#i tried to make it equally well in most cases but here i couldn´t do it
sebfreak · 11 days
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JUMP MV /『ハイキュー!!』×『オレンジ』| SPYAIR
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 9
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@starlightbydaybright hat gefragt:
Hello! Saw you were taking match-ups and I was wondering if I could request one. Only done one before for another fandom, and I was wondering who I’d align with for One Piece ^^
I'm an INFP and generally an introvert, finding it difficult to express myself when I'm around people I'm unfamiliar with or just not close to. I can be both quiet and shy; quiet when I have no interest in making good impression on that person (a stranger I'll see once and never again) and shy when I'm genuinely trying to make myself acceptable to them. But, I do trust easily, so it's not hard to get close enough with me that I'll open up about almost everything, so long as they understand have my boundaries (that'll shift depending on how close). I'm also very affectionate with people I'm close with, particularly through physical touch, since I've been pretty touch starved. If you're close friends with me, you can find me constantly looking for a hug, but I can respect boundaries since not everyone enjoys contact.
The situation would be a bit different romance wise, since I’d revert a bit back to my introverted side, but also very affection-seeking at the same time. I say affection seeking as in I’d crave time and activities spent together with them, but I’d be afraid to ask/initiate, at least during the early beginnings of the relationship. I’d be constantly seeking affirmation of their love, and since I’ve never been in a relationship before (but desperately wanted one), they’d be constantly receiving my love too ❤️
While being an introvert in reality, I find it much easier to speak with confidence online. as I actually have time to contemplate what I can say. It's when I'm either with close friends or on the internet, that I can go on passionate endless rants or show my passive aggressive side. I'm usually pacifist, but if something irks me enough, I can and will pitch in snide/sarcastic remark or two, or if it's more serious; I will write out whole sophisticated and well worded paragraph that'd sound all polite with a hidden snarky tone.
I'm pretty much a hopeless romantic, so there's lot of couple things I want to try when I find someone. Back hugs, bridal carry, tickle fights, you name it. While I do enjoy these displays of affection (comes with the happy kind of embarrassment aka. I feel embarrassed that others sees it but I’m happy because I know they’re not doing it out of maliciousness and because they truly love me), small gestures are appreciated too; a gentle squeeze of the hand, a passing smile, etc.
As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, writing, (occasionally) drawing, but most of all; probably singing. I enjoy a wide variety of songs, depending on what mood I'm in, but I particularly like songs about love. Looking for someone to sing the duet love songs with me, doesn't matter how good or bad they are at singing. They can be tone deaf for all I care, it's the thought that matters 😊
I'm very emotionally sensitive, and can both laugh and cry easily. A random stranger online wished me good day? I'll be in good mood for awhile. Watched a 'mildly' sad movie? (Extra emphasis on mildly) I better have new box of tissue on the side just in case. It'd be nice to have someone that can either comfort me or at least tolerate my emotions, so I wouldn't be irking them 😞
I don't really have a type when looking for significant other but being an INFP does make the romance thing complicated. It'd be nice to have someone that's far along on the extroverted side (just not happy go lucky and can be serious) since, despite being introverted, I like to experience new things. I'm just too afraid to try alone and prefer it if someone else recommends it first. Someone to prompt me and nudge me to do something, but won’t take it too far if I really looked uncomfortable. (I’m also a procrastinator so they gotta find out the right ratio between pushing vs. taking it too far 😅) In relationship, I'd value trust and loyalty the most, since both are important in keeping the healthy relationship. If both sides could equally trust and be trusted, then there wouldn't be place for insecurity or fear. This ties in with another part of me being an INFP; I want a relationship that lasts forever. While it's weird to decide how long lasting the love will be early in the relationship, I don't think I can fully commit myself to someone, knowing that it'll end (through the other side falling out of love with me, finding interest in someone else, etc.) (natural causes like death are fine, even though I will still be sad 🥲)
As for appearance, I’m a 5”4 female with slightly wavy black hair that reach nearly to my waist. I don’t think I’m particularly short, but then again, every anime character seems to be straight up giants XD (Man, I was born with the wrong genes) I’m overall very plain, with black hair, brown eyes, but I’ve always been told I had pretty long eyelashes and big bright eyes. Average weight for my height, and flat chested :’)
As for the preference for gender, I’m mainly attracted to guys. I had some (very few) crushes on a small selection of female anime characters, but that were very rare, like 3, compared to my (insert large number) male crushes
Thank you in advance and sorry for how long this is 😔
P.s. I feel like I need to emphasize I’m still an introvert, since the personality I described is only limited to my very small friend group
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Hey there? How are you doing? Thank you so much for requesting. First off I should be apologizing for making you wait so long. I hope you´re not mad at me but lately there is a lot happening in my life. In my private life but also in my college life. But let´s put that aside and get to your request.
I have to thank you for the detailed info about you because that helped me to choose a match up for you so much. Like I instantly could think of someone. Not only did it help me to match you up with someone but also to come up with a plot. So I came up with this little imagine/hedcanon… I really don´t know what to call my work for the imaginies so I go with work. XD Anyways I really don´t know what to do at this point. Your request and your personality gave me such a good idea for a plot that I tried my best to keep it short because I decided to turn this request and my ideas and thoughts that are flying around in my mind to an actual FANFICTION! AHHHHHHHH. I can´t stop thinking about it. The idea sounds so damn good in my head that it makes me smile like an idiot right now! Uff I can´t wait to find time writing it down. AHAHH, but I fear that I already gave aways so much with this!!!! *pouts Doesn´t matter I´ll do it anyways. AHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you so damn much for requesting!
Anyways! Back to my work now. If there is anything that bothers you or you simply hate please make sure to tell me so I can change it and give you whatever you´d like. Other than that happy reading my dear!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: I sadly don't know. Please tell me of you know so I can give credits. Thank you in advance. !!!
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· I decided to pair you up with KILLER
· Like am I the only person that thinks that he is not getting the screen time and appreciation he deserves? Because that is the damn case! ODA GIVE THIS MAN THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION HE DESERVES. And while we´re at it I wouldn´t mind if I would get a bit more of Eustass Kid too… Thank you in advance. <3
· But that’s not the point. Please dear requesting beautiful human being give this man and me, your hopelessly dreamy author a chance. Thank you, I really appreciate. <3
· aNyWaYssssS.
· “y/n? Are you still awake?”, asked the blond man softly. “No worries I won´t make you carry me to bed again.”, you said with a giggle. You couldn´t see his face but you knew that he was smiling. “I don´t mind that you know? I like having you close to me without having to fear to see you hid under the blanket for who knows how long.”, you rolled you eyes and hit his arms. “That only happened because that idiot captain of yours annoyed the hell out of me. That was embarrassing Killer.”, you slowly put one leg over the railing and then the next one. Making sure you don´t fall down the ship. “What happened? Didn´t you drag me out our cabin to watch the stars?”, asked the muscular man who held you close to him while making sure you didn´t fell. “I did but now I´d like to look at something different. Something even more beautiful. Something that gives me warmth and happiness. Something that keeps me alive and always makes sure I am doing fine.”, talking to the blond pirate while sitting at the railing was one of the rare moments you were close to an eye level with him. “You mean my mask?”, asked the man with a tiled head that got you to roll your eyes and hit his chest. “Great you destroyed the sweet moment. I hate you. Make a step back so I can get down. I want to go back to bed and drown in regret of dating you.”, you tried to push him away but he was obviously stronger and threw you over his shoulder. “Of course you hate me. That was also the exact same thing you were moaning a while ago. Let´s go back to bed nerd.”
· As sweet and loving your relationship was now with the pirate it also started like that. Wanna know how? Alright let me get comfortable in my bed and get started. Story TIIMMMEEEE!!!
· An island well known for their universities and scientist. An island full of top ranked doctors.
· Physics, chemistry, biology, astrology was well thaught in the schools of the island. An island well known around the world. An island ruled by a powerful devil fruit user.
· An island in which every civilian had a talent in another field. And you? You sadly had an impressive talent for languages.
· Why sadly you wonder? Well the amount of times you had to run for your dear life because some pirates could come and kidnap you and make you read the poneglyphs is immense.
· Once even the infamous Red haired Shanks came and asked you with the hope to have someone who could read them. But sadly you couldn´t. You told him that you were done with pirates coming for you or your best friends. You regretted learning all of that and hated yourself for that. Shanks and Beckman to whom your were talking to really felt bad for you and claimed the island as their territory after they had a chat with ruler and made a deal.
· That was that saved you and your friends for years and made you happy. You were thankful to the red hair pirates and always treated them with meals and drinks when they came visiting the island. You were happy for 5 years. 5 years until these stupid reckless pirates came.
· And now? Now you hated yourself all over again
· You knew that not every pirate was like the red hair pirates. Nice and respectful. They didn´t kill innocent people and destroyed civilizations only to get some gold and diamonds. But these? These were horrible. Cold and cruel.
· “Someone make this btch talk otherwise I´ll do it by cutting her into pieces only stropping when IT actually starts to answer my god damn questions!”, screamed a tall and guy with red hair.
· You were scared. Tied on a mast on their ship, you feared for your life. Screaming for help was not an option since you were already on the sea since a while now.
· The man that was yelling at you none stop was now holding a blond man with a mask at his collar and growling at him. The man might have a mask on but you somehow had the feeling that he was talking to the man with the red fur coat. “Clear the deck! NOW!!”; yelled the man before he left inside the ship. Slowly every man on deck was leaving you alone. You wanted to ask them were or why the left but you knew that they wouldn´t give you an answer. You were a prisoner. A captive. A pathetic human they took on board. With the last pirate leaving you behind, a door that was located behind the mast you were tied on closed while the need to cry grew inside of you. How long am I here by now? One hour? Two or three? Was anyone missing me back at home? Were they already looking for me? Thoughts that occupied your mind were blurring your vision. You were looking right in front of you but also not. Your eyes were wide open but your vision was back at home. Home were you belonged.
· “Hey. Hey can you hear me? Hey you alright, woman? Hello?”, a man was squatting in front of you and waving with his hands in front of your face. You were deeply lost in your thoughts that you neither heard him coming nor saw him sitting right in front of you.
· But the moment he touched you tight you screamed and got back to reality. “Please don´t touch me. Please don´t hurt me. Please I beg you. Please.”, fear was written all over your face. You saw yourself death with a huge puddle of your blood. “Alright I won´t touch you. It´s just that I´ve been sitting in front of you for 5 minutes now and the only thing you did was breath and say no. Anyways here is something to drink. You´ve been her for four hours now. Half of the time unconscious and the other one either basically mute or in a trance.”, the guy in front of you was the same one who got the mad man to leave and clear the deck. It made you wonder who he was that he had such a power but you didn´t dare to ask. “Here I hold it for you and you drink.”, the glass was put on your lips and you drank. You didn´t knew how thirsty you were until your lungs were wetted by the water. Finished drinking he put a blanket over your legs since the position your were in didn´t allow you to cover yourself properly. And the fact that you were wearing a dress wasn´t helping at all.
