#i thought ceri was really cute i have Plans In Mind for him
4e7her · 4 months
a drop of silver in a sky of stars - character descriptions:
descriptions under the cut. read on ao3 or quotev.
fenrir osain verdandi:
the comet.
name breakdown: fenrir - the wolf that will doom the world to ragnarok. osain - fawn or baby deer. verdandi - destiny. 
fenrir has wavy jet black hair that reaches his chest, typically tied to the side in a braid. it's messy, even with repeated attempts from the servants to keep it neat and tidy. his eyes are like molten silver, swirling mercury hidden behind messy bangs and slitted pupils. 
underneath his left eye, he has two beauty marks, centered and directly below each other. his braid typically rests over his left shoulder, and it's not uncommon for him to try and hide his face behind his messy hair. the side pieces of his bangs go down to about the middle of his neck - if you get the chance to see behind his hair, you'd notice that he has an industrial piercing on his right ear.
his nose is crooked from repeated breaks, and he has a thin silvery scar going straight across his neck. besides that, his face and neck are largely unmarred, a contrast from the rest of his body. burns stretch across his arms and shoulders, typically hidden behind the clothes he wears, with various other scars all across his body. 
verdandi family:
moralis ivor verdandi:
name breakdown: moralis - river. ivor - forest warrior. verdandi - destiny.
straight black hair that he doesn't take much time to style, simply pushing it out of his face as much as possible. he has dark golden eyes, fox-like and intimidating, with a defined jawline and almost permanently furrowed eyebrows. as a swordmaster, he's broad, cutting an overpowering figure that often draws attention - even more so with the extravagance that he dresses with, the wealth just another symbol of their families influence. he has a beauty mark below the right of his jaw, close to his ear. 
siani atasi verdandi:
name breakdown: siani - gift from god. atasi - blue flower. verdandi - destiny. 
silvery wavy blue hair went down almost all the way to her ankles, with similarly colored eyes that were commonly upturned as she smiled wolfishly. she easily put on the air of a weak woman when it served her, but she couldn't have been so one-dimensional if she were to keep up with moralis. her maiden name was signe - meaning victorious. it suited her well. 
olwyn eirlys verdandi: 
cerberus' first head. 
name breakdown: olwyn -  white footprint. eirlys - snowdrop. verdandi - destiny. 
short wavy black hair, cut at an angle, with bangs mostly grown out and pushed out of her face. she has a beauty mark on her chin, under the right side of her lips, with gold-platinum eyes that seems to have flecks of blue in the center. her pupils are slitted, as are all verdandi's. she has an image worthy of her family reputation, though easy to amuse, contrasting her first impression. she's often seen wearing a form-fitting knights uniform with a harness slung over her chest to hold her sword to her back. 
caerwyn emrys verdandi: 
cerberus' third head. 
name breakdown: caerwyn - white fortress. emrys - immortal. verdandi - destiny. 
straight, dusky light blue hair that he can't seem to keep from touching, messing it up quickly even when it's styled nicely. he's often compared to the late duchess for it, the only child with her coloration, though his rose gold eyes carry the metallic glint of the verdandi family. he's not quite as broad as most other knights, finding it difficult to bulk up so heavily, but he does just fine with the build he has. he has one beauty mark above his right eyebrow and another under the left side of his lips.
revna blodwyn verdandi: 
cerberus' second head.
name breakdown: revna - raven. blodwyn - white flower. verdandi - destiny. 
she has waist-length straight black hair that turns silvery towards the ends, often gently curled. she's meticulous in her appearance, gunmetal black eyes hiding far more than she would ever say. she's taken to her father's tendency of dressing more ornately than perhaps strictly necessary, a dark rose blooming across high society. she's not often seen without her falcons, raised and trained by her careful hand. revna is a powerful enemy to make, controlling strings from the shadows, carefully manicured hands scheming situations as she needs. she has a beauty mark above the right side of her lips.
love interests: 
aeron caelfael euryn ingvar:
the sun. 
name breakdown: aeron - celtic god of battle and slaughter. caelfael - battle prince. euryn - gold. ingvar - protected by yngvi, god of prosperity and sunshine.
shining golden hair falls from his head, earning him the middle name that he fought so hard to gain. his eyes are a deep red, pools of blood that only reflect the name that he's made for himself. he does his best to look good, positioning himself higher and higher above those that once looked down on him, making them reflect on all that they've done as he puts them back into their place. between him and rhain, the people of the helix empire don't quite know which is better. around fenrir, he's pathetic and puppylike, but that quickly falls away to the frigid bloodstained prince he's known to be around anyone and everyone else. 
rhain madoc hefin ingvar:
the moon. 
name breakdown: rhain - spear. madoc - fortunate. hefin - warm, summer. ingvar - protected by yngvi, god of prosperity and sunshine.
rhain has textured black hair and red eyes bright like rose petals, or perhaps the crimson of a fresh wound. he's chiseled and strict, more muscular in build than his brother, with familiarity in almost every weapon. he used everything that he could get his hands on in the battlefield, after all. he has a twisted personality, just like euryn and everyone else in the palace, and see's his younger half-brothers attempts to frustrate him as nothing more than a childish tantrum. he likes annoying and 'pranking' people, amusing himself with his own sadistic tendencies. 
name breakdown: ceri - to love. 
details to be added. 
eldrid stigganndr skuld:
name breakdown: eldrid - beautiful fire. stiggandr - wanderer. skuld - fate. 
details to be added. 
seren mereid sunniva: 
name breakdown: seren - star. mereid - pearl. sunniva - sun gift, a saint who fled to norway.
details to be added. 
talesin ciaran hemlock: 
name breakdown: talesin - noble. ciaran - dark. hemlock - a poisonous flowering plant. 
details to be added. 
side characters:
name breakdown: sorrowful.
diedre has tanned olive skin (i could not find a face claim with darker skin. many apologies.) and a short pale green bob with almost soulless dark brown eyes, constantly watching how things unfold around her. her build is muscled and toned, with an assortment of small scars carefully hidden away. she's often simply described as 'hard to read'. the maid uniform she wears hides far more weapons than one might expect. originally, she followed the verdandi grand duchy as a whole, but has shifted her priorities to fenrir alone. 
hati, the wolf that chases the moon. 
typically very calm, hati only has a temper when it comes to protecting fenrir or arguing with skoll. he has medium length soft pink hair that covers half his face, styled just as neatly as he dresses. it is very rare to see him out of uniform. his eyes are a soft purple and he has a strong work ethic, anticipating every fenrir's every need. 
skoll, the wolf that chases the sun. 
defaulting to grumpy and argumentative, skoll is kind only to fenrir and rarely hati. he has short navy hair with a messy cut, jagged edges making it difficult to style. he has pale yellow eyes that seem to brighten when he does find it in himself to get serious. skoll is lazy and often modifies his uniform or disregards it entirely. 
