#i try to avoid touching their stuff as much as possible cause i hate when they move mine and i'm not a damn hypocrite
sugared-violets · 9 months
one of my goddamn housemates has left their shit in the dryer for the past three dayssssssss
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pastafossa · 2 months
hiya! i’m asking both you and @bellaxgiornata this question (because you’re my favorite daredevil writers). as someone who was very sunburnt today, july 4th, do you think matt can feel himself get a sunburn? and would he wear sunscreen to counteract it? when we were young, my sister had bad sensory issues and wouldn’t wear sunscreen. so i’m just wondering what matt’s reaction to all that would be. hope you had a great 4th of july!!
I have no idea if @bellaxgiornata this but I'm not going to check because I want to see how our answers stack up if she does!
FIRST... ok wait, first, THANK YOU! 😭 But also I feel that as someone who basically bursts into flame in the sun like a vampire. And while I'd vaguely thought about Matt and his poor pale Irish skin, I hadn't considered it until now so this is a fun What If? Q: Do you think Matt can feel himself getting sunburned?
A: I say yes, based on what happens when you get sunburned. From what I understand, when you start getting burned and those little cells start dying, your body immediately begins damage control: blood vessels dilate to bring in blood and immune cells move in to clean up all the dead and mutated cells. This is why you heat up, the skin is red, you get a nasty case of swelling and inflammation. All of this, in theory, is something Matt can sense even in himself - he'd feel the initial shift in blood, that extra heat, likely before the inflammation and swelling really started. On top of that, burns sting, and with the way his sense of touch is heightened, I'm guessing he'd be able to really, really feel the beginnings of a burn before it got serious. Which would likely happen fairly quickly considering how pale our boy is. Upside is he'd turn out to be an excellent Burn Detector for anyone he's out with. No one's getting burned when he's on watch. But that leads to:
Q: Would he wear sunscreen?
A: This is an interesting one, because like you said, there's a sensory thing. Yeah, plenty of us have fond memories of the scent of sunscreen (cause hey, it means beaches, sunshine, pools, lots of fun things), but some very much do not like it whether it's due to texture or smell. With Matt's sense of smell, I'd go with the scent being less than pleasant, and he wouldn't be fond of that sorta sticky feeling you get from the heavier stuff. I can see him absolutely trying to avoid scenarios where he'd have to wear it, whether that means wearing certain clothes or just kinda dodging events and activities where he might have to deal with it (a public pool would likely be unpleasant in multiple ways anyway, not just in terms of sunscreen) and while he probably enjoys walking through the park or tree-lined streets in the Kitchen, enjoys those patches and moments in the sun, he's not looking to go out in summer and lay there in the grass under sunshine for an extended period of time. Fall's a bit easier (he can enjoy more sunshine without risk of burning since UV radiation is lower) at least, so that's a time he'd be more comfortable spending time out like that.
If a friend or partner really, really wanted him to do Something Summery And Sunny, though, he'd absolutely choose to prioritize their happiness over his comfort (we all know how he is). He'd grimace and stinky cat face and apply the sunscreen - the type for sensitive skin, helping at least a little - because the only thing he'd hate more than the scent/texture of sunscreen is the texture of burns being rubbed constantly for hours beneath the Daredevil suit, cause holy shit would that hurt. Healing meditation is great, but I have a feeling he burns hard and fast, so even his body would struggle to heal sunburn quickly. He learned that the hard way after his first annual Nelson Clan Summer Barbecue at a local park.
But if at all possible, he's going to avoid too much sun, skip the sunscreen, and head inside the second he feels those blood vessels dilate. He's more of a night guy, anyway.
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Hihi! currently dealing with a bout of bad chronic pain and it got me thinking.
Any chance to get a hall mom Thornhill and platonic student reader who has chronic pain. Hurt / all comfort lol.
thornhill makes something to ease the pain using some of her plants in the greenhouse? And maybe she specifically started growing the plants once she learned one of her students suffered from chronic pain?
Please and thank you! Also feel free to change anything up!
Much love from the frog king🐸
Exam Season
Pairings: Thornhill x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 1.6K
Summary: Reader has been in some pain and finally finds a solution.
TW: mentions of drugs, chronic pain, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol
A/n I had so much fun with this one. I did a lot of research through my old medical textbooks so most of it is hopefully accurate.
It was exam season which meant pain, both from studying and well … the chronic kind. And just because you were used to it didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt. Because it did. Badly.
There were a few things that caused pain flare ups for you ever since the car accident you were in a few years ago. Of course, one of the two was stress which was assured with exam season and the second was disrupted sleep patterns and with all the late-night study sessions that was another thing you could check off the mental triggers list. But it's not like you couldn’t study. You needed to. You prided yourself on it. Your family name was all you had left of your parents. They, unlike you did not survive the crash. So you used the fear of being nobody with no home as a drive, to work. To be someone worth something.
The light was on in your dorm once again as Ms Thornhill made the rounds before going to bed herself. Ophelia hall had few rooms where there was only one student. You had been lucky enough to be one of them. So she knew you were awake. But the light had been on four nights in a row now. Surely that was getting a little bit excessive. She made mental note to ask you about it later in her class, she knew you were a responsible student and as you were old enough to make your own decisions, she trusted you to make good ones at that.
It must have been around two am before you actually got to sleep. The next morning the pain was so much worse. You dragged yourself out of bed in hope that a hot shower would relax the muscles in your neck. You stood and lazily made your way to the ensuite, mentally thanking whoever was in charge of the roomie situation that you simply didn’t have one.
After a shower that seemed to have little to no effect at all on the stupid amount of pain you were in you dressed slowly and grabbed breakfast before heading to botany.
You had no meds for the pain, Panadol never touched the level of chronic pain you were in. High dose stuff made you nervous, you didn’t want to get addicted at such a young age. But you also couldn’t ask for help without exposing the fact you had nobody at home to get you anything.
You made it a point to avoid the infirmary, opting to look out for yourself.
When you had signed up for nevermore yourself, you had faked your parents' signatures based off some old documents you found in your father's study. You had guarded that secret with your life.
Every parent's weekend you simply said they lived far away which was why you stayed on the grounds during breaks, not because you hated the empty house you would eventually have to go home to. So no, you didn’t risk seeing the nurse.
Taking your seat in the room you were slouching badly, trying to ease the pain by loosening the muscles. Every once in a while, you would roll your shoulders to try and get a temporary reprieve in the constant gnawing on your sanity. After a bit you gave up on the worksheet all together and put your head down on the desk trying to get comfortable, or at least as comfortable as possible in that moment.
You jumped when you felt a hand make contact with your back gently. Looking up with bleary eyes, glazed with pain, you saw the concerned face of Ms Thornhill looking down at you.
“Honey are you ok?” She asked already knowing the answer, she was biting her bottom lip, usually you were veery composed so she knew it was something bad.
“Im fine Ms Thornhill.” You said sounding slightly strained.
“Darling I’m your dorm mom right now, call my Marilyn sweetie.” She said and began rubbing circles on your back. You relaxed under her touch, it was soothing and it had been so long since you had any sort of positive contact. You relished in the feeling. You were too tired to care right now about the rest of the class who luckily seemed to be paying no attention at all to the two of you.
“Im fine Marilyn.” You said and ducked your head again.
“Darling don’t lie to me I can tell somethings wrong.” She said softly but sternly. You nodded with tears in your eyes.
“Can I talk to you later.” You whispered.
“Well class is over in a few minutes so please stay behind and talk to me.” She said sensing that you weren’t going to talk in front of your peers.
When class finally ended you packed up your books slowly and stayed seated as the class trailed out. Ms Thornhill came over and pulled up the chair beside you, taking your hand in hers and rubbing it with her thumb grazing gently over your knuckles.
“Talk to me sweetheart.” She said and you choked back tears. The dam burst when she pulled you in for a hug. It had been so long since you had a hug.
You sobbed into her shoulder, and she rubbed your back.
“Shh shh shhh its ok Darling. Im here. And I’ll help you however i can sweetie.” She said before pausing.
“Darling how long has it been since you had a hug?”
“T-too long.” You sniffled.
Then you simply buried your face in her neck until you calmed down. When you finally pulled away, she wiped away the tears with her thumb.
“Now whats the matter many darling?” She asked and you swallowed.
“A few years ago, i was in a car accident. I got whiplash and hurt my neck. It’s never really been the same since. I know it's not in my file but i can usually manage it fine by myself. With the stress of the exam coming up and late nights studying it … it hurts so much more than it normally does. Im scared to take anything I might get addicted to.”
“Well first, we will need to update your file.” She said squeezing you hand gently. “Second if this is a bad flare up...” she paused and waited for your response, and you nodded. “Which it is.” She said slowly, “I can give you something for the pain. And we can manage it together. Ok darling?” She asked and you nodded feeling slightly overwhelmed.
“Now I don’t think principal Weems would approve of me growing you some medicinal Marijuana.” She said and you gave a choked laugh.
“No, I don’t think I would.” Came a voice from the doorway and both of you turned to face the principle. She was wearing a small, amused smirk as she walked over to join you.
“I had a report Y/n wasn’t in her second class. I thought i may find her here.” She said. “Anyone want to explain?” She asked and you looked to Ms Thornhill to answer.
“Y/n was just telling me how she’s been having some issues as of late. Chronic pain was it darling?” She asked looking at you and you nodded and looked away studying the plants on the window cil. “We were just discussing some options.” She finished.
“And I’m glad you have ruled out medicinal Marijuana.” Weems said with a laugh.
“As am I.” You whispered making them both laugh.
“Glad to see you were paying attention in last week's drugs and alcohol assembly darling.” The principal drawled. “However, Ms Thornhill here, may need another.” She said jokingly. “So, whats the plan?”
“Well, I was going to make Ms L/n here some chamomile, willow bark and meadowsweet tea for the pain. Maybe a massage and a heat pack.” Ms Thornhill said standing and grabbing various tins of dried herbs. “I have been wanting to grow some more of my herbs for any students that would need them, and it seems u have found my first patient.” She smiled kindly at you, and you simply nodded again.
“Well, I’ll leave you two too it. I’ll also excuse Ms L/n here from her classes for the day. Provided you are either with Ms Thornhill, at your dorm or at the infirmary.” She said and you thanked her as she left.
A moment later the botany teacher placed a steaming mug of tea in front of you and you sighed as she pressed a heat pack she had seemingly pulled from thin air against your neck.
“I can give you a massage later, the upper traps and right across your shoulders if you like?” She said and you nodded. “Yes please.” You said shyly and she beamed at you.
“Drink that tea darling girl and then we can see how you're feeling. Also, I’d be happy to tutor you if it helps with the stress.”
“Oh you … you don’t have to do that, I’m sure I'll be fine.” You stammered not wanting to take up anymore of her time.
“Darling I’m offering.” She said and you paused.
“I’ll think about it.”
“That’s all I ask my sweet.” She said and you sipped the tea again.
It was safe to say the tea helped significantly. Despite being an old remedy and not being clinically proven, it worked really well.
For the rest of the day, you hung out with the botany teacher, and she helped you study some more. Maybe, just maybe, life would be a bit easier from now on.
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yonaioana · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a platonic ennead request?
Is about male reader who is a god, God of freedom and as well festivals and happyness, reader mostly wears a mask, that looks almost the same as horus but it look more like peacock!
He extremely hate when people try to see his face.
He gets along with others Gods but after he move away from Egypt (well he is still in Egypt just in different place, he have his own village were everyone love him, and of course respect him) he doesnt talk so much with them anymore.
So seth meets again y/n but sees that y/n have change, that y/n is more calm, helpful, nice and it is because y/n have his own family to take care of!
Y/n's wife looks almost the same as set but she have red hair but blue eyes, and have a child!
So how would seth(you can put here as well horus, anubis, isis or someone else?) react to seeing y/n after so long time? And him havin his own family?
I hope you can understand this, and if I made some mistake Im so sorry! (• ▽ •;)
The first thing that came to mind after reading this is the shock on Seth's face cause everyone avoided him even his parents due to his hair and eye color so when he meets your wife who looks a awful lot like him he is very happy, big ego boost there. But when he sees the kid with his moms hair and your eyes he goes in cuteness overload wishing Anubis would still be as small as your kid.
Horus while he is very happy for you he dreams of having one day a similar relationship with seth. The kid would be Horus's favourite, imagine a kid dangling from his wings saying how much your masks look alike. He will be called uncle regardless if you are related or not. He was very awkward around your wife trying to be as polite as possible.
I know damn well your kid would be sassy around Osiris, they dont like him at all stiking his tongue out and "accidentally" throwing stuff at him. And Osiris doesnt like the kid either how they're getting all the love and affection.
