#i think its called crackfic
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sunekichi · 2 years ago
nothing's more disappointing than searching the suneo tag on ao3 and finding nothing but ******** fanfics where he barely appears. like, don't tag him if his participation in the story is just saying "hi" at the beginning and then he perishes forever.
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starlightkun · 2 months ago
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⇢ word count: 6.9k ⇢ genre: fluff, established relationship, secret relationship, office workers!jisung & reader, holiday themed, a bit of a crackfic (everyone in this is slightly unhinged and you should NOT act like them in your actual workplace PLEASE), appearances from absolute nuisances nohyuck (mainly hyuck being a nuisance and jeno being a desk candy bowl thief) and chill boss johnny (he’s actually the only normal one around this office fr), part of my 2024 hallmark movie marathon ⇢ warnings: lots of discussions of sex/sleeping together (nohyuck have an absolutely unhinged plot to have reader hook up w jisung w/o realizing that they’re already dating, shenanigans ensue) ⇢ extra info: this was originally going to be part of want from me, but i felt like i was losing the plot a bit, so i tweaked some stuff and made it its own fic instead this is part of my 2024 hallmark movie marathon, three short, unrelated fics starring jisung all with cheesy hallmark christmas movie-esque premises. there’s no continuing plotline between fics in this series, they’re all standalone fics ⇢ author’s note: ok i may be stretching the concept of a ‘cheesy hallmark movie’ in this one, but there’s a holiday party. sue me. ⇢ 2024 hallmark movie marathon
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“You need to fuck Jisung.” Donghyuck sat on your desk the following Monday, nearly knocking your cup of pens over.
“What happened to hello? How are you?”
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“I get why you didn’t want to tell anybody when I was interviewing,” Jisung sighed as you adjusted his tie for him. “But don’t you think everyone’s formed their own opinions about me by now?”
“You told me Mr. Kang called you Joosung yesterday,” you pointed out. “We agreed after your three-month evaluation, remember?”
“That’s next month!”
“Two weeks. December tenth, to be exact, will be three months since you started.”
“I know, I know.” He pulled you closer by your hips, burying his face in your neck. “Thank you.”
You rested one hand on the nape of his neck, the other stroking his hair. “I hate it too. I was in the bathroom yesterday and overheard a couple of the women from budgeting talking about you. Apparently one of them wants to ask you to the holiday party.”
He lifted his head up, squinting with confusion. “Wait, was it Song Minji from budgeting?”
“Yesterday she asked me if I was going, I said yes, then she asked if I had a date, and I said no, and she said she didn’t either. Then she just stared at me. It was really awkward, so I told her I had to get back to my spreadsheets and walked away.”
You burst out laughing, covering your mouth as your boyfriend continued looking down at you with absolutely endearing confusion. Patting his cheek, you informed him gently, “She was waiting for you to ask her to the party, baby.”
“Well, even if I knew that, I wouldn’t have,” he huffed.
“I know, Sungie,” you kissed his cheek. “I know.”
You glanced at the time on your bedside clock, tapping his arm indicatively. “We’ve got to go.”
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“Y/N, someone from bookkeeping will be over to pick these receipts up today,” Mr. Suh, your boss, informed you, setting a large banker box down on the ledge behind your computer monitor.
You nodded. “You sure you don’t want me to just take them over there now?”
Bookkeeping was on the same floor as your team, just on the opposite side of the large office building.
“No, I’ve got six more boxes in my office. They should be coming with a dolly. I’ve got a lunch meeting, then I’m on-site at a build. Can you make sure they get them all?”
“Of course. See you tomorrow, then.”
“Thank you. See you tomorrow.” He smiled and reached into your candy bowl, securing a chocolate for himself before heading off towards the elevator.
As you continued working up your reports, another figure approached your desk.
“Hi.” Jisung smiled down at you from over the banker box.
“And what is a bookkeeping gremlin doing over here?” You teased, having already spotted the bright orange dolly next to him. “They let you guys out of your cages?”
“Just me, because I’m on a mission.” He did a little mock salute, making you giggle. He then looked between the dolly and the box. “But I don’t really think this was necessary…”
“There’s six more boxes in Mr. Suh’s office,” you informed him happily, pointing to your boss’ door.
Two of your team members, Donghyuck and Jeno, congregated around your desk then as well, Jeno zeroing in on your candy bowl as always, and Donghyuck snooping at what you were doing on your screen.
“Boring!” Hyuck declared, hitting CTRL + S on your keyboard to save it for you before exiting out of the program. “Lunchtime!”
“Hey, I was working on that, you know,” you protested, keeping up your usual banter with your work friend.
“Now you’re not,” he shrugged.
“Actually, you were chatting with…” Jeno trailed off, looking at Jisung expectantly.
“Jisung,” your boyfriend filled in.
“—You were chatting with Jisung when we got here,” Jeno finished, popping another chocolate in his mouth and tucking it in his cheek to talk around it. “So you weren’t really working.”
“She was telling me where the other boxes of receipts were,” Jisung explained quickly, gesturing to the dolly. “I’m supposed to pick them up. I’m from bookkeeping.”
Hyuck scanned him from head to toe. “You’re new, right?”
He nodded.
“Come to lunch with us.”
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“No, Hyuck,” you snorted, cutting up your food as your coworker attempted to show you a picture of another one of his friends over lunch. “The last asshole you set me up with stood me up, remember?”
“I told you, Jaemin got a stomach bug!” Hyuck insisted. “And that was like, over a year ago!”
You looked at him pointedly. “And he could text you but not me? Think about it.”
“Okay, so he was a flake, but Mark is like, a really good guy!” He elbowed your other coworker next to him. “Jeno, back me up!”
Jeno shrugged. “Eh, he seems like the kind of guy to call you ‘bro’ in bed.”
“Not the kind of back-up I meant!”
“Am I wrong?”
“Why are you thinking about what Mark would call you in bed, Jeno?” You snickered.
He stuck his tongue out at you, and you mimicked him.
Hyuck pushed on in his seemingly never-ending pursuit to set you up with his also never-ending pool of single friends. “Ignore him, Y/N. Will you at least consider? For me? Your bestest friend?”
“I never see you outside of work functions,” you pointed out.
“Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please?”
“Whatever. Send me his CV,” you said noncommittally, taking a bite of your food.
“On it!”
“Wait, he’s applying for a job?” Jisung finally spoke from his seat beside you, his confusion apparent.
“No, that’s just what they call whatever information Hyuck sends her about the guys he tries to set her up with,” Jeno explained for him. “It ends up being pretty much the same stuff that’s on a résumé, though.”
Hyuck then focused in on a new target. “Jisung, what about you?”
He froze. “What?”
“Are you single?”
“Lie if you have to,” you advised. “Once he smells blood, you’re done for.”
“I’m not a shark!” Hyuck took great offense to this comparison. “I’m-I’m like Cupid!”
You let out a derisive laugh at that, stabbing your fork into your food and lifting your next bite to your mouth.
“I’ve got a girlfriend,” Jisung answered hurriedly.
Hyuck narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “So you’re bringing her to the Christmas party.”
“I-I don’t know, we uhm—we just started seeing each other.”
“You’ll bring her to the next monthly mixer, then?”
“I’m pretty sure this is workplace harassment,” you stepped in on Jisung’s behalf, giving Hyuck a disapproving look. “We had a seminar, remember?”
“You’re not curious?”
“No, I don’t care to see you bother poor Jisung for the rest of our fleeting lunch break.”
“Fine, I won’t disturb Y/N’s precious lunch break,” he gave in melodramatically. “But I want to hear about her when we get back to the office, Jisung.”
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When you and Jisung got home that evening, you waited until the two of you had gotten out of your work clothes to address the pout on his lips that had been present ever since lunch.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, sitting at your dining table with him.
He started unpacking the to-go food. “Why did you tell Donghyuck to send you that guy’s info?”
“To get him to shut up about it. He would’ve done that for our whole lunch break, Sungie.” You shook your head, watching as he avoided your eyes. “Are you jealous? It’s not like I’m actually going to do anything with it.”
“I know, but I still don’t like that he’s sending you dating résumés, and it’s apparently been a regular thing?”
“Okay, I know we made it sound like it happens all the time,” you agreed. “This is like the third time, including the guy who stood me up last year. When you and I started dating, I told Hyuck not to bother anymore. But then he heard that I wasn’t bringing a date to the holiday party, and he started his little matchmaking thing again. That’s why I never told you, because there never was anything to tell.”
“I’m sorry if it sounded like I was accusing you of something, baby,” Jisung murmured, reaching for your hand over the table.
“Do you want me to block him or something?”
He sighed. “No, of course not.”
“Damn it, I was hoping you’d say yes. I’ve been looking for an excuse for years.”
He finally chuckled at that, a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.
“Here.” You brought out your phone and stood behind him, maneuvering your arms around his shoulders so he could see your screen as you opened your texts with Hyuck and started deleting the most recent ones debriefing you on his newest eligible bachelor for you.
“Wait a second.” Jisung stopped you before you could delete all the pictures that Hyuck had sent.
To your surprise, your boyfriend actually opened one of the pictures of the guy.
“Jeno was right,” he snorted, closing out of the picture.
“Wh—Oh,” you started laughing. “Yeah, absolutely.”
You finished deleting everything about the guy, then shut your phone off. “All gone. Can’t even remember his name.”
Jisung pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Thanks, baby.”
“And I’ll tell Hyuck no more in the future. Sound good?”
“No, maybe it’s for the best. I don’t think you need to be subjected to the interrogation I went through today.” He leaned his head against yours affectionately.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I trust you.”
“Aw, thank you, Sungie.” You kissed his hair then hugged him properly. “I knew that. It was cute to see you get jealous, though.”
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“You need to fuck Jisung.” Donghyuck sat on your desk the following Monday, nearly knocking your cup of pens over.
“What happened to hello? How are you?” You blinked up at him incredulously, rescuing your writing utensils and pushing them to a far corner.
“No time, we need to save our new favorite little bookkeeping gremlin.” He quickly saved your project and closed the window on your computer.
“And you think having sex with me is the cure for cancer or something?” You snorted. “They really wasted their money on your slot in that workplace harassment seminar.”
“No, look, he’s in an awful, awful situationship. I know he said she’s his girlfriend at lunch the other day, but he doesn’t have any pictures of her, he didn’t want to show me her social media. He said she probably wouldn’t be able to come to the mixer because of her ‘work schedule’—” Hyuck used finger quotes around the words ‘work schedule’ “—but the way he said, it sounded like he was just preemptively making excuses because he knew she would turn him down. I asked him about their first date, and you want to know his answer?”
“What?” You asked dryly.
“That they don’t really do ‘that stuff!’” More air quotes.
“Then I asked what stuff they do do, and he turned bright red!”
“So he’s lying about having a girlfriend to get you off his back.”
“Mm, she sounded pretty real.”
“Okay, maybe he’s twisting the truth and he’s got a fuckbuddy and he still doesn’t want you playing matchmaker,” you suggested another alternative. “Either way, you should leave him alone.”
“No, look, I’ve got this all figured out. He needs to be reminded that there’s women other than this girl—”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “How do you have a rotating roster of men to throw at me, but somehow the only woman that comes to mind for your braindead plan is the one in your immediate line of sight? This is confirming my suspicions that you get no bitches, Lee Donghyuck. Have you talked to a single woman other than me and your mother?”
“Listen, it has to be you so nobody catches feelings!”
“So you’re saying I’m unlovable?”
His eyes widened comically as he went to backpedal. “No, of course not! I meant—Jeno, back me up!”
Jeno, who had been silently leaning against the ledge behind your computer monitor this whole time, happily snacking on the red and green Hershey’s kisses in your candy bowl, slowly finished off the one in his mouth before speaking. “Here’s the thing—”
“You condone this?” You scoffed.
He shrugged. “It’s like, his second-worst idea. Marginally better than setting you up with Na Jaemin.”
“Why do I bother asking for your back-up?” Hyuck muttered.
“But he doesn’t think you’re unlovable. He just knows that you’re a professional, and Jisung is still a newbie and works in a different department. So obviously, there’s like no risk of catching feelings if you guys do… Because work, you know?”
You sat back in your chair, glancing between the two of them dubiously. “Do you two think these are normal things to say to people? At work? To your coworker?”
They looked at each other with wide, horrified eyes, beginning to stutter apologetically.
“I’m in,” you declared abruptly, watching their jaws drop. You then focused your next sentence at Hyuck specifically. “If you’ll stop trying to set me up.”
“Done,” he agreed immediately.
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Jisung had excitedly told you about the results of his three-month evaluation to you over dinner that evening, and as you two cleaned up after, you relayed your conversation with your coworkers to him.
“I finally got Hyuck to stop setting me up. Permanently,” you announced in a sing-songy voice, drying the last dish Jisung had just handed you before putting it up in the cabinet.
“Really? Did you find out he killed someone or something?” He asked, shaking the water off his hands over the sink before grabbing the towel hanging in front of it to start drying his hands.
“Nope, he just asked me to do something.”
“Oh, and who do you have to kill?”
“Nobody.” You wrapped your arms around his waist from behind him. “You see, he’s very concerned that this ‘girlfriend’ of yours doesn’t like you as much as you like her.”