​​​​​​​name breakdown: island of apples.
a rather simple girl, avalon has brown hair that's almost always tied up, starting as a braid from her crown that leads to a high ponytail at the back of her head. she has bright, innocent blue eyes, and works at the verdandi family villa located in the capital. pitying and empathetic - on the younger side. 
hywel deinel: 
​​​​​​​name breakdown: hywel - eminent. deinel - judge. 
young for his position, hywel is a tired man with dark brown hair and light brown eyes, serious in his work above all else. many of the other servants gossip about him, but he is faithful to his job and seems to consider himself above matters of the heart. moralis works him to the bone.
more to be added.
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Husky x Amsodeus
(I’m bored and can’t sleep- so have a fan fic! If you wanna pretend it’s your oc , have at it!)
Warning: suggestive , mild nsfw (it’s asmo, when is it NOT nsfw?)
POV Husky
I was quietly doing my studies in my room but i kept getting distracted. Even back home, i would have no motivationand get distracted from work. Maybe i could play games with Levi or even do one of Mammon’s lack of thought schemes? It was pointless, i couldn’t think straight...then my mind drifted when i glanced at my closet.
“Hm.. I haven’t tried some of the cloths Asmo gifted me, i should try them on at least”
I got up from desk and searcged though the closet. The outfits were cery cute but some were noticeablely... revealing. Short skirts, crop top, etc. I guess he just wants me to try something new since i usually wear things that cover me fully. I tried on a few outfits and .. for once i actually liked it, i’m not huge into fashion but these suited me very well! I almost felt sad taking then off but i had to move on to the other outfits. After finishing , i saw something unfamiliar. I was a fair distance t not tell what it was so i walked up to it and pulled it out of the closet and immediately went red. It was pastel pink and blue lace lingere. My mind went mad! Was this on porpose?? Was this for me or was this his? Wither way, he would be hard.
1. I could try it on and hopefully no one comes in or 2. Ask Asmo if it’s his and risk possibility getting pulled into something if his desires. Which wasn’t so bad.. NO! W-we’re just friends! Ugh! But it’ll be hard for either option! Because if it was his, i’d wear it and he’d think i’d be interested! I am but i’m not ready for that!... i think.. I’m not sure anymore. So all i did was put it back and pretend i didn’t see it as well as put the orher cloths away.
I took a breathe and looked over my desk. I still don’t want to work, so i’ll just find another way to distract myself. I left my room and headed to the living area hoping something exciting would happen. As i enter, no one was there. Of course. Of all times, when i need something! Come on! Naybe at least Mammon getting chased by lucifer or Beel being Beel, anything! As I was irritated , i felt a hand on my shoulder
“Husky? What are you doing Darling?”
I froze a little, reconizing that sensual voice. I turned and just as expected. It was Asmodeus
“H-Hey Asmodeus!”
He giggled “Sweetie, you can just call me Asmo~”
God dammit.. my heart.. why of all people i had to be alone with is the one that I want..trying to get my thoughts, he interrupted
“What are you doing? Do you have any plans?”
“Huh- uh,no. Not really.”
He smiled “perfect!”
He grabs my hand and pulls me. W-wha? What is he doing!? More importantly where is he taking me..? I felt so red and heated, especially since he’s holding my hand! I never held anyone with anyone outside of family members. It felt nice. We arrived at his door, I’m actually interested since i never got to see his room before.
“So... why am i here?”
“Too have fun, duh! We never got to do beauty treatment together!”
Huh? What is he talking about..? Does he mean make up or cleaning in shower with special products??
“You can sit while i prepare the face masks~”
Oh no- oh no no no- i am not ready for this- it’s not even sexual and i’m freaking out! I never really did anything girly so this is really out of touch for me but.. i don’t wanna ruin his run so i’ll just go with it. He soon came back with products and was applying a face mask and he did his as well. It felt weird but i guess it’s supposed to , it was sticky. I really feel out of place with this, hell i never even do make up let alone do a spa treatment!
“Hey husky?”
“Would you like to take a bath with me after we’re done with this?”
I had a mini heart attack! D-did he really ask ME to get naked in a tub with him!? Hell no! I’m not ready for something like that! So i wuickly said
“Awww.. why not??”
“I-.. I-I’m not comfortable with my ... body..”
He smiled “well i figured! Based on how you were, i thought you would lighten up about yourself with the warode i got you!”
My heart felt touched” aw well that’s swe-“
“I thought for sure the lingere would of boosted your confidence somewhat!”
...wha- th-the lingere.. really was for me..? I had to sit there and recalculate before. So the lingere was for me then. Thank god i didn’t have to ask him about it, that would of been a whole nother can of worms. Well he said it was to boost my confidence but isn’t that pushing it a little?? I’m not too sexual..
“O-oh i haven’t tried it on yet”
“What!? Why not?”
“I must’ve not seen it!” I’m lying so bad-
“Well you can try it on after this then!”
I hesitately agreed. When we finished up with the masks but then i realized ... he was coming with me. Oh god- do i have to change in front of him!? This is happening way to fast.. as we walked to my room, i felt like i was gonna break, i felt so warm , i thought i was gonna die from my own heat! We finally reached there and i was so nervous..
“Well you can change in the bathroom, i’ll wait out here”
I sighed in relief, at least i didn’t have to be fully naked in front of him. I got into the bathroom and changed as slowly as possible. I never wore lingere because i thought i would never get a partner.. so it felt weird plus Asmo might cut me some slack for being slow because i never experienced lingere. After a bit, i knew i couldn’t stalk for long. I finished and headed out of the bathroom with the lingere on.
“Oh my!~ you look goregeus! “
I blushed deep”t-thanks”
“As cute as you look.. i think it would be better if it was off..~~”
I jumped a little “w-wait what?!”
