#i think this show would be much improved by them having a more complicated relationship
winepresswrath · 9 months
i'm obsessed with the mean princess now. she's awful but the direct contrast between IU's sincerity and innocence and her calculated attempts at manipulation have enthralled me.
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OK analysis time! Matt said that Marcy's affection towards Sasha was more surface level than Anne's, which was described as "complicated." People might assume that this means that Marcy's affection for Sasha wasn't deep, or that their relationship wasn't.
If we're being honest here they weren't presented as having depth to their relationship so much as having acts and services. They're on the level with each other and can interpret each other's needs for a plan but they are lacking somehow when it comes to each other's emotional needs. This is something Darcy touches upon when they say they might not have ever been friends at all, and might be a core conflict between Sasha and Marcy. It's also a good example of why Anne is the actual Heart of their friendship. She connects and makes their dynamic deeper. While Marcy is desperate to keep people together and hates being alone, she admits she lacks a core understanding of emotional intelligence and this is something she admires in Anne. Marcy treats herself as a tool and mostly makes friends by doing things for them and complimenting them. She's kind of the perfect POV character for a journal that gives lore specifically because she's very attentive to things like strengths and weaknesses and team synergy, but isn't necessarily attuned to emotional intelligence. She kind of blocks herself off from feeling certain things too keenly or doubting herself, and masks it using this peppy overachiever persona.
Maybe if Marcy were more emotionally self aware, she would have been even more openly hurt by how dismissive Sasha is of her interests (even though Sasha clearly does like nerdy things), or she would have noticed that her friends don't really care for RP (etc). But in the series what we see is a Marcy so afraid of being left alone that she'll hide every emotion and every hurt aside from what she thinks will make people stay - she delivers compliments, improves infrastructure, says all the right things to earn trust. She's a great twist antagonist! Admitting that her friends don't or can't reciprocate her interests or desires is important to her arc, because it serves as a lesson to her that friendship is more than just doing things together or doing things for each other. Marcy and the others aren't just tools in schemes and plans.
We hear from Anna that Sasha has difficulty knowing when to bring other people to the table, so for someone like Marcy who thinks that she needs to earn everything through acts/upgrades, it makes sense that their relationship remained very surface level. Neither of them pushes the other to see things differently, while Anne does. Anne can acknowledge where people hurt and hurt her, and can acknowledge that this doesn't mean they aren't friends or significant to each other. Anne notes the complexity! It's why she's so compelling.
So, Marcy acknowledging how hurt she is that her friends don't want to do what she wants is significant because she also says, "I believe in you." Love goes beyond the stuff we do for each other. There's a bit of faith, too. What she did isn't right either. Being hurt isn't an excuse.
Darcy isn't just "evil Marcy," the Core is also every temptation for Marcy. Escapism, distraction, perfect friends who go on quests with her whenever she wants. There's a darkness to this kind of insecure attachment that Darcy reveals. Fear of inadequacy and irrelevance. Fear of loss. Fear of change. Fear of what is deeper than skin deep. Maybe my friends will forget me if I move. Maybe I'm just their nerd, just like Sasha's just cool. So their relationship isn't surface level to us, because this nuance is communicated to us through the subtleties of the show's execution. It's a really well acted, well boarded, well written show with fantastic music! It's really amazing!
Sasharcy IS very complicated! But it's complicated because they never dig deeper with each other until it's too late. It's also why it's significant that Sasha is the one to ask, "Can we save this friendship?"
Why is friendship with Marcy so easy? Is it because they got along and there's mutuality here, or is it because they didn't let themselves get any deeper than what was easy? It's so easy for them to just be the controller and the executor.
Forgiveness is hard. Forgiveness takes time. It takes a lot of thought, discussion, and work. Friendship in the long term, deep enough to mean something and hurt when it's gone, is similar. It's not just sentimentality and acts of appeasement.
aaaaand that's what i think matt meant when he was like "marcy's affection for sasha was kind of surface level"! I will admit I was like noooo Matt noooo don't say it was surface level whyyyy but like i had time to think abt it so i'm fine now lol lmk ur thoughts💙
smth i didn't add to my original tweet thread is that i DO find it interesting that marcy appears to specifically empathize with the experience of lonely people who grow up a certain way or doing things a certain way to protect themselves from loneliness. she seems to have an intuitive understanding of people fitting into groups via niches, but is drawn to people who already seem like outcasts as opposed to being able to identify it when someone is surrounded by people they seem to easily connect with. Marcy has this fundamentally insecure and lonely viewpoint that makes her very interesting to read and analyze, and I suspect it also contributes to her popularity. I mean, clearly *I* love her
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astroyongie · 6 months
Astroyongie Podcast S01 E01
Note: This is the sum up resume of the Podcast held on my discord channel voice channel. Another episode will open next week.
All notes were made by the talented @killuachii <3
Censured Version
Connection between Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Chungha?
→ Hongjoong-Chungha: some type of connection, some type of relationship, not romantic but are
close, share friends together, at the moment close friends one might have crush on other
→ Seonghwa-Chungha: not very good relationship, Chungha pick me perception, might not like her very much, energy feels off, Seonghwa tends to not like female friends of the members, possessive?
On going problem between txt and one female managers/supervisor. What’s the situation?
→ two members who had complications: Beomgyu, Taehyun,
Beomgyu: issue happened a few years ago, had rumors/scandals, a time where everyone thought he would leave, behind the scenes: had a very unhealthy way to cope with relationships, slept around a lot which managers had to step in, felt very overwhelmed with the music industry, fame, tours, coping: unhealthy relationships, that stayed, one sponsor left so they had to find another one, Beomgyu doesn’t like how company treats him, how group/life/paycheck is handled, is very frustrated, has to wear a mask and can never express himself, troubles with one female and one male manager, everytime he wants to do something for himself they restrict him, member could be caught in the middle
Taehyun: has some clashes, is very reserved, thinks in a certain way, company tells him what to do and so fights happen between him and the manager
Enhypen currently preparing for comeback: what are the thoughts on the comeback?
→ Jungwon: he is happy with the comeback, exactly what he expected, isn’t very stressed, no anxiety, expects that this comeback will get them further than before
Heeseung: just like Jungwon, he also thinks that other members improved their skills a lot, is very content with everything, expect him to have a lot of attention for this comeback
Jay: very tired, a lot of chaotic and heavy energy, he feels like he isn’t ready yet/ not as good as the other members, touching his mental healthy, he likes it but still is unsatisfied with his lines, screentime, etc., a little insecure about the comeback
Jake: super confident/happy, he will slay the boots house down, he is confident with everything he has done for this comeback
Sunghoon: fragile, nothing to do with comeback, his body a little fragile (injury?), pain in the hips, tired, unsure about his movements, how he will perform, afraid he will not exceed expectations of fans
Sunoo: isn’t very happy with the comeback, thinks he is a filler member, thinks company gives more to the other members than to him, not very excited for the comeback, fights in the background, had issues with his sponsors, stayed a long time without and company didn’t support him to get another sponsor, felt left out
Niki: also in a good mood, expected to show a new version of himself, wants to show his fans that he has worked on himself aesthetically wise, is very confident, expecting to reach a new goal, win new awards and get more recognition
how does stray kids feel about joining Lollapalooza?
→ one member (probably Hyunjin) feels very confident about the performance, wants to show people what he can do, very excited, Minho is also very excited, has no fears. Chan not very excited, probably very tired due to the going from place to place, wants more in Korea, doesn’t want to go to socialize with other idols/performers at the moment one of the members (unclear) going through harsh period, many schedules seem overwhelming, is very tired but in overall very excited
Enhypen has a world tour, thai fans angry at company, in Thailand big event coming up but
Enhypen are not coming to Thailand. Reason why they don’t?
→ connected to the money they would receive (opinion without cards), behind the scenes: for two
reasons: one of the people in the company isn’t doing their job right, made group loose money, while other countries offered more money for them to come one of members sponsors, probably worked some strings to go to another country
what was the reason for bullying and who were the perpetrators/victims?
→ happened in the beginning when they were in iland, victims: A and B perpetrators: X, Y and W, things are better now, members are better, physical/verbal fights, staff would also joke about it, Y was mastermind behind it, W easy to influence when it comes to the people present, when he is with bad people he acts like them, when he is with good people he adapts their way of thinking, C wasn’t doing anything against it but made jokes, main A but B because he protected him and therefore became the next victim, a lot of jealousy + were young boys, X felt guilty later
Does xh’s Gaon have a girlfriend
→ no
can i ask about txt Hueningkai social group? if he has people that will support him in need?
→ he has but they are not physically in his life, people he isn’t with him everyday, groupchat, probably online friends
How is keita pookie doing?
→ is doing fine and good, very focused on finances, investing in himself, wants moneyyy
Who was jake's EX idol girlfriend
→ [Censored]
I wanna ask about Wonwoo Seventeen. Is he still in relationship with his idol girlfriend now after he faced some problems with her recently?
→ still with his gf, have been together for more than 3 years, they will end up marrying probably
Jay and love
→ high standards, easily bored, has honeymoon phase but then looses interest, when relationship gets serious he freaks out, has been with a lot of people, mommy issues
Biggest ego in kpop
→ Jungkook, type to get annoyed when people talk to him, Baekhyun he is type too roll his eyes when people talk to him, a lot of younger idols with big egos
Which group is almost the same on camera and off camera ??
→ too complicated to answer, all groups have their image
Does Yeonjun has mommy issues?
→ doesn’t think he has mommy issues
Who is the idol that you think has beef with the most people?
Wooyoung and Seonghwa from ateez
Is there any idol that you think would be amazing to have as friends? because of their energy or something else
→ Chanyeol, he is always chill, doesn’t push introverts, on the contrary: johnny: doesn’t understand mind of introverts
Was there ever an incident where you do readings for idol and then realize holy shit this bitches gay.
→ yes, [Group censored]
How's Felix love situation rn?
→ very complicated, doesn’t understand his own feelings, very fragile mind, has this one *individual*, gives him unconditional love, he needs it a lot, finds comfort in it, *individual* will lways stay with him despite the toxicity
Continuing the gay theme, have you ever encounter an in-group relationship?
