#i think its the whole soft aesthetic to it IDK. its not that i hate it but its just not For Me do you feel
gemharvest · 15 days
I think it's funny that the Soft Mod has a lot of things to it that you'd assume it'd be right up my alley, and I think if I'd known abt it when I was like 15 mayyybe 16 I would've latched onto it but there's just something abt it that doesn't click fully with me. These songs are fun to play tho so this isn't to imply I hate it but ?? lmao
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brights-place · 11 months
Hey, do you write for Hobo Heart and Homicidal Liu? If yes, could we get some hcs for Liu or Hobo? :) Thx!
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Dating Hobo-Heart and Liu Headcannons + Sully
Pairings: Hobo Heart and Homocidal Liu (Seperate)
Warnings: Cursing, Mental Illnesses, D.I.D, Sully being a little bitch- I mean awesome friend!
A/N: Wassup! Sorry for you request taking about so long to write I have been focusing on my socials but glad I finally got this out due to having it in my drafts for awhile to upload! Tbh hobo heart needs more love! LIKE PLEASE HE’S A SWEETIE PIE! Ignore the fact that they are all murders for a moment yall shush AND I MEAN SHUSHHHH!!! Anywyas hope you enjoy this gift :>>
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- Due to having D.I.D I think he would find it difficult sometimes maintaining Sully.
- he hated the fact he fell for you… he loves you yes but you didn’t deserve him he thought you deserved better.
- If you are having an breakdown he would be there faster then sonic exe.
- When you are bored you two decide to walk around in the woods together hand in hand as you blabber on about things you like or something that happened.
- You two ended up dancing in the rain one time while some soft music played in the background. It really was like an romantic scene.
- you two got sick after but it was so ducking worth it.
- whenever he would switch he would bawl his eyes out cause he didn’t like you being around sully.
- sully is seven years old for god sakes but is an menace so you try your best to relax the other alter in Liu is body.
- Sully loves talking to you about what Liu says about you all the time.
- You and Sully at night time like to gossip and shit talk people but liu doesn’t know cause he is asleep.
- Give liu all the love he deserves after everything he's been through
- make sure your close to Jeff since he finds bonds with family are important and knows that he can trust you
- if you ever want to make his day. Just be there in the room he will immediately park up and will tell you his worries
- if you wanna make him even happier cut off Jeff’s head and bring it to Liu that man would panic but at the same time he happy
- if you do cut off Jeff’s head… Sulky would complain about how he wasn’t the one who did it
- he made you an playlist for your anniversary and you cried cause he put down all your favourite songs
- he learned how to make flower crowns with Sally and Lifeless Lucy. He gave you said flower crown and you bawled your eyes out.
-More earth and nature tones and aesthetics. It reminds him of his childhood, where he grew up by a creek.
- Being from New Orleans he loves music mainly Jazz and Pop
- He has violent impulses even when he was a kid and before the… incident
- but he would never take it out on you. If he ever did he would lock himself up and yell at himself.
- When sully gets violent you use the spray bottle
- Liu hates his scars with an burning passion.
- kiss his face, kiss the scars to make him feel whole atleast he will hold you tight.
- He knows how to play the alto-Sax Idk why HE JUST DOES!
- When his scarf ripped he panicked so much.
- you sewed it back up/or knitted it back together he was so happy he wouldn’t stop peppering your face with kisses
- He HATES absolutely HATES seeing people give him looks for his scars.
- Even though Liu/Sully's normally never seen with anything covering his face. Sometimes when Liu/Sully gets insecure he puts on a mask to cover his stitches in public to avoid getting stares and causing a scene.
- He’s the type of guy who would take your heels (if your an woman or identify as one) and give you his own shoes and will walk barefoot even if it’s painful as shit he would do it for you.
- Liu can cook like an fancy ass rich chef. He’s one of the main people who cook for dinner, and lunch
- Liu isn't very open his emotions when you first started to date. you need to take things slow and let him open up when he's ready for it.
- Asking about his brother isn't something you should do at this point, its a very touchy subject.
- he likes nature walks but he also likes late night drives
- it’s an thing you both would do if you had free time together.
- He loves holding you close to him.
- he doesn’t want to lose you and neither does sully… even if he won’t admit it Sully loves the gossip night time sessions.
Hobo Heart
- He doesn’t want to be hurt again…
- yet he fell for you
- he found it difficult and hard he was stressed out not wanting to have these feelings that he had before.
- he was wary and didn’t understand at all
- He has REAL trust issues
- he needs constant validation and reassurance, and he needs you to give him that he craves it.
- I know DAMN FUCKING WELL! That his love language is Acts of Service and Quality Time
- He's a really careful and analytical guy so the fact that he's dating you means he trusts you A LOT
- He doesn’t show much affection due to not understanding it at all.
- But if needed to comfort you secretly and the most subtle way possible he will hold your pinky with his pinky.
- He literally stole someone’s heart and offered it to you.
- (if your an Cannibal) he would also steal the organs for you but leave the kidneys for Jack
- he doesn’t like cooking but he LOVES baking.
- If your sad he would make you some sweets and give you some.
- Him and Sally which is an rare sight making sweets for her tea party.
- you caught them when you came back earlier from an misson.
- he loves flying into the sky when the sun is about to set or rise and likes taking you up with him.
- he worries that you will leave him so he will try his best for you NOT to leave him
- you always assure him about it and pepper kisses on his face.
- he made you an boquet of flowers from what he found in an persons garden and around the woods.
- it took 4 hours for him to find the Right flowers
- He'd protect you from any threat coming his way and put you above anyone else and everything else
- You get hurt?
- he will fly away from the scene with you in his arms or he will ruin an bitch and tear them to shreds
- He loves going on walks with you
- Whenever he's stressed out he likes knowing that you're there with him, and holding your hand is the perfect way for him to do that.
- he hates how he didn’t find you sooner
- He loves his dog so if his dog likes you he would like you too
- he melted when you two met and it was the best thing for Hobo Heart to see.
- It takes a little while for him to be openly vulnerable with you, but when he did, you're thoughts about his never changed, if only it made your feelings for him stronger and the same goes for him when he first met you.
- you wanted to dance in the rain? Hell no he wouldn’t want to get sick or see you get sick.
- He ended up dancing with you in the rain and flying towards the sky above while you danced around happily
- He loves watching you just talk about things you like and hate it let’s him get to know more about you
- Ocassionally you two like going out for picnics. You prepare everything and go to the nearest park to eat. Then, you sit on the grass and see the sunset together.
- he loves playing with your hair or you playing with his it makes him relax
- his wings are like an weighted blanket so he likes using it as an blanket for you when your cold
- He loves and cares for you something he felt once but got ruined.
- but you changed it for him. He will forever be in your debt for taking him out of his sad sink while and made him open up more around you and some others.
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dradrianmilk · 11 months
I think it would be funny if 2021 hob gadling was also just a terrible person. Ill even give leeway on the "guys gals and nonbianary pals:)" cringe professor bit with saying that 2021 hob THINKS hes a good moral person now! Ive seen "2021 hob has a secret life as a criminal" and thats delicious in a mafia context i really want to hear more of but it still has the "this is bad so i need to keep this separate" part. Wheres my 2021 hob thats just a JERK? just a total selfish asshole! Hes good to dream and a few people he kinda cares about until they drop like mayflies but maybe less "hates the british museum as some moral highground" and more "the British museum has kicked him out from the board of directors after a long con art fraud heist but he still has the bank information and knows how to hold a grudge" Btw this is a man posting ~♡•soft academia•♡~ instagram aesthetics on the regular. 100% the "worst person you know calls themselves a cottagecore empath" thing. Theres a comedy bit i got this whole post from i think its from cris flemming?? Idk.
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
When Ftwd first started, my brother and i went to comic con to see the panel and his jaw dropped when i pointed to Alycia on stage and said she played commander lexa. Ugh. It’s called acting and she’s just so good. And stunning. I love her press outfit. Just legs for daaaays and those piercing eyes and soft features. 🥰 hard agree on the lip liner- it’s too much and makes her lips,look weird. I think maybe it’s thickness and poor color match?
Yeah it's crazy right? Like the girl is kind of a lowkey subtle chameleon, she just looks different in everything she does, especially compared to her just being herself. And I know some are like meh iTs jUsT ThE mAkEuP shush it, nooo. I understand the magic of makeup I get what makeup can do. What I'm talking about isn't that. It's like when she plays roles her whole aura changes, her demeanor, and they're all different from each other. It's almost like even the way she holds her face and her posture changes. It's like you said, it's actually the acting. For me anyway.
And yeah I just... *deep sigh* idk. With her lip liner issue, I get the feeling it's because these artists want her lips to be shaped a certain way so bad that they try and force them to be shaped that way. They want them to be more rounded out at the edges on the bottom instead of neatly pulling up and in like they do, and they are obsessed with giving her a less exaggerated cupid's bow. They want that top angle line to slant instead of slope and they draw it in constantly and I hAte it. I mean she looks fine, she's stunning as always and even people who aren't nuts about her have to admit the girl is gorgeous on an aesthetic level alone. But ugh, yes I will never be on board with the over lining of the lips because lemme put it this way, while it looks fine for a photoshoot and to the naked eye, if you were to try and draw a portrait of her following those lip lines that they create, you'd be stuck wondering why that shit doesn't look like her mouth
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urthemiiel · 1 year
band name bestie and wild card for mercy, beginnings bandmates and tattoo for kian (hope it's not too much ddjdskjd)
THANK U!! it is not too much dont worry <3 but ill put it under the cut bc its long hehe
infamous mc ask game!!