Before he could speak , Mammon bursted though the door “ay Husky! I got this idea fo-“ he froze mid sentence, checking out the lingere i was wearing, it barely covered.
My eye twitched and i grabbed the first thing i could throw, a book “GET THE HELL OUT , MAMMON!” I threw the book
“AAAH! “ he dodged “ok ok!” He slammed the door shut
I covered my face , oh my god! I can’t believe someone ELSE had to see me like this! I would of decently been fine if it was just one person but more then one is too much! Asmo giggled. Well I’m glad someone thinks it’z funny...
“You’re just so cute~ getting so flustered over lingere”
“I mean it’s used for sex , is it not!?”
“I mean yeah, but that’s nothing compared to what i usually see~”
I blushed, if lingere is not something that’s “not bad” , what could be more devious than that?! I give up.. i’m not even going to question anything up to this point... but then Asmo approached me
He had his finger uder my chin “It’s sad i can only see this for such a short time~ but I’m glad i was one of the first~ “
My heart was racing. H-he’s close ... wait. What is he..?
Soon he leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss
He stopped and leaned up back with a cheerful smile. I was just... dead. Right there, completely speechless. H-... he took my first kiss....
“T-that .. was my first kiss..”
“Oh! How exciting! You must be honored to be kissed by someone as beautiful as me~”
I knew he was lustful for himself but it can be a little annoying...
He turned away “well i have to go, I hope i can be your first for more things in the future “ he winked and then walked out of the door and closing it.
I have no idea how to feel... but all i know is.. i want him even more now....
( I hope you enjoyed! I’m not the best writer but i hope i did decent!)
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ratedbangtann · 5 years
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✧˚₊‧𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 - 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐞𝐧 ✧˚₊‧ 𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮, 𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚... || 𝙆𝙞𝙢 𝙎𝙚𝙤𝙠𝙟𝙞𝙣 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖 𝚑𝚒𝚝... Pairing: Seokjin x reader Word count: 6.6K Warnings: Smut. Cunnilingus, worshipping, riding, grinding, multiple orgasms. 
Song: Baby, It's Cold Outside by Tom Jones and Cerys Matthews ✧˚₊‧
"Wow," Seokjin breathed as he opened the door to his apartment to you. You were stood in a stunning off the shoulder, red velvet dress, hugging your figure with a slit up the side of your right leg. Of course, it was far too cold to wear just that outside in the December chill, but a white faux fur coat had kept you snug on your way over.
Your red strappy heels had not, but you still wore them, perfect for the classy outfit you had adorned for your fifth date with Jin.
Yes, fifth date. It had been a couple of weeks since the first; dinner at a fancy restaurant. A couple of dinners here and there, and an evening at your apartment too; but you felt the need to dress up each time, for a man such as Seokjin.
He did too, always in slacks and a nice shirt or a suit of some kind; you looked like a power couple when you were out together, like you owned half of Seoul. But you only had a humble little job in a department store.
Tonight, he'd dressed much the same; black dress trousers with a maroon shirt tucked neatly into his trousers, a nice leather belt holding them up. He'd rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, top two buttons undone; if this was Jin on an off day, you were the luckiest damn woman on the planet.
He'd pushed his hair back tonight, forehead exposed, and he was wearing rounded glasses, needing them to be able to read the recipes and measurements for the meal he was preparing for both of you.
"Do you always dress like this, then?" he chuckled, surprised that you'd put in the same amount of effort for a night in with him than you would if you'd gone to another fancy restaurant.
"Only for you," you flirted, smirking a little.
"Well, you look breath-taking. Very festive," he complimented, leaning towards you to plant a welcoming kiss to your cheek and stepping to one side to allow you to step inside. "Can I take your coat?"
"Sure." You shuffled it off your shoulders, but Jin took the courtesy of slipping it down your arms and hanging it on the coat rack by the front door of his apartment. "Jin, your apartment is stunning..." you said in awe, gazing around at the high ceilings and large open plan kitchen and living room. It was incredibly modern, decorated with white panelled walls and dark brown leather furnishings, cream pillows and glass tables.
He'd put up a Christmas tree in the corner, draped in gold and white.
"Thank you," he chuckled, wondering back into the kitchen to continue with his preparations and to offer you a drink. You followed, heels clicking on the hardwood floor. "I'm lucky, I suppose."
"Don't put yourself down like that, you worked hard for all this. Enjoy it, flaunt it. Why not?" you shrugged with a smile. He laughed to himself.
"Something to drink, my dear?" he asked on his way to the wine rack.
"Ooh, yeah please. Glass of red if you have some," you leaned against one of the cabinets, watching him pull out what looked like a very expensive bottle of merlot and a glass from one of his cupboards.
He passed it to you, and pretentiously you sniffed it, swirling it around to get the aroma of the berries in it. He almost snorted at you, watching the display. You tasted it briefly, smacking your lips together to enjoy it.
"Beautiful," you grinned, taking a larger mouthful.
"Glad it's to madam's taste," he laughed, turning back to the stove where a pot of food was on the go.
You watched him working, listening to the radio that he'd put on before you got there. It was intriguing to watch him work, so engrossed in what he was doing. He looked like he was in his element, like he actually enjoyed cooking. You were grateful; you cooked so often it felt like a chore most days.
"Smells good," you complimented, taking another sip of your wine.
"It'll be ready soon. I've slaved and slaved, so you better enjoy it," he winked at you, stirring the contents of the bubbling pot on the stove. You giggled at him. He was so cute, always making you laugh, always the perfect gentlemen.
He had been since you met him. He'd become a regular customer in the department store you worked in, only popping back to see you. He'd made conversation a few times, and of course, recognising him you had always been shy but over time, it got easier. He liked that you treated him like a normal person, talked to him like he was human.
Eventually, he'd asked you out to dinner. He'd been too nervous to ask you face to face, simply slipping you a note on his way out of the store one day. You had to wait until the next time you saw him, but of course you had accepted.
You listened to the radio as he continued his prep the meal, taking the freshly baked bread out of the oven and chopping up some fresh veg to add to what he'd put together. You were amazed at the effort he went through.
The song on the radio ended, and the host of the show announced there was some breaking news.
"Snowstorm to hit Seoul tonight. Forecasters say it's the worst in a decade, capable of shutting the city down overnight. Advice is to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary."
"Crap," you muttered. Hopefully it wouldn't hit before you had a chance to head home.