“I know we’re literally coworkers, but he needs to get a job,” Jisung retorted.
“Why did you say we didn’t go dates when he asked about our first date?”
“I was afraid you might’ve mentioned it before and I didn’t want him to connect the dots if I told the same story.”
“You couldn’t come up with a fake first date? Carnival? Arcade? Dinner?”
“I was panicking!”
“Anyway, he thinks you’re in a toxic situationship, and that the only solution is for me to sleep with you.”
“Wait what?!” His muscles flexed and contracted under your hands with his words, and he seemed almost oblivious as you continued roaming them over his front.
“Because we would never catch feelings for each other, obviously,” you informed him with mocking seriousness, making him scoff.
“I assume you told him to fuck off and stop setting you up anyway?”
You finally put a hand under his shirt to touch his bare skin, and he shivered and jerked away instinctively.
“Ah! Cold hands, baby,” he whined, but made no further moves to get away.
“Then let me warm them up, Sungie,” you giggled, pressing your fingers more intentionally against his skin. “Anyway, why would I pass up the perfect opportunity to fuck with Hyuck and fuck my hot boyfriend at the same time?”
“I don’t think I like how similar that phrasing was.”
“Sungie,” you dragged out the last vowel pleadingly.
“So you’ve got a scheme?” He asked knowingly.
“A fun one,” you promised, kissing his neck. “In multiple senses of the word. But it means everyone finding out we’re together a few days later than we planned. Is that okay?”
He let out a deep sigh. “Alright. What’s first?”
“I’ve got to hold up my end of the deal, of course.”
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Donghyuck and Jeno were quick to swarm you first thing in the morning. They at least brought you a coffee this time. There was no work up on your computer yet for Hyuck to close out of, so he just made himself at home on top of your papers that were on your desk instead.
“Okay, we need to brainstorm,” Hyuck got right to business as Jeno dug into your candy bowl. Well, not the business you were actually sitting inside of, but his plot. “The holiday party is on Friday. I’m thinking if you start being a little flirty leading up to it, like casual, you know, not too much, that should warm him up.”
“The more planning you put into this, the creepier it gets,” you informed him, taking a sip of your coffee.
The elevator dinged then, and Jisung stepped off, eyes focused on his feet as he hurried off towards the break room. The elevator opened towards your side of the floor, while bookkeeping was on the other side, and the breakroom, storage closet, and copy room were situated at the midpoints on the floor.
“Jisung’s late?” Jeno commented, bewildered. “Didn’t he say he always gets here ten minutes early to make his coffee before everyone else?”
Hyuck looked at this as well, eyes narrowing. He turned back to you and Jeno. “Did you guys see that big hickey on his neck? Now he’s running late and wearing the same tie as yesterday? This is why we need to help him. Anyway—”
You shifted in your seat then, readjusting your blazer so that it ‘accidentally’ pulled your blouse just enough to show off a love bite situated on your collarbone.
Hyuck actually froze in place, staring at you as he short-circuited. Jeno gave you a quiet, short round of applause.
“Damn, you work fast,” he commented.
You looked down at where Hyuck was staring, as if belatedly realizing your mistake, moving your neckline back up to cover it again.
“You really…” Donghyuck trailed off, blinking rapidly as he began rebooting.
You shrugged. “Didn’t want to announce it like we were in a locker room.”
“He’s walking over here,” Jeno coughed under his breath.
And sure enough, Jisung approached your desk. He looked uncertainly at Donghyuck sitting next to you, and ended up standing by Jeno behind the ledge, finally looking you in the eye.
“H-Hi, Y/N,” he stuttered nervously.
“Morning, Jisung,” you greeted him brightly. “Kiss?”
“Huh?!” He squeaked.
“Hershey kiss?” You pointed to the bowl that Jeno was grabbing another candy from. “They’re caramel filled.”
“O-Oh. Sure, thanks.” He took a green one. “S-See you later.”
With that, Jisung skittered away, back off towards bookkeeping. Hyuck and Jeno both turned to you with wide eyes.
“I’ve made a grave miscalculation,” Hyuck whispered.
“That boy is pussy whipped,” Jeno whistled lowly.
You rolled your eyes at them. “Or maybe you guys were looking at the two of us with flashing ‘I KNOW YOU HAD SEX’ signs over your heads.”
“Oh, did I forget to leave that at home again?” Hyuck replied snidely, mockingly swatting just above his head. He then leaned in to whisper-yell at you, “Do you actually have the cure for cancer in there because what the hell was that?!”
“Good morning, Mr. Suh!” You chirped at your boss as he walked by.
Hyuck sat up straight, saluting to your boss. “Good morning, Mr. Suh!”
“Mornin’, Mr. Suh,” Jeno said through a mouthful of candy.
“Morning, morning, morning,” Mr. Suh greeted each of you in turn, then yawned. “Ugh, is it Friday yet?”
“Not quite, unfortunately,” you chuckled.
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At home that night, you were keeled over with laughter on your couch, clutching your stomach as you and Jisung recalled the looks on your coworkers’ faces this morning.
“Who knew you were such a good actor, Sungie?” You choked out through laughter, wiping at your tears.
“I just had to act like I was madly in love with you, that wasn’t acting, baby,” he smiled fondly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. “I’ve had to act every day at work except today.”
“So smooth, Park Jisung,” you giggled, kissing him.
“It’s the truth.”
“I know. You’ve never been smooth, just honest. And I love that about you.”
“Ouch, and also thanks?”
You snickered and kissed his pout. “Ready for tomorrow?”
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Stepping off the elevator in the morning, you didn’t spare another glance to Jisung, who had ridden up with you. Typically, you would take separate elevators, one of you waiting for the next one, but today, you broke that rule. You dropped off your purse at your desk before going to the break room and making your usual cup of coffee.
Jeno and Donghyuck were already waiting for you at your desk. You rolled your eyes at them. “You two have your own desks, you know?”
“You and Jisung got here at the same time,” Jeno stated.
“Is there a question in there?” You raised an eyebrow at him, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Did you get a new shampoo?” Donghyuck asked, leaning forward to sniff the air around your head.
You swatted at him. “Personal space?”
“That doesn’t smell like a woman’s shampoo…” He went back in for another sniff.
“Quit it, freak!” You rolled away from him.
“What’s happening?” A third voice had joined you all, right on time. Jisung was at your desk, cup of coffee in hand.
“Nothing, Jisung.” You threw on a bright smile, scooting back up to your desk. “What can I do for you?”
“I-I just uhm, I wanted to say good morning. And I brought you some coffee.” He offered the cup out to you.
“Aw, thanks,” you said sincerely, then looked down at your own cup on your desk regretfully. “But I already got some.”
His face fell. “O-Oh. I guess I’ll—”
“Hold on, Jisung!” Donghyuck stopped him from leaving, hopping off your desk. Jisung froze in place as your coworker grabbed his arm. First, he took the coffee from his hand and set it on the ledge behind your monitor, then he grabbed your boyfriend’s collar and yanked him down to take a deep whiff of his hair. Jisung yelped at the rough treatment, arms flailing until Hyuck let him go, giving him a loud slap on the shoulder. “That’s all. Thanks for the coffee.”
“Lunch later?” Jeno offered to him. “All four of us.”
“S-Sure,” he looked at you and blushed before hurrying away.
You crossed your arms as you glared at Hyuck. “You literally just assaulted him.”
“And you—” He pointed at you dramatically, “—slept with him again. That’s his shampoo that I was smelling on you.”
“I think my extracurriculars are none of your business.”
“Mm, Jisung’s more of a co-curricular, don’t you think?”
Jeno snickered.
“I think it’s still none of your business.”
“This wasn’t the plan, Y/N.”
“I did your stupid plan, Hyuck. Why are you so obsessed with Jisung’s sex life? Is it because you’re not getting any?” You taunted.
“Nice attempt to deflect, but the plan was to get him to stop being strung along by that other girl. Not for you to start stringing him along.”
“You make me sound like an evil witch.”
“So you’re serious about Jisung then?” Hyuck gasped mockingly. “Adorable. Gonna be each other’s date to the holiday party? When are you meeting the parents? Have you picked a ring yet?”
You bit down on your lip and looked at your lap to avoid laughing, which he thankfully seemed to interpret as guilt on your part.
“Exactly as I thought,” he said smugly.
“The puppy love thing is cute now, but it’s probably best for working together in the long run to just let him down easy sooner,” Jeno gave some surprisingly wise advice through a half-eaten Hershey’s kiss.
Having composed yourself, you finally let out a contemplative, resigned sigh. “Yeah, you guys are probably right.”
“Always are,” Hyuck tsked.
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Lunch was honestly kind of fun—It felt like being a kid with a crush again, sneaking glances at Jisung, trying not to be too obvious about your flirting, and playing innocent when your coworkers would shoot you pointed looks every time Jisung did something totally head-over-heels for you.
Mid-afternoon, and Jisung was back at your desk. He had a few papers in his hand, some flimsy excuse of questions about the receipts he’d picked up last week, but really, you two were just talking. Discussing what to make for dinner, additions to the grocery list, what you were working on, little things.
The sound of a door opening caught your attention, and you looked over to see Mr. Suh coming out of his office. He’d just been on a phone conference, and had his empty coffee mug in his hand.
“Hi, Mr. Suh.” You sat up a little straighter. “Afternoon decaf?”
“Yep.” He lifted the mug in greeting as he walked by, heading for the breakroom.
“I’m going back to my cage with the other bookkeeping gremlins,” Jisung murmured. “Don’t want him to catch me still here when he gets back.”
“Laser beams aren’t going to come out of his eyes and incinerate you on the spot if he does, you know,” you giggled.
“How do you know?” He tapped your desk rhythmically, then mouthed, ‘See you later.’
You mouthed it back, contentedly watching him walk away. You were back to working on your reports when Mr. Suh returned from the break room. He drifted over to your desk, however, standing against the ledge conspiratorially.
“Was that the new kid in bookkeeping?” He asked lightly, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, Park Jisung,” you informed him. At your boss’ inquisitive lean forward, you gave a little more context, “He picked up those receipts last week and Hyuck ended up inviting him out for lunch with us.”
“He seems to be over here quite a bit recently.”
“We chitchat sometimes.” You paused, then widened your eyes. “Is that a problem? Nothing’s been late or anything, has it?”
He gave you his usual easy-going smile. “It’s fine, Y/N. Your work has been great as usual.”
“Okay, good.”
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“Hi, baby,” Jisung greeted you brightly that evening from your usual meet-up place after work. If neither of you had to stay late, or had an errand to run after work, you would meet up outside a cornerstore a couple blocks away from the office.
“Hi, co-curricular,” you beamed back, leaning into the kiss he was pressing to your cheek.
He pulled away with an adorably confused pout on his face. You laughed, taking his arm in yours as you started down the sidewalks together, relaying your conversation with Hyuck and Jeno this morning.
“I don’t know what’s funnier, the idea of me genuinely ‘stringing you along’ or your new nickname,” you giggled, squeezing his arm.
“You already changed my phone contact, didn’t you?”
“I put a heart next to it!”
“The rumor has spread to bookkeeping, by the way.”
You blinked at him in mock surprise. “You guys have office gossip over there?”
“Yeah, we finally invented the wheel and have time to gossip now,” he snorted, rolling his eyes. “Huang Renjun told me he heard Song Minji and Park Chaeyeon talking about it in the copy room.”
“That’s how it breached containment,” you tutted. Chaeyeon was from your department, but you knew she and Minji were office friends. She must have overheard it from your area—Hyuck wasn’t exactly the quietest man you knew, and there was no way your other coworkers hadn’t noticed Jisung’s frequent trips to your desk if Mr. Suh had.
“What exactly were they saying? Did Renjun tell you?”
“Some stuff he didn’t want to repeat about you—” He cleared his throat. “But mostly, he wanted to ask me what, if anything was true. I felt bad lying, I like Renjun.”
“Yeah, he was my favorite bookkeeping gremlin before you started.”
Jisung elbowed you, obviously offended. “I still did bookkeeping before I worked here! I just did it somewhere else!”
“He was my favorite at this company before you started. Better?”
“Much.” He smiled as you leaned in to kiss his nose. “I told him the rumors weren’t true.”
“That wasn’t a lie!” You reminded him emphatically. “We’re not just coworkers with benefits, or co-curriculars, or recently started secretly dating, or whatever!”
“I’m just glad we only have two more days of this.” He laced his fingers with yours. “I want to be able to have a picture of us on my desk, and talk about you to everyone, and show up and leave together.”
“Me too,” you agreed, fond smile on your lips as you approached your front door. “It’s been fun, but the best part will be when everyone knows you’re mine. For real.”
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This was weird. You had been at work for thirty minutes and hadn’t seen nor heard Hyuck or Jeno. Maybe today would be normal for once. As soon as that idea had crossed your mind, they came beelining for your desk, and you knew that would be impossible.
“Good—” You couldn’t even get a friendly greeting out of your mouth, Donghyuck fully sitting on top of your keyboard, entering a bunch of random characters into the email you had been writing. “Uhm, you know, that email to Mr. Suh wasn’t important, actually…”
Yanking your keyboard out from under Hyuck, you deleted the gibberish and saved the draft email before setting it aside to deal with whatever was going on. You looked at your coworkers expectantly.