→ [Censored]
all txt members are straight
You've said before that Felix and that dumbass might be soul mates
→ have karmic relationship, might be the reason that their relationship is very complicated
I’ve heard jaemin gf was someone from the company and I've herd there on the verge of breakup
→ complicated, hasn’t done reading on him in a long time, had a longtime relationship with someone of [Group censored], no news if they are still together, doesn’t have insights if he is with someone of the company
Who is Hueningkai idol gf?
→ [Censored]
Will you ever do readings on smaller groups like xh, cravity, etc?
→ currently only JO1
What's happening in han jisung skz love life?
→ ever since he broke up with *individual*, things have been a mess, currently single
Yunho situationship
→ dating life chaos, was dating an idol that wasn’t in Korea but then started flirting with a younger idol, not ongoing, motives: thinks with dick (lmao)
Protecting younger idols?
→ sponsors are not all bad and are professionals for the money, but also some that are perverted, there are no specific things that protect them
What about Wonyoungs sponsor?
→ a powerful man, has an unhealthy obsession with her, is very strict with her image, her weight, etc.
Rei confessed feelings to older member member?
→ was [Name and group censored], but never physical or romantic they just went eating or something crispy and hot tea: *member* also tried to talk to *individual* and tried to snatch him despite Rei’s feelings for that person
Is Seok Matthew dating rn?
→ not dating, his heart is broken, not seeking any relationships and is healing his heart
Which idols would be survivors if a zombie apocalypse happened (Group: Skz)
→ Hyunjin, Felix, Han, Changbin and Jeongin would die, Minho would turn into a Zombie so he can bite Chan’s ass
Sunghoon gf
→ [Censored]
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AITA for accepting money/gifts from my mom?
(🦭🐟 to help find later)
Ok bear with me here because this is a serious question w/ some context even though the question doesn't seem bad.
My (19NB) mom (54F) is not a very good parent. Things were not great when I was a kid, to say the least. It's complicated to get into so I'm gonna glaze over most of it and say I plan to go low/no contact when I'm older and can afford to support myself on my own. For now I'm amicable since I need help while getting through college. This has been my plan for a WHILE but I've started to feel a little guilty?
My biggest issue with my mom is the way that she treats/treated my siblings. Sometimes she gets on my nerves but I know I have the privilege of being the youngest (and the favorite) therefore my parents don't pull the same kind of bullshit with me. For example one of my siblings had family therapy with her, and she would frequently not show up and leave them to do the exercises with the other families in the group session that they didn't know. She also complained about their suicide attempt. She talks down to my oldest sister because she couldn't pursue the medical career my parents wanted because she couldn't deal with the cadavers, and since she spent her whole education trying to reach their standards she's been lost trying to figure out what she wants for herself, and my parents keep harping on her for not having a career plan and being "useless". This is only the tip of the iceberg, and it's plenty enough for me to feel justified in my decision to eventually go no contact. I am not asking if AITA for cutting her off, that is not where the guilt is.
It's always been the case that instead of directly saying she was wrong my mom would spend a lot of money on us and buy gifts (usually stuff she likes and not what we like, but I figured out I could leverage her guilt to buy specific things bc free stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ even if I don't forgive her). I think this is because she didn't have much money growing up so now she's a shopaholic now that she has the money to do so (both my parents are in the medical field so they are far from poor. abt upper middle class). She also keeps defending our uncle despite us bringing up how he's creepy and pervy and makes us uncomfortable, and she has some... interesting political takes (like defending the price of insulin being so high???)
My mom I think has been trying to be better but she still never apologizes for any of her actions and is guilt trippy by saying stuff abt how we all think shes a bad mom that caused all her kids to be depressed and suicidal. So its not enough of an improvement for me to forgive her, but I do notice that she walks away from situations sometimes rather than blow her fuse, and she's more tolerant of my ADHD and queerness than she used to be. And she's been trying to be more supportive of me and my decision to pursue an art career. I do believe that people can get better and change themselves, I just think in the case of my mom it's too little too late (and she hasn't improved her relationship with my siblings as much). I've also been polite and friendly since I'm still living with her.
So like, this combined with me accepting her gifts makes me think I'm leading her on? Like she thinks that she's salvaging a relationship with one of her kids and that I'll stay. And I feel a little bad about that. Like if it was JUST the gifts I would feel no guilt bc if she thinks she can bribe her way into our good graces without changing her behavior than shes gonna be down money and still have no kids. But shes trying to improve, albeit slowly and not when we needed her, but better nonetheless. So it feels less "this is the least she could do given the trauma" and more "i feel like i'm taking advantage of her".
One of my siblings refuses to accept her money on principle (they've already moved out) and it makes me think I should probably do the same, but also i dont know if I can since I don't have a job yet and I'm still in school, so maybe just refuse the gifts thing? But neither of my siblings seem to have an issue with my relationship with her, so maybe I shouldn't feel bad? She's treating me better so I feel I have less justification for using her wealth for my own benefit, even if I still don't forgive her for how she treated my siblings.
Basically, AITA for still accepting guilt money/gifts from my shitty mom despite planning on cutting her off later on?
What are these acronyms?
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treysimp · 2 years
Would you ever do the staff for the bath headcannon ? I love the third years one btw 🥰
It's time babe! I hope you enjoy!
Taking A Bath With Them - GN!Adult Reader/NRC Staff (Crowley, Crewel, Vargas, Trein, Sam)
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Rating: T (Lightly suggestive themes)
Tags: Reader's body not described nor are pronouns used, non-sexual domestic intimacy and fluff, elements of body worship, implied body insecurity from reader, established relationship, how do I make myself fall in love with each character I write for guys please explain to me.
Words: 3k
Silly author's notes: Not that I’ve been seeking it out but it feels like I never see anyone trying to put the moves Vargas (like I’m sure you exist, Vargas-fuckers where you at?) so since all of you are so fucking complicated I’m gonna do it! Fluffy domestic garbage for all!
Want more TWST? Here's my masterlist!
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Dire Crowley:
‘Never judge a book by its cover, but tattered books don’t get picked off the shelf,’ is probably a quote Crowley heard in passing one time and then immediately tried to contribute to himself. Being the headmaster of a famous and prestigious school involves a lot of hard work, but you can never forget about appearances. Clothes make the man, and if the said man in those clothes doesn’t pull them off, what is even the point of wearing them? It feels like a lecture every time that you and Crowley bathe together, but you can’t say that you necessarily say that you disagree either. If anything, it was a trademark of NRC to be the flashy talented bad boy counterpart to the pure princes of Royal Sword Academy. Public perception seemed to ebb and flow as far as which one was the superior institution, but you would never tire of Crowley’s antics to show up Ambrose and improve NRC’s reputation. You may wonder, does Crowley remove his mask when bathing? And the answer is yes, but it is replaced with a gel pearl mask to ‘get rid of his horrendous eye-bags’ Crowley would say. You would wonder who would even see said eye bags, but you felt like you weren’t going to get a better explanation even if you asked.
Since Crowley loves to travel so much, one of the best parts of any vacation is being dragged to a beautiful outdoor hot spring when the ever-busy Headmaster is relaxed for once. He asks over and over ‘isn’t it beautiful here,' or, ‘are you happy with this,’ or even ‘this was nice of me right’? It’s the smallest hint of insecurity and worries that he will readily give. Crowley wants you to enjoy your time together, but a small part of his heart gnaws at him that maybe he missed something crucial and you were just too kind to say something. That you weren’t having a good time, that you didn’t truly think that he was kind, talented, and magnanimous and was just staying with him out of pity. 
He hated himself for those thoughts, he truly didn’t believe that you would think of him so, but the stream of questions ran across the back of his closed eyes like an unending scroll of his deepest fears shaped into written reality. Crowley would then hear you tell him how happy you were, gushing about the bath, the clarity of the night sky, and the lovely locale and he could feel his anxiety washing away just like splashes of water on the surrounding tile floors circle down a drain. 
He would pull you to his arms and talk about what he wished for the future, any particularly astounding stories from his past, and he would feel a genuine smile whisper across his lips. Maybe he wasn’t as great as he hoped, maybe he wasn’t as kind or as thoughtful, but you were still here in the soft warmth of his arms in this soothing water… and that was more than enough. Maybe he needed to think a little more in the short term, and all that came to mind was the fluttering heartbeat in his chest as your head leaned on his shoulder and his lips met your soft cheek.
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Divus Crewel
Crewel is another one for spa treatments and taking great care of your body. He loves to take you into your bath and spoil you with scrubs, oils, and potions of his own making. He is ready to smooth, perfect and tighten every insecurity you have. More than anything, his favorite pastime is stealing you away for a weekend trip to somewhere beautiful where you both can be pampered. 
As the man is also more than a bit into a gorgeous classic car, imagine the most idealized movie setting, the two of you cruising down the coast in a cherry red convertible with fashionable headwear to keep both of your hair behaved while your oversized sunglasses gleam in the sunlight. The word glamor doesn't cover even half of it, but it's a good start.
Expect these trips to be for both business and pleasure: hunting for vintage clothing pieces and fabrics in beautiful locales, scrounging through markets for rare ingredients, and then wasting the rest of the days away at spas, drinking delectable wine and enjoying only the finest foods. You worry that you are too spoiled by him at times, and if you mention this to him, he will just laugh joyfully. 
‘If I ruin all other men for you forever, I can’t say I would complain,’ he would joke, smoothing mud from the bath you shared over his shoulders sensually. He already had ruined all other men for you, but you were sure he probably knew that anyway. That was part of what was so lovely between the two of you, there was so much left unsaid, but never unheard. 
You got ready in the morning together, passing products back and forth across the double sinks in a routine. You would get your dinners and pass pieces of the best bites back and forth so that you could both enjoy each taste together. Every task felt routine but oh so comfortable. You would try the same products and give your opinions on them, swapping purchases back and forth based on who’s skin might suit it more, whose hair would behave better with each ingredient, and so on. 
Students at NRC would try to distract Crewel during class by asking him when he was going to marry you, and most of the time he would throw back some sort of ‘maybe when you get an A on an essay one of these days,' if he was feeling snappy. It was hard to miss the way his eyes would crinkle any time you were mentioned and how his mood would be notably lifted for the rest of class. This isn’t to say that he was any less harsh on his students, but they did see him smile more, so the criticism would be just a bit softer as a result. You would know these days too, as he would pull you into a bath and massage your neck while he laughed heartily at the shenanigans of his classes. 