"What?" Jin turned to face you, ignoring the radio completely.
"Radio, just said there's a snowstorm moving in. Just hope it doesn't hit yet, it's supposed to shut the city down," you explained, a little worried.
"Oh, doesn't sound good..." he mumbled, biting his lip in thought. "Well if it comes to it, you're welcome to stop over the night..."
Your heart thudded in your ears; was he suggesting...? Well, you suppose it was your fifth date. You'd kissed plenty, but only really goodbye kisses at your doorstep or a sneaky kiss in the cab ride home. But despite the obvious sexual attraction you felt towards him, you'd been fighting it.
You weren't too sure about dating etiquette... Was it after three dates you were supposed to sleep together? Five? Ten? When was the right time? It had been so long for you and you were terrified. What if you were so out of practise that you were a terrible lay; would that put Jin off?
No, you were over thinking this. He was simply offering you a roof over your head if the worst came to worst. He was a gentleman, so surely, he wasn't suggesting...? No. No, surely not. He was just being kind, if the storm hit before you could get away.
"Thank you. I might just have to run a little earlier tonight," you smiled sweetly. He nodded, turning back to the stove. He was a little disappointed, he must admit. He liked you, wanted things to move forward but of course if you weren't ready for anything like that, that was okay. He was just offering you a warm bed with a roof over your head; he was happy to sleep on his couch.
Jin finished the meal, dishing up and ushering you over to his breakfast bar where he'd set up some candles, a full dinner service laid out like a fancy restaurant. You took one of the stalls, watching as he served the dish to you with freshly baked bread and a fresh glass of wine.
"Thank you, this looks beautiful Jin," you smiled, digging in as he sat opposite you. The first mouthful was heaven, so many flavours and aromas to flood your senses. "Damn, gorgeous and you can cook... Can I keep you?" you laughed.
"If you'd like..." he raised an eyebrow, winking at you from across the table.
You took a few more mouthfuls, trying to be elegant about it but it was so damn good, you couldn't help stuffing your face. You noticed him watching you, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
"What?" you asked, shy and self-conscious.
"You're just... You're really beautiful. Really," he smiled softly, admiring your features and the way you tried to hide your face with your hand to stop him seeing the ridiculous giddy smile plastered on it.
Dessert was just as delicious; he'd made macaroons, of all things. Delicate little macaroons in strawberry and blueberry, with a little bit of ice cream on the side.
"You went through so much trouble, you really didn't have to... Instant noodles are good enough for me," you chuckled, wiping your mouth of any lipstick that may have smudged and the few escaped crumbs.
"I'll remember for next time," he smirked. He reached across the table for you, swiping his thumb under your bottom lip gently. "Stray crumb," he mumbled, sending a little shiver down your spine.
Just his touch was driving you wild for him; you wanted nothing more than to just pull him in for a kiss, but courtesy and self-consciousness stopped you.
With dinner over, he showed you around his apartment a little more, eventually settling on the view from the large wall of windows at the far end. You could see most of Seoul from this height, with a few flakes of snow just starting to fall. You pushed it to the back of your mind. You should be okay for another hour or so, right?
You both sat down on his large couch, the dark leather creaking a little under the pressure. You crossed your legs, leaning toward him a little with your glass of wine in hand. The slit in your dress exposed your thigh to him a little, and it took a lot of self-control on Jin's part not to reach out to touch the smooth skin he could see. He bet you felt so soft...
You chatted for a while, radio still on in the background playing song after song, bits of chatter here and there. You kept an eye on the weather outside, noticing the snow getting a little heavier.
You'd been at Jin's for a couple of hours when you decided you should probably head home, snow starting to settle on the ground.
"Jin this has been so lovely, but I should head home before the snow gets too bad. It'll be impossible to get a cab otherwise," you sighed. You really didn't want to leave, but you could resume your conversation on another date.
"Oh, sure... I mean, are you sure? It's getting late and the snow is pretty bad," he turned to look out the window for emphasis; it was coming down thick and fast, obscuring the usual view of the city.
"Well, I don't want to be a bother," you protested.
"No bother at all, I'll take the couch if it makes you more comfortable. It's just... it's so cold out, y'know?" he was fumbling a little, nervous but he really, really didn't want this night to end just yet. He enjoyed your company too much.
"No, I couldn't possibly... But we can arrange another night like this; I could cook for you next time?" You stood up, Jin standing with you. You put your empty glass down on the glass coffee table, Jin already making his way begrudgingly to the front door to grab your coat for you.
He held it out, letting you thread your arms into the sleeves and turn to face him to say goodbye.
Butterflies flooded your stomach; you knew he'd kiss you again. You were trying to psych yourself up for it like you did every time. His kisses turned you to jelly, feeling like your knees would give out under you. You seemed to be rationed to just goodbye kisses but my god, you savoured them each time.
Jin shuffled his feet nervously, trying desperately to think of something to say to convince you to stay. He hated the idea of you going out into such bitter cold, pelted by snow. But he simply wanted you to stay with him, to get closer to you, hold you, kiss you... He was okay with taking things slowly, of course, but just to spend the night chatting to you more would be enough for him.
"If you can't get a cab, let me know. I'll just buzz you back in," he smiled awkwardly.
"Will do, thanks Jin. I'll see you soon?" you hoped.
"Of course. Whenever is good for you," he took a small step towards you, towering above you. He ran his hand through your hair, pushing it back as he admired your face; so stunning. "May I?" he asked. You knew what he was asking for. He asked you every time.
"You don't have to ask, Jin," you chuckled. He smiled then, leaning down to press his thick lips to yours. His hand cupped your face, gently bringing you to him as close as he could get you. Despite the gentility of his lips, he moulded them to yours effortlessly, with little movement but enough to give you that jelly-legged feeling.
He didn't move away when you thought he would, didn't pull back at all in fact. Instead, he let himself get lost in your lips, tilting his head and pressing against you with a little more hunger, a little more need.
Never had Jin used his tongue on you, but tonight he couldn't help himself, letting it wander across your bottom lip until you succumbed. You let him in, the kiss deepening so wonderfully that you simply couldn't muster the will power to break apart from him.
When he pulled back eventually it left you breathless, chasing his lips before you snapped yourself out of the little trance he'd put you in. You hummed lowly in satisfaction, eyes fluttering open to see him still looking down at you, his hand still cupping your cheek.