“Y/N…” Jeno surprisingly took the lead. “How did you go about letting Jisung down easy?”
You blinked in surprise. “What are you talking about? I just told him we should keep it professional and not see each other anymore…? And that was it.”
“And how did he take it?”
“Fine?” You glanced between their extremely serious demeanors with increasing worry. “Why? What’s going on?”
“We just had to comfort a crying Jisung in the men’s room for the past thirty minutes, that’s what’s going on!” Hyuck finally hissed. “I don’t think your easy is very easy!”
You leaned away from him in utter shock. That was definitely not part of the plan today, and now you were genuinely worried about why your boyfriend was apparently crying in the men’s room—he definitely wasn’t a good enough actor to do that on the spot.
“Woah, I didn’t—”
“Well, you did.”
“You don’t get to pin all the blame on me here,” you shot back immediately. “Whose stupid fucking plan was it for me to sleep with him in the first place anyway? If I recall, you never found him crying in the bathroom with his last girl that you were so concerned over.”
“You diverted from the plan and he got attached!”
“Okay, it’s everyone’s fault!” Jeno cut in decisively.
“What’s everyone’s fault?” Mr. Suh stopped by your desk, briefcase in hand as he had just gotten into the office. “There’s been an awful lot of whispering going on over here. Something I should know about?”
“No, Mr. Suh!” Hyuck chirped brightly. “Lunch plans fell through, we’re just rescheduling.”
Your boss looked at you skeptically, waiting for confirmation. You nodded hurriedly. “Yeah, lunch plans.”
“Alright.” He shrugged. “There’s a good sandwich place a block over. If you’re looking for recommendations.”
And with that, he went into his office.
Turning back to Hyuck and Jeno, you whispered, “I swear to God, I wasn’t expecting him to be crying. Okay?”
“We’re being a little harsh on you,” Jeno admitted quietly. “We should all just leave Jisung alone, I think.”
He took a candy out of your bowl and departed your desk without another word. Hyuck followed, still shaking his head. You quickly brought your phone out, immediately texting Jisung.
[you: BABY SOS]
He texted back immediately
[co-curricular 🩷: IM HERE]
[co-curricular 🩷: WHAT’S WRONG????]
[you: im fine but are YOU okay?!]
[you: jeno and hyuck told me they found you crying in the bathroom]
[co-curricular 🩷: oh nonono im okay baby i promise]
[co-curricular 🩷: im in the copy room, can you come so i can explain?]
[you: omw]
You hurried from your desk to the copy room, relieved to find it devoid of any coworkers except Jisung, who was attending to a copy machine, placing documents on the glass, closing the lid, and copying them in a steady rhythm.
“Sungie,” you breathed out in relief, darting over to him, needing to see his face for yourself.
“Hey, baby, hey,” he said soothingly, letting you wrap an arm around his waist and lean into him affectionately. “I’m okay, I’m okay.”
You stepped back, cognizant of the fact that any of your coworkers could enter at any moment. “So what were Hyuck and Jeno talking about then?”
“When we got in this morning, the temperature change from the cold air outside to the heat inside the building was making my eyes water and my nose run,” he explained, gesturing to his face. “I went to take care of it in the bathroom. Donghyuck and Jeno ran into me while I was cleaning myself up and assumed I had been crying. Nothing I said could convince them otherwise, and they of course also assumed it was connected to their advice to you to let me down easy. So I played along. I know it wasn’t part of the plan, but I couldn’t get them to let it go.”
“I was almost feeling bad about lying to them, but they do this to themselves.” You crossed your arms, leaning against the wall next to his copy machine. Your tone softened as you added, “I’m really happy you’re okay, Sungie.”
“I’m happy you checked on me so quick, baby.” He smiled, taking a step closer to peck your forehead. He lowered his voice to say, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you murmured, looking up at him, fighting the urge to just grab his suit jacket and kiss him. “Lunch later?”
His nose wrinkled with distaste. “Are Hyuck and Jeno coming too?”
“Just us? At home?”
“I miss you.”
He nodded. “I miss you too.”
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It was finally Friday, finally the day of the office holiday party. You just had to survive work and lay the last couple breadcrumbs, then it would all be over tonight.
You were making your morning cup of coffee in the breakroom with Hyuck and Jeno, and went to engage them in conversation. “Are you guys bringing anyone to the party tonight?”
“Nah.” Hyuck poured his own cup.
“You’re not beating the ‘no bitches’ allegations.” You clicked your tongue.
“I think it’s a bit weird to bring someone you’re not like… properly dating to a work event and introduce them to your coworkers,” Jeno answered, rooting through the employee fridge.
“So that’s a no?”
“Correct,” he mimicked your taunting tone of voice.
Jisung, who had been quietly measuring out sugar into his own cup of coffee at a far counter, apart from your conversation physically but definitely within earshot, inserted himself then, “I’m bringing a date.”
Jeno hit his head on a shelf in the fridge. “Shit—! Huh?”
“You are?!” Hyuck blinked at him, utterly shocked.
You slowly turned around to face Jisung, cocking your head. “Oh, me too.”
“Since when?!” Hyuck snorted.
“Just because I didn’t tell you about it doesn’t mean I haven’t had one,” you hissed.
He rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
Jisung nodded, and you saw the corner of his lips twitch, ever-so-slightly, too small for anybody who didn’t know him as well as you to catch. “Guess I’ll see you and your date tonight, then.”
“Same. You, as well.” You nodded curtly, watching him pivot on his heel and stride out of the breakroom.
“You don’t have a fucking date,” Hyuck stated dryly as soon as he was no longer in eyesight.
“That was hard to watch,” Jeno said, opening a Tupperware of food that definitely had somebody else’s name on it.
“And neither does he,” Hyuck continued, pointing to the doorway that Jisung had disappeared through. “No way he’s found somebody in a day. Unless…” He looked at Jeno with alarm. “Oh no. You don’t think…?”
Jeno squinted. “What?”
“What if he brings his toxic situationship to get back at Y/N?” Hyuck gasped. He then turned to you, “Look, I guess I can see if Mark’s free tonight—”
“No,” you cut him off firmly. “I’ve already got someone in mind.”
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“So beautiful, baby,” Jisung murmured, taking one of your hands and kissing your knuckles.
“Hey, I’m trying to fix your tie clip,” you laughed, pulling your hand back from him to continue adjusting his tie clip that had gone askew thanks to his seatbelt.
The two of you were standing outside the venue of the office holiday party. You were fashionably late, as part of the plan. You had to make sure Hyuck and Jeno were already there, so they could see you arrive together, wearing your coordinated outfits. Jisung’s tie was of course a complimentary shade of the color of your dress—not too matchy-matchy like kids at a grade school formal, but clearly together, not accidental.
“There.” You smoothed out the lapels of his suit jacket, smiling up at him. “So handsome.”
He kissed your cheek. “Thank you.”
“Are you ready?”
“More than.” He grinned, lacing his fingers with yours.
Walking in, instrumental Christmas music was playing over the speakers and a steady hum of conversation filled the room. There were a few familiar faces near the front, but nobody you were overly friendly with. You grabbed Jisung’s shoulder for support as you went to talk to him over the din of the crowd. He hunched over slightly to listen to you better, holding you steady with a hand on your hip.
“Want to get a drink first?” You suggested.
“Sure,” he agreed, keeping his hand on your lower back as you moved through the sea of people.
There was a special cocktail for the night, ‘Mistletoe While You Work,’ which you ordered out of curiosity. Once it was in your hand, you took a sip, and you were pleasantly surprised. Not too sweet, and you couldn’t taste the liquor at all.
“Hey, baby,” you smirked, holding your glass up between yours and Jisung’s faces. “Uh-oh, we’re under mistletoe… kinda.”
Jisung laughed, and you put the glass down to watch his face crinkle up and his nose scrunch in all its adorable glory. “Mm, hard to argue with that.”
You were still smiling as you pressed your lips to his in a short but sweet kiss. He kept you close when you broke apart, an arm still wound around your waist.
“Uhm, Merry fucking Christmas to you guys, too,” Hyuck announced himself, standing off to the side, his own drink in hand and Jeno of course with him.
“Oh, hey guys,” you greeted them nonchalantly. “Merry Christmas.”
“What happened to your dates?” Jeno cut right to the chase.
You and Jisung pointed to each other, making nearly identical faces as if you were oblivious to why Jeno and Hyuck were confused.
Hyuck started buffering as he tried to process the situation. “What…?”
“We’ve been together this whole time,” you finally put them out of their misery, watching as their jaws dropped simultaneously.
“Since before I interviewed, actually,” your boyfriend added.
“Over a year, to be exact.”
“You guys are sick in the head,” Hyuck jabbed an accusatory finger at you both.
“Who was making a whole convoluted plan for me to sleep with one of our coworkers that you barely knew?” You immediately fired back. “You’re lucky we did this instead of reporting you to HR.”
Jeno quickly threw on a wide smile, clapping Jisung on the shoulder. “You fit in great here, Jisung.”
“Glad to have you on the team.” Hyuck went to hug Jisung, making him stiffen up at the unexpected affection. Your coworker then gestured to both of you, putting a hand over his chest. “You two are so adorable together. What a great couple. I’ve said that from the beginning, right, Jeno?”
“You thought they would’ve had awful chemistry.”
“Would it kill you to back me up for once?” Hyuck turned his ire on your other coworker.
Mr. Suh walked up to the bar then, putting his order in with the bartender before greeting you all. “Ah, hello, everyone. Merry Christmas.”
A chorus of hellos and Merry Christmases rang out in response.
“Was Mr. Suh in on it?” Jeno asked you.
“Whatever ‘it’ was, no, but now I wish I was,” Mr. Suh answered, clearly intrigued by this conversation.
“Y/N and Jisung are dating!” Hyuck immediately tattled, and you rolled your eyes at his childish tone.
“There’s nothing against the rules,” your boss said calmly. Then, he added with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, “Especially if the relationship predates one of you working here.”
You and Jisung exchanged a surprised look, making Mr. Suh laugh.
“Okay, I had a hunch, but that was the confirmation I needed,” he chuckled. “When I’d see Jisung at Y/N’s desk alone, I don’t know—you two seemed way more comfortable around each other than two people who had only talked for the first time a week ago. No matter how much you liked each other.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Hyuck gawped.
“It didn’t seem like any of my business.”
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⇢ 2024 hallmark movie marathon
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@annenakamura @bee-the-loser @lotties-readings @ppddpjdr @reiofsuns2001
@giirlfriendd @shaqs-oatmeal @sofipolii01
@tearinka @yoursyuno @yutasputa69
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m1sa-w1sa · 10 months ago
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Animal Party!
The harbingers finding out you had a pet
(Some of the animals are tigers lions bears sharks etc etc, characters might be a bit OOC cuz this is kinda a crackfic but if yall want more srs ones lmk)
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For him Lets say you had a pet bear it would go kinda like this, since you and him live in a big house you wanted a big backyard, he never knew why but he Never said no, his siblings could run around there so when he came home from work you were not anywhere to be found.. until he heard you call someone a “goodboy” from the backyard, his bow was already drawn as he would have a stern expression on his face until he saw you with a bear. “[NAME]…” “So i forgot to tell you…” “WHY DIDN’T YOU THEM ME SOONER?! HE’S SO CUTE!” overall tatamis loves the bear
For Scaramouche you had a cat a fluffy white one, this time you went over to visit him with your cat just hanging out in her purse “Took you long enough-… What the fuck is that..” “Its [CATS NAME]…” I deeply feel like scaramouche would be jealous if the cat took to much of your attention but would warm up to the cat, not enough to not show at least a HINT of jealousy
So You had a spider for this (if you dont like spiders then imagine something else) and again you went to visit her, Arlecchino actually does like spiders (or just insects in general based on voice lines) so wheb she sees one crawling on you she was surprised that you had one just hanging around, She doesn’t mind it and also gets close to the spider, Leney (idk if i spelt his name right) almost killed it becuase he thought it was creepy😞
You have a silly little snake!!! This can go either way you visit her, she visits you..OR she sees it slithering around and she calls you over “[NAME]! WHAT THE FUCK—“ “Signora! You found [SNAKE NAME]! Thank you!!” Signora would be surprised and confused..how can you live with that…THING?! Why is it built like that… Signora is ALRIGHT with your pet she isn’t to fond with it but would take care of it for you
You have a cat! Not the small one a BIG one so.. a lion for him you TOLD him you had a cat..just not what KIND of cat “Pantalone do you want to see my pet?” “Of course [NAME] it cant go that bad..” It went that bad, when he came to visit you and saw a whole ass LION he froze when did you get the beast?! “Ha..[NAME] you said you had a cat..” “I know! This is [LIONS NAME]!” “Why didnt you say that you had a lion?” “It was less fun..” hes alright its pretty tame, (might get a little jealous from all the attention the lions getting…)
Simple way to put it, you have a shark said and done same with Pantalone you TOLD him just not that detailed in your words “Dottore you like fish right? You wana meet mine?” “Sure, I suppose it wouldn’t be that much of a hassle..” Well when he cane over he wondered why your house had a pool in the backyard, until he saw the fin sticking out of the water “See Dottore? This is [SHARK NAME]! “You said you had a fish” He doesn’t really care for it because he doesn’t go swimming often or study the oceans yet but he isn’t going to tell you to give it away
You had a swan, a elegant animal it was plain and simple so there isn’t that much convincing that the animal WONT hurt them, You and Columbina have hang outs (aka dates..) by the pond, She only REALLY opens her eyes around you (she wears the mask so she wouldn’t fall in love with someone else again but your a exception) and saw that you had a swan with you she was like a kid in a candy shop in her eyes it was a perfect animal for someone as perfect as you! She loves your swan and has a good relationship with it
You had a hamster (a FAT one) it was just in your hands eating sunflower seeds (ofc it is..) as you were going to find your beloved Sandrone “[NAME] whats the dust in your hand for?” “Its my Hamster!” “What..” Sandrone is sarcastic so she does make jokes how its a fucking FATASS but she secretly thinks its cute and would do anything for that little fur-ball
You have a fox! I feel like when he found out you didn’t know he was off today, so you were outside playing with your little fox friend while he looked at you, even if his face was covered he had a small soft smile who ever knew that his s/o could be so cute..but he doesn’t know much about taking care of animals so he loves hearing you talk about it and slowly warms up to your fox!^^
Last but not least! You owned a monkey (or a spider monkey) but you and your monkey go EVERYWHERE together so its not hard for him to figure it out, since you two starting dating he was introduced to your monkey, he doesn’t mind that silly little fella he just wants to spend time with you and sometimes when your off doing errands or something else, your monkey just hangs out with Peirro, one time, Peirro had the monkey on his shoulders while in a fatui meeting (I feel like any of them would take your pet to a metting when there good with them, besides the shark… sadly)
(We are finished! I really hoped you enjoyed this!!^^ Tags: @jadestone2 )
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fabricated-misslieness · 1 year ago
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: wriothesley x gn reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: you're afraid of (cock)roaches so you call him to help
ʀᴇ𝐐: no ~ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 304 ~ part 2
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: swearing, murder of cockroach, crackfic
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: based off a real experience, written at ~11 pm
Picture this: you're minding your own business, pissing away at your toilet, and then you see a cockroach, on your shower wall.