That was another thing you so loved about these quiet bathtimes, getting to see all of the faces and responses that he kept hidden just for you. 
You were so lucky.   
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Ashton Vargas
Your meatheaded darling did mean well, but… he was just one of those people that thought that you could muscle through everything. Unfortunately, he had built enough muscle that he has been proved right so far. While Ashton was quite self-obsessed and would flinch in fear every time he imagined that he lost even a centimeter of calf muscle, he never would give you any grief about how your body looked in the slightest. He was very encouraging and would do everything he could to get you to (healthily) build up your stamina and strength, but there was never a time that he would get frustrated with a failure you had. If you’re a person who cries when they’re frustrated, he will wipe them away. If you are someone who yells or wants to throw things when they’re frustrated, he will give you a ball and let you go ham against a wall until you’re cooled off enough for a hug. Vargas wasn’t always book smart, but he was intuitive to others’ needs in a way that few people are. 
Ashton is very enthusiastic about bathing, which is good for you because you get a great view while soaping up. Since he’s such a show-off, Vargas will wait on you hand and foot to get a chance to flex a muscle, flip his thick hair over his shoulder or sparkle his perfect white teeth your way. 
He just wants to make sure that you feel just as beautiful as he knows he is. He wouldn’t do this for just anyone, you know? You’re special, even when you might not agree with him. There was no arguing with him, if the peak physical specimen of himself thought you were worthy of bodily worship, how could you deny him? Are you saying that he isn’t gorgeous? His big blue eyes will sparkle in dramatic unshed crocodile tears at the thought. Oh? Did you say he is gorgeous? Well, then you are too. Beautiful people know how to spot beautiful things, and the only way you could argue that he was wrong was by saying that he wasn’t beautiful. 
His logic made you want to hit your head against a wall, but when a man with the body of a goddamn superhero tells you that he thinks you’re hot it’s pretty hard to disagree with him. If you still try to fight it, prepare for over-the-top compliments while he forcefully tries to make you relax and go along with his praise. We are talking scrubbing behind your ears and saying that you have ‘well-formed lobes’ kind of compliments. You like that he’s complimenting you, but you also don’t know how to respond either.  
More than anything, his hugs are to die for. During a bath, after a bath, once you are both snuggled in bed and comfortable? Heavenly, all of it. 
Vargas loves to talk you to sleep, both of your plans for the next day, going over when and where you are taking your next vacation, and giving suggestions for what muscle groups he thinks would most benefit you to build. Hell if you tell him that makes you uncomfortable or you aren’t able to follow through, he will immediately change his plans and make variations to be kinder to your back, your knees, neck, ankles, etc. Never underestimate a man who knows anatomy better than geography. This goes double when you grab a map and realize that one trip that he told you was a 'two-hour drive’ from Night Raven was actually a fifteen-hour one, even with the help of the mirrors. 
Oh well, his confidence was something you loved, no matter how correct he may or may not be.
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Mozus Trein:
Trein was almost hilarious with how soft and tender he treated those he cared about versus the strict and stern History teacher exterior that he gave off. 
Something that drew you to him was seeing how tenderly he cared for his daughters. All three of them had all flown the nest at this point, but seeing him smile softly while he penned them letters as he scratches Lucius’ chin and murmured conversation to the cat was something that made your heart melt. 
You had been brushing up on your animal languages to better talk to Lucius too, and you could make out the gist of what he says now. As you suspected, he is not the most polite to others, but he is relatively quick to befriend those that bother to talk to him and offer treats that he likes. Due to these habits, you get along quite well. You try to ask for secrets about Mozus, but Lucius won’t always answer. The only consistency you can make out is that it seems like the cat will only answer you when he thinks it’s funny, but his sense of humor can be a bit difficult to work out.  
Trein is not one for much intimacy, he is more one to enjoy mutually comfortable silences. He has had a lot of time to work out every habit and isn’t overly open to doing things outside of them, but a soak with bath salts or some other kind of medicinal mixture suits him quite well. Trein humors your wants and needs and is more than willing to go along with any ‘couples’ treatments you might be interested in within reason. 
Surprisingly, he is open to doing things like acupuncture, fire cupping, and various types of experimental medicines, but if you ask him to get a facial his eyebrow will be stuck in a skeptical arch for the entirety of the experience. You were able to snap a picture of him making this face while wearing a green clay mask with cucumbers over his eyes. You treasure the photo, but you will never show it to him as you know he will be horrified at how undignified he looks. Part of his charm, you think.
Overall the greatest treat of all is seeing the relaxed smile that creeps onto his features when he is truly relaxing. It felt like something special just for you, sneaking a sleepy peek at him in the evening: relaxing in a silken robe, reading a novel, glasses perched on his strong nose, sipping at chamomile tea, and wearing the softest smile. It made your chest feel so warm that you got to see these small and simple moments. Everyday moments were the most special, you thought. Perhaps this simple comfort is what happiness truly is. 
He will see you staring at him, invite you over for a chat and then wrap his arm around you and bring you to bed. He tucks you in tightly, much like one would do a child. His eyes soften when he does it, you suppose there must be a lot of pleasant memories attached to the action. Once he is satisfied with the bedding, he climbs in next to you, giving you a pleasant peck on the forehead before turning off the light. You hear the pitter-patter of little fluffy feet walking in a circle, a huff, and then a perfectly elegant flop and a warmth near your right foot. You sleep soundly, waking up every so often to feel a hand fixing the blanket that you repeatedly kept throwing off of your shoulder and another kiss on your temple as soon as it was finished. 
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As the youngest and least academically-focused staff member, Sam seemed always eager to prove himself. This was especially funny to you, considering how his ‘friends’ gave him such a leg up in almost every situation that you wondered why he ever felt less-than. 
Sam had worked his salesman voice to near perfection, had an in with almost every vendor of note, came from a famously powerful family, was strikingly handsome, stylish, and had a killer smile… 
Okay, you were wandering off topic here, but how could you help it? 
His magenta eyes would flick to yours in passing and you found yourself not being able to think of everything but him. You wanted to joke that his signature spell was how he took your breath away, but that one was all him. You weren’t even sure if he knew how breathtaking he was, moving through each room like a tap dancer one Maxi Ford away from a full routine. 
The theatricality that he brought to everything he did made you feel similar anticipation to being in a theater, hoping and praying that the handsome lead actor would look down at you specifically during a pivotal scene. For the sake of your heart, you were glad that somehow you had succeeded in catching his gaze the same way he had yours. 
When it came to bathing, he enjoyed it. As the local ‘literally-everything’ supplier, he always had something to surprise you with if you wanted a fun gimmick in the bath, but he had his own perfect set of potions to maintain his stylishly dyed hues. You weren’t entirely sure if his particular swirl of hair colors was natural or magicked into place, and the few times you thought to ask Sam, he would just put one finger in a ‘shush’ motion over his mouth with and wink. It was hard to deny that his cheeky mysteriousness wasn’t appealing though. 
If Sam was having a particularly good time, he might try to entice you in a cute little deal or ‘give you an offer you couldn’t possibly refuse’. 
It was a relatively silly game because the cost for all of these handshake deals was always ‘a kiss’ which you would gladly give him regardless of if he gave you something in return. You liked the goofy smile he would give you after you agreed, so you indulged him regardless. He sometimes would act shy and murmur something about ‘stealing his first kiss’ (he made this joke from your second kiss onwards) but would quickly give up the ghost to cover your face in playful smooches and thread his hands at the nape of your neck so you couldn't move away from his lovesick gaze. 
You’ve seen no true gentleman before in your life if you haven’t seen Sam at a proper ballroom soiree. Letting his relaxed slouch straighten into an elegant straight back and properly dressed to the nines, it seemed like he belonged under a spotlight. Sam was an amazing dancer, singer, card player, gambler, smooth talker, and pianist. He seemed to be accomplished in yet another hobby each time an acquaintance of his would say hello and jokingly admonish him for not showing off some hereto unknown skill of his. He would take the friendly jabs well, say ‘perhaps another time’, and then introduce his ‘charming companion’ (you) to them all in turn. Saying each word as fresh and new as the first time, though the words were practically a script for him at this point. 
The ultimate renaissance man, truly. 
Once you both were exhausted and came back to your home, you would bask in each other’s company. His voice raspy from overuse of the night, he whispered his thanks to you for accompanying him. You interrupt his soon-to-be soliloquy to say, ‘how could I possibly refuse an invitation from the most beautiful man I know?’. His eyes would crinkle with laughter from your response and he would pull you close, exhaling into your hair while the exhaustion of the night hits him like a well-anticipated crescendo. 
Sam idly thought that out of the two of you, the power you held over him was far stronger than any spell he knew. 
It was this time of night that you thought he looked his youngest, chortles losing all of their rehearsed and powerful baritones, words spilling out messily, sentences punctuated with ‘ah’s and ‘um’s. 
Sleepy magenta met your eyes and you would decide to finally drag Sam off to bed, tucking him under your fluffy comforter with care. He fell asleep on a dime, and when he was sleeping you felt like you could see the angelic face he must have had as a child. 
You couldn’t wait to see what you both did together tomorrow. Maybe you’d even tell him that you loved him. 
You weren’t going to be able to stop yourself from blurting it out sooner or later anyway.
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So who was your fav? Dying to know. I ran away from the bath theme a bit but it was all from a place of love, I promise. Have I convinced you to simp for someone new? Let me know!
Love you, reader! 💋
Requested tags: @stygianoir (hope you liked it!) @yandere-kou, @daeda21, @buckketboy, @aikochan4859, @kumiko-desu, @prince-zukohere, @fragmentedstarlight, @sarahyumiko2, @sappyisyourpappy, @rebel-faes-writing, @witch-waycult, @dari-kun, @riddle-simp, @naniky, @the-mermaid-of-the-stars
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tozettastone · 26 days
Whats your ranking on akatsuki ships, partnered or otherwise?
I contemplated doing this ranking with all of the most common Akatsuki related ships but there were over 20 without even counting the OFCs and Reader fics. There were 4 Sakura pairings alone LOL. So I'll do a partner ship ranking I think.