Band name: How did they and the others come up with the band name? Has the name changed since it was founded?
- their band name is final girl, like the horror movie trope! mercy is a big fan of horror or gore or anything spooky. the name has been the same since the band was started, and it’s always been fitting since they are a punk band with a female lead and the aesthetics to match the ongoing horror theme!!
Besties: What’s their friendship with Rowan like? What are some things only he knows about them?
- she and rowan are super close!! he’s her best friend in the band. only he knows the full extent of her delusions LOL every day she texts him that she is fully convinced orion wants her bad and every day he says “u are literally insane ❤️”
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like.
- shes super active on social media and has a decently large following even before botb. her fans love her for the drama… u better not piss her off bc she Will post call outs on her main ig 😭 during botb she absolutely heckles both soft violence and underground wastebasket and says mean things to their fans just bc she thinks it’s funny. besides being a troll she also posts a lot of selfies and thirst traps bc shes hot!!!!
Beginnings: When and how did they know they wanted to be a professional musician? Was there a deciding factor?
- kian was a bored and lonely child and his parents felt enough guilt that they enrolled him in piano lessons so he could have Something to do(idk how canon this could be but its canon To Me). he was a natural, and he loved it. it was his introduction to his love for music and for a while he did think he’d pursue it as a career but ultimately decided it would be boring and his dream switched to being a famous rockstar instead. going to his first live shows, discovering misfit alley, and meeting seven/eventually starting the band in high school solidified that goal
Bandmates: How do they feel about the members of the band? Would they still be interested in stardom if they weren’t with that group?
- hes close to everyone in the band in his own ways. mostly rowan and devyn tho. rowan is a partner in crime, they have the most fun together and will always find a way to piss off orion. devyn is the rational one and kind of a calming presence. they got closer after the whole party/seven fiasco. if he didnt have the band i think he’d still pursue that kind of music, but probably as a solo singing type thing
Tattoo: Did they keep the tattoo with Seven’s initials? Why/why not? What was that decision/execution process like? (Bonus: What do they think of Seven keeping their tattoo?)
- he did keep the tattoo and he also doesnt conceal it on stage. so something about kian is that he is absolutely terrified of needles. hes never gotten piercings or any other tattoos, and the one tattoo he has for seven is a testament to how much he loves him bc it was a whole ordeal just to get it. so besides the fact that he is still horribly in love with sev, he also will not get it removed or covered bc he acts like sitting in the chair and being touched with the needle again is the same as being tortured to death. he says that he will get it removed once seven gets it removed, but the thought of seven removing his initials makes him ill 🤕 its like his last shred of hope that seven doesnt completely hate him
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charlesleclerrc · 1 year
Hii! You obviously love billy and camila (me too) but im curious about yous opinions on daisy and billydaisy (show and book). Could you tell me?
hi anon 🧡 I'll keep it under read more, because I feel like I should not go here anymore 🙃 (also I have reblogged and posted a few thoughts about what happened in the show, that can complete this)
but in the book I have to say that I was pretty indifferent to daisy, I thought she was a good character (well written and rounded), but she wasn't my type of character, so there was other things that I liked more and actually got me through the whole book, because I was not a big fan of how its written hsjshsjsjhd In the show this got worse because I feel like they gave us a polished version of daisy, so they don't reach book!daisy and at the same they don't create something new (kinda like it happens with billy). To me it felt like they were constantly trying bring book!daisy to life, but failing because they were also trying to make her more likeable and aesthetically memorable. And I also think that sometimes riley's acting is too soft and calm and that + the writing made me very apathetic to her scenes, so a lot of times I was like this 😐😐 watching what was supposed to be big moments of the character – like the pool scene, the 'I'm not a muse' moment or her last scene with camila – because they didn't made me feel anything,,, different from the book when a lot of times I felt for her.
show!daisybilly I just hate. in the book they annoyed me a lot when they were fighting and when they were making everyone's lives a nightmare, on the show, not even that they were able to provoke on me (also the show made me side with billy a lot of times, when in the book I thought he was worse than her). I didn't like what they were doing to camila (who was my fav in the book), but there were moments when I hurted for them and my heart got very heavy thinking about what these three characters were going through and how sad all of this was for them. My otp was camilabilly, but daisybilly didn't bothered me like they did in the show. to me the love triangle was a good study in emotions, what love should bring to your life and what ifs.
I haaaate what they did to Billy's character, and besides the bad changes that didn't help his character, his writing in the show was sooo inconsistent, it felt like we were constantly getting two very different billys. and I hate that daisy, a lot of the time, looked like a winny, jealous other woman. The love triangle lost all the nuance and turned into something that we saw multiple times on older tv shows. Idk it feels like the producers looked at the book with a shipper gaze and instead of adapting the stories in there, they wanted to prop their favorite couples and make them something bigger than they were in the book (karengraham also suffered with this, but in a different way).
to me djats was not a romantic book, and love in the story is very bittersweet, because it hurts in the same way that it makes you happy (sometimes more) and in the show it's like "omg look how they are made to be together!!!!!", and an example of it it's that in the book the ending is open, you choose if they made contact or not, and in the show they made sure we saw them meeting again.
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popstarryeyed · 2 years
second impression of midnights (more favorable)
lavender haze - i think i would've liked this better as a track off reputation. like now taylor writing about her reputation is overdone but the idea of falling in love while the world hates you is actually compelling. i love "delicate". objectively it's not a bad concept for a song. it's also very jack antonoff-y production wise and i don't mind that but it is very noticable.
maroon - still can't get over "so scarlet it was maroon". not the same color! also one of the things i find fun about taylor swift is her continuity with imagery and theme, and in "daylight" she talks about how she used to think love was burning red (like the song and album red) but it's golden. i don't know how maroon fits into that established color imagery.
anti-hero - the first few lyrics are a bit too hashtag-relatable (saying the word depression directly instead of just describing the experience) but overall i really like the song. i feel like people might think the sexy baby/monster on the hill line is cringe but i actually really love it bc i can totally see tall 30-something taylor swift feeling odd and ungainly next to younger music industry girls. and as a fat woman in my late 20s, i definitely feel that way sometimes about college students on the train. the music video skit IS cringe though
snow on the beach - it's pretty, but saying it's featuring lana del rey is laughable. if i didn't know she was on there i wouldn't have noticed.
you're on your own, kid - kind of growing on me. i've certainly felt alone a lot of the time. i like that this album is giving some insight into taylor swift as a kid being kind of lonely and weird. when she first got famous, i saw her as a very normal popular girl but a) i don't know what she was like pre-fame and b) getting famous at a young age would make you weird.
midnight rain - i really want to love this bc the lyrics and concept are so good. taylor swift thinking back to someone who wanted a more stable life but she wanted to pursue her music career and how they just had such wildly different priorities. i love the imagery of sunshine and midnight rain to convey this distance, reminds me of that verse from "your best american girl" ("you're the sun / you've never seen the night / but you hear its song from the morning birds"). and i can totally imagine that she still thinks about it sometimes because pursuing her fame has also fucked her over. BUT that pitch-shifted voice. it's not the worst pitch-shifted voice i've heard but i don't like it and i think the song's lyrics would hit harder if delivered more directly.
question - this is good, asking a past fling for closure makes sense with the whole midnights thing. i like when taylor gets pointed
vigilante shit - it's so...revenge as aesthetic. like she does some interesting stuff on the song, revealing her ex's crimes, teaming up with his ex-wife, but the way it comes back to how she's dressed makes it so hollow. like it's not a story about her getting revenge, it's about the aesthetic of being a vengeful woman. like scary scary sexy lady from crazy ex-gf but not a joke. "mad woman" does the "aren't you tired of being nice? don't you want to just go apeshit?" theme better, and "no body no crime" has an actual revenge storyline. this does neither.
bejeweled - i like it. flex on that loser
labyrinth - not particularly memorable
karma - sounds lovely but i don't love the smugness
sweet nothing - i think this is about how the world expects so much of her but this partner expects nothing and it's so comfortable. but idk. something rubs me the wrong way about it. especially the bit about people asking her to do more but she's too soft for it. like obviously i get the appeal disconnecting from the world to be with your partner but that's not a solution to the world's problems
mastermind - i like this one. i get it, trying to orchestrate things because you don't get things if you don't.
the great war - i still like this one a lot. maybe my fave overall.
bigger than the whole sky - still good.
paris - again with the whole "i'm totally disconnected from the world with my boyfriend" thing. except paris is, in fact, a part of the world.
high infidelity - i like this one better on second listen. rolling eyes at a jealous lover like do i have to tell you every detail of my life? ugh!
glitch - i like it. the idea that falling in love is some flaw in the plan, some electronic glitch in your programming - i feel it.
would've could've should've - i totally understand why this relationship is still bothering her over a decade later. i still listen to dear john and feel homicidal.
dear reader - i don't like songs where the singer just gives you advice. it's always so trite.
overall i am far more positive on it than i was. still think there's some filler and weak songs, but hey, that's typical for a taylor swift album
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neptune-midheaven · 3 years
The Third House Placements and Their Handwriting Styles ~💖🌺🐚
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Welcome back babes 😁🙏✨ I’m back posting someee bit but anything nonetheless ! This was a post I wanted to do for a while, this really intrigued me💫
I’m going to be talking about third house placements and their unique to the placement writing styles. Third house rules hands, arms, fingers and writing, correct !😄🎶 There is a correlation between handwriting and third house in astrology as it literlaly rules over it, so components in your third house astrology will dictate how this will look. Use all of the possible combinations you have in your chart ! 🙂☝️
For generational planet ruled signs, use whatever works better.
