#i think this will be the first time since 2018 i actively participate in fandom
badfurwar · 4 days
Jojo fandom is like Welcome back Puma!
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serendipnpipity · 5 months
Favorite DnP Tour Song Statistics
Settle round, little ducklings, do I have some statistics to share with you all!!
A grand total of 156 people participated in this survey, so thank you if you took the time to fill it out! 🧡
As a teaser, here’s a pie chart of the votes for your favorite song! We’ll be discussing this in depth in its own section but I know some of you f*ck vibe with pie charts more than the bar charts I use there…
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To give you a clear vision of what we’ll be looking at, here are the categories of the upcoming analysis:
Phandometrics (community growth on a viewership & fandom scale)
Favorite Song (general)
Favorite Song vs. Phandometrics (the main hypothesis!)
Honorable Mentions (fun little quirks I noticed along the way)
Ready? Time to read on.
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Lag between year started watching -> year joined the phandom. This can be seen most obviously in the 2009-2015 portion of the graph, likely when the community was just building up. I went back to check individual points, and many people seem to join a year or two after starting to watch.
Three distinct peaks of phandom growth: 2015 (dnp popularity peak), 2019 (coming out), and 2023 (dnpg comeback, dnp renaissance). Pretty expected, but still cool to see!
The difference between the peaks when you look at viewership vs. phandom is interesting though! Especially 2019 seems to be a huge spike in viewership, but the phandom growth seems a little more gradual (maybe more people lurked at first, then joined the phandom in 2023 once they were more active?).
The 2012 peak is really interesting. Most popular year to start watching from this sample, apparently!
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"The Internet is Here" won 51.3% of the votes... which didn't surprise me all that much. It's iconic, okay?
II is about half as popular, and beyond the song qualities themselves, I wonder if a contributing factor to this pattern could be its lack of availability as an officially released song.
I think Everything's Fine is so low partially bc I closed the poll before WAD released to prevent the recency effect from skewing the data. (Especially because I thought we were getting "Everything's Fine (Acoustic)" smh.)
By era...
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I had a hypothesis: based on the year you joined, which I now realize in my head wrongly equated with the year you were most active in, you'd be more biased towards the song of that era bc a) you were more likely to go to the tour or b) epic nostalgia hit.
Yeah, I was wrong.
When you group the eras you see that TIIH wins in almost every single group by a similar proportion to the total, which means this attitude is fairly evenly distributed amongst the phannies.
By year...
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Separating by year, you begin to see that, hold up, the hypothesis could have some merit! In either 2017 or 2018 on both graphs, the II finale actually does win.
The super high TIIH votes bleeding in from 2015/2016 and from 2019 seemed to mask this pattern.
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I have no idea what happened here but both ways you slice it, Interactive Introverts was fighting for its life amongst the 2012 phannies???
We got three phannies that have been watching since 2009!! The fact that people have been sticking around so long (up to fifteen years!!! and this was only a sample of 156 of us!!!) is really heartwarming for me bc it's a testament to how strong of a community dnp have built their viewership to be.
At the end of the day, what can I say? That was a lot of statistics. I hope you enjoyed or took something away from this little survey. Lmk if you notice any other cool trends or have any theories on what the data means!
Thank you for listening to my yapping; have an orange heart.
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batmanschmatman · 8 months
Hello, hope you’re doing well!! 1, 3, 12, 17, 24 and 38 for the ask game please 😊
doing pretty good! have two job interviews tomorrow so nervous about that but also excited. hope you're doing well too and thanks for the ask!!
one: what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are? going to skip past the obvious like my parents and say american girl dolls (got me into history, made me major in it in college and got me to get my MA in public history, so all my career stuff has been tied back to them hahaha), joining my livejournal/dreamwidth roleplaying communities which kept me writing a lot and getting involved in fandom stuff (this is how I met @heystovepipeboys!) and generally growing up as and staying a big nerd about a lot of stuff, which shapes pretty much everything about me all the time lol.
three: 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of? hmmmmm tough call bc I don't think my usual answers for favorite movies necessarily fit this (jaws is usually what I say is my fave, but I don't ever really put it right back on after watching it), so the ones I tend to be like okay let's put it right back on as soon as the credits roll are princess mononoke, what we do in the shadows, and captain america: the winter soldier. honorable mentions to star trek '09 and x-men: first class which I watched about a hundred thousand times in college whenever I wanted to put something on while writing.
twelve: what’s some good advice you want to share? don't settle for a partner who doesn't or barely tolerates your hobbies and interests. there are so many people in my doll collector groups who talk about spouses/partners who actively hate their collections or shame them for having them, and honestly life is too short for that. I was told for years as a kid/teen/young adult that I'd never find someone who liked disney/comic books/collecting toys/star trek/pokémon/history as much as I did, so I'd have to get used to the idea of getting rid of all my stuff when I got married, but my wife is super supportive of my interests and actively participates in 90% of them. she even collected dolls before she met me! your partner doesn't have to be involved with everything you do, but they should respect your interests and you should respect theirs!
seventeen: name 3 things that make you happy cats, delicious baked goods, wearing comfortable pajamas while wrapped in a million blankets
twenty four: what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for? finishing the first draft of my novel! it's a historical fiction piece about a marine coming back from a japanese pow camp at the end of WWII and dealing with all the different questions of "what now?" now that the war's over. I'd been working on it since 2018 and it's crazy seeing it printed out and finished even if it still needs a lot of editing hahaha.
thirty eight: fave song at the moment? meet me in the woods by lord huron
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pastballads · 4 months
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Luan
★  PRONOUNS: He/Him/Dude/Bro/My guy/etc.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: I... honestly can't think of any? I've had more bad experiences than good. Maybe I'd say when I finally found my footing with independent OCs with Izren and ended up buddies with Bear and his whole entourage of writing partners. I've joined up on Discord servers with people I write with in the past, but I've never had fun like we do on his server. Plus we play D&D!
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord is my go-to if you wanna reach me. I use Tumblr IMs too, though with how they're about as functional as a Bethesda game, I often ask if we can move over to DMs.
I've got my Discord tab open 24/7 on both my laptops, plus I have the app on my phone. I lurk a lot. But nine times outta ten, I'm more of a reactive replier, almost always messaging back rather than messaging first.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Kouki, always. Getting into the mood with him is so stupidly easy. Put on any rock music, think about any series, play a video game, whatever- and there's always something that makes me do that Leo pointing meme and think "Hey, that gives me ideas for that white-haired little gremlin!"
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I've honestly lost track lmao. Ballpark estimate is 11-13 years since I started around 2010 to 2013, with my intro to roleplaying being those ancient Quotev quizzes and the chatroom website Chatzy. If I remember correctly, my first actual RP was either in a Sonic chatroom or a Naruto chatroom. And I've never even watched Naruto- I was going on nothing other than the Fandom Wiki. You could even say that my cringe-worthy OC there was the first iteration of Kouki. Only reason I still remember that chat was one of my writing partners died of some terminal illness. Basically drowned in her own blood.
After that, I moved here to Tumblr. It started with Pokemon blogs... then Steven Universe (where I saw them actively out-toxic the MLP fanbase and drive them out of the fanbase)... then I was the sole Soul Calibur roleplayer... then I made a Skyrim OC based on the Kid Dragonborn mod... then I fell back onto Naruto and joined the fanbase here with more cringy OCs... made my other, still on-going Pokemon blog about eight-ish years ago... joined the JJBA fandom, which was and still is the best fandom I ever joined... then I joined the RWBY fandom... then the BNHA fandom... and now we're here!
I'm gonna cheat a bit and leave two of Bear's peeves, if only because he completely hits the nail on the head. There's just no better way to put it without rehashing things.
Excessive commentary blogging. Before it was just a lot of dash commentary that had me going 'eh'. But in recent years it's gone past that. I've become disenchanted with blogs that become largely commentary for whatever it is they're doing on Discord. All power to those Discord groups doing what they do! But it reaches a point for me that I don't really see them as indie, and it can feel insurmountable trying to interact with them if you're not entangled with their zig-zagging plotlines.