Anubis swears in his mind that he will do anything to help your kid if they ever go through a similar experience as he did before becoming a god.
Isis welcomes you back, if your wife is a mortal she will be surprised at first but very accepting but if she is a god she will wonder how they've never met before. Loves the kid almost as much as her son.
Ra is verry pleased to welcome some new gods into the family nudging you to make another kid since this one turned out so cute. While she likes the kid running around she does not appreciate being touched în any way shape or form so you will have to hold your kid back from hugs or any playful behavior around her.
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muffy-official · 1 month
I still didn't make a full drawing of my girl, but all I have are only a few things as I get very nervous to even show game media tied ocs as I keep overthinking of not doing well enough or being called cringe:[
This will be very messy, but I'm trying to kinda summarise her as best as I can, writing full fledged bios is my main skill issue
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Gabriella Garland, likes to mostly go by
Gabby, but some people still use Gabriella instead of her preferred way to be addressed
5'1 in height with flat shoes
Kind hearted, at times naive, somewhat childish and is prone to get frightened easily when people scare her enough/make her uncomfortable/restrain her
Doesn't know how to react when people start using cute nicknames to address her(doll, darling and the such), especially when catcalled, might bring her some kinda discomfort aswell
She has never explored early adulthood to know about a lot of things due to how strict grandpa was(often locked her rooms door shut in the evening when she's home or at night, during house arrest she used to climb out of her window when he wasn't home to at least sit in the backyard for a while before he comes back)
Some think of her as a crybaby
Quite flexible physically
Nose tends to leak blood/bleeds occasionally. Sometimes more or less frequently or heavy. Happened to start a while during her time in the facility, doesn't get better as expop. It's possible the lesions found in everyone's scans could potentially be the cause of it
Gets somewhat uncomfortable when it comes touch which it requires her to get used to it mainly stuff like hugs, holding her hand, grabbing her by the shoulder, picking her up and the such when meeting people for the first time, it does stay uncomfortable with expop and primes until she learns that maybe playing along and/or trying to reason/say things that boosts egos(she doesn't realise at first) or to offer comfort could help her in some way to diffuse situations as a survival tactic without really realising some people may take advantage of her kindness just to feel better
Terrified and uncomfortable when people happen to take interest in her looks, very awkward when it comes to not understanding certain things or threats when those involve invasive physical harm etc
She also gets uncomfortable and upset when she happens to get flaunted around as if she's some kinda trophy, she hates that so much, as much as getting stashed away and the such when she was absent from the sleeproom again
Even if she hurts people out of self defense she oddly feels bad for it even though she shouldn't at all, feels absolutely horrible later as expop for being forced to hurt reagents or handing them over to primes so she can avoid punishment
Wears a leg brace(the one on the scouts outfit set ingame) as a reagent, but also later as expop as during her first time in kill the snitch, she almost got her leg broken by Coyle until a sudden fire emergency taking the attention away from her, a reagent she never saw again after this pulling her up to help her leave
During her time as a reagent she's been abducted by prime assets a few times, first being Gooseberry who took interest in how obedient she gets when scared, eventually slowly manipulating the girl into slight loyality
Going as far as locking her into a room, telling her to change into something tidier that happened to be prepared on a chair before she returned, removing the leg brace to make it harder for her to walk stable by herself so she had to depend on Gooseberry to move her around as the contusion wasn't fully healed just yet, until it came to violently brushing the young womans teeth even if she plead Phyllis to stop, only stopping once everything was "clean" comforting her afterwards as if she were a child who just fell and scraped a knee on the hot asphalt
Second being a bride under the name of Matilda Newman who prefers to be called Tilly who she met before as she took the young woman who has somehow escaped Phyllis property during her first abduction despite the difficulties of properly running and walking she still had to use the reagent as her personal dress-up doll, Phyllis of course demanding her back by sending Coyle over to retrieve her, doctors did have to take the former reagent away from Phyllis a while after to send her to the infirmary as the cattle prod stab wound didn't stop bleeding
She still has this as a scar somewhere on her abdominal area later on once it healed up in some way
When Tilly got her the next time, she was handing Gabby over after finding out she knew the new guy in the prime family when she was younger for some contraband goods Barbi somehow got his hands on. She made sure to doll her up just to ensure she's getting what was asked for+ having him leave her specifically alone for a while at least, otherwise the bride probably would've gone physical if he didn't bring or hold promises on what she demanded
It's possible she was a test stone to see if Eastermans family dynamic works out, she has no father, no mother, no one. Best way to test around before the "son" was found, even if a official daughter gets introduced in the future, he'd still keep her in there, especially as expop as Gooseberry does treat some of them as her own children
More background info:
Daughter of a journalist who maybe pissed
off the wrong people, caused him and his
wife to get abducted, the child not being
taken with them as she was at a group
meeting as it happened
Unaware it was actually Murkoff who took them as the father eventually got too dangerously close with his journalist work
Neighbours reporting that something doesn't feel right which resulted in cops checking the place, as the door got kicked open, 10y0 Gabby quickly hid under her bed upstairs as she assumed it was thiefs or the "bad men" who broke in only to have a officer eventually check under said bed, pulling her out and soon after scooping her up as she stubbornly refused to move while starting to panic, flailing legs and arms around as she got carried to the vehicle, almost kicking whoever tried to get her to sit down in the backseat in the face to get to the PD
Later growing up in a abusive household
once her grandpa moved in who was widowed for a while at that point(and turned alcoholic which got worse over the years)as she told them he was the only close family, she barely knew him since her dad made sure he never showed up to her birthdays due to grandpas hateful views towards Gabbys mother being a Polish immigrant
It's possible that if she didn't tell about grandpa, she either would've landed in a orphanage or Murkoff would finish what they started by pretending to be unknown relatives to take her "home"
At age 18(few months later 19) sent to
therapy to get her "corrected" after
sneaking out to attend the senior girl scouts
roundup in Colorado Springs in 59
At age 20 or 21 she gets kicked out of the reagent
program, demoted to expop as punishment
Her father did try to find dirt on Murkoff, but when he took a trip to other states, taking his kid with him once she was old enough, they took a trip to Louisiana since someone told him he might find something of interest
So he dropped his 6yo off at a cookie and calendar sale held by the parents of a child who used to be in her group in Colorado before moving away. Not a while after a to her unknown roughly 12yo boy walked up not from the front, but the nearby alley as if he didn't want to be seen
At first startled, the girl didn't hesitate to ask if he's here to buy something, only to be met with nodding
She noticed quickly why he came from the back, other kids would probably stare at him weird if he came from the front instead
She reassured she won't laugh and asked what kinda cookies he wanted so she can sell those without anyone seeing them both.
Once it was done a while later it was offered to hang out a bit for fun which yes Gabby used to be that stupid to just follow other kids when fun was involved and her dad wasn't around
So she told the stands parents she's on her way back to her dad, but in actuality she's hanging out with a random kid she just met, on the second day she didn't even return to the cookie stand either to hang out again
Making funny faces in shop windows, throwing stones into water, rambling about how cool some cars looked etc
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(Ngl I'm actually not used to having fun with art like this😭)
On day 2 evening her father worried sick, searched the entire area for his baby, she did eventually hear her name being called out, quietly exused herself and apologised that she had to leave and ran forward into her dads arms who sounded like he was close to crying as he thought something horrible happened to her, asking where she was the whole time only for her to respond "wanted to see the city myself" without mentioning she wasn't alone
If she told him she was hanging out with kids he didn't know he wouldn't have allowed her to see them due to how nervous he is that people who see him as a threat could potentially do something to his child to hurt him which was his first assumption when he stumbled upon the info that a crime family was residing here, which made him abruptly travel back to Colorado on the 3rd day with too little research against Murkoff. Gabby always assumed Grandma fell or got sick again and that's why they returned
Eventually as she grew older she did forget this memory specifically as most other childhood memories only for it to resurface sometime during her time as a reagent..
But once it returns she'd have a lot of mixed feelings and in some way doesn't want to believe the truth while feeling somewhat uncomfortable over the extreme changes in personality and how she's being perceived in return with either weird remarks, wanting hugs and/or aggressively questioning her etc
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astral-crab · 2 years
jack and trauma and exiled parts
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i watched werewolf by night again, and i have MORE THOUGHTS.
i’ve been doing a lot of trauma work in therapy lately (woo), particularly internal family systems, and it got me thinking about jack and when he talks about how any hunting is done by a part of himself that is not him. with ifs, you start looking at all the different parts of yourself, like the inner critic or the scared child or the super ragey angry one or the perfectionist, etc., and you try to ask them why they’re doing what they’re doing (for example, why the inner critic is always so mean, always berating you, etc.). and the idea is that if you converse with this part of yourself in a curious, nonjudgmental way, you’ll find out that the part is actually trying to protect you from a perceived threat. because you learned at some point in the past that you had to be or act a certain way to avoid something really horrible happening to you.
and jack talking about the wolf part of him really stuck in my head because of the ifs stuff i’m doing. and i think i figured out why. the wolf is like one of his parts come to life. a really angry, furious part who learned that in order to survive, he has to mindlessly attack everyone around him (or at least every human). he probably learned it from his family as well as from his own experience (inherited trauma and experienced trauma). anytime someone saw a werewolf, they were terrified. all they could see was a horrifying monster. people tried to kill them. hunters made entire careers out of eradicating monsters like him. which of course perpetuated the trauma.
in ifs, they talk about how parts can merge with the self, and how certain parts will be running the show when you’re triggered, sometimes for months or years at a time. and also about how the more trauma you have, the more disconnected and unaware of each other your parts can become. jack in his wolf form really reminded me of that. when he changed, his wolf took over. jack couldn’t control it or reach it. he was afraid of it and afraid of the hurt it would cause. he hated it. so much that he said it’s “a part of me that is not me.” he exiled this part of himself. and i mean, of course. that’s a terrifying thing to have to deal with.
but his wolf self isn’t as mindless a killing machine as he and everyone else believes. when jack was able to remember elsa, and then choose not to kill her, it was like he and his wolf part were starting to repair the broken connection between them. and elsa, even though she’d been completely terrified of him when he first transformed, convinced he was going to kill her—she decided to take a risk. she picked up the bloodstone and instead of wielding it against him, she put it in her pocket and put her hands up to show she wasn’t going to try to hurt him. she even approached him and called his name. she took a big risk, but she was starting to see what the wolf part of him was capable of, and she wanted to take the risk to try to reach him. she cared about him.
and you could see how surprised the wolf was after he leapt at her, when she reached up and touched his face. the wolf had NEVER been treated that way, ever. never been treated with any kindness or compassion. not until elsa. you could see how shocking it was to him.
i think that’s why this scene resonates so deeply with me. like, my inner critic part can be brutal. i fought her and hated her for a long time, because i thought she was just an enemy. just something to be excised from me. and of course she fought back against that. but now i know that, however misguided her attempts, my inner critic was actually trying to protect me all along. she demanded perfection and pointed out every flaw and mistake i ever made because she believed that if i wasn’t as perfect and put-together as possible, i’d be rejected and ridiculed. she was trying to protect me from that. when i finally realized this and saw her as a scared part of myself that was just trying to protect me in the only way it knew how, i cried. because this part of myself that had been hated and angry for so long finally felt acknowledged for her efforts and loved.* and that meant we could move forward and find better ways to cope with perceived threats.
jack, in his wolf form, for the first time saw that not only was he capable of being more than just a murderous killing machine, but also that someone else could see it too. elsa saw his humanity and showed him that she saw it.
i can just imagine how things might go in the future for jack, as he’s able to see his wolf part as more than just an exiled piece of himself that he wishes didn’t exist. he can make friends with this part of himself, connect with it, and maybe the wolf is able to let down its guard just a little bit, because it’s no longer under attack or hated by literally every single human it encounters. now it knows that it’s not just a mindless monster.
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idk, it’s not a perfect one-to-one comparison or metaphor or whatever, but it’s close enough for me. i just love this short film and these characters so much, and i really hope we get to see more of jack and elsa (and ted!) one day.
* it may sound a little weird if you’ve never done this kind of therapy before, but trust me it’s amazing when you start to see it, see the different parts of you (we all have them), and it just fits and makes so much sense. if you’re interested in learning more about it, i recommend the book no bad parts.