🔆Sun/leo ~
May have a gift in being very dramatic and showy whenever they express their ideas or in their communication they can be very bright and charming. They’re very talented at absorbing knowledge and facts, they usually are the types of people to dish out random facts about anything whoever you’re talking to them, they have so much random knowledge kept in their minds it’s almost funny. They’re silly and a bit childlike people,
Handwriting style 🦁
Regal, nice looking. They have a confidence to their writing, if the whole class wrote on one piece of paper, theirs would stand out more, maybe a “I can trust what they write is the best there is here” is what people reading over theirs would think.
🌙Moon/cancer ~
Loves sentimental things, talking about the past and family makes them feel good and safe, attachments to the mother, most likely missed her or their family whenever they had to go to school, homesickness at school
Handwriting style 🌝
Soft, homely words. Shyer? They write with a grace and their words are poetically beautiful. It looks like something out of a movie. Nostalgic, their ink is softer and lighter, their curves are soft, their lines and o’s are soft and so sensitive. SO gentle and calm. It’s sleepy?
💫Mercury/gemini/virgo ~
The wittiest, most social people ever. They’re all definitely extroverts, I am one with my gemini in 3rd house ova here 😘, they love talking, and never stop talking and love chatting about anything and never stop chatting about anything, they love walking up to random people and never stop walking up to random people and staring a convo with them out of nowhere 😀. My friends bully me all the time for this. I understand. The one kid in school with like all the answers, they just knew the answer to things and easily got good grades. People asked them for answers all of the time since they are so smart and intelligent, they absorb what they’re being taught so quickly they don’t ever let the teacher finish talking. They’re fast and versatile.
Handwriting style 🤸‍♀️
Fast writing, so many words. They write super fast and probably have so many typos in their essays and papers. Handwriting can look like crap 🤨😐. Like there’s no rush, you’re gonna get your paper done on time! You can’t read what they write al of the time because they rush through writing everything. Their letters and words look fancy somehow, like they were written by the scholar of all scholars, they’re just unintelligible words and sentences. Teachers may need to ask what the student with this placement writes because they can’t read it. Scribbles, jumbled and mixing up things all over the page. You can tell they write fast with the jagged lines and crooked n’s and t’s ajakksks.
💕Venus/taurus/libra ~
Very sweet and charming way of talking to others, they have strong persuasive powers with their honeyed words, they can almost charm you into doing anything, they seem so innocent and sweet. These people are very kind though of course! They love giving others compliments, strangers, their friends, their family, they’re such sweet people to have in your life. They attract partners and relationships by doing their daily tasks, lovers can show up suddenly when they’re running errands or they can attract a lot of interest at their school.
Handwriting style 🍓
The most pleasant, aesthetic handwriting i have ever seen, even if their handwriting is bad it still becomes an art style somehow, i don’t really know how else to describe that. It’s like no matter how bad it could possibly look or how incoherent it is, their script still manages to look NICE.
💥Mars/aries ~
Very loud voices, a bit like sun, but it’s more like their power and strength is used whenever they talk. They could be meaner or aggressive classmates, angry talkers, I know so many people with this placement who talk so mad, so much cursing, ranting and screaming. We love it all.
Handwriting style 🥵
Very rough and fast handwriting, similar to mercury; however, it has more fervor, the messiest and most impulsive handwriting out of all of the other placements.
🐚Jupiter/sagittarius ~
Loud and expressive communicators, similar to the sun here, but they’re louder and bigger. You can hear their voices from across the room and they’re usually the know-it-all’s in the classroom. Very friendly and fun to talk to, they talk about so many exotic and interesting things. They love to crack a joke or two. Also, it’s something about these peoples voices are just FUNNY. Like how they talk is like hilarious and jolly in a good way. It make you wanna crack up and feel good. They make you feel good and BLESSED when they talk to you.
Handwriting style 🍀
Larger letters, I’ve noticed they have bigger “holes” and like to expand their letters over the pages, their words go over the lines and it could be messy usually, sort of like mars fashion but it’s just wider words on the paper.
🪐Saturn/capricorn ~
Very punctual people with perfect punctuation. They hate it whenever their thoughts are messy or unorganized, it makes it hard for them to think thoroughly like they are expected to. They’re the smarter most mature minds in the room. Very deep, daddy voices. IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT. THEY SOUND LIKE THEIR DADS. ITS CRAZY. They talk with so authority and sureness, their diction is so perfect it makes everyone mad.
Handwriting style ✏️
Perfect handwriting, they hate it when their sentences look off or unstructured on a page. The most rounded o’s, the straightest lines and perfect length for every letter they write. Correct punctuation once again, their words look like they were printed by a typewriter.
🌪Uranus/aquarius ~
Very different minds, they could feel strange or odd in school, like they were just the oddball learners, had weird interests, or was a huge nerd over so many subjects. Crazy coffee drinkers, the ones with monster drinks and twenty textbooks that are about to fall out of their open backpacks because they rushed to get to school on time. The craziest people actually, their minds are like on drugs, they can be hard to keep up with.
Handwriting style ⚡️
Weird ways they write certain styles of their letters and their words can “come out” of the page. They write SO fast this is usually why they take harder classes in school with more work just solely on the fact they can write much faster than anyone else. Maybe comic-book looking writing? They’re dynamic and crazy like harsh lines and crazy o’s, there’s something unique about the way they write.
🌊Neptune/pisces ~
Such idealistic thinkers. They want to see the good in their surroundings, they do need to be careful with this because surroundings and things can be deceiving. They can absorb such much of their surroundings, they can be quieter communicators because of this. It can be taken advantage of since they’re overwhelmed by conversations or they can be easily fooled by the wrong people. Like they believe things that aren’t even true? Or they like tell a lot of white lies when they’re talking that make people go like uhh is that even true?😀😀 But they play it off when they’re caught lying, it’s very deceptive. The quietest kids in school that either did drugs or tried to escape class by doing some illegal stuff, or they just left. Some were never seen at school.
Handwriting style 🌀
The sleepiest handwriting I’ve ever seen. It’s provably hard to read what they write. Faded words maybe? Faded words on faded paper. So poetic though, it’s pretty but not in a venus way, it like captivates you. It’s hypnotizing they way they draw out their e’s and their a’s have a dreamy tail that connects to their next letter.
🥀Pluto/scorpio ~
Obsessive minds, they want to know everything possible, they want to reach the deepest depths on information and knowledge. They are motived and driven to know as much as they can, and they always seem to succeed. They’re very smart. The kids in school who would keep to themselves or would obsess over what the teacher taught them, the way they communicate is like they’ve read the same page over and over again for days. Obsessive.
Handwriting style 🖤
Darker, hard to see words, they can have obsessive writing. It’s perfect but fast writing, maybe a bit scary that they have the ability to write so much with so much power? People can be freaked out with just how much they know already. So their words can be very persuasive, so the letters would be magnetic, you love their writing once you read one of their essays. You’re obsessed, just like they are.
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lesbiannancytruther · 2 years
mythical moment au but the fun part
i real life thought i was gonna save this for tomorrow but then i got too inspired so these are how the core four are impacted by this curse
okay first the vampires:
nancy is a special case because not only has she been to the upside down not once, not twice, but three times!!, but she’s also been vecna’d. im not gonna make her a hybrid case, she’s very much just a vampire, but this manifests weirdly. considering she got that weird intimate mental connection with the upside down, she’s way more in tune with her “charmspeak” and natural allure, so much so that she’s very magnetic and difficult to ignore, especially when she’s fully nourished and happy. she’s also very in tune with the way people are, it’s impossible to lie to her and she can see straight through any attempts at sly manipulation/deception, all of which make her a supernaturally excellent reporter. she’s not as physically strong or fast as eddie, but she’s got crazy good eyesight and by extension, impeccable aim (that’s right she still gets a gun in this au). she’s got moderate self-control, but her biggest weakness comes in the form of silver. considering it’s a “magical” weakness, any wounds caused by silver hit her way harder and make her sick. she can bounce back, but it knocks her on her ass like nothing else can. one good thing though? she has a great excuse to carry around cute umbrellas.
okay so eddie is like very opposite to nance, considering he’s got the whole cryptid greasecore vibe he’s wayyy strong and fast, easily the strongest in the group (followed by nancy, then robin, then steve), and he’s super durable, able to take hits like a champ. at this expense though, he literally can not stand the sun, under any circumstances, like hissing and rolling around on the floor, its BAD. by extension, he’s far from being as physically alluring as nancy is, grabbing more attention in the “woah that guy looks so strange lets get a closer look” way than the “wow hes so sexy...” way bc he’s really not steve is just kinda weird. out of everyone he’s the most accepting of the curse considering he can literally fit his aesthetic perfectly.
onto the werewolves!