Blog hoppers. Because for a slow burner and long hauler like myself, they're the most impossible people to write with! Which is a shame, because a lot of the hoppers I come across do seem to have some writing talent to them!
Fandom RP events. When I was younger, I used to love the idea of these big events with their own plotlines and moving parts that anyone could participate in if they wanted to. Galas, holiday parties, festivals- stuff like that.
That lasted until 2018, when I kickstarted Bernadotte's original JJBA blog and brought back my long-running Pokemon blog. In the span of something like 5 months, eight separate RP events happened back-to-back in just the JJBA fandom alone. You can only try to participate and be entirely ignored for so long before it sours your whole outlook.
And I mean entirely. I remember writing twelve different starters that people asked for, responding to numerous open threads and starters, liking many different event starter calls, sending asks- the whole shebang. Not even once did I get anything back. If you enjoy fandom RP events, more power to you. But I've been burned too many times to even want to try.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Doesn't matter to me! Either way is great! Back in the day, I relied heavily on memes without any ideas for plot, just sending in whatever sounded like something my muse would say. Basically "Oops! All Memes!" Now? I put more thought into things. Overthink things too.
Receiving memes? I almost always ask if there was a reason or an idea driving my partners to send in that specific thing 'cause you never know, y'know? They usually do. But it really doesn't matter to me if they do or don't. I'm just happy to write with y'all.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: There's a little bit of me in every one of my muses! An example off the top of my head? Kouki is based on how I was as a kid his age. Corbin was inspired by my high school years, my love for old books and poetry, and my music tastes. My Pokemon OC was straight-up a self-insert when I started that blog. Tino came from my RWBY days and my absolute love for weaponry.
They've all got fragments of me in 'em!
tagged by: @dcviated Thanks bear! tagging: @pluviacuratio, @boomermania, @remunporium, @caestusvulpes, @fctedivided, @monmuses, and anybody else that wants to do it!
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boundlss · 5 months
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
i answered a question like this the other day! it was baccano! of course but i may as well take this opportunity to expand on my answer and what specifically about the communities i've written in i liked and didn't. i think with the inclusion of baccano! i would say that i have written properly within five communities. i think maybe i'll rank them. yeah, i decided it would be a good idea to do that.
baccano! - the smallest of the communities. with the exception of one person, i was usually interacting with every concurrent person actively writing baccano! since i started writing it myself. but that was what was fun about it! we were all friends and there was never any fuss about duplicates or shipping drama because it's a 2003 light novel series about alchemists and american-italian crime syndicates in the 1930's like how much are you willing to dramatize things there lmao. anyway, i liked how much we all genuinely liked writing with eachother there, and how into baccano! everyone was at the time!
bungou stray dogs - although i am specifically talking about the way the community was when i first joined it since that was really the only time i was ACTUALLY engaged with it. it was my second rpc on tumblr and i really, really have a lot of fond memories. it spawned my favorite muse ever that i still write to this day and most of my current rp friends are people i met when i joined there back in 2018. we don't talk about the reconnaissance i was part of it did not happen.
the witcher - i would actually consider this community to be extremely middle of the road. i don't have anything against most of the people i interacted with when i was fully entrenched into the community and wrote nowhere else, but i also think i was engaging with the story in a different way than most people who were writing it, and ultimately there was a weird combination of one half of the community over-moralizing things and the other half being just absolute complete wild cards, and literally nobody except for like three people who i still think of fondly ever actually read the books in full, but everyone definitely pretended they did.
my hero academia - actually this was my first rpc on tumblr and it was the mixiest of mixed bags. at the time i wrote a character for 6 straight months who literally no one else wrote at any point despite there being, like, 500 people in the community at the time. i got called out twice for two completely different bullshit reasons but everyone loved me because i was the only blog for my favorite guy. like if you were in that community around 2018 then there's a good chance we interacted because i followed literally everyone and participated in everything.
genshin impact - aside from the fact that there was a very pervasive problem of actual real life racism the people in this rpc were just extremely pretentious and elitist and constantly made me feel like they thought they were better than me. hands down the worst community i have ever written in, like i would prefer the puritanical attitude and callouts of the bnha fandom to the stuff i experienced secondhand in the genpact community. this is actually part of the reason i don't play anymore.
questions for muns. / accepting.
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coffee-at-annies · 10 months
F, N, T?
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Well this is the hockey sideblog and I’ve been active over here since around 2017. I transitioned from omgcp and yuri on ice to primarily hockey around 2018-2020 and I’ve been here since. There’s fluctuations in interest and my levels of fandom participation but y’know it’s weird being able to say I’ve actively been here for around 5 years.
For passive fandom I’ve been a fan of dc/teen titans since the OG cartoon and when they rebooted teen titans after Donna’s death. So like I’ve been a passive Tim Drake+ fan for some 15-20 years, I’m just not active in dc comics fandom outside of like reading fanfic. Idk if I could call that my longest fandom since I’m not creating any content. If reading a thing counts I’ve also been actively reading Girl Genius for over 10 years.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
*stares deep into the middle distance and contemplates how much I want to whack the hornets nest* Hope you’re prepared for more hockey.
More love/interest for non-superstar players. Everyone has their guy, their blorbo, their favorite, but that’s very frequently the big guys on the team y’know. The emotional support depth forward or third D deserves love too
This feels very silly since I’m talking about professional sports but a thing I see people struggling with when posting about sports online is emotional regulation in regards to losses. Watching your special guys lose sucks. The serotonin broadcast didn’t make the happy win chemical. It can be worse if you spent money to see it live. That’s hard to deal with. I repeat, it’s really hard to deal with if you’re new to it and deep in the hyperfixation. I’ve struggled with it myself. The place I see issues is that some people make that others’ problem either by doomspiraling or baiting. It’s not the job of a stranger on the internet to tell you how to manage your emotions and expectations. Losing happens. Losing streaks happen. How you deal with it is a reflection on you. I understand that sometimes we get folks who are experiencing baby’s first fandom and haven’t figured out how not to make their emotions everyone else’s problem, but it’s an absolutely essential skill in any fandom or interpersonal context.
This is aimed at the more fannish side of things but I wish there was more variation. I see a lot of team mom and nesting omega jokes and I’m like why is it always the same person getting written as feminized/sub/bottom/omega. Why are we recreating cishet gender nonsense for mlm ships? Where’s the alpha/alpha? The switching? Why does everything have to be rigid? Where’s the fluidity in who does what? In interpretations? Where is the fluidity of human sexuality? I feel like people are sometimes holding so tightly to a headcanon that they forget to be playful with it. Or maybe the tightness is the playfulness and that’s how you see the guy. It doesn’t match up with how I see them but that’s fine. I just feel like there’s so much emphasis on getting it right that we aren’t exploring what else right could look like.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Oh tons. I’ve partaken in “he would not fucking say that” a bunch. There’s lots of stuff for any number of fandoms that are tightly held and I’ll die on this hill. I’m also very flexible most of the time. I’m both very specific about my headcanons and also willing to change based on what’s going on. I contain multitudes and so does fandom.
Heck occasionally I have two ride or die headcanons that are contradictory because thats just how it is sometimes. I’m trying to think of an example but I’m not coming up with anything specific. The joy of fandom is defending my headcanons to the death and then getting up and finding another hill to die on. Fandom should be about joy and play. If it doesn’t spark joy I should figure out why and what I can do about it and move on. No use dwelling on a thing that isn’t making me happy unless it’s like an angst headcanon in which case I’m getting joy from the saddness.
