#i think the rest of the seven would be more divided in their loyalties
bimyself06 · 1 year
Som I'm listening to "We will stand for everfree" from mlp equestria girls(don't ask why) and the song kind of makes me think of what would happen if during the roman invasion in HOO an all out war broke out because of it. Like if Gaia hadn't even woken up and the giants all defeated obviously , then i think the greeks would have probably won. They might not have the numbers but many of them have experience in fighting armies way bigger than theirs and this time the enemy/invading forces don't have a bunch of titans/immortals on their side, they are literally fighting in the greeks home turf and i don't remember the books mentioning the campers taking down any defences from SOM and BOTL so there's that too. If it were to happen i like to think that Percy would side with CHB because he knows them personally he grew and fought along side them for years, he only knew the romans for like 3 days and most that time they didn't trust him. He doesn't have the same with the romans that he does the greeks.
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justanoasisimagines · 5 months
Never Again
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Summary; After a violent encounter with another ship. James blames himself. You decide to set the record straight Pairing; Captain James Flint x Reader WordCount; 608 Warnings; Mentions of injury. A/N; Requests are open. Request guidelines are pinned at the top of the page Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner and the divider
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James stared into the calm sea. Exhausted, however, remained determined to keep his eyes open. No one would sneak up on him or his crew, again. The seas were calm yet danger could lurk on the horizon patiently waiting to attack them.
"Why don't you let someone else keep watch for a while?" James refused to turn around. To take a glimpse at the real reason he'd become extra vigilante, so paranoid.
"I'm fine. Go back to bed. You need to rest." James was met with silence. He couldn't hear anything except the waves crashing into the boat while it glided across the ocean.
"I thought I told you to go back to bed" James turned his neck taking a brief glimpse back at you.
"When have I ever enjoyed listening to orders?" James would usually find your attitude endearing, he enjoyed the way you kept him on his toes. However, you could have died today. He could have lost you today and it doesn't bear thinking about.
"Do not disobey your Captain!" James snarled, choosing to turn his body towards you. Your arm was wrapped close to your chest, your lip busted open, and the left side of your jaw had a fresh purple bruise covering it.
Failure. James had failed to protect the most precious and important person in his world. The person who kept his life threaded together. Unable to bear it any longer. James faced the stern once more. A hand slipped its way into his rough, calloused hand. How could someone so pure love someone like him? He was broken, cruel, ruthless and relentless. He did not deserve it.
Selfishly, he kept taking the love you were so willing to give. "You can't keep avoiding me-None of this was your fault. Life on the ocean is not easy. It's ruthless and dangerous; only the strong survive." One by one fingers entwined, delicate between calloused., calloused between delicate.
"I am the Captain of his ship. It's my duty to protect the crew-"
"James, you did protect the crew! Everyone is-" "You got shot! You could have died and it would have been my fault! Why do you constantly put yourself in harm's way to love me!" Teeth clenched, veins popped. To anyone else, Captain James Flint was one of the most ruthless pirates to sever sail the seven seas. To you,, he was James Flint, the man you loved. Yet without unlacing your hands, you stepped in front of the Captain. James looked away, unable to meet your gaze. "James look at me- look at me" James reluctantly glanced at you, momentarily before looking away. "Would you risk your life to protect me?" "Yes! I'd move the heaven and the earth to ensure your safety. Anyone who dared to hurt you would die slowly. Do you question my loyalty to you?" "No of course not. Why do you question why I would do the same? We are not young anymore. I knew of the risks when I agreed to sail the seas with you." Untangling your hand, James placed a tender hand on your cheek. "I do not know what I would do if I'd lost you" "You'd show everyone why it would be the biggest regret of their existence. Do not think about that now We're alive and we're together." James swept his arm underneath your legs, scooping you into his arms. Worry remained prominent in his mind and the next ship who dared to cross him would feel his wrath. He'd remind everyone why he obtained his reputation. No one would dare to dream about looking wrongly in your direction.
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itshoneywhatever · 1 year
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @saengak !! Thank you for the tag! This probably is going to make me cringe but here we go!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
These are from the most recent to the oldest.
1.- You're a Bad Habit I Can't Shake Off (but I still want more)
For the last couple of days he hasn’t been feeling so good, barely been able to keep his food down, sudden bouts of nausea hitting him at random times. He hasn’t felt this bad since he was doing those seven weeks in the Plebe Summer Program when he was eighteen.
2.- Headcanons - Deal Series
Growing up, all three kids are respectful of their parents and their parents’ rules, and they are respected in return, both Tommy and Alfie being respectful of any boundaries their kids set once they reach their rebellious teen years.
3.- Divided We Fall, Together We Stand
How did they get here? How did everything go to hell? How did they go from barely standing the other, to friends, to lovers, and ending up here fighting against each other? Why? There was a document that needed to be read and signed, that was it. Was it the best solution? Probably not. Were the Accords perfect? Of course not, but changes can be made, that’s what lawyers are for. Quite simple, right? But of course, things never go the way you plan them to, even though you’ve taken into consideration all the variables.
4.- From a One-Night Stand to Business Partners...
“This came from London. No name on it but it’s obvious who sent it,” Polly says as she puts down a telegram before walking away from him.
5.- One Last Deal
“I think Michael is about to strike to take over the business.” Tommy comments, out of the blue.
6.- Another Type of Contract
“Do you know what day it is, Charlie?” Alfie asks the boy sitting next to him, blond head resting against his side. Alfie can feel him shake his head; blue eyes focused on the toy in his hands. “Today is Thursday 30 of November, this marks the first day of what it’s a Jewish celebration know as Festival of Rededication, that is also known as Chanukah.” Alfie explains, “Can you say Chanukah?”
7.- Together
“Daddy, why they sleep all day?” Charlie asks from where he’s sitting on the floor, a plate of cookies in front of him, curiosity coloring his voice.
8.- Loyalty
If you asked him how he would describe himself, he would say loyal. For some reason he has always thought of himself as loyal, caring and attentive, he doesn’t make big messes and is absolutely well trained.
9.- The Rest of Their Lives
It has been two weeks since they came back from London, since he started his mandatory bedrest and Tommy is absolutely going crazy –granted, it was little by little, but still.
10.- Turn of Events
“You sure you want to come to London with me?” Alfie asks.
“I already told you I’m going. Why do you keep asking?” Tommy says from where he is folding one last shirt into the suitcase. “You don’t want me to come with you?” He looks up sharply to his mate who puts his hands up in the air in a placating gesture.
“No, no. Of course I want you to come.”
Okay, I did not cringe, it was actually fun reviewing my previous work!
Tagging: @renai-chan @abusivelittlebunny @sereshawl i honestly don't remember who else writes/posts on ao3 so if you see this and want to do this, tag me!
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thecandywrites · 3 years
The Beginning of Stormbreaker Part 4 Finale
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Ok, so unless you haven’t figured it out, Butternut- is my version of a Shae Nut, But the nuts are in this lovely fruit pictured above, that in my mind tastes like a creamy mango with hints of melon and papaya. And this lovely red apple looking fruit on the right is Dragon Heart Fruit which in my mind has the flavor of Lychee, mango and pinapple, still very tropical tasting. Also the lovely ladies above, on the top row on the left, that is Grat, Drad and Sarg’s mother, and on the left is Shari, Rhos’ and Esri’s mother. 
Part 4
It took over a week of going back and forth to the dragon’s lair to get all the scales and usable leather, sinew and good bones along with the dragon’s small horde of gold, jewels and other precious items, which when divided evenly between Rhosland, Esri, Drad and Sarg along with equal portions allotted to their mothers and Orcoth in addition to Rhos and Esri’s already gathered pearls which Rhos and Esri gave a portion of the pearls to their mother, Grat and Orcoth so that all seven of them would be richer, despite the failed raid while Esri and Rhos kept all the beautiful shells to keep to make jewelry later. 
Drad and Sarg happily ground down the good left over dragon bones into a fine powder back at camp while they rested and healed at remarkably fast rates, thanks to the dragon bone. By the time they had managed to forage all they could and the suits of armour for all four of them and three breast plates at least for Rhos’ and Esri’s mother as well as Orcoth, were done, they decided to head back to Skull Screamer, the four of them in the little row boat with extra large rafts tied to the boat behind them, that Sarg and Drad had built to carry all the smoked and preserved meat and fish and other foraged goods along with a few cuttings of the tree in the dragon’s cave and baskets that Drad and Sarg had woven themselves while they hung out at Rhos’ and Esri’s campsite out of the tall grasses to hold all the fruit from the tree and others and all the seeds left behind from the tree that had fallen in previous years that had been in a heap under the tree along with the fruits of the Butternut bush and hundreds of wild rose buds to make rose soap along with the ash from the smoker to get the lye to make the soap needed. 
However when they came rowing back up Skull Screamer’s main river Rhos and Esri looked worriedly to Drad and Sarg as everyone in the village looked at them like ghosts before they noticed that once they came upon Drad and Sarg’s mother’s house both of their mothers and Orcoth came out of the house as both their mothers were so happy and overjoyed to see their children come back as Drad and Sarg pulled the boat and the rafts up onto the shore as they were immediately surrounded by everyone. 
“You’re alive!” Shari cried as she embraced her daughters as her daughters embraced her in turn. 
“Of course we are alive, why did you think we were dead?” Rhos asked her mother. 
“Because Zash and his sons, got lost in fog and attacked Hurricane Breaker. And when Drad and Sarg’s horses along with many others came back without their riders and blood on their saddles, we assumed the worst and imagined that you and Esri had camped too close to the accidental battlefield and got caught up in it.” Shari cried. 
“We heard the battle but it was at a distance and we stayed inside the tent until the sounds of the battle stopped, and after the battle ended we were approached by Captain Tilge of Hurricane Breaker and her warband of shieldmaidens. But once we explained what we were doing there and that Skull Screamer must have gotten lost in the fog and had no intention of attacking and thus, we had no intent to harm them or their clan and they believed us and believed that we were younglings because of our size and saw that we were unarmed and therefore not a threat, they had no quarrel with us and left us in peace and safety and even discouraged anyone else in Hurricane Breaker from coming to us and to leave us alone. In fact they happily shared a meal with us and struck up a friendly peace with Esri and I and to signify that peace, I gave her the tribute necklace I had given to Shadi and Esri gave her the bracelet that she had made for Baka as tribute that they gave us as bride gifts when we left but when they said that Tar had been killed, we knew we weren’t going to be marrying him and when Drad and Sarg found us and we healed them from their own wounds. And when they were healed enough to walk on their own we came back.” Rhos explained to her mother and others who had come to see her for themselves. 
“What happened here while we were gone?” Rhos asked her mother. 
“Well after Zash unwittingly got lost in the fog and accidentally attacked Hurricane Breaker, he and his men died in the raid. As did all of Zash’s sons, we thought only the few men of the other warbands survived and came back and reported that everyone else had died. So almost all the people who came to deliver bride gifts before you left, came and demanded them back since you would not be brides to Tar. And it’s only because Grat opened up her home to me that I had any place to go. The whole clan thought that you and Esri’s joining Tar’s family was a bad sign of disapproval from the gods and would confuse them and thus sent the fog that caused us to lose everyone that we did, so Shadi and Baka, they burned down our house in retribution for losing Tar and in the commotion they gave birth only a few days ago, both to girls.” Shari revealed as Rhos and Esri gasped in horror as they stared at their neighbors in outrage who by now were lowering their heads in shame and backing away. 
“What kind of madness is this?! No! It was Zash’s and Tar’s own stubbornness and confusing leadership that led to us unwittingly attacking Hurricane Breaker and if it had not been for Shaman Orcoth who gave me prophetic advice that I and Sarg listened to his words and survived. And it was Rhosland and Esri who took us in and healed us and concealed us from Captain Tilge and did so in such a way to keep themselves and us above suspicion. Which takes courage and faith and loyalty. They have been blameless and Sarg and I both saw over the last week or so how Esri and Rhosland have been nothing but blessings for us. They healed us with medicine they instinctively know, they fed us from the game they were able to kill all on their own and they even shot down a bear and had victory over it. And then they found the hissing rocks which they realized wasn’t actually a cursed place but discovered that it was an old dragon’s home, the dragon had been trapped inside and had a tree growing from it’s chest to the roof of the place and when they investigated it, they collected the dead dragons scales and leather and made us these exquisite suits of armor and these weapons that have no compare and even used the bones to heal our own broken bones. Which is why we are at full health after only a week of sustaining almost fatal injuries. They are not a curse, they never were, they are our blessing and salvation and I am more than honored to have Rhos as my mate as is Sarg to have Esri. And just look what they were able to capture when they were given the right tools- they were more than successful.” Drad pointed out as he gestured to his suit of armor and then gestured to all the food and other supplies on the boat and on the rafts for emphasis as proof of what he was saying. 
“So Mother Shari- I would be more than happy to build you a house of stone and timber to replace the one of bricks that you lost. And don’t worry about anything that you lost, I will see to it that you are given at least twice what you have previously lost. Thank you Mom for doing the right thing by taking her in.” Drad declared as he grasped her hands and comforted her. 
“So, I have an announcement. Since Shadi and Baka had girls and that no one from Zash’s male line survived, as Tar’s First Commander of Captains, I hereby take the position of Warchief and I appoint Sarg as my Warlord and we will claim the neutral land that is just south of Hurricane Breaker and North of here since Rhosland and Esri are in a peace treaty with them. Since that land already gave us so much, it will give us more- still. And all those who did not get to take back their bride gifts to Rhosland and Esri are free to do so now that they are back. But know that if you do, you will not be welcome in Stormbreaker which is the clan I will be starting there, and all those that did and had a hand in burning down Shari’s house, will also not be welcome in Stormbreaker either and you will reap such unforgivable disrespect and never again will such things ever be permitted let alone tolerated.” Drad announced as Rhos had never been more proud of him as Esri and Rhosland put the tanned bear hide over their mother and comforted her and gave her, her fair share of the dragon’s horde.
Then Shari told her daughters exactly who had come and wanted what they gave back and remembered still who had given what before Esri and Rhosland spitefully got all of it out of their row boats and rafts and forced it back into the hands of those who had given it  in the first place and wanted it back even though the others, out of fear of Drad and Sarg and their new announcement had tried to go back on their word and their previous choices before Rhos and Esri simply let the gifts fall to the ground at the giver’s feet and wanted nothing to do with them before they unloaded everything else into Grat’s house which she didn’t have that big of a house to begin with but all of them did their best to squeeze themselves and all that they had foraged and hunted into it as Esri and Rhos gave Orcoth, Grat and Shari some of the dragon bone powder as it healed Orcoth immediately so that he did not have to limp as Shari and Grat both seemed to regain some of their youth and vigor and soundness of mind and body. 
“I tried to tell the clan that all of you were still alive and well but they didn’t believe me, but I think they will now.” Orcoth noted to Drad and Sarg who had readily accepted Sarg as his father also while they feasted on the smoked and preserved venison’s tenderloins and backstraps, the best parts of the venison along with the mushrooms and other foods that they had managed to forage for.  
“You should take Rhos home with you and prove to the whole clan that you’re verile though Warchief Drad.” Orcoth suggested to Drad. 
“Oh he already did.” Rhos laughed as she blushed prettily and beamed happily. 
“But he needs to prove it to everyone else. Here, burn this in the fireplace. It will help Warchieftess.” Orcoth said to Rhosland as he gave her a small sack of incense. 
“Come on, let’s show Shadi and Baka how it’s done at least.” Drad grinned giddily with a wink that made Rhos blush even harder.
“Ok fine.” Rhos agreed before she hugged everyone goodbye and took what meager possessions that her mother was able to save as Drad carried their portion of the food and other belongings to his own home that was close to Shadi’s and Baka’s house since he was the First Commander of Captains, he had the “privilege” of having a house close to Tar’s as they noticed that Rhos and Esri’s boat was now empty boats and rafts getting filled with the previous gifts that they had been given along with even more gifts and notes of deepest and most sincere apologies before Drad built a good fire in his stone fireplace before Rhos threw in small handful of incense into the fire and noticed the smell was heavenly as her whole body immediately reacted to it and she felt her whole body relax and her spirit soar and become happy as Drad then reverently made love to her with so much love and passion that Rhos lost count of how many times she had accepted her pleasure from him as the incense helped her forget all about the clan around them and Drad encouraged her to not hold back but to moan and keen and cry out in ecstacy as loud as she wanted so that he could make no mistake if he was truly pleasing her and quietly made her promise and swear to never fake her pleasure with him which she was all too happy to do as she was so overwhelmed with bliss she would have agreed to just about anything he asked of her. 
Come morning, Shadi and Baka were disgusted that they had to endure the sounds of Rhos’ and Esri’s love making and demanded that Drad and Sarg take all who wanted to follow them with them but that they needed to leave sooner than later, while anyone who wanted to stay true to Skull Screamer was welcome to stay but that anyone from Skull Screamer that left to join Stormbreaker were never going to be welcome back again when Stormbreaker failed and imploded as Rhos readily agreed to those terms as an equal Warchieftess to Shadi with the stipulation that any from Skull Screamer who wished to come into Stormbreaker would first need to make their peace with herself, her sister and especially their mother before they would be welcomed into Stormbreaker as this was announced in Skull Screamer’s town hall for the whole clan to hear. 
It took another week for everyone to pack all of their things and break their houses down to reuse the lumber and load them onto new boats they built themselves but over three quarters of Skull Screamer left to join Stormbreaker as Drad and Rhos used the stones from the Dragon’s own old lair as the foundation stones for their own house since just nearby was the wild rose bush that would take up the front yard of the home and easily pushed the stones over to make a large, surprisingly flat and even foundation that had plenty of space to dig down to make a root cellar and have a lovely inner courtyard where the original tree that had been growing from the dragon’s chest still stood. 
Others in the clan followed suit, using the very large but smooth stones from the rivers and streams to first dig down to set the foundation stones securely then build up with more stone and motar made from the clay from the little islands as they redirected all the little side streams into the main river and used the forrest of stone timbers to use for their houses before they all happily made new markers and marked out their territory, leaving a little space between Hurricane Breaker to the North, and Skull Screamer to the South and Bone Crusher to the East. 
Rhos and Esri were pleased to learn that Captain Tilge was now Warchieftess Tilge since she led the victory over Skull Screamer and between Tilge and Rhos, they made their own peace and alliance that Drad and Tilge’s husband Warchief Murzol agreed to as well as Rhos readily offered a good sized cutting of the wild rose bush to Tilge and a cutting of the Butternut Bush as well as a cutting of the tree that was in the dragon’s cave and gave them to Tilge to plant in her own home’s garden so that she could continue to have the wild rose scented soap and the fruits of the tree as Tilge taught Rhos how to make it herself and many other kinds of soap as well which Rhos readily learned and took to heart as Tilge and Rhos exchanged seeds and seedlings and saplings for the gardens of Stormbreaker and Hurricane Breaker. 
While Rhos and Drad were still living in Drad’s re-erected home on Stormbreaker’s territory next to their new home that they were building on top of the dragon’s lair, while they both worked on cutting down stone timbers to construct their new house over the stones. No sooner had they fell the first tree before a storm blew in but didn’t topple any tents or other homes but when the storm cleared, they found a fleet of ships moored and marooned on the shore of their beach that they had claimed. 
The crews of the ship were sick with scurvy and other ailments and close to death, had all the older commanding officers die from the sickness, just leaving the younger, newer orcish sailors who were barely bigger than grunts left alive. Drad offered them a choice, give up the vessels and all their cargo and they would be welcome into Stormbreaker’s clan and Rhos and Esri would use what was left the fruits and bone powder to heal them. Which the younger orcs readily accepted but they immediately knew that the fruit was known as Dragon Heart Fruit. It usually only grew on the islands that were the birthplace of dragons in the world after the convergence of the spheres and that dragons often came back to the islands to mate every so often and always had at least one seed of the fruit in their gut and when they died somewhere in the world, often the seed would sprout in a dragon’s dead guts, close to it’s heart so that it always looked like the tree sprouted from the dragon’s chest and the fruit was vaguely heart shaped and did best when planted in a gut pile of another animal when not planted as a cutting or sapling. And was famed for it’s taste along with it’s nutritional value and it’s ability to heal as well. 
The sailor orcs did not know where they were, only where they were from and have a vague where they were going and had lost their maps in the storms and their cargo was actually the goods to go into a palace of a king. And so Rhos and Drad got the first picks of all the cargos as Rhos put a special piece of paper with a mark to tag all that she wanted from all the holds, then Esri and Sarg were given their turn to stake claim to what they wanted, then Orcoth, as Stormbreaker’s shaman was given his pick of what he wanted and then Shari and Grat were also given their picks of whatever they wanted from the holds and the rest was given to the rest of the clan including the young orcish sailors who were excited to claim the goods they had coveted all this time, especially the large barrels of spices that were distributed to everyone in the clan evenly, except for Drad and Rhos who each got a triple portion, being Warchief and Warchieftess. Sarg and Esri, Orcoth, Shari and Grat were all individually given double portions as well to signify their high status as Orcoth happily claimed Grat and Shari as his wives, each of them equal in his eyes and in his heart and loved and cared for them the same way Drad cared for Rhos and the same way Sarg cared for Esri as both Shari and Grat were happy to finally have a husband who cared for them and took care of them they way they had always wanted and needed but never could manage before. 
Drad insisted that the first house to be built and finished should be Orcoth’s as his father and shaman which Orcoth happily accepted and Drad made good on his promise that both his mother and Shari both received more than double of whatever they had lost, the replacements being of much better and finer qualities than what Shari had previously lost as their house was built right next door to Drad and Rhosland’s house, Drad and Rhosland’s house being the second house to be built and finished and furnished and thanks to som ingenuity on Rhosland’s part, the foundations were stone, the floors, tiled, the walls were of stone timbers but covered in special oil and tar to preserve the timbers and then covered with a special plastar that had been in a powdered form in barrels on the ships. That once it mixed with water- became a white paste that she and others used to coat the walls and the cielings and then used the paint powders to mix special batches of plastar to paint all the rooms inside and outside the room, the most beautiful vivd colors as the house was now large enough to have dozens of rooms and a courtyard with it’s own special garden on the inside and a medicine garden and food garden on the outside, the wild rose bush being cut into two, so that she had wild rose bushes on either side of the front porch of her house and even used the special glass domes that were on the ships as skylights in her own house and even made a second story and a roof with walls and ledges and built in benches and the little stream that had been flowing into the original dragon’s cave served as her home’s own personal plumbing line to get water in and out of the house. Happy that her own years of having a mud and mudbrick house serving as the finest teacher to help her build her new house to exactly how she wanted it as Drad was only all too happy to help her realize her dream and fell in love with the sheer beauty of it all and it only served to show off how much of a beautiful person inside and out that he married and once it was done, it was just as much of a work of art as it was a home as others took what was left to decorate and build their own homes in such ways, happy to have bright, beautiful colors to decorate their homes that the warm tones of wood only accented and accentuated as they noticed the homes now had naturally warming properties in the cooler weather and cooling properties in the warmer weather. 
Sarg and Esri claimed the best captain’s quarters on the best ship as their home as once all the cargo was unloaded and the ships renovated into big fishing boats and docks were built on the beach so that the ships could anchor and be pulled up to the piers and decks and helped build a lighthouse and then the whole clan helped everyone else build their own homes all while Rhos’ and Esri’s baby bumps grew in size every day as the Shaman was adamant that Rhos and Esri were both definitely carrying sons. 
Meanwhile Shadi and Baka were fighting a losing battle. More and more of the remaining few clan members of Skull Screamer stayed because Shadi and Baka ruled and behaved in the same way they had always done which now that they didn’t have the Clan Cheif and his eldest son backing them, now others did not hide their offense to their behavior and when Shadi and Baka tried simply taking what they wanted and what they felt they were owed, for the first time in their lives- it was denied to them. 
Especially once the fleet of ships ran aground in Stormbreaker’s territory and Stormbreaker had effectively more than tripled in size and multiplied in wealth and success, to the point that the young sailors happily took on the widows and previous children of the fallen warriors of Skull Screamer after they grew bigger into full grown adults and after the widows had made amends to Rhos, Esri and especially to Shari as the widows were happy that instead of daughters being seen as a disappointment, but instead that every child was precious, they had no desire to go back to Skull Screamer. 
Plus Rhos and Esri were the opposite of Shadi and Baka. Where Shadi and Baka were domineering and demanding, Rhos and Esri simply asked how they could help each family be successful, from having full gardens with all the medicinal and flavorfull herbs and other produce to each house having at least one if not several dragon heart trees growing. Using the gut piles of the all the kills of the game to plant the seeds themselves along with Butternut saplings and wild rose saplings and to never take whatever they wanted but only when the family’s needs and wants were met, if the family truly wanted to give anything as “tribute” they would accept it but never demand it and such behavior endeared them to the whole clan as Drad, Rhos, Sarg and Esri all encouraged each family to really pursue their interests and passions and took to fishing and trading instead of raiding as almost every woman in the clan now had at least one necklace of fine pearls each woman had collected from the shellfish in the waters of the river and the sea. 
The sailors especially took after Drad’s example, along with Sarg’s and Orcoth’s and cared very lovingly and respectfully of their wives and adopted children since Drad always treated Rhos with the utmost care, respect and dignity so that all that was left of Skull Screamer now was Shadi, Baka and their mothers and their daughters, all living under Zash’s old, and by now, very leaky roof as all that was left was now their home and the clan’s old townhall, which had stood empty, unused and now forgotten as it was abundantly clear that the old prophecy was true, that Skull Screamer would fall when under the guidance of a lone Clan Cheiftess or Warchieftess with no Clan Cheif or Warchief. 
