.
If I reblog something that you as the op want me to delete am happy to just send me an ask / message, same goes for stolen/unsourced shit (I try to check but in case I miss something). 
I will occasionally reblog manga/etc. caps,  when I do I try to check that the content doesn’t feature content from my hard nos (found here) and if I later find they do, I’ll usually delete the rb but just in case this is the warning and am sorry in advance. 
Blog is run on a queue cause my drive is unstable as shit (cause of meds + brain-weirdness + T)  so is rare for there to be no new posts unless it runs out (very rare cause I usually max the queue every couple of months).
Disclaimer: If you know me irl and find this blog you have to tell me or its entrapment
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piduai · 2 years
im glad i dont really go into the gk tag bc from what you're saying...... WHO trash talks sugimoto and asirpa. they are LITERALLY the best characters ever i don't accept criticism like they had a meaningful and coherent and interesting story...... what kind of person can't appreciate them...... also. i love them so much brb crying they're just so!!!!!!!!! anyways. do you want cat pics.
that wasn't about the gk tag tho it was about twitter 😔🔫 i mean the tag here is bad too but 1. gk is just not popular on tumbler dot edu so the amount of stupid garbage is limited and 2. i use the block button liberally and my blacklist is long. but i was bored yesterday and decided to pluck the bird's feathers for a bit and my blood pressure went up in 5 minutes no cap. which is why i'm asking how you people manage because i know that if i had to read that stuff all the time i'd turn SO nasty like i'd become so passive-aggressive and bitter and talk shit all the time. i guess this explains why twitter users are like this tho LMFAO but also it's so sad. because even if you curate your tl like crazy you still have very limited control over what flows into it. hm. anyway trashing sugimoto, asirpa and yuusaku are the biggest gk red flags to me lol like i KNOW this person does not have anything of value to say MOVING ON. it's just that calling sugimoto and asirpa underdeveloped compared to ogata and tsurumi annoyed me SO much because no they're not underdeveloped they're just not edgy and villainous. maybe take a break from your emo phase and appreciate brighter things in life for once. idiot. and yes any day of the week any hour of the day i want cat pics
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helluvahotmess · 22 hours
absolutely no pressure at all, I just wanted to ask if you might consider tagging posts with helluva boss negativity? I mostly mean the ones talking about it theoretically (like those about the people who've been talking shit about the story over the stolas thing), since I don't actually remember you ever reblogging like. direct negativity lol. I love your blog to bits, and I'd just love a way to filter those out, since without them I wouldn't even know there are opinions like that in the fandom (I'm very liberal with my blacklist and block and unfollow button haha it's served me well so far) again, no pressure at all, I just wanted to ask <3
yeah of course i usually use the the tag 'hb fandom critical' (or hb fandom crit?) i havent used it for a while i genuinely forgot so i'll try and remember to add 😅
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prentissluvr · 6 days
about me !
⟢ alias : marí, i also go by ria or maria! ⟢ age : 19 ⟢ pronouns : they/them or they/he ⟢ transmasc/gender non-conforming ⟢ lesbian ⟢ white latine lol ⟢ i speak english, spanish, and korean ⟢ my current favs are sam (spn) and emily, hotch, and luke (cm)! ⟢ i use a lot of pet names, lmk if there's any that make you uncomfortable!
general blog rules !
⟢ dni : basic criteria, homophobic, transphobic, zionist, don't support the liberation of all people (palestine, sudan, congo, and many more, truly all people), racist or discriminatory in any way, send anon hate, wincest of any kind, tba probably ⟢ please don't send asks if you're younger than 16 ⟢ minors and ageless blogs dni with my nsfw content ⟢ if i catch any of things things, i block immediately !!! ⟢ from anyone else, any sort of sfw ask is more than welcome! i love love love to chat i swear i'm actually very nice lol :)) ⟢ established moots/friends can send nsfw asks off anon so i can answer them privately! otherwise i no longer accept nsfw or suggestive asks ⟢ i reiterate, no kind of hate, discriminatory comments (targeted at me or anyone else), or wincest is tolerated on this blog !!! i use the block button very liberally :)
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stardustroleplays · 3 months
Rules & About
Obviously I can't stop you from interacting if you aren't open enough about your views to get blocked, but know that bigotry of any kind is not welcome here. I can and will use the block button very liberally in that regard.