Letter Asks
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bomnun · 2 years
(more annoying thoughts. skip this post if you don’t want to read about album sales and other statistics, which i know many of you people, who are much smarter and have much more self preservation than me, don’t)
for some reason i can’t make it unrebloggable, but please don’t reblog this nor interpret it as “hate” towards any of the other artists i mention here. success or lack thereof is never a reason i’d hate or try to diss anyone. i’m just comparing numbers.
not paying attention to numbers within kpop at all is good and healthy, and i wish i were more like that too, but i feel like when you’re going to make assumptions about groups’ success, future and levels of popularity you should at least go to wikipedia first. sorry for being like this, but i do get really annoyed when fans assume pentagon desperately need this goddamn survival show and go on about how much it helped victön and nü’est. 2022 ptg sells more albums and charts better than 2022 vïcton. nüest’s first week sales pre produce were 600 (obviously they exploded in popularity after the show, but the novelty of it and people’s trust and interest in survival shows has died off since completely; on that note ptg chart better than the previous mnet planet survival show group in korea). invite u’s first week sales were 76 996. the album sales market has changed drastically in that time, but, still, for comparison ptg’s debut album sold 3 636 in its first week, which wasn’t good then either i think???. i’m not pretending they’re mega famous or anything, and cube clearly wants an explosion in album sales from their artists, so 110k-ish, is clearly not enough to them.
the situation isn’t equivalent to clc either (helicopter 18k sales vs invite u 102k sales and a music bank win), because, elkie had already terminated her contract before gp999, they hadn’t had group activities in months, while ptg had aaa and kbs gayo daechukje during the training camp week still one of the main reasons i couldn’t believe it and are going to france performing as a group in february. if cube’s going to try to pull the plug on them it still hasn’t officially happened. based on their recent vlives kino’s trying hard to manifest a positive future (and i support him!! i’m with you) but shinwon’s trying to be as realistic as possible, and they both said they’re going to come back in 2023, even when things ar e....looking the way they are.
if people are going to make such big statements about doom or how one group’s situation is exactly like anothers without knowing...anything... please… look up basic facts first. i know everyone thinks they know pentagon because they know shine and the fact that they haven’t had a mega viral hit song Everyone knows since, but we really aren’t in 2018 anymore  the fandom has more than doubled since, and, yeah, a few left after the survival show participation announcement but it’s still much bigger than it was pre-2020.
i still think there’s no similar situation to such a publicly recognized (in korea and overseas; some japanese 48 girls are more popular, but...not already in kpop grouos nor have they made multiple hits for mnet before) person who still has an active group, a legit fanbase, and success of that scale not even in a distant past putting himself in a situation like this. i doubt we’ll be able to fullly hear his reasoning for another couple of months, but i still seriously wonder what the conditions were for him to unplannedly join within days after his military discharge, when he’d gone for two years spending as much time as possible with pentagon and only talking about the future pentagon comebacks he wanted to participate in.
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everythingbap · 3 months
🎤 K Fuse: 'K-Fun' Summer School: The Shops at Skyview Kicks Off 2024 Summer Cultural Series 'K-Fun' Featuring Jung Daehyun Meet-and-Greet
On Sunday, June 16th, Flushing, New York, a neighborhood known for its diversity and cultural richness, welcomed one of the most enthusiastic fandoms that K-Pop has ever seen -- BABY. The Shops at Skyview, a premier shopping destination in the heart of Flushing, hosted the first event of their summer cultural series, 'K-Fun', which showcased the best of Korean culture and entertainment as they hosted a meet-and-greet with Jung Daehyun -- soloist and member of B.A.P to kick off the highly anticipated series of events. The event was a testament to the neighborhood's multicultural heritage, with Korean, Chinese, and Indian cultures all represented in the festivities. Flushing's vibrant community, with its lively sidewalks, eclectic shops, and mouth-watering restaurants, served as the perfect backdrop for the celebration of Korean culture and entertainment.
Aligning with the 'Visit Korea Year' theme, The Shops at Skyview Center has collaborated with the Korean Tourism Organization to offer on-site information about tourism and Korean cuisine during each 'K-Fun' event, making it an immersive experience for all participants. The 'K-Fun' event at The Shops at Skyview Center began at 2:00 PM, with early attendees arriving at the location around 10:00 AM. As fans patiently waited in line, sponsors and vendors set up their booths, featuring K-Beauty from Dear Klair's, K-Food, K-Beverages, and K-Wellness. Fans were dressed in their finest Korean school uniforms, aligning with the event's theme -- "K-Fun" Summer School.
Before the fun could begin, Jung Daehyun -- accompanied by host Wesley Sin -- addressed the attendees of the pre-event press conference, which included event sponsors, members of the press, and Instagram live attendees. During the conference, he discussed the teaser for the B.A.P documentary, the schedule for the day's event, and B.A.P's fanbase, BABY!
Introduction:  Nice to meet you, I'm Daehyun.
Thank you for coming to such a meaningful event today, I feel great too!  Thank you.
WS: How does it feel to be back in New York, again?
DH: 2018 was the last time I came here, which was with my members, making me remember a lot from that time [with B.A.P].  Being here alone to meet fans like this, I'm feeling a little nervous and happy.
WS:  How does it feel to be back in a school uniform?
DH:  First of all, I'm not at the age to wear a school uniform anymore, so I hope you'll look at me cutely.  I'm also very excited to appear on stage wearing a school uniform after such a long time.
WS:  You've been working out a lot lately. Could you give us any workout and wellness advice.
DH:  Thinking about it, consistency is really important.  I think eating properly (managing your diet) is the most important.  So yeah, in my opinion, it's important not to overeat or exercise too much.
WS:  Let's talk about today's activities and setlist
DH:  Today, since it's been a long while since meeting fans.  I've prepared my solo song of course.  But I have also prepared a B.A.P song medley.  I hope you'll enjoy it.
When the chance presented itself, it was time for the press and sponsors to ask questions. When an inquiry about the upcoming B.A.P documentary, here's what Daehyun had to say:
DH: First of all, our B.A.P documentary [teaser] was recently released.  I think this project will be the biggest show of the year.  Please look forward to it.
Curiosity sparked over what Jung Daehyun planned to do while he was in New York,
DH: I'll be returning back [to Korea] tomorrow, but I've already been able to experience a lot around Queens, a lot of things around Times Square.  The most memorable thing to me is that, since I've done musicals before, there were a lot of billboard screens up here of these.  So, I thought about whether or not I could try doing a musical over here someday..
Daehyun has starred in several musicals, and as an artist, you always need to be aware of how your secondary activities build on your skills as a singer.
DH: To put it simply, as a singer, when singing I think the focus on emotional delivery is important.  Meanwhile, for musicals, things such as the delivery of lyrics, musical singing and acting play a huge part. 
We always like to acknowledge the relationship between fans and the artists. When asked what DABY means to him,
"It’s difficult to sum it up in 1 word. Because those memories between me & B.A.B.Y fans are so meaningful, I think this time around & more than anything else, my appearance with B.A.P is the most important and special thing in my life,"
and Daehyun proceeded with a final message for his fans, "The time has come everybody.  I hope we can make good memories together again."
Press conference attendees were left with excitement and anticipation for what the future has in store for Jung Daehyun, B.A.P, an their reconnection with BABY as Daehyun left us with this statement:
DH: Honestly, I'm really looking forward to it this year (referring to B.A.P activities).  Although we've only just started this project, we've actually been preparing it for a long time.  As it's a project prepared without regrets I hope you look forward to it.  My solo activities will take place after that which will also be prepared thoroughly.  I would appreciate your support.  Thank you so much.
The event commenced with fans entering by zones, eager to experience the magic that awaits them. The excitement was palpable as the crowd anticipated the start of the show, their spirits buoyed by the prospect of the unforgettable afternoon that lay ahead. To initiate the festivities, a brief yet captivating skit played out, presenting the hosts, sponsors, and event organizers. Next, the incredibly talented AKF Dance Studio Team graced the stage, delivering a show-stopping performance that captivated the audience with their precision and grace. Their dance routine, set to the chart-topping single, "Magnetic," by ILLIT, was a testament to their dedication and passion for their craft. The medley of popular K-Pop songs that followed demonstrated their versatility and range, as they effortlessly transitioned from one hit to the next, enthralling the audience with their energy and enthusiasm. Fans in attendance were inspired to join in, singing along and dancing in their seats, creating a vibrant and electric atmosphere that permeated every corner of the venue. As the medley drew to a close, the audience warmly welcomed back host Wesley Sin to the stage, ready to guide them through the next chapter of this extraordinary evening as he introduced "Skyview High's new exchange student from South Korea, Jung Daehyun!"