Once Rhos and Esri both went into labor at about the same time and both gave birth to sons- who Drad and Rhosland named their son Brock and Sarg and Esri named their son Cugas as both boys were almost identical and had heard that all who got to see them praised how big and healthy and handsome both baby boys were before even more babies were born the clan and much rejoicing took place. 
Shadi and Baka had to humble themselves and admit defeat. They were almost out of food, soap, clothing, wood for their cooking fires and hearth even after taking down the other remaining houses and using them as fuel for their fires and what was left of all the gardens and thus- out of options. And came for Brock and Cugas’ birth festivals when they were one month old and out of danger and came wearing the best garments they had left to offer Rhos and Esri congratulations and to see Brock and Cugas who were themselves the most handsome baby boys they had ever seen because they both took after their mothers but they could still clearly see some of Drad’s and Sarg’s strong and handsome features in their sons. 
“We have come on this most blessed day to offer our congratulations and a truce.” Shadi began. 
“What was wrong with the agreement we agreed on a year ago?” Rhos asked curiously as she sat in her rocking chair on her porch and rocked Brock who slept blissfully away in her arms as Esri was next to her and also sitting in a rocking chair doing the same to Cugas, each woman having special puffed quilts over them and their sons. 
“Skull Screamer has fallen, all that is left of it is us. And if you do not help us, we and our daughters will die of starvation, we can find no fish or any game or anything to eat on Skull Screamer’s lands. And all those who had at first agreed to stay true to Skull Screamer have left it to join the greater Stormbreaker and seeing it’s success, we can not blame them and we hold no grudge against them or you. In fact, if you will agree to help us, we give up all rights to all of Skull Screamer’s lands to Stormbreaker, and all we ask in exchange is a place in Clan Stormbreaker. And a space to have a home.” Shadi explained as she bowed her head submissively. 
“But since we are the warchieftess’ and warlordess’ won’t you take us into your home? We will happily submit to Rhos as Warchieftess and or Esri as Warlordess and be second and or third wives to them, just like they were going to be to us had Tar survived.” Baka pleaded as Rhos gave Drad a meaningful look as he gave her a reassuring smile from his place next to her before he got up from his chair and stood on his porch above them and crossed his arms over his chest, still wearing that dragon scale armor proudly. 
“I, Clan Chief Warchief Drad of Stormbreaker do accept all of Skull Screamer’s lands from your hands, and since you all have humbled yourselves to come and ask, you are now welcome to stay as clan members of Clan Stormbreaker. However, I will never let you into my home or my household because I will never tolerate any disrespect to my Clan Cheiftess Warchieftess Rhosland, who is my wife, my mate, my better half and my greatest friend and ally. Because lest you forget, I was there, sitting in the grasses when you came to Rhosland a year ago, to offer her- her own tributes to you- as your bride gifts to her - when Tar had announced that he would have her then but never got a chance to fully claim her. And I listened as both of you threatened Rhosland with death by drowning if she ever tried to usurp you or come between you and Warlord Tar. And I will never tolerate any threat or disrespect in any way, shape or form to her. And I honestly do not trust either you or your mothers to not harm Rhosland or her mother or sister or especially our son or Esri’s son who are still young and could still fall victim to you.” Drad leveled as Shadi and Baka both balked at him and stared in terror at him and flushed with shame or embarrassment. 
“We did no such thing!” Shadi insisted. 
“My girl is a good girl, she would never do that!” Shadi’s mother insisted. 
“Really? Because I was there with Esri, also sitting in the grasses, out of your sight but well within hearing range, as you came and put those bracelets on her wrists and threatened her with similar things, are you calling the Clan Cheif Warchief and the Warlord of Clan Stormbreaker liars?” Sarg challenged angrily as he stood up and stood next to his brother and took a similar stance, with his arms crossed over his chest, standing between them and his own beloved wife. 
“Shaman Orcoth, would you please shed light on this matter and make things clear for the whole clan?” Drad invited as he looked over at the other rocking chairs on his porch which Orcoth, Shari and Grat had taken up as Shari and Grat were still knitting baby clothes for their grandsons.  
“Of course Warchief Drad. It would be my pleasure.” Orcoth grinned as he cast a spell and showed the whole thing, including all the cursing Shadi and Baka had done on the way too and from meeting with Esri and Rhosland as the whole clan gasped and murmured as they watched in horror the way Baka and Shadi were so domineering and just awful and led the attack on Shari and her humble old house and Grat’s kindness and compassion in saving Shari and what meager possessions she could before the show ended before Shadi and Baka’s mothers took the babes from their daughter’s arms and forced Shadi and Baka to kneel and bow down on their hands and knees with their foreheads touching the ground and started yelling and berating their “wicked” daughters for behaving so indecently and disrespectfully and pleaded for Drad and Sarg to show mercy and leniency on account of Baka’s and Shadi’s daughters who had started to cry by now which woke up Cugas and Brock and got them to start crying as well which upset Rhosland and Esri along with Drad and Sarg as Esri and Rhosland did all they could to comfort and console their sons as they brought their sons into Rhosland’s house to take a rest on the wonderfully comfortable couches that had been put there. 
“What do you think we should do?” Drad asked Rhosland. 
“Well now that everyone effectively knows that they are a bunch of liars. No one will trust them not to fall into the same pattern of behavior. But at the same time, their daughters have no choice in who their mothers are and they are still young and they shouldn’t have to suffer on account of their mothers. So let’s let them stay, but a very far distance away from our home, let them keep their old home, and they can turn it into a brothel for all I care.” Rhos answered him. 
“Agreed.” Esri grinned. 
“Agreed.” Sarg grinned too. 
“Very well.” Drad nodded before he came back out to see that everyone was still there, waiting to see how Drad would react and how he would respond. 
“On account of your daughters, who should not have to suffer on their mother’s account. You are allowed to be members of Clan Stormbreaker and you are allowed to either remain in your old house, or you may choose to rebuild here, that is your choice. But I warn any man in Stormbreaker from taking either of you as a bride, for no man would want such a wife as what you two have proven yourselves to be. Use whatever talents you have to earn your living here. And if you have none, then you can always turn your old home into a tavern which would be helpful, or possibly a brothel which in that case, neither Sarg or myself will ever use, your choice.” Drad announced as Baka and Shadi gasped in horror before their mothers slapped their hands over their daughter’s mouths to keep them from saying anything more. 
“A tavern it will be then, thank you Clan Chief Warchief Drad.” Shadi’s mother graciously accepted on her daughter’s behalf as their old friends agreed to help build them before Drad went back into his house to be with his family and disbursed everyone so they could go about their day. 
“So, a tavern it is.” Rhosland grinned since she could hear from the window in the wall. 
“Yup, the first, of hopefully many.” Drad smiled before he sat next to his wife and enveloped her in a hug and kissed her sweetly as they both looked down at their son who was now awake and cooing softly to both of his parents. 
“Just one thing, you’re not allowed to marry Shadi’s or Baka’s daughters when you grow up unless they are nothing like their mothers and you really, truly love them.” Rhosland told Brock which got Drad to laugh before Esri repeated that to Cugas too before there was a knock on the door and Drad got up to answer it before he found one of Sarg’s first mate. 
“Warlord Sarg, there is a small merchant ship, that is trying to go up river to a city further up river, it’s requesting assistance in help guiding the ship up the river to the next clan’s lands, they are headed to the mountains in the east, said that there are towns called colonies in the mountains that they are trying to sell their goods to and are willing to pay us a fee of gold now and another fee in gold on the way out if we are willing to do it.” He reported before Drad and Sarg shared a meaningful look and both nodded to each other.  
“Hell yeah, that’s an easy yes.” Sarg easily agreed before he got up and left the house to direct the other sailors on the shore to guide the ships using ropes on the shoreline to maneuver through the twisting and winding river before more and more merchant ships came to do the same, grateful that there was now a settlement here so that they could simply pay these orcs a small fee both to and from the mountain colony of Suchi as they brought in their vessels full of goods and would leave, having the boats laden with heaps of gold, happy and grateful that they didn’t have to use Hurricane Breaker’s river because Hurricane Breaker was bigger and stronger and demanded to inspect them and their cargo and demanded a portion of the goods, usually the best ones and half of all that they had, and a half portion of the gold the remaining half of the goods sold for at Suchi’s sister colony Twilla that their rivier eventually led to. And for just a flat fee, they could now make more money using this new clan of Stormbreaker and sell whatever didn’t sell at Suchi as part of their fee too. 
And thus was the beginning of Stormbreaker. 
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gstqaobc · 4 years
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As this Ecomm went to publication, we received word of the death, at the great age of 96, of Bill Silver, a significant benefactor of the League from its early days, and for many years a pillar of our Ottawa Branch.  We wished to remember him here: his ebullient spirit, fierce loyalty spoken gently, innate modesty and kindness.  Indeed Chaucer might have had forethought of Bill in describing one of his characters as a “very parfitt gentle knight.” May his ardent spirit rest in peace, and his memory be a blessing and example to us all.   LEAGUE ISSUES NEW FLYER: THE CASE FOR THE CROWN The League thought it timely and useful to issue, offer in its advertising and distribute as widely as possible - both via the website and in printed form - a new flyer which will give you, our members, ammunition to argue logically the case for the Crown in conversation with others, and, we hope, to distribute strategically. One never knows when such an item, left on a waiting room table at the doctor or dentist’s office, affixed to a supermarket or other community bulletin board, put through neighbours’ mail slots - the possibilities are many - will do good work for our cause. We hope you will both enjoy and profit from this item, and that many thousands will be distributed across the country. See item one in the WHAT CAN I DO FOR THE CANADIAN CROWN? section of this Ecomm, below, to read online and request printed copies.   And special thanks to our wonderful team of no less than seven translators, all francophones from La Belle Province, who so kindly volunteered to make the French version one that is accurate in expression and eloquent in its prose.                     WHAT CAN I DO FOR THE CANADIAN CROWN? Some suggestions for member activity during these times. We invite members to send additional ideas by return of email. 1.    How about asking the League to send you several print copies of our new flyer:  THE CASE FOR THE CROWN, or print them on your home computer:  https://www.monarchist.ca/index.php/publications and give them to others who may be unaware or sceptical of the importance of Canada’s constitutional monarchy, or even hostile to it. School teachers could be encouraged to read the League’s educational booklets, also available both online and in print at the same URL, or even to request a class set.   2.    When you read an editorial, opinion column or letter to the editor in a newspaper, or a tweet or Facebook post, critical of the Crown, don’t get mad - get even! In other words, use a temperate tone and logical argument to refute the writer’s attack.  Keep it brief: focus on the obvious flaws in reasoning, mis-statements of fact or name-calling substituting for logic.  Same goes for radio talk shows. In the long run, on all media, whatever the provocation, whatever the momentary satisfaction of ”giving them a piece of my mind” - an old adage remains true: “You catch more flies with honey.” 3.    Write your elected representative at the federal level to re-state briefly the reasons you support constitutional monarchy as our system of government,  and asking the MP whether not your view is shared. 4.    Once pandemic restrictions ease, try to make sure that Royal events - such as the upcoming 95th birthday of our Queen, 10th Wedding Anniversary of William and Catherine or 100th birthday of Prince Philip are celebrated both in your home but also among your wider family, your friends, your colleagues at the office,  your place of worship/faith community or service club. The League generally sends you some ideas to mark these celebrations. Remember, as they are incorporated into family life and public life, the     Crown becomes further embedded in the heart of the nation, and truly represents The Queen’s wish that it ”reflects all that is best and most admired in the Canadian ideal.” This is especially true when you go out of your way to include in your observance the newest members of our Canadian family, who generally are eager to participate in the traditions of their new homeland, and in turn to share their own traditions with the wider community. 5.    Always use a Queen stamp when you write a letter or pay a bill by mail. 6.     At events of ceremony, whether a Council meeting, a graduation, a civic celebration - whatever - make sure that the Royal Anthem is sung as well as the National Anthem. To the extent you can, discourage event organizers from having a soloist “perform” them. Far more pride and         learning develop from the untrained voices of loyal folk singing together. In that way, the Anthems are sung “with heart and voice” and not merely listened to.   A FINAL IDEA: AN ACT OF LOVING SUPPORT & THANKS Apart from the above, we think it would be enormously comforting and supportive for every one of us to  write a kind letter to The Queen, expressing your thoughts at a difficult time: her beloved husband ailing, a grand-child chiding other family members via sensational television, the drumbeat of the tabloids and the restrictions on her busy life caused by the pandemic.  A selection of letters, especially those from Commonwealth Realms, are indeed seen by The Queen - and their number and tone are summarized to Her Majesty. The address is - Her Majesty The Queen, Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA, UK Theoretically you don’t need postage to write the Sovereign; in practice, it is safer to affix the international airmail stamp available from your local Canada Post outlet.   AN INTERESTING OPINION PIECE FROM TODAY’S DAILY TELEGRAPHWe thought you might be interested to see the following strongly-worded opinion piece, reflecting a good deal of the tone of recent British public opinion, rather different from much of the Canadian and US commentary. Meghan’s fake interview has real-world effects The Sussexes’ claims have undermined the monarchy and done lasting damage to the Commonwealth by Tim Stanley, March 15, 2021 Two headlines appeared on the BBC News website on the same day. At the top: “Harry and Meghan rattle monarchy’s gilded cage”. At the bottom: “The kidnapped woman who defied Boko Haram”. Well, that puts the Sussexes' problems in perspective, doesn’t it? Yet across Africa, one reads, the Duchess’s story has revived memories of colonial racism, tarnishing the UK’s reputation, and has even lent weight to the campaign in some countries to drop the Queen as head of state. The only nation that seems to think a lot of nonsense was spoken is Britain. In the wake of an interview that Joe Biden’s administration called courageous, British popular opinion of Harry and Meghan fell to an all-time low, and the American format had a lot to do with it. Oprah Winfrey is not our idea of an interviewer. She flattered, fawned and displayed utter credulity. Imagine if it had been her, not Emily Maitlis, who interviewed Prince Andrew over the Jeffrey Epstein allegations. “You were in a Pizza Express that day? Oh my God, you MUST be innocent! Tell me, in all honesty, though...did you have the dough balls?” This wasn’t an interview, it was a commercial for a brand called Sussex, a pair of eco-friendly aristo-dolls that, if you pull the string, tell their truth – which isn’t the truth, because no one can entirely know that, but truth as they perceive it. “Life is about storytelling,” explained Meghan, “about the stories we tell ourselves, the stories we’re told, what we buy into.” Meghan is a postmodernist. Just as Jean Baudrillard said the Gulf War never happened, but was choreographed by the US media, so the Royal narrative she was forced to live was fake, her public happiness was fake and, following that logic, this interview might involve an element of performance, too. People have challenged her claims, alleging contradictions and improbabilities, but one of the malign effects of wokeness is that you have got to be very careful about pointing this out. Why? Because wokery insists on treating a subjective view as objective truth, or even as superior, because it’s based upon “lived experience”. To contradict that personal perspective is perceived as cruel, elitist and, in Meghan’s case, potentially racist, so it’s best to wait a few weeks to a year before applying a fact check. In the meantime, affect sympathy. People would rather you lied to their face than tell them what they don’t want to hear. The result is profoundly dishonest, for I have never known an event over which there is such a gulf between the official reception, as endorsed by the media and politics, and the reaction of average citizens, who are wisely keeping it to themselves. Into that vacuum of silence steps not the voice of reason but bullies and showmen – like Piers Morgan, who said some brash stuff about Meghan’s honesty and, after an unseemly row on Good Morning Britain, felt obliged to resign from his job.  “If you’d like to show your support for me,” he wrote afterwards, “please order a copy of my book.” Dear Lord, was this row fake, too? I can no longer be sure, though I despised Good Morning Britain before and still do: it embodies the cynical confusion of emotion and fact, a show made for clicks, where even the weatherman has an opinion. So what is real in 2021? The Commonwealth, which does a lot of good in a divided world. The monarchy, which has been at its best during the pandemic, doing the boring stuff of cutting ribbons and thanking workers that, one suspects, Meghan never grew into (can you imagine her opening a supermarket in Beccles?). It contains flawed people, but that only adds to its realness, and they can adapt faster than you might think. Prince William got the ball rolling by telling reporters, who he is trained to ignore, that his family is not racist. His wife paid her respects to the murder victim Sarah Everard, demonstrating that she is neither cold nor silenced. I’d wager Kate does her duty, day after day, no complaint, not because she is “trapped”, as Harry uncharitably put it, but because she loves her family and believes in public service. Meghan and Harry have indeed prompted the Royal family to change: not in order to endorse their criticisms, however, but to answer them.
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
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Hello, lovely readers! Welcome back. Buckle up, this chapter — and its accompanying recap — is one of our longest so far. 
To start, I am grappling with my surprise over the opening sentence of Chapter Seven:
“Scarlet was disappointed that there’d been no big celebration following reinitiation.”
I’m sorry, reinitiation is over? First, this goes against the expectations set up last chapter. Sun, Velvet, and Scarlet had a whole conversation about how this test looked exactly like normal initiation, so obviously there must be some key difference in order to both differentiate it from regular initiation, and ensure that students originally from Shade don’t have a major advantage. They seemed to expect a twist to this test so I expected a twist too. In fact, as a reader looking for entertainment, a twist was all but assured. Or so I thought. When nothing much happened during Velvet’s adventure — she just drops down the first hole she sees, immediately spots the relic, and dodges some grimm on her way out — I thought, “There must be a Part II coming up.” The airship isn’t taking them back to Shade, it’s taking them to the next sequence in the test. …Apparently not. It really is just like regular initiation.
Second, what about the rest of Team CFVY? What about Team SSSN? We don’t need to follow every character individually (that would indeed take a while), but at least do something similar to what we just got with Velvet and Sun undergoing the same challenge. If I remember correctly, the student body was divided into three or four groups, meaning that by default every member of our teams will be mixed up with someone else and, based on Velvet’s challenge, every airbus team is given the same task. So just show us two more adventures and you’re done. Given how short most chapters are (Chapter Eight is a mere six pages) and the fact that we’ve got twenty-one of them overall, that’s not much of a hardship. As it stands this is… weird. Why Velvet? Why, out of eight separate characters — two of which are team leaders and seemingly more of a main character than she is, as least two others who we know next to nothing about — does she get the extra time and attention? It’s like if RWBYJNR underwent a test but we only heard about Jaune and Blake’s experience, with Jaune dropped halfway through the chapter and everything else is told through Blake’s PoV. Like yeah, that’s technically fine, we can assume they all completed the same task, and Blake is great! But it’s still weird when you’ve got seven other characters to balance.
Not to mention missing out on everything else that I assumed we’d get answers to. Velvet obviously never found Yatsuhashi since we were never given a test section where they were together. How did Yatsuhashi deal with the panic he was struggling with when we left him? Did Fox have to rely on someone else to get him a relic since he couldn’t see them? What does Coco think about all this??
We might get flashbacks at some point, but right now we’re starting Chapter Seven having skipped all of this including, as Scarlet points out, the immediate emotional aftermath. I don’t really care about another Beacon Brigade meeting, I care about the shocking change that was thrown at our characters and changed the whole dynamic of this school… but apparently we’re moving on.
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As said, Scarlet is sad there was no party because he, unlike everyone else, is pretty thrilled with the new teams. Yup, they actually changed. At least that’s an engaging development. Especially given how uh… volatile these teams are likely to be. Scarlet now fights with Coco who is no longer the team leader. Instead, it’s a girl named Reese who “didn’t strike [Scarlet] as a born leader. On the other hand, she wasn’t Sun, so she was definitely an upgrade.” Yeah, it becomes clear within a couple of paragraphs that Scarlet straight up hates Sun, rather than simply grappling with frustration over his recent behavior.  
He’s likewise critical of the Beacon Brigade, mentally referring to them as a “pity party” which 1. Yikes, Scarlet, people died and 2. Why is he here? It seems like everyone whose perspective we’ve gotten so far — with the exception of Velvet — thinks these get-togethers are a waste of time, yet they continue to attend them. From a writing standpoint it’s easy to see why you’d want these characters there to prompt personal conflict, but I’m confused as to the in-world reasons for why so many of them are sitting through something they only have criticism for. Is it peer pressure? Loyalty to their friends? Lack of anything better to do? The disgust or indifference for this group is well established, though not what makes all these characters attend it anyway.
We’re at least told that Sun was “dragged” here by Velvet which… okay? Why? Last chapter Velvet didn’t particularly like Sun either, so I suppose she’s simply looking to improve him or something? Honestly, the Velvet we’ve given while seeing the world through her eyes and the Velvet of other chapters seem radically different from one another. By that I don’t mean that Velvet sees herself differently than she really is. An example of that would be Ruby thinking that she’s bad at making friends, when in reality she forms deep bonds incredibly quickly. 
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It’s a characteristic that has always existed, obvious to the viewer too, but Ruby simply doesn’t notice it due to her own self-confidence, self-esteem, etc. Velvet, meanwhile, is written as a different character altogether. The Velvet who exists across most of this book comes across as far quite kind and patient, whereas when we’re in her head Velvet is both internally and externally mean. Her attitude flips on and off like a switch. I know I said last time that Sun’s admiration at her avoiding the Ravagers might finally start changing her tune about him, and that could indeed be an explanation for why she brought him back to the Beacon Brigade, but that doesn’t explain the extreme change in how she holds a conversation with him. Remember that last chapter we had “tough love” Velvet who was insulting Sun almost every chance she got. This Velvet speaks calmly and patiently until Sun understands their reasoning behind forming this group… which yeah, is a good thing. I’m glad someone is offering to explain things to Sun instead of just assuming the worst of him, but we’re nevertheless left with very inconsistent characterization. How and why did this change come about? Will Velvet revert back to tough love? Who can say? Certainly not me.
At least Scarlet’s opinions are clear: “just when [he] was ready to get a little distance from [Sun]” he shows up again. He goes on to think about how he just wanted a fresh start which, okay. Fair. That’s partly the point of this whole exercise and but right now Scarlet is convinced that a fresh start isn’t possible “with Sun in charge.” So Sun as an individual seems to be the problem here, not Scarlet’s team as a whole. Which would likewise be fair if I had a better understanding of where such intense opinions were coming from. In this chapter we’re suddenly told that Sun running off isn’t a new occurrence:
“Well, you were always leaving us and going solo. We were never sure why,” Scarlet said. They might not be on the same team now, but his questions hadn’t gone away.
Sage still had questions, too. “Were we not good enough for you?” he asked.
Okay, that definitely sounds like a legitimate flaw that would alienate your team members from you... but when did this happen? Granted, the answer to this might (again) just be, “In After the Fall, Clyde” but we’re nearly a hundred pages into this book and this issue hasn’t come up before now—something that would be very easy to accomplish when each chapter is changing perspectives. Upon reflection, Sun is doing things semi-solo in a lot of the main series, but that never came across as anything other than an easy writing choice to me. Meaning, Sun originally existed as a faunus friend for Blake, someone outside of Team RWBY to get involved in the White Fang fight. Introducing him as a single character is easier, having him meet with Blake alone makes sense, etc. Not only is the concept of teams existing as a single unit that always does everything together ridiculous, but Neptune was clearly meant to exist as a representation of the rest of the team without having to write three distinct characters alongside Sun every time he comes on screen. Sun is solo on the docks. Sun is at the cafeteria with Neptune. Sun infiltrates the White Fang with Blake. Sun eavesdrops on Team RWBY with Neptune. In the main series I never got the sense that Sun was avoiding his team, only that he had a life outside of his team and that his team was otherwise represented through one guy instead of three. Three wouldn’t have worked for most of these scenes. 
All of which isn’t to say that Sun didn’t avoid his team — I’m not claiming Scarlet is lying — only that I’m not convinced we’ve seen that flaw. Which is incredibly common in RWBY. Characters will make quite significant statements and the viewer/reader is left wondering when this thing happened, or why the contradictions we can easily see in the story aren’t acknowledged. If Sun, as leader, has a habit of ditching his friends, both leaving them to function as a team without him and acting as if he doesn’t like spending time with them… then yeah, that’s absolutely something that needs to be addressed. But where is that Sun? Why haven’t I seen that characterization? Every time they’re together his team avoids him (Scarlet being a perfect example). Even Sun baffled by the accusations.
How could he not know? Scarlet wondered.
I don’t know either! This certainly seems to be a misunderstanding, but oddly the one person who can shed some light on the miscommunication doesn’t speak. Sun looks to Neptune in his confusion which makes perfect sense because: Hey, best friend! The guy I do everything with and who functions as clear evidence that I’m not always going solo like Scarlet claims, can you explain what’s going on here? We might have gotten an exchange where Neptune points out that spending time with him doesn’t equal spending time with the whole team, Scarlet and Sage feel left out, and that’s absolutely a claim that would stand up within the canon… but Neptune says nothing. Sun is simply accused of being a horrible leader who doesn’t want anything to do with his team, despite there being very little basis for this in the text. All we’ve got is him leaving with Blake which, as I’ve explained, is something he does need to apologize for. But that’s the conflict we’ve seen, not this broad, wishy-washy claim that Sun is an all around bad person.