I only write with people who are 18 or older.
That being said, romance and smut are NEVER a requirement. I'm just as happy roleplaying familial, platonic or hostile relationships. For example, just because one of my characters might have a romantic dynamic with a canon character in one thread with one user, doesn't mean I aim for or even want that every single time. Please tell me about your expectations and boundaries!
I am primarily a mobile user, so I don't have access to tumblr's desktop functions, including cutting posts. For this reason, if you want to do a longer rp, I highly prefer using discord. Feel free to dm me for it!
If we had a thread going on/were plotting, and I stop responding randomly, you are 100% allowed to spam me. Chances are that my ADHD just got the better of me and I either forgot or thought I already replied. Sorry in advance!
English is not my native language, so if I sound a bit stilted or my grammar is off, that's why. If you ever need me to clarify something, let me know. I promise I won't be mad.
While I've been roleplaying for a few years (around seven, I think?) and have found rp partners on tumblr before, that was always done via rp finders. I've never actually had a dedicated rp blog before, so please bear with me while I figure this all out. lol
My limits with regards to story beats are child abuse, especially CSA, self-harm (especially cutting), religion-based queerphobia, and eating disorders. While I don't mind these themes coming up as, for example, parts of a character's backstory, I would prefer not to have them as a focal point within the roleplay.
With regards to kinks, my hard limits are piss, scat, anything else involving excrements or bodily fluids, feet, raceplay, diapers, and mutilation. For any other kinks that might be a bit "out there" for lack of a better word, feel free to straight up ask if I'm comfortable roleplaying them. I can promise that even if I'm not into them, I won't judge you. I'd be a hypocrite if I did.
"cw: X" is the format I use to tag any potentially triggering content. If you need me to tag anything specifically, or I forgot to tag a post, please let me know!!
I'm semi-lit to advanced lit and tend to match my partner's length. That being said, if you're the sort of person who prefers short replies, that's cool too, I don't mind at all. Don't feel pressured to write more than you are able to.
Most of my OCs are fandomless. The ones that aren't will be clearly marked as such. If you want to do a non-fandom roleplay with a fandom OC of mine, let me know and we'll work something out!
I'm generally very flexible when it comes to character lore, and I love AUs, so if you want me to change a few things about my characters to make our verses fit together better, I'm open to that.
Don't expect any fancy formatting. I'm screen blind and graphic design is the bane of my existence.
About Me
Hi, I'm Zenith, but you can also call me Stardust or Dusty. I'm 22 years old and my pronouns are they/them.
I like houseplants, the colors blue and green, and my girlfriend :) and I'm really not that exciting of a person. i also work weird hours and have chronic insomnia, so if i'm online at weird and inconsistent times, that's why.
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chronic-irony · 1 year
Hey hey hey! Pinned post!
About myself:
I go by Ivy
Born 2004
My pronouns are she/her and he/him
I'm a transfeminine butch lesbian
I prefer masculine titles or terms used for me. You can call me a good boy, prettyboy, etc etc. I am more than okay with that <3
About this blog:
First and foremost this blog is dedicated to... well, whatever I want. I reblog a bunch of stuff on here, and some posts of mine might just be throwaway jokes or shitposts. That being said, this blog's genuine purpose is to act as a repository for my creative writing. I've always kept anything I've written lying in scattered, abandoned google docs, but this blog serves to thrust my penmanship into the light of day. I don't have a tried-and-true style or genre that I write in, so expect my posts to be varied (and a little messy lol).
The content I produce (and the posts I reblog) will be a mixed bag of SFT and NSFT, with the latter being mostly found in my reblogs. With that, I'd like to make the following unambiguously clear:
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Neither my content, nor my reblogs, are at all guaranteed to be safe or suitable for minors 100% of the time. For your safety, and my sanity, 18+ please.
In addition to the previous statement, the rules of engagement with my blog are as follows:
DNI: Racists, TERFS/Transphobes, Homophobes, Ableists, Transmedicalists, Conservatives, Anti-communists, Stalin Supporters (Except if you're funny/make good content; your auth daddy still isnt a proletarian hero tho), Fascists, Fascist sympathizers, etc etc etc this isn't an exhaustive list but the gist is: I'm a neurodivergent gender-nonconforming transgender lesbian communist, if any of those words are ticking alarm bells in your head, leave.