The event was finally in full swing, and the atmosphere was electric. To make it even more memorable, a short question-and-answer session with the enigmatic Daehyun took place. As if that wasn't enough, #BABY took the stage to ask their own set of questions. When asked about his preferred animal to represent the fandom, Daehyun charmingly confessed his fondness for dogs. However, the real shocker came when he was asked about performing a Spanish song, to which he replied with an unexpected 'Yes!' The reason behind this sudden interest in Spanish music became apparent when he discovered that several of the attendees were Hispanic, leaving everyone impressed by his thoughtfulness and willingness to connect with his diverse fanbase.
The event continued as it provided a glimpse into the remainder of the 'K-Fun' cultural courses in 2024 through a series of interactive activities, starting with K-Art, where Daehyun would be taught how to create an adorable cat design on a shirt, thus showcasing the unique blend of culture and entertainment that the upcoming classes would offer.
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The final event was the K-Culture Quiz where fans were asked questions about South Korea such as the name of the famous island and popular travel destination, and the tallest building.  The final question was the question of the day for fans as it was about Daehyun! "Where is my hometown?," Daehyun asked.  Fans' hands shot up into the air at a chance to answer this question, to which the answer was, "Gwangju."  While many people travel to Seoul and Busan, fans were encouraged to visit Gwangju for its beautiful scenery.
Between each event was a short break where Daehyun was able to demonstrate his proficiency in various musical aspects. He performed a selection of songs that showcased his vocal range and dynamism, including "Bomb" and "You're My." Additionally, he exhibited his dancing skills by performing a B.A.P medley alongside the AKF Dance Studio members. The fusion of their dance moves resulted in a visually stunning performance that captivated the audience.  Finally, Daehyun closed out the event with a beautifully captivating performance of "With You," which once again had BABY singing along.  Before ending the event, Wesley acknowledged Daehyun's upcoming birthday as the staff brought out a cake with the number 31 on it -- as Wesley acknowledged the fan club for organizing the surprise event for Daehyun.  Then, it was truly time to say goodbye as Daehyun took photos with each zone -- leaving a lasting impression for all in attendance.
Be Sure to Follow Daehyun for Solo Activity and B.A.P Updates!
Interested in a Signed Daehyun Photo? Attend Four or More 'K-Fun' Summer Classes to Receive Your "Graduation Gift!"
Follow The Shops at Skyview for the Class Schedule!
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vhvrs · 5 months
6, 15, 16 for the fandom ask (for any fandom you are currently in or want to talk about) :3
ty ty ty :3c
answering these under the cut since the images r kindve long...
6) Show us a bit of a WIP!
most of my art wips i think ive shared or are incomprehensible messes but ig this counts - currently doing wip brainstorming for potential merch lineup (charms in this case) for a VERY potential con n hopefully online sales bc id love to get back into that... i have others but these r the only ones ill share mainly bc i can use this as an opportunity to gauge the actual interest lmao
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since this is an art AND fic ask game heres wips of the only fic im kinda working on (miami rick/reader)
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15) Have you noticed your style change over time?
definitely! in two different ways i suppose:
when i first draw things i tend to get trapped in more... realism n an inability to stylize n its a process i repeat every new fandom i go into until i get comfortable enough to draw the stylized versions?? idk if this is noticeable to others, but its very noticeable to me haha
on a similiar note i think over time ive just grown more comfortable leaning into stylized or cartoonish art - this was originally an active process when i was like. fresh adult bc i didnt like my art at the time but i think abt ten yrs later ive hit a point where im able to draw more than the same face over n over. or i hope so lol. i have shapes i repeat a lot but ive been able to draw a lot of things n make them work in my style in ways i just couldnt b4.
i believe all art styles have a lineart + color combo that fits it n i think ive found mine! but ive also learned to be comfortable in being inconsistent n wildly different :3
ig tldr old art drop. i feelive gotten to a point w my art i can get close to what im seeing in my head lol
2016 -> 2022
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2016 -> 2023
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2018 -> 2023
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fic wise i think ive gotten more floral to overdescriptive lately due to older feedback from also a decade ago abt it being hard to decipher what was going on sometimes. ill reread old fics n be impressed by my ability to cut to the chase lmao. i need to find a better middle ground...
16) Do people irl know you participate in fandom?
yep! i both have a what ud call special interest in fandom culture & then pretty much uh do not do anything else so it makes my only hobby fandom -> ppl know. i dont really talk or hang out w ppl irl but like i was raised by and around nerds so i dont try to hide it haha. i have infodumped fandom bs at former coworkers too... its a curse. fandom is too much of my life for ppl irl to be able to NOT know
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so i want to talk for a minute about why it’s so important that you reblog fics on tumblr (yes, i know there’s a problem with art too but this is specifically about fics today)
first of all, let me kick this off by saying, if you’re reading this, this is for you specifically. yes, you with less than a hundred followers, you with less than ten followers, you with zero followers. there seems to be this misconception that it doesn’t matter if you don’t reblog something because no one will see it and i’m telling you right here, right now, that you’re wrong. it definitely 100% matters and i’m going to tell you why
last month, i reached a follower milestone and was very excited - for about a day and a half and then my excitement plummeted because what i realized was that i had just hit this milestone and yet the number of notes on my fics had never been lower. at first i was baffled. how could i have more followers than ever but be getting less notes than i used to? at the time, i was posting one to two ficlets every day so i thought maybe the quality was decreasing because of how much i was putting out and i just hadn’t noticed so i decided to take a break from posting ficlets and focused on my longer works and the events i was participating in
i went back to posting today after asking for prompts from followers yesterday and go figure, the number of notes is still lower than it was compared to posts from the beginning of the year, even factoring in the time that’s passed since then. so then i thought to check the notes themselves and what i ended up finding was that while the number of likes hadn’t changed, the reblogs had (interestingly, this drop in notes coincided with a post making the rounds telling writers to be happy with the silent readers who leave neither likes nor reblogs on works but that’s a story for another post)
this is when i went to a couple friends to complain that i didn’t know what i was doing wrong and made an off-hand comment about wondering if people were seeing all these posts begging for people to reblog and just not thinking it applied to them, which is when may - thank you, may - told me that yeah, that’s exactly what a lot of blogs think so let me tell you why it does actually matter that you reblog, even if you don’t think it does
firstly, as it relates just to the author, when you reblog, you’re telling the author that not only did you like their story, but you want to share it with everyone else too. i don’t know an author out there who doesn’t go through the reblogs and read the tags and i can pretty much guarantee that we all get that warm, fuzzy feeling when someone leaves a particularly nice tag
there are two common arguments that i hear for this point: what if i like something cringey and why does it matter if i reblog something when i don’t have any followers to share it with?
as for the first argument, no media is unproblematic and no media is something that everyone will consider non-cringey. there’s always going to be someone out there who thinks your chosen fandom is cringey and it’s best to realize that now and get over it. you can’t please everyone. besides, it’s your blog. why wouldn’t you want to post things you like on your blog?
as for the second argument, if it’s not enough for you that even just the act of wanting to share fics means something to the authors, then let me bring you to my second point: fandom is built on active, not passive, participation
we’ve all heard stories about the star trek fans who actively passed paper copies of fic around to share it with people. fandom was built on sharing those fics. friendships were built on sharing those fics. and if those fans had taken the fics they wrote and hidden them away, shared them with only a couple friends and told them not to distribute their works, modern fandom as it is today wouldn’t exist. we’d still be hiding our fics, hoping that we don’t get the all-terrifying dmca notice
along the same lines, tumblr is built on active participation. every couple of months, it seems like tumblr comes out with a new way to make it harder for content creators to share their stuff: the 2018 nsfk ban, shadow-banning, problems with the read more, and recently not being able to put links in your work if you want it to show up in the tags. all of this means that it’s up to us to keep fandom on tumblr going because tumblr isn’t going to do it for us
tumblr’s algorithm, unlike just about every other social media site, is designed around reblogs. this, in many ways, makes sense. tumblr is a blogging platform so of course its algorithm is designed around what gets shared. this means that posts that show up in the tags are the ones that get reblogged. the posts that show up in the On Your Dashboard, What You Missed, and Recommended features are all the ones that get reblogged. the posts that show up on the login screen, for those of you who regularly see it, are the ones that get, you guessed it, reblogged
so what that means is that, even though you might have only a couple or even no followers, your reblog counts toward that algorithm and that post gets bumped a little bit higher in the tag
which is why it’s such a big problem when people stop reblogging. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve seen a tag saying something along the lines of “wow this is so good, why doesn’t it have more notes?” well, typically it’s because anywhere between 2/3 and 3/4 of the notes on that post are likes, which means that tumblr’s algorithm counted my fic as worthless and didn’t bother promoting it
which leaves me where i currently am: reblogging my own ficlets over and over in the hopes that someone will like it enough to reblog it, tagging it with something as pleading as “if you like please consider reblogging” because if i use anything stronger, i get a whole bunch of people telling me that i can’t tell people what to post
no, you’re right, i can’t tell you what to post. the most i can do is beg and explain yet again why every reblog counts
4K notes · View notes
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Meet The Mods! 
