#i tried to look up the names of these drag queens and couldnt find it?? if anyone has more info lmk
kitschke · 4 months
AOTD 5/31: Angel Dust - Faith No More
i think its really important to link the Easy music video here bc the vibes are off the charts
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angstics · 1 year
this post about lesbian divas rlly delighted me. it's fun to see this niche topic talked about and expanded on with lots of examples. soooo i compiled all the responses as of 21/09/23 10:30pm EST and put them in a spreadsheet. then ranked them by how much of a diva i consider them lol
first off, the general list. i found 152 unique responses in the replies, tags, and comments. some were only first names so i didnt bother researching into who the poster was talking about. images for ease of viewing:
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second... what is a diva?? clarifying where im coming from is important to understand my upcoming opinions. i should make clear that im talking about DIVAS as in DIVA WORSHIP as in LIZA MINNELLI-BARBRA STREISAND-BETTE DAVIS-LADY GAGA etcetera. dykes can see these female celebs as divas as well, but what the original post touches on is the male diva.
this rthko ask explains the diva well. you should also take a look at scholarly articles and books -- divas have been a part of recorded gay culture and esp gay male culture and drag queen culture forever -- the term isnt concrete. rthko says that "there's no real formula" but lists these typical features of a diva:
larger than life -- glam, humor, charisma? would a drag queen impersonate them?
theatrical / proximity to theatre
sexy / horny -- rthko notes here that these arent requirements, citing liza's lack of sexual overtness
niche -- can be popular but not a general crowd-pleaser
gay rights supporter -- before it was cool
now rthko is talking about female divas, even noting the blind spot for bi/lesbian fans and artists. i say you can apply the same features to male celebrities to identify the male divas dykes idolize. i should note that some of the ppl on the list are women or genderqueer. so the list is not entirely male.
another note: im putting so much emphasis on DIVAHOOD because it's SUCH a specific term. not all icons, "weird little guys", "blorbos" are divas. one thing rthko doesn't touch on is how a diva often has a strong sense of self that the devotee can identify and want to emulate -- at the xtreme, leads to drag art. if they dont inspire and amaze, then are they a diva?
lets get into part 3: which of these 152 people / concepts / groups are honest to god divas? you can argue they're all Icons to some extent (the bare minimum being having a lesbian fanbase) but do they have what rthko and i (and gay culture researchers) consider to be the features of a diva?
first thing i did identify those i both recognized and "saw divahood within". ended up with 44:
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then i shrunk down the list even further to 18 (again, pure opinion):
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then i ranked the 44 more methodically by mapping out the 7 features of the diva:
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several important notes:
this ranking is not definite -- though i tried to be fair, considering the limits to what i know, it is subjective
i dont know the histories of some of these people, so i may be missing some things. an inverse example: i know far too much about gerard way, so i had a good idea of how he fit into each feature
some of these i couldnt decide whether i should check or not. al pacino i was esp worried about... couldnt justify checking those boxes the way i can for other people
either way, my findings yielded interesting results! 3 of the most commonly talked about singer-songwriters (bruce, bob, johnny) ranked low. this may indicate that there's other features to the male diva that arent specified or dont apply to females divas / gay male devotees. perhaps defined gender expression, or “voice for lesbians”, or something else.
all of the people with a score of 4 or more can be emulated. "sex" (meaning overt sexuality) is the least common feature, after "theatrical".
though anyone can be a diva to anyone, there's a certain "canon" of who is a diva in gay circles. liza barbra bette gaga. this messy qualitative approach is an attempt to figure that out for dyke divas. i would love to talk about it more.
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fyodior · 2 years
Hi my little academia whores it me you’re favorite 🪱I am back 😏 if you don’t remember me I’m that one person with the ridiculous fyodor headcanons. And boy has it been a hot minute since I’ve last told you them. Boy do I have more because like untreated mental illness it’s been festering. So without further ado here are some Fyodor headcanons for the soul.
- Fyodor has never had a nickname and if you say well “what about fedya?” ERRR DOESNT COUNT. So one day he (mistakenly) asked nikola to pick out a nick name. To make a long story short his nickname is Jesus. And it’s not pronounced like jeez-us it’s pronounced like hey-sus like in the Spanish pronunciation 💀💀 why? Because nikola had been watching too many soap operas and one of the main antagonists is called jesus
-Fyodor has his ears pierced. He suddenly got them done at a Claire’s shop in 2010 and bought the flip phone lip gloss with the 20% discount you get after you get your ears pierced.
-Fyodor stole a coi fish from a Chinese restaurants tank. He used a pitcher of water left on a table. He has so many fucking random pets
-Fyodor at one point sold feet pics for 45$ a piece.
-Fyodor got a restraining orders from The Weekend, yeah like in the singer the Weekend. Why? No clue
-Fyodor has not one not two, but 26 scrub daddy sponges in a small cubby by his bed
-Fyodor at one point couldnt tell if he liked dazai or hated him. They kissed to see and they’ve never talked about it afterwards. Like it’s the only thing they will never talk about because of how fucking awkward it was lmao anyways 0/10 don’t recommend.
-Fyodor has almost been inaugurated as the Pope. I’m not giving any background story to this one 💀
-fyodor thought chuuya was Russian for the longest time and he would speak to chuuya in Russian…chuuya indeed does not speak Russian and he just nodded along to whatever he said. Chuuya now only has nine toes 😔
-Fyodor ran an illegal ceramic making class on Facebook live.
-Fyodor sometimes will say very philosophical and just smart things without knowing it, during a conversation. After the convos done he quite literally pat’s himself and whispers “wow that was good.” Like a fucking geek. I want suck his dick 🫶
-fyodor got a degree in Earl childhood development and education from the university of Chicago! Ain’t that cool?….I want him to breed me 🦅💯
-Fyodor got “deez nutz” tattooed on the sid of his ribs in cursive. So it looks like it’s something poetic and meaningful, when in reality he got the tattoo after his favorite drag queen lost in rupaul’s drag race and he had like five margaritas.
-Fyodor tried to start the second potato famine in Ireland. Clearly it didn’t work
-Fyodor hates the state of Arizona so much he petitioned for it to be removed from being a state to congress again clearly didn’t work 10/10 for effort though! I want him to choke me with his cold pretty hands
-fyodor doesn’t British people like. He can’t stand them? And you’re probably thinking “wym he hates them?” Like he made them on the top of his little mass murder list. He has beef with them for no reason??? I-
-Fyodor has worn women’s underwear before! He quite likes it although he did find them in a Macy trash with a half eaten chipotle bowl, he thought they were quite comfy!
-Fyodor stole thirty ponds of cucumbers from a cabbage smuggler….I want him to fuck me until I see stars ✝️
-Fyodor loves Parmesan cheese especially freshly grated :))
Sorry for this being so short 💀
Anyways I hope you have a good day MWAH
Sincerely, your one and only horny cabbage smuggler
there are tears in my eyes rn HOW do u come up with these 💀💀💀💀💀💀 WHY ARE THE SCRUB DADDIES BY HIS BED
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Meeting and Dating Regina George
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You technically don’t meet Regina, but she first talks to you one day after school while you’re walking to the bus stop.
- You see, you’re a part of the school yearbook; a photographer to be specific, and took photography class so you were fiddling with your camera while you were walking. You being a part of the yearbook was also initially the reason that she talked to you since Regina doesn’t give the time of day to people like you unless she wants something.
- So there you were, walking across the school yard when Regina fucking George called out to you.
- Now everybody knows who Regina is; which is why I said you didn’t technically meet, and Regina knows that they do, but she’s learned how to play people so she introduces herself. You shyly greet her back, wondering what she’s doing talking to you before she says “oh wow” and begins to ask about your camera.
- You don’t know enough about Regina at this point to realize that she’s playing you like a fiddle so you timidly talk to her for a while before your photography class comes up into conversation. She asks what you do in it and you mention the project you’ve just been assigned: having to pick one or a few subjects and photograph them for about half the year.
- She asks if you’ve chosen someone yet, you mention that you’ll probably choose one of your friends and she says an “oh” which has you hanging on to her next words.
“Well,” she says somewhat pointedly, “I was just thinking, I mean, you’ll have the rest of your life to photograph your friends, and I’m sure you do it all the time. So maybe you should pick a new subject?”
“If you wanted,” she says after you seem to be considering her words. “We’d be more than happy to help you out. You can come hang out with us and build up your portfolio.”
- You ask if she’s sure and she sweetly reassures you, writing down her number and telling you to think about it.
- Well bless your gay little heart, of course you say yes! You’re practically mesmerized by her! It’s just too bad that she only sees you as her own personal photographer ...at least at first.
- So you begin to hang out with the plastics, shocking everyone in your school whenever they actually give you the time of day. Though, of course, they have to give you a makeover and teach you the rules first.
- Everywhere you go, you bring your camera and snap some photos of them, oftentimes at their request. When you’re at school events working on the yearbook, Regina will call your name and you’ll obediently take some pictures of her/them wherever they are. Blinded by your growing crush on the mean girl, you don’t realize what’s happening, especially since she really seems to think of you as a friend.
- I mean, why would she tell guys with newfound interest in you to leave you alone or force you to hang out with her instead of your loser friends/boyfriend or call you up and tell you to sneak out and hang out with her.
- Truth be told, Regina George had taken an actually liking to you and perhaps it had started purely because of the attention you were getting from guys. Regina liked having what other couldnt and now that you were desired; and for other reasons, she wanted you.
- Things come to a head when Gretchen accidentally let slip exactly why Regina had made you their friend after the blonde upset her. The confession had come as a shock but at the same time, you felt dirty, like you’d known all along that it was too good to be true and this was just proving to you that it was.
- You were hurt, you were upset, you were ...angry. How dare she use you like that? Pretend to be your friend for some goddamn photos!
- You didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of blowing up on her, of letting her drop you from the group herself after you “overstepped your boundaries”, so, you ignored her. You didn’t answer her calls, avoided her at school, blatantly ignored her when she called after you. You gave her the silent treatment and it gave you a sick sense of victory.
- Regina hates being ignored and not having control of everything so you; someone she’s grown to have feelings for, just up and ignoring her like she was some common geek really pissed her off. God, you should have seen her after Gretchen admitted she’d told you; the blonde could have killed her.
- So now that the blonde knew what was wrong, she started working towards fixing the mess the “brunette bitch” had made. You obviously weren’t returning her calls nor letting her come near you at school, so she had to surprise you somewhere, somewhere you couldn’t get rid of her. The schools darkroom.
- No one was around there after school, well, no one besides you so when the blonde entered and shut the door behind her, tapping on your shoulder as music blared in your headphones, you nearly had a heart attack.
- Out of sheer shock and anger, you began to yell at her, hurling a few “what the hell is wrong with yous” and insults and explaining that you don’t want to see her. She remains blank faced before she tells you to shut up, successfully shocking you into silence.
- She told you that yes, initially she’d only talked to you for the photos but even then, she saw potential in you, she saw something she liked in you. She thought her interest in you was just some sort of jealousy thing but then she figured out that it was something more. When guys asked you out; well when they tried to, she felt the same way she felt when Aaron Samuels ignored her for some other girl.
- And then she asked if you would go out with her, well, she sort of demanded that you’d go out with her and for better or for worse, you said you would.
- For your first date, the two of you go to the mall together. You spend a few hours shopping around, getting coffees and talking like normal humans. It’s no surprise that you have a good time but you are surprised by how natural it feels to be with her.
- The two of you share your first kiss a few days later, after you’d gone to some party that she’d insisted you attend with her. Some guy had hit on you, causing her to subsequently pretend that she was tired of the place and wanted to go home. Once you were back in her car, she’d pulled you into a rough, obviously jealous kiss, leaving you grinning while she began to drive away.
- And thus, the queen of the plastics became your queen.
- Regina isn’t a huge fan of Pda unless she knows that someone in the vicinity has a crush on you. If there’s someone’s day she can ruin by doing it, then she’s all over you.
- You’ll usually keep your arm around her shoulder or have her arm around you.
- Blowing kisses.
- Just watch the lip gloss when she’s going to be in public, alright?
- Aggressive kisses and makeouts.
- She actually likes cuddling; particularly spooning, especially when she’s feeling upset. She’ll either hold you or let you hold her for hours, usually while watching television.
- You have your very own pair of fuzzy slippers for whenever you stay over at her house.
- Sunbathing on her balcony.
- Phonecalls before bed.
- Affectionate name calling and insults.
- Playful hitting and wrestling.
- Borrowing each other’s stuff: clothes, makeup, perfume, etc. She’ll occasionally buy you things just so she can steal them from you later.
- Small gifts.
- A surprising amount of compliments. You don’t expect Regina George to boost your self esteem up as much as she does but what can she say, she just loves everything about you.
- She likes hearing you rant, she finds it really amusing when you act all bitchy.
- Writing in the burn book, or at least being somewhat pressured into trying it; not purposefully. She just thinks that it’s cathartic so why wouldn’t you?
- Making fun of people together. She’s more mean spirited than you are but hey, you’re both being bitches, right?
- Expect her to make a few commands. She’s just used to having followers and puppy dogs for partners, don’t take it personally.
- Getting her to be nicer to her friends.
- Learning the rules of popularity.
- Getting matching jewelry.
- I’m sorry but you’re now her dress up doll and there’s no stopping it. She’ll do your makeup, buy your clothes, style your hair, whatever her little heart desires; and you’ll just have to let her.