With the way you're screaming all hell for him, he thinks it's a big emergency, an SOS type thing. That's why he comes rushing over.
Seeing you cowering away at the bathroom door, but certainly not in immediate danger, he calms down. "What?"
He sighs, "Just hit it with a shoe."
"I am NOT hitting it with a shoe. Can you SEE the size of that thing??"
He heaves an even heavier sigh and takes off his house slipper, then heads off into the shower half barefoot.
He closes the shower door, for your sake, and smacks the cockroach dead. It takes a few smacks, which leaves you mortified, then asks for toilet paper.
The next minute, the cockroach is spinning circles down the toilet water whirlpool, wrapped in its paper coffin.
You sigh with relief, leaning your head against the door dramatically as if you'd done all the work.
Wriothesley laughs and comes over to chide you about it, all while teasing you as well; but you stop him with a hand on his chest, enforcing an arm's length of distance between you two.
"Wash your hands."
"I didn't touch it with my hands."
You scrunch up your nose at him. He sighs, again, but obeys like the good boyfriend he is.
"Thank you..." You mutter, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your head into his broad back as he washes his hands.
"Yeah, yeah." He huffs out a laugh, "You're lucky I love you."
"That, I am."
Why do you have a boyfriend, if not to kill cockroaches for you? True romance lies in the murder of the disgusting little things on behalf of one's beloved.
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aventurineswife · 2 months ago
Poly requests? I must've been a good girl this year to have received such a wonderful surprise!
My poly ship is a crack ship and it's Mr Reca/Reader/Argenti.
A Dance Between Art and Beauty
Summary: You find yourself caught between two contrasting personalities: the cynical Memokeeper and film director, Mr. Reca, and the idealistic knight of Beauty, Argenti. As they clash over the meaning of art and beauty, you inadvertently become the muse for an absurd and chaotic film project that blends their vastly different visions. Amid the cosmic drama, philosophical debates, and mechanical frogs, you begin to question what it truly means to live as both art and memory collide.
Tags: Mr. Reca x Reader x Argenti, Crackfic, Humor, Chaos, Philosophy of Art, Mechanical Frog Shenanigans, Beauty vs. Cynicism, Found Family(?).
Warnings: Excessive philosophical musings, Over-the-top melodrama, Slight existential dread, Mild chaotic absurdity.
A/N: hehe 🤭
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You stood on the edge of a cosmic cliff, gazing out at the swirling void of the nebula, the colors of distant stars reflecting in your eyes. Your hand gripped the soft fabric of your jacket, feeling the weight of the moment as Mr. Reca, the infamous Memokeeper and film director, muttered under his breath about "lighting" and "dramatic angles." Beside him, Argenti, the paragon Knight of Beauty, polished his silver breastplate, occasionally glancing at you with a look that could only be described as intense… like he was considering whether your soul could withstand the sheer radiance of his own beauty.
“Do you even understand art?” Mr. Reca asked you, not looking up from his camera (or rather, his mechanical frog assistant), which was currently trying to catch a perfect shot of your contemplative expression.
You blinked. “Uh, I think so?”
Argenti’s sharp eyes glinted. “Beauty is not just a concept to be understood, it must be experienced.” He stepped closer, his armor gleaming in the starlight. “You must let it consume you. Let the world fall away, until nothing but the purity of your soul remains."
"Are you two seriously having a conversation about beauty right now?" Mr. Reca deadpanned. "I'm trying to film a scene, not host a metaphysical debate. What are you two even doing?"
Argenti raised an eyebrow. “I am instructing them in the sacred tenets of Beauty.”
“Just get out of the shot,” Mr. Reca snapped. “I’ve got a limited budget here, and I’m dealing with dream-warping nonsense, not this. Do you see what I’m working with here? These stars are too perfect to be real!"
You sighed and turned back to Mr. Reca, watching his mechanical frog try to climb up your leg. “You know, for someone who manipulates memories, you’d think you’d have a better grasp on reality.”
“Oh, please,” Mr. Reca sneered, “Reality’s a joke. A bad film script no one bothered to rewrite. I can do better by distorting it.”
Argenti suddenly straightened, as if struck by an epiphany. “Wait. Memories? You manipulate memories?”
“That’s what I said,” Mr. Reca growled, adjusting the frog to capture a different angle of the cliff. “I’m a Memokeeper. I preserve and alter memories. I make life more... interesting.”
Argenti blinked. “Then... why not preserve the purest memory? One that will never fade: the moment Beauty is realized in its highest form?”
You stared at Argenti, utterly confused. “You want me to remember beauty forever?”
“No,” Argenti replied, his voice unyielding. “I want you to experience it. Truly. Let Beauty transcend the memory. Let it be more than an imprint in time.”
Mr. Reca let out an exasperated groan, clearly annoyed at how his profound philosophical statement about memory had turned into a bizarre conversation about some ethereal "Beauty" nonsense. He motioned to you as if you were a prop. “Please, do not encourage him. He’s been on this Beauty trip for centuries.”
But you could already feel yourself drawn to Argenti’s words. There was something about them, some pure essence that seemed to be calling to you, pulling you deeper into this strange triangle of conflicting passions. You looked at both of them, one cynical and jaded, the other painfully idealistic. You were caught between Mr. Reca’s artistic drive and Argenti’s unwavering belief in perfection.
In a moment of sheer spontaneity, you found yourself stepping closer to both men, a smirk playing at the edge of your lips.
“Why don’t we make a film about this?” you said, eyes gleaming. “A film that blends beauty with the harshness of reality. One where the purity of art clashes with the grimness of memory.”
Mr. Reca shot you a skeptical look. “Now you’re talking my language... but the lighting’s still off, and we’ll need at least four more frogs.”
Argenti raised his sword dramatically, pointing it toward the heavens as his voice rang out. “Yes! Together, we shall create a masterpiece! One that will capture the very soul of Beauty in this universe!”
As the mechanical frogs scrambled to adjust the scene, you stood between the two men, caught in a collision of ideals and egos. The stars above shimmered with the potential of a film that could be equal parts magnificent and absurd.
And maybe—just maybe—you’d finally uncover what it meant to live through art… or perhaps to be art.
The next few hours passed in a haze of absurdity. Mr. Reca was constantly complaining about the budget, the lighting, and the mechanical frogs not capturing "the emotional depth" of the scene. Argenti, meanwhile, insisted that every shot had to reflect the ideal of Beauty, even if that meant holding your gaze for what felt like hours.
“Focus,” Argenti insisted, his armor gleaming under the starry sky. “This is the moment of transformation. This is when your inner Beauty will shine through.”
You exchanged a glance with Mr. Reca, who just sighed in resignation. “Yeah, sure. Let’s call it ‘transformation.’”
You stared at Argenti, his voice commanding and his body shimmering like a living statue. But as you looked back at Mr. Reca, the sharp cynicism in his eyes made your heart flutter in a different way.
It was a game of contrasts. Of passion versus apathy. Of beauty versus reality. And as absurd as the whole situation was, you found yourself enjoying the chaos... and maybe even a little curious about how it would all end.
After all, what is life without a bit of madness—and a good film to remember it by?
The End... Or is it?
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just-some-random-blogger · 2 years ago
Accidental Targ
Scene I: you guys into roleplay or what? | Masterlist
Daemon Targaryen x Modern!Reader
Summary: There was a party at the old castle ruins which raised the talk of an old urban legend. As the lore goes, upon the strike of midnight, for one whole minute, the arch, which used to be the entrance to the castle gates, would be a portal back to the height of the Targaryen dynasty. Of course, that complete and utter rubbish.
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: fem!reader, time travel au, descriptions of reader's hair, incestuous gremlin!daemon, crackfic, typos. etc.
A/N: The lore of this is actually based off an urban legend from the high school i went to, which is like 400+ years old, thus the ruins and portal back in time HAHAHAH Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony @risefallrise @slavyanskiyahui @fan-goddess @daemons-kelitsos
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The truth is, maybe I was a little too drunk to remember exactly what happened between the grinding in front of the DJ booth and game of dare or die, but I do know for a fact that I was incredibly lost. I recognized none of the landmarks that I stored in my head, and by the looks of it, I had wandered so far from the party I was now at the renaissance fair in town. Fucking Libby.
I pull out my phone from my tiny, glittery clutch bag and sling its gold chain around my shoulder. I go through my contacts and begin to ring Libby, heaving as I walked through the square.
The sound of the bustling people filled my ears. The night market was very much alive; it both gave me comfort and great anxiousness.
A bunch of people holler at me, calling me princess and my lady. I ignore them and continue in silence.
There was suddenly a wet squelching sound that snapped me out of my focus. I freeze in my spot, "fuck." I let out a groan and pull up the flare of my pants, "ohh fuckkkk."
These hot pink gogo boots were brand new! And now they were hot mess gogos, caked in fucking mud.
I tug up my shimmery and equally pink bell bottoms, doing my best to evade the rest of the mud in the area. I tread carefully, not wanting to further ruin my clothes or slip and fall on my ass.
I blow my hair out of my face. They really just had to add mud for the authenticity, huh? I comb through my silver hair after I get through the brown sludge.
Where the fuck is Libby?
I feel another wave of anxiousness creep up on me as I grow acutely aware of the people staring. I stand by the side of the street and stare at my phone. I release a breath and feel an ominous atmosphere thicken around me. I look around, catching a bunch of eyes staring back at me, and shift uncomfortably. I furrow my brows and clutch my purse and phone tightly, deciding I did not feel safe in this area. I begin to walk again.
I curse my phone when I see the no signal notification and cautiously put it back in my rhinestone bag. I adjust my leather jacket and wrap my arms around myself.
"Fucking hell, Libby," I mutter to myself as I muster courage to make it though the crowd so I can eventually get out of it.
I brush my locks back and wipe the sweat building at my nape.
I reach a less congested place and stand by a pillar next to a building. I observe the people in their old timey clothes and costumes, not a single other person dressed in modern clothing. I figure it was cause it was pretty late and they must be closing up their booths any time now.
I tug the collar of my silver halter top and turn to the side. Immediately, I spot a butch man, clad in armor and a cloak. I stare at him for a moment and think, wow, that's a really good costume. I find myself deciding he was pretty good looking too. I instantly look away when he catches me starting.
I clear my throat, wrapping my arms around myself. My jacket tightens around my arms. I clutch my bag in my chest again.
Wait, if he's dressed like that, does that mean he's, like, a guard or something? Maybe I can ask for his help to look for Libby.
I clear my throat and steal a look again, and to my horror, the man is making his way towards me.
In my panic, I shift and face the opposite direction. My flight response kicks in, but before I could bolt, he comes to my side and speaks.
"Speak your name and business, stranger."
I pull my head back and look to the man. He stares at me as brush my bangs away from my face. Why's he coming off so strong, "what?"
The man looks at me through his stupid helmet and furrows his brows, "speak your name and business," says he, rather threateningly.
Hold on. Is he for real? If this was supposed to be part of his weird-ass dialogue for his roleplay thing-- or, heaven forbid, a pickup line, dear gods, it was not about to work on me.
My initial response was to be extremely hostile, but after taking a deep breath I decide against it. I hit him with an uno reverse as raise a brow, "what's your name and business, soldier?"
His dark brow quirks at that. He says nothing for a moment.