· “Alright. You had something to drink I got you a blanket now tell me are you able to talk to me and answer my questions?”, you nodded. “Good. Now listen to me. There is this language that is called Krisanasy. As far as I know there is a tiny amount of people who are able to speak that and you are one of these. Am I right?”, you nodded. “How well are you in it?”, you gulped and looked at the man with the mask “I know the most important basics. I remember basic grammar rules and a good amount of vocabulary but I´m not that good in it. I didn´t worked with anything that included this language since years now.”, the masked man nodded and fully sat down now. “Would you be able to get back in it if you had some books and scripts to work with?”, slowly you understood where this was supposed to lead. You knew that if you said yes they would keep you as their prisoner and make your work for them. And if they had everything they would kill you because there would be no more use for you. But if you said no now and refused to talk to him he would probably also kill you. You were in a dilemma. You didn´t wanted to die but also didn´t wanted to die after you helped them. They were criminals. Feared and hated by the government and any human around the world. You looked down on your lap and let your head fall forward so your long black hair covered your face. “Hey I asked you something. Would you be able to do that?”, his voice was deep and rough but in the same time soft and gentle. That irritated you. it make you realize that him being nice to you now was just a way to get under your skin and make you do whatever they wanted. And then they simply would kill you in the most brutal and cruel way. “Hey, woman. Are you listening?”, you felt helpless. “I don´t want to die. Please let me go. Please. I beg you. Please.”, tears were streaming down you cheeks you couldn´t hold back anymore. He came closer and lifted you face. “Listen here you are a smart woman. Stop crying for fcks sake. If I would be you I would have made these pirates work for me. Use your damn brain and stop crying. Do you really think anyone in here would kill you? Heck no! They need your help. They need your brain because all of them are basically stupid. Like damn I need you to answer all of my questions before my captain with anger issues comes and beats the sht out of me. Now answer me woman. Are you able to get back in it if we got you some scripts to work on?”, you nodded while more tears streamed down you cheeks. You felt pathetic. You felt worthless and used. Helping them would turn you into a criminal too and ruin everything you worked on. Everything the emperor did for you and the island would be wasted. “See wasn’t that hard to answer.”
· The questioning went on for a while you didn´t know for how long but you knew that a long time passed since the sun stared to set. “Alright. Now I give you two options. One, stay here. Tied up on the mast no matter what kind of weather we face. Two you swear to obey me no matter what kind of order I give you and you will be able to sleep on a bed. You will get food and tomorrow you will start working on the scripts we give you. You choose.”, with your head hung lowly you said number two and instantly got released from the chains and handcuffs. He helped you stand up and covered you in the blanket before he led you into his cabin. “Wait here. Sit there and don´t do anything stupid as long as I´m not here. If you do anything stupid I won´t be able to help you. Got it?”, he didn´t even wait until you answered or gave any reaction he simply left and closed the door after him. So you waited while sitting with a lowly hung head. Minutes passed and he came back. “Your clothes are dirty. The bathroom is empty so you can take a bath or shower. Anything you want but I´ll be in the room with you. Because of one I have to make sure no one is coming in and secondly to watch over you and make sure you don´t do anything stupid. Got it. Fine. Take this towel and these clothes. We don´t have any female crewmates so you have to be wearing with my clothes until we dock on another island and you get to buy clothes.”
· The man with the mask took care of you for the rest of the day. He took you to shower and gave you fresh clothes. You had dinner with him alone in the kitchen when no one was around and got back to sleep. And no matter what you did he made sure to keep a respectful distance towards you. Whenever he had to come closer or touch you to take care of your wounds he would warn you. The day kept going like that. Nothing else was said about the following days and the thing they wanted you for. Only necessary things were said that were needed at the moment. And you only gave short replays or only answered with a head movement.
· Slowly the day passed by and the night took over with the moon putting the world alight. You were back in his cabin with him sitting on an armchair and you lying in bed sleeping with one hand tied up on the bed.
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✨Yօʊ'ʀɛ Nօȶ Gօɨռɢ Aռʏաɦɛʀɛ✨
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: Despite traveling through all of time and space with the Doctor's best enemy, you still can't escape the bad along with the good. Lucky for you, you're not alone... even if it is with one of the if not THE most dangerous being in all the cosmos.
Warnings: Angsty Fluff, Sickness and all that comes with that, Blood and Gore / Violence
A/N: This was a requested fic { I am so sorry it is late ; life has gotten busy and ofc wack } about an adventure going wrong near the end for the Reader and the Master showing a side to themselves that no one else see's, not even their old friend/enemy the Doctor."}
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We got to go, this place is going to blow. Run!" , the Master said as he grabbed you by the arm and lead you into a sprint. You breathed in and out roughly, heart racing as you followed him, using all the strength you had to push you forward, you both getting as far away from the destruction as you could while being shot at with deadly lasers with equally deadly consequences from them. You and the timelord had gone to the planet Androkeyos after having heard a tip from an anonymous person that the place should be checked out. Something weird going on there involving people going missing, mutations going on from experiments, a rare object at the heart of it all. Now in the thick of it, you two were trying to escape. The people there were dying off and were trying to make their race survive. Gone twisted with desire and frustration, they started experimenting on their own people with dangerous fuels, toxins, and poisons to change them to be able to survive. But now the mutations had gone rogue, too powerful for their own leaders to control, killing them off and threatening other planets if they escaped off their planet and into the stars - wanting to make others like them and kill off the rest who they saw as useless. Ducking behind a pillar, you and the Master stayed quiet, his hand over your mouth and you felt him against your back as he surveyed both your surroundings, waiting for the right moment to start running again, his other hand holding the Securya {the rare object} tight in his grasp now hidden away safely in a pocket. Once the coast was clear, you two began running again. "This way, that corridor, up the stairs, take a left and third door on the right. " he whispered to you, taking your hand and you and him got faster in your speed, eager to get into the room where his Tardis was located. You and him were just about there when more of the Androkeyo mutations came into view, swiftly moving about as they shot at you and the Master. As he fiddled with the door to get it open, you saw a shot coming right towards the Master who had his back turned. Taking the chance to protect him as he often did with you, considering you were so fragile in comparison to him because you're human, you took the shot square in the chest right as the Master grabbed you roughly and pulling you into the Tardis at the same moment. You both could hear the ruckus of the enemies trying to get inside the ship but the timelord was too focused on you. You who had stupidly decided to take a shot that could either mutate or kill you if you didn't have the antidote. In a risk to save his life where he was much more likely to survive it. Pain racked through your body from where the shot originated. You could feel an intense burning shooting from your heart through every nerve in your body. It hurt to breathe and when you moved, you felt shaky. The Master not only felt an intense anger to go outside his ship and slaughter every single one of them on the planet until everything was drenched in blood aside from the fire, ash and smoke and dust. He also however, felt anger and frustration for you. Not surprised as this wasnt the first time you risked your life for him but also that you would put his life over yours when he was far more capable of surviving in comparison to you. Frustration when you didnt have to get shot and there could have been another way. Lucky for you, he had the Securya on him. Had he not found it, things may have gone downhill more than they already have. Seeing the look on his face, you grit out through your teeth as you tried to push him away to no avail, "Just focus on getting us out of here first." to remind him and he growled lowly under his breath, moving towards the console and pressing buttons and pushing the lever to get you both gone. The wheezing of the Tardis started along with the up and down motion of the main part of the console and you did your best to hold on from where you fell in front of the doors from the inside of the ship. Not knowing where you both were as his ship landed, all you could focus on was trying to pull yourself up by your hands. Having instantly heard footsteps coming your way, you would have fallen were it not for the Master catching you with an arm around your waist and pulling you to him. He could sense how bad it was for you and he couldn''t help but be worried. He would scold you later however. "Don't even bother trying to move on your own love, it's just going to be worse on you.", he remarked when you started to protest as he picked you up bridal style and started carrying you into the depths of his ship towards the medical bay. You were known to be rather stubborn when it came to things and you never wanted to be seen as weak. Too bad that when those moments come, trying to act as normal can be taxing and take out of you more. You frowned but slowly nodded as you buried your head in his chest. His arms like a safety net, you held on for as long as you could, not wanting to go anywhere. With him, it felt like home. With him, it felt safe. With him, you felt peace and happiness among all the chaos and the madness. Slightly jostled awake by him demanding you stay awake, you slowly opened your eyes and looked a little around, seeing yourself in the medical bay as the Master gently put you on the gurney table and got to work. Using something clearly alien and advanced tech, he moved it over your body in an up and down motion to get a reading. His jaw tightened as he released a breath, shaking his head. "What is it?" , he looked towards you then away as he continued, "Youre in the beginning stages of mutation. Thats why you're feeling that burning all inside you.. starting from your heart? " , he didnt need you to nod to get that confirmation. The look in your eyes said everything. "Its going from the start of how you live to all throughout your body because that change happens everywhere. It's trying to rewrite you from the inside out. From that, comes the poisons and the toxins, trying to wash out the old..." , he remarked as he got a needle and injection, taking the Securya out his pocket and hooking them both up together and extracting enough of the liquid that was in the rare object. You shivered, whether it was out of shakiness or the needle, you couldn't really tell.You didn't like either possibility.  