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discotenny · 11 months
I also think that ramuda finds after a while that he does truly enjoy a lot of the things that he thought he was only pretending to like..... I think he did so many cute and fun things but never truly let himself indulge in them to the fullest and always questioned if he actually liked anything, at all, that feeling of emptiness inside and unsure whether or not he could ever enjoy anything
but (seeing this through a fling poly lense. but platonic posse or y/n perspective fits just as much) his reactions to his loved ones, gen being silly or dice being stupid or the two trying to make him laugh.. he reacts the way he would pretend to but it's cuter and cheerier because it's honest... aaaahghghggnvjfjwudfffff ramfdddmdmdmdmdmrzmudassramudamramuramuramura
also, I um I thought that your discodark tag was inexcplicably #DISCOSHARK and sat here for so long trying to figure out why. oy. amazing tag though I wouls use that
be careful writing smut because omfg every time I've seen a hypmic blog accept smut the horny fans make it so like 80% are smut, minor fans are pushed out and then the author gets tired of only writing smut/overworked from the demand and retires from hypmic 😭 the horny force is strong here
however. I already have a req in mind haha I wil wait until mine and a lot of others are filled before submitting to be fair but... >:3
also imo in the fling poly house... everyone has their own room but they often sleep in one with each other, dice is almost always in ramuda or gen's bed at night and the one everyone usually ends up in is ramuda's
if you don't fall asleep cuddling or ■■■■■■■ dice you wake up with him at the foot of your bed like a big dog 🤭 -jaku anon
RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT !!! It’s the inner conflict thats akin to delusion. What if he’s enjoying these things because it’s what he’s supposed to do to keep up appearances. What if he’s smiling and laughing and having fun because it’s all apart of the careful persona he’s built up after all this time.
It doesn’t cross his mind that he could possibly genuinely enjoy the things he does because he thinks everything about him is part of the persona. He doesn’t think the laughs and smiles and fun are real cause he’s never experienced it sincerely before. Through time with Gentaro, Dice, and everyone else in his life though- the line between “Ramuda” and Ramuda blur.
Bit by bit he starts to realize that he’s not laughing to keep up appearances, he’s not eating this ice cream to survive, and he’s not hugging his friends to build artificial bonds.
I appreciate how Hypmic as a brand didn’t make Ramu secretly hate all the pastels and fluff he surrounds himself with. It’s refreshing seeing a male chara of his nature enjoy that stuff personally 🤔🤔🤔 It’s part of what makes Ramu such a good chara to me ^w^
The last time I wrote smut on this blog was when I was a minor writing for Bungo JABSKDBDKDJIS (DWDW IM TURNING 19 SOONTOO 🙏🙏🙏). The horny force is VERYYY much strong in that fandom too if u guys take a peek. And I definitely know what you mean by minor fans are pushed out, it was soooo prevalent back in my Hetalia and BSD eras (separate ansnsjdhdkdndj)
I’ve seen and heard my own stories of how writers would get overwhelmed writing smutfic only and it’s something I do wish to avoid 😣. And I REALLLLY don’t want it to become what the majority of my blog is about. Maybe if I get tipsy again I’ll have a horny thirsts night but that’s about it skdbdkdbdk.
Everyone sleeping in Ramu’s bed is such a thought omg kenkenrnrndmwm. Trying to cramp 4 people with wildly different preferred sleeping positions in one bed is insane. You guys will see more of this in my big sleeping post but I HC Gentaro to be the most cuddliest at night because of how he runs cold. His limbs are long so at least one arm / leg is touching each of you at once.
AND I FULLY AGREE !! Dice is the type to stand at the end of your bed, silent and staring- waiting till you wake up in the middle of the night and it scares the shit out of you. Terrified, you ask him what’s up and he says he had a tummy ache :C
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mrtinmtz · 1 year
Personal Shadow
It’s there, it’s connected with my rational mind… hard to look at, hard to feel connected to, loads with feelings of disgust, discomfort, everything we want to push away.
Jung said it’s the doorway to the real. It helps us become more whole. Developed at childhood, from messages from parents, culture, teachers, of aspects not allowed of us, things we have to teach kids about sexuality and aggression, but also many other things too…
So there we are, we are adults, and we have a shadow, parts of us we really don’t want to know about. What do we do about that? Parts of our personality vanished to our unconscious, parts of ourselves often remained in a highly instinctive state making them feel very dangerous later in life. The incredible distance between the making personality and whatever the unacceptable impulses we carry.
The shadow, the long bag we drag behind us… to keep our parents love, we put stuff in the bag, then we do bag stuff in high school. we spend our life until we are 20 deciding what parts of ourselves to put in the bag and spend the rest of our lives trying to get them out again…
For Jung shadow is a surprise, i don’t know what this is and i can't find it, therefore it shows as a projection, cause psyche is desperate to lead us that way. The idea of repression is that something in the core of our personality is unacceptable, it is forgotten, amnesic quality, unacceptable, not often verbalized,
Reactions that children are given by older people, when children receive that stimulation of repression, the nervous system has a huge emotional charge. huge work, not easily done. we spend the rest of our lives, what to we do with this?
We do need to create a shadow, accommodate the culture in the first part of life. to develop a personality functional for us. later in life we find evidence we have a shadow through projection… a magnetic attraction between you and that quality out in your environment… and all the ways you defend against it… hatred, avoidance, criticisms, accusations, attacking, depending on how much violence was involved in the splitting off process.
Its not a function of the personality, i don’t split it consciously, it is already split and something deeper than us projects it on the personality and we have no control over that. if we are projecting upon a person, the person has a hook. When you feel unusually provoked by someone, and it makes you crazy, when much energy is involved. It also can be a subtle connection. How subtle a hook can be, be careful of how we unravel the mystery of what's been provoked. the perfect attitude is curiosity. Rather than quickly judging.
The shadow might be getting in touch with my owns feelings of ugliness and unworthiness, and the shame around that. However, Jung said 99% of the shadow is pure gold. it's possible that there are many treasures and energy in that bag, that's why we work with shadow, its enlivening, worthwhile, home making, to be found there…
Psyche creates Shadow. Its a psychological structure needed to have a basic ground in psyche, we need it to evolve as an ego. Ego having a conscious relation within these qualities, not being overwhelmed by them. One of the dangers of shadow confronting is shadow possession. When we discover socially unacceptable parts of ourselves and begin living it out in a very dangerous way, the shadow is what we don’t want people to know about us, the opposite of the persona…
Very intensive journaling, writing about what you absolutely hate, disgusting for you, things that happen in the dream life. Confronting shadow, its not a failure, its a function of the psyche… go right into it, feel a resonance in yourself, even approach that person, get curious about that person, try to move into it. a way of exploring that. go there. have a choice rather than just a reaction, whether trying out a new behavior, we do it step by step, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming, just self expression, there are rewards to this.
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polarspaz · 2 years
I am begging for more bloodborn au content just foaming at the mouth here. is there anything you thought about the au that you find really interesting or anything about the au that you wanna share or write about?
Haha, okay lets see, here are some random ideas I've had about it.
-After returning to Hawkins, Steve has a penchant for saying really disturbing things very casually. Dustin once asked him why his Saw Cleaver has bandages on it and Steve just like, "Oh, that's to help to help keep the blade from rusting. It gets covered in blood all the time"
And boy, does it get bloody when Steve fights.
Hunters heal faster with blood, so getting covered in the stuff while fighting is good deal. Making hunters end up adopting a fighting style where they kill beasts but also create horrid bloodbaths.
And Steve has really no idea he does this. He only realized when Robin threw up after seeing him fight for the first time and barely gagged out, "Not enough blood for ya champ?" Thankfully Hopper lets him use the cabin's hose to wash all the blood and gore off himself when the fights are over.
-In Yharnam Steve escorted Gascoigne's daughter to the chapel. There was no way in hell he was going to let her go alone.
-Steve has the hunter's mark branded on the inside of his wrist. He has no idea how it got there, but it bleeds and burns when a Demogorgon or another monster is near.
-Steve HATED Micolash.
-The last time Steve sees Eileen is on the steps of the church, gasping and covered in blood. Steve tries to help her as much as possible before going after the hunter that did this too her. After a fierce battle he kills the offender, races back to the stairs to check on Eileen, but she's gone. He never sees her again.
-Steve is not the biggest fan of how the Messengers look ((creepy raisin ghost babies)), but they're also really helpful. They usually pop up to help point him where he needs to go next, or what to grab.
-Gehrman kind of freaks Steve out. Thankfully the guy is hardly around and if he is, he's asleep. Steve just kinda does his best to avoid the guy and instead asks the Doll or Eileen for advice.
-El and Vecna cannot read Steve's mind or posses him. If they did, well that would be really, really bad. Steve himself doesn't realize that not only has he seen a lot of deep Eldritch shit, he has also been touched by a Great One. So just glimpsing his mind can either cause someone to see some horrible stuff, but it could also piss off the Moon Presence who has basically laid it's claim on Steve. Who also placed an insanity inducing booby trap against those that would also try to mentally attack or claim Steve.
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
A Terrible Tutor
Pairing: Dream / Clay x gn!reader
Summary: [High School!AU] He’s cocky, annoying, a total tease, has a laugh loud enough to shake the stars, and you hate him. But as luck would have it, he’s also your tutor.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: minor cursing
A/N: this is based on a classmate i had way back! (we did not fall in love. he was awful.) i’ve also never taken physics, but i tried something a bit new for the reader’s personality. i hope you enjoy :) <3
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You glared down at your physics textbook, the open pages staring back up at you with beady eyes made of diagrams and labels. Off to the side, your notebook was strewn across your desk, a list of questions scribbled across the top line in a hurried rush. The handwriting was messier than you would have liked, but the thought didn’t irritate you.
What did irritate you was that it was nearly half past four, and your so-called tutor still hadn’t shown up.
You could still envision the concerned look on Mr. Craftson’s face as he held you back a moment after class, watching as the rest of your classmates poured out of the door with an anxious look. He had offered you a kind smile before pulling out your test from the week before, and you winced at the numerous red marks scattered across the front page alone.
“I know you’ve been struggling in this class,” he said, gazing at you almost pitifully.
You tried not to glower at the sight of his apologetic eyes trained on you, instead nodding your head slowly. “It’s been… hard,” you said slowly.
He leaned an arm on his chair, pushing your test toward you. “You ask questions in class,” he hummed, “and from what I’ve seen, you complete your homework diligently.” His smile fell. “Yet here you are me, with the lowest mark in my class.”
You wanted to shrivel up into a ball. Maybe he didn’t have to say it like that, but he wasn’t wrong, either.
At your silence, he prodded at you. “Is there anything going on at home that might be hindering you, or…?”
You whipped your head up, your eyes wide. “No! Things are—things are great. It’s just…”
You swallowed, then sighed, fidgeting your fingers on your lap. “I guess,” you murmured, trying to quell the shame flaring up inside you, “I’ve just been really struggling with the material, and none of it’s really been clicking.”
Mr. Craftson’s face softened in an instant. “That’s alright. Thank you for being honest with me. If my teaching hasn’t been working out with you…”
He paused, rubbing at the blond stubble on his chin for a moment. Then, his face lit up and he leaned forward. “Tell you what,” he said. “I’ve got a great student who I think might be able to explain things to you in a way you might be able to grasp a little better. He’s got the best marks in this class.”
Your eyes widened. The best in the class? He had to be a genius.
“I have a good feeling he can meet you tomorrow at four after school to help you out,” he continued, leaning against the arm rest of his office chair. “What do you say?”
You blinked, a thoughtful look passing over your face. Lord knew you needed the help—you were practically failing the class—but an uneasy stone settled into the pit of your stomach. You’ve never needed tis much help to pass a class before. The thought made you want to gag. Slowly, you opened your mouth.
“Do I have to…” You gestured vaguely. “Pay him or something?”
His cerulean eyes blinked at you for a second, then he laughed—the kind of deep-belly laugh only teachers seemed to be able to have. “No, no,” he said, waving his hand at you, “not at all. He’s a good kid. He wouldn’t do something like that.”
You bobbed your head, your insides crumbling. You didn’t want to accept, you really didn’t. Part of you guys wanted to believe that you could just work harder, study by yourself even more. You were a dedicated student, and you were doing just fine in all your other classes. Surely the content couldn’t get that much harder, right?
But as your gaze lowered to the red ink staining your test once more, you felt yourself swallowing the lump in your throat. Straightening your back, you let your stubborn pride seep out of your shoulders and onto the floor.
It looked like this was a sacrifice you were simply going to have to make.
“Thank you so much for the offer,” you said, letting your lips curl up into a genuine, grateful smile. “It—it really means a lot.”
Mr. Craftson grinned at you, an easygoing flint shining in his eyes. “Of course. You’re a bright student. Sometimes we all just need a little push.”
You could still remember shaking his hand in thanks before bundling your stuff in your arms and shuffling into the hall, tucking your feet between the pages of your textbook. That had been yesterday, and now, the same one was sitting on your desk, open to a new page full of jumbled words you could hardly decipher.