I know that when they did this same ranking earlier today, @mixelation accounted for how the fandom treated these ships in their rankings. But I am ranking based on what dynamics I think these ships could deliver me. I'm not judging by what fandom actually gave me. I'm measuring with my ✨heart.✨
6. Orochimaru/Sasori
I cannot imagine this as a sexual or romantic ship, but I can admire the sheer amount of psychic damage these men would do through pure pettiness. This is really two dramatic judgemental bitches leaving no survivors. So that's fun, right? But as a ship? Nah.
5. Konan/Pein
I understand the canon basis for this ship but I am not very interested in either of these characters and they are not improved by proximity.
4. Sasori/Deidara
They're both cute and their philosophies are completely opposed. However, I think Sasori's regard for Deidara is not really articulated in canon and it's hard to imagine him having positive feelings about him? I don't think there's anything really interesting to chew on here, personally? It's like arguing and not much else, to me. It's an aesthetically pleasing pairing but the character dynamic is not compelling me.
3. Deidara/Tobi
Incomprehensible but at least I can see that Obito enjoys baiting Deidara and Deidara shows curiosity about Tobi. You can build a ship from the ground up if the characters are interested in drawing a reaction out of each other. I can see Obito getting attached and becoming extremely weird about it, which is always a plus. Obito has the canonical Uchiha problem of really imprinting on his precious people so I think it could end up being quite fun if written from an "Obito is erratic and unwell and Deidara is just beginning to realise he's bitten off more than he can chew," perspective. Good ship vibes.
2. Itachi/Kisame
Nobody writes this ship as a Kisame, who hates lies, deceiving himself about the character of Itachi, whose entire acquaintanceship with him is based on a lie, and I understand that this is extremely complicated to manage from a character perspective. In my heart this is a complicated relationship between a guilty and increasingly sick Itachi who can't quite dedicate himself fully to his partner, and a wilfully (as opposed to medically) blind Kisame who absolutely can.
Anyway, we love a ship that features a giant toothy violent dude whose leash is very loosely held by a consumptive teenager who is, deceptively, capable of equal or greater violence.
Also, service top Kisame. Like... yeah?? Obviously. I'm into that.
1. Hidan/Kakuzu
I am predictable. Everyone knows what I'm like about Hidan and Kakuzu. They are spouses who slay together. S-tier pairing. I have written... so... much... about... them....
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erinelliotc · 1 month
What do you like about Eddy? Do you really think him and Double D will work out?
I think Eddy is the most interesting, deep, complex and well-written character on the show. It seems contradictory to say this, but even though Double D is my favorite character, I think Eddy is the best character. He's full of content for psychological analyses, something I'm passionate about doing because I love psychology and writing, I love analyzing human behavior, so complicated characters like Eddy are perfect to me in that sense (just as I am fascinated by Jinx from Arcane). I have so much to say about Eddy, I feel like every day I think of something new about his character, and I find this so exciting!
My analyses of each Ed will only be done in the future after I rewatch the show another two or three times, so I won't write here everything I have to say about Eddy. But you can find some of my EEnE analyses by scrolling through the posts in this tag. I talk about him in some of them.
But about Eddy and Double D... EddEddy is my OTP, you know? I've already talked a lot about them, and of course I'm going to talk much more in the future too. You can read a little about what I think of their relationship here.
In "short":
Eddy's backstory and his character development fascinate me. Characters who are emotionally broken to the point of developing a problematic personality fascinate me. Characters with mental disorders or traits of mental disorders fascinate me (I personally see him as ADHD with borderline and narcissistic traits, and perhaps a bit of histrionic traits too). I love analyzing and understanding what led them to that point, what made them so difficult to deal with, what hurt them so much that they developed an emotional armor and/or that makes them act like selfish jerks. The way Eddy's brain works fascinates me, his behavior, his defense mechanisms, everything. And to me the best part is seeing the little moments where the show shows us how he actually has a terrible self-image deep down and is not as confident and secure as he tries to show himself to be. I love seeing a character who isn't just a jerk, but someone who acts like a jerk because of things that happened that he tries to hide or that he doesn't even understand or realize happened (Eddy's reality denial defense mechanism is very strong, so I think a lot of the things related to his brother he genuinely didn't realize were problematic and had hurt him because his brain denied them to protect him. And it's common for our brain to block memories as a way of protecting us from the truth because it thinks we'll not have the emotional structure to deal with it, and I believe it may have happened to him), someone who is deeply hurt and does everything he can to hide it, someone who doesn't want to be emotionally vulnerable and tries to act like the most confident person in the world... Characters like this are the most interesting to me. And besides, I find Eddy extremely funny and annoying in an adorable way. I love his chaotic behavior, his voice and the way he talks (God bless Tony Sampson)
He and Edd were made for each other. Would they kill each other if Ed wasn't around? Absolutely. But their relationship is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and the combination of their personalities is what makes them grow and have their character development. They mature and improve because of the influence they have on each other. Their personalities complement each other perfectly because one is good where the other has to improve. And the love and affection they have for each other is visible and makes me emotional
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1000dactyls · 2 months
I wanna know if you have any thoughts on Valka and Sroicks parenting and how that affects hiccup? Because I'm loving so much of your content rn, especially your drawings!! But when I see stuff like Tgirl Hiccup while I think they would be supportive, I don't think they would be ... the best because their not really the best. Like ofc they tried even Val when she came back, but it doesn't and won't ever make up for everything else it's so complicated, and nuisanced would love to hear your thoughts!!
Im going to break this post into addressing stoick and valka separately because valka is such a non-entity in hiccup and stoick’s familial life. valka’s section will be underneath the ‘read more’
But I definitely agree! Unfortunately for Hiccup (and also not to project ijbol), it’s so hard because stoick’s best isn’t enough. Oh, stoick tries! He tries so hard — between the movies and the shows, he so clearly cares for his son. But he can never be just Hiccup’s dad; Stoick is the Chief of Berk before he’s Hiccup’s father, and both he and Hiccup know that. Hiccup grows up self sufficient and is used to a lonely home. The kind of free reign that he gets (and the resulting knee-jerk reaction he has to any kind of responsibility after 15 years of said free reign) doesn’t make for great conditions to cultivate a healthy, loving, traditional parental relationship
Still — i think stoick is more supportive than we give him credit for, at least going off the RoB/DoB characterizations. (Again, I haven’t finished watching RTTE, so Im not gonna speak for anything there.) When Hiccup makes moves for more freedom and responsibility, even as early as s01e01 “How to Start a Dragon Academy”, Stoick works with Hiccup to grant him that freedom. He makes attempts to connect to his son, albeit misguided and inevitably circling back to his own interests/role as the chief of Berk and not just Hiccup’s dad. For example, s01e07 “How to Pick your Dragon” shows Stoick ending up listening to Hiccup about getting a dragon, even though he mostly gets a dragon because it further suits his interests as a chief, which he realizes on the flight Toothless and Hiccup take him on. Which also leads to the core conflict of the episode! Because Stoick’s attempts to understand Hiccup are ultimately rooted in his own narrow perception of the world, that there is a Right way and Wrong way to do things, and Hiccup’s way is most definitely not the right way.
But Stoick listens. Over time, he picks up the signs when his child is frustrated and genuinely asks how he can help (s02e15 “A Tale of Two Dragons” 3 options talk). And after the events of the first movie, Stoick makes more attempts to involve Hiccup in his going-ons, such as the portrait of the chief’s family or contacting Johann to find a beloved childhood plushie. So i think stoick tries, and his best isn’t enough, so thank god hiccup isn’t dependent on only stoick and the both of them know this. And just because the both of them know this doesn’t mean that stoick doesn’t try to improve their relationship at all. In the end, he’s just really set in his own ways and his own traditions.
So in a world where Hiccup is trans, I do think Stoick is supportive no matter what direction Hiccup ends up going. Is he confused? Yes, always, because there isn’t a very established tradition even if Berk does have a history of trans folk. I think stoick has to try really really hard, and he messes up a lot in the beginning. Like, you know when your parents are trans affirming in a really weird and even insulting way? That happens a lot for Hiccup and Stoick. But they work together and Stoick works to try and get on Hiccup’s level, whether that means sending terror-mail to Johann to inquire about trans literature or gender-affirming clothes or dialing Gothi to move Hiccup’s t/e prescription to the front of the line.
……..argh, Valka.
Of course Valka tried when she came back, but the conscious decision to stay away for twenty years and miss some of the most important milestones in your child’s life says a lot, and I think Hiccup also knows that. Especially because of how similar they are, even though Valka would immediately accept and adore and absolutely love Hiccup and all his Hiccup-ness right off the bat… I think he’s aware of how different and better his life could’ve been with Valka’s understanding presence. In the end, one parent stayed and tried their best. And one didn’t really try at all, not until they reconnected again.
And like! I dont think Valka and Hiccup would ever be as close as Stoick and Hiccup were. Like it is one thing to idolize your parent in absentia and build up this idealistic wholesome perfect image of who they are, getting your characterization from their partner who never got over them even after 20 years. And it is another thing to meet that parent and realize… wow! They also don’t measure up to what I needed them to be as a child.
And so for all of Valka’s understanding, for all of the easiness it is for Valka to understand Hiccup, especially in a world where Hiccup is trans — it’s not Valka who had to deal with the bureaucracy of Hiccup’s gender change, nor aided in the social transition for people Hiccup has spent his entire life with. It’s not Valka who asked uncertain, blunt and somewhat invasive questions about Hiccup’s new identity, or found weird and strange ways to support it. It’s not Valka who would’ve gotten an entirely new wardrobe commissioned or talked to Gothi about medical transition.
Like, I think Valka tries, and it’s easy for her to understand the idea and support Hiccup. But i dont think she’d ever be Hiccup’s first choice when it comes to questions about who s/he is, not when there are people who stayed and tried much harder than her, and know far more about Hiccup than she ever did and maybe will.
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
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Prince Jenson of Somerset
+ process & lore
Yayyyyy omg finally have drawn portraits of the four main characters!!!! I'll show the process of Jenson's first and then them all four together. Though it's a shame the Seb/Fernando ones are older, I think it's hopefully obvious how much I've improved since November?