His over-the-top golden cloak flows back, as does my platinum hair when a gush of wind blows. I make a face when I catch a whiff of something rank. I rub my nose and push my curls back behind my ear. I re-pin one of my golden clips to keep my tresses in place.
The solider shifts in his spot. "I am not a solider--" ok, not a soldier, "I am an officer of the city watch," he shakes his head, "Ser Harwin Strong," he raises his nose, "and my business is your business."
I pull my head back. My jaw slacks.
I clear my throat.
Why he kinda-
I sniffle, very much not at all expecting that response. Well, I guess maybe his pickup line kinda works... And well, I mean, he kinda cute so-
I tell him my name and then tell him I lost my friend after a round of dare or die and now I'm looking for her.
"Dare or die," he repeats rather seriously.
I shrug and shake my head, "it's just a stupid game."
He hums, "and your friend, she is as... strangely dressed as you?"
I raise a brow again, tightening my crossed arms, "says the man in armor and a gold cape."
Harwin makes a face.
I chuckle softly. Not expecting that, were ya?
I huff. Ok, my bad. I know these renaissance people really get into it, and, yeah, I mean, he was right. I was in a glittery silver halter top, hot pink bellbottoms and gogo boots with a leather jacket and a bedazzled clutch. I was an LSD trip. He had his schtick and I had mine.
"Yeah, no, eh," I look around, "she's in black skinny jeans and a fuchsia, like, off-shoulder situation. It's pretty hard to miss her, which is why I have no idea why I can't find her anywhere."
"Off shoulder?"
I turn to him as he mutters this.
I give him a look then motion, "yeah... like, it's cropped here," I move my hand by my shoulders, "and it has ruffles and-- OH! Also she has blue hair!" I raise a finger, "it's really, really hard to miss her."
Harwin looks at me like I just told him my friend was secretly Hannah Montana.
I am about to respond when suddenly we snap to the side as someone calls out, "Lord Strong." A man in a grey cloak nods at Harwin and turns to me, "you're looking for someone, yes?"
I blink at the man with a hood, trying to get a better look of his shadowy face. Immediate no.
I slowly nod though after he stares too long. I don't like the fact I can't make out his face.
Hood man tilts his head and walks off.
I stand still in my spot as he makes his way down an alley.
What the fuck was that? Tsch. Am I a dog? Did he honestly think I'd suddenly follow him just cause he tilted his head to the side?
I turn to Harwin and with a sour look. He looks back at me and tilts his head to the side. Not him too!
I huff in disbelief, "you want me to follow him?"
Harwin makes a face, "it would be wise if you do."
"Why?! What, is he-- does he work here?"
"In the marketplace," he looks around and shakes his head, "no."
I think for a second. I huff, "is he one of those people that do the lost and found things. Can he help-"
"OI!" a voice cuts me off. We turn to the side again and hood man is back. He quips, "do you want to find your friend or not?!"
Well why didn't he just say so?
I nod and shrug simultaneously, finding myself following after him this time around. The things I do for love. I mean, it's a renaissance fair! They... they're just a bunch of weird nerd guys that have never felt the touch of a woman.
I gulp. Okay, maybe not the soundest explanation as to why I think I won't get kidnapped.
For someone who wants to be followed, he sure moved like he wanted to lose me. I jog up behind him and grab his arm, "slow down! I've been on my feet for hours."
He slows then stops. He looks at the arm I was clutching.
I release a sigh, "do you have a name, manager?"
He turns from his arm to me with a scowl, "what?"
He pulls away just as I release him. I clarify, "do you work at, like, HR?"
He stares at me for a moment. I stare back, vaguely seeing his face from the shadow of his hood. He somehow looks familiar, like... like a less hot version of Matt Smith. He turns front and walks off again, "and what would HR be?"
I huff and follow after him. The whole in-character thing was really getting on my nerves. I rack my brain for what HR's equivalent would be in this day and age. I shake my head, "I don't know... public servitude? Public Relations? Okay, no, that's PR-"
Hood man eyes me, "PR..."
I slow my pace as I think. He rolls his eyes and grabs me by the wrist, dragging me as he takes us off to wherever it was we were headed.
"Good government?" I said questioningly.
He snorts, "good governance, you say?"
I look up at him and find a small smirk on his lips, "well, actually, I said-"
He mutters, "I am certainly not one of those."
"... okay... ... Mr. Edgelord."
He shoots me a look but does not respond.
He takes me to a dark backstreet and for some reason, I didn't think it strange up until we entered. The place, I kid you not, was a brothel. From the moment we stepped in, there were people making out and getting way further than second base in front of my very pure, unwilling eyes.
This was it, wasn't it? Would it be in bad taste to say at least I died in a cute outfit? No, wait, you're right. It would be in great taste. Purr.
Immediately, my hand goes to my eyes and I choke out a squeak, "oh dear fuck, is this legal?!"
Hood man turns to me and stops for a moment. He drags me again, "are pleasures illegal where you're from?"
I peak through my fingers, finding that we were headed for a flight of stairs. "For fucks sake, this is the dangerous type of pleasures, sir," I struggle as I try to keep my eyes closed and opened all at once.
"How dull," he looks over to me once as we go up the stairs, "danger is a form of respite."
I make a face, "yeah well-" I gasp when I nearly miss a step. Hood man yanks me up so that I don't fall. I sheepishly look up at him and was about to thank him, up until I see a bunch of dudes going at it on the second floor. I cringe, continuing my train of thought, "--tell that to STDs."
"STD..." he mutters under his breath.
Hood man takes us to a room that is empty, save for a woman with long dark hair. She looks at us as we enter, then turns to our joined hands. Upon catching this, I pull my hand away.
Hood man turns to me then to her, "show her the girl."
The dark haired woman side steps and immediately I gasp, "Libby!"
I run up to the low bed she was laid upon. I brush her damp bangs back and she immediately groans.
"Your friend was drunk and nearly attacked by some men," the woman explained, "they backed off when I told them she was one of mine."
"Homaygosh," I look over my shoulder and pant, "I- thank you for helping her."
Her expression softens a fraction. She mentally notes the reaction.
I look back to Libby and adjust her pink top. "She's a ditzy drunk," I sigh, brushing her damn awful blue hair, "which was why I followed after her. I didn't expect her to come this far."
"Far you say. Where are you from?" the man asks.
"We came from the party in the old castle ruins."
"Party?" she says just as he says, "ruins?"
I turn to them and stand, "yeah, the old castle up the cliff," I point to nowhere. I look between them and huff when they look at me wordlessly.
The woman turns to hood man. They speak to each other telepathically it seems.
I release a breath, "okay. I get it. You guys are into roleplay. It was a-- celebration dance... event."
They turn back to me.
"Thank you again for helping her," I turn to Libby, back to the woman, "what were your names?"
I offer a smile to hood man as I introduce myself.
He does not offer me the same courtesy.
The woman places her hands in front of her, "I am Mysaria," she says and I smile at her. She smiles back then turns to him. We both look at him for a hot second.
Hood man does not respond.
"Okay then..." I shift awkwardly in my spot, "well, thank you, Mysaria and... sir...."
"What house do you belong to?" he utters.
"What," I pull my head back, "house?"
He does not clarify but looks at me expectantly.
I make a face and think for a moment. What does he mean? I am hit by a sudden realization. But surely he doesn't mean this? "Uhm... ... ... Gryffindor?"
"Gryffindor?" his face contorts in thought.
I nod slowly, "that is what you mean, right?"
Mysaria crosses her arms, "where does house Gryffindor hail?"
My eyes pinch in confusion. I raise a finger, "like... which part of Hogwarts do they stay?" What the- "I don't know! This is entirely too nerdy for me to understand. Also, I was never really a potterhead."
"Potter head?" hood guy asks.
I roll my eyes and sigh, "okay," I wave my hands, "since we've already broken the forth wall and you've broken characters-"
"Characters-" he mutters.
"-can I borrow a phone? Mine says no service," I lean towards Libby and begin to shake her awake, "or if any of you are heading back to the city, can we just hitch a ride?"
Libby groans as I shake her.
I hiss, "girl, get your ass up."
The man scoffs then chuckles. He walks over to me, "girl, I think you are sorely mistaken."
I straighten up and involuntarily squeak when I find him right next to me. He is so close that I finally see the color of his eyes, even though the room was quite dim.
"OCA4," I blabber.
He knits his blonde brows, "what?"
I step back, cursing myself for remembering that stupid fact from grade 6 biology, "you- you have violet eyes," I gulp, "it's a recessive trait."
The man blankly stares at me for a second.
Great. I've really done it now.
He narrows his eyes then looks me once over. "Issi ao doru-borto?" he mutters. Are you stupid?
"Hey!" I raise a brow, "I am not."
His expression slips. He is evidently shocked, "you know High Valyrian?"
Mysaria's eyes widen.
I place a hand on my hip, "I'll have you know, I took High Valyrian as an elective, but everyone knows what doru-borto is."
I turn back to shake Libby again, but instead, I am snagged by the arm. Hood man yanks me towards him and mutters, "gūrogon nyke naejot se pryjata."
I twitch as alarms go off in my head. Instead of shaking him off though, my mind buffers at the barely recognizable words. I try to make sense of it and slowly translate, "take me... ?"
He tilts his head and completes it, "take me to the ruins."
I pull my head and arm back. He does not release me. I clench my jaw at this. I huff, "you can't miss it. Just go up th-"
"I want you to take me there."
I begin to get increasingly agitated, defensive, and tired, "look, sir," I place my hand on his iron grip and push him off me, "I really appreciate your help, but we should get goi-"
"You will not go anywhere with your companion unless you take me to the ruins which you speak."
I freeze at his words. I stare at him, taking in his stoic expression. His look was as serious as explosive diarrhea. I feel my entire body flush with dread. I look to Mysaria for help, but it was instantly clear by her expression that if there were sides, she was on his.
I shudder and pull the hand I had atop his, finding no point in trying to free myself from his clutch, "so what?"
His brows furrow. A challenge?
"I take you there," I word carefully, "and then I come back, and you let us go?"
He takes in my expression. He scans my hair as it slips from my shoulder. He looks at the golden pins by the top of my head then releases me. I rub my arm as he brings his hands in front of him. He shifts on his leg.
I clench my jaw, "well?"
"So be it," he retorts.
"So be it?" I scoff, "swear it."
He tilts his head and narrows his eyes. His lips curve slightly, "what?"
"I need to hear you say you will not harm her," I add, turning to Mysaria as I say this, "please."
Mysaria's face softens though she knits her brows. Hood man laughs and it makes me glare at him. Mysaria looks to the man as he says, "I swear."
"On your life," I quip mindlessly with an air of fake confidence though my heart was pounding. I was well aware that if he intended to do us ill, no amount of words would save us. Still, it was good to hear it.
In all honesty, I am surprised when he retorts with, "on my life and my honor."
I find myself shaking my head, "okay then."
"OK..." he repeats slowly.
I do as he says, since I don't really have much of a choice.
I lead the man, or rather he leads me out of the grimy establishment (my poor eyes), and then I lead him up to the ruins.
The walk is silent, as I am no longer keen on fostering any type of relationship with him.
He stays a few paces behind me but I can very much feel his lingering presence.
As I do my best to retrace my steps, I slower each passing 'landmark', or lack thereof. We pass a church that was way smaller in my memory, and the large oak tree I was looking for was nonexistent.
Eventually, I come to terms with the fact I was lost and just try my best not to show it as I navigate the landscape through instinct.
When I was about to fess up, I glanced upon a building I knew for sure had scaffolding when I passed it earlier today. See, aint no way they finished the renovations that quickly.
I pick up the pace, following the directions I remember taking and my breath hitches. My jaw drops and my eyes widen at the sight of the full blown fortress before me. What the fuck.
I let out a breath to calm myself but I can no longer mask my panic.
"Who are you really?" hood man mutters.
I snap to my side and clutch my chest as the man steps closer. He pulls me toward him by ripping at my dangling purse. I helplessly topple forward.
"Are you a dreamer?" he reaches out to my face and brushes my silver hair back, "emagon ao rēbās rȳ jēda?" Have you walked through time?
I pull away from him and swat his hand off, "don't touch me!"
He recoils as I glare at him and catch my breath. He pushes his hood down, revealing his face and long, alabaster hair tucked behind his cloak, "and why wouldn't I? Blood of my blood."
What? I pull my head back and wrap my arms around me as I step away. This man is insane.
"Ēza iā nādrēsy hen ñuha lentor issare āzma isse Gryffindor?" Has a bastard of my house been born in Gryffindor.
My body flinches when bells begin to toll.
He takes my panic to his advantage. He grabs me by my arms and forces me close. My boots skid as I come to an abrupt halt. My hands dart to his chest, "I-I don't know what you're saying."
He presses closer to me, uncaring of how my palms repel against him. The bells ringing put me further on edge.
"Where were you born, little dove?" he mumbles softly but I find malice in it.
I feel my eyes begin to water as my breath strains. I don't know why he asks me this, and I don't know why I answer, "K-King's Landing."
He lets out a deep chuckle and nods, "how many years after the Conquest?"
"What?" I shake my head, "why do I have to-"
"Kesrio syt aōha dārilaros epagon." Because your prince asks.