The chair across from you was distinctly empty.
He—whoever he was—was late.
You distantly wondered to yourself who your tutor even was, your gaze drifting down to your textbook. Mr. Craftson had said he was the best student taking the class. Would it be George? He always seemed like he knew what was going on, and he never really asked questions. But sometimes, he looked like he was just zoning out. Maybe it was Technoblade. He was smart. You paused, then shook your head. No, everyone knew he was one of those English kids.
The thought made you furrow your brows, wracking your head even more. The words on the page grew muddled and fuzzy as you thought even more. Just who was it?
Just then, you heard the classroom door swing open with the same loud creak every door in the school seemed to have. The sound of heavy breaths and panting filled the air, then a haggard voice spoke up.
“Hey, I’m so sorry I’m late.”
You didn’t look up from your page, letting a sigh escape your lips as you lifted your head. Plastering a polite smile to your face, you let your gaze travel toward your tutor. “Hi, it’s nice to me—”
Suddenly, your voice died in your throat as your eyes locked onto the figure standing in the doorway. Towering over the desks with a duffel bag resting against his hip, his dirty blond locks were damp and matted against his forehead, his emerald eyes blinking at you. Something bitter and warm twisted in your gut at the sight, and the smile dropped off your face and into a scowl.
“Oh,” you said flatly. “It’s you.”
The smile he offered you was easygoing, but you didn’t miss the strain in his gaze. “It’s me.”
You bit on the inside of your cheek, your heart practically revolting against your rib cage with the way it was hammering. A million questions were darting around the inside of your skull, only making your blood boil even more with each passing second.
Of all the people you had expected to show up, Clay was easily the last.
The two of you had first met back in freshman year in your first science class—he had sat behind you and had the loudest laugh on the planet, or so you were convinced. You were quieter back then, but just as stubborn and snappish as now. Soon enough, one thing led to another, and you swore the two of you were suddenly enemies for life.
Although you couldn’t remember what had caused your little feud, you knew that he was the one who started it. He was loud and kicked your chair, he just loved to borrow your pens and never return them, and you could never figure out just why he loved to tease you so much. You don’t think you learned a single thing in that class, always distracted by the presence staring a hole into your back, and you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
Naturally, that meant your teacher assigned him to sit behind you for the rest of the year. To this day, you were convinced she hated you, and you still avoided her in the halls.
To say that science class was your least favourite would be an understatement, and soon enough, everybody was in on your hatred for each other. Clay never seemed to stop pestering you no matter how hard you tried to ignore him, and you would never forget the day you finally snapped at him, whipping around to glare at him with your cheeks on fire.
“Will you please shut up?”
The shocked look on his face was still burned into your memory as it melted into a wide, proud grin.
“Only if you make me.”
Even years later, he always seemed to find a way to worm himself back into your life, and you hated it. You hated him, simple as that.
So, seeing him standing in front of you like this, it took every ounce of your strength to keep your voice as neutral as possible.
“What took you so long?”
He patted his duffel bag before slipping it off his shoulder and setting it on the ground. “I just finished football practice. Coach ran a little long and I figured it would be polite to take a shower before so I didn’t smell all sweaty when I tutored you.”
You blinked, your mouth falling open. That explained his wet hair, you guessed. While you were vaguely flattered, you were distracted by something else. “You knew that you would be tutoring me?”
Clay nodded, pulling back the chair in front of you. “Yeah. Phil asked me.”
You gaped. “You call Mr. Craftson by his first name?”
His smile was a touch too smug for your liking, and you wanted to wipe it off his face. “Maybe. I was surprised when he asked, though.” He wrinkled his nose and shot you a teasing smirk as he sat down. “I didn’t think you would be failing this class.”
You glowered, that same bitter feeling bubbling up in your chest, again. “I’m not failing,” you snapped. “I’m just…” You paused, your cheeks growing hot. “…not passing.”
He gave you a deadpan look, then laughed. “That’s the same thing.”
You sent him a gesture that your teacher most certainly would have scolded you for if he was here, and he laughed even harder. You were suddenly reminded of just how damn loud his laugh was, sounding like fireworks in your ears. Slumping over, you hung your head in your hands.
“Ugh. I can’t believe you knew you were going to be tutoring me of all people.” You paused, then added, “I can’t believe you agreed.”
He tilted his head at you, brushing his damp hair out of his face. “Did you not know I was gonna be your tutor?”
“No.” You frowned. “If I did, I wouldn’t have shown up.”
His eyes flickered with mirth as a smile stretched across his face. “Aw, am I really that disagreeable?”
“Yes,” you said immediately, your gaze as sharp as a blade. “Without a doubt. A hundred percent. I didn’t even have to think about it.”
He whistled, feigning a wince. “Harsh.”
Wryly, you said, “You deserve it.”
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “I wasn’t that bad as a freshman, was I?”
You gave him a hard, callous stare. “Do you really think I’m the one you should be asking that question?”
He thought about it for a moment, then sighed. “Okay, point taken.”
You dragged a hand over your face, then pointed at your textbook. “Are you going to teach me now or what? We’re already behind.”
He winced for real this time, and you almost felt bad for him. Almost. “Sorry, again.”
“Seriously,” you muttered under your breath, reaching into your back to grab your pencil case, “and to think that you have the highest grades in this class.”
“Hey,” he shot back, “I’m brains and brawn.”
You shot him a look that was nothing short of disgusted. He cringed a little at the sight.
“Okay, that was cheesy, but I’m not wrong. Besides, coach says I have to keep my grades up or else I’m off the team.” He leaned closer to you, and you tried to ignore the feeling of his hot breath fanning over your skin. “You know I can’t let everyone down like that.”
You looked unconvinced. “Uh huh. Totally.” Whipping out a pencil, you tapped at the bottom of the page you had open. “Can you explain this to me, now? The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can leave.”
He quietly chuckled, and you hated how soft it sounded. Leaning closer to the textbook to read, his lips mouthed the problem silently. You tried not to stare at his mouth as it moved, your gaze tracing over the soft dip of his lips as his viridian eyes flashed with recognition. A moment later, he sat back and cocked his head at you.
“So, what exactly do you not understand?”
You didn’t miss a beat. “Everything.”
He blinked, disbelief colouring his features. “Everything? Like, the whole thing?”
You scowled. “I thought that was obvious. All that stuff about velocity and the funny diagrams—” You shook your head. “—none of it makes sense.”
He raised a brow at you. “I thought you were paying attention in class. You really don’t understand a single thing?”
You bit back the urge to scream. “It’s not like you’re much smarter.”
Clay snorted derisively. “I am. That’s kind of the whole point.”
You groaned, letting your voice ring out in the quiet of the empty classroom. You caught a glimpse of his amused smile in front of you, and it only made you groan louder.
“You’re the one who ruined science for me, you know? I hated going to that class, and look at me now.” You gestured to yourself, using your finger to draw a ring in the air. “It all comes full circle.”
There was a brief second of silence. “I’m the reason why you hate science?”
You didn’t budge. “I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy knowing I was going to be stuck in a class with someone who never gave me my stuff back and kicked my chair.”
Another wave of silence washed over the two of you, but this one was tense—heavy. He swallowed, and you watched his Adam’s apple bob.
“You…” His eyes swirled with something sad and honest. “You really hate me that much?”
He suddenly looked a lot like a kicked puppy, and a pang of guilt shot through your chest like a bullet. With a panicked gaze, your voice grew shaky as you spoke. “I—I don’t hate you. I just… I had a grudge, I guess.”
Your tone grew soft, and you lowered your gaze to your lap. “I… I really didn’t like you back then, but things have changed.” You offered him a small smile, but it felt shy. “We’re not exactly fourteen, anymore.”
He returned your smile with one of his own. Just like yours, it was small and tender, and it sent something stirring in the depths of your belly. “No,” he murmured, “we’re not.”
“I,” you breathed, gulping down the last dredges of your grudge, “was stubborn back then.” You raised a shoulder. “In a way, I still am. I have too much pride for my own good too, but I don’t hate you.” The look you sent him had a spark of mischief, and his breath hitched. “Strongly dislike, at best.”
Clay blinked at you, looking half-surprised and half-awed at you. You squirmed under his gaze before he snapped out of his stupor, almost bashfully ducking his head. “I’m… It’s definitely too late for me to say this now when I really should have said it all those years ago, but I’m sorry. Really. I was a dick.”
You snorted under your breath, fondly mumbling, “Yeah, you were.”
His face perked up at the sound of your bitten back laugh. “I really shouldn’t have teased you so much. My reasons were… dumb.”
You cocked a brow at him, almost as if to say, Oh? Do elaborate.
But instead, you watched as his ears burned crimson red and he flashed you a pair of bright, pleading eyes. “Forgive me? Please.”
Your heart leapt into your throat, something new and warm bursting along the seams of your lungs. You couldn’t possibly say no to a face like that. Even the toughest person on the planet would crack under a look as sincere as that, you tried to reason, ultimately letting out a sigh with a stammer.
“O-Only if you actually can get me to understand this unit.” Pushing down the heat creeping up your neck, you pointed at him with an accusatory look. “Until then, you’re on thin ice.”
The grin he sent you was beyond dazzling—you couldn’t have brought yourself to look away even if you wanted to.
(And you didn’t.)
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Clay finished scribbling a diagram onto the new page of your notebook, flicking his thumb back to reveal the hordes of previous pages you had filled with other practice problems. If you were being honest, you were a little envious of just how neat his drawings were. No one should be able to draw a line as straight as that without a ruler, yet here he was, doing exactly that.
What a show-off.
Feeling your eyes on him, Clay lifted his head to catch your gaze, turning the notebook to face you. You tried to pretend the stumbling of your heart wasn’t because of him—not at all. “Do you get it?” he breathed.
You glanced back and forth between him and your page, your grip on your pencil falling slack. “I think so,” you said slowly. “Mostly, at least.”
He hummed for a moment, then flipped your notebook around until it was facing him again and holding an expectant, open hand toward you. Without even thinking, you dropped your pencil into his palm, a spark running up your fingers at the slight brush of his skin against yours. Carefully, he wrote a string of words on a new line, circling the sentence when he was done.
“Here,” he said gently, pushing the pencil back between your fingers, “try this question. This was one of the harder ones from my test.”
Gingerly, you peered down at the page, and your mouth fell open at the sight. This question was far more complicated than anything you had been solving in the textbook before this. What was he thinking?
“If you get it right,” he said suddenly, casting you out of your thoughts, “you should be all set.” His lips curved up into a taunting, knowing grin. “But it’s okay if you don’t get it—it is difficult, after all.”
You stared for a second longer, then grumbled under your breath. How could he read your mind like that? You were going to prove him wrong, even if only to knock that smug look off his face.
Leaning down, you tackled the problem head on, your pencil flying across the page as you spelled out formulas and equations, doodling a diagram when you had to and pausing to think every other breath. Before you, you didn’t see Clay watching you with a soft, tender gaze, taking in the way your fingers fidgeted against your pencil when you stopped and how you chewed on your mouth when you got nervous.
You really were more endearing than you could ever know.
Suddenly, you let your pencil clatter against the table as you pushed your notebook toward him, eyeing your pencil scratches with a wary look. “Done.”
His viridian eyes gleamed with excitement. “Alright,” he said, plucking the paper from your desk with a practiced ease, “let’s take a look.”
His gaze scanned your work intently, his lips pressed together in focus. You folded your hands onto your lap, trying to focus on his analysis of you work. But the longer you looked, the more you felt your gaze trailing up to graze his cheeks. Did he always have so many freckles? You didn’t remember seeing him with this many as a freshman, but you also spent more time glaring at him than staring at him back then.
In a way, he was kind of... pretty. Handsome, even. Not that you would ever say it out loud.
You suddenly had a strong urge to reach up and trace feather-light lines between each of his freckles, but before you could even take another breath, Clay’s eyes were on yours again. Unlike earlier, the look on his face was grave, and a small grimace overtook his features.
“I have bad news,” he said dryly.
Your heart fell.
Of course you got something wrong. You were a fool to think that things would change just because Clay would be teaching you instead.
But then, his grimace curled up at the corners, and your jaw dropped.
“I have nothing left to teach you in this unit.”
Your eyes widened.
“I got it right?”
He turned the notebook back to face you. A large check mark had been scribbled in pencil along the side of the page, a tiny smiley face decorating the corner next to it.
The gasp you let out sent you barrelling for your feet, and you nearly started jumping for joy in the middle of your seat. “Yes!” you cried, pumping a hand up in the air. Suddenly, you whirled to point at Clay, a pout forming on your lips. “Oh my god, you scared the crap out of me! Don’t do that.”