Here’s a little bit of information about our 3 mods! Please direct any questions/concerns to them! 🥂
’’Hey, I’m allmystars (Jess)! I’ve been in the supernatural fandom since 2016, and have been writing destiel fanfic since 2018. One thing I’m excited to see with the DCRT is what everyone does with the 1920s. There are so many possible avenues to take, and the creativity of the fandom astonishes me every time! I’m allmystars on AO3 and can find me on Twitter and Instagram @/allmystars_i and Tumblr @allmystars-i​’’
“Heya, I'm Uisce! I've been in love with Supernatural and Destiel (among many other ships) since the 3rd season first aired, which was while I was in middle school I think. So a pretty long time. I've been active in fandom as a whole since 2011/2012 but was working in Teen Wolf and Shameless (US) at the time. My mental health and college kept my participation in fandom very sporadic until this last December, so I'm very excited to finally start spreading my Supernatural love. I've had one fic for Destiel so far, but plan on more when I can. I'm excited about using the DCRT bang to dip my toes into such a big word count challenge for myself and as a way to really get to know people in this side of the fandom. (It doesn't hurt that picturing Dean in 1920s garb makes my heart flutter). You can find me on AO3 as UisceOneLove, or contact me on my Tumblr @wolfnprey.” 
“Hey! I’m lotrspnfangirl (Dani) and I’ve been in fandom since 2004 both creating art and writing. My fandoms are wide, from LotR, HP, Buffy, The Witcher, Uncharted, and Kingdom Hearts. I found SPN in 2014 and was hooked. I’m a multishipper but Destiel is my OTP. I love period pieces, and I’m so excited to see what comes with the 20s in DCRT! I already know it’s going to be breathtaking. I am mostly active on Twitter and FB (admin of Destiel Writers & Readers), but can be found anywhere as @lotrspnfangirl​. I’m a night shift nurse so I’ll be on at crazy times! Feel free to reach out to me any time.”
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ritualoflove · 3 years
tagged by @astarkey. thank you, i love whenever you tag me for these fun activities. 🤍
how many works do you have on AO3? what is your total word count? i condensed these two questions to knock out two in one. none, i’ve actually never written or read on that site. i’m not sure if the demographic i’m interested in is up there.
what are your top 5 fics by kudos? i assume this is a term used on AO3. being that i only know wattpad, i’ll integrate my experience from there. i’m not sure of a top 5 according to vote count, but i know for sure that falling in leaves and always and forever are up there. i foresee distractions making its way to the top considering i’m reading it now. maybe room 723, too?
do you respond to comments, why or why not? out of the two brief works that i’ve actually released, i responded to comments. it only felt right to do so.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? i don’t think i’ve written something along those lines since i was about thirteen, lmao. a typical love-hate cliché with love as the outcome in the end.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i don’t do the chapter-to-chapter storytelling anymore. the last time i did, i want to say it was 2018. to condense it—it was a story that was going to take the reader inside the mind of someone on substances. the ending wasn’t meant to be happy. you see people writing about things of this nature but even the slightest inaccuracy or misconception on the matter makes me cringe. i don’t like ignorance that can be defeated with simple research, and a lot of people don’t do it. i might come back around to this plot. i’m hitting my notebook app tonight.
do you write crossovers? no, i’ve never tried to.
have you received hate on a fic? no, i haven’t.
do you write smut? if so, what kind? yes, i do write smut. it’s soft and intimate.
have you ever had a fic stolen? i haven’t.
have you ever had a fic translated? no.
have you ever co-written a fic? yes. years ago, though.
what’s your all-time favorite ship? i don’t really do ships, especially when it’s centered on men that i’m attracted to. 😭 if i had to think about it, i’ll name a couple that hasn’t made me cringe. devyn and d.
what’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? this damned one-shot that i’m currently working on. the plot is a challenge for me. it’s not going to be released or anything (nothing i write is) but i’m going to finish it, i swear.
what are your writing strengths? whenever i have a decent flow going, i like how i’m able to transition from paragraph to paragraph. my first handful of introductory english courses made me realize how important that was. 😭
what are your writing weaknesses? there are a lot.
writer’s block comes to me easily and i seek perfection when it isn’t possible for anyone to reach that point.
when we’re talking about the actual writing process, i have trouble with expanding apart from the big picture. sure, it’s easy to determine what you want a specific story to be about—but what about everything in between? my mind has a tendency to blank at that point.
i can be stumped on action and the detail that actually formulates the story all while having the dialogue mapped out already.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i don’t mind it. as long as you put forth the time and effort to ensure that it’s accurate, i don’t mind it at all.
what was the first fandom you wrote for? justin bieber.
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written? i’ll come back around to this.
tagging @godmia and @galaxitrick to participate. if anyone else wants to chime in, feel free. 🤍
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Mary Ruth Keller
Mary Ruth Keller has 42 stories at Gossamer, plus her stories are at AO3. She's written a number of short standalone stories, but she's thought through the X-Files mythology and written about it probably as much as anybody ever has. So if you want to dive into the mythology and all its drama, you need to go read her mythology fics ASAP. (But read this long, interesting interview first!) Big thanks to Mary Ruth for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Quite frankly, yes. The Kuxan Sum Cycle branches off the actual series following the Third Season episode Syzygy. I took the myth-arc as it stood at that time, post Nisei-731, and the agents in mid-Rift. Although I didn’t quite realize it when I started out, I was most interested in moving the myth-arc forward in a continuously unfurling narrative, one where Scully and Mulder became an effective investigative team who support each other as partners and friends again. After I started writing in my little corner of the X-F universe in 1996, there was a lot of stuff on the show that just happened, with no real storytelling logic to it I could fathom, but that seemed to be popular. I stopped writing in 2000 because I was frantically busy at my new job (which consumed far too many twelve-plus-hour workdays and weekends) and because my sister and I were trying to take care of my elderly, increasingly frail, Mother. So, I never expected, when I started writing in 2018 and posting again in 2019 (I reposted all my stories, in order, to AO3 and fanfiction.net, because Chermera would never have made sense without them) for readers to take an interest in myth-arc and character issues that the series writers had simply abandoned to go chase, well, anything else, especially if it made no coherent sense whatsoever. What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
The fandom was a lot of fun. There were many interesting, engaging discussions I took part in with other fans of the show, some of whom I am still in touch with.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
All of the above. I spent a lot of time discussing writing and characters with other writers on ATXC, except when I was actively working on my novels. Since I was doing basic research into microwave remote sensing of the Earth while working at the Naval Research Laboratory at the time – yes, I was one of those dreaded Department of Defense scientists the show had a love/hate relationship with – my writing happened at night and on weekends. Novels, especially the longer ones, take me about a year from first words on disk until release, which meant I didn’t have all the time to participate on-line as I would have otherwise. But, I enjoyed chatting with the fellow denizens of the Endies Board, and on the EMXC, Scullyfic, and Je Souhaite mailing lists. I’ve saved some of those posts and conversation threads on my older computers, where it’s fun re-reading them from time to time. What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
There were a lot of generous, funny, very intelligent fans involved with X-F back then (not that there aren’t now; there are, of course). I started writing because I wanted to get the myth-arc and the characters back on-track, the long-term story moving forward and the agents again being the smart investigators I loved hanging out with on Friday nights. But, outside of having read a lot of myth, literature, fiction, and non-fiction, I didn’t know enough about the mechanics of writing fiction. Several authors were willing to help out, some explicitly through E-mail conversations, and some from general comments about crafting stories that were posted to ATXC. I had a real problem with how I initially handled dialog, which I had some E-mail guidance on, that was very much appreciated. I also had two quite diligent beta readers, one an on-line fan, and one a real-life friend, both male, who helped me with the direction of the Scully-Mulder half of Anath. I was, at the time, utterly exasperated with how the pair of them had become such complete morons on the series, both totally incapable of investigating anything successfully, which was affecting my writing the characters in that story.   What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show? Ooh, boy. I’d like to say I started watching with the show with the Pilot, but I didn’t, quite. Tom Shales was the Washington Post TV critic at the time the Pilot aired – yes, not only was I a government scientist, I was living in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1992. He was intrigued by the characters and premise and found Duchovny and Anderson engaging while playing their roles. At the time, I was wrapped up trying to work on a PhD while still employed at NRL, so I tucked the review away, waiting until I had Friday nights free to check it out. I’m a great lover of science fiction, so I thought to give the show a try, eventually. [Lilydale note: I found a couple things Tom Shales wrote about The X-Files premiere in 1993: Fall 1993 TV preview article and a “Pilot” episode review.]