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What it comes down to is that Scarlet’s disdain is apparently rooted in more than just a single action of Sun’s, it’s apparently a pattern of behavior that he takes issue with, but I haven’t seen him be a particularly bad leader/friend lately. Or, I should say, certainly no worse than everyone else around him, given that this entire group does what they want and insults one another on a regular basis. Sun isn’t an exception in that. Both the book and this conversation feels like an attack on Sun’s character, not the event we know he needs to redeem himself for. When Blake left, Team RWY didn’t speak ad nauseum about how horrible a person she is, not talented enough to fight with them, incapable of doing anything right…  insults that are separate from the issue at hand. The mistakes we’ve seen Sun make aren’t aligning with the complaints other characters have about him, but nor is the story acknowledging that his friends might be biased or simply wrong. Basically, like Velvet’s character, it’s a confusing, inconsistent mess.
And if it feels like I’m repeating myself every chapter it’s because the book is repeating itself every chapter. How many times are we going to tell the reader who awful Sun is? We’re nearly a hundred pages in, folks. 
I’ve been getting very ahead of myself though. Before we delve into Sun’s apology and the resulting confessions, let’s quickly lay out the new teams. Yatshuhashi and Neptune have ended up together, which explains a certain scene that I know is coming later. I figured that the entirety of CFVYSSSN was conducting their investigation together and some cross team duos came about. Turns out they’re actually part of a team now. It’s an interesting premise! Too bad I know it’s heading in the worst possible direction.
Also, everyone already has color names. That’s the true evidence for non-random assignments! The instructors would never come up with enough color related terms otherwise lol. 
“Oh brilliant headmaster, why did you choose to put me on this team? Was it because I worked so well with this peer of mine? Or does my semblance compliment another’s?”
“No, kid. Your name just happens to start with an ‘F’ and we needed one to get an abridged version of ‘Forest.’”
“…ah. I see. One more thing, sir.”
“I’d like to transfer to a less stupid institution.”
These conversations had to have happened. 
Velvet has been paired with Octavia as well as another Beacon hating student named Nebula. No surprise there. Then, just to make sure we don’t go more than a few paragraphs without insulting Sun, we’re told that “poor Sage” is still “stuck with him.” Sage is now the team leader, another choice that Scarlet doesn’t understand. Indeed, he actually says that this is “proof of the utter randomness of the exercise.” I’m both inclined to agree (in the sense that, as said, managing all these team aspects intentionally is nearly impossible) and also point out that by all intents and purposes Jaune should have read as an idiotic choice too. “How can you say that, Clyde? Jaune showed astounding leadership during his own initiation!” No he didn’t. Jaune noticed that a scorpion’s tail was loose, yelled out a generic call to action, Pyrrha figured out what to do, and then he told Nora to finish it off. Jaune said they needed to help get across the gap and help them in the first place (no duh) but Nora is the one who figures out how. It’s really not much, especially compared to things like spending most of his initiation stuck in trees and having no idea how to wield his sword. If Jaune can be made leader Sage should absolutely be given the chance. Everyone should be given the chance compared to the guy who became team leader without knowing what a landing strategy was. 
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Scarlet concludes all this by saying that “Sun didn’t seem bothered in the slightest by not being the boss,” but remember, when a character is already inclined to think the worst of someone, their assumptions about their emotions aren’t necessarily accurate. We won’t know until/if we get back into Sun’s head whether he’s truly indifferent to these changes or not. Not that Scarlet needs any such confirmation. He decides that Sun “probably didn’t care who was in charge because he wasn’t going to listen, anyway.”
This is still so confusing to me. Did the rest of team SSSN tell Sun not to leave and he blew him off? Am I forgetting a time recently where he made his team do something they didn’t agree with? If not, where is this ‘Sun doesn’t listen to anyone’ criticism coming from? Even if we establish that it’s true — perhaps supported by the free spirit personality Sun wields, though that’s not the same thing as ignoring orders — why is he the only one getting heat for it? Coco doesn’t listen to anyone either. She’s out here metaphorically flipping Rumpole off to conduct an investigation that Sage and Scarlet didn’t seem to agree with, but Sun, trying to integrate everyone into Vacuan culture, is the one who abandons everyone to do what he wants? 
But this is normal for RWBY. A flaw is a flaw until it’s applied to the character this story supports, then it becomes something to praise instead. In some respects, this is even more frustrating to experience in the novel because unlike in the webseries, there’s plenty of time here to explain a character’s opinions, show us their memories, lay out the nuance in these relationships, all the techniques that would help convince the reader of a difference in behavior when actions seem pretty identical at first glance… yet here we are, not utilizing that time or, when we are, providing inconsistent information. There have been precious few moments in this novel where I’ve felt like I have a firm handle on a protagonist: what their motivations are, what actions they’ve taken in response to that, how those actions have been received, and whether that reception is justified. 
Honestly, the most consistent aspect of this novel is how closely it aligns with the webseires: both texts don’t make good internal sense and leave me scratching my head over what I’m supposed to take away from the story, let alone whether that takeaway makes sense based on what I’ve been shown.  
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But I promised you all Sun’s apology. Let’s just chuck out the whole thing:
“Here we go again with the Beacon Brigade stuff,” Sun muttered.
“Excuse me?” Velvet frowned. “I thought you came back here to apologize.”
Scarlet laughed. How could she even believe that? “Sun’s pretty bad at apologies.”
“I can apologize!” Sun’s tail swept back and forth.
“Go on, then.” Scarlet said, prompting him.
Sun put his hands into his pockets and looked down. “I’m sorry I said all those mean things and stormed out of here last time,” he said quickly.
“Thank you—” Velvet began.
Sun lifted his head. “But I was only trying to help you understand how elitist this group looks to everyone else.”
Scarlet rolled his eyes. He leaned back to watch the show.
I’m going to fall back on a list for this one.
1. As said in the past, I’m well aware that a story needn’t show us every scene but should rather provide information that allows us to extrapolate things based on the context and basic logic. e.g. “I haven’t read a scene yet where these characters brush their teeth, but I can assume it’s happening and we just don’t see it because that’s incidental to the plot and would (theoretically) be boring.” In fact, a story that provides too much information—be it in world building, characterization, every detail of the current event—will often have failed in one of its core intentions: entertainment. I get that. However, it feels like more often than not RWBY struggles to pinpoint which moments should be shown and which should be relegated off screen. I, for one, would have liked to see this conversation between Velvet and Sun. Not because a conversation inviting him to another Beacon Brigade meeting is inherently exciting, but because we’ve been given a context wherein such a conversation is significant for both of their developments. Velvet was incredibly critical of Sun last chapter. Now she’s “dragged him” back to this meeting. Is it because she’s changed her tune about him, or because she hopes to change him further? That’s important. Sun, last we saw, was digging his heels in regarding the meetings, the new teams, and the refugees’ overall approach to living at Shade. Now, Velvet tosses out that he “came back here to apologize.” What changed Sun’s mind and got him to admit he overstepped? Or is Velvet wrong in her assumption about what he intended to do? This story is character driven—we’ve gotten very little action thus far, none of which has been integrated into the emotional stakes—yet consistently the story fails to answer questions like, “What does this character want?” “What made them change their mind about this?” and “Do we trust their perspective and interpretation of events?” Like skipping out on everyone else’s reinitiation, it’s impossible to get invested in the “development” of characters when we’re always unclear about where they started, where they’re heading, and what in the world happened to enact any change we see between chapters. 
2. Similarly, we’re told that “Sun’s pretty bad at apologies.” Did anyone else know this prior to Scarlet announcing it to the group (the reader)? Yes, Sun has yet to apologize for leaving with Blake, but that is, as I’ve stated above, one event that is not necessarily indicative of a behavioral trend. I’d much rather have known a Sun across the webseries and this book who consistently demonstrates an inability to admit when he’s wrong, not simply be told that by a character when it becomes relevant to the scene. Or, at the very least, allow our time with characters like Scarlet to provide that information in a more persuasive, fulfilling manner. Maybe he thinks about all the times Sun has let him down and then refused to acknowledge it. Maybe we get another flashback to a similar event that this is reminding Scarlet of. Maybe he and Sun actually talk and we get a sense of how this opinion formed. Something other than an announcement simply informing us of an impactful character flaw that we haven’t seen up until now.
3. Especially given that Sun does apologize and it’s not a bad apology either, it’s just that he’s chosen to apologize for the things he’s actually sorry for: saying mean stuff and storming out. It takes a lot to admit that two of his responses weren’t appropriate and there’s enough specificity and sincerity here that Velvet immediately accepts it with a “Thank you.” Where Sun arguably messes up is in continuing his apology with a “But…” yet here I’d like to reiterate that the simplistic advice we find on tumblr isn’t applicable to every situation. Meaning, I’ve seen a lot of posts lately about apologies, reminding people that it should be about acknowledging how you hurt someone regardless of your intentions, not using your intentions as an excuse for your actions. I agree with that. I likewise think Sun did this. He admits that he hurt people despite not meaning to and he owns up to that, even if he does so in a quickly, clearly uncomfortable manner. Acknowledging that you hurt someone despite your intentions doesn’t mean that your intentions can never be brought up again. If I accidentally insult someone in the act of confronting them about, say, destructive behavior, I should indeed apologize for that… but that doesn’t mean the issue itself—the destructive behavior—is forever off the table. It’s an important topic and Sun likewise has an important topic he’s trying to broach again, this time in a more respectful manner. Sun is sorry for the cruel things he said, he’s sorry for storming out, he’s sorry for how he responded to things… but he’s not sorry for his opinion about the situation itself, and that’s fair. Apologizing for your behavior does not require that you suddenly agree with the person you’ve hurt. Indeed, it’s only Sun challenging the group again—this time in a non-insulting, non-storming out manner—that the group itself realizes that they haven’t been clear about their own intentions. The issue was never whether the group is a good thing or a bad thing, but rather that the group didn’t bother to explain to Sun why they were doing this in the first place, leaving him to come to his own conclusions—and then getting upset when those conclusions turned out to be inaccurate. Up until this moment, no one in this room is inclined to spend time with Sun, let alone ensure that he has an accurate view of what this group means, so is it any surprise that he took things at face value? The group who named themselves after Beacon doesn’t want to be a part of Shade. That’s what it looks like on the surface and thus, that’s what he assumed. 
4. Despite the complexity of this situation—by far the best Myers has managed thus far in this novel—Scarlet doesn’t acknowledge any of it. Not the group’s behavior towards Sun that resulted in a lack of understanding, not Sun’s understandable assumptions, not his inappropriate response to them, nor his apology. Scarlet said Sun was bad at apologies and Sun just proved him wrong… but acknowledging that requires likewise acknowledging everything in the above paragraph. Scarlet doesn’t want to think about what Sun is apologizing for vs. concerns he still has, he just hears a “But” and “rolled his eyes" to “watch the show.” What’s perhaps the most strange about all this — and the easiest to pinpoint as a potential problem — is that Scarlet agrees with Sun. He thinks the Beacon Brigade is a waste of time too! In another story I would expect to either a) have Scarlet grudgingly admit that Sun had a point, helping to lead him to some realizations about his bias, or b) have the story itself acknowledge that Scarlet is interested only in criticizing Sun no matter what he might actually say or do. If we boil the conversation down we’ve got:
[Scarlet is critical of the Beacon Brigade]
[Sun is critical of the Beacon Brigade]
[Scarlet ignores that tie between them]
[Scarlet thinks that Sun isn’t capable of apologizing]
[Sun apologizes]
[Scarlet ignores this]
This trend is likewise seen at the start of the meeting when Scarlet goes, “The gall of it. It was so obvious what Sun was doing—he was practically gleeful to be rid of his teammates” in response to Sun not seeming devastated by the changes. It’s the same situation we got last chapter with Velvet, wherein one character’s interpretation of a situation — Sun doesn’t look sad enough to my liking — doesn’t necessarily match up with reality. Indeed, when Scarlet throws out another accusation we’re shown precisely how inaccurate his perspective is:
“I guess it’s not hard to move on when you’re always moving, huh?” He sat up straight and looked at Sun. “Just how ecstatic are you to be moving on from us? Be honest. While we’re at it, maybe you can explain why.”
Sun was taken aback. “What?”
Sun is shocked by the idea that he’s “ecstatic” over these changes because he’s clearly not. There’s so much miscommunication among these characters and, thus far, incredibly little done to resolve it. This conversation explaining the Beacon Brigade to Sun is the major exception and, as a result, is one of the only worthwhile scenes. I feel like our characters have finally changed in some way. Yet to continually balance out any enjoyable bits, Scarlet’s bias stands in contrast to this improvement we see with Sun. It’s even more obvious when we factor in Scarlet’s revelation about Nolan in the same conversation. Despite witnessing nothing nearly as concrete as an apology when he said apologies weren’t something Sun was good at, Scarlet comes to the conclusion that he had been “underestimating Nolan all this time” and seems, from a single comment, to form a much higher opinion of him. The kicker is that not only does this moment not jumpstart a similar revelation regarding Sun, but is rather used as another segue into criticism of him: “Just like Sun had been underestimating the rest of them. But would Sun ever see that?”
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Sun is indeed blind to some things, but so is Scarlet. Arguably more-so. At least here we see Sun listening to the others and flat out admitting that he was wrong. The confusing nature of Scarlet’s anger — is he upset about the Blake incident or something that seems to exist ‘off screen’? — coupled with his inability to acknowledge the improvements Sun is striving to make when they’re literally happening right in front of him, makes for a frustrating read. So as always: Yay flawed characters? It’s just too bad that this cast seems to be made up primarily of flaws and are doing incredibly little to improve themselves. Unless you factor in things like Velvet’s randomly changing personality.
As said though, I think the group does a good job explaining their perspective to Sun, largely because they bother to take a moment to connect with him, see how and why he came to these conclusions, and respectfully lay out their own perspective. Velvet explains that names are important, a part of your identity, and thus when they came to Vacuo they wanted a new name to reflect their new life. “Beacon was the obvious choice.” By the end of the scene Sun freely admits his mistake — “Maybe I was wrong,” Sun said — but still maintains that his misunderstanding stemmed from something. All of these (somewhat convoluted) explanations involving names, identity, belonging, moving on, but keeping their past is in no way obvious when you just hear the name Beacon Brigade. “‘Well, you’ve been sending a mixed message with this group, at least to Vacuans,’ Sun said stubbornly” except that “stubbornly” is uncharitable because he’s right. Not about the Beacon Brigade being a useless waste of time like we saw a few chapters back, but about the name and meeting sending the wrong message without that complicated context attached. The name alone has no connection to Vacuo. The name sounds like they’re refusing to move on. The name is also weirdly about being an army despite this being a therapy group, but we’ve already mentioned that. The statements “Your reasons for having this group and naming it this are valid,” “It’s not your fault that the Vacuans are refusing to accept you,” and “On the surface that name and these meetings send an unintended bad message that doesn’t help your already iffy social status” can and all do exist simultaneously.
The fact that Sun is using this opportunity to understand where the Beacon Brigade is coming from, but the Beacon Brigade is continually insisting that his perspective has no merit, just reinforces that the only one undergoing any growth here is Sun. Which, coming into this novel, I would have said is justified. He abandoned his team! He followed Blake! He listened in on her private conversations! He hasn’t even apologized to his team yet! Sun obviously has things to work on. But the expectation of him being the most in need of improvement rests on those around him being more level-headed, empathetic, talented people than he is… and they’re not. In this novel, the people Sun has hurt can be just as stubborn and cruel, making just as many iffy decisions. So when we’ve got a whole school of incredibly flawed teens, with one individual clearly striving to do better while the others endlessly pile on him… uh, I’m in that guy’s corner. At least I understand how Sun’s development is coming about, unlike Velvet. At least Sun admits when he’s made mistakes, unlike Coco and Scarlet. At least Sun hasn’t done anything close to the horror that I know is coming with Fox and Yatsuhashi…
So yes, to say that this scene and its resulting implications is complicated is an understatement. For the love of God, let’s move on.
We get another flashback, this time to Team SSSN arriving in Vacuo to meet with Headmaster Theodore and Rumpole. Recall that we were shown the exact same situation with Team CFVY… but wow is Theodore different here. Previously, I praised his compassion and ability to inspire new students because in that scene it was clear he was thrilled to have Team CFVY joining his school. Theodore is not thrilled to accept Team SSSN and I’m honestly unclear as to why. Both did well in the Vytal Tournament, which is something Rumpole apparently looked over when evaluating the students. Both participated in — and survived — the Battle of Beacon. Both are here now, hoping for a new place to call home, yet the reception SSSN receives is distinctly frosty.
Granted, this is at least partly because we’re still seeing things through Scarlet’s perspective, but that doesn’t cover everything. Theodore starts the flashback by reminding them that he believes “Actions speak louder than words,” to which Sun wholeheartedly agrees. Rather than acknowledging that they have similar outlooks, Rumpole tells him to be quiet — “[she] put a finger over her lips” — and when Sun doesn’t seem to notice the gesture Scarlet interprets this as him being “cocky.” That… doesn’t really line up. Regardless, Theodore is interested to know why Sun didn’t attend Vacuo if he grew up here, seeming to read that choice as some sort of insult towards him and his school: “He exchanged a look with Professor Rumpole. Then he looked sternly at Scarlet, Sage, and Nexpeptune.” When Sun explains that he wanted to see more of the world before settling down, Theodore and Rumpole jump on the word choice.    
Sage snickered. Rumpole’s eyes flashed gold.
“So you think of Vacuo as ‘settling’?” Theodore asked.
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Excuse me, educator, but the phrase “settling down” is not comparable to “settling.” The former means to live a quieter, stable life usually after, yes, traveling the world for a time. It has few (if any) negative connotations. In fact, it’s quite positive. The implication is that you’ve been to many places, seen a great deal, experienced much of what life has to offer you, and now you’re choosing this place as your home. It’s also framed after a sought-after end goal. The weary hero longs to settle down but is unable to due to their quest. Settling down with friends and family is the prize given at the end of a story. It’s good. In contrast, “settling” for something does have a number of negative implications attached to it. It suggests that it’s not what you want, but you’re willing to put up with it at the end of the day given that you have no other choice. It’s second or third best, at most, but you’ll tolerate it. The concept of settling for something is insulting because it says that given different circumstances, you never would have chosen it.
Sun says he’s “settling down” in Vacuo; this is the home he’s choosing. Theodore and Rumpole both interpret this as “settling;” he’s choosing them only because he has to. But why? Where did this interpretation come from? Schools were a mix of people from different kingdoms long before Salem shook things up, so why is Sun getting heat for going to Mistral? Especially with the rather persuasive justification of, ‘I’d like to see more than just my backyard, thanks’? Are Vacuans so xenophobic that the mere act of one of their own leaving for a short time makes them an outsider? Why is this never explained then? Why doesn’t Sun, the Vacuan, understand this and seek to defend himself?
I’m still so confused, folks! 
Things just go downhill from there. Sun asks if he can call Theodore “Theo,” which doesn’t go over well.
“No!” barked Theodore and Rumpole at the same time.
“Right. Sorry. Professor—”
This is unnecessarily strict. As someone who has known a number of “You must refer to me as ‘Doctor’” people, I have never heard a single one “bark” out a negative in response to asking about using a different address. They respectfully correct a student because instructors — and people in general — should strive to be respectful. Then Theodore nitpicks about “Professor” vs. “Headmaster.” A look back at what I read does show a consistency of students addressing him as “Headmaster,” but if that’s a preference why not just say that? As it is, the curt correction feels like he’s trying to limit Sun’s options, especially when we’ve heard others like Ozpin be referred to as “Professor.” It’s not exactly a weird mistake.
Then Theodore goes,
“And which of you is the leader again? I know it’s not Neptune, but you can tell that just by looking at him.” Neptune’s jaw dropped.
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What is wrong? With this cast?? Theodore was a splendid Headmaster whom I loved a few chapters back, now suddenly — as soon as he’s talking to Team SSSN — he’s become downright mean. What the absolute hell was that comment? “You can tell that just by looking at him”? That’s so insulting! He’s another Velvet, turning basic compassion on and off depending on who he’s speaking to, yet I still remain in the dark as to why everyone in this novel hates Sun, to the point where even his teammates bear the brunt of that negativity. Because, you know, when Sun says he’s the leader,
Rumpole was momentarily speechless.
Hold on. Let’s take a hot second to summarize what Sun has done in this conversation thus far, AKA everything that exists to form such a horrible opinion of him that Rumpole would be “speechless” at the thought of him leading. Sun has:
Agreed with Headmaster Theodore regarding a life philosophy.
Says he grew up in Vacuo.
Admits that he wants to settle down here, making Shade his permanent home.
Asked to address the Headmaster as “Theo.”
Apologies for his presumptiveness.
Correctly changes his address to “Headmaster Theodore.”
Explains that he was on a “special assignment” last semester and that’s why he wasn’t at Haven. Scarlet mutters that the assignment was given “by himself.”
So Sun is a native who’s heart has “grown fonder” for his kingdom and who agrees with Theodore’s outlook. He is willing to apologize and change his behavior as instructed. The only marks against him so far are 1. Being overly friendly with an authority figure and 2. The implication that he simply ran off without justification, though thus far it’s Sun’s word against Scarlet’s. That should hardly count until the accusation is proven one way or the other. 
So Sun is implied to be an unfit leader because he was friendly? That outweighs positives like being from Vacuo and taking direction?
Everyone is really just out to paint Sun as The Worst Person Ever, huh? Here’s your trophy, bud. 
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After this stunning display ranging from indifference to what appears to be outright disgust, Theodore says that they can stay on through what’s essentially a trial period. “Until you wash out, or he changes his mind,” Rumpole explained. “Frankly, that happens a lot.” Again, Team CFVY didn’t receive such a threat. Theodore concludes the meeting by requiring a written account of the White Fang attack, something Sun is nervous about. “You do know how to write?” Theodore asks, just casually tossing in a final insult. Scarlet reassures him that they’ll help Sun with the “big words.”
Wow. The farther I get into this story the less surprised I am that the fandom has been hissing at it like an angry pack of cats. Or at least, a solid chunk of the fandom here on tumblr. I can’t recall if I mentioned this in an earlier Chapter, but at the start of this project I popped onto Goodreads and was somewhat shocked at Before the Dawn’s 4.16 rating, accompanied by numerous glowing reviews. Were we given different copies of the book? Then again, I often feel as if I’m watching a different show than the fandom talks up. I too would love to be watching a gripping, emotionally compelling, complex RWBY story of the sort that I’ve heard about. Ah well.
Back to the text at hand.
It’s the next day and everyone is attending Professor Rowena Sunnybrook’s Weapons Training Class. I briefly grapple with the image of Rowena Ravenclaw at Sunnybrook Farm. Then I consider how close “Rowena” is to “Rebecca.” Then I remember that in the stories Rebecca’s middle name was Rowena. Then I move on with my life.
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(How badly am I dating myself if I bring up Shirley Temple?) 
There’s a sandpit set up in the middle of that classroom which “had always seemed odd to Scarlet. If you wanted to fight in sand, why not just go outside? There was plenty of sand in this place.” Honest answer: ease of access and control over your environment. It’s the same reason why you’d take students to an indoor track rather than just telling them to run anywhere there’s space outside. There may be qualities to the sand that make it a better practice tool — less coarse, no rocks hidden underneath — and it’s presented in an accessible, otherwise safe classroom. No one is wasting time finding a spot outside. No sand storms will suddenly interrupt an exercise. Rowena and the students alike aren’t fighting against the wind, or the sun, the grimm, or anything else they might have to pay attention to. Given the tech of this world, there may even be cameras in the classroom that allows instructors to record and revisit their students’ practice. Unless you’re looking to prepare them for the unpredictability of the real world in a given lesson, this is just an all around easier choice. A pain to set up, perhaps, but easier once the pit is in place.
So Scarlet is, per the trend, in somewhat of a bad mood. He says he’s excited to see what class is like with his new teammates, but he doesn’t understand why you’d have a sand pit inside (in a world where competitions like the Vytal Festival exist…) and he likewise doesn’t get why anyone would fight on sand if they didn’t have to. But… you do have to? Scarlet just got done reminding everyone that they live in a desert now. He doesn’t get much of a say in whether he’s fighting on sand or not, so he’d better learn how to do it. I don’t think the grimm and occasional baddie is going to let Scarlet choose the setting before a fight begins.
Scarlet is also exhausted, which I can definitely understand. I’m tired just reading about the week they’ve been through. We get a tiny glimpse into the Chapter That Never Was where he thinks that “Spending hours in an underground Dust mine fighting a herd of Jackalopes wasn’t exactly a fun time.” Too bad we didn’t get to read about it. Though I do quite like the tiny insight into Scarlet we get here. He’s extra tired because he was “staying up so late to clean his clothes and shine his shoes.” Yeah, I could say something about implied-to-be gay guys and their obsession with clothes, though considering that Scarlet’s sexuality is nonexistent in this text or the main series, it feels disingenuous to make any claims about stereotyping. Besides, that may be a reach even if he was confirmed as queer. Rather, I like the line because it can be read in different ways, one of which is further confirmation that Scarlet seems to be a straight-laced, eager to please authority sort of guy. He doesn’t like having a spontaneous team leader. He hopes that Theodore will see his worth over Sun’s. Scarlet already comes across as the sort of student who would put additional time into shining his shoes while everyone else gets some much needed sleep. Appearances matter to him.