- She actually sort of secretly likes punk/alternative music but you’re one of the few people that’s allowed to know. You bought her an Avril Lavigne cd this one time and she not so jokingly said that she’d go down on you for being so sweet.
- You’re dragged around a lot. You sort of just do whatever she wants, especially if you’re just hanging out rather than going on an actual date.
- Surrender the keys slut. Regina insists on driving no matter whose car you’re taking.
- Going shopping. She needs your advice before she can buy things.
- Holding her stuff for her. I’m sorry but your girlfriend acts like a princess.
- Getting coffees.
- Lunch dates.
- Going to parties together.
- Junk food binges.
- Having tons of photographs together. She has a good bunch of the more platonic looking ones; at least until she comes out, displayed around her room.
- Going to her sports games.
- Letting her rant to you before she has an aneurysm. You’ve certainly helped calm her down from some of her really bad tantrums.
- Hanging out with her little sister. Surprisingly enough, Regina actually really likes her and acts super cute when they’re together.
- She’s got a huge house and an aggressively supportive mom so if your parents are shitty, you’re always welcome to stay with them.
- Telling her how beautiful she is and trying to stop her from focusing on every little somewhat nonexistent flaw of hers.
- Reginas a very jealous girl. She hates seeing you with other people, particularly ones who she thinks are interested in you. She’ll ask what you’re doing talking to them and blatantly scare them away when she’s had enough.
- She’s definitely possessive of you; that’s just how she is.
- Don’t mess with mama bear. She’s sorta overprotective of you and gets offended in your honor. God forbid someone upsets you, or just accidentally bumps into you in the hallway, their life will be destroyed in a matter of minutes.
- The two of you probably fight a lot, sometimes merely bickering, other times having full on screaming matches. She’ll usually either act passive aggressive and pretend to not be bothered or be completely blunt and rude.
- You’ll usually give her the silent treatment and she’ll do the same to you, though she’ll snoop and secretly drive around to see what you’re doing without her. When she’s sick of not seeing you, she’ll give a reluctant apology and somehow always make you forgive her.
- Regina isn’t shy when it comes to saying she loves you, mainly because she usually says it playfully. Though, with that being said, she does always mean it when she says it.
- Perhaps the bus incident happens, perhaps it doesn’t. Nonetheless, the two of you are planning on sticking by each other’s sides; at least for a while.
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 4 years
BBC Merlin Rewatch:
01x01: The Dragon’s Call
aw look at merlin all happy and smily, walking into camelot like he isnt going to witness the death of his best friend/king and basically everyone he loves
“like everyone, he must live and learn” yo shut ur bitchass up lizard man u literally tried to murder everyone in camelot that one time
“his name: traumatised 😍😍”
fuck ur bitchass uther no one likes u
“i pride myself as a fair and just king” sir didnt u like basically kill ur wife... and thousands of peo- OH MY GOD MORGANA BB ILY
oh jesus okay hes dead um chile-
“when i came to this land” wait i thought he was raised kn camelot brb i forgot im an idiot wait,,, does this mean before this it was the du bois family on the throne of camelot?? also, mired in chaos? u mean like.... before ur wife died and everyone was living peacefully? ....okay
“merlin, seeing a person who's been stated had been studying magic get beheaded: [a magical being himself] ah,, welcoming.” -my gf
“since the great dragon was captured” ....so did no one think about where they put a dragon?? a captured one at that. ud think he’d be more smart but nah he just left a random ass dragon under his castle like THAT is going to end well
“a son for a son!” omg why couldnt u have killed uther bb ur the perfect villain i love u ur literally just a loving mother i-
.....why is there a bunny mask in there
why is thERE A BUNNY MASK-
why didnt merlins eyes glow when he dragged the bed to gaius to save him
also whats this slomo magic why didnt he do this after this why did season one haveso much magic and like every other season was just everyone throwing it back
like i get instinctual magic but like.... if its instinctual wouldnt it happen more especially when his powers get stronger-
gaius: what did you just do?!
also gaius, five seconds later: i know what it was!! i just wanted to know where you learned it
merlin: 😐
merlin, about his magic: i was born like this
gaius, who knows full well warlocks exist: impossible!
(are warlocks naturally born knowing how to use magic without learning? i mean if u have to learn magic like a sorcerer then whats the difference between a warlock and a sorcerer cuz wouldnt sorcerers atleast have to have some magic in them to actually cast spells? am i dumb or do i just not get it)
wait so merlin arrived in camelot on a wednesday
merlin, walking into camelot: it is wednesday my dudes
merlin: [witnesses an execution] aaaAAAAAA-
“someone that might help him find a purpose of his gifts” oh honey he’ll get something mUCH LARGER THAN THAT-
“the more brutal you are, the more enemies you’ll create” oh the waY SHE PREDICTED THEIR FUTURE OO
ah bless u lady helen/mary collins we love them spicy villains
...why do you have a dressing table in a tent
[watches mary collins murder lady helen] i never snitch on dadd- ...someone pls delete me
merlin, about his instinctual magic: i just do it!
gaius: ...lord have mercy what did i just sign myself up to
what ever happened to sir olwen did he die from accidentally overdosing
merlin looks so offended, oh god i could watch this whole scene for HOURS
“do i know you?” “im merlin” “so i dont know you” ugh theres already sexual tension
“i would never have a friend who could be such an ass” “or i one so stupid”
also them, ten years later: “i use my magic for you arthur, only you” “just hold me” “i cant lose him! hes my friend!” “thank you..”
“tell me merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees?” OOOOH THE BOYS ARE FLIRTING
im convinced atleast half the knights with arthur were like “ayo thas kinda sus bro 😳😳 ayo 😳😳”
arthur: tell me merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees? would you like me to help you?
merlin: ....i really dont know how to answer that
imagine being paid to throw fruits at colin morgan omg id be so thrilled
gwen: well, arthur looks like one of those, save the world kinda men... and you dont
merlin, 1500 years later, having failed his destiny: well i mean you’re not wrong
gaius: uther banned magic a long time ago
merlin, flabbergasted as if he wasnt raised on tales of the death of his kind every day in the kingdom right next to his: why?!?!?
gaius: the dragon is imprisoned where nobody can free him
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(that is the face of someone knowing full well hes going to free that dragon. look at him. he’s already made up his mind.)
[sees merlin and arthur in the marketplace] oh heres he is again heres the lil bitxh ooo theyre about to FIGHT
god hes flirting so hard without even realising it, oh my god
“i could take you apart with one blow” “i could take you apart with less” um sirs this is a mcdonalds drive thru 😃
arthur: ahah, you’re in trouble now~ 😏😏
....yall are yelling very loudly, um, arent there guards near yall? people passing by? please relax
“im just a nobody, and i always will be” OH IF ONLY YOU KNEWWW
“if i cant use magic, i might as well die” ....well, ive got a surprise for you-
“maybe theres someone with more magic than me?” like... a whole dragon? i mean if you say so 👀
merlin about why he was born like this: if you cant tell me, no one can!
a fucking dragon, basically every magical creature and the druids: WELL-
the camelot guards are so stupid how the hell is this kingdom still standing
how does kilgharrah know merlins name? in prophecy hes known as emrys (and we see basically every magical being call him emrys and not merlin,, i think). so how does he know? did he stretch his neck long enough that he could somehow hear merlin? is it cuz theyre kin? is it cuz merlin and gaius were yelling so loudly that kilgharrah could hear them all the way in his cave? ig we’ll never know 🖐
merlin: where are you?!
kilgharrah: without you, arthur will never succeed.
merlin: ....oh look, im already paranoid
the amount of sadness i feel hearing kilgharrah say “none of us can choose our destiny, merlin. and none of us can escape it” is INSANE cuz in season one you can SEE merlin trying to escape it. hes doing his damned best trying to have some control over his life. and then in later seasons you can see the light slowly drain from his eyes as he becomes just another toy for the gods to be entertained by. he realises he cant control a single thing about his life so he does the one thing he can: protect arthur. and he loses SO MUCH because of it! its not fair, he deserved so much, and when he finally got everything he could ever ask for, it was taken away from him by his own mistakes.
arthur, seeing morgana in a beautiful dress: god have mercy 😍
uther: .....um
the way they set arthur and morgana up as if they arent gonna make them siblings i- what the fawk 😄
person A, who knows arthurian lore: oh no! arthur is going to have an affair with morgan(a) and have mordred! oh no!!
person B, whos seen merlin: oh no in this show its worse
person B, knowing full well theyre siblings: much worse....
gwen: who’d wanna marry arthur? 🙄
gwen, getting crowned queen of camelot: well fuck
hhhnghnh yes queen sing them to sleep yes murder his bitchass (and fail but like its the thought that counts)
on a sidenote tho this is such a fun way to murder someone, id try this
the absolutely OFFENDED “FATHER!” and the horrified look in arthurs eyss when uther announced merlin would be his manservant is PRICELESS OMG
oh the way uther unintentionally plants the first seed of his sons love story omg 😍😍
Conclusion: this episode is a 10/10 greatest episode with so many iconic scenes omg. mary collins u will forever have my heart for unintentionally kickstarting merlin and arthurs relationship destiny. i loved the whole thing and oh GOD does it already hurt knowing full well how the show ends
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brelione · 4 years
The Surfer And The Siren
Chapter Two:The Blondes,The Dog and The Girl in the Woods.
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Chapter One
@kelsiejayy​ designed this mood board :) 
“Why is it always the blondes?”Richard asked.You shrugged,folding the snack bag closed. “They remind me of him.”You answered.Richard just nodded,pulling the strings of the bag tight. “Will you tell him stories about me when im gone?”Richard asked.You pouted. “You’ve still got a few more years,Rich.”You mumbled.He just chuckled. “Lets get going,weve got thirteen hours to go.”he locked the door as you walked out.You two got into his older car,driving down the bumpy roads to his house.You ran up the small grassy hill and up to the front porch,kneeling to pet Blue on his stomach.You then ran inside,jumping onto the couch and holding your favorite pillow to your chest.Richard let the dog in,going into the kitchen to show you that he had already set out your favorite cookies.ayou ate seven before you ran into the backyard to see how much taller the sunflowers had grown since the last time you had been over to the house.You rolled in the grass,lifting yourself into a tree and giggling loudly.
It felt like it had been a long time since you had even touched a tree.Probably because it had been.Richard placed his phone on the outdoor table,allowing your favorite songs to play.There was some Queen,some Disney,some instrumental and some early 2000’s music.You got down from the tree,telling him you were going to take Blue for a walk.Richard nodded,standing up.He wasnt as fast or energetic as he had been 60 years ago.He couldnt give you piggy back rides anymore or play soccer in the middle of the woods.It didnt really matter though.He was still good old Richard with his shitty jokes and his big grey hound.You grabbed Blue’s leash,clipping it to his collar.RIchard shouted to you to let you know that you could go without him.You ran down the street,racing the large dog all the way to figure eight.You ended up on the beach behind the kook mansions.You had watched as they had been built all those years ago,wondering what kind of rich straight white dudes were going to move in there.
You were unaware of the camera watching you from a tall tree,oblivious to the notification that was sent to Rafe Cameron’s phone.Blue leaned against you,laying down at your feet.You sat indian style,allowing the dog to rest in your lap. “Are you a handsome baby?”You grinned,tapping the dogs nose.He sneezed,moving upwards to look your chin.Rafe came up behind you,his eyes focusing on your hair.He hadnt been prepared or even thought about what he was going to say.He just didnt want to miss you. “Hello?”You called out,feeling someone looking at you.He inhaled sharply and his fists clenched. “Sorry,sorry-I didnt mean to scare you.”He spoke awkwardly.Blue sat up,staring him down and growling.You looked over your shoulder,grip tightening on Blue’s leash.That wasnt Ward.Ward was a normal person,he aged.You had watched him age. “Ward?”You asked,not calling off Blue.Rafe shook his head,not being able to form words.You dragged your fingers along the back of Blue’s neck to calm him.The dog leaned into your touch,slumping against you. 
“Um...Im Rafe-Rafe Cameron.My dad’s name is Ward,though.”He answered.You nodded,standing up and brushing the sand off of your clothing.He looked just like Ward when he was in his early twenties.Ward had always been a bit of the sketchy type but never too bad.He wore his long sleeve shirts rolled up to his elbows,socks and sandals and always had some sort of fancy watch clinging to his wrist.You had been to the Cameron’s dock countless times just to check if Ward Cameron was still alive and walking.You wrapped Blue’s leash around your wrist so he wouldnt go too far. “I like your hair.”He spoke,pointing to the blue curly mess.Your eyebrows fell over your eyes,Blue sensed the tension and licked your fingertips.He glanced up at the tree where the camera was hidden before looking back up at you. “Okay.”You mumbled,not wanting to continue the conversation.He didnt have good intentions.It felt like you were talking to Ward,In fact,you could remember Ward telling you the same thing.Rafe sucked in a big breath,looking down at Blue and trying to ease his mind.
 “Is this your dog?”He asked,gesturing towards the greyhound.You gulped,glancing around the beach for other people. “Friend’s dog.”You answered,your voice hitting him like a wave.He stumbled a bit,deciding to just sit down.His legs couldnt hold his weight and it seemed like his head was full of wet cotton.He felt exhausted and not just from running down the road.He nodded,hands in his lap. “I will see you around,Rafe Cameron.”You spoke softly,allowing the power to sink into the air.It was probably enough to enchant the boys inside houses across the whole neighborhood and more than enough to cause Rafe to fall forward with his eyes closed.You grinned,biting down on your lip and holding back a chuckle.Men were just too easy.You jogged back up the sand and to the street,seeing a boy asleep on his lawn.It only made your smile widen as you ran back to the cut,Blue panting as he sprinted with you.When you got to the cut you were a sweating and panting mess,laughing at the feeling of pain in your kneecaps.
