#i tried so hard to get it under 500 but there's nothing i could cut further 😭😭
Augusnippets Day 5: Drunk Caretaking
cw: alcohol, blood
for the @augusnippets challenge // word count: 632
“That all you got?” Joy slammed her empty shotglass onto the bartop, sliding it back and signalling to the bartender for another. The poor guy seemed more than a little concerned as he obliged, probably for the integrity of his establishment. Joy couldn't blame him. This was a tiny spot in a tiny town; more of a hipster bar than a roadhouse, unprepared for any shenanigans she and Finley may rain down.
“I can do this all night,” Finley said with a grin, leaning forward in her seat. She rapped on the bar with her knuckles. “Make it a double.”
The bartender let out a woeful sigh, but poured it anyway.
They'd run into each other by pure coincidence; both of them running a quick mission in the same small town. Finley'd looked a little beat up when they’d all-but crashed into each other, but she’d cracked the usual smile through the blood and invited her for drinks. Joy couldn't resist.
She raised her glass. “It's only a matter of time before you're on the ground. Might as well give up now.”
“Is that a promise, Cavan?”
Joy fought the urge to look away, gulping down her shot hastily as the blonde woman laughed.
“We both know you can't keep up.”
“Wanna bet?” Joy slid the glass back. “Another bubble— double.” Okay, so maybe it was going to her head a little bit, but Finley was looking a little dazed herself, eyelids drooping, smile turning loopy. Cute.
Nope. Not cute. An opponent Joy would definitely triumph over in this drinking contest.
Amd then they could go for drinks.
You're already going for drinks, dipshit.
Trying to breathe through her nose and not make it obvious she was blushing, Joy reached for her refilled glass. 
She froze when she heard something shatter.
It was Finley's glass, slipping from her hand as the woman suddenly slumped forward. Joy leapt up to catch her, nearly falling over with the sudden rush of dizziness that came with standing.
“Finley? Hey!” Unable to keep her balance, Joy dropped to a kneel, careful to keep her companion from hitting the ground too hard. Finley's eyelids fluttered.
“Hey hon,” she slurred. “Come here often?”
Shit, why had that hit her so suddenly? Why—? Her breath caught at the blooming red on Finley’s shirt.
What the fuck?
Joy swallowed down her panic, feeling more sober by the second. Had she been shot? How had neither of them noticed?
“What happened?” She tore open Finley's button down, revealing a thick layer of bandages wrapping around her waist.
“Shiiit, at least buy me dinner first.”
“Finley.” Blood was seeping through the white gauze on her torso. Joy pulled it away, revealing a hastily stapled gash across her stomach, oozing a steady stream of red.
“What the fuck? Did you seriously ask me out right after getting stabbed?”
“Sounded fun.”
“For drinks?”
“R’lax. Used a coagulant.”
The bartender was palefaced, leaning over the bartop with wide eyes. “Should I call an ambulance?”
“No,” they both snapped, and he retreated. Joy folded the gauze over, making a thicker pad and pressing it into the wound. Something in her heart twisted at Finley’s little cry of pain, but she pushed it back.
“Hold pressure on it,” she ordered, guiding her hands over the gauze.
“I know,” Finley muttered.
“Do you?” With a hand under her shoulders and another gripping the bar, Joy managed to get them both up. Her car was nearby. She had a med kit there, good enough to stabilize her until they made it back to the compound.
“Can't believe you’re dumb enough to go drinking after a stab wound,” she muttered.
“Can you blame me?” The dizzy grin was back. “How else would I get you to come home with me?”
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roguishcat · 2 months
Augustarion Day 2 – Pool Party 🌊
This was supposed to be 500 words. It isn't. Also, it was supposed to be a fun, light-hearted drabble. I have no clue how it turned into angst/comfort. Nevertheless, I enjoyed writing it and hope you will enjoy reading it! ❤️
Day 1 - Strawberries, Day 4 - Mythologies, Day 6 - Cream, Day 7 - Underwear, Day 14 - Protective, Day 15 - Shirt that goes hard
Pairing: the reader (You) x Astarion
Tags: Insecurities, mild angst/comfort, implied nudity
It was yet another boiling hot day and the group was suffering. Having to wear heavy leather armour and full supply packs whilst encountering a veritable cornucopia of monsters certainly did not help their mood.
When you saw the glittering blue thread of the river on the horizon, you felt like falling on your knees and weeping tears of joy. The rest seemed to be just as excited as you at the prospect of washing the grime and dirt off their sweat slicked bodies. Even Lae’zel for once did not complain when Gale tentatively suggested that they continue on in that direction.
Your steps quickened and after another hour you finally felt a cool breeze caress your cheeks. You looked over at your rogue walking a little behind you, the gentle wind teasing his silver curls. Astarion was the least affected by the weather but even he seemed to visibly relax when he realised that they would be stopping shortly.
“Phew, soldier. It is hotter than the hells today. Can’t wait to go for a dip. In fact,” Karlach grinned, “can our leader be persuaded to stay here till tomorrow?”
“Well, it would certainly be good for the morale,” Shadowheart agreed, letting her pack drop with a thud. “I, for one, am not moving anywhere until I wash the viscera out of my hair.”
“Tsk, vanity is a vice, dear,” Astarion teased, moving to set up his tent.
“Says the vainest person in Faerûn and beyond,” Shadowheart shot back, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Most certainly! But you see, it would be a sin against all creatures to deny them the opportunity to gaze in admiration upon my beauty. You agree my sweet, don’t you?” he grinned, looking at you fondly.
“Perhaps, although when it comes to looks, I’m afraid this lot certainly could dethrone you, Astarion. You are an attractive bunch,” you smile at your friends as they prepared to finally, finally enjoy the weather rather than suffer in the heat.
“Well, I don’t know about the rest, but I am just happy that we aren’t getting attacked for once. I am half-expecting something to jump out the bushes at any moment. We need to stay vigilant,” Wyll reminded everyone.
“Argh, monster hunters,” Astarion scoffed, “so paranoid.”
You didn’t hear Wyll’s reply, choosing to step into your tent and begin to shed the layers upon layers that you had on.
As you undressed, you scowled as you uncovered yet another scar. Spells healed cuts and wounds well enough, but unfortunately your body was covered in reminders of battles fought.
You tried not to think about. You had bigger, more urgent matters to attend do. But, as you thought of Astarion’s beautiful, unmarked face, you felt an ugly feeling rise as you thought of how a creature as perfect as your elf would think of you when the adventure would come to its inevitable end.
You knew he was fond of you. Knew that he was grateful for what you did for him. And maybe that would be enough for a while still. But you also were under no illusion about what would happen once it was no longer necessary for your merry little band to stay together. The end of the Absolute would probably mean the end of this alliance. They would all carry on their personal quests, fighting their battles, living their lives. And you would let them go. Let Astarion go too. Because you loved him and realised that there would be nothing worse than deny him the freedom that he so desperately fought for.
You heard splashing and laughter from outside the tent, making you smile. You didn’t feel like joining in, but perhaps you could go for a little swim once everyone settled in for the night. Yes, a midnight dip sounded heavenly.
Hours trickled by and finally everyone bid each other goodnight and soon all was still. You gathered your supplies and put on a thin cotton slip. It was not something that you would usually dare to venture out in, but everyone was clearly resting, so what was the harm?
Quietly, you slipped out and walked barefoot along the shore, careful to avoid the sharper rocks, and made your way away from camp.
As you were about put your things down, you felt the fine hairs on the back of your neck rise. Someone or something was watching you.
“Astarion, if you want to catch me unawares, then you shouldn’t have doused yourself in your signature scent. I could smell you before I could hear you,” you turned, your eyes locking with ruby ones.
“Oh, please! I was hardly being subtle,” he took a step towards you, “in fact, I was all but stomping my feet not to startle you.”
“Sure you were,” your lips quirked into a smile and you shivered, suddenly feeling very exposed as he levelled you with an intense, hungry look.
“Any particular reason for you waiting until now to go down to the river, hm? I thought you just couldn’t wait to cool down.”
You gripped the towel tighter, not wanting to talk about your insecurities. As far as everyone was concerned, you were the confident, daring leader. The one who threw yourself headfirst into the epicentre of any battle. And you would rather walk on red-hot coals than admit that you were self-conscious about your body to Astarion, out of all people. Being in a situationship with an impossibly gorgeous vampire did not mean that you felt worthy of being in a relationship with the said mind-numbingly beautiful vampire.
This wasn’t the most exposed you were, you all but shared a tent and were intimate on several occasions. But sex was about being lost in the moment, there was hopefully little opportunity for him to see the full extent of the damage done to your body over the years.
Your eyes snapped to his fingers as he reached out to cradle your wet face in his hands.
Were you crying? You so were not standing near naked in the middle of nowhere with your intoxicatingly beautiful lover and pathetically crying because you felt that you could never, ever hold a candle to him even on your best day. Except apparently, you were.
“I- I’m sorry. I guess the heat got to me. You should go back to camp.”
“I’m staying.”
“No,” you wanted to sound firm, but it came out far less certain than intended.
You pulled on the hem of your slip down subconsciously and looked away. Astarion was quick to catch on. His eyes softened and his hands fell to your shoulders.
“Darling, how many times do I have to tell you how beautiful you are for you to believe it? I can hardly keep away from you.”
“I know. But that’s hardly attraction. I am just, kind of, there. And you are grateful and, I suppose, maybe you-”
He scoffed. “Don’t insult me by insinuating that I have been forcing myself to come to your tent every night for the past several months. You were the first to tell me that I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do. And now, I very much want to do this.”
You saw a flash of a blade in your peripheral and then felt the fabric slide down as it fell to the ground. You dropped the folded towel you were still holding in a futile attempt to keep what was left of your clothes on you.
“Perhaps a more hands on demonstration of how I feel about you is in order. Time to be a man of deeds, rather than of words, so to speak.”
His lips found your neck as he threw the dagger on the ground and gripped your waist tight, pulling you closer to his body.
“But my scars-”
“Love, I don’t want to hear a single word out of your mouth unless it is my name, are we clear?”
“You told me that my scars don’t define me. That I am more than just my past. It is baffling that you would show endless kindness to anyone but yourself. So let us not waste another moment. No more words.”
You nodded and your eyes fluttered closed, submitting to his eager hands.
“This is what happens when we have no opportunity for taking some time to ourselves. Yet another drawback of staying within earshot of everyone. We are overdue for a little private pool party, hm?” he said, lifting you up and carrying you to the river.
And then Astarion descended onto you, mapping your body with his lips, committing your sighs and moans to memory.
Tag list:
@ninty900, @ayselluna, @dajeong, @ravenswritingroom,
@misscrissfemmefatale, @clazberryk
@anukulee, @preciouslittlebhaalbae,
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willowrites · 1 month
𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒. part 2
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PAIRINGS. sam golbach x fem reader
SYNOPSIS. after you were oblivious to the sexual jokes made about you and sam’s relationship, you wanted to show sam that you had been ready and wanted to enter that stage in your relationship where you could talk about those things — maybe even do some of those things.
REQUEST. i was wondering if I could request a virgin reader x sam or jake where she is really innocent and she is at a party and there is a guy making Sexual jokes towards her but she doesn't get them so sam gets quite protective over towards her and the drive home is pretty silent so reader decides to suprise him by wearing some lingerie to make him happy — by anon
WARNINGS. sexual implications !
AUTHORS NOTE. i hope you enjoyed this, i decided to make this a part 2 because your request was very similar to an old work of mine. sorry if this is so short!!
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your head had been swarming with that guys words as you were browsing the lingerie section at a store. you wanted something pure and innocent but also something sexy. the lady that had helped you said white was the way to go.
you were browsing and browsing looking for the perfect set. the lady had offered to help you look and bring you some to the dressing room.
she recommended a slip dress sort of lingerie instead of one with garters. she had said if you wanted to keep the innocent look, silk would be a great choice.
she then said you could buy lingerie with lace for the bottom of a slip dress and then when you take it off it would be a double surprise. she brought you a white lingerie set with bows that kept the innocent look, she then also brought a silk dress.
you smiled as you tried it on feeling confident in your body. you purchased the lingerie and went home. you knew he’d be home in a few minutes so you hurriedly changed into the surprise. you then laid in bed until he got home.
you heard the door unlock feeling nervous but excited for his arrival. as soon as he walked in he went toward you as usual to give you a kiss. you were hiding under the covers waiting for the perfect chance.
“hey baby, i missed you. you’re already in bed?” he kissed your head.
“yeah, just felt extra tired today.” you spoke shyly. sam noticed your tone but shrugged it off. maybe today was one of those days where your social battery was low or you didn’t feel like talking.
you saw the perfect chance to show him your surprise when he was looking in his back for something. you went ahead and sat up pulling the covers down to your calf’s to show off the dress and the lingerie under. you leaned against the headboard waiting for him to look.
“so baby how was your day today? i missed you all day, just wanted to see your beautiful — ” he had cut himself off as he looked at you. your perfect skin covered in the innocent and pure color of white. “holy fuck.” he whispered, already feeling himself getting hard.
“do… do you like it?” you asked softly.
“do i…do i like it?” he questioned as if your question was crazy. “baby. i love it.” he walked toward you again. his eyes trailing up and down your body. you looked like a complete angel. an angel just for him.
you then stood up next to him. “take the dress off me.” you grabbed his hand and placed it on your shoulder. “go ahead.”
his breath was taken from him. he hadn’t been prepared for this. he didn’t want to do anything you weren’t comfortable with but god did he want to undress you so bad.
“are you sure, baby?” his pointer finger fiddled with your strap. you nodded allowing him to continue his actions. he then took both of your straps with both of his hands and pulled them down causing the dress to pool at your feet.
his eyes widened at the lingerie that adorned your body. the lace, your tits looking so perky and almost popping out the right bra you were wearing. the panties that left almost nothing to the imagination.
“god how did i get so lucky?” he whispered, his hands going to his hips.
© willowrites
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taglist: @switchhearttt @bubiblossom
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noosayog · 1 year
7:12 PM ft. Isagi Yoichi
wc: 500
warnings/content: just making out w isagi, pretty suggestive but still sfw
When Isagi gets home from practice, he’s exhausted. As if the physicality of his job isn’t enough, he’s also mentally tried everyday from playing mediator to the chaotic bunch of Blue Lock. So everyday, when he comes home to you, he makes sure you know how grateful he is. That could mean coming home with a cake from the shop you like, cradling you from the back when you’re by the stove, or simply pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. 