The first episode I sat down to watch was the First Season Darkness Falls, where Mulder and Scully get trapped at the logging camp with the Earth Firster, Doug Spinney, the logging executive, Steve Humphries, the Forest Ranger, Larry Moore, and the gooey green bugs. I was amazed by that story. It was as perfect a little piece of science fiction as I have seen on TV (except for one bit toward the end), with an environmental moral to it as well, where all the characters make good and bad choices, and they all suffer or succeed because of them.
What hooked me, really hooked me, were the first/second acts, specifically, Dana Scully’s actions, once they find the desiccated logger in the tree. The investigation is handled logically, in that it’s not the big male agent who goes shinnying up the trunk to look at the evidence while everyone else stands around watching and wailing, “Whatever shall we do!” No, it’s little Dana Scully who takes the ride to the upper branches. This made oodles of sense, in that she was this tiny woman whom two men could lever up that far with a rope, a hand winch, and pulleys. When she gets there, after grimacing (who wouldn’t, considering what she saw), she starts investigating. She does an on-the-spot post-mortem exam, while Mulder makes an ooky male-body-parts joke, but everyone takes her results seriously. I was thrilled. Here was a female character I could really relate to, someone who could hold her own in a difficult situation, unlike most of those on the tube, then or now.
I made a point, over the following summer, of watching as many re-runs as I could, catching up on the episodes and characters. The stories ran to science fiction and horror, which are my preference. Further, although there was an emphasis on the paranormal, several of the first season episodes were written so both Mulder’s wanting-to-believe-but-needing-proof intuitive, emotional approach and Scully’s logical, scientific, justice-oriented viewpoint each got the narrative coherently from initial crime to identifying and apprehending a suspect. It was some spectacular, complex writing, and I was hooked, hopelessly hooked. I discuss this some on my old author web-page, which still exists, courtesy of the Wayback machine), so I won’t belabor it. What got you involved with X-Files fan-fic? The shenanigans within the Third Season, quite honestly. The myth-arc wasn’t moving forward, as it had during the Second Season, which I really couldn’t understand. Carter had given us this bang-up start in the ABC Trilogy with all these new fictional possibilities to explore, but instead, bupkis. The MOTW’s were retreads with no depth or moral/ethical weight to them, except for Darin’s stories. The intelligent agents I had enjoyed spending time with while they pursued their oddball investigations were evaporating before my eyes. Mulder had always been this deeply intuitive character who cared about others and knew he could get it wrong, so needed Scully’s logic in their investigations, even if he didn’t always want to hear her observations and questions. But that character was being replaced by a cookie-cutter misunderstood anti-hero, who wasn’t thinking, just running off to chase butterflies, who was always right because he was The Guy. Scully, as an investigator, the little agent who could, was simply being sidelined. Sure, she’d argue with Mulder, but the writers had stopped giving her and her logical viewpoint a real role in their cases, Darin excepted, again. As the series went on, the Agent and Doctor Dana Scully I respected was replaced with this snappish little female whose only notable skill was running in high heels, who spent her time standing around with her arms crossed, and made pruney faces at Mulder if she were required to do any actual investigating. I hated that character, but, apparently, the all-male writing staff just loved her.
I knew about the on-line fandom, so I thought to check out if anybody else had noticed these “improvements.” First, I spent time at ATXF, discussing the changes with the series, that disturbed a lot of folks, not just me. Eventually, I tripped onto ATXC. There were writers there who understood the two characters, quite well, but weren’t that interested in the other problems with the show that bothered me deeply.
Like many fan-fiction writers, I decided to try to bring in, or in my case, bring back, what I was missing in what was being aired. Sins of the Fathers was the result. As I mentioned above, it was a far from perfect story, but I learned much putting it together, and it got a lot of positive feedback. So I kept writing and trying to improve what I wrote. Folks appreciated it, then and now, surprisingly, which was endless encouragement to keep going. What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom? With work and my Mom, as I mentioned above, I dropped out for a few years. My new job is still microwave remote sensing of the Earth, at a University-affiliated laboratory, not working directly for the government, but the NASA/NSF-type funding for the research I like to do is much harder to come by, so it takes up a lot more of my time to keep funded and working. Adding to that, I haven’t found places like ATXC in the 90’s or the Endies Board, but I suppose lightning only strikes once. Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
Not really, no. I’ve enjoyed other TV series, but, I never felt those shows were just throwing away essential parts of themselves as X-F did, or, if they went bad, I simply stopped watching them. A fandom is, or can be, a huge time commitment, which, as I’ve noted, I don’t have that much of. I discuss this quite extensively in my author’s notes at the end of Chermera, so I won’t repeat myself. [Lilydale note: the long author notes are at the end of the story’s last chapter, not in the AO3 notes section.] Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
As a child, I loved reading myths and legends from many different cultures. So many amazing stories, so much that touches on truth. Greek myth, Norse legends, Islamic tales, Celtic fables, all of them. It goes without saying that discovering Tolkien’s fully-realized Middle Earth in my early teens was like falling into an river of endless delights.
In literature, perhaps the character I enjoy most is Sherlock Holmes. On television/in movies, I’d have to say: Beverly Crusher, (early) Dana Scully, Susan Ivanova of Babylon 5, Pa’u Zotoh Zhaan and (early) Aeryn Sun on Farscape, Samantha Carter on Stargate SG-1, Hermione Granger, and most recently, Lagertha on Vikings. Dunno, there might be a pattern there. Possibly. Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
Yes, absolutely. I started rewatching the series when it ran on BBC America, enjoying the first two seasons again. I’d actually never stopped thinking about Mulder and Scully; I just lost the time to write about them, until two years ago, when I managed to land some long-term funding so I wasn’t staying up nights writing proposals every few months. I’d have a thought about how to advance the story that became Chermera, so I’d make a mental note and play with it in my head. I also have two more novels and a satyr play left to go in the sequence of stories I want to write, so I’m turning over plot-lines and potential arcs in my head all the time. Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom? I do read X-F fan-fic. Since the series has wandered so far away from what engaged me, and most fan-fic keeps up with that, I don’t read very much. As far as other fandoms, one was enough. Do you have any favorite X-Files fan-fic stories or authors?