"Dārilaros?" I mutter lowly.
The bells stop ringing. Suddenly, I remember that stupid urban legend about the castle arch. Wait. I look at the man's face and risk looking over to my shoulder. As I turn my head, I see the locked gate with the same motif of the arch I went through as I chased after Libby when she was dared to go through the stupid thing.
I chuckle manically. No. NO. That's fucking insane. Realistically speaking, portals that open at midnight are not real! It's stupid! Nonsensical!
And also, yeah, if people say the ruins has an arch that'll take you back two thousand years, maybe don't go through it. I mean I didn't! I- I was following Libby! I-
He hums and nods, "kessa, dōna run, iksan aōha dārilaros," he brushes my hair back. Yes, sweet thing, I am your prince.
My eyes widen. Is he being for real? Be so fucking for real right now.
I open my mouth but I do not respond. Suddenly, it's like I'm back in high school, giggling with my seatmate over the pictures of the Rogue Prince. What the fuck.
He takes in my expression and smirks.
He howls in laughter, "very good-"
"What the fuck?!"
"-you know me even where you're from," he smirks.
"You're a really good cosplayer!" I wrangle out of his grip, "and this- this is a really elaborate set!"
Daemon the cosplayer lets me break away and I wipe my face as I snap some sense to myself, "I must be dreaming-"
"Mmm, a flattering thought," he laughs
"-I'm fucking roofied!"
"But, I assure you, I am very real."
I shudder as I pant and pace around. This can't be real. I look up to the wall. But this fucking castle is so fucking real. I grunt and walk over to it. I hiss and pull my hand back when I touch the stone; it was as if it burned me.
No. No. No! This is a renaissance fair! A- a medieval cosplay event! A fucking- a fucking-
"Gīda ilagon," he mutters, grabbing arm.
I turn to him as I brush my hair back in frustration. I whimper, "what?"
"Calm down," he strokes my arm, looking at the clip that slipped off my head, "I will not harm you."
I raise my brows at his words.
"After all," he grabs my clip and readjusts it in my hair, "what kind of forbearer would I be if I harmed my sweet little girl?"
I hang like a pirated CD, "I beg your pardon?"
He chuckles, stroking my cheek.
I feel an immense heat crawl up my face in realization, "y-you think--" I'm a Targaryen?!
Aint no fucking way.
I laugh nervously, "right."
That's why he's been helping me?!
"I must say, I am happy to know the princess lives in excess," he brings his hands to the collar of jacket and pushes it away. He takes in the glitter of my halter top and smiles when finds the skin of my shoulders, "very good."
I shriek and shove him off.
He chuckles as he recoils, raising his hands in surrender.
I wrap my arms around myself as he takes in the rest of my outfit. Oh my gosh, man doesn't know about plastic.
When his eyes dart back to my face, I realize he must think my golden clips were actual gold. I mean, thank you?
"I took you to the place," I quickly sputter, "I'm going back and leaving with Libby now."
He gives a lopsided grin, "I see no ruins before me, princess."
I shiver. I'm in danger.
Suddenly, I think about how Daemon was said to be misunderstood, that most of the things he did, historically, were out of love. He wasn't actually a bad person-
"You said you weren't going to hurt me," I mutter.
"No," he chuckles, "what I want to do to you doesn't have to hurt."
My eyes widen. I raise my hands, "Prince Daemon, please-"
"All in good time," he smirks and undoes the ties of his cloak by his collar.
My heart races, "no- please-"
"Shhh," he shakes his head and throws his cloak over my shoulders, "on my life and my honor," he ties the string around my neck, "no one shall touch a hair on your head," he smirks, "none but I."
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angelwishess · 3 months ago
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Masterlist for my main oc x canon ship, Floyd x Kyra! Mainly for organization, but this will have all of my favorite pieces of them from art to silly ramblings.
The ones listed in bold are my personal favorites and what I consider important to their relationship! :3
Tag: 🎀🦈! floyra
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Intro post || Contains a “summarized” version of their relationship timeline from their first meeting to their confession. (I say “summarized” with quotation marks because. It is a VERY long post. 😭)
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“First Meeting” || Floyra’s first real interaction during Book 2.
“Boo.” || Redraw of an old piece from before I made this blog HEHE
“Pose!” || POSE THAT MY MOOTIE OYA SENT ME !!! First time coloring using my phone, so Im proud of it :3
“The Artist And The Muse” || Floyd being Kyra’s muse gives me LIFE.
“I Just… Wanted To Kiss You.” || Floyra as that one TV Girl album cover !!
“You and I… We Were Simply Meant to Be.” || My first colored piece of Floyra… Its pretty dated but still has a special place in my heart. :3
First Look vs. “Last” Look || that one tiktok trend !!!!!
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“The Look of Something.” || My very first fic posted on this acc!! Lots of yearning and chaos HEHE :3
Me being insane about Floyra. Rambling about them being soulmates !!!!!!!
“Beautiful” || Rambling about how Kyra hates being called beautiful… Except if its Floyd.
“Sea Angel” || Rambling about why Kyra’s nickname from Floyd is “Sea Angel” instead of “Shrimpy”!
“Last Name” || Rambling about how happy Kyra was changing her last name to Floyd’s :3
“Amusement Park” || Rambling about my idea of what Floyra going to an amusement park together would be like :3
“Too MANY Beds” || Floyra crackfic concept LMFAOO
Rambling rambling rambling
Book 7 Shennanigans || Answering an ask about Kyra in Floyd’s dream (+ Jade’s)
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— Extra!
Things I think fit Floyra a lot :3
Floyra playlist!
Floyra Pinterest board (in the ‘Dynamic with Floyd’ section !!)
Moodboard (a little dated, might remake!)
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— Last Updated: December 6, 2024.
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driftwooddestiel · 1 month ago
do you have any franz fic recs? i just finished itao...
HI YES OF COURSE!! admittedly the majority of franz fic i’ve read other than itao has been the one fic (which i’ll explain under the cut so this post doesnt get too long) but i’ve also read some random short fics on slacken_ties and the like which i’ll link (it’s been a while since i read them but i saved them in my notes app so they mustve been pretty good)
this one which is very short but fun: https://slacken-ties.livejournal.com/890859.html
this one which is an incredibly strange and silly franz-themed mad libs: https://slacken-ties.livejournal.com/321086.html
this one which is a crackfic that i for one find very funny and enjoyable: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46345735/chapters/116684737
aaand i dont really have any more specific recs unfortunately sorry 😭 but i highly recommend looking at slacken_ties on livejournal because that’s a community that was literally dedicated to franz fanfiction so there’s TONS of stuff. ALSO IF ANYONE ELSE HAS SOME RECS PLEASE DO SHARE IN THE REPLIES OR REBLOGS 👍 apologies that i havent got more recs 
onto the fic i mentioned before — it’s a 40-chapter fic from slacken_ties called uni fic which is . very intense and very good & was quite impactful in the franzdom. HOWEVER! i learnt quite literally as i was writing this post that the writer of it is planning to take it down/remove it from slacken_ties soon since they have plans for the story — they said i’m free to save a copy of it if i want, which i’m currently about halfway through making, but i’m not sure yet whether they’d be okay with said copy being shared within the fandom so i’ll have to ask. in the meantime you can read it on slacken_ties still for now but just know it’s possible it will be deleted in a few weeks. 💥UPDATE the author says they’re okay with it being shared privately among a few people provided it’s not posted publicly online. so if you want to read it you can ask and i’ll send you a file (i finished archiving my copy the other day), however i ask that you pretty please don’t share that file with anyone else & keep it private* 🙏💥 ALSO‼️ the fic does contain some themes and scenes that can be quite intense and uncomfortable & it doesn’t have warnings. i’ve also been working on a spreadsheet (yes…) of the chapters with individual warnings for each chapter so if you’d like to avoid or be prepared for certain topics then feel free to ask for the warnings. (spreadsheet isnt finished yet but its about halfway through right now). in case you couldn’t tell i’m a big fan of uni fic, i think it’s very interesting and i’ve read it twice in full haha. its a pretty intense fic to go through since its like. novel-length and also very explicit, so its definitely not for everyone, but imo its got a fascinating plot and is very well-written and interesting 👍 
*also on the topic of it needing some warnings, i haven’t finished making the chapter warnings spreadsheet quite yet so you might want to wait til thats done to read it seeing as it does contain graphic depictions of sexual violence & regular violence, among other things, and i really cannot stress enough that if you choose to read it without warnings you have to accept the risk you might encounter something you don’t want to read
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ninjas-and-coffee · 4 months ago
What I love rn about the Ninjago Live action panic is that it has almost nothing about the plot. It's about the collective and primal fear of Chris Pratt and whitewashing.
I have seen a couple plot posts, but like there was nothing to prepare us for the crackfic high-school au of the other movie. So I don't think there's any need to try and guess the plot.
Maybe we should make our own movie. Like guys, we could make the anime everyone lowkey wants from the creators. Almost everyone I know has some version of a plot fixing rewrite or retelling thats almost beat for beat with the source material. But like better with longer character arcs and more cultural accuracy.
Like besides humanity's allergy to group projects, why don't we just do it???.
Like I'll start with the basis of my retelling: S1 but with an already teenage Lloyd releasing the serpentine as a misguided attempt to gain his father's attention and being a shadow villain to the serpentine problem. Followed by a zuko style redemption arc when it is accidentally revealed that he's the green ninja in a combat situation.
The first half of the season is about the teams backstories and picking up the lore crumbs on the serpentine and why Garmadon and Wu separated while trying to figure out who has motive, and opportunity to release the serpentine. And since the Golden weapons are conduits for their power. Their true potential is learning to control their power separately from their weapons by becoming "whole" and reaching their full potential. The second half of the season reveals Lloyd's story and his shift from causing harm to gain attention to just asking for it and learning to be loved. (Yes, and sorry its Lloyd centric but he's the villain of the story untill...) Then the serpentine realize they're better together than apart and relase the Great Devourer and you essentially know the rest.
It would have a rather grim/serious tone and probably have some mixture of the demonslayer or attack on titan style. Leaning into the Japanese lore and possibly leaving hints about the nature of Oni and Dragons as more myth and legend than fact. Until a *minor god (the devourer) is released and this leaves the door open for other things to slowly become real. Personally I think the dragons could have been more sentient and revered than was shown, and I'd probably change Lloyd's name to be something Japanese with "Lloyd Garmadon" as a title he gave himself to be more like his father and it just sticks in the others minds so they keep calling him that until he's ready to shed that skin. I'd probably change the others names too or at least make them region specific. I hate hate hate childs play so I'd delete it. And Nya would take up her samurai training after being kidnapped so she doesn't feel like a burden on her brother. And uh Cole will be gay but due to the time period he feels unsafe telling others and learns to trust them. Also I'd probably kick the time period back to late Edo era Japan because the way of the ninja was still studied but becoming harder to come by. And gives a reason why there are no other Ninjutstu masters or students running around. So they're be reviving a somewhat dying art and be praised for it by commoners.
So now I ask. If YOU could retell Ninjago in a episodic anime how would you do it? What does it follow? What would you remove and why?
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isoobie · 11 months ago
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want
THIS WAS SO FUN thank you anon !!!! i suck at crackfic so im doing the most basic tropes i can think of sadly :/
@boyfhee & jay as friends to lovers
cael and jay who have been besties since diapers !!! they both like each other secretly but don’t confess because it might ruin their relationship but jay being the man is takes her on a (friendly) date to tell her his feelings as he plays the guitar for her and sings the song he wrote by himself. im the no1 caeljay shipper 🙏🏼
@weoris & jungwon at the amusement park
xin and jungwon being silly little goofballs as the amusement park with the matching headbands, the photo booth pictures and making fun of each other because they are too scared to go on certain rides. but for the cute part they would hold hands wherever they go and jungwon would always steal a couple pecks on the cheeks w/o xin knowing !!!!
@soov & jungwon as part of student council
rei and jungwon as student council buddies who help each other all the time, greet e/o in the hallways and text all the time after school. your friends would ship the two of you together and set you both up so that one of u confesses either way because they know that secretly you guys like e/o. its giving school it couple and i love it !!!!
@urszn & niki as grumpy x sunshine
es as the upbeat, bright girl whose friends with everyone whereas niki is that mysterious, cool guy who only talks to his 6 friends. but they slowly become close and niki starts to have a soft spot for her and when they're dating he becomes a little version of her. eski all the way 🧘🏻‍♀️
@jjunae & jake as brothers best friend
honestly idek ur bias but its okay 😆 ( u just give me jake vibes ) kae being annoyed whenever her brother invites his loud friends over but little does she know that one of them was her soon to be crush. jake would accidentally come into her room thinking its the bathroom, resulting in an awkward first encounter. but both of you would think that the other was reallly cute. shy introverts who are too scared to speak ㅠㅠ
@hoonvrs & sunghoon and the wrong number
sunghoon being the silly little goofball he is would be drunk and accidentally call saint because he pressed the wrong number but they’d both have a light heart conversation while one is sober and the other isn’t. and after that day, those little texts would grow into voice messages and into video calls and then a meet up where they both fall for each other even more!