Today, however, he needed more to blow off steam. 
He second the steps foot into the apartment, he whisks you away to the couch, where he sits with his back against the armrest and legs sprawled out across the length of the couch. He pulls you down to have your knees caging his thighs. You’ve seen this routine before, so you move to lay down on his chest to ask him how his day went, but Isagi has other ideas today. 
Before you get a word out, one hand winds around the back of your head to connect your lips in a hard kiss. Your mouth opens in exclamation and Isagi is quick to slip his tongue in. His lips are moving against yours in a desperation unlike the usual gentleness he handles you with. Your brain shuts down when he nips at your bottom lip, sucks your tongue into his mouth, and grinds his hips into yours. His hands keep your lips pressed to his, rendering you unable to come up for air. You can only paw weakly at his chest and crumple his shirt into the tight grip of your fist as he continues to take your breath away. 
When Isagi pulls away, a string of spit connecting your lips, you’re a drooling, panting mess. He allows you to slump down into his heaving chest to catch your breath. Isagi breathes out a deep laugh when you instinctively grind your hips to his in reaction to one of his hands snaking under your shirt and lightly up your spine. 
“What was that?” you ask your boyfriend, finally recovering enough to lift your head to meet his eyes. 
He smiles at you, looking like the gentle boyfriend you’ve always known. 
“Nothing,” he says, leaning forward again to press a peck onto your moist lips. He thinks he likes seeing you like this, panting helplessly against his frame and lips saturated with his saliva. “Just happy to see you.” 
“I can tell,” you respond when you feel him getting hard under you, cheeks feeling hot. 
“Sorry,” Isagi apologies sheepishly. “I’ll go take a shower.” 
But contrary to his words, his hands stay locked around your hips, preventing you from moving off. 
“Actually,” he starts, “why don’t you just come with me?” 
You gasp when he stands up in one fluid motion, taking you up with him, ankles locking around his thin waist. He takes advantage of that to slip his tongue into your mouth again, effectively cutting off any protest. 
You think you like this side of your boyfriend, just as much as he likes seeing this flustered, starry-eyed version of you.
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cozy-writer · 1 month
 • Johnny 'Coco' Cruz  • Let me take care of you  •
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Summary: You take care of Coco after he comes back home hurt.
Wordcount: 500+
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It was a rainy night when you were waiting for Coco to come home to you. He’d been gone on a mission with the Mayans for a couple days now, but had called to let you know he was on his way over. You kept yourself busy by watching TV and cooking dinner, but after that was done, you silently paced the room waiting for him to come home. He hadn’t said anything about being hurt, but you just knew something must be aching. 
You heard the familiar sound of a bike revving and you walked over to the front door to open it. It was dark out, so you had a hard time seeing what he looked out. You waited impatiently in the doorframe for him to come to you. 
Right as he reached you, you opened your arms for him, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. You pulled back way too soon for his liking, but you needed to check him over. He had a gash above his right eyebrow and his eye was dark and purple, his chin had a scrape on it and blood was trickling from a cut on his lip. 
“What happened?” You asked concerned, walking him into your shared house. “Just ran into some trouble.” “Trouble seems to find you anywhere you go.” You sighed. He only shrugged his shoulders. You took a hold of his hand and dragged him to the bathroom, where you made him sit on the toilet. You rummaged through your cabinet and pulled out some gauze and peroxide. 
“Oh not that shit again.” “If you can handle getting hurt, you can handle this.” You assured. You put some of the peroxide on the gauze and pressed the dressing on the gash above his eyebrow, holding Coco’s face with your other hand to keep him from moving away. He hissed loudly at the contact and tried to run from your hands. “Coco, seriously?” You complained. “Sorry, ma. It just stings.” “It’ll be over in a second, besides we do not want those cuts to get infected.” 
He let you take his face in your hands again, while his own roamed over your butt. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “What? This is my support while you cause me more pain.” You rolled your eyes, he was being so dramatic. “Just let me take care of you.” “I know a way you could take care of me.” He suggested. You shook your head laughing. “Only you would think about sex after getting beat up.” “What? this?” He said, pointing to his face. “That’s nothing.” 
He pulled at your legs so you sat down on his lap, straddling him. You tried to keep his head upright so you could treat his wounds, but his lips had already found their way to your neck, where he sucked softly. “Coco.” You sighed again. “Forget about that,” He said, motioning at the gauze still in your hands. “And let’s have some fun.” 
He stood up, his hands under your ass to carry you away. His lips caught yours as he walked, which then ended up with your back being pressed against different surfaces as he made his way to the bedroom. Finally, he dropped you on the bed and crawled over you, hand roaming over your body. So much for taking care of him.
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bakageta · 9 months
Holiday 500 fic #2
@lmtyl's prompt! I had a fun time writing the search history and comment section, though I didn't look anything up formatting wise.
“Venom, what the fuck?”
“You said you wouldn’t show up in the videos, man…” Eddie ran his hand through his hair as he stared at the still of the scene he was editing for his vlog. It showed him on location, gesturing wildly, with a suspiciously familiar white-eyed, black snake draped around his neck. He hadn’t noticed it during filming, too used to Venom’s presence inside and on his body, but the symbiote’s dark shape stood out starkly against the white v-neck he wore under his Hawiian shirt. 
“I’m gonna have to re-shoot–”
You noticed sooner than I thought you would. Venom emerged, decidedly less snakey, and rested its chin on Eddie’s shoulder. “I’m only the size of a garter snake.”
🕙 eddie brock cryptid recent
🕙 eddie brock alien recent
🕙 eddie brock monster recent
🕙 eddie brock monster 
🕙 cactus succulent poaching central america
🕙 plant poaching
🕙 plant paoching
“See, there is nothing.” A tendril patted Eddie’s shoulder in an attempt at reassurance. “No one noticed.”
“I don’t– How?” Eddie shook his head. None of the comments on past videos seemed to catch on to the symbiote looped around his neck. No one even mentioned a snake or a worm or even an out of place noodle. “Why?”
“You keep saying we instead of I.” Venom curled into his neck in a constricting hug. “I decided I would be a visible companion so you look less weird.”
Eddie nearly protested before remembering how many times he’d had to awkwardly cut and voice over sections where he’d caught a stray we instead of an I or an our instead of a my. And as many as he caught, he was sure some still slipped through the cracks.
“They did,” it assured, rubbing the teeth at the side of its mouth against Eddie’s stubbled cheek. I disliked all the comments so they would go away, but I thought I could also be our we on camera.
“Ignoring your awful phrasing–” Eddie reached up to rub and smush the corner of Venom’s jaw to keep it from nipping at him “–that’s not a terrible idea. Why didn’t you just tell me?” The answer was pretty obvious, but Eddie wanted Venom to admit it.
I just wanted to fuck with you.
Selected Comments
HanBanan: Wow! Important topics ofc, but I love seeing the scenery change behind u!
Daftadil: you shouldn’t praise him, he’s a criminal on the run from the law he;s trying to escape justice for the damage he’s done just trying to hide!!!
Raison: He’s a person of interest at best, wtf are you even on? Besides all of those countries have extradition treaties with the US. If he was really wanted, he’d be caught
Herps4Life: Is this the first time you had your snake on camera?
EBFan: Nah, he had him way back in at least the cactus poaching vid, maybe earlier.
Herps4Life: Awesome, I’m trying to figure out what kind of snake Venom is! Obviously some king of melanistic morph, but idk, idk
EBFan: GLHF man, no one’s been able to figure that out
YoItsAliens: I don’t get why ppl keep linking me these videos, it’s a fucking snake.
Nevnom: but its not its aliens, so many aliens, at least five aliens
YoItsAliens: Fuck off man, it’s just a fucking snake
“Nevnom? Why’d you name your puppet account Nevnom?” Eddie tried and failed to stop himself from laughing as he read the comments on their latest vlog.
“Typing is hard, shut up.” 
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
hi kay my love!!! congrats on 500 followers! as per usual, i have a request… a noah and steve request!
"I'll keep the nightmares at bay; just rest for now; I got you, I'll be here when you wake up." — you’re very anxious with uni exams and you decide to call steve. it’s middle of the night and for a second he thinks you’re in trouble, but then you explain you can’t sleep and when you do, you have nightmares. when you hang up, steve drives to your house (maybe the fic starts here) and tries to sneak in, but Noah can’t keep his presence a secret. you ask Steve what he’s doing, fluffy talk and he sleeps with you
do your magic, i bet it’s gonna be amazing. love you 💙
hey effie!!
my apologies that this took so long but i hope i did it justice!!! thank you so much for all the love and support that you give to me daily!!! our friendship means so much to me and i hope you love this!! 💘💘💘
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The luminous green light from the clock sitting on your desk scorched your eyes. It was nearly three in the morning and you were more than exhausted. On the verge of a mental breakdown, actually.
You had been studying for your university exam for hours. Ass glued to your desk chair and eyes boring holes into the textbook and notes you’d been flipping through. Your sweet dog Noah, fast asleep on the floor beside your feet, as he kept you company while you studied.
You wished you could be fast asleep as well.
You were tired.
So. very. tired.
But you couldn’t find it in yourself to get up.
These exams weighed heavily on your grade and you couldn’t risk missing any points. You had worked so hard to ace these final exams so that you could finally enjoy a break and get this whole thing over with.
But you didn’t know your limits, or at least were horrible at setting those boundaries with yourself. You tended to overwork yourself, and tonight was one of those instances. You wished Steve was here to scold you and tell carry you into bed, but of course you had convinced him that you would be alright and wouldn’t overdo it.
But here you were almost in tears, delirious as you reached your phone and dialed in the numbers you remembered by heart with salty drops already falling down your cheeks as you heard the rings.
“H-hello?” He had just woken up, clearly by the cracking and hoarseness in his voice.
Immediately, you sobbed, loud sniffles cutting in from the other side of the line that got Steve springing up from his bed and wide awake.
“S-steve,” your voice cracked, your sobs getting louder as you wiped your tears, “I—I need you.”
He threw the sheets off his body, shoulder keeping the phone glued to his ears as he tried to search for a shirt to throw on. He caught the time on his clock, immediately even more concerned now considering the hour that you were supposed to be asleep, but instead here you were crying to him over the phone where he could do nothing but let the worse come to mind.
Did someone get into your house?
Did you have a nightmare?
Was something bothering you?
Were you hurt?
Fuck! If you were hurt, then he needed to hurry.
“What going on? Baby—talk to me, are you hurt?”
Mentally. Totally.
Your brained was fried.
You shook your head as if he could see you, swallowing the hiccups that forced itself out, “No, I’m not hurt…I just need you, Steve.”
You heard a little more rustling in the background, before it became clearer, “I’ll be right over, just give me a few minutes, doll.”
“Okay…drive safe, please.” You said softly, trying to calm your crying as you knew help was on the way in no time.
The jingling of his keys was the last thing you heard before his voice, “Always, babe. See you soon.”
You hung up the phone, taking a deep breath as you closed your eyes. The tears still spilling, yet you seemed to get it a bit under control, focusing on the notes on your desk. Attempting to read off the last few bullet points through your blurry eyes, which was absolutely ridiculous, but you were never one to give up so easily.
Your crying had progressed so much that Noah had woken up. Cuddled up by your legs as you reached down with one hand, attempting to comfort him and let him know that you were ok, even though you knew your doggie could feel that you weren’t.
This seemed to be the only time tonight where you tore your eyes away from the pages, but it wasn’t until you heard the key turn in the doorway that you felt like getting up from your desk chair. It was only a few moments later where Steve slowly turned the knob to your bedroom door, staring at you with concern in the doorway.
or the first time that night, you got up from your seat.
The second Steve got into your bedroom he knew you’d be crying once again. You always softened up when he was around, like he was your safe space. And he was so very grateful that you picked him as a safe space.
And he was right, hearing your soft sniffles, and how you sneaked your hand up to your cheek to wipe your cheeks, “Baby…”
You turned slowly towards him, immediately walking into his chest where he had his arms held out, before engulfing you in his cages. You cried into his t-shirt, soaking the fabric with your tears, fingers tightening around his back where you held onto him for dear life.
His eyes scanned around the room, eyes drawn to the mess on your desk filled with scattered pens and papers. Noah had also gone back to his usual spot, knowing that he was around and would make sure that you were ok for the rest of the night. Suddenly, it became clear that studying was what got you here. He had spoken to you over the phone a few hours ago, just before he went to bed around eleven. You had told him you’d only be studying for a half an hour more and then you’d get to beauty sleep.
Of course you didn’t.
“Honey, shhh, you gotta take a deep breath.” He guided your head away enough so he could see you.
Mimicking breathing for you to follow as he clutched your cheeks and thumbed away the tears ever if they didn’t stop anytime soon.
“I—I’m sorry,” you whimpered, tightly shutting your eyes, feeling so embarrassed for waking him and making him come all the way here.
“Hey, no, none of that.” His lips met your forehead, pecking the skin and grounding you. “don’t apologize, I’m so glad you called me.”
Your eyes opened, meeting his brown orbs that looked down at you, “You just gotta talk to me, doll…tell me what’s going on?”
He reached behind him, unwrapping your hands from him and holding yours in his hands, where he led you towards your bed. Honestly, your bed never felt so comfortable than right now. The blankets and pillows cushioning you as Steve pulled the sheets back and led you in. You watched him for a second; him toeing off his shoes before getting into bed beside you.
His arms wrapped across your midsection, slotting himself against you where you felt the most safe and comfortable, “I—I’m so scared of failing….I’ve been studying for hours and no matter how hard I try to get the stupid concept...I just don’t…”
Your voice failed the rest of the sentence, instead the words just slowly crumbling with you as you held on tighter to Steve.
He felt the urgency and anxiety in your hold, knowing this feeling all to well since it had happened before, “Sweet girl, you’ve gotta get some rest, you’re killing yourself over this and it’s not good for you.”
“But…but finals is in a few days and if I don’t—”
He squeezed you a little firmer, cutting off your sentence as he laid a kiss on top of your forehead. “But nothing.” Steve started, staring at you through the pale moonlight with softness and firmness laced in his voice.