You kept running,savoring the sore feeling at your ankles and heels as your feet smacked the cement.When you got back to Richard’s Blue had dragged himself up the stairs tiredly to drink some water.You went inside the house,leaving the door open for Blue and laying down on the couch.Your cheeks were flushed,your skin damp from sweat. “Did you have a good run?”Richard asked.You nodded,sitting up. “I didnt know that Ward Cameron had a son.”You frowned,pushing the blue hair from your face.Richard gulped,sitting down in his reclining chair. “You saw Ward Cameron?”He asked nervously.You shook your head. “Just his son.Strange looking boy...kind of like Ward with moist hair.I didnt tell him my name,just Blue’s.He’s asleep on the beach as of right now.”You explained.He nodded,opening a bag of skittles.You giggled. “God,do you remember back in 82’ when those things first got to the store?”You asked.He nodded. “How could I forget?I was trying to get you a bag but the buggers were sold out.The rich boys were mixing them with vodka and throwing up on the streets.”He let out a wheeze like laugh.You grinned at the memory,holding your pillow to your stomach.
 “The boy...JJ.Do you know him well?”You asked.Richard raised his eyebrows,shaking his head as he poured skittles into his palm.You sighed,leaning back. “He looks like him...I saw them while I was out today.JJ and Pope,I mean.They were with another boy and a girl.The other one….I forget what he’s called.He looks like an Adam,though.He’s very terrible at surfing,I had to rescue him during a storm.And the girl...she was diving near the caves to clean up trash that had sunk.I feel drawn to them like im supposed to be part of their group.It was that feeling I had when I saw you on the beach on the night we met...I knew it would lead to something good.”You tried your best to explain your feelings.He nodded,reclining in the chair and stretching out his sore legs. “I understand,(Y/N).But I dont know enough about these kids to let you go around them.Im not trying to control you,Im just concerned for your safety.You’ve seen it all before where your kind gets involved with the wrong human folk and winds up dead or trapped in a tank.You cant let that happen,I cant let that happen.I’ll learn as much as I can about them,okay?”He asked.
You sighed,watching as Blue slowly walked in and sat by the door. “I wouldve felt if he had bad intentions or anger,he didnt.When I was out for my swim they tried to find me again to make sure that i was okay.If they were bad they wouldnt have done that.”You mumbled.He nodded. “But they didnt know who you are and what you are.Maybe if they had they would act differently but I dont exactly want to find out.Let me learn about them first,alright?”He asked.You nodded as he turned on his television. “Netflix has new films this month,why dont you flip through them until you find something you’d like to watch?”He offered,leaning forward and handing you the warm black controller.You grinned,biting your bottom lip as you watched the preview for H2o Just Add Water. “Hey-hey Richard.”You laughed.He looked up at the television,holding back a laugh as his nostrils flared. “No-nope.”He shook his head.You laughed,looking through the episode titles before snorting. “Siren effect!”You giggled.He sighed,pinching the bridge of his nose. “If that is what you want to watch than go for it.”He grinned.
You shook your head,going back to the home page.You settled on a show called I Am Not Okay With THis.You werent really paying attention because you were too busy thinking about all the things you wanted to do in such little time. “It really sucks that we cant go into the woods like we used too.”You sighed.Richard frowned,nodding in understanding. “You know that its not safe for you out there alone.”He reminded you.It was dangerous for anyone to go out at night especially young girls.The Cut had some pretty dangerous places that became even more dangerous at night. “Do you think I could go if Blue came with me?”You asked.Blue’s ears perked up at his name,his mouth falling open in a dog smile.Richard nodded hesitantly. “Alright.Dont go too far and stay away from the graveyard.”He leaned back in his seat.You grinned,standing up.You didnt bother with the leash,hopping down the front steps excitedly with Blue right behind you.You didnt think you’d ever get used to the smell of grass and the feeling of dirt between your toes.Your hair got caught in a few branches but you couldnt care less.
You could see the faint green glow of fire flies a few feet away. “Why do I always have to get the firewood?They’re perfectly capable but no,no of course theyre just too high to do basic things.”A feminine voice ranted to herself.There was no way of telling exactly how far away it was but you assumed it was pretty close when the fireflies dispersed.Blue barked softly,a growl coming from her throat. “Hello?”The voice called upon hearing the noise.You huffed,silently thanking the gods that you wouldnt have to speak to yet another boy. “Hello.”You replied,finally seeing the owner of the voice.Her dark hair was tied into a fancy french braided bun that probably took years of her childhood to master.Her skin was the color of werther’s chewy caramels.She wore a white and black hoodie that was large and a bit baggy on her small frame along with a pair of light shorts.You knew she probably couldnt make out your features in the dark.That was one of the advantages you were grateful for.You had always been able to see close to perfectly in the dark which definitely helped with your insecurities when you knew for a fact that others couldnt.
 “Why are you in the middle of the woods?”She asked.You held onto Blue’s collar so he wouldnt lunge at the pretty girl. “The dog needed to pee,what about you?”You asked.She giggled,playing with her fingers nervously as her legs got a tingly feeling. “Oh-um-firewood.What’s your dogs name?”She asked.You slowly let go of the collar.Blue walked forward eagerly to sniff at the girls shorts,hands and shoes. “Blue.”You answered.She kneeled down to pet the large dog as he sat down in front of her,licking a slimy streak on the side of her face. “And what’s your name?”She asked,directing the question towards you.You grinned upon realising that this was her.This had to be a sign. “(Y/N).”You answered,watching as her face fell and her mouth fell agape.You were the girl JJ spoke so fondly of.She could absolutely agree with him about your voice.She had never heard one quite like yours with that weird accent.
You could probably make some really incredible ASMR if you wanted too. “Do you….by any chance have blue hair?”She asked.You smiled to yourself. “That would be me.”You confirmed.She blushed,biting her lip. “Im Kiara.I think you know my friends,JJ and Pope.”She muttered.You hummed,swatting a mosquito away from your face. “I met them briefly.”You told her,snapping your fingers by your side to get Blue to come back to you.You rubbed the back of his left ear,seeing Kiara stand up straight again.The original blue was missing part of his left ear after getting into a fight with a rat the size of a puppy.That was definitely in the top ten scariest moments of your life.You and Richard had been inside the house baking a cinnamon peach cake for his mother when she came home from a long day of work.You had started to smash up butter in a large bowl that you had actually made for them when you heard a mix of screams,hisses and whimpers coming from the backyard.
He had grabbed the broom,ready to break up a fight between two young children.You had both ran outside,screaming in shock at the sight in front of you.Blue had been shaking his head back and forth,trying to get the rat of of him.You had to tackle the poor dog,ripping the rat off and practically suffocating it.Richard had ran inside to grab one of his old dirty shirts,running it under the cool faucet water before running back outside and holding it to Blue’s damaged flesh.You had thrown the rat down the hill as adrenaline coursed through your veins.He had gotten the bleeding to stop,the red liquid had stained the already dying grass.You used your bandana to hold his ear down and bandaged.That had happened only a few months before you had lost your ring and became pretty much completely confined to the ocean.Since then Richard had tried his best to keep everything the same.When the first Blue died he was quick to find a similar looking grey hound from an animal shelter.He’d created a raft out of branches and grape vines and fitted sheets so he could float out to your cave.He put newspaper into plastic wrap so you could keep up with things going on in the land.He didnt go anywhere outside of North Carolina without telling you first.Pretty much his whole life revolved around you.
“Cool,cool.So are you visiting from somewhere?”She asked.You had gotten used to that question. “No,actually.I kind of just stay under the radar,you know?”You asked.She nodded. “So are you a kook or a pogue?”She asked.You shrugged,scratching your nose. “Um...I’d say its complicated.”You answered.She hummed. “Yeah,I get that.So where do you live?”She asked. “Between friends,I suppose.I should probably get this handsome baby home before he falls asleep.It was great meeting you though.”You grinned.She nodded. “Ill see you around,(Y/N).”She smiled.You walked back through the woods the same way you had came,eventually coming back out outside of Richard’s house.
You went through the back door,the dim kitchen light making you realize the scratches on your ankles.It brought a smile to your face.You felt like a normal teen girl for the time being and you knew you only had so long. “(Y/N)?Are you back?”Richard called from the living room. “Yep!”You shouted back before heading to the bathroom.You looked in the mirror,smiling at how dry your hair was.It was dry and hanging at your shoulders,not flowing in the water or getting pushed into your face by currents.The small slits behind your ear were covered with skin and you could move your feet in circles.You werent sure which part of your life you preferred.You turned on the faucet,staring at the water that flowed out of it.You turned it off,looking back up at the mirror angrily.Your sisters never had to deal with everything you had gone through.They were all dead anyways and only god knows how many others there were out there.Hell,there could be some walking around Outer Banks right now with their rings keeping them safe.The shit you would do to get your ring back was ridiculous.
At this point you might even kill for one. “Are you okay in there?”Richard shouted.You flicked the light off,coming out of the bathroom with your hand sin the pockets of your jeans. “Rich,I just met the girl.”You told him,standing in the doorway of the living room.He say up straight,placing his bag of skittles down. “What girl?”He asked.You sighed,sitting back down on the couch indian style. “The girl.The girl from the group I saw earlier today.Ive encountered all of them now,that cannot be a coincidence!”You exclaimed.He shrugged. “Well,lets not jump to conclusions now.You say the Maybank boy looks a lot like him,yeah?”He asked.You nodded. “Well then maybe he’s related to the fella.You still have your old photo albums in the caves?The ones I laminated for you?”He asked.You nodded,waiting for him to continue. “This might be jumping to conclusions but what if Jesse is related to him?”He asked.
You sighed,shaking your head. “No,no he never had any kids.”You answered.He grinned. “Yeah,he didnt.But that doesnt mean his older sister didnt.Linda,I think.Wasnt it something like that?”He asked.You gulped. “Linden.She died in 55’ though.I dont know if she ever had kids.How would we find that out?”You asked.His eyebrows knit together,the bags under his eyes seeming darker. “We have google now.Hand me my phone,please.”He requested.You grabbed his phone off the kitchen counter,looking at his screensaver.It was a picture of a sunset taken awfully close to your cave system.You remembered that sunset in particular because of how bright the pink and purple hues had been.You didnt remember him taking the photo though.You tossed it to him,the strange object falling into his lap. “Hey siri.”He spoke to his phone.A ding came from the device. “Show me all information on Linden Silslip.”He requested.A few articles came up so he handed the phone back to you for you to scroll through.It wasnt until you got to the very bottom that you found an article about “The Sea Monster of OBX” with and interview from Linden.You looked through the article,pressing down on Linden’s name.A whole page of information came up.You couldnt believe what you were seeing.
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saltiestcoconut · 4 years
Dark Templar's name symbolism
Aka why Ai is the perfect example of a knight templar
So in addition to being absolutely obsessed with Ai I am also obsessed with Ai’s deck because holy shit is that deck loaded with symbolism it’s beautiful really but the card I’m the most obsessed with is Dark Templar cause duh of course I am it looks very very similar to Decode Talked, Yusaku’s subace (Firewall Dragon is Yusa’s ace I don’t care what Konami says and this is the hill I will die on) because of course it does and its effect is similar yet opposite of Decode Talker except instead of protecting it revives but like its name (specifically its adaptation name change) is what really interested me
At first I thought it was lame that DT’s japanese name was Dark Knight while its english name is Dark Templar like Dark Knight was pretty much the perfect summary to ais character development (character reveal?) so why would they change it to Dark Templar? (aside from being pieces of shits but let’s assume they had a thematic reason) I got bored enough to find out Google essentially defines a templar as a religious knight which I thought was odd but aight an acceptable name change but then but then I came across the knight templar trope while reading through Yubel’s trope page on tv tropes (I was looking for those elusive Jewish wedding/Jaden vs Yubel fusion duel parallels if you can provide them hit me up pls) and oh boy did that trope change the game 
I’m just going to list the defining characteristics of knight templar straight from the page because holy fucking shit Ai portrays this trope to a t 
“Usually, the Knight Templar's primary step (or objective) to their perceived "utopia" is to get rid of that pesky "free will" thing that is the cause of crime and evil.”
If Ai would have won that duel against Yusaku he would have gotten rid of his free will by scattering it thus dying in the process while utopia wasn’t Ai’s endgame Ai’s existence would have led to a dystopia and preventing that is Ai’s endgame goal 
Many Knight Templars are utterly merciless in dealing with those whom they consider evil, and are prone to consider all crimes to be equal.
While Ai didn’t believe that everyone else was evil (save for Queen but he’s not wrong) he did erase those who tried to stand in his way and that’s pretty much what a knight templar does in face he doesn’t erase Aoi instead forcing her to suffer the same fate he has all because she teamed up with Akira to stop him from getting the second sol key (disproportionate punishment to crime)
It's important to note that despite being villainous within the context of the story, Knight Templars fully believe that they are on the side of righteousness and draw strength from it and that their opponents are not. Trying to reason with one isn't much good either, ...
While Ai isn’t a villain he is very much the antagonist of s3 (remember kids villains and antagonists aren’t the same!) and he absolutely could not be reasoned with because he believes that what he’s doing is for Yusaku’s best interest (a trait he shares with Yubel who is definitely a knight templar don’t get me started on the whole fusion thing) of course this doesn’t get revealed until much later on and it’s even revealed that he was doing this mainly to save Yusaku’s life so he definitely drew strength from his motivation
Indeed, it may take them a while to realize that a person with sense and good will really opposes them ...