"Are you sure you want to go?" he asked, eyes searching your face for any hesitation. "Baby, it's cold outside..." he whispered.
He'd never called you that before, never used that particular pet name and you had to admit, you loved it. But did you want to leave? Absolutely not. The weather was battering the city and frankly, was it safe? As if you cared. Right now, you wouldn't want to leave if it were crystal clear out there.
"No..." you admitted, looking up at him again with innocence sparkling in your eyes.
Jin didn't hesitate, pulling you to him to crash his lips against yours again. He wasted no time, assaulting your lip with his tongue and resuming the deep need to explore every corner of your mouth with it. You whimpered against him, hands gripping onto his shirt desperately to pull you chest to chest with him.
His hands slid to your shoulders just underneath your coat, his large, warm hands slipping down the smooth skin to pull your coat off you again. You let go of his shirt to let it drop to the floor, pooling at your feet. His hands wound around your waist, pushing your hips against his as he continued his onslaught to your lips.
Your arms found their way around his neck, reaching up to hold him to you. You had lost yourself completely, capitulating to his every whim.
"Couch?" he mumbled against your lips, feeling like a teenager who wanted nothing more than to make out with you all god damn night.
You mulled it over quickly in your head; you wanted more. Why were you holding back? Your own insecurities? No. Jin was a gentleman, he'd take care of you. You had nothing to be worried for, no reason to be nervous. He thought you were gorgeous, he told you multiple times every time he saw you, daily through text.
"Bed," you mumbled back, your lips never disconnecting.
Jin was taken back; he hadn't expected you to want him that way, not yet at least... He was sure you were waiting until you were comfortable. Were you comfortable now? Was he? He was terrified too, knowing a woman like you deserved the very best, the most attention he could give you, the most earth-shatteringly wonderful night and it had been a while for him too, so busy with schedules and frankly, being head over heels for you for months.
He hadn't even looked at another woman.
Nevertheless, he took your hands from around his neck, pulling one of them as he finally disconnected your lips in order to lead you into his bedroom. You stumbled behind him, your heels clicking against the floor with every step.
As soon as you were in, his hands were on you again, wrapping around your waist as he pushed himself into you, lips reconnecting with yours. You wrapped your hands around his neck again, this time pressing your palms to the skin, your fingertips digging into him slightly.
As the two of you made out, tongues battling against each other with fierce passion, you made the bold move of sliding your hands down his neck, down the front of his chest and started to fiddle with the first button he'd done up on his shirt. You twisted until it popped open, moving down to the next, and the next, until all that was left was the one tucked into his pants.
His pale skin was now exposed to you, just enough to leave you wanting nothing more than to run your damn tongue from sternum to navel but you held off, taking things a little slower than your sex-starved brain would have wanted. Instead, you ran your hands down the patch that was exposed, feeling the warmth, the smoothness of his muscles under the surface.
He pushed you back by your waist for a moment, just a tiny bit to look down at you, and sweetly ask, "do you want this? Really?"
"Want you," you whispered to him, gripping onto the loose sides of his shirt and pulling him back to you. That was all the confirmation Seokjin needed. His handles fumbled with the shirt, untucking it in a hurry and pulling it apart, not giving a second thought to the button that pinged off.
You pushed it off him immediately, exposing his chest completely to you. You couldn't believe the definition in his muscles; he never flaunted it, never showed it off but he looked like he had been carved out of marble, rippling muscles in his abdomen.
He pushed you by your hips, twisting you to turn you with your back to the bed. He guided you to sit down, only disconnecting his lips to kneel down in front of you. His hands slipped down the sides of your hips, down your thighs and to the tip of your toes, worshipping ever inch. He unbuckled the little strap on your shoe, sliding it off you delicately.
He pressed his lips to the base of your ankle, trailing them up your calf with feather light kisses. Watching him, your heart raced. He really was paying attention to detail, adoring every part of you.
His hands slipped to the other leg, unbuckling the shoe and letting it fall to the ground, repeating the same kisses up your leg.
You reached behind you, just about reaching the top of your zipper to pull it down. The off-the-shoulder sleeves loosened and as you pulled them down, Seokjin's head snapped up to watch intently. He stopped you, replacing your hands with his own; he wanted to be the one to expose you, to have the honour of revealing you to him.
He dragged the velvet down, watching as the top of the dress started to roll down your chest. You hadn't worn a bra with this dress, not needing to with the way the dress held you up, but it made Seokjin's heart race when he realised. Eventually the material revealed your breasts to him with a little bounce, nipples stood to attention.
Like a man possessed he launched forward, attaching his lips to your nipple and suckling. He was completely hypnotised by you. Your head rolled back, overcome with the incredible feeling. You were already so sensitive, so ready for him that every little swish of his tongue, every soft suckle had a bolt of lightning rushing through your body.
"Jin..." you whined, one hand threading into his hair and tugging at the roots. With a pop, he stopped what he was doing, resuming the removal of your dress. He rolled it down to your hips, where your curves started to protrude. You had to lift your butt off the mattress to help him shimmy it down over your hips, and then with one quick motion he pulled it down your legs, letting it fall to the floor with your shoes.
His eyes glazed over with lust as he looked back at what he'd revealed; red lace panties, the same red as the dress.
"You're a fucking goddess," he gasped. Curses sounded so lewd on his tongue, so dirty but it suited him right now; he was entranced completely. He wanted to touch you, to feel you but above all, he wanted – no, needed, - to taste you. He pulled the lace down, shimmying it down your body too to leave you completely exposed.
You squeezed your legs shut, suddenly overcome with fear and anxiety of what he'd think of you. You felt so vulnerable.
"Please, don't hide yourself from me..." he breathed, reaching up to stroke his thumb against your cheek. "You're so beautiful. C-can I..." his free hand settled on your thigh and he bit his lip, nervous to ask for permission but he didn't want to just dive in. He didn't want to frighten you off. "Can I taste?" he asked tentatively.
You bit down on your bottom lip, nodding slowly. You watched as he spread your legs, slowly revealing your core to him. You could feel your pulse in your ears, throbbing with nerves but the second he saw you he was in awe, drooling over you as if you were the sweetest fruit in the middle of a desert. He licked his lips, took off his glasses to throw onto the bed and leaned in.