robin is an interesting case, considering she’s always been so physically vulnerable and very much so clumsy the curse both made it better and worse, because she’s really strong and fast, which means breaking things on accident and running into things as a wolf (she’s ran into steve so many times its not even funny). nancy is still stronger than her when she’s in her human form but as a wolf she’s stronger than nance. robin is a very curious wolf, getting into more trouble by exploring and getting literally so lost over being a monster because she has no sense of direction and is only moderately okay at tracking. her fur is a weird red/brown/blonde color and is super pretty, her eye color staying consistent to her human eye color. robin deals with worse chronic pain than steve because she gets so beat up as a wolf by just fucking around and finding out, but she bounces back faster after the full moon than he does. she also remembers more from her time as a wolf than steve does. robin is very physically affectionate, always having an arm around nance or holding steve’s hand (platonically >:( ) because it grounds her and helps her think clearly and also dog instincts idk....
okay so mr. harrington... i very much hate the mama steve jokes but a lot of the good parts of his character come from the fact that he cares so much about people and watches out for them, so don’t look too hard into some of this. despite robin being stronger, steve is bigger than her, and he’s got crazy intimidation factor, like he’s the scary dog privileges (literally) of the friend group. he’s got weirdly fluffy and soft brown fur and brown eyes. steve is a lot more durable in both the physical and weather endurance sense. his senses are stronger than robin’s, he’s an excellent tracker and is usually the one to find robin when she gets lost and bring her back because he has a much better sense of direction. steve is a lot more protective in his wolf form (which is saying a lot bc im a big advocate for protective!robin and she very much is in this au), pretty aggressive and way more likely to maim someone who fucks up than robin is. steve feels AWFUL after changing back like he’s downed for two days afterwards. he’s very in tune with everyone in his circle and tries his best to support anyone who needs it. steve also basically remembers nothing from the change other than vague impressions of feelings.
okay now thats it for the night
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bybdolan · 3 years
Amy I love every take you have on reputation and your reimagined playlist and edits are so good. But I wondered if you’d ever done a track by track review of it? Would love to hear your thoughts on each song / what you’d change about it cause I feel like it has a lot of potential but with so many of the songs something let’s it down
PREFACE: I feel like this is going to be very surprising for the both of us given that I think my qualms with reputation lie with the album as a whole (its execution both musically and aesthetically, as well as the fandom’s perception of it) more than with the songs themselves. And one could argue that, by being a hater, I am denying myself enjoyment of the album etc. etc. and it isn’t Taylor’s fault that the album is not what I, personally, want it to be, so this is all very subjective. That being said: Let’s go!
…Ready For It? – This does kind of go off, there is no doubt about that, however, I find it kind of… cringe? Even though I don’t like using that word. There are some great lyrics in here (“Burton to this Taylor” helloooo), I really enjoy the “Baby let the games begin” chants, especially the “aahhs” near the end, and I do think it is a sick opener, however, I don’t think Taylor really sells the song? She delivers it in a way that leans into how “new” and “dark” this album is for her, but the song isn’t experimental enough for it to work imo, which is an issue I have with the whole album + its marketing and reception: It is a new sound and vibe for Taylor, but the album as a work of art isn’t all that out there (Trap beats? In 2017? Wow) and while yes, context and an artist’s journey are important when judging a record, the “I am doing something crazy and shocking!” vibes on an album that, musically, isn’t all that interesting, don’t work for me. It also is a ripoff of “Lang lebe der Tod” by Casper, which is not only a better song, but also a better critique of fame.
End Game – Biiig reputation, biiiig reputation! The song isn’t anything remarkable apart from that. I think it’s very basic and boring and that’s it.
I Did Something Bad – The tour version is so so much better, I would have loved these heavy chant-y industrial vibes for the whole album. I think IDSB works in how Taylor really leans into the persona here, it feels almost like a sister to Blank Space in that regard, although more honest and a lot sadder. It is interesting how Taylor, despite leaning into the “bad version” of herself, tries defending herself during the bridge (“They are burning all the witches even if you aren’t one” – implying that she isn’t one herself), which is emblematic of reputation’s struggle of being an album that is about learning to stop caring, while still… caring very much (understandable, given Taylor’s state at the time, but I am a bit bummed she still played it safe sonically on the album). I hate that the word “receipts” is used, but the song is a standout track for sure.
Don’t Blame Me – I hate the drug metaphors in this one <3 Idk, I am a bit concerned about the amount of drinking mentions in this album and this song is so... mhhh in that context. It is nice and epic to listen to but Hozier did it first I guess. It's not really giving what it's supposed to be giving.
Delicate – I really like this song. It is soft, gentle pop perfection. The placement of the tracklist is super weird, but I will look past it for now. Delicate is definitely one of Taylor’s best pop songs, I love the effect on her voice and the “pulse” the song has. (I am kind of blergh on her using “chill” simply because of personal preference, but the song as a whole is so rooted in its time – not in a bad way! – that it works. It feels like a very distinctly social media era love song, but not in a way where it will age badly, but in a way that really captures the energy of a time.)
LWYMMD – ok I have to say: I love this song. I know it’s weird on a musical level whatever whatever but I love how cooky and crazy and campy it is. I kind of wish Taylor would have made a whole album that was this level of “character” and intentionally over-the-top. I think this works perfectly. Which is exactly why I am bummed out she played it so safe. I think she should have made an intentionally bad and camp-y album.
So It Goes… - I have. No thoughts on this. It’s absolutely not doing it for me whatsoever.
Gorgeous – I spontaneously forgot this song exists bless. It is so basic and plain, it’s almost shocking. None of this works. It’s so clunky and lyrically boring, I remember being a lil worried when this single was released, because at the time Taylor was my favorite songwriter ever and I was shocked Miss “Dear John” also wrote this. Which is honestly true for a lot of thsi album, I consider it her weakest work lyrically.
Getaway Car – she is a queen! Probably the best song on the album, it has a very distinct vibe and energy, and the storytelling is immaculate. I love the slight 90s vibes and the drive the chorus has. Another one of Taylor’s best pop songs.
King Of My Heart – I don’t care for this. The production feels a bit clunky and off to me. I did love the video of her writing it on the electric guitar though!
Dancing With Our Hands Tied – One of the better songs on the album but I have fallen out of love with it recently. Something about the way her voice is edited/mixed feels strange, and even though I appreciate a good 90s beat, this ultimately isn’t for me. Lyrically it outsells a good 70% of this album.
Dress – Ahhh I like this! The secrecy, the yearning… *chef’s kiss*! It manages to feel vulnerable while still being very very sultry. This is honestly what it feels like to be horny for somebody who you also deeply care for as a person.
TIWWCHNT – another song that is arguably pretty awful but I LOVE. It’s so bonkers, but it just does it for me. I feel like I really love this album when it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Ironically, Taylor also sounds the angriest on this track.
CIWYW – aww… this is cute and I am happy for her. I am a defender of “trust him like a brother” because I feel like your partner making you feel as secure as your immediate family does (if you have a good relationship to them) is a good thing? The whole song is wholesome but ultimately nothing very special to me. Looove that you can hear her smile though, and the SNL performance is exquisite. EDIT: ok I just listened to this while typing and when it picks up in the 2ndverse… it do be getting to me!
New Year’s Day – Yea <3 this is so soft n sweet and aaaahh. I am not a fan of the repetition of “hold on to the memories…” and “Please don’t ever become a stranger…” but who cares when the rest of the song is this heartwarming. One of her best love songs imo, and, after having listened to the album as a whole again, an excellent closer. I have to admit the pacing of the album is very, very good, and I do appreciate the storytelling, however, it still feels underwhelming to me, both musically and lyrically. It doesn't really cut deep a lot of the time. It's just a lil... Boring?
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writing-good-vibes · 3 years
brad dourif characters x reader headcanons: birthdays (fluff and smut)
requested by anon !! what do our beloveds do for your birthday (spoiler, they (pretty much) all spoil you) warning for smut. more notes in tags
charles lee ray
avoids his own birthday but goes all out for yours
buys (or steals, don't ask) you a lot of presents
i mean a lot !!
new tv (stolen)
a lot of lingerie (classy)
you have a very late night the night before (takes you to a very rough bar)
lazy morning
expect a very happy birthday fuck to start the day
doesn't make you breakfast because he hates cooking
but does go out for coffee and your takeout breakfast of choice to bring home for you
has a cake professionally made/decorated
(because you made one for his birthday)
the message on top is something v horny like "your pussy tastier than this"
or it's like one word like "whore <3"
either way it is both hilarious and embarrassing that some poor bakery worker had to frost those words
takes you out for dinner (very fancy restaurant)
or to the movies
another happy birthday fuck when you get home
("how old are you again? guess that's how many rounds we've gotta get through tonight")
billy bibbit
billy doesn't much like his own birthday (his mom was too overbearing for him to ever properly enjoy himself)
but he is great at organising yours
lazy morning
as many kisses as years you are old
makes you breakfast in bed because he is a sweetheart
he makes you a present !!
he's actually really good at drawing and he fills a notebook with little drawings and pictures
(drawings of you and of things you love and one at the end of himself that he's embarrassed about but you love it)
then immediately thinks it isn't good enough and that he should of just bought you something
but you kiss him and reassure him that it's beautiful
the best present you've ever been given
you stay in that night to cook dinner together
he's definitely made you a cake !!
is it very aesthetic and the frosting is your favourite colour/flavour
sitting outside to watch the sunset !!
sheriff brackett
does everything in his power to make the day extra special for you
(has told his deputy not to bother him unless something really important happens)
buys you a sentimental/thoughtful gift
like some fancy thing related to your favourite hobby (e.g. expensive art supplies if you're an artist, etc.)