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Look at him in all his handsome, princely glory 🥹 It's funny, I'm always happy with the second sketch and initial lineart, and then I start coloring it and I absolutely hate it, and it takes a significant amount of time into the painting for me to like it again. And then I reach a certain point and I'm in love with it again. Ugh though I gotta say, I love drawing the curls, it's just so 18th century, but at the same point, man I always will love my original lineart for the hair the best ah. Also yes I absolutely had to give him a big ass hat with feathers, he really is that kinda guy to me. I originally drew a bicorne and then realized that those don't really exist until basically almost a century later oops, so tricorne it is!!
Okay now omg look at them all together 🥹
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Haha wow I have improved a lot! Just like the Seb/Fernando ones, Mark and Jense's were meant to be put together. I think there's a lot of inherent characterization in their poses that highlight the difference between them. Mark is looking up, very wistful, looking up to greater people, greater things. Jenson's head is tilted down, almost looking at the viewer, he is very satisfied with his role and revels in it, he's here to slay!
Okay, yes, lore, characterization, sorry that it is so far down on the post!!
Jense would probably be the fan favorite if this AU was an actual book or show or something. He's the guy you randomly find while browsing Wikipedia and you're like, woah this guy is so cool??? Unlike Sebmarknando, he doesn't really have the same level of angst, he's kinda just chilling. He's a bit harder to write a lore post about, because he's basically that character who is always magically around the corner, ready to witness some crazy thing and just breeze past it.
He is less linked to Seb than people like Mark and Fernando, because he's basically just his personal minister of transportation(read: horse fucker), so he avoids a lot of the relationship complications and drama, but that isn't to say he's completely uninvolved. He really likes Seb, and loves to hang around with him and serve him, but he's not as beholden to him. He's who everyone goes to air their grievances or to get away from the others, and he's very happy with this role. He's generally willing to play any side in an argument, but does tend to have a pretty big soft spot for Seb overall(Seb also gives him cuteness aggression, and he wants to bite him. Especially when Seb puffs himself up and acts super bratty when he gets offended at not being seen as a proper ruler.)
He's royalty from other kingdom, but pledged his loyalty to Seb's kingdom when he was quite young and has served him(his father first) ever since. He started off somewhat low in the military, rose to a pretty high rank, was a renowed war hero, and then ended up retiring pretty early to tend to Seb's horses. That's an oversimplification, but yeah. He liked the military life, was very good at it, but decided he had done enough, and wanted to be involved in more direct service, albeit more laid back. As I mentioned in Mark's post, Mark *really* doesn't understand his choice to do this, because if Mark had been in Jense's position, he can't ever imagine being able to let all that go and living the quiet life.
He is the palace whore, everyone has been with him honestly. It'll be like, some man walks into his bedroom, only to see Jenson in bed with his wife, but instead of being angry, he's like "wow you couldn't even wait for me??" He's just very carefree, and happy to just slut around and tend to Seb's horses.
I think he definitely still advises Seb, and would go to battle if truly need be, but generally seems to be living in a different world than the weird psychosexual homoerotic political drama that the others seem to be living in. But as I said, it's not like he doesn't contribute to it! He loves to goad Fernando, and constantly plays devil's advocate in "debates" between Fernando and Seb. He's also obviously the one that keep "accidentally" locking them in rooms and forgetting where the key is.
Sorry if this isn't very explanatory, I hope it gives a general idea to the type of character he is???? As always, let me know if you have any questions! I kinda struggled on what to write here because I'm finishing this at almost 8 am 😭 so I'm not sure if it's great or not. But basically you need to know: horse fucker who is generally breezy and carefree but also can be a bit of a menace to society every once in a while.
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#YAYAAAAAAA PRETTY HAPPY WITH THIS ONE!!!!#lmfao tho not 100% sure about the lore notes because i wrote this at like 8 am#hope its understandable 😭 and that you love jense as much I do#hes probably the funniest character in the AU#and like if it wasn't centered on seb/nando he would be the favorite#hes just often there as my kinda reaction character#tho both he and Mark are reaction characters but on opposite sides of the scale and they play off each other#jenson walks into a room where sebnando are psychosexually glaring at each other from across the room#and hes like hmmm how can i make this worse#and mark is the type to walk into the room. see whats going on. and briskly walk away#so jense absolutely loves to tease him w this kinda thing and just make any situation 100x worse(aka funnier)#well funnier for him probably not the other people involved#but its okay bcs they love him. hes jense!!! who wouldn't love him!! hes our favorite guy!! our jense!!!#I just love to imagine he gets all the sides of the gossip and is like hmm yes yes interesting#but doesnt use it for scheming or evil but rather just to tease and be annoying and make everyone blush :)#okay well anyways wow im not really discussing the art itslef sorry!!!@#I think he looks so handsome pretty in this 🥺#hes pretty difficult to draw but i think it came together when i gave him freckles tbh#i hope he gives off carefree but seductive but laidback prince 🙏🙏#f1#formula 1#jenson button#catie.art.#boy king au#*not sure about his title officially yet. i mean hes from somerset but yeah idk its okay
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thequietkid-moonie · 5 months
HIIIIIIII, can I request tbhk characters x gyaru S/O who get made fun of for their fashion taste?
Lots of love<33
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Gyaru S/O is constantly made fun of
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Tsukasa, Yako ]
[ Toilet Bound Hanako-kun / Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ]
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× Gyaru is a japanese fashion style, it a little complicated to explain so i recomend to search about it
I have to admit that i have mixed feelings for the gyaru fashion style, there are some outfit that i think are reaaaaally cool but there are others that i find weird, haha but anyways, this was quite interesting to write! hope you like it!
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa can be quite violent but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love you, because when he does fall in love he is really serious about that love and has no problem with expressing how much he loves you with everything he has and with whoever is in front of him (as if it wasn't obvious with how clingy he is)
Tsukasa tends to do as he please and what he wants so he doesn't really has filters when speaking, he will tell you from the start that he find your fashion style weird, but he mean it in the best way posible, no matter how much he insist on saying that is weird he also find it fascinating and pretty funny!
Tsukasa is quite mesmerized by your style and with each day that pass it just become part of his day greeting you at the first hour of the day (or when you came to school depending on that if you are human or supernatural) and taking a moment to apreciate your outfit, always giving you a compliments along with a big hug (most of the time he repeat the same compliment but his big wide smile shows that he is being sincere)
He totally loves your style, he find it quite funny and actually love playing with it a lot, is not rare for you to have him clinging onto you while playing with your clothes and accesories (with time he just learn to don't be too harsh or even try to steal it so you don't have to be without your precious clothes or accesories)
In all honestly, Tsukasa just loves you so much that he loves talking about you with Sakura and shows you off at every chance he has, and your beautiful fashion style only gives him more reasons to show you off, insisting that you have to show your amazing outfit to everyone in the broadcasting club whenever you are wearing something that he finds specially cute or mesmerizing
Tsukasa is so in love and even proud of you and your relationship that it will be a surprise when he find out that there are some people that tend to make fun of you because of your fashion style, and this isn't a pleasant surprise, he is mad at whoever dares to say something bad about his precious partner and he will make sure they don't say something like that about you ever again (there is no way he will let them go away with making fun of you and the more hurt you are the more harsh he will be with them)
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Once Yako falls in love she does it really hard, it take her a while but once you get right to her heart it is going to be quite obvious how much she cares for you and likes you (mainly for the obvious soft spot she has for you)
Yako can be a little blinded by her love for you, finding all about you quite interesting and mesmerizing (specially if you are a human), so you having a gyaru fashion style is something that she will love and hate
It makes you happy and she feels intriged by it, by how much accesories and colors you use, she will give some criticism coment about your fashion style, mainly in hopes to help you improve it and make you look even more beautiful (mainly when she thinks is too much or that it doesn't suit), but also you can heard quite a lot of compliments about your style
Yako won't really be too willing to try an outfit with your style because she has her own style, however it isn't imposible and she would be willing to try a not too exaggerated or extravagant outfit (just let her make it), still she is more than willing to use a single garment or accesory if you ask her, something that matched her own outfit (although, if you gift her an accesory is more probably that she doesn't use it often because she prefer to keep it somewhere safe as her little treasure, but don't point it out or she will get defensive over the fact)
Over all, Yako likes quite a lot your style and is really supportive over it, besides, if it makes you happy then she doesn't see why not just be yourself, thats why she doesn't tolerate other people talking bad about you or your style, most of the time she doesn't do more than scolding (more like insulting) whoever had say something bad about you and tell you to don't listen those idiots
But getting to know that you are being made fun of because of your style make her furious, no one should made fun of you just because you are just being you, she is going to be back and forth from angrily rant about how mad she is with those idiots and trying to comfort you, she is quite protective over you but reminds as calm as she can because she doesn't want to cause problems, however if the bullies came to physicaly atack you or say something that really have hurt you then she will take the matter into her hands, it doesn't matter if is a supernatural or a human she will teach them a lesson (even if she have lose part of her power already that doesn't mean she isn't still powerful, and she will make those idiots regret even just thinking bad about you)
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taddymason · 7 months
What are your thoughts on each of the Ninja? I'm just curious
Ooooo okokok this is going to be so long, I'm going to explain my first impression of them when I was a child and how it has changed over time.
Cole: I really didn't care much about Cole when I saw the series for the first time, like, as I remember he was my least favorite character on the team and he seemed boring to me. Now? Easily my favorite ninja. It's funny because of the team it's easily the one I identify with the most in terms of personality. I LOVE how most of his arcs have to do with the potential of his elemental powers, probably one of the ninjas who has grown the most in terms of skills over the course of the series. I know I don't talk much about the way they develop him and how much he matures throughout the series, especially how he becomes more and more open with the team, but he is one of my favorite characters.
Zane: I always liked Zane and he always remained my second favorite ninja. One of the parts I like most about his development is how he becomes more confident and sassy, especially in the new seasons. What I do not like is how many other ninjas's jokes about him are limited to "Zane, we need to adjust your honest/sarcasm ciurcuits", etc. It gets pretty tiring and somewhat contradicts the whole point of his character to be reminded that he's a nindroid when the whole point is that he actually sometimes ends up being a lot more human than everyone else but that's it. (ALSO Why did the writers forget that he had a falcon?)