Reaching back into the dark ages, I’d say Pellinor and Nascent. They may both be available on Gossamer. [Lilydale note: Fortunately, they are!] What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise? Zurvan is the favorite of my older stories. It, like Twelfth Night (Denha on AO3 to avoid confusion with another X-F story named Twelfth Night), builds on the past stories in their trilogies and brings the overall arc to new places. It’s fun to uncover surprises when writing and develop challenges to address in the future, which both of those stories did. Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I’d certainly like to. I had planned to write three trilogies with their satyr plays, each of them focusing on an aspect of the mythical Triple Goddess: Maiden, Matron, and Crone, in the X-F universe. Only, being me, I turned it around. Sandra Ann Miller (Samantha) is the Maiden, but I’ve just started telling that part of the arc with the transitional Anath and the first trilogy story Chermera. I’m approaching this trilogy as a coherent tale spread across the three novels, which is different from the other two. The Caroline Lowenberg Trilogy didn’t really get organized until Twelfth Night. It was only the third story I’d ever written, so perhaps I can be excused. The Dana Scully Trilogy was all interconnected, but that was more of an organic, rather than a pre-planned and deliberate, effort. I didn’t really grasp the full arc of what I was creating there until I was writing Chermera and looked back over the threads running from Rustic Suite through Anath. The next story in the Sandra Ann Miller Trilogy involves the exposure of the Japanese arm of the Consortium, but, I need to read up on Japanese history, myths and legends, and world view before I write it. After finishing and posting Chermera, that’s what I’ve been doing. The conflict between Amaterasu, the Sun goddess, and her ne’er-do-well brother Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the god of, among other things, storms, marriage, and love, as told in the Kojiki and the Nihongi (both written down in their near-final forms at the same time as we in the West were just recording the first skeletal versions of the Arthurian Legends), will definitely get worked into the Sandra Ann Miller Trilogy. I’m starting to put the arcs and plot-lines together, but, I’m not ready to begin writing yet. Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work? As I’ve discussed, I do. Part of why I take my time is because Mulder and Scully are owed real, challenging cases to solve - the two intelligent agents with their own approaches, strengths, and weaknesses, remember. Partly, because I have original fiction ideas I’d like to pursue. Trying to do the best I possibly can in the sheltered world of X-F where I attempt to create stories with universal themes, well-realized settings, coherent plot-lines, and original characters who resonate with my readers is practice for the original fiction. I’ll never write the Great American Novel (whatever that is), but I’d like to write stories that are as good as I can make them and fun for my readers, so I keep plugging. Where do you get ideas for stories? Reading and thinking, mostly. I try to look for ideas that haven’t been done to death, or different approaches to old themes. I have four original novels I scribble mental notes on. After I bring this myth-arc I’ve been working on to its (to me) logical resolution, I hope I’ll be able enough of a writer to get started on them. What's the story behind your pen name? Actually, it’s my real name. At the time I started writing, I didn’t think to do anything else. On ATXC and Gossamer, I wrote several of the shorts that are separate from the Kuxan Sum Cycle under the pen name Lise Meitner. She was a Twentieth Century theoretical physicist who explained nuclear fission, then was cut out of a Nobel prize because the judges of her day thought Marie Curie and Irene Joliot-Curie were “enough” women physicists working in radioactivity to be so honored. [Lilydale note: here’s her Wikipedia page. Among many other fascinating things talked about there, she was nominated for the Nobel Prize 48 times in two different categories and had the 109th chemical element, meitnerium, named after her. She also escaped Nazi Germany in a plot involving trains, boats, planes, and an emergency diamond ring. You really ought to read about her.] Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
I’d shared the first five of my novels with my family back in 1996. They liked them, my sister especially. I’m not sure they knew what to make of them. I haven’t shown them to my in-laws, but, I think my sister-in-law found them on her own. We haven’t discussed them, as they aren’t her usual preference, which is Romance. One distant blood relation was thrilled to discover them on-line and wrote me about them. My sister, though, is my (self-admitted) biggest fan. When we were kids, she and I shared a bedroom, where I’d make up stories to tell her at night so she could fall asleep. She and I correspond regularly by E-mail (she’s in Florida and I’m in Maryland). Back while I was working my way through Chermera, she asked out of the blue if I was ever going to write any more. She was thrilled to hear I had been but she doesn’t have regular Internet access other than at her job. I made printed, bound copies of all my stories to mail to her last Christmas. She loves them, bless her. Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
I’ve sent Chermera to Gossamer, but, it hasn’t been updated since July 2018. All the rest of the stories are there.
At AO3, my stories are under: https://archiveofourown.org/users/mrkeller. The Kuxan Sum Cycle is linked together at: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1555492.
I’ve published the Lise Meitner stories under my own name there: Faustus Mulder; Late Night Thoughts on Evolution, Hard Times, and Lost Pets; You Just Don’t Understand; and Lux Perpetua. Since I could separate out the trilogies into their own cycle, it just made sense.
At fan-fiction.net, they’re under: https://www.fanfiction.net/~maryruthkeller
Again, the Lise Meitner stories are under my own name. Since fanfiction.net doesn’t have a linked series option like AO3, I’ve added a header to all eleven of the stories in the Kuxan Sum Cycle so far explaining the order. The novels all are tagged with thumbnail versions of the covers I made for them. Also, the literary quotes I started each chapter and begin and end each story with, are kept in the AO3 versions, but are removed at fanfiction.net to avoid potential copyright issues. Shakespeare, Christine de Pisan, the Popol Vuh, the Ugaritic myths around Anath, and others are all long out of, or never were in, copyright, of course, but, just to be on the safe side, I’m following fanfiction.net’s rules.
If folks care to write, I’m still at my old eclipse address: [email protected]. Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
Enjoy it, use it as an opportunity to make connections and expand your horizons as a storyteller. Fan-fiction was much more of a home-grown effort back in the 90’s than it is now, when there are how-to books, of all things. But, don’t get so wrapped up one forgets about real life. That’s where all the best stories are.
(Posted by Lilydale on October 27, 2020)
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1, 5, and 16!
1. “Why did you choose your URL?”
Numbkid started out as my fanfic username on fanfiction.net when I was 11 years old, where I first wrote my very first Conan/Ai fanfic. Hence, why I had the “kid” in my username even though I’m now an adult. I stuck with the name though because I was quite identifiable through this username as a Conan/Ai writer. 
When I first created Wattpad and Tumblr later on, the “Numbkid” username was already used. Therefore, I stick to “thelegitnumbkid” but yeah, now I’m thinking of switching to “thelovelyghostwriter” like my Instagram username. 
5. “Why did you start your blog in the first place”
Actually, I was just curious about Tumblr, but didn’t know how to use it or connect with others. 
Originally, it was just connected to my old Instagram account to post and ship Conan/Ai and other random things. However, I grew tired of Detective Conan and after my last fanfic, I decided to not use it. 
Until I fell in love with the Hiei/Botan ship in 2018 and found out that some of the Yu Yu Hakusho fans are active here. 
Then, I forgot about it again since I got busy in university and forgot about fanfic writing for a while. 
Recently in November 2020 last year, I came across @anotherworldash post about KuraNeon Marriage Theory after being in another hxh obsession (been obsessed with this series for years). I had always liked KuraNeon ever since I first watched hxh but I had always thought it was crack. In fact, I was disappointed that not many people talk about this ship and I was forever frustrated that there was not enough KuraNeon content. So imagine how happy I was when I found like-minded people who happens to love KuraNeon and the fact that perhaps, it isn’t as crack as I thought it would be. 
I also came to like and appreciate Neon as a character more. I had always seen shallow interpretations of her being a brat and I never really looked into her role in the story because there wasn’t anyone who liked or bother enough to analyse her. Heck, even the most famous hxh youtube analysts don’t have an analysis of her as a character in the YorkNew arc. But after pondering and seeing a few tumblr posts about her, I think I really came to understand why she’s the way that she is and how it juxtaposes to Kurapika/Chrollo. 
At the same time, I was beginning to read the current hxh manga arc and really deeply like Kurapika as my favourite (Killua used to be my all-time favourite as a teen). You can say I’m a simp for Kurapika now and the more I understand his character, the more I like him. 
Ever since then, I started to really like these two characters and actively ship them; as compared to just liking the ship passively years back. I was also really happy to make friends with people from the hxh fandom who has the same shipping taste (because ships like KuraNeon, Tserriednich/Theta may be frowned upon for whatever reasons). HxH is my all-time favourite series, but for multiple reasons, I couldn’t really connect with fans and now I think I found my little space in the KuraNeon sub-fandom where I can just be myself and be expressive with what I like. 