breakfast in bed !!
in your underwear, sun coming in through the windows
definitely the kind of guy to get ballons and banners to decorate the house with
(which is embarrassing but also wholesome)
takes you out to dinner at a very tasteful restaurant
you are birthday girl and he won't let you forget it
he's set the bar pretty high sex wise so has to pull out all the stops to make it extra special
clear your diary for the next 3 to 5 hours
("daddy's allowed to treat the birthday girl")
jack dante
forgets your birthday every time
its not that he doesnt care
but he has a lot going on
and keeping track of time whilst he's down in that basement is easier said than done
when you remind him that it is your birthday he gets more excited than you
sends you out to get cake and jelly and ice cream
which you begrudgingly go and get because you really think he might cry if you dont
sex is abundant but when is it not with jack
as it is your birthday he might be kind enough to give you a reach around whilst he rails you
when he actually gets you a present
(usually like a week late)
its either something actually brilliant (like the latest futurist technology (idk what they had in fake-future-2003))
or its something real fucking sleazy like a weirdo dildo ("so you don't get lonely when i'm not around")
doc cochran
would rather die than celebrate his own birthday
but he wants you to be happy on yours
(and every day)
gets you the best present
(where from? he has his ways)
definitely like some first edition copy of a niche book you like (poe, shakespeare, homer, that kind of thing)
makes sure he has no scheduled visits that day and wants to spend as much time with you as possible
(will personally beat Al's ass if he sends for him for no reason)
you spend the day talking about this and that
and he reads to you from the books he got you because goddamn does he have a beautiful voice
gets jewel to bake you a cake !!
gives you some special loving on your special day
this man knows how to take his time
usually he is busy and feels like he doesn't pay enough attention to you
so he makes up for it ten fold on your birthday
grima wormtongue
for a long while your relationship is pretty casual so he doesnt even know when your birthday is
once he actually figures out when your birthday is he wants to do something special
even if he isn't the most... emotionally open person
grima has sticky fingers so he tends to be able to get a hold of things that others cant
gets you something exotic, something you might not of ever even seen before
(think, pineapples or some other middle earth equivalent delicacy)
you appreciate him going out of his way for you
makes an excuse for you to leave meduseld with him
you go up to the fields and look out at the horizon
tommy ludlow
you both bunk off work to spend the day together
he is excellent at buying present(s)
knows exactly what to get you because he's a good listener
definitely gets you a record or new clothes
neither of you have much money so all your plans are always simple
but tommy is the perfect person to just hang out with, he's so mellow when he's with you
has no plans for the day except letting you do whatever you want
you drive around the city
end up going by the natural history museum
(because both of you are actually secretly soft and love holding hands and wandering around the exhibits)
or the met (because you both know your fair share about art, working around fashion shoots all day)
that night you go to some shady dive bar
(and drink too much, if that is your thing)
tumbling in through your front door, you two were never going to make it to the bedroom
"happy birthday" he smirks against you as you both lay, tired, on the living room floor
leo nova
spends so much money on you
mostly because he likes to show off his money
("when can i treat my girl to all that she deserves if not on her birthday?")
but partly because gift giving is his love language, or at least the only way he feels comfortable showing that he cares
a new dress that costs more than the rent on your old apartment, shoes that cost twice as much
takes you to the fanciest restaurant possible
and then fucks you in the dirtiest way possible when you get home
and he can go all night long
*wink wink*
tucker cleveland
hasnt celebrated his own birthday in years so has kind of forgot that birthdays are a thing
remembers yours like 3 days before and kicks himself for leaving it so late to get you a present
(you help him out by giving hint to what you want in the run up to your birthday)
keeps the whole thing very lowkey
which you don't mind, you're not into big celebrations anyway
he does get you a gift in time, thanks to your hints
he's probably at work during the day
but after he gets home and you have dinner together, he hands over his present
although you sort of already knew what it'd be, its definitely the thought that counts with tucker
"and the best is yet to come, don't you worry" he says smiling
of course, the real present is him pounding you over the table
(because who has the time to go up to bed)
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
just curious, what’s your favorite and least favorite character design? my least fav for sure has got to be female byleth for reasons i don’t want to get in to yep ok have a good day 😁
IOops this accidentally became a rant, sorry
Okay so, to preface this all, I’m not a character designer and I’m actually pretty bad at it, but my rule of thumb with really unappealing or fan-service outfits is whether or not it makes sense character-wise and how much it tells the player about the character. For example, I think we can all agree that there’s quite a bit of fan-service elements in Hilda’s design. Boob window. However, it’s not unrealistic to imagine Hilda picking out those clothes for herself. Her costume tells you almost everything you need to know about her character on a visual level. She’s confident, pretty, attention-grabbing, and high maintenance while the gloves and laced girdle give a nod to her Viking-maiden roots.
Taking it to female Byleth, I don’t think that her outfit works on either front. Her design is definitely my least favorite and it’s not helped by the fact that you have to look at her at all times. Whatever. The huge, solid mass of boobs, the buttoned bib, the big eyes, the feather hair, the bellybutton, the ripped tights, the booty shorts. She’s a merc out in life and death situations with an accessible, pale, tacky 2000′s “stab me” stomach cut out and a wedgie. Which could be excusable if, like Hilda, there was reason to believe that that her costume was character choice. But she doesn’t really have much character, and what there is gives the impression of a very stoic, dry, blunt person. I have no idea why they’d have gone that route when the sexual appeal of more “utilitarian” costuming (aka, form fitting armor that at least pretends to be functional) for characters like her is scientifically proven AND would say more about the singular personality trait she possesses. Okay, well, I know why they didn’t do that and I think it’s lame. This dysfunction of “character designer wanted a sexy girl but it’s kinda random and just shoved in the game without any thought” actually reminds me a lot of Xenoblade 2′s leading ladies, Hikari and Pyra. Although considering that their bad designs led to a lot of people hating the game for superficial reasons while accepting female Byleth’s design, I guess I’m just bitter. Jumping to a different comparison, then, look at 2B from Nier Automata. Her design is fine as hell which is kinda hypocritical of me considering that it's explicitly fan-service, but I think it also shows the most damning thing for female Byleth. Her whole look, despite having a dozen different element thrown in, is boring. Maybe it’s the colors (dressing her in all black and white would have been really interesting considering the colors of the three lords are so heavily emphasized as a part of their characters) or maybe it’s just the way the desperate elements come together. But, like I said, I'm not even slightly knowledgeable about character design and I know that despite Three Houses being mostly separate, they had to appeal to a larger aesthetic brand to which I have little experience with. And, ultimately, a lot of people find her cute or sexy which...To each their own, I suppose. I don’t pretend that fan-service doesn’t work on me (2B... Cloud’s arms in the remake... Seph's shirtless Smash skin...) but when it’s this obviously inserted in by the character designers rather than feeling organic in any way AND looks bad I'm just not super interested.
The other worst designs for me would be all four of the Ashen Wolves post timeskip. I don't think it's controversial to say that they didn't try with the clothes, even if I love their designs from the neck up (Yes, even Balthus. He looks like the type of guy that would let you sit on his shoulders at a rock concert so you could see the stage). While there are other designs I think are unappealing, those are for purely aesthetic reasons and so I can't maintain the opinion that they're actively bad or that I even truly dislike them.
As for favorite looks... I actually have a few so sorry you're getting all of them because despite the shit I'm talking, I actually really really love the character designs in Three Houses. 
Ferdinand's post timeskip is one of my favorite designs, if not my favorite. The hair, the coat, the armor, the spurs, the colors. You know exactly who Ferdinand von Aegir is just by looking at him. He’s wealthy, handsome, confident in his appearance, a hero, a princely type character, his battle form is mounted combat which is traditionally aesthetically reserved for nobility and leaders... I love it. The only reason I cannot say he IS my favorite is because of the three Lords. But before them, my honorable mentions include post timeskip Hilda, Dorothea, Lorenz, Felix, and Hubert. Granted, I could make a case for why I like almost all of the student’s post timeskip looks.
For the Lords, I obviously have to start with colors because, weirdly enough, Persona didn’t invent primary colors but are actually used as shorthand. Blue is the color of honor, loyalty, sincerity, sadness, and depression. Something I’ve always found very interesting is that blue is very rarely found in nature. To me, that’s always made it seem more lonely which, at least in this case, is thematically relevant. People call Dimitri boring pre timeskip and while I won’t defend his hairstyle (okay, actually, I probably would because he tucks it behind his ears and idk why but that’s one of the cutest things ever) I really like how unassuming he is. Bland. He’s supposed to be the plain shortbread cookie to caramel deLite Claude and strawberry meringue Edelgard. It is not in his character to draw attention to himself or stand out. To me, he kinda looks like an old Barbie prince, like he should have been named Dominic. Also I love the blue eyes/blonde hair thing and his more angular features. It really helps to sell him as the fakeout chivalrous prince type. Post timeskip, Dimitri's black armor is amazing. I love the fact that it’s a lot more intricate up-close with the different little shell-like pieces and the fact that his boots are furry. I love the big cape and the black and white fur around his shoulders. It’s really cool how they used his costume to change the shape of his in-game model to match the bodily proportions of the character art. It’s easier to see when you change his costume into the DLC ones, but the fur and cape build up his shoulders and chest look more broad while keeping that tiny little waist. The choice to give Dimitri an eyepatch is probably my favorite thing about this design. It’s genuinely inspired. Such a simple detail yet it tells the player everything they need to know about adult Dimitri when they see him post timeskip, in one frame the player can begin to understand the extent of his loss over the past five years. The subtle shadow under his eye in the first few Azure Moon chapters and the messy long-ish hair really help to sell the feral prince aesthetic as well, as it’s from those small cues the player gets that he’s exhausted (in more ways than one) and doesn’t maintain himself. None of these things are intentional choices by Dimtiri, they’re the result of what his character has been through.