Lloyd: sooo Lloyd is a complicated one because I don't really have strong feelings about his character. I guess one thing that kept me away every time I rewatched the show was thinking that he's like they put every cliche of a protagonist in a blender and most of his arcs feel that "predictable" when you compare him to the others. BUT I like what they are doing with his character on DR and I think it is his best season so far, SO definitely in DR it is more entertaining to see his development and his relationship with the kids.
Kai: Kai is a character that for me... is fine, I don't love him too much like most of the fandom. Again I think that in DR they are doing justice to his character since he feels that in Wildbrainera he was quite forgettable as if the creators didn't know what to do with him (like, I'm not a fan of his arc in S11 because we have definitely seen that lesson a Lot of times). I really love the development of him anyway and his relationship with Nya & Lloyd is one of the best parts of the series.
Nya: I'm going to be honest, I only started to like Nya in S9, before that with the sexist way the writers wrote her in the first seasons when I first saw the series I found her annoying (and S3 and S6 didn't help) . I think her character definitely improved after the Oni trilogy onwards because the creators began to give her REAL CHARACTER FLAWS and take her more seriously because then I started to like her character more.
Jay: soo, when I saw the series for the first time Jay instantly became my favorite ninja. I liked that there was a balance between the sarcastic jokes and the fact that he would then do something surprising like being the first to do spinjitsu, being a genius on roller skates, him shooting in space, etc. It's those moments in which he proved to be the thinker outside the box of the team that were very entertaining along with his humor, his powers, the duality in which he could be a bastard, an idiot and a genius at the same time was what made him that was my favorite on the team
Now, I'm not a fan of Jay when it comes to the new seasons where they basically removed all the traits I'm listing and turned him into a man child who only makes pee jokes. They literally took away EVERYTHING that made him a useful member of the team, he is a completely different character that really the only thing he has is... he is just the "uwu guy on the team". Honestly, it could be a whole essay explaining how I hate Jay from S11 onwards but I'll just leave it at that I hope DR gives him real development (and for a change it doesn't have to do with Nya)
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tgammsideblog · 3 months
Tgamm Season 2: Fixing Ruben and Esther's characters
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Another common problem that people have with Tgamm Season 2 is the lack of development of the Chens have, mainly Ruben and Esther. Ruben does get some scenes yet he falls rather flat. The same could be said for Esther, who doesn't exactly get proper characterization beyond the Chens introduction episode.
Just like i did with my post about Jinx, i want to give my opinion on how i think these characters could have been explored in season 2 and how that it would have improved their arcs.
On first point, it is clear that Ruben and Esther needed more episodes exploring their characters. I think Ruben needed an extra episode exploring his past and Esther one or two episodes about her, maybe the relationship she has with Ollie and June or her dynamic with Sharon. (That we didn't get to see unlike the rest of the Chens-Mcgees dynamic).
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For Ruben, i think he could have had a whole episode exploring his backstory of what happened to him after he was scared by Geoff when he was a kid. Bill Motz gave an idea of what his life was like growing up and how he met Esther. Based on his characterization on ¨Frightmares on Main Street¨ and Bill's description of his past, it is easy to come to the conclusion that Ruben was made fun of the idea of how he was haunted by a ghost while he was a teen.
When he grew up, he tried leaving all that stuff behind but got involved in searching about ghosts in these ¨ghosthunter¨ forums, which are full of misinformation about ghosts. Esther found out about this and told Ruben that she believed him that a ghost had tried to ¨attack¨ him. This was important to Ruben as Esther was the first person to believe what happened to him.
If we have had an episode showing some flashback about this, it would have made Ruben and Esther's relationship feel more meaningful, as there would be more context of how they ended up together. It would have given more idea of how Ruben became a ghosthunter and how he fell into all this misinformation about ghosts.
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For Esther, she could have had an episode about her relationship with Ollie or June. I believe it would be preferable with June since she doesn't get much screentime neither, that way both Esther and June would be getting development. It could have been something outside ghosthunting. Maybe them hanging out or doing chores. Molly or Darryl could have been involved in some way. Maybe June is trying to impress Esther with one of her inventions and Molly and Darryl are helping her.
Another episode could have been about Esther hanging out with Sharon. ¨The New (Para) Normal¨ leaves an idea that they can get competitive with each other, so my guess is that they could have had an story about they getting too competitive and them learning to not get carried away. It could have been a funny silly episode that nothing too serious happens. Showing the Chens/Esther in a more casual situation.
Both Ruben and Esther could have had an episode that takes place after the Necrocomicon episode about them seeing how Ollie has been acting more distant towards then since the con. They don't get what it is going on or why their son acting this way. Most of the episode Ollie avoids them, trying to not interact with them.
Maybe they have a talk with Ollie at the end but things are still complicated between them. This could have served as build up for ¨Jinx vs The Human World¨ events with Ollie finally deciding to confront them again of their views about ghosts.
In all, Ruben and Esther needed more episodes in Season 2 to develop. Ruben need more exploration to his backstory than the flashback we got in ¨Book Marks the Sprite¨. That way they could have had proper characterization and be more interesting as characters.
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
We think the same! Their relationship is very cute! Although in the manga or in the anime they didn't have many moments, it doesn't mean that it's my favorite ship! So sure! (Thanks)
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Warning: This fanfic contains tickles. Also remind them that I don't speak English, so if they find any errors, let me know to correct it. I hope you like it!
Ler: Mitsuri Kanroji and kinda Kaburamaru
Lee: Iguro Obanai
'You look distressed, Obanai. Is there something that gives you a complex?', fuck, Iguro wanted to go unnoticed, but he couldn't do anything. He turned to meet the master, who was accompanied by Gyomei, but... Maybe...
'You promise... not to say anything...?', he whispered, Kagaya smiled and pointed to a place next to him to sit down.
Despite being embarrassed, he steeled himself, fuck that shame, the more time passed, the more opportunities he missed
Kagaya waited patiently, he wanted Iguro to gather his courage and comment that he was overwhelmed.
'I'm... In love...' 'Kanroji, right?', Iguro looked up, Gyomei knew?!. 'H-how did you know?'
'Sure, I may be blind, but I can sense and feel people's emotions. When you talk to her everything in you is different. Your tone of voice, your look, your aura, your behavior. Everything changes, it's evident and it's almost impossible not to notice it' 'That's very sweet Obanai, I couldn't expect less from a boy as good as you, but then tell me, if you're in love, why haven't you shown it to her?'
Iguro sighed, but when he looked away he saw Kaburamaru. Well, he guess what should he tell them about, he needed urgent advice and support
'It's because I don't feel like I'm enough for her. I know almost everything about her but she doesn't know anything about me, I haven't told her for fear that she'll panic and hate me or stop talking to me. I want Kanroji to be happy, I want to give her that happiness, but I don't think I can... I'm not enough'
Gyomei cried, reciting his verse and Kagaya's smile diminished a bit, it was not possible for one of her children to feel bad Unless I thought it was insufficient, I couldn't tolerate this.
'Iguro, I'll tell you this and I want you to think my words well. The past does not affect the present, from your words I can realize that your past was sad and complicated, but despite having the option to be cruel, you didn't. You decided to improve and I'm proud of you. I don't think Kanroji cares about that, she's a good-hearted girl and you're a boy who always strives to meet my expectations. And well, with what Gyomei has said, I'm sure that you and she are soul mates. Go ahead, don't be afraid of the answer, trust that you will find happiness', Kagaya gently caressed Obanai's head, he was completely sure that everything would be fine for the couple.
'Oyakata - Sama... Himejima - San... Arigato', Iguro thanked, so he got down to business.
He planned everything, the place, the time, the activities, the food, everything was perfect. Iguro was gaining confidence, those words made him think and reconsider, there was no time to waste, it was now or never
'Okay, today is the day. Finally I will tell her everything I think and feel for her' 'Iguro - San!', she arrived, Iguro kept him calm.
'Tell me, what was so important that you needed to tell me? Or well, show me' 'I was sent on a mission a few days ago, while I was walking I found a tree with beautiful flowers that reminded me of you. I wanted to invite you to have lunch under its fruits', Kanroji blushed and became extremely nervous.
'EH?! Iguro - San and me?! On a date?! I can't believe it!!', Kanroji was excited, it was too much for her, it was so much that Obanai had to move her to wake her up from her trance
The answer was obvious, that's how they both went to the place.
Iguro sometimes looked at Mitsuri out of the corner of his eyes, she smiled as she saw everything, admiring and thanking him for taking her to that place.
'This place is so pretty Iguro-San!' 'I knew you'd like it, now, close your eyes, we're about to arrive and I'd like it to be a surprise' 'E-eh! O-Ok-Okay!', Mitsuri closed her eyes, Iguro took her hands and I carefully led her to the picnic she had planned for so long.
'Are you ready?' 'Of course! Don't make me wait any longer!' 'Then open your eyes', Mitsuri opened her eyes slowly, beginning to water, everything was so beautiful.
It was a picnic under a tree that matched the color of her hair and from which beautiful flowers sprouted that fell on the blanket and the baskets with food, but something was missing, Obanai extended a bouquet of roses towards her, she couldn't take it anymore and began to cry
'Ka-Kanroji-! Why are you crying?! Didn't you like it?!' 'No, I didn't like it...', Iguro's eyes widened, expecting the worst.
'I LOVED!! THANKS A LOT!! IT'S THE BEST THING THEY'VE DONE FOR ME SO FAR!!', Mitsui hugged Obanai, who blushed and felt somewhat uncomfortable, he wasn't used to physical contact, but because it was her, he put up with it
'Kyaaa! This is delicious Iguro-San! Thank you very much again!' 'There's no problem, okay? Huh?', Mitsuri pushed some food to Iguro's mouth, but Iguro immediately shook his head and refused.
'Iguro - San, come on, open your mouth! Eat with me!' 'No thank you I am fine'
Kaburamaru hissed. Iguro hadn't even eaten at home, he must have been hungry, so if he didn't eat something Kanroji offered him, he himself would force it.
For a whole minute, Mitsuri was trying to get Obanai to eat something, but he wouldn't. He knew what was under his bandages would displease him. No matter what his stomach growled at, he wouldn't eat anything.