As he spoke, he also brought out a weird looking thing that you could only assume was a stethescope mixed with a temperature monitor. He came over to you. "You won't be you anymore and you especially wouldnt be if i didnt take that damn rarity.", his voice went steely and scolding to you, a stark contrast from his gentle ministrations towards helping you sit up, the pillow behind your back supporting you up. "Now open your mouth and stay still. When i tell you to take deep breaths, you do so. Ok?", You nod and as he pressed a button, your mouth falls open in what could be considered a cute O face, but minds were not in the gutter, they were out in the open with clarity towards the given situation. Feeling part of the object under your tongue, you two waited a little bit before it popped out your mouth. Right after, the Master replied, "I need you to breathe now Y/N.", he instructed and you did as you were told, breathing deeply in and out a few times until he gave you the go ahead to stop. As he took notice of that and the readings from the temperature, you lied back down, albeit weakly. "You're burning up.. Well over 100 and your heart is pattering away like a hummingbird's wings.", he said as he put the stethoture monitor { ;) } down and came to you with the needle that held the Securyan liquid. You trembled, looking at the size of the needle. Couldn't be too bad right? You clearly dealt with worse on Planet Earth, anywhere else you traveled with the Master in the past and you would give anything to be rid of the pain overwhelming your entire body. By the look on his face towards you out the corner of his eye, you didn't need to express that you were starting to feel more than just burning. It was becoming much more harder to breathe as the Master put pressure on a perfect spot to put the needle in. The other side, he held onto your arm and one hand of yours overlapped his to hold on tight just in case. "This is going to hurt so if you need to, squeeze tight onto my hand.", the timelord told you, voice oozing with not only concentration and seriousness but a tint of worry as well. "Just put the damn thing in and get it over with." , you spit out, your other hand clutching at the table sheets under your back and as you did, he inserted the needle in. Almost instantaneously, the pain became unbearable as you tightened your hold both on the sheets and his hand until your knuckles turned wide. As you struggled slightly from where you lay, he laid his free hand over your chest to hold you down. "Try and stay still Love, this will only get worse if you don't." , You nodded despite the tears pooling out your eyes, vision going blurry and you almost barely felt the needle coming out of you. "Look at me Y/N", and you did so. You saw a flurry of emotions in his eyes, all of the same you have been seeing but more softer. "I know you feel sleepy but it will all be over, i promise. Try and get some rest. I'll be here when you wake.". Vaguely through the pain and the Securyan liquid going through out your body, you felt the burning go into a gentle cooling more as the time passed by BUT as well as the exhaustion, you slowly fluttered your eyes shut after you murmured out an "Okay." As you felt the embrace of sleep overtake you, the last thing you felt before you saw black was the brushing of lips on your forehead. -Sometime later- Opening your eyes, the first thing you saw was the med bay you were in, the Master right by your bed in a chair, eyes immediately turning towards you.The first thing you felt was much better. The pain was still there but the nap must have done you a universe of good if the negatives in your body was more dull and faint. Maybe this was more than one being not limited to the Master, but to overall that you should not over exert yourself and put yourself into things that could be avoided. To essentially 'cool it' and calm down. "How are you feeling?", he inquired and you were just about to turn to him and answered when he cut you off, "No. Scratch that, because i can pick up on everything about you, let alone your body more than anyone else can since i'm who you're around most if not all of the time.", his voice showed how steely and negative feeling he was earlier. Well , still technically and you bit your lip, knowing what was coming. Though it was sort of deserved, you wouldn't feel bad about that decision. You were protecting someone you loved, simple as that. "What the hell were you thinking? You could have die- no , you would have died were it not for me. You're human Y/N and I'm not, did you ever stop to think that maybe i don't need saving?" You frowned at him, equally letting out the frustration and worry and anger you felt. You understood where he was coming from because he was by all means fully able to take care of himself in anyway but if it werent for obvious moments in the past where even he was bested. You think he would know that not even he himself is truly invincible. "If you didn't need me, let alone anyone to save you, then you wouldn't have gotten into situations that required anyone to be your hero Master. Yes, you're a timelord but that doesn't make you inescapable to pain or death, you know that!" "I don't need you to save me Y/N. I'm not some damsel in distress that needs someone over his back and shoulder looking out for him." You reeled back from that, quiet for a few moments as he stared you down, trying to get you to see where he was coming from just as you were on your own end towards him. You never treated him like a child, you fully knew well enough that you're not him mother. Especially with how you feel towards him , how dare he insinuate that when it wasn't true. "You see it from your end and you try to make a point but you're not even considering where i was coming from it. You are the farthest thing from a child to me." Your voice broke as you tried to stand, being able to on your own now without the timelord's help. "Really, then what am I to you huh? , because from where i stand, you're a coward not admitting what you feel when it's obvious through your words and actions." Was he really that thick? Maybe not because by his words, he clearly knew and was hinting it to you just to get you to finally let it out. He is a stone cold brilliant genius as once said by his frenemy, the Doctor. Blood boiling over but in a mix of frustration and affection, you shouted, "I love you, you damn bastard. Why else do you think i risk my life for you, why i travel with you and chose you over the Doctor? Why do you think that i would clearly put myself into a position to get sick and infected, even die for you?!" By this point, he was within a few centimeters of your face, You continued before he could. Your voice softer now, "When you love someone, you don't walk away. When it's real, you dont walk away.. you run towards. You go through the good and the bad together. Yes, i'm going to suffer in sickness from a mistake, as you put it, that i made. I love you Master and maybe to others, that would be stupid and idiotic, dangerous and insane. But I care, so sue me for caring. Sue me for giving a da-" Hands pull you forward by the elbows and lips collide against yours. Cut off from speech, you gasp into the kiss he gives. It's all lips in a guided tango of love and passion, release of feelings and the frustrations starting to subside on both ends. You clutch on tightly to his collarbones, fisting the top of his waistcoat in your hands, moving your lips in synch with his. A sense of relief that you got the antidote, that you and him talked and expressed, that while you would be sick as an after effect of the mutation poison and the dose of Securyan to heal you, you would get better. You were with the Master, safe inside his ship. You were h o m e. Pulling apart, he rested his forehead against yours. Breath's mingling and getting breath's back, he spoke quietly to you. As if you two were the only ones inside the universe, let alone his ship which of course was true considering he didn't let anyone else in, unless it were the Doctor. You chuckled inwardly at the thought. He was your very own right now. "Just promise me, please. You have to take better care for yourself. You're worth so much more than an ending like that." He said. You wrapped your arms around him, despite the dull pain, coming of the sickness while at the same time being fought off to heal. "Don't want to get rid of me huh?", you teased lightly before biting your lip, starting to feel nauseous. Sensing it, he helped lead you to a nearby toilet, holding your hair back as you released your stomach of it's contents. "Oh love... you're not going anywhere if i have anything to say and do about it." ------------ The next week or two was more or so the same. Essentially confined to the ship because further adventuring while you were healing would prolong the process of you getting better. You would have a bruise where the shot had hit you, you would throw up occasionally, even with blood {which died down and stopped when you got another Securyan dose as needed.} , weak and dizzyness, even a back and forth of a stuffy nose and a runny one, a sore throat. Each in time became duller and then faint, followed by going away completely, even your breathing got better to the way it was before you got shot and sick. You chuckled as you got dressed for the day in your's and the Master's bedroom on the Tardis, the old girl fiercely protective and .loving/etc towards the both of you, especially him but you for how you are with him and how you are with her, the ship. You thought over some moments, now that you're in the third week. At the start of this third you had starting getting better to tip top shape. Now you just wanted to tell the Master. A smile comes to your face as you thought of moments before. No matter how gross of color and consistency the vomit was, added addition of blood occasionally. No matter how sick you got in different ways, he was there every step of the way now that you both had an understanding, especially more so than before. No matter how many times you fought him due to stubborness to see if you got your strength back or out of frustration of trying to get things done yourself out of not wanting to be seen as weak or an invalid. No matter how much you bleed, he took every bruise and hit and grossness and gore you tried to inflict on him because he knew that you didnt regret your decision persay but that you felt guilt at not taking things into account that you should have with him. He knew that it meant nothing too really, when you always apologized to him after. Sometimes we all need someone, even if we don't want to admit it to anyone , let alone ourselves. Coming out of your shared bedroom, you moved through the halls and corridors, the ship with ease, leading you to where the Master was, in the kitchen. You leaned against the door way, smiling at him as he seemed to be making breakfast. How charming. You almost would have moaned of how delicious he makes things but you wanted to surprise him. You didn't know how good this might go since he so quickly got onto things, especially with you but still, let you have some fun. In an instant, you jumped on his back, legs wrapping around his waist, hands at his shoulders and you whispered into his ear "Gotcha.", before you kissed his cheek and moved to jump off. "Now that was very rude Y/N", he remarked, instantly turning you around so that you were both on the floor, the wind out of you as he leaned over top of you, eyes burning into yours with happiness, amusement and mischief. You felt a mixer of eggs, herbs and cheese around your body as well as floor and the sweet exotic smell of something you couldn't identify. You wondered what it was. You giggled, looking up at him, seeing crumbles of buttered bread in his hair and little sausage links on the ground. Even when looking a mess, he still looked beautiful but with that expression, made it all the more funny. "Feeling better i see to cause a ruckus as usual." You smirked , "I can't help myself, you make it so easy." "Even when you're at my mercy now, underneath me with my body on top of yours?" , he hinted, his voice taking a coy tone. You narrowed your eyes, seeing what he was planning, "No.  you better not, i sw-" , you tried to get away, kicking out from underneath him to try and get him and move away but he caught you just as you moved to get up, sending you back down to the ground. "Master, come on!", you squealed as his hands trailed all over your body, sending you into a fit of laughter as he tickled you everywhere, his grin on his face knowing he won. At some point he stopped, he turned your face to his with a hand cupping your face. "Feeling better i see. You ruined the breakfast i made for us. What are you going to do about that?" , he threw at you as he hovered over you. "I don't know, i think you might have to just deal with the mess... I'm kidding, im kidding!", you laughed as he moved to tickle you again. "I'll help you clean it up and remake it, how about that?" "Sounds like a deal Love.", he remarked, helping you stand and you returned his mischievous smile before following through with getting the kitchen cleaned up as well as you two and then making the breakfast. Who knew that suffering from danger would lead to such an outcome? There was no where else you would rather be and as you shared a look with him, enjoying the start of another day together, you knew he felt the same.
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
ThunderCats Roar - “Mumm-Ra The Ever Living”
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Co-Executive Producer: Victor Courtright
Supervising Producer: Nate Cash
Producer: Marly Halpern-Graser
Story by: Joan Ford
Teleplay by: Lesley Tsina
Directed by: Jeremy Polgar
Yup, that’s the name of the villain, alright.
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Our adventure begins with a look at the daily life of Mumm-Ra, who manages to find various magical artifacts that give him his full strength. Every time he does this, the ThunderCats barge in, destroy it, turn Mumm-Ra The Ever Living back into his skeleton form, and finish him off by mocking him. One day, it's an evil orb. Another day, it's an evil stick. Another day, it's a evil Burger King crown. Okay, maybe it's just a regular crown, but that's the first thing to come to my mind.
This builds up to one day, where he just wants to relax and listen to his tape player, and, all because he was in his giant form, the ThunderCats come in and just smash everything in the room, including said tape player, until they find the jar that was making him big. One may almost feel kind of sorry for Mumm-Ra, even if he is a known jerk. As Mumm-Ra vows to take revenge from the ThunderCats inaccurate portrayals of him in their mocking tones, he finds a plug that wasn't connected to anything.
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That was the plug for the Ancient Spirits of Evil, making this episode the first time these statues actually did anything except make his lair look cool. They celebrate finally being plugged in after "like, a million years" is to mock Mumm-Ra for not being able to defeat the ThunderCats. How would they know who the ThunderCats are if they weren't plugged in? It could be argued that these statues could be all-knowing, but this episode will disprove that.
The Ancient Spirits do have something else that could actually help Mumm-Ra and not just remind him of his constant failure: they can also give him the power to become Mumm-Ra the Ever Living, as long as they know the incantation. Thankfully for Mumm-Ra, they just write it out in his cauldron so he can recite it.
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Getting powered up this way gives him a couple more bonus powers along with his strength and transformation abilities: the ability to control people's dreams, the ability to capture souls, and mind control. He doesn't seem to do the last two in this episode, but he does think of another ability he has that could counter the non-Tygra ThunderCats' great ability to mock him, as he laughs evilly.