“I’ll keep it all at bay for the night, and I need you to rest for now,” his gentle fingers brushing back your tear soaked hair away from your face, “I got you, and I’ll be here in the morning then we can figure this all out together ok?”
Again, sniffles filled the room for a short while, as you didn’t know if you could speak of your gratefulness without breaking out into sobs again. There was just something so endearing and comforting about Steve being here for you in moments like these. Even if the stress and anxiety was all in your head, he always knew how to ground you and keep you from diving deeper into the negative feelings.
“I love you.” You whispered faintly, closing your eyes and digging your face deeper into his chest where you felt the safest from your worries and thoughts.
You could feel his smile as he whispered it back to you, “I love you more,” and his arms never daring to unwrap from your body, keeping you safe from the nightmares of what could have been.
That even if there was a chance that tomorrow could be a repeat of tonight, that he’d be here. He always would and he would never let you go through it alone.
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zolusbian · 2 years
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5.5K / porn without plot / nacho has a pussy and a cock and lalo is very into it CW: misogyny, canon-typical violence, some homophobic language
NOTE: this fic gets a bit genderweird. nacho identifies as a man and uses he/him. there is some vague background information about this. lalo is gay, but he does say some unfavorable things about genitalia. i can provide more details if you need.
pay me $8usd on p&y!p4l! or ko-fi leaving the message “inside out” and a way to contact you to receive a pdf copy!
note about pricing: flat rate is $2.50 + $1 for every 1k words up to 7,500 words. hence, $8 (the $.50 because there’s an extra 500 words).
NO M/1/N0RS.
first page under the cut!
Here’s how Nacho saw it. If Lalo didn’t care, great, he got fucked; if Lalo did care, he’d kill him, and Nacho would be dead, which in itself might be a kind of blessing. Therefore, Nacho said nothing, and let Lalo find out on his own.
In his usual charming way, when his fingers dip a little lower expecting to find balls and instead finding an embarrassingly wet cunt, Lalo says, “Oh. You’ve got a pussy.”
“Yeah.” Nacho tries very hard not to groan, because Lalo is drumming his finger in between his lips, tapping like he’s playing the fucking piano, or something. Nacho’s head is spinning too much to form a coherent thought beyond fuckyeahfeelsgood.
“And a cock,” Lalo confirms.
“Sure do,” Nacho says, biting down on his bottom lip.
“Cool.” Lalo grins. He slips his middle finger inside Nacho, who welcomes him greedily. He rocks forward, his cock brushing against the heel of Lalo’s hand, sparks running up his spines. “I don’t usually like cunts. But yours? Eh.” Next comes his ring finger, and when did Lalo get such thick fingers, anyway? His pinky strokes around Nacho’s labia while his thumb keeps brushing against Nacho’s cock, and Nacho is so hard and so wet, so fast, he can’t even comprehend whatever the fuck it is Lalo is saying to him. “This could be fun, you know?”
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deceitfuldevil · 2 years
Congratulations on 500 followers!! I love your Matt Murdock writing, you get his character so perfect! May I kindly request any and all thoughts or stories or ideas you have on Matt and period sex? Idk why but it’s stuck in my brain and I cannot get off of it 😄
fun fact this story was actually in my drafts and was *supposed to* be posted sometime down the line this summer but it just fit this request too perfectly. That's also why it's so long </3
Matt Murdock X Reader
Summary: When your period surprised you out of nowhere in the middle of your workday, you were less than amused to say the least. The end of your shift was unpleasant, and you wanted nothing more than to go home and hide under the covers. But Matt could smell you as soon as you rounded the corner, and since he’s put his daredevil persona aside a few months ago he missed the action. . . he missed the taste of blood. Smelling you and sensing your pain, he knew exactly what to do to please both your body and your mind together.
Warnings: pure filth, AFAB! Reader, female identifying reader, mentions of having a period, period sex, oral (fem! receiving), mentions of blood, fingering, swearing, smut, porn with little plot, y’all know the deal.
Word Count: 1.3K
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It had been a few months since Matt had put aside his devilish alter ego, all he was trying to do was be a good lawyer and a loving boyfriend these days. He tried not to tune into the world and all he could hear going wrong, remind himself that with Fisk off the streets that the police were no longer corrupt. But it was hard sometimes, Matt didn’t want to admit it to himself but he missed the action. . . he missed the taste of blood.
It had been a long day at work for you, boss riding you ass with stupid tasks and customers asking you even stupier questions. Worst of all, your period surprised you three days early. You had to endure the embarrassment of asking your boss to take an additional break to go buy pads, since you weren’t carrying any on your person at the time. Cramps rocking through your body for the last couple hours of your shift, by the time you clocked out you wanted nothing more than to go home and curl up in bed.
But when Matt could smell you turning the corner on your block, he had other plans. As you entered the building and started your way up the stairs, Matt could practically taste the metal of your blood in the air and it drove him crazy. Truly, as he sensed you coming closer he felt his pants growing tight and his mind becoming fogged with lust. When you opened the door to your shared apartment, Matt was all over you, essentially worshiping you when you walked through the door.
You cooed, gently trying to pry him from your form so you could get off your dreaded work clothes and change into some sweats but Matt wouldn’t let up. He has you pressed up against the wall with a vice-like grip on your hips as he placed open mouthed kisses all over your neck filling your ears with soft praises, asking how your day had been.
You initially thought something had happened to Matt during his work day to get him so clingy and touchy, you tried brushing off your day saying it was fine and that you just wanted to change. But it seemed the more you tried to free yourself from Matt’s grasp the tighter he held onto you. You were about to give in and tell Matt why you wanted to be let go when you said “Matt please I just want to lay down I—” you pleaded but he cut you off.
“I know sweetheart, I can smell you.” Matt said, voice low and gravely. The moment would’ve been more sensual if a cramp hadn’t surged through you right at that moment, causing you to tense up and nearly fall to your knees if it hadn’t been for Matt’s grip on you. He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, swooping an arm under your knees and carrying you to the bedroom. 
“Let me take care of your darling, please.” Matt cooed softly, sitting you on the edge of the bed as he grabbed a towel from the dresser. Laying it down on the bed he helped you to shed your work clothes and spread you on top of the towel, taking off his own shirt before placing himself in between your thighs.
“Matt, you really don’t have to do this.” You said tentatively, breath hitching as he littered the inside of your thighs with light kisses.
“Oh sweetheart, I want to.” Matt insisted, diving straight into your throbbing heat. The blood made everything so slick and your hormones made this pleasure ten times more extreme, Matt had no issue slipping two digits in playing with the expanse of your pussy. Your thighs wrapped around Matt’s head tightly further pushing his face into your cunt, he groaned out in pleasure, enjoying this just as much as you. 
You could feel his nose pressed up against your clit as his fingers and tongue worked their way at your entrance. You were trashing madly on the bed, one hand tightly gripped in Matt’s hair while the other found purchase on the headboard of the bed. 
When Matt could sense that you were starting to fall apart, feeling your slick walls pulsate around his fingers; he brought his lips to your engorged clit and sucked sweetly. Your loud and extravagant moans were the only thing ringing in Matt’s ears and edging him on, the scent of your sweet slick nearly suffocating his nose, and your thighs wrapped tightly around his head as you started to fuck yourself agaisnt his face. 
Matt doubled down on his efforts as you started to fall apart on his tongue alone, and you started to experience what you could only describe as otherworldly. With past boyfriends they’d never so much as touch you when you were on your period, some wouldn’t even come to see you or text you. But Matt was different, he was giving, he was unafraid, and most of all he was caring. When he first caught a whiff of you walking around the corner his initial actions might’ve been selfish, for his own wants and needs. But in the end it was all about you, and giving you a relief no other man has ever provided you with before.
And relief you got, you weren’t even sure how you got here. One moment you were having one of the most world-shattering intense orgasm, and then it all went blank for a moment. Convinced you had passed out from the immense pleasure, you weaky lifted your head up and saw Matt now seated between your legs, licking your blood and cum off of his fingers with a wicked grin on his face. He felt your gaze fall upon him and chuckled lowly.
“Hey dollface, are you still fucked out?” he asked dotingly. You just smiled softly and giggled, barely nodding. “Thank you for that, Matty.” you said a moment later. Relief was washing over you in waves, you’d always read in articles that sex could help relieve period pains but you’d been able to put that theory to test until now. This would definitely be something you’d be down to try again. “Oh darling, that was just the beginning.” Matt said, showing that you’d be trying again sooner than you anticipated. Not that you were complaining as Matt lined himself up with your core, kissing you sweetly and preparing you for a night filled with pleasure. 
With my period coming up as I’m proofreading this, I can’t even begin to express how much I’d love to experience period sex with Matt Murdock. Anyways maybe that was a bit TMI, besides the point I hope you all enjoyed the story, don't forget to support your hardworking tumblr writers who are providing stories to you for free!! Any form of support helps!
Much Love,
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probably-haven · 3 years
Kaeya Alberich & Why his Failure is Inevitable
A theory on Kaeya’s reaction to- that event in his backstory.
take everything with a grain of salt , because it’s heavily based on assumptions, most of which are centered around his reaction to- backstory stuff, so gonna put that under the cut-. i actually originally said this in a reblog to someone asking the exact question awhile ago
im kinda in a content drought though so i might as well bring it back, hopefully some people find it interesting in this context though. Lol a lot of it is just seeing how angsty i can make it too so- ehe
actual content under the cut: (spoilers for kaeya’s backstory, diluc’s backstory, Khaenri’ah lore, and a bit of Childe’s backstory)
so the exact verbiage used in kaeya’s story for his reaction to Master Crepus’s death is: “Even someone like Master Crepus would submit to such a dangerous and evil power…” Sinister thoughts flashed through Kaeya’s mind, and he simply smirked— “This world is truly… fascinating.”
Now I’m actually pretty sure this quote ties in, not to the destruction of khaenri’ah, but to the cataclysm before it. Specifically, it deals with the Khaenri’ahn alchemist Gold who started it.
Canonically, Gold was an incredibly ambitious alchemist specializing in khemia 500 years ago. Their most well know achievement is corruption of the dragon Durin, but concealed much deeper in Teyvat’s history, a number of Gold’s legacies include incorporating the powers of the abyss into their alchemy(and eventually being corrupted by those very same powers, tho it might be a translation error), followed by the destruction of Khaenri’ah’s Eclipse Dynasty(including the royal family and the royal guards tasked with protecting the people of Khaenri’ah), and this was followed shortly by ‘using their talents to create an army of “shadowy monsters."’
these monsters, blood filled with the corruption of the abyss, would only continue pouring out of Khaenri’ah in waves until the fateful day that it was destroyed. The era of suffering these monsters caused would come to be known as the cataclysm.
taking those facts into account, it could be a remark about how even someone as kind hearted as Master Crepus could fall to the temptation and corrupting aspects of power that caused his people’s fall so long ago, even without the naturally corruptive effects of power from the abyss. that’s sad- but if you get into the theory of it its even sadder the further you go.
Now theory wise its important to make a few connections- I am under the impression that the “fall of the Eclipse Dynasty” that Gold caused through abyssal power was actually the first instance of Khaenri’ah’s curse, and the monsters of the cataclysm- were among the curse’s first victims.
a bit sadder with the fact that his statement can now refer to his feelings of there truly being nothing that could have been done to prevent the very same exact curse that has caused him so much suffering through his life. There was no resisting the corruption of power, only delaying it. It hammers in the fact that the reason he was sent to Mondstadt truly might be the destiny he had many times been told it was. A cruel joke from Celestia perhaps?
but not sad enough. let’s pull out the big one. The Khaenri’ahn Royalty Kaeya theory. (there’s a lot- im not gonna cover the explanation behind that one here)
Gold, the most powerful alchemist in Khaenri’ah would likely have worked under the Eclipse Dynasty, so assuming the theory of Kaeya(and Dainsleif) being the last member of the Eclipse Dynasty, its reasonable to say he would have known Gold. Now whether Gold was a good person or not is irrelivant because it remains the same either way. Kaeya has twice seen the corrupting abilities that come with power strip him of all those close to him, shouldering him with an additional responsibility to carry out in their memory that he never wanted. Yes this hurts more if he was close with Gold and Crepus managed to make him feel safe enough to get close to people even after that- but I’m here to provide the facts and theories, not the emotions, though theres a lot
but…. its a stretch(like a big stretch)… but for the sake of going all out on a limb, we can take this one step further.
In Childe’s story it references the abyss by saying “this dark realm had sensed the burning ambition in this boy’s heart” and it can be assumed that the powers granted by the abyss, as the natural opposition to Celestia(natural as in abyss magic literally opposes the magic of Celestia by nature) might just opporate in a similar way to the gnosises. Kaeya has no knowledge of gnosises though so for now lets use the word visions.
The powers of the abyss that were given to Gold would likely have been favored over visions from the gods in a godless nation like khaenri’ah afterall. and if he knew Gold, a known genius, he likely wouldnt have noticed anything off until it was too late. A sudden fall from his perspective. Visions, delusions, power from the abyss, what difference truly is there to a child raised to shun the gods. All are granted through ambition, and all will only end in suffering
However the main thing behind the Khaenri’ahn Royalty aspect of this angst fest- Kaeya would have been extremely young during Gold’s corruption and Khaenri’ah’s fall… like i cant help think of that one tik tok audio “that must be so confusing for a little girl” but it really does fit because now i can’t shake the imagery of Kaeya, faced with the imagery of the man who raised him dead as a result of a power he chose to use. And he finally understands what he was too young to understand back then. the world is not fascinating in a way that he is interested in it or wants to know more about it, but more interesting in the way that people’s eyes are involuntarily drawn to images of tragedy. It’s an expression of cruel irony, of truths he was forced to face, of knowledge he doesn’t want to know, but that he needs to know- if he plans on carrying through with his destiny- siding against Mondstadt. but siding with Mondstadt would cause him to turn against Khaenri’ah as Gold had all those years ago, and is that not fulfilling a cycle of fate all the same?