Your breath caught in your throat as he pressed his plump lips against your mound, the warmth of his breath fanning out over your skin. Goosebumps raised across your body, Jin's tongue weaving through your folds to lap up the arousal that had pooled between them.
You gasped audibly, slapping your hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from moaning aloud. Jin wouldn't have minded; he would have loved to hear you.
Jin hummed between your legs, vibrations rippling through you as he found your clit, paying special attention to it with his tongue.
You couldn't stop the moan that slipped from between your fingers, your hand falling down to the mattress again as he pushed his tongue into you more. He wrapped his hands around your thighs, hooking them over his shoulders to reach a better angle, completely enveloping you with his mouth and suckling at you.
"J-Jin..." you groaned. His fingers tightened against your flesh at the sound of his name.
He pushed his tongue further into you, past the tight rim of your entrance to get as deep as he possibly could inside you. He loved the way you tasted; so sweet. You immediately clenched around the intrusion, your whole body reacting to the feeling.
"Sh-shit," you breathed, fists clenching in the sheets beneath you. He hummed against you again, sending shockwaves through you. You had never felt so aroused in your life, never felt so cared for; you were getting close, impossibly close.
Jin never stopped, burying his face between your thighs and alternating between assaulting your clit and pushing his tongue inside you.
You clutched onto his hair again, pulling uncontrollably as your body started to spasm, orgasm building and building until one last hard suck on your clit had your body seizing, your muscles convulsing and roaring moans erupting from deep in your diaphragm.
Jin didn't care that you were pulling on his hair, or that you were writhing underneath him; he held your hips in place with his strength, still working on you as you pushed through your orgasm. But you got oversensitive, instinctively pushing his head away from you until he finally fell back against the floor, catching himself on his hands. He was out of breath, chin drenched with your juices and hair ruffled from the way you had tugged at it.
He stared at you, still with pure hunger in his eyes as you caught your breath, laying back against the bed with aftershocks crippling you. He wasn't done with you, heavy-lidded eyes trained on your every movement.
"J-Jin?" you called to him, unable to look up. At the sound of you calling to him he sat up, crawling over to you and hovering above you. He pushed your hair out of your face, gently trailing his finger down your cheek and watching as you composed yourself.
"Okay?" he asked, a little concerned that you couldn't string together a sentence. You just nodded frantically, looking up at him. He looked so stunning despite the mess you had made of his hair. Now he'd taken his glasses off you could see his eyes so much clearer, beautiful pools of chocolate brown that were darker than their usual tone.
"If it's possible, you look even more beautiful right now," he smirked, leaning down to place a soft kiss to your lips. You could still taste the remnants of yourself on his lips, but if anything, it only turned you on more so.
For a little while he continued to kiss you, lips softly moving with yours as you regained a modicum of strength. He traced patterns with his fingertips to your arms, hovering above you with an offensive amount of clothing still covering him. The longer you spent moulding your lips together, the more impatient you became. You wanted nothing more than to give yourself to him completely, and he to you.
You reached between your bodies, fiddling with the buckle of his belt and slipping it out of the loops of his trousers. You popped open the button and dragged the zipper down, reaching your hand into the material to palm Jin's erection through his underwear. Even through the cotton, you could feel his girth, his length, the veins throbbing at the surface; Jin was incredibly well endowed and the thought of him stretching you filled you with nerves.
It had been so long, and you weren't sure you'd be able to take him all at once. But honestly, the idea of being so full all because of Jin was more appealing than the threat of discomfort.
As your hand palmed his length, Jin had to squeeze his eyes shut and clench his jaw to stop from grunting like an animal. He'd been painfully hard since he had undressed you, unbelievably turned on by you and when he had been between your thighs he had been throbbing in his pants. This very small amount of contact right now was amplified heaven.
He struggled to keep his lips moving softly with yours, that same hunger bubbling away under the surface. He pressed his forehead to yours, separating your kiss in order to focus on simply not blowing his load just from the minor friction he was getting from your hand.
"Do you want me, y/n?" he asked you, his way of begging you to take this further, to finally feel you.
"Of course I do, Jin. I just..." you stopped yourself, a blush creeping back onto your cheeks as your insecurities started to rise.
"What is it?" he asked, concerned for your wellbeing. He didn't want to push you into anything, simply satisfied that you had been taken care of at least once this evening. But truth be told, you absolutely wanted him, and without telling him why you were hesitant you knew you would get nowhere.
"It's been a while and... you're um..." how could you word this delicately? "You're quite... large." He chuckled a little at that, flattered. "I'm just a little out of practise. It's been almost nine months for me," you confessed.
"Y/n, it's been over a year for me. I'm terrified," he laughed. You looked at him confused.
"A year...? But you're..."
"Busy. Very busy. And I... I haven't wanted anyone else since I met you," he averted his gaze, finally spilling the truth. He couldn't look you in the eyes, worried he'd said too much.
"If you want me, you can have me. You've got me. Just... be gentle," you smiled, guiding his chin to make him look at you again.
"I'll take good care of you, I promise..." he breathed, lips hovering close to yours once again. "You only have to tell me if you want me to stop. But I promise, if you relax then your body will react the way it needs to."
And strangely, his words immediately calmed you. You hung off every word, knowing he was right.
"Then take what you want, Jin," you encouraged, before crashing your lips to his again with the same need as you had at the front door. Your hand slipped back into his trousers, palming him again. He groaned against your mouth, the low frequencies making themselves known in the pit of your stomach.
Jin couldn't wait much longer, pushing his pants down with the waistband of his underwear to his knees, lifting them one by one to push them further down until finally he managed to shove them off after kicking his shoes off also. Your hand wrapped around his length, slowly stroking a few times and earning a few choice curses from Jin's mouth.
He sounded so good when he cursed; somehow dirtier than the average man.
He felt velvety smooth in your palm, the heaviness satisfying and the protruding vein promising a divine sensation. Without realising you were doing it you raised your legs to spread them a little, slotting Jin's hips between them. Your hips raised off the bed, desperately searching for contact. You felt his length against your hip, letting out a whine against Jin's lips.
"Jin, please..." you begged, needing him. He knew he had to go steady, if for no other reason than to ease you into your insecurities. So, before he even attempted to push his length inside you, he started with just once finger, easily slipping inside.
You gasped at the contact, walls clenching around him to feel him but it just wasn't enough; you needed a least two. And two you got, curling inside you together and scissoring you open. It felt blissful, a drawn out moan slipping from your throat.