He knew Yusaku would oppose him (while this doesn’t fit to a t his antagonism was an act so that he could get Yusaku to kill him or commit a homocide/suicide (sorry couldnt’ resist)) hence why I believe his extreme actions was an attempt to goad Yusa into chasing after him so Yusa would end up dueling him and thus forcing him to pick how he dies 
One of the few ways to actually change a Knight Templar's mind is to kick their ass down to the ground. ... They won't necessarily join you ...
While this part again doesn’t exactly fit Ai to a t these parts do at least to fact that Ai didn’t reveal the entire truth until Yusa beats him and quite literally knocks Ai down and out (gotta love high stakes children card games) even then Ai still doesn’t try to listen to Yusa’s desires (granted he couldn’t have even if he did wanted to) interesting to note that tvtropes says they’ll probably listen to your story when in this case Yusa listened to Ai’s story and this was sprinkled throughout their duel getting progressively worst as the duel continued 
The Knight Templar is often the ultimate incarnation of Light Is Not Good, and in series where Dark Is Not Evil ... If they are still nominally good, expect them to be a Hero Antagonist.
I disregarded everything that didn’t apply to Ai in between these two statements because Ai himself is the dark aspect of the series something he shares with Yusa and obviously he doesn’t believe Yusa and himself to be evil especially Yusa since you know he knows Yusa is actually a good person I included this because Ai was very much originally a hero turned antagonist and this is yugioh it’s the embodiment of light bad dark good (if memory serves me right 5ds is the only series to not follow this trope)
Sometimes, the Knight Templar is an artificially intelligent computer that took its instructions to "protect humanity" a bit too far
I couldn’t resist this was the plot to s3 in a nutshell 
... Knight Templars will insist that they're good guys, even the ones that are practically villains, they often aren't completely ignorant of the pain they cause; they simply consider it to be acceptable collateral damage, or regret the means they "must" use to achieve their ends
In this case Ai had noble intentions but insisted on portraying himself as a villain and he expressed regret at having dragged Roboppi with him and causing Roboppi’s demise (sobs)
Given how well Ai suits this trope (it’s almost every single one of their defining features) it’s no wonder that his symbolic monster counterpart is known as both Dark Knight and Dark Templar with Dark being the common element in its name change cause goddang 
I lowkey want to do an in depth analysis on Ai’s deck and how they fare against Yusaku’s code talkers cause there has to be a connection but I’m lazy and that requires so much research 
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yandereaffections · 6 years
What about a yandere peter Parker where the readers famous and he’s obsessed with their movies and one day he spots them by themselves and takes them? Btw love your work ❤️
Tumblr media
Oh how amazing you are, all your characters personalities perfectly displayed with your acting, along with a beautiful personality yourself
Peter couldn’t have fallen in love with a more convenient person
You’re all over the Internet, everywhere
Pictures of you scattered across google from your social media that he checks more than 10 times a day
Having a relatively big fan base that provides him pure bliss, fan art and fanfiction that he day dreams of for the majority of each day
Peter is generally the biggest provider, making phone wallpaper, fanfiction and art all about you and being spot on as well
The fanfiction is the scary thing, while it allows peter to rant out his yandere traits it’s incredibly specific, detailing each and every curve on your body along with the marks on your skin that are hidden from the public eye
He writes you encouraging fan letters everyday, to a point Aunt may even noticed. She’s glad he has a crush but a little concerned with the obsessive behavior he’s showing towards you.
On days peter has off he usually sticks to your social media, wether it be Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, doesn’t matter as long as you post something
Pictures is what peter loves the most from you, a beautiful smile painted for the world to see. Yet sometimes he gets a little bit of additional information from them, such as road signs behind you, or store/restaurant names.
It wasn’t until you were doing some business in New York, not only New York, but queens!
Oh he was so giddy you’d never see his smile this bright
Traced you through your photos on each social media, along with posts, just the chance to get up to you, to get a glance of you as you walk to your next objective would be pure bliss
Usually surrounded with a small group of fans, body guards keeping them back restricting peter from even being able to speak to you
But today he was lucky
You were alone, absolutely alone. Disguised in sunglasses and casual clothes, but peter could see right through them. It couldn’t not be you! Perfection at its finest, walking across sidewalks bless with your steps.
This chance will never come again, your popularity growing with each hour and there’s no doubt more people will be after you once you become recognizable to everyone
This is his chance, his chance to meet you the most beautiful human being.
Peter will act like he accidentally bumped into you, calling you out for being famous and genuinely trying to start up a conversation with you
But he slipped up, “I’ve been sending you some fan letters as well” laughing a bit, yet stopping once you suddenly froze
“Peter? You’re the peter that continuously sends me those letters!?” You looked and sounded disturbed, and he didn’t understand why
“Listen, it was a pleasure to meet you but I have to ask you to leave now.” You say in a rush, trying to walk off before peter tugged you back towards him, forgetting his strength accidentally hurting you, immediately letting go of you once you yelp out
“I’m sorry, sorry please y/n just wait-“
“Just leave me alone!” Yelling at him before peter suddenly knocks you out, panicking not wanting this to be how it ends, no it’s not supposed to be this way you were supposed to be his friend! It was planned to go well he couldn’t let you end it this way.
Feeling you fall agaisnt him unconscious, to feel your weight agaisnt his chest was a dream come true but it would’ve been better if it wasn’t for this situation, dragging you into a alley, panicking as he tries to figure out what to do
He’ll just, have to find a place to keep you until you wake up, yes! Then you can talk to him, he can make it up to you! A private place is always better for a relationship right?
Looking down at your sleeping form, eyes tracing over each detail of your face even more delightful in person. He’ll make this work for the two of you, it’ll be perfect.
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galactic-vixen · 5 years
"My Precious" Fire Spirit x Reader Oneshot
"Alright then! I'd say they would need about... 12 minutes to bake, right?"
You glance over to the cookbook to confirm your thought and it seems as though you were right. You grin and take off the apron. You run upstairs to change quickly, but not before putting a timer on the oven. Why were you in the kitchen? Baking cookies of course!
Today you and Fire Spirit were going somewhere that's apparently a 'big secret's whatever that might mean. He said to wear clothes that weren't dark since yous were going into the Dragon's Valley. So you instead wore a simple dress with a button-up cardigan, which you left open. You brushed your hair and left it be. You decided to wear a pair of shorts underneath the dress since the Dragon's Valley sometimes got windy, somehow...
You ran downstairs once you were done and got a plastic box to put the cookies in, for when they were done. You got a basket to put the box in since putting the cookies in the basket itself would contaminant them. The timer dinged and you put on the oven mitts. You take out the cookie tray and carefully place it onto the stove. You took off the mitts and quickly transfer the cookies from the tray into the box.
Once you finished moving them, you closed the box and placed it into the basket. You turned off the oven and ran over to the front door. You quickly scanned the shoe rack but you didnt find the sandals you were going to wear. You left the basket on the shoe rack and ran upstairs to quickly find them.
You searched for the footwear and found them. You quickly put them on, hearing the doorbell ring when you start to put on the second pair. You shoved your foot into place and ran downstairs, reaching the front door and quickly unlocking it. You grab the basket and smile at the one who was at the door. It was Fire Spirit.
Fire Spirit blinked multiple times as he tried to make sense of what happened. He shook his head and smiled. He reached out a hand and asked:
"Ready to go, my diamond?"
You smiled at the pet name he gave you and took his hand in yours. You stepped outside your house and locked the door behind you. The both of you start walking away as he led you to the Dragon's Valley. You both got away from the little village you lived in and then he picked you up.
"F-Fire Spirit! Put me down!" "We gotta get to the valley quickly, so we'll fly there, simple enough." "FIRE SPIRIT DONT YOU DAR- SHIT!!"
He ignored your threat and took off anyways. You were gently held against his chest as he carried you bridal style. You put your basket on your lap and squeezed it tight. This is going to take a while...
It took what felt like forever until you didnt feel the wind in your hair. You opened one eye and glanced around, yeah you were in the valley now. But where exactly? You felt him decend onto the ground before gently placing you onto it too. You use one arm to steady yourself as the other held onto the basket. You looked over to Fire Spirit, expecting him to tell you where were the both of you but he just placed finger to your lips.
"You'll get answers soon enough."
You huffed and moved your head away, as he chuckled at your reaction. He grabbed your free hand and started walking again, bringing you wherever he was heading to. You followed after him, catching up to him so he wasn't dragging you there. You looked around, hoping to find a clue on where you were heading to, but there was none.
"How long will it take to get there?" "I assure you, not that long, my stunning ruby."
Your face turned red at that new pet name. You just sighed and moved slightly closer to Fire Spirit, causing the other to squeeze your hand. You both just walked in a comfortable silence afterwards.
Fire spirit suddenly stopped in his tracks and went behind you. He covered your eyes and before you could react, just gently whispered that it's just him.
"I just want it to be a surprise, that's all."
You calmed down afterwards, still abit weary of where you two were going. It felt like hours until he told you to stop. He slowly unravelled your eyes and there you saw it. An oasis. It was odd, the valley fully of dragons, had such a small and yet gorgeous oasis right in it.
The flowers around the pool of water were vibrant and colourful, the water was crystal clear and the trees were bent in intricate designs that made them look like dragons, or at least serpents. Honestly, you see why this is where Firey wanted to go, though small, the place was gorgeous.
"Come on, the heat should be slightly overbearing right now, right?" "Mmmhmmm, yeah.. I see why you wanted to come here-" "That's not all.."
You were puzzled at that sentence. 'That's not all?' Then what else did he want to show you? You followed him into the oasis, sitting beside him underneath one of the trees. You opened your basket to take out the cookies so you both could enjoy them. You open the box and take one out for Fire Spirit, which he thanks you for and takes it. He takes a bite and his eyes widen.
"Are these chocolate chip?" "Yeah, like 'em?" "No.... I absolutely love these! Did you bake them yourself?" "Yeah.. Though they aren-" "They're amazing! You should be a baker with these cookies!"
The praise caused your face to turn red and you looked away, quietly nibbling on your cookie. Fire Spirit laughed at your reaction and you couldnt help but join in. Oh MT was his laugh contagious, it always had so much feeling behind it that just infected others. You both stopped after a while and you both just sat there, eating cookies til they all were gone. By then, the sky was dark and the stars were out. You got ready to leave when a hand grabbed yours.
"Please stay, I still haven't shown you the best part yet.."
He put on the puppy dog eyes and pouted. You stared at him for a couple of seconds and then sighed, sitting back down beside him, closer than before. He grinned and pulled you in for a brief hug. He let go and looked up into the sky.
"So what is it-" "Shhhh... It's gonna start soon!"
You looked up to the sky and then saw it. It was a meteor shower. The shooting stars flying by as you both gazed into the sky. The stars seemed to sparkle accordingly to the ones falling, them shining when one got near it. It was beautiful, and when you glanced over to Fire Spirit his eyes caught you off guard. He looked away when your eyes connected and so did you.
You felt an arm wrap around your waist as he pulled you in closer into him. He smiled at you as you looked at him in surprise.
"We should probably continue watching it. They don't happened often, y'know."
You just nodded as you shifted closer to him. You both sat there in silence as you watched the shower. You felt your eyes getting heavy as time went on, but you didnt want to miss the rare occurrence. You felt another arm wrapped around you as Fire Spirit pulled you into his chest.
"Firey...?" "C'mon I know you're tired. Dont worry, it's ending anyways. Just get your sleep, my golden queen."
You wanted to retort back at that sentence but all that came out was a yawn. You instead snuggled closer into Fire Spirit, loving the heat he radiated. He moved a hand to play with your hair as you slowly were swept away into your dreams. The last thing you heard before fully falling asleep was:
"I love you, my precious."
@theniceprincess-tnp-reboot Here's your Fire Spirit! I imagine that FS would give pet names regarding jewels, treasures, etc. So take it and leave me be-
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loki-fanfic-whore · 5 years
Falling From Olympus ch.9
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Warnings- scheming and plotting
@drakesfiance @kybaeza @woohoney @sunshine-and-riverwater @saxgirl21 @puppens101
Chapter 9 stratagem
The morning light awoke you as you pushed yourself up. You were in your bed, and alone. Had it all been a dream? A wonderful, pleasurable dream?
You stood and stretched hissing as your thighs and womb ached. Definitely not a dream, but then where was Loki?
You began your morning ritual without him and apparently without a maid. You dressed and ate before traversing the gardens.
"Princess! Might I have the honor of your company this morning?" Thirs booming voice caused you to jump.
"Yes, please. I dont seem to know anyone else and do not want to pluck someone from their duties." You smiled as you took his arm.
"So tell me, princess, what is your world like?" Thor smiled as he walked arm in arm with you watching as you coaxed the flowers to life.
"It is a world of drama and war. My mother is sister to the God of gods....Loki states he is like your...Odin? I think is what he said." Thor smiled and nodded.
"Odin was my father." He let you continue.
"Mother is probably looking for me. The poor mortals will be having to fend for themselves since she cast a barren plague upon the trees and flowers. The world has been cast in cold." You shivered at the thought.
"So she doesnt know where you are?" Thor asked looking concerned.
"No..I fell from what you call the bi-frost...if she knew I was here and that I was taken with Loki she would immediately drag me away...she has never allowed me to be with another. I am to be a virtuous and compassionate Goddess..."