He chuckled, leaning back with his hands up defensively. “Sorry, sorry. I saw the opportunity and just had to take it.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you stuck your tongue out at him. “You’re terrible.”
His eyes softened—sincere and sweet. “I know.”
Ignoring the sudden burst of warmth rushing through your veins, you huffed at him. “Well, at least I have two pieces of good news for you. First,” you said, sliding your notebook off your desk, “we can both go home, now.”
“And the second?” he prompted, looking at you inquisitively.
You folded your notebook shut, boring a hole into your backpack with the intensity of your stare. You couldn’t look at him right now, you just couldn’t.
“Second,” you nearly whispered, “I accept your apology.”
Slipping your textbook into your bag, you heard him take a sharp intake of breath. “Really?”
You reached for your pencil case, fumbling with the zipper. “Yes.”
There was another breath, but this one was gentler, less harsh. You peeked up at him from your bag, and your heart stuttered at the ecstatic look on his face.
“This,” he said, “is the greatest day of my life.”
You blinked wildly at him, zipping your backpack up all the way before slinging it onto the desk. “That’s a little extreme, isn’t it?”
He shook his head, his smile never once faltering. “Are you kidding? I thought you were going to hate my guts forever!”
You shrugged, slinging your bag over your shoulder. “I might have.” You paused. “Actually, I probably would have. But luckily for you—” You shot him a sincere look. “—not anymore.”
His grin grew impossibly wider, yet it somehow still looked natural on him. Deep down, a part of you wanted to bottle up his expression and remember it for as long as you lived.
“Like I said, greatest day of my life.”
You giggled, rolling your eyes. “Weirdo.”
Pushing in your chair and gesturing for him to stand, you jutted your head toward the door. Clay didn’t need to be queued twice before he was rising to his feet, pushing the chair back to its rightful spot before heaving his duffel bag off the floor and onto his side. As the two of you headed out towards the door, a bought suddenly flickered across your head, and your lips began moving before you could even begin to think.
“One of these days, you need to tell me why you liked to pick on me so much. Like, seriously, why me?” You gestured to yourself as the two of you stepped outside into the school hallway. “I’m not exactly special.”
You hadn’t been looking at him in that moment, focused on closing the door behind you, but when he didn’t respond for a moment, you looked up and felt your lungs tighten. You had never seen Clay look so bashful in his life, with his ears flaring crimson red and a faint rosy tint dusting the panes of his cheeks. His freckles were only more noticeable with the pink background, and you nearly blurted something you knew you would regret.
“Maybe I’ll—” He coughed, rubbing the back of his neck with a smile. “I’ll tell you some other time.”
Before you could even ask what he meant by that, he was firing off once more. “In the meantime, if you still need help, I don’t mind coming in again next week or something.”
You nearly took a double take. Next week? He wanted to help you, again?
“Don’t you have more important things to do?” you asked, scanning him with wide, curious eyes. “Like studying your own stuff.”
“You’re important,” he said abruptly.
You choked on your spit, and by the way he went absolutely stock still in front of you, you had a feeling he hadn’t meant to say that.
“Oh,” you whispered.
That warm, fuzzy feeling from earlier was rising between your lungs again, only this time it sent your heart racing around your chest. Sucking in a deep breath, you nodded your head once, twice.
“Sure,” you managed to say as calmly as you could. “The, um, the next unit looks a little confusing, so I might need some help.”
Clay’s face suddenly brightened at your soft request for assistance, and you caught his shoulders slumping with relief as he smiled. “Awesome.” He paused, then waved his hand. “Not the part about you needing help, I mean.”
You laughed a little at that, your nerves calming a bit more. “I would hope not.”
He smiled back at you. “So,” he said, drawing out the syllable, “I’ll be back same time next week?”
You couldn’t help but reach over to elbow him a little playfully. “Try to be on time though, yeah?”
He flushed a bit, but cracked a crooked grin nonetheless. “I’ll try my best.” He glanced over his shoulder down the hall, and you suddenly realized you would be heading in the opposite direction.
“I’ll see you around?” he murmured gently, brushing away his now dry hair from his forehead.
One of your hands tightened around the straps of your bag while the other waved back at him. “See you.”
With one last grin at you, you watched as he turned on his heel, striding down the hall with his duffel bag bouncing against the side of his hip. Just then, your eyes grew wide, and you cupped your hands around your mouth to call after him.
“One last thing, Clay!” you shouted, your voice echoing down the empty corridor.
At the sound of his name, he whipped around again, his brows knitted together. Breathing in deeply, you screwed your eyes shut and called out once more.
“Thank you!”
When you opened your eyes again, his emerald green eyes were blinking at you with wild abandon, his lips parted in what could only be described as a look of pure wonder. Your heart skipped a beat, and you wondered why he was looking at you of all people like that.
Swallowing, he sent you a lopsided, earnest smile and cupped his own hands around his mouth to shout back at you.
You kept waving at him even after he let his arms drop back to his sides and he vanished around the corner of the hall. Almost immediately, you bent over to bury your head into your knees, letting out a soft, muffled yell.
Why did your chest feel so warm when he looked at you like that? Why did you want to count his freckles so badly when he smiled? Was he always so nice, so helpful and kind? Why did he look so cute when his face flushed all pink like the way it did before? When did he become so endearing instead of annoying?
Did you like him?
You let out another muffled cry into your hands, feeling heat flood every part of your body like a tidal wave crashing into your system. You could hear your heart ringing in your ears like a bell that wouldn’t ever stop, and your toes curled into your shoes.
You had so, so many questions, none of which you knew how to solve.
Hopefully Clay could help you figure out the answers.
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lipglosscherrybomb · 3 years
Late night confessions
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I’m unbelievably bored so i decided to do this (i hate myself for even making this like I’m literally laughing rn this is so dumb and I’m embarrassed but if you wanna read i did try to take it seriously so go on ig)
*not proofread. Cause if i did I probably wouldn’t have posted it.*
Summary: You and Peter have been best friends for years, you’ve both been in love with each-other for the longest time but none of you have had the courage to confess your feelings. One night that was all about to change.
Warnings: mention of non-consensual touching, some angst.
There you were, hanging out in your room all by yourself. “Last kiss” by Taylor Swift plays on your laptop as you hugged the throw pillow in your bed as if you were 5 years old holding a teddy bear about to drift off and dream about chocolate rivers and cotton candy clouds. Instead you’re 17 and crying over another boy who didn’t actually like you but used you to get back at his ex-girlfriend.
You wanted to call Peter, let him comfort you, rant to you about how much of a jerk the guy was and how he never liked him then watch a movie with him until you felt better. But right now the last thing you wanted was another reminder of the fact that the guy you’re in love with isn’t in love with you and only thinks of you as his best friend.
Right then, just like clockwork, Your phone rings, Peter’s name flashing across the screen with a cute picture of him in his spider-suit and you next to him smiling as his head rests on your shoulder, you’d set it as his contact picture a few days ago. You smile at the memory and pick up the phone, pressing it to your ear.
“Hey” you try to sound as cheery as possible, trying to cover up the fact that you’ve been crying non-stop for hours.
“Hey…you okay? I heard you skipped last period and you never do that so I’m either starting to rub off on you or something really bad happened and you don’t wanna tell me” you knew he was making the joke to come off clueless, he knew something was wrong already.
“Nothing happened. Maybe I’m not just not as much of a rule-follower as you let yourself believe” you smile lightly.
“Okay rebel, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, seriously. You’re reaching.”
“Right, so if i came over right now that wouldn’t be a problem?”
“It would be, because I’m uh…doing homework” you cursed yourself silently in your head as you processed the half-assed excuse you knew he wouldn’t buy.
Right then you hear a tap on your window. Peter sits there on the fire escape for you to open up.
“Shit” you curse out openly in a whisper. Hanging up the phone and wiping your tears before heading towards the window. Your Spotify now playing “fake plastic trees” by Radiohead.
You sighed, opening the window and letting your friend in. You prayed to whatever celestial entity that was listening that he couldn’t tell your eyes were basically bloodshot.
“What did he do?” You could tell he was pissed off, ready to beat up anyone who’d hurt you.
“Chill out dude, seriously, it’s nothing. I’m fine” It wasn’t. But the last thing you want to do is cause a fight. You made your way to your bed and lied down.
“What happened?” He was now sat next to you. His voice softer. After all these years you still felt the same rush you did when he was close to you as the first time you realized you were in love with him. Your heart beat picked up. You hoped he couldn’t hear it even though you knew he could.
A certain feeling of insecurity made you sit up instead of lying down. You reached for your throw pillow to ease your nerves.
“It’s nothing okay?” You avoided eye contact now. “We were just hanging out, he wanted to do stuff, I didn’t want to, he got a little pushy so i left and he broke up with me later that day. End of story.”
“Did he touch you?” He sounded extremely pissed off now, you cringed.
“No, well- he tried but i pushed him off. It’s fine” It wasn’t, but you don’t want to cause problems.
“I’m gonna kill him, i swear” He got up abruptly, you grab his arm, your reflexes almost as quick as his but obviously not quite.
“You’ll do no such thing, Peter.” You pull him down and he lets you. Keeping eye-contact and looking at you as if you were the only person left in this world. That’s when you realized you were still holding his arm. In a self-conscious action, you blushed, intending to let go of the person who was making your head spin and your heart beat at an unnaturally fast pace.
As you were trying to pull away, he still hadn’t spoken, it felt like he froze in the moment how he looked at you so intensely. He wasn’t moving either, but as you tried to move your hand, he stopped you. You didn’t understand it, you guys touch all the time. Why was he so hung up on this moment. Why were you?
Your mind was going a million miles a minute. The familiar, stunningly-electric temporary rush was beginning to fade. You were used to it, it happened every time you touched him, and you always wondered if maybe he felt it too, this moment made you begin to think maybe he was just as in love with you as you were with him.
“I can’t stand the thought of anybody hurting you.” His voice was softer now, speaking in a volume that only you could hear, almost a whisper. He’s still keeping eye-contact. You shift on the spot directing your eyes to your computer instead where your spotify was open still. “Disintegration” by turnover was now playing.
I quickly learn that my efforts to avoid him were useless when you his hand on your cheek making you face him, though your gaze is fixated on the laptop. If you look at him now, you’ll kiss him. That might permanently dent your friendship with him. You can’t lose him. Not now, not ever.
“Y/n look at me” his voice is still soft, you can feel his eyes on the side of your face, his hand still on your cheek. “Please” he’s begging now. Hesitating, you finally face him.
“Why do you care so much?” Is all you managed to get out. You need answers. Even if he doesn’t care for you in that way you need to know.
“Because” he pauses for a moment. Suspicion is starting to hit you. “You’re my best-friend”
“No, Peter. This isn’t how you treat your ‘best-friend’, okay? This isn’t how you talk to your ‘best-friend’!” You step away now, confused and a little upset. You fold your arms over your chest as you move to the other side of the room, next to your desk.
He gets up as well and in a heartbeat he’s standing in front of you.
“Why are you so upset?” He tries to take your hand now. You won’t let him, not when he’s looking at you in that way that makes your heart melt.
“Because I don’t get you, Peter.” You’re frustrated, letting yourself lean against the wall.
“You don’t get me?! I don’t get you!” ‘Great, now we’ve both matched each-other’s frustration’ you think to yourself as you listen to him.
“I mean first you complain to me about all of the asshole guys you date, and i have to sit there and comfort you which I don’t mind doing at all because i love you, but then all i can think to myself is how much i like you and how i wish you were half as interested in me as you are in those other guys. Then i get home and i lay in bed and all i can think about is you, i mean, fuck, you’re all i ever think about. And the thing is that i love everything about you, i love everything you do. How perfectly your hair falls into place even when it’s messy, how beautiful you look when you’re when you’re doing something as simple as reading. How you put your hair behind your ears when you study. How good you always smell. How your smile lights up the entire room. How every time you touch me my heart beats so fast I’m pretty sure I’m having a heart attack. How badly i want to be with you…” You couldn’t take your eyes off him. You were entranced by his beauty, by his words. You were in shock.
“And how i really wish you’d say something right now” But you couldn’t.
“You love me?” Is all you could get out. And after everything you just heard you were really hoping he’d say yes.
“Of course i love you. I always have.” He’s getting closer and closer. Your breath hitches.
“Good.” You smile. “Because i love you too.”
In a second his lips are pressed against yours. His hands moving to your hips as you’re pressed up against the wall. You move your hands to his hair.
You couldn’t believe it, after all these years, he was in love with you. And now everything fell into place.