This entire time Sunnybrook has been lecturing, though seemingly not about anything important. Scarlet is surprised that they haven’t started an activity yet. The stalling is explained when Rumpole shows up, stomping into the classroom and grousing that Sunnybrook started without her. She rightfully points out, “You’re late, and this is my class.”
Ooh, Scarlet thought. Sunnybrook just went from chatty to catty.
…No? Beyond my ardent love of writers insisting that women are “catty” whenever they show an ounce of assertiveness or self-respect (/s), how is Sunnybrook being “catty” when she’s literally just stating two facts? Rumpole is late. This is her class. Both those things are true. There is an implied criticism there, but it’s hardly undeserved. If anyone is close to being “catty” right now it’s Rumpole, arriving late without an apology and criticizing Sunnybrook for doing her job in Rumpole’s absence.
Which begins the very strange read of watching Rumpole give an excellent lesson while the story characterizes her as the bad guy (we’ve been down this road before...). 
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Outside of that rude entrance, I don’t think Rumpole does much wrong here, but it becomes clear by the end of the chapter that she’s someone we’re meant to dislike. 
She begins her lesson by pointing out that “Before you got here, some of you were trained to rely on your teams. But what do you do when your team is gone and you’re on your own?” Yes! Excellent point! Just like Scarlet needs to know how to fight on sand while living in a desert, every huntsmen needs to know how to defend themselves solo in case they’re separated from their team, their team is knocked out, or they’re killed. Wasn’t Sun alone at the start of this novel? Didn’t Ruby fall through the floor into a White Fang hideout by herself? Wasn’t Blake out in the woods alone when she encountered Adam? In each case they either sought out additional help or help thankfully arrived in time — you should strive to have backup — but in the case that there’s none to be found, how well can you defend yourself? It honestly shocks me that these talented, experienced fighters so often reject learning something that’s so obviously useful, whether we’re talking about Ruby telling Ozpin they already know how to fight, or Scarlet scoffing at fighting on sand in Vacuo.
Rumpole also says that they need to learn how to fight without their weapons.
“The room filled with whispers. Fight without weapons? In Weapons Training? Is she kidding?”
See, this is the kind of nonsense I’m talking about. Are you telling me that none of these fighters have ever lost their weapon in battle? It’s never broken (Blake)? That they can’t reach the basic conclusion of their fists being a weapon too? Too often RWBY introduces entirely unnecessary reactions that don’t fit with the characters’ intelligence, experience, and overall world view. They say and do ridiculous things in the context of their fictional lives. I could bring up a Volume 8 “Divide” example, but I’m trying to keep these recaps spoiler free. For those of you who have seen the premiere though, you likely know what Ruby moment I’m talking about. 
So the whole class is upset for an incredibly stupid reason. Scarlet has gone from his usual grumpy to downright pissed. Things only go from bad to worse when Rumpole chooses Velvet to fight Nebula.
“Oh, come on!” Coco said, intervening for her former teammate.
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What exactly is the problem here? According to Scarlet it’s that they’re on the same team. “This is so not cool,” he whispers to Coco. He believes they “shouldn’t be forced to fight each other,” but why? He admits freely that they’ve all fought against peers before. What do they think this is? It’s just another sparing session. Apparently the distinction is “with the intent of beating them, especially in front of an audience.” So when sparing you normally don’t intend to win? Or if you spar no one can be there to see you do it? Both of those defeat the purpose of sparing in the first place: to improve, partly by receiving feedback. 
Arslan provides a bit of clarification with “They should not fight each other. We’re teammates, and we have to learn to work together. This just undermines that goal” but that is a staggeringly narrow view of what it means to “work together.” Frankly, a worrisome one too. Are team relationships truly so fragile that they can’t handle a little competition? You wouldn’t think so given the continuing message of teams as friends, family, and coworkers — those relationships are rock solid — yet Arslan seems to believe that a single exercise would undermine all that. There might have been some justification if she’d specifically brought up the problem of fighting new team members, prior to forming those bonds, with the added difficulty of working with people who might not think much of you yet… but she doesn’t. No one here seems to think that teammates should fight, period.
So then what do we make of Ruby vs. Oscar in Volume 5? That’s almost the exact same setup, with two teammates fighting one another, one of whom is new and hasn’t formed a solid bond, in front of an audience, with an instructor — Ozpin — evaluating their performance. Do we honestly believe that because Ruby got frustrated for a hot second that any care she had towards Oscar evaporated?
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Is Team CRDL incapable of fighting beside Pyrrha in the Battle of Beacon because she absolutely kicked their ass in class? Does Weiss grow to hate Winter because she beat her during training? Of course not.  There is something to be said for an institution that constantly pits teammates against each other in a manner that interferes with the ability to form those bonds… but this isn’t it. This is a single exercise for students who are currently shocked that they’d ever need to fight solo/without a weapon, so they clearly need the lesson, yet their reactions are extreme. Coco yelling, Scarlet muttering about how bad this is, both of them praising Arslan like she stood up against an actual attack on Velvet — “Good for you, Arslan,” Coco whispered. Now there’s a leader for you, Scarlet thought. — and Yatsuhashi is going so far as to stand in front of Velvet to protect her. They’re all acting like Rumpole told them to engage in a death match, not do the exact thing they’ve come to this school for: learn how to fight.
So yeah, that all is exceptionally weird imo and feeds into the general sense that Rumpole is the supposed to be the bad guy here, but it’s not done persuasively. She’s oh so evilly making them fight one another, evilly smiling about it, evilly telling Coco that that’s enough… though none of this is actually, you know, evil. The closest we get is a moment when Rumpole “haughtily” says that “In the heat of battle, a weak teammate can be worse than the most powerful enemy,” which frankly comes out of nowhere given that she’s responding to Arslan’s criticism of the test as the whole. If you say, ‘We shouldn’t fight other because we need to learn to work together’ and your teacher responds with ‘Weak teammates are more dangerous than your enemy,’ that’s very nearly a non sequitur. Yeah, the general subjects of teammates and fighting are the same, but otherwise these points seem to belong to different conversations. What Rumpole says in the context she says it is nearly nonsensical and serves only to make her look cruel. She tosses out a startling truth unprompted, leaving the reader going, “Wow! Rumpole is awful!” unless they’re inclined to consider whether any of that makes sense.
That moment with Coco did catch my attention though, simply because we’re told that Rumpole’s eyes flashed and then Coco gasped, cluing Scarlet into the fact that she’s not as “unshakable as she usually let on.” That’s another extreme reaction to a tame event, as well as the second time this chapter that we’ve heard about Rumpole’s flashing eyes, the first occurring in the flashback when she was displeased with Sun. So perhaps it’s something involving her Semblance? I’d look it up, but I kind of what to be surprised in the next 173 pages. Got to find things to look forward to in all this lol. 
One the group realizes that they do actually have to fight one another (the horror) Velvet and Nebula give up their weapons. As expected, Nebula jokes about how she hasn’t lost anything, “What good’s a camera in a fight, anyway?” which produces applause from other Shade students. Right, because Velvet got into a top academy and survived the Fall of Beacon without a weapon. I’m not sure if this is just bullying for the sake of bullying, outside the bounds of logic, or if these students, living in their magic-infused, crazy tech world, legitimately can’t reach the conclusion that Velvet uses photos as a weapon, even if they can’t figure out how. Either way, it’s not endearing, but at least this time my reaction aligns with what the text is aiming for. Rumpole tells them to “Save it for the arena” with “a hard edge in her voice,” but of course no one comments on when she sticks up for Velvet. Asking her to complete a simple exercise results in fury, but telling her own students to leave the newcomer alone results in silence. Seems about right.
The fight finally begins and it’s a tad underwhelming. There’s nothing specifically wrong with it—nothing that stands out on first read through anyway—it just not a particularly compelling action sequence. Any interesting tidbits are seen in the dialogue instead. Nebula continually establishes herself as another Mean Girl character, taunting Velvet with how she’s “been wanting to do this for a while” and how “fun” it is to fight her. The spectators, specifically Scarlet and Coco, comment on how Velvet is able to use her semblance outside of the hard light weaponry. Here, she draws on moves from “Pyrrha Nikos, Yang Xiao Long, and even Sun.”
Pyrrha 😭😭😭😭
Why the “even” though? 😒
Coco summarizes her style by saying that “Velvet may fight like a lot of different people, but no one else fights like Velvet.” I quite like that. Velvet is a living embodiment of being more than just the sum of your parts.
As the fight continues Nebula’s taunts grow more vicious, saying that she is better than Velvet because “We left Beacon because we knew it was a lost cause.” Beyond that just being a horrific thing to say, I want to ward off any potential comparisons between our Volume 7 conflict and this statement. RWBY might be trying to draw a parallel between the mean student who would abandon her school and the villainous general who would abandon his city (depending on how my Myers knew about upcoming plotlines), but there’s a huge difference between fighting a grimm army and fighting Salem herself with a grimm army. Velvet and the others were absolutely correct to fight for Beacon because they had a shot at taking it back. A slim one, but a shot nonetheless. Volume 7 provided none of that in regards to Team RWBY’s stance.
This remark does its job though and soon after Velvet becomes stuck in the sand, distracted and upset. Rumpole goes full Mean Teacher then, telling them to keep going. In fact, she quickly becomes the only mean person in the room because the formerly feuding teams are all banding together in Velvet’s defense and even Nebula randomly demonstrates honor—
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(sorry I had to)—in how she approaches Velvet now: “[she] reached a hand down to help Velvet up.” Rumpole is clearly meant to be the enemy here, uniting friends, bullies, and even Sunnybrook too. Thing is, it’s once again not that bad? I’m not going to pretend that she isn’t harsh. Too harsh for a normal school? Absolutely. Too harsh for a combat school where these students are learning how to defend themselves from monsters and murderers during a war? Ehhh. Rumpole says that Velvet “beat herself” because “You don’t stop fighting until you can’t fight anymore.” That’s true. Within the context of a school exercise where everyone knows they’re safe and can stop the battle at any moment, it feels finished when Velvet gets stuck, but an actual life or death fight? Do we really think Velvet would stop trying to defend herself, passively staring up at her attacker while they do whatever they please with her? Of course not. She’d either find a way out or she’d go down fighting. You’re telling me that students who frequently break apart stone or, in Ruby’s case, blast through steel doors specifically meant to keep people inside can’t punch downwards and free themselves from some sand? Are the pieces of either of their weapons anywhere within reach? Can Velvet trick her attacker, pretending to be down for the count and then lashing out when she gets close? At the very least, as we saw with Sun’s first encounter this novel, can she talk enough to buy herself time until others arrive to help. Obviously there’s no arriving in this structured exercise, but the point is to try. Rumpole is telling them not to stop trying — to treat this exercise seriously (which they haven’t done from the start) — and they’re throwing back that challenging Velvet to get creative is too mean? In the same way that the students shouldn’t be pit against each other 24/7, they shouldn’t be pushed to their limit 24/7 either… but for once class? One lesson? When they know an attack is on the way and have already watched people die?
See, this is why I can’t take this cast seriously as the leaders of this war. When we’ve got scenes like this the characterization — whether intentional or not — is that they’re not nearly as devoted to their and others’ safety as they should be. Such characterization is fine when one group isn’t conducting a secret investigation, the other hasn’t been given licenses early, and both haven’t been through a battle that cost them the lives of numerous friends. But when they have experienced all these things, you have to wonder what they’re doing complaining about a teacher who says, ‘Hey, don’t just roll over and accept defeat.’ 
Eventually Coco, Yatsuhashi, Fox, and Arslan step in front of Velvet to keep the fight from continuing. Yatsuhashi pulls her from the sand and when free “she pushed his hands away.” That’s the other thing: no one seems interested in what Velvet wants. They all speak for her in deciding that she can’t and shouldn’t fight anymore.
As a suggested change, I would have liked this so much more if we have the group uncomfortable with the fight continuing, Velvet insisting that she can keep going, and then she asks them for help. Rumpole never laid down a hard rule that this was a 1v1 fight. That’s the unspoken assumption, yeah, but she speaks far more about them not using their weapons. If Velvet had called for reinforcements, so to speak, and the group had dropped their weapons before entering the sandpit, it would have arguably just been an extension of what they learned in reinitiation: “The only rule is survival.” Allies are right here, why wouldn’t she use them? Friends of Nebula step forward to back her up, Rumpole puts a stop to things before it becomes an all out brawl, she compliments Velvet for bending the rules to her advantage, and reminds everyone that this is why it’s so important to learn to work with their new teams: they’re your lifeline so long as you have them. Honestly though, a RWBY story that doesn’t make everyone over 30 out to be a literal or personal villain? Unrealistic.
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What Rumpole does instead is remind them that they have to be prepared for the worst and the unexpected to happen. They no longer have the excuse of “No one could have predicted that”: “We know a threat is out there. We know it’s coming to Vacuo. To not prepare for that eventuality would be irresponsible, dangerous, and naïve.” Exactly! Too bad no one else wants to think about that truth. Instead, Scarlet mentally criticizes her for the “cheap shot” and Coco waylays Sunnybrook to ask if she thinks Rumpole seems alright. Of course, Sunnybrook agrees that she’s being too hard on them. She’s “mean” now and “picking on” Velvet.
It astounds me that these characters are grieving over their murdered friends in one chapter and then going ‘You’re mean to challenge us in training :( ’ the next. Don’t any of them want to defend themselves the next time? Or avenge their lost peers? Whatever other faults RWBY has, I think they did right by Jaune and Ren by making the former (briefly) Cinder obsessed and the latter angry that they’re going to a party rather than training. Going too far in those directions obviously isn’t healthy, but neither is demonizing the instructor trying to keep everyone alive. It’s the same underlying problem as Ironwood’s antagonism in Volume 7: armies and threats of martial law are a problem when there isn’t a justified emergency for them. RWBY has, time and time again, given us that emergency in a variety of ways, so why do the characters act as if they’re living in our world where such measures are extreme? 
It’s a question I’ll never get an answer to, I’m sure. That’s where we leave the cast though, with Scarlet thinking about how “As long as they were here, every day was going to be a bad day in Vacuo.” Fantastically emo ending for this long and frustrating chapter. I am massively behind on my NaNoWriMo challenge thanks to normal RWBY Recaps, but this? This was a substantial boost. If you somehow made it to the end of all this please accept my virtual cookies. 
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I’d share the actual gingersnaps I made if that were possible :(
Alright. I’ve kept you all here long enough. Until next time! 💜
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booklover41802 · 4 years
Could you do a Jurdan fanfic where they reunite post During Jude’s banishment but pre-queen of nothing but Jude is on a date, or Cardan thinks some guy is courting Jude and he jealously glamours the guy to leave her alone. And it leads to angst?
Of course, lovely! Thank you for the request! It turned out a bit longer than I had anticipated, and I tweaked it a bit, but I’m happy with the result. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I loved writing it.
Jude Durate, High Queen of Elfhame, Wife to Cardan Greenbriar, was on her seventh date with a human boy. The boy was sweet, the complete opposite of the folk in Faerie. The kind of boy you fell for slowly over time until you looked at him one day and realized that you were wholly and utterly in love with him. 
Jude was terrified of him. Vivi had set them up, wanting Jude to heal from the scars of Faerie, and during the month and a half she’d been in the mortal lands, she learned what people meant when they said your heart could be divided in two. Though she loved Cardan, he seemed like a dream, like she could never truly have him. Lucas was more real, more than a daydream. 
Attempting to be discreet, Jude slanted her eyes to study the boy walking next to her, chattering on about mundane things. He was averagely tall with sandy blonde hair and striking emerald eyes. He looked nothing like Cardan. In her eyes, that was all that mattered. He was a distraction, a bit of fun during her banishment. After all, her delightful husband was surely doing the same.
They were walking along the pier near a beach Jude had discovered during the month away from Faerie. It was a quiet spot, away from the worrying gaze of Vivi. The boy, Lucas, suddenly smiled at her shyly, a flush reddening his cheeks to a brilliant flame. “Would it be okay if I held your hand?”
Jude’s heart hammered in her chest, wondering what she was getting herself into. If she said no, his disappointment would simmer awkwardly between them. If she said yes… would it be a betrayal to her vows? She swallowed the phlegm in her throat, trying to shove away all thoughts of what this small gesture meant. Without giving herself a moment to second guess what she was doing, Jude forced her lips to upturn at the corners, as though she was pleased he asked. “I would like nothing more.” She stretched out her hand and laced his fingers with hers, secretly enjoying the feel of his smooth palm against her calloused one. Lucas’s eyes widened imperceptibly at her move. 
Wonderment filling his gaze, Lucas studied her scarred palm. “Where did you get this scar from?” He traced the scar she had received when she pledged her loyalty to Dain with reverence.
What was she to tell him? She couldn’t very well say that she had cut open her own palm in order to gain the protection of the Prince of Elfhame. He would think her mad, and then who knows what would happen to her. She would have to lie, as she did about most things. Her mortal ability to skirt around the truth came in handy once more. “Childhood accident. You know how kids are. Magnets for disaster!”
Lucas chuckled, the fading light of the sun hitting the golden flecks of his eyes as he turned his head towards her. “I know exactly what you mean!” His fingers danced over her scar lightly, lovingly while his other hand traced circles in the sand. “When I was six years old, and learning how to ride a bike, I lost control and crashed right into a big old maple tree! Cut open my arm horribly. My grandma almost had a heart attack with the amount of blood that was on me.” When he mentioned his grandma, his face took on a softened look, his full lips fondly turning up as he reminisced on the past. 
“Both of us are covered in scars, as the two accident prone children we were.” She was deflecting, she knew, from the truth. But it was the only way to keep him safe from her past. 
From the corner of her eye, Jude saw a Golden Retriever huddled up against a building, with the faint shimmer of wings hovering in her peripheral vision. Jude’s pace slowed down as the pixie tormenting the dog smirked at her, taunting her. Even now, far away from Court, her past continued to haunt her, reminding her how she did not fit into the mortal world. She would never be safe here.
Lucas, oblivious to the pixie and her racing thoughts, pointed out a landmark on the far side of the coast. “That lighthouse over there is where I lost my first tooth. I was so excited by the ships, I wiggled my loose tooth a little too hard. Blood gushed all over me, staining my favorite shirt. My parents fussed over me for days. I even had the tooth fairy visit me for the first time. Found a whole dollar underneath my pillow the next morning.”
The tooth fairy. Such a human tradition. Jude had never experienced it, as her parents had been murdered before her teeth fell out. 
A few people moved around the two of them on the sidewalk, not wanting to interfere with the moment they were having. Jude, not aware they would be seen by anybody, blushed fiercely. She looked away from the fond looks people threw her way, and pulled Lucas to a stop. She dragged him over to the sand, far away from the pixie, and made to sit down. Mercifully, he didn’t question it. “What are your parents like?” She asked, trying, and failing, to calm her nerves.
 “They were wonderful people from what I can remember. Every Saturday night they took me to the lighthouse to look at the ships docking in the harbor. My father worked there, and rarely left his post. The sea called to him, as it does to me.” Ships now were now pulling in, guided by the beam of light pouring out from the top of the lighthouse. Lucas watched the boats, a fascinated look taking over his features.
As the sun set over the horizon, glowing softly with pinks, purples, and oranges, gulls crying out in the distance, waves crashing against the beach, Jude felt a sense of peace settle over her, despite the pixie. With Lucas it was easy to feel safe, to let her mind drift away. In another life, she pictured herself with him. Forcing the words out around the memories of Cardan, she softly asked, “Have your parents died?”
With a rueful smile, Lucas looked up at the sky watching the seagulls circle overhead, his eyes far away. “Yeah. They died in a fire when I was eight. My grandparents raised me after that. It was hard to accept that they were gone for a while. I couldn’t even go to the lighthouse without thinking of them, of having the memories crash over me like the waves against the shore.” He was becoming detached, distant.
Jude did something she never expected herself to do. Gently, she took his hand out of hers, pulling his face towards her, so that they were eye to eye. “My parents died when I was seven. I guess we’re both orphans. I was raised by an… uncle after that with my two sisters. You’re not alone. Orphans always find each other, searching for a home in one another, hoping they will finally belong somewhere.”
The sea rocked against the sand, splashing the two of them with little droplets. Neither noticed, too lost in the depthless ache they felt deep in their chests. 
Reaching out a shaky hand, Lucas brushed away a stray strand of hair that was stuck against her cheek. “I think I’ve found my home.”
Knowing she was already damned, Jude leaned forward and drew Lucas into her arms, resting her chin on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. He smelled of cedar, the sea, with faint undercurrents of spices. She shut her eyes, relishing the feel of safety in his arms.
His breath tickled her ear as he moved towards her. “What was your childhood like? You never talk about it.” Immediately she stiffened, memories flashing by of a gentry member biting off the tip of her ring finger, another yanking her out from under a table at a revel and being tormented and glamoured, wearing rowan berries everywhere to avoid her mortality betraying her.
A childhood that was no childhood at all. 
“It was a childhood like no other,” she choked out. 
He pulled back, grasping her forearms and looking into her eyes, brow furrowed in confusion. “I’m sorry if I hit a sore subject, I only wish to know you more.”
Before she could answer she was hit with the scent of roses, citrus and the overwhelming smell of wine. There was only one being with that aroma that she knew. Cardan.
Sure enough, there he glided behind her on the sand, his black eyes boring into her, burning her like a brand. His tail peeked out from his trousers, gently swaying in the wind. A cruel grin bedecked his face, as he narrowed in on the boy who held her in his arms. 
“Jude?” Lucas asked, drawing her gaze away from her husband. Gods. Her husband. The King of Elfhame was here. In the mortal lands. And here she was, on a date.
“Sorry, I-I think I’m getting tired.” Behind Lucas’s back, Cardan snickered.
Lucas nodded, eyes roving over her too bright eyes, the fake smile adorning her lips. “Before we turn in, I have something for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes. Just a moment.” Reaching in the back pocket of his pants, Lucas drew out a necklace with a sterling silver ring hung on the chain. The ring twisted around a small pearl, edged with small gems placed around the base. The ring was simple, beautiful. Perfect. 
She was speechless. “Do you like it?”
“I love it.” But just as she said it, the raven haired boy from her past crept into her vision, patiently waiting for her to go over to him. Lucas didn’t notice, too lost in Jude to see anything beyond. 
Lucas gently swung the necklace around Jude’s throat, carefully securing the latch. He lifted up the hair that was trapped by the chain. Jude smiled softly at the gift, and at the boy who had given it to her without a second thought, attempting to block out Cardan so she could remember this moment without the stain of Faerie. “I found the pearl when I was out at sea a few weeks ago, and I thought of you. I made it myself last night. It’s a promise necklace, since I didn’t know what size ring you wore. A promise that, one day, we’ll be married.”
Jude’s smile slipped off her face. “Marriage?” Unbeknownst to him, she was already married to another, her heart belonged to another. In another life, perhaps, this could have worked, but things being the way they were, it wouldn’t last. She had duties and promises to fulfill.
Behind them, Cardan had gone stone-still, his tail twitching back and forth. A strange light filled his eyes, the golden ring around his pupil disappearing, his mouth set in a hard line. It was an odd sight to see. Cardan standing on the sand on a mortal beach with his extravagant clothing studded with gems and jewels, his crown perched haphazardly on his head. Of course he brought his crown, as though he was reminding Jude of who he was. If any mortals noticed him, they didn’t let on. He must have been glamoured, for everyone casually flowed around him as though he wasn’t even there.
Lucas twisted around to see why Jude kept looking over his shoulder, and found nothing, for he couldn’t see the ghost from her past. “What do you keep looking at? Have I moved too fast?” He turned to look at her once more, a heartbreaking expression on his face. The confusion hurt Jude as she could never tell him the truth. Never let him know who she really was, and where she had come from.
“Just-Just a dog. I like dogs, that’s all.”
Carefully Lucas reached for her forearms and pulled her towards him until they were mere feet apart. Cardan moved closer.
“Jude. I’m sorry if I’ve startled you with my declarations. It’s just that I know you’re what I want. I know I’ve only known you for a little over a month, but with each passing day I fall in love with you a little bit more. Your wit, your intellect, your dimples, that look you get when you think no one is looking, when you look happy and relaxed, your guard let down. I love you, Jude. If you don’t feel as strongly as me, I understand, I do. I’m prepared to wait a thousand years.” He nestled his face into her neck, his sandy hair tickling her skin.
Unconsciously she began to run her fingers through his soft hair, wondering if he could feel her racing heart. “Lucas-” She started, about to break his heart, to let him down easy, but suddenly, he jerked under her touch, as if he were a puppet and a puppet master had pulled his strings.
He pulled back as if in a trance, his limbs rigid, rose to his full height and began to walk away. Jude scrambled to her feet and attempted to pull him around. Oblivious to her, he kept marching forwards towards Cardan, never looking back. She hurried in front of him, to see his face. A glazed look had overtaken his features, a blissful expression on his peaceful face. “Lucas?”
There was no answer, no matter how hard she willed him to stop, no matter how many times she shouted his name, there was nothing. No sign of the boy who had given her his heart. So, defeated, she stopped trying to get him to halt and followed him towards the boy who had shattered her life.
Cardan was smirking at her, his hands placed casually in his pockets. “Hello, my darling Jude. How are the mortal lands treating you?” He purred, as soon as Jude was within range. He held out his arms to her, wanting to draw her into a hug, but she crossed her arms, unwilling to give him what he desired.