"Tell me the truth." Loki snarled as he stared down at her.
"The truth is this child is yours and whether you like it or not I am carrying it and birthing it!" Reena screamed from her cell. She had fainted due to not eating and the guards tore Loki from you this morning to alert him. He didnt want you to wake up without him, but he had business to tend to. He scowled at her and paced.
"If this bastard is what you claim it to be then why, prey tell, are you not taking care of it and yourself? The physician said you have lost weight and that you are not eating." Loki tried to keep moving so he didnt have to make eye contact. He should have never touched this damned snake of a woman.
"You cannot keep me in a cell and expect me to eat and sleep as if all was well! I carry your babe for gods sake!" She spat towards him which sent Loki in a rage. He slammed his hand upon the bars and pointed at her now trembling form.
"Watch your tongue. I am a prince and you are a common maid. I can have you executed for less than what you have done. Eat your food and be humble you still have breath to your lungs and that damned bastard to your womb." He spoke softly but every word dripped with venom. He turned on his heel and walked out. Samith bowed to him then walked in carrying a tray of food.
"I need you to do something for me." Reena spoke softly as she scooted to the edge of the bed up against the bars. She pulled a small vial of red viscous liquid from her bust and handed it to him.
"Give that to the would-be queen. That will knock her down a peg." She smiled as she imagined you sobbing in the floor as blood drained from you.
"There is something else..." samith spoke very low so the guards couldnt hear.
"The would-be queens mother is not of this realm and is opposed to her courtship to Loki. The mothers name is Demeter...if we can find her we can plead for her to take that wretch back." A large psychotic grin spread over Reena's face.
"When all of this is done, I will make you a knight Samith." She whispered before biting into a pomegranate and spitting the seeds onto the ground.
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jaejaeprincess · 6 years
with him - jaebum!au
repost -  pass on a thanks to @ijustwantacue for this being up again
prince!jaebum x servantgirl!you word count: 2.5k+ genre: mostly angst
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he was crown prince jaebum, a man of nobility and humility
he respected and cared for all in the kingdom, regardless of status
a great warrior was he, a hero for his kingdom
perhaps that was what drew so many to him
or perhaps it was his handsome features, a face of such haunting beauty he enraptured those around him
his smile one which shone and fought darkness
and dark eyes which could pierce the soul and held deep knowledge from all the books he studied for countless hours within the extensive castle library
crown prince jaebum was loved by all the kingdom
for he loved all of them too
his knights swore allegiance to him so strong they were willing to ride to the gates of hell for him
of course, if it ever came to that, he would never let them go alone
truly, a most worthy inheritor to the throne
and then there was you
a mere servant girl, loyal to the royal household
you served princess jiyeon, jaebum's beloved younger sister
due to your role requiring you to be with princess jiyeon for most hours of the day, you had also spent much time in the presence of the prince
in the beginning of your role, he would always smile and nod at you but you dont know if it was just you or if his eyes seemed to linger on you slightly longer than usual
your head always itched to follow him when  you passed him in the hallways
little did you know, he always glanced back at your retreating self, his smile dropping into a frown
because you enticed him
so he asked you more questions, wanting to get to know you better
he learnt of your love for stories, how you wished to read books but could not because, as a poor girl, you were never taught how
so he made it his mission to teach  you to be literate
god knows how he found the time amongst all his duties
but slowly in the time you spent together
you got to learn deeper facts about each other
you learnt of his fears, his insecurities that he was not good enough to be king
and you somehow always managed to convince him otherwise, giving him words of wisdom and acting as a support so strong he came to heavily rely upon you
you came to understand his heart
and he, yours
in an intimate way that you had never managed with others before
so what came next was inevitable
the two of you became wrapped around each other
he needed you and you needed him just as much
you both fell
a love so deep, it hurt when you parted even slightly
you missed him always
he thought of you always
you loved each other
and so began your relationship
it was kept hidden away from everybody, the only person aware being jiyeon
a giddy supporter of you two she was indeed
but soon the queen came to learn of your and jaebum's relationship
whispers around the castle solidified
to put it simply, she was not happy
she called an immediate trial for you
you were brought in, dragged by the royal guards
and thrown to the ground before the foot of the throne in which she sat
breathing harsh from your struggle against the guards, you slowly looked up at the queen through your lashes
her expression was cold, like ice
she was a fair queen but strict and stood for no nonsense - and rightly so for they had struggled through times of war and her cool persona had aided them greatly
however being at the receiving end of this nature was not at all pleasant
you couldnt lie to yourself, you were scared
she scrutinised your face for a minute, the silence of the hall overbearing
before suddenly the back of her hand swiped through the air and smacked you cleanly against your face, at the same time that the hall doors slammed open
the force of the slap sent you sprawling but you caught yourself
jaebum's voice yelled your name, his presence in the hall calming you slightly despite the shame eating away at you
you turned your head to him, body still on the ground, as he stepped forward to approach you, his face one of shock, fear, anger, concern
but two guards grabbed an arm each and quickly restrained him
immediately he fought against them
"what is this? unhand me!"
"jaebum, is it true you have been harbouring feelings for this servant girl?" the queen asked him eerily calm
his eyes drifted to you as he continued to push against the guards, your hair loose and flopping upon your face from the impact of the slap, body forcing shallow breaths, sad eyes upon him, watching
"do you perhaps love this girl, jaebum?"
your eyes widened slightly, shifting to the floor
you had never admitted it to each other but you were certain you loved jaebum
did he love you?
his eyes didnt leave your figure
jaebum didnt have to ponder, he knew he was doomed from the way you always shyly bit your lip, smiling, and looked away when he said something cheesy, from the way you bashfully played with your fingers when he lightly touched the small of your back, from the way you gently tap his nose when you find something he was looking for
your eyes instantly shot up to look at him, lips parted in surprise befo-
"it is settled then. she is to be banished."
jaebum whipped his head towards his mother, enraged
"what? no-"
"fool, i shall not allow any relationship between my son, crown prince, and a mere servant girl! do not forget your duty to this kingdom, jaebum, it comes first and foremost-"
"rubbish! in what way will my relationship with y/n affect my duty?"
"you forget that your marriage is an opportunity to form stronger alliances with the other kingdoms-"
"i refuse."
"jaebum, do not dare to go against me. i am your queen-"
"and what of being my mother?" he yelled, "what of supporting me as your son?"
his eyes glossed over
"i love her"
a tear slipped from your own at the pure anguish in his voice, your heart aching
"if being king means i lose all compassion for those i love then i dont want to be king. if being king means having my love banished from me then i dont want to be king."
everybody in the hall seemed to stop breathing as he spoke
everybody seemed to freeze
because everybody could feel what he was next going to say-
"i relinquish my entitlement to the throne."
the reactions were immediate
your mind reeled and a huge gasp escaped you
the queen took 3 steps forward towards jaebum and slapped him just as hard as she had you
his head shot to the side, his breathing heavy
as was the queen's, her eyes wide in disbelief
"you are not in your right mind, my son would never say such a thing. it is okay, i understand this. i shall speak to you when you are in a saner state of mind"
meanwhile you could not believe jaebum had just tried to give up his future throne to be with you were you really worth that much?
"take the girl to pack her bags. she has until nightfall to leave the citadel and three days to leave the city."
"no," you screamed "no- please!" you begged, countless tears leaving you as another two guards grabbed you and began to drag you away
jaebum roared and with all his power shoved his captor guards away and legged it towards you
his name fell from your mouth repeatedly, despairingly, your sobs racking through your body
his arm wrapped around your waist
his front pressed to yours
his lips pressed to yours
in one last, desperate attempt to display sentiment
before he was ripped away from you
both yours and his heart tore
the pain of separation washed over you
bile crept up your throat
and tears fell from your eyes and his
he struggled helplessly against the guards dragging him in the opposite direction, towards the dungeons
(it was not uncommon for the queen to imprison her own son when she was angered)
"i'll find you, y/n! i promise," he cried
you released a long scream through gritted teeth as you were both yanked further and further apart
the agony in your voice tugging his heartstrings
to all those that inhabited the castle, the screams of jaebum and his lover echoed throughout
haunting everybody
your banishing changed jaebum
he broke inside
he remained true to his duties as crown prince, fought courageously in battles and upheld his role in state matters
but he was always on the search for you, trying to listen to whispers of where you had gone
his heart ached without your presence
his body yearned to be against you
he spent much more time with jiyeon, as she had been with you for years before he had fallen for you, listening to the memories she turned into words for him, seeking solace from them
he turned down each and every offer of marriage from the neighbouring kingdoms, much to his mother's distaste
he didnt care
he just
it was two years later, when the queen passed away due to a great ailment befalling her
she was still his mother so jaebum mourned greatly, with jiyeon and the rest of the kingdom
his coronation took place shortly after, with jiyeon there to support him
crown prince jaebum became king jaebum
a great leader
after your banishing, you had moved to a small village over the mountains
there you lived as a farmer, sowing and tending to crops
as well as being the apprentice to an elderly woman physician called soo ahn
she taught you much about herbs and medicines and caring for the body
you patched up injuries, looked after the ill, kept them company
the village people loved you
kind, sweet y/n
gentle, nimble fingers with bandages, gentle, nimble fingers when harvesting crops
but they could sense the pain underlying your sweet smile
it was two years after your banishing that a group of riders passed through your village
they wore red cloaks with the royal crest
your eyes widened upon realising they were from the citadel
and your hands shook upon realising the middle horse held a man of familiar stature
but there was something wrong with his posture
and daunting fear rose inside you
upon realising the knights around him had dismantled from their horses and were shouting for help
upon realising they had to pull an unconscious jaebum off his horse
upon realising there was deep red staining his tattered shirt
and suddenly you couldnt breathe
your legs acted automatically, pulling you towards him
he always was like a magnet
a scream left your throat, you shouted for soo ahn
the knights turned towards you as you hurriedly approached
their eyes all widened as they saw your face
panic stricken, pale, a tear tracing down your cheek
no, that wasnt why their eyes widened
it was you, y/n, the damsel whom their king had restlessly searched for
and here you were, running to them
ironic indeed
and as you reached them, as you tried to grab jaebum's body, as you tried to hold him after so long regardless of his injury, as you did all this, did soo ahn approach, and with her old but strong hands, hold you back, passing you on to one of the knights
"quickly. follow me," she instructed the knights holding jaebum, one carrying his arms, the other his feet, and she led them to the physician's working quarters
the knight holding you back went with them, allowing you to come but he spoke to you and forced you to calm down
because you were frantic, you havent seen jebum for two years and you still loved him just as much and this is how you are reunited, with him bleeding out, his white shirt now red and-
soo ahn didnt let you help, forcing you to stay away because clearly you werent in the right mind in the presence of whom she gathered was the king
and it clicked in her mind that this was the reason for your hidden pain
so she better damn make sure he survived then because there was no way she was allowing you to wallow in more hurt than you already suffered
flash forward to later that night where jaebum is all patched up and resting in the spare bed kept for the seriously ill
you refused to leave his side
the knights were being cared for and fed
you found from them that they had been attacked by smugglers as they made their way to the nearest neighbouring kingdom, to visit the king jinyoung and discuss increasing funds for orphan children
jaebum had defended mercilessly, fighting back true to his warrior status
but unfortunately one smuggler had managed to ram him with their sword
fortunately, the wound was not fatal and he would be okay
but you couldnt keep your mind from ceaselessly worrying as you held one of his hands in both your own
tracing the lines of his palm
it had been too long
staring at his face, you noted that he essentially looked the same
the two familiar moles above his left eye made you smile
his sunkissed skin glowing
his hair a little longer than before, falling into his hawk eyes
hawk eyes which were open, dark brown staring at you
you gasped
his lips parted slowly with a shaky breath and the hand between yours slowly lifted to your face
his fingers grazed your cheek and you shivered, eyes fluttering shut as you leaned against his warm palm
the whisper held so much raw emotion
suddenly his hand dropped from your cheek and you opened your eyes confused
he used both hands to try and lift himself up into a sitting position
"no, jaebum-"
he hissed as his torso pulled slightly, looking down to see thick bandages wrapped around him, a small spot of red appearing on the surface
he sat up anyway and his hands moved forward to grab yours
he gently pulled at you
you sat as close as you could comfortably get, without hurting him also
he opened his mouth
"i-" his voice broke
he shut his eyes, swallowed, and reopened them, staring at you as though you would disappear any second
"i missed you"
you laughed through your nose, a sad smile painting your face
"i missed you too," you replied, pressing your forehead against his and brushing your thumbs against his cheeks, "so much."
he wrapped his arms around you and just
held you
against him
like his body had yearned for
and his heart stopped aching
because at last
you were
inspired by the show merlin
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Head Case
Chapter One
I felt very calm, laying in what I took to be grass as it tickled my neck. So close to my nose I could smell the unmistakable scent of the freshly cut lushness. Though it was grown so tall, passing the height of my head, I could tell it was not recently manicured.
As I lay there, enjoying the scents and the chirping of birds, I thought how remarkable it was that my mind allowed such a vivid and hyperrealistic dream world. All my time spent in the lab, missing out on reportedly 'epic' college frat parties, researching and studying the world of dreams and the unconscious, finally paying off. I may not have broken any records or discovered something new, but lucid dreaming IS one of the perks to my studies.