"N-need more, Jin. Please," you implored, once again raising your hips to feel his fingers pushing deeper inside you.
"If you're ready, sweetie..." He pulled his fingers out of you, sliding them into his mouth to lick them clean before he wrapped that same hand around your thigh and lifted it enough to get himself to a good angle.
His length brushed against your heat invoking a fresh wave of arousal to flood your body. Lining himself up with your entrance he began to push into you slowly, step by step until just the first two inches were planted firmly inside you.
"Shit," he muttered, squeezing his eyes shut again as he tried to control the urge to slide himself in all the way to the hilt.
"M-more..." you begged, Jin obliging unable to deny you. He still didn't quiet bury himself inside completely, and you were getting impatient, the stretch feeling far too fucking good to continue this ridiculous pace. "Please!" you whined, wrapping your hand around the back of his neck for encouragement. It seemed to work, Jin pushing the last of himself into you and his hips sitting flush against yours.
"Holy fuck, you feel so good..." he grunted, burying his face in your neck to plant open mouthed kisses to the spot where it joined your shoulder. He started to roll his hips into you, his cock pressing against every part of you that needed attention. He felt incredible, stretching and filling you up perfectly.
With every roll of his hips he grazed against your most sensitive spot earning a moan or gasp from you each time. You couldn't keep your hips still, grinding up into him to meet his timings. He kept it slow and incredibly sensual, the temperature in the room rising rapidly and leaving a sheen of sweat covering the both of you.
But you wanted more control, wanted to be the one to not only bring yourself to your climax on his cock, but him too. So using you your strength, you pushed on his broad shoulders at an angle that had him rolling off you onto his side. His brows knitted together in confusion, but he soon realised your intentions when you swung your leg over his hips and sat on top of him.
Immediately you guided him back to your entrance, sinking down on him until once again, he was completely buried in you. You splayed your hands on his chest and used the leverage to roll your hips on him, in control of your own pleasure.
Jin watched in awe as you took control, a new confidence exuding from you as you threw your head back. You looked so beautiful like this; lost in the feeling, your body coated in the shiny sheen of sweat. He loved the way your breasts bounced with every movement, how your thighs tensed and jiggled as you worked the muscles to move.
"J-Jin..." you groaned, "Fucking hell."
"So perfect, you know that?" he praised, gripping onto your hips for added effect as you rode him. He sat up a little, shuffling just enough to press your chest to his. He wanted to be close to you, to wrap his arms around you as you moved and kiss your lips, your neck, your chest as you worked so hard to get the both of you off.
With the oversensitivity of your first orgasm and the new sensation of being full of Jin, you were quickly finding yourself reaching another undoing frightfully quickly. Jin could feel his too, too turned on to be able to fight it off much longer. He wanted you to cum first, to feel the way you would clench on him.
In order to get you to your high quicker, he lowered a hand between the two of you, using two fingers to rub stimulating circles to the extremely sensitive bundle of nerves. Just from his touch, he felt your walls clenching around his cock.
"That's it, sweetie. Does it feel good, hmm?" he asked, watching your face contorting into expressions that flickered between bliss and exhaustion.
"S-so good, feels so good," you spluttered, the pace of your hips rolling becoming faster and faster the closer you got to orgasm. Jin pressed his lips to your chest again, sloppily leaving kisses to the skin and dipping between your breasts whilst somehow keeping his fingers circling in a steady rhythm.
You groaned and whimpered, Jin cursing under his breath and grunting like an animal as the pair of you hurtled towards an end.
"Jesus, I'm... I'm cumming, Jin, I-" you cried, wrapping your arms tighter around his shoulders and leaning over, your head lolling forward as the rush of endorphins flooded your brain. Jin held you with both hands, abandoning your clit as you thrust your hips for the last few times, unable to keep going any longer.
"Shit, y/n..." he hissed, feeling your walls tightening on his cock impossibly and pushing him further and further to cum himself. But you couldn't move your hips any longer, and Jin was still trying his hardest to keep you going.
Sensing your exhaustion, he leaned back a little, letting you lay on top of him as he held his weight up with one hand and used it to steady himself as he began pistoning his hips into you with you bent over just enough to give the room to push into you over and over.
All you could do was whimper, feeling totally spent and still pulsing between your legs as Jim chased after his own high. You wanted to make him feel good, wanted to do something for him but you simply couldn't, instead clinging to him with your arms draped around his neck. With each oversensitive thrust, you dug your nails into his shoulder blades, leaving red scratch marks in his skin.
It only spurred him on, his hips fucking up into you faster and harder as the tension in his groin came to a head. With another few deep, hard thrusts, his rhythm faltered and he spilled his load inside you with an absolutely feral growl.
He collapsed backwards with you still attached to him, the both of you laying out of breath and sensitive. He was slowly starting to soften inside you but frankly neither you nor he had the energy to do anything about it. So instead, you just lay together, your hearts racing and sweat dripping from your bodies.
"Holy shit..." he breathed, running his hands over his face. "I know it's been... a while, but..." he paused to take deep breaths, "it was never like that... Fuck."
"N-never," you stuttered, turning your head towards him and pressing your lips softly to his cheek. "Incredible." You both chuckled through the deep breathing, moving ever so slightly to get yourself comfortably slotted in place with one another where you lay.
"I knew you were perfect," he smirked, looking own at your reddened face. "I just knew it." You just grinned at him; even now, he was so full of compliments.
"Thank you," you said in such a small voice that Jin thought he'd missed it.
"Taking care of me. Not pushing me. Making sure this was what I really wanted. You're nothing but a gentleman," you beamed. He really had been, save for the curse words you'd heard escape his mouth and the lewd acts he performed on you when hypnotised by you.
"It's how I was brought up; always a gentleman. Except when I'm not..." he flirted, hidden promises of future encounters much like tonight slotted into his remark. You giggled, a shyness overwhelming you. You most definitely wanted to find out just how much of a gentleman Seokjin wasn't...
You lay quiet for a moment, both of you just enjoying being together. You felt so close to him now, taking that next step in the relationship you were working towards together. But there was one last thing you hadn't yet done...
"Is it arrogant of me to assume I'm staying with you tonight, then?" you asked with a smirk. Clearly, you weren't going anywhere, and a night snuggled up with post-sex Jin was exactly that one last thing you wanted to do for now.