When she saw Cardan again, she thought she’d be overjoyed, to leap at the chance to go back. But she was angry. So unbelievably angry she wanted to hurt him as he had hurt her. “After banishing me and betraying my trust, you ask how I am? You show up, unannounced, mind you, and expect me to embrace you with open arms? No. I shall not. And you glamoured my date.” Jude frowned, her lips curling downwards, looking at Lucas’s dazed expression next to the King of Elfhame.
He dropped his arms, a wounded expression on his face. “I come in peace, to offer you a chance to return. I thought after all my letters, you would understand my regret and how much I wish to see you home.”
Letters? There had been nothing but silence. “Is this another one of your tricks? To get to me to sympathize with you? I never received anything. And Faerie is not my home. I am mortal, as I am so often reminded, and replaceable. I have no home, not anymore, not after you banished me. I cannot return.”
Again, the small smile danced across his lips, as if this were a game. “Have I finally outwitted you, Jude Durate, master of tricks and wit?”
“What are you talking about?” The way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine. She had forgotten how he made her feel. Every touch, every look was as though a fire was exploding in her heart. Passion and desire warred over her common sense until she had given in to the whims of her deepest wants. Look how that had turned out.
Love was a fickle thing. It made you lose all sense until you were a love-stricken fool, incapable of seeing the ugly truth, wanting to believe the best of your partner. Love had turned her into the Court Jester. Playing tricks for them all until she had lost her balance and everything came crashing down around her while everyone laughed. A cascade of disaster.
Cardan took a step closer until they were sharing breath, every feeling she had forced down deep rose up again at the close proximity they were in. Cautiously, as if he didn’t want to startle her, he gently ran a finger down his face. “You could have returned any time you wanted. Until and unless she is pardoned by the crown, let her not step one foot in Faerie or forfeit her life. Are you not Faerie’s Queen? Are you not my wife?”
Jude felt the world closing in on her as she realized just what this meant. She could have pardoned herself. She was a fool, blinded by her wounded feelings. “Wife in name only. Who banishes their wife the day after they are married? You could have warned me, at least. Instead you let me go off into the mortal world, thinking I’d never see you again. I thought I knew better than to get involved with a Faerie, a King at that.” Now Cardan turned his attention to Lucas, still looking for all the world a love-sick puppy. “Is this mortal the better option?” Cardan’s lip curled. “A mortal who doesn’t even have decent fashion sense.” Cardan eyed Lucas’s clothes seriously, as if his very existence was an affront to everything Cardan stood for.
“Leave him alone. He didn’t do anything except get mixed up with the wrong person.”
Cardan roughly got hold of Lucas’s shirt and pulled him close in an intimate embrace. “Faerie leaves scars to everyone who passes through. You cannot pass through the fire unburned. So he shall suffer the consequences of trying to marry my wife.”
“Cardan what are you-” Faster than she could follow, faster than she knew he could move, he whipped out a knife from the folds of his tunic and slashed Lucas’s forearm, cutting through fabric - with her own blade for that matter. Lucas didn’t even flinch, the glamour erasing any emotion he felt.
Cardan released the boy, his chest heaving, blade dripping in blood, staining the golden flecks of sand a brilliant red.
She lunged forwards trying to sop up the blood with the edge of her dress that had begun to drip down through the torn folds of his shirt. The only thing she accomplished was soaking the blood into her clothes and skin. 
“Now the remnants of Faerie will forever be etched upon his skin. He’ll always possess the fear of the land and the retaliation he’ll receive if he decides to chase after you again.” He looked proud of himself, as though he did something worthy or noble. “Come back with me, Jude. Let us return, as King and Queen, as Husband and Wife.” 
How dare Cardan believe he had the right to mark a mortal like so, and expect her to be okay with it? Expect her to return to him with open arms. “I will only return with you if you promise to leave Lucas alone. No assassin’s sent after him, no poison in his cup. No harm ever to come to him.” Her heart bled for the boy who had done nothing wrong other than fall in love with the wrong person.
Cardan’s tail twitched back and forth as he contemplated her offer. “If that is what you wish, I shall grant it.” He waved his hand and Lucas lumbered away, arm still bleeding profusely.
They watched the boy stumble his way back to his home, listened to the shrieks that accompanied his arrival. Jude hated it. Hated that she was the reason for his pain. 
“You have me back, but I swear to you I will hate you until I die for what you have done. You will never have me as you once did. I’ll be your Wife and Queen in name only.”
“I brought your sword, Nightfell, back from Vivi.” He held out the gleaming blade, as some sort of peace offering. Blood still dripped from the metal. She took it, only because the sword gave her comfort.
“Thank you,” she replied curtly. “Take me back, Cardan.”
“If that is what you wish.”
Jude reached up and fingered the necklace that lay on her collarbone, comforted by the pearl that slid smoothly through her fingers. 
When they reached the bright green fields of Faerie, Jude was welcomed back with open arms. She smiled politely, accepted the congratulations, but felt an emptiness, as though she was missing a limb.
Faerie would never be her home again, nor would the Mortal Lands. She had been cursed to be a wanderer, never to have a place to feel safe. Once she had thought it was Cardan, but she was wrong. She was alone, just as she always was.
As Cardan took hold of Jude’s arm to transport her back to Faerie, he wondered if he had done the right thing by glamouring her date and cutting him on the arm with Jude’s blade. He had thought she’d be proud of what he did, as she often resorted to more violent methods at Court. Perhaps he made an error, acted too rashly. Cardan did not know how he could make it up to her. 
Although he had achieved his goal of bringing Jude home, the cost had been too high. Whatever love had been between them, was now squandered into the dirt, crushed beneath his crown. If he had simply been Cardan, and not Cardan, High King of Elfhame, would she still hate him as fiercely as she did? Was it the crown that made him act so impulsively? Or was it because he couldn’t bear to see Jude with someone else?
The awful feeling of jealousy was like a cancer, infecting his mind until he knew nothing else. All he saw was a boy courting his love, his Jude, and he had never wanted to kill a mortal so much before. He once swore to himself he would never spill blood by his own hand, but for Jude, he would do anything.
Yet now, as they were back at Court, Cardan noticed the distance now on Jude’s face as Oriana welcomed Jude back. Noticed how she kept touching the necklace at her throat.
When Jude looked at him, it was with a cold emptiness, a reserved impasse. He loved her still, but it seemed as though they were enemies once again.
Jude Durate, his wife, his Queen, hated him. He did not know if they could come back from it.
Tags: @webcraft4eveh, @illyrian-bookworm, @highladyofstoriesandmusic
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cannoli-reader · 5 years
Dividing Robert Jordan’s “A Memory of Light”
A couple of times in recent months, the topic of Sanderson’s changes to the series has come up, and given me cause to think over his mistakes in how he divided the finale. Jordan clearly intended the story he laid out to be a single story, in one book, so I was dividing it, I’d do it into three volumes, intended to run together, without prologues and conclusions and the wind rising at the beginning of each. 
But if f the finale had to be in three separate books, it should have been, in my opinion, as follows (beyond the cut):
Book 12: The Breaking Storm 
(because “Gathering” is so trite and not really fitting this late)
Rand’s arc climaxes with the Dominion Bond incident, more use of the warder bonds to leave all three women horrified, Min traumatized by the incident, Aviendha fuming impotently at her separation from them and the Wise Ones’ harassment, Elayne dealing with a negative feedback loop of political fallout, as she tries to deal with Andor & Cairhien together, with a vague awareness of Rand’s deteriorating state shading everything for the worse.  Andoran problems should prevent her from giving Cairhien the attention it needs, Cairhienin issues drag her attention away from Andor just in time for more trouble to rear up, while she scrambles to find food for both countries. 
Mat should be having issues with managing the larger, reunited Band, maybe with some PTSD as alluded to at the end of KoD, when he says he no longer sees battles as gambling. He should struggle with a lot of setbacks and problems as he and Elayne try to get the cannon project going. His presence with the Band should cause her political difficulties, and his departure at the least convenient time for her. Maybe taking out the gholam at greater personal cost, and he’s freaked out, and can’t go after Moiraine yet. 
Perrin should have the Whitecloak conflict and reveal of Morgase, right away, get it over with, and then the Slayer thing comes up, and the Trolloc threat. His position at the end of the book should be impotence with the problem of the Berelain rumors blossoming among his people, remnants of Maseema’s people attacking and blaming him for the Prophet’s death, Perrin having developed an interest in saving the Children of the Light, but they aren’t about to cooperate and everything is going to get picked off by the Shadow, and Elayne is out for blood over his “rebellion” because so many other political problems have boxed her in and she can’t let another thing like this go.  There is just enough communication between his camp & Caemlyn to raise the stakes, not enough to be the basis for understanding.
Egwene’s story should see the Tower deteriorate more, with more splits and dissension in both the rebel camp and Tar Valon. Romanda and Lelaine’s conflict should come to a head, driving the older sisters back to the Tower, even while disgust at Elaida sends some loyalists out to the rebels.  More people should be listening to Egwene, only to find all their efforts uselessly stirring the pot, and the Seanchan attack destroys what unity is left.
The 13x13 plot should be out there and threatening Logain’s loyalists, with more interplay between Pevara’s group and Myrelle’s. Lan’s gathering of an army should be played less humorously and with more of a sense of ‘too little. too late’ and witnessing problems in the Borderlands, like political infighting, with lords the readers, but not the heroes, know are Darkfriends making their move more widespread than just Ituralde’s OTL problem at Maradon. 
Book 13: Towers of Darkness (or Shadow) (or Towers IN\AT Midnight)
The point is, that there should be some sort of sense of disaster and doom with the White Tower, Black Tower and Ghenji.  Maybe there could be scenes of Lan arriving at Malkier so the ruins of the Seven can play a part in the horror atmosphere. Groups and alliances discussed using metaphors of crumbling or toppling towers. That kind of thing.
Rand plunges deeper into Dark Rand, climaxing with his confrontation with Tam and beginning his sojourn among the Seanchan.
Egwene should be raised in the aftermath of a Seanchan attack that hits both the Tower and the rebels, maybe the groups coming together as they flee a literally burning White Tower.  It should be made abundantly clear that she’s only a compromise candidate, that all the sides are still fighting over who did what in the split. All they can agree on is that Elaida was bad and they have to work together, but blame each other for leaving so Elaida ran wild, or staying & supporting her administration and both sides expect the other to do more compromising, and this is just a shitty thankless job she has to shoulder.  The physical reclaiming of the Tower and cleanup efforts should be a recurring background issue, with emphasis on the destruction and now-crummy living conditions, but Egwene is making them stay in the battered shell of the Tower, rather than split up in the city, which would invite dissent. She’s trying to present a strong face to the rest of the world, but running into problems with the nations, both because of the Tower’s long neglect of the rest of the world for their own squabbles and because the Tower’s old habits of supremacy stumble against new bases of loyalty centered on Rand or other institutions.  Egwene can make things worse for Elayne and vice versa.
Rand and Egwene’s encounter should be in this book, when he’s still Dark Rand. His Merrilor notice should be more of an ultimatum, with Egwene’s efforts to gather the rulers and armies to have the sense of a last-ditch effort to confront him when he needs to be stood up to, and to try to salvage something if Rand goes full evil or insane. That way it seems less like a wrong-headed mistrust of her old friend. She also is fighting Mesaana and the Black Ajah, with more of an ongoing guerilla thing, rather than one big battle in one night. 
Perrin should be having all the Slayer conflicts in this one has he tries to bring all his people back together to fight the Shadow threats and hold off a war with Andor or the Children of the Light.
Mat should be stalling on the Moiraine thing out of accumulated trauma from the gholam and recent campaigns, belated loss of self-confidence from being Tylin’s Toy. He goes to Tuon, and even that turns bad when he realizes how things are with Rand and that his wife is getting ready to go to war with his best friend and maybe hears plans as well to go after Perrin and the Whitecloak “deserters”, maybe he encounters some damane he recognizes from the White Tower or even Elaida herself.  His moment of getting back on track should be deciding to go to Ghenji with Thom & Noal, and the climax should be the adventure there, with him losing his eye, and they get out in a less than awesome state, just sitting there in the Mountains like ‘now what’. 
Elayne’s political difficulties escalate, though she manages to get the crown of Cairhien settled, only for the Trolloc attack on Caemlyn, and Talmanes and Aludra barely escaping while the city burns. 
The Black Tower breaks into open warfare, Ituralde’s situation in the Borderlands deteriorates, there is a schism among the Aiel, maybe the siswai’aman start getting a little more Maseema-like in their beliefs, turning against the Wise Ones and clan chiefs for lying about Rhuidean all this time.  Aviendha plays a role in that, decides she’s a Wise One, goes to Rhuidean, has the bad future visions, where the current Aiel conflict is shown to come to fruition in the successive generation, and the world is a harsher, most nasty place in the wake of Rand’s victory, because he did it wrong. The alliance that won Tarmon Gaidon is falling out and the Aiel are taking sides with or preying on different wetlander factions, before the Seanchan crusade becomes their new unifying element. There should be a sense that the Raven Empire is doing what the original conquerors did in Seanchan, unifying a broken and conflict-ridden land and the Aiel are only exacerbating the conflict. 
Everything sucks, but a few people are still determined to keep trying. Lan, Perrin, Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne, Tuon, Logain.  Mat, Moiraine & Thom have a technical win under their belt. That’s as good as it gets.
Book 14: A Memory of Light
Rand’s vision is failing as he spends more time wandering among the Seanchan and Tinkers with more of a “I’m done with all your bullshit” tupe of mindset.  He hears about problems going on in the rest of the world, sees collared Aes Sedai and even recognizably Aiel captives, and can’t care less, he’s going here and there weaving preparations for something big that’s going to kill everyone in the area in one dramatic burst of the Power when he triggers it with the Choedan Kal, and he’s doing the same thing in Bandar Eban, around Far Madding and the Borderlanders, in Tarabon and maybe even the Black Tower. But eventually something cracks and we get Dragonmount. 
Perrin finally makes some headway in getting people together, winning back trust, and he’s on the verge of rescuing the Whitecloaks, when he forges the new hammer, which is closely tied in with Rand on Dragonmount, even inspired by his witnessing of it. 
Mat and Moiraine’s recovery is likewise tied to Rand’s epiphany. Maybe Rand comes looking for them thanks to ta’veren vision, and helps them get over their ‘Finn trauma. A symbolic first act of Healing. He goes with Mat to make amends with Tuon, reunites with Tam, goes to the rescue of the Borderlands & Lan.
Perrin & Galad come to the rescue in Andor, Elayne is dealing with the mess of Caemlyn, and small armies start showing up, the results of her campaigning as seen in CoT, and a massive relief force comes from Cairhien, with commoners and craftsmen saying “You fed us, now we’ll feed you”. Food comes up the rivers in Zaida’s ships.  Elayne brings the Borderlanders from Far Madding to help contain the Trollocs.  She ends up as the focal point of a large cooperative effort, with the Kin as the One Power muscle for her group. Needless to say, the turning point of this stuff should be tied into Dragonmount. Elayne’s & Perrin’s peace agreement is based more of cooperation, rather than who is entitled to what. 
Egwene defeats Mesaana, thanks to Perrin bringing the dreamspike on his way to Dragonmount to back up Rand, and now people are cooperating more afterwards.  Likewise with Logain’s victory at the Black Tower, which more of a group effort with Logain as the public face, and not the Androl’s Big Adventure we actually got. Loial should also succeed in persuading the Stump after Dragonmount.
And then, just when things are looking up, the attacks begin. The scheduled meeting at Merrilor is much more of a “quick, let’s get together, there’s no time left” vibe. Moiraine’s return is less dramatic, but she does move Rand & Egwene past a minor sticking point. Rand meets the Borderland rulers for their little test thing.  Elayne’s ascension as supreme commander is more of an organic thing, because of the connections she’s forged among so many groups, that she’s the only major leader known to the Borderlanders, the Aiel, and the Sea Folk, is related by marriage to the King of Tear, rules Andor and Cairhien, who are now buddies from fighting together, and the fact that she’s been fighting this whole time.  That way the political storylines mean something, rather than Rand just appointing her because his old Aes Sedai friend said so, and the rulers are all standing around wondering what these people are talking about but going along because the protagonists said so. 
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
(( Larger resolution pics of the cards can be found here.  ))
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Of course, of course the first thing Calleo did when Grindelwald allowed him to have his deck of cards out was shuffle the deck a few times and offer a smile that could cut glass.
That likely left little doubt as to who Calleo was going to aim the damned things at. A stupid move, for certain, but one took petty revenge where one could while being kept locked in--admittedly, a tower room was nicer than a dungeon prison cell, but a cage is a cage no matter how nicely decorated it is.
Had he been sitting across a desk from Grindelwald, he'd have simply thrown the cards to  land in front of the other Wizard. In this case, there was no such desk or table. The Emperor had stopped in the doorway when he realised Calleo had started shuffling the deck.
"Kind of you to allow me to continue as the last time I left it, you were still consistently a sword filled tower." The first card Calleo flicked at Grindelwald came to a halt angled and facing him.
"Justice. Interesting start. Considering how consistent they've been in the past where you're concerned, I highly doubt you'll be the one dealing karmic justice and laying consequences onto others in the process." Calleo shrugged lightly, curling up into the chair he'd been occupying normally.
"Even more interesting..." the second and third cards, flicked toward Grindelwald in the same manner as the first, took their respective spots. The Hierophant next to Justice, and the Two of Swords next to the Hierophant.
"It's not a Tower, not yet at any rate, but you're being driven to a stalemate when it comes to this push toward what one might consider 'traditional values' from your own. A push for conformity from people who were set in their ways long before you met them."
Calleo's head tilted in its typical bird-like fashion, "And you don't know what to do about that, do you? They're under your control--or, rather, they’re allowing you to have that illusion for the time being--but beyond it at the same time and you've let it go too long to pull them back in line without risking the whole tapestry unraveling--so you're going to right on denying that such a rift could possibly exist, let alone that it's quickly moving toward at point in which you'll be caught right in the middle."
"Divided loyalties, torn between two relationships, the need to face your fears and the truth that goes along with it and a complete inability to do either."
Calleo's hand rested on the top card of the deck, "You could end it now or you could keep pushing forward." The glint that had been present in Calleo's smile, now fully lit his eyes.
"We'll go with the rational path first; the one where you realise this has all got way out of hand and you put an end to it." The card that ended up flung off to the lower left of Justice came up the Ace of Pentacles, followed by the Page of Cups and the Five of Cups.
"There, now, you see? You'll have some losses, but that's to be expected if you're putting the kibosh on a good number of your current staff's ideology and, overall, the outcome is a good one; prosperity, financial and political success, mended relationships--but you're not going to go that route, are you, Emperor?" There was an emphasis on the title that seemed...off. Not sarcastic or passive-aggressive, just...not right. "That would mean admitting fault, or that you'd made missteps, and Merlin knows that's not a thing you'd ever admit to anyone."
"More likely," three more cards were flicked in Grindelwald's direction, taking their places starting below the Two of Swords and extending out, "you're going to continue to assume that your creativity and inspiration will be enough to guide them and your assumption is that it will be successful and bring your little created 'family' back into one cohesive circle again, which it absolutely will not."
"As it begins and continues to crumble and you try to keep everything held together and appear as a united front to anyone on the outside, anyone on the inside will know better and you'll be overloaded, stressed, feeling taken for granted by those around you, and will end up picking up what others drop in an effort to keep it all from falling to pieces, which will only circle back and continue to drag you down to such a degree that you'd be willing to take any end in sight, even one--by this point--that would result in both your death and the death of your empire."
"Ah, there you are!" the last card Calleo flicked Grindelwald's way settled beneath the path Calleo thought more likely.
The Tower.
"And, as you always have in the past when this one has shown up, you'll try to take as much with you in the fall. Of course, the Tower always has an element of rebuilding around it, though most who get it can't see the forest for the trees when all they're staring in the face again is an inevitable and spectacularly destructive fall from grace."
Nobody in their right mind should or would have been as relaxed as Calleo appeared but, Calleo had been of the mindset for several years that if Grindelwand wanted to kill him he'd simply kill him, not keep him around for entertainment. And, arguably, he hadn’t been in his right mind for decades anyway.
Calleo waved a hand lazily, "Let's get rid of that branch we both know you're not about to take and see what gets rebuilt from the ruins of the Tower, shall we?"
The Ace of Pentacles, Page of Cups, and Five of Cups dutifully got out of the way and came to rest on the table next to Calleo's chair. The other cards shifted as a group to allow other cards room to build from the wreckage of the Tower.
This time, Calleo didn't stop at drawing six. As he drew cards this time, not yet showing them to Grindelwald, his expression changed from one of almost gleeful prediction of Grindelwald's downfall into confusion.
"That--hm. Apologies, you'll need to give me a moment."
This time, the cards were flicked toward the doorway in one large group of fourteen, seven on each row.
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"Unexpected, but to pare it down, it looks as though you're going to rebuild yourself into something useful and stable. Eventually. Though, not on your own. The first three cards show that; regaining confidence and a sense of freedom, moving forward, personal growth--inexplicably that one also can indicate long distance romance, which makes a bit more sense when taking into account that that plus all the indicators of security, kindness, warmth, success, optimism, joy, good luck for a damn change, a renewed enthusiasm for life in general, becoming more open--all of that will come from within but will be lit by an external source."
Calleo's expression now was significantly more neutral. "And that source will be someone who is older--not necessarily older than you, just an older adult, who is stable, dependable, protective, practical, and wickedly good at business.”
“Reiterated by the King of Cups; someone who, in addition to the previous card's indications, is relatively calm, tends to be sympathetic and caring, tolerant to a fault, good at keeping things in balance, easy going, and devoted to those he's decided are worthy of that devotion.”
“And apart from the generally boring sort I just described, the Queen of Wands brings in independent, confident, chaotic, and passionate energy and who is amazing at handling a lot of tasks at once, keeping them all organised, and taking charge when necessary--and doing so without being overbearing or forceful about it.”
“They'll bring with them new ideas, new visions that stem from mental clarity and intellectual ability both of which come from everything else I just said," he squinted at the card, "Intense, focused, able to wield authority when it's needed to enforce what they feel is the correct decision, able to follow through and communicate, as well as shift focus and tactics if the original plans don't go quite to plan."
"More reiteration of the last row with the Empress,” Calleo now sounded almost bored at the cards’ repetition, “even more reiteration with Strength, though that one does give the indication that through the other apparently infinitely patient person's efforts you'll get the support you need to overcome crippling self-doubt and regain some level of inner strength, compassion, and self-control."
"Not that it'll be all that stable at the start," the Moon card illuminated itself, "you'll have a good lot of instability, anxiety, fear, misreading of whatever the situation is, and it'll all be fueled by deep seated insecurity centered around fears of being lied to or used."
Calleo shook his head and laughed while moving on to the next card, "I have absolutely no idea who could possibly have the amount of patience required to both get you to that point and past it but someone obviously does; whoever it is, it's someone you've got a lot of shared values with and who is likely a hell of a lot more like you than they'd ever care to admit but begrudgingly will as, all those other cards, give a strong indication that they'd never be able to walk away and leave you to whatever fate it is you land in that'll have left you an anxious wreck."
"Next one," the King of Wands waved his spiky club, "appears to describe--in this context anyway--a combination of personality traits of the two people already described; you know the drill: Confident, experienced, charming, easy sense of humour, largely fearless, highly motivated, passionate, dependable, protective, but can also be a little controlling or hot tempered and at a point in life in which neither of them necessarily cares if they're seen as odd."
"And nearing the end, I might normally consider this a negative as it can mean abandonment, however, in the context of the other cards, I'm inclined to think it means letting go of and walking away from the past, as tiring as that may be, the last few cards will have provided enough emotional strength and self-discovery to allow for it even if it is difficult."
"Knight of Swords seems oddly out of place," Calleo shrugged lazily and stretched while he kept speaking, "though it could simply be describing the sort of person you end up being after rebuilding what is hopefully not another tower; assertive, impatient, impulsive, daring, rebellious, ambitious, risk-taker, progressive thinking, all of that which," that knife-edged grin returned, "is how I suspect you already think of yourself now and know damn well is an illusion you've created for yourself."
“Funny thing is, that’s the same card that showed up describing you in--” Calleo blinked and caught himself, smiling politely and shaking his head, “--it’s not relevant. Yet.”
"We both know this deck has consistently described you as you are now with the Tower surrounded by the less pleasant Swords, and the fact that it’s changed to the Knight of Swords is...interesting."
"Looks as though you're going to cheerfully self-destruct, while taking as many people with you as you can manage on the way down, as this deck has consistently indicated only after this Tower hits, you'll slowly rebuild--with the assistance of someone else, it appears--into a reasonably decent person." Any of what Calleo had been saying could have been more than enough to earn him some sort of very likely very painful punishment for the blatant disrespect but, out of it all, that last statement may have easily been the one that sealed it.
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Punk Girl/Civil War Submission by The Wild West Pyro
Heyo, good morning/afternoon/evening/night
My friend on discord (The Wild West Pyro) had an absolutely mind-blowing theory concerning who the band ‘Punk’ Girl is, why she’s important to the story, and how she will lead to the rift in the Calypso Twins relationship. I don’t want to spoil anything for you guys, so I’m just going to dive right in.
(A majority of this will be directly from our conversation, with [some edits by me] to help with context and add in pictures.)
Here we go!