After an imperceptible amount of time lying in the grass, relishing the feeling of nature beneath me, I decided it was time I should open my eyes and try to hold on to the world I've created. My personal battle with lucid dreaming was the act of opening my eyes. I never could get past physical sensation and enjoy the world, every time I opened my eyes it all disappears and I'd be back in the lab or in my off campus studio, tired and disappointed.
This time though, I was determined. The smell of the earth, the birds song, the light breeze that brushed my eyelashes, I had to know what kind of magical place my mind brought me to. I wanted to experience it, to feel it's realness-
My foot suddenly jiggled and I felt the hand that lightly grabbed at the toes of my boot. My eyes snapped open at the touch and I looked down at my bottom half only to be met by glowing eyes.
He opened his mouth to speak but what came out was definitely not English...
"Du valgte et mærkeligt sted at falde i søvn." the words rolled off his tongue elegantly, though I had no idea what they meant. He cocked his head to the side like a listening dog.
I was stunned, frozen like a deer. This was definitely the most vivid dream I've experienced. It's hard to believe that those round eyes weren't real with the way seemed to attempt to look straight into my soul.
I didnt reply, I figured he wouldn't understand me anyways. I looked away, sitting up and taking in my surroundings. I was in some sort of field or meadow, lined by tall lush trees and beautiful yellow flowers releasing feathery seed pods that danced through the breeze. Though I couldn't see it, I heard the sound of water running nearby to my right. Slow and melodic, possibly a stream or creek hiding within the tree line.
My attention went back to blue eyed boy. He spoke again, his tone questioning, but I didn't know what he asked. He looked down at my hand, and questioned me again. I then realized my left hand was covered in sticky warm blood. My blood. A deep gash ran from the middle finger of my palm and down, the pain of it just now taking affect in my brain. The burn washed over my entire hand and it quickly became my main focus. I pulled at my loose shirt and used it to press on the wound, trying to stop the blood from flowing. I felt a hiss escape my lips at the stinging sensation. This dream was feeling more and more like reality than I thought it would.
The boy sat at my feet, staring at me, probably wondering why I wasn't responding to him. He said something again and started to stand, though I could tell it took a great deal of effort to do so. As he stood he grabbed what looked like crutches from the grass and used them to steady himself as he started to turn and walk towards the tree line. He spoke again and motioned for me to follow him.
Still somewhat in my trance of uncertainty and confusion, I also stood slowly and walked forward to keep up his pace, dropping my shirt from my clenched fist and noticing the dark red stain it left behind on my cream colored blouse. I kept pace with the boy, surprised that his speed was somewhat normal considering his apparent afflictions.
We walked for maybe a mile, mostly in silence besides the few times I tripped on nature's unforgiving floor, swearing profanities as I instinctively caught myself with my already injured hand. The boy only rolled his eyes, attempted to help my to my feet and kept moving.
We finally arrived at a small town, or village would be a better description. We passed many small houses made of wood and other bits of nature, and eventually made it into what I would call possibly the 'heart' of town. Many vendors with wooden carts ran around, people talking, people trading things between each other. The style they all wore, including the boy at my side, was very old world. Thick looking fabrics, duller colors, many layers, and metals. It did not belong in the 21st century, even in the poorest of communities within my city.
We reached a large building and he opened one side of the giant and heavy set of double doors and walked in, holding it open for me to enter and closing it shut with a loud slam behind us.
In the large room we had entered were lines of wooden tables and chairs. At the forefront were two stately and noble looking chairs that faced the main room, like thrones. I stopped for a moment to take it all in, noticing the fire-lit sconces that clung to many spots on the four walls and the medieval looking weaponry that decorated the room.
Where had my dream taken me??
The room was mostly vacant except for two women who stood by chatting. The boy that lead me around said something to them and motioned them over, an authorities tone washing over his words. One woman rushed to his side, eyes at the floor, the other scampered away with a basket of what looked like fruits or vegetables and left the room.
The boy spoke to the first woman and gestured towards me, then she rushed away. The boy motioned for me to sit at the nearest table and I obliged, returning my bleeding palm to a fresh spot on my blouse, the sting immediate.
The boy sat next to me and grabbed my hand away from shirt, examining it closely. He said something again to me and I felt bad that I couldnt reply in his language.
"I'm sorry, I don't.. " I tried to speak apologetically. His head perked up at my words, looking astonished.
"So it is English you prefer to speak?" he asked me.
I was baffled, wondering why my own dream had created a language I couldn't speak, only to find out he knew my own? What on earth...
"Yes, I speak English.. "
The look of surprise and uncertainty washed over his face, but before either of us could ask further questions of each other, the woman he had previously fetched returned with a bowl of water and bandages. She knelt beside me and began to pat my hand with lukewarm water, removing any traces of caked blood. She wrapped my hand in cloth, finishing her work, then briefly looked up at the boy, about to speak. He waved her off and she quickly picked up her things and shuffled away, leaving the two of us alone.
He leaned forward, his chair facing me, resting his elbows on the legs. "I've not seen you before. Where do you come from?" he asked me, in English. His mouth was hard not to stare at, pouty lips next to glowing blue eyes. A look of determination...
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Oh! Where am I from..?
A loaded question.. How to answer that?? I come from reality whereas you are actually a figment of my imagination? Umm..
Before I could decide on anything my brain answered the question my own mind asked. "I'm not sure."
Oops. I meant to keep that to myself..
"What is your name?" he asked me. His expression was one of fascination and questions. I suddenly felt cocky and decided that this was MY dream and I would do the asking.
I leaned on my knees to mimic his stance and looked at him closely. "What is YOUR name?"
His eyes widened a bit, surprised at my unwillingness to obey, but a smirk crossed his thick lips, he held his position and answered me with confidence.
"Ivar." he said, he almost said something more but seemed to decide against it. His eyes made a questioning motion for me to reply with mine.
"Caroline." I replied.
"Where do you come from, Caroline?"
I paused, again not sure how to answer. I decided I would be as vague as I could, to avoid too many particulars. "I'm not from around here. I traveled pretty far, actually."
He leaned back, not entirely pleased with my answer, obviously, but he seemed to let it go for the time being.
I suddenly felt my stomach turn in knots and realized I was incredibly hungry. How could I be hungry in a dream? I shouldn't have been surprised, the pain in my hand reminded me that apparently any feeling can be expected, even in my dream world..
"Have you got any food? I'm oddly starving.. " I asked him. He leaned back in his chair, smirking, and called another of the women over to fetch food I assumed.
This lucid dreaming was turning out to be nothing of what I expected...
After I scarfed down a bowl of warm soup that tasted of fresh herbs and wild game, Ivar, who patiently waited for me to finish with minimal talking but maximum eye contact, led me through the house, up a set of stairs and down a long hall. He opened the door and we entered a small, nearly bare room. There was bed that stood on the right wall with a small table and chair a few feet away. On the opposite side of the room was a small fireplace and a large tub that took up a good portion of the already slim amount of walking space. There was a women poking at the fire, her long platinum blonde hair braided down her back. Her brown dingy brown dress dragging on the floor, stained dark from time and wear. She barely acknowledged our entrance until she saw it was Ivar who followed in behind me. She immediately stood and bowed her head, almost as if to wait for instruction.
"You may stay here tonight." he stated. "Yeni is drawing you a bath. I suggest you get some sleep, tomorrow is another day and I'm sure the new Queen of Kattegat will want to meet you." he had a certain distaste about the way he spoke that last sentence. Something against the Queen maybe?
"Thank you, Ivar." I stepped closer to him, I think making him suspicious of my actions, and gently laid a peck on his cheek. He looked very much surprised, blood rushing to his cheeks. He nodded and walked away.
"Ivar!" I hollered after him. He turned on his crutches, looking inquisitive. "How do you say 'thank you' in your language?" I asked him.
His eyes squinted and he said "tak skal du have." then he turned and made his way back down the hall.
I stepped back into the bedroom and moved towards the girl called Yeni. She moved to place in my hands a pile of clothing, off-white in color. She pointed to the prepared bath, muttering something in her language, and stepped out of the room.
"Tak skal du have!" I yelled after her.
I undressed quickly and stepped into the steaming water. It felt amazing after a day like today! I took my time in the bath, biding my time. I took the cloth that was draped over the edge of the tub and dunked it under the surface of the water, soaking it instantly, and rung it out over my bare chest. The hot water trickled down my breasts, aiding in warming my whole body. I leaned back and wet my hair, scratching at my scalp to release any caked on dirt. I laid in the tub until the water was too cool and became less than comforting.
Assuming the clothes Yeni gave me were for tomorrow, I opted to lay in the bed naked. I knew that once I fell asleep my time in the dream world would be over, so I kept my eyes open as long as I could. I almost wasn't prepared to return to my small studio apartment. The hustle and bustle of people and technology, midterms creeping around the corner. Plus with this dream having been as detailed and realistic as it was, I don't know if my lab partners would ever believe what I'd tell them happened. Either way my short experience here will make for a great essay topic!
I shut my eyes and tried to shut off my whirlwind mind. Not long after snuggling into the cozy bed covered in warm furs, I drifted off...
A cold sharp line stung my throat and a heavy weight on top of me woke me from a deep sleep. I thought I should be back in my own room, seeing my pink curtains blowing in the nightly wind through the screen. But instead I opened my eyes to a pair of glowing blue ones, almost nose to nose with me.
"Who. Are. You." the voice hissed.
I immediately recognized the eyes, and the angered voice. Ivar.
"Ivar, what are you doing?" I managed to squeeze the air in and out of my lungs long enough to get the question out.
"Why will you not tell me where you are from? What you are doing here? It drives me mad." he hissed at me. I used every ounce of my strength and body weight to lift myself up and throw him to the other side of the bed. Unfortunately my blanket of furs went with him and my naked body exposed. I reached for the covers out of modesty but he leaped and grabbed me by the throat with one hand, the other propping himself up on the bed.
"Answer me."
Heyyaa! This is my first ever legit attempt at writing anything substantial so I hope it goes over well! There will be more to the story, of course, gotta get that juicy stuff! I'm definitely a huge Vikings fan and I'll do my best to keep time lines with the show n stuff but I will gladly make changes if it benefits the story. ALSO the language I've translated that the Vikings are speaking is Danish, I had a b*tch of a time locating anything legitimate to Old Norse so 😕. And of course, in this story, 'Boneless'does not mean 'BONEless'... Catch ma drift.. So, enjoy!
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saintkimora · 7 years
well here is how the past 4 days have been w joel
we started talking on scruff like 5 days ago. it was actually really nice conversation. like i usually suck at talking to people on those apps but w him it came naturally so that was a good first sign
so our first cuddle date was on friday night. i drove to his apartment and i actually drove on the parkway! it was scary but i had to do it bc using the regular streets would have taken like an extra 12 minutes. i was not expecting much bc he said on scruff that he isnt looking for a relationship bc hes been going from relationship to relationship for a while and he felt suppressed so he wanted some time to just hoe around (ok caleb) so i went into it just expecting a decent one night thing. i got there around midnight
 so i finally got there and he was soooooooooo cute in person omg!!! he already looked cute in his profile pic but he was even cuter irl. so i got there and his 3 roommates were all in like the living room area so i had to meet them. it was hard and i was getting more nervous as the convo went on. but the first thing one of them asked me was if i knew who that poppy was and i was like yeah i do lol and they all went wild asfajkdfbheakdfkha they were so surprised that i knew who she was! and then one of them showed me her pet toad lmao 
so then we went into his room. we cuddled and talked and stuff and it was soooooo nice omg. he was sooooooooooooo cute and sweet and affectionate and funny and his voice is kinda dorky. and his hair is SOOOOOOOOO SO nice omg i was touching it like all night. and his ass is so nice omg i finally got a man with some ass!!! his ass is so fat and hairy and jiggly omg! and he had a really cute soft belly too and he has nice titties. and his eyelashes are so cute and he had nice eyebrows and a nice beard and soft lips. AND he likes me hairy and he told me i didnt even need to trim my pubes! now this is a MAN 
so we talked on his bed for most of the night. we talked about drag race (he has bad opinions on it though he hates all the messy iconic queens! like he doesnt like nina or trinity smh) and overwatch and ff and kh and also some more personal stuff. and he has anxiety too! which is good bc now i dont have to worry as much about my anxiety being a burden like i had to do with c*leb. he also told me about some of his past relationships which i will get to later bc i was not happy about this
 at one point we sat on his couch bc he wanted to show me all the playbills for the shows hes been to/been a part of. i do not care for theatre stuff but i still enjoyed it bc he seemed really excited to show off all his playbills lol. he also gave me his mcat book since he doesnt need it since hes already taken it and gotten an acceptable score lol
so we cuddled some more (hes a REALLY good cuddler btw omg) and we did some touching and kissing and oral obv and then we fell asleep. and this was like one of my fave parts omg i looooooooved falling asleep with him and waking up with him. it was such a cute first date! he did leave like 3 hickeys on me though :/
so then i had to leave and go back home to go to my cousins baptism party. it was boring but it wasnt as bad as it couldve been bc joel kept texting me all day telling me he missed me and stuff which was cute 
then he invited me over again that night. so towards the end of the party he was like “btw my friends and i just started watching rent live so take your time bc youll prob get here during the middle of it” and i was like ok that is not happening bc i was not about to sit there and hang out w him and his friends that i dont know at all bc i am not repeating my third date with caleb. so i really took my time and watched the newest drag race. then i got there around midnight again
so we went into his room and he was playing kh 2.8 but we turned it off and we played mariokart on the switch instead! 10th grade me WISHES he was current me omg it was super fun even though he beat me almost every time lol. then we went in bed and did the usual. but this is where a problem started. so we were kissing and touching and stuff and i accidentally moaned calebs name AJKSFADSJFAEJKF i felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad 
he was like “what was that?” and i was like “what?” and he was like “what did you say?” and i was like “nothing” and he was like “it sounded like you said caleb” so then i apologized like a million times lol he said it was ok as long as it didnt happen again. but still i felt sooooo bad about it. i apologized again later on in the night and he said its ok and not to dwell on it lol. idek why i said it bc joel is more attractive than caleb both in terms of looks and personality. i had the same problem when i was with caleb too smh whenever i was w caleb i had to fight the urge to say freddies name. so yeah that was the one mistake ive made so far
so then i tried to make it up to him by sucking his dick. then i also ate his ass and fingered him. now THAT made me horny omg eating his ass was so much fun and his hole was so pretty and fingering him was super fun too! he was nice and tight and he was REALLY enjoying it which made me like it even more! so then i basically fingered him while sucking his dick/jerking him off until he came and it was honestly a religious experience omg he looked SO hot
then we fell asleep again lol but this time i had to wake up earlier bc i had work. work was good bc i got 3 credit cards and my manager sarah was happy about it. but i got SOOOO angry towards the end like we closed at 7 and a whole crowd of people came in at 6:55 and the line was so long even after we closed and when i finally got my last customer she ended up being the most difficult one of the day i hated herrrrrr omg she had like a million returns all w dif receipts and it was even more annoying bc we have to put away the returns along w the go backs after closing so she just gave me even more work to do
then on sunday joel said we shouldnt hang out that night bc we needed to pace ourselves. i was fine w that bc obv i missed him but logically speaking going slow is prob the best thing to do so we dont burn out too quickly. he did text me a lot that night though lol he was not afraid to tell me how much he missed me lol it was cute. then on monday afternoon i saw my therapist and told her all about my new thing w joel and i talked about the doubts i had about it and we had a v good session!