@okwonyo & jake as strangers to lovers
jiji and jake suddenly bump into each other one day and thats when the attraction begins … they realise they both go to the same university and jiji is very shy at first but its okay because jake is initiating all the conversations first because she’s giving him oblivious hints that she likes him & the rest is history ㄱㄱ
@tyunni & niki on a skateboard date
my favourite couple !!!! i refuse to believe that niki and may AREN’T that skater couple. but seriously niki would be such a goat at it while may would trip every 2 seconds cause she has a bad sense of balance but niki being the amazing boyfriend he is, he’d help her and teach her 😁 ( even put his hand on your waist )
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onboardsorasora · 1 year ago
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I've been writing this since I posted Part 10. @hitgirl0707 thanks for outlining this with me. It's almost 2k words, it's like I couldn't stop myself. *singing like Haley Williams* how did we get here?? Our liddol crackfic got a mind of its own guys!
Part 1 | Part 10
Part 11
To say Max didn’t sleep a wink was an understatement. He was worried. Those idiots better have taken care of Daniel. He was going to kill them maybe.
Finally, early in the morning he got a message to the groupchat from Lando that they were back at his place and Daniel was sleeping. Lando even sent a photo of Daniel curled up in his cat nest still in his party clothes sans shoes. Sassy was sniffing his hair and Jimmy was curled in his chest.
Max knew a drunken pass out when he saw one and just knew Daniel was going to have a killer hangover later. He was so annoyed, so mad. But he was relieved because Daniel was home at Max’s and he looked no worse for wear.
He was able to sleep a little and woke up early before his next meeting with Christian and Adrian. He spam texted Lando until he responded– the message was unintelligible, but all that mattered was that he answered.
He tried calling Daniel but it didn’t seem like he was going to answer. He was about to hang up when the facetime connected and he was greeted with Sassy’s face sniffing the screen. She chirped at him, a sound he was getting used to.
“Hey Sassy Girl, did you answer the call? Smart girl!” He praised, getting a mrow in return. Sassy eventually shifted from the phone and he saw Daniel was laying curled on his side with his arms over his eyes. Sassy sniffed and licked his forehead a little and he groaned pitifully in response.
“Daniel, how are you feeling?” Max asked softly but the worry was there. Daniel shifted his hand and Max could see a peak of nose and soft brown eyes.
“Maxy?” Daniel whined and Max’s heart clenched.
“Daniel, I’m here.”
“...hurts.” Daniel mumbled and tried to shuffle to get comfortable again but groaned instead. Jimmy bumped his head against Daniel’s arm.
“Daniel, you need to drink some water and some electrolyte juice, maybe. You’ll feel better, I think.”
“No…” Daniel murmured and sniffled and Max’s grip on his phone tightened. He was going to kill his friends.
“Daniel, it's the only way you’ll feel better. I promise.”
Max didn't have time to continue to beg Daniel to get up and ingest anything. He needed to head out if he didn't want to be late. He whispered apologies and told Sassy and Jimmy to continue to look after Daniel, he ended the call after hearing what sounded suspiciously like a whined ‘miss you Maxy’. He wasn’t allowing himself to acknowledge it, Daniel wasn’t coherent right now.
Max was clearly unsettled, Christian noticed and pulled him aside after the first meeting. He’d kept checking his phone, he received no messages from Daniel and the messages in the group chat weren't confidence inspiring.
"What's going on Max?" Christian was looking at him concerned. "Is everyone alright?"
"I need to leave." Max was blunt, Christian got more worried.
"Why what's wrong?"
With a sigh, Max explained everything. How Daniel was magical adept and was staying with him. And how he might be sick and no one was available to take care of him. 
"You can't just leave because your friend is hungover Max." Christian rolled his eyes. 
"Christian you don't understand. He couldn't even answer my calls. Sassy answered the phone. I know how it sounds but you have to believe me."
Christian didn't look moved at all and Max felt his heart sink into the pits of his stomach. His phone rang, Lando was calling him– finally.
"Lando! Please give me good news?"
"So like, Sassy keeps chirping. What does that mean?" Lando sounded pathetic on the other line. No doubt he wasn't going to drink again for another year.
"What do you mean? What else is she doing?" Max watched as Christian raised an eyebrow.
"Well she kinda led me to the cat nest. Daniel's still asleep I think. But Sassy keeps chirping at me and sniffing Daniel's hand."
"I dunno mate. Check his tattoos, maybe?"
Max watched as Lando's head moved off camera, he could hear Sassy's chirps; they didn't sound promising. Max tried to hold onto his fear, especially which Christian watching his every response.
"Uhm." Lando's voice squeaked with panic. "The rose looks pretty pale. Is that supposed to happen? It's pretty droopy too."
Lando's panicked eyes engulfed the screen.
"Show me!" Max demanded and bit his lip when the camera flipped again and Lando wrenched back Daniel's sleeve to show his tattoo that was indeed pale and sick looking. Christian looked over his shoulder and together they watched as the rose lost a petal.
"Max what do I do???"
"Well I'll be damned." Christian murmured in shock.
"Christian, I need to go." Max tried again, hoping some form of proof of urgency would help.
Christian sighed and rubbed at the bridge of his nose. "Fix this then come back." 
Turns out, travelling is still a nightmare even if you have your own plane. Things like clearance and pulling staff from days off became a hindrance. But what was the point of being rich if you couldn’t throw money at your problems? And that’s how Max was on his way home. 
Max was livid, and he let his ire be known in the group chat. Lando was groveling with memes, Charles said sorry (it was more like ‘sprrh’ but the spirit was there). And Alex was trying to recreate a timeline of events. 
None of that, however, made his dread any less when he received a text message from Michelle. It was just a link and ‘???????’. Which could never be good.
And it wasn’t. Because on his screen was a video of Daniel’s rose blooming and glowing with strobe lights and EDM blaring in the background. The caption was pretty simple, expressing shock at the moving tattoos and you could hear Daniel giggling in the background. They didn’t show his face thankfully.
Max groaned, because fuck. 
He didn’t need to look at the views or likes to know that this video had gone viral; how else would Michelle have seen it on the other side of the world? The phone rang in his hand and he answered it while dragging his other hand down his face.
“Max, what the fuck?!” Michelle was, reasonably, upset. It was painful to explain that he hadn’t been there and that Daniel was suffering. He could see the distress and distrust churning in her eyes. Eventually she let him go after he promised updates, it took nothing less than actual vows for her to believe him.
When he finally made it home, he truly didn’t know what to expect. The cats welcoming him back with loud meows and chirps were not it. He followed them to the cat nest where Daniel still layed, there was a bottle of water and gatorade sweating beside him but both were unopened. 
“Oh Daniel.” Max cooed, kneeling on the outside of the blankets and pillows. Daniel still hid his face from presumably the brightness of the living room. Max looked around, unable to locate Lando, which was probably for the best right now.
“Maxy…?” Daniel murmured, pained and unsure.
“I’m here. Can you drink some water for me?”
“Maxy, hurts so bad.” Daniel’s voice wobbled. Max’s heart clenched.
“I know Daniel, but you need to drink. You’ll feel better.” Daniel groaned pitfully and Max sighed. He crawled into the cat nest and gently maneuvered Daniel to rest against him. Daniel buried his face into Max’s chest, nuzzling his sternum. “If you drink some for me, you can go back to sleep and I’ll order pizza. Does that sound good?”
Daniel hummed and Max proceeded to help him drink half the bottle of water and half the gatorade. 
“What about your work?” Daniel rasped and Max waved him off, they didn’t need to talk about that. Lando came out of the powder room then, looking like death warmed over. No doubt he had been praying to the porcelain gods.
“Max, you’re here! Thank god!” Lando sagged with relief and threw himself onto the couch. “Wait, how are you here?”
“Doesn’t matter–” Max cut himself off from saying that they had a problem. Even though they did. He shook his head and focused on the task at hand, which was taking Daniel to his bed in the guest room. They didn’t quite make it and hand to beeline for the toilet where Daniel pitifully released what remained churning in his stomach. It wasn’t a lot but his body didn’t know that apparently. Max petted his hair while he dryheaved and then helped him into the soft sheets after. The cats padded and curled around him worriedly, and Max took that as an ok to leave the room to talk to Lando, Sassy would get him if anything.
“Mate what the fuck?” Max hissed at Lando, who shrunk back into the couch to hide. 
“Mate, I dunno. I’m sorry. We didn’t even leave him for too long.”
“Long enough!” Max pulled up the video and shoved it into Lando’s face. Lando paled further and looked like he was about to be sick again.
“Well, fuck.”
“All you had to do was keep him company, Mate. That isn’t so fucking hard. For fuck’s sake man!” Max ranted, dragging his hand through his hair in agitation. 
“He thought you were like his ex! Who was super controlling and wouldn’t let him go anywhere without him!” Lando cut in, Max froze.
“Yeah, when I told him we weren’t going he got all sad and stuff, Mate. You can ask Alex and Lily, started talking about how he thought you were good. I defended your honour by the way! Thankyouverymuch-ow” Lando cradled his head in his hand.
“His ex was controlling?” Max whispered, the clench in his chest was back.
“Yeah, apparently he didn’t want Daniel singing. And Daniel had to stay home when he was gone. Couldn’t go anywhere. He was so upset Max, we couldn’t not go.”
“I’m not mad you went out, I don’t care about that. I’m mad he was left alone and got drunk. Who knows what else could have happened. What if someone slipped him something? What if more than this video is on the internet?!” Max was pissed, he wanted to teleport to Perth and meet this ex, he just only wanted to talk. Truly.
But he couldn’t do that so he had to settle for yelling at Lando.
“I’m sorry…” it was faint and both men turned around to see Daniel leaning against the wall in the hallway. He looked pitiful and sad, maybe a bit withdrawn. 
“Daniel– you should–” 
“I’m sorry– I should have known better. I shouldn’t have– Sassy says you don’t normally come back so quickly. I messed up your plans again didn’t I?” Daniel sagged against the wall. Max rushed over to help him with wide eyes. Lando stayed on the couch– once again out of his depth.
“I’m so sorry Max! I didn’t mean to, I promise! Please don’t be mad.”
Max grabbed Daniel’s shoulders, dipping his head to look into Daniel’s sad downturned eyes. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I came back because I wanted to take care of you. I’m not mad at you, I promise.” Max held his pinky between them. 
Daniel searched his eyes for a moment, staring deep into Max’s soul with his haunted brown cow eyes. Before he hesitantly raised his own pinky and hooked them together.
Part 12
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kkooongie · 11 months ago
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
OMG ANON IM SO SO SORRY THIS WAS SO LATE but it was so fun at the same time hehehe but srsly im so sorry of how late im doing this. also if i get any of your biases wrong IM SORRY :'D
@wonumatics + wonwoo in "college friends to lovers". yeah the two of you probably became friends after being the only two members in the ten member group project who actually worked and lo and behold! maybe wonwoo is cute. and maybe...wonwoo thinks the same too.
@thepoopdokyeomtouched + mingyu in "met though mutual friends". honestly you were losing track of all the friends your friend was currently introducing you to until you saw mingyu. and honestly mingyu was feeling bored until he started talking to you. now its just mingyu trying to babysit a wild you but hey you both love each other this way.
@aaniag + soonyoung in "meet cute". when people said kids love the zoo, the last thing you expected was your nephew to start crying on seeing the tigers roar. until a stranger took it up as his personal mission to make your nephews realise they weren't as bad as they sounded. the same stranger whom you were sharing an ice cream with (without any nephews).
@nishloves + soonyoung in "met through mutual friends". when your friend wonwoo texted you saying he unfortunately had to bring a friend over for your pvp session, you didn't expect the said friend to be...such a cutie. and right now you were on purpose destroying him just to see soonyoung's cute sigh of frustration. and soon it became a regular thing until even wonwoo wasn't invited to your sessions. or...date as soonyoung called it.
@haecien + minghao in "museum dates". you hadn't meant to spill your dirty water on his clothes. really. the pain box happened to slip out of your hand as a new surge of crowd walked into the room, knocking over the jar of water onto the stranger beside you. and you opened your mouth to quickly apologise but you froze, because right in front of you was the most beautiful stranger you had ever seen. and the rest was history.
@slytherinshua + joshua in "picnic au". your expectation for the perfect sunset picnic was completely ruined when a dog ran amok and knocked over all your food. until your perfect neighbour joshua appeared suddenly to your rescue. and now as you sipped tea with him under the sun, you realised that maybe it wasn't too bad.
@mangocustard16 + seokmin in "childhood best friends to lovers". seokmin was your everything. quite literally because if not said best friend then who else? but he added lover to the everything after kissing the corner of your lips one drunken evening, murmuring how much he loved you and making you realise that so did you.
@weird-bookworm + vernon in "library au". was vernon a library person? no he always prefered the movies. but would he be willing to stay in the library for hours if it meant staring at you and maybe, maybe talking to you? sign this man up immediately.
@nonononranghaee + seungcheol in "fake dating au". reason for fake dating (lie vers): 'i need someone with me for my sister's wedding'. reason for fake dating (truth vers): 'i'm in love with you and i've heard dating opens up new sides of people so maybe i'll find something icky about you'.
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starlit-seadragon · 6 months ago
Day 6 - Halcyon
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So. I could have finished this. But I think it's funnier if I just submit it in exceedingly rough draft form like this. In the spirit of the challenge.