So we figured Punk Girl is in some way related to the CoV, or the cult in general, as she makes an appearance on what seems to be a cult-centric shirt on the gearboxloot instagram page (more credit to @ifalnasminiatures for providing me with this link!) 
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“Well, there are [a few] ways this could go:
Punk is linked to the COV and is intended to spread their message even further with the typical subliminal brainwashing thing. So they can broadcast outside of the planets the Cult has a presence on.
It’s a sore subject between the Twins, but one they hide rather well. The girl is related to them, she’s just considered by one of them as “that disgrace who refused to reclaim the birthright and ran off to join a band instead, ugh.”
She’s a band that works for the Cult sometimes. But in fact, she’s the eyes and ears of the Alliance within the Cult. Best of all is that she’s directly related to the Twins. Secretly, she disapproves of what they’re doing, but she’s the Alliance’s best hope of what’s going on.”
[That last one is the one he goes over the most, and it’s super interesting.]
“The Twins never suspect that the spy was in fact the one closest to their hearts.��
[my response: It would explain why there are no other bosses on the MoM that we know of (excluding the twins bc those are guaranteed), because she’s never going to become a fight even tho she looks the part]
“Also, [regarding] the last bit of your post, it’s just asking for a sidequest where it’s revealed that all the Gen 3.0 VHs known how to play some sick bass.
Punk Girl: ‘Hey, my bass guy is sick, can you take over?’
Zane: ‘FECK YEAH’”
[We talk a bit here about a Scott Pilgrim-esque Battle of the Bands, with Mr. Torgue as the competition, so there’s a bit of a transition that’s missing.]
“Hey, you know how Athena encrypted her messages between Engorge commercials? Punk Girl cleverly hides her messages in her music or backmasking. That’s how she sends her info to the Vault Hunters.
The twins never suspect a thing, and when she finally reveals she’s been working for Lilith, they’re genuinely shocked- and then the rift develops. One sibling would want to protect the girl, the other would want to punish her. The twins seem extremely close, so I personally feel it’d be odd if one of them up and betrayed the other [without outside influence].
It would be a great twist, too. Jack always had something planned out to trip up the Vault Hunters. But Lilith has learned much within these seven years. It turns out, Lilith is far better at pulling the strings than we ever thought Tyreen was.
Also, when Punk Girl reveals that she’s a spy for the Alliance (likely mid-game), this happens:
Tyreen screaming “YOU BITCH” amongst other horrible things and ECHOing up Punk Girl to verbally abuse her for hours, which continues through the rest of the game.
Troy trying to gently persuade his youngest sister to “Please come back” and “I don’t want to kill you”, attempting to smooth-talk her back into supporting the Cult. He keeps on ECHOing her gift baskets.
The twins arguing with each other over the fate of Punk Girl. Which, if done right, could potentially lead to a civil war within the Cult…
And to think it was all over a nice girl in a cool band.
Of course, both Troy and Tyreen are trying to kill the Alliance still, they’re just now divided over the fate of the girl and who’s gonna get the power of the vaults.
Which would add a human layer to it all- in the end, it’s just two selfish children squabbling over some big, universe-shattering toys. Albeit with billions of lives ended in the crossfire.
The war predicted by the Watcher was terrible. Zarpedon said so as well.
And, honestly, nothing’s more brutal and vicious than a civil war several galaxies-wide.”
[It was at this point that I absolutely lost my shit (in a good way) bc goddamn bro]
“Ideally, Tyreen goes out of her way to harass, demean and try to ruin poor Punk Girl’s life, and the [Crimson Raider] Alliance have to help her stand emotionally as Punk Girl undergoes a truly horrible campaign of cyberbullying, physical assault, very violent death threats and actual attacks on her band members. Tyreen mobilizes all her loyal followers to just try to hurt Punk Girl on whatever way they can.
Troy is a little different. He’s supposed to represent the streamer who manipulates fans into giving him what he wants, or scams folks by pretending to be disabled or whatever. Or the handsome fellow who’s a total self-centered jackass on the inside, but charms many people’s hearts nonetheless. So he tries to subtly brainwash Punk Girl into returning over to the Cult, and sweet-talking her to try and get her back on his sides. He’s like the caring, warm big brother on the surface, but really he just wants a new loyal sibling at his side, someone he can control far more easily. Troy’s promises are extremely alluring, his followers appear to be proposing an alliance with the Raiders (which Lilith refuses at all costs) and it’s going to be difficult for Punk Girl to resist his brainwashing techniques and honeyed words.
Basically, protect Lilith’s most treasured and loyal agent, including asking out Atlas and maybe other friendly corporations for favors to protect Punk Girl and her bodyguards (the new VHs). Bonus points if Punk Girl really is a latent Siren or something, and her power has to be safeguarded.”
[So, we know the unknown Sirens (there are two atm) are, if we understand Siren powers correctly: 12 and 7 at the time of bl3. 
HOWEVER. It’s been stated by Danny Homan that there are multiple ways for someone to receive Siren powers: 
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The most important part of this exchange is the idea that, in universe, somehow, existing people can become Sirens. Now, I am not sure if this is solely through other Siren powers (Tyreen), or Vault bullshitery, or if they just wake up one day with the tattoos, but according to Homan, it’s definitely possible. In fact, I would go so far as to say the writers are keeping things intentionally vague for this reason.
What I’m trying to reason here is that even if Punk Girl is older than 12 or 7 (odds are she is, if she’s in a band!), she could still be a Siren, just that she got her powers at a later age, like 11 or so, meaning she’d be about 23 or 18 in BL3, respectively]
“If Angel does return, and Punk Girl is going through utter hell thanks to the twins, Angel will be the finest confidant and greatest friend she’ll ever have. Angel went through similar treatment at the hands of Jack, and she’s not going to let another girl with wings get hurt again. 
I mean, most of Punk Girl’s story arc would be heartbreaking, as it really seems like the Twins have fully turned their wrath on her rather than Lilith and the Alliance. Luckily, the Vault Hunters are there to act as her shield. Like, whenever you pass her in the ship, your character can give a random line of encouragement in the really tough times she’s going through, or something like that. 
And if Punk Girl turns out to be the final Siren after all, Lilith, Angel, and Maya would all ensure that she’d never be hurt like they were in the past. 
As the abuse Punk Girl would be receiving is from her own blood relations, [it] would be far more painful for someone to experience.
Now, for how the corporations may get involved, they’ll probably just start by trying to exploit this new galactic-wide civil war (especially as it’s hinted that the Twins do mass brainwashing or something [in the] Psycho character guide), then throwing each others’ armies at their rivals in support of one Twin or another. Although I’d imagine that Atlas and maybe Jakobs would stay out of it. [In addition], the Hyperion analyst in Moze’s ECHO from Commander Lily has dialogue that implies that all the corporations are preparing in case a Second Corporate War breaks out, since the first one essentially made the BL universe what it is now.
There we go, we have the war set up, as entire populations turn on each other, having become psychos pledging undying loyalty to one of the Twins. It’s going to be a mess.
[To end] on a comical level:
Maya: (hugging both [Ava and Punk Girl]) I love my dumpster children.
Tyreen, with this red background and thrash metal playing in the background and “angry war face” makeup: HEY MY WHORE OF A LITTLE SISTER, YOU ARE A [insert hate speech from evil liverstreamer gremlin here].
Troy, in a fancy suit and in a warm armchair with a fireplace roaring behind him: Hello, little sister. You remember the time we played at the beach together? Well… [insert sentimental tale of sibling love and fun here that is really a thinly veiled plea to rejoin the Cult].
That’s it, that’s both their streams from that point on.”
[I don’t have much to add, to be honest. This was great.
I love the whole thing, all the way down to his characterization of everyone involved. I can totally see Tyreen being the loud, explosive one out of the two, with Troy being quieter, but far more manipulative. I think it would contrast nicely with their designs and what people might be expecting from them, especially with how Troy is the big one with his cybernetics and always scowling, and Tyreen is shorter, always smirking and looking like she’s in control. It’d be so funny to see those two roles reversed and I really, really hope that’s the plan. Especially after the reveal that Troy is the one with the braincell lmao.
The idea that this small incident could end up causing a huge, brutal war, not just between the twins, but the corporations as well, is great. We know the Watcher claims ‘war is coming’, and this would help explain what we should expect. It would be very interesting if we needed to pick a side of aid at the start of the fight (i do imagine this will be Troy if The Wild West Pyro’s characterization of the twins is true), then turn on that side once the other is eliminated.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I do!! Massive credit to The Wild West Pyro for literally all of it. It was a really fun read.]
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jonsafan-blog · 5 years
The Survivors of Past Wars: Part 1
I decided to explore the different stories of all the major characters that have made it to the end of the second episode of the last season. That way, we can better understand and appreciate the narrative and consider what their futures might be.
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Beric Dondarrion
The Lord of Blackhaven, a vassal to the Baratheons of Storm’s End. Also a knight, he joined numerous military campaigns before the show and participated in tourneys. He was eager to enact justice against the Mountain for his crimes when asked to be Ned in Season 1, but he ultimately lost his life in the process.
Thoros of Myr revived him through the Lord of Light, but this ritual was not one which had ever been successful before. He converted to this new religion because of his experience and then led the Brotherhood of Banners to deal guerilla justice against those who pillaged the Riverlands, but died many times. He loses a bit of himself each time, and the brutality and loose morality of the group did not go unnoted by those who encountered them.
Beric is an honorable man who has been broken by resurrection. As Thoros of Myr can no longer revive him, his next death is to be his final one. In all likelihood, he was revived by the Lord of Light because of his Ned-like background and bravery. His loss of self allows him to act in ways no normal human being could.
It’s difficult to say what the extent of his purpose is in the war, though it does not appear incidental that he joined the cause to fight the undead. Perhaps since he had already died himself he cannot turn into a wight, giving him an unexpected advantage against the Night King.
This advantage is shared only by Jon Snow, who is foreshadowed as a possible slayer of the Night King. Beric may have served to promote the cause of the war and recruit, providing a vision of what the Lord of Light can do against the Great Other.
Part of that vision is helping the true hero of the story, Jon Snow, defeat the greatest evil of them all.
Unfortunately, this may require Beric to die so that Jon will understand the Night King cannot bring him back from the dead, giving him an advantage in a battle. Beric’s death is likely in the next episode in the Battle of Winterfell. His death may be the reason the allies are able to gain an advantage against the Night King because of Beric’s condition, forcing the Night King to retreat.
Beric is the light in the darkness. The hope for the end of the war.
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Yara Greyjoy
The only daughter of Balon Greyjoy, Yara was the presumed heir following the defeat of her people in a doomed rebellion. Her childhood was an unhappy one because of her hard father, but hard times make strong men - and in this case, a strong woman.
Despite Balon’s failings, he raised perhaps the best Ironborn in a generation, and the only Ironborn leader capable of bridging the divide between her culture and the rest of Westeros. Yet she hopes to do this not at the expense of her own people’s heritage, or in despite it, but because of it.
That’s a tall order because of the reaving nature of her people, and it will be a difficult trait to reconcile with her hope for a brighter future when it is clear this may be what is holding the Ironborn back.
That’s not to say she is an entirely moral individual in the eyes of the audiences, but she has shown a lot of pragmatism and love which seems bereft in her difficult culture. She risked her own future to save her brother, and while she ultimately failed, this may have helped Theon later on to rescue himself and Sansa Stark.
Although her uncle Euron would later steal the Iron Islands from her, she was able to take the best ships and secure an ally in Daenerys Targaryen. Because of this bold move, she was able to secure the nominal sovereignty of the Ironborn even without a marriage alliance or the promise of one through her heirs.
This will likely have an influence on the Iron Throne in the future: The Seven Kingdoms is an Empire of many nation-states, but that is forgotten under the guise of a single King or Queen historically.
But it’s not just Yara’s actions alone which signal a possible change in Westerosi government: the Ironborn, as hated as they are, have a system of government which Tyrion Lannister noted as being admirable. Any captain can put his (or her) name forward to be elected a lifetime appointment as the King of their people.
Yara lost her chance at the crown at the Kingsmoot, but her loss was what caused her to journey east and may have proven an inspiration as an answer to Daenerys’s heir problem.
Though beloved by many Ironborn because of her initially bright future and good decisions, Yara’s story is one primarily marked by failure. Her father’s inability to think pragmatically caused the Ironborn to lose two wars and any advantage they would have had at this point in the story. She willingly went along with his poor decision making out of loyalty and perhaps even love for the man who raised her.
Balon Greyjoy’s lack of strategy and callous nature led to the loss of Theon Greyjoy to Ramsay Bolton. Yara tried to save Ramsay, but was not effectively supported by her father and did not have the men to adequately attack the Dreadfort due to their losses in war.
Her loss at the Kingsmoot is likely due to her father as well, because Euron used the discord her father had caused from his failures to take the crown.
Euron had similar ideals as Yara in bringing the Ironborn to glory, so it is easy to imagine the same actions he took to attack her fleet is likely what she herself would have done, giving her an advantage in the war. She was taken hostage by Euron.
However, Yara’s brother Theon did save Yara from their uncle, proving that Yara’s good decisions in the past, and her love for her brother, might result in her survival in the long-term.
As she heads to the Iron Islands to take them back in Daenerys’s name, it’s easy to see that most of Yara’s decisions were good ones, but she was cursed by the poor leadership of her father. Whether or not Balon’s legacy haunts her rule is still a concern, but it’s not unreasonable to assume that Yara will survive until the end of the series.
She represents a positive future for her people, and her role in the wars of Westeros may prove to inspire the Iron Throne in a way never before considered. Her loyalty and love, both for her people and her allies, can only be described as heroic.
That’s a powerful legacy for a ship captain in a feudal society.
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Podrick Payne
A distant cousin to the Payne family of the Westerlands, Podrick is learning to be a squire under the honorable Brienne of Tarth. He is a good lad despite his questionable connections and has been fortunate to serve and study with characters while they were at their best, such as Tyrion and Brienne.
Though initially bumbling and at times a little too eager, his earnest nature endeared him to those who were close and allowed him to grow under their tutelage.
He has a bright future and a lot to learn, though there is something almost doomed about his path which suggests he won’t survive the war even though he may not deserve death.
Perhaps that is the tragedy of the war - good people die, and Podrick is likely to be one of him.
Despite his desire to grow strong and do good, his bravery does not always match his skill. This means he may go headlong into a dangerous situation and sacrifice himself for the sake of another person - perhaps someone dear to him.
Going into the Battle of Winterfell, it is easy to believe that he may sacrifice himself for Brienne or one of their allies. He would do this without hesitation, but I don’t think his death would just be a mark of heroism, but also a gift to the allies in helping make the future possible.
He is just a minor lad from a minor noble family. He may think his future is to be a knight, though Podrick may have nothing else to learn or live for in the narrative, because Podrick is a person who makes life worth living, and that means the best thing he can do is die so someone else may live.
That’s why it seems fitting for him to die for Brienne. Though his mentor is strong, she desires nothing more to serve, even though she has a father waiting for her return and an entire island who will one day need her leadership.
Podrick’s sacrifice may inspire Brienne to return to her family and continue the Tarth line. His legacy is the loyalty and love of life he inspires in others.
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cienie-isengardu · 6 years
Salazar Slytherin and pure-blood ideology? [part 1]
(OR: A Long Rant about Slytherin, Chamber of Secrets, beginning of Hogwarts, purebred wizards and witches, the situation of Middle-Age magic society, Merlin and his Order and in general everything that makes me think too much about Harry Potter lore)
The Harry Potter book series (from the Chamber of Secrets beyond) made it pretty clear pure-blood ideology is unmistakable linked to Slytherin - one of four Houses of Hogwarts. Salazar himself didn’t want to teach muggle-born wizards and witches, what was a source of conflict between him and Gryffindor - to the point Salazar left the school for good. Later, one of his descendants, Tom Riddle a.k.a. Voldemort, for years terrorized magical Great Britain and spread the hate for Muggle-born people. Like him, many, if not most Death Eaters who believed in pureblood superiority over Muggles and Muggle-born wizards grew up in Slytherin House.
By his choice and the effects it has on the Harry Potter story, Salazar seems to be the black sheep between all founders of Hogwarts, right?
But frankly, I think the reasons why he was so against teaching muggle-born wizards and witches aren’t exactly the same reasons for the hate that happened later on, from International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy (1692) to modern times. After all, many things change over the centuries, some turn into legends, others are forgotten. And so could happen with Salazar’s reasons too.
So, let see what we know about beginnings of the Hogwarts and about the Salazar Slytherin.
The main source of knowledge is The Sorting Hat, who sang few times about the Four Founders. In 1991 [Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone] the song told us that:
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
The first time Sorting Hat described Slytherin House as a place in which You'll make your real friends, and that those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends. So, loyalty, cunning & ruthlessness are the traits related to Slytherin House (thus favored/possessing by Salazar himself).
Nothing much about blood purity but since it was the first book from seven, it is understable such detail was omitted.
The second song happened in 1994 [Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire] and told more about schism between founders:
A thousand years or more ago
When I was newly sewn,
There lived four wizards of renown,
Whose names are still well known:
Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,
Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,
Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,
Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.
They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,
They hatched a daring plan
To educate young sorcerers
Thus Hogwarts School began.
Now each of these four founders
Formed their own house, for each
Did value different virtues
In the ones they had to teach.
By Gryffindor, the bravest were
Prized far beyond the rest;
For Ravenclaw, the cleverest
Would always be the best;
For Hufflepuff, hard workers were
Most worthy of admission;
And power-hungry Slytherin
Loved those of great ambition.
While still alive they did divide
Their favourites from the throng,
Yet how to pick the worthy ones
When they were dead and gone?
Twas Gryffindor who found the way,
He whipped me off his head
The founders put some brains in me
So I could choose instead!
Now slip me snug about your ears,
I've never yet been wrong,
I'll have a look inside your mind
And tell where you belong!
This time we learn more about both the founders and the sorting system itself.
The Four Founders were born (and represent) different part of Great Britain: Godric - England, Helga - Welsh, Rowena - Scotland and Slytherin most likely Ireland.
There is not many information about how wizards and witches educated themselves prior to Hogwarts. From Chocolate Frog Cards we know about Queen Maeve (whose title of Queen suggest connection to Muggleborn royalty, since Lupin assured Harry in HBP that “There are no Wizarding princes”) who was involved in the training of young wizards and witches in her native Ireland.  There is no certain date when, but we know the Queen Maeve’s magical education happened for sure before Hogwarts was built and since Slytherin most likely came from Ireland, he could be aware of such events. Of course, one may wonder if the idea of Hogwarts wasn’t partially related to the Maeve’s practice of passing down her magical knowledge - and more important, did he agree with such practice at court of Muggle-born king/husband of the great witch?
The song keeps mention Founders in the same order: Gryffindor - Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff - Slytherin. If that was intentional, then Hogwarts was shared a wish [Godric], a hope [Rowena], a dream [Helga] and daring plan [Salazar], which I guess suits ambitious nature of Slytherin just fine.
And who knows, maybe Slytherin was inspired by Queen Maeve after all, while being ambitious to make the school available to every young wizard and witches in whole Great Britain?
Here is one thing more to think about - building Hogwarts (the castle) wasn’t the most difficult problem the founders faced. Children (students) must be found and brought safely to school and after finishing the education, taken home. They must be feed, provided with necessary accessories (ingredients for potions, a sheet of paper, ink, and so on) and of course some children are gonna be from poor families, thus required additional material help. There is so many logistic problems the school needed to face to function properly that I can’t imagine the four great sorcerers of their time never talked about the issue who should be taken into their care before education started. Fine, Godric may not think too much about that since he seems like the type of doing first, thinking later but Rowena and most likely Salazar did pay attention to such detail, since both character emphasize intelligence / thinking ahead. The fact that all agree to form their own Houses (that represents different values) seems to me they came to some decisions about how the teachings is gonna happen once Hogwarts will be open for good.
At first the four great sorcerers chose by themselves their future students. We don’t know how that happened, if those young wizards and witches were put on some trials or if there were sort of interview with them? Because somehow the Founders have to see if those young and untested/unknown people have in them something “worth” their time and effort, right? While still alive they did divide their favourites from the throng kind of make it quite clear all founders selected students, so their judgment must have been based on something, right?
And frankly, I think in the first years of Hogwarts, students didn’t start at the same age. It seems to be quite weird to take only those children at the age of 11. If the school was something new in Great Britain, then some older wizards & witches could came there too, couldn’t they? I mean, who wouldn’t want to be educated by one of the greatest sorcerers, especially if there is limited way to gain knowledge and skills under competent teachers?
Sorting Hat became a way to decide to which House students should go after death of Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The Four Founders put “some brains” in it, which means the thing carry inside the combined magic (and thoughts and values?) of all of them. It makes me wonder then if Salazar was the “black sheep” of their little group, does the “power hungry” description is objective or more subjective (as in: colored by Godric, Rowena or Helga’s feelings toward Salazar?)
According to Rowling’s: Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide / Pottermore (x) the “The Sorting Hat is one of the cleverest enchanted objects most witches and wizards will ever meet. It literally contains the intelligence of the four founders, can speak (through a rip near its brim) and is skilled at Legilimency, which enables it to look into the wearer’s head and divine his or her capabilities or mood. It can even respond to the thoughts of the wearer.” According to informations from Pottermore, Legilimency was Salazar’s area of expertise (x). So he definitely put some of his own magic in the Sorting Hat - and mind you, Slytherin’s magic is pretty important part, since Legilimency is what allows the Hat to look inside students’ heads!
So, we heard that Salazar was “power hungry” wizard who loved those of great ambition. He was also described as shrewd (“having or based on a clear understanding and good judgment of a situation, resulting in an advantage. Synonyms: astute, calculating, clever [Cambridge Dictionary]). Which is gonna be important soon.
What is important for now to remember, all four Founders valued different traits, thus I guess, have different way to perceiving magic (and humanity?).They also made some plans (like sorting students) for future, when they are dead and gone, so the school could still work and function properly under someone’s else guide.
The next (and last) song - that I’m gonna split in smaller parts -  happened in 1995 [Harry Potter and the Phoenix Order] and gave us another informations worth to examine:
In times of old, when I was new,
And Hogwarts barely started,
The founders of our noble school
Thought never to be parted.
United by a common goal,
They had the selfsame yearning
To make the world's best magic school
And pass along their learning.
"Together we will build and teach"
The four good friends decided.
And never did they dream that they
Might some day be divided.
For were there such friends anywhere
As Slytherin and Gryffindor?
Unless it was the second pair
Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw,
So how could it have gone so wrong?
How could such friendships fail?
Why, I was there, so I can tell
The whole sad, sorry tale.
Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those
Whose ancestry's purest."
Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose
Intelligence is surest."
Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those
With brave deeds to their name."
Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot
And treat them just the same."
These differences caused little strife
When first they came to light.
For each of the four founders had
A house in which they might
Take only those they wanted, so,
For instance, Slytherin
Took only pure-blood wizards
Of great cunning just like him.
And only those of sharpest mind
Were taught by Ravenclaw
While the bravest and the boldest
Went to daring Gryffindor.
Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest
and taught them all she knew,
Thus, the houses and their founders
Maintained friendships firm and true.
Once again we are told that Helga, Salazar, Rowena and Godric were A) good friends who shared the same ambitious dream - to build the best magic school, a place to teach young wizards and witches and to pass their own knowledge B) never thought they are gonna be divided by anything.
The fall of their friendship is mainly related to Salazar’s lack of will to teach Muggle-born wizards and witches but the song make it clear that all Founders had their own idea of what kind of students should be taught:
Slytherin, "We'll teach just those Whose ancestry's purest."
Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose Intelligence is surest."
Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those With brave deeds to their name."
Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot And treat them just the same."
and ALL of those differences caused little strife.
Hufflepuff was the only one willing to teach ALL students, while others looked in children for special traits (either social/blood status and/or abilities they had/respected themselves). The previous song though make it clear that Helga once too favored certain kind of people: hard workers were most worthy of admission. The same as Hufflepuff changed mind to teach ALL, the description of Salazar switched from “power-hungry Slytherin loved those of great ambition” to caring mainly for blood status. A blood status that did not mean that much in Middle Age:
Slytherin’s discrimination on the basis of parentage was considered an unusual and misguided view by the majority of wizards at the time. Contemporary literature suggests that Muggle-borns were not only accepted, but often considered to be particularly gifted. They went by the affectionate name of ‘Magbobs’ (there has been much debate about the origin of the term, but it seems most likely to be that in such a case, magic ‘bobbed up’ out of nowhere).
Magical opinion underwent something of a shift after the International Statute of Secrecy became effective in 1692, when the magical community went into voluntary hiding following persecution by Muggles. This was a traumatic time for witches and wizards, and marriages with Muggles dropped to their lowest level ever known, mainly because of fears that intermarriage would lead inevitably to discovery, and, consequently, to a serious infraction of wizarding law. (x)
Not to mention an example of so called pure blood families, like Malfoys, who might always look down on Muggles but did not mind hang out with their nobility and have been on speaking (or marrying) terms with Muggles (x) prior to International Statute of Secrecy (1692)
To be fair, it may be just author’s inaccuracy due to progress of the story. Salazar Slytherin was already connected to pure blood ideology since Chamber of Secrets, so of course he must be the source of problem that give a ground for the conflict happening in times of Harry Potter.