I also found my love for fanfic writing again since I stopped writing for Detective Conan fanfics. Back then last year, there wasn’t a lot of KuraNeon fanfics and I’m really happy that I’m making my own and seeing an increase of fanfics from other writers. 
So yes, this blog used to be inactive but it’s now plagued with KuraNeon content and links to KuraNeon fanfics. I think for now, at least, this would be the purpose of the blog. It’s also nice to just reblog stuff randomly. 
16. Do you like tag games? 
Yes! Please tag me in some games whenever you like! I may not participate in it but I love doing random tag games whenever I’m bored. 
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alif615 · 3 years
Week 9 : Fandom and Fan Communities
In today’s world, everyone has had a memory of a significant impact on pop culture with a varied choice of interest of different parts of the industry. Undoubtedly, we have all come across a point in life where we have watched our favourite cartoons/series/movies with our eyes glued to the screen or listened and sang to our favourite songs out loud or didn’t mind playing our favourite games all day or read our favourite books. We were fascinated as well as influenced and, in some way, had been affected by it in our daily lifestyle. Almost, everyone has been a fan of something since we shared a deeper connection with our favourites. This week, I will be shedding light on the topic of fandom and further elaborate with definite examples.  
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So What is Fandom? 
Fandom simply refers to a community or subculture of fans that share mutual deep emotional interests towards a particular section of pop culture such as music band, movie, comic, video games, book, etc. According to (Rutherford-Morrison 2016), fandom is “a space where fans create their own language and communities, and where they reimagine characters and worlds into something that is uniquely theirs.” Fandom originated very early on but was official with the emergence of ‘sci-fi cons’ during the ’30s, now known as ‘the first fandom’. Then around the ’60s, the media fandom began at a ‘Beatles’ concert where “crazy fanatics” were seen. Media Fandoms are dedicated to expressing their passion through fan art, fan-fiction, cosplay, etc., through which their obsession sometimes leads them to alter their lifestyle and create their own reality revolving around their chosen fictional characters.
How Does Fandom Work? 
Fans are vocal as well as loyal towards their engagement in source materials. Fandoms are the consumers/audiences also known as the ‘unofficial media producers’. According to (Distillery 2021), in 1977 when the first Star Wars movie was released, the fandom increased quickly as fan clubs were created and increasing in number as more people were influenced and wanted to be a part of the excitement. Their creative versions of fan art and fanzines and actively expressing their understanding for the movie was worthy to not be ignored. “Fans with their passion and sense of solidarity can be so powerful that they need to be managed and cared for.” (Distillery 2021). Lucas Films has dedicated an entire department for fans since then. Gradually as the digital era began, many fandoms have been committed to the unique content they create and influence on various social media sites such as Tumblr, Instagram whilst conveying their feedback or opinions through Twitter. Fandoms are a strong clan and hold a lot of power and are capable of changing not just their community but also the society in the modern world. The businesses are moulding their marketing campaigns according to the fandoms. For instance, Mary Franklin a Star Wars fanatic was contacted by LucasFilms for consultation on the likes and dislikes of the Star Wars Online Fan Club (Penas 2020). Along with being the first film to hop into marketing, after the release of the first film in 1977 “LucasFilm has licensed nearly $25 billion worth of products for action figures to videogames to books.” (Togerson 2017). This initiative was taken to have active fan participation in sales and good publicity. According to (Togerson 2017), “In the 2011 census, the United Kingdom had 177,000 people declare themselves as Jedi (followers of Jediism) making it the 7th most popular religion in the U.K.” That is really cool. Here’s a video for a more visual and elaborate understanding. 
Fandom Can Sometimes Get Really Scary!
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Social Media in itself is a rocky place where everybody put ahead of their candid perspectives on the table without thinking if the person might be impacted negatively. Often the use of speech is very wrong and a certain character is called out or bullied until the person takes uncertain measures due to immense stress and anxiety. Sometimes the fictional hatred can cross too many lines and the outcomes are often very unsettling. Back in 2017, the Star Wars movie ‘The Last Jedi’ had starred Kelly Marie Tran as mechanic-turned-Resistance fighter Rose Tico, had faced a fierce backlash from some fans who pointed fingers at her for her ethnicity and appearance as she was the first woman of colour to play a lead role in the iconic series (BBC 2018). The Vietnamese-American actress had been criticized her Star Wars character and directed their hatred at her personally receiving abusive comments, her character name from the Star Wars encyclopedia, Wookieepedia, was changed only to replace a racial slur used to mock the East Asian accent and also numerous comments that were critical of her weight (BBC 2018). Fandoms do help artists succeed but also pulls them down. Tran had later deleted her posts on Instagram.
In Conclusion
I believe that Fandom has its pros and cons. Specifically, in a pool of people, most of them are only expertise in the field of the shared source of interest, not vice versa. I think it is very important to put ourselves in other's shoes and give it a thought before stepping onto others. Fandom is wonderful and will continue to be so till it is kept that way but as long as the immature mentality isn’t fixed it could get toxic after a certain period of time.
References : 
BBC 2018, Star Wars actress Kelly Marie Tran deletes Instagram posts after abuse,  BBC, viewed 11 May 2021 <https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-44379473>.
Distillery 2021,  The history of fandom, viewed 11 May 2021 <https://www.wearedistillery.co/we-think/the-history-of-fandom>.
Penas, E D 2020,  Fan engagement: Why businesses should target fandoms, Ambidextr, viewed 11 May 2020 <https://ambidextr.media/fan-engagement-why-businesses-should-target-fandoms/>.
Togerson, D 2017, Why is Starwars so Popular?, NBC, viewed 11 May 2020 <https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/why-is-star-wars-so-popular/14225/>. 
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tolkienrsb · 4 years
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Welcome to the TRSB 2020 Summer Showcase!  No standard banner on this one, because today we bring you a lovely TRSB artist:
DA: ArlenianChronicles - Hobbyist, Digital Artist 
I drew my first digital piece of Silmarillion fanart in 2017, featuring Maedhros and Elrond, but I didn't start drawing regular fanart until 2018. That was when I entered the Tolkien fandom.
My fandom activities include drawing designs for the Silmarillion characters, developing my AU for Maedhros, Elured, and Elurin, thinking about the platonic and familial relationships in the Silmarillion, and worrying a lot over future adaptations of Tolkien's works.
My non-fannish hobbies include drawing my original characters and writing their stories, sitting at the computer, and eating food.
How I'm joining in TRSB20: I'm an artist! :D
Link to my piece:
Piece title: Star-dome
Piece rating: G
Info about my piece:
After finishing this painting, I was Inspired to write this quote for it:
"Elerondo you named me; your Vault of Heaven. Throughout the sky will I stretch, and the stars shall be my eyes."
This painting goes more with Tolkien's other version of canon where Maedhros and Maglor found the twins in a cave near a waterfall. If I remember correctly, Elrond stayed in the cave while Elros played in the waterfall. They were named as such, and I assume that Maglor was the one to name them (and perhaps Maedhros, as well).
My headcanon for this version of events is that Maglor called them Elerondo and Elerosse (the attested Quenya translations of Elrond and Elros) whenever he spoke to Maedhros about them, and the twins caught on to it. Eventually, Maglor made the decision to formally name them in Sindarin, since they wouldn't have known Quenya at the time.
Both Star-dome and Vault of Heaven are translations for Elrond's name (and they essentially mean the same thing too XD). Tolkien once translated it as "Elf of the Cave." I thought I'd draw Elrond and Maglor together because I haven't drawn the Feanorians with the El twins for a long while (save for Maedhros and the Elu twins lol), and those guys were the ones I got into when I first entered the Tolkien fandom. Elrond is glowing here because ... maybe he's doing some healing business? :D
And yes, that's a star-dome behind Maglor XDD
Tips for fellow participants: Remember to breathe, drink water, stay safe, and have fun. You're doing great! :D
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