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In a masterful transition, Mumm-Ra's laughter fades right into the ThunderCats laughing at even more wacky impressions of that evil oafish goof. Both times, Tygra tries to butt in with his own not-so-impressive impression, much to the derision of his teammates. One may almost feel sorry for him if he wasn't...poor Tygra.
As they go to sleep, the night becomes a dark and stormy one, and the ThunderCats each receive their very own nightmare, courtesy of the master of impressions.
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I'm not going to lie, this does lead to some interesting scenes. He could have just kidnapped them while they were asleep, but Mumm-Ra decides to use his newfound ability to alter dreams to give us some really cool scenes. Panthro has to experience his Thundertank turning into a giant mechanical cat monster, and Cheetara has to race through an endless corridor. With each of these scenes, Mumm-Ra, who usually turns himself into an imitation has his own witty counter-comebacks to fit in with the episode's theme of impressions.
However, the creativity isn't consistent, as Lion-O just gets covered with burritoes and Wilykit and Wilykat end up getting trapped in their Game and Watches, and those scenes last as long as Mumm-Ra's funny impressions of them. Tygra's is a little bit better, as they do reference the running gag of him not doing well with impressions with Mumm-Ra's impression not being very good either. He just puts him in a bag, and Snarf just walks in. I guess they couldn't think of a Snarf nightmare scene.
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They end up getting locked in small cages, and Lion-O does a monologue about how Mumm-Ra "cheated." No, not because he used ancient spirits, but because impressions are supposed to be just for fun, not to be evil. He may as well just say, "Mumm-Ra's impressions are wrong because he's a bad guy and we're the good guys." Cheetara demonstrates this "fun" Lion-O is talking about by doing another "funny" Mumm-Ra impression, which is just her saying "I'm Mumm-Ra the ever living" in a mocking voice. One may notice I haven't quoted any of those supposedly witty impressions, and that's because that's pretty much most of them. At least Mumm-Ra's impressions from earlier at least reference some insecurity with each of them.
Confusing the mocking for the genuine article, the Ancient Spirits of Evil suddenly start talking. There is one snag: they can't know what incantation they have to say to turn themselves into Mumm-Ra The Ever Living. Thankfully, the spirits just tell them exactly what to say, because they buy Wilykat's excuse that he has "mummy-brain". They only had 3 more minutes left, I can't blame them.
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Thanks to them saying the incantation that was spoon-fed to them, the Spirits gives them the power of the Ever Living, turning them giant and, in the case of Wilykit, Wilykat, and Cheetara, muscular. Except for Tygra, who, despite all of his training in thespian arts, can't seem to say the incantation in any voice that doesn't sound like a Berbil. To add insult to Tygra's near constant injuries in this episode and throughout this whole series, even Snarf was able to convince them to make him grow big, even though Snarf can't even talk.
With their new abilities, we get a fight scene showing their now equal strength and word-play. Lion-O, at one point, makes him eat dirt. Yes, because imitations are supposed to be fun and not evil, and nothing is less evil than shoving dirt in people's mouths. Again, he is an evil guy who locks people in cages, so his role as the punching bag is still justified.
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Don't feel too sad for the other punching bag of the episode, though, as, even with just his relatively tiny body, he's able to deal the last blow with his bola whip. He still wishes anyone would be impressed by his impressions, though.
In the end, we do get some closure on the Tygra running gag, and the other ThunderCats celebrate by using their Ever Living abilities, which, outside of the strength, they really only used in this ending scene, to fly back home, leaving Tygra behind. I am still not convinced that this whole series is going to be Tygra's villain origin. We can also only make the assumption that the powers eventually wear off, as this episode just suddenly ends with a "The End" title card...
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...complete with a fart sound. Because of course.
How does it stack up?
The nightmare scenes are pretty creative, but other than that, it's pretty adequate.
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Next, pirates.
← Study Time 🐈 Berserkers →
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
All we need is love au
N/A: After exchanging a fanfiction and talking about, I decide to give the harem another go, however, in this case, Kitty is just a healer. Also, no more "religious institution is evil" Castlevania beat a dead horse to the point no necromancy can resurrect.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
What Kitty was wearing
In the wood of Gasele, is possible to spot one of the most frequently used herbs to healing potions, useful in any day, especially if you are a healer like Kitty Pryde. It was supposed to be a quiet spot, however, loud voices belong to men(certainly not from here judging by the accent) gather her attention.
"It hurts like hell, can´t you do anything?" A man with sideburns asked wincing in pain to a blue man with white hair and beard.
"I could, but, I would have to rearrange your organs for that" the other man is visibly displeased by this action "chins up, you can´t die yet" the morbid attempt of humour did nothing to help the situation.
Kitty saw, hide in a large tree, the man still wincing in pain, as a healer she has a sacred duty to heal all those who are in need, so, leaving her spot(and having confidence that her uniform is enough to not make her a target) the woman purpose to heal the man, now named Logan.
Logan is sceptical at best.
"I´m Wolverine, I did cause problems in Meridith in the name of this big asshole" points to the man named Kurt "I don´t think I can trust in a stranger to heal me"
"I´m a Zaorva´s healer, our mission is to help those who need it" Kitty explained and Kurt and Logan are still sceptical, after all, this could be a plot to trick them or install them. Kitty merely rolls her eyes, and using a knife(perfect to herbs) did cut herself, then using her powers the cut is healed. That was enough for Logan, apparently.
Healing the wounds proves to be an easy task for Kitty, no matter how serious the wound itself appears, once the process is finished Logan could move his body without feeling pain(and is not above to throw some jabs at Kurt for not knowing healing spells)
Kitty observes Kurt for a moment, of course, she knows who the man is, no one is that naive to not reconize his face, however, Kitty never thought she would see him so closely and in such way.
"So, what you think?" Kurt asked a bit leery as Kitty is not hiding her stares at all.
"You are...old" Kitty replied and Logan laughs at this exchange. Kurt pouts at that, not the reaction he was hoping.
"Old?" Kurt takes offence to that, even though, the man is way older.
"Is the beard, white hair and beard, make you look ancient" Kitty replied gently putting her Zaorva´s badge to be in display, Kurt did get in conflict with Zaorva´s temple in the past and it gets in a bigger problem, making Kurt wanting to be neutral with the temple.
"I have to go, stay in Zaorva´s grace" Kitty replied not waiting for a reply. His golden eyes watched the healer return to her chores and the man is pondering about the situation. ____________________________________________ An infestation of Grindylow has appeared in the small city of Azule, a name fitting as the city produces sapphires, magical sapphires that man need for spells of a higher calibre, however, with the infestation of Grindylow no one dares to step a foot in this city.
A group of heroes were called to resolve the situation, a young man in his late teens, named Kid Gladiator, dives into the lake to fight off the creatures. Kitty was also sent as a healer factor and arrives just in time to see the hero Kid Gladiator dive in without anyone to stop him.
Kitty jump right into as thanks to the light provides from her staff, she saw the boy almost being killed by the creatures, their big eyes darted to Kitty and saw the badge, the Zaorva symbol, and leave. Kitty takes the boy and both appear on the surface.
Once the boy starts to grasp for air, Kitty applies more of her healing magic, as the boy slowly opens his eyes.
"What were you thinking?" Kitty chastised the blue boy "you never, ever, fight with a  Grindylow in water, NEVER"Kitty then instructed the boy to remain still, his body is taking time to adjust as he almost drowns himself.
"My team..." is all the boy replied and Kitty gaze at the group of heroes who remain far away from the boy.
"Don´t worry, they will be scowled too," Kitty look at them with disappointment in her doe eyes.
"Nevermind them, you can defeat the Grindylows," the boy asked slowly sitting now.
"No" Kitty simply said "those creatures are part of the family of the elder ones, however, they don´t dare to attack someone from Zaorva´s side, however, I have no power to stop them...they will attack again"
"Then...maybe, I should ask for his help" the boy replied a bit enigmatically, but, once he mentioned other people are hurt, Kitty leave that piece of information behind and ask for the boy to take her to where the injured people are.
Kitty remains in the shelter taking care of the injuries for 3 days, however, on the third day, the situation with  Grindylows was resolved as Kid Gladiator explained.
"It was father, sort like a gift present" the boy explained and Kitty wonders what this even means when the father´s boy appears.
"Ah, I should have known I would meet you here, they did mention a healer here" it was Kurt, oh, looking at the blue boy and at the father she can understand the situation.
"You defeated the  Grindylows?" Kitty tries to hide her astonishment and fails.
"You saved my son, Miss ..." Kitty introduces herself this time and the man waste no time in calling her nicknames "Katzchen then, thank you, for saving my son, not everyone would do that...I know that being my offspring has some downsides"
Kitty smiles at that and shakes her head "anyone is equal in her eyes, anyone is equal in my eyes, either way, I know you didn't save the city for them but thank you"
"You are a very interesting and cute person" then his smile is a bit malicious this time when he asked if she noticed any change on him, of course, she had, no longer the white bear or hair is visible.
"Uhm, now you look much better, I don´t think white is your colour" Kitty replied honestly. Then adds "But the robes still give the ancient vibe"
Kurt just laughs at this and shakes his head  "I have to do things now, I can trust you to make sure my son won´t do any foolish?"
"Of course" Kitty vows and Kid Gladiator take offence of that.
"Diving in to fight  Grindylows on your own, so immature" Kurt complain amused and in smoke of brimstone, he is gone. Kid Gladiator now speaks intrigued.
"Strange, usually, he hates when people don´t appreciate his fashion sense" the boy speak to himself, Kitty then notice that the group of heroes who watched the boy jump to his death is nowhere in sight. ________________________________________ One day, Kitty is called by the central station of the temple, Zaorva´s word is spread among all the seven kingdoms, but this is the central, the Matriz, Kitty arrives to see the leader Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff talking in their own language until Kitty arrives.
"Hey, buckyroo?" Kitty jokes and Natasha laughs and look at him amused.
"It was a bad idea for a costume, anyway, we are not here to talk about bad costumes" Bucky clear his throat and then look at Kitty with a more serious gaze "do you know about the Demonic Necromancer´s court?"
"No?" Kitty shurgs is not something she wants to learn, what she wants is a new magical staff, she is eyeing good ones but they are all too expensive.
"In the last few days, one of the, oh god, let´s put factions, was killed off for treason reasons, and there´s an open spot now" Bucky now uses his metallic hand to scratch his head and Natasha rolls her eyes.
"He means, in a fit of stupidity, the temple offered one of us to the evil necromancer and he asked for you" Natasha was straight to the point. Kitty´s staff drops on the floor.
"Why?" is all she can ask.
"Because...I don´t know, the man seems fond of you, we could say no, but, Kitty, it would be too costly, the last time we went against him..."Bucky didn´t need to finish as everyone understand what is implied.