But at the same time, the song states clearly that even though Salazar wanted to teach only those whose ancestry’s purest* he still took only pure-blood wizards of great cunning just like him. So, even between those of “proper social/blood status”, Slytherin still looked for the smartest kids to deal with. With raises question - did Salazar care more for pure-blood of students or the skills/smartness? As someone described as “power hungry”, I tend to think the lack of proper blood could be omitted by Salazar if he met a truly ambitions & cunning child. Did Salazar truly took only pure-blood students into his House? Blood Baron** may suggest otherwise, but for now let’s finish all the info from the song.
*what kind of doesn’t make much sense in light of newest Rowling’s writing for Pottermore since Muggle and wizarding worlds were intertwined for ages so how Salazar could check family line of all children in Great Britain? How he understood purest ancestry anyway? Did family with three magic generation counts as such? Four? More? Or maybe the children of parents that both are sorcerers were okay, regardless if one of parents was half-blood or Muggle-born themselves? I’m gonna come back to this soon.
**Took only pure-blood wizards… but Bloody Baron, one of the first Salazar’s students may not be pure-blood himself, if once again Lupin’s words may be recalled into discussion. Baron was born into nobility, but aristocrats are Muggle thing. Sooo, either this is simply error on Rowling’s part or in Salazar’s time, pure-blood status could be seen in different way. Not as status / blood connection to certain families, but the magic in someone’s blood? Living close and/or in magic world? Anything else?
The “little strife” between Founders seems to prove that they indeed talked about what kind of students they are gonna teach. Frankly, if they were great friends (Godric & Salazar were close to each other), I have hard time to imagine that issue of Muggle-born sorcerers was never bring into discussion before. Especially since back in Middle-Age - and in general, in past - sorcerers and no-magic people live along each other and there were plenty half-blood witches and wizards. The mixed marriages were much more common than they are in modern times, so there is a big chance that all of Founders could be half-blood or Muggle born themselves or have blood relatives between no-magic people; this is not topic that was hushed down back in their times, so I don’t think there would be reason for such great friends to not talk about Muggle-born & half-blood wizards and witches and what is their view of them, the situation of magical world and about potential future students. The songs seems to agree with me, because despite all their differences, the “houses and their foundersmaintained friendships firm and true.”
(Also, please note, this is third time when Sorting Hat connects Slytherin to true friendship which means despite power-hungry, ruthless and ambitious nature he wasn’t the back-stabbing type of person and was capable of loyalty / connecting to other people).
Now, time for the part focused at the schism:
So Hogwarts worked in harmony
For several happy years,
But then discord crept among us
Feeding on our faults and fears.
Sorting Hat once again provides important facts, like
A) Despite different values on which all Houses were built, Founders worked in harmony for many years.
B) Salazar did not resign just after school opened and pick up his students and taught them for more than at least two years
C) most likely something must happened to bring back the discord between them (maybe the tragedy of Helena Ravenclaw and Bloody Baron? I think it would fit timeline-wise)
D) Slytherin wasn’t solely responsible for the end of their friendship, since Hat says it cleary our faults and fears. This is pretty interesting that along faults (stubbornness? harmful ideology?), the fears played main role in their downfall. The Hat did not mention that Hogwarts was built in difficult times when magic people were persecuted by Muggle-born ones. Whatever happened to rise the conflict may be related to this persecution.
The Houses that, like pillars four
Had once held up our school
Now turned upon each other and
Divided, sought to rule.
And for a while it seemed the school
Must meet an early end.
What with duelling and with fighting
And the clash of friend on friend.
E) The conflict turned Founders against each other and there was fight how to rule the school; we aren’t told if Slytherin was the only one trying to impose his will/ideology on others making him vs three Houses, or if the conflict was much more complex. We don’t know how those fights affected students albeit song says it clearly that the schism put school in danger of being closed for good.
F) The fight between friends weren’t just verbal arguments; they dueled with each other, so it was pretty bad.
And at last there came a morning
When old Slytherin departed
And though the fighting then died out
He left us quite downhearted.
The way song described Slytherin as old may suggest he was much older than rest Founders. Pictures of the Founders on Pottermore (x)() suggest that too, since Salazar is presented there with white/grey hair. This of course may give him different life experiences when it comes to Muggle-born/no-magic people; the repetitive persecution of mages could influence Salazar’s perception of reality. Mind you, as someone specialized in Legilimency (what allows to enter another person’s mind), Salazar was most likely called shrewd for a good reason. Fear of no-magic community wasn’t totally unfounded and we may only wonder what kind of relationship (life experiences) with Muggles Slytherin could have to form such negative idea out of the standard acceptance.
So, Slytherin departed albeit the song does not say if that was his own idea or if he was given to understand he is no longer welcome there. I tend to think it was solely his decision, not to spite the others nor to make the ostentatious show. The school, the ambitious plan & dream, was in danger of closing for good. Maybe the departure was Slytherin’s hope to save something great he and his friends worked hard to make true? In a way, his decision saved Hogwarts but his departure wasn’t welcomed with relief. It stopped the fight, but seems like no one was truly happy when Salazar left the school.
And never since the founders four
Were whittled down to three
Have the Houses been united
As they once were meant to be.
The departure of Slytherin was a blow to other Founders. Interesting thing is that, the lack of unity isn’t specified for Slytherin & Gryffindor “rivalry” alone. So maybe the fight between Founders wasn’t that one-sided as it’s usually painted. In the end, they all never recovered from that fight & lost of friend and Hogwarts never again have been united as it meant to be.
The rest song is Sorting Hat’s warning that Hogwarts Houses must unite against upcoming dark times. Songs alone gave as a lot things to think about. Of course, Sorting Hat has limited time for its stories and rhymes,that is why I wish to bring one more (in universe) source, namely the history lesson with professor Binns:
‘You all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago – the precise date is uncertain – by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. The four school houses are named after them: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. They built this castle together, far from prying Muggle eyes, for it was an age when magic was feared by common people, and witches and wizards suffered much persecution.’
Thanks to professor Binns, we have another important pieces about situation of magic people in Middle Ages, omitted by the Sorting Hat. Namely:
Hogwarts was built in secret in times when magic was feared by common (Muggle) people. The ”far from prying Muggle eyes“ may even suggest that Muggles were suspicious about anyone and anything that may be related to magic and hunted down the witches and wizards on their own. Not only evil ones, but anyone who was “weird” (different) and did not fit their idea of society. We know that hunt for witches wasn’t one-time event and happened through the ages; the panic and mass hysteria spread easily and many innocent people were killed in brutal way. The darkest times, the inquisition, happened few centuries after Hogwarts was opened, but we must remember that when Christianity became dominated religion, a lot pagan tribes were forced to accept (and submit to) a new religion. According to wikipedia, in England The laws of King Athelstan (924-40), corresponsive with the early French laws, punished any person casting a spell which resulted in death by extracting the extreme penalty (x). The law was passed some decades prior to beginning of Hogwarts, so Founders may not be witnesses of what happened to all witches and wizards in result (were they even born yet?), but then again, Sorting Hat called “old” only Salazar, so who knows how much older*** he was than rest ? Even if he was born and raised in Ireland, the stories of purge may reach him pretty fast, considering magic means of fast travel & communication via animals.
*** and hey, Dumbledore was 100+ years old and still kicking ass, Professor Bathilda Bagshot died at 124, Newt  at 119 and others are good examples that old age is not so big deal between magic people
And not forget that in Ireland, druid (magic) tradition already collapsed due to spreading & dominating Christianity. Did Salazar despite how new, so anti-magic religion was destroying the older, pagan faith that keep magic and no-magic people in somehow symbiosis relationship? Magic always was feared to some degree, but in pagan tribes no less respected, seek more in need than greed, while the sorcerers themselves were respected and had high(er) social status between Muggles. The symbiosis may never be truly perfect, sure, but definitely better than Christian law killing any person casting spell, even the good (healing) ones. Frankly, I wonder if Salazar himself wasn’t somehow connected to old (magic) tradition/faith and how this could add to his refusal of teaching Muggle-born (Christian) children?
Another thing to take into account is the way Hogwarts was built. How many castles with solid walls are really changed into schools for children? Did Founders from the start felt they must fortify their school? Did they build the castle themselves or did they get the building somehow? Did all those charms to protect school (and its students) were put there by them from the start or was it later addition? Because there is so many security stuff, to the point that Hogwarts is now considered the safest place in modern Great Britain.
Did Founders worried that putting all magical children in one place may provoke Muggles to do something nasty? Were they afraid of no-magic people?
Another part of the lesson:
He paused, gazed blearily around the room, and continued, ‘For a few years, the founders worked in harmony together, seeking out youngsters who showed signs of magic and bringing them to the castle to be educated. But then disagreements sprang up between them. A rift began to grow between Slytherin and the others. Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy. After a while, there was a serious argument on the subject between Slytherin and Gryffindor, and Slytherin left the school.’
Once again we learn that Founders worked in harmony for a few years, which most likely means Slytherin objection to teaching Muggle-born wasn’t anything strong or even not born yet.
Here is very useful and important part: Founders personally seek out youngsters who showed signs of magic and took them to the castle to be educated. Which means that Salazar and his friends did have contact with Muggles****, seeking between them young (untrained) wizards and witches. Since the law against witchcraft in England (and maybe in other parts of Great Britain too) has been working for years we may only imagine how the meeting with Muggle-born parents went. Did they reacted with fear? Hate? Keep thinking how their children’s magic may be useful for them? That those children are little devils that should be killed? Even in modern times, some families aren’t accepting magic but back in the Middle Ages? When magic was satan’s thing? How many people enjoyed such news or just accepted it without fuss? And hey, even seeking the half-blood children could be dangerous to their magic parents, if out of nowhere their identity of witch/wizard has come to light. Unless their Muggle partner knew about it, the surprise could bring tragedy to family. There are histories about, for example, man killing his wife cause he thought she was witch.
****Since many witches & wizards were living between no-magic people, Salazar and his friends most likely met a lot Muggles, even when they seek children of sorcerers. Professor Binns said, they seek out their students, so I’m guessing they weren’t rely on “searching/tracking spells” alone, if it existed yet at all. Maybe while travelling from one human settlement to another, they heard stories that sounded as someone’s using magic thus finding Muggleborn wizards & witches along the way?
Frankly, I’m surprised that Founders didn’t think / argue to take away those children for good, Jedi-like style. That way school could gain a talented students, while children would be far away from potential abuse. Then again, this is of course only my assumption that Hogwarts worked then in similar fashion to modern times, with the vacations between teaching when childs are sent back to their families for summer & winter (christmas*****) breaks. And even so many years later, the problem of putting back students into abusive families / unpleasant environments was never truly solved. Harry Potter may be seen as a special case, but Severus & Tom (half-bloods) were forced to come back to unhappy family / orphanage that cut them away from magic world. Okay, Severus had witch for a mother, and by some time magical friend (Lily), but being sorcerer between Muggles is pretty hard thing. Especially if Muggles hate the magic (Harry with Dursley, Lily with her own sister hating her).
***** Okay, I’m still not sure why the wizarding world even celebrate Christmas if no one seems to be Christian themselves, nor the religion plays any role or appear in the background at all.
Of course, if the no-magic parents were the trouble, why refuse children an access to education that will keep them safe and between their own folks? Why Salazar wanted cut them off, be more selective? A good question with not clear answer. On one hand, we should ask how many Muggle-born wizards and witches were back in Salazar’s days? In Harry Potter’s times, there weren’t that much Muggle-born sorcerers in his and younger class we are aware of, right? What if in Salazar’s time Muggle-born wizards and witches were even less happening, mainly due to fact
there wasn’t any law forbidding marrying no-magic people, thus
the amount of half- and quarter-blood (from half-blood & Muggle-born no-magic parents) was much bigger than later so
even if magic genes skipped a generation or two, some children still had magic blood in them due to having magic ancestor(s)
and let’s not forget the Squibs (children of wizards who do not have magic), who chose (or were shunned) to live between Muggles  could pass the magic gene to next generations******
There is also question how people gained magic in the first place. I mean, magic has been with mankind since the dawn of time. The wizards and witches aren’t different from no-magical people (except for magic, of course), so wouldn’t it make sense if even the purest magical families come from Muggle-born wizards and witches that passed down the magic gene? I wish to see some in-universe research about that.
******Frankly, I wonder if wizards are capable of checking if supposed Muggle-born student was truly a rarity or simply had distant magic ancestor? Especially since Squibs were living between Muggles for a long time and had their own childrens, then shouldn’t magic appear in some at some point? How Hermione (or rather magic teachers / officials) can be so sure she is Muggle-born witch and not some very distant descendant of Squib or wizard/witch? Does magic allow to check someone’s family tree that far in the past to be so sure about it?
On three song, none stated Salazar’s reasoning. We know whom he wanted to teach (Whose ancestry is purest; Took only pure-blood wizards Of great cunning, just like him) and what he seek in his students (Loved those of great ambition; of great cunning) but we’re not told why. Professor Binns, as the only one source, gave short passage: He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy.
At first, the all-magic families sounds as pure-blood ideology, right? But once again, what counts as all-magic family? What pure-blood meant in Middle-Ages and in time prior to Statute of Secrecy became effective (1692)? How many magic generation after generation family should have to to satisfy Slytherin? And if, let’s say, a Muggle-born wizard/witch married another magical person and they have magic offspring would the child(s) meet Salazar’s requirement? Both parents are wizards thus kid is raised in all-magic family, both understand to some degree magic and how it works, both need to watch out for Muggle prying eyes and keep hidden identity safe due spreading Christianity & anti-magic laws.
And what about children of Muggle-born person married into “pure-blood” family with magic generation after generation? What about half-bloods who are still born and raised in families in 99% full of wizards and witches? Would they count or not?
Would Slytherin refused such childrens, if they showed ambition and cunning nature he so much loved?
Also, the single argument given us by professor Binns is very important. Because Salazar’s choice of students didn’t come from sense of superiority (that I don’t see it in songs & history lesson provided by series) but from the feeling that students of Muggle parentage were untrustworthy.
Not worse than pure-blood students. Not unworthy of magic and learning under the greatest wizards and witches of their time. Not lesser.
Salazar believed he can’t trust them (and rest of Founders shouldn’t either). But trust with what?
The use of magic? Yeah, I can see how children who were picked up for years for being different, if not straight out abused as “spawn of devil” would rely on magic for their own protection or maybe even revenge of some sort. Which is rather connected to the (still unsolved) problem of sending back children to Muggle families / environment that aren’t always the safest or happiest places and well, some people love to have power and control that magic gives. Muggle- and magic-born alike.
The safety of Hogwarts and other wizards? Did the school was already Unplottability from the start? Did Salazar worried that Muggle-born students, willingly or accidently or under pressure(torture?), will betray the location of the magic school putting everyone in danger? Or spread the information that there is place full of still not fully trained wizards and witches, an easy prey to destroy due to their young age and limited knowledge?
Or, if Bloody Baron was Muggle-born (or at least half-blood born into Muggle nobility), would his action changed Salazar’s mind? Lack of control that resulted in death of Baron (Salazar’s own student) and pure-blood/half-blood Helena Ravenclaw (daughter of Salazar’s close friend) and may speed up death of Rowena (Salazar’s close friend)? Since Baron was one of Slytherin’s first student, that for sure could be a real blow to Salazar’s sense of trust (pride).
Salazar did not trust students of Muggle parentage, but in contrast to later pure-blood supremacist, there is not sources in which he would dehumanized those students or Muggles in general. Chamber of Secret is, mind you, covered up with so many myths and legends, so it’s hard to tell what was true and what was added later to the story. I’m gonna cover up this issue next time. For now let me bring passage:
Several works of dubious scholarship, published around the early eighteenth century and drawing partly on the writings of Salazar Slytherin himself, make reference to supposed indicators of pure-blood status, aside from the family tree. The most commonly cited signs were: onset of magical ability before the age of three, early (before aged seven) prowess on a broomstick, dislike or fear of pigs and those who tend them (the pig is often considered a particularly non-magical animal and is notoriously difficult to charm), resistance to common childhood illnesses, outstanding physical attractiveness and an aversion to Muggles observable even in the pure-blood baby, which supposedly shows signs of fear and disgust in their presence.
Successive studies produced by the Department of Mysteries have proven that these supposed hallmarks of pure-blood status have no basis in fact. Nevertheless, many pure-bloods continue to cite them as evidence of their own higher status within the wizarding community. (x)
After International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy (1692) the pure-blood was more political statement than true biological facts, supported by many of wizards and witches who were against voluntary hiding of wizarding community, so stuff published around the early eighteenth century are already connected to political ideology of supremacist and not always were stricte scientific research. Thus Several works of dubious scholarship is already a clear warning that reader should critically evaluate them
So, those dubious “historians” connected their pure-blood ideological theories to Slytherin by drawing partly on the writings of Salazar Slytherin himself. Mind you, they did not quoted directly his work, but only used those partly, which most likely means they took what fitted their theories, quite possible out of original context. What unfortunately happened through the ages in our world too; Nietzsche's philosophy & Nazi’s racism comes to mind.
We don’t have an idea what Salazar wrote nor in what form. Was that his personal journals? His magical research/studies? Did those writings even survive to modern times and are - in universe - available to historians or do we  - and wizarding world - know about them only due to dubious, biased reference? Slytherin for sure must be controversial historical figure, but how much of his dark reputation comes from his own doing and how much from over-interpretation, manipulation or straight propagating racist ideas by using his person?
Also, He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage… that kinda sounds that despite his personal disliking, he still took (and taught?) some. So, did Sorting Hat lied with the Took only pure-blood wizards Of great cunning, just like him line? Or was that more about general finding and bringing Muggle-born students to school?
I think my biggest problem with perception of Salazar Slytherin through the story is that he lived around 1000 years before the big conflict of main story happened. People, and thus society, change really fast, ideologies comes and goes, so are wars, political clashes, idea of comfort and inappropriate behavior. Generation after generation the changes happen so it is really hard to me to imagine that what Salazar thought and did and what motivated him 1000 years ago will be the literally the same thing for pure-blood supramcist now. When even the context of dislike for Muggle-born wizards and witches switched from general terror against magic to a sense of superiority or even a desire to enslave or exterminate no-magical people.
What is pretty big switch of reasoning, don’t you think?
I’m not gonna say Salazar did nothing wrong, but I think calling him pure-blood supremacist in the modern (in universe) sense may be quite far from the truth.
I imagine most likely everyone brave enough to read my meta to the end at least few times hissed but the Chamber of Secrets! I did not forget nor omitted it. This and Salazar’s students & family is gonna be topic of the next part, I promise.
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winteriscoming-got · 5 years
Sansa vs. Dany
My reaction to that Sansa backlash because of Sansa talking about politics in the crypts and aplauding Missandei for defending Dany. 
First of all, yes, if it wasn’t for Dany, they would be all dead by now. That is the truth and I think that Sansa very much acknowledges that what Missandei says is the truth... as much as she acknowledges the fact that Dany wants to rule the Seven kingdoms, which North is one of, and she want independency for her people. That would leave Tyrion’s loyalty divided, if they were together. That is simply a fact... 
Also, a friendly reminder, that if it wasn’t for Sansa, Starks wouldn’t have Winterfell now. If it wasn’t for Sansa, Jon would be dead now, he would die in the Battle of the bastards... or there would be no Battle of the Bastards at all and the mutherfucker Ramsay would still hold the North. Jon wouldn’t go to Daenerys, because he wouldn’t know Dany was even in Westeros, Tyrion wouldn’t write him, because he wouldn’t be the King in the North. He also wouldn’t be reached by the raven from Sam, because he wouldn’t know where Jon was, if he wasn’t the King in the North, if he wasn’t in Winterfell but wandering somewhere south. So Dany would come to Westeros, not knowing her castle sits on Dragonglass, going straight to kill Cersei, took over the Seven Kingdoms... while the Night King would wipe out the entire rest of Westeros and they wouldn’t believe it, because Jon wouldn’t go to prove it, then they would be killed by the dead, not prepared, because they wouldn’t mine dragonglass and make weapons from it. And they wouldn’t have fucking Arya Stark to kill the Night King, Bran would be probably gone too, because he wouldn’t have time to travel South with Meera and his wheelchair if Winterfell was still Bolton’s... and I could go on all night. 
If it wasn’t for Dany, yes, they would be all dead at that moment in the crypts, that is the truth. But all the haters AND all the other characters too should REMEMBER what happened more than 2 episodes ago and acknowledge that Sansa’s choices and actions DID make a difference and they DO count and she is DEFINITELY NOT someone who did NOTHING for fucking 7 seasons. She is the reason Starks took back Winterfell, she is the reason why Jon became king and that gave him the position to go to Dany begging for help in the first place. 
I’m out. 
Good night haters. 
Also, Arya Stark is the ultimate badass
Also, Lyanna Mormont is a fucking badass for killing that ice-giant with her last breath. R.I.P. 
Also, Jorah, Theon, Edd and Lyanna deserved better. 
Also, if Sam dies in any of those remaining episodes, I’m out. 
Also, the women of Thrones are not badass only because they are kicking ass. 
Also, they deleted a Sansa and Tyrion fighting scene from the crypts, I am so angry. 
Also... just go home, Sansa haters, hate on someone else, for example Cersei, who is actually evil. 
Also, stick ‘em with the pointy end. 
What do we say to the god of death? 
NOT today. 
Also, THAT Sanrion scene, I am dead. 
And no, I am never going to stop defending Sansa Stark, not till the day I die. I would stop maybe, if she killed Arya or something, but that ain’t gonna happen. I am so tired of defenting her, because people seem to not listen and still bragging about how she betrayed Ned when she was a 12 year old naive girl. The same people who forgave Theon for betraying Rob... Hypocrisy at its best. All I want for her is to be safe, happy and alive. I hope she is in the end, she deserves it. 
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nightqueendany · 6 years
An In-Depth Look at Houses, Territories, and Loyalties
...That *May* Come into Play in Season 8
*Now, do I really think any of this relevant? No. But a certain ship in the fandom like to write long metas about how their fave girl is the key to every part of the Seven Kingdoms, how Westeros won’t be able to function unless she marries Jon and becomes queen. So these posts really serve no other purpose but to refute that.
My actual prediction for S8 is that the political drama with the North will last all of one scene and then everyone will get back to business. The show will gloss over the rest of the Seven Kingdoms in favor of long exciting fight scenes and by the end we’ll likely get a time jump and won’t even see how the politics of the South play out. But anyway, for argument’s sake, here you go...
This is coming to you guys in parts because otherwise it would be SUPER long.
So, here goes Part 1: THE NORTH
**Where do the loyalties lie after RLJ is revealed?**
The North (aside from House Stark):
Cerwyn: did not fight in BoB; kneels to Jon in 6x10
Glover: did not fight in BoB; kneels to Jon in 6x10
Hornwood: Fought in the Battle of the Bastards for House Stark
Mazin: show only; fought in the Battle of the Bastards for House Stark
Karstark: fought against Starks in BoB; Alys Karstark kneels to Jon in 7x01
Manderly: did not fight in BoB; kneels to Jon in 6x10
Mormont: Fought in the Battle of the Bastards for Starks
Reed: Lord’s whereabouts unknown though safe to assume still loyal to House Stark
Umber: fought against Starks in BoB; Ned Umber kneels to Jon in 7x01
Now, before I get into individual houses, let me start by saying this: For anyone wanting to dredge up the whole it’s not about *liking* their lords, it’s about the house they were sworn to, they swore to House Stark, Sansa is the new Head of House Stark after RLJ… Yes. That is perfectly true. After RLJ, Sansa is the new Head of House Stark because Jon is not a Stark, not even a Stark bastard. He’s a Targaryen. HOWEVER that’s the only thing that changes technically. Head of House Stark passes from Jon to Sansa in light of RLJ. But Jon’s being Warden of the North doesn’t need to change unless the Northern Lords call for it. Why? Because: 
**Jon was NEVER a Stark to begin with. He was elected King. No, there wasn’t a vote with tallies and such like the Night’s Watch. But his people named him King regardless of his name. So really, Jon’s position as Warden of the North is not dependent on his being a Stark. It never was.**
But the whole basis of Jon being “in danger” or Sansa being the new Queen in the North is obviously based on the assumption that the Northern Lords will want to cast Jon aside in light of RLJ. This is *possible*. Jon may even agree with them and say it’s not his place to be Warden of the North because he’s not a Stark or a Snow and that Sansa should be Wardeness. But even in such a scenario, there is absolutely no necessity for Sansa to be made a Queen. Under such a scenario a Stark will still rule the North as Warden. The idea of Sansa being named Queen is dependent on the Northern Lords and whether they crave their independence badly enough to go up against Dany...and whether they are loyal enough to Sansa to make such a bold move in the first place. Keep in mind, if the Northern Lords did do this, it would be seen as rebellion. Jon was their king. Their king bent the knee. They are honor bound to follow the man they named their king. RLJ doesn’t change that. So, who would be bold enough to want to call for such a rebellion? Let’s take a look at the individual Houses of the North:
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Of the houses we know fairly well and have been mentioned in the show/lords we’ve seen on screen: Cerwin, Glover, Karstark, Manderly, Mormont, Reed, and Umber, only *Lord Glover* has voiced his possible regret in naming Jon King in the North instead of Sansa as his Queen. So it would make sense that Glover may not want Jon as his Warden after the RLJ reveal. Of course he’ll be upset Jon bent the knee to Dany. He may be upset Jon is actually a Targaryen. And he may suggest they spit on the pledge Jon made to Daenerys and instead name Sansa Queen. All of that is within the realm of possibility. So, the current score of House loyalties is Sansa 1 Jon 0.