'Iguro - San...' 'Kanroji-!', Iguro covered his mouth, looked at Kaburamaru, he wasn't on his neck, where was he? A tingling in his back made him jump. 'Damn Kaburamaru, not now! Not in front of her!', Iguro thought, trying to shake his snake out like that, to no avail-
'Iguro - San, everything alright...? Are you getting a fever? Your cheeks are red' 'I-I'm fine-! D-don't w-worry!', Mitsuri put down her food and approached Iguro, noticing that his haori was acting strange, as if something was moving in it.
'Kaburamaru-Kun? Is it inside your uniform?' 'Ye-Yes! O-Okay!', Mitsuri got closer, she could see that under his bandages, Obanai was struggling to hide a smile, Kanroji then understood
'Iguro - San...YOU'RE TICKLISH!', she exclaimed excitedly.
Iguro shook his head, saying that he just felt weird because Kaburamaru was biting him. 'Oh yeah? Then it won't matter if I do this~', Iguro's eyes widened, seeing how Kanroji was coming closer moving his fingers, he tried to get away from her, he only managed to do it a few inches, before Kanroji caught him, hugging him so he wouldn't run away.
'Kanroji, let's talk about this...' 'It's not good to lie Iguro - San, do you know what liars get? Tickles!', Mitsuri squeezed his sides, there was no reaction, maybe he wasn't ticklish there? Wait a second...
Kaburamaru! Mitsuri took a closer look, Kaburamaru was... on his back? Mitsuri blushed and laughed, it was the first time she had seen someone with a ticklish back.
'How about here?', Mitsuri gently ran her fingers along him back, the reaction was immediate, Iguro arched his back and covered his mouth and face with him haori in embarrassment.
'Ka-Kanroji-! I swe-! Gah! I'm-!' 'Again lying Iguro-San? I think you need a little lesson. 'Kaburamaru, could you come out for a moment? I don't want him to hurt you', Kaburamaru came out almost immediately and wrapped himself around Kanroji's neck, well Iguro, it seems that there will be no reason for Kanroji to leave you anymore
Mitsuri gently slid her nails into Obanai's lower back, who in response fell onto her chest, trying as hard as he could not to laugh, it was humiliating. They were alone, but it did not take away humiliating
'Come on Iggy! Laugh for me!' Mitsuri didn't stop, she knew he wouldn't run away, he was trapped in her hug.
'Kahahahanroji-! Grr! MPHM!!!', Mitsuri whispered in his ear. 'Cute~...'
It was enough, Obanai was unable to hold on and began to laugh, trying not to hit Mitsuri with his kicks.
'KAHAHAHANROJI!! STAHAHAHAP!! NOT THE BAHAHACK!! GEAHAHAHA!!' 'Awww~ Iguro-San, you're so cute~! Listen to that giggle! It's the cutest I've ever heard! Not your back? For what reason? Is it too ticklish? Can't stand a few tickles? But everyone needs to be tickled sometimes, don't you think?', damn, Iguro felt his ears burning, the childish tone with which Mitsuri spoke, regardless of the way he tickled,
3 words: Obanai was screwed-
'Besides, today you did a lot for me. You bought me food, you brought me to this beautiful place, I'm sure you must be tired! Come on, relax a bit!' 'WAHAHIT!! I CAHAHAN'T!!' 'Why can't you~?' 'BECAHAHAUSE-...!! I WAHAHANT TO TEHEHEHLL YOU SOMEHEHETHIHIHING!!', Mitsuri stopped, looking at him curiously.
'You wanna tell me something? What's wrong?', Iguro caught his breath, it was only a few seconds but, hell, he didn't think that Kanroji would make him scream in such a short time.
'Iguro-San...?', Mitsuri placed her head on his shoulder, waiting for the answer.
Iguro sighed and took her hands, staring into her eyes...
'Kanroji, do you remember the first time we met?' 'Yes, I remember, it was at Oyakata-Sama's residence, I was lost... But, Iguro-San saved me'
'...I must confess, ever since I saw you, I was planning to ignore you or walk past you and leave you with that problem. But, as time progressed, I was able to get to know you better, you were able to touch my heart. Your charisma, your way of treating others, your kindness and heart really captivated me and I fell in love with you, but I was unable to tell you because I wanted to get to know you better first so I could know everything about you and start a nice relationship. Although it was also because I was afraid, afraid that you wouldn't reciprocate me and get away from me. I'll totally understand if you don't feel the same, I just wanted you to know'
Iguro opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Kanroji crying. I knew... She didn't...
'I love you too Iguro-San!!', Mitsuri came over and hugged him.
'Your words were the most beautiful that a man has ever said to me! I love you! I am so happy! Every day what happened with you, I forgot my insecurities because you saw me with those eyes of love, my days were brighter and my meals tasted sweeter when I ate with you! I love you so much!', Mitsuri tried to lower Obanai's bandages but he wouldn't let it.
'Perhaps your opinion will change... After seeing this...', Mitsuri didn't care and lowered his bandages, seeing Obanai's scar.
'I know, it's disgusting and disgusting... You don't have to...' 'You don't care about my strange hair color, why should I care about that?', Mitsuri leaned in and kissed him.
'Isn't love pretty?' 'Mhm! Yes it is!' 'Ara~ I thought he wouldn't dare' 'They are made for each other, that's final', commented the hashiras seeing Mitsuri and Obanai return happily holding hands
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weewoo911 · 5 months
I read your posts about Helena Diaz and I agree so much, every time she says something I get tensed for something worse to come. Her conversation with Eddie where she told him to not drag others down with him was so brutal, I somehow felt less shocked by the Buckley parents. What hits harder is that Eddie is somehow alone in dealing with her. With Buck there was Maddie and then Chimney who understood how fucked up it is. With Eddie he's got sisters but he's expected to hold more responsibility otherwise (even if Ramon seems to be improving). It's terrifying in a way, with how it's complicated because she wasn't even an absent parent so the memories are gonna be mixed.
I would really like it if Eddie got some kind of interaction w his mother in whatever is coming up bc I think the potential conflict there is really interesting.
I think a lot of times when people have kids really young, their own parents can end up doing a lot of heavy lifting, and with the best of intentions they can still end up treating the young parent as a child. I think that’s essentially what happened with Eddie & Shannon. Wanting to help turning into treating them both as incompetent, which took a toll on them both.
“Don’t drag him down with you” is a legitimately wild thing to say to your own kid- especially when he has just been left by his wife and is working three jobs to try and build a better life for his disabled kid. I’d love for that to be explored more- why his parents were so sure he was going to fail to the point they were ready to take his kid.
(Also to be clear I don’t know that they would have ever actually tried to take custody of Christopher, I don’t think we can take the coma dream as a direct canon for what would have happened- but if Buck thinks in his subconscious that it could have happened then what has Eddie said about his parents)
I also think it’s interesting to view it in contrast to Buck’s parents, because where Buck’s parents were under invested, Eddie’s parents maybe wanted too much agency over his life. And Eddie is a character who clearly feels the weight of other people’s expectations on his shoulders.
So yeah, I don’t mind if they go redemption arc - (though I think the show went too hard with trying to redeem Buck’s parents, Eddie’s dad and Chimney’s dad- we also can send the message that bio family relationships sometimes just can’t be fixed) - or full on screamfight but I’d just like it to be explored and have a satisfying resolution
Sorry this post ended up kind of long, but I didn’t want it to be straight up dunking on the character- I like having messy characters and conflict- it’s what makes the show interesting!
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dumpingground6 · 1 year
I feel like info dumping about how Hyde is written lately
Because there's something very interesting about it because the first thing you see on his design is the skull and how you can't see his face and when you can't put a human face to a design it tends to make you think of this character as more cold maybe more distant from others
And with the information that we're given about him from an omnipresent view it fuels that
But then when we see him in dreams of redemption he speaks more politely There's something more warm about Hyde here
He's able to hold regular conversations although he is very blunt about stating the consequences and stuff and that is really cool
In embla's bounties he is concerned for her at every turn. Hyde eve tries to get embla to be more sociable/ less intimidating to her subordinates he gives her real advice that would work in theory if it wasn't for how she interpreted it
Now this is obviously because they are on the same side and stuff so it's understandable why he would be this warm towards an old friend and a coworker but also
This is going to be interesting to see you because we have seen how he interacts with close friends and now with the immortal fire event how he interacts with those who are neutral with him.
Now I want to see how he interacts with those who are against him I want to see how he changes and shifts
Not to say that he isn't cold or that he isn't unethical he's obviously an antagonist here and stuff but like with how he lays things out for people it's very honest and truthful
This is further seen in immortal fire
He lays out the fact that Nicholas's plan is Impossible
And while he does say there's an alternative he makes sure to explicitly say the consequences while also giving mateo and Nicholas a chance to back out at every moment
So on the surface you may think that it sucks that the Hades esper is seemingly in the bad organization but then when you peel back his layers there starts to be a sort of understanding this does not justify his means at all
But you understand the reasons why he has gone this far
Take his relationship with Hannah, now we don't know whether they are actually family or not and at this point we are probably not going to get an answer but it is clear that they were definitely very close friends at the least because of how much her death affected him. And it's clear he wanted to genuinely improve the world by partitioning his grief into something more productive.
That being the artificial esper project and I truly believe that this was a passion project for him because of how much work he put into it and how much he wanted this to succeed to the point where even after it was shut down he started an entirely new organization just so it can continue.
And we know why they want to research the miracles they need to know how to deal with them and clearly the events are showing that literally everyone doesn't know anything about the miracles at all even after 15 years of research
And other events also go to show the catastrophic consequences of letting the miracles go on
And they have results the shadow decree have undoubtedly made huge leaps in technology with stuff like the successful artificial transformation of kara
It really seems like the shadow decrees turn into crime likely isn't caused by him or at least caused by him completely.
But it's also clear that he's apathetic to any of the criminal activities that they go on because he rationalizes that the ends justify the means
And it's at the cost of every last ounce of their ethics
And that's why he's just so well written because like at first you think herder Hades esper bad but like when you peel it back it becomes way more complicated than that and that's so nice to see
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 10 months
When life has other plans (1/16)
Knowledge is Power
Book: Open Heart (AU)
Characters: Casey Valentine, Ethan Ramsey
Word count: 2256
Warnings: sexual references (masturbation)
Rating: PG
Summary: A competition has commenced for the interns at Edenbrook hospital. A horrid first day leads to an unexpected test of a new machine but what is Dr Ethan Ramsey hiding?