Yellow is an intense, energetic color. Mostly, people think of it as being warm and inviting, the color of the sun and positivity. That intensity can be overwhelming, though, too visually demanding when compared to its primary counterparts. Don’t stare at the sun too long. Buuuut, it’s okay to stare at Claude. Claude not wanting to wear tight pants in either of his costumes is not only a mood, it is iconic. Pre timeskip, the softer lines of his silhouette makes him look kinda slouchy, kinda lazy. Like he’s not too concerned with appearances. But those adorably messy curls, the little braid, the clearly tended eyebrows, and earring make it clear that he DOES care about appearances and is very aware of his allure. And that’s before he even starts winking. It is honestly so in character that as many people picked him first on the basis of being thirsty, that feels like an intentionally Claude thing even if it was inserted by the designers. The contrast of his complexion with his seagreen eyes is gorgeous and instantly adds a kind of mystery and intrigue to him considering the setting... but it’s sf funny that nobody looked at bronze god Claude among a sea of white faces and thought something was up. Post timeskip, they used the same trick like they did with Dimitri to change Claude’s in-game model to match his canon appearance. The way they designed his uniform makes him not look as twink-ish, like he’s actually muscular and imposing and has the strength he’d need to shoot a war bow with a 120lbs draw weight. Also like Dimitri, you can instantly tell what Claude’s been up to. Like, he was very pretty pre timeskip but when he shows up in the Goddess Tower after those five years in all that gold, he demands your attention. Like a gentleman general with the excessive aesthetic ideals of the Alliance and details to imply his heritage. The quilted pants are amazing from both an aesthetic and practical standpoint. He’s a mounted unit riding a creature with scales, of course he’d want something on his legs for protection. And the chinstrap. I love that so much, it definitely makes him look more adult. He’s got such a cute soft baby face, it’s fun imagining him experimenting with different styles during the five years to get the most desired physical reaction to him as a leader. 
Frenchfries, meet forehead. No, actually, Edelgard’s design is really fantastic. Claude and Dimitri both have realistically colored eyes and hair and then there’s Edelgard. Dimitri shrugs off attention physically and Claude shirks it with a wink but Edelgard commands the players attention from the very start. Although I’m sure there’s a lot of things to associate with white hair and purple eyes, my first thought was Daenerys from Game of Thrones. Otherworldly beautiful by with an edge. Red, of course, is The power color. Strong emotions, love and hate. Red is also associated strongly with blood, which is very important to Edelgard’s plot. Granted, I think the red and black association is even more powerful than JUST red and red is the cheapest play to make in regards to displaying villainy (I mean, there are some pretty universally recognized associations with red and black and it led to people making some unfair comparisons between Edelgard and a famous dictator) but I think it was effective and well used and I genuinely enjoy its use in her case. Anyway, if I had a major complaint about her design it would be the weird ashy color of her hair whereas Lysithea’s hair is pure white. Which doesn’t even matter with the AMAZING hair horns. Ram horns can actually symbolize quite a few things, but their association with power and strength is pretty universal I think. They’re also used in demonic imagery. I love that THIS was her alternative to a crown. Edelgard views herself as a force of war and power before she thinks of herself as royalty. She also mentions that she isn’t super vain, but she loves to do her hair, so the hair being the most elaborate part of her look is entirely in-character. Edelgard’s ensemble is, like Claude, very militaristic. I love that they kept her in a dress that embraces femininity without showing skin as that wouldn’t really suit her Also, again, Edelgard demands your attention. She’s dressed all in bright bright red waving around a giant axe. She is a symbol as much as she is a combatant, someone to follow. I didn’t really mention their secondary lord costumes, but a girl in sexy armor is literally everything and I love that they had the balls to put their main sexy waifu girl in full body armor.
Okay I’m sorry I realize this was excessive and probably didn’t need explaining and I’m not sure I even articulated my thoughts properly but anyway I love their designs so here is the positivity I’ll put into the world.
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pigstepmp3-moved · 4 years
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holy hell, gamers, i finally reached one whole thousand followers! how bonkers is that! when i first made this blog in december 2018, i was just trying to start over in a new fandom. ive been active on tumblr for a looong time (since i was like 11, which is. not great, but we wont get into that). i cant remember quite why i decided to remake, but i never imagined getting a higher following than i did before, but i did! 1000 followers is bonkers, i’ve never had a thousand of anything! i seriously cant thank each and every one of you enough, whether you followed me for 911 or for mcyt or for whatever!
now, since ive reached this absolutely bonkers milestone, im feeling particularly sappy! so under the cut, i have some friends and mutuals tagged who are super great n who are always an absolute pleasure to see on my dash! <3 again, thank you all so much! (ps, if we’re mutuals and i didnt tag u in this, that doesnt mean i dont love and appreciate you!! i mostly am just picking people to tag based off how often i see them on my dash! i love all of u so much <3)
♡ 911 FRIENDS ♡
(aka the ogs, aka the fire fam)
♡ @lovelessmotel ♡ emily!! god, where do i even begin with how much i love and adore you!! i know youre one of my big sisters, but wow i am so proud of how much youve discovered yourself since we’ve met!! like wow, look at this epic, gorgeous person whos one of MY close friends! im so lucky to be friends with you! thank you so much for being my friend, i appreciate you and all the sisterly advice you’ve given me more than i can ever put into words!
♡ @eddiediaz-buckley ♡ sav!! mom!! i love u so unbelievably much!! i am so unbelievably grateful for you and everything youve done for me! all the advice youve given me and all the times youve let me vent to you have been so important to me and i cannot thank you enough for all that. im soso appreciative of you and im so glad that i have someone as amazing as you as my mom/big sister (we’ll never really figure out our fams family dynamics, will we?) (ps, whenever i go outside and have my keys with me, its always so comforting to feel the keychain you got me! its like my moms with me everywhere i go!)
♡ @liesoverthec ♡ bonbonbonbon!!! i love you so much, you wouldnt BELIEVE how much i love you!!! im so glad we met bc you are so unbelievably kind!! there is a very good reason a nickname for u is bonbon bc you are just as sweet as candy!! maybe even more so!! i love having you as one of my big sisters, you give such wonderful advice and talking to you always makes me feel a million times better!! i love you and i am soso glad i get to call you my friend!
♡ @marauder-girl ♡ sabsabsab!! i love u so much, u funky lil future lawyer!! im so proud of u and i can hardly believe ur gonna be my Lawyer big sister!!! thats so awesome!! i cant believe such a rad person is one of MY friends!! how lucky am i!! i love having you as one of my big sisters, youre so kind and funny and talented and your advice has always been so helpful to me too! thank you so much for being my friend and for always being there for me!!
♡ @nighting-gale17 ♡ cait, my love, my wifey!!! wowowow i love u so much!!! im so glad we’re friends, you are so unbelievably lovely!! youre also so unbelievably talented like??? hey queen wanna hand some of ur writing ability over to the unfortunate (like me). i’m so glad we’re friends, youre so sweet and even tho we dont talk as much as we used to, i still have SO much love for you in my heart
♡ @africaneuropean ♡ rae, my father!! i love u so much!! i know we havent talked at all in. who knows how long. but i still have so much love for u in my heart!! you are so iconic and cool and funny, im so glad i met you n became friends with you!! ur one of the coolest people i know, i hope i can be as cool and mysterious and wonderful as you one day
♡ @evaneddie ♡ DHYL!!! dhyl pickle i love u so much!!! whenever u pop into my inbox with random nice messages, every part of me lights up!!! u are so kind to me and for what!! i miss talking to u as much as we used to, you are so sweet and you are such a good friend!! i love u n im SO proud of how far youve come with gif making, i still remember when u first started n youve gotten SO amazing at gifs lately!! i love u soso much n im so glad we’re friends, youre so awesome!!!
♡ @basil-the-writer ♡ des!!! i love u so much!!! i know we’ve never rly talked all that much but im glad we have interacted in the ways that we have!! u are so sweet n so talented!! like the fact that u have the patience for those lil video edits u do?? that is so cool!! all ur edits are so cool, i cannot imagine being able to make stuff like that without dying every single time. u are so cool n i love being able to call u my friend!!
(aka griff)
♡ @yawnralphio ♡ u get ur own section bc u are my only 911 friend who isnt an og, but thats ok bc u are so swaggy!! i love being friends with u griff, u are so cool and funny and i am so glad that u still want to be friends with me despite all of the horrifying things u’ve learned about mcyt from me jdhfajkdhfa. i love u so much n i am so excited to get to know u more n get closer to u!!
(aka mcyt friends)
♡ @fear-epidemic ♡ atlas u are so swaggy and funny!! tumblr funny man!! im so glad we’re mutuals, i love u a whole lot. that one time u me n wilby played bed wars together was so fun even if we’re really bad! n that one time we played on the fruitblr server while on vc was so fun, i loved talking to u n playing with u so much, we gotta do that again sometime. i love u so much chapin n im so glad we’re friends!!