"Well you could try and get home, there might be some cabs running..." he suggested just to tease. "But baby, it's cold outside..." ✧˚₊‧𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬‧₊˚✧ - 𝘍𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
the view from halfway down // charlotte&lola // 5
Summary: Lola brings Charlotte news, as she is want to do, and seems excited to look to the future.
A/N: @misscharlottelee only one chapter left nd this a happy one!!!
"Vasillisa's boycotting her weekends with me for the foreseeable future," Lola sighs with a strange sort of fondness, "mostly because I told her about Nikki and I having a new baby; she told me the only way I could make it up to her was Backstreet Boys tickets, and got all pissy when I reminded her that I don't manage them," she snickered, adding, "Spice Girls tickets are not an acceptable substitute, apparently." Looking at the dates on Charlotte's gravestone, Lola finds herself sharply reminded that these names would mean nothing to Charlotte.
"She wasn't nearly this mad about Brandon when Tommy and Pam told her, but she's always been kind of a daddy's girl," though her smile is a little sad as she concedes on this point, "I'm just glad she likes Leo well enough now; you remember she tried to throw him in the ocean the first time we took them both to the beach? Kind of funny now you consider he thinks the world of her. Whenever she stays with us she ropes him into being her little minion, they're kind of sweet together, especially when Penny's around."
"Charlie I wish you were here, it was so cute;" Lola gushes, leaning forward, her eyes shining with adoration, "Penny's looking to audition for the cheerleading team now that she's in high school, and she taught the tryout routine to Liss and Leo when she was babysitting them last week; Leo performed it for me and Nikki after he came back, that boy's got confidence coming out of his ears already," she beams, voice alight with pride.
"He's excited about the baby too, but he's excited about everything nowadays; he got glasses over the summer; we hadn't realised how badly he needed them, poor boy's practically blind. He spends a lot of time in the garden now, always showing me cool bugs and flowers, and found my dad's headstone the other day, well, rediscovered," Lola explains, "read dad's name and saw it said 'Leo' in it and asked if it was for him. Had to explain that it was for someone who meant a lot to me, and that we'd named him that because now he meant a lot to me. He seemed happy enough with that."
"School started back up again a few weeks ago," she sighs, finally sitting down, "every year, like clockwork," she snorts, "Penny wanted me to tell you that she's enjoying high school so far, and she's sorry she didn't visit over summer, but that she had a blast as camp councillor, and she'll be by soon." Lola paused, her smile gentle as she enjoyed the sunlight, feeling a warm contentment blossom in her chest. 
"I never went to high school," Lola admits, and its strange to think the fact has never come up before for all the time she's spent pouring her heart out to Charlotte, both when she'd been alive, and when she was simply a headstone, "between what happened with mom, the trial, moving to a group home, and running away with Nikki, no-one ever bothered to enrol me. I know Tommy never graduated high school, but he still went, you know? And you -" Lola cuts herself off with a sigh, shaking her head. "I'm just proud of Penny is all; without a doubt, our kids are gonna end up outshining us all." With that,Lola places a hand on the faintly noticeable swell of her stomach, smiling.
"I'm really excited, you know, about this one; I'm getting an ultrasound tomorrow, first one for this little peanut," she pats her stomach fondly, "we've already got a couple of names in mind, unearthed some lists from when we had Leo. We've run out of parents we want to honor, so we've been thinking Cerie if its a girl, or Cyrus if its a boy, no real special meaning, we just both like them. I kind of want their middle name to be Michael, or Michelle, for Mick; the fact that that geezer still treats me like family after everything we've been through, well I want to honor that, you know? Don't want it as a first name though, I think that's a bit much," she chuckles a little. 
"I can hear you asking 'why not Vince' - actually, no, I can't for many reasons, the main one being that I don't think you'd ever advocate for me naming any part of my child after Vince Neil," Lola pauses, "also because of the whole, you know," she blusters, gesturing to the grave, "but Nikki respects my weird pseudo-parental relationship with Mick, and Vince is... Vince." It's said with a fond smile, and an implied its different, you understand. Lola's quiet for a long while, and sucks a breath in through her teeth as she stares out at the horizon, fidgetting for a moment. After a beat, she scratches at the nicotine patch on her arm. 
"Sometimes I just get these weird cravings, and I'm worried its not working, but it is and they're just pregnancy cravings; I literally forget every time how much I start jonesing for some spearmint, its not as bad as my heroin cravins were, and there's no patch for that," she adds, "they're better now, though; its like my old cigarette itch. I can't chainsmoke spearmint but I fucking wish I could." Lola looks to the gravestone, "did you get cravings? Its been so long since Penny was just a peanut, I can't remember. I bet it was something weird too, like bananas with mayonaise, and Razzle would probably already have them ready before you'd even ask, and say something baffling like," and Lola puts on a terrible impression of Razzle's accent when she speaks through her smile, "back in the UK, tha's just gravedigger's biscuits, innit love?"
"The UK doesn't know what biscuits are," Lola adds with a snort and a roll of her eyes, smirking. 
"The kid's put a hold on the wedding plans though; looks like if we survive Y2K we'll be getting hitched in the new millennium. Finally," she adds with an amused little smile, before her expression drops to something hesitant, "I was thinking of asking Penny to be my Maid of Honor, but thought I should run it by you first; I've got a few girls from the office for bridesmaids - its strange, I've actually got, like, friends now, just took me forty years to learn how to make them, instead of getting lucky like when you decided I was worth it. Also, I know I've said this before, but I really am sorry about how shitty I was as a friend at times; you were much better to me than I deserved, but I think you know that," Lola's expression is self deprecating, but her words are honest. 
"I want Penny as my Maid of Honor," Lola repeats, adding, "it makes sense. And Pam's also a bridesmaid, which makes less sense, but you know, we actually get along really well, which I think surprised both of us. Tommy is unsurprisingly Nikki's best man, and its genuinely not weird this time," Lola laughs easily as she explains her wedding plans to no-one. "He's both of our best friends, which tends to confuse everyone else, but that's just how things worked out, and we're just," Lola actually grins as she lets out a chuckle amid a sigh of contentment, "we're happy, Charlie. I know it took forty fucking years, but it feels like.my life's finally worked out." And she gives the grave a fond smile, "the only thing missing is you."
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