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Heavenly Tyrant ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) are now up on Netgalley and Edelweiss! If you don't know what those are then don't worry about it. You'll be able to read it upon the official release, which WILL be on Dec 24 this year! So, a little more than 3 months to go. I'm freaking out because I have no idea if you'll like the book; it's very diffrent from Iron Widow in a lot of ways...but here is what to expect!
Preorder links
As an apology for the literal years of delays, beneath the cut is also the entire prologue of HT. Feel free to read it while blasting Bring Me to Life by Evanescence like you're still watching anime in 3 parts on YouTube.
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Savage God by PottersPink, binding by DCB Bindery
Summary: Past, present, future, Steve knows Bucky Barnes. It’s why he recognized him when he found him in that alley in April of 1942, even though Bucky was older, stronger, wearier; he called himself The Asset, and had a metal fucking arm. He flinched when Steve tried to touch him, and when Steve told him he loved him, his first response was to ask why. The Asset was only with Steve in 1942 for a few days, but it’s enough to change the course of Steve’s life forever; the journey to becoming Captain America is coloured with urgency, with an undercurrent of fear and determination that in the end he just can’t manage to hide from everyone — But it was all for nothing. Steve saves Bucky from Zola, just to lose him on the train. Their second chance, wasted. Seventy years later, Steve wakes up in the twenty-first century, and he doesn’t know whether to be heartbroken or hopeful when some of the things Bucky revealed to him in 1942 start falling into place.
Specs: Square back bradel, red edges, marbled patterned endpapers and endbands, A6, with slipcase.
A gripping read from @potterspink, undoubtedly one of my all time favorites. I’ve revisited this fic over and over again and it is no less satisfying to read each time!
On the process: I knew I wanted to base the design of this binding around a matchbox, and decided to go with Diamond matches. Really liked how it turned out, especially with the striker design on the spine of the book. Had a lot of fun bringing in elements of the story into the slipcase design too, and the slipcase construction was so much simpler and easier than I expected!
I’m quite pleased with the matches marking parts one to three as well, adding a little pop of red that ties everything together. I’m binding three editions of this fic for Binderary so check out the rest (coming soon) for a more in depth look at the typeset!
More DCB Bindery Projects
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First wrap cover for this Taylor Swift lyric book, another gift
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fireflies lighting up a rural Pennsylvania field at dusk
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I finally made the cover for one of my favorite fanfics "The Ordeal of Being Known" by louisfake (@lou-isfake), which is currently being translated into Ukrainian by the wonderful DrAri!
Ah, this fic feels like going to therapy~ And the relationship between these two is developing nicely there~ I love it!
Link to the translation:
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Recursion by Tessa Crowley is one of my favorite Harry Potter time travel fics. A bookbinding friend read it on my rec, and talking about it sent me down a rabbit hole of how I wanted to bind it… and today I woke as if from a daze and this was in my hands.
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I bound the book in goat leather from Siegel, and decorated with foil.
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I was lucky enough to have made some French curl marbled papers that echoed the fractal curls that I used on the typeset, and that are thematically connected to the story.
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Endbands are Trebizond silk, and the edges are speckled with black and copper acrylic paint.
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AO3 Planned Downtime
The Archive of Our Own will be down for about 10 hours of maintenance between 07:00 UTC and 17:00 UTC (check what time that is for you). This downtime will allow our AD&T and Systems teams to prepare our search database for a software update.
Date: 07:00 UTC, June 29, 2024
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F1 AU timeskip
oikawa drives for mercedes now
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F1 AU timeskip
kageyama drives for ferrari now
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an apology of sorts
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TIL I use ellipsis like an old person
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This is so fucking funny. From Rookie Moves by peu_a_peu
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as if you’re holding the world in your hands
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Daniel qualifies P5 at the 2024 Canadian Grand Prix 🇨🇦
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The Nightmare Club by Elle Gray
Summary: Hermione and Ron are going back to Hogwarts to do N.E.W.T.s, Ginny isn't. Harry hasn't decided, until he has, in front of the Wizengamot and now he's responsible for Malfoy as well. A tale of enemies who learn to get along, get it wrong and get it on. Everything is purple, some things are on fire and no-one is sleeping properly. But don't worry, there's tea!
I loved doing this bind so much. I tried out even more new (to me) techniques on this one! I did a three piece bradel for the first time, speckled edges, and a two layer stencil for the cover.
I knew for the typeset I wanted to do an overarching tea theme because in the fic there is a lot of tea drinking for The Nightmare Club, so the title page features a tea bag and the section separators are tea themed as well.
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Overall I think it turned out great! There are a few things I look forward to improving upon like stiffening the pleather next time, it just slightly wrinkles at the top.
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Supplies: * Marbled paper from a Renegade Member * Navy Dubletta bookcloth from Colophon * Stencils cut with my cricut * Vectors for the cover made by me * Typeset done by me
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Don’t give up! I promise it’s not too bad. There’s a little learning curve and then once you’ve got a template down it’s amazing! I feel you though, it took me a while to get used to it.
New found respect for people who use Affinity Publisher because that programme I swear was designed to make you cry your eyes out trying to learn it 😭💀😩😂
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