"Maybe" Natasha speaks trailing off a little "we could send a substitute? The man does not understand how the system works here, we can use that against him"
"No, thank you, Natasha, but if he picks me, then I´ll go to him," Kitty said holding her staff bravely "I won´t ask for anyone else to hold my burden"
"Maybe, he can return you after a week, the princess of Greenland was sent back after a few weeks, we can only hope he is just trying to sway more people to his side with a famous healer of Zaorva" Natasha commented, Bucky don´t agree with her optimistic view(no, the man seems very into in having Kitty)
"Either way, I accept and embrace the change" Kitty replied making a face"I´ll try to look at the bright side of this"
"There´s a bright side?"
"Now, we can work on our RH´s relationship" __________________________________ Being part of harem was a possibility Kitty never wanted for herself, and yet, here is she going to meet the evil necromancer...again.Zaorva wouldn´t give any task she couldn´t handle, and Kitty is sure she can deal with this. Stay low profile and soon enough the man will let her go.
Kurt was with the scarlet robes, it did suit him well, Kitty admits, it gives the aura of an evil wizard who tricks children in the wood.
"Hello, Kurt" Kitty replied not knowing the protocols(no one in the temple knew and no one from outside wanted to mangle, they may be beloved by everyone, but no one wishes to mess with the evil necromancer)and shakes his head like a good friend from a bar. Some women dressed elegantly laugh at the gesture. Kurt is amused by this.
"Hello, Katzchen" the man takes the hand would kiss but her expression tell it wouldn´t be a good idea, the man is patient after all, and gently let her hand go. "Make a safer trip?"
"Yes, I just spend a good portion wondering why you wanted me part of your harem" Kitty look into his golden eyes trying to see any clue, Kurt seems more amused by this.
"Honestly? You are interesting, a healer that craves more in this world but still wants to be a healer, helping my son even though many would let him drown, healing without care for who is the patient...I admire those traits even if you think I´m a cliche of a villain" Kurt replied in good humour and gestures to his own robes, Kitty gives a small smile as his robes those give the cliche vibe.
"And you cut your hair?" Kitty asked looking at his now short hair and smiles "ok, now you look young, white and long hair is not your thing"
"Glad to know I´m increasing in your good opinion" Kurt is about to guide Kitty when she replied.
"I know what you are aiming, and you won´t get it," Kitty has bravely spoken and Kurt looks at her offering his hand smiling in a way that shows all his teeth.
"In that case, you won´t be afraid" then he asked calmly "and what you want, Katzchen?"
"Since is not wise to lie to you, yes I heard the stories, I want to be more useful in the magic field, healing is amazing"Kitty´s eyes shine at that and Kurt chuckles at this, it was cute, he has to admit "but...only healing is not enough to help"
"A dedicated healer, maybe that´s why I´m not a healer"
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ai-da-ice · 7 years
[Fan Account] ai-da-ice at Tokyo’s Tonikaku HEY Pre-release Event/Handshake Meeting
So, previously I wrote a guide to attending in-store-lives after going to FlowBack’s for their single “Booyah!”, but a pre-release in-store or live event is a slightly different beast since you can’t just buy a physical copy at the store and receive a lottery ticket. I went into this experience of going to a pre-release event for Tonikaku HEY a little blind, not really understanding how it would work but praying I would figure it out as I went along. Still, since I’ve had a bit of bad luck attending events such as missing the priority seating ticketing (Da-iCE’s Stickyle event), getting the worst lottery number and missing the autograph session (FlowBack’s in-store), and getting on the wrong train and blowing some of my shopping money on taxi fare (Chiruran), I was actually expecting for things to go wrong, but I think it went incredibly smoothly, so I’m a little shocked!
These were the basics I knew before the event: at 9, the venue (in this case, a pretty decently sized stage near the movie theater MOVIX at a shopping village in Akishima) would begin opening preorders for Tonikaku HEY as well as the handshake tickets, which vary from order to order. Basically, if you pre-ordered one album, you could get a ticket to have a brief handshake with all the members. If you pre-ordered all three versions, you could get an extra ticket for a longer handshake with an individual member. At 10, you could start participating in the priority seating lottery (sticking your hand in a mystery box and pulling out a ticket to determine how close to the stage you will be) after you secured your pre-order receipt. At 2 PM, the mini-live would begin.
Naturally, I was wondering about the huge gap between drawing the lottery at 10 and the actual performance starting at 2, so I was thinking I would have a lot of extra free time in Akishima. I even skipped breakfast, thinking I’d grab something when I was there. Also, since most of the events I had been to in Japan thus far hadn’t been big on letting people line up too early, I decided to arrive exactly at 9 for the preorders.
This wound up being kind of a mistake, although it wasn’t one with as many consequences as I had thought. When I arrived at the venue, the line was snaking all over the place and was looooooong. I arrived at 9, but didn’t even reach the pre-order tent until closer to 12. Naturally, I severely regretted skipping breakfast. Luckily, they played Da-iCE’s “Next Phase” album to keep us entertained, but it was still a long wait. Here’s an idea of what the line was like:
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There were a few downsides to this other than just waiting a long time and starving, though, like I said, nothing wound up being too big of a deal in the end. One was that we were allowed to choose which member we wanted to do the individual handshake with, and they had a limited number of tickets for each member, to keep everyone from all going to the exact same person and having one member with a gazilion more visitors than another. Sota’s tickets ran out pretty early into my wait, and Taiki ran out about an hour later, and so on. Also the priority seating tickets were also a limited number, so I was pretty convinced I’d miss out on both since I was so far back in the line.
As I finally got close to the pre-order booth, I received a form to fill out to let the staff know which albums I wanted. At that point, the all-member handshake tickets were available and Toru and Yudai hadn’t sold out yet, so I opted to pre-order all three versions and go for the individual member handshake if it was still available. Toru and Yudai are about equal in popularity, so I wasn’t sure which would run out first, and I didn’t mind handshaking with either because I love them both, so I waited to see which tickets were left before writing down which handshake I wanted. The form was fairly simple Japanese, so I was able to understand most of it-- you could choose whether you wanted the albums shipped to you or if you wanted to pick them up in Akishima. The shipping cost was actually cheaper than a round ticket back to Akishima for me, so I decided to have them shipped.
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When I arrived at the pre-order booth, I was relieved that both the member handshake and individual handshake tickets were still available. Phew! I wound up with Yudai’s individual ticket, which I was very excited about. Unfortunately, the priority seating tickets were all gone (the bad luck finally strikes!), but the venue was set up in such a way that even people outside of the priority area were close, and when we actually got into the mini-live, the members looked at our area to the side frequently.
By time all this was finished, it was already around 12:30, so I made a break for the vending area so I could finally get something to drink and eat. I was a bit short on money, so I wound up getting an ice cream cone from the 17 Ice machine (the company Da-iCE/AAA/TRF rep for-- Hayate was on the vending machine), which also was kind of a mistake since it was very hot and promptly melted all over my hands. But since I got the handshake tickets I wanted, nothing could bother me. (Naturally, I washed my hands right away after finishing my messy ice cream out of respect for the members haha)
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Around 1ish, the priority people started being admitted, and at a little after 1:30ish, guess who appeared a bit early...Sota and Yudai!! The two did a mic test and rehearsed Tonikaku HEY and Paradive right in front of us! Of course, this was just to check their mics and make sure the speakers were positioned correctly, so it wasn’t a full vocal performance, but it was still amazing to see them a little extra! They even had a little bit of audience participation by having us sing the songs when they were adjusting their sound sets.
At promptly two, the full group came onstage to kick off with Tonikaku HEY... or at least they tried to, but there was a slight technical difficulty in the intro, and they had to stand on stage for a second waiting for the music to come back on. Then it was off to showcasing their new single. It’s definitely a song suited to live performance like all their summer releases, and calls for several instances of audience participation through chanting the “HEY!” part along with them and mimicking the choreo during the chorus. I think it’s a really fun release which blends retro and modern music and am looking forward to the full release.
After, the five members had an MC about several subjects including the recently wrapped up Chiruran performances and Golden Week, the holiday going on in Japan right now which is one of the reasons the stage was so crowded--students are out of school, and a lot of adults are also off of work. They also did a brief Q&A, which I’d normally love to translate, but i‘m not quite sure what the audience members said because of the high levels of wind during the performance. I have a feeling there was something about ideal types and something about food based on Da-iCE’s responses. Da-iCE also went through and asked what areas of Japan we all came from. Since it was Golden Week, several people had come from quite far since they had the vacation time.
With the MC finished, they moved on to their final song, their hit from last summer “Paradive”! This song is truly a fan favorite for several reasons, but mainly because there is a lot of fan participation from the towel twirling during the chorus to the “HEY!” fan chants during the “come on and feel the heat...” breakdown. The energy whenever “Paradive” is performed at an event is crazy.
Since it was a mini-live, there were only those two songs, but thanks to the hand-shake event, there was still plenty to do afterwards. The group handshake was first, and went by pretty quickly-- I would say you have about time enough to say one quick thing to the members before being pushed along. I decided just to go for “ganbarimashita”-- “You did a great job”--since it’s short and to the point.
If I’m remembering correctly, the handshake order went Taiki-Toru-Yudai-Hayate-Sota. Though it was brief, it was a legit handshake where they clasped your hand in both of their hands while make eye contact. 3/5 members said “Thank you for coming” to me in English (Taiki, Toru, and Sota), while Hayate and Yudai said “arigatou”. Toru and Sota seemed to remember me from Chiruran since they both said “Thanks for coming again” T^T. For both Toru and Sota, I responded coolly with “Oh, it’s no problem,” but YES, it was a problem, because I felt ready to die of happiness~
I was naturally freaking out, but had to run back to the other side of the venue where everyone was lining up for individual handshakes. How this worked was after the group handshakes were over, the members went backstage to change out of their Tonikaku costumes, and the staff set up queues using partitions in front of the place each member would be standing. We lined up behind the signs of whatever member we had a ticket for. If people ordered A LOT of albums, they could potentially have multiple tickets, but they were advised to line up in the longest line first, and if there was enough time, to go back to another line to handshake with a second member. However, there was a cut off point for the event so the members wouldn’t be there all day (once again, it was quite hot).
Since I always blank out when speaking to idols, this time I spent some time practicing the general idea of what I would say depending on which member I was shaking hands with. I had to wait in Yudai’s queue for about twenty minutes before reaching him, so I felt like I was ready by time I reached him. Of course my heart was fluttering like crazy, but I stepped up, and he took both of my hands, and the following conversation occurred (in Japanese):
Yudai: Hello again, do you speak any Japanese? Me: Yes, a little. I met you last year in California. Yudai: Oh, that was [he couldn’t remember the name of which city]... Me: San Jose Yudai: Yes! Waaa, you came so far Me: I'm really happy I got to meet you again Yudai-kun! Yudai: Yes, me too me too (in English) me too 😃
Unfortunately, since my Japanese is so slow, that’s all we were able to say, but just having a longer length conversation with him made me so happy. Yudai, I’ll work harder next time!
After that, I was about ready to pass out from lack of food, so I had to hurry home. But overall, this was one of my most special experiences with Da-iCE. They’ve been so kind by greeting me in English all the time, but I’m going to improve my Japanese more so I can be more confident next time!!