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Can I have soulmate heacanons for our pretty boi Fushiguro? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
𝑀𝑒𝑔𝓊𝓂𝒾 𝐹𝓊𝓈𝒽𝒾𝑔𝓊𝓇𝑜 | 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓁𝓂𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝐻𝒞'𝓈
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Notes: Aw, this is cute. I had to make myself stop adding stuff because I was starting to get carried away. 🥴💜 Soulmate's name is written on the skin.
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❥ Megumi acts all indifferent like he doesn’t care about soulmates. He doesn’t really entertain conversations about soulmates either despite his general opinion being that people should try to treat their soulmates well since they only get one.
❥ Because of his life as a sorcerer, he doesn’t think he’d be able to give his soulmate what they’d want, and he doesn’t want to unshield his heart for possible disappointment as bad things tend to happen to the people he cares about the most. So he tries not to dwell on it too often, usually failing.
❥ He even covers up his soulmate mark because he hates when people try to make small talk about soulmates with him, so it’s another way this introvert avoids getting dragged into conversations.
❥ Truth is he really does care about it. Since he was sold as a kid, he really likes the idea that there will always be someone out there who cares about him unconditionally, and he cares about your wellbeing too even if you haven't met.
❥ When he looks at his mark, he always hopes you're having a better day than he is and that you're happy. After another pointless round of him trying to sacrifice himself, Yuji told him to be more careful because you’d probably be sad if something happened to him. Megumi started to become more cautious with his life after that. He really wants to avoid causing you pain if it can be helped.
❥ He thinks your name is so pretty, and it’s written in your own handwriting against his skin. (You’re also really lucky because Megumi has such neat handwriting, much prettier than yours tbh).
❥ I imagine it’s probably in a sensitive spot too, on the lower side of his rib cage or his neck, so it kind of tickles when people try to touch it. Which means he doesn’t let anyone touch it but you and only if you bug him about it first. (I mean it is YOUR name on that section of his body. At minimum that makes you co-owner).
❥ Once, Gojo asked Megumi to give him a nice name for one of his game characters on a phone app he downloaded. Megumi immediately said yours without thinking, and Gojo teased him about being a simp for the next hour.
❥ Megumi ignored him, denying the fact until Gojo mentioned that he was going to marry the character off to his main later.
“I change my mind. You can’t use it.”
“Because you care?-“
*insert grumbling noises*
❥ Megumi is still salty about it until this day but won’t admit it.
❥ When you join the academy, Megumi inwardly panics when he hears your name and sees that you have his in cursive right above your collarbone. He can’t believe this is really happening and his stomach starts to fill with butterflies.
❥ You’re also surprised when you first meet him, and you tell him you didn’t really expect someone like him to be your soulmate.
❥ Megumi is hurting; because while he didn’t have any intentions to immediately jump into a relationship with you since you so happened to be his soulmate, he still didn’t expect you to reject him on first sight.
“That’s alright; we don’t have to—”
“No, no, the thing is,” you say, nervously scratching your cheek, “I kept thinking you were going to be a girl.”
“What? Why?”
“Because your handwriting is so pretty, and Megumi is kinda a girl's name.”
❥ Lolol he was so offended. Like, is it too late to send you back and ask for a replacement yet?
"Well, sorry for not having a more masculine name."
"I'm sorry. That was rude, but to be honest, the more I look at you the more I think it kind of suits you. A pretty name for a pretty boy."
❥ He's completely red, barely able to cough out a quiet and rough thanks. It’s so embarrassing. Megumi even thinks he can hear Toji laughing at him from somewhere in the distance. Oh wait, that's just Gojo. (Either way, he hates them both rn).
❥ Megumi is still a bit shy even if you’re his soulmate, and he’s still thinking that your meeting is too good to be true so he’s still keeping his guard, setting up for heartbreak like one of you dying.
❥ But he can’t stop himself from being so soft for you without realizing it, always checking you over after missions as you get the hang of Jujutsu work, sending his doggy to check up on you when you have to separate for a mission, or saving a seat for you at meals. He’s always the first to try to help you when you have questions. (Secretly gets grumpy when someone else beats him to it).
❥ When you officially get together, he’s even sweeter and a little possessive, always kissing you where his name is scripted on your collar.
❥ And you make him feel like everything in his life is much brighter now. It’s like you’re perfectly in sync despite being so different, and it’s incredibly easy to be vulnerable with you once the floodgates of his doubt opened up.
❥ Megumi is used to a lot of things going wrong in his life; but in this one case, he can’t figure out how he’s gotten so lucky to be fated to be with you.
❥ And even when you do something wrong, he doesn't really have it in his heart to get upset at you for too long. It’s then he realizes his teacher is right, and he is a major simp for you. But it’s okay, since you’re soulmates, you’re supposed to be extra whipped for each other, and he won’t say it out loud often but he loves being babied by you.
❥ He could definitely do with less of the teasing from everyone else though.
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
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A - Affection (how do they show affection)
Benny ADORES PDA. He always has to have his hands on you somehow. He loves wrapping his arms around your waist and his chin on your head ( if you’re shorter than him) And if you’re taller than Benny, he’ll just stand on his toes to rest his head on your shoulder.
B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)
You’re apart of the supernatural life so you two practically spend every moment with each other. In school and out of school, people can always fine the two of you in each other’s arm. When you guys are spending time apart it’s usually when Benny is with Ethan and you’re with the girls/Rory.
C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)
Like earlier, Benny loves PDA. He especially loves it after a long day fighting monsters, he’ll come up to wrapping his arms around your shoulder and lightly put his body weight on you in a joking manner. That’s your cue to know the boy wants his cuddles. Bennys favorite positions when cuddling is either having your head resting on his chest with your arms around his waist or having his head on your lap so you could play with his hair.
D - Date (what was your first date?)
Benny would overthink everything for your first date. He wanted to make everything just perfect for you. So he enlisted the help of your best friend ( if you want Sarah/Erica/Rory/Or Ethan to be your best friend just ignore the best friend part). Your date would be in his backyard. It would consist of a picnic along with his own outdoor movie theater.
E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)
Benny gets super excited when he sees you at school in the morning, he’ll drop everything to go greet you with a kiss and a pickup line. / Benny is more in awe of you dating him. He couldn’t believe you said yes when he asked you the first time.
F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)
I feel like with Bennys flirty behavior that would be the cause of most of your fights. Benny knows when you're upset when you disappear out of nowhere. Like you’re nowhere to be seen since you’re avoiding him. Benny has to track you down or pay Rory.
G - Gorgeous (pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?)
Benny is definitely more creative for your nicknames “Sweetness, cherry, hot stuff, delicious". Anything to see you blush/ You call Benny names just to tease him by "Benny Boo, Benny Rabbit, Chipmunk, and Sweet Pea"
H - Hi (first time meeting)
The two of you met when you were asked to babysit in place of Sarah when she was "sick". You were making Jane a sandwich and having a debate over Dusk when the bell rang. Ethan was nowhere to be seen so you went to open the door. "Hey, Eth...Woah babe alert.. I mean hey! I'm Benny"
I - Intimacy (how romantic they are)
Benny loves getting you things, like flowers, teddy bears, chocolates. Bonus for him since he can practice his magic. he’s also gotten you necklaces and rings. Since you guys are still in high school he usually makes them homemade or gets a summer job.
J - Jealousy (do they get jealous? how do they react to you being jealous)
Look up the definition of jealously and Benny's photo will be there. Benny isn't jealous of Ethan but he is of Rory since Rory is just as flirty as Benny. Benny tries to hide his jealousy but fails to do so. / When you're jealous, Benny doesn't know if he thinks it's cute or hot. You don't hide your jealously. You'll go right up to Benny and make a snide comment to whoever is grabbing the attention of Benny.
K - Kisses (where do they like to kiss you/how often?)
If you're shorter than Benny, he'll give you forehead kisses, a peck on the nose, or a smooch on the cheek. If you're taller than him, he likes to give you small neck kisses, press on your hand, or just a plain kiss on the lips. Benny likes to kiss you every moment he can.
L - Love (when was the first time they said i love you or realized it?)
Benny realizes it after he almost dies after Jesse's comeback and was holding him by the neck. You were crying silently as you hid in a locker. The only thing running through his mind was you. he wanted to live the rest of his life with you, he wanted to have kids with you, that’s the only thing he could think of. thankfully, Sarah saved the day and you jumped right into his arms, crying into his chest. he whispers that he loves you over and over again.
M - Moving in (when do you decide to move in together)
You guys are teenagers let's remember that, you guys definitely talked about it though. The closest you guys got to living together was when your parents were out of town and went to stay with Benny. After college, you guys finally moved in though, rented an apartment together.
N - Newborn (their reaction to starting a family)
(If you don't kids skip over this one). Benny was super excited when he found the news. He spun you around the room and couldn't stop kissing you. Benny was already coming up with star-wars-themed names for your kid. He used this as an opportunity to practice his magic just in case your child would inherit his powers/ he used them to baby-proof the apartment.
O - Open (how open you are with one another)
Benny is an open book with you. Sometimes he shares a little too much but you don't mind. You guys have this time of the day where you go under any tree you can find and spill your feelings.
P - Photos (what kind of photos you take of them/they take of you)
Benny is a bit paranoid taking photos since the whole evil Benny situation. But before Benny would take pictures of you where you weren't paying attention, smiling at him or intimate photos of course with your consent. / You love taking photos of Benny when he's sleeping or giving you a smooch.
Q - Quirks (what random habits do you have that they love or hate/vice versa)
You have a problem with being careless, most of the time you jump into situations without thinking it which upsets him. Benny loves your quirk of randomly knowing things/ Benny tends to forget things that make date nights difficult which leads to some fights. You love Benny's quirk of puffing up his cheeks when he's in thought.
R - Recovery (how you help them after an injury/vice versa)
Benny freaks out every time but tries to hide it. (not very well ) and does everything in his power to make you comfortable./ If Benny gets injured, you’re his nurse which he’ll take advantage of in his own ways.
S - Solution (how they resolve fights)
the group usually has to get you two back together after a fight. you take a break from one another, and it’s awkward for the group. Until one of you misses the other and comes back with food/promises.
T- Touch (when they need/want your touch, what will they do? how often?)
Benny wants your touch all the time. He’s big fan of PDA and always has a hand on you or around you. Usually Benny will come up and gently grab your hand to plant a kiss but if you remove your hand before he gets the chance to, he’ll rest his chin on your head/shoulder and wait.
U- Waking Up With Them
waking up with Benny is the best. he has his arms around you every single time, he somehow manages to pull you into his arms in his sleep when you go to sleep on separate sides of the bed. if you’re still asleep, he just presses kisses to your forehead, trying to wake up a bit more before getting up and starting the day. if you’re up before him, you absolutely love playing with his messy hair and stroking his cheek.
V - Vacation (where they travel with you)
Weeks after planning and planning, you and Benny finally take a trip to ( your dream location). Benny wants to visit every corner with you as well as getting a souvenir.
W - Wedding (how they propose/where you get married/honeymoon)
Benny is a nervous wreck when he prepares to ask you. Looking around, stuttering, and tripping. You were beginning to think you were being followed and Benny didn’t want to scare you. You finally asked him what’s up and he grabbed your hands gently to pour his heart out. Benny was scared when no response came out of your mouth but a few minutes later you were covering his face in kisses and saying yes over and over again. You really didn’t have a BIG wedding but it was all your family and friends there.
X - X-factor (what about you captivated them?)
Benny loves your bluntness. He likes it how you tell everyone the truth and you’re not sorry about it.
Y - Yawning (how they act when they’re tired)
Benny tries to hide when he’s tired so he’ll be over exaggerating his emotions but when he’s tired to the point where he can’t hide it he’ll be less clingy and kinda shut off from the group. You can tell he’s tired when he begins to mumble or just stops talking overall.
Z - Zzzz (how you fall asleep together)
Benny doesn’t care about space. he wants to be as close to you as possible, breathing in your scent and feeling your warmth.