It’s an expression of mourning. He is chained by the legacy of Khaenri’ah and there’s nothing he can do to escape it. Either way the cycle will repeat. This fate gives him a unique power and even he will eventually succumb to it, doomed to be viewed as a corrupted betrayer no matter who he sides with, to doom yet another civilization in return. Such is his preordained role as the last hope of Khaenri’ah. The unescapableness, the way it all becomes so sure and clear and nauseatingly relevant in that very moment are what drive him to say that as he finally realizes that he cannot win.
of course a lot of this is a stretch and just theories, but the angst potential was there so i decided to run with it lmao
additional afterthought: this isn’t something kaeya would know, but the corruption of Durin by Gold was actually predicted by a priestess in dragonspine before Celestia destroyed it and made it like it is now.
just angsty because it reinforces the idea of a repeating cycle of foretold destiny that no matter hard hard Kaeya tries, he will never be able to escape. Really puts Mona’s “He believes he has made a clean break with his past, but one day fate will catch up with him” line into perspective.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
The dimitrescus, Donna and Mother Miranda x 👨 reader. Reaction when reader is working out shirtless? (Love your works by the way, can't stop reading all of it!💕)
Broken Truth (Looks at Ask): This is interesting...LET'S GO!!!
- Alcina Dimitrescu -
Alcina was walking around the castle, looking for her lover.
When she woke up - he was not in bed.
When she went to the kitchen - he was not there either.
She searched the garden (He loved tending to the flowers), the library (He would read there with Bela), the armory (Daniela loved showing her father figure all the weapons she had), and the study (He would pat with Cassandra) - he was not in any of those places and none of the girls had seen him.
Then she remembered that her lover had been having a hard time lately when Mother Miranda commented that he didn't look like much and wasn't worthy of being by Alcina's Side.
He spent most of his money on him - none of Alcina's - to purchase metal contraptions to 'become worthy of his wife'.
He had been in that room for hours on end for about 5 months now.
'He might be in there.' Alcina wondered as continued down the hall to her Husband's Workout Room.
The closer she got to the room - the door was open and the light was on the room - the sound of grunting and metal clanking together got louder and louder.
She ducked her head a bit and walked into the room - holding her hat to make sure it didn't fall off - and rose to her full height. She opened her mouth the speak but once her sight was no longer obscured by the brim of her hat, her jaw dropped, her face began to warm up, and her body tingled.
Before her - her husband stood: his back was to her and he was wearing nothing except his boxers - his very tight boxes; she would see his defined butt and it was amazing.
In his hands were large weights that he lifted and flexed his muscles - Alcina could see every muscle flex.
His skin was shining with sweat and the smell of his musk was driving Alcina crazy - she wanted to jump his bones. So very bad.
What she didn't know was that her beloved had developed a sense to detect her and knew she was watching him...so he decided to tease his Lady and Mistress.
He dropped the weights in his hands and raised one of them opened palmed to the sky before summer suiting forward and landing on that hand to where his feet were pointing to the ceiling before beginning his set of one-handed push-ups. This time - facing her.
Alcina's eyes widened at her lover's chiseled body - the drops of sweat flowing through the cracks of his abs and biceps...then she made the mistake of looking up and saw the large bulge in his tight underwear.
That's it - she had enough.
"Beloved." She called out, making the man look at her with a smirk - her face was bright red and she was biting her bottom lip.
"Alcina, My Love. When did you arrive?" He asked faking confusion.
"That doesn't matter. I need you to accompany me to our bed chambers. Now."
"Our Bed Chambers?" The man asked as he flipped him to stand upright. "It is breakfast time, is it not?" He raised an eyebrow as he walked closer to the tall woman - his scent flooding her nose.
"Well..." Her eyes glowed dangerously, "I'm having Blood Sausage for breakfast."
She grabbed his wrist and marched to their room with him in tow, locking the door, and refused to leave that room until she was pregnant with the Latest Dimitrescu Spawn.
- Bela Dimitrescu -
Bela was bored and in need of some cuddles so she went looking for her lover - the only man-thing her mother and sisters approved of.
She looked at the grandfather clock and saw it as around 9:45 - her lover would be in his workout room to burn off any extra energy before showering and going to bed.
She floated down the hall to her husband's workout room and walked into the room without knocking - it was her man and she could do whatever she wanted regarding him.
What she wasn't prepared for was the sight on the other side of that door.
Her Husband was boxing with the sandbag.
In nothing but his boxers.
She could see everything - from the singular drops of sweat that ran down his sculpted body to every single flex of muscle with every move he made.
If the sight didn't have her done it - it was his smell.
The room was filled with the smell of musk that he was giving off and it was intoxicating - it radiated power and it was making her hungry.
"Darling?" His deep voice returned her from her fantasies of all the ways she wanted him to rock her world but the fact she could see his imprint from his shorts sent her mind back into the gutter. "Bela, is there something wrong?"
"Do you always...working out like this at night?" She questioned as she walked slowly to her man.
"Yes, it's hard to move in clothes; I keep my boxers on just make sure I don't scar any maids."
"Scar Them?" Bela tilted her head with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. "What do you mean by that?"
"Well...the one time I worked out naked, a maid came in without knocking and she looked like she saw a ghost."
Bela was pissed.
"A maid saw you naked?!" She hissed. "Where is that harlot?!"
"Your Mother turned her into wine 3 nights ago."
'Good, I won't have to kill her myself. As for you..."
"NGH!" He clenched his teeth as Bela's hand wrapped around his throbbing manhood.
"You're going to learn to lock your door when in this room...and punishment for failing to inform me about that whore."
The Next Morning - Bela & [Y/N] weren't at breakfast.
- Cassandra Dimitrescu -
Cassandra would already be with her beloved because they were each others' sparring partners.
Cassandra would be doing push-ups while her beloved would be jumping rope.
She would look at him and smirk - she loved the way his body moved during intense workouts and the smell he gave off was perfect; it made her hungrier and hungrier with each passing moment.
When it would be time for the spar - her lover would use one arm to test himself more than he needs to for he wanted to be worthy of dating a Dimitrescu Daughter.
While sparring - Cassandra would try to pin him and have her ay with him - whether that would be drinking his blood or having him devour her like a full course meal.
This time - it was different.
She threw a punch at him but it was grabbed by his free arm and used against her to wrap around her neck, once he was behind her, he used his knees to the back of hers to make her fall to them and then lay on the mat.
Once his other hand was free, it snaked around her body and into her shirt, where it grabbed and twisted one of her nipples - making the girl squirm under him.
"D...Darling? What are you...?" She began but was cut off when his teeth locked into her neck.
"Every time we train, you make me submit to you. This time - you're mine, Cassandra Dimitrescu."
And his was exactly what he made her.
Daniela walked down the hall looking for her sister when she heard moaning coming from behind the door leading to the training room - she leaned in to listen and went to find her mother.
"Yes, Dear?" Alcina asked as she looked up from the book she was reading.
"Why didn't you tell us Daddy was coming to visit & he brought presents?"
"Darling, you don't have a father."
"Then why did I hear Cassandra saying "More, Daddy! More!" in the training room?"
Alcina went wide-eyed as the glass in her hand shattered and the one thing she thought was...
'I'm too young for grandkids...'
- Daniela Dimitrescu -
She smelled something delicious and followed that smell to her lover's training room and found him completely naked with the exception of his undergarments, shadow boxing himself.
He looked like a full snack with the sweat making his body glaze and his muscles looking like beefcakes - he was just begging to be bitten and that's exactly what she did.
"Daniela? What was that for?" He asked her as he looked over his shoulder at his wife - who was clinging to his back like a koala with her fangs in his shoulder blade.
"I couldn't help it, love. Your scent was driving me crazy and I was in the mood for a snack." Daniela tried to say but her fangs were still in his skin.
"Dani, I was training, and as much as I would move to be your mid-morning meal; I need to get back at it if I want to keep the form you love so much."
"I love you for who you are - the body is just a plus. I don't want you to train, I want you to take me to bed and cuddle me."
"Do you love me?" Dani asked.
"Yes, without a doubt." He answered.
"Would you do anything for me?" She asked again.
"Without question." He said.
"Then I want you to stop training and take me to our bedroom so that we can cuddle and make little vamp-babies."
- Donna Beneviento -
Donna would be walking around Beneviento Manor - looking for the man who stole her heart. Who accepted her and her dolls and loved them all equally.
He wasn't in his normal spots but she did remember that he recently got interested in getting in better shape and asked her if there was anywhere in Beneviento Manor she would be alright with him making it into a workout room - she gave him one of the rooms on one of the floors under the house floor.
Donna walked down the hall without Angie as she followed the sounds of something grunting in effort echoing down the hall's walls.
She reached the opened room but didn't want to just walk in and disturb her love so she peeked around the corner and her eye widened while she let a gaspy moan escape her lips,
Her lover was laying on the weight bench with a long metal bar in his large hands - giant iron circles on each end.
She looked closer at the circles - 500 Pounds. That made her shiver - she knew he was strong but to be able to bench that much was...alluring.
She looked at his shining skin.
Listening to her man's grunts with each lift of the bar.
The define lines in his muscles with each movement he made.
It made her hot. She rubbed her legs together before she hid behind the wall completely and pressed her forehead against the cold wall.
She needed to get a hold of herself - she was like she had no control of herself but when she was around him, it was like she forgot all she was and wanted nothing more than her man.
She was so focused on keeping herself from relieving herself right then and there that she didn't notice she was no longer alone until a familiar weight pressed against her back and she was completely pressed against the wall.
"It looks like you have a very serious itch, My Love." his voice growled as his hand moved closer and closer to her throbbing organ.
"I...I can explain..." She blushed in her weak, gasping voice; she was embarrassed but having her lover so close with his body radiating power made her weak.
"Let me...help you with that, My Lady." He growled before one hand reached the buttons on the top of her dress and the other was cupping her womanhood while she bit her lip in hopes of being silent.
A few moments later - he had her on that same bench that was still drenched in his sweat and scent, her hands gripping the metal poles that held the long rod over her head' sweat dripping from her body as she was stretched apart.
She was pleading for him to continue to Beneviento Bloodline with her.
Begging him to make her family's bloodline stronger than it ever was before.
Crying for him to make her a mother.
Who was he to deny his lady what she wished?
- Mother Miranda -
Miranda stood n her lab, looking at the results from the latest experiment and possible host for Eva but once again - it wasn't good enough and it makes her angry.
Once again - so close but so far away.
"Miranda? Love?" A familiar male voice called out to her.
She looked up at was met with the shirtless, bare-chested, sweaty body that was the man she entrusted her heart to.
He stood there in the doorway with a towel around his neck while one hand used an edge of the towel to wipe the sweat from his face.
The Village Leader blushed but then looked away from him to keep from looking upon her face.
"[Y/N]. Darling. I thought we talked about you walking around the lair like that. It's rather...distracting." She said.
"I do hope you'll forgive me but I sensed that something was bothering you and I wanted to make sure you were alright." The man said as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her stomach and pulling her back into his bare chest.
"Your...concern for me is welcomed, Darling, but I must return to work. Please, do prepare yourself for dinner; I shall be down in a moment." Miranda said as she reached for a book, only to her lover's hand to stop her.
"Miranda." He turned her to face him - worry and compassion in his eyes. "You've been working on this for over a week straight; you haven't taken any time for yourself...or for me." He was sad - afraid his lover had forgotten about him.
"My Love, I'm sorry I have made you feel this way but...I'm so close, Darling. I can return her to us and...MPH!" She was cut off by a deep kiss. She melted into it before he pulled away from her.
"Enough of this for one night, My Love. Let me take care of you...and make you see you don't need to Cadou for a child. Just...me" He kissed her again and she wrapped her arms around him; submitting to his command and desire.
It would be a year later that Miranda would invite the Lords to meet Eva and Ethan Winters arrived in the village - only for his wife and child to be given back to him and escorted out of the village; never to be seen again.
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shelby-love · 4 years
The Freeing Bliss of Adrenaline
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warning(s): angsty, happy ending
Author's note: Haven't written for Jay in a while! This will be the last one shot of the year. I've been working on imagines the entire day. Now I'll take some time off since New Year is in less than a hour! p.s. I just added some more spice to Jay’s fight! How’d you like it?
Happy New Near!!!!!
Note: It's important that you guys read my newest Hank Voight one shot to not be confused further into this one. Click here!
"Relax babe I'll be fine," You smiled impishly at Jay and leaned against your newest child. The large two-wheeled beauty was the highlight of your day.
But Jay eyed your Yamaha r6 skeptically. He saw a fair number of criminals die from crashing motorcycles less intimidating than the one behind you. He trusted you to be careful, but it didn't help him sleep at night any better than he did before. The damned matte black motorcycle was the cause of his nightmares.
"Just," He sighed. "Be careful."
You chuckled in adoration and kissed him. The two of you were aesthetically pleasing to see. Especially next to your large motorcycle.
"I'll see you at 7?" He nodded in confirmation and helped you with your helmet.
For effect, he slapped the top of it and didn't leave until you were out of his line of vision.
Jay rolled his eyes when you purred the engine for effect.
The motorcycle ride through the tunnel was freeing, especially upon exiting it.
Jay didn't understand how freeing the rides you've had felt. You left your worries behind in the dust whenever you roared the engine. You felt like you could do anything.
Your left hand is working the clutch and the turn signal, your right hand is working the front brake, your right foot is working the rear brake, and your left foot is working the gears up & down. The ride was a physical & emotional pleasure, with a layer of anxiety & adrenaline.
For a moment you wanted to close your eyes. To enjoy the feeling of freedom.
But you snapped out of it, just like every time; Jay's words rung in your mind. Be careful.
You were.
But the car that slammed into you wasn't.
The members of firehouse 51 arrived on scene in recod time. People were watching on the side next to their cars; the whole road was blocked with cars.
"I didn't know what to do," The officer on scene told Matt. "The motorcycle's crushing her, but I didn't want to do anything until you guys got here."
"Her?" He asked, surprised to hear it. "It's a good thing you didn't move her." That cop did exactly the right thing by not moving the weight off you until they had facility to adequately treat any injuries.
"She looks experienced," The man  sighed with anxiety, looking as if he aged 20 years in a span of 15 minutes. "The motorcycle's a Yamaha r6. Definitely not a beginner's bike."
The smoke that came from the bike was enough to quicken their pace. "All hands-on deck." Matt announced and proceeded to give out orders.
"Otis get the backboard."
"On it."
The rest of the men appeared around you. Severide at the front. It only took him a glance at your custom-made helmet to know that it was you. "Holy shit..."