♡ @netheritedream ♡ hari my beloved... i love u so much. like literally so much that its really embarassing. i am so glad u tagged me in that one follow forever post n put the offer on the table to let me join the server. i love being ur dumb lil husband!!! jus like actual fundy, i would risk it all to watch treasure planet with u. i love u sososo much, i wish i could live closer to u so i could actually talk to u more often </333 im going through severe withdrawal, pray for me. im gonna stop talking for now bc if i kept going on, this post would be several miles along n nobody has time for that </3 just know that i love u so much and i love having matching icons n i love being ur husband, i love u so much
♡ @sootswilbur ♡ tommy... i care you so much. little bromther!!! im sososo glad we’re friends bc u are so kind to me all the time n u are so easy to talk to!! ur also so talented, ur writing n ur gifs are so amazing n im so proud of all the awesome stuff u make!! seeing u experiment more with ur gif sets n trying new things is so awesome n inspiring and i love seeing ur experiments work out!! i love u soso much n im so happy to be ur big brother!! (or one of them at least)
♡ @fruitbur ♡ virgil my Other beloved... i love u so much!! u are one of the kindest people ive ever met n im so glad i met u!! i know ive already told u this before but ur tagging system is so sweet n i love seeing u reblog my posts bc im like “yay alastair is gonna tell me that he loves me in the tags :D” i also lovelovelove ur theme, i love the soft pink and the lil aesthetic board that u have pinned, its so nice to look at!!! ily sososo much <333
♡ @theartofmining ♡ hey fruit ily. like genuinely, u are so unbelievably funny that u make my ribs hurt so much. i know we’re like never rly that serious but i love u so much. as much as i joke about hating u, i really am glad we’re friends n i really look forward to becoming better friends with u. i love u a whole lot rain, i love seeing u on my dash bc ur full of good takes n funny posts
♡ @sapnaplive ♡ dream.... bonks our foreheads together... i care u so much. my other half!!! i love u with my whole little heart. u are soso cool and im so lucky to be able to call u my friend!! ur themes are always so cool, i wish i could be half as cool as them!!! ur art is also so epic like??? u are a triple threat: good at art, tumblr themes, AND minecraft building. and ur also so kind!!! u are one of the sweetest people i know, i love u so much and im so glad im friends with u!!
♡ @dreams-little-kitten ♡ corn u are so weird and i mean that in the kindest way possible. u are so cryptic n i love that so much about u. ur like the wilbur to my philza sometimes and i think thats so awesome. that one time u came into my inbox to talk shit about that one cuphead boss was so funny and absurd, i loved that so much. i love You so much. i love how ur just so effortlessly funny, n im so glad i can be friends with u
♡ @dreamsmp ♡  JEL!!!! i love u so much holy cow. u are so sweet!! all the time!!! ur also so talented, ur gifs always look so good!!! i love being friends with u, ur always so nice to me n u always leave rly nice tags when u reblog my gif sets that make me so happy!!! i think about that one time u rbed my fundy gif set n said “FUNDY GIFS” and “GIFS BY FUNDY” it made me so happy!!! i love u a whole lot, im so glad we’re friends :)
♡ @leaguelol ♡ damien!! i love u so much u funky little cryptid!! i love when u pop into the gc just to share cryptic thoughts, u are so strange but i think thats so cool of u!!! i honestly see u kinda like a lil sibling, im always so proud of u when i see ur art on my dash!! u are so talented at art!! i love u so much n i love being ur friend, ur rly sweet n i love seeing u on my dash and in the gc!!
♡ @its5undy ♡ idk why im putting u on this, ur my mortal enemy. jkjk, i actually love u a lot clay! i love joking around with u, ur so funny and for what. im so glad u joined the gc bc i love talking to you so much!! i still love that one time u reblogged that fwt gif set n tagged me in it moments after I reblogged it. i love that u thought about me, that rly warms my heart! i love being friends with u sososo much
♡ @cavalreee ♡ oh hey, another great big fruit!! i dont think we talk all that often, which is a shame, bc ur so sweet!! and also so fucking funny, why is everyone in this friend group so fucking funny, its not fair. i love seeing u on my dash talking with ur other friends, u always have the funniest convos ever. also? ur desktop theme is SO epic, it threw me off the first time i saw it but its so swaggy, just like u!! i love u soso much azzie, n i hope we can talk more in the future bc ur so cool
♡ @technosoot ♡ i love u even tho ur a br*t /j /j /j. jannat u are so unbelievably sweet. im so glad u joined the gc bc u are such a kind presence both in there and on my dash! u radiate very Warm, Friend energy. ur friend shaped. i love u so much n i love being friends with u!! im very eager to become closer friends with u bc u seem like a really amazing friend to have
♡ @sortasortaspicy ♡ les where are u in the gc i miss u </3 i love u so much, u fit in so well from the very beginning n brought so much more fun and laughter into the gc. i dont know u all that well n i dont think we’ve talked one on one like. at all. but id love to get closer to u bc ur so rad and ur so sweet!!
(aka mutuals who are so cool n id love to be friends with u pls talk to me)
@eurytherm ♡ @vampkings ♡ @weelbur ♡ @wilburtheesoot ♡ @quackityskarl ♡ @wimblrscoot ♡ @technofarmer ♡ @wooteena ♡ @bloodforblood ♡ @smpsapnap ♡ @literallynotfound ♡ @hearty-an0n ♡ @enderanboo ♡ @springbonniecpu ♡ @pandascanpvp ♡ @tommylnnits ♡ @strawberrygogy ♡ @timedeo ♡ @nymika-arts ♡ @h-isforhome ♡ @eboykarl ♡ @joe-alkaysani ♡ @betwecouldmakesome ♡ @squirrelstone ♡ @maddieandchimney
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characters!! michael distortion/shelley, sasha james, &/or “alice” daisy tonner 🥺?
oooh this is a long one!! Thank you for the ask <3 I'm gonna do all of them >:)!
Michael (Distortion)
Favourite thing about them: Probably it's laugh and views on identity!
Least favourite thing about them: ooh that's a hard one... Probably its manipulation tactic being more so pinned on paranoia. I think Helen had a better idea of how to manipulate the archives crew.
Favourite line: I'm gonna sound boring but you can't go past the "I am not a who, archivist, I am a what. A who requires a degree of identity I can't ever attain" slaps so hard!
brOTP: ooohhh, Sasha or Helen!
OTP: I really like gerrymichael, I am simply a Michael kinnie in love with Gerry Keay <3.
Random Headcannon: You know what happened in MAG74 with him sitting on a bench? Yeah, it loves going out and doing 'normal person' things and creeping random people out >:)!
Unpopular opinion: Urgh, I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not but it is aromantic and more than happy with a queerplatonic relationship. If the ask thing means like, canonically, then it wears very plain clothes when posing as a human. I love bright colours and pretty patterns as much as the next person but it clashes with the whole 'somethings wrong but I can't quite put my finger on it' thing.
A song I associate with them: I actually made a playlist! Linked here! One song, in particular, would have to be Entropy by AwkwardMarina (yes, the mlp fansong-)
Favourite picture of them: ahh, this is difficult. I'd have to say the one linked here!
Michael (Shelley)
Favourite thing about them: I have projected so much on him uhh let's go with his kind, trusting nature and persistence!
Least favourite thing about them: The timeline inconsistencies >:(!
Favourite line: there is uh,,, not a lot at all. Gonna have to go with the "[Nervous chuckles]" <3.
brOTP: hrrrmmmm Martin Blackwood <3. They make tea and talk about their s/o's together :)!
OTP: gerrymichael again. I love the whole 'opposite aesthetics' trope!
Random Headcannon: Ahhh I have to pick just one... His parents owned a small dairy and cows are one of his favourite animals!
Unpopular opinion: I know this isn't exactly 'unpopular' but he is NOT anybody's 'uwu small soft boy'! I get so mad when people see a polite, caring male character and take away all his personality and potential to replace it with "sowwy miss wobinson 🥺🥺🥺" and all that!
A song I associate with them: ah, hmm the first one that comes to mind is My Heart is Buried in Venice by Ricky Montgomery but that doesn't feel right...
Favourite picture of them: THIS ONE THIS ONE THIS ONE!!!!
Sasha James
Favourite thing about them: Just, "Martin doesn't have the best self-preservation skills-" ... *follows some creepy spiral monster to what she thinks will be a graveyard*
Least favourite thing about them: Oooh, arghhh, hmmmm, I can't really think of anything! She's a really nice character :)!
Favourite line: "Sorry, Tim! I can’t hear you over all this stapling." Iconic <3
brOTP: Martin, Georgie. Oh god just let them have had more time :'(
OTP: ok I'm a timsasha stan.
Random Headcannon: She's trans and so is Tim, they knew each other from childhood and made jokes about 'swapping' all the time.
Unpopular opinion: I don't have one I don't think?
A song I associate with them: I can't say I've put that much thought into it honestly. I should in the future!
Favourite picture of them: I love @dysaniadisorder 's Sasha, just,, all of them.
Alice "Daisy" Tonner
Favourite thing about them: Her voice.
Least favourite thing about them: I could go on forever but I'm gonna keep it short and say, idk, maybe the whole 'abusing her power as a police officer' deal?!!!?!