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
reckless- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, platonic!sam wilson, platonic!natasha romanoff, platonic!steve rogers
warnings: mentions of injuries, descriptions of fighting, angry bucky, a horrible ending, i kind of really hate this
about: “the things i feel for her are unlike anything i’ve ever felt before.” for a sleepover!
i actually wrote another one with the same quote but i didn’t think it fit so i changed it (that one will be posted tomorrow or the day after so i can edit it)
you’re annoyingly reckless to a point where it gets dangerous.
he’s told you this a thousand times before but you don’t listen- aren’t listening at the moment.
he knows it’s ironic that he’s being reckless by not paying attention to what’s going on, too concentrated on you- even if you’ve told him countless times that you literally can’t die (to which he responds with a “you never know!” because, really do you?)- but he has a metal arm and sam, who’s been hovering around him like a vulture after noticing his lack of concentration.
before he can react to it, a slimy arm is promptly cut off by you, the blade you threw now back in your hands and stained green with the things’ blood. you scowl at it and shoot him a dirty look, “pay fucking attention!” you demand, shaking the weapon haphazardly to get the goo off. he can’t believe that the words came out of your mouth but rolls his eyes and obeys, knocking an ugly alien down and crushing its chest with his boot.
he can still hear your cocky remarks and giggles- yes, giggles, you giggle when you fight life threatening menaces- paired with the gross sounds of your knife impaling the aliens they’re fighting. it’s the only thing keeping him from practically babysitting you, a reassurance that you’re there, careless and impetuous, but alive and close.
suddenly, he can’t hear you, and he turns to what he quite possibly believes to be the most disgusting thing he’s seen in his life (and it’s been a long one, so far). you’re blue, covered in a slimy substance, and your face is so red, it’s beginning to look nearly purple with the cyan sheen over it. you screech abruptly, wiping at your face angrily and jumping at the thing that probably did that to you. he nearly feels pity for it. nearly, because, in your rage, you hadn’t even noticed the large gash along your shoulder. before he can go to you before you kill yourself, his metal arm feels like it’s being sucked, taking him with it, and he grunts. “what the fuck-” he manages, unsure of what he’s looking at, but trying to cut through the sticky arm attached to his own. you’re there in five seconds flat, still blue and still angry, which he notices makes the slicing through the appendage easier.
you seem to decide to stay with him after that, and he’s not sure if he’s offended because you don’t think he can take care of himself- which is ridiculous, since this only happened because he was taking care of you- or touched.
“god, i wish i had wanda’s powers. chaos magick works a lot faster than causing chaos,” you complain, trying to wipe away the blue sludge at the same time and wincing when it tugs at your injury. he is reminded of the shoulder wound he nearly got his arm ripped off for trying to warn you, and he stops your hand. “you’re bleeding, you should probably be a little more careful with this.” he motions to your arm, avoiding touching it.
you frown at him, “it’s fine, it’s just a little cut.” (it’s most certainly not a “little cut.”)
you extend the hurt arm over him and flick your hands when you see an alien about to rip bucky’s head off, a grimace passing your face that he sees but you try to cover up anyways. “see? it hurts you, you need-”
“i just saved your life, would a hurt person be able to do that?” you cut him off, and he stares at you. noticing a green thing coming up behind you, he grabs your waist and moves you out of the way, shooting it with his gun and watching as it drops to the ground. “ow!” you protest, “you hurt my-” seeming to realize you’re about to prove him right, you shut up and roll your eyes. “you’re welcome,” bucky huffs, wiping away some of the blue stuff from your cheek.
your cheeks warm against his touch without your permission, and you turn away. bucky smirks at your reaction.
“shut up,” you grumble, extending your fingers and aiming at a group of the aliens ganging up on natasha. they freeze for the few seconds they’re under your control, and nat manages to take out two in the moment. the three left break out of the trance, turn to each other, and begin to fight. natasha makes eye contact with you in a form of thanks and starts to take the rest out. you hear a gun go off behind you and turn to see one of the things that sprayed you on the floor. bucky saved you again, great, it’s not like he’ll rub it in your face forever.
“you need to pay attention, what if i’m not here?” bucky scolds. “then never leave,” you flirt casually in response. with a few twirls of your finger, most of the aliens stop paying attention to your team and begin attacking their own teammates.
you don’t notice when one of the few unaffected beings picks up a discarded gun and shoots at you twice. bucky moves you away from a head shot, but one lands opposite to the bleeding slash on your shoulder, and the other hits your thigh.
“goddamnit, y/n, pay attention!” bucky growls, holding up your full weight when your adrenaline begins to run out and everything becomes blurry. “‘m fine,” you try to reassure, attempting to stand back on your wobbly legs. bucky doesn’t let you, shooting at as many aliens as he can with one gun. he turns to look at your state after he shoots most of them, allowing the others to take care of it while he tries to take care of you. his metal hand is touching the small device in his ear, telling the others the situation while his other arm holds you up. you might be delirious now, and your eyelids are becoming increasingly difficult to keep up. “hm, i’m not going to die, b’cky.” you tell him, noticing the increasing panic in his voice as he talks to steve. “stop saying that, how would you know if you haven’t died yet?”
his question is confusing for your foggy brain, so you decide to skip it, unknowingly making his worries worse. the blood running down your back isn’t stopping, and bucky stops for a second to lift you up completely, tucking his hand underneath your knees to carry you. at the tug at your thigh, you bite back a scream. bucky pretends not to notice; his hands are covered in a warm red. he’s trying his best to ignore it.
“don’t die,” bucky whispers again and again, making you frown, “how many times do i ‘ave to tell you i can’t die?”
“i’ll believe it when you don’t,” bucky mutters, and the blue sky turns to gray when he’s inside the quinjet. he sets you down on the medbay cot, looking lost as he calls out friday’s name. “yes, mister barnes?”
“y/n- uh-”
“do a scan on me and… and treat accordingly,” you interrupt. “scanning now,” friday obeys, and you turn to bucky. “by the time you figured it out i would have bled out.”
“that’s not funny, y/n,” bucky says seriously. you squeeze your eyes shut for a second, “calm down, i’ll be fine.” friday has enclosed you in some clear glass, red grids letting you know of your condition. “ooh, that’s bad,” you mumble, much to the dismay of your boyfriend. “what?” said boyfriend asks, and you wave him off as best you can- which means a pathetic bounce of your arm- and tell him to let friday do her thing. “we are not done here,” bucky instructs, but sits next to you and holds your hand. you can see his glossed eyes now, you wonder how you didn’t see them before.
“shouldn’t you be fighting?” you ask, a wave of exhaustion crashing over you. rest, your body begs. you’ll comply later. “they’re almost done, the chaos thing you did makes their job a lot easier.”
“‘s what i do,” you say breathily before falling asleep.
you’re still in the quinjet the next time you open your eyes, which lets you know it’s only been a few hours and you’re feeling better already. goddess healing, you think, looking around to see bucky’s hand still around yours. he looks worried, the hard lines usually softened by the sound of your voice as hard as you’ve ever seen them. you squeeze his fingers gently. “bucky,” you coo, “i’m not dying anymore.”
bucky turns to you immediately, squinting, “that’s not funny.” it’s like deja vu, but you’re not sure from where.
a vein on bucky’s neck throbs, and you’re aware that you’re pushing it, so you stop for a second, “i was just kidding, i-”
“no!-” bucky’s voice is near yelling, so he shuts his eyes for a moment, continuing in a lower voice, “you almost died, do you know how terrifying that is? you nearly bled out in my arms.” sam, nat and steve, who were waiting for you to wake up next to bucky, pause when he raises his voice. “bucky-” you start, softer now, trying to sit up. bucky stands, “listen to me!”
steve stands, beginning to put a hand on bucky’s shoulder, “buck-” he’s silenced with a cold look from bucky. sam gets to his feet too, telling steve and nat to give you both a minute. they do, after nat kisses your cheek like she always does when you get hurt. you’re sitting on the edge of the bed now, reaching for bucky, “bucky?”
“you don’t… you don’t know how much you scared me, y/n. you have to stop being so careless,” he says after a few seconds. you furrow your brows, “i’m not careless, i’m confident in my skills.”
“you are. you’re careless and reckless and hasty and i need you to not be,” he says harshly, you frown. “why? i’m fine and i’m always going to be-”
“you don’t- you don’t understand!-” bucky snaps. “then help me understand,” you implore. bucky closes his eyes tightly again, breathing in slowly. “the things... that i feel for you are unlike anything i have ever felt before, and i can’t- i can’t lose you, okay?”
“you’re not going to,” you assure, extending your arms towards him, noting the tiny ache in response. he walks over to you, letting you grab his jaw when he’s close, you run your fingers over his cheeks gently. “i’ll be more careful,” you promise. bucky nods, tucking his face into the dip of your neck. you run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, letting him squeeze your waist almost to reassure himself you’re actually there.
“hey,” you say quietly after a few moments, pressing tender kisses to bucky’s cheek, “sit down, i want to do something.” you stand, grabbing onto bucky’s arm when you stumble a little and promise him you’re fine and are taking it easy. you take out the first aid kit from one of the cabinets, setting it down next to bucky, opening it and taking out everything you need. you begin to clean his cuts, putting a pink hello kitty bandaid over one of his particularly bad ones. it’ll be gone within a day, but you can’t resist, and it makes him laugh.
you hum while you dab at a small scratch next to his eye, and he chuckles lowly, you look up at him, “what?”
“you’re still a little blue.”
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(dabi) t.todoroki / reader
genre: prohero!touya, fluff
warning(s)!!: cursing ofc, dabi's atittude/snark, he's still dabi- just not a villain lol, he doesn't have his burns just his piercings, bloody piercings/lip
synposis: touya comes home with a bloody lip and three missing nose piercings, you get the honor of cleaning him up and getting him to bed for a well-deserved rest
w.count: 2.4k (probably the shortest thing i've written in years and no that's not a joke)
“Shit, that stings,” Touya hissed to himself as he felt around the bloody and bruised right nostril of his nose where three small piercings should have been. He hissed as he quickly took his fingers away from the small holes missing their jewelry. “I can’t wear nothing around here, damn.”
The commotion around him was hardly his focus when his nose stung so much, not even his split lip bothered him when he licked over it- too focused on his poor nose. It was pitiful really, getting into a scrap with a low-level thug trying to run off with a duffel full of loose bills from some random convenient store. He was fine overall, not being too unfamiliar with fistfights without having to use his quirk, but the thug sure did a number on him when he grabbed at his face- probably aiming to yank on his hair, but falling short- and somehow ripping all three of his studs from his nose.
Blood dripped in small drops off the side of his nostril and from inside his nose, creating a slow stream to his top lip which entered his mouth- filling it with the metallic taste of his blood. His pierced tongue’s metal bar tasted nothing like the iron of blood and he shook his head in distaste.
He sniffed and palmed gently at his minor wound before the cops showed up and wrapped up the situation. They offered to have his injuries cleaned up at the station- but he was so close to being finished with patrol and heading back home he didn’t bother. It wasn’t like he was in any sort of critical pain, he just wanted to rip his nose off.
His patrolling went smoothly after that, the small scuffle being the highlight of his evening and as he walked, bored back to the agency he was working at with his father (begrudgingly), he changed and slung his duffel with his gear and suit inside over his shoulder. He’d leave all this stuff in the changing room locker with his name on it and a secure lock- but you had insisted he bring it home tonight so it all could be tuned up and cleaned properly. You were a stickler about that.
Touya damn near broke into a run, mad-dashing it to the door, when he heard his father behind him call out his name when he was so, so close to the agency doors. As far as he was concerned, he was done for the day.
D o n e.
Endeavor could suck it.
He wasn’t sure how far he ran before he deemed it safe enough to slow his strides, but then the chills set it. He wasn’t cold- even if it was the middle of winter- all thanks to the cold resistance he inherited from his mother winter wasn't really ever that cold to him. If anything the sweater and joggers he wore were almost too warm with his swift escape from work.
He stopped at the corner of the sidewalk, waiting for the traffic lights to signal he could safely cross the road and have the right to sue if someone were to hit him, and looked up at the grey clouds. It looked like it was due to snow again and he chuckled to himself at mentally picturing you shiver just at the mere thought of more snow. Lowing his chin back down to look ahead, his pace quickened, already more than ready to be home.
“Hey, babe! I’m back!” Touya called into the house. The difference in temperature made him shiver- even if again, he wasn’t truly cold in the first place. Heeling off his shoes and setting them on the shoe rack, he walked inside.
“I’m in the kitchen!” You called back. He chuckled to himself as he walked into the living room first, dropping off his hero-filled duffle on the couch, and then swiveled on his heel to head into the kitchen. As he passed under the doorway, he grabbed the bottom of his sweater, pulling it up over his head and completely off as it rested on his forearms- shaking out his white hair.
You looked over your shoulder at the movement and immediately went back to whatever it was you were doing. Shaking your head in small shakes with a quiet sigh.
“Do you really need to undress in the kitchen?”
“What?” He smirked, tossing the sweater on a barstool as he basically pranced his way to your side, slinging one arm around your waist loosely with the other coming to mess with the soapy water you were currently washing dishes in. He picked up a finger-load of suds and flicked them at you, making you try and crush his toes under your heels- to which you failed. “It’s hot in here.”