"What's wrong Severide?" Cruz asked him.
"That's Y/N."
"Who's she?" The team asked him.
"Jay's girlfriend." Severide whispered. "Hey you!"
The cop turned to him, trauma in his eyes. "Call Intelligence."
"Why? This isn't a crime scene."
"That's Jay Halstead's girlfriend on the ground. Get him here now!"
Back where you were, truck was discussing your situation.
"We need to get this bike off her," Gabby said hurriedly.
"81 watch for the hot pipes," The team was working on getting it off you. "This thing's a beast, got to weight 500 lbs." Matt said.
"Okay easy guys," Sylvie had your helmet in her hands. "Possible spinal injury and head trauma."
"Okay let's get this off," All hands were truly on deck as Casey counted down to three. They took your demolished motorcycle and placed it away from you.
"Jay's gonna freak," Severide commented when his eyes fell on your leg. It was completely crushed. Red with blood and completely split in half.
"We need to get the helmet off of her." Sylvie instructed, changing places.
"Alright Mouch."
It was hard for you to decipher the voices because little did they know...
You were conscious under there.
You barely recognized Severide as he barked out commands left and right.
You felt the strap of your custom-made helmet being cut off. The pain that shot through your leg when they secured it had you wincing to the pint your lip started to bleed.
When they took it off it took several seconds for the light to push through to you. You could barely breathe, let alone move your neck to look at the firefighters credited as your lifesavers. Severide cupped the back of your neck and you could only look at him.
"Kelly..." You murmured, tears gathering in your eyes. The times he and Jay had told you to be careful...
You should have listened.
"Y/N don't move. You're okay," He reassured you but you only widened your eyes. "You've been in an accident."
Tears started to fall. "Kelly..."
"No don't speak," He said quietly.
You coughed, "The...other..."
"The other?" He repeated.
They were losing you. "Hey! Y/N stay with me! What collision?"
A few meters away, Matt and Boden inspected the road and the remains of your bike. "It's dented. Like someone crashed into her."
Kelly's screams brought them back to reality and Matt ran to get you.
He crouched down, his face hovering over you and blocking the sun. "Y/N did someone else crash into you?"
More tears started to fall. "They fell...off."
Boden looked around until he noticed several aggressive lines from tires scattered around the road.
He stepped closer to the edge and looked.
Until he saw.
"This is Battalion Chief 25," He radioed. "We need another ambulance to our location. This was a vehicle collision. I repeat a vehicle collision!"
"She still hasn't woken up," Will told his younger brother. "The injuries she sustained were more dangerous than we thought."
"Will what the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
"There were some complications with the surgery," Will tried to reason calmly. "She started hemorrhaging. They got the bleeding under control, but they had to put her in a medically induced coma. Hey! Jay wait- "
The detective stormed outside. The ringing in his head was getting louder and the voices around him became a distant callout.
Two arms stopped him from raging out.
He pushed and pulled but the man before him didn't move.
Kelly didn't move.
"Jay man, you need to stop!"
He didn't stop. Not even when Sharon Goodwill came to break them apart herself. Jay pushed through and disappeared outside, not daring to enter a car because of what had happened to you.
Kelly and Will found him in a bar eventually.
They took him home, watched over his place as he showered the alcohol off. They helped him in bed, even pulled the covers over him like you used to.
Jay's body was warm under the covers, but deep within he was anything but.
He missed your presence in the bed, your body against his in the shower…
Even your jokes during dinner.
It wasn't the same without you. He wasn't the same.
But no one understood him.
Only you did.
But you were in a coma. Unreachable.
He hugged your pillow on which traces of your perfume still lingered and cried like a baby.
The man rushed at Jay, his fist pulled back by a mile to punch him. Jay ducked but the man growled and started swinging punches at him. It came to a point of giving up for the man. Jay was ducking, backing up, sliding to the side; doing all the things needed to slip right through his fingers. He moved quickly, confident in his abilities.
Jay sidestepped before thrusting his fist against the man's face, reeling the man back so he staggered on his feet. A stray of blood fell out of his mouth, but not even that was stopping Jay from doing more damage.
Whatever force had him possessed, it wasn't letting go.
Jay slammed his fist into the man's face like the impact didn't bother him at all. The man smashed into a wall, fell to his knees, and clutched his face and trembled as his head fell forward. Jay placed a foot on the back of his head and slammed his face on the ground without thinking twice. The man groaned but didn't give up.
He twisted his body under the pressure of Jay's boot and grabbed his ankle.
It really didn't take long before Jay had him completely pinned to the ground again. He started throwing punches to his face until there was nothing but blood coating his hands.
He broke his nose, knocked out his teeth and broke his jaw.
Maybe even more.
He couldn't take a better look because he was taken away.
"What the hell is your problem Halstead!?" His sergeant barked.
"He deserved it." Jay mumbled. It really was his only excuse.
"If you're not fit to work," Voight neared his face to Jay's. "I'll take you off the case."
"You can't."
Hank only shook his head, "I can, and I will. Listen… You're a good kid Halstead and I'm sorry for what happened to Y/N but that's not an excuse for what you just did, and you know it."
"Get yourself together." Was the last thing Hank told him before he disappeared.
His girlfriend and the newest member of Intelligence took pity and came to his side. "She's going to be fine, Jay."
"You don't know that" Jay mumbled.
She only smiled sadly, "I've been there."
"You ride motorcycles?"
She shook her head with a roll of her eyes, "No. I was shot while working for the FBI. Hostage situation. I was one of them. A part of the reason why I joined special operations but that's a story for another day."
She leaned against the car with him, "As I was saying... I was badly injured, Jay. The doctors had to put me in a medically induced coma too."
"How'd you get through it?" He asked. She shone in a completely different light to him now.
"The people that mean the most to me were by my side. For me it was family that helped me push through and fight," she sighed, her hands twined together. "You're her anchor Jay. And if you're not being strong for her... Who will she lean onto? Who will help her push through and fight?"
"Doctors believe hearing stories in parents' and siblings' voices exercises the parts of the brain responsible for long-term memories." She recalled what was once told to her.
 "Hey detective! Sergeant Voight is asking for you," A police officer yelled a couple yards away. Voight's girlfriend smiled and Jay could swear that he could see blush taint her cheeks. Jay and you won 20 bucks a few months back thanks to her and her blush.
"Be what your sergeant is to me."
Jay nodded smiling.
Before she was out of his line of vision she turned back and yelled to him, "Maybe take a shower too! I heard that helps!"
He rolled his eyes at her.
When he sat at your hospital bed, he didn't know what to say. Every word mattered to him. It's been weeks since the last time you opened your eyes.
And in those weeks a lot of things happened to him.
He hoped that now, after all that had happened, he was good enough of an anchor for you to hold onto.
He grabbed your small hand in his bigger one and kissed the back of it. You looked peaceful. Not your usual bubbly self; the version of yourself that lived for adrenaline and everything life had to offer.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," He started, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. "I didn't know what to do…"
"I had your bike fixed," He informed quietly. "Although I don't think you'll ever want to sit on one again."
He paused. "But then again… You're batshit crazy."
Jay spent a long time talking to you about a million things. He made up for the times he failed to be there with you.
"Detective Halstead?" A nurse had joined him in the room. "Visiting hours are over."
"Oh," Was all he said. "I guess I should get going?"
She smiled sadly.
With a torturous sigh, he leaned down and kissed you. A tiny piece of his heart broke at the lack of response your once warm, now cold lips gave him. "It's not the same without you."
Chicago's cold wisps of air hit him without mercy the moment he stepped out. No one really payed him much mind. Occasional glances from girls that were passing by was something he was used to.
He was searching for his car when a figure jumped in front of him.
"Geez Will," Jay sighed. "The hell is wrong with you?"
"Nothing," He was beaming like a madman.
"Whatever it is you came here to tell me, just say it." He grumbled.
"Y/N labs came back."
Jay stopped in his tracks and turned to face his brother. For the first time in weeks he had hope shining within his irises.
"She pulled through. They'll wake her up tomorrow."
Before another word could leave his mouth, Jay hugged him like his life depended on it.
It did in a way.
He broke down at the parking lot in the arms of his brother having gotten the best news ever.
"Let's get you home bro. You'll see Y/N tomorrow."
Tags: @lorenakaspersen​​ @fofisstilinski​ @short-potato​​ @miranda0102​​  @saracabbage​​
Let me know if you want to be added to my tag list (pinned post on my profile)! 
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Title: Serious Inquiries Only: PART 1
Pairing: dom! yoongi x reader ft. Hobi
Warnings: Implied Masturbation, crack, humor, flirting
Rating: 18 and over
“Fuck, fuck, god yes!” You shake your head at the sounds of your roommate, jacking off for the fifth time in an hour. You press the volume up on the television trying to drown him out when suddenly he emerges from his room. He is completely out of breath, sweaty, and half naked. His sweats hang shamelessly off his hips. “Did you forget you don’t live alone Hobi? My god!” You sneer. “Sorry Y/N. That last one was for a customer that likes yelling. I’m done for the day. 500 dollars richer! We should grab dinner, on me!” He beams at you, yanking a Gatorade from the fridge and chugging it. “I still can’t believe you have one of those stupid pages.” You roll your eyes. He swallows hard, walking over and plopping down on the couch. “You know Y/N, you’re gorgeous. You’d make a killing on the site.” You cackle at his suggestion. “I would never.” “Never say never. Some of the most elite people at this school are on that site whether watching or streaming content.
Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” Hobi leans back, closing his eyes. “I’ll get my porn for free thanks.” “Ah, but it's so much more than that. It's an experience and sometimes it's not even about sex. I have a customer who loves when I read to her. I mean when’s the last time you even, well you know.” He makes a lewd jerking move with his hand and you laugh out loud. He waves you off, continuing to speak. “True story Y/N. Bedtime stories, it’s the sweetest thing.” “And tell me Hobi, how much do bedtime stories run a person?” “That’s not how this works you know. If you would just look at the site. Anyway, It’s a monthly subscription. If you want specific things, that’s where extra funds come into play and it's all at the discretion of the content creator. I could say no to the sex stuff, but I like it and it makes the most money but it's not a requirement. I mean honestly, have you ever even been on the site?” “No. I haven't, and I have no interest. What would your parents say?” You ask with a raised brow. “Ah! You’re too stuffy. You should subscribe! I have the perfect person for you if you’re ever interested.” “You're out of your mind if you think I would ever pay for something like that.” Hobi laughs, getting up from the couch and heading over to his room. “When you’re ready to lighten up, let me know. Serious Inquiries Only Y/N. Until then I’m going to take a nap.” “Whatever.” You whisper, mulling over the idea in your head. Hobi wasn’t completely wrong. It had been forever since you’d been with someone. You were hyper focused on school and now in your final semester of college maybe it was time to lighten up. “Serious Inquires Only.” You whisper to yourself, grabbing your cell phone and typing that name into your browser. A little glance couldn’t hurt could it? The site pops up immediately but you can’t browse any particular pages without a subscription. The subscription offers pop up and you scoff at the prices:
*$24.99 for one month
*$49.99 for three months
*$149.99 for one year
All subscriptions come with a 14-day money back guarantee cancellation policy.
You roll your eyes and close the window. “Fuck that.” You say to yourself. “You know what I changed my mind about the nap. Let’s just go eat. I’m starved!” Hobi emerges again to grab another Gatorade and then heads back to his room to get ready.
You step out of your room and roll your eyes at Hobi who gives you a wolf’s whistle. “Ready?” You ask, pulling on a black leather jacket over your white crop top sweater, admiring how your black skinny jeans hugging your hips nicely in the mirror of your lobby. “I think we should get steaks tonight. I’m feeling fancy.” Hobi states as you exit the building. “Sounds good. I’ll eat whatever you’re buying.” You say with a laugh. “Ah, ok,” Hobi says to his phone, “Yoongi will join us.” He smirks suggestively, throwing his hand out to hail a cab. “What? Why?” You whine. “He is hungry and I invited him.” “Hoseok! You know how nervous he makes me.” “Still have a crush on him huh?” Hobi smiles, a cab arriving. “No! He’s just brooding, quiet, judging!” “Oh wow! You’re a terrible liar. You know, we are in our last year of University, you should just tell him about this freshman crush and move on already.” “I don’t know why I bother speaking to you. I swear if you’ve told him I have a crush on him, I’ll strangle you.” Hobi laughs, slapping your thigh, as he shakes his head. “You are too wound up. He’s a great guy and friend. You’re the judgmental one Y/N. He actually thinks you’re really nice and cute.” “He said that?” Hobi nods assuredly. You hum to yourself, wondering what other things the two boys have discussed.
“You’re late.” Yoongi grumbles, not moving his eyes away from his phone. Another Serious Inquiries Only subscriber has come in for his hand kink section. He smirks to himself. Easy money. This one wants him to open a gift box containing lingerie. “I am only 10 minutes late. There was traffic. How long were you actually waiting?” Hobi asks. Yoongi shrugs, looking over Y/N’s exposed tummy and tight jeans. Was she always this curvy? He licks his lips, shoving his phone in his pocket. “Y/N, you look really nice. How are you? I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.” Yoongi remarks. Her eyes widen and she tucks her hair behind her ear, fumbling over her words. “It hasn’t been that long. I’m good, you know. I mean, we’ve seen each other around or maybe you just don’t notice. I’m good anyway. How about you?” He smirks, enjoying her flushed face and nervous demeanor. He has always thought she was a gorgeous girl but tonight she looked different, tonight she looked like sin. What he wouldn’t give to grip her hips. “Uh, ok you two, pine over each other inside please. I’m starving.” Hobi cuts in, grabbing the door to the restaurant and entering. Yoongi catches the door to hold it open for Y/N.
At the table, Yoongi finds himself peaking over his menu at Y/N. She looks amazing, fresh faced, glowing even. “What are you getting?” Hobi nudges her with his elbow. “I’m thinking lamb.” “Good choice.” Yoongi states calmly. She looks over at him and gives a small smile. “What are you getting?” She asks Yoongi. “Surf and turf.” He drops his menu, feeling his phone vibrate. He maintains eye contact with Y/N, reveling in the flush of her cheeks. He swears she’s in heat, he can almost smell her. He winks to test this theory, releasing a small laugh as she clears her throat and rubs her thighs together under the table.