Favourite line: I like the metaphor here: "You don’t know what it’s like to have your secrets pulled out like teeth, just because he asked?"
brOTP: no one. She doesn't need or deserve friends.
OTP: daisira.
Random Headcannon: When she goes full hunt mode in s5 it's like a full werewolf transformation.
Unpopular opinion: This isn't really unpopular but I hate her guts.
A song I associate with them: Nothing in particular.
Favourite picture of them: the last added bit on this post!
phew! That was fun! Again, thank you for the ask!!
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Kaminari nsfw alphabet
Tumblr media
fuck me I’m so tired =_= might take a break soon idk 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It depends, normally he's the sub who needs to be kissed and reassured but when he does go hard on you he is very sweet and jokey afterwards. Kaminari is a sweetheart He likes to hold you and kiss you all over. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He is very proud of he abs and all of his muscles in general, like he worked so hard for that washboard sixpack damn right he’s going to show it off. 
On his partner he really likes their hair, especially if it’s unique like dyed/ shaved sides/ Textured Denki loves the aesthetic of it and also pulling hair not the point
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Okay, his diet is... not the best and his cum tastes RANCID at first you make him eat four whole pineapples before you go down on him again. 
He loves to cum inside of you, there is just something magical about still being warm and enveloped by you when he climaxes but he can be persuaded to cum on your face if he has too :,(
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
uhm not really a secret because you were there but like when he lost his virginity and came for the first time he short-circuited  
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
none what so ever he probably lost his virginity to you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He’s a little scared to do anything outside of missionary but he does like a deep mating press with your ankles around his shoulders so he can fold you in half or honestly having the same done to him when he’s on bottom. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He seems like the type to goof off and he’ll definitely talk your ear off during foreplay but in the thick of things he’s too caught up in his own head to do anything but moan but definitely will make a joke if something awkward happens. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he also has a little lightening bolt carved into his pubes /j He keeps himself trimmed pretty nicely, doesn’t like it when things get too shaggy. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
when he gets overstimulated he just chants “I love you” over and over again while tears form in his eyes but that’s about as romantic as it gets. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
pretty often tbh. Like if he can he will just have sex with you but he wants to have sex every day and that can be a lot so sometimes he just has to jerk it himself. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
pet play- Listen he loves puppy ears and tails on his partner they make him so horny but like... He gets even more turned on when he’s the puppy boy.
cockwarming- love-hate relationship with this one. he loves being inside of you with your walls slowly convulsing around his soft cock slowly making him hard. But he hates it when it’s used as a punishment and he isn’t aloud to move and he just gets more and more turned on while you don’t seem bothered at all.
edging- again he hates it when he’s just about to cum and you pull away from him FUCK DUDE but when he finally does get to cum he swears its the best feeling in the world. Plus now he can pay you back for all you’re teasing. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he loooooves to fuck in broom closets or enclosed spaces like that it’s just much more romantic and he loves the thrill of being caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you’re wet, like if you got caught in the rain or send him a picture just out of the shower gets rock hard just thinking about it he also gets turned on when you sit on his lap. he is a simple man like that 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Degradation. He hates being told he’s stupid or talked down to in anyway, he’s fine with being your slutty little cat boy but just as long as you say it with love. Likewise he just loves you too much to ever say anything beyond teasingly mean.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
please please please suck his dick. He needs it so bad he loves to cum in your mouth he promises He can return the favor as soon as you’re done so please just blow him. 
I supposed enthusiastic is the right way to describe how Kami goes down on someone. not skilled or mind blowing but... certainly enthusiastic. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He tries to go slow because he knows if he goes fast he’ll bust way to soon but He is not very practiced so inevitably he will speed up 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves quickies he will get them whenever the opportunity presents it’s self 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s pretty game to experiment it’s not that he doesn’t have any limits but he is willing to push those limits
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
... he makes up for it okay. but no he doesn’t last very long. at least at first but he builds up stamina overtime.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He has a few toys that he loves but it’s not an extensive collection by any means
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Denki usually doesn’t have the patients to tease but at least a little bit, He likes to hear you beg for him to touch you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
a lot of heavy breathing and groans until he gets close to his orgasm then he’s full on screaming and crying like a little baby
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
once he tasted his own cum just to see what it was like and honestly it wasn’t that bad
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
his dick isn’t really that big but it’s proportional to the rest of his body, swears that it’s not size of the boat but the motion of the ocean
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
poor baby he is always horny 24/7 he is hard as fuck and wants to bone 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he likes to go to sleep right after but he tries to take care of you at least a little bit
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princeanxious · 4 years
Okay stupid tumblr didnt tell me you said yes but HERE ARE MY QUESTIONS :DDD
When did they become vanpires
How old are they
What year were the vampires born
How long has V been locked away, what has he missed
Does V immediately latch onto the grunge/emo aesthetic because it matches the whole vampire theme
Is Roman a himbo™
What is the twins relationship like
Anxciet is the main pairing, are there any side pairings?
How does Janus react to the whole "oh yeah vampires are real" thing
Were any of the vamps around for any big historical events
Were any of the vamps big historical figures
Do they end up going to highschool/uni with the humans
What does everyone look like
Do any of them have really strong opinions about something useless (eg. pineapple on pizza, a certain colour, double denim, etc)
Virgil became a Vampire sometime in the 17/1800s?? Logan is from around the 1500s, and Patton claims he lost count a long time ago.(Patton’s probably at least at least a thousand years old though? But he looks more like a young 25 y/o whose attire choices change day to day but generally always gives off that Parent vibe), Virgil was turned by Patton, Logan was born Vampire, Patton was assumably born vampire. Remus and Roman are 27, Janus is 25.
Virgil was locked away for about 150 years, give or take? He missed the entire shift in society and the human experience, from how relationships are viewed/treated to longer lifespans, to cleaner hygiene, convenience, and technology, hell, even the more open existance of the lgbtqa+ community! A /lot/ has happened in the past 100 years, and now Virgil has alot of catchup to do.(and don’t worry, Patton & Logan help Virgil catch up pretty quickly, they share flashcards and Virgil gets h o o k e d on social media when he gets a phone)
He absolutely does. Its a weird adjustment, what with the now wildly varied different textiles and styles and change. Especially the lack of layers, he misses those. (And finds immense comfort in the jacket that Janus gifts him, as its big and oversized and feels oh so very soft and warm.) But no yeah, he gets his hair cut(it still grew for those years locked away, albiet still rather slowly from malnutrition) and rocks the fringe, even gets his hair dyed purple to match his eyes, all the grunge/punk/emo aesthetic! Some of his favorite new things are makeup, piercings, and so much black fabric to chose from!
You’ll be surprised to note, that Roman is sadly not a himboTM in this au, as Virgil has already taken over that roll 💜💜💜
Remus and Roman’s relationship? Honestly ride or die chaos, the kinds of siblings that play pranks on one another and insult eachother but god forbid some poor outsider steps in to try and say the same thing they said abt their sibling, that outsider will have regreted it. The kind if ‘The Only one allowed to call my brother a Bitch-Ass Idiot is ME’ kind of siblings? Look they grew up in a area filled with people who dont like things out of the norm and befriended the local bullied kid who is half-covered in snake scales and speaks with a lisp due to his split togue. Remus himself suffers from intrusive anxiety and Roman suffers from chronic(?) depression. They’re all a bit ride or die, through and through.
Anxceit is the main pairing, and while it’s not entirely set in stone, Logince and Intruality are probably the other two.
Technically its not a secret in their world?? Like magic is a thing in their workd, its just usually left out of humanities bloodline. Humans like Janus are pretty rare bc of that. Vampires are still p rare to meet but not unheard of.
Yes, the vampires were alive for many major historical events. No we are not going to talk abt any of them. Same goes w/ historical figures.
Yes! Infact, Roman and Logan share college/uni theatre classes together! Logans currently an astronomy major, Roman a theatre arts major(i think thats what its called?) Logan is a formidible lyrical rival and Roman finds himself constantly losing to his rival in the form of slam poetry, though every day Roman always gets a little closer to winning(Logan adores the challenge, and the passion Roman has to beat Logan at his own game is riviting to experience. Logan would def consider Roman a perfect companion, but would have never acted on it if virgil hadnt been rescued by said companions twin brother, thus gettig both trios heavily involved w/ each other.) Patton’s been alive so long that he doesn’t care too much for academia, and instead focuses on tactile learning, like pottery and woodworking. Remus himself is an arts major, known for making really hyper horror or grotesque creature sculptures/doll customization, so he kind of just laches onto this man who seems to be larger than life and is far from bothered by Remus’s ‘not safe for common convos’ way of talking and its nice not to have someone run away. (Honestly, the feeling is mutual between the two)
As for what everone looks like, I kinda just want to leave that up to interpretation? If I end up drawing any of them they’ll probably be reflective of the way that I usually draw the sides, just human or vampire-ified, and maybe have a trait or two tweaked specifically for the au? The only real thing standing out to me is that i might give Remus or Roman Albinism? Idk yet.
Uhhhh i’m sure they have alot? Logan hates modern mirrors, bc they are usually not made w/ a silver backing. Let me tell you the first time Logna passed his full blown reflection out of something he’d never been able to use before, its clear, consise, ans ge hates it bc he can now very easily stare into his own eyes clearly and question existance.
Patton, despite being the oldest ever, is still v afraid of soiders despite knowing they cant hurt him too horribly.
Virgil is under the strong opinion that memes are hilarious and hoodies are amazing.
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