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oldsoulfran · 8 years
Within (”Cem” sequel)
This is the third part of the story around Cem, the elements and the nameless girl. In case you missed the first two parts, you can read them here and here.
I highly appreciate your criticism. Hope you enjoy it.
Warning: Blood, suffocating
Word count: 1602
Wildwaters are magnificent creatures due to the fact that they are equally the most and least human of the elements. Humans as well are composed of mostly water and the assumption that both creations may somehow be related can neither be confirmed nor denied. While being the most underexplored tribe of modern mankind there is one definition that everyone agrees upon: Wildwaters are deadly and should by any means not be approached. They haven´t been sighted in over two decades and were thought extinct. Few brave souls tried to hunt them down to learn their secrets and did not only vanish but have been forgotten ever since.
Lost lives are nothing new in these times of war and apathy, but have recently been overlooked instead of mourned. The previous society is no longer, and ever since our ancestors lived through the Big Quake, survival has been our only aim.
I can relate. Being trapped in a collapsed cavity way underground with your soulmate suffocating by your side, and the weight of stone on your chest while facing a nameless dark source, puts things in perspective. We had to go through this.
More so if this monstrosity had the face of death and demanded information.
Information on a girl that, frankly said, had put us in this situation.
 The sparks were twirling around my head, casting spotted shadows on the grimace, leaving me questioning whether I hallucinated or not. My chest could hardly lift itself, my lungs screamed for air. Our short breaths filled the space with even more light. The face came even closer.
“The girl”, it commanded, vibrating in the blood-streaked water and, strange enough, pulsating within me.
Cem could only see my face, with his mostly emerged in water. He would be the first to die, if not from choking or drowning then certainly from angry rocks or roots. Our time was almost up. The moonwaves were about to flood the site.
“Ida” I mouthed, wincing in pain. “I know her.”
The water around us both flared and calmed, now bathing Cems lips with its foul waves. The air that managed to pump into my lungs was all funk, no supply.
“I can take you.. to see Ida” I gasped under heavy breaths. “We need to breathe. The cave below.. please.. air.”
Cem spat in my face, foaming up the warm bath we decayed in.
Then slowly, falling. Surrounded by warmth and ease. Then again, stone and nervous fingers palming my face. The rocks humming in my back. Sporadic coughing and panting, swearing too.
His body slid aside and was no longer within reach. I had to make sure he was okay, but I couldn´t get up. The pain in my chest was now so severe that breathing became nearly impossible, even more so than before. My lips grew numb and as I turned my head I knew why – the wildwaters still sat on my chest.
They had several faces with no body, all blurred with one exception: One of them looked almost human. And I could sense worry in it for some reason. Too bad I could no longer talk.
“Please, leave her be” Cem pled. “We want to help. We can´t help when you harm her.” His raspy voice resonated around me, a few sparks of warm light from afar.
The wildwaters spread over my shoulders to my neck, covering half of my body.
“Help her, for Ida”, said Cem soundless. “We won´t fight you.”
I closed my eyes as air flooded my lunges and my chest regained space, sending bright white sparks from my lips. The numbness resigned from within, flushing my muscles with new strength. The ground beneath me warmed up, gently embracing my back. The wildwaters ceased to flow over my skin and settled on the stone between Cem and me, merging with themselves. As I recovered, droplets reshaped into something seemingly human. They looked like an old woman, kneeling beside us. Their expressions were no longer maimed, but finally pictured the trouble in a familiar face.
“Ida is your daughter”, I realized and finally lifted myself up. A look around convinced me that we must have sank back into the cave I once brought the fluff faced kid in. It was fully drained. Cem dragged himself next to me and leaned in to shield me from the person beside us.
“What did you do to her?” he warily asked while grabbing my arm tight. “Is she hurt?”
“I heal”, said the women, her small hands wrapped around her arms. “She is fine.”
Cem now turned away from her and searched my face for anything to blame her for, a nick in my skin or a bruise on my neck. I tried to concentrate on him, but couldn´t. Voices resonated in my head, whispering from the rocks, long forgotten words from their past selves in a pattern I couldn´t understand. Cems hands now touched my face. The stone beneath me lowered their humming and silenced after sending a final thought – she means no harm.
I turned to Cem. “I´m good and so is she.”
The dried blood on the corner of his mouth peeled off as he cracked a tired smile. “We don´t know that.”
“We do.” With a hand on the ground I asked the rocks to lift me to my feet and as they did, I approached the woman. “The rocks say you mean no harm and I believe them, but they may be wrong. I have to be sure. Who are you?”
“I am a mother to the daughter you know as Ida”, she answered, gaze firmly on her hands. “And I am what your people call wildwaters.” She looked up with sharp featured lips. “My name is Ori.”
“Why do you want to know where Ida is?” Cem asked. “Why ask us?”
“This war at Melting Pot, where few survive, it tires me. The dead don´t speak. And you”, she pointed at Cem “You have her stench on you.”
Cem didn´t respond, I wasn´t even sure he´d been listing. He was still sitting with his upper body hunched over his knees. His hands grabbed his thighs hard, revealing white knuckles. He was in more pain than he could handle and he hasn´t been well the past weeks either. My heart grew louder in my chest.
Then it struck me.
“Why won´t you heal him? He is injured and can bring you to Ida.” I was shaking. She may not mean harm, but she wasn´t helping either.
“If I heal him”, she responded “He will never tell me where she is.”
Her gaze rested on me, wise and old beyond time. The colour of her eyes seemed to change and for a moment I wasn´t even sure if I could remember their colour and doubted I´ve ever seen it before. Waves of calmness ran through me. At the same time, the rocks screamed sharp in my bones.
“Don´t sooth my anger, Ori”, I hissed. She wouldn´t wash away my resistance. “The moonwaves are here. Soon there will be chaos all around us and even you won´t be able to stop it!”
She closed her eyes, gently rocking back and forth. “You must be friends with the rocks. Never before have I seen someone survive so long within them.”
“The rocks are my home. We are equals.” My voice was too bitter to be manipulated.
“Then you should be able to return to your home unharmed”, she concluded, nodding slowly. “And you can take me with you.”
“They won´t hold you. I can only hold one other person…” I fell silent. “You have to abandon your human figure. That is the only way we can escape this cave.”
Cem now fell to his knees, cramming his hands in my hips. Still not a word from him, only desperate gasping. I sat down beside him and pressed him against me, glaring at Ori. “And quick. You wasted enough of our time, wildwaters.”
“Hold my hand and don´t let go.” She hesitated. “I never learned your name.”
“You may someday if we make it out of here.” I laid Cem down and hugged him, it wasn´t ideal but we had to try.
Ori reached for my hand, the ocean in her eyes. As my fingers touched her skin, she melted into a faceless mass of drops, curling into a ball of water. Seconds later, cold spikes pierced my hand as I held a clump of ice.
“I will learn your name sooner or later, stonebreeder”, whispered a warm sensation in my flesh. “Now, go with the rocks.”
 We fled the cave unharmed and managed to reach our hideout before the full moon.
Ori reshaped as Cem curled beside me, now moaning in pain. I pled the rocks to sooth him and also tried to call for leaves and roots but failed. Woodlings never accepted me as their friend and have been avoiding me ever since a particularly exhausting dive a few weeks back. So without any help, I could only hold him and listened to his sobs. Fear waited on the corners of my eyes, trying to pull me in. I was not strong enough to get help and sleep was tearing me down beside Cem.
Every time I pled for Ori to heal him, she looked at me and I calmed, having to regain my despair to call her out again. When sunrise came Cems head rested against my chest, his breath flat and weak.
For one final demand I turned to Ori. I would not let him die.
But Ori was gone.
Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading <3
To keep up with Cem and his nameless friend, read Part 4 and Part 5, Part 6, Part 7.
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alunasky-blog · 6 years
Story Scene Sneak Peek...
Atlantis, Twin Soul Mission Memories in the Universe...
Among the clouds a shooting speeder pierces through high up in the sky, then free diving towards the ocean. Akira steering the controls feeling happy & free, Daichi however was clinging on to her from behind for dear life, thinking she was crazy & regretted coming along for the morning ride. She then proceeded to signal him to switch places with her & he thought why is he ever surprised, he knows she is unpredictable & has no idea what she´ll do next. Sometimes he thought was it to get a reaction out of him or was it just her nature to break the safety protocols & rules of order. No matter where they would go, her free spirited light soul would challenge, defy & rebel any structures if it didn´t make any sense to her. Only if it made sense would she follow the rules & the rules normally were that of the Universe she would say. This confused Daichi, because what rules were they & why did she know about it & not him? When the switch happened, she would stand up, arms stretched out & dived backwards which was her favourite way of free falling. Daichi levelled out the speeder & then he was floating in mid air just watching her being her free self away from the fast paced, full & busy life at Atlantis with her High Priestess duties, responsibilities, teachings, spiritual Devine connections/guidance/wisdom sharing & care taking the way of life of Alunasky, life, animals, nature & other planets in the system that they were responsible for. Atlantis was a base station on Alunasky, but their home planet Atlantis was only several hyper light speed away from them. Daichi envied her for a moment, being able to feel free to do whatever she wanted which never impacted any life in a negative way. This he thought was why she was allowed to be free to break rules, because the High Council knew, Akira somehow could feel her way to what was right, what didn´t work, what was wrong, what was broken that needed fixing, what needed to change, what needed upgrading & what needed to be replaced & create something new. Her free falling would suggest she was without protection, but her high tech mechanical angel wings opened up & she flew up towards Daichi again. She thought he worries & overreacts too much, he was after all wearing the same protection as her, so he was in no danger really. She flew by him so fast & reckless he almost fell off & held on for dear life again. Why would she always rattle him so he thought? Flying was not one of his favourites & he preferred the ground than the air. How was it Akira felt so at home with the ocean, the earth, the air & space? No matter where she was, she felt home anywhere.
“Just trying to free you Daichi. The ground is good and all, but it´s so limited. You worry too much! There was no real danger, you know I have your back! Is Senpai Haruki overworking you? Do you need some time for rest?” Akira said feeling like an overprotective sister not wanting anyone to feel like they are stressed out, but being one with everything & balanced. Even thou the balance would prove to be quite difficult when so many were without their Twin Soul husbands & wives which she thought was very strange. Only half of the Atlantien´s were with their Twin Souls, while the others were left to be single & missing their other half. Akira would wonder, could they be back at their home planet or on another world perhaps? Would they ever meet again? She found it difficult to believe the Universe would allow for such unbalance to occur & she knows the Universe is all about balance. In her teachings, Twin Souls were a part of the spiritual awakening to help those to a higher purpose. She would be reminded of seeing ships with Twin Soul couples leave Atlantis to volunteer at the Academy to ensure peace & balance in the Universe. She thought, that was an adventure she would wish to join & also volunteer, but most of her whole life at Atlantis was in preparation for something far bigger she could not explain or even imagine, but her soul knew something that her mind wouldn´t allow her to know. She felt like she couldn´t leave, but had to stay until her soul missions were complete.