then came last night/today. so this time i got there around like 9pm. i was happy bc it was so easy driving on the parkway this time i was like wow this is actually kinda fun but then i had so much trouble finding parking smh like i can never just have one completely good drive! so i got there and said hi to 2 of his roommates who were in the living room/kitchen area. we went into his room and we watched finding dory and it was so cute! i prob wouldnt have enjoyed it by myself but it was fun watching it while cuddling w him. then there was like a centipede type thing on his ceiling and i was about to die omg he sprayed it w lysol and it fell but he couldnt find it so he thought it would die soon but then later on in the movie it touched his foot and i had to get away while he killed it for good. then later that night when we were in bed there was another bug on his wall smh but this one was easy for him to kill
after the movie he pulled up these youtube videos from this dance show his schools theatre honor society did and made me watch all the songs w him in them. it was honestly really boring im not gonna lie akjfhadshfkfskdjabhd but it was nice seeing him dance and stuff i guess. there was one point where there was a guy in the performance and he was like “oh he had such a nice ass, when i first saw him i was like whoa” like...once again ok caleb like that is not really information i needed to hear. or when this other guy was in the performance and he was like “oh he was my roommate that year, he was one hot piece of ass” like again i really do not need to hear this
then we went in his bed and it was nice! i ate his ass again and this time he ate my ass as well and i ended up cumming this time and i started like laughing uncontrollably after i came idk why lol but it was fun. we fell asleep and this time we could sleep in so it was nice. we kept waking up and kissing and cuddling and stuff. we ended up getting up for real at like 2pm. then he wanted to watch friends so we did that and then he played overwatch while i watched and cuddled him and touched his belly. then we were just laying in bed again and then i had to go back home for dinner. he offered me cereal or oatmeal when he had a bagel for breakfast but im not comfortable eating in front of him yet and i also hate imposing on people so i lied and said i wasnt hungry even though i was starving ashjfadkfhdskjn
so now for the bad parts. so like joel has not shown any signs of being anything but completely 100% interested in me and he has shown no signs of stopping soon yet i cant stop feeling like he just likes me now bc this is new and then he’ll get bored and leave when he gets to know me better. bc thats basically what caleb did and like i have no proof that joel will do it too but i cant get over the feeling unfortunately :/ like honestly out of our 3 dates so far i was kinda tempted to just cancel and then never talk to him again for 2 of them just to end things now so it doesnt get messy later. but my therapist said im not psychic so i shouldnt try to predict the future without any evidence so i am trying to just push the feeling to the back of my mind
now for my next issue: our relationship status. so joel said when we first talked on scruff that he didnt want a relationship but his actions have said otherwise. like he said he wants to take things slow bc he wants to make this work and he keeps saying he wants me to be his and stuff like that and he seems v interested in me beyond just as a friend w benefits. so idk what exactly he wants bc even if he changes his mind and wants to be bfs w me idk if i want to bc i dont want to make him feel “suppressed” again like he said about his past relationship history. so yeah as of now im not taking it too seriously and am just trying to enjoy myself without really thinking of how our situation is going to develop
now for my next issue: his past relationships. he told me the one time he like REALLY fell in love w a guy was w this online long distance relationship. this relationship actually ended very badly for him. but the issue to me is how it began. joel said he met this online guy WHILE he (joel) already had a boyfriend and that he developed feelings for this online guy while he was still w his bf at the time. he said he felt bad about it which is nice i guess. but the way i see it is that if he did this once he can very well do it again and i dont want to be the current boyfriend when that happens. like i honestly cant relate at all bc im the type who doesnt even really check out other guys when im currently bfs w someone. not everyone is like this obv so i cant be mad at him if hes the type to still be attracted to other men. but like, to actually develop feelings for someone else (and not just have it be a physical attraction) while currently bfs w someone? that is just disgusting imo and when he told me this i told him like im ngl thats messed up. so yeah that makes me even more hesitant to be in a relationship w him since he might meet another guy when hes with me and fall in love with him instead. so yeah this is just another thing to note in the back of my mind
and now for something i have mixed feelings about. on sunday he texted me to let me know he deleted all his dating apps yesterday bc he wanted to to focus on pursuing me and he wanted to be preemptive about it bc he didnt want to have any “temptations.” honestly it was cute at first but then i went to delete mine and looked on scruff and it said he was online 10 hours ago but he said he deleted it yesterday! so i asked him about it and he was like “oh yeah i redownloaded them this morning just to check them one last time” like ????????? honestly it was just funny to me bc like why did he tell me deleted his dating apps like it was some big thing if he was just gonna redownload them the next day nnnnnnnnn and like he didnt tell me about the redownloading part so he just wanted me to believe he deleted them yesterday? like idgi what was the point of that lol i think he wanted to do something to look sweet but it just ended up backfiring lmao. also he said he deleted the apps but he didnt delete his profiles so idk what to make of that but honestly i really dont care ive known this guy for 5 days afhkjafkhdaskn it was just kinda funny to me
but this next part is worrisome. its what he said about resisting tempations. like it wouldve been fine if he just said like “i am pursuing you so theres no reason for me to still be on dating apps” but like saying he “didnt want any tempations” so its like...hes admitting that its possible for him to be tempted? like as i said im not tempted by other guys at all like if i am with a man it is just him and only him for me. so idk again it seemed like he was trying to gain points w me by saying that but it just made me even more suspicious. again im not making too much of a big deal over it bc its not that serious yet but its just something for me to keep in my mind bc my therapist said this is the stage where i should be doing research and making note of things that could be red flags and stuff. so *tiffany pollard voice* ive been doing a little research
like it doesnt seem THAT bad on its own but when you combine the temptations thing w his past relationship history stuff it does make it seem like its very possible for him to show so much interest in me now and get with me only to decide he likes another guy more. so yeah for these reasons i am not putting too much stock into whatever we have rn bc im not quite sure yet whether i want to pursue a relationship with him
and i have one more thing. as ive mentioned before joel is good at EVERYTHING. he is good at orgo, playing a bunch of instruments, choreography, makeup, studying, video games, staying on top of his career goals, cooking, and he has a higher gpa than me. i am trying not to be competitive but its honestly really fucking annoying that he is better than me at literally everything! like i wish i just had one thing i could beat him at. i dont want to let it get to me but regardless of how i want to feel the fact of the matter is that i dont like it when people are better than me at anything in general, so when someone is better than me at like everything it REALLY gets on my nerves
and another thing. like all 3 of our dates so far have just been us two alone in his room. i have yet to see how good we are together in like social situations. like w caleb we got along perfectly fine when we were alone just hanging out but the problems started w like going out and doing social things like that. so i need to see what his needs are socially and how compatible our lifestyles are before i can fully devote myself bc if he has the same needs as caleb i most likely wont be able to keep up which will put a strain on the relationship
so those are my issues with the situation so far. i said those first bc i wanted to end on a good note! so now i can move on to the good stuff
joel is honestly really really nice and he gives me soooo much attention and he seems very interested in me atm. he loves my appearance AND he loves my personality and for once it seems like we equally enjoy being with each other instead of me liking the other person way more than they like me. and we have so many common interests and like i dont feel nervous at all when im talking to him! and like he misses me soooo much its so cute! and his personality is just like my fave like it just makes me wanna squeeze him! and hes so funny and like its so cute like if i make a joke and he says like get out or leave or something and im like ok and start to get up hes like “no no dont!!!” and like latches onto me and it is soooooooooo cute. and i literally cannot keep my hands off his hair (and also his ass and tum tbh). and since he lives w his 3 roommates theres no parents to worry about! and he just makes me really happy like i cannot be sad around him and hes so bubbly and he always uses so many heart emojis and calls me nice things like babe and my love and sweetheart and yeah just like he is literally checking off every box rn. all the problems i listed before are somewhat significant but overall i really like him so far so i def want to keep seeing him. and he already lives v close to his school so its not like i need to worry about him leaving anytime soon! and hes really nice like i really liked caleb at first as well (since the problems only really started towards the end of our relationship) but i already like joel way more than i liked caleb! and its nice bc like everyone kept saying when caleb broke up w me that i would find someone way better than him but it was kinda hard to believe at the time but everyone was right! i like joel soooooo much so far and if any guy ive met so far has been boyfriend material its definitely him
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thekaiden-blog · 7 years
The Kid Machine (Part 1)
So this is my first attempt at a VLD fanfic and using Tumblr so if you have any tips or anything hit me up. I will be posting more parts later.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lance pov
“Ha take that!” Before anyone could blink the last shot i took ended up causing the entire battleship to explode before the ion canon was able to take a shot at the castle.
“Yeah good job Lance! That was a great shot!” Shiro said as i was doing my victory dance.
“Of course that awesome of shot could only come from someone equally as awesome.” i gloated because for once i was actually happy with what i managed to do.
“Wait then how did you make that shot?” Keith said instantly making me stop my dance whilst thoughts i tried to keep away started to come back full force.
“Shut it mullet youre just jealous you couldnt pull off that shot.” I instantly shot back at him. Before he had a chance to reply Shiro told us to stop arguing and get back to the castle which was now landed on the planet below us called Kuros. Keith didnt bother saying something again but i did manage to hear him growl lowly.