Looking over his phone, he smiles as he sees another subscriber join his Serious Inquiries Only page. This one joins his ASMR section, requesting he whisper sweet nothings to her. He chuckles, looking up at Y/N’s furrowed brows. He licks his lips, shoving his phone in his pocket again. “So, Hobi, what are we celebrating?” Yoongi leans back, looking at his best friend. “He made extra cash on that ridiculous website.” Y/N interjects. “She's a prude.” Hobi scoffs. “I'm not, I just feel like you can get porn for free.” “What's your favorite type of porn?” Yoongi can't help but ask. “Excuse me?” Her brows furrow. “Well, it seems like you’re yucking someone else's yum. So, I'm intrigued as to what you find acceptable.” “I'm not yucking anything, all I'm saying is it's not for me.” Hobi cuts in, “OK, ok, let's not get into a debate at the table.” “Not everyone seeks or sells sex on that site anyhow. You should educate yourself before you shoot it down.” “Wow, asshole much? I guess you're on that site seeing as how defensive you are. Sorry if I don't want to pay 150 dollars to watch some guy shoot his load on his chest.” “So, you have looked at the site?” Hobi gives a curt smile. Yoongi laughs as Y/N squirms. “And it seems as if she was in search of some guy shooting his load on his chest.” Yoongi adds, causing Hobi to laugh loudly. “Fuck you both.” “I'm sure as you know, that cost extra.” Yoongi says with ample sarcasm. Y/N sucks her teeth, huffing off to the bathroom.
Hobi laughs and laughs, releasing a sigh as he comes down. “Leave her alone Yoongi. She's just not getting any.” “Fuck Hoseok, why haven't you planned a dinner like this sooner? I'll give that girl anything she wants. She's a fucking Goddess.” Yoongi looks over towards the bathroom as he speaks. “Is that on the record or off?” Hobi asks, waving over a waiter. “Off, besides, she doesn't like me like that.” Hobi just smiles at Yoongi. “What?” Yoongi grumbles. “What can I get you gentlemen?” The waiter asks. “I will have the filet mignon, medium rare. My friend who is in the restroom will have the lamb chops, also medium rare, and surf and turf for the gentlemen to my left.” “Medium rare as well?” Yoongi nods at the waiter, handing over his menu. “Spill it Hobi.” “No can do.”
You take a few deep breaths at the sink, trying to calm yourself. You’re not a prude, granted it's been a while since you’ve been with someone and sure you were a bit of a homebody but that didn’t make you a prude…. did it? You splash cold water on your face, looking at yourself in the mirror. You should’ve put on some makeup. Yoongi was looking hot tonight and here you were looking drab and fresh faced. Why did he make you so nervous? He was always so confident and the way he kept looking at you had you hot to say the least. You needed to just get your head right. It was one dinner and you were home free, back to ignoring each other.
You emerge from the restroom and head back to the table. “I ordered your lamb chops.” Hobi informs you. “Thanks.” You say, resting your chin on your hand, trying desperately to avoid Yoongi’s demanding eye contact. “So, Hobi tells me that you and I will be taking a couple of courses together this semester.” Yoongi states. “Oh, I hadn’t realized.” You say, still avoiding eye contact. “I look forward to seeing you every day.” You laugh out loud at his confession. “Is that so?” “Yeah definitely. I love a woman in uniform.” He mumbles. Your head snaps almost on its own and you nearly melt away watching Yoongi lick his lips. Is he flirting or just messing with me? You weren’t sure but lord you felt it right in your pussy. “Ah, yes, food is here!” Hobi proclaims, the waiter placing plates in front of each of you.
You all begin to dig in, savoring your meals. “Mm, so good, Y/N, let me try the lamb.” Hobi says between chews. You nod, cutting him a slice of lamb. He grabs it with his fork and pops it in his mouth. He hums in delight. “Yoongi! You have to try it. Phenomenal.” Yoongi chuckles softly, chewing his food. “You want to.” You point at your lamb with your fork. He gives you a sly smile that causes you to swallow hard. He nods and you cut him a piece. You look up to find him leaning in with his mouth open. Your mouth falls open and you feel your face flush. “Ah.” Is all he says. You grab your fork, catching the cut piece of lamb and bring it to his mouth. He slowly brings his tongue out, touching the tip of the lamb with it, before wrapping his lips around your fork. You moan just a bit at the sight, feeling your slick move past your slit. “Amazing.” He whispers, never breaking eye contact with you. You nod. “Told you! So good. What a great idea to come here tonight. Go me!” Hobi praises himself while you and Yoongi maintain your locked eyes.
Hobi pays for dinner, refusing Yoongi and your advances to even leave the tip. “It's my treat you two besides, Yoongi’s got next.” He winks. You raise a brow but just shake your head. You all leave the place together. “Yoongi, you should come to our place for a night cap.” Hobi offers. “Ah, I would but I have a bunch of shit to do tonight. Maybe next time. Y/N, so good to see you. We’ll catch up in class yeah?” “Yeah.” You smile. He nods, giving Hobi a handshake and walking off. “Holy fuck! Was he flirting with me all night or was I going crazy?” You turn to Hobi, who sticks his hand out for a cab. Hobi shrugs. “I didn’t notice anything strange.” “Well did he say anything about me while I was in the bathroom?” Hobi smiles wide now. “So, is this an admission that you have a crush?” You suck your teeth. “Forget it Hobi.” “Forgotten Y/N.”
Yoongi stretches his body wide at his computer, leaning in to review his newest member’s request. He had never wanted to get into the Serious Inquiries Only game but when he saw the extra money it made Hobi on the side he signed up with no complaints. He was very organized though and set very specific rules. First, he never offered sexual favors in exchange for money. It wasn’t that he was against it, he just didn’t have the time to delve into that line of work. He always saw how exhausted Hobi was after just one night of requests and with school and his part time job, he couldn’t commit. Second, he never used his real name nor showed his face. He wanted to keep his anonymity intact. Hobi was cool being recognized around campus, Yoongi wasn’t. He loved being an enigma or flat out ignored because people thought he was cold. He didn’t want that to change. Lastly, he was strict about what he provided. He only offered hand kink and ASMR on his page. At first, he was unsure of how people would respond to it, but it was an instant hit, his subscribers grew by the day. His videos ranged from gripping his bed sheets, to unwrapping silk ribbons, to whispering or scratching in his microphone. For Christmas this past year, he blessed his followers with an ASMR of him moaning. The video was such a hit, he gained 40 followers in an hour from word of mouth alone. After his first year with ‘SIO’, he began offering his yearly subscribers an exclusive gift, a personal video of their choice from either of his categories. He was a success to say the least, earning a sweet living off this side hustle. The only reason he didn’t leave his part time job was because he didn’t know how to explain the extra money to his mother when she visited him. Not to mention, he rather enjoyed teaching kids the piano.
So, here he was at his computer desk, after having gone out and buying black laced lingerie and making sure they wrapped it pretty. He began to set up his camera to shoot his new subscriber her personal hand kink video. He smirked to himself as he slowly undid the black ribbon from around the package, making sure to twirl the soft material around his long slender fingers. He let the ribbon fall to the sides of the package, running his now stretched fingers along the front of the package, smiling again at how his veins bulged out of his hands. He soon tucked his index finger under the lid of the box, sliding his hand down and lifting the lid up to reveal the red tissue paper inside. He gently rubbed the pads of his fingers atop the dressing before gripping it hard into his fist, curling the delicate paper into a ball, and discarding it to the side. He again rubs his fingertips over the contents in the box, this time it’s the Italian lace lingerie he purchased. He licked his lips, even though the camera couldn’t see him do it. He purchased it with Y/N in mind. Imagining how the gorgeous lace would hug her hips perfectly. He pulled out first the thong, allowing it to hang from his middle fingers, then stretching the fabric out to show the detail. He then grabs the bralette, twirling the straps around his index fingers and sliding his thumbs under the back straps to showcase its detailed hand stitching. He next pulls out the garter belt, resting it atop the bralette and thong, he holds it down with one hand, yanking at the clasp and releasing so it snaps back. He places the items back in the box, running both hands down the fabric again, before bringing his hand up and shutting the camera off. He releases a sigh, setting up his microphone now for his next subscribers request, when he decides to make a phone call. “Hey Hobi, what’s your address?” He chuckles at Hobi questioning him. “Just send it in a text. I want to send something to Y/N, anonymously of course.” He smirks at Hobi’s protest. “Just send the address Hoseok, I’ll address it from a secret admirer.” He hangs up without another word, clearing his throat before he begins to record, he always liked to deepen his voice when he records, always sure to keep things anonymous.
First day of classes consisted of nothing more than getting acquainted with classroom locations and professors. This semester you had opted to do more classes online only taking three courses in person. Psych, Critical Writing, and Literature because you felt like you needed a professor to really drill these lessons into your head. “Hobi, I’m leaving, I’ll see you later!” You shout before heading out. You didn’t wait for a reply, running out to catch a cab to campus, too lazy to walk. The school was strict about wearing their uniforms which you hated because they were still stuck in their old ways and you were stuck in a plaid skirt and knee highs. You got to campus with enough time to grab a coffee. “May I have an iced americano please?” You tell the cute barista behind the counter, digging for cash. “Make that two.” Yoongi appears from behind you, handing money to the barista before you can and looking you over. “Nice knee highs.” He smirks. You roll your eyes at him. “Thanks for the coffee.” “Sure. Where are you headed?” “Class.” “Obviously. Where?” “Main building. I’m only taking three on campus. You?” “Two in person. The rest online. I think I’m going to pick up some more shifts at my part time gig. I need to lighten the load you know?” You nod at him. “Wanna grab dinner with me sometime?” He asks next. Your eyes pop open. “Me?” “Uh, yeah, definitely not talking to the plant behind you.” “Um, I don’t know. What would we talk about?” Yoongi shrugs. “Life, school, kinks. Whatever you’re into.” He licks his lips. You feel your cheeks flush under his gaze. “Yeah, I um, don’t know about that. I mean what’s with the sudden interest in me?” “Who said it was sudden?” “ICED AMERICANOS UP.” The barista calls out. You move past Yoongi and grab your drink. “I have to go. Thanks for the coffee again. I’ll see you around.” “You sure will, maybe even sooner than you think.” You scoff, walking out of the café.
You hurry towards the main building and into your first class taking a seat quickly. “You’re really quick you know that.” You hear from behind you, turning to find Yoongi taking a seat next to you. “Why are you here?” Yoongi pulls out his phone, flashing you his schedule. “Psych and Critical Writing are my two in person classes.” He tucks his phone away, chuckling at your shocked expression. “I’m going to kill Hobi.” You say finally. “Aw, come on. Don’t blame Hobi. I’m hard to resist. You’ll find out soon enough.” You laugh out loud. “You must not hear this a lot but I am not interested in you.” Yoongi smiles, turning towards you and leaning in. He whispers closely, his breath causing your hair to tickle at your ear. “Oh, my sweet Goddess, it turns me on when you lie. I am just dying inside to find out all the secrets you keep locked away. Just know, you don’t have to hide anything from me. I’ll never judge you; I just want to make all your filthy dreams come true.” You shudder slightly, swallowing hard. “I, you.” “Shh, don’t say anything. I’m ok pretending we don’t like each other a little longer. I’m incredibly patient.” “Good morning class.” You professor walks in but you can’t break away from Yoongi’s stare. “I am putting out the itinerary for the class and on it is listed all of your due dates for assignments. You can email me any questions you have but we will meet here in person on due dates only. Welcome to big kid Psych. Enjoy your day.” Everyone, including the professor, begin to leave. You and Yoongi however are still seated, staring at each other. “I have to go.” You mutter. Yoongi smirks. “Want company? I mean we are headed the same way after all.” You shake your head at first but eventually start nodding. Yoongi nods, putting his hand out for you to take. You place your hand in his and practically melt as he runs his thumb over your knuckles.
Yoongi watches as her hips sway side to side, biting his lip. He just can’t help himself; she really is a Goddess in his eyes. He had always had a crush on her but she was always so consumed by school work and the one time she was out and about she dated some piece of shit tattoo artist that dropped out in year 2. Y/N looks back at him suddenly and he quickly lifts his gaze to meet hers. “Why critical writing?” Y/N asks. “It’s a requirement for graduation.” “Not because Hobi gave you my schedule.” Yoongi smiles wide at her. “No. I mean it’s a plus but I really needed to fulfill the requirement to graduate, same as you.” Y/N nods at Yoongi. You both enter the classroom and take your seats. “Where do you work? You mentioned a part time gig.” “At the rec center. I teach kids piano.” “Really? That’s awesome. Not what I was expecting at all.” She laughs, causing Yoongi to smile also, basking in her beauty. “Sorry I’m not some jerk of a tattoo artist.” Yoongi scoffs, looking over at her, realizing he’s fucked up by the expression on her face. “Well, he may have been a jerk in the end but he wasn’t always that way and his work was great.” She huffs. “I didn’t mean to imply his job was…” “Forget it. What do you know anyhow Mr. Serious Inquiries Only?” She snaps. Yoongi sucks his teeth. “I deserve that but I don’t get the reference seeing as how I never said I was on that site. So, I don’t know why you give me shit about it.” She cackles. “Give me a break. Your fancy bracelet and earrings. How about your designer clothes? You mean to tell me that you get that on some shit part time piano gig? But hey what do I know right? Maybe mommy and daddy pay for it like everyone else at this school.” “You mean like you? What do you do for work again?” Yoongi snaps, tired of the uppity bullshit.
“None of your fucking business.” She huffs, standing and moving her seat to a row ahead of Yoongi. He rolls his eyes at her ridiculous behavior. “You’re lucky I don’t take you over my knee.” He whispers to himself with a deep sigh. “Good morning class. Please come up and grab your guide for your end of the semester assignment. You will need a partner so please choose wisely. In addition, I will be giving weekly prompts for you to complete and submit to me via email. Any questions? No? Great! Have a great day.” Yoongi moves forward to grab the assignment. “Wanna team up?” He asks Y/N. “I’d rather drink acid.” She turns and walks away. “Come on. You want an A or not?” Yoongi says. She growls a bit. “Fine.” “I need your number.” “Uh, no.” “How are we going to do this then?” “Call Hobi.” She shouts, leaving the classroom. “Fuck.” Yoongi whispers, fearing he’s ruined his shot with her.