“You make me nervous Akira, I never know what you´ll do next! I do worry, but I worry for you my sister!” Daichi said feeling tired, worn down & feeling disconnected from his Twin Soul wife which he would see her in his dreams, through mediation & via telepathy. She was definitely off world he thought, but where in the Universe could she be? Akira was right thou, he did feel like he needed some time away for rest. Akira & Daichi were not related by blood or even grew up in the same family, but they did grow up together & anyone who were not in Twin Soul relationships or were not soul matched with any others, were family souls to each other, brothers & sisters of the Universe. Akira couldn´t understand why many Twin Souls were not on the same world, where were they & will they ever unite again? 
“No need to worry dear brother, I don´t want you to feel like you have to watch over me that´s my job remember, to care, protect, defend & be there for everyone!” She said feeling like there is only one person in the entire Universe that could be there for her, be her equal, her protector, her True Love, her heart defender, be her One that completes her in every way as she would always do for him & that will always be her Twin Soul husband wherever he is in the Universe. Daichi never told Akira, but the High Council asked for a volunteer to be Akira´s protector, because she had refused protection of any kind many times. She didn´t want to risk anyone´s life for hers. She said, the only person she would accept to be her protector, is herself. The only life she would ever risk then is herself she thought, besides, she made the case of her being able to defend herself, she was already trained in the arts of defence of self & others anyway. Without hesitation thou, Daichi was quick to take on that role & volunteered. He was always protective of her anyway & who better to be there for her than the one who was always by her side no matter what. Akira felt something & looked up.
Far up among the stars a ship approaches Alunasky & an Atlantien cruiser fly´s in front & holds steady in mid space hovering.
“This is Commander Queniq of Atlantis. Please identify & send your invitation codes!” Queniq was expecting the Tiranius royal ship weeks ago, so to be sure that it was Tiranius, precautions were set in place, two other Atlantien defender ships came up on each side of the cruiser. Prince Cazuki was staring at planet Alunasky from the control flight room & he felt such a strong connection to the planet which he could not explain. He felt like he´s seen it before, like he´s been here before & didn´t understand it. An energy heart tremble was felt within him that moved his whole body & he grabbed his chest with his hand over his heart & gasping for breath. His heart was racing, his body trembling & suddenly nervous energies overcame him, but it wasen´t fear, it was more of an anticipation of something big was about to happen, something good, but he still felt confused by it all & he needed answers. His flight team looked at him feeling surprised & taken back by his intense unexplainable & unpredictable reaction.
 “Prince Cazuki, is everything aright!” His senpai Takara asked him with concern in her voice. She was not only his teacher, his mentor, but also his protector & bodyguard, even thou he never really needed it & didn´t want it, because Prince Cazuki was well a versed in the arts of defence & protection of self & others, but was ordered by his family to accept the extra protection. Prince Cazuki only agreed to this if he chose his defender & she was from the planet Aay. Takara, with her fearless dark purple eyes & light purple hair, she was feared among the Tiranius family souls. They couldn´t control her or knew what she was thinking & her actions were always unpredictable. The Tiranius were feared among many in the galaxy for bringing their darkness & unbalance wherever they conquered & nothing seemed to bring them any fears, because they have been in control for so long, having power & getting away with anything they wanted to serve & please them in some way, but they did fear Aay. They showed no mercy in their attacks & would sacrifice anyone if it got in their way of their self-serving agendas. They would even sacrifice their own family members if it meant they could gain more control & power. However, they did fear Takara & planet Aay, as many in the galaxy also did. Aay was an enigma & nobody knew really anything about them. They knew of their history & how they came to be, but not what they turned into. Their planet was closed off from any outsiders, but there were rumours that a Twin Soul suggested reaching out to Aay, both Twin Souls at the Academy had then a mission to reach out to Aay & develop diplomatic peaceful relations which was a success, but the Twin Souls who volunteered for that dangerous mission knew, it could of been their last, because several attempts of trying to take over planet Aay with force, which Tiranius was one of the many waring planets that tried, but ended in unfortunate many deaths, the war still continued until the Twin Souls took on the mission to bring balance back. Aay was too advanced technologically & were far superior than any beings in the galaxy. Whatever those two Twin Soul investigators did or said, it worked & communication was now open, even thou their planet was still off limits to anyone accept the two brave crazy rebels of Peace & Balance. When on a diplomatic mission, Prince Cazuki was informed with a suggestion to chose a defender from the planet Aay by the Galactic Council of Unity that included all star systems that had advanced beings representing their respected planets. He was at first against the idea, since Aay had brutally murdered many of the Tiranius family souls in the wars against Aay, but he also knew that the reason Tiranius went to war on Aay, was because they couldn´t control them & feared them. After a responsible & reflective amount of time to think about it & consulted several of his trusted friends & mentors in the Galactic Council of Unity, he accepted the defender Takara who volunteered to be his protector & mentor. He thought this could be a way to bridge the connections between his family & Aay, putting an end to any future wars. His family refused for the longest time, but Prince Cazuki was quite persuasive & intelligently with his authority convinced them. They felt like Takara was not only protecting Prince Cazuki against outsiders wanting to assinate him, but they thought she was also protecting him against the Tiranius, which made them nervous, because if they couldn´t control her, they couldn´t control him. Prince Cazuki meant everything to his family & it was like he was their prized breeding possession to ensure the future of Tiranius royal bloodlines. He was always under supervision & under some form of control by them. Prince Cazuki knew thou, with Takara by his side he did feel like he had more freedom, more control & power over his own life, which he felt for the longest time that he didn´t. She became his trusted ally, friend & mentor, she had risked her life so many times to save his in their adventures together, which he was forever grateful for & he would defend her too by anyone who tried to come for her. Takara was the silent type & she didn´t speak much, but their conversations were always interesting, intelligent & at times deep & it opened up his mind to new understandings about the Universe, life & meaning. 
Akira´s energies trembled so much that her body electrified with energies with such force & power, her mechanical wings malfunctioned & she was free falling & unconscious. Daichi screamed her name to wake up while he was flying at fast speed towards her. His heart racing & his mind praying to the Devine Universe to help wake her up & help him to reach her in time. In her mind she was having visions of a past life she thought & she could see someone trying to reach out to her with his hand. Who was he & she felt like she knew him & he was speaking to her, but she couldn´t hear the words. As she reached her hand out to him, when their hands touched she heard his voice.“Wake up Akira!” Cazuki told her with so much love in his voice. Could he be her Twin Soul? She´s had dreams about him on & off for years & he would appear a lot in her visions if she was in trouble. It was like he was her guiding angel star or something. Akira woke up & realised she was free falling unwillingly & could see Daichi screaming her name to wake up while trying to reach her. She placed her hand over her heart again & activated the wings just in time & circled back into the sky sending waves of air & force on the ocean that she almost joined in silent dark sleep. She was hovering as was Daichi and he was out of breath, out of energies & out of his mind worried that she was gone in this life. She grabbed him & held him close.
“Are you ok dear brother?” Akira said with tears streaming down her face, feeling like the last thing she wants is for him to worry, but she couldn´t explain what just happened to her. What was that & why did it happen? So many questions racing through her mind & not enough answers, but she was determined to find out. 
“Akira! I almost lost you & you´re asking if I´m ok?” Daichi knew what she was like, but still, he felt like she needs to be more open to let others in & be there for her for a change.
“Thank you Daichi!” she said while knowing what he was thinking, but feeling like it´s just how she is, she can´t help it. This did make her feel alone, but she found solace in the fact she was never alone, she was always surrounded by her brothers & sisters which included the animals, the spirit of Alunasky & the Universe. They were like flying angels hovering in mid air holding each other. Akira sensed something was about to change & never be the same again. She looked up where the stars would be & wondered, what was to come & who will they be?
“Yes I´m fine!” Prince Cazuki told Takara, but feeling like he wasen´t fine, he was shaken up & has never felt like that before & who was she he thought. In his vision he saw the girl he´s been dreaming on & off for years. What was happening to him & he needed to know, he needed to know who she was & what was their connection that drove him to sleepless nights & keeping his mind busy with thoughts of her instead of his duties & responsibilities.
“The Atlantien´s are asking for permission for our invitation codes Prince Cazuki! They seem to be on edge with the extra defence canons.” His flight team would announce.
“Permission granted & send them our grateful appreciation for their invitation & apologies for our late arrival!” Prince Cazuki told them with such authority, confidence & strength, that no one would dare question any of his orders & they trusted him with their lives. He was a gentleman as well as polite & he was trained well in the royal academy. He heard of another crazy pilot that was well known & hoped one day he could meet whoever it was. With Prince Cazuki being a part of the Tiranius royal family, this brought new hope of a balanced galaxy & the wars his family created would come to an end when the Twin Soul investigator volunteers were in place, but they didn´t know that the Tiranius had no plans for peace, it wasen´t in their nature. They wanted more power & control, it consumed them & if anyone or anything got in their way, they would destroy it. Aay knew the plans of the Tiranius beings, so Aay kept watching over them until the time was right to put into place their plans & end the wars that the Tiranius kept causing everywhere. Aay was not the only A.I. planet, there were others in the system & they all communicated with each other. The knowledge & wisdom they got from Cazuki & Akira when they volunteered for their Aay mission helped them understand that not every being in the Universe is out to destroy & control life & if it wasen´t for Cazuki & Akira, Aay would of been on a darker path instead of balanced path. Prince Cazuki was not like his family & he disagreed with many things & traditions they would constantly impose upon him. He felt at times like he didn´t belong, but he went with the flow & trusted that his life was meant for more than the life his family had planned for him before he was born. They had already tried & failed several times with presenting the daughters of respected royal members which he was related to & even his sisters. Cazuki was drawn to someone that was out of this world literally, because the girl he dreamt about was no where to be found on planet Tiranius or anywhere in the galaxy. He would know, he never stopped searching for that One meant for him. He didn´t just want anyone, he wanted The One!  Prince Cazuki was standing on the bridge in the control room looking again at Alunasky & feeling her presence. Was this the day he would finally meet her he thought, the woman of his dreams, the woman who kept him up at night & was an ever warm & loving light in his darkness, in his life that felt incomplete & feeling like he was missing half of himself. Prince Cazuki´s eyes was searching for her & Akira was searching for him looking upwards while floating in the heavenly sky of Atlantis.
Later that day...
Cazuki, a Tiranius Royal Prince was with Akira, the High Priestess of Atlantis. They walked towards the balcony overlooking the ocean & the futuristic self sufficient bustling city of Atlantis & from high up in one of the towers, they could see flying speeders fly all over the place & it was a very busy galactic space port for travellers in the Galaxy. Atlantis was a base station.