As we stepped out of our lions the aliens who inhabit Kuros, kurens as they are called, started swarming us and started dragging us to the castle where the king and queen would be holding a party for us. This one little alien seemed to be only a child about 3 followed me around for a little bit before he attatched himself to my leg and went with me where ever i went. The kid seemed like he was getting bored so i pulled him up until he was on my shoulders then started dancing around to the music that was playing. Eventually a song came on the required a partner so i forced the closest person to me, who happened to be Keith, to dance with us. “Lance what are you doing!? I cant even dance!” Keith yelled as i pulled him with us while i started spinning us around to the beat. “Relax, Keith and follow my lead.” The dance that went with this song was very fast beat and kind of hard to follow at first but watching the other partners i managed to get into the rhythm of the dance since it was quite repetitive. Keith was against it at first and kept trying to pull away but i think the fact that the Kuren child was enjoying himself and laughing quite loud convinced keith to just go along with what was happening. The party was going on for quite a while and i was getting bored so i grabbed onto Keiths arm while setting down the tired Kuren child and started pulling keith up the stairs to go exploring. “What are you doing?” He asked as we turned a corner. “I am taking you exploring!” “Well why are you taking me exactly?” He questioned while slightly trying to pull his arm out of my grasp but i just tighted my hold while still dragging him with me. “Well because you were the closest person to me duh.” I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world but honestly i think it was the most obvious because thats how i roll. I heard him sigh but he let me pull him to where ever. im pretty sure he doesnt know his way around and if i know Keith he will just blame me if we get caught so itd be better for him to be with me for that to make sense. I found double doors at the end of the hall that just seemed to scream my name, ok not really i just liked how they were really pretty. why does a flipping door need to sparkle, like dude thats awesome! I pushed the doors open and walked in all excited and noticed the room was dark except for the light coming from huge windows on both sides of the room but there was only a tube looking machine in the center of the room. Confused i walked into the machine with keith still right behind me when i reached out to press a button but Keiths voice stopped me. “Maybe you shouldnt press that we dont know what itll do.” “Nah its okay its not like theyd have anything harmful where someone could just walk in and find it.” Before Keith could react i quickly pushed the button which caused the tube doors to close. We both started to bang on the glass but no one was around us and our helmet comms werent working in here so i turned back to the only button thats available to press. “Maybe theyll open if i pressed the button again?” “Nooo-” i cut Keith off mid sentance by hitting the button causing a red light to flash for a second. I quickly jumped back and grabbed Keith kinda scared on what was going to happen when the light stopped blinking and the door opened. We both basically threw ourselves out of the tube as quick as we could. The room was almost pitch black since the sun went down and no lights were on in the room when we suddenly heard Shiro talk. “Guys! Lance! Keith! Can you hear me where are you we are in front of the ship the parties over.” “Heyyy Shiro were here we can hear you we are on our way now.” I said really quick so he would stop yelling. “Yep we can hear you be there in a little bit.” Keith also replied at rhe same time. We both quickly let each other go then started walking out of the pitch black room when Keith spoke up again. “Lance stop screwing around let go of my leg.” “How the butts can i be touching you when im in front of you?” I asked really confused “Wait so that... Isnt you?” “Nope whatever that is isnt me.” I assured him. After those words were out of my mouth he quickly kicked whatever had a hold of his leg off of him then was about to take off running when i heard what sounded like crying from the direction the thing landed. Keith turned on the light in our suits while i moved toward the crying thing when the light reached the object i realized it was a human child who had short black hair and blue eyes lile my own he looked to be about 3 years old at least. “Keith you kicked a child a child do you hear me!” I exclaimed while picking up the child cuddling it to my chest softly repeating that its okay and he didnt mean it “Where the hell did it come from?” “Language Keith hes a child no cussing in from of him!” I took my eyes off Keith and turned my attention to the young boy in my arms. “Hello there. Can you tell me your name?” He looked at me confused then shrugged so i took a different approach. “Okay how about where are your parents little one?” At that his expression brightened and pointed to both keith and i. “Well obviously you and dad, papa!” After hearing that i froze and i could feel Keith tense up behind me. “I mean i can see it Keith he has your hair color and my eyes.” i said while turning so Keith could see the boy in my arms easier. “There is no way in hel-” I quickly interrupted him “no swearing in front of our child alright thats a bad word.” “Papa, dad said a bad word, is he mad at me? “The little boy was tearing up while looking up at me and i could feel my heart just breaking “No little one dads not mad at you are you keith?” I looked at him pointedly as if saying to go along with it. “Of course im not mad at you but i am sorry i kicked you i didnt realize that was you.” Keith said but im pretty sure hes warming up to our little angel already. Even though it is really weird knowing.i have a kid now and with Keith no less i dont mind because i already love our child even if the other parent is Keith. “Its alright dad im not mad at you as long as you arent mad at me!” The kid said smiling brightly. Keith pov After the kid who is apparently mine and ugh lances kid finished telling me hes not mad at me he smiled in a way that reminded me of Lance very big and very bright. “Papa i wanna go see dad can i please?” The kid started making what do you call them? Grabby hands at me wanting me to carry him. Lance just smiled at him and in that smile you could see that this kid was already the center of Lances world. “Of course little one off you go.” He started handing me the kid when we heard Shrio speak up so Lance froze with the child halfway to me. “Guys what is taking so long are you almost on your way?” “Uh yeah we ar- wait ok its ok i got you.” I tried answering but lance just thrusted the kid into my arms whilst i was mid sentance. "What who are you talking to?" “No dont touch that come on lets follow.... Yeah hes right there. I told the kid as Lance started walking away with my following before i remembered Shiro could here me and was probably even more confused then before “dont worry shiro we are on our way go on into the ship be there in a couple of minutes.” “Alright i guess if you say so…” was the only reply i got. You could hear the confusion in his voice before i turned the comms off and started chasing Lance to catch up to him when the kid spoke up “Papa wait up youre going to fall.” that was all it took for Lance to stop so we could catch up. “Sorry bought that bud i promise ill stay closer this time alright?” The kid seemed happy with that answer so he cuddled up to me making me smile. As we were about to enter the castle the kid muttered about where we were and how pretty the castle is.
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brelione · 4 years
The Surfer And The Siren
Chapter Four:The Hook,The Line,and The Sea Monster On The Other End
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You pushed the paper bag under your shirt,holding it there as you swam through the cool water.Getting back to your cave from Richard’s was muscle memory,you could do it with your eyes closed if you wanted.You went slow today,fins swishing slowly as you swam only a few feet below the surfing,knowing damn well that it was way too early for anyone to be out on boats.
This was one of the areas without sharks,those pests knew better than to come around your grounds.Well,they knew better than to come around your waters.You ducked deep as you got to the large mount of deep tan rocks that formed an island a couple of hundred feet away from the shore.It was bumpy and slippery so it was pretty shit for parties or whatever but made it perfect for you.There were patches of grass and wildflowers coming through the cracked rocks.The one large patch covered the entrance to your cave in particular but no drunk teen out for a joy ride could ever find it.
You dived down to wear the rock met the sand,swimming through the large opening and up into the inside of the cave.When you came out of the water you were inside the large pool that was sheltered by the rocks walls,lifting yourself onto one of the smooth rocks that your loose scales usually fell onto.You pulled the bag out from under your shirt,tossing it onto the semi dry sand.You pulled off the string bag that had become wet,tossing it next to the paper one.The clothes inside had become wet but they would be dry by the time you had to wear them next.Sunlight was coming through the grass patch,the sun rays hitting your head and back.The day after being on land was always a long one.
You could always sleep in the warm,cushion like sand at the bottom of the pool but something about the way the current was moving and the sun was drying your blue curls gave you the urge to go for a swim.You sighed,wiping the saltwater from around your eyes even though it wouldnt matter when you went back in the water.You slid off the walk,smacking your fin off the side of it to give yourself a headstart.
You let the water drag you along,seeing seals and dolphins start their morning routines.You could feel a whale far out in the ocean,how strong its fluke was as the large creature moved through the water.You could feel the sharks cockiness and how afraid the little crabs were.Waves crashed at the surface,creating walls of microscopic white bubbles that fizzed across your skin and scales when you went through them.You body brought you to the marsh,the older dolphins swimming slowly and practically begging to be raced.You spun through the water,a blue curl getting caught in splintered wood.
You frowned,releasing it.You were far under the surface,probably twenty feet.You went to the top,hiding behind the wooden pillar as you observed your surroundings.There was a boy leaning over the railing of the dock,face staring down into the water tiredly with a red hat backwards on his head.You felt the water go cold,realising who it was.It was JJ motherfucking Maybank,fishing at the dock in the marsh.This would definitely be a fun morning.You sank back into the water,tail grazing the sand lightly as you saw the shiner swimming around,trying to break free of its torturous device.You grinned,tugging at the line.
It began moving rapidly but you held onto the hook tightly between your fingers,releasing the poor shiner before letter go of the hook.You heard a shout of frustration as he realized that the creature that had been holding onto his hook had gotten away with his shiner.He tossed in the line again,casting it out around ten feet in front of you.You smiled,swishing your tail through the water and getting a good grip of the hook,swimming around the dock with it and letting yet another shiner go.
He tried to rail it in,running to keep up with the fish that he thought was on his line.You let go of the hook,watching as it dangled at the surface. “DAMMIT!”The boy shouted in defeat,pulling off his shirt and jumping into the water.Somehow he thought that was a clever idea,blowing out air bubbles until his feet hit the bottom,squinting his eyes so he could see a bit in the salty water.Knowing he couldnt see properly you let your fin graze his calve,making a large bubble come from his mouth as he kicked his legs a couple of times,trying to find the scaly thing again.You let a giggle slip past your lips,the sound echoing through the water as bubbles escaped your mouth.
JJ’s mouth opened,going to inhale water as his eyes flashed back and forth.You mentally cursed,grabbing him by his belt loop and pushing him up towards the surface.He reached it,coughing and looking around in the water.Mermaids didn't have this problem.They didn't have to worry about accidentally killing someone every time they opened their mouth or accidentally sinking a ship while trying to sing their favorite movies soundtrack.It wasnt fair.You swam just beneath JJ,his toe feeling hundreds of scales just under him.He let out a nervous shout,making Pope come outside to see what was going on.JJ tried to explain that there was some sort of dinosaur shark in the water,telling the boy that the sea monster was real and that it was here.
Pope rolled his eyes,coming to the edge of the dock and looking around for anything that resembled what JJ was rambling about.JJ lifted himself out of the water,running inside to grab binoculars while you hid under the dock,trying not to laugh.You heard two more sets of footsteps walking down the dock.Kiara and the other boy,the one that you had rescued. “Oh,shut up.Dont tell me John.B got you believing that bull shit too.”She sighed,hopping into the boat that was tied to the side of the dock,only a few feet away from you.You wanted nothing more than to have legs now,jump in the boat with them and be their friend.
You listened as the four of them got into the boat,JJ still talking.You knew all of their names now which made you just the tiniest bit closer to being their friend.The motor started up,the boat moving quickly through the water.You followed close behind,wanting to observe them.They stopped about a mile away from the dock,floating in the marsh.You heard the crack of beer cans opening,excited shouts as Pope launched himself off the side with a loud splash.You watched as he sunk to the bottom,kicking off the sand and going back up to the surface as Kiara dove in,hands going into the sand and scattering it as she felt for shells or something.Her fingers latched onto something,going back up to the surface.
You squinted,trying to get a good look at it from where you were.It was a baby conch,pink and purple and filled with tiny holes that your voice could come through.You watched in delight as she handed it to John.B,asking him to put it in her bag for her.He was the next to jump in,cannon balling and getting water up his nose.JJ was hesitant,probably because of the earlier encounter but jumped in none the less.He blew out air so that he was sitting on the bottom,struggling to stay there with his eyes closed like he was trying to meditate underwater.It wasnt an uncommon thing to see,you had seen statues of it that had been eroded by water and forgotten.He sat,blowing out bubble rings.
The other three were at the surface,moving their feet slowly to keep still.You felt the urge to reach forward,come out of your hiding spot and touch the blonde hair that was flowing in the blue water.You resisted the urge,watching as he launched himself like a rocket back to the surface.JJ and Pope had been trying to see who could stay at the bottom longest and you had watched closer,studying the way the blonde boy looked when he was concentrated.His eyes weren't clenched shut but his eyebrows were knit together slightly,his hands were stilled and he was careful not to move a lot.He had definitely done this before,maybe as a breathing exercise for surfing.
You wished you had a watch so you could keep exact track of how long he had stayed there but you had estimated it to be about a minute and a half before he was gasping for air at the surface again.They had eventually got out of the water,sitting in their boat which meant you had to close your eyes and focus,listening for anything they said.You could hear the faint tune of music,it sounded like a tune by The Beatles or maybe Queen but it was too quiet to tell.The sound of fingernails hitting tin,making you wonder if someone was flicking a beer can.You left it to your imagination,imagining the expressions they wore on their faces and what JJ looked like when he laughed.What got your full attention was your name falling from someones mouth.
“So I met (Y/N) last night.”Kiara sighed,the boys falling silent.You closed your eyes,listening very carefully to what they were saying. “What?”JJ asked,putting his beer down. “I met her last night when we were getting fire wood.”She repeated herself.JJ glanced over at Pope,an unreadable expression on his face. “And you didn't think to tell us last night?”He asked,seeming disappointed by his friends choice.Kiara shrugged. “I mean she was just walking her dog and taking him for a piss,I didn't even know it was her until she was just about to leave.”Kiara defended herself.JJ huffed,sipping his beer. “But you agree,though?You agree that shes gorgeous and that she has a pretty voice?”JJ asked.Kiara laughed,John.B rolling his eyes.
 “I mean it was dark out,I couldn't see her,but she has a really nice voice.But I don't believe that shes from around here,she has like,an accent.I don't know what accent but its just...different.”She answered.JJ nodded,agreeing. “Yeah,yeah she does but I think it makes her prettier.Right,Pope?”He asked.Pope nodded. “Yeah,(Y/N) is pretty.”He agreed.JJ rolled his eyes. “No,no Selena Gomez is pretty,(Y/N) is like….shes just wow,you know?”He asked. “No,JJ,I don't know.You guys are making such a big deal out of her and I don't get it.”The brunette shrugged.
JJ scoffed,looking over at his best friend. “Of course you don't,idiot,you haven't even seen her!”JJ exclaimed,annoyed with the brunette.You grinned,listening to them speak. “Ok,so what if she is wow?She could be a bitch.”John.B argued.JJ bit his lip,his eyebrows casting shadows over his blue irises in a glare. “She’s not a bich,John.B.She’s cute and shes...shes kind and shes smart and shes just...shes different.”The blonde sighed,scratching at the back of his scalp. “She’s different because she’s 100 years old and saves people from ship wrecks!”John.B exclaimed,setting his can of beer down with a loud clink.JJ shrugged. “Yeah,Okay,maybe but that’s good for her.”The blonde sighed,closing his eyes and feeling the sun on his face.
 A larger wave came along,causing you to lose your ability to hear over the surface and making you miss a good two minutes of their conversation. “So then ask her on a date!”John.B exclaimed,sounding frustrated.Your eyebrows furrowed,trying to focus on the conversation again when a school of fish came along,having their own conversations.You swam under the boat,now on the other side and closer to JJ. “How?”You heard JJ ask. “Old Richard,figure something out.”Kiara answered him.You felt your heart beat quicken,not fully understanding this conversation.
The boat engine started up again,making you dart back down so you wouldnt get caught up in the propellers.You tried your best to keep up with the boat without getting too close to it,memorizing the path to John.B’s dock.You went to the bottom,following the pillar of the dock and searching a conch shell,or any shell that you could use.The one you could find was a simple baby of a shell,covered in scratches and some barnacles.You quickly grabbed it,tossing it up to the surface and listening as it hit the wood of the dock. “What the actual fuck?”
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