You burst through your apartment, throwing your bag onto the couch. Hobi jumps up and looks at you in fear. “Bad day? How? It’s just day one Y/N.” “Yoongi is a complete asshole. First, he tries to flirt with me, then he insults my relationship with Trevor, then he forces me to be his partner in our Critical Writing class. I hate him Hobi. I fucking hate him! Not to mention all my in-person classes are basically online because the professors are all assholes as well!” You shout, popping open a beer from the fridge and chugging it. Looking down at the counter, you notice a package with your name on it. “What’s this?” You look at Hobi angrily. “Uh, a gift but you know maybe you shouldn’t open it now.” He stutters. You yank the card off of it and open it. ‘These were handpicked for the most gorgeous prude I ever laid eyes on. Xo Your Secret Admirer.’ “This is a joke, right? You’re not fucking funny Hobi.” You rip the box open and your mouth drops at the Italian Laced lingerie inside. “No, Y/N, I didn’t…. this wasn’t me.” “Oh, so who was it then?” He looks at you with sheer panic strewn across his face. “You and your friend are both on my shit list.” You point at him, snatching the box and walking over to your room. “Wait, Y/N, I really didn’t buy that. Please let me explain.” You slam the door in his face, not feeling in the mood to entertain this further.
You look over the items in the box one by one, thinking back to the last time you wore lingerie. You shrug and decide to try it on. You look at yourself in the mirror snapping at the strap of the garter belt, and sucking in a breath as it stings your skin. You glide your hands up your thighs, belly, and cup your full breast, admiring how your nipple rings glint in the light through the fabric. You think back on your relationship with Trevor, he was the one who pierced your nipples. You smile at all the crazy antics the two of you found yourselves in. He enjoyed your wild side but took advantage of it at the same time. It was something that you regretted allowing him the chance to do. After you found out he was sleeping with girls from the tattoo shop he worked in, you broke up with him immediately, throwing all your time and energy into school, forever packing away that side of yourself. It wasn’t until your feelings for Yoongi sprouted that those feelings began to stir again and your wild side came scratching to the surface for freedom. You were just too afraid to free that side of yourself, afraid of being hurt again, taken advantage of. In allowing that fear to take over you though, had you truly become a prude? Perhaps it was time to unleash that side of yourself once more, find a balance. You stood tall, proud, turning and walking into the living room. “Hoseok,” You say with confidence, watching his eyes scan your body wildly, “You said when I was interested in your little website that you had the perfect person for me. Well, I’m interested.” Hobi couldn’t speak, he just nodded slowly. “Great. Whenever you get the chance.” You nod, and turn back to your room, making sure to wiggle your exposed ass with enthusiasm for good measure.
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uponrightful · 3 years
If this is greater than 500 or been asked before I'm sorry !!
But what about from Wolffe's POV:
“Please. Look at me.” Unencumbered by the modulator, that low voice sounded clearer than ever. Not even in her dreams could she hear that constant burr all the clones had. Especially Wolffe. Weakened by his command, she tilted her gaze up.
The girl broke into a loud sob.
Bi-colored eyes stared deep into hers, searching past her watery eyes with a fierceness that left her hands fumbling for purchase. On anything. Anywhere. And after a few seconds, her heart decided on his face. Her cries deepened, as she pulled herself closer to him. Burying her face to his exposed neck, all in weakness of seeing that beautiful scar over his face. She saw that golden glitter in his eye, and the soft expression she’d dreamt of over and over again. She felt the heat of his skin against her face, bringing her even closer to the lucid dreams she’s spent the past years of life in just to get one more night of feeling him.
“You found me.” She moaned into his neck, releasing fear-filled cries against him. She just hoped it was real. That he was truly back, and not under that evil influence that had terrified
her for so long. “Please, don’t hurt me again.” She pleaded, gripping harshly at the edges of his armor, pulling him impossibly closer despite her fright. “You found me.”
It was too much all at once. His smell, his voice, the sound of his heart, his arms suddenly wrapping tight around her waist as she fell further into him. She remembered that strength, holding her in the early morning hours, securing her to his bare chest like there was nowhere in the galaxy he’d rather be. Protecting her, and silently loving her even while asleep. Now, down on her knees in the snow, it was all she could do to hold onto him. All she knew was that she’d found him. And whatever it was telling her she was safe, this time she was certain she could trust it. Hearing him say speak so softly… it was all she could take.
“I found you Wolffe.”
Their reunion just really got me 😍
Commentary Track for Welcome Company
Copy 500 words -or more- of any of my fics and I’ll give my thoughts/rambles on what was going through my head -or the character’s- when I wrote it!
*Send one in here*
Oh my 🤍🤍 This one makes me so happy 😍😍 Let's get into it!
Wolffe hadn't heard Mando'a apart from Rex for years. And even then, Rex wasn't the most habitual with it. Only muttered phrases, or using it as a reassurance of sensitive information when they weren't sure who was listening in. Being Bounty Hunters meant that the pair heard a lot of languages, but nothing sounded quite like Mando'a. They'd met thousands of people traversing the galaxy hunting targets for petty pay-outs, all of them with particular voices, and lilts that set them apart from everyone else. But... there was one voice that Wolffe wanted to hear so badly, listening for her everywhere, all the time.
So when he heard that sweet voice, that soft burr of Mando'a, Wolffe felt like the entire galaxy has stopped spinning. His heart was beating out of his chest, and he felt fearful that it was just another false alarm. That his mind was playing another cruel trick on him for being so kriffing hopeful all this time. But he couldn't chance it, and turned around to see his entire world standing right there before him like she'd never left. Wolffe had spent so long looking that actually seeing Pup felt like a dream. There was a mirage-like effect that kept him from speaking her name, or even realizing that his appearance was probably not a welcome one.
He tried to say something... anything. But nothing but a failed choke could be heard over the blustering snow and wind around them. He saw her flinch, the way her whole body shied away from him then. In that moment he recognized a shocking fear; One that came from seeing a man in armor, and of what they could do when their mind wasn't their own. Wolffe didn't know what to do. He did want to keep her from running, but by the way things were going already, his chances didn't look good. He opened his mouth to try and speak again, but before he could get anything out she utterly collapsed.
"Please don't hurt me."
It cuts Wolffe down to the bone to hear her say those words. They echo painfully in his mind and he feels the weight of his incompetence and broken promises to her fall in a fiery crash all around him. All he ever wanted was to keep her safe... Protect her from the things he'd spent his whole life fighting to ignore and suffering through nightmares because of. Her cries were painful, and attacking his heart in a way that was too excruciating to ignore. Wolffe knew he'd been absent, and he blamed himself wholly, but he couldn't resist from trying to reassure her that he wanted nothing more than to hold her again.
Note: Wolffe is a man of action. He's not good with words, and often they just fail him completely. And when I drafted the first cut of this chapter, I didn't use Wolffe's point of view because I wanted to focus on Pup's first sight of a clone in general. I wanted you to experience that fear alongside her, and although you knew it was Wolffe all along, she doesn't know that. And even if her mind had allowed for it, she still would've been wholly fearful of him anyways.
Note: Wolffe's blame isn't well-founded. He has a skewed idea of what is really his fault and what isn't because he remembers everything he did under the influence of his inhibitor chip. Although he couldn't fight it, Wolffe still holds himself to such a high standard that he honestly believes that he just wasn't good enough to fight against it. This is part of his weakness as a character, and more so as a man in general. He thinks strength is something he has to possess all the time; That showing weakness is a sign of his inability to perform the tasks he was created for. (And aside from loving Pup, Wolffe is very harsh on himself when that standard isn't upheld to the fullest.)
Every movement was deliberately slow. Wolffe could see her terror, and for once in his life, he thought that maybe showing her his face might be the only thing that would put someone at ease. The one part of him that he hated most was the only proof that he was still the man she'd been so kind to love in the first place. The same scar and eye that Pup had so softly fawned over, and loved like it had always been a part of him. Her eyes were bloodshot and overflowing with fat and heavy tears, darting everywhere but at his visor... It broke his heart, and he wanted to help it stop, but she needed this to be done right. And that meant slowly. The second she shied away, Wolffe felt the first pinch of his own emotion beginning to take over. His chest burned and pressure started building behind his eyes. His baby... His precious girl was so terrified that she couldn't bear it.
"Please. Look at me."
Wolffe knew his voice wasn't enough. And his plead was desperate, begging for her to take a chance that she had every right to ignore. But something in him was adamant. Maybe it was knowing that he was this close and it was up to her to decide whether this could go any further, or maybe Wolffe just needed to see her face again. It'd been so long, and he'd not forgotten a single detail, but there was nothing that compared to seeing her somewhere other than his dreams.
It was instant recognition, and Wolffe was utterly torn apart with relief when she lurched towards him. It was galaxy-shattering to feel her hands on him, and see that fear instantly transition into shock that matched his own. Her fingers were frozen, and Wolffe finally began to take in the first signs that Pup was actually not in the best health in that moment. But he couldn't pay proper attention to it with her cold nose and hot panting breath fanning his neck.
She's really here. I can hold her again. I don't have to keep looking anymore... hurting anymore. She's safe. My baby is right where she belongs.
"You found me."
He's been trying not to move too fast, but she's holding onto him too tight; Practically climbing into his lap to get closer. And Wolffe is a patient man, but he can't resist from wrapping his arms around her and hauling her as tight to his chest as he can. She's fucking shaking, from the immense fear and shock, but from this nasty weather that's made her coat almost rock-hard from frozen sweat and body heat. Wolffe knows she's in danger of over-exposure, and now that he's certain she's safe, it takes almost immediately takes priority.
The first thing Wolffe does is cry.
It's not a soft relief of tears, nor is it the quiet kind that soldiers hide beneath their helmet when they're afraid of showing their humanity. These are the kind that hurt. The ones that make your chest feel like it's being cracked open and your head is being pressed by a vice. Wolffe cries like the day his chip was removed; And despite not remembering that day, he couldn't care less that an entire outpost of people are watching him cling to this little woman he's wailing over. It's the rawest emotion Wolffe has ever felt in his life, and for all of the loss and guilt he feels, that's a fucking statement he's not surprised by in the slightest.
Pup is his motivation. She's always been his light at the end of the tunnel, and his reason to keep going when he didn't feel like he could physically do it any longer. He spent his whole life believing that he wasn't worthy of anything good, or wholesome. And right when he's at his lowest, someone -or something- decides that what he needs is a woman with a soft voice and a love for him that is unmatched and limitless. Wolffe clings to that with everything in him, just to have her ripped away again. Now he's holding her. Soothing her at her lowest point, and wondering just what he did to have another second chance and falling apart with gratitude and pure fucking love for this woman because even after all this time she still found it in herself to love him.
So Wolffe cries like never before, because love is the most painful thing he's ever felt before. But he would've have it any other way.
Thank you for the request my love 🤍
I tried to focus more on Wolffe here than on my own thoughts while writing. I don't get to write from his perspective often anymore and I really loved getting the opportunity to do so! So thank you for letting my give Wolffe some much-deserved love!
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kitkat1003 · 4 years
Between Brothers; Between Fathers
DBK and Sun Wukong were like brothers, once.
They’re fathers, now.  And as Wukong’s child is caught in the crosshairs of a family feud thousands of years in the making, the monkey decides to make a few things clear.
“You hurt him.”
Demon Bull King does not startle.  He turns, to see the Great Sun Wukong standing behind him, arms crossed over his chest.  DBK would think that Wukong is only annoyed, but the way his tail flicks back and forth like a blade, the way his hair is puffed up, the look in his eye that nearly turns gold to red.
Sun Wukong is furious.
“The little thief,” DBK asks, but not really.  He knows exactly who Wukong is asking about.  The boy-no older than his own, he’s sure, they’re almost the same height, though Red Son is a little taller-is DBK’s only obstacle.  To what end, some days DBK isn’t sure.  But whatever plan they have to take over the world, the little thief gets in the way.
“Qi Xiaotian,” Wukong says, and where there is warmth to the name there is fire at its edges, threatening to burn DBK should he misstep.  “My boy.  My kid.”
And that is something.  DBK leans back.  
To stake such a claim is something.  For Wukong to say the little thief is his, it means that Wukong will do as much for him as DBK would for Red Son.  And that means DBK has to be very, very careful.
He lost once.  He lost once and it was not a loss that was hard fought.  Sun Wukong, for all of his annoying faults, is stronger than him, and DBK knows what Wukong will do, to protect what is his.
“He was in the way of my plans.  I acted accordingly,” He says, growls it out.
“You tried to kill him when you first met,” Wukong points out.
“He was in my way then,” The little thief is known as such for a reason.  He stole the staff when it was nearly in DBK’s grasp.
“The staff was never yours to wield,” Wukong points out, as if knew DBK’s train of thought.  “And you were going to kill him before you knew he could lift it.  I was there, brother.  I know you.”
What once was a title spoken kindly is spat out like a curse.  DBK remembers the days when it was ‘Brother Ox’ and Wukong.  Now it is Demon Bull King and Monkey King.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown, he has heard, and they both spend their days looking down, heads bowed.  Maybe it’s a fulfilled prophecy.  Maybe it’s a punishment.
“He was in the way of my plans,” he repeats.
Wukong takes a step forward and glares, a challenge.
“I never went after Red Son!” Wukong shouts.  “I never went after your boy, he went after me, and I defended myself.  I didn’t choose the punishment, I didn’t do anything to your boy that he didn’t start, and I never tried to kill him!”
“You robbed me of my boy for more than 500 years,” he spits back.
“Because you wouldn’t stop!”
Wukong’s eyes glow, and he takes a hard breath, composing himself.  DBK can see the monkey’s fingers clutching his crossed arms, knuckles near white from the strain.
“You knew the mortal world was mine to protect,” Wukong’s voice is low, dark, and dangerously leaning towards a battle cry.  “You knew, and you started attacking it anyway, to get me mad.  Well, it worked, brother,” Wukong smiles, and it’s strained, pained.  “You knew just how to rile me up.”
At the time, DBK was heartbroken, his darling wife wouldn’t stop crying, and his son was lost to them for who knows how long.  Anguish gave way to fury, and if Wukong was going to take something of his, DBK was going to take something back.  One village at a time.