“Princess Akira, I thank you for your generous hospitality & your kindness in welcoming my people! This planet is incredible & I would like very much to explore it with you! I mean, if you had any favourite places you recommend I would much appreciate it!” Cazuki found himself magnetically drawn to her & couldn´t explain it, but it was instant, lighting, electric, animalistic & he could feel the beast inside wanting to break free. He was having a hard time controlling himself around her & has never acted this way towards anyone in his life. Her whole being drove him wild & like he knows her from somewhere.
“Please don´t call me that! We don´t have royalty here, no one is above anyone here. We are caretakers of life & planets. We protect, we defend & we save. I would be happy to show you around & I do have many favourite places I would like you to see!” Akira said with so much love in her voice. She knew him, but she couldn´t explain it, but she was drawn to him intensely & this frightened her. In her teachings she knew about them, their kind & what they have done to other planets & life, but she sensed something different in Cazuki. He wasen´t like the others, it was almost like he didn´t belong with them & her thoughts were loud & clear & he heard it as she heard his. So they both knew that they somehow know each other & both felt drawn to each other, the sexual tension between them was almost instant when they first met. Cazuki felt a bit insulted with how she described his royal birthright, but at the same time he somehow agreed with her & didn´t understand why. Akira knowing what he thought wanted to explain herself.
“Our souls know more than our minds allow us sometimes. We have soul wisdom, truth & history. Our past lives would know why we feel the way we do about certain things in life & why we feel about certain specific people in our lives.” She blushed knowing that she said something that triggered them both, like basically saying they have been together in past lives. Their eyes pulled away & looked the other way, feeling the intense connection again & feeling the fear of what it means. Their souls knowing somehow their connection as important as it was, they also felt a danger around it, like they felt they could be targeted for it.
“On my planet, a High Priestess is also known as a Princess, but I apologise if I offended you.” Cazuki said while thinking she will always be a Princess in his mind & again forgetting the fact she can read his mind too.
“You didn´t offend me! In our world, a Prince, Princess or a King, Queen is not something you are given or are born with, but it´s something that´s inside you, in your soul. What I mean is, it´s do with the energies. Like if you are honest, have integrity, have morals, compassion, empathy, understanding, a protector & defender of all life, fight for what is right for all life & True Loves, that brings out the royal energies within.” Akira said while thinking would he be able to understand that & he did & he felt like he could listen to her talk all day.
"I would like to share something with you if you like?” Akira said hoping he would say yes.
“Anything!” Cazuki felt like she could ask him anything & he would do it for her. He was having a hard time being in control around her. It was like she was breaking down all walls around him which allowed him to be his complete self. Something he felt like he couldn´t be with his family or friends. Cazuki thought he could be vulnerable & strong at the same time with her & she would love him unconditionally for it & never judge. He felt like he trusted her with everything & they have only just met which made him question everything about this life & who he was. Akira approached him & he was hesitant, but she came closer. She reached out her arms & hands & reached for his face & again he was hesitant, but told himself to trust her. Their eyes locked on to each other, her hands grabbed his face with a gentle touch & what happened next was they were both transported through the Universe & seeing all their lives together. Akira knew this was only achieved with a Twin Soul & she felt like she met hers in Cazuki & was willing to try it to see if it was true. After they travelled back in time & feeling all the emotions which would only happen if it was true & honest & real, because their souls was letting them see their history, their lives & who they were when being created together. This brought on so much intensity that they were both in tears knowing who they are & where they came from & where they´ve been together.
“Akira!” They both ran to each other & started kissing passionately as One again! Feeling like they haven’t seen each other in a very long time.
“I have so much to tell you! I missed you so much & love you so much! It was like my soul was calling out to you every day & every night, but my mind was imprisoned not to know anything. I felt trapped, I felt lost & I felt like I didn´t belong!” Cazuki said & couldn´t hold back the tears anymore. The intense & extreme emotional ride into the Universe triggered them both.
“I love you so much & I missed you so much too! Somehow I knew we would meet again & kept the hope alive & dream alive I would see you. The light, the True Love was burning bright always within & I never let go & never will!” Her tears was streaming too like a waterfall. They kissed again in loving embrace.
Later on...
“Can I see it?” Akira asked curiously.
“I don´t feel comfortable showing you & besides, I don´t want to frighten you! Trust me, you don´t want to see it!” Cazuki felt uneasy & nervous, because that was a part of him he didn´t like, he hated it & didn´t want her to see him differently.
“Trust me I do want to see it & I´ve seen so much in our Galaxy already Cazuki, I can handle this!” He was about to say no, but it´s Akira he thought, they never keep secrets from each other & tell each other everything, that was part of their Twin Soul union. She was his best friend, his family & True Love all in one. How could he not share everything with her.
“Ok! You might want to step back for this!” Cazuki then transformed into an alien being that was almost dragon like, beast like & his animalistic nature took over him a bit, but he composed himself. Years of practice! Akira then felt safe to approach him & she wasen´t afraid. Her arm & hand again reached out to him & he stepped back feeling like what if he couldn´t control himself, but she trusted him. Her hand proceeded to reach out to him.
“Trust me Cazuki!” She trusted him, trusted his soul & his everything. Akira said with so much love in her words to him. Her hand reached his face & she guided her hand over his face, his eyes closed loving the touch of her.
“You´re beautiful!” As she smiled & her eyes met his, she then kissed his cheek & their heads joined together, face to face. Cazuki felt a rush of energies flow into him that can only be described as eternal True Love he had for her & she had for him. She loved him no matter what he looked like, because she knew it´s not what´s on the outside, it´s within, your heart & soul that makes you beautiful on the inside & out. The sliding door in their room opened & 4 Tiranius royals came barging in, looking like wealth, covered in jewels & crowns, his sisters exposing their sensual areas to entice & control men. The Atlantiens always covered their Sacred Devine bodies, because they knew negative energies & codes transferred to others & could infect those who didn´t want to be infected. It would also bring unbalance & darkness if they exposed themselves. In the minds & souls of the Atlantiens their Sacred Devine bodies were only for their Twin Soul eyes only. In their souls, they would only want their Twin Soul to fall in love with their heart & soul, not what they looked like. It would never occur to the Atlantiens to have their sacred blessed sensual parts of their bodies be put on display for all to see to sexually arouse everyone around them, to get attention, to be noticed, to come between couples, because they know if you constantly live in society that´s constantly sexually overcharged, this could lead to corrupting minds, bodies & hearts, destroying True Loves, could lead to attacks if lost in the dark souls fall to the dark negative energies. They interrupted Akira´s & Cazuki´s sweet moment together without any invitation to come in. The Tiranius royals were seething with jealousy, anger, aggression, selfishness & hate for Akira. She felt their negative energies & read their thoughts. This surprised both Akira & Cazuki when they saw them come in unexpectedly & he quickly changed back to being human, feeling nervous. Cazuki became different around them, like he almost feared them in someway. Akira looked at him, read his thoughts, feelings & saw their entire history & understood why. Dark magic & technology was also a tool they used to control & have power over their men. What she saw was fear, violence, abuse, manipulation, control, authority, guilt tripping, threats, submission, obedience & loyalty training being used to train their children into obedience & submission, but they would also be like this towards the men under their control. If the men under their control didn´t listen to them, the men would suffer in many ways.
“Prince Cazuki, you are needed by your father at once!” His mother said giving him orders in a controlling, authoritative & possessive manner, but she was lying. Akira was able to break down any walls they tried to block her from reading them. Unlike them, Akira could block them from reading her & Cazuki had that same power & was able to block anyone reading him.
“Prince Cazuki, didn´t you have a very important meeting to attend that involves the safety of the Galaxy & it was urgent?” Akira showed him through her thoughts of where they were going to go & it did involve a meeting & about the Galaxy, she wasen´t lying.
“Yes you´re right, thank you for reminding me. My apologies mother, but I will stop by to see father when the meeting is over.” Before his family could try to bring more controlling words binding him to listen to them, as soon as Cazuki finished his sentence, Akira grabbed his hand quickly & walked fast out of there not giving them any time to fire back with a response to try & control him again.
“We better not keep them waiting, we have missions to accomplish, very important, life changing & life saving! I´m sure you all understand!” Akira said & knew they didn´t care, all they cared about was what they wanted from him & this was why Akira & Cazuki are here, to help them wake up, evolve, shine & see the bigger picture of it all. After they left the room, two of his sisters Mitsuko & Sakurako moved forward a few steps towards their direction in a angry matter, but his other sister Junko stopped them.
“Calm down girls, it´s all in good time. Cazuki isen´t going anywhere & Alunasky will be ours to control & so will she!” Cazuki´s mother said with her serpent smile.
“I just can´t stand the thought of her hands on him mother!” Junko said drowning in her jealousy & hate energies.
“My dear sister, how many worlds have we conquered & how many True Loves have we destroyed? It always ends the same, we win & we get to enjoy the takedowns of them before & after we break up their unions!” Mitsuko said feeling overly confident.
“Don´t forget we can torture them as long as we want & enjoy their breakdowns for all to see!” Cazuki´s mother reminded them all.
“I want him so badly!” Sakurako said feeling like she wants to tear apart Akira & enjoy her sufferings, her pains, her loss & her sadness energies over & over for a million times & a billion times.
“We all want him, but don´t worry our time will come & he will be ours!” Junko said & they all serpently smiled together.
Back at their ship, which Akira kept in this life she was living. Their meeting was a few light years away, so they had to travel by ship. On board, it was like coming home again which Cazuki felt at ease, relaxed, happy & more like himself. More happy than he has ever been in a very long time.
“I have a surprise for you!” Akira said & she couldn´t stop smiling. She wanted to bring joy & light to him & she knew he would love this.
“Knowing you it´s going to be extraordinary. Bring it on my Princess Angel!” Cazuki said trying to control himself around her again. He has kept himself positively pure for 21 years as she did too. During his adolescence, his mentor Yobi from the star systems of Ezran, at the Royal Academy Yobi taught Cazuki everything he knew about the Sacredness & Divinity of our bodies amongst many things. How negative energies & codes can impact us in an unbalanced & destructive way which can impact our emotional, mental, physical, energy & soul health. To stay positively pure would protect him until he met his One True Love meant for him. To further explain he would say, imagine all life in the Universe is energy & Twin Souls have a unique energy only matched for each other & any other energies who wish to connect with them would be negative in the presence of a Twin Soul not meant for them & would infect him negatively if they ever got together, adding negative layers from past lives & present time line lives onto them & not being soul matched. Cazuki was taught about Twin Souls, but before Yobi could finish his teachings, he was assassinated & the murderer was never found. Cazuki was still investigating the missing murderer on planet Tiranius. Cazuki was extremely ready to connect with Akira, but he wanted it to be perfect, since this was going to be new for them both since his change.
“Close your eyes my Angel Prince!” She said while having trouble containing her excitement. She was blocking her thoughts from him. This surprise was not going to be ruined by her revealing it too early she thought. His eyes closed & she guided him into the flight control deck of their ship. What crazy surprise did she have this time he thought.
To be continued...
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