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Authors note: well hello again with another AU. I had a thought of what would happen if Casey found out she was pregnant when Ethan was in the Amazon and what decision would be made and the impact on the relationship. It is me, it will be angsty in parts, do not panic, there will be some smut too and fluff and I pre planned the whole lot and there is an eventual happy ending.
It had been a horrid 24 hours for Casey. She froze when a patient had complications post surgery, a few difficult patients and now to update Dr Ramsey on what was happening. She was dreading it. She knows it could have been fatal and even though she did not know him that well yet, she knew that he would not be kind.
She finds him and takes a deep breath.
“Dr Ramsey.” She calls, hoping the quiver in her voice is not noticed. “I have come to update you on my patient…”
“Yes and from what I hear you are very lucky to have a patient…”
“I will not let you down again.”
He looks at Casey, his eyes soften slightly.
“You will let yourself down again. But how you learn from these is important.”
Casey nods.
“How are your patients?” Asks Dr Ramsey.
“They are all stable…” replies Casey.
“Excellent, the radiology department has a new fmri machine and I am losing patience waiting for them to test it. Can you come with me.”
They arrive at the machine and Casey administers the contrast dye. She takes a brief second and marvels at the physical form of Dr Ramsey and she goes to the control room.
She runs a scan and then asks some questions.
“In your opinion, what do you think makes a good Physician?”
Ethan is startled by the question, it was not what he was expecting.
“You already know part of that, a willingness to listen to the patients, taking time to hear their story to solve the case. A willingness to learn, being honest and a basic compassion and empathy.”
“What so nothing about knowledge?” Says Casey
Ethan chuckles. “I thought that went without saying,Rookie.”
Casey asked a few other questions and then asked him the following.
“What are your feelings on Resident and Attending relationships?” Asked Casey.
“Attendings are here to teach, not fraternize and any romantic feelings are just Neurochemical responses in response to heightened stress and high levels of exposure.
“One last question, would you ever have children?”
“No, I have never seen myself with kids. I do not think I could be the parent I would want to be, given the hours I work. I also do not see myself settling down.”
Casey understood where he was coming from. Children were something she had not given much thought about, then again she had never been with anyone serious to even think about it.
Casey looks at the images and advises Ethan that they are done. He gets dressed and goes into the room where Casey is. She shows him the images and he is impressed. He thanks her and Casey goes on her way.
Later that day, Ethan is in his office reflecting on his responses and he thinks to the pleasant sensation he got up his arm when he helped Casey on her first day. He did not know that individual and yet there was a sensation and of course seeing her at Donahue’s. He knew he should not have had such impure thoughts about an intern. He was also impressed with the range of questions that she asked. Despite the near miss with her patient, he was impressed with her, he did wonder if he was too harsh rating her so low. He put the thought of his head, he knew she was more than capable and knew she would improve herself.
Meanwhile Casey was deep in thought. Surprised at the turn of events with Dr Ramsey. She was looking forward to the challenge of impressing Mr Ramsey. She goes and sees Shonda, her patient. She apologizes for nearly killing her. Shonda was understanding and stated that she has a trusted team behind her, but she needed to trust those around her and to also breathe. Casey was thankful for the advice. Little did Casey know just how useful that advice would come in when a similar set of complications occurred. Casey took a breath and delegated, saving the patient. Word of Casey not freezing soon made its way to Dr Ramsey. He was impressed and congratulated her when he saw her. He however dropped a scan out of his folder and he saw Casey read the name before she handed it back to him. He noted that she looked intrigued but he could tell no one as he had promised the patient that no one would know.
“Patient X”. Casey was intrigued but for all she knew it was a team patient and thus none of her business, especially if the patient was in the hospital under what was obviously a pseudonym. She quickly put it out of her head until one day she saw Ethan acting somewhat cagey around the new wing that was under construction. Ethan was surprised that he was followed and he took Casey to Derry Roasters. He was going to use it as a gauge to see how much he had gotten away with his treatment of Naveen. He ordered her an Espresso Romano. Casey enjoys it immensely. They look at all the people go by, Ethan quirking an eyebrow when Casey described a woman’s hair as sex hair. They had a discussion of how she came to the conclusion. Ethan even tested the waters by asking if she had ever had the look of pure satisfaction.
“It is a look I am familiar with” said Casey, while coyly taking a sip of her coffee. Ethan finds the look rather alluring and the thoughts of what he had many a night thought ran through his head. She tells him her thoughts. That he is lonely. He tells her that she is only half right, even though she is. The very real prospect of losing Naveen had been weighing on him. He was treating him himself, he had a friendship with Harper, sure but he knew she still had feelings and he did not want to go down that rabbit hole again. They head back, he tells her that she has what it takes to be a good physician before heading in. Casey is shell shocked. She had improved this week and was on the cusp of the top 10 but getting such an endorsement from Ethan directly, well it was disconcerting.she went about her day though, with a bit more confidence.
A few days later it was results day and Casey awoke early, surprised to see Landry. Their shift was not for another couple of hours and yet Landry was on his way to the hospital. He says he gets there early to try and get ahead of his cases and to emulate Dr Ramsey. The results were already up. Casey had cracked the top ten but Landry dropped down. He was annoyed. Casey asked if any of his treatments had not worked. Landry seemed almost insulted but he did state a plan did not work as he was unaware of a recent lifestyle change. What Ethan had said about listening to the patient came to the fore.
“Did you not think to ask?”
“All that is superfluous.” Said Landry, arrogantly. “All that small talk just takes away from the diagnosis…”
“Yes in this instance, taking the time to find out what is happening in their life would have lead to the treatment working. Not everyone has gone to medical school Landry.”
Landry is speechless for a second
“Y-y-yeah, well you do not see Ramsey asking all the questions.” Said Landry, “And yet he gets the diagnosis correct.”
“Dr Ramsey has 10 years on us, that is why.”
Casey walks away to prepare for her rounds and wonders how many other near misses have occurred because of his arrogance. She had already learnt that test results are not the be all and end all, she knew the main reason she eventually got the diagnosis was not because of test results but listening to her about her experience diving. She hoped that Landry would learn but she was not hopeful.
The competition went on and Casey was on the improve. She was now close to the top five and her confidence was high. She did not let the new found confidence cause complacency. One day she was walking by the new wing. Then she had a thought to a few weeks ago when she came across Ethan near here. She thought he was acting like he was hiding something so she continued further. Into the construction site she went. She found herself at a more complete area then she did a double take. In a room was a rather unwell looking Dr Naveen Banerji and a rather stressed Dr Ethan Ramsey. Just then Dr Ramsey looks up to see a startled Casey. He excuses himself and leaves the room. By this point Casey had started to walk away.
“Rookie, please, you can not tell anyone what you have seen?”
“Of course Dr Ramsey but what is ‘this’?”
“I will message you my address details, can we meet tonight?”
“Of course Dr Ramsey.” Said Casey before walking away, still in a state of shock. Was Naveen patient X? Why is it a secret? Casey though was determined to keep Dr Ramsey’s secret and made her way back to the main hospital, where she happens upon Mrs Martinez who looks very interested in where she had just come from. Casey manages to divert her attention and accompany Mrs Martinez back to her ward. Mrs M tells Casey about how she wished to travel and how the diagnosis of Rhodes Disease robbed her of that opportunity. She was trapped by her treatment and she does often resent it. Casey felt sad for Mrs Martinez. She hoped there would be a way for her to leave the hospital. Then she saw the Panacea logo on the bag.
Meanwhile Ethan was beside himself. His secret had been discovered and he wondered how much Casey figured out as he remembered she saw some scans. His thoughts came to the thoughts he had been having about Casey. A capable physician and improving in the competition every week, she appears to take advice on board. He was hopeful that she would crack the top spot as she certainly deserved it. It certainly made her someone he wished to get to know better personally but his dreams have being haunting him. Dreams of her succumbing to her climax, writhing in ecstasy against his window, laying naked in his bed, grasping his hair while he is orally pleasuring her. Many of these dreams had lead to masturbation which lead to a cycle of he should not. As much as he told himself it was a Neurochemical response, he knew it had to be more but what exactly. The possibility of him being her direct supervisor stopping him from exploring further and here he was, sitting in his office, contemplating what next.
The evening came. He had some wine ready. Again he was internally chastising himself for the social atmosphere. There is a buzz and he lets Casey in. She makes a comment about the view. She is dressed casually but nice in jeans and a purple top. The outfit accentuated her curves and the thoughts of her up against his window tried to dominate his brain. He shut them out by stating he was rarely there to enjoy the view. He offered her a glass of wine and they sat down on the couch.
He came out with that Naveen is dying and started from the beginning.
Casey did not interrupt, but did place a hand on his knee in comfort. He refrained from putting his hand on top of hers. She asked about the progression and asked questions to clarify things he had said. As the evening went on, Ethan felt lighter, less burdened. He had been tempted to bring other physicians in but he could not betray Naveen like that, and he told Casey just that.
“You are not alone.” Said Casey. It was starting to get late so Casey took her leave. He walked her to the door.
“Thank you for telling me, Ethan.” She said, “I meant what I said before, you are not alone.”
“I know” whispered Ethan. He leans in and kissed her, deeply. Casey is taken aback but returns the kiss. They finally part, when they need to breathe.”
“Good night, Ethan.”
“Good night Rookie.”
Casey was surprised by the kids. She did not deny that she had thought about Ethan in that way, despite the exterior she was met with on the first day, was a man who did care about his patients. She also found him attractive but she was in the running to be on his team and did not want jeopardize that but at the same time, she really enjoyed that kiss.
Meanwhile, Ethan was flummoxed. He was surprised that he let his control slip and kissed Casey, he was also surprised that he only kissed her. Her kiss had been all that he had imagined. He sat nursing a scotch, his cycle of self denial starting to cycle and then he remembered that he now had someone to share the burden with and who appeared to keep his secret.
He finished the scotch and had a shower, he masturbated to thoughts of what he had wanted to do to her but had only done so in his dreams. He went to bed, rested. He waited for the cycle of regret to come. But it never did.
Authors note 2: Next up Miami
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