“You were attacking innocents.  Mortals who had nothing to do with this.  And I know you don’t care about them, but I do.  So I fought you,” Wukong stares at his feet.  “I didn’t want to kill you.  You’re my brother,” What once was a title spoken kindly is what makes Wukong’s voice crack.  “I didn’t want to kill you.  So I sealed you away.”
DBK remembers years and years, trapped beneath stone.  Wukong had told him, before they fought, back when lives were simple and they were closer friends, were family, about his own experiences under a mountain.  He wonders, for the first time, how it must have felt for Wukong to do that someone else.
“Your family could have come and had me unseal you at anytime.  If they’d told me they wouldn’t hurt mortals, I would have let you out.  They never even looked for me.  They were just angry, too angry to consider it.  Like you are,” Wukong sighs, and looks older than he used to.  The years haven’t been kind to him, either, DBK notes.
“The boy attacked me.  I retaliated,” DBK tries, because even if he started it, at the beginning, the little thief continued to try and stop him.  Surely Wukong could understand that in war, one side cannot be kind to the other.
Even though the boy helped save him, when his mind was lost.  Even though the boy fights to protect a world that he is encroaching on.  Even when the boy is just that.  A boy.  Not an army.  Not a king.  A boy.
No older than his own.  What would he do, if Wukong nearly killed Red Son, instead of just defending himself?
“You cracked his skull,” Wukong’s voice shakes, like it did when DBK yelled at him for so much as hitting Red Son, his son, for beating him.  When Wukong had tried to explain, and DBK was too angry to listen.  “He’s not like Red Son.  He isn’t a demon.  He can die from that, he isn’t invulnerable yet, he’s st-,” His voice cuts off.
He’s still mortal.
“Foolish of you, to care for such a vulnerable, weak boy,” DBK snorts, and Wukong’s eyes turn red.
DBK has misstepped.
“Do not speak of him that way,” Wukong snarls.  “I don’t want to fight you.  I gave away my staff.” 
DBK suddenly realizes the meaning behind a successor.  That Wukong has left the feud behind him, even when DBK is keeping it going.  That Wukong doesn’t want to attack his family, anymore.
“I don’t want to fight you, brother,” What once was a title spoken kindly is spoken kindly once more, a tender softness that brings back memories of DBK’s youth. “But.”
If DBK had fur, it would be rising up straight.  The air turns electric, turns deadly.
“If my boy.  If my kid-,” Wukong stops, uncrosses his arms, and his hands are fists at his sides as he looks up at DBK.
Suddenly, there is the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, Father to Qi Xiaotian, where DBK’s brother used to be.  Suddenly, DBK does not recognize his brother at all.
“If he doesn’t come home one day, you won’t either,” It’s said so soft it could be a whisper, if a whisper was as sharp as a steel blade.  “I will kill you.  I will tear apart every piece of your family until there is nothing left.  I will.”
It’s a vow.  It’s a promise.
And, somehow, it sounds like an apology.
Wukong leaves, transforming into a bird and flying off without a farewell.  DBK watches him disappear into the horizon, letting out a breath.  He hadn’t realized he was holding one in, but his muscles slowly relax, tensed for the whole visit.
He thinks, for a long time, on the meaning of family.  When Wukong became apart of it, and when DBK thought he left it.
He huffs, through his nose, and stands.  He has to be careful.
Nothing can repair the years stolen from him, the pain his wife suffered, the growth of his son he never got to see.  But killing the little thief will not be a fitting revenge, either.
So he shifts his plans, a little.  The boy is young.  He can be taught.  And if the boy can learn to respect DBK, can learn to get out of his way, maybe everyone can get what they want.
It’s not a compromise, not when mortals will still die by his hands.  DBK cannot entertain the thought yet, to truly stop.  To let anger go. 
Maybe one day, he will.
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doctors-star · 3 years
lister/rimmer for “Oh no, I feel bad- SYKE, no I don’t.” pretty please
“You’re being weirdly helpful today. What do you want?”
Rimmer opens his eyes parodically wide, fingers splayed against his sternum in an elaborate moi? gesture. It is an appearance of surprise and hurt so manufactured that Lister almost wants to applaud the performance, bow at their audience of stars, and abandon the bastard to his machinations. But unfortunately, Lister has been granted prophetic visions of the future and knows with deep and terrible certainty that, were he to do so, he would spend two minutes wandering the empty decks, trip over Kryten’s best mop, slide on one of Cat’s abandoned silk cravats, and go and find Rimmer to bitch about it and hope that he’s doing something more interesting. So, given that interstellar travel is remarkably exhausting, it’s far better to cut out the middleman and instead lie here on the sofa and watch Rimmer direct scutters to haphazardly clean the living quarters inch by mind-numbing inch. They’ve even got little white glove-fingers on their claws, so that Rimmer can demand that they swipe something to test for cleanliness and then bawl them out for miniscule specks no-one else can see. Once, Rimmer had conjured up a white glove for himself and gone round doing the same thing, but when Lister had pointed out that he couldn’t pick up dust and therefore was imagining things, Rimmer had only doubled down harder - so hard that he’d worked himself into a real tizzy about going video-blind, or being permanently stuck with dust on his finger for all eternity, or dying, again, and had needed to go and have a lie down in the dark for a bit. So this is - debatably - an improvement.
Normally, Lister wouldn’t give a toss about Rimmer bossing the scutters about on yet another mad powertrip, but he’s going too far. He’s thrown out all Lister’s mouldering dishes, professing concern for Lister’s health but probably just trying to irritate him, and he’s cleared out the space in the corner of the bunkroom that Lister had hesitantly earmarked for the crib - and in doing so, had thrown out Lister’s third-worst t-shirt, the one with the curry stain vaguely resembling Maggie Thatcher, and which he likes to keep around in order to spit at it every now and then. The final straw, however, had been when Rimmer had nasally informed him that he was getting in the way of the scutters’ gruelling floor-cleaning regime, and that he had better go and put his feet up instead - to keep out of their way, of course.
“When have I ever tried to manipulate you to get what I want?” Rimmer says with a voice which he probably thinks is sweet and just makes him sound like a particularly jammy and unpleasant used-car salesman trying to get off with the seventeen-year-old girls coming in for their first Fiat 500.
Lister narrows his eyes. “Do you want that alphabetised or chronological?”
Rimmer blinks at him balefully, still very much putting it on. “Can’t I just do something nice without an ulterior motive?”
He considers this. “A person could, even if they never have before. You, though, I genuinely think the shock of it would kill you.” Lister spreads his hands invitingly, obligingly lifting one foot out of the way of a scutter before letting it once more dangle over the side of the sofa. “So, out with it.”
Rimmer shifts nervously from one foot to the other, inventing something at speed as though he never expected Lister to call him out on this - in which case, he’s a moron. More so than usual. “I don’t want the twins sleeping in our room,” he blurts out all in one rushed go, and Lister raises an eyebrow. “They’ll - they’ll cry, and keep me up, and I’m not giving up my Learn Esperanto discs for rodent-sized versions of you.”
Lister makes a game show-style incorrect noise and blows a raspberry, just to watch the left side of Rimmer’s face twitch in irritation. “Nope, not happening. They’ll cry so’s I know they need me, so I gotta be here to hear ‘em. Anyway, I wouldn’t make you give up your Esperanto discs - they’ll be better at it than you in a few months.”
Rimmer makes a sucked-lemon face at him. “Your spawn is not piggybacking my learning, the little parasites,” he says sternly.
Lister cups a hand around his ear exaggeratedly. “What was that, little-Listers? Ni estas tre lertaj? Yes,” he says to his still flat stomach in a very gooey voice that makes Rimmer clench and unclench his fists like a prize fighter, “you are very clever!”
Rimmer wrenches one hand up and points at him viciously, the other fingers curled in so tightly that his knuckles go white. “I forbid it.”
Lister sticks his tongue out. “Move out. Anyway, that’s not the reason - you cleared the space for their beds yourself. So, what is it?”
Rimmer narrows his eyes. The scutters start inching towards the door and effecting their escape. “I want to pick the film tonight, and it won’t be Fast and 14ious again,” he says carefully, feeling his way into the lie.
Lister pulls a sympathetic face and makes his game show noise again. “Oh, too bad,” he says, “you know well it’s Cat’s shout tonight so helping me won’t do anything. Anyway, 14ious is the best one.”
“It’s scratched to hell,” Rimmer points out. “We have to make up our own dialogue for the entire second act - last time, Kryten had the central car chase pivot around a shipment of mopheads and got disturbingly into the sex scene immediately following.”
Lister winces briefly at the recollection, but shrugs. “Exactly, it’s the best one. Right, contestant, last chance, remembering that you still have your lifelines: ask the audience, fifty-fifty, phone a friend-”
Predictably, Rimmer frowns. “Phone a friend?”
Internally, Lister pumps his fist. “Sorry contestant, that’s wrong too - you don’t have any friends.” Rimmer offers him a truly poisonous look and Lister nearly falls off the sofa snorting with laughter.
Rimmer folds his arms. “Well, if you know so much,” he sneers. “Work it out for yourself.”
“Nah, ‘cause you’ll just say yes to anything in the hope I’ll shut my gob,” Lister says without taking offence, and Rimmer looks vaguely exhausted. “Come on,” he wheedles, “tell me what’s eating you.”
“Nothing!” Rimmer snaps, unfolding his arms in a jerky motion and stalking off to fold himself into his bunk so that Lister has to awkwardly lean his head over the back of the sofa to see him. “Maybe I just want to live somewhere with basic standards of cleanliness.”
“Yeah,” Lister allows, watching Rimmer rub at the webbing between thumb and forefinger obsessively, as though seeking comfort. “But usually you yell at me until I do it. This,” he says, gesturing at the hard work of the scutters, “could be interpreted as nice, Rimmer, so you’d better do something selfish before the Playboy cover designers get in touch and make you every Miss July for the next century, or something else equally unlikely happens.”
“You’re an unbearable goit with all the standards and appeal of a mangy, leg-humping jack russell.”
“That’s the spirit. Now, explain yourself, you uptight lunatic.”
Rimmer makes a face at his own knees, then looks up, sees Lister watching him, and makes an even unhappier face. “Well,” he says, and then Lister has to wait and listen to nothing but the noise of deep space and Red Dwarf slowly falling apart around them for a good minute. “We ought to be ready for the babies, when they arrive,” he says suddenly, addressing the starched creases in his trousers.
“Which will be in about seven months,” Lister prompts gently, turning around to lean his chest against the back of the sofa and watch Rimmer better. He rubs the back of his neck carefully, tugging at the baby hair under his dreads. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be prepared, but - seven months is a long time, in the depths of space with sod all else to occupy them. Rimmer seems oddly hung up on it. The thought occurs to him like a lead weight in his stomach. “Look, man, I know we never asked for ‘em, but they are coming, so even if you don’t want them around you’ve-”
“No!” Rimmer says sharply, and when he meets Lister’s eyes he knows Rimmer is entirely serious, even though he still doesn’t understand literally anything else about the situation. “It’s not-” he waves a hand at Lister dismissively. Then he fixes his gaze on his hands, and addresses his remarks to those. “Pregnant people are supposed to rest,” he says sternly, “and be undisturbed by - by mess, and noise, and small children.”
Lister feels a frown settle on his brows, and a worry settle in his gut. Rimmer swallows hard, adam’s apple moving like a yo-yo. “Why’s that?” he murmurs gently, as if - if he could only be quiet enough - the question wouldn’t spook Rimmer out of his honesty.
Rimmer shrugs one shoulder. “Stops the baby growing up strong,” he recites oddly. “Mummy said she’d spent so much time running after my brothers that she was worn out with me, and that’s why I was slow.” He sniffs. He looks horribly lonely, and a hundred thousand miles away, and it’s like there’s a fist around Lister’s heart slowly constricting. “And that she might as well keep focussing on them, since I was never going to catch up.”
Lister shakes his head slowly. “Rimmer,” he says, “you’ve got more hang-ups than Elton John’s feather boa rack. I’m not raising the kids like your parents did you, and I’m not going to lie on the sofa for the next seven months doing sod all.”
“Whereas normally you’re such a ball of energy,” Rimmer snipes, but his heart’s not in it.
“Yeah,” Lister agrees calmly, “I’ve a strict schedule of slobbing about in different places and I’m gonna stick to it. Rimmer.” Rimmer flicks his head up guiltily and Lister offers him an exhausted look. “You can’t just decide to only care about my health when it suits your trauma and really annoys me, alright?”
Rimmer frowns. “Why not?” he whinges - which is a surprise, because Lister was anticipating him latching onto the caring thing, and not getting much further.
Lister spreads his hands. “All or nothing, baby,” he says firmly and with cheer, and then shoots Rimmer a wink - which reminds him of the aforementioned caring thing, and sets him off sputtering.
“And - and I don’t care,” he manages in the end. “Watch me not caring, you odious toad.”
“Uh-huh,” Lister says, and then, when Rimmer chances a glance his way, blows him a kiss to make him go all red and cross. It’s really ridiculously endearing.
“This,” Rimmer says, pointing at him, “is a manifestation of my dreadful upbringing, and, and Stockholm syndrome, anyway.”
Lister manages a grin, and lets it go. As he slumps back into the sofa, he can’t help but wish that Rimmer wasn’t probably right - and not just because the man is obnoxious and intolerable on a good day, when he’s wrong - and failing that, that this Stockholm syndrome, this resolute and unbending care that humans apparently manifest for one another despite literally everything when there is nothing else in the universe except a few creeping lifeforms and the persistent love they put out like radiation from a life-destroying nuclear incident, touching everything and making it all complicated - he cannot help but wish that it wasn’t there, or that it was there more, or something. That Lister loved him less, or that Rimmer loved him more, or that there was anything, anything at all, that Lister could do to change that.
But there isn’t, and he hasn’t got a hope in hell of Rimmer ever acknowledging affection without yelling got you afterwards, so he’d better just - stop bothering, really. Lister sighs, and smoothes his shirt over his stomach. He doesn’t care that Rimmer doesn’t want to care. He’s fine about it.
He hears his own brain make the game show noise. In a fit of pique, he removes one vile sock and throws it into the cleared space designed for the cots, and tries not to think about the hair-pulling sense of satisfaction he gets from listening to Rimmer yell at him.
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