Cishet men DNI. Queer, gay and trans men can interact, just be respectful.
I will tag my posts appropriate to their content, i.e. if I reblog horny shit I'll tag it as #nsft, etc etc. Feel free to block any tags you don't wanna see! :3 (also check the tags of this pinned for the specific tags i use!)
My DMS are open btw, just don't be weird. I use the block button liberally.
I might open my ask box incase anyone wants to shoot me writing prompts maybe possibly? Pending on that.
If there's anything else to list I'll add it later, but I believe that is all.
Play ball, fuck hard, and be yourself <3
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realfrenz · 1 year
Tumblr media
AUTUMN NEVER ENDS IN MY HEAD. an independent & selective multifandom blog featuring various muses. written by thrash. rules under cut. muse list + interest tracker here. \ also @sooperdark
ONE. Do not rush me. I exist outside of tumblr as well and this is only a hobby. You will learn I use the block button very liberally so trust me, I'm not afraid to just poof you away if you're harrassing me for replies.
TWO. Do not forceship with me. It is only safe to assume I'm cool with it for canon ships - it's not really forced in those cases it's just part of the character - but anything else either has to develop naturally via threads or plotted ooc. That said, while I do love romantic shipping as much as the next guy, it is not the only kind of dynamic I want to write. So let's get creative, yeah?
THREE. If I can smell you facechasing, I'm blocking you. Be so fucking for real.
FOUR. I don't do smut and I'm never going to.
FIVE. You better keep it cute babe. I will block at the first sight of drama. I don't have the patience to read a 75+ page google doc anymore, so don't bring that shit my way - we are too old for that.
SIX. All of my muses are canon divergent in one way or another, and I'm not all too interested in sticking like, word for word and beat by beat to canon. The fun part about writing these characters online is that we get to figure out how they would expand past canon or what would happen in between certain moments and so on. So, if you don't like my diversions? Go find another writer lol. It is not my problem, do not make it so.
SEVEN. A lot of things do tend to slip my mind, and while I try to tag major triggers I'm inevitably going to miss a few. If you can't handle it, don't follow me.
EIGHT. Graphics and psd all made by yours truly. Anything sourced from other creators will be credited properly if used.
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hey, random anon again, just wanted to say thanks for answering and also that in regards to your answer to #4, i am So envious and wish i could forget who i block as well! i can't tell you how many times i've been enjoying something and my mind hearkens back to That Annoying Blog's take about it. i've tried to train my brain not to go down that road too much but eh. hope your day is going well!
Hi, Nonnie! You're welcome! And thank you, too, I always appreciate when your messages pop up. Anyhow, like I said, I don't usually remember who I blocked or why, seeing as my use of the block button can be quite liberal and petty, lol. There's a small number of blogs that I do remember blocking, but even then I don't remember what specifically made me do it. Though I think said blogs are mostly Tony stans or St*cky stans who said things that were particularly gnarly or just behaved badly.
And full disclosure, when I saw that question one particular blog did come to mind, but, again, I don't remember "the last straw that made" me block them and I worried that if I tried to speculate on what it could've been that would run the risk of people figuring it out. I know the point of that ask meme was to "choose violence," but I still don't want to put anyone on blast or put a target on my back. I'll argue the fandom's common ideas and trends and such all day, but making it personal isn't worth it.
"i can't tell you how many times i've been enjoying something and my mind hearkens back to That Annoying Blog's take about it."
Oh, trust me, I know how that feels. My brain may not latch onto who's take it was, but it still files away plenty of sour takes that it pulls up at inconvenient times (like the takes I mentioned here.)
"i've tried to train my brain not to go down that road too much but eh."
Don't beat yourself up over it. You're only human. Everyone finds certain people or things annoying. It's normal. I get that you don't want to indulge (so to speak) in it too much, but don't try to hold yourself to some toxic positivity mindset either. It's about balance, you know, and it's something I'm a work in progress with as well. And it can be really difficult when fandom and social media try to push you hard in one direction or the other.
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