Spoilers for Shadowbringers, Endwalker, and post-Endwalker maybe. I forget.
Please enjoy this crackfic. :)
In the halcyon days of the world before, Emet-Selch chances to cross paths with Azem and their most recent creation.
It is... disconcerting.
My FFXIV Write Masterpost here.
The moment Emet-Selch saw Azem, he knew there would be trouble.
Not the sort of trouble that had any serious repercussions -- not if he became involved with it, at least -- but the sort of trouble that would make his forehead ache, with teeth clenched so hard he thought he'd grind them down to paste.
They seemed preoccupied, deep in an explanation to another individual--
Emet-Selch stopped dead in his tracks. Elidibus was in rapt attention, asking questions and occasionally looking down at something out of sight.
Emet-Selch made to turn around, to change course before they spotted him.
"Emet, is that you?" Azem gasped.
Damn. He'd been caught. Better to get it over with. It was far less exhausting to follow Azem's flow than to kick against it.
He approached the pair with the sternest look he could muster.
"Azem. I didn't see you there."
Azem smiled and winked. "Liar."
"'Tis good you are here, Emet-Selch. Azem was just [showing me] a concept of their creation."
"I call it a 'cubus,'" declared Azem proudly.
[He looks at the thing. It's horrible. It has an awful smell. The texture is. Upsetting. Why would Azem make that. What could possibly be the purpose.]
"...it bears no resemblance to a cube," was all he could manage.
"Precisely what I said!" [verbed] an enthusiastic Elidibus."
"To which I responded, '[lol I know right]'"
Emet-Selch [considered/tasted] several words before he finally [settled on], "So what is its purpose?"
"You can eat it." Azem beamed.
Emet-Selch [staggered, blinked. He feels the headache coming on.]
"Would you care to repeat that? I thought I heard you say it was edible."
Azem nodded. "You heard correctly."
A familiar ache in his molars began.
"[What the fuck]"
"It's exceedingly aetherially conductive," Azem explained, looking a touch more serious. "The shape, or rather, shapelessness, allows it to [do something important. Maybe it's good in certain areas that have a lack of resources. Mountains, islands, sea floors.] It also allows the safe consumption of historically-inedible matter and material, like lava, or a rainbow."
"Emet-Selch," they began with mock horror, "Do you mean to tell me you've never wondered what a rainbow tastes like?"
"As it happens, I have not," he ground out.
"Well," Azem sniffed. "Far be it from me to spoil your ignorance then."
[Azem's a genius. But also batshit insane.]
"Why," is all he can manage. "Why this?"
He gestured to the cubus, oozing contentedly on the ground.
"It's kind of cute, don't you think?" Azem smiled, patted it on the head, and then licked the slime off their fingers. "Ooh, that's a strange one."
"Might I try a sample?" Elidibus asked.
[Emet's jaw is on the floor, so to speak. He was wrong after all. There is no interaction with Azem that does not exhaust. ]
"Oh, damn." Azem snapped their fingers. "I forgot to account for their tendency to accumulate detritus as they move. Back to the drawing board, I guess."
They held a hand out, [slurped up] the cubus's aether, and sighed.
Emet-Selch walked away without another word.
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frankenjoly · 7 days ago
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @littencloud9 tyyy <3
how many works do you have on ao3?
rn it's 135,
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
mainly bsd, but also jjk, genshin, lol (arcane tbh)... i've also dabbled in yuumori, buddy daddies and others. i also wanna try hsr, atla + tlok, amphibia...
what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Connecting the dots. arcane, pre-canon fluff w/ baby timebomb. 2. Between the pages: part 2. bsd, drabble collection. 3. Misread. genshin, jealuc from barbara's pov. relationship reveal through hijinks. 4. Remnants. arcane, mid/post-s1. jinx study + timebomb. 5. Por el amor de este presidente... bsd, crackfic ft. fukumori, fukufuku and everyone else being tired af.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yesss, i try to respond to everything, i' always excited to at least say thanks lksjdf.
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Remnants. it's not about unrequited feelings, but as of the moment when the fic happens, jinx has no reason to think it's requited.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of them lkjldfk, it's always either happy or with the possibility of happiness in the future.
do you get hate on fics?
not too much, but i had a very annoying comment once on a fic that had both gojohime and shokohime kjdfl. funnily enough, it was praising gojohime as canon while calling shokohime "just friends, gal pals, etc". like 1) no and 2) sir, this is a fanfic.
do you write smut?
i've dabbled a bit on it, but for rp and not fic. i don't think i could do it alone.
do you write crossovers?
i do lkjdfl. i have some smaller thingies and also a whole-ass au with its respective series, aka the dnd-ish au.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
no that i know of.
have you ever had a fic translated?
no that i know of either.
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope, but i've talked about doing it with mune, so watch out :3
what's your all time favourite ship?
i cannot choose just one,,, at most i can pick one for fandom, like if you make me i'd say sskk is the bsd one and so on.
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
rn, no one.
what are your writing strengths?
i've been told my characterization + dialogue are good, and i'm not always super confident about the first, but hell if i am about the second. also, bcs of rp i can improvise a lot.
what are your writing weaknesses?
english nerfs me; i can be even more literary narratin in spanish, so that's one thing. also i don't usually describe the setting much.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i like it, but don't usually do it beyond adding specific words (terms, honorifics, etc) or phrases. it'd be interesting to try and do more, tbh.
first fandom you wrote for?
on ao3, probably overwatch since all the previous fics (assassin's creed and star wars) were uploads of fics i had written before. in general, i think abc's once upon a time?
favourite fic you've ever written?
i cannot choose either lkjdlf. from my most recent ones, tho, i'd say with just a taste of your heart, full of so much to do and worth changing for.
tagging (no pressure): @ashenaura @anticidic @that-was-anticlimactic
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celestial-letters · 6 months ago
contains: akikoha, akito acting like its the end of the world over a cold, mentions of being sick, crackfic ithink thats what theyre called, no proofread we die like men, the 2nd worst wosemi-sama fic ever, akikoha, akikoha, akikoha, did i mention this contains akikoha already
ty @satansbiggestkinnie 4 telling me 2 make my incorrect quote a fic! c:
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akito's heard practically dropped to his stomach upon reading kohane's text. she's... she's sick. she's probably dying, you know?
yet, he wouldn't let his dramatics ruin vivid BAD SQUAD's practice today, so he ignored the lump in his throat and approached an and toya, who were chatting away as they waited for kohane's never-to-come arrival.
even as akito walked towards where an and toya were sitting, that pesky lump in his throat wouldn't go away. without kohane at his side as they sang their hearts out along with their friends, his life was practically without meaning. there was no point if kohane wasn't there. but he shook it off and told his other two unit-mates the situation.
predictably, an and toya were also disappointed. "awww, poor kohane! i should stop by with some soup." an said, cheek resting on her palm, her heart feeling pity for kohane.
"that's a shame. we'll just rehearse as usual without her, right?" toya asked. "i mean, i guess so..." an paused and thought to herself. "but we sound so put together with her!"
an huffed before coming to her final conclusion. "let's go ahead with practice! we still need to work on our next performance, y'know!" an stood up from the stool, putting on a more enthusiastic smile on her face compared to her sorrowful frown from two seconds ago.
toya, an, and akito would then proceed to continue on with rehearsal. but to akito, there was kohane-shaped void that wasn't being filled. and he thought an and toya thought that too. the vibes were off without kohane there, and an was a lot less confident for some reason.
after that sunny afternoon's tiring rehearsal, akito was tired. he feels as if he never gets to see kohane, only during practice, performances, and weekends. kind of sucks when your girlfriend goes to a different school across town. right now, what akito needed, was to see kohane.
knowing her, she'd tell him to not come so that he wouldn't get sick, but akito would still try to visit even if she had the plague. despite that, akito decided to shoot his shot and send her a text.
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oh, kohane. how sweet you are. you deserve the absolute world.
akito, like the loser he is, clutched his phone in his hand as hard as the bones in his fingers could let him. he knew she'd say know yet he was still upset. he settled on heading home and trying to forget about it. he was pretty sure it was a small cold anyway. but what if it was something else? something more serious kohane didn't mention as to not worry anyone?
as you can guess, akito was unable to forget about it on the walk home. the only thing he could think about was kohane stuck in her bed, sneezing and coughing the day away.
as he walked in to his house, he shut the front door behind him and dropped his belongings on the floor next to him. all he wanted to do was flop onto his bed like a ragdoll.
almost like clockwork, his big sister, ena, left her bedroom and came downstairs to leave at the same time akito came in. oddly enough, akito just stood there after dropping his school bag to the floor, an angry look on his face with nothing but kohane on his mind.
ena decided to match his energy and stand there staring at him as well. they both stood at the entrance for about thirty seconds. ena didn't understand why he was acting like that. she had just thought he was sleeping while standing like horses in wooden stables do.
to test that theory, she decided to poke him and see what would happen.
"akito." ena said, poking his cheek. with that, it seemed like akito had been almost revitalized. "that's what kohane used to call me..." akito muttered under his breath.
"that's because that's your fucking name." ena snapped akito back to reality, his head high. "what do you mean "used to"? did she die?" she asked, still nudging his squishy cheek with her index finger.
"she's," akito gulped. "sick..." he rubbed the cheek ena poked him on with his knuckles. "seriously? that's it?" ena raised an eyebrow.
she turned around to leave the door, a small "tch..." escaping her lips as she left. seriously, he was so dramatic. the door slammed shut, and now akito was alone in that hallway.
akito dragged himself upstairs to his room and up to his bed, until he finally collapsed into his sheets. fully clothed, also.
tomorrow, kohane would be feeling better and healthier than before. he just knew it.
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just-some-random-blogger · 2 years ago
Since there are quite a few award shows going on, what are your thoughts on a fic about Ewan and reader at the awards together and they are being so flirty (trying and failing so hard to hide it) in the background that even the cast are teasing them. Meanwhile it’s all going viral? As always, this just an idea, no pressure to write it or anything! Hope you have a lovely day :)
Secret Hand Holding
Ewan Mitchell x Reader
Word Count: >600
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, use of y/n cos 🤧 tis unavoidable, crackfic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: I need a breather cos i got this commission and i'm panicking over it. i did change some stuff about the req nonnie, so i hope ya still like it <3 also the gettyimages watermark HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @risefallrise @slavyanskiyahui @antisociablewallflower @lxdyred
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Now Playing: ewan and [y/n] moments that are TOO SUS to be a ✨nothing✨
à la ai generated voice: Hello, Every [...] one i have been thinking about iwan- - - why did he say it like that- IWAN -- YOUWAN- And [...] y/n,,, ever since they did the house of the dragon press thing [...] and [...] i have not been able to get this
à la ai generated voice: out of my head [...] So [...] here are a few moments during that event where i think it's just [MAX VOLUME] TOO SUS [NORMAL VOLUME] for them to not be [...] [...] idk horn dogging behind the- [CUT NOISE + WHITE SOUND]
You were posing for some pictures. Ewan just came in, chewing gum. Your name was begin called by the photographers and, quite frankly, you were serving like rent was due. You were giving. That in and of itself deserved its own edit (which it does-- it has its own edits).
Your expression was mostly stoic and your hands were relaxed upon the front of your thighs.
Then came Ewan, ready to pose for the carpet, and as he did so, the paparazzi called out his name, making you turn from your side, and immediately break character.
Your otherwise blank face morphs into a wide grin and you gather yourself, walking over to Ewan, though he was at a side where you had just finished posing. The moment you are remotely close, Ewan turns, and his own poker face twists into a pursed smile. He reaches out for you and gives you a hug.
You kiss his cheek and a lipstick mark stays on his skin for a good unknowing 6 seconds.
From the moment you two pose next to each other, the different fan cams and multiple angles wherein the kiss mark and your smiles are visible, to the moment you turn and gasp, reaching out to wipe Ewan's cheek, it's all very much well-documented.
Ewan glances at you as you rub his cheek with your thumb. You're holding back a laugh as you mutter something that makes him thin his lips and mutter something back.
à la ai generated voice: GIRL WE KNOW 😃😃😃😩😩😩😒😒😒🤮🤮🤮 WE KNOW double yew double yew double yew double yew double yew,,, sigh [...] [...] now onto the part that went [...] [DEAFENINGLY LOUD] VIRAL
You were mid posing for the carpet right.
Ewan turns to you. He mumbles something that makes you turn over to your right and break into a laugh. You wave at someone (no one knows who to this day), and with a toothy grin, turn back to Ewan. The arms you had by each other's back slowly glide down against each other as you pull away and tell him something that makes him smirk and nod.
And then, your hands are by each other's wrists, dangling beside each other. Next thing that happens, you're holding hands and you're pulling him away.
Ewan follows you with no fuss. [EDIT IN SCREAMING SOUNDS] As you lead him off, you stop and await him to your side. Once he's close enough, you turn to him from over your shoulder and say something.
In reaction to whatever you said, Ewan smirks and shrugs. He points to the distance and, for some reason, you laugh really hard at that.
à la ai generated voice: What the,,, [...] [...] [monotonous but loud] FUCKINGSHITFUCKINGFUCKFUCKINGFATHERFUCKINGFUCKERSHITCUNTRATGREMLINAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [...] [...] did you just unleash upon this cursed land question mark (?)
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