“That is probably the lamest excuse you've ever used to strip,” you teased as you kept doing your thing. Looking around the counter, he saw take-out containers. Before he could question them, you started talking again. “I really didn’t want to cook today, so I ordered in. I hope that's fine.” Touya shrugged.
He wouldn't want to come home after a day of work and cook either, so it worked for him.
Detaching from you, he danced over to the containers he knew were his and took them to the island where he slid into the barstool his sweater was on and sat down on it. As you finished up, you turned to finally take a proper look at your boyfriend after his day. Your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes narrowed.
Was that dried blood under his nose? And was his lip split?
“Whuat,” he muttered with a trail of noodles hanging from his lips between chopsticks, muffling his voice. Ever the mannerless fool.
“Do we wanna talk about the blood on your face?”
He swallowed his bite as he started scrapping around for more noodles and fewer vegetables in his container. “No, not really.”
You rolled your eyes as you left the kitchen and him to his food. Digging around in the bathroom, you tossed a few things in a small basket and went back to the kitchen where he had successfully separated all his greens from his food and set them aside. You sat on the stool next to him as he finished.
“You know it’s not good for you if you don’t eat your vegetables.”
“Oh, boo-hoo. I ain’t eatin’ ‘em.” You spun to face him as you grabbed his knee and spun his stool to face you in turn. In your basket of bathroom items were things to clean up his face.
You took his chin in your hand and twisted his jaw back and forth to look for any other injuries. “I ain’t all that banged up. Just this,” he told you with a huff. Looking at his chest and shoulders and stomach- it seemed he was telling the truth. There were no other injuries.
You would hate to see the poor guy he got into it with if all Touya had was a split lip and... all three missing piercings? You hadn't actually noticed his piercings were completely gone.
“How in the world did you lose your piercings?”
“Some prick tore them out. Got pretty into it with ‘em over it.”
“Of course you did,” you rolled your eyes again as you emptied your basket and grabbed a cotton ball between the prongs of a pair of tweezers, and coated it in saline. “Look down,” you told him as his chin dipped to your instruction and you began to clean his piercing holes. You saw his lips twitch in a silent hiss as you cleaned them as gently as possible.
Touya didn’t move from your touch at all aside from a wince here or there. When you pulled back to clean the blood on his lip and skin, he kept as still as he could as he just looked down at you. Watching you work with your eyes focused and brows pulled in concentration always made him want to laugh at how cute you looked. You were a wonder to him.
A wonder on how he managed to snag you as his own.
When you finished, you were throwing your stuff back into the basket to take back into the bathroom when you felt a weight on your shoulder. Glancing without moving your head, you caught in the corner of your vision Touya’s nest of white hair brushing your cheek and chin. His forehead rested on your shoulder as you relaxed, your boney shoulder couldn’t be comfortable to lay on.
“You’ll want to leave any new piercing out of your nose for a bit.”
“Hmm,” he gave you a small hum, but you weren’t sure if he actually heard you or was just responding to respond. He had a bad habit of hearing but not exactly listening.
Moving your head as slowly as possible to not disturb whatever moment he was trying to create with you, you saw the digital numbers on the stove showing close to midnight. While it was rare to get a quiet and soft moment with Touya, you knew he couldn’t sit with his ass on a barstool and his head on your shoulder all night. He had to shower and get changed for bed where he can sleep on a comfortable mattress.
You rotated your arm causing his forehead to push further into you, sliding to where it rested against your neck, and his cheek pushed into your shoulder instead. You reached around and rubbed his back to which he hummed at- pleased with the touch. His skin was always so warm, it almost made you envious with each shiver you would get from the chilled winter air.
“Touya,” you softly called to not drill a nail into the peace of the kitchen. He said nothing. He didn’t even hum at you, but you knew he was listening. “We have to get up. You need a shower and sleep.”
“Can’t we stay like this a while longer?” You almost gave in but looked at the clock again. As far as you knew, he had to go back to work tomorrow so he needed to get into bed asap. It pulled at your heart, but you couldn't let him stay up any later than necessary.
“No, we can’t,” you let him down easily with a soft voice and with your hand still trailing up and down along his spine. “Come on,” you shrug, “up.”
He groaned as he sat up and slid from his stool, you doing the same as you grabbed your basket of things to put back in the bathroom. Touya followed you as he rubbed at his neck and silently let out a yawn he tried hiding from you just so he couldn’t avoid admitting you were right and that he needed to go to sleep.
As you were putting things back where they belonged, Dabi had opened the door of the wide, standing, glass shower and turned the water on- waiting for the temperature to be perfect. He looked over his shoulder, seeing you putting back the saline behind the mirror in the medicine cabinet. He took the chance when the mirror was away from him and you to sneak up behind you, the running shower water masking his footsteps.
He slowly reached around your head, shutting the cabinet as the mirror swung back to face you, Touya behind you. He dropped his arm over your shoulder and lowered his head to kiss the back of yours, his other arm wrapping lazily over your chest.
“Shower with me,” he cooed, dying his voice in honey to get you to join him without a fight. When you agreed, the shit-eating grin he had on his stupid face made you want to pull on his bottom lip and reopen the split in it or maybe force open his mouth and rip out the bar in his tongue.
He always got what he wanted and it was so not fair.
After promising no funny business in the shower, getting out, drying off, and getting ready for bed, Touya was insistent that the thermostat be turned down to 68F which was absolutely not going to happen. That was way too cold for the middle of the night in the middle of winter! He may be a walking space heater, but you weren’t.
Except, when you crawled into bed, you puffed and pouted because of course he always got his way. The temperature in the dark house was a chilly 68F and you were bundled in blankets- sulking.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” he laughed as he yanked the blanket that was tucked around you away to slither his way beside you instead. As he tangled his legs with yours he was immediately pulling you closer to him by the back of your knees. One of his arms under your head to curl his wrist inward to scratch the back of your head and the other around your side to rub your back. You suddenly understood.
He just wanted to lay as close as possible to you and not verbally say it. You tried containing your small laughter at his attempt at being coy.
“What?” He groaned as he shut his eyes, trying to get sleep to come to him. You dug your face into his neck, which he happily accepted as he pushed his cheek against your forehead in return.
“Nothing,” you told him.
“Just go to sleep.”
When the next morning rolled around and Touya’s phone had begun to ring for the fourth time, you had pried his arm off you and looked over his shoulder. The screen was showing his father calling him and as you rubbed your eyes and reached over to answer it for him- since he slept like a log- your wrist was caught and you were shoved back down into his chest.
Touya, who had been awake for some time now, was well aware he was exceptionally late to the agency and no he was in no rush to get there any time soon. The old man can call all he wants- he wasn’t going in just yet. There was a reason the old man was the only member of his family to not know his address.
Endeavor can still suck it.
a/n: for some reason the image of prohero touya coming home to just coze with his partner after another day just popped in my brain and has been relentlessly curb-stomping me into an early grave
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Stormie, first let me say that you are one of four blogs I read daily. Keep up the good work! ❤️ @kanmom51 @akookminsupporter and @nightswithkookmin (you also)! Thanks for keeping me entertained and informed!
I’ve always found it interesting how Jk has been perceived as many in the fandom as manly, athletic, “too full of testosterone to be gay” seemingly. Honestly I think that’s how those who refuse shipping him with anyone romantically likely see him.
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Jimin (my/our sweet little mochi) ☺️ is viewed as smol, feminine (because of voice or size or dress or his sensitivity for others), “definitely the gayest of gays” 😒. He’s is loved, clearly, by the entire group so he in fact, has strong ships (romantic or otherwise) with the other 6. He MUST be gay, right??
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I have to point out to those fools out there who can’t or won’t See JiKook for who they are, that :
1. there are “manly” athletic men who are very much gay. How freaking sexy is Carl Nassib? He’s never gonna be mine cause he’s GAY- and in the NFL. His abs, I’m sure, look as good or better than JK’s. Look at him. What differences do you see between him and Jk as far as “manliness”, athleticism, or sex appeal? They’re both beautiful, sexy men. One is openly gay, the other is closeted but doesn’t do a very good job of hiding his feelings toward another man (whether he gay, bi, pan, or just gay for Jimin) 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe Carl likes Jimin too 😏
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2. Jimin is also manly and athletic and sexy as all hell. I mean, do people have EYES??? Have you seen his body control? His running? His dancing? He is fit. F. I. T. Every bit as much as JK - he just has a smaller body build so he’s going to remain smaller.
His clothing on stage is generally stylist-chosen but what do you typically see him in off the stage? He often wears jeans, hoodies, track pants, ball caps, and when he turns his fancy stylish side on, he looks like a male model for GQ. My point being, he wears stereotypical “male clothing”. Same stuff JK wears…same stuff Carl Nassib probably wears. How the hell does clothing determine your sexuality anyway?
I digress… moving on. I don’t see how anyone differentiates between the possibility JK is gay vs Jimin.
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Hello? Are y’all blind? Anyone? Jimin is EVERYONE’s type cause he’s sexy in so many ways. I’m well beyond 25 and I’ve never seen a MAN with as much sex appeal and just magnetism (charm as JK calls it), as Park Jimin. He’s the most beautiful creature in any of the world I’ve ever seen. 😇
Jimin is a man. Sometimes he may look more feminine because of make up or clothing or hair style or camera angle. Sometimes he looks very manly. Regardless, his genitalia (I am assuming to know what I haven’t seen) and his Adam’s apple, say he is biologically male.
Gay men are GAY because they like other men. They may like a more feminine man or a super “manly” man (whatever that is) but they like men. They’re attracted to other men.
I hate to tell some of y’all, but Jk likes men. Well, at least one man. He may only be gay for Jimin - I can’t pretend to know him, but I refuse to sit back and say “maybe” because I don’t want to label him. I don’t typically label anyone but y’all…they’ve been telling us this for years now. They’re not hiding it that well. They may avoid making it public officially or unquestionably obvious but c’mon. Hickey gate? That was the final straw for me in dealing with people who just choose to be blind. The touches and glances weren’t enough? The little smirks and big grins? The giggles, Joon’s babysitting, and the numerous other questionable incidents?
Yeah, I was convinced long before but after Hickey gate and the freeness they’ve displayed since, I don’t have any tolerance for those who won’t see it and the TKK who refuse to see it and try to gaslight JK into thinking he can’t or doesn’t want to put his lips on every part of JM’s body every chance he gets. (Trust me y’all, he has. And Jimin loves it.). Be jealous cause it’s never gonna be you, but be thrilled that one sexy man has got himself another sexy man and they are so HAPPY and madly in love. I can only dream of that kind of love and as a divorced woman, it’s sad to say I don’t think I’ve had even close to what they have.
Just the way they look at each other. JK is whipped y’all. JM isn’t the “gay one” over here “turning” JK gay or trying to manipulate him or seduce him into being gay just for JM. I believe JK found RM sexy and intriguing originally (respect now) and then came Jimin. Jimin woke JK up romantically and sexually. JK initiated their relationship officially, I hold true to that belief. JM didn’t cross that line because he is the hyung. JK wanted him, it was his choice. His attraction. His desire. JM wanted him back (and maybe took things a little slower to be sure it’s what they both wanted).
I guess my points of this entire rant are 1. JiKook gay. They gay, gay, gay and that is A-okay. I’m so happy they found each other.
2. Quit making Jimin out to be some obviously gay manipulator intent on converting others to gayness. 🙄 Jimin isn’t any gayer than any other gay man, including JK and JK was likely the initiator to their romantic and yes, sexual relationship. They’re in their 20s people. They done did the deed, or whatever the kids call it these days. 👵🏼
3. Stop gaslighting them when you contradict what they are trying to tell you without actually telling you. Read between the lines (and between the glances and ear sucks, and touches, and hickeys). For the LOVE…just open your eyes and let them LOVE each other.
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Lmfao well hello and good evening 🥰
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I agree for the most part, except for the he is only gay for jimin thing. That's not really how sexuality works. He only LIKES Jimin. But he is just plain queer, gay, pan, bi, whatever label he identifies as. That's all him, it's not just for Jimin. He is now monogamous and all for Jimin though. Saying gay for Jimin would be saying the same thing as saying my husband is only straight for me. When even if something ever happened to us, he would still only like women. He has a man crush a mile wide on Hobi though, can't blame him.
And their whippedness goes both ways for sure! Lol their heart eyes and consistency over the years is incredible
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I enjoyed your rant greatly. Thank you so much for sharing 🥰😂 Enjoy these gifs of this intense Jikook flirting on stage during Run moment in return 💜💜 I don't understand how people don't see it either honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️ good thing they don't seem to care what people think and are just living their lives anyway!
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