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Next we have Karstark and Umber. In 7x01, Lord Royce called for Karhold and Last Hearth to be torn down “with not a stone left standing.” Sansa, being the sensible one, correctly argued the North needed every castle they had for the war to come. However, she also argued that the castles should be given to new families, casting the Karstarks and Umbers from their ancestral homes. Jon, being the forgiving kind, decided against that. Ned Umber and Alys Karstark bent the knee to Jon and got to keep their homes. Now, in such a scenario where Lord Glover would call for the Northern Houses to rebel against Jon and Dany and name Sansa Queen, Ned and Alys have no reason to trust Sansa and no reason to want to name her their Queen. Their loyalties in such a scenario would undoubtedly lie with the man they bent the knee to regardless of his heritage: Jon. So current score is Sansa 1 Jon 2.
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Cerwin and Manderly we haven’t heard from in S7. But they did kneel to Jon in 6x10 and they haven’t voiced opposition to him in S7. In light of RLJ, it’s unclear where they would stand. Manderly was fairly enthusiastic when he named Jon King, saying Jon avenged the Red Wedding, called him The White Wolf. It’s not a stretch to guess Manderly would be opposed to rebelling against Jon and Dany. Cerwin, we just don’t know. He did want to go back to his castle after the Battle of the Bastards, saying the war was won and Jon corrected him, mentioning the Night King. So to be generous, let’s say Cerwin would throw in with Glover and want to name Sansa Queen. Current score: Sansa 2 Jon 3.
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Now, House Reed. This is gonna get interesting. No one knows where Howland Reed is at this point. Many theorists I’ve watched/read believe he’s on the Isle of Faces with the Order of the Green Men. Whether that’s true or not, doesn’t really matter. But remember, Howland Reed is the only living person aside from Bran and now Sam who knows Jon’s true heritage and has kept it a secret these twenty odd years. The other important person of House Reed is Meera...Bran’s traveling companion for the last several years. Meera has seen the army of the dead up close. She’s fought them. She knows what the true threat is. Meera won’t want to waste time with petty squabbles over whether the North remains independent or not. She won’t care that Jon is a Targaryen. She was loyal to Bran for years and knows how much Bran cares about Jon (or cared past tense as current Bran is an emotionless zombie). And Howland was loyal to Ned for years, keeping Jon’s secret. Neither Meera nor Howland have any ties to Sansa or have voiced their approval of her. So House Reed’s loyalties would likely be with JON even after RLJ. Score: Sansa 2 Jon 4
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And last but not least, House Mormont. As stated in another post, Lyanna Mormont isn’t a fan of Sansa’s. In their first meeting in S6, she brings up Sansa’s past marriages...she also brings up Jon’s bastard status...but in 6x10 she says she doesn’t care that Jon is a bastard. She never says she doesn’t care that Sansa was married to Ramsay and Tyrion. So that may still be a sticking point with Lyanna. And of course, she names JON king instead of Sansa as Queen - the trueborn daughter of Ned Stark. Lyanna’s exact words are “I don’t care if [Jon’s] a bastard. Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins.” Ned says something similar to Jon when they depart Winterfell back in S1. “You may not have my name, but you have my blood.” When RLJ is revealed, this is still true. Jon doesn’t automatically sprout blonde hair and purple eyes. He’s still Jon. He’s still the boy who was raised as Ned Stark’s bastard. The North may have an aversion to Targaryens, but Jon was not raised as one. And, out of all the Northern Houses, Lyanna as head of House Mormont has been the most consistent and most loyal to House Stark and to Jon. Hell, she’s even named after Jon’s MOTHER for goodness sake. If it came down to a divided North after RLJ, Lyanna would undoubtedly side with JON. She said, “he’s my king from this day, until his last day” and with her track record, she would likely stick to that. Lyanna may even be the one to suggest a marriage alliance between Jon and Daenerys so that he remains her king instead of simply Warden. Current score: Sansa 2 Jon 5
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BUT WAIT. I’m forgetting some people aren’t I? There are more Northerners than just the Noble Houses of the North, aren’t there? That’s right. The Free Folk. If Glover called for rebelling against Jon and Dany in light of RLJ and Jon bending the knee and wanted to name Sansa Queen, though Jon has said he’s not the king of the Free Folk, they have stood by his side since S5. They defended his body when Jon was murdered by Alliser Thorne and co. They fought with Jon in the Battle of the Bastards. And they went to defend the Wall when Jon asked. Not to mention Daenerys swooping in and carrying Tormund to safety on the back of Drogon. If it came down to it, Tormund and the rest of the free folk wouldn’t stand for the Northerners casting Jon out simply because of his heritage. Like the Reeds, they know the threat everyone is facing. They’ve seen it. They’ve faced it, unlike the rest of the Northern Lords. They certainly don’t care about Sansa being a Queen and they definitely don’t care about Northern Independence when they still don’t even consider themselves part of the Seven Kingdoms. In a divided North, the Free Folk would support Jon. Final Score: Sansa 2 Jon 6.
So when it comes down to there being a “Key to the North”, Sansa Stark certainly is not it even in light of RLJ. The only Northern Lords she would have backing her claim and supporting her above Jon are few. AND if threatened or faced with a difficult situation like the dead climbing over the walls of Winterfell, fickle Lords like Glover would likely side with whoever could protect them. Nearly every other Northern House enthusiastically would still support JON and wish him to stay on as Warden...or again, call for a marriage alliance between Jon and Daenerys and settle for Sansa as Warden.
AND ALSO...If a few Lords of the North wanted to name Sansa their Queen and exile Jon or whatever...Sansa isn’t obligated to follow along. She could just as easily say, “Hey you *few* Northern Lords, you’re being idiots. Jon’s a Northman through and through regardless of who his trueborn father was. Daenerys came here to help us. We don’t have the armies to fight her for independence anyway. Shut up or go back to your castles alone and pray the dead don’t find you.”  But regardless, key lesson here is:
JON SNOW is the “Key to the North.”
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forme-iwrite · 6 years
Elia Martell: Ladies in waiting
part 2/2: North
I believe Elia was trying to have at least one companion from each of the regions in Westeros. I also believe that the ladies had to be connected to important and powerful houses if they were planning to take the throne from Aerys. We know two of Queen Rhaella ladies, Joanna Lannister and the Princess Of Dorne, who are both in a sense rulers of their regions. From the ladies Margaery has and the two Rhaella is known to have we can assume that the companions can vary in ages and don’t have to be the same age as Elia. If Elia had lived longer she would have added more prominent ladies or switched some. She might have asked Catelyn Tully who was betrothed to the heir of the North and who was the Lady of Riverrun until she married Ned, so she had a lot of power over the Riverlands because her father Hoster was the Warden of the land. She might have also considered Lysa Tully and Lyanna Stark. Lyanna might have been considered because of her betrothal to Robert Baratheon the lord paramount of the Stormlands and being the daughter of Lord Stark the ruler in the North, though after what happened in Harrenhal I doubt Elia would ask her. She might have also asked Cersei after a while though I doubt her or Tywin would accept, them being too proud and Jamie being a kingsguard. This is just my personal list of ladies for Elia. Which I wanted to give names and backgrounds to. 
Jeyne Darry
Riverlands: The Darry
She is from a prominent house in the riverlands. They were said to be a powerful house before Robert's rebellion. It is also stated they were very loyal to the Targaryens, even now they still have portraits of the Targaryens hanging in their castle. Willem and Jonothor Darry were in service at the Red keep, one being a kingsguard the other master-at-arms, both had a good relationship with Rhaegar. Her sister Mariya is married to Merrett Frey, the ninth son of Lord Walder Frey. She was also either soon betrothed (more likely) or married to Cleos Frey when Elia asked her to be one of her ladies. This is important because it ties her to the Freys and the Lannisters (Cleos being Genna’s son) giving Elia access to two strong houses.
I believe she was born in or around 268A.C. due to Cleos age and her kids age.
Personal headcanon: She came to the Red keep when she was eight because her mother passed away and she was left in the care of her uncle Willem. Mariya being older was already married and did not want to be left in charge, besides I doubt Walder Frey would allow it, he was trying to get rid of kids not bring more in. She was ten/eleven when Elia met her and asked her to be one of her ladies. She liked using a spear and dagger, and she was well skilled, due to the fact that both of her uncles were incredible fighters (How else are they a kingsguard and master-at-arms). Elia grows to think of her as a little sister, something that started because of Jeynes preference in the dornish weapons. Elia had a hand in Cleos being the Frey she is betrothed to, though she makes it seem like it was Mariya's idea.
Leyla Hightower
The Reach: Oldtown
She is from the oldest house in the Reach. The Hightowers are a prominent and powerful house. Her sister Alerie is married to the heir of Highgarden Mace Tyrell. We know Rhaegar and Aerys were at odds and Rhaegar was planning some way to take the crown. She would be useful in sending letters between Rhaegar/Elia and those houses without causing suspicion. The Reach was loyal to the Targaryens during the rebellion. Leyla could be one of the reasons the stayed loyal until the “bitter end” according to Kevan Lannister. Elia met Leyla when she was on her betrothal trip in 273A.C. Oldtown is a major port and has the citadel something that would interest both Elia and Rhaegar. Her great uncle was Gerold Hightower the lord commander of the Kingsguard.
I place her birth in or around 267A.C because she is Lord Leytons sixth child and I personally place Baelor around 256A.C. Also Leyton has had four wives.
Personal headcanon: Leyla is a bookworm like her father and it is something both her and Elia share. She is the only child born from her mother, Leytons second wife. Her mother is not from the seven kingdoms but was born somewhere in Essos. Elia was originally going to ask Alerie to be one of her ladies because of her stronger influence on the Reach but Willas and Garlan were both still too young to be without a mother by their side according to Elia (Elias own mother having been a lady to Rhaella and not spending a lot of time with her children). Elia becomes very fond of Leyla. Ashara Dayne and Leyla do not get along due to their house history.
Shyra Errol
Stormlands: Haystack Hall
Comes from a prominent house in the stormlands. As far as we know she inherited Haystack Hall so either her brothers died or she didn't have any, so she was an heir or lady to an important house (she also kept her name over her husbands). She is one of the few ladies we know in the stormlands with a name and she was alive during Robert's rebellion. After Robert dies she does not choose to remain loyal to his son the new king (nobody knows that he's Jaimes yet) but declares for Renly. Her loyalty does not lay with the Lannisters or Robert and maybe it's because she was one of Elias ladies. Renly was too young to blame for what Robert did during the sack in king's landing.
I do not have a year of birth for her but I believe she was significantly older than Elia. She has a son who is a knight, so he was at least fifteen, and she implied to have passed away during the parley at the walls of Storm’s End in “A Clash of Kings”. I personally believe it might be due to old age. Maybe around 238 A.C.
Personal headcanon: Shyra is a great at needle work and loves making dresses. Her and Elia are not extremely close due to their age gap but she does give her great advice when she thinks she needs it. When Rhaenys is born Shyra makes her a beautiful blanket that has a dragon circling a large sun. She is also really glad that Nymella Toland brought her daughters to court because now her son Sebastian will have playmates. She also makes a blanket for Aegon and gets really mad at Rhaegar when he leaves so soon after Aegon's birth.
Darlessa Marbrand
Westerlands: Ashemark/Casterly Rock
House Marbrand is one of the main noble houses in the West. She is married to Tygett Lannister brother to the Warden of the West. She is also related to the Lannisters because their mother was a Marbrand. Elia probably knew about Tywin’s plan to marry Cersei to the Targaryens and wanted to have leverage against him incase he decided to do something extreme. According to Genna, Tygett had a rivalry with Tywin and probably encouraged his wife to accept Elias offer, seeing it as an upper hand with the royal family that Tywin seemed to be losing. It might also explain why Tywin did not immediately side with the rebels. Though I know he was probably also waiting to see who had a better chance of winning the war. It would also explain why he came into kings landing under a peace banner, so they could safely get to Darlessa and any other highborns without Aerys harming them.
She was probably born at latest in 273 A.C because her son Tyrek was born in 286 A.C and she would at least need to be 13. I personally believe she was born around 251 A.C. I do not like the idea of her having a kid that young and 251 makes her around the same age as her husband who was born in 250 A.C.
Personal headcanon: She is very proud as most of the ladies of the West seem to be but she also has a humorous side. While Tywin is still hand and has Cersei in the Red Keep she divides her time between Elia and her. She loves her husband dearly because he is more kind hearted then his older brothers and doesn’t mind showing affection. She likes watching Tygett practice in the training yard and Elia and the rest of the ladies usually join her and place bets and gossip. She is only five years older than Elia and they don't have the greatest relationship at first, Elia thinks Darlessa has a stick up her butt, but once they move their court to Dragonstone Darlessa becomes more carefree. She refuses to talk to her husband after the sack of king's landing when she finds out what happens to Elia and the children, and it takes even longer before she can even look at Tywin.
Rhonda Rowan
The Reach: Goldengrove
The Rowans are one of the oldest and most prominent houses in the reach. They control the Reach’s north border so they are also very powerful and could have chosen to remain neutral like Tywin. They also chose to go against Joffrey. Though it is stated that the current lord of Goldengrove is very loyal to his liege lord. I believe that Shyra is his sister because the daughter he is said to have seems to young to have been alive during Robert's rebellion or way to young to be one of Elia’s ladies. Again like Shyra she is one of the few ladies in the Reach who is given a name and is alive during that time. Also I am just trying to find possible ladies for Elia, I know some might be a stretch.
I place her birth in 257A.C because she is married to Baelor hightower who I place around 256A.C. This also makes her the same age as Elia.
Personal headcanon: Rhonda likes to garden and had a little one at Goldengrove. When they move to Dragonstone she helps Elia fix Aegon’s garden since the castellan had neglected it. She is also loves books and gets along with Leyla. Elia helps set up her betrothal to Baelor, who she still writes letters to.
The following ladies are not characters that are stated in asoiaf but their is a possibility that they might have existed. The Lords Velaryon and Gafton are stated and might have had daughters or sisters or wives. These characters also give reason as to why one of their relatives might have been a lady to Elia.
“Elaena” Velaryon
Dragonstone: Driftmark
We know that the Lord of Driftmark during Aery’s reign was Lucerys Velaryon. Lucerys was master of ships and was probably in Aery’s court in king’s landing. Since not much is stated about Lucerys and his family or what happened to them after Robert’s Rebellion I gave him a daughter. It is stated that Lucerys was a big supporter of Aerys over Rhaegar. Elia could have asked “Elaena” to be one of her ladies to keep him from doing anything too drastic towards Rhaegar's position as heir. Also Driftmark and house Velaryon are prominent and wealthy. They are also the closest house to Dragonstone and they also come from valyrian descent.
“Elaena” Velaryon is a character of my making so I can make her any age I choose. I choose to place her birth around 269A.C, because she would still be too young to be betrothed or married and it's the age the westerosi start fostering their kids, making it harder for Lucerys to say no to Elia’s invitation. Also what offer is better than being in the company of the future queen.
Personal headcanon: “Elaena” is very close to both Jeyne and Leyla due to them all being around the same age. Being born on an island she is a very good swimmer and loves going to the beach in Dragonstone and collecting shells. When Elia falls pregnant she goes and looks for rare shells and brings them to her as a gift. She claims to have seen a seahorse which neither Jeyne nor Leyla believe. Out of all the northern ladies she is the most excited when Elia takes them to Dorne. She whispers to Elia that she loves her and is glad she choose her as a lady in waiting when Elia gives in and takes her to the pools in the Water Gardens though she is a year or two older than the kids playing in the pools. ( Areo Hotah says the smallest child is 5 and the oldest 10 in one of his chapters). She stays in Dragonstone when Elia is called back to King’s landing and is there for the birth of Daenerys. It is said the Targaryen fleet was in Dragonstone during Danys birth, so Lucerys being master of ships was probably there with his daughter.
“Alys” Grafton
Vale of Arryn: Gulltown
House Gafton is a noble house in the Vale. They rule a main port and big city so they are probably also wealthy. Marq Grafton was Lord of Gulltown during the time of Aerys II. When Jon Arryn called his banners Marq remained loyal to Aerys. This might be because he believed in Rhaegar/Aerys or because he had a wife in service to Elia. He tried to stop Jon from leaving the Vale but was killed by Robert Baratheon. He is the only lord in the Vale who we know of that remained loyal to Aerys. “Alys” would be an option because I believe Elia was trying to have someone from all the regions in Westeros and “Alys” is someone who would have been alive during Robert's Rebellion and belonged to a powerful house in the Vale.
I do not a specific age for her though I imagine she was slightly older than Elia but still considered young because I think Marq was young and impulsive and that is why he decided it would be a good idea to try to stop Jon Arryn without much help. Maybe 252A.C making her only five years older than Elia and around 31 during the rebellion.
Personal headcanon: “Alys” is one of the few ladies who actually prefers King’s landing over Dragonstone because she is used to living in a city. She loves to gossip which gets her in trouble a lot. She prefers cold weather and hates the heat in Dorne. She likes going to the Ships and hearing the stories the sailors tell, and likes retelling them to Rhaenys and the rest of the children at court.
“Melisa” Whent
Riverlands: Harrenhal
We know that during the tourney at Harrenhal Lord Walter Whent and Lady Shaella had a daughter who was considered a fair maid. It is speculated that Rhaegar provided the money for the tourney so it can be assumed that Walter knew about Rhaegar's plan to remove Aerys from the throne and supported Rhaegar. House Whent was a Targaryen ally. Oswell Whent was a Kingsguard to Aerys. “Melisa” was probably made one of Elia’s ladies as a thank you for their support. They could clearly be trusted by Rhaegar/Elia in such a big plan.
“Melisa” is considered a fair maid so she is at least thirteen at the time of the tourney.  I am going to make her fifteen so it would place her birth around 266 A.C
Personal headcanon: “Melisa” wasn't made one of Elia’s companions until after the tourney. She has red hair as most Whents are known to have. She and Elia share the same sense of humor and when “Melisa” finds something hilarious her face turns as red as her hair. She is surprised to find how small all the castles are compared to Harrenhal. It takes her a while to bond with the other ladies because most of them have been with Elia since she came to King’s Landing. She develops a crush on one of the dornish knights in Elia’s service, Myria Jordayne finds it amusing and teases “Melisa” about it.
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“Why did you give him those books?” Dean grumbles.
Sam doesn’t look up from the groceries he’s putting into the bunker’s cupboards. “You told me to give him something to read besides lore. You told me to introduce him to the ‘real world.’”
“Harry Potter isn’t the real world!”
Sam raises an eyebrow. “It’s not uncommon for people to introduce themselves, ‘Hi, I’m Sam, and I’m a Ravenclaw.’”
Dean snorts. “Please. You’re a total Slytherin.” Sam laughs, and Dean rolls his eyes. “Okay, I see your point. But my point is, he’s barely left his room for weeks.”
“So?” says Sam. “He’s enjoying the books.”
“I just…” Dean trails off.
Sam’s laughter fills the room. “You just miss your boyfriend!”
Dean blushes and storms out of the kitchen, Sam’s laughter following him down the hallway.
“Dean.” Cas’s voice is rough and raw. He stands in Dean’s doorway, a battered copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows clutched to his chest.
Dean, sprawled on his bed, looks up at Cas with a sympathetic smile. “Did you finally finish then? It’s hard to finish a series and realize there’s no more to–” He stops when he sees Cas shaking his head, a single tear trailing down his cheek.
“What is it, Cas?” Dean is there, kissing Cas’s forehead and wiping away the tear.
“It’s…Dobby. He–” Cas’s voice breaks. “He loved Harry so much. He saved him again and again. His loyalty never faltered. And…” Another tear drops from Cas’s eye. “And he died.”
Dean pulls Cas to his chest. “Oh Cas,” he murmurs into Cas’s hair. Cas buries his face in Dean’s neck.
“It’s only a story.” Cas breathes a shuddering breath.
Tightening his hold on Cas, Dean says, “No. I know. I know.”
After a few minutes Dean pulls Cas to the bed. They sit, propped against the headboard. “Let me read to you for awhile,” Dean says, gently taking the book from Cas’s strained fingers.
“Are you sure?” Cas asks, his eyes hopeful.
Dean kisses his temple. “Just close your eyes and listen.”
Cas obeys, relaxing into the pillows.
“Chapter Twenty-Four,” Dean reads. “The Wandmaker. It was like sinking into an old nightmare…”
“…scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well.”
As Dean closes the book he sees tears in Cas’s eyes again, but a smile plays around his lips. “Okay?” Dean asks.
“Okay,” Cas says. “Thank you for reading to me, Dean. I love the sound of your voice. I didn’t expect you to finish the whole book.”
“Well, there’s a lull on. Sam hasn’t found us a case in more than two weeks. What else was I going to do? Besides,” he adds, blushing, “I haven’t seen you much lately. I’ve missed you. These past few days, reading to you…”
Cas laces their fingers together. “I know.”
Cas stands on a chair, nailing a sprig of mistletoe above the doorway. Sam and Dean sit on the couch, watching.
“Remind me to stay away from that doorway,” Sam says, bemused.
“Good idea,” Cas says. “The mistletoe’s probably infested with nargles.”
Sam snorts. Dean rolls his eyes.
Cas hasn’t let go of his Harry Potter obsession; if anything it’s gotten worse. He bought himself a wand and has been talking about taking a trip to Florida to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. He’s taken countless quizzes to determine his Hogwarts house and is increasingly frustrated when he gets different answers every time. (His family is divided too: Dean thinks he’s a Gryffindor and Sam thinks he’s a Hufflepuff. Cas himself can’t make up his mind.) He put a sign on his door that says Waiting for my letter from Hogwarts. And for Christmas he insisted on a tree decorated with tiny golden snitches–he spent a week at the big wooden table, glitter and feathers and glue everywhere, painstakingly making them all by hand. Dean had teased him about it, of course, but secretly he’d loved seeing Cas with golden glints in his hair.
“The tree does look amazing,” Sam says. “It might be the best one we’ve ever had.”
Dean chokes back a laugh. “Sam, you could throw snowballs at a tree and paint a devil’s trap underneath it and it would be the best one we’ve ever had. The bar is set pretty low.” He gets off the couch, walking over to stand with Cas below the mistletoe. They kiss softly to Sam’s halfhearted, “Get a room…” and then Dean murmurs in Cas’s ear, “It really is a beautiful tree.”
Cas smiles.
Christmas morning Cas bounces on the bed and yells, “Presents!”
Dean groans. “Seriously, Cas? Neither one of us has had any coffee yet…”
Cas kisses Dean on the forehead. “I’ll go make some. Come on, Dean, I’ve never had a real Christmas before. Get out of bed!”
Half rolling, half falling out of bed, Dean can’t help but smile.
He pulls on his robe and follows the smell of coffee to the kitchen. Cas is there, awake and grinning, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Sam is there too, looking surly.
“Merry Christmas, Sam. What’s with the face?” Dean pours himself a cup of coffee, then sits next to Sam.
Sam slumps against the table, his head resting on his forearms. “Cas banging on my bedroom door at seven in the morning shouting ‘Happy Christmas, Sam! Presents!’ is what’s with the face.”
Dean chuckles. “He woke me up by bouncing on the bed, but then he kissed me to make it better. Would that help?” He leans toward Sam, making loud kissing noises. Sam pushes him away, growling, “knock it off!” Dean laughs.
When Dean looks up at Cas, he’s taken aback by the look on Cas’s face. His eyes are wide, and wet with tears.
“What is it, Cas?” he asks, getting to his feet.
After a minute Cas says, “It’s just…it’s good to have a family.” Dean pulls Cas into a tight hug, and when he’s done Sam hugs him too.
Finished with their hugs and coffee, they sit around the tree. Cas passes out presents, and they spend a good twenty minutes tearing paper and exclaiming over gifts. There’s music and books and clothes and a pie (Cas knows the way to Dean’s heart). Sam gives Cas a jar of honey he bought at a farmer’s market on a hunt in Texas. Dean gives Sam a 3 dvd set of sign language lessons. Sam blushes and ducks his head.
Sam gathers his gifts. “Thanks guys,” he says. “I’m just gonna go put this stuff in my room.”
Cas starts to get up but Dean grabs his hand. “I have one more present for you,” he says.
Cas raises an eyebrow. “Sam might come back…” he says suggestively, moving to sit on Dean’s lap.
Dean laughs, pushing him away. “Not that. Well, not now anyway.”
He hands Cas a small, lumpy package. “It’s just silly,” he says, looking away.
Cas carefully unwraps the gift (even when he’s excited, he’s not one to tear wantonly at wrapping paper). “Thank you, Dean,” he says softly. “They’re not silly at all. They’re perfect.” He immediately takes off his slippers and his socks.
“You’re going to wear them now?” Dean asks, laughing.
“Of course!”
He pulls on one sock (red, with tiny golden stars) and then the other (black, with a great green dragon on the foot and a tail wrapping around the ankle). He puts his legs out, pointing his toes, to admire his new socks. “Dobby would’ve loved these,” Cas says with a sad smile.
Dean puts his arm around Cas, leaning over until the sides of their heads just touch. “Happy Christmas, Cas.”
They sit for a moment in the quiet glow of the Christmas tree, and then Cas jumps up. “I have to go show Sam!” he yells. He gives Dean a quick kiss and then he’s off, running and sliding down the hall in his Christmas socks.
Because I just can’t let things go…
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